February 17, 1927

Page 1

1 A false friend, like a ! shadowy attends only | , wliifc tbe sun shines. • . SOLOMON OR £ GERSON THE WISER?



/*•* At the meeting of the Jewish Welfare Federation Sunday, Sam Gerson, when speaking, said'he wished' he was as wise as Old King Solomon. entered «* aecona-riass^iiiair * -1» ; I January 27tl». UB>1. at - . Nothing wrong "With that; a great SUBSCRIPTION PRICE,-A YEAR, $2.50 .VOL. VI.—No. 9 OMAHA, NEBRASKA.-THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 17,1927 yosioflie^t Omiitid • Nebraska,' y 'tie Act ot Mnrrb S. 18TO many of us wish -we had the wisdom tagged onto Solomon. Somewhat later Harry Lapidus "was ANNUAL, MEETING called upon to speak. Somewhere in Ms conversation Harry asked: REMEMBER!- "How can Sam Gerson expect to be Here we are with February alTUESDAY, MARCH 1 as wise as Solomon when Solomon had most over and no cheek from some 700 wives and he hasn't.even one?" ANNUAL MEETING of our members for does! The question is debateable. And it's all the fault of our JEWISH Hospital Completely Remodeled • Who is the wisest? Solomon with Receive Report of Superintendmemory! ent Samuel Geisoh sad Eefinished You know, of course, that we his 700 wives or Gerson with'none? I • COMMUNITY Ladies and Gentlemen:— ferent cities. Tha loaning out of For the first time in the history of money without interest to individuals are contracting' an expense on the WILLIAM L. HOLZMAN DIRECTORS OF HOSPITAL CENTER the Federation, we are meeting in our and families above the line of poverty strength'of your'annual pledge! Jewish Girl Catches Naturally if we don't get the RE-ELECTED PRESIDENT TO'RECEIVE VISITORS very own magnificent baHding, an exWould-be Burglars money, well be in trouble! SAVE THE DATE pression of the efforts and. the' spirit More then three hundred people Completely renovated and refurn' Now, YOU are too good a friend Interesting indeed, was the news of Omaha. Jewry ana an inspiration attended the twenty-second annual AND ENJOY A REAL ished at an expense of $50,000, Wise to get us in trouble! So be a good item telling of the bravery of Helen tothe generation that is to follortf us! Welfare Federation meeting at the Memorial Hospital -will keep "open fellow and write us that check Janger, an Omaha Jewish girl, who ' Just a few' months ago I came to PROGRAM! house", Sunday afternoon, Febr. 27, AND MAIL IT! • . single-handed and unhesitantly tackled Jewish- Community Center Sunday Omaha from Pittsburgh at the invitabetween the hoars of 1 and. 4, to entwo Negro boys, who were attempting evening. Harry A* Wolf, chairman of tion of thejoinf Boards of the Federathe evening, gave a* brief resume of able friends of the institution to view to steal something from the Janger tion and Community Center. It would the improvements. The board of the work done by the'Jewish Welfare yard. T>e audacious on my part to comment, directors will be in the receiving: line. on the work of the Federation for the Modestly, Helen disclaims any hon: Eemodeling of the hospital, begum year 1926. ' or, saying that the deed was nothing early last spring, vas necessitated _ at all. ' • _/ The first stage' in any raw work by the -wkisiikig of Harney street at Omaha police, however, though the Handball Meet First on Program should consist of surveying the lay of Beber Elected President 25th Avenue, thereby cutting off 14 Mrs. February 27 act worthy of praise and publicly the land- Without that, one cannot and feet of- the north wing, and part of for New Term commended her. . ' should not make any constructive the Nurses' Home. Such extensive The Jewish Community Center will recommendations. Our scope is so big A meeting of the local B*nsl Brith repairs were required that the board be the season of many_A. A._U._n«ets —our goal is 'so Tiiffieult. It is -not a 'Auxiliary -vras held Thursday eve- decided to rebuild and improve the within the next thirty days_._7The_ first very easy-task t o bring together all ning, February S, when officers were entire institei-ion. of these meets will be the Midwestern .shades of opinion, all resources of] "With a renewed building, furnishReplies to the comment made.in elected for the ensuing administration. : A. A. U. handball tournament, both gowt'Wiil^ air social organizations to ings and drapery, equipment, a new Mrs.' Lillian Beber vras unanimously this column by Sam Leon have beer ; help individual tnen, wonteii *an<i childsingles and doubles. . staff and superintendent and »ew 1 1 elected president and Anne Blank rolling ~in the past «-"week.' One,--in are expected from all parts, of the ren. afljust" tHemselves happily' and officers, the Wise Hospital is taking vice-president. Mrs. Emma Stern secparticular, -written by an anonymous middle west Some of the Jewish •profitably to a complex and haffliiig a' new -lea'se on life," said Samuel retary, Lillian DubnoiT reporter, and '.'Jewish Miss", attracted my attenentrants will be the:Levey Brothers, world. Werthelmer, chairman of the board, Yerda Jacobson guide. The trustees tion. I t reads: SAMUEL GERSON Mendelson, Deigelman, Greenberg and Yet it is. important that we take elected were:' Bess- Blank,• Anne recently named to succeed K. F. Feil. - "Dear Mr. H. H. R.: others. ~ ~~' _•".;_ ^stock now of oar work snd review thesis the greatest aid to rehabilitation Greenberg and Ida Asorin. A bridge Mr. Feil served as president for *T for one am interested in what This meet will be held at"the~jr C." more than 10 years. " methods for handling our problems. ? and that is the objecth'e of all social party followed the' election. . Mr. Sam Leon speaks of in the last C. February 27 and 28. Following In a good many phases of the work, j work. Dr. Eobert Gilmore is the new chief On the following Thursday, the issue of the Jewish Press, .regarding this meet, the swimming meet and ex- -we are still groping in "this dark, but j During 1S26, the Je-wish Free LO&B newly-elected officers, -were - installed of staff, replacing the late Dr. Oscar the placement of -Jewish students in hibition war be held and on March 5, then—social w o r k a s - its administra- • Society made 104 loans, totaling $17,- by Mr.. William Alberts!'*Hyman Hoffman, Dr, Clyde A. Boeder, the' Omaha concerns. 6, and 7 ihe Midwestern A. A. U. tion are still in an es^erimental stage,; 4S0.OS. It is interesting to note, that Shrier entertained • with dramatic formerly of the Mayo Clinic, is chief "I have thought about that for Basketball tournament will be held. FAMILY WEL35AKE jj Omaha, with a Jewish population of readings and Miss Ida Bishoff with swrgeon. Mrs. Ruth Algorta is superquite a while for it was some time "All-persons entering* these meets of S2S,07G.S7, con- vocal selection. . intendent. Wise Memorial Hospital WILLIAM L. HOLZMAN In doing relief werk, irar aim is to 19300, has a -ago that I visited the Omaha Techmust register," said Ed Burdick, mem^ sources> is accredited by the American College keep families from:-seeding relief by • The meetings of the Auxiliary are nical High School, of which I am a Federation during the past year and ber of the A. A. IL' Committee. per capita amount is $2.47. Pittsburgh, of S-urgecmE and is affiliated with the graduate. I also spoke with one of stressed the work done by the Free "We have brought these meets to strengthening those elements in them with a Jewish population of about held the second and fourth Thursday department of medicine, University which make for stability and inevening of the month. The next reg/ the teachers and Be told me that it Loan ^Society. ' the Jewish Community Center as one 50,000, has a capital of about $40,- ular meeting will be held Thursday, of Nebraska. It 'maintains an exdependence. . | d?^ras rather difficult for Jewish boys William L. Holzman was-re-elected of the leading steps for mere activity," cellent school of nursing -with 40 000.00, or SO cents per capita. New and girls to get work. But he told, president, Harry B. Tnmman, honor- said J. M. Malshock, chairman of the We divide our relief WOTK into the;j York City, with a population of 1,- February 24 at 8:45 p. m. at the J. student nurses. C. C. The program committee has fcllowmg dassific^ns: Pension ension _ too, certain incident regarding the ary, vice-president; Harry 4A. Wolf, athletic committee. Wise Hospital, named for the late arranged a splendid sud interesting A. B.-vAlperin,. Mrs. Nate Tijantel, difficulty. or 22 cents per capita. Rabbi Isaac M. Wise, founder of program celebrating the 250th &ngency 'There is a prominent Jewish young Miss Blanche 2tunman, first,/second, , _ | ' The C3i«stthaa "ahd the Secretary .niverESTy of "Spinoza",' the great Reform • Judaism in America, began man who "works for a popular Jewish third MjrilU fourth vice-prjssklenis resH " " * fiiv_n-0£-.tf_ir time an^d effort Jewish pMlosopher, says Mrs. Lillian its humanitarian • mission more than We gave te^rary Omaha concern. He applied "t^ihis. -.pectiveiy.. .Harry Sfl-Eerniar., -'secre.27...years ago* when tbe late,..Mrs.. djniitg-trie year.-" Tech teacher for a stenographer but tary, Harry* FreidnTan/iaTEasurer, Jand Jonas...-L. Brandeis, grandmother of From -fee-plans introduced-^jy the ^ cleaning and dye- gency relief to~^ families, rtoMng s j said he did not wish a Jewish girl. Samuel Gerson, superintendent. *r' : E. John Brandeis, her daughter-inEMPLOYMENT PROBLEMS " - president, the coming terns promises; He gave this reason, saying, "the Harry H. Lapidus, president of the ing establishment has opened during total of 59 rfamiues consisting of 63 ! law, Mrs. Arthur D. Brandeis, Eabbi iL It is easy enough to tell an applicant to be one full of interest and activity. .••..-. f' Jewish girls talk too much." It seems Center and Rabbi Frederick Cohn the-past week. The establishment is adulte and 126 children. The following: committees were up- \ Abram Simon, then head of Temple ~Pensions^are established after very for-relief to go to work-when there is to me that is a reason that a man of were the principal speakers of the owned and operated by N. Perils 1 pointed: . •: • ! Israel, the late Edward Rosewater, his calibre (for he is credited with evening. and B. M. Minkin, both of these men careful deliberation of the Relief Con*-1 work to be obtained But when"'they Intellectual Advancement: Aim founder of the Omaha Bee, the Rev. having pretty good brains) should be Dr. Cohn's subject was, "The Jews being experienced clothing anil dean- mitten and- in no instance is the come:to yea crying for work and there Esau Fleissman and Mrs. J. Sonnenashamed to say against a girl of his in the History of the United States." ing men* Mr. terlis has been in this family made to'feel that it is perma-j is none to be had, theprobleni is not Blank, chairman; - Alice Adler, Rebec-' berg and others of the local Jewish ca Wolf, "Delia Kooper, Ethel Gordon, own race. He told of the contributions the Jews business for the pasfc 20 years and uent." We do not want our families to.j so easily disposed of. community banded together to fill a We are going through a period of Bess Stock, Mrs. Rath Greenberg. !! hospital,need in this city. "Then, too,.there is a young lady have made to the progress of the is capable of the best of -the "work.