May 12, 1927

Page 1

A false; friend, like &] shadow,- attends only while the sun shines. Note:. After receiving numerous Inquiries as to -what Jewish students •vVere accomplishing at the universities and high schools, the writer at this juncture turns over the complete column, in reviewing scholars and their respective activities. nt a'i —uti-elsaa mail matter on January 27tfa, 1821, at poatofUee at Omaha Nebraska, under the Act or March a. 1878.

Jewish High School Students Make Honor Group

Jews Gave Africa

The recently organized Quill and Scroll, national high school Journalism organization now carries the names of some of Omaha's younger set Members of this group are chosen because of their knowledge of newspaper work. Following are the high school stu- Social Service Conference Opens dents who are members of the organin Des Moines ization: Lee Rosenblatt, Euth Ziev, Betty Steinberg, Ida Tenenbaum, JEWISH PEOPLE SHOW THE Prances Simon, Ethel Ackerman, WAY IN PHILANTHROPY Goldie Bachman and Jeanette Eesnick. . Des Moines, IOWEU ( J . T. A.) —

ComfiiiimtyChest Idea

Iowa Governor States



Lincoln ZL 6. T. Chapter Entertains at Big Founders Day Feast The Lincoln hotel was the scene of one of the gayest banquets staged this year, when members of Alpha Theta chapter of Zeta Beta Tau fraternity at the University of Nebraska, were hosts to visiting alumni. Omaha Z. B. T. men who attended the affair are: Louis Somberg, Nathan E. Jacobs, Arthur Goldstein, Jack Newman and Leo Chaiken. Clyde Krasne of Council Bluffs also attended. Manuel Iseman, outgoing president of the Lincoln? chapter welcomed the visitors and gave a short take. Lester Allan Lapidus of Omaha, the ingoing executive, also made an address to the collegiate gathering. * * *

Critics Hail Local Girl as Marvelous Musician


Miss I d a Lustgarten, president of t h e Sigma Delta Tan sorority a t N e b r a s k a •university, entertained friends a t a recital Sunday a t Temple t h e a t e r , Lincoln, .Nebr. N e w s p a p e r critics a g r e e t h a t the young Omaha girl is a whizard when i t comes t o tickling t h e ivories. graduation. • t h i s summer, Mass L u s t g a r t e n plans on teaching piano i n Omaha f c r one y e a r . ' S o m e t i m e in 1929 she plans on winding tip h e r studies in P a r i s and other European musical centers. '

Governor John J." Hammill of Iowa, in a n address a t t h e opening session of t h e National Conference of Jewish Social Service here,:; gave credit to. t h e J e w s of America f o r t h e develops m e n t of t h e - Community Chest i d e a in fincndng a n d administering phila n t h r o p i c work, _ .••': • " Jewish federations^ according to Governor Hammill," h a v e been organized i n t h e l a r g e s t centers of Jewish population for t h e co-ordinated cont r o l of social service agencies and their exptrience ; h a s m e t w i t h such success t h a t g e n e r a l communities h a v e followed t h e i r example and have thereby avoided much overlapping of activity while a t the"! same t i m e saving measurably- in overhead costs. "The J e w s of America h a v e combined efficiency and sentiment to t h e advantage of both," declared Governor Hammill. -. '^Numbering some 4,000,000 souls in this country the J e w s spend $40,000,000 annually f o r organized philanthropic w o r k of various kinds. Of t h i s sum the* Jewish federations spend upwards of $20,000,000 annoallyV ?12,000,0bo of .this sum being raised through d i r e c t - a p p e a l s from t h e general; Jewish, public" A n additional $15,000,000 is raised for foreign relief -work^ Palestinian w o r k

Sigma Alpha Mu Up In Field Though not .in the high realm, the Sigma Alpha Mu group at Nebraska university was well up in the scholarship list. Quite a few Omahans helped boost" the newly formed chapter up the ladder. * * *

Dave is Coming David Sher,' student at Harvard law school will be home in a few weeks to spend the summer vacation with bis parents, Dr. and Mrs. Phillip Sher. Dave has been active among the law group, and within a short time 'ol John Harvard will be proud of the Omaha youngster. «r


Illinois Claims Omahans Marcus Krasne and Joseph Turner are now attending the Illinois university. Turner is making a name'for himself on the baseball team while Krasne is rapidly advancing in the world of track. * * *•

Rah! Rah! Michigan Lester Slosberg and Max Guttman will soon be back from Michigan university. Both of these Omaha boys are well known in the younger society set Phil Krasne of Council Bluffs, dramatist and lawyer of wide reknown, will also visit across the big muddy this summer. * * •


POLICE PREVENT RIOTS IN BERLIN WHEN HITLERITES HOLD MASS MEETING Berlin (J. T. A.)—A' huge antiSemitic mass meeting took place here yesterday," called under the auspices of the followers of Adolph Hitler. Three thousand Hitlerites filled the hall to listen to addresses on the subject: "Jacob Goldschmidt is -Germanys Misfortune". Representatives of the liberal German press were ordered from the hall. The representative of the "Lokal Anzeiger" was forcibly ejected. The meeting proceeded in tumult •until 300 polictemen occupied the building and made a search for weapons. They succeeded in confiscating a large number of firearms. Thirty persons were arrested.

of The B'nai B'rith iHspiiiiig u«. D.' Jewry. St. Louis Bodies $80,000.00; District Ko. 1 -to 'Raise $750,000.00 EVERY PART OF THE COUNTRY SHOWS SUCCESS


VOL. VI.—No. 20.

BARON ROTHSCHILD ESTABISHES FRENCH RESEARCH INSTITUTE Paris (J. T. A.) A French Institute for the study of, biology, chemistry and physics modelled after the Rockefellar Foundation "in America, -will'be established by a fund donated by Baron Edmond de Rothschild. Baron Etiraond donated the amount of 38,000,000 francs for the establishment of the Institute. Four of the best known scientists in France will form the first Board of Directors. They are; Jean Perrin, winner, of the Nobel Prize for Physics, Professor Job of the Sorbonne, Prof. Mayer of the" College of France and Pierre JGirard, Director of the School of Higher Studies at the Sorbonne.

Complete Cast Preparing for Final Rehearsals for the Annual Operetta—Report Hapid Sale of Tickets Japans beautiful summer scenes and its quaint costumes, be beautifully protrayed in the presentation of "Princess Chrysanthemum," Japaneses Operetta, on Saturday and Sunday cyefcings, May 14 and 15, at the Jewish Community Center Auditorium, "Princess Chrysanthemum" by C. King Proctor, was recentlypresented by the Chicago Civic Opera Company, is considered bx critics one of his finest work. '

