August 4, 1927

Page 1


By A.G.

Jerome Heyn, who'plays SearnW' Kulakofsky in the semi-finals of * "* "Highland club' golf tourney, he's playing the entire KulakofsiS". „ family. . Last week Heyn defeated - r : Abe Brodkey, but it seems, there's £ Kulakofsky bobbing up in his path. Marvin Treller is paired against • ' Phil Yousem in the other semi-finals match.

us secondrdass mail -matter „„ at Omaha,. Nebraska, under.the

Conference on Jewish

Members of the "Hai Resh fraternity are holding daily meetings in a-room at Wise Memorial hospital, where Sam Wertheimer jr. is recovering from an operation.

by Stephen $,Wise

Justin Wolf, who is spending the Leader of the-Free Synagogue summer with his mother at Atlantic Replies to jhe\ Criticism of City, is making quite an extensive, the Alliance Israelite study of the eask Justin plans to Universelle enter Harvard university a. year from fnis coming semester. He now HIS STATEMENT EVOKES attends Central high school. UNIVERSAL COMMENT Ed Burdick, head physical director at the Jewish Community Center, was surprised recently by . several women who honered him at a swimming .-party at Carter Lake. Mrs. F. V. Stafford and Mrs.- G. E. Thompson had charge of the affair. Burdick was presented with a wrist watch as a token for his services while a t the

27th, 1921, at Act of March 3, 1879.


353,000 JEWS NOW LIVING IN 609 UKRAINLAN-^ILLAGES ' Kief (J. T. A.)-r353,000 J^ws are now living in the villages of Ukraine, according to the results of the last census made public by the Ukrainian Central Statistical Bureati. The census, which was taken last winter, points out that in the year 1923 the number was 328,000. In the four years the Jewish population increased 7.6 percent, whereas the nonJewish population increased during the same period only 4.6 percent. Of 618 villages in the district of Ukraine, only nine contain no Jewish residents.

