April 7, 1927

Page 1

A false friend, like a sfaadoic, attends only wHle the suo

By H.H.R.

Out in Russia . There are a Lot of Russians That's Where the—Tea Mows


Dmitry Dobkin, the Enssian tenor who sang at the Jewish Community Center, Tuesday, proved himself to be Gntereo §. ',in<J.class mull'mallet on January 27th, 11)21 at a real Russian. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE, A YEAR, $2.50, VOL. No. 15 postoflice 5-" iha Nebraska, under the Act of March 8. ifeTU OMAHA, NEBRASKA, THURSDAY, APRIL 7, 1927 As Sam Beber, chairman of the community in charge of the series SIMON POLAKIEWICZ, = SOCIAL DEMOCRATS of programs being given by the cen-! FORMER FACTORY OWNER, DISPERSE JEWISH ELECTION ter,. was escorting the singer backMEETING IN VIENNA COMMITS SUICIDE stage, Mr. Dobkin turned to Sam and asked: Warsaw (J. T. A.)—Simon PolakieVienna (J. T. A.) — An election "Could you get me a little tea, wic2, former owner of-the great tomeeting called by the Jewish Commitplease?'' bacco factory of Grodno, commited tee was broken into and dispersed by "Of course," replied Sam, without suicide yesterdav. He y?as 60 -years a gronp of Social Democrats last • - •'•night. the slightest idea where he could get Attacks Students Who Change old. Advocates All Jewish The meeting was held in the the tea at such a time. It was stated that the cause of the Their Names and Hide Race for Palestine BaMimg Vienna Jewish quarter and was to suicide was worry over the loss-of his Sam approached Sam Gerson who have • been addressed by the Jewish factory, which t i e government took got the tea. CRITICIZES THE leaders Robert Strieker and Mr. VIEWED SUFFERINGS'• • v. under the tobacco monopoly. He So" in place of the usual water, JEWISH FRATERNITIES over Plaschkes. also suffered from cancer j -It was • . JEW IN EIJKOPE Dmitry Dobkin used tea to moisten stated. • • • • : • . • • • : . The "Wiener Morgenzeittmg" urges New Yofk""(J.~T. A.)—Discriminahis throat between songs. the authorities to see to it that the! New .York (J. T. A.) — United tion against Jewish students in AmerStates Senator William E. King ef voters are given the privilege 6i Utah, urged -the United States 'governican colleges.was charged by Rabbi What Helpless Creatures meeting and .discussing the issues. Stephen S.' Wise in his sermon Sunment to'prbtect oppressed Jews in all Are Men day morning at the Free Synagogue countries with which . the United Pity .the .poor husband who stays on "The Jew in American Colleges". States, has regular «!ip]omatie _relahome nights with the baby! Acts of discrimination, he declared, tions, .in' an'address yestefdfiy at k He i n d had a hard day at the have tragically caused the Jewish in- Racial - and. Religions Issue Will Ee •hmckeoir of-the Brooklyn Wowen'js office. He .came home prepared. £a tellectual to cease to be a Jew and Paramount in Next Presidential Division, of the United Palestine-ApspenS a nice quiet evening; His wife "to become associated with nothing", Campaign, He Says , peal, at" the. Hotel Astor. . . . was going' 'to, the Community' Center. through his efforts, to lose his racial Concert for CosiimBidty Center MemSenator King proposed .that.. .the He was elated, for it would add to and religious, identity. New York, N. Y. (J. T. A.)--Rep• b e r s O n l y • . • • • • ' " threat of "Severed, diplomatic relations the quietness. In the course " «f his sennon. Dr: resentative Albert W. Johnson, Chairbe held, over such countries as perse•That the-baby was to remain in his Wise mentioned specifically Harvard, jnan of the,House Immigration. ComOn Wednesday evening, April 13th, cuted the peoples within their bol-dare. -custody mattered but little. He would TTale, Princeton and Columbia as mitee and father of the immigration Frederick Dixon, American Pianist of Louis Lipp Ben Kazlowsky put it to sleep and that would be typical institutions where Jewish stu- quota law, who is in. New York, said "It ie:my duty,"'he said, "if the distinction, will appear in concert.at black man. be in trouble, to help. The that. - Lonis Lipp and Ben Kazlowsky, repin a recent district tournament. dents and their activities were being- yesterday that there will be no more the Jewish Community Center. same I say for the Jew <a Eny op~ resenting District No. 1, in the debate His wife-left. He played with the discriminated against. immigration to the United States The teams represented in the deMr. Dixon is a former pupil cf baby awhile and. then proceeded to "Not one in 100 of the young Jews after about 1950 or 1552, /.and he section of tie^ Nation^r A. Z. A. de- bate contest were: Omaha, Kansas Joseffy and Bloomfieid-Seisler. Both pressed race. I must feel «. kinship send it into the arms of Morpheus. in American colleges and universities makes the guess that New York City, bate, basketball and oratorical contest City, Fargo, No. Dakota, Minneapolis of his teachers predicted a remark- for all the people of the world. But Mr. Morpheus wasn't in for the is frankly a "Jew71, said Dr. Wise. which he thinks is overcrowded al- held at Chicago, April 1, 2 and S and Grand Rapids, Mich. "I place above the philosophy of able success for him which is now bebaby, or the baby dida't want to "The young Jew in our. colleges is a ready, will receive 2,000,ODO additional were awarded first place in the naGreece aud Rome that greater philosing realized. The national winners in basketball visit the old gentleman yet, for sleep problem. He is" an "alien element, a immigrants within the next few years. tional contest. : He made his debut in 1922 and is ophy of life, of beauty, of ideals that came not. They debated the^ question, "Re- and oratory were also winners of the slowly but surely winning a place at has been transmitted through the child of daring race, without ideals He also expressed the belief that in . top of his profession. He is Jews. I. beg .you young ladies not. to solved, that the Johnson Immigration District No. 1, tournament, held in +the Oh well, thought Mr. Husband, this or vision. Not five per rent of these the 1928 Presidential campaign racial Omaha recently. The Des Moines j interpreter . kid's bound to get sleepy before long. students go to the synagogue or link and religious issues wfll be paramount, Act be Repealed." and poet. He makes the be ashamed that you ar® Jews. Five teams were entered in the con- chapter won first place in the basket- piano sing with an eloquence that is "There has been much criticism of Before long came along but instead themselves in any way to the Jewish no matter what may be done to test, representing fifty one A. Z. A. ball division and Max Kroloff of an attribute of only the finest piano the Jews that they are internationalof the baby falling asleep papa religious life. I can see why Christ- prevent this, ians look askance.at this." ists. Pray, what are Christians, if ."Within twenty-five years' time im- chapters over the country. Each of Sioux City, placed first in oratory playing. started to become drowsy. with the subject, "Hebrew Heroes." they are sincere ? the competing teams were the winners Dr.. Wise contended that it was migration in this country will be Then a new idea popped into the His program will be as follows: "I have no . sympathy vntix the "immeasurably more difficult for a abolished entirely," he" said. "Our I babe's little cranium. antagonists of the movement for the Andante in F .Beethoven "Baaaaaaaa," it began to serenade. Jew to achieve a position m a uni- form of government will "make this • Prelude G Minor RackstiSTiioS upbuilding of Palestine, wMch tradiPapa couldn't stop the baaaing nor versity than it is for a non-Jew." He necessary, because of the necessity of tionally and morally belongs to the declared that only a few Jews got preventing group control. The tighter • To a Water lily put the infant to sleep. Jews." -- . ' into university clubs bore and elseyou draw the restrictions the more "Czardas ...MacDowell j He got-disgusted. His quiet evenSenator King described - Ms imwhere and those -who "did get in the mishaps and complaints.of such II L ing had long past. He -was angry, The Dramatic Council of the Jewisi The climax of. Council Bluffs social pressions of -Palestine gathered dar"usually sneak in" by withholding! restrictions stack out until the people Fountain JSaTel '' ^- and then he phoned Jackson 1366. ing E recent trip, and""praised . the their racial identity. - will want to get rid of the whole Community Center hopes to score a events •will present itself in the A. Z. •Pierrot Piece No. 1 .Scott Joe Levey answered. great triumph in its presentation of A. Spring Frolic, to be held in the <r t h i n g . " '•';'. : ','. : •• •;. ' "; At Yale and Princeton, Dr. Wise Alfoeniz agreement readiest! between Dr, Ghaixn Find "my""wife and tell her the Princess Chrysentb&mnin, a_ Chinese new Hotel Chieftain, April 10th. Ad- - Triana said, in scanning the list t»f recent Mr. Johnsojj';, explained tfast. he; baby's crying and I can't .turn the upbuilding of Palestine &»fi th« .JewGquawlsP'QfE,"^ the papa pleaded with entrants to'-Greek tetterjEratenutieV favored a graduat*restrictfon.'"He*E£ys given, Saturday and Sunday evening, ly pleasing attenflic&ee to j&ifi'la Vith Etude -op. 25 No. 1 ish Homeland. and clnbs, and- so-callffJ" honorary So- the nest step to be taken in Congress Joe in desperation. Waltz E Miner April SO and May 1, in the Center the local A. Z. A. "While in Palestine f have visited cieties, he did not see the namp of will be restriction applied to border .Chopin Then the woman hunt began. Noctame G auditorium. Almost dstily rehearsals i The entire chapter of Junior B.-B.'s a number of places whe« the Jewirts ^ single Jew.He explained that he countries. * * * are taken place and the perfonnance j have devoted all of their energies J Polonaise op. 5S settlers '• hsve, tmder the Zionist knew that many o"± of own race promises to be an excellent one. • I during the past two "weeks in perfectAdmission. • -will be by ticket which banner, planted beautiful eolenie* No, Not That Kind chose any but Jewish names. The following compose the per- ing the various details "to- insure" a may be obtained at the ©See. There amidst the desolation I saw elsewhere Tou've heard that one about the 1 Kabbi Wise attacked Greek letter is no charge to J. C. C. members and in the country," . Senator King depleasant and. enjoyable evening. ^ sonette: woman going into a hat or shoe shop fraternities. • They were "worse than their friends. Each ticket will admit clared. Quoting from the Prophets, he The affair Sunday 'evening will be and after obliging the clerk by let- awful"; he said and he regarded JewOperating Staff: two. ithe first social undertaking of the declared' that the results of hie obting him display the entire store and ish, fraternities as even worse, "beMrs. Herman Jahr, general manager. local chapter in over two years; and) The concert is arranged through the servations, have convinced him thai"A very enthusiastic audience^greeted j Dorothy Reuben, coach. part of his neighbor's decides that cause they are exactly like, the others the interest exhibited in this affair courtesy of A. Hospe Co., and the "the desert is beginning to blossom she didn't need a new hat or a new only more so." Tliese Jeni^h frater- Dmitry Dobkin, distinguished Russian 1 Mrs. Sam Beber, vocal. Seidel, orchestra. bides well to make up for the lapse Mason and Kamilin Piano will be like a rose." nities exclude Jews whose parents Tenor, on Tuesday evening, April 5th JRudolph pair of shoes. Annette Ricklin, dancing. of social functions by the organization. used. at the Jewish Community Center. Mr. "In Palestine there cats be created. Now don't^ laugh. Such things and grandparents were n.