March 10, 1927

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A false friend^ like- a shadow, attends only while the sun shines.

By & 2 . B.

The Lamp Went Ont, Bat Notfor a Walk "And the lamp went out!" It may have been an electric lamp or a kerosene lamp or an eye-'lamp." Regardless of the kind of lamp that vrent out, a state of darkness would surely the result. j "And the Lamp Went Out," isn't a phrase, thifi time; it's the title of a skit to be given at the open meeting! of the B'nai B'rith at the Jewish; - Community Center, next Thursday night. The reason this lamp vrent one seems quite obvious. Here's the reason. The following made up the cast of characters: Sarah. Rurtzman, TJla Alberts, Gertrude White,'' Grace Rosenstein, Rose Lazarus — and A E T H U R EOBINSON. Arthur, I take it, is supposed to he the reason "for the lamp going out. And he doesn't blow to extinguish it.

Cotered as second-class mnl) matter on Jauusr; 27Ui. istti. at poslotllce nt Omnba -Nebraska, under the Act or March 3. 1K7U

Start Campaip for




VOL; VI.—No.

HU6O SONNJENFELD, Christian Scientists Conduct AntiGERMAN JEWISH JURIST, DIES IN BERLIN Jewish Propaganda By Radio

Berlin (J. T. A.)—Hugo Sonnen—Berlin (J. T, A.)—Negotations.beAugusta E. Stetson advocates expulsion from America of feld, well known German Jewish tvveen the German Zionists and • tonZionists concerning a common plat-> "Anti-Christian Element of Jewry" and of Catholics; Circulates jurist, died here yesterday at the age form for Palestine work are now be- leaflet containing correspondence with unnamed Jewish leader who of. 63. Hospital Has Been Remodeled ing carried on, a report published by protested against anti-Semitic broadcasting policy of station Herr "Sanserifeld, who held the Comes Here In Behalf of Zionist the "Frankfurter Zeitung" states. WHAP; Practitioner claims to be descendent of a tribe of Man- title of Justizrat, took an active part and Refinished in Jewish communal affairs in Prussia. The negotiations are being carried nasseh. . . He was the president of the Federaon • with the Central Verein der New York (J. T.. A.)—What, vir- not to denounce individual sinners or tion of Jewish Communities in Prus- NATIONALLY KNOWN'AS IS DOING MUCH Deutschen Juden, the leading body of ORATOR. AND SPEAKER" CHARITY WORK non-Zionists in Germany. I t was tually amounts to rabid anti-Semitic individual wrongdoing. You are at- sia and vice-president of the Central Eabbi C. Hillel Kauvar, nationally stated that the basis o± the negota- propaganda is. being carried on by tacking the Koman Catholic Church, Verein dsr • Dentschen Jtulen. In Augusta E. Stetson, ;Christian Science the Pope and the hierarchy, and its 1800 he took a leading part fa the kno-wn orator and Sabbi of the Beth The Wise tions is that the German Zionists practitioner and >tfes director of the entire membership, and you calmly Konitez ritual murder trial. He was HE Medrosh Hagt>dol Synag'og^c, one M e m o rial 5 withdraw their "Gegenwaerts Arbeit", radio station WE&P.- Mrs. Stetson, say that station WHAP "will «on- also counted one of the 1 eadiug of the" largest congregations in Hospital, ' that is, their nationalist work. wbo was a disciple of Mary Baker j tinue so" to denounce and condemn German Democrats. Denver,- Colorado, is coming here to A statement" issued by thev Zionist •which has Eddy, f (Hinder of the Christian Scianee] Roman Catholicism, until the entire address ' a jsass meeting1 of Omalm leaders here said that the, negotiaT m Glad That*s Over" been prim- tions with the Central. Verein der Church, represents a seceding wing of system- of popery is expelled from Jewry on Sunday evening, itErcfe IS, Poor Sam Gerson! America.' You s&e.-thns ' main- Deutschen Jnden did not involve an the church. No sooner does he announce the Mrs. Stetson is carrying, on. an in- yourself to sit in judgment -upon the?ift tained by obligation to abandon the nationalist •fact that he's engaged to be mar-"1 tensive anti-Jewish and anti-Catholic opinions and convictions of year the Jewish •work in Germany. Tied, then a dentist conies along campaign with a view to the expulsion sisters and brothers of the CathoBc r "people of and pulls out some of his teeth. • of the Jews ' and Catholics from Church. -You characterize them as ' this city for 'anti-Christ' and by ether means, For a •while Tiis power of articul- t America. ; the past 25 ation was handicapped-by the act Requests Information Relative to "The- second appearing of Christ is •which, yon say are 'symbolic of years, is of the D.D. Early Settlers very near, almost at the doors. Know- character.' "Upon analysis, it would seetn that Don't send flowers. He's improv- • membership ing this, .1, Augusta E. Stetson, deing rapidly—from both." • drive for manded that the papal system andj the real gToundof your attack is that HISTORY PART OF BOOK ' the anti-Christian- element of Jewry,] a e doctrines and teachings of- Mrs. the hospiWRITTEN FOR NEBRASKA tal. O n e "Riviera", Greatest in West, Opens wMch seek "to dominate; and control Eddy are not "accepted by the Eomsn Frances Homer Sam Wertheimer thousand At the request of Addison E, the destiny of America,- subvert its Catholics. But are they accepted by in Few Weeks with Civic Prances Homer, the young dramatic , , . , , ,, r Episcopalians, Presbyterians', Baptists Sheldon, director of the Nebraska . , , , v IT members are needed to make up the form of Christian government, and Pageant ' interpreter, who gave a number of , _,.__.,. _, ^ ,___.*._, * annual odeficit of the hospital. overthrow its sublime, Christian, and Methodists?—to refer to only a Historical Society, Ella Fleishman selections at the Community Center Omaha, March. (Special.)—Launch- Protestant idealism——I demand that. few of the' many Christian sects. And Auerbadi has begun the work of Because of the free work that the Tuesday evening, is indeed a talented ing the biggest prosperity boom these .systems and all their adherents,] a r e , t h e y adopted by the hundreds of compiling a history of the settleis doing, it has an young lady. Her presentations were millions of human beings, who live ment of the Jewish peopJe in Nedeficit of more than ?15,000. Only a Omaha has had since the days of the be expelled from America forthwith, well received by the attending audiAsia and Africa and other parts of braska. Her aim is to make the reTrans-Mississippi Exposition in 1898, in order that America shall be govence. the Nebraska metropolis is preparing erned by her God-ordained form of the world? Do you seriously believe cord complete in every detail, parAs a general rule a Jewish audience for a huge Pageant of Progress during Christian government, embodied in that you and the members of the ticularly with reference to the earliest Christian Science Church, whose very pioneers who helped settle the terdoes not take to Gentiles who use or March 21—30, ha celebration of the our American Constitution." existence dates back bat a few ritory of Nebraska, snd build up its attempt to use the Jewish dialect. opening on March 25' of the new This statement, made by Mrs. StetMiss Homer gave an original version Eiviera Theatre which- is rated as one son, who claims to fee of Mayflower decades, have the right to condemn cities and towns. of <1Hunaoresque," using a broken of the three most outstanding theatres ancestry and of the Israelitish tribe j a n d ****' The. material gleaned will be in**** expulsion from English for two of her characters. in the whole world. of MannasseH, is • contained in a ! America millions of other Christians, cluded in Dr. Sheldon's* "History cf 0 Though at the outset the audience felt do not see.eye to eye with you? Nebraska", upon •which he is now Invitations i » the pageant, and to pamphlet circulated by her through'."** .. • Omaha Be« Photo Have somewhat "uncomfortable," they soon S™ any better right to regard engaged. Miss Rose Rosicky of the opening performances of the the mails. The pamphlet is entitled, _BabM Kauvar "got it," and did not feel insulted or with a Jewish them as 'anti-Christ/. whatever that Omaha recently completed the section opening performances of.the theatre "Correspondence may mean, then they "have to make on the Bohemian settlement of the st the Jewisli Community Center He hurt—which really says much for which "brings Broadway to Omaha", Leader." Miss Homer's ability. are being sent-outto editors of Ne- The anti-Jewish and anti-Catholic the siane' .charge against Christian state," and members of other national is coming here UBcieir the auspices of braska and Iowa and other midwest- Mdresses broadcast' through WHAP, Science? You are assuming a tremen- groups are similarly- engaged in ob- the Zionist Organization!!'"' tajsias £he recced*--of -tbsir.|«0ple's .- RabM Ksovar.' will .be.. xmmrahm& em publications, I _ sayTtSiat^tfle CESS i s semesdrat: contribution to .Nfebrssks?^ -Msterr. by raany Gmahan's ©s -cme- of •' -Ss Ford, are the director^ gave rise to ] and mayors also. The. invitations are Nothing pleases me more than t o ' -with Jewry".'; ..In " vfh&t "The old generation of founders of principal-speakers here 'severs! yew*. J this correspondence. TheleadJ being sent out by Mayor James C. see such non-sectarian affairs as the er, who is "not^named i n i ^ i published j ****** ? W e * « n O t *»** ^Christians, Nebraska .is'rapidly' jpasshig," .Dr. ago when Chsim Weitsrman visited in Dahlman, Omaha's cowboy mayor. A. A. U. tournament being: held at the W e "There still Omaha. Since that time Rabbi- Rama? <& n o f accept Christ. We have Sheldon emphasizes. When the new theatre was . first correspondence, wrote V>trs. Stetson Jewish Community Center. People of for fifty survive persons who knew proxaiaent had been . sought - by several -Om*b*. protesting; entertained these . views on January -10, 1927 announced' a year ago, i t brought all races and religions are thus r a t e have ne to v the members of each group •which took organizations to speak here again, forth a flood of imibrtant buflding against the anti-Semitic broadcasting ' ccenturies. * ™ ~ vWe ff^ e ^ T e n ™ "brought together in our Jewish: A.Z^~ ^ ^ iZ-jM,~~-ZrXn^dr Ontario* WHAP. world the very Bible, upon which you He'"will speak on a subject of inpart in that-.founding.-If we, their development in other parts of Omaha, of station WHAP. building. Such events will help more. base faith sa uhave terest to every Jew in Qis&ha, children, act 'now, we shall be per? y ° J&s. Stetson replied to the Jewish i tie all <jf. which, is ^culminating -as the tTinn anything else to show the world oaT bod of The committee in charge of arpetual benefactors to our state anfi leader, affirming the stand taken bj\y y Christian Science staRiviera nears completion. .. that regardless of what names or dents many Jews *who are living lives to our near people, who were its rangements are A. I. Ktalakofsky, J, M. Herzberg ~ her station. The new. theatre is inspired, b y a titles we bear, after all, we are all J. Friedman, K. F. Levenson, J. Fe1<3~ The unnamed Jewish leader, accord- j in accordance.