A false friend, like a shadow, attends only.\r__Ue the sun' shines.
By H.H. R.
Bos Klept
Well," new Henry Ford has I something. . . He has been taught, by tha stractor, "hard knecks," that a 5« BntereB-as eeeond-claBs malt twitter on January 2?tb. UKI, at automobile Stands very little ch;. ^ ^ PoetoBlee at Ouiaba Nebraska, under the Act of March 3. 187U. OMAHA, NEBRASKA, THURSDAY, MARCH 31, 1927 •with a car of a larger make. """ Now didn't Mr. Ford choose a con1 CELEBRATED venient time to get injured. ITALIAN JEWISH SCHOLAR The poor man, no matter how badREACHES 80TH BIRTHDAY ly he may desire, just won't be able "Better Than Zionist or Non-Zionist, ,. to take the witness stand in the Rome (J. T. A.)—The Italian JewSapiro-Fprd suit, now under fire. ish community celebrated this week I Am A Jew" Don't worry, Mr. Ford, maybe you the eightieth birthday of Professor will get a chance later—providing Fano, Rabbi of the Jewish community At Honor Dinner for Him and Welzmann Re-affirms Life-Long you don't have another accident. Insisteace on Equal and All-Sided Responsibility in Has Aided in Giving Other of Milan. Rabbi Fano is a celebrated scholar Gifts to Settlers Destinies of Jewry Everywhere In Italy. He taught Hebrew to Pope How They Can Talk! Pius XI. All Speakers Urge Working Platform of Peace and Unity; Eminent Personel A young lady tells me that at a WILL BE VISITOR for Kon-Partisan Commission Shortly to be Announced recent election of the Cogide IN OMAHA SUNDAY
Hatlassalr President Gives Her Diamond BracelettoPalestine
"I am a Jew!" Says Louis Marshall
Famous Operatic Tenor Coming to Jewish Center
Debating club a t Tech High,-all the officers elected were Jews. . Here they are: • . Pansy Brown, president; Jeanette Levinson, vice-president; Sophie Handler, secretary; Rose Brick, treasurer;. Naomi Cohen, reporter; Ida Babior, parliamentarian. Notice also they're all girls. But I suppose it's a girls debating dub. I t would be just too bad for the boys if not. But then the old saying goes that a woman can always out-talk a mere man.
SUBSCRIPTION PRICE, A YEAR, $2.501' VOL. VI.—No. 14 HAKENKREUSLER ATTACK JEWISH ELECTION' MEETING IN COLOGNE Cologne (J. T." A.)—Severe&l persons were . wounded last night when a band of Hakenkreuzler attacked a meeting of Jewish citizens assembled to elect a new Kehillah board. Sev- "The cause of My Children eral of the Hakenkreuzler were ar. of Motives" rested by the police.
New York (J. T. A.)—Aaron A diamond bracelet, worth $15,000, A sunnnonste broader unity in Jew- sympathy effective in material relief. I ish purpose, on a basis of fundamental You^ and may I say mos- of those arrived in New York last might has revived in Palestine.a tiny Jewish Jewishness, was enunciated by each who have followed you, have not osly Detroit. He gave an explanation «;" community,' that, just when Jews In conjunction with the national in turn of the tliree eminent speakers sympathized with them in their his reasons for the million dollar Kbas from all parts of the' world were reOn Tuesday, April "5, Dmitry Dob- of the honor banquet gi'v-en Tuesday suffering, but %ve have shared in their Mother-Daughter week, May 1st to suit -against "Henry- Ford. turning to the ^Hply Land; seemed evening, March 22, to Louis Marshall aspirations. Even in their distress kin, famous operatic tenor will'give and' Dr. Chaim Weizmann in New they have hoped and dreamed that in May 8th, _, Mother-Daughter Card "First, I am in this ease because oi doomed to extinction. • a song Tecital at the Jewish Com- York City, with^ Judge Irving Lehman Palestine, the country of their fathers, Social will be given by the Junior my interest as an individual," K~The bracelet belonged to Mrs. Irma munity Center. This will be the sixth 'as the chairman and toastmaster.' j where'Jews, first learned those spirit-J Hadassah Sunday afternoon, May 8,Sspiro said. "I have'four children whr 1<. lindheim, national" president of "I am not a Zionist and have never ual truths which have been the light 11927, in the 3". C C. "Auditorium. ProHadassah, the Women's Zionist Or- of eight concerts, lectures and recitals been one. I have always, felt-.that I of the worTd; Jews -might again find L e e d s ^^ b e f o T t he benefit of the are. growing up, and I did mot wan I _•__._•.• -a- A X. -..them to grow -up in the belief th**l: ganization of America. A year ago given under the auspices of the center. am something better than Zionist or a home, might again as Jews make Mr. Dobkin is an .experienced as non-Zionist; I am a Jew. I can stand collective contribution to the world's orphans which the Jmor Hadassah is their father had not" been faithful t.-she travelled through Palestine on •mothering:. on that platform. You can all stand spiritual .values. a professional'trust. To others it mt-j. horseback, visiting not only the larger well as accomplished singer, who has oh that platform. Our ancestors stood i "Of that hope you, Dr. Weizmanji, Plans to make this the outstanding seem like, a small motive for institutalready made" a name for himself in towns and colonies but the unfamiliar upon that platform. They died upon have been the foremost spokesman of and unvisited places. In seeking out his native Russia, where he was lead- that platform and they lived upon i the world. To its realization you are event on this year's social calendar ing a suit, but to me, the opinion r,', devoting your life. Ynn You pnTnfi come here ! (.PCTtin!. vntir lif_» VlfiTfi have been completed. The auditorium my children will have cf me in thr the eff-road settlements she came upon ing tenor with the Petrograd Opera •Vint that -nln-HVi-rm'" platform! Thus Louis Marshall in his vigorous I urging upon all Jews the importance will be beautifully decorated, and a future guides many of my actions, House. a small village in upper Galilee, called Only a Fairy In July, 1913, he sang at a special downright eloquence epotimized his \ of joining in that work. Divisions portion of the room will be reserved by the Arabs Albakia und by the Jews, Could Ferry challenge to unity, his challenge -which " there have* been in the past. You, Mr.;as a gathering place for those who do "The regard which my friends hsv*-performance by the Czar in w a sa t PekiL The sixty persons living in the That Far - _• given_../-. a the same time a definition of s Marshall, and Dr. Weizmann, have not care to play cards.. An unusual for me-—and my friends, I oi his guest, Lreneral Jonre, - ^ a t that unity implies—an equal; found a basis for union in insistence program including sppropiate addres- number thousands—was another thinj Ben Bercu, that eminent newspaper hamlet claimed to be Jews whose an- honor cestors had never left Palestine, -even and his staff at the Imperial Theatre which moved me to action, My — _ Krasnoe. •_.-—__.* Selo. _._. _.__.In T recognition :_i m_-.-.i— man, sport "writer, time keeper, hand- after the destruction of the Holy in of openess 'and'response to the need and] upon our common aspirations and ourses has been arranged, and unique among friends was a motive ball expert, race Tiorse fancier, golfer, Land by Eastern monarchs and Roman his performance he received-from the yearning of Jews-in any country in | common duty rather than on points prises have been selected, A prize some -big move. One values oi any port of the world, in a word, the I of difference. You, as true leaders ; has for one of his duties the generals. Their claim to this tradition Czar a special decoration. obligation of Jew_s. to do, to serve, to | have called upon your followers to let will be given at each table. friends and' their opinions, if • cheerful task'of checking and writing may have historical basis, for the part Ida Daytch is general chairman for really believes-in friendship. The Revolution brought him to be Jews to Jews everywhere, com- {time decide between conflicting views as many-sidedly as,the whole ! and in the meanwhile, for all Jewsto up' the deaths of prominent, not-so- of Galilee in which -Pekiin is located Scandinavia, where he appeared as pletely, responsibility" demands. • standing tojoin after study in work upon which j the affair. She is assisted by Tobie "I knew that the suit would ? prominent, and less prominent people is far from the roads which caravans guest artist with the sympathony or- gether "withoi-t : labels or handles to/ all Jews can and should agree. f Steinberg, Ida Minchoff, Ida Fine. me all of my resources but I ha\T The other day, to be exact, the day and armies traversed/To this day the chestra in large cities of Sweden, Nor- our names." i n other individual; "This gathering Is the answer a n g wit-U uicuuiw u u u u g i i j . u i i -I".