.-. 1 ".-
A ..false, friend, like a shadow, attends only while the '.sun shines. • '"
By A. G.
'Safe On The Bagf— Zowie, King of Sports Will Rule Realm
r, the eagle eyes of Ed Burdick, head physical director at the Jewish Community Center, an inter, club baseball league is being organ1 as second'Class mail- matter on January 27th. 1U21, at -OMAHA, NEBRASKA, THURSDAY, APRIL. 28,4927 SUBSCRIPTION PRICE, A YEAR, §2,50 at Omaha Nebraska, under the Act of March 3, 1879. ized." According to an eleventh hour statement issued by Burdick, the games will either be played Sunday ROUMANIAN JEWISH NORWEGIAN-PREMES EVERTS mornings or afternoons. LEADER COMING TO U. S. SCHECHITA PROHIBITION An effort is being made to secure Bucharest.—(J. T. A.)—Dr. GelehrOslo.—(J. T. A.)—The danger of the Elmwood Park diamonds excluter, leader of the Roumanian socialists a Schechita prohibition in Norway was sively. and democrats, has left for the' United removed by the-vote cast by Prime The following organizations have Winnipeg, Man. (J. T. A.)—Aaron Ford to testify if he is unable to do Minister Lykke at a meeting of the States. Hells making the journey at already entered the Jewish circuit: the invitation . of a committee of Sapiro, plaintiff in the $1,000,000 libel; so, but first we must be convinced cabinet yesterday. Jewish Atheletic club, B'nai Ami, suit against Henry Ford, was the that he is unable." , The cabinet decided by a vote of 5 Happiness Bonds In Homes ©I B'nai Israel, Aleph Zadek Aleph and Nine Leading Representatives of Roumanian Jews in America. winner in a $30,000 libel action against; Mr. Sapiro said he felt that per- to 4 to request the King to grant exDr. Gelehrter takes an active inPsi Mu. 'all Local Families Three Major Faiths j haps the greatest injury Mr. Ford emptions from the law making it comterest in Jewish political life in Rou- a Regina, Sask., publication. Compose Body When Sapiro was in . Western i has done with his attscks in "The pulsory to stun. • animals before N. J. H. WEEK THROUGHOUT mania. Rabbi Wise Coining Canada working on the formation of j Dearnborn. Independent" is to' the slaughtering. . • • ENTIRE COUNTRY. WILL ENUNCIATE To Omaha; May 8th a Canadian wheat pool, the, Regina i farmers rather than to hirn. TRUTBIF UNJUST Omaha Jewry is looking forward to newspaper attacked Sapiro. j "Through" bis'attacks upon me," The Happiness Bonds of the NaATTACKS ARE MADE the coining of Rabbi Stephen S. Wise, „ Sapiro sued for §30,000. When the] he continued, "Mr. Jfojrd has -succeeded tion*! Jewish Hospital are now it* who will address the Jewish congrecase came up before the Court of in doing tremendous and disrupting the homes of practically every JewNew York (J. T. A.)—A permanent gation at the Center, Ma; Sth. Kings bench it was. thrown out on damage to the" .farm.' cooperative --asish 'family'in the city. These HappiCommittee on Better Understanding Since the seating capacity is limited wa3 formed here with nine prominent technical terms.. Sapiro carried the sociations which I organized and the Will Represent District at State ness Bonds can save the life of SOJT>5 to 6QQ, and opportunity is now pre- men'representing the Catholics, Protsuit to the Court of Appeals, which farmers have' suffered "in conse-Competition unfortunate .boy or girl who is « sented to holders of season tickets estants and Jews constituting the ordered the case sent' back to the quence. It is strikingly illustrated by Plan Many, Activities for; Coming victim " of the dreaded disease of Season and members of the Community Center Commission. ,Justin Wolf, son of Mr. and Mrs. lower court for trial on its merits. comparison with the position of the tuberculosis. to apply for reservations. The public Canadian wheat. growers whose plan Then a settlement was arranged out The men. who have, undertaken to Harry A. Wolf was the winner of The National Jewish Hospital is s. sale of tickets is now v-ler way. function as the Permanent Commis- the extemperanious speaking contest of court, the general terms bf which | of organization I worked out. The '.More than twenty-five new mem- non-secterian institution operated by5 bers have been added to the roster of Prices of the ticket is $2 for every sion on Better Understanding are Dr. held for this district at South High were: The publication must withdrawiCanadian.wheatgrowers have an orperson. all charges, must pay" all costs, and ganitation which is placing wheat on the Highland Country Club during its S. Parkes" Cadman, president of the recent membership campaign and acmust make the agreement a part of I theVarket in ratio^to demand, Just as cording to Manny Handler, chairman Federal Council of Churches of Christ the court records of the case. The! the whe.at"growers o f t h i United of the membership, committee, many in America; Martin Conboy, lawyer Tildeiu Richards, Johnson newspaper further agreed to select! States /sKo^dbe"doing. One big more will be added before the camand Knight ommander of the Order Too, These are the Boys a homeless boy within' ninety days] reason for this -difference i n t h e t w o paign closes. of St. Gregory the Great; Presiding That are Going—To "who would not otherwise stand a I countries is "that Canada has — no Justice Victor J. Dowling of the ApThe. club is planning a season that '; Summer for the members of the chance for education" and pay all his j "Dearborn; Independent.". ' pellate Division of the Supreme Court; will make it interesting for all classes J. C. C. will be one of numerous actiexpenses in the public schools and on of members. Many of the members are vities. Among those listed is tennis. •Father Francis P. Duffy," president of through until he graduates in the Sasthe Rainbow Division Veterans' AssoDetroit,.Mich, (J._T.. A.)—Judge already playing golf and tennis. The According to athletic ..tficials an efkatchewan Provincial University." ciation; Dr. W. H. P. Faunce, presiRaymond has set a hearing for April first golf tournament will be held fort is • being made to get all. the dent of Brown University; Judge IrSO, when, both questions will be set- Sunday. A social stag dinner will be younger Jewish set out for the net ving Lehman of the State Court of SAPIRO TO PRESS SUIT tled. Lawyers for- both sides agreed held at the Blackstone Hotel on. Wedgame. Who* knows we may find a Appeals; Henry Morgenthau, former \' UNTIL FORD GOES ON STAND the earliest probable "date was after nesday, evening. • Bill Tilden or a Helen Wills. New York (J. T. A.)—Aaron Sa- July 1," and that a.continuance until American Ambassador to Turkey; Plans are now being made by the It Dean Roscoe Pound of the Harvard piro, in New York on~busiriess follow- next fall was not unlikely. • S '* entertainment committee for the anJust a Reminder Law School,, and Dr. Stephen S. "Wise, ing the mistrial of his §1,000,000 libel t "We want to.'go on with- the trial nual opening of the club. suit against Henry ' Ford, declared at onc'e,?' said BIr. Gallagher. "We Omaha Jewish Citizens should rabbi of the Free Synagogue of New The following are the new members York. .. yesterday his' intention of pressing were told • there is no money avail- who have joined the Highland Coun- •I plan to vote, Tuesday, May-3," at the r his litigation until he gets Mr. Ford able to pay a new jury. Mr. Sapiro try Club: «ity election. Announcement of the formation of • on the witness stand. and I proposed that each side pay H. J. Chapman, H. Zimman, Sam the Commission was made in the "The most astonishing thing in this half the expenses. We even offered to He Can't Talk Without . Passoyer. issue _of. "The American whole case to me,5.1 he said, "is how a1 pay all the expenses ourselves. The Alperson, Sol Berg^aii, Max E He Drew." • •' • A Moonlight Walk, He's person with wealth, such as Henry clerk Tof the court w^s sot sure i e •man, Hugo Heyn, P. Daque de Estra"This Permanent-" Commission on The Last Word Ford's/ can- evade-- the oTdiuary pro-; had "authority 4o receive money "for Saj'Herman Jacob!, Albert /Calm, J. Regardless' of whether it politics, Better Understanding,", the announceif/'HalaEhock, Sag. Rufeles, Benjamin "cesses of the law toi "Which any citizen that purpose. Ornshfir.<j .l»usip.ess, love, fights or what have ment states, "is to be free of private Posley, "Ed. J. Kraus, Leo M.'linger, the Jewish people. Justin Wolf of moderate mesas.-would be imhave been vitally interested in "The defendants asked that the new religious views or •doctrines or beliefs yoii,! Joe Allen Krasne of .Counc3 Harry. Trusttn, Fred Hershorn, Dr. school. Young/Wolf was also the win- mediately and willingly., subject. growth of the Kational Jewish trial begin sometime "after September or practices. Itjs\to be free of poliBluffs, who is now attending the UniN. Jlnskin, Jules GerlSck, Sam Cohen, j ner of this content held at Blair, Nebr.» "Here is a man vrko has proclaimed versity of Nebraska is virtually tics. It is not to ,initiate any" new several weeks 'ago; He will represent that he has something on the 'Jewish 1. They said it-was too-hot in Gtantner Sanmel Vorzisner, Harry.. Werfcheirner; pital,.-. ..among; them are Harry- 'Hbeen able speechless unless the moon is hming movements. It is not,~of its own ac- this district" at the state competition , J. ju*. pidus, . viee-ipfesident.. .of.. the. *lu»s* cord, to .investigate any problem that to"reach" y S. Abrose, Joseph Pepper, arid Harry .pital,and a-member bf the exeewtivs at people as he could reach through his Mr. Hanley'did may trouble -the riligious "'groups. to be held in Lincoln." commiitee; . Harry Sfivefman, "rer*?^• ^ ^ ' "". f Not long' ago fcrasne, while visit- Questions touching international relaJustin Wolf, who. is a junior at 'Dearborn Independent*, which has &' conference '.with Josige ' Raymond, Silverm&nr •> ' sontative of I. O. B. B. District No, :Ing in OmUhr took a walk with one of tions shall be entirely out of its pro- Central High school is one of the §00,000 circulation. He has warned that he would like A a .'continuance to thelibspital, end Dr. A. Greenberjv.. Omaha's fair maidens. Whether it vince, debating team. The entire" debating the country repeatedly -against • the "uiitil after the hot weather." Today, f*' ,• present local* chairman of the K»was human nature or bad luck, the: • "Its function shair b e l i team is jtomposed of Jewish students. operations of this Jewish ring. Now however, he said, the .Ford; counsel had -,>-Hospital Happiness moon was hidden by heavy clouds and he has an-opportunity to tell his whole decided they ^srould proceed at once if 5Whenever-a<-l£rou'p>-3f American campaign. - > •. , ~ young Krasne, was unable to utter a citizens comes before the commission story and sound his warning to not Judge Raymond desired. : "Send in your check to Harry StSword. So the young lady did the claiming that it is attacked,, unjustly Sewer than 20,000,000 instead of 800,- We are regdyto go; ahead a week verman for your bonds," said Dr, JU talking. 