THIS By A.G. . After the -first of- 'September,- a stocky-built " gentleman about 57 years of age, ircill be missing from the Jewish-.Community.Center. The man who I have refered to is none other than Ed BurSick, head physical director. Ed will assume ^-"""y^ies ' as Entered as seeond-clnsg mail matter on January 27th, 1021, at physical overseer'of tht-^'r* —^Works postofflce at Omsba. Nebraska, under the Act of March.3, 1870.
dub "Y" at the
A false friend, like a shadow, attends only; while the sun shines. —-FRANKLIN
VOL. VI.—No. 29
gLf .-ted &
Iron company, Pueblo, JEWISH DISTRICT PROTEST AGAINST BUILDING During. his . eleven the STABLES ON CEMETERY GROUND RENAMED KALINIDORF Center, Burdick has friends and has helped Riga.—(J. T. A.)—Sadeh Menuchah, Riga.—(J. T. A.)—Representatives name of the J. C. C. in of the Jewish population of the city Undertake Translation of Brafntann's have the best proof that this is not the oldest Jewish colony in the UgHis quiet perseverance raine and the principle settlement in of Homel protested to the Soviet Kahal Book, Long Since the case," he^ states!. "Were it true the newly established Jewish region ity has earned him the tit authorities against the action of the Proven Forgery. Mr. Ford would have withdrawn ing Ed." renamed ndorf. military authorities with regard to from. me the publication rights of was A decision of the -Wzik, Central Camp' Considered One of the This writer could go on indefinitely Praises Straus and Palestine the Jewish cemeteries in the town. Leipzig. (J. T. A.) A renewal of his International Jew" Fritsch Executive Committee of the governin praising Mr. Burdick. There isn't Finest in Country • ' strenuous anti-Semitic campaign stated. Stables for the red anny were conJews'. Generosity ment, confirmed the change of name. anything more to say. It has all been structed on an old Jewish cemetery in through the exploitation of interThe whole Jewish district will be ONE MORE WEEK said. • Tho Jewish Press Publishing Homel. On the oldest Jewish ceme- nationally famous forgeries of RusASKS CONTRIBUTIONS known under the name of Kalinindorf, company takes this opportunity' in LEFT FOR BOYS tery in the town a timber yard was sian origin was announced by the in honor of Michael Kalinin, PresiFROM ABROAD set up. The authorities also destroyed Hammer-Verlag, tip company headed wishing Mr. Burdick the best of luck dent of the Soviet Republic On Friday morning, July 15, Camp and all that goes with it, when he by Theodor FritscS, notorious leader Jerusalem.—(J. T. A.)—Nathan the Catholic cemetery. Morris Levy was honored with a visit takes active charge of his new quest Straus, American Jewish philanthroof the German anti-Semites. from several members of the Execuin Colorado. Philadelphia (J. T. A.)—"If Mr. pist, was highly praised for his quick The publishing house has issued an tive Committee of the Welfare FederFord will purchase and destroy the * *- * response to the need of the Palestine announcement of the forthcoming ation to see the Boys' Camp in action. vast quantities of anti-Jewish literaEverything is hustle bustle among earthquake victums ,by Col. George publication in German of the "Book They were taken on a tour of inspecture which his publication stimulated the ranks of the younger school set. S. Symes, Civil Secretary of the Palof the Kahal" by the Russian Jewish tion through the different cottages and It won't be long now before a number estine Administration and Acting convert of the latter half of the in Europe, he'will go some way to-New President Makes Appointments the routine duties were carefully exFederal Judge Simons Signs Order ward making the amends which are of Omaha young men and women High Commissioner, who announced nineteenth century, Jacob Brafmann. suggested", declared Dr. Cyrus Adler, For Next Term Discontinuing libel Action. plained to them. Everything was will depart for universities and col-the establishment of an earthquake The book is one of; the prototypes of Chairman of the Executive Commitspic and span and the boys looked leges. Nebraska university is sched- relieve fund in a press interview toDetroit. (J.T.A.) The legal phases the forgeries upon which the latest tee of the American Jewish Com- The B'nai Brith committee appoint- happy, well and contented. The visiuled to take the greater portion of day. of the Ford-Sapiro libel suit came to anti-Semitic forgery, the Protocols mittee, in a statement issued to the ments have been made by Meyer tors were highly pleased and expressed Omaha's proteges of higher learning. The Acting High Commissioner also a formel end when Judge Charles C of the Elders of Zion, was based. Beber, newly elected president of the their satisfaction at the excellent way Jewish Telegraphic Agency. With the opening gong only six or praised the generous attitude of PalThe translation irom the Russian Simons in Federal District Court "A "number. of • times, I have de- local lodge. The complete list of ap- in which the camp was being coneight weeks, hence, a number of estine Jews in : giving contributions original was made by Dr. Siegfried signed an order of discontinuance. clined to make a statement about the pointments appear here and according ducted.' "rush", parties were put on the for the earthquake victums. The PalPassarge, assistant'professor of geoThe ^stipulation of discontinuance Ford recantation and Mr. Marshall's to the list of men serve in Those who came were: Harry A. "social calendar" by fraternities and estine Electric Corporation contributgraphy at the University of Hamresponse. But since so much printer's various departments during the com- Wolf, Leo Rosenthal, Dr. Philip Sher, sororites of note.' As to the.dates of ed £200. The Jewish colonies Petach agreed upon Saturday by counsel for burg. The Hammef publishing house ink has been spilled on the subject, ing term, an increase in activities will William L. Holzman and John N. Hall, these functions; :the writer cannot Tikvah and Rechob'oth have rushed Aaron. Sapiro, plaintiff, and ' Henry be seen in the local lodge. the new Secretary of the Community divulge at this time. Yes, it's just truckloads of bread to the afflicted Ford, defendant, was presented to issued invitations to,; German anti- some of it in rather hysterical out"Although we are not holding meet- Chest. Semites to subscriWs toward a fund " " ' pourings, I am "giving the following Judge Simons by counsel for Mr. another one of those so - called regions. They have also forwarded Camp is now on the third week and Sapiro. The court immediately necessary for the -^ablicatlon of the statement as representing what seems ings this summer, we intend to carry "secrets." money. book, the contentsjp>f which have to me a" sober point of view," Dr. C.on the work of the finance and mem- will continue until-the end of July. signed the order. bership committee", said Mr. Beber. The latest corrected figures show of August will be given Mr. and Mrs. Harry H. Lapidus that there were 192 killed in Palestine "It is hereby stipulated and long since been pr©ven nothing but Adler said. The work must be carried on all of over to the girls. a forgery and caluifeny of the Jewish "Open confession is good for the returned early Tuesday morning from cities and villages and 356 seriously agreed," read the document filed by I soul and I am always delighted when the time and we will increase the The third group of boys consists of an extended-trip to the east. Harry, injured. Nablus is totally destroyed. Sapiro's counsel, "by