THIS By A.G. - -.Oh, come out to Nathan's lake -And -do not be so-week *Tis time that you were planning A long vacation week. The outdoor life Is healthy All the doctors say So do not be stealthy But come on out our way.
A false friend, like a shadow, attends only while the sun shines. -FRANKLIN
class mall matter on January 27th, 1021. at .«, Nebraska, under the Act cl Marcb 3, 1S78.
VOL. YL—No. 20
COMMEMORATE ZIONIST EXECUTIVE Believe it or not, but it wont be ANNTVERSARY OF WALTER AND JEWISH NAT. FUND long sow before the annual encampRATHENAU'S DEATH REASSURE HOLIDAYS ment gets under way at Nathan's lake. Berlin. (J.TJL)—The fifth anniJerusalem (J. T. A.)—Definite asAthletic, officials have finally comOpposition Group Headed by Eman-; in general is so essential a factor in versary of the death of Walter Rathesurances that measnres will be taken pleted what they conceive a satisNo Objection Raised to'the fulfillment of our highest aims, nau, the late German-Jewish statesto prevent the reoccurrence of . the uel Neumann; 1 factory schedule for outdoor enterBrandeis return, but His Proposed how much more essential a factor in man and Minister' of Foreign Affairs violation of Jewish holidays -were tainment. And what a layout they've Leadership Through Proxy Declared the fulfillment of our highest aims, who was assassinated by a German Quota Law Separating Families given by the Zionist Executive and gathered together. There will be Omahans Take Active Part in the administration of the Jewish.] Insufficient; Iipsky, in Presidential ji 0W mu<& more essential is it in our anti-Semite, was commemorated on Gets Share of Blame "i swimming, baseball, gymnastics and B'nai B'rith Circles i Message, Takes Exception to Placing Q-wn ranks? We require all our ener- Friday, June 24th, National Fund. many other activities that are sure Z i i t Movement M t Ud " T t lg ' ' g ^ f the accomplishment of the Memorial meetings were held at issued in'' Zionist Under "Tutelage The statements were or were issued in j to meet with approval. CONVENTION TO BE d f R i i in | stupendous task before us. For this several places and a guard of honor IMMIGRATION CAUSE reply to protests voiced a t ' public j EmphasizesNeed of Reorganization OF CONDITION "The gang is in for a peach of a HELD TN DETROIT meetings held in Jerusalem and Tel-! New York, London, Jerusalem; De- reason we hope that the remarkaHe was placed at his grave. ; tame," said Ed Burdidc And from Aviv under the auspices of the Miz-! mands Tast of Fixing Zionist Budget demonstration of confidence and loyLondon (J. T. A.)—A deplorable Omaha delegates for the B'nai rachi Orthodox Zionist organization. Be Removed from Zionist appearances it looks as though smilto Z i i t Congress C t y that m a r k e d the recent celebracondition existing in ciurtain sections ing Ed had reasons for making the B'rith convention will leave Saturday Executive; Iipsky Elected Convention tion o f your president's (Ixmis lip-. of the Jewish population in Eastern evening for Detroit, Michigan, where statement* 1 Chairman; Impression Created by' Efcy»s) 50th birthday, and of his coraEurope was traced to the rigid enthey will attend the annual conven\ Felix M. Warburg's Message Urging! potion of twenty-five years' devoted From the sunny old south comes tion of District No. 6, I.O.B3. The forcement of the United States immi1 cause, will be renewed Unity Zionist Banks; 756 Delegates sservice e r v ice to our cause gration laws, which brought about Jarvis FreiOea of El Paso Texas, Convention begins July V and will Present at Opening Session. on the occassion of your convention. A season of health and happiness is who is in Omaha -waiting friends. d o s e o n t h e the separation of families at En inWith him as your leader you have promised to all those who have signed With his smiling countenance covered The Detroit B'nai B'rith lodge has Honor Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Gerson. Atlantic City, New Jersey, June 27 j gained your present commanding posi- tip for Camp Morris Lery. The Camp ternational conference of Jewish orwith an enviable coat of tan, Freiden planned a number of social functions —(J. D. B.)—With serious problems j tion in our movement and under his will open on Tuesday, July 5, and will ganisations to combat white slave resembled & .battle-scarred warrior for the delegates andtheir wives and More than three hundred people confronting the Zionist movement the continued guidance you will assuredly continue during the month of July traffic, in session here. just oS the -links. Yes, he's here for the many visitors who attend the attended the public reception Sunday j The sanctity of the Jewish home, 6 r l d o v e r j particularly affecting t h e ; b e a b i e to render still more valuable fer boys and August for girls. ten days and he avers he's going to convention. The Omahans who ara evening at -the Jewish Community wsituation which has for centuries been the The cottages look spic and span— in Palestine, and emphasizing; contributions to the return of Eretz distinct characteristic of Jewish life, tae whoop up the old town. • leaving are: Mr. and Mrs.-Harry H. Center building given in honor of the;j the urgent need of reorganization in', Israel," Dr. Weizmann's message read. the lake is very inviting—the food is is no longer a dominant factor, Mine. The Misses Hayken and Potash, Lapidus, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Leon, first anniversary of the opening °^ j the American organization, the annual jn u s message, g , Dr. Weizrnann, re- going to be better than ever! There Teplicka of Lodz, Poland, declared in O i t i of the Center office regime, surprised Mr. and Mrs, Irvin Stalmaster, Mr. the new Jewish Community Center, convention of the Zionist Organization viewing the present condition in Pales- will be lots cf swimming and boat- her Teport. Many Jewish women have Mr. Samuel Gerson, superintendent, and Mrs. Sam Beber, Messrs. Henry and for Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Gerson of America, marking the 30th anni-1 tine and in Zionism, referred to ing. recently married. During rainy weather, if we have become victims of white slave traffic y, Harry ry A.Wolf, Joe L.Wolf, L.Wolf,\ yiho who returned recently with his ever Monsky, versary of its existence, went into ses- j mistakes that have been made. do to the post-war impoverishment M Harry Malashocfe, andLF.Goodman. The affair was arranged by the sion* late Sunday afternoon at the j «jt is true, we have made mistakes, any, the Recreation Building will be of the masses, Mme. Teplicka stated. blushing wife. The girls decorated H but let • us learn the lessons of past used for indoor programs such as Mae. Teplicka also blamed the United the private office of the executive In past years Omahans have taken 1 ^tertainnwn*- committee with Sam Chelsea Hotel here. with all the pomp and ceremony of an active p a r t i n the District B'nai B e b e r c*1*15*111^ °* the evening. The Seven hundred and fifty six dele- experience, let us but amend our mis- stunts, vaudeville nights, boxing States quota law which prevented a,royal dignitary. That's what you B'rith circles, both Henry Monsky! s P e a k e r s o f *>» evening were Harry gates, representing numerous Zionist takes and multiply our efforts, and we bouts, entertainments and plays. Beg- thousands of women from joining call loyalty and I don't mean perhaps. and Sam Leon have lieeh presidents 1 S . , ^ a p i d a s - p r e d d e n t o f ^ C ? n t e r ; districts and regions, as well as con-; need not have any doubt whatsoever ular Friday night services will be con- their husbands. of the district, and Henry Monsky is •William L. Holzman, president of the] tributors to the United Palestine Ap-' that Eretz Israel will fulfill all our ducted. There isn't going to be a dull Dr. Lubinsky of Kovno reported moment throughout the entire season, "Joe Levey, Mng of the handball now a member of the executive com- Jewish Welfare Federation; Dr. peal and Hadassah, the Women's bopes." p that du« to the terrible economic according to the camp committee. If A i were; court, is practicing T>eing a tennis mittee and Ipresent chairman of the Philip Sher, and Harry A. Wolf. Zionist Organization off America, interest of the delegates in the you haven't already registered, be crisis prevailing in Lithuania, prosti-* g g Members of the Center and friends wizard, according to his friends, who B'nai B'rith Widerscope Campaign. b 427 27 reorganization question and the posin attendance. Of this number sure to come down to the Jewish Com- tution has increased. Of the 1200 recently hare seen "him send the white At the present time members of( of Mr. and Mrs. Gerson surprised the j ^presented --*• • Zionist districts, 258 riMe I e h m i flf - J n s t i c e Brandeis to munity Center any time, morning, prostitutes registered in Kovno, 241 spheres whizzing over the " out- the district ara planning on electine-' CCmple S a t u r d a y morning at the Hadassah, 24 the Order Sons of Zion zaonist leadership was intensified are Jewish, he stated. stretched .net. And to top it off, an Omahan to the" vice-presidency o f i d e p o t o n ^ ^ a r r i v a l ;*n>m--their} ^ d 37 representing United Palestine w l i e n a c t i t m along these lines was afternoon, or evening. Mme. Blaiikstein of Vilna urged a The following supplies will be needLevey came out victorious in bis first the district. "_•' wedding trip with a gift, a Chevrolet Appeal contributors who were given ^ken by the leaders of the Hadassah program to provide farm and trade match in the men's tennis tourney. representation by special invitation of, c c m v e n ti O n which sessionh^re! ed b ^ fee b o y s g o ! n e t o C a m p : , schools for Jewish girls. The speaker A fun report of the election of c o n p e * the administration. ; '.for several days. Interest centered j' blanket, 1 tooth brash, a tube of tootn traced the deplorable condition to the Sammy Kaufman, asked Wednes- officers of the District will be -carried paste, a comb and brush, wash cloth Interest in the problems facing the' around the text of a letter which next issue of The Jewish Turkish towel, 1 bar soap, a bath- change of political frontiers, the day by Ed Burdick, Dave Chesno and Zionist movement was in evidence n o t made public but had been ad- 1 Press. ing suit, pair of old shoes, 1 pair of P^roxns, the mass emigration, the Tohnny Rosenblatt, how he liked the among the delegates to •* rauch great- • Pressed by Justice Brandeis to Mr. separation of families, the condition weather down - south, said: * 'Just extent than that observed in prev- J a c o b d e ' H a a s , formerly Executive overalls aaa sn old coat or sweater. of "man -without a country" in which er If you have a flash light, bring it ieetle bit -TOO hot." Budapest (J. T. A.)