000, but our long and hardest efforts from Monday," Mr. Hsaley said, "but Jewish Voters Favor Dahlraan Ticket Greenberg. "The cause is one of fch* and on grounds that, are ill-founded;' Because of Open Opposition In a letter received from Lincoln a that the attack is calculated to engenhave been unavailing to bring him it can't be done' without money to most worthiest ever carried on. rVht to Klaa few days ago, Krasne turned a big der ill will and breed hate, with no anywhere near the courtroom which) pay the jury." \ prices-tire from "?1 to $10." political deal for an organization at redress under law or at the hands of On Monday night, May 2, the would serve as his forum. Judge Levy, one of the IMS; A keasi- interest is being taken in the state capital. And it was all be- the Government, the Permanent Com- final concert of the series will: be held "I am quite sure it is not the money prominent figures in the professior-Jithe present city campaign by the cause, the -writer said, the moon was mission on Better Understanding shall at the Jewish Community Center with which Mr. Ford might lose through Jewish voters because of the im- life of New York, is chairmEn. V; it shining brightly. investigate, ascertain " and enunciate Myro Glass, noted Palestinian singer a verdict adverse to him that keeps portant civic and social problems in- many years on the bench of the »tfc^ him away from the processes of law as., the performing artist.: tr J truth, . create and voice public volved. Charges that a group of the and in social work, in which he i>. *. Des Moines Scene of Mr. Glass will' present, a, program that all citizens would be expected to opinion on the subject. candidates are being controled and in- leader,[pf undisputed rank, have ms4? A. Z. A. National The Junior Hadassah, Omaha Chap- fluenced by Grand Kleagle Cook of Mm jenthusiastic for the J '"The purpose and objective of this of songs in Hebrew and Yiddish; also comply with voluntarily than this Convention commission, therefore, is to be solely a group of Palestinian Pioneer Songs. entire litigation would cost even . ter, elected Grace Rosensteiri to repJewish Hospital • at Denver, and On June 29, 30 and July 1 national opinion making. It' will have no per- He comes here after a very success- should I win the suit. He is hiring r e S ent them'as official, delegate at the the Ku Klux Elan is being circulated mission.of.alleviating Buffering, throughout the city and appears wellA. Z. A. chapters will meet at the manent officers and will call itself in- ful concert tour through the cities in flocks of the best lawyers5 in the coun-., C o n v e R t i o n t o , fee-held in St. Joseph, Levy is particularly interested in Iowa capital for its national conven- to session only when it receives an the South where he has been received try and keeps himself surrounded con-i Mo-> Qn M a y l 6 . Ann Greenberg wsrs foiinded. children's work of the hospital, leaders and the rank and Jewish tion. Hy Shrier, Aleph ~ xiel, has ap- appeal to redress a .group wrong. It most warmly by the music-loving stantly with private detectives. The e l e c t e d alternate. '- •' pointed the lo£al convention commit- will determine for itself whether a public. With' his excellent "Baritone court corridors have been swarming) All indications" are that the con- file generally have indicated that no its respach laboratory. Leading -men ; and women of s-ii tee which Consists of Dave Beber, protest from a particular group comes voice and the sincerity" in his work, he with detectives in the pay of Mr. vention will*be a huge success. Tina chances should be taken and that the faiths.in Greater New York hm *..-'-Square Seven ticket should receive: Dave Bishoft, Izadore ElevKs, TTorris within its purview. But when it has well deserves the many highly com- Ford. Altschuler,_ organising chairman, has cepted . Maembe'rship' on Judge Lc,-t's every possible vote.' . i Givot, Louis Rickliri and Meyer Free- undertaken a,task,,when it has in- plimentary press comments that have "It was with the utmost difficulty received word from Wichita, Kansas comrnitt'ee. Included in the A meeting of Square Seven enthupreceded him. His Hebrew .melodies man. vestigated painstakingly, and when it that we were able to serve Mr. Ford j city, Tulsa, Bes Moines> St. Louis, Morris Givot and Meyer Freeman has spoken after careful and unbiased are recorded by the Victor people. in the case. So well was he hedged' Denver, Topeka, and St. Joseph that siasts will be held at 1707 North 24th of one hundred are: Cardinal have been .elected delegates to „ the deliberation, the whole- nation will His program here will include selec- ^about that it required more than six' all the chapters will be well rep- St, at 8 o'clock Sunday night. The1 Rev." S." Parkes Ca'dman, Bishop convention. , Jerome* D i a m c ' --and listen and accept its pronouncement tions from Rubenstein," Schubert and 'months of efforts by my process, resented. A••'•i»rge delegation froffl speakers:will.be Sam' Leon,-Sam- Be- Manning, Edwa*d-;F. 'Albee, ber, Irvm.' "Sfcaliassteiy ;' Fred White, Gloster - Armstrong, United " Dave Beber have been chosen first and as the enlightened Voice, of the Prot- Halevy, sung in Hebrew. He will be servers to reach him. After that caraej Omaha" will" attend.Max Fr©mkm:«si& Morris-.Civin. Al- Senator' Royal ;',.S.' , Copeland, accompanied on the piano by Mr. .second delegates. estant, Catholic and ewish population,' more delays. Then after the trial be-j Subjects, for discussion have already Charles Dsyia Gibson, Rabbi will • preside. r "on the broad..grounds of American Harry Braviroff. gan we were.unable to get Mr. Ford teen selected and every chEi?ter has foert ' S. W^se, ..August Heckscber, J The Square; Seven candidates, conhumanity."•'•"'Tickets are 50c each to those who into court. Accidents and one thing'been assigned its topic. One of the Continue to Sell D. 'Wald, .Rabbi Nathan KTass; sisting of Dahlman, Dunn, Hopkins, for the and another constantly interfered, 'most interesting'will be "The Ideal National Hospital Such a group,' is argued, could have do not hold Season Tickets 1 Henry •'Morgenthau; foriticr *unb&s*fc* Koutsky, Noyes,, Marcel and Hummel series. . r ' t "Mr. Ford's counsel professed them- Relation Between the Junior and "Health Bonds" saved the nation much ill-will and dor to. .TurKey"; , Coiigrossman selves in a hurry to try the case. They Senior-Hadasssh'\ Omaha is vitally are receiving the enthusiastic endorse- Bl hatred' if it had investigated the' at"According to Dr. A. Greenberg, M ^^r i l l d T k B ment of the Jewish voters because of Tarker, Ben Bloom,. ,. Mrs. even offered to have it" heard by eleven interested in this as is every Junior chairman of the local committee for tack on the _ alleged oath of the CZECHOSLOV. PRESIDENT,' their open stand against the Klan heimer," Mrs.. Oliver, ttamraan, . "National Hospital,Week" the hospital Knights of Columbus, the Ku Kluk ARRIVES IN JERUSALEM jurors. We consented to that,.but and Senior Hadassah Chapter in the and because they are for tolerance in Louis"!. Harris, .health • ^ they immediately found a reason why country. "health bonds" are continuing to be Klan. movement " "arid Henry 'Ford's . of'New York City, and Hon. I charges of an, international JewisTi they couldn't do it. Omaha will give a report at the religious belief. sold in Omaha. The people should Jerusalem (J. T. A.)—Prof. T_ C. D. Gibbs,; ;_ "...,'; conspiracy. • ' " ~ * "Then came the mistrial, and Mr. convention on the Mother-Daughter support this drive and purchase the Masaryk, president of the Republic Sell Tickets for Operetta The non-sectai-ian work of the Ford's lawyers still said they were j social which the Junior. Hadassah will bonds in order to support the Denver of Czechoslovakia, and his suite, arTickets for ..Princess Chrysanthe- tional" Jewish Hospital among mt'tt?anxious to have it over with. We said • give in the Jewish Community Center hospital. The work of the National ROUMANIAN POLICE DEPORTS rived in Jerusalem today. mum went on sale Thursday and the Hospital has been known jJl over the President' Masaryk,' 'who was ac so were we, and suggested we go into j auditorium, Sunday afternoon, May 8. members of the • Y. M. snd Y.W. H. ers from tuberculosis who are vzsiJs* Czernowitz.~(Ji T, A.)—Two memout'mesnstb. pay for their treatw«hi' court again in May. But Mr. Ford's world. companied by the Chechoslovakian A. who are handling the sale of tickets bers of the Vilna. troupe were deported Minister at Cairo, was welcomed by lawyers said that would never do, and L/O. has eaiaied the esteem and frs«nd*ifci? B. B. OPEN MEETING are receiving great encouragement by the Siguranza, Roumanian poli- Col. Symes, civil secretary *, of the pointed out there was no money with of nieq and' women in all wslk.« «*•* , MAYS' from the many enthusiasts who are life. ....; tical police. JASSY JEWS URGE AVERESCU Palestine government, Mr: Msvrogor- which to pay for the trial. We offered "National. Jewish Hospital "Wrftlk* The B'nai Brith will hold an open anxiously awaiting this performance. TO STOP EXCESSES -Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Weislitz, mem- dato, chief of the Jerusalem police to pay for the trial or divide the exbers of the ,Vilna players, were de-; CJol. Keith-Roach and Mayor Nashi- penses with them, but they still re- meeting Thursday, May 5, at the Princess Chrysanthemum -will be designed, to acquaint the peo|>lft A* fused. We then suggested July, but B'nai Brith room in the Je-wish Com- given on Saturday snd Sunday eve- Americs, witn the work of this grft^i; ' ' Vienna-—(J.. T. A.,) — Energetic ported. shibi. Mr. Ford's representatives pleaded munity Center. Mr. R. O. Van Ors- nings, May 14 and 15, at the Jewish free hospital at ,I>enveF, which •»?*«? steps with a view to persuading the * « *. • Masaryk is leaving .for Tel Avi Roumanian government to put an end Bucharest, April 21.—(J. T. A.)— where he will be accorded a reception the weather would be entirely too hot dell, former president of the Omaha Community Center auditorium. Reser- the pioneer- in its field. though obviously it would be no hotter School Board will be the principal vations may be made by calling at to the anti-Semitic excesses were tak-, :The French, organ of the Liberal en at a meeting bf leading- Jewish per- Party in Roumania, "L'Independerice by the Jews of Czechoslovanian for them than for us. speaker of the eyenjnp, his topic be- the office of the Center, Ja-1366 or by JEWISH MERCHAKtS" DEATH sonalities in ' Jassy, a despatch re- Romain," expresses surprise at the origin. "When the case does come to trial ing, "The School'System". A very in- calling any Y member.--Throagh the " :- SENTENCE COttM trtt*l» ceived here states. protest against Roumania voiced by again, I intend to see to it that teresting program h^s also been ar- presentation of this Japanese operetta The meeting decided to send a de- the London Board 'of Jewish Deputies. BRITISH TO DEDICATE WAR 'Henry Ford goes on the witness stand ranged in connection trfth the speaker. the Jewish Community Center has Moscow.—-(J, T. A.)—-;Tlie mand to the government urging it to "We are particularly surprised at the MEMORIES IN PALESTINE and tells-what he knows. If he again This meeting will start promptly at discovered much promising talent sentence imposed on two Jewish mMfiamong its members. The public can chante convicted on tlte ehatf* At take energetic steps to prevent a re- action of Mr. Lvjcien Wolft secretary pleads he is too ill, we shall ask the 8:30. Evryena Is urged to attend. look forward to many surprises for speculation were commutted 'tr- fatfs of the Joint Foreign Committee," the Jerusalem,—(J. T. A.)—Lord Alien- court to have him examined by our currence of the excesses. Eight hundred Jewish citizens who paper writes.- "He is acquainted.with by and High Commissioner -Lord own physicians and-mental specialists Sam Klaver, local attorney has been the operetta promises to be tme of years strict confmompnt artd five y^"-**Vare members of the Averescu party the postion and could verify.the facts Plumer, will attend the dedication o to determine whether Ms condition appointed assessor for the Jewish the most successful performances ever deprivation of c?vi< rlprHis, despatched a telegram to the Prime showing that the ^government is pro- the war memorial at the British wa .really is such that he cannot appear. district by Couhty Assess*. Sam staged by local Jewish azsstsurs. •The snprc'hsr.t.s, SoSfcr and iiteVftU - Minister, in which they declare they tecting the Jews."- -The. paper alleges- cemeteries in Jerusalem and Ramleh. We shall have him examined in'Greenleaf. Mr. Klaver has recently Credit is due to Mrs. Herman Jahr were charged v-ith having eartw, «si specitlatlon undtr the guise r>F * cr-.r axe, -backing^^ ;The dedication ceremonies will taks gentlemanly fashion, bat thoroughly.'moved into his new office at 603 and Mrs. Sam Beber, whose ^ ^ will leave the. party if the excesses re,-. work has made this paign abroad p l e on- M L the" anti-Roumanian campaignabroad, .place May 5 ,We have no desire to compel Mr..Omaha National Bask Building.
