X A false friend, like a shadow,- •- attends only• while the sun shines. > Where "Papa" Goes "Mama" Goes Whenever you see Rube Buxkenroad, Abe Brodkey, Haylrin clad in basketball -suits and throwing balls at little round hoops in the gymnasium of the Jewish Community Center, it's safe to say that Mrs. Brown, Mrs. .Burkenroad, Mrs. Haykin and Mrs. Brodkey are not a great distance away. . Never, since attending the basketball games at the' center, have I seen any of the above mention husbands without their wives. And no staunch* er backers could any team want then these four -wives. They may not be so very large, but you should hear them yell. Last Wednesday the married men were playing basketball on the same " team. ATI were fighting hard to bring their team, the Brodkey Construction company/to victory. On the side lines fighting for the team, morally, as hard as the men could were their _ wives. It was some game. And they wonl
Entered «• «econ<J<fclass mall nutter on January 27th. lisa, at poaloHle&af Omaba Nebraska, under the Act ol&lareb 8. JS7B.
Jewish , Farm in U. S. Shows ConsideraUe Progress Farm Loan Department Offers HelpteJSeedy
PRIZE OFFERED FOR PURIM ORATION An- anonymous offer of a Five Dollar Priza for the best original oration on the subject of "Purim" is announced. All members of the Jewish Community Center are eligible. The oration! may : be on the. following subjects: /Hainan's in History", " T h e Significance of Purim", 'Esther's Heroism" crsd "Mordo cai's, Old and New", The judges are^to be •announced soon. The winning oration will be given at the Purim Celebration to be held, a t the Center in March. Further details may be obtained at the office.
Slier fdwtary Hies Bill Intended to Legalize Status of Irregularly Entered
APPRECIATION The board of managers of the Jewish Community Center takes this opportunity of expressing their appreciation for the geneTous amount of time and services rendered by the' ladies of the Center in managing and serving a t the J. C. C. Restaurant.
Nomination and .Election of ..Officers Will Be ' Be Held for the Coining Year ' .
Washington, D. C. (J. T. A.)—The Holaday. bill providing i o r the voluntary registration of aliens was considered, by the House Immigration "The annual meeting of the Jewish Welfare Federation will be New York (J. T. A.)—The progCommittee yesterday and discussed held:. Sunday evening at the Jewish"- Community Center. 'The ress of the Jewish farm movement in at length. No decision was reached H a s Taken V Active Part ia Zeta meeting will begin promptly at 8:30 and-all members of. the Fedthe United States -was described in SAM J. LEON, Attorney by the committee. ; Bets Tan Affairs eration axe urged to attend. An excellent program has bee ar"Something should be done about the twenty-seventh annual report of Congressman Holaday pointed out ranged for this meeting. ••••." the growing tendency of certain firms the Jewish Agricultural Society by that bis bin aims Bolely to legalize Nathan E. Jacobs, of Bosell-Jacobs, At the annual meeting Sunday evening, nominatioii and in this city to turn down Jewish boys Gabriel Davidson, general manager. the permanent status of aliens 'who Inc, advertising" agency, was -elected election of officers for the ensuing year will be. held. , and girls who seek employment with entered America . irregularly and to regional director of the Midwestern The Society, through its Farm :: • ' ' • * * On the program for the annual them. I have found in my experience, Loan Department, has granted 8,360 a certain date. The aliens would ac- division of the Zeta Beta Tau fratmeeting will be the reading of'the reand have had a number of complaints loans, aggregating §5,310,215.00 since complish this, he said, by registering, ezjjltYf BCCOrding to word received port of the superintendent, Samuel that this condition does exist. And 1900. Last year" loans were made to whereby they could also become Gerson, and address,, and musical the strange part of the matter is that 454 individual farmers located in 18 American citizens. Ee declared that numbers. . • • •. 1 these firms receive a great amount of states. The financial service extended none ' of .these aliens in; the United Widely Enown as Humorous and Tliis 'meeting for the Federation patronage from the race they abso- by the Society is based on business States can become American, citizens S h i t t y Speaker '. : First Game Will Start at Seven mark the'twenty-second year of 1 lutely refuse to have associated with principles, though loans are made on and those against whom the statute O'clock ice to this community. The Federathe company force. of limitations has not run out can also marginal securities, and their repayJohn F. Poucher will be the printion has grown yearly and is now con"I heard from a certain Technical ment is spread over a long period cipal speaker at the first Temple be deported. The Jewish Press basketball team j siderecl as one of the best maintained High school teacher that they have a of years. Israel Brotherhood supper to be'given , .Congressman Sabalh opposed the won its sixth game Tuesday, evening v Federations in the country. bill,' declaring that it is in reality hard time to place the Jewish boys The Society's Farm Labor Depart- Tuesday evening at the Temple. Mr. when it defeated the Italian Club "We urge all members and their and girls in certain downtown' busi- ment placed 588 men as farm work- Poucher'is widely known as a humor- intended, and will prepare the way team. The Press team suffered its friends to attend this meeting", said for a compulsory registration bill for ness places upon their graduation ers. Farm employment was obtained ous and whitty speaker and is well first defeat in seven games last Sun- Dr. Philip Sher. all immigrants, even though it is true from school, as is the custom. by the Society for' 15,510 Jewish received by his audiences. day evening-" at the hands of the that the provisions of the Holaday *'I don't believe in a boycott or any- young men since 1908. Last year it "In securing Mr. Poucher as' the Omaha Printing Company team. bill in its present form are harmless thing like that, but I do believe that placed 588 'men. principal speaker of the evening, I Sunday evening the Press team ,and have a good purpose in view, something should be done about this During the past nine years 9,213 believe that the entire gathering will which must certainly provided for. will play the fast Union Pacific team condition and would like very much Jewish men and women desiring to 1 agree that he is.a man.worth while at the Jewish Community Center to hear anyone who has experienced buy farms, applied to. the' Society's! hearing", caid Sam J. Leon,~chair- Congressman Sabata stated. there is gym. As a preliminary to this game urgent need of a billjte enable the The enthusiasm srroused by ths any such discrimination or is other- Farm Settlement Department for ad-j man of the evening. Mr. Poucher, will the B'nai Ami five will play the First operetta, "Princess Crysanthemum" naturalization and.Legalisation of wise interested through H. H. R. of vice and guidance. Farms were found- talk .on "The Enigma".. M. E. Church team of the Y. M. C. A. jw a s greater than its sponsors expect those who entered the coxsnay irthis column." According to Dr. Friedman, presi- regularly, and -who are- desirable for 848 families of whom 398 received league. ,e<L Over one hundred young men ami oans to help finance their purchase. dent of the Temple Brotherhoo'd, a residents of the country. However, all The first game will be called at 7 | WOimni tried out for