T A false friend, like a p , attends only while the son shines.
By A. G. Yesiree, a Jewish financier -was the to hop across the Atla: "J. \& airplane. With Clarence -Ciiaiigi%\> of Denison, la., at the h e l m , ^ ^ a Levine, millionaire manu f a c t t ^ . ^ \ New York and Pittsburgh | j , w . ;,the epic making flight across «m £.. ad. The %.?- id fliers were forced down n^-jriin, Germany, due to 'e. After repairing the propeller" damage t»^j~nriished their trip to the German capital. In a recent statement they both declared that they were coming home on a boat. And I can't blame them a
Entered t s secvnd-dasi mall tnattei on January 27th 1921, at poatoaica at Qmaha Nebraska, ondet the Act of tlarch a, 1878
Camp Morris Levy BeginsEnrollment for Summer Session
VOL. VI.—No. 24
Vienna (J. T. A.)—The agenda for the second international congress of the national minorities was decided b i t . . . ; •; .••-•••" ' -•' ' • -• upon at a preliminary conference just concluded here. ^Representatives of Committees Will Meet to Plan Boys Camp to Officially Open Somebody has "written to inquire if many minorities, including represenActivities July 3rd I remember when a flapper -who tatives of the Austrian Jewish League smoked cigarettes was distinguished , A nation-wide campaign to raise I Universities of Illinois. Wisconsin and of Nations Society participated in MANY ACTIVITIES as a lady. Of course I remember. GIRLS WILL CAMP the deliberations. The minority Con$2,000,000 for culturaL-activities has Ohio. The fourth Hillel Foundation IN AUGUST PLANNED FOR YEAR Just about' the only real difference gress will take pJace the latter part been launched "by the Independent Or- will open its doors at Ann Arbor -with • between Omaha and any other city is der B'nai B'rith, and nearly one-half the beginning of the next scholastic" of .August in Geneva. Eegistration for Camp Morris that the flappers here refuse to Harry H. Lapidus, president of the : has already been subscribed in the year. The I. -O. B.B.'plans eventually smoke. That is in most cases they do, Levy has already started at the Jewish Community Center, has apnumerous cities wherejt is now prog- to establish JBllel Foundations at but converse with a college student Jewish Community Center. TSverypointed the committees who will ressing. • '•*, every important educational center ir body who plans to come is urged to and he "will inform you differently. serve during the coming year. .A this country, in proximity to colleges The program for whjch this camregister as soon as possible, since : general meeting of the chairmen will and universities attended by large paign is proposed will r not, it was the number that can be accombe held shortly followed by seperate In tiie same mail is a letter from stated, in any way duplicate the work members of Jewish young men and Detroit, Mich. (J. T. A.)—Joseph meetings Miss Mary Yabroff, of Oxford, Elans., modated is limited. Camp opens for Club Dances to be Held Every : Sat- now being done by any' other Jewish women. ; ' , ' . . . ' o f the m e r a bers of each Miller, Jewish real estate dealer of committee. These meetings will be inviting me to be presentat the boys July: 3 and for .girls the first u r d a y ' E v e n i n g ' ' " " • agencyAmong the activities which •Another important phase of the Detroit, filed a suit for $200,000 ". breaking of the community cherry of August. .'••.'". . . . . will be benefited by it are the Hillel L O, B. B.'s "extra lodge" work is the damages against Henry Ford and the held to plan the activities of the Camp Levy is bein g put in shape tree in, Oxford. What a. thrill that Community Center for the u: At a. meeting of chairman of the Foundation, established* by the I. O. Anti-Defamation League, which is the "Dearborn Independent", as a result Jewish. . Ksummer •would-be for la youngster. Miss to receive the boys, and, according Highland "Country Club' committees B. B. at American colleges, the Anti'season. only organization in this country of the $1,000,000 suit brought by Yabroff, Tvho graduated from the Uni- to Dave Chesnau, director of the held during the past week, plans were Defamation League, the Aleph Zadik "In appointing: tbe men to serve . that has a definite program for com- Aaron Sapiro which was declared a versity of NebrasTsa, has been teach- boys' camp, everything will' be La made for a series of activities for the Aleph, a Junior B'naJ B'rith, and on the committees I have carefully petingthe spread of anti-Semitism in mistrial. ing at Columbia University in New readiness in plenty of time. Mrs. members of the Club. The member- Garden City, a model npme colony in chosen men who will work for the this country. The Anti-Defamation Miller charges Ford and others Sam Nathan, camp "mother," has alYork. Palestine. interest of the Center," said Harry ship campaign will officially dose on League has done very important work with having attempted to "maliciousready started planning her menus. July 1. ':.-. " I - -." Alfred M. Cohen, international pres- in the suppression of libeious jokes ly and wilfully" to injure his good H. Lapidus. "During the past year The other day I sauntered down a "And I'm going to have enough!" The first Saturday night dance was ident of the Order, in reviewing the and caricatures on the American stage name and bring him "into public there has been much activity in the lonely path in Elmwood park. As I says she. Special plans are being held last Saturday at the Club House. work of the organization, declared and in the American press. scandal by causing him to be suspect- Center." neared the end of the road I noticed made to take care of undernourished A special orchestra has been engaged that the Order through this campaign Another phase of the I. O. B. B.'s "The coming year will be one of ed of having attempted to corrupt a one of those nice dolly boys from and underweight children. for the season and wfll play for the would be enabled to develop leader- "extra lodge" work which it is pro- jury" in the Ford-Sapiro suit. interest to all the members as a Millionaire's row playing hop scotch. • Applications for the position of dances every Saturday evening. Ac- ship among Jews. - He deplored the posed to intensify through the $2,Charges that Miller was seen talk- complete program is in the course After offering to play with him he camp councillors are also being recording to members of the entertain-i fact that too many of the Jewish 000,000 fund, is-its program for hous- ing to Mrs. Cora Hoffman, one of the! of being presented to the public," eyed me coldly and declared he didn't ceived. Persons who * are ..qualified merit committees, several novelties are! youth of today were ignorant of the ing in Palestine.. The tremendous jurors in the Sapiro suit, were made said Joe L. Wolf, secretary, play with strangers. • : for these positions are asked to get promised at these Saturday night traditions of their people. He touched shortage of housing facilities in Pal- the basis of a motion for a mistrial The following committees were apin touch with Lillian .Margolin at on the work of the Anti-Defamation estine due to the increased immigra- in the case. dances. ' ' : pointed by the president: By spending the evening interview- the Jewish Community Center. The "The Highland Country Club'mem- League, another activity of the Order tion of the past two years has been Statements concerninghi? converr i > * s r a COMMITTEE— camps will have a councillor in ing eome feminine creature from the JiT. A. Grpcnberp. t-bninimn: I. J>vv, bers are "urged to take advantage of established for the purpose of check- given serious attention by the I. O. sation •with Mrs. Hoffman were made charge of gymnastics, athletics, Riviera cast I missed out on an im1. Stiilm.isrcr. Maurice Mioklln, V. .!. B. B., -especially since the house by Ford agents, Miller declares, and all the activities,"-said Abe "Herzberg, ing libel against the Jew. Alberts. A but-r Kaimoit. Ben Shapiro, portant session that occurred behind dramatics, arts and crafts, singing, shortage has brought in its wake a ?T. S. -STftlTe. nnd 3. .1. Slosburg. "Every Jew must be a self-respect^ , g president. . We want thb .year, to be € r e ppublished u b l i s d in Detroit, Chicago the closed doors of Mr. Burdick's hikes, and other activities. COMMITTEE— ing American," he said. "We have dangerous undermining of 'sanitaryi d j ^ . York newspapers. These EDUCATIONAl-i the greatest ever for the Highland J>r, Philip Slier, chiiirninn ; Kabbi Freticompartment at the Jewish CommunOrders for camp outfits will be ! had many campaigns in this country conditions diti i T l A i andd other th PalP l 1J sta tements, Miller alleges, accuser! in TelAviv ffrii-k t'oiin. Nathan UeniFtfin. llnrry . . . , \ ity Center. Interviewing women, is taken at the Community Center at Club. A. Wolf. Henry. Mousky, Wm. 1,. Hot?.