A false friend, like a shadow, attends only while the sun shines.
The Gymnasium Exhibition "
It was my very good fortune to one of a large audience that attende the first annual exhibition gymnasiuiii class work at the Jewish Community Center, last Wednesday evening. Though the exhibition work was nothing more than the usual gymnasium work conducted at the center, much of it was new to a great portion of the on-lookers. Every single one received a great deal of pleasures from the performance. • » *.
Entered us Bi-cond-clasa inn!) matter on January 27th. IU21. at PostoHlce at Omaha Nebraska, tinder the Act of Mnrrh 3. 1879.
VOL. VL—No. 10
Moral: Don't Be Too Preoqpupied Friends of "Sam Dansky, who have .been inquiring as to the cause of the bandaged finger are. told a story something like" the" following: "Well, it Tvas this way. You see, I waB talking to a "charming young Lady. I craved a smoke, so took a cigarette and struck a match to light It. As I said, she was a charming young lady. This caused me to forget the match, which lit the match box I was holding in my hand, causing it to flare up. Then I burned my finger." {The above words are not as told by Sam but merely as he might have told i t ) . * * *
Jewish Coagress Hears Report m (kdiiki Moscow (J. T. A.)—Two aged Jewish religious teachers, of Jews in Europe melamdim, will be brought to trial in Bielozerkoff on the charge of violating the
American Jewish Congress to Soviet law concerning religious instruction. Study Situation of Jews Kazachinsky, aged 73, and Gurevitch, 71, are accused of having main-
MESSAGES DELIVERED BY LEADING MEN IN COUNTRY] tained a secret cheder where minor
WISlNSTEIN TO ACCOMPANY WETZMANN' ON OZET MISSION TO U. S. Moscow <J. T. A-JRachmiei Weinstein, one of the. leaders of the Jewish communists in Soviet Russia, will accompany Samuel Weizmann, brothMany Commend Jewish Press er, of Dr. Chaiia Weizmann, to the United States on a miss-on in behalf for Its Stand of the Ozet, the society for the settlement of. Jews on the land in WRITE "YOUR" STORY Russia. Th& purpose of the mission TO THE JEWISH PRESS will be to explain the work of the society in Russia. By H. H. R. Since the publishing of the comment in the "This 'Week" column of the Jewish Press relative to the discrimination of certain Omaha firms in not hiring Jewish help, the Jewisli Press has been flooded with calls und by Omaha Hebrew Club messages from Omahans substantiat- Sponsored at the J. C.C." ing the statement mzie by Sam Leon. The greatest majority of the calls i
er Annual eeting; Bulling Be Elected For Trustees and Directors / ' Ensuing Year'
j children were taught to recite Jewish "Washington. (J. T. A.)—The Amer-j prayers and were given instruction in The first'annual meeting of the Jewisli Community Center ican Commission on the Eights of Hebrew. will be held Tuesday evening'March 1 in the auditorium. The: Religious Minorities has sent a com-, It Was Gone, But meeting is the first for the Center in the new building. " mission to Europe to study the situaHe Had Another At this meeting election of officers will take place, also the Harry Lapidus reached into his tion of the Jews in various European election- of trustees and directors to serve for the ensuing term. pocket the other day to fetch some- countries. The report of this comThe entire public is invited to this meeting. mission will be ready in a few thing. It was gone. __•*• Three trustees, and seven,directors "Did you take my handkerchief months. This was the information will be-elected at-the meeting March from my pocket?" Harry asked ac- given to the American Jewish Con? Hospital Completely Refurnished and first. Nine-directors will be appointed Y. M. a i l Y. W. I . A. gress delegates by the Rev. Dr. A. T. cusingly of Esther Potash. Remodeled for for the coming year by the newly "Why, of course not," answered Brown, president of the commission, Elects Gfcrs for T§m elected president. Following the who addressed the bienniel session of Esther. Wise Memorial Hospital will hold Ahaain and past month, The "Y" held it's semi-annual elec- election, the president will appoint Mrs. Lapidus, seated nearby, came the American Jewish Congress at the open house Sunday, February 27 be- ment in certain firms they were retion of officers Monday night at the the various committees to serve foT new "Willard Hotel here. Over four tween the hours of 1 and 4 to enable fused, with a strong hint that "we to the rescue. „ Center. By reason of the fact that the coming administration. "Here's one," she said, offering her hundred delegates were registed and the friends of the institution, to view hire no Jews". An elaborate program has . been Other calls were from people who the Center is taking over many of husband one of her fancy embroidered about 500 guests were present at the the improvements made during the! prepared with no principal speakers. found it hard to believe-that such a the duties previously performed by recent remodeling of the building. kind. : = . •' the "Y" the Club voted to reduce the Reports will be made by the presiJudge The board of directors will be in the condition really existedr*; declined Milton S. Strasbourger, "Oh, that's too; small," "That a discriminatory condition number of officers in the organization. dent Harry H. Lapidus and by the Harry, as he pulled out a large, new chairman of the. Washington com- receiving line. existed in Omaha I knew lor a fact," Morris Alpirn "was elected to..succeed executive secretary, • Samuel Gerson. "kerchief from another pocket. , Remodeling of the hospital, begun mittee of the American Jewish Consaid Mr. Leon, "bat even with the San Zacharia as president, Mr. Alpiro The financial statement will be read gress opened the session on behalf of early last spring, was necessitated by, has been active in *'TM work for £ by Joe L. Wolf, secretary. Other the committee, Cdnnnissioner Taltf- the widening of Hamey street at 25th\ knowledge I had T did. not number of- years having held several numbers on the program will -foe the era^elcomed the delegates on be: avenue, thereby cutting off 14 feet of j * to be as serious as I have This Week's Comment offices during that time. Ida Sidmaxi, Center Symphony orchestra conducthalf ^ D i s t r i c t of Columbia and the north wing, ,nd : part of the ^ ^ ^ ^ a former secretary was elected to suc- ed by three pupils of the orchestra,' ' Officials of the Jewish Community Dr.'Abram Simonon behalf of the Nurses* Home. Such extensive repairs ceed Leone Novitsky as'vice-president. Bernard Balab&n, ten year eld," Ha were required that the board decided Washington Jevrish; comtnunity. At •:.\ ''.-'•-.•• • •••-- C e n t e r . ; - _ . ' . • • - . •'. Ella Marcus • "was elected secretary Jacobson,- and Sam Epstein.Yi ddisli stopped on the streets, called at my to rebuild and improve the Folk songs, by-.Miss Bess Greenberg. the suggestion of Dr. Steuer, Dr£ "On March 1 We're going-1° office andtn my h o m j ^ S e ^ ^ s f o I k s •play by .young. .girls froia '&g® .ttf"•&. r: J! 1 "theT^'annualV nreeting--of "the -Jewish.