June 23, 1927

Page 1

By A . G. Things are oleey-"!**-; %weet today . Said h u b b y . | ^ . Wife, I'm going: out of^'Ju some..day te. And lead a <j According to Hf*!!; 'lion gathered recently I learned ^?-.$ *>e above lines comprise a chorus 1£ -. isbands often Entered as ' seconds-class- laaa matter «a January "27th, 152X. at OMAHA, NEBRASKA, THURSDAY, JUNE 23.1927 whistle^ After cons* ' - TJ the matter postolfice at QruaTia, Tiehsaska, under the Aei at "JSInrch 3, 1S7U. pro and con I am oi"_ , Opinion that PALESTINE ENGINEER , husbands aren't always correct. When husbands journey out to the INVENTS RAILWAY BRAKE Ak-Sar-Ben race track and purchase • Jerusalem. (J. T. A.) X Mouchli, hay for the horses, they shouldn't talk engineer and superintendent of the about leaving their homes. Gambling Palestine railways, has invented a merely tends to break up homes and new brake for the immediate stopshatter happiness. page of trains while ascending or Yes, and it isn't even funny, if one 1 descending mountains. Prof. Lectures on "Origins of could only witness how some men will Burdick Outlines Qualities of Plan Monthly Records of The inventions, which is of special bet. After losing a fairly good sum Christianity" at Institute Outdoor Life Migration importance to the Palestine railways of money, hubby gets cranky, and of of Jewish Studies in view of the moutainous character course his mate suffers. All these CENTER ISSUING BLANKS CANADA ACTIVE IN IMof the country, means a great saving things should he considered and husFOR BOYS AND GIRLS of" work and time. The new appara- LECTURES ON LANGUAGES MIGRATION PROPAGANDA bands should be more considerate to AND ON SIGNS "Send your boys and girls to camp," tus will be shortly introduced on all their "wives and families.