Sapiro Wins hihehSuU>; ;. Against Canadian Paper
Comimttee Permanent; Leaders Representative
District Speaking Cosiest
? « -
Myro Glass in Jewish Music Concert
Junior Haiass&li fleets Delegates 16 ^Convention
JEWISH PRESS, "THURSDAY;-APRIL 28, 1927 take place in WMBHW eti May 22. Highland to Hold First Leaders of eevetal Jewish parties h&V-e eSvoctttingthe creation Coll T^nanttat May 1st of & bcohie'etft k t 6f all Jfewteh factions in the1
. at tfittSlti tfebraika, bf . 1 'THE JEWISH EGRESS PUBUSfilNG tlOMPANY L Office;.490 Brandeig Theatre Budding «*- Te!e&hofe*;.ATiantfc 1450.' ' 7 ' M ^ H A ^ fi>GREEN, Manager. * ' ' ' " Babacription P r i ^ ^ Advertising rates famished on application.
j'glf* bfilB the
a j i i y by t h e Jewish Telegrapftfa Agency with tabled arid tetegraptte HfiWisraewl, ifi da jeft?sp6fld6rteGs from alt Itpitortaim Jewish centers. ( Wr-f^IHS jeredfied to this AgjHiczJjrill be gladly Telegraphic Agency, 6£t Broadway,. .New •
JEWISH '« ! '
5687— May 3 fcrfday, May 20 Jane 1 Jfiflg July 1 Sunday, July 17 "" , July 30 sj^ts—ur—.i-ifeuHiky, August 7 August 29
Rosh Chodesh Tyar ^.^ Lag b'Omer Ro&hAJhcdfflslrSnrsn-1st Day Rosh: Ghodesh TamiauaFast of Tammuz Rosh Chodesh^Ab- - ' - ' Fast of Ab .U..L-. -Rosh Chodesh EIIOI
Thfe first golf teurnaffifent of the forthcoming iaufekipal elections. City will b6 held at the Highland Country Club, Sunday, May 1. Aceofdiilg to thosi who have already beta PLUMER RECEDES - J . T. A. DIRECTOR playing on the cou¥§t the greens are in good shape and Sunday should bring out all the memlers for the Jerusalem,^ — ^J. T. A.) — Jacob Land&fc, tnaaBging di£setot of thd tdurfl&raenl. Each member is urged to bring a. Jewifeh fetfeipPkphie Agfeey &ntl Jewprospective member along. There will ish Daily Bulletin, was 1"received yesmeiemm be .no,entry fe§ and alt_<;teg§es ef terday bV -Xaftl fluJnei , High Cotnihe"ttibei's are eligible tdt this tourna- missl&nftf «£ ^Putfefitine, Snd Col. ment. "We are offering three prizes Symes, civil secretary of the Palesto the Winners df the tourflaineflt", tine g6¥6«iKi6nt. It is understood that the British said Jerome fieyfl. *'A prize1 fa* pisypolity in Palestine was the subject of ers ffoih sfiaifch it it hafidieapj a prise f<3f playefs from lb to 24 handi- the interview. cap; and a prlie.fcr p\&ytti of 2S handicap attd above.*'
' • The ^estibn of "aman's fitness for? nomination and election; AdtttANtAK to? the Presidency;o£ pur. country, or for any other office, on ther CALL SECOND t»ttOTEST b&sis of hiB;religj6h> should never havebeen-raised. Our fundaAGAINST EXCESSES mental laws and our general practice have run eounter to the estate Bucharest (Jf. *T. A.)—^6 S&xi Of BilCliaregt, April 22.=-(J. t . A.)— their candidates by the circumstances lih Of & ^elijtlSiid teit as a-qualification for office. jt q fc. Will havg td stattd th§ 6fr ¥h^ source 6f all the trouble with fe- that the elections topk place on the B\l|_slf$|;the^t(estion has b^en raised,_ it is splendid and reas- Roumanid not only of bnfe ahti-SfeWltlt gard to the ahtl-gemltic studfeht ex- last day of Passover, when many of suring that lHshandled-so fairly, comprehensiveijTand convinc- fects Congress but 6f t^o, dug to a split cesses in Rdtiinanlk^is to be fOUhd Th the Jewish voters wer§ unable to go iijgly by Governor^Ajfted^^mith in liis refieht letter to the At- in the Christian League, th& o?I&nizaT the fact that tlouhidnia has foo'niany' to the polls, "the representatives of the Jewish population asked the.govJ lantic Monthly* - It-is glorious to contemplate that in? our America tiori ^responsible-foi? fdstferlng facial gtudefits. " ernment to postpone the election date, xm a¥e-dembnHtratifl^'thd prinfeipleS of political idealism in a way, hatred in the' doUfitfy. " ' " '; ' ' ' Thlk opinion was expressed by Dr.' but this' request was refused. AleicanaeJr Cuta h&§ ^ l i - ftaduiescll Motfti, fanlDUs University j h t i l d ^^ , lhat fe feives p promise of pprompting p g all edtrofessof an" anti-Semltia-'tongTess ioi M of Bucharest, who Jdined the protest! groups, tacfcs, crWlls .afitUlaSses te t *e1ider tneir" begt service to Oui? 8 to be held In" Jassy. A grtup bf the Profess6fs of the1 University ttf WARSAW JEWS PREPARE FOR MUNICIPAL ELECTIONS common cojmfa^'^nd our general welfare. Iii England, for ex- in the L:eagu*elwfehis,'ih dgJS JaBsy against'the' ahti-S«iinitic student ample, t&e:?iti«enjg~pay hotnage td a king,-a Protestant perforce* as to Cuza, claiming that tht» call Id eScessgs. Warsaw (J. T. A.)—rFeverish aca Symbol of the nation; but in xrar America we pay homage to a congress was iitia\itlibfized^d§cM6d t6 *"'ifn"appr6ying the mfettiofanduth Sub- tivities have been renewed by the call another -congress, to'fee Beld^Sn flutted by tne Jassy p'rbfe'sSdft t6 the great political principle, with the individual citizen as an incident various factions and parties into day'.ih sBuc1iare4t; " "' " government, Professor irlbtrii pointed in!!'our ' governmentall system* t It I rklly k niakes Kttle"" difference the'•ikesamerift'mthin which the Polish and Jewish populatn'e 7 "t6Spe i-as to-the fact-that ftouniailia has tob 1 tion of Poland's capital afe divided. whether aa official be Ptfbtegtant, Catholic or Jewish in his reli- caused^ fiy a numfief ."of," eXiJnlsidnS mahy students. "for instance , the The renewed interest in political gious affiliations. • from ' th© I i a ^ - t h e / 6gp&§lti6!i Phiiolpglcal Department of the-BUMttatUftese " «£p}adhg\we « £ \ f i arest University has 1506 students. life was caused By the antieuneemfent 4 we need, anyyreligious g ggrouping p g in our claiming ttat'Uftese We do not want, ner 4o l l l andd teai'.the tei'h central e 6?gal,bf tyhen the "students conclude their thai new municipals elections will American political life, We believe that the future.stability of illegal, league represents oftfy'tn'e i ^ studies and begin to seek positiohs o\it country depends upon oiif keeping- Church and State absolutely the of Professor "Cuza. • which they .are unable to obtain, they "Quality independent, but with the clear recognition .that the Chufch ahd enter politics, being immature and irState are indispensable elements in the maintalnanee of organized MALASHOCR responsible, fcoumania must estaband efltefly life, this is a safeguard both to religion and to the lish more -professional schools) where Wholesale and Retail Jewelers SAIL F6R people should be taught to work," he 213-16 City National Bank Sldgi State, because ll religion Were permitted to interfere with political 3k. 5619 institutions; the State might be so controlled as to function to the -Lendon (J. .T. A.)—A large-group stated. t advantage of dominant Religious' group. If the State Were of English pilgrims is sailing for LIST vAILS p d o i n t e r f1 e i p e With religion, the Church might be turned Palestine., Two hundred and forty four memIN AUSTRIAN ELECTIONS into a machine td endorse and aupjport the most selfish and material bers of the Order-of S t Barnabas KOSHER DELICATESSEN of aimg*;
• '•
Vienna (J. t . A.)—The national have undertaken a pilgrimate^ to the Tile State has a fight $o eipect religion to inspire citizens With graves of British soldiers, "they -will elections held here yesterday ended with a victory for the Social foemosuch a iove of thfegood and true and with such a sense of conae- participate in the unveiling of the crats and failure for the Jewish list. ih/Jerusalenti by Lofd Miedj$ri$$fe j $ $ $ a^dr^pqri^bMib'H^tthey" ^ p q ^ b t h e y " will will "perform "perform thMi* None bf the candidates of the Jewish political duties^and civic tasks With enlightenment, courage and Elections Committee was elected in --**.» love* "This spirit will make the State secure ani^Ogreg&ive. any of the districts. The Makenkteuzler party also failed. With1 the Religion, on the <ither hand, has a right to exttge^the State to' •APPOINT f JELW TO of one candidate for the protect the citizens in their ..determination tofeeefc/fcheinspirations COUNCIL exception Lower Austria Landtag, none of the and GfjjftBolations of faith ©s" a help to attain, the highest type of Hakenicreuzier candidates was elected. A:)— manhood and Wom&nhoqdj the best guarantee of'safety to th£ Even Riehl, the most notorious c^ the StM9 We should f(iavef^3 the individual eitiien the right to retary of the Jewish Bureau, of the rabid anti-Semites^ failed. CoflimUnist Party id "White RttsBia, The Saciai Democrats gained, con' the' -Congfess of Eiderably, .sharing the spoils with the choosy hia religious ~atfiiiafcion, but the State should expect- eacfr wilS White-Rufisian- Sdrlfits as a member ^ one to?be aagsdgted.wjth-jspme-religious organization. of-'the NatiDHalittei Cbuhdl ifi theUnited Austrian Bloc ^cip^ej C t h o * P t $* p The failure of the Hakenkreuzler is : this V^cip^ej Catholic* >Pro£estant &$d* Jewish political Union ef Socialist^ Soviet Republics, ^ eiatb iS§ues 6f fill lands are strictly inappropriate considered here as a collapse of the es 6fOpposed fill landsbyare and intolerable and.shoulff-be all good citfeens as'being t " LIEBERMANN TO I»AO?t •ti€ade'rs. Jewish Election cof. the dtrii^tl to t j j^ j d ' , '\\ detrii^ntal p : PORTRAIT I&ommittle explained the failure of : . Mf a result orih€*pV^sent.cbntfoVersy.'attd discussion,' ther^r
1@@ m&ar
for '
'•: S
Election May 3
We will handle afeofn^lctfeline cf Passovef Goods — Matios, meal, fruits, etc. 1501 No. 24th St.