-with the highest ^ ideals pioneers." Chr. House Committee garden on the Riviera : of southern members of one great family. of man, and L. H. Katlerxsan, of Council Mrs. Auefbach is eager to have ing to the pamphlet, replied to Mrs.I Christ's-Christianity" Of course small' part of this -deficit is made up Italy. As one enters the theatre, the Stetson on January 15, 1927, a s ' ?0XL c o u n t t h e m s n K m S ?OVT b e s t s t a " the cooperation &ad assistance of any Bluffs. by the contribution from tLe- Jewish illusion is' that of going out doors, inA reception . committee who will dents, and yet you still call them Nebraska or out-state residents vAo follows: Do You Know? Welfare Federation, '.the other part to a starlit garden, instead of in the are familiar with the history of the meet Rabbi Ksuvar at the station will Jews and through your station are "I am in receipt of yours of the customary ceilinged theatre.- Motion must come from the members. early Jewish residents of this state; consistof J. B. Robinson, H. A» attacking them as well as those who 13th instant in answer to mine, reOf the thousands of attorneys prac"It is the duty and it should be the pictures, a 45-piece symphony or- garding station WHAP. I have Kke- do not recognize Christian Science. or who have data, pictures or docu- Wolf, -Si" Robinson, 'Henry Monsky, J. tising in the city of New York, 90 privilege of every Jew in Omaha to chestra, a pipe organ equal -to a 200 J. Friedman, A. I, Kulakofsky, Harry You then proceed to say that there ments whicL may be of interest. per cent of them are Jews? (This be a member of the Wise Memorial piece orchestra, and three stage pro- wise received various books explanaLspidus, L. H. Katelman, Dr. A, Outstanding persons of the early Is another class of Jews who "break tory of Christian Science, which I ductions from the Publis Theatres, percentage quoted from a Jewish , J. Linteman, M. G. Cohen, Mrs, days in Omaha are Edward Rosedown American ideals of purity in shall be very glad to keep for further wDl make up the program, at'.popular New York attorney.) morals, honesty in business and re- water, founder ef the Omaha Bee; J. Lintzirtan, and Mrs. J. Eossnbcrp. study -and future reference. movie prices. --The theatre will seat * • * Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Cahn, the first A musical program is being pte« "I roust confess that I am greatly finement and "culture in society/* 3,000 patrons at one time, and will "Has it occurred to y<m 'that these Jewish couple to cross the Missouri pared in "connection with Rabbi "Keep Quiet" May Mean give four full performances daily, surprised that you justify the denunpeople whom you call Jews, &ve river and settle in Omaha in the *50's; var's talk. 1 • ciation and condemnation of Roman which volume of businesswill enable Something Else Besides CathoUdsm and of Jews, who are not m e r e l y individuals who have BO re-Mrs. Cahn'ii -brother, Meyer Bellman the presentation-of even the world's Just Keeping Quiet or any other fatth, who csme with them, and most' costly stage shows at low ad- included in what you describe as your f*rd for J^aism a p e m or i oany n s other fatth Did you ever try to keep silent for ^ ^so-called Meyer, former Indian trader and Ms ast •body of Christian Science: students.' 3Christians ^ mission. who have no regard for brother, Mas. any length of time? All through the books which you have Ch Try it, and you'll find that the They are Those having_ information' about sent me there runs the thought of » y f o r m seconds seem-like minutes. the Fatherhood of God and that God eoadenmA by Jews, not « l y for their ether e&rly settlers which ought to fee The Chescd Sbel Epsess Society Here now cfames forth in our midst is Love. I think it as proper to quote wrongdoing, bu£ because of the stasn included in this work are asked to the Ladies Fxep Loan Societj' will one who can keep quiet, when he so your own words, from the book en- -wiich is placed upon the issae of the •send'-it te Mrs. Aaerfjach. s t . 4506 memorial seraces for the late Mrs. desires. Not only does he refrain Harris .Levy, Sunday afternoon *£ -4 - ra of fee-perverted Pepplettmtitled "Greetings and a Message to ifdewe » as from using his vocal chords, but also o'-eioek at the B'BE! Israel Synag'Ogus? l of many nt>n^ews, who sttnbute. Mrs. Ao-erhaeh WOTSW like to . The regular-monthly open meeting the Bear Children." There you say \ihe sins of an mdmdual to a e race the names--'-of' all the early' settlers, 18- and" Chicago •• streets. lolda an audience silent. Cantor ! of the Omaha lodge B'nai B'rith will ! or creed to'which the ancestors of Hymen Shierer, recently judged the Sch-waskin and Choir will be on fhs thsir occupations, whence thfey came - "Vou-faow that you must ] o v e have n be held Thursday, March 17, in the champion "pauser" of the . entire prograni as will scvftal speakers. ^ attached, from Europe, in what year, at what your- little brothers and sisters and! Jewish Community Center lodge Toom Creighton University, when he held a Levy was. one of the fev sbel at the thought age, where vthey settled, and what at;8:30 -p.-m. — : •).<.--•-.-- - - . \ ' - ,be unselfish and kind, and share with t h a t Lb e c a u s e "pause" and his audience for three of Oroaba w}so was constantljservice,'if-juiyi--they.rendered to:thsir. them the good things you have, if trho aw evildoers, their community''m a .public way. Isiforaaminutes and thirteen seconds, would The Rev. E - ' E Bailey, pastor of 'the. poor, slfeoagh you wish to be happy, and make your' H51115 " Se^ab^s never be taken for one able to remain \ the • First Unitarian -church will be earthly father and mother and home laid at the door of tson dealing with early Jewish settlers quietely her - work was well, Harry'Malasho'ck quiet that long. But he did, and won j principal speaker of the evening.Science. in surrounding towns, farms or .ad- said Rev. E. Fleishman.- Many poor Membership Chairman happy; As you grow older vou wffl" th& so f a r a championship by so doing. jacent country is also desired; as have been' befriended through h«r A varied "program has been prepar- see that if there is but one God, one! "*c a a 7™ \ ^ 7 ^ . j Hospital," said Harry Malashock, ed by the committee in charge, of Greater, and this God is Life- and P™*ty m morals, honesty m-business well as regarding the agriccltaral kind deeds. refinement.and culture in.society In the ladies FTP? Loan Society RW Last week, through a typographical i chairman of the membership cam- which Dr. Meyer Beber is chairman. Love, and He made them like Him-? and and refinementand culture insociety settlements in Cherry county, Scotts are concerned, the Jews need not b ® Bluffs and other -western settlements. a leading fijrnrc, BwfiT«Hnjr to tk* error, the "pausers" were said to i paign. Vocal selections will be. presented self, and that they are His good have remained silent for a certain t "The Wise Memorial Hospital has by Miss Bess Greenberg, and a num- children whom he made in His ownashamed of-comparison with the des- Information regarding' Jewish men] members._of that cendants of the Pilgrim fathers and who served in the Civil and Spanish •was the foraidrr of the length of minutes. In place of min-I been remodeled and refinished and ber of piano solos by Al-Finkle. imag-e/ with its- staff of able doctors, ranks mothers, or with any other section of War of 1898, as well as the record Ernes Society cf thit city. utes it should have read seconds. A novel sMt, entitled, "Arid the , "X also note that throughout your the American people. among the very best hospitals in the * * • in the M e war, must be'collected. city," said M. Herzberg, chairman of Lamp "Went OuV \villJbe given^ under books, you quote Scripture, including "If you wish to denounce the sin Incidents of pioneer life, Jews who BROTHERHOOD AND not enly the so-called New Testament, A Last Word the direction, of Gertrude- White. the house committee. and the Eisner, do so, provided we served in state, county or city offices, but also the Old Testament. I do not SISTEBHOOP PAXCE WKft* Comes forward now a Christian "The hospital is managed and Others in the cast includes..".Sarah really know what | s meant by those Scientist who threatens to oust the controlled by a Jewish Board of Kurtzman, Ula Alberts, Rose Laza- therefore imagine that you repudiate terras; bat in. the name of all that is as well &s local officials—all these joint Brotberlhood and things are of permnant interest. hood of Temple Israel dance tvitl Jews from this.,country. She will not J Directors, however, it is strictly non- rus, Grace Rosenstein and -• Arthur the words of Malachi that have sacred, ;<do pot disregard the lesson The present address of descendants thundered down through the ages: ' --•*.•-•-•Etop her propaganda until she. has ' sectarian,!! said Sam Wethehner, pres- Robinson. ' that you yqxirself have-'taught to little OT relatives of these early- settlers held "Have we not all one father? in the vestry room? of the accomplished her purpose, she says, ident. A purim oration of those submitted children,'is 'the passage which I have who may have moved ew&y, to "Hath not one God created xis? This is the first lofot of Poor worman! Does she expects to During the • past''week letters and in the 'contest conducted by the Jewquoted from four book. It does not she can write for further information, season and according to the "Why do we deal treacherously ish Community .Center, will be read live • longer than Methusaleh ? membership cards have been sent to seem possible-that TOB think it conalso be valuable to Mrs. Auer-j every man against his brother, of the in ohar£C the men and women.-of the city urging by: the author, whose name is being sistent to presch the doctrine cf bach. "By profaning the covenant of our prises will be featured at this withheld until the evening of the perthem to brotherhood and love" to little children, Please send information, fathers? U. P. A Secretary Visits Here The committee in charge 1P formance. snd at the same time inculcate in tions, addresses, pictures, documents "There seems to be a great gap Goldman, Jter. them the thought .that when they or other material as soots as possible! • Bernard Stone, national secretary • Vera Leslie, famous soprano, "will prebetween what you have preached and Steiffluv.Msx Mrs. grow cp they .may tarn their faces to Ella Fleishman A«erbach, 4S08 "The 13th Chair" wfll be presented what you are now saying and doing. pf the tjnited Palatine Appeal and sent a. concert at the Jewish CornMantel," Mrs. 13. 7.Freidman. against that human doctrine. Poppleton avenue, Omaha, Kebr. secretary to Chain* Weitzman, will munity Center Tuesday March 29. in a special performance by the Clem- You seek to justify yourself, by say"My mind- is so constituted that I Requests for retain of any material London (J. 7 A.)—Bc:rnard Btsron. arrive, in Omaha Friday, March 11, This artist has achieved a great suc- ant-Walsh players at "the Brandeis ing that Mary Baker Eddy, the well known Anglo^tcwish p'iilantn?ftt!^ afliSo p, M*v. • , I cess and has won praise throughout theater on March 21. This presenta- founder of Christian Science, has de- have no patience with metaphysics or will be carefully heeded. ist, has donateo £5,000 to the";Ml&3}«A eommitiBS- ifteeting in hti honor all parts of the country. She will be tion is under, the auspices of the clared that the healing of sin involves ecclesiastical- refinements. I believe will be held at.4:30 at the Jewish assisted by Jean DufHelif arihe"piano Council -of ..Girl's Scouts.;.Mrs. . S. and req'»iires the denunciation cf sin that all ©f as have the right to seek , Attend the annual J. X. W. A. Ball sex HoppitaU This is the second £i£t of Mr. Bsroa to the hospital, .*. ' Center. " and Ehrin Asbury, flutisC "~" * at Kelpines, Siinday night.—Adv, is chairman of arrangements. and the sinner. What you are doing is oa page 2}