^ maa succeeded Stsnly • P. Levin "«s to 10; estetic dance .by Helen Leviisa renewed building, furnish- telling me "-o£~'t£eir•• experiences - - in Iapsky, • Judge Gustave Hartrnan, Community Center. Election of the treasurer. Mr. Levin was elected re- son, Lillian Chudscoff, Celia Nite, ings, and drapery, equipment, a new seeking employment in a "No Jews' new officers of the center will take acob Ginsburg of Philadelphia* Mrs; staff and superintendent and Jnew establishment." -Something iJe&nite porter replacing Benjamin Morgan, pupils of . ballet class of Annette place at- that "time. ; This is your Archibald Silverman of Providence, should be done to remedy this-condiThe new president will announce the Ricklin. • . -• communitycenter, buSt by you for E. L, and Solomon J. Liebeskind officers, the Wise Hospital is taking tion, which is getting more serious policies of'thVY" and also his comwere elected vice-chairmen. Bernard^ a new lease on life," said Samuel The meeting will begin promptly you, arid we want every Jew in as time goes -on, and we would like mittees in the nest" issue of the Press. Richards, Dr. S. Bernstein and; Wertheimer, chairman of the board. to hear * from others who may have at 8:30 p._m..and will be held in the Omaha to nave a hand in running the Center auditorium. building. One way is to have a Martin Levy of Philadelphiar were met up with this condition." Castor Isaiah Kahaao\!itch. ! elected secretaries. . . .": membership and another is to use THE INDEPENDENT Besides the biennial message delivthat membership and attend l i e anYeioash, mil be held Sunday after-j GROCERSDANCE M A N Y ATTEND FUNERAL nual meeting and elect the officers ered by Dr. Wise, president of the noon at the Jewish Community Center.] OF MRS. B. STOCK The -memorial meeting is . being • you fee! will conduct the husiness of American Jewish Congress, the ad- The Independent Grocers of Greater j . The Thcrpeian Athletic Club of this the Jewish Community Center in the dresses of Rev. Brown and Deputy Omaha are making arrangements to sponsored by... the Omaha Hebrew city wMca nas been inactive for the! Isaac Gruanbaum were the outstand- hold their opening novelty dance on More than five hundred people Club and is assisted by the Local best possible manner." year has reorganized and EC- First ef Series of ToOFBsmexrts to , . ing features of the first day's ses-1 Sunday, February 27 at the Kelpir.es attended the funeral services of Mrs. Zionist District and the - Hebrew,;p * * * - Held at Center • .*,••»»•, Ttr * cording 6 to the officers elected, plans B. Stock, Sunday afternoon from the Camp of the Modern Wooomen of: , . , . sions. j Dancing Academy, 25th and Farnam Overheard at the Center , - \ . , , _ . , _ , _ . ! are now under way for several funcMuch interest centered around the' t r e e t . So enthused are the board of' family /essence, 1526 North 18. St. Araenca, Omaha and Council Bluffs • The Midwestern'A. A,IT. handball A young lady over the telephone to address of Mr. Gruenbaum who, at1, sdirectors Mrs Stock a resident of tions to be sponsored by the Thorwith the advance sale of * > Onmhafor branches. ; { Among these will be a I tournament will be held at the Jewiher mother: part twenty-four Mas Froinkin will be chairman of the conclusion of his report on t h j that preparations are being g « part twentyfour years tournament and an April foolish Community Center, Saturday "Hello, mother, I'm going to take situation of the -Jews in eastern! d to accommodate Omahas larg- ****** '"&* a£tet a lingering ill- the meeting. There will be two speaka e dance. The dance will be held April S. night and Scndsy. This is the first gym and go swimming; than 111 come Europe, touched on the question of j me st attending crowd and the public if ness. Burial was in Beth Hamedrosii ers on the program who will tell of, time that the Midwestern events have right tome.'' the Jewish Agency. "I do not. wel-. assured that no expense has been Hagodol Cemetery. the works and life of Aachad Aha&mj The officers elected for the ensuing ever been held in Omaha, according term are I. Levin, president; Sam She is survived by her husband, and Yehossh. Castor Kahanowitch *. * * tome it," he stated, developing his spared to make this affair just one to Ed Burdick, and these events ate Oot They Went idea of opposing the admission of the howling success and a good time for Benjamin, and six daughters Mrs. M. and choir will participate on the pro- •Freidsl, vice-president, and Morris being held at the Jewish Comraunity Franklin, reported. The club has enRobinson, Mrs. S. S. Green, Mrs. H. held Sari Lapidas is quite the crack- non:Zionists to the task of upbuild-j all. The Red Hot Mellow Blue Seretered several men in the Midwestern Center. ing Palestine as a homeland for the naders, a recording orchestra, have ehot on the handball floor. promptly at 4 o'clock. Many entrants have already filed A. A. U. handball tournament at the Finkenstein, and Miss Bess Stock. Jews. "I do "not believe they will do been engaged for the night, The other day while playing their entry, blanks and among thbsp Jewish Community Center. Three sisters, Mrs. E. Jacobs and Mrs. Due to the fact that .the Deborah SOVIET 'GOVERNMEKT game of handball at the center, he it and if they will, it will be done who will be here will be the sing!e<s Meyer Green of Omaha and Mrs. H. hit .the ball against the wall. It badly," he declared. Society are holding their dance at Miller of New York and one brother • PERMITS* EINSTEIN'S AID champ of. Iowa, Dr. Lute of Dfrfe TO SOVIET ACADEMIES CONFERENCE Except for those remarks, no dis-1 the auditorium on Sunday, March 6, bounced, bitting another wall, and Moines. "The' Levey Brothers, Saul Mr. B. Shafton of Omaha. MAY SETTLE ARAB then bounced again, striking the cussion developed on the question of- the Jewish Social Club are not going and 5oe," Max "Altschuler, Moscow (J. -T. A.)—Dr. Grauner, electric light i switch and extinguish- the Jewish Agency* notwithstanding to stage any dance on. the above date. TRIBAL FEUDS Ate • Meyers, Leon. 1 an assistant of Prof. Albert Einstein, the fact that much speculation went; Watch this paper for the announce- Classes in Esthetic Dances ing the lights . delson, Phil Peldman,•-Meyer-<3*eeB» 1 Jerusalem (J. T. A.)—Jericho, the has received -the permission of the Now he^s trying to duplicate the on prior to the opening-of the session ment of the Jewish National Workers Free to J. C. C. Members bergand others .