A false friewd, like a shadow, attends only the surs shi&es.
ByH.H.B. ,
And They Gamed Dolls and Toys?. .
JThe oddest (not funniest) sight ~*m have seen this week-was that'of -'" "little girls" parading around Jewish Community Center 1 '•. :\ -^tered na secdodUctesa malj matter on January 27th. 1U2L at Wednesday, OII&SA,tNEBRASKA,THURSDAY,-FEBRUARY 3, 1927 , SUBSCRIPTION PRICE, A YEAR, §2.50 .. VOL, VI.--No.-7 L - - ^ - - ^ 0 " 1 6 8 B t Omaha Nebraska, nnflet the Act ot March 8, 1879. So many familiar laces—yet pearing so much younger and different. Hair done up in ribbons, stockFEDERATION ANNUAL ings reaching below the knees, and ; MEETING FEBRUARY 13 little size three shoes on five and one-half size feet. The annual meeting of the JewNearly 600 school teachers twit Below is published the, exchange iave found themselves during and I stared and stared—two times in ish Welfare Federation. "wilT be held since the war, that they forget past at the Jewish Community Center of letters between Dr. Charm Weiza t . Once at the brevity of socks and Sunday evening, February. ,13 at unpleasantnesses, and bear in mind on Tuesday afternoon, February 1, mann, president «f the World Zionist the Jewish Community Center. skirts and again at the faces -which that regardless of differences of opin- at a regular meeting of the teadilooked like "who the costumes said Basketball Games Feature At- Election of officers and reports of Organization, "and I3x. Louis Marshall, ion we are'all Jews, bound together ers who have been in the service Dramatic Council Heads Work president and superintendent will spokesman for they Non-Zionists of by historic ties and with responsibility •were not traction of Tournament at Center . only a short time. America,' "which 'deared.tip all the for tiie future. * Our most imperative be made at this meeting. ' For- a time I wondered and groped need just now is for "Shclond'—peace Before the meeting the teachers An excellent program is being <limculties that- arose as a result of among all the forces oT American for an explanation. OMAHA REPRESENTAwere taken through the building COUNCIL TO HAVE CHARGE the attitude taken; by Zionists, in arranged by the committee in Jewry, in order to achieve such uniFinally my curiosity got the better TIVES PLACE WELL OF ALL.PRESENTATIONS America at the time jof the organiza- ty as will advance ,tha highest inter- and the various activities explained charge of this meeting* of me and .approaching one of the tion; of the United .Jewish Campaign ests of all-Israel here and every- to them. "children," I asked: Maurice Alperin and Ben The Dramatic Council of -the One of the teachers, in «peskand during" the drives, for this cam- where. "Are you iaving a little party this ky represented -the Omaha chapter of Very truly yours, ish Community "Center announces ing, stressed the Center hospitality paign since September 1925. It was (Signed) .Chaim Weizmann.' evening, little girl?" the A. Z. A. in -the debate section of of its most important as the real community spiritthe exchange of these" letters which January IS, 1927. "Little girll" she came back at the debate, oratorical and basketball of the year, "Princess Cry finally made possible, the understand- * *. * me, "where do .you get that stuff.". tournament held at the J.-C. C. last a clever Japanese operetta, which will ing arrived" at tetasseen- Zioinists and Louis Marshall's Letter "Er, pardon, me," stammered I, as week, won-first place in this district be given the latter part of ApriL Non-Zionists i n . America- .and ,which '•-• ' ' • ' . ' t o Dr.-Wekmasii my eyes happened to, glance at the and will go to Chicago in February Tryouts for young-men and woissit will eventuate in thesending of a Dear Doctor Weizmann: Community Center blackboard, which to compete in the National A.Z.A. Plan Kills Probability of Reraeoial will' be'neld "Monday evening at 7:S.r? Non-Partisan Commission to PalesIt is.with sincere appreciation that Legislation, this Session tournament, Omaha, debaters had the Tead: p. Ei, Any member of the Community tine to study its econominc resources I have received your letter of the 13th "Tonight, Costume Party — The Tiegative issue of the question, "EeCenter who has sny usical or drsmawith its message of friendWashington {J. T.;A.)—T$je pros- and-possibilities imwder to guide the instant, Bolved, that the Johnson Act be KeNationaHy Known Speaker Also on Hadassah." tie ability.'is asked-to register-at "the ship and its appeal for peace and '-' organization of the Jewish Agency, pealed," and competed In" the final pects for ameraimg the immigration ty in the household of Israel. Ha offics for tMs'or other.productions t* , ..".-' . . law in favor of relatives :of deciarents for Palestine. striven for a lifetime to maintain debate against Denver. be later announced. '•• Tv'e also append .,ia letter from Mr. those ideals, your words have struck Gregory Matusewitch, master of i The Dramatic Council is also •«?Louis, Lapp, Omaha, representative are more remote as 'jt result, of th& ..«.-••-..» David A. Brown, National Chairman a sympathetic chord in my.heart, as. English Concertina, will give a recital: ranging a Purim program to be House Immigration Committee's meetin the oratorical contest, placed third, •they have in the hearts of those, with of the United Jewish Campaign, wMch .whom I have long been associated in at the Jewish Community Center Sun-, the early part of March, in By William Xu Bolzman, with his discourse on "Moses" on the ing yesterday, the 7" third: lield this he sent to Mr. Marshall upon reading communal endeavors. -week. Following his-amendment reState Chairman, of United Jewish general subject of Hebrew Heroes. day evening. Eeuben Goldberg), na- children will take part. Wg had fondly believed tlfaat a last- tionally known interpreter of Jewish the correspondence between Dr.Weizstricting his original proposal, chairCampaign. Mr. Samuel" Gcrson conceived t>ic Max Kroloff of Sioux City won first mana and Mr/Marshali. The fact that ing spirit of "harmony and mutual un- Folk songs will also appear on-this idea . of a dramatic cotmcil for th? place in the. district oratorical contest man Johnson yesterday proposed that derstanding and confidence had beep I am more than gratified to learn here. Zolly. Lerner of Lincoln placed the house and senate committees unite David A. Brown, was, the center, of stimulated among the Jews of Ameri- concert recital.. purpose of Bupervisrng and sponsoras a special Immigration Investigat- the controversy between the United ca, as a direct consequence of their •Both Goldberg and Matusewitch are ing all amstetn- productions given fn that "Mr. Weitzman, Mr. David second. ing Commission to make a thorough Jewish Campaign;snd the' Zionist .Or- efforts to rescue their suffering bretb- nationally, known artists and come the baildrng. a job which would teVr Brown and Mr. Louis Marshall are The Omaha basketball teams played ren from the- misfortunes that have in accord regarding the question of a stiff preliminary game, winning investigation of" immigration condi- ganization and the object of the! at- overwhelmed them. It was for that well recommended to this city and the full time of a competent pai.'i the United War Relief Drive and over Lincoln by-a score of 23 to 12. tions in order to be. better- able to; tacks of the Zionist Organization dur- reason, that we were deeply pained by will appear here under auspices of. worker, were funds available for ths.7, determine < what, if any, amendment ing the past year, makes Mr. Brown's the. -conditions mentioned by you, local branches of the Workman's purpose. the Palestine Drive. In the semi-finals they lost to Des of the present law should be made. comment on this, correspondence, and which have existed during the greater Circle. This is as it should be and I feel Moines.. Des Monies basketball team Mrs. Herman.. Yahr will act R*: part of the-past eighteen months and his offer of asistance, all the. m o s It is chairman Johnson's opinion, he In recent recitals Mr. Matusewitch it "will result in a united Jewry. technical director and chairman (t TE-bich have threatened serious impairwon over Denver in the finals, thus stated, that the available information pertinent. •" .• • , ment to those outstanding causes has used three concertinas of different the committee. She will be As I see it, the entire question is giving them the right to represent is insufficient and too uncertain, to encherished by all of us. qualities in Ms programs. The first a by Mrs. M. F. Levenson BE based on misunderstandings and this district in the National tourna- able, intelligent action on the .various Entire agreement among thinking soprano instrument, with an oboe Dr. Chaim Weizmanh's personalities which should never ment in Chicago. p e n is, .of course, impossible. But it tone in the lower register, shading in- manager and publicity agent, Mrs proposals, including" his own plan of Max Fromldn.as stage manager, jn><: Letter to Ltrais Marshall is not* only -possible, but of vital imhave been* permitted to have entered According to'.-Hymari Shrier, gen- a few days ago to make- room for portance, ;that .whatever differences to a clarinet in the higher; the neid; Miss Dorothy Rubin as coaclj, into the discussion. I feel happy to eral chairman of the tournament, it wives and minor children,of declarants Dear Mr. Marshall: may exist among them, respect should a baritone concertina, the equivalent A number of persons, each an -rv:In May, 1925, I received a cable- be know that at last all of our people was the biggest social success the in the- preference class., within" the shown for one another's opinion, of the 'cello in the strings and with gram from David Jfc Brown, who later are united and trust that there will Omaha chapter ever had. In fact one quota by exempting .from the quota amity should prevail, and above- all the sound of an English horn; the pert in His line, have promised thnibecame National Chairman of the the right to act in accordance with services .in their respective be no more friction between those of the most successful affairs of this the parents of citizens, • - • United Jewish Campaign, asking me to one's conscientious coimstioss should third, t i e "piccolo" concertina which who are honest in their belief and kind ever held in Omaha by the Mr. Walsh of the C meet him in Pans for a discussion of might be likened to a flute. ? c c d d . Frank rank ^ d courteous courteous Congressman Sabath of Chicago deconceded. convictions but differ on account of Jewish public Players to act as critic, Mrs. the proposed 'campaign in America, discussion is t _ _ wars desirable, but to clared following "the ^meeting," that he misunderstandings. Beber^ designing of costuineB, All contests were hotly competed is opposing this newest plan of chair* Mr. Brown .had Jast made a trip indulge in