America! Professor Lectures at Hebrew Usi §B Sinai Tablets

J. C.C. UDreaorpurges Parents to CanveyChildren to Camps

A false friend, like a .shadow, attends ©nly while the sun shines. -FEAXKLEST




No. 25

ration of ! Aiiif ersary in

London.—(J. T. A.)—The death of Lord SvraytMing is mourned throughout the English Press. The city considered Lord Swaythling1 one of the richest men is the world, states the j "Evening News?' and considered that Also Honoring Mr. and Mrs. he had the quickest and most far seeS'3iftUel Gerson ing brain in the banking world. j Bankers cited Lord Swaythling's! DANCE R E C E P T I O N great services to the state in the SUNDAY EVENING financing of the World War and his S advice on the silver question in India.j The Jewish Community Center and. | the Jewish Welfare Federation will trains. Geneva.—(J. T. A.)—A number of rges Ed Burdick, athletic director of Jerusalem. (J.T.A. mail service.) on Sunday evening: jointly celebrate measures have been adopted in difThe other day Joe Turner, one time the Jewish Community Center, 'if you The recently discovered fragments,, ... . , at a reception dance the first annijii. P.i «•„ , T c. 'ferent countries with a view to pror ball'tosser for the.champion Jewish want to teadi them to live naturally of the Smai tablets on Mount Sera-! ,. ,. ,. , ., versary of the opening of the new . . . ,, . . , . , . , motmg migration, according to tne and simply. Camping keeps them out Community Center nine, came ramblbit were, the subject of a lecture by!,,,, , , , „ , »,,.__._.,_..„_. .-, ESS Jewish Community Center and also ing into. Omaha from the University >f doors, their bodies and minds Prof. Robert Blake of Harvard Uni- "Monthly Record of Migration," issued honoring: Dr. and Mrs. Samuel Gerby the League of Nations. The of Illinois. Joe has knocked off the ealthfully. occupied, and away from versity at the Institute of Chemistry National Conference of Regional i son who were recently married. This Austrian government, which has for a surplus -weight that he has been carry- .he heat and noise of the city." of the Hebrew University. The subDirectors to Hear Reports of will be an open reception to the pubconsiderable time been suffering from Important Questions Affecting PalCamp Morris Levy, which opens ing and looks more like a slieik than ject of his . lecture was "ProtoCampaigns in Cash lic and is being planned by the entera severe unemployment crisis, is conestine Stituation and Reorganuly 3rd for boys and August 1st for a baseball player. Semitic Inscriptions from Serabit in] tainment committee of the Center. tinuing its efforts to find openings for ization Plan to be girls, Ls ideally' located to carry out Sinai." ' NEW YORK—Responding to The following program will be I its emigrants and has concluded agreeConsidered. . It .looks to me like things are going the purpose. Situated just six miles -- The discovery of the fragments of ments with Germany to facilitate the proclamation issued by national lead- j presented ; intervals during the to be reeled off in fine fettle when the north of Florence, a half hour's drive the mysterious ""Sinai inscriptions", reciprocal use of employment ex- ers of the United Palestine Appeal,' evening A popular orchestra has The thirtieth annual convention of from town, the Jewish boys and girls Jewish Community Center summer which have puzzled.. archaeologists 1 forthe dancing. camps open at Nathan's lake. Already if Omaha will have an opportunity the Zionist Organization of America for years, was. the reward of pain- changes and with Argentine on the falling upon the Jews of America to I l i e e n ^ .furnish the sum of One Million Dol-I subject of workmen's compensation. officials in charge have -practically for rest and play as they never had •will convene next Sunday, June 26, staking work. and a difficult journey Eemarks by William Holzman, It has also been in •negotiation with laa^x during the month of June, by! in Atlantic City for a three-day sesPresident of the Welfare Fedcompleted the numerous programs efore. into the interior: of the Sinai penredeeming their pledges for Palestine, I eration. Brazil and Paraguay. Some finansion. The serious situation in Paln that -will keep the vacationists on the "A number of boys have asked me Vocal Selection? by Aimxmciata run. o speak to their pare it:: about allow- estine which has continually occupied insula by Professors Lake and Blake- -cial assistance is now given to emi- a handfull of communities throughout i M. Garrotto, accompanied by the country hare, in the first tvroj grants from the unemployment insuring them to go to camp," said Mr. the attention of the Zionist Organ- The professors, members of t i e HarZena Fouts. Remarks by Harry Lapidus, Not long ago I published an article Burdick. "Parents have no cause to ization will dominate the delibera- vard-Michigan expedition, had dif- ance fund towards the expense cf the weeks of Redemption, fjcnih, pledged to remit close to 5400,000 m cash clr.rPresident of the Jewish Comtelling what women dislike about men. fear that their boys will not be prop- tions of the convention, but the dele- ficulty in reaching -Mount Serabit, j journev. munity Center. Among the immigration countries,! irg the' month, and do'e to S:i00;000 Well here is what the female sex like erly taken care of. Trained council- gates will also deal with the plan of which is eleven days' cvamel ride Violin Selections by Dorothy of this sum has already beea received from the coast and is on almost inCanada continues to display consid-' about the gentlemen: .' ors will be with them every minute, reorganization, which proposes radLustg-arten, accompanied by by national hP3.3cjuarte.vs. accessible part of the region. ical changes in the forms of organerable activity, and numerous seemes supervising their every activity; and Dorothy Lustjrarten. Good dancer. Heading the list of cash contribn-j Eemarks by Dr. Philip Sher, After taking the important find to have been put forward for the purNeat dresserJ . ; ' . breaking rulfcs in any way will mean ization and administration " of the Cairo, where the inscriptions were pose of - attracting immigrants. chairman of the executive A tors is . Philadelphia, with £"(5,00. j instant dismissal from camp. The Zionist Organization. Must "be fairly good looking. committee of the Federation. •deposited in the museum, the profesRoyal Commission, -which has been Providence, It I., San Francisco and j This plan, according to the" adminr Afid last hut not least, he roust he boys will not be allowed in the lak^ sors set to work in an attempt to examining the situation in the mari-jDes Moines., each remitted $1.0,000. There will be no .admission charge, and act likeja gentleman at all times. without a competent person watching istration leaders who are sponsoring decipher them. Dr. JButin, director cash payment of S12,000 was ref -will be served. No time provinces, believes that more can \ A py f r e it, is designed to remedy certain r e r reess}}i immccnnttss And here is "what the men dislike them." 7 of She American School of Oriental ! W h i t D C The be done to promote settlement there! ceived from Washington, D. C. The, be admitted. structural defects in lie Zionist Orc n i l d r e n w i l l Registration for camp should be ' about the women i I Research in Jerusalem, likewise is ^ than has been the case hitherto. Steps I sum of S22,S75 was remitted by Greatj . ganization so as to bring within the* K B C K r T I O > made immediately, in order that arFOK "Smokers" are harred. > KECErTJON liOXOKINti MR. in 'deciphering the inscrip-j a r e aaisjj isu being being taken taken in in Kenya Kenya Colony C o y jer | er New York contributors ^during thej rangements to take care of the camp- purview of the Administrative Com- engaged Untidy in appearance. ; *: ASD 5IKS. SAilHGt G.EK8ON tioans. - week. _ - Jrsey . City . - and. New Haven encourage closer settlement .and. j past ers may be completed. "All you boys mittee all th activities of constituent Loud taLkers. i . . induce . . v , remitted -ij— j ?10,000 p i n Ann n-n.-1 57 ftflO WSK a ,larger number oir each The link between the thus to who are planning to come out to camp, organizations and institutions and to Poor dancers. i ' S"i^ us, I. A.~ Wolf.'Mrs. Henry" JMonskyl Mrs"; received from Boston. British immigrants to go there. centralize control of an responsibility lanfiuage • of pictures—hieroglyphics jet your application blank in," urges Now that the matter has heen fairly Marvel. Mrs. K. Knlnkofskjr, Mrs. i N t e In Italy it has been decided to place from other communities range from:Nate j Harry Malastiack, Mrs. .Toe Wolf.1 Mrs. Leo "the 'Janguage of letters—the dealt -with, it remains for you to de- David Chesneau, director of the hoys' for all Zionist work in the" governing illosemhnl. -.Irs, J. ,T. Sioslnirg, SIPB. Fre<Iemigration affairs more directly under $1,00 up. i alphabet—inky Ke in an interpreta&&$ -whether the-persons that listed camp. "We're going to have a bunch body of American Zionism. +Vrrm«r^fvn i p rick Culiii. Mrs SjiHvne! Niithan, Mrs. N. XnlOU& " ! r . Feil, Mrs. Hum BfUer, Mrs, I. gtaljpusten Reports of campaigns the Ministry for Foreign Affairs and, In order to bring- this about it is tion «f .the'• .Bffl-cal|e3 "Moses inseripthe qualities and handicaps'^rere cor- of good fellows out there, and we want •St S -nation.- ! %?TEr-A.-^;3:ci:;ni)tL-s. 'Mrs. -S«»« W0lf, -SSt*;' '•*." ; in: connection -Tsrth this-"change, -a-dethecauntry will e ^ | g ^ ^ ^ Mrs. A. J the'eountry he ? pnpngpfj ^>iRt jn ~fr]f. r jT»* .-JJJ, . Adminall the Jewish boys^who can possibly, rect, v ':•' ." ~ • "••"'"•-• .'• ••-., I '•-". ...'":' ,-as••*".i2ie~ SM^~* inscriptions' GT. claration of policy: was made by the s i conference of regional directors >.o (( BB AA l pl i pr ni i MrB _ A . . Goidstpiu, G o d p , Mts. -M. KnlsMrB_ do so to come* out and have a good istration shall be set up, on the lines stone slabs are known. 'Rit • kofskv. kfk M S. S Jlnrits. Jlit M H Ha ryr y Stlwf „+ t h p 'RitZ Mrs. Mrs. StlwfUnder Secretary for Foreign Affairs j be held Friday, June of - the American Cabinet system, Well I've been informed that the time with the fellows! The Sinai slabs originally were Carlton, Atlantic City. This conferU-u; u in the Chamber of Deputies* The Jewish tennis wizards have started off Application -blanks may be had at with a president and one vice-presi- found in 1906 by Sir Flinders Petrie, ', , ,, . „„ -x 4.hcl The protrrnm is in charpe of the Bntpfence will precede the sessions oi. ate it P i n m ,.. r t 1 coinmittee -B-hicii consists -at the dent and with a cabinet composed of the noted British archaeologist, but question of finding increased the tournament with much zest and the Jewish Community Center. officers holding specific portfolios, •were not deciphered until 1916, when in Italiaa colonies is attracting special annual convention of the Zionist Or-1 M ™ what have. you. Yes, it appears as Tfe-, A". I>. Frnnt, and Sam ganization of America. It is expect- il{mi_s •• though there's going to he plenty of representing specific departments and Professor Alan Gardiner, the British attention. 11>! ed that regional directors will be ablej'" " regulations have been issued competition. Burdick tells me that responsible to the president and the authority, deciphered one word " t o the first and second place medals have entire cabinet for their conduct of alat", which means "mistress." In in Brazil governing the admission of to report at this conference the rcis- [ 1-Sany Attend The ing of the complete Million Dollars in i Services of C Foreman to already been obtained. the affairs of these departments. The 1923, a German archaeologist, P r o t statistics -for several countries j c a s h asked for during the June He-i1 members of the cabinet shall be Grimme, gave out a complete rtnas-1 " V " ~ vv w "^" " -•"- "-• - —depmti^on Month. Plans will also he , More than five hundred people «t j tended the funeral services of Celek Morris Sogolow, Omaha boy, who "The membership campaign of the elected by the convention. ,-.. - .