—Laszlo Van- ious" years, .... . due to the fact that the Secretary. of. . the . . . _Zionist _ _ . Organization many find themselves, the shortRge of nay, Hungarian anti-Semite, who re^ j opening session and the "week-end days of America, prior to the Cleveland con- along also. stervsCouyention life- evidently agrees Through courtesy of Sol Lewis housing, the unemployment, cently_startled.European sstHSemitie! the fmrnai;cpaiing«. ; massed;TO%, _•fa.ffai%J[pHgT-Tnatw; •Ritmti*nv and ; the • aspic1 changei? la tftfe wift^..:»ombeT_af.Kthe' younger set Music, ^ Shop, a "loudspeaker r&dio set drcles by obtaining $3,000 from Hen- J under the spell of echoes of the Cleve-' &£s expressed his readiness to lend social structure- of the Jewish popuwho xecerifty journeyed to Des the recreation lation in Eastern Europe, vlien the ry Ford for his anti-Jewish work, was. land Zionists convention which ush- 1,55 moral and financial. aid to the will be installed fiSoines, Iowa, t o attend the annual building of Camp Morris Levy. The tried by in a new period in the history of American Zionist. Organization, class is rapidly disappeary the State Court here for his ^red ^ p g , as j *installation expense is being defrayed Luftmensch round-up of the Aleph Zadek Aleph. p p in the ing1. participation in the attack on the life jj American Zionism, since the split with ^eU a s to take an active part Those girls making the jaunt were: Flyers Receive Honors in Budapest p of-Wilhelm Vaszonyi, late Hungarian j the Brandeis group occurred. Al- affairs of the Organization, at such by the Council of Jewish Women. d Al The conference cheered the report LQiyan Hayken, Naomi Cohen, Miri ! though no official pronouncement was time as would not interfere with his Jewish statesman. of Babbi Hyamson of New York who am Martin, Ida Tenenbaum and • "Vienna, June 23.—•(J.-T. AO—Satisfaction was expressed ioday in leading Yannay was tried .together with made to that effect, reports circulated jadical duties. This participation was Stated that there was no prostitution Teanette Levinson. Jewish circles, at the text of a con- FranzVMolnar for responsibility in the by leaders" of a recently formed op-'to be forthcoming only if certain cotiin "New York because of the favorMany Omahans ^are planning tc gratulatory message despatched by attack on the late Wilhelm Vaszonyi -positional group, gave the impression: aitions were met. The nature of these able economic conditions. journey down to Lincoln to witness President HainiscV to President Cool- on'February 16, 1926. Vaszonyi died! to the delegates that a return of; conditions were not specified by the Claude Montefiore, the distinguishthe annual, A. A. U. track tourney. idge, in connection with the trans-At- June 1, 1926 of injuries received in Louis D. Brandeis, Associate Justice; sponsors of the movement, but it was _ ed English Jew and president of the , I T 3 TUT j , of the United States Supreme - Court, learned that it would involre a general Tournaments onSu^ay and Monday Some of the nationally known stars lantic flight of Clarence D. Chamberlin the assault on him. of London, Vannay was fined only 48 pengo. was an immediate possibility, provided change of personnel in the administraand Charles A. Levine. will be . gathered in the various commenting upon the reports which A series of golf activities will be | In his message, President Hainisch Momar was sentenced to 3 days im-, that certain conditions are met. These tion of the Zionist Organization and sports events. • the conference, stated emphasized the equal role of Charles prisonment and a fine of .15 pengo. reports gave rise to heated discussion also Tcall for an interrefrntsm held at the Highland Country Club;| traffickers do cot beA. Sherman, of St. Paul, Minn., A. Levine in the historic flight, to the The' which found expression in lobby con-; period. According to this proposal during to the Jewish religion, yet it is who is 93 years of age, recently made glory of America. .ay versations in Caucasus called by groups-the present Zionist convention would meda-y COMMUNISTS CAMPAIGN v,e! impossible to hide the facts and shirk the trip to Omaha to attend the Despatches from Budapest relate! committee. Prizes will of delegates, who were adherents n o t elect an administration for the AGAINST CHALUTZIM the responsibility. It is quite natural marriage of his granddaughter, Miss t i e details of the rousing reception to the winners. COLONIES IN CRIMA' either of the administration or of the forthcoming year but rather a comrristhat the years of misery and persecuJeanette Sherman, to Leo Milder. given to the American flyers. Duringi theJ past more tion have produced some scoundrels, : ! oppositional group. The group was 5 ^ of ten or fifteen to be composed J , .week-end _i_: ,-««4.«J Twas a gala day at the ceremony, Levine and Chamberlin were re- Riga.—(J. T. A.)—A campaign sa}<j to be headed by Emanuel Neu- o f men who are to be approve:! by( than one hundred golfers participated j , ^ , for the oldtimer pepped up the crowd ceived yesterday^ by Admiral Horthy, against the agricultural communities mann, Executive Chairman of the justice j a s tice Brandeis, to bring about the the;• m the match plays at Dr. Joseph H. Hertz, Chief with lots of pep. Regent of Hungary, and Count Beth- founded in the Crimea by the ChalPalestine Appeal, and member reorganization of the organization and' Club. Plans are now being made by of Great Britain, in speaking on the committee utzim, pioneers who plan to go to 0-f the Administrative Committee of ,to institute such policies "as would the me gou H P M ^ for x - the " - . club . , j question, declared that white slave len, Prime Minister. championship tournament which will traffic is rfirtwir WiaVtmVh. Dr. Meyer Beber President In an interview with representatives Palestine, has been started in the the Zionist Organization of America, j remedy the situation in Palestine. not a distinctly Jewish probSoviet press. . j It was stated that a month ago, it was learned that the leaders of be held in August. Of Local Lodge o f Jewish newspapers, Charles A. lem, but a social question affecting An attempt to freeze out-the Cal- -jir. Neumann submitted his resigna- the Hadassah Organization, while not "We are expecting a large number all hamanity. Dr. Meyer Beber was unanimously Levine stated that. he keeps .aloof utzim from the colonies is being made tion from the Administrative Commit- * in favor of ousting the Iipsky adminof the members and their families al from general as well as Jewish poliMrs. Henry Moskowitz of Newtion from the Ad g p elected president of the local B'nai tics. He feels," however, great symby Communists who have joined the! tee due to differences which had arisen ; istration in toto, was in favor of the the Club on July 4," said Abe Herz- York described the work of th« B'rith lodge at the semi-annual elecCouncil of Jewish Wotnen sntt proud* pathy for the Palestine upbuilding i colonies. In Tel Chai, one ;t>f the between him and the Committee, j proposal of a provisional commission berg, president of the club. tion held last Thursday. leading Chamtzim colonies ,in the others who were identified with the -with the participation of Justice Branwork. "I am proud of the Jewish parly declared-that New York is perhaps The regular Wednesday • -evening Maurice Micklm was elected vicewere Israel Goldberg, Pub- deis. Nevertheless, the Hadassah con- socials are held under the auspices the cleanest city in the world. ticipation in the progress of mankind Crimea, strife developed between the opposition __ president; Isadore Abramson, secre- and in the present day efforts to Communists 'and the Calutzim when li^ty Director of the United Palestine vention took no direct action on this of the ladies committee headed by tary; Harry Freidman, treasurer; further the cause of aviation. one of the Communist .members was; Appeal and Morris Zeldin, New York; question. The matter -was disposed Sirs. Cora Wolf. Card games will be • William Levey, guardian; Harry ANTI-SEMITIC PRESS IN excluded. The Communist members! (Erector of the United Palestine Ap- '• of by a resolution which gives the played every Wednesday evening. Robinson, warden; Herbert GoldPOLAND PROTECTS AGAINST then declared a hunger strike the . p e a i. it appeared that discussions i Hadassah delegates free hand in votstein, Jack Marer, Simon Pizer, HUNGABIAN GOVERNMENT LEVINE INYITATIOK •,__..-!. __-. ^_ caused by the opposition would lead;ing on the subject at-the general EOTHSCHILD Soviet press reports. caused by pp trustees. IGNORES APPEAL AGAINST TO MAKE p,0OO,Q0O LOAN to*a marked division in the ranks of j Zionist convention. The installation of the newly NUMERUS CLAUSUS SPORT ORGANIZATION URGES Warsaw.—(J. T. A.)—DissatisfacTo BERLIN the Zionist membership. f The proposal was heatedly discussed tion with the move of the Polish govelected officers will be held on July BOYCOTT OF FLIERS' RECEPTION A calming influence in this direction | in the administration camp. At a Budapest (J. T. A.)—An appeal to 14th. was the message received by the con- j meeting of the Committee held Sun- Berlin (J. T. A.)