-have already ? Soviet government to work in the Biblical town of Palms ssd war, may as to what would Tie the course taken Alliance dance to be held at Kelpines act. -" "" ' by the leaders of the Congress in this on Sunday, March 13. It Coiildh't Have Been Beginning next Thursday there institutions of higher learning in be inscribed in the history of the matter. What was virtually an inHis Lunch will be no charge for Esthetic Dane- Soviet Russia. This permission was j Arab tribes as a city of peace as a ASK CANADA IN BEHALF • ing instruction. Miss Annette Riklin granted in reply to a request directed I result of a peace conference which TO INTERVENE C Sam Jake Isaacson walking by the dictment of. the anti-Jewish persecu- RABBI SAILS FOR OF ROUMANIAN JEWS' by Professor Einstein to Lunatcharsj opened its sessions there yesterday. •will meet all new pupils on Thursday court house the other day-with a large tions in European countries and parU. S. TO SEEK BELIEF FOR ky, Soviet Minister of Education. j The conference, which consists of box, overflowing with vegetables. All ticularly in Roumania was expressed DESERTED WIFES night. All J. C." C. members in good standing are eligible. Just show your Replying to Dr. Einstein's letter, two representatives of Ibn Saui, Toronto, Canada (J. T. A.) — A. kinds—lettuce, cabbages, onions, car- by Rev. Brown in his address in which membership card. The . promising Lunatcharsky declared that he wel- j victorious leader of the Wahabi* and protest meeting against ths atvti-Jcv,'he declared: rots, etc. London (J. T. A.)—The plea of. one isfa excesses in 'Souraania was held "Injustice; anywhere by 'anybody large numbers of Agunoth, Jewish' '. s ^ '»* selected for.-the operetta, comes his desire to cooperate with' conqueror of Mecca; two representa"What are you doing?" I asked the Soviet institutions of higher j tives • of the Transjordanian governon Sunday'.at the -Standard Theatre. being of an inquisitive frame of mind should be denounced by every right- women who have lost track of their "Mneess Chrysanthemum", Japanese learning and hopes that other great; ment and one of the Palestine govern- The theatre was filled to capacity "Oh, this is my truck garden," Jake minded person, and the injustice to husbands in America, will be presentment, was called to consider the feuds and two' overflow meetings were held. scholars will follow his example. replied. "I just dug these from the which the Jews Have been subjected ed by Rabbi Jacob Tvers-kj of the and frontier disputes between the Eabbi Ferdinand XL lsserman presi1 is one of the tragic iniquities of Ukraine, who sailed for New York RUSSIAN LEADER snow." tribes of Nejd, Hedjas and " Trans- de at the meeting . Father SNOWSTORM history. I need' not recount the deEULOGIZES YOUSKEVrrCH on the Mauretania. It was stated that Jake isn't a vegetarian, to my knowReverend'Dr. Bland of -the jordania. CAUSES DAMAGE'IN ledge, but even if he were, it would tails since they are known to you and Rabbi Tversky is proceJii^ to the Church, Rhinewein, editor of . *h« Paris (J. T. A.)—The funeral of . • JERUSALEM take him some time to devour the have been widely; published. _ I speak Uxiited States in behalf of the rabbis Toronto Hebrew Journal, delivered ad• ~ 1 FREUD' UNDERGOES OPERATION quantity of vegetables he was lug to you not as to Jews but as to my of the Ukraine to arrange that the Simeon Youskevitch, Russian Jewish Jerusalem <J. T. A.)—Many houses] Vienna, {J. T. A. —Dr. Sigroand dresses, • fellow Americans, for the question is husbands of the Agunoth either grant playwright and novelist was held ging around in full view, uptown. A resolution of protest against wntj~ here yesterday. Eulogies were de- in the Old City of Jerusalem were! Freud was operated on for cancer of not merely Jewish but humanitarian them divorces or support them. Jewish atrocities-was moved destroyed in .a severe snowstorm the tongue. The operation was de( livered by Milioukoff, well known and is independent of religious disA Last Word Russian and leader of the former which raged here all day yesterday, j clared to be successful. Dr. Freud ! Bland and amendad by Rabbi trinctions. In discussing it, I shall Almost everything now has a cham- state opinions that I have long held EDITOR DESIGNS Cadet party, Rabbi Eisenstadt, Hein- Much damage was done in the city.: will be unable to speak above a vhis- man to include ether religious minnr< Telegraph' poles were thrown down' per for ths next six months. His sttff. itfcs. Ths resolution will be forwards pion, with more champs springing up and that I have often expressed when BECAUSE OF OBJECTION TO rich Sliosberg and Sholem Asch. in many places. j will carry v* his practice. | to Premier King, with a request tr every day—gum chewers, tobacco no Jews were present." ANTI-SEMITIC POLICY Due to the .storm, several steamers! -— « ^nbrnit the matter to the league ft* chewers," ironers, expectoraters, ani JEWS SUFFER IN 1 Natior.s. were prevented from landing groups; MESOPOT A MIAN JET-" what not. Now there should be com- REVISIONISTS Lemberg (J. T. A.) — Federoy, BOSNIA EARTHQUAKE DONATES SCHOOL SITE FOR j of tourists in the country. editor of the Ukrainian daily, "Dilo", petition to decide who is the champion PROTEST AGAINST ZIONIST ARMENIAN REFUGEES'; CORRECTION champion. " EXECUTIVE'S ATTITUDE has resigned from his position. It Vienna (J. T. A.—About 20 Jews The memorial meetings planned in was stated that the resignation was were among the victims of the earth- the Hebrew schools throughout Pal-J Due to an error the nnrne of I*?. Warsaw {J. T. A.)—A meeting of due to the dissatisfaction of the lead- quake which occurred in Bosnia and estine to commemorate the one! Jerusalem (J. T. A.)—A school . Deborah Society Meeting A special meeting of the Deborah Zionist Revisionists held here last ers of the Ukrainian, party in Galicia Herzegovina and in Dahnatia. The hundredth anniversary of the death the children of Armenian refugees' Philip Sher "was left off the list t>f Society will be held Wednesday after- night protested "against.the" decision with the anti-Semitic policy of the victims were mainly residents of cf Pestalozsi have been postponed. I resident in Palestine will be erected elected officers of t3ie Jewish Wfci • i here. | fare FeHemtion at itg annual b e a Mostar, Sarajevo and Ragusa. Further noon, March ,2, instead of the regular of the Zionist Executive of Poland not paper. ting. Dr. Sher was re-eJe*t««S Cantor Sehwarzkin and choir will The site for ths school was donated • The "Dihr' recently atte=ked Jews to take part in the reception of Jabodetails are not available in view of monthly ".meeting. At this special meeting reports will be made by the tinsky on bis arrival here. The meet- because of the Schwaxtsbard case and- the fact that all means of cc —insca- conduct the services for Rosh Chadesh by Menachem Daniel, a. Mesopotamia^ chairman of the executive _*bmcolonization i tion with the afflicted regior has been Ador at the B'nai Israel Synagogue, Jew. The cost of the school, it is mittee ot the Welfare Federatie». committee with reference to the dance ing Dfged the Executive to change its because- -of- the Jewish 0 estimated, will be £10,000. attitude. , "'j destroyed. movement in Buss* 18th and Chicago streets. r March 6 at the city auditorium.
