May 5, 1927

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A false friend, like a shadow, attends only while the sun shines.

M-o-t-h-e-r, Just -A Six Letter Word, But Oh the Underlying Meaning In all the world one face ser-. ;g, One mind that knows t h e i n Of hurt and hope and all thirb 3 near, One hand that wipes away lift - tear, One heart that always will fSFgive, One friend that makes life jsisj=et to live—M-O-T-H-E-R! Sunday, May 9, the Tvorld will" pay respects t o mothers of the universe. Mothers, those who a t e a t all times ready to sacrifice their -very souls for their children, a r e the leaders and (real) friends one person can claim. During the past week t h e ' Jewish Community Center • has been one happy place. Mothers-Daughters affairs featured the week's eventsNo friend and no person can be better than ones mother, and each and everyone should honor his mother Sunday." * • *


- Ec 2 . " 1 second-class mail matter on January 27th. 1021. at poi % X Omafca Nebraska, under the Act ol March 8.


Jewish Frat Jewish Fraternity Winners of Scholarship Mother's Day, Sunday, May 8 Awards David Brown With Gottfaeil Medal BEFORE IT IS TOO LATE


VOL. VI.—No. 19


Lincoln.—Zeta Beta Tau fraternity and Sigma Delta Tau sorority- won first place prizes in the annual interfraternity and intersorority. scholarship awards of the "University of N e braska for the last school year, i t was announced here Wednesday night. In the fraternity list F a r m , House was second'. and. Kappa Sigma third, while Delta Zeta and Alpha Delta Theta were second and third among the sororities.