Cincinnati.—-The story of how St. Louis Jewry responded to the ?2,000,000 B'nai Brith Wider Scope Campaign is one of the glowing chapters in the account of contemporary American Jewish Life which is concerned The story opens with a great fete tares in support of Alice Brafiy, largely with -the efforts of the Jews of the country to preserve their culbeing held in honor of the coming Ferguson and Norman Kerry. "M^,. tural inheritance. With a quota of age of the emperor's daughter, Prin- Jahr also has had several setmone in $60,000, St. Louis has crossed the cess Chrysanthemum. She is loved stock and is the author of ft «rnft-»?t $80,000 mark. by Prince So-True, and returns his play that was used as 8. vehicle Mi The B'nai Brith Wider Scope Cam- Accept Quota of $750,600 in $2,000,- affection; but he has a rival in the Keith time by Jean Munsell, wife of paign says in^ effect: "We Jews are 000 Campaign; Bog'en Outlines person of Prince So-Sli, who kidnaps Warren .Munsell, director vi tWLarge Attendance of Laymen Marks accused of tiot caring what becomes Purposes of Wider Scope the princess. Finally Prince So-True Theater Guild productions of Nfrv. Session of us. We are told we have fallen to • ... Work rescues the princess and brings her York, and niece of Mrs. Henry Har a material leve! and that a glorious Bertha Greenhouse &B Princsw*. v to the emperor, who in turn consents Atlantic City, N. J. (J. T. A.) — history will end with pur generation. New York (J." T. A.) — Maurice marriage. Chrysanthemum, and her lover, to their A call to the Jews of America not to The B'nai Brith believes that the Jews Bloch, minority leader, in the New So-True,' played by Dave Bishoff, Mrs. Herman Jahr is director. Mrs. be misled by passing fads, frequently offered • as attractive substitutes and of America want to perpetuate the York Legislature, was. elected and Jahx is a graduate of Columbia Uni- "The Davm of Love", "in the not to gauge their spiritual strength cultural and 'spiritual contributions installed as president of District No. versity in New York City where she scene. Sam Minkin as the stern Vttn1, Independent Order B'nai Brith at took work under Clayton Hamiltonj peror, and Marion Grapti as Prin.-.-by the wealth of their charitable in- pf their fathers."' stitutions but rather to concentrate And so the Wider .Scope Campaign the annual convention of the District and Brander Matthews. She was also j So-Sli, the villian, both take thftittheir efforts about the synagogue was was projected to .give the Jews of held at the Hotel Astor, New York, a student at Yvette Guilbert's school part with unusual taletit. Others in the cast arc: sounded by leaders of the United America an opportunity to determine yesterday.. • • • of the theater, and appeared in picTn-r.Ip Bc*s Synagogue at the opening.- of the their future.; ffcrougli their response, A quota of. $750,000 in the I. O. B. Dn-Du Lillian Slut*trj' fifteenth annual convention of the or- the Jews of Sfe. .Louis have .shown B. Wider-Scope Campaign for §2,Ywm-Xnm Bess Hnyfeio T iyiian Ch«<3RC<>t ganization here yesterday. that they have an ..intelligent under- 000,000 wasaccepted for the district, (Maiden. Bttpncilng I'Tlneess) Close to a thousand delegates from standing of the? problem of Jewish which, comprises New York, the "New Ftilrj- Mtionbeam t.ydia all parts of the country and from survival. The appeal to them tras for England, States ana Eastern Canada. (The PrinccBE' <3<x»tl Genius) Two hundred delegates were presCanada are attending the sessions at the support of the-cultural agencies , Hrmaix of the B'nai Brith.—the Hfflel Founda- ent, representing 69 lodges in New The .animal opening of the High-} (Court. Chamberlain) the Hotel Breakers. land Country Club will be held on j _ Enfb At the two sessions reports and tions at universities, and the Aleph York, - Connecticut, Maine, Massa- Saturday evening, May 28. Elaborate Saucer-Eyes Ceti .addresses were delivered by r Eabbi Zadik Ateph. for Jewish young men chusetts, New Hampshire," Ehode Is- -plans are being made by the combined Sprites: Helen(Wizard Btonm. Bfrttef t Sajaoel-ltL X3ohen^E3£sufee Director, -trideb .Jibe; laBd "Vcrmttat.-'jEnd -Esstera Canada, ladies' sM'Tueif«" coSftnittee" to urafce; France!? Goodman, Revs" MalssJsocJE. and t»th^,..,jservira^ ji tt with a membership of -ever 8,009.aridj Dr. Herman ' Abramowitz" of Order hopes to bring •cp a generaHon agencies. Jewish sqcial>«ervice KlfseljpftbaUm, A banquet was'.'held last -night at this cperar.g the best in. -the history Mppett. IdaKelwpca Ivors, Joaiwttfc" Turner. taken the load in the XJnited States Montreal, President of the organiza- of competent Jewish leaders, well of the club. Green; LiilTMi Bnykin. t*«Kl» B in immigration work- T'rom the very tion." An outstanding feature of the grounded in Israel's future and cap- the Hotel Astor, and was attended by The ballroom of the club will be mine Grace Levin, EBther Spar. 900 members of the New York Iorges able of inspiring a desire for cultural convention was the large number of Pins*. Eesg Horwieli, earliest .immigration, irush in the '80s decorated during the -coming week. Tn»m»T»«>pie: r Klein. Atine BisoE,, Bens to the present time, the EducationaT lay delegates, larger than : at any self-preservation among their people. and their friends.' United States The catering- for the dinner will be Mary Claire Shames, Rebpfcm The Jews of St. LOTUS heard the ap- Senator Robert" F. Wagner, Attorney Atfeiaid? Greenbetar; Alliance of New York and .the Jewish of the previous conventions. '• in charge of the Fontenelle Hotel. A Greenberp. General Nathan .Ottinger, AssemblyGerber, Ssther Goodmsn. Clara peal a t a dinner on April -4th which Eabbi Morris Schussheim"' ".opened Settlement of, Cincinnati have, .been Pauline Shapiro Jinx Oiot. .7oft I*. C«J»P*.. man Maurice Bloch, Dr- Boris D. special dinner is being arranged for Tsadore Elewitn. Lioni* BikHn, G«we^ doing this type of work along witK the ^convention with prayer. This was opened the campaign in that : city. Bogen, executive . secretary of the this dance. Snm ' "W'Wte, •••Stewart And they responded immediately by followed by a greeting of Dr. AbramGivot, Simon Gresn, scores of similar agencies., As a fei-' A special orchestra has been enOrder and Dr. Israel Mattack, Eabbi GoWen Butterfly Jean low American and as Governor of owitz. Joseph B. Perskie, city solicitor contributing one-third of their- quota. of the; liberal Synagogue, London, gaged for the season. (Pupil of .MIBR Annette KSklitO the Commonwealth of Iowa, I wel- of Atlantic City, welcomed the dele- . Judge Harry M. Fisher, of Chicago, were the speakers. lieonard OberMiss Anne Rubacfe. SHentBt come the representatives of the 220 gates on behalf of the city author- was the principal speaker at the mever acted • as teastmaster. C R E I 6 H T 0 N GRABS dinner. He pointed out that with the The Daramtic Council, -which ities as well as on behalf of the local organizations for the social good here TO B E E N T E R T A I N E D (ordinates all dramstic prodoctiuti*. exclusion of immigration with its Jewish community. assembled," he declared. • j the Center, and the Y. M. feftd T Jewish intellectual leaders, and with ^William J. Shroeder of Cincinnati, Dr. Cyrus Adler, president of the the decline of the influence of the HEBREW CLUB TO HONOR Tfae Pi Delta Sigma fraternity o£lH. A. are in'charge of thfe op6T JewishTheological Seminary of PAST-PK&islDJiMI&j creighton University will honor their j Mrs. Herman Jahr is director. president of the conference, presented America, brought greetings from that synagogue and the tome, the hope the annual report reviewing the institution. graduating members at . a Mid-May i is being assisted by Mrs, S&tfi rests with such institutions as the Menibers of the- Omaha Hebrew frolic to take place next Tuesday,fin charge of musical nnmbefiB; year's work. : ", , " Rabbi Max Drob of New York Hillel Foundations. Club will meet to honor the pastJewish agencies .should, examine brought greetings from the Eabbini- The leaders who were responsible presidents of the club on Tuesday May 17, at the Highland Country dolph Soldi, orchestra, Dorothy their functions continuously in order cal Assembly of the Jewish TheologiClub. The fratres who receive their ben, dramatic coach, Annette, $ to determine which of their activities cal Seminary. Herbert J. Boeder for the success of the St. Louis effort evening, May 17 at the. Jewish Com- degrees this June are: Milton Abra- ballet dancing, Mrs, Meyer are justified a. sseparate activities and spoke for the Young People's- League, are Aaron Waldheim, honorary chair- munity-Center. According to the hams, Law; Isaac SternMll, Medicine; costume designs; Mrs. FMlipp which may definitely be transferred i In his review of the , p a s t . year man of the campaign; Karl M. Vets- committee in -charge there are nin- David W. Cahn, Dentistry; Martin nek, makeup, Mrs, teen living past-presidents and these to general communal agencies, accord- Eabbi Samuel M. Cohen told. of. the burg and Louis C. Steinberg, co- men will occupy a place on the stage Gluckman, Pharmacy; Herman Sme- stage manager, Mrs. M. P. 'Leve«*«;. chairmen; Sydney M. Shoenberg, hoff, Pharmacy, and Izadore E3ewitz, business manager, and Mrs. lr«'-s ing to Harry L. Lurie, superintendent increase in the membership and the Judge A. B. Frey and J. E. Lehman, and will be on the program. Stalmaster, wardrobe mistress. Pharmacy. of the Jewish Social Service Bureau general progress the -United Syna- vice chairmen; Aaron Fuller, treasurReservations for seat« can b* Hugo Heyn's Orchestra will furnish of Chicago, who presented a paper on gogue is making. In many cities, he er, and Oscar* Leonard, executive A special program is being arranged by the club, according to A. .D. at the Jewish' Community C*»*er the music for this affair, which will the Character of Relationships of said, these membership enrollments director. Frank, president of the club. close the social season for the frater- fice or through the ticket Jewish Agencies "with Public or Non- are still in progress. In the ranks of j. nity. The patrons are Mr. and Mrs. headed by Isaac SteresMl s&d Sectarian -.-.Agencies ;iri. the Tield of the United Synagogue there are at Sam Beber and Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Alperhv Family Welfare. the present time 229 congregations, Stalmaster. 262 - sisterhoods,. and 119. young people's organizations, juaking a total JEWISH .MAUFACTUREE. of 610 organizations in every part of IN' POLAND GOES'$16.00© ; the country, he said. . FOR-SANITAKIUM

United Synagopi Opens Convention in Atlantic City

Anna! Openmg l a y 2S •

David A- Brown Receives Gottheil Medal for to World Jewry, -in. 1926

Special Zionist Tuesday Efeiiffig at J. C G.