and between people. In announcing the publication and a man has purged his own soul. Mr. membership of the lodge." Bernard 15. Kaiman, Nathan' Crounse, with that famous grin looked like a Col. Symes, in announcing the es-the parties hereto that the " above inviting subscriptions to the fund, Ford will, I hope, derive spiritual BTHTH COMMITTEE Sidney Coren, Donald Diamond, Henry "million dollars". However, Mr. tablishment of the relief fund, issued entitled cause be and the same hereby the publishing house states: satisfaction from his act. Rieks, B. Gershater, E. Gershater, E. FIXAXCE COMMITTEE:—Samnel N. Woll, Lapidus asserted that hewas glad- to an appeal asking for contributions is discontinued without further costs Dare Greenber&, vice-chair- Epstein, M. Lerner, H. Lerner, L. "He who wishes to conquer the "While the Dearborn Independent's chairman; get back to Omaha and his friends. to either party." man; Simon Pizer, 3. L. Stern, S. J. from abroad. In his appeal, he Leon, Dr. A. Steinberpr, Irrin Stalmaster, Kelberg, Sol Gerber, Art Gerber, Earl * « • Judge Simons* order of discontinu- adversary against whom he is en- policy caused pain and annoyance to Kobert stated. I. F. Goodman, Alex gaged in battle must first know Mm. the Jews in America, it did them no Frank, J Kooper, When August rolls around feminin. Slosbnrfr, John A. Beber, Har- Gerber, L Kraft, Nat Skriebm&n, ance read: "On reading and filing the 1 "Full detafls of the damage wrought Marvin Fitch, George Klein, M. Gereity -will reign supreme at Nathans by the recent earthquake in towns and stipulation of discontinuance signed Until now, as Hefee daringly said, actual harm but rather readier , in ry Kneeter, Wm. A. Lerey. COMMITTEE:—Manrice I>. lick, B. Lewis. only their their favor among Christians of in- MEMBERSHIP Lake. Plans formulated indicate that villages of Palestine and Transjordan- and filed in the above entitled cause, of the Jews vre Micklin, chairman: Harry TrcBtin, vice; lTm. Alberts, Eeuben, Brown, The enrollment for the fourth and a good' time "will be had by all ia, are not yet known, but in three it is now hereby ordered that said beards. As to re- telligence and-nobflity of character, chairman Dr. A. Greenberg:, David Freeman, Herbwho felt under the obligation to make There will be swimming, baseball towns, Nablus, Ramleh and Lydda; cause be and the same hereby is mained a puzz ert Goldstein, J . S. Greenberg, Abner last week of camp is nearly completed us. Green, MarfeB Lorig, Harry thus assuring a most successful seabasketball and—well you can gues, alone, it is estimated'that 500 to 600discontinued." The iudge expressed The result of that we were amends for the "bad conduct of one of •EobinBon,Sam ti H Max Fromtin, Harry Lfl" their own number. the rest., Early registrations show houses have been" rendered uninhabit- himself -as being >very glad to sign politically, econ and mentally BUDGET COMMITTEE;—Horry Knlas- son. "In Europe, Mr. Ford's recantation hock. chnirman; Harry H. Lapidoa, Harthat quite a number will take the op- able. the publicaon the defensive! 5. this. will be of much importance to the ry Friedman, Isadora Abramsoo, Merer j Plans Completed for portunity that is afforded them for antip H. Gallagher, chief of tion of "The municipalities and district ofWilliam a timely vacation. offensive.'' Jewish people, especially in Rourosfices- orgzauz'ed-immedia.te.relief meas-.Sapiro's - counsel,; said, that _ bo§j .par- Semitfsm m'ama,'" Poland,." Hungary" aifil" GerMsrer, J. M. Malasbocfc. Maurice I). Miekures in these and other centers of ties to the suit had decided isot to Jacob Brafmkim, -wfio, upon his many, where the myth of the Proto- lin. Herman Smehoffi, Abner KoSznan, I>r. Camp" Morris/Levy for girls will - Everything is in readiness for the damage and obtained funds for pro-reveal any details of a cash payment conversion to the Greek Orthodox cols of the Elders of Zion had been Nathan Mnsfcin. open officially the first week in AugJ. C. C. golf tourney. Burdick an viding food and other urgent neces- involved in the settlement, but that faith, was charged -by the Holy widely circulated and, strange to say SOCIAL SEKYTCE C05OS2TTEK: — T>T. ust. Final arrangements are nounced late Thursday afternoon tha saries for the homeless population. the sum was limited to , "costs and Philip Sher, chairman; p r . Frederick Sunod of the church with t i e task actually believed. Conn, Samuel Gersnn, Irrin Stalm aster. being completed and a program of the pairings were being compiled as But it is clear that in many places the expenses." Hurry Mnlashock, Henry Monsky, Harry of devising means of spreading "If Mr. Ford will purchase and EiTrercnan. work and play that will keep the girls fast as possible. The tennis meet will local resources are quite inadequate "We made no claim for? damages Christianity among the Jews in Eus-. destroy the vast quantities of anti- BT-Ii.VWS COM3HTTEK: — Fred White, busy and happy every SBinute of the probably culminate in a few weeks. to provide means to enable hundreds arising out of the publication of the chairman; "Wai. Grodinsfcy, F. J". Alberts. day is being outlined. From appearance at present it looks of families to Tesume work and "obtain charges against Mr. Sapiro," the at-sia, joined the ranks; of the Jewish Jewish literature which his publica- INITIATION COMMITTEE:—S. ,T. Leon, apostates who have maligned their tion stimulated in Europe, he will go The Camp will be in charge of Lilas though the winner will be difficult credit for rebuilding^ their homes. M. Monheit, I. F . Goodman, Harry Silvertorney said. _ people. He was. perhaps "the origin- some way toward making the amends man, J. M. Malasbock. lian Margolin, assisted by a trained to ascertain. ' TVBX.ICITX COMMITTEE:—Nathan E. "In these distressing circumstances, ator of the libel that there are Jewish which are suggested. staff of councillors in charge of the * * * Green, Joe Jacobs. Harry LaC I feel sure that many people are ready Bernstein Suit Against bodies in existence which seek the "As an American, I rejoice whenT1GIXJS.KCE COBIMITTEE:—William L.j following departments: Arts an-d Louis Somberg was recently elected to give practical evidence of their chairman; Harry A. Wolf, Ford May Be Settled acquisition and explaitation of power ever a fellow American finds his way .Holzman, to' the presidency of the Omaha sympathy by subscribing to a fund "Harry B. Zimman, Abe Goldstein, Henry Crafts, , Dramatics, Music, Nature Monsty. Graduate club of the Zeta Beta Tau which will be available for general New York. (J.T.A.) Settlement of over non-Jews. He first made this to the true spirit of American institu- CBTSTTKAI. c o r x e n . cosnvoTTEE:—Knm S t u d y and A t h l e t i c s . charge in a series of articles pubtions. " fraternity. The Zeta Beta Tau frater- relief purposes. x a part of the program it is Beber, chairman; Alex Frank, Dr. Herthe libel suit of Herman. Bernstein lished in 1867 in a Russian news• . "As a Jew, I feel that Mr. Ford man Jahr. Ed Kraus, Louis Somberg:. nity is making plans for the coming "I have, therefore, opened a central against Henry Ford out of court paper. These articles were followed had grossly insulted the Jewish people XJEO JT. LETT BIEMOKIA1, HOSPITAL planned to have health talks, Friday mid-western regional convention fund for this purpose and I shall pub- may come about during this week, COMMITTEE:—J. Slosbnrg, chairman; night services, stunt .nights, pageants, which is scheduled to take place in