May 19, 1927

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THIS A false frien^, like a shadow, attends only while the sun shines.

" V1

By A. G.

When Skies Were Grey fit" Came Her Way


. Outside the sky had turned a grey. Heavy clouds began circliiS % \ the western horizon. -Prom outwai^'fT' appearances it was going to rain, tt*~tf£ Entered as second-class mall matter on January 27th, 1821; a! But while all this was occurring iitoiD poStoflic* OMAHA, NEBRASKA, THURSDAY, MAY 19, 1927 SUBSCRIPTION PRICE, A YEAR, $2.50 VOL. VI.—No. 21 at Omaha Nebraska, under the Act of March S. 1879. the open air, Clara Schriebman, diminIS, utive girl swimmer, pulled one f o i ^ 20 ON TRIAL FOR < URGE RELIEF FROM the hooks, in the J. C. C. swinming. ** DISTURBANCES CAUSED. BY SUNDAY COMPULSORY tank. Miss Schriebman swar- 44W~-»RITUAli MURDER AGITATION REST IN POLAND lengths of the pool before coming to a halt. Warsaw (J. T. A.)—The Polish Warsaw (J. T. A.)—Wide interest Not to be outdone, but courageous Vice-Premier, Professor Bartel, was was evoked by the opening of the to the end, Esther Radr'ier,-tried urged to speed up the relief for Jewtrial of 20 Poles and 6 Jews-j'esterher luck at the marathon stuff. ish merchants from the compulsory day in the town of Rypin. Omaha One of Few Cities to Hear the Man Who is AttemptEsther,' however, succeeded in flying The defendants are-charged with Four Chapters to be Represented Sunday rest law, which was promised Was Former Police Commisacross the -waters 25 times without ing to Bring Henry Ford on Witness Stand—Reserby the government. responsibility for the riots .which ocr , at Convention. May 29th sioner in Palestine a stop. .' Scores of Jewish merchants in all vations for Lecture are Beinsr Received at Center curred in Dobrzyn following a. ritual Ed Burdick avers that startling parts of Poland have urged the vicemurder agitation there. The disturbthings will happen soon, and it -. cn't ARDENT WORKER FOR premier in telegrams to hasten the ance was caused by the fact that a MEMBBES OF COMPEER Aaron Sapiro will be the guest of Omaha Jewry on Monday be long before the J. C . C . has an measure as the continued enforce- May 23, when he will appear as a lecturer OR the Jewish ComCHAPTER TO ATTEND gypsy child was found. dead and the THE LABOR MOVEMENT honest - to - goodness long distance ment of the Sunday rest 3aw trill Mr. Dave Hos, ex-police commis- tale was spread that Jews . were Sapiro will arrive in Gn May1 29 and 30 the members bring complete economic ruin to the munity Center lecture course program. woman swimmer. responsible for the murder. ' sioner of Tel Aviv, Palestine, present Omaha Monday afternoon from Kansas City where he speaks : of the various chapters of the Ivre Jews. "Vice Mayor of Tel Aviv, President of Sunday evening-. Club wiE convene in Sioux City, Iowa, What! No Life Savers Solel-Bone, cooperative for building] for their" fifth annual convention. The Sapiro has consented to speak in Omaha only after a personal In an eleventh hour edict, the J. C. construction of highways, and railchapters which will be represented interview with Henry Monsky and Harry Lapidus in Chicago as C athletic commissioners announced are the Aleph Chapter of Sioux City, Sapiro is not at present on a lecture tour. that, life-saving classes —uld comthe Compeer Chapter of Omaha, the Aaaron Sapiro is one of the most sought speakers in Ih-s mence June 1. Already - number of B'nai Rev Chapter of Des Moines, country at the present time, according to the messages and letters Onmen; women and child- •• have signiand the Lincoln hapter of Lincoln. It being sent to the man, who was courageous enough to tackle a law fied their intention of joining those Schiff Benefaction Becomes. Nucleus is expected that more than one hun- Touring United States m Eehalf of suit against Henry Ford. classes. The life-saving tests r?ill he dred members will take part in this • Talmudical Acadesy for Insurance Project: to; Benefit Many reservations have already that now seems to be .drawing to »• give^ under the direc supervision of annual meeting. Super-Annuated Rabbis : been received by the Jewish Com- close. The protagonists are Aarnr "Dad" Burdick...- • • TWO. HUNDRED PUPILS EN"". The Aleph Chapter at Sioux City is nrunity Center for the Sapiro lecture. Sapiro, Chicago lawyer and coopp.wROLLED IN ACADEMY MODELLED AFTER PRESBYTER- making elaborate plans to make this Prior to the lecture Aaron Sapiro Sapiro -Coming conclave an outstanding social event IAN MINISTRY On Sunday, May 29, a mass meet- will be honor guest at a dinner to • Aaron "Sapiroi vrho recently created and have made such arrangements ing will be held at the Jewish Combe given at the Center. a sencation when ho brought suit Cincinnati (J. T. A.) —• Provision for the members' and visiting ladies munity Center, • in behalf of Rabbi "A modern David fighting a modern against Henry Ford, will b- th? prinlor comfort in old ag-e "has, become a as will stamp, this meeting as one not Moses* Moriecia Epstein of Hebron, Goliath" •would make an accurate cipal •"•Raker" at the Jewish Comcertainty t o the Reform Rabbis of to be forgottan. Palestine, who is touring the United description of the contemporary scene nunity Center, Monday night, May The morning pf the 29th will be dethis country, through announcement that had its beginning years ago and 23. The subject on which Sapiro will made by Ludwig Vogelstein, chair- voted to registration in the Conventalk is not yet known. Reservations tion Headquaffers in the Martin man of the Executive Board of the can be made at the. J. C. C. The Union of American Hebrew Congre- Hotel, and a*! short business session; Center auditorium is limited to a seatgations, of a • retirement program featured by- an address of welcome ing capacity of 600 persons. which will • provide annuities for all by the President of the Grand Lodge. rabbis who, because of advancing age, The noon hour will keep • the memare no longer able to render active bers together at an informal lunchNational Honor Society Detroit, Mich. (J. T. A.) Stewart j eon, trhich will be follovred by another congregational service. V.'lien members of the national Hanley, counsel for Henry Ford, re- | honor society weie recently announced jected a suggestion that Aaron Sapi- 1 The pension program is the: result business session. In the evening, the at Central high school, the "names of ro's $1,000,000 libel suit against Ford j of years of planning on_ the part of members and, their guests will be enD. Hos five Jewish students ap—ar--1 on the and "The Dearborn Independent," J the lay leaders of the Union. It re- tertained at a formal dinner-dance coveted list. " Those elected to the roads, who is touring, the U.- S. ceived impetus several years ago which will be held'_ either at the which was declared a mistrial April honorary group were: Evelyn Adler, in behalf of the National Workers from a $100,000 bequest from the late Martin Hotel Ballroom or in the club21 by Judge Fred A. Raymond of the Lea Rosenblatt, Ruth Ziev, Milton Committee of Palestine, will deliver Jacob H. Schiff to ' the Union' of house of the Sioux City Country Club. Federal Court, be submitted to the! an address on present conditions in American ..Hebrew Congregations. The morning of "the 30th -will be givHimalstein and Frances-Simon. arbitration committee of the Detroit I -. * Palestine at the Jewish Community This bequest serves as.the nucleus of en over to sight seeing tours for the Board of Commerce, it was disclosed i Center auditorium Tuesday evening, a fund of' approximately . §298,000 -visitors, and-fiirthe afternoon, the by "William Henry Gallagher, counsel j Debaters Receive Awards which will be .required to . carry out Sioux City. Chapter will have an for Mr. Sapiro. i The following Jewish c'-uf.snta —ere May 24, at 8 o'clockMr. Hos is a graduate of the Jaffe initiation, after. which will -be held the Union's share of the project, Mr. Gallagher said that H. A. Har- j given "D's" for their work on Cenfor the rington, secretary, of Hie arbitration i tral's'Justin Wolf, Gimnasium and . also of the.- Poly- ; A group Insurance ^plan administer- ther annual election; of officers ; technic institute -of ,Hifa.^ He_ spjgks. • wi31*-be,held jCemiag committee, = winch is 'made up of i Shaintcr5."-Reu- several languages and is associate • •- Frank- ^ I p p , which has in the evening at the beautiful crystal Company^ similar ^ prominent Detroit bankers, business | t i v € leader, and Henry Ford, ben Zaitchnick and Joe "VTest. editor of the Palestine Daily, i the been adopted byv Presbyterian ballroom of the Bellevue Apartments. and professional men, wrote him a i r e anti-Semite and publisher of fchr "Davar". The following is a letter-ad- IVIinistry, has been developed for the The wives of the Sioux City Ivre Independent. That the «•• Creighton Graduates April-20, the day before the mistrial, cDearborn ent dressed to Mr. Hos by Honorable Rabbis.m*the Reform pulpit It will members are making many plans tc suggesting the case be taken out of proceedings in the Federal ConrJ, Nine Jewish studc_is will receive Ramsey ilacDonald, former Prime of keep the visiting ladies well enterbe supported through -annual contricourt and submitted to the commit-! Detroit have been declared to K* degrees at Creirtliton univc~!ty. Minister of England, in connection butions made by the Union and the tained, and promise that there will be tee. A similar suggestion was sent a mistrial will result only in a Bachelor in Science in Medicine de- with Mr. Hos present tour. congregation, or by the Union, the no idle moments on their program. by Mr. Harrington at the same time pause in the activities of Sapiro •. Rabbi Epstein grees will- be given Samuel Faier, My dear Hos, The Compeer chapter of Omaha of congregation and the rabbL These to the counsel for Mr. Ford, Mr. Gal-1 sus Ford. Davi'1 Gross and Ben Slutzky. Meyer States in the interest of the endowI was very glad to see yoa again contributions will purchase annuities the Ivre will be well represented at "I expect victory." Sapiro told Greenberg and Isaac Stemhai will get with all the memories you carry with ment fund at Hebron, talmudical lag-her said he was informed. the annual conclave in Sioux City. Mr. Gallagher said that because of j interviewer of the Jewish Tribune, "I Bachelor of Medicine degrees and you of my pleasant and profitable which at the age of 68 (or earlier, if academy, of which he was the founder Those of the Compeer chapter who the Rabbi is superannuated and deDavid Wilson Cohn will receive the journey through Palestine under your sires to discontinue active, service in expect to attend are: Abe Venger, and dean, is expected to arrive from being busy in court and in conference j believe firmly that all the Fowl secw.'