—Negotiations for ernment in inviting Charles A. LevhiB Vienna. (J. T. A.) No specifically vention from Mr. Felix M. Warburg, day morning the subject was thorugh- a £5,000,000 loan for the City of and Clarence D. Chamberlain to fly the Hungarian government that it T h e T . M. H. A. conducted a road take the initiative in abolishing the Jewish function in honor of Charles banker and philanthropist, Chairman >; ly discussed. It was leameu that Berlin were started by the municipal j to Warsaw is expressed by the Polish anti-Semitic newspapers. The newsrun from New Rochelle to Philadel- numerus clausus was made by Babbi A. Levine will be given here upon o f j ^ ^ ^ 3eydsh j o m t Distri- j although no objections were raised authorities. papers argue that Levire is "an enLoew in the Hungarian Senate at the fliers* arrival. phia. More than 200 runners took button Committee, who recently re-j against the reentry of Justice BranIt was learned that the loan is to necessary ballast and the sound ©f KSa part, each man covering half a mile. Friday's session. It was learned that the plans f or' ^ r n e a f r o m P a l e s 4 i e where he visited dels to active inh the i Zion- be floated through London House of ti l leadership d h name is not agreeable to the Polish - - was expressed Rothschild, The run was in commemoration of the - I t is the moral duty of the govern- a banquet in honor of the fliers was of the members of the Joint t ist movement, doubt population. ment to take the initiative in this Sesquicentennial of the adoption of Palestine Survey Commission of the \ whether Justice Brandeis would find it * * * consolidation of Vienna on the advice of the Berthe American flag. Mush Finnerman, matter as part of the message of Mr.! possible to resume active leadership. Vienna (J. T. A.)—A sensations! The correspondent of the Jewish : . ,., former Dartmouth track star ran the problem, the senator urged. The ap- lin Kehiflah. The only specifically^ It txras also argued that a leadership report published by the Vienna news- Telegraphic Agency learns that the warDurg, wiucn last half mile and carried greetings peal of Babbi Loew brought no reply Jewish manifestation which wiU take long by proxy, would not meet the needs of paper "Abend" relates that Charles government wiD pay no attention to ovation, read as follows: the anti-Semitic press and that Levine from the government bench. place will be the presentation by the Erom all the mayors along the route. . "Regretting my inability to be pre- the hour. A. Levine conferred with the-Roth- and Chamberlain • will arrive in Wto«Hakoah of a flag and an address of Kanrich Breaks Record sent, I hope that your meeting will re- The convention was formally opened schild bank here concerning financial saw on June 18. welcome. Nathan Kanrich was mentioned in JEWS ELECTED TO sult in a united effort to all interested | at 3 P. M. at the Chelsea HoteL Fol- report for trans-Atlantic air travel. The Austrian German sport associ- in the building of Palestine to furnish lowing greetings of the.representative It was stated that support is to come these columns last week as the latest WARSAW CITY GOVERNMENT ation, Tumbund, issued a manifesto the people entrusted with your esecu- j of the local Zionist Committee, sad by through the cooperation of Angloaddition to the1 Jewish track stars. He FEDERATION ENABLES has proven this fact beyond any Warsaw (J. T. A.)-~Recognition of to its members, urging that it boy- tive duties at Jerusalem with the Mr. Persky, City Counsellor of Atlan- American banking firms. UNIVERSITY TO REESTABLISH question by breaking the record for the Jewish representatives in the cott the receptions in' honor of the financial and moral backing they need. tic City, in behalf of the Mayor, Mr. CHAIR FOE KABBINICS .he discus throw in the Senior Metro- Warsaw City Council was a feature American fliers. The manifesto states No persona] preference per- Iipsky delivered the President's mes- COMMUTES SENTENCE politan Championship. The Jewish of the constitution of the Council. that the reasons for boycotting the mitted to endanger the situation which sage. OF JEWISH WORKER Berlin {J. T. A.>—Tho Chair fo* ' joy hurled the discus a distance of Jaworowski, representative of the filers are first, the attitude of the is serious enough as it is. Dr. Weiz- In his message the President ©f the at the ITiuverBity of GSeasSn 141 feet 2 inches. The old Tecord was Polish Socialistic Party, was elected United States during the world war mann is sacrificing his time and I am Zionist Organisation of America took Sovno (J. T. A.)—The death will be reestablished soon, as ft result 140 feet &% inches made in 1920. mayor of the City of Warsaw. Mr. and secondly, because of the fact afraid his health in the cause and his vigorous exception to the efforts of sentence of Henech' Sepslowitch was of efforts made by Prussian, Jewish that Chamberlin took along with him self-sacrificing efforts ought to be supthose who would place the Zionist commutted to, imprisonment for 2© leaden. j Phis feat makes him certain of a Meisel, a Jewish councillor, was elect- a Jew as companion. ported with unanimous enthusiasm. movement under what ise termed to be years. jlace on the team that wSl go to ed vice-president. Two of the secreThe Federation of Prussian Jewish Best wishes." Uacoln, Nebraska, for the United taries are Jews, Mr. Hindes, repSegalowitch WEE sentenced to death Communities decided to place a fund a "tutelage." He emphasised the need States Championship. The 16 yound resenting the Jewish National bloc It becomes no man to nurse despair, Similar was the effect of messages on the charge of '^Communism".. the teeth of clench'd antogon- of Dr. Chaim Weizmann and Judge of reorganization of' Zionist forces, Clemency was granted by the litha- at the disposal of the University ihot-put event was won by Dave Adle- and G. Zybert, of the Jewish labor But in isms both in the United States, in London which will enable the party Bui«l -Man of Georgetown. president. (Continued from page 2.) of the chai* To follow up the worthiest tOl he die. Otto A. Eosalsky. "If peace in Jewry
Brandeis' Readiness to Return to Partkipatioi m Zionist : .Affairs Crates Excitement at Atkstk City Convention
Imahans Leave to AtteedAimiialLOM District Convention
Many Attend Public Reception at Center Sunday Evening
Vannay, Ford's Protege, Femd Guilty o! Assault on Statesman
Austrian President . iaysjaphasls sm
teams ©fWMte Sa?e Traffic
THE JEWISH PRESS Pnbjlifted aver? Thursday at Omaha. Nebraska, pr THE JEWISH PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY -Office:-490 Brandeia Theatre Building — Telephone: ATlantic 1450. NATHAN E. GREEN, ilanager.
Jewish Sport Notes
scattered brrfcon tr! ind if a fried'v vnrnec! me \ M> -.I'
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the rorrt hntl n o t tiaO had u bvoken Howard; .,-> -Line: the
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Zaralcov of Harvard 'lO'iffvolcnt tramp." willing and plans went ahead for a 1927 Izzy Zarakov, captain of the HarThai's r.ll : ex cent Hint Gcorso, like big boxing carnival. Goldstein and -$2.50. Subscription Price, one year Howard, had ITKO!V"(1 il:nt Hint Uitrht vard baseball team, ended his days Terris were booked and the show was —Friday, Ju]y 1 Gosh Chodesh Tammuz .Advertising rates furnished on application. 'lie gaino s!:nu!'1 bo CVVHIPCI—;nul late as an athlete for the dear old Crim- widely advertised. A gate of over » . , Sunday, July 17 Fast of Tammuz _ played into Ms hand. He v.ns sealed CHANGE! OF ADDRESS—Please give botb tbe old sod new addrefii: son in a manner that even outdoes $20,000 was expected. A few days ....Saturday, July 30 Rosh Chodesh Ab beside TCihel at ilip il:m:pr table: he -be enre apd EIVB yont name. the popular hero of fiction, Prank before the fight Terris announced that „_. Sunday, August 7 .Fast of Ab proposed to Uor iifHru] liis napkin at Monday, August 29 Rosh Chodesh Ellul the scrap and WJIS aofopted at dessert. The Jewish'Press-is supplied by the Jewish Telegraphic Agency .(Jewish Merriwell. If you can still remember he had "hurted" his hand and could Correspondence Bureau) with cabled and telegraphic Jewish news, (n addition your history -you will recall that not fight. A substitute was procured. If Tntvcrs should wcv rhp.nv.c to cross to feature articles and correspondences from all important Jewish centers. Frank was always ready to do or die Then "comeback Euby" walked out on the path of SvntTord again he Inquiries regarding news items credited to this Agency will be gladly and in all instances managed to do. the party. The show went on anyway is siirc of an abundant hirt-pss. If he . answered if addressed to Jewish Telegraphic Agency, 621 Broadway. New ever crosses the path of I-Iovard BurOur Izzi is not far behind. In the and resulted in a failure. Levine was York City. -. j he eaw the lights of an automobileligame he is sure of sometihng not annual Harvard-Yale baseball game called upon to make up the deficit I appear out of the gateway he. had so pleasant. the score stood 5-4, in the ninth in- .and he did it to the tune of $15,000. been told to vratch. Quickly he scat£ HENRY EORD AND GEORGE WASHINGTON: ning, one man on base, two out, and The boxing commission investigated tered the broken glass. ( :> AN INCONGRUITY Yale leading. Enter Izzy the hero. and found that Terris was in perfect A sudden thought occurred to him. He had honestly earned his two dol, "' The headline writer on "McCall's Magazine" takes privileges Modestly but firmly he stood at the condition to fight, the same with By H. IRVING KING lars by scattering the glass, Perhaps j Restaurant Man Warned / with Ida M. Tarbell's article on Henry Ford in the July issue. plate and watched one ball go by, Ruby. Both were suspended for four j he might earn two more by prevent- ! "Tonkey," doorman nt the Palao* then the Yale pitcher wound up-crack months but the foot clinic was the ing the approaching car from sulter- tlieatpr, is perfectly normal on <<onie He links the automobile manufacturer with Washington, Jef- and the ball sailed far out beyond the real sufferer. Happily it can be 6aid (CouyriKht.) ing from the effects of the aforesaid subjects—a majority, in furl—but he ferson and Lincoln as the typical American of today, even as reach of the youfilders. Izzy raced that despite the action of two of our "EfTHEL CRANSTOUN had among .scattering. He sprang into the road. has a perfect obsession on the questhese three heroes were in their day. The article itself fails to around the bases and won the game. most noted pugs the hospital is being •*"' her many admirers two who stood waved liis arms