bitter partisanship unfailAnnette Ricldin, daBcing, Mr. Here, in Omaha, we have Jiad mis- for and judging in* the debates and man Johnson on the ground that the arouad the world,; in whicii he had ingly i a r s co-operation, y ; g the instnimentel music, and Mrs. understandings among our own oratory very close. The basketball appointment of such a commission rendered tsmsideraMe service to the .You;iave accurately;diagnosed cause of Palestine; h®3 visited:Mes-] t ^ S S ! have have approached approached the the so so. Beber," Tocal music. • people based, no doubt, in their zeal games were all. fast and held the at- would- destroy; all possibility of .fox ,the_7diffejentiJcanses4in^B!3}ichj ieatiaa-ia .thejencL,. inediallegisla±ion&iSiss^^^e g ^ ^ ^ '-'"''vlbe-finst- Teesplfr they may be interested and I trust we inet -in- Paris. At tal poise, dared that lie /wiU continue io fight ner will be held Tuesday evening, that before long any misunderstandfor favorable legislation in the com- this time ~we had a very frank discus- •so .characteristic of--you,- and;wfel& February 15, at tie Temple. This ; ings which may exist here in Omaha mittee and that should its final sion as to the situation of the Jews to so eminent a degree qualify you to dinner will be in charge of Sam ,T. as he: saw it in Europe and the great be a peace-maker and a constructive now, will be cleared up s& that we decision be unfavorable, the only! re- need for iminediate help. And while; leader Leon, ehairman. John F. Poueher will of men. will all front in the" same direction maining recourse will, be to appeal I fully agreed ~with nim t h a t ^ relief.i Speaking for my associates and my- be the principal speaker. "We : tn^e and put our shoulders to the wheel Stiff Schedule -ArTWism& for. for action by the house itself. effort of large magnitude wasneces-1.self, I convey to you with profound all members to attend this dinner," so as to help all of our enterprises Critics Praise Talent - of Maximilian , ;" . • Press .Players. The. committee adjourned after a sary I voiced some misgivings at to.] satisfaction our acceptance of the said Dr. B. F. Friedman, president which need the assistance of each "the work planned to be done in Rosproffered plive-braneh. In your act Rose. lengthy discussion without-, having •a. • and every one of us. we_ perceive" convincing- proof that. of the Temple Brotherhood. The Jewish Press basketball reached any decision. Another meet- sia. "John F. Poueher is a man worthy But we were both in agreement dur- j strife; has ceased in the • • ranks of play the last Central Chevw>l«!. The third of the-series of eight ing will be held soon, it is under- inc the whole of that conference that! Amf^csn Jewry. Let ibe;differences of hearing and is only one of the team Sunday evening at the & concerts, lectures and recitals was stood, when consideration will be reNot Every Watch the work for Palestine must go cnin , o n c e m ^ | CTjltiTa W and practice the men who will appear on the programs Community Center gym. The given at the Jewish Community Cen- sumed. larger measure than ever before, rec-1 ^^^^g o f t h a t p e a c g n p o £ ^ ^ a s given by the. Temple Brotherhoods," rolet team are leading the C Runs That Wayter on Tuesday,. February 1, with ognizing that at the same tune fte j remarked by our -sages, the world is said Sam J. Leon; Louis Lapp,. onef of the A. Z. A/s clal league at the Y.M. C.A., m* Maximilian Rose, Violinist, as the work of rehef for those Jews who,^^ built,- and it msy.be added, upon star orators, was watching a fast should prove a.worthy opponent ff»r performing artist and Harry Braviwere suffering no matter in what: -Hrhich the preservation of Jews and basketball game during the A. Z. A. the Press team. . lands they were, was of the greatest j Judaism depends. With' restored1 felroff at the piano. Jewisli &sdal Club Daisce tournament.' He was sitting- in the importance. We were satisfied that j lowsbip we may be enabled to demon- • The grand ball given by the Jewish The Press team under the captssner Commenting on the program, Mr. balcony. the Jews of America had been so strate to friend and foe alike that of Sammy Kaufman, have been pra--Borglum of the Herald says: "Mr. The conditions of the Jews in Soviet blessed that they not only could but' with unity as the very essence of onr Social Club at Kelpine's Dancing- ticing daily and expect to take So engrossed did he become in the Rose is a serious artist, well equipAcademy, 25th and Farnam streets, wonld gladly carry the full respond-j lives and thoughts, we shall continue game that his wrist-watch, somehow ped technically and possesses a good Russia, their economic, political and bility both for the reUef of their suf- *? -? s ^? signiflcanr contributions to on Sunday, January SO, proved to be Chevrolet team into camp S or other, fell from his wrist onto the broad tone and emotional tempera- cultural growth, and especially, the fering brethren in.all parts of the' cmbzatxon and culture and to the a very successful event. So enthused evening. The Press team has play^ new life, in the ^Jewish colonies, will hard floor below. ment-, combined "with good taste and be described by Mr. E. Wattenburg world and for the development of was the large attendance with the four games and won all of th?vr.. Very cordially yours, Palestine. But unfortunately unex-j "My gawdl" ejaculated Lou, "There judgment." The. first two groups, Besides tie - Chevrolet game, & ' clean entertainment and snappy dance (Signed) Louis Marshall. ictea difficulties mmcurae arose goes my two dollar, thirteen jewel essentially classic, consisting of Air from New York, national secretary of pected Press team will play the Italian -ft'•*music. Plans have been made End a the "Icor" (Committee-to aid-Jewish The result, as 1 see it, has been watch." letic Club Senior team, Tuesday *"*-~ of Bach, Minuet of Veracini, Rondo colonization in Soviet Russia), at a both these great causes have suffered, 1 great many tickets sold for the com_ He made a wild; dash to the court by Mozart-Kreisler, and Ciaccona by rung and games have already T«w>£. for had there been harmony, had there. David A. Brown S Letter ing "surprise daivce" of Sunday, below to regain the pieces of his Bach, for. violin" alone,' were* a com- meeting to be held Sunday February 6, been a clearer understanding, had the arranged. VFith the Unjom Pacific A*•to Louis Marshall February 6. To make this dance and 1927 at 3 p. m. at the Labor'Lyceum, controversy respecting the United; U n i e 1; watch. letic Association, Northwestern B«r. pliment to the cultural taste of his 22. and Clark Streets. club an outstanding social event' of Jewish never taken place, J i h Campaign C i tk l a My Dear Mr. Marshall: , On -reaching the spot where he ex- audience and a test of excellent Telephon Co. .ancS the. Pera. OR I truly believe'that a-larger amount .5 Upon .my return to New York this the young Omaha Jewry, the KaMr. Wattenberg just returned from of money would have flowed into vthe morning from a trip in the W-est, I pected to pick up the works, much to musicianship. The last two, comprisof Council Bluffs." After this. Dee-Mo club wishes to announce that to find a .copy his surprise he found the watch, all ing Hymn to the Sun by Rimsky- the Union of the- Socialist Soviet treasuries of both these great organi- 1 was very happy; indeed ule of ".games to be played At • - of Dr* :Weizmamrs letter to y&a and they Tiave consolidated, their interest Jewish. Coxniriunity Center the J Republics, where he made an extensive sations. in. one. Korsakoff-Kreisler, Hebrew Love Song with the Jewish Social Clttb and be- The Joint Distribution Committee your reply which gave evidence that Carefully "he picked it up, and put by Rimsky-Korsakoff-Rose, Habanera study of the Jewish life in the has during its whole existence shown our conversations over the past weeks ginning Sunday, February 6, and Press team will make a tour, - l and villages.. He visited. the entire it to his ear. a sincere interest in Palestine, At no have brought sfe&ut the results aihied every Sunday thereafter the two clubs scheduling games, in St. Joseph,. by Sarasate, and Hungarian Airs by colonization area in Ukraine, .Crimea ••'-•• It was still going! sas City; Des Moines, Fort Dodge Ernst, were played with a lovely and White Russia, he.attended meet- time during its history has i t ever at. failed to recognize the needs of Pales- !\ I am extremely hopeful that those -wail ran dances at Kelpine's Dancing Sioux City." "Gosh," said he, "that game was tonal quality, rhythmic variety and Academy under the auspices of the ings of the Jewish Soviets and sessions tine and'I believe I am correst in say- who have assumed, the responsibility so fast it wouldn't give my -watch fanciful abandon." " of Jewish courts, he Investigated ing that of the si3rty-two millions of of carrying on the work of the United Jewish Social Club. A Epecial IQ-piece time to .stop." Mr. Bush of the Bee says of him: numerous schools and other education- dollars' raised previous to-the United Jewish Campaign in all parts, of dance orchestra aas been engaged for JEWISH COLONIZATION Cainpaign over seven millions America and who have resented the The watch is still running. "A set of fleet fingers "and a dexterity al institutions, arid witt relate his ex- Jewish of dollars were spent in Palestine. I attacks on this Campaign will be en- this "surprise dance" and the club -WORK DECREASES * *. • of bowing made-for a-flashy brilli- periences at the meeting.' understand that out of the proceeds tirely placated by the frank and ag- lias spared no expense in making this of this recent campaign approximate- gressive statement made by Dr, Welz- event of .Sunday, February 6S one yon ance "of technical display which, with Well, Why Not? As delegate of the flcor", 'Mr. Wat- ly two million dollars.have been ap- mann, as the liead of.his. great world will want to attend. Remember, 3 Usually a box party at a theater a tone of pleasant quality and a senMinsk (J. T. A.)