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The tennis courts^at JFhirty-second and Dewey are be""- Vj, ed to great advantage by m a ^ g ing Jewish women who aspit ^ g " topple the p w n off .the heai Jf/^-etty; Helen Wills, queen of theTg* p 'can courts. •
Camp Morris Lei M bubbling over with joy. anc 2. Vness. The boys attending t h e ' : ^ ire casting _to the soall their cares and"^ called seven w i n d , ^ ^ _st s rday Harry Lapidus, Joe" Wolf and Dr. Philip Sher all visited the boys who are vacationing at Nathan's lake.
I \
A false friend, like a shadow, attends only while the sun shines. f« , • . ."
"' > I . '
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Entered as seconcl-class mall matter on January 27th, 1921, at poatofflce at Omaha, Nebraska, under the Act of March 3, 1STO.
Herman Bernstein Ends His libel Suit
•' Word was received recently by Dr. and Mrs. Philip Sher that their son, David, had been placed on the Dean's $200,000 Suit Settled^-Statement Issued by tTntermeyer list at Harvard university. Being on the Dean's card gives' David the privilege of attending school when- SECOND SETTLEMENT ever he desires. Only those students WITHIN TWO WEEKS who attain high scholastic honors are New York' (J.'.T.i A.)—Settlement eligible to be placed among the of the four.year;old-libel action in coveted ranks. Good luck to you, which Herman Bernstein, author and David, and all that goes with it. editor, sought $200,000 damages from After spending two weeks in and Henry Ford because of a series of around Chicago, Miss Bess; Haykin anti-Jewish articles . published in the will again assume her duties in the Dearborn Independent was announced office of the Jewish Community yesterday by Samuel Untermyer, '.. Center. Miss Haykin writes that she counsel for Mr. Bernstein. Mr. Ford retracted and apologized has been enjoying the night life in the windy city. Well, you can't blame for the parts of_ an article - iconcerning Mr. Bernstein i which appeared in her in the least, n'est-ce pas? the Dearborn Independent and for an 1 MemberB of the Sigma Delta Tau "alleged interview ' "with Mr. Ford Sorority are holding what is termed also appearing in that paper, in as a "get-together" at Nathan's lake which the automobile manufacturer Sunday morning. Swimming will be was quoted as assailing' Mr. Bern. the feature o^ the party, which will stein. be , followed by one of Mrs. S. The settlement agreement also inNathan's famous chicken dinners. cluded payment of a sum, not made Many Omaha girls have been invited public, by Mr. .Ford toward the expenses of Mr. Bernstein in the suit. to attend the affair. Mr. Bernstein's suit/ which was Following are the S. D. T. girls who are expected from out of town: filed in Federal Court August 18, Ida Ruth Bogen, Tillie: Both, Ruth 1923, was the first of the- actions Zolat, all of'Lincoln; Frances Robin- brought against Mr. Ford because of son, of Norfolk, Neb.; Ethel Stein- his anti-Jewish campaign. The settleberg, of Fort Dodge, Iowa; Ruth ment negotiations, which have been Riseman, of Elk Creek, Neb.; Esther under way for a fortnight, were conSwifislowski, of Columbus, Neb., and ducted for Mr. Ford by Clifford B. Sarah Mosow, Lucille Rosenthal, of Longley of Detroit, DeLancey Nicoll, DeLncey Nicoll, Jr., and Martin C. Sioux City, Iowa. Ansorge of this city. Joseph Palma, Miss Kate Arlene Goldstein was local head of the Federal Secret Servushered through the central police ice, a personal friend of Mr. Fosd and station recently by one of Omaha's J. Kostman of Chicago also participatfamous blue coats. So well did the ed in the settlement conferences. The agreed letters which were exofficers of the law like Miss. Goldstein that,they even tpok her finger prints. changed by Mr. Bernstein and Mr. Better watch out, Kate, if you ever Ford follow: Mr. Ford's letter to Mr. Bernstein now. reads: ~ j _ :•Lester Allen Lapidus left Omaha "You are of course familiar with to attend to business at Lincoln. Les the context of the public retraction •writes and Bays he is having a great and apology for the articles appeartime now an then, but the old town ing in the Dearborn Independent that is dead without the well known of I have made and had spread broad, gang of collegiates. He says that the cast. I sincerely regret any harm that streets are virtually deserted with may have been occasioned to the the exception of the two or three people of that great race and am anxStanding policemen that Lincoln ious to make whatever amends are possible. really does claim. "I take this occasion also to : reMr. Ed Burdick asserted that the tract and apologize for those parts "golf gang" has found a camping of the article that appeared in the place at the Center. The golf tourney Dearborn Independent concerning you will soon get under way and then and for the alleged interview with me will begin, the battle royal of the assailing you that was published in links. Who, I wonder, will be the that paper. » first crowned golf champion of the "It was not intended in that article, Jewish Community Center. to imply that any of the matters concerning the Jews appearing in the Tentative plans are being formulated Dearborn Independent were based by members of the Zeta Beta Tau upon information furnished by you. fraternity to hold two informal par- You have at no time said anything to ties before some of the boys return me that would justify such an inferto their respective universities and ence. "colleges in September. "From the explanations made to me Ted Turner of Tech high, school by my counsel through your counsel, -and Miss FranMe Nelson, "dancing Mr. Samuel Untermyer, I realize the and swimming instructor at the damage that may have been caused Denver Y. W, C. A,, passed the life you among the people of your race saving exams under the eagle eyes and in your profession as an author, editor and newspaper correspondent of Ed Burdick. by the article of which you complain Joe Levey, who is known as ruler in your suit, and the expense, which ' of the handball couijs at the Center you.could ill afford, to which you have and Mid-Western A. A. U. champion, been put by the protracted litigation issued an - enigmatical statement to vindicate the good name of the Wednesday. Joe said he was through Jewish people and. your owji reputawith handball, but that tennis is tion against the charges contained in '"'.. :, quite interesting. He states, how- those articles. "I quite agree that no, mere money ever, that he hasn't given up the sport that is reeled off among four damage will make good }he harm done you and 4hat it is. not in jny straight walls. power to compensate for that injury. Meantime I should like to pay toward POGROM PROPAGANDA reimbursing you . for t h e . expense FOLLOWS CESSATION OF RIOTS IN VIENNA incident to the suit. "I am informed' through your Vienna (J. T. A.)—Violent pogrom counsel that the articles in the Dear. agitation is now being conducted by born Independent, have been .translatthe anti-Semitic press of Vienna on ed into many languages and distribthe background of the unsuccessful uted throughout, many countries of the world< in*book form under the revolution. title of •""The-•-International'•Jew." The anti-Semitic, journals publish 7 inciting articles in which the Vienna Neither I nor the Dearborn Indepenpopulation is urged to "take revenge dent so far as! I*know have!had anyon the Jetre"-' for the bloodshed". thing to do with the translations, pubAustrian Jewry is being blamed for lications or distribution, and I am not only willing but anxious ,to actively the Vienna riots; r No acticn was taken by the State co.operate with' you to the end that Attorney to confiscate these journals, the volumes shall :be withdrawn and • . -- '•'.': '< "•' '. notwithstanding the fact that rep- d e s t r o y e d . "I hope you will accept this assurresentatives of Jewish organizations ance of my deep regret for; whatever have urged the authorities to take was said in either of thesg articles. measures to prevent the publication of such inciting propaganda, which is I have been made to-realize that the extremely dangerous in the present articles in which you are charged etfeited^atmosphere. {Continued. <m Pack **-
New York Art Commission Denies Prejudice Wtis Motive in Refusing SolomonMonument
Bucharest ( J . T. A.)—Mr. Rosenthai, noted Jewish lawyer,'.will be appointed Roumanian Ambassador to London, according to rumors circulated in political circles here. Question May be Reopened as Historic The London post h a s become vacant Research Yields Results due to the acceptance of the portfolio of Foreign Minister by. the ^Rouman- PROOF PLACED ON PROMOTERS ian Minister Titulescu. '••..„.-'.' OF MONUMENT PROJECT
VOL. VI—No. 30
Girls Registering For Attendance at Camp Morris Levy