Open Hesse atWise Memorial Hospital Sunday Afternoon
s e s s i o n . : :
.•:• •
- '-•
• • - ' • PubJUM d'every 1'^qlf Day at UHyj g a / N e t > r i & g " g #
no rich'i$th nutsapd ' tajce'the1' place 'of
} " Office: 4?0 Brandels Theatre gu^'ding «• Telephones-Aflpnjf? '***% \ "•'' "" '""'" • NATHAN ft GREEN;'MaVagtir. ' ** '•'."-• 4- -J
' ' .6 egg yolks ' XVi cup sugar Fruit cocktail 11 stale lady fingers rolled fine -$2.50. Baked veal chops ' 2 tablespoons lemon juice Advertising rates furnished on application. Riced potatoes 1 cup nut meats j»st heated pinch salt in their 6 egg' 'whites' Waldrof salad Beat yolks and suga- together. Add Bolls all the other ingredients, beaten egg e Bureau) with, cahjed an fea •whites last* Bake in two layers about rticfe^gridid correspondences correspondences from ay Important Jewish centers, Prune Whip garding new di ews item tp tbja, Agency will be gladly news items credited minutes, |*ut together with marshto Jewish Te|egraphjc Te|egra,phjc i$H£g*BZ1 B r o a d l y %«? mallow or banana, cream. This makes BAKED a wonderful dessert for a "fiashiki" ( »ian|t vpal chpps. meal. Qhops in flour find diy in hpaten Hope I have helped you Mrs. B. Wh \ There w|U bp nujch. etftiejam of the ^pifit report by r$jk P e c H w r Write me again. ,in flo^r and fry bi-Qwn. pn qveJlationa! organizations of the Catholic and Protestant Ch.u.r^hes both sides. Remove from pan and Iron is necessary for good teeth jand the Liberal Synagogue on the Western Maryland Hailroad ta fat left in pan -add flour. (1 and to build blood cellsr ' Spinach strike and lockout Trom.,those, quarters where it is held that in- spoon for each tabjespofln fa^), 1 ranks first In all iron foods. These hrqwn. A^d boiljng- wa$er filWly ft "* dustrial disputes^ are outside the proyince of religion. .Thjs cp,ok uptjl ^ust a }i$la thjpk, add one foods are: spinach, beef, n^vy beans, ? ^^fopg^tfojl t$ m mon t£ tfce H& sliced onion, 1 gug tomatoes and veal lima beans, egg "yolks, baked potatoes, wh,ole wheat hread, cab^ ^epaEtment of-the Federal Couneil of Churehes, the Sociar' chftps,. ^la,ce in oven qnd, P£ke asparagus, bi^ge (better raw), whjatena, pears, Action.De|^rtni6iit pf the tfatippal OathQjio Welfare, Cqnference (covered) 1 hour, ' rajisjns, apples," nuts, brown rice and of Anterior} flapbis. Whf#@r \he ^nji^s, will s|ftnd the test of lettuce.
j expert eppiwinicsts or }ead the Tvay to a set^jepient of tfte Western J #8^1*^4 W8ge 4lf|Cu^y 18 bes^fig $h$ m$$$°ty PS we view it. [fhe importance lies in" the faj$, which should, he everywhere jheralde^^l^'three great reK^ons-wganizatrons p£?Am^ca£re; presen^^ffl^tfeajihajf ^ftlf^^^^ I unite on si matter of spcja! iuati^P, 'Riftt,' indeed, "is 'the chief '. public province of religion^ Qng-nf the Jgeakpessek 0$ religion in^ the jriqder^ goftif&'ijiit ftKft$W§» | a r <?eu*filieii whallS" p«irsona£ , and'not social. An4 th^signifioancp pf t^e present entry of re' ligion into an in^ystria.! cojityovfrsy', $escei3iiftg> itse)f entirely with the social j\j§tice Bfia§e of tl\e.dispute, lies i(i #ijs; that the : ! experiment -jp Being mage thMigk the U9i|e4 eflfeft of CfttbplipJ
all together a^nd. garnish, slice? of ajple, Serve very cpjtf im lettuce c&gs. Squeege.a l i ^ e lemon Julc!S..ov|r' agples to keep from turn ing dark. •
! 1
wqrd.3 that (Christ spoke Few ^er^tN mm* or ...__... . w:defense ... t qf 'hjjdr|n F^r
- ^nd the strongest "Wfif©."wajn4paa» n> the djfense of chijdren. F^r : ; the man that hurt ff one o£ these Htfe'«K9 f ' : " ""*"""" " "'""'" *~'~ I were oast into tliesea,- vpith a, ni^latftOe^ ,ar^}|ift ^ § sternly in.en were warded, cQi\oe^ufig..tfce chUdpen, f- ngelsi 4Q nlwaya beh^ol^t^ f^«ype pf my father, -^hiehiain and work pf Christ, a few ^ f t e ^ . Y f & ^ ! . historian," nothing else. The rest & faj#i, ..,,„ .
, ..
even affirm tt\ai Christ ha4 n,o a?t«al historical existence. '
HERZBBRG STYLE REVUE—9:15 P, .-._,_ With Omaha Auto S A k
A Gtrnitm
^a pound-prunes r**. ^ i cup sugar r ^Siites of five eggs.' 1 teaspoon lemon juice Cook* prunes until soft, remove pits and mash, fine-Add sugar and |five;jninutes, l i t cool and add stiffly bfiaten' ishit'ea and lemon juice. Grease a baiting dish with just a little Mazola, pftup in mixture and bake ivery slftyrtj? 2tt nw»qte% Serve cold
The Copelinan Candy Co
Successors tq Jan,c? Candy Co.
" -
" • j .
-Romance Chocolates Phone 4A. 8986
he >JU t o
•i • M_I» . »m
ARTHUR ^mSBA^E'S jL . , . . . . . , . , Arthur Brisbane, tfte brjll|a^t editor, delivering his Christmas . . .inen tfcr-pugh/tie niettiyim of the .n,ewsp§n.er& CQn$$e4 br'W^" liam Randolph Heai-fit,. reaching m§n,y nulUeil§ Of ^ § . 4 ^ in : various pa^ts of the Unitefl States,, said on QJiristnjaa dfty, in part, as follows,: _ . . ; . . ygars ago, todajr, as nearly Nineteen, hujidjfe4 " as men can, yepfcpn it, ; a Baby was bank in the Holy ? In^ ^ fluence upon the world than all of] i since ^inie Jjeg^ji.
SIR HERBERT SAMUEL Sir Herbert t A delegation p# T^»»ent||tives of PJBCLINFS .OFFER, Tp RE- . the Liberal Party of-WestJSwansea in view ef tht fa«t ENTER ENGI^ISP POLITICS extended a fernfal invitation to 'Sir decided yet 1: Herbert tg be their candidate to Suc- will wage Ms figjhtjfor _.;London (J- T. A.>—,Si^ Herbert Sa- ceed the Rt. Hon,. W. Pu'nciman;' ^ho a|ne muel has rejected his first opportun- was elected froia West Swansea1 in ity to re-enter English politics. 1924.
SI 8 Farnam St.
CO, n <*(», flurnry Omalia. Nchr.