Mr. Koustky is a successful lAislness man. Figures show absolutety tHat he has sfiVed t'hd people htilidfeds of thousands of dol» lars. He had to "break up'* th6 Cofttra«* to?s' Trust in Order to do it, but he DID
Let Us Help You Keep Clean
Frontier Towel 8t Linen Stfffif 181& California Street
* --• ">
will surely be clarified'OUJT. American attitude, without evasioh^or Berlin (J. T. A.)—3*h>fe compi|>miS6/that Qevei«&r "Alfred Smith is certain, eligible to file Liebermann, famous Gfernlali Pi?egiaentiarndThinaiIo0.. c B it^hbiddbekept in mind that there artist, was cbffitffllaSiDircd by the govof Mecklenburg, to paint the i nno^^sid^iTor^eettd is o ^ ^ s i d ^ i T o r ^ e t t d ^ t iii o ^ Or aagainst g a n t him because se he is a ernment is portrait of VdiL HlndentjWg/ PffisiCatholic. If he willW noj&inated good citisens will c6nsidef him derit of the German Republic Prof. i for thfe &ffiee> sol^y on tKe basis oi his merits., So it should al- Liebermann is eighty years eld. The portrait i& intended for the in ettr American lifej—Newark Chronicle.
gipus ani tiohal made Hie bit pV shows' that the amouht
OK Mbjpr
Jeru|tiiein.--t J. V T.*-:A:)—Klgrimsj l set a s ] 4 ^ «* who c&jne to Palestine'tO_Epefld that the needy;-fif the Passover, week had .occasion yedterd'dyl schools of th'e^iiiitional to oWeiftre-a most unfrju&cererrtohy., minorities. In'vjfew of'the facf tKat t|>e first * day oK;Passover, this, year "falls dn MORE JEWISH CEMEfER1E-S DESECttAtED Sundaj^v. and Passover--^y4'On.r SaturHi GERMANY day* -tlje survivors of the Sarnafitafi • - • . . , . . "
. .. ' 1
i ^acriflcial ja'^.'oh ^rldajr, Berlin (J. T* A.)^Five Jewish Wit© desecrated in Qrmany ribed ih Sxpdus^ l^hg celfemonie^took nlace atji^pn yes'tefday, within *e6§h« weeks, accotding to a 6f the "Cv V. Zeltung", thd and the Satn^ritan fajnilies gathered g at'sunset td'CoinstiTne^'tKe P|t8Bdyer oifgaft 6f the Central Verela Deutfldier sacriNg. When the, fev^-pf.PliiBoVef Buerge* deg juedieehen Giaubens. . £ai}s : ^ - a ddy'other.lh^n .SatUrdayi ' Twenty • feifht gravestones :were the sacnfldial lamb ~isV6f!l8¥8d'"^it SUtt- 6vetthrdWfl and many damaged in sat and^consupied at Biiiihlght;.- - -' ~ £*@feld> RiCheHfidorf near KaBselt Leaders of ^hej s'urVTvi^ Samaritan OraVe&dnes wefe overthrown and sect SJS&Sa1 that the 8feci«;Jho%- going hedges burned ih Kerplrt ahd hearby Its t<Jwn9i HaVdly ft WeeK passes withtfut of Jewish cemeteries, wnlcfi" MUJbeen Hail "been Idwindwnlcfi dwnd Complains; (n6Jreasi|Jg aBd.SOme of the have acg'dlr^d &&jr l&hoY
{& T. A. 'EtnSteiflrauthor of th^ theory bf rtMHVity) waS hotlo^a by the Ba^
'' By stitutibnsTft yas1e?ftd t o ^ r h was elected a member of the Academy. the government budget, for i^c reU-
Where' are' the Crowd* t Want td know I Just attend the
.Webster i4Si
SUNDAY, MAY 1> 1927 29th and Parnam St.
Byanfe White Mule ' Syncbpators
In Omalia •
HOTEL RONE 250 Rooms-^SOfl Baths ,. Good Roomd fot $1^0 Operated by,Eppley Hotels Go.
ft. E. BfttlCE and CO.
140S-11 No. 18
Speei&t Bise*-«Spetial Ftibricg—Special Spetial Colors—Special Vfel««
.Sod ^MsShs
An Established Record
ShftdL Stuiil* a n a %*)>&?• 'haiL 'Tnritii JL*nx JlPEis"'
- ;-bonsi4ering it is*, only ouFf second- year * in Omaha, it surely,is— ",;. , r
62 Ch'Etf-
Ifrtr t.r
to BO £H
Spring Suit Vou Waul in YOUR SIZE li Here at
You'ftave forced :JU8 to move" into larger and: uioreJbeautiful quarters to serve your needs*
' 5 v
530, $40 ? $45 ?
. An EstablishedMecord
Our- "jfoiJaV Policy means (Slethitig prieeS art when you want a «Jnart Sprihg: Bttitl See Oar Window!
A, H. BRODKEY CO. General Contractors Estimates ftirttisKaJ ffee
PhOhC JftCkSdn 1614
* 409-11 Hospe Building
INSURANCE ALL BRANCHES Accident and Wealth •
Druggists ahd Stationets
VERV man Bhould inform himself about our; great special Bise ranges, every conceivable size «nd proportion ih here, come eSpectidng ctis^ toraifced t&il<5rififv fit and fabric at only part of the usual custom made prices—and no annoying waits or
i i- i
Hot time. "Nuf said. Hot Mtisic. ADMISSION 35 Cent*
Carl'fireRiekes Tire Shop Repairing and.Road-Serylce . •- -.
CARNIVAL DANCE j Kelpines Dancing Academy
Every "Hard-to Should Know Nebraska's Clothes Service
Your chanee to feet good tirefe at vfery rea^ohable prices IS hel1*. We haVS 5tist received a new stock of G & J tires. cannot iriatee a mistaltd by equipping ydtir car with these sturdy, dependable tire§. They ard easy to l>uy—and hard to wenr out. They'll increase yoUf pleasure—and rtdtice your expense. There's a tire here for your car, your disposition and your purse.
Schwerin MdseiiftU
;^*l '-If. " *THiI!JSWlS|lGttTtSOITflOSjOOOjOOO ~' * ^ ,$lnce the yearl&14 tHe JeWs of the United Stated have given $105,(MOi006> Of whio^r amount ?85,OQO,OJOO, has been for foreign relief'^nd $2O,0OO,OOO^or-Jewish 1social service and charity. - liuring the 9afl|e pferiod they iiaVe given an insignificant sum f6t JgM&ll rellglpd &4d ^d^catiotial purposes. They have delighted to'feejl the htinga^;aaid1o:iticdar.the poor but their bWtt1 Jewish life tffeyhaye starved* - r '-. \ .= . . ,f ^he'n and if the, Jews.of, Eastern Eun^-^i'i^stored'' tb^wellbeiil&hey inightr in fcratlitide, *ais8 a ftad^fcf&drtiitfe effort :to reiiaMitate the huagry"^eWi8H life ift America,—B'rith:Mlyu
STth and Martha Sts. HA mej- IMS Omaha, Ncbr. Soft gray, Iron, brass, bronze end aluminum- castings. Standard sizes bronze and iron bushings, sewer manboles,'cistern riegs and covers, noil clean-out loOfB Ifi fctH
Here's Your Opportunity!