—The settling propriated for Palestine and while: organization, in i quieter numbers tenberg participated in'the first all- this inoney cannot be ussd to meet is composed of girls. Not so with timentality ^ I am encouraged to hope that those Jewish Social Club dance means some- tbe Jews on the,land is a Russia conference of the. ;**Ozet" the one I strained 'my neck to get a aroused genuine enthusiasm in the (Society for Jeroish Land Settlement requirements - of the Zionist budget, who sought to read every Jew out of thing doing for everybody every able factor, in.reducing antiview of the other evening. T under- audience. Extra. numbers in reward in Soviet Russia), where the question yet it is to be used in the upbuilding Judaism who does not agree with their minute. Watch this psper for our This opinion v;as expresse*] of Palestine. * particular -philosophy will take heed .farther announcement about the "Get stand the box" was given to them — were Schubert's- "Ave Maria" and of establishing a Jewish" Soviet; RepubTsherviatev, presidsjit of tlic t i of the courageous statement of Dr. - Although we Zionists have consethe Happy Acquainted" dance next Sunday. for the evening—thus the celebration. Gluck's "Ballet of Kussian, Bepablfc,' in ' a reply '** lic was discussed at length, i o d ' n e crated ourselves to the task of re- Weizmann that he fully respects the Here's who sat with puffed-out chests Spirits." greeting* from the Jewish will give a detailed report of this im- building and remaking- Palestine, I viewpoint of the non-Sionists and urging upon all' Zionists the im- urges "upon all Zionists the impor- FOUR JEWISH at the Strand theatre party: In places .wh«e the Jews ate portant conference.: " f . ~ - am portance of realizing that every Jew tstoee of realizing that every Jew has Earl Lapidus, Norman Green, Hi HAYM SALOMON'S fag on tbe land, anti»Semiti«m SUICIDES REPORTED IN has the right to his own opinion as the . right to his own opinion as to Mr. Wattenberg is a t present tour.Shrier, Sol Miroff, Jerry Diamond, RELATIVES WILL PRESENT decreasing, he declared.. WARSAW IN ONE DAY to -what is needful for the go'od of what is needful for the good of JewCLAIN TO U. S. GOVERNMENT ing the country; lecturing on the con- Jewry. We must endeavor to co-op- ry," and that there.mast be -an "enand Lou Diamond. ditions in Soviet Russia; and-his lee*, erate amicably with our non-Zionist deavor to co-operate with the nonWarsaw (J. T. A.)—The descend- tures have evoked everywhere the brethren who do not concede the pri- Zionists who do not concede priority • Warsaw (J. T. A.)—Four cases of DISCOUNT TO INAUGURATE JEWISH : . -_ . _ .• ority of the claims of Palestine over to the claims of 'Palestine over those suicides of Jews were reported here The Floor Was Peeved ents of -the relatives of Haym Salo- greatest interest. •MASONS* those of our brethren who live in of our brethren -who live in other yesterday. Joseph Hautower, 17. years Just why is it that Bud Levin, falls mon, Polish«Jewish •emigrant, who other countries whether the help giv- countries." ofage, committed suicidebecause lie lifter every play he makes on the aided the American" colonies during en to them be of a palliative or of a Ya may -rest assured, ssy, dear Loadm {J. T. A.) — A the Revolution, will present ' their Deborah Society Ball March 6 constructive nature, or whether it in- friend, that I shall make every effort had not been admitted to college. The basketball floor? other three .suicides came as a result Masonic te'dge will h& haxLgBXt$a& volve the settlement upon the land of The Deborah Society will hold its to bring about .a finer -understanding I saw the floor jump up and meet claim to the United States governthose who desire that opportunity. of. economic -conditions. I>olsa Perl- Sheffield fey. Viscount Lasoelles, among all groups of American Jewry regular meeting Tuesday afternoon ment for payment of the principal him not less than twenty times at a May I at the same time presume to in tny capacity as National Chairman gtadt, 26 years .of ag^, committed inaogusatlon cereKiotiies will and interest on the loans advanced by at the Jewish Community Center* At recent game. entreat most earnestly those thou- of the United Jewish Campaign. suicide because she lost her position. place the c=nd of Jancary, The < this meeting plans will - be discussed sands upon thousands of men and I sincerely hope that the peace HachmieL Elephant was •Enable to encc between a Jewish Masonic "Aw, the floor was slippery," he Salomon to the' American colonies. for the bazaar and ball to be given Persons claiming to be the descendwomen throughout all this vast coun- which has been ibroagM about by tfe® Explained- endts of Haym Salomon met in Lodz by the organization in behalf of the try, -who for more than a decade, have many frank tiiscussions ©f the past find employment. Eosa!i& Eoter©w( and a non-Jewish lodge is th * * * carried the burdens and ob- weeks may be of so lasting s-»atare, 50, the wife of a businessman, com- banquet* in the former will be and considered the method of present- City Talmud Torah. The ball will be willingly ligations that have come to them that it will never again be broken. A Last Word mitted saicids because of the economic winged according to Mosaic ing this claim. It was estimated that given on March 6 at the City through the frightful conditions -in Sincerely years, crisif l&vrs . _ --•* £ *.., Rain or snow, the sun is always in i t would amount to $S,550,G00. Auditorium. (Signed) David A. Brovna. wnich the Jews of Eastern* Europe
Delate Team Wins First Place in A. LA. Tournament
Three Letters—Keystones in the School Teachers . '. .'•' Mew: Peace of- American Israel - Meet at Center
Asks f or isvesligatiGBS of Immigration
iThis Week's Commentj
Noted Violinist Pleases Many at Center Concert
New York Speaker n Jewish Life in Soviet Russia
. the heavens A
It .must, not be forgotten that the bones, cut meat, vegetables and hard Jewish intelligentsia of Russia had cooked eggs in small pieces. There been poisoned with the legend that should be, one goak liquid, pour over, Pnblitbed e»ei» 'I'tmrsday at t?gj*6*, Nebw»M. t we Jews wilt never be capable of leav< mixture and place in glass or eathening the cities for productive -work on wttre mold to harden.' Serve cat, in Office: 490 Brandeis Theatre Building — Telephone: Atlantic 1450* the land. Our very racial characteris- slices. Never allow any meat mi»••..-*•"' T. ~ NATHAN E. GREEN, Manager. . . . .. tics barred us'front • a normal, peas- ture to stand over. night in tin. or ant life. It was pointed- out that Pal- copper vessels. There is danger of-$2.50. Subscription Price*, one-year* estine "was a striking exception, main- contatnination. Advertising rates furnished on application. ly because of sentimental reasons. An Off AUPHBas-l'teaw Elw berth tbtr eW an« o«» *«aras« artificial background stimulated a Kischtke. ( and giro fgur asm* . • group of Jews to agricultural work, Buy beef casing from butcher. etc., etc. Clean by scraping well with dull The Jewish Press Js-eapplled fty the Jewish TBtefcrfiphte Agency Correspondence Bureau) with cabled and tetegraphirJewtetr news, la addition It was a gigantic task. The vitali- knife. Wash in several cold waters. to feature~artirjea'gnd^ correspondences from all. important'Jewish centers. ty of our race was amply demonstraTo fill: Grate potatoes as for panInquiries regarding- new* items -credited to this Agency "will be' gladly ted in the effort made, by Russian cakes, using no flour. Fill threeanswered if addressed to Jewish Telegraphic Agency, 6?T 'Broadway, New Jewry to overcome its distrust for its quarters full and bake in oven with York City. very self, for its powers. Centaries- fat one hour or cook with carrots as superstitions had to be tossed Zimes or use fat and flour (one-third "A Union of All Jewish Forces for the Upbuilding of Palestine" oid aside. fat to X cup flour) salt and pepThis is the phrase with which Mr. Louis Marshall and Dr. ' Jewish colonization did not an4 wiH cup per and minced onion. Sew up ends Chaim Weizmann close the compact that will in due course become not solve every individual'problem for and bake. a practical reality in the- organization and establishment of The the Jews of New Russia. But it St. Valentine's Pudding. Jewish Agency for Palestine. This, phrasing is, virtually ver-. undoubtedly lead the way. Apart frcm the tens of thousands who are 1 tablespoon gelatine. batim, the end i$ view *with, which the editorial policy of The ly saved from starvation, apart frwta 4 tablespoons cold water. Amerigo. Hebrew,.under its present direction*.was launched in |he other tens of thousands who are 4 table spoons boiling water. October, 1918.- • Toward the. realization of this end we have been enabled to find work in the towns, 4 egg white3 beaten dry. striving^ver since. Jit the conclusion of the second Non*Partisan because the back-to-the-«oil movement 1 cup sugar. Conference on Palestine Problems, on March 1st, 1925, Dr. Stephen relieves congestion—apart from this % of 1 small can grated pineapple. S. Wise graciously said; VFor the American Hebrew this is a purely physical relief effect, there is Pink coloring. Flavor. day of fulfillment," This fulfillment was unfortunately delayed something else just as important. The entire Jewish population of Disolve gelatine in cold water for by the zealous advocacy of Palestine's priority in all measures of Russia has regained faith in itself 5 minutes. boiling water and Jewish relief on the.part, of American Zionists, and by consequent through colonization. The success of let cool. BeatAdd egg whites dry, add 1 attacks on the leaders of the United Jewish Campaign. Dr. Weiz- this experiment has. given confidence cup white sugar, flavor to suit and mann was forced to spend valuable months in overcoming the split to the three million Jews there. add gelatine. Beat until mixture beunderstanding from gins to jell. Divide and add. pink among American Jews,- caused by this misunderstanding of the AT sympathetic yh Jewish'vfaHd outside outside of of Russia, Russia aa toloting to half of mixture and pinenon-Zionist attitude toward the Palestinian effort as opposed to thee Jewish'-vfaHd to the Zionist effort. The head of the World Zionist Organization strict hands-off policy in inner Rus- apple to other half. Pour pink mixaffairs with all Jewish individuals ture, in. wet mold and white on'top. calls upon "all Zionists" to grasp "the importance of realizing that riatf find '"organization^ sutsiGe. Russia;'Vitt Let stand several hours. Turn out-cf every Jew has the right to his Own opinion as to what is needed do niuch towards helping the Jews of pan and serve in slices with or withfor the good of Jewry." Moreover, he urges all his followers <'to the New Russia. out "whipped cream. cooperate with the non-Zionists who do not concede priority to the The Zionists, either here or in -EuRaw Carrot Salad. claims of Palestine over those of our brethren who live in other rope, must avoid any action or speech which would give the impression that countries." Here is sanity for the sake of unity .and for the sake the-Zionists as a body are opposed to 1 cup fine ground carrots. of Palestine. It is but just to add that on previous occasions Dr. the:, present Russian regime. The 1 cup celery. cup whipped cream. Weizmann had expressed a somewhat similar point of view. This back-to-the-soil movement has con- 11 cup diced apples. frank statement and appeal should, and we believe will, clear away vinced me that Russian Jewry is on 1 cup ground peanuts. the stumbling blocks American Zionist leaders cast in the way of the way to recovery.—The End. Salad dressing.