-. , , ., ) show an increasea emigTataon front made at the conference for the future | supervises Freshman baseball, foot- Highland Country Club will officially lation of the slabs, saying thev re-j _ _ , . . , . . , . Foreman who was killed in an auto* ferred to the finding of Moses in the , , ., ,._ ,. j . „-_.._ -I _._! Great Britain, this increase being en- wort of the United Palestine Appeal. mobile accident Saturday night enball, and wrestling st the University close on July 1," said David Feder, bullrushes. Both Professor Gardiner tirely xo other of the decrease in theparts number of Empire, returninga \ of Illinois, is conveleseing at Metho- chairman of the committee. The CHESED SHEL EMESS route to Kansas City. The services and • Petrie, however, • declared that migrants and consequently an appre-j ELECTS OFFICERS Hadassali Plans Activities dist Hospital. Sogolow acted as one special offer will then close. The dub Avere held Monday afternoon from Prof. Grimme had misunderstood. enable Increase in not emigration. Among the important activities being the family residence. Burial was iii of the main football scouts for Head has during the past month enrolled The Chesed Shel Ernes Society held From the Irish.Free State enu'gratijn planned by the Omaha Chapter of Coach Zupke of Ulini. more than thirty new members. election of officers on Monday, June was practically the same as in 1925r Hadassah for the coming season is the Golden Hill cemetery. On July 3 and 4 the Highland 6. The following were elected to ofForeman was an active memgrants, so that in this case there is publication of a Kosher Cook Book, j 1Mr. -±x- l w e i i k l u *'" a " " ^ ^ • - -«—Jewish' golf enthusiasts are not to Country Club will hold medaly play fice: Mrs..J. Milder,-president; Mrs. also an increased net v_iigration. In •»ir— —: „!.„,-„ [i her in Jewish labor circles. He is • be outdone by the followers of other tournaments with the flag tournament S." Neveloff, vice-president; Mrs. L. Mrs. •»«• M. i? F. T Levinson, general, chairAustria emigration decreased some- man will be assisted by the following survived by his widow and daughtet sports. A golf tourney will soon get on July 4. Eight prizes will be given Baum, treasurer; Mrs. S. Wienzveg, what. In Palestine immigration, chairmans of committees: Mrs. B. A. Harriette, his mother Mrs. Z. Foreunder way, according to reports emin- to the winners of the various handi- secretary. The hoard of directors conwhicn in 1925 showed a big expansion, Simon, Mrs. J. Rosenberg, Mrs. J. J. man, three sisters, Mrs. P. Craitdeil, atdng from the enclosure of the ath- caps, said Jerome Heyn. All members sists of the following: Mrs. N. Turletic department at the Center. From are urged to participate in these ner, Mrs. J. Finkel, Mrs. S. Alberts, Professor Dies from Heart Failure returned to the normal *r* 1925, and Freidman, Mrs. Herman Jahr, Mrs. M. of Omaha, and Mrs. S. Cohn Rtid L. emigration increased appreciably; the G. Wohl, Mrs. Charles Levinson. and j Eavitfc, of Tulsa, Okla., and t^-0 advanced information it was learned tournaments. Rev. E. Fleishman, Mr. M. Blank and Dae to Riot Excitement; Tourist net immigration was therefore below Mrs. S. Nathan. Others who are that already many have signified their The'entertainment committee has Mr. M. Moskowitz. No meetings will brothers, A Foreman, of Omaha, and Leave City as Protest the average for recent years, the ing to compile the book are the Mes- I I. Foreman, of Tulsa. intention of entering the meet. been planning a number of social be held during the summer months. "Monthly Eecord" states. activities and featuring the Saturday dames: J. Leib, Meyer Freidel, I. j N REFUSES GKAKT -.Vienna. (J.T.A.) Tranquffity in - The battle is on amonc the sorori- night dances at the club.. Kulakofskv, A. I. Kulakofsky, S. | S ' FOR KER13N the University of "Vienna can be PALESTINE GOVERNMENT ties Actives are running here and Robinson, J. B. Robinson, A Thecloi-e, j \ Jewish National Fund restored only if conditions demanded PROMULGATES ORDIANCE there searching for material for the Mas Froinkin, J . Linteman, J. Stein..j Zurich.—(J. T. A., M. S.)—A moFlower Day A Success NAPOLEONIC MOUNT by: the anti-Semitic students will be FOR 4,500,000 POUND LOAN K. M. Schales, and S. Turner. coming.year. It looks as though a TO BE EXCAVATED ^ I tion that the Union of Swiss Israelitic The Jewish National Pond Flower granted. mumber of Jewish graduates will he The committee invites all Jewish Jerusalem. {J.T.A.) A government ' This was learned when the student women to send in their best recipes i Communities make a contribuiaoH Of turning the grindstone a t the Univer1 Jerusalem. (J.T.A.) The plateau Day, which was held last week, was ordinance authorizing the floating of < _ TIT— TT T^T— , o , i c~ CQ -one thousand franc towards the Keren body submitted a momorandixm to very successful, according to the comsity "of Nebraska. Well here's wish known as the Napoleonic Mount, to Mrs. Herman Jahr, 1541 So. 2S. i Hayesod was rejected at the ing" them good luck. And may the located hetween Tel Aviv and Petach mittee. Prizes will he awarded to the the •university senate in which it the Palestine .government loan for the amount of 14,500,000,- guaranteed meeting- of the Union hold here in th« best sorority get them. Tikvah, was acquired by Isaac Gold- following young ladies: Hiss Shurfer, states that it can guarantee peace by the British Exchequer, was pub- DS, FEAJfKEL DEFIXES K ^ ^^fjf Presence of 40 delegates, r e p e n t ? * * only when a numerous clauses will be v K first prize, Miss Ida Hirsch, second berg. PALESTINE SOU E l ^ASK ,\7 comnTOI1ities affiliated with tte introduced against foreign Jewish lished in the Official Gazette. prize, Miss Anna Iintzman, third The locality was a military center Occording to the- ordinance, the Admission of Yiddish Writers students and if the Socialistic stuc=W H TI. A.)—JJr. n P,. T ^ •£ for the, •refusal to saleta.—(J. Lee h..\I Union. The reason . j _ x.^ during the world War. Its name is prize and Miss Hose Katskee, fourth to International Authors amount of £1,640,000 will he used _ , , - ,, , • i c r1 a i nu ti t t 1h e - s u b s u l v w a s s t a t e d tt o De dents federation will not admit Jews prize. These prizes are made by the t w o American » ' ' " !:. . " • Ai^nta^ CInb to be Dismissed derived from the drcufstance that it BecaJel School in Palestine and will as memhers. hy the government for the purchase F~r a n k e.l , . o„ n„ _e o f, ,,t h„eT-^U A „„«„„; that the Union has not at its dispose Commissioners of the Jewish Ajrency J x played an important part in the contribute for Jewish of the Palestine railways and other be awarded on Sunday, July 10, at a he funds to The anti-Semitic students riot Brussels*—(J. T. A.)—Whether o Egyptian expedition of Napoleon in picnic given by the Daughters of which continued in Vienna for sev- capital assets from the British gov- Palestinle Survey Commission, in a statement issued to the press defined \ national purposes, not Yiddish writers are to be admittet 1799. Zion at Elmwood park: Mrs. I. Kula- eral days claimed a toll of one death ernment. The amount of £1,000,000 the purpose of his visit to Palestine. ! T h e convention ainraltaneosdy voted In ancient times a settlement into the,international P. TS. N. Clu kofsky is chairman. yesterday. Professor Fromm, mem-. will be used for the Haifa harbor In his statement .Dr. Frankel de-! a subsidy of .one thousand franc for will be a question considered at th existed there and archaeologists are construction and other port improvedated that he came to the country to j t h e Emigdircct, the United Jewish Ins-her of the faculty of biochemistry, club's international congress whicl looking forward' eagerly to the rements, £1,115,000 will "be ttsad for thoroughly familiarize himself • with ; mieration Committee. from an attack of heart failure sults ofexcavatiops which will h e Receives Medal for Scholarship I died .d u e t.o .. . , . - ,, . , will be opened here June 20. public buildings and a teleplxon sys• A report siibmitted to the eoaviBnMiss Sophie Handler, daughter o f | excitement dprmg the pots. Hitherto, the admission to the inter- started there shortly. tem. The amount of £745,000 will be the situation. "I felt I would be bet- jtion ter fitted to later evaluate the report | _l showed th«t the Orthodox 3mm Mr. and Mrs. Sol Handler who has] Vienna. (J. T. A.) The anti- used for other works. national club has been' limited to in Switzerland suffer greatly ***'*«*' of the experts after I had examined just graduated from Technical High Semitic student riots in Vienna had territorial basis and Yiddish dnb. GERMAN JEWS PROTEST The ordinance authorizes the High School was awarded a medal foT highj their immediate effect upon the com- Commissioner to issue stock or bonds the facts myself. ^ were excluded. The question wa >ractce o TO GOVERNMENT AGAINST endeavor-to syntiiesize tlie de-;T £, placed on the agenda oi the first meet- DESECRATION OF CEMETERIES scholarship. Sophie was on the honor mercial benefits which the city derives through the. Bank of England for the from abroad met with great diffieuttk* tailed reports of the experts," he f m abro roll eleven times while attending Tech. from foreign tourists; f^ ing. -Leo Koenig, representing the due to the fiuctation of prices. amount of £4,500,000. Payment of stated• ""Yiddish Writers Club of Poland, was Berlin. (J. T. A.)~Representations The riots, as well ts the anti- capital and interest is to be made invited to speak at the congress, but to the German government, drawing DS. WEIZMANN TO SPEAK Uf Semitic propaganda carried on in from Palestine government revenues. EGYPTIAN JEW TO Enroll for Camp Vacation he will have no vote in the decision attention to the continuous attacks BERLIN ON ZIONIST CONDHIOKS postres throughout the city resembled EE REPRESENT COUKTRY AT • Boys and girls desiring to enroll of the question. made on memorials in Jewish cemethose which took place during the ZANGWILL'S UNFINISHEDINTERNATIONAL CONGRESS , Beriin.~{J. T. A.)—Pr. Chftin teries, were made by one of the lead- for their vacation at Camp Morris Toorteenth Zionist Congress here NOVEL PRESENTED TO Levy this summer should do so at Cairo.—(J. T. A.)—The people of; Weizmann, President of the WovUi ing German Jewish organizations. two years ago. A number of Dutch ' -BRITISH MUSEUM KING BECEIVES PALESTINE once at the Jewish Community !Egypt vrill be represented at an in-! Zionist Organisation, is expected tf> The Central Verein Deutschen! Jews, who came to Vienna for the HIGH COMMISSIONER Center offices. The camp will be London.—(J.T.A.)—An unfinished [ternational Congress to be held in ; arrive here today. Buerger des Juedischen Glaubens snb- j holidays, published letters in the held for boys in July and for girls' A pablic meeting will take South America by art Egyptian Jewish novel by Israel Zangmll -was presentnutted a memorandum to the Minister evening papers yesterday, declaring London—(J. T. A.) -^-Lord Plumer, in August. Sunday, June 19th, at the statesmaTi. that they are cutting short their visit ed to the British irffiseum by the -widow High Commissioner of-Pal esfdne, was drawing attention to the continued de- j Session Hall where it is expeetfed tb* All hoys and girls who cannot Cattail Pasha will represent Eg^ypt cemeteries in Vienna 'because of the excesses. of the late -writer." received yesterday "in an, audience by secrations of,; Jewish afford to pay the cost are asked The novel is called "Baron von offen-| t the Parliamentary Commercial Con-j President of the Zionist Organi*&ti«m a throughout Germany. The organizaThey will proceed to other countries Kong George. . " to enroll regardless. hach" and is typewritten. It wflligres? which will be held in Rio del will speak on the present conditions tion urges that protective measures where guests are received difterentiy, Lord Plutner is in London on his probably not he published. Janeiro in September. in the Zionist movementl be taken. they state vacation.

