WEEK , By A. G.
Summer Camps Aga^— i
A false friend, like a shadow, attends only 'white the sun --shines. •' '
: \ \ :
Nathan's Lake will b; *-• endezvous i o r Jewish boys anj ~ |T, iuring the months of July and; S£ ft. L. For at that time the grounds B* ** ttages around the lake will b e - " JQ , to the invading "arm: jjj? g- , vacationists. fS , Plans are now being i"5" xd by ofBcials at' the Jewish: lunity Center for a successful"sojourn to Nathan's Lake this summer.
JSatered SB second-class aintl uiattei on January 27tb. IU21, at pustoQice at'Omaha Nebraska, coder the Act or March 8. lST
Rabbi Stephen Wise Issues Reply to Dr. Fosdick on Zionism
VOL. VI.—No. 23
London <J. T. A.) — Preparations for beginning the work of construction on the Haifa harbor are beingmade by the British Colonial OfSco. | Replying: to a' question raised in Turning One Million Dollars of Friendly Relations Between Jews | the House of Commons by CommandPledges -to the Palestine and Arabs and Absence of ExThe rallies, initiating the boys' and' went a-courting. A Camp Fire cere- j er Kenworthy, Col Amery, the ColonAppeal Into Cash tremists in Zionist Councils The deficit is due to the fact that girls' work for the coming year, under' monial in costume was given by a; ial Secretary, stated that engineers the auspices of the committees for number of Camp Fire girls, through J are being sent to Palestine to prepare the Palestine government is covering ZIONIST WORK ONE a part of the expenditure in Trans- Boys' and Girsl' Work, were held at the courtesy of the Omaha Council, j plans for the harbor. He was unable TO CREATE NEW EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES OF GREATEST FACTORS 3 - ordaniaj otherwise, the Budget would the Community Center Tuesday and Bess Spar gave a short talk on ad- j to state, however, when the work I show a surplus of £80,000, the paper Thursday. It is planned to make such vantages of Community Center mem- would begin, New York (J. T. A.)—A reply to "June is Pledge Redemption Month rallies part of the"monthly program. bership, telling about the many facilistates. . ' . ' . ' . ' .'" the reported criticism of the Zionist for Palestine, and before the end of ties provided for the girls in the way Four hundred peppy, cheering boys Resume of School Year movement- by'Dr. .Harry Emerson i the month a minimum of One Million between-the ages of eight and four- of gymnasium, athletics and swim-1 • Jewish students- at the University Doll&rs must be remitted to PalPosdick was made" by Dn Stephen! fJCW Llie lBSHTailCe • ' .teen found out just what the Com- ming, the club work, the class work, j of Nebraska have accomplished much. „ _ . _ m,n--~~ ** ^~ estine." . -. ,, . , , " _ . , S. Wise, Honorary Chairman of the munity. .Center has to offer them at an and more than that, the opportunity | during the past school year. Jewish. T , ., , L , .. i , ... , , , 1 . , , . - , * - , , , United Palestine Appeal. TIn a stateThis, briefly told, is the plea .that all-boys rally Tuesday, May 31. for friendships and for training in) scholars have held the wheel, so to ment issued to the "Jewish Daily is being circulated amomg subscribers leadership. . . , . . • j f Shrolly Goodman acted as chairman speak, in some of the major activities Bulletin", Dr. Wise declared that the to the United Palestine Appeal in Announcement of Camp Morris} " of the rally. Harry Silverman starton the Scarlet and Cream campus. Jews appreciate Dr. Fosdick's interLaura Berek of. Fremont, was est in' the Palestine "reconstruction THE NAME OF THE COMPANY IS ed the fun by leading community sing- Levy, which opens in August for girls, i Next Convention Will be held in this country for immediate cash, for the extension of agricultural colonisaOmaha chosen a member .of Silver Serpent, and points out that there is no ground UNION PACIFIC ASSURANCE ing, in which the boys joined lustily. was made by Lillian Margolin, who i tion and the creation of new possibilwill be director of the girls' camp.. A "pep" talk by Jack Marer informed honorary 'junior women's society. for the fears regarding' Jewish COMPANY OF AMERICA ities of permanent employment for She told of the physical facilities, OMAHANS TAKE ACTIVE the boys of some of the things the Ruth. Riseman of Elk Creek, Nebr., "chauvinism" entertained by Dr. PosPART IN WORK the pioneers in' the Jewish Homeland. is a member of Xi Delta, honorary dick. There are no extremists in thej A Large Suite of Offices is Now Being Community Center is ready to do for which the camp will have, and out- j The explanation for this immediate sophomore women's , organization. Zionist executive bodies, Dr. Wise Prepared for the Company in the them in the way of dramatics, nature lined the tentative program, which will j study, radio and camera classes, gym- include 'swimming, boating, archery, I Robert H. Kooper, Omaha, was ]nee< i j s a simple one: Palestine is hart! Both of the above • girls : are active stated, quoting1 the Syrian High ComSannders-Kerinedy Building nasium, swimming, athletics, debate, arts and crafts, dramatics, nature, elected grand lodg-e president of the j pressed by a serious unemployment members of.the Sigma Delta Tau sor- missioner' to the effect that Zionism Study, .hikes,' and camp songs. The Ivre fraternity which held its sixth situation. It is particularly severe in. ority at Nebraska university. At a dinner .Wednesday evening, orchestra, and glee clubs. is one of the most important factors official camp outfits for both the boys (conclave in Sioux City, May 29 and 20. • Tel Aviv, Eaifa and Jerusalem. TV Phil Gerelick, , steller basketball making for the peace of the world.! June 1, given by Mr. Wolf .for the Gym stunts in tie way of a boxing: and girls were displayed. | Jack Pollack of Lincoln was elected ! sudden cessation of building activitip.e player, has been initiated into Pi Ep- Dr. Wise's statement read:. directors and stockholders, composed match and a wrestling match v^ere Under the direction of Mrs. Henry grand lodg-e vice-president, Leon Do- j j n these centers, during- the second silon Pi, "THe Corncobs," university The 'The Zionists'of ^America will be. oi forty prominent citizens of the hugely enjoyed by the boys. Monsky, a pageant, "Mothers of the brof sky was elected grand lodge sec- j half of 1926, threw thousands out of "pep" fraternity. ' I r v i n g Heller of gratified to firfa that the Rev. Harry city, he reported that the charter for "Saucer Eyes" chorus from "Princess It|Tetary and Lois Heeger was elected work, the number growing to 8,100 Columbus, Nebr., was recently-elected Emerson Fosdick desires the success! the company was obtained on Friday, Chrysanthemum," with Ruth Reuben Old Testament," was presented. . secretary . of the Vikings, honorary of the Jewish-resettlement of Pal- May 27, and that during.the -first four in the role of the cat, danced and ran^ depicted some of the mothers in Israel j grand lodge treasurer. The Ivre has by the end of March. The only solujunior men's organization. Ellis Shaf- estine In spite of the fac^ that he days of the operation of the company, about the kitty who became a bold, who "have helped to build up the finest; chapters in Omaha, Lincoln, Sioux tion is the creation of employment About one possibilities. ton is the new sergeant-at-anns of* notes wbat he regards as serious eighty applications were received for bad cat. Boy scouts under tae direc- code of morals and ethics which the; City and Des Moines. j hundred members attended the conA striking contrast exists in Pa!