The Jewish Agency. The road is clear. Let us proceed, to "a union of all Jewish forces for the up building of Palestine. AMERICAN HEBREW.
AUNT ESTHER'S COLUMN • Kaehe (Russian Style). - 2^4 cups buckwheat grits -or cream . !of wheat. %" • 1" teaspoonful salt, 'i • .' 1 egg. 2 cups boiling water."' % tablespoons fat. Mix'.salfc,. grits ^nd. egg.. Place in baking dish and brown-in oven. When brown add as much boiling water as it will Take up (about 2 cups), add fat and bake in a s!ow-oven'one
the'food for a "dog, It will cure worms. 4. When baking with soda, add the soda to the floor instead of liquid as it retains strength, when liquid foams up half of soda strength is lost. 5. Do not attempt to start a fire with kerosene, it explodes easily.
lfth lyy Seven Arts' Feature Syndicate -Article'.VJ ' , In this sixth and Jast of a "series of articles on the status ol Jewfy la the New Russia, Mr. ltenbeu Brainln, dean of Hebrew Journalists, gives hia conclusions on- the baek-to-the-soil move- . uient in Russia, after a lengthy survey d£ the countty—THE" EDITOR.. .
JEWISH LAW IS NOT OPPOSED TO WOMAN'S FRANCHISE London (J. T. A.)—Orthodox Jewish law is not opposed to granting the franchise to women in synagogue affairs, notwithstanding the fact that this matter is a religious question in the minds of many people. This opinion was expressed by Dr. Joseph H. Hertz, Chief Rabbi of the British Empire, in a letter which he addressed to - Lionel de - Rothschild, president of the United Synagogue, which recently voted to " grant the franchise to women. The matter has
Estimates FREE
A. H. BRODKEY CO. GENERAL CONTRACTOR 522 Peters Trust Building
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of the
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AT. 3740
When in need of
fill your needs at the most reasonable price Headquarters for Jewish Books Established 1S02
1108 No. 23 St., (rear oi Synagogue 24th and Nicholas)
WE. 4808
Dancing Academy 25th and Farnam C;reets
Sunday, Feb. 6,1927
Hear These Famous Artists
Hot 10-Piece
Snappy Dance Mask
Famous Master of English Concertina
" -.:•••
translator of Jewish Folk Songs
Sunday Evening, February 6, 1927 at
Jewish Community Center Auditorium Program given under auspices of Branches^ 173, 626, 258 Omaha Workman's Circle.
pood Products
When You Look for New Spring Clothes, Look Where They Are! PRING'S smartest style developments are making: their debut here and there's one outstanding idea back "of this vast display—we started out to make it the greatest between the Great Lakes and the Pacific coast—we've accomplished that and remember this:
Our policy of "No Sale" at the end of a season gives you greater value for your money NOW at the beginning of the season.
Shanghai Gardens' Excellent Chinese American Dishes
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Let Us Help You Plan Your Building Program For 1927
Bringing the Telephone Bill Saves Your Time
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Every Shin Guaranteed | Too Unit Be Satisfied
An Established Record
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Photographs t
5-Room new Colonial Duplex for rent. Kountze addition. Nicely arranged. Tile floor in bathroom, built in tub, large yard, south front exposure. Will rent reasonable to good party. Call Webster 6500.
Brodkey Jewelry Co. Famous for Diamonds
nize fully the. .tremendous headway which, the present Russian Govern2. Fin*' sand paper will clean felt ment has made in stamping out prej Admission 25c | hats. judice and mob superstition. The 3. Add ground pumpkin eesdi i t Russians of today refuse to see in the Jewish element any -jauch --thing as a h o u r . . -^\''''-\ ~:< ~ • c "•" minority group, and,1 of course, have ' To be Beijvedwith any meat gravy. When I left Russia, I Was convinced accepted the Jew as a full-fledged citithat the bacfc-to-the-soil movement zen. Anti-Semitism, oi.* of the lugu- This is a fine dish to prepare Friday would go on, despite the opposition brious heritages of CzariBtic times is .for Saturday as it is even better the , - •- " of ]any individual or group outside the not tolerated by the Soviet regime. next day. country. I also felt-th>t"it'was the Consequently, the young Jewish gen- Jellied Veal (also fine for Saturday). ButterM duty of American-Jewry to help to eration in Russia is growing up free 2 lbs. leg of veal. the fullest extent in-accelerating this of inner dissension, and morally more 1 small carrot, agricultural relief measure. When' I normal than in any other country of IOR0f6Er£JttE 1 onion. returned to the United States, I was the world, except Palestine. The 2 quarts water. NORgilUUifiKICI indeed'happy to note the'splendid suc- materialistic aspects of life have been 1 stalk celery. cess of- the United Jewish Campaign forced to the background; an idealistic 4 hard cooked eggs. ButteFtfct activities all over the' land,'and" never attitude to humanity has consequently Salt and pepper. > dmnstPekoeTed Japan Tea doubted-that the small number of developed.]^ -Put meat and vegetables on to IBlaCKl (green] skeptics' wba>co.uld not reconcile them* It is true that a uhiversalism has selves to'the idea of ;.. intensive Jew- developed among this youth which': for boil, season and cook until meat falls ish-colonization in Russia would soon- the time being has estranged them from bones. . Strain liquid, remove er or later see day light. from Jewish traditions and culture. At the conclusion of this series of But sooner or later there will be a v Its Time to think of your i articles,. Covering my' impressions of reaction. A viqlenfc uniyersalism as Russia and the present'status of Jew- opposed to Jewish nationalism is the ry in that'country,' 1 have had the inevitable result of freedom ai^er cenpleasure of Be'eing niy'Btand on this turies of oppression of all kinds. It question completely vindicated. The must be remembered that only a short significant consummation of apeaee time has elapsed, comparatively speakpact between the * Zionist and non- ing since the inauguration of the presPHOTOGRAPHERS Zionist forces has once and for all ent regime in Russia. Russian Jewry 1312 Farnam St. Opposite established the obvious, logical fact is, in-the transition-period; and when W. O. W, Bldg. that there is,-^6 Conflict whatsoever be- .theipedqluni ceasesrswuiguig from the Phone, J A ckson 4562 tween Jewish" ielief. In the'-Diaspora one extreme to the other, the true met* countries and constructive upbuilding tie of Russian Jewry will assert itself* of the national homeland in Palestine. The-era tha^; promises for Russian ^ , thanks to the'dlplomatic tact Jewry is a-.brUUant^one. -There will Barry H. Lapidu8,^Pres.+Treae. of Dr. Weinnann and to the generosity be o return-, to^things.Jewish." Only W. G. Ure. Secretary. of Louis Marshall a united harmon- those elements will be' projected into iously co-operating American Jewry Jewish life who have a strong inner Omaha Fixture & will complete the tesk-of-Palestinian urge to continue our Jewish history. home building and .Russian and Euro- That is why I believe that Russia will Supply Co. pean relief workagain, give us great Jewish leaders, rt StOBIi Were I asked my frank "and candid Russian Jewry's greater body will be OPHCB i F t opinion as to the Juture of, Russian composed of men and wotnen who have " Jewry, I would iinh,eslitatingiy answer not been whipped back into the ranks that-Russian Jewry* will"not' only sur- merely through anti-Semitism; this Clrrrnin vive " this difficult transitory period body will contain Jewn who assert jr«<-b*oo tit* through which it is now passing, but their faith, not. in self-defense, but who mm. that it willin the comparatively near have come oi. their own free will, imfuture again play ah important role peleld by their intelligence,' ttUlUilUUllUUllWMtl in the affairs of world Jewry. Not'even the most efficient educaRussian Jewry has demonstrated a tional system can give the Russian Tlie I t avoids waiting until a duplicate is made • tremendous reserve ",vit;.lity.| and the youth a Jewish background, if the tide out If you bring your telephone Dill when paymarvelous gUt'ot adapting;itself to of life runs against I t , Atthe present ing at our Business Offiice. the '< new life values which 'are beingtime the tendencies in New Russia are 1818 Farnam, 2nd floor created in Russia". 1£wvultf of course for a broad humanUsrianism; - the When paying by mail, the stub of the bill be 'jiaiye-tcLhail, the, back-to;the--soil Jewish inteljegentBta" is'8wept:off"»ts should always be attached to your check. This movement as the.sole notable factor feet, -viewing the purely Jewish quesmakes sure that credit will be given on our and books to your account. "in 'Ibis mass effort'to reconstruct the tions as of .secondary import. • iexifitance cf millioniTcf. human beings 1'have .been impressed by the back' -- It will Assist us In serving you to • !|jie' fate of. our people' in Soviet to-the-soil movement not merely beyour satisfaction if your telephone Popular noonday luncheon bill always accompanies payment. Russia call necessarily not be; divorced cause of its physical success. • It sym50 cents from the general •conditions'prevailing bolizes in my mind the crystallized will Table d'hote dinner, 85 cents to NORTHWESTERN BELL TELEPHONE Odi .there.. And It te fcecause 2; 2; believe of Russian.Jewry to ' 4e Its fate into $1.00, from 5 to 8 Daily Music at all Meals ajftd BELL SYSTEM jf have h ^l observed bd jfd its own bands t to carry' on, despite -.- Dancing Evenings i diersttfod New .Rpsta.as'a whole the most difficult obstacles. It is the Ona Policy * On* Syattm - Vnicertai Strvtat Music- by Ambassadors 7 piece ^ to Hyrgynthesfzed" in the most orehe&ray . N(o fover charge of 6ie ifewfek poffi&jtiSn 'in1 that coira- sahHme fashion. ,It* ma'rkes one' of For reservationV phone the hgfdic episodes in all Jewish hlsCopyright
president of the CzechodovaH«n Republic, will visit Palestine in March. President Masaryk intended to visit Palestine early, but had to postpone his journey because of political conditions in Czechoslovakia. .