—campaigns for relief, for feeding estinian' cities. The need for econom-f . The grounds committee -reports that of having had secret conference? man, aiul M. Kulufcoi'sky. some job and that isn't perhaps. Any- the: time" of registration. 1 the hungry, for clothing: the naked— CllilS WORK COMMITTEE— ically constructed houses for thouthe course i s . in wonderful condition with Sapiro and accused him also of way, Mr. Burdick let me in on the Mrs. Sum Xiitliaii, t-lnnrinrm: Mrs. B. Camp fees are $7 for boys 10 to this campaign which our Order is to sands of Jewish immigrants in Pal- having invited Mrs. Hoffman to din-] 4 Wotl. Mr*. Henry .Monsky. Mrs. "subjects" that were being, discussed 16 years of age, with $2,50 for the and the regular melady play handicap inaugurate is for our <nm Jews in the Philip Sher, Mi-B. A. S. Kubnilz, Mrs. estine is described by competent au- ner "to talk things over." tournament will be held Sunday?, The 1. Kost-iitbul. Mrs. Hurry Kosenttiiii, with the greatest of scrutiny. week-end, Saturday afternoon to United States and through this movethorities as imperative, and unless Mrs. Wiii. L. Ili'lzmnu, Mrs. li. Kulafollowing- committees were appointed According.to~ the edict released by Sunday evening. For girls 10 to 16, tufsty Mrs. A. ISvmm, Mrs. Irvin St»l| ment we hope to create a better cul- met shortly, likely to result in disxo seve for the year: uiasifV. Mrs. Sum P-elH-r, MrK. llnnry Burdick, the long wanted tennis the fees are $7 per week; over 16, tural environment for. oar people. I astrous epidemic conditions. The B'nai Kopf>iiili!i5, Mrs. llcriuaii Jalir, and Mrn. HOrSE' COSEMITTfcE— Mvycv Keber. tourney •will get under way in a very §9; and $2.50 for week-ends. The j B'rith maintains a social center in Edward ATBTLKTIC COMMITTEE— Treller. Al ,3£ayeTy Carl. KaiJeman. Mrs.. know that we will not fatL". «T ,1. Mtilashofk. vtinirinao; P*. PbUif; .weekly- period starts 1 Monday and SI. ""Katleaisni. . • - • - ? . . ' Henry Moiisky, national' "chairman Tel Aviv, ana'is cooperating- >ith the 1 Itomonck, Abner Kaininn, Unrry Trui*eracquet weilders liave already enter- ends the following Monday; A. bus anoxrsD in. .1. «!. lsuaosim. Jack Alberts. S«tn of . the Order, outlined the pur- development of the Hebrew UniverGrwii. liprix-rt. Golilfttein, Hprmnii £ JeronHs Heyn, Marvin Treller.; Dr. B. pose of the S2,000,000 drive. He sity in Jerusalem. ed the meet. ; will bring and return the campers. Milton R. Abrahams, law student at "Freidman, AI Mayer. The life savers are rapidly roundCreig-hton Universitj*, graduated cum j -jj PCBI.ICITX— Dr. Bogen declared that the fund said it was to raise funds for such HOt E COMMITTEE Kobt-ri II. Ki'opef, chairman: " Nathan E. Green. ~ ~ ing into form and from outward apwork of the L O. B. B. which does not would be for $2,000,000, payable in'laude last week with highest honors j Jkl.nunsi'ii. William I*>vey, J. ObenCOMMITTEE— pearances it looks as though several dorter. Abe ISroilkey, Ilyuian Gteeuspecifically come within the scope of five installments. Of the totaL $1,- at the annal commencement. He Mrs. Cora Wolt, chairman. -. . . hert'. niiii Louis Soinberg. Center members will be awarded the its regular philanthropic and frater- 000,000 will be allocated for Hillel among • the SIS graduates to receive j MEMBERSHIP COMMITTEE— AINMEXT COMMITTEE— coveted honor. Sam llclicr, rhnirinar. -. A. 1). Frank, David Feeler, chairman; planning nal activities. Among these is the es- Foundation work on an increasing diplomas from President Grace in the j Mark l<eon, Hurry itobinBou, JufWiR Handler, vice-chairman; tablishment of Hillil Foundations at scale, as follows: 1925-1926, Sl00,000; Creighton gymnasium. Abrahams j g, and Sam 'Wolf. TOUKXAMEST COMMITTEE— : Sometime when. I see a man blow COMMITTEE— I>r. Freidman, chairmaD; Al Majer, Ed. American universities to assist the 1926-1927, $150,000; 1827-1S2B, S200,-averaged over 9S per cent during- hisjuovs' Atlantic' City, N. J. (J. T. A.) — HcsMitlml. tliairmsiu: Trvin St»iKraps, sad Jerry Hejrn. . .. ; $50 or $75 for a night of pleasure at Rabbi William. H. Fineshriber, o f Jewish college youth of this country 000; 1928-1929, $250,000; 1929-1930, entire course at the university. I -'T. Jiiek ilarer. Max Bolztuan. K.«, ESTEKTADi'HKST COMMITTEE— one of Omaha's gay night dubs, I Philadelphia, addressing the delegates Manninjr Handler, Marvin- TrelJer. to obtain a knowledge of and gain a $300,000. Of the remainder, 5250,000 Abrahams is a former editor of the \ Hnjro Heyn, Morris Ferer, Morris wonder what that sum would mean of the National- Association of Jewish Milder, Abner Kaiman, and Sam Bialac. reverence foT the historical and cul- will be used for the Anti-Defamation Creightonian. the official student AUHTIB. liyiuau Urei'ul'erjt, au<l 81wr. to one of those struggling Jewish Community Center Secretaries, at the tural background of his people. Such League ; $250,000 for the Palestine' newspaper. He has also taken an K E Jl'hilip l B E K S H i r COMMITTEE— synagogues. foundations, each of which has a diopening, session of the ninth annual PALESTINE Housing Fund; $250,000 for cultural active part in debating at Creig-hton. ShrclJy t>oo<Jiii;iii, ehalnnnn; A. T>. •fvai'K*. .1 J- Unx-iiV.erg. Uiwe, l-Jr rector who organizes its activities, activities including the Aleph Zadik As captain of the undefeated southconference at the Eitz.Carlton Hotel, FOOTBALL TEAM TO boi-f: Irvin Sinlirnistor, Hurry Sil The other day I walked into the last night, emphasized the importance have already been established at the Aleph; $250,000 for relief measures. ern traveling team this year, he parniuiT I. l^cvey. IU-rt»-ri t-ioiilKHnr., COME TO AMERICA IKT ' Kuitii.-iii* linri'hl J-"nT>»pr, -3 office of J. G. Masters, principal of of the Jewish community center as ticipated in debates -with St. Louis rriptlmnn, Siim Green, Meyer Central high school. Being an alum- one of the most effective instruments stiul !U>V>ert Si. Kooper. Jerusalem (J. T. A.)—A Palestine BERDITCHEFF University, Kansas Aggies, and other ( WARBURG SATISFIED nus of the educational rendezvous on for furthering . the* unification of Jewish football tearo-i»-'Ho -play in mid-western schools. Abrahams is) WITH PROGRESS OF JEWISH POLICEMEN MUST KNOW the Dodge hill, I -was .greatly inter- American Jewry. Rabbi Fineshriber America soon if arrangements underpast president of the university Ger- j SETTLEMENT IN CRIMEA YIDDISH, IS ORDER! ested in the "dope" that good old J. said that he had found a remarkable taken will be completed, >Avieser ——— I man club, and a member of Pi Delta j PL G. dished out to me. growth of tolerance and Jewish con- Yellin, head of the Maccabee football Yalta, Crimea (J, T.~A.)—The in- Sigma and various other campus orMoscow (J. T. A.)—A knovrledge With a tearin his eye he related to sciousness among the various .: ele- players, sailed yesterday "for America spection tour of . the new Jewish ganizations. While at Creighton he me how the boys and girls labored ments of Jewish: communities of the to make the necessary arrangements. of Yiddish is a requirement for persons -wishing to hold office in the colonies made by Felix M. Warburg won the distinction of being the only throughout the term for their credits. c o u n t r y . "•'••• I '• ., Mr. Yellin will also represent * the police department in districts where and his party came to a close today student in Creighton history to secure The funeral of Dr. James S. Goetft Talking a little longer I discovered Congressman Isaac' Bacharach and Palestine teachers' publishing enter- the Jewish population is in the major- •with a visit to the Julius Eosenwald both an A.B. and LL.B. in five years, [was held at 10:50 o'clock Thuwdiiy that some of the Jewish students Joseph M. "Weidberg of Atlantic City prise. ity. Colony. j morning at the Burket chapel. Burisi helped boost Central's state scholastic welcomed the delegates. It was also announced .today,, that Of the 136 new Jewish colonies, 27 PRUSSIA Tbe ispoTkrm, the executive com"prEP *n Pleasant Hill cemetary. standing. ' : T i e President of the Association, Mr. Golinkan, foxmder and director mittee of the Berditcheff district, is- were visited... by Mr. .Warburg, who VOTES STATE SUBSIDY FOR Dr. Goetz, who was 4S, had been irA Tobias . Roth, of Rochester, outlined of the Palestine Hebrew Opera, wiD sued an order that all policrcen and was accompanied by James H. JEWISH INSTITUTIONS]ill health following an attack of inDo gentlemen really prefer blondes ? the- growth of the Jewish Center soon/sail for. America. Due to the Becker, Dr. Bernard Kahn and Dr. chiefs of that district most know fluenza which he is believed to h*v?. This statement was really sub- movement since, the Jewish Welfare economic conditions in th5 country, Berlin (J. T. A.)