lish the lists of subscription and dis-it was learned by the Jewish Tele by the "Kniga Sahala" (The Book of and that an apology was dua them. Dr. rhilip Eomonefc, Morris Milder. Louis plays and entertainments. the Kahal) published in Vilna in He has made it and Mr. Marshall has Simon, Dr. Nathan Dansky. Omaha sometime next spring. Girls who are planning to come to JEWISH HOSFITAI, COMtribution of the money received. Sub- graphic Agencyaccepted it on our behalf. Let the* NATIONAL 1869. MITTEE:—Harry H. Lapidus. chairman; camp must make their reservations at * * * scriptions should be addressed to m e Mr. Bernstein declined to comment The book is divided into four parts; matter rest," Dr. Adler declared. Dr. A. Greenberc, Irrin Stalmaster, A. E. A lone girl swimmer last Tuesday Lieutenant Colonel G. S. Symes, Gov- on the pending negotiations. Alpirn, Joe L. "Wolf. once as the capacity vdll be limited to first, the transactions of the kahal HOUSE COMMITTEE:—I. Schoeinvald, surprised the writer and Mr. Burdick ernment Offices, and the envelopes 25 girls. Hyman Greenberp, Dave Freeman. Herman B.ernstein has withdrawn of Minsk ("kahal" derived from the A. Z. A. PLANS KESOX.TTT1ONS COMMITTEE: — Nnthnn when she pulled off some fancy ex- should be marked Earthquake Belief The rates are: From 10 to 16 years Bernstein, chairman; Fred White, Dr. SI. from the editorship of the Jewish Hebrew for community, assumed in hibition diving. The young lady, Fund. of age, "?7.00; over 16 years of &ge, ACTIVITIES FOR YEAR E. Stein. Tribune, owing to the pressure of Russian the significance of "board of whose name cannot appear in print, OEPHAN HOME COMMIT- S9.O0; week ends,'$2.50. The first of an active program of CXETELANB TEE:—Leo Abramson, Dr. .T. M. Ermnn, his other literary and journalistic the community.") The documents, went through her bag of tricks on j '. PURCHASE Harry "Weiner, Fred Greenberg, N. S. Brafmann claimed to have A. Z. A. activities is a" dance to be Yaffe. the suggestion of the head physical WEST "Q" COAL COMPANY work, and is no longer responsible which for the editorial policy of* that found in the archives of the board held very soon. "According to Louis director. Eiklin, chairman of programs, an Once on the diving board the little The West Q Coal Company, 43rd weekly. Mr. Bernstein, however, re- of education of Vilna, extended from especially interesting feature will be ZIONISTS TO LAUNCH APPEAL FOR 1794 to 1803. The sec6nd party of tains his connection with the Jewish brunette with sparkling blue eyes did and Q Streets, one of the oldest and EARTHQUAKE VICTIMS the book is annotations on the trans- presented. • everything in her power to entertain most reliable established concern in Tribune a s contributing editor. At the regular meeting of the New York.-—(J. T. A.)—The first actions, in which the author inter• her two visitors. Not only did she dive •fee South Side, has recently been chapter, I»resident." Isadore Elewitz relief from America for the victims New York (J. T. A.)—A campaign preted them arbitrarily, asserting bat you should have seen her swim purchased by David Soref and David of the Palestine earthquake was* for a fund to aid the \-ictims of the made the appointments o£ the followthat all the illegalities contained —and how! Potash, well-known here. cabled yesterday by Nathan Straws, Palestine earthquake, as well as to ing permanent committees for the therein are in constant vogue among Both Mr. Soref and Mr. Potash provide for the repair of houses and famous philanthropist vriho contributed the kahaJis, and are in consonance new term: Dave Chesno writes me from have been in the-coal and grain busiNathans Lake saying that the boys ness for a number of years and have with the very principles of the Jew- Membership: Stanley Shapiro, chair- public buildings in Palestinian cities S250,000 for the establishment of. « man; Dave Bishoff, Leo Fellman, mil be launched by the Zionist Or- health center in Jerusalem. A report of the Hadassah Conven- ish religion. are enjoying themselves if they ever established a large clientele. , Harry Levinson, Norman Green, ganization of America, it was learned tion held at Atlantic City was given The sum of $20,000 was cabled bj did. Dave goes on and states that the "The "Kniga Kahala" created a Morris Falk, Morris Brodkey. "We -will at all times aim to please today. Mr. Straus yesterday to Dr. Bluestonc future gentlemen of the Jewish com- our patrons in giving them quality by Mrs. A. Eomm, president of the great sensation and the Russian Louis Mcklin, chairman; local chapter at a special meeting of press. devoted many colums to it- HyProgram: The Jewish Telegraphic Agency head of the Hadassah hospital in Palmunity in Omaha are in the best of and service", said Mr. Potash. Shrier, " Maurice Givot, Dave the Board of Directors on Wednes- Impartial critics dissected the book Beber, Mac Riekes, Simon Green. understands that the step was con-estine. In cabling the money Mr, health. Mr. Chesno invites visitors to day afternoon. . attend the fun grounds a!Ad see forPOLITICAL POLICE and discovered that - the "trans- Finance: Dr. Meyer Beber, advisor; sidered at a meeting of the Admini- Straus stated that it was for the relief Mrs. Komm stated that she was Cohen, chairman; Albert Shrier, strative Committee of the Zionist of the sufferers from the earthquake themselves what the "kids" are do- APOLOGISES TO RABI FOR actions" were simple forgeries. Joe Dave Brodkey; Organization. An official statement regardless of race or creed. In fe very much impressed by the splendid ing. Among many proofs of their falsity, SEARCHING HIS HOUSE Athletic: Stanley Levin, chairman; on this decision and an appeal to thestatement to the Jewish Telegrapbte type of women that are interested in the most interesting is that given by Warsaw (J. T. A.)—The Polish Hadassah. She was especiallyf im- Shereshevski, who pointed out that I. Gerelick, louis, Eicklin, Joe Cohen, Jewish and general public is expected Agency representative Mr. Straus ds*» Several members of the Jewish Melvin Levin. . to be issued tomorrow. It is under- dared: "The calamity in Palestine is Community Ctenter are already be- secret police offered an apology to pressed by Henrietta Szold, Mrs. a third of the transactions were Initiation: Hy Shier, chairman; Sam ginning to train for winter sports. Rabbi M. A. Kahane, member of the Archibald Silverman and Mrs. Irma dated on Saturdays or feast days, Zacharia, Marion Graetz, Ben Kaz-stood that the fund is to be used not awful and I hope that others will only for Jews but for all sections of despatch immediately contributions Joe Levey, king of handhallcourts Warsaw rabbinate, for having raided Lindheim. when writing is prohibited. lowsky. the Palestine population. towards the splendid relief work which Over $600,000-was spentby Hadashis house. • •works out daily in the four--walled Property: Sol Miroff, chairman; the Hadassah physicians and nurses The political'.police-entered the sah in 1926-27 ifor medical purposes Fritsch Doubts Ford's Recantation as Earl Lapidus, Sam Stern, Harry enclosure. Basketball draws its share are doing for the victums of injured Safferstein. • among the members as does volley Rabbi's house at eleven o'clock ; at and over $50,000 worth of linen and "International Jew" is Not WithPublicity: Albert Shrier, chairman; ANXIOUS OYER EARTHQUAKE in the earthquake." ball and squash tennis. Yes, it looks night, declaring that they were clothing distributed. drawn from CirculationIN PALESTINE It was decdded that a special Berlin. (J. T. A.) Theodor Fritsch, Stanley Levin, Max . Givot, Earl searching for a certain Communist < ~*like a busy winter sport season. Lapidus, Louis Rieklin. ... named Spick. Notwithstanding the emergency fund to take care of the notorious leader of the German antiWarsaw <J. T. A.)