April 21, 1927

Page 1

Jk fatae frienfi, 33se -a shscbw, .atte&is mify ;GEESN.,

•the .

i t ' s Tfarfl p A GnoSrMan Down -After ijeing ifatmed -tint -to the -Atlanta, Ga., ocmb m :tbe Sontfaaastetn "league axa: snare seasoning, 'Smiling" •Sammy Tvanfman, "who .last -year -pitched TtteUEvdsh Community .Center baseball ;team "to lits jfirst jjennant, -was recently ^ts-called by Chvnsr "Barney 3iarch. "luarfman, vrfro is .a rmoundsmarj ijy. -trade, -fis3 playing 'in the •-infield -for the -Omaha -Buffaloes Sirring Hnring -training. !Ebs -ynnfcirfn] Jevdsh "isall player -was siddsrily caller! Lack to rike Dmaha fEnJ.d, xtfter IEred "Snake" "Henry ~n-as u&ded rtn the Houston contingent ni the TDexas circuit.

=ectmti-tjas3 aiatl matter BD iaiurar? -27tii. LS21, .-*l 'Biaaha - NetmrsJra. midsrUie Act xst £iaxcb 3. "ISta

& 'YEAR, #2.50 - YDLXI,—N o.





Q. T. .A;}—Three "Jewish j Tfel j^viv (3. T. -A.>—A absolution, -.iour .Arab-councillors were elect-' jntrtesting against "the persecution X£L to the .municipal government of \ jBstarffw Slanguage .and ' Scfed in the -electron?: held yesterday.'. ±n dSoviet -TinFsin vras adopted jat a .lewlsk Hospital 25afinnal Gonffirence "WiD Be At- conference of Eebrerv -KxiterB held Gov. 3Inore el i The Elections took -place -under an; ' agreement between the Arab and! -Special Session to Altar Aenflefl .by Inaiviflrcils IFrnm .here. The conference -extended -the I Jewish parties .and the Arab candi- ; greetings of ^Palestine ^Hebrew -centers Hates J220Sociaa-Service OrSpecial Sfidar IFar the .-suppox oi tne "KELP PURCHASE IfflESE t o "Oieir colleagTiss in -Russia -and PRATER PUBOSHIID !da±es Jewish Gnldren urged -srmihrr organizations abroad to STATE H0KI>S'*—PR, ty 3iEwisb children -were entnrBY TFS :.4TTH(YflS' 3e\rish -waiters. joba the jrrotest. U T JEWISH UEADEB5 .at a special IPassover sedar GREAT TAEIETA OP SIJBf: the past week the , "CEEAXA, I L L , - , 7 . T. A.'—liabbi,' "Wednesday :night, Ttfhiph was -given Hospital healii; and •friendship Trenton.—Governor TSIoore on Tues- -priest and minister have co-cperated ; X nnder-the .joint auspices oi tlie Toung ; ave' Ijeer,. sent to -people hi :thr .day fixed Thursday at 11 a. ro. •as ths in lurmulatrsg z. prayer ackncrKiedprTork.—IThe'.National Confer- j Judsa .clubs and the Js-wish Communi:Omaha.. The -week oi April 17 •time for fiss Ep££ia! session oT ths ing-the kinship cf the fsitbF and h e { -ty 'Center. ence of Jewish Social Service--wili:h.T>ld', to ,2S lias been RC-1 aside as '< legislature ts shiaigE the'date -fcr "ths comiMun fcthsrhcrou1 -of -Gtrd. 3t 1The ^sendees, which were conducted 3ts imnual sessions a t Des ZHrjimSr special election en • aaretitutinrnal piihlishec t y it? iraihsrj- i'tw Ends Ganntrj- Gain- Jewish Hospital Week. 'The Kationsi fay Phillip Sandier -were carried out Hovra, 3Iay 8 -to H, according .to an "First Jevrish Cullegiate «levcisi-i Hospital is a .iioii-Eectariaii itvamendments. After adjournment cT John-A/ZTBricn. -pastor of St. 7 ing; "!Tel Aviv Crisis Minor m ^complete detail. .AH the prayers omnoun cement ±rom .the -national niHe 3ield .in -Omaha stitution hsvhip now more1- than '2nV ihe lesnlar-session it -was recalled Catholic" Cmnaeh; Eabbi Benjamin< •ware given in -Hebreiv and Siirlish .so mees, XL4 ITifth Jtvenue, Tork i t e E i . T.Ian''- o< t;vsse inmates are that September ITT, the election date Pranks!. - dnscteir of Tlillel Founds-) Issw 'Xcrk=—-Nathan .Strauss, :r tthe youngsters ..should get the imder- Cit;.', by J3amnel _A. Goldsmith, -secrs"The 1S2B "JHid-"WEs1sTn first £sed, vcas also the date ni ifce tiaa. -and the Hev. 2smes C. "Baker,: Toxk -p'MlsntkropiEt, arrived Monday ••from Omaha. "lyng rmeaning of-the sedar. -U±ry ni die 'xiT^auisaiitm. 3ndh?i3ual& Conicnaice jrf the IZsta 3 s t a -!Eau i ; 'Tvp; irrce the peopie vAm have :TPi k e Star liner Adriatic after j Tear. I t is understood -nastor-of the IFrinitv Itlcthodist r.--' ^ * * J22D social -service nrgajiizaiians, fraternity -isi» bEield in Omaha nest Jewish ihat i h s election will .be set down for copal -Church., jpll c: Urbsna. Tht \ a visit- "to 'Patestin.E, He ^sak; -that he ; ceiveti these .hands, to purchase themg "SF5 cities in 3S states and spring, ja g .to .Nathan 13. Jacobs Hnnt 3?orgEt to steady -progress -there., in spite : early -part a£ October. .test r£ the -pTayar is a& Tallows: -organization in Canada, -will attend omd- ClySe"*. troo .Tssmusrs oi 3ra The governor's decision diollawad a; ^Alraighty God—We, who arc mem- ( oi the crisis mTel Aviv, which he said the fraternity., -who rrspresentsd the state-wide Tnsstest^rora TspTEsentative bars of diSerent races end xaiths, lie- '• .? -"tenroorary. Ijlvery rregistexed Jewish man and "the conference. t nf -the .years wori -will be] Dmaha Graduate Club of-the irateT-woman Jhould turn nut -to -rate -wrhfin g Jewish leattsrs against holding an sirr Together Thyy fstl-rrnoovl and our | "I weal to'Palestine for the EpecSc. -presented by "William - J. Krroder, 13iity at the "third -annual conference slecticm an "^ais Jewish holiday. Dis- kinship -with cs=l-. ciher. In our dif-, purpose cf •establishing; in Jerusaleir. election Say rolls around .on "May i dif -president of t h e conference, m life i h e l d ™ Chicago last vreek. 3± is -the duty nf Bach trict Court Judge. Myron C. Ernst, ference -we £T-L! thrx Taaiiy c£ oui- • a health and hi d -welfare center lor l the Omaha Graduate club jmA the acting -as-Hpokesnsaii for zepprcrsi- hopes, rax fears, irr citizen "to help chnasfi +VIP rmen "who animal Teport"at -Sie Trpening session, \ are'; people ofTaiestine, TegarJaless of race I oirrGsphE.tian> aspirat: Alpha TPhsta chapter sd. -&e "Univerrun "Hie city government. T3y failing- Sunday night, lEtay 8. mately "70,000 Jews in Hudson County, one. ^Thwu ssrt D: "Fzihsr EHJ WS are ' cr creed/' said ,l£Lr. .Straus, ""anfl also I sity of ^Nebraska are ~co be husts t o .Among -the subjects t o i e discussed to -rate you are cheating- yourself as stations tnere. "tx> cs3>and E V supmitted the latest of these -pretests Thy "ChndTsn. at tlie conference -rail be: "[Field cf tlie visiting ^Z. 3 . IT. men. .About shortly bsfcis Governor liocre made n the -"We JSXS heartily Ferry xcr the j During my stay in us .your community. i!ectarian "Social "Wort," by ZSIrs. John seventy-five iratemity brothers are Tiublic his 'a !