Cowboy Jim Invites Mayors and Editors To Omak Theatre .










dd for Mrs. Harris

B'nai B'rith Open lee&g larch 17A




JEWISH PRESS <r ' ' ^ THE j i j W i ^ H ^ ^ P U B b f ^ l S d COMPANY ;|,:.Office: 4WBr^nde«Theatxfe Buildings Telephone': ATlantic'1450. V-v < ---i .....': .-— '• NATHAN & QREEN* Matiager. ?2.50.

;' Subscription Price, one yea; furnished on application.

OF AUDHRSS-I'leare olve both the old and new address:

S - tne. J«wjsB^ss;J£8UPJJn^(|tby .the JWh;b telegraphic Agency (Jewiih i;CiJfr^lpl>imeBci BiSfeau) ^|Ui ^BfealW.tgtefFapie J€wtsb B6W8, m addition I? to restore artWeT1taff^o#F|*fe8fiflent!« from alt JmnOrtSn! JfeWTgfi tester*. ,! lnqufjrj|s ftlaridlni- rifews JtAftl $rMed to this Agej*y will be gladly ji answered "IF agaFgsfea to jewfsB TeTegrapnfo Agency* 621 Broadway, New


/-"" PURIM

of $*ttr&n.fcjfLots, which falls this year on March I; 18th ( the 14th or1 Adar of the Hebrew calendar*)* is-* jdytftife ifiifln^febtivalraf th^JewS ahd is celebrated by them In commemortlidR bt their auspicies ttelivefandg fr^fti irflininerit destruction, as narrated .with fine dfaffiatic pdwer itt the goofc of

revive the German pUbticatlofi ly "issues bf tM Milf^tfbai If the a r r a n | ^ « W ^ i | ^ < Bulletin Bureau of Education^ -f-actory, it * Us Department of Interior seminar>-'|' e n t i r e l ^ # ^ OQ0 frijjbe turned'tfi'e univerEnlaifgenient of courses In ' the sity .-as^a perpetual ^iifld%b^*Ahe trainUniversity of Wisconsin for the ing of teachers* hi training of teachers of German is assured by the promise of an annual The most fineieUt 6f the donation of $9,000 from the Natinal ot Teachers seminary of, Milwaukee! This 12 g , is fe| ego, rteanS virtually the re-establishment thfe voF8t# tunav^. th* ft*rlj»e» wften at the university of the former they emigrated from Persia to tndla, German-American National Teachers Tbe fire is hi five times every 24 seEainary of Milwaukee* tfhieh was hours with sondalwfio3 Sfid Sth^f flft5closed during the world war. Part of gfaat nifltefiais, coaiBiaed wSlli Very ••••_ / ._• .\ • :. \ the income will be used to establish dry fnei. scholarships and fellowships, one of Ready-Maie Critic* \ which will provide for a period of Mnn must serve his time to every §ttidy in Germany for a graduate stu- trade save censure; critics aU are dent in German. It is also planned to ready made.—Byron. *' • ' / t

Back To Normal

Plans have been Codipieted fo* Junior kadassah Convention ' to be held in fit. Joseph, Mo.,' on May 16, 1927. Tina Altsciraler, .organizing chairman, reports that delegates from Denver, St. Louis, Kansas City, Des 6ln«s; Tdpeka, WlehitaySt. Joseph, Tulsa ahd Omaha will leortvehe a t St. Josephrt>n May 16> 1927- T'his is the first regional.convention of the Junior Hadassah of this" fegiofl aiid tvill probably be a precedent. Nationally knotai Speakers vrti\ address the convention,-and a -full *gram has.been lined up for the day> ThoGgh the Omaha Junior Hadassah is sending only .one delegate officially, a large group from Oniaha will attend the convention. At the meeting oi the Junior Hadassah held at the J. C. C. last Thursday*, plans ffeite; formulated for the fifth annual Benefit- €afd JPaHy4j Sunday* May 8, 1927 has been set as the date. Proceeds from this affair go. toward the maintenance of the Children's Village in Palestine; The Omaha Chapter Entirely, supports twa orphans in the-village arid at times donates some tittle luxury- i o a -gi-oiip of the orphans in. the settlerheiit, presenting the gift< in the name of the Omaha Chapter's orphans.-

CALENDAR 5687^4926-2? Saturdayt Match 5 Friday, Mafeh 18 .-..„ —...Sunday, April 8 ^. .Suriaay, April 17 ^ Saturday, April 23 .........Tuesday, May S Friday, May 20 ^Wednte&Uy, Jufte 1 ^Monday) June 6 -..^Friday, July 1 ...Suriday, July 17 ^-.Satunlay, July SO ..Sunday, August 7 ..-. ; Monday, August 29

Rosh Chodesh Ve Adar .... Rosh Chodesh Nissan 1st Day PessacK ?th Day Pessjfch . — fiosfe.Chottesn lyar ^ Lag b'Omer-.» — Bosh Chodesh Sivan - L . 1st Day ShabuOth -.. -»...-;. Kosh Chodesh Taramuz „... • Fast ©f tfammuz •Rosh Chodesfi Ab Fast of Ab ~.Rosh ChodesB Ellu! „-.