Berlin (J. T. A.)—The offer of the Moscow Hebrew Theater Habima to play at Basle during the Zionist Congress has been accepted by Dr. Chaim Paltsits, head of the Manuscript Di- Weizman. Prominent Group of Counsellors A European committee for the provision of the New York Public Li• at Camp brary, an authority on the sources of motion of their interests of the Ha, American history, was asked for an bima has been founded. LILLIAN MARGOLIN, opinion. Being away at the time, Dr. DIRECTOR OF CAMP Paltists suggested the commission get Applications for admission to Camp New. York.—(3. T. A.)—The ques- in touch, with Worthington Ford of Morris Levy, Nathan's Lake, during tion of whether-flt not the New York the Massachusetts Historical Society, August • which will be reserved for City Art Commission took a justified who had studied the subject Dr. course of action in its refusal to per- reported August 29 that in his opinion Invitations have been sent to over girl'campers, are coming rapidly into mit the Federation of Polish Jews in claims made in behalf of Salomon a dozen chapters of the Order of the office of" the "Jewish Community A new champion will, be crowned the United States to erect in Madison were without proof. Aleph Zadik Aleph to participate in Center.- This will be the first opporin the club golf tournament at the Square1 Park a monument to Haym " . . . the various supporters of the Council Bluffs chapter No. 7 first an- tunity for,Jewish girls to attend a Highland Country club.: Ben: Yousem, Salomon, the Polish Jew who helped Salomon story,"-he wrote, "have pro- nual invitational golf and tennis tour- camp near Omaha," designed exclusiv1926 club titleholder, was forced to to finance the Atnerican Revolution, duced no evidence in its favor . . no nament to be held here in conjunction ely for them, and jthe opening of the withdraw because of ,'•• an - infected continues to occupy the attention of one who has,studied the finances of with the Triangular Picnic ta.be held camp to "girls after the conclusion of elbow..-- v , • :• :. >\Vv.-:V"--> '.V the metropolitan press. . the Revolution-has recorded or knew at dark's Farm Sunday, August 14th, a. successful' month.' ofr capping for boys has aroused -widespread interest A stag baaquet and p]ayer auction The Federation of Polish Jews had of sack; evidence . • the. story itself in Council Bluffs. f* among the Jewishlpeople of the-eomwas held atr the club • with; Morris started a campaign for a fund of is incredible. What documents have It ie planned to have players and Ferer handling the . hammer. Phil $75,000 to erect" the monument, but b*e» brought forward are of no value, entrants from every*"chapter in the Yousem sold for the highest sum and permission to do *so was declined by and in default ; ol proper document? elaborate, program -of work and Mid-Central and Mid-Western districts is owned by A. B.; Alpiirn.: Seaman the New York City Art Commission the tradition is-too exacting, to be acplay has been arranged for the camp, of the Order comprising the states of Kulakof sky, J.erry Heyn;and Marvin in September, 1925. The issue cen- ceptable, and, I-seeno reason for conunder; the direction. of Miss Iillian Iowa; Nebraska, Missouri, Colorado, Treller were the other >, high-priced tered around the contention of the necting Hajan ..Salomon's name with Margolin. - Miss Margolin - has - a n and Kansas. This will be the first afnames in the pool. Lower flight con- Art Commission that there is not suf- the Nation's.history* arid only as an nounced the following list of concil. testants, tooj were sold on the block. ficient historical proof of the role estimable; merchant has; he claims to fair of its kind in the history of the lors: Miss Yette Levy, Hastings, arts Order, where invitations are being is- and craft couuncillor; Miss Kate All second, round matches, : all which Hays Salomon played in the any recognition/' sued to the entire districts. With the Goldstein, dramatic councillor; Mies flightSi must be completed'by Sunday financing of the American Revolution. A commktee, whose names are not success of Council Bluffs chapter's inEthel Steinberg, Fort Dodge, Iowa, night, July 31. , . Neither the Art Commission nor the revealed in tiieininutea, handled the vitational tournament, it is possible music councillor; Miss Elsie Poska, First round results: . Federation of Polfeh Jews made a pub- matter for the Art Commission^ which that the local chapter will stage a naLincoln, nature study couuncillor; Championship Flight lic statement to that effect until now, decided the claim • of Salomon's pro- tional open tournament a short time Miss Pauuline Hersfoerg, assistant A. H. Brodkey beat Jules Gerellek, 2 and in view of the fact that since -the ponents "stflj was-unproved. The apthereafter. 1. Terry Heyn bent I. B. Zimman,.2 and 1. councillor; Miss Alice Schulein, Sioux Al Mayer beat Sam Henberg, : 1 up; _ Sea- burden of proof! was placed on the plication fear-a .monument was denied Tlie golf rounds will be played on City,' athletic councillor; Miss Fannie man Kulakofsky beat Moe Hertberg, 3 and 2. Bill Yousem beat Ben. I'oseley,' 1 up. Federation of Polish Jews, the spon- "without prejudice to its renewal for Council Bluffs' Municipal links in Levinson, assistapt in athletics, and Marvin Treller beat Dr. Ben, Friedman, 3 asors /mother site -upon. dear p" ••of that and 2. Earl Kulakofsky beat J. Mnlashock, u i o vofi the monument, new research Haym Salomon is entitled to this de- Dodge Park during the forenoon of Miss Louise Rosenthal, swimming 1 tip ID holes. Phil Yousem beat C. C. into t h e records is being carried on. August 14th. It is also plannel to councillor. Miss Grace Rosenstein will Katleman, 5 and 4. The question was publidly raised gree of recognition in New York. play some of the elimination tennis assist during week ends. Second Flight Historians areagreed that little ap- matches during the morning, and in Leo Chaiken beat BUI Milder, 2 up. Phil last Monday, when the Executive ComMiss. Levy is a graduuate of the Gradtnsky beat Phil Schwartz, 6 and 5. mittee of the Jewish Council of Great- pears in the records" or* in early his- the afternoon, the final matches in National - Kindergarten Elementary Ed Treller beat Dave Cohn, 7 and 5. Hnrry Malashock beat Dave Greenberg^ 6 and 4. er New York, an organization affil- tories regardingSalomon. This is at- both singles and doubles of the tennis College^ Chicago, and a-teacher in Dr. Philip Levey beat J. H. Kulakofsky, iated with the American Jewish Con- tributed to the-fact that the Federaltournament will be played at Clark's Gothenburug, Nebraska. She has had 3 and 2. Ed Kranse bent Mickey Katleman. 6 and 4. Morris Milder plays - Sig gress, issued:to"the press the text of ist Party was anxious to have credit Farm as a part of the picnic program. extensive /camping experience at Y. Puffles. Dr. M. E. Stein beat A. B. Alplrn, a resolution it adopted, which criti- given to Robert Morris and Alexander 2 and 1. The tennis and golf tournament are W. C. A. camps, is an expert swimHamilton. According to Madison C cized the Art Commission, charging Third Flight Peters, who has written a brief his- but one of the many added features mer and an excellent pianist. Ben Stieffler beat Ed Schimmel, C and 5. prejudice^ that will be presented at the Agudas Richard HUler beat H. Chapman, default. Miss Goldstein, who is a student Manning Handler beat Louis Kulakofsky, This charge was Answered yester- tory of Salomon, both Morris and Pre- Achum, B*nai B'rith, and AZA picnic at the University of Nebraska and a 6 and 4. Morris Ferer beat Harry Kosensident Madison mentioned Salomon fleld, 4 and 2. .Samuel Cohn beat Joe Cohn. day by Robert W. DeForestj who is For a on August 14th. Committees headed graduate of Omaha Central High default. ~Harry Wolf beat Safll Levy? 8 *nd chairman <rf^tfce^ranri^ ? *rt Com- frapiexitly In -their letters. 7. Sam Leon beat Lester Simon, 2 up. time, according . to these" sources, by Simon .Steinberg, general chairman School, is a member of £ae University mission. of~4b« .picnic, have been laboring vig- Players and has taken part- rav and "Prejudice did not enter into the Salomon paid the salaries of several orously to make Council Bluffs' first coached a large number of plays, In rejection of the plan," he stated. The Virginia members of Congress. annual community and triangular pic- addition to dramatics, Miss Goldstein His place -in -history was indorsed nic a huge success. Art Commission gave very careful will teach, archery. , consideration to the proposed statue by the Committee on Revolutionary Miss Steinberg specialized in music Officers of Council Bluffs chapter to Haym Solomon. Their.final disap- Claims in the |5enate in, 1865, accord- No. 7 of the AZA will be installed by at the University of Nebraska. Miss proval related chiefly to the site pro- ing to Mr.JPejters. He is said to have the official AZA ritual during the pic- Poska is a graduate of the Teachers' posed and the disapproval was with- lent, without security and without in- nic. Grand Executive Secretary Phil College, of the University'of Nebrasterest, sums totaling as much as $600,-. Klutznick of Kansas City will be the ka, and -principal of the High School Tisha B'Ab Appeal for Fund to be out prejudice to resubmission for an000 to the new-nation. Of this not installing officer. other. in Thurston, Nebraska. She has had Made in Synagogues in Close to "The careful consideration given a cent was;ever,paid. • S. Stanwood extensive experience with Catnp Fire 400 Communities Members of the committees exthis matter by the Art Commission, is Menken of the National Security plained that programs have been ar- girls.' Mis . Herzberg is a graduuate League is a lineal great-grandson of of .the Mt. de Chantal Academy, An appeal to the Jews of America, illustrated by the report of its comthe financier. He has been one of the ranged, that will be of interest to the West,Virginia. signed by 141 Orthodox Rabbis re- mittee which was adopted and which entire public An afternoon of concontributor* 'to- the monument fund. Miss Rosenthal is a junior in the presenting the leading communities in forms part of the Art Commission's tinued merriment and excitement is the country, urges the organization of files." assured. There will be no admission University, of Nebraska, a Red Cross The claim is still unproved, accordall possible Jewish forces to cooperate or charges, as it will be a free picnic, life saver, the- holder of a master in the work of redeeming the soil of ing to Mr. DeForest, but the matter is free parking, free admission to all swimmer's degree and a member, of Palestine as the "inalienable property not necessarily closed. The statues in contests games. Remember to bring the National Association of Swimof the entire Jewish people" through Madison Square Park according to the your friends and baskets to Clarks ming Instructors. She is a Camp Fire committee's findings, are of men girl and . • has - attended Camp Fire the Jewish National Fund. farm on August 14th. London (J. T. A.)