-mists of xear, "Envy, hatred, suspicion! comsrstoiie uf -this institution was .31. Glenn, American Association far ^expected ^at the jxegional ronfareiics. blinded our eyss I laid b y £hs high conrmissioner, said the snecial and-greed UnrSick Uack TTOTQ . Governar Organization £amily Social "Work, The. conference includes s b : -active large D s Momes "With i:hc JSew Tori:; "Character of "Relation- chaptrs and -five graduate clubs 1in session Garistians, ; "will ships of ^Jevdsh Agencies Tsrith Public TUinois, .Ilissonri, "Wisconsin -and IX ~3LBsrree, .Ed is "back ana be is full -Miss or Isou-Bectarian Agsneies in i i e braska. E Tefjardinu the latestisprfisented "tiiE most Tield of Tamily "Welfare," by S a r r y j n baskstball "which "teas X. i u r i c , .BuperintEnaart, Jewish So- Alpha "Thata chapter .at :&£ xcnier•stxty? •none had been recently enacted 'Ay "the lules comcial -Service .Hnxeau, Chicago Illinois. ence in Chicago. "Nathan 2E. Uacobs, r. tae Trorlfi, Trill have complete 'Open oirr cy-es xriittse. the nnmerouE,!TE®3inical leaders -who; The latter subject .is to "be divided in- wlio is ^X^szgional Ijjiis&ctor this vear, of this institsitiari. in -venati to. him. ! ture season, basketball iEollcrwEis ad appealed app at "the -meetings i n Chicagio. had rto a discussion on the large city and .may ^witness 'an -entirely The 3Egional conierence -of the "Galliar .a-special .session b s c a m s ' ^ Iranian beings -mat on "the small ^community. Discussiari style of ;play Jby "lie -various, tniints. Ucta Tan -fraternity "will .be "the abaobxtehr baobxtehr-awiaTy." ^aid Governor | i i eoroconiifE. T l c y J.U.WV11'-will be .lea by Dorothy C. lEahn, iienar is dae ~Tlie:rule-which has xsmssd such a "fight first conference oi 'any Jewish colv;ho is .'actively Superintendent, jEfebre-w ^Benevolent is one T?hich limits n -player "to dribble legiate fraternity-to ise hsld^in Dmaha. on .S2ptemD2r 27 ±ne | the Research "Work of ilu lsr.fr fcr mJBBenesE m e the ball but once. would mean dissnfrandiissmssit of j -Jewish Hospital -ai Denvcv. -viteh, ~Mfma«rpr, "United Jewish Aid anouwr. TTHiB change -may seem f oolisn 'to ! The price;; are 'Iron-. SI to sip", On "!IxiesdEy. E a r i . Mvro some -spectators, hut men irom 3he ^Society, Brooklyn, -jmd Dr. S.-C!EJCCIS, state. Tnaire was oio :tj'f th?: ••"rild school" ,ni learning .aver -that "the BupHxintendeiit, ^Eurelni ^BeitEvnlcnt "this iast"wiiEn -the "date TKSS will "psp np fmr) .put -Bnciety, San .Enmcisco. " •""WnafTxrcSHs m -fiie Jewish Cnm-amguBragnts i» be -vnwai 2iir JLVB y -player into "fhe 'fig .muriity Qovsm;th2.-2>tinnS^r .of Jewish" -, On Tuesday evening, A-pril 2S, a t onr test piii.fi xi" ^t.»scrr Trsk I ish -Qainm-Hrnt-r^ Center. .ltt« Trill a l s o ; ™ Hf "the .rule .is .enforced, spectators -mil strsmsly imjiux Unit "to t h s -welfare vn Depsndsart " -ChildrcDQ -AdmitteB to 8:30.-o'clock,-the -winners of "the JEW-' Trorld fashioned ir, -ond ; sing .a ,gronpi' eff songs of .Palestine j J e w - l s i l -Hospita ai Denver is ftjr a -see uo^naTe-sensational dribbles inrni state. 'We -varnt snd Expect every" v.-ho vvat elected • -typifying l a e •variou-F nic--s basket to baskst-'Tiut msteaa-they-vrill ZPlacsment?""V7iirbsthE Eubject afai ish Community Center Commercial -rater to -register an opinion on them.*" under "Thy f^adance. oT the 'Kational : dent ! there. Uasket "JBall lieague Trill be-the guests jjajjer by JZena IBlanc, JEbcecutive : -Jon in be-rfldenneut ^.t flasbv "Secretary, bureau -far ?errish Chiid- at a stag -and gat-to-geiiisr,. "to he ; i l r . SlasE is iieraldeu as a n rtist Association last OctoNn:. tsamplay. held iin ±he .-dining jncai of *ths « cf nmtsusl taients .ana h a s had tire; D r . Sewall ip held in "high 'IThe coaches throughont -the rouu- 3En, ?hihidelphia. TSiscussion -will be ; -opportunity of studying i n "Eixropetm | by the entire medical profession -try are Tuisagreeing -with ihe -rules led "by '3L Trotzkey,- SupsfintEndent, i -centers. A f t e r t h e vrsr, hi? Hebrew | Ms 'life-lang activity m science. Uaiinm Orphan SEoms, -first comnnttec -parfjy because .it -will Cumpuny won second "SiElooies, "throujrli -which his Tepnta- i-numeroiif; degrees, medical and .change rtheir entile style of -play. "But Chicago. The wiuiicrs -vrill beTnssentsd-VTitfa 3*CbIicstisS5 B * T h r e e ! tion iias i e e n establishac!, i a v e been scientittc, which I)i. Sfw&ll is "Ten-uunute Tiapers- on "Experience the "best-we can do now is "to Trait and _ l,g>sky Jubilee Committee' | -very pupaiaT mi "She TictoT reeoxds. ; to add to his- namt axr -«T.uten?w oj Jewish Coimnuriity -Chests"-will be the liussel "Trophy. 3Iedals will also let things .take .their own course. Toimnes oT Selects^ "Writhiss of ^anerLsn Zionist Hesfl ' 1v. ortjer : to :givs...-mtjre -people sm : his great achieveinent-E in JJefnre the editor closes "this dis- -presented by Hr. J3! C jELohs, Super- be given out "to the members xfi SOB medicine. I D Colorado he is .cuEuion he -wishes -fco inf onn the read- intendent, . Societj*, riming teams ^mii those ^of ^the •ni ISioisjstB iaraasitoxit I -cppGrlanity t o .tear t h e Tnevr music oi : considered a.p one ol the I SalsHtins, "WE a r e ms!kni|r « -sBecial oxid ^place tesm. ers oi -the Jewish "I'ress Ihat Xd 33nrTrancisco; Harry J . Baprper, jitrv 3Iesiiky said ..3. J -the ;cmnj±ry, Bssrry »cgsfcy_ana *..--J. f i r d c E c f . g ^ . c s n t j ; ^ .±it±et_ to a F ; . T ; h o pioneers ir: tuberculosip work. "There -will be a -very interesting : ttick, "head physical director -at "the "cuiive JlirectoT, I Jewish ixf .EEntury -uf :Eervi« t o "the -.Zionist! K a s a n a n w e -on 'the •cssmmitto from j ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ I>T. .-Sewali is .actively tc. 1. C."-C. -favors -the -new dribble law. Eration, Oakland -JCailf:; jHorris D. i Tescarch in tul-rerc-uiosis it) 'the xause by IJOUIS Xipsky, ^ r e s i d s n t rf j Omasa. j Ticfcets a r e -on .sale.at "the "Commiini_Any member jn "Use Genter iBurdiek asserts "the game will Ibe Woldman, Secretary, Jewish ^Welfare j -searcr. '.Depart-ment "* oi the 'JNatiawit ' ~~ i t y Center. Call "Jackson IT56B, "to iilUdiid ijjy Trctking reeserva- • i t e ^Woxlii ^Zionist tDrganbaEiion. ...A! -more speedier "than -ever. federation, Dgtrnit; IPaul Goldbiatt, i .levrish "Eospitat: he a -member *'• ^fLffluis l i j ^ F jubilee Secretary, TedeTation ni "tions at once and jjurcl ' the -Medical Adviso Tit ihe cost nf '3D xems. 3Rass0YEr HiunchsB Agree ^DelMirsii Society ' the National Eescarch -Boarti of £Jw•JSS IPa., and Samuel C. Blumenthal, Wifli Central Sigh I 'JSationas Jewish Sospitai. '.During: fr» $1,000 ionDxaxy ^sscrstary, cand HsisioTB "D. PRESS cutive OirEctor, Jewish IFederation ffor -Hhionias • C. [ { associatioii -with the Itesesrch -3sxnsaism "(3. 'T. A . ) SchDDl Stntlents ans, r-trsasazer, ±o - honor " S T . 131SKETS DISCOK Republic 1 .At '&e'last-.meeting of the Deborah I of the Kational 32asaryi, "5?EEii&5Xt -.of Hcs Cream, ^candies and sweet--cakES -Social Service, Dallas, Texas. 3ipsky'B -Esmtributions t o Haymond Clapp, Director, "Welfare Sevnil] has, -vritii oihers. rvxti 3»1-j.SaciBty.x3ull:rEpart "ws? .