. - * - . .

• " • " • *






A* Z, A. Ceremony

' " ¥*he furiih story, takes us baek, for its setting to ancient Try-Outs Persia. - JfaniaiR) Prune "Minister wf the realm ahd pahipered faV Jerusalem (J. T. A}—Aft attack oil y for parts in the second otite 6f thfe Klfilr, f#ettfif-Rifii§eft especially" affftfflted because ihe Jewish fishermen on the Lak* of degree ceremony of the- A. Z. A. Jew MoTdettfif, toiaifti & .tfibse at the palace gate had infused him Initiatory services, will b<! held Kihefeth was made by Atab tshtts for all members Sunday morning, Thursday. Thg Arabs damaged, the homage, cahfe to cherisfy fibi only a rankling resentment against It) & m.> in the auditorium of the boats of the Jwish fisheftoen. ' t h e one >Few who,ft«d grossed him> but also a passionate animosity Jewish Community Center. Mrs. Jewish workers o l the colony, 6 a nga&st all tfie Jews as sutrh* Herman Jahr is directing the cere- gania, 'hastened to th6 re^eafi of thfe • - .: In order to. Wofg VMS riiin he calumniated them to the king, inony. All wishing to participate Jewish, fishermen. The Arabs escaped. accusing theft! of eiarimshfiess and lack of patriotism of being ahd get a goiFd part must be at Both groups d fishermen wete afthe trysxratfe Sunday. No places can rested today. aH^^nefntei aftd the" llkt^ffilse! charges which have become the be saved, Be sure to attend, as stocl^ia-'trad^to£thi? AftiNSeihites ©fee? eiiiie.- I$fti5£ily the appeal this ceremony will be one t>f the JEWISH LABOR COLONIAL OFFICE to ric|,_&fiia l ^ f i M S pr^ti^See did not, in this instance at least, finest to be held in Omaha. REPRESENTATIVE HEARS LEADER iN POLAND ]ea&$ooutfight ftia&SftCr^of tfte ^ewsfi'^rtlB btaViS ixlHrfcessidn of JEWISH DEMANDS RELEASED FROM PRISON Queen Esther whdJn hfe? fekVatton to the throve did hot forget ZIONISTS AND her; ^idjae» ftfiv^d the I6WS ftOm the cruel fate whteh threatened, Jerusalem <J. T4 A^-^Sir Hdhtx Warsaw {J. T. A.)—Dr. Joseph LABORITS CLASH IN RIGA The"'i&r*h$dMa@t; il^nan tiaitte to aih igftolnlfiioiffi eati. And Mor- E. Shuckburgh, assistant understate Kruk, Jewish labor leader, who was secretary t>f the Colonial Office* re<J> T. A.)—A clash between sentenced to prison for speeches he deeki, in r^ebgftitlolT df the pttfcc sex-vices he had rendered, was ceived" Col. Frederick Hi Kisch*. pol* Zionists and Bundists oceured here delivered, was released by a decision Sivfen high oftfee.f o celebrate thfe hap^y otttcdiflei the festival itical representative bf the Zionist Friday night When ah anti*Zionist of the Court of Appeals. of ^krini was instituted as an annual clay of rejoicing, a d~ay ttfExecutive h e m Kruk h$s already served fifteen ifieelin^ was-held under the auspices 1 Col. KiScfi presented to Mn Shtrck- of thfe Jewish labor party Bund. settling: 3f gifts to friendfe and remembering the poor. -months of t i s eighteen month term. . -. iNattiJallJ? e^notigh t'llrim came to have" a strong popular appeal bufgJi a number of demands o i the The clash occurred when Werlinski, a &iofiist* was refuged permission to .to the ^ew during the kter centuries of flefseetttion. The-story SSohfst Executive in Jerusalem. Mr. Shuckburgh is proceeding to speak. A fist fight developed, during of ".deiivefaftce A\hifeh Purim told fcpelt a niegs&gfe. af hope and Transjordania from \vkere Be •will go codrate t& tfidSe uftdergoing sore oppression. And the tnerrjf fes- td Haifa td "Study; the -quarantine which tnahy #ere hurt. The police intervened and-closed the meeting. "Manufactured in Omaha" tivi^es \yjth whteh the holiday whs celebrated brought brightness (question. andcheerlftto thiei gloom of the Ghettos. The spirit of Ptirim was EPSTEIN STATUE PRESENTED BAE&tt ICE MACHINE t'O throughout Shore feoclal than religious. Its observance in the * Ns W* A» ANNUAL TO BRITISH NATION BALL SUNDA¥ NITB synagogue f aS Hnlit^tl to the readifig of the fe&dk of.; Esther) London. (J, T. A.)—Jacob Epstein's thejtraditional scri>lf. In-and outside oi the'home, Was thirteenth annual, ball of thebronzd, "A Study," will be presented Barry XL-Lapidas, Prcs.-Treas> J. N. Wr A, Will be held" Sunday, eve- to the- British/ nation, b y a group of pia^s aiid otKereBtertoininents rfade up the celebration* Otdaha ; The na^ne Purim. is derived, jrccottUn^ to the etmology given ning, March 13, at Rei-Pines Dancing private citizens'who have purchased Academy, 25th and Fafnain streets. th» statue. It will be placed in the Co* in tne ^cibk of ^gtfeer.fWni k l*ersiaft wdM ^Bailing: "lotsr A number 6f hoVelty affairs will-be name being given to jM festival because Hanitfij is said, to- have on tMs. ftrograht. of the'. eveiiiBgJ A Ttatft Gallery. OFFICB OtJTFUT daafe lots in order to determine the day on whicK;to darry bdt his 75-piece dinner set will be given $way to the lucky peftOtt a t the ball, j , plSf against the JBWB* - \ . IQ Omaha

Costumed for the Street •In Herzberg Authentic

Baker lee Machines


-* * • 7



~rv r

.' * ** "





Jerusalem ( j ; T. A.)—^Jo Jew T& Oh Sandey nigati Match 20r: there salvation, in.tfbr bwn^fayj wittloBt let be held a grand Purim .celebra* a member of the govefttmeBtal «omat ihuitkanee.. SSo-iong a"s we-.observe tibii at ike JeVisn t»mmuhi#ttenten. mis^ioh appointed to stipetvlse the the, laws fa£ ttie. state; and the nilea The pfograftt Will coUSist tofths fol- ttiuiiicipal elections which will take ot'ilfecfinCy. «M".fli0iSiHty»-,W should place hi Palestine feocnii lowing Purim plays: be freE- from /wanton: a\$a(£$ «a»d i&: The commission consists of twelve "Thfe Putim' Player's,*' by Samuel suits. That is my interpretation 9f officers, tert of whdhi are English and Gfos&maa. tfie doctrine vf the Fatherhood of God "The Purim feasket," by Emiiy "and tb6 Brot&erhood o i MaBi. Yput doldsmith ttersbh. philosophy, )^d to itd I logical COMlusion, Vrould Justify .the £&ternllnati6tt The j . C» C. Symphony orchestra by CBristiah SciffltiJStsi. if they *te#5 •will add joy to the festivities. There .strong enough} of alt BdmSh CathblieS also be vocal selections and and ail Je'wa * h o areiaS^ining' ttj recitations. The prize Purim oration accent th6 reVclatiDn of Maty Bakei* will be announced and will be given Eddy. ' '•'..-•. V by the winner. ."Apparently it no gcfcA> but Admission Will be limited to memas an American citizen fcetso&ly! in the sanctity-^fH 1 ! yt>u haven't already paid yout ' and as a Bxinian ireiftg vrlro 3ueS, please do sb immediately fed in the sanctity of humanity, I protest agaihfet the dangettrtis. j^ra^tke. that that y$a may attend the Puttm celeyou have adopted, of.instilling-in the bration on March 20! ~


Jewish Book Store 2429 Decatour Street

WE bster 3527

For the short time that I am in the business I have convinced every, one of my customers, that" everything I handle Is of • Ihe" Highest quality and at the Most Reasonable Prices. Besides my'regular stock, of: prayerbook*, holy scriptures ifl Hebrew ^nd English, Talesim, Tphilimr Mazuzos, etc I am gbittg to have Hagodos fot Pesach In Hebrew and English. Also Soap for Pesach.