—An increased contracted while caring for patienf*Joseph A. Eosen, head of the AgroYiddish. Othertri.se they vrill be disstantiated by the fact that four Board has sponsored-a national policy, the players of the Hebrew : Opera subsidv for Jewish religious institumonth ago after a long caBVftl youthful Omaha elopers left their pro mbting better facilities, a trained Company are leaving for other missed. The Je-ws in that district joint in Eussia. In addresses to the tions in Prussia was voted upon byj A ence, he h*d resumed his practi.-s, esC settlers, Mr. Warburg expressed his number sixty percent of the total homes here last Thursday. After personnel and- effective program. places and there will be, no opera the Prossian Diet. j^ut suffered anothei attack from pleasure at the rate of development population. bumping into hard luck they were The association represents more here next season. Mr; Golinkan' vfill The bill passed by the Diet pro-J w n i c l l n e f a y e d to rally. and at the energy and efficiency of held in custody at Chicago., than three hundred organizations af- seek funds, in- America .to reopen., the the coloniest and the management of Tides for the allocation of 600,0001 Graduated from the University i>L Luckily enough hone of the so- filiated with *€he^Jewish" Welfare Palestine Opera, COUNCIL STEAK ROAST the Agro-joint, the agency of the marks annually for the religious needs Cincinnati, Dr. Goetz had practi£VH< called Greta Garbos or Laura La Boari : in Omaha 20 years. He had been *$••_; The Council of Jewish Women will American Jewish Joint Distribution of the Jewish communities. Plantes were Jewish girls. sociated with the late Dr. O. S. KfirUNVEIL MEMORIAL TO HEINE have a Steak Roast at Elnrwood Park Committee, responsible for the colonon Tuesday, June 14, at 4:30. Every- ization work. ! BRITISH PRESS jraan MINORITIES' INFLUENCE Berlin. (J. T. A.) The second memJuly is considered to be the month one is invited to come. Make your PEAISES AMERICAN-BKITISH j MUST BE CURTAILED IN H e h a d t a u g h t the rapeutics at t»..orial in Germany to Heinrich; Heine of birthdays. From a direct source reservation by calling Mrs. L. B. . SCHOLARSHIP ENDOWMENTl ^ of Kobraska and also %** VniveTsA LTTHUANIA REPUBLIC was tuv-feiled recently at JDonnersberg the writer learned that many Jewish POLAND APPOINTS Goldman, Walnut 7497. . j | . i n c m r g e o f t ] i e summer service tr. .near Altona. Representatives of the : young. women will celebrate theirJEWISH DEPUTY AS CONSUL London (J. T. A.)—The entire press | t h e U n i v e r s i t y hospital. Kovno (J. T. A.)-—An attempt to local .. and . state : government were birthday anniversaries next month. - ••• IN TEL AVIV applauds the bequest of the late Lady S u r ^ v i n g a r e a wife and two chMWell it all comes down to this, what curtail the parliamentary representa- present at the unveiling ceremonies. SOVIET COURT Henry, establishing British-American {^^ SENTENCES MOHEL TO tion of the national minorities in the w i l ! i a n s < g> a n d J a n e - 1Q> a i u | fe. does the month of July really mean? Warsaw (J. T. A.)—The first ap- scholarships. Students in Oxford andj IMPRISONSIENT! Republic of Lithuania'is made by the stepson, Morris. To me it means lots of hot weather pointment of a Jewa s a Polish Con- Cambridgre will be afforded the opLithuanian government with the en- Display Palestine Art Goods and, oh well, dig- it up yourself. The Palestine Arts Goods are being Moscow (J. T. A.)—A sentence of sul in a foreign country was made by portunity of studying in America, actment of a new election ordinance. exhibited in the lobby of the Jewish while -winners of the scholarships at AUSTRIAN JEWS ACT two years imprisonment was imposed the Polish' Foreign OfficeIn a statement issued jointly by You know sororities do have some Deputy Haasner was appointed i Community Center. All of the art OX EOUMANIAN SITUATION Yale and Harvard will come to Engby the District Court of Volyn on a all the members of -the cabinet, the charm that seems to attract girls. For government points out that the min- pieces were made by the students of mohel for failure to observe sanitary Polish Consul in the city of Tel Aviv. land. Students of both sexes are instance the Sigma Delta Tau sorcriVienna (J. T. A.)-—Joint actioft ority representatives : in parliament the Bezalel School of Art at Jernsa- rules in performing a circumcision Deputy Hausner is affiliated with the eligible to bold them. ty at the University of Nebraska just behalf of the Jewish community operation. The child died after the Mizrachi Zionist Organization. were too ] dominant a factor in the lem. finished a successful school year. The Austria will be taken in tl*6 NORWEGIAN operation by the Mohel, Roitberg. The political life of the country tmd that "girls" will undoubtedly give several of the anti-Jewish persecutions GOVERNMENT HESITATES midwife was sentenced to 18 months PALESTINE WILL it became necessary, to reduce the AUSTRIAN JEWISH rushing parties during the summer in TO ENACT SCHECHTTA LAW Bonmania, according to a deciskvh • BE INCLUDED IN BRITISH minorities' representation from 14 SCIENTISTS HONORED imprisonment. Omaha. Now the desire of the young the All-Jewish Coinir.ittec formed • BEOADCASTING PROGRAM to 5. high school student will be fulfilled Vienna. (J. T. A.) Two Austrian BERLIN STOCK Oslo (J. T. A,)—The prohibition that purpose. during the summer sometimes, I Jewish scientists were given recogni- EXCHANGE HONORS MEMORY London (J. T. A.)—-Palestine will against Schechita, the Jewish method The committee has adopted a PALESTINE COMMUNITIES really don't know when myself. tion at the annual meeting of the OF PRESIDENT be included in the all-British broad- of slaughtering -animals, has not yet lution of protest against tbe fewts* ORDINANCE APPROVED T Austrian Academ5 of Science held casting service- according to an an- become a law, notwithstanding the Jewish persecutions in RoffififcW-ifc. Betty Fellman, papil of Harry BraJerusalem. (J. T. A.) The Palestine recently in the presence of President ' Berlin (J. T, A.)—Edgar Rosen- nouncement made *" at the Colonial fact that a bill to this effect was The committee also decided to call * viroff, piano instructor, was chosen communities ordinance, long expected Hainisch. ' thai, president of the Berlin Stock Conference in session here. mass meeting for the end of May %'tth passed by parliament recently. as piano soloist of the public school by Palestine Jewry, was approved The Academy awarded prizes to Exchange Board and prominent social •The government contemplates tne The Norwegian government is the cooperation of the League >&»*" consolidates orchestra, who are giving by the British Colonial Office, the Professors Gustave Kleon and Moritz worker, died here. establishment of & broadcasting serv- withholding its enactment until the Unman Eights, the J'ariiist Union uttr, their annual! concert at Tech High ewish Telegraphic Agency represen- Kohn for outstanding work in chezn.A memorial meeting was held by ice for the colonies and the mandated i bill passes the final stages oC pai- the International Orjraniaation ot' School, Friday evening. tative here leajns from a reliable istry v ' the Stock Exchange Board yesterday. territories. Christian Democratic Students liamentary"" procedure. ;
Jerusalem (J. T. A.)—Great interest was caused in political circles here by the publication of a report in the Arab press that the Palestine, government plans to revive .the legislative council, once rejected by the .Arabs. The "Assissa" quotes a high official in the Palestine government to the effect that the government contemplates the revival of. the .legislative council.
B'nai Writh Campaign j'--to Raise $2,000,000
Half of This Amount Already -Subscribed —Burpose Announced
Highland Country Quh Plans Seasons Activities
- * •
Jewish Center Viewed as Unifying Factor
• "
.,,.,:«-, THE JEWISH PRESS ,
PobJlBbed every Tbondaj at Omaba. Nebraska, by
( • ' THETiEWlSB PfcESS PUBLISHING COMPANY ' Office: 490 Brandeia Theatre Building — Telephone: ATlantic 1450, NATHAN £f. .GREEN, Manager. . -r •
Subscription Price, one year, Advertising rates furnished on application.
Prize Song in the National Fund Jubilee Song Contest
By Stanley F. Levin.