pints. Rehearsals It established the farm settlement at supper will be held once each month idea,-of registration should ba «HmWant Your Views o'clock, 'thus-enabling the games to be j are.being held regularly on Mondsv, Mr. Leon has told me of a condition, Toms"Kirer, New Jersey. Recently a and that a program will be presented j S S d fronjthe bill. played before the annual Federation Tuesdays'and Wednesdays. Mrs. Sam which I found hard to belieye Teally new'Jewish farming centre was estab- at these gatherings. meeting. Tuesday evening the Press j Beber is in charge of the rehearsal*, existed in~tbis-*ity. ~I- itouas intefi- lished in -Fstxningdale, • -New -Jersey. • vSik - -be thp Agricultural experts form the SoJacobs City. ested as he is td heaT from anyr- t team, a team now leading the Indusj second offering «f th* Dramstirafter certain changes have been made. comes a member of ^the Kational who has met up with this problem, ciety's Extension Department visited .trial Leagse at the Y. M. a A. Council and/wilt-be-given the • latter The committee will meet to take-up Supreme Council of the fraternity." • on Thursday, evening, .the Press team and would be pleased to receive com- 1,718 Jewish farmers during "1926. part of April. • • the bill again next week. During the period of 1920—1926 This is the first time a Xebraskan will journey to Avoca, Iowa, to play munications regarding the subject. The .first ' undertaking of th? these experts visited 10,801 farmers has been honored with a national The first open meeting of the B'nai the Avoca team. This team has de- Dramatic Council will be' a Pmw. n 44 countries and 12 states. They B'rith lodge will be held Thursday o^ce in Zeta Beta Tau. Jeated some of the fastest teams in i program to be given the early psrt jr. He May be Small but— held 962 meetings, demonstrations, evening, February 17, at the Jewish 'The new regional director will be the Missouri' Valley. March, in which children will Arthur Adler, just thirteen, holds in charge of the annual Eeginonal field days and extension schools. I n | Community Center. According to the part. the distinction oj being X1" youngest convention to b e i e l d in Chicago, player, in the Jettish Community Cen- to 10,326 farmers who sought in- committee in charge of this meeting, Mrs. Mas PromMn, general chair- April 15, IS and 17. Several members a selected,group of speakers will ter league. man of the dance and bazaar which j o f dividual consultation at the Society's Omaha Graduate Club of Zeta of When Johnnie Rosenblatt was put central office! This department has address the gathering. is being sponsored by the Deborah J B e t a T a u a n d ^ Alpha Tetha chapThe principal speaker of the eveout of the game Wednesday, the Tuily also given scholarships to the sons S i M 6 iis greatly tl encouraged; d ter st ^ Society, Mar.6, University of Nebraska Samael Werthehner, South Side team was left with but four players. and daughters to Jewish farmers; ning will be Harry B. Fleharty, wide- by the reports of the members of her will attend. u awcuu. ^ , 4 . * ,-•„ i commission man, was elected president The New York Yiddish travelling "There's the player we want," said 295 such scholarships were granted ly known orator. Louis Iipp will various committees. Numerous hand Mr. Jacobs is a graduate of was the.j of the Wise Memorial « _ ^ . o hospital - u . ^ ^ i at „<- +the v^ show company will present '*Et-if Art Swartz, as he put little Art Adler for courses held at .the State Agricul- deliver an oration and Hyman Shrier made articles are being constantly] University of Missouri, where he will give a dramatic reading. There in the game. Sunday. tural Colleges in 12 states. The deturned in. Mrs. Julius Stein is in initiated into, the Zeta — Arthur, who is the sc- of Mr. and partment also maintains a Service will also be musical numbers on this charge of the program and Mrs. I. N. P. Fell, president for more thar 10 ter Tuesday evening, February 1Kfraternity, being president of his Mrs. Morris Adler, plays guard on his Bureau for the purchase of supplies program. Kulakofsky is in charge of the bazaar. chapter and later president of the years. Mr. Fell in turn was elected This show has made a hit in the BSFI This meeting is open to the public grade school team. treasurer to succeed Mr. Wertheimer. and is still "playing in a number <-*f and materials. The department conAt the game Wednesday he was all ducted an agricultural night school, and B'nai B'rith members are urged has been engaged for this affair and Omaha Graduate Club. He is now Isador Ziegler was elected vice presi- eastern theaters. president" of the Omega of Z. B. T. dent and Mrs. Herman Auerbach, secfight to the fullest extent of his four" gave a. correspondence course and to bring their friends. ' The lead • is ably taken by Resits. we are certain that nothing further Building Association, . which is in retary. . feet and some odd inches. . . . . | Yagar and supported by a well W'published' the JEWISH FARMER, .need be said about it for all who have charge of the plans to build a $60,000 j " ^ " ; * anced cast.. There is much. "Mrnnt., the only Yiddish agricultural magaelected a r e H a r r y A. danced to the strains of this wellBIG GYMNASIUM ' fraternity house at the University of I zine in the world. I t also published Israel Rbsenthal, Mrs. Ruben drama and music in "Evil Men." This-. Typical Conversation known orchestra before kntfw what DEMONSTRATION COMING Kulakofsky and Harry Lapidus. company will only show at one perto expect on Mareh 6," said Mrs. Missouri. The other day I happen' * to be sit- agricultural text books, the report The hospital has been undergoing' formance Tuesday evening. Ticket*, Fromkin. ting in the office of the Community states. Mr. Ed. Burdick, Physical Director many alterations and within. two. can be" purchased -at any center. The green light lit on the In 192S the Society's Sanitation De- of the Jewish Community Center, anweeks will be redecorated and xe. switchboard, signifying that someone partment inspected 789 farms in Jew- nounces the coming of the First Grand THE A-CHI-BA DANCE •forriishecl and "have new plumbing inish.-farming -districts in New York, wanted to vjet in touch with the center^ Demonstration of the work done in "The A-Chi-Ba Fraternity a" newly stalled, ' • " " ' • Connecticut and Massachusetts. "Hello," .said Mr. AT**""the -Gymnasinm by the various clas- organized association of the yoang FRATERNITY DANCE The Society 'also made loans for. ses. "Hello, youisfelf,"" came over the prominent Jewish Men of Ornate and! M r s - J - Lintsanan, ZM1 California wires, "I want to speak to -my hiL' the erection of synagogues and comPlans, 'for 'the. Phi'Delta The date is Wednesday, February Council Bluffs have rented the Kelpine Street, has received word, that .she 1 been elected munity houses and has promoted and 23rd and the program promises to be Dancing Academy 25th and Farnam has "Phil,-who?" h b l t d a member b r -off the J ^ ^ . D 4 N C E i Founder's Day dance to be held supported rural religious education. full of thrills. Admission will be free Street for the ; purpose of running National Council of the Jewish Na"My PhiL" day evening, February 20, at tbr. The Society cooperates with the Na- to J. C. C. members. . Only those their annual frat dance on Sunday tional Fund of America. • Well, what's his last name?" Blackstone Hotel, are being The Junior Hadassah is sponsoring tional Council of> Jewish Women and holding membership cards will be ad- February 13th. Mr. I. White presiThis council consists of 100 mem"Oh, Phil