, . By A. .G. . . : ; : • ; . , " You know this lif- ' ^ ) g , reward business is not so e\ -. -^' a>et. Many members of the Ct._Sj-£ y Center —-have tried-and -fai\. S\;2^ _rly last week, Dave Chesno, as % ^ .physical director received theV " I honor, Dave, who is a forme «? ha xmiversity and Central; % 'i school athlete, completed S- \'t tests l t d tthe\ h\ & satisfactorily. ' - .J Ed Burdick told mts"'"'"Wednesday that he honestly believes that another Jewish boy will make the "grade" within a comparatively short time. . * * * Well, it looks to me like the Je-wish boys have finally come to life and taken an interest in tennis. The schedule at the Center indicates that 16 contestants have entered the tourney. Things are going to pop right and left vrhen the racquet -weflders start serving their difficult -serves "across net.
A false friend, like a shadow, attends only while the sun
Entered as second-class mail matter on January 27th. 1921, at frostofflce at Omaha, Nebraska, under the Act of March 3, ISTO.
VIENNA JEWS _ EAGER TO WELCOME Record Attendance Tfie Jew in Aviation CHAMBEKLIN AND LEVINE Expected at Annual Vienna (J. T. A.)—The Jewish From Ezekiel, the Prophet to Charles Levine There is a Thrilling Tale of Visions, Science and Daring Action of the city of Vienna is Zionist Convention population awaiting eagerly the consummation By Emamiel Aronsberg of the Berlin-Vienna flight announced
VOL. I7!.—No. 24
Riga (J. T. A.)—Solomon Gurevitch, son of a Jewish merchant, "was executed yesterday on the charge that he attempted to assassinate What has^the Jew -done for avia- paying the highest price a human be- Bucharin and Stalin on March 12. Screened' Cottages to be Used Full Quotas, of Delegates Re- by Levine and Chamberlin. - : for Quarters tion? /••'-•• ing can pay—his life—for his devo- Gurevitch was one of a group of A number of. Jewish organizations ported From All Parts . With the successful crossing of the tion to his science. Frederick A. Tal- twenty who were executed following here are arranging a reception-for the of Country. MANY ACTIVITIES "ARE flyers when an _ address of favor of Columbia from New York to Ger- bot, the widely known English author the official proclamation of the Ogpu. many, carrying the first Jew across PLANNED FOR CAMP. of scientific works, has this to say the present name of the. ill famed Vienna Jewry will be presented to TO MARK 30 YEARS OF the Atlantic through the air, this •of Lilienthal: Cheka, announcing the revival of the Charles A. Levine. and Clarence DLetters to boys and girls who are FRUITFUL ZIONIST WORK query mast be of same interest to the "He paved the way for the realiza- red terror in Russia. Chamberlin. .'•* eligible to attend Camp Morris Levy, Jewish- reader everywhere. Especially tion of the flying machine as vre The forthcoming" Convention of the the Jewish Community Center sraaawhen we consider that the financial know it today. He buSt a machine In my mind the best place to re- Zionist Organization of "America, 1 mer camp, and to their parents have misunderstandings between Mr. Le- comprising rudder and wings. . , . ceive praise and applause is in the which will beheld in Atlantic City beI been sent out this week, urging early vine and some of KB former asso- He approached the problem from tire private office of Ed Burdick at the ginning Sunday, June 26th, has ! registration, since the number that ciates in the venture may have turned severely scientific point of view, disCenter. This'Mr. Burdick, folks, if aroused unprecedented interest and can be accommodated is limited. The against him that" part of public covering new facts and new data for you don't know it, is a real fellow great enthusiasm among the Zionists advantages of fresh air, country life, through and through. No Suit Pending Against Flyer throughout the, country, which is be- Degrcs Team to Take Part: in Des opinion which has always seized with himself. . . By starting from ar and plenty of nourishing, 'Kosher alacrity upon any excuse to ascribe artificial hill a- hundred feet in. height, 'The other day -while conversing ing, manifested in the eagerness of all food, were stressed. Sloines Convention: the trait of "hard bargaining" to the he was able to sail over distances up Washington, D . C (J. T. A.)—The •with the eagles-eyed piiysical director, districts, even in the remotest sections Camp activities will include baserace -as a whole. To review briefly j Department of Justice yesterday furto a thousand feet. . ." •a blende, -with eyes of blue-sauntered of the United States, to be representIsadore ~ Elewit2, a ' graduate of some of the. major performances of ball, track meets, rowing, gwimming, Another author, Mr. Octave Chan- nished the Jewish Telegraphic Agency liandcraft, dramatics, singing, and up to the desk. I could see very plain- ed by delegates. Indications, accord- Creighton University, was elected to ly that the girl had been crying. Her ing to figures compiled by the Organ- succeed Hyrnan Shxier as a president Jews in the aeronautic field will, ute, whose writings are f tmdarnestal correspondent here with information hiking:. Screened cottages will be used aero- concerning the alleged trouble of for sleeping purposes. beautiful eyes were Ted and. her lips ization Department of the Zionist Or- of the Mother Chapter. The other of- therefore* be useful and enlightening. for every student of modern c Charles A. Levine with the War DeWe have had both dreamers and nautics in this country, in his book, quivered as she looked up to Hr. Bur- ganization, point to a record-breaking ficers elected were Louis HSdin, vice A mimber of girls' clubs are plandoers in aeronautics, just as in all partment regarding his salvage trans- ning to come out in groups. Where "Progress in Flying Machines" <Ne-vv dick. attendance of delegates and visitors, president; Stanley F. Levin, secre"I'm afraid," she said. "Mother exceeding by far, the; attendance at tary; Joe Cohen, treasurer; Maurice other fields of human endeavor. We York, 1S94), pays the following actions. According to this informa- arrangements of this kind are matte tion, the War Department is making- sufficiently in advance, a whole cottold me to stop sTvimming. And Mr. conventions in recent years. The large Givot, senior sergeant-at-arms, and recall, as a start, the vision of Eze- tribute to Lilienthal: kiel, as he tells us,, in chapter 1, that a claim against Levine for an amount tage will be assigned to the club or Burdick, I really love the sport. Please number of 'delegates, estimated at Leon Fellman,: junior sergeant-at"Among the most systematic arid "When the living i creatures were ranging from 5100,000 to $300,000, group. close to a thousand, will be a concrete tell me what'I can do. carefully conducted series of exarms; Al Shrier, reporter,.and Hyman lifted up from the earth, the wheels periments that have ever been made constituting profits which Levine is Without saying a word Burdick evidence of the. profound interest at- «Siirier, chaplain. ."._.... Persons -who are qualified for. tlift picked up the telephone and was talk- tached to all questions and events The Omaha chapter will hold it'? were lifted up'.", for the spirit of the in the direction of artificial fiigbt are alleged to have made on abandoned position of camp councillor are reing to the girl's mother. In a few relating to the upbuilding of Pales- annual "Hell Week" beginning Tues- living creatures was in the wheels . . those of Herr Otto lilienthal of war material turned over to him by quested to get in touch with Dave minutes, to be exact two minutes and tine, which are inevitable linked dos- day evening, June 21. "Hell Week" And when they went, I heard the Berlin, Germany, a mechanical engi- the government on a fifty-fifty profit Chesnau.or lillian Margolin, direc14 seconds, Ed had convinced the ele with the activities of the Zionist is the week of trials and tribulations noise of their wings, like the noise neer and constructor, and a prominent sharing basis. tors of the boys' and girls' camps. The "War Department BOW contends Selection of councillors will be made mother that the girl was determined Organization of America. of the pledges and initiates. The fol- of great waters, as the voice of the member of the German Society for in her swimming. the Advancement of Aerial Naviga- that Levine did not fully account for I on the basis of training and exZionist Districts, Hadassah Chapters lowing men will be initiated, Dave Almighty." tion. In the opinion of the writer of thegovernment's share and therefore perience in camp work. The wheels, the.' vvings, the great Well, to make a long story short, and other affiliated groups are entitled Brodkey, Harry Levinson, Al .Shrier. Ed praised the young lady, and I'd to send one delegate for every fifty Earl Lapidus, Sam Stern, Sara Berek waters—they are with us today, and these lines, Herr Lilientha] has at- is endeavoring- to collect the alleged they might have appealed to the tacked the most difficult, and perhaps difference. The Department of Justice be willing to wager that the high members in good standing; - Special and Jack Gotsdeiner. . . school student will look up to Burdick campaigns for the purpose of enrollThe local chapter of the Order is imagination of Charles Levine as he the most important of the many took a different view than that of as an able adviser from now on. ing additional members so as to en- busy with the rehearsal of it's degree was winging his perilous way across problems which -must be solved before Postmaster General New, declaring • - * « able districts to send more delegates team which will present the ritual the waters below him. And the Al- success can be hoped for in navigat- that many such claims between the I Same more •wonderful limes are in are now being conducted in. many work of the A. Z. A. before the entire mighty was with him, too, and made ing the air with flying machines. He government and private individuals - <: store for Omaha's younger set in the parts of the country, with the result Convention at Des Moir.es the latter it possible for him to realize the has made a good beginning and seems are pending and that there is nothing The first social card party to bfe to be in a fair way to accomplish tnrusnal about the affair. No court given by the Highland Country Club next year. The Ivre clab convention that the total membership enrollment part of this month and the fifst day dream of the prophet of old. It is a long 5pan, this one from some success in riding on the -wind. .