The Psi Mu baseball aggregation Marcus Krasne, former Commerce clowned the winless A. Z. A. nine in the first game of the second round High and Creighton University star at Elmwood Park, Sunday afternoon, is one of the two Illinois University 6 to 4. Errors again played a large freshmen who earned three freshmen part in the results of the game. Both numerals in athletics this past year. pitcliers hurled good ball, Reiss of Krasne won his in football, wrestling the'A. Z. A. holding his conquorers to and track where he made quite a record for himself. four singles. . The Bnai Israel took the Bnai Ami into camp to the score of 8 to 7 in a AUSTRIAN JEWISH real .slugging match. Both teams SCIENTISTS HONORED alternated in keeping the lead but tlie Israelites had the winning punch and Vienna. (J. T. A.) Two Austrian copped the scrap. : • • .• Jewish scientists were given recogni: The Psi Mu and the Bnai Israels tion at the annual meeting of the are tied for the leadership of the loop Austrian Academy of Science held and will endeavor to settle the matter next Sunday • afternoon at Elmwood Park. The .Bnai Ami and the A. Z. A. ' We wear will tangle in the other game of the
THE FOUR WINDS A Song for the Jewish National Fund Jubilee
CHANGE OF ADDRESS—Plea»e tfve both the c)d and new address: be sure,and give your came, . »
-" The Jewish Press Is supplied by' the Jewish Telegraphic Agency (Jewish Correspondence Bureau) with cabled and telegraphic Jewish news, in addition to feature articles and,correspondences from all important Jewish centers. Inquiries regarding.-news Items credited to this Agency will be gladly answered if addressed to Jewish Telegraphic Agency, 621 Broadway, New York City. . *
JUDGE THEM BY THEIR ENEMIES -like a moron's "hiss in a theater amidst general applause which- acclaims a • great artist, comes an announcement by a group calling itself the National Society of Scabbard and Blade, listing Rabbi Stephen S. Wise of New York .and Rabbi Abba Hillei Silver of Cleveland as "dangerous un-American personages." The members of this rather grotesque society are urged to file away the copious notes of alleged biography and comment to be used for publicity purposes when these'men, and others similarly marked for special-attention, "come to your town" for-lectures or any other purpose. " Dr.- Wise is considered guilty because among other activities he is a champion of industrial democracy and the rights of the working man, and Rabbi Silver because he is on the executive- board, of the Consumers League and is ostensibly an avowed liberal in his economic and political views. The purely religious activities of both" are also cited as objectionable and the conclusion is'reached-that both are "communists" potentially if not" actually. The blatant organization which sponsors the attack consists of college men. Officers in the Reserve Officers Training Corps in various colleges are elected to it and its alleged status is that of- an honorary professional fraternity." Judging by the act • alone, -'Scabbard and Blade" is not an unworthy aid to the rapidly moribund but not yet entirely extinct Ku Klux Klan. Rabbis Wise and Silver find themselves in excellent Company on this blacklist for, ambng other "undesirables'-' we find the names of. Jane Addams, Senator Borah, Senator £ a Follette, Prof. John Dewey and other:personages. We must .conclude that the blade, like those who wield it, is sympathetically dull.—"American Hebrew."-
" B y JESSIE E. SAMPTER ' of Kechobot, Palestine: ;• -.
I. " A wind is blowing from the north. - ? -: With horse and plow I sally forth, '••' i " , .% And the hills sing and my heart sings Where the Jordan bubbles free: 0 Galilee, beloved, I have come "again to thee! Chorus:I amite the land, . I break the l&ndi My plowshare is my sword. "Ks holdy Land7 _, . . . .- By God's cqimnand: . : ^ /"-_*." ' Thelandlsinine, saith the torrl,: ' - " i_ •
d a y .
. A wind-is blowing from the south; With desert sand it whips my mouth; But th'e wind sings and my mouth sings Across the mountain height: Jerusalem, Jerusalem, I have found thee, my delight! Chorus:
• -" - -
; A wind is blowing from the east. - My fruits are ripe and I shall feast, Almond, olive, grape and orange Across the rolling dunes. . O Sharon, my Sharon, . Pour out thy ancient "boons! Chorus: " : IV; ' A wind is blowing from the west. - ""5. I swing my Jioe and let it rest, 'And the wind sings and my heart sings Across the grassy plain:. -' Esdraelon, Esdraelon, Fhave come to thee again f Chorus: V. • . From north and south and east and west. The eaglets gather to their nest • On the summit, on Mount Zion, ' Weary; hungry, schooled to pain. . With singing, with shouting, We have come to thee again! Chorus: *°- . "
BRADWORK AND PLAY . "Brain work," said Mr. Samuel Untermyer in an interview some time ago,, "never killed anyone. It is stimulating and healthgiving." Coupied with studied and organized play, it is lifepreserving1. Mr. Untermyer, the' indefatigable, after his trip around the world; is" fit and fighting. He works and plays. That thousands upon thousands of our people are pursuing the same philosophy applied to.the daily routine, is evidenced by the annual-record we present of clubs organized and developed for outdoor sport. An in- creasing number of these" is "constantly springing Up "throughout the country; and one has actually been organized "to further the spirit of good-will among Jew andJEWISH COLONISTS TO CREATE* Gehtile so long advocated by' "The American Hebrew", by joining IN RUSSIA HONOR SCHOLARSHIP FUND AT in diversions and recreation as well as-in charitable and comFELIX WARBURG HEBREW UNIVERSITY munal.effort." Country' clubs, devoted principally to golf, startedsimultaneously among Jews in New York and Chicago a quarter Moscow (J. T. A.) — Recognition Iiondonl(J. T^-AO^A" scholarship the ^service and philanthropy jof fund a t i the- Hebrew cUmVersity- tdjt of a century_ago. Provisions for tennis, swimming and the social 'or 'elix M. Warburg, chairman of _ the b&-cheated by- the British Jews' Warside of life, are not neglected in -these original "clubs, nOr in those American "-Jewish Joint Distribution Memorial" CounciL . which have been organized and built since. On the cosasts and. lommittee, was expressed by one of The Council announced that it will lakes,, yachting--and other, water sports are now being added. the nqw. Jewish settlers in the XJkP o l a n d even aeronautics are sport indulgences now finding their raine, at Eolemn exercises held -today.. raise a sum"of £4,000 for this, purpose. a settlement adjacent, to •way into recreation proclivities of our young meii.- The Jews 6f theDjankoy, colonies, Novy Put and Novaya America are not working "toward becoming a leisure class. They Zarya* near Krivoy Rog, was renamed You are welcome are pursuing and finding the requisites -for health-gettirig and Felix Warburg. : . -;* •'; '. ' at life>preserving. They work hard and play-hard. They are normal Mr. Warburg laid the cornerstone :or the first intermediate school in people.—"American Hebrew." ' * the Jewish -colonies, established fJovy Put,
The Copelman Candy Co.
Candy-FouiUain Goods — Supplies
Romance Chocolates i
5687—1926*27 'ISostiChodesh Sivan ldt Day Shabuoth v~. EoSfr'Chodesh Tammuz of Tammur JJbsh Chodesh Ab 'Past-of iAb -;~Sosh .Chodesh Ellul
Phone JA; S986—918~ Farnam St.
Wednesday, June 1 Monday, June 6 Friday, July 1 ^Sunday, July 17 .Saturday, July SO ^Sunday, .August 7 :."...:.-Monday, August 29
ANTI-SEMITES' DEMAND' - - - - received honors on the occasion of 7 H EINSTEIN BE DEPORTEp King George's birthday. The .Palestinians honored are SamBerlin-^ (J. T. A.) The claim that uel ¥olkowsky o"f Tel-Aviv and 2aki . AlHj&rfc"'3i2nstein is a. Polish Jew and Hadeif ,the new Mayor of-Tiberas. the^deWnd tfiat "he'be expelled from Germany, "are "put "forward by" "Der Hammer," the anti-Semitic periodical published- - iii. Leipzig "By 'Theodore Frifsch', one* of 'the* "members of the r y 'w Anti-Semitic International. * • "The Polish Jew, Albert~Einstein, ought .to be jdefcortedT lot Sphere, he 5 401H93-405 Sonfti tQth gtrefct catHeT^tenV-' writes ."."Der'Hammer." "Where the "Hemmed has it from that Albert Einsteifc, who cojnesfrofh Soutb^Germany, Jbas anything, to do KOSHER- JDfitlCATE^SEN FRIJEDK r'7 wiatrdPoIand, ,£s a mystery^' writes r ther "Weltam-Montag'.', here.in tJUot* ~7 Complete" Li»e of - - 1. Delicatessen, Smoked .Meats ing- tfoe^article tfror "Der Hammer." and-F4sh "Ddfes^tr-lttft &now -thai thewholi tff the sdentibc world honors Albert ••: : 1509: North 24th Str«lt c Einsteitf && theqgresftesl luminary of German- science'?'! the paper asksk
Complete Store and Office Outfitters We occupy orer 70,000 square feet Southwest Cornet
Eleventh and Douglas Streets Phone; JAckson 2724 OMAHA, NEBE.
2429 Decatur Street
WE. S527
If you are in need of a Tales wool or silk of the best quality, Tfeettn, -.Mezuzos or any other religious article, we will be glad to sell it to you at the most reasonable prices. We also carry a full line of Bibles with Jewish and English translations. We are also the agents of all Palestine Products and the artistic work of Bezalel Sdieol in Jerusalem.