At the regularaneeting of ^the Zionist Organization -to- be held Tuesday evening, May 17, at the Jewish Community Center, plans; and preparations will be made for •» banquet to be given in honor of Harry «A. Wolf,, Nebraska Chairman of the "United Palestine "Appeal for 1927. Other important business will be Look—Jewish Poetess . transacted at this meeting. Members The following verse was written by are urged to attend. Miss Betty Steinberg," who graduates from Central high school in June. The poem won the praise of high school "LIFE OF CHALUZIM" officials and was printed in the CenA picture depicting the life of the ( tral Register. The poem follows: Chaluzim of alestine "will be shown % To My Mother at the Jewish Community Center on " - When I think of love that you have Tuesday, May - 24. D. Hoz, Police given me,. . Commissioner of Tel-Aviv will be the You—so true as only you could be; "When I recount the deeds that you principal speaker. have done To snake my life a full and happy one, O'er; me there steals a deep, a sacred; SCHWARTZBARD _ mood; , TRIAL SET DEFINITELY For*.you alone is felt a glorious love, FOR JUNE A ^xm for you, My Mother, who had been L My moulding power, my closest, Paris (J. T. A,)—The trial of , ' dearest kin. Sholom Schwartzbard, slayer of SeAh! That in some way I might to mion Pettura, -•will definitely take place by the end of June, according you show The gratituae that in my heart does to a statement made yesterday by Hi glow; ' '" ' ,," Henri -Torres, counsel for- Schwarjtzli but in some clear w a y T could bard.. . , ." _. „ express * Delightful thoughts of you that I "• Upon hisretnrn to Paris M. Torres • - ~~ ^-possess;— . . .. denied to a representative of the Jew' A . fo^gfr of. adoration .I'd erect, ish. Telegraphic .Agency all rumors To pwwe to yon my love, pure, so that the trial would i e . postponed. ' . ', loirs*.

ef I O.B. B. District No. I

Center to Have

. Bialystock.—(J.T. .A.)—A contribu-1 ' The Ladies' Auxiliary to tt* t

National Honor for Greatest Achievement in Cause of Judaism tion of $10,000 for the erection of. a E. B. Lodge will present Yoffi sanitarium, for tubercular patients taken from April Showers, ••- .-•.-• Awarded 'by Zeta- Beta .Taa .1&-Leftder;jof:.was made by the Jewish, .manufac- day,.May 29, at the Ssv^hln United Jewish Campaign T d performance*'w# rf turer Trilling of this .city. The con- ty.Center. Two tribution was made, to the Toz, the] given at S p.' m. and 8:15 p. t*>*. ,At the last meeting of. the I Board of Managers and Directors • of the PRESENTATION CEREMONY AT FRATEKNITY*S DINNER Society for the protection of the' elaborate entertainment -will

Jewish Community Center, it was -voted to have a Special Summer Membership dining the warm season. The membership will be good from June 15 until September 15 and is open to all those who are not members of the Center. The rates will be 96 for all those between 16 and 21 years of age, inclusive, and $3 for those under 16. Those over 22 will have to purchase a regular yearly membership. All money paid on Summer Memberships will be credited towards yearly memberships to those who have never been members of the Center.

- David A. Brown of Detroit, national temity, to an American citizen, Jew chairman of the $25,000,000 United or Gentile,, selected as having renJewish Campaign, was presented with dered the greatest service to world the 1926 Eichard Gottheil Medal for Jewry in the preceding twelve-month, outstanding service to Judaism in the; by ballot of a committee of eleven presence of over 300 members of the j editors of leading weeklies in the JewZeta Beta Tau Fraternity at the an-Jish -field, representing cities from New nual "Old Timer's Day" banquet at j York to Los Angeles. The committee the Hotel Astor/New York City, May which elected Mr. Brown as the out10. Harold Riegelman, chairman of standing' amtmg all other Americans the dinner made the presentation ad- considered for the honor consisted of dress in the ceremony of conferring Herman Bernstein, editor of the Jewthe medal on Mr. Brown. ish Tribune, New York City; AlexThe other speakers were United ander Erin, editor of thr ~*~' JewStates District Attorney Charles H« ish Advocate? Joseph Cummins, ediTutle, Federal Judge N. Moscowitz, tor of the .California Jewish Review; president of Zeta Beta Tau, and Pro- Jacob Fishnisa, managing editor ' of fessor Eichard Gottheil of Columbia the Jewish Morning Journal, New University, former president of the York City; Felix N. Gerson, editor of PALESTINE ART GOODS DISPLAYED HERE fraternity, in whose honor the medal the Philadelphia Jewish Exponent; is named. The program was broad-! Charles Joseph, editor of the A shipment of art goods made in casted by Station WENY of New burgh J e w i s h Criterion: Jacob Palestine at *he Ballel School- of Art York to reach 4,000 .Zeta Beta Tau Landau, managing editor <sf the Jewhas 'been received in Omaha and men holding local chapter re-usions isi Telegraphic Agency; Isaac Landbe on exhibition at the Jewish Com- shmiltaaeoasly that evening in 36 man, editor of the American -Hebrew, munity -Center next week. These cities from coast to coast. Rsbbi GErson B*. Levi, editor of the articies will be displayed -smler the ~ The -Gottheil medal is awarded an- Chicago Hef brra ' Advocate, Eabbi auspices of the Yoxm^ nually by Sets Beta Hsu, the fore- Silber, ef the citsmost nations! Jewish collegiate £m-

tlie picture. Health of the Jewish Population. Mrs. Sato Beber, The American Jewish Joint Distri«•* bution Committee has allotted the entertainment; "has amount of $2,000 for the same pur- sell tickets.. The captains erf to *e>Mu-,i their lieutenants to assist iiten-, it C«* pose. sale of the tickets. The tol • * * captains were chosen: Mrs. May 5.—(J. T. A.)—Bernard Baron has given the amount of Alberts, Mrs, -Sam "Wolf, 16A £1000 for the Newspaper Press Fund Bess Greenberg, Mrs. EtRtnft and £10,000 for the "Westminister j Lillian Cooper, Mrs. l&becc*. Mina Preedman, Anne Blank. Ophthalmic Hospital. Adler, Mrs. Harry Speaks to Bible-Students in This .program is Pilgrim T. E, Barker of Brooklyn, tion with Coaatttmity N. Y., nationally known speaker, will address a class of the .Xntera&tional Reception for Babbi | Bible Students Association »t Frepfc bbi Epsfcfeia of Paiestino w i t Si* mont,- Nebr., on Thursday evening;, a guest'in'the -city on May St». t u s * May 19. His subject will be "Pal- are being made for tlse rec€J>t.kffii ft. estine for the Jew—Why?" Rabbi Epstein. Committees ffwfc *^ p will meet durlnt tt» JEWISH ' LEADERS ATTEND POLISH 'STATE 'RECEPTION • "Warsaw: <J. ^ ; A,>—The -.Jewish; grre Clu» Member popxslataon of S"^; od was repxesen1;ed IS I em hers of the- Idneofa Cii8i?»fafet' a t tbe 'Ktst8Kxeception given by Presi- the Ii.-re Qub will be the >isnt Moscicki en Ctrasfcltutatfm Day. guests • ana • meeUag gusstsu «S; Among -fee ^u?sts invited to the re- Compeer, chapter Sund^T ception TPere Chaplain Mixes and Bab- mpmbers of the SSOBX City bi Perfesatfcej - - ^ will also TR "fee .Osssh*


• i ,'.


THE JEWISH PRE SS Published, e^ery Tbanday at Oinaha. Nebraska, by

• THLE JEWISH PRESS PUBLWHING COMPANY Office: 401). Erandeis Theatre Building — Telephone: ATIantic 1450. '.-. • : • NATBAN & GREEN, Manager. Subscription Price, one'yearu Advertising rates furnished on application.


lT ADDRESS—fleata trtve both (be old and new address:. . . be.aure and- glvo yonr name.

' The Jewish Press Is supplied by the Jewish Telegraphic Agency • (Jewish( Correspnndence Bureau), vyjith cabled, and telegraphic Jewish "news, is addition j 1 to feature artistes and. corresnomtences. fropn alt important Jewish centers. Inquiries1 rega*8Fng Rews itenw- eretfitetf t a this Agency will be gladly \ answered: tf addressed" to Jewish- TetegrnpBie Agency, 621 Broadway, New York City. ; ,. . .;•--;•; ;: Sp--.-^:\




.; ; :.;":." ;

JEWISH CALENDAR 56S7—1926-27 Lag b'Omer Rosh Chodesh Srvan 1st Day Shabuoth _ Rosh Chodesh lamtauz Fast of Tammuz ..—... Rosh Chodesh Ab Fast of Ab Rosh Chodesh EHul ~.-^.,

19Ji7 JF*ifidayr May 2ff .-iWednesdiay, Jirae I ,~——Jfonday, Joae & Friday, July I ......—.Sunday, July 17 —.-Saturday, July 30 Sunday, August; 7 .-Monday, August 29'

• •'• •'•'.-••'•:•/ -:;

WARSAW, KEHILLAH FORM NEW EtECTION ) REFUSES TO COMMEMORATE Warsaw.—(J. T. A.)—JewisK citK SPINOZA'S DEATH zens of Warsaw will go to -the* polls oil May 22 in divided ranks, e" ' Warsaw.—(J. Tv A.J—The Warsaw Following the failure of the bloc of' Kehillah, the-Jewish communal board, the Jewish democratic partieSj a new officially refused to commemorate the bloc of Zionist democratic parties was two hundred and fiftieth anniversary formed. This bloc was created at of the death of Battach Spinoza by re- the initiative' of the ionist labor party, jecting a resohrdtmdqered yesterday. EKstadrnth and includes the tmfons The resolution was introduced by of professional workers, salesmen, Noah Finkelstein, a member of theartisans and small traders. Executive, and supported by the Voelkist faction of the KeMllah members. Tire resolution ttrgred that the KehilWarsaw.—(J. T. A.)—The banL of lah arrange a memorial service for the United Jewish Cooperation reSpinoza. The Kehillah voted it down ceived a credit to the amount of- 200,-' by a majority of eight to three. OOZlotys from the Polish Postal Savings. The bank also obtained credit to the amount of 50,000 Zlotys in the GERMAN JEWS DECIDE Bank Polski, the government bank. TO RESUME INTERNATIONAL