iEntire Gentry Eesp

Zionist Convention to Meet Sunday in Atlantic City


Golf Tournament at Highland Country Club

Vienna Students Will Cease Riots Only if Anti-Jewish Demands are Granted





FAGE 2—THE JEWISITPRESS, THURSDAY, JUNE 23, 1927 in as many forms of creative effort \ Jewish self-expression in letters of in main address, emphasized t h e . fact as possible. j the arts. _. _ that the late leader was ihe mfitive There are a few outstanding tasks It is only through increased and power of all political $nd social'^aye* >' Published ever? Thursday at Omaba. Nebraska, by facing the people of Israel throughout continued cooperation both "of world ments in Hungary for the "past'three By DR. MORDECAI M. KAPLAN , •i'tuTHE-JEWISH PRE^S PUBLMHIISU COMPANY tike entire world which necessitate the Jewry and of local Jewries that the decades. 4 ' 0 % e ; 4S0 Brandew Theatre Building — Telephone: ATJantic 1450. help and tfte cooperation of all Jews. unity of Israel will become a spiritual |: the right to separate when differences One of the obvious defects in the , "..'... . NATHAN E. GREEN, Manager. Every Je-v? has the opportunity of and ethical influence in the life of PATRONISE OUR ADVERTISERS arise between them. This principle creed of Maimonides is his omission of the doctrine of 'the unity of Israel. | also has important bearings upon ;experiejveing a vivid and spiritually every Jewish man and woman. Subscription Price, one year. ,$2.50. fruitful seijse of unity with the rest The only way in which we can ac- national and international issues. .Advertising rates famished on application. count for this omission is that in his It is only ip the light of that of Israel by becoming a partner in MOVE TO CREATE JEWISH CHANGE OF ADDRESS—Plense give Doth tbe old and new address: ELECTION BLOC IN EOUMANIA day the doctrine was questioned principle that we can understand, for the undertaking • to make of Palestine be ejjre and plre your qame. "a Jewish.Homeland. Not only is the neither by Jew or Gentile. A creed exaniPler the justice of th§ pause ^f BUTTER and EGGS Bucharest.—(J. T. A.)—The first /" •?Phgci|6wi4B;i>r#a Is supplied by the jewisq Telegraphic Agency (Jewish usually includes only those beliefs the Northern States in our'country very life of the Jewish people bound up with the success of this entermove to create a Jewish bloc for the GorraHpiindence Burea«)_wHh babied and telegraphic Jewish news, in addition which are challenged. in coercing the Southern States to reCouncil Bluffs, Iowa to'feature articles and^corresgondences from all Important Jewish centers, main united with them. It= is unr prise, but also its creativeness and forthcoming national elections in There never was a time when the fcqu^ea regslr^ effectiveness. Only a rehabilitated Roumania were made yesterday. answered. 'u'a<Jdress.ed. tpJeijiHsh Telegraphic Agency, 621' Broadway, New unity of the Jewish people was so fortunate that this principl| had to be Jewish people living on its ancient The Jewish National Club of Buchvindicated by the sword, "yet pur much in danger of being disrupted Y o r k C i t y . " :'-••'.;•••• v ; ., i •',-•• - - - . / • ' ; . "• • •'•• ""•'•'• .: ••.•••• soil can bring about a renaissance of arest, together with the Jewish* Nacountry would have been' but a SOSKIN and KOZBERq as it is today. We are broken up : the Jewish spirit and a revivified and tional Party of Transylvania, have rereplica of Europe were it not for the into numerous groupings, according IN THE JEWISH PULPIT gistered with the election authorities. 1552 No. 20 St.—WE ebster ^67 War. We, too, would have been revitalized Jewish culture. :^•-•' ^ i n o s t '^pprppriatej and timely word was spoken by Mr^ to country, outlook of life, social Civil Through the cultivation of ,.the Negotiations are still being carried on Fresh Meats — Delicatesgi^s status, and various other lines of torn by national jealousies and our Hebrew language, the individual Jew for creating a United Jewish front, Fresh Fish Handled Daily Lpiiis, JtfarshaH^ at the; graduatioji exercises of the Jewish division. The -time has come when young men would also have had to has an opportunity of entering into for the. elections. We Deliver to all Parts of the City Th«dogic^l Seminary in Accepting!t|e hpr^prary degree qf ijqctiw; we mvjst restate and reformulate the spend their best years in an armed living communion with the inner life camp. oi ^ebre^_ L i f e r ^ doctrine of the unity of Israel if we of his people." There is 1 no other Jewish lear^ng and education in the past have earned for* Mr. want it to function in our lives. In .. When the Second Commonwealth means at hand that is so calculated HONOR MEMORY OF VASZONYI Budapest.-r-(J., T.,.A\, A. M.)-^The The Best Place to Bjiy ' Marshall thi^TrecogniiioC atTJthe hand of the Seminary, which. our platform as. a Society for the was destroyed and the Jewish people to give the jjew a sense of the reality first' anniversary of the death of Wil- Your Victor Orthophonix or : wasdispersed to allcorners of the Advancement of Judaism, we state and yitalify_of Israel. Hebraic culture H^w^a3ds atsi-trabufe of praise to ti}e similar honor bestowed .by "We want the -unity of Israel earth, the doctrine of the'"Unity of cannot be acqfuired Qr created through hem "Vasionyi, " the late * Hungarian Radio ifie Hebrew Tfeipn ^ojleg«. TJiat Mr! Mar§ha.|i i§< "V? prthy qf, |he that —Sot' ns first— throughout the world-to be fostered Israel received a new and more in- the meditfm"*6f translations. The sec- Jewish leader^. ^as~commemorated..at || T gra^tu^e of ptir leading educational-institutions is through mutual help in time of need, tensive emphasis. The very fact., of ond-hand method of becoming ac- solehyi exercis'es-" held under the ausSOL LEWIS by;the"mes^^e:he.gaye on the subject, of the function and through cooperation in the fur- dispersion and the very dangeiTof dis- quainted wHh the "literature and picesT.&f the" Central'pemDcratic Club. WE bster 2042 1804 No. 24 St. ^Bassay,' who "'geli^ered'; the ofthje^rabbj and theattjtude of the Jewish Taymaii to the pulpit. therance 'of Judaism • at all times." .•• integration .stiffened-the solidarity of language of ea people can at best reThe history -of the unification of the Jews. Never had Jewish unity sult in a somewhat sympathetic under.;».;.-- Sometisignifieant sentences from.:his address refer to sensathe Jewish people.will help us underr been insisted upon with such fervbir. standing of-the soul of the Jewish tionalism In the Jewish^pulpit, as quoted in the New York Times, fully" thei implications o,f thia It was thenceforth a solidarity biased people, but never in an identification ^ ? e i ? : "Th.6t^:sire still:sqme men and women in. New- stand principle. That Israel should; be'--.a- upon' uniformity of belief ;and of one's interests, abilities, and crea-, -,-„ r thrills ip the synagogue. They want their emo- United nation became : an accepted tice. The powerful governments of tive-talents with those of Israel. ;:. . r M, S d m T r "7"2?4S§: ^ecatur Street Wf3. .8527 r;They dfi pot understand that the synagogue is a ideal from the-time when the ten. or Europe, in order to enforce their By-TceepTrig in touch with the Jewish had to resort to the usuaP-machinery learning-, that the rabbi is a teacher and that, he is twelve Israelitlsh clans had rcoalesced If :^OB are in nefid of a Tales wool or silk of the best quality, Tfeelin, current events and-opinions through"of police and spy systems, while the out the word, every Jew is brought : sufficiently to: constitute two; out-: r Merozcs or any :©ther religious article, we will be glad to sell it to' payiag a complimenttb"his^^ congregation rf after years of stu,dy standing groups, • namely those th3fc Jewish people, scattered *a&:jfivfasTin, his people. A you at the most reasonable 'prices. We also carry a full IJne of were headed by Ephrahn and. those every country of the globe, was able perio'dical ~ like the "Jewish Daily to enforce its will without such aids. _Bibles with Jewis\^nd English .translations. We are also the agents by Judahv There, were dreamers- and Bulletin" is indispensable to living The Jews actually experienced a ~ of all Palestine-Products.-and..-the artistic work of Bezalel Sdioo.1 some ne^.line t ; A sermon from such.' a man gives m e visionaries in 'both groups who sense of organic unity. They, looked and thinking-as a Jew. By daily reading what is: going pn in Jewish life, looked -forward to the complete fisin Jerusalem. ... ": the^^^Mrilll sion of all the tribes into one nation- upon the scattered remnats of ^Israel we acquire'a keen sensitiveness of .,il^ is.imppssjbletQ deny; the That dream did not" come true, but assail part of one livingrbo(iy.;,-ia con- everything Jewish. We learn to share views harmonizej with the best ;tra^itipn§~gf- only for-'a short time.. It was only trast with Esau, as Rome, is/referred the joys antTsprstjws of our brothers by the Rabbis, who is described as in .every country, on the f^e of this as Israel's^ classic;and^most, fundamental;institu,-,- during the eighty years of the reign to possessing many soulSj - the,children earth, and acquire- an -enlightened of David and Solomon that there was b,e unnecessary of Jacob are referred to. as haying sense of Jewish- duty. -. Ignorance of l ^ y tp restate and to reempKasize a.politically united Israel. ; thenj^bepause ffiey-ai;^:so basic; to everything that is "Jewfshi — There -may i>e some truth to the but one souL It is because Israel the:Jewish present is just as baneful ceased being a multitude and became 5 ^ ^ jnpvsltyjjsff• his 'reflections and l^erpharm ^ e as ignorance ef the But5^igiS§^E of his tiieory. that the story of- Joseph's unitedias-.one people:that-^od jjeemed and: • You have forced us to move into larger and appea|disclose "i;he-fact- that among Jews, as .among -either dissension with his brothers, which it qualified to receive the Tqrah. The Jewish past. • . - .more beautiful quarters to serve your needs. reU^tis. jjjfojrgs,^there 1ms-pome into our Jewish;Jife a /'know ends in their:. reconciliation, - is in- Rabbis say that it is as a reward of The doctrine of the unity of. Israel ; WE THANH YQU ; ! translated into cooperation nothipg^^attitude.