„. .
A false friend, like a shadow, attends only; while the "Omaha Ifext" Cry .of Nebraskans at Big Chicago Convention
Manuel Iseman and Nathsn E. Jacobs have left for CP-'-"to -where they are going1 to "attend the third annual Mid-Western Hegional Conference of the Zeta Beta Ta~ -fraternity at the Hotel Windcrrnere Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Mr. Isem-m is the delegate from the'-Alpha Theta chapter at the University of Nebraska. Mr. Jacobs is the delegate of the Omaha Graduate Club. Mr. Jacobs, •who is the Begional Director of the Mid-Western Region, -will preside at the convention.
Enti , second-elass mull matter on January 27th. 18ZL at posttamce* a t Omaba" Nebraska, nuclei tbe act ol March 3. 1878.
Workers Gather in Coif erenceii Budapest
Moscow (J. T. A.)—A" conference
VOL. VL—-No. 16
Jerusalem (J. T. A., Mail Service.) The Manufacturers' Association of Tel Aviv has decided to submit, through a special delegation, a memorandum to the High Commissioner. Omahans Asked to . Purchase Bernard Theodore, an Omaha stu- Move Called Forth Protest . The memorandum will deal with a Bonds- For National Jewish American Rabbis dent attending the Chicago Art InstiMchigan Retail Merchants Association Select Brown as Leader number of questions affecting the . Hospital tute, has been drawing the attractive position of industry in Palestine. The in their Fight Against Ford's Ruinous ference. ' • ' . ' • : ] ••[ ••'•'.' ; :;. NEW DEPARTURE art circulars advertising the convenAssociation has also decided to ask NATIONAL' HOSPITAL Merchandising Scheme INTOLICY SEEN Representatives of the central •. and tion. He v?ill also attend the conthat the question of Palestine industry local government departments, as well :. IN NEED OF-FUNDS ference. be raised in the House of Commons By BETTY ROSS Budapest (J. T. AS)—A world con- as of the professional'and party orn The Omaha Graduate Club is malt- ference of. Protestant .missionary so- ganizations; are arriving to participate EDITOR'S NOTE—Eettr Eoss, the well business • man to the grave-yard of & <i that the British press be furrushThere _ are now more than two o v n writer and 'interviewer, wiio at ing a bid for the next convention in cieties, with. the participation of in this conference which wilt last two • kpresent ed with information concerning Pal- i hundred and fifty patients of the Na« is covering Sfts,; Ford~Sapiro $1,- failures. ."Liebold has said that the average estine industry. 080,000 libel suit in Detroit as special Omaha. It has letters from Mayor American representatives, was opened days. tional Jewish' Hospital at Denver* •writer for numeous •nsagszines and news- Ford employee saves from $500 to James C. Dahlman and the Omaha here last Thursdaywhom the generous people of Omaha papers, was present With otber -rioted $600 yearly by shopping at the commembers of the press 'representing the Chamber of Commerce. The Nebraswill he asked .to help during the week missary. In this he is again mistaken, The conference, which is being held jntire 13. S. at this historic meeting. kans at the convention are going to under the auspices of /The Internatiofor to- save that amount, the employee of April 17th to 23rd. Miss Boss, in her usual brilliant style, must have the purchasing power of pass around "Omaha Next" buttons. nal Missionary.. Council" is to consider This week has been set aside *« t; several:thousands of dollars per year * » * '^National Jewish Hospital -Week,*7 questions pertaining to -"Christian an amount in excess of the total Relations with Jew,s", In -reality, it Miro Glass, Palestine Singer, Here of the average Ford work- Course Given Under Direction of' during- •wTiica time a campaign of edu"National Jewish Hospital •History was made/in Detroit « - | cation and publicity on the work _•<>£ Board of Education is a council of missionary workers to cently when representatives of the. . ••• • - . . • . . M a y 2 ...: •. Week" to Be Held the National Jewish Hospital at Denseek new methods of spreadingmisApril 17th-23rd chants _ _ . On Tuesday night, April 12, the packed meeting of the Michigan Bever will be conducted thremghout th« The course of eight_ concerts, lecand adding to the inflation During the week of April..17th to sionary propaganda, among Jews. It tail Merchants Association that Ford modities living costs by their expensive basi- first lecture of the Home Hygiene country. The local work is under tht •23rd," t i e people of America will be- was stated that the purpose of the tures and recitals started on December would discontinue the sale of mer- of ness methods. Again h^ is wrong. Course took place at the Jewish "Ctsm... come more-familiar with the wort of conference is to "bring about a radical 21 at the Community- Center is about chandise to the public David A. For the -retail merchant, by his in- munity Center. The subject of the direction of : to close. There are still two events departure in the policy of the ProBrown represented the Merchants AsDr. A. Greenberg, the National Jewish Hospital at timate knowledge of merchandise, I>eo Kosennthei, Viee-Chp.iranan testant churches toward their mis- to take place. On Monday, May 2, sociation and acted as Chairman at buys well; by his long hours of labor, lecture was "A Daily Health StandDenver. .Toe L. Wolf, Secretary Miro Glass, a noted Palestinian singer one of the largest gatherings of mer- -works cheaply; and by absolnte neces- ard" and emphasized personal cleanHarry Silvernian, Treamirer For the past 25 years, the Hospital sionary work among the Jews. chants ever held in Detroit,' liness; mouth hygiene; food, height Hon. Mfiyor James C Pahlmas sity, practices the strictest economy." A second conference of the same will give a program consisting mainly has succeeded in combating tubercuJobn T. Alien M. Ktilnfcoff&y Mr. Brown, a business man in DeAt the close of this speech, which and weight standards; posture; fter.h Dr. of new music of Palestine. . Mrs. H.H. Auerbach Harry H. I nature will be held in Warsaw after r losis, and today the death rate from troit for over three decades, whose -was enthusiastically received, came air; exercise; rest and cheerfulness. Sam Beber Sam Leon The final lecture of the season will interests cover a dozen; or more com-j the announcement from Ford's repDr. B. \V. Christian Harry Malaehock this disease is less than one-half what Easter. .The head of the International The second lecture will be held on the Morris Milder Rai>bi cS Cob* modities through the parent organiza-1 resentative, G. N. Staples, that the it V.-O3 at the beginning of the century. Missionary Council is Dr. John R. take place on Monday, May 9th, when Frank Coriklin Henry Monsky lion of. the General Necessities Cor-! commissaries would henceforth be following Tuesday and will be on "The I>r. Kabbi Stephen. S. Wise of the Free Mott of New York City. ~ Dr. X. Dansty Bert Murphy The hospital has been supported of which he is president, closed to .- the public. Wild hurrahs Common Symptoms of Illness thai Dr. J . M. Erman Dr. N. Mxiskin Synagogue of New York City, will poration, • »" • almost entirely by Jewish philanA. H. placed the opposition of the merchants from the hundreds and hundreds of Should, be Noted by she Woman in A. L>. Frank Max Fromtiti X>r. A. Romm When the announcement was made address the audience.. Since, the seat- to the Ford merchandising sceme on dealers, and rousing cheers for Brown, thropy. Then, too it is supported enthe Home". This will consist of varDr. Robert Gilmore I>r. A. Itubnits whose efforts had saved the day. Dr. James Goetz Dr. I'hiHp Sher tirely by indivudual donations, since concerning the holding of the two ing capacity is limited to 600 and a high plane. ious demonstrations. , A. Goliistein . . . A. V. Shotwall stranded the note of the meeting This -was a n e w role for David A. no j>atient pays, and no patient who conferences of Protestantm issionary since it is practically assured that in He Samuel (Jerson .T1. ,T. his opening remarks r -when he stat- Broira. The -world has hitherto seen There will be six lectures in al!, Ksthan every seat will be taken, -an opporGre*>n Irwin workers, and i t was learned that it can offord to pay is admitted. ed that only Henry Ford's great -him as the(great organizer and^relief given on each consecutive Tuesday on I>r. M. Grodinscy Dr. A. A. Steinberg-' is probable that the- Federal Council tunity is now presented to holders of T>r. A. C. Htokp* Dr. Jogepli Weinbeffi season tickets and members of the subjects: * cf t»e 1 of Churches of Christ in America He'' I>r. II. .Hirschwan lir. Gl«>nu Whltcoml; Bed Patient", "Various Treatment?", Ed Burdick Leaves to is the success of his recent would be represented, the Central Community Center to apply for reser- pointed out that the Ford organizaFr?d White Win. Holstnaa organiza-j Hurry A, Wolf Attend Meeting of i ti'hd d i d a new econora- S15,000,000 campaign for the relief "First Aid and Various Exercises". I>r. C. i'. Conference of American Rabbis ad- vations and thus assure themselves tion'had not discovered II. B. Zimman of Morris .lacohp Physical Directors dressed an appeal -to Alfred William good seats. They will also have an ic principle. He mads it'.verv clear . the Jews m Sussia and Crimea This course is open, to all girl n.era- Dr. H, M. 3uhv Ed Burdick, head physical .director Anthony of New York, Chairman of opportunity; of purchasing tickets for that this was not an attack on Ford ^iuch lengthened into a ?2»,000,000 bers of the Jewish Community Center The work of the National on the Ford Organization, but "an i tnumpn. over 16 years cf age. So at the Jewish Community Center left the Joint Commission on Good Will their friends at §2.00 each. The season nor attack on a plan as unsound as it was Ltary \ Sf Hospital at Denver has been long ami ticket holders, "Center members; and of the Michigan Merchants The course is being given under Tuesday for Des Moines, Iowa, to at- Between Jews and .Christians. The dangerous." Association, and A i t i d asked Mm how it the direction of the Board of Educa- favorably known. According, to I)?