>• H Wej-Jews are known as the/ People of the Book. We have "And so it was- that, when Julius life is service of this kind. There are given | | ^ r t n « w % l d l | s ; ^ Hflble, aB<i the genuis of Eosenwald, ' Louis Marshall,. JccOb inany men who have made large sums PHILANTHROPIC ACTIVITY out" people Kai always^ expressed i|selfT in the writing of and love Loeb, Felix Warburg and other lead- of money which, never gave them even j Elderly lady and girl desifes ••fcarj bot^c?. M the Gh^tta a Jewish? home without a collection of-ers and benefactors of their people a happy thrill,, and there are hun- j Berlin (J. TV A.)—Decisions of far dreds of men who constantly get I T were gathered at the first Chicagfl three or four modem unfurreaching importance, marking a new re^ces^tative ^ ^ k ^ ^ s - ^ ^ & f e a * l e . ^E» oar day', and in. this conference ihj 1921 to>" consider upotr happy- thrHla—not because, the , are 1 nished rooms centrally • located epoch in the international philancoiintry|ihb^verV;we aeeEnr^belosiaj^our traditional attachment whose.--.shoulders should reaf theEj g e t t i n g , but because they are. with Jetrish family. Everything thropic activity of German Jewry, tolfttie-J$rin^| word, ^.Tbjgre a ^ e : J e ^ i ^ liomes where ,e\reTV t h estupendous | task of raising $14,60Q,Q100 g i v i n g. You> can< ;only get the , were taken at yesterday's meeting of private. Call Atlantic 66154.; ' for the relief of starving, homeless, things that are worth while by giv-1 Bible a$.dt a set of prayeij books are nci^ to be founi . ' the Hilfsverein der Deuteehen Juden. 1 and misery-ridden Jewry in- ing—whether i t is in a. material sense, I Jf Judaism is a-phllbsopliy•.""of learning and knowledge. No onepoverty Th. society decided to participate Eastern and Central Europe- and inor by giving of yourself. And I have j caia getfto understandi aiidrapprecfaiie the Jew and his faith with- aid of Palestine, financially in the Jewish colonization they turned to- aneves' met a more- splendid spirit of work in Russia and to resume its out caipiil and: ^ers&ed:sfad$, r i f Jfadkism in this country no man- whose seed of greatness way not giving of this kind: than in this recent philanthropic work in the Near East, logger Ijas astrongh(^u|joii thenjasses ©£our people It is prim- neglected, untended and a sterile; experience—I have never met, in all '-including- Palestine. my life, a finer, higher principled, a thing. arilydate to i^fafifct&^t y?& '"&-JM&1 90 ffio^ch^sh; sacred feelReceived Dai2y more- inspirational group of men, and "He gave over hisbusinessy his ings ab^atboeks. Let us>: boweper, be frask enoughs t a admit that Buffalo—Carp—Pilce—Trout than the J'ewisfr men and ANOTHER JEWISH otir spififeatfea^er?; ace* a t least to some extent r t& be blamed for plans for a holiday which had been and g&me fish of all cherished dream of years, and women, than- the Jewish men and' CEMETERY DESECRATED this st&te o| ( affairs. We have preaefteef an# appealed td ouragripped the new -work—gave it hiswomen- it has been my pleasure to people iprbeKSli of a^^Mii^ a^^everytftni^ But we have neglected whole thought and magnificent capao meet in every section of the United Berlin (J. T. A.)—A new case of to popu^arize'theJewjsp.b1&>% There Was a time when thecom- ity to administer, lead, drive, and States. This tribute belongs to them. Mgr. Fish Department- • the desecration of a-Jewish cemetery pijiaint^aa made that w e do npi have a Jewish Eterature int the achieve. The fourteen-miliion dollar Conferred^ by the leading- fraternity is reported from Bopfingen, Wuert' PUBLIC MARKET temberg. The act was committed by Englisiht language but this complaint n& lenger holds true today.. goal was passed within a yeaT. Fif- of Jewish younj* manhood of the coun107 South 16 St. try, I take it also especially as a reteen, .millions. Sixteen "millions. And sixteen year old QrodT bpoka i a English, are jfetbHahed anmmHy but they en-joy a the effort closed with the collection of ward and1 stimulus tv the younger P6OT ciriplatiOT •; ; , •. sixteen million, eight hundred' thous- men who are helping to shouTder thej respohsfoifity of our social causes in 4 Th^jPpotestani cfercclies ^ week rrr and dollars. America. tdday.'r "But that was not enough. Lives tike yea?"which isi knoWnJaiS EeKgious Book Week. We beEeye that we caa|?efl;f(^ow their example-and observe a Jewish Book Week. were saved beyond number. Distress AUSTRIAN PRESS was alleviated beyond reckoning. But I t seemf t# us that tber wee|e f oflewin^Las B-'Omer, which is known the LAUDS HAKOAH d on need for further aid pressed* You have forced us to move into larger and Miss Bertha Greenhouse, who is as the fiSchoIars* Itestivat," would-be a^vesy fiting oceasioBi for with growing intensity. more beautiful quarters to serve your needs. Princess • Chrysanthemum in the JfewisBt'^jfool: -Week: -JM t h e Rafcbis ©f America'devote their "Arid so, late in. 1925, the United! Vienna (J. T. A.)—The entire Japanese operetta, which will be WE THANK YOU ^jermonf on -the Sabbath.follawing^ I^ar E'Omer, whieft falfe this Jewish" Campaign, was- begun. The' Austrian press featured despatches of; shown at the Jewish Community Considering it is only our second year in year oil May 20> to- the Jewish! book. Let them on this Sabbath goal set this tinie.was fifteen-million. the game played by the Hakoah; Center. Saturday and Sunday eveQrftahav it surely is— dollars. Again this man was- drafted. ] Soccer team in New York on Sunday, jn i n r r t a R c s the j d point o|it t t e hastoEie sole of the.^b^kl inl Judaism and urge the; responded. But his metasuTei life newspapers state that the Hakoah j * a' 1 .•: . An Established Record p'eople fo continue t& buy and read good Jewish books* Because: of thet need was greater than the team: is- raising the * prestige of Where does the young Jewry of o!f the groximity of Eag B'Omer to confirmation. Rabbis could alsor estimate of those, who set "the mark. Austria in America. Omaha go? Want to know? urge J^is&.^areiitsiajbny J^wish-bpoksasr^rfts foxccmfirmant He Sajsed if io" twenty-fi^ tnilliotis, Just attend the ! W^ sincerely hiipe)th^«in? suggestioii will appieal' IOP the rab^ and 4jt less than two years he has Social Democrats Foster -General Contractors Schechita Prohibition in Sweden liinate of the^country, We are very anxious to* hear from those: rais^{ almost- four-fifths_ of : tbis gigantic sum—nineteen.inillions, nine' Estimates furnished free Babbi&^h<*are going: taiiiixoduce Jewish Book Week into this hundred thousand dollars. •;..'• Stockholm— (J- ,5>«A»)—Prohibition: \h Phone Jackson 1614 • 409-11 Hospe Building ^on^cgaliQh^calend^T^rhe SentmelV-^ V,,., , ; . . . •.,.,;,;:/^.,;;.r "To-ypUj^^EJi/W^o-hasre. wrought^ the! against the Schechita was elected by