* * relax their efforts for financial inEntertainment: Helen Beber, chairindustrial depression that is the worst "In opening our establishment we dependence. in Omaha at the head of a certain country, from the time that Columbus Though maintained by Jewish man; Ula Alberts, Bess Greenberg, this city has known for some time. The case visiting has been done by railroad office. She doesn't hire Jews discovered it to the present day, em- have installed the latest and up-tofunds, augmented by a few gifts Ida Azorin, Lillian Kooper, Rebecca Our budget does not permit us to because "they have too many holi- phasizing the philanthropic work of date machinery, thus affording the our splendid group of women, repfrom non-Jewish friends, the instituWise, Mina Friedman. ; days." What a poor excuse for any- the Jewish people. customer the best possible results resenting the Jewish Women's Wel- engage a paid employment worker, so tion is entirely non-sectarian in its ---Membership: Emma Stern, chairwe use-volunteer help. one to give, let alone one of our own The report <xf Sairuel Gerson, with his merchandise", said B. M. fare Organisation. The ladies have admission of patients, The amount During 1926, is-e received s total man; Lillian D-bnoff, Jeanette Albpeople! superintendent, was enthusiastically Minkin. "We will call for and deliver always been ready to serve at- all; of free charity work done each month times and all hours. We spent $11,-' °f 1?P applications for work of which erts, Euth Pollock, Tobie Beber, Bess "But why blame only them? There received by the audience. The report to any part of the city." for non-Jews is frequently greater Farber, Bess Blank, Marion Soref, we placed 73 or about 40%. Unfortunare many more such examples, but is printed in this issue of The Jewish The plant, a modern brick and of- 707-58 for OUT relief work this year. than that done for the poor of the ately, the only way we have of follow- Ida Greenberg. why go into further details? I think Press. fice building, is located at 4420 North " VJ TRANSIENTS Jewish faith. ing up these cases, is when they re- < Dance: Rebecca Wolf, chairman; those will suffice. 20. Street. Eabbi Simon, now head of the #ewThe number of transients taken care Ann Shwarts, Bess Stock, Jeanette The following program "was, given: turn again for a new job. "Now, I wonder why should a of during the year dropped from S78 Alberts, Helen Beber, Mrs. Brown. ish congregatioii in Washington, D. C« 1. America .„.:—: —.Audience The average wage paid to the men Gentile business man hire Jewish to -97, a decrease of almost 20%. placed was aro-nd $17.00; the aver- Yerda Jacobson, Harry Sflvermann, Song Leader. 6. Eeport of Jewish Free Lillian Kooper, was the first president of the institu... employees when our own people will 2. Minutes of Previous Meeting. - Loan Society _H. A. Wolf, chairm. Evidently the word is out in the age wage paid to the women was Rebecca Wise. tion in 1899, according to old hospital •tot hire us!!" , 3. Orchestra Selections ______ 7. Violin Selections __. records. Eev. Esau Fleishman was transient world that Omaha does not Courtesy: Ann Greenberg, chair$13.00. Dorothy Lustgarten ___Ce'nter Symphony 'Orchestra "A Jewish Miss." encourage the professional tramp. On Miss IdaXustgarten a t the Piano. The applicants were classified as to man; Claire .Katzman, Tina Altshuler, the first vicepresidont and Mrs, Rudolf Seidl, Director. the other hand, we have always been 8. Address __Eabbi Frederick Cohn Sam Epstein, Assistant. SAM LEON SAYS: trade or profession asd we found that Beulsh Shrago, Mina Freedman, Ann Arthur D. Brandeis, secretary. The Nurses's Home is a -memorial to the 9. Nomination and Election' of interested in the transient's welfare, 4. Report of the "While it is true in isolated cases, there "were 16 different divisions with Abramson, Sarah Brqokstein. Officers. S e r i t d £ t S l .Gersan Supnten£nt____Samuel late EJTUI and Hugo Brradeis. especially those under 20. Wherever "clerks" leading. •""'.'* Finance: Jean Soehrnan, chairman; now and then, "that a Jewish employer 5. Vocal Selections Harry Markot 10. Closing Selection possible, fwe obtained work for them. Donors of funds to endow beds ©r might prefer a Gentile employee for Our greatest problem at present is Ann Schwartz, Bess'Blank, Ann Win-Center Symphony Orchestra Miss Beety JBbuge a t the. Piano.*. In the case of runaway boys, we rooms in-the newly equipt>ecl institutrosh, Margaret Reikes,'Yerda-Jacoba certain position, it is not the habit finding work"lor the unemployed. united them -with their parents. tion are, the Omaha Hebrew club, son. of a Jewish firm not to hire JewishThat our efforts are not in vain is HOME FOR THE AGED • Publicity: Lillian Debnoff, -chair- •B'nai Brith, K P. Feil, Samuel help. A survey, of Jewish firms in proven by the following case:-Mr. S." The Home for the Aged has again man; Leona Pollock, Rebecca -Segal-, Wertheimer, William Holsraau, Mr, Omaha will show a proportionate and Mrs. Michael IMakofsky, the dropped into this office, said that he been the haven o f refoge-for the Alice Adler, Mrs. I t Colin. sprinkle of Jewish and Gentile emchildren of Mi-, and Mrs. 35. Kulakofehad just arrived from Chicago on his homeless aged. The old folks-lives are ployees. Book: Alice'Aifier, cnairman; Helen ky, E, H. Gluck,' Mrs. Theresa, way to California and would like the made as comfortable as. possible—^their Beber, Gelia Sopper,' Euth Greenberg, "The seriousness of, this problem, Sornmer, Dr. B, M. Kwlly and sisters^ loan-of some-money. He explained ills as painless as possible.^ :The..sar- : Ethei Gordon.' . however, is that in certain Gentile Louis Kirsehbraun, Union Fuel Co^ that this money would permit him to! roundings are clega, comfortable.and firms, Jews are discriminated against Mrs. Clara Syrop and Mrs, E. K. •get-Ms trunk in which he had two •facmeJOce.The old rfoiks are made tp_ altogether." UcDonald. Christmas Savings Account books. He [ feel ..feat they have not been, forsaken further stated that he hoped we would in. their old age. Mrs. Eeuben Kulakofsky is chair-* advance him a sufficient amount for man of the reception committee, hi Many Mourn Death SOCIAL' SERVICE WOBI-. .,; „., a ticket to California. He would be the absence of the president, Mr« of Mrs. Levey willing to leave the books as security. ' The Social Service Committee," com"Wertheinier, from the city, Mt. Tears filled many eyes of both Jews posed of representatives "of .the Fe8er- PrBgrans in Charge Ed Berwick Isidor Siegler, vjcepresident will The boy sounded truthful so we ad- ation, B'nai Brith and Council .gf-*Jewand Gentiles when" Mrs. Hose Levey -' • &n& Dave the receiving line. vanced him the money. In an hour, he passed away. She was liked by all, ish Women, did excellent work-- in returned with the bank books. We for herself and -for her many kind and studying and -guiding ,tfae .boys,,.coip-,| --All the classes .Et:the J. C. C a r e . wired the bank in New York for con- ing before the Juvenile .Co-!irt,'!iii an^ thoughtful deeds. .working hard on'a" gym program tofirmation of his account and upon adequate aiid. effect^e -massesy--- .*>-j One example of the feeling of her -be-given Wednesday • Bight, Februaryreceipt of same, advanced him the mourners is that of John Pistoni, an 23.' This -wilM«'the-first•demfinBtra-. Under our. railroad fare. Since then, hehas been ^ ^ taoTS of the 'different activities "going :<^ Italian, who was put into business m touch infh us and is sending » a ^ - ^ ^ • J o l f f i s M > - , ^ ^ on in the gymnasium.' It will be Omaha's .contritmtion to Who's \_through the kindness of Mrs. Levey. .in-American Jewry.- is. seven jmsn. pven in the gymnasium and will be f He writes of her, in his broken The first edition of Who's Who im BEN GLAZER ROBERT GLAZER open to J. C C. members <mly. - style of English: of check, we shall send his bank books A tentative program follows: Americsn Jewry Is published by tbfe In all, nine cases were ..paroled to "She wilTnot die, Mrs. Levey. She Omaha's newest establishment is are popular B'nai B'rith men, having back to him. Calisthesic drill, waisd drill, dumb Jewish . -Biographical Bureau us, thus giving .fee boys another treated John Pistoni like son. He the 'Glazer "^Clothing Co., which will held offices in the Fort Dodge' lodge. edited by a comtnittee of bell drill, special dance, girls' basketFREE LOAN RESULTS chance to xaske good. open next week at 14 and "Douglas "In opening our Omaha' store" we know Mrs. Levey from 1911, since he We have also kept .tip oar eostact ball gams, kiddie-kar race, Indian tive men througfeout the country."The come from old country. She told her street. The store will be operated by believe that rur institution will grow It is safe to say that had it not "been Omahan's listed iv the Who's V,%t husband to buy him a good shop be- Ben and Robert Glazer formerly of with the city," said Ben Glaaer. We for the excellent work of the Jewish with the city sad "state institutions Cl-ah drill, obstacle race, volleyball are Tiabbi Frpderick Colin, Benrj' gasae. tumbling, p;-ramids, appaTatus: cause he honest and has ability. Set Fort Dodge, Iowa; Both of these will carry a complete "line of men's Free Loan Society, our relief work as has been the .castora. Nor were Monsky, Px. Victor Ijex-ine, Dr. K. ?cp in 1915 in shoe shop. All i i s young men are well known to many clothing and haberdashery." would have been much greater and the nstional institutions " forgotten. work and games. G. Wohl, SEniHel Geri?ont Dr, Philip The progrrann wil3 be in charge of The store is being remodeled the total expenditures much larger. During the Jewish holidays, we sent \ family the best friends to Mrs. Levey." Omahans aa^ former residents of Sher, and Professor S«rg^«s Morgolis, throug;o_t_ and being entirely rear/ The' little shop started by Mrs. Council Bluffs. . _„ I believe that one of the greatest greetings asd appropriate gifts to theEd. Burdick, Physics! Director and Dave ChesissB, assistant. Levey for' the poor penniless Italian The Glazer brothers re well known ranged so that every possible con- contributions of the Jews in the field 27 chadrea from Osisha, now at the Admission will be by membership - DONT.POEGET THE DEBOKAH in 1915 is ~nov? the Omaha Shoe He-merchants having successfully operat- venience wOl be at the disposal of the of philanthropy has been the Free Cleveland Orphan Home.. card, so be sure and bring ycrer card! SOCSTTY-DANCE, MARCH 6. (Coatin-ed on page 4.) ed men's «taxa at Tort Dodge. Both customer. nsir center at 1522 Dodge streets. Loan Movement throughout the dif-



