May 26, 1927

Page 1




A false friend, like a shadow, attends only while the sun shines.

By A. G.

U-U-Uni, Ver-Ver-Vfirsity

N-e-btaski .fs Oh, oh my-Rah, Nebraska t|T Nebraska, nniversity students \ cast their books into the so-cati«r seven seas in a few days when school is dismissed for the summer. And what a Holiday it will be. Omaha's younger set is planning an extensive social program for the summer months. Some of the Omahans -who will return from Nebraska "university are: Lester Lapidus, Eddie Brodkey, Eddie Hosenthal, Kate Goldstein, Earl Knlakofsky, PhH Gerelick, Seamen Knlakofsky, David Fellman, Louis Rosenthal, Grace Rosenthal, Arthur Eomra, - Ellas Shafton, and many others. Joe Allan Krasne will .return to Council Bluffs, Iowa.

Entered as second-class tnaU matter on January 27th. 1JI21. el postoflice at Croatia. Nebraska, nnfler the Act of March S. 1S7S.

Nathan Straus Again linkages Henry Ford;




VOL. VL—No. 22


Bucharest (J. T. A.)—A heartreding appeal for justice was made by Geneva {J. T. A.)—The Council of the Jewish student Lespesianu, .who the League of Nationa at its next completed the eleventh day of his session will take "up the complaints "I dedicate myself to continue with the suit against the Arch- hunger strike yesterday. Writing of national minorities .; in European They're Getting Ready Semite, Ford, and to bring this man on the witness stand from, prison, Lespesianu stated that Federation Provides Health and countries, including a review of the PRESENT RESOLUTION "Yesiree, t i e athletic officials at the he hopes the authorities will not take Happiness Jewish Community Center are formTO CONGRESS Jewish situation in Hungary.' and to deny or affirm his charges against me and my people", so spoke upon themselves the responsibility Roumania. Aaron Sapiro, the famous Chicago lawyer to more than six hunalating extensive plans for the sumfor the death of an absolutely in- EFFICIENT INSTRUCTORS The forty-fifth session of the dred people, at the Jewish Community Center Monday evening. mer's swimming events. Prom ad- Jewish Veterans Ask U. S. Internocent man. WILL BE IN CHARGE vention in Roumania League's Council will be opened here vance information the J. C. C. memSpeakingr roth much vigor, Aaron Sapiro who filed suit Camp Morris Levy will open for "I know that death will acquit me. on June IS. The Boumaxuan bers will have plenty of competition against Henry Ford for libel only to have a mistrial, outlined the I am ready. As I wrote to the public the second season on Sunday,, July 3, New York. <J. T. A.) Nathan Hungarian, questions are on in ihe pool. j facts of the Sapiro-Ford trial recently held a t Detroit, the home prosecutor, I appeal with my last Since there will be room for only 25 Straus, at memorial services held agenda of "the Council. According to Ed Burdick,'-a number -Sunday by the Jewish Veterans of boys,-those who register at once will strength to public opinion." ' city of Henry Bord. of the women have shown remarkarjL i. the Republic at the Riverside Synaget the iirst choice. progress in distance swims. One wo^ gogue, repeated Ms * challenge to ] Not One Cent to Ester Home Camp Levy will be open for boys man is reported Jo have recorded a Henry Ford, which proposed a jury during: the month of July and for "It isn't the money judgement that I ask in this ease, it is long-distance record, but athletic bf- of ten Christians, eight to be chosen girls during: the month of August, the principal for which I am fighting for and for which I shall fficials are withholding the woman's by Ford, to consider the manufacMr. Ed. Bnrdick, Physical Director of name. Not a bad idea either. continue to fight. "Should I receive a money judgement from this the Jewish Community Center ar\d Jerome Hern Elected Viceturer's attacks on the Jews and renThe entire swimming schedule can der a public verdict. The challenge Physical man, I wouldnotTlet one penny of it enter into my home. The Will Speak at B'Nai Israel SyBagog Assis^Bt President be read at the locker rooms at the was made a year ago in Boston. Director, will have charge of the Jewish people have been maligned and assailed by this arch- Plans for the mass meeting to be ^ J. C. C. The complete summer pro- "He never answered that challenge," A e b a Camp. Miss Lillian Margolin Boys' ^ } .?!? "?_,'3_ f ^ f f S semite for many years and it is time that he be called to face the held in honor of Rabbi Moses Epstein j ^Z^ • in charge of the Girls' gram is outlined to the minutest Mr. Straus said. "Henry Ford is a , but he dare not as has been evidenced in the trial held in of Palestine were completed at a detail. •. ... hoys -win be taken for a contemptible coward. I wouldn't trade meeting held Wednesday at the Je^r- j ^ Those who underplaces with Ford. I wouldn't have his evening following the resignation of j Detroit. ish Soinmunity Center. Rabbi Epstein J J e ^ ^ Men's Tennis Tourney he given a n opportunHy "Henry Ford has hurt my people as well as he has injured -me sin of maligning' 15,000,000 people is" traveling; throughout the United | f o r R ]0TlgeT stay. The cost will b? Premier racquet swingers will be and only after he had published a "series of twenty-one separate States in the interest of the Yeshive j ^ upon my shoulders for all his milj o y S - Any bo^ seen in action within a few weeks lions. I pity the man; he has been articles against me in his Dearborn Independent, all of which re- at Chevron, Palestine, of which he is b e>t w0 0e epn e rt ^wee pa kg e ofo r b12 and 16 is -when the J. C. C. men's tennis meet so deceived, but he is apparently not ferred to a "Ring of Jewish conspirators," "Jewish Tricks," "Teach- founder an dean. gets tmder way.' In all probability eligible. man enough'to say he was mising Communism," and many others did I decide to instigate suit. The mass meeting will be held « Those who remember the fine the new courts being marked off at taken." "• ••"•'-Thirty-second and Dewey avenue will I because he was. the one who was attempting to tell the people of Sunday evening at the B'nai Israel prepared under the direction of Mrs, The veterans, in uniform, paraded be the battle grounds. America that the Jews were going to strip the poor farmers and Synagogue, 18th and Chicago streets, Samuel Nathan will be glad to from 131 West; Eighty-sixth street. at S p. m. Besides Rahbi Epstein, his t ^ a t s ^ e v r i l l a g a i n a s P i m e that Already. & number of men iave take all of their lands, and that I, the ' author of co-operative nephew Colonel Morris J. Mendelsohn, who Eabbi Harry Epstein of Tuisa, jj possibility. . signified , their intention of joining presided a t the services, recalled the marketing was the agent, the hired man of a "gang" of inter- p the meet. Two medate will be p Camp and Rabbi Joseph Sostnn of i p will be located north of national Jews who were issuing these orders and named such men Okla., awarded the highest ranking players. historical dates relating to loyalty Chicago will also speak. On Saturday j j^ nce at Lake and ~vnl> o r e and service of the Jews in all the as Eugene Meyer, Barney Baruch, Julius Eosenwald and others. morning the rabbis will-be the guests. •jjg cond;»^tedNathan's under the auspices ct' wars of America. • "Paris in 33 Hours and of the Beth Hamedrosh. Hagodol tb _ e y , J J . and Y. W. H. A. and Can you imagine any of these men teaching communism to any Other" speakers were Representative 30 Fleeting Minutes, Social Service Committeesynagogue. one? Sol Bloom, Dr. "William I. Sirovich, Latest Book. "There will be no admittance charge Kosher meals will be served arid . . No Handicap to be a Jew While sojourning -•down/. Hamey Maurice Simmons and Babbi Edward night. A most interesting progrsw to bear these men," said Mr. Knlastreet the other day,-ny mind/for Ldssman, honorary .chaplhi. ': ': -"I-nave frgen asked by-many people why I have instigated i..chairman of Errsiig«-S]Sej-5nCeg- .-ctrnducted. frrarjF Frikla;1,:. ^ ^ 6 I has been prepared consisting of the suit aiid have thrown in the Jewish angle: T can say that only gress to "demand, tbift "the Eoumame into one of Omaha's: /popular Rabbi Epstein was the dean of j creation, education and lots of as a Jew did Henry Ford attack co-operative marketing- -and me, p nian government accord egual polibook stores. only as a Jew did this man-libel me and I have not hidden behind Slabodka, Yesbivaba at Slabodka, some fan! 1 After conversing with the petite tical treatment, and grant equal Ked Cross life saving tests Lithuania, a position which he held political protection to all the subjects the Jewish question because it was, the Dearborn Independent clerk behind the counter in regard to 32 years. Two years ago he went be conducted and swimming- will hr that brought it in, we are just attempting to have them prove it. for some Works by Sinclair Lewis, Von under its jurisdiction, in accordance to Habron, Palestine, and he estab- taught. Emphasis will be placed 07, Vetchen, Milton, Shakespeare, and with the covenants of existent trea- Herbert Heavennch who is moving , j s i t back and take it from | ] i s f c e d thD T a t a u d i c academy, which Nature Study. t h e of a j e w ties between that government and othersj the employe remarked: this man, I am not the kind of a Jew who thinks it is a handicap has at present an enrollment of 200 The Social Service Committee is *r"The latest books of travel are ours, and in the event of the failure elected vice-president j ranging to take care of those boys; to go through life being a Jew,—A HANDICAP—it is no handicap pupils. Mr. Heavenrieh will leave Tuesday interesting the public at present. The of the latter to comply with said j and girls who are unable to pay. book "Paris in Seven Days" is one of demand, to sever diplomatic relations for Milwaukee where he will join the to be a Jew, for it is the Jew who has taught this - world the Reservations will be made in orrfpr our best sellers." "But in a few between the government of the U. S. Copeland Refrigeration Company. "I principals of education, science and literature—it is THIS steady of application. No one will be TSVmonths we will have "Paris in 33 and t i e government of the Kingdom believe that this will be the greatest stream of Jewishness that has kindled within me to jected because of lack of frands. year for the Highland Country Club", Hours and SO Fleeting Minutes." of Eoumania; Applications are now in order *i protect my good name and see that these charges are either anWith a broad grin on her face, the The resolution was itroduced by said Mr. Heavenrieh. *1 feel that the swered or left alone by Henry Ford." the Jewish Community Center little blonde lassie avered that the Col. Maurice Simmons. Dr. Sirovitch club is progressing rapidly." Mr. Abe Herzberg has been very After a brief history of co-operative marketing, Aaron Sapiro Nearly 400 boys are expected at the j • Bole author would be "Lucky" Charles undertook to introduce the resolution actively engaged in the interests of spoke at length about the recent triaL Speaking of United States Junior Boys' Eally to be held on TuesLindbergh, who challenged death and in Congress. the club. "We are planning a number Senator James Reed, counsel for Henry Ford, Sapiro said that he day night, May SI, at the Jewish piloted his monoplane across ihe AtCommunity Center. The rally is the of activities for the members", said lantic pond to startle the world. was unprepared to go ahead with the case and'that he repeatedly i g ^ of i t s k i n d a n d ^ m b e heid under Mr. Herzberg, the newiy elected presmade miscues that were even noticeable to the jurors and after | the auspices, of the Boys' Work Comj d ft ident, "During the coming week-end, Dance, I'll Dance Above My many of the members wfll be expect- fifteen days of himself (Sapiro) being on the witness stand, most mittee, with Mr. Leo Rosenthal as: The fourteenth annual Flower ; sponsored by the Jewish National Shoes, When They Play Those ed to partake of the wonderful con- of it was under cross examination by Senator Reed, the jurors and chairman. ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ _ _ Four Chapters to be Ttepresented at of Fund and the Poali Zion has been wft Ragged Jazz Blues—Whoopie dition of the golf course and also the all learned the truth about co-operative marketing. Reed realized ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ Convention p r o g r a m m ; f o r SmdaSt J u n e 1£ regular medaly play bandicap tourna"When the annual Ivre Club conventhis and immediately the strong hand of wealth was forced tOj entertainment, movies,! During the past thirteen years. congists of ment on Sunday." tion handball tourney gets under way Members of Compeer Chapter of jtional Fund Flower Day has extend itself and do something, because something had to be done.! talks and refreshments. Monday morning at Sioux City, Iowa., the Ivre Club will leave for the anBob Cooper, one of Omaha's *^aces", nual convention to be" held in Sioux j Already that power of wealth had had the case postponed for a There is no charge and all boys are; lished itself as a popular invited to attend and find out what the! in Jewish life. It i s a preat source <•>: will not be competing. City May 29- and 30, with plans on '1long period of .time, taking depositions, in• all parts of the country, . " .. • J -1.• • • J \jenxer is planning planning for them during j revue to the National Fund, the ,Ceateris And here's the reason why bell bringing the next convention to be seeking postponement from t h e various judges who were assigned | ^ c o m i E g s e a s c m , | flower days having netted dote kiss the title good-bye—because his held in Omaha. The chapters which Of special interest to the girls is to the case, all this with the one thought in mind and that was to The rally will start promptly at 8: $400,000. will be represented .are the. Aleph mamma will be there. the announcement that is being made wear me down financially, but now they had to do something and o'clock and will be over by 9:80 ini It is a day of-universal appeal—/*It's a cinch he'll be so tired danc- Chapter of Sioux City, the Compeer by the Girls' Work Committee of the do something quick, so immediately the Ford battery of detectives j order to give the boys a chance to get | rich and poor. Chapter 'of Omaha,. the TJ'iiai Rev ing Sunday night with his lady so Jewish Community Center that a Ralfair, that hell need a rocking chair Chapter of Des Moines, and the Linand they uncovered the fact about the W ere beginning their ^ No. 62 will coln Chapter of Lincoln. It is ex- l y for girls only will be given Thursthere. Alone, yes all adone. day evening, June 2, at the Jewish woman juror. Everyone knows about how this woman was Ing the evening. Community Center, and all intere*!*vone pected that more than one hundred Community Center. ] trapped into making 3 statement which was the cause for the in the Jewish National Fund wort:: ith f th members will take part in^ this. anGetting Degrees This is the first activity j asked to attend. Mrs. L fr mistrial. I know that this juror, did not intend that anything i y g M ' ; Ida Lustgarten, Edward Rosenthal nual meeting. by the Girls' "Work Committee and, 0T t h i s The Aleph Chapter at Sioux City wOl "be ma3e~ one :«f the-outstanding' should come out as i t did, but these detectives began to throw the and Joe Stern of Omaha will receive i n f o r m a t i o r i call Mm I. j j-finger of suspicion on me, for just previous to this it was reported their degrees at the University of is making elaborate plans to make events of the season. Nebraska. Dorothy Diamond, Esther this conclave an outstanding social Mrs. Sam Beber is chairman of the! lakofsky at Atlantic 1848. The program will consist of a pag- that Henry Ford had been injured in an auto accident, his car committee that is sponsoring the j Freshman and Ruth Zolat, all of Lin- event and have made such arrange- eani to be presented by the members g o m g o ver an embankment. Here is this billionaire, who is harder' movie "Yorn Kadin," or "April Show- j ments for the members and visiting cob, are also numbered among the of the Jewish Women's "Welfare Or" ladies as*will stamp .this meeting as -ganization. Movies and other stunts to reach than the president of the United States, riding alone on ers," by Alexander Carr, at the Jew- j J^ charmed graduate circle. ish Community Center, Sunday after-! one not to be forgotten. ;. will also be on the program, which a Sunday night and all of a sudden he is sideswipped by another noon and evening, May 29. The concluded by refreshments. car and pushed down the embankement.. The accident happened Parents Highly Honored noon performance will begin at Sj Mrs. Henry Monsky is in charge of on a Sunday but was not reported until Tuesday and immediately Members of Alpha Theta chapter RABBI LEVISON OF o'clock and the evening performance! The indoor awitnnung' season program and Mrs. Jack Alberts is his detectives had picked up the trace of the car who sideswiped of Zeta Beta Tau at the University of PALESTINE TO SPEAK the w21 start at 8:30 p. m. 1 officially open June I. in charge of the refreshments. Nebraska entertained their parents Attractive vaudeville numbers have| " The J. C. C. -Natatortam with Ford's car, but they never did get the man. I DON'T BELIEVE As a special attraction. the local The Rally will begin a t 8 oclock and Sunday at a banquet at the fraternity Zionist Organization* will have HE WAS EVER IN AN ACCIDENT. I believe that it was just also been arranged by the committee. J efficient corps of instructors. house. The collegiate sons proved their guest at their next meeting, every girl Is invited to 'attend and There will be dance, song, and other | you to be a part in the pmgr&tn s* a matter of fear in being put on the witness stand. entertainers which is to be held Tuesday evening, bring a guest with them. themselves worthy entertaining numbers. J have '"Every J. C. C. Member * The Girls' Work Committee is bead; : throughout the afternoon's program. May 31, at the Jewish Community The story of "Tom Hadin" deals i Saver." Meet In July " • : . Following are the Omaha parents Center, Rabbi Alex Levison, of Jerus- ed by Mrs. Samuel Nathan, who is bewith Jewish life in New York. HovH CSEsses for beginners and ing assisted by a number of able "The Judge in his wisdom had granted a mistrial unless we a poor Jew becomes a successful Um- j pupils are being arranged end who attended: Mr. and Mrs. Harry alem, Palestine, who will give a t<dk workers of the community. would agree to a trial by eleven jurors which was at first suggested brella merchant bees-use of an '"April j j , c. C. member shewld -enTolt, thtH. Lapidus, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Shaf- on the work and affairs of that counton, Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Kulakofs- try. by Ford's counsel but which after an acceptance by Mr, Gallagher, Fool" joke played on him on s rainy j instruction whieli leads to a life •***•MEDIC FRATERNITY ky, Mr, and Mrs. I. Rosenthal, Mrs. Eabbi Levison is a very learned HONORS GRADS my counsel, it was refused. An attempt to get an immediate re- day, -when they give him a torn nvo-; \ng degree is free to members. that he later sells to a passer-i ..-, ..— Lewis Gerelick, Mr. and Mrs. M. D. man and will be able to give his detrial has thus far been unsuccessful; we have offered to pay thebrella The Alpha Chi chapter of Phi Delta by, which gives Mm &n idea to buy j EABBI COHN TO Brodkey. Morris Jacobs and Irvin scription of Palestine, in an interestEpsilon, Medical Fraternity of Creigh- costs of the trial, but this was refused and on July 1 we will meet others-to sell He has a daughter.! ATTEND Stalmaster • also attended.' Mr. - and ing manner. Dr. Levison is cm a tour of this ton college, will hold a banquet in with Judge Raymond, who has promised that on that date.he will whose lo%-e affairs are very interest-] Mrs. I. D. Iseman of Nebraska City, ingly brought out. | Rabbi Frederick Cohn will l«iv*> Nebr., and Mr. and Mrs. I. Krasne, country under the Zionist Organiza- honor of the graduating members of set the time of triaL We are ready now and any time." 3 of June to attend thfc The movie i? being; Eponsoi*et' . b; ! Council Bluffs, were numbered among tion a^id Omaha Jewry are fortunate the fraternity Friday evening, May Sapiro arrived in Omaha from Kansas City at 6:S0 p. m. and of Amoriran to have him here as their guest. 27. Officers for the ensuing year will was guest at a banquet in his honor at the Jewish Community the WomenV Auxili&rj- of the TVi'.jJ.'. the otrt-of-town guests. Brith and naif of thr prftrceds will he\ Cape Main, Xrw Jersey. The : The parents, -following the banquet, , There will be no solicitation of be installed by Meyer Greenberg, past Center. He spoke in the large auditorium following the banquet. given to the Jewish Community Cer.-| tson opensa Thureday, June funds and the meeting is open to the counsel. Dr. Victor E. Levine will act elected officers for their newly organi He was introduced to the audience by Sam Beber ter close Tuesday, June 28 public as toasmaster ised organization.