. sheepskin in Doctor of Dental Sur- care. When I was with you I was the ministry) will -yield an income Moe Venger, Robert H. Kooper, Ben Chicago on the morning of the 28. with Mr. Sapiro, he did not receive! police and all the Ford lawyers «TU: g-ry Pharmacetical Chemistry de- very much struck with the spirit and equal to one-half of the Rabbi's Shapiro, Isadore Levinsin, Lester Rabbi Epstein will be greeted by the the letter until after the mistrial was ] all the United States senators Ihsr l grcr- will be the property of Izadore the determination^of, you. and your] salary on retirement. In the event Meyer, Morris Micklin, Julius Obern- general.. chairman of the committee, declared. He conferred with Mr. j Ford money con buy cannot Mlt»m*i.fElewitz and Herman J.Smclioff while friends to make Palestine a real home that the Rabbi increases; This annual dorfer, Joe'Rice, Norman Harris, Sam J r . M. Xulakof sky. and ids ^reception .Sapirj),J^.ril_,S0.1,r.with.. respect. tp_thc : jyjJrevent the appearance of Ford im Sidney Corenman, Creighton baslret- of labor and experiment, and I am Wolf, Herbert Goldsten, Morris Lins- committee in charge. The committee suggestion and May 2 notified Mr. j will escort Rabbi Epstein to the Fon- Harrington that he sxnd his client at Mr. Sapiro wanfe Tn«r.ball star will receive' the degree of glad that that ideal is kept steadily contribution, he secures proportion- man and Jack W. MaTer. 5s ately larger an income. The plan afthaT1 tenelle Hotel were willing to submit the case to I anything else: to show up For/: Bachelor of Science in Commerce. before your countrymen. I know the fects all Rabbis affiliated with the Wives of Omaha members who will c i t h c r a s o n e v 110 doPR n o t RabbiEpstein . was the dean of the committee. Mr. Gallagher asked j " great difficulties you have had to face, Union of American Hebrew Congre- attend are: Mrs. Robert H. Kooper, Slabodka, "Yeshrraha at Slabodka, that the committee's rule that the j frankly or who has ignorantly Examination Worries Mrs. Isadore Levinson, Mrs. Joe Rice, and I can assure you that if I could gations in the United States and CaUnl—.^ity scholars and high school do anything; to open the doors of nada, and may include religious Mrs. Sam Wolf and Mrs. Morris Iins- Lithavania,. a position which he held arbitration proceedings be secret un-i h i s n a m e t o b e u s e ( I irt t h e for 32 years. Two years ago he went less both sides agreed to make them: of jsibotry and race hatred. ' students have started cra—.nV: T for Jewish hearts and Jewish pockets in school teachers and. others, at the dis- man. The bright, magnetic eyes of tht the 'rial exams that cr- -chcduled to America, so that you may return to creation of the Union. These Omaha members are going to to Habron,. Palestine, and he estab- public, be waived. lished the talznudic academy, which ' Chicagoan flashed with courage. *">. be reeled off in a few weeks. Nebras- Palestine with not only their good In case of withdrawal from the! the conclave to endeavor to bring the The only stipulation placed upon | tokes cmTp^ fQ p i t o f t e p o l f aj?a5fT ,. has at present an enrollment of 200 ka Uni students have already started wishes, but their- financial.' help, I plan or from the Rabbinate, before conclave to Omaha for 1928. the proposal by Sapiro's attorney was 1 ^ man 0 h ijl0rdinatel,; pupils. A.little "more than two months holding the well known "cram ses- should do so with great pleasure. completing ten years of service, a that the arbitration hearing' be open j , j o n p ago he.set foot on the American soil inordinately wealth; . rion" that frequently rarr;- the stu- They certainly would be helping a Rabbi may either receive in cash the H. Gallagher, jj A and began his tour in the interest to the pubhe. Sapiro has plenty of COU^FC dents into the wee hours'"r" the great Labor,,movement if they would full amount of his own payments or of the' endowment fund. He visited chief of the plaintiff's counsel, wrote j cc r ( J been fortunate in having morning. Yes, it's hard on the mid- help you. he may obtain a paid-up annuity purn pf a f e w d c v o t e d most of, the largest cities of America. "you doubtless understand that ourj th(J With kindest regards, I am night oil. chased by means of the total payand Canada. From Omaha the Rabbi action is based upon false publications-. a n d a of public opinion thsi Yours very sincerely ments made by the congregation and and"* concerning Mr. Sapiro. One effect of j are most comforting in trying te>n~ is planning to go to Denver (signed) Ramsey Mac Donald. Baseball League Making Dinner and Service Arranged by himself. California; On- Saturday, May 28, bringing the suit is the opportunity I ments. I asked Mr. Sapiro about ••>•*• Fontenelle Hotel Rapid Headway Five reels' of picture from the life Among the features of the retireEabbi Epstein will be tht gaest of to give the world the facts. That moral support he had received. An*-". of the Chalitzim and the. Jews in ment program" are the socalleS miThe "new baseball £-..-" or; the Beth Hamedrosh Hagodol sj-na- opportunity my client cannot afford here is what he told me: is in readiness for the by the athletic board at the J. C. C. Palestine in general will be shown. gratory arrangement and the absolute Everything 1 gogue, 19th and Burt streets. . I to sacrifice." I have received moral support frnrt. is attracting many Jewish sport fol- The admission will be twenty-five guaranty through contact with the gala spring opening of the Highland He pointed out that because of the men and women all over the Country Club which will take place cents. insurance company, that every prov1 we"-. At present the Psi Mu -senature of Mr. Sapiro's charges, the s t a t e g a n d C a n a d a > r x p r e s S G d in ision of. the contract; on which the on Saturday night, May 28. The dance gregation is l^Ming the fold. TT-sets arbitration proceedings should be sonnl letters. .plan is based will be fulfilled. Under hall will be elaborately decorated. are expected at Sunday's er-^unters. Hadassah Chapter to Meet public. The Unique orchestra led by Emil Wednesday Afternoon the migratory arrangement, a Rabbi's The games are played at Elmwood received very great Mr. Gallagher said Mr. Harrington ! 1 have e n t ,from e d i t o r i a l s in m a n y park. On Wednesday afternoon, May 25, interest in the plan will continue un- Hoffman at the piano has been enOver S00 people witnessed the per- notified him May 3 that Mr. Hanley ; - s, particularly those which at 2:30, at the Jewish Community impaired, even though he is 1called to gaged for the season and will play for the dinner dance on the opening formances of "Princess Chrysanthe- had been informed of Mr. Sapiro's; partisan for me, but simply arc Center, the Omaha chapter of Hadas- another congregation, so long as it is "YOM HADIN" TO BE p h(?] t h e l i g h t c o m e from night. mum", a Japanese operetta, on Satur- willingness to submit the case to. . affiliated-with the Union of American * SHOWN AT CENTER sah will hold its regular monthly Hebrew. Congregations. arbitration. Yesterday, however, kr.; Another feature of the opening will day and Sunday evenings, May 14 meeting. > "April Fool," one *•' be the dinner service which will be and 15, at the Jewish Community Gallagher said he was notified by Mr. I , Forexample, I consider thn< ;!•* At this meeting Mrs. M. F. LevenHarrington that Mr. Hanley had "tie- J editorials in the New York Timrs Carres best works, will be the next son, Mrs. J. J. Friedman, Mrs. A. catered by the Fontenelle Hotel res- Center.. \ ,'. attraction at the Jew" ' Comrr- "~y Silverman and Mrs. S.-Robinson, dele- Council of Jewish Women taurants. The dinner will be prepared The production was given under " finitely decided to declare our request constitute a challenge to Henry V/vrvI to Elect Officers by the Fontenelle and served by ef- the joint auspices of ' the Dramatic that the entire matter be referred to j which he cannot dare to ignore. The* Center. There will be a matinee and gates of the Omaha chapter to the evening performsr.ce on Sunday, May South West Regional Convention will Council and the Y. M. and Y. W. H. A. arbitration." The annual meeting and election of ficient - men from their service. ! called on him to face the 29. The audience was so well pleased officers of the Council of Jewish Reservations for the opening din! People a M show if he TmS any give their reports.' In "addition to the movie, there will Jewish At the convention which was held Women will be held at the Black- ner dance will be limited to members with the production that numerous tion committee, Mr. Gallagher pointed ]' d e n c e a t E '' o f a be several vaudeville • —nbers con- in St. Joseph, Mo., April 14 and 15, stone Monday afternoon May 23, fol- and out of town guests only. Reser- requests have been received for an out, is Edsel B. Ford, son of Henry j controlling powers which Ford. sisting of vocal and instrumental and which includes the states of Ne- lowing a one o'clock luncheon. vations should be made early so as additional performance. • the activities of various Jews ir-i "So confident were we in numbers. Reports by heads of committees to afford ample time in the arrangeA surprise element was injected inbraska, Colorado, Oklahoma, Mismay ^ This .performance is given under souri and Kansas, Mrs. M. F." Leven- will be given by Mrs. Sadie Mayer on ment of tables. to the affair when after the first act ness of the committee, he added, j ^ ^ ^ b e i in • the ausbices of the Woman's Auxiliary son of Omaha was1 elected president civics and communal activities; Mrs. More than one "hundred members of flowers were presented to the Produc- "that we were willing to abide by social or industrial character. of the JB'nai B'rith and half of the of the Region and ilrs. J. J. Fried- Wm. Holzman on immigration; Mrs. the club participated in the medal tion Staff both "from the directors of the decision of associates of Henry This is the most essential thi: proceeds will be jjiven to the Jewish man of Omaha was elected secretary Frederick Cohn on extension; Mrs. play tournament held Sunday. "There the Center and members of the cast. Ford's son." that I want to prove—th«t thrr* -Community Center. The Council;plans to"make this an of the Region. The Omaha women Henry Rosenthal on school; and Mrs. is more enthusiasm among the Highno basis .whatsoever for any KH Mrs. Sam Beber is cha'Tmn of the also captured the next convention for Herman Jahr on Americanization. ZIONIST CONGRESS land Country club members than ever annual affair and already there have cr.lerta'nment and is being cr=i The work done by the Council has before", said Herbert Heavenrich, been many requests as to the nature TO MEET AUGUST SO charges, either against myself Omaha to be held in May of next other Jews. ty Mrs. William ''berts. Mrs. Sam year. expanded greatly during the last president. "The new members have •of the nest production. Wolf, M*s- Emma Stem, Mrs. Rebec' London <J. T. A.)—The Fifteenth year and plans will be made to ex- added the "punch". and are out to It is planned to hsve a Children's Jerusalem (J. T. A.)—The number tend the Council's services still build the club." ca Wise, Mrs. Harry •Rachmr->, Ida Theatre, a Yiddish Group, a Little Zionist Congress wiU be convoked in. ZIONIST MEETING TUESDAV Lillian of emigrants from Palestine exceeded further in the future. Azorlfl, Bess GreenbcTheatre,. and. a . Festival Celebration Basle on August SO, according1 to a The Zionk-L ^.'.eeting h— been the number of immigrants during the 2-"~*'f, 'Tina Freedman, Anne Blank, Mrs. I. Rosenthal is the present Group, all under the auspices of the decision taken by the Actions Compcm<d to Tuesday evening, May 24, It is to your benefit to patronize month of Marchr figures published president of the Omaha section. and Alice Adler. Council mittee at its session here today. | and every member is urged to t * w our advertisers