Welfare Ttfenrim ~ Meelmg Sunday Eve


{This Week's Cbmmerit}


Peerless Ctaers -Oisi fe?


February-. 23

PAGE 4—THE JEWISH PRESS, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 17, 1927 to the chairmen* of the various comproblem boy# Job! Yet they have at all-times heen • - • - FUTURE feOALS Assistant lit "bale .Work: Among 'EvSryTcBild entering the clinic will mittees who were ready at all times d to~serve the good fcause: ready We wish i t this tiitteio p-a|f-iii.bute $p~utable jsociai ageiicifesk i tfecon-receive a thorough -physical examina- to respond to our call as well as the ] - - ' loyal - "L \york' - ' aft|. - f c * **-**'5'abte sidered desirable to hivA I case_ count tion; supplemented by a mental test. raeihhftrs «f the Executive Committee > to theif & 4d,iSer^-orker. iH stitaming oji our Thg child's environment will be artdjihe Federation Board with whom (Continued from.pag**],) ' ' * jibnai'Jewish Hospital, StiidfSd byf the case worker—this will it was a privilege to serve. cases, ^Undei -the , J i l i & t $ t # .jjnver, Colo. .„ 200'd.00 COO^Et . We have alBpaaade regular visits to Jewish Consumptives* Relief we fiiiii ^ a - total.- of-_450.' f include "Ills home, his school and his We- have •not only been encouraged SECTARIAN neighborhood. Where physical defects and stimulated, but have found everythe county jail and did what personal while-tjie it(diea4i^ve^been tnore'th'scis Society,' Denver 1000.00 Our Federation hafi_al3^ys co-operIreJ&undLthV'ihiftr will ^be referred one ready at all times to be of servservice we could there. generous in Ifae relief wdrk and whlfe Hebrew Immigrant Aid ated most willingly with the various to his family physician for aSrice and ice for the betterment of our social the Social Service Committee has coCur" Scnblaishlp' 250.00 Harry & , dPits.-Troaa. Society, New York non-sectarian agencies withwhom correction. The final idea is to direct conditions. operated in every way, yet this office W. G. awarded four loan scholarships to Ex-Patients' Tubercular Home, they 'came- in contact.--—*-?" *-•— has found Itsfelf maiif a time' absSWt? threnergy 3f the p-rbbifeui -child almtg ri 1.; deserving- tyoang^MWen"whbt-aright '-.'. "300.00 er, ^ > « . . . . . i Moscow (J. T. A.)—Professor AlWe are now vr<if®$g J&'$&&& elj unable td'glyiltKe detai.ed fittehjotherwise noilje A b l e i b f i •bert_ Einstein _ and JPfofessor A. A. Leyl'MiiMial a sludies..These loanaare-lreing.-repaid. -Hospital, Hdt Springs ,r.i:.r 800:00 ments "to receive, .students rfxomr. the tiott necessary -touthe* many cases aar Tiis would be-a real opportunity irlicFelson were honored by the Department of Sociology of ^he Uni- cared for either by, the Relief Com- £or™sexdce~noi only far.- the,.Jewish Russian Academy of,Sci£nc3. regularly, and we believe they are the t Jewish-Consumptives' Relief Supply Co. versity of Omaha ior-work and study mittee pr the Social-Service Comnlit- Community, but for the^ entire city of best in thdEfcte thdRfctet building buildiftg. AssOEiationT^LtoS b t iinvestment n t n t I liL A l Angeles ~ : ' 3SO:00 COBirLETE gTOKE . - • . * . . " Omaha'as" there Is' no fchild Guidance W have h gSveKXjserles S K X l lhee'lecT tee,. 0^ lhree'-lec OFFICEW«OOTFCTT ; We QURjCOURT OF, JUSTICE ~ , Denver'Sljeljierinir Home for •ecnpf TOO . OO iaua» - £ . . . 300.00 tures before the advanced students of t If effective work-is to be done with Clinic in this city. bur office Is sometimes/used ids a ^ cwut new being the Universiljr of Omaha taking the bur many • problems CONCLUSION handled, we need the help" o t a' paid sociology course. Successors to Jones Canfly Co. .fncl>Bnn a good many cases,our people'prefer case worker who will work with the , The "ab'bve statements indicate brief* ^ Bureau* Wer-have also lectured at the UniterM ly jvfhdt^Wie^Je^feh Welfare_ Federato settle 'their matrimonial difficulties Romance Vkocoldtes BUperihtfendfeMt in coordinating the ef' ^ New Yorlfc . . . . . . . . . - 5O.D0 to >Qie i students tion has attempted to do during i§2& in this office rather-than in court. forts Of thfe Relief .Committee and Phone JA. 3986 918 Farnam St. •logy.u , , - s .• v.. fNatl. Cbnference of Jewish J k The results AMOiild have been im* During 1&26, w e . were Instrumental t_ £he_SociaL.Seryjce Committe. gocial W o r k _ FREGGER-FOX DRUG CO. Our relation with the Council of possible.lait for the ^splendid cooper^ in straighiening.out- difficulties for, We need .a worker who- has a j:ich Social Agencies hasTaben.mbs't cordial. 'ation of -our president, Wm. L. Holzforty-five people. These cases included ~$6550:00 We are represented on the various cultural background,.. who is sym1 Its Time to think of your man. *\ 14th and Douglas St. AT 0927 family ineotagatibiUty, old age.^schbol pathetic, who has Tialithe experience „ • Each* oite of thte above> institutions committees. Prescription* fljlrfl by Eepiaterci5 This report w<$ul' d not be complete of working jzadei, a capable director of .maladjustment, bad.&goctetes, insuf-, ^ b ( £ h g e ^ i f t & ^ j g £ i s h C o m t t l dnWe hope to take a more active part a cfsV working .agency^ , . without-Making'mention ^f the faithr ficient earnings, desertion, non-sup-j i t y o f Q ^ J ^ , i ~ ... . US . Prices very fea£oi»alSle—CcHfetj- service !' f t .,-: in the functioning bf the Social Work^ul and conscientious service rendered -•• -port,-bUsinessidifficultyy^yjolation. of I ; Dating 1926," -w£-fifeU'27 Omaha ,.rCRild Guidance .Clinic: The)number ers' Cllib." •liquor «lcts^ legal advice^andjprpbatingi'f,.J.jvv. OL J I . oi Juvenile delinquents has always by Drl Efiilip Sher, "chaiman bf.lhc ^ ^ ^ afc 4 f i e j ^ ^ ^ O t p h a n g o m e , While we concentrated our efforts in llt ttherefore, h f hJth f iExecutive, Committee. He has gives whenJthrte^ of wills: These; cases. required; jfrom ?