* action of any Mud lias been taken will be Ifeld Wednesday evening, 5une is slated to be held here and the Mid- of the Zionist Organization will ex- of July. The. following men are memby the government nor is any con- 22, at the Gub House. AH member Western Zea Beta Tan conclave win ceed that of last year. Full quotas of bers of the degree team: Dave-Bishoff, E2ekiel to Levine, and it is useful to (pp. 201 seq.) g-et imder way sometime next spring. delegates are" being sent to Atlantic Sam Zacharia, Maurice Givot, Hyman mention, the two names here to ilHe was not destined, however, to templated. It was stated that the are invited to attend tin: card social. -* * • City from such distant states as Shrier, Dave Beher, oe Cohen, Marion lustrate the fact that we Had had our continue these promising experiments, government is endeavoring to reach The Saturday evening dances En amicable settlement -with Levine. mee f.i n g -with favor amoti-g^tJjB •ytmnger Injthis, modem—ag^_oiiB shtmldn't Texas,, California and other points S tanley^ ' J \ , . I Lpnls dreamers and cSc <Ioers as' -well. - for -while testing a new_ steering "" Seven" ""centuries" pass" afterthe *«-—--•'h5s'attorney and •negotiations: fotts"alid a'number-of" ' TvonderJ"w'Eat~Bome persons -will do. West and South. —* Isadore Elewitz and Max he had .devised, "he fell from a. height Riklin, already been planned for the . - For instance take the present day The sessions of the "Convention will Eiekes. Philip M. Khitznick is the vision, of the prophet, and another of forty-five feet and broke his spine. are_ still in progress. Jew, a native of Samaria, known to dying from the effects of it in August, According to the membership -comAssistant "United States Attorney ^r young lady with all her savoir f aire. open at 10:30 a. m. on Sunday the coach of the work.' the world today as Simon the Magic- 189S, at tie-early age of 48. General Galloway has charge of the mittee, the final date for is.*- '"t'fs This lady so fair often voice her 26th in the Chelsea Assembly Hall ian, arrests - our attention. We read matter for the Department of Justice, of new members -will be June SO. Th* opinions on certain matters. where all future sessions will be held Mr. A. _M. Herring, an associate of Levine's transactions with the' War members of the committee are urged in the writings of the fathers of the After trudging; along for a -whole on Monday and Tuesday. The ConRoman Church that he appeared in Chairate, boUt a Lilienthal machine Department reached several millions, to see all the proppective members day I finally cornered three young vention headquarters will be located Rome and performed all manner of .within a. mi it is trnderstood. He conducted his immediately. women and* questioned them regarding at the Hotel Kitz-Carltcra, where the supernatural stunts, winning even made about a. hundred successful transactions with the government The regular Sunday golf toumRTRPti? young men. I asked them what they registration of delegates will beginn glides- with it in this country. Mr. handicap play wil3 be held Slmd&y. didn't like about men. Not content on Saturday evening, June 25, at 9 The Junior Hadassah has solved the the favor of Nero. St. Peter and S t Chanute is said to have given tbe through the Columbia Salvag-e Co. Paul appear to have considered this All classes of members are elig"iW« with their answers I questioned exact- o'clock. Arrangements have been summer meeting problem. Every orbenefit of his wide experience to the to play in this tournament with prisns ly 17 mor£ girls. made for delegates and visitors ganization encounters a falling off of Jew a menace to their own church Wright Brothers while they were Berlin (J. T. A.)—Charles A. Le- to the winners. Here is ;\7hat they dislike about the travelling to Atlantic City to receive attendance during the summer months and set themselves hard against him still at work upon their gliding vine declared at the press conference! and his miracles. male sex: Convention Certificates upon purchas- when it seems almost unbearable to machines, so that it may be assumed at the American Embassy here that His last performance, the story quite safely that the results of the ' Shabby clothes. ing railroad tickes and thus be en- sit through a /meeting in the sweltergoes on to relate, was an actual flight Jewish engineer's experiments in Ger- he is planning to form a company for! ANTI-SEMITES SNEER AT ' ' Unshined shoes. ing heat, and many clubs even disband titled to reduce fare on the return through the air in a chariot drawn many, which so impressed Mr. Cha- regular passenger air service between j LEVINE'S RECEPTION "Upturned collar. for the summer, interrupting their journey. the United States and Europe. Unkempt hair. A feature of the Convention will be activities and necessitating re-organi- by demons. As he was carerring nuta, were taken into consideration Berlin (J. T. A.)-—Sneers of • dis"I am ready to sink $2,000,000 through the ethe,r, the two apostles and utilized to good advantage by the • False teeth. the Mass Meeting which will be held zation in the falL satisfaction at the manner in which right now into the project", Mr. LeIt isn't such a bad list after all. Sunday evening, June 26, at the The Junior Hadassah, however# have knelt down and prayed, with such Wrights in • their epochal achieveCharles A. Levine is being hailed in vine said. good effect that he crashed tc the Chelsea Assembly Hall. One of the continued all their activities throughments. i Germany together with Clarence I», What do you young men between speakers on this occasion will be the out the summer as the result of a ground, a mangled corpse. Thus the j Chamberlin is the reaction of lh« Ezekiel, the dreamer, Simon the ' the ages of 18 and 22 like about noted Zionist leader. M. M. Ussisch- very unique plan. Instead of having tale of the holy fathers of the Church. anti-Semitic journals to the trattpMagician, Lilienthal, the scientist, and Who knows but there may be a grain women between the ages of 16 and Idn, who is now enroute form Pales- their regular meetings during the Atlantic ..non-stop flight of the Conow plain, ordinary Charlie Levine of 21? I took it' upon myself to question tine to attend the Zionist Convention months of June, July, and August, an1 of aeronautic fact in the fiction of lumbia. The anti-Semitic jouras.lfit -» . several young gentlemen Wednesday. in Canada, following, which he will affair is given during each month. It the zealous annalists of the Christian New York—the doer—they are all out which are continually endeavoring t* own and .they must be remembered Here is what they listed as likeable come to the United States. Other is up to the committee for eacb month Church? Who knows but that those instill ir. their readers a conception *£ as indleposts on the long and dangerHarry B. Cohen, senior law student qualities: speakers will be Abraham Goldberg, to decide whether a breakfast, a hike, "demons" were in reality the mechan- ous path from the -earth to the skies. Fairly .good looking'. vice-President of the -Zionist Organ- a picnic, a swimming party, or what ical devices of a very good inventive They are the breathing symbols of at the University of Nebraska, was the Jew as tbe anti-Semite voolti like Neat in appearance. ization, Mrs. Irma lindheim, Presi- not will be most appropriate for bring- intellect coming into the world a that restless, seeking spirit which no elected to serve as president of Sig-ma him to be, cannot swallow the Alpha Mu, national Jewish fraternity ment of Charles A. Lfivinfe which it little too early? Anyhow, the good Conservative in dress. dent of Hadassah, Morris Eothenberg, ing all the members together. amount of prejudice and no amount for the coming year. Mr. Cohen is p a.-direct refutation to their mm!id«»? Christian Fathers themselves have Good mixer, but not too loud. Maurice Samuel," Rev Z. JL Mas- Pauline Shapiro and her ^committee, And above all they, do like a -woman liansky, Judge Wm. M. Lewis will Ida Bishoff, Lillian Miller, Edith Lewis told • us that he was flying through of bigotry can deny or take away very active student in university life propaganda. The papers from the Jewish people. They stand with character. preside- The final orai-orinal contest and Alice Minkirr, in charge of all ac- the air, and, if a Jew refuses, per- there to testify that we are willing being a member of the following or- choose the easiest of all a : ' Well, girls, read and correct your- arranged by Young Judaea will also tivities for the month f June have haps; to take it too seriously, a good, and able to dream of and do our ganizations: Pershing Rifles, Univer- the sneer. sity Commercial Club, Beta Gamma The newspaper, "Deutsches take place at the Mass Meeting. selves. planned a hike for Sunday, June 19. pious Christian should believe it and share in the advancement of the sits Sigma, Phi Beta Kappa, Delta Sigma blatf, for instance, charges that %hf~ give that Jew in Rome credit for i i s * * * This Convention, marking the con- The Junior Hadassah members and and sciences. Pi and the Menorah Society, of which "magnates of the chosen race inFriends of Albert Firikel, one time clusion of thirty years of Zionist ef- their guests'will me_t nt 33rd. and contribution to aviation. fluenced Germany to hail'Levine, th# Lest it be imagined that Levine is he is a past president. tennis champion are up in arms, cry- fort in America, will also be an im- Dodge at 8:00 o'clock rid thence to More than thousand years pass Carl Sokolof, a senior in the college son of the chosen race, a& & jfl**t ing over the fact that the former portent turning pafrtf in Zionist af- Elmwood Park will the gay revelers after -Simon the Magician performed unique among Jews in facing the risks of air-flight, we have to recall those of business administration, "was elect- pioneer." king of the courts, not king of hearts, fairs in view of the grave issu-s and proceed. Activities for the rest o* the ••his stunts a t Rome, and we hear Jews who took even greater risks ir ed to serve as treasurer of the frateris out of form. problems now confronting the Zionist morning are a carefully guarded sec- nothing of Jews, or, for that matter, the air before Mm,.those who flew not nity. Mr. Sokolof is a member of the ROUMANIAN I saw Al woTk out the other day, movement. Gentiles, doing something :for the art ret, but rumors have *t that the reT and he looked mighty sweet to me. freshments wiD be no small part of of flying. There is only one notable only in. the face of angry winds, but Menorah Society, University CommerGOVERNMENT PROMISES I'd never give him this credit if I exception, sometime about the year of deadly bullets and shells, during cial Club, and holds the Inter-fraterthe fun. PROTECTION TO the World War,. nity and University handball chamdidn't mean what I said. And to top J. C. C. Summer Membership 1500, when that universal Italian The committee for July is headed We find that more than 700 Jewish pionship honors. Bucharest (J.