July 14, 1927

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THIS flit's all ||h«utmgV';•;'••' •;..; -Henrys Jaire.-::: automobile. manufaif *^,; owner;;; of the -Dearborn ._. & h a s • r e tracted all his sta ||gainst the " Jewish race; begged forgiveness for done to hurt the Jewish farther praised the and virtually begged then§U his apologies. Well,'.-, that's that, you know the

A. false Mend, like'A' shadow, attends only: while the sun shines.

Entered as second-class mail matter en January 27th, 1921, at postoffice at Omaba, Nebraska, under the Act of March 3, 1879.



ISAAC GRUENBAUM TO HONORED AT POLISH Brad HasRoom for APPEALS ROUMANIAN JEWS ON EVE Henry Ford p g ZIONIST CONFERENCE OF ELECTION Jewish Immigrants, lea Bucharest (J. T. A.)—-The Natiofor Anti-Jewish Attacks "Warsaw {J. T. A.)—Deputy Isaac Gruenbauin was rendered an ovation nal Jewish Club has issued a mani; Ed Burdick, head physical director LOUIS MARSHALL ancient superstition manifest itself, at the Zionist conference today for at the Jewish Community Center, Representative Reports festo in which it declares "persons ACCEPTS FORD'S APOLOGY Ms efforts in the United States in placing party interests above the :

r e s t . ' ' • • ' • - ' .