* <GG i ei v ^e a n a; ; a t - ac - ds t,to us.of ? ?89.ob grasping the Ideal problems bf ourbbeen small \inselfishly bf his time-and efforts regfew minutes to several months before pur bpys appeared- in court about the per child. >The cost per child per year Federation since we felt* that it was ttiarlyday-after-day to-this office-and results, were obtained,; Farcant St. Opposite to-the Orphan Home is-about $40©.0(t ouf main function, nevertheless, we sanie time, there* was cause far-worry. has rna'de "our task much easier. ~ ;The old remedy of "spare the rod and FATtfER AND "the National-Jewish iiospital, trie'd to assume our share lof rbsponMy cordial" thanks "are also extended £poiL thev.child" xaay have been ade' ' On Sunday' night;1 Ndye'mbfet' l4th,;l Denver, we Jiad fiv,e patients -during sibillty for the conimunity welfare. _Phone, JA ckson 4562 : quate in the days of^our parents—tothe Fifth Annual. Fattier .^h'd"S6h, 1326. -' Banquet'took place in the^'a^i&rhinVk -At,the Jewish.'CbHsuinplives's Re- CdilMUNITY CHEST'feELATlbNS day it is not very efficacious., FEED'S of the Coriilnunity'dent^Thlreivere Kef Society, ""Denver; we had one Our relations \vith the Community / These boys.of ours and Jiieir x eria nt KOSHER DELICATESSEN Cn?s,t, during 15)26, were most cordial Wronmeiit ;need to be studle^. for .the 257 peotye present.' The'ladiestiftte]P £S ;> . -^ . / . . ,A t '~"*1509 North _24th Street .Center'served. The affair'tfas" v'dted! At t h e ' Ex-Patients' Tubertular and the cooperation was all lhat could purpose of, determining the caus^ or be desired. We are continuing our causes ofjheir difficulties.^ , 1-, ~ All foods kept in Sanitary cases ohs or" the best ever'Held, and we lire/ Home, Denver,-we had one patient, For that -. purpose, we suggest the A complete line, of sraoked meats quite "sure served to" bring- about'a At the Leo—N.-Levf* Memorii affiliation with the Community Chest ahif fish organization of a Child Guidance t.i..-j_ :._" _L_ _i.'j:j-_: £4t\ye$n 'Wie Hospitat,"Hbt b r i n g s } *ft-e* hade five! lor the coming year. We sincerely J i better uriderstah'dirig Clinic on a volunteer basis without hope that 1927 will see a greater numhee'd jH&Kr bf bf patients: young' arid the old. he i cost to the, FederatTpn. ^ ber of Jewish contributors to the . __. QUARTS ANlfltTLfS; 'J~ " "* *!f these affairs. " _~ ". V"J atEk ANb In order "to dothis we would need Chest. SfcBREtV ASS^cfAfION MENTAL HEALTH CA^ES.., , During 1926,. we received $39,- a staff consisting ,of a director <>i the A brief survey; made of the^ Jewish t - Althqugh membership^ m the "Y'393.46 from the Chest, $1,412.58 in clinic, a psychologist, a case -worker, inmates, in State institutions _* for' .has decreased _to some .extent during loan refunds' and $173.75 for the a physician vand a(secretary. . ^ t h mentally ill disclosed ^ the following the ^ear>r.yet there-has beei a con- Memorial Flower Fund, making a this professional group, we^-ou^d Blaffs. (a; -^ facts: . ' _•„ ^ ,.;__-; ; i5% . I tinuatlon, of activity iruthe; organiza- total of'?40,979.79 in receipts. Our need a group, of Big.Brothers who will 3101 SSttth 21th Street At- the Beatrice. Pome for Feeble t tion.' The- decrease in membership .is .expenditures amounted to.$40,905.86, each in tuni become ihteresled.in a Minded, tve have six jatiente. At, the not duetto %e jack ,pf; interest iit the leaving a balance bf |13.93. Hastings State Hospital^w.ejiave.two |5Y", but iathe£ to $herfact that" the patients. _ At the Lincoln, State £iew Community Center, has over- Our original budget presented for Hospital, we have ten patients and at' lapped*into every,fieW formerly cover- 1926 was for $49,616.00. This .was. iut iii 4 $47,500.00 because the total BudNorfolk State Hospital, Jve.Jmve ten ed _by the- "Y" aion?._ gets of the constituent agencies of the patients.and at Norfolk State- Hospital | Several of the outstanding accomp"Chest A.were over tfie general, total \ve have seven patients., In all there lishments especially worthy of jnention originally agreed upon by the Execiiare 25 patients of Jewish faith under'at this time are the defeat ad.tive Committee of » the Community State, care. Besides sanding holiday .ministered to St. .Louis in an in^erChestT 1 packages , an effort should be; made to/city'debate "anil the dp'eretta "The visit >the_se patients at, least once.'a "Windmills of Hbllan(i"^b'oth "b'lg At the conclusion of .the Chest campaign, we were again' asked to month, White a great deal cannot be Successes. , ^ , ; , . , ! • • < take a 7% cut. Owing to tKe fact that done for them, at lea^st they^ will feel' * "The ' Y" has cooperated in ?very £ < the»Ch'est didn'ot reach Its goal. This that they are not cut 0%-ir.om rthe pyogreslive" movement$pons o?e d" by gave us^$44,175.00 for piir constituent rost of the world. - ,< ^ |jle Jewish' 'Community Cent'er and the agencies. HEAIiTH-WOfcK? •- -The Wise Memdri&l Hospital" wiHi deyelopetl its excellent facilities "Ha§ aKvays-bfeeh' !clups" which are" now beipg 7 as " "classes l bjr" ihe " i .Xata h / C r'Trainiajg ' t 3 i "rsady tB .Course,., the^ Lecture/ and CoSc'dft way. Otifiieedy Frostier Towel & ttS 1 KSerie^, r ahJS thp Bi^Mbnthly Dances the very test treatment filftt-«5e - 1819 Wlifdriila Street given 'at iHe ,Ci3rHmuhity' Center. hospital could" affoH. • ^n -511; thelfe r "were 36 jJatiehts taken cdTe'<)f: ---• .' i • Calls made dt tWs 6oA"es of bdr, ORGANIZATION : BL'5 cases *by*--local dbcwrS 'simduiited to Wonien's!-Welfare -Or-1 '-"75 ion- fia§-beeni iii ^ i At the Hpipilal fdr'Tuliereulotls ati y ^fearb «Ma Hiri/pioheereff y /have ^ Keaniey/we relieF wdSc^bfJi fne *" F~edeKltfbri. the Nebraskil Sc'nobl f8* tn'e3 ETeMf,1 s'felectedfcomfffittee6i i'two. '- v i ' ilon serves oh the Belief Committees (if th'i Federation' ad3 d'des all"He NATIONAL case visiting. a~gain , - Ti '«• 1 ;