- T. A . ^ it off, I noticed his form and -work As a special inducement, the Jewish by Toby Steinberg and :onsistr. of "~ "~s .genius, Leonardo da Vinci, seems to from a distance. Community Center is offering special Weinstein. Sarah Feldman, Ida Tur- have experimented also with the art officers and yrivates served in the Joseph "E. Ginsberg, a former foot- of life and property to all dti«R»»»; - So friends, cry not, at least try not, Summer Memberships at reasonable of flying, leaving behind some remark- British Eoyal Air Force daring the ball, basketball and debateing lumi- without discrimination of tatM, They for "Albert will come out allright rate3. Four swims a week are offered ner, and Bess Kirscher' able drawings of his own idea of fly- War. A»d we find that nine of these nary s t the Ponca, Nebr., high school, ion or nationality is p-roniieing state that it is a little too early yet ing machinery. officers •were awarded the Distinguish- was elected to serve as secretary of manifesto issued by the new Isn't that right, Al? That's a boy, for the summer season. to divulge their plans, Jbut^ a very ed Flying Cross. This should make it ian government. good luck to you. Members of these classes will have splendid affair will be given. Ula : .The next we hear of a- Jew playing clear that we did not shirk ocr duty his fraternity. Mr. Ginsberg is R The manifesto is signed by member of the Menorah Society, his part in the drama of aviation is an opportunity of enrolling in the Red Married women are nice it's true. Cross Swimming and live Saving Alberts assisted by Ann Bishoff, Lil- in the latter part of the 19th century, in one of the deadliest branches of Green Goblins and the University de- Barbu Stirbsy, the new pretuief. lian Greenblatt, and BefosMn, nd the military -service ia "War, and we Even Mr. Gersen stamps his approval Classes conducted "at th'e CenterTUlie Zusman will make »»rangements and this time it is neither a dreamer needed no Charlie Levine to demon- bate squad. on that statement. The erstwhile nor a magician, but a scientific, sober Mr. Ed Burdick, athletic director, Sigma Alpha Mu on the Nebraska WASSESMANN ACCENTS ' strate cur courage, if not recklesssuperintendent at the Center, set sail and Mr. Dave Chesnau, assistant for August. JEWISH- AGENCY mechanical engineer, using the last campus- is a relatively new fraternity on the seas of matrimony/ And be- athletic director at the Center, are in word of science to attempt a solution ness,, which some mistake for courage but it is one of the oldest organisaBerlin •{ J. T. A.) Dr. Qite&r lieve'me he is Eome sailor. He seems charge of the swimming classes. of the problem of flight. The name of and thras charge us with lacking the tions of its kind in the country. The mann, general manager of thfe tfa YEVSEKS DISCOVER latter. Someone said that it takes a to have taken on a new aspect in his SECRET YESmVA this Jew is Otto Lilienthal, and his great deal of courage to go through Comhusker chapter numbers two sche Bank of Berlin, hss accepted work. home is Germany. stars on it's roster in addition to invitation of Dr. CUaim DUTCH ZIONISTS HONOR LEVINE Moscow (J. T. A.)—The existence • * * . Born in that year of storm and life merely as a Jew. . . having a number of her members It must be left to some other in- prominent in honorary fraternities and Louis Marshall to serve RK one o The Hague (J. T. A.)—Recogni- of a secret Yeshiva was discovered in stress, 1848, he seems to have been I've noticed that Bess Hayken and the four commissioners tff the Esther »<j.tash, the hard working, girl? tion for Charles A. Levine for his the town Surascb near Briansk, by destined by Fate itself to attempt to vestigator to ascertain tbe part played and the -Ike. David Fellman, former Agency Palcrtine Survey in the office, never get credit for any- part in. the non-stop trans-Atlantic the agents of the Yevsektzia, the blaze new trails, and to travel un- by Jewish boys in the American air Central high school debator it -was announced hesr y thing. Well, I can say this, these two flight was expressed by the Dutch Jewish section of the Communist trodden paths. For a period of 25 forces during the World War. Today, orator made the varsity debate team Mr. Ashley, British Minister .ladies do an awful lot of work. The Zionist Federation.' The Federation Party. The founder as well as the years, Otto Lilienthal, assisted by his we confine ourselves to but a single and Carl Sokolof won the University Transport, arrived here «s th(? Jewish Press congratulates you bath inscribed Levine's name in the Golden instructors at the Yeshiva "were brother, experimented and labored for name, that of young Mr. Guggen- and Inter-fratertity handball cham- of Dr. Wassemiann, who it- the Book of the Jewish National Fund. arrested - ' ».solution of the problem of aviation pionship »» your excellent work. dent «f tbe Keren Eayesed » (Continued on Page 2)
p Morris Lery
Omaha Chapter k Z. ft. Elects New Officers
Junior Hadassah Members to CoBtmne Summer Sessions
S. A. H. Fiatendty Beets
PAGE 2—THE JEWISH PRESS, THURSDAY, JUNE 16, 1927 "But tonight? Havent you enjoyed MOND CRITICISES I Bitter Wilt ~ It?" she asked, surprised. PALESTINE GOVERNMENT ' Following Is an extract from a \\\ "Well," he returned, "yoa know a FOR SCANTY SUPPORT recently probated In Manchester,. Eng ; • ' . PuBHsbe{* SCOT Tbortday at OOulia. Nebraska, b» man likes to talk about himself when land: "I desire that my wife shall ; • THE JEWISH PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY l he takes a girl out, and you haven't London. (J. T. A.)—The Palestine not receive one penny from my estate, given me a chai.ce all evening." \\ Office: 490 Brandeis' Theatre Building — Telephone: ATIantic 1450. government was criticised for its for she and her son li?ve led me a 5687—1926-27 • i^—• -.. NATHAN E, GREEN, Manager. scanty support of the Jewish work in hell-upon-earth iife, and when it Palestine by Sir Alfred Mond, presi- pleases the Almighty to call me, it will Momentou* Question .?2.50. Subscription Price, one ;eax dent of the Economic Board for Pal- also please me to be taken fronj such The following anecdote Is taken Rosh Chodesh Tammuz > Friday, July 1 Advertising rates furnished on application. a woman.'' from the "Life of the Rt.-Hon. Sir estine, at its annual meeting. -Sunday, July 17 Fast of Tammuz Sir Alfred reviewed the present Henry Campbell-Bannerman," by J. A. CHANQB OP ADDRESS—Pleas* give botb the old and new address; | Power of the Mind Saturday, July SO Rosh Chodesb Ab | Spender. A picture appeared in an position in Palestine and stated that . " " be spre and give your name. !• The mind is its own place, and in .Sunday, August 7 Fast of Ab J English paper which bore the title, "Is the crisis is., not surprising. Fluctuaitself can make a heaven of hell, a Monday, August 29 . The Jewish Press ik sqpplied by the Jewish Telegraphic Agency (Jewish . It Peace or War?" in which Campbell- tion is possible after too rapid devel- •Jaell Bosh Chodesh ElluJ of heaven.—Milton. Correspondence Bureau) 'with cabled and telegraphic Jewish news, in addition Mannerman was photographed talking opment, he said. However, thing arc to feattfre Mtictea antf correspondencies from all important Jewish eentera. with King Edward. Around them the Ingnirie& regarding news-Ijtems credited)to this Agency wiB be gladly visitors stood at a respectful distance. moving, he said. wiswered If addressed to Jewish Telegraphic Agency, 621 Broadway, New r Greoter participation on the part German, French, and Russian York vity, " their game, he and Dawn became ac- A friend of his said later: "The artist ———*————— a glory to America, and a promise quainted again—this time as man and has hit you off very well." Campbell- of British Jews in the Board's work Language Lessons Baanermaa looked at the picture quiz- was urged by the president. and a hope for a better feliowshij> woman. given by Experienced Teacher i%~ JUDAISM IN A STAGE OF TRANSITION It Is not necessary for anyone to zically and said: "Would you like to among men. MRS. JENNIE LEVENSON 'Are you inclined toward Orthodoxy? Conservatism? Rehave to say that the two were lost in know what the king was saving to ROUMANIAN JEWS No. 4, Carlisle Apts. me?" The friend said he would. "He each other, that they went over the ATIantic 3507—JAckson 3566 form? No matter.now.. If Judaism interests you at all—it must PREPARE FOR ELECTION years they had been separated only wanted to have my opinion whether halibut was better baked or boiled." if you are a Jew worthy of the name—you probably feel as we do: to find that they bad bad a mutual Bucharest (J. T. A.)—The fall of longing for a renewal of what they That American Judaism is in a stage of transition. Here it is in the Averescu government and the In Omaha now admitted was their first romance. Bird Does Scavenger Work brief:, prospect for an improvement in the "I'm afraid I shall always call, you The adjutant bird Is a voracious Jewish situation in the country may With all the agencies and institutions at our command, our my Caddie," Dawn told him that night carrion-eating East Indian stork someBy RUBY DOUGLAS facilitate the creation of a United people in this country have not yet learned to place the true valuaafter they had all dllied. times 6 feet in height and 14 feet in Jewish front. 250 Rooms—200 Baths On the way back to town that .Bight expanse of wings, with a large bill, tion upon aQatters. Jewish.. Thus, there are altogether too many /.Cooyrlsbt-V Good Rooms for $1.50 Leaders of the Jewish factions in Elliott talked to a iBaa who was soar- the skin of the head aaked, and a Operated by Eppley Hotels Co. who-attribute supreme importance to the mere accident in Judaism. the country are considering the creapouchlike appendage on the interior This condition is largely responsible for the fact that Judaism in surface of the neck. The plumage is tion of a parliamentary election bloc. anQ ^own the wor^d, Joqking for said. "I sort o' felt there was somethis country is one of superficiality and does not go below the up black or ash-colored, and fnrnisiies The Jewish nationalist parties, as well her. And now, idly scanning the list PAXTON-MITCHELL CO. doing today when we came out the aiaraboa-feathers of India. The as the Union of Roumanian Jews, will surface* :|W£ .have "charity. Judaism," we have "social service of guests at a party given In honor of thing •i:tb and Martha Sts. iJA rney IMS oere together. .And there was." adjutant feefls on frogs, fish, reptiles, probably unite for the elections in Omaha, Nebr. Judaism,"" w.e have "synagogue Judaism," and we have "nation- a famous Sim star, be found her name etc, and is the scavenger of Indian "Much—much,** murmured Donald, view of the clause in the election law Soft gray. Iron, brass, bronze and Morrow. It must .he she; aKstje Ja&aism."