An Established Record You have forced us to move into larger and more beautiful quarters to serve your needs. : 1 WE THANK YOU ..Considering it is only our second year in t.. Omaha, it surely is—
. An Established Record
A- H - BRODKEY CO. General Contractors
BRODKEf Famous fe Diamonds
. Estimates furnished free
Phone Jackson 1614
38 ^Tean ot Honest Mwrcii»i»«a*e " yonr ^
409-11 Hospe Building
M19': Douglas-'•/•'•-"
SOSKIN and KOZBERG 1552 No. 20 St.—WE ebster 0267
Fresh Meats <•— Delicatessens
Gold Medal Offer
Fresh Fish Handled Daily -We Deliver to all parts of the City
To .t&ttt-new friends, especially among Juae brides, a special good* ^rfli offer in celebratic>n. of Hotpoint's again winning world's i for bighest cscellence
German and French Language lessons for beginners and advanced pupils •vdl\ Be.given by - . .,
MRS, JENNIE LEVENSON . :.No» 4 . Carlisle Apartments : ; r-.: -625.South 18ti St. c. ... JAckson 8566 or ATlantic 3507
; :;
vablttchti n i b cortr. Thi tone It «c*teU
for your
The. wft Wf fi
um tratfac wrfM* u • I bttatb «w «»
Only 3 More l)<p
Iron purchased during G^ld Medal Week
E N D S M S: A T U R D A Y 3
Ily:au freea a"iiew gas stove to'replace your old "wom out sfoVe, here is your chancfettf^ave 1&$£ ^oirfcne piirchjtse of one ofiAmetlGa's^flnest stovca; - -Th-gfe^TO Question about the SSvingB-offered, as next Mofia^Jtto^nitir &H stoV !i' wi !!"?*;.?*?*:**. their oHginal prices. rr._...-t^;-"{S^ '."^^^'^LJ.^I :
isfOW ON Come In and See Them Come :in:andsee ihis ".W^Imaia" set of pad and-cover'." Itjis a very handy, and useful combination .about the home..
Cooking^ ScEobl and Pempristrations ' Co&tinubtnr demonstrations on - Thursday and Frid4y r 6u* we :urge you to attend' the *p$clal feature dismonftostions from 2. to 4.p.jn. each day. ; - ,__-_ -
. Your New A small viS&WB ^ayjiient .and. „
-_-.,.-r--^ —
T „
Mo»d«y_-«»orniBg:"«U remaining stoves h 8 i r in-our iaI
„ mpnthly 'payments "will ;.place one of these SofkTBH.beTplaF^d S l "your Reliable Ranges io- your home today, or we pricesT Select will liold it2tor~Iutuj"e delivery.
Easy Terms On Hotpoint Iron In order that every home may have one of these sets, we have made very liberal terms on the Hotpoint iron for this big.week. Come in and let us explain the plan to you.
Electric Shops 17th and Harney St&
. Whoresale" and' Retail Jewelers London, ( / . T. A.) Two'.Palestinians. 213^.6'. City Rational Bank BIdg. */* A jtfere iiifeiuded among H&TB" A r s o n s -wlfb '•
Fixture and Supply Co.
,. -."Famous for Chicken Sandwiches' ;'•;: .Dancing
Harry E. Laplaus. Pres.-Treag.
Sophie Handler, Tech. high school tennis champion, het her Waterloo at the hands of ^Ruth McClenahan of Central dtirlng' the semi-final round of t i e city "high', school tournament.
5400 Center Street -Phone W^tnut 5936
recently in. the presence of President Hainisch, The Academy awarded prises to Professors Gustave Kleon and Morita Kohn for outstanding work in chemistry.
•- •
Joe Raduziner, former State high school • diving ,".:champion has been working out in the Center pool recently and has shown splendid form and grace in a^host of .dives. Jos. is looking, forward to creating a-big stir irt the ranks =of the iocal men in the varioui pools of the city. He will pipbably_.6e seea as one;of the life guards at Sand Point Beach thisyeaf instead.'of^at .his Customary haUit&t, Krug Park,.where he was the captain of the park'^.crew of live savers.
Dorset's Chicken Shack
' . " - • : . • - . .
Evelyn Adler, City high school tennis champion of '26 fell by the wayside in her first round match the other day during-the '27 tennis tournament which Mr&s to decide the question of" superiority among the fair sex of the high school set. Miss Adler is. rounding into form and will be heard from later on during the net season. _J~ Al Finkle, one time local court wizard is" on the championship trail again this year"* and shows great promise of making a name for himself in the tennis realm of the city and state.
The Tech entrant took her defeat in two straight sets, 6-0, 6-0. Miss Handler is a sister of Al Handler, one time prominent IH school and tournament competition.
!._..:_ 2314 M S t
Nebraska Power € Courtesy - Service - Low Rates
PAGE S-rTHE JEWISH.PRESS, THURSDAY* JUNE 9,. 1927 The Bar Mitzvah of Donald Bern- freturn home Saturday from • Ann Riviera concert -orchestra- Are always | TEL-AVIV GETS FIRST AMERICAN MANUFACTURING ORDER stein, son of Mr. and Mrs. William!Arbor, Michigan. attractive parts of the Riviera proBernstein, will take place Saturday I gram and George Johnson's novel Tel-Aviv. (J. T. A.) The first big morning, June 11, at the Chevra j organ- solos are enthusiastically reRIVIERA THEATER commercial order from America was B'nai Yisroel Synagogue, 618 Mynster "The Family. Album" is one of the ceived at every show. received here by a local manufacturstreet. J n the afternoon, he will en- Publix stage shows that. you won't ing house. The order calls for the The Independent Ladies Club have tertain twenty of his young friend* want to miss. This stage pastel of SAMUEL LAMPORT . . • production of 510,000 boxes for postponed their picnic which was to at a theater party at the Broadway. "the gay nineties" period is en the PLANS MODERN HOTELS be held June 12 to June 19. The Mr. and Mrs. Bernstein will entertain bill at the Riviera Theater this: week. ... ; .:. FOR PALESTINE iewelry. picnic will take place at Elmwood at a reception at their home at 800 The act is in three scenes and thesepark. Paris {J. T. A.>—A combination Avenue A, on Sunday evening, June ting is a huge book. As the pages 12, for all their relatives and friends of the book are turned, various for the -erection In Palestine of modern Mr. Dave Kuklin, of Lincoln, left in honor of their son, Ronald. No secenes are revealed which come hotels -Kill be the result, it was learnSunday for a combined pleasure and delightfully to life in song, dance, ed here today, of negotiations concards have been issued. business trip throughout the east. and comedy. White and Manning, ducted by Samuel C. Lamport, New The Ladies Aid Society will hold sensational comedy dancers and for- York cotton merchant and prominant The Orphanage Home will hold the a meeting next Tuesday, June 14, at Mr. and Mrs. A. Richards announce mer stars of "Greenwich Village Fol- communal worker, who. is:,-returning • .fcr ; GEBSON-GIJCK first of a series of public card parties, the home of Mrs. H. Saltzman, 742 :• -^ the engagement of their daughter, lies" are the headllners of this act. from.a visit to Palestine. The wedding >pf Mr. Samuel Ger: Monday, June 13, a t the Jewish Com- Mynster street. Mri Lamport,: who -studied the Bess, to Mr. Harry Levy, son of Mr. Their clever dancing takes audiences son of Omaha and Mass Jeanette E.! munity Center. The Orphanage plans project While in -Palestine, has suc; and Mrs. A. Levy of this city. by storm wherever they appear. Gficki-daughter of -Mr. and Mrs. W. to open in the fall and the proceeds Mrs. Ben Ross and daughters, LyStanley and Lee, two Chicago girls ceeded in''Jiiiterestm|: Major Frank Gliekrof Willatd, Ohio, was solemnMr, and Mrs. A. Keiser announce of these parties will be for that pur-| dia and Sylvia, and son, Ernest, left who stepped out of the junior year Goldsmith," farmer- M. XV who is a iz&3 "Tuesday evening at the home the engagement of their daughter pose. Everyone is invited to attend. Monday evening for Ne-w York City at the university and made sensa- brother-in-law-, _of' James Rothschild, of itKe' Trades 'parents in "Willard, 6 . Ann, to Mr. Harry Stepakoff,.. of where they will visit Mrs. Ross' par- tional debuts with Paul Ash are also in the project. Major Goldsmith is the ^ s t ^jjerintendent of the Sioux City, Iowa. No date has been ents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Fox, for about features of this production as is a owner of the Hotel Scribe in Paris ^^;^mmnity Center. Mrs. set for the wedding. ••.' . a month. double quartette composed of singeTs and other well known hotels in Gelsonv was -ionnerly associated with KUBBY-STEINBERG from the Civic Opera Company of France. Major Goldsmith will come Mr. Morris-Kubby of Los Angeles, & ^ - n e w s p a p e r s in A regular meeting of. the Deborah to the United States in September The marriage of Miss Sophia acjaye in social ser- society .will be.Jheld Tuesdays June 14, Steinberg, daughter of "Mr. and Mrs. California, by. riding in an airplane Cihicago. Miss Helen Eck, soproc.2, and will seek to enlist American is the prima donna of their presenta:Sbe :/is a graduate of at 2:30 . p. m. a t the Jewish Com- George -Steinberg of Council Bluffs, from Grand Island, Nebr., to here, capital in the enterprise. He also v i c e• tion. arrived just in time Tuesday evening studied the project while in Palestine munity Center. This will be the Iowa, to Mr. David Kubby was solPrior to coming to Omaha, Mr. last meeting of the season and all emnized Tuesday evening, June 7, at to attendthe wedding of his "brother, • Besides this exceptional stage at- recently. traction, the feature is Milton Sills' Gerson was with. the ! Irene Kaufman members are urged to attend. the Jewish Community Center of David,to Miss Sophia Steinberg.