— The reports ZIONIST EXECUTIVE'STARTS statement of the Rabbi that no such present situation be established. Each Semites and translator of Henry JEWISH LEADERS " RELIEF FUND FOB of the Palestine earthquake caused UEBERMANN • . " ' man was in his house, the police chapter was given a quota to raise Ford's "International Jew" into GerPARTICIPATE IN FELLOWEARTHQUAKE TlClittS wide concern throughout Poland; RE-ELECTED HEAD OF SHIP CONFERENCE made .a thorough search and took with aurrng the summer months, •winch has the largest Jewish populaGEBMAN ACADEMY them a number of valuables am ffuota is §800. Each Hadassah'•wo- man, "was the'..first of the European London. (J. f. A.) The Exeeutivr tion in Europe. The Jewish newsanti-Semites... itf" comment on Ford's man is asked to earn $10 toward, this documents. . London I J. T. A.)—Leaders of Jewof the World Zionist papers in Warsaw, Cracow and other Berlin (J. T. A.)—Professor Max recantation and withdrawal of his ish thought are represented at the After several days elapsed and ex-fund. _^ centers issued extra editions as has started a relief fund for thr Liebennann, famous German Jewish anti-Semitic charges. Mrs? A. Komm gave the first benefit International Conference of Fellow- perts examined the documents, it -was victims of the Palestine earthquake. crowds gathered at the Zionist offices Fritsch, who gained notoriety by artist who recently celebrated Ms 1 ship of Faifiis which opened here to- found that they^related merely the affair Thursday afternoon at her The fund will'provide food, sheltef and other Jewish institutions clamoreightieth birthday, was reelected prelegal disputes brought to the Rabbi home in the form of a bridge tea. his attacks on Max Warburg, Hamand necessary materials for the reing for news from the Holy Laud. uay. ident of the German Academy-of. Arts. Mrs. M. F. Levinson is following with burg banker, which were proven for arbitration. The police apologized Rev.' ,Dr. Moses Gaste^ is construction of the destroyed houses. The This is the eight time Professor Iie- The office of the Jewish Telegraphic .among the speakers .-who will address to the". Rabbi,- stating tfiat they did a bridge party Sunday evening at libels in the Hamburg court, ex- bermann was' elected to the .office. Agency here was besieged by hun- The Executive announced that M -the conference. Sherwood Eddy and -not know he was a Rabbi. Had they her home. Several other women are pressed his unwillingness to believe This has no .precedent in the history dreds awaiting the receipt t£ further will transmit all contributions to the Mrs. Annie Besant will be among known this, they would not have, made making plans which will be announced that Henry Ford has really with- of art academies. Palestine details. later drawn his anti-Semitic charges. "I **•* -aarch. those to speak at. the
Qerman Anti-Semites Revive the "Jewish Conspiracy" Agitation
PalestineGovernment Establishes Temporary Earthquake Relief Fond
p Horns Le?j
Withdrawal ofAnti-Semitic . literature Next Step
Ford-Sapiro Sfflt Officially JkdeJ
lakes Report of Amnal Nafl Hadassah Conraiioi
islttoB-nys at
PAGE 2—THE JEWISH PKE§S, THURSDAY, JULY 21, 192? ley & Leigh,"Th&f daliioniia Sunset RIVIERA THfiAtRE Omaha's magnificent playhouse, Girls"; Davey Jonc,s, "Just fenough", the Riviera Theatre opens one of the and a chorus of bewitching " girls every rdorsday at Omab«. Mebraifcs b^ best programs that it has so far known as the "Scintilating Steppers". THE JEWISH PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY presented on week starting Saturday, In addition to all this there will be i 490 Brandels Theatre Building — Telephone: Ataantic 1450. July 23rd. tiew tunes by- the Riviera Jazz: JefctNATHANfe.GREEN, Manager. On the screen two famous fun ers. "Beau Geste" comes to the Rimakers, Wallace Beery and Raymond viera'starting Saturday, July ,30th, $2.50. Subscription Price, one year Hatton united again in "Fireman and on August 7th, Noma Talmadge AdveSHsIng^ates famished on application. Save My Child". It is said by those in "Camille" will be shown, followed CHANGE Off ADDRESS—Please give both the old and new address: •vilio have seeii the picture in advance on August 8th by the unusual photobe enro and give joar name. that it far surpasses anything that play "Chang". One of the unusual this team has done before. features of the Riviera is its wonderT&b Jewish* PresVls supplied by the Jewish Telegraphic Agency (Jewish On the stage, the fourth big New- ful cooling system. No matter how Correspondence Bureau)'with cabled and telegraphic Jewish news,.in additioir to feature, articles'and Correspondences from all Important Jewrtsb centers. Idea Show whicfi comes to Omaha hot it is out doors, it is delightfully Inquiries" regarding news items Credited to tfifs Agency will be gladly each week intact over the Publix Cir- cool inside. answered if addressed £o Jewish Telegraphic Agency, 621 Broadway, New cuit These New- Idea Publi* State Yor|t Gity.^ Shows are receiving favorable comment from all those who have Seen ARE PEOPLE MORE RELIGIOUS THAN THEY PRETEND? them. It brings the spirit of youth, There are many people who regard themselves afc being outside life, and pep to the Riviera stage. For this particular week "Jems of the religious category, who really belong within it. Why do they Joy 0 is the title of the production; It thus- regard themselves? Eithef because they ihiagine it is a is one big act after another in which sign of .enlightenment and of courageousness to disclaim religion, jazz and whoIesdmiF jollity backed by or else because they are laboring under a misconception of the .gooJ old syncopation- ^ives every essence of religion. promise of prescious fun and hilarity. Among the i c t F tliat will be on.the The essence of religion, in my opinion, conripfehendsfirst,ah stage are Edith Gritfitl, "A BuricH of; ethical way of life, and second, a system of belief. _ ethical conSweet Melodies"; Kendall "Capps", "A dtictalone does not malce a man religious, though ethical conduet More- tHan 1,000 Jewish boy* and girls, members of 600 dubs affiliated with National Voung Judaea, par- Dancing • Fool"; Ross- & Gilbert, is the inevitable expression of religion. There is also necessary ticipated in the rfecferit nation-wide oratorical contest,,the central theme of.«hick was "Palestine, the Hope of ^Comedy'With a Capital *C»B; Stanto the religious definition, the credal eleriiehfc, which should in- Israel." Of these 1*000 orators, who -eonjpeted ia_ their .respective communities located in 85 states in the Union, clude;fcbelief in God, a belief in the soul, and_a belief in the ulti- .twelve champions were chosen _ tor compete for national JionorS at. thf« recent national .conventions of Young jmate^piarffe&^ .; : : : ^ i-- r : Jhduea aiid the; Zionist Organization ^Q£ America; -Miss. Jjlflitli Wolf crt: .of ^Brooklyn;; who won .in the~fifaa!s".tEe right to" be-called national ^ftpi^niwai.±ecelve.^^e^:*Qi^d-itip t 'Anyone, who measures up to this definitietl df-religten, may be Palestine Qrierital ^fottii.' J!tis&-liibbte. BlocktofrDeriver^was Toted;SecoM best orator and-reeeived a $100 prize. M;SQMTF 2429 Decatur Street WE. 3527 called rejigiousi-even/-though he may_not,be affiliated.