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VOL. VL—No. 28

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upon our horizon." left late Thursday forPueblo, Colo., behalf of the Tarbuith schools, FOR ANTI-JEWISH ATTACKS Boys Now Enjoying Second to look over a proposition that was They Must Be Willing to Work interests of Roumanian Jews preventTen members of the Eth Livnoth Week of Camp ed the creation of a united Jewish Mr. Ford's statement which was : offered him by officials of the Publo Hd Hard : front in the forthcoming elections." released through Mr. Arthur Bris- j group were elected to the Central industrial Y. M. C. A- Burdick's Am Depply Mortified, Ford Declares They include Leon INCREASE IN WEIGHT The National Club negotiated in Statement Withdrawing Libels bane to the entire American press Committee. friends in Omaha have expressed RECENT MIDDLE CLASS IMreads: Levite, Noah Davidson, Dr. Hindes, .great regret that Burdick departed MIGRANTS BISAPPOINTED separately with Roumanian parties Published in Dearborn Independent; ALREADY NOTICED to safeguard the Jewish interests, Henceforth Jews Slay Look to Me "In the multitude of my activities) Seidemann, Heftmann, Aperschlack, ' for the Colorado hills. They fear Republic but found it impossible to obtain Wortman, Posenblatt andj Sunday, July" 10th, saw many l i a t he will come back again but not London.—(J. T. A.)—The for Friendship and /Goodwill, He it has been impossible for me to de- • Schweff,The r Central Committee does] parents at Camp Morris Levy. They to stay at t h e Center. I might say of Brazil has unparaDel * opportuni- any guarantees, the manifesto states. Says in Reply Voicing Jewish vote personal attention to their Says in Reply Voicing Jewish ' informed i not include representatives of the came early in the morning and m a n m t e r to k e e a s NegotatiossL»ere therefore broken now that it all depends on the action ties of Jewish immigration according Attitude Details of Development ^ _ fc therefore,! Al Heroishmar. The Executive Com- stayed late and\&U were pleased with t Q ft r c o n t e n t s I t aSj to a report submitted to the Anglooff and the Club recommends that that the hoard of; directors will take Preceding Apology Given. the fine work the Camp is doing. rnittee of the Party Council consists Jewish Association by Rabbi Raffalo; inevitably followed that the conduct Roumanian Jews vote for whomat their next meeting. vitch, repf""-itative •"£ the Jewish ever their conscience dictates.' After : , ' and policies of these publications had of 12 members of the Eth Livnotlr They were convinced more than ever that the health and. safety of the elections, the manifesto '• states, New York (J. T. A.)—The Jewish to be delegated to men whom I and 9 of the Al Hamishtnar. •;••- Nathan E. Jacobs was recently Colonization Association. the boys is given primary considera. elected national president of the Hai "In the near future Brazil may be- the Club will demand a reckoning of spirit of forgiveness, tried through- placed in charge of them and upon tion and that .the. boys are really come the home of-many thousands of those who divided the Jewish- vote. out the ages- under all climes and whom I relied implicitly. Hesh fraternity at-the annual consafer at Cainp than on the city Jews," he.stated. Rabbi Raffalcvitch conditions, was manifested in the « r o a y grest ^ g ^ 2 h a T e I e a r n _ "vention^ at Pittsburgh, Pa;, Mr. streets. attitude of the American Jewish ^ that Jews generally, and parJacobs Is connected with the Bozelle urged that steps be taken with a view They saw a program of to organizing Jewish communal life in community toward the apology of ticularly those of this country, not & Jacobs advertising Sim.' which was interesting' and at Brazil. Unless certain safeguards axe Henry Ford for the anti-Jewish cam- o n ] y reS ent these publications as same time provided definite character A meeting of special importance taken, Brazilian Jewry may become paign carried on in his Dearborn promoting anti-Semitism, but regard V Some of the ' sunshine that is Independent since 1920. This apology me as their enemy. Trusted friends will be held by the Omaha Hebrew! value. 'The boys are given points found in the offices of the Commun- a menace to Jewry as a whole, the Club, Sunday, July 17, 1927 st 5:00; for participation in certain activities, ity Center will bemissing for two Rabbi stated, declaring that there are' Omaha Delegates Take Active Part is a complete renunciation of the whom I have conferred recently p. m. at the Jewish Community Center. ] At the close of Camp, honor awards in Convention anti-Jewish libels based on the forged have assured me in all sincerety that weeks. And here's the reason why. no synagogues in the country. A are made to those holding the highMiss Bess Haykin is on her -vaca- prospect exists of establishing a synaprotocols of the Elders of Zion. in their opinion the character of the A very important question will be dis- est number of points. cussed. At the meeting last Sunday gogue in Bio de Janeir, he said. tion^ "The petite brunette is -visiting The Fourth Annual Convention of which caused much harm _to Jews charges and insinuations made maae; a f t e r n o o n M ^ s Fromkin delivered a The second group of boys left for The representative of the Jewish the A.Z.A. held at Des Moines proved in the United States and Europe. friends and relatives in Chicago. against the Jews, both individually jd i s c o u r s e c n the Ford retraction. A Camp Morris Levy on Tuesday Colonization Association complained a huge success. The Des Moines chap- The acceptance of the apology collectively, contained in • many n d in which the fol- morning, July 12th. They wereq The youngsters attending Camp in his report that Jewish immigrants ter presented such a thorough and was made in a letter addressed by of the articles which have been c i r - i l o w i n g b o t fhoe r os w eparticipated, Messrs. Morris Bachman, Sidney Coren, taken generally are not eager to go on complete program of all convention Louis Marshall, president of ths Morris Levy at Nathan's lake are periodically in the ! E. Fieischmas. Sol Cohn, Mark Lorig, JBenzion Gershater, Ezra Gershater, having a wonderful time, according the land. "As in Palestine, the great activities, and every detail was so American Jewish Committee, to born Independent and have been re- and vice-president Ben MinMn. Art Grossman, Milton Himmelstein, to : Samuel Gerson, who was' present influx of immigrants in recent years well taken care of, that the conven- Henry Ford.. The representative of printed in the pamphlets mentioned, George Klein, Isadora Kraft, Philip* Maurice Civin appointed was of the middle class type, who betion was judged by all as the most] the Jewish Telegraphic vAgency ob- justifies the righteous indignation at Visitors day at the encampment Laserowitz, Benny Lewis, Max Marthe following committees: came disappointed and consequently successful yet held. tained the text of Mr. Marshall's re- entertained by Jews everywhere tolast Sunday. ,.'.'-. j . Friea\ cus, Albert. Cruk, Leonard Nathan, there started a Jewish emigration JtHDICIAKT COMMITTEE:Omaha Chapter, with twenty-five ply to Mr. Ford, which was dated ward me because of the mental an1 Mark According to the superintendent of from Brazil. "S."^™ ""^ ^ ^ | Henry Eiekes, Philip Siporin, Sam Omaha A. Z. A.'s helped show that July 5. The letter read as follows: guigh occasioned by the unprovoked the tJenter, some of the "kids" just "Brazil has room for people who Omaha, the mother chapter, was still TEXXECTCAfci ABVAXCEMEXT COM- ' Turkel, Charles Zlotkin, Sam Zlot"I am in receipt of your fetter to refections made upon them. don't want to go home and that's MITTEE-—Sam Beber, Chairman: Fred want to work hard," he said. in the foreground. The Degree of Mr. Earl J. Davis accompanied by "This has led me to direct my I>nnsky, Ntth.in S. Tixffe, Ben Minkin, kin, Sam Soorpen and Bernard all there is to the matter. White, Juaab "WolfBon, Dr. Nathan White. Leonard Montefiore stated that the Judas Maceabbeus was exemplified at your statement regarding the long personal attention to this subject, in Alex I). Frank. "In a way I can't blame the boys, lea colonies in the Argentine are pros- an open meeting the closing night Eeservations are now being made CO3IMITTEE: — Satn who do nothing but r&mp around perous and that the Association has of the convention by the Omaha Chap- series of vituperative articles which order to ascertain the exact nature UTTESTIGATENG Altschuler, Sol Colin, Morris Shiff, for the third week. If you want to since May, 1920, has appeared in f these articles. As a result of this o the lakes shore. Then too they acquired new land in Canada. The ter team. PCBX.IC1TI COJtHlTTEE: — Nahan E. . give your, boy a real vacation, send GTECO, Chalrmau: A3bert Kaplan, Bee the Dearborn Independent and which survey I confess that' I'am deeply swim and participate in various Association has also itensified its agriHandler, Isadora Abramson, Camp Morris Levy for a •athletic events that would make any cultural work in Poland and in Rus- Sam Beber was re-elected president contains the most violent attacks mortified that this journal, which is | S I C K C O 5 C f f i I ^T. TTE EE. Bgen Minkiu,, Chair- him to of the Supreme Advisory Council at weeil. upon the Jews. You now declare average person jump with glee." to be constructive and not man; A. HichardB A. Moiisky, MorriK sia. Russia, Mr. THontefiore stated, the organization nieeting of the new Sfciff, 3. RictliB. August 2nd the girls camp opens offers the easist opportunity for colon- Council in Des Moines. The other of- that after an examination of those destructive, has been made the fiXSCI7TIA"E COMMITTEE:—Max FromPROGRAM articles you feel shocked: and mortamedium for resurrecting exploded kin, Crairman; Irvin Stalmastcr, Fred ! •^^•tf^^:^.n^rmc^^ixi£^6TraaUm;: it ization as compared with the stand- ficers are: First Vice-president, Jac, CAMP MORRIS. Ben Minkin, X>t. A. Greeulwrg. j looks ajs though quite a few young ards in Palestine, Argentine, Brazil ob J. Iiberman, Las Angeles, Calif.; fied because of the harnK which they fictions, for giving currency to the MEMBEESHIP COaEStlTTEE:—JIarfc Polansfcj-, Chninuar,; B. G. Shapiro, Bpn aisd you ask for our so-called Protocols &f the Wise Men ,h^4pflrading':. down lihe •and Canada. --. : , . _ _ - - _ ' S d y & GSrin, M. F . Irfrrenson, A. I). Frank, "Eai-ly to Bed and Early tc Mmn Spcpnd g , &J2$£& - - : • • - ^^~~- • •;• ~ .... • •_ j q£-. Z H > T V -"which i i a v e ..bees • d e a o a , - •-..AJlJcrt ,Ka-pIim, JohE Fslftmas, XL boardwalk"'at kalians lake. Chattanooga, Tenn.; Third Vice-presir Blank, Mnrk Liorip, A. RicbardE, A. is .the motto At .Camp M.(Xtas: I For twenty centuries we Jews str ated, as I learn, to "• be gross Monsky, Xaihan S. l'affe. - N. Bercovici, A glance at the following dent, Joseph Herbach, • Philadelphia, f r er Phil Garelici. Fred G and for contending that Sand Point beach was the scene schedule -will explain why the beys Penn.; Secretary, L F. Goodman, have been accustomed to forgive in- t °b e£ ies, Je Rr of a gay swimming and breakfast < ' s have been engaged in a are anxious to turn in at bed-time Omaha; Treasurer, Harry H. Lapidus, suits and injuries, persecution and party early Wednesday morning. intolerance, hoping that we might conspiracy to control the capital and and glad to -get'up with the bugle; Omaha, Nebr. And to top it ofi. Ed Burdick was behold the day when brotherhood- t i i e industries of the world, besides Rill ' The other members of the new 6:30 A. M. . - — Reveille there just teaching feminine creaThe second round of -qualifying council are: Seniors, Henry MonEky, and goodwill at their door many "offenses would be universal. Calisthenics g sal We W tures the various tricks of the swim- play for the Highland Country Club Omaha, Nebr.; Alfred M. Cohen, Cina Morning Dip : had fondly hoped that in this blessed Saiast decency, public order and ming game. golf tournament will be held Sunday. cinnati, Ohio; Dr. Boris D. Bogen, Nathan E. Jacobs, member of the] 7:00 A. M. ™Flag Raising with its glorious constitu- gooc* m o r a I s More than twenty-five members Cincinnati,- Ohio; Milton Schayer, republic, grm Bozell-Jacobs Advertising Agen- 7:15 A. M. Following are those who made up tions and its justlaws, it would Sad 1 ....Breakfast " appreciated even the genthe cast in the morning company of qualified for the tournament Follow- Denver, Colo.; Hyman M. Goldstein, impossible to encounter the hatred cy, was elected national president of ...Camp Duties 8:00 A. M. • nature, to say nothing of the .