^ y lrqn, bras*, bronze and alumipqin ca«ybp«, tHUAdnrd sizei bronze end iron buSiilnps, sewer manholes, c i t l o rlriRS nUd" cetera, sod cU-an-out Soft
Foirth Floor
EveryWy'slaritf To CQ Sunday, February 27 To the
^ ^ | ^ ^ in. bowl and add "dne very |ipe rn^ghed, banana Whip until y p y 6tiffr ^ 4 ^ 1 teaspoon vattilia and^'setve every cold as .topping .for. pie pp any other way •'whipped/ creapi; w^ujd be used. Add
ent Grocer's
NOVELTY DANCE in, bowl. Add put in sniall pieces • " -" i , add as ^pping.$»Q\Yder«d "Can,dje4 ?hepsp§ are nice chqpped fine
Kelpipes Dancing 2Sth and^aVha HOT MUSIC—HOT TIME
He lived her^s a. Tf>W,"xeaj§,:die'd a shaineful?-^aiBful death, by slow torture aad. thgiWfiild has been slowly graying hetfef tl^o^ffl1: ; the centuqea t^at haye -^asse^ th§9^ s fe Sfe teach^gj and His . example. There, isjess poverty-, less cruelty, infinitely, less misery. of all i&\&s. &n& ev^fj. t|ie brutally, g^fer*i^Qp, (ff\je$f' .ajjd selfishness, preached in His name by Bretend^r Chr4§|nifts have • JH Street WE bster ^ 2 7 •--. : : not been able to hold back ^ i s work, For the short "time that I am in the business I have convinced every! . One thing-should i>e remembeFed, on this day that <has sorj one of- my customer?, that everyth^in^ I handje is of the Highest j; oftenbeen,m,aBe^ret^fQr;racea"n4rejipo'q8hatw . . quality and at the Most Reasonable Briceg. Resides my regular stock,. (1 ; . Christ wa§ Bftt Jci4eft^l ^¥ fl^Sf P? ? I I § ^ ft Jl6H?Hn koY^P^t ^>f:" prayerbooks, holy scriptures in Hebrew and Englisht Talesiro, $ptdl|m, Ijfazuzos, etc.-' I am gping \Q hftve Hagodos for Pesach in : ruling the Jews, and $ $ weth°^ 0$. W& MiliPS Wft§ a I ^ Q § Q pv\Bi§K Hibre?r and BngBsh. Also ^oap fo.r Pesa.cb. i raent; crue^fixon; iinknowii to Jewish }SW» Mid dPteate4fey\\> Christ's Mother>as*^ Jewish girl, a^d all Hia earthly xelatiyes wer«of the^ewighrajpe. Keep th^t in mind. i This \$ ft hr<)^djnin4e4 ^B^ Wo?tfeftoj®J$lftfChristian's • y ..•" ' ' of view. |f Christian,minj§teF? ^»4 P ^ i s ^ f t ) ^ I interpret; aj»d preaeh widely this ChrJstign. cojfq^°B The Modern Tpw<fency: erhood of man, and if the Jews T ^ I dedicate t H e n i ^ , , , _ of {Refinement general adherence to Jewish' ideals, which form l the very-Jbasis ofciyiliza,%n., there ^ i l l ^ r e a l ' ^ c e on earth and good wpl •«*««
Pi SONIT—Mwish Book St^re
D o m e - Judge for yourself. They are values that express themselves.
j The Agudes Achi«x . . their, annual dan.'ce February 17. 9& % E^gles'^all, and a large crowd attenc$ed7 During the. r intermission littjft r l|a3ane Leibqwit2 ^V^^on^eaplp A?JP.ceS A?JPeS a?pbTnE^n a?pbTnE^njed g^Ve^on^e^aplp by S a p , ^c|pm,onow at the' gis AccQrdjn^ > , .,M?, gfU 1 . ' , ^ c^airm.aii of the' 4ance cbrnmrttee^ affair, was 'a. big^ giiccesg; both sqci
Mr, •wor end, !
T - i • • >'?
Mrs. W. :Seigel hfts gone to- Winnipeg, "Canada, -for a^'^tended'.'visit: •with -ier ddpgijteii M?a. -M«c Stciniganf and'Bp. SCetfpSn. ' ^
-Cv Mr. ' l S S S
Sf(} men are looking for that indefinable air of char-. SSte M distinguished sty|e in elothea. We've achieved the result in new Spring Suita and Top Coats.. <-i— Srvwh»cktthes are % far. cry. fioni the. so-called "college clothes" rdt tnfe;^cent pagt.' T^j^y »e have tJfie milyersity.. trained, young train in the designing fijeld—developing- and directing -the ptdMiction of the clothes yqung men demand.'
. Whil?
mum mm
Unmatched: $21.75, here for
Smartest Gplors- and Fw Trimming
• It fc*i
f# ' '-
ype of coat tfc&t is pes\ii;ed (cr p models and fvtr trimmed mo>mht aHwitfc the j?SBe?«l details that stamp them JIS smkr^ and mas| u£uen$l al th« priet.
eep Clean";
\ '
Sport Coats arid Drais
here . B.lunienthal
SUITS anjd
ERIPIRE. Ha. 8898.
A coat event that wiilifirG^e s^m stop reg«t*tie» for fashion lightness, qtrality, asd* 'S^le witfio^ ^stswaga**f.'' A frxflJP of coats, as choi^fe a selec^lim ^ w^«m*i#?r it pessft£e to ollwr %% '.1 ':
^ ^ i l j The Ladies Auxiliary pf the\T*lmud. Torah will' Jiold a •- meeting next Wednesday afternpan^ Jf?rcH 2,-a> the home ' of" Sirs.' Goodman"M 4 Oakland Drive. ',
f$ clp.theg e | refinfment and quality, heretofore b l b iq read,y-for-sgpice Suits an?i fop OU? pqliey oi lowest possible prices we are
. i. » e „ loTsheens and plain dress csati i^risi, && HPBCttot &dm«» " feriag- of siaart ceats that y«n'U »**ead wtlh iawwmse profit tp — yourself. Come early fo? bes^ seleeti«s. ..
See Our interesting Di$$l&$ @f <VARQLYN" GQ4%®, at M
i^v^ ti
. - : >•
.! . .
I ;
Mrs. A..JAgWWt.«f-Swax Falls.
coaKgci' ^pPA Rgr
V '•• 1 -
PAGE 8—THE JEWISH PRESS, Miss Caroline Levy returned home after spending "the past five weeks visiting in Kansas City. -
, FEBRUARY 24, J027 fee
n the «GQ,l<i€ft.-pe0k? ? (peBtor this §und*y4
On Wednesday, M^rph 1$, £n the of $hs Jewish wUl be i^Joj 9 CBR!
a tiros e
thetic hgarfjig and Inxlicated that the •patter would have his attention. The today is uiicle«3to«M§ to ^ .been in . furtiiefaucc f>f the matters discussed at that meeting.