Suchandsosky." I the fY".I)aiice at the Jewish Com- pleted by the committee in with the. United Synagogue of mitted. "Just a moment, please." dent of the Fraternity advises- that no bers throughout the country ana" the munity -Center Saturday, February 19, The Jaffy-Fieranan orchestra (Space, donating the well know America in advancing the social and The Girls' Classes and Boys' Classes expense has been spared to make this members, are. to act as representatives 1927.. Total proceeds will be contri- been. engaged for this alTaii". religious phases of rural life. know elapse of time). will participate in the program which dance one you will surely want to at- of the Jewish National Fund Bureau u t e d - *° ^ e J - C. G. Equipment fund pledges who will be on the The Jewish farm population,in the will consist of Games, Volley Ball, tend. Besides offering you some real ia their . respective regions. The \ k "Hello, No Phil isn" here." ' "Y" dances are always peppy, but of -eTjtertsksment are; Messrs.. MorpUnited States has grown from barely Basketball "and Tumbling. "* The girls "Well where is he?" 4aBeej=j||Lembjrs_jire_rejuested to keep has left hot" Ing' an, , Abrahams, a thousand in 1900 to an estimated will also give a Specialty Dance. "Didn't you see him." to the Sensational Syncopation of the -. touch aifair thTbeit population of" over 75,000 in 1927.' The, color scheme of maroon jM»i "No, mam." ' College Boy's Highland Gardens Trav- j transpire in their -own community. Save the.date now! One .million acres are being farmed gold will be carried - out on the y«veling Orchestra in a welcome .atmos-j The annual meeting of the council "All Tight. Send him home when by Jews and the real estate and pergrams and decorations, Favors '*H£ phere and in a hall uniquely decorated ' will be called <on the eve of the ^ - i ' T ^ T ' PUBLISH FIGURES yori see him." >e in -the-auditorium. sonal property value of their holdbe presented .to the lady guests, Tl> itfor the event, Eemember this Frat nual conference during the early part •< ON JEWISH IMMIGRANT. "Now -who's Phil Suchandsosky V ings are over. ?100,000,ODO. , Reports from the ticket selling com- affair is in charge of Louis J,4*j&, POPULATION IN FRANCE Dance on Sunday Evening February"• of May, at which all problems conasked Arthur, as he wiped the persencoura^ir" and every general Percy S. Strauss is. President of the ng the work will be diseased; ^ 13th at the Uelpine Dancing Academy \ earning discussed piration from his under-worked brow. Society, Lewis lu Strauss,' Vice-Presirecommendations wiD be' form- Haoassah member is co-operafang to th and Farnam Street. j Paris (J. T. A.)—Figures on the 25th dent, Francis F. Rosenbaum, Treasurdance over PALESTINE EXPERTS A Last Word Watci this paper for the further' ulated and prepared for submission P™* eimmigrant Jewish population in er and Beuben Arkush, Secretary. 1 is expected. , "TO STUDY MANNA-ON France were compiled by the news- announcement of the Jewish Social to the conference. "Thou shalt love thy neighbor. - SINAI Club "Get Acquainted Dance" nextj 'Mrs. Iintsroan is'active in the local paper, "L'univers Israelite". But suppose her husband objects! According to these figures, -which Sunday. Valuable prizes are to-be-National Fond "work, KerenjHayesod," R E F U G E E S I N C H I N A Jerusalem .(J. T. B E T E L O P J E W I S H COM- .. do not include Paris, Marseilles lias given away. Zionist work and Hadassah. JEWISH POPULATION IN 1 MUNAL A C n V H T E S to make a scientific investigati&B the largest immigrant Jewish populaEAST PRUSSIA DECREASING the origin -and .substance -of . tion, numbering 1300 - families who MINORITIES FORM JOINT RECEIVES HIGH HONORS The February meeting of the local live in a compact settlement. The imShanghai, China {J. T . 'A.)—-Organ- manna, which the Bible records KoeiugsbuTg, East Prussia (J. T. CLUB IN POLISH TOWN j —*•—• : • • j P a u l Grossman, sen of Mr. and. ized 'Jewish communal life in China, as food for -the Israelite in the A.)—A marked decrease in the Jew- Zionist District will be held Tuesday migrants came from Turkey, Greece, ••':.• '.. evening, February" %£,• at the Jewish •• Syria, Honmania, Palestine, and UusWarsaw, (J.T.A.}—A joint Peoples' Mrs.' I. Grossman, S03S Myrtle Ave., where t h e communities consist l a t - will be .made soon, ish population of East Prussia A proup of experts of the sia. Bordeaux has a Jewish popula- Club of the national minorities w a s is the only Jewish student a t Central ely of recent refugees from Eussia. recorded in the figures of the official Community Center. Plans will be made .for the joint' tion of 100 families, half of whom established in the city of Nowogrodek. High School who received five A ' E . , is gaining strength. tural Experisncnt Station census taken in 1925, made- public Hadassah-Zionist meeting to be held are Sephardic, Iille has 1000 Jewish A Eehillali was formed in Mukden in Palestine by the Kionist Sepresentatif es of t h e Polish, "White Paul is a Junior a t school and is but here. 5 According to. the census, the Jew- next month to celebrate the fifteenth families, Valendenne has 300 Jewish Russia an ! Jewish populations and of fifteen years of sge. Paul has always recently, Mr. Chsvsky was elected fcion, will proceed to thn Sinai ish population in the province de- anniversary of the National Hadas- families, Rouen 300, Nancy 400, and the Moslems have joined the club. At had an A record, he is cot only on president. Notwithstanding the dif-jsala for-the purpose cf the first meeting the club decided to honorary pupil but is also an ac-j Scult situation due to the strife in this study. I t . i s expected -thai t*>^ creased ,10.7^.^ The decline in th sah. A national known orator will be Metz 500. The Jewish immigrants are mainly send a message to Josef PilsudsM as complished violinist, being a member j the country, Jewish coiamucal actlv-jwnrk of the experts will begin .to Jewish populatibri has been going on brought to Omaha to address -this gathering. • - 'artisans, traders and-laborers.I of the -Iit&e Symphony Orchestrat » ities are I the .summer. the friend of the minorities. for-tbe years.
{This Week's Comment!
Omafaai Hectei "Regional-. Director RationalFraternity
J.F. Poacher W I Speak at Temple Brotherhood Supper
B*nii B'rith Gpea listing Neit Thursday Evening
Deborah Society Bazaar ~ sni Ball March 6
' Eltcts Officers fir Coning Year
Zionist Mistjag U h
1 at J.C.C.
at J. C. C
'- " '. •'• PafellBired every ttiwn&ij at Omaba. Nebtatta. by ' "' : > THE JEWISH P R E S ^ PUBLISHING COMPANY' Office": 490 BrandelavTheatfe 'BuJldUng-~ ^(ephbne; Atlantic 1450. ' ; NATHAN BJ 0REEN»;"Mankge>.'• ] • ' Subscription Price, one yea Advertising rates furnished on application.
CHANQK OB" ADDKESS—liease Rive both the old and new address: be sure and glvo your Dame.
The Jswlslj Press laBnppllet} bjp \H6 Jewish Telegraphic Agency (Jewish (/orrespiindence IBufeau)" with cabled and telegraphic Jewish news, (n addition to featore articles and correspondences from all important Jewish centers. Inquiries regarding, news Hems credited to this Agency will be gladly answered if addressed to Jewish Telegraphic Agency, 621 Broadway, New York City*
EGGS ON TOAST "Make a white «auce and season j -with salt, pepper and paprika. Add ' the white of hard cooked .eggs. Pour hot over toasted bread and grate hard cooked egg yolks over top. Serve at once. ' . WHITE SAUGE 4 tablespoons butter 4 tablespoons flour l # r « u p a milk salt and paper to taste. Heat fat, add flour and stir but do not brown, add milk and cook slowly until thick, season.