with the following National Federation Supennteiident 11 relations institutions, to which we' gave: Orphan Home, ' Outlines 1926 Achievements Jewish Cleveland, 0. ..._.„..; ::$i80d.t)t)

B e Cbpefean Qrdy Co.


..«, H i




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i \ The T8USSELL Studio

calf -fcilC



Vinegar £ Pickk Works • '•» t . .



Cektstatlhg;Studebakfer's 75&;Aiiniversaty; t

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Unearned Preniltiih Re^ferje . . . I ; _, .^Beserre for Uriiiajlistea LbsSfcs. Reserve t o r Tnigfs anfl all otilet . '• • - -,~ _HtiabIUtie8 . j i i . J . . . . : r : •". . . • ' SS,U24ll5 ~. '-mzM Cash Capital ...V.$500JD(HJ.OO ' ' .'=?.• Net Snrplus . . A«.' 307,17aJB5 ^ — • ! • : • : :

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Vrcaldhni, . If orth-tyewiem Bell TcIpJ?!iOllfe Co. T*uBt.£o.,



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PAGE 3—THE JEWISH-PRESS, THURSDAYr FEBEUARY VU 1527 '£53" Reservationsin PaTSStffifC "Mrs, New marriage to Miss Anna Frankei of» LEAGUE T0-.BE $0RMEi> MagKey has recently returned from The ^fewish ."Social d u b ale "going the Holv Land and since she is « Stanford,. Connecticut, vril'. ' J c | place! The Girls' Debating ..Society i to- hold tbei* ''Get -Acquainted Dance" l seasoned traveler she will have ar, ^ . : ; 7 r « , . i >r..-.-i . ^ ' T i i r j ' - T . . — : i rh New York 'City • bn' SiMIay, Feb!.' S b Sunday, February 20, 1927 - at t h e ' l ^ i "Why We Act Beh'&ve Like Human v The, boys' clubs want to d I£elpines Dancing Academy. 2§th and. „ j members are ur^ed to' Beings" will be. Kab*bi C&hiPs topic their part. Farnam^Strefc ftpr : thejfe|ent'":oi| ' "M Mrs. ...Plans .are now being_prepared^ for j our many dance "patrons we" nave this borne last pn^ati&dayfed^iieMm)i;C6 : an inter-club debating: league to con- • week-lined up an unusual "Eed Sot : pearl, *--*> wifT speak'on "The Wise-Searte'd". sist of the A. Z. A., Bnai Israel, Bnai i Jazzy Dance Opchestra", one we know birthday. Amu^and the Psi Mu. ;appriiTe iespedaHy (VIKM.-KKAI.E BOtJK ,If your club is interested, please j On Tuesday, February 22, Rabbi if you appreciate real dance music MANY ATTEND j^UNEHAL. e Druggists and Stationers %BEiS»J;* *^. office for farther In- j Cohri will review Leah Morton's oxmation-.. .,, . The Misses, Sara Broa&ey -";% V More than Irae thousand people atT m a Woman n Sha* a y -•We:dnfidayy "I am YettS "Wright service of Mrs. "one is'welcome to a&e£d"tneke-TlIok

The Jewish Social Club


E. E. Bruce & Co.


ihofning from Des Sloihes where they

Hadassah Notes


The The regular monthly meeting, of the heading "of MifeS Florence Single, While in ©el" Monies they" attended the Hadassah will be held Wednesday, erai Home, which was daughter of Mr. ana Mrs. 3, Ehi§lSi ^ wedding. '- F On WedSesaiy founded by**Mrs. ..Levey. Bariai was February 23^at 2:3D at the CommuTito Mr. r liouis Gerson^. Kaplan of : ity Center. Mrs. George Maguey will 23, there. w $ l i ^ e t f a Mrs. "D. Sflverlban entertained a l 2nd floor in .SoiaeitSHaCemetery. Denver, Colorado, Monday, February H experiences 14thr^Babbi Grodinsky -officiated;- - three. _tgblesr_<)f bridge at-rher _home 'auditorium resident of Omaha speak on her personal ^ The Misses Belle, Rora and Kegina on Monday, honoring her sister, Miss man and Mrs."t l6"-y6arli3«assi widow of Harris. , , , . . : . L .,a . .•f--.J..- . . n and Haplan, sisters ,of-the. groom; and .Evelyn Kaplan, whose marriage t^ "61 this affair. the Philadelphia Mr. Joe^ Neff will' take place ori extendg%n Miss Dorothy Single,. sister. j)i the died one and oneiride,' served as bridesmaids, with jlarch 20.' Prizei "were won by Mrsi half years ago. She had been ill for Popular noonday luncheon S P&blk AcccEEt£nts ni Kaplan, sister of H. Smith, Mrs. Givot, Mrs. S. F i s $ Miss ,Sallie 50 cents H $Qrg~"alJa!~Mrs. Max* Kirshenbaum. ':• ; The Pi Delta Sigma Founder's the! groom, as hohor. = _ children aid 5.2 ISADORE ABEAMS'ON Table d'hote dinner, 85 cents to §f Dance will be:JSin^tb±r;goiiaajfe3 Etagle,. | Etal brother bftfie btTde, .- Mrs:.- :M; E. :Ghapinah has as ]gTalSch|^enrfli| 'children are, Mis. $1.00, from 5 to 8 Daily p t i i t the Blackstone-iHfttel-xdth'm acted. as best man, and the ushers her house guests- her mother ., anti -"- " " NevelH; M?s-'fiic>ifel EatleSERVICE Music at. alS Meals . «§ Mr. Philip Yousem, Mir. Harry sister, Mrs. Summerfield and iMiSS *y Gilbert; Jaffy:and.iii§' ' •;•.• • Dancing Evenings man^Mrs. N. HT.ftfeea'Ee'rg M r t t&' ."~ SYSTEMS—AUlllTs"'f, >g (tthestri -The; committed baai'.£eRurfid 'Music by Ambassadors 1 piece j j 5 Levin, Drr Phillip, ^ i f e Minnesota!: " unique, fa1 [NVESTKJATIONS orchestra. No cover charge " ^ Z-Stern.':and Jtfrf Stern, Dr. The Council. .Bluffs Lodge No, 688, Levey, and Fred Levey,of; Omaha; tionsand the pledges will \arrange : • POT rfeservatioris phone a Mrs. J. B. •Robin-Levy.. i . ---.-'• - -MtL-A^ Dr. ^Simon Levey of St. Louis; 490 Brindcis '"fheater d ^^ ^ Brith, ' -•-JAtkson 6224 . |. Lawrence Klein was ring son and Mrs. Ann Levinson, will be -fttr speciatilntEitauiinshte Mr. Phbne ^gillenterta|ji ^ a Bridgtefs^ty next George Levey of D.ei3pjt; and Mrs. ;lbeafer and.- little Miss: Tatricia Kleinj the hostesses for the public benefit Mts; Henry Monsky,' Mr. apd. MisHarold , 14^>y of-Pr-Dsridence, K. t ; ^ i b fe^, at party .f-oi the ^Daughter's pi Harry L. tsl flower girl.. ^ SSa^g ^ jssd on Tuesdayj,-F|Si%ary 22, at tiae and ~Mr. -and Mrs. Irvin Stalmaster • f»rX >'*-. ' !add; Esther" Joy YbussenT-cl iedf-iBtf their families arid' friends are'"cor-, t ,ofiMr&;--r!Shaitbn at 3113 L ^ - will be Ybussem% ^e^aiHI^wliii&il^Siee dially inyitjd..to ^ttencL .There will be L Blvd.- All-are invited Jo atteigi. • and. -Joel;- Abrahamson. were candle sbn-of Mr*»aiid Mrsl no;:ajlmit1aon cJiargF.; A'n interesting v bearers. : . • ;.-" *y ^?S3iX? &' iwt. ^c£r-r.-Q!.is,^i^tudenl;j»t th .jS^ra^shlaisJilBO . tj^nrtrpla&gfei. T " ^Following.: tlie"1 Refresbnients will also be ser\ edr"4. -University of Michigan, was electe ••^•^•f cexemony, ,;the guests wete served", a SOCTETY ^opd time Is-^finned^ for all, and &f:thl^au Delta VM Jfek fflk,, course^ wedding' QinneTf'Mf." t Mr. Max Kirshenbaum is expectid ^ everyone is u r ^ 4 %» be .present, t "His: Levy was i;oastmaster. Gilbert to arrive Friday after spending tfae •JSife's orchestra furnished- music for past^month i n ' Vanconver with fis nriiversity—in-Jons. _i tite dancing. . f 'TT ! T ? at the hoae feTatives Mr. and Mrs. Jake Sh^ift^n DEBORAH SOCIETY BALL yMr. and Mrs. Kaplan are spending and Mr. and Mrs. Jake JBearmalu ifoefer honeymoon i n Hot Springs, r. Isafiore' ChertllScEi acebnipaniea Mrs. D.»Li3Bcoln> entertained ihe ? The~ "Debi>rali - Society/- annual^^bau 3i&nsas," Siia Birfninghami ATabaniS*, ig-#arent^J.Mr--SH&Mfe Efiife members Sf the? Ladies^Tfogressive will, be h e l ^ J p n ^ a ^ ^ v ^ i i i i g ^ ^ r c l itm *Ior bitib^, lyjeanesaS^ afterJipon^at her! 6, at the City «audi't5riam;-i Proceeds •of tBs ball will go towards* th{£-CitJ home. '.', • '•'''• -*n ; GILINSKY—BOSENSTOCK Taimud Tbrah:~ Special—eofiimittees Little Miss Lottie Eips, daughter "QualityJfcffeleis" ;• The wedding of Miss Hortense itosenstock, d&ttghter-ifcfiife. Flbrf of ilrr-anci Hr^S:«|U^s, was hostess] of—the .ball -anaUbazaar. Jp- J5eyeateen;ofjier-feiends at a P^rfy "Whoiesaie and. Retail Jewelers ^bsenstock anjlv-AlbertjEitgene the occasion bfc/fcy,r>son of MrJ;iand,,. T |Vrrs. Bainejr gatufSay afternoon, ;-.213-a.«-CitjMatlSn4| Bant'tBldg. tenth1 bit The afternoon ;fiiUnsky of•^'Coupcii"; ?Btnffs [_ adv.") 'Solemnized Wednesday evening at t h l '•vtii •ames an4; Ida [SOCIETY DANttS M£kG&'£ :; received ijdme of the bride's molEer/ to 0 ici prizes. Cohn officiating, bride was attended by herMrs. Leonard Hockenberg of DesJ T5: sister, Mrs. Delvin Becker of Mitchel, Mpines-ajrived^WedneBday-.to bS * ier;-niece, Miife ."Jeanne guelt pf | e r i r i b i b % ; ^ ^ - ^ ZalS f^rj S. w v r e Bedker, t w o 'weeks.'""-' "-"*•"' ' ' ~~-~. ""' :•? •''•"' \ 4