—The Joint Forcamps as camper and instructor. This call makes a particular appeal whose names are widely known, while eign Committee of the Board of JewMiss Schulein is a student at the to the Orthodox Jews to devote Tisha the claims of Mr. Salomon are re- ish Deputies, the Anglo-Jewish AssoUniversity of Nebraska, and an exB'Ab, which falls this year on August garded as obscure. ciation, has .declined the" invitation of Examination of the minutes of the the Committee .of Jewish Delegations perienced camper, having assisted in 7, to the collection of funds in synabaseball and volleyball at Landstotie gogues and in a house-to-house can- meeting of the Municipal Art Com- in Paris to participate in the Confermission, held on Sept. 15, 1925, dis- ence on Jewish .Rights in Zurich. camp, Greenlake, Wisconsin, for three vass for the National Fund. Songs of welcome and hearty cheers years. Miss Levinson has been conReports received by national, head- close that before the meeting, at The Board of Jewish Deputies, in quarters of the National Fund, at 114 which the project was turned down, its session of today, gave its approval greeted the new group of boy^s who nected with Camp Firl girl work for came to Camp Levy on Tuesday, July some time. Miss Rosenstein is a Red Fifth Avenue, New York, indicate that •the Commission had cooperated with to the refusal of, the Committee. 26, to spend the week. the Federation of Polish: Jews and Cross life saver and an expert,swimappeals will be made on Tisha B'Ab The letter of .the Committee denies The lucky ones are Sam Weinstein, mer. She has had camping experience in synagogues in close to 400 Jewish had suggested changes in' the design the assertion of delegation with recommunities. In a number of these, for the memorial. gard to contradictory intervention Louis Slutsky, Sidney Coren, Sam at Camp Brewster and Central High It was only after the campaign for caused .by.the, multitude of Jewish Soorpin, Bernard D. Kaimen, M. School camps.- , • it is reported, the National Fund ComThe swimming will be supervised mittees plan to call upon' organiza- a $75,000 fund was well under way, a organizations. The letter states that Lerner, H. Lerner. Nate Schreibman, tions as well as individuals to inscribe competition for the design concluded the Committee has no recollection of E. Epstein, L. Kelberg, Morris Bach- by Ed. S. Burdick, physical director themselves or their friends, .or leaders and a contract signed with Anton any important. occasion when contra, man, Victor Goldenberg, Sidney Gold- of the community center, who will in their respective communities, in the Schaaf, the winning sculptor, that the dictory, Jewish petitions were pres- enberg, Sol Gerber, Art Gerber, Earl also give instructions in life saving. Golden Book of the Fund at Jerusa- commission began to have doubts ented |o the League of Nations. It Gerber, Leonard Nathan, Julian Na- Mr. Burdick will give several health talks to the girls.. It is planned to that Salomon really was entitled to points ! out that ' the Joint Foreign than, and Max Gerelick. lem. This will be the last group of boys have talks on the care of the teeth In many communities, it is also re- immortality through a monument in Committee is composed of British ported^ it has become a tradition to Madison Square. This question had subjects, and • is therefore in a posi- as the girls will have charge of Camp and on general topics of health preservation.' raise funds for the Jewish National not been passed on previously. The tion to frequently consult the British Levy during the month of August. On Friday, July 22, Camp Morris The Friday evening program of Fund through contributions during matter will rest until those who be- government," while an international the Reading of the Torah in synago- lieve Salomon did great service to the committee would be unable to do so. Levy was visited by Harry T-apidus, the camp will include a Sabbath servStunts, pageants and shott t gues on Sabbath Nachamu, the Satur- Colonies can produce documentary The Joint Foreign Committee, the Joe Wolf, Dr. Philip Sher, William ice. day of Consolation following Tisha proof of his work. This is virtually letter further points out, has always Holzman, who came to see Camp in plays will be presented during the After visiting the different other evenings of the week. impossible, because of loss of the re- been ready. to enter into friendly action. B'Ab. cords in the invasion of Washington consultation with other bodies for the cottages and observing the program, Besides boating, archery, volkjthe visitors remained for lunch. by the British in 1814. ball, base ball, and swimming, the purpose of coordinated effort. ANGLO JEWISH ASS'N girls will take hikes, and will take The minutes of the Art Commission Mr. ucien W»lf further points out APPEALS FOR PALESTINE the3e occasions to observe and verify "EARTHQUAKE VICTIMS show the original design was disap- that the American Jewish Congress Omahans Answering proved June 9, 1925, and that June 24, is not in a position to effectively inHadassah Emergency Fund •the lessons learned in nature study classes. a new design was submitted by the tervene because of the fact that the London (J. T. A.) — The AngloThe women of Omaha are respondMrs. Sam Nathan will be camp Jewish Association will make a public Federation of Polish Jews. This was United States of- America are not appeal in behalf of the-victims of the satisfactory enough to justify erection represented in the League of Nations. ing faithfully to the call of Hadassah mother. A nurse will be at camp to Palestine earthquake; Mr. D'Avigdor of a replica, full size, of the statue Participation/ in - the Conference has to raise $800.00 for the emergency attend to the health of the girls. Between 20 and 25 girls will be reGoldsmid announced at today's session on a site facing 23rd Street in Madi- been refused by Mr.. Louis Marshall, fund. That is the sum of Omaha's son Square Park. On July SO, the the Alliance Israelite Universelle, the quota. This week Mrs. J. Rosenberg ceived at Camp Morris Levy each of the Board of Jewish Deputies. Two hundred fifty pounds have members of the Art Commission visit- Hilfsverein ,"deut*scher Juden and by and Mrs. J. Lintzman will be bridge week. Special arrangements hay a already been forwarded to Acting ed the replica and the same day met Mr. Sliosberg's' Russian-Jewish Ke- hostessess at their homes to raise been made to take care of girls win High Commissioner ; Symes, and to consider the- matter. It was at this hillah in Paris.. The letter concludes their $10.00, which is the sum each are in business or industry for weeic promises of an additional £280 have meeting that for the first time the by saying that the fact that Socialistic Hadassah member is asked to earn. end outings. Girls who wish to go to question of the worth of Salomon revolutionary bddies have been invit- Many novel affairs for raising money camp must make their reservation? been obtained. arose. ed to participate in the Conference are being planned. Any one desiring at once through blanks vvhich may be • This appeal will not Interfere with A decision was made to consult on Jewish Rights may prove to be to aid this worthy cause may call Mrs. obtained at the Jewich Commuurtit;,' that of the Zionist Organization, Mr. Max Shapiro, HArney 6998. Center authorities on history. Victor H. harmful and compromising. Goldsmid declared.
Council Bluffs A.ZA's to Hold Tournament and Picnic
Highland Country Club Annual Tournament Now on
American Orthodox Rabbis Issues Appeal for Support of Jewish National Fund
British Jews Refuse Part in Conference on Jewish Rights
Fourth Group of Boys at Camp Morris Levy
a: t t
jPAGE 2—THE JEWISH PRESS, THURSDAY, JULY 28,1927 upon an entira nation or ; people. potamia and, the Middle East was Under these circumstances, Mr. populated by a racf whioh was neither Untermyer and I felt it our duty to Semitic nor European.' It xised flint i v-tl («> -'v*5?'ftjbhBb»d'i;tery ^huwday at omaba. NebraaXa, by our people that I avail myself of that implements and produced painted *-: THPHPBWISHI-P^^S PUBLISHING CO^IPANY ' (Continued (ram Fare 1). exceptional situation to establish the pottery wnich is identical with the with having furnished me with, in7 Qfflee: 490 Brandeis Theatre'Buildin8 — Telephani: Atlantic 1450. Office: formation on which the publications falsity of the articles. I am advised earliest pottery of the Sura and Ur NATHAN E. GREEN, Manager. in the Dearborn Independent were that the limitations placed by the area. 5687—1926-27 based, have brought down upon you Court on the range of the testimony • Subscription Price, one yeai .$2.50. Further light on the history of" the undeserved wrath of your people in the Sapiro case would not havethis ancient race is expected to be Advertising rates famished on application. from which you have greatly suffered applied in my case. given as a result of new excavations CHANGE OF ADDRESS—Flense Rive both <he ©J<J and Saturday, July 30 "That- doses this unfortunate which will be started in September Rosh Chodeab-Ab both financially and in your peace bo sure ana give your name. 1 Sunday, August 7 ot mind—and can only hope that this chapter, and I trust in - a way that near Mosul. Fast of Ab Monday, August 29 Rosh Chodesh Ellul apology will set you right in thif will go far to prevent future assaults The Jewish Press is supplied by the Jewish Telegraphic Agency (Jewish Correspondence Bureau) with, cabled and telegraphic Jewish .news,,to addition, respect." . ,. ,_ upon the people of my race and will ROUMANIAN JEWS to feature articles and correspondences froro al| Important Jewish centers: Mr. Bernstein's reply to Mr. Ford thus promote the arrival of the era MOURN DEATH OF KING Inquiries regarding.news items credited to this Agency will be-gladly of the troe brotherhood of man. If reads: . : answered if addressed to Jewish Telegraphic Agency, 621 Broadway, New "Your letter of retraction and that shall prove.the result, you will, Yorkysty '" ; " " Bucharest (J. T. A.)—Memorial apology on July 23. taken in connec- by your present attitude, have ac- services in honor of the deceased Jewish parents. .He was a German Famous Pleasure Spot tion with you* public statement^of complished even more toward con- King Ferdinand were held on Satur••;,,;. WE ARE NOT DISCOURAGED .