-, Continuing, Bro'wn said: tend the national convention of Physi- appeal urged Christian leaders to re- their friends will thus have the first came about that Brown took the lead A. Greenberg, this Hospital vms th*"The merdmnts found* cal Directors. frain • from -missionary activities opportunity of choice! seats. in tbe merchants' tug-of-war against tion and Mrs. F. F. "Whitcomb will be •first institution in America for thf the . Ford organizati the teacher in charge of the "lass. Ford. According to Mr. Burdick, every- among the Jewish- people. The public sale of seats will start severaJLiaanihs we had bsen These-. courses -are? being* coxuhictect free care of sufferers from thing: that -pertains to physical educaThe Central-Conference of Ameri- on April 20. Jdready'about 2K).seats -some throughout the country under the losis -on a sstional Scale, " It tion will be~ -discussed -atihe meetings- can Rabbis and the Federal Council have been reserved. For information, doors were thrown open ^g of combatting the ^oriseMmB, throughout the coiaitry under the, o p e n e d , m. i m„ „ a n d•, d ,u m . era! public the merchants protested— Football, basketball, track, swimming, of Churches are bound by a joint call Jackson 1366. ' 8 ' for -' • ^ a L a Rose. " W e were inak- Federal and State -government and the! twenty-seven years has cared ^ t o b answered by-those on charge Ford's retail busi- local school board. ordinary gymnastics, and other phaocs agreement-made prior-to the-formatwentyseven years has care headwav. 5,200 men, women, and children. of Ford's commissaryy that they * was growing " „ ... y were' ness daily, ours'gettingjArrangements are now being of physical education, including the tion of the Joint Commission on Good Special Passover Services * able to sell cheaper because of j worse. Many of pur members had to have a class in Home Nursing f o r | P a t i e n t s h a v e com* ffoffi "daily dozen" .will be debated in great Will, which, represents both organizain the Synagogues tity buying and mass selling. Even already closed their doors. To the rest the country, practically every tions. detail. Special Passover services -mil be at this rate, they said they -were able of. us the outlook seemed gloomy in- mothers. All those interested may tbe Union being represented by thrni. get further information at the ComArticle 2 .of this agreement provides: conducted in the synagogTies in to do business or from three to five deed. * * .* Although; started by Jews, awi percent profit. the Ford organization is munity Center office. "From "Because of our mutual respect for Omaha oh; Saturday: -night and on House Wives Heave maintained largely by Jewuh philan"It is evident to those of us that was heralded forth that every one of the integrity of each other's religion Sunday and Monday mornings. At the are familiar with costs that enter into the Ford plants in Detroit would soon Sigh of Relief as thropy, this Hospital has alwsy* bsftft and our desire that each faith shall B'nai Israel. Synagogue* 18th and! any large business organization that open a large • commissary. Rumors Passover Nears PUBLIC PASSOVER SEDAR I non-sectarian in its service Ford organization was deliberately were afloat that several markets bad Brooms, mops, and dust cloths will enjoy the fullest opportunity for its Chicago streets, Cantor Schwazkin the A T J . C. C F O R C H I L D R E N over 20% of its two hundred and • fooling itself or the public been bought by the Ford organizabe cast aside by Omaha's busy house development and enrichment, these and choir will conduct services-Saturpatietris are -non-Jewish. It is & tion. "Government statistics, the Harvard committees have no proselytizing purday evening at 7i30 p. m. and Suncleaners before sundown Friday. For A traditional sedar, carried out in institution. No patient pays; no paBureau of Economics, the Chamber "In desperation_, we turned to the pose." day morning at 8 o'clock.' lo and behold after laboring many of Commerce of America and other one man in Detroit, who, over a long all details will be given tinder the Cantor Kahanowitz and. choir of business groups who have studied re- period of years, always has playea the joint auspices of the Jewish Com- tient who can afford to pay is ««days, the -women folks have finally fourteen will conduct services .at the tail merchandising, have placed the game squarely in his business dealings munity Center and the Judaea Clubs mitted. , ' . , . _ . completed their work for the holidayThe Patient's Statistics of the NaBeth Hamedrosh Hagodol Synagogue, absolute necessary margin between with the public and the thousands of of this city on Wednesday evening, According to some women the comcost and selling price to the ultimate retailers in the city. H L > great organtional-Jewish Hospital show that- #•*•19th and Burt streets, Saturday! eve- consumer from fifteen to forty pering rest period will be of more benefit ising ability has been put to effective April 20, at the Jewish Community patients from our City have ning at 7 p. m. and on Sunday and cent, based on the rapidity of turn- use in Detroit for every human and Center at'.six o'clock. than poor hubby can imagine. "It's treated at the Hospital having srw>t.J: Monday morning. over, shrinkage, style, service and civic cause, and during many years no snap to clean and scrub a seven Members of the Young Judaea Clubs there a,total of 20,801 clays up **• the other factors entering into retail has been known to us for his efforts The. Mother-Daughter Card Social room house," remarked one elderly and Jewish Community Center mem- March. 1st. Two patients from <r>fc? merchandising. in behalf of humanity. woman as she awaited the arrival cf will be given by the Junior Hadassah, VILNA TROUPE TO PRESENT "Carried out to the last analysis, "This man, Dave Bxown, as We call bers between the ages of eight and City are now in the Hospital. F<r.f her son who was coming in on the Los Sunday afternoon, May 8, in the JewFord scheme would not only spell him in Detroit, listened attentively to sixteen are eligible. the. entire state of Nebraska, 97 £*&-TO BE A JEW" the ish Community Center auditorium. Angeles limited. ruin for the retail merchants but the problem as we unfolded it. We Reservations may be made by caltreated having Ida Daytch, chairman of the commitwould turn the main arteries of our, were sitting in his office, which looks ling the Center or any Young Judaea The Vibia Troupe will again appear more like Slewing cf an art gallery j total of 2J great cities into business grave-yards. tee in charge of the affair, reports , What Does it Matter? that of a corporation president's leader not later than Sunday night. Three patients.'from our State "What is to prevent any large than that already four-' hundred reserva- in Omaha on Monday evening, April A regular meal will be r-rved. The now in the Hospital. sanctum. . They Came, They Saw— organization from tions have been received, and as many 18 at the Technical High School audi- manufacturing 'fWhat do you want me to do for price per plate is twenty-five cents. And They'll Return following suit ? Without the need of Every facility -known to you?" Brown asked us as we finished The members of the Junior Daughters more are expected to result from the torium. They will play the famous When students fro- the University 'Tep Meeting" held last Thursday. play of "Hard to be a Jew", by Sholom making.profit, i t would not be difficult talking about, oar troubles. science is available fit itve to undersell the retail merchants. If of Zion -will serve as "waitresses. Tbe of Nebraska visited in Omaha last "I told Mm what we needed was a Alechem. The play Is hased entirely Jewish Hospital, to aid the ps Reports from the various members around the passoverland comes, toffche the Ford organization has discovered leader," continued the secretary, Judaea Leaders will supervise. week, night club gaiety mounted to a new principle in business economics, •their' fight for' health, and of the committee given at the meeting one : to-.