-- Some-^)f our ignorant Jews who happen to tended :to drantatize -the hope enter- the unity which Israel ascribes ."to, lecal Jewries and into, their .-Coastidering it is only our second year in .:: jng Qod that Gqd renders Israel one the prestige of-.moneys some of bur negative Jews who tained ;tiy SQme_ of those visiqnariesS th Omaha, it surely }§-?*•; : : and the Southern pooling together all their spiritual that the unified people. R. Simeon ben Yohai ritj^^^ the_supreme;test.'of gap^nes,s,, and some of bur d ' b Kingdoms • might; ultimately - be compares the relation of God to Israel and cultural resources for the sake An EsiuHuhed Record . cowardly Jews^^who jchitcftcatr! 'an.i-e?:cijse.:'for indifference or united.. Apparently^ evenithe Rabbhis to a ~house built on rafters. "So" long of carrying on Jewish life. Nothing hostiift£ to_$}e; •Jewishirgljgidn* have demanded of the Jewish interpreteii• the^ story of- Joseph, .in. as the rafters are bount together, he less than the concentrated effort of pu^^'s^trtsandr^ensations, instead of the presentation of ideas, some such-way. For' the'-iirophetic.! says, the house can stand, but' "as ectire ; Jewish populations will make they have selected to possible the* perpetuation and develappjal^and, interrelations of the spiritual life; .of Jewish destiny po.rtion;.which its^ customs and correspond with this story is^sL selec- soon as they are loosened, the house opment i t ^ d falls apart. So the manifestation of ceremonies and,"what, is most iimporsSll^P&.i^nfjfi^pd^service to:the world. tion from Exekiel-which records the r God in the world depends upon the tant, the"oj£anization pf Jewish edu^A'i^ ; ; r|fe^^^Y6^6ldeSfe this pr r in 'which- he was to]<U ^ pressure of an incpnser ] to enac$. unity of Israel. Phone Jadkson 1614 461^11 Hospc Building cational „ .eji3eavor .on a sufficiently h pura symbolic ;performance- for the chief element;'^ -In modern times, beginning with large sca|^ "to render" it efficient'and s d d^ ^_ i pose of;; tto the the Emancipation, the doctrine of the effective ^.'. i . ^ - Their • • • - . . . --..'. .. prophecy, I am aDQ prophecy "I am aDQut.totaka the unity of Israel has received a rude ..We ipuit^o^nteract ysi' ;:'%estibnab]e 'ixoveis, debatable moral--and Israelites the danger of on from the nations where.they-J ecoiiGmfe7-isBHesi --witlt • and haye -gone, gathering them from Jolt. The nations expect the Jews to fragmejitation which lurks in the qpiarter and bringing them give up their own national aspira- comp.e33.live "spirit that exists among tions and to become assimilated in cngrggiaSons!!. of" of" the" the" same same localityi ty Ijack to their-own land, -where-I. every respect except in religion. This : make them into a single natipn-upon reat neeif for organiz- If 5abbis m«s^sav€ the wpi'W'ljy inciting w^rfters -to ggo-on the uplands; of Israel, with, a jingle expectation is the sour eft of the disions ^ cpn^ rike 'if they they belteyp belteyp tha^t that the waiting king, ruling over them. They Bhall-no rupting influences in. Jewish life to? ing strike, 'if the voters voters of of the'cayiiA^ycre the>'cayiiA^ycre waiting' feut eyen "greater is• tfie^ecessity for f^ agagist ^ ^ ^ Ortger be .two national nor shall Jtfty day. Not only the unity but the exis- congregations in each "iieiglTtborhood t fp£ fhejr slaif^ff agagist poflticailfaders, poflticailfaders a^djf the^'^coml' tence of Jsrael has been, jeopardized nted th^airffiejiiteilectuals ofjthe day couM npt;"read a :.divided into two kingdoms^ to-unite for various creafeVe^'parjfbseB.' by this demand of the nations. ''' TV Not "only should this need ^tS^-felt s^Key-reviewedf-itjancf if the publishing houses-would pr£. " ; j . ' The; answer, of the Orthodox to this when it comes • to supervising" * the Kthfey threw* the" iniantTe"of--thi&ir-f-avop- upon com- This belief that Israel shouTd, nor?, challengedout unity"; and existence Kashruth of butchershopg, but also in lj constitute one,",. natio.h^T. argse rers, let them'.asirend the;rsoap-bbx:platform-or fptn. the-, fact that! there had'been a' is that Ihe unity of Israel must spn- the erection of Jewish- elementary ^ l F . 0 r e n a , ; or don; the. -Gpjpjped waistcpat~ari.d the time when mosf of the tribes" 'that tinue to-be-based, in the future as i% high schools, and in the stimulation of fi0W|ng:-ttef,and\; assume.antics-of..th"e~ entertainer, but let them were identified with Israel'had lived was- in' the'.^ast upon, the uniformity, regard the Jewish-jeongregations ip! .theli-jsegrch fp?^knowjedjie. and suffered- in common. ""^CQmmqn of belief and-practice.- The belief i H Ffie^cli, arid. Russian •" witH r e s p e c t ^ / : : \:^ _^;v..'-.„ •;' - ?•£•:'-;.-i~-- -f^— -, :^:--.^ ~.:-^..zi:L-. memories naturally, fed . ^ the assup- still to be the.creed of MaimonideSj, and the practice that formulated in tt that a|l |l tthee tribes .had,, a common' ^3|TEeJ;j|^|sh:i9ym#tl', are respossible ii fabbis-;fbr.il6ng:-ihdulge tigtt M " ll the' t h ' il&ns jttf ttf the Shulan Aruk. It is evident to ajjeestry,. Moreover," all ::: ^leiiW^aUsW? M %e|r"puIpitg; To tolerate a -perversion of ;Is_raeL regarded |heipselves "as having any thinking man that, this inter^ewis^s^t-,;:ifcLapp^ been e redee^ped ^p by y God from Egypt. pretatipn of Jewish unity is impractic§568 -; Th h^d^ i i d ~ t h same ejcpepences able and incompatible with- a modern The? h^d^ siiar-ed~the ,^professional ^^he-wil4arne§§..%ith Jtheir;leader, scientific outlook.ii| d ^itk1 Moses.-'Togjther'they: ~" dt|l§yalist5^Rising jas: friends ^bi-iiustipe^an^i.democracy, Bad iny^cfed the; Reform Judaism, on the other hand In Omaha ^iteh^lhe^T^r/ibiil arl^led/isi as muck discredit to $h° * l^ad-ptCa^^n"an^.wrested::it from interpret? th&^tnitjr. .of Israel as only : r as it is a disgrace to ih^Fabbis "\vK) prb1it b"y ife- ^ -' its-natiYe§r Therefore^ they ;felr that a remembrance -pf. a^ common past, 'All 1 .2... i_ XT-L 1_T-_ T . - - . — i— '.-'* . _ _ _ . . ! . _.,^.. they should remain one "nation b'yjic^; and an obligation to be of mutual help {All heBO¥-4o the250 Rooms^2Q0 Baths in t|mes of stress. But,as to.belief nowiedging_the_Jame_God ^Jd ^Jj^L jear ground lowest price policynowegg__J_ Good Rooms for $1.50 and praVticer4t r accept^ : the grincipl?. t TTl)is"cpnvictipn li" the same^ government.. gives jou a value demonstration; in -All honor^ tp the Pperated -by IBppley Hotels Co. dawned ~slowly and' ^ ^ u a l l y upon of local: and sectional sejf-determW^ sails at $30 that will amaze you. yhis t yh ^interpretatioa. ^ p . is bound' thenuT-But "in time there arose lead- tioni it ^off Is'rael,'.|pr I ' l ' | makers*, production, newest .fabrics, in. ers like Samuel and David who based disrupt the actuall .unity jq^^tio^ that *th&3fe^^ no-past which fails to functipn'a? a colorings, and handsome patieim!". "Siich their.political' ati#, religious activities' CQ7 ^ raifh.in.:Gfed. and.:.tb,e andtthe iinest thrills known to to ttiair accomtJanv' thie upon means/ot-fresent creative; endeavor 168? this'conviction: clothes at such a price stand alone in a class spiritual ..re. tigs, -t s|i^r¥ ^and^sineere-a; iJ xAfterwards came the prophets with can continue to be remembered for •; • OPftftr? I. . . by themselves-^ • " t^eu^hts^ w.brds-.afld ideeds^of-^iankind. their .messageccpneeming the oneness any length, of. time. .'The- rift in m<?de Sgeft grtiy, ifpn, brass, bf onze"~ana' ,•« 'c'j.. . ..„ •;•,," • • " " •" • - - ' - ** 9flTtnai«uui' castings^" ^Staiidard .sizes. and.-Tmiyprsality of God. The inescaprt>ro0^& ?1(»a tron *.qshings, searer manrT of Jewry ; .hplgs, cistern" J|5gs a'iia* cOWrB. end — . Sc^ The'in in Our WindovB ai teaching, able concj^sion^ol such^teachings was, : g^pdeur of, «leaiioutl66Esin Efoct ui ; bound"to grp^ ever ^ , a.n4 ^ that worship -must . he centr^zed.; I n ; :..-• and in-JOWft Store -and; gjory 4)f. religious,. Jp one sap^tuary. | If • local' sanctuaries momentum' of Icommon • memcjrie|*' is 5^ci|*3na^kemg of our people, such a responsiveness, to, Jew(si\ were. each, lpc^lity rwould "be; bound'to "be completely,' spent in the t—.......,....,^.i,. . - ... of prophetic service^ as:;, to: bpuud;tplerated^ >; -•" B i i i -Phb^e .'AT, :«453r qourse of two or three generations.-' t5>. haye its-own 4 ^ p . 0 ; ,R«l.. Eione-.AT, £1S& lgl^UBm^aiig gijcn.;a aegionstr^tion or propnetic service^ as:;, TO ; wpuld'.ob- •' We, -therefore^ believe that 4he \asuaUze the ••old ^re^cfiw.' "This is tteei-6ovenaBtv*hat I": will itysp,;rivalry and j'ealousy retati6n is -fte-^hly h unity of God.L und '.destroy isat!pfialisrinter| isTat!pfialisr BARBER SHOP : 0 : h Q x f • Israel'.~4|.ter the ArSsyt- one that is* leafeible-aVtfte present i^n conquerpr destroyed.' the gpvern- tinier Ac?oBing''"tp' that interpreta, We specialfze" in" 0 flpie My pebpte| their God, ai>i; t^e'NoytVje'rn'-gangdom 'in' tion^tnV^tr Children's .Is Ladies* Haircuts 0 ?^61 m u ^ S tion^tnV'^tr' ?-*^ ' ^ ' ^f ft^idf iitt based 9' rj^oreeveryiman his: neighbor, and every B. CWcbntiriuea-cooperation bothh Arthur Btcfe.—2l2'S&.18th Street \ jaeirged jsitl)judah ind' togeth.e? they sa^ngX Kl^o^ the Lord, for they shall- all of became pnenation, \ "\ with" ' a" single t S ^ S Wtpthe; Ipatesjivof t ^ ^ s^anctuai^ and V single government. • The nptewo^thy. fact abput the history, of the idga of a united Israel is

