A false friend, like a shadow, attends only while the sun shines.
By H.H.B. "Silence i s {^den^l ; TJhte Ikmger the Better
; When Bennie Morgan1 fkept qniet" ; for twenty-six minuteslin his public speaking class at Creighton/ the other day, he almost ;,made a: new Tecord. Don't take this2 wrong; Ben's iofc an extra-heavy 'talker thus making i t unusual; for him to be quiet. The professor of the class was explaining the effectiveness of pauses in public speaking. ; He . called for demonstrations,. : . , Up got tine students. ":'•' * "Gentlemen," they began, and then paused, some for four and some for more seconds. ...'.--•:! : :, Twelve seconds.was the limit until
*ed as eccund-clasa mnll matter OD .January 27th. 1U21. et :.aice e\ Uradlia Nebraska, trader tbe Act or Marrb 8. 187U.
c titerpreter WI Appear, at Center Teesdayltejarcy
Reelected Third Term
High Spots of President's Message
* Elected chairman of J. C. C. Drive at Brandeis Grill meeting, March 19, 1923. At that time only $109,000 subscribed—seventy days later, on May 29, 1923, the campaign closed with §248,000 in subscriptions.
In giving you a report of the work dissenting vote the Board of Trustees of this administration it is important and Directors in joint session deterto have, before us a brief history of. mined to take drastic steps and legal * * • the events -which bring us. finally to' action if necessary against all subB e n . g o t u p . ••:•'..'. :'->i J: • .-v.;•:..'.. Elected president the first time the realization .of oar Jewish Com-; scribers who had not paid at least " H e r e ' s where I show them up," FORMERLY APPEARED ON on March 11, 1925. - With little munity -Center in which, -this, .- our forty per cent of the amounts of their cash collected started a four day thought Bennie. first annual meeting, is being held.' pledges, which at that time were long PROFFESSIONAL STAGE campaign which netted $78,000 Without these facts before us we shall past due. • "G-E-N-T-L-E-M-irN/.* drawled the collected out of a possible $100,000 fail to fully appreciate that which i The cornerstone of the Jewish near^champ. He> paused. B e paced On Tuesday night, March 8, Francis then due at that time. has thus far been accomplished. i Community Center was laid on. Sunthe floor. He looked, at his audience, Homer, dramatic interpreter, will ap* *-• * On December 25, 1021 - the first day, July 19, 1925, with an elaborate Omaha Jewish Community Cen- meeting that was t6 really begin our ceremony in which the following and heiield that pause and his audi-jpear at the Jewish Communty Center, effective work was^-held by tbe Board participated: Governor Adam Mcence for twenty-six minutes until they in" a program of readings and ter one. of few in country operatine; without a deficit. of Directors of the Jewish community Mullen, Mayor James C. Dahlman, could stand it no longer* and burst character sketches. • This will he the Center. At that meeting., a dinner Harry B. Z&nman, Rabbi Frederick * * * out in laughter. fifth of a series of eight concerts, was arranged at the TBrandeis Tea Cohn, David Sher, Rabbi J. M. CharWe should further our activities Later someone else got up aad lectures and recitals. especially along educational lines. Rooms to honor "Morris Levy, then * lop, Henry Monsky, and Rabbi BenPresident of- the Jewish Welfare jamin-Franks! as principal speaker. beat Ben's tune, holding the pause * * * Federation, and to bid him God Speed I acted as chairman, and William L. An increase in membership is for fifty-six minutes. on. his journey to Europe. That mem-j Holzman was given the honor of laynecessary in order to' carry on the Now Ben's practising for a return orable farewell dinner was held on I ing the cornerstone. The committee work—the present membership June 15, 1922-There were approxi-i in charge consisted of Dr. Philip match. should be paid up in their dues. mately 50 men -present. Toward the Sher, Harry Malashoct, and Joe l l "Every Jew in Omaha a. Member close of the affair • Mr. Levy was Wolf. of the Jewish Community Center." called upon to spak. Though "not an! At the annual meeting of March * T ^ WEEK'S COMMENT orator these words - which have been' 1 1926, new by-laws -were adopted and indelibly marked upon the future Jew-; the precedent of the previous annual ish life of our community were uttered meeting with regard to the recomHarry H. -Lapidus, president of the by Mr. Levy: • . " _ j mendatio^ of the officers to be elected Jewish Community Center. 'Thereby subscribe and pledge the b y t h e assembly was followed, so as "Trough much "hard labor we have sum of $50,000 to ihe Jewish Com-i *° ^ T e . **» e n t i r e membership an op-i succeeded in procuring a fine-Jewish munity Center a t this time, on con-! portumty to express its choice. All of' dition onlv that within six months i ^ officers -were recommended for Community Center building, but our y Zionist Organization to Sponsor His reelection. task has just begun. We must confrom this date there shall be raised j A dedication committee consisting Visit Here. in pledges for a like purpose not less) of William L. Holzman. Dr. Philip tinue all our present activities and, than an additional 3150,000.00" if possible, add new ones. Particularly Amidst tremendous applause which i ^ ^ r » Harry A- .Wolf and Joe L. Omaha' Jewry will have as their •a.4.^. • this +!,;« announcement, ,™™™=™mf H ^ ™ ! Wolf was appointed on March 21, greeted Henry! should we increase o'ur activities in 9 t e guest, Rabbi C. Hillel . Kauvar, of Monsky rose and on hebalf • of-those: I the dedication ' m o date was set the field of education. We must put Denver, Colo., well-known orator and present enthusiastically and whole-! f o r Sunday, June 6, 192 . On this, 1 e a wholesome. spirit and genuine soul happiest and proudest day in the statesman, who will be here Sunday, heartedly accepted this'generous offer, 1 h£? lEto into this building. These things can and suggested immediate organiza*T of Omaha Jewry, the Jewish March 13, to speak at a mass meet- tion. Following this suggestion, Wm.l Community Center was dedicated. be accomplished only - by a continuaing at the Jewish Community Cento*-. L. Holzman was elected Prerident.! ^ i n ^ m ,_L Holzman presented the tion of the splendid co-operation we of the building He. is coming under the. auspices of Harry A. Wolf,.viee-President, Harry! key g to_tie _President,, EL Lapidus, Lid S t d L i ! **d th* following have hertofore enjoyed, and by the following participated participated m m the the H. Secretary, and Louis' the Zionist Organization'. S J : D r - _ ° - E. Jenkins, Rev. added support of each and every Kirsehbraun, Treasurer. Then followed;. Rabbi Kauvar will be remembered J - Grace, Rsbli Frederick Cohn. stirring addresses by Martin Sugar- j Jewish man, woman and child in our i "by "many Omahan's as one of the man, Harry B. Zimman, Dr. Philip: H Grodmsky, ,,, ~ - -,,David , ,, Sher • and -, T x Community. Our slogan should be: 1 principal speakers here several .years Sher, Rabbi Frederick Cohn and Leo Henry Monsky. k O the h following fll d On day 2 "EVERY "JEW IN OMAHA A Kosher banquet, was held in the ago when Chaim Weitzman visited in SosenthaL It was-then moved that; MEMBER OF THE JEWISH COMMiss Homer is one of America's Omaha. Since that time Rabbi Kan- pledges be obtained from those pres-i ! ^ ^ auditorium "^here over five ent and an additional $52,000 was hundred people attended, ihe balance MUNITY CENTER." youngest artists. She combines per- var had been sought by several Oma- secured, thus bringing the total in o f t l u s w e e k w a s devoted to various sonal charm with notable talent and ha organizations to speak here again. pledges •no- to $102,000. ! dedicatory services and was closed Harry B. Zimman .teas elected chair-! «?*h a formal ball on Saturday eyegives distinctiv,eness to her efforts. HE WAS TURNED He will speak on a subject of in: mas of the campailaior the balance ™?S- On fee las,,, day of celebration AROUND Her various, sketches are said to bejterest to.every Jew in Omaha, Of- the-fusds~at aikfeetfes-rheld J a n e . t h e operetta, Windmiixs -of- Holland, 1 r ^e^ ij?st:;'effo^ts-'in:^this test efiorts-in -this "TSelct"S".