Fresh Fish


Ait Established Record



i bill passed irt'P^kment. nuracfesvT&= Kefiatt' iol: J SUNDAY, MAY 15, 1927 "" : bill MM:^-S— " by the! enclaves of Jewish. RfelnATTzonarand tudes was It New Mexico. I t -was on his personal a wise and comprehending jurjr has Social Democratic? group. riii':. initiative, "when the terrific crisis of directed the gift o l this token. Con- stated that the slaughter house workJewish; need ollowing on the general ceived in deep^ and fraternal affec- ers affiliated with the party threat25th and Farnam St. economic -"collapse in the Eastern tionr dedicated to the recognition of ened to boycott those slaughter RYAN'S houses where the schechita was prac(Continued from- page' IJ European countriest last year was dis- unselfish^ noble service to> humanity,, WhiteMule ticed. • closed, that the originalthe Gottheil medal gains new dignity; Jazz •^ ;:; dsli Ledger? Leo Wise, ecSiiar i <ief.it6.e goal of-tfor campaign.-.-wta Syncopators ?asra,i^di%:jpayid A. Brown.** Ainericafi Isrgelfte, Ciiicfiftniiii^,, OT^ib-. ?25,000,000. In his speech of^acceptance Mr. Hot Time Heal Dance Music :• Mr/ Brown^ even-before? Mis diair- In presenting: the medal to Mr.Brown said that he toot-the a:W3Td ' • " ' Chuck Lowe Sings inansnip of ^k,$25,O0,6O& fovetssas Brown Mr. Riegelmantsaid: not as a: tribute to himself pers'onally, | '"""•' movejiejilr. acclaiwjcf*^^ as the "Two years- ag» the Zeta Beta Tau but to pass on-to the thousands oi 1 biggest huxnifitariai* undertaking' in Fraternity, wishing to honor its first' men and women, in -every section of ;;:the history o£rJ«wi3h philaftthrojjy i a leader and* at the same time signalize America whose .loyal devotion has [::Ain)ericar he.<&me%WxTnai&oQ&&Y its deep interest- in matters affecting made possible the carrying out of the jkntfwn as the" SEtacesafiii: leader .of the the Jewish people,- commissioned Fred- great mercy task of v?hlch he is com^ ^great $14,O0O^Mft Jewish- Y^gr Stgf- eric: Victor Gainzburjj to .execute the mander;'- -:V '.•• - • • • ' • . - . ifferersf • eaxhpai^; ofc:lSf21^22v; and' Richards Gottheil Medal, and- dedicated- "The only m a y ' I will accept this 7 ;jj; among" theforetno'st o£ ArSerica s :fead' tiler amrnal award: m recognition of tribute," he said, "is if I be-'permitted jiers" of biff bu;grn^s- ^rho liavef; icade distinguished-service to the cause, of to passitvon,to,thetapusandi^of wen ; philanthropy a^^ctnimiunalr'^elfare- Jewry, f h e award is made by aarid women' tfeoughout this country; M. SOMIT . 2429 Decatur Street. WE. 3527 :.ij tReiii?:preiEafeT lefetnfe Cdntmittes. of Editor? none of whom, who are doing the job. f aril merely If you are in need of a Tales wool, or silk of the best quality, Tfeelin, | ctsm^skvS^hirS^t j- and; witR but one exception,. Is ,a member made .the,, instrument to- receive and! Mezuzos or any-other religious article;. we'.'will be glad to sell it to jf TxuM^iS»c&. of a-^inbejrafr'tfae Iar&rof the fraternity. ' - seiid out ..this vot« of recognition- t o ii est appeaff imdeftaMffgs ittiteEhistory: "It •is' worthy of mote tharr passing these people of over 2",50<)-citfe3 whesfr you at the most reasonable prices. We also carrjT a full line of |;. of fhs coontryi. 'iBfeth.Jejcisdr and uon- f J think, that in the case of each spirit of service is pledgetfin a tota5 Bibles with Jewish and English translations. We are also the agents •i[- sectariany M B^'gr«(w a ; notable" nomination for the high honor em-, of / n e a r l y ' ^ o p Q ^ d O tfius'rar. Bat of all Palestine'Products and the artistic work of Bezalel Sdiool 4^intiifitra^ft e^thft^o^Hnfclwislaess bodied! irf the award, the services on I do not feel that I am lentitled toe any in Jerusalem. ' 1; i>rincipfe of "gS^^g'^to aftrulstic fhei nomination was based were credit, or any praise—I;dbrft want !^;ftfftdkr^sing^'vf,'fc'r' w\v- wV' ••:•'•, :.; jiBve^ solely for the benefit; of the Jew- anything, nor do any of'tfe men-,-:«* • ?&: Brbwtf &§m$z€$;«t&ftefr Tjig? ish people a's-a'-grotipj-rtTor have- all any of the women whoTTa^e worked !l fund campaign.."ip}- Michigan far* 0tf the nominees beeir- of Jewish- faith. with me.untiLthe joblisjdpne". And j; American Xggiuu, and -fe^-his ?state to Last year, primarily in recognition of it won't be unta every dVlfiiV of it has consglcuditia, Wgli|*e^r4' : 1n ,ITnite65 his service fa ffte cause, of-tolerance, been;made use of over, there where it Wa^Wort drives; Hef the medal ,-waa awarded t a Rabbi is needed. I ani^^not' gomgXtd fe^l that th* raisifif;<Jt Betrbit's first Stephen. Sv Wise. I, am. .entitled to any credit—tintil that community fund 6fjii0]b6&,0Q0, and "This'year the jury has turned to ntonby- is in the tiH. We, o^inot feed has played a. leading .part in Y, M, C.another field. I t has-singled, out for .the starving people ii(, Europe with A., Eaighta of Cotuijnbus. and Irish, this token of public esteem, gratitude^ pledge_ cards, nor sav^- th*** lives, with. '•! T. „ • r reHef ;a$pe«W- ^h^^fe Ms^aid'th'e iiul"et»tfic[ a- merchant. w.ho, •pypinisea. We must :ist><£eem those ii;;TJfefaPWtSymphony ^rchesti»ihM be- when the community had need. 6f promises in dollars, jth^^dollajfades-' i?": lo^nef oae of the Ie1a<^^ Nijjganiziations- talent fo* organization, ability fo stir 'perately needed, millioris, of them,, in Prows i initfie eouHtryy ai?d fe^&s^jeen^rgely men's imaginations and to convert Europe right n o w l ' r ^ r ; V • .•;' ' Them the Greales Evr^oB#fe iw^h^^a^Mar ^ > ^ i ' * ^ their compassion-into,action, was wit , "A^nd I don't -wanv a$y credit ior !:i troW OrcTiestrst Hall^S^t&e- Irnfgiii^ ling to sacrance every personal inter- giving anything," of siriy tiine or of Values' Ever Offered r t ; : est and give himself utterly to themyself* in> this effort^ ti have always 0 o:f grai&d: opejfr *? *^^ ^v-:''{ ' ' 6 in Osziafea at - • been- j»st a little biWesentfuT over F^'-'; On©4 -;ef H ^^i^t^^-^^^^^^ ' •work required to be accomplished. ; l^irteBtS i*ai3 h ^ ^o^p^ mobiKaij^ "From .the story of such service &e useof .th6>6r;d>;'*sacriSce.?* The K: p ^ i l « * - * # ^again^r^e-^r^^ebm- many precepts may be drawn. I have" aasump^ott thafc any^jTiaix-*-arid I an* ^ Bfeari' ¥of^% whic|^|ew^pectaeu- no intention to point these out, but'speaking iiiow also ^or" those thous*a-Miatf«n-^icte atteni^h^^ise:^also therer is one thought that deserves arida : standing -hafck. • • o|' : ' nie—-cati S^activ^ia^te^ wit^n^lea^erehipt mention. It may well be that every, sacrifice in^^ gi*ingfKimsel£ to JiumanSv-<i#fttti^'-5 S * i ^ ^ §^*S^i ^°? e n ^ n 5 maarhaa within himself the seed- of itariatt: eSorts .is .S3os£,ridiculous.. T?h€ greatness, i t is equally t r u e how- finest thing that can«-€OBae- to one in ever, that in nearly every case where Sfc'-ff«r»S^:c.... , , ^ . " 0 S: ^ r ^ ^ e ^ ^ ^ o ^ . y ^ ^ | ^ ; ^ r Q V ^ the seed ..has ' matured it has . been ^^^ -ka^s^- •'si^n^e^^usj^ersoBar planted1!* soil.f erSte -'With a ,vptisfaund i - ^ o n c e ^ : ^ * ^ ^ pn^ag^h^gf*!: desire? i©lJaeniev« and exposed" to the p otflitie> cntspprises ;6£:,the^jfaddle rairefaff afytS&tortanity. and the

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he had so? early; known.