- Those who;are devoted to' the one of the t>ther —Dawn castings, standard sizes there could, b« but «ne Dajra Morrow. unable to thlok of anythiAg bat, tfcsrt towns. It derives its name from the which provides that a group may aluminum bronze and iron bushings, sewer mancomical gravity with which it stalks specifies .of Judaism, fail to recognize that each of these is a valu- -He recalled, now, a$ ylvidiy, «s If i t his day had Dawned. obtain parliamentary representation holes, cistern rings and covers, and. along. ;]ean-out loors in stock. abie'ot^growtn of-Judaism arid a factor in Judaism, but that it had been yesterday, his fret glimpse only if its list obtains 2 percent of of her. She, must have beea about the total votes cast. and €<&>'» Milk farms- orxty A PART and NOT THE WHOLE of Judaism. Old European Festival fourteen and slie had come out on the In taste goat/H is lik« rich The fact of the matter is, that to understand and appreciate putting green to give her rather a cow's milk, except milk Hidsummer eve falls on the night Bos. Phone AT. 8453 . that it is soaaelies. Phone AT. 11S5 Judaism and Jewish ideals, one must first become thoroughly message that baa been telephoned to wlvat -whiter and a trifle sweeter. The before the, festival of St. John the club from his office. He, Donald nninitiated would not be able to dis- Baptist, Jane 24. This used to be obJewish Woman wants to cook familiar with Jewish life and law and then view the various and the Harper, fiatt been her father's Carrie. tinguish It from cow's mllli either by served la all parts of Europe. Fires for family or take care of .varied manifestations of the Jewish genius in its all inclusive BARBER SHOP After that he often saddled for h«v taste or odor. It Is slightly more vis- were kindled in the market places and j elderly lady. Call Glendale the young people leaped over the I entirety. The various institutions that have in the course of She was learning golf that summer cous than cow's mllft, the consistency We specialize in 0476 or 41S8 Erslune. and i t had been his last season' on the behas smooth like first-run cream. Over flames or threw garlands into them. Children's & Ladies' Haircuts time established themselves through Jewish life and tradition are lints-—6e thoughts boys over seven- 3r0G0 goats are used by various gov- •Dancing and singing playea a part in Arthur Bldg.—212 So. 18th Street just so many manifestations of the multi-form genuis of the Jew. teen -who couMn't o"o better than cad- ernment hospitals for milk-prodacias the festival. purposes. Tuberculosis sa-flatorLuuis When, however, too' much importance is attached to any one of die to feelp out with their approaching expenses were not much good. especially use large amounts of goat's {hem, fhe Jewish genuis with its possibilities and capabilities is college And thus. Dawn MorroVr had passed milk. Experts declare that it is a apt to be lost sight of. out of his life She did not even inow good T>ody builder for patients suffertng from -wasting diseases such as tuThe truest sign of the fact that Judaism in America shafl iila BRine. She always called b i o 1>erenlosls. Goafs milk feeing alkaline "Caddie.;" ....... have passed beyond the transitional formative period will be when In its reaction, the same ax human having taken his bar examina- milk, is about the best substitute for our people shall have learned to measure and gauge the strength tions and having been taken Into a milk for babies. The curd of Jewish lif e and Jewish ideals, not by show and superficiality, not large law office to serve his appren- mother's of goat's milk, being tender and flaky, by big buildings and. costly institution, nor by the opinion of the ticeship at his. profession, he still Is digested In the shortest possible wondered where the lovely little girl It is pure and wholesome and outside world, but by actual accomplishment and achievement and was and never TOtil today had he time. can safely be taken iti a raw state. by the feelinfe and consciousness that every fact and factor in seen or heard of heT. And now, It -Goats are considered immune from •was only in «. list of "Among "Those tuberculosis, so their milk needs no Jewish life is but part of the whole and that our reach must ex- Present" at a big parts. pasteurizing, and runa no danger of ceed our grasp and our future excel our past. He continued to search for her an losing any of Its vitamines or having ~ * T~ y J efwish Advocate. the street, in the theater. He scaunefl any of Its lime salts altered by the newspapers and ms^ftzines lor her application of heat. -. . .r , • • * * * * name. V - r. A , ' . * PROGRESS AND THE JEW! One day it occurred to him to hunt Told in an Epitaph ; ' Another Jew has" come to the foreground in the making of tip a, friend who.Tie knew; was a memThere had been a motor car aeddeftt history—Charles 'A. Levine. We honor and pay tribute to his ber of the colt chib nt which he h first seen Dawn. It was just pos- resulting in injury-jto the driver and tottrageaQdfaravery.tasidare; proud that=the heroes of Jthe famous Isible/ he tonjecrured; that her. father two passengers.*','Tile magistrate confeats of aviation, -which will be recorded in the history of our was still a member and that ha had ttttcting an investijiation of the matter summoned several - witnesses, among continued his game of country, includes a Jew as one of the outstanding figures. them a farmer living near the sceas It did not take him long l o get in I t is said that wherever a Jew appears, there is progress; and touch with Elliott Gordon and get of the accident: ^here was a •whenever there is progress, a Jew appears. All through the ages •Mmself Invited to the Country clut) oa deal :of testimony offered high .speed at ^rhlch the car had of history, development and achievement, the Jew has been at the a Saturday afternoon ip October -when the traveled. Witnesses, moreover, sa.14 -anyone who played ijolf •would be 'sure helm-r-the Jew, with his indomitable pluck, his progressive spirit; to be out. - He Sia mot «xplain to Tils that the roaQ was In baa repair. The his "worldly possessions, or his brain power. We aTe told that friend bis reason for wasting to be magistrate finally teaclred the farmer, • lived near the 'Scene. CJolPBtbushadseveral j e ^ s in his party; we hear rumors that a hie guest butTOtrely fclid tttat Jie had •who "What wouia you Gay about this -»o» once caddied out on that course and Jew financed the Revolution^ Now, we know—it iB recognized na- had a fancy to ihave a go at the game, cldent, Mr. Gstiey?" he asked. ^srsrtg*'"Well, «£ I was wrltin* tlie driver's tipnably and internationally, throughout the entire world, that now, as a full-fledged ylayer. epitaph," drawled the witness, "I'd | Charles A. lievhre-accompanied Clarence Chamberlain in his plane, Out on the links, every hole and ^ay he died tryin' to get 60 miles j every hazard of v/hich he knew like a and that he was one of the three daring and heroic men to brave map, he felt a thrill of enthusiasm for out of a 10-mile road." aad -eoaguer the elements—to cross the ocean—for aviation, for life that he had -not experienced for years. He had studied pretty "hard at progress, and for the future. JDonte's Accuracy college, anajored in lav? Ills senior : Dante wrote parts of the "Divine j , \ Aviation has succeeded. After the unfortunate fate of "Ntm- year and worked to pay esjrenses dqr- Comedy" with a map spread out gesser and Coli, the accomplishments—first of Lindbergh, and ing- the summers. New, -to jilay, to fore him. So think scholars who hava i feel himself firmly planted on the found brief descriptions of regions to \ now of Chamberlain and Levine—are to be marvelled at. They road to success in his chosen profes- that great poem extremely tadstva hiave made the world'gasp, wonder, almost shudder—and rejoice! sion and—to have the tope that Just -end accurate. Certain passages In tbe Th« world should -gasp as the technical knowledge and capabilities across any "bunker he might see the <JDe Vulgari Eloqiieiitla,'' a work in of the -girl he had held in ills -which the great poet. 1$$$ 'down th$ displayed by these American men^ they have conquered Nature, face vision tor BO long—this was joy in- rules of poetic composition, could ( and in the conquest, have leaped to international fame. The world deed! i hardly have been written without refV at what the future may bring—what additiontl lives IDa game was nothing to'brwg about ' erence to a man. Though Dante wrote y lost fef-this conquest, and this battle for the perfection of and his friend twitted &SE> « e t « no treatise -devdtea BpeeificaHy to geography, he -haa a dear avmtian;and : the world may well rejoice in these initial achieve- •little., . , .' But there was -a tang In the air that ing vi the relative iposifJioia of^pli 1 ments, and i^'thfe.additional remarkable deed still ahead of us. made even the poorest golfer enjoy 111 It&Ts* ftES - '3£s('""••' nJ^Mw'ny:' t |j bis greatest poem is Imsed cm his game and the two finished the . • The Jew&;of .America, of *he United States, of New York and geographical theories «f eighteen holes just- as a greitt red «6»4 5&ssHwhasett&*-and of the little town •of North Adams—may well sunset'" was ^being staged over '• tbe t i m e . •..•'.. . '• •_; • •;.. ; . . .• ; . • - . i rejoice. Mr. Levine deserves exceptional praise because of his western bflla adjoining the 'ditto. courage and iridoniitability. He had nothing at "stake; his finan- "" Ms'bthlng beats a Toyally red winaet Man'* Chief interest -She bafl«one ont,to (Bnner mAth inap cial status, recognized,'he was actuated by sheer will to go, .wfll to in the, country,'' remarked Elliott." "Nothing but a glorious Dafwu," •ultor. She had iett in ©artleal*r}y gaj brave the elements .and to conquer, and desire to see the history murmured -Donaldi Jost in the vision jind sprightly mood, and bad talked, olftyiatkm in actuality.* His was the motive of progress, and he is >qf a girl's face. she felt, quite «n.{ertainlngly of this orTDawa-rdo yon i e o w anfl that. Many nad Ireen the jrnnwto be doubly congratulated. ; ,> 'thtf arttety.' nskfid ~" 'ing Inciaents-she had told. ; We are lTappy~that Charles A. Levine is a Jew—that he'has Jlott. ."Don't -•look Bat towara the enfl •of tbe svestng now—she's -over at her suitor seemed very liejected .ana made it possible for another Jew to be linked with remarkable •that corner table." nearly cramped his muscles •unhappy. achievement—and that his inherent, qualities—as a Jew—: have "What baa been the trouble? XH4 to keep from 'turning at once to gaze actuated-th£t achievement.—Jewish Advocate. upon the girl. "Is she alone "P h« anything lianpen today to make you Etupidry, for want ©I poise in blyeT' she asked. Surely tbe evening to seek an intelligent ijueKtian. Tiad l>een a success. ingi deserves retirement and xest, not "-"No, the day-was a -very good tee* "No—she's ^ifa ber dad, John Moronly for the good of the Jews, but of "_ _ _ . J row. Great .olo( igolfer, that -boy,1' re- 'he-said. _. \ .' (Continued jEroin page i ) . America as a whole, it d& to tie iiqped marked Elliott, smiling. fcefaii. I t is nil open secret \\i%t it was that Levine, tbe Jew, and Chamber Donald had half turned sa that- he his yjpnthusja^m for for '' aviation aviation ,• that that lin, the -Gentile, snaring $he "perils c£ .might behold the. face lie so Jonge^ g ^ to ^ - ho njeaii pa*t in 'interesting the flight they have made, will serve jsee. see ^ o llovely l jshe h was 11 H ^ow How more - TUB.