-ihat fieia - thatj" "In preparation " i f Rbbi K It's ba3 enough: to lose a game "the* for RabK\Kauvar s '25,-1922, and on July 5th following,: was~presented -by tb.e_mfeiabcrs of the American, audiences have witnessed. visit, the local Zionist Organization at a dinner given at the Blaekstone; *- - ^ a n d *• "•• S- A-. by the other side piling up more g 1 Much credit is due to the committee She. spent five years on the profes- I will hold a special meeting Tuesday Hotel another ?7,000 pas pledged. scores, but if s just twice as bad On Julv 24th, i922,~Articles~of In-i oi^ women who^through-their efforts sional stage, appearing m leading j eymhig' when-you have helped the opposiMarcll Sj a t ^ Jewikh corporation were adopted. j raised nearly $15,000 from women ! tion win over your team. Then on Monday 19, contributors toward the Equipment Z^j:\ m u n i t y Center. A musical y night, g -, March , w •- •fti»w*. o n j i-n "nr^n-inTn L. Holzman who "Daddy Long Legs" and 1923, a meeting of- all who had up to ***'> ^^Winnjn L. Holzman who So 'twas with Harry Haykin. ill be b given i iin conjunction j "{gram -will , g p secured $ $10,000 for this fund from , She -has also appeared with the with Rabbi Kauvar's address. that time subscribed, vras held at the secu , In the excitement of scuffling that time subscribed, vras held at the non-Jews. J W should h l d also l acknowledge k d Brandeis Grill to plan the completion We Shekespeare Playhouse Company, during a basketball game, Harry The. committee in charge of ar- of the campaign. Mr. Lew had twice °j?r appreciation to the family of playing at' the leading universities rangements are A. L Kulakofsky, J. got excited, and before he knew extended the expiration date of his Morns Levy, who furnished all _ the \ and colleges in the country. what had happened he made a p ^ for the main andiu>nnm,, J. Friedman, M. F* Levenson, J. Feld- offer and was urging immediate ac- equipment^ g and at the fPd also the Bnai Bnth Lodge long shot play right into the basy there appeared pp man, and L. H. Katleman, of Council tion. Suddenly Hebrew Club, who C h ffnrn-j j has prepared a very interesting promeeting 150 young men and women: *bf women,: f , the ket of the opposite team. Until Bluffs. Ished eqpipmeat for the lodge j members of the Y. M. and Y. W. H.i gram of original sketches and imitathat play his team was ahead. His A., who through their spokesmen I . ! T 0 0 ^ tions of stage favorites. faulty basket tied the score, and F. Goodman and Anne Selicow plead- resume of the history cf tins g Reservations for seats may now be I. O. B. B. AUXILIARY ed that the campaign be delayed no ^ ^ volumes could be filled with the at the end the other side won. made by calling Jackson 1366. Tickets longer s 0 o t Q HELD OPEN MEETING ' Harry B. Zimman then rose to ac- \ ^ ^ heartaches, the sleepless for single admission are §1.00. For y h h l l f h th f Actions Speak Louder the rest of the series including Rabbi j An open meeting of the B'nai Brith cept the challenge of the youth of i the th men and women who participated ^ tremendous task rf k Than Words Stephen S. Wise, whe comes here on j Auxiliary was held last Thursday at our Jewish Community, • saytog, "We must get busy, we must answer the £ • ^ tremendous task rf making I hear, with deep regret, that often Monday, May 9, the charge is $3.00. j the Community Center, in celebration appeal of thsse splendid boys and this home of ours a reabg..To these pp p y i of the 250th anniversary of Spinoza, girls. Circumstances will not permit J?y al men and women _ the Jewish times the young Jewish lads, upon Make your reservations now. girls. Circumstances will not permit J?y a _ the Jewish philosopher. C t ? d leaving the Community Center, for-, me to carry this responsibility,p and ! • eCommunity lg off Oh Omaha is under an s ea you select When anotherevery to proceed P wholehearted ? l obligation.appreciation. To them isThere due A review of. the life of Spinoza was ask that y man °™ get themselves and begin « * ^ j K I a i l MilSt the v^ork." his lolemn have been been ith th k" W Wh h l htunes t d when theyt haveTh given by Alice Adler, and readings with "rowdy, giving the center and the] present rose and gave abused and attacked for no other by Ruth Wintroub. Miss Annette Rfk- pledge pg gy until the to work had unceasingly Jews of Omaha a "black eye," so to amount been subscribed, 5? than that they were faithfully entire amountt had subscribed, lin presented Sora Miriam "Blank and entire ti hchairmanship d been b bofi bthe d devoting l I assumed the themselves to a greatt cause; speak. h i h f h ; were compelling certain individuals Washington, D. C. (J. T. A.)—The' Jean Leibowitz. in dance numbers, campaign A specific example of such a case Seventy" days later, May 29, 1923, to make good their pledges and seeing claim of the Ku Klux Klan to the Betty Fellman rendered piano selechappened last Wednesday .after the right to carry on activities in any tions, and Louis lapp gave an oration, the campaign was over the top with to it tiiat all the Je-vvr were not basketball game at the center. y a disgraceiul g failure oi The next .regular meeting of the $248^50 subscribed. A Building and shameds o by n o bbl l \. . ; A crowd of youths, about twenty- state" without 'obtaihihg 'permission y begun. Site committee was ^thorized on this b r s smau m a from the; state .was denied by' the Auxiliary will be held on: March 10, date consisting of WiUiam L. Holz--. Vf ccourse, cause grea^ oor o u r s e no C five of them, full of vim and bubbling ° been ^US£ free from such" H A. at 8:30 p. m. Every member of the man, rr,vn .chairman, r f e i ™ ^ Joe Tr>*> T. WnifTTsmr A.i ui its. scope,' P has L. Wolf, Harry Supreme court recently. over "with too' much enthusiasm, attacks. It' is the same through all The question came from Kansas in Auxiliary is urged to attend meetings. Wolf, Harry Malashock, Morris Levy, history. We had some among us, who boarded.s Dodge street car. A great Th committee in in charge plan- J. J . Slosburg, Jr., Henry Monsky, not wishing us well in our venture, cmmittee charge is is - plan appeal by the Georgia Klan Cor Cor'•..-•--".•• portion of them piled on the- car, an "appeal and myself. Upon the death of predicted failure of the project, and passing the fare box without paying .poration, which sottght_to- conduct its-^ing an April Fool affair. Further Morris Levy, Dr. Philip Sher was ap- who not desiring to be proved false their fare, saying that the "fellow in activities tljere without -obtaining- P l a n s o f t h i s c°nung event will be pointed on September 12, 1923, to fill prophets, sought to put obstacles in the vacancy. a '. announced in this Press. Some of them said we had back will pay J o r me." . permission, as required by the Kansas. On Tuesday, June 10, 1924, the lot! o u r , ^ - c , ., . + , law-'ieiating to corporations organized .The conductor . s e e i n g himself j west of the El Beudor Apartments on undertaken too much, that the ! • THORPEIAN CLUB "cheated" out of his fares, approached in 'other stattes. ' Dodge Street was acquired and the tar^n was too great and that toe TO HOLD- SMOKER j TommittePwas"instructed com-i affair. see 'Questioning'^ of John S-Dean, coun-i £,;«+«» « . « •ircfmrf.j tto us oisgusted with_is thefull whole tiie hoys to collect. . n m m - ! would However," history o" j mence building operations. Then, on those who always oppose _and hinder The boys put up a fight, refusing sel" for "the"Klan, by members-of the The.Thorpeian Athletic Club will| A u g u s t . ' B ^ l g ^ t h r o u g ^ ^ e f f o r t s ] progress. Every step ; to pay. This caused considerable court during his "argument was'' folits first smoker -Wednesday j g i ^ P £ t ° a n «chan°|e of tei^rd in fe history of the world .-.-. .