**™3 •"• » ' J-L « Irespect for money as such, nor la. the call-to unity rrang with _youx your van, call. uHenceforth after the other day, Ben or Mr. Bercu village can be reached, only by donkey way and Denmark. He,then came to phrase, : spoken by efforts there should be respect for ISelgal. The committee reports that I any fear of .its power—that is v equal • energy in the words q gy as lie is sometimes called, got an over a stony mountain path at least America. • *e Lehman different viewpoints,- but united effort i already more than two hundred tickJudge Weizmann before the impressive gathering of a to bring about the realization of Jew- ets have been sold. Tickets can beI Vv-ss unafraid to fight Mr. Ford, exclusive death story, just a short two hours from the nearest highway. In 1921 he made H-Tdebut in New Dr. "My second cause for . action thousand men sad; women hthat packed ish aspirations^ to carry out oar duty time before press time. York with the New York Philhar- the Grand Ballroom of tin Hotel and all .our-duties-to our country, ' obtained from any Junior Hadassah that as one of the advocates? of inBut be their genealogical claims nd all our duti t y, ( Hurriedly he wrote it, and handed' Blltmore • and "-tfekt was in itself an operative marketing11 felt that a fifr!'! only pretensions, it is certainly true monic Orchestra a t Carnegie Hall. ourselves, and to our Je-wish brothers." member. it in to the city editor. -j overwhelming ...ov.ation.. Appeared with Metropolitan Cast •was necessary. The development v.-a? The Next Step in Palestine that for-generations, this tucked-away "Let us be • .creators, builders," Mr. "With the-eagle eye, that a city being badly paralyzed and the ntovf" band adhered' strictly to Jewish relig- as Radamies.in "Aida" and Turiddo Marshall said. 7*With the Prophet we e Dr. -We'izmann's address was an "THE DYBBUK" TO BE - editor, especially this one, has, a summation 01 of tne thepioneer pioneer jewisn PLAYED HERE IN YIDDISH ment smothered,, partly by the Dft«r-Pf. summation ious traditions. Though living in thein "Cavalleria Rusticana"—also creat- say, "Peace to him who is far oc and epic - mistake was noted. m Palestine, the purborn Independent. I believe -coopermidst of a Moslem" world and though ed 'sensation in "Carmen" as Don «**•_. tn him \cfe, is nf>ar.' That i s ' achievement greeting to all the world. Let us I P ° s e s that have shaped it tiras far, "Come here, Mr. Bercu," he called. outwardly—in language, dress, habits Jose. A tragic and cabalistic romance, ative .marketing to be the . gg Silted in:godd in:godd ^vorks. ^vorks We that direct the con(Yes, they call him" Mister sometimes, and manners—Moslems themselves, We have' have £ e aspirations Mr. Dobkin will give' a program of be Silted spun from Jewish folklore entitled movement in world 'agriculture, effo3rt ^ S t , enemies from: without. I am entirelyj O f t h I said—just before the storm.) the physical "The Dybbuk," will be presented in taken for the 'betterment of the f-»r«*~ they were Jews none the less, in the Italian, Russian, Yiddish, Hebrew and indifferent ? ppoblems of to thim. Let there not bei Ben came. ' traditional sense of the world. .•Sfflngs,*and-.js3L-ie.. saiar; Yiddish - Wednesday -and -Thursday cr- And I felt that I would be .p! tyA11 the e matensF ;: an|: ^ : | "Thi-r._-ig__ did"a wonderfuT deed," afragedy. Then ='let us all taits -in ing the part of a coward if I- let £fciMrs. Lindheim was so impressed by "by, Gilbert Jaffe, violinist. Mr. Harry this great cause. civilized so- evening, a t the Jewish Community Let _ F S of an organized g Let us speed i tt Let didn't lie," the ed said. years of effort, energy and hopes hr Center by the Vilna Troupe, regarded b t d d their loyalty --to Judaism and so Braviroff will be at the piano. us feel that h iis iis our work, k our probb ciejy have been created under extraAnd Here's what Ben had written: touched by their poverty, that she de- "Single admission is one dollar, sea- lem,f l and wasted because of something whl-eK ". as one of the foremost exponents of another glorious page will. ordinary difficulties, -unprecedentedly, TCT-5-H-/-T. in tr. the tho annals ar-Mi. nof f +V,A _T«. -or<- created without executive power of the Hebraic theater in Europe and could 'fight. : • ' ' • "—came to Omaha in 1866by ferry cided to • take :immediate steps to el-son ticket for the three remaining hbe a written the Jevrs : which a state is usually possessed, America. from Denmark." "My interest as a Jew was & st?oU£ leviate their. condition and reincbr- numbers; is three dollars including of the world." . created by a voluntary effort of a Characteristically set offagainst Eendered in English at the Neighmotive. It "is; I believe, * unfair Uporate them into the active life of Rabbi Wise Lecture. each other in-figures and address,i community, by a voluntary effort of Season ticket holders will be given these three, the honor guests and the' * e conmumtj'Jewish Palestine. ~ ' ~ Obliging Mr. Rose y in;Patestine and by y borhood Playhouse in New York, "The develop prejudice against any one )*-•*preference and first choice in receiv- chairman, held the center of the scene i Dybbuk" proved one of the sensations cause ipf race or religion. As Jews, V'.For sometime I've- been watching How could she raise enough money through a long and memorable eve- : side Palestine. 'ing seats for the Rabbi Stephen S. the actibnB of William J. "Rose, the to do the task? She had with her few "I think we have proved _to ' the of the current season. It vrss written have no remedy. .1 axn esscnt-iallr * ning of high-keyed expectancy and Wise Lecture on Monday, May 9. more than 10 years ago by S. Jew and an American. I am ?»-">• ~ to that ~ .„ gentleman at the Jewish Community jewels. Among them was a diamond moving enthusiasm. Round about the --— -- ourselves - - - — , — .-y~" — "_v~i_rI1 -o • T _ _v~ J,-J „«+ i;-,-D +n cr__ conscious. bracelet which she always wore, a Center who gives us the soap, and focal point of their table on the dais,| «™hsJ exe built up by Jewish effort. But i a P.ussiar. ..ew, who did not lne to see "I feel' the stream of Jewish lii-'r the members of the committee of ffity- h™ reached a stage where we i t s eventual production in Moscow towels, etc., when we go into the gift from her husband. She determined during 1922 of Vvhich . I Em a part. Then, rr.t five that had called the occasion into' must pause and take stock of the that the diamonds be converted into gym- ••..••'. . / . ..,. . being were ranged in a crescent of, s i^f^°P- . ' . • , The.word "Dybbuk" means literally mother was directly responsible :<">•? land for the Pelriin Jews. She made Observing, rather than watching, honor. Beyond densely massed,! . "I_thinkit is ay-duty to-saytothat into the farthestthese, corners of the room,! the Commission which is about go an adherence, a clingingto. It came my feeling, the urge of the. 'Jov;iR>. the way lie leads with those he at- her proposal to the directors of the 0 were the ranks upon ranks of the:* Palestine^and the East is not a to signify a spirit from the grave traditions toward a social Jewish National Fund, which is retends. . ' • Chicago, HI.—-The annual" Regional celebrants, an assemblage of unique'. commission to ^decide whether Pal- •which attaches itself to some living I first noticed him one evening deeming the land of Palestine for Conference of the Midwest Region of diversification, a representation of the «tme is to be built up. Tnat is a de-|soul, and applies particularly to those when a little girl rushed up to the Jewish settlers,, and the idea was the Zeta Beta Tau fraternity, national whole gamut of doing and thinking of i cision which was made thousands of who perished before their time and ago. It is to decide how and counter and cried for a glove she had greeted with acclaim. Within a short Jewish college fraternity, will bef held American Jewry probably never be-! years arrayed in just such relation- to Jh|t ui^are^ the .best v. ays and means return to earth to complete their d lost. Though there was a long lice time Mrs. Lindheim raised* $15,000, at the Windermere hotel, Chicago, fore p ship—rabbis, lawyers, teachers, writ£ ll1S it up. careers. and the Jewish National Fund began waiting to/be served, he stopped long April 15, 16 and 17. not ers, social workers, men of business ^ t possible, ana even if it According to the story, a youth and to enough to direct the little miss to the negotiations for the purchase of land . , possible.I *.-•-,• wouldn't presume - _ More than 150 fraternity brothers and industry, bankers and labor lead-i a girl weye plighted in childhood by ______>'__. ___._ _? » ___ ________________ _ct_.-_. _______• _r *n_a<_iv 1^Au*iit% • " . t th lt f h p g agures and notables! anticipate office to inquire about the missing near Pekiin. B a t the results of such an m- their parents. As they grow up they Retailers Protest Against His from eleven groups are expectd to at- ers,, local public ^ is-perfectly dear to me near and far cities, orthodox,! t h a t a- great deal might have to be of Thier Markets So after scores of "years in hiring tend. Regional Director Nathan E. from article. A few moments later an fall in love but the maiden's father conservative, and and liberal, liberal, Zionists Zionists and 'aconservative, andjj themselves out as" day laborers to Jacobs of Omaha, Nebr., will preside elderly,, lady approached him and non-Zionists. Each speaker was greet-': lzed changed, modified, .a grea^. deal critic- has become wealthy and repudiates Detroit, Mich. (J. T. A.)