HAKOAH HEADQUARTERS TO MASARYK TO VISIT BE ESTABLISHED HERE PALESTINE IN MARCH Vienna, (J. T. A.)—The headquarPrague, (J. T. A.)—Prof. Masaryk, ters of the Hakoah Sport Club may be transferred shortly to America, Dr. Ignatz Koerner, president of the Hakoah, declared at a banquet given in his honor. Dr. Koerner was feted on the eve SB Tear* of Hottest Merrhnnfllw Is of his departure for the United yeijr Gnarnntee of 8 Square D*al States. 1419 Douglas Est. 1890
Mix well ingredients and serve very j cold in lettuce cups. Salad dressing | may be omitted. . j§ This is fine for children as they | love the peanut flavor and learn to like carrots.
Household Bints. I. I f you ore afraid the fowl liyer will be bitter where gall bladder is removed, add a little sugar to the place and let stand a while before
caused considerable discussion in Anglo-JewisJi circles^ Jewish tats, has OIQ objection whatever to granting the vote to women, Rabbi Herts stated. The proposal, however, to.gratstr'the vote to women is bound yip with other measures, some of which are religiously questionable, he said.
JA ckson 6224
PAGE Hadaasah Card Party Sunday
The Omaha Chapter of Hadassah •firfli entertain at a card party Sunday evening, February 6, at -eight o'clock at the J. C. C. Mrs. B. X. Simon, in charge of the arrangements, promises delicious refreshments and beautiful prises for each table. The Hadassah urges a large attendance at this affair, as it is one of the finest entertainments the Omaha Chapter has offered the public this Omahans Gather at Party in California Former Omahans gathered at a birthday party given in hornor of Mr. J. season. Katelman by Mrs. Katelman at their Holywood California home, January 27. The entire party consisted of former Omahans rwho are now making their lectures are welcome to do so. nome in" California; T h e following attended the party. Mr. and Mrs. Rubin, Mr. and Mrs.Xondon, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Kavich, Mr. and Mr& Abe Kadner, Rabbi Cohn will speak Friday eveMr. and Mrs. Sam Levy, Mr. and Mrs. Sam* Feldman, Mr. and Mrs, Harry Schoenwald, Miss Molly Saltzman, Miss Betty Grossman, Mrs. Davis, Mrs. ning February 4, on ""The Jazz Dora SchaH,*J. Katelman,, Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Manriee Katelman. Singer." Miss Helen Somtner will Mr. and- Mrs. .Katelman were in receipt of a number of gifts and wires plaj> a violifl selection, "Kol-Nidre." 'rom Omaha friends., ., On Saturday morning, February 5, Rabbi Cohn's subject will be "OfferMrs. H. Abramson was hostess on Mrs;; Al H. Brofflrey will' be Tiostess i n g •••':• • ' - ---: Saturday at a bridge party compli- at a tea Satruday afternoon commentary to Mrs. H. Babinowitz of plimentary to Mrs. Leo Blank, "forMAKE YOUR DATE NOW FOR Kansas City. Prizes were won by Mrs. merly Miss Janet ' Gflihsky, whose J. Goodbinder, Mrs. S. Kramer and marriage to Mr. Blank took place THE- COUNCIL BLUFFS AGUDES ;ACHIM DANCE FOR EEBE.17. Mrs. M. Braumer. l a s t w e e k i "' • '" •-. *-•. •"•' • •• .•• ;
Mr. and Mrs. I. Sedman entertained at their home last Sunday evening in honor of the Bar Mitzvoh of their £on Max. Covers were laid for fifty. The evening was spent playing bridge; Mr. and Mrs. S. Kips won the prizes.
Mrs. A. Rosen entertained the Afternoon Bridge Club, Wednesday; January_26V Mrs. N; Pttlor^snd Mrs, H. Smith won prizes.
THE AGUDES ACHIM SOCIETY WILL GIVE A DANCE FEBBU-ABY Mr. and Mrs." Harold W. Brandt of 17 AT THE EAGLES BALIi IN Brandts Incl, returned home Wednes- COTJNCIL BLUFFS. day morning from an eastern trip. Mr. and H. Mrs. Smith entertained The Chesed Shell Emess Society will their Sunday Evening Club last Sunhold their regular meeting-Monday, day. Prizes were won by Mr. S. February 7, at the Chesed Shell Emess Rips, Mrs. N. Pitlor an3 Mrs. Building, 1912 Cuming Street at 2:30 L e a s . ' • • . . " p. m. The Chesed Shell Emess will Mrs. j . Koskey entertained at a one hold their meetings the first Monday o'clock luncheon last Tuesday. Tha in Every month. guests included the Mesdames Harry Mr. and Mrs. Meyer Ci/ren will en- Martin, EiKorshbaum, Herman Haltztertain the members of. their im- berg, A. Bosesthal, J. Neederst and mediate family at a bridge party on E. Gerlisky. Sunday evening in. honor ^of their son Mrs. I. Itulakofsky is visiting in Sidney, who graduated frcm public Chicago. school.
Mr. Max Holzman left for New: Mr. and Mrs. S. Greenhouse enterYork for a two weeks visit. tained forty guests at dinner at their home Sunday evening, in honor of their silver wedding anniversary. | Mrs. Fannie. Alfechuler, 47, a resident of Omaha for the past Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Roseriblum twenty-five years, died at her home left Omaha Sunday for an indefinite 1723^drth 33.'Street, Saturday night stay in California. They will visit following" a brief illness. She is surfriends and relstives in Oakland, San vived by her husband Abe, one Francisco and Los Angeles and en daughter, Mrs. Paul .Bernstein, l e r route will stop off at Cheyenne, Wyo., parents .Mr. and Mrs. Alex Posts in to visit with Mrs. Rosenblums father Lincoln, and two Bisters Mrs. Morris Polsky and Mrs. Sarah Adelson, both and her cousins.' of .Lincoln. Funeral service were held Mrs. J. Goodbinder entertained five| Monday afternoon from the home with tables of bridge in honor of Mrs. H. burial as Pleasant Hill Cemetary. ~ Rabinowitz of Kansas City. Prizes were won by Mrs. P. Batt, Mrs. A. TEMPLE ISRAEL Slutsky, Mrs. L. Baum and Mrs. H. The Sisterhood of Temple Israel Abramson. will entertain at a matinee luncheon The Pi Delta Sigma, Creighton | on Monday, February. After the luncheon Mrs. Dr. Cohn social fraternity, will hold their winter season affair in a dance in honor will report on the convention of the of the founders of the -fraternity. The National Federation of Sisterhoods. date; has been set for Sunday night,, Afterwards the following program February 20, and will take place at will bs presented. the Blackstone Hotel, with Gilbert Vocal Solo, "The Cry of BaeJiel." (Mrs. Turner. Taller). Bunsr by Miss Jaffy's Ad-Sell Orchestra furnishing Mary Ida Bischof. Accompanied by Miss Ann Bischot the music.