She Herzkrg President offfigUasiGib




Tiesiay light, l a y 31

Plan to Bring Ivre Convention to Omaha in 1928

Girls Rally at Center

oi Tuesday June 2nd




Pob(tBb*«- taray 'fbaMdaj *• uiuuiba. Nebraska, by

TB&" JEWISH PRESS PUBLISHING <JOMPANY Office: 490 Orandeis Theatre Building — Telephone: Atlantic 1450. NATHAN E. GREEN, Manager. Subscription I'rire,. one year. Advertising rates furnished on application. UB *1>1)KESS—f leese giv* both the eld en« be ouro and (rive jour name.


B'nai B'rith Makes Gifts To Confirmants

..$2.50. addrestr

-. The Jeyrisb- PresaJasapplied by the Jewish Telegraphic Ajrency (Jewish Correspondence Bureau) with cabled and telegraphic Jewish news, In addition to feature artifHes and correspondences from all Important Jewish centers. Inquiries regarding news items credited to this Agency will be gladly anawfttedh it addressed 'to- Jewfsfa Telegraphic Agency, 621 Broadway, New City.




-V; i' •


This season of the year is the time when boys and girls are beginning to mention camps at home, and parents are beginning to question the wisdom of sending their children to camp. A few years ago,; camps for children were practically unheard-of, and if it was Itnowh that "parents were contemplating- such a "drastic" stepythe reaction was unfavorable criticism. Today, ttie'canip is a recognized and appreciated factor in the upbringing and education of .the child, and in many cases, a vacation at .camp ig necessary and vital for his or her mental and physical well-being.- Camfx provides an opportunity for wholesome recreation, for physical development, and for moral and mental discipline; an opportunity for outdoor life, and for appreciation, of our natural resources. The proper camp undejf careful personal supervision cannot fail to influence the boy or girl in the prope*. way.;; To weigh the Jberieflts and advantages'" of camp—the sending of the child from hornet—is the problem of the parent. The mother is reluctant to* take "chances"; she is perhaps worried that her child will not receive proper care. But, with the knowledge that camps of repute have responsible councillors, wh oare especially trained and. educated to supervise and watch the children, tiiere is certainly no cause for doubt or anxiety. Every camp, owner feels the responsibility of his charges keenly, and the councillors whom he employs have specific duties and instructions in detail for the careful supervision of every child at camp. To give the child the freedom of the great outdoors, the regularity of daily, physical exercise, the joy of regularly-planned programs of recreation and entertainment, the fun of associating and playing with children- of their own age, the opportunity by this association to match their wits, develop their minds, and give them the feeling of responsibility for their own being while away from home—this is a pleasure which, every child has the hight to enjoy, even if .only for a few weeks during the summer months. "' * To the Jewish boys and girls of Omaha, the Jewish Cornmunity Center is offering this opportunity, The camp will be open in July and August.

sugar and water to which cinnamon candies have been added. Allow to become very pink. Serve cold as a salad or garnish. • • * To Fry Fish Fish should be thoroughly cleaned and allowed to stand over night, sprinkled with salt. Then dipped in egg, then in cracker crumbs and fried in vegetable fat until brown, reduce heat and cook slowly % hour. Do not cover fish.

Fresh Fruit Pie Bake a rich pie crust until golden brown, when cold fill with any fresh fruit in season. Serve. Lemon Creamg (Pareva) Place a slice of sponge cake on plate. Place on top a tablespoon lenjon fluff. Top with 2 or 3 marshmallowe and place in hot oven for a mhiute. Serve.

French Dressing Without Oil 1 teaspoon salt % teaspoon mustard one-eight teaspoon white pepper 2 tablespoon sugar 1 tablespoon onion chopped fine 4 tablespoons lemon juice Mix and place in cold place, pour over sliced tomatoes, etc, just before serving (anti fat).