of WlbeGnestofCity; Show Palestine Movie

loststo Aniial Ivre Conclave,

Pension Plan for Aged Rabbis in Reform Pulpit Insdtoted by Union

Bold Mass Meeting for RabM l o s e s Epstein' of







Highland Country Qib suing

Crowds-Pleased ai Belli

*. *

> . ~ - .'-~ ,*,*•>


-...THE"JfeY ISH PRESS Pobllsbed e?erj Thuwduj ,. . Juiuha. Nebraska, toy

- T H E JEWISH PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY Office; 490 Brandeis Theatre Building -*- Telephone: ATIantic 1450. • '' NATHAN E. GREEN, Manager. Subscription-Price, one ye Advertising rates furnished on application.


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JEWISH CALENDAR 5687—1926-27 1927 . Friday, May 20 ......Wednesday, June 1 ..............Monday, June 6 July 1 —Sunday, July 17 Saturday, July 30 ..Sunday, August 7 >—Monday, August 29

Lag b'Omer Rosh Chodesh Siyan .—.. 1st Day'Shabuoth ........... Rosh Chodesh Tammua Fast of Tammuz .._-.., Rosh Chodesh Ab ~ Fast of Ab ~ . - - ~ Rosh Chodesh Ellul

i •

ARBITRATION THE FORD-SAPIRO TRIAL The refusal of Henry Ford to submit the famous Sapiro-Ford "In respect to marketing and transsuit to arbitration is quite" keeping with the entire spirit of the portation, Mr. Victor Mosseri, of Cairo, Egypt. defense! irr the case.\ The pWd counsel has taken advantage of "The Commission will also have at every possible technicality, and have attempted to create new ones its disposal material courteously supwhenever possible. . plied to it by Sir John Ruussel, ; Arbitration would have ill-suited Henry Ford. For arbitraMond, Felix M. Warburg Director of the Rothampstead Agrition dispenses with time-worn rules of evidence, formulated cen- SirandAlfred Dr. Lee K. Frankel to Head cultural Experiment Station, HerturieB ago.fpr,greatly dissimilar cases, and attempts to apply them Investigation Body; Many American penden, England,, who has recently in a modern court room. Arbitration is practically a reversion to and European Experts Included on visited Palestine. Sir John Russell is now in this country as a British delethe old, and real, conception of equity law: to find the truth, and Staff. gate to the International Soil Survey apply it. New York (J. T. A.)—The per- Congress convened by the United The Detroit Board of Commerce should be praised for this sonnel of the Nbn-Partisan Survey of States Government. attempt to bring the case before an arbiter. More and more Palestine, the commission which is to "Investigations in respect to health, sound economic thought is convinced that the sole hope for reliev- investigate the situation and the pos- sanitation and hygiene will be conducted by Prof. Milton J. Rosenau, ing the distressing agricultural situation in this country lies sibilities of Palestine in behalf of the of the Department of Preventive through sound co-operative marketing. Aaron Sapiro is one of Jewish Agency, in accordance with Medicine of Harvard University, to the agreement concluded between Dr. the most eminent in the field of agricultural co-operation. The Chaim Weizmann . and Mr. Louis be assisted by Dr. Charles F. Wilinslibel suit against Fbrd to a large extent turns upon whether or not Marshall, was announced yesterday in ky, Deputy Commissioner of Health his principles are sound. There is a natural tendency throughout a statement issued by Mr. Marshall. of the City of Boston. the country to await Until all of the evidence in this case is pro- , Sir Alfred Mond, Felix M. War- "As expert in banking and finance, Dr. Ernst Kahn, of Frankfurt, who duced, as it will be a large scale expounding of all co-operative burg and Dr. Lee K. Frankel are to has had extensive banking experience, the commission, the announceprinciples. Its settlement, therefore, is eagerly awaited by a very head will serve. Dr. Kahn was formerly ment disclosed. large proportion of our population. financial editor of the "Frankfurter The text of the statement follows: Before the mistrial was declared in Detroit, the bulk of the "In connection with the contemplat- Zeitung" and is associated with the evidence upon which Ford was commonly agreed to be staking his ed Non-Partisan Survey of Palestine banking firm of Speyr Ellisson. Maurice B. Hexter, Director case had been heard, and the famous expose had not yet come. as to which announcement was made of "Dr. the Federation of Jewish Charities The mistrial was therefore a real blessing to the billionaire. Since some months ago by Dr. Chaim Weiz- of Boston and lecturer a t Harvard and Mr. Louis Marshall, the expense is no object to him, why not a new trial, or a dozen new mann latter now, makes the additional state- University, will accompany Dr. Lee trials? ment that the following agreement K. Frankel as Secretary to the AmerThe right or wrong of the libel case affects Henry Ford very has been reached in respect to the ican section of the Commission. "The appointment of additional exlittle. A disagreement is his real hope. An arbiter must render members of the Commission and of perts to deal with a number of imthe expert staff who are to direct and a decision, one juryman in tweive can be obstinate.—Chicago conduct the Survey: portant subjects, including industry Chronicle. '"The Commissioners are to be Sir and commerce and accounting and