Word has been received by Sam Beber from Rabbi Stephen S. Wise that he will be unable to appear in Omaha on May 9 because of doctor's orders. Dr. Wise in his wire exBy George Bancroft Griffith plained his regrets and that he will David A. Brown Sends Messages Zeta Beta Tau Lauds Detroit Man for Service Rendered If you have a gray-haired Who knows what bitter mem- be -unable to appear any place during for Immediate Help the rest' of the vear. Judaism mother: ories Plans are now being made by the C R Y O F H E L P R I N G I N G In the Old Home far away, May haunt you if you wait? THROUGHOUT EUROPE ELEVEN EDITORS MAKE Sit down and write the letter So make your loved one happy Jewish Community Center to secure a substitute for Dr. Wise. You put off from day to day. Before it is too late. FINAL SELECTION A plea to Oman* subscribers to the United Jewish Campaign to pay titsThe tender word unspoken, David A. Brown, of Detroit, long Don't wait until her weary The letters never sent, •** installments, on their pledges'as thay identified with t h e finances of Jewish David A. Brown Receives steps fall due is made by William L. Holzcharities, has been selected by a comThe long forgetten messages, Zeta Beta Tau Reach Heaven's pearly gate, mnn, state chairman, and Dr. Philip. mittee of eleven prominent editors The wealth of love unspent. Gottheil Medal But show her that you think to receive the Gottheil Medal for Sher, city treasurer. While the second Omaha Zeta Beta Tau men were For these "some hearts are of her, 1926. This medal is awarded annually installment . became due May 1, * glad to hear that David A. Brown of breaking, by the Zeta Beta Tau fraternity to good many people have failed to p?,? Before it is too late. Detroit, long identified with Jewish For these some loved ones Third Annual Operetta to be Presented their first installments. that American, whether Jew or charities, has been awarded the GottBenefit Performance at Riviera on wait; If you have a tender message, Gentile, who shall b e . considered to May 14 and 15th "We . cannot overemphasize t*>* heil Medal for 1926. He was chosen have rendered the greatest service to Saturday Evening , Show them that you care for Or a loving, word to say, necessity for money just at thi* by a committee of eleven prominent the cause of Judaism in the year of them Don't wait till you forget it, More than one hundred young men time," stated Mr. Holzman.. "An ureditors. Again the Jewish Women are being Before it is too late. the award. - - -• But whisper it today. and women, all arayed in beautiful gent emergency message from Darn-" " I a m elated over t h e fact t h a t a called upon to aid in relief wori. The costumes will present the Japanese A. Brevm, national chairman, indiDuring the first year of the award, western man was" given, the honor," Red Cross of America has issued a Operetta, Princes Chrysanthemum, on cates that the financial condition t>for 1925, Rabbi Stephen S. Wise was said I«OTX Somberg, local Z. B. T. call for $5,000,000 for the recent! Saturday and Sunday evenings, May the national treasury is so low thr..i: selected in an election in which the member. flood sufferers, and have .set §3S,000' 14, and 15, a t the Jewish Community it will be impossible to carry out t-hf names of Calvin Coolidge and Charles e . • * Center Auditorium. Evans Hughes were prominently as the quota for Omaha. program of relief and rehabilitation Jewish Baseball Teams Members:-of the various Jewish mentioned. This year, the names of The roll of Princess Chrysanthe- ^ E u r o p e u n i e s s a great deal of xwOpen Season, Sunday, Dr. S. Farkes Cadman and Felix War- Women's Organizations in Omaha mum is being played by Miss Bertha At Elmwood Park have volunteered their services to aid David Fellman, Nebraska University Ida Lustgarten,.Best Student in Fine Greenhouse who presents a most ney is forthcoming." While subscripburg were often in the ballots. tions amount to about $20,000,000-, in this work. The Hadassah OrganizaFour scrappy Jewish ball outfits Arts School at Nebraska Debater Receives Honor; charming' picture. The maidens in at- actual money is not coming in fnal David A. Brown has always -been will face the opening gun .of t h e one to dedicate the major part of his tion is operating two booths for conStarred a t Central High tendence to Princess Chrysanthemum Miss Ida- Lastgarteit, 19, daughter •who appear on the scene are dressed enough to take care o£ the vio^season Sunday afternoon a t West life to Jewish work. F o r years he has tributions; the Council j of; Jewish which was commenced, on borrowvi Elmwood Park diamond. After dicker- been known in Detroit for this fact, Women also has women stationed a t David Fellman, a sophomore a t the of Mr. and Mrs. B. Lustgarten, 411'2 in gowns resplendent in colors of the money, about a year before most '•'< ing around for a playground, officials but i t is during the last few years booths, and the Jewish Women's Wel- University of Nebraska and a mem-! S o u t h Twenty-fourth street, was re- rainbow. the drives took place. of t h e newly formed JTewish inter- that the nation in general h a s been fare Organization is doing its bit ber of the d i v e r s i t y debate team was cently elected to Alpha Rho Tau, Mr. Sam Minkin makes a stern all "It is clear, wires Mr, Brov.-n, having, two booths under their superd u b circuit have succeeded in secur- increasingly aware of his* activity in elected to the Delta Sigma Eho, t h e ' honorary Fine Arts society at the J i n s p i r i l l g . emperor, whose cure for "that unless a substantial sum -*>r vision. ing Elmwood/Park's fastest field. highest inter-collegiate debating' University of Nebraska. She was the n11 behalf of Jews in general, and of all lTiK ills ^is fhp the s1nB>1 slash n of the throat. throat. f fhp As another means of raising the honorary of the country. The Psi Mxt aggregation, hitherto poverty stricken Jews i n the Near I possessor of the highest scholastic There are dainty little spirits and money is forthcoming at once, tfrr~ known as the strongest in the league E a s t particularly. H e had charge of quota for.Omaha, the Local Red Cross Chosen a member! of the debate j average, 91.8, in the Fine Arts college, ijthsome fairies "whose dancing zv.d entire structure ol hope, held out "*<the Jews of Europe, will be shatter*;'. will cross hats with Aleph Zadik the United Jewish Campaign during are putting on -a special performance seminar while a freshman, he con-j Sunday, May 8, lliss Lustgarten; s i l l g . i n g i s e q u a l ] j - pleasing. The " ' T ,-7, " tl w-iAleph nine in Sunday's feature at- 1925, originating the slogan, "Tired of a t the Riviera Theatre on Saturday tinoed his debate tr&rk this year to;vvffl give a graduation piano recital] chorus is -composed of twentv-four twenty-four schools, , 7°**the°xmedical . -> ^^l, "-i." sanitary ac traction. The other'game on t a b i s the giving? You don't Jknow "what i t is evening a t 11 P . M. Fifteen acts will become a member of the team debat-j for degree of. Bachelor of Fine Arts. young people with excellent voices. be presented. The regular admission ing the question of the McNary-1 She -will be assisted by .her aster, All members of the cast will be dress- ities, the. cultural religious wort, thf: contest between t h e B'nai Ami and to be tired!"'' ; network of loan societies, the price of 60c i s being charged for this Haughton bill. He t<?ok part in three: Dorothy. the B'nai Israel teams. ed in colorful Japanese costumes that loan assistance, the agricultHTSu A committee of eleven, editors of performance. • » • She has wan three gold medals for major debates of the. year, presenting e been made under the direction settlement; in short, all the activ3ti«s», the important Anglo-Jewish . papers . "Mrs. R. Kulakofsky, .prominent in arguments against the. Kansas proficiency in the arts. In 1922 she]] o f Mrs. Meyer Rosenthal, Playhouse Official of the country balloted to.pick the y Beber. -which in Eastern Europe alone hfiv?G i l at GrinG i ; won a gold medall in the humorous h Henry Eosenthal was recently elect- winner of the medaL This committee social work here, is a member of the Aggies at Lincoln, Grinnell || Princess Chrysanthemum is one of 1-cept. alive t t e spark' of life a s # tw*<*>"' ?ojardi;of-the-. Red, Cross, • Umveisity—ESrpgsetiolT of "the" -StraQT'lIIgK ..'School the,.most clever entertainments ever consisted -of the-foHowing^inent Herr" in millions of Jews, and has -aeeist1*--; : tHe only Jewish woman on its Beatrice. Playhouse. Eosenthal was the only man Bernstein, editor of .the Jewish -declamatory contest and another gold •undertaken "by" the Jewish Community j Jewish' man appointed to office. While attending Omaha Central j medal in the dramatic section in 1924. Center. The members of the cast have in the economic reconstruction '•'• Tribune, New" York 'City; Alexander board.-Rabbi Frederick Cohn is Secretary of the local Red Cross. High School, h e . represented thej A special medal for piano mastery been working for the past three Palestine, as well—will all have to Brin, editor of the Boston Jewish d *" school for three years in debate work, was given her in 1923 in a music months to produce a perfect per- immediately curtailed or Jewish-Women Working Advocate; Joseph Cummins, editor of h b contest conducted a t Lincoln t y the foirmance. The Y. M. and Y. W. H. A. consequences of such a step and ^' and ended his high school career by For Flood Relief the California Jewish Revue; Jacob Campaign Fishman, managing editor . o f , the aiding the Omaha team in taking the Nebraska State Music Teacher? s with I . Stemhffl as chairman is in m i s e i y e n t a i l e d ' a s v e l l , M t h e ™ ;*.' state championship in 1925. sociation. " Jewish women are taking active Jewish Morning "'oumal,' New York charge of the ticket sale. blow to the hopes of our pM>»»>-_ Fellman is in the Arts and Science roles i n t h e Red .Cross drive for Mis- City; Felix N. Gerson, editor of the Miss Lustgarten is the president of abroad, would be a real catastrophe,'" sissippi flood sufferers. A midnight Philadelphia Jewish Exponent; Chas. More than one hundred members college, taking pre-legal work, and the Sigma Delta Tau sorority, a "Omaha people must not be b^Vi*«". the-rest-of the country in show held a t t h e . Riviera Joseph, editor of the Pittsburgh Jew- of the Highland Country Club attend- ranks among the highest in scholar- member of the University Dramatic CALLED AS WITNESS AT SCHWARTZBAED TRIAL their obligations," urged Dr. Saturday night. Money taken in -at ish Criterion; Jacob Landau, manag- ed its stag social Wednesday evening ship. He is a member of the Sigma club, and is the accompanist for the 1 "The program of relief .was outlin?.-, ing editor of the American Hebrew; box office will ~i>B turned over t o flood at the Blackstone Hotel. The stag Alpha Mu fraternity. He is the son university octette. Lodz.—(J. T. A.)—Yehuda Pfeffer, j n t h c expectation of getting campaign. Tuesday night a midnight Rabbi Gerson Levi, editor of the Chi- was in charge of the entertainment of Mr. and Mrs. J. Fellman, 2519 St. Lacking but one credit for an arts a resident of this city, formerly of money from Omaha; and we show was held a t the World theatre. cago Reform Advocate; Rabbi Mendel committee with Morris Ferer as Mary's Ave. i and science degree, she will by takthe Ukraine, was called by the Paris we will not—fail them!" Silber, editor of; "the New Orleans More than §1000 was donated to the chairman. Prizes were given to the j ing a subject through extension this ^ ^ Jewish Ledger; ~Leo Wise, -editor of Telief drive. winners of last Sundays tournament. summer receive= this degree during S c W a r t e b a r d triaL the American Israelite, . Cincinnati, The following received the prices, Abe Will Form Committee for the summer, vfbiie she will receive Ohio. Mr. Pfeffer was formerly a councilRabbi Epstein of And Burch Let The Brodkey, J . Malashock, and Morris ; her fine arts degree in June. lor of the city of Berditscheff. At the The medal -will be awarded on May Ferer. Jerome Heyn presented t h e Axe Fall time of the Petlura pogroms, he apRepresentatives of all At the last meeting of the Board!{ j-> j , • T> _. . ..' Sammy Kauffman, one time pitcher 10 a t a dinner of the members of the gifts. plied to Petlura for permission to bury will meet Sunday morning at t of Managers and Directors of the KeUltlOil Between During the past week members of for l i e Jewish Community Center Zeta Beta Tau fraternity at-the Hotel 2Zrictims of the pogroms B'nai Israel Synagogue, 18th Astor. This fraternity i s a national the club have taken an unusual inter- Jewish Community Center, it was nine, will leave for F o r t Smith, Ark. Chicago streets, to form a commit Eauf&nan has been with the Omaha college fraternity of ^Jewish men, with est in the club activities and many of voted to have a Special Summer By MBS. EEUBEK KTLAKOFSKY can answer for their actions very as a reception in honor of Rabb«. herd since the opening- of the year, chapters and alumni clubs in all the them have been playing on the course Membership during the warm season. Women's position in theworld is no Epstein of Palestine who will hz readily. with the exception of his brief stay corners of the. country. On May 10, daily. Plans are being made by the The membership will be good from longer the defmintely defined affair it Omaha on May 26. In the years gone by when mother the members of the fraternity will a t Atlanta, Ga. Kauffman will be on until September 15 and entertainment committee for the "an- June 15 xintil and ^ ( meet in thirty-four different cities t o nual opening which will be held on open t o all those who are not mem-j"* 8 ! " the generations past by. W e , d i d ^ t h e housework-washing, ironthe mound for the Fort Smith club. the precedents king, and mending, it was all- Warsaw Street Car ih& celebrate Old Timers' Day, and Mr. May 28. * * * bers of the Center. The rates TdD be no of l o n e ef ro Tc ea fl ai r J eyr s^cept P r e e e d e n t s ii n g i c o o ki d di it ll ; •Conductors Demand $6 for, all those between 16 and 2 1 ! °^ * > Vnt ever reaching Brown's speech of acceptance will be m o s t i ^ ^ b i e to take time off for Burdick Planning Program of Jewish y e a s of age, inclusive, and S3 ' ftirther we are s t o r m s to attain a ^ ^ ^ x p l n o n s or listening to explanations. f o r ; o r l i s t e l l L n g t o broadcast to these groups over FUNDS FOR JEWISH COLONIFor Winter Sports those under 16. Those over 22 w i l l ' ^ K 1 T l s s b I e £ o s L Bren s s "centiy B u t i n t h i s d a y electricity and numWRNY. ZATION WORK IN RUSSIA Ed Burdick, head physical director have to purchase a regular y e a r l y i as the Victorian a g e women accepted a erous household devices have greatly Warsaw.—(J. T. A.)—A strike J<i a t the Center, is planning his winter JEWS PARTICIPATE I N subordinate position in this world of street car conductors was thre&ts*niv.-simplified the mother's taste and ones j Moscorw.—(J. T. A.)—The Comzet, membership. sports program. in matter of fact manner, LEAGUE CONFERENCES the government commission for Jew- .All money paid on Summer Mem-,ours, and children are entitled to some part of by the Conductors* -Organization i i «. . , A , ., Burdick asserts that basketball l act their leisure time. protest submitted to the d i i ^ berships will be credited towards f ^ ^ ^ ^ _ ish colonization, states that of t h e Warsaw.—(J..T. A.)—Deputy Was' will hold the spotlight this coming to p^orm the of God's greatest gift to a mother is yearly memberships to those who sums allocated in the State, Budget claw WislicM, member of the Club of winter. Some flas"hy quints will be the companionship of a Daughter. I The conductor? demand that- ?<•* seen in action on the hardwood court. Jewish Deputises,.was invited by the for the purpose of Jewish colonization have never been members of the into this world, a -.duty,--raising them say daughters rather than son—beJevrs be employed by the ms-nspc Center. Swimming of course will be .one of Polish.government t o join t h e experts work "it has distributed t h e following according to set regulations, a duty. cause first of all this is Mothers and ment, and that those Jews alreftcl* 'economic delegation which will repre- amounts: ' ' .' ' • " the major sports. .Children were regarded in an abstract x>aughters» Week, and secondly I feel employment by the company shoe;'--: sent the government of Poland a t the For credit aids to land workers who} MEDICAL ARTS BUILDING ^way. Children are children. finds her real pal in a be dismissed. A similar protest •*•'*••t h a t a Mother international economic conference have settled in White Russian 50,000 FORMAL OPENING MAY 1 ', a r e certain things a child urastThere Palestine Workers Flower Day do, (jaue-Titer. j submitted to the Warsaw city g»vs.v»" Palestine Workers Flower Day will which -will open in Geneva on May 4. Roubles; for land settlement* in the The Medical Arts Building, south- there are eertain things a child must ment, which is in control of the »':--~p.< cultivating of companionship district of Nikopol, 50,000 Roubles; be held Sunday, May 8. Workers will east corner of Seventh and Dodge not do. And the conscientious per- • s t E t a r t ^ childhood. Every tiny Geneva, April 27.—(J. T. A.)—The for preparation -work for additional canvass the homes. The Flower Day f r m i n g of these set duties in beL&lf youngster thinks h i k their h i mother th tl-.e tl cars. streets, is to have its formal opening forming Investigation shows that &m<m£ i-i--* is arranged by the following organ- League of Nations Commission for the ' settlers in this region, 45,000 Roubles; Thursday, May 12. The dedication of her children -was the crowning best and most beautiful one in the several thousand employees of a>« izations, Jewish National • Workers Protection of Women and Children for land settlement in the"district of ceremonies a r e to be held in the glory of Womanhood. •world and it is very easy to gain the street car company, only two *•''* Independent . Arbeiter Ring, Poali tpened its session here yesterday. Mr. Eupatoria C4,000 Roubles; for the set- aaditorium on the second floor, startWoe unto t h e child who disobeyed confidence of a child. Don't expect Zion, Progressive Ladies Auxiliary Cohen, representative of the London tlement of Caucasian mountain Jews Ing a t 8 p. m. its parents or failed to put forth t h e j y o n r ^ug-hter to coxno to you with Jewish Association for the protection in Northern Caucasia 20,000 Roubles; and the L L. Peretz Freun Forein. Dr. W. P. Wherry will preside and proper amount o f revenrence. Exit ^ h e troubles of youth and womanhood ALLOT LAND FOE JEWISH of Girls and Women, submitted a re- for finding new area- for the settlewill give a brief talk on "The Possibillate in the. l&th century Samuel Butif she didn't come to you unhestingly COLONY IN port to the Commission. ment of Caucasian mountain Jews, 1,- ities of the".Medical Arts Building". ler startled literary circles "with the VIENNA KEHILLAH with her childish fears. 400 Roubles. VOTES 50,000 SCHILLINGS Dr. Harold Gifford will give the astounding facts that children, are Moscow.—(J. T. A.)—The first The understanding of ones child FOR PALESTINE WOBK Altogether, a total of 400,400 principal address, "History of Med- people and parents are people, and means the priceless companionship of (lotment for.Jewish colonization ( l p Roubles has been expended on the icine in Omaha." parents should not be loved unless h iis {i d b th Vienna.—(J. T. A.) — Communal a grown son or daughter snd this {in Siberia was made by the Jewish colonization work. . they deserve to be loved. „ A. H . Smith and Benjamin'Kulp of support for the Jewish reconstruction one of the greatest gifts God can be- j Government. the McKedzie State bank of Chicago, Motherhood tod Fatherhood are The land given for this p a r p m 3* work l a Palestine was voted yesteron any -women. {BUDAPEST LAWYERS Esther Swislowsky, cf Columowners of the building, will be here devine privileges, but privileges not located in the Alieskoy district. JM* day a t a plenary meeting of the VienOPPOSE NUMERUS CLAUSUS bus, Nebr.,,'"was' Tuesday elected to present the building to the medical to be abused. area of 750 desiatirt set aside Jfe? na Kehillah Board. IN PROFESSION profession. Dr. Frank Coalin, presipresident of the Sigma, Delta Tau The old adage of "Spare the rod and DR. SAMUEL C. KOHS settling fifty families. The -*©R -** The Board allotted the amount of sorority a t the University of Nedent of the Douglas Coxmty Medical you spoil t h e child," has gone out of : Director of Social Service, suitable for beat growing a n i 50,000 schilling for- the Keren Haye- braska. Other officers elected a r e : Budapest.—(J. T. A.)—The plan of association, will receive the building. | date. Corporal punishment was conSan Francisco, California, factories are located itl the sod during the year 1327. Frances Robinson, Norfolk, Nebr., i the Hungarian government- to intro- .'Guides will help the visitors inspect sidered an indispensable form of disWill Speak at the Riga.—(J. T. A.)—Reports of a re- vice president; Moselle' ELleeman, duce a numerus dausus for the ad- the building until 11 o'clock. cipline. Jewish Cosimumiy Center j The question • whfther or not t Lincoln, secretary; Lucille Rosen- I mission of Jewish lawyers to the bar newed fight of the Jewir % — ""on of But the child is not longer willing ', Jewish colonization work is cone*»•"• Among the Jewish doctors who alSunday, May S, at S:DO p, m. the Communist party against Chal- thai, Sioux City, lal, treasurer; met -with t h e opposition cf members ready have offices in the Medical Arts to accept "No, No Don't" and because j !to increasing Rn Sarah Mosow, Sioux City, histor- of the bar. utzim, Zionist youths who prepare building are Dr. James S. Goetz, Dr. "You musa't," as reasons although j There will be no admission charge! bated a t a mocls trial themselves for pier.: :r v.'rrli In Pales- ian and Kate Goldstein alumni seci Nikoloycff by the Ozet, the At the general annual meeting of Abe Greenberg, Dr. Manuel Gxodins- disobedience meats a spanking. You are cordially invited retary. ' - ' 'tine by working on the Ifarms In Eusfor settlingr J«we on the land. to be present. the Budapest bar association, t h e pro- ky, Dr. Herman M. J a h r , Dr. A. S. Small children should be asked for j non-Jews were p r c « - " j ^received- here. • • Eubnitz, and Dr. .Nathan Msskin. explanations. You will and that they j posal was