-father ± j the subject, with the as living symbols cf the Elementary than lovely she had grown 1 ' result that w^ltfive tb.3ay"fhe Guggen- wisdom BO often overlooked that • "Hello, Gordon, iow's the -gamel" _ . _ _ . . . Mfttt'i Jewelrj'. AH Kfejts Xsnttlords* Liability : Rental Value I . ( . Jiejjfc, J j W for lire promotion of aero- "united we ptand, .divided we fall." -eallecl out Mr. Morrow »e he caught "Explosion (General* Salesmen's Samples Larceny find TheXt "Express Shipments Sprinkler Leakage. Leasehold . s s t p c Bcfenc^si ^Aftd it is only a few If America has .given darger jjppor- «ight uf Elltott Tidetlty Bonus -Liability (General). Strike ana Wat Fire and Tornado Life daykjBince tfee saroa;Jeyr was .honored tunities than any other country to the "Cume OVBT,-" m i a iaitatt t o itft Fly Wheel " Supply Bond Lire Stock _ , • , -as ieisjepped forward Trelgbt Charges by..ljfche I/myW8ity.-;Of- New York for Levines ,-and Cuggeriheims, they rare Surgeons* litEbiHf^ Merchandise In Transit Morrow^, Teams' Liability a?unfi*a-»WK8 • •Motor-Boat-dl paying fur them handsomely. I t wnulfl 0pg .roomi hihani l f f l l i Theatre Liability Motorcycle <all forms) -GoWert* Kqatpmen* "I've often. caddied for ^ Musical Instruments Theatrical Transport*-* Golfers' Liability Jaa£.-to.-lihat institution, ^o-opfin it? eeem. labile keeping stheir feet plant- Morrow," Donald ipupd. OUmsfilf ,sayni notlon Partnership Life lnsur tion •Group Insurance ed sufficiently firmly in the ground to an e _ , Title Insurance school of .aejjonaotics. - , - • - ' • TKysicians' Defense mine that yellow metal without "Qii—I thought I knew you—CadTourist Floater PJate Gloss Breakage • 3& is 4p; bte hoped 4hat this- i Profit Insurance Use and Occupancy little .can be accomplished in this file," laughed Dawn, giving "him Tier Goods in ilain Insurance Water Damage 't&anr r wifr ityain-'aiB't vrify jgcod world i?e Jive in, they -p.t& running warm little hand and beaming on him Workmen's CompensaT e l etion phone '-also ,*good sports; -QBfaese, we meed true to igoofl Jewish form -and doing ia -as .if tie bad been a long-lost relative. l -JW«e.:thsn.,fliB!:Si 'It'.ia-rto irt fie fi hoped, h"tine d whole iltffc "to realize that" dream :nf •?Ehe nsevof the-oia -namettSaSeDonAT lantic 3180 eWe^^DtttbeBtivep morg^fnriaBsly. *o soar dtt :higfcerMr. and "vfbile -the *-twj» golfers-"discussed :- nobler altitudes, a credit to their iaoe,
Among Those Present
question" out
It cuts down the wear
from its
Gflie better
Jew in Action
si^inet of
PAGE S—THE JEWISH PRESS, .THURSDAY, JUNE 16, 1927 Mr. and Mrs. A. Goldstein and "Choke" Klepser, three year varsity] DEDICATE commission also recommended that daughter, Rosaline and son Herman roait gave Carl his toughest fight when rights of graduation and issuing RATHENATJ MEMORIAL left Friday morning for Centerville, the two men met for the finals. SoIN BERLIN diplomas be granted by the governla., where they will visit with Mrs. ment to the Yiddish and Hebrew ; kolof lost the first game but came back By Stanley 'F. Levin, ' Goldstein's mother, Mrs. Chapman, Berlin (J. T. A.)—The Walter schools, provided they meet the. scholand won the last two games and the before going to Chicago where HerThe Jewish lad paired Rathenan Endowment Museum was astic requirements of the Education Phil Yousem, Bam Yousem, Sam championship. man. Goldstein •will be joined by his Leon, with Harr B . . Harry Malashock, a n i Francis! y - Cohen, fraternity dedicated here today at Ffeienwalde Ministry. cousin Howard Chapman and both -will br Palace. Massara all members of the Highland! °ther, were defeated in the finales leave for Camp Indianola, near Madif t h e double The Palace was built by Queen s championship encounter son, Wis. They will remain there for Country Club were entered in the Ne- f Frederica Louise, the wife of the braska Golf Tourney which was played i™ ^ ^ ^ games. Both men are . the summer. me bers of Sigma Alpha Mu, national j Prussian King Frederick^'illiam II. Mr. and Mrs. Goldstein will then over the Happy Hollow Club course.\J e w™ Rathenau, the late German Jewish isil T> Bam Yousem and Francis Massara fraternity: Sokolof is also statesman, "*1* escort their daughter Rosaline to j who was assassinated by the handball champ^of the Lincoln anti-Semites, acquired the palace Hoboken, N. J., from where she will both survived the first round to enter j chapter of the A. Z. A. the second, Bam fell the way side and leave on the steamship New Amsterfrom the Crown in 1909. left Massara to carry the colors of the WEDDINGS ENGAGEMENTS dam, June 25, for a tour of Europe. The rooms which Rathenau occupied Gub to the third round. Bam Yousem RIVIERA THEATER Mr. Paul Katzman announces the Miss Goldstein will he accompanied was defeated by Harold Palmer of will be dedicated as a Rathenau HERSCHFIELD-WHITE Colleen Moore's latest picture •nemorial. y Mr.jand Mrs. A White announce the engagement of his daughter Rose to by Miss Fannie Burke of South Bend, Lakewood Country Club while Francis "Naughty but Nice" is,the feature marriage of their daughter, Ann, to Alexander Lipsman, son of Mr. and Ind., a former school friend. The party Massara took Fred Vette of Dundee photoplay' this week at the Riviera. will include twenty girls. They will Mr. Norman Herschfield of Chicago, Mrsv A. Lipsman. The engagement into camp. The vivacious little star as the POLISH COMMISSION BUTTER and EGGS. France, Switzerland, ill. The marriage took place Satur- was announced at a dinner party at visit in England, 1 freckled, bespectacled, long-haired, MAKES RECOMMENDATIONS M. Krupinsky (Micky Krupp) of day, Jime 4, a t Ottnmwa, la. The the home of Mr.. and Mrs. Lipsman. Germany, Italy and Holland. Miss Council Bluffs, Iowa ON SCHOOL QUSTIOX Goldstein will return the first of Fremont and champion of his home awkward girl from Texas who enters couple will reside in Chicago, HI. a smart finishing school on the outtown won his first round match but September. ' Warsaw (J. T. A.)—Important recThe Ladies Independent Club will Mr. and Mrs. Goldstein will then lost his second round to R. M. Mont- skirts of Washington and becomes -•••;. MILDER-SHERMAN hold their picnic Sunday, June 19 at go to Atlantic City and return home gomery of Happy . Hollow. Krupin- suddenly and mysteriously the most ommendations for improving the conSOSKIN and KOZBERG - Thes-wedding, of Miss Jeanette Sher- Elmwood Park. sky's defeat as well as that of Bam stunning girl in the school, gives a'ditions of the Jewish school system in about three weeks. iaan,; daughter of Mr- Bud Mrs. Yousem of Highland was some what performance that is absolutely in Poland and to prevent the practice 1552 No. 20 St.—WEebster 0267 Mr. and Mrs. J. Kaplan left for a to Mr. Leo Milder, son of of a numerus clausus were submitted Fresh Bleats — Delicatessens Miss Bernicft.Fererentertain.ed 12 of an upset as both" men were doped unique in its technique. ^ ^ Mrs. H." P.; Milder, -will be six months stay in New York to visit guests at a one" o'clock bridge lunch- to win their matches, but the best laid Fresh Fish Handled Donald Reed, the new, good-look-1to t h e Council of Ministers by the experts commission on the question of Wemiuzejl Sunday, June 19, at the with relatives and friends. plans of mice, and men off gang sglee. We Deliver to all Parts of the Citv ing, six-foot leadingman begins his eon Monday at heir home complimenss Blackstone Hotel at eight o'clock. Joe Turner is the second member of First National contract in this Col- the national minorities. tary to Mi Rosaline Goldstein, who Mr. and Mrs. Nate Sherman an•Rabii Sch-warzkin :.- -will officiate. the 1926 Jewish Community Center leen Moore picture. Claude Gflling- The commission, which was created nounce the birth of a son.born Satur- leaves Friday for a tour of -Europe. baseball taem to go up to class A ball. water and Hallam Cooley also have some time ago by the government, .Mrs, T.. H..Bbsenblatt, sister of the On Tuesday, Miss Mildred Lew honorKffde, •will ,be matron of honor and day, June 11, at the Methodist Hospi- ed Miss Goldstein at/a bridge.lunch- Joe had no sooner returned from his leading parts in Miss Moore's sup- recommended, following a thorough of the situation, Mr. George Sherman will serve as tal. eon and on Wednesday Miss Bessie j studies at the University of Illinois porting cast. "Naughty but Nice" is best man. The Misses Helen Sherman, a sparkling comedy Mlof love, {Minister of Education take steps to Miss Ruth Kendis, daughter of Mr. Horn entertained for Miss Goldstein. where he had made quite a name for Ruth, !Wintroiub and Isabelle Graetz and Mrs. Louis G. Kendis left Saturr himself as a fielder on the Freshmen romance and adventure. It will give prevent the Polish colleges and unibe" bridesmaids and Messrs. day for New York City, where she Messrs. Simon Rositzky and Ed nine than he was gobbled up by the you a thousand laughs and you will versities from practicing' a numeras Hynie Milder, Howard Milder and will spend the summer at the sea-: Feltenstein of St. Joseph, Mo., were Pioneer Cords of ?the Metropolitan never forget the characterization of clausus against Jewish students durSam Thedore will act as ushers. Miss shore as the guest of her aunt, Mrs. the guests of Nathan E. Jacobs dur- league. Johnny Rosenblatt, also an "Berince Summers" that Miss Moore ing the coming academic year. The Sherman "has been the reciprocant of I. Naiburg and Mr. Naiburg. outfielder with the Center team is now brings to the screen in. this picture. •. ing the past week. manypre-n/uptial affairs. Among her one of the leading fielders of the Metro A divertissement suggested by Mr. and Mrs. M. N. Beitel announce Dave Fox. Everyone is urged to plan league, in fact Johnny with no errors Marcus Stone's ^well known paintings hostesses for the past week were Mrs. J. Corby, who entertained sixteen the birth of a baby son, Jerome to attend. charged to his name is the third best of old English gardens, is "Memory's J guests at a luncheon at her home Eugene, born Sunday, June 5, at the fly catcher in the league. Rube FeltM. SOMIT 2429 Decatur Street 1 WE. S527 Mr. and Mrs. Isadore Cherniack man of. the Saunders team of the same Garden," the PublixStage production] complimentary to.Miss Sherman. On Lord Lister Hospital. have gone to Stanford, Conn., where league and an old timer at the nation- this week. Lovers of worth while "Wednesday, Mrs. Morris Milder comIf you are in need of a Tales wool or silk of the best quality, Tfeelin, music will not be disappointed in The Daughters of the Israel Aid they will make their future home. plimented Miss Sherman at a lunchal past-time has the distinction of beMezuzos or any other religious article, we will be glad to sell it to which includes this presentation eon at the Fontenelle Hotel followed Society will bold their next meeting ing rated as the best man in the field many artists whose work is aided The A. Z. A. chapter No. 7 of Co. Tuesday, June 21, at the Jewish Old you at the most reasonable prices. We also carry a full line ol by a theatre party at the Riviera and Bluffs held.its semi-annual election in the city. The no longer youthful by the beautiful stage picture of rare oiiEfidayf Mrs.