Dublin.—fj, population in land finds itself" ... _ ^ ^ similar tb that'of therJewish1' tion in the state of New 'hit&s The thousands of Jewish" Voters I citizens of the Free Etate,:wiU not tel able to participate'ln the gfeneral elec-1 tion which wSg;get tbt June 6, CoJhcfd-l ing With thf;first day of Sh'avuoth.! Representati6ns Were W6de With k view to having the date ^
Engine Btcakaeo Explosion (Genet 'ExpreaS'Sbitmtcnts-
" " 401-403-405 Sooih 1Mb Stf*e»
Larceny, fend a y (Genera^ lilt*
-Golfers 1 Equipment q i f ' liablHf
JEWISH PRESS, THmSBAJf, ABSlLi28,1927 : I Highland Country pJWb X p g and when- very-hat, P»P* "l^inei^i3IaF^4tk over.toast and serve at onceV'or"Boil born spots on rugs*
" ' "" " JMtlSALfiM NAMES asparagus until tender, pour off Use a razor blade to remove paiiit T i e first eocial affair Jof the ffigb- •water and arrange stalks on a sere-: from wJadow^. " r lakd Cotatay Club vill be held Wed- ing plate, heat 4 tablespoons butter To remov'e.thefed^orof gasoline from -($. T.' A.}—The Magy- „, Jerusalem 11. T.. A.)—itabM Pappo, * . t* nesday evening, May 4, at the Black- and pour over; season to taste* Serve cioties .that jyou Lave ~. <tf of the Babbink Court of stone Hotel. The committee has ar- hot. • 1 part' Vinegar and 2 parts water, dip Hungarian citizens has been prohibited Separdie -Jewish coimtiunRy in ranged this "Goodfellovrehip Stag" your pressing doth in this, Wring out by a s order of the Ministry of the salexn, died here yesterday. He was '• • * so that the new members may become as dry as you Can and press cldthes Interior. i Freeh Rhubarb Pie better acquainted -with the other Make 6 rich pie crust dough, line fe•with a hot iron.. The Ministry decreed that fcmlies members of the club. pie panfendhsv0 2 cups diced rhubarb Place new clothespins in boiling bearing non*Magysr nctr.es may be "All members are utged to make rolled in Souij sprinkle a little nour water fer about lH-mifiutes aiid they permitted to changes their names only their reservations for this big .stag bfld mgat toiled on dough, turn in will met breaS so easily. in such caser where the r~-Mcar.t petdinner Wednesday evening," said Mr. rhubarb, p6uf over 1 cup sugar, pinch formed a patriotic service to the country. • . . t h e Eyan Ten White itolfe Sjtocopfet- fl. S. Heavenrich, president of the of fait, Place top crust en and bake PALESTIKB IMPOSTS WEDDINGS AN6 EXPORf § SEBUCEO 6ts are On schedule again—find S&y in Very hot even for 10 minutes, reThe press comments that this order •' ' • BUSING LAST YlAE has been issued mainly against Stindon't they play some real hot dance duce heat fend bake slow, Miss Bernice m\iS6t THe public is Cortliaiiy invited Jews. "Y* SPRING FROLIC • ** Tt A. )»-The eeo* „ ^ ^ d l l become the to attend. Everyone is planning to attend the nomic crisis in Palestine -Is-TeSected Pot Roiist Sour ! bride 'M4$rr$ax' ¥ijakel, ion of Mr. grand Get-Together and Dance of the la the country's balance of trada seen HEBREW LESSONS 3 fb piece of beef chuck and Mrsr€. Pinkel of this city. Y. M. and Y. W. H. A. on Saturday TEMPLE ISRAEL ia a ceStparisoti of the exports and for 3 onions imports duTihg 192S and 1825,Manvitz - an* Friday evening, April 29, -Rabbi night, April 30 at the Jewish. ComMr.> S table spoons fat ISAAC Acfiofding to government figsres, of-WSbm'&Jrn April Cdhn's topic will be "The Story <sf munity Center^ 1 pint canned tomatoes ' Lots of peg and surprises are in doting 1hc>ear 1626, foods falsed at 33;: ait;|the Methodist SospltaL Mrs. Ethics." Salt and peppef to taste R« VeBTs of Honest Good music. Bring your €^29^45 Egypti&h Pminds were imXBRBOIIK Aim Given •was formerly Ifiss |2v|. On -Saturday morning, April 30, "A.store for you. roar Gcarantec o? u 4 ginger snaps dissolved in 1 cup feasiet-flf Jewels" will be Rabbi Cphn?e datetothe Y""Frolic! ported ta Palestine, trhfie during 1925 1419 Douglag . fist.' 1WQ water > . On'account of PasSOver, there was mbjeet. ainStmtefi to 7 3 g 4 9 i Place fat in .pan and when Very h d | H O dance two "weeks "ago. This one Mr.'and Mrs. <GarL@tudna of KanSISTERHOOD Egypfian PoSnds. During 1926-the add meat and keep turning until very sas \C5rty announce the birth of a'Monday, May 2, the Sisterhood ti will make up for both. ' ' FOR RENT psrti amounted to I»27oi625 Egypt* btoWfl, fidver. reduce heat fend let ppot daughter, born April S6. &h and Mrs. Temple lsr?.el will entertain at a one ian Pounds, «s CenJpared <with Purtiish.ed home* Six rooins. FoaSt 1% h&ttrs^ fry bnioni filctwly, 659 Egyptian PoundB in 19S5. D.iB.h£nenthal, JJaJgMa ef-Mrs", gtud- o'clock luncheon followed by their anand garage. Young couple Successors to Jones Csintiy Co. until t€n<ley and bdd td m6&tj add all aiajT^re visiting .in iR&nSaa City. nual meeting. This will be the closdesired. S. Bordy. S55S' otHel- infr^dients and let cook untii ing meetifig for this" Beasoiu _; Mr. | Isaac Hurwitz "Who conducts tender, if too sour add a little sugar, Do€ge,HA. 4179. JAi S8S6 §18 Parnafii Bt. thei Hebrew Schoor& the B'nai Jaeob if &0t s06r enoSgh fedd more idmatoeg Zwieback Paddingor Torte Ausher SMta^Syiagogug, 24th and or a little lemon juice. igijil-UHn-:n-!nnnni « Nj^o^^Sra^'.'liaii- just returned '•Manufactured in Wai*!1 ihdtiafeefeddedif needed. TliS Jj&HieS Auxiliary ,of the Tal1 cap from a teii d8§£s vimt jp^olfimbusj ^ d ^ will hold a .meeting next -BAKER. iCti MACHINE CO. fe ^ . tiie^Passovfer- hoiiaay3i| Lite? Loaf afternoon, 1aay-4, at the .-• 3. cup jrwieback crpmbs or Vz tt a package . ... ; family. Parents wishing tt> ef MfSi M. dftJssman, 744 i I teaspoon bakeing povrder j ' Place £ fb pifece of beef lifer ovfcr r e n t e r their children may call ath the Mynstef Street. or under" hot fl&lne until blood I s is hereby made that' sdteDlishetwee^ $?=*% e'SSefc. fffifefiti 1 teaspoon any aesired flavor drawn. Run through food chopper with of ^prfepeciive jpupik are ifivitfed U Separate eg'fs. Beat whites with ;S Mrs. Meyer 8tern of Des Moines, visit ms ;BChool and 66© how &Iowa, will return hotne the latter part pinch of salt tehtit dry, slowly a44 one large enio&i add ^h. cup matzO Moaern delicatessen Store. Ch6ice meal, 1 well b^ten egg and 1 cup hot location. Doing 'gbM biiSteeSs. classe^'are cdndncted. ' , of the Sreefc after visiting two weeks sugaf and well beaten egg yolks aad, a sad" Otrher mast Sell be&sage -"-of III flavor, add crumbs to which bakeing y ter. Form into a loaf and Tijetg, officers and members of the hire with her mother, Mrs. S. Cohen. powder has been added. Bake in two ^ well grease pan Vz hour or until health. Will stand investigation. Congregation B'na! Israel, at theirMrsl ddhen hag Just recently returned layers and when cool put together Dii6wn- Season with salt and pgppsr. Box-757 e/o Jewish Press.' senii-annual n o t i n g svnieh t6ok place f*onl a three months trip to Los" An.••'•••• This is mies l e t 6? cad. s e m i Caiifernia, where she visited with this fdiing: are now associated hi the General practice Sitoda|& AprilJ^.JwJniin'wisiy adoptH5 Whip % pint cream nntfl stiff, add tomato 6atie& daughterj Mrs, L Richard Allei*. til ed; a S|esolution of thanks to Cantor of LEW with offices at 5S*-586Pete« iTrust. ppbwdered Sugar• g t* taste and about • .'•: * ** Abraham SchwaczMn and iiid titbit i;: Building, Omaha. Two-tdlephotiWl At. 1 tablespoon jand; 1 teaspoon cocoa. MrV Herman Meyerson left Monday Htets fot EoCfeS Cleaning issa No. 2o s •Wllcbster C26f fdtthp. services chanted on fh£ l%ss* Mix well and use as a filling and dn "Wash fine was floors with gasoline, EVesh Meats MU and'AT. 094S. 