Jewish Women Aid Red Cross Raise i for



Jewlsb Student Winner Delta Sigma Omaliaa Into Fraternity of High Scholastic i t a r s

* • • " > ' - •


at Highland County Oab Stag Social












Center to Have


Mother and Daughter



Columbus Girl Elected - President of Society





Published every, Xbtmday a t Omana, .Nebraska, by t THfi JEWISH PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY ,'. Offices 490 Brandeisi Theatre Building — Telephone: ATlantic 1450. &•: * . NATHAN E. GREEN, Manager. Subscription Price, one yearAdvertising-rates famished on application.-


CHANGE OB1 ADDEESS—Please (dro both the old and Dew address: be ima and glra jonr name.

The JewislrPresa Is suppUed by the Jewish Telegraphic Agency (Jewish -Correspondence Bureau}:with cabled and telegraphic Jewish news, ID addition to feature articles end,correspondences from all Important Jewish center's. Inqairies" regarding news Item* credited to this Agency will be gladly answered M addressed-to Jewish Telegraphic Agency, 621 Broadway, New York City. •

JEWISH CALENDAR 5687—1926-27 Rosh Chodesh lyar Lag b'Omer Rosh Chodesh Sivan __.1st Day Shabuoth ... Rosh Chodesh Tammuz Fast of Tammuz „.„„...„ Rosh Chodesh Ab Fast of".Ab .............. Rosh Chodesh Ellul

1927 —Tuesday, May 3 ....Friday, May 20 -Wednesday, June 1 .Monday, June 6 Friday, July 1 ....Sunday, July 17 ...Saturday, July SO ~~..—Sunday, August 7 -.-...Monday, August 29

FftTJ&TRATE COURSE OP JUSTICE IN SAPIRQ-JFORD TRIAL • After a delay of several years and after six weeks' trial, in Salad Dressing," using Soar Milk versation with trimly dressed girts, the course of which hundreds of witnesses testified and many none of whom interested him especial3 eggs separated ly. Still, since he had gone into the speeches were delivered by brilliant attorneys, the Sapiro-Ford 1 cup sour milk Dolorita Dress company, Kenneth libel suit has come to a halt, because of the indiscretion of a woman' % cup vinegar found himself growing more and more 2 tablespoons melted butter juror and the desire for sensation on the part of a Detroit paper. interested in frocks women wore. 1 teaspoon mustard There can be no doubt that the technicalities of the law demanded, As he was waiting for a girl who 2 tablespoons sugar had agreed to jriay tennis with him udder the circusastarices/that a mistrial be tfe^ared, and it is also 1 teaspoon salt he chanced to look Idly through the certain that Ford's-counsel were not at ^ l l S ^ l e a s e d with the year book of the country club, and Vs. teaspoon paprika decision of the judge. , The policy of procrastination has been Beat yolks light, mix dry ingre- there his eyes fell on the name of characteristic of Mr.-Ford and his underlings in the whole proce- dients. Add sour milk and butter and Delia Moor. Delia Moor—the expert dure, and the charge that they assisted in causing the present stiffly beaten-egg whites. Cook over saleswoman. Kenneth asked the girl whether mistrial is not entirely without foundation. The counsel for the boiling water, beating constantly un- she knew Miss Delia Moor. thick and creamy, remove from "Delia Moor," sniffed the younp prosecution did not mince words when he declared that the entire till fire, add vinegar and beat hard. Store flapper. "I should think I do. She's matter was planned in order to delay the appearance of Mr. Ford in cool place. rather queered herself—though, of in the courtroom, which was to have taken place shortly after the course, some of the men stick up for House Hold Hints her. They would." hearing of Aaron Sapiro. would they?" • " Put plenty of pepper in your matzo The New York Tithes, in an editorial, again calls upon Mr. meal and you can keep i t all summer. "Why "Because they think she's so goodFord to take advantage of the opportunity in order to either sub- To make good custard, do not allow looking—though as a matter of fact . stantiate the charges that are brought in his name against the the "water over are cook- she isn't. "You see Delia wanted to earn Jewish people as a whole, or deny them. "Behind that individual ing to boil. money to buy a new car. Well, the grievance, behind the personal suit, lay the charges so widely dis- Add one tablespoon vinegar to the first thing we knew she had arranged be agent for some dresses. Of tributed under Mr. Ford's authority of a great and unpatriotic water for boiling old potatoes to make to course, that wasn't so terrible, bethem -white. 'Jewish conspiracy.' This was the thing that gave bitter offense cause nowadays women do almost anything. But she started in with to millions of Americans. It perhaps could not be technically some sort of five-dollar wash dresses brought into the libel suit. But Henry Ford need not concern and she went around to us all and Why Delia Was himself with any merely legal and petty defense. He can, if he we all ordered two or three. They looked a lot more expensive and we Snubbed is ;magnanimous enough, deal with the whole matter afresh and thought we had great bargains. Then in-his own name. He can freely tell the public whether he has the dresses were delivered and a few By JANE OSBORN any substantial evidence to back-up the accusations against a.j I days after that every other woman j in Laurel Hill had on one of those whole race which were made in his name; and if he has not, he can] (Copyrlg-ht.) ; dresses. I had a green one and our be man enough to withdraw what never should have been printed." nan enougn to wimoraw wnai never BUOUIU nave W H I pmiwsu. j T HAD never occurred to Malcolm cook had taught a yellow one. I ' I t is, Of Course, unlikely that this call Will be heeded any more A Kenneth when he was graduated as 1caM e over tie club to play tennis and were sis of the girls alt wearing thkn the invitation- extended to Mr. Ford by the same j ournal when \ b * st abound athlete os his class, aa here thu same dress—and the worst of it