•Iron Sphinx, sophomore men's society. dangers involved In the effort. Dr. a total life insurance of $550,000.00. tion of Deputy Scout Commissioner world has ever known. The program was concluded with \ clave. The two days were filled with estine in spite of the situation in Other .members of Iron Sphinx are Fosdick is to be numbered among the The Union Pacific Assurance Corn- Dunham, gave a demonstration. serving refreshments, of which Mrs. business and social activities. The {towns. In the agricultural settlement' •Joel Simon, Wellington, Kas.,'and outstanding American liberals andlpany starts business with-ten active A talk on camp life was given by Jack Alberts1 was in charge. The fol-j morning of the opening day, Sunday, and* in " the " colonies " " progress ' hap ' Arthur Eomm, Omaha, Nebx. " sympathetic-attityde towards -the] soliciting agents and each of the forty Samuel Gerson,-superintendent of the his lowing are the members of the Girls'; May 29, was registration for all \isitnoted, with a number of the colonie David Fellman of Omaha" is a mem- rebuilding of the~ Jewish Homeland stockhblcters comprising, this com- Community Center, introducing Camp ber of Delta Sigma Rhq, honorary in Palestine, particularly his state- pany have pledged to T>ecome active Morris Levy. He told of some of the Work Committee, which assisted in the, ing members and all visiting girls. In supported by the Keren. Mrs.;. I. .Rosenthal. Mrs. Harry ( the afternoon a business meeting of Shaving attained a position of debate dub. ment, as reported .in the *New York solicitors for the company. A rapid things the camp is going to do for the^ e * ^Lai)idus, Mrs. Irvin Stalmaster, Mrs.,the grand lodge was held where the support. It has thus become sp»f~ All in all the Jewish students, be- Tfines' this morning, that Zionism, and healthy growth for the company boys, outlining the program of activaT " - " — •"-••— *'rs. Herman Jahr, Mrs..program for the ensidn~ year wasi evident that by transferring: ihp sides leading the field in scholarship though he desires a modified form of is promised. ities in the way ofjswimming, boating,| M e y e r QehQ^ Mrs. Mrs. Henry Rosenthal,'promulgated. R o s e a , p g The election of ofxieers! laborers laborers1 from the town towns to the coinThe company operates on a strictly have displayed ' remarkable progress it, is the only hope for Palestine, will baseball, archery, games, snd h i k e si. i««^^ Henrv Monsky, Mr Mr- A. S. Rub Rub- 'was j-nies, and by creating new emploympTd b a s e b l , a y , g , was ield during the business meeting, jnies, in the fielcj of school activities. be appreciated by- the' thousands of legal reserve basis, starting;wit with H showed the official costumes of t h « j i S d i h the th crowning i ri He ^ t z i Mrs. A. Eomin, Mrs. H. A. Wolf,)) Sunday night event \ possibilities in new agricultural entermen and-women in this country who a surplus of $50,000. Its capital is boys and girls. - . . I Mrs. M. F. Levenson, Mrs. FMip Sher, j of the conclave was held at the Hotel prises, the situation will be great!y Convention Squibs invested in Nebraska muipicipal^securare..'laboring: for the success of the H ... ' . '.Cursd-. j ^ ^ . j a ^ j^^jgytg, Mis.-Win; L.:Holz-1Martin In the form -of a formal -dinner reTieved. " Aftme":6fifne biggest conclaves of •ities^—it will be a^lxae Nebraska' in- vantages of membership in ofthe J. C. < ; » • ' - -~~ -' < • ' stitution with all its capital subscrib, Mrs. Harry'dance. Monday luncheons were held It is with this in view that %hs its kind "ever given in Sioux City, la., cause. man, Mrs. R; 5 C. He outlined the gymnasium facili"Dr. Fosdick, h'owever, as reported ed'for by Nebraska citizens. members of the Irve club gathered .in , : ties, and told of the many activities. Rosenthali and Mrs. Nathan Mantel, for all members and visiting- girls. Labor and CoioniEation Departm*^- '* in the-same article,-expresses certain Monday night an informal dance was of the Zionist Executive in Palestine the Iowa domicile and fairly Taised The officers consist of: . He urged the boys to become memmisgivings with regard to the characheld a t the Bellview apartments. are aiming at the establishment «:' the roof off the convention palace. President: H. A.. Wol^jPres^B; A. bers, pointing out the opportunities The crack Omaha ritual team put new agricultural settlements and Mr. and Mrs. Morris Iinsman,.who ter and prospects of the undertaking. Wolf Co.' '• ---.--, for friendship and for training in . on the initiation on Monday afternoon transplanting the idle city •were married last year at the Irve He appears'to', be principally con- yijce<Fres.*and .Gen! Counsel: Henry leadership. , cerned over -what he terms the I in the general meeting rooms of the to the older agricultural ' club convention at Des Moines, celeMonsky of the law .firm of MonsThrough the courtesy of Leo Blank 'chauvinistic' tendency.-of the move• T j Jewish Welfare Federation. The team in Judea End Samaria, The . hrated their first wedding anniversary ky, Katleman & Grodinsky. '.. of Educational' Pictures, a movie, The'fourteenth annual Flower Day,' . g c o m p o s e d o f M a n r i c e M u k I i n . J n l i u s Government, too, in its anxiety *n at the contention at Sioux City. Wow, ment: He fears, the .effects that this Secretary: John A. Farber, Organizer "The Tourist," featuring Johnny sponsored by t h e Daughters of Zion ; A l e r n d e r f e T < N o r m a n H a r r 5 s ^ K o b e r t cooperate with the Palestine ExPfH-.tendency may hav£ on the feelings of wnat a celebration that must nave of the Company and; its General Arthur, was shown the boys. They the Arab population'' of Palestine. He • tive, is planning- the early convrnFooi*and the Poali Zion has been set forj been.- . ', •;; . • / " ' . . " \' . Manager. . then signed up for activities for the also entertains doubts with regard to ment oi certain public works whi^h Marer : i Luck surely turned against Sam the economic possibilities of Palestine Treasurer: H. H. Auerbach, , Sec- coming year, and ice cream and cook- .Sunday, June 12. were planned for the distant fut«?f-. C 0 I l d a v e During the past thirteen years, J ^ Wolfe, who motored to the scene of and to the possibility* of placing it on Treas. of the H. A." Wolf Co. ' ies were served. Music was furnished not feeen Part of this plan hag already hs.