—The hz rising of the audi-nce in » a great deal approved. I 'think asked" for her "Bennie." Of course, Arab landowners,' earning scarcely at the conference. Lawrence Baxrer. of end by-a y I may say on behalf of every con- his pledge. The boy dies, and his cott against Henry Ford, which »ti*? Rose had no idea who Bennie could enough to feed and clothe themselves, Chicago is chairman of the conference spontaneous tribute. Judge Zionist that we welcome a spirit takes possession of his sweet- ed recently among Detroit retail frtvv g Lehman's opening pg words set;1 scientious . be—there's so few of them—but he the Pekiin Jews.will become a part committee. r_ unbiased inquiry, e keynote keynote of of the the occasion, occasion in in an an ap aapp ff^1** . impartial,' impartial' p , y heart's soul. A wonder-working rabbi ers and market men, is rapidly the The groups which will have rep- preciation gave his time to inquire the rest of of the modern agricultural life of t ll h lt f seeks to expel the demon, but to no of the tv>c whose Jewish; knowing quite well the result of it can f h h J i h p i i furtheraiy resentatives at the Regional Confer- service the name and- then looked up the Palestine. and,! y *V^e V. y and the avail, though he summons the .powers ing out to Dational dimensions. i it was designed d ig d to honor, h d ! only and, Ford's tremendous markets, «?«£-• g .of OUT efforts. and ence will be the Universities of Wisf a d l i f the h hliti d strenthenmg boy for her. declaration of of heaven and earth, for souls destined opportunity American Jevvrj as! "What matters is that -whatever is ! " W h t tt i t h t h inally staxted for Ford employees but. consin, Chicago, Illinois, Nebraska, Since that night I've seen him do A ri d as J d h ii built in Palestine should be built up one for another must be eternally now thrown open to the general COUNCIL BLUFFS A. Z. A. Americans and Jews—and thereMissouri and Washington . and the roany other little thoughtful things, ) properly.- What does" matter is that united. ANNUAL DANCE APRIL 10 Graduate Clubs of Milwaukee, Chica- from the imperative of unity. are in full'swing at Higbl&nd I the values which -we shall: create in trying to help those whom he meets. The fable is unfolded "with tense Dearborn, and in the vicinity of Chairman Lehman's Tribute AT CHIEFTAIN HOTEL go, ' St. Louis, Kansas City and Palestine should be of such a .weight ; Without hesitation he let's a boy "We are gathered here tonight," that they should become a credit not emotion, anid delves deeply into the Ford plants, .and are now beinghave a handball, though the youth The Council Bluffs Chapter No. 7Omaha. Judge Lehman said, in his address of only to the. Jews in Palestine b_t to mysticism of Chassidic Jewry, folk ed on Ford's railroad, Toledo. has no money to pay for it. of the Alep Zadik .Aleph will hold presentation, addressing himself to Jewry at large. I believe that if as a superstition, rabbinical lore, magic their Annual Spring Frolic at the Install Rug Cleaning Department Dr. Weizmann and Mr. Marshall, "to guiding principle in.,the upbuilding vr& names and numbers, potent charms Irontbn. 'Tay me later," he says. acclaim yo_ as our leaders because accept* this peaceful and Despite the fact that Ford'e new Hotel Chieftain in Council Bluffs, Why all this story. The Bee Hive Cleaner, 1D41 Vinton by your earnestness Ex.d devotion, by shall this hi peacefulf : method l h d as we hsve and ocralt ritual. undersell every retailer they Because his attempts to please Iowa, on Sunday night, April 10. All street have installed a- modern rug your tireless energy and ceaseless pursued it. hitherto, if everything with, Ms profits in this venture struck me so, that I thought I'd plans are completed for theis affair and carpet cleaning department-as an activity, and above all by your broad which we shall do will be imbued with OMAHA HEBREW CLUB sympathies and understanding, you are reported -to have been ia this fundamental prophetic spirit of which promises to be the most addition to their plant. ""Our rug broadcast it on for others to notice—? have vindicated your title to leader- justice aad peace which characterized .OPEN-MEETING SUNDAY of f 1,000,000 last year. elaborate social event for the young cleaning department is one of' the ship. and perhaps learn. our ciyiliEation at the" time when we Michigan retailers turned Jewry of Omaha and Council Bluffs latest mechanically perfected depart* * * "Whatever differences of opinion were in Palestine, if the upbuilding The Omaha Hebrew Club will hold Ford boycott/first against this season. A good orchestra has Been ments ever installed in the city", said there may be among the Jews here, will be a continuation in modern forms A. Z. A. Debaters whatever divisions may tend to of these very principles which have its second open Baeeting of the season who delivered in jr'ord cars. Th*?' engaged to furnish the music for H. Marcus, manager. Two Omaha boys left Thursday for dancing. The committee in charge of separate us into groups, we have Some made out of us,what.we are, then I Sunday afternoon at the Jewish Com- would not taks goods trom !•*>?&. A special introductory offer is be- common aspirations. We share some Chicago to demonstrate just the kind the dance include: Albert Fox, chairin peace with the population munity Center. The meeting will be delivery wagons. Now they »re ttst&zing made to the people for Passover common duties. With passinate love believe already in existence in Palestine, in of debaters we put out. man, Abe Katelman, Han^d Saks, cleaning. of cur own country, we are striving peace with the populations of the in charge of the intellectual advance- ing to bay of wholesalers who 'mli w* These young men—Louis Lipp and Max Kramer, and Sam Shyken, to maintain and advance American countries which surround it, we shall ment committee, with J. J. Freidman Ford for his marketing system. Ben Kazlowsky—winners of the re- Special novelty stunts will be given ideals. Our Jewish consciousness, open through Palestine a door for as chairman. The rapidity with which tfels b«_?_-The Young Judaea Council of Oma- the knowledge that we are descended Je-vvish endeavor which will stretch | The principal address will be the cott is reaching out is indicate?! -iff cent district A. Z. A.-debating con- and a good time is in store for all ha is sponsoring a subscription cam- from fathers who have exalted their test, are going to bring home the who attend. Everyone welc .me! beyond the actual political boundaries j LJ__ of "Benedict Spinoza", by Dr. expertr from this letter paignfor the loung Judaean, a mag- spiritual ideals, should deepen our •of modem Prfestine. : Victor Levine. Sare Rae Fish, pian- to Henry Ford by L. F. Padbetgs KJ^national.A. Z. A. championship, if Wa.Ovmeppy<!esela wdfrw fdwrf azine for Jewish boys and girls, start- American consciousness ard our "will vaci>o ''Beeause, Ladies and Gentlemen,] _, * , . £*.% they have their- way. . retary of the Missouri- Eet&il ing Sunday, April S. . Miss Sylvia t° serve _ our country.. It is not exbetween the Euphrates and the desert] 1st will play several numbers. Other and Merchants' ABaociation: There's no particular Teason why hausted by such semce. Bernstein is chairman of ' the ^ they shouldn't have their way, once Ballet Dancing1 Very Popular p "'Difference of opinion must and which separates Palestine there are; numbers are being arranged for toe "Much'bad feeling exists tods^ paign. She will be assisted by seven should many countries' j program, according to the committee exist among the Jews here in neglected which in which the pastare havetoday been!.. in a while. St. Loals and Missouri froa. th* The attendance at the Ballet Danc- teams from many clubs, who will "call regard to many matters. But there the cradle of civilization, of httmanrty. in charge. .» • • * dependent retail grocer snd ing class has increased'so rapidly that on the parents of children from the shoald be Jewish solidarity in good These countries wait tor energy, for A Last Word work. capital, for InteRigeace and for peacetoward the Ford -Company on The Dramatic Council of the Jewish ages of ten to sixteen. .' it is planned to -have another class "Not all of the Jews of the world ful development, -and if you pj project Commaiiity Center hopes to score a of your, -operating retail meat It's a lucky (?) man who can _ get formed before < very long. Very in- The following are captains of their p are as fortunately situated as we are. your ffancy ' t t f i tthirty, hit orii hurt in the proper time. j in its presentation of •and groceries, in te^h^is^ H t « ; i ^ ^ t triumph intriumph its pre^tation of teresting dances are now being taught respective team: In many countries persecution and : comir.g:in from'all parts-of bridge w-untry, a bridge j Princess Chrysenthemma, a Chinese depression is the lot cf otsr brothers. the girls' anS before long, an exhibi- Dorothy Abrams,Junior Doughblers; Palestine, .a countries opereta. m important tion will be given -of •the.work done. Lena Gillman, Henrietta Szold Girls; They call to us for relief and we unitingg the most p opereta. Tvro Tvro performaBces perfomaBce are ar to t be st.eadi'y. Y. M. H. A. to Give Big answer their call. In all is-ork for off the rld oa the th very ape: in th old ld world, very ape:., in . Saturday ar.d Sunday evenings, "In principls, vhy shoald you, La Vern Fablowitz, Hadassah "Buds; 1 Classes meet every Thursday a t April Fool Dance generations we have looked to you.the very center of the great roaf ., ,,„ , \ . . . ., _ f 8:15. Miss Annette Rikllh is • inAnna Tritick, Ziona Girlsj- Bertha Mr. Marshall, for leadership. For which unite todav the old civilize. ^P- 1 - 0 ' a n & l1^' A- ™ t h e ^ e r ' t e r having been favored by <3o(3 in _wauditorium. Almost daily rehearsals quirif-g yeur wealth, try to drive j *3f" is planning a REAL dance charge of the class.. There is no Brandy, Zion Fairies; Harold SchuJtz, 'many of us you have voiced our 1 .sympathy with our Jewish brothers, "This is here we viSw the Toturc of; are taken place and the performance fellowmen in other Sines out of ih .B'nai Israel, and'Herman Eaier, B'nai charge to-J.-C. C. members in good «n Saturday, April 2nd. Good music. you have voiced our indignation at Zion. standing. 1 promises to be an excellent one, .. * ness Bring your date. their plight. You have made that (Continsed on page 2) '