'Effective 'May t Delicatessens bvgr Ijtplidays, and presented Cantor for Excelsior Springs, Mo., to-be gone top of torte. : •: about ten days. l©2t. $ allow te dry a t least 6 hours befofe Fresh Fish Handled Daily Schwaizfctn -with a gift of a check, .as ''g GrqalSd hut nieats, % cup may be putting on itf$h was. a-toke[n. of appreciation. We Deliver to all Parts of the City tortS before bakeing. Mrs. E. Marcus, who has been IB Cleali Copptr with vinegar mixed in the Jennie Edmundson Hospiwith salt. {items for these colnffins can bej tal for l i e past three months on ac- Cracker Balls for Soap or Gravy telephoned tto ATlantic 1450, not count of illness, returned home Mpntelephond 27 white-crackers-ground fine b :.-2-well beaten tggt filler thaft W Weanestoy ttobn. - l-tablespsen fat.;^ '" •' ' • Mr. Morris GroSsinan left CnSied. ^ • Parsley '."• ' - ' " ' - •;• ; '.-.• if6r -a- irvrdr weefe* buying trip in the haVje election 61 Toffifieri at "Salt to-taste and just a. pinch of meetinff, Monday/ May 2: .... bakeing pow.der bfers are mgedfip? attend^ , S eggs, Beat triutes dry, add A club/ which has been called the fat find tracker c>umbs, bake* Hba conjunction with Mothers and EL D- K. Club, has recently beeft orand Harney1 Daughters "•' wfiek the Ladies powder M s a l ^ . - i d d a littl« ganized by several Jewish boys Jin pgd '.parsley.* X)rop"ln'"boiling soap Council -Bluffs. Ernest Ross is presidenti, and: Bernardfialahan •••is:. sepia* ttavjp, Cook l •' Charge ^ at 8^00 p. m. Wthe Libe* %" ' tary.and treasurer. Other member's Purchases ' Spring; Salad Billed 1 -ihfi 1 eup raw Cafrbtsjjaiopped fine Jitai ist stein, H6ffmani Jake -Fe£,'-Mer*j whicii wtll incWdefenaddress vin Fitch, Jake Gordon, afld Collmatii fsom a moihEif«fiild,-% respdnsfi froM cut fine ?all Michnick h isi 4 ^ ^ l ifca^i W club. At each.meeting/ih8'i 1 caf jBlnbo salted peanuts plan to discuss =sdm6 Jewish" i i&xp iieavy cteaA whipped;; p -rjieiaaie&^et 'the EabOr "Lyceum tart salad, &essing -, will' entertain at? a bridge party, at edneab'6nal topics. \ carrots througK^ood chopp^r« the home^of , S. Zernovsky, *Mr.-W5 Seig^l, who has-been ill af also -peanuts, mix with other ing*B-i i May' 4, _at the St. Joseph Hospital i&. Omaha for. dietita. Add salad dressing to whipped 2:30. several weeks, returned home Sunday. cream and mix all to-gether. SerVe ;: The daughters of/:Zion will -JIr_and Mrs.-Sarry Cherniss enter-, •rary ecjdmjertucecapk.:, tain- at a public card" party on Wed- tained their -evening bridge club a t - nesday, May 4, at the home of Mrs. their home Tuesday evening. Asparagus Cn Toafet (crcaraed) H. Stern .at 3l4-.No. 35th Ave. Mrs. '.-•_'••-•!]bunch a i p a r a g u j * -•'.'.' Stern and; Mt&.pl Goldstein Vrill be Alumni members of the Tahfiu& -i 4'slices tdast -.•;: -)• • joint hostesses^ , , Torah Sunday School will hold a party' L dream sauce .; Saturday evening at the home- of Mr. and Mrs.' Sam Kaplan and MTB. Sara, and Joe Soloinonow. . -•. Boil asparagas that has been carefully washed and retired, slowly Ed M; Horn drove' to Sioux City WednesMrs. J. Barron and son of Shenan- minutes in salt water, drain and cut day morning to spend the day. doah, Iowa, spent the past week-end asparagus as far as you can from , Mr. Sandy-Goldberg of Shenandoah, here visiting her parents, Mr. find •fSe tip, the tough ends may be used . spent the week-end in Omaha. for goup. Make a cream sauce, add 1,900 B e a u t i f u l Mrs, Barney Markovitz. 'Dresses' thatT&?e Mrs. Mike l£axhbolz of St. Joseph, Mo., who hasjjfi£h Visitihg with-her 3iost fashiohable f of parents, Mr. 4ud Mrs.- flandler, left present aflfl itimmet fj>r home- on |lot»dayi ,,-,
Romance Chocolates
Council Bluffs News
Announcement'; -'
. . . , - . * . . ' . „
• ' • » '
- , -
Shown for the First Time
• Mr. Leon cohr spent Tues'day'ln "OmahZ Mr. R: "JTaSelson'o^ Varnxa.ri's who has-beenr in New York on a buying , will return home Friday. \. Mrs. Mike Korbholz of St. Joseph, night for New York City where she trill visit with hep. daughter, Jeanette. Ensoute she will visit in Chicago for a-few days,r. •=- .,
-Weal-/ Secured at : great-.pise. routes*. siofls Monday, ©f this . 'wfeek. la New "Vork* Will .b&.put $n. sale iFriday, April 29, at this low price.
In conjunction with Mother and Daughter week, Temple Israel will hold its Sisterhooji-^Sabbath on Saturday morning, I^y'tf, at .ll:30^o'clock. Mrs. William..^^ -Solzmah '• will - read a portion of the^ierVtee." Mrs.- Harry t deliver the lecture. The cfioraT~sejvic^ will .be under the direction of ^tiss.'JLaura Goetz. Mr. Vernon C Beipejttvwiil be organist. •. "CARJ?lVlL DANCE" A solid caiipad 'of rubber balloons, confetti, streamers, rooters—yes almost a hundced othe new novelty entertainers—h^e been arranged for by the JewisB'jSocial Club-to be" given away at their.Llong" looked for Carnival Dance to%e held on Suhday evening, May l,4|t the Kelpines. Dancmg Academy, 2 ^ and Farriam- stfaete. The club wasjtjery much enthuaed'-with the attendant of last week "and arrangements 4 ^ 5 ° w complete
Xhicfe'feacHyeaf vre iatroduee advance summer f aShidHs with tMs great $15.00 Dress SaJe. Utterly Kew Dresses and not 6ne of t&em a regular $15.00 iramber. Every drees vcas intended for a higher pries. We consider these the greatest values of the season and believe them unequalled anywhere in Omaha at their Sale price. Not oafy ^ e 'tie stj-les as smart a* higher pneed models, but tbte materials are exeeptionil. -••—•••».
•PAGE 4—THE JEWISH PRESS, THURSDAY, APRIL,28,.1927 ; As ^an* added stage attraction, the ? ^ i s , 4 % ipkpti W thii Monar4i8^8^-ea^t|Ej^^f«(i! : Riviera theatre presents Rudy \-i^^f^^fi^^:\ '"s course and our correspondent informs al|2:00^p,-nn : doeft, the American saxaphone j^yi&8 ;-|ecen^eie^fe;of ftthei -Bsi. us, that. the. big .fellow is now in the and Victor Record Artist,'; who . hai. M^^^olfo^ji^g l^e^^eifB^ectedi: of a'course-of aesthis dancing, : made more records for the .phono^^sid^l^a^; ^pst^iJ^^Vfc^pres|hot stuff for a .two hundred pound graph than any other musician in the dentj: Frank Acker^^nj'^retary.'Ity athlete. ^i^ ^ijPtainTotter0'^Txea&aier, "Ralph world'; CENTRAL HIGH SCHOOL Gross; ^rgant^t-armsi,;AT^e Ches- Corinne Griffith's First National Bud Levin, husky reserve athlete in mkh, .an^Rep^^r^^Hto^:Stirling. screen version of May Edginton's practically all branches of sport at story, "Three Hours," heralded as one ; ;.;^Sw^3^^.SM^^!fefM^W;J;take the "White Eagle" institution, seems ::V*V^ppEml^.^'PYIERA;." • of the strongest dramatic vehicles about ready to graduate into the first ; ^0ne:6filEg^|a^pn5 wh^ the JRiviera that has yet been given to the screen's ; team "class. ! Levin appears to be the Tfieatre entertainment is entirely- dif- beautiful'star, will.be the- feature ;•: Samimy |(^^en|^crt\ iti ;T&f WhiJ^* juni: > fifriri:;wkbTa? big"black li^aioT ^^qrnr best bet among Papa Schmidt's shot ferent and ~dis|toMY6i from i other picture for this particular week. John ; fidjg ihis: idlest! _$ag^t;5yt&g*:.gy^ce; pntters and will be seen, in action theatres Mnn this-"section^ is r the ;fact Powers plays the male lead opposite this week'end when the Centralites that ev^j tiinit ;of: the jpro^rani is the star. Miss Griffith,' who the liber.,'cur^ ; of-ljii(^^ journey down to the Peru Normal ca^ifli^fplaiwed weeks -'^.-.advance; ty Magazine called "The Most Beau? Frank^ ;Wfeyers^; w^.'^^fflp^njjg^'his invitation meet. Bud has been get- so? .that;^ere:^^;^w^ihwi4ance' of tiful Woman in the World," scores ^gaUa/:|^gpa^iseenis ; i l a ^ f i i £ t n e ting forty"-and forty-two feet in his variety>\aidUappealiiig^^^ (entertainment again in this picture of three hours &$!