the trial first began was heeded. The general public and certainly | J g Zl°L wLdTverTinto ^X ^ was that they all knew that they had o w ^business of < manufacturing°fr6cks for t cost only five dollars apiece. Well, of the Jewish public was interested in this case only from the angle' — women and girls. But somehow it i course, It was Delia's fault. I almost here indicated. It was hoped that in the course of the proceedings happened. A pal of his inherited the think she did it on purpose. The girls this matter would be made clear and Ford ; either have to ?business from an uncle. The Dolorita weie furious about i t Since then produce the evidence which prompted him!for so many years to ;Dress company, they, called-it,, and Delia hasn't dared come to the club.* Kenneth played through a set ol made Dolorita wash dresses that conduct a crusade against a people or lie would have to admit that they retailed for five dollars apiece. Other tennis with the girl and then, faking he* had no evidence to produce, but that it was all due to personal jthlngs Jiadn|t jaft excuse iq.j^E, away, ,he looked up prejudice or to the persuasion of a number of interested and un- before out a year Mal- one"'of"the•men and asked him to manage to introduce him to Delia scrupulous persons. Such a result would have been greatly wel- colm Kenneth was Vice-president and Moor. Together they niotored out to actual boss of the Dolorita Dress comcomed by the Jews as well as by the general thinkingpublic to Mr. pany, and he was making money. Delia's house and tfcen ?. carried her to the club. Delia said that the Ford himself. The present unfortunate result will cause the mat- ; It was Malcolm's plan-to put out a back giflsvat the clyjj had:;snubi)ed her so special? line of the .Dpiorita dresses ter, to dragoon for a long time, and the mischievous insinuations which should be sold'% agents. Mal- that she hadn't dared to appear sit and hurtful suggestions will continue to feature the paper which colm Knew from experience how nec- the club for some time, but with "two male escorts she wasn't afraid to do hej controlsTand:':poison the minds of the unthinking' people that,{essary it often was for college stu- eo now. • Kenneth found Delia delighto T have beeuimsledjay them. The course of justice has been frust-' d e n t s tn m n t figured ™"Qthat " -1"-'college girls trated, and, what is of greater consequence by far, the dangerous would be glad to canvass the country vacation's , selling Dolorita virus of race hatred, which was fostered in the columns of that during dresses. " ... paper aiid which it was hoped might be neutralized by the evidence So the plan worked" as. well as he brought.out in this trial, will be permitted to continue its evil ef- hoped—rather better, in fact—and to stimulate the activities of the agents fects upon American public opinion.—Exponent. he offered a bonus of a few hundred sugar, salt, butter/mixture, flour and nuts* Turn into a greased dripping pan and bake slowly until done. Cut in strips. '.


Cookies for Those Who Have a Cookie Press • 1 lb butter ; 2, cups sugar \ 4 egg yolks * 1 teaspoon almond flavor ". 5 cups of flour \ 1 teaspoon baking powder •1 cup almonds shredded Cream butter and sugar, add egg yolEs, beaten, and all other ingredients and put through a cookie press. Bafee in moderate oven. Here is a new and delicious cookie for those "who like a chewy cookie. This is also pareva. -4 eggs ' 1 teaspoon vanilla ' Vx teaspoon salt -1 cup nut meats *4 cup almonds cut fine ' 1 lb brown sugar 1% cups flour . 1% teaspoons baking- powder Beat eggs very light, add sugar and beat a minute more. Place in sauce pan over boiling water and stir constantly for 10 minutes, remove from fire. Stir in all-other ingredients, put • back over boiling w'ater-and stir again for 5 minutes. Pour into .warm oiled dripping pan and bake in .moderate - oven % hour. While warm cut in squares, but do not remove from pan until "cold. , -

Fudge Sticks v S eggs beaten light \Vz cup butter ..' .',% cup flour > 1 cup sugar . '. _. -2 • squares chocolate ' "3£ teaspoon salt .• • \% ciip nuts

" .

Place butter and chocolate in sauce pan"over slow* fire until all foe chocov i a t e i £ -dissolved. ->Beat.eggs,_ add

Rhubarb Conserve 4 cups cut rhubarb 4 cupa sugar v • 2 oranges, juice and grated rind 2 lemons, juice and grated rind 1 cup blanched almonds cut fine % teaspoon salt Wash but do not peel rhubarb. Put sugar over it and let stand over night. Add all other ingredients and cook stow 5 minutes, then cook quickly until thick, stirring to prevent scorching, add shredded almonds when done and pour at once into glasses. Rhubarb Custard Pie 1 cup cut rhubarb 1 tablespoon flour1 2 eggs . 1 cup milk 1 cup sugar 1 tablespoon melted butter Vi, teaspoon ginger Cut rhubarb in small pieces and mix with sugar and flour. Beat egg yolks, add milk, butter and ginger. Line pie plate with, pastry, put in rhubarb mixture. 'Pour over custard and bake firm. Use egg whites for meringue.

dollars to the one who sold the most of these frocks during the summer. The award went to someone named Delia Moor, whose address was Laurel Hill. One day In the autumn Kenneth found himself driving out to the suburbs to join a house party to which he had been invited. He considered the addnasa.! to which he 'fc-as going. a going. It was the house of a friend who had recently married and gone to live la the suburbs at Laurel Hill. It seemed to Kenneth that he had heard of that place before. Why, to be sure, that was the address of;Miss Delia Moor —-the ekpert saleswonian. . :' He |oined the other guests "for a Saturday afternoon at the Laurel Hill Couht# club—Just the tiSual round of golf or tennis, and bantering con-


OMAtlA'S "GARDEN OF DREAMS" Of the many interesting features of the Riviera Theatre, the children's playroom is one of the best. With a white-capped maid in attendance, the boys and girls of Omaha and ~*T.rrounding cities have a playroom all their own in the theatre. The room is filled with play device- On the parchment shades of the chandeliers Mother Goose characters cavort in silhouette. The half-partition which divides the playroom from the next rooom is a glassed-in aquarium, where goldfish swim. Mothers can feel easy in leaving their kiddica to play while the enjoy the distinctive type of Riviera entertainment. For the week of May 7th, the Riviera Theatre offers an exceptionally pleasing offering on "both stage and screen. On the stage something entirely different in John Murray Anderson's Publix stage show, "Sea

FOR RENT Furnished home. Six rooms and garage. Young couple desired. S. Bordy, 3558 Dodge,HA. 4179. Hanry H. Lapidns, Pres.-Treas.

Omaha Fixture and Supply Co.

Chanties." The show is a genuine musical treat, one that everybody can understand arid appreciate. A male chorus of 18 voices sing lilting songs of the sea that are ever popular. There are two added stage attractions at the Riviera this week, "The Enchanted Garden" with Paul Fetching and Co., which Jr said to be one of the most beautiful productions that has played at the Riviera since its opening, and Auriole Craven, "The Singing Violinist with a Kick." On the screen, Bebe Daniels appears in a distinctively different role. In her latest Paramount picture, "Senorita," the fascinating Bebe has not only scored another triumph but has given us a new proof of her versatility. The picture is the comedy dama type, the kind Bebe does so well—a story of a girl who wishes she had been bom a boy and who dons masculine* garb to the confusion of the enemies of her family. Musical treats will be presented by the Eiviera Concert Orchestra tinder

direction of Arthur Geissttr, and by George Johnson, playing at the Riviera Grande Organ. Berlin.—(J. T. A.)-lGrave antiJewish excesses took place in the town of Krasnaputna, Bukowina, according to reports received here " yesterday from Czernowitz. HER MAJESTY, THE CUSTOMER RULES THE EMPIRE. Ha. 8398.

| Its Time to think of your <

Photographs The TRUSSELL Studio PHOTOGRAPHERS 1312 Farnam St. Opposite W. O. W. Bldg. Phone, JA ckson 4562

Where are the Crowds ? Want to know! Just attend the



Prize Dance j SUNDAY, MAY 8, 1927 | SOSKIN and KOZBERG 1552 No. 20 St.—WE ebster 0267

Kelpkes Dancing Academy

Fresh Meats — Delicatessens

25th and Farnam St.

Ryans White Mule Syncopators

Fresh Fish Handled Daily We Deliver to all Parts of the City

Hot Time Real Dance Music Chuck Lowe Sings

The CopeSmau Caedy Co Successors to Jones Candy Co.


Romance Chocolates Phone JAi 3986



918 Farnam St.


2429 Decatur Street

WE. S527

If you are in need of a Tales wool or silk of the best quality, Tfeelin, Meruzos or any other religious article, we will be glad to sell it to you at the most reasonable pi-ices. We also carry a full line of Bibles with Jewish and English translations. We are also the agents of all Palestine Products and the artistic work of Bezalel Sdiool in Jerusalem.