- swimmers: Mrs. Paul Bernstein, Mrs. ing the qualifying -rounds, the pair- Washington, D. C. Juniors, Max N. and rancor to -which our brethren; details, of these utterances, I -would the Hai-Resh Fraternity at its an- 9:15 A. M. «.InBpection have William Alberte and the Misses ings will be made for the annual Kroloff, Sioux City, la.; Sam Rubin- have' been and still are subjected in! forbidden their circulation with9:30 to 11 A. M. ;—Recreation out a Pauline Herzberg, Kate Arlene. Gold- tournament, according ' to i Charles son, Des Moines, la.; David E. Beber, other lands. We could not at first! moment's. hesitation, because 11:00 A. M Swim a stein, Esther Potash, Lillian Margo- Heaney, golf pro at the' «lub. ? Omaha, Nebr.; and Nathan W. Heller, credit the information that the Dear-ii I a m ^are of the virtues of 11:30 A. M. —All Out lin and Bess Haykin. people as a whole, of Members of the Highland Country Milwaukee, Wis.. born Independent had permitted it-j 12:00 A. M. Dinner they' and their ancestors have Max N. Kroloff, Sioux City, Ja., self to be made the vehicle for dis-; CIUD have been ^practicing on the 1:00 to 2:00 P. M. Rest Hour r f° civilization and for manGolfers come and golfers go but links daily. A number of the mem- was elected Grand President; other geminating exploded falsehoods and 2:00 to 2:30 P. M. _ Write Lettem officers are: Grand Secretary, Alan bers can be seen at the dub every the tourney goes on forever. Yesiree the vilest conceptions of vicious, kind toward the development of 2:30,to 4-.S0 P. M. ..Group Games Klass, Winnipeg, Canada; Grand minds, invented by adventurers who \ commerce and industry, of their athletic officials have not yet com-evening with their families. -.'.•' 4-.SO'to 5:00 P. M. -Swim pleted their big golf . meeting, be'The younger set have taken much Treasurer, Theodore Goldstein,,. Oak- had barely found asylum here when: sobriety and diligence, their bene6:00 P. M. ...„. Supper 3 cause not enough Center members interest in the affairs of the High- land, CaL; Grand Senior Sergeant-at- they attempted to introduce the'' volence and their unselfish interest in E:00 to 8:45 P. M. ..Boating: ! have signed up for play. Some of j land Country Club this year", said arms, Joseph Lohman, Denver, Colo.; exotic growths of anti-Semitism. j the public welfare. . 9:00 P. M. ...„ flights Out * "Happily such excrescences couldt "Of course" there are black sheep the premier links stars are entered Abe Herzberg, ~ eh'airman. "The Grand Junior Sergeant-atTarms, Isadore Chernoff, Superior, Wis.; Grand not florish on American soil. Happily', in every flock, as there are among and a battle royal is predicted by Saturday night dances, have met with Reporter, Bless Brown, Birmingham, the enlightened press of this country [ naen of all races, creeds and nationalMOVE TO .-PROHIBIT Ed Burdick and Dave Chesno. Many success. Ala.; and Grand Chaplain, Sam Ziff, treated them with contempt and as ities who are at times evildoers. It -: . SCHECIUTA I AUSTRIA -contestants were . getting their Minneapolis, unworthy of notice. But we Jews is wrong, however, to judge a people "wings" in fine fettle last week.on ' Milwaukee Chapter No. 39 of Mil-none the less suffered the anguish by a few individuals, and I thereVienna J . T. A.)—The Society for the Elm-wood course. And you should PALESTINE UPBUILDING IS DUTY OF BRITISH JEWS, waukee, Wis^ was chosen site of the of tortured memories, the nightmares fore join in condemning unreservedthe 'Prevention of Cruelty to Asihave seen them drive 'em down the SIR H. SAMUEL STATES Fourth Annual Tournament" and St. of a horrible past, and the sorrow ly all wholesale denunciations • and mals in Austria ie preparing for. a fairway. And how? Dont ask. Louis, Mo., elected as the city for the that, in spite of the progress of referendum in the various districts attacks. London (J. T. A.)—The British Fifth Annual Convention. in favor of a law against fcfe* civilization, there were those who . "Those -who know me can bear First flight in the tennis meet has government relies upon the Jews Installation of the new officers for Echechita, the Jewish method of culminated and entrees, who sur- of the- world for, the general eco- the coming term took place at the reg- stood ready to misunderstand • us. witness that it is not in my nature iraal convention held in Pittsburgh slaughtering animals. vived the first round are looking nomic support of the Palestine up- ular meeting of the local chapter What seemed most mysterious was to inflict insult "upon and to occasion last week. Jacobs has been an active The province of - Vorartberg inforward to the second spasm. To building, declared Sir Herbert Sa- Wednesday night at the Jewish Com- the fact that you whom we have pain to anybody, and that it has never wronged and whom we had been my effort to free myself from member in the fraternity, being to carry into effect a prohibipick a winner. at this state of the muel,former Jligh Commissioner of munity Center. tourney would be an impossibility Palestine, speaking at a garden fete The new officers presented an out- looked upon as a kindly man, should prejudice. Because of that I frankly editor of the Hai-Resh magazine. against tM seheeMta, despite He also holds the office of reg- the fact- that there is only & «msil because it's anyone's title the wayat h|s home. The fete was arranged line for a very active program for the have lent yourself to such a cam- confess that I have been greatly ional director of the Zeta Beta Tau Jewish populstaom in the district.. paign of vilification apparently car- shocked as a result of my. study and it looks now. to aid the Women's and. Children's coming year. ried on with your sanction. examination of the files cf the Dear- fraternity. The prohibition rf the schecbita 'is Welfare Work in Palestine. orn Voralberg-would depriv the Jews 1a Leo Konecky will leave Omaha for "The statement which you have > Independent and of the pamphThe Palestine upbuilding work is PALESTINE New York Saturday where he will sent me gives us assurance of your ^ s entitled "The International Jew.'1 DEBATE GERMANY'S I Switsefland, -where the feGhechita U the" special duty of British Jewry LABOR ORGANIZATION \ do publicity and radio work. Mr. retraction of the offensive .charges, - "l d e e m lt t o b e m^ duty 'as'an MEJilBERSHIP IK MANATES J prohibited, of obtaining Kosher »W*t because Great Britain holds the OPENS SESSION of your proposed change of policies honorable man to make amends for Konecky, in company witn an COMMISSION from Voralb«rg -which is OB the mandate over Palestine, Sir Herbert Omaha attorney and his son will in the conduct of the Dearborn Inthe wrong done to the Jews ss Austrian-Swiss 'border. A.)—The.conferSamuel declared in the course of hisI Jerusalem Jerusalem (J. ^ j . T. a. JX.)—me e o n i e r - . ' - *"» v«uu-v. ~~ — . motor to Detroit and then take a -The Mandates, address. He expressed dissatisfac- j'ence of the Histedruta Ha'OydiiB,'dependent, of your future friendship ieUow-men and brothers, by asking! boat up to Niagara Falls. From unable to reach an" ROUMANIAN LIBERALS G e n e v a ( J . T . j^y. tion that so far English Jewry has the Falls the trio plan to motor to not contributed^adequately to^thej the Palestine was jJ and good-wffl, of your desire to make nave their unintentionally forgiveness forcommitted, the h a msy I, aCommission was unal " GAIN opened in Tellabor Aviv federation, yesterday. Two amends, and what is to be expected t concerning Germany's greeinen the "big" city. any man so far as lies witMn my in the Commission. ubbuildins.work. | hundred and one delegates rep- : &om dany detecting so^far^as Ues witnin^my d hoft honor, i t byou couple td retracting nave unintentionally committed, by membership t = greimm charges laid at Minority and majority reports were Bucharest (J. T. A.) The Mrs. James Rothschild opened the [resenting a membership of 22,8f57 these assurances with a recnlest for power the offensive publications, : and do£>r b y t h e s e to the Council cf the ian Liberal part^ under can fete, at which Sir Herbert presided. Vare attending the sessions. The pardon. So far as "^HEBREW TEACHERS . - • - - . - . - i . ^ ! . +v + A -n- «nii h« p«»rf-pd by giving them the unqualified *s- : 'league of Nations, which will make ship of Premier Bmtianu, who w*i CALL-O^ j supported .by the Jewish popalafctoi Achduft ^'Avodath i s .the K p B&poel r ^ e B t esimply ^ ^ because there flows in my "" final decision. by 108 delegates and i PALESTINE SCHOOLS PALESTINE TEACHERS me for friendship and good-j I on the basis of -an agreement witl T^ : J veins the blood of ancestors who PALESTINE WOMEN WORKERS 'the Uuion- -of Kott»&nta J«w« Jerusalem (J. T. A.)—The differ- _'•- : '.''\^'.":''.. '' ;."' r V ' ' " ' : •: • : • - ' " ' ' : ;.° ,':•}••'"•"•• "*"'m"T'g ti»» -gn^jpi-f g ' « f " w » r ^ « w ' . ^ < ™ inured t o suffering a n d never"Finally, let me add that this REPRESENTED AT THE gaiaed an overwhelming victory ences between the Zionist Executive { ^erusalem <J. iT. A--)-r-A^ strike in|'1ion.V'1iy':-the'.conference':-wliLVlbe/the vtheless remained: steadfast in their INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS the parUai»«ntary elections ' ' in Jerujsalem and the Hebrew Teach-1 t i e 2aom'st coun-• trust rt in God. Referring g to the teach- statement is made on my awn mi""""• • . . • • • ••-• •-. ,..-:. •-.-.-.. -..-,., . . ) . _ _ __ __ ^ + v » ; M«r.T,+ tiative a n d w h o i l y i n t h e i n t e r e s t o f ers: Organiiatidn, which^resulted in j threatened for toi^oirow afternoon. Jjtry. ing ofe iTthe cSermon on the Mount, tiative 0 . and justice aud in accordance; Jerusalem • (J. T. . A.)—Two dele- failed to secure,.eeats in the proclamation of a strike iyeste^-j W Israel Zangwill one said that we with »0»t what I regard as; my. elected by the Histadruth. The governnffiot has . . dayi .wereiipemoyed todays due them. The teachers declare that EARTHQUAKE IN JERUSALEM , Jews are after all the only .Christduty as a man and ES a citizen. Ha'Ovdim to* represent Palestine with the University of fiaehsirtaft -t ians. He might hays added that it is •:"The schools 3Will be xeopened* The unless some change occurs at the Jerusalem, July 11.—(J. T. A.)—; women workers at the. International allow the Jewish stadeate •«»*..: iseMe^eM; KiwaA-; b i ^ City of thrs^:X^-,\ because essentially the spirit Saranac Lake, N. Y. <J. T. A.}—- Conferenceof Trade Union Women, prevented from takinf •'•through---^ by a severe earth-1 forgiveness is a Jewish trait. Interesting details of the develop- tte M f f l i a t o a l Conference will be .due > [0: mnti^emitic :.:eJSC«tt^ I^mi^ t & ;lfationaX:i^ •f-Aej^C'<have^--'re<^e4-;;'ioj;gaalre this monring.;-; Many were:^in-t "It is my sincere hope that never ; : : : <C6ntinued on Page 2) held in Paris, July 29—3P 'take the^Bx&l•''••iacaminatatins" " ' " ' " " ' ' Jews. * ' ••••^•'-'•'-•'•'•••-'• <--- .:'».•-/:-.::.-J. -.-• :. .salaries _ J _ ^ r . ^ . since _•—±-te>^i^.~*..r.-.~^^.^x^ ^ j u r c d a n d s s ^ r " Thonses d e s t r o y e d ^ J a g a i n shall such a recrudescence of Febniar» estine '