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f. f

S^-THE JEWISH PK£SS r THUBS0AY, MAT 12, Besides Grace Kosenstein and Ann Greerf, official delegates, the following Junior Hadassah members will also attend the Junior Hadassah Convention at St. Joseph, Mo., on May 16: Ula Alberts, Ida Daytch, Tobie Stein- Creamed Asparagus Tips on1 Toasli berg, Tina Altschuler, Rose RosenSpring Salad stein, Eose Lazarus Bess Weinstein. New Potatoes in Parsley feutter Mrs. Max Fromkin, sponsor of the Devil's Food Surprise Omaha Chapter of Junior Hadassah Nut Bread and active Hadassah worker, witt'aiso attend the convention. * * * A program has been received by Potatoes in .Parsley Butter Tina Altschuler, organizing chairman, Boil as many potatoes as desired, and the indications are that the con-drain weft. In a small sauce pan melt vention will do much toward further- %• cup of butter, add 2 tablespoons KATZ-SOSE3SBLOOM Mr. and Mrs.- J. Finkel announce ing Hadassah work through the count- chopped parsley, pour over potatoes, Mrs. Mary Sfomit announces w c the engagement of their daughter, ry. Nationally known speakers will serve hot. marriage of her sister, Freda Rosen- Anne, to Leon Mendelson, son of Mr. address the' assembly and a general * # * olooniy formerly of this city, to Mr. and Mrs. C. ]>. Mendelsoft of this discussion by the delegates is includSpring Salad Tafe Kat^,_ of Chicagoi Mr. and Mts. city. No date has been set for the ed. Ann Greenberg will talk on "How 3 cucumbers £atz wiH xaafei fneifhome in Chicago. •wedding". An Ideal Relationship Can Be Estab2 bermuda onions lished between the Junior and Senior Peel and slice cucumbers and onions Mr1. M. Werner announces • the en Hadassah", Grace Rosenstein will exMrs. Adolpfi Ifefeye* left Thursday and soak in salt water one hoar. to visit .*i$6i : he* parentsy Mr. and gagSment1 of his daughter, Sara, to plain Junior Hadassah "Publicity Drain and arrange ttn lettuce leaves MT<- Leon H. Nogg, son of Mr. and and Ula Alberts will read ther presiMrs. B. Bernstein of Oskaloosa, and pour over this dressing: Mrs.S. Nogg of. this city. Mr. Werner dent'^ report on the activities of the 3 tablespoon sweet or sour cream : •will entertain, a t & reception on Sun- past year. Mrs. L. EicSards and 2 tablespoons sugar Ruth pf- San Jose", Cal., is expected to day*. May, 29, honoring his daughte A report will be given on the 4 tablespoons mild vinegar. arrive Wednesday, May 25i to ber the and Mr. Nogg, Junior" Hadassah Mother-Daughter - Sprinkle top with paprika and guests of<f Mrs. R. Kulakofsky, Card Social which was held at the serve at once. prior t o tteS-_tri^ to Europe. They Brotherhood-Supper snd'P'rogram Jewish Community Cent-er, - Sunday, xrflkhe^joiiieS.iD'y' Miss- Blanche ZimWednesday Evening,. May 18 May 8. The social was a? wonderful Nut Bread maa | £ fhi^city. >.• success and- though the proceeds have 1 egg The Brotherhood will hold its reg 1 cup milk Mi3s"''£&&:?:Weiss" left Wednesday lular meeting Wednesday evening not been- entirely checked up yet,- it is % teaspoon salt morning for S<m^fconr Texas,, to visit IMay 18. Supper will he served • estimated that the Hadassah orphan's % cup sugar %vith-'3iiisg ;3eri Epstein. Sfis* Weiss: rpromptly a t 6:50 p. in., after -which.' . fund will profit from i h a social about . . . " • • . ' . ' . • ; • ' 2% cups fiour plans'to be "gonefor several fisontfas. ;there' wiir be" an address- by* Br. Hi $ 1 2 5 . 2 tablespoons baking^ powder Von Schulte, Dean of CreightOii: Med 8 tablespoons melted butter Mr. and. Mrs. Julius. Kateiman, will ical College, to.all of which the ladies % tb~ nut meats go to De& Moines, Iowa> Friday to ^ p not; &t6 alstf cordially invited. Dr. Schulte participate in t h e state shorthand . Beat egg, add sugar, sift dry inlatejf than Wednesday noon. bears the reputation of being a very gredients and add alternately with interesting- and entertaining speaker. contest.- She is, a senior at the Abra•milk. Last add melted butter and ham Lincoln: high school,, and this is .Thej Se-TeJh-Ta sorority entertained Jfc.W. L. Holzman -will b e master her' second successive year to repre- [ ground- nut meats. Turn into greased foity£fivei couples 'of the younger set of ceremonies. ? bread pan and bake in moderate oven at- »"daficerias|r "Sunday evening at sent her. school in- a shorthand r one hour. the ,t}g3lthoafe© Ibfl. ' .-:•• t e s t . ' . . ' .. '"•:' .. . , \ •. . . . * » * Devil's Food Surprise STr. Lewis B. Woolfson, 42, died. The Ladles Club -will give a card Mr. and Mrs. M. Bernstein were Bake your favorite recipe for partyt on Tue*sa|^ M&f llr a t the Tuesday afternoon in; Rochester fol- hosts- to.their evening dub at their devil's food cake, bake in large square home j of Mrs. A.' Forman, 3108 Lin-lowing an operation which took, place home Monday evening; pan and top each serving with: last Friday. Mr. Woolfson was presicoln Blvd. ; dent of the Oinaha' Packing Company, 2 cups water Mr. and Mrs. L. S, Braunstein enMrf. J. M. Uafcer and; Mrtf. S. Lev- fie* is survived by his- widow Bertha, tertained sixteen guests a t a bridge Ys cup flour ine were joint hostesses a t a bridge one* Son, William, and six sisters, Mrs. % cup stoned dated party a t their' home Monday evenirig linen ^hower,- complimentary to Miss J. H. Ross, MVs. B. A. Simon, Mrs, *i teaspoon salt in-honor of Mrs. M".- S. Goldring of aulinqijKakin whose marriage to Mr. A. White and Mrs. C. S. Ross of 1 cup sugaT £os AngelesV Calif.* who is visiting Sam ,'Kaplin will be solentnized ott Gmaha, Mrs. M. Light of Chicago, 1 cup crushed pineapple her daughter, Mrs. E. Marucs, atld Sirs. Ar Mark- of Muskeieen, la. Mr. Marcus. % cup nut meats % teaspoon lemon extract fion-. Miss Rina Snyder- left Tuesday for Cook this mixture all but the nuts venti^n. of Hadassah. ^ill Jbe held _ FREE CANDY Monday and Tuesday, May 16 and IT, Everybody likes good candy—and Des Moines, Iowa, to attend tha and flavor until thick, add nuts and ,at St! Joseph,! Mo. The following plan how well the -Jewish Social Club Social Service convention there' for flavor and top each square of cake. Top with whipped cream or bake cake to attend thisf conference: Mesdames knows it.- As a treat the club has ar- several days. M, K Levenson, . A. Silverman, A. ranged a variety'of delicious chocolate 3flr. and Mrs. Philip Friedman enRomA, J. J. Friedman^ M. Linzman, bars, marshmalldws, sugar puffs, fetrained their evening- bridge club a t ] and H. Jahr..". , , toasted goodies," chocolate cream their home Tuesday, evening. drops, wan-eta chocolate freckles, Th&>Zion-Girls-heId~a meeting Sun- cEewing Bsses—-yes,—ancT almost *"a Sam. Snyder, SOft Oakland day, May, 8. They will go on a hike hundred other candy varieties all to avenuey is: Tecuperaiiing' a t her home this eomin^ Sunday, The new mem- be packed in boxes and distributed from hei* recent illfiess". bers *f thisidub arei Miram and Rose at the Semi - Annual Free Candy and Marian Hollander. Dance to be staged: at the Kelpiiies lire. S&tai Gfoss and Mrs. Louis expect to leave Sunday for Dancing Academy, 25th and Farnam Mifs Edith. Minion a n d M r . S a m Excelsior Springs, Mo., to be gone street on. Sunday evening,/ Mayloth. Bender were t h e r e d p r o c a n t s of the about twor weeks.' •.•_ . prizes awarded b y t h e Jewish Social The unusual large attendance of last Club a t t h e i r prize' dance l a s t Sunday week (enthused the dub to such, an Mr: Sam Snydef, who' h i s beBn extent that preparations arec now ereniig. • spending the past week in Hutchineven more complete than ever" to acMr* and,Mrs. Sam Peltz will have comodate and entertain a still larger son, Kansas,- visiting" his son, Mr. as their house guest for the coining crowd and to put over this Free Arthur Snyder, and MTS. Snyder, is week-tend thei* niece^ Miss Celia 3L Csfldy Dance with' Just one- roaring expected to return home today. Arshack of Rock Island* HI. Miss success. Be sure to watch your door Arshack has been in? t>es Moiaes, at- checknumbers that you will be pres- HER MAJESTY, THE CUSTOMER, tending the Social Workers Conven- ented with upon entering the ball RULES THE EMPIRE. Ha. 8398. tion. ;/ . " • 7 room. The Ryan Ten "White Mule Jazs? : Syncopators are- on schedule again. Little Tale Richards, Son of Mr; The public is cordially invited. and Mrs. A, Richards was host to fifteen--children-last Sunday afternoon •f in honor of his. fifth birthday. .





J Council Bluffs News »

of Israel .Aid-So-- Ladies* Auxiliary cf Talmud Torah cietyj will have their next meeting, to Give Benefit Card Party May 1 Tuesday, May 17, at 2 o'clock, a t the Old peoples Home, 2504 Charles St. The ladies' auxiliary of the Talmud All members, are-urged to attend. Torah will, give a public card party on Thursday evening^ May 19, at the Miss Rae Sara Eisman of Nebraska EL C. hall, at Eighth street and City BpEptinEready part of the week Broadway. "Everyone" i s invited-- to iir Oxaaho; attend. TEe-JGsse* Lee arid Ida Fleischer, A number of Jewish students • were have,'returned from 3$evr York City where -they hssnarTbeeii' visiting with Included in the" Abraham Lincoln relatives- and- irrentfsv- Enr&ut* they high school banrf and orchestra which stopped at CKtfa'gov Detroit and won. first place in the state contest which Was held in Towa City,. Iowa, Niagara Falls. during the past week-end. Tnoserwho Mr. .and Mrs. H. E. Harris an- went to Iowa City include: Gwendonounce ihe birth of a baby son, born lyn Meyerson, Helen- and Florence j Tuesday, May 10. Mrs. Harris was Whitebook, Bernard Balaban,, Joe formerly Miss Ida Manvitz. Solomonow, Paul Hoffman, Louise j Fitch, Yale Meyerson, and Edward TfSSIPLE" 1SITAEL . Rosen. On: Friday evenings May IS, Rabbi Mr. M. L. Marks' and daughter', Cohn's topic will fees "Social PhilosEvelyn, and son, Leopoldr spent t h e ' ophyy. : Saturday mossing, May 14, past week-end in Kansas City, Mo., Rabbi Cohn's s u b l e t will t a "dn the visiting Mr. and Mrs. John B. QuigHeights". Tey. They made the trip overland. It i s .to you* benefit t o ' patronize Miss Toby Katelmas, daughtef of our advertisers^