-'•' disturbance and looked very bad, in- lowed by Chief Justice Taft's an-| has even March 9, at the J. C. C.jllot L passed through the same o t ffor o r our'present -location,.this was 1 nouncement that the counsel for thej ing, deed, t o other passengers oh the car. ; periences that we'vo gone through. accomplished. back upon j; All o£ this is Very bad for the State would not have to be heardj as j Max Fromkin will be the • principal Jain^s P the ^ y of James T.T.- Allan was then engaged £ s ^ e ^ T . Community Center in particular and the court was -without jurisdiction in speaker of the evening. There will be as architect and on October 15, 1P24, the development of our Jewish Comthe case; An .order .giving effect to,j other numbers of the program, ac- the plans for our building were shown wmity Center it is not amiss to re>-. -the'Jews', of Omaha in generaL *_ &„ ™u^-_rk»-«, >.^ „ .**nm -1,^1 call what Abraham "Lincoln said: 'I do the very best I fcnow how; Manj' people are prone to judge all the court's, decision to dismiss the ap- cording to Abe Meyers, chairman in to the subscribers on a screen by charge^ ^ N o v e S b S o : f ; s . Morris Levy| the the very very best best II ccan; a n ; and and II mean mean to to - of us by the actions of a few, and the pe'al'will shortly be announced. Members of. the court read from the j .'..-," -,-———— ••'__/ turned the first shovel of earth at the 1 teep doing so until the end. If the showingv of rowdyism form youths •breaMng i e n . d , brings me out alright, what is •breaMng of of ground ground ceremony. ceremony • leaving the Community Center does iecords t h a t ^ e Klan had:contested,PALESTINE-EUROPE CABLE On Wednesday, March 11, 1925, j sad agamst me won't O W d nn d M h 11 CONNECTION PLANNED 't.amoi-r.t t tto anythe Kansas law on the ground that! &m d A h.brings If +> the end roe • : - ; ' - ' usno-gpbd.' f : '•-.-.- .' "~ .. a t the annual meeting, held at the! S" -° ^ — — ""+ = ten angels swearing 1 was in the | Tret's watch: our actions. ould make no difference." ng e pr But all's veil that ends well. Today connections between Palestine and j |^5 quired to comply with the corporation .the officers of the Jewish Com- everything seeps bright and encour% A Coming Genius be established soon when that x munity Center uebeeietteu elected uy byu>cthe law, calling for. it to obtain permis--J muiiixy center i . ~ . '*-..; : Abraham Dansky, 6-year-old son .' measures taken by the Palestine gov- Board of Trustees. *he membership! f S 1 , ^ although-it-.u well for us to : ok sion. ' - ; of Mr. and :Mrs. Herman Dansky, eminent will be completed. 1 recommended recommenaea to the me Trustees XIUKLCCS that umi the mcjj i.? nB . ^aclc . , upon. our. ,teals and tnbuJalPi-med that the trovernment *-*,—•_,_. following officers be elected: Harry t\° }° recognize-w-ich apprecia ^a?r u_ _i 4.-^3. g a r r v j ttons to recognize-with some some-apprecia•;:-.-;. v never took a piano lesson in his life. learned that the government | H _ ^ | Ffesident, Henrv Monsky,! tion- the eirorts «id sen-ices of the lt V Monsky,! tipn-the DEBORAH SOCIETY i c : Yet when; his first gradeclass holds v Joe L.V-il-- "Secretary.! *iecre'>-arv ' pioneers Pioneers who -went thioagn a«i tbe BALL SENDAX EVENING intends to lay a new cable from vice-President. and Louis Erschbraun. h l and'who d h over;;•"••,'•:"-••".- little folk-dances and entertainments, - ' - •';"... ana wsuis »a««.u«"»u«, : Treasurer'.! hardshiiss withh a smfle -. •••,--•" ••• • • - - . - . - • > - . — • - - — - ; " : s\.::i Haifa t oJ a f f a . •'• .". .. • . . . . * " d This meeting adopted; the slogan cameoften all obstacles by their earnest Abe is the official pianist. And you The Deborah-Society ball and . s a c r i n g labors. They ' ' . _. ™ PTTTTT'TV : :• should hear Mm play. -^; bazaar will: he held. Sunday;'evening, j FIRE DESTROYS JEWISH Etorm E.nc brorpht the ! weathered March 6 at the muhidgpal auditorium. 1; HOMES IN ROYKO ^;-/:;^v^.-v^ij^;^^-p'^^;,v:- Proceeds ?r6f this affair- will go to- j f~ . Top prones are we humans too judge wards the; City sTalmud Torah. At a homes were destroyed in the city of' ever staged in Omaha, 578,000 in children. Its benefits will be -:r:^Sh.- v:att'"oe»ti^cla^; by- one" 'faulty^- mem-meeting of the' organization Wednesday afternobp,. ranrtnlttees -reported '•:;%\-S-^'jjiCT«-^ with heads erred take Beck. the advance sale of tickets as being broke but there recently." The damage ; (Continued on page 2> B^ /{-'"ou^^aciioM^V^not:'reflect- nppn t i e sucressful. is estamated at about $100,000. On May 10,1925, "without a single e^ii^^^inilbcent-"'.;;-;;;!.--;;;-; - .':;-';:-.!.";/:'-.'V^-v V "
One of Artists Appearing on J. C. C. Lecture Course :
Program. Presented at Annwa! Meeting MORE THAN EIGHT HUNDRED ATTEND MEET
PRESIDENT Harry H. Lapidus
Rabbi HiHel Kaavar to Speak Here March 13
. : ' . • . • - .
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Joe L. •
State Permission to Operate
' " i ' -
More than eight hundred men sxin women attended the snnual meeting of the Jewish Community Center held Tuesday evening at the Center Auditorium. The meeting was the finstannual meeting of the Center to hr in the new building. Minutes of ths meeting held in 1926 were read byJoe L. Wolf, secretary. The principal address was delivered in the message of the president, Harry H. Lapidus. Lapidus's message according to many who iieard Mm, was one of the finest ever read in the city. In this message, the history of th? foundation of the Jewish Communi ty Center was tolled. "The Jewish Com, munity Center of Omaha is one of thft \ few in the country who have btv-r.-. operating- without a deficit," P«U; Harry H. Lapidus. Every man, -wornEn and child should be a member o<' . the Jewish Community Center. Samuel Gerson, in. dplivering lii>address tolled of the r-ork done by th? Center during the time he has bs»?r in this city. His message V-'HB prinred and distribvited by the Jewish B e Scout Troop. Election of officers was held and th? following men elected; Harry :--. Lapidus, president, Henry Monskv > vice-president, Joe L. Wolf. secretsr<-. Dr. Philip Sher, treasure?:, Saiiw-'>-: Gerson executive secretary. The following program was given. 1. Orchestra Selection „ • .J. C. C. Symphony Orchejtfr*. Sam Epstein, Student .2. Minutes of Previous - and Fm5ijeiai-,.Sep>ft»*«™.«.i^ Stereoptican Views of Doings. Yiddish Polk Songs „ Bess Anne BishoiT, Accompanist. President's Message Harry H. Snow Man From the . Coached by Miss Gertrude Perils. CHARACTERS Leah Dorothy Whi;-.Miriam ....Lottie Tii/>* David Esther I<a?,ers/u: A Bey Sylvia R»to, A Girl „ Mildred Br-tiAnother Boy « Lillian Another Girl Phylis Orchestra Selection . J. C. C. Symphony Ida Jacobson, Student Report of Executive Secret^?"- Samuel Gerson. Pierrot End Picrrete Dance Helen Levenson, Lylyan Ch.iui»off, Cells Kits. Direction of Miss Annette Ritllri. Accompanist, Sarah Rilrlin Good and Welfare for the 0 ^ mimity Center, Election of Officers, Orchestra Selection ..*„.---. J. C. C. Symp'. ny Bernard Bslaban, Age 11, Conductor.
As its next feature the Brot of Temple Israel will hold a svr&*& dance in the "vestry rooms of *** Temple. The dance' will be ^'-'i 1 Wednesday evening, March 16. According to the committee in chwtf*1. many novelties are promised to :fc ^ those attending. I PLUMEB OPTISftSflC OP j , PALESTINE Jerusalem. (3, T. A.) views vi'itli regard to the development of Palestine, standing the present economic tions, were expressed b? Hiph &>t.*missioner Lord Plumer in an {n^i> view with Herman Bernstein, wllt-.r of the New York 'Jewish TribunA* Mr. Bernstein was also receivft. l.< Col. Symes and Mr. Keith-Roach.
RABBI OF BL?EHL TOES Berlin. (J. T. A.)—Dr. Maypt, iht rabbi of tbe Jewish .community *« Buehi, died. Babb! Majr«r wait -<C years old
• 'Pnbliebeti every Tburiday at umnba. Nebraska by
. . . ;/ THE JEWISH PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY Office: 490 Brandeis Theatre Building — Telephone; ATlantic 1450. NATHAN ES. C.REEN. Manager.