Paris.—Dr. 'Stephen', S. Wise, the President of the. American Jewish Congress, who is nom in - Paris, has made a statement-to the Jewish' Tele-, graphic - Agency- here replying to the criticism levelled ^against the, project ed Conference on Jewish Rights by Mr. Berl, editor :ojV'P'aiv /et.T>roit," the organ o f t h e Alliance Israelite American Leader Heads Delegation Center.. " '•» . "• ; - ' • • Lniyerselle.. . ,-' \ From This Country to International Zionist Sessions • : Dr. Wise expresses the hope that •j ' Dances will again hold the spot- the Alliance . does -not : endorse the light at the Jewish Community. Cen- views of Mr. Berl on this subject. "I Louis . Lipsky, President %f the. ter, beginning Sunday, August 21. •Jo not Iike°the~i9earcf the Alliance," Zionist Organization of- America, <)nce more-the Jewish boys and girls he stated, "which is the creation of sailed Sunday night for Basle, will frolic together. he stated, "which ;is ihe creation of Switzerland, on the S. S. Acquitania, An aririy of feminen creatures Cremieux, a d o p t s in its opposition as, head of the American delegation from St. Joseph, Mo., invaded Omaha to the Conference for Jewish Jlights, to the Fifteenth World Zionist Conduring' the past week, and from as thejanguage "of tKe enemies of Is- gress opening, there on August 30. In the absence at these international much as the" writer could ascertain, rael, and using phrase's such as "international action', 'international institusessions of the World Zionist Organthe girls, are here for a reasontion',, and 'international bureau'. ization of Mr. Lipsky. and Miss Henand it is said to be a mighty good rietta Szold, Vice-President of the '"llot as President Jot the American reason, but try and find it out. ReZionist Organization of' America, Jewish Congress, but as a Jew and an gardless- of what there is here that Morris Rothenberg, Chairman of the American, I protest against this new attracts them, Omaha Jewry, never-' National Board of Directors of the type of anti-Semitism," Dr. Wise detheless, welcomes the young, women : Keren Hayesod and member of the clared. ', . >-.'-""''' ' from the Missouri town. . "We do not need Mr. Berl and his Administrative - Committee of' the . Joe Levey, pier among the handball colleague to "instruct'us in our duty Zionist Organization of America, will players at'- the - Jewish Community^ toward our counitriesV What" is im- be the Acting President, of the organCenter^ and mid-western A_A.Ur portant at this moment is that we ization. The American delegation to ' the amplon, will.' sooir leave on his should come together and discuss in vacation. Levey announced late Wgd- a friendly manner, as citicens of our World Zionist Congress includes the ttesday that he would motor to Den- respective countries, what we can do following in addition to Mr.:Lipsky: S. ver, and" spend considerable time in to safeguard the rights of the minor- Miss Henrietta Szold, Dr. Stephen 1 ities provided in the Peace Treaties, Wise, Judge Juli?-x W. Mack, Mrs. the Rocky •Mountain metropolis. Speaking .of Joe.,a New.York hand- for which pur two countries in par- Archibald Silverman, Rabbi ' Abba ball diamp" arriyea in : Omaha and ticular, Mf.~ Berl?s~andyriy "son, ^afe Billet. Silver of Cleveland, Mrs. Irnia . Lindheim, Ju/'ge Hugo Pam of Chi, played Levey, six games. , Well, to responsible. '...'•'... cago, Mrs. Nina Adlerblum, Abraham "The aim of the .Conference is not make a long story short, the £wo Goldberg, Rabbi Max Heller, Mrs..F. to create an international organ, champs split the six games. Not bad party, or institutionyJiut only to safe- S. Ullian, Dr. S. Bernstein,' Nathan for Joe at all. - ' - - ; guard in the 'most efficacious manner D.. Kaplan, Dr. A. Coralhick, " Dr. the", rights of "the minorities'1 granted Harry Friedenwald of Baltimore, Marcus Krasne,:former Technical high School athlete and now-a student to the Jews and "the other minorities Gershon Agronsky, Charles A.' Cowen, at Hlinois university, ^arrived in by the Versailles, Peace Conference. . Rabbi JosepTi Silverman; Rabbi Max "Mr. Berl thinks that because my D. Klein,.Mrs. Richard.Gottheil, Miss Omaha' after finishing his summer American,-Jewish friends and I wish Sarah. Kitay, Bernard G. Richards, ocaching 'course at- Illinois. Krashe looks to be in of physical to consult the Jews of other countries, Jacob Fishman, Judge Gustave Hart-, we are forgetting the national inter- man, Samuel J. Rosensohn, Harry P. condition. '- • ests o^our own country. Has the Al- Fierst, Leo. Wolfson, Rabbi Barnett Well, now that the Psi Mu baseball liance' forgotten its duties towards Brickner of Cleveland, Dr. J. Tannenclub won the J,C.C. flag, there should •France by. defending the interests of baum, Bernard Shelvin, Mrs: Max Blumberg, Mrs. Harry P. Fierst, be no question as to their ability for the Jews in other countries? "The Jewish right to live as loyal Rabbi Simon Greenberg," Robert tossing the little white horsehide around the diamond. Speaking of citizens of their countries is a national Silverman, Abraham Tuiin, Dr. SaWalton Johnsons and...Gabby Hart- question", Dr. Wise continued, "but muel Boorsteiri, and Samuel 'Blitz, netts, the Psi Mu club sure had the wrongs inflcted on the Jews, that secretary of the delegation; . ' ' is a matter'of-international scope. tnem during the past season. , "How will, I 'compromise' my counORTHODOX - LEADERS Dave Chesno, assistant' physical try by meeting other Jews at a public OFFER REWARD.TO STOP director at the Center, took over the discussion as to ways and means of CEMETERY VANDALISM helm when Mr. Burdick departed for strengthening one of the instruments the' girls' camp at Nathan's lake. of peace, signed by France and Great Cologne (J. T. A.)—THe Orthodox Chesno obtained a real coat of tan Britain and' incorporated as part of Jewish community of this city has is, while vacationing with the boys at the constitution of countries such as sued an appeal to the population for the lake. Ask him yourself if you Roumania and Poland?" aid in clearing up the identity of the want to know whether the camp was vandals who desecrated the Jewish successful. He told me it couldn't cemetery here. The appeal points, out have been any better. So there you that this is the fortieth desecration have the matter in a few words. of Jewish cemeteries in Germany. The Jewish communitf has offered Ben Bercu, known in Omaha jourThe semi-finals of the Highland a reward of 1000 marks for'thV apnalistic circles as-the "boy wonder Country Club tournament will be is getting to be quite the golfer. played Sunday morning. The follow- prehension of those guilty of the outBen says he Isn't anything like ing men will play Marvin Trailer rage. An inspection of the .cemetery in Bobby Jones, in fact he declares he against Phil Yousem and Seaman showed that almost all the graves r the cemetery were destroyed.' ~•' has a different style than the great Kulakofsky against Jerome Heyn. Bobby. But be tha't as it may, young. Both of these matches are attracting Bercu insists that he can shoot <18 m u c h i n t e r e s t . ••'•• DEMAND EXCLUSION holes on any local course with at a OF JEWS FROM PRUSSIAN -.1 The result of the last week's play marlt 6f ltiL Not bad, eh what? ;' in the three flights follow: STATE OFFICES

