A" false friend, like a shadow, attends only while the sun shines. Cornelius VajiderbHt, cent article in an turns the spotlight on riages." The, recent
j?-;a a rer ^ Wspaper " marmar-
riage of his Bister, Davis, Columbia univers£,% jndent, tempted young VandefbitjS:- Vwrite Entered as - second-class - mail natter on January 27f6, 1021, at SUBSCRIPTION PRICE, A YEAR, ?£,53 VOL. VI. No. 27 the article. " \- j ; . ^ -OMAHA, NEBRASKA/THURSDAY, JULY 7, 1927 postofflce at. Omaha,. Nebraska, under the Act of March 3. JS70. Vanderbilt, in the courseTof the story says that Americans should <rri JEWISK LABOR PARTY JEWISH AGENCY , .: marry Americans/ and not look for ASKING STAY OF EXECUTION DESIGNED AS ARBITRATOR an opportunity to,take part, in an FOS SACCO AND VANZETTI IN PALESTINE international alliance. We can easily substitute his stateVv'arsaw (J. T. A.) — The •Jerusalem _(J- T. A.)—The Jewish ment and declare that Jewish men labor party, Bund, in Poland, joined Agency was given the role of an should marry girls of Jewish faith. arbitrator in disputes of an internal Protests Against Missionary Efforts certain that we shall work in vain if the numerous laboi organizations the impact cf the adult life is inimical asking- a stay of execution for Saccr Among Mixed marriages as a rule turn out Palestinian nature in the Palestine to religious intelligence and fervor. and Vanzetti. in divorce courts and - poison the Difficulties Arise With Selection communities -ordinaiice approved by Morris Sojrolow, IHi Coach, As reform, Rabbis, I think, there are Cape May, N. J. (J. T. A.) — A happiness of one person and possible of New Judge as Judge Rayin a request submitted* to the U. S. the British Colonial Office. Assistant Director both involved in the case. The approved text of the ordinance resolution endorsing ^the protest con- special reasons why we should try to Minister here, the Central Committee mond Not Free Until Stpt. Many homes have been Tvxecked, published here calls for'the inter- tained in the message of* the Presi- develop a • new religions education of the Bund asked the Minister tc COMPLETE PROGRAM mothers' have paid the extreme price, vention of the Jewish Agency in the dent, • Rabbi' Louis Wolsey, against •smoirg the adults first for the sake of. petition the United States government CASE WILL AGAIN BE PLANNED BY DIRECTOR jost because one of their children "bad case of a budget dispute between the the efforts of missiobary societies to reform Judaism. It is mot fair to in behalf of the constituency repres•allow reform Judaism to drift more HEARD IN DETROIT Vaad Leumi, the National Council of convert Jews fo Christianity in conented by the Bund, against the exebroken' the' marriage laws and Twenty cheering' boys, under the nection, with the reeefit Budapest Con- and more away from the educational cution cf Sacco and Vansetti. customs, and takeii on what we can Palestine Jews, and the Chief Rabbileadership' of Dave Chesneau, opened Detroit. (J. T. A.)—September 12 ference of America^ Rabbis at the ideal "of Judaism. The more zealously term, an "outsider/1 Camp Morris Levy, Tuesday, July 6. •was set "by Federal -Judge . Fred.M. nate of Palestine. closing session of its thirty-eighth we uphold the educational ideal of Accompanied by Samuel Gerson and Raymond as the-tentative date for the annual convention here. Rabbi Abram our adherents • and try to stimulate Ed Burdick, the.boys were taken out The Boys Are Having Lots of Fun retrial of Aaron Sapiro's $1,000,000 Simon of Washington, "D. C , chair- and -serve it, the more we ourselves to camp in B bip truck. The day was libel suit against Henry Ford and the Way Out at Nathan's Lake man of the president's Report Com- shall have to keep tip the process of spent in setting out csmp, fishing. Dearborn Independent. - - ; They Skip and Jump on the Run. education and that, as we know, has mittee, presented the resolution; and eating:. Purely-for Health's Sake. The-- date .set is conditional upon The •convention ailso adopted a res- always lormed one of the chief rales Club "Meets Regularly Every Scnfey Morris Sagolavr, former Omshau? f ailureof counsel lor Mr. Sapiro to Afternoon. "We're having a -wonderful time." Irrin Stalraaster, Trustee of National olution urging the state legislation to and rewards of the Rahhinac occupsand now a member of the staff ot effect a transfer_of "thecase .to' Judge This is -what the boys attending: Hospital .• -* pass laws requiring a." certificate olj tion," Drv Eceiow declared* the University cf Illinois School nf: war take of• The newlv elected officers of the Camp Morris Levy .told me Wednes- r T . . _ T** health, from a reputable physician beThe resolution''expressing: 'grstificaCoaching, and freshman football, day. when I visited the "fun grounds". fice within a few- -days as the third Detroit, Mich: (Special Dispatch.) fore a marriage may he consummated; tionat the growing number cf Christ- Omaha . Hebrew Club were installed baseball, and track coach, will be «s?» Federal Judge for thja district. Wil1 The program mapped out by the athOmahans have -taken. an" active • part another resolution endorsing the activ- ian organisations and -representative to their respective positions at the -sistent director -of the camp. Mr, liam Henry-Gallagher, chief counsel^ letic board has met with the approval itv of the Hebrew Sheltering and Im' Im- men engaged.in. engaged, in. promoting good will last meeting of the club held July 3 in the affairs of the District .B'nai ity Sogolo-w is recuperating from sn of the youngsters, who are having the for Mr. Sapiro said he'was'unwilling Brith Convention, which was held migration. Aid Society • of America, between Christians and Jews and ex- at the Jewish. Community Center. The. following men took their of- operation, and has consented to time of their lives, running, swim- to proceed with the.trial before Judge here during the week, is the-, message and a resolution commending Gov- pressing- eagerness to .-participate in Raymond." : spend the month at camp. ming, -playing' ball and doing all ernor Fuller of ..Massachusetts _f or his such commendable efforts, but vigor- fices: Maurice Civin, president; Ben his coaching experience, he has hud. Gallagher, and ..Senator James A. Minkin, vice-president; Sol .Kosenothor sorts of physical exercises. inquiry and his desire, to pursue an ously protesting': against the - efforts a good deal of camp experience, And the food is of the best that Reed of Missouri, ,.chieT of Ford investigation to the. end; that the in- as a missionary • society to convert berg, secretary; John Feldman, treasCounsel, met ' with*'Judge Raymond The, safest road to camp is the money-can purchase, and the boys are nocence or guilt of, Saecp and Van- Jews to Christianity, was unanimous- urer; Mark Long, Ben Civin, and B. A. Shapiro, trustees. A complete Florence-Nashville road, and all eager to back up this remark with yesterday morning, to discuss the re; ' zetti be more clearly and fully estab- ly adopted.' a smile from ear t o ear. With no trial. Judge Raymond, whose court is The resolution read in part: "While list of the committee appointments have been set out pointing the war lished. . - . other, persons, but camp attaches in the Western District of Micbiganf the violent methods of the middle will be made in a later issue of The to Camp Morris Levy. Tbe- convention also approved the .'Visitors' day is Sunday, and everylooking on, the future gentlemen of pointed out that his work in his home ages of enforcing its creed have been Jewish Press. plan of the Synagogue Council of Maurice Civin, the newly elected one, is cordially invited to come oil? the city cast all cares and worries to district would keep ,.him occupied America for a more general adoption abandoned in modern times, the deterthe so-called seven winds, as they possibly beyond September 12, whereof the five day working week as giv- mination to lures Jews from their president has previously held the of- and see how the boys are spenclinp romp around the shore of the breezy upon Mr. Gallagher -suggested -that ing promise of facilitating the ob- ancestral faith has persisted to this fice three different times. Sol. Rosen- their vacation. Judge Moinet be asked to assume lake. Registration for the second camp, servance of the Sabbath day by all enlightened day. As axeSectisn upon berg was re-elected secretary for the At night, with the rays of a pale charge of the case.'Judge Raymond religious denominations in America. Judaism, carrying the implication of thirtv-first consecutive term. The starting Jaly 12 and ending July JT, moon, shattering glimmering rays agreed, but Senator Reed objected. The officers elected to the Central theinadequancy of its message to the! Omaha Hebrew Club now "has a mem- are now being taken. Applications "Some weeks have been spent across the" peaceful waters, one often Conference of American Rabbis are: world, we deem it cur duty vigorous- bersldp of more then eigrfit hundred should be made as soon as possible. and meets every Sunday, thinks of romance, but the youngsters threshing over ;the -many legal quesThe following boys are at the first Dr. G. Enelew,: .New "York, N. Y.,! Iy to Msent it. do not worry about "love" but merely tions involved in this case," he said, •camp: Isidore Dorinson, Morrit president; Dr.'fisvid Lefkowitz, Da]-| " "We would'remind the Christian and much time would bet-lost if a go on having a good time. Bachman, Benzion Gerehster, Er.r«. las, Texas, vice president; Dr. Morris j-world that Judaism was the mother new Judge stepped in-" Gersliater, Sidney Goldenberi;, Yicto? •Uewfield, Birmingham, Ala., treas-j faith, that the ;Chu«h largely owes The Senator also protested against Goldenberg', Philip Laserowitz, Max urer; Dr. Isaac- E. Marcasen, Macon, its Bible anflf its conception- of a Morris Sogolow, head Freshman Ga,, recording secretary; Joseph I* j spiritual God to, the JBV, and that it j»sen Marcus, Arnold Hoffmann, Isidore baseball and wrestling mentor at the beginning the retrial sooner, declaring Fink, Buffalo, corresponding secre-j still gathers "inspiration from the Novak, Isidore Kraft, Henry Mekes,' University of Illinois, who was re- that to do so would' involve grave Kew Tork (J. T. A.)