The Unity of Israel



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'Established Record





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spintuai" pVinciple "thatatho^e-whi> -at" any time-,«hare lifg. byt undergoing^ common experiences','s^^r'im'ieT'_an Tibligitionv^' "remain 1' Tinited: ^Having Jiad a common pasfimposes the duty of cpgneratin.g in tFf "present, and of Aagas^-l-^

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£ioh'"even"in our timfej'from domestic relationships to relati6n5hips-'am9ng; nations, it raises the"<juestion whether "a 1flan "and wpman have ethically

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Riot, u ^ p y a Surgeons' Uabllity Teams' Wabllity Theatre LlabilttyTheatrteal Transport*TitleTtStfrahoe TbVr&lTlda'tef Use and Occupancy Water Damage ••


lantic 3180


5—THE «LttW itett I*EESS, IMUBSDAX JUNE 23,1S27 -Edith TEenyon left Saturday '[.Sunday after spending two -weeks sf'lSew Tmkfe .liightclnb ."life and .iave:} "The TFnirlwinci erf Tooth" -taken] IPsEW "TOTSE OF Jor.1>EBjilQines TO -sisit-TCith'i£Tsister. I IFort knelling. 3Iinn. j-prsvecl tonics to the jatiei! IBioadway- !from A. Hamilton Gibb's book "Sound- j IK TALESTKE. ; 3Irs. 3Iarton Asher and ilx. Asher. j ——-— ites. Simrmd Intzpatrick, baritone,!insrs" .and featurirur Lois Sloxan, Tera I ^M I L l t ^ studentst ^ ] Jerusalem. (J.T. A.) Dr. Lee 3L a m l - Donal(1 JMrs. Barry JKulakafsky and child- University of Tlunms, arrived hmm'.tai±[m sings '-"Moon" Am photoplay on the hill and tells the Franks!, one of the four commissitm11SfflBimi Ten left Sunday for Denver, Colo-, Sunday to spend his summer ^raca- : S s i n i i r m d S a m A c r E ) ^ e ^ i c daue-l^o-v' naive and irnsopnisticateti ers of the Palestine survey commiswhere they -vail -visit "with Mrs. Eula- xion here watn hs parents,, H r . • -ex, gives some excellent acrobatic; youth -suddenly thrust into the mac!sion, of the Jewish Agency, sumfKky's mother, TSrs, Stark, i o r a.Jlzs. Xouis [.dances. The scenes' axe laid oi, the !-p.-hrrl-i-jrig of life, to learn through marized hit impressions on Palestine -week and then Trill go to California plantation? and .along the levae | bitter .experiences the -way of the at a reception given in ME honor by "to spend the remainder x& the and .Sirs. lEuhby, v the Zionist ISxecutive Saturday nightI T .and old. xich .and potsr 'way of the world. married Sunday on Chicago, Illinois.' , • . ^ • summer. .„, , , ~. -, , „_ ' used to consxes-ate ±orxttieir *.{rood | There is a pleasing overture iiurnThe rebuilding of Palestine -ie a will be at home after-July list'2542 _«_„.-,• '"" for tl«>. wMte of Hiss Stella Abraham left last Fri- Fifth avenue. TbeT by the "Riviera co-ncen orchestra jj t a s day ior £!hi(^igo, -where she vrill spend Two added attractiOTis that are out- j- an( j -argan novelty by George .Johnson, ff ilE Btated. Kin impressuJiMS _^_ ___ , standing "have been procured by the ipjriera rargams.. "the Hummer. during- the fortnight which he has HTTIERA THEAIFKE lEiviera for this week's bill, namely i I spent here were -very striking. He "ENGAGEMENTS WEBBINGS "Mr. and jttrs. X. J. Horwich oil The stage attractions at the Tdviers. | gissle ami UlakE.'late features of the iio.QOO SEE CEAS51P1C i was particularly impressed with Ihe and ."Mrs. Sol P a s oT Denver, Colo., formerly of Omaha, j Theatre this week "blend into .a -real |j£it '.Eat Club in "London where the j iEABEI OFF FOE PALES • new type of agriculturist which is announce "the enjjagement of announce the hirth -was JnadE Sunday, baby. g a i a Southern Jubilee entertainment; most conservative of critics "ha\-e beeri | rising: in "Palestine, .he stated. -3nbe 31, i n IFnlsa, Dkla., xff the mar- their daughter, :£sthez, ID "William J. daughter, "Phyliss JFausteen, bom on [^~lS± -warms the cockles of-your heart I -effusive in their praise of these two j Warsaw.—(J. T, A.i—Ovei- m,0.0.0.j jand sends you away making ^QK feel {harmony singers. .They -present their ' Polish Jews assembled at the~" Warsaw j ^ ^^ ^ TJHgs in 3SIHB Sfary Novak, daughter TRoshinan of this city., son -of "Mrs. H. Txiday, .June IT. : |glad that you're livm! The Tublixjown original syncopated" melodies :in depot xo bid xarewell to EahbS AbraSHEATH SENTENCE FOE.:fii..A;C&nf J2T§, S. 3SIovak, a -former xesLdenfc J. Hushman af 'JLDE Aiig-eles. The Uisses Skuna Cohn, Dnroihy TJnit Show is called "Way "Dowrj I a Tray that wins :yaur :heart and brings ham llordecai Alter, Ghassidic liabbij HAILING JEWISH MEECSAlCr •aT'Qmaha, t o Arthur -Swartz, son of HJIrs. "Hyman xLaspel xumounces the Cohn -and "Mrriam TMaTtm were hos^ Tttrs. 32ary -StvarUs of this city, DU engagement of her daughter, Anne tesses "Wednesday evening ax a anoon- South" and -presents the colorful at-; .applause seldom accorded artists of .of-Gora Ealwarija, one of the most j mosphere and carefree spirit of the jthe vaudeville stage. Charles Frink, influential Chassidic rabbis in Poland, j Moscow.—(J. T. A.}—Several onV 4, in Tulsa. light hike aor rtwsnty-aour couples plantsxion life of a half-century ago j premier banioist, "-adds the finishing: when he departed for Palestine yes-jcials of the criminal investigation .jdeto "Mr. Joe Bandy of this city. Novak 'is .a graduate of "Tulsa iionuring liliss Lee ^Norton of Desin the sunny southland. mammy'touch to this gala bill. Mr. Trmk, terday, | partment. including me Jew, snd i& active in .UDmes, who is the guest of JHr. and l\T.rs. G. CoTron and son Lmdy, famous throughout the countrj enjoys the -reputation of being: one of | The Tiabbi, accompanied by forty i sentenced tn death OB E chaxge and.dramatic circles of Tulsa. -LSyan Haykin. for her "Mammy Songs" is featured m ithe most popular players of the banjo \ of Ms close followers, went for a i tortion. Abremnvitch, thr Jewish David, left Saturday lor a thret Arthur -Stysrtz is -well known as a the production as are the Novelty 'BlueJ on the American .stage today and if three months visit tn the Holy Land, j cial, and tlie others were chargftd'with months trip. They will -visit in Esxt-1 ^Iiss Pauline Eerzberg returneri ionner star, Ipech icflilete and prof es sas City, Dallas, Texas, Los .Angeles, I Tuesdav after spendingthe -past Ulowers. "Chi" Cimme and .Ijewjyou like this instrument you're bound .Several hundred of his followers ac'attempting to blackmail E Jewish n a m e .Bional ball flayer, and before leaving San Prancisco, Portland, Oregan, and ] merchant, '"Levitan. month visiting with relatives unii, Chalne, who have been . highlights in j to enthuse over this artist's -numbers. ;companied him tc• the fi^iti Omaha last spring -was engaged ae friends hi "Wheeling, l^est Tirgmia. oihvsical (director of the Seattle, "Wash. Community-Center. "The Henrietta 2dld Girls 01 the' t r> M X>I JI I X"' ""• ISEr. -and 13rs. Swartz -will make Taung Judsan Club entertained.d?at mi i 4 Council B l u n s f^ews J their Jhom,e in TEulsa. all day -picnic at lanrnrant Park, The Xadies Aid Society will hold a Council JBluffs on Sunday, June 10. •benefit card iiarty next Tuesday .afTheir sponsor, 3Iiss 3£ose Segal, ternxjon, June 28, at the "home of 3ilrs. A. Siegel announce •xonedthe party. 1 David Fox, 10B ZNorth .IJiglifii the njjjt p^i'^'h^ ''^ marriage of their Gwendolyn HVolf, daughter nf 3(Er. •street. Everyone is urged to attend. daughter, 3Jextha, to IBen Hoitstern, .son of 3Ir. >and Hilra. S. IRoitstein, Sun- and "HTS. Joe "WDII will leave Pnday, "Prizes will be given :at every table. day., 3ime26 at the-Dewish Community July 1 lor California. She-will be-ac~Sxk. Jack Xleberman and -two attend the companied by her .aunt :Mrs. C. B . Till cbildsen of "Los Angeles, Cal.,, vtho Center, ~Shs. J. ILofkiB bride as -matron oiionor and the IMis- who has been visiiing Tiere. has been spending the past iew ses IJelle ^iegel, I!amry Hoitstein and -weeks here visiting JSIrs.. Joseph The IRonoh Club Entertained its .Bertha Ahrams Trill be the brides-A .Sale ttbst -will wet itbe i ^ Gotsdiner, will be the house guest inaflc serf -rofaa in tVprajnt—An anaids. J^BSSTB Jae Hoitstcin, Harry members and xriends at a dancing nf 3Irs. TIn7T\' Cohen ior the Sarold Biegel "srill serve liarty last Monday evening at "themonth. 2>ait5t£i Lieherman fe -a farmer Uish Bn snviable !Esther TSighland Countrj' Club. jjruuuiBnien. Xiittle Tesidera of-Dinahs, .and will spei-iil jSnrtis "wfll be -flower girl and "Master '.Marvin Simon, Tmgbearer. Hiss Sazel 3Irs. "Dave Hedmau and children and -the summer -risitrng relatives and Applequist -will 3ing,» "I Xove Tou JVIxs. Ben J . Sigel-and son. of Ottumwa, friends hsrc and in Omaha, iii, -who have been -visiting with -afEiiirs have been given in honor «rf Iraly" apa "At Ilawnin?cT'. their Tjarents, Mr. anrl Mrs. X. SegeV | J ^ popuhar -visitor, and -numerous 'The hi4qe has been extensively enman are leaving far their homes Sun- " parties are being planned ior hthe "textained Suring the- 35ast ie-w weeks. day. ' -nesr future ior i e r . Utrs. J. lorkis, sister of the hride enDuring their visit they have been t tertaiaecl 'twenty-five guests at a bridge luncheon at; the lElks Club. 3Ir. the incentive oi a Tiumber of social | ifc. and Ztfrs. 'Harry Eubby reand JHJB. X. A. TilcGhisson -were hosts afrairs. Among the hostesses for the turned home Tuesday irom Chicag-n, .at -a bridgre party at .their home ^or past-week-were: lilisses Fan and Sara Hiinois, where t t e y attended th" i, jSIiss Sara .Slabadisky, 3Iiss , niarrisgc of their brother, Ben the _yD!xn,g couple. Sirs. S. Tirohm Annette IPanjrer, JMiss Gertrude "Wbite, Hubb\, to ^liss Miriam 2 ' -Eomplimeated jHiss Biegel at a lunchIffrs. Barry Hisemnn, j£rs. 3. Tlafkin, • o n Sunday evening. eon s± -jibe Tonttnielle Hotel. .and 3Irs. X "Wezelman. j v. :—: , Arthur Cqbb was'.hostess at j ^vir. Louis ^H. Hatelman -returned -party :and ^Ticg 3elle Sifisel complit Hiss Annette Hicklin will leave Sat- , home TMonday after spending the mented -ihe bride ax a -party. 1 urdav i o r Chicago, where she will past week-end m St. Lotus and KaniMisses Ann 3Iaimsji, Delia G study under A d d i 35ohn of the, SUP City, UIo. Beitha Abrams were joint .bo-rtGrand Opera. ZSIiss "Hicklin', iliss Esther Saks :iaft- Sunday ifor ijat.th£ "Fcmtonelle Pacific in -&E ialL She will be City, 3ID., TO -visit her uncle Hotel rsttr jUiss JSiflgBl. HHrs. Sam "Wolf accompanied on this "trip by .bhi and -3Irs. .and IVIiss Tda Azarin entertained for Sarah tbE "brit]e a t a "luncheon f ollowEd by iter, ' Cohen, lor two weeks. Every Fxmrtti 3Floor a theater party a t the Hiviera. lit. "Mr. and l£rs. Irving JBlecker an- ^ ^ a n d ^i^TxJavid Xubby XIJ "its Jur-iner sellins pri .and ;Hr5. • J -Singnr complimented the -nounce the "birth trf a daughter, bom •T e t u r l K . d h w m e fmm ,.a two -weeks' purcliE.se£ Presses &n£ coaple at n dinner party . - their home June IS. IHrs. Bfecker was formerly ^ ^ , , ^ ^ 0 ^ - ^ p TO Kansas City, 3Io. modeis IJ UJH> our "Tkisri Floor, and "Mr. and 3Irs.' lEmil Simjer GnterBess Seldin of Cnunca-Bluffs. : ^ T ^,-- TT^KK^- ^ _ r : f a r n u n . l y ^ ^ taineu * t XL bridfre -party for "Miss Tiliss -Sara 3roolcsteba entertained' Sophia Steinberg Siegel and 3SIr. Tioitstein. ASter^. "honeymoon trip to the "lakes ber afternoon bridg-e club Svmday | IHiss Twose Tax enteEtainsd sixteen .afternoon at "her home. '.IHS Hose the couple -will "be at borne at ihe j dbisnal^at^ Sinicbeoii TO the-elub -. ianna apartments. •nesS_Sunday""jtt~her home. ^ ^^ "Biss J.ennie "Eatz, nf TJalbzs, Texan, lEErs. laieyer^Eatzman .and children • teentb "birthday. fcr bridge left 3or ber "iome after spending ihe left last -week^to spend the summer^, were won by Hisses ILouise I'itchmid -past-two-weeks .-visiting-with relatives. in iKew Tork City visithig with "^hs. ;3Iafian Satelman: -and 3tiiss ""-'—• cut-ior-all Tte. ZMeyer Gteeribers,.a Jtme-^fia3- £atzman!s sifter. 3IT5.3am3Iai£di?t,'Tlaa .Saltzman won && -uate of Creighton College of Sledicine. "Efiroute home they "will -visit -Jn_jarize. .. tnr the east, llonday," JJune Chicago. xeturned Hr. Jack 2G, -where be -will spend the Tear as !Miss Xilyan Haykm has as her interne -in -rhe iSinae "Hospital at 3 l 1 "house guest 3Iiss Xee Norton of Des ' Harry .H. lJipigns. jiloines, lovca. 3Irs. ."E. Gmssman, 3Ir. .and 3Irs. BroHsmnn and j£Ir. ^.nd JMTB. liltes Charlotte Seyn Jhas ss her guestBier end son, Marvin, all ef

First Gtemi vent!!!