-t born in Mrs. M. Beber, costume design. Music will" be furnished by the Dobkin gave a program of Italian, the United St?t'es_or who may be of Mrs. M. F. Levinson, business manag. homes for half s million Jews ur happen—and frequently, too. Max Fromkin, stage manager. famous "Goldenrmls". Fairmont Creamery Producing more," the Senator said, "snd mmmg Take for example the other after- Russian Jewish or Polish Jewish Russian, Hebrew, Yiddish and ^English Mrs. Y. M. & Y. W. H. A., ticket sale. songs. This was the sixth of a series origin. Butter for Passover the Jews I met in Poland and o£be£ Boon. Mrs. Irvin Stalmaster and Stage Crew: of eight lectures, concerts and recitals Sirs. Meyer Beber decided they K ATIONAL 'A. "Z." A. OFFICER The Fairmont Creamery company European countries I have given under the auspices of the CenteK Art Robinson, carpenter. evidence that at least that many wanted some candy. They went to AUSTRIAN JEWS Sol Miroff, electrician. BURIED IN BLUFFS of this city have placed on the mar- anxious tq migrate to a land that will Martin Bush, Music Critic of the Dave TO PROTEST AGAINST Greenberg, general utilities. the candy counter at the center. ket for the Jewish people Passover ROUMANIAN EXCESSES Bee-News, says of him, "Mr.-Dobkin Mrs. Phil Romoneck; make up. Lawrence Glazer, 19 years old, of butter, made under the .supervision receive them and give them the hoist The candy displayed did not please disclosed many commendable Mrs. I. Stalmaster, wardrobe. Fort Dodge, .Iowa, died Sunday night of Kabbi SL I. Braver of Sioux City, they have beeu craving »tid prayi«£ Ihern. Vienna (J. T. A.)—Joint action to qualifications. The voice, while truly Cast: . . at his home after an illness of two Iowa, st the Sioas City plant of the for." "Well, here's a new bar, the Black protest against the anti-Jewish ex- tenor is compass, is more suggestive -Princess _ Bertha Greenhouse w e e k s Senator -King attacked the imtsi* Bottom," Dave Smith, salesman in cesses is Honmania will be taken of a high baritone in timbre. It is of Lillian Stulsky to Fairmont Creamery. Throughout the gxation laws recently adopted fey Con* Council Bluffs Monday broaght afternoon :harge,.said, pulling out a box of the here soon by the representatives of substantial ' proportions and most Bess entire east various creameries a?e Haykin Maiden attendents hveets from under a pile of other Austrian Jewry. 'All Jewish parties in agreeable quality, and 'a very • evident Bess Greenberg on the Princess where funeral services were held. He producing butter for the Jewish gress as nujust and ishtmnne. "As .ranking' Democratic member .«£ loses. ^ j was a brother r of Slessrs. Ben and people on the Passover holidays. Austria, as well as all leading organ- familiarity with many vocal * truths -Ida Fine the Senate Immigration C®iamit««,£ "No, not that kind," said Mrs. izations have decided to act jointly in enables him to sing with an ease of Ludia Ross ..Fairy moonbeam I Robert Glazer of this city. He is also "This is the first time that batter -Sam Minkin Stalmaster. —Emperore • survived by his parents, a sister, and is being offered to the Je^wish people opposed the last inusigratUm this matter. An Executive Committee emission that makes for- a straight- Dave Dishoff „ because I. felt it to .fee u&jsst t» _ . ?ff |f° ' "^ ?S ;Stwo brothers at. Port Dodge. _ "Here's another new bar," .said Mr. was chosen to carry out this decision. forward style and absence of affecta- Marion Graetz —Prince So Slim f ! b of Omaha for Pesach, made by E Jews and to ther peoples -of Young Glazer was a member of the Smith. And for about fifteen minutes tion. He .suffused many of his songs Hy Shrier _..Jrnp Nol Aleph Zadik Aleph. He was elected creamery under the supervision of & Europe," ..Senator Kisg ie continued- to show the new bar?, JEWISH DEPUTIES -with a dramatic warmth that evoked Ruth Reuben ..Saucer Eyes Grand Aleph Geshor at the last A. rabbi," said Harry Eubenstedn, manSpeaking of the Rebecca Kirshenbaum, Marmtal his. little room was covered with PROTEST , AGAINST CHANGE marked response on the part of the Fairies: ager of the butter and egg depart- Je-ws of Eastern Europe, «E " tha Idppett, Ida Kurs, Jeannette Z. A. Convention. Alephs Abe Katelandy. -- IN ELECTION.ORDINANCE a u d i e n c e . " -•-.•; Turner, Esther Spar, Herznarae man of Counc^ Bluffs,-Harry Rubin- ments of the Central Markets.. We fey him during . bis visits Jssfc; But here's where the joker comes "Gilbert Jaffy, violinist, adde' luster Green, Lillyan Beber, Frieda.Bolk- stein, Dave Beber and Hyman Shrier have placed a large order with the and three years ago, Senator n. Instead of changing their minds . Warsaw (J. T. A.)—The efforts of to the occassion with two solos and er and Grace Levin. Fairmont Creamery and will have fbout -wanting candy, they both pur- the Polish parties "to bring about an encores, displaying all the character- Spirits: Helen Bloom, Esther Silver- of Omaha -were honorable pall- this butter ou sale at the both Cen- said that he felt'this coantrf justified in protesting, and that Jte inter-party -understanding concerning istics that have established him in man, Frances Goodman, Reva Mala- bearers. hased a five-cent bar. tral Markets." would favor severmg diplomatic n a shock, Dorothy Zlotkin, Jean Beber, the changes in the election ordinance •-..*.* - . popular favor locally. Harry Bravand Dorothy White. tions with. European coamtrisg tlJ»t The butter is being distributed have _completely "failed.. iroff was an effective collaborator at Chorus: Ida Greenberg, Bess Horwieh, Tera Leslie Concert Will JBe Maybe Yes and Maybe No treated, the Jews.' •: .• tkroughoat the city and can be pur: It develops today that the -failure HeM'Moaaay, April 18 chased from your grocer. : "Resolved, that it is better to have was due to the obstinacy of the the piano, for both singer and vio- lallian ChodakofE, Sadie Beber, "I despise sad have & i Faye EleL-, Eebecca Segal, Adelaide »ved and lost then never to have Polish Right parties who insisted that linist". hatred for all sorts of racial Greenberg, Ann Bishoff, Bess Hay- It is now announced that the song >ved at all." ty and religious .prejudices,*' the the new election procedure should be kin,: llary Shames, Clara Weiner, recital to be. given -by "Vera Leslie Jewish Fraternities Lead Which side of the question would to the disadvantage of,the national ator said. Jewish Students Win ou take? on Creighton Campus Sam Warshaw, Louis Ricklin, Geo! o n a c c o t m t of the sudden illness of minorities by reducing the possibility Honors on Debate Teams The Gamma Delta Chi or, getting of their electing a proportionate Cohen, Sam White, Stanford Sohl- this artist, will be held at the Jewish The Pi Delta Sigma Jewish social ANNOUNCE'NEW . way from the Greek, the girls' de- number of representatives. ber Eight Jewish high school stuE> and Robert Fregar. Community .Center—Auditorium,- on fraternity and the Phi Delta Epsilon, BmECTpBS. FOE nting club of the Community Cen- In a statement issued today by the : dents have attained the highest " ! ' Monday eve., April .18. Tickets dated honors that can be secured by de: ' '-"-UBS ir, "-stoged a debate Wednesday Club of Jewish Deputies it is pointed Jewish Medic fraternity, lead all the March 29 fraternities of the Creighton UniverRESTAURANT TO BE OPEN J will be good for the later baters. For years Central high vening tm- this subject. out that the new plan as advocated by DURING PASSOVER d a t e * - V e r a Leslie who has been called school has been represented by At the counting''of ballets, held' The affirmative was upheld by the Right parties is "an attack on the sity campus for scholastic-honors acJewish debaters but this year the "Hiursday night, M&rch 24, the f H cording to figures just issued by the ., the Australian Nightingale appeared | liss Celia Moskovitz,, and Miss BesT vital interests of the Jewish populaentire team is made up of Jews. While there will be no activities in before Royalty in tondon and has won The boys who are on the Central ing received the. higisest auinbot & te Spar;"the negative by Mildred tion ,and is an assault on the con- Creighton dean of men. high praise ajnougumsical critics.in debating team are as ollows: Sam votes and were '.automaticaUy *leet<Ml' The Phi Delta Epsilon with an the Community Center during the "i hrago and Mary Claire Shames. stitutional rights of the minority Fregger, Frank lipp, Elmer Sham- to serve for three years on the Board average of 91 took first' place follow- first and last days of Passover, the the principal capltols of Europe. P— The affirmative side won. groups.". . _. As previously arranged she will be berg, Joe West, Justing Wolf and of Directors of the-Jewish ed by the Pi Delta cigma which was Restaurant will be open daily/ from The participants didn't say whthcr assisted by Jean Duffield, pianist and Eeuben Zaitchalk. At Tech high Center: . . . ..'.'. Morton Richards and Asrne Rothenley cited actual experiences or not. He's .really doing his work good, so second place with an -'.average . of 9 to 5:30, all week, serving strictly Elgin Asbury, flutist. 87 4/23. The Jewish fraternities lead Passover food. Abner Kaiman, Ssm J. Lfeo&» . burg have been making names for good, in fact, that a number of the the other twelve Creighton ."frater- The rest of the Building will be themselves as silver tongue ora- Greenberg,. J. Harry Kulskofsfcyj Keeps Him Busy youngsters, evidently not accustomed nities by a good marg'n. tors. . _- closed on the following 'ates: SatJOINS CENTER STAFF' Heraberg, • .Nathan Bernstein a a l In a recent contest at Blair. J. Friedman. D. M. Newman has a- job at the to - discipline, think they are being Mr. D, M. Newman, well known j urday night, April 16th; all day SunNebr., Justin Wolf, ace of the enter that isn't altogether pleasant. mistreated. STKAUS ELECTED day, April 17th; Monday morning an<J among the different circles In Omaha, Centra! squad won first place in { The following wt-rt spp»iftte«! Jr. Newman is supervisor ofactivNow let's' forget such feelings and 1 the President to set%-je ou the B TO PASLL4MENT afternoon, April 18th, and will be open has been a&ied to the staff of the the extenperaneous contest. fes, and it is his duty to see that help Mr. Newman keep the" Center A Both the negative amf afTirma- of Directors for one year; on the evening of Monday, April 18+h. Community Center, in the capacity of teams at Centra! are composp-d lings are done correctly—that men building to be proud of. ' E, Meyer. Dr. Philip Rftbtttiek, London (J. T. A.)—Bertram Stuart For the second days of Passover, the Supervisor of Activities. Mr. Nevmian tive solely of Jews. According to the Sep -out of the ladies' reception Straus was elected to parliament on Building will be closed all day Satur- will try to bring aboat a better co- Purple an«I White coach the boys Eabbi Freaerick Cohn, AiexsRde* t> * • ' -* Htm, a'- *iifficult task, he tells me, the ticket of the Liberal party in the day, April £3rd; Sunday morning anrl operation between the different clubs] have done remarkably Vv-el! timing Frank, Herbert S. Hes\-e»rirfi, A Last-Word id other/'BUcb little things that ' Be!-it-ever so'jumbled, there's ho T>y-election which took place in North 1 afternoon, April 24th and will be open and classes xww meeting a t the! the debating season. N. Wolf, t F. Goodman, Louis bke for a niore efficient buildinir. wrLtiiur Jike one'a own. \ '. mer and heo Rcsenthal. Southwark. Center . . * I Sunday evening, April 24th.