-organize our forces,! its highest peak. The visiting scholcity at the right time,. .; , • -N ; ; ; why has it not been applied to their" "some I- addition, .courses in stenograph •• some one unafraid." " \ CENTER PIANO. of the Junior -Hadassah, Thursday, own business, on the retail side? The ars mingled freely among happy dancThe- Vilna Troupe is nationally Ford dealer selling part has to have "III take "the job," was Brown's typing, - commercial branches, s*?*^ April 8, at the J. CV C, indicate that ing crowds—goyous in the thrill of : PUPILS IN •RECITAL i other vocational training are otffoww* known and has some of the leading from thirty to forty percent,and the a n s w e r . • • • ~ .the .success .of;the -Mother-Daughter "He began to work immediately. jazz—and urged on by red hot Card Social is assured. Ford agent from twenty to twenty-five' Jewish artists on their cast. The pupils of Miss <%a Sorensonj t h e convalescent- patients, t* i percent on the sale of Ford and Lin- Ten days from our first meeting with syncopating hounds. Little Miss Betty- F.ellman entercoln cars. Brown until the- big meeting at the instructor of Piano at the Jewish them to follow Those who visited in Omaha were: Statler Hotel was sufficient to con- Community. "Center, will appear in a they leave the • Hospital without tained the large-audience with sev"With Ford assembly plants in PASSOVER GREETINGS Lester Lapidus, Eddie Brodkey, Ellis vince the Ford forces that the jig was every key city in America, it would student recital at the Schmoller & triment to their health. The Shafton, Eddie Rosenthal, Joe Krasne, eral piano numbers' and Miss Helen he an easy matter, to sell parts over up. The announcement at the end have-a special school on the Levinson, assisted by Lillian ChudaThe Board of Managers and the counter, as their commissary sells " of • Dave. Brown's speech—a speech I Mueller Hall on April 29. Arthur Romm, Kate Goldstein, Ida coff at the piano," .presented vocal shall never forget as long, as I live Directors of the Jewish Community butter or; potatoes, and to roll out The following Center pupils will grounds, so ..that they lose BO Lustgarten, Grace Ror-rthal and —that Ford would discontinue selling play: Minda Friedman, Eosella Hand- frora their .studies while g-atuiiig: > selections. A vote of thanks was exFords and Lincolns as they do a barrel Center wish to take" this opportuniLouis Rosenthal. Morris Zolat and merchandise to the public, was the of apples." sistant poweTE against tuberctiio^^-. Bernard Polsky of Lincoln, Ncbr., ar.d tended by tHe Junior Hadassah to the ty of expressing to the,members most welcome news that we, the Re- ler and Leonard Nathan. Applause from the merchants greetHatikvah Club which donated the Last September' a new' lnfir»fe of the Center their cordial greet-, ed Brown again and again as he made tail Merchants of Michigan, had heard Friends and parents of the pupils Joel Simon and Moselle Kleeman, Netreasury to the Junior Hadassah when Buildmr; wii.h OTIP l:\iPclir.d •n^x*fc in many months. " . ings for a joyful Passover. It is these striking points, continuing: are cordially invited to attend. There braska students, who h a i from Welthe club was disbanded. rooms ' for far-advance! c» "Ford has never before backed will be no charge. their hope that ir.- making merry "If our contention is true that the lington, Kas., vacationed in ^he metroopened st the Hospitrl Thf during the • Sedorimj-they will not Ford scheme sells merchandise for down," pointed oat La Eose, "to the polis of the Corrihusker state. ._ n T r r r T P «j i T r i r K of this lnfirmarr, topptbrr forget to think of the Jewish^ Com- cost or less—-then the buying public is best of my knowledge, and we had *, .* • • IVRIAN CLUB TO HAVE receiving charity at the iaads of one little hope of his doing so now. But LA'BORITES ATTACK sary cxpanarnt, in the. munity. Center and. to .perpetuate who does not believe in charity. The Dave Brown's strategy, the manner i MOND IN 'COMMONS *""* INTERESTING MEETING At Last! An Honestthe work that they' so nobly average man and woman does not in which he marshalled our forces, his and the Re-Mscrch Brjwvrtmcnl c»;' tfc* To-Goodness Tennis want charity. They would rather give capacity- for woxk and that' genius started. •:•-"'• London {J, T. A.)—Sir Alfred Mond' Hospital, hat increased thn R».n«fci The next meeting of the Ivriah it than receive it. Yet thousands of within him to make htmdreds of others Tournament was the target of an attack by labor expenditures, r.m' it is hopfd to Detroit's citizens flock to the Ford work, evidently made the Ford organFlans aTe being formulated by the Club will be held at the Jewish Com BISHOP DUNN the commissaries daily in the mistaken ization realize that a campaign was M. P.s in tthe e House of Commons ^ -deficit through J. C. C. athletic department to hold a munity Center on Monday, April 18, on that would reach from one end of notion that by some miracle the Ford yesterday during his address. on the distribution during: ' SEES HEIGHT FUTUSE FOR Dr. A. Romm will be the principal organization is able to undersell the the country -to the other -until victory Chinese policy of the British governtennis tournament, the date of "which PALESTINE DEVELOPMENT legitimate retail dealer and at the was ours.'. t : speaker. His subject will be "Medidm ' has not yet been announced. -Accordarc liJ.U New York (J. - T. A.)—"Witiiin ten same time make a handsome profit. from the Talmudic. Standpoint" "We honestly believe that from the ment. J. Beckett, Laborite, rose from ing to advanced* reports the premier his .seat and shouted "Go back to of health »nd friendship,*' eaid TK. -*»• years Palestine will be one of the time Brown took this job until the "E. G. liebold, Ford's personal secA discussion will follow in Yiddish iracquet swingers are - : . cted to sign work "was completed, be spent very Poland." g:. "Thoy can be «s>*4 ** and Hebrew. All interested are cor- most thriving sections of t t e w o d i " retary, in setting forth the motor few hours in hie.:-bed.- Where .be gets on the dotted line.' Other members of the Labor grtrap cards between friend fini This was the opinion expressed by king's philosophy of retail selling, said the energy, dially invited to attend this meeting. the enthusiasm,/'that joined the obstruction and refnsed to publicly: t h e small merchant must Albert Finkel, formerly city junior ussocUtPs, aid 1s-*-* te fhtti. J. Dunn, who returned Jewish current events will also be Bishop learn to buy cheaper so that he can enormous capacity for work, is bechampion- will be one of the entries. will 4ft allow Mond to continue hi? address. a tie f OT «ct*nsion of Thursday on the Homeric from a trip sell cheaper.' This sounds sane and yond many cf us, years his juniors," taken up. Finkel is now staging a comeback and commented the secretary of the assoSome of the members demanded that]the springof the year. Their reasonable, but evidently Mr. Liebald abroad, during which he visited Palfails to realize that no- matter bow ciation. his followers assert that the youthful jRiesns health and strength Jerusalem (J. T. A-, Mail Service.) estine. Bishop Dunn spoke with en- cheaply the retailer buys his goods,! "The merchants of Miefcigas and Sir Alfred resign from his seat is Jewish wizard is due for a -reat year. the patients now in the Kosjrffcsl. as he had promised. The thusiasm of the improvements-brought the Five hnndred certificates for workers to the cost of the article must be the merchants, throughout the country to the hundreds of. applicants te point of attack was that Sir Alto immigrate to- Palestine were ap- about there by the Zionists. added rent, light, heat, taxes, labor,] are under an everlasting «wi«™«nn. 1 fred left the libers.? party and joined! p-.rts of the country waiting f«r depredation, -waste and enough to j to Dave Brown for exploding the "It is impossible tc say enough, for proved by the government for the Budapest. (J. T. A.)—Ludwig Lisfallacy cf this type and kind of merthe Conservatives without testing the mission." pay the retailer for his investment saner was appointed to the Federal period April to .September 1927. Two the woTk done there andin^ praise, of and time. The theory .that the dif- chandising, cuce for all." feeling of his electorate in a by-elee-j Supreme Court, the highest court in hundred and 'fifty of the certificates Nathan- Straus, whom I-saw while I ference between cost-price and EellingOUR r t ic en page 4.) are for =men and 250 for women. was there," he saw* price is all profit has seat many a Hungary - •• . ~ of the Cherson Jewish Soviet district executive will be opened today in Sadeh Henucha, the : principal -town in the Jewish region-; The; Gherson of Russian daily newspaper, "Rabotchlj" published in its issue today .^n;- editorial in Yiddish welcoming the con?