THE SPIRIT OF ABRAHAM LINCOLN The annual observanee-of—LincohVs-bisthday as a national holiday in so many states of the Union is powerful evidence that, . MEAT PIES hidden aw^y deep in American, consciousness, there is reverence Make rich pie crust and roll out for the spirit of Abraham Lincoln. A great man, after he has thin, Season cooked meat or chicken, made the journey beyond, lives only in the influence he wields on add well beaten egg, Place a spoonthe generations that follow one another. I t is only a spurious im- ful of meat mixture on squares of that have, been cut put, press mortality which accepts and reviews the .memory ot a name but dough edges together.and bake, in" hot oven. relegates to oblivion the soul for which it is but a convenient label. Serve hot or cold. Abraham Lincoln died by the hand o£_ an, assassin after one of the SWEET" bitterest civil struggles *4hat-any country- has ev^r had to face. For BakeV a'BITTER white cake in dripping pan. four yearBbrother- fought againfct brother because of two major When cool cover thickly "with marshproblems, th'e ahswersto which. "Had to be dictated by force. These mallow cream and cover this with a were: Shajl our country acknowledge the right of any state to thin coating of "Dot" chocolate. Xllow secede from the Union? Shall slavery be permitted to continue? $his to harden and serve cut in ._ '___ The verdict was, "No" after an exhausting war and a desperate^ isquares. ' You may-make your,own marshaftermath. By far. the most powerful factor in bringing about xaallow cream, also your own chocoboth dicisions was the gi?eat-sou> in the White" Ho^se who "with late frosting but haVei the chocolate malice toward none and charity for, all" strove to interpret fof his slightly bitter. ^ ' ' countrymen firmly mi yet'humanely the eternal truths about .life MARSHMALLOW CREAM and government which he grasped so clearly. His birthday an3 egg whites unbeaten niversary, ii it means anything at all, should be a period of rededi.1 cup sugar cation by all good Americans to the principles and ideals for which 4 tablespoons water 8 marshmallows Lincoln stood. We owe I t to him to achieve some faint underVs teaspoon vinegar standing of how his keen-mind, and his big heart would have revanilla. acted toward the confused movements of our own era. As a Place first 3 ingredients in uppe? patriot and humanitarian would he have countenanced an immigra- part of steamer and allow to cook 7 tion law whose functioning has been unnecessarily cruel? Would minutes over boiling water, beating he have accepted submissively the complete scrapping of our old all the time. Remove from fire, add ideal* to be a haven to the oppressed $nd persecuted, of all lands? marshmallows, vinegar and vanilla Even now a bronze tablet Jn the Statue of Liberty bears upon it a and beat until thick enough to spread. poem by that fervent Aroericaif and sympathetic Jewess, Emma BITTER CHOCOLATE ICEIh'G Melt 2/squares • bitter chocolate Lazarus, celebrating our-former generosity. Why did we so comwith Vz teaspoon butter and spread pletely and so drastically turn about? Would Lincoln have rethjn coating over cool marshmallow mained silent while such-organizations as, the Ku Klux Klan, the frosting. Supreme Kipgdom, and others of their kind under various misleadHOUSEHOLD HINTS ing names, incite to religious bigotry and racial hatred? Lincoln s Add melted butter to your panletters and addresses indicate clearly enoungh where he would cake batter and if you use heavy have stood. On that day of days when we honor him Americans aluminum griddle pan you need not everywhere should be encouraged to reread them and learn at first grease pan to fry cakes. hand the necessity for and the application of intelligent tolerance P^our boiling water over fried and humanitarian!sm in governmental affairs.—American Hebrew. onions just before serving and they
5687—1926-27 1827 Saturday, March 5 Friday, March 18 „.„... Sunday, April 3 Sunday., April 17 .....Saturday, April 23 ..... Tuesday, May 3 Friday, May 20 —Wednesday, June 1 ..,~. Monday, June 6 „ Friday, July 1 Sunday, July 17 Saturday, July 30 Sunday, August 7 Monday, August 29
Rosh Chodesh Ve Adar .... Purim . Rosh Chodesh Nissan — 1st Pay Pe&sach .~* 7th Day Peaeach .— Rosh Chodesh Iyat Lag b'Otaer Rosh Chodesh Sivan . 1st Day Shabuoth „ Rosh Chodesh Tammuz Fast of Tammuz ....... . Rosh Chodesh Ab Fast of Ab , Rosh Chodesh Ellul
] donate the balance of their treasury, the auspices of the Jewish Democratic • .' ' •".'•]• -" which amounts to the sum of $24.00, Party. to the United Jewish Campaign. . The purpose of the conference is to stress the demand of thVjeVish popuB'nai Brith lodge No. 688 held * lation,: particularly of ths Jewish inv meeting Tuesday evening. Plans were tellectuals and artisans, to seek emmade for a bridge party which-will ployment in government uistdtutiotss be given Wednesday evening, Feb- in Poland. It is stated that nothwithruary 23. All members and friends stsnding the changes in the^ governare invited. ment which followed the May-re volution, the tendency to discriminate POPE RECEIVES against Jewish candidates for governARTHUR SAMUEL ment positions has,not lessened.
Rome (J. T. A.)—Arthur Samuel, JEWISH SETTLERS MEET NO Minister for Overseas Trade in the OPPOSITION FROM PEASANTS Turkish government, was received by Moscow, (J. T. A.)—The relation Pope Pius XL between the new Jewish settlers and the neighboring peasants in the PHILIP GUEDALLA Ukraine are normal. This was the SAILS FOR U. S. finding of & special commission of the Ukrainian Comzet, the governmental London <J. T. A-)—Philip Guedalla, department for Jewish land settlewell known English novelist and pres- ment. The commission wag appointed ident of the Zionist Federation oi for the purpose of studying.the situalast Thursday to spend two weeks Great Britain, was feted at a luncheon tion of the Jewish colonists in the here a s the guests of Mr. and Mrs.given by the London Zionists prior to Ukraine. Max Steinberg, en route to Los An-his departure for the United States. AGUDES ACHIM DANCE TO BEgeles, Calif., where they will make Mr. Guedalla stated that his mission GIVEN NEXT THURSDAY EVE. their future home. to America was of a personal nature. Plans are completed for the an- Mrs. Philip Sherman and daughter, He stated, however, that he would be nual dance to be given by the Council Dorothy, of Sioux City, Iowa, re- in touch with American Zionists and Bluffs Agudes' Achim Society which turned home Saturday evening after would learn the methods of work in will be held next Thursday evening. spending ten days here visiting her America. February 17, at the Eagles Hall, 23 parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Gilinsky. CONFERENCE CALLED TO URGE North Main Street. Novelty numbers JEWISH RIGHT TO WORK will also be included in the evening's Mr. Ben Ross leaves tonight for entertainment. Tickets for the dance,^ New York City, to be gone two Warsaw, (J. T. A-)—The right of "which are one dollar per couple, are weeks. En route he will visit in Jews to work will be the slogan of « ;n6w on sale. The committee in" charge Cleveland, Ohio and Philadelphia, Pa. conference of Jewish organizations has secured a good orchestra to M « . Anna Brinn arrived Monday! * * * * is to be held here shortly tinder furnish the music for dancing, and promises this to-be the best affair from Webster' City, Iowa, to make of the season. Everyone are urged her home here with her daughter, FREGGER-POX DKUG CO. to make" their plans now to attend Mrs. Abe Gilinsky, and Mr. Gilinsky. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL **CarefiiI Druggists" this dance next week. JEWELERS 14tb sod Douglas St. AT 092? Mrs. Leo Krasne and daughter Diamond Importers Prescription* filled by Beglltered Arline spent the past week in Onavra HOLZMAN-BLEND Pharmacists only 214-216 City Nat' Knnk BIdg. as the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ben Prices xerf reaMBSbie—DrtSferjr service The marriage of Miss Liliian Blend, Established 18I>4 Baron. Mrs. Baron was formerly Miss daughter of 'Mr. and Mrs. M. Blend Patsy Rosenthal of Council Bluffs. of Denver,' Colorado, to Mr. Edward Holzman of Council Bluffs was The Junior Council held their final solemnized Sunday, February G, at the home" of the bride's parents. Mr. meeting Wednesday evening at the and'.Mrs.' Holxman will be at horns home of Miss Jeanette Gilinsky. The club decided to disband and voted to in' this city after March first.
{.Council Bluffs News
Hahshock Jewelry''Co.