and shouted. The tion of Mike Genora's famous coruedat the top of the llst^-George Staf- headlights shone upon him; the ma- beef-rmd-ealibace. G^nnrn, burned out reveal any such estimate of Mr. Ford in the words of the author. What a grand finale! His teammates built and will soon open. Charles! ford and Howard Burlingame. In hei stopped and a man sprang out in the Capitol hotel firf, is reopening Miss Tarbelljs too experienced and faithful a cronicler to submit caught hold of him as he crossed the Levine never Kicked. Is is .arty wonder s e c r e t h e a r t G e o r g e w a s tte O ne Man. chine saying angrily: "What's all this—a soon in tbe old Carl Tiies store—Qfl plate and carried him off the field to that the public does not support boxGeorge was pretty -slow, for instead holdup?" estimate of Henry Ford to the American people. She the tune of the cheers of ten thou- ing? soon as redecoration is completed. of boldly proposing he beat about the " 'Tain't no holdup," explained TatSaturday "Tonkey" met "Mike" on stilljpraises his minimum wage scale which, it must be recorded,sand rabid roosters. bush and procrastinated; he feared "it's only a warnin*. I see a the street. is flayed unmercifully by an investigator in "The Christian Harvard loses one of its best ath- Joey Knapp wanted a college edu- his fate too much to put it to the test. ters; feller come along in a flivver just "I/.ssen, ?' old buzzard," murmured cation but he did not have any money. The two men began to watch each now and scatter glass in the road Tonkey in sweetest tones. "If yoa Century." According to these articles, Mr. Ford is anything letes in Zarakov. He won his letter Such a situation has confronted many closely and it came to pass that there, and I was afraid yotfd git a don't get your dang old chow dump but a model employer. The social agencies in Detroit are being in football, baseball and hockey. Last of us but Joey solved the problem by other whenever Ethel and Howard -were, by puncture." | opened up soon, artel cook some corned year -the cup for baseball was presdriven hard ,to deal with the problems raised by the conditions ented to him. Zarakov is the son ofJ using his hands instead of his head. any chance, together at dinner, dance The man took an electric torch j beef and cabbage, rcy lovely disposiprevailing among the 40,000 Ford employees. Likewise, ina tailor of Cambridge. He worked He thought that if he could use his or what not, there, also close along- out of the machine and examined the ' tion is gonna be rtilnefl. G. B. & O. would be George. And George road. "Glass enough to puncture all the first (lay, kid, or I'm gonna da "Harper's Magazine" for June an article by Rainsford Strague his way through college as an as-hands to make the education possible side, could not talk five minutes with Ethel the tires in Jericho," he snapped, and some Black Xlnr.d for a certain Italhe would be able to use his head to" ad to , entitled "Confessions of a Ford Dealer" explains the pressure sistant to his father. ian I know."—Houston Post. j called to his chauffeur, "William, get it. The prize ring was the medium! without the "butting In" of Howard, brought to bear by the .central sealing organization of the Fliwer Zitenfield Twins Coming to Town struck \ \ ww oo nn ll dd nn oo tt *°r *°r «n «n Instant Instant breathe breathe break off one of those branches and upon a and struck upon d needless e d l to t say Joey J, \ I the name of Polly Psaehem In the help sweep the stnf? out of the way." and the .methods which, if practiced by a Sapiro, would This column's favorite thirteen year is making enough money to go twin channel swimmers are once through four or five colleges. He isjsame atmosphere as that of Ethel He pressed Tatters into the service, Ctanstoun—yet Ethel was about In afford .the "Dearborn Independent" an opportunity for more old the three of them soon had a clear again on the first page of the news- a Junior at City College during thej the same frame of mind as Mr, Gay's and surface. foolish articles. 1 papers. The story goes that the girls day and at night is a welter-weight heroine when she sang, "How happy "It ought to be worth two dollars," Mr/Ford, though reputed to be the richest man in the world, accompanied by Papa, Mama, and just boxer. His ring record consists of could I be with, either were t'other casually remarked Tatters, "the is .certainly not a. philanthropist in any sense of the word. He a few press agents were crossing the thirty fights all but one resulting in dear charmer away." warnin' and the •work." "Oh, I gee! a little game of your may be making a .collection of famed inns in New England, Hudson a t Albany. Papa, whenever victory. The one black mark was put And a quotation from the "Beghe is with the girls and water is in on him by Tommy Lown, whom he gars' Opera" brings ns naturally to own," replied the man. Tatters besimply because he possesses the purchasing price; but he is not sight, keeps the girls hidden, but will try to lick in the semi-finals -be- Tatters the Tramp. Tatters sat on a gan to expostulate indignantly, the a patron of either the arts or sciences. He is certainly not athrough some inad vertance the girls fore the coming Eerlenback-Kammel mossy bank in the gloaming Inhaling man eyeing htm searchlngly, "Well, the fragrance of the evening and the perhaps I'm mistaken," said he. "Anytolerant spirit,—witness the fortune he is expending on hounding looked out of the window and saw the bout. rank tobacco in his short pipe, while way here are three dollars—&D4 much the .Jews; and tqlerance.of the other fellow is, assuredly, of the.beautiful Hudson river stretching for Lew Kersh, the little Jewish light- he patiently awaited the gifts of fate. obliged. William, speed her up. We miles towards the sea. That was Very essence of Americanism.—"American Hebrew." A small car came along and stopped mustn't be late"—and he was off. enough. "Oh, what a lovely river to weight who has vron his last fifty abreast of where Tatters sat smoking. Meantime the guests were assemswim", said the twins in one! voice. fights was held to a draw by another A man got out with two bottles in his bling for the Wainright's dinner foreigner named Al Trippli in a ten 1 The Associated Jewish Charities of Chicago has refused a And so i t was. You will be gratified round bout. I t was just one of those Jhands and, after eyeing the hobo for party. "If there is any virtue in a minute, said: "Do you want to broken glass,", thought Howard Bnrgift of $20,000 because the giver had made his fortune as a to know that the girls are now on slow, ratten, patting, uninteresting make a couple of dollars? Another lingaroe, "I'll have Ethel to myself their way down the river swimming' bootlegger. When the philanthropist replied that he was noto the Battery, New York City. A fights that have done so much to kill man was to meet me here to do the for once long enough to pop the question—for tonight must decide the longer a bootlegger, he was answered that since he had gained yacht is following the twins and sothe popularity of the game in New job; but you'll do." game." "What's the game, boss?" asked York state. BUTTER and EGGS ^ s money by illicit means, the gift was tainted and, therefore, far the girls have reached PoughkeepTatters. "Bum-running? If 'tis I'm But scarcely had he reached Ethel's Joey Levy of Brooklyn has a big sie, N. Y. A trained seal is also in could not be accepted. on." He had a vision of being sent side when George was standing there, Council BluSs, Iowa and because of it lost a fight to with those two bottles to some desti- too. "I came very near being late," •We rather like this. In refusing to help sanctify the law-the party. He is practicing for the nose to swim this summer. He will Pete Passafiume. Pete, whenever he nation he was resolved -they should George was saying. "Some scoundrel breaker's ill-gotten gains, the charity organization gives notice channel be the first seal to swim the English couldn't hit Joey in any other spot, never reach. in effect; "You can not dishonor the Jewish name and then buy channel. What trick there is for a simply reached. over and tapped his "Nothing like that," laughed the PAXTON-MITCHELL CO. your, way back jinto #ie good will-.of your fellows- by charity. seal tfr swim any distance is beyond nose. Joey got so sore that he could stranger. "These- bottles ar& empty. 8"th and Blartlia Sts. HA rn«y 1668 SOSKIN and EOZBERG want you to smash them and when Omaha, Nebs. You must 1aaow that while your money will buy you fine me. If the potential fur coat were to not fight. Incidentally we are dubious Iyou see an automobile coming out erf 1552 No. 20 St.—WE ebster C267 Soft gray, iron, brass, ftronae and whether he can fight, nose «r cot. raiment and gorgeous vehicles and splendid mansions, it cannot walk it, that would be news. aluminum castings. Standard sizee that big gate in the stone wall down Fresh Meats — Delicatessens bronze nntf iron bushings, «ewer manAn .intensive study of the last Tennis there—see? down where those stone buy for you a good name. Thus you may learn that, despite year's newspapers brings to light the Holes, cistern rings end covers, and Fresh Fish Handled Daily ^lean-out loors in stock. Gen Gorchakoff of Occidental Col- pillars are?—just Bcatter the broken : your accumulations, you are the poorest of men. This is your fact that a Mrs. Schoemmel did this lege has started his eastern invasion glass across the road. The car will We Deliver to sQ Parts of the City punishment."