Reservations for labbi Wise Lecture Open to Public Mow
Social on l a y 8th at Center Hadassah Mother-Daughter
triboted-Next -Wedk
PAGE 2—THE JEWISH PRESS, THURSDAY, APRIL 14, 192? j Beat sugar and yolks very thor- action and to elect a committee «f 20 juice of hk lemon I ougly. Add the »uts and 3 tablespoons which is to be in charge of th« *w>rk. *A cup potato starch 1 of Matzo meal. Last fold in stiffly The committee will consist' of 19 r e p 1 cup sugar' Pabflsaea 4ve&ijlfeandaj at OmaMu fctebratlw. by beaten e g g whites, bake in a moderate resentatives of the Kias and Emig% cup matzo cake flour a:,. • T H E JEWISH- PJU3&S PUBLISHING COMPANY direkt and 10 of the lea. oven until done. % cup ground nuts ^Office: 490 Branded Theatre Building - , Telephone: ATlantlc 1450. • Seperate eggs. Beat whites stiffly, rr - NATHAN & GREEN, Manager. Health Hints for Passover add slowly 1 cup sugar and 6 well LORD PLUMER 5687—1926-27 beaten yolks, lemon juice and fold in .$2.50. Use plenty of fruit and green TO HOLD COMKISSIOKESSHEP Subscription Price, one ygar. 1927 flour and nuts. Bake in ungreased pan vegetables. FOR SECOND TEEM furnished on application.' ' Advertising for 1 hour slowly or bake in muffin 1st Day Pessach .... -...Sunday, April 17 Use more fish than meat. .CHANGE OB1 ADDRES^Pleuo jrJvfi both Me old and sew address; tins and serve as a desert with fresh 7th Day Pessach ~*. .-Saturday, April 23 Jerusalem ( J . T. A.)—i-ord Herbert Bake rattoer than fry. fee vvfo and Ri™ your name. strawberries or bake in layers and Rosh Chodesh Iyar —.Tuesday, May 3 Use an e g g yolk to whiten your C Plamer, High Commissioner of p u t together - with 2 e g g whites un- coffee if you a r e n o t using milk. Lag b'Omer - — F r i d a y . May 20 Palestine, will continue in office for • . The Jewish Press issapnUed toy the Jewish Telegraphic Agency (Jewish beaten and one very ripe mashed Rosh Chodesh Sivan » . . . . -Wednesday, June 1 a second term, according to a report Correspondence Bureau) with cabled and telegraphic Jewish news, in addition « * * to. feature "articles, aid cbxtsegpftbdences from all important Jewish tenters. banana. Beat stiff, add a little lemon 1st Day Shabuoth ——Monday, J a n e 6 M , If yea want any help during the published today by the Hebrew daily, Inquiries regarding n.evfes\ iteitaS credited to this Agency will be gladly juice and sugar. Makes a nice filling Passover cooking period address "H&'Aretz". .Friday, July 1 . , Rosh Chodesh Tamrouz answered, if ,add«ss"e<J to. Jewish Telegraphic Agency, 621 Broadway, New or topping. —-Sunday, July 17 Fast of Tammuz .. The newspaper states that it learns "Aunt Esther" c/o Jewish Press. York* City. • * • • ^.Saturday, July 30 Rosh Chodesh Ab from reliable sources that t h e High --Sunday, August 7 Fast of Ab ., CommissiOTier has agreed to continue ' Pesach Candy i£.. , . , . / MESSENGERS OF HEALTH ICA, HIAS MEETING —Monday, August 29 Rosh Chodesh EIIul in office another term. 2 caps sugar Little messengers of friendship and health will be distributed TO ADOPT PLAN FOR 1 cup nuts IMMIGRATION WORK an -our city during- the coming week. They are "National Jewish Place sugar in iron frying pan, any Hospital Friendship Bonds." They are a greeting from two , Berlin <J. T. A.)—A conference of heavy p a n will do. Heat t o a thin hundred and fifty patients of the National Jewish Hospital in representatives of the Jewish Colonbrown syrup, grease a pan and place ization Association, the United Emi^Denver. Their purchase by the philanthropic people of ,this city Mix all together and serve very nuts all over bottom. Pour this syrnp gration Committee and t h e Hebrew wilLixifan renewed-strengtirfor the patients of this hospital, and cold in lettuce cups. over nuts and when cold break in Sheltering -and Immigrant Aid Society areneyged. hope'for the applicants on the waiting list "of the pieces.-of America.will take place in Paris Beet Soup on April 5. Stuffed Prunes To make beet coup. ] Twenty-rseven years ago, the National Jewish Hospital began The meeting was called following PASSOVER COOKERY Soak large prunes in cold water the ratification by the Hias a t its If you have "Rosel", boil same Let Us Help You Keep Clean -its beneficent work of caring for poverty-stricken sufferers.of Menu for Dinner about 15 minutes. Remove from fire over night, next day dry prunes and annual meeting in New York of the tuberculosis on a national scale. It was the first institution of and while hot pour over 2 or more place a n u t i n each one after pit is recently concluded agreement of the its kind in America.' Its pioneering work started the intensive well beaten eggs. Season t o taste and removed. Roll i n sugar. three organizations. Matzo IQoese soup 1S19 California Street , • * * serve hot o r cold. ''fight against tuberculosis', which has resultet in a decrease in the Chicken in gravy The purpose of the Paris meeting ATIanfcic62»l Passover Cookies Pour hot rosel after eggs have been death rate from this ^disease to a figure that is less than half of Brown potatoes Stuffed- celery will b e to. "work out a program of from pan to pan, do this 4 or % K> sugar 'what it was before the National Jewish Hospital entered the field. Head lettuce salad with Passover added 5 times and soup will never curdle. dressing 36 1b nuts cut fine ''• With, its motto, "None-may enter who can pay, none can pay To make beet soup with fresh beets: Tea Sponge .cake • % • 1b dates cut fine - Matzos **Qua!ity Jewelers" 'who j^nteaj,1" the National Jfewish Hospital has resteVed'hundred i Soil 4 «r 5 beets in salt "water until 1 , 3 egg whites Add a little sugar t o juice of a MALASHOCK .JEWELRY sipon^hundredsof linen, women, and.children to health, strength, lemon and pour over sliced oranges. tender (wash well before cooking: and Beat eggs with sugar for 15 to 20 Wholesale and Eetail Jewelers do not cut in any w a y ' t o allow juice minutes. Add nuts and dates. Grease Druggists ami Statioi*«rs land.ecenojbMc independence; No patients wb.6 can affordHo pay -213-16 City Kational Bank Bldg. : to escape) pour this water away. pan and bake in a very slow oven. Menu for Dinner 401-403-405 South lOtfe Sfrrwft ; are *admmed;" and," although maintained largely by Jewish JA.SS19 Peel and dice, pour over fresh -water • • •' . * Grapefruit Cocktail fphilanthrophy, the" hospital has always been non-sectarian in its to cover and, cook 20 minutes with Passover Nut Cake Rolled rib roast Mashed potatoes the juice of one lemon. Season to '^service."; Patients •come from all parts of the country. % Yb sugar Baked onions taste with salt, pepper and sugar. Special features of its work are the research department and Vz Ib ground ^walnuts Waldrof salad with lemon dressing Pour while hot over "beaten eggs. 4he Service for children predisposed to tuberculosis. Both of Tea 10 e g g yolks Prume Whip Matzos Same people like hot . potatoes 3 tablespoons Matzo meal -these "departments are distinctive, and each is making possible 2429 Decatar St.