- William Milder and Peoples Home. Bibles with Jewish and English translations. We are also the agente Tuesday evening, at the Synagogue. Jewish first baseman has not commit- beauty which is their background. Mrs. Hymie Milder were joint hostof all Palestine Products and the artistic work of Bezalel Sdiooi Mrs. Morris Sherman and son Howted an error during the current season. ess^ at 'Ti one o'clock luncheon at the ard Jay of Chicago are visiting here The following officers were elected: Art' Swartz, former Tech high ath- The Twelve Liebling Sisters, a splenin Jerusalem. didly trained ensemble of female Athletic <>lub, honoring Miss Sher- with, relatives and friends. They are Albert Fox, president; Harold Sacks, vice-president; Abe Katelman, secre- lete and later a member of the Omaha voices "which has attracted the praise at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Nate tary; Sol Michnick, treasurer; Sam and Atnarillo teams of the Western of competent critics in the foremost Sherman. : . Shyldn, senior sergeant-at-arms; M. league has quit organized baseball to musical centers of the world; Rae XAPLAN-CACKDf Freidman, reporter? Abe Saltzman, enjoy the life of a benedict. Art took Mr. and Mrs. Max Cackin announce A very successful bridge party was junior sergeant-at-arms, and Max unto himself a wife some few days EJeanor Ball and her brother Michthe ^approaching marriage of their held by the ladies of the Jewish Kramer, chaplain. Plans were dis- ago while in Tulsa and decided to ael, violinist and cellist; Ruth. Rusdaughter.! Pauline to - Mr. Sam L. Orphanage Home last Monday after- cussed about the National A. Z. A. settle down at a,real job. He will sell Matlock, solo dancer; John] Kaplan on Sunday evening, June 19. noon at .the- Jewish Community Convention which will be held in Des play baseball as a. source of recreation Quinlan, tenor; and the Roma BrothYou have forced us to move into larger and The ceremony will be performed at Center. The hostesses were Mrs. K. Monies, Iowa, June 28 to July 1. Sol rather than as a means of livelihood. ers are featured in "Memory's Garmore beautiful quarters to .'.serve your needs. i~ six o'clock at the Beth Hamedrpsh Tatle, Mrs. A. Wolf, Mrs. H. Azoun, Michnick was named delegate and Swartz and the Mrs. will be in Omaha den." One of the most beautiful numbers presented is the vocal in- j Mrs. M. G. Cohn, Mrs.' S. Altshuler, Hagodofc Synagogue. .. WE THANK YOU •within the next week. terpretation of Kreisler's "Caprice Mrs. S. Katz, and Mrs. S. Fish. Mrs. Abe Katelman, alternate. 1 Considering It is only our second year in Sammy Kaufman, former Jewish. j Viennoise" given by the Twelve H. Azoun was chairman of the party. The Misses Reva and Gertrude and Mrs. Morris Singer anOmaha, it surely is— Center baseball Community ' Liebling Sisters. birth of twins, a boy and Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Reubens of Gilinsky entertained 75 guests at a end An overture number by the Riviera An Established Record a girl, born Tuesday at the Methodist -yallyo, California, announce the birth tea, at their home Sunday afternoon, j Concert orchestra,. Arthur1 Geissler June 12, in honor of their sister-in-j of a baby girl;- h o r n o i May-20^ Mrs. Western Hospital. ~} conducting, sad an organ. feafanrJ? by Reubens was formerly Miss Ruth law, Mrs. Joe F. Gilinsky, a recent I George ••• Dr. and Mrs. Morris Margolin and FinMnstein of Omaha. bride. A yellow and green color ciation their three sons, Morton, Gordon and scheme was effectively used. Assist- run game several days ago and at the IN, General Contractors • Miss Esther Marcus left Friday ing the hostesses were the Misses same time fattened his own batting entertaining parts of Riviera proHarold, of Dyersville, Iowa, are visitEstimates furnished free ing relatives in Omaha. They expect night for Chicago to visit with relal Jeannette Gilinsky, Bess Stock, Mar- average with a coupl-- of blows. grams. tives and.expects to Teturh the latter garet Riekes and Dora and Tillie Mar- Barney Burch, owner of the Omaha to drive fcack home Sunday. Phone Jackson 1614 409-11 Kospe Building part of July. kowitz. team is contemplating the releasing of PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS Mrs. Joseph Ellison and her small daughter, Ferle, of New York City, Miss "Bernice Kulakofsky, -daughter Mr. Ben Hirsch of Los Angeles, four or five of his men in order to are. visiting Mrs. Ellison's sister, Mrs. of Mr. L Kulakofsky, who has been Cal., has returned home this week bolster up the hadly wrecked Buffalo attending the University of Southern after spending about three weeks machine and after the carrage is over Louis Margolin. will probably re-call Kaufman to the lalifornia returned home Tuesday to here. Numerous' affairs have been given spend her summer vacation. local lot. Byrne James, the youth who in honor of Mrs. Joseph Ellison of Maurice and Arthur Friedman had r e pi a c e t i Sammy Kaufman as the OMAHA'S STYLE CENTER. New Yoric and Mrs. Morris Margolin Miss Minnie Temin left Sunday for as iheir guest for a few days Sam Omaha short stop, is one of the first of Dyersville, Iowa. Mrs. Louis Mar- Jhacago to spend two weeks visiting Kosenbloom of Waterloo, la. slated to get the gate. The kid's golin entertained at luncheon and relatices and friends. fielding is pretty good but his work bridge Monday at the Ad-Sell restauMr. and Mrs. William Tfinenhaum FAMINE IN TEANSJORDANIA with the stick is terribly weak. Kaufrants. Mrs. L Hurwitz -and Mrs. N. will be at home to their relatives and' Jerusalem. (J. T. A. Mail)) Thej man is both a fast Selder and a good Yaffe gave a •luncheon and bridge in friends on Sunday, June' 29 from two Arab press reports famine among the I man with the wfllow bat. their honor Thursday at the Ad-Sell Carl Sokolof, smiling Omaha chap'. to six o'clock in honor of the gradua- tribes in. Trans jordania.. restaurants. and a student at the University of tion of their daughter Ida from According to "Al' CarmeF the tribe Nebraska is now "Champ" Sokolof. | Central High School. No cards are Mrs. S, Winer and son Jerome are of Bnai Hmeida which is. settled be- Carl won the singles handball champ16th and Haraey visiting with, Mrs. Winers sister, Mrs. being issued. tween Madha and VBadi TJlmujfb, and ionship of all the fraternities and the H. E.- Belmont at Lyons, Nebr., for Miss Kate Goldstein will have as the other tribes which were plundered School last week when lie trimmed a few daysher guest for the coming week-end during the raid of the Abadwan tribe, five lettennen including Phil Mrs. Sanx Weinberg of Fremont Miss Minnie Shneider of Des Moines, are suffering from starvation. jGerelick in his march to victory. British officials, in cooperation withj entertained at a bridge luncheon for la. Miss Lillian Schiff of Sioux City sixteen guests at Hotel Pathfinder, spent Sunday as the guest of Miss Emir Abdulla and the Transjordian government, are fexpected to takej honoring her sister Dr. Rose Reva Goldstein. measures to relieve the famine hut iti Minkin of Omaha. Announcement of Miss Seva KnTakof sky left last 'Sunis not yet known what is being done, Candy-Fountain Goods — Supplies Dr. Mirifcihs graduation was made in "Al Carmel" adds that the condithe form of miniature diplomas -,en- day for Ann Arbor, Mich., to attend Romance Chocolates closed in capsulas, which were found the commencement -exercises and tion of these tribes under the Brittish Phone JA. 3986—918 Farnam St. from there Miss Kulakofsky will mandate and the Arab administration in individual pill boxes. spend the summer -at -a girls camp is worse than "it was under l i e rule Numerous other affairs are being outside of DetrjQit, where she wHl be of the Turks. given honoring Dr. Minkins prior to -camp .counsellor. ." ' KOSHER DELICATESSEN her departure for Philadelphia. FRIEDA INTERNATIONAL . Dr. and Mrs. J. Stein announce the Complete Line of Council Bluffs News -JEWISH SPORT FESTIVAL birth, of a, son born Tuesday, June 7, Delicatessen, Smoked Meats OPENS IN PRAGUE at the Methodist Hospital. KUBBY-FICHTENBERG and Fish 1509 North 24th Street • Mr. and .Mrs. A. Wolf and daughter, The. . 3jiarria.ge. p.f Miss Miriam Prague (J. T. A.) — The CzechoMrs. Jo£ "Slate, and Mrs. Slates Fichtenberg, daughter of Mr. and slovakian Minister of Health, jSramek, daughter, Dorothy, of Des Moines Mrs. Louis Fichtenberg of Chicago, lias .accepted the Cpos'. of honorary Iowa, will leave Sunday for a three HI., to Mr. Ben E. Kubby of Council president of the International Jewish "Quality Jewelers" Bluffs will take place Sunday evening, -Sport Festival which opens here this months stay in California. MALASHOCS JEWELRY June 13, -at the Winderaere-East, week. Wholesale and Retail Jewelers Isadore Elewtiz, a recent graduate Chicago, I1L .Among those who have President Masaryk's chancellory has 213-16 City National Bank Bldg. of-the Creighton College of Pharmacy, gone to attend "the ceremony -are Mr. 1 that it.will award a prize JA. 5619 was the jreciprocant of a surprise and Mrs. Harry Kubby *>f Council for .the best Jewish athlete at the party given in his honor by a number Bluffs, and Mr. and Mrs. Morris festival. The Prague City government Seeing these Frocks will t>e like of his friends last week and fellow Kubby and Mrs. Boris I. Cohan of will entertain the victors. .attending.a "SlasMon Show" . ,.,. Los Angeles, CaL classmates of Creighton University The Christian population of the E. E. BRUCE and CO. T-here are Frocks of every typ.e and the A. Z. A. of which he is an The annual Tolmud Torah Sunday capital is cooperating with the comand "kind . . . fluttery frocks . . . WHOLESALE officer. School picnic -will be held Tuesday, mittee in arranging "for the festival. tailored frocks . . a variety that Druggists and Stationers Henry Rosenstein, a past president June 121, -at Shady -Grove, Manawa About 1Q.QQQ guests *re expected and seems unending. Tiered Frocks. 4QI-JC3-405 South lUtb Stre-cl of Sigm^ Alpha Mu fraternity, szas Park. Games and races have been ar- many Christians have offered their Tucked Frocks, Fringed Frocks, the host a t a stag party entertaining ranged for and a good time is insured hpmes tp accommodate .the .guests Bowed Frocks, Pleated Frocks, his fraternity brothers. Mr. Rosen- for all. Everyone is urged to attend. free tff charge. \ Jabot Frocks, Scarf Frocks, stein will be leaving within .a few Bolero Frocks, "Drapy" Frocks Mr. and Mrs. Herman Krasne have days on &. .visit to Chicago. . • . . slim Frocks . . . picturesque returned home after spending two bouffant Frocks. David :Sher, a junior at Harvard weeks in Excelsior Springs, Mo. "Manufactured in Omaha' University, will return home Sunday Successors to Jones Candy Co. The Ladies Aid Society will give a morning, June 19, to spend his vaca Romance CfiQColates BAKER ICE MACHINE CO. tion with his parents, Dr. and Mrs, benefit bridge partyjon Tuesday afterPhoneJA. 3986 9J8 Farnam St. noon. June 28. at the home of Mrs; Sher.