Language lessons f oi- beginners and advanced pupils will be given by

German and French MRS. JENNIE LEVENSON at her home No. 4 Carlisle Apartments 625 South 18th St. JA ckson 3566 or AT lantic 3507


Special Size Suits Men An Extraordinary Value Demonstration at The Nebraska

Wider Scope Committee Will Mark Major Jewish Even* In Lives of Thousands of I rs and Girls on Shevouth Newly-Weds Also Rememfcered ARRYING forward Its program by their characteristic Jewish syia-'. Readings and Recitations—»by< of vitalizing the significance of bollsm. • ' ~ • C Isabel E* Cohen. Judaism, in : the lives, ol American David the Giant Kirar andj The volumes that have been !

youth, tile Wider Scope Committee of the I. O. B. B. will present to thousands of • Jewish children whose parents are members of the B'nai. B'rith throughout the country, on Shevuoth, gifts of Jewish significance. These gifts will take the form, of books on Jewish subjects, suitable far young people. Each book will have a personal touch, with ' the name'of the recipient written in. a . book-plate similar to those reproduced here. The bookplates are distinguished

selected for presentation this year Other Tiles of Grandma Lopez—i are the following: by Emily; &. Cohen. f Halevi's Poems. ""\, • It is the plan "Of the Wiier Scope i The Book of Psalms. ' Committee to make thest presenta-1 Step by Step—by Abram S. tions to Bar Mitzvai lads, andj boys and girls at conf matioa anj Isaacs. The Toung Champion—by Abrarr. annual feature of this work. Gifts | S. Isaacs. of Jewish character are also being! Old European Jewries—by Dr.! presented to newly-weds. These; David Phillpson. Include, besides volumes of Jewish; Breakfast ' of the Birds and ; Other Stortes—by Judah Steinborsr. works, candelabra*, mezuzahs and etchings of Jewish subjects by Book of Delight and Papers—by Israel Abrahams. Jewish artists.



Stout Men!. Long Men! Short Men! OU'VE; never known somany smart Spring1 Suits of standard tailored quality in your size at such low prices, in one great showing. For variety of patterns, for range of sizes, for excellence in fit— no matter what size you require—you'll find us ready to serve you and save you money. Newest 2 or 3button models.


Read the Range of Sizes; HI All Proportions Available at The Nebraska Stouts and Medium Stout Sizes 37 to 52 Chest Long Stoats and Medium Long Stouts 44 to 52 Chest

Appeal and the Jewish Hospital Build- and Zionist organizations. Musical over dressing. Onion may be used if Short Stouts and'Medium Short Stouts—3S to 46 Chest ing Fund; Mrs. Gustave Klausner, numbers included violin solos by liked. Short Men's and Young Men's Shorts 35 to 42 Chest * • • St. Louis, Palestine Supplies and Sew- Sherman Kalis, accompanied by Miss Fresh Pineapple Long Men's and Mediant Long Models—37 to 44 Chest ing Circles; Mrs. M. F. Levinson of Dorothy Thompson,- and vocal solos Peel and core pineapple. Cut in any Omaha, Penny Luncheon, Infant Wel- by Mrs. Charles Greenberg, accomfare, Jewish National, and Medical j paoied by Mrs. Charles Liberman. desired shape, sprinkle with sugar Organization funds] Mrs. B. M-\ Rabbi Weiner pronounced the bsne- and let stand one hour in ice box. Large .Men's Special Size Suits Sizes up to 52 Chest Report of Annual _-| was sent over and four hospitals Acbtenberg' Serve. Strawberries may be added. of Kansas City, spoke on diction, closing the^ conference. were opened 'to "carry' on the fight * * * ffadassah Convention against the diseases. Now the Hadas- the most effective methods of infusStrawberry Cocktail More than 150 delegates and "visi- sab .maintains a. staff of 400 em- ing Jewish Culture into our chapters' AUNT ESTHER'S Wash berries carefully, leave stems tors from Kansas,- Missouri, "Colorado, ployees-ip the medical department,| activities; Mrs. E. Hill, Lincoln, Neb., on, place on plate and sprinkle with COLUMN Oklahoma and Nebraska attended the which necessitates a budget of more I Membership; Mrs. W. P. Witschner, powdered sugar. Serve at once. than, a half million, dollars a year." j Kansas City, on the Model Chapter; second annual conference o ' the CORRECT APPAREL FOR MEN AND WOMEN Oranges may be used the same way. Southwest Region of Hadassah/.in St. At the close of the war more than.'Mrs. H. M. Cohen of Kansas City, and Menus Joseph, Missouri* Monday,, May IS, at f,000 orphans, who had drifted into Miss Ann Greenburg of Omaha, spoke Pan Broiled Steak Steamed Potatoes Fresh pineapple may be cooked in Hotel Eobidoux. Tomato and Cucumber Salad Palestine, from other countries, were on the. cooperation of the Junior and Spinach French dressing Mrs. S, L. Goldman, who is also cared for by the organization, Mrs. Senior Hadassahs: Rolls Fresh m Pineapple Tea president of the St. Joseph chapter Berkman said. Many of the children Election of new- officers for the en* - «... • of Hadassah, presided at the confer- merely had become separated from t suing year was: held at the afternoon ence, which opened-at 9:30 o'clock their families and Hadassah has been j session. Mrs. M. F. Levenson of Strawberry Cocktail with invocation, by Rabbi ~NL Broude. able to locate families or relatives of Omaha was elected president; Mrs. S. Fried Crappies New Potatoes first viceMayor Louis* V. Stigall, in. a grace- about 3,000 and return them to their L. Goldman of St. Joseph, J i Combination Salad ful addresSi.greeted_the delegates and countries.. Others have, become self- president; Mrs. Gustave Klausner of Coffee Dehnonica Pudding representatives of various St. Joseph supporting, but about 1,000 remain to St. Louis, second vice-president; Mrs. * • organizations welcomed the delegates. be cared for. The "Village of child- A. Markua of Kansas City, third vice- Veal Pot Roast Potato Pancakes i,. B. M. Achtenberg of Kansas ren", where the orphans are taught president y Mrs. E. Hil of Lincoln, New Carrots Apple Salad City, vice-president of the region, re- to be self-supporting, has been taken fourth vice-presidlent; - Mrs» Bessie Fresh Fruit Pie :© O. sponded on behalf-of the delegates. over as the work of the Junior Hadas- "Wfllens- of Denver, fifth vice-presi* • • Following roll call, reports .were mode sah, Mrs. Berkman explained. Hadas- dent; Miss Dora Cohen of Kansas Chicken Soup by delegates from the different chap- sah has created a nurses' training1 City, treasurer, and Mrs. J. J. Fried- Roast Chicken KasH ters. school in Palestine from which 15 man of Omaha, secretary. The conSweet Potatoes and Bananas Asparagus Salad The Southwest Region of Junior to 18 native-girls are graduated each ference Voted to meet next year rn Lemon Creams (Pareva) Hadassah. was organized at a meeting year. The nurses' standards are as Omaha- Mrs.-S.L. Goldman of St. at 80 representatives of Junior units high as any in the United States, and Joseph,;nast,president, was elected to * m. * in -the morning. Miss \ Rose- Gold, in a recent test, a graduate of rhe | attend the National Hadassah Reg- Fish Baked Potatoes president of the St. Joseph Junior Palestine school passed the require- itfnal Conference, June 22, and HadasHead Lettuce Hadassah, presided- as \ temporary ments of New York state, Mrs. Berk- sah Convention, June 23 to 25, incl., Thousand Island Dressing chairman. Miss Grace .Bosenstein. of man said. Through the sewing circles at Atlantic City, N. J. Potato Flour Muffins Omaha was elected "president; Miss of Hadasssh, all linens are supplied At the close of the afternoon session Torte with Fresh Strawberries * • • Sara Trilinsky of-St.- Joseph, first for Hadassah hospitals and medical the delegates and visitors were taken ci'jthenticaUy costumed in Tomato and Cucumber vice-president; Miss Ann Greenberg, settlements, as well as for practically for a motor tour of the city. of Omaha, second , vice-president every other charitable organization in A buffet supper was served at 7 French Dressing Herzberg Miss Tina Altschuler of Omaha, cor Palestine. o'clock, in the Japanese "tea room. A Dice tomatoes and cucumber that responding secretary; p y;$ Bettyy Rabbi Myron M. Meyer of Temple meeting was held in the crystal room have been allowed to stand about Gown Galob of St. Louis, recording secre- Adath Joseph, in an address at the at 8 o'clock, and the room was filled hour in salt water. Prepare dressing. % teaspoon salt tary; Miss Mollye-Morris of, Kansas luncheon, made a plea for United to. its capacity with both men and Wedding Veil City, treasurer; and Miss,Rose Gold Jewry to assist in carrying on the women. The evening session was call- . 1 teaspoon paprika ecf to order by the newly elected pres•work of Hadassah. "What masters if Vi teaspoon pepper of St. Joseph, reporter The-Juniors, Lingerie 2 tablespoon vinegar will meet annually with the senior our hearts dictate that we should be ident. Besides Mrs. Berkman's adorthodox, or that we join with the dress, Rabbi L. J. Wehier and Louis 2 tablespoon lemon juice Corsetry regional conference. _. _ conservative group, or the- reform Kranitz delivered addresses. Rabb: 2 tablespoon vinegar More than 300 women attended the Slippers % cup salad oil noon luncheon in the crystal room at group?" He asked, "Wny should we Werner made a plea not to let the difhinder our march to progress beferent "isms" interfere with the great Mix all ingredients and pour into the hotel, at which Mrs. i . M. AchtenHosiery berg Of ^Kansas City presided." The cause we are narrow and cannot see cause of Hadassah, and that Hadassah a bottle. Shake hard and place in ice the view of United Jewry? God inshould be the work of eaeh one. Mr. j box. Shake again before using, ar- . . Accessories "tables "were most beautifully decorated with cut flowers-, and,..the- desert tended-us to be one in thought, one Kranitz represented the B'nai Brith range vegetables on lettuce and poor •waa carried out - m .the Hadassah in name and one in purpose. No colors, blue and white;-' Mrs. Harry matter what the differences have —winning only .glances of ardent & Berkman, vice president, of the Chi- been in the past, let us look to the proV*l, because she's gowned by Her <glorious future, and help to heal the j cago chapter .of Hadassah,. £he largbroken heart of Israel that Israel | bergs to fulfill all traditions of ethereal est chapter in existence, outlined the may. once more rise to grander j beauty. Simple or elaborate, die finds work of Hadassah at the noon lunchYou have forced us to move into larger and heights. Let us labor in the present j here the costume to make heir's the eon, and-at ihe evening -meeting. more beautiful quarters to serve your needs. and help pave the way for more \ wedding of Hever-to-be-forgotten loveliThe carrying y g on of medical work radiant joy, that we may find peace ness. Every trousseau need is ready for WE THANK YOU i in the tenets of Israel." Rabbi Meyer in Palestine rWas selected as the main bride and attendants. Considering it is only our second year in purpose <& Hadassah when it "was or-' spoke of the organization of HadasOmaha, it surely is— ganized 15 years ago," Mrs. Berk- sah in 1912, and told how it has man said. "While tha-woris-was start- grown until now there are 250 An Established Record . ed war arid several trained chapters, jnore than 700 sewing ed before'the b t th nurses and. a doctor weTe sentt to the circles, and more than 150 Junior "field, the greatest progress has been Hadassah groups. made since the close of the war. The The afternoon session was devoted to • .- : . General Contractors dread -diseases of trachoma and a roahd table discussion of Hadaesah's - i : Estimates furnished free . . malaria, which were prevalent in the undertaking in Palestine and Anief" r s W i *ave been- virtually wiped ica. Mrs. A. Silverman <rf Omaha led Phone Jackson 1614 409-11 Hospe Building fc the\work of Hadassah, the discussion on the United Palestine ~ -ma medicaPtarit o* 4 4 w f t