—The Jewish' Morris Eossen, .Sam. Turkel,. Isadora tary,. • ".-• .';.-'•. . ; '.Hebrew prophets. ,• ' \" cently' confined at the Methodist danger of another ^mistrial, arising Robert Lappen out of -the possible collapse of a juror To'the" Executive Boas-d. f ox a two] - "We- urge -that .a positive statement -coldiiiEatSott In- Russia .'will not fee White, 'Sidney Coren,' * SSi hospital, igmore. or an" attorney. His own physical effected by the general political com- Mas Gerelick, Charles Slotkirs, *>»£ received here. Irvin Stalmaster w a s i term were elected: Dr. Louis'of the adequacy of Jodaism and of y c a r Sogolow, an Omaha boy, was former- condition, he added, was not such as \Vblsey, Philadelphia, Pa.; Dr. Ab-jthe relation of: these two creeds be plications -in -vs-Mcli Russia is involved, Sam Zldtkin. Manny Silver is on* ly orie of the bright stars in Omaha to justify him in undertaking the elected trustee of the National ish-Hospital of Denver. rams Simon, Washington; Dr. Louis j formulated fey the • conference (pos- was the statement made by Dr. «Tos. of the councillors. amateur association, in the days when retrial of the case within the next few t. Robert Lappen of Des Moines wasWitt, St. Louis, Mo.; Dr. Emil Leip- sible in the form of a tract), as part Rosen, the head of the Agrojoint, the the Bowens were Teally Bowens and weeks. elected president, of*^theDistrict. a campaign of enlightenment for agency of the Joint Distribution Comziger, New Orleans, La.; Dr. Edward Johnny Dennison, now muny secremittee in "-Russia, • who arrived on th* Gottfried Bernstein of Chicago, first Gallagher asserted the defense Christian and Jew. L. Israel, Baltimore, Md.; Dr. Henry tary, was playing a bang-up game. should, as a matter of justice to Mr. vice-president^ Leo Reitman of Mil- "M. Fisher, Atlantic City, N. J. "We wbald-also remind the mission- steamer Albert Baffin for a short stay V • • The Commission of Religious Edu- ary society that we are not unmindful in America. Now ,that Ed Burdick has received Sapiro; bring about a retrial at the waukee, second vice-president; Hiram "Two days after I left Moscow on Frankel, Chicago, secretary; >• Jacob cation elected for three years includes of the present sceptical drift of the an offer from the greatest Industrial earliest possible date. The mistrial More than one hundred members Alter, Chicago, treasurer; Solomon he said, grew out of the defense's filmodern age nor are we neglecting the Dr. H G. Enelow, Dr. Max Heller and Y. M. C - A. in the world, to superthe Highland Country Club allotted additional 150.000 acres of accusations" Levitan, Madison, sergeant-at-arms. Dr. Samuel Koch. religious needs" cf our own people. vise athletics, many J. C. C. members ing of "unfounded pated in the ioarnamente held The members of the general,com"We take this occasion to state land for Je-wish. settlement in the the last week end. "We are p The Board of Managers, Synagogue are beginning to worry. The "1 against the juror* Senator Reed rethat offered Ed the job is stationed plied sharply that the charges were mittee are: Harry Lashkowitz, Fargo, and Sch ot>r Extension, for three years that genuine tolerance is shown not Crimea", Dr. Rosen stated in-an inter- these tournaments for every N. D.; Joseph Slate, Des Moines; is composed of Dr. Henry Berkovritz, by members -of one religion seeking view with a representative of the end," said Jerome Heyn. Plises «?*,' a t Pueblo, Colo., and is known the "filed in good faith." Jewish Telegraphic Agency. world over. Burdlek's friends deMr. Gallagher • was rebuked by Aaron Brook, Detroit; Arthur" Brin, Kansas City, Mo.; and Dr. Jacob! to pursuade of&ers to forsake their offered to the winners of the various, •'There is no fear of anti-Semitism Minneapolis; William Sultan, A. M. , ancestral. creed, but to aid those cf clare- they want him here in Omaha Judge Raymond when he suggested Tarshish, Columbus, Ohio. handicaps. and -at the Center', but that remains that there should be formal announce- Krensky, and Max Conheim of ChicaThe Tract Commission, najned for divergent creeds to live up to the in the colonies," Dr. Rosen added. "The Highland Club is progressing; to be seen, when the Jewish Commun- ment that no further action was con- go; Manny Finkenstein, Winnepeg; three years, Dr. Morris M. Feuerlieht, highest ideals .of their respective "The Russian peasants have no bad rapidly," said Abe Herzberg president. feeliag against the Jewish colonists." William BensingeT, East St.- Louis; Indianapolis, Ind. religion.' • • ity Center executive board holds its templated in the investigation of t' members and their faevU*Dr. Rosen stated that those Jevrishj ^&r^' Hy. Pavway, Milwaukee. next meetinjg. Rabbi H G Enelow of Temple charges brought against the juror in at the club every eve* les can colonies which are now in their tMrd V * * The date and place of the neirt Etnanu-El, New York City, called on / U N V E I L .MEMORIAL the first triaL • enjoying- the cool breesses &l *• year of existence no longer ask nor Bring on your Johnny Goodmans "Judge Raymond declared it was convention was left to the "general his fellow members of the Central TO"JEWISH. WAR picnic -dinner. The regular SaitsrcUiy D E A D I N B E R L I N receive aid from the Agrrojoint, except and your Walter Hagsns, but Burdick not the business of the court to vin- committee. Conference of American Rabbis, to 4ances.'axe .meeting with maaK •' . - . ; .for -establishing .schools -and for orhas organized- & little golf tourney all dicate any'one. Burn 'action, he-dedevelop©-a-new- religious education trot® -the members ©£ thfe BerHn. <J. Tl A.) Representatives ^jnzing farm cooperatives. "In the' of his own." Yesiree, when the boys clared, might be ajrsume/d. to indicate "ZIONISTS among the adults of their congregaincluding Gene- meantime the situation of the Jew* younger set. start driving them do-wn the fairway feeling for one" litigant irejairst the WOULD -V5TELCOME RETITRN tions. '"Your tendency has been tf j ralissiino -Heye-of the German army fa tjj e dties is getting worse," Dr. things will be tunning liotsy tosty. other. He thereupon set September OP JUDGE JBRANDEIS think of religious education ALL FOE YOUE wholly in terms of the child'Vhe said. Sand represHrtstivw of the Jewish Rosen -continued. "Russia is no plaee Burdick announced that medals have 12 as the tentative date for the reA few members are trader'the Jn?> London (J. T. A.)—The Tumored "Even the child can not be expected j community: were-present at the on- for traders because the government already been procured for the win- trial and announced that court TVSS that they may relinquikh possibility of the reSana of Supreme of a war memdnal to V 0 0 control of trade is growing." ners of both the golf and tennis tour- adjourned. *""' -very fax in his reKgioos develtheir raembership in the Center/evot Court-Justice Louis D. .Brandeis to soHiers who f eH m the-World Interesting -details, on. ho-w the neys. help opraent withoat the h p and a d en-! £he summer, returning in th* f&fi active leadership in the "Zionist Or- couragement of the adults who sur-' War. White Russian government reclassi..''.' Those who have already enrolled in White Russia |-without .being trader any ganization, of America, which caused round Mm. We may makeaU possible] Thousands of Jewish,soldiers WHO fied about 209 far the .golf title are: Joe Levey, Earl BRITISH ARCHAEOLOGIST URGES PALESimE MUSEUM animated debate at the thirtieth an-- plans and projects for the religions • served in t i e German: army during into villages, thus giving: their Jewish so far, as the summer months arr A. Lapidus, Abe Venger, Dave Beber, nual convention of the Zionist Organ- training of our children! yet it is j the Woria War- attended the: cere- inhabitants the prerogatives of pea- concerned. This is an crroneoUl! ItnSaul Graetz, Daniel F. Greenhouse and members are reque»t*& ization of America, was commented ! monies. Addresses were-'delivered by sants in taking land for settlement, London (J. T. A.)—-The creation of Dr. David W. Cohn, Ben Bercu to-note that their .membership is f«r upon today by the "New Judea", the ' RaBbi Lea Baeek and fierr "Wolff, wers told by Dr. Rosen. Nathan Fine, Harold Farber, Chet a museum to house the relics of anI . O . B . B . HEAD official organ of the World Zionist • a-''gear's deration•—quarterly f»s.y^ "These towns are predominantly inpresident; of "the KeMllah. , . Eosenbert, Sol Yaffe, Sam White zmd cient Palestine. wa3 urged by Sir Executive. . * roents do not change the o SAILS FOR EUROPE The addresses".delivered by' the]ha.Mted by Jews," Dr. Eosen ssid, 33indEts Petrje,. .famous English •William Wesley. Writing, editorially on the reports -representstives - of the" Jewish com-land the government's only purpose in m a d e , . • • ,' rhasolbgist, at.