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Officers at Annual ConveaiioB

Highland Conchy Gab Tournament Nov/ OB

?ACE 3—THE JEWISH PRESS, THURSDAY, JULY 14, 1927 Elmei* Greenbefg, captain of the' MIZRACHI DEADER Agency representative there thatAERtVES IN Central high football team of last; "Ford did himself credit 'when he season will be among the Omaha; changed his attitude when Ih6 op-, ' '. • ' Published <»ery I'nuwday at Otnaba. -tfebraik* • by *I«.' portunity presented itself. He is a J students who will enroll at the Uni-i Jerusalem (X-"T. A.)—Rabbi Jacob i rT-; .. fSEi JfiWUJH f R E S S PUBLISHING COtt peculiar man. He probably did not I versKy of Illihois this fall. The "all Levihsori, leader of the Mizrachi in *">Offa& «90 Bttrhdeis TheaHre Building — Telephone'. ATtantic 1450. realize what was being done and state tackle had decided to enter the the United States, arrived-, here,. NATHAN E. tiREEN, Manager. 5687—1926-27 realizing it now took advantage of j school made famous by "Red"i yesterday. He was met 'by/'ChSlS' Rabbi k. J. Kook, a 1927 the time to recant. He is trained J ..$2.50. Grange and will undoubtedly make; •of the -Zionist Executive and for one thing alone." Advertising rates furnished on application. 'the ""¥resh'm*an M m as either ai ^.Sunday, July 17 Fast of Tammuz . Uncertainty prevailed with regard tackle tor a'.guard. As such he may ftGls Off «u'l>tuis*-l'tease give botb tbe old and new addren: Saturday, July 80 Rosh Chodesh Ab to whether Herman Bernstein would . Good Riddance I -_. ;," k ' . / b» •fflfc»*d V t e Vonr outt play against Marcus Krasne of Fast of Ab -Sunday, August 7 withdraw his $200,000 libel suit Muriel—1 hear you've Woken oft Omaha who has a varsity berth your engagement to Dick. .The Jewish PresB la supplied by thp 'ewisb Telegraphic Apenoy (Jewish against Ford. CorreepondencB'Bijreaa^wjtb cabled &'if telegraphic JefrUh rtbwa, In cinched on the Orange and Bine The New York Herald Tribune Alice—Yes, he "xrtis frewrnint a tottl* to feature hrtleiea BhcLcoJcrefeponder.'.tfs from aU IhtyArUiftt Jetoish venters. states it is informed "that Earl J. eleven. Elmer is now over six feet sanee—he wanted to get marr^ai \ • Inquiries regarding news items. credited to this Agency will be gladly in height and tips the "scales at one answered,. If addressed tS Jewij* Telegraphic Agency, 621 Broadway, New Davis, of Detroit, who formerly was ah assistant United States attorney hails which were driven into the hundred and niiity gre pounds. .YorkCftfo, general, went to Washington sev- body of the Jewish people can be eral weeks ago to seek the advice drawn out, but the holes will remain ' Al Finkle and Evelyn Adler, the of politicians, including a New' York[ and- It will take a very long time A good lady ottce informed her minister that she had circulated only Jewish entrants in any of the By Stanley F. Levin. Jew who is a Representative in Con- 'until the wounds Will be healed. But - ._ some slanderous stories about one of her neighbors, which she now recent tennis tournaments, held here ; gress, as to means of saving Mr. We have suffered much and are * ' • • • " discovered Vrtr6 Untrue. Regretting sincerely the wrong she had have not gone very far. Both Ford from going on the witness patient indeed, ready to burn our ; Smiling * Sammy ICauf man, one youngster? have seldom emerged done she Sated her Btinister to pray for her and to help her recall stand in the Sapiro case. the harm she had "been guilty of doing. The minister took a feather accounts Of yesterday. We demand time Jewish Community Center and victorious after the second round "He is- said to have told the New no vengeance, ho point of flesh. Creighton University star, is in a'play. Miss Adler is eligible to play! pillow,-tnt tjpeirt oh$ enS^hddk it to the wind and the thousands of York Representative that Mr. Ford What We demand is 6ur recognition serious muddle. Sammy Is under I in the junior ranks,'but Al must con~ f-eatifers'tete&led w » e Carried in every direction by the wind blowing was perturbed over the prospect of in the World as equals among equals. contract with Omaha of the Western fine his activities to the senior divi;. lather and thither.. He handed the empty pillow to the lady and said 1 the retrial of the case next Sep- Justice among the just is what we League as an infielder but desires sion. Al at one time held the City fc&tsdam, will you please be BO good as to gather all those feathers tember, and also that Mr. Ford and ask. He who denies our tight, he to pitch. The rules of the Western [ Junior crown while Evelyn wore the together and return, them to this pillow? " "Oh, doctor,. I cannot do* his family were anxious to put an, jShat, the wind lias scattered them far and wide?' "No more can f n our rights is our foe,, He League prohibit a man fin- pitch- girl-s high s^iool diadem in 1926. end to the controversies and ill i' *ecall the harm done by your slanderous worts,** replied the minister, Who recognizes our right, to him we ing unless he is signed up as a ing "which the articles in "The Dear. And so say We to Henry Ford. It &' very \vell tot you, Henry born Independent" had engendered. stretch out our hand. Today we hurler. Meanwhile Kaufman" is toystretch out otir hand to Ford, or ing around here and there, pitching to ajilSit you¥ Wrongs J to Say you are sorry, but all of you? regrets "Mr. Davis was advised to come rather we accept his extended hand. for various clubs out in the sticks. •will;Hot Wash av?Sy a single tear; will not heal a single wound or to New York and address himself: His record to date shows ten vic"We do that as Jews. We do wiUndt,taend a single broken heart caused by your years and years to some prominent member of Hew however, also as Americans. With tories in eleven starts .which is not of ceaseless slander." thank God, that due to the intelligence of York Jewry") the Tribune states. a real civic pridfe we are in a posi- so bad. our:fs?ee-Alnerica your-propoganda caused only economic suffering. tion to emphasize today that from Art Swartz tiie married h-an who London (J. T. A.) — Tens ojt now oh America will cease rivalry WeJw^fe banished here 4fif& there from parts of society; we suf- thousands announced that he had given op I of sopies of Henry Ford's f eSWedfcoyeottein our various business; we Were unable td get posi- "International Jew", which rep- with Hungary and Roumania, will baseball as an occupation has fallen; to export arbcles for the anti-, tQ t h e tioiisin. the business world as readily as our non-Jewish neighbors, resents a «omilation published in his cease of the Semitic world market market. From today; who at but'insome parts of the world where the population was not so in- name in the Dearborn Independent, on there xeases in America the| translated into practically every] dangerous agitation against those | caught for both Amarillo and telEgent your propoganda incited robbery, rapine and murder. language, will have to be principles t)f liberty which have, Omaha in the Western League is We recognise your courage in being manly enough to.make this European withdrawn front circulation, it was brought upon America the great j now backstopping for Chadron in retifcfcftbn -after being sd deeply involved in it for so long a time. estimated here when the news of the. State League. Art is up among Weib'nly hope that the world at large and the future humanity will Henry 'Ford's retraction of his anti- glory of being the fatherland for 1 the leaders in batting while his the persecuted and hunted in the; benefit by Ik Periodic calamities have been too frequent in the Semitic charges and his promise to all world. The strongest tree of, team is fighting it out for first life: aad history of the Jewish people for us to waste our time withdraw these publications was re-' American and world anti-Semitism place. lamenting what hag occured. Experience has taught Us that out ceived in Jewish circles here. has been, uprooted. Let fruit trees Johnny Rosenblatt and Joe Turner, its place, to the welfare and both members of the championship of teach misfortune We niust take the lesson it teaches and build The impression that Henry Ford's country and as a good J. C. C. nine of '26 are making enof for the surere future. Calaniitxes are tragic indeed if out 6f the influence backed the Various branches 1 the anti-Semitic movement in \ example for countries and all viable names for themselves as outsorrow and misery in their wake comes not a brighter tomorrow. ot European countries was a source of The Day cou- fielders in the Metro League. Both of the .. Therefore Mr. Ford we are not interested in your apologies deep sorrow to many Jewish com-s^des. youngsters are fielding well and hitnorm the reasons why you permitted for many years the circula- munities on the continent where The Jewish Daily Forward com- ting the horsehide like all sixty. Joe tion of such malicious slanders against us but we are interested in Jewish leaders Watched with despair ments thus: "Sir. Ford's statement has several homers to his credit in kndwlng if ydu are sincere. Do you at last realize the awful re- the ' increasing number of transla-; the short time in which he has been sults of intolerance? If you do and if you are sinters -you Can hatidnal Jew", in which the charge, all right thinking men throughout playing class A amateur ball. shofw it by your conduct in the future. Show it by dedicating and bi an international Jewish con- the World and particularly by the Johnny 'till recently was a member that select coterie who had made devoting your billions' your influence, your life to a battle against spiracy to dominate the world com-1 Jews of tftewdrld. The Ford inci- of The sun is a giver of .life, but durdent clearly showed that there is no no errors but that record took a bad all forms of Intolerance which persecutes man because of racial or tnercially, financially and politically,' place in America for such anti- tumble the other day and now the ing the very hot months the wel* religious differences. Show-it by carrying On a ceaseless campaign was expounded on the basis of the kid is just one of the good fielders. come rays play havoc with paint for; the inculcation among men of the ideas of justice and fair play of the p and varnish and with the wood of Zion", long since p r o v e n | Rube Feltman, veteran first baseto each other. -Then will the world believe that you were misled; Elders" no 0& a m f to international forgery. ' ] ^ under them. For paint."doesn't man with the Saunders team of the **'*»*' thea will the world believe that HenryJTord is±ruiy sincere. : --_/,... - T^hat purported to be Henry Ford's i I e d v e r y Metro League is the third member keep its "life" forever. Its pro"International international Jew*' Jew was translated! translated, "Now comes Ford himself, oe of the Jewish triumvirate to cavort against the tective coat is not immune & in the on the Sunday diamonds. Feltman against years of storm, snow, Y; Dearborn Independent and in other £s o n e of the best fielding first baseGerman anti-Semitic leader ana. S e m i t i cn TiBwcnnnera newspapers are are- per '!l:^n .,«.a»mi« tier- m g n j n the «ity but is Woefully Weak sleet, hail, rain and blistering 1 ; (Cbntinoedfrompage 1) _ editor of "Der Hammer* ), Hungar-j] gdous hi c h were fidous. Ulies e s wwhich were invented n v n byy •with the bat. Feltman's average is AMERICAN PRESS HAILS heat.ilC A new coat of |>aiiit is a ian, Roumanian, Serbian, Swedish, dishonest people with the purpose far down in the 200 's but his all ments preceding the issuance of the FORD'S CONDEMNATION Arabic, Polish and Russia. The dis- of harming the Jews. new skin" on a house. And, of apology of Henry Ford were learned '"Mr. F Ford 3ias whitewashed, by around playing makes- up for his OF PREJUDICE tobution of these translations was '"M d 3 h shortcomings at the plate. by Ihe representative of Hie Jewish course, new beauty follows. If 1 brought about through organizations his sincere statement, not only his Telegraphic Agency from Louis Mar- Voices Doubting Motives of Stlddeti like the Hakenkreuzler, the Awakenreputation and the reputation you "love" your home, protect it shall, president of the' American vi J 1, xi t1 1 of America, America, but has also given a Conversion Hears; Further Details "WANTED—one ^or _two and preserve its charm with in all Jewish Committee,, who-is on vacaof Developments Given; Spirit of ing Magyars and all the national,] d e a £ M o w ^ ^ words on antinicely furnished rooms with tion here. Moore's Pure Linseed Oil House Forgiveness- Prevalent in Jewish chauvinistic factions in European | c o t m t ries. Ford's ths Jews will "Earl J . Davis of Detroit, formerrefined family. Board opstates, making anti-Semitism theirSematism andon t Press; European Leaders Welcome major policy. Paint. 1 reach all corners of the earth and ly assistant attorney general of the tional for couple. Address Tidings of America's DisappearLeaders of all shades of Jewish; will everywhere make a strong imUnited'States and; Joseph Palma, of ance from Anti-Semitic Internatio- thought in Europe expressed relief ] pression. This is a great, almost Jewish Press." . When You Decide to Paint Newj York, both friends of Henry renal Concert* but Demand Actual at the announcement that the "night-1 historic, w***™* significance «*»««<•««* which whicfc FFord's < We Recommend Ford, came to me as his. representaWithdrawal of Ford's Libels Trans- mare of American backing" for the cantation Aas for the Jews of the world." tives;", Mr. Marshall' stated, "and lated in Many Languages. propaganda and activities of Europestated that Ford* was* 'satisfied that an anii-Semites has been removed You are welcome those whom lie had put in charge of and, as a means of preventing the FASCIST! New York ,J. T . A.)—Further dethe jDearbpxn Independent had taken HOLD CONFERENCE IN at Ford^ apology* further spread of racial hatred and advantage of him^liyjublishing a tails ©I how PALESTINE V the publications series of articles attacking Jews, and came to be made were disclosed by! j) 1 to bear Ford*s name will be withas he had been convinced* that all of former Congressman Nathan "! drawn in the United States. Jewish the ^charges made-againftt them indi- Perlmah to the Jewish Telegraphic leaders of the European commun- Jerusalem J. T. A.)—rA conference! Color permanence, a protective of Italian Fascisti was held in Haifa j . 5400 Center Street vidually and collectively were with- Agency. and decorative beauty are features conj "The latte* part of May**, 'Mr. ities express the hope that this de- on Sunday. out xotmu&tioii &nd unjust,*lie wisHed Phone Walnut 5936 tained in every gallon of MOOEK'S cision of Mr. Ford will also extend About 100 Fascisti from various to fmn? what coald be done to put Perlman said, "Earl J. Davis of De- to the translation of his "InternaPURE HOUSE PAINT. parts Ibf Palestine and Syria par"Famous for troit, formerly assistant attorney aa &&d ttt these conditions.' tional Jew". ticipated in the conference. The **Jt Stated very fully th'b gross in- general of the United States and Chicken Sandwiches' justtfee and tKe harm that had been Joseph Palma of New York Gity, The entire American press as Italian Consul, Pedfazzi, addressed the session. Pedrazzi is a well known friends of Henry, Ford, called to see Dancing dolto.by these publications both here welt as the Jewish press commented Fascist writer and lecturer. me as one of the hon&rary" vicela PriaesT' Just for Writing A * . and; abroad. I told him* that the widely on. the Ford apology. While Ask Us for Details. Jewfe" bad been- grievously wounded presidents of the American Jewish the overwhelming opinion was that ' by these libels and that mere words Congress, and spoke to me about Ford's apology was to be taken at the Ford -attacks on the Jews. Afterwould, fiot leal the injury. its face -value, there were not voices *% Rated (Aat-there -were a num- a" conference with them, I suggested lacking expressing doubt in the ber -tit things that must be done. that they sea Louis Marshall.'* M. SOMTT 2429 Oecatur Street WE. S527 sincerity of the recantation. ParticMr. Perlman was present at the ular surprise was expressed by some ... Particularly that there must be & If you are in need of a Tales wool or silk of the bestrtniality, Tfeelin, complete retraction of all the false conferences held later which led to of the metropolitan newspapers at the retraction. Mezuzos or any other religious article, we will be glad to sell it to charge* made, an apology, a disconFord's admission that up till recenttinuance of the attacks, and amends Aaton Sapiro in a statement tele- ly he was unaware of the natures of you at the most reasonable prices. We also carry a full line of o£ $he Wrong. .After .furthe* dis- graphed to the Jewish Telegraphic the articles and the extent of the Bibles with Jewish and English translations. We are also the agents cussion they said they would report Agency from Saskatoon, Saskat- damage caused by them. of all Palestine Products and the artistic work pf Bezaiel Sdiool ta_ Ford what -had- taken place in chu&h, declared?- '. In the Yiddish press in New York in Jerusalem. the. •« interview. - .. . I "Ford's repudiation of the atiti- City, The Day, and the Forward, *«BonW days later", Mr. Marshall Semitic policy of Hs~Dearborn In- the only two papers appearing Saturcontinued, "they called-on me again dependent is a direct result tjf the day, commented on th6 development. and"fiWttcated that Fbrd wotoM accept light thrown on Mm in-.Hie Detroit "We also want to believe in Ford'a theife rjeonuiti6»s» ' There followed case. The public generally resented sincerity*', says The Day editorially. further^ 4ifccu'*Biijn ovet the telephone his failure to meet in coftrt thej««we want to believe in his real re'and:otherwise* *itB'tbe rfes&lt that charges his agents had been making cantation and firm decision to right Registered Mutt . All fettle* Engine 'fereai&ge Rental Value ^ cident and Health. on iPueaday oUast- week I was told in their privii:Ee"*pressr"Finally, the the wrongs which he has done to Explosion (General)-. Salesmen's Sample* Ijirceny and Tbeft Express Shipments A^KotnWeFlre , ; Leasehold thfcfc Fold; ^ w S e a d y »to sign the? light Sawned o* fcifft' and he has' Jewry both in America and throughStrike ana Riot At!tt>ft>6bt!e Llabttity Liability (General) Fins and Tornado BapWyBonS docirfleTit \vhfc& * received on Friday made hiniself again acceptable to in-! out the -world. The recantation ltMfe xptoslon . Fiywtoeet Lire Stocfc _ letter addressed teUigertt people by his frank "dis-' self will accomplish much in this of SSSFZBSSS?* Merchandise i a Transit •iarelKiTi (Residence) Burglary (Store, etc.) td^J&fvfo asking hirt and avowal of the policies and acts of regard. • Golfers" Equipment Burla**of6ate •• WSSStSBS Golfers'Liability M«sica! Instruments 0 tfeUvet his* signed, state- his employees' on the Dearborn tn-J "However ( we are net fooled. It _«OB •Group,Insurance teflmotJoti Partnership I4le Insur- TlUe Insurance tfi&'Z'Ut. Miwhatt declared. dependent. ieDti») Damage Yourtst Float* . {is easier to speak of righting the :HWd up {Messenger) Physicians* Defense , Use and Occupancy l^tsite G1&S3 33re&$E2i£& Wtfc D m a s e "We have been negotiating for wrongs of the Ford agitation that &SS3? id some" time on a settlement of the to really do so, (Followers of Ford " K&in insurance Uoa y the.trial of .Sholom" s Transit ' t d h ll ti have' been created who will continue Telephone it, Mr. Sapiro declared. n - slaying Semion suit," Offices lt DavisV It', war awiouneed here to-' James J D i V prominent it iii~ Jewish the work on their own responsibility, : t ^24 World-Herald Eldg for circles in Chicago declared in a There wete created conditions which da'y^Sat ih.e 'tx£Bl"has'been statement to the Jewish Telegraphic cannot be changed overnight. The October 17.