->r. date National Fund Flower Day has e s t a b | the annual meeting. Sam was pulled a self-supporting basis.. v O m a h a i The above ofiicers with :=C; A. Buettel, by. Art Robinson's orchestra; and 1 put into -operation and new opportunout of the mud three times, once by a Pres. Service Garage Co.; L H. Helen Levinson sang several selec- Tished itself as a pop-alar institution "His impressions with regard to ities for employment a?e to V tractor, and & big-hearted passing the economic situation" were, no doubt, in Jewish life. I t is a great source'of Brown, Merchant, Norfolk, Nebr.; tions.. created. • motorist and another time by a husky derived from the existence in Palrevue to the National Fund, the past Thos: H. Werner, Banker, Hum- • Leo Rosenthal is chairman of. the flower days having netted close to JEWISH GIRLS OFFICERS During the past six months tht: team- of mules. phrey, Nebr.; Dr. E. E. Simmons, Boys* Work Committee, and Irvin $400,000. estine at the time of his visit, of the •OF DEBATING SOCIETY Keren Hayesod w&s compelled to re: The boys put the "works" on Heri>- beginning of an economic depression, witS offices in the Brandeis Stalmaster is vice-chairman. The It is a day of- universal appeal—for ert Goldstein and David Freeman. The Cogide Debating Society of sort to relief measures, and paid oi>l Theatre Building and Medical following are members of- the comwhich has resulted in a very-considerrich and poor. Technical High School again elected small doles to the unemployed. V'totr. Director of the Company, are the mittee: Shrolly Goodman. Fred White, able amount of ^unemployment in the There will be a meeting of worka group of Jewish girls to hold of- the very first day, however, whs* Life Saving Classes directors of the Company." towns. The causes of this depression Harry Robinso.n, Meyer Beber, Jack ers on Sunday, June 5, at the Jewish fices. This debating club is composed these doles became necessary, it V.-KIAccording to an official bulletin is- have been fully,-and frankly: set forth Greenberg, ^Alberts,^ Hyman _^ ^ Jack Community Center, and all interested of Jewish as well as non-Jewish girls. evident that the creation of sued by Ed Burdick, the life saving in a public statement issued by the Marer, Max Holzman, Dr. Philip Sher,i in the Jewish National Fund work is The following girls were elected to ment possibilities was much the classes will commence shortly. Many General Council of the World Zionand Ed Burdick. . . ' asked to attend. Mrs. L Kulakofsky ofSees: President, Nima Cohn; vice- policy. have already' signified • that they will ist Organization 'that met in the • Announcing the program of girls' is chairman for this flower day. For president, Rose Brick; treasurer, The National Conference of enter these special groups. Burdick eariy. part of last-month in London. work for the coming year, .the girls'- further information call Mrs. I. Ku- Minnie Frohm; parlimentarian, Man- Board of Directors of the United Vu\believes that many Center members The principal cause has been the Delegate lo National Convention t o rally Thursday evening vras a huge. lakofsky at Atlantic 1843. an Martin; sergeant-at-arms, Esther! e s ««e Appeal, which met in *,*•* are capable of passing the difficult fact that in -1925 the immigration into success. The more'than three hundred York on May 22, in a resolufeU>ti be Appointed Spar and Sylvia Bezman. Palestine, both from the point of view tests. and fifty girls from the age of eight JEWISH STUDENT proclaiming June Redemption of quality and quantity, owing to the DECLARES HUNGER STKIKE years, up were ull of pep and responddeclared that, the -entire P For the purpose of electing a deletremendous pressure on the Jews of Social Bugs Blooming IN ROUMANIAN PRISON KEREN HAYESOD ed to the-leadership of members of structure is jeopardised bythe !* gate to the American Zionist ConvenThe regular social "joints" are pre- Eastern Europe to emigrate, .resulted tion, to be held in Atlantic City, the the girls' work committee, of which DELEGATE SHIPWRECKED ON ent conditions. The resolution s Bucharest' (J. T. A.>—A hanger paring for the summer season when in the entrance of thousands of latter part of this month, the local Mrs. Sam Nathan is chairman. Mrs. WAY TO AUSTRALIA however, that, "given the means strike was declared by the Jewish college students are scheduled to re- people, who could not be absorbed Zionist Organization wilr hold a Nathan presided, giving . an introwith- the large constructive CTi student,-Lespezianu, who is held in into the as yet undeveloped economic turn to Omaha within the course of ductory talk on the tentative program prison indefinitely. prizes about to be started by special meeting Tuesday evening, Brisbane, Australia (J. T. A.) — week. One proprietor has a minia- structure of the country. The set- June 7, at the Jewish Community for the year, which includes classes Government, the • Palestine E Dr. Alexander Goldstein, one of the Lespeziana was arrested for shootture model in his -window. The model back which followed took place in Center. in dressmaking, cooking* millinery, ing in self-defense when he was at- leading Eussian Zionists and speaker Company and other eroupp and depicts college life ' the letter and the towns only* the agricultural settleMr. Harry A. Wolf will speak at home nursing, home management, tacked on the street by a Eoumanian for the Keren Hayesod, who is on a viduals/a new-era of further gr ments on the other hand registering that isn't perhaps. Yes it loots like mission to the Far Eastern Jewish-} for Palestine is assured." this meeting. The subject will be "of clothes selection, house furnishings, student. ' _ an advance both-in expansion and in orchestra, piano, dramatics, esthetic the "social bugs" are- b-oing to be •communities,was shipwrecked on his | interest to everyone. " the attainment of self-support. Comdancing, and art, and activity in glee rather active. way here. Coming from Java to OMAHA.'HEBREW CLUB Members are urged to attend. JACOB LANDAU petent testimony with regard to the "club, debating, gymnasium, swimming, SAILS FOR U. S, Australia the steamer Tasman struck adequate" economic possibilities of - ELECTION SUNDAY and in club work. Hitting the Line a reef one thousand miles from BrisLondon (J. T. A.)—Sir -Alfred Palestine from every point of view, The regular.semi-annual election /. London (J. T. A.)—Jacob Landau, bane, Burdick is planning c -. ,_nizing agriculturally, industrially and com- Mond, one of the three commissioners Mrs. Max Fromkin led the coma football squad this year. The phys- mercially, has been submitted by ex- of the Jewish Agency Survey Com- munity singing, which proved that the managing director of the Jewish Dr. Goldstein was stranded seven officers for the Omaha Hebrew On; _ ical director avers that "ie boys will perts at various times. At this time mission, will soon be named to the girls lack neither lung nor vocal abil- Telegraphic Agency, sailed yesterday days and was finally rescued by the J will be held Sunday afternoon ut tb." ity. Ruth Reuben and her sprightly on the Majestic for the United StatesC surely bit the line if the team will be a special non-Partisan Commission, peerage. Japanese steamer, Akimaru. Dr. < Jewish Community Center. The tni>{>:ing promises to be one of keen chorus gave a number from the operMr. Landau made an extended tour Goldstein, who landed at Townsville orgar-Ized. • This was disclosed today in a'report sponsored by the World Zionist Orpublished by the "Manchester Guard- etta, with the same weird effects and of European countries and visited on the Queensland coast, was slightly est. according, to the officers of Several grid players of note are poignant moral as to the cat when Palestine. • injured in the shoulder in the wreck, club. ian." angling to join the squad. (Continued- on Page 2)
What ah Orchestra
Crazy words, crazy tunes, hell be driving me crazy soon, with his vo-dovo-do and etc With this ja2zy melody enveloping the fresh night air, gayly dressed dancers "were trotting away to the merry tunes of Art Robinson's Royal Vagabounds. ' ' Robinson and bis syncopaters formerly entertained the crowds at the "Y" dances at the Center.