-the annual meeting In the -event that a nieraber of the American Zionist convention, of -the- Palestine Exploration Fond, vcmkity contained a note of complaint reclaccifying -them' into villages was The Taet -wizards. rfy^forihe away from the Center th* the "New Judea" observes: to give the Jews the legal rights and "that the- fraternal "spirit wnieh was jsecond round of the ionrney.-Follow^ held--.here-yesterday. gusrter.i returning in the fall, &* *eUs" "If the report that Brandeis ' is privileges of peasants. This act will Sir Flinders complained that due to manifest during the wax period has ing are the entrees who -survived the 4 died and"fhat:~the TnemoTiry of the give an opportunity to the Jews in be held responsible for the first round and are ready to tackle the lack of such a'museum, the find- ready to agarv lend bis moral and financial aid to the Zionist Organizawhether or-not'he had made mm fif While Russia to get 50,000 acres of Jewish war dead has been desecrated the contestants in the second flight ings of the archaeological expeditions tion : be irue, it would* be generally the fadiitieB in this period. TM§ fc land fitted for the development of in Palestine are-'being-scattered in by ^ the -anti-Seratic WiSerotJc agitators. The Th Sam Bender, Sam, Epstein, Irving welcomed. The Zionists will certainae<;os"<isnce with the tettK8 of local collections. in speakers expressed the-hope that the milk farms and other branches Perimeter, Dr. David Cohn, Sam ly be glad to have his active personal; and conforms in |>fI era of peace Is near. agricoltnral work. The advantag antage of Handler, Joe LeVey, Joe Cohen and assistance," the organ voicing ' „ the; The army band played and Xad-! this Isnd is that it is situated ,n the ciple to similar arraiigesnetits Phil Klutznick. TO FORM UNION. opinion of Dr. Chaim Weizmann dish was said for tie fallen soldiers, neighborhood cf the villages .m which Centers all over the country. Those who have, watched the tennis To AID PEOPLE STRICKEN states. the Jewish live and therefore there expenses • -for • the aasoci&tion ; matches look on in amazement as the B"? DISASTERS are no complications of mo%-ing. fcsped over a- year's period., 'net ROUMANIAN JEWS '•• little white sphere whizes over the According to -figures given by Dr. t } j r e e jp0IItjiS p r six PREDICTS ' netting-. Many of the matches have ',-...-WELCOME AMNESTY 'f''.— gone to duce sets, which all goes to Geneva (J. T. AI)The conference to Bosen, .35,519 Jewish families tevej Members. BTe 'farther reqtewrtfcS'. »* GREAT COTTON INDUSTRY create an international union for the Bucharest (J. T. A.)—An amnesty' already been established ns pioneer j p a j , j B 8{jVnnce of the expiration •*»* show that the boys" are really taking relief of population^ stricken by disFOR SYRIA to ^s.11 military offenders from July farmers3 ir. White Russia. Ukraine _t h e ; r membership dates, A memfotfa liking to the game. aster will open here -tomorrow. Be<Jeneva (J.-T. A.)—An era of 1914 was decided upon by the cabinet- and Crimea. imea. The new colonies of j v . n o s e Awh e 3 ;p| r c an June SO way ** * .. a * sides members of the League -of prosperity, based on the development About 20,000 trials still pending wili isb settlers established by aid of d e T 5 ^ d t h e privilege of using, tht - Sainmy Kauffman, Jewish pitcher Nations, many countries including of the cotton, industry, was predicted; 4t be annulled, snd thousands iisprison- the Ag-rojoint now number 160. athletic facilities until the deluxe, .returned.Tuesday with th America, Russia, Egypt, Hedjai and by. the representative of the French' - -d -will be released. The land occupied fay Jewish set- fees are pr.iri. Rlembcrji may Murphy amateur team. Kauffman Turkey, have begn invited fo send government, M. Robert da CaisJ at The Jewish population is gratified tlers embraces 250.9SS acres in the pedite mattrfs by checks k turned in three victories from th representatives. The International the • session of the Permanent Man- j "oecaiise of the "Jews who, immediately Ukraine, held by 21,245 families; 62,mail. . fc mound, which isn't bad at all, accord Red Cross vrfH alsa send delegates to dates Commission. . j L after ths war were charged with de- 027 acres in White Russia, where ,^~ ing, to sports scribes. KaufFman the conference.^ _ The commission concluded the ex-. Hon. Alfred i. -oaea. inter- sertion and espsonsge, and who, V*- then? are 1O,'S24 families; 110.T8S in (J. T. A.) — Thirty still under contract, with Mr. Barney It was stated. here in pre-confer- animation of the report of the French national President of the I. O: B. B. thctigh- innocent, have net been giver. the Crimea, -where S^?50 families manists were arrested * Burch at the Omaha club of the ence circles that the union will be government as the~ "Mandator povrer -_wilh Rabbi Louia IA. Mann (rislit) an opportunity to prove their ir.have made new homes. Cemrmsriist demonstration Western League. neutral. It will recognise-no national, for Syria. M. de Caix also "reported ~of Ciiicag-o, sails for .Europe on ! noeence. in|T the - demonstiatkm beard the S. S. Lex-iathaa. Mr. political, religious, social, or "racial on the .difficulties prevailing -on the SJweir Liberia and Cnba have lias been invited to Address I Sometimes the house of lords makes distinctions in its work or' in £he -sd- Syrian ^Turkish border at. the Hiver. Cohen many across-seas B*nal S'ritix Anyhow, wTl not freeze up for war debts, so, at last, the t&mg seems a rather rough house in the house of ministra'tiQn of i awhile. lodges. - to be over for them " A as Yiddish. Tiber, " ' :
NewSapirt-Ford" . Trial Wlfee Held on September 12th
Central Conference of American Rabbis Concludes Sessions
lore ire E
Robert Lappen President District 6, LO.B.B. ~
I'^ 1 ; ..>
.-,. ppbiigbed everj Thursday at Omaha. Nebraska. t>x
T H F / J E W I S H PRESS PUBLISHING GOMPANY . /v M • p" Officer 491) Brandos-Theatre vBuildini —•' Telephone:* ATlantic 1450. ^ r , . , . r '.'__,. NATHAN *EL GREEN, Manager.
„ * Subscription Price, one year_L ~^rr--:~
%A<jjy6jtjfoing -ratea furnished on application.
CHANQB Off AUDHBSS—I'lease sire botb the old and new addresa:
J I & t a
3TsB3eV?feh.I«sS is Wpp(ie<fby-1the Jewish Telegraphic Agency^< Jewish f?arreepondencR:fi«teaii)rwitb;icfibled and telegraphic Jewish news, in-additionto feature arjicles anjUcorrespondeaces from all Important Iew|sb centera Inquiries;regarding-uuaws q i e g g u u a w s Sterns credited to .this 'Agency Agency will be gladly answered Jf. "Agency, 621 B Broadway, New Jf addressed .io i o Jewish Telegraphic "Agency d N xork City v
^ ,'"__' _
Fastof Tammuz Rosh Chodesh Ab Fast of Ab Rosh Chodesh Ellul _
^Sunday, July 17 Saturday, July 30
Department of Justice ANTI-SEMITIC Officials to Confer With Charles ' STUDENT EXCESSES IN Levine's Representatives LEMBERG
:-•*'• PALESTINE SURVEY.COMMISSION ;.: $eadjng<the instructions issued to the Joint Palestine Survey .Commission by Mr. Louis Marshall and Pi*. Chaim Weizmann, and Washington, D. C—(J. T. A.)—A Jaiowing the group ^p/ Commissioners and their experts, one us conference will be held in New q greatly ^ncauraged.by the anticipated results. This .Commission, City between ^representatives of the ,of Justice .and -Samuel I. it Willie recalled,jvas organized at the suggestion-o£,njon-Zionisfs 9 ^ and- Charles JJ. Innes, of r jointly-•\£ith -£ibnists to'surve^on scientific lines the resources, ^Boston, , attorney? for .Charles A. ^nnmic'Jcdnditions-and"possibilities offered by Palestine. The Levine, after the latter'f x^bapx -to ih ^ e r m s o f H^ e * e n £ e \o the Copmiissioners as set fprth axe'epmpre)- United, ,Stat;e? ,this-'«nQntii. The conwill cqneem the Government's iblttJiii;to ,ferencemiiliqndollar ,claim .against
.abili.tatj.pn -of ,the Holy Land.- -There-is to be a in connectipn .with post-wax th.e mature, extent and results of Jewish .activities in salvage material, the; Jewish - Tele!Palestine*.dra'nig.the> pasfcdecadel It is to be especially noted that graphic Agency corjesppqdent here is jthis study' includes the'Zionist Organization and its subsidiaries as j by the Pepartn\ent of •well a s ^ l i e r public and private undertakings. Moreover, in the' justice. The purpose of the New (Conference will be to reach an xx .-„! — • — --pr^rn^d&tionsare'askedre^ard^ngtfie revenue amicable aettleinent if, possible^ Othermachinery of such financial institutions as the wise a civil guit. against Leyine will •Eouitdation. Fund and thj? .Jewish National Fund.- -become necessaxy. - ^Probablyjfor'the fii-sttime'the-Jevvish world will'gi,ve.an idea.of ,tjie It was repeated by department ofsourcjrejof'income of the various-Jewish-bodies engaged in activi- ficers that .there js nothing unusual $n
Lemberg (J. T. A.)—Many Jewish passersby were seriously injured in the anti-Semitic student riots which continued here Friday night. A new attack on the ..office of the Polish Jewish newspaper, Chwila, was made by the Polish students'. were a.ls'o made on a nu.nibe,r of synagogues Jin the .city, wtfere ^ ^wyideiws were smashed." The police intervened, arresting many of the rioters.