Unexcelled Vmiwes m Float Dm

Choaha Pis

Snpriy Co.

Complete Store and

nf 3£r. "and ISIrs. 3Iax Sross-

Ohio. Miss Seyn ionored her guests -•plSce Ontttters i i s l ISun3ayl;e>inai£^t ~«r Sirs. Sam Appelman gnd_dauphter, •party at^the Highband Country We ccniry DTGT "0.000 BijiniTe leet Tlorence, .and Miss laarian Benowitz, I " . ' -Souttrwest ^Corner o , -. ISIisB" HOHB ITxaiinkin .a£ -Milwaukee,. -of C^dEn|"TJtan,-wboias-bEenyisitnis- l^'is.J'is visifinjfTiere with""her ^sisteTT; _Elevepth and Douglas Streets Phmtfe: JAckson 2724 •Mrs. Appelman, -left TuesHiiy lor "Xan- ~MT5.J0t. B.'.Gross. jMiss JFYomkhi is on , OMAHA, 3SEBS. saB City to attend the weddins afiTSIiss Selma Sails ±0 ISx. George S l 5 3fcE3§:LticiIte GdlHenberE^ntertabted I ^ . snd Mrs. iSam Uobinsmrtare-leav-~,ytj:r.Tr eight guests rat_a one o'clock -hmebeon T lace TOst'TTuSafly |"^ltowfid-by a -party- at t h e -which - ZLssfcer Seeger o l Sioux .City, "Mrs. X"'Hulakofsky left Tuesday for Iowa, "sehp Jias been -visiting -with ber Chicago- -wBere -shs- aarill attend parents ., ZMr. and IHrs. ^B. Grossman, graduation "of *£er" daughter, 3eft-ior"hsc bnme "Wednesday. ^ of _Zion v?ill entertain Igst of a. series DI xani jparties Tuesday; June 28-at •ihe -Jevpsh Community Center. iHosiessEB ffor thJE mSair ^will be the IMes: !3fL 3Fns, 33. Debrogb, and J. -Everyone i s invited ±0 attend.


J3x. ^nd 3Irs. 3ttorri? Cobn ,tarne3 a t a dinner :at 'their "bonje •ggy BVi^img "in "iinnor of their ^silver. -;j| -wedding

niag? -in IJ.IL xnountniss, ct thip -aeEshnre . . . atlifre comrby -club , . . thr.t err COXSPICITOTJSET SBtSST . . . trtfh .iubr.t flcrcE: bcrttrarrtrcics. plccts, lajcp •yesfcaBs, crics. -tier? . . nd El-Djrre* loirr • • • short. ,"\>€8",3Xot - . , I',, is not crJy the 1*TAT -"±07^ -ase jnattt' , * .. ,bttt -of rrt Tirwes they asre mot rfcbe 3TSAT tenTI 01

at C^mp p Monris Levy LAKE «JHles\Nnr£hh


I Jrily ffitr Soys



32rs. "William .Joffe rare TUJW a t home 3.43 .UnifcE Danrt. 3ELrs. -Joife -was jifl Ginsberg.' "j 111 othnltz v£ 1,-os |gj Calif., is t h e -gnest nf Hits. l =1 ,, -EQitsin, jfitrs. 1. Hlosnnthal. |'pto rplaiis ±D spend t h e Hum- j Hi

dirnsr, thectsr. "tea. ifflxciiBtni, out<ioar -partie?", . -. foi»

oclis for brie'

. Enroll Now at Jewish.











' (©. Doubloday, Pago & Co.)


EEP tn the maze of offices, old John St. Clair sat and panted , —old, withered, bloodless John V i St. Clnir. Outside, the offices 1! - of, St. Clair & Co. hummed' busily. it Telephones, shrilled, office boys raced madly, typewriters leaped and rattled; citizens of the United States, displayIns; large .white waistcoats and diamonds, conversed earnestly with other such citizens/behind brass railings, and became bulls or bears on - *1 tbe spot; vast sums of money were being, handled—on paper,' railroads .and small . Investors - were being bought and.sold; stocks .were being watered, bricks gilded. And.captains of commerce" were coming with cringing knees to borrow 'old St. Clair's gold, though' wrdows and orphans never got past the first office boy. But here, in this Inner-office, where old St. Clair sut like a money-spider In its. web. It was still—very still • and suddenly very lonely. A minute ago old St. Clair had been a little Mug, despotically 'ruling his kingdom by might of gold. Now he was only a frightened old man. For his busy brain, spinning endless weba of financial Intrigue and piracy, had limped, all at once, whiFled, all but stopped. Faster than the flood of wealth rolled In, the sands of life seemed running out. Tottering, staggering1, almost whimpering, old John.St Clair got up suddenly and ivalked weakly back and forth. Every day .It was more effort to get up and^nress; every night there • was less strength in his weary body to' face insomnia—insomnia where yesterday's door he had shut so.long ago and locked, would open. And now this! This loneliness, tins fright! Abd the doctor telling him today "that he* couldn't'do a tiling for him, with "' all his money. Saying he'd played the siinie. too hard and he'd have to pay Nature a heavy interest now. Abruptly, old John St. Clair cackled and feebly doubled a bony fist Fools— doctors. And what had he answered? '•I need a tonic to give • me some backbone," he'd shouted. That's what he'd said. And the fool doctor bad to!d him: '' "Drop business. Get.outdoors—live, cat', sleep outdoors and .be happy. That's your tonic." Happy! Suddenly old John SL Chili- was panting again. He glimpsed Ihe futility of all he had. HI5 hard eyes \fere fe'at once more—fear and pain. "Happy'. Fat chance, if money wasn't being happy. If he dropped business and remembered and thought and yearned and fought It -all over ugnin, now that he was ojdr— "Oh, bosh!" panted old'.John St. Clair, stubbornly, sitting down at his ~ desk again,, dizzily taking up His pen, wildly trying to marshal his thoughts. It was the third time he had said, "Oh, 15of=h!" lately. And It -was once too often. The'next day the prime minister of John St. Clair's little kingdom, penetrating respectfully into the spider's quiet parlor, found the king" a crumpled, Insensible body in the chair of state. Terrible minute.? followed before the frail, yellow shell that held the nickering spirit of the great financier was .finally carried secretly up to the. great art museum where he lived —alone," and where he fought his bitter battle—alone. True, his money "bought plenty of hired hands and. science rand skill to keep the vital spark dickering in the worn old body, but • they alone, also, smoothed his pillows and bathed his face. >Jo living soul of kin' was there to care. And outside, the papers screamed with headlines detailing the money king's involuntary abdication, the market plunged like a mustang and there 'was much noise and confusion, but In .-that' bedroom It was still and very . Ipnely, as the office had been while days slid by in magnificent, solitary . defeat." ;-, Ong evening, out of oblivion, In the midst of his wealth, old "John St.- Clair suddenly asked for a. "piece." - .."Piece of what, sir?" >The nurse tn charge >yas a matter-of-fact young animal without imagination. . . ' - * "Bread" 'n.' butter," said old John Si. Pair, like a little child. - So, promptly, he had neat oblongs of bread, just the right size,'Just the right age, with just the proper amount of butter, from which he turned away , peevishly, , muttering , querulously, • keenly -disappointed. Presently, he yieptt .strange.- slow, hard tears. He •.said.he wanted .to go home'. ' Then, .. iaffer,. a" long, long' Unfe, he whispered about .bread and butter* again. Last 1 '<jf all be blurted, "Martby.J1.. . .


'-:• An.d ilfter, ttiat there, was no stopping: liinv , The art museum wasn't ;' phonfe.". - He. wouldn't stay. So one ~Jnj1iny> October, day a -gpeclai train crVpt slowly • through purple, pineclad''gorgefe "'of the Blue ftldge moun.tainS carrying "nurses, doctors, cam*"-irort8,'fcta5W*es aod a.,very "'weak and *'fretful John St. Clair.'. \ '. ' ' • < 17-Soft "rugs, easy chairs and luxuries '-jjfrom-tbe.* city gave, the rented sum• 'iner;. hotel da air of has'tpng occupancy • "tWd-*o'ulslaS;~were; gorgeous sunsets, ' .jcoinfortlng' hillsv-menow^sTuilIght'and : Isdented; sopthfag air, ; But Inside, ' h'it kfe **IH 9 n d tooejy *op o I a ^^ke-lar-passlve/as If sWtebbjfnly walt-

ff n *:.-

death—and dlda't"-come. His -hard eyes grew harder. Once he sad huskily : "I was born right over • that— ridge 'at—Turkey Run." And when tbe prettiest nurse smiled to hide her amazement, he added haltingly: "Marthy—£he lived—six miles up the— turnpike.,- Lordy, she' could—cook. And she'was pretty—as pretty as you —are—" he finished grudgingly. And while the prettiest nurse thoughtfully turned a ring on her third'finger she made'a mistake. "Was—Marthy the—the girl you— married?" she asked, softly. Such a sudden rage shook old John St. Clair it frightened her. He railed nt marriage and at fool women and at fool men until he lost his voice. But out of a little silence after he had stared into the past with wistfnlness back of his glare, he vouchsafed grumblingly. "I—got mad—I never . * . . came back after—she married—somebody else." » And after his sudden spurt of anger &id John St. Clair failed fast. He seemed to give up waiting and grew listless* until presently his brain drowsed in his fragile body and they knew, from the biggest to the littlest doctor, that there w.as only one thing left. The littlest doctor brought it In nest day—a huge mountaineer blacksmith with clear blue eyes of a girt. "Never sick a day In his life. Says he'll give the blood and never miss It," he announced. "Just examine him, will you?" But they didn't—much. Instead, they walked around him and whistled, marveling "that a man over fifty could have the smooth skin of youth and mighty muscles of maturity. The blacksmith looked a long, long time at the pinched, pallid face of old John St. Clair sleeping In his silent,