^with a Gold and Miver medals Aveirfe tawar3ed;:tp: j i e other:regional contestants:xd tbe national finals.,.,'. T." -"; . C : ••-' The phptd"^ph iboye ;.ta6en at Atlantic. City^durinr ^ e inatidnahrconyention^ is of the: twelve regiohal church or observe the ceremom'es and the ritual." /. .;.£.:.".„ f T H jrou a r e in. need of a Tales'wool JOT silk of th«~best quality, Tfeelin, ironfesta^^ with Samuel J . Borb^-sky, drairrnan of tHe NatioriaT.ExeC5itive.TConimitteer of :.Toont Judaea. Seated, Mezazos or any other religious article, we wili be glad to sell it to ot selfravowed "hersey/' however, is due-to left to right, -arer Miss Ciertfu'ae.'Weish'erger of. DunmoJei ^a.;. Miss'Rutie^trouifi.lof Boston;^ibftss Wolfc/t ©f ijhe fact, thai people ^nowadaysenjoy being- "hg?etie£" •'• tt :I gives ^ k b k l ^ t h e aatioHal ^champion; Mri^drowsky^- MiSs -^Esther Ddvis. of New- l&orlft Miss Sara MichaelsoH 'flf ' i F o u . s t the most reaswiable prices.' We also carry a full line of them a sense of superiority to knowthpffiey Rave ^Emancipated Bibles with Jewish and rSngliBh translations. We are also the agents Cohh.; "and3Ess jBlb'cS iBf-Dfimver.-.winder-of. i h e second:national prjiTe.-..-.- .... ot all "Pales&ie .Products,-and. the - artistic wotk of Be«alel Sdfool themselves from the shackle! of religion?.' Vt maEes them not ^t tojr^ N. T . ; Jake- Baren «f ""Ghattinboga; - Tehii;; I n Jerusalem. -••-•> : ^ t u T o ^ N e w BrunswicktjN.'J;j" Alired Kats of-"€inclnflati, O.j Charles Silttaifii 6r:Chicago and:ljfeen : 'JL isiseberg- of Baltimore, ^ I d t jAnna iTeaerman iaP Cleve land was ahot^r ^ariieipSHt - in" IKe "national confest. -a*. • The fact, however, is ^iM&^^\^^
Champion Otators of Americans Jewish Youth
• " • v<v- r
iior Advanced ideas.-'The great battle of ihe^ Eeretics-^f Jiereticfe^MS fought ottt sbrttCtime agfl^Mien the-grandfathers of tfie latter Say pseudo-heretics wer'e-boys; Yet-^veii^h'at"battle was foughtnot£o much, against religion aisuchXaf"agafe|i%s^' 7 tutionai and[ dogmatidTe^gion;••:'There isi nothing new^^pr¥dVance3", theref6re,-ab6ii€ thU^^anti-religibSist attitude l6a^y;:lvr-:j."~ ' So f^ as cburage is concern fecily; well thatjttiey/ are Jsaje foLproci&nufig ih^ir'L'!he?e;s^." .••Public" opinion: todayi places the feUgionist. j n th^^l^fiM# : Md takek tfie anft^eligw^ •disavpw religion in. TeiiMsfceej*cr in the.backw.0ods-©JEJ^ntufclEy, be regaled - ^ j^eing; outsJfle^thte; relj^ia" .c^,tfeg?5?y^s far from courageous. Rather as-ke ^ trite,cbinmoi^Mestandpatism. ^rr:; 2i\ZL;:-l i ^ ^ n ^ t ' V l * ^ ' . ,K|J^ose ^ho pi|tend to disavowal oJreJigionTW^eJiO^si^vith tfeem^Ives afiiSranHy avowed t&eir a^erence^KjjS|e~iss$iicei. of religidn as defined/and Jf> those who ^ f ^ of even ou^ "metropolitan humanity belongs to the J T gory.T-Jiabbi Israel Goldstein, New Yorl? A boy? and ^ ^ ^ f ^ and tffkds during the-past week for the various c^s|V?here they will ppWd^fi^two suimitfcr znbrithsJ White m ^ y go to camps t h i t are aibt necessafilyuhdef• Jfvfish iftanageineiiti 1jBet;jp?e&t nfa|britjy pfeferjl&-go tojp^^es^wiuehjie imafhlyrby fehtire^sJoiitrbiSe^;^ Jewish: leaders.. Most of the- directors and- cqilBgelio^ 4iF^fife§e campslare men and-womeh of-high cuitufeVpo^esMng^ajke^Benle ;:
of f^S i^slPWite ^ denfe
^SUSPENDS PUBLICATION .^ZaSeJX^^^£^3^QgCZ2^arKZgaraa^CT^^^^^S^ :Jud", -Yiddish "Orthoaox:^ daily in Polandi suspended :publica.tiolti^esterday. The. rSasp^t .for -t&e discontinuancfe • oil :pnBlication---was lack: of :ftnds.":;:':. :.' ; c:'::.' " .COMPLETE .1
MOSCOW SUBURB : (3: T._Ai)-=-33ieferecti' tew: BethJ'ITafMidrashj J&msh-hoase of worship and studyi.wasrcDmjnenebd at/Jfsrenarotscha, .a ^suburb-5f M'oscdw. clt wasr testtmated:that- the cost uLSae iadldihg :
Z. JerusaIera.^(J. T. A.)—^-An tlon from the Hebrew University has proceeded to^tJierjSinai Peninsula. Jhe-^ expedition seeks -to,, establish the prigin and ^composition ;fof -.tie Biblical Mannai: " i _- ir^rLr. ::i: •^s:.X.zi.';--'*-l:.± ...*•. .? -;.:-/ .-:_.:Copenhagen (J; T. ;.&.(-«-;&; ilaim that Mount Sinai i&-not-located- "on tKe"/ Slriai - Peninsula iuf'-ik "si; ra'S€on>r60utS-"of -the^ Dead TSe% put forward by the Danish scientist* feitfiu- ifieisoh. "The- scientist^ who re'fcirned- after making• fesearches in
becoiiie ino^'e^intensivelyz3&^^.^m^X^
.*". ^.
^> *,":•,
<T«**ri«u ^>t>mnst nf t h i s fehfefkctKV. T h e infllifenfce ^ x e r t i d dn**!ltB
for life, so tliat-this may the courke,q£ e ^ ^ a sourcSsbt strength! §n4 -.vitality, fQr'Jewisli devefopmeht in land-^Philadelphia Exponent —
Your unrestricted choice of every iieraberg ,Sprin|f aad Summer dress—Thursday^—that sold up to $60—in these three groups! Prices so foreefuliy reduced that ydu'li have to see the dresses to fully coiiipfelieiia t^e falties. Our policy of entirely dealing the rack:s at the eh6t of the seasoa"; —regardless of lire original cp§ttitfannent^fcrhigs thfcse decisive low pricesJ --~. •
Sizes 16 to ; 42 .
350* Dresses
^.T3p&'fate8$e$j -Vhmes
brought there by the children who spent their summer's in supefr • S.r [54Q0'.Qenter Street r
Offering Hundred^ef Charming SUtrimer Frticks if$*thr&e Groups!
•bve : - ftat-the -Mount-Sinai-is jno. jtaiir referrad" to -in'-^e'-Stlef *& -ithat this mountain is situated in •Edom.
wards wife prbper_incentiveB"and tngt&eypeiafld ia which they;aaTO trob -It-has- truly beeit Saidihat thecahtp is tion that America has made o he w5iTd'i^duc~alib'riarsysfem;j educators are beginnitigg to realize the great possibiliWANTED g p ties that-camp- fife -holds- for directing the Jewish interest5_of.t)je. Salesman^-to ohildreS. and deepening them. Parents ^tlso are beginning to'"de^ -moliument- business- -anibhg _ mand~a niore infensXve^Jewisli alriiosphege for>^ie:c^ipK£o*which .Jewish .people .of Omafea: they, send their7Chfl[dren,-and many camps are now providing not ;<Ap"ply John J.rHali Memoronly_£Kosher-:£oad;t but also £eligionsl3ervicesrvClastes./for Jewish Go., --400 F.-L.-and~ entertainments^ aJewisfrTiUtUrefb^^ie ^u^gsterS; ^ arc'ratHer iirbltki >in.ce the^atCo^fec^ejato-iiifof^physicalcbmf^ f^ wilf .tend "to'make-the-"children stronger and sturdier* r - _ work they are expected-to perform during the wltttefr months iff the yaribus- educattonat iastitutaens they a^end.. If, hpwevei*, , - kA rriej> fti'd. d. iilarthaSfs. l p&sitivfe Jewis1i'f6h^is* given: ip'^e'attiVities/liifd'the Iea3erscafe. actuated by JevijigH'ideais' and inspired with a Jewish consciousness,- Sptt:..etjiy» j^onj .brass, ,*i>Fonze_^a}»4' rastlngs.- BtnOdai-a filsee intictcan be done in an indirect way toward creating a: Jewish, at* «nxmtHbtn< atoriiai atUL iron jinsliJngF, ^e^er * rfilite. boles, cistern rings and-corers; s a d . mospiere in the camp.and inspiring the chiMreh with A lo>6 and : clean-ant loora la stock. " * d6VoSrair-1;o Jewish values and hopes. ' Becaplse'tKe children are c<5nsi§fiiEl5j_fbgetlier'.and cbnsfanfly^unarer'>tke s,uper^asi6nr'i)f. their guides;X^R| ppgbrtiiiiltfes* fot implanting 'in "them ^lgh^deals" of character'isa^^JewjLsfiness are ajplentittilas,theyare"intKe home 1552 No. 20 St.—WE ebsterj «2&7 and morftfruitfBl df posiiive i^siits because of Hie' fegSrt guidance' of the:misiPaiid^romen who are iri'most cases especiaily trained for Fresh Meats — peiicatesseiife : " ~Fres& Fish k ^ sdc^'^mrk^^'is encoura|infe'ft s^e"tMirgorti5 fimi«5haT-b*odie"sAH Part*, of the Citg that -are interestedf iii education are- i*eaHzi&g"-tfi§ important work that ^ selves You are welcoitie wb sliould result in introducing a stronger Jewish spirit an the institutions over-whichf they preside. *f$fte fcatnp pfeselit^a 7i' ::«::„ ,.. at "_i iidl^til bppprtuttity in "American Jewish life which i h u s t ^ ^ d-by .Jewish,Ifaders^- It has j^aj)petie^ t h a t