Government's Rehert an Palestine Made Publie a.:
A.)—The. - situatiojh] Jt also refers .to the Jewish Agency' - Geneva (J. T: in Pilesiinc as viewed, by govejhinienf a^-lho Mandatory Power jyas de^csibed in $h.e< report suT ? i l " J Jeryaalem / J . T, A-)r-Th« economic conditions ik Palestine wilj be de" bby y ^England,-.to g ^ o t -the ^ -p *j "^ 'J " " * ^
SOSKIN and KOZB&RG degree, of .Doctor of ietters was conferred upon Claude Montefiore by Ox- 1552 No. 20 St.—WE ebster .02*7 ford University today. Professor Fresh Meats -~ DclicatesseJ«! Richard Wfllstatte of Hunich. UniverFresh Fish Handled Dailj Warsaw. (J. T. A.) • Charles A. sity, winner ,of ^ the Nobel prize, .re- We Deliver to all Parts oif the Citj' Warsaw (J. :T. A.)—The first sesceived ..the..' degree. M „ Doctor, of sion of the city council of Warsaw Levine and Clarence D. Chamberlin Science. Degrees were also conferred at which the new administration was left liete: yesterday following a state oil l<Qrd Allenby.
inception given in their honor. -When interviewed by press replots of it to satisfy Levine— resentatives, Mr. Levine stated that he.:Takes mustflyback. lie-has no relatives in Warsaw and thai-he came-to Poland siot as a. Jew , It,does not help us jnuch to remember that a month ago we were pray.but as an American. ing for" the good old summer time to
jioieB, cistern""rldgg* anT cHrers, and flean-ont lootp iq t < k
The Best Place to Buy
Your yjctor Orthonhonix • - '•. R a d i o
-^gee us first—
SOL LEWIS WEbster2042
1S04 No. 24
Berlin (J. T. A.)—Alfred M. Cohen, president of the Independent Order B'nai Brith, will be recejYed by Chancellor Marx. Last night Mr. Cohen was the guest of honor at a dinner arranged by the Berlin lodges of <he order. JEWISH DIAMOND WORKEBS Jerusalem (J. T. A.) — A hunger Mr. Cohen arrived in .Germany a AFFECTED IN BELGIUM strike in the jail at Acre was de- few days ago from London, where he; clared by 39 prisoners yesterday. installed the officers of the Grand Antwerp.~(J. T. A.)—Thousands The prisoners "were arrested on the Lodge comprising England, Whales, of'Jewish-workers are among Ahe 15,- charge of participation in the ComScotland and Ireland. He also visited 000 warkers affected Ay the critical munist demonstration which took lodges in Amsterdam and Rotterdam. situation "in. the diamond industry here. place in Haifa" on May 1. They were From Berlin he will go to a number By a'decision of the -Employers Asso- sentenced to two weeks imprisonment. of German cities ar>d will then prociation, in agreement with the workers The Union of Palestine Railwayceed to Czechoslovakia, Austria, syndicate, work in the whole industry men despatched, a protest tothe Switzerland and France. •will he stopped on July 11, in progovernment oi 'Jugoslavia against the test against the South African Senate's BilHimiting the alluvial diamond persecution of trade unions in t h t JEWISH.BANKERS OFFER TO* FINANCE PRAGUE^production. It is expected that Am- country. NEW YORK FLIGHT sterdam will join in the protest against .ARABS the situation which has prevailed for -: Prague. (J.' T. A.) The Jewish REPRESENTATION IN JEWISH bankers, Peischek,' have offered to several months. LABOR CONFERENCE •finance- the flight of the aviators Jerusalem (J. T. A.)—A petition Malkowski and Pawlowski from HAKOAH WINS AUSTRIAN r Prague to New York. One of the SWIMMING CHAMPIONSHIP signed by §00 A &b workers was submitted t o ' the conference of the Vienna. (J.T.A.) Gath and Loewy, JJistadrjitb, the, Jewish labor organ.to members, of the Hakqah Vienna ization in Palestine. In the petition KOSHER DELICATESSEN FRJE0:spprjt. club.^were the .winners of the the workers ask that Arabs be ad-Complete Line of jvomep's and men's swimming cham- mijted to membership in thfe HistaDelicatessen, Smoked Meats jj>iorisjiips of j Austria .for 1927. The druth. Five Arab delegates ?»re and Fish chamjjjons^ip comprised the * length .ejected to the conference. * * 1509 North 24th Street of the city pn the Danube.. Th,er were presented with wreaths tied with the ANTI-SCHECHTTA BILL blue and white colors. DEFEATED 7 N NORWAY Another Hokoah member, E p s t -"Quality Jewelers" Stern," made fhe record frpm the Oslo (J. T. A0—The bill to prohibit flIALASHOCK JEWELRY ^wip from Vieijpa 4o Krems, a dis-the £chechitaj\he .Jewish method of Wholesale and Retail Jewelers tance of "75' kilometers,' which he cov- slaughtepng "animalsv was defeated 213-16 City- National Bank BIdg. ered in 7% hours. Stern is prepar- _by a }a"r,ge majority in thfe Norwegian JA. 5619 ing "to swim the English Channel. He .parliament.1 wilVbe the first Austrian to attempt this. "
dates CommisEion of ithe "League of scribed: in a Blue Paper to be issued Nations at its sesjion.'Jast v?eek' and by Jhe Palestine government. A. decision to issue 4 jepQrt pn tlie eco;made public.-herc today. . •**-• g — ~rrr ' , - ^ ^> nomic conditions' in, $he country wa^ According -to, 4he-British- govern- made by the Palestine administration. ment's report, the economic condition of Pklestine is less prosperous than MANDATES COMMISSION .year, the financial j^tyatipn; of INQUIRES INTO ..Jewish population is unsatisfacPALESTINE SITUATION tory .in comparison to t the r,previous ±wo'years. This has affec,ted trade Geneva. (J.T. A.) The examination j of thqreporia'. on the" situation in .•wihile the public finances of the Palestine, submitted by the Palestine £ountry axe. not Jinsatisfactory, the government and the Zionist Execureport proceeds, the situation de- tive, was taken up yesterday by the ^Diands -a. cautious.'policy. *. , Permanent Mandates Comujission. ' The1* considerable expansfon in The report of the Palestine "govreveilue is due-maiiily to the large in- ernment was amplified,by oral stateflux [of Jewish Capital, but Jewish ments madp to ,the Commission' by enteijprise has not yet .succeeded and Sir John Shuckfeurgh, British','xepcannot"-immediately ^succeed 'in in- resentatiyefo>thq ]\Ianda^e.s Gopimiscrea^in^'ihe country's1 production -to sion, "The ^iiyatipn in- galestin^ has "a lej|il, -wTiien* would ihaintafn its in- considerably' improved durjaig tfee-Jast creasing population. Therefore, - ex- -few years wfthr regard t o * the relapenditure "must be p kepirlow,, because tions between the Arabs and Jews. p i t oftihfe*Bifficully in-irisuring financial Better; relations of mutual Jtolerance stabjfiiy?''"- = " "• and goodwill' hare 'dev.«lQg£d, h^e It'fW'possifale tfat there is some s t a t e d . " r <*"•-'•-' HAIEED IN BERUN darigSr/tiiat unduly'pessimistic ihfer- "'Several members of the Permanent Berlin.(J. T. A.)—DK. Chaim WeL?i " ^ ! ! Jbe" matfe froni-the present Mandates Commission directed ques- mann, president of the World-Zionist - regarding^ We • es'tablish'- 'lidns~to >the British representatives Organisation, fwas received in audience wish" National Home/th"e re- concerning the Palestine Communi6i Chancellor- Ma*x yesterday. ates.'" Whtfe'the fdcts con- ties Ordinance, th& Jewish .colonists, pbrf^ates. Whtfethe In the feyeniog- a bugp reception tro\fei$; those «ptuniste 'who-'demand -the progress of 'Jewish - agriculture' 3s*as_held'in Jxonpr pf- Dr. Weizmann the and the gnancial' crisis 'no*"- prevail-, at the r Herxpphaus. Tremendous govebrnnfenfand urge a cblonizinfi ing in the country. Particular atten- crowds caitfe t ° listen to the-Zionist f polic^; 4t must be remembered that tion was drawn in the questions to deadec an,d.^t was .necessary -to call time;;is the essential, perhaps the the decrease in Jewish immigration -out the". "i>0jice tq keep order. An primeT^actor in' effecting * ^successful to' the coiintryV' -: «vecflow meeting was hejd. At both Jev "'^'ttlemenfiin.the country.. All -meetings ,-ypeiamann was given'enTTie''examination of the -reports monies and efforts-should oyation^.ava will c^ntujue at today's session of the consolidan o W r c d c t e toward atye cons the. Comipiission. " •--> tion'{*?f ^sitions already gained. AT. S453 '-'report praisesiithel spirit and LEAGUE C,OMMISSION AT. JJ§ j of the Jewish ^pppulfltion EXAMINES REPORTSi:OF JOE :M. CALABRIA during^ the crisis and. their deters: JL . PALESTINE . BARBER SHOP •minddxi^truggle through the .difficult y period-vT-. * '"•-" -- ) ', J .' .-'. We specialize in Geneva <?C" T^ "£C) ^Tiie examinaA»S#ijnng the -Mandafes Commis- ttion Children's ' & _ Ladies' Haircuts o n of, the t ^lesiine ^ i e e teporfs was consion%^qaestion as ttf what measures tinuejf' Arthur Bidg.~212*So7lgth Street iiy".the fer^nan tinuef' iiy"the fer^nanenf^HaKdates £ are faelrig taRghforsecura-.the; estab- Commission nt jits • ses"sion" n'^S^rday. ^teferdaj lisnnffirf{"'Of ^he -'< Jewish- Nationai ^li^.Jp^ih'fehuckburghV B'tlpsli delegat;e Home^la- Palestine, the government statfs--"5in the report "that its- policy ^uestioins.Jof the yarjojis meinQers of aims-to place^all'^itohabitants, irrespec4he -comnussioQ .concerning Palestine BUTTER and EGGS tive', f ' c e or 'religion, on a footing of equality. TJieiacts- of'good, .Amojvg^the, qile^ HCoancil mentr;4bemseiyss;l I create:1 conditions t f e J J a p p ^ c a t i b n , ^ e , favOratJl^ tor't^e development of. the citizenship ordlnan^, the standard of Jewish settleiocnt in Eslestjne, i t ^ g e p *of JTewish .and Arab'workers states. , - — - - jn'p-alesjfine, jthe^stafu^of ttue labor T$e Ireport TBpu'nierates-the limnber organization .and^the purpojieg for Martha 8t,«. . HA rnej i662 ^ S h ' 'immigrants to the country, wh'ich" the'Palestine g^yernmeifo loan i^fhe'lsni acquired for of £4,500,000 are to be used*:" The Soft pray. Iron, brass; bionie and aluminum castings. Standard-'&lze» the^jsxpenditures . bronze .an^ Iron bushings, eewer mandeveiojpmeni.of th%' country. Palestine Arab Exec.ntive.