Against Jewish Students in American College, Wise






" •

Local Boys Win National A. Z. A. Debate Title


Joksoa Visions End of A3 Immigration in 25 Years

Staff mi Cast Cissenier

Sprisg Frelc Sunday Ere


Famous Russian Singer Pleases Many at Center

U. SL frbtedm for .'. Oppr^sedJews




every,'J:hn*»(l»y at Vmahs. *ieb(S«kft. b'f

..:.,.¥&& iTEWSQ fcSE&S PUBLISHING GO&PANY •Office:; 480 fittndeift 3%efet*e feailding «• Telephose': ATIantic U50. - . NATHAN ft GREEN, Manager. Subscription Price, one.year^ .... Advertising rates furnished on application. "•"!•*



CHANGE Off ADDEES8—Please give botb the old and new addrcsa: be sore and elve yoor name.

vThjs Jewish,Press fs siippUed bf the Jewish Telegraphic Agfcftcy (Jewish Correi^ondence^BureaaJ 5Btfa cabled and iejegtnchh; Jewish news, in addition to "Mature -articlest and correspondences from alt Importantr Jewish renters. InquiriesLJs&adiug. 'J3ewa-.itejns «*eflited to this ageneK will be gladly aaswe»sa if addressed to Jfewltfc lyegraphie Agency-, <6£ltiroaiiway,NBW York Cityv • „

1927 ..Sunday, April 17 -Saturday, April 23 .Tuesday, May 3 •.-... frriday, May 20 -Wednesday, Jone l . Monday, June 6 L-Friday, July 1 ..Sunday, July 17 -Saturday, July 30 ..Sunday, August 7 .—.Monday, August 29

1st Day Pessach 7th Day Pessach __. Cosh Chotfesh Iyar . Lag b'Omer ......,„.>... fiosh Orodesh Sivan •> 1st Day Shabuoth Rosh Chodesh Tammufc _, Past of Tamtnus . Ros'n Chodesh Ab East of Ab w.— ,Rosh Chodesh Ellul

Berlin (J.iTV %.)—^Pie third -anWarsaw (J. T. A.)—The plight of J the Tafbuth schools in SPoland, in nual conference of; the Federation of ] woich Hebrew is the language of In- jewisb. communities in Prussia ended struction in the kindergarten, ele- here yesterday with little progress rae&t&ry and high schools, was pres-made toward unity among the various ented to Polish Minister of Bdaca- factions represented in the Federation. The conference lasted two days and tion DobrucM by a delegation representing the Tarbuth school confer- was the scene of stormy debates between the'liberals and the Zionists. ence held here recently. The delegation tirged l i e Minister The Liberals gamed a majority which to place the Tarbuth schools on aa elected Dr. Stern as president of the equal status with "the state schools Federation. Many of the proposals of alid that the government allot a state the Zionist delegates, aiming to place East European Jews resident in Prussubvention for them. Minister Dobrucki told the delega- sia Mi an equal basis ia. the Federation that he finds it impossible to tion with German Jews were rejected. place the Tarbath schools on the same status tts the state schools in view of the fact that sufficient instruction in the Jewish religion is given to the Jewisij students attending the state Public AccsBSissts mi Auditors schools. As to the question of a sub* ISADORE ABRAMSON sidy, this is possible only within the limits of the government budget, he INCOME TAX SEKVICE stated.

• . ; FfttEttS KOSHER DELICATESSEN We will handle a coatfettfte lin* »f Passover GdodB -^ Matsss, Cttttts, etc l$m No. 24th St.