--i ; and his accomplishments are accredahEnglish Monarch* July 7 addressed to the Jewish pebple, founding and discouraging anti- day in all synagogues in Roumania. . , -Nothing ever comes easy to a Jew. Hardship after harshly ited to Germany. Had he been a makes the 'amende honorable' to the Semitism than 'was accomplished by Chief Rabbi Zirelson, in Kishinev, make difficult-his-climb to a place in the sun, fcut these difficulties ity, then the.world would know him ass*rtB a writer in John O'London's fullest extent within your power to the offending articles in fanning *and received a telegram from the Minister are never discoufagedto him—they simply spur him on to greater as, a Jew. To the world all Jews are Weekly. Wolsey began It all, and It right, wrongs that from the nature keeping alive the flame of bigotry and of Education, notifying him of the effort. The-Jew'has learned that what is worthwhile is difficult Shylocks, not Spiiiozas. But when Is Interesting to learn that when he of the case cannot be fully repaired, racehatred." death of the King, and asking the walked in his park he liked to be left and is accepted by me- without reserRabbi that services be arranged in to attain and worth striving for, .; r i~ . . ' genius will blossom forth on Jewish to his meditations. He would allow vation in the spirit in which it is ARCHAEOLOGICAL soil, it can be none other than Jewish the synagogues of Bessarabia, >i; ; The Tebuilding of the Jewish Homeland -wasi from the first, genius. The Jewish soul can smile ™ servant to come near him; his or- extended. EXPEDITION FINDS TRACES der was that they should keep as far beset with difficulties. A land grown barren by centuries of neg^ once more,'it will be^back onltrown "I assume you fully realize that no OP ANCIENT RACE from him "as one might shoot an arlecfc--disease ridden—inhabited by unfriendly people—yet, pioneer soil; the only soil which "can truly row." matter how great the wrong and inWhen Hemx "ame into pos: ^ork transformed barren lands into garden spots; persistent health nourish it. It will raise its beautiful session he at once extended the gar- jury to me personally I would not Jerusalem. (J. T. A.)—Traces of dens, planted quickset hedges, and have brought suit, nor would Mr. kn" indent =Tace;^ which lrred 6,006 work eliminated! the cause of much of the fever diseases,.and Pales- head/sing its happy psalma, and croon bought apple and pear saplings. ' haveNeonsented to act for years 'ago in Northern Mesopotamia its words of brotherly love. It will : tine today is as healthy a place to live in.as'anyTin America; and, sound its hushed truinphet of pro- Hentener described the gardens la Undermyer me, except as a vehicle and the only were discovered fn that region by an finally, fair dealing, liard work and. the creation of opportunity for. phecy, "From Zion wffl go forth the Elizabeth's reign as "most pleasant," responsible means for judicially ex- American Archaeological '-expedition, that he "saw rosemary, so labor and decent wages made friends with the'formerly unfriendly law,'and the'word of;<56d from Jeru- adding planted and nailed to the walls as to posing and disproving the tissue ©f according" tor Prof. Speiser of the I :; ; : ;: : sale i^* ' '''lt ^>Hft'Tip' Gje l»rokeii cover them entirely, which is a meth- unspeakable falsehoods and forgeries American School of Oriental Research At a time when life seemed easier and we were most enthusias- Jewish spirit, and 4>eal the heavy Jew-' od exceedingly common In England." against the Jewish people. It, fortan- in Bagdad, who arrived here today. heartr. But it-can-only bloom in CJharles I formed lakes. Charles If ately for the Jews, so Happened' that In an interview witn the corretic .came an- industrial depres^i6n,''and;';\^t&*'~it;rtin^pl6yi)iel[tv is^i Palestine among" the Jews, in the land planted more than two hundred elms the offending articles, which falsely spondent of the Jewish Telegraphic Thqn/suddenly, an-earthquake. Yet, we shall not be di?couragecl» thatjGojl lias chosen, ateong thfe people and as many lime tjtees. William III and without semblance of- excuse Agency here Prof. Speiser stated that In his turn, brought In the note of' charged me with having imparted to Weflflftow very little about the cause of earthquakes, apd-eeri^njy thit-'ate Hfe children. the archaeological survey conducted Dutch formality with yew, box, and American Jewish bplly sculptured into bird and animal you persoBBlly or/thetP«aee Shi^the by him-disclosed that Northern Meso. mufch.less regarding a possible prevention of these shakeriaps.: As '" TJpon us, the r greatly as we deplore the loss of life and property, yet if an -earth- youth, desoiyes i sacred- anil Boleian shapes or arranged to represent his information upon which th« assaults to aicfin this.mighty work, royal initials; he formed rectilinear, upoa/the Jews in the Dearborn Indequake had to come, chance close wisely, since th& reccmstrjuction "obligation in<word;arid deed.- Xet us carry canals and did strange things with pendent w«re based, made ptdof of •work necessary will give employment to the eight thoUSjdnd uri= the historic message of an awakened terrace and balcony, and fountains' the falsity of the chfcrger themselves employed in Palestine, today, and thus again give-them, courage Jewish soul, and a Zion restored, to better designed (said Horace Wat- competent which would not otherwise pole) "to wet the unwary than to re- have been admissible tinder the rules toward the rebuilding of the Homeland. Palestine will bloom forth every Jewish home, and into every fresb M^fiOMIT :.,*'---242» Decatur Street WE. £527 the panting spectator." Hapso that-once again will pily, nearly every tiling he did wasof law. -This was-a-unique situation with renewed beauty. »The people of Transjordania will be lifelong Jewish heart, If you are in needi)Y a. Tales wool or Bilk of the best quality, Tfeelin, whieh-weaM notiottJerwig*, undwr any hfllsrofJehudah resound with the afterward undone. friends of the Jews because our Palestinain brethren'"came to their the M«zn«u5 oi aoy-other jeUgioue article, we will be glad to^wl'tt to combination of circumstances, have laughter of. Jewish children, and the rescue with food iand medical service .in the tiite of their need.-^g . been possible. : ; ,, you ait the-jaaost reasonable prices. We alBo carry a full"Unp of fields. (>t Zion vibrate ^with the tofl of T00U of Insect World Jewish Times. • ^ ; , "Although: an indivi4ual may re! : Bibles with>lewish and English translatiopB. We are also the 9getAs Jewish peasants/ * TR^h will our poets cover for a libel uttered against him, Surpass Those of Matt there is, jBteange to say, no way by of i;all^£te%tlne Products and the artigik work of Besulel S3iool sing to us, songs of joy and of hope, and ;sorrow, will forever vanish from ' Most of the articles In that great in Jerusalem. . . • th? House' of Israel. chert of tools that man's inventtr* which falsity .may be proved-or; tefeenius has contrived were Invented by dress secured for libels perpetrated top: Insect world before he fashioned the first, writes Ernest Bade, Ph. D., CHARGE X p^ a B. PRESIDENT .-sui-'.a T - ;•; ta Popular Science Monthly. More» WWH RI6T RE^ONSlBiLITY over, man's tools are usually Inferior WOLFERT , ' . " . , „ . In precision and versatility. Winner of Young 'Judaea "National Oratorical. Cintert jf;T. A^l^Alfred M. Co- ' Saw, pliers, brushes, augers, hooks; nen; ''American^Te.wish leader ; and 'hammers, knives, lancets—all ot these (Editor's Note:—The following essay else have the Jews, "as a. collective preswieht of the independent Order and yet' other tools are in the Insects' •was •written br'Hlss Judith Wolfert of body, proven thjeir idght to the title > ; BiSMtklyn, and.-'was used by her as her B'iial B*rith^ was. charged withVire- remarkable chest Nature attached oration la the TfatijmarOratorical Con- of "GOD'S CHOSEN PEOPLE V tfiwn to the insects' bodies—to the "sponsibility for the bloodshed in the legs, to the head, to the abdomen, test of'Yourig ludaeaiflrst in the local Charles Elliot, late President of Harcompetitions i n Brooklyn, then at the Te'pioniil Eontest of aU- Brooklyn con- vard TJniversiV, said, "The Jews recent Vienna; nbts "by the"ahti- wherever they were needed. They*™ s r testants, and finally, at. the national "Seinitic preiss today/ made of chitln, a material that, unlike •conventions of, Toting Judaea and the originated, and still preserve, ; the The Vienna anti-Semitic journals the metal tools of man, resists the Zionist Organization'of America at Att V'Tf; lantic City.. Miss Wolfert, who is 16 loftiest conception of. the attributes charged editorially that1-Mr. Cbnen*s action of water and the milder acfds, ^ears old, wijj,receive -aa, the prize .for of God, There he v stops.1 Can ^.he go .visit to Vienna was on ife"half o£"the The insect tool chest is truly complete, 'Hie national oratorical -'championship What elese have, the "secret'Jewish conspiracy carried "on in one of Its wonders being the closeness 'of Young Judaea 4 free round trip to any further? Palestine, through, "the courtesy of the Jews, as a nation done for ihV happiof the articles It the interest of Jewishfinanciers,"who;«f the resemblance llosen Oriental' Tours)i :• > - : : to the tools that man has ness of the human race " True, they •ruined the1 Austrian •'schflling. "As 'contains >een so long in fashioning. The history of the humanrace, is a have contributed to the world of music sad. record of war and horrorr of mis- a/ Rubinstein arid a Mendelsohn, to the proof of his' charge the anti-Semitic newspapers quote the fact that the ery and bloodshed,' seething wi& revworld of art an; Antikulski, to the riots broke out just as «>on as Mr. Subscribe For The Jewish Press olution ,after revolution. The English, tr "Cohen left Vienha; ;" ' world of letters a Heine and_ a Max the, American,; the ,Fr£nehy and the Russian peoples struggled for their Nordau, to the world t)f jur&prudence freed"om,,and won it, only through the a Lombroso, to the world of statecraft "a Beaconsfield, to the world of science use'of the" mighty sword. r Different,", however/ has been the "an Eeinstein, to the world of philoso[ BUTTER and EGGS v; phy a Spinoza. Yet^ although these Rome (J. T. A.j~Theistidents of struggle of the,, Jewish" people, at Iivorno I haT« attended Council Bluffs, Iowa throughout so many centuries of con- men were Jews, decendants of Abra- the Royal Uaval Aeadera? J Drezel Sales' wiil ^niake"a" crnise M the Siaateni ham and Isaac, they contributed their stant oppression • and persecution. in p a s t seasons Mediterratteair-in" ~ the —month of genius, genius called forth by the Physical^ suffering in" .ttfe' Jew has reaHie t h e In- 'never called forth physical rebillion. beauty and; grandeur of! the Jewish August oar board the baltiesTups pttrUnce of this umosBceaieut. - • Reared Bnd murtvtred;in the cradle of soul, not as Jews, But as Englishmen, "Pisa" and ^'Ferrhfecio".' These two These gates i c e > his holy religion, the * Jew has "borne Frenchmen, Germans, Russians, Span- ships will anchor JK the,'port of Jaffa held but twice a leave on hiB hardships without a' murmur "be- iards/ The Jewish nation can claim on August 21 ljmd_jiwiif year — f o r t h e e cause of'his "infinite^ faitlr in the wis- no one of them.' Even distinctly Jew- August' 25-T^ .