Complete Store and Office Outfitters

iere's Yeir Opporteiiityl

We occupy over 70.000 square feet Southwest Corner

Your chance to get good tires at very reasonable prices is here. We have just received a new stock of G & J tires. You cannot make a mistake by equipping your car • with these sturdy, dependable

Eleventh and Douglas Streets Phone: JAckson 2724 OMAHA, NEBR. t








They are easy to buy—and hard to wear out. They'll increase your pleasure—and reduce your expense. There's a tire here for your car, your disposition arid your purse.

Carl Riekes Tire Shop Webster 1431

Tire Repairing and Road Service 1409-11 No. 18 St.

Webster 4549

Comparison Proves Them the Greatest Values Ever Offered in Omaha at

Men—#rom every angle, quality, tailorinp, fit, fabric, eitortment and value,. Glarer Two-Pant Suit* at $28.50 ar« in a clat* of their own.

Thia "hew ttore solicits your patronage only on a basi» of companion. It U dollar* in your packets to buy t t GIazer'«; prove it to yourteli tomorrow. .

HEBREW LESSONS Clashes for Beginners ' and advanced pnplls


B'Xal. Jacob. Sholon Congregation 34 Nicholas Private LessoCiS Also Given

Clothes Service VERY man should inform himself about our great special size ranges, every conceivable size "and proportion ih here, come expectiong cus* tomized tailoring, fit and fabric at only part of the usual custom made price^—and no annoying waits or tryons! Special Sizes—Special Fabrics—Special Patterns— Special Colors—Special Values! Medlnm




BUTTER and EGGS ' Council Bluffs, Iowa






to - 62 Chest it to 58 Chest

Medium Short ftonts. 88 to 4« Client Sliorts, 35 t o 42 ChestMh.lels. a" to 44 Chest tip to 5(1 Cheat

- —TheSpring Suit You Want in YOUR SIZE is Here at


Accident and Health. Assault Automobile Fife Automobile LiabilityBank Deposit Boiler Explosion . Burglarys(Resldencc) Burglary (Store, etc.) Burglary of Safe '-" Cneck-Raising" > Civil Commotion Consequential Damage ontlugant Liability tmtraccora'-Bonds Denrlsu' Liability Druggists' Liability; Elevator Liability

ful and Delia had the temerity to wear one of the much-talked-about live-dollar frocks. Kenneth told her >f his previous Interest in her. "But I'll never dare to sell your frocks again," she said sighing. "Xet It wasn't my fault if they all wanted to buy the same model, was it? And now sometimes I think m never be happy to lire In Laurel Hill any more. I've queered myself with all the girls—" "I'll lay a wager you haven't qaeered yourself with the men," said Kenneth frankly. "And what's more, any time you want to quit this place and come to the city you just tell me-" "Would you give me a Job selling Dolorita dresses?" she asked. "I would if you wanted me to," admitted Kenneth, "but that wasn't What I had In mind." Delia abruptly changed the subject, but before Kenneth went back to the city Monday afternoon he had told Delia what he meant, and Delia said that she'd always known she would fall In love at first sight and she thought Mrs. Malcolm Kenneth was a perfectly lovely name.

Engine Breakage Explosion (Genera!). Express Shipments Fidelity Bonds Fire and TornadoPly Wheel freight Charges Fu^s, All Risks -Golfers' Equipment" Gollera' Liability ' 'Group Insurance Hall .'. THold up (Messenger)' (Paymaster) • •-, (Personal) -<• '

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Office:^ 824 World-Herald Bldg.

Jewelry, All Risks Registered MaU, LtabiHty .: Rental Value . : X Larceny and Theft Salesmen's Samptea i Leasehold ^ c SnrlnBleirXeaftage. Strike amfmot Liability (General) LJfc > Supply Bond Surgeons' Liability Livestock -. _ t Merchandise In Transit- T«anw' Liability Theatre Liability • M o t o r B o a t ' •• • . - • • ' - , . Theatrical Transporta• Motorcycle (all forms) • tion Musical Instruments. Partnership USe Insur* Title insurance 1 Tourist Floater aiic Use and OccupanCST '- Mjydclaas' Defense Water Damage 1 Plate Class Breakage .Workmen's Conapfensa* • ' ^Profit Jnsuraneq ; tion , Rain-Insurance 1 landlords'



andat $20, $25, ?30, $40, $45, $50, $60 Our "Np: Sale1' Policy means clothing ^rleesare.lowest NOW h you want a smartZSpring Suit! 6c« Qwr Windows Today