; : ; ; r\ ~; - ©REAtEli FREEDOM FOR YOUTH . 'Thefirstforum-luncheon of the United Parents' Association BUTTER and, EGGS t>f New York, which was held last week, was attended t>y about six hundrednvoraen. Addresses were delivered by iProtestant, CeuticiS Bluffs, Cotfcblic aiM Jewish Clergymen, in all of which stress was laid on the neexlM permitting- greater freedom to youth in their training ask for Mr. Handler. The Club held 2 sq. chocolate for the moral Me. The Rabbi especially emphasized this point, its Annual pre-season Stag at the 1 cup sugar Harry H. Lapidus, declaring tfcat "y<rang "people mufct experiente life in order that BlackStone Hotel on Monday night. 2 eggs whole 'they may learn how to live on their own account and with a sense Bridge and other card games "were 1 cap sour milk Vz teaspoon soda of tfee mystic backgroufiil of life/' and counselled his audience to played. There were several new inmSupply C©.' bers present and twelve new appliINVESTIGATIONS % teaspoon baking powder *i;ras$yourselves a .little less; your children a little more, and even cations were turned into the tnemberGOEMBOES* ANTI2 cups flour Complete Store and SEMITIC LEADER, OFFERED more, that great far-off -divine event towatd which the whole crea- ship committee. 4$0 Brandeis Theater Beijing pinch salt POST IN HUNGARY Office Outfitters Phone ATIantic 1450 tion moves." Yours truly, v&nilla We deenpy \Vhile i t is,true : that youth must be allowed to carve it own Jerome f. Heyn, Melt butter and chocolate over slow •Budapest (J. T. A.)—Deputy Julius ovef TO.tKW eQTiare feet Chairman Grounds Committee destiny without too much, interference, it is questionable whether Southwest Corner fire. Remove and add 1 cup sugar, Goemboes, one of the notorious antiHighland Country Club. Eleventh and Douglas Street* sttch advice is appropriate at ; this _tiifle> jtohen.the tendency is eneggs well beaten and alt other in- Semitic leaders ifi Hungary, was ofIn Omaha • fered the'post of Minister of the InPhone: JAckson 2?24 gredients. Bake as a cake or add tirely the other ^f..'Wholesome inhibitions and-restrictions are cap more Hour and drop from a spoon terior, according to rumors circulated OMAHA, NEBR. afc vital, fe^ie formation «f character asis in the principle of perAUNT ESTHER'S in ^aiiiatftent ytstefday. on greased pan. Makes about three 250 Rooms—200 Baths mitting &eMai^aI^i.p3aMjive;mstincts to develop Unhampered. The present incumbent of the dozen eftiall drop cakes. Good Rooms for $1.50 HER MAJESTY, THE CUSTOMER, If there is anything-.wrong with modern youth, and many people Ministery* Szitovsky, is ill. » * * Operated by Eppley Hotels Co. Aunt Esther's serves Fruit Cup RULES THE EBfPIRE. Ha. 839S. believe that there-is, it;is;noi due to the fact that education has VFheri asked by newspaper repHurry Ufl Biscuts Mint Sauce resentatives, Deputy Gksemboes conbeen restricted ^nd r the:ndtiital development has been interfered Roast Lamb 2 cups flour Baked Potatoes New Peas firmed tne rumors but stated that he with. On the contrary, especially in this country, youth has been Vt teaspoon salt Pistachio Salad has not yet decided whether fee will given a wide latitude and considerable freedom and parents and Sye Bread 4 teaspoons baking powder . accept the offer. Jani *i pint cream • teachers have almost been led to regard youth as something divine Pineapple Pudding — Tea 2429 Decatnr 8U-WE. S527 • * * Mix dry ingredients, add cream and in itself, something that should not be touched or tampered with Roast Lamb for ix&c o£ destroying $ie divinity that is concealed in it. This is You may use a leg of lamb for this. pat out on floured board, cat and Jewish Young Man, married, EREZ-ISROEL MAT2OS bake in hot oven until brown. These desires connection as city salesespeeidHy true of Jewish:parents and particularly those of the im-j Wipe meat dry and sear in ;faan biscuits made with are lighter 1 $ust received Mateos irom Jiret-lsroel ana i am ottering iherii for tieven years experience. Adaptable, migrant type, who, because of their great respect foV America and j until brown, reduce heat, place in shortening. sale at a very reasonable price. The Matfcos are baked in Palestine efficient; hot just a wage earner. from the very best wheat and all of the greatest Sabonin recommend its institutions, look upon their children, who speak English and oven on top. Add one onion sliced* salt Box 755. that it is the duty of every Jew to have them at least for the Sederand pepper to taste and one cup Hints for a Bride's Cake have had the advantages.of an American education, a3 supermen, nights. Among the religious articles that I have are: Talesom, silk juice. Let cook slowly about To make a bride's cake use water and wool, Tohilin, Mezusos, Holy Scriptures etc. I also have Hagodos competent to judge of the requirements of their surroundings and tomato two hours or until done. Serve with in place of milk. Cake will be lighter. for Peisadi and kosher soap for Peisach. to estimate moral rights and wrongs much more adequately than mint sauce. Beat liard before adding egg whites.' LETT'S ALL GO—WllERE? they themselves. These parents have developed what the psychoAfter cake is baked and cool make a • Mint' Sauce analyst would calil a" sort of "inferiority complete," when in the small opening and place inside cake: The Jewish Social Club Vs cup mint leaves chopped fine thimble and penny for good luck.' "WELCOME HOME presence of their sons and daughters, graduates of American col2 tablespoons-powdered sugar Frost cake. leges and able to speak.glibly.of subjects which are beyond the ken 1 cup hot vinegar OMAHA DANCE" of their forebears. They are overawed by the superiority of their Dissolve sugar in vinegar and pour From A. Z, A. Tournament at children's attquii'ecf education and do not dare rebuke them even over mint sauce leaves. Let stand Vz To make cheese biscuits to serve Chicago with salad, make regular biscuit yhen they see, themftd^thirigs^which they ft&ve been-taught to re- hour. If vinegar is very strong use dough, roll out to ^ inch thickness, , gard as wrongs ^ Ihereis always the feeling that perhaps they are Vz water. Strain, reheat and serve. sprinkle grated cheese over all, roll unable to apjSre^iate1 the new enviroment 4n whichr4heir children v up Oke jelly r o i ^ a t i n Mices. Flec« Salad , in buttered pan. Cat side down. Sake live, and,, therefore,-should hot'express an opinion; - Who can tell 1 envelope gelatin. i in very hot oven for about 15 minutes. Kdpines Dancing Academy h'ow large is the nuber of Victims this false humility on the part % cup cold water . ' ; ~2 cups bqiling water 25th and Famam St. of parents has produced? Datice to the tune of the Juice <?f 2 oranges and l lemon Bousehod Hints * Whfle.no one would advocate, the'Restoration of the rod ahd Hot Time—Hot Music % cup's Sugar Be very tarefulin heatihg food in of the cat-o^nine-taiis in* the training of youth in the present genSpecial Call—A. Z. A. Meffibers }M lb - any „ nut meats a can. To play safe, punch a Small All Out eration, it may be wise if We should pause for a moment and con4 cups chopped cftler? hole in top. of can. Cans have been at the new sider whether we jdave not been too lavish in allowing so much Soak- gelatin -fn Cold water, add known to explode* -and cause painful ADMISSION 35c boiling water and fruit juices. Add a barns. Never use canned fruit of or freedom to youth. - 'Ther.e, is a pathetic passage in one of the let=green vegetables coloring* add vegetables that have been frozen and terso^ Ahjad Ha'am, in which the great Jewish thinker expressed little Everybody Welcome sugar. Stir well and strain. Add huts his o"oubt as to-.the wisdom he displayed In allowing too many liber- and celery and - put in cold place to thawed. Council Bluffs ties to his children, in*-view of subsequent events. The present set. Serve witji any salad dressing. generation may als6 find*; when it is too late, that several wholeSunday evening, April 10 Pineapple Pudding s'jpme "dont's," wisely presented, and gently insisted upon, would Split 3 dozen lady fingers. Place a have saved many a youth from early ruin and preserved the moral admission $1.25 couple layer in a mold. , Add a layer of and religious tone of the community.—Exporent. x crushed pineapple. 'Repeat layers until

HBR&MSON m m co.


iniiiiimiiniiiiiiiiiNlilni n nmnim iii:iiiiinii

M. SOMIT—Jewi$h Bmk Store

mnrtttrt nmiiujmi Mwmmmm u

It?* an A. Z. A. Affair

j Sunday, April 10,1927!