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A. H.
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"of MEW
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.^ 4^ „,. ,^A
/thlngumiby's pills,--yog-know." Yet lie £va$.aware, with,-a fltrange feeling j if/awe^ that \he-regarded .the mirror ' !ln?a new, and. not altogetherjpleksing light. * ' " •' . ; • | ^You're not quite- so .much the article I wanted as I took you to be," he' observed, as he banged the drawer
I revivalSrrneither
do at-least half the others. They've complained dreadfully about • the Inconvenience—so much work to do—haying-and wheat harvest, and: things—" By MARTHA M, WILLIAMS '. "I know," Caltrop said, "I'm a farm boy—you don't know it but I love the life. Bought out Doctor Andrews mostly because I fell so In Iov« ROTHER,; MADISON : was very with his place—or rather, Its'possiyoung, very ardent, ,very unwise, bilities." and to say. truth, very underbred. He "It certainly has them," Milly aswas trying hard to'pump up a revival sented. "We're your next neighbors." here at Bethel., the best church In all "MlUf Mason," Sister Ricks called the nine of his circuit.' Presiding shrilly, "yer horse has done slipped Elder Lane had" said"'Impressively: "Remember, my -"young brother, the the bridle and gone home a-gilpin'. secret of growth Is—warmth. -In be- Maybe I kin make room fer you." "N"o need—but thanks," from Callief as In all other things!". So Madison ;xop; "I've a car all to myself—if Miss ordained only at the last conference, had thought out an appeal, Very mov- Maeon don't like my looks, she can ing to himself, 'which 'ought to have drive It herself." "Miss Mason refuses," Mllly said moved his hearers, likewise/even if plaintively. "It's against her rehe did bungle If horribly in. delivery, j He had besought with-all his soul the ligion to do anything that a man can congregation' to pray- with«him. ' In do for her, ever so much better." "Did you ever?" gasped Miss Marin token of covenant would they rise Ricks to Madison. where they stood, then kneel while Mllly and Caltrop could not choosi Sister Henshaw - prayed.but hear. She looked at him with : The Amen corners had risen and faint twinkle, saying demurely: **Nox> knelt solidly. The straggle: off listen- you understand why I needed an in) ers along the aisles had also knelt— partial witness. If you hadn't beei but without rising.- But * figure still right there, heaven only knows whai sat immovable* in the first-row facing tales of my sasstng Brothel Madlsoi. the altar. ^ 4 f vivid figure, blqe-clad, would be.afloat before the week's out tawny of haW, rosy In'spite, of tan and Unless It winds up in a love feast" freckles, red-lipped, with eyes the color of deep swamp pools in 'sunlight. Following Sister Henshawls prayer he flung both, hands high abovehls scarlet face; crying in a high whistling TOICC: "Woe! Woe I Woe I . Pride goe.th. beforea fall. Here In God> home there sits one soul openly refusing help."" The. congregation gasped' audibly! A young preacher must-Wave backbone-to talk that way to Milly Mason. Her folks all 'but supported Bethel church; "'Would she answer him back? Mllly sat stock-stllC her eyes, grave, c her month composecL". After the benediction she' went* down the aisle,' unhurriedly, smiling faintly. Outside she halted ten" yards off the door Reckoning to the strange new-doctor, saying clearly: "I hope you don't mind being my witness." . - -• . . "Only too glad to sei;ve you any way," Doctor Caltrop said, bowing as he stepped to her elbow. „ She all but ran forward, waving him imperiously to follow; intercepted the minister and said with her best manner, fMr. Madison, mother sent me to ask* you home with me—to dine, sup, and stay over night. How about It?" " . '..'.. "Now, Milly Mason; you go home and tell your ma. she needn't ter lie so "• np-and-comln'—Brother" 'Madison Jest must-go home wlth'mt—m'y Joe I. do believe is'under deep conviction —a good ' hammerln* -and he'll come through—bright- an*, clear—and yoiJ know whut that means—converts fop ler the leader, the'same as sheep," Sister Ricks interposed, laying possessive hands upon the minister.- He muttered Incoherently thanks and acceptance; also regrets—that were tidt Insincere.- -He had hoped to stay with the .Masons throughout .the week—it was hard to'lose"out—but what else could he do? He looked back* aar Sister Rlckfr bore Klm'off "in" triumph to the family tar. Maria drove It - Caltrop, looking at Her, murmured to .Milly:- "Worst brand of fly-bait I've seen In some time." " •" "Shame on" you!" Milly answered very low, but with dancing e y e s then a trifle louder: "Don't forget— you are'to bear testimony that I behaved very nicely—never said a word out of the way-" "Truer than preaching/* Caltrop answered. "And' saw me sitting like a graven image/because I wouldn't Insult the God I love with a lying promise," Mllly Interrupted. *I don't care for
'An Impartial
But Borne sort of morbid fascination about the .mirror, caused him to take It often, from the drawer. He came to look, upon It with loathing, and JU •T WAS*-C5verly's Intention to se- each time .that uncouth face peered leift '•fi'-Jpt'esent for her birthday— back at him he felt creepy, sensations iid' o*olnaty, conventional little of alternate warmth and chill, yet so giff; *~6uiv something wWch - would strong was the spell it cast over his V heV-tlkt thee selection s e l e c o n had re- better senses that he was unable to quired;' time"*'-and search, something keep his mind from It yotfAfcouldn|lb-see lying In Bhop winWhen her birthday came Caverley f -or advertised in the back'- of .took her the hourglass and made no f- something to bring the mention of the mirror. Indeed, he ' ^ d fier5 cheeks* and the -sparkle spoke" of It to no one, for he felt an to her eyes and cause her tq e*clft}m, intense disgust at his own actions re- . ^3n'v8;-*mnmagedjnll over tojjn for garding i t Yet every night he brought It; Jiavenf5 you,- you" dear'old" Boy?" it out and turned it about until the he spent* inany atter- face he had come to hate stared back .' qtieer places—pawnbrokers' at him. Then with a curse he would opI, rcnrT3 scores and 'musty base- throw It Into the drawer and pace the , ttent$ wllere bdd volume* or first edl- room until he was tired out. I -Bo brought to light ' But In time he* discovered that the mir- ' for a long time In ror "must be held In a certain position Vnh£. -¥fe'-could find nothing to spit for the -face to appear. Otherwise It *ifc'-*neeHst '-for- the things - he ^foijnd gate normal reflections. •Hls'dlscov- • *nt-of-th«"brdlattry^BTOUld not gratify eryv'gave him a'certain courage. It neri'tasfe/antf the- things which would took away soine of th"e~ w«!lrdness of • •riW'lerS'taJte'Xvere too ordinary. the thing, and suggested the prosaic , i >, vHe"-**d -"•Well^iiigb given up further course o f inquiring into the origin of', h jetnxh tfn<r bedded to-go back, to a the curio. He sought the manager of tit£l& stoop :n&town and purchase an the auction room, who, with a smile hour-glass of quaintly carved Ivory— and bow, professed entire Ignorance he hadn't -the faintest Idea to what of the source whence the mirror had n*ewa"e could pat It—when a lncky com*. Caverley* taking but a1 twentychance changed his plans. dollar note, clipped it In two with, his ! He wag passing an auction-room, pocket scissors, and handed half to j where a re5' flag flannteg" over the the auctioneer.. | ridewalt and a shabby man with "This half is now useless to me," j leathern- Ittngs bawled forth- an an- he said, "but it will be worth twenty aotmcenvent-that the entire stock of "dollars to yon'when you discover who treasures Inside would b e ' sacrificed sold you the mirror." it^ auction" at-2:80, and In the" same - Some- weeks passed and Caverley breath -lie - invited the pagsersby * to studied the mirror In a practical way. ttop Inland/Inspect it: More from idle He noted that it was of unusual thickrarjosity than anything elser Caverjey ness, and this aroused his suspicions. uteot iwithln. There was the usual "I'll take It to-pieces," said he, and irray-of Tases- and- chlnawany1 statu- this he proceeded to do; It took con»ttc»' and. rather glaring .lamps.' He siderable' time and patience to work urandered -about, while a little man the back loose without damaging the trith. mshlgh-pitched voice trotted be- glass, but, by dint of perseverance, he •ide - him, • -telling wonderful tales managed i t Back of the glass he iboat every article before which Cav- found a shallow metal pan. He atniey made;a, momentary pause. tacked this, and In a few moments .."Delft, sir,, genuine Delft," the little had separated It from the mirror man^wag saying as he held up some proper. The pan removed, the whole hideous-Jblue >platess, when Caverley matter was 'plain. - Set slantwise beInterrupted him, with an exclamation neath the beveling on the' right-hand fff-snrprlse'.- His «ye had fallen on a side'was an ambrotype of the face he jHverr<bandrXnlrror, and he' picked It knew so well— The picture extended up- nnd examined • it carefully. • • • • perhaps a" third of the distance across "aThe.'Tery thing," he said to him- tlie-mirror,'-and was covered wltti-'a wli; then .turning to his self-appoint- thick plate? iof'glass, so that looking ed -guide. I'JETQW much?" L , _ . . . . squarely into the - mirror, • reflection Ey^ryUilais was ,to »be_ sold fit the jsas normal bui.Jbjc si oping-It to the auction* tlie- man. >ejcplalne&T-stlll, if •pight. until.