<£ of^lieffityr alonEr;w^0^it|pi(EP of feverheat emotion! For you, it will heaves which is not half bad for so f o r e v j e r y o n e , ft ••'•?^'••"^• '• -^:,~•• :•• Omaha /youth; Ted^ Tnictee^SaSiifiaM be one hour, of never-to-be-forgotten (Foi^&ff'week^starring April 30th, /; entered hia ^firet;~Weiteinr it^grue early in the season. entertainment. ;; ;; the Riyier^ presents" another pleas^ ;glamevr; ^.vo1her-;^y;j^i;^ TECH HIGH SCHOOL The Riviera Concert ; Orchestra Nathan Marcus, the only Jewish ing tstige^ screen,^and' musical pro- under the direction of Arthur. Geissfc&d hamered three oJfcer^hjMejji'$^> boy -on Coach .White's track- squad, graiftf;* ;Qri^ -tiiie' stage '.i. will be seen submission.;"-~ The Jewish/lad ^ifittcd almost placed in the dual meet be; Boris: Petrofl&a unique ~ noyelty -1diver- ler,1 and George. Johnson playing at aijout as well as his brethren; two bits tween the Maroon and Abraham Liuf tipsemep^itThe ^Paper R^vue. ! This the Riviera Grande Organ, will presShctly originatan the-way ent .outstanding musical features' on • ;;agid two runs b e i n g ^ o ^ ^ ^ J h i n V coins. ,«£ .jCounpil. Bluffs B which was^j ^j \ t •$&'^ntirfetjr ^ilfererii fromthe flying orchestra stages. held Xhe other day, across" the Mis? ig the Rlvierff Theatre-ihas exet sourL Nate was sailing along fine, anythin presented. 'This {production: is unique /slid : J&at^^as:vt6a/.fan^ The Omaha Hebt«w Club will holrf well up* with the leaders, taking *ipresent 1 coistumes its regular meeting Sunday afternoon Kaufman -smile., '• It-' way; ettiil tfigje^ hurdle after hurdle- in excellent form* n^ the "SLct- that all ~:Of-its : r : are'^aaW-f^ni%paper.'- '- -Iiestia ,- .':La at the Jewish Community Center. ; HERE JUSTBTTUEl^" ;/.;t/:/i; vl'.-1 till he came to the last barrier and J^onfe, who Appears in "The -Paper grief., Marcus caught his foot in the Revue" is; the' youngest "female im•i _ Hennan ; LevinsOT^ upperrung of the hurdle and took a personato.r now 'appearing - on the Gentiral Higit secdnd^h^amiaq^i is nose dive to the ground and out of stage. He is'jalso a costume designer I Ets Time to think of your ". coining alongnicely;/*-Jieifih^onj/nas the'contest. This was the lanky lads of exceptional ^bilityw He Resigned ?s^-'^ag^^^ioi|ffie^^i^f«ys first attempt at the "'hurdles and his and made all of t^e'cos^imes which - tfe i t e ^ ^ d ^isilfene: jjw^lilibbtb • in next sashay should be much better. are:.;sh6wn'* ^~ 'ITJie; Paper" Bevue." •- the-fi^d an£ at :$8&^-:£,£M/; ;-;^; "\ Others: in ther'cast. are jdilq Holo'radoNORTH HIGH SCHOOL : athlete^ is^xwiet of ttl^t^JGSm^rilsds Leon. Forman, the flying Eskimo vich^^jprinia do^hs; Isshel'jBrown, PHOTOitRAPHEKS V tied for third place in. the hundred d e v » ; « ^ ^ ^ ^ e ^ < d ^ ^ ^ i ^ | ^ a n ' dax - I : --: 1312 Farnam SL Opposite >^ yard dash during the dual meet be- ;'lles£e^^^on9:^^'the}TP^f---^ip<>iE^ * 1 very shy ofvthe theerroifrcolwnn in dancing combinations tha^t .hfis ever •Wl..;b«.,W. Bldsrtween the Polar Bears and the Pack* 4ie field. - : ,;5^\ •\V, : ^';.~~^^_' / ers of South High. Forman should appeared, b^hindsthe f ootligh^s; and Phone, JA ckson 4562 IJohnny Rosenblatt. an^KiitevFelt-; make faster time before the season the Aurora^ Ariazra Girls, dancing is much' older, that is providing he s e x t e t t e . - • " ' C ^ rfi''-"^ >•. •: ~' .''..' in the Metropolitan class A .amateur settles down to more intensive trainl^j^e. Jdhnhy is ^olduig;d6^i»;one ing. ••: o*f the outer gardens]for*ib^e >C£rter -lakes;while Feltraiui is^^t^B^'oM Psi Mu Club Enter Baseball Team in J. C. C. League first base stationwith-tixe S^ahdets Having won' two games up to date, Drive^t-Y$ujrse](f .- teami *v B^sey is ^robatily/one of the youngest players With no defeats,' the Psi Mu baseball ipi both^age and time .of. service in team is ready for action. The team stars as .fiie Metro league wh^e' j"elt(jiOTi is includes several, amatem r "Hock" Epstein, "Pone' Lohrman antj limdoubtedly lo^e-^f 4he oldest men in : "Pooch" Bloom. Sunday the Psi Mu jjears and poititlcfc se^^^o'$hjnen - Men and womeiuof every race^ creed and religion re; :'V;/^-;rpiayii^;'Ii^d8-ii]^;\b)»ii';:.^^:; will '- presenting every class and section of Omaha have en,-: ha**ei&efe^ppoi*wutyi;iQ J|hww"if "*: dorsed the ^Square Seven" because it stands for toler'.,• -^S&^xfmyftieD-the^Di-we-ftf?and the ;J .- ,-ance^sbund and efficient government, and low taxes. Lakes tangle;; which^^ .will W^soon.' ' • -
^ | J - . - - • : . • - . "
. /
— ] ' - ^ ^ . y . -
Oiir Anniml
Spring Sale Guaranteed
Tiot only brings :;v types of all f\[ prices that are
/-—For instance—the Voss Washer Illustrated will be sold at. . > ;.:.-.-.<.
j FhotograpLs
With Copper Tab, $94.00
Omaha Fixture and
' ;:v;:^Marcu^;Krasne,; ^the| *fSig iTw^^
^oimer^i^^ y strong wifl* ttte I l i ^ i s ^ ^ s ^ ^ c k ^"?nd^ia ; ; t©a)n^;I^s^j^|^^ • Lyons,vBig Teni<^)itfcr«^ xhaiti|K!n a.yon ^c^liKnionex: % ^ f ^ ^ I j i i t ; :, -I^o)(s i; will "graduate \tibisj 3^8^: and ^!l$a£cus; !<will_.:teve^a::.;-'pj|^i|fli*iiier ' pt?c¥"oif art! Blue and Orange team.
Compi$te*Store and Office Outfitters :
~t; . . . oreT TaOOO s q u a r e f e e t - S o ' u t h t f e i t Ctfrnet "
Eleventh and^Donglas _SUreets Phoiiift^ ' *" NEBR. t
•I PrinGiples
K. Zlrnmaa, Isldor Zlceler. ThoMM Z. Zacelc Is Jas. P . English, T. JL. De Bar, Thos. •J* O'Brien, C *'. Connolly. J a s H. ; Q*Bricn4 CouSsJJ.Wffltinsoa, llalph <i. A. Barley, jb. J . Balrd, Ed B . Burke. SawerBwy, Bichard -Wood, Sam KlarFinnic' C\ Beit.' Joseph Bellts. M»)co)m. [ ler, -,'Edward ; TqtieXtftft, f|rasfc > IJ4J»»Baldrige. John C Barrett. F**a C.BecKr ' cezwiski, Charles Dlckerson, Herbert S. W » < A B a K Brtrwer M™ Rt>H>v&te% Frank H , *HUpp». ara - Be/gihan,^ X*o BoielU Bernard , D,' 4)aniel, airry" GoJ4tter^X^M- Hardjne. FredBoyle. John Badur*. John B*»»r. Dr.^ erick, IngersoJl, James Kraiictt. Wm. W. E . Brennitn, P. <3. B . Boland. John Brothenm^. Arnold;. 8.* .8ors!u>3i. Ben S. •. P. Iiynch, \VnBj_McFariand, Burt. MolBaker7Sorrl8yBroWn. ffvte* a - B a « e r . ' Jack pecker. Charles BftJter. Walter Alex B3rne,*Jolwi BlanKenuhlp. Prank "tSjamber*, ^. . . « _ _ i M _ ; _ ^ . ^ . >.v=—. tep. KaKiBeSalUt -Dr. ThQTPM " HAn(hoj»y .Za)e«to!v^iJasj -Kelpin< James Henry J..Bernt -^ - * -. Danghton, J o i n I . GoodfeUow. : E d w w 4 Cahow, Ttatite Coad. H«rley Conant. Dr. C. C. Crlaa, I*»ul Coad, C3. G. " Mra: d; C, Ahiioa, Mrs.' Miry Anderson. Sirs. Albert E. Allen. Carlbers. Con Clussen. Charles J. Mrs. George B. Boland. Mrs. Fred A. CUncharrt, U c a r , Jilchael M i c a e i . Ctch.-W. B t Cheek. -W. _ J. _ .._ ™^ ^- " cojenjsn. olemn. jinte Te L,. Bailey, Mrs.- Gt-Kce Betts. Mrs. Adolph "Coatt, T. B Braudes, Mr* ^Vra. H. \BoKkiric Mrs. Ed CreWbton. W. C > a k , C>arke,«W.*J..Xiirra Ka» Besetfo, ^Utsk May me Barry, Mrs. d, V. Chlodo. ^Jn^ih Cpad, V. P. P. Chlodo. M Ch J^h C M. Chase.. ^ Jamea BaudoJ Sfri. Frank Beister, Miss 4 . JpBBher. Dr.'4fc>4. JpBBher. tw. t w . T, , J. D«y«r. y "W. . Or/ace Baudo, Mra. Eleanor K.' Bedford. Mrs. H. Malcolttt Baldrlge." nce, Wictor H. rnwrance, Wictor Dfetx. Dfetx. PhU Downs. Downs. VT CC DDor«9y. 9 JJqdse d s e TT.M J. J. Dreyer. VT. M. Mrs. Ed Crelghton. Mrs. C H. CreighDInoenJF ?.« • » — - - . *. ton. Mrs. E^ul .'Ooad. . Mrs. M a n Clch.E. Ct. Egpljy, Oaear Engler,, Charles Mrs. "JnllDS Catntonf, Mrs. I* E. CjhrleteDEd8rer?*jC%X El»a^r, j " , ' ' • sen. Miss MqUJr Conlon, Mrs. Leo Cassldy, Dr. JK ^ T T r y t , JVhn Plynn. William ' Mrs;. Josle <3&rjai.±zoJ Mr. P. T. Conlan. C. Fra&ftjgosepn Fradenbnrjr. -Charles .' /Mrs. M.; CaS|Ia.l«^ r •: - E. Foster. Judge J. M.- FiWeerald. W. * Mrs. Franir *M? 'blneen. Mra. John J.. F<*niSffl« I>4TW A, Ptteb. C ST. Flxa. . Daugherty, 3SXB*J2. 