—-WE. 3527 . served with: cold soup, or sliced hard Supper Menu .the prolongation of human life. cooked eggs m a y be used as a garnish. Beet soup garnished "with sliced -hard The cause is worthy, and needs your help. * * * ' cooked eggs I just received Matzos from Erez-Isroel and I am offering them for Filled Fish Filled fish Horse radish TSIatzos J sale a t a very reasonable price. The Mataos are baked in Palestine The best fish to use for filled fish j " PASSOVER from the very best wheat and an of t h e greatest Eabonin recommend Steamed potatoes Is Carp, Buffalo and Pike. If one can ' ^ v . * ? l s . A t h e d u t y °^ every Jew to have them a t least for the Sederj ' Passover, which ^begins on Saturday evening, April 16, is the Sponge n u t cake with fresh nights. Among the religions articles that I have a r e : Talesom, sIHc get a small amount of «ach and mix, ifirst festival of emancipation in the history of civilization. Its comstrawberries and wool, Tohmn, Mezusos, Holy Scriptures e t c I also have Hagodos i t makes fine fish. Tea for Pe^ach and kosher soap for Peisach. jmsmoration is based on the biblical narrative-which tells how the 2 ^ 1b fish [people of Israel, enslaved in Egypt, were led from bondage to freeimnHit IWMH viitKftfmtro Bmwt?!rtnwrfmsit«»H?iTtmt( nmtwrmt w one-third' cup cold water • Matzo "Kloese" under management of jTdon*T^^iffi£great leader Moses. ' " '.•" . 1 -•'/ 2 eggs : .';• TEMPLE TOURS, Inc. / "4 eggs seperated . . \~ ^ftiePassover festival-speaks'for/tbe sanctity of the home as 1 large tmion % cup cold -water salt and pepper t o taste --well as for^selfrespedtantF liberty. The Jews:accordinir;y .assemble 1 tablespoon poultry f a t 1 teaspoon sugar — matzo meal leaving in May, June and July, in thpifciJc^fes onthis festival, and by a solemn service salt and pepper t o taste visiting England, Holland, BelRemove skin and bones from cleanmatzo meal ;in WfeiSh! the story "of the ancient struggle for ^emancipation is Tegium, Germany, ^France and ed fish. Reserve both. Chop fish fine Switzerland. 'couSed with pious fervor; .This Seder* as it is called, is unique Seperate eggs. Beat whites dry. and a d d ~well beaten eggs, water, and its ritual, Add beaten yolks, water, fat, season- onion, seasoning and just «npugh 35 Days. All §O *7Ji a n d ing and>jnst-ie3pugh. matzo ^neal t o v Expenses In cL O I V up experience in all matz& mealito hold fish ""together. handle. Shape with the hands into Place bones in bottom of kettle. TJse ' - ' ' ' • BySHOLGMALECHEM " ' ' •'" Lowest Possible Rates conditions of life. The roasted bone reminiscent of the paschal small balls and let stand five minutes. • Inclusive Fares skin t o jplace around &sh -balls, ^"lace iiamb of the first Passover; the bitter herbs calling to mind the Drop into boiling soup, cover end l e t Picturesque Rates —Congenial kettle, cover : with cold water, add diard labor of the Israeiitish slaves; the -unleavened bread, known cook 15 'minutes. To make these for in Company one sliced tmion, salt and ^pepper t o 1 Competent Leadership ! as the "bread of affliction, ' symbolizing the 'hasty departure from Saturday : 3 £ a k e a s above,-drop into t a s t e and a x a r r o t . Let come to a boil, S Egypt; the roasted egg,Tecalling the individual.sacrifice which was boiling water-and cook. l i f t - o u t .and coyer and cook slowly 2% hours. If place on plate in- cold place, when \ offered in the Temple; the mixture of grated applefnutsand wine, you ife-heat 6oup for the sabbath, drop mdre ,waterf|s added during cooking $ . ^Wrtte tor illustrated booklet .''suggesting the clay from nrhichbricks-were made by-the. enslaved matfco balls in.. These will be J u s t as I t "must be cold water.
E. E.BRUCE and CG.
M. SOffiT—Jewish Book Stare
Tlie Most Delightful Summer Vacation
12 Attracti?e "fours
Return Engagement-of the famous
Tfavd Free from W@iTf!
i people, and the parsley and salt water, symbolic of growth-.and the light the second day as the first. • * -* [fertilizing freshness of spring, invest the domestic ceremony with la real and forceful meaning. A beautiful and most suggestive Lemon or Passover Dressing for Lettuce ^•part of the service -in theiDpen Door, through which the messianic 1 teaspoon salt V. [prophet Elijah enters eveity home that night, a splendid expression ^One-eighth teaspoon-pepper " rof th'e great ideal which the.prophets of Israel announced will be2 tablespoons sugar *jr; come real some day w"heri men will cease to hate and begin to do 1 teaspoon chopped onion ."'• 1 teaspoon chopped celery '/justice. • * . . 4 tablesoons lemon juice •: It is customary to remove all leaven out of the household m Mix well and allow to become very preparation for the feast. - Leaven is the symbol of the sordid, and cold. Serve over fresh tomatoes or those who are unemancipated from the commonplace head • lettuce. A little water may be -things. During the feast, only matzoth and not bread, are eaten. used if t h e dressing seems 1;art. ^The distinctive spirit of the feast finds expression even in the Baked Onions -specific food. . Wipe onions well. Do not peel. Bake' f The Haggadah, the order of the domestic service, read on the in slow oven one hour. Remove roots,W g b t when the family gathers about the common table, comprises peel and return t o oven with salt, fthe narrative of the exodus from Egypt, the account of the op- pepper and fat. Serve hot, * * * ...... tpression which the ancient Israelites endured, and is not without Waidrof Salad '•'its covert allusions to the pathetic story-of Israel in more recent "2 cups cut celery ': times in the midst of the unkind nations. The Haggadah also ini2 cups diced apples - ' '. , i ^ e s ^ . s p e p i a l "group of psalms <CXffl-CXVHI) and a number of '4. cup n u t meats ^mediaeval.poems. . • - *-—~, , . , ' j fjuice -of a lemon ' * *• The Passover is the most ancient of the Jewish holidays and •perhaps the most ancient of ."all holidays in the history of religion '•' and no holiday is so near to the truth of humanlife as it is. '•'• The favorite book for reading during,the Passover week is "the "Song of Songs." It'.is the most classical song of love in can- 30* Years of Honest Merchandise Is • onLe^fiterAture and is rjsad on this festival because, according to your Onoronteo' of a Square Deal. !-the traditional'view, it b r e a k s the love between God and Israel. 1419 Douglas E s t . 1890t
VaL J. Peter Travel Bureau
Passover Sponge Cake 6 large eggs
•Special Representatives fop
1MJ Howard St. .OMAHA, KEBB. VAt. J . PETEB TRAVEL BTJKEATJ, Do you desire good meals in a ; .030? Howara SU Omaha, Kebr. private home during Passover? t J Gentlemen: Kindly «enfl folders on I European Tour.
Phone Jackson 2747 or call a t 819 j I Name •South 25th street and make ar-* rangements N O W !