Jerusalem (J. T. A.)—The balance sheet of the Palestine administration for the year 1927-1928f will show a deficit of approximately £90,000, according to a report published by the Palestine • Hebrew labor. .paper,
Company Opens With H^ipartersia
Boys and Girls Rallies at Jewish Community Center
for Pafesiie Fields
Preskieot of Ivre Conclave at .Sioux City Iowa
Harry A. Wolf to Speak at Zionist Meeting Tuesday
j»A6i: 2^-THE JEWISH PRESS,- THURSDAY, JUNE 2, 1927 missioner of Palestine, be firm in their faith and conscious JEWISH DEPUTY LIBERAL JEWSyesterday on his vacation^ f" of their purpose and in a position to TO REPRESENT POLAND IN REITERATE STAND 1 It was announced here that \the MOSCOW NEGOTIATIONS serve as an example among the ON ZIONISM . - Ppbiuneti ovfry fhunaaj at Omaha, j*$brt«». 07 High Commissioner will confef^wifch peoples of the world, thus fulfilling ! : THE JfEWTsa PRESS POBUWBl^G COMPANY Berlin (J. T. A.)—-A reiteration of the Jewish mission among mankind." Warsaw (J. T. A.) Deputy Waclaw Col. Leopold H. Amery, British # 0 BmndeJ's Theatie Boildlng —'Telephone: ATlantic 1450, Wislicki, member of the Club of Jew- Colonial Secretary, hefore tbe~littter> its former attitude toward Zionism . . . NATHAN E, GREEN, Manager. ish Deputies in the Polish parliament, departure for a tour of the Dominions. and religion was formulated by theLEAGUE OF NATIONS Denver, Colo.—(Special correspond- Executive Board of the Federation UNION TO PROTEST was entrusted by the Polish govern.$2.60. SnbscHpfioa Price, one yearence.)—The board of managers of of Liberal Jews at a special meeting . AGAINST ROUMANIA ment with the mission of negotiating - • - - Advertising rates furnished on application. the National Jewish Hospital at Den- held here with the participation of matters pending between the Warsaw Omaha's Greatest Amnioment Vtlie ver is happy to announce the appoint- representatives from various cities. Berlin (J. T. A.)—A strong resolu- and Moscow governments. CHANGE OF ADDRESS—Flea»e jriveootb »he old and new addreii: ment of Dr. Isadora D. Bronfin as As a result of the deliberations of tion of protest, condemning the ariti., ' «>• inn unfl tw * wm% medical director of the institution, as the Board, a^ resolution was adopted Jewish excesses in Eoumaniai is ex- Deputy Wislicki is accompanied on his mission by Deputy Wirzbicki. Thfl Jewish Press' la supplied by the Jewish Telegraphic Agency (Jewfab of May 1, 1927. * ' : with only one dissenting vote, em- pected to be the result of the disTHEATRE. Correspondence Bprean) with cabled and telegraphic Jewish ncwe, In addition Dr. Bronfin comes to his duties as phasizing again that religion is the cussion, on the Jewish situation - in to feature articles and correspondences from all important Jewish centersMON. to SAT. Inquiries regarding- news Items credited to this Agency will he gladly medical head ef the oldest free na- only basis of Judaism. The resolu- that country, which will take place at RUTTENBERG NOON answered if aggressed.to Jewish Telegraphic Agency, 621 Broadway, New tional tuberculosis sanitarium in thetion stated: TO BEGIN WORK ON the International conference of the York City. - „ to 2 P.M. country, thoroughly equipped for his 'The Board of the Federation of Union of League of Nations Societies, JORDAN IN JULY task. Ifis training and years of prac- Liberal Jews sees the basis and es-which opened its session here yesterJerusalem (J. T. A.)—The machintical experience in the field of tuber- sence of Judaism in religion. The day. THE FEAST OF WEEKS Children (Anytime) 15c The Jewish Pentecost or Feast of Weeks (Sha.buoth) will be culosis have given him an outstand- decisive factor in Judaism is member- The League of Nations Society of sry necessary for the commencement the work on the Jordan, ordered in SUNDAY'S celebrated on the 6th of June. Its name is derived from the fact ing position in the medical profession- ship in the Jewish community, accep- Palestine is represented by M. Dizen- of England by the Palestine Electric 12: 30 Combining the erudition of the "goff, former mayor of Tel Aviv. The that is.is celebrated-seven weeks after the second fay of Passover. scholar with the practical "humanity tance of the Jewish religion, and the Jewish League of Nations Society of Corporation, is expected to arrive To 2 P.M. carrying out of its duties. Those who All ihe biblical injunctions as to the manner in which the Feast of the experienced physician, Djy change their faith leave the Jewish Austria is represented by Rabbi Ze here in June. The work will be begun was 'to be Observed indicate that it was originally agricultural in Bronfin will have , at the National community, while those accepting the Chajes and the Bulgarian Jewish so- in July. Extra Sunday vitl regular shew character. ~It was in- reality a season of^ thanksgiving for "theJewish Hospital, the most modem Jewish religion and fulfilling its du-ciety by Mr. Cordous. A representa- Pinchas Ruttenberg announced tV.at 1500 Jewish and Arab workers will 12:30 to 1 P. M. tive of the'Czechoslovakian Jewish medical and surgical facilities for the ties are full members of the Jewish hacve^ts that ha.d; bee reaped;Jbeginnmg with the barley harvest be employed immediately the work League "of Nations Society is also community. This !, . • leads to the retreatment of tuberiQulpsis and its during the-Paesover'to the wheat harvest" af the" beginningfof the starts. complications. Patients at, the hospital jection of efforts/which: seek -to re- present. summer. The ceremonial offerings., prescribed were in keeping wjll A report of the situation in RouBy GEORGE JOHNSON be assured of. the. very best that; place racial or national memberBhi •with the^God-giyengifts of the soil that had-been gathered. for .religious, membership, or putting mania is included in the report of the PLUMER ARRIVES IN LONDON medical science has tpoffer, ' In post-bibical'times this Feast was observed as the anni general secretary of the international London (J. T. A.) Field Marshal Dr. Bronfin received his academic. it on an equal plane. Lord Herbert C. Plumer, High Com- PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS versary" of the birth" of Judaism with the promulgation of the degree at the. University of North "Only religious communities can Union.
Dr. L D. Bronfin
Natl Jewish Hospital
Organ Recital
Divine Law at Sinai/ Qji'this "Pay of the Giving of'the Law," 1 Carolina, and, did postgraduatework is it. was called by the rabbis, the Ten Commandments constitute at the University of the State , of York. He was house surgeon at part of .the Scripture readings aspect of the Feast that has been New the Beth Israel Hospital in New. York - emphasized in the-nbn-agficultural life, which the Jews were com-, and later as,superintendent of ihe peled to live for centuries. Beth Israel Hospital in Boston, orf. \When.the Reform Synagogue introduced the rite of Con- ganized the first. Jewish training fiipmation-for the Jewish youth, the Pentecost,"-by virtue of its 1 school for nurses in .New England, Puring the past eight years, he has traditional association with-the ancient revelation, was the dayhad a wide experience in institutional most naturally selected, for charging the young boys and girls work and in private practice and* is through an impressive public ceremony, with the meaning of the the author of numerous articles on Jewish faith' and with the dutycof leading a high and religious tuberculosis. He is fellow of Medical Association, a and no'nnai.Jife. _ member of the International Congress - * The agricultural side of the Feast, however, was not lost sight on Tuberculosis,,the National Tuberof, in that it was customary to decorate home and synagog with culosis Association, the American plants and flowers in-season. In addition to a portion from the Hospital Association, the Colorado Pentateuch, the .charming story of«Ruth was prescribed in the State Medical Society and kindred Synagogue because the idyllic scene of harvesting which it con- groups. tains was in keeping with the celebration of the Harvest Feast. No. 1 OF THE Those observing customs that originated in post-biblical times OMAHA CHAPTER A.Z.A> a£d a second day to that enjoined in the Bible. Omaha Chapter will entertain its members and their guests at a box rreeoncijables form an insignificant minority while the va.st majority of luncheon Sunday afternoon at Elmthe Arab population entertain a wood park, immediately following the friendly interest in the work of. their A. Z. A--Psi Mu baseball game. A •re- .(Continued from page 1) Jewish neighb'ors, It cannot be other* game of indoor^ ball will provide amusement during the course of the ganixation "and the non-Zionists of wise -when the fact is considered that luncheon, teams consisting of memJewish activity in Palestine has reAmerica headed by Mr. Louis Marbers who aspire to be benedicts and shall: is at wqrk ascertaining the pos- sulted in tfys raising of the general those who don't, will be the. consibilities of Palestine with a "view of standards of Arab-life. The friendly testants, '^--': arriving at a comprehensive program relation between the two peoples was amply demonstrated during the recent of reconstruction. •'•' ' municipal elections in Jerusalem and making for th^peacevof .'tfielandL "BT-fo' true, as Dr. Fosdick saye, is being further demonstrated -by the "Theories. , an^ ^deductions must that the'Jews'of the'world, and es-sympathetic concern which the Arabs, yield to the rfacts. Zionist wprk pecially .the Jews of- America,' have feel over the present; economio de- in Palestine'-"idx constructive. Thoubeen contributing generously toward sands of Jews po»rmg into the-counthe work in j Palestine. These funds pression. The problem of maintaining try are draining the swamps, plantthe public peace in Palestine is no have been devoted to' the promotion ing trees, " establishing farm settleproblem at all. There are no -British of activities and services such as agricultural colonisation, sanitation and soldiers in Palestine because none are ments,' building- suburbs and induseducation-- "which, from their nature, needed and it is the most peaceful, in tries, and seeking to establish a home canhot'in* the early stages be self- fa.ct the only peaceful country in a for themselves- and -a homeland for supporting. * On the other-hand, a region that has been seething , with their people. They are eager for cot. Recently the. French High operation of their Arab neighbors. number of industries * Have already Commissioner to Syria expressed the Polities is not their concern. In this been established in Palestine, such as hope that the Zionists would extend work they have the moral support of th$ Nesher Cement Works and more particularly' the industry' of - orange their activities to that country. He the civilised nations and of all liberal growing, which are yielding'- satis- regarded the work of the Zionists minded people. They regard this factory returns. The Zionists believe that "he had observed .in Palestine aa support as- one of their moBt impor* of the most Important factors tant assets," Dr. Wise declared^" that the Jews o f America -will'con. tinue to give support where it is needed until a Jewish Community will have developed in Palestine that will in eve*y way be self-supporting. Such development will,' we believe, be accomplished within a* reasonable period of time.