|riven ox; the •.of -.Czechaskrsakia, 'left'; were disregarded by "Jewish students /and "WoxH "Zronisni p note-worth;." investigations soantry. j TTalmud Tosafc Dairee •which -was given London (J. T. A->—The attending Central high school. "Far 3?eaeratiorj. of Cleveland, will :read -a TespgnizBd :as s mse mm nf|"I«noi^ nf 1 :a « & " ? ! w an under .» .prant of inj'.last -sioiith. "Mrs. M a s .Fxi the -past iew days tthe .youthiul paper on "What Have "Been "the Effects able resignation T£ Arthur American' A t a .farewall •^geepte xEozsmoBt '.leaders TSImistsT xriT DvErseas TTxiida, TJUH -to scholars .have been -patronizing "the hi Jewish ZEncial _A-gencies uf J. C. C. restaurant to .a great ^extent. .bership in Community miy-iin and t h e cuts m tzre Hvi^sn •l&iiiu'EfiX ^' sff^.^yr^-f— of Councils of Social -Agencies?" T3e i n g .to t h e • Cfaurchfll ^p'lan -fk jeggetttal Sgures Tin will "the -subject ss "it .afiects Tridsly i:hroughTHit tfiie Sxitisb -rprsss. BBme Talmud "Torah. "Zionist 32xe... work at-tne s JisadTEHis *3. rfee ; Jewish "Is:a3exs -psychologically and TCns ** * TTIi)Yv^"y ••'or ^"O^5'f.s^ny 'l^^p^* -is •±o -work 3nwi -work 'lessfe' "to :na.tionsl} ••i'Each day ha^.seen 1 xulive, rto -wiiicfa ire vwat; ^-elesteS :unanAniB "Weep, Tes aso .itls ^rractical efrects -on "the TO!-' DH£ ox ttiic ~xiu!6B . g'cvfirimtsntsl -.ifeSeSanai." ! the > IPlSplfe "'hi K e o t a l . I i n the hdmrstorie^ amouslv a t the last -twt) 2ionist iparLryiP.i^v "wilicit a?B ?tD rljB ^bolishfill r ume wnrk «if Jewish social -agencies. 3EEr. ."Harry Bra-viroIT,-pianist and ir>- t ^snd -visitoTF ha^rpaper will be bjy a disRelieve it or not gentlemen b u t i h e -pxeaeirt .the .'iollowing | ^ s deep sincerity -and :high jcussian 'by 1. Irving Xxpsitch, "Exeai- ^papsrs ^iTippT^TTflp ^tnst ~Sl3r. ^SiinH^I i s •women are actually showing up d i e "tygir x5 acegulating -ffas Wednesdsn.by ~fnT rthe cnTost tsnlcisnt insnin'_phy5ical .activities at "the "tive Director, IFsasration -of ; tion -of ttte? -world --ministers -whose 'jiGsts arje lost -due ish Communitj' Center. "Welfare Organizations, Xos .Angeles; "2± Bil'5" o'clock.: |:Nationa! ' p u b l i c 3n jKopcxiicn, iiie fairer sex are Dr. liaris D . Uagsn, .-SecretaTy, In- t o the cut. Ht i s Tpdintefl tsxxt i i a t libhy -Aisrsmson. rSara 'Baum, Peaxl j "-is •distinctive -Srthst »e -ot-her Tmter .and dramatic doing mors .gym work ±han :the .so- dependent Order, 3J':nai TBtrith, Cin- SETTTUSI is one x^c llie sonsiiisssHisly: conducts -men » called strong ssx. "Jlot only do -the cinnati,- and -Ularris J3. "Waldmaii, able a n d industrious :ci2BilietE nff *ifee -women go-out-for •their-gym exercise .-Sesrrstary, Jewish IVfilfare ~Fs'Asraiitm,'governmfinty x^ito ^jcamiot ^Iss no enrio-vnnexit :but :i& EOTJiLiiiiitian :of I t is ^spsefced -iifaat ••3&saxg*B& but "they are showing .jrp Tnore -fre- Detroit. from -the r.Tegubtr anti riuently .in "the made -in t h s ^ovfirnmEnt i p s r a to the '.Kational 'ifee Zionist .movement Sates 'back t o 32fiC£astly JX ^oung lady -was jilocked xss t o give t h s J o r m e r -miaistsr oof Its :incspiion tmarfi -.than ?a :."-tpisrtsr .iff i-.trance "t» '.the.itasE :tS-'M£. lEsttnsr "Jfetsstss 3virs}jeiiiJEinn, Gertruxte 'Hctii- i -xtnuung ;aroimd ribs "track .in j-ecord TO STUDY "OvsTseas TCiaBfi 3 . nsw PitUESTIKE CtUVUlTiONS a csatary age. B e .has Issen sm>-time. .What will '.become uf the men Ths tbisf Tnif urigfatened bjStstt. Betty ^epn.1- r.ditr. IFOR V. £ / ressivEly -Sesretary of ths ^Federation! 'if-tiiey"leave the women .forge ahead? INTEESATIQXAL PROTESTS •Emvjy trf 'tns zasyor. Wn^rn sronGAI^. -FTRENGTH , BsJttj TamofT. TiuyTor. TETT1of Ainsrican Zionists and Secretary,A-nswer -ibis "for -yinrrself but we OF JEWISH the tcisEf thrust E liarior Ti"cir»bcrpr a u ; Fcisr: , Jerusalem (3. "I.JtL)-—3aiaes ^HndgA.)—Tire have GUT'Jown opinion. Warsow SOCIALIST Us XTTHUAKIA fer Organization of "the Slonist Or-1 -son, Commercial attache J»-theJ&msrin • of thr ican Embassy :in 'Cairo, ;arrivEd .here -Amsterdam (J. II. A,)—A -pratest fr. Poland wa» .CDUESE TERSDKAl. xS the International JPsHsratisn- ox Tias xtected Chairman of ihs ti? , at thr ltatitmal VUJD I t .\vas .stated -that 3Ir. IHodgson Tjill ZEradeTInions.kno-wn BE ths Araster- rtive CammittEe. ^Bus -was -xenslECtedj "W3EDUL i ativr i ' SENTENCES TO 3*EIS0K IN i make z. study JOI l^alestnie • conditions dam Internatkraal. -vrss dirfictsd .to .at-the iollCTKing conventicHs in Balti-j STEESEEAKK LIEEL SUIT! The ^attendance .at the .Tersonal at rtlie -request nf the "UniteS States :ths govemment tff Xithuania more, Pittsburgh -.and "Washisgton. i | Far:; ?,::, ticicjrrae;- TcpTemniiinf hygiene .Course -has been so -satisfae:tne iiieculinn .JE :the dcsfii -sentence at the ^aSalo Convention .in 3JS2G | 'Berlin (3. T* A.1!—-The libel suit towns art stionciinr tl» coitfeTRj trtry "that a llarger rroom had to "be Impasea bj- ^ court rmzrfoil on '&& was elevated t o the -presidency of -fee. isreug-ht fey 3Forei«n J2inistsr Strase- • ikeFTOIR iiir rcuorcj. sulmiitCett tt-" rpr/jvided aor the .class. TRIBUTE -socialist, 3Ieknnsd« ' nonfeTen"^ rt 3^ ai^tsre-oi ti;at T* ion. Tiie 4?roup meets every Tuesday T O THESLOKY" OF ACHAT> A Ifiitture xif "ths .-projssrtEd iisher, SETT ^ISSIIET, cntteri here ; -withstarsdirtj. Li a. economic crisi*- -*-' :n"ighl at 835 -and fe supervised "by IHAVA3I AKD I n -fee -telegram Usspatchsd hy Jubilss Cnmmittee dny -wits B Terdiet » fovtir r.'f the! ! Polsiu:. thr cooperative 11x2. '3?. "F.~Tr7hitannb of "the Board nf THIB internatiDEa} to' jis the Tjubliration "in t h n s votairss of 1 -plaints. :? BEcrfitsriat TIT* uf iiie Wjis Tjufali 1 "WBJ ZEoucation. 1 "Tel Aviv (3. T, -A:)—5During ' his ^Premier ValGEmaras, the tire .Isifeer- -fee .ssksted cfi1 .tfas .Asjerizsr* J&allar yeai nini- sncv, cooperatives T. Apiil 55 at &:30X\KL Thirty--five girls rhave already -visit .hers, TEresiient ^asaryk rk -national ^protests :agans3± vfes jGzx£n}g&; ^Zionist sm dishonest ir th« city u? Yvsa*s»«' K . 3ir. jLipsky .is ^it TTTBSThe meetinjs is of xital .istered and .unotlrer unotrer class 'is -to be 'SJzechoslovalna ,-yisttea nf ~thE EunLiiiuiition of maxiial hsrr "in oT tiass -with the 3lnKsia:i .~3sv;f m variou?; tither tnv^Hi, Tite cemetery. "He laid -wreatbB on ithe Xithuariia and .tunas fes 1 F" . roTraed bsefois very .long. ,-tfaE "World J25anist 3Esecaiivc t o Bsc- iiBJidre<.i iinportancc. labor cQaperat'vw;' hi Poiami was ass •Any -girl member oi rtfae'Center OVET graves -of 3Iax Ifedau and JAchad dniposition of death 3SEntences spaa i t o xetorri ^siiortlT. or ifee payment —EE .SCEE TO ATTEND— taimovsr dtErmg tire pear -o* TTPI'STTTI. -of :age as eligible. "16 "later' teaSers