- Mr. latest "picture, a story of the diaKubby, accompanied by Mrs. Kubby Settlement House at Pittsburgh. Omara in the presence of about one Rabbi and Mrs. Charlop, formerly hundred seventy^-five guests. Rabbis and son, Seymour, and daughter, mond fields of South America, and a In Omaha The couple will return to Omaha about June € and will make their of Omaha, now of the Bronx Jewish Frederick Cohn and E. Fleischman Ray, who have been -visiting at the Sills picture seldom fails to please. Center, 176 Marmon avenue, Bronx, performed the ceremony. The bride home of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Kubby j "Framed" is the title of this powerhome at 3708 Dodge street. N. Y., announce the birth of a baby wore a lovely gown of white satin- for the past two weeks, are leaving j ful drama of hate and disillusiDn250 Rooms—200 Baths : daughter. .. • , veiled with lace. Miss Lillian Stein- Fmday for Joliet, 111., and they will ment that is conquered by the power Good Rooms for §150 SCHLANK-SOMIHERFiELD of a love that is deep and sincere, a Operated by Eppley Hotels Co. Mrs Bernard Sommerfield of New also visit in Detroit, Michigan, a few : Miss Rita Mantel, daughter of Mr. berg, sister of the bride was maidlife that is made happy again by the York City announces the approaching days before going to Chicago to atof-honor, and Mr. Ben Kubby, brothand Mrs. Nate Mantel, who has been return: of faith in mankind. Lovely marriagV of i e r daughter, Edna, to attending Columbia University, is ex- er of the groom, was best man. tend the Kubby-Fichtenberg wedding Natalie Kingston plays the feminine Leon E-'Schlank, son of Mr. and Mrs. pected to arrive home the latter part Misses Belle and Bertha" Seigel -of which will take place on Sunday, PAXTON-MITCHELL CO. role opposite Sills and never has she Samuel ,-S.., Schlank of -Lankershim Omaha were bridesmaids while Mr. June 19. of the week,•,. :• 27th and Martha StB. HA mey I66S an appeared more beautiful and charmCal., formerly of Omaha, The wedBasenstein and Mr. Jack Steinberg, 1 Omaha, Nebr. Mrs. I. Fichard Allen of Los Aning. For those who like thrills and i ding will take place some' time in Mrs. D. B. Gross is convalescing at brother of the bride, were groomsSoft ETfiy, iron, brass, bronze and June, "~a£ter which•' the young couplethe Lord Lister Hospital following an men. Little Betty Kay Kubby was geles, Calif., arrived Friday to visit love in equal measure, with unusual! aluminum castings. Stnndnrd sizes oronze and iron bushings, sewer macwill reside in Lankershim, where Mr. oueration. flower girl and'little Seymore Kubby her mother, Mrs. S. Cohen, who is ] backgrounds, "Framed" cannot help ! noles, cistern rinps and covers, and clean-out loors in stock. ill at her home. Schlank is engaged in business. 1 but be y sa Miss Ruth Brodkey returned home of Los Angeles, Calif ornia, was ring bearer. The groom was led to the Mr.'Jack Steinberg left Wednesday j overture numbers by the Many affairs are being given in Sunday evening from Sioux City altar by his brother and sister-infor Fort Snelling, Minn., to be gone] Bus. Phone AT. 8433 honor of Miss Jeanette Sherman. after spending the past week there. Harry Kubby. about two weeks. Ues. Phone AT. I1S5 whose marriage to; Mr. Leo Milde: last Miss Bess Greenberg and Miss Ivy will be solemnized Sunday, June 19. Tuesday for a two weeks stay in Ex- Seigel of Chicago sang. A wedding Miss Eudice Richman, student at Among her numerous hostesses are, celsior Springs, Mo. the University of Nebraska, spent supper followed the ceremony. BARBER SHOP "Manufactured in Omaha' Mrs. Joe Freeman who., entertained Cor. 14th and Douglas the past week-end here to attend the We specialize in Among the out-of-town guests graduation of her sister, Rosalie, Mr. and Mrs. A. Ginsburg will hold eight guests at a bridge party at her BAKER ICE MACHINE CO. Children's & Ladies' Haircuts home, Mrs. F. Greenberg compli- an informal reception at their home, present were: Mr. and Mrs. Morris from T. J. Kigh School. She returned Arthur Blcig.—212 So. 18th Street mented Miss Sherman" at a bridge 2623 Bristol Street, on Sunday, June Kubby of Los Angeles, California; to Lincoln, Nebr., Monday to attend Mrs. Boris L Cohan of Los Angeles, 12, from two to four and seven to party and Mrs. H. K. Milder and P. summer school at the university. H. Rosenblatt were hostesses at a nine, in honor of the marriage of their sister of the groom; Miss Ivy .Seigel Mrs. B. E. Ross, of the Daylight luncheon followed by bridge and daughter Alyce to. Mr. William Joffe, of Chicago, cousin of the bride; and whose wedding took place last SunMr. David Rolnick of Chicago. Style Shop and the Leader, Incu, and mah-jong at the Ad-Sell. Restaurants family are leaving for New York to Honoring Miss Sherman on .June 1. day. No cards are being issued. Mr. Kubby. and his bride left be gone for the summer. _ They will Covers were laid for 36 guests. Mr. Mr. Leon Cohn and daughter Mar- Wednesday for a honeymoon trip in f.Icsranin* Sale Starts and Mrs. Harry Trustin entertained garet will leave June 16, for a several Kansas City and Exelsior Spring*, visit in Philadelphia/ Pennsylvania, Floor at 9 A. K. at' a dinner party at their home for months visit with Mr. Cohn's daught- Missouri, and after June 25 they New Brunswick, New Jersey and Columbus, Ohio. this young couple. The Mesdames er, Mrs. H. Crane, in San Francisco, will. make their home in Council! Joe Greenberg, A. Hyman, and Dave CaL They will also visijt in Los Blnffs. ; Mr. Philip Krasne is expected to ••'"mutt joirit'-hostesses-'-•*&'-*) "Angeles "and Hollywood. *" . She l one o'clock . bridge r luncheon for 40 The Hadassah held their last of a guests jafc '.the "Fontenelle Hotel on series of card parties on Wednesday Saturday, .June 4. On Sunday, June 5, Miss Isabelle Graetz was hostess afternoon, June 8, at the J. C.-C. The at abridge and mahjong party for following were hostesses: Mesdames Miss. Sherman Mrs. E; Meyers- and A.'Bolker, I. Berkowitz, L.Raduziner, her daughter, Mrs. Harry' Ferilk/en- L. Laserwitz, E . Weinberg, S. Fish. tertained a t ' a luncheon at their home j'M.. Shames, A . shafton, ".Jt ,Sipotn, complimentary to Miss Sherman. Sun-fB. Gross. Mrs. B. A. Simon was A special purchase—just arrived and day, June 12, Mifh Ruth "Wintroub will'chairman, entertain for this bride and in t h e ' unpacked! 600 dresses, adorably The Henrietta Szold Girls held their evening M « s A. Diamond will have last meeting June 5, a t the J. C. C. styled and splendidly made of only mah-jbrig party for Miss Sherman. Miss Ida Bercovici •was elected to repthe very finest tub fabrics. Values Miss Aim Borison entertained five resent the girls at the Young Judca ! that mean great economy at tables of bridge, at her home Satur- Convention in Des Moines, la., on day eveSing- complimentary to Miss Sunday, June-12. The Henrietta HAI'LL I wear??" asks Self Respect, for Pauline" (Sck&v. whose marriage to Szold girls will entertain at a;picnic June weddings — Graduation — Vacations. Mr. Sam : Kaplan will take place on Sunday, June 19, at Fairmont Every man is out where the world looks June 19., Bridge, prizes srere won by p'ark in Council Bluffs. c in June and the man -who-3ets himself-be*' t h e Miss- ^Xereba Jacob'son"arid\Mis3 Mrs...Dave Redman and children overlooked is not making the most of opportunity. Minnie Kaplan. and Mrs. Ben-.^J. Sigel- and son of Good clothes appearance counts today as^neyer before. ^> ; Mrs.-Lester Heeger and daughter Ottumwa, la., are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. L. Segehnan. - ; Maita <S£, Sioux City, IowaV* are the guests- of Mrrand Mrs. B. Grossman. The Young Judea Council of Omaha The New Development in will be represented a t a; conference Mr. and-Mrs.; J. Green-of-Chicago, and oratorical contest to be held at Illinois, arrived Tuesday to visit with Des Moines, la., on 'Sunday, June 12. their daughter, Mrs. Joe Bice and Miss Rose Segel, leader of the HenMr.Bice. '•*-/• ; ' ~ ' r \ ' ; W , • rietta Szold Girls, and Miss Sylvia Super Values Miss Marth^*rTappeft'entertained BernstSn,~leadeF of the Hadassah Buds, with Ida*'Bercovici and Le Vern a t a -bridge" party: last Saturday in represent -Omaha. honor o?rMiss;.j!da Kaiteas of; Oolcm !and r ^N^bras^-*,, .••""*':;• - .'.: Mrs.^H,,.Smith entertained fiventyMiss Anna Hahn was hostess at a bridge meeting of the Ko-Zees, Sunday, May 29. Prizes were won by the Misses Edith Lewis, Reva Noddle and Rose Sacks.