Omahan to Precide at Zeta Beta Tau Conference
PAGE 2—THE JEWISH PRESS* <IHURSDAY, MARCH 31,1927 it was discovered that in'order •» tonot b£ backward. Thei* fecord Is im- Mr. Sam Meyerson is spending the r portunfty of hearing this singer. The head when you enter enter" into such a wide-reaching under- perishable, written in the histqry-of Chicago, Illinois. date of her BgpesraHce wilt Jbe"an- April Fool Stunts Ire ioihgj! taking it was necessary, as Dr. Weiz- Judaism. No people since the 'World nounced through the dfeily newspapers you from every <joitier-*-yWu at® 'i'horaday at Omaha. Nebwutfa. by n^ann has so well expressed it, to began are more generous ana kind," Mr^ and Mrs. I&adore Cherniack reand can be obtained from the Jevdsh in the land of ttischie£ and;.be-gpry PUBUSSiNG COMPANY take stock; to understand the problem, mofe brotherly in tfieif feelings,' mdre turned home Tuesday from a month's ;: Community Center. There Lave been entertainment galore ; abounded: , sbir so that it might be deals with intelsentimental in the best sense of the ^fflVaj49Q Brah •tf Jfcjilding — Telephone: ATfontfe 1450. ligently and efficiently. Dr. Weizmanh word, nipre .idealistic than the Jews U large nutnber of advaDce reservW- hearty laughs will be \yoiir '0\s; t%^ T H A K ' f t G R E E ^ , Manager. Cherniack was formerly Miss Alma again xwith his marvellous insighti of America. They ave gotten into the ^ ^ . . . _ x,... came to us with the suggestion that of Stamford, Connecticut. tions and numerous parties have been f e e l i ngg t h ta t Frankel ) y of & t o ption Price, one year. .$2.50. _. . , . . . . . . . s arranged and there is every indicait would be desirable in anticipation all, the most important thing t t thi of the launching of the Agency to after . Advertising7 rates furnished on application. They will make their home at present ^ t h a t ^ a u d i t o r i u i n ^ b ea s . in Jewish life is what it was in the have a thorough investigation and days of old, that what we need is not at 152 West Washington Avenue. sisted by Jean Duffield, pianoist and survey made of everything-that per- conflict, but peace, peace and unity! CHANGE OF E&SrFlMiwi piv* both the old and new address; Mr. Clyde Krasne returned home Elgin Asbury, flutist. 6a adra and giro rour Dame. tained to Palestine and the adjacent "That wil) result in correct plans countries so that we might know and Sunday night from a week's trip to corrfect ideas. We are selecting as •.; The^JewiBb Press 1B supplied by the Jewish Teiegfaphie Ageaey (Jewish :whe"f ewith we were dealing, and would experts in the various branches men New York, -AN APRIL FOOL DANCE" Correspondence Bureau) with cabled add telegraphic Jewish news, in addition 4>e able .to formulate ideas and plans who have indicated by their past exThe Jewish Social Club have under to; feature'articles and correspondences from all Important Jewish centers. 'and methods of approach Which Would perlehce that th#y are authorities. fee mar0 than mere glittering phrases, way a Very unique idea for a form Some of them are-Jews, quite a num- Vefa Leslie Cdttdert Postponed Inquiries regarding- news ttehia credited to this Agency will be gladly aajswered If addressed to Jewish Telegraphic Agency, 621 Broadway, New that would mean realities. We accept- ber of them are aon-Jews, but they ** « _i. iii. J>S. • • M :„+„„-+ • dance that they are going to stage at y yed that ideai and todaywe Have ar- a r e .t a f t who Very keen was the toappomtment g ^ Academy 25th h are masters t off t h i .York Cwy» rived at the. point When our platts are subjects* .It Is expected that their Follow the Crowd — Where? this 'pretty nearly complete and we shall survey, thi this investigation, will occupy titi rbe able within a few days to annbtince the better part of this year and when ! I THE VOICE OF THE JEW IN THE WORLD The Jewish Social Club j exactly what is to be done and the experts have made their report to Austnlian attendance of • *; When the J e w speaks to the World he must sfceak with just who is to do it. the commissioners, the commissionpositively no expenses courageous voice, never pleading for pity but demanding rights 'i "It Will hot bei an idle eereniony. ers "will reader their-conclusions in a oft Tuesday, March 29 But their ; It will not be a holiday journey to report tvhich will go out to the Jews arid justice. "April Fool Dante" on , April Palestine to view it as 6 tbuHst* It of the •world* : The traditional" picture of the Jew as a suppliant before the will be what it has been intended that . "J am not afraid of the result of when they discovered that she was3, with just one rip road and howling taken ill with art attach of measles opinion of mankind must give way to a figure standing in the i t should be—a thorough, practical such an investigation.-Dr. Weizmann success. Remember just keep survey and inyehtory of assets, obliga- is not afraid of it. We welcome it. on the morning of her concert. Ilbw1 fell stature of his , ifianhood, addressing mankind, reciting his tions and liabilities." Every right-thinking' mail will wel- ever, great satisfaction was expressed "We shall have commissioners, men come it. We want the people who gowhen it was announced that the engrievances with the voice of indignation and calling for redress. names on both sides of theto.Palestine to be self-supporting and ; MEALS FOR PASSOVER I 25th and FarnBm 111 this likeness "the Jew1 ought always to be seen in the world, .whose .water are well known, men of ex- self-sustaining. We don't want to gagement is only postponed on ac-j count of this illness and that Miss Let us never apologizing bnt',"always courageous in the assertion of his perience, men of a .'.ciehtific turn of create a new kind of ..Chaluka. Do you desire good meals in a 1 Hot Time—Hoi Music • mind, men Who are systeiriatic in their be creators, builders I' Leslie will appear next week in the rights. private home during 2*as6owrf thought and: in their action* who shall judge l*fimah*s closing words, auditorium 6f the Jewish Community An. example-.of the Jew .as he should be, was-offered last' head this work of survey. We have following the prolonged ovation to Center when all will be given the ap- Phone Jackson S747 or call at 819 • had no disagreement as to who those Mr. Marshall) with all standing, were ADMISSION 85C month by the American -Jewish Congress at its biennial session meii should be. Dr. Weiziilann and I an admonishment and a challenge. South 25th street 'aad tflake arhave come to an exact accord upon "Dr. T'eizmann a:id Mr. Marshall in WashMgtmr. .'-^Y " • --. rangements NOW! Relieve Constipatioa, Liver t h t subject* bjt ; are both too great", he said, "to dethat Everybody Welcome Kidney and Stomach Tfie president o£ .t"he Congress, -Rabbi Stephen S. Wis§, teas " "The commissioners sire any empty bonor. This great will be the TroUbles««or No P a r heard addiressing^tW people and the ..government of Equfnaftia judges who will .pass, upon the result gathering becomes an historic occasion and a fit honor tb our guests only if of the studies and investigations made w* mtwui nHniwnni H with-'wotpfs ijf warHJngi •••. • =" ; " " "" ' \ by men of science, experts in their we honestly resolve tc follow our lead- Edd*'* Herb Pill Co:, Urcatea.flt So. 1227 ers towards that unity in good work. Walnut Street., Milwatikcc,. Wls., M«mu. . . "lieti^CUnianaa Rethink-herself lest she seat her;moralk doom particular branches* You have risen spontaneously to your taettirer8, WholesaWtg iana KfetnlleM, haw l " I n the first place they will tell us by achieving the sueces's of Czarist Russia in the matter of wrong just exactly what the ierources of the feet at the close of each of their acU phSMrttl ft combinatSoa ot gate* picteti, o)rt-t5me herbs made into a chocolate coated Decaltif Bt.