Council Blufts News
spend a few" days here visiting his FIFFiEEf? INJURE© IN — • ••• mother, Mrs* S. Freiden. " FRANEFITRT RIOTS CAUSED BY
• . • ~~~ Wisbadeh (J. T. A.")—Anti-Jewish POPULATION riots occured in Frankfutt last nlg-ht REACHES 158,00$ during an election meeting' ir; that Jerusalem {J. T. A.)—The,Jewish city. The riots were caused by a population of Palestine on September 1 numbered 158,000 according to official statistics made known today. The government statistics as of September 1 showed that the country has a population of 641,000 Moslems, 158,000 Jews, 78 Christians and 10,000 of various other denomiimtieiis. Jerusalem (J. T. A.)—The Palestine government will end the fiscal year Sixteenth at Farnam 1926 with another surplus if everything proceeds as it has up to the A Savings Opportunity present, it became evident today That Surpasses Any Former Event •when the figures for the first seven months were made public. It appears that .for the seven months eading October, the revenue Df the Palestine government was 1,315,160 Egyptian pounds, while the expenditures for The Independent Order of the B'nai the same year totaled 1,121,112 pounds Brith, Lodge No. 688, will hold a regular meeting next Wednesday eveWarsaw, (J. T. A.)—Another ap- ning, February 9, at the Danish Hall. to President -Coolidge to admit In Omaha to the United States the wives and Miss Reva Gilinsky left Monday for minor children of -declarents was des- an extended visit in Chicago and patched yy the Executipe Committee Akron, Ohio and other eastern points.830 R«mnt»—SCO Unl)» (load Rnom* for ttJSO of the Warsaw Kehillah Council and Openttitd .fay Ene)«-r UotrU ©o. by the Warsaw Rabbinate. Mr. Arthur Freiden of Albion, Nebr. AGUDES ACHIM DANCE TO BE HELD ON FEBRUARY 17. The Agudes Achim Society will hold their Annual Dance on Thursday eve-' ning, February 17, 1927 at the Eagles Hall in Council Bluffs. The committee in charge of this dance are working hard to make this the best affair ever sponsored by the organization. Novelty numbers will also be included iii the evening's entertainment. Little Maxine Leibowitz will give some special dance solos. One of the "hottest orchestra in Omaha" has been engaged to furnish music for the dance. Tickets which are one dollar per couple are now on sale. The entire younger set of the Omaha and Council Bluffs Jewry are especially urged to make their arrangements early to attend this dance. Everyone welcome!
group of Hakenkreuzler which cam to the city. A group of Jewish ex-eerviw. men resisted the Hakenkreuzler. In the course of the fighting, fifteen person* on both, sides were injured. Enf^ish and German police intervened and restored order.
The Reasons
It is this store's custom to sacrifice all remaining apparel after inventory- February 1st found us with, several hundred mid-winter garments that must be moved regardless of cost.
Be Among the First to Wear What's New!
New Frocks *16S? ,'
Grade Coats t i l
Fraction of Their.
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77 Dresses Tahies to $4B.50
IFie Stop of Personal Service FROCKS-GOWNS - NOVELT1 E S -
it a
53 Dresses Values to $63.50
45 Coats, Values to §25.00 6 Coats, Valaes t© $39S0 24 Coats, Values to $58.50 •11 Coats, Valves to $79.50 Valaes; to $8®.-5§ 14 Coats, Values to $110.00 21 Coats, Values to $129.50 11 Coats, Values to $148.50 _.f 67.75 . 29 Fur Coats reduced to BUCII ridicnlofi^r'low prices thti you can afford to buy them M©W for nest
Waffles are Wholesome
Third Floor
Heading, "Toe Nightingale and tbe Iiose.*'
(Oscar Wilde), bs Miss Gertrude Kroloff. At a meeting of the Henrietta* Solo Dance, by Nate Mnntell. Jr. Accompanied by JUHUB Goldner. Zc'd Girls the following were elected flay, "PmeUcaJ People", presented by to office: Ida Bercovici, President; Btudents of Meisner School. Written by Miss Beatrice Eocl. Ruth Fox, Vice-president; Lens.GillCast— man, Secretary; Esther Spar, Treas- Arthur Bdinley .Forrest Linineer Brinley____ Beatrice fioel urer; "and Rebecca Kirshenbaum, Re- I.aura Ann Brinley,_.____^__Maybelle Walso Eva ltense , Helen Quick porter. Anthony Koland ~ Htelen DaT}« This club has decided to affiliate Bruce BenBon G^orae namaey Ethel Truesdell with ths National Yoaug Judean May Fn'r Iteaflinc. "Bkimpsey," by Al, Lew. Headquarters. Programs at these Dnnces, by Virrfnia and Harriett Tofld. meetings consist of talks on the lives j "Wnlta Cine," by VlfKlnla TeOd.' l>y Harriett Todfl. and works of great Jewish men and "Always." ••Twin Toes." by Virginia and Harriett Todd. women. Preparations are being "How Mnny Tines," by Vlrjrinia and Harriett Todd. • • mads for a Valentine party. Mrs. Julias Rosenfeld is in charge Miss Roselle Verbin of Fremont reOf the luncheon; Mrs. Louis Sommer turned, Sunday from a six weeks trip in the East. Miss Verbin visited in is in charge of the program. Mrs. 2*ew York, Washington, Chicago, and Dave Rosenstock is publicity chairman. Champaign, HI. The next meeting of the Book ReThe Misses Mary and Gertrude Korney entertained twenty guests at view Club will T)e held Tuesday, Feb. their home Sunday evening in honor 8, in the new auditorium of the of Miss Annette Sackz and Mr. Joe Temple. These review's are under the Sackz of Poland, Russia. Mr. and leadership of Rabbi Cohn. On Tuesday Miss Sackz will make their home ; Rabbi Cohn will discuss the "Emihere with their parents, Mr. and grant" by Boyer. • Tuesday, February 22, Rabbi Cohn Mrs. S. Sackz. will review "I sax a Wowan and a Mrs. Ben Sherman of Des Moines Jew", by Leah Morton. and Miss Tillie Rice who has been Everyone desiring to attend these visiting with MTS. Sherman for the past two weeks returned to Omaha on -Monday, Mrs. Sherman will "visit here for a few weeks at the home of her mother Mrs. M. Brodkey. Successors to Jones Candy Co.
The Copelman Candy Co.
The ladies of the South Side Congregation will entertain at a third of a series of card parties Tuesday, February 8, at 2 o'clock at the Jewish Community Center. All xeceipts of this party -will be usecf for the remodeling of the Synagogue. Mrs. M. Myerowitch is in charge of this affair.
Romance Chocolates Phone JA. 3986
r I
) Milk Bernice Ferer left Friday to visit in Kansas City-and Ann Arbor, Michigan.
'Since 1S81-
A RemarkaMe SeSmg
Used Phonographs
Electrically-made waffles are as delicious as they are wholesome. Serve them often—-for breakfast, Ittsch, dinner, midnight lunch or parties. They are easy to make electrically too.
Electric Waffle Iron
Manning-Bowman Waffle Iron
You need no longer be without music with such values as these at Braiideis, All standard makes including ^the CoJurobia. Ensy payjnents.
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Guaranteed Thi# g«i»r»Bteed iron ha« » copper ba»«; triple nickle-plated csrt alnuiania grids; non-burn handle*; requires no grease other than the original application after first use. It will give satisfactory service for yean.
For those "who s ^ -win be glad to "break-in" one of the iraif Ifi Jurot*. Takes but a few mlnutcc
91S Parnam St.
"Electric Shops?'
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2314 M St.