Council Bluffs News
1 and 2 pants suits are thetalh of the town
Light flannel trousers $-295 d vJ
Clothing Co.
Every Man Should Own
Our Opening Sale of 600
The Right Clothes for June Wear
* > - " • • '
• Miss iflome Ssfewartz left for a few weekp yacatioTi^to be spent •with relatives aiid. :iriends in Vanccraver, B. C.^ and California. ^j*..*• ,'.,;
•five children and their mother's at a •birthday -party .Saturday afternoon for her- iittle -daughter Goldye who celebrated4ier'ninth birthday.
The .Ladies, Free-Loaa-Society held The Misses Edith and .Gertrude their electiba of ofllcsrs on WednesLewis Entertained ; four tables of day, "June 1." t h e ' follbwing. were in "honor of Mi§sJ bridge Sunday elected to office: Mrs;SMafrCohTi, presBetty Sidmaiu ident; - Mrs.<"-Barsofl5 £yice -president; Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Chapman andj Mrs. Adjerti2reasurerj Mrs. 3Jbthstein, children left Thursday morning on a financial secretary^ Mm Weiner, dues motoi: trip to. Centerville, Iowa, to] secretary; .Mis. Bubenstein,. recording visit with relatives*.*" " '* * " * ' 1secretary.^ _ . . .", .*._•. " . -,^ _**
Engine Breakage Accident and Health, - Explosion fGencral)-Assault •. - Automobile Fire._ -Express Stupmcuts cAtrHJnroWlfffilabllity 'fidelity 'Bonds Bank Deposit Plre and Tornado , Bolter Explosion . Fly Wheel Burglary* (Residence) freight Charges ;- Bnrgtery (Store; etc.i " " Furs. All RisSs Burglary or Sale '-' -Golfera' Equipment: ChscK RalHlne ; , : Golfers' LiabilityCivil Commotion' "Group Insurance Consequential Damage :HBU. . Contingent Liability Sold up (Mes^cneer) "-"CBirtiractorSVBmiils (Paymaster) Denri3ts'Liability . (Personal) - BrUEElstfi' Liability; Household Goods In. r £lev»tor I.UWlltjr .4. Trnit
Office:, 824 World-Herald Bldg.
New. fancy Blue Weaves, Stripes, Herringbones, Cheviots, Serges, Unfinished Worsteds. All sizes—" •unusual values-^-the suit for wear—mast everywhere •—is b l u e / :
Dress Worth Decidedly More)
Just when you waist 3bool new frocks for street and business —fo'r*the*p©tcli,rtite house, garden an^eve^di^^SjcjwnS* of ' the Prettiest ;:*|ylfes-;1maginable.' with hand^drtfWn'Vfoffe-vppli* ques, Iriskcrocnet and jRlet lace.. trims. Both 'long-' &nd short sleeved styles^— ®nital»le for
Jewdry, AH SiSJa iancHords* LlahlHty Larceny and Theft •Leasehold^- ' Liabutty <General) Xll
Merchandisela Transit Motor''Beatr>~^' .' , Motorcycle (all iorms> Musical Instruments ^artaersMp- ^le-tesor•me Physicians* Defense. Plate Glass Breakage Profit Insurance yt^ifi Insuranco
-Registered Mall. Rental Value ( Salesmen's Samples Sprinkler -Leakage. Strike and Slot Supply Bond Surgeons' Llabnitr T«&mr liability Theatre UabUitr Tfteatricai Transportation 5?tle -tnsuHmce Tourtet Floater Use and Occupancy . .. Water Damage AVonaaea's Compcn3a-
.... t l o a •
•-- -Telephone
AT lantic 3180
Long Sleeved and ShdrTSisev Styles—Sires to 50.
'-** i
Plain and Pongees}": '^pipiities.. z\ Rayons Linem - ': ', In
PAGE 4—THE JEWISH PRESS, THURSDAY, JUNE 9, 1927 •;-.. •<• - , - v "man nor horse had ever stepped before. When she reached the lower trail she slipped from Jeff's back and threw herself flat upon the narrow shell to look for some trace of Hiram .below. At the foot of the mountain, she saw Lawrence's thoroughbred and Hiram's bronco huddled together In By I. M. CROSS a mangled' heap. At one side of them was Lawrence Falk; his face had escaped mutilation and he lay ; (© by Short Btory Vvb. Co.) white and handsome In death. She WO trails lead from the Hersllp looked around for Hiram, then, not ranch to the post office, one over thirty feet below her, she saw him. the mountain top, • the other He lay motionless, one shoulder caught along the mountain - sfde, eoroe- between the ledge and the trunk of a 'tlmea.dipping to the creek, sometimes stunted juniper that had, somehow, climbing to Join the tipper trail. got a foothold In a crevice of rock. *' Wilma Hersllp usually , took the "Hiram! Hiram 1" she called Again «horter, lower trail, but this day she and again:—"HiramI Hiram!" Not a "•wanted to think, with only the blue sound or motion answered her. A litBky above her and the mountain .peaks tle gopher came out of the rocks and stretching cpon every side. . . ran so fearlessly across Hiram's still ••''""A Symphony In Khaki," Lawrence feet that she shuddered. Talk Had called her. and, in her khaki She looked skyward and at the iabit and cap, she and Jeff, the buck- mountain's precipitous walls for help. Skin'broncho she rode, seemed a-part It would take hours to get help, and of the dull, ochre-colored mountains, if he were only stunned he might B page of nature's .great symphony. recover consciousness and move his . Her" feet swung clear of the long, shoulder the Juniper, then he. Cowboy stirrup—Hiram had taught too, wouldfrom pitch down the mountain. 3ier to ride that way, for safety. Jeff She looked at Jeff without an •waS sure-footed as only a broncho instant's hesitation, and. took the long <an be: Hiram had spotted him ns lasso, made one end fast to the being the best of a band "of wild horn and swung the other endsaddle over Worses; had lassoed,-"busted," trained the cltff. 3ilm, until he was the best cow-pony she breathed, patting him 1n Montana. Wilma paid no attention "I "Jeff," get Hiram, and you must help' to him, and he picked his own way me."must took a smallflask of brandy orer sharp ledges, down crevices so from She saddle pocket—Hiram had Steep that he slid on his four feet put Itthe there: of his provisions •with knee and pambrel joints stiff as for her in caseone of sudden 6ickness steel, again climbed an almost-perpen- or accident. She put in the pocket dicular wall, digging his touch Hoofs of her ktiakl bionse.It then, with a Into the seams of rock. Eelow is a general view of the lodge in ..ne Black Hills; reservation in South Dakota, where the President sharp command to Jeft, seized the will fpcid his vscationw "The lodge is owned by the state. Above, curious rock formation in surrounding hills. •She reached out a slim brown hand lasso and swung herself over the cliff. afid-touched the lasso wound about The moment Jeff felt the lasso taut the- saddle horn—Hiram had braided he stiffened himself with feet braced I nlgnt a very pretty girl who had re- and had fallen asleep, began to snore it:of rawhide and taught her to use while Wilnia went down, hand-over Couldn't Blame Barnum" i markable color' In her cheeks, and I loudly. There were laughs, and the J t He had sent to Mexico for the hand, until she reached Hiram. The tor Elephants Color said to my boy friend: 'I wonder If speaker looked greatly annoyed. saddle- under her, none good enough ledge whereon he lny was so narrow Old circus men are fund of relating that peach bloom Is real.'' i Upaching for his gavel the toastmaster could be bought nearer. that he was held there only, by'the how the white elephant of, the Barnum ' "To my dismay, the girl heard the rapped upon the table for some sem.. Faithful Hiram! What had he not juniper, and Wilma could not find n & Bailey Greatest was brought into the remark and turning on me she said blance Qf order. But in his enthnsldone for her? She had never had a foothold, so she Quickly made the jcountry. The coming of the sacred with a snap; Thineas Barnum, God asm he rapped entirely too hard and thought for any other man until. Law- lasso fast about her body, then, part- elephant had been' heralded for "days. made that color In my cheeks.'" . j the gavel broke in two. One piece rence Falk came, not three months be- ly supported by the lasso, half dang Finally the ship was sighted and the Continuing, Mr. Barnum saltf: j bounced across the table and struck fore. She remembered so well the ling by It, she leaned over Hiram and press department took a bunch of news- "Boys, God made this white elephant. | first time she saw .him, the day he called to him. He did not answer but paper writers down the bay to-meet I assure you had he been made by Mr. ! rode up to her father's ranoh honse. his hands were warm. She took the the great card of next season's show Bailey and myself he would be as ' I t was dinner time and the cowboys flask of brandy, forced, its neck be- P. T. Barnum himself was in the party. white as the driven snow."—Wells were-In the yard.