Chieftain Hotel, Council Bluffs, after SOCIETY DANCE, MARCH 6. ;advv • -March 15. :. , . . . . ijifman was hosteMs M: • := • . ,• • •' . • • — ''"ir"''."'-^. siiv :.'j.£i Bridge fpr the Junior Hkdajs-;] S Mr. and Mrs. D.fBiumenaial, 1025: =Mercer Blvd^ annotoce;^fte approch- ^5ph #t:lf?r iomg'ta Sunday afterilotiii.

p#zes were the l^fees' raving m a r r i a g e of*thfdr daaghteir:Sara|; fffea ^idmka, iM^ry Soref andv FJtiier: ;ip M r . George Lavine, jbfgSioux Cityv 7 •"•.'•• , T h i ' ceremBny 'wilL-^-Jbe i^Boleinnized j-^usinani-; ', )'rV . ;••• S u n d a y , February 20, in t h e presence Mrs. Eugeiie^Katz of Cleveland^ O:, '.at i h e immediate family. Mr. Lewis arrived Thursday, to visit with ! Mr4| ;Layine, father of t h e groom and Miss and Mrs. A. Herzberg. >' E s t n e r Lavine and*Mr. and Mrs. 1 lEalph Lavine, all of Sioux" City wilPf Mrs! M. Pitlor entertained f iheJ 'arrive Sunday morning t o attend tHe j bridge club at her noni6.j| {wedding. t- "*•' * ~> 'S.- Sips and Mrs. D. SilverrDan|




- » ' -


Yes» WeDdn't



•Tteir • •.

^ is-all New Glda-n. Sgttag Mer-


: :l.For ;Men _ arid • Boys niM

Few Days ' •;..

won prizes. Jfflr. M. E. Chapman of Goldstein_.._,_. _;ipf Chapman left last Saturday night for ___ __ti_ Monday evening for a few days 'vlitt' .New York fiff^a" buying"^trip.

in Chicago.


Mr...and.-Mrs.. J-ulius^L Chait gnter_ aridJSfis. ISwis \H6rwich. ,of tained^ Saturday at the .Beth Hame- D'envefj fipiorado, -foQnerly of biaajb^ arbsic *£&&odol Synagogua ih horiot'ofSpent .SJiri^ajL wIthV.-jaj>Hoiwicn's the bar-fiStzvoK of-'-ffielr soif,-Hehrj _foiks, Mr. TL^ Horwich and family. G. -On Sunday Mr. ^and Mrs. Chait entertained at their home. Cantor Miss Lillian Kooper spent a few' jCananowitz was master^f -ceremonies.' ddys in Des~5loines. While there shfe attended the JRavitz-KIimowsky wedd: Mrs. Carl Studna ang^son Harlem I n g / - ' -• if Kansas City arrived Tuesday to be Mrs. Ben Sherman of Des Moines present at the wedding- of her sister, Sara Blumenthal to Mr. George H visiting her mother, •Lavine of Sioux City, wh'ich will take Mrs. "M. Brodkey, for the past,two •place Sunday. Mr. Studna and Mr. weeks returned to her home Saturday. i Blumenthal of Kansas City will Irrive i Sunday to at^d^tne^-^|aing4 l PA'iSoNi^fi^t ' ADVERTISERS.'

FOR MATRON and' MISS ^liMieast corndi- o! P®ft^filaiif Douglas Street;


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To oBei :.the Greatest Possible values at;M tii|iei;aiid to Guarantee Complete SaiisfaeBori with every FHirehasei


K Miss Annette Bikini entertained -at k Valentine ^Bridge party at her honie: ^utiday afternoon. Prizes "were/won ] yvlthe .Misses Naomi Cohn,:- Euth' ainsh, Lydia Ebss ^|(d idllian HayH



A strlc|ly;.pa|li. Policyirl b and selling. ,


;;>.:,;^l> y:;^|


. | Miss Ann Fanger, daughter of *&£*•] • 3iid^ Mrs. L. Fanger:•, left Satliraay 4 ; Jfctig&t, February 12, for Los: Angeles* j ?|o. ,be the bouse guest of .Mr.' a n | | Sirs. M. ZadwickV Mrs. Zadwiiik was t •formerly of Omaha, having been Miss j |tuth Herman before her in^riajgei'l • jkE||i Fanger was -accompamitlvlbnv] • •.vaerjl':trlp by Miss Bose Stein of j - ; 'i(^Ug& f ^-^Batt^j^d^^!lftr.''. anS [ -Mr|. H; Bi- Weiiistein. Miss1 Fanger will;return about March~£i£<!. (jo1?.'; i

Opening of G^aha's^e^^eariliig knd Dyeingrlant Hatfoiiallf^ Jamous lines of Mens and -Aeys-^Oothing^-Furnishings^—Hats -Footwear and Lugrgag-e.

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and> Repairing li Street (Fiorenee BlvdI.)