- interval will.be used purpose of clm& * i ''Alanufactured in Omaha' ing o u r ltocks, dom of the, Almighty CJQO";. The auto ish culture~as-ihat of Iban .Gabirpl, lo yiajit JerusalemTtojbthfer with the and prices axe te» BAKER ICE MACHINE CO. de fe, the rack, thes£thumb screw, and Judah" HafLevi, Acnad Ha-;Am sfnd doced so emphatthe blier instruments of torture of Chaim Nachman Bialik,Jias remained ically that It frill 1 the inquisitor did not daunt the loyal unappreciated b y art unreceptive TOWNSHIP, , t reiStf pay to anDOWN •'•'••'' " Btw. Vhw» AT.. 8453 Jew, as, with' an exalted Outcry, -Tie world. We, the-Jews, who have laid ticlpste yonr f« ': ttwe l ? t B i r gave himself over , to'. his Heavenly the foundations of all civilization>3are IJ«i. Phone AT. 11S5 Every pair h fnun our I 1 Father. Fror, to the Jew/ the child of accused- of being parasiteB.'.; We take „;^ Warsaw (J- -T-I'jp^ihe -township needs and sapply own stock and a/ the them during this •Ziemce, near Vilna, has T>een comthe "People of the\Bobk^. his physical all,', and'give nothing. It l» usual Drexel duality. Our pletely burned ^wwu Over 400 houses self- Is oniy" a nieans of• attainingri able that as a nation we ceased ^ BARBERSHOP usual courteous service ; arp K(ow in, asW- 'fhe population Is C. L- ^V^e specialize in higher' spirftpal 'e^sifeiice./- In the prevails. without shelter.: It -is feared that a "Children's & Ladies'^Haircuts facejof ^farv^ioii and-cruelty,-hV has c? . r Hv . - ^ ^ : - r r r : g e V U . ^ , j f^v^i^-Tc; S!d>: number of lives have been lost in the Arthur Bldg.—212 So. 18th Street dusg^ "tenaciously1 tu'the•ifaifK'of"' his fathers, ingrained in-his very soul. Of the first requisite to Even'fiow, when his chance, has come istence, namely,; a national - I t is believed that the fire has been for the rejuvenation of the broken How can we contribute anything;-as^a caused by incendiary, s Jewish body, his foremost thought is collective body, if we are not a collecthe ' Totalization: of the withered tive body. It is of necessity that we WHOLESALE , In Omaha : were parasites. ; • Jewish soul. , r Druggists and Stationers br:s:^tST^a s>-^ Now, thank God, it is no ldngerr»«cj^ of which X speaTc-was bprn ;essaryi c/The sacred hope^ of 401-403-405 South 10th Street J 250 Roomsf-vJOO Baths four thousand years agojn the perfect cherished .throughout; two' ; Good Roams for $1*50 conception of the One God- It was years of pain and sufferingi ^ Operated by Eppley; fiptelg Co. nourished by .freedom. and hope, .by that-some day we .roightcr ohC$ #§ain religions, devotjpn..an4J^gfeVUvJng |hy istan.d as b^'^l^*^d^ Candy-Fountain Goods — Supplies blose ^y wisdom and ually, steadily, tat the haxids^-ofr^noble blossemed forth in Values $6.50 to divine prophecy in the Book pf.Books, pioneers, -^he 'Ghslu^zijT^ Romance Chocolates the^j^oly.Bible."It fipurish?d, secure andvwomeni;many ofj^hem; Summer -classes in-^ Pianb.. Ear Phone JA. 3986—918 Fcrnam St. and' proud, for two "thousand .years, cated,.haye left the/;lands in wbithj Training and ^eyJboaTd-Harmony r~? ^V ;.:it^j^- { y-Jad«^4 in this, sale are such famous aalwo Mt : its-'hands to ihelieavenj its face to they wereJjorn,their friends and their , a h^appy, healthy soul. Then, careers, in order that theyrmight bplp .. - J • fii...;; j', r.v -?r: KOSHER DELICATESSEN ' 7Q j the. thecommon in-ihe'year 7Q common era era, to fulfill the Jewish dream.-r Through ;. oj. FRIED? with the destruction'•' of the holy ^ etc We suggest early stopping, for hi -maay kstaaces the ran of sire is limited. the world-wide^ Prej.-T«««.. H. Temple, it waS.plucked.from, the soil Zionist - movement, * the • Chalutzim, Complete Line of thaj: had it, and scattered throughout .through earnest --physical labor, 'are Delicatessen, Smoked Meats Emry $*tc Fimtl ;No Exchanges No Returns the,-Diaspora.. Ifc.shriveled v»P andpreparing, the«way for -a great j - " ' ^ ' and Fish hurig its heaS;, it;lost Its' sober wis- tuai-and cultjural revival that wi 1509 North 24th Street doin, its grave simplicity, in a maze Jewish through and through^-oLj of foreign culture.. It was,no longer by -the, Jews,; and forhumanity* 0fe. a purely Jewish soul.;5 ; , , ' ' ,;s ^' Hebrew; University on Mt. Scopus ~ ! " "Quality Jewelers" Office Outfitters The world now respects this soul produce genuiuses 'like Lassalle, MALASHOCR JEWELRY i r for-its one supreme,• contribution to monides, Bergson. Then they will.^a . Wo occupy Wholesale and Retail Jewelers f 7U.00Q «(jaute' *e«t " The Home of Quality Footwear** ; culture and civilization, the Holy Jewish genuises. A great thinker.lijai Southwest Cornet r. _ 218-16. City National Bank Bldg. But, asks the world, what else Lassalle, whor with typical Jew^i! BJble. -Douglas Streets: 1419 FarDam Street><x>oo<wo<>oo<><>ooo<>o<>oo<x>o<>oJA. 5619 has the Jewish soul, incorporated into sympathy, was among the first to tak> ^ o n 2724 \* r a J3wish nation, contributed Xo&e up the cudgels < f 2 ? ^ P c ^ " ^ > ^ ^ PATRONIZE OUR ADVEKTISEKS advancement of civilization? How against Capitol,"was*onrytite chila'o
Ford Settles Bernstein Suit
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Palestine cm^ tKe A wc^enmg of the
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E.E. BRUCE and CO.
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The Copelman Candy Co.
Wanarfpfapp Stacy-Adams Howard!<£-Fostm* tteywwd
Drexel SKoe Co.
m •:-> - L"« . 4 • i l .
JI5WISB PRESS, THURSDAY, JULY 38,1927 Miss Rose Fox left "Tuesday for Haitian, Iowa, to visit fir." and <Mrs.
play one hundred per cent better ball on other occslons." BtS*^ufman" Is a pitcher and not anfinfielder. Barnfjr Burch, owner 9fV.l% Omaha teafci signed up a young fellow the other doy to pitch for the local nine. Lajndrum is his name end -it -waV «iiy about ten days ago when AK pitching for Omaha in ^n exhibition game sent this same Landrum down to a huni drum de^ea£. Burch "used Landrum. Tuesday against the Tulsa team. He lasted four innings during which time the 'Tulsans got to him for nine runf ajnid eight hits. K f man is as y4t « stranger; to. the Omaha hurling:} mound )mt. yre have hopes' of seeing him pitching tte local Western Leaguers?
mates failed to keep step with him. GERMAIN STUDENTS "Hawkebaw"1 Epeteiti occupied the TO box for thexhampionsfcip Psi Mu nine T B A C I A L POUCT x and hurled real ball at all times. The* same teams met two weeks ago and Berlin CJ. T. A.)—The Katitjhal the Psi JMu's emerged victorious by Federatioif of German Students has by a majority of votes decided5 to .the same score. Tie League; 4& over ,-iand: the playeijs. fliay •! deyft|ej continue its adherence to the printhemselves t&swinaningttr^what ever ciple of rao*--to -determining its policies, and in the composition of its they will. membership. Marcus Krasne wrote us a line This question, heatedly debated at ffrom tha >UnrrarEity «f Illinois where the national convention held yestere is attendaig suminer school. The day in Wuerzburg, was decided due big fellow .teds us tiat he has taken to the votes of the students affiliated >nd passed courses in football, basket- with the Voelkische groups. The res.ball, calisthenics, line marching, gym- olution, it was stated, will increase the differences of the organisation the apparatus, mass games «f all <with the German Minister of Educaaorts and swimming. He hat passed tion Becker, who is opposed to this Tall «# tbe required tests given by thfe policy, and may *teo te*d finally to ' Sam Render, former Central Red Cross in swimming arid is n o * a breach in. the tennis captain, is picked to xnii ^ honors in the meris section of the jqualifiea to teach Swimming and to Miller Park Tourney: Bender 1B playt pass others in the Red Cross ^xams. PALESTINE GOVERNMENT ing heads up tennis these days and JHe will be hoxoe soon foe a vacation TO GIVE HEBBEW BCHOOLS ;befoje resumiag his studies in the only a rattling good man wilt polith . £20,««0 THIS YEAR .. •• him off. Sam k now in the cemf- lall. finals of the Meet. . -••* , Jerusalem <J. T. A.)—A 100 per t Dave Bleicher, former Ceatral High The Bnai Israel team of the Jewish -and J. C C« atWete, 4a eow making cent increase in the allotment of the Community .Center LeagoeT lost:,the Ids home in'Pliitt, MkMgah. ' Dave Palestine Government for the mainLeague leadership and the pennant to %rites that he would 19ce tb near frm» tenance of tne Hebrew School sysUm the fast flying Psi Mu squad Sanday 'any and all of his old pals and they in Palestine was announced today. It was learned that the Governafternoon in an eleven inning hattle. *re many. His address is Dave Rosenberg of the Bsaji Israel team Bleicher, 41 Stone Street, Flint, Mich. ment's contribution towards the Hebrew School system this year will poled cut twot home runs in an effort: ' to keep his team in the front but bis •PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS ataount to £20,000.