.1 -Phone Walnut-5936- : : -
PJiicKehJSandwIches" ^ Dancing- -
..^. ,« x4
*V- Stl
Sppif Frdtki Ahertiodh Frheks Travel FrotkS EndlSss Color Cfipicef
Mc3£—i^Ady. ^f omptly' af i a. id.' - . ; resses —-the type o f dresses' lhat'wiirb^worrLup., - Dance Frocks — " through ."September—many all tBrougH-^tHe ~ . ioc""'-^"^! ~& VT£. fairjcafon 17The^prices mean ^absolutely ^^^pping Frocks a&Whg'JiD. fegafOb the quality to be found _ t * -^tfinv ^C6nI ^!T*onIv*lof «kvilMISrj^JBft ^f t>iri the won^Rrful wo^erfulJ&X^r
7 that'ay^it.fiye.cynThursday shopper-da-<>ur
: ^i ".?Ores -MgJfflSil' ™eny axyfe*
.- PAGE 3~Tffi3 JEWISH PRESS, THURSDAY, JULY 21, 192? tiers for one 60 handicapped, at the " Mr. Elias Meieran ~ of Cleveland,] director of the Colorado Fuel and Iron f start?" ' " •;' -. Ohio, arrived Sunday to visit his;] company's recreation plant a t Pu«blo, """I'mjrgigatnntwtrwce ytm ttrany uncle dnd aunt/ 'Mr; and Mrfe. M. D. Colo. E d will fcave charge.of one of these people" means, "Make a note -Sifchmari, for a weeTc. This is Mr.of the largest athletic organizations of .the ffict that I am on intimate in the country. He will supervise the Meieran's first trip here, he having' terms with all of these big guys."—* arrived in this country just last year, •Sports and recreation program for Baltimore Sun. 56S7—1926-27 -more than six thousand men^ women from Norway; Pro&aBty Not -and children. The company has com1927 pleted a half million dollar building "Some isfly she's a peach." "Well?" trtiich i s entirely devted t o sports. ? In FastaiTamrnuz .ata _..Sunday, July 17 "Others Bay she's a pic addition there are tennis courts, footRdsk Chodeah Ab —.Saturday, July 80 "SometliiBg wrong. A girl By Stanley-F, Levin. ball fields, baseball diamonds and. a Fast of Ab : —^..Sunday, August 7 ft peach pie face.1'—Louisville Courlerswimming pool on the company's „ Monday, August 29 Rosh Chodesh Ellul Journnl. , ..,,»..,«», Smiling Sammy Kaufman • turned [ property. Burdick will direct physical in his eleventh victory in twelve! education in the gymnasium,'..-. teach Mr. and Mra, D. S. Finfeenstein arid \/ Miss Evelyn Aaieir entertained starts last week when he defeated at : 'Up to ike Minute She—I .vrcmt| a dress—the very.'lpt* family, formerly of Omaha, now of twelve guests, Wednesday .morning at highly touted semi-pro team frond jswimming, coach tennis, rgolf, base-| efet. | . Los Angeles, left for their home last a bridge luncheon followed fey a Des Moines. Kaufman was hurling jj2ll, football and other branches of! Isr'in a*frlfhttultstate'* usualathletics. ' ' > •: ;: j.... The...cqnveniiQn. will become^ efiecf '•Shop-Assistant—Will you plcnse D week after spending several weeks swimming party at; Peony Park. for the Council Bluffs Athletics, d ai'iini The fnshkrti Js j During Ed's reign as king of thetive ninety r4ays-a^ter, it...ydlL' hkve'l j^ ikMfts, "I'-afee a idols anfl fege If you visiting here with relatives and tail ana any dust." Lonflott Answers, team he had Beaten only a week ago;, Center physical department he has been ratified by .twelve members of Miss Ann Faier is leaving Satiifr friends. Enrottte h&me'th'ey will visit ; "1 didn't have time toflomy lialr" in "Washington and Yellow Stone day for Kansas City, for an indefinite (Sammy is now eligible to take h i 3 U r o n g h t cdntuinsl recognition to thethe League of Nations. usually means, "I think it arranged ' turn in the box for the Omaha clutij Center and himself. Under his supervisit. She will visit with Mr. aridj Park; FURNISHED very becomingly and you are invited to Mr». Max Bolis. Mrfey TBoliS .wari bf the Western League. He will vision the Center held the Mid-West ALFRED M. COBtEN share my opinion." West Farnam district, Many affairs are being given honor- formerly Miss; RpsyhV Faier 6t this] probably s^e service,. soon, as two oi A. A. U. Basketball and Handball HONORED IN VIENNA BY "I am not half good enough for you" the" Omaha twifiers are' on the sheljf for refined party. Writfe ing Mrs." Charlfes Cole and Mrs. M.c i t y . ' * " .':"" • • - . . . Tourneys and witnessed the winning I. O.B. B, LODGES rafeans,. "Please assure me that you . . ' • • ' - • for an indefinite period with injuries: «fj the championship of the latter by L. Zadwick of Los Angeles, formerly cdnsiaer It an honor to be coarteci by Jewish Press. Bbx a man of rcy excellence." Miss JCan Krupp ahc! brother- H.Miss Ruth Herman of Omaha: Aniong ^: Jbe Tjorner.fsrifedf thi inainstays of ^oe Levey, a Center member. He also , Vienna ( J . T . A.)—Alfred' M. Co- "The common people ar^ half-bakea the "many luncheon hostesses werd Micky Krupp ot Fremont had just (he Pioneer Cords" of the Omaha* staged, the indoor swimming meet at hen, international president of the Mesdames Dave Cohn, J. Lewis,. Sam returned from a motor trip to theMetro^LoupjawLhis team last weeK ihe Center which; too was, sponsored Independent Order B'nai Brith, was idiots" means, "The common people Bns phone AT, 845» haven't, sensa .enQugh,to appreciate l£es; t»hotie AT S Wolfj fl. fl Perllck sma Meyer Beh'e* Beh'e*. Ozarks"" ancl 'Carthage nfoiihtahis, prior to one.of the "Cords" scheduled J,y. the A. A. .XL.:;The J.' C, C. base: honored at a dinner given by the I. O. ine.",;:;:;^.;;:-'. .'.: \ " : . ; : team won the championship, of Mrs: Morris-Levy-honored the-guests|-^here- they -visited-with their sister, twHignt~contestsT B—^rand.-lodge of Austria. The "fiuri-ali for fcrown" means ~"' their league while the Jewish Press dinner was attended by the presidents "Broom's opinions are similar to mine, at a bridge party and Mrs. H.; Each- Mrs.-V. Viener. Mrs. Viener acoraBAKBBR-'SHOP. man coi^plitjifejltia tfiera ;St^SM* eve- J&Hied :tKgnt;oti their r&tarn to Fre- The three Yousems, Marvin Treller basketball team, which Ed coachedj^oE. the. Austrian^ -J'olish, Swiss and whlch'IS' iiifiielfent GTiftence that he ii "the order. a gtiM-'&nd ifrl^e mail"'- ••" • ning playea with," made' an"ehtlab!SJ-OHerttal " where she will visit with her and Seaman Kay~5re favoriiei lo cop g bridge g party. Mrs. E. Meyers "I fea& iew advantages as a boy" & Isafllrar- Haircut* t i t for f th h the championship flight of the High- name for themselves bc^h in Omaha was hostess a t a-dinner, party the]] p parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. Krupp.; ineattSj,.'^H&v«n'{ I ;accdtnplisheci won?and out in the state. Ed Burdick was ^ So; JERUSALEM PROPERTY land Country Club tourney now being : guests, and M Mrs. H H, H Hirshman enter-1 ih t 1 DAMAGE $1,250,000 itained at tl one o'clobk luncheon at the] Mrs. M. White:and children left for held. The writer personally believes in back of every athletic event of any visit with. that Bam, the elder, "will wear the kind which was staged in the Center. Ad-Sell restaurants. Miss Kuth, Win- Chicago where they Mrs. White's sister, Mrs. M. Rosen, toga of the champio! ^wnen the dust His tireless work made the Center Jerusalem (J. T. A.)—The extend (troub divtertained a t a swimming who has just returned from a several of puts and'drives dears awoy with basketball league of last season the of the damage to property in the •party at^eony Park. "".:. months' visit in Europe. Mrs. Rosen "Toots" YouSera^-the runner-up. En- success .which it was. He will be earthquake was set at a high figure ' Mrs. IS. Kneeter returned home is a former Omahan. 