Lows Lipsky Sails for 15th Zionist Congress at

Play Semi-final Matches IB Highland ToumameBt


Championship flight:" Jerry Heyn defeated A. H. Bradkey, 3 and 2; Seaman Kulakofsky defeated A' Mayer, 3 and 2; Marvin Treller defeated Bill Tousem. 1 up: Phil Youfsem defeated EarJ Kulakofsky. 1 up on 19 holes. President's flight: BUI Grodinsky defeated Leo Chaikin. 4 and3; Harry Malschock defeated-Ed Trelter, 1 up: Ed Kraus defeated Dr. Phil Ijevgy, 2 up: Jforris Milder defeated Dr. M : ^ Stein." 2 up. Third flight: Richard Hiller defeated B. J. Stieflw. 1 upirMahning Handler defeated lister Heyn, *2 and 1-: Morris Ftyer defeated Samuel Cohn, 8 and 6: Samuel J. Leon defeated Harry- A. Wolf, 7 j^nd 6.

Berlin (J. T. A.) — A motion demanding the exclusion of all Jews bom in Eastern Europe from state or municipal offices was introduced in the Prussian Diety by the German Jerusalem. (J. T. A.)—For the first National Party. time in the history of Palestine, a In the preliminary remarks the woman has obtsihed a diplomatic motion puts forward the argument position. v -\. that Ernst Kint, whom it names as Misk Frankel,-secretary to the well\ president of the Association of East" known Dutch banker and Zionist ern Jews, forged domicile cards. The leader Jacobus : H.> Kann, has been FORMER OMAHAN DIES IN CALIFORNIA Minister of. the Interior, replying, appointed Dutch consul in Jerusalem. stated that Kint is not a Jew. He She will fill the post of Mr; Kann, Word was, received Wednesday was born in Germany and is a Protethe Datch consul, "who has left for a evening; from -Los " Angeles of the stant. lengthy abseneeV ' death of Morris- Adelson, a former Omaha resident. • Mr. Adelson and MESOPOTAMIA^ DE&GKATE JEWISH CEREMONY family left Omaha six, months ago to GOVERNMENT INVITES JEWISH k PHYSICIANS OF PALESTINE A-. IN COLOGNE DISTRICT make their home in California. Mr. Adelson was a resident of this city Jerusalem (J. T. A.)—-Dr. Malouf, Berlin*—(J. T. A-)-^Seventy one for more than twenty-five years. He tombstones -were damaged in the Jew- is survived by his wife, ^our sons, head of the Army Medical Service of ish' cemetery *in dologne. Those re- Joe, Harry, and.Nathan of Los An- the Kingdom of Iraq, has engaged sponsible for the outrage have not geles, and Micky of New York City, here a number of Jewish physicians for service in the army. ' one daughter Rae of Los Angeles. been apprehended FHtST WOMAN tfO OBTAIN DIPLOMATIC POST IN PALESTINE