THEATRE 7 Days Starting

FRIDAY One of the Year's Greatest Pictures



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Ar buckle hr Person


THE DRAMATIC COUNCIL of JEWISH COMMUNITY Saturday Eve, May 14 and Suday Eve, May 15 off Cents All Seats Reserved

in layers and use-thlft as .a j6ilingv:and Jewish holidays, the revenue of jCONVICT ASSAILANT (delicious). ^ OF RUSSLAX CONSUL the~ state is dimimshedi j This ©rdisiance has called forth a wave of protest frorn the Jcrdsh Koenigsberg (J. T. A.)—A sentence Hoase Hnits Place peeled apples in water to population in view of the fear that if of five \veclcs imprisonment -was imwhich-, a little vinegar has been added. this is put into effect, it may be ex- posed' Kpt>n Lctiiel, a Gcrniati of EuSThis will k-eep the apples white. tended to all Other large btK?in'es< sian origin, vrho attacked the Russian Use left over matzo meal in place Consul in this city, assuming- that' the of cracker crumbs for breadttsg chsps. consul w'£s a Russian Jew. The senAdd a little salt to fhubafb when OUR ADVERTISER& tence vca$ siispen'ded. Tf r^nnires less sugar. Dissoive %cujs powdered glwe in Vs bucket- of hot iaia. vraie.' and USE to •wash all enarfaeied and paififey •woodvrork. It -will remove dfrt atwJ leani*e gloss. Paint your deep scratches on Walnut or ftiaJiogaiiy "furniture vrith iodnie. Theft poBsh as usual asd {be scratches v^ai not show. "Aunt Esther" has a list o£ suitable only for the nev? aluraiimm- cooking utensil*; if yoii are interested address -"Aimi Esfher" c/o Jewish Press. •







• •






ISStJES ORtrER ^ JEVTS TO TRADE OS SABBATH Eovno . (J. T. A.)—A direct move to compel Je-vfs to keep th&it stores opea oa Saturday was made by one of th« departments of the Iitfaenian govefraaent. The Revenue Department has issued an ordinance compelling Jewish liquor dispenser's to keep their establishments open on Saturday arid on Jewish holidays. The reason .given in the ordinance is that by keeping their establishments closed on Ssturday

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-i I TT—r


Egyptians Ftrbt to"• ** • Employ the Epitaph

AH-Jewish Cast Makes One of Year's Best Films

Th"e word '^epitaph" ^ originally meant a sepulcher. Then It was applied to the monument marking a place of burial, and later It was used exclusively to designate -the Inscription on the monument. Inscriptions of this kind, it appears, were originated by the Egyptians. From the Egyptians the custom of using them spread to the Greeks and Romans and finally to all Christian nations, says the Pathfinder." Usually an epitaph consists of sope Sentiment or expression of ; affection or faith In addition to the name of the deceased and the dates" of his-birth and death. Despite the fact that they are invariably associated with such solemn things as death and bereavement,, epitaphs are often highly amusing. In some Instances, their humor Is evidently deliberate and' Intentional, but -usually it Is tbe result of faulty English or some accident, of diction.

libel suitn.agaiijst Henry Ford ami «3Se^IteaiWn 3Saep*atoi|" will be set at a tearing July-T, "FeoTeral Judge Fred M. Raymond decided at a conference with attorneylifor both sides. The judge's decision Ij-as given after it was learned that ntr%uuds would be available for the trial until after that time.