By Stanley F. Levin. Mr. Ben Telpner who has visiting for the past three weeks with relatives in Winnipeg, < Canada, t « - ' Bam Yousem who had been the turned home Tuesday evening. He popular favorite to win the Highland was accompanied back by his ;nephew, Country Club Golf Tournament, withManuel Steiman, whojwili visit here drew from competition ostensibly bejEor a few weeks-at the home .of Mr"cause of a sore hand. However, those who claim to know say that the jstar «rod Mrs.- Joseph, Rosen,/ ^ Mrs>. withdrew in-order to make the fight r and M|;B,, Abe^^gjoyite the title more interesting anil mained in Winnipeg and.^WJU ;not'jce4 .Present indications point to: turn home- until the-end-of the sum-, Seaman Kay and "Toots" Yousem as Ackerman, Lucille Goldenberg, Esther ENGAGEMENTS mer. . _. . „ . . . . _ - . . _ • ; ! probable finalists. .. : Steinberg and Toby cSteinberg. Mrs. K. Laear -announces the en,£pun$& Bluffs Chapter N^r-7? A*. Z. :• Ev«lyn Adler who had teen favored The Junior Hadassab entertained gagement o|, her daughter, Sadye A., wiU^hold a special ; meeting next to cop the Mitter Park Tennis journey Betty.,, to M t Alfred, Glass of Cleve- members arid their friends at a Tuesday evening ^to complete plans nonors; forfeited her mat«A in^the land/ Ohio: Miss Lazar has been visit- ming party and picnic supper at Ijeony ^or the Triangalar Picnic and .Tourna- semi-finals to a dark horse^ Miss ing relatives in Cleveland for the past Park on Thursday, July.28; at 6:00 ment which-will be held August 14th. Adler had been picked by the local two months. sport writers to meet Miss 'Audrey Instead of holding regular meetings MINISTER EEBUKJEO Bartholomew (Tech High girls eham, . . .TL Tatle ana daughter, Ger- during the summer months the orA JEWJSH pion) in the finals but Miss Adler's r FOB 4f .returned hoine Monday frbm a ganization plans an affair, for each OFFICIAL W i m DISLOYALTY 4fud$, forfeiture of her match sent the dope Wo'weeks'visit in St. Joseph, jrhere month and in this way. the activities bucket sky high. Miss Bartholomew they visited with Jtfrs. Tatle's daught- <of theilub are continued through the Berlin^J. >T. A.)'-<-A "Jewish issue" to er," Mrs,'. J/yt. "Leibotrite" and!'-:Mr. entire summer. The swimming party ^occupied *he attention ^ of-the leaders defeated M»*s Adler's conquorer : win tSe title. faibowitz. Miss Tatle also visited in and picnic supper is the offering, of of tabe German Republic, during the the July committee headed by. Miss sessions of the Reich»rat.;v • < Sammy .Kaufman finally broke into Tobie Steinberg. The Misses Lillian -"Mrs."Harry A. Wolf, aridJon,. Justin, Miller, Ida Turner and Bessie Kirsh- 'At one of the sessions of the Eeichs- the, Western. League after dallying last week Herr KeudelL M i i i i around all season. Sammy, played the ia& spending ihe remainder of the enbraun assisted Miss Steinberg, . «f the Jnteriorj attackedI Dr. first £ame of a double. header the summer in Atlantic' City. ' . ' . - . ;:= •; , A t this affair the.hand, painted pilBadt, d -w^llJaioaTi llJ German ..Jewish «ther. day holding down the short rG and MrsT"Milton Gasper are low and table runner whkh were raf- .leader, who holds the", position ', «j>f. stop position.; His work was nothing feavingTSunday forOHahema City and :fled by the Junior Hadassah recently Ministerial Director,, and- is- by reason, sensational, in fact we have seen him' be presented to the winner, „Miss fchickasha, Oklahoma to visit^ with his oSice «^^^ member; pf the Beichs-| Evelyn: Kaiman.,The.articles were He charged that the proceedings friends and relatives. Enroute they stop a t Wichita, Kansas, for a few •• painted by- MISB Rose Rosenstein, Miss -jthe Beichsrat a r e . ol-grave injftf-lfiritit trith;friends.: They <se-j Ida Cahn, Ann Freeman,., and^Lfllian; portance to the German Republic and, pert t a return the latter part of Aug- -Keiser .were Jnr.charge of t h e raffle; that their, secrecy is'imperative., Dri $50.00 for the: 3adi, i e sharped, would violateZfi which netted «o lZfi Sixteenth corphan fund. s€creey.i>i-the ^proceedings. Miss-jEsther Marcus who has spent •. At-v yasteniay's', ^meeting , of the. past six weeks in Chicago visiting jaeichsrat, H«rr^^ Braun,. Prime/Min!^ sdih relatives has returned home. ster of jbi Prussian ^pverhinenti^took; i ..-. . - ' . <._i''- '• •• - - - . • : ; :. Mrs. Julius Katelman and daughter vigorous exception to these charges. i Hiss Fannie Wolf entertained 25 ^ left Saturday' night for Ex- Tha £rinie Jtffii&ter guaranteed .the bridge-luneheon. at - her celsior Springs,' Missouri, stopping jinpst^complete loyalty of Ht'. Bait. • . Sunday honoring route in Leavenworth,, Kansas where lie joskin, whose marriage to Mr. they visited Mrs. Katelman's daughter, Abe1 Kahn. will take place Sunday, Mrs. Abe Bear, and Mr. Bear. FROM ZIONIST August 14. The Mesdames G. Colton r 'Kahn were joint hostesses at Mrs* Frank Walton of Plattsmonth Jerusalem JJ. Ti lL)^4S.. p a luncheon for fifty guests a t the Nebr., who has beeh spending'jtHe past , former mayor of Tel^viv,'mettFfiatenelle Grill; Room last Wednes- thee_months_in Pprtlaridi Oregan,jiriC."Zionist; Executive in; Jei*day complimentary to Miss Soskin. rived here last week to visit her-par- sajem.'has submitted b i d nis i ikdb "fiiss Rose Soskfii," sister of the bride, ents, Mr. and Mrs." E. Gilhisky, l o t a from his position iri a cable addressed mSH Jae-iiosteas At a hridge party. Son- few days prior to returning to ^ to Dz. Weianann today. * . .' day afternoon. Numerous other af- home. She was accompanied here by , v Kfr. Pize6go5 entered the Zionist ; fairs are lieing planned'honoring Miss jher brother^ Mr: Ben Gflfhsky aiid his Jecently,, toj tkke chargeV«£ ;so'n;,.'^iazrf. of Pprtlahd. ; Mr. GSlinsky ;^e^ Depaittoent of Soskin. :• ; j ^ 5 expects to return home, next ^ n, anS p pirtdcttlariy i y tif promote p tile Mr. and'-:'iMrsy;I. Chapman an- while- his, son, .will.jemain here for the tion, i | i i injmigtanounce the birth of twin sons, born remainder • of- the summer with -his ^xciterests of 'the ~mi|dleHciass at the Omaha grandparents. . Saturday,": July " Maternity Hospital. PAUL DAVWSOH T. t Mrs* T. H.: Ullery;, Miss Margaret ,- Mrs. Henry Maduff- and young son, GERMAN FILM MAGNATE, Ullery and Miss Gertrude Harris Lrvin, left last week for Excelsion • r : DEES IN BERLIN Springs, Mb., to Ibe gone about three -leave- July 3 for Dallas, -where Miss w e e k s . " " - • • • • • - ' • •;: . . . , - : : ' " .•• ' Harris twill visit relatives. Mrs. Ullery Serlin (J. T. A^)--Pa«l Davidsoha, summer^fasMons-—at tegsec^i&8»6f cosf and daughter-v will go on to Pass Mr. and Mr&s Harry Cohefr"and general ^director and one of the- fonnq^prices, tb effect immediate clearance. Missy to be guests at t children, accompanied by Miss Ethel « r s « f UFA, died here yastarday. £fae home jd. .Mr. .and Mrs. Isaac Cohen,-~left Monday for Lake Okobo- "pioncei" of t h e Gemian Him Heller of New.Orleans, jii, Iowa, to lie gone for two weeks. •was 66 years tad,- -~ Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Kendis and daughter Evelyn of Sedalia, Mo., are visiting at the home of Mrs. L Pearlman. The Kendis' motored here Mon. day from Minnesota:where they have been visiting for the past three
• ' ! . - - <
Our Annual
, • • . . . -
of-the Hf^
Jbf Better Summer})
• • . - ' •
Two UnparalMed
The Ladies Free Loan Sodetyrwill hold their next regular meeting1 Wednesday, August 3, at the Jewisk Community penter. A n members are urged to attend. " • A
; fcT.j - I .
The Misses Reya and entertained ihe members' of the KoZees at theit home, Sunday, July: 24. Bridge prizes "were won by the Misses SsttEe^Tatefman, Ann Hahm and'Xfllian Miller. The next meeting will be a t the^ home of Miss Rose Sacks. Plans Were also made for a swimming party to be held at Krug park, Sunday, July 31.
MONTH Mim !1
Mapy beautiful s^rhig «id-ttiMBa«r mtts o at ridietiloTisly;loir piic«ri -H " .t;,^-
'We/-Moderns, a newly organized club, held a hike at Spook's Cluub onv Sunday, July 24.
modern business on a
Misa' Ethel Ackerman wilf entertam at a iteakfast bridge party at her home . Saturday__^mqrning _at .nine, o'clock, i when sixteen members irf the •chool set will be her guests. Miss Betty Steinberg will be hostess . Saturday at a one. o'clock luncheon attbe-Fontenelle Hotel honoring Miss , NormsiiFeltjnstein of St. Joseph who is the ^uest y>|Jjer aunt,. Mrs. Dave BosejgVand' Mr. Rosen. Miss Steinbergs'guests will include the Misses Sylvia' Zevens of Kansas-City, guest of "Mr. and Mrs. S. pPreidman of Co. Bluffa,'»Maxine Levy of Minneapolis, guest'of Miss Charlotte Heyn, Ruth \ Tay, Tay, T T*«! ! BfftpBjMgtt, B f f p j , Rntii Kohn.. Ivelyn-Adler, Charlotte Hcyn, Ethell
profitable bask meat , grocers, druggists, fiotiftt*/ proprietors of delicatessen shops,hotel and restaurant owners need. no longer have a rdrigcratl^i*
Mr. • and Mn. Hairy Eamr left Saturday evening for a three week* visit to Colorado.
Mr..'*pd Mrs. Sam Wolf Teft Sunday for a month visii in CaTifcrnia. ^
Misa "Ruth Ziev entertained a t a bridge'.party at her home Monday afternoon.
Betty ^ ^ ; hosteskiat a one" o'clock luncheon at' the Fqbtenelle Hotel Saturday, honking M^s Norma'-Feltinst*$ir, ©I. St; -„ JosephVw ho is the guest of her aunt Mrs. Save Rosen and Mr. .-Rosen. -
Tife $16.00 group indices 100 beatiilfQl y g^g ette dresses that ean ^e vrapx dttridg the fall season.
Phone i ..
and we will-be 4 glad to have.a man. call t and c:;p!ain
Hundreds of pairs of advance Autumn s&ies have jtist b«en received and added to tKe group, ai^-
. Frigidaire stops spoilage—it . enables the merchant to buy,^ jTider selection pf^ perishables, and to benefit by quantity prices. It saves time and labor. Let us show yon how easy it is for yojx to have Frigidairc i d
Because of the auge assortment it is possible for every woa»» -to secure her favorite
> - _ . . - • • • • - .