•fists 1228 2iia-








Pu_ll8_e- every ,-harsday at Otnaba. Nebraska. 09

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THE JEWISH PRESS PUBUcJHlNG COMPANY Office: 490 Brandeia Theatre Building — Telephone: ATlantic 1450. NATHAN E. GREEN, Manager. Subscription Price, one year. Advertising rates furnished on application.


CHANGE OP ADDB_5S-»t>tease give botb (be old and new address: be sore and, «Jve yoar name.

": The Jewish Press Is Bdpplied by the Jewish Telegraphic Agency (Jewish Correspondence Bureaa)/SriUr cabled and telegraphic Jewish news, in addition to f e a ^ e articles, and, corxespondeoces frajn alt important - Jewish centers. Inquiries regarding rievres'' Items credited to this Agency will be gladly answered It addressed to Jewish JTelegntphfe Agency, 62J Broadway, New York (Sty.. .-, - -- .'

THE NATIONAL JEWISH HOSPITAL Billy and Joe will make their appearance, in our city soon. Billy and Joe will not come in person, but will be represented by a group of our puMc-spirited citizens. BiH^and Joe are two of- the two hundred and fiftypatients of the National Jewish Hospital at Denver. Afflicted with tuberculosis, these little fellows, aged three and nine, of different faiths and from widely separated parts of thecountry, are finding at the National Jewish Hospital their only chance for health, and happiness. .",-•• . Opened over twenty-seven years ago, the Nataoonal Jewish Hospital was the pioneer institution in America for the free care of "sufferers from tuberculosis on a national Bcale. Following in its steps Mve come many semiJiar institutions, so that today the death rate from tuberculosis is less than one-half the figure it was before the National Jewjs,h, Hospital entered the field. The National Jewish;Hospital at Denver, through its medical and research work, stands paramount in its field. Its serivec is absolutely free and tion^ectarian; i t s motto is **No_e may enter who can pay, none ;can pay who enter.'' ; Patients come from all parts of thb country;- •:• • Billy and Jofe^H great you from the covers of boxes of "NJH Bonds." Each "NJIf Bond" is a messenger of health and happiness for the patientstinow at the Hospital, and for the long line of applicants waiting for admission. Increased demands have necessitated increased support for this hospital, and it is hoped that revenues from the sale of "NJH Bonds*; throughout the country will make it possible to meet the growing needs of the institution.

1927 .Saturday, April 23 —-Tuesday,, May 3 .Friday, May 20 —Wednesday, June 1 Monday, June 6 --.Friday, July 1. •..—,.,Sunday, July 17 .Saturday, July 30 _—Sunday, August 7 ....Monday, August 29

7th Day Pessach . Rosh Chodesh lyar ~.---... Lag b'Onier Rosh Chodesh Sivan —«. 1st'Pay Shabaoth ; Rosh Chodesh Tammuz M Fast of Tammuz -,,.,--,-,...., Rosh Chodesh Ab _».._..,„„. Fast of Ab ....._...,...__._„ Rosh GhOdesh Ellul


Tea •

Smothered Chicken • i or 5 1b hen 1 onion sliced 4 tablespoons chicken fat " 1 fresh tomato " -34 cap Passover cake flour Boiling -water . Prepare hen as usual. Cut into serving pieces. Place fat in pan. and add chicken that has been dipped in beaten egg- and matzo meal. Fry until brown as you like. Remove chicken to baking pan and add 3& cup Passover cake flour that had been dissolved in cold water until thin paste. Cook over slow fire and. add enough boiling water" to make gravy. Season to taste. Add onion and tomato. Pour over chicken .and bake ' slowly 2% hours. This dish is also just as good cooked over a slow fire instead of baking. Passover. Salad 2 eggs yolks •:,% cup sugar one-eight teaspoon salt , 4 tablespoons lemon juice • 1 cup diced'oranges I .1 cup diced grapefruit ' 1 cup any other fruit Beat egg yolks, add sugar, beat and let stand for 10 minutes, beating every few minutes. Add salt and lemon juice. Add fruit and chill. Serve in lettuce cups. • • * Egg Filling or Spread for Matzos Place 2. tablespoons, fat or butter in pan, add 1 small onion cut up, cook until onion is soft, add salt and pepper to taste and 4wKol& eggs well beaten. Add % teaspoon horse radish and cook until mixture is creamy. Spread on Matzos and serve hot.


to the votes of the Jewish, <|gj3u£ies. He is known "to nave & fr&ncfly attitude towsrd the Jewish.i»opula"tion. The election. of Sagmi^ls is Considered here a triumph ofc^Lhe blo,c of the democratic minorities w h M f have checked the elections of all Chauvanistic candidates,

Berlin (J. T. A.)—Exile from Lithuania's capital "was the punishment meted out to a Jewish newspaperman by the Lithuanian authorities for publishing a true report, despatches received here from Kovno state. One of the members of the editorial staff of the "Yiddisch Stimme", JewHER MAJESTY, THE CUSTOMER, ish newspaper of Kovno, was deportRULES THE EMPIRE. Ha. 8398, ed from the city because he published a report of the execution of the Jewish Socialist, Melamid, notwithstanding the fact that the report was DEMOCRAT ELECTED LATVIAN PRESIDENT passed by the Lithuanian press censor.


*—We. wear

the second, team. Pollock holding down a pitchers berth while Joe cavorts around second base, Sbriebman is one of the half • dosen catchers. Dickie Hilleir is a member of Bedell's scrubs, an aggregation of little ptrn&s, toosmall to make either one of the first two teams. _....

Omaha ring. But the Jewish Community Center has a member who just recently turned pro and is making a fair success at the' game. Jack Landman, a tall stolia t^ . . a lad entered the finals of the Mid Western A. A. U. boxing tourney several -weeks only to take a kayo at the hand of the champion in the second round. Since then Jack turned professional and has entered the squared circle in earnest. He will be seen in the semiwindup of the Omaha Athletic Club's boxing match this evening.