L An Established Record
An announcement Was made this week of the engagement of the Miss Ethel Novoselsky of St. Louis, Mo., to. Mr. Jake Shyken of this city. Mr. Shyken, who has just returned from a^visit in St. Louis, is now"making his home here with his brother, Mr. S.. Shyken and^Mrs. Snykeri. No'date has been set for the wedding,
Let Us Help You Plan Your Building Program For 1927 Estimates FREE
FRIED'S KOSHER DELICATESSEN 1509 North 24th Street All foods kept in Sanitary cases A complete line of sfnoked meats and fish
Its • Time to think of- your Mrs. Sam Snyder has rettfeed are more digestible. ; s^Bakfe potatoes often as ftotatoe home from a three weeks' visit vlthl ;J GRUENBAUHI ATTACKS JEWISH-- ZIQKIST ORGANISATION |$eling contains iodine and is {neces- h&£ daughter, Mrs. Sidney Lightstone DISAVOWS CONNECtiaSf : AGENCY AGREEMENT and Mr. Lightstone, of Detroit, Mich.• WTTH JAB0TI9SKX sary -for good health. j-'iUsf. brown rice in place of polished Mrs. Sam B. Brown and daughter, Warsaw, (J. T. A.)—The rice.'iaS it contains valuable vitamins ; 2iptAst (J. T. Evelyn, arrived from."1'Chicago, _ III., f , Ws y niann-MarshaU agreement on the JewPHOTOGRAPHERS3 and;mineral which i s removed when ish hgsmy was attacked by Deputy Organization of Poland, wehf on re- J ^ i T ^ l i h d I 1?12 Farnam St. Opposite Isaac {Jruenbatun, former president of eoiii as being opposeU".to* th6 prin- ;If ' « & cannot buy brown rice from the Club of Jewish Deputies and lea- ciples of the League of^iontetrRevis-. j3 write "Aunt Esther" f PKone, JAckson 4 5 S 2 > ; : ^ J der of the Zionist movement in Po- ionists on the, occasion of the; forthPress and I will be glad coming visit here of "^Vladimir Jaland in an article .which he published address of mill where botinsky, head of the League»; 1819California^Street in the Yiddish daily "Hajnt." you may purchase brown rice. \ : In connection -with' the expected . ATiantic Grue'nbawa expresses dissatisfac: tion, -with the Agency egreamnt, writ- visit of Mr. Jabotinsky, the-Executive JEWISH POET ing ironically that "after forty-four of the Zionist Organization, issued IN ROUMANIA WOUNDED years of Zionist work in Palestine, an a statement that it has nothing to BY POLICE AGENTS expert commission, i s to Toe sent to do Trith Mr. Jabotin8ky*B visit to investigate the situation. The present Poland and recommends the- local Vienna (J. T. A.)—The Jewish development is an unpermis§able committees of the,Zionist Organiza- labor poet, Kahane, . was shot in "Manufactured in Omaha" • • Clausenburgr by agents of the Sigurtransfer of Zionist work to • persons tion to Ignore his visit. who emphasize the non-priority of anse, the Roumanian secret police BAKEK I # MACHINE CO. Palestine." : A Frat Affair Kahana was wounded seriously in GEORG BRANDES Groenbaum warns .the Zionists that EIGHTY FIVE TODAY both legs, a despatch to the Vienna " a great disappointment is in store "Abend" states. for them." Copenhagen (J. T. A.) — George The agents of the secret police Brandes, celebrated Danish Jewish claim that Kahane attempted to e s critic,,will attain the age of eighty, cape from the prison where he was BRITISH BRANCH five-today. held. As a result-of the- wounds, his . OF SPINOZA SOCIETL 80 Trara of 1 25th and Farnaia% Street of a Square.t>fal 3'onr Gnnrnn Celebrations which had been ar- left leg had to be amputated. Blood ;^_. * . ESTABLISHED .-- -.---JSst. 1S90 1419 Dougt ranged on this occasion have poisoning has set in in his right London (J. T. A.)—A British be 'cancelled due to Mr. Brandes' food. ^ illness. branch of the Societas Spinozana; which was formed l o t the purpose of commemorating the two hundred and fiftieth!anniversary of the philosoph- JERUSALEM ZIONIST EXECUTIVE, er's death, has been established here. , ENTERTAINS U. S. STUDENTS BUTTEK and EVAiS \ The branch issued an" appeal to the Yes, they're hot Jerusalem, (J. T. A.)—The steamer Council Bluffs, la, ' ' public to subscribe to the fund being raised to convert Spinoza's home Rondham, the floating university, with \ Admission 35c | five hundred American, students and in Amsterdam into a' museum. Sir professor^ who are on "a world tour, Alfred Mond is among those who arrived here. A reception in .their Any yonng man who can read He3 signed the appeal. '. honor will be giveh by- the Zionist ; . When in need of brew ond ^rJ?hcp-t* »tuay Talmud It was stated that the society seeks Executive in. Jerusalem?. . can have the assistance of Mr. Ben Coban, 112&Doi}S)fl street, who will 8 • fund of £3,500/A 'purchase the be tklj, ttiei* synagogue at 25th nod property and effect "the necessary re*•" in Hcinrew or English Translation from seVen to tea p . M. There 'irijl : J pairs in the jpomus Spinoza- The, inbe no tuJtion feeB. ternational organization has already collected £l/7{>0 in various countries. TVUOMSBALB
t PhotograpLs i TbaTRUSSEL Studio
Frontier Towd i Liifen Supply
They are all going to the
Baker f »
Jewish and Dodge J~
A Real Jewish Show i t Jewish Comtnunity Center
Tuesday, Febr. 15, 1927 The New York Yiddish Travel ing Co. will produce
"EVIL MEN" . , ,. . Dance—Song—Music Cast of Celebrated Artiste Rosita Yager
Famous 'for Diamonds
Kdjanes Dancing Academy
TURKISH PREMIER " URGES JEWS TO ABANDON LADINO LANGUAGE .Jerusalem (J. T, A.)—views-' the situation of the Jewish population in Turkey were expressed by Izmet Pasha, P « m e Mfok t e r o ^ gora government,, in an interview with a representative of the "Guide for the Orient". ' ; . . The Turkish Prime Minister told . , t h e e d i t o r of. .the paper t h a t l i e ap' predated; the friendly-attitude of the ' Jewish- population toward tha Attgora government,. He urged, however, that .the Jews''"abandon the Latino language whieia their forefathers brought ixom SpJ&vand adopt Turkish
their mott>e}#{ ' "
« t b A Martha Hff, Harn»7 Omaha, Ncbf. Soft &rpy iron, brass, bronze nnd niunilnnin outinRB. BtnnflnM sizes bronze on<i iron bushings* sewer run nholes, cistern rings'nnd'corers. aud clean-out
and $25 to $50
JJOOM t|i-stock.
• , - > •
Y**I\ ARTIST*; '.{juk\ V ENGRAVERS XtZ1 3^13 SO-
490 BrandctB Theater Building Phone ATlantic 1450
WE. 4SO8
Public Accountants and Auditers ISADOEB ABRAMSON INCOME TAX SEHVICE ,
Established 18SS
1108 No. 23 St., (rear of Synagogue 24th and Nicholas)
OUNGf'Mien are Jookins1 for that indefinable air of cT acter «*d distinguished style in clothes. We've achieved the result iti,»ew Spritlg Suits and Top Coats. „?
Headquarters for Jewish Books 1- .
! Thiessen Vinegar & Pickle Works G. * •. -3101 'Sduth^th Street
Stfteh clothes are a far «ry from the so-called "college clothes" of the recent past. Today we hare the university traifjfd yoang man in the designing field—developing and directing the ptodaction of the clothes young men demand. ; The resaSt i s jelothes of refinement and quality heretofore entirely ^obtainable in ready-for-service Suits and To> costs. Plus oor policy of lowest possible prices we .. are enabled to offer. : ..
Sweet—Dill—Sour Pickles and Relishes
TALfiSIM, TPHILIM, or MAZUZOS needs at the most reasonable price
FOK RENT a clean, respectable furnished room with or without : board. 1539 North 20, 2nd floor.
' :.T.:-.