Marshall Announces Personal of Jewish Agency Palestine Survey

'Ffom Life of Chalutzim" The Song of. Labor 'Motion Pictures Presenting Jewish '" Life in Palestine. This is the title and contents of the most, interesting-of films, com* piled by '<the Va'adat^Hatarbat, the committee pn;oulture and education of the Jewish "Federation in Palestine. A magnificent series of living pictures,, which guide one through every phase oi cooperative agricultural achievements of our Chalutzim—our Pioneers. Therein you will see our Youth Bi, -work, weeding the fields, tilling fHe soil, sowing and reaping, building '^oads, constructing bridges, establishing.cities wherein the finest hotels and the most modern of apartment houses are put up.. . Tel Aviv, with all its glory of an oriental city plus the latest in western architecture is vividly portrayed. You shall see your brother workers, with song in their hearts, dig canals, work at ditches, and cement* the "byways. The filnt offers a panoramic view of the cooperative work shops and the preparations of the raw materials -to be used therein. The Woman Kvutzos Of great interest are the scenes of the women* in the agricultural,- self supporting* cooperative towns and villages, cultivating plants and trees. In the grouping these trees mass into young forests already covering many sections of the barren—old, but fruitful—new land.

Alfred Mond, of London, who is to audit, is under consideration and it have one European associate who has is expected that an early announcenot been finally agreed upon, and Dr. ment will be made concerning them." The Youth Pictures about- the life, and the Lee K. Frankel, Second Vice Presi- HEBREW . Insurance diverse "fields of activity* of the dent, Metropolitan life UNIVERSITY AGAIN DENIES Youth: the education they receive, the Company, of New York, with whom EINSTEIN'S RESIGNATION Mr. Felix M. Warburg of New York combined practical application of : '• their theoretical studies, the advan- is to be 'associated*; '- ••'•'•'." Jerusalem (J. T. A.) — Another "A group of experts, who are to denial of the ^alleged tesignatioft of tages of such a combination to the communal welfare will he clearly ex- make a scientific investigation of the Dr. Albert Einstein from the Board posed for your examination. The play- various phases of Palestine conditions of Governors of the Hebrew Univertime and the type of play, their'.very which are to be the subject of the sity was made here today. life "en the street" and in the houses Survey, are to act under the direction "The denial was issued by the adare before you. Are you acquainted of the Commissioners. Thus far the ministrative office of the Hebrew Uniwith the new educational, systems, in following selections have been made: versity, contradicting a ^report of the "In Agriculture, Prof. Elwood Jerusalem correspondent of the New the workers Federation? This film Mead, of the Department of Rural York "Jewish Daily Forward". will-give you a vivid pidture portrayInstitutions of the University of Calied of this wonderful effect of this Jerusalem (J. T. A.)-f-Dr. Louis L. fornia, and Prof. Jacob G. lapman, Mann, professor of the Hebrew Union last word in. education. Dean; of the Department of Agricul- College of Cincinnati and Rabbi of Celebrations ture of Rutgers College and Director Temple Sinai, Chicago, will lecture at Palestinian toilers are outstanding of the New Jersey Agricultural Ex- the Hebrew University during the and alone in the way they celebrate periment Station. As their assistants next semester. Dr. Mann's subject will their national and international holi- there have been designated the fol- be medieval Jewish history. days. Do not fail to see a "Bay of lowing: • '.."' Offering'1 celebration, when scores of "As general agricultural economist, Chalutzim with their machines, their Prof. Frank Adams of the University harnessed steeds, oxen and carts, of California. from all parts of the country direct "As. horticulturist, Mr. Knowles Received Daily their steps to the Assembly Hall. It Ryerson, late of the University of is the March of Labor. Labor on its California, horticultural advisor to Buff alo—Carp—Pike—Trout way to acquaint itself with the* new, the Government of Haiti, and game fish of all kinds the Inspiring, that Palestine has in "As soil expert,. Mr. A. T. Strastore for us. horn, of the Bureau of Soils, United Have you seen the "Hahve?" That States Department of Agriculture. Mgr. Fish Department is characteristically a. Chalutzim "In matters pertaining to irrigaPUBLIC MARKET dance, enjoyed as a climax in most tion, Mr. C. C. Henriq'ues, late of the working day festivities, in^ Palestine. Public Works Department of the 107 South 16 St. The rythmic. grace of both young and Government of India. old will inspire you to understand the very spirit that is ever living in these heroic builders of our national Homeland. The film is in five reels, 5,000 feet of continuous creations. Over an hour You have forced us to move into larger and of pleasure and pride unexcelled. The more beautiful quarters to serve your needs. work of our pioneers. dream, but mere reality can offer.

DrureMtrLiabiiuj -$iev*for Liability Sr'-'-"


Berlin (J. T. A.)—South American I republics, including Argentine, Brazil, Uruguay and Chile have room for new immigrants, according to a report submitted by Mr. Starkmath, the lea director in the Argentine, to the Executive of the Hicem, the new body formed by the Hias, lea and Emigdirekt to deal with the problem of Jewish emigrants. The lea director stated that while there is room for new immigration in the South American countries, a selection was to be made of the skilled artisans and agriculturists.

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INSURANCE,?ALL BRANCHES AutOitaobUd Liability Batik Deposit BOIlttr ExpKttlori / Burglary, (Residence) Burglary (Btore, etc.) Burglaty of, Bate "-• Ch6ck Hawing Civil Commotion, . Coweguential Damage ConlfiJgeHt Liability Controctors'-Bonda pefiTtturLitoim

Gentian and French

Fresh Fish

Educational Work Instructive films of the ways and means of education, the -workers in Palestine have put into use a branch- SPECIAL LESSONS Ifl ed out system of educational and culGERMAN AND FRENCH tural activities for young and old/ German and French lessons are beboth meh and women. Their schbols, ing taught by Mra. Jennie Levenson. students, books and publications deMrs: Levenson who has several deserve you* interest., greas and who has taught in EuropeEducational Hikes an High schools is enrolling pupils in Panoramic scenes of Palestine, the both languages. Either beginners or Old and new, over which,, masses of advanced pupils can avail themselves •workers thread on their way to edu- of special tutoring in these languages. cational centers, .You relive a portion Arrangements can be made by call+t Jewish History not in books, nor ing Mrs. Levenson, Jackson 3566.

Aceiaint and Health Assault. , ^ Automobile Fire

There are no opportunities for others, SUSPENDED S E N T E N C B S ^ URGE RELIGIOUS FOR DISTURBANCE he declared. INSTRUCTION IN POLISH PUBLIC SCHOOLS The Executive decided to open a Warsaw (J. T. A.)—Twenty Christspecial information bureau for prosians and five Jews were sentenced to. Warsaw (J. T. A.)—A demand that pective emigrants. three months imprisonment tot thBte Jewish religious instruction be made participation in the disturbancw obligatory for Jewish pupils in Polish which followed the ritual murder agipublic schools was formulated by a AXTI-SEMITIC RIOTS IN BERLIN tation in Dobrzyn. The sentence was conference of Polish rabbis which consuspended for five years. cluded its session here today. Berlin <J. T. A.)—An attack of A memorandum to this effect was submitted by representatives of the' Hitlerites onthe Jewish sports club, conference to the Polish Ministry of Maccabee, here was repulsed following a free for all fight. The riots i Education. lasted until the police intervened. In the Polish public schools, CathLanguage lessons for beginBerlin (J. T. A.)—An anti-Semitic olic religious instruction is obligatory ners and advanced pupils and the practice has been that Jewish demonstration winding up in riots will be given by pupils have the right to abstain from took place here last night. The demonstration was made by 300 members this instruction, while their attendance a Jewish religious instruction of the anti-Semitic National Socialist Party and was held following the disat her home is voluntary. persion of a meeting by the police. No. 4 Carlisle Apartments The demonstrants attacked passersby 625 South 18th St. . SOUTH AMERICA on Kurfuerstendamm. Eleven persons JA ckson 3566 or AT lantic 3507 HAS ROOM FOR JEWISH were injured. IMMIGRANTS, HICEM HEARS