ere comes the bride

the cynosure of all eyes ..



An Established Record


$&r®g rm?W?

PAGE'S—THE JEWISH PRESS,. THURSDAY, MAY 26, 192/ J. C. C. Exhibit at National Council of Churches

To Proonl Recital

In connection with the meeting of the Social Service Commission of the National Council of Congregational Churches, now being held in this city, the Jewish Community Center has been asked to exhibit of the work being done and the activities carried on here, same to be placed in the First Central Congregational Church. Our work was exhibited on Wednesday, May 25 and called forth a great deal of favorable comment as Many Reservations for Highland Dinner to the varied scope of the activities The annual opening of the Highland Country Club will be observed carried on. Saturday evening •with a dinner dance. Already many reservations have been received for the dinner dance. The dinner is being catered by the Fontenelle Display Palestine Art Goods Hotel Restaurants. The Palestine Art Goods will be Among those who have mailed in their reservations and the number of shown during the early part of the their party are: Herbert Heavenrich, 10; J. Harry Kulakofsky, 6; Morris week in the windows of Thomas Milder, 2; M. Herzberg, 2; William Milder, S; Harry Wertheimer, 4,; S. L. Kilpatrick. The art goods were reRobinson^. 2; S. Appelman, 2; Jerome Heyn, 2; A. Levey, 4; Sam Saltzman, 7; ceived from Palestine and will be Phil Sdnrartz, 2; Mrs. S* Lew, 3; Ed Treller, 2; Morris Ferer, 5. sold here under1" auspices of the Young: Judea Clubs. Miss- Ann Fanger will spend the Wednesday evening for New York to week-end and Decoration Day in Chi- be gone about ten days. Mrs. Snyder CORRECTION cago, visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Her- will remain here for a few weeks. Through error the names of Milton bert Lohrmani R. Abrahams and Trvin Levine were The Study Circle of Hadassah left off the list of the graduates of Mrs. C. 'EL Eatz of Dallas, Texas, will meet Monday afternoon, May 31, Creighton University. Both men ave \ arrived last Monday to visit here at 2:30 p. m. at the Jewish Communi- receiving their L. L. B. this June. with relatives and friends^ Mrs. Katz ty Center. Mr. J. Wolfson will speak Miss Annette RiHin will present o stay here for several months. on the "Geionic Period in Jewish Hisher first recital since starting her tory." Council Bluffs News dancing school. -The recital will be ri and. Mrs. John JJeber announce Miss Esther Goodman entertained SEVEN JEWISH STtHDENTS held 'Tuesday, May Sl n at the Knights th6 birth of a baby daughter, born on at four tables of bridge last Sundayof Columbus building. There will be Tuesday, May 24. ' TO GRADUATE FROM afternoon at her home in honor of HIGH SCHOOLS thirty numbers on the program. Miss Miss- Bess Hayldn entertained eight Miss Amelia Blinder of Osage, Iowa. Riklin herself will dance four numcougles at-her home Sunday night at Miss Blinder is visiting at the home bers, featuring the Indian Love Dance. Commencement exercises of the Co. a surprise party honoring her -sister of Mr. and Mrs. R. Gordon of Council Miss Riklin was formerly with the Bluffs High Schools will take place j lilyan who celebrated her sixteenth Bluffs. Mascagno Ballett and toured the next week at the city auditorium.) birthday. Jewish students of the Abraham i Orpheum circuit. She will be assistMr. and Mrs. Julius Jacks of Los Four lincoln High School will graduate jed in the recital by Sara Rae Fish, Mrs. R, Laekow has returned from Angeles, CaL, formerly of Omaha, Chicago, where she has spent the past announce the birth of a son, born next Thursday evening, June 2, at the { piano instructor and by Miss Rose city auditorium. They are Toby Kat- Dubnoff on the violin. fivk wmjks. visiting with: relatives and Tuesday, May 17. r; p.1-man, Dorothy Saltzman, Ida Hofffriends. "•'"• Mr. and Mrs, Sam Rice announce man and Meyer Solzman. Louis Marcus, has been rated among .' Miss Yetta Wright is leavingvfor the birth of a baby son bom Friday, Three Jewish students of the* the students comprising the high Kansas City Saturday night enroute May 20. Thomas Jefferson High School will scholarship group at the University to rCaliforiaa,, where she will, join her graduate on Friday evening, June 3, A meeting of the Ko-Zees was held at eight o'clock. They are: Ethel of Illinois. To be eligible for this mother; they pJan to visit there inrating, students must make grades Sunday, May 15 at the home of Miss definitely. Fannie Lucille Koffick. Bridge prizes Cohen, Rosalie Richman, and Ben high enough to place them in the ZoorwilL upper ten per cent of their respective . Mis& Betty Steinberg will leave Fri- were won by the Misses Bertha Everyone is invited to attend. classes, and he was judged the best day tb~ spend "the week-end in St. Joe Slutzkin, Sadie•• Katelman, and Lilin the music department. Mr. Marcus, as the gnest of Miss Norma Felten- lian Miller. On Sunday, May 22, the Several affairs are being given this who graduated from the local Abstejn. While /there Miss Steinberg Ko-Zees held a hike. Miss Anna Hahn Week complimentary - to Miss Sophia raham Lincoln High School last year, will attend a reception; that the Misses i will be hostess at the next meeting. . Steinberg, whose marriage to Mr. Nojbna and Elinor Feltinstein are giv- David Kubby will take place June 7. ingt in honor af Isliss Se&ma Kalis of Among those of the Compeer chap- Among these hostesses are Mrs. Sol ter of the Ivre Club who will go to SOSKTN and KOZBERG Kansas City, a June/bride, : .„•;. Sioux City to attend their fifth an- London of Omaha, who entertained 16 guests at a bridge party Tuesday 1552 No. 20 St.—WE ebster 0267 The Ladies Free Loan Society will nual convention on the 29th and 30th afternoon. Miss Belle Seigel enterFresh Meats — Delicatessens of this month will be the Messrs and hold their regular meeting Wednestained at a bridge party Tuesday Mesdames Moe Tans-man, Joe Rice, Fresh Fish Handled Daily day afternoon, : June -1, at the Jewish evenifigTfor 3Iiss~StelnUerg.