Christian Students Federation Urges Members to Counteract Anti-Semitism Geneva (J. T. A.) Mail Service. — group which to -some extent transWith the object cf encouraging cends the nation. "The logic of the one hundred per Christian students in all lands to devote themselves to the elimination of cent nationalist is the same the world anti-Semitism from the list of race over with reference to a minority hatreds, the July issue of "The Stu- group which remains unassimilable. dent World", a quarterly magazine The Jew cannot be assimilated, therefore he must be hated. published by the World's Student "The logic of any Christian morthy Christian Federation, is devoted en- of his name is: The Jew cannot be' tirely to Jewish questions and to the assimilated, therefore I must learn to subject of Jewish-Christian relations. understand him, to appreciate his , Declaring that "some of the most merits and by irresis table good will to violent and indefensible exhibitions establish a basis of mutual trust and of anti-Semitism since the war have confidence with him. Jn an atmosphere occurred among students" and that of mutual trust de%irable qualities "it is among students that the anti. tend to thrive while objectionable toxin for their venom must be found", qualities tend to disappear. : -The Student World calls on the mem- "In spite of distrust, hatred and oirs of. the Federation to counteract fear the extent to which modern race hatred. "The local groups of tie Europe is indebted to the Jews is irrefutable evidence of the vitality national Student Christian Movements and creative genius of that race. Their affiliated with the Federation .have an contribution in the last century to art enormous responsibility in this mat- and music and* the sciences has been ter", the paper writes. "In some uni- perfectly enormous and is out of all versities their position is very difficult. proportion to their number of to the Expedient neutrality is all too easy opportunities to which they have had when it will be possible for individ-j access. Hatred and contempt is a uals and groups to demonstrate a poor return for such services." better way." The paper quotes a resolution adopted at the World Conference of In presenting the aims of the Student Federation the paper declares the Protestant Missionary Council that "for centuries in the Western orging "repentence for prejudice and world there have been communities persecution." Dr. John R. Mott of where Christian and hatred for the New York City, head of the InterJew were more or less synonymous. national Missionary Council, is chairStudent Christian There has been a recrudescence of this man of the World's ; Federation. hatred since the war. Its appearance is not entirely irrational given the Among the subjects dealt with in concept of nationality which prevails the issue of The Student World are in several of the countries enlarged "Some Problems of Jewish-Christian by the Treaty of Versailles. In some Relations" by Basil Mathews; "The of these communities to be a Pres- American Jews" by Bruno Lasker; byterian means to be an object of "Are Jews Desirable Citizens?" by national distrust, since the existence Oscar Schmitz; "The Zionist Moveof Presbyterians mars the perfect ment" by Paul Goodman; "Palestine, unity which is the nation's ideal, one An Outsider's. Point of View" by S. religion, one race, ane^tSfcizfinship. In H. Semple; "The Hebrew University" that sense Jew and Presbyterian are by S. Ginzberg; "The Jewish Farm both non-conformists and pay a com- Colonies in Russia" by Anna Louise mon price for their non-conformity. Strong; two articles on anti-Semitism But the Jew suffers more particularly by J. A. C. Mackellar and Hubert because his nonconformity is so com- Pollack; "The. War Against the Jewprehensive and so stubborn. He per- ish Student" by Israel Cohen; "Some sists not only as a distinctive racial Causes of Anti-Jewish Sentiment in and religious group but also in a Eastern Europe", "Jews and the unique sense as a distinctive cultural League of Nations", by M. Kahany.

SUBSCRIFnON PRICE, A YEAR, $2.50 260 NEWSPAPERS TO BE REPRESENTED AT SCHWARTZBARD TRIAL Paris (J. T. A.)—M. Flory has been appointed president of the Schwartzbard trial, while M. Reignaud will act as public prosecutor. The trial will open on October 18. More than 100 witnesses will be called by both sides. Schwartzbard'e lawyer, M. Torres, expects the trial to last eight days. Great interest in the trial has been manifested. Over 200 newspapers, from every part of the world, have requested that seats be reserved for their correspondents.