The Hague. (J. T. A.)—Meetings to commemorate the two hundred and fiftieth anniversary of the death of Baruch Spinoza were held in various parts of Europe, according to reports received by the Societas SpinoSana
Berlin. (J. T. A.)—A fine of 100 London. (J. T. A.)—London is agog marks was imposed by the Freiburg at the elopment of Ivor Montague, court On Robert Wagner, leader of aged 22, the youngest son of Lord 5687—1926-27 the German National Socialist party. Swaythling. The young son of Lord Subscription Price, one year. $2.50. Wagner was accused of having Swaythling was married secretly at " ' Advertising rates furnished on application. Rosh Chodesh Ve Adar Saturday, March 5 publicly declared that "all Jews the registry office to Miss Hellstern. Purlin -: Friday, March 18 Off AIWURPN—rieitw give both the eld and new address: here. • .• should be shot." The charge was that Miss Hellstern is a typist and the Rosh Chodesh Nissan .....„_..„... Sunday, April 3 : be sure and jjlvv vour nnme The society has received messages he was guilty of inciting one part of daughter of a shoemaker. 1st' Day Pessach ..............* ..-..........—....Sumlay, April 17 7th Day Pessach _*~-^. Saturday, April 23 from the Universities of Oxford, the population against another. The.jewteb Press Jfi.euppUed by the Jewish Telegraphic Apency. (Jewish Rosh Chodesh.lyar ... ...—... -Tuesday, May 3 Correspondence Bureau) with cabled .and telegraphic Jewish news, in addition Cambridge, Manchester, Leeds and Lag b'Omer .......„....——™..~._>^. ; Friday, May 20 to feature articles and correabondent-es frum All impnrtaht Jewish renters PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS Jerusalem. Rosh Chodesh SIvan _«—««....»...—.»«..—*~~«Wednesday, June 1 Inquiries regarding news items credited to this Agency, will be" gladly CRERNOVITZ TO HAVE 1st Day Shabuoth ._......._......M«.....^.^«..™.....^-«^.Monday, June 6 answered if addressed to Jewish Telegraphic Agency, 621 Broadway, NPW Jerusalem. (J. T. A.)-—A represenRosh Chodesh Tammuz *> _.._™...w~..~. Friday, July 1 JEWISH MUSEUM .York City. • tative gathering to commemorate the Fast of Tammuz—.. „ ^.. « Sunday, July 17 ATTEND THE Rosh Chodesh Ab ~.......,——..>.^^^...—.... ,—Saturday, July 30 Czernovitz. (J. T. A.)—The Jewish two hundred and fiftieth anniversary JEWISH SOCIAL CLUB : THE WILL TO LIVE IN AMERICAN JUDAISM . Fastvof Ab *M..«.u~.Jt..u .~.~..Sunday, August 7 of tha death Baruch Spinoza took community of this city has decided "GOOD TIME DANCE" Rosh Chodesh Ellul „.. . . -Monday, August 29 Many of the consulting physicians shake their heads. place Sunday at the Hebrew Uni- to establish a Jewish museum, Aj "Judaism in America," they say, "is very sick.". versity. The gathering was addressed large sum has been assigned for this T MARCH 6t"h! ~19277 by Dr. Hugo Bergman who lectured purpose. Some of them assert that it has not long to live, that it lack? t ADMISSION S',c On the "General Aspect of Spinoza's the will to live, that it is indifferent to life, not. caring1 whether Works" and Dr. Joseph Klausner on ANTI-SEMITES ATTACK its lives or dies.' DATA ON CAUCASIAN JEWS "Spinoza and Judaism." FOUR JEWISH PHYSICIANS •, * * * Moscow. (J, T. A.)—Exact data on Temple Israel IN BUCHAREST But if we were permitted to join with the distressed conthe situation of the mountain Jews JEWISH STUDENTS WE CLEAN Friday evening ;.March 4, Rabbi in Caucasia is given by the Yiddish Vienna. {J. T. A.) — Four Jewish Garments, Drapes, Blankets CurAGAIN ATTACKED sultants, we should say: Gentlemen, never before has such vitality Cohn's topic will be "George Brandes Communist daily "Ernes." ' • • IN BUCHAREST physicians in the Bucharest city hos- tains, Auto Upholstering. been seen in Judaism in America. For the first time the Jew in or The Valiancy of Truth." pital were seriously injured as a According to this report the numPeerless Cleaners & Dyers America, not individually, but in large groups, is examining and Saturday morning March 5, Rabbi ber of Caucasian Jewfl totals 103,000. Bucharest (J. T. A.)—Two Jewish result of an attack on them by an 4420 N. 20 St.—KE. 1500 evaluating himBelf*. He is questioning the quality of his Judaism. Cohn's subject will be "Setting up the The majority of them are civil war students, Silber and Eisikowic2, were anti-Semitic band, a despatch to the In business Since 1897 AH these years he has been giving generously to charity, believing Tabernacle". refugees from the districts of North seriously injured in new attacks of "Tagblatt" states. Caucasia and Dagestan. One hundred C u z i s t students at the School of Comthat thus he was asserting his Jewish character. But now he is Book Review Club and fifty families are engaged j merce here, the "Adeverul", Rouraanasking himself, "is charity-giving all there is to Jewish life?" Tuesday March 8, Rabbi Cohn will agricultural work, cultivating an,n i a n newspaper, reports, ; "' * , * * revie\v Leah Morton's book, "I am a area of 339 desiatin. Seventy families! Never before has Judaism in America been so concerned with Woman and a Jew". THIRTY ATTEND BRANDES* "Sweepings", Lester Cohn's novel of are engaged in crafts. The rest are its life and BO eager with the desire to live. CREMATION CEREMONY 2429 Decatour Street WE bster*3527 Chicago life will be reviewed by Rabbi without definite occupation. Illiteracy We see the convention of the Union of American Hebrew Cdhn on Tuesday March 22. is rampant among them* Copenhagen.( J. T. A.)—The cremaFor the short time that I am in the business I have convinced everyCongregations making a special order of business of a discussion tion of the body of the late Oeorg one of my-customers, that everything I handle is of the Highest Sisterhood 1 PALESTINE TO HAVE NEW on the perpetuation of Judaism in America. Brandes was performed here recently. quality and at the Most Reasonable Prices. Besides my regular stock, The Sisterhood will entertain on PICTURESQUE STAMPS Only a small group of about thirty The Jewish social workers everywhere who have been feeding Monday March 7, at a surprise one of: prayerbooks, holy scriptures in Hebrew and English, Talesim, Tphilim, Mazuzos, etc. I am going to have Hagodos for Pesach in the poor are seen to consider means of nourishing Jewish life in o'clock luncheon followed by Mah Jerusalem. (J. T. A.)—A new issue" persons, friends of the late critic, Hebrew and English. Also Soap for Pesach. Jong and bridge, Mrs. Julius Newman of Palestine postage stamps will be were present. America. • . : Ernst Toller, well known German put out shortly) an official announce! Conferences having to do With Jewish life as related to Jewish is in charge of this affair. ment-states, i writer, delivered a eulogy in the name life in America. ATTEND THE DEBORAH SOCIETY The flew stamps, which will super-' o f the > T ° uth i n Germany, BALL, SUNDAY, MARCH 6TH. cede those now in use, will be printed; « * « Certainly never before has Judaism in America given such in three languages, Hebrew, Arabic, ATTEND THE DEBORAH SOCIETY A GOOD TIME DANCE manifestations, of the will to live. Here is the evidence of an The Jewish Social Club have been and English. The Stamps will beat, BALL, SUNDAY, MARCH 6TH. aroused consciousness, saying, "I am a Jew. I am determined to requested by the Young Omaha Jewry pictures of the Tower of David, the' Let Us Help You Plan Dome of the Rock, Jerusalem, remain one -and to hand down the inheritance unimpaired to my to hold their "Good Time Dance" on Rachel's and the Sea of Tomb, Sunday March 6, 1027-at the Kelpinea Your Building Program For 1927 children." Dancing Academy, 25th and Farnam Galilee. Estimates FREE Such is the hopeful moaning of these conferences, debates and Street. Arrangements are how comnew activities in American Jewry. The very pessimism of many pleted and the Chicago Hiland Club PRINCE OF WALES It's here! The new domesVISITS LONDON JEWISH Jews is an optimistic factor reflecting the vitality of Judaism Syricppators are going to furnish the tic automatic electric toastSETTLEMENT music. The «lub reports an unusual GENERAL CONTRACTOR and its passion to live., er. Now the home can endemand land sale of tickets and as is522 Peters Trust Building joy perfectly made toast— There should be no concern as' to the present health and the always the case of a.Jewish Social Londoh (J. T. A.)—The Prince of future of Judaism. An Institution that cares so much to live Club dance, Remember ths date, Wales was the gust last night of the Without Watching Jewish Boys and Girls Settlement in Sunday, March 6th. is well. • ' * Without Turning Watch this paper for the announce- tha East End. The settlement is conducted by Basil Henriques. ment of the Jewish National Workers Without Burning '.The question, therefore, is-not: "Will Jtidaism in America! R'irr.'' t'l Kr> held ;»' K*>lnirtpft . The Prince inspected the cups tvon ! survive?"—but—"How may Jewish life be adjusted to-the comSfSdemy on Sunday. March by the settlement clubs and recalled IT'S THE NEW plex life of America? his recent presentation of tha boxing 13th, .-".:.' cup to the London and - Manchester "How may we live the fullness of Jewish life and enrich our battalions of the Jewish Lads' ATTEND THE DRHO'JAH SOCIETY lives as Jews?" BALL, SUNDAY, MARCH 6TH. Brigade.
M. SOMIT—Jewish Book Store
An Established Record
At Last!