Distinctive Suit Styles , fabric and line are what make a suit smart d our suits excel in these three ways* We feature here for Thursday; a street costume of ultra fashion Bmartness. Suits iii navy and chcelcs— and the right accessories.

$25 and $89.50 Fourth Floor

Alexander Carr

Correct Accessories— Every Motn Should Knou>

"Potash and

- ptibli*. inihd natffed'afist eiififit? egalfist PAL3E8TINE GOVERNMENT ASKED TO COOPERATE IN ftoiti. youtei iSudh actions Sre t5 ^ UNEMPLOYMENT BELIEF ifiiHd the ¥efy aifcir©? iin-."- ~ " ' t h e pani^Met th§ft «p¥bdd«B ah* Jerusalem <J» T . A.)-^-The Coopeiv o f the PalfeBtine-govenimenilh she SfideaVori tA flefine -lh« te«fl £jdfnl)aUnig the unenlploymenfi situtf'fahti»0hriit*' !fk«r a^plie3"6y -litatfon tioft in Palestine was ihVoked by the W4!A£ and Jew^-Sh^.feay B { 2iohist Executive in Jeruealem in a "It i§ nbtlogle to' assume; that the memorahdum submitted to the goveffect' of. ChKsf is - tfte "deposit*-' oi ernment. " • • Cntist^ fol? CJhnsi; V6p¥e86htd eternal The government was also urged to Hf«t and that WhJtJli'Sfciens and dies & greater participation iti the Jewish is not from.Christ, nor of-'f33& That evocation and health, budgets. •: eienienc <oi oUuBisra ?1 The government, i t was stated* has Christ* 1* Ml Religion, >' sined ^hfist is instructed the> District Commissidndfs the ceti^ef bf all -religion,' setting of Palestine to cooperate with t h e forth the tr\i6<fe.neegf : ^ Man In the JewisK agencies in th& matter of image of Ckjdj' hisemployments who i s eterna| t i f e and -iiove . Figai'ea published yesterday con"The battle tedtty.Ife l*tv?een Chrfftt cerning immigration ahd emigration and t W d r a ^ h ^ t i i B ^ - M i l c h drdgs ehow that 181 jptTBons atrived in the njen .into pdfditi&n, death. and the country during the month of January, grave, i h e perafcious> %lsa aftd afiti- while 688 left t&e eouritry* > -Qhri^tJap'SppjifBtry apd, t W ; Roinan HITLER PROPAGANDA Christian eletnent. of Jewry. FINANCED m 6ERMAN ' Ho.-tejply-i'rfWL the'/unhfrnfed Jewish . iNbUSTRlAUSt Berlin (J.-T. A.)-r-The anti-Semitic ptap&gar\iik "carfjed <m' by Adolf Hitler, n-'Adtfofla agitatorj was financ: )*-*Gjpav8 con* ed by oofc of the outstanding 6e*niM indttstrialr'ife^erB, HDafe^ Uerlirffcr /* cern isfelt'ii^ ^ \". o | health'; di.t<5e®FS8:i3rajjdej, cele- Tageblatt" p e a l e d today/ AcCttTdfii^ teethe tepctt ' of the newspaper, ' the " German • industrial Boieig*' hag given money to ;*1iittiWay o" tebtw&r.4.* In .tiie, . and has instructed. >imj, to " " '--'— j,ha8.taken a




Now Is the Tune


*~ . - in



. .






'• To Buy Spring Clothes


YouandBuy you" 3o just what we do—go into the markets of.America the "minute a season's new lines are,trpenetf. ...Wei"go after the fiheSt values for you, finest Btyles— we get them—Ve olfer them early. It's all in the name" of service to you. •

With an M Star Cast

The Suit Vtstie


vest-fashitjn ,,.



«uedes, with full P. S:.,$ihgers. In mode, ficelle and almond. $3.95 o


Alahambra Theatre


St. v 0-

Suits and fop Coats $

^25 *35 40

flidt ^ ^ y i slid may be h&d in silk, white or eolortu


Ehlr&ncfc Ph>«f

And we price these m l quality Suits and at the |eag»nfs.I<Bjrefet_Bjtices you r big yatoe for youi- money • wear e ncwest/styles!

Match 16 and 17

For teh, long years, he /awaited Hftj>pifteis %ith *'the.dnly dne.V) And th6n, when it seemed withih his grasp, he.learned the bitter '^significance of p .Alexander Cai* ia


TaiMmr Bugs touches of reptile trimming:, and are in flat etiVeldpe or pouch s^le "with circular strap ending.

v A Fox Scarf ' —is ihe note of sjnar&es* with t h e , tsd&rfed mode. Beige or platiAtttn> s i u f e l * fex scarves, $#>'.' Brown fox, Fourth Floor . .