The I'si ,Mu and the B'nai< Israel BASEBALL will -tangle in the. feature contest .of 'J.C.G. e .. Sunday• afternoon witnessed the the Jewish Community Center' League ,'opening of the newly formed Jewish Sunday at 3:30. The winner, will take ^Community Center baseball eague undisputed possession v of first place. -iwhiehUJiigJ composed of four teams. The A. Z. A. and the B'nai Ami will "Quality Jewelers" [The diamondeers will play three meet at 1:30. The games to : be*at East.Elmwood. MALASHOCK JEWELRY rounds, of the national past-time beWholesale and Retail Jewelers fore calling it .quits.. All games will ' Last Sunday the above two teams be played ,a.t Elmwood Park and will both won- over their respective op21S-16 City1 National Bank Bldg. ponnents. JA. 5619 one thirty o'clock. ^ B'nai Israel's defeated the Ther-Bnai .Israel nine copped the B'Nai Ami's 9-2, knocking three 'first,game from the Bnai Ami by the pitchers to all corners of the Park. The Psi Mu won a close battle from score.of nine to three. Osterman and . ' .'FRIEDA"•*• the A. Z . A . .by a 7-5 -score, pushing ^toler pitched, for the victors and KOSHER DELICATESSEN were caught by Jake Shriebraan. In- over the deciding tallies in the fifth Complete Line5 of cidenfcly.-, Osterman poled out* theframe. "Tink" Bloom led the winDelicatessen, Smoked Meats .longest- hit of the game, a" triple. ners with the willow,71getting a homer and .Fish' with one on. "Pome Lohrman, winBoth' sides hit freely but the Israelites "Here we have, left to right Vera Gordon, Georgie Jessel and William 1509 North 2ith Street ning pitcher fanned nine men. were ^able- to-tally their scores on Strauss in ."'Private Izzy Murphy" which starts a week ran at the World The standings: bunched hits while the' losers gathTheatre Friday,* May 13. Not only are these prominent Jewish actors in the Ingenious Idea Psi'Mu „'. _ 1 0 1000 ered their blows piece meal. cast but there is also Patsy Ruth.Miller who is also a Jewish girl and she ' Mrs. Suburb wak always very anxThe Best Place to Buy 1 " 0 1000 Professor 6. LL 'doodling ' 'Herold. Pollock,.. Leon Forman and ; B'Nai Israel ious to do the right thing, and she lost plays the lead". > Jesse! is a star fff'the famous-Ziegfeld Follies and the PasA. %. A. ™. :_...O 1 000 ;Elmer Shamberg toiled on the mound Professor Gw>dHnj?" Istt»anew- no chance at alVdft showing her neigh- sing Show, as well as "The Jazz Singer" all on the spoken stage. Nat Carr Your Victor Orthdphonix or B'Nai Ami ..,.._..;..O 1 000 bors that she was a real, genuine, is another celebrated Jewish star who is in the- show. Private Izzy Murphy" Director- Of - the 'Natiopa) Farm in behalf'of-the-Bnai Ami. Is Mann Radio School,^ at Doylestown,. Fa^ which dyed-in-the-wool lady. is the story" of a young" Jewish business man who brings honor to his race by . .. •— Hoe us first— , received the curves and otherwise of gives a free course'. In ' scientific Recently some new people had his heroic" action in the war and his upright character in business. It is a , thp three 'hurlers. - Leon Forman led RIVIERA THEATRE SOL LEWIS agriculture, covering three' years, moved into the neighborhood,'. and great picture for the Jewish people. . ,' to pdor. boya. .The. cchool. Is .30 'his mates with a double in the hitting WEEK STARTING MAY 14th WE bster 2042 1S04 No. 24 St. Sirs. Suburb was discussing them with years old. has nearly 200-stodents. -•"Fatty" Arbuckle in person, heads thestage program. "column. Poor fielding and too many her daughter. who'-work 1,200 acres on the: pro:'errors spelled' the downfall" of the The Riviera Theatre announces a ject system, and a plant valued at "Well, Mary,":, she. said, "I suppose we shall have to call on those people. PROTEST AGAINST 'Bnai Ami. '• new- matinee price effective this week. 51,500,000 which trcgan on* Email PAXTON-MITCHELL CO. Jewish problem with • Queen ' Marie that all together totalled only Just take your scissors and cut some The'admission will be 25c from 12 I gifts 37th and Slartha Sts. HA rney COURT MARTIAL PRACTICE and with the Ministers, of. Foreign Af$3,500. , . .^ . : Bort of hole In one of our visiting Omaha, Nebr. Pohry .Lohrman pitched the PsiMu until 2 o'clock week days, thus enabl. • • • ; • * I N L I T H U A N I A fairs and the Interior. Tho founder wa^ Rabbi 'Joseph cards, will you?" ^ - > • ; Soft grsj, Iron, brnss, bronze ,to. a seven to five victory over the ing mothers to get their kiddies off Krauskopf. who soon made the aluminum castings. Standard Elzee "Whatever for, \-mother?" asked . bronze tinci iron Imsliinps, gewet manFORD TRIAL DATE • A..Z.A.. Lohrman held the fraternity to school after ..the. lunch and have school non-sectarlaa:-.90 it has reRiga (J. T. A.)—A protest against Mary. "What will that mean?" holes, cistern rings\fcni3 corers, and mained and now tbe,re:ls a $5,000,'mea well in hand with the exception clean-oat loors in stock. "It doesn't mean anything that I the .continued practice of court marTO BE SET IN JULY 000 expansion project to give still of the, fourth inning when he was know of," replied niother, "bur they'll- tial in Lithuania was published here greater impetus' to' his dream by making the Institution co^educaDetroit (J. T. A.)—A date for a think It does and feel ratner small-to: by a group of democratic deputies: ? : reached for four runs. "Pooch" tional and providing a revolving find out that tlifey don't know as nraeh' newtrial of Aaron Sapiro's ^1,000,000 PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISEKS ! Bloom, .first baseman of the winning ' All members of the de'raocratic. fac-! loan tand to enable honor graduabout society ways-las" ; ' : 1 : team, cracked out a home run off ates to pay down on ' their own ' tiori in* the -iiafvian'.'pafliaineBt^ fas ; farms, borrowing the '-money on the .offerings-of Billy Gerelick, A. Z. well as twenty five of the most promvery favorable terms. Have Oatf ^Privilege" tAi'inoundsman. Five runs were garinent writers in~ the country, signed The G«itleraei-at-Arms is the: prin-Professor GoodMag is ft. gradu'neredJby the Psi Mu before Gerelick ate of Pennsylvania State College, cipal military coi^tttf the. royal .house- the protest "which was transmitted to class, of > 1907. and was at once was. derricked in favor of Max Althold and the olfleHi;CQrps~ in England, President - Smetona. Jewish - deputies appointed assistant In dairy' hus•shuler.-who held his opponents to two with the exceptlob'/of theYeqmeh of and writers joined in the protest. J bandry. In 1910 he won bia M. S. the Guard. Oae? ©f, the 'curious privijruns neither of which was earned. in agriculture and in the same year leges claimed^ -by.^ihe Gehtlemen-atwas promoted to associate profes.The Psi Mu tallied first but were tied Budapest - (J. T. . A.)-fHermarv Arms Is that ^ff carrying-up the secsor of farm management and , up by the A.Z. A. on one hit and Superintendent of Farm Schools. ond course of th'ej?sorerelgn*s dinner. Bernstein, editor-of--the-New York successive passed by balls by Bercu, These farms comprise 1,800 acres, "Jewish Tribune" declared upon his with' an average gross annual in, Psi Mu catcher. Bercu was jerked in Artefact TooU arrival- here that he had made a : : come of $95,000. He Is considered • ' :• - w i t h " • < : ' • Recent exca^rtlons ~ln\ California study of the .Jewish situation in ; favor .of Siegel who did much" better. the best breeder and Judge of brought '*-) Ugh&'fwo .toots—a petrified ; Joe Cohen was the man in the mask ALEXANDER CARR cattle and horses In Pennsylvania "• _ ; . bone awl abogb ^^jft(&e$ Jong, and a Houmania. and in hts crop rotations he ba3 i:for. the A.Z.A. f s and* did a good-job Listen Tftlks—If You Want a Real Kosher Laugh—See This! While in Bucharest he discussed the attained' more .than BOfl-buahels jpf rudely fashione'dt^dartrft^paim ax. •; of. catching, showing himself to be potatoes per acre. . In other words, the best receiver in the league,- trf he is a real business man 'of the* solL Prominent" educator* will" a t - • idate. iiOU,.RiklirC dliriiriutiye third tend hia inauguration. baseman fjjr the losers, led their bat,ting attack^ with" one double' and t w o lain and Himes in "Just Fun" are. an • singles in four trips to the plate in LA ROCQUE. added stage attraction and will give j, addition .^ta- making two circus put1 !outs.--Errors played a' big part in ample time to take advantage of this you' lots of good laughs.' rthe.. scoring of both-teams, "denoting special matinee price. On Sundays 'lack of'practice and teamwbrk. ' * " ihV admission will be 40c" from 12 ROUMANIAN JEWS AGREE until 2 o'clock. ON PROGRAM TO CREATE [,.'•' '• * * Stajtin5, .S4.tujaiay -Ma^-,14th, the NATIONAL ORGANIZATION ; > -The ^Lz.A. will meet the Bnai jni at one thirty^ this Sunday after- pictoxK&itioii. 42E^^TE6i?to.\*c'5 immortal dr;ama'<sf Iove"'|nd l&crifice. ^EesurrecBucharest <(J. T. A.)—A minimum ;hoqn ati JSImwood while the Psi 1 tajce ,on the' Bnai Israel. The l^St tiOTL^lf; starring % ^ * La^>cque '. and prograni for "the defense df Jewish iscr|en feature rights i n Roumania was agreed upon named-team are tied for firs't place This story is at a conference.of-representatives of i and should s put up a hot battle. as" widely'Treka' as anyi?4iodern classic national Jewish political ^organiza* * • and has been translated-^from the tions .held here yesterday. The Union ..: Harold Pollock and Herman LevinRussian of Tolstoy into eleven dif- of Roumanian Jews of ^Bucharest was ' >son .are still sticking to their jobs as ferent languages. It tells of- the love represented-at this conference. < members of the second and first of Katusha," beautiful peasant* girl of In addition to agreeing on a mini-! / t e a m s respectively a t .Central high Russia for the handsome, dashing mum program the representatives alschool. -Pollock has been pitching Prince Dimitri, whose love.for Katu- so decided to call a national confer:j-pretty good ball with Coach" Bexten's sha, af-fi/st a Joye of honor*and re-ence " of Jwish organizations for the •' second stringers while Levinson has spect, "changes with, the changing purpose, of creating an All Roumanian ; been holding down second base as years, and having loved, won, and Jewish, organization. • under-tsudy to Wes Laugel, one of neglected, he becomes one p,f the most <: .the. f-ew .good hitters on the Purple profligate and cynical young -officers ROB SYOGOGUE : : first .machine. on the Czar's battlefront: A t last INCZECSOSLOVAKIA there, comes'a"•"reawakening, of his i.TRACK. Vienna.—(J. T. A.)—Unknown vansoul a'nd-the-sublime' reached .;.- -Bud Levin of Central High and in his moral rebirth apd' "resurrec- dals broke into the -synogogue a t , ;Leon Forman will be the only Jewish tion". A tiense dtam'a of heartbreak Frgulek, Czechoslovakia, plundering j track .men to perform at the State and stupendous conflict, "Resurrec- the house of worship. All gold and silver objects which Y^traclr meet this Friday and" Saturday. tion" will move you with its poignwere in the Ark were stolen. It was | The meet will be. held at Lincoln in ancy and beauty. . the Nebraska Memorial Stadium,. as The Publix State Show this week estimated that the loss amounts to i- usuaL Levin will enter in the shot is called "An Alpine Romance", and 80,000 Czech Kronen. {'.put and possibly the half-mile and features the famous Dunbar's Singing i mile. "Choppy" Rhodes, assistant Bell Ringers, Fritz Zimmermann and moment. Stop in. at out With all its adThe roads are wondejrfuL ;• coach at the University of Nebraska Marcelle Grandville, famous Swiss play rooms today. See' __. _ vantages,^ Kelj|.J and. *>ne time star performer for the yodelers widely known through, their for a week-end tripi Just ^ line of beautiful Cab&nejt Successors to Jones Candy Co. . I •|,-Scarlet and Cream; has been asistihg .Victor and Columbia records, Gschrey up your Kelvinator witt good vmator is surKelvinators, and learn how • i-Coach Schmidt in his task of molding and Hulleyin their inimitable Schuhthings—have everything ready prisiiigly lowin the Kelvinator can be installif a presentable Purple crew for the bjg plattler Dance and a Milkmaid Ballet Phone JA. 3986 918 Farnam St price. You can few* a good meal on your vetptn. graces.- Rhodes has. been devoting a of six girls. The scene opens in a tiny ed in your present refrigerNo worry, no spoilage, poo waste. get the steel-.;. goodly bit of time to Levin, and*the Swiss village nestled at tho foot of ator, if you already have a : clad "Sealtite" Myoungster. .should show improved lofty" snow'-capped peaks and a flock good one. An expert will W i t h Kelvinator's brine or Cabinet Kel^ forni in. the shot put. Leon Forman o f sheep are seen picking their way ,. ofv North High will- run in the one down the mountain side. Unque and freezing tank you have complete vinator for $210.00 installed cail if you phone* * BUTTER and EGGS ;; hundred' yard dash and possibly in quaint is this Publix Stage Show and assurance of steady, reliable (wiring extra). Ail steel exterior flf'1 might give you one iiwtsnce of _wh«- 1 . • • i ;j the twenty-two. Leon has pulled down the talent is exceptional. Chamber"cold that keeps". Continuous —seamless metal food compart* J Kelvinator ha» meant to me. I bought on -- . . Council Bluffs, Iowa ' 'r a-number of .third places this year in Wedn«day a large turkey for the followipt high—26V2 Swiday refrigeration for a full 24^hours ,mentr-S6Y& inches dinner. Becanse of a change in our •j, dual.meets but has yet to grab hitni I did n o t « « it until » week fcota ttrttt • self a first place. .Saturday may be . even if the electricity should be inches WifSfe!- ?2& itiches deep plans Sunday. Then it was cooked «nd »ernd ana '([• het day. for the flying Hebrew to turn the remainder put back into the Kehfewtt*. cut off temporarily for-any-rea- —good for a:fiietiiii©i - ' ~ SOSKIN and KOZBERG I used the lart of it jutt three week* later. Bf ]Ltbe>.trick, North and Central will "Manufactured in Omaha' son during your absence. You being able to keep it, I<Iid not have to »erwi 1552 No. 20 St.—WE ebstcr 0267 li engage in a dual meet coming TuesOur conVemeot: payment plan the turkey every day but WM able to alternate cannot afford to be without this ;{-iday-at-the Polar school grounds and Fresh Meats — Delicatessens BAKER ICE MACHINE CO. makes i t unbecessarjr to delay a. with esher things." (Name on RwjuwtO .... extra protection. 4 boys will have an opportunity Fresh Fish Bandied Daily itojn points against each other We Deliver to all Parts of the City •j.ior^the. "dear pi' echooL" w» - v . V i


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jJf/ienoa'-CJ' T. A!) — Despatches fronVJBttcharest bring the news that •JPJBpHt-Jbas definitely occurred within "^' t i»nlcii''of the Roumanian 'anti-


?Ste£eii£^an'League, which Pro-'

lV-.i,/_-jL-£-*3L-'«-4««>*1e leader, has decid-' ijn the organizaannounceoV th&t~ 'to"establish'a, second-

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