SfC Hope Betractkm Wffl IainWithdrawal «€ afi Translations

VOL. VI.—No. 81

Pirate Movie Picture WiH be Filmed at Boys

Girls Meet at C«it«r August 8

PICTURE STRICTLY AMATEUR PRODUCTION Under the direction of Miss Marguerite Beckman of the Children's Theatre which produces playe during the winter season, an opportunity is extended to all Junior members of the Jewish, Community Center, both boys and girls, to try out for the various parts in a Pirate Mo^de to be limed before very long.' This movie is sponsored by the WorWHerald which carries a daily tttoty on the progress made <m the picture aad. .directions for the cast. This is to be a strictly amateur production and will be filmed in the various city parks, the woods north and south of the city, buildings about town and on certain private residence property which has been offered for that purpose. Members of the Jewish Community Center will be given an opportunity to sign up for pirate roleB and court scenes which will be filmed at Camp Morris Levy, Nathan's Lake. These scenes will, become part of the finished picture. A meeting of all Junior Boys and Girls will be held on Monday afternoon, August 8, at 4 o'clock, at the Jewish Community Auditorium. Miss Marguerite Beckman, director of this film, will explain her plans to all those present and •will arrange to take all those who sign up to Nathan's Lake in order to have their pictures taken. The finished picture will be shown at a down town theater at the end of the summer. Those -who have had special dancing training are in great demand. Others who desire to play minor roles, in pirate groups, village groupis, or court groups, caft still sign up. There are still i«T«n chief roles open and those who have not yet registered have a chance to compete for them. All the costumes' will be made out of crepe psper by the young actors themselves.