-—"B'Nai iBrith News." Albany stunt. I t is a mere 162 mile of the tennis world. The attack will be coming along within half an hour. jaunt and she did i t in 58 hours. The end with the National Junior Singles It will be dark by that time and they Bus. Phone AT. S4i"«3 Res. Phone AT. 11S5 procedure is not a steady swim but Tournament. In the first skirmish won't see you if you are carefuL isted between the Organization, the Brandeis Returns What do you say?" The Best Place to Buy in installments. Our twins took a day Ben entered t i e Pennsylvania Lawn parent body, and the various fund"All right boss," said Tatters. Your Victor Orthophonix or retum to Zionist Work raising agencies which were created | o f f t o to *° N e w Y o r k C i t y b y Tennis Championship and reached the ^Here's your two dollars," said the Radio BARBER SHOP, to E q u a t e (Continued from page 1) by i t He recommended that the oror- ^^ ^ E Eq u a t e from from grammar g grammar semi-final round where he was elim- man and, getting into his car, he went —See us first— We specialize in and in Jerusalem, and presented a ganization obstain from undertaking! s d w o 1 - T o ° bad there's n o s e hool for inated by Dick Williams, the exback the way lie came. SOL LEWIS Children's & Ladies' Haircuts plan whjch would, in his opinion, offer togrant subventions to the various cul-' P a r ? n t s ™th swimming children. national champion and Davis Cup star. "Now what does that guy want to WE bster 2042 1804 No. 24 St. Arthur Bldg.—212 So. ISth Street a solution. He .objected, however, to During Ben's course up the line he puncture another guy's tires for?" Fighting activities aufRdent funds what he termed the "dry efficiency are available. He explained the mat- The echo of the recent charity bout defeated Wallace Johnson who, a few mused Tatters as he gazed with a system" -which represents nothing but' ter of the deficit incurred by held for the benefit of the Catholic years ago was one of the ranking ten. sigh at the two empty bottles. Then a "replica of philanthropy" on Pales- jganization by the fact that the ad- Boys' Club is not so pretty. One Johnson is the best advocate of the he smashed them on a rock and caretine soiL He protested against the ministration, acting upon recommend- hundred sixty four dollars was taken chop and soft game and has beaten fully gathe?-<)d up the fragments. It defeatists who would call for an inter- ations of .the annual conventions, sup- in at the gate. Despite this large the best of them. The youngster form' was fairly dark now and presently regnum regime .whjch would indicate ported a number of activities which amount a deficit of ?2,000 remained the coast showed little respect for admission of failure. "Just .as the are of the utmost importance to the so that those figures charity would Johnson's placements and swept to You have forced us to move into larger and victory behind hard volleys and fast Jewish people cannot be declared jn a Zionist movement more beautiful quarters to serve your needs. get minus $2,000. The boxing .comdrives. • state of bankruptcy/ so cannot the Mr. Lipsky also reviewed the conr mission - in a. moment : of, rare good at WE THANK YOU Zionist movement," he declared. ditions prevailing in the American judgment asked the fighters to give . Class will tell and Seligson,^ in line In outlinging the policy of the Zion Commonwealth. Admitting that back some of. the purses. Finally Considering it is only our second year ir. with our predictions, meets * defeat Omaha, it surely is— American delegation to the 15th Zion- the organization had a moral respon- $17,000 was raised for the club. morti often as time goes on. Mangin, ist Congress Mr. Lipsky announced sibility for the conduct of the AmerThis brings back to our attention Hall, Bell and a host of other juniors that the Zionist delegates Will demand ican Zion Commonwealth's affairs some heretofore forgotten facts about seem to have no trouble beating the 5400 Center Street a radical change in the policy of the since 1924, he "stated that a full re- Charles Levine, first passenger on Jewish boy. Even Adeylotte and Phone Walnut 5936 Zionist Executive, with regard to its port of the situation will be submitted j transatlantic air flight. A year ago Eockefeller beat Seligson and his Palestine work. The main feature of to the convention and will tell of the .the Foot Clinic of New York-v?as in partner in doubles. It was always our this change consists of what would efforts now in progress to bring the need of funds for a new building. A contention that Seligson was great eventually be the abolition of the obli- "business of the company into better friend suggested a boxing bout, with as a kid but that he had reached the Estimates furnished free Dancing gatory Zionist budget around which Goldstein and Terris as attractions. top of his game and will not improve. Phone Jackson 1614 409-11 Kospe Building all disputes of the Zionist factions No one could be found to put up a M r _ Li ps kv was given a long ovaTo the readers of our column we centner at the Cpngress. He declared t i o n a t t h e b e g i n n i n g a n d conclusion guarantee until Charles Levine was ask that they watch the progress of asked to, back the show. He was the' budget to be no longer suited to o f h i s message. KOSHER DELICATESSEN a new Jewish tennis player. His name the present j&tate of affairs. "We have ^ e p rae3 idjum of the convention FRIED!: confidence in Dr. tyefcinann's leader- w a £ r cons tftuted when the convention the; Zionist. Organization of America is Eugene Grossman. His first tourComplete Line of lost, ' of ship. I t is however clear that a change , adopted the recommendations offered submitted by Meyer W. W.eigal, secDelicatessen, Smoked Meats of method is necessary and with his jb y j o s e p h Barondess on behalf of the retary, was taken up. Israel Gold- only the beginning. Grossman is 21 and Pish WE. 3527 2429 Decatur Street M. SOMIT guidance we wijl. succeed in bringing j Executive Committee. Mr. Barondess berg, Publicity Director of the United years, long and rangy. His form is g 1509 North 24th Street gooa and he has particularly fine If you are in need of a Tales wool or silk of the best quality, Tfeelin, about this .change" he stated. He also nominat Louis Lipsky as the chair- Palestine Appeal and one of the lead- volley strokes. His only glaring weakMJss J s Henrietta nri ers of the opposition, demanded that advojeatpd that all colonization activity Ima;n Mezuzos or any other religious ertide, we will be glad to sell it to ma;n ooff t h ^ ceon-vention, onVentn, M in Palestine Morris Rothenberg, Judge Wil- the procedure customary at Zionist ness is service but with a little atteni be b discontinued d i t i d until til the th jjj SS oz o] ]ddff M yoa at the most reasonable prices. We also carry a full tine of tion this fault should be eliminated. Commission .of the Jewish Jewish l i a m M ;; "Quality Jewelers" E $ * » Commissio of the i l h i M Max conventions in America to refer the o £ Philadelphia, Bibles with Jewish and English translations. We are also the agents h i interim. r i Agency submits its report, the gchulman of Chicago and Elihu D. report to the Committees be changed He is a brother to Moe Grossman, MALASHQCR JEWELRY one of the first famous Jewish athof all Palestine Products and the artistic work of Bezalel SdiooJ ! for .consolidating w h a t | t ^ vice-chairmen; s t o n e o f B o s ? n to this year, to'the effect that the report Wholesale and Retafl Jewelers : - ^ • »''Adversity » * » - * , has T,O«. M a u r i c e s a i m ,el, B. Rabclsky and Dr. be submitted to discussion and vote. letes of Cornell. has iiee» acquired. in Jerusalem. > 213-16 City National Bank Bldg. one good advantage, that it gives pos- S. Bernstein as secretaries. No other He insisted on offering a motion that JA.5619 sibjl&y fpr xetxosBecstion and correc- nominations were made and the con-the report be rejected. Judge Hugo PATBONIZE OUR ADVEBTISJSRS tionV81 the Eresidept jof the Zionist Or.- venti< > n passed upon "this Jist by ac- Pam of Chicago offered a report at ganization stated. The '/crisis may c i t a t i o n . present, but receive it and refer it to help us introduce *-new Zionist era, J ^ first indication of an opposition jthe Committees, which will submit he said. The Zjonist Executive is to i nt j j e convention came to the surface their reports on the various recombe ip,n§Ji!u$iQna.lJ}r 'prevented from in- when Mrs. Robert Szold, representing mendations of the report. Judge Registered MaB , Jewelry, Alt Risks , T 3 «* * lt T Ml ! 1 Engine Breakage Accident and Health, Kcntal Value landlords* Liability Expiosloh OGetieral) curringflp.lfajSjJOpft>pyp,nd the assured Hadassah, objected to the proposal Pain's motion prevailed by.a majority Salesmen's Samples Ijirceny and Thelt "Express Shipments Automobile Fire RprinKler Leakage Leasehold actual ineorne^ instead" of undertaking that the Chairman of the .convention yote. Fidelity Bonds XuWmowreWaWiltjr ' . Strike sad Riot 1/iabiUty (General). Fire ariJTornadd BankDeaestt Supply Bond obligations" whicjj arje .calculated upon appoint a Committee, on Committees. Life Flf Wheel The opposition leaders then continBofler Explosion . SuTgeons* Liability : Live Stock -• —-,r Tfeht Charges - '• -- '-••- a fe\y,years hem*. Bargl^ryx (Rejiaence) ..Teams'Mobility Mrs. Szold demanded that the Com-ued %q introduce motions aiming at Meroriandise in Transit Burglary (Store, etc.) Theatre Liability Motor Boat$,9 tj}^ affair^ pf t h e ' mittee be .elected by the convention. bringing about a discussion on the reBurglary ats&te • Titeatxical Transport*Motorcycle (all terms) CbecK Raising • tion Musical Instruments. .'Grouprlnsur;|nce. Zioiiist-^rpfl|2atjon of Anjerica, Mr. The motion of Mrs. Szold was defeatr port. A motion was then introduced Clv« 'CoftinKtti Partnership Life Insur- Title Inanrance C H a l l . r •-'• '."•' '•• Tourist Floater ' ao'e ' •• Lipsky also, urged £ "thorough xeosr ed by a majority vote which author- to reconsider the vote on Judge Pam's Stold up (Messenger) TXae and Occupancy Physicians' Pefense *" (Paymaster) Water Damage jti^&tytfl include the ized the chairman to appoint a com- resolution. This motion was lost, Plate Glass Breakage (Personal) - Workmen's Compcnsai* Profit Insurance e When the ,opposition -delegates inHousehold -Goods in l H i f l tion P. ?sonel. H e oir mitteg of twelve. Rain Insurance leejioo . i f Transit * IKS sisted on further discussion on the P? I ^ ? ? y p J P fQrthcom^3 _ Telephone J Office: « - • jngflppjositiflnalstorm were the ob- subject, the Chairman adjourned' the (if '&JP'$.ia AT lantic 3180 S(ttQ its dominant position instead ; sections raised of d i n t p i d when h the th question ti f session, < amid a rather tumultous 824 World-Herald Bldg. oftfae anomalous, relations which ex- dispensing with the ?^^ual report of. scene.