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Jewish Sport Notes By GEORGE JOEL ZITENF1ELD TWINS Jew to compete in the tryouts was A. BREAK SWIM RECORD Fuchs who landed a seventh, one place Bernice and Phyllis Zitenfield com- too far from the top to make the pleted their Albany to New York grade. swim in the record time of 52 hours and 30 minutes. This record is 4 ADD ANOTHER COHN hours faster than the time set by Mrs. Andy Cohen, at present battling Schoemmell in her 162 mfle swim over leader of the Internationa; Le the same route. . WEDDINGS and former member \,i the New York ENGAGEMENTS Giants has L. brother Sidney. John LEVEY-FRIEDMAN Mr. and Mrs. Harry SosMn an- As is their usual system the twins IIcGraw has invited 'Vne up to the The marriage ol William Levey, nounce the engagement of their finished abreast and stroking In utiism. Polo Grounds for a tryont and if the jscm ti IJtt. aha hfrs. A. Levey, 10 dattghter Tillie to Abe Kahn, son of The long grind was done in install- boy has the stuff he will be signed. & Watt&ie FrHsdinar^ tl&trfehter of Mr. and Mrs. M. Kahn of Denver, ments. On the last day the girls At present the Giants .re only carryFriedman, was solemnized Colorado. No date has been set for started from Yonkers at 5 A. M. and ing 24 {/layers and have room for one churned into Pier A at the Battery jyT3nty^l!0,->T; Ifes Homes, la. the wedding. at 4:51 P. M. They were not greeted more. Sidney Is also f-om the UniMr. and Mrs. Levey are making Mr. and Mrs. "Charles LevTnsbn an- by the Mayor or Grover Whaten, versity of Alabama and plays infieid. theiS: home *t the -Austin sjarhrient. nounce the Bngagement of their champion weicoiner t>f the United He is supposed to be a strong bitter. daughter Helen to John Weinstein, States, but to make up for the lack All signs point to :. Cohen on the Mrs. George, Sherman and child- son of Mr. and Mrs. William. Weih- of ceremonies a battery of cameras Giants for 1928. ren, feutrfefc and Melvih-, left for Los stein -of Sioux City, Iowa. and newspaper men were "on hand. tJM., where they-will spend The girts were asked if they were tired JEWISH AUTOMOBILE remainder of the summer. The Misses Bert Shafton, Lillian to which they replied in one voice- RACER IS KILLED Habler and Ethel Hurwitz spent the "Hvt wee," why we're going to a Harry Cohen of Altoon, Pa., race Mrs. I)avid fowman is leaving w«lr-end in Lincolyn visiting friends. dance tonight. Shiver perceptibly pilot and one of the few Jews in that y lor a trip to Chicago and Miss Annette Hurwitz returned they were taken aboard a yacht to fascinating game, died in a hospital the fereat Lakes whetfe she plans to from Lyons, Nebr., where she -visited dress. Both girls weighed themselves of a fractured skull suffered during Visit for two weeks. - and found that each had lost three the dirt track race held in Butler, Pa., relatives. pounds to the once since they first on the Fourth of July. Cohen was . ChudacoS has as her Mrs. I. Pearlman returned Monday started the long swim. A dinner was injured when his car colided with lionse guest Miss Mildred Chudacoff from a six, weeks trip to Excelsior given at the Hotel Astor for tlie young another driven by Hudson, on one of t Springs, Kansas City and St. Joseph, swimmers at which their manager an- the turns of the half mile track. "Mrs. S7^?TTSadison and son of Missouri. Mrs. fearlman also visited nounced that the twins would sail for Cohen is the second Jew in the past with her daughter, Mrs. J. T>. Kendis England on August 1st to train fo* a year to be killed on the track. He Ibenver "j>&&" thei-Misses Luty Korcj was known for his daring and skill swim across the English channel. i>ofl .of Hollywood, Cal., and Marion at Sedalia, Mo. behind the wheel of a speeding racer. p oi St. Paul 6re the guests Mr. Leon Cohn -and daughter All through the ceremonies at the *>f Mr.^and Mrs. -John Faier and Miss waterfront and the Hotel we looked Margaret have returned from liose Shapiro. m vain fot the trained seal that was TENNIS months visit from California. supposed to be following them. Ben Gorchakoff of Occidental won "" ^4r."Si5_Jirs; Kbrns Levey enterRumor has It lire ieal struck for three his way Into the final round of the Cantor Kohanowitch left Monday tained a t a dancing party Saturday more fish daily and reused to move Intercollegiate Singles Championship evening at their home honoring Mrs, night to visit in Minneapolis, Milunless bis demands were met. The and then went to pieces. After com^S sister, Miss Bermce Kula- waukee, Chicago and St. Louis. ing through a brilliant field he met twins do not like fish. kofsky who is spending the summer Wlmer Allison of the University of Couhdl Bluffs News {, LEO KAUFMANN WINS here. Texas. Allison romped through the match 6-1, 6-1, 6-1 for one of the Triangular Picnic to be Held GOLF TITLE Mr. iand Mrs. Sam Jhuich of New easiest victories ever seen in an inAugust 14. York City, who have been visiting Leo SauTmann, a Jewish boy, won tercollegiate final. The score does, not A triangular picnic, sponsored by the Briarcliff Club Junior Invitation with Mr. and' Mrs. J. Wolf «f even show how one sided the victory Fremont, have returned to New York. the Independent Order of the B'nai Golf Tournament by defeating Richard was. Allison made the Jewish boy Miss Jeanne Wolf accompanied them Brith, Lodge No. €88, the Agudes Bettes 2 and 1. His card read 79 for to Chicago, where she will spend Achim Society, and the Aleph Zadi: the eighteen holes and marks the junabout <ten-days visiting friends and Aleph, will be held at the Evergreen \.ior as a real comer. In the boys diPAXTON-MITCHELL CO. Farm on Sunday, August 14. Conr- vision of the same tournament Mor- n i b anfl Harthi 8t8. relatives. " ' HA rhey 1*6! mittees from the three organizations timer Jaffee, a thirteen year efd boy Omaha. Nebr. The Fa-Htm «irls will entertain at Tire already making plans to have1 walked off with the honors. This mere Soft gray, iron, tiroes, bronze' ani casting- . Standard shies a party Stmday "evening tit the home this picnic a big success. Mr. Simon child turned in the amazing score of aluminum i>ronze and iron bnshSngs. Bewelr tnanof Miss Anna Goldenberg. This will Steinberg is general chairman of the 36 for nine holes and won his match noles, cistern rlnps nnd covers, anfl -Jean-ont ioors is stock. be the last of a series of meetings committees. by 9 and 8 play. and parties tmtU September. From the performances of these two Mrs. Joe Gotsdiner entertained 25 Mrs. S. Altsfcnler and son Bernard •guests at a theatre party at the boys it is not hard to guess where our SOSKIN and KOZBERG left Sunday for an extended visit to Riviera in Omaha last week in honor strength ires in golf. J. Feldman of Brooklyn was chosen as a member of 1552 No. 20 St.—WEebster 0257 Chicago SAB New'York City. of her sisler-in-iaw;'Mrs. Jack Lieb- the New York team which will comfresh Meats — Delicatessens Mrs. K. Tatle and daughter "Ger- erman of Los Angeles, CaEforhiav plete in the Intercity Golf Marches to Fresh Fish Handled Daily Following the theatre party, a six be played next month. Six golfers trude left Sunday to visit in St. T>' d bek dinner was served at We Deliver to all Parts of the City were picked and Feldman rated fourth Joseph., Mo., with IJrs. Tatte% in the list with a 79. The only other daughter, Mre. J. Leibowitz and Mi". Shanghais. Leibowitz. Mrs. George Krasne entertained fourteen children at a picnic at Big Mrs. S. W. Braftdt accompanied Lake Thursday afternoon in honor; by her sister Rose Shapiro of M«of the sixth birthday of her daughVaBey, Iowa, left Sunday night on ter, Rhoda. an extensive tour through Canada and New York. They will be gone Mr. and Mrs. Ben Telpner and about four -weeks. children, Audrey and Eugene; aud Miss Annette Fanger is conveles- Mrs. Abe Leibovitz and daughter, cing at the Wise Memorial Hospital Maxine, motored to Winnipeg, Cafbflowihg an operation for appendici- nada, last week to visit Mesdames Telpher's and Leibovitz's sister, Mrs. tis. Max Steiman, and Mr. Stelman. Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Milder are ex- Telpner experts to return home in pected to arrive home the first of the three weeks, while the others will week; after a four weeks trip motor- remain until the end of- sumnier. ing-through the state of Colorado. While there, little Maxine LeibovSx, Enroute home they will visit for a talented young dancer, will perfdftn few days in Topeka and Kansas City. a number of dances on the public Tie-Ladies Free Loan Society will stages. -picnic Sunday, July 17, at Miss Eose Shames of Dee Mbines, Etanrood park. All members and Iowa, who has been spending the P»P Invited to attend. past three weeks here visiting her Mr.-and Mrs. S. Robinson had as cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Morris GrossFrigidalre puts die ftn.;,~gn.»gfc fheir ison, Herbert of New man, left Monday for her hoine. 'modem business on a new, Bedford, Mass.; their daughter Mrs. Mesdames L. Meyerson* M. Gordon B. M. Octenberg and brother Nate and H. Saltzman left Stmday for Robinson ot Kaftsas City, aha Mr. and Excelsior Springs, Mo., where they Mrs." Sidney Robinson and daughter of expect to remain for several weeks. WalthilL ODERN meat merchants, Mrs. Harry Cohen is entertaining Spiwak of Chicago, U1-* grocers, druggists, florists, Mrs. twenty guests at a -one o'clock who has • been visiting with her pat- luncheon at. the Chieftain Hotel proprietors of delicatessen shops, ents Mrt afui lire; J.- K.t3ako{sky, left Thursday complimentary to h£r Special hotel and restaurant owners need for her home StoSay. . ' ; popular guest, Mrs. Jack iLiehermatt Offer no longer have a refrigeration Mr. and Mrs. Arthur RDsenttum, \ of Los AngeTes, Cal.