: • * ,

i "-




aHdi isti"-~wff{r'creanied- eottdgi cheese I beautiful prizes-to be-given and htltsi Allow Kf become very cold.' • ; eacIvtable Slice thin and serve on a slice 6 f ^ ' bann^jl; pineapfile jwith any favoij-ife Sunday afternoon, March 13, at 2J30 areisifig e j o'clock, th& J(inio"t and Senior Hadas/ -v::. -fiiNNSk.;MEKii'":,"-:•"'••'••::;' • sah will be joint hostesses at a tea Mock Grape fruit, green cherry., in center at the Biackstone Hotels honoring the Gake sponge cake" in shallow pan. Chicken noodle soup fifteenth anniversary of Hadassah. Cut in rdttnde, top with Shipped Boiled chicken; .(roasted) .. cream, p!ai*e apticei half on top open" Mrs. Mas Fromkin is chairman, tif the ::"••' ; . . . - C e l e r y , h e a r t s .'.'.•••'' affair, The following program will side dowhi Sprinkle with nutmeg. Sweet ',-potatoes and •.: marshmallDWs be presented: Graiige -saJgd —-r Eye .bi-ead.-1— Jain For St. Patrick's Day Miss Bess Greenberg1...: Vocal Selectioli Tea — Angel food.cake. ,;; Mahy Omahsn's are planning to Decorate dessert with green cherry. Rtiss Grace Rosensteirv *-. Charles ScMhniriel was hostess Eeadtftg spend the Week-end hi LfcecihV ivfiere at a luncheon at the Blackstone Hotel Use green vegetable cloring for Miss Annette iUklin So!o Danee Sweet Potatoes and Mtarshmatloivs they t y vnVi n aftfeirtT-the- spring party o£ <Jrt Wednesday noon. Miss Rose Fine ; «.Addfess Use canned sweet potatoes. Mash your white cake. i Eeta ihe E Stela S fau f fttet y & g Serve mint ice cream or sherbet. (President Of ^Unior Hadassah.) them and to one large can potatoes The Fa-ilon Club held election of ihem ,wlll be the Mig^s ReVS fend Chop parsley and green peppers Mrs. A Eoftim ^ Address officers at their last meeting on add M cup syrup, VL cup fat, ?& tea- and sprinkle over potatoes. Kujth .2Ieyt - Lee ficsenfeJatt, (President of Senior Hadassahi) spoon salt. Turn into greased baking Thursday, March 3> The following Steinberg* £a$H^rjnaJSlguttefr/ dish. Place marshntaHows on top and Cut green gum drops in slices and and Ruth K-ohn.-and Messrs. Louis wStfkettictiRi^ to office: President,:T6by bake in hot oven until top is brown. decorate cake. The Hadassah Stady Circle, which Flax; vice-presiden^ Toby Hertzberg; Sorabefg; b -iiathan ih Jacobs^ b Clyde was to have a meeting' dn Monday* Serve hot. Slice banands ^re nice over One of our leading food scientist We, Mjtfrisr Jacobs, Billy Gerlick, Jacfc secretary* A*on Goldberg; treasurer, top in place of mafshniallows. March 14, has been postponed until Ethel Jiurwitz; .. sergeantK>f-arms> likens the mttch discussed vitamin to further notice.Reva Goidehbergj and *ep6rterj Doroa spafk plug of an automobile He Orange Salad thyPitlbr*. says and we all know a car can't run The tegular meeting to! the Feel oranges and cut in thin slices. even futf of gas without a spark plug, Zee'e- was - held laet 7 Sunday at. the Council Bluffs News 14,• The Daughtersbf Israel Aid Society Place on lettuce leaves and pour over also our bodies cannot fce normal ftonie Of Bliss Rose ^aeki. ll"J?g ?g d W the following dressing: "will hold their heXt meeting Tuesday, The Ladies Aid Society will held without vitamins, no matter how noon was sfreflt ifipiejtlfti: bHdge and \it cup sugar MSKfi ISjCfit f*8 Old Peoples Home, ^ meeting fiext Tuesday afternoaii, much food we put into them. b fNS-ftls&es ft Sari ri ?25tjb.anirJGhaiies prizes ftefre Won by one-third cup,white grape juice street. All raemfaers Vitamifl C for growth and to pre-Match 15> at tfj'e hoffie of Mm Geo, Ann Noddle, Minnie Margolin an 2 tablespoons leinon juice. arerequested to attend. vent scurry (a dread disease) found Sternbefg) 1428 West Broadway* feslhef JjSlkoMti. M i s s t a t e ft&tleServe very cold; in these foods; Oranges, lemons, tomann will bs hosted at ififi fiSxt meetMr. and Mrs. Sidney Robinson of Or matoes, raw cabbage, raw carrotsj Miss Kuth ErasBe has returned ingsr allBill, JJeMas&a, spent the early one-third cup salad oil home after spending the past five lettuce and apples. 1% tablespoons lemon juice months in California* She visited in "Ktf. and Mfg. A. I - Euiafcoftky part of the w~eek hffe visiting with To. combitie vitamins A and C in her parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. RobinLos Angelesj Hollywood, and San one-eighth teaspoon salt spent Tuesday and Wednesday visita healthful food, beat egg yolk and Francisco, California, and also .in Vz tablespoon ahy jelly or honey serve in a glass of orange juice. Ing In Sioux Cftj% Witts' Mrg. Kttfa* son. •fexas, ah3 JSlansas City, Mjssou*rj. paprika. kofsky's siste?, tSM. A. I. Sacks and To keep in condition: Drink four M r . - S a c k s : •••'•'•>>•/ • Attend-the amiual J . N. W. A. Ball to eight glasses of water a day. Angel Fdod Ca&e Mr. and Mrs. Uathfeh Adlei? enterat kelpines, Sunday night.—Adv. 1 dozen eggs (whites only) Mrs!, Jack Chessen' of lincolh visit tained their evening bridge eleb at 1%. cup sugar ed vtfth her jfaJente Mf. . allii M*s. } Hadassah Notes j their home last week: 1 tteaspoori cream of tartar Aba SomBerg during the early Tempte 1 cup cake flour HADASSAH NOTES Mrs. Ben Ros3 left Tuesday eveot'tha week. TEMPLE ISRAEL The fifteenth anniversary of Hadas- ning for St. Louis, Missouri, on a buy% teaspoon abntftrti ftavor ; Mtv and Jte» Eddie Aifctersoa M -Oh Friday evening, March 11, Rabbi sah will be observed with a card party ing trip. \b teaspoon vanilla K«ttaas City s p n t the past Weekend 'Cohh will lecture upon Hugo Bett^ which will be" given on Wednesday pinch of salt. Harold Saks, student at Abraham in Omaha* Mr. and Mrl* Alperson W book, "A City Without Jews". Whip egg whites to a froths Add afternoon, March 16, in »the audipj&ti id: ffiaS* ihelf fcoitig ^efis in t i e ; *'A7 Persian es Rommance," a will be cream . of' tartar - and beat until dry, torium of the Community Center. Mrs. Lincoln High School, left Wednesday on Saturday very carefully fold in sugar, salt, B. A. Simon, chairman of this affair, for Des Moines, Iowa, to participate ;Rabbi Cohn's subject i&oraing' March 12. flour and flavor, do not beat. Bake in i e o Waxenberg aAd daughter cool oven one hourj increase the heat S%flls a S a S U s Incite GaHeflDerjgleft SlsrfERHooii the last 10 minutes. This makes one last; week f o r . Excelsior ..Springs t o Sisterhood Reciprocity Day will very large cake. spend two weeks. Mrs. Waxenberg i s i e held^Ahis year in Omaha the first recuperating from a tonsiie<ftateyi MENU FOR SUPPER iw|ek W A&riK All sessions will be Salraori and rice patties at .Temple Israel. The SisterMrs. Anna Grossman and daughters Franconia potatoes bf' Sldux City, Lincoln and Lena, Toby and Eva left to.jbifi'«Mr> Shamrock salad .Omaha "wUl participate. of tDenver, Colo. , Grossman and son in New Yd*k * \ e r e Rolls — Butter — Coffee they all will make their futures fibffle, •Mock egg BOOK REVIEW CLUB fHte-anti rMrsi-Abe Goldstein•] next meetihg of trie Book ReSalmon and Rice Patties. as their house guest Miss Rao #iew Club will be held on Tuesdayj : 2 cups cooked rice inah: of CentervflJe> iowas v5rN 4 ;March 22, at §.30 p. m. at Temple 1 cup' flaked salmon ^Israel. Rabbi Cohn will review Lester 1 V* cup nielfed butter Miss Ruth Brodkey will, be hostess Cohn's novel of Chicago life, "Sweep2 eggs beaten a t a luncheon a t her home on.Satursalt' and pepper to taste. day.' " '•. - , ."•••.- '., .- •'. '-\ Mix well amL.shape. Fry in hot The Ko-Da Club were ftdstti a t n _Att«id th6 annual J. N. W. A. Ball butter. dancing party last Wednesday eve- at Kelpinest Sunday night.—Adv. ning at the Lighthouse complimentary Shamrock Salad | Musical Pf-ograni, Bring Your Friends to Mr. and Mrs. Dave Ravitz. PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS. Sweet green peppers. Remove seeds Mr. and Mrs. Albert E. Gilinsky returned home Saturday from a southern honeyttwoh trip titta Ati at ihe CMeftain Hotel, Council Bluffs.. . • i * » ^ .


- ^ ; : . ; . . .





in the debating tournament ip. be,hsltf ! t/eftfulness in the Bwtifieti • '• fat the Drake University this vreei?. 1 The president oT a hank in Chicago tie is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Philip was tellinp some friends at liis dah of Saks.




Mrs. Sam Snyder left Monday fcT Hutchihsoh, Kansas, where she will visit her son, Arthur Snyder, and Mrs. Snyder.


• • ; • : . ,

• , , • , , , , • - . . . . .

The name of Dr. Saul E. Arenson, formerly instructor of chemistry at the University of Nebraska,, has been included in the first edition of "Who's Who in American Jewry" which has just been printed. His biography has also been resently added to "American Men of Science." Dr. Afenson is at present assistant professor, of chemical engineering .at the University of Cinciraati. He was a charter member of the chapter of Zeta Beta Tau at Lincoln. :

at 8:15, at the

4420 N. 29 St.—RE. !&(»§ In business Since 18Pt

FOR BENT One or two rooms, all home privileges. 1802 Locust Street. WE bster Q309.

Yhi* new store solicit* ycHir age only on & liasic of It is dollars in your pocket* (to buy *t Glazer'f; prove it 4c , j-cwrself tomorrow.


OmahU's Style Center

. Miss Pearl Wolf, 15 years oldr « senior of the Freniont High Behoof Was elected member to'the.National Honor Society She is the first Jewish stttdent to tie electet to the Fremont Chapter.

Peerless Cleaners -& Dyers

Men—From every angle, ciu&Hty, t*ik cring, fit, fabric, scsortment and value, Giazer Twe-Patif-SaJft *t ia & class pi their own.

' r y U - h


WE CLEAN.- Garments, Drupes, BEanlets Curtains, Auto Upholstering.

Comparison Proves Them the Creates.! .Values E¥er Offered in. Omaha at •:' "

. - \ > y ; • - • • •

i " 'WcH,' I snUl, 'can't J-0B eubt«ict nnfl divide, too?' i "'Oh, yes,' he sale!, 'but because'a banker wants to make felt he can, I thought you wanted a hoy vrhti cduldl multiply.'"—riUlaaelplila Leflgcf.

Forftier Lincoln Man Included'



\"i; redrhcfifiefl office boy he had lately taken into UJs employ.. "He enme to me," teiiid ttie t»6ilker, "with reeommehflntiotiS froni his father, who wns n geiioohTiatc of thtne. After 1 reart the note fr»»n vthfe: fether, I toUT the boy-to tnfce off his hat* sit dowfi in a chair nnfl tei! meft'by lie wfuitefl to be B Vmnfcer, BIS &fes*-er

Mrs. Esther Greenwakl of Chicago, Illinois; afrived Friday to visit her was: . .'•• . ! "'Because I nro good j»t mti$tl}iTy•sister, Mrs. M.- L. Marks, and Mr. Marks. lBg.' •

Rabbi Hillei Kauvar


i Mr. and Mrs. Max Simon announcethe birth of a , son born Tuesday, March 8, at the Omaha Maternity Hospital.

You Are Invited to Hear


.: •



Hocfeenbfirjg of Des Moines -who has been visiting for the i past two months with her mother, j p her MfsT M.' Xalk, has returned to home. Mr. and Mrs. Harry J. Haykin announce the birth of 6 son, Marshall Lte, on Tue6dfly* Match 1, at {he Methodist Hospital.

Omaha, Neb.

16th and Harney

A 75 Piece Dinner Set

For the The Smart The Dasice-Select

Attend the annual & & "W. A. Ball At. Kelpinesr," Sunday rfght.—Adv.

will be away, at the s = 3.