3. Dwyer, l l n . P. 3. J o h n X Gleaaon. Jtfhn Gamble, CliaHe^ Drclbus, Mrs. Tony Delink Mrs» William Gardner. FranK Qreen, Paul aarnRto. C. Dlneen, Miss —Irene Delehanty, Mrs. M. Garvcy. Dan Gellua. John 1 Gentleman, M. B . Griffin. C. A. Grtmftie). Dan . Galerta Dareaae-scek). Mrs. J. B. Dwyer. Gross. Andrew W. GallaKher. John J. • Mrs. Charles Ederer. Mrs. A. W. 1 3 OiHan, John- M. . Glbh, A, B. ' Gibson. ~ sasser, Mrs. LnclUe F. Edwards. .Thomas Goggln, Wluiatn K. Glllocly. M n . J. M. Fltsgerald. Mrs. Myrtle I>o GUlogly. ^ ' Fria*; Miss Inex Flynn. Mrs. W. J. FenLeo Hoffman. X«ee Huff. KT~ W. D. . ton. Mrs. B. F, Flllp. Hosfora, Tale Holland, Theoflorg HelMrs. Geneviefe Qnlon. Mrs. Bertha gren, Charles W. Hpya, James 8> Han- Oetischman. Mrs; James M. Grlsham. Mrs. ley." "Byron* G. Hastings. P. a TSoweU. John Gentleman, Mrs. Thomas Goggin, .George Kibbler. Dr. J. B . Hutten. James Mrs. •R-llliam K.' GlUogly. Mrs. R. BHoward, CharS* Heine. Henry Hantiens. Grotte. T "" . James. B- HaiSmonrt, H. H. "THarper. J. Mrs. Leo Hoffman..Mrs. W. D. Hos"W. Berdzlna, •• Charteit Herraanek. William Houghtofc. Amos Heneir. Can c . ford, Mra. Lea Hutf. sr., Mrs.: James v Herring. ,, H. Hanley. -Mrs. /John Hopkins, Mrs. M. B. Hlnchey, Mrs. Edythe M. Hooper. J." J.' Isaacson. " '--v "Drew Harold. Mrs. Amos Henely. Frank -.W. Judsou. F. B. Johnson, . -Mrs. Mrs. H; A. Hnlke. : Oeonre- -F.- Jones,. Eirncat Juliet),' A- w . -.^;;-Srrss";r.{ J. Isaacson; • •'.:..'-'•:':•••:''"};•':< Jettezts. Peter / o i l y , William N. *amlrSIrfc -wmiam N , Jamleaoo. Mrs. P e t e r ! . Jollj^-Mrs; Catherlae Johnson^ Mrs. C. C^.; ChaHea Knowlaa, J. A, C. Kennedv. Pl-auTi KeoRB, .y*ver Klein, K*»l Kebm. : Johnson, Mrs. M. Jackaon, Mrs>. J. <?- ' Frank A. Kennedy,; Jelsn- Dresi. J. B. Kr&* . ClMurJ«». Knowres; Mr* OlaiB'S » Kjozol, Vfaiter >Korl«fco, GforflTa B. Kennedy. "X H . KbBlett,, Albert Kaplan. , KlpUn^Er. Mts. JT. A. Klenke, M r n . i E : Koiol,. Mrs. Frana Kreieek. Gcorire Kiefffter. E. KoenUr, W. "W. Kbl- Mrs. - Thoina*:' Ijarkln.r Mrs. W. "H. : ler. T. F". Kentlcdr.'' LKJechnar,Mrs. George Lee. Mot J. J. M. 1* Learned. J»hn TJ- l*oml». E d ward I* Lawler. H. Xaotdua. Richard J. • '. Larkln.* Mrs, •Bernard. Larkto. Mrs. B~ 3.: Lyneh, Mrs. E M i r Irff. Mrs. Marie. Lat- ; Low. .Q. -&. I4y«r, Dr. B. 8. "Uate. John kin, Mrs. MlchaeT F. Larkln. Mra. A. B. J. Larkln. Btmard tarXIn. Frank V. Lewl«. .Mrs. w . & lawson, MlssiGladyH j lAiwson, Edward F - t e a r y . Michael LnrA.' U n e . Miss Sarah Line. Mrs. Elmer kin. Mark L«rkin. "' Clinton: MUler. "Bert Murphy. Gene • B.-Link. , :.„ . Melady, V. t. McGrath, T»m Murphy. ! Mrs. I. S. McPhersori. Mrs, T. J. MeJohn iladaen, J. H, Mltl«en, Pete I Gulre. Mrs. A. i \ Mullen. Mrs. B . J. MeMehrena. Hngrh 'X. M e C a t t w . T. J. Mc- : Ardle, Mlra Mary Munchoff. Mrs. M. U Gutre. Chaa, Mdjauehllp. Jftnry Meyers, . •• Mart!, 3drt. M.;5ft. Murphy; MJes Gettrnda Joe Mnrrow. Andrew,M^|lorrl»s«y. T.&. May, Mrs. R.-G.' Mohr. Mrs. J^.A. Myer. McAnJle, Henry Mpnrtpf, Win. li. M e .: Mrs. Lena MUtWbvsky. Mrs. N. McCoys CltntocU. Francis v~- «*tth«w», Ed. F. Mrs. William McKenna, Mrs. E. J. M e Moreart". Fre^ B.,%ttmtr. J. S!, Murphy. ... - A r d l e . / : - ' ••. • " . - - . " , . •v " Bruce McColltfUlth, Dr.' W. M- |Ie' c n e l r > , :• Mrs. H . E. Newbranch, Mrs. Sophus r
Theo. W. MetsaUg- t)r, Cr»ljr Morris, T. T. Mtrrphy. Leo Misktryricy. Sophus Ket>!». Grenvllje P. Worth. W. 3. Norman, Walter C NP1»O»I G. E . Norman. Jstn»l» C KleoU, IV O. Nasr, Judge Sophu» F, Neble. ° - RoUert H. O)m«tad, Eojr«n« »- o-suian" ' ' .,.„ ^f. iiirnef F«*tori, Charles
• • • • ' •
-F. Neble.
•• ' • " • - •
•,-"•" - -
- ' - •;
^:w^^^MS ^^^^rMjiB,
; ,
By marketing' Our machines through a l&tge', modera store we not only employ t t e mpst efficient, selling medium and Tone capable of really .^erv^ng those who become our cusionrers, btrt we entirely eliminate the enormous expense of Tiouse to house soliciting. Such expenses as delivering, warehousing and. accounting are trifling1 here, as compared with the maintenance of a separate store, however sniailiL " ----In 50 year's .devoted to building these machines we have learned to cut manufacturing costs in a most surprising way. I .That's Why Voss Machines :' Sell at Such Low Price*
t -..
thatevery city caat know aadojum-
-..:• r .„:,.;.,»
• -
—we. are ciVciIng, for 8 limited time only, this sen* tionrJ electric cleaner on
Mrs. R. 5-. O'Brien. Mrs. Art O'Leary. .Mrs. B. K, Owen. Mrs. James O'Brlea, Mrs. J. K. Otoerreuter. Mrs. Laura, Putnam; Mrs. Alex Peasinger, Ml&s Daphne Peters, Miss Lora Power, Miss Sue Peaslnser, Mrs. Guy H. Pratt. Mr*. JEva. Peoples. Mrs. 3* ; Piancwskl.
- B l o r d a n . "
- -•••"
• • '•
- Mrs. Toby A. SHverman, Mr«i John shields, MrB. Pat Salmon. Mrs. Clarence Singleton, Miss Catherine Shanahan, . : Miss. Mary Clare 8wi£t.- Mrs. Adda B t l l j .Toff- Seato..-S«*«Bt|aisiBft|eriM»;v:Ay? Scott. - Smith, Mrs.F'. A. Settonl, M r * John J. '--HiM • 8tr^«fc'-W»i;Sc»mp«ll«.".l>ir-. ?• Ar ! Swlatek. Mrs. Mary Schessler. Mrs. A. -.' V . . 8 h 0 i W e l l . - . : - • • • , . • • ' - • ••..,-. ...'-:•-.-•.-, '%.-'• ^Aij«>sv.Tlion»*iK'- A.liiMi*T«ilef&--''?Sed / w . • Mrs. AmosTnomas, Mrs. W. B. Taylor. Thornav.P- Ji jJ'eW>eB«,.\g|^J; y . fiiomas. . Mrs. George Tra«rt. Mrs. Viola Turner. Mrs. Martha Homan Velltz. Mrs,.X>. O. - ^ - V e r l t y . v .-..;•-.••••'.•.r>--....';-- ; , ' . • • ' - • • • •:-'-y .., ^ f A i ^ ' y a n . . O r s a 4 ^ 6 * ^ . ; ^ o i a v a , - . - p . Mrs. Wttllani :Wapplch. M r s . J o h n
and to u n t i l ne as any washer, r*. prieo or k^"''
Mrs. Thomas F. Qnlnlan. Mrs. J. J. Quinlan. -• • , Mr». Wlllla Kay, Mrs, E. Eeuman. Mln Ros*. Clsre Ryan, Mrs; James D. Reed. Mrs, T. R. Rutledge, Mrs. Joseph Roucelt, Mrs. Theodore Beyers. Mrs. J. 8.
•Pekl^f Xesteiy: Palmer. C*iriC. Perry, :,DitWi:i-W.ilN»«We«'?i: + ; ' # ? - ; - - ;• -':--•"•, •Thos. P,-QutaJ«>. X;,-X <3uUrt««. "*JTriui1r;Xi-:.-Iini«i--;--Jm«n'i«MijBW«»<|''-iWm--f ri'i Ji*naaii. v 8an» B«m«W*k #J**lv^'? " 'ueiv WllllarS Rftmsey, j WW.^^ TSIteSto. i r . , iajBOrvjRoaenWrgj^Jpaur-lf; Rfajisfc. .aottlleb Stori. WrmvA,'"««W«.VWwx>»
fast end
d Bros. Mfg. Co. are of ten The Vdss asked why; jVoss washers sellAat prices so much lower than the public has learned to expect. < -: - ^ g i ^ Here's the Answer—•,'. -
" E / A . 'Alken. Wesley V. Adkfas. Pred W. Anhelner. Claudlo Arejmo, C J. Andersen.
The VOSS is *«u» anteed to w«ab as
Arid then you will receive absolutely
i e ; naitie'of gopjd governiaent we a you'to vote fpr — Dahlmah, Dunn, Hopkiiis, Marcell, Noyes, Kbutsky, ^ r f
• • > • ' ' *
^ M
quality and "Rashers, but
Wear, M i s v F a y e MTatts. Mrs. A. C. : W a d s ^ o r t h . M l * , A . : ! • > W r l s S t . Mrs. I: '• Grant WlUtams. \ / •- ' •:.-. .....;v,~-..->.;
M r s . A n t h o n y
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Z a l e s k L
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J.«ia? ! ^-^Pv/Ens|l'ifc- : '-MM;--/Wm..
, S^ehan, ; Mrst yiol»'- tvnx&x; Mrs.
i iWottn -- Jba, >' -CS*Wsife"--«e#BO. l s^:' W11-.• K0b«rt WeUb, Mrs; Catherine A; Kelly. ftn-.. "WimiiUiOB.;: Mts.! G.,. IP; ••'"—"•" ;T^a-^j^it^>yt,vW«t*l!?i!i5;rf::-,>"i;.;:J •"'::: NJitrs.'V:.£,uit o r t h : •:;--v->*-: i ;:;:v:-;-:. ••••,•.•"/: : : O ~ : : : ^ i
Election May
(Complete with Dusting Toots') Bakmce in Easy Monthfy Payments
iThis SPECIAL OFFER wiU last
' • fWe haven't many of thesz brand-new-, latest-model-; , iHoovers, and when they are sold, thejre will be no more; 'on these easy terms. " r_. .
; |3R^«Epw^ ^tMs |s the ifea2ingtNew iloovc*»with ** ,-,'||^^|b|j<iel^htSBd; to bringr;one' -^ j & s s l r ^ ^ ^ ^ t
':. '• <• • 7 * '