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Soh groy lroifT bfa^s, firqniw nod ain-

uilanm cssfJrifrs. Statidnril sizes ttrimze add tron busKJIiB?; rsem-T nmtiboles. elsiern rjnps nnd covers, and elmn put, l 1h sinrU.

"fsjcrE ARE pleased • 7 Y to-ddvise'you that our new plant is* open andTetfdy for business wifha Service t h a t ' will, meet yaur! .atefeds .and please you in every respect* >

One Block^outh of. kmei. i* C""

Sanitary Operators . INI. MmkiSv

PAGE 2-^-THE JEWISH PRESS, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 17,1927 of surgery at the-university. -..' STUDENT of having insulted Alexander Cuza, EXCESSES CONTINUE IN Deputy Pakotz introduced an interleader of the anti-Semitic movement. BUCHAREST COLLEGE pellation in parliament asking the Published ,ew»' rbnwiaj si Oman*. Mebntka. oj government what measures have been - ftHE'JEWISH PRESS .*»UBL!.SH ING COMPANY Berlin (J. T. A.)—The anti-Jewish KEREN HAYESOD ' By Stanlej F, Levik taken to prevent such action. Dr. Adam -Given-.Surgery, Chair in "The "Pester Lloyd"'reports" that excesses in the medical college at SHOWS INCREASE 49O,BrandelB'Tl\P«ire UiiUdiug — Telephone; a31a>tic fl450r Recognition of Services* the University of Bucharest continue, IN INCOME JEWISH PRESS TO \ Count Klebelsberg has reprimanded according to a report of the RoumanI PLAY U. S. RUBBER -. Vienna (J. T.^A.)—A serious sit- the leaders" of the students for hold- ian newspaper, "Adeverul". Jewish ..$2.50.Subscription Prfce,;one Jerusalem (J. T.-A.)—The Keren The Jewiah Press basket ball team uation exists in Hungary today due ing this demonstration. "Severe meas- students who came to attend the Hayesod, "the Palestine Foundation Advertising ratw'furnished on application. urs will be taken not only against will meat the U. S. Rubber Co. team to the opposition of the-body of antilectures were thrown down the stairs. Fund, has started-.the years 1927 ^CHANGE UP A»n«B,S|**IMp»se r»»* both (be old and net* itddreu:. Sunday, evening at the J.- C. C. gym;Semitic students to the appointment individual students but "against the One of them, Brochovici, was serious- with a larger income than that of "T -. • • ,*J« inr» pud frtvc »our name. X fast preliminary game is .being ar- of Professor Adam to the chair of student organizations as well, Count ly injured. the previous year, according to a Klebelsberg declared. !i , The/eWlsli Press «s supplied l>y fhe Jewish PelegrapbJe Ajrency (Jewish ranged for Sunday ".night. The first surgery in the Medical Collge of report made known here by the Mr. Schaefer, associate editor of the Budapest University, a Budapest des- 'Dr.^Adam's appointment was rec-"Courierul Israelite", CotrespnndenreBureaa)'w|tH cabled »nd'te1egraphir Jewish news, in addition game will start at 7:301 Fund's headquarters. Roumanian 4o feature-art tries and cprrijspondenrep fmm al! Important' Jewish renter* *" The 'Press team won its seventh patch to the "Arbeiter Zeitung" ommended by Minister of Education During January the income was Inquiries regarding .'news Item? credited to this Agency -will be gladly game 'of the season when it defeated states. The situation is being ag- Klebelsberg. and approved by Regent Jewish newspaper, was sentenced to three months imprisonment and the £57,708. In January 1926 the inanswered if'addressed to Jewish Telegraphic Agency. 621 Broadway, New the fast Union Pacific team last Sun- gravated by • the- fact, the "Arbeiter Horthy. It. was stated that the ap- payment of a large fine on the charge come was £33,000'. York City . • ' Zeitung" states, that'the close' ad- pointment , of Dr. -Adam, - who \ is day by a score of 55 to 23. visers of Admiral Horthy, Regent of counted one of the greatest surgeons . Joe Turner, local athlete, is now Hungary, is in opposition to "the trying out for the University of Il- favorable policy ^of Count-Bethlen to- in Hungary, was made as an act of t/^marablef ^ ^ ^ gratitude : on. behalf of several high linois freshman baseball team. Joe ward th© Jews in Hungary. government officials. Dr. Adam perhas ' good chances of making this Count Klebelstjerg, Minister of Edu- formed„ operations on the son of ; aM tb; proii^t^ ^ d ^ i l | ' anipiig the religious groups both'hipre; team- as he»is a consistent hitter. cation, threatened that he will - dose Regent Horthy, Prime Minister Beth^d^abrpadw -Theltt^^Qn ^ g a^ mass meeting hi the; city^of the university and even dissolve the len and his wife, saving the letter's Marcus Krasne, better known hers ^piflailelphiaY: un4er5i^e^aB?pices of the interdenominational or-j ''Tank", has made .his numeral in anti-Semitic student associations if life..; ' ~ iganizatiori^ to raise JtJpJiey Jfor tl^reUef of suffering Eastern j as Protest demonstrations against Dr. wrestling • at Illinois University. the opposition to Dr. Adam continues. |Eurppean ^fews. j G ^ d i | | l f ^ u g h e ^ did a double good when he Krasne is also out for next year's Budapest (J. T. A.)—A demonstra- Adam's appointment took place last tion of students.anc professors took September! Count Klebelsberg told a fnade a plea for? hejple|s3|sj^; Jbte aided a movement to give varsity football team. f l>read aM ^ want of ~ Toe Kaiman insurance fivtf trounced place here in protes against the ap- delegation ' of anti-Semitic leaders, pointment of Dr. Adam to the chair who I>r6tested at thai time against ifh^e\bare^eQes^tie^ the Brodkey'Construction team, 20 to the-"appointment, - * that. he assumes | ] ^ o ^ e ^ b y hel$^^ lly at the Jewish-Community-Center formidable crew o full; iesponsibility \ipt- ..^he appointsmashers. j ijwhich, ini turn, y ^ ^b i ^ c h ^ mfitraTize-the cause and-occasion Wednesday, 'night.' ment.' Eight Istudentssixcere arrested The' Omaha Tobacco. ^Company deLed by the accurate shooting of : :]pf{ special relief ^ v e s i £ ^ during the demonstrations. , feated the KaimanNlnsurarite first two Shreibman, the insurance men sent a jhelptfbrhelpfe^^ It was the first deluge of balls through the hoop at out of three games, season for the ;;;jof Jsrael by igii6|ant:a^ serious loss of the the outset of the game,.which gave ; i| ! Jtetice ttrlsr^el^h^ Catholic them, a 15 to 1 lead at the end of the Insurance five. :The- Kairaans were !leaders reference tebiir;^opl(3; ' I t is aI marvel of history|hbvr half; Brodkey held the winners on forced to roll 866 the highest game total thus- far '^registered "for their : **Manufactured in Omaha" even terma in the second half." ^jthef Jewish: race sxtrviveii^ only victory. » * "rjpbut; it is an. eyetit great^r^ marvel - that nothing has- broken $heir B*nai Ami team dropped its tenth The'Kaiman Insurance team five BAKEK ICE MACHINE CO consecutive game in an extra period, j Indomitable s p i r i t estiraate when it was. defeated by the B'riai Is- are. scheduled for a match game with rijof Jewish loyaltyto bur Wonderful record when he said.: ""To rael, 23 to 21. Rich, for the winners, the Zippers of the Recreation Ladies f;jtheir credit beifcgaid^^i^ and PoHacte," f o"r the losers, were tied League Sunday at, 4:00 p. m. at the alleys~3rd floor. Hjpast.v Their hearts go ^ut.1»aeir brethren over.thfe face of the for high scoring; honors with nine Francisco A number of. tfie bowlers were in jearth." i t is pujp-duty |oj|eserye suck a splendid tribute by giv- points apiece.' • * , good form. Those totalling over 500 y jing the world no opport^tuty tb point with clerision to Jewish In the other game the Gross were as follower" Ernie 533; Ben ra of Hou*st Uerrbandlur l» it Lumber company took, the Tully- Shapiro 540; 'Marvin Treller 515; finarantee oi a Square Dral. l|i people anywhere^ for fajUngvtp be inspired by an inimitable past Hatters'Into camp, 31 to 13. AckerEst, 1890 Gross 510 and 1419. Douglas • It should be ourjjjpy tq have it said of American Jews in our at- man and Epstien, with 10 points each, Doc Stein 507; Abev Ben Yousem 5t2. -j titude toward world J led the winners,wit = n*while S. Seigelman

f ffi; JfcWfSH T»RESS

Students Renew Attacks Against Jewish Professor




IN A GREAT CITY Devoted to fhe Service of Value Giving arid Quality

• M&lrose

Baker Ice Fladiines

16th and Harney Sts.