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Dorsey's Chicken Shock
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A. H. BRODKEY CO. General Contractors
Another Woman's Shoes
| was music far ufT in au i>i>; 111.31 le vorI ner, music that played a li'iting aecotn- j
Cleveland on tke Cote
Champion Mean Man
Grovi>r Clevelsmd's composition oa I' A wealthy nuin .visited « school «n8 paniment to their talk. "You used to be so well, so sort of i gave an address. When he was the JSSIW, written when he wns a email By Stanlej F. Levin. sensible looking, as if you never coukl ! throagh he cittled a' little t?oy up tc boy in KChouS, follows: "The cow is very useful if it were be frivolous." he tnld lier. "It sort him nnfl said, "My iad, hn-re yoa a By SIDNEY BLAIR of scared me, because I'm heavily in- purse?" "Ko, sir." T m sorry." srdd EPt for the cow we coiiUi not hnve no Sammy Kaufman of Jewish Center clined toward frivolity, you might say. i the rich man. "If yon had I'd have mill-; to put In our coffee nnil tea. (Copyright,) "Eve!?- part of the cow is nsoful; and Omaha of the Western League But now you're just the same, find yet given you half a dollar to put into it,"" fame will be on the Omaha payroll 1UT AKJORIE ABBOTT almost ran you seem to be so much gayer."^ The same tnnn was scheduled to the skin is tanned into leather nnrl during the rest of the current base - A S f i along the street, through" the Marjorie wondered what he'd say j «peak there njrn!n the following month, boot? fire made of it. The flesh is •early^tnorning crowds. She had just If lie knew that it was her clothes, smd when he en me the boys were nre fwS for food nnfl is catted beef; their ball season. Sammy is listed with the wrenched the heel off one of her bought just that clay, that had made pared for him; an empty pure:- Iny horns made Into buttons. Of nillfe Buffaloes as a short stop and accordpumps; she'd have to stop at the shoethe change in her. She was playinc hidden in every pair of trousers. Anfi butter and ciieese is made. There Is a ing to Western League rules he must maker's ana have it fixed, and that up to them, to the lovely suit that sure enough at the end of his speech glutinous substance by the }mot which play that position and must not iold would make her late to the office— wasn't a "sensible tweed," to the hat- he called another boy to him, "Have Ss mane into grlue—indeed if it were down the pitchers mound. Kaufman late, too, for all the other things that to that other woman's shoes witi> yon a purse, little man?" he asked riot for the cow, we should have to do The Ko-Zees entertained on Son-does not care io .play any position but must be crowded Into her busy day. their beautiful buckles and their Ions. "Tes, sir." "I'm glad of that." sain without many filings which are conWEDDINGS day, June 26 at a picnic -at Mandan that of pitcher and so may request She wanted to get in some shopping, slim lines, the speaker. "If you hnc'n't, I shonlci siaorefi necessaries of life,"—Kansas ADELMAU-COHEN " ; his transfer elsewhere where he can before late afternoon, when she was "Do you know, Marjorie, even your have giren j-on half a do]iar to buj City Time*. Hie marriage of Miss Evelyn Park. 1 Cohen, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Miss Norma Feltenstein of St. Jo-hurl the horsehide whenever neces- to have tea with Geoff; must get it in, feet have changed, ' he tola her. "Toil OBe."—The Pathfinder. In fact, for she wanted to look her J used to vrear such sensible looking Louis Cohen, and Mr. William A. seph, Mo., arrived Thursday to visit sary. very best. >Tot that Geoff would no- shoes; sometimes I wished that I could Bass Imve proved themselves to he Adelman, son of Mrs. R. Adelman, for several weeks •with her uncle and Race Horses Oddly Named tice, in all probability; he never had tell you not to hide your pretty feel good fathers, according to a report The Psi Mu axe once more on top took place Sunday evening, June 26, aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Dave Rosen. • The odd names given to race horses made by a state conservation commisx>f the Community Center League by seemed to notice what she was wear- in them." at the home of the bride's parents, ing in the old days back home. Marjorit smiled at him. Why n^t are always interesting find invariably sion. The bind; vRrtety will fmnrd have reason, which is more than can its yonn?: after hntvhinp and will de236 PranMin A^e., Des Moines, la. Miss Catherine Garrop arrived reason of their defeating the Bnai The shoemaker was bent low over -tell him the truth? Rabbi Zeichek performed the cere- home last Tuesday afternoon having Ami last Sunday. The feature of the a delicate little pnxnp when Marjorie 1 But it was days later when -fro c'U be said of the nsmes of famous gallop- fend its shoal ngninst big odds, having ers of the early part of the Kineteenth I'een known to attacfc the pickerel nnri mony at 5:30 p. in. in the presence spent the past seven months in Los game was the pitching of "Hawk- hurried into his shop. She explained tell him about that other w century. Among these quaint names pil?e when they swim too close to Its shaw" Epstein who allowed the losers shoes, days of which she hai? that she must have her shoe fixed at of the immediate family and intiinate Angeles. r are recorded: "Jack Come Tickle Me," Ewarm.—Popular Mechanics Mogaaine. many hours with Geoff, at \a -,c only two hits, one of which was a once; she'd had to walk the last half^friends. \ . "Jenny Come Tye Me," "I Am Little— tea, dinner, even at breakfast 1 block with one heel off, and she home run by Leon Forman, the deMr. and Mrs. Harry Belmont anBefore the ceremony Miss Dorothy ! couldn't possibly go on that way! Her And days during w]iicvi. she had Pity My Condition," "Sweeter When Levich sang, ' 1 Love You.Truly" und nounce the birth of a baby son, born feated twirler. •earned that Geofi lied always like; Clothed," "Watch V ^ r ; a^*3 Catch shoes were rather square, low-heeled Wanted—A Jewish y Miss Sally Myers played the wedding Friday, .June-24. Mrs. Belmont was The Bnai Israel was awarded a for- ones, but even so it had been difficult. hef better than he did anyone else, Them," and "Britons Strire Home." One wonders what the jacHiern booki from Lohengrin. After the formerly Miss Mary Eupstein of feit game over the A. Z. A., when the but 'had been scared off. by his fear fck as Housekeeper "But I can't fix that now, Miss," he City, fraternity men failed to show up for told her. "I've got a rush order here that she was too sensible to care for maker would mate of thtse labels on j '/edding a dinner -was served. EXPERIENCED in Cooking. a hot day. Probably the name which 5 their fracas. The Jewish Athletic Club —two rush orders—and my daughter's a 'lightweight" like h5m. The bride wore a frock of wMtej 4 Call 1444, Council Bluffs, or has given thefraternity most trctibU "You're not a lightweight,** eb.e tci.1 was awardd the A, Z. A's franchise getting married this noon, and I've got georgette made with a bodice effect West Broadway. in recent years was Yolofi-orsV;; him indignantly. "You're wonderful." and will finish out the season -under to go home for that." •with the sash caught at side . with "Go right on thicti^S Sv. my-wife- whicl; won the Derby in 19Q1. Marjorie looked at him in despair. Messrs, Abe Katelman, Leo Meyer- their own colors. rhinestones. Her tulle, veil was held to-be," he told her. "And r u forgive "But what can I do?" she cried. in place with a band of orange ;, and Albert Fox, members of the The Omaha Chapter of the A. Z. A. "I'm late now! And I—". you for fooling me so ipr.g, and keep'Wossoms and pears. She carried a! A.Z.A. Chapter No. 7, left Tuesday will meet their Des Moines brethren He glanced down at her feet, ana ing me out of paraclisa." tfciquet of sweetheart roses and' morning' for Des Moines, Iowa,where in a return game of ball Friday morn- then reached to a low shelf and held of the valley. Miss Goldyel they will attend the national A. Z. A. ing at Des Moines. The following men out a shoe to her. It was patent j Cohen, sister of thf bride served as j convention. leather, a slim, high-heeled pump, and I Wild Duck Unable to Fly are on the Omaha diamond suad, Max a wide buckle made It seem even nar- j Catching- birds by running after maid of honor and Mr. Louis Adelthem and sprinkling salt on their tails Altshuler, Joe Cohen, Lou Eiklin, man served i i s brother as best man. The Agudes.AchiBti Society held an Stanley Shapiro, Stanley F. Levin, rower and slimmer than it was. is proverbially difficult. On cue of "Try this," he told her. "Just slip Out of town guests were Mr. .and! Section of officers Monday evening those lonely island specks in the largMarion Graetz, Dave Beber, Dave It -on; I think it'll fit" ' at the K. C. hall. The following were est of oceans, kno\rn as the Hawaiian Mrs. J. Iieb and daughter Merriam Marjorie shook her head. Bishoff, Maurice and Max Givot, of Omaha, Mrs. A. C. Silverman of elected for t h e ensuing term: Presi- Isadore Elewitz and Max Eiekes. "I never wear shoes like that," she bird reservation, is a peculiar species Birmingham, Alabama. Mrs. J. A. dent, Max Steinberg; vice-president, told hiia. "I wear just flat low-heeled of teal which has lost the potter 01 flight. This wild duek can be easily Seadler and son Samuel of Chicago, Abe Leibovitz; : recording secretary, Eube Feltman and Johnny Eosen- ones. Anyway, it isn't mine." "Ko, bnt it's mine, to sell, maybe," run down by a roan, on foot. But as Mr. and Mrs. A. Kaplan, Mr. and Harry Kubby; /financial secretary, blatt, both fell out of the errorless Morris Brandeis: treasurer, Charles he told her. "A customer of mine men do not come to this island once Mrs. I. Kaplan, Sioux City, Iowa, and I class Sunday afternoon when each in a bine moon it would seem safe. Saltzman; guardian, Abe Bromberg; committed a bobble and broke their sprained her ankle, and she's got to However, it has to have fresh water Mr. M. Kopel of Stuart, Iowa. wear low-heeled shoes for a year aftAfter a wedding trip to Chicago, and trustees are Herman Meyerson, previous record of no mis-plays dur- er it gets well, and she asked me if