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This Price Good Only During February
THIESSEN'S Sweet—Di—5©ar K c i ^ mi R«isb$ IS QUARTS AND
Thiessen Vinegar & 3101 Soottt 24tl» fitreft
this work in Poland. H. D. Naomberg, EUROPEAN JEWISH LIFE for distribution. Last year the KehilSWIMMING f NEW ATTACKS " LOSING ART BECAUSE OF lah distributed these tickets to indiPolish Jewish writer, presided. ON JEWS REPORTED IN Fellows, turn out for the Center I ECONOMIC CRISIS vidual applicants. A -report submitted showed that the • ROUMANIAN TOWN swinamr-g team "and help yourself* position of the Jewish farmers in the At the hearing a member of the and the Center. The turnouts -are not j district* -of Czecistochowa and GroWarsaw (J. T. A.)—Jevrish life in Vienna (J. T. A.)—A (recurrence of labor delegation, Baruch Stein, 26 as large as they should be. Remember) the anti-Jewish excesses. & reported chow. is, very unfavorable. Tiro meet- Eastern Europe will soon be bereft of years old, a tailor, fainted. It was •the water polo teams, ,- ' by the Bucharest correspondent of the ing decided to take measure* to help its art' as a result of the continued learned that he had not eaten forj "Wiener Morgenzeitung" to have these farmers. It decided «lso to economic crisis from which the Jew- several days. Jewish Community Center * negotiate with tit* Jewish land owners ish intellectuals and artists are suftaken place in Edineti. Bowling-League Standings Moices'chept^r A Z. A* swooped dawn T r a t i i e r r e r r a t i c . ^ ••-.;' .^"••-••'i — .. ;••''•/'• Students of the seminary, led byin the district of Warsaw, to permit fering most. Won Lost' Pet. their professors, attacked Jewish the atodcats in the agricultural As a result of this condition, a ttpoh ifceTMstrict Number Qhe TournKaiman Ins. ......18 6 750 FREGGER-FOX DRUG CO. ament ana left the. shatte|iBa"fivesof The ««AHA. % A. DistrictTeam" Alberts Colts —16 passersby in all the streets of the courses, to obtaii practical experience great number of Jewish artists, 8 666 "Careful Druggists" writers and actors are emigrating to O i h and Denver in its wn|te. The> It. P. Louis Beckermnn. of.Derf Moines town. Many Jews were injured. on their farms. 10 583 The Wardrobe ..'..14 , points Rallied (taring Tournament _.... 11 14th and Douglas St. AT 0927 Doc Steins 10 14 417 The Executive also decided to of-South America and Africa. A nump Three bafliceteer* tofcJr i J hpme t . BY Ben Geller, of I>enver, "points talStores and homes were damaged. Prescription* filled bjRegistered • lied during To«rnament,i.^._.i.._; : _ 23 Omaha Tobacco 8 lft.. .333 witS' then*.' the District fhjimrrfoiiship £ . "BlUy GerdicSc..rft .Qinaha, points ,tal-, . "If the Roumanian government ficially notify t£* Americas Jewish ber of eJwish actors have left for FhHrmaoista only - Malashock. Jewel ,6. 18 . 250 arid'a beadtiful-silver.Idyjnjf cup V-j-.^_™™_;..*17 ltedlurfngr Tonrnnment Tonr : wishes to create favorable public Joint Distribution Committee,, the Rounutnia. p asO,•lfed<»rurtng Price* Terr reasonable—Delivery service ! Snm Mnrkman" ofDes Moines, nolnts points High single game, for, the evening <'*f\ Jewish Belief Organization of London, opinion abroad through the efforts of their reward'for two days of labour. tallied daring Tournitment „—;._—_ 10 G.-Sam Kosenbnnnj,' of Denver, points was .-registeredby. .1. Schlaifer who of the establishment of tfa« Tor. The Iowans came to On^aha heralded i U l & d l T b t : 1 12 roljed a 222 game. A. Venger with a the Jewish press, it must at least "COLLECTIVE RECEIPT" show its goodwill by attempting to as one of the strongest teams, in the OF ASSISTANCE BY WARSAW Honorable Mention on the> ? 210 score, Ben Shapiro-.with a- 207counteract these excesses", the -cor- SOUTH AFRICAN STUDENTS meetand lived up to all advance dope. LABOR UNION ; 'fAILA; Z. A. Distert^am" In the seini-finala'Captfiri.' touis ^--•Benny -rB^ckerinan, of '• Des Moines and' .Leon Mendelsohn with a 205respondent writes. ARE WELCOMED BY THE completed the select class. during- Tournament -..- 15 Beckerman, "All A.'Z. A- 192*6 for- .: points tallied FubSc kfxmm&ts and Auditors AUSTRIAN GOVERNMENT Warsaw (J. T. A.)—"Collective reMiller, of. Denver, * points talThe;J. C. C. All-Stars were defeated ward** led his iuen to a victory- over BV-Harry." / lied durlnp TdnniniDent. »____™i__v.i. 14 ceipts" of emergency assistance for ISADORE ABKAMSON .pave/Bleicher. of .QnaliB,'. points talby; The-Omaha Bee last-Sunday, in-a JEWISH FARMERS the'stabborn-fighting Omaha quintette P. •• lied (inriner fPouriin'»^»nt- ..!." ;....-'....".10 Vienna, (J. T. A.)—Sixteen Jewish members of labor unions was introIN POfaAND .BAD OFF, special match at Francisco Alleys. Des Mo Moines, ppoints who succumbed" to the wore of 22 to £ Lester Goldman, of De INCOME TAX SERVICE - SOQETY HEARS students axe members of the South duced in the Jewish community in d durfus- ToumnuH'Jit : 10 •A 2734 total was necessary to defeat 13.The^tall corn" lad?,p^Ased and C t Shapiro, .of Denver,-points tallied' African excursion group which has ar- Warsaw. y ^i SYSTEMS—AUDITS . 12 the'Jewish lads.' * ' ." talked'their Way thru ^ie Omaha daring Tournament _; Wftnmw (J.. T-A.)—Purttier, cen- rived here. The group, which consists A delegation of the Jewish trade Drvztnan BnrriRb. • of Slouxr City, defense and' when once t&ru sejdeto G.points^ The Doc Stein five defeated the sidentiga oftheplin to promote Je!w- of fifty., students,' wasgiven a cordial unions appeared before the Kehillah INVESTIGATIONS CaHIed, <lnrln/f. Tonrpnment 0 failed to tally the inevitable, basket. Kimball Laundry very,- handily in ftish agrteBlturftl work itt Poland was Welcome by the Austrian government. executive, asking that coal tickets COMMERCLAL LEAGUE The Omahans in a , frantic .effort' to special -match.; • - The—Steins - rolled taken up! at a me«tipg «f the Tar, the The^ students are -headed; by Samuel distributed by the Kehillah to un- $90 Brandeis Theater Building Phone ATlantic 1450 enter the'finals amassed 'iHe "amazing . The ' • Kaiman Insurance team three 'excellent* games.' " N e i l / ' ••••-•••-•••.'• • - . ".'• " employed be turned over to the union newly formed society for total of twenty one foujs, eight of] 'strengthened -their hold' on first place The Alberts Colts and the Kaiman which the Iowans* converted; into-las - when they soundly' trounded the low- Insurance Will clash next Tuesday in. many points, via Ijhe gif t^roate. Sam ly B'nai Israel tribe:'to the-tune of a series of games that will determine Markman, "All A. Z. A» Wi6% second 20. to 12. The Insurance men with the leadership of the league. team guard was.a power' of,^defense Shriebman leading their attack overDave Cahn,. one of the younger : guarding • whelmed-their-much smaller oppon- bowlers recently, initiated inta the? fot bifl. team, itYou May ' A Small ; whMirobbexT fee"Qi»ajj^f;^| t ents 'and' scored at will Shriebman pastime secured' 500 total last TuesBuy on Deposit ; ; ;.eaij83f 'tjbbtsrat: .^e.1nuite^^4||^Cill^rts?. scored, .eight points, to lead Captain day. SolXevey, Abe Gross and Dave Monthly Witt Hold Alishuier and Saranijr Leibowitz who Greenberg have also been showning Payments Your Purchase :• ;tHe^^jne^witir t v v ^ b a a k ^ B - ^ % fivte trailed with'four apiece. marked improvement. Withont : l i ; v for Future ' ' ''^-fnw^'tiawwK '"'• ~" -•'•' '•*: " :' ;-:" '3 Harry, Richardson and. Benny GoldInterest Delivery ^ "Silly Gerelick wi^t:twtjf %jket8 a n * berg ' conducted a loner offensive BE SURE TO ATTEND THE I, the same number'of ^ ^ ^ o w s ' letj against their conquerors which netted EVEHYDAY- EVERY WEEK EVERY SS.ASOU - smce/88i BLUFFS AGUDES i thti^pmaha scorers CSjrt|#»Pave them their' baker's dozen of scores. COUNCIL ACHIM DANCE ON FEBRUARY 17 • Bleicher ^with^fwi^ free ^ ^ Cowboy Sadofsky guarded well, but AT THE EAGLES HALL. 1 Louis Rikliri the pfat s i » Jgu^td coin- one man cannot defeat five. Note the Remarkable Price Reductions in Our • pilea'tiie remainder of; the loca£ teanis; • • • FRENCH STATESMAN \ • n x a r k e r s . •'• . '.-•••'-.:- - , : - : ' : . , ,•~.:-l \ : February Sale of The Philadelphia Leather House ADVOCATES ARBITRATION quintet handed, the Tully Hatters an COURT FOR MINORITIES J ;tfpsettlng the old ;dope bucket, Des,! unexpected defeat to the music of 22 ; ifi^iws. ^won ^Jie finaW o^^f To^ornaf to * X8. Captain Dave Bleicher and Paris (J. T. A.)