J Riga (J. T; A.)—The. Republic of ^Latvia was. inscribed in i*e 'Golden' ^ of the/Jfewistf-Nattional ^nnd as f; A e c i a t i o n for •- f a toten of;Appreciation for -the .^traatment of jffie * Jewish* population K *^A~ 'certificate ' of
Express Shipments fidelity Bonds Fire and Tornado Fly Wheel • JFrelght Charges -pan. All Risks -Golfers' Equipment* Goiters' Liability •-Group Insurance* .• 'Hall.r• • Holdup (Messenscr) ' (Paymaster) (Personal) ' Household-Goods In. Transit
824 W o r l d - H e r a l d B l d g .
a A
Technical High Auditorium Steals 75c, %IM anfl $1.50 TICKETS ON SALE A T
Joe Antler's Pelicate^es Store—1513 No. 24th Stsreet Evening Performance at Tech High
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OU want finest style and the best quality, you want io bay as <ilose to cost as possible, we conceited the "No Safle" policy to give you new styles when you want sfiiem—-and underpriced!
Here -TOU buy standard tailored, unquestionable quality clothes at ^price levels entpliatically below the usual level ©f prices for such goods, that's what makes big value in clothes; real avality at lower price, it's here for you. Men's and Young Men's
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Motor Boat; Motorcycle <sn forms)
inscription w&°
INSURANCE ALL BRANCHES Automobile Fire Automobile liability -Bank Deposit Boiler Explosion . • •Burglam (Residence Burglary (Store, etc.) -Burglary of Sato Check Raisins- •• Civil Commotion Consequential JDamage Contingent Liability Contrectora* Bdnds Dcnriata'Liability Druggists: Liability; ElevflttrXlablllty J
BRODKEY JEWELRY CO. famous for Diamonds
presented to President Temant b y ' a ^SPECULATION I N MATZOS i « O E S O N I N BUSSIA, YIDDISH delegation of Jewish citizens who COMMUNIST DAILY CHABGES; called on him yesterday. The delegation stated that the certificate is an expression of appreciation to Latvia BUTTER ^nd EGGS r Riga ( J . T. A.)r-The chajge t h a t as the first country which has granted J speculation in.matzos is Jieing carriad Council Bluffs, Iowa cultural antonomy to t h e Jewish U n i s made by t h e Yiddish .Coipnrtiniist population. 1 '• daily '^Der Stern'?. • ;, -, . i The newspaper wgea the JFinance I Commissariat of -the''Soviet' Governb n e n t t o intervene-so,that,,there should ',b& no specalation jinder c the*-pretext Engine Breakage Accident and Health, ltd xeligious tradition. _-, \:rli~~ •Explosion (Generaiy^ Assault
. Monday Eve. April 18, 1927 • .;
AT teSTicmso
Or «t Any Price You Choose 4»
.PAGE'3—THE JEWISH ERESS,.THURSDAY, APRIL 14, 1927 Frug's brother, who is mailing an Bucharest to the Vienna evening" Shawki resides, will be attended 'by1 by the Vaad Leumi, Matfoln&I effort to secure the -necessary funds newspapers today. New riots- broke delegates from all Moslem countries. of Palestine Jews, in reply to an into erect a monument. out in Clausenburg, Czernowits and It is expected that Palestine Hebrew quiry directed by this body to tt»e A. Z. A. Dance Proves Big Success Frug's brother stated that the poet Jassy. Writers Association will also sendS.Colonial Office. at New Chieftain Hotel left a considerable number of manurepresentatives. The Couuncil Bluffs A. Z. A. Chap- scripts in Russian/ Hebrew and Yidter No. 7 formally opened the Jewish dish and that the rights to these POLISH GOVERNMENT Publish YIDDISH PAPER 1 • ••. Social affairs at the new Chieftain would be transferred for ten years to WILL NOT SANCTION JEWISH COLONIAL OFFICE - FOR REFUGEES IN HAFAJSJ. Hotel when they held a successful any person or organization willing to TO APPROVE PALESTINE LAND SETTLING SOCIETY Havana, Cubs <J. T. A.)—A Yiddance at the Chieftain Ballroom San- provide 15,000 roubles for the necesCOMMUNITIES ORDINANCE dish newspaper founded to serve &*e day evening, April 10. About one sary tombstone. Warsaw < J. T, A.)—The Polish govinterests .of the Jewish refugees in hundred fifty couples attended. As a Jerusalem (J. T. A.)—The Palestine It is not certain, the poet's brother ernment will not legalize the Tor, the special feature on the program, two stated, whether the Soviet govern- society for settling Jews on the land Communities Ordinance, the long ex- H&vans. made ite first appear&ace hsm talented young dancers, Misses ment would permit the sending of in Poland, according to a statement pected law regulating organized Jew- on the .occasion of the approaching Maxine Leibovitz and Betty Gerke, the manuscript abroad and that this made by the Polish Ministry of Agri- ish communal life in the country, •will Passover. on the speech of Martha lappett beWEDDINGS each gave some clever jdance solos. question would have to be taken up culture. In explaining, the attitude of be approved soon by the British The publication was founded Jay p*p fore the Omaha Hebrew Club. Ruth* Little Miss Leibovitz, who is nine Colonial Office. Berriker brothers snd is edited is', the Ministry, Minister NiezabytowsM KRASNE-SOKLYIN with the authorities. Fox scored, another success with her years old, is the daughter of Mr. and This was stated in a cable received Hirsch Schapiro. stated that it is motivated by the obMr. and Mrs. Joseph Soklyin speech before the Hadassah women ktrs. Abe Leibovitz of Council Bluffs, HUNGARIAN GOVERNMENT taining lack of free soil for Jewish, Lincoln announces the marriage and their friends a t the Ldndheim and has enter colonies. The transference of city their dattghfer Goldye to Harry meeting. The B'aai Brith organization DISCRIMINATES AGAINST similar affairs. Ksasne of Council BTnffs. They will was ably addressed by Hebecca JEWISH INSTITUTIONS people, particularly Jews, to villages is likely to cause unpleasant incidents, be a t iofae in the Bluffs after TMay 1. eribaum. Miss Sylvia Bernstein is Mr. Philip Krasne, student a t the Omaha's Style Center he said. Budapest (J. T. A.)—Charges of chairman of this campaign assisted by University of Michigan-at Ann Arbor, discrimination by~ the Hungarian Mrs. Mollie Brown announces the six teams from six Young Judaea is spending the week here visiting' his government against Jewish religious CLOSE JASSY MEDICAL Clubs. : .•••••• parents, Mr. and Mrs. Herman of issr dsughter, Selda, to institutions in the country were made COLLEGE BECAUSE OF The Club whose team is winner will Krasne. MrrMorris"Esner. The wedding: took in a memorandum submitted to Count • . . . - - ANTI-SEMITIC RIOTS be banqueted by l i e members of the place.\£n= Sunday, April 10, in Los Mr. and Mrs. John B^ Quigley of Klebelsberg by the Hungarian Jewish An^ele^,C^j!Mr£- t and\Mrs. Egner other clubs. The individual who hasKansas City, Mo., announce the birth consistory. Vienna ( J . T . A.)