"•••13th A n n u a l B a l l :f ;: , ,oftheJ^RW r A. /';" Sunday .Eve., March 13,1927'/r

TterMoitDeiightfal S-Vacation

for Misses and Women


Kelpines Dancing Academy


25th snd Faraam Sti'eets

uhdet jnahafietaeht of MPLE tOUHS, line.

12 Attractive Tcurs leaving in May, June and July, visiting England, Holland, Belgltftn, Germany, France ahd Switzerland.

35. Days. p Lowest Pessittle Rates ae* ' / j y d m ee FFare* .

An' Established

and up

••;•;••••; •-


lot TOURS, Inc.

Estimates FEEE


522 Petere Trust Building

Daytime frocks in new Jacket styles. Afternoon and dinner ttocks with refined elegance. Beaded chiffon evening dresses of scintillating loveliness. Beautiful materials^-heavy flat crepe, crepe romaine, georgette, crepe satin and <3M£fon.

/^Vat LPeter Travel Bureau

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Write for Illustrated booklet



With rich laces, deep swaying fringe, voluminous powg, panels, tucks, trig pleatings and eyelet em-

Travel Free frCm V/orry!


Your Building Program For 1927

New Frocks

RateS —OS Company CompeUnt.Jbeadershi^

L e tU s H e l p Y o u P l a n i

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AT. 374©


Sweet—PI—Swr.ficHes mi Relishes


- 1307 Howard St. -OfeABA, HB6K * I' VAJ* J. PETBH THAVEL BUEEAU, I 1 130t Howard ^t.» Otaabft. Nebr. ' it Gciitlerten: Kindly send folders on -I v .1 European Toor. -I 1 Knrae





Vlaegar & Pickle WorSs i

<4 . - * t T*

= .'•:-: : • * ? '


\ k

3101 SoBth 24thStreet




planted by the Jewish Colonization ecp.npmi<;Mext^xmination of ,the Jews born Independent" ha® -been. "Qpst- • J. C. C. LEAGUE was proclaimec a closed1, would be successful at this time. poned until March 15. Opening of the STANDINGS—MARCH 8 Association, forest .area in order /to protect, itj However^ the viewpoint of Eoman ; trial had been scheduled' for jiext

Won Lost Pet. •• . • Dinowski; leader of the national de- Monday. from further attacks; ; Kaiman Insurance 25 11 694 mocratic party, who initiated the boy- The postponement was at "the reThe Wardrobe _..22 14 611 cott policy im 1912, prevailed and it quest of Senator James M. Tteed of N E W tAREA;:FOR- v i -v Alberts Colts ,_.21 l g 584 was decided that the next election Missouri, chief of defense counsel. Basket Ball Tournament A JEWISH LAND SETTLEMENT Doc Steins i _..19 17 529 campaign be waged under the slogan: 23 Success Omaha Tobacco......13 380 ALLOTTED IN CRIMEA Judge Fred M. Raymond also order- . ; !f Malashocks ... -.. 9 27 250 "Boycott the Jews". • ed redrafting of the 200-page plea of ..,Jf The Midwestern A, A. U. BasketGames scheduled for the previous Moscow (J. T. A.)—A large area the defense attorneys after an attack ball tournament being held at the week have been postponed on account was allotted for Jewish land settling MOSCOW REPLACES upon its propriety by Sapiro's counsel. Jewish Community Center is drawing of the annual meeting of the Jewish work in the Crimea.- The area is loVIENNA MINISTER i I the attention , of many of the sur-Community Center. . The bowling cated in the Evpatorian and Djankoy rounding committees. Many upsets league has now resumed activities. districts and comprises 55,200 hecRiga (J. T. A.)—Mr. Wolfson, Minhave happened to some of the famous tares^ Over 2,000 families will be set- ister of the ; Soviet Government in All three of the leaders captured teams entered in the tournament. the series from their respective op- tled on this land, it was stated. . Vienna, was recalled from his post. Credit is due to the athletic committee ponents. The Kaiinan Insurance conMr. Ufinzel, a Russia, was appointed 30 Years of Hone»t •R of the J. C. C. and" to Ed Burdick, tinued their lead with a three-game j-onr tiimrBMee of a Bqnnrp to the post, despatches received here BOYCOTT OF JEWS athletic,director^ who is seeing that margin. 1419 Douglas , Est. 1890 from Moscow state. * ISSUE OF NATIONALISTS these games are being played in due ' IN POLISH ELECTION Doc Steins team was greatly handiform. "• •" SAPIRO-FORD LIBEL eapped through the loss of Marvin Treller and Dave Kahn, who failed to Warsaw (J. T. A.)—Anti-Semitism SUIT POSTPONED MIDWESTERN SWIMMING appear. and the economic boycott of Jews in • MEET—SATURDAY NITE Jake Malashock endeavored to de-Poland.will be the issue of the forth- Detroit (J. T. A.)—The $1,000,000 Public Accountants ni coming elections to the Plish Sejm libel suit of Aaron Sapiro, Chicago, The ..Midwestern A. A. „ U. swim- feat the Wardrobe single handed but insofar as the nationalistic parties against Henry Ford and the "DearISADORE ABRAMSON ming meet will be held .at the Jewish the task was too great. Jake's hook are concerned. ball accounted for a 518 total. Community Center Saturday night. The Wardrobe five captured all of * It was learned from reliable sources . INCOME TAX-SERVICE Corrine Condon, national champion today that at a meeting of leaders of ... . ... FRIED'S. . the honors during'the evening. They • -SYSTEMS—AUDITS •. will give special exhibitions. Miss the .nationalistic parties held, in Condon is one of the leading swim- shot all high single games of 903. Posen, the question was debated as KOSHER DELICATESSEN • INVESTIGATIONS • mers- iirthe country; The swimming Izzie Schlaifer was high with a total to what issue is likely - to secure We will handle a complete line of 490 Brandeis Theater, Building meet is^ open, to all. -There will be of 599 and their team mates, Sam success for the party. Several of the Passover Goods — Matzos, meal, Horwich' and Ben Yousem secured Phone ATlantic 1450 fruits, etc. entrants from the states of* Nebraska, leaders expressed their doubt whether 539 and 515 respectively. • Iowa and South Dakota. ' Leo Krasne stepped in the limelight the issue of anti-Semitism and the

By Stanley P, Levin.


sr Estelle M.rSternberger, Executive .fiSecretaryCNational Council,. "~ ^of Jewish Women. " •" f r\0WN oh the tatter if nor longer which women have "hot "invaded since

.t*A subject to joke about on thetheir recent emancipation, and the raudeville stage. • "The modern girl, current belief that it is too strenuous tired" of city life, h now turning her is pure fallacy.- The free healthful < eyes toward the Farm for a career," life of the farm, with its tonic of fresh" >ays ,Mrs. Estelle M. Sternbergcr, air and exercise, produces a far hardier cxecutfvfe secretary of the .National race of women than city straphangers." •Council of Jewish Women, after a Moreover, all should realize .that survey of conditions in New York and the woman farmer is no innovation.) other" cities throughout the country. Women have always done " farm She is now organizing leading women work; they have churned butter, • <rf the nation 'to convert the National preserved fruits, tended poultry, and .Farm School at Doylestqwn, Pa\, intq cared for the (lower gardens which •A cOrcducational school, offering schol- the husbands, in t&eir preoccupation, 1 iirships to needy city girls .for a three would neglect." '* years'course. ?»•• "They have worked "in the fields • jjj ''J believe ihafthe trend back to when harvests were large and labor has begun," asserted Mrs scarce; but it is only within recent Sicrnbergcr. -"Many girls have signi- years that the suggestion has arisen fied interest in the training, following that they be taught scientific farming months of *• discouragement in Newas a career. The National Farm , -York<7ity^-,Tht cities arc overcrowded. School will soon erect a dormitory - - Kvt-ry year colleges,' throughout .the for women. Girls may specialize in country, turn out hundreds of frad- such branches as horticulture and . .nates, and because of competition. landscape gardening if they possess . each" year it becomes harder to attain artistic inclinations. They may also buccess.." There have been too many1 .learn poultry raising, bee-keeping, and tales of discouragement in the city/ general farming, with a minimum Q.f *•" "Farming _is_ ihe^only ^ profession labor and a maximum of result." •

.Leaves for National Tournament Joe Levy, Midwestern A. A. U. Basketball champion will leave Saturday night for Detroit-where he-is entered in the .National Basketball tournament. Here's wishing you well —Joe.