->the :ambrorj;ne was- horithi* .gentleroao desired It very much zontal, -the face with the scars apand found It inconvenient to come in peared. the afternoon— • •Caveiley took the afnbrotype to the "I*do,w ljald Caverley shortly- "IJow light and stood looking at it for some much?",. Unit.' •. How much did he think It worth to • -•TYhoev.er you are," said he, "you're MmftuCayerley named a "price "and a s Attractive chap, but I'd double that the.other, made haste to <;ake him up, A ,few .moments,,later, .with",111s pur • twenty to find out about you;" • ch'ase in his pocket, ,be was burryixg * "The--. matter was rapidly-slipping from his mind, when-'one day-the manup,the street. ager -of the auction room called* on It .was;-* queer little mirror," !The him.and brought with him am elderly back-was-.of oxidized silver, qwintly gentleman • • whom Caverley • judged embossed—an impossible Onpjd reach- rightly to be a lawyer. Ing- -out 'for a laurel' \n«atb which "That mirror," the elderly gentlecompletely, surrounded £!m. Several sprays of laurel trai]f6from the ends man said when the matter on which ofcthe- wreath, and these, were twfot- they had called was broached, "was ed,round -end ronnd to form the han- the property of a client of mine, a dle. Av nnlju* idea •&&<! • rather a Miss Damon. It was sold, after her good- bit -xi* work, Caverley thought, death, with a lot of other personal asj^ie examined .the mirror carefully property not disposed of in her will. atsWs upartments. Assuredly It would There's a queer story about It, but I bring -the sparkle to her eyes, and as- don't know that T can tell It correctly, suredly, she- would tell htm what a for it was told to me In fragments dear old boy he >was to take so much whenever my client cared to mention trouble in her behalf. The Oppld was the subject, which, I can assure you, such-, a, fat, contented-looking god, sir, was seldom Indeed. As well as I that he-laughed aloud! Symbolical, can piece these bits together It was . too/ it seemei to him,- for' theirs had something like this: "Many years ago her family lived ' been ^ contented. affair of the heart. Sorely It was; the very thing for a in the South and there she met a young physician, who became greatly present -ta her. .-' -v^ofr1 some-time he sat" tanking the attached to her. It seems an epidemic 36 Years of Honrst Hrrchondine It mirror mboMt' In his hands, making of smallpox broke out, and the doctor yonr Guarantee of a .Square , UeaL jocular comments now and then to risked. hi* professional reputation in 1419 Douglas „ Est. 1890 getting the Damons away and through the enwreathfed Cupid. Then sndtJen, l y lift vat bolt upright with «. sttaoge the lines of the 'shotgun quarantine" had been established. He reexpression on his face.' H e ' had which mained there and eventually came Blanced i s t o t h e mirror aqd the re-, down with the disease, which left him "fleetlon h* beheld there waa not' that with horrible scara. Upon his recovof Ms own feature*. He could scarce- ery he wrote Miss Damon telling her : . - at k hl» sight. He looked again. of this and she replied in a letter : h&';'belifeld wa? ope fjr£m filled with expressions of deepest sym'shrank^-a strong, firm face pathy ; 'scars of" the skin,'- sne wrote,It*mliat j have been at some time, bat could'not mar the soul, and bade him • It wa» <" disflguced by • • hl(Jepu» come fa her,- but, somehow,' the letter . • '5400 -Center Street ^H laid the tnlrror on a nearby miscarried and fie never received It •table and'sprang from hU cljalr. He He waited for the answer through sev- J , J "Phone tWalput 5936 knfew-if wa« ;.wealtne«a, but for ^ the eral' months and then wrote her saybin he^could not help walkjng ing he should go abroad to bury himi o the glass'on his shaving table self somewhere In Europe. She was and'glandng ibto it. It was hlB own right, he said, to consider him as one Dancing fic^'thttt -met-his gaze, and he~was dead. He sent the mirror at the same heartily^ ttsbSnled of the sigh ofirellef time. ' There wasn't much to tell, and lie ittv«^a« W saw i t . I fear I have hardly done It Justice," *B& rfeturtred to his chair and, picked the lawyer concluded. The Best Placed to Buy Dp tSe mlrroi';- Again be g]Bnc«d Into Caverley, with great patience, put ifcs''fchl8 tlme_-it'wTs his pwn uri&re,Your Victor Orthophonix or face which looked back the mirror together again, and that Radio evening he took It to the lady for -" •; '• , . —See uit first— whom he had bought It, and told her i ' a m ^ skittish fool,'.' «aid the story. And she, being a sympaSOL LEWIS tnlffied" the mlntoy dyer, The thetic Httle'woman, wept WEbster-2042 ,1804 No. 24 St. ojxA him with ,:th> smile Cnp*a its perpetual attrthnw, and Princely Nickname b t£it diye'tfey laughed «asl)y and "tlse mjrror in a drawer,', ", Tlie epithet "Highland Laddie" .was Harrjf H. Jiapldus,' ^ivenlngs .later i he'i again conferred by -^ts' Scottish admirers looked at'alie jnlrror. 'A« Jje .tamed' apon Prince Ch'arles Edward Stuart, j f c h aware tbkiW th»t tUf fam the '"TJoung Pretender,? during his/ g oaelr a$ him—the residence In Holyrood palace, Edinburgh, after his capture of that dty^ gear* aud\ the eyes In 1745. The cause of the Stuarts- was,, then' at Its height, and ,the name of the "Xoung Pretender" was' on every Up, The ladies of the Jacobite -party We occupy adorned themselves with ribbons on over 7tt,000.8quare feet Southwest Corner Which the prince was represented as T h a t,H%hland ,I«addfe,* , while, th.e* Eleventh and Douglas Streets procured locks 2724
t Co.)
"31-ra! Wonder are such things catching," Caltrop ruminated. Mflly shook her finger at him,' sayIng loftily: "As a medical man j-ou should know everything about con•taglont." He, did this time. He had fallen for MUly at sight—she sat so beautifully still, yet with such pliant grace. AWben June came again, all sunshine and strawberries, and the revival at Bethel,, there was a very quiet but lovely wpddlng at Mason Ways, that didn't entail a wedding tour. Milly was so eager to set herself helping her liusband-ln hla plans for their home ehe insisted on going no further from mammy and dad—at least not for, say, ten years.
ries him off in triumph. The growing of tea is the sole occupation of Assam, and It Is after- the hustle and bustle of the harvest that the Assam man, or rather Assam woman, takes her mate.
Band Instruments "Reed Instruments" comprise all u'ind-nlQvrn Instruments In which the <-ouni is produced by means of a reed .ittachecl to the mouthpiece; cornets and other instruments In which the tone is produced-by blowing directly Into the mouthpiece, usually metal, are known as "brass Instruments." The difference is generally Indicated by the words "brass," "wood" and "re*d." "Reeds" In the band are saxophone, bassoon, clarinet, oboe and flageolet, generally.
Bridegroom Must Be Coy Custom has Imposed upon brides in Assam a considerable amount of trou ble before their prospective husbands are safely tied up. On her weddinc day the bride Is garishly attired in o gown flashing with brilliants, and with a band of jewels holding up her veil She goes to the house of the bridegroom-to-be. The door Is open.- The bride and her attendants rusti In and search the house. T f e search con tlnueq until the bride discovers th«seemingly reluctant bridegroom^ When (bund he resists vigorously before the bride finally overcomes^ him and par-
Many Kinds of Pencils Ordinary black pencils are made in more than fifty varieties, hard and -oft- The variety of pencils made with lifferent-colored leads is also considerible. But apart frdm these the pencil manufacturer Issues a variety of pencils made for quite different purposes that are seldom seen by the-general public Special pencils may be had for marking on polished metals, porcelain, and patent leather, while .there are;others with which one can write legibly on glass.
ThinS» Possible Nothing gave Mrs. Jones pleasure, than to think she had secured ,a bargain. She came home from a sale one day nnd displayed her purchases, one belng a brass plate witti the name "O'Halloran" on it. "What on <earth did ypii buy that for?" said her husband when he saw it• I "Well, it was so cheaj?," eald Mr». Jones. "I only gave a shilling for It, nnd I'm sure it must hav# bost two or three guineas." > '{
"But why waste a shilling?" ' "Oh," she said, airily.;:.Jfyou never know how things will co^Be In. For instance, you might die iapd 1 might mnrry a man called Opplloran,"—• London Tit-Bits. . \' j
Tells Work of Statesmen
The Congressional Recorf Is a journal of the proceedings of the congress of the United States, dating from 170©. Prior to that date the senate held secret sessions only, but thereafter publication was required, Bave In the cas« of "executive sessions." Record has been the title gfnee 1875. Before that diite the journal was entitled Annals of Congress (1789-99 for; (the bouse, and 179SKIS24 for both branches), Reg-' Ister of Debates until 1837, and through! 1S74 Congressional Globe.;' . |
enior line i-
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A Six for today and tomorrow! Heir to everything good that yesterday knew—with refinements, that are .tried* vital and better. - A rugged, dependable Six "that performs with genuine bfilUance. Fashioned to express igreat power, deep-seated comfort and low-. , . "swung steadiness at. high speed. 1 « 'A brawny car^ decoratively appointed, r [ '- r Distinguished. Quiet and impressively smooth atall speeds, •* Thrillingly alert in traffic Honestly built / and honestly priced* A Six by Dodge
O'BRIEN-DAVIS kmtb 24th St., TcL MArket 4111—Benson, 2912 North 61st St., Tet Sales and Service Branches at Bluffs, la. . Wahoo, Neb. Fremont, Neb.
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