. Johnny Kosenblatt, outfielder extraordinary on the chaanpionship Jewish Community Center-team; is this year graceing u Carter Lake suit. Johnny graduated from class t. to class A almost over site.; Junday the diminu- GERMAN CANTORS tive flychaser poked out a double in START NEW PUBLICATION two trips to the plate when the Lakes lost to the Murphy's 4 to 3. Berlin (J. T. A.)—A publication devoted solely to synagogal music Herman Ferber,.catcher, on the Y. made its first appearance here on

JL. H. A. ^eam of. severaryears back is in town this week. Herman caught the slants ;oT Koaioi; -when the "Y" had a., real teaxo. ' Askl any of the Thorpian gang they will recount the glories of that bunch of ball shaggers to you who:faiLto..reLv»>mber. Ferber however is nbtl playing' ball now, as. he is a featured, actor on,the World bill, star^jguioday. Handsome Herman does'a,song'and dance specialty smothered that is a wow.'

soup, prepare as for chicken gravy, using soup in place of water and fresh chicken fat. Prepare Zimes as usual and in place of potato diimblings, make matzo kloese, Passover Menus Allow to cook % hour. " Fruit Cup • Bake Passover songe cake. Place a Clear Soup Celery slice on'each plate, cover with lemon Smothered Chicken Potato Cakes fluff and top with banana cream. This is a delicious Passover dessert. Passover Salad Apple Sauce Passover Cake

Tunis {J. T. A.)—Over -fifty ..per* cent of the students in the elementary. schools of Tangiers a r e Jewish, according to statistics compiled'by the French government. Of the total of 2151 pupils in the elementary schools, 1110 are Jewish, 529 Spanish, 328 Moslem, 115 "French, 2 r Italians. The enrollment in the secondary schools totals 526, including 239 Jewish pupils, 146 French, 76 Spanish, IS Moslem and € Italian.


FIELD SPORTS North High School Leon Formaiv, one. of the Flying Eskimos from the. Polar, school fared fairly well when his, crew, encountered the hukies -froia- Blair. Xeon pulled down a second-place in both the one hundred aiuL-two-twenty dashes in addition to.being.lead off man of the victorious-half mile relay team.

Tecfc7High School Nathan.Mareus. is the,, only Jewish fellow in tHt-Drummond and White BASEBALL camp _h6"-_hoiss* promise of getting Omaha in the Western League anywhere. Nathan, who is a letter On again, off again, on again Kaufman in wrestling and the holder of man. Smiling Sammy Kaufman who several reserve letters is .determined had been farmed out to Albany in the to gain a place on the Maroon squad Southeastern League (Georgia) was as a hurdler. The lanky fellow is recalled last week by Barney B_rch,« p r e t t y g o o d on tiie sticks and "should owner of the Omahai team. team. The The former former II j Omaha sandlotter was sent to the { ms ie t h e tmAa Southern nine when ex-manager Fred Central High School Henry thought that he had made a The oldest school in the city has sensational find in Byrne James, a attracted a number of Jewish boys rookie shortstop. However, James has oat to the wire enclosed lot for tract nofc as yet proven himself the equal and field practice. Bud Levin, Milton of his press reports and the Omaha Altshuler, Harry Azorin, Henry Weinmentor thought it wise' to recall the er and Sol Yaffe are the most promJewish lad as he may be needed at nent of the boach. Levin by reason most any time. Kaufman to date has of fcis s_» and sttength seems to be not seen service in. any of the West- the best bet for maMng a place in ern League scraps but i t may not be the Schmidt coached, .squad. Bud is long now. • a strong contender {with the -hot pttt and javelin, in addition to taking a Amarillo in the Western League flung' at the- broad jump. The other •Art-Swartz,. one time local high chaps are deucedly small and light school star and.now a member of the and -with the exception of Yaffee are receiving corps of the "Baby" of the almost out of all recktrai_ff. Sol too is Western circuit has yet to see his a little fellow bat has picked up a bit name in the lineup of the Texans of 6kill which may enable him to during a league fracas. Swartz in survive a cut or two before' the order training outhit the two veteran of "turn in your suit." catchers but a veteran, is a veteran : and as such, ranks above a rookie. BOXING Meanwhile Swartz must bide his . It. has been a long time since a time, till he gets Ms chance and then Jewish boxe> with the.exception of Morrie Schlaifer has graced an look out you veterans.By Stanley F . Levin.

A p r i l


. '.

•-• -" ' - • ':••_.....- •.:..•


Riga (J. T . A.)—Gustav Zagmals, HADASSAH SETTLES leader of the democratic center in the DISPUTE WITH LABOR MEDICAL FUND Latvian parliament, was elected presJerusalem (J. T. A.)—The differences of opinion between, the Palestine administration of the Hadassah medical work and the Kuppath Cholim, the workers' sick benefit fund, were ended. I t was announced today that a compromise agreement was signed by representatives of the two organizations.

itllv nil

' « • m » n-if" «"" " i « l - " « « i »,nn,m«m™nmri.1»nM,««-


M. SOMIT—Jewish Book Store


2429 Decattuf St.—WE. 3527

1 '' " II if li II || || li



I just received Matzos from Erez-lsroei and I am offering them for sale at a very reasonable price. The Matzos are baked in Palestine from the very best wheat and all of the greatest Kabonin recommend that it is the duty of every Jew to have them at least for the Sedernights. Among the religious articles that I have are: Talesotn, silk and wool, Tohilin, Mesasos, Holy Scriptures etc- I also have Ksgodos for Peisach and kosher soap for Peisach.

The Most Delightful Summer Vacation


;'.:'.: '

The publication, "Der. Juedische Kantor", is the organ of the German Jewish Cantors Association. It will appear bi-monthly.


• _nder management of TEMPLE TOURS, Inc.


12 Attracftre Tours leaving in May, June and July, visiting England, Holland, Belgium, Germany, France and Switzerland. •


35 Days. AH s ^ f 7 R a Un d Expenses IncL *?„ *. M • P

Jerusalem (J. T. A.)—Sir John Russell, British authority on agriculture, arrived here yesterday to make a survey of 1 destine soil at the invitation of the Palestine government. Sir John will deliver a lecture next Wednesday at the Hebrew University on bio-chemical soil problems.

Lowest Possible. E&tes Inclusive Fares ~ .. Picturesqne.. Kates -r-Congenial Company ; Compsteat Leadcrelsip


Tra?e! Free hm Worry! .WrSf& for ahjstrafe- t>ookJet

"Quality Jewelers" MALASHOCK 3EWELRY


Wholesale and Retail Jewelers 213-16 City National Bank Bldg. J A . 5619


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City Commissioner

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* ISO? Ho^ETai.StU Omaha, Nebr. Gentlemen: K3ri3Iy~send folderi European Tfliuc. -



Election May.3


Druggists and Stationers 401-403-40-~S0_m tetft Street

Mr. Koustky is a successful business num. Figures show absolutely that he has saved the people hundreds of thousands of dollars. H e had to "break u p " the Contrac-

tors' Trust in order to do it, but he DID IT.

Comparison Proves Them the Greatest Values Ever Offered in Omaha at


s Men-—From erery a-gle, quality, tailoring, fit, fabric, tjiortment _a_ -»lue, GIa-«r Two-Pant SuiU at $28.50 are is A class of t_eir own.

Central High School A number of Jewish boys are perPAXTON-MItCHELL CO. forming On the several White Eagle 1Tth and Marth* St*. HA r&ey Omaba. Kcbr. nines. Chief amongst them is -Tiny" gray, iron, brass, bronze and Herman Levinson, a neat little second Soft alumiuuin casttags. Standard sizes sacker who plays a mean game on bronze nn_ iron busbtngs, sewer mnnttotes, cistern rtogs ami caters. _ n the first team. Levinson was one of! clean-ont loors In stock. .; * • • . the several fellows who managed to ? 7 Matzo Pudding eke out a hit from the offerings of # "5 Mateo's Johnny Owens, star twirler from the - 4>eggs Let Us Help Yon Keep Clean South gang last Tuesday when the 2 apples Packers seat the Eagles to earth to { Vs. cup sugar the tone of seven to one. Levinson Frostier Tgwd _ Lisea Sepply . - juice of % lemon \ " got one bisgle out of one trip to the 1819 California Street L " • 1 teaspoon salt plate. Joe Levinson, Jake Shiiebmaar ATtantic 629t Break matzos and pour boiling and Harold Pollock are members of water over them, fof a'minufe. Pour oft all surplus water* add beaten eggs and peeled and diced .apples, sugar, salt and lemon juice. Pour- into a well greased pan and Accident and Health Engiae Breakage hake 1 hour. Jf you have any Pass•Assault Explosion {Oencra!}-> * Automobile Fire ^Express Shipments over jelly or jam use in place of Automoeile Ltabillty Fh&Hty Bonds "•• "i Deposit Fire and Torn_do> apples. Fly Wheel

This new store solicits yo«r patrtnage- only on .& b_si»-«f compari«o-u It is dollars !a your pockets to buy at Gl_r_r'_; prove it to yourself tomorrow.