lonely room. •It's the rich, rich Mr.-St. Clair," the prettiest nurse whispered when he came out, and as the huge blacksmith nodded silently, wonderingly, she added briskly: "At nine in tho morning." So'the blacksmith went away, bent, up a steep, red-brown hill Into' a redgold sunset. And in going he walked very slowly. But it wasn't transfusion that cured old John St. Clair next day. It was respite. It was openinghis hard eyes to find yesterday's door wide open that he'd locked against.himself all the bitter,' money-making years—wide open and hiding nothing, after all, but happiness; it was opening them on a world suddenly full of human understanding and comfort, of light and tenderness; it was opening them .on a room no longer lonesome or still, on a self no longer mean or1 waiting for death or that other thing, or even waiting. For a "piece" was there and a bunch of mountain wild-flowers and a plump" woman named, Marthy, who smiled at bin and whose huge. husband, at the moment tie opened bis eyes, was nursing a bandaged arm and good-naturedly was wrangling with the. biggest doctor over moneymoney, he.wouldn't take. He began by saying It didn't matter what his name was, Pete would do. He ended by roughly pushing the doctor's hand away and saying, huskily: "Thanks, doc—why—aw, say—h—, doci don't! Why, he's my—own brother-—old John St. Clair Is!"

Modern Talkers Lack , Lightness of Touch Fine talking is a precious ,art enlisting several different sort of training, ii'ost of us are "too heavy on the snaffle," as the English say. We lack the ligHtness of touch that goes to make up successful conversation. How we do detest the parlor monologist who takes the floor and talks dismally for an hour about something we know nothing nnd care nothing about We hate him because we desire to take the floor and talk dismally about something quite different that other people care nothing about. " And there Is the blighted soul who persists in telling stories, says a writer in McNaughton's Monthly. True or otherwise. Tbe true ones are usually the saddest because they have no point at all. He is no worse than "the life of,the party" who asks everybody questions arid never "waits for an answer. And the bubblesome, laughing, uneasy soul who wants to know: **WelI, what let's do now?" The very fact -that sober persons after an ice-water dinner still persist In'. listening to speechmaking is a proof that we distrust conversation for anything except preaching or the transaction of affairs. The newest Inventions of mechanical pianos, phonographs and radios are really our confession of inability "to converse with any degree of mutual pleasure. None of them are so widely used for si-asonable entertainment In themselves as for tricks to keep the callers stirred up when they come In for an evening.

• ' Human Traits in Pigeons

seen astride the horsed at'OieAk SSi former Center star to take the 'first Ben track-but R. Austin is nothing train home. He did. else but a jockey and a Jew. The little fellow knows his stuff as t«- x iBy Stanlej F. Levin.. fied when he brought two winners Our friend,-Smiling Sammy Kauf- undor the wire Tuesday, his first day man, writes and tells us that all is on the -track. well with him but that he has no For the first time since the league liking for the very oppressive heat The Omaha Chapter of the A. Z.-A. got under way, the Psi Mu nine, who under which' he.and his mates must will meet their Des Moines brethren have always.been in possesion or toil. Often the thermometer flirts with in a game of baseball Wednesday tied for first place, were ousted from the high nineties and for a youth morning as one of the attractions of the top rung of the "ladder,-by losing raised in the coolness of Minnesota it the Fourth Annual A. Z. A. Conven- a 10-8 decision to the B'Nai Israel, is quite trying. Sammy has now won tion. The local ball shaggers lost a Sunday. Previous to this game the five games and lost .one and that one ten to five decision to the lowans two teams had been tied for first defeat was the result of nearly a when the latter met the former here place.„ • dozen errors by his mates, as Kauf- several weeks ago. Since then the t The victory was all the more man allowed the opposition only one Omaha men have decided that they precious, as the Psi Mu's had won earned run. Kaufman's batting aver- could master their conquorers in as the first game from the winners age is over'370 and his fielding aver- much as' the Des Moines nine lost its earlier in the season. age is excellent. He has played in four star twirler when Phi] Rubin injured The Psi Mu's led coming into the positions since coming to Fort Smith. his hand on a hard hit ground ball sixth inning, 6 to 3, when the B'Nai They are pitcher,, short stop, third which he tried to stop. Either Max Israels hammered pitcher Earl Sejbase and left field but the kid says Altshuler or Morris Reiss will do the gel's offerings to all corners of the that he is ' thru as anything but a hurling for Omaha, Joe Cohen will lot for four runs in this frame, and . pitcher. His control is "good and he catch. three more in the seventh inning, has a, world of stuff oh the ball. No after which he was derricked in favor onewoujd recognize him as,the same Sammy Kaufman was recalled by of Lohrman, who finished. chap "who last year "hurled for the Omaha Wednesday. Kaufman's' reThe pitching of Osterman, who Community Center team and the quest of Burch that he be recalled was fanned eight men in four innings, Omaha team in the Western League. answered by a telegram telBng the and the' hitting of S. Handler, who Sammy believes that he is capable of holding his own in the Western League and has written Barney Burch requesting that he be recalled for mound duty with the Buffaloes. Fort Smith is now leading their league (Western- Association) ^ by three games while Omaha is a game out of the cellar.


B'Nai Israel Leads Jewish Community Center League

Joe Turner reached the heights and the depths of fleeting fame the other nigh.1T when his ball team, the Pioneer Cords of the Metro Amateur League, lost a 4 to 2 battle to the MurphyDid-Its. of the same circuit. In the first inning Joe hit a singlt and later stole home to place the Pioneers in the lead 1 to 0. ,The fans applauded and Turner was the hero but his Waterloo was not far off. In the fourth inning the Murphys combined one hit, two fielders choices, a couple of walks and an error by Turner and produced four runs'and the victory. The former Central high school athlete and a member of the University of Illinois freshman ball club has garnered four hits out of nine trips to the plate which gives him an enviable average to date.

made four hits in as many times up, featured. The other game, between the B'nai Ami and the A. Z. A. was postponed on account of rain. Next Sunday the Psi Mu meet the B'Nai. Ami and the A. Z. A. who have yet. to win a game will play the B'Nai Israel in the opener. League Standings: Won Lost B'Nai Israel 4 1 r Psi Mu ..._ 3 2 : B'Nai Ami 2 2 A. Z. A. 0 4

Social Democrats of havinll allowed several hundred more upposed Fascist students to ente a rear gate, when another affray cci^e'i Fighting also took plac in tdie street. After the fight, the police 'picked up hundreds of sticks, brass knuckles and other weapons. ;' The University of Vienna i«»as closed as a result c£ the riots. ; -.

Siamese Use No Pofeket*

Siamese clothes have no packet* and watches attached to chains fcjdom art carried there. T


KOSHER Vienna.—(J. T. A.)—Eleven students were seriously injured, and scores of others badly beaten in riots which bro"ke out Friday at the University of Vienna. The trouble started during a lecture when a student shouted "Jews get out!" The Social Democratic students tried to >.ust the interrupters, whom they termed Fascist students, but found them armed with brass knuckles and iron-tippr 4 sticks. Rector Molish is accused by the


Complete Line of •'•',

Delicatessen, Smoked cMeats • and Fish •§ 1509 North 24th Street

"Quality Jewelers^ MALASHOCE JEWfLRY Wholesale and Retail ^ 213-16 City National Ban^Bldg. J A 5619 ::;;.,



emor line

Johnny Rosenblatt and Eube Feltman, both Metro League past-timers still top the gang with no errors in the field. Feltman has increased his batting average to a point where he m4y no longer be called a weak hitter while Johnny has dropped' in the willow'wielders log. The Community Center"League will resume its course this Sunday afternoon at Elmwood park when the four teams swing into action. Postponed games and rain' has wrought havoc with the League schedule but the clubs sponsoring the various nines will start at two o'clock promptly.


Seldom has a Jewish jockey been

The Copelman Candy Co Successors to^Jones Candy Co.

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A Six for today and tomorrow! ' Heir to everything good that yesterday knew—with refinements that are tried, vital a n d better. A rugged, dependable Six" that performs with genuine brilliance. Fashioned t o express great power, deep-seated comfort and lowswung steadiness at. high d

BRODKEY JEWELRY CO. Famous for Diamonds 30 Years of Hoarst Merchandise Is yonr Gnaranf<*e of a SQnarr Deal.

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The Copelman Candy Co. Candy-Fountain Goods — Supplies

Romance Chocolates

Nlghthawks and whippoorwiils work Phone JA. 3986—-918 Farcam St. chiefly at night, when most other birds a*s_off duty, and at daybreak their 'work is taken up by the swifts and swallows, says the New York World. You are rwelcome '- These, birds are provided with big at scoopnet mouth's, and as they swing through the air over wide areas of "country they, scoop up almost unbelievable numbers of Insects. •• Homing pigeons probably are closer to the human family than any other 5400 Center Street form of winged life. The birds have Phone Walnut 5936 remarkable Intelligence. - They mate In pairs, and the female "Famous for of each onion has exercised her right of suffrage to- the extent that the male Chicken Sandwiches" helps her la batching out the eggs and Dancing in rorizur for and-;feeding- the-soxias,'

Dorsey's Chicken Shack

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A brawny car, decoratively appointed, Distinguished. Quipc and impressively smooth at. all speeds Thrillingly'alert in traffic. Honestly built and honestly priced. ' A Six by Dodger Brothers!



O'BRIEN-DAVIS AUTO CO. Tcl Haniey Street at 28th - ATlanticO12S ^ South Omaha, 5014 South 24th St., TeL MArket 4111—Benson, 2912 North 61st St., Tel. WA 7515 Sales and Service Branches at Council Bluffs, la. Wahoo, Neb. Fremont, Neb. .


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