*Oii Wed"Sam" Wolf, "Robert Trooper, Isadora Wa Deliver to all Parts of the City Community Center at 2:00 p. m. ElecLeyinson, Messrs. Abe Venger, Moe nesday, Mrs. Sam Epstein of Omaha tion of officers will take place. Venger, Lester Meyer, Jack W. Marer, entertained at a one o'clock luncheon The Ladies Golden Hill Society will Herbert Goldstein, Ben Shapiro, Mor- followed by bridge at the Blackstone hold their next meeting.uc Tuesday ris; MIeMffl,.~Jal^ O^ Nor- Hotel. On Thursday Mrs. Harry Kubafternoon, May 31, at the home of man Harris;: and the "Misses Tillie by was hostess to thirty-three guests s. M.Born, 621 Lincoln Blvd. Rice, Marian Blumenthat and Ruth at a luncheon-bridge a t t h e Brandeis TeaJRopms.. _Miss Steinberg shares Krasne of Council Bluffy. 3G Xcara ot Honest Merchandise Is Mr. and Mrs. Sam Bliss* have been honors at this affair with Mrs. Morris j-our Guarantee ol a Square Deal. the incentive for many social affairs Kubby and Mrs. Boris Cohan of Los OBEEITABY 1419 Douglas Est. 1890 during the last few weeks, honoring Angeles, California. them prior to their departure for MinMrs. EDA COHEN. neapolis, where they will make their Mrs. Eda Cohen, 70, 3422 North Mi* and Mrs. Julius Katelman will future home. Mr. and Mrs. Bliss left Twentieth street, died Monday night. entertain at a reception at their home Harry H_ Lapidus. I*res.-Treas. She is survived by her husband, at 417 Oakland Avenue for all their last Sunday for Minneapolis. Moses, two daughters, Lena and Bes- relatives and friends next Thursday Mass Laura Berelc of Fremont was sie, four sons, Archie, George,-Her- evening, June 2, following the graduarecently elected to the Silver Serpent, man and Robert. ' ; tion of their daughter, Toby, from the a Junior National Honorary Society Funeral services were held Tues- Abraham Lincoln High School. No Complete Store and at Kebraska University. Miss Berek day afternoon at two o'clock at the cards are being issued. will leave July 15 for California, Chesed Shel Tmess funeral home. Office Outfitters where she-will,attend the wedding of Burial was at Pleasant Hill cemetery. Mr. and Mrs. B. Saltzman will enWe occupy her cousin; Miss Pearl London, to Mr. tertain at a reception at their home, over 70.000 square feet APPEARS EST RECTTL Southwest Corner Charles Mund of St. Joe. Miss Lon736 Mynster SL, for all their relatives don is well known in Omaha, having On May 23 little Miss Gertrude and friend next Thursday evening, EleTentb and Douglas Streets Oruch was presented in her third June 2, following the graduation of visited here several times . Phone: JAckson 2724 annual recital by Karl E. Tunberg. their daughter, Dorothy, from the OMAHA, NEBR. Mrs. A. Ginsburg entertained at Gertrude is but twelve, years old and Abraham Lincoln High School. No her home TueacEay afternoon, honor- shows unusual talent. She was asing Mrs. Hose Joffe of Chicago, form- sisted in her program by adult talent. cards are being issued. FRIEDE erly of this city. Mrs. Jofle arrived Impromptu E-Flat, Op. 90, The Ladies Auxiliary of the Talmud Sunday to attend the marriage of her No. 2 ._.. ...Schubert Torah will hold a meeting next Wed- KOSHER DELICATESSEN son William, ts U i s s Alyce Ginsburg, Impromptu A-Plat, Op. 142, Complete Line of nesday afternoon, June first, at the .... Chopin home, of Mrs. E. Michnick, 1404 Ave. Mazurka which will take place June fifth. Delicatessen, Smoked Meats Waltz, A-Flat, Op. 34...'_ .Chopin Gertrude Oruch Mrs. 3. Janoff /and Mrs. Katsky and Fish will be joint hostesses at a card party As We Part Hzenfntz Milton Marcus, son of Mr. and Mrs. 1509 North 24th Street on Tuesday afternoon at the home of Miss Adelaide Cash Mrs. Janoff for the benefit of the Impatience : Schubert Mrs. Sam Beber Daughters of Zion. • ' Prelude C Sharp ..... Eheinhold in G-Flat Cadmana Mrjs. Joseph-Bonoff who .has heen Melody Gavotte . Sapellenako confifled in the Nicholas Senn Hospi- Butterfly ~ ..__.Lavalee Gertrude Onich tal for the p a s t t w o weeks, returned Aria, "Vision Fair, * home Wednesday^ •from . Herodiade —.—-...Massenet Mr. Frank fromAllen the Miss Yrde.Jacobsen left Saturday Third Movement Concerto in E-Flat —„._ Weher evening for Chicago, 111., where she Gertrude Oruch will visit for two weeks.

BROBKEY JEWELRY CO. Famous for Diamonds

Omaha Fixture m i Supply Co.

B . - - v

" . • / . • ' • . :

Ready For You Now-— The First, Lost and Only Word in 1927

DK. and Mrs. Michael G. Wohl returned MonJday from the east where Dr. Wohl took part in a scientific exhibition of the American Medical Association in Washington. They also visited Philadelphia and New York. ' Mrs., J. Lmtzman was in Lincoln Monday ^organizing a Hadassah chapter and Mrs. M. F. Levenson went to Fremont Thursday to organize a chapter there. Miss Pauline Herzberg is leaving Friday for "Wheeling, West Virgina* to visit for. a few -weeks with friends and relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Snyder and icm""11 son James, of Hutchinson, Kansas, arrived Monday to- visit Mrs. Snyder's parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. Wilinsky of Omaha and Mr. Snyder's parents,. ME, and- Mrs.,Sam ^Snyder of Council Blttffs, Mr^-Bnydei1 Jeffe

Omaia's Greatest Amusement Value



I Children (Anytime) 15c I


SUNDAY'S 12:30 To 2 P. M.


Here are the finest straw hat values you have ever seen Hats your common sense will approve at prices your value sense will applaud





was a leader in the band and orchestra here. He is expected to return home from Champagne, Illinois, about July "first to spend the summer here. Mr. Ben Hirsch of Los Angeles, CaL, is- expected to arrive here today on a business trip. He will stay at the Chieftain Hotel while here. Mr- Hirsch is a former resident of Council Bluffs.

TEMPLE ISRAEL Friday evening, May 27, Rabbi Cohn's topic will be -"Patriotism." Saturday meming, May 28, "In the Wilderness", will be the subject of Rabbi Cohn's sermon. Shebuotli, "Feast of Weeks", Festival of the Giving of the Moral Law will be observed at the Temple Momday evening, Jtme 6, st eight o'clock. Dr. Cohn will speak of "Life's Crown." * * * CONFIRMATION EXERCISES, SUNDAY, JUNE 5, 9:30 A. M.

Bucharest (J. T. A.)-*-Five Jewish members were elected to the Executive of the Roumanian Socialist Party at the congress of the party just concluded here. The five elected are Dr. Gelehrte, Fistiner, Moskovitch, Gaiter and Mayer.