VERY m&n should inform himself about our great special size ranges, every conceivable sis© and proportion ih here, come expect-ong c_®» tomized tailoring, fit and fabric at only part <sf h usual custom made price—and no annoying- waifs tryons! -.


Special Sizes—*-Special Fabrics—Special Patterns-** Special Colors—Special Values! and Med: 1«H» fStont S5»es, S7 to BS Stotrts ami Medium tonsr Stouts, 44 to Bf Short Stouts t»n«t Xt««Han> Short Stouts, S« to 4(1 Hen's Shorts, as to 4£ SHo« Steal! I^-ng • SlCTtlV e n d MeiTlom Lonjr Mortis. S7 t» 44 np to m Kxtm Z_uriw M e n *B Special Siite




Ctwsf Gfewrf Ch?#t


The Spring Suit You Want in YOUR SIZE is Here at 'A.'!


• ' New Beets Boil until tender as many small new beets as desired. Peel and dice, add salt and pepper.an I tablespoon chicken fat Shake over fi>e until hat and weK mixed and serve ; at once. Household Hints , . i pon't throw away }«ft pvtxebicken

«<Rcsldence> Rcsldence> t) Buglary (Stre (Store, etc.) Burglary off Sate ~' Cfteclc Raising • ClvU Co—unotten *. Consequential Damae Coatlnstnt-lability CO&tr&ctorr-Bonds IKXH-U1 UabUtty orngglsW Liability; Elevator LtabUUy J

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Resistcred Mai! Re-UUVatae ( ( Salesmen's Samples Sprinkler LeatsffO Strike and Riot Supply Bond Teams' Ltatollity Theatre-VasbHJty Theatrical Tc_x_BOrtfition Tltte i8S_raB<» Tsurlst Floater USBft&d.occuistacy Water pa-iase

w k ' tiaa

and at $20, $25, $S0f $40, $45, $50, $60 Our "No Saie" Policy means clothing prices are lowest NOW •when you want a smart Spring Suitl Sws Our Winawtrs


AT tot.cn3i8o



_ ; iE 3—THE JEWISH PRESS, THURSDAY, "APEIL 21, 192*:. 25th and Farnam streets one of their long looked for '.'Real Good Time Dances". • Arrangements are under way to accommodate Omahas largest crowd—and keeping in line with other Jewish -Social Club affairs everything of the very best is in readiness to help you spend a real enjoyable evening. For this special occasion the club has obtained the services of the "Original Ryan Ten White Mule Syncopators". The public is cordially invited to attend. Watch this paper for the announceLevin's parents, Mr, and Mrs. M.ment of our "Carnival Dance" on Sunday, May 1st. Horn.

picture are Mary -Brean and Jack Dorothea=*Ppnce, Phonograph Record 1 During his stay in Palestine Itfr. Eemult, -well-known h'eavyvveigh" Artists, and "WEAF" favorites, in Landau will take steps to extend the pugilist. "Knockout, Reilly". shoots "Vocal. Easmoniesr". With two voices, service of the Palestine Telegraphic one over right to the heart—-"a stiff these girls-'sing^ harmony arrange-i Agency, a company affiliated with the left to the funny bone! . merits "which -would be difficult for Jewish Telegraphic Agency. ; The Publix stage production for three or more voices to handle. New Riviera features will be pres- Jerusalem (J. T. A.)—The memory this week is John.Murray Anderson's "Venetian Glass"- a -divertissement ented on the magical flying stages "by of Acn&d Ha'am, late Hebrew; philosuggested "by-the Venetian Glassware the Riviera Concert Orchestra, under sopher, will be honored by the estabof the 17th century. It • is futile to direction "of Frederick. Schmitt, aiid lishment of an Achad Ha'am chair describe most of these artistic Ander- George Johnson,'.playing' at the son conceptions, and "Venetian Glass" Riviera Grande Orgon. is said to be no. exception in this respect. The production is staged in JACOB LANDAU Sixteenth ARRIVES IN PALESTINE three scenes and. presents a most -ENGAGEMENTS brilliant array of artists headed by I£r."'"and Mrs. B. Garrop announce Melva Moore, Mezzo soprano; Mar- ! Jerusalem {J. T. A.)—Jacob L&nthe engagentetit of their daughter, Mrs. Ben Sherman of Des Moines, The Riviera Theatre, Omaha's garet Severn,; solo dancer; Fay Adler • •dau, managing director of the Jewish Catherine, to Mr. Lewis Asbyl, son Iowa, is visiting with her mother Mrs. wonderful "Garden of Dreams", is and Ted Bradford, dance duo; Fer• Telegraphic Agency, and the "Jewish oflflr. and Mrs.' Julius Asbyl of Los M. Erodkey. Mrs. Sherman was form- presenting its fifth tremendous stage nando Guarnari, tenor; Giovanni Sliz- I Daily -Bulletin«, -arrived- here today. Ang^le&»?Califfirtia, formerly of Lin- erly Miss Esther Brodkey. and screen program starting Satur- zetti, and a violin ensemble of {OUT coln, Nebraska. Miss Garrop who day, April 23. Omaha theatergoers talented girls headed by the noted l spe^-,$i£;* ;wiiiter i n Los-Angeles is TEMPLE ISRAEL SALE have enjoyed the distinctive enter- young Russian violiniste, Ada Synnjexpected /to. return home in early On April 22, Friday evening, there tainment the Riviera has offered, and ko. An exceptionally talented ballet I Modern delicatessen store. Choice {location. Doing good business.t June," No-tiate has been set for the -will be given a beautiful Passover they can be assured that no let-up completes the cast, ' Owner' must sell because of HI; Cantata "The Passover" by Ashford will be made in presenting future wedding. health. Will stand i nve'stigatioa. i The Riviera also presents this week }J Box in' its, entirety by a double quartet programs. . 757.c/o Jewish Press. as an added attraction, Ethel and The southwestern conference of the under the direction of Mr. V. C. BenOn the screen, for this particular Hadassah organization -will be held nett, organist and choir director. This week, will be seen Richard Dix in his at; St. Joseph, Ho., during' the month .will be in connection with the reg-latest picture, "Knockout Reilly," a SGSKIN and KOZBERG of May. The Omanans -who are plan- ular Passover service, with sermon smashing tale of a good looking 1532 No. 20 "St.—"WE ebster 0267 ning to attend this conference are, omitted. young steel worker who becomes the Fresh-Meats — DelicatessensSuccessors to Jones Candy Co. On Saturday morning, April 23, world's champion prize fighter, with I Mesdaines J. j . Friedman, ML F . LevRabbi Gohn's subject will be "The Fresh Fish Eandkd Daily inson, J . Lintsman, S. Robinson, A. love going strong as the final bell Romance Chocolates We L>eliver to all Parts of the City Silverman, . B . A. Simon. Mrs. A.Triumph of the: Lord" (Passover rings! Supporting the-star in this Phone JA. 398S .. 918 Farna-n St. Eomm, local Hadassah president, will Sermon). attend the national conference to be BOOK REVIEW CLUB Tield- at Atlantic. City. in. June. T H A T On Tuesday afternoon, April 26, E • E;' P S -Tha local -Hadassah organization the book for review will be the Jewish v>iU-h^Hytg regular meeting Wednes- novel, Tower", by lion Fenchtdayc afternoon, April 27, a t the Jew- wanger. This meeting will start a ish,Community Center. 2:30 p . m. at the Temple.

in the ethics of Judaism at the Hebrew University. This wee decided upon by the Vaad 'Leumi, the National Council of Palestine Jews. The Cotfecil also decided te establish a scholarship fund to award prizes for theses on the ethics of Judaism.. PATKONIZKOUE ADVERTISERS.