Chicken Shack
constituted following the recent .this jelaim ^gainst LeKyie. Mbrje than municipal elections, was -marked '£y 'hundred claxms of .a similar,char- extraordinary xiisturbances. acter against ,oti»er parties, are" pfind.- - The disturbances were caused by abilities. This Commission is. composed of Sir" AJ£re4 Mohd, the fact' that two of the Jewish coun. Frankfil; Felbt M. Warburg and Dr~.Oscar-Wasserman. Some resentment .expressed cillors insisted on reading their stateUndter'their directidn/the group of experts should succeed in col-;against the Efforts made .by New ments not- only in Polish i>ut in -Jewish newspapers .to give im- -Yiddish- as well. This was done by Tfecting'the data Requested." The^r ieporfr should certainly furnish1 ihejbaais'upon ,w,hlch cap Jae built up that comprehensive and pression that anti-Jewish,.feeding is €. Zybert, councillor elected on the involved. - This i s entirssly ' jncprtect, ticket of the* Jewish labor .party, systematic prograin for future, constructive .work in Palestine so .officials declare, asserting that the and Councillor Lew, elected by eagerly sought after by Zionist and non-Zionist alike. Nothing is' government would have haen more in- -Bund, the Jewish labor, party, Paole Zion. Ynore necessary to make'possible the" reorganized Jewish Agency sistent in its claim .which .was .pending of Palestine, in which the Jews of the v^prld can unite for the re- before Levine made the nxm-atop COMAJUNI$T PRISONERS £abiUta$p,n of the lana* iin'd its^in'dustries'tajnake itfafitand safe; trans-Atlantic flight, but has' DECLARE HUNGER STRIKE iplace for £hose Jews who desire or must migrate ther,e and make 'Levine every courtesy. IN ACRE JAILi
it their home^" —American ijebrew.
ANTI-SEMITIC PAPER JJINED conditions-laid ^down is that the aeroBerlin (J. T. A.)—A fine of 500plana.bear Qw^jname 0Petschek. The "cob datlsr" rwas a, S ^ a n t d i ^ ^marks vwas imposed upon a dealer for h^biti an^ anti-Semitic picture in WARSAW JEWISH COMMUNITY lar which at onetime hadnfiftft-cWculation in the • Untfcd States, V& 1TS8, UNABLE* TO SUPPORT when the articles of confederation The Cassel court fined the dealer CULTURAL INSTITUTIONS were Dofeberg 500 marks for exhibiting a Warsaw. (J; T. A.) The Kehillah. picture from Hitler's organ, "Der IIlustriexte Beobachter." The picture Council rejected all motions for sub-! Ovrtng-to its conVehiencef^ alleges to portray Jews cutting the sidies for -cultural institutions. Aj ed"--with"si^bt change""as-oitt" •tfeBoR E*'en Jlhe"d©llftrsi|ft% BoR E*en Jlhed©llftrsi|ft%rli throat of Saint Rudolf and "catching motion that support be extended these c&b doll&ES -^joined 14 the Wesd 4n=*"vessel*. - •: .the :5»xlaw -S&ri. h. Peretz, who i her: JU&atetak" cjji«ro%iajTiB "• The state attorney declared that by" for: Joroe.-^^is -;an -official of the m&; smaller Spanish coins representing the inscription "Judenspiegel'," -the Kehillah, was' also" defeated. ' fractions ^Qt.the ^ b dollar were called pictu're publicly insults a. -religious co&munity. The court ordered the GERMAN GOVERNMENT confiscation of all copies of the issue CONFIRMS BERLIN KEHILLAH of" the "Beobachter" in which the COUNCIL ELECTIONS You are ^welcome picture is printed and the destruction Berlin. (J. T. A.) The government of all plates from Khich the ^picture at . ,'V confirmed the elections of the Jewish was made. community-in Berlin held May 1926. • Dorsey's' ' According to the-elections the Zionist JGRANSJORDANIAN conservatives will have' ,11 represen"ARABIS PROTEST ^TTLEMENT tatives while the Liberals will have 5400 Center .Street OF ARMENIANS ten. members. This election.,ends, the Phone Walnut 5936 Liberal majority uninterrupted in the 'Jerusalem (J. T. A.)—The Arab council for more than a hundred "Famous for .sheiks- in Transjordania have .subzoitted a memorandum to Jthe governChicken Sandwiches'\ / • laent, protesting against the demand Trancing' '' i made by the British government that JEWS HONORED . BY OKFOBD UNH1ERSEI5 land should be made available for the immediate colonization of ArmenI^ondon (J. T. A.)—The honorary ! ians.
JEWISH BOOK STORE 2429 Decatur Street
If you are in need of a Tales wool or silk of the best jjuality. Tfeelin, Meznzqs .or any other religious article, we will be glad to sell it to -! you at tibe most reasonable prices. We also carry a full line" o f " Bibks srith Jewish and English translations. We are piso the of-all'Palestine Products and the artistic worik ,of RezaM » in'
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See Them in Onr Windows and'in Our Store Todayi ice until 'now XnSCC tfe*JR !S9J^OO,000 telephone conversation* »re held in this vwixAxy ©ash day. 8fLL
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PAGE .3-3IHE JEWISH PRESS, fewne Tues\isit in
Bobbie, Her Fairy iLad
Mrs. Sam J. Steinberg is enter\g her afternoon bridge dub at hej-.home Thursday. *I\TESA THEATRE, WEEK OF JULY STH second big -Newildea Publix -Stage Show called "Bush*Ya" .with -Boyd Senter and the 'fliviera Jazz Jesters is billed this week at the Rrvjera. The Jazz Jesters _will give ENGAGEMENTS an. entirely .new program with 'Jlr. and :Mrs. £. -Kesselman an- settings, costumes ^and new acts, noonie .the engagement of their introducing Al Msrlsel, Gay Faun, daughter Sarah to Irving Schneider- -Chief Eaglefeather, Fulce and Seman, "son of Mr. and Mrs. Sdhneider- bastian, Davy Jones, and the Rushin' xaan.of New York City. Steppers. These New-Idea Publix
BACOT "bad returned to the to find the little tlad fallen Jn lose |Jie sjammer before. *Ehat was ^tfeeQiy-five and JBc jiadiseiarfl the nurse rail him—was sis .did not lessen the Intensity of the ;girrjs -unrequited love or ,make it, any easier for JPage to siake-the necessary .adxfijicfls. Page -was hopelessly shy jLbout .children. Page had first seen Bobbie rat the -summer kindergarten, ,and at once .she had lost her heart. His eyes were -so big and -round *ad dreamy; his dear little .face .was -always so seri-ously intent upon what he was -doing; his hundreds of -curls -were so *w3 enticing! Though Page had'& Bobbie all aioag the edge of Jthe lake .where he and his nnrse bnilt .castles ,ln the .sand, she had nexer jspoken a word to him. Still Page i a d learned .a great deal *bout Bobbifc-that Jie "had*no mother, tltfit the ^coiored .srpman who amused him "had no sympathy with" the dream life he lived, that he had invented a Fairy Lady who snp-
until she saw-Bobbys
:: , S : Ik
^^Bfl©3t^.he.-^iia,,rJSn taking the only way to'meet you that seems possible. -I like your stories;" " ^ Page smiled. After all, there ctralti be nothing iwry wrong -in •talking to Srtbfefe'-fether. .'..''-< v; "Where's Bobble?" she asked. ^Having his. fairy lady tell him good night I suppose. Xou understand children because you love them, doa't you?" Page nodded. "Did you know when yon.-were .reading-my story the other that I was writing abosi
father, she realized, A-great "wonder • GIVEN PEjSJjilSSION TO filling fier nsotfl,Tha«t Wanted' her to ; BSKJtN ARK,SEARC|B[ have that first moment alone with Bobble." rSoStly i"age -etole from the b—-A. F. PiilJeraealeip room." At file: heaa of .the steps she ^ Ipterer ;-of |he paused. On the landing belase Bobert-Sinclair was walttag foraer.-Tnen, 1 ^ - " J ? .f'e.&F. .••.-^.-- •--•*.«-"-^~= .—--7?fr?s ! glancing -once more Into the norsery, J by the government to begin TIJS searfh * "she went down to him. ' i tor the Ark of the Covcnanl cto
Mr. Fatterer .arrived in Jerusalem .* search :for "t|se Ark on