- The Midwest Branch of the United SWISS YODLER CONCERT Synagogue of America will .broadcast An interesting concert will be given a Pnrira Program over station "V7GN Friday evening, March- 11, at Southof the Chicago Tribune on Saturday side Turnerhall, 18. and Vinton St., evening, March 19, between 7:15 and by the Moser Bros., Swiss Native 7:45. The musical "selections in- the Singers. Their folksongs will be enprogrami will be given by Cantor S. joyed by those, not familiar with Gorsky and the choir of the Humboldt their language as these yodler songs Blvd. Temple, • of ~which Dr.'Max Kadushin is the Rabbi. The" program are international. The program em•will consist of the following^numbers: braces also instrumental numbers by the three-Moser Bros., and where• Musical Selections: « > . . * . „ ev'er they have appeared they were Sho-Sha-Nith Ya-A-K6b Gorsky well receivd. This is their only visit Maccabeus ,^"__ Rubinstein to Omaha as they must return to By Humboldt'Blvd. Chroir^ conducted Switzerland after this trip. by Cantor. Gorsky.- .' Don" Jiovani (Select.) Tschaikqwsky MANY ATTEND Sold by Cantor S. Gqrsky. . DEBORAH SOCIETY BALL • Adress: "The Spirit of Purim".' More than one-thousand people atBy. Rabbi Leon S. Lang, JSxecufiye Director of the. Midwest Branch" of tended the annual Deborah Society Ball and Bazzar held at the city audi." ..^he-United Synagogue. torium Sunday. *evening."..The proceeds The. United Synagogue pro^dcasts of this affair wi}l,go towards the City programs-'^ffpm time to time over-f Talmud Torah. . "We are very well Chicago^(and, 'other. ^ radio Btations pleased with the'work done t y the - throughout the country. • — dommittees* and those ,wKb attended the ball," said Mrs. Max Fromkin. Attend; ".1J.J7. A.. Ball at Kelpines, fnight.-4Adv: f '\. '

*?Quality Jewelers'** '" MAi/ASHOCK-JBWELRY

BUTTKtt (Jou'nril lilutts

Wholesale and Retail Jewelers. 213-16' City National Bank 'BIdg. •' ' -T '• J A. 5619

Let Us Help You "Keep Clean1' I Its' Time to think of yoiir


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PHOTOGRAPHBHS Farnam St. Oppasite/" » O. W, B»dR. - . \

Frontier Towel & Litien Supply - -' 1819 C'afiforma Street ATlantic,


<~~ffle wear


E. E. Bruce & Co.

The Gupehmi Candy Co


Successors to Jones Candy Co.

Druggists and 'Steticraers

Romance Chocolates Phone J A. 3985

IN SPRING TRAINING 4PALESTINE GOVERNMENT FREGGER-FOX DKUG CO. Smiling TSammy Kaufman, is now PROTECTS PICA HOLDING •'Careful Druggists" in spring training with the Buffaloes, FROM ARAB ATTACKS at Yoakum, Texas. Sammy is play14th and Douglas SU AT 092? ing short and is appearing on the first Prescriptions filled by Registered Jerusalem (J. T. A.)—The CaesPharmacist! only team. Art Swartz is training at El area area recently attacked yb Arabs Prices tery reasonable—Delivery service Paso, with Amarillo. who uprooted 4,000 Eucalyptus trees

, " lyBIAH SOCIETY MEETS." FRANCES HOMER RECITAL • On- Monday irij»ht,-. March 14, the A'GREAT SUCCESS j Tyriah Society, an academic* Hebrew On Tuesday night, March 8th, an . group, will'meet at the Jewjsjx Cqmenthusiastic audience greeted Frances munity Center,at 8 p.>m.'-The-group will ..discuss cusrent- topics: arid3 all Homer, who appeared in Omaha for, modern Hebrew " literature. - Intense the first time in a program of original , study, will be- made of the lives arid character sketches and readings. The' epochs of outstanding Jewish charac- program consisted of the following j j ters in history. There will also ps original character sketcnes: "The Children's Danciu? 2izs$", [ periodic lectures given in Hebrew "Eve's Debt", and "Different"." from;time to time. >" ' Then fdllowed the reading "HumorThe .qualifications for membership es<pie", by Fknnie_ Hufsf,. and more in this organization will bq an underoriginal' character sketches, c nsiststanding of Hebrew and 3 fair knowling of: edge of the "Bible. Aj»e is no barrier. "The Trouper", "At the Door of All visitors will be' cordially welcome. Ward B", and "The Last Rehearsal". Everyone present was high in his praises of the pleasing personality of UNITED SYNAGOGUE TO Miss Homer and her excellent rendiBROADCAST PURJM u PROGRAM OVER WGN tion of ths different parts.


with a 200 score, the other Leo* one of the Weitz boys, materially aided their team with a total of 586 which included a 281 game. - Next Tuesday evening the Kaimari Insurance will meet the Wardrobes. The series which J will practically decide the leadership of the league.

918 Farnam St.

PAXTON-MITCHELL CO. «tl> & Martha Sts. Uanwy I CCS Omaha. fc'ebr. Soft pray Iron, orass, bronze and aluminum castings. Standard sizes bronze and Iron bushings, sewer manholes, cistern rices and covers, and clesn-oui ioors in stock.


Continues With All the Amazing Values ofthe First Day—


HALF MILLION YARDS—began it . . . the largest single purchase of Cotton Goods e^er negotiated by Brandeis . . . no1<*loubt the largest ever brought to-,Omaha . > . a n d certainly at the lowest prices in years. A n unusual trade condition made this sale possible . . . and with cotton goods showing a n upward trend o f prices, w e d^on'l know wljeiiisuch tremendous,sayings,will be possible again*

Wash Fabrics

Bleaclied Muslin x

.; \'-' 15cfoWe-

$1 yd.1 Value


Sport satins, jacquard crepes, silk and cotton cantons, rayons, silk striped madras,, etc.—-in long mill lengths. Unusually priced.

Cotton Charmeuse Assorted mill lengths of quality charmeuse in the 35-inch width. Plain shades.

Of the. unbleached quality in a very smooth, even 'weave. A splendid value. Y a r d . . . .

1.75 Value Mohawk Sheets In, the 8lx90-inch size—genuine Mohawk sheets, e a c h . . . .

Unbleached Muslin Muslin of the round thread A-» quality—36 inches wide, yard...*'**

Assorted Remnants Remnants of pajama checks, madras, etc., of the 22y 2 c to 39c quality,yard~....

Universally -feiiown, internationally known brands of muslin—all 35 inches wide. In long mill lengths ov full pieces. We reserve the right to limit quantities.

35e Piza Prints, 36in. wide ..We 32-Inch Amoskeag Ticking, 35c


In the 32-in width—this percale of standard quality. New Spring patterns.


Fancy prints in new, colors and pat* terns. 36 inches wide, of 25c 1 9 nuality, yard J.«|C

Splendid quality pieces-of the famous Manchester percale*—" guaranteed colorfast .and "3© inches wide. All new patterns.

•• • bleached, unbleached, yard 42c


Genuine Bleached Indian Head Fancy Prints

\35e Value

81-Inch Lockwood Sheeting, 9-4

59c SUk Stripe Shirting, 38-inch width, yard .22ftc 36-Inch Fancy Prints, 19c qual35c Butterfield Sateen, yard.27c ity, new patterns, yard..... .13c 2Bc Colored Mercerized Satec.n, 25c Suiting, fancy woven quality, §6 inches wide, yard..... .15c yard 13c 10-4 Dallas Sheeting, bleached, 00 78c Printed SUk and Cotton inches wide, yard 42c Crepes, yard 59c l Creston Longcloth, 22 /zc 36-inch 22c Bryn Mater Gingham, checki bleached quality 12c and plaids, yard -13c 89c 72x99 Bleached Sheets, ea. 57c 19c 3S-Inch Challis in floral and 25c Dress Gingham, 32 inches Persian Patterns 15c widet yard '. .15c 19c Percale, in the 36-inch width, 22c Bleached Pajama Checks, 36 yard 12c inches wide, yard 13c 25c Chambray Shirting, mill rem25c Amoskeag White Iris Outing nants, yard 10c Flannel, yard .15c Imported Ticking, linen finish, 5l'c Lingerie Fabric, yard... .29c 55c value, yard 35c 83x90 Bleached Sheets, seamless, E*««ment Store each ..••'• 7$ quality,

Sheets in Slx90-inch size, made of excellent quality sheeting that will give long, satisfactory" service. Ideal for hotel' and • rooming' howse - use. -

Lawrence Pongee , 49c Value

Value 2 5 C

15c Value Muslin


125 Value

Far famed for its wearing and laundering qualities— Indian Head in four remarkably, low priced groups

52c 54-Inch Indian Head...39c 42c 44-Inch Indian Mead ...29c

32c SS-Inch Indian Head .19c 25c 18-Inck Indian Head.

Srasdei* Basement Store



Tt-e geausne Lonsdale cam* fcrics In the 36-iach width. ; In long, useful lengths-^eyery p I e ce stamped G e n u i n e Lonsdale.



Unhemihed SKe'ets • us



Perfect in every way-.—these seamless sheets in the.-;Sl&90:' size. Made of best _ quality; sheeting.



.' ...

''[.•• \ ' •

45c Value A very fine quality of printed pongee in • patterns that JtTff new. Very unusually priced.

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