Seven members of the Ladies .Auxiliary of the Talmud Torah were hostesses at a benefit bridge party last Thursday evening at the K. C. hall. Those in charge of this affair were the Mesdames Simon Steinberg, chairman, Ben Boss, Henry Madnff, Dave The confirmation service will be Fox, Charls Saltzman, Leo Fitch, and Sam RosenthaL A large crowd at- held Sunday morning, June 5, at 9:30 tended and the affair proved a big a.m. success. The following children will be confirmed at Temple Israel: Mrs. Boris Cohan and Mrs. Morris Herbert M. Berkowrtz, Melvin BerKubby and two children, of Los An- kowitz, Sidney Cohen, Sylvan Frankel, geles, CaL, arrived Wednesday and Merriam Goldner, Herman Goldstein, are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Louis Goldstone, Ruth Greenberg, Kubby. They will attend the Kubby- Sam Moskovitz, Jessie Nathan, CharSteinberg wedding en June 7, and les Rachman, J. L. Rosenthal, Lawshortly afterwards will leave for rence Simon, Zerline Somberg, Regina Chicago, ID., where they will attend Teller, Betty Tuchman, and Gwendthe Kubby - Fichtenberg wedding, olyn Wolf. which will take place on Sunday evening, June 19. Mr. and Mrs. W. Wold of Minneapolis, Minnesota, announce the engagement of their daughter, Blossom, to Mr. Joseph Gilinsky, son of Mr. and Mrs. E. Gilinsky of Council Bluffs, Iowa. Mr. Louis Kroloff spent the past week-end in Excelsior Springs, Mo. London (J. T. A.)—Mr. Kastliansky is returning to Palestine tomorrow as a member of the new budget experts- commission . appointed by . the Zionist Actions Committee.


Received Daily

Buff alo—Carp—Pike—Trout and game fish of all kinds Mgr. Fish Department

PUBLIC MARKET 107 South 1C St.

You are invited'to hear

Rabbi Noses Mordecai Epstein OF PALESTIXE

Head of Chevron Yeshiva SUNDAY EVENING, 8 R M-




B'NAI ISRAEL SYNAGOGUE 18th and Chicago Street



Also Rabbi Harry Epstein of Tulsa, OkJtau |! Rabbi Joseph Sostriti of Chicago |j Admission Free


"Quality Jewelers" MALASHOCK JEWELRY Wholesale and Retail Jewelers 213-16 City National Bank Bldg. JA. 5619 Bus. Phone AT. 8453 AT 1S5

JOE M. CALABRIA BARBER SHOP We specialize in Children's & Ladies' Haircuts Arthur Bldg.—212 So. 18th Street

The Copelman Candy Co. Candy-Fountain Goods — Supplies

Romance Chocolates Ph«ne JA. 39S&—918 Faaam St.

Saturday*** GOLDSTEIN-CHAFMAN'S . Annual Sample Sale of

Costume Jewelry Choice of 1200 pieces qh of the sort that k.J Fashion stresses for Summer .—_— Extra Space on Main Foor devoted to this Event


We are Ready to Help You Assemble Your Outfit!

Vacation Wear Portraying the ?nost talked of Modes for Summer

You'll enthuse over these printed chiffons, georgettes and silk crepes The plain silk crepes will captivate your fancy with clever new tuckings and novel arrangements of the materials. Sportstailored and dressy models—^in dozens of youthful and semiyouthful styles.

Extra Snnday with regakr show 12:30 to 1 P. M.











PAGE 4—THE JEWISH J?$ESS, THURSDAY,. MAY 26, 1927; J?$ ••-•



g Sammy Kaufman, former Omaha .amateur' ball : player. and the property of the Omaha Western LqagOjkclab :1s playing sensational bajl .with th"e Port Smith (Arkansas) team-of j i e 'Western Association. Ha-either performs in l§ft field or at short-stop, and pitches about once a week. To date he hatr pitched two games; winning the first and'losing the second when his mates blew up and "wobbled to the. tune of an even dozen-errors. .Sammy's batting average-is quite healthy, bejng^W in 11 games.. Fort Smith is leading their league for first place honors.

^^~^CLASS Senior Men .... Senior Men

. ir








12:00 to 12:45 5:00 to 6:00 8:00 to 9:00


. . : ' ,.: FRI.


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Wrt&irSwF&ithtng*! dtp*" wjmj,cl»terft rfniw,< and..sobers, and " Ioi>t*-'lg"*tfl iyi'-:|-''-. r f l •»

Webster 1431

140SM1 No. 18 St.

The Copakan CandyCo Successors to Jones Candy Co.

Romance Chocolates Phone JA. 3986

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Hot -water r C IMPLY by lighting ^amatch! No coal or wood to carry in, nofireto buM Noashcstocarryout Burns' gas..'Easiest and cheapest way. 1|~")/

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For the New Home

[UMI>H Copper Gpil Tank Heater.

Let your gift to her be an electric percolator to assure better and more delicious ccffea from the very start. Give her that much-welcomed help. An electric percolator is an appreciated gift and one that lasts for years.

Insulated, keeping the intense heat in and the cold out

We have a large selection of electric percolators and percolatcr sets in nickel or china. All are reasonably priced. We "nvite your inspection.

ijfEATS water in top of tank firstP I If little is needed—but little need be heated, as supply is drawn from top. Substantial, durable, practical, dean. L first cost and maintenance..

All Appliances Sold on . ' . Easy Terms "Electric Simps" 2314 M St.

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Installed Complete, $25.50 "KEEP THE JUNE BRIDE IN HOT WATER"

a Power €

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-= - --*"-«---'.-,-vx'.^r"'.>


Jews from Salonica and the confiscation of their property as a means of revenge for the persecution of Greeks in Russia. This agitation has caused great alarm among the Jewish population here. •

At. ST60

Here's Your Opportunity!

said to have inherited her dancing ing the denial, the "Figaro" repeated RIYIERA THEATRE talent from her grandmother who was its accusation, adding- that Henrj WEEK OF MAY 28TH an Armenian dancer in the service of Torres, Schwartzbard's counsel, has Starting Saturday "The Tender fte s i s t e r o f ^ l a t e S u l t a n M e j i r ! always defended Communists and thai j Hour" opens at the Riviera, starring The a a r i o n T r u m p e t e r S j t h e o n l y g i r l his defense of Schwartzbard is in|beautiful- Billie Dove, considered by{ q a a r t e tte of its kind behind the foot- spired by the Soviets. • critics as. one-of-the most talented U g h t e a r e a f e a t U re of this produc! young actresses of the screen. Ben; t j o n > jLyon plays opposite Miss Dove. Thisj T h e r e xm b e s p e c i a l n u m b e r s b y ! story is one teeming with drama and t h e E i v i e i . a Concert Orchestra and by suspense despite' the suggestion of,G e o r g e j o h n son, Riviera organist. , gentleness in its title. There is some BUTTER and EGGS j humor to relieve the strain of con- PARIS PAPER Council BluSs, Iowa itinuous suspense and scenes brilliant ATTACKS SCHWARTZBARD with pageantry in which Billie Dove _, . , T _ , . , ,, , & , ... , . Pans (J. T. A.)—An attack on wears many beautiful gowns. TLove i n o , , *,-._.•,•, .. .. , , , ° j . ,, . . Shojom Scnwartzbard, accusing him its great and most beautiful form is . o . . ., . ' =.. , , !,-.., . . -, , . , of So\net sympathies, was published In Omaha , depicted, a masterful drama of hu- , ., „ . „. „, - > ... ' . by the Paris newspaper, Figaro. The v man passions set like a gem m a paper alleged that Schwartzbard had 'background of platinum and gold. relations with the Soviet government. 250 Rooms—200 Baths J. "Egypt", a spectacular pageant of Schwartzbard addressed an open Good Rooms for $1.50 } the Orient staged by Boris Petroff is letter to the newspaper, denying cateOperated by Eppley Hotels Co. the Publix'stage production of the gorically this allegation. In publishweek. .The Egyptian motif has been learned out consistently in the matter , of stage settings, costuming, and j type of dancing presented, a pretty 1 love story is unfolded, the action centering about the walls' of the Sacred Temple. Princess Kohanna, daughter of the former Sultan, Abdul Hamid, heads the cast of players. Princess Kohanna received an English education in Constantinople and is