Jerusalem. <J. T. A.) Dr. Lee K.J s. A, Goldstein returned, .Frankel, one of the four Commishome Wednesday morning from aj "I tri«a to read U 450 that you woxdd sioners of the Joint Palestine -Survej' ;tbat I understood. I tMnk Commission of the Jewish Agency,, "three* weeks' visit in the'east. Mri Bobbie iaew,-too." . aflJL'"~;Mrjs. Goldstein accompanied accompanied hy Dr. Maurice 33. Bax•'••J^aya't we go -in and tell Bobbla ter and Dr. Charles F. Wilinsky, are their daughter Rosaline to New York £ood night? It's a dreadful thing to leaving Palestine today on their rewhere .she -§ailed July 25 on the be little and lonely." steamship New Amsterdam for a tour •*iNot so-bad as to be big and lonely," turn tc the United States. Stage Shows have lost jume of the of .".Europe. Enroute -they visited in -tba Bian .added. When interviewed by press repAtlantic City, Washington, Chicago,* and .son Abe, spent the past week- beauty of the former productions but "S*t>, not «o l^ad," £age ^dded. resentatives, Dr. Frankel .stated that j have added much in the ways of Robert -Smclair led the girl to -his ' during1 Ms stay in Palestine he visJS9&. j £ . £5?SP -iadiBSfilSi ..Wisconsin,' end in Sioux City. cottage ami lip to the «oom where ited 20 Jewish colonies of different 1 laughs, "pep" and fun. -Hheie-their ^on Herman is spending! Bobbie lay la his little bed almost Mrs. Edward Rosentbal of Mjamv Pola. Ne^ri in the new Paramount 'the summer. asleep. - 33?e bey :opeaied his *5!Es types and that he inquired -into all Florida, formerly Miss Dorothy .Sin- picture, "Barbed Wire" .is the photobranches of Palestine life. He has drowsily. • This is the screen and $8xs. M. Kulakofslsy left ger, and Mrs. Abe JGoiJchaux, of -Big &$7 -attraction. obtained ja picture of the situation iBOd my JFairy Xsfiy," he popular story Cane, '.La., nea 4ffiw Mrilye Singer, ™ - ' — -* W a " -Caine's ^.!»»'« r, «+«rv jfteerring for -an JS nm^ •"it -isn't make4>eliev« this which will .enable him to participate with trip thjeQU^Ji .t^e-^cagtw-jriiey will visit are Tisitiiyj .with their parents, Mr. "The .Woman ,of Knockaloe" is t t r '. . .-.- •, in the preparation of the -report cf w and it isn't a dream," Page an- the commission. ..City .Sid and Mrs. A. Singer, -and* their sister, Eola Negri in 4he role of Mona«' •Olive -Brooks as Oskar and" Einar as she kissed the flushed little - -Mrs.-Nate Kort of this city.. cheek. It was the first time she had Hanson as the brother. This Tole je$iBJ"i.tesed-£;U£tle-cliU<!L "Go to sleep, SECRET ZIONIST PAPER -opon Mrs. A» E; Krasne is leaving SunMiss Jtelja ...Singer: ^ ,sommer-Kided -without Cage's ever •Bobbie, f m coming again." day for a -CONFISCATED IN RUSSIA gamut of her talentsras the greatest -Florida, for several j -trip. •living -in ^ having talked to Bobble. Quite lonely, Page gathered the little boy close to through Colorado. emotional actress of file screen months, and also visiting in Big she returned home and contented her- fier, and Bobbie's arms encircled her Wire" is a steady parade of self . with the writing of stories in beck. Then as the child slipped back Riga ;(J. T. A.)—A secret Zionist iEss Berl^aJ Siporin left Saturday Cane and Alexandria, La., and Chi- "Barbed "big stones". Brooks andJHanson both which Bobbie was the hero. - -.; to the pillow, Page smoothed the cover paper, the Goluth, was discovered by for Chicago-to visit with relatives. cago, EL, has returned home. ISoyr.&ggin at ^afeside, JRage foimd about him and patted the folds In the Ukrainian political police', Ogpu, give remarkable characterizations in She will als|r jvisit in Detroit. ^ ^She ^ a s ^sbocked to realise p^ace. There were teaes In her eyes, despatches from Kiev state. p iElearaar -Horwich Cand "Mri The paper was confiscated by the •tjiat be was a fear older, ;that j>art of but behind the tears a happinejgs born •/There will J* a spe^al orggji; j E f c h h l l d £ ffi d ?Wilbgr jEfcsrwich, ,cbjldrea,.«i fdx. a,nd Mrs. SamSSacks left Tuesday |pr; •not of dreams alone. iris curls .liad been ^bingjed, aid that authorities and many Zionist npobear by . © e ^ e Jcfegp^ at the, Mrs. '•B^nry Horww^i, of Chicago, §Q., Excelsior Springs to t e gone 1 •iis face was not s& "baby-round. 'Witli JThen she, lootecL around the room, a r r e s t e d € Riviera grand organ and also the formerly of this^dty, are the guests month. %.•'•"•-'• a little catch in her tiiroat, she cut the of their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. regular Sunday noon organ concert pajges in tbe magazine In wbicli her Mrs. Mamjp; Block and son Sylvan A. last story about Bobby was published. of e^ssical and semi-classiftal nunt- "Her Fairy Lad" she had called i t It left for Houston, Texas, to be the Mrs. H. Q. Marx of Alexandria, was about Bobby and herself. guest of her jgi^teiyMrs. Will S. Rips. Mrs. Block fll visit i i t iin Houston H t iin- La., and Mrs. J. D. Stein of H "yr That afternoon Page again took a book to the edge of the l?-ke. As she wood, Fla., are visiting with their definitely. watched the purplish afterglow that sister, Mrs. Henry Horwich, of "Chi-I lined =the bordering hillsides, a sense A daughter was born Wednesday cago, before returning to Omaha toof ^infinite peace filled her sonL SudBudapest. (J. T. A.) The demand^ and Mrs. H. Cooper be the guests of their parents, Mr,, morning to denly she saw coming from the cottage •"jtSs' •Hungarian government inof Audubon/rijowa. and Mrs. A. Singer and their sister, troduce a numerous clausus against where Bobbie lived not only Bobbie but a man who was perhaps Bobbie's Mr. and Mrs. Max Shapiro, for- Mrs. Nate Kort attorneys, lizpiifaig" the number of father. Strangely Page had never merly of Lincoln, Nebr., are now the Hungarian connected anyone with Bobbie but the Dr. B. M. Kully and Herman Eully Jewish lawyers making their -home with Mrs. Sha- left to •' the govern- old black nurse. To her genuine for a motor trip to California bar, was piro's parents*, Mr. and Mrs. J. B. signed by terror the two-came so near her that where they will visit with their sis- S ment in a Robinson, 3815 Lincoln boulevard. she could almost tonch them and then ters, Mrs. D. Goldware and Mrs. L.! 600 Hu^axjjan sat on a bench "within range "of her i' The memorandum -was submitted hearing. Mr. and Mri. Leonard Hockenberg Shostack. by' a deputation" of lawyers to fke] J of Des Moines announce the birth of !i'm goit^g to read jou a story toDr. David W. Cahn has been *p-"j "minister of justice, urging him to algM," a baby boy, jfcxjrn July 1. Mrs. Hockthe man began, "instead of tellenberg was formerly Miss Esther pointed on the medical staff -of St.! take steps to introduce the necessary ing one." ;, Joseph's Hospital as the assistant legislation in parliament. The moveAs P,ag:« listened, she seemed to exZTk^^thijft i being bi ment was initiated andd is perience s3,l the human emotions. This dental surgton. headed by former minister Doemoe- ma» was -readiag "Her Fairy Lad"— Miss Til%'Eice left Wednesday The Daughters of Zion will h a v e ; t o e r the story eae had written about morning for Los Angeles. Enroute Bobble. she will visit in Salt Lake City, San their fifth annual picnic .o,n, Sunday, j "I like that Btoyy;"" Bobble anDELEGATES Jose and San' Francisco, CajL^ ^ July 10, at ElmwoodJPark. ^ J l mem-j nounced at last. "That was my fairy bers and "fKeir ar^^tds sx& invited. PARTICIPATE IN INTERN. Mr. and Mr|i. Sam Peltz announce j There wjH be fames' ^airjoizes for CONGRESS lady playing with the little boy." Then Page .rose and walked away the birth of a eon, Richard Walter, the chHdren.London.—(J. T. A.)—The Seventh rapidly, rather ashamed that she had born June 23*: Mrs. Peltz was forupon the intimate lifHe conInternational Congress for the Sup- intruded merly Miss Doris Arshack of Rock ference. pression of White Slave Traffic wa? Island.-.IBinQis. " \ After that Bobbie's father was alof tije • |ocal opened here today. Many Jewish del- ways with Bobble, and Page was even Miss_Esther Weinberg retusned A-.Several p Nj), J7_jDf-#e-A- ^ ^ A^atteftd egaXes^ including representatives of shyer than she had been when the lad N home after k spending the past six ed jtfae American organizaQons," are-partici- was guarded only by the nurse. He A. %. A. ^ony months in IJfew York City, Chicago which National held in ^9es -Moineg, -Iowa, pating in the congress. Mrs. Wein,- was evidently spending his vacation and Boston. berg of Jie^National Council of Jew- with his son. Page was very lonely. during e past week. Among those ish Women, Alfred ML;Cohen, presi- One night as she sat on a bench quite d d i Ab L KaK Miss Ida <Cahn left Thursday for Jndftde.(i -were ^ m dent x>f ^>e Independent Order B'nai far from Bobble's cottage, Page began Excelsior Spjrings where she plans, to telman, who was the delegate t*9 . Brithj, Dr. and; Mrs. Louis Mann, Mis. wondering what it was that made her 3fauz£ce and stand afoof from "people. Thy she stay two we^ks. iqsal ~~~ Arfhur Frie.djnTaiij Albert fox, and ; Alexander ^flihut, Mrs. Henry Mosco- could never learn to bring people close wite, Br. ^Iaar«5E Hexter, Dr. Stephen to b*r wiien she Tleedeff tisem so. Sh» MISB Laura Berek of Fremont left Leo Meyerson." S. Wise apd Carrie Wise, ,are attend- did not taiw—that ««aaeone had aplast .Friday ^jr Des Moines where she Miss Edith--Brandeis left Sunday ing the sessions. Chief Rabbi Hertz, •will spend [ten .days visiting with morningf for Portlan4> Oregon, where with the Bishop of London, Marquis relatives anejL;friend5.