and the only fresh water on the althe young couple will be at home at B. Saltzman, and Sam EosenthaL ing the season to date. The two Metro I couldn't keep all her high-heeled ones most barren island is a small pool. 1606 Washington Avenue, Des Moiaes, League fly chasers are still up among here, and maybe sell them to one of Shonia the .encroaching sands cover The ladies' auxiliary of the'Talmud Iowa. the select however as very few of the tny other customers. They're beauti- the pool, which seems likely, this rare Torah will hold a meeting next WedSightless duck must die. local Euths and Gehrigs have com- ful shoes. Miss. Just try this one." nesday afternoon, July 6, at the home ms Marjorie glancea at a clock. Even mitted only one error. Miss Zena Maizel will have as her Steinbe 71 later than sheM thought! She took Bouse guest Miss Badoana Hollezk of j Famous London Streets the shoe and slipped it on (juickly. Hibling, Fleet street is mainly devoted to the SUN THEATRE It did fit—but how funny It looked newspaper trade; Paternoster row is Miss Flora Marks, student at the with her thick stocking. Oh well— . Mrs. Louis Margolin entertained at "Frico Sally Levy" is at the Sun the headquarters of the book business; a birthday party Wednesday faternoon University of Chicago, is spending Theatre, Friday, with captivating she must get to the ofSee, no matter Downing street contains the governwhat she wore. j her summer vacation with .her parents, honoring her niece, Ferle Ellison of Sally O'Neil in the title role. At first it was hard to get used to i ment offices; Bow street has the celeNew York City mho celebrated her Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Marks. "Frisco Sally"—thafs Sally O'Neil, the high-heeled shoes; then gradual- brated police court; Holborn viaduct and Eegent strest are lined with fine sixth birthday. Mrs. Ben Kooler entertained six- romps through one of the funniest ly she began to like the feeling of shops; the Hayrftarket has many theastories ever screened— them. By noon, when she went on ters ana hotels; Bond street is the . „. Mrs. WilEam Ytrasem and daughter, teen guests at a, bridge luncheon at Jewish-Irish 1 the Chieftain Hotel Wednesday in "and it lends -some—poignant • i e a r t her shopping tour, she was ^wondering •center- of- the jewelers- trade, while. Esther Joy lave gone to St. Louis and . 1 why she hadn't ever had even oue pair Pall Mall is noted for its handsome "honor of Mrs. Harry Kooler of In- interest — and just a shade Chicago for several weeks visit. ! of high-heeled shoes. buildings and club life. dianapolis, Indiana. pathos, with a series of laughs. It She was going to buy her new spring Miss Madeline Cohn and Miss Eina is a literal cross-section of life. suit—a sensible tweed, she'd decided; Mr. and Mrs. Morris Grossman, Synder left Tuesday evening for a Sally plays the daughter of a Jew- the kind of spring suit she always trip through Canadian Eockies and entertained about one hundred and ish father and Irish mother—torn bought. Bnt the sensible tweeds all Alaska. Dr. and Mrs. Frederick Cohn fifty guests at a family picnic Sun- between two temperaments—-sought looked wrong, somehow, when she •will accompany their daughter and day afternoon at the Evergreen Farm iby two lovers, one of each race. Her tried them on and stood before a long "Manufactured in Omaha' Miss Synder on a portion of their trip. t in honor of their cousin, Miss Boss Irish mother sides with her Jewish mirror. They didn't go with that oth-; . er woman's shoes. Shames of Des Moines, Iowa, and BAKER ICE MACHINE CO. "Just try this one, Miss," the sales. Mr. and Mrs. Nate Mantel and Mr. also in ionor of the sixth birthday suitor—her Jewish father with her Irish lover—andthen things begin to woman suggested. "This cne was a and Mrs. Carl Furth willlje joint hosts j o f their daughter, Sarah. happendark-blue suit, with a touch of red ; at a supper dance for twenty couples Several affairs are being given In the collar and cuffs, and its ma- ' The family tempest brings on a Friday evening at the Athletic Roof complimentary to Miss Shames who terial was soft, clinging, yet durable. whirlwind of mirth—and there are Garden honoring their daughters, Rita will return home the early part of Marjorie tried It on, ana marveled some wonderfully acted bits of.i at the effect In the end she bought it. Mantel and Betty Furth. V next week. . ':.'•' pathos, such as the -father's leave, ,. a little early at the ho- Summer classes in Piano. EnterThe Misses Minnie Margolin and taking of his angry daughter, and. . Mr. David Cherniss motored taining and Keyboard Harmony ...... ,.._._._. to taking of his angry daughter, and! t e l w n e r e s h e w a s t 0 meet Geoffrey, Web. 18S4—2219 Wirt St. Alice Stern entertained the members Lincoln, Nebr., Sunday morning, are- the heart-gripping return of the; D n t n e w a s there. She saw him as of the Ko-Zees at a "bridge party last turning home that evening 'accom- prodigal to lier mother's bedside. i sne ran up the few wide steps leading Sunday afternoon. Prizes were won' panied by Mrs. Cherniss and child-j Miss O'Neill proved herself in' from the main floor to the lobby. He by the Misses Sarah Noddle, Anna ! r e n who M d been spending two [ "Mike"—but the new picture gives looked at her, looked away, then back Hahn and Lillian Miller. The next, greeks there visiting her parents,|her one of her greatest opportunities : again, and as she smiled came fori . "••, «_ ward eagerly. A , , i meeting of the club will be at the and Mrs. H. Arenson. | since her tnumpnant debut on the, . M a r j o r i e , j a l d n , t taoTC y 0 B p H o ^ home of Miss Miller. screen. is^ at i• ^y oat frvde Tchanged!" "I Miss Eina Snyder left Tuesday !— ^ Her . piquant ^ ^ personality y beUeve he ?t's exclaimed. Tour mting J Mr. and Mrs. Leo Milder are ex- eveigng for an .extended trip through . r o m a n c e > . | He led her to the tea room, where pected to'return home July 10, after the Canadian Eockies -and Alaska.) Tenen Holtz and Kate Price, as the ; they sat in wide, deep chairs at a spending several weeks honeymoon- Enrbute she will visit in St. Paul, | j^jjer ^^ mother, bring a word of low table where a bowl of roses ing at Colorado Springs. Minn.; Lake Louise, Canada; Van- j experience ^ t o two difficult roles, and i bloomed among the tea things. There couver, and and Seattle, Seattle, Wash. Wash. _. • . •*!"—; . . , :, ! couver, j _„£ nni-tr m*r\n fJip-m Miss Eose Bernstein entertained i . I__ j not only maae mem her afternoon bridge club Sunday at Miss Euth will leave Sat- , comical, but convincing as life itself. v~. evening ^ ^ ^Levinson — her home. Prizes were won by Miss urday for Chicago, Illinois, j Koy D'Arcy abandons sneering vilwhere she wffl visit her "parents, Rcv.'i ^ i n s ' t o play the rather foppish M*. Finkel and Mrs. David Kubby. and Mrs. L. Levinson, over the! Gold, and Charles Delaney plays his j Miss Henrietta Asbell of Lincoln Fourth of July. ' j rival for the love of Sally as a young j 36 Years of Honest Merchandise la yoDT Guarantee of a Sqnar* Deal. was the guest of Miss Eva Cohn dur? traffic cop. Funier than "The Cohens and 1419 Douglas Est. 1890 ing the past week. Miss Cohn enterMr. ; . and Mrs. Ike Kramer and Kellys" more dramatic than tained Thursday evening at a Treas- sons, Max and Hymie, left Tuesday ODERN meat mercliajBS, • } rRob&ns' Paintings "His People". ure Hunt in honor of her guest. Miss ; o n a jnOt6r trip to Los Angeles, 1 Bryan is his '*Dictionarjr <jf grocers, druggists, florists,! Bert Batt was hostess Friday after- t c a ijf o r n i a . Enroute they will visit and Engravers' sayi.» that the German, French, and Russian noon complimentary to Miss Asbeli re i a trves in Denver, Colorado. proprietors of delicatessen shops, of Huberts' pictorial work was prod' Language Lessons and Miss Marge '-..Greenfield enter- i. ''—^ Sious. A list reeordu nc fewei £hs Special hotel and restaurant owaers aeed given by Experienced Teacher tained Saturday afternoon for the j . Mr. Louis H. Katelman will leave 2^53, exclusive of iS4 drawing - SIRS. JENNIE LEVENSON no longer have a.refngctatics* guest. Miss Bertha Batt compliment- \ Saturday night ior Detroit, Mich.. It was Rubens' practice to empl No. 4, Carlisle A.pts. sd Miss Asbell a i . a Treasure Hunt 'where he will attend the annual many student assistatis. It Is n problem.. o f" ATlantic 3507—JAckson 3566 possible to saj -exactly aow many PKone on Saturday evening. Miss Euth ; B'nai Brith convention next week, as the paintings ace still <n existence. Frigidafre stops^spoilagc— it Fanger and Jeanette Kaplan honored j a delegate from the I. O.B. B. Lodge andwewilibe Miss Asbell on-Sunday and.Monday j No. 688. • enables the merchant to bay a , glad to afternoons. Mr. Sam Ban was host . * ,.•'_, 7TZ-.» In Omaha wider selection of perisls&fjJes,' y hike Monday evening. ! ^ **d M r s ' H * i n a n Meyerson have a man Miss Asbell left Tuesday for Los, have as their guest their nephew, and to .benefit by quantity prices. ' oe caU nandy-Fountain Goods — Supplies ' ^ Handler of Oskaloosa, Iowa, who make her Angeles where she, will It saves time and labor. I * t m 250 Rooms—200 Baths ! will spend the remainder of the sumand explain future home Good Booms for $L5Q show you how easy it is for you mer here and in Omaha. Phone JA. 3986—918 Faraam St. Operated by Eppley Hotels Co. A number of friends of Er. Meyer to have Frigidairc installed turn* Mrs. Ben Kooler will leave Sunday Grssnberg surprised him Sunday £V£i!^ at his home, prior to his leaving for Chicago, Illinois, where she will for Baltimore, Maryland, whsre he visit relatives for a few weeks, Harry H, Lapidus, Pres.-Treag. will interne in th'e , Sinae Hospital. Miss Esther Cherniss will arrive Successors to Jones Candy Co. ~T,*2nty couples attended the party. ( home July 5 from Washington, D. C,, DISTRIBUTOR "1 ur.t! Mrs. A. Stene and family' t o s p e n c i a month with her parents, "WITH 2059 Farnam JiLcfeon 4722 : '. re!:-! mctorsd to Omaha last M r < £ l x d 1 I r s _ £, o u j s cherniss. EnPhone JA. 3986 918 Farnam St. . v ;v xpcml the day visiting with ( r o u t e s h e ^jj] s p e nd a visit in •;, -.and friends. ! Chicago.