- » — • • • • • • • • • '



Yourself and lady are invited to attend this dance Famous Goldenrod Otchestfa



mold is full and all the lady fingers At the board -meeting last week a | and one large can of crushed, drained Editor of the Jewish Press. drive for a limited number of new; pineapple have been used. Add the Dear Sir;— ' The -writer spent .practically all of members was decelded upon with Mr. juice of one sfcaall bottle cherries and last Sunday afternoon at Highland Manning Handler as chairman and he place in cold place for 4 hours or Country Clufr^-nbt' "playing golf but with a committee oftenable assis- more. Top with marsh tnallow cream : covering the course far niore Inteftsiv- tants will have this in charge. The to which has been added cherries cut ' ely than if he bad- beefl "follbwiflg the -board recognizes the fact that there up. elusive" pellet.1* I am pleased to re- is a desirable class of Jewish young port that the eouree as a whole is in men in Omaha both single and marHurry Up Chocolate Cake ; mucn finer shape than ever before in ried who would like to enjoy the 4 tablespoons butter its career and we look lot a wonderful privileges (both athletic and social) y%ar J&f-golf and out-door life at offered by Highland Club but who feel that at this time the dues are prohib'Highlands SOEALS FOR* ASSOViRt ^ Mr^JKeaney, OUJ? able" "Pro" and hts itive; It has therefore been deceided •' staff of assistants have not been idle to admit for a short time only a limit* iBo you desire good meals in a this -winter and as a-result any bare ed number of additional members at private home daring Passover? . spots on fairways or on slopes to the a special rate of fifty dollars for the Wione Jackson 2747 or call at S19 '{greens have'been sodded; traps which year; and ii twelve dollars and fifty (were inclined to* hold' water after cents entrance fee. Application to be South 25th street and make ar> rainstorms have been drained and signed by a club member and ac-rangements NOWI I tiled and the whole course rolled aad companied by twenty-five dollars to i put in shape equal.' to «ny course cover entrance fee and first quarters ' in the Omaha district. At present the dues. Dues are payable quarterly. Mr. t. Hurwitz who contacts' the Hegrounds staff is busy seeding fair- This special membership admits the btew School at the B&ai Jacob Congreways, fertilizing greejiB and planting -member, his wife and children to all gation, 24 and Nichols* St., will teceive many trees on the course andlieforre privileges of the club. If you desire nctr students In tils ecaool bttween t&e long we will-have-fine-shade at allto join Highland and have not been hours of tbrce and nine. Call WE. 1235. tees and around, all .greens .and be- approached, phone Atlantic 6816 and tween the fairways'in artistic groupings. Within a lew -years now our course 'will be a -thing of beauty in a lovely landscape and autoists on the -" Padfl<!"road"and on 'one-hundred and twenty-fifth street, -will know High:JteKi%crantry Club, as one of the ipictwe-^pots of.-Omaha. The Club proper and the locker : rooms are being.-yenbyated and put in fine shape for.thj! antjual social open•/ - We have installed a new rug'-and carpet cleaning ing which williEake place in early department in our plant. May. The .graveJIJea driveways have allbeen levelled up"and rolled and the .:-';• CALLUS &ov/et gardens planied, 80 that no matte* which way o<ie looks from the clubhouse a beautiful vista'presents *





Agents for the famous

Manischewitz and Redelheim

MATZOS and other Passover foods

RABBI H. GIIODZINSKT 2025 Cumtog Street Southeast t^raier 21e* a»4 Cuming Street


Every Nan ShouldKnowWhat Values m Clothes! -«-jrOU want finest style and the best quality, yotf V want to buy as clc^e to cost as possible, we con* **• ceired the **No Sale" policy to give you new Styles when you want them*—and underpricedl Here you buy standard tailored, quality clothes at price levels emphatically below the usual level of prices for such goods, that's what makes big value in clothes; real quality at lower price, it*s here for you. Men's and Young Men's

Smart Spring Suits and Topcoats


RDGS AND CARPETS CLEANED We are offering social prices on cleaning of ."- "" rugs for Passover. -,^.


c S r k %ns already b^gun and the chiidTens.playground'jrfll. perfect «hap;e as, sqotj, as ihe April








-1941-43 Viftton Street Managemeht, H. SIARCUS

JA cksoa 1440

Fairmont's Better Batter, sWeet is made in Sioux City In our modem creamery uiifler the direction of Eabbi M..I. graver. The above is a reproduction of hifl approval -which appears, on nvety package for Passover week. Fairmont's Better Butter* sweet is put up in halfpound prints for your «onveriience.