Druggists and Stationers BDOfb lDtb
g Boy's iigWifl? W' College Gardfcn Gardfcn SyncsjatOTS
E. E. Bruce 6c Co.
Clothes of Refinement
Sunday M r . 13,|
AT. 3740
UARY 1«£ 1927
erial for the sewing circles. Any «ne wishing to stak« a *eser?»tion raay call Mrs. Friedwsan at Hamey 402^. Rabbi iCphn will speak on "Acres The Cultural C&cnmtUe& of HadasThere aiw three s€sri»g circles with ''-1 Miss Helen • Koto spent-' the past of HwaxfU&s'* R5day evsumgv Febr^sah» headed "by Mrs.' Jfficbaei Wohl.J a membership of ten fn each circle. •*Ffeek-end in laneohi. llthv This topkr is in honor erf Cm&, study groug «t the CoraMrs. Jake lieb was the first to or-well Day. Cester Wednesday afternoon.. ganize a "circle SIHJ her g*oap bas •The Misses Ann Aekerman * and SatanJay morning, Pebntsry 12* This new activity will concern itself turned estt a iarge Hamber »f garRuth Brodkey spent 'the week-end in •mente.. Mrs. W. Stem has «*©Be the Kansas City as the guests of Miss Eabbi Cohja'a subject wiil, be "Ab- with the stady «f Jewish Ute-ratsre IiineslB." • ;;.' ;ssd^'hisfesiy,' The group ,,fiasF to; cutting- of feB ilieLg^TO*w*e-' ler »H ; Selma Kalis. - ; " saeefc every two weeks* 'Thes* are the groups. l|r«. S, UobiBsou has alBOOS REVIEW CtUB ' Mrs. J . J. Friedman, chairman, off so beea itctive ia this worfc no dues. Each HsdassaJ} member is BE SUEE TO ATTEND THE The next meeting of the Book Re1 AGUDES ACHDI DANCE NEXT view Club will be held Tuesday, aatomsticaily-a raezabex-of the study se ^!!!^ cirdeSj. announces that, she WKDDINGS ENGAGEMENTS SAVE THE DATE F©R F^BJR, 17 THURSDAY EVENING IN COUN- February 22. Rabbi Cohn wiB review grosji and i» cnged to attend. Seg- •will give a card party Wednesday RAVrrZ-KUMOWSKY afternoon, February 16, at her home. FOR THE COUNCIL BLUFFS Mr. and Mrs. S. Spar announce the CIL BLUFFS. ular dates fo? meetings and the gutLeah Morton's book, "I am a Woman More than four hundred Invitations engagement of their daughter Sophia, lime of work to be stBdie4,/as w^ell as The. proceeds wiH be used .for mat- DANCE. and a Jew**. ' to Harry M. Lafif, son of Mr. and hare been issued for the wedding of Mr. and Mrs. Eobert Kooper re- If time permits Rabbi Cfehn wiB Miss Sadye Klimowky, daughter of Mrs. L. Laff. turned from their honeymoon trip conclude tfie reading of Gesrge BernMr. and Mrs. Louis Klimowsky of Mr. and Mrs. J. Friedman of Des and are at home at 616 South 32nd ard Shaw's play, 'TygmiaTtron*'', and* Des Moines to Dave' M. Ravitz, son Avenue. make interpretive comments. of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Bavitz of this Moines announces the engagement of their daughter Minnie to William Mr. Reuben Nadelson of Carman's city. BROTHERHOOD Levey, son of Mr. and Mrs. A. Levey is in New York" on a buying- trip. FEB. 14th The -first meeting- el thft- Br©4b«rThe wedding date has been set for of this city. • hodd will be heM Tuesday evening, Tuesday, February 15, at theHoytOmaha, Nebr. Mrs. Nathan Mantel returned koine Fdaruary 15. -Tber»- will be a sapper Sherman Place,-' Des Moines, at 7:30 Mr. and' Mrs. "Arthur Snyder of Thursday from New York City, after at 6 ^ F . M. f©Hewed by a splendid p. tn. Hutchinson,' Kansas, announce the visiting with her daughter Bita who program. Mis. Sfcr.-=Br Ti Fr^OiBan The bride will 4» gowned in white birth'of'a. son, born Tuesday, Febru- is attending Columbia University. and Mrs. A. Somberg are in charge georgette," "Beaded"" wiib pearls, seary 8. Mrsi Snyder "was~ formerly Mrs. Mantel also attended the con- of the supper. '• \ quince and rhinestones; Her wedding vention in Cleveland.. ." Miss Euth Wili^sky, daughter of Mir. veil is of cornet style t and- patterned •Of ; Sisterhood ' and l^rs. Harry Wilinsky of this ciiy^ in*a design vntsk&i' in pearls, We wish to thank our A BIG DANCE WILL BE HE*B More than one hundred women atSpring many friends and paMr?.' Nathan Sandier, sister of the Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wilinsky are IN COUNCIL BLUFFS ON FEES. tended the Matinee Luncheon that was trons •who have E»de visiting in Hutchinson, Kansas, with 17. BE THERE! the 8j»teadi4 success of given by the Sisterhood oa Mondsr-, this new stor& po$sihl6, their daughter, Mrs. Arthur Snyder February 7.. The delightfc* krncheon Newest Styles—Newest Colors Bertha" ' ^ t e & i r o k ' " 6¥ Omaha and and Mr. Snyder. O U R THANK YOU Mr. and Mrs. H^ Weinstein have as served was in charge "of Mrs. Julius wifl be the offering of Miss Ruth'Gendler of-Albia, Iowa. their house guest-Miss Hose .Stein of Rosenfeld and Mrs. Louis Sonnner the newest seasonable Mr. Nathan Sandier: will :be master The Ko-Zees held their regular Chicago who is~on- her waj" to Cali- was in charge of* the ; rogram which DRESSES at savings Vidues to of ceremonies. Mr.-Jack Klimawsky? irieefing on Sunday, February 3, at fornia where she plans to make her was staged in the form of a" matinee. never offered sk 0ri seasoi of the yearMti" Hatty fia-vits will serve future. home. Mr.,. and Mrs. Mas the home of Bertia SlutzMn. Bridge prizes'were .won by tlie Misses Min- Fromkin entertained eighteen meml iMr- and Mrs. Dave Havitz -will go nie Margolin and Edith Lewis. Miss bers t>f their "immediate family at a CHUECH; .DT LONDON XEWISH QUARTER to, Chicago and St. Louis for a wed- AHce Stern ; will be hostess at the dinner and social evening: <m Monday Read Sundays Newspapers for Complete Details compKmentary to Miss Ctein, TO BE SOLD <Ting trip an'dNwiil be at f hoine. after next meeting. . March 1, at 720 South 37th. MEET YOUR FRIENDS AT THE Mr. and Mrs. L Fiedman. entertained \J London (J. T. A.") —-_ St. Marks s MINKIN-BORDY AGUDES ACHIM DANCE NEXT at their home* in honor of "the Bar Church, located in the heart of » Mr. Simon Bordy, formerly of Co- THURSDAY EVENINCx. ' Mitzvoh of'their son Max. Covers Whitechapel, London's-Jewish quarter lumbus, Nebraska,-now of this city, were laid ^for fifty guests and the will soon be sold at auction. The announces the approaching marriage The Daughters of Zion- will hold evening was spent playing .bridge. trustees of the church found it unof. his" daughter Evato Jilr-Sam ~ " their next regular ^meeting on. Monday, j Mr. and Mrs. S. Rips won prizes. Mr. necessary to continue its maintenance kini son-of "Mrr'and Mrs.-Morris February 14, at the Jewish Com- j and Mrs. L Polsky and family of Lm- in a quarter where so few Christians Mmkin. The -wedding will take place munity iCenter at 2 P. M. ••*• live. i coin were the out-of-town guests. a t .the home "of thf*j>ride^s fattieron Siinday, January 20. Rev. E.Fleish.nfkn •will perform the ceremony. An .important meeting pf the JL D. Club will be held Monday, February 14 at the J. C. U.
Temple i xaef
the choice of a name at a Later date. Mrs. B, A. Sin»B anEoiBiced that: the first evening card party held SUB-J day evening, February 6,. at tJie Center .scas-a completer success. Handpainted handkerchiefs were .given for a prize at each table through the generosity of Mrs. A t e , Frank and Mrs. Harry. FerBss WB© paiHted them.
Hadassafe K6te<r
' -;Mrs. N. Sonny Roth'enberg will-be hostess at a bridge tea on Saturday afternoon at the Fontenelle Hotel, honoring1 her sister, Mrs.\I. Samuel Schlaifer. Covers'will be laid" for * eighteen. Mr. and Mrs. Schlaifer are leaving next week for California
Is not a Question of Money— I t is aQuestion. of Knowledge—
and how well Brandt's prove this point
in Sport-^-Street and Afternopn wear at r PAIGES
Inc. " ^ Sfiop of Personal'Service" FROCKS-GOWNS -NOVELTIES-0
from Golfistein spent_the--week-end~in DesMoines. ' TV' ' DONT IFOR^ET^ TBE cAGUDES ACHIM DA^fCElNEXTtTHUESDAY NIGHT ATJ^THE'EAGEES'-HALL.
1617 TfotfardSt."; • ttfquila
The Only Stock Fire Insarance Company Owned, and Controlled in Nebratha
James XL Foster President and Treas.
Fire, *a4T sorssee tm City and Farm
W. L. "Wilcox and H. H. Joaes Vice Presidents
snr&nce, Kre, . Theft, (Jomsioa andPropertj Damage.