; "How may we keep our poets and artiats within Judaism and its culture?" . -.. "How may we recover and bring to honor the symbols and ceremonials and the beauty of Judaism that we left behind on the path which we were pleased to call progress? "How may we present Judaism to the eyes of the young to that they will see it as a beautiful thing and a priceless possession to be cherished." «
To answer these questions is the most important business before American Jewry, t h e body of Judaism in America is not sick, but needs nourishment,~-B'nai B'rith'Magazine. in bringing about a genuine community dpirit in the Jewish Community Center. -My heartfelt appreciation is expressed for the splendid cooperation given by the Board of Managers,
Report of Harry H. Lapidus President ofJ. C. C. (Continued from page 1) laces 6ide by side with their nonewish citizens in the work of bfettering the community In which We live, giving of their time' and. effort unSince ihn opening of the Community Center wa nave had most generous cooperation from rt»-ny of our Trustees and Directors, as well as from the various co.n • ittes in charge •who have brought Into the building with them a fine spirit and-a genuinely human element. '.Tie Superintendent, Mr. Samuel Gerson. Will in his report give^on details of-this work. Much credit is also iu* the women who so nobly cams to our assistance in thee opaFition pa oof restaurant, ii th giving f their time and effort unstintingly.-We also acknowledge most gratefully the actitfti- carried oh by oti* volunteer workeia in the de-artmentB of dramatics, glee clubs, folk dancing* ballet dai.cing, art, and many others. After all ous. Center ifl but a , shell aaid without thesfc activitf s carried on with the enthusiasm of volunteers wa. would have but art empty shell—a buildir.p of brick and mortar. My deepest gratitude finds expression constantly injthe appreciation of the -work, untiring efforts and wonderful "cooperation received from our EKecutive Secretary, Mr, Samuel Gerson, and lite staff of7 co-workers Jo6 Levey", Esthe? Potash,' BesB H a y kin and Bess Spat. Jn the Physical Department Ed Burdick, Dave Chesno, 31 W. J&oee and Arthur Swarlz, as well as the entire'corps of Janitor and custodian help, have shawn a fine spirit. -It is primarily due to their splendid "cooperation that this Center is, being operated at' S6_small ah ex* t)en&e« Each of them has In blind, "What <w» 1 do .to keep the cost at » minimum"?"• And their answer has fceen, "By-working conscientiously at aU times regardless af the hour or
O thd veryy unusual OUM h6» teWteW h bt good fortune to'have obtained the services of'our able Superintendent rfr Samuel Gergon,"who is ever ready -«^ ,-,-toujdo mote than .his part
a member of the Jewish Community ! Center. The aim and ambition of SCHWARTZBARD TRIAL each and every Jew in this communiNOT BEFORE MAY ty: should be the realiiaticc of a united Jewish consciousness breathParis. (J. T. A.)—The trial of ing the goodness that must come from Sholem Schwartzbard will not be such work as is seei. to come from the efforts of those who have made held before May, it was learned. It was also learned that M. Henri and.In the.future will make our Jewish Community Center a success. Each Torres, Counsel for Schwartzbard, has Jew or'Jewess can best express that invited Israel .Dines, a former residesire or .ambition by joiiut.g OUr ranks and contributing morally and dent of the town of Proskurov where financially toward the success of our a Petlura pogrom took place, to come activities." -..-•' • from Argentine to appear as a witHereafter we must recognize the ness. The Proskurov Landsmanschaft standing of our Jews in this communi- in Argentine will pay Dines' passage. ty by their affiliation with and active participation in the affairs of the Jewish Community Center. A member- ATTEND THE DEBORAH SOCIETY ship card in the Jewish Community Center is the badge by which the Jew BALL, SUNDAY, MARCH 6TH. is distinguished; it is his badge of honor. -His faithfulness and loyalty must be inscribed upon the books of j the Jewish Community Center5 with \ his membership,- and by that distincSuccessors to Jones Candy Co. tion he should be known. No other standard will do. Those of the memRomance Chocolates bers who-have already joined our ranks must continue their support; Phone JA. 3986 918 Farnam St. must promptly pay their dues. To the non-Jew the Jewish Community Center and the Jew are synonomotis. Every Jew must surely have as much PAXTON'MiTCHELL CO. respect for himself as his non-Jewish *7tb * B»rl»» Hi* Hartley ice* neighbor has for him. : Our slogan Omaha, fit**' must ever and always be "EVERY Soft gtby iron, brass, broiiw *nQ alnJEW IN OMAHA A MEMBER OF nilnnm eastings. Blnnrtard sizes bronze >too bushing*, sewer manholes, THE J E W I S H C O M M U N I T Y eand l e t e r n t i n e a nfifl c o v e r s , a n d tet C E N T E R». loot* i n stock.
especially the Secretary, Joe L. Wolf, who has put in a gieat deal of time and effort in bringing about the present favorable financial status, a report of which you have already heard. This report in my opinion proves conclusively that the Jewish Community Center is a success beyond question. Within a period of seven months we have operated efficiently on an income of only six months and I am happy to announce that-we have paid every operating expense and finished with a surplus of $54.00. Most of the community centers in America are continually operating under a deficit andrespecielly is that true during the first year of their existence. In a great many communities this has necessitated a special campaign to raise fuhds to eliminate the deficit. When y-v. think of, these facts you will agree that it is only through the greatest measure of cooperation on the part of everyone who has had anything to do with our Community Center that this showing is possible. Of this we may well be proud. But our task had just begun. There is yet a still greater work before us. Our investment here is approximately ^400,000, Our ope.ating expense annually f& between $85,000 and $40,000. We must continue all our present activities and,' if possible, add new ones* Particularly should we increase k our .activities in the field of education. We must put a wholesome spirit and genuine soul irti» this building. These things can only be accomplished by a continuation of the splendid cooperation we have heretofore enjoyed, and .by the added dup{.crt of each and 4 every Jewish man> vomar and child in our eotnmunitj?. VhtiR will our ef- f forts result itt bringing about a solid United Jewry in our own Jewish Community Center. ' • In whotn there is the least pride to cherish his Jewishness In him must also be Ihe feeling Cat he must be
The Copelman Candy Co.
Here's How It Works Drop bread in oven slot— Press down two levers— Pop!—up comes the toast all by itself—And the current is turned off automatically when the toaet is done.
Every Man SliowM Know
The Toast Can't Burn
Now Is the Time
The bread stays down until it is evenly and thoroughly browned —then up it pops.
Pay Only $100 PER 5100 1 DOWN 1 MONTH
To Buy Spring Clothes
Speciall priced at $13.75 during the month of March only.
You Buy Now and you do just what we do—go into the markets of America the minute a season's new lines are opened. We go after the finest values for you, 'finest styles— we get them—we offer them early. It's all in the name of service to you.
"ELECTRIC SHOPS" 17th and Harney Sts. 2314 M St.
BUITEK and *]<;<&
Public Accountants and Auditors ISADORE ABRAMSON
Council Bluffs, la.
"Quality Jewelers*' MALASHOCK JEWELRY Wholesale and Retail Jewelers 213-46 City National Bank Bldg. JA. 5619 ,
490 Brandcis Theater Building Phone Atlantic 1450
Its Time to think of your t
| PhotograpLs I The TRUSSELL Studio PHOTOUKAPHEkS 13t2 Farnam St. Opposite W. O. W. Bldg. Phone, JAckson 4562
Nebraska Power Company Courtesy Service Low Rates
Sweet—Ml—Sour Pickles and Relishes
Spring Suits andTop Coats
And we price thesejreal quality Suits and Topcoats at the season's lovyest prices NOW tp give you big value for your money when you want to wear the newest styles!