—WE. 3527 andinjusficelo the Jew." We are fibt and we will not be satisfied coutttry are. They will tell us thedresses. I am going to regard that as tablet In till form, a tttie &nA trfca INemedy a rising vote in honest favor of that of the soil afld what can be for all the ailments the body is heir to. to. have an avoidance of pogroms ifl ftoumatiia.. We demand!art nature resolve and I congratulate Dr. Weiz- We hare placed BO much confidence in pnr done with it, ". Bady*s Pure HerB t'Hlg that vre frill forend & that attitude of the ruling groups and classes which makes "It will be necessary also to find tnann and Mr. Marshall on that tvara tft every person •nrho writes* three 1 just received Mfcts&os from Erfe2-Isroel and I am offering them fer what methods -6f agriculture are the boxe« by mall, for $1.25, proriaing yoti possible and. even inevitable the student movement against the propel? sale at a Vefy feasofiable price. The Matzos are baked in Palestine methods. Palestine is-not to are satlsned alter you tried them out for from the very best wheat and all of the f reatest Rfibonin reeomtneftd ten flttri. 1* not BatlsSed tettarti the three Jewsv This movement will be quelled in an hour when Roumania be built up by the construction of ho.xes ana no charge will be made for the that it in th# duty of evefy Jew to ha\'e them at least for the Setter* Council Bluffs News ten We desire to have the Jews learns, as Roumania-wilf, that there is such a thing as decent cities* days' use. This remedy has ffo^ed nights. Among the felig-idus afticleR that I ha\Te are: Talesom, eilk grow upon the land. Back, to the soill ; IU value in different vrfltf»> Wilt relieve and wool, Tohilih, MSEUSGS, Holy Scriptures etc. I also have NEagodos respect for the opinion .df mankind, and that such opinion Can They will have to go through "the same The Paramount Social Club April headache, pain In Joints* and limbs, backfor Feisach and kosher soap for Peisach. process that Adam did, earn their ache pimples, boils, alfczineSS, isleepy rBelFool Dance is being., given at the not Be wantonly- and persistently affronted save at a terrible living by the. sweat of their brow in injr, gallBtones, ChSmklhg Spells, skin efChieftain Hotel' on ;, Friday night, fects, 1 gRStric itotnach, and all sickness cost frotn every p oiht of view." cultivating* the Soil. 7 , April first. ' K*O-I-t twelve-piece arising from Impure blood. Breaks up e cold afid couBh loStaiitly. Guaranteed ^'Then T h n again coinnierce has great Radio Orchestra will furnish the music :. * * * never to fail. They xvlll prevent *icknes». possibilities. There is not only com-f o. Th i l d ll Ct t ~ !Ain admirable expression. There.is nd pleadiftg here* no appeal meree in Palestine but commerce I f dancing. g Admission is oneGood for yoonsr end nil ogres, Cut out Th d f l dna mail this clit>plng. Attack throughout the Near East. The day foliar per couple. Everyone welcome. to pity, but a stern demand coupled with warning. Heire was the rect- address. may come under, proper guidance Jew Speaking to & people with the voice ©3: justice. when Palestine may be the entrepont The Ladies Auxiliary of the Talmud -" There was heard the Polish deputy, Isaa.c Gruenbaum, deliver- for the distribution of merchandise S 0Ciet over the Near. East aS far as n*°fL / **Jt*old &A ? H ext ing 8ja indictment, "setting-forth the oppressions that afflict the all Persia, perhaps «beydnd that. There Wedneiday aftfrnoon, April Single man wanted as are opportunities. I am not dreaming1 at the home of Mrs. Herman MeyerJew^'of Eastern Europe. Tio.w I am merely speaking as a r son, 12t South Eighth Street. driver satesinan. Rdi* "All possible financial exploitation is being applied to the Jfw. practical and are now ready to serve you with * man, but you can't do it in : Call *f&£kso» 60T2, The^ Jewa pay the heaviest taxes and receive from the state no a year or two or five years. This is a Mr. arid Mrs*: t>ouis CherniaCh rea full, line of Kosher, Fresh, Salt and Smoked of looking ahead fifty years. eqtiiyaleat in the form D£ employment or fulfillment of cultural question tufoed home Tuesday morning after Start right. Meats, Also a complete line of fresh f : and Social needs. * . i All kinds of obstacles under formal pretexts *'And then there is the; question of sps&dingr the past ^ x weeks in New Fish and Delicatessen. are feeing placed in the way of the Jews and other minorities in finance. We are inot inteniational York and Stamford! Conn. They atbankers. But yet we have an idea.that tended the wedding of their son, tsaatta8ring-^itizenship in various countries. Civil equality has hot have got to have sound finance r FRtEDS yet.Become a legal fact, not to speak of an actual fact. The Je'wa in all kinds of work, in every kind of KOSHER DELICATESSEN ace in business. Our experts, our accounwhich are Being compelled to maintain their.own schools which are tiot tants must consider that whole subject York Conn», City, on February 27th. We will handle & complete line of 1552 No. 20th Street—Phone WE. 0267 legafly placed on- an equal basis with the government schools. to;ascertain that .every dollar will produce in results- iOtf per cent. Mr. and Mrs. "Sen Gershun of PassSovef Goods — Mfctzoi, meal* DEUVER TO ALL PAETS OP THE CITY The Slews are still confronted with the dilemma of either resting "Dr. Weizmann has said that there Schuyler, Nebr., spent a few days fruits, e t c 1569 No, tith SU t w o ^ y s a w£ek Jor-breaking their mode of life and violating has been a crisis in Palestine. Yes»' here this week with relatives. there have been crisis everywhere* theii-teligioii." , The Pilgrim Fathers had^risis during ijiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiitnniiiUiiHiiiHiiiiiiiifiiHiiiiiiiHHuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiu » "V-l, 1 . . * • • . '; •• the early part .<#i iheir settlement in New England. But' you can't get rid •T $t is not flattering, to our civilization that despite vast and of "a crisis by closing your eyes. The complex material progress, the simple claims of liberty and crisis must be visualized, and you cure i t by practical methods justice still must struggle for consideration in-the world and that must and by avoiding the mistakes which there, is still a call for valiants to the battlefields for human brought about the crisis. "I have tried to indicate that those rights. . . wh,o are cooperating and who are Thd American.Jewish Congress is one• of these.—B'nai B'rith desirous of co-operating with the Zionist organization in connection with \S Magazine. the Jewish Agency "have no axes to<5 r,-, — ~ grind. They are. merely seeking to do— dfatiy as Jews.-'It is not necessary u "There have been differences in thetheir admonish ihem^ .They' understand l am aJew!" Says MarskU past. There may be" differences in the to is needed, moral support, and future. There should be differences of what i (Continued .-from page 1) material support to a great Opinion, because out of differences of eventually cause. Palestine. I t is the~quality of the per- opinion can eventually come truth. A "But they have to be shown the formance. I t is the credit oi the per- man who is always lookingfibackward merits -of an-undertaking. They must formance which will terre'as a golden sees nothing. Let's look forward and be shown-what-can come <;f it. When ABRICS of extraordinary key fiSrthe opening: of doors for those act! they are satisfied that the methods "I am'not a Zionist and have never employed are sound methods they will multitudes -who may dream and strive character, models of most and live for a bettei' and a cleaner been one. But I have always felt that 'A new'policy* selling dii^ct from out I am something better' than Zionist life! And this is why millions, why unusual style distinction are plant to you at wholesale prices. The htindteds of thousands, why I venture or non-Zionist; I am a Jew." Harry H. Lapidns, Pree.-Trods. to say: the best bf the sons of Israel, At this point came Mr. Marshall's designed by our tailors at newest in suits and topcoats. •whether they label themselves Zionists incisive declaration of the age-old "platform" of Jewry throughout all or noti have understood "and have felt Fashion Park. that 'the time has come -where there tame. The fetailers profit is all yours; shottlig not be a Bingle Jew who should ."I wish," he said, ''however, to have •withtwfd.&is^udj&tfmJ^elping' to lay 5fc andei^tood that from ,the, moment a.stone'inthe-YerashaJaim Shcl Mat- ihe Balfour Declaraton was""enuntia^6d Complete Store and Our styles are the latest and all the tah—the 'earthly Jerusalem*—in order the American Jewish Committee Office Outfitters highest grades. b t the th realization l i t i .off placed jtself-upon the platform of conto-' 'B$? Vfing .afcnut -the "epi- tributing and cooperating to the best YerushalaiiB" T3hel' We octupy $ ritual Jerasaleta'". of its power in the upbuilding j>f the orer .704XKI square feet Jn concluding, Dr. Weizroann ad- land, in the development of the counSouthtvest Cornet dressed himself in tribute to Mr. try's great resources, in the preservaEleventh and Douglas- Streets t l who, he said, "has as a tion of that idealism which gave ocPhone: JAckson 2724 1 leader ' if -American -Jewry- led the casion for .all jthat has since taken O»rAHAf NEBR. way to5?at9'.the:.