Or at Any Price You Choose to Pay


t0 $



Ask Your Grocer




JEWISH PRESS, THURSDAY, APRIL 7, 1927 Mrs. Brown \ras_formerly Miss. Sara ed\apoB Chicago and -other -A. <ZL -A.J "' The estimate's provide for the rde-' Babior of Omaha. . > chapters th^t posifively'ino expensek] fence of Irag and- fSilestine1 ?£he' INLAND is being adhered to m order to put amount of £2,519,000", which is'-'a'deLOW DURING The A. Z. A. Chapter No. 7 held a over this event with just one real crease of £936,500 from that of last meeting Tuesday evening at the warm and genuine "welcome back to year; the Palestine - Trsrisjordanii' Warsaw {J. T. A.)—Jewish emigrtisynagogue. Final arrangementslwera our city. -'The pubTlt as well as -all frontier force "has an item of §45,00&, %ion from Poland to Pafeiiine reachted made for the A. Z. A. annual spring A. Z. A. members are cordially invited which is £6,300 less tban last year* the lowest ebb during the month of frolic which "will be held at the new to attend and to help us greet The allotment"ior the administration »Ianuary, accorSing "to ofBcial BOOK REVIEW CLUB The regular meetings of the Book Chieftain Hotel on Sunday evening,''"Victory Omaha.*' of itensjOTdania i a s heen decreased made tncrwti t&dfiy. Review Club will be held on the sec- April 10. They plan to have this Watch this paper for the announce- i>30K>00, the budget "no-w • 'Seing During the month SS left for ond and fourth Tuesdaj-s of the month dance the best social event of the ment about our "Passover Dance" on £62,000. estine. One hundred and twenty five as usuaL/ On Tuesday, April 12, Dr. season. Everyone is urged to attend. next Sunday, April 17. returned from Palestine during the Cohn will review, by special request, same period. Mr. and Mrs. Albert E. Gilinslry Dr. George A. Dorseys, "Why We Be- have moVed into the Oakland Court, WARSAW KEHILLAH INJURE MANY JE^'S IN TO INTRODUCE MEDICAL Stfbsrab© For The fvwtdt A special program is being planned have Like Human Brings." On Tues- Apartment No. 7. BERLIN ATTACKS WEDDINGS EXAMINATION FOR MESELIM for the next meeting of the "Zion day afternoon, April 26, the book for A young girls club was recently Fairies" to be held April S, at the review will be the Jewish novel, Berlin (J. T. A.)—More details of organized and is called the.J. F. F, Warsaw (J. T. A.)—'Medical exam.MrSrS. Novlfcsky aiffibtinces the J. XXc C. Those partaking -mil be: Tower," by Fenchtwenger. the anti-Jewish brutalities committed Club. Miss Lydia Ross is sponsor of inations for Mehelim will "be intro- by the Hakenkreuzler yesterday are g trt her daughter Lebnp, to Recitation, i Berg; Kario Solo, the club. Miss Sonia Saks is president, duced by a decision of the executive published in the metropolitan press , . XJasler A,' Stein of Sibuk City. Council Bluffs News and Miss Iconise Fitch is secretary of the Warsaw Jlehillah, according to today. The 'wedding took place tra March 25, Sarai^Trtiak; Dance, Lottie Rips, acand treasurer. Other members are a project now under discussion. •t|_' K&iisas City. H*. and Mrs. Stein companied by Phylis Soref; Vocal GOODMAN-aiCHMAN It appears that the attack which Solo,, Dorothy White. AH girls "beflan to inake their future idifie in ' The marriage of Miss Eva Sich- the Misses Rose Mendelson, Florence The proposal was introduced as a was started by the Hakenkreuzler at : tween l i e ages of 19 and 11 are elig- jnan, daughter of' Mr. :ahd~ Mrs. M. Steinberg, Rose Fox, Helen - Mae result of a number of deaths and lio. ' \ , . ' : - ' PffOTOGRAMttS sickness due to unsuccessful circum- the Romanisches Cafe was extended ible for membership. * D. Richman of Council -BlttSs, to Mr. Saltzman, and Dorothy-Cbessen. The cision operations. to the Nuerenbergstrasse and the 1311 Fsran.tn St, f Glub plans to have a hike in the near Bert N. Brown is leaving today'for Kaiserallee. The Hakenkrenzter ]:^[r. and Mrs. Harris Stein an- •a. ten days visit in 'St. Louis, Mo., Morris F. Goodman x>l OihSli&, took future. According to the Kehillah's plan, groups, 'with cries of "Death to the w. o. w. iia nbufees.lhe marriage of their dang-ht- aad Memphis, Tenn. Upon his return place Sunday, April-2, at six o'clock the Mehelim' are to "be examined by Jews" attacked Jewish passefsby, inFhofte. JA cfesbB :at the ionic of Mr. atrd Mrs. 33. jer Lottie," 4o Emanuel Yousem, 'which to Omaha lie will -go to Norfolk, Nebr. Mr. Isaac Hurwitz, who conducts surgeons before they will Ire admitted cluding many women. Many were: took place Wednesday, March SO, at where he - plans to make his future Michnick. Rev. A* Diamond per- 'the Hebrew School at the B'nai Jseob to practice. It is also planned to i s - severely injured., . the home-of Tlabtt Gohn. Mr. and home* While in Norfolk he will be as- formea t i e ceremony In} the presence Congregation, 24th and Nichols St., troduce'a classification of professional Mrs. Yousem are now at home at sociated with Ills brother, I. H. Brown, «S about fifty relatives. -Mr. Earl intends to spend tile Pesach holiday's Hehelim and 'amateurs. The parents GboSbmder -of Omaha played the wed-; 3146 Mason Street. ibittierly of Omaha. . with Ms fatnily in Columbus, 'Ohio. are to be asked "to apply to the raV ding march. He therefore announces at this Brae binate for a mehel. following We ceremony a dinner that he will receive new pupils before Mr. and Mrs. Sam indech of New lm>k for the 'Kale See out windows Friday - Miss Ida Shirley Adler acconipanied York City are the guests of Sir. and was served a t the tome of ftt bride's wafted or. t t e and 3«dge these BRITISH GOVERNMENT and after Pesach instead «f during by her mother, Mrs. tifiwis Adler, will Mrs. J, Wolf of Fremont, Nebr.. savingsyourself. •parents, 15$8 Avenue B. i* Ret •CUTS EXPEXDlTtJRES IN the intermediate 3ays, as is customleave for.CMcago Friday %venihg to Richman, who attends the ADMTNtSTRAtiON Mr. and Mrs. A. Brown returned of, Nebraska at J^incplnj came home ary. Mr. Hsrwitz 'will"-receive new' become the' iSride ti fl. ArUrar Gariiome last Wednesday after ^pending Friday to attend her sister's wedding. students in his s-ehoel between tie •^eld, son of Mr. and Mr& Hi <Jarfie!d : (J. T. .3L")—A"conslderable hours of three- and nine. Before three ffit nve mbhtils in Calif ornia. .of Chicago. The ^oung iibuple wffl Other guests from out-of-town in- -o'clock and after ^sine he can be reach- decrease In ihe expenditures of the leave for New York where they wSl British government oh 'the administraMrs. Meyer Hockenberg t>f Des cluded Mrs. M. Lotman of Lincoln, makerltiietr fel^re home. ihpss Adler Moines spent a few days in Omaha Nebr., and Mr. and Mrs. Archie ed at 2521 Seward St., telephone We. bf Palestine, Trarisjdrdania and 1235. Mr. Bufwitz will be glad to inIs the ^daughter i>t Mfc. and Mis. Lewis Visiiang Mrs. Mary Zalk. ELavich and son son,. of Fremont, terview parents of prospective pupils Iraq win be enforced during the -Adler, ,t>£ this city. \ Nebr. fiscal, year 1927-8. Mr. and Mrs. A. Pradell announce Mr. and Mrs. Goodman left that at the hours stated above. The civil estimates for the'middle the birth of ababy^irL Evylen Sheila, eastern service published today are "WELCOME HOME OMAHA I" Miss Ida Ruih Bogen . of Lincoln bbrh on March 23» at the ^Nebraska evening for a short honeymoon trip, based on a - budget of £S,SSo,OOD, spent iier spling Tacataon in Fremont, Methodist HospitaL Mi's. Pradall was and are now making their fionie with which constitutes a reduction of £1,lie bride's parents. To extend a hearty welcome to our as. the guest of Miss Laura Berek. formerly Miss Hannah Zifegman. city, The Jewish Social Club is going 049,000 from the total last year. Miss Bogen and Hiss Berek left for Mrs. Anna Levi, S7, died early FriLincoln on Tuesday to resume their ' Mr* «hd Mrs. • Isaac Summerfield day morning, April 1, at her home to stage on Sunday evening, Apri] 10, studies at the University of Nebraska. and daughter Dorothy Jane of St* at it North Seventh street,-after a at "the Kelpines Dancing Academy, Jewelers" 25th and Farna'm Street, an elaborate Paulj Minn., are the house guests of ^_ Hadassah Buds held their first Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Chapman and long illness. She is survived by ioni "Welccme Home Omaha Dance" honMALASHO€K JEWELRY daughters, Mrs. Barney /Gilinsky and oring the two A. Z. A. victors, Ben meeting: .Sunday, -March 27, a t the J . family. . Wholesale and Retail Jewelers Mrs. M. L. Marks of Council Sluffs> Kazlcwsky and Louis Lipp who have C. C . This Club is composed of girls 21S-1B City National Bank Bldg. Mrs. H. B. Weinstein who has spent Mrs. F . Marcus of <Qmana, and Mrs, just returned with national debating between the ages of thirteen and f ourJA. 5619 C. Greenwaid of Chicago, Illinois; championship honors from the tournatenn. The next meeting will be held the past three months visiting with v her daughter Mrs. Joseph Rubin and ane one son, Aire Levi, of t3iicago;1 ment held at Chicago. So enthused is Sunday, April 10. Mr. Rubin in San Anton, Texas, re- all ^who were at her bedside at the the club with the ^wonderful record time of her death. .Mrs. Harry Brandt* forinerly Miss •iurned to her home last week. that these two Omaha victors impressliSmeral services were teld Friday Esther Shapiro, of Brandt's;Inc., has William Walsh entertained the afterboon, "With hurial in the Golden just Returned from tile eastern market Members of lim Vilna Tr©upe>- Russian HiU eemeter$\ Items for these. COIDBUSS can bet S6 Tears of Honest EEercfanmJise i» -with a new collection of easfer and players, who appeared at the Jewish your <JTuarantee of a Square Deal. teleplroned to ATlanfic 1450, not 1 spring 'dresses for the miss and Sirs. Greehwald and Mr. Levi left Community Center Wednesday and 1419 Douglas Est. 1890 later than Wednesday noon. inatora. today for their home in^ Chicago. Thursday evenings at a box party at Meyerson,.son of Mr. T.nd Mrs. Drs. A. Greenberg and M. Gro- tne Wednesday matinee performance OMAHA'S $25,000,000 SPRING I H dinsky have moved into their new of- of the Clemant-Walsh players at the Sam Meyerson, vrah "first place in a Brandeis Theater. ^ -v pTano""cdn1»St" held a t the Abraham •-'"• MERCHANO1SE EXHIBITS nce at 902 Medical-Arte>Bldg. !' , The Riviera Theatie entertained the Lincoln High School recently. He Mrs. A. B. Alperin is expected to fe Troupe on Thursday afternoon. will represent his School tot ^the disreturn home today after spending the tiiet musical tournament which wiil The Hadassah Club entertained at •winter in Miami Beach, Florida, with be neMan Red Oak, Iowa', Ae llatter fcer daughter, Mrs. David B: Feder a buffet supper Thursday evening at part of the month.. the J. C. C, honoring^' the Vilna and Mr. Feder. Mr. Alperin left which appeared in the "DybK Mr. and Mrs. Hymie Brown anSunday evening to meet Mrs. Alperin Troupe w buk on Wednesday night and "Mirile nounce the birth of a "daughter, Pearl, in Chicago. Efrds" on Thursday night. Mrs. Her-: wHch-tras btjrn Tharsday, March SI, Mrs. Jack Chesen t>f Iihcoba spent man Jahr was chairman of the supper at the Jennie Edmundson HospitaL a few days -visiting a t the tome of which was given in Russian style. her parents Mr. and Mrs. Abe SomIn All of Omaha's $25,000,090 Retail berg. TEMPLE ISRAEL Oo;Fri(}ay evening, April 8, Rabbi topic will be, ""A Modern Prophet," Saturday morning, April 9, "Healing," will be Rabbi Cohn's subject.



BRODKEY JEWEUff CO. Famous for Dasonds

Average Savings of

468. Exclusive Samples of Beautiful-

Mrs. M. Herzberg and • daughter -Pauline returned home Sunday from Wheeling, West Virginia, "where &ey nave been visiting. Miss Herzberg has been in the East for several months. ' i


The Copelman Casdy Co

Successors to Jones Candy Co. Mr. Abe Weinstein of New York City, brother of Mr. H. B. Weinstein Romance Chocolates and of Mr. JL G. Weinstein and of Phone J A. 3986 91& Farnam St. Mrs. S. Cohen, all of this dty» past away Tuesday evening at his home PAXTON-MITCHELL CO. in New York. Mr. Weinstein was well HA rnf y 1BG2 ' The Deborah Society meeting has known, to many Omahans having 27th and Martha Bts. Oinaha, JTebt. Wen postponed to Tuesday, April 19, spent several years in Omaha. • Soft gray, Iron, brass, t)K>Me and kt2:30 p. m., due to the interceeding aluminum castings. Standard sizes bronze and iron btiKhlnirs, feewer raan^holidays. All members are iurged fe'lbB. holes, cistern rings nn«}, xoTers, and •present., The meeting will be at the HER MAJESTY, THE CUSTOMER, clean-ont loors in stock. RULES THE EMPIRE. Ha. 8398,


Stocks—Yorill Agree Thai the Greatest Values Are Gtazer's

Two Gremtect T a 1 « e *, i «•-. cauce of tlteir fine excellent a t . terl&Is -a n perfect fit.

The wanted terns. Suits cannot be •cated for less ?I0 to | 1 2 inoney. Seeing believing. So these suits Tuesday



Sale ope?is at 9 o'clock Saturday on the 3rd floor

Sample Coats greatly •undetpriasd . Sample Dresses greatly undetpri^e4 Sample.Suits greatly uhderpticed •

Established • You..have forced ..us to mm® into target more beautiful quai-ters to serve yoiir needs. WE THANK YOU Considering: it Is oijj7 oin' second year in Omaha, it surely is—

A transformation that is truly marvelous takes place when we dean a rug of yours. The most modern equipment?, experienced and careful workers, are responsible for producing this wonderful result at a surprisingly low cost. Whether your rugs are oriental or domestic weaves, their appearance will be improved and their life lengthened by out delicate process of cleaning. Phone us for an estimate.