AUTHORITIES CLOSE " THEATRE IN Czeniowitz {3. <T. A.)— lion, the „ only Yiddish ' playllopse in Su3ro.v±fta, was,closed rby an i the Ji©aiBfltnian authorities, -with its Jemsh populstipn, is $j attractiojj for .many Yid<&sh and 'has -a-particular plaee 4fe ^fee tory of the development of tt»e ^id theatre in Eastern Europe.
The Premier Sales Event of the Entire '-Year,
Entire Spring Summer
she will visit relatives.- She "will also Aberdeen, and the Rev. Horton, welcomed the delegates." ..Claude 'Montefiore is a jnember of the international Bureau. ;
-.Mr. and Mrs, Morton Asher of Des xisit in Los Angeles, Cal., J>e£pre reMoines, forflaerly of this city, an.- turning late i hpmph l t HI 6ie 6 sumpier nounce the birih of a baby son, born $Ir. and Mrs. SaHi'fleyerfon July S. family and Joseph. Sol«nfonow mofparS j t e ^ f r.,/Sunday b S d to i M. E. Chapman,.will leave Sat- ed ""to Scjiuytex, M and visit ' i f it izrday evening for New York City and will later sjoin Mrs. Chapman at Mrs. Ben Gershun. St. Paul from "where they will go to Mrs. Sam Sbsenthal left WednesGlazier National Park and California day morning for Excelsior Springs, for several weeks' visit. where she will stay about a month.
DOUMERGUE RECEESTES LEYESE Paris (J. T. A.) — Clarence D. Chamberlin anijl Charles A. Levine were received yesterday by President - -Mr.- Levine visited the gg mejther of Nungesser, Mr^Eevine offered to defray the expenses of Mme. . Mr, and l^rs. Allen Kohan have Miss Eos? Shyken-lfsft Saj^irday Nungegser, should j h e rcare to go to left for a motor trip to Chicago and night for St. Louis, Mo.j -where' s&e Ajnerica.ia.cstnnectiwiwiih the search. her other eastern cities. Enroute they will visit relatives for a week. ' will visit in "Des Moines, Iowa, with Mr. and Mrs. Max Cohn motored Mr. Kohan's, sjster, Mrs. Jack Gold--*>' Goldberg. Mr. and to Hastings, Nebr. berg, g and
visit over the Fourth with Mr. and Mrs. Kohan "jrfll return home about Mrs. Herman Zuber.
August 1. : | -The Misses Marian Martin, Nioma ' Cohn, Jeanejtt^ Levinson and Ida Tennebaum xejurned home Tuesday after spending-the past week in Des Moines as the^ guests of Miss Nee Norton,
- Mr. and Mrs. Julius daughter, Marian, and Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Katelman motored to Lincoln, Nebr., Monday morningjlq ^peaid ,the day with relatives.
Mrs. Max Steinberg and young son, Lawrence, are leaving TJhuradBf. eve-, Mr. and Mrj. Louis J. Herzog of ning for Los Angeles, CaL, to visit •Lincoln are the .guests of Mrs. Her- relatives. En route they will visit in rog's siter, ,1£OB. Samuel Katz. Salt Lake "City, and also S«attle t M- -mdl&s. Charles Schimmel 'Washington, and San Francisco, '
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JEWISH PRESS, THTJBSDAY, JUIiY 7, 1927' about -what -TOTE hare -read: *nd~4statd -• had.:loved'-h«;-i6tj-:v.;.;^-^ :-:..;/4».'Vvi;':-x::] Few Hav9r The; sands ^ere I-now:'gripping me ; Coed Thinking aboitf th«>-1»atotk^with Jthelr £liding£j BMS woTfcfabtut eight insidious -fingera^iiTheHpressure jandl; n?y ;fritfjfoiniae^ me( bfeaihe I harder, i ibears •* 4ay),.?t Is mt$mH tt* Theand\I grewvC^d^througb: all my framt K rest ©rthe time |#;diTi$!«d «bouteau*li runs, .betwaea recreaAs a boy :f had alwaysi been accounted ly, so the theory 1 strdnjg; and as a man my knowledge tion and sleep. j • " - • of the^ woods, my^-agility, my muscular Of the 16 waking hoars how many resourcefulness ; jwere ; among the- are devoted to thinking? Psychologists proudest of my* personal possessions. ten us that a tenth Is. a liberal' allow But none of these" things now availed ance, and. In actual practice, from that OpE?-the longer and'Tnpre'-urifre- me.: 1 Rather did > they appear draw* down.- Only a little motto than, an hour uentedof the two^Toaftg^jectiTuse backs; for they -made me eager, to arid a half out of the twenty-four ocL he -iMe^horoe, _ tolcXtayenswood struggle,; where the struggle w;as ^ fa- cur'ed In thinking 1 • ; r ~ "plantation,, through;th'ef lattf 'sijm- taL My heart and my muscles cried^ Thinking Is one of the most difficult mer afternoon, was delightful. Never butjfor me to let; them save me. But* fiatft|te woods seemed jo friendly," the • I should wait quietly^ I knew, should and trying of occupations; 'says Colfiow«rtM«? bright, the birds lio 'songful. wait quietly—<>h 'God I ' I cried, for lier's. Were this not so: It-is probable At onfe'Jplace the road gi&gtd-into a what should I wait so quietly, so; geh^ that we might,spend more time'at i t To prove this, try to concentrate your eool- hollow, .where a slow-stream ran, hdCth underbrush rioted "densely. tly?, What conldligaln byiiriactlottV mind on the book you hare just read; I knew, -went' Wy the fan- Slowly,: grimly, I was: sinking in the on the lecture you h»ve recently of the Doom b? Ravens- ruthless quicksands. • Mine was. the listened to; on the Important interwciod;-thonj{h I- confess that It never Doom of Ravenswood. On that lonely view you have just had! Try :to rememfalling^ 1 ber and recount to ;ouraelt ltem by impresses-' tne with' any sense -of -Im- road, and with the twilight 1 could not possibly hope for,a passer^ item, Just as much as you can of the peaiBng': disaster. .It seemed a place fliU-'Of ancient solitude, a.vhaunt, of by•'. to help me. My "fate lay in my thing you read o r listened • to.' it wilt ancient-peace. . - • __•. , .„ > own hands; ana wretched fate, where tire you out Unless you Hare trained to jmt fo*th the "st^ehgth of -which 1 yourself to the task your"^ mind will ^ite^wttd bine flags -weje-BO beatt- was..so; proud ^as but,to sink deeper, wander—you will lose the thread. flfol; growing there Just beyond the ^.strangle, and"to dlei ... . Psychologists recommend the cultiHtUe White Sandbar in the swampy ^ ^ j t h a ; quayering vofiSe I caiteS?t6 vation of thinking habits"; they recom•treto^'ttiat I'let the lines fall'oa Relbirti; the horse that Tioyed an^l E^Sblrd'B neck, and illsntonnted. t He that' loved me.* I wanted ^ l o o k into mend less reaflins and. more thinking immediately took advantage of mf §6' eyes, to try" to make? him'underapparent aberration, and began to statfd. If ever there was:a-time when grate' onVthe ranis and lajclons grass he might help me, when I needed: him, tfcat' lined the shadowy rpatk now was that time.; I catled^ hjni gen*"r w&ked out on the t}ny ^enjnsula, tly, and he whlnneyed his affection, Bttidlnk'tmder t h e ' feathery willow lifting his head out of the deep roadboughs} and reaching down I grasped side grass. In his great, eyejil seemed the>ten^6f a royal flag-flower.' It to see a comprehending light; but It Woke at'the loint, and ntyd. q\k% of Its was doubttess cnly fear, and curiosity. With' tremhilng- • lingers X picked a tight socfcet easily, a silver moisture dewing its stali. l.took a^sjtep far- plUful-little/wi^ "of" bitter aawgras* toward Mm, tBerV toward another besnty that and held, It entreatingly 1 reared Its purple head 4aat -beyond ^Come,- BedblroVv I said; ^omei"old • > - ' " - t v •••'•-•-. •.• •-••' . ! v . \ . Y - y ••*•'•'• ihjf lfeacTi; I* leaned far-put,* and nny b o y . ' ^gazedafiae wlffiviin1fl#te3?h)lned7 reeVbsaiiMnr-the"i-sweatinysands r "I grasped a* willow iJmb^nd^beht for- lustrous eyes. I'felt that-Tie' did not * ward:* Though I eoujtd feel; that my want the grass,' and I could not blame, But he had to cornel He just fjeetJ;were 'almost Wa^ea'^tSoughT I him. had Tnade up my mind to capture that had to comn! There was ho one else' ftiwer' i t all hazards. .Aether? step to save me; and surely my Hedblrd I ' ventured; and "now,^JAyc. fHt'ithe would not desert me in my extremity 7er|eio^"-where the; black waters of of peril. If he would swing that loose thVnibrasH lipped sluggishly the shin bridle near enough to me, he might lag sands of the shore.". Thje^fiag was pull me out by It But before Jt could ealily )«?ithlh"reach;strangelyenough, Teach the reins he would have to come ft?«e'etod\to come nearei^!me.v I at least part of the way on the treachVr^feas^a the bough, whjch ^sprang erous sands; He might go down with ba^t ifito Its plac& I" gfaaped the me; or, feeling his'footing gtving'way; lurlniri flower, and as I tugged gently he might plunge out, never t o : be at '•'it; vli^elt myself stafc^ * ? : : my tempted near me again. amassment*! was 'over Jmyfanlfeles In About my -'brefet- now the 'tawny ftee* sticking: sand. - But I nevertheless monster clungp seeking its^preyi; It (HBletf the flag; then I sought to,w|th- was climbing-up,-aiways'^up. i t was df*w^ one foot I felt the fthfwr,#ve trylng;i:b-.clutch ^nyMtiiroatf I-Imew; ^^Tvstroggled,'.I floundered,r& sank It ''would completely1-cbver my-'^esti -*t6;-^r;'fcwees.;VV^CT,/fr^pb^nR. I th'eti: my- necf - and c&iii j and then It tad«&ir I mjflit, call It would;'smother ine, strangle- me, drown .w iehUiijcwai^hadbe^ me. And the black waters and the tniM^e ffij^r- a ^ o | ^ ^ jgjgs, crawling sands vwould close over-: me gtm 3ileatiy, and'close over me forever! and ''- BttMiing^ouSi my%V&lsii*braiS •^SJI^ertie'tiapa^i-.'lfaes' from Scott's ,._.fi. .._._.. .