Rabbi Wise Replies to Dr. Fosdick
"T£e misgivings which Dr.:Fosdick fcxpressed with regard to'the political or '-Whit he terms-* tfce • 'chauvinistic' character 'of the .movement are* more din^nl^ to understand.' 'The' political foundations of Zionism are laid-Sown in tfc» Mandate of-the League' pf Nations, which is being administered by Great Britain. These- conditions ^ stitpte part of an £nte'rriatio»ial law, thai; determine very definitely the objective? and limitations' ot- the undertaking/" The yforld Zionist Drganizatfon, which is recognized in" this Mandate as the Jewish Agency ta^eonsu'lt and cooperate with' the British Government has adhered both in its declaration and ih its aets to the spirit and jgtter- pf the Urns, .pf- the 3Vfandat^^Yery"in6venjentl|ia3,a section of ^extremists,* ffo movement -should 'be Judged by its extremiBtB," TKe Zioriist'l^xjremists, whom , Dr,. Fosdick calll^fin^iivinjfltic', constitute a small andneWglbTe'minority iirthe deilber, ativej:ouncils of^the World^ - Organization. They are altogether absent in its executive bodies. The fear thatjthe movement may get into the confjp'?bjf these extremists appears'oCtS* faets to be unfounded. "But |h*Vmo«t^epnelosiv* evidence; of the g|o|m4)e««hes« of Dr. FosdicV* fears i8ffurrtffbf4 o y ^ e facts with respect to th<j actual relations between the Jews nw£ the Arabs in Palestine, ^hjto # 1" true that there • is still in i»ffl«$ne some.profawional 'Arab intran'sJ^ntSf "wM^P^ess to Tegard «>ery<?e$*h%iiStmtjr in the _ country pa being aimed"4rt*tty» fatar* -'*' •
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R An opportttQ6.saie o | KSLIABLE* RANGES— one of America's finest because it brings to you at. lew cost and on easy payments the comfort and the saving which, yon have wanted and are not getting from your old stove. This splendid reduction is in effect on every Eeliable Eange, from the least expensive to the finest Trhite enamel model. Be among the first to take advantage of this fine offer. OUT stock is limited on some models. No interest is charged on time payments^-an additional sav>
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Reductions S e Bo Ha There can be no question of savings during this B&le for vre guarfintee that the original prices Trill be put back into effect immediately tlio-ccle is over.
It is an opportunity that you, who, need new stoves, can not well afford to pass by without notice. Come i n at least and let us show y o ' vantage of buying now.
A Reliable Range Will and Fuel?? Save Food Old worn-oat ranges that have seen years of use can not be expected to glxe you the same service tha't a new, liiLUBLE will give you. The &0RAIN Oven Heat Regulator alone will give you cooking convenience that you have never experienced. The saving that you make in fuel consumption and on food will contribute materially toward the small payments which will, put a RKpIABliE BAN'GE in your home today.
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Starting next week, our cooking school^will fcir& actual demonatra»tioni dealing with various phases of y o u r , present cooking problems." • Something deferent. Bp SUM t<r «t.
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_ At» tfTOlli
Miss Rose G. Shapiro" fas returned Toby, from the Abraham ' Lincoln »—. ting real ieold 4h3? really 4e*» *©t from Chicago after spending» there a High School this evening. save iee. If eggs are dirty, wash with vineAUNT ESTHER'S weeks visit with 'the Misses Faye and gar; if washed with' water eggs spoil\ If you are bothered with lints, now Mrs. M.-R. Shoitak of "Los%ngeles, Bose Simons. COLUMN easily. ' is the time t© put old jar covers in Cal., arrived Sunday for a month's Wash <•' -silver in water in which1 under legs of ice chest or cabinet. Mrs. M. F. Levenson went to Fre- visjthererwi^h^tjliarentStiMr. and potatoes have boiled and: silver wiil^ Seep filled with" water. Alumn is also mont last Thursday and organized a J£rs.vSam Gross, ; ;4^~*h^tQakland Potato Flonr Muffins used in places where ants are tp'Tse ; : t : " Hadassah- chapter. The meeting toojc Court. .•;.'.. •-••-• ^ : ~ - - be shiny. - " . / ^ ' : 5 \ /J %-.:-..: • 2 e g g s - • found. . . . . . . • ............ • To prevent fruit pies froBi running place at the home of Mrs. J. Verbin. 3 tablespoons cold:-water: will be held over make small funnels out of plain j Place head lettuce or cabbage in1 The following officers were elected: Services for ShevoutH 1 tablespoon sugar :: heavy paper and place in top of pie salt water for a while, it Vs'ill hrlng ' President, Mrs. Emanuel E. Verbin; in. the;;~;Counca ; Bluffs Che^a.VB'im % cup potato flour Yisroel^SjTaagogue," 618 ^M^tM^Mu to top any plant bugs. to allow steam to escape. Vice-President, Mrs. J. Berek; Sec. % teaspoon salt ott' Suaday evening, June 5^^at^:$6 Raisins and rice will become wormy i : Place pies in very hot oven until retary, Mrs. Lewis Cohen; Treasurer, r 5 teaspoons baking- powder p m.; on Monday morning. »£ -M'l «*if kept in a warm place. r crust is set, then reduce heat. If Mrs. Joe Krasne. Beat egg yolks, add sugar and salt. juice runs over, sphinkle places with clock, and Monday evening^A%:'.'t,:ZQ SOVIET DBOPS . .* ". Sift, flour and "Shaking powder, add salt and no odor of burning. Mr. and Mrs. M« Tuchman-will hold pr;.._m.; and on Tuesday morning Miss Mary Yabroff of Wichita, JEWISH NAME-OP WEDDINGS o'clock. Tuesday--morning. egg yolk mixture to. stiffly beaten egg Kansas, will arrive in Fremont, Fri- a Teception at their home on "Sunday, Services, or ''Issachor" will be -held. whites. I'Add Jflour anO>eat hard, last RAILWAY STATION June 5, from'three to six o'clock, in JAFFE-GINSBEBG Household Hints day, from New York where she has ! Everyone is invited to attend. add cold water. Bake in a hot oven. honor of their daughter's Betty's conMrs. A. Ginsberg announce been continuing her studies at CoNow is a good time to can rhubarb. Moscow (J. T. A.) — A railway Serve warm. Makes 12 muffins. These Wash jars, have new rubbers and station bearing the name of a famous approaching marriage of their lumbia University. Miss Yabroff. will firmation. All friends and relatives Eighteen friends of Mr, Ernest muffins are lovely to serve with a are not being d^a-aghter Alyce to "William Jaffe, son motor to-Lincoln with Miss Rose are invited. Invitations : Nogg surprised him at the home of meat meal in place of bread. Grease good covers. Wash and cut rhubarb, Jewish contractor in Czarist times issued. , : do not peel. Pack in jars, not too full. was renamed by an order of the Of/Mrs, Rose Jaffe, on Sunday, June Minlrin to attend commencement. Miss Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Nogg on SunFill with cold water, pour off, and Soviet authorities. it two d'dock at the home of the Yabroff is receiving her Master 1 Mrs. J. Lubkin of Chicago is visit- day evening prior to his departure for muffin tins with vegetable oil. The -ailway station, Ginzhurg, oh again fill full to over flowing. Seal Torte with Fresh Strawberries e's-parents. Rabbi Frederick Coha Degree at/this timer ing with her daughter, Mrs.