HART-STARCO, 2562 Leavenworth St. Phone AT 1553

PAGE 3—THE JEWISH PRESS, THURSDAY, 'MAY 19, 1927 6 egg -whites beaten stiff. Beat'%eggl crisp lettuce leaves, add any left over ©ver the gas stove or inside keej* yolks and 1 teaspoon flavor and add. | yolk mixture. Put more -mayonnaise fcway tatt. { AUNT ESTHER'S j Sift To remove gte&se spot from rug, 1 cup cake flour three times and* and decorate top of egg. Serve with Miss Sopie Steinberg, daughter of 1 cover spfet with Plotting paper and add to above mixture alternately with cheese sticks, Mr. and Mrs. George Steinberg, has! iron with very Jw>t iron, repeat until cup ground nut meats. Bake a s ' set Tuesday evening, June 7, as the! *spot is gone. Spring Menus Angel Food 1 hour. Cheese Sticks date for her marriage to Mr. David Ink stains and iron rust may be * • * Baked Pike in Butter Sauce Kubby of Council Bluffs. The cerelit cup flout creamed with 2 table- removed by using lemon juice, salt Banana Cake Creamed New Potatoes mony will be solemnized at the Jewish spoons butter, S tablespoons bread and hot sunshine. Vz cups sugar creamed with % cup.c ulnb£ , „, . , . Community Center in Omaha. NumTomato and Cucumber Salad add 1 teaspoon flavor, 3 well f ' '* ™? Bj* t e d AnWiean erous pre-nuptial affairs are being Rye Rolls Butter Coffee butter, beaten egg yolks, 1 cup mashed c n e 6 f e e ' one-eighth teaspoon salt, 1 JEWS EXCEL IN given in honor of Miss Steinberg. Strawberry Short Cake POLISH CHESS TOtTRNAMENf bananas, 1 teaspoon soda dissolved in beaten egg. Roll thin and cut ifc long Last week her sister, Mrs. H. Eisennarrow strips. Bake in hot oven. A 4 tablespoons sour milk, add % tup Iso&z (J. T. A.y—Five of the -seven statt of Omaha, entertained twenty- Grapefruit and Strawberry Cocktail few -drops of water Or milk may be prizes awarded in the All-Polish nut meats, 134 cups flour, 1 tableeight guests at the Brandeis Tea Breaded Veal Cutlets Mrs. Reuben Kulakofsky /will be spoon bakeing powder and last S needed to form & tlough. Chess tournament just concluded here Rooms, at luncheon-bridge. Mrs. J . J. Southwest Regional Conference Potato Pudding New Peas hostess- a t a tea Saturday, May 28, stiffly beaten egg whites. Bake one went to Jewish champions. Brown entertained twenty guests at of Hadassah Junior Hadassah Spring Salad from tlitee to five o'clock in honor of hour. The first prize went to Rnvbinstein Hints a bridge party Monday afternoon. On Delegates from Kansas City, Mo., Rye Rolls Jam Tea Mrs* Louis Richards of San Jose, * * * i A few drops of linseed oil rubbed and the second to Tartakower. Tuesday the Mesdames JSam SteinNut Sunshine Cake Cal, and.Miss. Blanche Zimman of St. Louis, Mo., Des Moines, Iowa, berg and Max Steinberg were hostFilling for Angel Food Cake No. 1 a fin^ this city/ who are leaving for a tour Denver, Colo., Tulsa, Okla., Sioux esses to thirty-nine guests at a /2 pint cream heated over hot City, Iowa, Wichita, Kansas, and Cream of Asparagus Soup of Europe. No cards are being issued. water, add 1 tablespoon flour mixed _ luncheon followed by bridge at the Escalloped Potatoes with 2 tablespoons sugar, cook until [ B Mrs. Richards arid daughter Ruth Omaha, Nebr., attended the South- Brandeis Tea Rooms, honoring their Salmon Loaf Cheese Sticks thick, flavor, and when cool fill center I j j •m31 arrive in Omaha Wednesday, west Regional Conference of the sister-in-law. The guests were seat- Stuffed Egg Salad Junior Hadassah which was held at Rolls Butter Coffee May 2 3 . - , of cake. \m the Robidoux Hotel in St. Joseph, ed at one long table beautifully decBanana Cake m * * " orated with a color scheme of pink JEss Ruth Ziev spent the -week-end Mo., on Monday, May 16, 1927. The! Filling for Angel Food Cake No. 2 in Wncaln, Junior Hadassah conference was held, and green. In the center of the table Strawberry Short Cake 2 squares chocolate, 1 cup milk, Vz was a fountain with running water. in conjunction with the Senior Hadas2 cups pastry flour Cup sugar, 1 tablespoon cornstarch. l l r . ' a n d Mrs. Jack Chesen of i i n - sah conference of this region and Thursday afternoon, Mrs. M. Nogg is 1 teaspoon salt Cook over hot water until-thick, flavor colh. spent Sunday i n Omaha -with more than three hundred women and entertaining at her home for this % teaspoon soda and use as a filling. Mas. Chesen parents, Mr. and Mrs. girls attended. . One hundred fifteen June bride-to-be. As you cut each slice of cake to 1 e g g . . - . . : • • • • ; • • A t e Sombferg. _ : representatives were registered from serve place a spoonful of the filling 1 teaspoon sugar Miss Toby Katelman, member of . Pi t)elta Sigma entertained at their out of town for the convention. on plate. 2 tablespoons butter the Shorthand Team of the Abraham MS-May frolic at the Highland CounAfter the senior greetings the Lincoln High School; won first place % cup sour cream try Clnb laEt Tuesday evening. Junior Hadassah morning session in the State Contest which was held Stuffed Egg Salad Sift dry ingredients; Cut in butter, was spent in a round table discussion. in Des Moines, Iowa, during the past add beaten egg and sour cream. Mix Allow 1 egg to a serving. Cook 1 ]JBr. Mrs. Philip Goldberg and The reports of the various delegates until hard, split and remove yolks, i b smi left Sunday on. srmOibor trip for indicate that Junior Hadassah can week-end. While there, she was the to a soft dough. Turn out on floured prepare by mashing with chopped board and pat with hands to Vz inch New ]York City., to :visit with their and will be strengthened in every guests of her cousine, Mr. and Mrs. thickness. Cut with biscut cutter ar.d celery, sweet pickle and mayonnaise. daughter Bess Goldberg. Ehroute they city. , Grace Rosenstein of Omaha Leonard Hockenberg. bake in hot oven. Split and fill with Place filling loosely in white shells or •wit! "visit in Chicago and Cleveland. reported on Publicity Ula Alberts, Mrs. M. S. Goldring of Venice, Cal., sugared berries. Serve hot or cold white hard cooked part that has been Thby plan to return in the early fall. vice-president of the Omaha chapter accompanied by her daughter, Mrs. E. with cream. set aside. Turn open side down on Mrs. L. Podrofski and son Chad- of the Junior Hadassah, reported on Marcus, whom she has been visiting • * * for the past two months, left Sunday wick left for their hoine in Chicago the Activities of the Past Year. Nut Sunshine Cake last week after having spent several Following the luncheon in the for her home. Mrs. Marcus will spend One cup sugar boiled with 4 table- Omaha's Greatest Amusement Value •wwekS in Omaha visiting -with her Crystal Room of the Robidoux Hotel the summer in California for her spoons water to a thread, pour over parents Mr. and Mrs. A. Levin. at which Mrs. B. M. Achtenberg of health. her stay here Mrs. Podrofski Kansas City presided and Mrs. Harry 8KM. Miss Ldbby Freiden of Chicago, 111., extensively entertained. Berkman of Chicago, 111., gave the THEATRE principal address, the Junior and arrived Sunday to visit her mother, MON. to SAT. • -Miss Reva Ziev had as her house Senior Hadassah held a joint round Mrs. Anna Freiden, for two weeks. NOON guest' eve? the "week-end Miss Virgina table discussion. Miss Anne Greento 2 P.M. Mrs. S. H. Katelman entertained Kling of Kansas City, Mo. berg of Omaha gave a talk on "How twenty children at her home SaturShould the Co-operation of the Junior Pearl Fox of Los Angeles, and Senior Hadassah Be Made Ideal? day afternoon in honor of the eighth Children (Anytime) 15c birthday of her daughter, Leona, and Cal., who has been the guest of Miss The convention of the Southwest the fifth birthday of her son, Milton. SUNDAY'S Anna! JZalk for the past two weeks, Region will be held in Omaha nest 12: 30 left ^thursday to visit in Kansas City. year, and it is estimated that more The afternoon was spent playing games after which delicious refreshTo 2 P. M. than five hundred will attend. The ments were served. Mr. and Mrs. Mose Krasne of Frefollowing officers were elected for the mpnti Nebr., announce the birth of a coming year for the Southwest The Ladies Aid Society held a meetExtra Sunday with regular shiw son, born May 11. Mrs. Krasne was Region of Junior Hadassah: Grace ing Tuesday afternoon at the home of 12:30 to 1 P. M. formerly Miss Bess "White. Rosenstein, president; Sara Trilinsky, Mrs. Anna Freiden. Mr. and Mrs. David Feder and of St. Joseph,Mo., first vice-president; ADMISSION 25 CENTS The Independent Order of the dajughter Aileen Phylis are returning Anne Greenberg, of Omaha, second By GEORGE JOHNSON B'nai Brith will hold a meeting next to; Omaha to live after having spent vice-president; Betty Galup of St. the past two years in Miami Beach, Louis, recording secretary; Tina Alt- Wednesday evening, May 25, at the Florida. Mrs. Feder is a daughter of schuler, of Omaha, corresponding Danish Hall. secretary; Pearl Peltzman, of Kansas Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Alprin. City, Mo.,' treasurer; Rose Gold, of CARNIVAL DANCE "Mrs. M. Steinfeldt and son Louis St. Joseph, Mo., reporter. A solid carload of -rubber ballons, Edwin of Padukahj -Ky.-, is visiting The delegates from Omaha to the confetti, streamers, rooters—yes al•with Mrs. M. Cohen. Mrs. Steinfeldt conference report that there is much most a hundred other new novelty has "been the reciprocal of many work for Hadassah here and the entertainers—have been arranged for social affairs during her stay here. convention brought out the great by the Jewish Social "Club to be given away at their most talked about Mr. Joe Lintzman returned Sunday possibilities of each chapter. Second Carnical Dance to be held on from a three weeks' stay in Chicago Sunday evening, May 22, at the KelCOL. SYMES visiting with relatives and. friends. pines" Dancing Academy, "25th and ACTING COMMISSIONER Farnam Street. The Club was entMiss AT<TI White left Monday for OF PALESTINE hused with the attendance of last Otfcwama?.Iowa, to visit with her sister, Mrs. Radman, and Mr. Radman. Jerusalem (J. T. A.)—Col. Symes, week and arrangements aTe now very civil secretary of the Palestine gov- complete to accommodate and enterMia* Gertrude Summerfield, who tain Omahas largest crowd. Of course has been visiting with her siter, Mrs. ernment, assumed the reigns of ad- always keeping in line with other M. E. Cliapman, and Mr. Chapman, ministration in the capacity of Acting Jewish Social Club functions everyfor the past'few months, returned to Commissioner following the depar- thing of the very best is in readiness ture of. Lord Plumer on his vacation. her home in' Duluth, Minn., last week. The High Commissioner left yester- to put over this Carnival Dance with just one howling success. The Ryan" Mr. Reuben. Nadelson of Carman's day for England. Ten White Mule Jazz Syncopators returned home Monday from an eastare on schedule again. The public is WARBURG PROCEEDS ern buying trip. cordially invited to attend. TO JEWISH COLONIES TEMPXE ISRAEL Odessa (J. T. A.)—Felix M. WarOn Friday evening, May 20, Rabbi burg accompanied by James H. Cohn's tonic -will be "Power," (Lion Becker, Dr. Bernard Kahn, Dr. Joseph Freuchtwangec's novel.) . . A.. Rosen and a number of newspaper Saturday morning, May 21, "The men left here to inspect the new Basis of Truer; Welfare," will be the Jewish colonies in the district of subject of. Rabbi Cohn's sermon. Cherson. The Confirmation Service of Temple Israel will be'.held Sunday morning June 5, at 9:38 a. m.