—The* proposal that ;^entb'^ a -Smiling Sammy Kaufman led the special court of" arbitration be ; : r an bvertii6e>per|o4 «t>>>:|he,-CeiQterf -victors -with nine points each. "Leon formed" by the League of Nations for vSpecial suites, beautifully matched, splendidly conSunday nit».'A rec<)id'1)|«8Jking crb%d Errol" Bud Levin brought up thethe purpose of considering the constructed are placed at the lowest possible prices. Our h sa^wr one ^ the hardest fp^ght battlps fear with a brace of baskets. The flict between the national minorities February Furniture Sale which is now in progress %, ever litaiged itf the (^n^r g^inn. W entire lather Co. teani functioned I and "tfieir respective governments is* assures you of guaranteed savings in quality furni£ lt}\^ii^ a^j^^^iiie way; well with the addition of Benny Wolf, being advocated by M. de Monzie, ture for every room in the house. :r'ndft<eK.^de;^yins-inV»v^H:;ii*..^o;ur. late of the Tully Hat team. , Wolf well known French statesman und Housewives . . . . Profit by ThU ;; ;p6iiJt advanta^re ttii-the e^d.^(ie score replaced Billy Gerelick, high point former Minister of Education. ; }was^26^ aU aithtfretxd-xfcf^the regular ihan. of, jthe Philadelphia's, who will M. .de Monzie advocates this idea r!•';.- playing-tinie. ..Vt^ V>:"C•'',••:;.;C'"i'-"V;:t. be on tiie Bideuhes for a week o r s o l i n a series of articles which he .pub-. Special Purchase Offering of New ;^\::^'.Tfie^ltn^tfn'tfu"B «ty ; 1ad»towered o,ver wi^& a scHous eye :*ihjury suffered! lisfaed i n the press on, the Congresses the Des Moines defenders in siite, but during thelat6- A. Z^A. tournament J of the national minorities, 'held in , the Iowans^ mad6_1(ip for the handicap when, he collided with- Beckerman of recent years. "So far *he confesses y •;• in' spetsd and * superior - -teamwork. : r Des Moines.' :'"'"."': ' / ' ' ' ''"y' of the national minorities in 1925 and : : i Captain Louis Bi^erjnajt^of-^JDes 1926 have done nothing-to solve the _ Act Swartz and Jolinny Rosenblatt |: ;Moiiie£ was ^ - t e e s ^ , J M a dribbling minorities problem", he writes. kept^ae; Hatter8:^> the.'rvi^in£r';till! : : ; and afcatirate1 'passWg* v5Bi^Tr&'g! * in four personal fouls -forced 'Jtpsenblajtt r y i '.. •'• Seven:Exceptional Groups* . '• i •'• : ina'dy of his; t e ^ f goalsr^plo^an 6 f LUCIEN WOLF , , . ' % " from ^»e game. Mr. Roseblatt scored : : T)es& Moines, t h e rece^w8^S|ini6st:|pf HONORED ON SEVENTIETH nine .markers to*, tie wifeV]%ufinan $ Beckennani' plwsegJ,33Rg^g^^ceo^ ..." BDJTHDAY and Bleichef- for high point; honors i,; maV with sevent: fieldi goals, sfiooti'ng of the evening. . ** London (J. T. A.)—Lucien Wolf, ; threeTin/the; extra, p^rlo|^i'iiR(tgua1r^wellknown Anglo-Jewish historian : :. iiif M^^ Markniian^^ again TJ^|ri^;ifit the .;, ';',"•[ sensational; ^Benny -TBe|ki^at(-cipni- . T h e Gross Lumber Co.. escaped and secretary of the Joint Foreign tlibuttid with' three b^sVets •f^or six with, a 14 | o 12 verdict over five tough: Committee of .the Board of Jewish ^$22SJ>0 Value luck; Bnaif^Ami jive. ^HawkshaW" fep-Deputies and 'the' Ariglo-Jfwish As.;.;• v - p o m t s . . ^ y ; ' : _ ^ _ - : V i ..••• ;,'; ;:-;••-;'; - : -..'['•'' I \i. Eight perfectly matched pieces; "All exposed sur- •• K " • Ben JGitteiv; Iea4 th«: Coloradoans i n sidn's nefarioiis ;wbrk "gave 'tHe sociation, celebrated his seventieth ^ i i e e s in genuine AniericaTi walnut veneers.. The ^ : theif ;fraittess; ieMaekJ^&ifbfy;&s LanjbermW die impetus which .cat- birthday today. them' 'to "victory" over their op- .A" dinner was given in his. honor by buffet measures 66'inches. 'Tb^e 60-jneh oblong \:... Mbines^ tamp with three.field .goals Tied ponents," Lbhrman •"::.. arid Ackerman. the Jewish Historical Society of table extends to 6 feet. The 6 chairs are tapestry ^and' a pjii* of fPEJe; y<?fjjet«; ^ i s te^in aided Epstein arid fhe -cause ^with a covered. i work;:witii hisfinaies;Jn ^ieflrsthalf -sbciabie tally now and, then; .The Work which Mr.'Wolf is president. A huge purchase offers you a timely v was fauitless , ^ t heUkehis compan of' Jososk^' at guard was 'bi^liiant opportunity to. saye on your Spring ;•••.•..;." Monthly Payments Without Interests ' ii«S& Sle^ trp'iiofthe: last^^ein/ rolftutes Yaffe' and .Kohn were the leading curtainings. An attractive assorti<?fthe'ganle and toe^j^l^ngehotf a l l forf the losers/The work ment of new, fresh ruffled curtains : - 6f which werefl.wry.-'i.'.iC^ipifc^/-Miller "polntgetters of Dbnovif? at*8fuard: was the most i in varied styles and widths. i:;;'.y'at/t^|bseray iJie^^r^^;^ brilliant bfj any man ofl the. .ffbpf. ( i; /io'^ias^flijm- fcgethej: t>$fe: th*»ifi' inorale ^Fprmah.lfttted in well^ but -missed" a | .Brandeis Draperies—Sixth Floor. ;' f w a s 1 ^ a f t e r e 4 ' a n < | ; i ^ r ^ ^ ^ ' p t M e number of pot shot^; One of >ttoese | •;•. C winners^jas too tiglifc;Jl^e^ 6fhap^«)r vthe scrappy- lads w^ll' surprise' ••: i p^senbatun attd ^ileir yt«jli?d all of nights^ one of the leading teams and-;ii>p :i ;r ^ i D e i i v e r Chdpter^ ^pd^tifj, ;Ssin their scalp. The boys put; up »'hard ;| w: Rosenbaum, stahiJJng: guard ^of thefighting; exhibition against a l l of Ut Us Help Yon "Keep Clew" r losers wad as^prefty:^-guard "as one their.opporients,but seenito lack the 1 ivwouW.desire:: iqT^ee :on"ji>yjtea»nl -fiis Frontier Towel & Linen Supply i;.;•; / gwtrdini^.{^as jferfejct aj^d it^wasf-fliili final punch. Perhaps they' need, some" 1819 California Street' :; ; ; \ : !:^;faul^^,hi^ 'toa 1 fchi8 opjpojients tal- of ^VTJ' h^ '•*••;•-: •.'' ^. '--V'":,:;., ATlantic 62»1. : The closed >guardiiijf of i^.-'.i~:*---'.-"'i^'-7 la^gift; :-'tj<J«s> .fioWibwm':'iand.':^id\:featiir^;-Ti:'*t]ie. kAfvtn • winners,1 defense. The: shocky" hajred Roienbium totaled seven points fitorn ^faajejf:^ b i l jsWefrd pb;^on ^*ilcf <?old obliged w3h: at brawl fpf free shots.Captain A. 2 , A. District Hirry'^Miuer yajj;ih ; thVre with ;the "A dhnijiu'ttve «.ycjdne. v;'eiring the goods, and four neat baskets. His floor maroJKi ahd white :clon> gf the Des ;work;> was fine but bis; passes were
Room Suites
Ruffled Curtains
8-Pc. Walnut Dining Suite
59cPr:>1.00Pr. 1.49Pr.
8 -Pc. Pining Suit e
r"| 'tfei;;ip^^b^iaBd^ei^^
: :>?: ;r v "c:;.-: :• -; f ^ vi ,; -:;:*H#i- fl "•: ^-: " a
I: ji;'-l^ir>S^ine&;-iiii.-ihe-' ppi^ng'^wwidi^of i S gray iron 'nrnps nrutize and am,;V ;f;Uil^t^^ey.;Oina^won'^n^ aitntim rasiltiKB- 'Smnrtani »l«e» bronze ? •':!:&&Siouic dty-quint3t(fci ^ineofjjB•
iiid.' iron , JMishliiKK. w-wer nmnholec clsterrr r'"P» nnrf-eoTyi-a,- xtttt clcan-ot)t. ''4onr»" In •took '
J :^TheVability^;of;the^n||^|e|n»-to j Ehe" 3t4ticotii; ide^eiiiei ihBltjlejBs1 before • •::'•{ ^:th)^CteJaMns: byerbeia4 ;fisfte^ L Aftir : "'^^N-1^^T^>J^!* ; :'"'^^^^*^ : -*^' §ottife,iead,!;
150& North 24th Street AH foods, kept in Sanitary cases. A complete line of smoked meats ^ and fish, •- .
E; E brace & Co
•;,:; ^ivKffi&^5ra«fiaj:r'nve);:sahfe S^en;;;6U«se8siye. ^r:-'-;baskets-? glving^thjpnv .a"|*|20;^to-!-^ :'a'd^ • -: :;ij!' ^ a o t a ^ f •!^'; > i^»rei : at^i^ ^half ,.twas; :¥;|^2<^p,:^ini^or:oi^eilp^ '^MU '^itt^Sxiks^^ st&gti§:]§Q rail^. Jn;^'••.the
Orujjtjrsts and Stationers
•Kf:.;^ecrad'j;balf?^ ^iijlb^^re^isucc^l^b^ •S::|^viiiPia^d^:^rM;^^ ^yige^leji^^tsthe^i^e^^:^^
'»ur.4n.S-4itf Mouth inth
•-•••• M
- W E S T '
PhoheATLANTIC 0635
'was 13 and
Hebrew and
Odd-Size Rugs Odd sizes^—hard to find for the small apartments, the hallways— or in the scatter size—are a spatial feature in our February sale of rugs. Splendid weaves, handsome patterns—in well-known makes.
Stressing inParicular
Priced Extraordinarily Low in Our February Sale
^Manufactured in Umaha" KAKEK ICE MACHINE C<>
(^jhiti^.;$J al^haxe a i ^ scriptffiiB^
A complete suite of perfectly matched pieces in heavy gumwood—shaded American walnut finish. Note the massive legs and large size table. All chairs are tapestry covered. Monthly Payments Without Interest.
Baker Ice Machines
a'•& the.
Brandeis Regular Price is $139SO
8-Pc. Dining Suite $175.00
Size 4-6x6& $18JS Fine Seamless Axtninster $1430 Wool Seamless Axminster $52JO Bigelow Fine Wiltons $C7JS Whittal Fine Wiltons
$14JS $10.95^ $42J0 $31 JS
Ordinarily Priced $27S.(NL-You Save $100.00
Size 6x9
- \A massive suite that will beautify any dining room. Of genuine American walnut veneer. 66inch buffet, 60-inch table and - set of tapestry seated chairs. - -Monthly Payments Without Interest.
$35.00 Fine Seamless Axminsters .$29.50 $29JO Wool Seamless Axminsters $24.75 $27JO Deep Pile Seamless Axminsters $22JO
Freight Prepaid Within a Radius of 200 Miles Bnndcb FranUure—Entire Sereatb Floor
Size 7-6x9 $45.00 Heavy Seamless Axminsters $35.00 Wool Seamless Axminsters $35.00 Fine Seamless Velvets ',.'.. Bnmdei« Hues—Sixth Floor.
$37JO ......$27JO . . .$27JO