PAGE S—THE JEWISH PRESS, THURSDAY, MAY 5,192? JEWISH WOMEN'S WELFARE Civilization and WcUs And then he makes bis "statement; ORGANIZATION ANNUAL Behind the drilling of the Frencli good, for advertising buiMs cofifi-j . Something entirely new and different is promised for the Junior Hadassah MOTHER-DAUGHTER PARTY artesian wells in southern Algeria is, dence, and confidence means traSe. Mothers-Daughter Card Social to be given in the Jewish Community Center according to Phillips, the story of the The 'continued patronage of rt» ad-, Auditorium, Sunday afternoon, May 8, 1927. The affair is an appropiate slow, but usually peaceful, conquest of vertising columns shows Qtat It pays A most unique program was pres•an old civilization by a new. Until the the atlrertteers; the fart that no climax to Mother-Daughter -week which is being celebrated throughout the ented at the annual Mother-Daughter coming cf the French in the late '50s wooden nutmegs are sold today is one jountry. Party given Tuesday, May 3, at the Of fhe hist century the wells of the pf the tnany signs that sfeo-n- hovr a*-. The program will precede the card playing and will start promptly at t h e northern Sahara had all been painfully vertising helps readers. •Community Center, 2:30 P. M. There will be Piano Selections by Sara Kae Pish, Mother Songs dug by hanfl, often with indifferent . .Welfare W o m e n s by Ida Bishop accompanied by Ann Bishop and dance numbers by pupils* of success. The first French wells, br tion. No Wealth in Oil Shalem ' Annette Ricldin. Mrs. Max Fromkin, sponsor of the Omaha Junior Hadassah good luck, were located in what 3s The Halted States bureau of raises Program called the Oued Par, where two of the has cotKfected and an active Hadassah worker, will speak for the Mothers; Pauline Shapiro tests wbiefc disprove 1. Address of Sahara's former rivers had once the hysterias.! reports will respond for the Daughters. A prize will be awarded at each table and that trold, «Ilv*f, Welcome—Mrs. Nate Mantel, Pres. joined, and where nrach of the drainthough the committee nas not revealed what the prize will be, they report platinum ti^C potash bare been efc* age from a tract of desert T O O miles 2. Talk for that the prize is quite unique. tained in paying quantities from «M Grandmothers —Mrs. H. Rachman' Ions and from 300 to 400 miles broad shales. That it 3s not commerclnny Miss Ida Dayteh, chairman of the card party committee, reports that Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Milder were Today the manufacturer uses "print- possible to recover any of these mate* ENGAGEMENTS hosts at a dinner party on Tuesday, this affair will surpass anything that has ever been given by the chapter. 3. Talk for er's ink to tell about his product and The engagement of Miss Selma honoring their son Leo and his This bridge is an annual affair of the Junior Hadassah but this year they Motners....Mrs. Reuben Kulakofsky be signs his name to the statement.' rials has bt-ea demonstrated by the essays. i Kalis, daughter of Mr. Joseph Kalis, fiancee, Miss Jeanette Sherman. Those have combined it with the Mother Daughter Social and will make it a more 4. Talk for of Kansas City, Mo., to Mr. George who attended the party were Mr. elaborate affair. The proceeds will be sent f o r the maintenance of the two Daughters Joe Monsky, age 11 Halper, son of Mr. and Mrs. B. C. and Mrs. J. Milder, Mr. and Mrs.little orphans which the Omaha Junior Hadassah is mothering. In addition 5. Symposium— Halper of Galesberg, HI., was an-J. Sherman, Mr. and Mrs. Ben MHder, to spending an enjoyable afternoon everyone who attends the Junior Hadas- j "Mothers of the Old Testament"; Fur Storage and Repairs Stories from "Bible" told by Mrs. nounced last Friday evening. Miss Mr. and Mrs. Hymie Milder, Mr. and sah Mother-Daughter Card Social will be contributing to worthy cause. Henry Monsky. is -well known in Otnaha having Mrs. 'William Milder, Mr. and Mrs. The following Tableaux were visited here several times with her L. Stalmaster, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Sixteenth at Fartum presented: day celebration of little Dorothy May 8, at the Kelpine Dancing Acadeaunt and uncle Mr. and Mrs. Sam Siegel, Mr. and Mrs. Leo Truehaft, a) Sarah Mrs. Freder. Cohn my, 25th and Farnam streets, one of Cohen, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ben Hagar .Leanord Leon | Appelman. Mrs. Sara Appelman left Mr. Abe Milder,'and* Mrs*. Ann Tax- their most talked about dances of Cohen. Ishmael Mrs. Mark Leon j Wednesday- evening for Kansas €ity man of Kansas City. the season—a real Prize Dance. The b) Lot's wife ..Mrs. Leon Graetz to spend a few days at the Kalis club was very much enthused with Miss Ruth Krasne has as her house home. c) Rebecca Mrs. I. Stalmaster the extra large attendance of last guest, Miss Helen Chapman of Des TEMPLE ISRAEL d) Miriam ..Mrs. Samuel Wblfl f Moines, Iowa. week and arrangements have been •Mr. and Mrs. J. RubaSk announce Pharoh's Pi Tan Pi Service, Mother's Day, completed to accommodate and enterthe engagement of their daughter, Daughter —Mrs. I. Rosenthal Mrs. Albert Krasne returned from May,6. tain Omahas largest crowd. To the Miriam to Fred Goldstfao of Chicago, .Mrs. Philip Sher best couple appearing on the floor in Sioux City, Tuesday, where she has e) Naomi son of Mr. and'Mrs. J. Goldstein of Mothers Day will be celebrated at one "Arranged Dance" offering three been visiting with her parents, Mr. Ruth Mrs. S Appleman Berlin, Germany.. Miss "Ruhack is a the Temple Friday evening, May 6, f) Hannah Mrs. B. A. Simon special dance selections, and leaving and Mrs. S. Sampson. graduate of Central-Higto School and in connection with the regular Sabthe judgment entirely up' to our Samael Leonard Leon the Sherwood Music Conservatory. bath Eve Services. I t will be under r g) Bath-Sheba Mrs H H Lapidus Mr. Goldstein is a grajtoata of the the auspices of the Pi Tan Pi, thepatrons, the dub is going to av,ard MISSIONARIES CLASH i) Two m o t h e r s ^ £ An Unusual Selling V. two valuable prizes. The •whole Nebraska University and wag a formWITH ZIONISTS IN LODZ national Jewish fraternity, and the Disputing right of child. question now is, "Who are Omaha's er president of the Sigjofc "Ipna Mu of Smartly Styled Georgette, Flat Crepe h) Maccabean fraternity. Miss Itubach has just re- local chapter, Sigma Eho, will attend Prize Dancers?" Coming up Sunday Lodz.—(J. T. A.)—An attempt made Mother Mrs. Sam Frohm turned from Dyersvffle, Iowa, "where in a body. Dr. Max Block, ^president will convince you. The Ryan Ten by the Christian missionaries to bring and Washable Silk of the local chapter, will give a brief White Mule Jazz Syncopators are on Son and Leonard Leon she has been visiting with her fiacce address of welcome and will read the schedule again. The public is cordial- missionary propaganda to the Zionist j) Queen of at- the home of_her sister, Mrs. SL rtoaiaama youth ui-der false pretense led to riots o f t h e p r e s i d e n t of the ly invited to attend. Sheba ._ Mrs. H. Trustin here last night Margolin and Dr. Margolin.organization. Mr. Alfred S. Mayer, Watch this-paper for the announceSeveral mother-daughter groups Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Stem announce National President, will deliver an ment of our "Free Handkerchief theThelnissionaries aMonsky and daughter Joy; Mrs. Harstudents' Zionist rented organization the hall of PP«ared on the program: Mrs. Henry the engagement cf their daughter address. There -will l e a short address *£>anee" next week. ry Lapidus and daughter Mrs. Irrin "Jordania." Before the lecture startIda to Joseph Schiffer,-sen of Mr. and by Rabbi Colin. There will be special ed the leaders of the organization, dis- Stalmaster; and Mrs. Leon Graetz music, the pulpit will be decorated Mrs. M. Schiffer. daughter Janet. Council Bluffs News covered that it was intended for -mis- andAfter with flowers and a flower will be the program, refreshments j sionary propaganda and refused the Mrs. A. Werber and daughter Sel- presented to every lady entering tin were served. Shylcen-Novoselky speaker permission to appear. The ma with her.niece, Miss Bes3 Idcden- Temple, in honor of Mother's Day* Mrs. Henry Monsky was chairman ! The marriage of Miss Ethel Novo- missionaries then attempted to break baum, leaves Sunday JOT Boston, of the program. selky of New Orleans, La., to Mr. into the hall. Several-persons were Massachusetts^ for an iniefiniie slay Sisterhood Sabbath, Mother and She was assisted by Mrs. A. GreenJake Sbyken of Omaha, Nebr., was wounded in the clash. Daughter Week, Saturday, May 7 solemnized Sunday evening, May 1, visiting "with, relatives. Miss Pesri berg, Mrs. Harry A. Wolf, Mrs. David Lindenfcaum "will accompany them 8£ Sherman and Miss Blanche Zimman. In conjunction with Mother an at the home of Mr. and Mrs. S. j H I A S far as Chicago. About 250 guests were present. Daughter week, Temple Israel will Shyken of Council Bluffs, in the VISITS WARSAW presence of only the immediate famMrs. Bruz Eubel and daughter of hold its Sisterhood Sabbath on SaturJEWS OFFER PRAYER FOR Minneapolis, Minn., are visiting with day morning, May 7, at 10:30 o'clock ily. Mr. Shyken and his bride will Warsaw.—(J. T. A.)—Dr. James CARDINALS HEALTH make their home in Omaha. Mrs. Rubels parents, S t . and MHLMrs. William L. Holzman will reai Bernstein, representative of t i e He- Budapest.—<J. T. A.)—Prayers for You can't help being enthusiastic Charles Kirshbaum. : a portion of the service, Mrs. Harry The Independent Order of the B'nai brew Immigrant Aid Society of Amer- the health of Cardinal Chernoch were about them when you see how Rosenfeld will give a short talk o: Mr. and Mrs. A. Mostr snjiounge j "Tha Significance of the Day" an Brith Lodge No. 68S will hold a ica, was here over a week in the in-recided in Jewish temples and synawonderfoily smart they are. Only the birth of a baby son, bum Thuio- Rabbi Frederick Cohn will deliver the meeting next Wednesday evening, terests of uniting the immigrant aid gogues throughout Budapest. The He left for Berlin yester- illness of the Cardinal has caused anxday, April 28. Mrs. Mose? wea fom- lecture. The choral service will be May 11, at the Danish HalL 250 of them but every one an uniety in the city. erly Miss Gertrude -CoopsSf. day. usual value. under the direction of Miss Laura Mrs. Sam Gross entertained at her Goetz and Vernon, C Benett will be Jiome last Tuesday.evening. Mr. and Mrs. Gus Rcsfinstoek left last Friday for Kansas City, whale organist. Every Jewish woman i n Mrs. Frank Walton of Plattsmouth, Omaha is most cordially invited. they will make their fatare harae. Nebr., who has been visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. Gilinsky, On Friday, May 13, t i e H Delta Brotherhood Supper and' Program, Sigma fraternity will hold ths!r ! — Wednesday, May 18, 6:30 P . M. left Sunday for Portland, Oregon, to •visit her brother for a month. She nual Installation Ban*qust, at which.) Brotherhood will hold its reg-will also visit in Los Angeles, CaL, function the new officers to be elected j of meeting Wednesday evening, before returning home. will be installed. On Tcesday, May' 17, the annual dance in honor cf the May 18. Supper will be served, Miss Clara Leibovitz left Wednesgraduates will be held gd the High- promptly at 6:30 p. m. after which land Country Club. • • Dr. Hi Von Schulte, Dean of Creigh- day for Chicago, Illinois, where she ton Medical College, will give an will visit relatives, Mr. and Mrs. Max Bosea* 4796 address. Mr. William L. Holzman will \Mr. Philip Friedman returned home Drake avenue, Chicago, 3J., fafcaeriy be master of ceremonies, from a week's business trip in Chiof Omaha, are leaving fjK 'Europe oa J cago, Illinois. May 17 where they "will ulsit in the!?; " P R I Z E DANCE" home city of Kremenetz, f olacd, ami The young Jewry of Greater OmaMr. and Mrs. H. Saltzman and Mr. neighboring communities. ha will indeed more than welcome and Mrs. B. Saltzman and family A regular meeting of the Deborah the news that the Jewish Social Club spent the past week-end in Harlan, Society will be held Tuesday aftoP' is going to stage on Sunday evening, Iowa, where they attended the birthMore than a Hundred Difnoon, May 10, at the Jevrffji Caaunuaity Center. ferent Styles

Mother-Daughter Card Social

Electric Irons

, The Misses Anne and Ida BishofT and Ella Marcus, were hoatesaes at an ^ outdoor May Breakfast ja honor «£ Miss Betty Sidman, a biide elect. Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Slofiam ao£ children left to make tltvir hoase i& Detroit, Michigan. Miss Sadie Katelman antertainad the Ko-Zee's at her hose Sunday April 24. Bridge prizes t»ere vnm bf Rose Sacks, Lillian Millet ftnij Margolin.

Open House

Formal Dedication

Edison Hotpoint Iron

The Ko-Zees entertained At a 'break* f ast at Elmwood park, Susday H»y 1. Mrs. J. Malashock entextuped a t t one o'clock bridge lunchec^^Stta at the Ad-Sell restaurants, Mr. Max Crpunse left Wmaka last Saturday for Cleveland, Chic*, where he -will attend the National •Workman's Circle Convention. He t?fll r«present Iowa, Minnesota a j i Nebraska district. {items for these columns can 1 telephoned to ATtantic 1450, {later than Wednesday noo*.


Mr. and Mrs. Ben Marcos entt«j tained at a dinner party Suiday evS~ning at their home, the octftsion bo* ing the Bar Mitzah of t^eir SOS Harry. Their guests include. Messit and Mesdames H. R. Milder, H. Marcus,' S. Feltman, C. Canfield, Bet Chait J. Chait, Barman, C. Marctt) of Ashland, Nebr., Miss JeanettB Sherman, and Mr. Leo Milder. Sir.- and ' Mrs. S." Robinson left • for. Xansas' City,' Wednesday, to attend the fifteenth" wedding anniversary of their daughter, Mrs. B. M. AcKteriberg and Mr. Achtenberg.