Council Bluffs News




« "







"Life of The Chalutdm of Palestine"


A Five Reel Picture Showing Life in Palestine To be Shown at

Jewish Community Center


Tuesday Evening, May 24

D. Hbs, Vice-Mayor of Tel Aviv, Palestine, Will Lecture


Organ Recital


Financial Institution of Great Strength

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PI DELTA SIGMA A meeting of the Pi Delta Sigma was held at the J.'C. C. Tuesday evening, May 10. Sam Zacharia, law freshman was elected chief-councellor; Ben Kazlowsky, vice-councellor; Hyman Shrier, clerk of rolls; Samuel Fairer, clerk of exchequer; Ed Shafton, crier; Herman Corneman, chaplain; Harold Margolin and Ben Slutsky, guards. The Pi Delta Sigma will hold a banquet at the Blackstone Hotel on Friday evening, June 3, at which officers will be officially installed.


WE. S527

If you are in need of a Tales wool or silk of the best quality, Tf eelin, Mezuzos or any other religious article, we will be glad to sell it to you at the most reasonable prices. We also carry a full line of Bibles with Jewish and English translations. We are also the agents of all Palestine Products and the artistic work of Bezalel Sdiool in Jerusalem.

ALLENBY LEAVES PALESTINE AFTER WAR MEMORIAL DEDICATION Jerusalem (J. T. A.)—Lord Alienby left yesterday for Egypt following his participation in the ceremonies at the unveiling of the British war memorial at the British soldiers' cemetery on the Mount of Olives. The Hon. Sir C. J. .Parr, High Commissioner of New • Zealand, unveiled the memorial to the New Zealand troops. An inscription in English, Hebrew and Arabic was placed at the entrance to the cemetery.

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CarlTireRiekes Tire Shop Repairing and Road Service Webster 1431

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The Bankers Reserve life Company R. L. ROBISON, Fresi.


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_'. mates" were piling up five pearlies. Orris Donovitz led the victors with four. hits- in. as many times at bat. The A. Z, A/s outhit their conquorers but also led them in committing errors which led to their downfall. Max Altshuler pitched a good game while Joe Cohen worked well behind the bat. Sheanin received the slants of Forman and looked nice in his position. A pair of .double plays" by the revamped Bani Ami infield nipped several. A. Z. A. rallies, especially in the last, inning when the A. Z. A.'s had the' bases loaded but failed to bring the runners in.

By Stanl«j> F. Levin.


Palestine Appeal Raised in New York

Palestine is the only country where the Jews feel themselves free, he said. He was particularly impressed by the contrast between Jewish life in Palestine and in Poland, Palestine affords limited possibilities and it requires much money, but if the funds are available, a great deal can be achieved, he stated. He was very optimistic of the future of Palestine.