Bi». Bud Levin- of Central and .Leon For* msa ot North will have; their last .-'chsnfces to make a jettar this. year

View of Carload of Refrigerating Plants Shipped Recently by Baker Ice Machine C, Inc. To Their Agent in Spain. The above picture shows ten; large in 26 different foreign - countries. tainous district of northera Jaliscoiin refrigerating plants, boxed for ocean During the past few months, New- Mexico, where mail is catried over 'transportation, which were shipped Zealand, Samoa, Costa Rica, Britisli 125 miles by mule pack before reachHonduras, Brazil, Greece and Nyasarecently by the Baker Ice Machine land, in East Africa,' have been added ing the nearest railroad station. Inquiries received from the eas' Co., Inc., this city, to their agent in to the list. slope of the Andes Mountains of Pen Spain. ,If it werei possible to properly During the past year, mquines have traveled over two thousand distribute the refrigeration prpchiced have been received from over 100 miles eastward down the Amaion by these plants, i t would take care of different countries, including • such river before connecting with the places; as Tonga, Iceland, Tahiti; over 3,000 " families, using an aver- Sarawak, Mauritius and othez- more ocean-going mail steamers at Para, Brazil. Such letters often requir* age of 25,pounds of ice each day. or less obscure countries. They have three months in making the long Baker Plants are now in operation been received even from the moun- journey to Omaha.





" 10:00 to 12:00


The Best Place jto


12:00 to 12:45

12:00 to 12:45 5:00 to 6:00 8:00 to 9:00

Johnny Rosenblatt, erstwhile fielder of the championship Jewish Commun.'Senior Men ity Center team of last year is now up- among- the elite. Johnny "was one of "the several heroes of last Sunday's Murphy-Did-It, Carter Lake Metro League game, in the thirteenth inning -with two out and two' pf his 4:00 4:00 mates- on the bags and the score tied " to -Jr. B. -Boysto 5:00 5:00 he poled - out a lusty single scoring the -winning run for his club. 6:00 .6:00 •' " " •" * * 7 - „ '.' Jr. B.rEmpl. Boys .... to to 7:00 The Bnai Ami of the Jewish Com7:00 munity Center League were the sen7:00 7:00 sations of the third round at play last Jr. A. Empl. Boys to to 8:00 8:00 Sunday when they trounced the highly touted" previously undefgated_Psi Mu aggregation 7 to 5. A one inning rally did" the work, several * bits,,, fearless baserunning-and a couple of^errors 10:00 10:00 produced the five runs which gave the to Ladies A. M to Bnai'Ami the victory. The all-around 11:00 11:00 olaying of "Herman Levinsoh'at short2:00 2:00 for the Bnai Ami was one of the to to Ladies P. M. bright spots of the fracas, the Central 3:00 3:00 High" diamondeer playing-with-- the 6:00 6:00 Bnai Ami's for the first.time,.poked to to Ladies Evening rat a pair of hits in addition to mak7:00 7:00 ing several neat catches." -J l .. 7:00 7:00 " , ' * - * * , „* Ladies Evening to to 8:00 8:00 -The Bnai Israel handecfthe A. Z. A. ihe most onesided trimming that any 8:00 8:00 team had received so far'trarjng the Ladies Life Savin <» to to 8:45 8:45 league's tenur when they,walked, off tfiflt'a! 12 to Qt victory. .The"winners landed on Max Altshuler for 11- runs xa the three innings ,in which ^ he toHed on the mpund. -A longrrqw-of 11:00 11:00 hits' and a flock of errors caused JPnai to to Girls Jr. Israel' baserunners to circfe'the, packs 12:00 12:00 as- wooden horses - pn a. . n^erry-go 4:0O 4:00 rounds "Red" Reiss topfc_ over/, the Siris Jr. to to hurling- duties in the fourth-jframe 5:00 5:00 r and held the Israelites to one 'run. Lou Rlklin's playing at" third *base-_was almost the. only redeeming feature, of when" they perform in the City Track SALONICA JEWS the losers play. Eiklin". garnered two Meet .this .Friday and Saturday at ALARMED OVER INTENSIVE hits-m-as many times at. bat besides .Tech field. Levin is entered in the ANTI-SEMITIC CAMPAIGN making a dne of circus catches. JSyery Jshot* put and the half mile while Forman on the victorious aggregation man.will run the one hundred and Salonica (J. T. A.)—Anti-Semitic did "ffell and socked the ball lustily. two-twenty dashes. Forman may sur- propaganda is being continued here prise the audience by taking a place by forces interested in fomenting in one.of the two events while Levin political unrest. MISCELLANEOUS GLEANINGS " Jake Kososky and Louie Lohrman has a chance to place in the shot put, Within the last, six months, antiwon the-doubles championship--of the providing, he does not fall all over Semitic pamphlets have been distribPei Mil from Frank Ackerman and himself, as he did on previous oc- uted three times. In a pamphlet distributed* this week, the" Salonica JewRalph Gross the"othe£d»y-in-two-'well casions. • • • ish community is accused of'conspirplayed games. - - •The big crowd of golfers and would ing with the Bulgarians and Serbs ' 7i The"0maha Chapter of tjie* A;.?. A. be golfers which daily cover the against Greece. The anti-Semitic cam^"sponsoring a golf and. tennis tour- course at Highland may produce a paigners demand the expulsion of nament^ among its memh.»ra,4he win- player of sufficient skill to carry off ners of "each to meet all corner^ dur- the Sity or State 'honors this year. ing ctfie National A. Z. A. Convention Bam -Yousem will undoubtedly be well E. E. BRUCE arid CO. in JDes Moines next month.' The to the fore as in previous years where WHOLESALE •"Fraternity men are scheduled to meet he has distinguished himself as Druggists and Stationers ' the Des Moines Chapter in* a* twoOmaha's best Jewish golfer. Possibil'.game* baseball series, the firs,t to be ities of having a dark horse crop out 401-403-405 Sooth tOth Street ' played here on Memorial Day/and the in the ranks of the feminine players ; last" to be played in De$ Moines-dur- is slight, very slight. None of the fair l ing the convention. sex has as yet shown indication of * » • championship calibre. Benny Bloch, former Technical -High.'star and now a stildent at the Vienna (J. T. A.)—Leo Perlberger, "Manufactured in Omaha' University of Omaha, • if the second Austrian Jewish painter, was awardranking player on the Omaha U. ten-ed a prize by the city of Vienna for BAKER ICE MACHINE CO. paintings displayed at the - nig' team. To date Benny and his his ^garighave met with little success* Kuenstlerhaus Exhibition. -their matches with other Conference 1 Schools and are near the bottom in the standings. Bloch,and his-partner -'•in'the doubles, Captain^Wolfe; have " met with little better'.success -than M. SOMIT 2429 Decatur Street WE. 3527 / hav^'"thei.-other individuals " of the 'squad.' ' s • If you are in need of a Tales wool or silk of the best quality, Tfeelin, - "l •.• • • Mezuzos or any other religious article, we will be glad to sell it to Both Goldner of Central and Katzyou at the most reasonable prices. We also oarry-a full line of berg of Technical are entered in the Bibles with Jewish and English translations. We are also the agents '••'City Tennis Tourney which is being -^pulled off this week-end on the Omaha of all Palestine Products and the artistic work of Bezalel Sdioo] jfr-TenniS'Club's courts. Neither of the in Jerusalem. - • • , 2<Jads i s conceded more than an outside > place anywhere in the finals. .;

| ;

1. Every inewibeK-must have a physical examination. (Ask for,card and take'it to your f^mity doctor.) 2. A'"ihtfwer must be taken before entering the pool—warm shower first and then a/dash of cold. Do ,not take a .warm shower after coming out of the pool» unless you want to catch cold. 3J Cotton, suits only must be .worn by women. Also a bathing cap. - 4. JDo .not spit or.o.therwise contaminate the water. Use trough-around the edge of pool. ' 5. Do not run in and-around the showers—the floors are slippery. It'costs "the J.^C* C.-hundreds of dollars in equipment and labor to keep the water and t | e pool as clean and pure as' it is.. Do your part to keep it so. . ^


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