-Ed.Ros- an extended trip down South. Mr. the Middle Asiatic Railway, was reair tight. When wanted just pour off 6 egg whites ^dating. The .young couple "will Nogg -left Tuesday for Tulsa, Okla., Mrs. Charles Katz of Dallas, Texas, enstein. named Koaphka. The station had been' water and use as fresh. 2 cups sugar Iwwe-on a honeymoon trip to Chicago. and he will alia, visit in Tennessee g who, is visiting at the home of Mrs. named in honor of the famous Jewish Do not cover ice in chest with Mr. and Mrs. Abe Somberg will be and Texas..,';:.:, . i:.-:---:.'. 1 teaspoon vanilla i%,- Wrh.BltUflenthal of Cleveuand, Louis Epstein has been the -honored at home Sunday, June 5, In honor of newspapers as it prevents chest get- contractor who built the railway. 1 teaspoon vinegar rf the groom, will arrive Fri- guest at many parties since her ar- their daughter Zerline's confirmation. Among those who returned Tiome - Beat egg whites stiff and dry, add attend, the -wedding. rival here. On Wednesday, May ?5, Tuesday after spending the past week sugar slowly and vanilla and viegar. visiting in Chicago, DU, were the Bake in a spring form or any other Leona Ginsberg entertained at Mrs. Sam Epstein "was hostess at a ;;&B Council Bluffs News end bridge-luncheon at the Blackstone Misses Dora &nd~TJHieTff»rko"yit£j and desired shape. When cool fili with a. bridge luncheon last Snnday honor- Hotel. Mrs. Louis Epstein entertained KUBBY-STEINBERG ~ the Messrs'. Louis HTKateiiusi, Ben sweetned strawberries topped with ixHthir sister. Alyce, a Dride-lo-he. M. SOMTT 2429 Decatur Street WE. S527 at a theatre party on Tuesday and at The marriage of Miss Sophia Stein- E. Kubby, Clyde Krasne, and Good- •whipped cream. a bridge luncheon at the Brandeis Tea 1)&IS, Louis Moskovitz, 3230 berg, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. man RoienthalT If you are in need of a Tales woo! Gr Silk of the best qnality, Tfeelin, Salad for the Electric Ice Box Myrtle avenue, will be at home Sun- Rooms on Wednesday for Mrs. Katz. Steinberg of Council Bluffs, Iowa, to Mezuzos or any other religious article, we -will be glad to sell it to MrsTSara Epstein complimented-Mrs. Mr. David Kubby will take place next Twelve, friends ibf -Edward' Rosen 2% cups any mixture diced fruit. 7 June 5, from two to five o'clock you at the mest reasonable prices. We also carry a full line of Katz at a luncheon at her home on 1 cup stiffly whipped cream. Tuesday evening, June 7, at the Jew- surprised him at the^ home iof his in honor of the confirmation of their Thursday and Mrs. S. G. Frohm en- ish" Community" Center; of Omaha. parents^|^r» and Mrs. J. Rosen, Sun! Bibles with Jewish and English translations. We ere also the agente % cup thick mayonaise. son, Sara. ' J':' ';.;•_ tertained at' a "bridge luncheon at the Miss Lylyan Steinberg, sister of. the day e^e^ingin hoBorof his sixteenth of all Palestine Products and the artistic work of Bezslel Sdieoi Mix well and place in food con. Mrs, Reiss, Mrs. Adelstein \ind Mrs. Fontenelle Hotel on ^Thursday. bride, will be maid-of-honor, and Mr, birthday,' •'/' ..." V"'-;';. - •'• ,.V=^ tainer. Let stand 6 hours, tmmold , in Jerusalem. . • . . Tenan left Saturday night for a visit Ben E. Kohby will .serve his brother and cut in slices. Serve in lettuce Mr. and Mrs. M. Kialakofsky left MesBr^; Kaurice and Arthu? FriedaL.Chica£O. * ...._,"•;'•••• Friday for Kansas_ City to' visit as best man. Misses Belle and ^Bertha man, r stnidents at the Uaiversity of cups, topped -with small portions of Seigel of Omaha, cousins of the bride, mayonnaise. This may also be packed . Mrs. N. Sievers and son Paul and •with their children, Rabbi and Mrs. will serve as .bridesmaids, while Mr. Iowa at Iowa City* ;are expected home in ice and salt for S hours, served daughters Kate, Fan and Molly of Herman Cohen. . Rosenstein of Omaha, and Mr, Jack Friday to spend their summer vaca- same way. Minneapolis will arrive in Omaha Mr. and Mrs. Jarohm Kulakofsky Steinberg, - brother of the bride, will tion with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. June 15, to be the -guests of Mr. and Philip Friedman. Cream of Tomato Soup have as. their guest their daughter, be groomsmen. Mrs. A. Seilverman. 1 small can tomato soup. Mrs. Louis Spiwak of Chicago, HI.' Among the affairs given -during the You have forced us to move into larger and A number of Jewish students from 3 cups milk. .Mrs. Mt Zalk asd daughter Anne past week honoring Miss Steinberg all over the country participated in more beautiful quarters to serve your needs. Mr. Noah Kahn of Bethlehem, Pa., was a bridge party given last'SaturPinch soda. • and Mrs. B. M. Brown motored to the National Band Contest which was WE THANK YOU 1 teaspoon butter. A J)es Moines last -week-end and -were •who has spent the past year in St. day evening by Miss Lillian Lapp.of held in Council Bluffs, Iowa, on May 2 teaspoons flour. the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Louis, was a visitor Tuesday at the Omaha. Mrs. Louis Epstein of-Omaha 27 and 28. Among those from the Considering it is only our second year in home of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Weinberg entertained at-a luncheon, followed by ' Salt and pepper t-> taste. Hockenberg. Omaha, it surely is— home town who -were in the contest at Fremont, *. bridge at the Brandeis Tea Booms were Helen Whitebook, Bernard BalRinse pan in cold water before Hiss Rose Fine Teturned last -week An Established Record - -*..._' The Study Circle . of Hadassah Tuesday - afternoon,. and on Tuesday aban and Leo Meyerson. The Council adding milk. Allow to heat slowly, tfrom a two months visit throughout evening Miss . Minnie Wohlner of cream butter and flour and allow to the east -where she visited with which was to have met Monday after- Onraha was.hpstess to sixteen guests Bluffs Band won a close second place reach the boiling point. In another noon, May 31, has been postponed to in the finals. During the contest, Miss relatives and friends. Monday, June 6. Mr, J. "Wolfson will at a bridge party for this bride-to-be. Toby Katelman was private secretary pan empty can of tomato soup. AlOn "Wednesday Mrs. Paul Wohmer ~6f to one of the Judges.from, Washing- ilow to come to boiling point, add , • J4r. and Mrs. A; Steinberg of-LOB "be the principal speaker. General Contractors Omaha'entertained;'at Ja^ luncheon* ton, D. C. poheh of soda. \ Wheft both milk and lingeles, formerly" of" this ' city, are Estimates furnished free . . Miss Sophye Rosenstein spent the bridge at the Fontenelle Hotel, and visiting "with Mr. and Mrs. Grosstomato have reached boiling point, Phone Jackson 1614 409-11 Hospe Building Thursday Mrs. Sam Frohm* is enters week-end in Chicago^ ". nutnn and Mr. and Mrs. A.