Tailored Frocks i TtcoPicce Frocks « Lacy Frocks Embroidered Frocks Pleated Frocks : Jabot Frocks : Tucked Frocks Bowed Frocks : Bciibboncd Frocks.


Medical Arts Building at Seventeenth and Dodge Streets

Thursday, May 12, from 8 to 11 P. M. The Public is invited to attend $ie formal opening of the Medical Arts Building Thursday evening. The dedication ceremonies will commence in the Auditorium (on the second floor) at 8 p. m.



Regular $5.00 Value

Z4U Sizes From "She 16" to "Size 44."

Because of the heavy demand for domestic electric irons during the month of May, -we have arranged with one of our factories to sell one model iron at a reduced price. This iron is fully guaranteed; comes complete with cord. Have an iron in your nome—there are many uses for it—especially during the summer months. Tcu can use It anywhere—just connect it to any convenient outlet.

In Your Home



HO CARRYING CHARGE' "Electric Skopd"

Vtih and Haraey Sts.

: 2Si4

Heyn-Kennedy CoM Realtors '

" JA ckson-2100

3rd Floor

An Established Eecord You have forced us to move into larger and more beautiful quarters to serve your needs. WE THANK YOU Considenng it is only our second year fa Omaha, it surely is—

An Established Record M St.

A. H.BROBKEY CO. General Contractors

Building Managers ' 416 Medical Arts Bldg.