Celebrate Conclusion of Campaign at -Dinner to Judge Roselsky and Judge' May

. -. , - TRACK • University of Illinois Our correspondent informs us that New York (J. T. A.)—A total of "Tank>!, Marcus >Srasne, former Tech$1,360,913.64 was raised in New York . nicat. High and Vlreighton University for the United Palestine Appeal, Morfootball, wrestling and track star ris A. Zeldin, director of. the New placed first in' the freshman ~ teleYork campaign, announced at the graphic" meet between the IUini and dinner in conclusion of the campaign OhiD'U: The big fellow is putting'the which was tendered - to Judge Otto - shot jright alongside the throws of Roselsky, .chairman of the Greater Dari' Lyons, the Big Ten champion New York Campaign, and Judge whom Krasne 'expects to succeed" as Mitchell May, chairman of the Brooksoon, as his freshman days are over. lyn campaign, at the Astor Hotel last Inddently Marcus has joined the night. About 500 were present. Judge Omicron-Alpha-Tau fraternity at the William M. Lewis, national chairman University. The former local athlete The.Psi Mu club took possession of of the United Palestine. Appeal, was" coveted by every Jewish frater- first place in the Jewish Community presided. nity on the-campus .but hooked up •Center loop by trouncing the B'nai The total raised this year, exceeds with the Omicron-Alpha-Tau frater- Israel nine, 5 to 3 at Elmwood Park. that of last "year by the sum of $206,nity and wisely. They are a»strong The B'nai Ami defeated the A. Z. A. 212. It was announced that.the total national organizatisn especially in the 6 to 5 in the other game. made public does not include; trust east, where they are quite prominent. The outstanding feature of the two funds of which the United Palestine The fraternity was first established games, was the unexpected reversal Appeal is the beneficiary. Of the total at Cornell and now boasts of twenty •of form by .the B'nai Ami nine, which raised, approximately half: a million chapters throughout the land. MorriB presented a. new lineup in Sunday's represents Brooklyn's contribution. Sogolow, former Ornahan and now a game. Leon Forman, pitching for the member of the Illini coaching staff, B'nai Ami club, pitched excellent ball is the sponsor of the Illinois U group. after the first two innings and was Joke Would Seem to" * • • *. aided by excellent support from his Be on Paragraphers infield, which turned in a neat doubleCentral High School ; Newspaper paragraphers • like to Bud Levin, shot putter oiT the ;play in the fifth inning, killing a poke fun at.advertisements announc"White Eagle" team failed to place threatening A. Z. A. rally. ing the loss of an "open-faced man's in the State meet last week at .LinThe Psi Mu-B'nai Israel teams bat- watch," announces the Montreal Hercoln, but did establish-a-record of a tled 1 to l'for the first five innings. ald. Who and where Is this opensort when he beat out the representa- In the sixth frame the winners pushed faced man?" they inquire. But, truly, tives of the other Omaha schools. over four tallies. The losers came back he is no joke, the open-faced man. Levin was sr victim of stage frieght with. two. May his tribe increase. the same handicap that many The countenance of the open-faced Next Sunday the B'nai Israel meet youngsters fell prey to. The. big the A. Z. A. and the Psi Mu will man is no mask, concealing guile. His character is written on It, so that all crowds and the knowledge 'that va*s> tangle with the B'nai Ami. can read, for he has nothing -whereof ty athletes were looking on was too League Standings: to be ashamed. The open face is an much for some of the boys who failed W L P t s , open book. . . . to come up to their practice records Scrambling metaphors, one may say Psi'Mu 2 0 1000. and thus fell by the wayside. Bud will the open face is also a mirror, receivB'riai Ami _ .1 1 , . • 500 be entered in the Medic Relays this ......1 1 500. ing and reflecting light. The counteweek along with the other Central B'nai Israel nance of the open-faced man'Is a A. Z. A. _.. .0 2 0001 boys and should come through with cheering Illuminant when other, men's faces are shadowed by' gloom and dea victory. RIVIERA THEATER { spair. * * * - Clara Bow's latest picture, "Rough. But he Is no professional Sunny North High School " House Rosie", taken from the Nun-j Jim. The light in his countenance Is Leon Forman of the "Polar" school j nally Johnson story that ran in the! the faith that is in his heart and placed third in his heat of the one Saturday Eevening Post, is the fea-1 other men find strength and courage ;; hundred yard dash at the State meet ture picture attraction on the bill at j in his presence. but the time made by the boys was the JRiviera this week. If you liked1 Despite the paragraphers, there are too stow to allow him to compete in this piquant little star in "It" you\ indeed such persons as open-faced the finals. Forman is improving '.in will love her in. "Rough House Rosie" j men. There are many of them, but still not enough. ScrSpture'gives honspeed and form and should place in as she romps through sequences in | orable mention to the men of open - one of the two remaining meets on anr amusement park, a country club, j face, for in Corinthians it is written: the North program. He will, run ..the and a Broadway cabaret, in her> "We all with open face beholding as : •one hundred and the two-twenty this characteristic mad-cap manner. This in a mirror the glory of the Lord, are week at the Medic Relays which will merry - comedy fairly radiates joy j transformed into the same image from be held Friday and Saturday at the and "pep" and to go with this pic- j glory to glory." Tech High stadium. ture the Riviera has booked "The • • * * Stone Age Follies", a John Murray Rely on \ America 'for TENNIS . Anderson production that presnets All Sorts of Goods Central and Technical High Schools "The Follies" of,the Stone Age as it! From a Peruvian mining -cane j in Julius Goldner is the only Jewish has been quite definitely established! racket wielder on the Purple team that > our pre-historic ancestors' the" Andes came by mall' to a New department store not long since this year and emerged victorious in amused, themselves by singing and York an order for food. The shipment his first games of the season when dancing-when they,were not engaged made the last leg of its Journey with he aided in defeating the Maroon and in the gentle art of self-preservation, i the help of fifty pack mules; each of White of Technical High the. other Some of the best comedy talent on, which carried 250 pounds up the steep day on the latter's courts. the American vaudeville stage has: ascent, says The Nation's Business. Sydney Katzberg of the Tech team been drawn upon for this production. }• And from Alaska came an order for likewise bears the honor of being the Such favorites as Collins and Hart,! silk feminine underwear and a hat only representative of his race on Mazette and Lewis, whirlwind danc- i which would wear six months. "The his team.' Katzberg has had a rather ers; . Lee Mattison and. Beronyce! styles change only twice a year up here," the customer explained. checkered slate so far winning and Branches burlesque adagio artists,* . A woman In Paris wrote to another losing about the same number of New York shop for a certain powder and Joseph Spree, well known mugames. Neither of the boys can comused to clean false teeth. A woman pare to those two former Central and sical comedy tenor and comedian, >in Maracaibo, Venezuela, .wrote for a have featured roles in this merry i Tech aces, Al Finkle and Al Handler. certain brand of face cream. -Another Both of the latter are busy brushing melange of nonsense. Unique cos-; in Bermuda wanted just one drinking tip on their form preparatory to enter- tumes have been designed by Charles i cup and got i t A customer in Peru ing on a vigorous campaign to regain LeMaire and original stage settings] got camera films, and books were sent = their lost laurels of previous years. depicting the stone age theater, thej to India and China. jungle, and the stone age night club! Germans are America's mail-order lend an effect both weird and fan-j customers for table delicacies, starch, BASEBALL tastic. ; ;-:-.: ::. ^ '/,. \ • \ ".- salt; pepper and soap. Liberia and J. C. C. League . Beirut, Syria, buy our foodstuffs by The popular Riviera Theater con- letter. Moscow, Warsaw and Latvian The Psi Mu nine are now. resting securely at the top of the league by cert orchestra will present a special villages write for bur canned poods. reason" of victories over tb.e-A.-Z. A. overture number and George Johnson! Italy, Denmark, Finland,. * Norway, and the B'nai Israel. The league at the Riviera graiide organ wDlj Belgium, Switzerland and. Sweden are I on our department . store';. books. In leaders trounced the B'nai Israel last play "Grounds for: Divorce." some cases missionaries are credited: week at Elmwood Park to the score with, the sales, in others returned imof five to three. "Hawkshaw" Epstein GIVE FIGURES migrants. ~: antl'TSarl 'feiegel formed the winning -> ON YIDDISH BOOKS AND And wherever the goods go they are . battery. The winners garnered only PUBUCATIONS IN RUSSIA three hits- which coupled with a numMoscow (J. T. A.)—The extent of ber of walks put the game " away, safe and sound in their bat bag. the circulation of Yiddish publications WANTED: ONE BOOM, "Pooch" Bloom again carried the in the Union of Socialist Soviet Reheavy stick when he led his mates on publics, fostered by the Jewish section furnished, with respectable their victorious attack with two hits of- the Communist Party, is evident couple. Call Jackson 4588. in three trips to the platter. from figures, made known here. According, to these figures 227 ' Jack Stoler and a chap named Rosenberg pitched and caught for the books were the Yiddish , losers. Stoler was stingy with his language during the year 1926. Of .hits allowing only three during the these 42 were textbooks, 23'popular entire .'fray but lost out when four books on scientific subjects, 45 dealt walks,: a' couple of errors and a hot with political questions, 18 were Candy-Fountain Goods — Supplies -single produced four runs in the sixth children's books, 24 belles lettres, 55 Romance Chocolates inning. • His mates came back in the periodicals and 11 devoted to. agri- Phone JA.-3986—918 Farnam St. i seventh inning, and scored, two runs cultural cooperative questions. In •; after two men had been retired but all 830,660 copies were "printed in the BUB. Phone AT. 8453 lacked" the" punch to tie up the score. Soviet Union in 1926. lies. Vhone AT. U83 ' Thfe B'nai Israels tallied, seven hits bat couldlnot bring them close enough JOE M. CALABRIA "Quality Jewelers" together".to make them work in the BARBER SHOP MALASHOCK JEWELRY scoring column. We specialize in Wholesate and Retail Jewelers Children's & Ladies' Haircuts 213-16 City National Bank Bldg. The-B'nai Ami sent the A. Z. A. Arthur Bldg.—212 So. 18th Street JA. 5619 team-down' to the cellar when they defeated the, .fraternity men, five to fmftv'/Fhe.'AJ.Z. A.'s started Joff like .sure winners, ori -home runs by AltFRIEDh' shnjer ^and,,Reiss in, the. first inning. KOSHER DELICATESSEN Leon'Forman, hurdler for the Amis - • Complete Line of 'however 'had a' different idea as to Delicatessen, Smoked Meats J ".-who wj8S. gpihgvto win the game. Forand Fish mantighfcjned up and held, the losers 1509 North 24th Street W runs while his t e n

It is to your benefit to patronize our advertisers. Statement of the ownership, management, circulation, etc., of The Jewish Press published weekly at Omnha. Nebr., required by the Act of August 24. 1012, for April 1,1927. Editor. Nathan E. Green. OmaJin, NeJvr., Business Manager, Nathan K. Green. Omaha, Nebr. Known stockholders, mortgagees and other security holders, holdine 1 per cent or more of total amount of bonds, mortgagee and other securities: None. Sworn to and subscribed before me this let tiny ol April. ir>27. (SenT.) Isadora Abramoon, Notary Public. (My commission expires May S, 1932.)

Psi-Mu Leads in the J. C. C. Baseball Leape

* . • • • •

The Copelman Candy Co.


• '

. .




Speakers' Platform at YesMva Cornerstone Laying Exercises May 1st From left to right arc: Charles B. Meyers, Hon. Otto A. Rosalsky, Joseph Ravitch, Harry Fischel, Abraham Levy, Harry Roggen. Joseph Polsteln, Harqld Levy, David Levy, Jacob I,evy, Mej-er Vesell, ^Nathan Lamport, Louis Gold, Harris L. Sells', Gustavus A. Rog-ers, Henry Friedman, Hon. Max S, Levine.