?S'tg g#]«bfate |he be t^e f\j\ee,% Qn Friday evening, February ?5} f §f the founding o| •"•" Coh5's_ .sqbj^t wiU be ^Sp}^AH J j l p hostess, gpg arg t «rill be Washington Q, T. A J ^ P ? oza," in commeration of the 250, the j j B. P \. ft...W}K,P?f sident of tfee Aineric^n • * anniversary of th.e Jewish philosoph- A. Sjm^n, wi}l g,eg t^at each, gp is "Snow M^n," %hj?h is g 4 <sonfe$f&d with) j j er, thThe hostess?.s are prepared by the Zioii Fangs Vp] be Secretary ^.eB«g-g m Pft^psia.y een-" *v" fe h fm s "Jewish Ar$" will be the topic of pen • Friedman, Dave one of the attractions on the program p.f the Jeiji's Cohn's subject for Saturday £ 3 s Greenberjf, M_J GrP^Ik ^'» Sg , given M§rch J, st %h$ J. C, C. |f|ss & b||l BNeAe«MiEN»rs morning, Peliruary' 26. R©g|ns%i» eountries ef speech ! L. Nathan, Ernest Meyer, Harry -Gertrude Peylis is ic charge of the JS|jr, §ni| Mrs. " S.% Silverstein of LAyD*fE-BLUMEN |'|iAli v ' Trustin, Abner ggiragn.' J. Wright, Zion Farjgs. frop The jn-arnf^ge of ^Sss Saja Blqmen^ Cheyenne, Wyoming, announce the Harry Silyerm.gn, Q, Malachoek, A. " ernea* "of th>j r - §aughtej> 'Sarah «ad ether Jewish ergaBr March 1, ftf gjster^aod Q b i? I d , L Btallmaster, Qreenberg, i?. The ^.rst undertaking pf the Young Singer, son of Mr. and •will •which 04 January J.8, called glumerifhal to George Laviap gf to "Iffiiaii : Sam Appleman, H. Newman, S. Salz- Judaea Council will be a Mrs. J. Singer of this city. Mr. Singe? «f .the g i g ^ Depart^egt §toux(jity, took place Sunday, Febr, t|]e man, Ha,rry Brav^roff, j . Malashock for subscriptiens to tfee i;WeU iqjp'WiJ anspn'jj *hg young= Temple. M p , the coiiditipB of TCroCrity races in fft &W$ic?49S «$ ft? home ef th% Jfewman is in and Mrs. Alberts. Magazine, Miss Sylvia Bfirastein |et, if residing in^^eyenne ??here ^??4p #fa??fe Miss Bltpen^al Refreshments will bs served. There h chairman of this cBmpatgn »« if crepe and is-"is field manager "for the W . ' S, a *ose wijl also be a prize at each table. be essfsted by the ten cs^talne, B o c k C o , , .. :.'•-• . ' ' ; • " : ' ••• ••; ed feasible by this.Goverjnneiyt. ;i rRceV"dTp^r;:snJfe;:Jj^ '^'j The prfzes have" been kept a mc^ w£H be announced is the pf cgjrriedfa shower bpguet of butterfly h are un- issue. , March. 8, IJablji Cohn will and Mrs. Simon says they The regular meeting of $he Ko-Zee'i xjKes- akd. l|ltea- of the yal|ej. "l am a usually fine.' held Sunday, jebruaj=y 20, at th< l^astfflr-Harlfim Stodna was Reservations may be made by callThe local Yqaag' Judaea Clubs hfline of Miss' Alice §t§rn. Bridge -DELICATESSEN b^rer/^li^ilajnj ^§rj?li §g, "SweeDings", ing- any one of tfie hostesses, o? by now oSicial5y affiiiatft M&prizes were won by the Misses SaUj " Oji^-«f-town guests present al J.509 Noiih £4th Street Qohn vfll |?e reyijwed t>y calling'Mrs. Siraca &% Webster 5S66. tional Ywsng Ja^aea if, S>ey» of n Katel ^dj >rer§ Mr, pnd Mrs. Jog an.d Ee Ai| foods kep| in' S$Ritery • cases Sehn. Three pew dubs •will be f «**»«! in &m A eonsplete line pf smoked meats S'oar <»BurBnt«« of * t P g hMr. and Mrs. £!??] jn.an. i -will be hostes 1418 Dauglae near fetui*. One fer bef« J4—S# The Hadswah Stady Circle §ta4na;;8ixd:spn Harlem,'Mr. and Mis at the next meeting. TO yc&re «.nd two £ei> giris 12—14 maet Monday February £8, at 2:S9 £b Kailtman and daughter Elaine, at the Community Center. , Mra, M Mr. and Mrs- Irvin Stalmaster are IStudna? all of Kansas City; "Of GEBMAlfY O. Weht is ieftde* of the p expected to_ retyrn home the latte: Mrs. Balgih Ravine, Messrs. interested ane isvited to ba d Julias 3^raje^*airt"$fis§' rgarti pf the^weefc after spending fti Berlip {J. T. A.)r-A st^p to frust- Beadingo have bees gEeuared hp Mrs* 'BRst i e n , ^ ^ § ^ j^ce.l^ipf »Sprjn||s, ^ p , &U of §iou3{ City; Mr. rate ftie *|Qan Qf the Federation of A. Romm, Mvs. 3. Rosenberg, and Abe Baer of Leaven-worth, The ^^^t'^f.'Jewilh rWmen vdj Jewish Ejtr|er^cjemen in Gennany to Mrs. H. Yahr. ' Mrs, £eqnard • • • -f. * Ijpld their^ne3ct: regular Relating op launch an ajjricu,lturaj campaign its. me^beirs.has heentakpn by In honor of the fifteenth Mpnda^:Pebrttary f, at g:8G"pi m., at Mrs. George Lavine vrilj antlrSe»)itjc" Deputjes of the of Sadassah, the Omgfaa chafer BBS gie ^ g i ^ C ttieisKi^dJilg trjp Mai b State-Parliaia^»t ia-Lue- subscribed enflhundnui dollar ta '•will make ttetf Home in k. The DeputJes have Mr. Ai-A.-Marcus of the Nebrasfea Fund Council at Omaha? following motion: Hadassah. This subscription trifl Mercantafi CKT'leift Saturday njght giv§Q nqtice pi "Whefca.8 ihf lgijniBg to for ^ew f«iri pn;% buyingftrip an«i ..The Jjewjsh National "Workman's will be gone for ten days. rf, weargre tiat . rain Qejrqan will h.aye. a djance.Qn Sunday, ^4 * Vhjbit B. M4 $IarchJ 13, at Kelpines" 'Dancing Mrs. payid Newman and Mrs. Sanj the access, p | . They -will raffle a seventy- Bassett; are leaving • Thursday eve-r d, djnner s.ef at this, f}&nee, ning for a three •weeks vacation to DYERS Miss; Jean Bochman "was elected "ELvt Springs, AjEi Yi<Ssburg, Miss.,to_prgvent the Jews from engaging Qffice and Plant. 44?9 Kevtb afitb Street and ;New Orleans, La. Enroute home in agriculture within the boundary of treasurer^ qf the Women's' the, Ofdenburg State." I. 0. Bj J|. and *ha Misses Ida Azorin they will visit in Chicago. and Rebecca Wise \rere ' appointed trustee^. i
e (•qvntir
Eat. 1S&0
Where Smart Style Is Moderately Priced'
Mr. M,' E. Chapman of in New Chapin h i &n Co., C -who h has h been b ^ buying trip returned home York Tuesda r. \ Miss Fteeda"M. Wfiiner was ppergtfor Appendicitis at the ed on Wise Megiprial Hospital.,
Thel iadie's and men's wrist ff off ff at thej^w?ish-; h which ^ raffled Conimi ity - Center .. Tuesj^^j Febr.} itlje Kappa Bitajfibi, a social ] 22nd, tj, -were Tron b^! Selma JJe^da : ;frai and D i i iFrank. -The ligdjes Free jLoan Society'will hold ttejr next Meeting Thursday, March 13, ?t the J^C. C at 2 o'clock in roojtb C. Thi& meeting has been postponed from Wed^iegday to ThiK$- r , day du% to a nie^ting gf \hq Ta.lmu.d3
'Torah-{ "
Will Be Introduced to Omaha! A Stom pledged to this policy
L The Spring Mo^g Appedrance""Saturday
850 Enchanting New Fine We
The ST. P . Z. h ^ d their last fr ing, Sunday, February 20, at the Jew- j ish Co|ainunity Center. The f ollowing ; were eiegted tq office: A^g Sherman,* preside|it? Lfllfan filumepthah Tfcepresidentr I*ox\g gelreugh and H§rry Sher, kastees and Frieda Sotfef,
That; challenge camp^risop with those shown in the most exclusive speciality shops at much higher prices.
The Finest Frocks You for This Price
-•_ •-.