•Silverturn fire and quickly stir tomato taining at"a luncheon-bridge/at the PATRONIZE OUR AOVERTlSfclRSI into milk, season and serve. man. .;_ __.:^ .. '•'... The. Congregation B'riai Israel I";-Mr. and Mrs, Jbe Wolf^-willbe at -Synagogue? 18th & Chicago, will obGILINSKY-WOLD homa Sunday afternoon Jane 5, from,j • serve JShevbuthy Feast of the .Harvest, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Wold ;of Minnethree to -sis o'clock in honor of .their beginning Sunday night with services 1 starting at eight o'clock and services apolis, Mimu, announce the marriage danghteriawcnciolyns (Confirmation. Monday and Tuesday/jnorning at»8iSflL «f/their -daughlej, -IBlossdm, tBrMt Mrs. C. H. Pill of Hollywood, Cal., Cantor Abraham Schwaczkin -with his Joe F. Gilinsky, son of Mr. and Mrs. is visiting with her mother, Mrs. F. choir of .sixteen, voices. -will:_ render E. Gilinsky of CouncU :Bhiffs,:;-which ^Wirtshafter and her sister Mrs. Jbe special Selections at the services. was solemnized on Wednesday, May Wolf. 25, at the home of theJbride's parents. -"Council of Jewish" Women are Dr. and Mrs. O. C. Goldner will be making plans to hold a steak fry on Mr. and Mrs. Gilinsky are now makat home Sunday, June 5 from tw<i> to June 12V at Elmwood park. "All mem- ing their home at the Hotel ghieftain, five o'clock and from seven to ten bers and 'their' friends are invite'd. Council Bluffs, Iowa. o'clock in. honor.of the confirmation Mrs. L Rosen thai is in charge of the Mrs. Abe Bear of Leavenworth, of their daughter Mirriam. cooking* and from all reports this Kansas, arrived Sunday to spend the Miss Yetta "Wright is visiting in dinner promises to be -very unusual. week here visiting-her parents, MT. at Wal- and Mrs. Julius Katelman. She will Kansas City with her sister Mrs. Al Call Mrs. Lawrence Goldman 1 nut 7497 for reservations. attend the graduation of her" sister, Hoffman. From Kansas City she will be joined by. her sister Hermine and The formal initiation to be given . they will go to Los Angeles, where by the A. Z. A. -will be presented to their mother, Mrs. "Wright, is visit- the public at the Jewish Community You are welcome JmjC a t the present .time. Center the middle of June. The cereL ; ' - - - . a t ••-• • :Mr. and Mrs. Morris Meyers will monies -will typify the ideals "and be, a t home Sunday, June 5, from character of A. Z. A. -work. Members three to six and from seven to ten in of the club will take part jn the preshonor of the confirmation of their entation and" are being coached by You will endorse our recommendation of Mrs. Herman Jahr. The initiation 5400 Center Street grandson- Louis Meyer Goldstone. these charming frocks. Every smartest -will be given by the Omaha Chapter Phone Walnut 5936 The Ziona Girls will hold their nest at Des Moines before the delegates style note is to be found in this collection , "Famous for meeting Sunday afternoon, June 5, at of the National A. Z. A. Convention, «—in many delightful interpretations. And the Jewish Community Center. Elec- June 30. Chicken Sandwiches' yet they are moderately priced. tion of officers will take place. •\ Dancing Mrs. Harry Block of El Paso, Mr; said Mrs. Abe Goldstein, 102 Texas, is visiting with Mr. and Mrs, North 54th Street/ will be at home Abner Kaiman. Mrs. Block has been Sunday afternoon, June 5, from three extensively entertained during her to six o'clock in honor of the con- stay here. ' firmation of their son Herman; Miss Rose Rena JlirikhTofFremont,' Language Jessdns f or begin. Mrs. A. L Kulakofsky left for Sioux daughter/of Mr. and Mrs. "Morris ners and advanced -pupils City, Friday to spend the week-end is motoring to Lincoln Friday . will be given by visiting her sister, Mrs. A. L Sacks to attend commencement .exercises -and Mr. Sacks. ."Whilethere'she: will Saturday, at which-time she-will reattend the confirmation of her jniece ceive her degree of Doctor cf Medi: Just received and fresh-Mfcese frocks represent careful choosRozina Sacks. :,' .;•", •....,'• '•'• ^-; -., -^ ",.. cine. Miss Minklin will leave June .20 _at her. home' ing on "the part of our dress buyer, for they measure u p to the The "Fa-Son Girls ;wiU hayeOjjieir for Philadelphia where she will in- . -No. 4 Carlisle Apartments terne at the "Women's Hospital". She 625 South 18th St. high standard of values set hy Carman's. There* is a clever X-..X, next next meeting meetig at the J. C. C/ai4«ach svill visit enroute at Kansas City, St. JAckson3566 or ATlanticS5Q7 '" '-:„*. 4-i.n^ nliVK wrisT style here for you—do not defer making your selections while member will receive their club" pin Louis, and Cleveland, Ohio. . the offerings are most complete. On June 15 they -will hold their initiation party. "Second! Floor Miss Eeva Kay'-was hostess at a luncheon at the Athletic Club Monday, complimentary to Miss Ruth Richards of San Jose, Cal., -who is visiting here enroute to Europe.
An Established Record
Omaha s Style Center
16th and Harney
Omaha, Neb.
Newly Arrived...
Dorsey*s Chicken Shack
German and French
Navy Georgettes
Fashions of Import&fim for the Mid^summer Season
Mr. and Mrs, J. White aniurance the birth of a baby son, born Friday, May 27, at the Methodist Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. George Levine have moved into Turner Court, 3102 Podge. Mrs. Levine -was formerly Miss Sara Blumenthal, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. D. Blumenthal. Mr. and Mrs. Levine spent decoration day in Sioux City, visiting -with Mr. Levine'e parents. Mrs. J. Linsman has returned from Lincoln and Fremont where she was instrumental- in the organizing of committees for the Jewish National Fund •which will • jwirticipate in the V\. Day Suridafe" ". ' 4 ' "
»25 ...All Sport andDress
...Felt Hats...
for every mood^-Jor every occasion
offered at Remarkable Savings!
Dashing Silk Embroidery Snng-fittiBg small hats, away from the face, irregular narrow brims, demurely drooping and sweeping1 vagabond effects with ribbon and ornament trimming in the new summer colors and white.
.PAGE .4—THE JEWISH PRESS, THURSDAY, JUNE 2," 1927 rated,the matinee policy for Sunday Dworkin was found murdered in perfontrances, the price bein& the the village Dilevitch, near Dubrowna. regular 40c inatmee . admission ttntii, Tie police found that he had been killed by a peasant of the village be2 o'clock. cause the peddler declined to sell him UKRAINIAN; some tobacco for one kopek less than OZET tJPENS SESSION lie, had asked. The peasant was . INi CHABKOFF arrested.