-^pb<i;oit.>.fkQ : ?TB»lde of Iiiw^ermopr*':. ':;.:; .„, ^ shopeififoBclog^i|e'gaai^ittpBe tfiit fhy^tracks hadbeen obllteriited^by thfr HoT ohall ntabio' WB mit*& 'Itc'tk*••'KJSi" ^eftery; ^ e a c h ^ e f j - s a h ^ s y e i y ^ge&- ' - ^ p l e i f i « % ; ' - * • ' , . ' " • ? . , • - . - < i - i -'.. - i -..-. 'hl» nanift «hall bo lost foreverilj^th^enpj-pulled off m?*Jc6j$'and laid ' And ;.» m o r e . ; • - . . ' '. •'. . . ' . . - . : ' •.'.'•.-.•/•.• •,!*$$*ge~edge..dl the bog^IfireoTJUd 'Tho^ who have-had hairbreadth gb^'iiiB^^Befc off i £ ror. ray knees, it nilghit ^ v e -me wropcrt uit® I- <couid escapes from; great danger can seldom spijngxto fitm^igrbuni ^?i- P$: my describe their'experiences calmly;^ If h'hnas -on the cpatj<1I^fjtenlnjf the thejr"describe! them truly. And 'When wefgfct?»n my legs; but the^^tenipt I think bit t h e dread- grip of that wss disastrous. "Swiftly an§ ruthless- black bole, even nbW I cannot suppress ly^ tfie*v#hole bottom seemed to give a shudder and a sickness at heart- I •way'under my feet,: arid Jt;w;a8j-drawn- remember at that moment, as if looking on them for the last time, how by^ttie monster-flown, and then a groan of mortal blue and sweet was the sky, tinged agony escaped iijylij^; and with the sunset's gold; how misty and feedingr near, threwmp his still." the woods, how beautiful the Jattd 'looked at me (8tyah|ely. wide world from whose vision I was : rfo n'ot doubt that I' returned his look being'brutally dragged. •. • in'a'wa^biatrlnstiaedhls alatm. He Savagely risking the peril of "the toolj&I^startlisd aha ^dis^lled;"'tor effort, I grasped a handful of the fatal Mi- ttane was over on the wrong sjde blue flags, wrenched them off, r and |i5'-$b?:- 1 * l n a .&?*• PHPP#4^pier ihls held them "with desperate entreaty toheadland were dangifag.'^jBut;if|er ward the faithful Redbird. He took a a'"'^^^^^ gate, he'declded, •'evldent- step toward me, then another. The fir^tfiat Vhlle I was afctirig'!asTi~sh6ni1a sands already had him round the •••£etIfoii^fr w"as;my ;own afS$£f ;^o/ he locks, yet he came on. his head btitt biirlea:his nose again in ^ f ffagrint stretched toward the flowers, and: the pjasifc* fetit kept: »ne «7« coptefd x^'th precious bridle dangling low. He felt fiirj&r tit not wishing -to mljss any^- the undertow, and he walked gingerly. Yet now he reached his head out far, dretdfullyv afraid.,,; I far. ':!, 'too, strained forward, both jS&uta-flot^Jrtd ihyf mind o r ttie^ name, hand* clutching the flowtrs. Was he Ui " *•'**'' "-"* 'f ;Barejngwoo|kC^iI -W^BBclose enough? If I frightened him, he lain, enough what the mesplng must jwould bound away.- I prayed. »':]'i •• •••; thlnt that I«:li«^ljN*d on • '.' My effort of reaching forwardVSadall those years an'd had. caused 'the sands to drag me heavily Aftimffii.It!^ m e t i m M ^ a d ^ s p n - •downward; They Tclosed* .over''fay; ^red 1 *Kow: I should • ha»e/•- to; die; ftut shouders. They flowed about" iny #*&Ii«evet pictured ars^eftf'llkethls, throat, fondling it coldly. Withi a-last despairing cry I threw out my arms, the reins with the-m«kIng~wiH6w ffldmy hands gripped : iit& out ;«fV rtas^C^*iyD*'' ^..Kjfp of "aeath; ' My fingers' were a-glimp^ i f Jt|ewha|rtiy stee^ibands. Mjr breath was all "tout .? {.*.-. ^.fj^eT^tf\1cB6--rwaii.:-t|f-omi- gpnji'V ...My strength ; seemed stressed X ^•**>^'*> ''^':'ii "up into my arms. ; ; ' inorass; 5!B(^re^%-*^nBt--n«iic ^ior the'tipfc'of-taf ^fliigers^to , Kedblrdi threw up hla head^sriort^shohe the llttle^ai^^bank ttg, hacking, plunging. He racked Mean, i^vittajsr- inciting ' h a d and. tore iny shoulders cruelly. Then my doom. Beneath me he iay back on the bridle, and I grew faintnessoverpowered sick over the mortal* strain. He sank L swam in dazzling to the sands J. his powerful neck The-:^coid? Cl^S:jgriMtaal arched, and ^his: shapely breast-muscles of ^this s^ter•? u^;;v?ny:*hpj4y. rippled and ^welled. And, out of the " "nameleMClQafljlBg ana pit I came, out of the horrible morass "he drew, me, out'on the .hard ,wlitte sands, out oh the friendly green grass, |g|^^e"'^^4^^^y|sc|^nve<I y : ^^^h^p7K' fOT;i?'3^acjle^/^fOT put toto^ the wide, sweet world again, Redblrd, my Redbird I:•• A-
•and"seen." •
~"• *••
ratb•er"than' seem to Tradition says that Adam wore a have been the chief productions of •full beard. That is quite a natural tSse Venice workman. Venetian glass supposition; since that wa* before the; ifru«asny oC extreme thinness, being time of razor advertisements. Beau- nearly always blown, sad there is as tifully executed bas reliefs have left endless variety to be found In the no doubt that the early Persian kings shapes and In the application of cultivated" whiskers. - in fact,, for'fur- color. Glass-blowing, like throwing ther adornment they plaited fhem . d a y on the potter's wheel, Induces with golden thread. The Winged Bulls beautiful curved forms and strength of Assyria, are but types of thoge,; kings. -The Chinese are a shaven %f substance. people; the Egyptians were the same,,, But the' Mohammedans -are bearttear"* L-,. . Etuy to See That The young man had taken his old and Saladln's. son, Turkish, hlstorlsni. .tell .us,, wept for fear when he saw 'grandmother to a picture gallery. She the shaven envoys of the Crusaders. had never been in such a place before The *wor!d" is, and always, has been, and accordingly she was very critical divided into shavers;. and bearded. of. all that _she saw. Together they The greatest benefactor of barbers in wandered found looking at the paintthe world's history * was Alexander.* ings with interest He, who shaved himself to preserve Finally they stopped before a canhis youth, shaved his army to prevent vas which showed a man seated in a the.enemy seizing their, beards. .. .t high-backed chair. Tacked to the -frame was' e small white card. "What does It say on the card?" / Venetian Glass asked the old lady. Venice has long led the world in the " 'A portrait of F. E. Jones, by himmanufacture of beautiful glassware. self,' replied her grandson. Glass works were early established in The old lady went closer to the picthat city and the taking of Constanti- ture. nople In 1204 gave the Venetians the "What folks these art people must opportunity of acquiring additional bei'Hsfre muttered. "Any fool can see knowledge of the art During - the that the man. is by himself; there's no Fourteenth - century beads, false on« else in the picture." »£»;li^ra.?-: :-i:r
Antiquity and
*As we do this-well or III," says John Stuart. Mill,: "so wUI* we discharge well or ill; the duties of our several csUhtgs.?*
Glass Flowers Close Imitation of Nature Marvelous artificial bloom? that resemble nature's finest specimens in every respect except scent* are now being made by expert glassblowers. • Every part of the flower or plant is faithfully reproduced, from the long, delicate stems and colored petals to the almost invisible pollen. The first tiling which the maker of these wonderful blooms does is to blow the petals from glass as thin and fragile as tissue paper. The glass petals' are then shaped and colored exactly like the natural ones. Some of the rarer plants cannot be1 easily reproduced, and often several experiments have to be carried out wife different colors before a really good imitation is obtained. These glass flowers are used extensively In museums, both to show details of plant or flower formation and as backgrounds for displaying specimens of birds and beasts. .
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I%S Be^ • r : : f l l ^ p : •'+:• With - -refeQemicnt- and iusury. apparent-iin ' M Ihuhdred: -', ^ ^Z j i ^ - a y ? ^ ,
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S e v e n t y miles^1 a n d m o r e , a n h w i r « ^ M i s m o o & n e s s
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:The"flrst picture post cardfvwairpub* > \tK-.-h lished ;^5yearsiiago by Leoa Besnardea^: evyb^bkroiler ;of^ laurae,"Freace."^The cards wiore pfja pateibtt^: chjracteTi since JFranee was •vsiy.y^A-.'i1.'.. •then^eagaf^ds ii:;;the^fli^:; wairv w^jth;
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