Brodkey Jewelry Co. famous for Diamonds

^jfor t h e poor o^ Puii brethren here, "they will never become a j was responsiblelfor six of Ms'team'B : :iburden 1» t h e people o ^ ijas long a s God hflps^ us\secure enough of earth's treasures, share j J. C. C. BOWLING LEAGUE Hjbur blessings w i t h b u r poor fellow-Jews whenever t h e y call t o %

Standings. Won Lost Perc. y -V Here of a great Kaiman Insurance —.21 9 .700 ! igathpUc: ^ /JOu^ fqref^ and Albert Colts 11 .633 -19 H massaci^^hem. I t is our part to make reparation. I hope this the Wardrobe — 16 14 .533 \?iffreat^mbvatnent^will t i e ^ s a U in the bonds of charity: to the Doc" Steins- *"" - .15 15 .500 18 .400 Omaha Tobacco ..12 snds of time. 23 .233 If these.th.oughtscould.be putinto-the hearts of. all the.chil- Malashocks „ —7 • .-'Notes. dren in our-schools, into the solids of "all the members of the , churches, into^he minds'of all citizens, there" would" be less>and High single games for the evening j less.reason to. entertain fear, anxiety and hatred one toward the wfere registered - by Leo Weitz - and Ben 'Shapiro,- with scores of 233 and v ^ | u s . ; f b r : : h e l p « / - - - - - ^

;';:^;;: ' y • • : ; A ; .


. - . . ' ... : •./•

•/ '•• -.,••:.' :-./'•-•-.

Jewish Book Store 2429 Decatour Street WE tester 3527 I just received a full supply of Tajesim wool and silk Tphilim and Mezuzos, also fancy-bags-for Talesim and -Tphilim. I also^have a new supply, of Rayer Books, Holy, scriptures and many other jJeWish' books in Hebrew and English."

| _••;.- > : ^ = - • ' > - - - •


Beautiful wall calen4^^av5^ry.reasbnal^ prices.

Invites You to Inspect

Collected from the choicest Foreignand American markets—thousands upon thousands of yards—a shimmering universe of silken splendor—and every yard of highest, finest quality.

PERFECT COMFORT DURING SELECTION While this shop is on the ground floor;of a busy corner—you have th& fueling upon entering of being in a private show room. P^srfeet matching of colors is aided by plenty of natural dayfight.

Mother, on account of differences or" religion, for aH of us would 222.*••* '. 'r- i c ' ; . !- • ~j : J recognize that we are all children of One Loving Father who de- ,The Albert Colts trimmed the I sires us. to understand Kow pleasant it is for'brethren t o dwell Wardrobes- two' out of three' games, attd crept a notch further towards the t together in peace and unity atways. , i. We thpnk.X^rdinal Dougherty "for his beautiful and thought- top; The Doc- Steins- captured three i ful tribute to. Israel.—Newark 'Chronicle. - - x .,-., games from the Malashocks Jewelry. The Steins, have developed into a 2 hard cooked eggs . "•* • 1. teaspoonful chopped..onion 1 can peas Tb banish those blues just , 1 cup cut celery COLUMN get the habit and attend Paprika • t h e . - _ . ' • " . • ' . " ;.:-•/ ; : ; " . • - : ; \ ' Salad dressing TWO IN ONE Boil shell-roni 20 minutes in salt 2 lbs. shoulder steak cut thin. 1 lb. chopped meat seasoned with water,'drain and blanch.. Combine salt, pepper, pinch of sage and an with other ingredients, onion may. be omitted; 1 cup whipped, cream is nice .onion; Spread-steak out flat, odvei-Trith^11??6^ ^ h ^ cup salad Idressing. chopped ineal; and roll np l|Se a^ielly.• Sprakle paprika over top >nd serve roll; ;Tie with;heavy ^ b i ^ thread. • y e T y ^° ld '"*"" '"iJ Broroi^,hpt fat,^ T ^ n ^ he^t sm ad4 HOUSEHOLD HINTS onion; salt and pepper; apC t cup canned' tomatoes, ^Let" cook ^lovly 3 In place of "hints" each week this 1927 hoirs or longerl liemov^ string and t column will publish a list of foods serve hottorcold r ^im sli<^ : , .Soine.' containing elenaente, needed for the J water-^iay- be,added Ui i««d«(d^' ': | Human Body. Iodine is necessary for proper elimination. These foods contain iodine, salmon,* skin- of potatoes, UNCQOEED. CRANBERRY, 25th and.Farnam St. p\jarsj, peas, tomatoes and garlic ' Gut c^itiese^lista^orfetu^. reference; i Bim3crinbarrie83:t^

Under the management of



Jewish Social

Chb Get Acquainted

Who -Has Served Silk -wants for Over 20 .Tears.

Samples Mailed Upon Request

Fit for a King



Red Hot Pepper Jazzy Syncopftors ^ ;

^^raPg•::!&?%. ^

You know they're hot


keep^oj^f Palestiiie observed with curious first snow. in Much fell here yesterday. The la^t MABTHA\WASHJNGtON CREAM snow in Palestine'^was in the winter' :

. v Bake - -plain,vbutter \, cake J in ^ two layers^ put t6gethe|r^rftB: crfgjn S p ^ ; ing.^ PU& ; whipped ?. crea^ rony'tojp^ ?Bpr|nkle%>viti^^groupd; peanut brittle jind^Serve/ cut irir pie-shaped pieces, y \

o-f^l92L;'.: .:.;• •;;,- 'y-?Z:^:"

. BUTTER ;^ % cup butter' "',._1 cup! sugar - 2 eggs separated ' 1%' cups- flour 2 teaspoonfuls/ bakjng powder ' X teaspoonful flavor.' . ."..,« 1 % cup milk • Pinch of salt" " .' '.• Cream .sugar ^nd butter, add .well twaten egg^olks.. salt endflavor,^add flour aifted with baking powder and , stiffly • featen egg'. whites*; - Bake in Moderate o^er 30 mjautes.; s

:';- -•"-'






'." - Wheninixing a white cakeruse cold in,-p>ce of milk. Your cake •m purpwev-r


-—~* - • - v L-EONI SALAD


• "•^•'^

'• • '>

Admission 35c Everybody welcome.

Just think—nice brown crisp waffles smotiiered in melted butter and maple syrup—garnished with well, let's «ay,"little pig1* sausiges-—steaming hot coffee—a breakfast fit for a king.* You, too, can enjoy electrically baked waffles and ;many other waffle delicacies:-Here is your opportTHiity to own a fine electric waffle iron.

' .



AT. 3740


'. i- i jf


We guarantee thli froa to give yen latisfaction. It has cast aluminum grid^ that, do cot require greasing after the flr«t applfcatiOTi. NicSel-platefl finish, v, . .-'*'"• •['" -':'"y'" ''""'

Free Recipes

Shop Demonstration Cosne to our "Electric Shop" and tea the many waffle delicacies that can be .tazie on this fine waffle Iron,

if TOU *«sh. we will be glad to "Weak In" an iron for you w that when'It Is.delivered to-JOT. Home. it will.be ready for Isnmedlate use.

; in Hebrew or English Translation ,


With each Iron we give tested recipes fot ^aine dishes. We will also famish additional recipes any time jroa desire them.

When in need of

^ ^







Electric Waffle Iron

Estimates FREE

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OnIy5$L(W Down

Let Us Help You Plan Your Building Program For 1927

GENERAL CONTRACTOR 522 Peters Trust Building

The Modern Tendency. " Clothes of Refinement


Ait Established Record "




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.- - a n d $ 2 5 t o $ 5 0

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OUNG men are looking for that indefinable air of charY acter and distinguished style hx clothes. . We've achieved the result in new Spring Suits and Top Coats. Such clothes are a far cry from the so-called "college clothes" of the recent past. Today we have the university trained young man in the designing field—developing and directing the production of the clothes young men demand. The result is clothes of refinement and quality heretofore entirely unobtainable in ready-for-service Suits and Top coats. Plus our policy of lowest possible prices w« are enabled to offer. ••-..•-

"Electric Shop*' WtfaimdHanieySt*

fill your,needs, at the most reasonable price Headquarters tor,Jewish'Boobs Established 1882

[ 'T


._•_ ".„, " ,„ "



liOS Mo. 23 St., (rear of Synagogue 24th and Nicholas): WE. 4808 \.


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