*ea.l>zation-of these place. futidamsYftal aspirations, This_ last 315 South 15 Street . "And'so when something over two year, this year, you have' become years ago, Dr. Weizwann, who is an Custom Service Without Between Farnam arid H&rney Streets—Fourth Floor seventy, and you have added to your idealist, who has a poetic imagination, Take Elevator record of achievements for th6 Jewish who has sentiment, who has tact and 1 BUY A M3CKLIN 1 The Annoyance of a Try-on people one m»re page -which has a diplomacy, who has humanity, came PERMANENT GABAGE I Open from 8&. m. to 6 p. m. value of eternity." . to tts and said, "Are'you willing as Positively m» E x c u u tit Ex*. B I n the audience, rising in tribute as non-Zionist to cooperate with the ZionReady-to-Pxd-on |)o*e ToBi Cap, t o the Had M Dr. Weizmann closed, numbers of ists by going into- the Jewish Agency voices Joined In^the 'strains-of Hatik- and-establishing it on. a non-partisan vft"h. ' •' Jewish basis?" we said, "Yes." We Venra to P a y called meetings which were well at" "^'-anA tfp _ " LoiilB^Marshall'e Call to Unity that we would and Up m The outstanding ie*atu*es of Mr.tended and we decided 1 Marshall's address &t~ his clarion go Into the Agency. It'is tonnecessary c&U to unity and neace ider the an- to go into the causes which deferred cient bond of Jewry; fusing all second- final action. Nobody ever thought for CORRECT APPAREL FOB MEN AND WOM2N ary distinctions, his announcement a moment of abandoning- the Idea, but that the personnel of the Non-Partisan Agents for thfe famous Commission for investigation in Pal*»»«*»•• estine is about to be announced, and that on the expert fact-and-figure slewing of the commission's report on alt phases of the Palestine situation BUTTER and EGGS th« needed steps for a constructive future program in . %lestine must be Council Bluffs, law* . See klodcl f'«fa(j;e at trmind. All MlcItlift-BMilt jGaragcs ata "Fellow J[ews,J' Mr. Marshall beIN QUARTS AND BULK • J . "constructed! ' o t and other Passover foods caW "I £re e t 'y° tt w i t h t h e "worda of first quality materials by — AT ALL GROCERS AND MAttKBXS-r ' ' I In Omaha -'C3 trained tho thfe Psalmist, 'How pleasant it Is for bt^thren" to-1 <lwell togBthef in unitjj/ are* gathered .here today in Jht; build anyjvbcfe in Ojnaha, H "oodly Tiumbersrthofie who in the past 1 2025 Crnning. Street Council Bluffs and Vicinity. B 2oO Rooms—240 Baths have called themselves Zionists, and 8andH7HvCnll WE 0430 ™ 3101 Sooth 24th Street , oAers who have c^Hed -'themselves Southeast Carter 21st *ad Cnming Stre*t Good Bodms tot $1.50 MICKL1N LUMBER CO. | non-Zionists. But we are here tonight Operated by Eppley Hotels Co. ' « & & y ^ W e have t
h a b i t
m a n y
t h & n l
f e e l i n g
t h a t
Stiitky, April 3,1927
We Announce That we have Moved to 1552 North 20th Street '
s Clotliing From Maiiufiacturer to Wearer at Wholesale
Spring F
Omaha Fixture and Supply Co.
Theodore-Shafer Co*
1 PASSOVER GOODS I I Manischewitz and Redelheim I MATZOS . I . _ I RABBIH, GRODZINSKY
. Sweet—Di—Soisr Pickics mi Relishes
Thiessen Vinegar & Pickle Works ,
Banquet in Honor of Mrs, Itma Lindheim
no water remains* Bfeat frying pan
To have & criso crust, always hare
very hot, grease *fid poof off all BUT* pie crust cold, als& fining cold before pias fat, pat in meat. As soon as one putting together. side is seared turn and sear on other ^Jt,M,vA; side, turn often being careful not to Vienna (J. T. A.) —Reports constick fofk in meat. Cook 8 minutes,. . On Sunday evening, April §, at the Community Center, a banquet -will Remove to hot platter season with cerning new anti-Semitic excesses in be served at six o'clock in honor of Mrs. InJia Lindheim, national president salt and pepper and serve at once. If of Hadassah. The Omaha- Chapter of Hadassah, which is sponsoring Mrs. onions are to be served they should Jassy were received her today. Lmdheim's appearfSnce in Omaha, is proud to announce that Mrs. Lindheim be slowly stewed in a eeperate pan. will give an addrfcss the Same evening at eight o'clock in the auditorium of If you find fried onions hard to the Center. Thp public is welcome. There will b€ no soliciations of funds. digest, pour boiling water over them The regular meeting cf the Jewish A fine musical program will preceed Mis. Lindheim's talk. No children under to remove grease just before serving. THe Indies Free Loaa Society Women's Welfare Federation will be twelve will be admitted. . Always cook onions over slow fire. hold their next fegula* meetiagyWed- held itiesday, April 5, at 8 o'clock a1 Mrs. Irma Lindheim is reputed to be a charming speaker and is a Steak should always be started in a i You have forced us to move into larger and nesdajf,;-Aprii-% at 2 t>'eloelr a t ttie the Jewish Community Center. Miss woman who, through her experiences and travels in Palestine, has much more beautiful quarters to serve your needs. very hot pan as otherwise juices esJewish Community Center. : Helen Gauussaa of the South Side to bring to hear listener^ in Omaha. cape and you will have a pan of juice WE THANK YOU' - /• / TJhe'Omaha Chapter of the Ai.Z» A* Social Settlement will address th. Among those who have made reservations for dinner are Doctors and and meat will be tough. meeting, Mr: Harry Robinson will Considering it is only our second year in entertained at a dinner lafet Sunday Mesdames A- Romm, M. G. Wohl, O. C. Goldneiy fi, M» Jahr, Messrs. and * * * Omaha, it surely is— "' evening, March 27, at the Jewish render violin selections. Mrs* Henry Mesdames Charles Levirison, M. F. Levinson, 2. J. Friedman, M. Kulakofsky, Mocha Ice-Bos Cake Monsky is in charge of this meeting. Ctonu^iMityytJeHter, in honor of Louis J. Rosenberg, B. A. Simon, A. Silverman, Henry Monsky! David M. Newman, S doz. lady fingers Idpp-and Befi KasloWfeky^ ^ h 5 left for % 1b macaroons A. L Kulakofsky, L Kulakofsfcy, H. A, Wolf, Mas Frotnkin, J. Lintzman, Chicago-Thursday night to xe^resent French and German 1 pint cream (double) J. Kulakofsky, J. B, fiobinson, Max Lerher, A, Thedore, Julius Stein, J. Leib, Omaha -in^the - debate Contests in % ft> butter Lessons to Start S. Robinson and Max KirshenbauM. the: national \ A. Z. A, t&tmiaihent. powdered sugar (very fine) Registration is now closed for clasSpeedies were made by lipfr K&sVz small bottle extract of Mocha Egfs aad Cheese on Toast BO grippingly. portraiffed on the lo-wslqrr Srier,and.Godal*.?. - ses ili JP.re.afih and German. All those Maraschino cherries Estimates furnished free i'""-^** stage, in snch; eplcndid dfefejj, Melt 1 tablespoon butter in pan, add Mix butter and two cups powdered The members were entertained by who signed up Will be notified before cinotional fashion. I admire the Phone Jackson 1614 409-11' Hospe Building % cup cream, add 4 eggs that have sugar, add drop by drop extract of Maurice Alpetin and Morris GItfet Who very long as to the date of liie openperfection of the players in their been Carefully iroksn into a saucer Mocha then the cream whipped stiff. ing .lecture.. There is a possibility of work and the devotion they give gaife Jnpersonations of. the SBfio first, sprinkle with salt and pepper In bottom of mold place a few cheranother class being formed. If you to i t " ..:-. ,.; -. -...;.• members 'of the chapter. Harry Sid* and cook slowly. When nearly done ries, line mold with lady fifigers (up man, -was*,i;o&£tinaster df the Sinner. are interested, leave your name at the OMAHA'S $£5,OOO,Od& sprinkle all over with grated cheese. right) add a layer of creamed mixoffice. MERCHANDISE EXHIBITS Let cook fO* a Mnate or two and ture and a layer of macaroons until APRIL • FOOL BA^JCE, CHIEFserve on hot toast. Pour any cream all are used. Stand in ice box for 4 TAJN mTELt PBIDAY; APRIL Hoine Hygiene Coarse Planned left In pan Ver fegge. hours or longer. Serve with or without .—Adv: : tJnder the auspices of the Board of whipped cream. Hint for Deviled Eggs. Education, it is planned to conduct Fruit Cocktail The Kxf-Zees held their regular weekly lectures in Home Hygiene and Mash a few sardines with yolks beMix equal parts of diced oranges meeting: Sunday afternoon at the home Personal Hygiene for all girl memfore refilling cases. Onion, celery or Household Hints of Miss Barbara Truhaft. Bridge bersof the Jewish Community Center and grapefruit pulp. Sprinkle "with a pimentoes are nice. Your custard will always Tb& a little sugar and lemon juice. Place on prizes "were won by the Misses Min- over 16 years of age. Registration * * * success if you do not allow water to ice. Serve in tall glasses or cups made AND DOUGLAS T. nie, Margolin, Rose Saks and Sadie is now being held at the office. EnrollPan Broiled Steak boil. from half oranges or grape fruit. Katelinan. Any steak may be used. Meat should Use a discarded electric light bulb ment will be limited to 20. The first Garnish -with maraschino cherry. The next meeting" roll be held at ones to sign up will be accepted. be % to 1 inch thick. Wipe meat so to darn stockings over. the home of Miss Sadie Hatelman. In All of Omtuufs $2Sfi00fi00 Reiail Register now! • -• • Puree Pea Soup
An Established Record,' .