MissVTfijlie Zusman v^as hostess at a : birwd^y- bridge v;pgrty Tuesday afternop|i,[ at her homf Miliforin'g W& sistet•"'^flier's. sisrteei||h lj&*tlngay ani aiversai^. Misses Eva jand:Deila-Bergt vron-p^ef. . ''.",..-P ;• . ' -: • • . , •
: D. Z. Club.will h,p.ld. Monday, Febrqa^y g8, at'th,e j . c. Mrs! -Hermana ZJegnian,. find daugh^ 1 : Pauline left Sunday for Califoi^^, where they will- spend several ftesiks Tvith relatives. .They -riiryrait! in San Francisco andF JJOS
meet.yau~f We in%itc vou to cone to this ne^ store with the foil expectafioa of ft»*Hf kert{ A feftter i»ls^ t<i b^y Clothing for Father and Son; that yov wffl l«stajjtly reespsise m ®ar Jfe^tiiiuIIge, am rahies *nd q«r p?rrfc« thttse «wtf8ficftfejiis wfelch fecll| bf!w**n store and patron a busaaess relationship «f th* ii^st frfeniljf cl^raeter, is a foregone condnsion.
A l ) tjf V
eve at yoat first
Nationally funions xoa&es of clothes for men d
The Xew Season's Whims, Color, Fabric Silhouette Georgette Canton Creps ^ti»^rican<i Prints Flat Crepe Veiled Prints JJunwoodfe Cr-epe Style and individuality fo\jii4 Pld^ ll» higher priced frocks are achieved by tfee eiever new "details"— " ' Plait Clusters — Collarles^ Necklines — Lace Fancies — *V« Ne«kgn ~ " Skfrt « C £ff<
Every suit lws «x|»» trousers to match.
Kew Spting Top Goats 19*50 up
Ta|Jored Skirts —. Od$ Cafff
Our Aim is tQ Fit the Wom&n If 41$ to FitI lor Larger Women 42i/3 to Regular Sizes 35 to 46
of gll sizes in<| caw be fitted rffc certainty at Gl
Oar sfeffwfngs ©f the new spring style traps* 'la imU m «^f»is#y ««i»sWte we Itgre the pleasure of showing fn'©pei^hiajs '
fo; Short Women Kfew *4 Sizes hisses' Sizes 14 to 20
2^Sn^^|l^ :
at SS^ evening at the
Tfrfp ip 8«^ SB ttfe %PWtr It is - fJMI -wisich ire' # 0 ! : fee. iesce.
.Mr.j ^jjxd Mrs. Max Levin .have mpved|in|o iheir ney home 561t| Eniile
The Masses Fan and Ann Ackerman w 1\ be hostesses at Tea aV'their home, Sithday, February 27, in honor of Mi SB" Anne Wintrefllj, "wljo w^}\ be a J4^rch bride. Inviigtipps ha,ve been ififfued to seventy^©
Mrs.|x| gamuel Schlaifer and children, Arthus Elibtt,' Philip and Edna Ionej left February If for California -where they will" make their future hqme. i ^nVoute theys qre visiting in Salt Ls^a City with ^UTB. Scl.Jaifer's sister, iJ|fS. Dave M. Ravitz and Mr. Ravitz* Mr. Schlaifer is motoring to Califoim|'i and will meet his wife an.df H ^ ' l<os Angeles.
(Gazer's—The Ifome of Omaha's Great^t Values in
Miss] :..j^haTlotter Abrams returned home-jqfgday after an extended east• • e i n r # H i . ' - ' . : .•"''•
te thank yon for directing H T o i^ekf pght fvery ros ti f sttenti©? te yey E^fatisfactorjFIFTH—To trcft easterner JJS if he werf the store's roast easterner. To e faig Jaterests slte»d f>f ©ur own. ©f ceurteaus, obUgiag, xp p Gt tk d^i| i ff f of * So
Its First Complete
Mar§; M; Gitlin entertained at badga»Darty Stmday> Febr. 20, honpring4.tR§ii?iidaugiiter. Ida in honor of Jier bi^Qpy anniversary. "Prizes ^?ere wonby ^fri and; Mrs. L Stoler, Ceija Stoler:»nd Mrs, J. M; Baker.
FIRST—To sell noae bBt mcrchendiBc of dependable SECQMD—To ofer tip gtfattst fslues tip be fowne in Oraah» every bBfiness #«y «f the year. . . . -'• KURTMitee gstMsctiois ith letf nutii yc>pr >»t will
at Farnam
-^>/'- -3^"5^V:':-^.i^f*Sk;-.
aredebilitated, especially in the winter, little children at the age when they table yeast extracts on the market cageing the necessary baskets to in-1 front the Omaha Tobacco Company, BERNARD BARON as it takes the place of sunglight to are specially liable to contract tuber- containing the vitamin—B in the ' ESTABLISHES $125,000 FUND sure his team the victory. Racehorse' while the Kaiman Insurance managed 1 1 culosis from infected milk. some extent. yeast from which they are made. ; FOR PATHOLOGY INSTITUTE Format) poked. inj three goals, two |to "grab two from the' Halashocks (7) Oranges and lemons are the (3) Provide'plenty of green vegeunder basket shots crA one long toss. Jewelry,! five and thus-'strengthened - London (J. T. A.)—-An? endowment tables for your family! Do not coot best things for keeping away all Pollock- lad the-scoring for the then: lead for the top position. ! : "Toughlude team" --with ten points, Sam Horwich grabbed'off all the fund of 25,000 il?ouiid for the new them too long and do ' not use soda trace of scurvy. Lemon-juice can be Forman, Donovitz and Burrougns honors by cracking the'pins for the pathological institute' of the London to improve the color. Raw green used to advantage in many cases- in trailed him with six counters each. high single game of 1521' and a total Hospital was established by Bernard vevetables, like lettuce and water- place <f vinegar. (8) Cod-liver oil is the food subThe guarding of Orris Donovitz-was of 573 #>r three games. Dri M. E. Baron, famous" Anglo-Jewish philan- cress, are even better than cooked stance richest in Titamin—A; yeast ones. nifty.'The'fighting stationary fear- Stein was next with a' total of 549 thropist, it* was announced today. ricader took the ball away from his while Ben Yousem, Wardrobe captain, The endowment will enable the new (4) We cannot all get whole-meal the richest in vitamin—B; and orange juice in vitamin—C. There are palaopponents time and again. - secured 534. department to - acquire ' up-to-date bread and some of us do not like it; ji so make; up for what is lost, by the Captain Luebbe led his mates and Moe Katelman canie ^through with equipment and insure complete conover-refining of our cereal food by the the rest of the pack with nine baskets a 206 game and Izsae Schlaifer, one tinuity of the research work. use of yeast extracts for flavoring or eighteen points. His playing was of the leading bowlers,' registered a By popular request soups, gravies, hashes, meat pies and the most outstanding ot any man on 204 game with a totaKof 511. HEINRICH BRAUJN, in a .variety of other ways. the floor. The Westerners seemed to GERMAN SOCIALIST The Well Known Yiddish Artists of New York, (5) Do not buy only joints of tire afer the first half and when once LEADER, DIES Receive Order by Wireless • leat. The so-called offal "contains headed lost heart and incideiitly the will present The distinction of-being-the first more vitamins, so give your family game. Had they capitalized mon their Omaha manufacturer to receive-an Berlin (J. T. A.)