BUTTER and EGGS voiceless ambassadors of the Ameri- resentative of_ the League in the that he was greatly impressed with can policy of a dollar's worth for a Roumanian .parliament. the moral freedom of Palestine Jews. dollar. Simultaneously, a Congress. of

Cuza's opponents in the Christian UNE3IPLOYMENT AFFECTS League • opened in Bucharest. This JEWS IN UKRAINE congress decided to exclude Alexander WHOLESALE Cuza from the party. Moscow (J. T. A.)—Considerable Druggists and Stationers unemployment, greatly affecting the KALLEN ARRIVES IN MOSCOW j Ml-403-405 South 10th Street Jewish population, is prevalent in . Moscow .(J. T. A.) —Professor the Ukraine. The unemployed number Horace M. Kallen, well known Amerabout 250,000 persons. . ican Jewish writer, arrived here The unemployment is particularly yesterday on his way back from Palheavy among the Jewish population estine. Professor Kallen will visit the in Odessa, Kiev, Charkoff, Zhitomir new Jewish colonies in Russia. and Mariupol. "31anufactured in Omaha' When interviewed by the representative of the Jewish Telegraphic BAKER ICE MACHINE CO. Agency here, Professor Kallen stated TWO ANTI-SEMITIC CONGRESSES OPEN SESSIONS IN ROUMANIAN CITIES The Best Place to Buy Your Victor Orthophonix or Bucharest (J. T. A.)—Roumania Radio holds the distinction of housing two Successors to Jones Candy Co. —Soe us first— anti-Semitic congresses which opened SOL LEWIS Romance Chocolates their sessions on the same day, but WEbster2042 1S04 No. 24 St. in two different cities. Phone JA. 3986 918 Farnam St. The first congress was that of the Christian League under the leadership of Alexander Cuza, which openPAXTON-MITCHELL CO. In Omaha HA rney 16S2 ed yesterday in Jassy. The Jassy «~tb and Martha Sts. Omaha, Nebr. Congress, at the urgei of Cuza, adopt- • Soft gray, iron, bronze ami ed a resolution excluding from the] aluminum castings.brass, 250 Booms—200 Baths Standard sizes League all the deputies elected to; bronie and Iron bushings, sewer irmnGood Rooms for $1.50 •holes, cistern rings and covers, and parliament on the League's ticket.) clean-out loors In Etocb. Operated by Eppley Hotels Co. Thus, Cuza remains <the sole rep-1

Council BluffSj Jowj*

E. E. BRUCE and CO.


No. 20 St.—WE cbste* 0267

Fresh Meats —• Delicatessens Fresh Fish Handled Daily We Deliver to all Parts of the City


36 Tears of Honest Merchandise !• yoor Guaranty at a Square Deal.

1419 Douglas

The CopeSman Candy Co

Est, 1890

Harry H. Lapidus,

Complete Store and Office Outfitters We occupy over 70.000 square feet Southwest Cornet


' "•

Eleventh and" Douglas Streets Phone: JA ckson 2724 OMAHA, NEBR. 't- •



WATER DEPARTMENT. Profit and Loss Statement

Profit and Loss Account

Profit a n d Los* S t t




1. 1926. to Dee. 81. 1S26. INCOME: r From water .»old 51.167.50S.0S From plant., 36,8*2.91 : , . Total operating income '" SI.20?.5"-'.C.OD EXPENSES! Station expense 29S.B64.13 " ' , , • ; Maintenance expense. 40.552.S9 General and miscella• ' " . • ."• neons expense 181,047.60 .. r • Meter and shop expense 41,729.04 Depredation of plant 171,631.66. * ." Total exp«ns«


Gain from, operation.. Add other I n c o m e . . . . . ; ' Deduct Interest paid less interest ree'd..


E25,S20.S8 117,901.70 . . • _ ' " «43,222.08 "• '-'.•• -'275,224.62 ~ _'''' 3?7;99t;4G

I, 1926 to Dec. t INCOME: From gas sales $1,761,726.92 Less production cost. 679,368.63'

I, 1926 to D e c • « , : i c : r , l I N C O M E


From sties of tnfe. ice 267,089.09 Less cost of m f s . and distribution 108.5S4.S* Gross profit on ice • EXPENSE General expense. . . £3,276.45 Jitney station expense, J9.212.SO Repairs to building.. 1.S04.S7 Depreciation . . . . . . . . S4.647.66 "


- J :; c .S04.

—lfr.169.07 149,147.05

Increase from prior period

1.524.S0 488.8S7.88

Less adjustment of 1925 hydrant t a x . . .



Net profit on mf£. ice Add other Income...

t 69,663.35 *47.18 X 60.010.5S

Deduct interest paid, less interest reed..



Gain from operation during 1926 .'" 159,887.58 TO THIS SHOULD EE ADDED Gain in insurance reserve hy setting up monthly charges to expense in excess of immediate re•• Quiremcnt, 8,096.91 Gain for prior period 912.74 Total g a i n . . . . . 1926


t 69.847.SS


Financial Statement

.Financial Statement <J«naair I , 1927.) RESOURCES! Cash on hand and in bank . . . . . . . . . . . . . I 73,488.67 Accounts receivable... 904.7S3.18 Investments ( b o n d s ) . . 611,189.96 Accrued Income 80,378.65 Deferred charges 9,508.27 Inventory . . . . . . . . . . . 247;278.S2 Furniture and •e<Mip* ment ; . . . . « . . 16,702.89 Plant and real estate. 0.917.115.80 Total resource

' " </

. * .


. . • ,


. < "• ' .. ., ,. , •'.-'• '•• ~ ' ' j 1! ~C' ?'"?74

LIABILITIES: Accounts payable $ 128.080.48 Deferred credits J 9S9.39 Loan from'gas S e p t . . . 100;000.00 Water bonds outstand' ing..." « .'6.892.000.00" Total liabilities',




Excess of resources over liab'ilitie . 4,7S»,96S.8T . REPRESENTED BY THE FOLLOWING 1 ' ' Reserves for insur• ' suranca ; S 113.001.48 Reserves • for - ont standing W. M. D. ' . . takes '..... 552,992.89 Reserve for sinking . •> fund . . . , . . . : . . l.TST.cro.gSarplus acct. *l,505.S3e.2l , ' . * • Bonson bunds . paid • 53.OOv.00 ' Water " J „•'" . bonds "- ¥;•,'*. * paid 605,000.00 2.2D3,5;5.21 / " 4.7S3.06S.87 - 4.739,963,87

(Jan; 1, 1927.) RESOURCES Cash on hand snd in treasury 80,358.03 Acconnta receivable, . . ' 1,788.90 Inventory and fixture* 23,315.45 Deferred charges, . . . 2,072.40 Plant, ........ 481,222.60 Total resources./. , .LIABILITIES Accounts payable . .




Net profit on g a s . . , . , : Add other i n c o m e . . . . .

eoi,iev.22 : v i «7,2i6:8o;

Deduct interest paid, less interest earned.

6BS.S7S.12 T 178,e*S.I«"



to this should be added gain in insurance ' reserves by setting up monthly charges to expense in excess of immediate requirements Gain in W. M. District

DEDUCT EXPENSES: Distribution expense. .$ 95,532.70 Promotion expense... 30,745,28 General and miscellaneous expenses 244,474.80 Depreciation of plant. 107,444.29

Net gain from opera" . ' tion '"••-•*• 818,7»4.«6 TO THIS SHOULD BE ADDED Gain in insurance re's serve by setting tip charges to expanse accounts in excess . ' *' of immediate requirements 28,587.1 i Gain ic G. H . X>. taxes 46,«61.»g Gain from prior period 7,517.78 Total gain during 1926


Financial Statement (Jantmrjr 1. 1927 i RESOURCES! Cash OB hand and in bank... .$ 86,094.09 Accounts receivable . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 490,006.38 Cash investments (bonds) S85.6SS.47 Loan to-water department 100,000.00 Accrued income 19,158.97 Deferred charges 2,856.85 Furniture and f i x t u r e s . . . . 19,002.46 Inventory 245,661.29 Plant end real estate 6,876,208.78 Total resource

$5£8,757.28 . . . 7,538.91

Excess'of assets over liabilities S681.218.87 REPRESENTED BY TIIE FOLLOWING Insurance reserves".».,.,.. * Si?J 33.30 ~ Surplus. . , . . , ; ' . . . r 5,29.r>Sfi.0i .. .

$8,224,642.24 LIABILITIES: Accounts payable..... ,$ 16S,127.S8 ; . ." Deferred c r e d i t s . . . . . . 11,926.78 '. Bonds outstanding.... 4,500,000.00 Total liabilities


Excess of resources over Utilities

4,675,054.11 £,549.588.18


Insurance reserves.,.? Contingent reserve... Sinking fund reserve. Reserve for G. M. D. tases

163,7S0.4S 481,471.57 784,055.43


Surplus $1,SB9,53C.0G





1.859,636.06 3.<J4D,&6E.18




. 'This is to certify that an audit of the boots pnd affairs of the SletropoLirn Unities E;.;:;-ict of Omah?. NJirasica, hr.s f??n made by my (iircsiion, as provided by Chrj *v 911" S-ssion Laws of 1315, and that th2 sbave and foreEoing is a ti-ue and connect L. B. JOHNSON, suirjrir.ry of the report row on file in this fi ' Auditor of Public Accounts. , ,Lincoln, Nebraska, May 5th, 1927

S sA'fiS&Shvai

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