—The Medical received the largest number of subare"£ow jatliDmaai J b i Dinmar X The memorandum protests against College of the University of Jassy scriptions will have their picture in of a daughter, born Sun/day, April 1Q. 1357 Ocean-Ave.,-Santa Monica, CaL Mrs. Quigley was formerly Miss Zelda the unequal treatment' accorded to was clossed,,a despatch, to. the. "Pester 16th and Harncy Z'. • the Young Judaea Magazine. Marks of Council'Bluffs. Mrs. M. L.Jewish congregations in the question Lloyd" from Jassy stated. ; ' i{ ' ITEDLER-BOLKER The order to close the college was ; 4J3r* and Mrs._.J. Weiss announce Items for these columns can be Marks left Sunday for Kansas 'City; of state property. The consistory deto visit her daughter. . . . • mands that the government The Kaster Parade will be issued following the continuation of make ' the marriage of their daughter Bertha good the damage done to Jewish the anti-Semitic student riots. Several Bolker to- Mr. I. Fiedler of this city. telephoned to ATlantic 1450, not! Helen Whitebook, student -at the; religious property and grant headed by smart women Jewish groups of students invaded the Jewish The "wedding took' •place Sunday, later than Wednesday noon. Thomas Jefferson High School, wonl religious institutions equal cemetery and destroyed many tombrights April 10; " first place for the third, .consecutive) with other churches. wearing these charming stones. ' OBITUARY year in the piano contest - Tecentlyj Mrs. H. M. Korbhblz of. St. Joseph, Word-comes of the death on. Tues- held, and will represent her school Mo., arrived- here to ispend the JRass- day, April 112, of Mrs. Morton -Katz, at the -district contest which is being ROUMANIA CIRCULATES : 70TH BIRTHDAY OF FAMOUS ARAB POET -over holidays, with her parents, Mr. of Chicago, 4936 Winthrop, formerly held in Red Oak, Iowa, Friday. She AMENT'S STATEMENTS THAT TO BE CELEBRATED and Mrs. S. Handler. Mrs. Korbholz of Council Bluffs, and Omaha. the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. S. THE JEWS ARE HAPPY •was formerly Miss Bess "Handler. Katz is survived by her husband, Whitebook. ' Jerusalem (J. T. A.)—Preparations Vienna (J. T. A.)—The statement for* the celebration of the seventieth The Hadassah Study Circle has Morton Katz, her mother, Mrs. M. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Krasne had of CoL Lytton G. Ament, denying the birthday of Achxned Shawki, famous been .postponed to Monday, April 25. Solomon, a sister, Miss Rae Bercu, as their guests during the past weekexistence of anti-Jewish persecutions Arab poet are being made. and two brothers, Irving Bercu of Mr. Lester Slosburg, a student at Cleveland, Ohio, and Herman Bercu end, their niece, Mrs. Ben Isaacson, in Roumania, was circulated here The celebration, which will take and Mr. Isaacson t>f Beatrice, Nebr. through official channels of the place- shortly in Cairo, where Achmed Ann c&rbor,. Michigan, is spend- of Chicago. Roumanian government. ing his spring .vacation with bis Mr. Sam Brown arrived last ThursIn this statement Col. Ament is parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Slosburg. TEMPLE ISRAEL day from Chicago, Illinois, and is To give the members an opportuni- spending the week here visiting his alleged to have declared that upon SOSKIN and KOZBERG ' Miss Esther Bramenthal returned ty to celebrate Passover in their sister, Mrs. Max Steinberg, and Mr!his return to the United States he 1552 No. 20 St.300 newly arrived -WEebster G267 -home Wednesday after spending the homes with the Sedar service, service Steinberg, en route to-Los Angeles, will publicly state that Roumanian distinctive styles •week in Kansas City, with her sister at the Temple on the eve of Passover California, where he will make his Jews are satisfied with the present Fresh Meats - - Delicatessens Mrs. Carl .Studna and Mr. Studna. Fresh Fish Handled Daily regime. for Juniors—MisSaturday, April 16, will begin at six future jhome. •. ; . Vienna (J. T. A.)—A new cycle of We Deliver to all Parts of the City Mrs. H. Ziegman and daughter o'clock. There will be music by the es — Women and anti-Jewish excesses in Roumanian . Pauline, returned home after spending, choir, but no -sermon, that the service SEEK-F TFNDS TO Matrons. the past month in Los Angeles anfii may be over by 6:30 p . m., enabling ERRECf TOMSTONE -TO FRUG, towns is reported in despatches from
Council Bluffs; News
: the members to hold family services LATE RUSSIAN JEWISH POET FOR SALE OR TRADE— in /their, homes. FOR SALE | Twenty Room Modern Brick ;senior«*st--the J. 2HrvMax : " !Hhe ".regular "Passover* senace will Moscow (J. T. A.)—A complaint Apartment House at 1424 No. 19 University of Michigan, is spending^ be ield Sunday morning, April 17, at that., the grave of the, late Jewish Modern delicatessen store. Choicet location. Doing , good business, j St., on Florence Blvd., lot 60x140 •"the spring vacation here wjth his ten o'clock! feet. 1 block to carline. No poet, Semion Frug, in Odessa is still Owner must sell because of ill} parents, Mr. and Mrs. S, Guttman. Eabbi Cohn's topic -for Friday eve- without, a tombstone was made by health. Will stand investigation.* mortgage. ;Good terms. D. J. Box 757 c/o Jewish Press. J CHARA, WE. S227. The Junior Daughters of Zionield ning, April 15, will be "The World of William Clisshold," (a novel by H. G. Jean Duffield who has won much 4a meeting Monday, April 11, "at the W.eHs.> praise for his sympathetic accompani-j. c. a J OMAHA'S $25,000,000 Saturday ^nbrning, April'"17, Habb: ments \joll assistat,the ; piano, and • Mr. and Mrs. T. Wiesman -enter- i'Cohiils subject will be "The Great Elgin Asbury-will play flute obligates. San Francisco, CaL
. tained twenty guests Sunday evening Sabbath." honoring Miss Alyce Ginsbuxg and ;•; BOOK REVIEW CLUB Wr. William Joffe whose wedding .win On Tuesday afternoon, April 26 * take place In'early June. : • the book for review wiU be the powerMr. and Mrs. S. Davidson of Des ful Jewish novel "Power," by lion Moines, spent SundayI; in '"^Omaha \as IJenchtwanger. The meeting will start the guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. at./2:S03>. m. a t Temple Israel. Rabbi Kulakofsky. Colin will ;give the review.
FRIEDS KOSHER * DELICATESSEN We win handle a complete line of Passover Goods — Matzos, meal, fruits, e t c 1509 isa. 24th St.
The Haddasah will entertain at. a Card Party on Wednesday, April 20, V e r a 'Ls^iB who. sings on Monday at 2:30 pi m. at the Jewish'CommuDity j-evening,^April IS, a t the Jewish CornCenter. There will be a prize for munity Center auditorium is making each table. The hostesses will be Mes- her last appearance on the concert dames H. Gross/1. Perlman, S. Eobin- platform in this country before leav-
Complete Store and Office Outfitters "We^ocenpy • orer 7Q.000 .BQaare feet Southwest Corner
rente*t T t h e t , becziue of tbeir
Eleventh and Doaglas Streets Phone: JA ckson 2724 OMAHA, NEBR.
fine tailoring, excellent nta* terialt a n d perfect fit. t
You "have forced iis to move into larger -and more beautiful quarters to serve your -neefls.
i "4
The wanted terns. Suitscannot be duplicated for less than to $12 more money. Seeing believing*- So these suits Toesday
Every style is here I Boleros, twopiece, straight-line,, flared, tucked, plaited and embroidered. Many with the new lace trimmings. CMc tailored -styles in flat crepe—georgette and crepe de-chine—in the popular- shades and combination*.
Considering it is only our second year i n Omaha, it surely is— , _ : A n Established Record
Due to the*1 Sedar services coming '. Sunday 'evening, the Jewish Social } Club will "not hold a dance on Sunday evening, April 17, as formerly an' nounced. Watch this paper for the ' A-Chi-Ba Frat Dance Sunday, April \ 24th. \ The members of the different Young ' Judaea Clubs-are-busy soliciting subscriptions for their magazine, "The 4 Young Judaea." The campaign was i officially started with three minute
Omaha Fixture and Supply € a
EstaMislied Ree©ri
The Deborah Society will hold their • next regular meeting Tuesday, April 19, at 2:30 a t the Jewish ommunity Center*,
Stylish! New! Charming!