—Heinrich Braun, such things as liver, kidney, heart, free throw attempts "the* score might order by, wireless, no doubt, is .ac- well known exponent of the Socialist calves' head and brain .sweetbread have' been different and mote to their' corded to the Baker Ice Machine Com- movement And former leader of the and so forth, for a change. likeing. pany, Ojnaha, as a ;result. of- a Revisionist group, died here yesterday py j (6) . Although dried vegetbles canat the age of 72. He was a brptherbased on Circumstantial Evidence •-The'"Bnai-Israel - team- of message Teceived today frojn Belize, not take the place of fresh vegetables, jn-law of Victor "Adler. Center League spiked .with Is Shriebv British Hondurous. The order called eggs'can be dried without losing their man and Harry Rich swept.over thfe for a 'Baker Portable- Ice\ Making vitamins and can be scrambled or Waterloo town team, likft a-tWal wave Plant built especially for. export trade. SOME HINTS TO MOTHERS made_ into omelettes or used for cakes - AND HOUSEWIVES and so on, when fresh' eggs are dear. burying the out state1, .beneath. ia The wireless message .was ^sent^. at deluge of baskots. The" men from 2:38 P.jM. and arrived in Omaha "Jsadore Hyman and Roseta Yager will lake the Milk can also be dried satisfactorily (1) Most children eat too many and a good brand of dried milk is Wateiloo opened the scoring with a exactly two hours and eleven minutes " leads, supported by an all star cast. free throw but their lead -vas short afterwards. Western. Union carried sweets. Teach them to prefer fruit. better- for. infants than dirty raw TICKETS ON SALE AT ALL DELICATESEN STORES lived as Harry R«Vh put his earn in the message from the radio receiving Sucking sweets between meals is bad milk, and is also the safest to give to both for their stomach and for their the lead with a neat under basket station to Omaha. shot. Shreibman, Goldbertr and Rosen "A cablegram was also received to- teeth. Let children have their sweets then tallied points as fast as the day/- stated- Mr. Baker. '/From a at meal-times and a bit of apple afterFREGGEIS-FQX DRUG CO. storekeeper could chalk them. up. The prospect; in; Brazil, asking for . a wards to clean'their teeth. . Its Time to think of your smaller and faster Bnai Israels led quotation on, equipment for a small (2) Many children dp. not. get •*Oure£ol Druggists" by Cowboy Sadofsky matfev monkeys cold storage- house. With, the advent enough of the right kind of fat, such 14th and Docglas St. AT CS27 out of their bigger and heavier IS of wireless..telephonic connections be-jas or example, as the fat supplied; by Prescriptions - filled by Registered men. At the end of the. first quarter tween Omaha und Continental Europe milk, butter, eggs", suet, dripping and Pharmacists only Prices Terr reasonable—DeHTeir serrlee ! the entire first string of the victors we hope also to have the distinction herxings. Cod-liver,, oil*is the most was withdrawn and their seconds in- of soon -receiving the first order in valuable of. all-fats for children who serted. They continued the carnage, this section over the wireless telePHOTOGRAPHERS the half ending with the score reading phone." > ' 1312 Fsrnam St. Opposite 31 to 8 in favor of the Jewish lads. In Omaha W. O. W. Bldg. FREE LOAN SOCIETY' The boys continued their assault in Phone, JA ckson 4562 BUTi'EK. and K«iU An additional 'amount- of.' $16.00-jr the second half and piled up a most impressive pile of points. The guard- was donated to^the Nationals Freel; Itultak Coond} BIuSs. is.: ing of Sadofsky was good, as usual. Loan Society at the MinkuvBrody'1 KpplfT Hiilplo Co. PATRONt^E OUR ADVERTISERS. The kid showed off before the crowd wedding. • but did no harm to his team's five man game. •i
BASEBALL :. . '• Sammy Kaufman, a member of Omaha Western.- League tier baseball team and 'till recently captain of the Jewish" Press basketball team -will leave Omaha this Sunday evening bound for the Omaha training camp in Texas. -The smiling Jewish lad will be accompanied by Barney Burch, the owner of the Omaha, team. Kaufman last year pitched four games for the local aggregation, winning and losing two games. This year he will .take a fling at the shortstop position left vacant by the veteran Chuck Carrol who left organized baseball to go into business for himself at Fremont, Nebr.- — BASKETBALL The- venerable Sydney Corenman in the,words of the Omaha World Herald, Vwon the Conference basketball championship; for Creighton! all by his lonesome." The mighty Bluejay guard led-both the offense and the defense of the Catholic cagers on their last lap of the Conference race when they defeated the two Dakota teams and lostto Morningside. Corenman is dose-to the top in" the race for scoring honors and will undoubtedly be selected as an "All North Central' Conference guard"'~ when • the various coaches select their mythical all star team. Phil Gerelick, • the former High School star is playing heads up ball these days. The fast coming Nebraska Cornhuakers. are making a "determined bid for first place in the Missouri Valley cage league and Phil is speeding along with • the rest j>f his mates. The blond huslcy tossed in six points the other nite when the Scarlet men of Black nosed out the ambitious boys from Washington XJ., at St. Louis. Phil's floor game is now where it should be and he has at least found his basket eye, something which he was minus during the early part of the season.
The first teams of the local high schools are for the first time in sevrral years without a colorful Jewish lad in their-lineup. Tech High is the 'only one of the prep "schools whose lineup reveals a lad of our, own .faith amongst their first seven ' players. Louis Weiner will make his letter at one of the' guard positions as a .sub for Captain Milhollin."'Weiner is of the bulldog type of guard rather than of the flashy Gerelik* or Corenman type. Aaron Braude is also a member of the Tech first string but has" heen seen in action for only a few minutes during the season. Cowboy Sadofsky of the Bnai Israel and Jewish Press teams is the standby of the Tech high second squad. Sadofsky is a cinch ~ for a first team berth next season. The Bnai Ami team of the Community Center league "has- "at • last overcome their season long jinx and won a game. The youngsters took on the Western Electric crew of the Y. M. C. A.' league arid took them into camp hut only after a tough uphill fight. The Electric men led.by the accurate shooting of Captain Luebhe . took the" lead from the .start and maintained - the same •till'- early part of the third quarter when the long shots of Jimmy Burroughs-and Orris Donovitz evened up the score.4 Harold Pollock then pulled the hero stunt by
SHATTERED HOME ~i Sunday Evening, February 27 \- at Jewish Community Center
GIRLS BASKETBALL The Girls League will go into action again this Saturday nite. All members of the teams should show up so that each team may : present it's full strength. The girls are making their games interesting and full of fight. No outstanding stars as yet have been discovered, the girls stressing team I work rather than individuality." ' j
'Open a Charge Account—Fourth Floor-
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BOWLINE NOTES Jewish Community Center League ! ' • ' • Won' Lost Pet. Kaiman Insurance 23 10 .698 . Alberts Colts ~-19 14 .576 •Wardrobe . 19 14 -, .576 Doc Steins .~1..15 15 .546 • Omaha' Tobacco ....12 21 .1364 Malashocks '.-—.'. 8 24 .2oO '-Some surprising upsets" occurred during the evening play. The Doc Steins in sweeping the entire series from Alberts Colts, won their 10th successive game. The Wardrobe won three games
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