Dodge \r
EIGHTH ANNUAL STATEMENT, DECEMBER 31,1926. ASSETS Mortgage Loans $1,001,729.30 Bonds and Warrants 603,308.71 Cash on Hand and' in Banks. 149,554.81 'NotesiEeceivable-*.p*emiums 9,594.09 Notes Receivable—Misc.... 506.87 Due from Agents 43,381.72 Diie^rom'Ins. 0ompanie3... 263.09 Accrned*Interest . . : 31,24653
UABHIITIES Capital Stock (Pnlly Paid)! .$1,000,000.00 Losses (Uaadjosted) 9,748.82 JSeisrara&ee Beserve 377,639.81 Tax Beserve 2,500.00 Funds held TwderJSeins, T r e a t i e s ^ . : . . . . . . . . / . . . . . 3,10533 Other Liabilities 3,419.00 Surplus 443,170.96 $1,839,58452
"'Gross Admitted Assets.. .$1,839,584.82 1 Surplus to Policyholders, $1,443,170.96 ADMITTED ASSETS Dee. 81, 1919 $1,162,364.62 D e c 31, 1920 1,352,380.34 D e c 31, 1921 1,468,956.98 D e c 31, 1922 1,532^94.10 D e c 31, 1923 1,599,513.33 Dec. 31, 1 9 2 4 . . . . . . 1,635,915.75 D e c 31, 1925 1,755,097.73 D e c 31, 1 8 2 6 . . . . . . 1,839,554.82
NET SURPLUS '9153,858.17 342,152.67 362,118.42 . 370,032.87 383,345.76 401,653.35 442^59.05 ,443,170.96 _.
RESERVE 9 S5.14&.00 122^10^2 172.159.60 229,774JS5 259,688.11 281^09.34 329,966.70 377,639.81
The National American Fire Insurance Company Owns More Nebraska Securities Than ML of the Other Stock Fire Insurance Companies Combined. Why Not Place Your Insurance in a Company That Really ^UlBUdUNbk?
;.:: For Now and for Spring^- v
The Tailored Suit 25
"Keep Your Moiiey at Home"
- ' ' ' I
• • • s•
•< iitr
* f
- , '
Retaining its place in the very smart woman's Spring "the tailored suit, this season, assumes a new distinction—a n e w xlaring. Navy blues in fine twill fabrics—men's .; wear, suitings in custom weaves—tweeds and Ox' ' : fo'r<]|£—the compose plaid ildrt $n& the mono, ,«-." , stone coat. CMe detail* — satin bindings, braid edgings, pique or satin waistcoats, .1 - J ;*'i"~
i .-
Brmndeic App*re!-^Secon«3 FJoor
PAGE. 4—THE JEWISH PRESS, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY.10, .1927 ran up ten points before the Italians in range of the basket regardless of ball player as his floor work is nice ing of the victors was the best yet pany trimmed the Malashock Jewelry, of the Roumanian anti-Semitic stuand his ability to hang on to a hard seen on the floor this year in a berts Colts furnished the exciting dents formulated at their congress in scored a free toss. A short passing timing and aim. The Kaiman Insurance and the Al- Jassy to introduce a numerus nullus league game. Kneeter from his guard thrown ball is noticeable. attack ^broke-t'thru^the^fivje ;mari j3e> : * "Selma '_£v3n's ysestettef%ok/ thie match. Each game was closely con- against Jewish students, was conposition scoredseveral points. fense oT"the I. K. C. repeatedly for] ;j x %ip^;'ixmx^t^ ^l&^ -ax^L'i her tested with the Kaimans winning two sidered at a conference of the deans By Stanley F. Levin* Bud Levin led bis boys with the many _;neat/ little filled goals. -Dave* ; : .'^e.\3ud^ jne^: Bh-i^A™i quintette girls iii a c&se afad har#?6ujght :cbnof the games. The final game was of the universities of Jassy, Czetnogrand total of .two points, one basket. Bleicher and Ed Burdick at the yiu^y^BA wit3 and Clausenberg. forward posts played '"bang up ball". "test. Selma^Levins tossed two baskets lost mA inl an extra .• period .game to Dave Bleicher* he who had played so decided-in the last frame. the Kaiman Insurance five after leadfor' four points while: LeoiHtjPelEose An interesting match game will be The deans of the universities reBleicher led the scoring attack with brilliantly against the Italian Ath:•• if i "Styd/Coxfenihah; now ytopg, ithei listseleven points. Harry Rich and Cow-added the other two markers with and ing the 'League leaders the entire letic -Club was held to one free throw. played Sunday at Garlows Recreation jected this demand following a conJasjt] The mighty Sam 'Kaafman' fa'red'nd Alley"s-,on Sunday at 3 p.'tii. when the sideration of the memorandum sub^bf^asket^?rs] at the Bluejay 'iAstitu^ boy"-Sadof sky brought up the.rear r"q^derbasket heave. The •gudrding^of route with the exception of-.flie^. : •^o^ywhen i t coines *to;'^Hj^h scolding with' nine1 and^ eight tallies respectiv- ;6ofh teams was superb. Ruth BarriEh, half dozen" seconds when- AltsKuleir better, his reward for the evening's Jewish Community Center' All-Stara mitted .by. the students' congress. ;fi<m(^iTjJe:;spjBd^ guard leads/his ely. Sadofsky, Brown and Art Swartz Jtpse' Brick and Grade Rosensfein and ''Speed" Segelman tied the score. work was the same as that of Bleich- will meet the Roi-Tans led by A. : ^_f__i_^i_iThe bottom place Amis lost their er. Lou Reklin did well in a futile Venger. Joe Rosenberg, city cham^ ^ s ^ / t ^ ^;i:_U-i__ l p o i ^ ti_i_'..--_^-: g ; a f l d 1.i-«_i:..;^ played':a fine guarding game taking rpiayed like Trojans; In Omaha -^excellentycBahc^J-of' mcreasing r iliat the' 'ball away from the* stocky - ] Leona Pollack arid Ethel Greenberg heads and incidently the game in the attempt t o match speed and skill pion, is a member cf the Roi-Tan "iea& this <week." tThe ^old J v^raivlias Italians on numerous occaskns to end"tossed a basket a piece to score their last; five minutes or extra period against the rampant Brodkeys. He squad. beam's total points. The guarding of when they resorted to long shots all ybeeh bothered ; with a wee-bit; of a I. A. C. offense threats. £50 Krninn—iOU Uutt» Aaron Davidson and Doc Muskin also kicked in with one of those lone (IIMKS lt<mm* fnt . i gift tosses in addition to wiping the of the Kaiman five rolled excellent "'charley /horse.--buty wil1 be.in. "-tip,'.top Sunday nite the Press cagers meet Miss Pollacks team v{as on a par with of which? went for naught. Oprratrrt b Co. that of her victor, both teams owe y shai>e this week-end^when; the Blues Captain Max Altshuler led his floor in an attempt to~ retrieve vag• totals and materially aided in keepthe Union .Pacific Athletic club their splendid showing to "the work mates with seven well earned baskets. ' n i ^ t s ; the rampant- yellow of Iffaring their team on top. : ; ^ e | t e m what might be termed a team, which has made a tour to the of their guards. The basket ^'shooting Chief Giventer and Is Shreibman rant balls. : coast and met and defeated some fast' W the Pollack team was sadly off brought un the rear with six and four ^grudge game as -,-'-.the Milwaukeans ROUMANIAN UNIVERSITY The aggregations. Among it's victims was The Kaiman Insurance team leads iihoii an early -season.decision .over the speedy Pocatello, Idaho five. In ;form with the absence of Rose baskets. The guarding of Sammy DEANS REJECT DEMAND !Weber. It was Miss Webei who the pack with one defeat and eight j £he«loeals. FOR NUMERUS NULLUS a preliminary game the B'nai Ami scored eighteen' points last week to Katiman and-Sammy Leibowitz was victories. The Brodkeys and the j great,ya¥:tirae^ The league leaders meet the First M. E. of the Y. M. C > NiEBRJISKA U . ;.-." ' y y ^ -.'y'V;••'.•• ieadTthe league in total points scored, Gross Lumber Company five are tied 1818 Farnam, 2nd Boor Bucharest (J. T. A.)—The demand 1;y Phil^Gereliqk, veteran guard on theA. "Commercial/League. j The, third round games will be run were in ^letTtSi«Bic;-state of mind- for for second honors. The Brodkeys have Cornhusker five has been ageing serv^ 'otl this Saturday nite a t seven- nearly the whole game till they awoke a splendid chance to cop the bunting1 - y BASEBALL from their slumbers and snatched the and . ice ••'quite frequently • of elate. 