- She heard their tween his teeth, and let some of the All hands were taken aboard and then Hawks in Collier's. . , Eh outs and yells of derision : liquor trickle down his throat - She dou-n into the dim light of the hold to BUTTER and EGGS "Hey! The Grasshopper has come! rubbed his hands and face, calling to look at the pure white specimen from him. by endearing names she never India. Then a dinner followed at which Where d'ye Iarn that style, TenderCouncil Bluffs, Iowa before had spoken, all the time pray- the grape was" "a feature. Then anDusting OB an Old One footr • other look at the elephant to see'if he ing that Jeff might stand the strain The honored guest arose to speak, He bore their gibea so good-nastill white.' While this was going and was creeted with a cheer that turedly that they soon left off, nnd it she was making upon him. At last ,she was newspaper man - riV shook the room. Some way or other, was -not long until, whether roping n felt, rather than heard, a faint sigh on a doubting . The Best Place to Buy T3Irv Barnum that he did not after that cheer, he- never-could, get steer or busting a bronco, ho was the and the slightest, quiver of his body, j marked,,to think "ib'e 'elephant was so darned" Your Victor. Orthophonis: or "Hiram: Lie still'." she cried, In .some of the guests quieted down agalnl equal of any of them—except Hiram. white, '<• A half- dozen qr so of them insisted i n Radio: "..';' - In-one thing he could surpass even an agony, of. fear that he might .wrig"WeD-,*' replied the circus man, "I'fl talking loudly among themselves. The Grst— Hiram—making love. The first- mo- gle himself from the juniper. She took ment he saw Wilma his eyes spoke the long end of the lasso, tralling'be- tell you. This reminds me of the times speaker could scarcely make himself SOL LEWIS admiration, his voice was . full of low her, and fnstened it around him, np "Bridgeport way when I was spark- heard." All at once, one man who WE bster 2042 1804 No. 24 Sfc Ing. I "noticed at a surprise party one had had more^than enough to caresses. He was tender, passionate, under his arms. By the time it was secure he opened his eyes. eager, wooing her by "a thousand arts "Wilma." he murmured, tried to and blandishments, where Hiram had only his simple blnat honesty. Yet smile, and groaned feebly. "Hiram! don't move; where are you a feeling of miitrnst would come over Wilma when she was rway from the hurt?" Wilma asked. influence of his winning, rollicking It took him a moment, to recover presence. consciousness . sufficiently to -.answer-: - "Is he all right? Ts he honest?" "My firm."—he tried to move it She asked herself, many times, hut T t?iink it's broken—•' his voice of Hiram she -always thought with failed. perfect Trust. "Hiram! Hiram I" Wilma cried Jeff pricked up his ears, turned his "try to keep awake, .and-think;-.now head towards the edge of the cliff and am I going to get you out of hereT gave- a low whinny. "If I could use both hands, I could "What Is it, .Teff? What 'do you go up the lasso—" 1 hear? ' Wilma asked, and stopped him "You can't, but 1 £^sg Ss 5>OFB ttfel to- listen. Slie heard angry voices, you can lie here v%f£ £ eta get help curses, below her, and dropped from the Tanch?" She took hold of from the saddle, threw herself-upon the juniper to steady herself. The the rock and leaned far out over the added weight was too much for the e,dge of the cliff. Upon the lower little tree; she heard the roots crack trail,- where It was so narrow that and let go it, but it was so weakened only the surest footed horse might that It might pull out any moment, •venture. Hiram and Lawrence Falk then they would be hanging by the had met Hiram's voice rang out lasso, and Jeff would not be able tc angrily: hold them both after the long strain -'."It yon were decent I'd never say that she had put upon him. a word, but you're a bigamist; you es- "Hiram, I'm going up to the tralcaped—" and make Jeff pull you up; It's thi - Oaths leaped from Lawrence's only way to save you." Before she handBome lips. WJlma looked at his had finished speaking she was half face distorted with rage, and shud- way up, clawing rapidly at the lasso dered. - "If I hadn't been fool enough In desperate attempt to reach Jefl to leave my revolver behind me you'd and rescue Hiram. never repeat that You're Jealous beShe pulled herself, panting, over cause Wilma loves" me. I'm going to the ledge, and went to Jeff's head. ismrry her just to spite you, not be- "Jeff, the hardest Is to come, car jcause I care anything for her. Now you do it? Oh, Jeff, don't fail now; iback up and let me pass." if you do, we will all go; down to-"Back up yonrself. You'll have to gether." She half sobbed the words5acfc only a rod and the trail's wide into Jeff's ear, then called bravely: enough for both of us; I'd have to "All ready, Hiram, keep yourself back more'n thirty rods." He took his off the rocks." heavy riding quirt, held It suggestive"All right. Wilma," he answered. ly'"and' looked at Lawrence with a The last word was drowned by a concentrated -anger that Wilma had crash; the Juniper had lost Its last never seen,before upon his face. roothold and gon» fe'3 the moun Lawrence's iace became like a tain with loose ro^gl LjJrnm started f ,pievll s. He backed his 'horse along with it, but brought np with a jerk "fine trail—a mere rim" on the long upon the lasso; Jeff was not prepared (declivity dropping to the creek. The for it and his feet* slipped. horse's hoofs crowded each other nnd "Jeff! Jeff! Get up! Get up! Jeff I" the' nervous thoroughbred trembled. Wilma cried, and clung to the bridle Wilma watched, too frightened to pulling with all her strength. Jeff make a sound, hardly knowing that scrambled, struggled wildly, someshe traB praying for Hiram. Sudden- times he seemed about to slide over ly Lawrence drove the spurs into his the cliff, then, one mighty plunge and and gave the rein a yank to he had gained a firm foothold and force-"the horse between Hiram nnd started up the trail. He was blown the;'mountain. Quick as the action and trembling when Hiram called was Hiram-met him with his bronco faintly: crowded against > the mountain wall. "Whoa, Jeff." Jeff obeyed, turning Ttipy met with a force that sent thor- his head with a whinny of recognioughbred, and bronco upon • their hind tion of the" voice.. leg*.-' i1 For a second they wavered Wilma ran buck, knelt by Hiram, there, then toppled and went crashing took his head upon her lap and burst out crying: )4<>wa ,the cliff. - . ( -. •;' Witaa screamed and shut her eyes. "Hiram, my Hiram!" she sobbed ' ^ - - ' a moment she lost consciousness, kissing him again and again. "Look,'seven while mountains and sky she said, pointing downwards. A „ „ „ dizzying; about her she gathered^ flock of buzzards were hovering,, siherself up. one- thought insisting; she lent and .evil* over the still bodies roust-ko-to'-Hiram." She;would find at the foot of the mountain. While i dead, at the foot of- the moun- Wilma and Hiram were looking they ' Jg ne rfcnew^ -Dttt she must find slowly settled to their feast _ •'."Slws-"1onipe*|v PC°R- Jflfjts- back, Wilma shuddered and held Hiram 1 jforced • hiiaCfadifn ^steeV -ledges [closer.-' "Thank' God you ate here, 1 safe, Hiram-,",. ' ^ y ' ,1 _Y",
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the sleeping member eqoarely on the j Moon Superstition* head. He roused a bit. looked about j him, and then shouted: j In certain races th* man In the "Hit me again! I can still hear j Moon, far from being a criminal, l 8 a him!"—Journal American Medical As- !being who, on account of great wig sedation. 1 ?™™ 7 . V f n S f e r m i t0 the m°™.
irom wtuch he could see all Tn the Chinese n e Is Yue'tao, who SOVIET GOVERNAENT PERMITS arranges all marriages^ Ttie medicine LATVIAN JEWS TO SETTLE OX men of the old Red Indian tribee re-
Eiga. (J. T. A.) The first group of Jews who are not citizens of Soviet Russia received permission to settle on the land allocated for Jewish colonization. The group was organized in Latvia, formerly a part of the Russian empire. Due to unemployment prevailing in Latvia, the Ossek, a society for the support of Jewish colonization work in Eussia, is organizing groups of Jewish unemployed. The Ossek communicated with the Ozet, the Soviet governmental department for Jewish colonization, which invited SO settlers to come to Russia to settle in the new Jewish, district
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