25 3S 40
i Thiessen Vinegar & Pickle Works
3101 South 24th Street
PAGE 3—THE'JEWISH PRESS, THURSDAY, MAUCH 5, 1927 is found in all whole-] Omaha and Mr. and Mrs. J. Berek of \ Initiation of new members will also Abe Gilinsky, en route home California, left Tuesday evening. 2-lb. shoulder steak cnt 1% in. iliiek,' wheat cereals, cabbage, beans and all'-FrempEt spent. Sunday in Lincoln. takc place. one-h&lf cup; flour, other cooked vegetable if the %vatert . , Twenty friends of Mrs. George The Sisterhood Society will hold a , . v -., . u i j • • 1 Mr. Manuel Isetnan spent last week 3 tablespoons fat, which they have bsen cooked in is , ,,. , • • *r W L J n-+ EoCman surprised her at a bridgt meetingnext Tuesday afternoon, , _ , . ,..,, i end at his home in Nebraska City, t11 1 onion, March S, at the home of Mrs. Louis party at her home last week i used. Cook vegetables m as ' " ^ • . S a l t and pepper. water as possible and oxer a slo-.v Kroloff, 215 South Ninth street, Ail I of her birthday. Pound flour into ste^k usuing thej fire and use the wa members are urged to attend. side of the saucer. Shake off care-! vMrs. Ben Baron of Gnawa, Iowa, The Independent Order of the BV.ai fully all surplus flour. Brown in hot | ' Brith, Lodge No. 688, will hold a regMr. and Mrs. Michael Gilinsky of arrived Friday to spend about ten Linc'oln News fat on both sides. Reduce heat, add i *ular meeting next Wednesday even- Trenton, New Jersey, who spent a J days here visiting her parents, Mr. Nebraska sororionion; omon; seasoning seasoning and and 11 cup cup water water or or, fraternities recently announc- ing, March 0, at the Danish Hall.'few days here visiting Mr. and Mrs.land Mrs. S. M. Rosenhtal. Mrs. I. Rosenthal and Miss Dorothy tomato 3uice. Cover closely and let ; ^ t h e i r ^ ^ ^ SSigma igma D dta j Delta cook until tender about 2 and oneRosenthal are entertaining at tea at 6 6 it 6 t 68 Tau pledged Miss Etta Friseh of half hours. If more gravy is wanted Omaha. Sigma Alpha Mu pledged tie: Blackstone Hotel, Sunday afteradd a little more water and thicken Louis Deamond of Omaha. noon, March 6, in honor of Miss Belle with a little more flour. Eosenthal who is to be married to Miss *Ida Tenenbaum of Omaha, Mr. David S. Weinet of Sioux City, Mrs. t). R. wants some information | Harvard Beets recently spent the week-end in Lincoln on April 10. in regard to a benefit tea. This is af with Miss Ida Lustgarten. Using canned beets. very good way to raise funds for Mrs. Dave Rosen has as her house Temple or Synagogue. Slice beets in small pieces, there While everybody Is running clearance guest Miss Dorothy Itosen o£ Phila* should be one cup of juice. If not,] ' Miss Jeannette Gilinsky of Council 1 Bluffs was the guest of Miss Kate First of all you must have a roomy sales, we are moving along in full swing, delphia. !; home* Surely some member will offer half teaspoon corn starch, 1 table- Goldstein. showing the right merchandise at the The Ladies Auxiliary of the South her home for so worthy an afternoon. spoon vinegar and sugar, salt and Miss Esther Sarslowsky of Columright prices.—It sure is GREAT STUFF! Side-will hold their next «ard party, Plan some program for the afternoon pepper to taste. - Cook over slow fire; bus and Miss Alice Schulein of Sioux "which is one of a series being given, such a,home talent play, music e t c until slightly thickened, add beets to] City were elected to Tassels, a girls "Wednesday afternoon Match 9, at the Call your benefit a Birthday Tea. this sauce and serve hot. pep organization at the University of J. C. <C. at 2 o'clock. Hostess's for Arrange to have 12 tables to seat four Nebraska. They are both affiliated this affair will be the Mesdames N. or more. Have each table represent Lemon Short Cake with the Sigma Delta Tau Sorority. Martin, H. Manezitz, E- Long, • 1 a month of the year and seat at these Bake 6 egg sponge cake in tube] Stop of Personal Service ' Ostrovich, K. La2ar and L. Cohen. tables all ladies having birthdays on I Miss Ida Lustgarten will spend the pan. Prepare filling this way: In athese months, as for instance if your FROCKS-GOWNS Miss Gertrude Horwich is con- birthday fell in May you would sit bowl put 1 cup sugar, one-third cup week-end in Omaha. flour and a pinch of salt. In another] Miss Kate Goldstein has been sent tal where she underwent an operation at. a May table. Arrange to have each bowl beat 3 eggs yolks well and add '< from the dramatic department at the table in charge of cne of your memfor appendicitis last Friday. 1 hers, she should also wear a cap or juice of one lemon. Add this mixture; University of Nebraska to coach the Mrs. Mas Kirshenbaum was hos- i apron to correspond with her table, to first dry mixture and add slowly [ High School Operetta at Ashland. — There Is Distinction In Wearing Brsetdt^s tess at three tables or bridge at her Dress the table to* suit each ones own 1 cup boiling water. Cook over verv 5 Laura Ber and M i s s Alice slow fee until thick, set away to cool. o S cf™ . f , u home Sunday afternoon, honoring; taste. Here are a £r.w ideas: Cut sponge cake in slices, put two! . h £ l e i n a . r e pending the week-end o o o c o o o c o o o o_o q_o go p o_o q_p op o_p o c o o o p o o c e j o o p C . g f a C B P t C t Miss Evelyn Kaplan, a bride to be. j April could be a violet table and m Fremont slices together with lemon filling andj Mrs. A. Rachman, Mrs. S. Fishburg 1 paper violets would be pinned on all April ladies. June a bride's table and top with marshmellow cream. Keceipe] Mr. and Mrs. B. Lustgarten and -OPEN A CHARGE ACCOUNT—FOURTH FLOOE* and Mrs. J. Cohen won prizes. a wedding cake for a center piece. for marshmellow cream appeared in • family and Miss Lillian Margolin of July, firecrackers and American flags, last week's Jewish Press. Council Bluffs have moved to 3301 with firecrackers as favors. I will be Dewey Ave., Omaha* glad to furnish an idea for each table , Household Hints Serve lemoii candy drops with your Mr. and Mrs.. Sidney Fisher spent if you will write me again. On each table there should be tiny envelopes tea in "place of lemon. the past week in Chicago. and each guest 'will put one tent 1 for Use a discarded electric light bulb ATTEND THE GOOD TIME DANCE each year of her age in these enve- for darning stockings in place of a KELPINES STDttDAY MABCH 6TH, lopes. Seal them and the member in darning egg. of Omulia's Great Institutions" Since 1881 charge of the table will take charge sandpaper will clean felt hats Miss Bernice. Ferer returned home of them. Of course some people will Sunday, morning after spending the put in what ever they Iikej but a cent stains or porcelain and. "will remove ink errors better than an erosor. past three "Weeks visiting in Kansas for each year is the idea. * * • "City, Chicago, Ann Arbor, and DeNowf or the service. Have the dining troit. While in Ann Arbor Miss Ferer One of the Important Elements room table set with whatever you attended the Annual Spring Hop. Tif the Human Body. are serving. Have one of your memPhosphorus is needed for rich blood Mrs. D. M. Newman left Friday on bers pour tea or coffee. You can serve and rosy cheeks and is found in millc, a southern trip. Enroute home she will or the people can serve themselves. eggs, fish or whole wheat. Have lemons and orange sliced and visit Chicago. Silicon is needed for steady nerves ready in plates, small cakes or FRIED'S Miss Jeaii Srupp of Fremont spent wiches, muffins and jam or anything and clear brain and is found in steel the week-end in Omaha. you like just so it is light and dainty. cut. oats, oatmeal, peas, brown rice, KOSHER DELICATESSEN We will handle a complete line of cherries, cabbage and grapes. Milton R. Abraham, captain of the More hot tea or coffee can be served Passover Goods — Matzos, meal, Vitamin A furnishes these foods: Creighton debators team left Sunday those who would like a second cup by Cod liver oil, butter, egg yolks, fruits, etc. members using silver tea pots. Have on a southern trip on which the team creanij spinach, tomatoes, carrots. will meet with Washburn donated by ffie members Topeka, Kansas^ The Kansas State st Teachers College at Emporia, K a n s J > ™ry little expense is needed and and the St. Louis University. Milton if you have a crowd you can, make Abraham is a senior at the Creighton quite a bit of money for your temple. •=*» Law School. He is the son of Mr. and Supper Menu Mrs. Edward Abraham. Milton is exSalmon Loaf —»- Greamed Peaspected to return Sunday. Brown Potatoes —-Unique Salad Professor Victor E. Leouie, local Cheese Pie lecturer, will speak on the subject , . . . Rolls, Butter, Coffee "Inheritance and Environment," Wednesday evening March 9, at 8:30 p. m. Salmon Loaf at the Labor Lyceum. This lecture is The Clothes buyer of today i* decidedly more exacting that fee 1-lb. can salmon, under thp •auspices of the Independent receive the fullest possible measure of value dollar for dollar 2.well beaten eggs, . than ever before. With this knowledge e.t hand, -we invite tKo Ladies Club. The public is cordially 2 cups milk, closest possible comparison of Glazer Values with the best yon invited. 