look lite a novice. Nevertheless the 'Davis, Cup.rCommlttee" reaBass that Gorchak'ofE.1. Wpabfe of much better tennis -and t h e -tsH "Jewish 4wj?s from the toask wftf tae %wtt a chance in the Davis Cup tryouts. Gorchakoff unlike Sellgson has fcot reached the peak of Ms game and will improve with time. Seligson took a new lease on life and won two "toaraaitsents in that -many weeks. He captured th% Ridge Club event ^ defeating the old timer Allen Beh'r, in straight sets. A ew days later he won the New York State Junior Title by 6ef<"*ting Frank Shields Vath'ei %as9y in straight sets. Shields is over terihised and is in danger of going staTe from too much tournament play. Mamiel Monso second best amateur i -mris playSi in the United States, ran Into a peci of trouble when he met Eddie Jacobs, the promising young

jtmior from-Baltimore. The scene TFSS at the Philadelphia:Cricket.Club. Atoflso won *3ie first s k €-2 and though the match wa in; but Eddie came back strongly aii' won the next seti5-l.' He had Alonso three love in the third set before the - older player could find the strength to meet the concentrated rushes of his younger opponent. Alonso then braced and won the final set 6-4. It was -a close call for the Spanish star. In the same tournament Corchakoff came through to the fourth round and Is going strong.

on test Wee* fcnfi JliMe Finkelstein, «s Ms %oyhood friend* knew him wst ttw main participants He won M r Ftarib Pfnk. Tiie *fight took plac'e tin the Fourth of Jul^ and all the fireworks 'v^e're Eiipplied by those outside the ring. The same ttey 1n "Ohicago, Maxie Rosenbloom fought 'iigern ^Flower % ten round draw. The Independendife Day -spirit w » •«t«Wjr *>*« itft boys hardly bothered to touch each other. * ..-..••;..-

MARATHON We are now tscmvtneea %hst*h* FIGHTING Indians k<Pe r, The coming Dempsey-Sharkey wers ites-ii tiie'Je^k & alflther for the championships's biggest purse joint . held at librtg ISea'iih, has scared all the promoters away Chlmdiney Vatk'ed away with the lonfrom the ring. Consequently the boys c m ^ ^ v ^ g ^ rf rf are keeping in their shells and all that is to be heard is the perpetual squaks started, twelve finished «mbii& of the managers. Only one bout went (Continued os page 4.)