Courtesy -~Service • issr fetes

Estimates famished Free Ffcose JatliEsji 1614 409-11 Hospe Building

PAGE 4—THE JEWISH PRESS, THURSDAY, MAY 5,1927 ."This is Petlura," his companion hurler but' will allow him to revert to proportions is making a strong- stab•. ITALIAN COOPERATIVES TO and seven, were found dead beside his first love while in Arkansas, the at the high jump. Coach Schmidt has said suddenly. ERECT LUZZATTI MONUMENT him. It seems that before taking his been devoting a great deal of time to pitching mound. "Where? Which one?" he asked. own life, Dr. Szalay shot his sons. teaching the youngster the fundaRome.—(J. T. A.)—The memory of When the police entered the room, 'That one fumbling . with his Amarillo in the Western League mentals . of scientific jumping and Luigi Luzzatti, late Italian Jewish they found them dead, with prayer glove." Art Swartz, rookie catcher with the seems to be achieving his aim. Azorin staesman, will be honored by the erec- books in their hands, ope., at the page , "Are you sure?" "Texans" was* recently released to is making better heights each nite tion of a monument. Victims o r Pogrdiris, Dispersed • Throughout Globe, • Offer where the death-bed confession is to "Of course 1 am sure. I have seen one of the teams in the Texas Asso- and with consistent practice may| The Federation of Italian Coopera- be found. , ,. .. Heartrending Testimony him hundreds of times." ; , ciation, a class C loop. Swartz is a A few hours later the Petlurists good catcher but the Amarillans al- make the team, as the season is still tives decided to erect a monument t° Luzzatti in the city of Venice, Luz. ;' . . , ByL'SCHECHTMAN left the village and proceeded in a ready had to veteran receivers on on. The Best Place to Buy zatti's birthplace. There is an old story., of a Jew- wh& him- Sholo'm Schwartzbr.rd' has done westerly direction. The writer and his, North High School their roster and found that they Your Victor Orthophonix or It is probable that Henry Glicenfor the first-time in his life visited a a holy thing. May his every step be companion entered the village. All the Leon "Flash" Forman of the "Polar j stein, famous Polish Jewish sculptur, would be unable to use the lad. Art Radio town>and-r- his return-kept te^'-g blessed . . " houses were burned down. They be-j will now have a chance to display his jBears""is rounding into shape as a —S<x> u s first — everybody about tht . ' >-i \;.ings And here is another letter: gan counting the corpses. There were, wares and if they are of high quality dash man of.merit. The little sopho- will be commissioned to design the monument. SOL LEWIS he had seen there. What struck him The writer is a cultured man, an 164 of them, men, women and child-j more is making some good time and it is a safe prediction to say that he as the greatest wonder of all was the industrialist; he is living in Vienna ren, all half-charred. WE bster 2042 1804 No. 24 St. j will soon be recalled by the "Texans." with whole hearted training should 1 electric bell* There was a ' " '• at now and he can speak French and make a name for himself this year in' "I had seen enough,".he writes. The' JEWISH BANKER IN BUDAPEST . every. ,front door, and as soon as one'German. He declares in this letter, following day he left the locality. His Central High School forthcoming meets. SLAYS SELF AND TWO SONS pressed i t the door opened and a maid ' fully" authenticated with his name and attempt to return to Roumania was Herman Levinson, the smallest CenPAXTON-MITCHELL CO. Leo Konecky and Ed Burdick have appeared. ' j address, that he is prepared to share not as successful as his crossing. He; tral shortstop, has not been doing so 3~th and Martha Sts. UA rney 1688 < Budapest.—(J. T. A.)—A great senOmaha, Nebr. ."It! is simply marvelous,? .he said, responsibility with Schwartzbard for was caught by t;heRoumanians while, good with the big stick of late. Lev- entered the world of baseball. Both sation was - caused by . the suicide of men are "well known around the Soft gray, iron, brass, bronze and fou,,'press a button and" out jumps the shooting of Petlura. "Schwartz"You,,'press swimming across the river ~and was inson however is in the same boat Center as all-around athletes but few Dr. Szalay, a Jewish banker here. aluminum castings. Stnmlnrd sixes 1 nh! . j! bard," , he writes,, "has done what a wench.! anrl iron luisliings, sewer ninnDr. Szalay, who was 41 years old, bronze arrested as a spy. He was threatened"' with about three-fourths of his team folks know that they are starring holes, cistern rinps nud covers, and Here in Paris, too, we have been • seveial times tried to do, but failed with execution and he - had a ' very mates, very few of the Purple ball was found dead. His two sons, nine ilean-out lonrs in stock. with the Hanscom Park team of the struck lately by wonderful things; not, only because that beast of a man al- difficult time before -he was at last shaggers possess anything like a bat( Church League in Saturday baseball. however, the wonders of the h h great ways managed to elude me. I am set free. . . . . j ting average.' v His fielding has been Leo is playing shortstop for the metropolis, but the unexpected mar- convinced," he writes further, "that I • ' * , . " ' | fair but could be better. Hanscom's while Ed is cavorting in Let Us Help You Keep Clean vels contained in the ordinary Jew. there are thousands of men like mythe outer gardens. Both fellows are The Schwartzbard affair-has press-', d .Saundors C a r t e r L a k e s a n self, whose lives were made miserable I t is enough to "press the button." old time Central High School stars Frontier Towel & I/men Supply The Schwartbard case aroused the because of that man, and whose ei the button, so to speak,-and a host Drive-It-Yourself Teams "Manufactured in Omaha' with reputations as masters of their of experiences and facts have come dream it was to kill him." 3ews all over the world into - state of Johnny Rosenblatt and Rube Felt1819 California Street He goes on to explain why he hated to light which otherwise would have man playing with the Lake's and the craft. unexpected readiness.- Without anyBAKER ICE MACHINE CO. AT lantic 6291 one asking for them, huv"'i~'1<?.of doc- Petlura so. On Agust 14, 1919, he remained hidden away- in the darkest | Drive-It's respectively, played good uments and letters arrive day ,after writes, Petlura occupied Kief. He was recesses of Jewish life." ' ball last week in the Metro league. JEWISH SENATOR SCORES there only for the day, but his "lads" 'd»y in Paris Tevealing entirely new, ROUMANIAN PROFESSORS Johnny starred in the outfield with a In Omaha sometimes touching, sometimes ter- managed even, in that short time to nifty circus catch while Feltman FRIEDA VUna.—(J.T. -A,)—Rabbi Rubinribly tragic aspects o.f .the'. Jewish arrest- 31, young Jews between- the played his usual' good brand of ball. KOSHER DELICATESSEN stein, representative of the Jewish character. In order to produce such agesof 16and;20, who were members • Complete Line of TRACK By Stanley P. Levin. population of. this -city in the Polish a spontaneous and self-revealing out- of "the militia.' organized by the 250 Rooms—200 Baths Delicatessen, Smoked Meats Central High School Senate^ refused to participate in a repouring of the Jewldi heart "one only municipality. Petlura was in Kief for Good Rooms for $1.50 and Fish one day only. "Two days after his re- BASEBALL Bud Levin, the purple's" only Jewish ception given. by the University of needs to "press the button." \ ' Operated by Eppley Hotels Co. 1509 North 24th Street ^ ^ ,_ trade,ma* didjiot fare so well last Vilna in honor of visiting Roumaniar Out of the heap of letter, now treat,"- the letter says, "we found on . lying^ before me, I select only a few. a field outside the town the bodies of , Our^friend,.;Smiling__Sammy Kauf-J week " at 'Peru "during"the M-I-N-K professors. ;•; the unfortunate young men whom he man, is,pnde more -hitting^ the. lpiig Relays Bud competing in the shot In rejecting the invitation of the Here is a letter from the -little Relays. Bud, til tju5:time; tj to, Fort Smith, down'put, tossed his .first shot close to forty University,- the Senator .stated that he Ukrainian township ^ of Snitkoff, the had arrested—all terribly mutilated." trail, "Quality Jewelers" Province of Podolia*; a double" fool- Among these , young men was the in Arkansas.' The "moguls"- of the'feet which would have had plenty deems it proper for him to attend a MALASHOCK JEWELRY WHOLESALE Arkansas^.team wired Barney Burch! good enough for first place and a new reception to Roumanians because of scap sheet filled with writing on all writer's only son Boris . . . Wholesale and Retail Jewelers Druggists and Stationers The father, an old man, has kept of the* .local clubi tha^ they;: were in meet record had he not stepped over the injustice and crimes perpetrated four sides. The language is a good, of Rou- 213-16 City National Bank Bldg. plain, juicy Yiddish. The writer is a himself alive since only by the need Qfjoneagood .pitcher and Burch the.line.andvthus automatically dis- against,the Jewish population 401-403-403 Soutb."lOth Street ; . , . ' ' JA. 5619 • ••",.."'• woman of 60, but the hand is still thought of revenge. Now he has seen answere)d-their: call ; by pending the 'qualified His.iirdw. His_next two ef- mania. ' firm. She addresses herself to his longing realized—by another man. ex-Coromunity Center star : to -their! forts failed\ta*paatch the first and he Schwartzbard's Counsel, Maitre Tor- j And his only remaining wish is to be aid. Sammy- is subject.',to.recall.^y'.had.the'privilege of watching .some time so :in");lad from "a;*wtHby-four school cop the allowed to bear a part of the respon- the ORtaba: outfit aV any time, res. all probability her will .be ; .with : Tisjlfirst place" m'edal. Bud' will compete "I am an old woman of sixty," she change,'.might well have been the deed j again: within the next-two <>r three] this Saturday:for Central in the anwrites. "I live in a small town in of his own %hands . . . " "'. j weeks.;., Since leavihg '. the ramate'iir 1 nual Couneil Bluffs Relays which will the Ukraine. Since the great blow, Here is another letter. The writer; fo]d and; casting his lot.,with' the, be held OiT the Thomas Jefferson field of which I am going to, be- is a young man in Czernowitz, and he Omabary Buffalos, Kaufman has cov-1 acrossT the .river. fell me and poisoned all my thou^'ils writes—in • (^rman.; Qmahai I^V"S Akbrin, a lanky lad of nice ered and made my body a burden, to me,. I B e was born in Bukovina and has to Texas ' points in between jj ~~ have kept k p away y froni the wo-'" and its news. But a short time" ago*, while I lived dili his life there. In the winter in someone's house I overheard a man of 1919 hundreds of Jewish; refugees j. Georgia back tilitaah^Cand how reading'"in a, paper that" Solomon begaii pouring fjrom i h e Ukraine into j;m o r e o n t h e r o a d to the. land oflhe ^ \ Schwartzbard had kill' ' Petlura and Bdkovina -and* Bessarabia and they south. While with Omaha: this: sea- j was to be tried, and that -ou -were told, terrible stories about the, son, Kaufman saw servicerduring one t- f | going to defend him' 'Now,'I thought rages and pogroms \ carried put by inning of play and that" as a pitcher. 1 to myself, 'the time has come when I Petlura. These stories completely un- Burch "had been intending to make; can tell something that you may find settled him; h& felt .that; he.,must: go, a shortstop of the heavy hitting kid' to the Ukraine,^^np matter how; great useful." And she proceeds to tell in simple the -peril, and see for himself- what touching words the story of the great was happening there. ' 1 declare," he misfortune that happened to- her in writes,; "that ^1 undertook the journey 1919, , Her son Isaac, a boy of 19, to- to the XJkraine entirely on iny own gether with two other young men an initiative:' I ,was not sent; there by, old woman and a girl, all of the same any individual or newspaper. Up to, township start"' out on foot for Bar, the present!, have not published aj viersts (24 word about -what I saw in the. Uk-| a larger town some 1 f -" ahead of raine. The; facts I am submitting here miles)' away. A few Bar they were met by four mounted are being set down for the first time."; In July 1919rhe writes, he went to soldiers of Petlura's army, who Bessarabia, and was held up by the dragged them into the wood. One of banks of -the;. river Dniestr (the Uk-' the> boys, Jacob Beresin, with his throat and body badly cut, rretended rainian-iRoumano-frpntier). He found to be dead and was left lying there he could not cross the river in a : Japan Tea >f*fl^<$£§£§£MOrMmMM by the murderers; afterwards he smuggler's boat, so he decided to managed to get to the town and told swim across. He found a suitable the people what had happened. "The place on the Roumanian bank, beothers were found the following day tween the villages of Ikniza and in-the wood cut up into tiny pieces. Atafci, and one" night, unobserved by They were 'done in' slowly, with anybody, he undressed, tied his Th* maieU tHuttratiiabove are, left to light, the 7-20 and 9-12 knives; cruelty tortured," explains clothes into a bag, fastened it to his the old woman, and then, unable to head, and dived. He evaded successboth the Roumanian and continue, she breaks off; "I cannot de- fully Russian frontier guards and on reachscribe everything," she writes, ."my hands tremble, my-heart, beats as if ing the other bank he hid in a field. going to burst and my eyes cannot At sunrise he emerged from his hid.see for tears. I must break off. Let ing place and walked towards llohiPure white porcelain, inside and out.... features of sanitation and convenience. lev. He was taken for a soldier of the a mother vent her grief in tears." nickel-silver trim. . . . . rounded coves You must hear the story of Copeland's defeated Polish army and he managed v.. Soon she composes .herself and instead of corners . . . . ample storage engineering superiorities to realize why to find work in a peasant household. , she resumes her story: capacity . . . . quantities of ice cubes . . . . t h e s e . . . . and the other lower priced About five days later, while work- "Even the Ukrainian gendarmes in double-depth drawer for freezing desserts Copelands . . . . have become famous for Bar "from Galicia were struck with ing with'the peasant on the field, he . . . . inexpensive operation . . . and a re- dependability of operation. pity at the sight of the dead bodies; saw something burning in-the distance. frigerating efficiency of the highest order. they took photographs of .them and The peasant explained: "That is a Here, truly, is the finishing touch . . . . In all, there are 9 complete Copeland ' sent them to Petlura's Directory in fire in the Jewish colony. The Petlurthe crowning glory . . . . for even the models, also 14 different sizes of separate units to fit present refrigerators. Select finest homes. " -Xamenetz-Podolsk. But we heard ists seem to have been at work the Copeland which exactly suits the there." • -. . . " ^nothing from the Directory.". You must see these superb all-porcelain requirements of your home.... and take He prevailed upon the peasant to . -She has a great deal to tell about models, with exclusive cabinets by Seeger, advantage of our easy payment plan if take him to the place that he might„ petlura's treatment of the Jews: . tor appreciate their rare beauty and their you so desire. • "Although everyone knew who the see the pogrom. While they were still - jnurderers were and where they were some distance off they saw a -largeCopeland, 630 Lycaste Avenue, Detroit, Michigan Jto be found, not one of them was pun- village burning; when they- came Jshed. When the District "Starosta" nearer they were able to make out - ILirienko "was asked to arrest the every detail; they saw men running : jnurderers, he declared that although about and soldiers deliberately shootthe murderers were known they could ing down everyone' who came out of SIXTEENTH AND HOWARD STREETS, OMAHA, NEB. .,uot be. punished. 'These things are the burning houses. When-they were not punished here,' he said. It, was about "100 yards away from the vilWrite n»tne and address below »nd mall to us, for free illustrated book on CopeUnd Dependable R»fil««iMtotl ' "It's sure easy to talk to the wife by i anddeuO* «rfE««y Payment Flan, without oblisatioa. '"-true. Everyone in Snitkoyo remem- lage, they saw a big group of mountiong distance' now that station-to-stab e r s how when Simon Peftura was ed men near them cooly watching the I tion calls can be reversed." 1 '•' Address ' Name mm mmmm '.passing through the place, in his car pogrom. "How is that, J i m ? " on his yray to the front, the Jews went , ; DU t to meet him with bread and salt "I just call our home number, get • "and the Taora. begged him <not- to Jet the lowest priced service and still have the charges put on my telephone bill at ' his troops make pogroms on the Jews. home." ' At first he did not even want to re' «eiye them, and when he finally heard 30 Veors of Honest Merchandise Is ; You now can reverse the charges on stationyour Guarantee of a Square Deal. " ' 6ut,'hemerely said: 'Never you to-station calls (the lowest priced class of long • you had better ten your Jews 1419 Douglas Est. 1890 distance service) when the rate is 25 cents Jcslyn Radio Co. fib2 Arthur Becker Co. Haney Electrical Works r , y y -"-•— -«•* -•- Kopor more. Charges of any amount for all •: not tc fire on us a *ear by where 2203 Parnam St. 3303 Cuming St. 4723 South 24th St. other classes of service, also, can be reversed. +• 218 South 16th St. < ' . x FOK SALE tooluflaceK < ,

Schwarizhard Trial Stirs Jewish Sentiment




E. E. BRUCE and CO.



Good Products



Copeland Dependable Refrigeration

BRODKEY JEWELRY CO. Famous for Diamonds

rthe" tetter with

defend ward off

Modern" delicatessen store. Choice tocation, Doing, good business.; Owner1 -hia'st. rsell; because ?f riU health. Will stand investigation. Box 757 c/o Jewish Press.

is Sold by



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-.y-'vvS-'r- -

F.tsrson & Schoening Co.

Orchard & Wiihelm Co.

324 W, Broadway, Council Bluffs, la.

. Sixteenth and Howard Sts,

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