Council Bluffs News
Cool Comfort Clothes Here aresuits that were designed primarily to give you the utmost ease even on the severest of dog days
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;.-J ilr.s. D. S. FMrcnctcin and i. cf Lo* Armeies, CaL.. urrived I Best Not 4la?ay» Fittest . , to vi;-it-with relath-cs ami- >j'}le ancients tell as vibat Is be Ihtv nrc xhe house guest" but we must >eani ot tne rno<1er and -li;j. J. CcUL, 31CG Lincoln ' what Is fittest -B'Sijaniin
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Complete Store and Office Outfitters We occupy over 70,000 square feet Sontfcwest Corner
~E3eventb sod Doaglag Streets Phone: JAckson 2724 OMAHA, NEBR.
SallyO'Neil Starts Friday, JsJy 1
Sun Theatre
PAGE 4—THE JEWISH PRESS, THURSDAY, JUNE SO, 1927 production which .comes - intact, over THE RIVIERA THEATRE the Publix circuit with the same WEEK OP JULY 2nd A Walk to talent, settings and costumes that • Halfway A brand new type of stage enter- appear in the Paul Ash productions tainment for this section is being in- in Chicago and the Paul Whiteman augurated at the Riviera Theatre. A shows at the. Paramount theatre in H.luOUIS RAYBOUD Jazz band called The Riviera Jazz New York City. A veritable flood of Jesters with Boyd Senter, an Omaha gorgeous acts—continuous, without (Copyrt»»iU break or interruption or the clo sing •*T>iHEREi Is something mo^e depres- boy, who has made his;mark in the of. the curtains-i-one hour of gaiety:•. ^ sing;fih*n^ inspiri^^about returning theatrical world, as leader, J will be the nucleus .of a spectacular stage pep-youth-and-thrills — That's the t o ^ ^ e a d ojid(Alpjat.abater for one's a 8flt«fenftii reunion. ' A^IeSst that was ; tht%ought to Drake BMptt's mind as He: lifted hlsi voice nilglitny in "Hail, Vh^l;>^e'gang*8iaU:-hece—'' ;''-•: '":• /• i; True; the gang was,^ very largely, all there. Coming, some of them from such>far-oit poiiftai as San Diego and even Buenos Ayres, Ui order once more: to-tread the sacred;Corridors. • ;Drakec; himself had; run up from Philadelphia and had been pleasantly sfir>ed Jat meeting':old classmates on the trita ; and in the station, shaking thebr tands or slapping them on their bacKslv Drake, who?pps?eBsed neither .wlfe^norchild, came;in for' a lot of i". clMiniingJan^d speculation asr to how he had escaped the wilesi of women. :Then, Bomebow," somewhere, he had lost .his"; glad careless rapture. Eerha^s; it had vanished in the pressure of; events wh^ch. crowded and even •overlappedone another. • : I; • Por.;Jxample, a "getrtogether" sing was. scheduled for the evening, but ; forvanji. who cared to'~ go there was a dan^e hrid by the alimnae of the neighiorfciE woman's college three • ? n i l i e » ' l a w i » y . : , - . : •••'-.-•-.•.. .:'-:
New-Idea Publix Stage Show, retaining all of the beauty x>f presentation of the former productions and adding new sparkle and life with the outstanding stars of the jazz* world and a musical organization headed by Boyd Senter. The opening show of this new policy is called "Jazzland" and some of the entertainers are Babe Sherman, known as a minature Sophie
Tucker, Healy and Clifford, clever 1 based on a story by Byron Morgan song1 and dance team, A] Reynolds, with a real appeal for young anr: comedian, and Jerrie, the sensational old alike. Mary Brian has the lead"accordion player who has won theing feminine role. reputation of a show stopper. You won't be disappointed in this gala Maxie Rosenbloom who it a middleopening show—it's something differ- weight gave a light-heavy a chance to ent! make a reputation in New York. The Paramounta latest Richard Dix newcomer is Leo Lomski from the picture "Man Power" is the screen Pacific Coast. In' a ten round bout attraction. This is a romantic drama that was really a fast scrappy affair
the heavier and younger l^omhki .t>m basted our Maxie all over the ring Maxie has been quiet lately hu-i hii gameness is still there. He is going to fight Tigers Flowers next month. As you will perhaps remember thit bout has been coming on since earty last year. PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS}
i i)ra^« hlniself intended to look in. The pr««e hold many asiQclations. He recalled Patty Ahrens and the stately 'Katfarlne-and, yes, hi?i 8«nlor;ball girl, Olive Sw^In,,, He ha^fretpiently wondefedivtsfyrhjr he hid-not proposed to pilvW that jfinal class nigfitl There had been a certain fear lest she reject .h|mi& favor,of Dwight ScoTille. Also • a certain resolution not to saddle hlmraelf with rwponslbllity until he had jcaade gcpd. yTeJl, that was a long " *^ : agoi:'j':' : ;'- :"".'Tf::; \:: • ' '• V-' j i,Tetjiow^ coning spon her suddenly jat one end of the fostive gym hall, 'Drake was aarprUed to tod how little Jtjrtf u yea» lifd changed Olive—had imarely accentuated her charms and 'mada of tlie lovely girl an even lovelier woman." . ^ ;;-. :• .-•• •;.: •'•-; ' .'•" . i "Drake Elliot Iw There was genuine •pleasure tor berv voice, 'fDwight told ,; me you were here—"' Ah. ao It had been^Dwightlv h.^Olive, jrou're-<-wel|, you've changed •:.-Wuttie—^ if-O.V ••.;;•; f::;;. .. • :^ 0 I >-She laughed. "TOie: correct reunion .'.; remark t" She eyed his' appraisingly. -: ?ydu yourself are a b l t more serious than: I remember you.^^ ;Otherwlse—*" . " VTtey 'danced together, but said little, /For-'' the first. ttae j ! $ ! « his return : Drake could imagine: that fifteen years : had Tiot-rolled by since last be swung /down t»e old gyjntfloor^with;Olive,in
^•":MB'--arn^;;': ; i/:.;:/; < ^^,;^..^K : ,\ -',, ••j
? Two dances they baflr then; someone claimed her and during the final fox - . trot Drake watched her dancing and chatting with Scoville./ .-•'-.- • . But back In hla (juarters at the. College inn, Jie remembered a last remark / that Olive had flnng back as ehe turned •:.'. away, nt'doesn't seem like old.times without a walk to Halfway Just at ; . •:'. ;Bun3et,:'jdoes^it'y'vV'3• --^i-VV';, /v.,..?.:,-. i... Ete wishedtnow he had probed that ! ; speech at the time. Had' Olive meant :; —« be that aha;v^JMnting--' ;' Late afternoon of t i e following day BSW, Drake strolling along the worn trail which led. to a' group; of, rocks on a hilltop, known as Halfway because . it rwafr equidistant from the two col,-IegeSi and. formed an Immemorial tryst: -•• Ing place. From the ledge one had a I glorlousT/viewV of_ green slopes, me/aftaerlng river, and blue smudges that ; ; ^ ^ distant hills against a western
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| v ^ p f course,'' aheinodded. VI thiat ^r^be«iuse^^ only/the''young'and the "old.can really make-believe.. The rest of l u a w t o o busy—or vtod restless.'^ : [ {^eW'Jhe agreed 'thoughtfully, "Peri J^piU^t ii-ltlvrve-notlcedthat It Is CfiCoiaB|ers, thdse^ back •for their tbir•^^tletnof iprUetireuiilons', arethe biies [whose;srirrender to 'lt'aU.seemsjnost : feaL/:"We* othei*: return with so many ^ ^ n # Shattered ;and- aspirattona dlinined ^and • have. not yet learned to irb^iatisfled *lth; ic'diflpronilses.'': -; / X^Tlrere was a.moment of copradely Itefence. TCheii VButfyorr are one of •'•;>lM ihiccesse8,'':sa4d OUve; ' r " ^ ; ; ?-*<P^rtap^!>^" Djraie shrugged his 5 ^o^dtetj^'SIy life iaempty; I have v
Lower Body Lines
, f f f l k e felt his heart quicken ab j'sprdlyj.las he glimpsed a- woman's flgare silhouetted against the heavens. ; Theja he smiled. A rendezvous with ^Mothc^,man> wifeT' ' • ,';-:v-:- /• •/ \i -Olive made room-for him beside iili«r.v."This;to'like' old: times 1" She iranlled, then sighed.- "And so much of itiro;^however one;pretendsV. . Drake looked - np;^^aoickly.•*^Tou've ^ t ^ t , ? ^ "
- * "f
,.-i T.
"T*ese, then," mused.Olive, "might -The Reveries of a Bachelor
^r^RTbtat^ :tljatl"iI)rakej had risen* ;^;*^^no, i *siia-' : OUyel:; _"1 -haveaiV ^itia^ed^Blther,^:%^l^:^:r;;'- ; V :..:/ jife^tit^i^ttou^trTDwight—", ;--'V-';;-";'•[' ;&iJ^^D#lght;''i married -c ^Patty;;.' AhrenSi *i©^'is;y^ : WdiyQuif.^umnl^iiotices^ KiSiiKr^^sh'^fc'hi^^ea^"''^^^;'*;; - ;• 1; |<f&/T1>«B^h^^W:;a5deep*breaiUi,^ Gosh,: Slt^i^go^^to,rgefc:iback: torone's ^Alma ||||a^^^e:l^fkeo>;dowi:^^Ee[TOnian. : SJ«^^gttt^bnt;fQ^;hte^opi^^
is invited-.
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