A. H. BRODKEY CO. General Contractors
1 .J-
Bring one can large peas to a boil, add 1 cup vater and cook five minutes. Rub peas through fine strainer, add •water in -which peas cooked. Add one pint milk, salt and pepper to taste, one teaspoon butter and just allow to become very hot. Serve at once with crackers. This soup may be thickened if desired by rubbing one teaspoon flour with one teaspoon butter and adding SISTERHOOD Sisterhood Reciprocity Day will be a little warm milfe to make a paste, held this Jfear in Omaha, Monday, then add to soup and allow to cook -•-.•-.. April 4, at'TempIe IsfseL The Sister- one minute. . hoods of Lincoln and Sioux City will be represented. The Oniaha Sisterhood will Entertain at a luncheon on The whites of eggs are nearly all Monday, April 4, followed by a pro- albumin and water. The yolks contain gram. Mrs. H&rry Eosenfeld is pres- fat, mineral and water. Because eggs ident of the Sisterhood and Mrs. are almost all protein they may be Nathan Mantel^ is. chairman of the ed in place of.jtnea,t»,l, Tb of eggs enterfaismenl comttittsei 5 ' ' contain, as much nutrinient as.l R> of meat. About 9 eg&s weigh I B . . Book Review Clnb The Book Review d u b will meet on Tuesday, April 12, at Temple Israel "Quality Jewelers" at 2:30 p. tt. Rabbi Conn will review MALASHOCK JEWELRY "Why We Behave Like Human BeWholesale and Retail Jewelers ings," bjr-Ddrsey. ••*•-'• 213-16 City National Bank Bids. On Tuesday, April 28, Rabbi Cohn JA.5619 will review 'Tower," by Feuchtenwald.
TEMPLE ISRAEL • Items for these columns can be On Friday evening, April 1, Rabbi {telephoned to ATlantic 1450, not Cohn will speak on "Elmer Gantry," Hater than Wednesday noon. the sensational novel of Sinclair Lewis. There will be rendered special Beethoven music in honor of the BeethoMrs! M. Goldring of Los Angeles . arrived Saturday and is visiting at ven centinary. Saturday morning, April 2, Rabbi the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. J. SlosCehn's subject will be "Purification." burg. I
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Mr. and Mrs. A. Leve? n'avS &s their house guest Miss Minnie Ffeldman of *Des Moines. Miss Freidmafi. is the fiancee of Mr. Bin Levey,' •' J Mr. M. Herzberg spent the early $l part of the;week in Chicago.:...Kelpines Dancing Academy can be rented reasonable on any SundayCall Market 1018. Adv. EVERYB0a>Y?WSi 1B«1 AT THB CSTEFTAIN HOTEL DANCE, FRIDAY, APRIL FIRST.—Adv.
K ,
K-O-I-L-^125iECE RADIO ORCHESTEA AT THE APSIL FOOL DANCE, CHIEFTAIN HOTEL.—Adv. Ifr. and -Mrs. Abe •; Goldstein left Thnrsday evening for a ten days visit in Chicago. Mr, David Fishman returned home after visiting in Des Moines.
Mr. and Mrs. Dave Ferer and family of Detroit, Michigan arrived ISRAEL ZANGWILL: "1 took a very experienced in Omaha last Wednesday and are English" to see the Vilna now at the'-Blackstone Hotel. They ' Troupe. manager He was "so ;futt of adplan to make their future home in miration .as of envy. *If only I Omaha. could get such actors/ he said f o r the British Drama! What Miss Hannah Sommers entertained cleanness of attach S What vitaltiy! What a Romeo and Juliet! Saturday at a one o'clock bridge I could get from them! They are luncheon, complimentary to Miss Ernot afraid of feeling or making ma Wells, a bride elect. the audience feel." Mr. R. Kulakofsky left Sunday for PROF. ALBERT EINSTEIN: "I thank you for the incomparExcelsior Springs^ able joy which ycur wonderful performance has given me. I hare Mr<, and Mrs. Louis Kulakofsky .rarely seen the human passion. spent Sunday in Des Moines, with Mrs. Kulakofsky sister, M r s / A b e Davidson and Mr. Davidson. Mrs.. M. Blank of Sioux City, spent the; week-end in Omaha with her son, Mr. Leo Blank and Mrs. Leo Blank. Mrs. W. T. Clear and daughter Rose Marie of Carrol^ Iowa, spent the week as the guests of Mr. and Mrs." l&jGasper and Mr. and Mrs. GhnpeL The. J. C. C. Girls Debating Team Club sponsored by Miss Lillian Mangoiin:' meets every Wednesday evening at the J. C. C. The activities of the club includes debates, declamation and dramatics. At the next meeting the subject for. debate will be: "Resolved, It is better to Lave loved and lost than never to have loved at all/' Miss Celia Moskovitz and Bessie Spar will uphold the affirmative, while the, negative will be upheld by Mary Claire Shames and Mildred \ , Shrago. f
The Y. P. Z. club entertained at a Purim party on-Saturday, March 19. , THORPEIAN NEWS £oe Rosenthal was the principal speaker at the Thorpeian Athletic Cliib meeting Wednesday evening. His topic "Sapiro-Ford Case" was followed by a general discussion from the members. The club will hold its April F«ol dance April S, Sunday, -.at the Lighthouse. • i '.:, :^J11 : ^ET'S GO. CHIEFTAIN. HOTEL, COUNCIL BLUFFS, FRIDAY NITE,
B A M ICE MACHINES . "Manufactured in Omaha*
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Prescriptions filled by Begistered Pharmacists only. „ '. Prices -rety T«a«otBibl*r—Dcllrery
Let Us Help You Keep Clean
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Wednesday Evening, March 6 They Will Present The great powerful mystery folk drama
THEDYBBUK • ;• i Drama in S Ects and prologue
Thursday Evening, April 7 Jacob Gordon's classic drama
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918 Parnam S t
We are offering special prices on cleaning of rugs for Passover.
lews of Omaha Lincoln and Fremont Ne- . .; feraska and State of Iowa -;- residents purchase Pales.. tine land from
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The only authorized land . selling and colonization agency of the . s
ZIONIST ORGANIZATION Save your European relatJTes Settle them in Palestine
Many Jews of the States of Nebraska and Iowa have Palestine land. •
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A wide selection; plaia coating and smart novelties. Right now is Top Coat time, and this is Omalm'1 Top Coat Store. . '
Managemen.t, H. MARCUS
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RSJGS ANDCARPETS CLEANED We have installed a new rug and carpet cleaning department in our plant.
The vranted patterns. Suits that cannot be duplicated for less than ?10 to $12 more money. Seeing is believing. . So see these suits Tuesday.
Reserve seats are now on sale at the J. C. C.