Captains of Jewish Service NQTy._,that the high' school and college ^thletes ,ha\te rung.the , curtain; down on'their various, lines of .sport - ^:ws might Took back and/see what the f i.Jewish .boys, 'did.'to* help their* school .'" colors.-" , - ."'.,.',.. -• Baseball,found Herman' Levinsori at Central, high school and Joe Tamer at the University'of Illinois. JLevjnson was one.of .the leaders in the batting column -while -Turner pjayed a good all-round game at the Illifu institution. '• • • -" TracU produced Marcus Krasne at the University of Illinois, Bud Levin at GeStral.high school and Leon Forman at .North high" school." Erasne earned his freshman numeral as a shot putter extraordinary! ; placing first in all of his competitive meets. Levin was also a shot putter while Forman was a century and' twotwenty man. Tennis unearthed Sydney" E&tzberg a t Tech high school and Julius Goldner- at Central high school. Neither lads ranked very high during the City tournament which was held recently. The piece de resistance last week among the local Jewish' sportsmen and women' was a base ball game and tennis-match between the - Omaha Chapter of the A. Z. A^ and their - Des Moines brethren. The Iowa men emerged victorious in both contests. Beamy and Louis Beckerman trimmed Joe Cohen and Sam Bender of th~e Omaha Chapter Sunday morning in a hard fought tennis match which brought out the best efforts of the contestants. The lor * lads-will have an opportunity to even the score when, they meet their conquorers in a return engagement at Des Moines during the Fourth Annual A. Z. A. Convention which will be held the* latter part of this month. ,- , Phil Rubin and Joe Anchor-twirled the Des Moines Chapter t ° a *° to 5 victory over the Mother Chapter in . the afternoon in a n ' uninteresting game at Miller Park. The Omanans were held well in hand.by : the Des Moines -nine during the. entire nine innings- with the exception of -the last canto when the visitors let down and allowed four runs, t o . cross their platter. Phil RubinT starting pitcher for the winners held the Omaha boys hitless and runless while he held down the mound but was'I force'd..to withdraw before the game was half over as a result of injuring his hand 6rt a batted ball. The victors played almost flawless ball and made good use tif the many local errors two tally , runs when they were needed. ^Max. Altshuler and Morris Reis hurled excellent ball but received terrible support. Max was in million dollar form but could do little with the poor backing of his team mates who allowed every kind of a ball to get past them. Altshuler struck out six men' in the first two innings and several "more in each of the two succeeding frames till he was .jerked in favor of "Bed" Reiss who was given better aid and held the iQwans to a pair "of runs. Neither team made many clean base hits, errors playing J a large part in the scoring of both teams. " - . . ~ Both aggregations will tangle again during the A. Z. A. Convention xit Des Moines. " -
•;; Charkoff (J. T. A.)—An AUtlkraihian conference of the Ozet, the society for settling Jews on the land, waf. opened :here yesterday. Thirty three delegates representing a membership of _ 43,000 were present. It was reported that the Ukrainian Ozet ^collects the amount of 33,524 roubles monthly in membership' feesi' •''."' ; '
SOSKIN and KOZBERG 1S52 No. 20 St.—WEebiiter'OZOT
Fresh Meats — Delicatessens
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The Best Place to Buy
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PAXTON-MITCHELL CO. t~t6 ami Kutrtha &t». HA rnrjr 1t9g Omaha, Nebr. Soft gray. Iron, brasn, bronze and alamiuvm castings. Standard »izes
ctdnse and iron bushings, gewer roan-
tioles, cistern rings and covers, and -lean-ont loore In stock.
Bns. Phone AT. 8453 lies. Phone AT. 11S5
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HOTEL ROME 250 Rooms—209 Baths Good Rooms for SIJ>0 .Operated by Eppley Hotels Co-
The Copefean Candy Co Successors to Jones Candy Co.
Romance Chocolates
Leaders Who Are Distinguishing Themselves In I. O. B. B.'s Wi<Jer Scope Campaign D
to Jewish service Is the distinguishing characteristic of the group ot men whose photographs ' are assembled here. Representing many walks of life, they si--re a desire to advance the ?*.' e ol Israel in America, and to in their work. Classes are held at different hours so that all may find a satisfactory, time to learn the^ art of swimming, as it should be done. The Two Triangles, a 'junior organization sponsored •' by - v the Lincoln Chapter of the Order of A. Z. A., defeated* the B'nai Ami ,of Omaha, Memorial day in a fairly close gcrae of baseball. The Lincoln lads garnered'eleven runs off the offering of the Omaha hurlers while the best Umt the local 'boys could du was to chalk up eight little markers. The victorious team however was spiked by a number of the Lincoln A. Z. A. and the showing of the losers was not so doleful as it might have been. The tables were turned later in the day when the Omahans ran away w ith the track meet between themselves and the Two Triangles by the score of sixty-four to eight. Leon Forman was one of the big point winners for the Bnai Ami while Abe Novicoff, an A. Z. A. tallied most of the Lincoln scores. The meet was held in the Lincoln high school stadium and was witnessed by a large crowd of enthusiasts.
render service to their people and their faith all over the world. They have distinguished themselves, especially in the>I.- O. ,B.-BJs effort, through its Wider Scope Committee, to create a better understanding of Jews by'Jews and by
dainty Marion Davies.- This;picture is said to show the real soul, of this newspaper comic strip and has touches of farce and moments of .pathos., Miss Davies has proved herself to be a comedian tf real merit and is supported by a*splendid cast. Matt Moore, as the whimsical office drudge, gives a splendid performance..; Gertrude. Short has the part of Bubbles, the little steno in the *iest door office, Claire McDowell - plays Ma Jones, George Fawcttt and George K. Arthur also have featured parts. - * "Milady's Perfume" is the intriguing title of the Publix Stage production this week and this number is said to be one of rare and exotic beauty, its theme having been suggested by the exquisite perfumes and elaborate containers that have been in vogue
Phone JA. 3986
non-Jews. Nearly otfe' million dol-; American Jewry in the future. Iars has already been raised for j This by-product of the Wider this cause through their efforts, in Scope Campaign is in itself the the course of which, they have de- best reason for . American Jewry's. monstratecj qualities of leadership! generous', support of. the B'nai which will be of great value toiB'rith effort. * almost since the beginning OL time. Some exceptional talent has been secured for the interpretatio:. of this number including Bernardo De Pace, the world's greatest- mandolmvplay erf known as the wizard of the* strings, and ranking with Fritz Kreisier in his musicianly accomplishments. Dorothy Neville,^^opfano, .formerly
918 Farnaro St
JOE M. CALABRIA BARBER SHOP We specialize in Children's & Ladies' Haircuts Arthur Bldg.—212 S6. 18th Street
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E. E. BRUCE and CO.
Complete Line of
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Delicatessen, Smoked Meats and Fish
star of the "Greenwich Village Fol-I lies" gives several solo,' numbers;] Amelia Allen, Solo dancer, gives "a sensational interpretation of the Spirit of Oriental Incense; rtlid r well, mezzo soprano of the, concert stage, is featured' inrgeveral* numbers. Recently the Riviera has inaugu-
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Complete Store and Office Outfitters We occupy over. 70,000 square feet Southvfest Corner
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•i Now that all of the _ out of > door f swimming pools are open and waiting *rfox the sun to shine and incidently the. cash customers it is wel^ to remember that the Center is conducting classes in swimming'and ,di"0ng. All £L C. C» members should,enroll now "anfl 4ake advantage ,of-' these free -Wessons given by men who are experts
34 Tears ot Honest MerchandU*, It - yoor Guarantee of a Square. £•»>• 1419. Douglas Est. 1890
,JWHAT PRICE LIFE? 1 KOPEK — S w tit* tirst— ! Moscow («f< ,T. A.)—For. his uxi-. . • • SOL LEWIS willingness to reduce the price 6f j WE bstcr 2042 1804 No. 24 St. tobacco by one kopek, a Jewish peddler, Salman Dworkirt, paid his life. •
"Tillie the Toiler" t h e comic strip, has come "hilariously' to • life in - the The Community Center League will picture by that narrie showing this 'resume its normal course again-this week at the Riviera and starring Sunday with two games • at Elmwood Park. The first set-to will start -promptly at one thirty o'clock. The -Psi Mu* B'nai Ami and B'nai Israel < are tied for the first place with the A. Z. A. in the basement, all by themselves. •>
BRODKEY JEWELRY CO. Famous for Diamonds
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