Navy—the Smartest Mid-Seasoh Shade There S BOtMiig smarter for Stiinmier than a costume of Navy Georgette— fe Ifevy fe so ¥w«atale nnd So tttterly teeoming—aM tBOr^Stts is fro %as3y kfept cleaii aiid so unbelievably cooL .


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6S Summer Hats



blum hag opened law offices at 806 j M o s - c o w ( j . T . A.)—Abraham CanionBBnkJBldg1. .^Mr. Rosenblnm was ^ ^ e aitor of the Jewish Daily recently elected a delegate from Los p o r w a r ( j , New York, arrived in Angeles Lodge No; 4 and attended the M d s c o w ^ ^ Convention At Long Beath on June ( j ^ . C a l i a n w i l | ^afce 26, 27 and 28* CM July JL he was apthe Jewish colonies In pouited Special Depaty dity Prosecu- tion tor in connection with thg prosecution of Usury cases. -»*•

Miss Ruth Brodkey left for Chicago Wednesday to visit for two weeks with Mn and Mrs. J. B. Rubenstein. . and Mrs. Joe Rice left Wedfiesay oil a Motor trip to Chicago to visit with tits. Rite's parents, Mr. Mid. Green. ._ Mrs. Sail .Margolin has left for DyeisviliE, Io-wa^'wtiere she will visit with Dr. vfidrJSxs.-'Morris -Hargolin.

WANTED Jewish Salesman to solicit monument business among Jewish people of Omaha; Apply John J. HaD Memorial Art Co.» 400 F; L. anS T. Bldg., Bioux C i ^ Iojsra..

Phbne we will be glad to have a man (iall and explain

problem. Frigidaire stops spoilage—it enables the merchant to buy a wider selection of perishables, and to benefit by quantity prices. It saves time and labor. Let us show you how easy it is for you to have Frigidaire installed now.



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fiegularly $10 to $22.50. All of our fine Hair Braids, Milans, etc. . . . . . . . . , . . . . . ;

150 Summer Mmis • •j

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MS Felt Hats ill 3?astel Shades. Fine quality in all the new, smart WMt« shapes. Regularly sold $5 to $7.50

3*Day Discount Sale Thursday, Friday, Ssinrday

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French Steel Beaded Bigs . Enameled Melh iBagS Silk aaa Petit Poict Bags Haad Tooled Jjeither Bigs Pattern Bags of Jlsfest Iieathefs Select from OUT entire stock <J£ beautiful BagsMaaeouat ol 209fc on every bag priced from 54.95 up. Buy the bag yon want and admire—at a price that is radically redaceQ.

July 14, IS aad 16.

Main floor


THEY FOUND RQCK BOTTOM By M. and R. M. TERRELL <©, Eoubladay, Pa#«Vb Co.) ' • ' < • '

S- V


CROSS the deck, enclosure before the bridal/suites on the Empress of Tasmania, steam* Ing through the tranquil blue waters of the Australasian seas, Julia Devets and her husband glared at each .other. For them the propinquity of ..travel only meant quarreling. • 'I. Suddenly Julia saw her young husjtmnd'o angry face soften.- His eyes silt up with friendliness and bis lips .flashed Into a welcoming smile that yraa tender as well as gay. She turned and met the-round blue orbs of Tommy Fenley, six years old and, contrary to all ship-regulations, i out of the steerage In quest of adventure and oranges. . '. "Hello, .old top," cried Allan genially, recognizing a ship's pal. ; Julia, rang the bell. "Take that child sway, where be belongs," she ."Commanded the steward, who complied . I n spite of Tommy's loud.and strenuous resistance. . !i "He wasn't doing any harm, poor little tyke I" protested Allan. "It's hot -•as the devil down In the steerage." t "Children, annoy me," yawned .Julia opened a novel. -> - • 'Toulre BO utterly selfish I", burst out

Julia as the. excitement reached her. "A child fell overboard and a man jumped after him," some one informed her. "It's- madness, absolute madness I" another;remarked. "There are sharks everywhere in these waters!"" Quite suddenly Julia caught sight of the discarded coat lying on the deck and realized that it was Allan who bad sprung overboard. Her feelings were too 'swift for analysis. She found herself confronting the junior officer stepping aboard the boat which was being launched. "I am going too," she said. "He is my husband." Before the sternness of her face the young officer's protest died away. Besides it was u matter of moments. Lowered, the ship's launch sped back toward the swimmer and his burden. Soon they saw them, still struggling. It was at' this, almost last moment that Julia saw the sinister gray body and flashing fin of an approaching shark. A large part of her youth had. been spent in tropic waters cruising on her father's yacht: An old native bad taught her a trick for such an emergency, a trick which worked— usually.. With a loud cry she cast herself over the side of the launch straight at the side of the approaching shark, flailing the water, with furious blows and yelling. Frightened, the shark, swerved aside, swept on, carried by his own momentum before he could turn. In that moment strong arms dragged all three safely into the aunch: "Good Lord, but you took a chance," exclaimed the admiring young officer. "My dear," murmured Allan: brokenly as soon as he could speak. She gave him her wet hand and murmured faintly, still weak from the shock: 'Rock'. Bottom, Allan—we've found if 'Well anchor to It for good and all," he answered. "You and I—and some day—a Tommy of our own," she whispered.

"Now, Susan, If you will get my supper for me, I will eat It here and now, clared that nothing could be comand then I won't have to walk all this pared to the pheasant, while his comway back before going-horned panion was vainly trying to Impress Mother Immediately cooked old Joe's upon his mlna that partridge was the s e p p r end spread It before him. He best Then the other one, more enate trith avidity., and after, this third thusiastic than the rest, decisively anmeal he turned to grandfather and nounced that quail had no equal, ana said: "Isaac, I never work after eating to prove his point asked the colored my supper. Good evening." And away waiter to settle the argument. the sliiftless old fellow went 1 Nor did "Well, suhr" came the unexpected grandfather ever collect the debt answer, "for mah part, I would rathah have an American eagle served on a silvah dollah." — Western Christian Pawnbroker Has Long Advocate (Cincinnati).

New Cleveland Jewish Orphan Home, Goal of #1,000,000 Drive

Been Known as "Uncle"*

Authorities differ as , to the origin of "uncle"'as applied to pawnbrokers. Some say.."uncle" in this sense Is a pun on the Latin word "uncus," a WHOLESALE hook Before spouts were adopted Druggists and Stationers pawnbrokers used hooks to lift articles pawned. "Gone to the uncus," 401-4O3-403 South lOtb Street say these authorities, > was soon . corrupted Into "gone to my uncle's." the pronoun "my" being supplied for the sake of euphony, according to the Detroit News. ...This, theory, receives some slight confirmation In the fact Candy-Fountain Goods — Supplies that a pawnbroker's .shop is also sometimes called a "spout." This is be-' cause a spout is usually used to lift Phone JA. 3986—918 Pamam St. the articles pawned. But there serins to be .a more plans-1 ible theory'as to the origin of "uncle" as applied to pawnbrokers. "People ingttoctively try ttr: conceal the fact jtbat they have pawiied an article. It is natural for such persons, to pretend "Manufactured in Omaha' that money thus obtained is'from a rich uncle. BAKER ICE MACHINE CO.

E. E. BRUCE and CO.

The Copelmas' Candy Co.

This architect's drawing shows one of the proposed types of cottage-home for the children at the Cleveland Jewish Orphan Home, Cleveland, Ohio, for the construction of which it is -proposed to raise a $1,000,000 Building Fund in District No. 6, IndependentprdfirB'nai B'rith. Under this plan, each cottage would be a complete unit in itself, •prjovidin^f or the needs of 20 children,* under the supervision of a dutiful Cottage Mother. There are 400 children^" aVthe Home,': ,•' i ; r :

Jewish SportNotes , . (Continued from page 3.) first hundred. The nearest to the top was Louis Milosky who came in fiifteenth. Lichenstein, Richstein, Birahaum and Fried followed'some fifteen behind. The rest of thcJewish boys landed with the last forty.