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401-403-405 Sontb 10th Street
Director of sales for states t>f Nebraska, Iowa, Missouri, Indiana, Illinois and Wisconsin. . OMAHA OFFICE :—490 B r a s d e l s £bettre Bids. CHICAGO:—Zionist Bareac, 153 K. Clarfc Street. GENERAL, OFFICES;—114 Tilth A T C , New XorbCIty.
27th and Martha -St*. HAraey1CCS Omaha, Xebr. Soft gray, Iron, brass, bronze ana siuminum castings. Standard sizes bronze and iron bushings, sewe; manholes, cistern lings a n a ' covers, and clean-out Icors Jn stock.
Jewish Community Center
These performances are under auspices of local chapter of Hadassah
Druggists and Stationers
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E.E. BRUCE and CO.
Greatest i beof their fine tailoring excellent iu< tert&l« to perfect fit.
is coming for 2 performances at the
Successors to Jones Candy Co.
1819 California Street ATlantic 6291
Stocks — You'il Agree That the Greatest Values Are Glazer*$ -'-'-.
In Four Acts Prices, $1 and $1.50
FREGGER-FOX DRUG CO. "Careful Druggists'* 14th and Douglas St.
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The Gopelmaa fcoriy Co Phone JA. 3986
The original well known
36 Tears of Honest Merchandise Is y o n Guarantee ol a • SqnaP* Seal. -
BRODKEY JEWELRY CO. Famous for Diamonds 1419 Douglas
CITY COMMISSIONER W i in the Primaries to be held April 5
I Will Appreciate Your Support
Vote for-
i KEHM for
Commissioner This "Human i3yaamo" now in the State Legislature has served the passage cf more Constructive Bills than any man at Lincoln
JEWISH PRESS, THURSDAY, MARCH Sl r 1927 Central second's last year, are on- the 1 in the final game with the Malashock Jewish Community Center Team Jewelry; The 1926 Gate City champions will "Purple" first squad, so far. LevinBowling Notes soon be out on the sandlots of the son .is. the smallest of ~ the trio but The loss of Jack Kramer was keenWon Lest Pet. ly felt and Jack Alberts' crew had to city in full regalia^- Abner Kaimjra. seema.tqc£ave the best chance to .742 a'veteran ballplayer, will sucqled make a place for .himself on the Kaiman Insurance 32 11 be content with the leadership of the 25 20 .555 Nate Green as manager of thej team. "White Eagle" nine. He has speed Wardrobe second division. BASEBALL ; - ' . Doc Steins 24 21 .533 Kaiman will soon issue a call for and can hit when he is needed. There were a number of 500 totals Alberts Colts 23 22 .511 Opitatifct in the. Western tryouts for the team. Any Jewish during the evening, too numerous to Omaha Tobacco 17 28 .380 The latest news from the training ballplayer will be received with open None of the other prep squads have 30 .333 mention. camji of the Omaha:baseball team arms and given every chance to strut got down to brass tacks yet, so little Malashock Jewelry ..15 The bowling season came to a close Dave Cahn shot the high single ttflk us that. Smiling,, SanunyKaaif' his stuff. The pitching staff ist shot, is known of their material for the witn a standing of the teams as in- game of the evening with a 232 mark. £m£n • is nearly, recovered from the gone completely,1 unless Al Handler time being. dicates above. There was a spirit of "severe'tone bruise tn his. right hand. changes .his mind about ball for this .-- .,^_i*. contest for second place, with the '• A committee consisting of Abe VenThe injury to the former Community year.-> Dave Bleicher, veteran catcher, •Wardrobes nosing out-the-Doc Steins ger, Jack Alberts, Ben Yousem, Dr. Center 'star twirler. had -put;" him" or* will, be among the missing when ,roll Pie' S?ack' season in'-the local school? by reason of failure of the latter five M. E. Stein and Ab Kaiman is arrang. the shelf at. tha camp, Borto. speak. call is sounded. Bleicher has moVed has just started and little actual work Sammy writes the glad information to Detroit, Michigan, where he- will has -been done. Central is probabaiy that he is feeling much better. and make his home and incidently attend the farthest advanced in the track will soon be up and about, -ready to the University of. Detroit. Lester and field sports. But Levin seems to 'fight with all that .is, in; him-for, a Giventer of last year's gang will be have a good chance to pilfer a berth position as a regular on' the local the. leading candidate for the back- as a member of the shot. put gang. Engine Breakage Accident and Health Explosion (General) Assault team. ' • . ..- - * stopping job. No doubt the infieldefs Levin's< heaves have been promising Express Shipments Automobile Fire Fidelity Bonds Automobile Liability and outfielders of the championship and he may develop into .another Amarillo in the Western League Fire ana Tornado Bank Deposit Boiler Explosion . Fly Wheel Art Swartz, one of the foiiz catch- crew will be on hand to attempt to Jewish star". He is the lone represenBurgiary^ (Residence) Freight Charges Burglary (Store, etc.) Furs, All Risks ers on the Texas team, is waging a keep their positions in tact. Johnny tative of our race in the scant togs Burglary of Sate Golfers' Equipment Check Raising tough battle to retain his-place, on Rosenblatt, the little fellow wjth the at the present time. Other Jewish Golfers' Liability Civil Commotion 'Group Insurance « the "Amarillo receiving staff. -Art is heavy bat and swift legs, will be youngsters may come out next week. Consequential Damage Hall.'.' • Contingent Liability Hold up {Messenger) confronted with,the. fact tfiaThe must missing from . the outergardens. It is .a peculiar thing but seldom if Contractors' Bond3 ' (Paymaster) Demists' Liability (Personal) displace one ofthe two veteran, catch- Johnny is signed up with the Carter ever 'has 'their been a Jewish track Druggists' Liability Household Goods In Elevator Liability ers in .order- to keep hiV place on, the Lake club.of< the Metropolitan league. man on any, of the local teams .with Transit the exception * of Marcus Krasne of Amarillo roster.. The ex''Tech HinrTl Office: Tech High and Creightoh ,U.. S. The hero' is blessed with a .good batting Central High School. 824 World-Herald Bids. boys Just do not^ make any effort to eye in addition to his ability: as "a " Herman Levihson, Orris Donovitz, : letter in that branch of. sport: receiver of any kind -of thrown ball. and Harold Pollock, members of the
ing plans for a stag to be held dur- league is now a thing of the pi and the Kaiman Insurance cage ing the following week. have the pleasure of being pogsesaoi WRESTLING AND BASKETBALL ofthe individual medals and the bi, None of the Jewish boys who en- silver cup. The Grose Lumber Co,* tered the City Meet wearing the col- took the second place honors and the..* ors of Tech, South and Central fin-bronze medals emblamatk of theit "^ ished in the money. Nate Marcus of standings. The tourney on the whole Tech High went the farthest in the was a success from start,tofinish,no tourney when he was thrown for a teams dropping out and only one loss in the finals by the Creighton squad forfeiting a game. entry. The other boys fell by the LET'S GO. CHIEFTAIN HOTEL, wayside. " .. .; COUNCIL BLUFFS, FRIDAY NITE, ~v The' Community Center Basketball APRIL FIRST.—Adv.
INSURANCE ALL BRANCHES Jewelry. AH Risks Landlords'Liability Larceny and Theft. Leasehold Liability (Genera!) Life Live Stock Merchandise in Transit Motor Boat Motorcycle (all forms) Musical Instruments, Partnership LKe Insuran'e Physicians* Defense Plate Glass Breakage Profit Insurance Rain Insurance
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j , 7-B^arin^jperformance costs little, if anyl more than 4-cylinder performance. You ,can buy a Nash Light Six enclosed car for .as little as $925 f. o. b. factory—an amazingly low price for a car like this. For besides the exceptional smoothness of Nash 6-cylinder, 7-bearing performance, the new Light Six models of Nash have every worthwhile feature ~6£ modern motoring i . Full force-feed engine lubrication—decidedly un usual in cars under $1000; Nash mechanical 4-wheel brakes, with front wheel brakes totally enclosed to protect their efficiency. Double beam headlights; Automatic windshield cleaner; Rear view mirror; Gasoline gauge on
instrument board—an indispensable convenience. 5 Budd-Michelin steel disc wheels; Alemite high pressure chassis lubrication, instead of old fashioned grease cups* Air cleaner and oil filter to seal the engine against dirt; steering gear especially engineered to handle balloon tires without excessive steering-wheel effort. And, in the closed car bodies, genuine hardwood frames with rounded rear roofs like the costliest custom cars of Europe and America. You can buy this car for about the same price as one of the higher priced fours. At the most, you'll only need to add $50 or $60 to your first payment. Drive the two cars, and you'll certainly decide you would rather have the Nash!
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Wholesale 10th and Howard Streets
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