250 Rooms—200 Baths thusiasm i i ttirfliing higH; throughout missed by every member of the Cen- by a tentative estimate. BUTTER anS EGGS Monday.••: morning from St. Joseph Good Rooms for $1.50 The estimate places the loss sufferthe tourriy ; andit | s not improbable ter who ever had the good fortune to after vifeiling with her daughter, Mrs. Blnfffe, f e « * Operated by Eppley Hotels Co. that a dark nose out one make his acquaintance or earn his ed, by public and private buildings at 'Harry Rose, and Mr. Hose. friendship. The girls especially will $1,250,000. of the favored sons;.it has been done Triangular Picnic to Be Held before. M6lt'~of "the contestants are miss him as he brought physical culMrs. H. G. Fleishman and daughter August .14. men up in years but here and there ture into the lives of many of them Harriet* of Palm Beach, Florida, are The Independent Order of the B'nai { a youngster may be seen especially in who did not know, a baseball from a What They Remark and here f o | an extensive visit. • They are bathing suit. Brith, Lodge No. 688, the Agudes j t h e s e c ~ n d and "third flights. at the Home of Mrs.. Ben Milder. What They Really Mean Achim Society, and the A. Z. A. | iCii.-'" ,.v Nearly all adversse criticism means; & ^ wilT; hold i :Ca: B l Adler ati& Sam Miss Betty Gayman of StATiSuis C|apteir W^H; "I could have done It much better." arrived rMonday for a two weeks aft trianguiar picnic onvSunday, Ajugust former Ceiitrai ,Higfi tennis stars afe_ SEES IMPROVEMENT IN All praise of the gushing variety favorites to win the singles honors^at with ihek cousin, Miss Anna Hahri. l i ^ / a t ihe Evergreeti farm. A hun*'-;- PALESTINE A means, "I couldn't have done better Kduntze.ParkJIeanil TournSy: wish to-announce t i i a t t h ^ h a r e puf-r ••-••dred dollar ^amond^"'rifli* will be', myself." Miss Alice Wise of Chicago spent rafled off at this picnic. Committ«sgS i-»ow being held at that park.-Both Jerusalem (J. T. A.)—A slight im- ••-•' chaSied l\& -West Q C6al ; Cp:, and " :: "Please criticize this Vtork for me," the past week visiting with friends are already at work making plans .to *&&<* wielders are showing good provement in the economic situation usually means, "Please give this the """ inll be gl&& to furiush vou.with your _ : r in Omaha. While here she was make this event a big success. Every-] f°*& a n d unless the unexpected in Palestine was reported at the an- once-over and then pralie me." tensivelyi entertained. ^•inter's supply. : .,. . . "Please don't observe too closely, for one is urged to make arrangements j develops should^alk off the courts nual meeting of the Ottoman Bank. t h l h ec 6 € t e ~ f^ * * ' «tles-thiirl. Adlers Despite the adverse conditions of Mr. Maurice Fine has returned to early to attend. Your'Patronage Solicited '.form is much butler than ifiat she the past year, the position of the PalChicago after spending the past week Mrs. John Gotsdiner iilsplayed sev&tai .weekSy estine- branches of the bank is satisvisiting Herewith his parents, son, Harold Bernard, of Des Moines, recent matches in the Missouri Valjey factory, it was stated at the meeting. A. Beber and daughter arrived Sunday to spend the week Tennil "Meetrseem to have helped heY Mrs. ^i VOLISH JEWS "Manufactured in Omaha' Market 00M ,_ - 43rd and Q Sts. left Friday for Denver, Colorado, io here visiting Mr. and Mrs. Joe Gots-f game immensly. Bender is playing his usual bulldoggish consistent game. visit witK her parents, Mr. and Mrs. diner. "OufZ&im, to PM'me" ' BAKER ICE MACHINE CO. INTERNATIONAL Hollander. BELIEF UNION ESTABLISHED The Bnai Israel and Psi Mu nines Mrs. M. Zadwick of Los Angeles, BY LEAGUE MEMBERS Miss Rose Mayerowich has returned California, and Mrs. Charles Cole of will fight it out^tMs^Sunday^ afterhome from a ten days visit with Hollywood, Calif., whp have been' noon at Elmwood Park ; : —A new draft of ,Geney6; j relatives* and friends in S visiting their sisters, Mrs. O. ,-Green-' "jiionship of - iiie- €omti 5 g for mutual re:Xeagi;e. Bbft teams ;ar^"tiowrl tied for axonvention'p ' Mr. iild Mrs. C. Swengil announce berg of Council Bluffs, and rMtsVJ. o lief for peoples .'affected by disasters placei and 8 the birth, of a baby son, born July 5. Cohen and Mrs.J. Lewis of Omahd, waS.-adojited at the. International Refor. the Heeiding for the_past ^mogthj., left Tuesaayv Th "otner two teams in the League fate ll€f Conference in session here. Miss! iflildred Lew was hostess at for their i ^ hi homes. En route t K e . B a i A d 1 a n . ^ , Jp. t o establish tKeBnai-' ASd1anS'7"ffie"ir^-Z est anS'7.."ffie",ir^-Z, , 'Jp ZTTfie conferencl decided to a bridge luhcheon. at the Blackstone they n. Houstpn^Eexas, for4 tKe.Bnai Either' ibhrman-or Eiisteln-wnT jpttcfi" ^ S tnlerhanoiS! Unipn^-fof aiding Hotel on Monday, honoring Miss "with 7 MiotHIr sisier. fc for the Psi Mu while the Bnai Isjg|ricken_ populations. i I Dorothy Kinstler of Glencoe, HI. f- been very , fierejV raels have not nominated the: i r guest 6f Miss Katherine Elgutief; moundsmart as yet. ' Miss Pearl Barnett of Milw^ukeej ijfcr returned guest of Mrs. Saul Levy; Miss MadBile '••/Miss Dpra Ed Burdick, athletic director at the spending Levey »>| Minneapolis, guest\of/Miss home )iiorning Center since the gelling of the Wuild_:&e1f fetass^'% PiS&o. Ear t Heyn. \ V.J . 5
Council Bluffs News
• -
Mr. Bkftbn, in
' Miss iAnne Gerelick returned_mbn-! 4ay frdm a ten days visit in Minne-j apolis. h
• .•
• ' • • • • . .•"•:/•
Miss ;J(anet Banks of Minn., JIB the hodse guest" of the Mo. Misses s&nne and Faye Gerelick.
+ idwa.
6ife • ShykeH returned hbme iltftgr^pending the p?st iwb visiting relatives "i^ S i Louisa
Mr. and Mrs. Ben Harding motored Miss jKtollye Levin of Sioux City is to Sioux City, Iowa, Sunday, returnvisiting* i t the home of Miss Mollye ing hoine Monday evening. Grossman. Helviif*Marks bf De& Moines, Iowa, Miss :Katherine Elgutter entertain- is Helvif spending -:the!? :the!? ^eek": ^eek": -berk berk ^ yisitiite is spending ed forty guests at a garden supper Maurice and \Art&ur Priediiian. at her home followed by dancing, at entertained the Highland Country Club last Mrs. Saturday evening honoring her coiisin twenty^five,, children \ a t a birthday Miss Dorothy Kinstler of Glencoe,-111. nicnic at iji^ i j ^ ^Imwoo4 i Mr. 4& Mayper of Mayper's Cloth- ^fternobn, ^tonoriftg' t n i filth: bihh.% of her son, Yale. Little Norman ing CoJ will leave.for New York ;on of Los Angeles, Calif., a two ;weeks buying trip. He will J5ernard_GptgdinerVv of also visit in Chicago and Philadelphia.
resignatio;ii to the board o f directors.
alninj? and Keyboard Harmony W l 1884^2i§ Wirt St.
S¥wlH j^avg Sip'&mDer^t' ^feciiif
lefts the &do$ VTn r ET&J* speSIailzine on cool tropical clothes; fo* ^ VV' Treaf^-€vefy fabric specially selected and 4verf suit / standSrd-tlildreil to give y8u S^real ihveslment'ln go8a appearancS at- '" - *- x '» "*-- '"-~-.-.^'
i 4 f | fiabiT
Miss Lillian Miller was hostess at a bridge party ;for the Ko-Zees a t i e r home on.Sunday, July1. Prizes were won by Sadie Tatelman, Edith Lewis: Barbara Truehaft and Reya Noggle On Suriday, July 17, the Ko-Zees "entertained at a swimming party'at Krug P"ark. Mrs, -S. Harmell Jr. entertained twenty^ve guests at a one o'clock luncheon, at the Brandeis Tea Rooms last "Wednesday complimentary to Mrs. Jack Lieberman and Mrs. Howard Ripps, both of Los Angeles, California.