**rou know very well It Isn't the child you're thinking of," sneered jJulla. "It's yourself.- He amuses you, SOCCER {evidently more than X do." The same thing is happening to 1 "At least he doesn't tell me I'm a soccer that has already happened to •{bore and -an utterly worthless loafer fighting. The promoters are putting a s you do." on too many games and have over• "Well, aren't you?" she asked coolly. ,cJ"What have you ever done for stocked the market with attractions. .anybody, or -for that matter for yourTwo Jewish teams in New York both . self, since you've been born? .Except Not Even for Goodly playing as Jewish teams and conflict«pend your father's millions.'. Nothing on dates has not helped the gate Sum Would He Tarry ing bnt win a few championships for Weary Waldron, the hard-luck col- at all. The crowd doesn't know where .swimming and polo." lege-bred hobo, was tightening his to go and settles the argument by "When. It comes to that, what have you to. your credit?" demanded her belt at the corner of Main street and staying away altogether. The Machusband. "Athletic "cups, Instead of the post office, when a worried-look- cabees Team met the Brooklyn-WandIng man accosted him. erers and played one of the best children." "Would you like to make §25?" he games of soccer seen in these parts "Then why "did you marry me?* she asked. [demanded. all season. Yet only three thousand "Perhaps there are some other • "I wish I knew," he retorted. or so spectators turned out for the; . "When we get back to civilization things that I would prefer," replied game. The day was hot and threatWeary Waldron, "but at the moment 2 shall certainly remedy it," - she ening which may have affected the at- i snapped.. "Thank heavens; divorce I am unable to think of them." tendance, but even at that 3,000 is a j "It's very easy," explained-the worhasn't been prohibited yet" " '"^They were both silent, he staring ried-looking man. "All you gotta do very small crowd. Hakoah has dona i out at the rolling blue sea; she pre- is run out on the stage, all tarred and no better. The Maccabee team drew tending to read but striving desper- feathered, during the last act of 'A fifteen thousand in Phil, delphia but ately to keep back tears of anger and Lover's Xament' At the conclusion that figure does not compare with last hurt Neither had ever seriously con- of the performance yon get the $25." year's draw for the Hakoah game. The "Well, ,25 bones of the realm are a templated separation before. They, had Hakoah, when they played in Phila-j been deeply in love when they mar- goodly stipend," mused Weary Waldelphia, drew about the same number.' dron, and accompanied the theatrical ried. man to the Goldbrick theater where . "I h$d hoped It would be different," Jewish Soccer tarns were a novelty Allan said after awhile. "I thought waited two men with a bucket of hot in this country but like all novelities ( ' marriage with you would be one of tar and a tub of feathers. "Ooob they soon lose their zest. Next seathose rock bottom sort of things, that pwtchl" yelled Weary.Waldron at the one might anchor to. I was evidently first - application. "Cannot the sub- son there is going to be either one or stance be applied at a more moderate two all-Jewish teams in the Soccer _ wrong. There isn't any bottom to your temperature?" League. We do-not doubt that both character or love—only shifting sand." She did not bear the regret- in his -'.'Certainly not; .cold tar won't teams will receive the support of the voice for the.clamor of her .wounded stick," said the manager, and the work Jewish populations in the cities they vanity. • • > ,.—. . , . . _ - went on. Ten minutes later, with play, butwe do not think that attend"Ifs never too late to divorce," she Weary Waldron tarred and feathered ance records are in danger of being said lightly. "Better luck next time." to the waist, a. telegram was deliv- broken. There is still a chance for Her flippancy stifled his impulse to ered" to the manager. "The show's off for tonight," he an- the promoters of the Ilakoah and Cacapologize and plead for' a* more sennounced, "The leading lady's sick and cabee teami to draw at least one big sible-and honest start on ^both .sides. can't show up till tomorrow night crowd if the two- teams meet. Alone They were very young. "I shall see about other quarters at Stick around till then and we'll finish their financial success is doubtful. once," he said as he rose angrily "and the job." At various points along the counstrode, away. The head steward was nowhere about and Allan stood mood- tryside that_,ijight a "strange figure SWIMMMING We get so used to think of Hakoah ily upon the deck gazing down Into seemingly half man and half ostrich, , the steerage where Tommy's mother, was seen running for dear life In a as only a soccer team that the other &n English nursemaid,' recently, wid- direction opposite to the Goldbrick accomplishment of this great organiowed, sat all day with btr face turned theater.—Detroit Free Press. zation are .overlooked.- In the men's toward the West where beyond so and women's championship of Austria many miles of sea and land lay her That Unpopular Friday the Hakoah Sport Club of Vienna won ieloved England to which she was reA friend of the famous Mark Twain the team prize. Guth and Lowey of, turning, once borrowed that gentleman's overi:- Little Tommy's return to the steer- coat , without asking permission, In the Vienna club were individual win-' age' deck had been as unwelcome, to order to attend a funeral. The humor- i or^ and Ernst Stern c-vcred the dist-l .•one person at least, as his visit"to 'the ist on discovering that the garment ance in sever and a hal' hours. He jppper deck- had been~to Julia Devers. had gone said, "Well,' I hope his un- has planned to have a tr- at the Eng•JThla person was a dirty,'"bearded Bol- cle's funeral will be a failure I" Some- lish Channel and if he conquers "lis shevist'whose methods bad^been'tdo thing of the' same* kind occurred on treacherous stretch-of water, he will ^Bolshevistic even -for Raisin" and* who the top of a tram which "was voyaging ielt that his failure to make- an- Im- down' Clap'aam - road, -London, ,and be the first Austrian-to-do the trick. pression upon the pretty-young widow passing a succession of funerals. A " was-.largely due to the presence of traveler In corduroys said to his PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS Tier young, son. The boy had conceived nifcte: "Can't understand why they ja violent dislike 'for the sparse-man- have so many funerals on a day like nered Russian, which' he was at no this I" "What's wrong with the day?" HUB. Phone AT. S453 Uea. Phiiro- AT, U85 pains to hide and-the Russian, while asked his- mate. "It's an unlucky day,",replied the first speaker." "Ketch 'cajoling him in the presence of.the woman, cursed him in his heart For me-being buried on a Friday!" Then •pven the most callous feel the indig- everybody within . .'earshot* smiled BARBER SHOP aloud. Jnltffi or a child's.Intuitive-dislike.. We specialize8 in i • It wsa noon, luncb time,, and noone Children's & Ladies* Haircuts 'bat the Russian paid .any attention to Measuring Rainfall ' 'the" child, who played behind a .pile •The -rainfall"at a given point la Arthur Bldg.—212 So. 18th Street of cordage close to the rail and the measured by an' Instrument constructswift ^running sea. 'Tuei Russian ed on the principle of the funnel. If . glanced about and saw fits opportunity. the big end of the funnel which He did-not know, that the 'tweed-^Iad catches the'rain has an area 40 times .anan. gazing from the upper deck .saw as great as the tube that leads from Mm as he joined the child-b?h}nu; the It, a rainfall of one-fortieth of an inch BUTTER and EGGS cordage. One slip of 'thb'gq. awkward will register one Inch In the gauge. . ilttle- feet, a- push,- on pretense^ of Each rain Is thus measured and all Council Bluffs, loira '-. grasping- him—and the obstacle" tooths are added together to get the annual -', Ztneslan'M. courting ttf the c6»ely wld- rainfall. The" Instrument which regis"wcraldj.be removed without suspl- ters the velocity of the wind Is aton trif- himself. . ,' tached to a plnwheel .and works on KOSHER DELICATESSEN Hla •nefarious plaa worked like; a the principle of the speedometer. FRIEDr \ i armvi Tfterfe was a shrill cry end BjilastV-.something pitifully small Complete. Line of • Resourceful Barber' '"' Delicatessen/Smoked Meats obbing In the vnst expanse..of the Sea as the'swift Hner sped-o'n.-- B(fvr-' A barber who was very bald advised and Fish • '~everj/t»e' Russian-was totally; uripre- a customer to buy a special hair tonic. 1509 North 24th Street •TTonr hair 13 very thick now," he '•pare'ff tfor the shout of "man over" the whizzing past hl^head of said, "but will it always be so? Howpreserver, nor for the stopping ever, if you use this bottle consist~engfies later. Nor was. be pre- ently you will never be bald." "Quality Jewelers" ftw^the'flash of a man swift ' Tbe customer wa3 about, to remark, MALASHOCK JEWELRY "Well,'"then, -why" don't you use iff - arrow?? Who sprang from the yourself?" wben tbe barber forestalled 1 Wholesale-and Retail Jewelers feand cleft the water wit! strokesj^speeding back to- him by Baying,"! only wish that this 213-16 City National Bank Bldg. tonic was on the market" when I had a, JA. 6619 1 bead of bair like yours. '



Continue Scorch.for .. ''Losffi&rizma Mines Of all the legends of burled treasure the,most persistent Is the one about lost gold mines of Arizona. Only the Indians are, supposed to possess the secret of this, baffling mystery, although the story has been circulated for more than a century. That there once were mines in the region Is Indicated by references found In early Spanish diaries and by the tales passed down through several generations of natives who were compelled to dig the ore as siaves of their conquerors. The chief evidence In support of the tradition is the altar of the San Xavier mission, not far from Tucson. It Is described as being "Inlaid with virgin gold." Mission records sliow that the precious metal was brought from Canada del Oro where it was mined by Indians under the direction of Spanish priests. But no trace now exists of the diggings, and the old trail over which the gold Is said to have been carried by pack mules disappears abruptly In the lands.—Popular Mechanics Magazine.

Romance Chocolates

he walked over to grandfather's for breakfast/




•';•- "': - t - v

The family had already finished the morning meal and myr mother' was clearing the -dishes away when the old man came in. Mother promptly prepared the extra meal; and, since lt-wss a mile to the timber, she put. up. a substantial noonday lunch. After Joe had finished his breakfast he said to mother, "Snsan, if you will put the dinner on the table, 1 will eat it now, for I don't like cold victuals." Mother did so, and when he had eaten - he' turned to her and said:


','.-..,. Game Bird* In. a certain hotel on Broadway three men who, from their conversation, were- evidently fend of sports, were, after. exhausting golf, tennis, etc., with the first course, now debating as to which kind of game'was the best.:. 'A, large., impressive Individual of the p.rofessiona.1 type stoutly de-

SARA RAE FISH' Summer classes in Piano. Ear Training and Keyboard Harmony Web. 1884—2219 Wirt St.

Regular Patronage

Saved Time by Taking Three Meals at Once My mother, writes a subscriber to the ; Youth's Companion, told us children many times over of an Incident that once happened In grandfather's home when she was a girl of sixteen. A good-for-nothing, shiftless old fellow t by the name of Joe Mlnnick was la debt to grandfather, and In order to get what wafceoming to him and also to help Joelout grandfather engaged him to cut some wood in the timber section about a mile from the home place. Old Joe lived only a mile farther on from -grandfather's, but, as It was customary for a day laborer to have his meals Included in his wages,

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