In AU of OmaMs $25JM9,0M Retail Storks — Yoiill Agree That the Greatest Values Are Glazer's
Harry H. Xapidns,
son, L. Neveloss, H. Osoff, J. Good- ing for a concert tour in Europe. Vera Leslie lias won the praise and binder and J. Eaduziner. admiration of imnsical critics for her Mr. „ and Mrs. Abe Goldstein re- wonderful singing who say "her turned'3ibme- Tuesday .evening after rniexBng'juSgTnent^nd" the ease with 'spending "the past two -weeks i n —*-»--»-." -i— J • difficult JiiE-i-i^— ^— she Tenders' passages, Kansas City, Chicago and Centerville, making them seem so simply, is truly Towa; marvellous as a hairs-breadth departure from the line, and the magic i Miss. Lillian Schiffer is leaving for of such, tones is destroyed;" „ • Denver" Friday to join her mother,; ' Mrs. E. Schiffer where they will re] main indefinitely. ^ A meeting was held Sunday, April 10th, of the Zion Girls. Miss Libby Dolgoff was elected news reporter..
For F&ssover
A. H. BROBKEY CO. General Contractors SWEET BUTTER
Estimates furnished free
Phone Jackson 1614
409-11 Hospe Building
\ speeches given before local organizaI tions. Favorable comment was made
In Omaha
W e are offering special prices o n cleaning of .. .. rugs for Passover. •i...-
, 250 Rooms—200 Baths Good Booms for $1.50 Operated by Eppley Hotels Co.
We have installed a new rug and carpet cleaning department in our plant.
BAKER ICE MACHINES "Manufactured in. C>\alia* . ; _.,
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Awide selection; plain coating and smart novelties. Eight now is Top Coat time, and this is Omaha's Top Coat Store.
Fairmont's Better Butter, sweet is ^assfle in Sioux City in our modern creamery under She direction of Babbi M," I... Braver. The above is a reproduction of his ap~ proval which appears on every package for PasBover week. Fairmont's Better Batter, sweet is put ap in halfpound prints for your convenience, . .
Ask Your Grocer
Management, H . M A E C U S
established itself among the thousands It's a thousand times bigger in theme* of out-of-town visitors as a theatre than any flapper story ever written. xof^unusuffl interest jait*d:fiSfeaufy. • Of i?Chfldj*mi<rf JMvorce" attacks divorce special interest to the people of from a new' angle, itearg-ffie- subject OmaHa aid surrounding territory ate wide open and bares it-ftsft has never, the wond urftfl musical treats ; that are been shown before. -^Glara Bow's featujred > on We'iy Riviera program. characterization is declared by critics' Frederick) Schmitt, who directs the to be one of theyear"s b'e§t,-The storyRiviera Concert Orchestra, has won starts with Clara's childhood and recognition among the musical critics .takes her on up through girlhood, of the country George, Johnson, who young.wdmanfbod and finally mother-enchants" Riviera audiences j by hi§ h o o d Besides ESIfher (Rplston,- Gary remarkable' playing; on the Riviera Cooper;", cEinar Jifeffisori ijind Norman Graiide Organ is a musicidn of higK-' Trevir^iire featured. : - .' "- - :'. class caliber.* Both the orj£an and orOn-the stage wiU be seen- Frank chestra a& mounted on^'gical flying stages, which enables one to Cambria's New. York Produced Publix sit in the audience and see everyone Stage Show, "Under the Brooklyn of the 25 musicians playing their Bridge." In producing - this show, Frank Cambria went' back to the parts. period of the late Nineties - and • For the screen this week comes a dragged from' the' archives of memory picture which holds promise of being some of the queerest looking costumes one of the season's best. Those'who. ever seen. They;are.real curiosities— ; have seen it in out-of-town showings at least, for those young-enough not have • given the film high praise. to remember the odd looking togs "Children of Divorce" starring Clara that the youths and maidens vrore Bow and Esther Ralston concerns itsome 25 or 30 yearsago, Sis Hopkins, self- with the offspring of separated Annie Rodney1,^Sweet Adeline, and! Billy and-Joe, "Wo of the 250 tuberculosis patients at the National Jewish parents. It takes three youngsters, Hospital at Denver. "NJH Bonds" wilF be "sold throughout the country all'the children of wealthy families, Rosie O'Grady—alL" the" old familiar . during the week of April 17-23 to aid the' frtef non-sectarian work of and follows them from their boarding characters-famed io song and story—I this Hospital. ' - ' . school-convent childhoods to jazz ma'd- bring oack the familiar' and ever anti-Semitic '-editor Mueller will be cabaret youth and from that to— popular tunes we all know so well and STRESEMANN WILL WIN marrjage. The picture is filled with never tire of. Among- the popular rendered on Monday it was learned. LIBEL SUIT AGAINST ANTIbeautiful- love scenes, throat-tighten- artists who appear in this song and SEMITC EDITOR MUELLER As the suit is" drawing to a close it ing moments of tragedy-and intense dance melange are Helene Heller and is the'general conviction that Mueller dramatic situations. Dont get the George Riley; Johnny • Muldoon and Plauen (J. T. A.)—The verdict in will "be ordered to pay a fine, and to idea that "Children of Divorce" . i s Pearl Franklyn; Mario and Lazarin the libel suit brought by Foreign withdraw his'charges against Stresejust another flapper picture. It'isn't. and Ben Dova. - - - -v Minister Stresemann against the mann" in connection with t his business
(ContinuedJ •.As: tbe^secrfejfeary:. of-the.. Retail HercHants of Detroit concluded/t'ell-ing^how; financial- histor? :was-'made for Detroit by Dave B -own, who saved the- merchants' of' his city from ruin, the story of another David rushed 'back tor me: / •' . - • ' • • . ' It-made-this account-seenr like: the modern- version of. the'story ."of.'David and Goliath.' ' : . » . " . i j s , ! Once more a valiant-man in .Israel had defied a .Giant whpse.^eieht \y'as six cubits and : a span,- and brought gladness 'throughout his Ispad. Only this tale was/ in -modern settings. The Giant instead/of a spear "like a -weaver's beam, and coat of mail whose weight was five thousand shekels of brass," was weighted with Gold* Instead of cubits,, he had Millions, Millions and vGlliona, .each one bringing a Host to his Army. . Henry Ford, the Giant's modern name. No longer Judeah the battlefield, but Detroit, home of the vast automobile'concern that has made him Giant of Industry. Instead of the 3hephercUIad David, one equally humble—a former newsboy, David A. Brown. Whose psalms of goodness and merty have resounded throughout the land, and all parts of Europe, Russia, where thousands of his starving brethren bless the name that has brought* life-and hope, to their bleeding land. ' * Saturday, April 16, starts * the fourth week of magnificent stage and screen shows at the Riviera Theater. Already the Riviera Theatre has
partnership with Herr Litwan, Ger- ache, pimples, boils, filBtinesi, sleepy feel-
man Jewish citizen, formerly of Russia. Experts galled on. the.,,.witness, stand rendered testimony which, made the allegations of Mueller appear sqund and ridiculous. • i • London (j". T. A.)—The Fifteenth Zionist Congress, the legislative body of the Zionist movement, will take place, in Basle, it is stated here on good .authority. . . -The Congress will in all probability. be convened, in September. . .
ing, gallstones, chocking spells, skin effects, gastric stomach, and all sickness arising from Impure blood. Breaks up « coldf and .cough Instantly, Guaranteed never- to fall- They trill prevent nick ness. Go-n& for" yannpr ana oil ages. Cat out iraa mall tbi£ clipping. Attach yWr «or
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Soft gray, -iron, brass, bronss« snd alnwltmm castings. Standard Hisses 'bronze and .iron bushings, sewer man* holes,' cistern rings and cover*. _and elean-ont loors In stock.
Relieve Constipation, Liver Kidney and Stomach Troubles—or No Pay Eddy's Herb Pill Co., located at No. 1227 Walnnt Street.. Milwaukee, WSs., Manufacturers. Wholesalers and Betallers, have prepared a combination of pure, picked, old-time herbs made Into a.chocolate coated tablet In pill form, a true and tried remedy for all the ailments the body is Jieir to. We have placed so much confidence in onr Eddy's Pure Herb Pills that we will forward to every person who writes, three boxes by mail, for; $1.25, providing .sou are satisfied after ybu; tried them out for ten days. If not satisfied return the three boxes and no charge will be, made for. the ten days' use. This remedy has proved its valne In different ways. Will relieve headaebs, pain in joints, and limbs, back-
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