at Farnam

The Copetaa CaadyCo



SISTERHOOD Items for these columns can be telephoned to ATlantic 1450, not; On Monday, May 2, the Sisterhood of Temple Israel will entertain at a later than Wednesday noon. one o'clock luncheon followed by their -fir. and Mrs. A. Levin has as their annual meeting. This will be the guests their daughter, Mrs. Padrofsky closing meeting, for this season. and son, Chadwick of Chicago, .HL < » « » » • • • • • • » I . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . > The Pi Tau Pi fraternity -vriH be I Council Bluffs News hosts on Saturday evening at a party The Independent Order of the B*nai at'"the AtHletic Club. Brith, Lodge No. 688, will hold a regMrs. Harry Rose and daughter ular meeting next Wednesday evening, April 27, 1927. at the Danish ; Dorothy Ruth of St. Joseph, Mo.," Hafl. spent the -week-end in Omaha, visiting, • with her mother, Mrs. M. Kneeter. i Mr. and Mrs. ;A. Diamond, 736 Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Morris of San Mynster street, announce the birth Francisco, California, announce the of a daughter, born Saturday mornbirth of a baby daughter, bom ing, April 16, at their home. Thursday, April 14. Mrs. Morris was Mrs, Frank Walton of Plattsmouth, i formerly Miss Irene Rosen of this Nebr., is spending the week here visiting: her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. Gilinsky. .The Council jpf Jewish Women -will hold an open meeting Monday, April Mr. and Mrs. Harry Cohen enter25,' at 2:30 p . m. at the Jewish; Com- tained their evening bridge club a t munity Center. Rabbi Cohn will dis- their home Thursday night. cuss "Elmer Gantry". The public is Miss "Miriam Fichtenberg of Chica; invited td this meeting1. go, BL, who -has been the guest of The meeting of the Hadassah Study Mr. and Mrs. Harry Kubby for the ^Circle will be postponed for this Mon- past.month, returned to her home day due to the meeting of the Council Monday. Miss Fichtenberg is the ' ofJ Jewish Women which will be held fiancee of Mr. Ben Kubby. .' this Monday at the T. C. C. Mrs. M. L. Marks has returned The Daughters of Zioa -will hold home after spending a week in Kantheir next meeting a t which election sas City, Mo., visiting her daughter. of officers will take place on Monday, ] Mrs. John B. Quigley, and Mr. QuigApril 25, at 2:30 p. m. at the Jewish Community Center. All members are Mr. Herman Friedman, who has «rged to attend. been spending the week here with Mrs. R. Xulakofsky and Mr. andhis parents, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Fried-Mrs. A. ICBrodkey spent the past man, "will leave Sunday for his h_me week-end in Sioux City as the guests in Chicago, HI. ! of AMr.' and Mrs. Max Brodkey. «A GOOD TIME DANCE" Miss Rae XSnapman, who has been The young Jewry of greater Omaha | the house gaest of Mr. and Mrs. Abe will indeed be more than gratified to -; Goldstein left for" home in Centerville, learn that the Jewish Social .Club are ' Ioira* Friday morning. going to- stage on Sunday, April 24 . I X3. Mr. A. Cohen of this city has re- at the Kelpines Dancing Academy, Iturned home after spending several I'mdnths vigiting in Texas where "he |has been convalescing. r, : ' _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Miss Rae Sara Iseman of Nebraska ity spent the week-end xa Omaha. 36 .Tears at Holiest Merchandise i» Mr. R. Kulaiofsky- arrived home j-onr Guarantee ol a Bqnare Deal. jjfTuesday after spending the past few 1419 Douglas Est. 1890 jfweeksf in Hot Springs, Arkansas,

BRODKEY JEWELRY CO. FamousforDiamonds

Mr. Ralph Newman of St. Louis, 14, will arrive Friday to spend the fwe^k-end with his brother Mir. David Newman and family.


| ; Mrs. SaraKohn arrived home.Tuesay after spending the past week in Icago with her sister Mrs. Esther rg. The! Jewish. Women's Welfare federation will be hostesses at their Annual party, on Tuesday-May 13, %t 2:30 p. ST, at the Jewish Comfintqiity. Center. This party is to be a Moj;her> and .Daughter's Day. A sp&ial Mother's and Daughter's prograin vbas been arranged. A symposiuni, "'^Mother's of the Old Testament" will bfe the- special feature. Refreshments'will be served. - jDr., and Mrs. Harry Levin and daughter of Sioux City are -visiting in \ Omaha as the guests of Mrs.

Council Bluffs, Iowa

Join the Crowds—Where?

The Jewish Social Club Another Real

GOOD TIME DANCE (Sunday, April 24,1927 j i -<

We Trill handle a complete lin« of. F&Bsover Goods — Matzos, meal, ftpt 1509 No. 24th St..

See the New Steel clad • a Heavy, sll-steel exterior that will not warp, crack or split. It has two inches, all around, wily $210 installed in yourhoTrfe of solid pressed cork and its J (Wiring Extra) ^ > seamless metal food compartOf course youVe wanted to ment makes it impervious to enjoy all the comforts, con- moisture. Height 5 6 ^ inches, veniences and health-giving width 26Hs inches. Compact. features of Kelvinator* YouVe Light and easy to move about* imagined the pleasure with Idealforsmalliioniesandapart$ which you would display one ments. Only 210.00 installed to your friends, thought of the • (wiring extra). delicious frozen salads and des- Come to 'our store.•• See.this" serts, of the fresh crisp foods, beautiful new Cabinet Keivinof the dainty ice cubes that ^atordemonstrated. -Orsimply would garnish your table—and telephone and we will send an the definite economies to be expert t o explain it in detail. gained! •:.-• ;.V * * t -. . There is no excuse now for f|"The Kelviaator is everything it i* J claimed'."to be and more too* As to putting it off a moment longer. Eervice, I am enable to comment on that The new "Sealtite" Cabinet festure as J have had my^ machine three Kelvinator is so low in price years and haven't had a service man yet machine is operating at the present and delivered on such conve- - andnty time as "v^ell cs it did the day it was innient terms. The "Sealtite" has stalled." '(Name on Request.)

Model Kelvinator

10 D^ys' Fres Trial—$10 Bora—Salasce in Easy Payments


Kelpines Dancing Academy 25th and Farnam St.


Featuring Saturday

Kyans White Mule Syncopators

Hot Time-^Hot Music • ADMISSION 35c • •••.•...;


• •


Everybody Welcome^


effects in compose blouse, bolero H p e and straightlifte models— eacli distinguished by the latest fashion tletaiIs>--sQft cliBging1 and trim business;; Fleatings-—Tiny TBckin^s—#abot Laces .-~Etnbfoider3?—Navy-Black and all light shades—• 3rd J"toer

Hundreds of other new Ffocks fl 5.00. to f 75.00

An Established Record You have forced us to move into larger and more beautiful quartets to serve your needs. . WE THANE YOU Considering it is only our second year in Omaha, it surely is—

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Everything.Was •;*.: A H j%& *W





R J O •wa8~consnnUn5 chop Blifey viWai a' speed that - angered well;*or the*medical-profession—uotis • she took, the seat opposite him at the long marble fable." After* that Fletche r was not in it with .him when itcame 'to inastieating his Jtaod; ' ' She was a girl -ot modest de xneanoc whom .Crawford had seen on* one or two occasious in the restaurant She ordered only a cup of tea and some rice cakes, and seemed in a bit of a hurry about i t Crawford watched he* draw from her bag a lot of time-tables and begin to Jot down a regular itinerary on the back of the menu card. • • . ' And all the time she scarcely looked up, only a fleeting glance now and again that $nst shaved the corner, of-Crawford's eye. He felt grateful for even-those crumbs, and a glanfce all to himself would have been too; devastating. His chop suey was nearing a finish and rather than seem to be hanging about occupying a chair he ordered more.

to determine his fate, and the same authority tells-W that the unequal destinies of men in the world are attributable to the different dispositions of the norns. „ These lesser norns cbr respond to the gepii of clsissic mythpl ogy. Women" who possessed the pov^er of prediction or magjc also" bore this '


' .



Our Annual Sale

Kiev (J. T. A.)—An Association "of Jewish Revolutionary Writers has been organized here. An Executive Committee,«consisting of the poets •Hofstein, Feffer and others, was elected. The association will soon publish a history of the -role of the J?ws in the revolutionary movement, it was stated. Paris (J. TV A.)—Dr. Oscar Kohn, former member of the Prussian cabinet,' was elected chairman of the Joint Executive Committee of the Hias- lea and Emigdirekt in the organization's new endeavor to aid Jewish emigrants. * ' ; The Executive consists of 15 members,' live representatives of each of the three organizations. • • The next meeting of the Executive will take place in Berlin in May.