An Established Record

A H. BEODKEY CO. General Contractors Estimates furnished frees • '

Phone Jackson. 1614

Tup Coats | :



hi 6



A xnde selection; plain coating and "smart novelties. Right now is Top Coat time, and this is Omaha's Top Coat Store.




3161-63 Parnam St.


Works 3101 South glth litpi.

. tv*'fevviK; i- _ v . - » • s k*s « i- *s _ • J i i l ' ."Ta.'rt. H"£i!





By MARGARET WIDDEMER .- (©. Doubleday, Faj-e & Ci>,'> -" •







-fiE sat quite" still where^Jtowlond bad reft ber, in bet: little girlish ' studior all -amotig~hef batiks. He J ! • ' had kissed her.and:said:'"Now. all-the time I'm afray I'll think of you .like that * Toar straight little dress iandydurdeaf Uttle pale face;aid your jxopes"of 'btecfc nair; you're.my fairy •princess?* ' • • . i ;£n«Iii e bad telephoned royally from {tiercoast, 'and cabled from Afghanist a n : "Love," always "Lpve." And •then—then she heard that all the time Jhe^was married! .. . , [ At .the first horror and disbelief— ' ("disbelief she could not sanely.Bold on jo—Ellen stood up out of ber accusitomed chair—his chair he bad left her rto^ana'" tried ;tb think' how' to bide. ause/she knew Rowland, All the she could write wouldn't mat|ter. r She knew how he'd come sweep•jln8rl>a.cfe; how he'd make black white, land alt bis lies' look wonderful and fcroad-rnlritled; bow bis charm would jgo on tjing- her up—as long as he iWanted her. •"_. . . What; should she '«to-^What?'. And Ms words went, over .and'over'again In her bf>ad. . . ; : ."Til1" think of yon like that" Afen "were like that. It was her difference from other-girls he'd liked.' , f Ellen's-'face set1 ."'1 can't stop loving him. . But lt : •won't be hard to stop him loving ime '. . ," ' "When he came back there wouldn't T>e' the' Ellen he liked. She'd make :way with everything . . . every-'thing that" Rowland had loved. $he, flon^ herself down, crying. She wanted . . . oh, she wanted Rowland, to love her . *. . but If be ^dld there Trouldn't be any safety any-'


an applauding circle 'atout* her. "Bu» she beard nothing. Jimmy", was vrnl* perlng In.her ear.* "I'm in, lpve wltb you—awfullyl Nell," he was stiffing UP he'd said, every- chance he got for months past.' "Do Bay you care. • Do give me a \chance to seeTOu alone for a minute. You're always In the mid die of this army.": And Ellen, If she had not known the love for Rowland was- dowrr at the bottom of her heart, almost said "Yes." She felt as If she loved Jimmy—nice, red-lialred. boyish Jlnv, my! If there wasn't that" Rowland thing underneath. . . . "It wouldn't,, be fair to you! Jim." Tou ought to know—" It was then"she looked.up and saw, Rowland, convoyed by Mary Lee, who bad brought him In the first place, staring at her. . . . Now she must brace herself for the flood of feeling that seeing Rowland had always waked. - And she must brace, too, for the hurt of seeing him look bored and turn away. She stared at him, then waved a flippant hand and laughed across at him with stiff scarlet lips. And Rowland-—came" forward with his band out and a look of exdtejnent on his face! And the flood of love for Rowland did not rise at all. . . . It would soon, of course. She. must go through with It all. She let him get her awgj In a corner, as cleverly as always. She waited for him to be bored." But—"Ellen, you little witch, what have you done?" he demanded. "How did you know that 1 would-bave beentired of Princess Ellen "in a mlnutel. "Sou dont mind, darling-? Ton were a little—earnest. You're a wonder. Oh T love youi you little witch I . . . Ellen . . . There's something, 1 have to tell you. You won't mind There was a very wearying bond. . . . I'm breaking it. Well get married, little witch darting 1" He said it—had lie always had tbls too swaggering air of certitude? Had he always acted as If marrying him was a treat any girl should be grateful for? Was this—this rather cheap person the Rowland for whom she had built • •» nil. the barriers and wept all the \ rs? She stared at him. forgetting to smile. There was no love, down there deep where she'd thought she kept It. She didn't want gestures and picturesque romance and swagger. She wanted somebody young, like hex. Somebody boyish and hesitating and cheerful and red-haired. She—why. she wanted .limmy! She stared on. Suddenly she heard the new Ellen's flippant voice speak: "No. -we won't get married."1 It saM. "You'd better go-bnck to your .wife. You -might fhvJ.it a - "Wearying, bond wben_ you'd been married ta me a week or so. . _^. . .And, besides, I'm engaged to another, man." And she deliberately, wntfced back to Jimmy. "I'm engaged to yon. "Jimmy," e said happily. "I think you ought to know!"

Conference- shampion next year, when In order" to reach the-high summit to names are not included, in the regist- Deutschen Juden at the conference on * Lyons graduates and Krasne become which "they climbed they eliminated' ers have brought a complaint before Jewish Colonization. the following1 teams from District and' the electoral > committee contending eligible for varsity competition. National Tourney play: Sioux' City that they are entitled tovvojte. ! By Stanlej F. Levin. Tech and Central" High Schools • and Omaha -in District One; Fargo Let Us .Help You Beep Clean Nathan Marcus, a. letter man in North Dakota; Kansas City, Missouri DR. PAUL NATHAN, BASEBALL-^''","' < : wrestling and a" reserve' letter man in and Saint" Paul, Minnesota in the NaGERMAN JEWISH LEADER, Omaha in the Western. League Saint Paul, the *26 kings, DIES IN BERLIN Smiling, Sammy Kaufman, hero of several other sports is doing well with tional Meet: 1 1819 California Street the Jewish Community Center's base- the hurdlers, both high and low. The were hande !! the worst defeat tenderBerlin (J. T. A.)—Dr. Paul Nathsn, AT lantic 6201 ed any team when the diminutive Des lanky lad is showing evidence of good ball team of '26 and 'till recently a one of the outstanding leaders of very promising candidate for the form and speed in his daily workouts. Moines boy led by Captain Louis German Jewry, died here this morning Bud Levin, Henry Weiner, Sol Yaf- Beckerman -trimmed them to the tune short stop post on the Omaha team at the age of 70. Death came as a was farmed out to Albany of the fee, Harry Azorin and Milton Alt- of 42 to 20. " result of heart lailure. shuler are all out for various field Southeastern league. Sammy, had Dr. Nathan was the vice-president been going jgreat guns untfll an in- events on Papa Schmidt's track team. JERUSALEM JEWS of the Hilfsverein der Deutschen UNITE FOR MUNICIPAL jury tp*"his hand put him out of the Yaffee is showing nice form with the Druggists and Stationers Juden" and was one. "of the outstandELECTIONS Buffalo lineup for seVeral weeks. discus but is sadly handicapped bying Je-vdsh leaders and social -workers 401-403-40S South 1Mb Street Meanwhile his place had been filled reason of his small stature. Bud Levin in the country.. He played an imlooks like one of the best be"ts in the Jerusalem (J. T. A.)—A bloc of all| by Byrne. .Jdrftfis,. Kaufman should portant role ;in the establishment of burn up the league in which he is now shot put. Levin has the size and Jewish parties in the Jerusalem the school system in Palestine. Durperforming and it will not be long j weight and needs only to acquire a municipal elections was formed here. ing the Tisza Essler ritual murder ' more polished form in order to be up The bloc 'also includes the Agudath before he will be re-called to a higher trial, Dr. Nathan was very active in j among the best of them. Israel; The candidates of the ewish plane. the defense of the accused Jews. bloc are' B«n Zwi, Salomon Elishar The last conference which Dr. NaNorth High School and Shamaa. Amarlllo in the"Western League than attendd was" the Ozet ConferLeon Fonnan, one • of the dashing Jerusalem .{J. T. A. Mail Service.) Art Swartz, he of the heavy war halfbacks on the Eskimo grid gang Twelve •hundred and fifty Moslems, ence in Moscow Jast November, where club is still with the Texas team. Reis now doing his stuff with the one 1,025 Jewish and 800 Christian voters he represented the Hjlfsyexein der ports from. Armarillo say. that the hundred yard men. Fonnan placed have been registered up to date in former Tech" High star" is showing second in the Inter-Class Meet held at Jerusalem: _ for the forthcoming mubeautiful" form and .is batting about the Polar school recently. The flying nicipal elections. It is believedthat the thirty points better than either of the Hebrew could make better time than register of Christian voters is now two veteran'.receivers. " . he did if he will get down to work completed. and actual training. In Tiberias 452 voters have been Central High'School registeredi „ including 275 Jews, 137 A:number of Jewish hoys are out Handball Moslems and 40. Christians. Some of for. the White Eagle team'. Herman A. 2. A. Tournament. the Jewish residents of the city whose Levinson, height about four four feet, Max Altshuler defeated 'Morris is a strong- contender for second base Alpim in the finals of the A. Z. A. honors n the first team, ^Levinsor.', Tourney which had been under way hitting is on a par ".with-niost of the i for some time. Alpirn dimbed into the Purple infielders- arid Tils' fielding is finals over the prostrate form of Sani sweet. Joe Levinson,' Harold Pollack . Stern, while Altshuler settled the hash "Manufactured in Omaha' and several other youths are shagging ; of Sam Bender to meet Alpirn. balls with the first and second squads. BAKER ICE MACHINE CO. Pollock is striving for either a pitcher ' Belated Basketball ' j or that of an outfielder. ' Levinson is The Des3JwnesTX. Z. A. basketan infielder. " .- . ball team champitms'of District Number One journeyed to Chicago last BUY A MIOKLIN Technical High School week and copped the National^ title PERMANENT GARAGE Davey"Franks'is the only man from from Saint Paul the defening chamPositively No Excuse to Exour faith who may be. seen cavorting pions. The Iowa aggregation is a "real pose Yon* Car to the Bad WeMkev or Pay Garage Rent amongst Jim Drummond's • diamond quintette, there is no doubt about it. PAY ONLY § 1 0 DOWN crew.- Franks is an outfielder on the B "J*«»e« Up to a Year* to Pay B team. He is somewhat small in Relieve Constipation, Liver, 1-Car Garage, $117.50 en& Up stature but has a fairly good eye for 2-CarGsrsge, $160.00 and Up Kidney and Stomach ; the ball. '*