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Sfx>H Notes i
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By GEORGE JOEL r' M fttiller^Wins in England: r - -•• Tennis To be a star woman tennis player I The.-combined Harvard Jand Yale t?ack;,*eams-visited England-for the two things are necessary—California ostensible purpose of beating Oxford as a birth-place and the first name and Cambridge in;aduil'"n1etfc. Unr Helen. So it seems from the host of f pxtrajately ^the ^EngUsh^^^bo'js * who California women who have risen to train on ale and beer had .i\o trouble the high places in the tennis world. ifi .defeating our dry athletes 7-5N A] Helen Wills is being closely followed jkiller of Harvard won the hundred- byone of our own race—Helen Jacobs. yjard dash leading Norton to the tape Miss Jacobs is at present spendingand; finished third in the two twenty her time at Forest Hills practicing yard event. ]Se was the only. Jewish for the Wightman Cup - matches. boy,, to .participate. His tesm-mate Dr. Georg King1 is her tutor and she ^hapero^ who sometimes -throws- the has shown such an amazing amount tUtyof for. Harvard, did not'make" the of speed and variety of strokes that, all the tennis experts, are pointing to tjip.. . - v . . . J-Al filler entered Harvard*in the Miss,Jacobs as a coming champion. autumn, of -1924. In Ws -freshman There is little doubt that she is a year,., he played football and ran on sure choice for a position on the $he> track .team. This, program was American team that will oppose-the followed, throughout the rest, of his English squad in,August. ' college days and he received the footLouis Thalheimer who with Lewis ball letter .twice and the track- -in- White held the Intercollegiate doubles 1 pignia'>three * times. He won' both the championship for three successive outdoor, and- • indoor intercollegiate years, won the Singles championship hundred-yard dash and wajs the most of Ontario from Gilbert Nunns. A consistent, scorer, on .the Ijeam." Har- few minutes later, with Write, Thalyard< views his passing with regret heimer won the doubles titles. These and.will hare to search far and wide two Texas boys have won more to get .an athlete to take'his'place. doubles trophies than any other team h ibis year'$ graduation Harvard in the country. It would not surprise Host three Jewish athltetes, Rudinan, this column if the young men win Zarakoy and Miller. * the National Doubles titles at Boston next month. Swimming Marathon at ake George Morty Bernstein almost beat Jerry ' One hundred and one men and Langin the New York State Cham: 'women jumped into tha icy waters of pionships held at Syracuse. Almost Lake George at Hague for a-swim of is the way Bernstein usually plays twenty-four miles. The purpose and tennis. It is just that little difference aim of each and every contestant was that divides the star tennis player to win a prize of $5,000 put up by from the usual run of tournament the'American legion.' v - - - - - .-» chasers. "'Of this multitude of water'splashIt has always been this column's ers who" started, only five finished. best bet that a Park tennis player The ^winner was Edward Keating-,* nahas no chance against a. tournament tional ten-mile, champion, 'who covered player. Our theory was proven bethe distance in 18 hours, "26" minuses. yond doubt when Wilbur -Coen, a Behind him were' two women/ Miss fifteen-year old boy and boys' chamDiamond and Mrs. Schoemrhel. .Meyer pion, easily beat Ted Drews, the NaMendelsohn of Montreal, the Jewish tional Municipal Park Champion, 6-1, swimming star of Canada, was_f otced 6-8, 6-. Drews is much older than to'give up at the halfway, mark.' the youngster andhas been playing Our Jewish lady friend -Mme~ Sion of Belgium who was all press-agented in Municipal parks for many years. for*the 'channel swim last year; enter- Coen is a protege of Tilden's and has ed the race and was going fine. In had the best training a young player fact she'was doing so well.-tKat^ the can get. ——— officials became 'suspicious and invest- Golf igated her interesting swim.' It was Mr. Samuel C. Lamport, who is a found' that Mme. = Sidifc' had struct member of the Norwood Golf Club of upW the^n'ovef idea!of having "two New Jersey, was the winner in -a tags1 precede her in the race; -'which tournament held- at "his club.' He dein itself" was 'not "malmn -per se". feated1 -Mr. Julian Marx one up. Mr. The only trouble was that a rope was Lamport has shot as 1 low as' eightyattachect/fo the^ttler lady** waist arid four for eighteen holes and even with then tied to the bow of the tug. that score he is not altogether satisGallant 'as the American' Legion fied with his golf. We expect to hear might be, they voted against" "this from Mr. Lanjport in a golfing way particular form of locomotion and dis- before long. qualified our girl' friend from Mr. Joseph Drabkin who is travelBelgium* Our readers will •remember that ling through Georgia tells us that he the program of the Zitenfeld twins witnessed a baseball game between a included "this marathon-swim'in their team composed of nine left-handed repertoire. At the starting line at Jews and nine red-headed boys representing the Knights of Columbus. Lake George the -^rins, Papa, and the press agents were missing. Mr. Drabkin, after trying to make us Why'?v Tor the simple reason; that believe that whopper goes on to say the Zitenfeld' twins never have raced that in this game the umpire wa,s, a in* competition and never will.' ,As well known member of the Ku Etlux twins, swimming: against each other they cannot lose, but as soon as'they meet some other swimmers the results KOSHER DELICATESSEN , FRIED? are cot so certain. Beaten athletes Complete Line of do not command the same amount of BeEcatessen, Smoked Meats publicity that is given to victorious and Fish enes. It is" this column's-guess, that 1509 North 24th Street theZit twins will not be seen in anything but a duet act. ' - j Hakoah Tour Ends with Ttefeat .'Tfce-twenty-third and final game of the second Hakoah tour was/wp by the, Brooklyn- Wanderers <f~l before a. crowd of five thousand. The;team sailed- for Vienna a. few hour si after the game. Hakoah's record "for the tour was 10 games won, six lost and 7-tied, The scored 67 goals against their opponents' 37.' Twenty-five of theJHakoab- goals were scored against easy opponents. In. the aggregate the wark<tof- the Hakoah team demanded mj»re-, attention than it * got. ' The biggest, crowd drawn on tjie four-was a^ the Polo Grounds for the firstNew York, same, to which 85,000 turned out, The. average crowd.for the rest of the games was about 9,0,00. ^No "word, .has been .heard concerning' a thjrA.Hakoah tour.. The last "word from the Maccabee .team comes from Torpnjoj, Bujndr.has iMfcafc -the going is rough and the crowds, are not pouring1 into the tfjdi •with their accustomed multiplicity
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ped. Rabbi Schneurson will return to Leningrad this week from Kostroma, where he was exiled.
Your Victor Orthophonic or Radio y
It was announced today that the "case" against Rabbi Schneurson. who was exiled for having- collected funds to maintain Yeshivas, Jewish religious schools in Russia, will be drop-
Wholesale and Retail Jewelers 213-16 City National Bank Bldg. J A. 6619
POLISH SPY, the Union and abroad to release from CONVICTED IN MOSCOW, arrest and exile Rabbi Schneurson, MAKES REVELATIONS the celebrated leader of the Chassfriic Chabbad -school, known as the LuboMoscow (J. T. A.)—Startling revel- witscher Rebbe. ations concerning the anti-Jewish excesses in Poland several years ago were made by Drujelowski, a Pole, who was sentenced ' to death on the charge of anti-Soviet espionage. Drujelowski was executed today. It was disclosed today that during the trial Drujelowski declared that the anti-Jewish excesses in 1923 and 1924 were organized by the Polish government intelligence service, known under the name, Polska Defensi wa.Drujelowski also contended th&t he had supplied Henry Ford with documents concerning Jews.
Riga (J.'T. A.) Contributions from the Jewish population fot the Soviet fleet were asked by the Yevsektzia, the Jewish section of the Communist party, during Defense Week in Russia last week. The collections were made through- LUBOWITSCHER KEBBE out Russia among 'Jewish communists RELEASED AT GUARANTEE for the construction "of. an airplane OF COMMUNITIES which is to; be named" "Yiddischer Horopashnick ; (the,. Jewish artisan). Moscow (J. T. A.) — The Soviet Only a few-hundred roubles were col- government granted the request of lected for this purpose. leaders of the Jewish population in
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KJan, and the mascots were two little colored boys. Not cne word did our Mr. Drabkic tell as about the crowd, but it probably consisted of Greeks, oPrtuguese and Armenians. We might add that Mx. Drabkin has never been known to echow much regard for veracity. In fact he is the man who swore the Boston Red Sock? would win the pennant in the American League.
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O'BRIEN-DAVIS AUTO CO. Barney Street at 28th TeL ABaatic (H23 : 2Q12 North 61st St.—Tel. WAlntrt 7515 ^ ' •" Sooth Omaha—5014. South 24th Street—Tel, MArket 4111 . Sales «ad Service Branches at ©owacfl Binffs, la. ( * Fremont,
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