2 cttps corn flakes, can find esewhere. ' • Salt and pepper to taste. WHERE ABE THEY ALL GOING? is the policy, . Day in and day out we -will tandercoll. Mix all in gredients and bake slowKELPINES SUNDAY MARCH 6TH. iss scares of this new store. A situation wiiich is ly- one hour and 16 minutes in butr of new friends daily. Mr. and Mrs. Dave Eavitz returned tered pan. Serve hot sliced with Sunday from their honeymoon trip creamed peas. and ate now at home at 720 So, 37th. Charming Simplicity — The Greatest , Mrs. Bavitz before her marriage was Uniftoe Salad itet Such Clever Details in Miss Sadye Klimowsky of Des Moines. Clothing Value 4 large bananas, 1 cucumber, of Which Omaha Mr. Harry Lapidus left Wednesday one-half cup salad dressing, night for Peoria, 111. Can Boast-1 cup whipped cream, one-half cup chopped nut meats. JVESB Anne Fanger returned from Soak Cucumbers in salt water one a two and a half weeks visit in Los hour, drain and cube. Mis all inAngeles. gredients and serve very cold. SprinThe Hadassah Study -Circle will kle nut meats over top. meet Monday, March 14, at the Com* » * Revealing Fashion's Newest Discoveries munity Center. "Mrs. M. G. Wohl is Cheese Pie for the 1927 Season leader of this group. 1 pint cottage cheese (dry), tff 1 cup sugar, The Psi Mu held their second one-half teaspoon cinnamon, monthly social function last Sunday 5 eggs separated, at the Mandel home. Twelve couples one-half cup cream, attended this party. Jack Frieden and his gang", honorary guests, enter- j 1 tablespoon corn starch, tained. The evening was spent in j 2 tablespoons melted butter. dancing. Dissolve corn starch in cream. Beat yolks with sugar and cinnamon. Add ALL ABOARD GOOD TIME DANCE KELPINES SUNDAY MARCH 6TH-. to cheese with a little salt and pepMen—When you set eyes on the suits -we, offer at $28.50 you R4conized Values at This Lo-.v Pnce! per, add melted butter and Well Will have a new conception of Clothing values. You'll gauge them, The Jewish National Workman's beaten egg whites. One tablespoon at being worth from $39.50 to $45, but with us they are our regular $28.50 values. . xMUance will have a dance on Sunday, lemon juice may be added. Pour this mixture in cake pan that March 13, at Keipiiie's Dancing The cliarm of all things ne-w leads itself graciously to has been lined with dough and bake Acadetny. this group of coats for Spring. The fur trimmings of one hour, hot oven at first and last JEWISH NATIONAL FUND Lapin, Pahmi and Squirrel, the diagonal stitchings, the one-half hour reduced heat. An additional amount of $16.00 pleats—all maintain that important simplicity of line. * * * was donated to the Jewish National Sport coats, afternoon coats, or smart top coats for Dough for Pie Fund ' Society at the Minkin-Brody travel—are found in this selection so unusually priced. A showing that will surpass your best expectations. Suits of 1 cup flour, wedding. quality, styled right, tailored right, conservative and more daring 2 tablespoons butter, models. Every suit with two pairs of trousers. one-hall teaspoon baking powder, , Y. M. & Y. W. H. A. DANCE one-fourth cup sugar, The "Y" will hold one of its regular Pinch of salt, Saturday night dances at the Center 1 egg. this Saturday evening. The dance will Mix dry ingredients, work in but be the first one to be. held under the S&tixlust ••". TwUls . Ttveeds Wttfow hew iaministration and the incoming 1 ter, add beaten egg ; and if t^o dry
' " •
You-"Want Proven acts Not Mere- Conversation
Startling Values in 2-Paat Suits at
J i
-\iffife-*hmaW;?fe a^cc^-Any^^
few drops of sweet
; h a s a t t e n d e d ; a ^ y ^ ^ d a B c e k n o w s i h a t ^•."-^•"•-•."•- : >r;"_--••:."^••'-.l" : they ^ e %eH yratth'ones t i m e a n d :-yv ;::v':; -.^...^v Menu
/"-;^--: -r/^'^-
m f e ^ h o s e whb have as yet not a t - Swiss": Steak, Gravy, Boiled Potatoes ^tcftiled should do 50 this;:;jSat^rday«) Harvard^Beets, Combination Salad ^nighjE ^forlf-doek^tpa^ito" fiasr Vii!t\ j J -1 ;iembii; •Shorttake. • s^./;; v •'Isi^cch--iS^t-SffaSr-•as^a^^ance.;*';-X-;>3l^:KoHs? v -•CTea-;;..:, ;• : • -
Kasha Novelty Cloth ~ •-.. Lorcheen Cloth
Lido Blue
Braitdeis—Second Floor
By Stanley P, Levin.-
Creighton _UnL. - „• . : ; -" Friday and Saurday night •will witness the final games in the .Collegiate" career'of t h e ; incomparable Syd Corehman. The Jewish lad should and' undoubtedly 'will,* make a grand Killing -when the Bluejays go into - action against the^mighty Notre Dame team' from'Norttf'Bendr Jjfyd "and! the Catholic cagers will take on the almost impregnable Hoosierg in what promises to be the two hottest games of the Creighton schedule. *
University of Illinois . • ' .. -Marcus Krasne, the "Tank", former to Omaha f i Creighton U and Commerce Hill foot- year ago, where he received ..ball .and track star, captured the shot- lessons of instruction 'from putting championship of_ the Hlini who battled him for the title. Dr. Lutz,' at. that' time was the school with a 40 foot S^$ inch heave champion of Des Moines. The two . in the all-school track and .field meet men met and became fast friends, the held recently. The Daily Ulinj^studenf Doctor" giving Levey many pointers publication, in speaking of Krasne, " says:-"He is the Best shotputter on the game, perhaps never dreaming among Illinois freshman since- Dan that some day the two would fight it Lybn first-made his appearance here. out L. Omaha for the championship of (Dan Lyon is the Big Ten Conference the Mid-west Amateur Union. The champion earned his way to champion in the shotput.) Marcus the finals by defeating Kniprath of won his numeral as a member' of .the Tech high and the Y. M. C. A., 21 to freshman football • 'and -wrestling 0*, 21 to 4. Blank of Des Moines, 9 squads. The big fellow, in this opinion to 21, 21 to 17. John Stotts of Des , of Robert Zupke, head football coach, is the most,agile athlete on the foot- Moines, 21 to 19, 21 to 4. Dr. Lutz earned the right to battle ball squad. Krasne easily outdistances Levey by disposing of Lecn Mendelall the. linemen in the warming up son of the Center, 21 to 3, 21 to 2; sprints up and down the football field. Marcus has been placed at one of the Emil Wurgler of the Y, M. C. A., the first string tackles during the spring defending champion, 18 to 21, 21 to 9, 21 to 8; Herman Segelman, Center grid practice. • singles champion, 21 to 10, 8 to 21, • • • 21 to 8. ' Joe Turner, former Central High Levey won the first game of the school and Jewish Community Center championship match', 21 to 16. Dr. ball player is a member of the mini Lutz uncovered a burst of speed and freshman squad. No first or second took the second game, 21 to 13. The team has yet been picked, so that the 'Iowa champion who had been forced former Purple star is still amongst to extend himself through most of the anxious group wondering whether his preliminary games was "all in" or not they will be among the first as the final game started, and Levey, twenty five men to be retained as a Joe Levy • aided by his splendid physical confirst and second nine. Joe Levy, midwestern A. A. U. singles handball champion. Levy won dition swept to victory on the score » • » this title at the recent tournament held in Omahay defeating Dr. Lutr, Iowa of 21 to 9. State champion. Levy will enter the national tournament to be held March Jewish Press Basketball Team • • « 14 at Detroit. . The Press team lost one of the Dr. Lutz and John Stotts of Des toughest" games yet played in the Moines/were victors in the doubles, Center gymnasium, Sunday night. The trimming the singles champion, Joe Bender's playing at guard was er- Raske,. another unknown. Harry Stoller played a good guarding game. Press men led their conquorers, the Levey.and his brother Saul, in two ratic Central Chevrolet five, of the Y. M. straight games. The scores were 21 The B'nai Israel gang pulled the The B'nai Ami quintette finally did C A. league, throughout the entire to 5 and 21 to 2. The Des M >ines team surprise of the evening when they it. Yes, they won a league game. contest 'till the last five seconds of outclassed the Levey brothers at all downed the strong Brodkey ConstrucTheir first victory ineleven starts. play when a bad pass from one of the stages -of the contest. tion Company five by the narrow They coupled a fast breaking offense Jewish guards, .into the hands of Lutz and Stotts defeated Segelman with a strong guarding game to margin of one basket, and that was Huston, Chevrolet star, who was and Greenberg of the Center by the standing under the basket cost <them scores of 8 to 21, 21 to i2 and 21 :o down the Tully Hatters to the tune of not earned by the victors.-With the 14 to 12. Harold Pollock, Sol Yaffe, score reading, Brodkey's 8, B'nai the game. Huston "immediately let fly 10, to enter .the finals. Leon Forman and Orris Donovitz Israel 6, Harry HayHn, captain of the for the basket und made good on his • Joe and Saul Levey of the Center poked in the counters for the Club- Construction crew became excited and effort making the score read, Chev- defeated' Ainscow and Hawthorne of men. Orris Donovitz was the most tossed a long one through the B'nai rolet 22, Press 21. -Huston was easjily the Y. M. C. A. by the socres of 20 outstanding man -on his. five, his Israel hoop counting two points for the most outstanding man on the to 21, 21 to 19 and 21 to 17, to enter guarding was superb and his shooting his opponents. The shot was the most floor with seven baskets and-one free the finals. up to his usual form. Jimmy Bur- unusual seen this season in the Center .throw. The guarding of Joe Prerost roughs at the other guard teamed up gymnasium. Needless to say Mr..Hayand Bob OToole was excellent. - well with Donovitz. Jimmy missed' a kin did get and will come in for plenty Captain Sammy Kaufman, playing COMMUNITY CENTER number of shots that seemed almost of kidding as the result of his abhis last game of basketball preparaBASKETBALL LEAGUE through, but not quite. The boys also tory" to leaving for the Omaha Western league baseball camp led his ' In the first game of the evening chalked up a victory the other night, LetUsBelp Yea "Keep Clean" mates with seven points. Konecky, the Philadelphia Leather Co. cagers when they trimmed the North-side, Presbyterian churh team in the latdropped their tussle to the hard fightSwartz and Rosenblatt trailed behind Frontier Towel & Linen Supply with four counters each. The guard- ing Gross Lumber Co. quintet by a ters gymn, 23 to 14. 