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She ~«ot up "and pulled her- mouthInto a smile. Nonchalant, hard—that was" how girls were now. ghe'd Ije one'of those girts, not Rowland's EJJ-. len. ' S h e went over to her dresser behind the screen. 'Tou little pale face University of —yon ' ropes of black - hair . . ." she'd-start there ." . '. _Joe TuiTier, a member of the CenThere was a knock at the door . . . tral High first team of "26 is a reg^[fs' only Jimmy Stanley,"' said* a ular on Morris Sogolow's Illini freshvoice" through the keyhole. "I had man nine. Turner i s ' starring''." with hopes-of you for a dance down at the brilliant 'fielding and good stickwork. 1 KitrCat. ; Can I , come In?" ' - " The tall" youngster recently defeated . Rowland's -Ellen would have said the' varsity iea'in almost by his lone•fjro." .shls^Ellen- was bard and nonsome. . chalant. .Besides, .Jimmy, .her own age, • crazy, over, her elder sister last TRACK year, just a home-town kid . . .«„ a pood person to take her to ashy-tast-; • -.University of Illinois-'- " • Ing balls* anyway." . . . Marcus "Tsnk" Krasneis burning "Come in," she said, going over tp REPORT OF • . ~ '" thins up with the- Illini• freshman v the doorxts she was. track squad. The one time Creighton A>rn-JEwislr EXCESSES "Good Lordl" cried Jimmy, 'rufU luminary is running the hundred in ,^; IN/J^SSX, CONFIRMED :/frt fltpg. his. ; re* hair. -. "1 ..spy, Nell-rr good time besides" heaving the. shot That's gone, out!" .A •. .- - • . put'far "and straigiit. "Marcus will welt J. TfcHA..)-r-Coflfirmation of ; She tossed one severed rope of hair be able to' step''into the shoes of Dan the repaid of < the occurrence > of -new on.the table. ^ ? , -.-.-. l J "Not for'me," she-said- -"Here, cat anti-<Jewish excesses -in Jassy is -coior- Lyons; the present varsity heaver arid /It through at the back. I can't reach." tainediria despatch o f the'Hungarian Protesting, he did. t She shook It Telegraph Agency. ' . out Tourid ber face.""Hair Rowland .'The despatch states that the winjliked, not there any more. . dows-in many Jewish homes in Jassy : '"Costume,' Is it?'* she asked. • He were broken by Roumanian students. .nodded. "I can get one up out .of Berlin- (J. Tv A.)—Further details Wme'old BtufE Tve just dyed.* He eiatfed at her as she went behind the of the anti-Jewish excesses in Jassy screen again—It wasn't like' Ellen— are reported in the Roumanian newsand came out again, impish In red-and- paper, "Dimineatza'V " A band of 50 black." short draperies, lips and cheeks students participated in the excesses, vivid. "Like it?' she demanded bardly.- breaking windows..of. Jewish homes under management of Jimmy- gasped, looked and- grinned. and stores on Cuzavoda and StefanaTEMPLE TOURS, Inc. •"Crazy about it!"'he said heartily. more streets. Many Jewish passersby (/*Why, "MQ; you're a tearing-beauty J" "C6me*'on, w e i r knock *em. cold," were injured. Sir students who were leaving in May, June and July, She laughed and pirouetted. 'It felt arrested were later released. visiting England, Holland, Bellike a queer game.'-It was a-; game gium, Germany, France and LODZ TEXTILE STRIKE ENDS she must keep np now for six months: Switzerland. • ' till Rowland came back. . She would send him a picture; write him letter? 35 Days. All i W ^ j g and Lb*T(J.'T. A.)—The strike in the about what this Ellen did He-hated textile industry, which involved 8,000 Expenses Ind. O « D ap this stiit of-'glrL He'd seen too many. Jewish workers,, ended today. The Lowest Possible Rates It <wvis her 'dewtaess he'd liked. -workers decided, to return immediateInclusive Fares ._ "Will you take me to dances and ly to work, both sides having: agreed Picturesque Rates —Congenial fiances, and" everything"wild'and crazy to accept the awatd concerning an Company Cor'months'and months, Jimmy?" she increase of wages made by an arbitraCompetent Leadership (demanded feverishly. tion committee. Jimmy clapped his hands. "Sure I frill! ' Good for you, Nell 1 Come on ARABS SUBMIT Write for illustrated booklet jtb Jbe hectic balls 1" 3 LISTS IN JERUSALEM ".' '. > She went on wltb It relentELECTION fessilyi She bated the paint add laughing and frisking at first.. She,bated Jerusalem (J. T. A.)—The Arab beiti^ lllty.5'. She'd "always b'een' the earnest'one* in the? family. "By-anff-by population' in the city of Jerusalem Special Representatives for < TEMPLE TOTJKS, Inc. \ It" ifbt. easier—she scarcely snewJ's will gd to the polls in three groups, * Bid "It.' Jimmy was ,ber admiring it was learned here today when' the 1307 Uoward St. -OllAHA, NTCBB ' shadow, and there were other shad- lists of" candidates "for the Jerusalem ows.1 Her own people presently wrote VAL. 3. PETEB TRAVEL. BOBEAU I on to say they were eo glad she-was City council were submitted. One list was submitted by the sup1307 Howara St.. Omaha. Nebr. • belbg more girlish and- natural 'and Gentlemen: Kindly Bend foWer» on I bappy. Jimmy'd written home.. Dances ports of the Arab mayor of Jerusalem, II Name European Tour. | weren't so bad; friends and good.times Nashashivi, another by Husseini, secgot to bepleasant feelings;' she had a retary of the Palestine Arab Execu- I mitigation' of the hurt that bad hurt tive and the third by an independent Bit--the1 ilme at first. But' still-^-ob, group. rtlH,'* "when Rowland camfe -bock it would all'come alive'again. ; All the gay f barriers she had built,"would break1 down, and only the .love, and Jpaln be jfeai '. . . . So she must be intensely, still, the type of .girl-he Accident and Health Engine BreakaSo fcat^a. T?&<? &&' Impertinent Ellen she Assault Explosion (General) pre'tendea she was, getting more ot Automobile Fire "Express shipments Automobile Liability Fidelity Bonda • Jierself an4 less a ma*k, tbnnk gogdBank Deposit Fire and Tornado ^ w « n l d - d e c e i v e R,ow(an<J/and Bailer Explosion . Fly Wheel Burglam(Resldence) Freight Charges go away. '-, •. '. Burglary (Store, etc.) Furs. All Risks - ' Burglary, erf Safe " • •Golfers' Equipment) "• | .-•". He came bock to-W? *tfld!d. Cheefe Rabin? Golfers'Liabiut'r " "- BW-Bhe knew be would.'- Hejva* d Civil Commotion 'Gronprlnsuranee Consequential Damage H&il.- " * jnatfc like that And, > ¥ sh» had Contingent Liability Hold up (Messenger) hoped,' it iwas^ne of Jbe^ nfffbts wben Contractors' Bonds " (Paymaster) Dentists' Liability ltwfls'fqH. 'Sne was not Miljt^ .on (Personal*. Hosseftoiav Goods In -iieit tfii&rffir «ttte -medleval^Rrjjnceas. ElevatorXiabiiity ,'„-'-Transit --•-• 2 ^ ''•Shi was' ^dancing:"in .herVcomradfe Office: ajms^short hair flying, ph(M^ fei Wllfig; scarlet 824 World-Herald BIdg.

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