Bei Light wad Dark Griy Kid S3b*s Wonde £* Parchment Nudeskins Patent Letttbcrs Ssti'm Sttvtattt Shades • Hcductions are tremeB^ius. Extra salespeople. T&e advantage of Gctdsteftt-ClaiplnaB charca accountsi are at youF tr&avenience. • Jtahl Hoof
•» f
; . , " : - > ^
: ,
\ ' If AGE "4—THE JEWISH PRESS, THUESDAY, JULY 2S, 1927 who is not so sure of himself and be- noon; 2:27; 4:57; 7:47; and the last PASSENGER deserted. "Bull" crouched behind nil littles so that the crowd will convince show at 10:17. On Sunday, "Beau .*. .THROWN OVER BOARD corner. He hoped he would not have to shoot him that what he did was a great' Geste" will be' shown lit\i-SO;"2:57; BECAUSE HE IS A JEW At his low-voiced, brusque command, thing. : 5:27; 7:47; and 10:17. During the things went wrong. The woman, beBy GEORGE JOEL A most casual glance down the list week days at 1:47. 4:17; .7:47; and gan to run. "Bull" meant to have that Berlin (J. T. A.)—Meyer Berkoof history's heroes, conquerers or even 10:47. diamond. He hit hard with his fist witsch, a Jewish passenger on the a reading of the athletic record books and the doctor whose, house he had Jewish Youth Dies: won the mixed doubles cup and was Tilsit-Memel waterway, was thrown •will bring to light \ery few men who meant to rob went down, striking tola Saving Girls' Life romer-up in the girls' tournament MILITARY ADMINISTRATION into the water by another passenger shrunk away from self adulation. The head against the brick corner. At the EXPENDITURES DECREASED Berkowitsch, who was a native of J. Montague Lamport Tost his life She placed highly in the Central By CLADE EVANS same moment) the other physician, a man whe really thinks that he is of IN PALESTINE Neustadt, was drowned. He was 25 young man, swung on "Bull." The so that four young girfs could live. Park tournament'for 1925 and 1926. ordinary clay usually doec ordinary years old. gun in the.hitter's hand spoke once. On Sunday morning, July; 16th, Lam- Miss-Wishik has not entered in the things and the world soon learris to . . ^ Fage & Co.) London (J. T. A-bKThe expendi After one glance. "Bull" turned and port, who is but .twenty-four" years regular Metropolitan Tournaments The culprit, who was arrested, believe him. yet but we expect to near from her tare jof the" British government on the could give no other reason for his BOMHthe , dark bed chamber ran swiftly after the fleeing woman. old, was out walking at Bell Harbor, She crouched some distance away, L. I, when his attention was attracted before many seasons have passed. whei»>"Bnll'>. J^^ckeodecki stood military administratioirof Iraq and act than the fact that the passenger • concealed, an open door revealed too frightened to scream. As "Bull" by the screaming of four young girls Palestine was considerably decreased, was a Jew. AT THE KIVIERA Speaking of women tennis players, ••i i ilamplit"table over which a man lunged toward her she uttered the first struggling in the water off the harbor. The years greatest theatrical event the British Government declared in we cannot overlook Helen Jacobs, who bent writing; beyond him a ! suggestion sound, a thin wall, and crumpled upon He jumped into the surf and. in three is making her first appearance in the will occur in Omaha starting Satur- its Middle Eastern estimates sub- 180 JEWISH oi book-fllled shelves and a bay 'win- the pavement dow open upon a quiet eftrtet In the Instantly- his fingers found her trips brought three of the girls" safely East;since 1925. When she was last day, July 30th. The Riviera Theatre mitted to the House of Commons. COUNCILLORS ELECTED IN This expenditure was decreased by s e v e n t i e s ; '.•: > ' - « • / ' , • ' • ' . . . • ; i throat, encircling It; there was no to the shore. As he drew the fourth here she was a comer but now she offers as its attraction for this week POLISH DISTRICT The man,was handsome, with a look necklace there. girl to him she struggled in terror and has arrived, and how! In the Maid- Paramount's famous photoplay, "Beau £936,500 and now amounts to £2,•at fastidious asceticism,, had graying Perhaps she had concealed it; per- choked young Lamport. He neverthe51Sj©Q0. Palestine's share in this exWarsaw (J. T. A.)—One hundred feair, a small dark moustache, and haps dropped it In flight He must be less continued swimming toward the stone. Club Tournament she won her Geste," and what makes the engage^ penditure. amounts to £166,600. opening round by beating Katherine ment most outstanding is the fact gtrong, weU-cared-for jiaqda. In the Quick, for there had been a shot. He eighty Jewish councillors were e l d The government, in this paper, 4rtrde of lamplight, near him lay a thrust one hand Into her breast, turned shore. Those on shore saw tb,at he Porter 6.0, 6-0. Miss Porter was that it is being presented at the in the municipal elections which took black case such as physicians carry. out the silk bag she carried, searched was weakening: and hastened to the former indoor cnampion and ranks Riviera in conjunction vritlra big stage further reviews the economic condi- place this, week in the district of ...s On and on went the pen,'making the madly wherever he thought the dia- rescue but it was too-late. .He. gave number twenty in the United States. show at. no advance in price. "Beau tion of the country and states that Wolyn. only sound in the house, for "Bull" mond might be, to no avail. Then, the girl a final push toward the beach To beat such an opponent 6-0, 6-0 Geste" along throughout the country steps bave been taken to improve the In several towns the Jewish populaBeckendeck/ standing behind the-long crouching as he ran, he swung bis and she was rescued. Lamport did marks^ our Helen as in the "money". was shown at $2.50 si seat.-'It i s ; a marketing of citrons and other fruits tion elected a greater number of , <Irapery ot a window'at the farther flashlight back over the' sidewalk be- not have strength to fight the strong • Fourteen government forest mtrser. ^n,d of .the chamber, was po still "that tween her body and the corner. Sud- undertow and he was'drawn but to Spead/and more speed was the motif screen adaption from'-Major "Percivfti ies, including over a million trees, are councillors than the Polish,, Russian of her-play against Miss Porter. The Wren's story by the, same narheyand and Ukrainian groups. In cities like even'his .breathing would have been denly the shrilling of a whistle cut the help could gallery^ showed its approvs! of Miss in the cast are Ronald- Coiman, Neil functioning. Inaudible a foot awayv silence.. No more time for ..searching; sea arid drowned before Rownq, Dubnq, Kowel, Luck and : The -estimates also mention the • " ..; Suddenly, on some-far-off stairs, a the. alarm was out The thing had reach him. Jacobs' playing -in-audible comments Hamilton, Ralph Forbes* Alice-Jejiee, Kremienec,.the population^ is pre: law-jtoned clock struck one..-The,:phy- turned out more seriously than he "had Lamport was graduated, from Brown of "ahs and oh's".' Julius Seligson won Mary Brian, Noah Beery,'Norman tiiunicipai elections recently held in dominantly Jewish. :. sician lald.down Ills pen to look at his expected. "Bull" sped to his home. University in 1924: While at college his way into the third round of the Trevor, William Powell, Victor Mc- Palestine, the reorganization of the watch. As he did s o , a buzzer on his As he ran up the three nights of he^was active in Jewish'•; communal as National Clay Court Championship at Laglan, Donald Stuartj ' Maurice defefcse^orce and the four and a half taijie souhdedl WJth a start be arose, stairs he tore off coat and collar. He well as collegiate athletic/circles. He Detroit William Tilden is in the Murphy, Philippe De Larcey, Mickey million pound loan which is to be ; crossedTt^erropm", and went Into the would go to'bed. If they searched his" floated by the Palestine government : upper hall. There was the snap of a place—they would find him appai>, was a member of the Brown swim- tournament which means that Selig- McBan and over two thousand others. with the guarantee of the Exchequer. UghV switch. "Bull" Beckendeck felt ently sleeping; and they could find ming team, having earned his letter son has about as much chance to win The picture'contains all the elements for the Eat in his pocket, but remained nothing to connect him with the crime. in that sport. He was well thought it as Harry Wills has of coming back." of good entertainment. There is - B otherwise motionless, But as he flung open a dimly lit attic of on the college campus and had mystery angle, love, adventure, and MOND HEALS BRITISH Jewish Salesman to solicit I Presently Tie heard returning foot- chamber, the odor of drugs smote his many friends ,who. are sincerely Modesty many thrills. monument business among INDUSTRIAL GROUP steps, and a woman's voice. As she nostrils. Annie's face, strangely pale By Athletes On the stage during this week the came into the study beyond the open and lovely against the pillow, turned shocked at his sudden Heath.' He is a Jewish people of Omaha. nephew of Samuel C. Lamport of New Anybody can bela good.loser. All Riviera presents the New Idea IPubli* door she was saying: Leatidon (J. T. A.) — Sir Alfred toward him. Beside her lay a roll, a York. one has to do is say the other fellow State Show, "Knick-Knacks" with Al Mond was elected president of the Apply John J. Hall M&moiv i . "I saw jrour light as I was going blanket about a tiny form. • home from the theater. I knew you The athletic spirit is not all bad. was better and let i t go. at that But Evans and the Riviera-Jazzf Jesters'hi He went toward the bed, suddenly ial Art Co., 400 £ ' 1 . . and deratibn of ^Chemical Manufacturwere, np. Hal, you must give me some- trembling. He couM not speak; he To think of a young man who had winning is harder. ~ If "one is modest conjunction with jazzical steps, musi- ers Jiere. T. Bldg., Sioux City, Iowa. thing; Just a little. My nerves are could only stare and stare. everything to live.for and yet would and underrates himself, the crowd cal harmonies, and a bevy of beautiful ragged." '.'_.' "Hon," she whispered, "It's all over. • The woman and the physician sat It's a boy. The lady what came with risk his life not once, but four times, will spend its time telling the winner girls. Among the acts that are featPAXTON-MTTCHELL CO. down beside the table, gazing at each the doctor—she was so good to me, is to believe that there is still more in how good he is. Nobody that wins an ured in this stage show are Woods HA rney 188S other in a queer, understanding si- Hon. She—she give our baby—this, this world more than a gross material- event really thinks he's so terrible. Miller, "That Mellow Baritone," Lpr- tTth and Martha 8ta. Omaha. Nebr. lence." ""Bull's" curious eyes saw that for a start in life!" istic, happiness. Perhaps the young The fear that people will say he is aine Tumler> "Songs Your Sweetheart SOSKIN and KOZBEUG Soft gray. Iron,' brass, bronze and she was beautiful. She expressed the She opened her palm before him, man's parents can be consoled a little bragging keeps him from' telling the Sang," Novelle Bros., "Rubber-Ball ihnntunm castings. Standard sizes 1552 No. 20 St.