1819 .'California Street ing of Davey Chesnau was above re- 23 to 14 score. The Leather men led ATlantic 62;,1 Joe Nitz, the old reliable, surprised proach. The husky barricader seems at the half, 6 to 5, but lost their lead the crowd and himself with two neat and the game when the Lumbermen to have recovered from his - early season foot injury, for he was in the staged a fierce last quarter rally little' baskets that traveled three- thick of every play, in addition to which netted them nine points. Lohr- quarters across the floor before they chalking up one basket, which came man with nine points, the result of found a haven in the meshes of the three baskets and the same number Tully basket. Joe Franklin, a member in handy at the time. UJMM.ESALE of gift shots led his mates in the of the South high school team, playDruj»Kists and Stationers scoring column. "Hawkshaw" Epstein, ing with the Hatters for the first Omaha Western League Baseball 1UI-4M-4IWI •Jnnth loth ltln«l Smiling. Sammy Kaufman who some Captain Ackerman and Jake Kososky time, scored three points, as did Earl time ago announced his intention of came through with six and four points . becoming an infielder, with the in- each. The guarding of Kososky was tention of taking a fling at the short- good, as usual. Billy Gerelick was the whole show stop position has had a change of mind and will stick to his first love, for'the Leathermen with ten counters, the mound. Kaufman knows, that as four baskets and two free tosses. Lou a pitcher, and a successful one, there Riklin .was all there with the fight, ' will be no limit to his possibilities o'f but like- his fellow forward, Reher, " advancement to the "big leagues". The was minus the old scoring punch. Bud fondest dreams of tbe managers of Levin played well at guard «in addithe two New York teams has been Ition to kicking in with a gratis toss. the hope that some day they might Beber played a hard and fast game during the first half but the effort acquire a good, Jewish hurler. Sammy's arm is in good shape "and told on him during the final canto - the lithe, athletic lad has the "kaup" when he slowed down to a weak walk. to take things easy the first week or so of training, before, settling down to the hard grind of the professional ball playsr. If all goes well we may * hear of Sammy Kaufman of the THE FIRST TELEPHONE Omjihateam pitching against Art 1876 Swartz of the Amarillo team, both ag' gregations being members of the From 4 Investors to <35O,QGO Western circuit. Swartz, ' a * former high school and local amateur star in 50 Years of Progress , and more recently a member pf the . Four men owned the entire interest in trip Omaha team and the Chadron nine of telephone SO years ago. They laid the foun- the. Nebraska State League-will teave dation for'the present nation-wide Ball SysOmaha soon to report to. his manager tem, in which more than 650,000 people repat El Paso, Texas. Kaufman will" train resenting every state in the. Union now are G &"J 'Baloon Cords are at Yokum, Texas. financially interested. 1 : scientifically built tft operate • • • This wide-spread ownership of Bell Sysat real low pressured * T&rf-West A. A. U. Handball tem securities is striking recognition by the . These good looking,,' deTournament - -' public of their value as a sound investment: pendable tires will save you A.new Mid-west A A. U. singles You, too, can become an investor in money from beginning, to handball champion was crowned Sunthe Bell System. Any telephone em• end. Drop in! ' " * day night when Joe- Levey * of the ployee will gladly tell,you about it. : . Omaha . Community Cecter emerged —ROAD SERVICE— victbriuous in a hectic three. gam£, NORTHWESTERN BELL TELEPHONE CO. : - \ series with Dr. LuUof Des Moines. BELL SYSTEM The new champion is well known to OnoPollcg - One System - Universal Service Tires—Accessories -*-»U #• C. CL member^ as the man be1409 No. 18 WE. 4549 hind the. outer ^-fortifications of the Center office. Joe came
EL. E. Bruce & Co
Real Low-Pressure
J.C.C. BASKETBALL TROPHY This trophy will be awarded to the winning team of the Jewish Community Center Commercial Basketball league which will soon close its season. The trophy will remain permanently in the - .Jewish Community Center. A nameplate of the winning team of each year will be engraved on trophy. The .trophy was presented by Ralph Bussell, of the Russell Sportr ing Goods Co. The members of the first and second teams in the league will receive gold and silver medals of the same model as is the trophy.
Equitable Life Statement
The sixty-seventh annual statement of The Equitable Life Assurance Washington (J. T. A.) — Nathan Society of the United States pub- • Cayton, of this city was appointed lished today, shows gains in all im-1 Judge of the Municipal Court of the portant items. The assets on Decent- i District of Columbia by President ber SI last totaled $869,604,876, an J Coolidge and the Senate yesterday increase of $77,200,000 over 1925 ' confirmed this appointment. Judge which is the largest gain ever made , Cayton is twenty-eight years old. He by the company. During the year the j is a graduate of the Nations! Univeroutstanding insurance passed the ' sity Law Schoo] and for several years five-billion mark and now totals has been associated in law practice $5,067,. 965,000. ' . . with Alexander Wolf of this city. The new insurance paid for aggregated $1,017,513,000, including $194,233,000 of group insurance. This was i 0. Bi*odke; Jei the largest amount of new business j in any year in the history of the • F & ®OTS for company and represents an increase 36 Years of Honest Merehandiftp Is S'onr a 8qnnr« Deal of $191,000,000 over-the amount paid Est. 1890 for in 1925. j 1419 Douglas During the year the company paid j $111,814,000 to its policyholders and • beneficiaries. Over $38,000,000 was j JFREGGER-FQX DEUG CO. set aside for payment on annual i **€are£ul Druggists" dividend policies alone during 1927. 14th and Douglas St. AT0S27 Ninety-eight percent of all domestic j Prescriptions lilted by death claims paid during . the year ; only were settled within one day after J Prices very reasonable Delivery servlw-*• receipt of due proofs of death.
^elry C Dfamc
WORLD UNION TO CONSIDER ROUMANIAN JEWISH QUESsent-fninded heave. Captain Hay kin STION AT BERLIN SESSION and Les Burkenroad made all of the losers scores with six and four points j Brussels, Belgium. (J. T. A.)—The respectively. I World Union of the League of NaHarry Rich* former Central high tions Societies will take up the quesschool reserve player led the winners tion of the anti-Jewish excesses in attack with three baskets for six ; Roumania at its session to be held points.. Benny Rosen acquired • four ' shortly in Berlin, it was learned f ol- | markers to help the cause along. The lowing a meeting of the Union's guarding of Cowboy Sadofsky was unequaled by any, barricader on the : Commission for the Affairs of the ; j floor during the evening's games. The • National Minorities. little fellow made monkeys out of his older and more experienced opponents, F&IED'S taking the ball from them time and KOSHER DELICATESSEN again. Jake Stoller did well at the 1509 North 24th Street other guard, playing a strenuous game throughout from start to finish. All foods kept in Sanitary cases A complete line of smoked meats • and fish The Kaiman Insurance team drew a bye and Tetained their first place lead. MEET ME AT THE GOOD TIME DANCE, KELPINES ON SUNDAY MARCH 6TH. ATTEND THE DEBORAH SOCIETY BALL, SUNDAY, MARCH 6TH.
In Omaha SSO Kiwms—880 Baths Onsti fionrn* fnr filJHI to* BpnlPT HotPlt Co.
Harry EL Lapidus, Pres.-Treas. W. G. Ure. Secretary.
Baker Ice MaeMies
W« TO.COC g * 8«othww« Cents* enth *n«l l>nnei»» Ktreetft. Pbonnt 4ach»«is £724 OMAHA. KTEB.
"Manufactured in Omaha" BAREK ICE MACHINE CO
Company •TiK.oijju.'afev? under th* Zmwe of the State tit Jftw Tori
STATEMENT OF CONDITION AT.'DECEMBER 31, 1926 ODTSTANDINQ INSURANCE . . . .$5,067,965337.00 Total amount of the Eqtutable's outstanding = = = = = = = policy contracts. INSURANCE RESERVE $ 748,488,613.00 That portion of the Assets reserved to pay all policies * as they mature. This is adequate because it will be increased by future premiums and interest The Reserve is determined by the Actuary, and verified by the Insurance Department of the State of Kew York.
These include Claims and Endowments pending, Funds left with the Society at interest, Premiums and Interest paid in advance, and Dividends not yet taken. TOTAL INSURANCE LIABILITIES
$ 765,336,529.73
MISCELLANEOUS LIABILITIES $ Principally interest and rents paid in advance, reserve for taxes, and commissions, rents, and office expenses due or accrued. TOTAL LIABILITIES
775,435,415.77 .
ASSETS , . . . . . . . $ " 869,604,875.65 These Assets include mortgages oa farms, homes and business properties, loans to poiicyholders, bonds, cash, etc., and are §94,169,459.83 in excess of Total Liabilities. This excess c o n s t i t u t e s the Surplus Reserves, SURPLUS RESERVES. For distribution in 1927: On Annual Dividend Policies On Deferred Dividend Policies Awaiting Apportionment oa - . Deferred Dividend Policies.... For Contingencies.
$38,300,000.00 234,658.00 431,682.00 55,203,119.88
NEW INSURANCE PAID FOR in 1926..... .$1,017,513,739.00 Ordinary........... . Group (new groups only)
£823,279,009.00 $194,233,830.00
Comprising Death Claims, and payments to living policyholders under matured Endowments, Annuities, Cash values, and Dividends.
W. A. DAY, President