'The fifteen, .;•;' y '.••••-•-, '.••;"" •"• ••„•••' Harry H. Lapidus, Pres.-Treas. game anfli retained their'leadership. as they have not met the Kaimans former Omaha Central jstar has' been Two popular local? athletes will soon[ . W. G. Ure. Secretary. Orris. Donovitz kept the crowd on ift the second "round. A-win-for the 'slow in funding into top shape but leave for Western League . training^, COMMUNITY RENTER LEAGUE H Popular noonday luncheon fteir collective toes whenever he took Brodkeys would.practically give them Omaha Fixture 4 now: he has arrived and i s playing a camps. the flag. : A decrepit Tally; Hat team fell 50 cents hold Art Swartz has put his John? gc«jd brand of ball. / Supply Co. before the heavy basketeering of long § Table d'hote dinner, 85 cents to Henry to* an Amarillo contract which, ,. „ thrillers and now and COMPLETE ©TOSS $1.00, from 5 to 8 Daily OMAHA SILENTS OF THE calls for'his services as a catcher for the lowly Bnai" Israel ' Outfit i q tiien' do: ••efult in points." Sol "Yaffe. Bowling Notes Ouirrrt Music at all Meats f Y. M. C. A. the duration of one year. Amarillo is the tune of 25 to 15. r Benny and Formah did "their duriiDancing Evenings 'Lost P e t Won The Omaha Silent team of the the infant of the We'terc League Goldberg and .Benny.Rosen led the dest to at least' «ne game for the Kaiman Insurance 20 7 .740 §f Music by Ambassadors 7 piece . Y. M. C. A. league is putting lots of and little is known- of. her 1927 pen- Bnai Israel offense with' 8 and 6 • honor old orchestra. No cover charge Alberts Colts „ 17 10 .629 «Mt Itancla* Mtreet*. hopes in the playing of Abe Rosen- nant winning prospects. Swartz point* reapectfeely.^Cowboy: Sbdafs, For reservations phone Wardrobe „' __, -15 12 .555 •taekaos VSSt . blatt. Yes, we know that he is a caught during _te 1926 season: fox Vr contribute* W^ihare o / t h e eve-, *»» JAckson 6224 Doc? Steins __12 15 .444 . stranger to the majority of Jewish several -teams among- them, beings nings performance with a quartet of Omaha Tobacco ....10 17 .370 .- The Brodkejr Construction Company Malashock Jewelry 7; 20 .259 athletic fans but we hope to make Omaha of the Western. League and points. 1 met •; the • PbH-delphia Leather Comyou better acquainted with. him. Leon Mendefeon scored the lone] Springfield of the Nebraska State: Johnny EosenWalt and Art Swartz ] Abe Rosenblatt is a brother of League. Art made an enviable namehed the Hatters in .tKeir'-fdrioTO at- pany in whafc-;was- e_pected.td be the 200 .game during, the. evening, and | - Johnny Rosenblatt, who needs no in- for himself amongst the Tank and file tack on the victorious youngsters. fastest game of the night.^ It. was. finished with a 531 total. Leo Weitz* troduction. Abe has been afficted vdth of the Tech High-students and the The two stars were able to only chalk Every spectator was alert all through- waS the runner up. with, a 5?0 total. out th(^^opt^|t in order to count up the loss of 'Ms hearing since*a child amateur, ball followers of the city. ' up -six points each. ; . ; 2429 Decatour Street WE bster S527 The Doc Steins "upset the Wardbut speaks fluently. The-quiet-Jewish - Smiling -Sam-nay* Kaufman is prolv- A feature of the game-was the un- the rapidly mounting goals which the robes, and the Omaha Tobacco Com"I~ just received a full supply of Talesim wool and silk - lad however did not allow such a ably'the most widely advertised Jew-* expected entrance of Art Adler, Construction-men cast with* bewilderTpnilim and Mezuzos, also fancy bags for Taiesim and slight thing as loss of hearing to in- ish athlete to ever call Omaha his height four feet; and a few odding rapidity. Harry Haykin, as usual Tphilim. I also have a new supply of Prayer Books, Holy terfere with his career as an athlete. home town. He signed to play profes* inches. Adler replaced the redoubta- led thS^coirarg with-eleven points. scriptures and many other Jewish boolcs in Hebrew and Rosenblatt played guard on the sional ball with Omaha of the West; ble Rosenblatt at one.of the forward Les Barkererod at center played. a English. Successors to Jones Candy Co. Nebraska School for the Deaf cage ern League at the tail end of the' '26posts. The youngster tallied a. bas- good garoa. till he withdrew in favor team for one year, played guard and amateur season. Sammy won two and ket which escaped the notice of all of Babe Brodkey. Harold Chemiak Beautiful wall calenders at very reasonable prices. Romance Chocolates tackle on the grid team for two lost two games as a pitcher in addi- but the eagle-eyed *corekeeper. Some!of Council Bluffs fame came through! 918 Farnam St pears. tion to assuming the role of .relief day the mite will make-a neat basket- with five little counters. The guard-1 Phone JA. 3986 In basketball he is looked upon as hurler in several other set-tos. This one of the best guards a t the year Owner Barny Burch of the •In the Metropolitan league. Fellows Omaha Buffalos plans' on giving like Nelson of Tech, Wedbei£ of Kaufman* a. chance at the shortstop South, Managhan of Creighton and position. Kaufmann can hit and field Presrost of Tech, who are all star with exceptional ability so-the Omaha performers a t the "Y", say that he mentor intends to try the kid out as is one of the best men they have a regular. played against on. the "Y" floor. WOMENS BASKETBALL NEW YOBH OFFICE ft LEONMI0 « T JEWISH- PRESS TEAM LEAGUE A deluge of baskets by the Omaha The Womens League ran off the Printing Company in the first half of second round games at the Center their game with the Press cagers last Saturday nite. Six teams were swept their opponents off their feet BYRNE GOODS CO to have taken the floor but one of the and.gave the former quintette a 46 girl's aggregations took" French leave to 21 victory a t the Center gymWholesetle Dry G o o d s thus donating their' game to their nasium Sunday - nite. Incjdently it opponents. . '"' "•' was the -first defeat of the. season- for Babe Segal's outfit succumbed beNate Green's men- Konecky * with seven points and Swartz with five neath the heavy shooting xrf Shriebmeasly counters led the Jewish lads, man and Shafton who between themOMAHA. February 3, 1927, in their hopeless chase after the flying selves scored thirteen of their team's fifteen points. The guarding of, the Printers. Carl Vachal and Sarge Moylan with nineteen and sixteen points actors was great while their passing; respectively led their mate to victory. was equaly good. Tuesday nite the undaunted Press Miss Segal's girls played on even cagers rose to great heights and terms with their conquorers till the took the cocksure Italian Athletic third quarter when they blew up and FROM: B—RHE & SUQIBR tfll 0009)3**'-C0«: Club hoopsters into camp to the tune tossed their chances away. Ida Fine of 31 to 22. The Press hidings were of the losers kept her team in the TO: RETAIL J_BRCH__i_S, — without the service of Sammy Kauf- running with, seven timely points but man and Leo Konecky, both young her support was erratic The commen being busy elsewhere. mon fault of both teams was to thro Led by Dave Bleicher the victors the ball as soon as they werewith-
ai Gardens
Excellent Chinese
M. SOMIT—Jewish Book Store
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& HAMMkl^P^y * . •
We announce f o r t h e week of February 7 t h t o 12th t h e holxilng again of B "Bpme & Hainmer Herohandlse Fair" i n Omaha.
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