—WEebstet 0267 tragedy, of aging beauty. The lamp- and the gas light glittered in a won- with the thought that they brought truth. The result is that, modest hronre and Iron bushings, sewer manFresh Meats — Delicatessens light seemed to shimmer on .her white drous pear-shaped diamond as big -as into this world a son who, when the winners become a nuisance and no- Violinists," Adelee Kellogg and. Flo doles, cistern rings and covers, and Lewis, •'Campus Capers," Walter -lean-out loors In stock. flesh, and to glint on her [heavy, a man's thumb nail. . • • moment came, was willing to give up body believes them. Take the example Fresh Pish Handled Daily : Vernon,/'Just For A Laugh," Spicy reddish hair. But what glinted more of Charles Levine who flew to Ger- Syncopated, steppers, "Joyous Maids his life so that others might live. We Deliver to all Parts of the (Sty and caught every color was a gorgeous many. When he arrived be said, of Dance," also Alice Lognova, "Prem- j pear-shaped diamond that^ hung in the Did Exquisite Work Julian "Wishik — * > hollow of her throat; as big as a man's "Lindbergh had all the luck but we ier Danseuse." in Brass and Copper Tennis Comer nail and shooting sparks as her Breathbeat him just the same." The world It wasn't simply by accident that In-order to enjoy "Beau Geste" The hope of the, .Jews to have a seems to be against, that Levine Ing rocked It.' ' :--r the homes of our grandmothers and thoroughly the management requests "Bull's" eyes glued themselves, upon tennis star; lies:inI its youthful per- should make such a statement There the'jewel.It was more worth haying greatgrandmothers were adorned with formers. There is not one ranking that patrons see the picture from the - 36 Tear* of Honest Merchandise la at yoUT Gnarantee, of a 8qnar« Deal. than all the junk lie might pick up In beautiful brass and copper door- tennis player -in the country- that is is a quality called honesty and most start. The entire performance will be ; ; •knockers, candlesticks, vases, wall: modest winners are lisfrs. Levine had the doctor's house. ' ;% Est 1890 Jewish and over twenty years old. In risked his life to achieve a voyage over in two and one-half hours. "Beau 1419 Douglas As' his: capable brain w^s, turning scones and andirons . which were , so 1 there are more thrilling, than that of Lindbergh. Geste" will start on Saturday,,, at over swift plans, a telephone, rang. much In keeping with /the dignified the junior and boys * ranks ; The physician reached across tfie';'tai- simplicity and beauty of American many and to that .lis;t we are taking What the actual facts are is not im5400 Center Street ble1 for the instrument. The low words homes of the Colonial, period'and sev- the privilege of adding:_the name- of portant He believed" that his trick was The Best Place to Buy he spoke^" were not Intelligible to eral generations afterward. Julian Wishik. Phone Walnut 5936 the best and he said so and why The metal crafts were then in Your Victor Orthophonie or "Bull" but when he replaced th'e° reJulian Wishik is a .boy. of fifteen. snouldn't he. Is there any man sc vogue in America. The Pilgrim ceiver, her Bald-to the ~woinan: Radio Fathers bad brought with them from "I've got to go 'out, Margaret. A England the spirit and skill of the old He' has' been playing- tennis• since he insane, so vacant of fueling, that he —Sw n» first— was old enough to hold'a racket in does things well and then honestly beyoung colleague of mine hag. a difficult guild workers whose conceptions in SOL LEWIS Dancing % maternity "case—a charity-.; caBe; the braes, copper " and silver crafts his hand. He attends • the Flushing rates the things and himself ? Of O729 1804 No. 24 S t couldn't get the- woman to a hospital had made their products famous in High School on Long Island and is course "not The modest man is one WE bster 2042 in time:".'He wants m'y fiavlce." the mother country and on the con- the best man on the team having won The woman: made a hopeless ges-' tinent. Articles of beauty and utility his letter in 1926" and 1927. During ture,' gathering up her wrap as she wrought in metals were seen not only the nine matches^ played by. Flushing rose. . ,. In the homes* of Miles Standish and With an Impulse of t«na<jrness,-fiie Governor Bradford, but In the hum- this year, Wishik won all his matches. In 1925, this boy, who was-then doctor drew her to Wm and gently blest households of early New Engthirteen, won the Municipal City Accident and Health Engine Breakage Jewelry. All Risks Registered Mall kissed her forehead. ' gland. From there their vqgxte spread Assault • Explosion (General) Landlords' Liability Rental Value Tournament of- New York City and "Be brave, dear. The fight Is hard, to other parts of the country. Automobile Fire 'Express Shipments Larceny and Tbelt Salesmen's Samples Automobile LiabilityFidelity Bonds Leasehold Sprinkler Leakage I know." played on the doubles team that was Bank Deposit Fire and Tornado Liability (General) Strike and Riot But gradually after the Colonial ''It's an so doll, BO taae, BO endless. Boiler Explosion . Flywheel Lire Supply Bond period came a slump In metal crafts the runner-up. He won the same Burglaryv (Residence) Freight Charges Surgeons' Liability Live Stock I can't stand It" •tournament in 1926. At the Kissena Burglary (Store, etc.) Furs. All Risks Teams' Liability In America. Golonlal craftsmen died, Merchandise in Transit The doctor lifted her "face to look Burglary ot Sate " ' • -Golfers' Equipment Theatre Liability Motor Boatand succeeding generations did not Park Tournament in 1926 he won the Check Raising Gouers" Liability Theatrical Transport** Motorcycle (all forms) Into ber eyes. Civil Commotion 'Group Insurance - tlon develop skilled workers In these boys' tournament and Tvas runner-up Musical Instruments. conaequentlal Damage "You 'don't know what • you;can crafts. By the time of the Civil wai Partnership Life Insur- Title Insurance Contingent Liability Tourist Floater Hold up, (Messenger) one stand, dear girl! The trouble Is" you they were an all-but-forgotten chap- in the men's division. He recently Contractors'-Bonda XJse and Occupancy " (Paymaster) Physicians' Defense Dearista' Liability haven't stood enough—not what wom- ter in the history of home adornment reached" the semi-final round of the Water D&mage (Personal) Plate Glass Breakage Druggists' Liability .Workmen's CompensaProfit Insurance Household Goods in en" do stand every day. •Don't you In this country. The exquisite crafts* Montclair Tournament for boys and Elevator Liability tion Rain Insurance Transit want to come'with me tonight and Bee manshlp of the earlier days was re- finished on top in the annual Men's Office: lot "y6urselt It might help you; and called only In the objects of their Single tournament held at the SunTelephone you might help—well, a slqter— taste and creative genius which sur- rise Tennis Club.. In tliis tournament 824 World-Herald Bldg. AT lantic 3180 r The woman laughed; then, >with a vived here and there, treasured both he played /through five rounds and thoughtful look, asked: "Where Is it?" for their beauty and for the sentibeat a Mr. Tuppin, a man twice the 1 He; gave her a street and number ment attached to them. boy's age, in straight sets. suggestive of sordidnesft- and the swarming children that play in the Julian looks his age. He is slightly Thunder Always on Job •itj's" streets. ."Bull". Beckehdeck's built, weighing not over one hundred A thousand thunderstorms are alwatching -eyes grew glassy as he heard pounds, and is about five, feet three the address. He recognized the tene- ways in progress around the earth's ment as his own abode. Annie—but it surface, said Doctor Appleton recent- inches in height. His weig&f; and height belie the pace he puts on his was ,not, Annie's time! He had left ly at the Boyal institution. • • BALANCE THIS WEES Annie abruptly after supper that- eve-: Some doubt has been expressed as shots. He is form' perfect and has" to whether atmospheric discbarges of nlng; she was not feeling well, and her one of the most consistent forehand appearance had offended his fastidious electricity due to thunderstorms could drives we have ever seen. Backhand taste. Tet he had bis own kind of really be the cause of all the stray cur- he is steady and uses enough speed to rents which Interfere so much with keep his opponent: from killing; his tenderness for her. . \ wireless, but with a continual thunder•| The doctor pick up hf» case.' The storm in various parts of the earth, shots. There are two weaknesses ] in woman, with,.a weary smile nodded. Doctor Appleton argues that such Is the boy's game, but-time will remedy ^Together the. two crossed the room. them. Because of his shortness- he the, case, says .London^Tit-Bits. i VBulT waited until ne beard,a door 1' 1 1 ii «i>'*<ti»i'i» 1 mi 1 1 1 <i 1 • Atmospheric discharges last only a stays pretty close to the backline and close below stairs. Then-swiftly,' by. thousandth of a second, but are often goes down to the net only when he means of the fire escape-behind him, en thousand times' as powerful as a is forced to. This has kept him from lie ^descended to an alley. The wireless signal. developing net play .but he merely doctor's house could wait for another •waits until he grows a few inches in night He would follow that diamond, Origin of'Fippeny height. The other fault we ' find is tha^big, glittering, fortune. 'A "fippenny bit" (5-penny bit) was in. his .habit of using/too much prelimt In a wandering, nocturnal taxi he trailed the pair. He watched from really the 12%-cent unit derived from inary swing on his shots. This, gives afar as they entered a,familiar tene- the old Spanish real or one-eighth of his opponent time to get back in podollar, long used for computation ment- - l*ft to himself, to wait In the sition before Wishniki hits the ball. darkneBS of. a side street, bis thoughts and pricing in New Orleans, California As time goes on the boy will get and most seacoast towns, says the De•wefe divided- between the diamond and stronger and faster and his swing —Annie. . 4 . Of cotjrse, there troit News. The United States never will quicken correspondingly. Both had a 12^-cent coin of Its own, but to were other women In the house. his day a quarter, or 25-cent piece, is these faults are good ones to have '. . ,• .He nad no fine sense of*gratlbecause they are endured f 01 «the sake tudev nor much imagination; only sin- commonly spoken of as "two bits." The name "flppenny bit," or 5-penny of form. There has never bfen ; 'gle-ttack-iirinA'-for business. which bit, obviously was derived from a ref- truly great tennis-player who 'could •would bave iatfde him a great success to the British and American bad 'lite path.' lain In high finance. He' erence colonial penny^ which was worth a last without form and-we think that meant to possess that diamond. fraction more than 2 cents of our Julian Wisnnik, if he keeps up his I j t was nearly dawn, but 'still fayor- money. tennis, will be a great player .some ably-$dark; when the doctor and his d a y . \ . .•'.••• .' '-••.•'-.•, . - . . . ' . i . companion came -out 0$ the door, ' Julian Wishnik is not the onjy one Wire Reinforces Brick Wall in his family who plays tennis, He "Bull" was watching. They were followed by another man carrying a docTo prevent brick houses from tor'sVcase? The three came toward the "cracking" and to give buildings add- has a sister Sarah who; also is worthy waiting thug. ed solidity, a new system of reinforc- of favorable comment* Miss Wishik I This second man unlocked, for, ing has. been introduced. This con- is seventeen and recently was grad«Bnli?* bad'not caught the fnll meanr, sists, of laying a wire between every uated from Flushing High- School. ingTot the physiclanls telephone con- second layer of bricks, says Popular She too played on the tennis team, versation. Two men^there might be Science Monthly. As each layer Is the girls' of course, and won her 15th and Howard AT 1492 " • b o o W *JB°"" ? w l f t ! y e^^'ied his completed, wire is stretched along the letter in that sport. At Kessina Park top, .and on this is spread the mortar can ;'TheojLM listened, instantly for ithetisteps. ,Tae streets,were sUent, or the next row. .. in 1926 with her brother Julian she
Jewish Sport Notes
• - • * : . .
- ' < • - ! • • « f r .
BRODKEY JEWELRY CO. Famous for Diamonds
You are welcome
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"Famous for , Chicken Sandwiches"
At Prkes That You Can't Help
Lot of Fancy Patterns . At Straw Hat Prices
Lot* of Hot Weather Yet and Awnings WUlLmsPfor Several Years
Phone Atlantic 1492; Our Salesman Will Call and Show ,_ Prices. No Obligation to Buy.
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Scott-Omaha Tent & Awning Co.
I .