Then, when it was put before him, steaming and fragrant, the girl glanced at her. watch, arose hurriedly, paid her check and was gone. water from a spring and with 11 In her rush, she, of course, left the Many Legends Treat sprinkled the tree, that its branches most Important of her papers—the of Woman's Creation might not rot and wither away, say* menu on which she had so carefully Woman's first appearance has been the Detroit' News. jotted down trains, hotels, etc. Craw"Manufactured in Omaha'' Originally there appears to have ford followed, only to find that she a popular subject of legends. The been but one m>m—Urth—and hei had taken the elevator down to the Phoenician mytb of creation Is foundBAKER ICE MACHINE CO. street and was now lost among tha ed on the story of Pygmalion atid character was conceived in a gloomy night making her often equivalent tc thousands of released workers' at For- Galatea. There the first woman was ty-second street carved out of ivory by thefirstman, death doom. Later two others were added. Two of these gave the blessCrawford did the best thing that and then endowed -with life by Aphro- ings, the third the Ills of life. In th« •dite, says the Kansas City Star. came' to his inspired mind. He ,made The Greek theory of the creation of legend of "Sleeping Beauty" the norns Unity copy of all. she had written down and left the menu as he had •woman, according to Hesiod, was that are represented as thirteen women found•> i t Zeus, as a cruel jest, ordered Vulcan Usually they were conceived as spin,Had Crawford been anything but to make woman out of clay, and then ners, weaving the fabric of fate. Besides these great norns there free-footed for the nest few weeks Induce the various gods and goddesses and possessed ot sufficient coin to to Invest the clay doll with all their were many Inferior ones, both good carry him. on, he might have let the worst qualities, the result being a and bad; for, says the Prose Edda, I when a man is born there is a norn wonder girl go out of his life. As it lovely thing. was, he was free to take the same The Scandinavians say. that as Odin, trip she was taking and would hope, VM and Ve, the three sons of Bor, by fair means or foul, tp manage a were walking along the beach they meeting. He did not have to reach found two sticks of wood, one of ash bis home in the Far West for another and one of elm. Sitting down, the two months. After that, he would gods shaped man and woman out of take up the splendid position open these sticks, whittling the woman there, to him. from the elm and called her Ernia. - However, meeting a lovely girl, who was' entirely herself And held out no encouragement was not an easy matter. Crawford had fleeting .glimpses Busy Ant by No Means of her in hotels in Washington, Phila Nuisance in Burma ndelphia, .Chicago, Detroit, then after Most people regard ants as a nuia Ion? lapse, saw her in Denver, looksance, especially in a .garden or at a ins at the shops, had a.room nest.to l.crs in the hotel in Los Angeles, and picnic, but the natives of Burma have not once could he find eyep the slight- found a use for them. This cous*ry grows and exports est pretest on which to fix a meetsandal-wood, one of the most valuable Ing. .^ ' .-. .. and beautiful timbers in the world. •• And.still he followed after. HJa The "greater part of every tree felled two. months were fast drawing to a Is useless, however;' "for- only the close. . Discouragement held Craws fragrant ^scented heart, has. any comford in its; grip. Hfr was not tbe mercial value, and to* "transport the type of man to, scrape up any kind "whole log would make even that not of introduction with, a girl nor was worth the cost of removal. she .the kind who would fancy i t He1 So the trees, after being stripped of wns not even quite sure that she was their branches, are allowed to lie aware .of his existence on earth. She where they have fallen. The soft, was all • Interest in the" trip she was sappy wood, which is useless in comenjoying and. apparently bad no eyea merce, attracts the billions of ants for love-sic^ .followers. who infest the forest, and to whom-It - And., the day arrived when .he took is a tit-bit. In helping themselves the the only train that was not on the ants help the sandal-wood merchant, girl's itinerary. He had to be" back for they leave the hard heart of the in the city nest day and had at last trunk stripped of all Its worthless inabandoned .rhnpe. The glorious girl tegument, and thus do for nothing the would have to be some other nmp'B work of many human laborers. wife. Fate had played against him. Crawford was a bit slow getting oft the train at>his home city.and was Norns in Myfiwlogy "~ the-last to get a taxi. Wove Fabric ot Fate As he drew, np 'to the familiar gs\te on Second avenue, be was hardly conNorns were the fates of Scandinascious that a second taxi had imme- vian mythology. They were three diately preceded his. young women, by name Urth, Ver• The front door was still ajar when dandt and Skuld—past, present and hfr bounded onto the porch, and plenty future. They sat by the well of Urof feminine chatter greeted him. Ap- darbrunnr under the ash tree Yggdra parently someone had' unexpectedly 1 sll, and there determined the fate ol arrived and the event was Joyfully re- gods and men. Every day they drew ceived. He popped his head through the door "to see his pet sister and .aomeIn Omaha ,. one in a most familiar suit, clasped in each other's' arms. .. "What, ho!" laughed Crawford 250. Rooms-^-209 Baths a-word of welcome, to Jierhr6th• '.Good ;Rooms-for'$1.50. ; ,er." He stood by not quite believing jilts own senses. Operated by•_Eppley . Hotels Co.! ;',!, /.'_".•-" DAHLMAN "Oh, Dicky, I was so excited at see. , FjBrjeigJrteen years his record has been without a blemish. ilng Joyce—" she turned then and gave * Tturi-ci^y -welfare board, free employment bureau and city jlilm a sisterly hug and kiss, "that I health" supervision now stand to his credit. I forgot -that you were to be, on the : < ,Eame train that brought her. - You've ,'/ r *" * * DUNN , llieard me speak often off Joyce KimPolice Commissioner punn has earned an enviable reputation ible—well, this is she—Joyce, this is for keeping down crime and preventing accidents in Omaha. (Dick."- • , -_ *; , , , He has had thirty years of service in law enforcement work. .Of course brother Dick nearly HOPKINS •passed out during that moment when the girl's- hand lay well within 'his ' Commissioner Hopkins cleaned up a city deficit of long standown and .the curiously glowing eyes ing, resulting in lower taxes. He stands for progressive legis* lation, Ttje efficiency of his department is an achievement gave him a' complete glaijce,^but he We occupy - of note. over 70.000 square feet . managed' to - make a show of comSouthwest Cornelijnon -sense. • ', ,- „ '-.;...... MARCELL --' "I hope she has come to make a Eleventh and Douglas Streets Mr. Marcel] h'as come up from the ranks. His excellent work „ as city prosecutor }n the south side for several years is his Jong stay,'* he said" calmly <tp sister Phone: JAckson 2724: bast testimonial of service. He is a student of city government. Jane. • "Infancy this chum of< yours * OMAHA, NEBR. * J already. - -Do you *khow£ he added .',;^,'~ , NOYES . turning directly to Joyce/ ?1 believe 1 The «ity's streets and alleys have been the envy of ether cities s a w you *once In a Chinese, restau1 of Omaha's size., He is experienced and efficient—and he rant to New York." Were you perIts Time to^ think of your »'j w~-ks all the time. . / cbance—.-?** "• " KOUTSKY - "*And - J don't Know. whether yoo Mr. Koutsky is. a successful business man. Figures show abhave.^a -thousand 'doubles," 'el»o said solutely that he has saved the people hundreds of thousands demurely.-, "or perchance I merely of dollars. He had to "break up" the Contractors' Trust in fancy, that I saw ydu In every' train, order to do it, but he DID IT. hotels-*'' • - : - ' .



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'Ttt Just.'go and -see "that every, thing's- all rfgh"t;"'put' in sister. Jane. ",- "Everything's all right • already,*? ; iajd DIcfi wltfr«-niost;deltbejate,l&ok at Joyce, who blusnfd in a most" aat•Isfiictory; y^?Z^ifr»+t*T'



-PHOTOKRAPHKRS 1312 Parnam St. Opposite : W. O. W, H!d e . Phone, JA ckson 4562



' "" ,



His excellent work as park commissioner is known to nearly _ everyone. Mr. Hummel has worked untiringlv in developing the river drive, recreation centers,' ewimraing pools, golf . courses and parka.

.. -

/•••" {Ocunplete with Dusting Tools) Balance in Easy Monthly Payments

TKis SPECIAL OFFER will last for a: week or so wily. We haven't many of these brand-new, latest-model Hoovers, and when they are sold, there will be no more - ©n these easy terms. & r j this is the amazing New Hooverjwith "Positive Agitation," which is pictured and advertised ,in., ypur favorite m.agazines. Telephone this store today.—r we'll be (delighted to bring one of these machine^ to. your home and demonstrate.


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