London.—(J. T. A.)—Tens of thousands of copies of Henry Ford's "International -Jew," which represents a compilation published in his name in the Dearborn Independent, translated into practically "every European language, will have to be withdrawn from circulation, it was estimated when the news of Henry Ford's ertraction of his anti-Semitic charges aad his promise to withdraw these publications, was received i n Jewish circles here. The impression that Henry Ford's influence backed the various branches of the anti-Semitic movement in European countries was a source of deep sorrow to many Jewish communities on the continent, where Jewish leaders watched with despair the increasing number of" translations made of Henry Ford's "International Jew," in which the charge of an international Jewish conspiracy to dominate the world, commercially raancially and politically, "was expounded on the basis of <&e co^called "Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion," long since proven an international forgery. What purported to be Henry Ford's "International Jew" was translated from the Dearborn Independent text into German (by Theodor Fritch, German anti-Semitic leader and editor of Der Hammer), Hungarian, Roumanian, Serbian, Swedish, Arabic, Polish and Russian. The distribution of these translations was brought about through organizations like the Hakenkreuzler, *the Awakening MagWith a number of novel features An enthusiastic crowd of girls left yars and all the national chauvinistic already arranged, committees at work the Jewish Community Center on Wed- factions in European states, making fpr the Triangular Picnic to be held at nesday morning, August 3rd, bound anti-Semitism their national policy. Clark's Farm, Council Bluffs on Sunr for a week of health and happiness at . Leaders of all shades of Jewish Action Deeply Impresses day afternoon, August 14th, are arous- Camp Morris Levy. The first ones thought in Europe expressed relief at PnUie Who Mourn Their ing interest throughout Omaha and to turn up were Jean Beber, Estelle the announcement that the "nightmare "Great Protector" of American backing" for the propaCouncil Bluffs. Chances which sell Rubenstein, Helen Robinson, Florence for 25c each were placed\before the Quadow, Sylvia Ross, Ruth Silver, ganda and activities of European anti- ....Bucharest.—(J. T. A.)—A bequest public Wednesday, with considerable Molly Kelberg, Ethel Kelberg, Rose Semites has been removed, and, as a to Jew schools i* included in the last of preventing' further spread will of the deceased I'-ng Ferdinand. enthusiasm shown on the basis of the Novak, Bertha Colick, Bertha Shapiro, means m pg p Goldie Bachman, Pearl Marcus and first day's campaign. of racial hatred and prejudice, the j This action has deeply impressed the publications purporting to bear Ford's Jewish public. The Jewish newspapThe triangular picnic is Council Dorothy Lustgarten. On their arrival at Camp, the girls name will be withdrawn in the United ers, in their comments, praise the late Bhiffs' first community picnic. With King for his generosity. were met by Miss Lillian Margolin, States. the co-operation of outside organizaJewish leaders of the European At%pday's session of Parliament the tions, the Agudas Achim, B'nai B'rith, Camp Director and the following communities express the hope that representatives of the Jewish, German and A. Z. A. are planning to be hosts Councillors: Miss Yetta Levey, who 1 this decision of Mr. Ford will also and. Hungarian minoritie- solmenly will have charge of Arts and Crafts, to hundreds of Jews from this entire extend to the translations of his "Indeclared their unconditional loyalty to Miss Louise' Rosenthal, who will have locality, including Council Bluffs and 1 ternational Jew." young King Mihai.' Omaha and the surrounding rural dis- j charge • of Swimming, Miss Elsie "Our great protector died," says a tricts. • Simon Steinberg,- general Poska, who will have charge of Nature manifesto, issued by'the Board of the JEWISH BOY WINS HONORS Study and Mrs. Samuel Nathan. chairman of the committee, said: "The Jewish Community of Bucharest. "He David Wohlner son of Mr. and Mrs. While on the truck, enroute to triangular picnic is not merely a local was the first,"-the manifesto continHarry Wohlner, won a new honor festivity. We are inviting the Jews Camp, the girls prepared several ues, "who recognized the sacrifices on when he was awarded a membership of Omaha and surrounding locality to cheers and songs to greet the Counthe battlefield, made by Jewish citiinto Beta Gamma Sigma—honorary cillors. "The» Councillors in turn, make this picnic the largest Jewish zens. He was anxious to satisfy our picnic in the history of Iowa and cheered back and it was a mighty Business Administration fraternity. strivings for equal rights. It was Membership is based upon scholarship enthusiastic crowd that started on the Nebraska Jewry." plus college activities. Wohlner is from him that we heard in difficult ~- Arrangements have been made with daily routine of work and play. also a member of Sigma Alpha Mu, times. It, was his words of justice Sunday will be Visitors' Day and the local bus line to run special busses which brought' us comfort in the to the picnic grounds. Exact time for those who are coming, a Venetian the University Commercial Club and hour of our distress," the manifesto the Menorah Society. He was a memschedules will be announced in next Carnival is planned—with gaily dec• ' orated boats and cheerful crews to; ber of the State Championship Lincoln concludes. • -> • > week's Jewish Press. Dr. William Filderman, President Clark's Farm is one of Council greet the guests. On Friday night,' Y. M. C. A. swimming team. Had the of the Union of Roumanion Jews, find Bluffs' most popular private picnic; special Sabbath Services will be held. University posessed an aquatic team Mr. Saterami, the Secretary, sent grounds, located but - short distance! Special accommodatiots have been he would have had made his letter. condolences to the royal family, in off of the East Broadway pavement.] made for working girls who are combehalf of the Union. WOMEN TRADE UNIONISTS' ing down for the week-end. The road will be marked directing CONFERENCE OPENS IN PARIS I The Zionist organization of RoismaFor those who' are planning to go traffic after leaving the pavement. nia is raising a sum of $5,000 in order The Triangular picnic committee have i the 2nd week, it is suggested that they p ( j . T. A.—The International j to inscribe the name of the deceased aris. register at once, in order to assure engaged the entire grounds for the Conference of Women Trade Unionists j Kink in the Golden Book of the Jewish themselves of a place. afternoon, assuring the Jews of this opened here today. National Fund. K>. A. Bernardt, vicinity ample room for games, conAmong the fifty delegates attending i President of the Roumanian Zionist tests, tennis matches, installation of M1ZRACHI LEADERS the Conference is Miss Schweber, j Federation, forwarded t. message to officers, raffling, picnicing, private FETED IN PALESTINE member of the Jewish Socialist Party the Dowager Queen Marie and Prime parties, amusements, dancing, eating, Jerusalem (J. T. A.)—Rabbi Jacob Bund, who is a member of the Warsaw Minister Ion Bratiano, expressing the and parking. There will be no charges Condolences of the Zionists of Rouor collections at the picnic, it was an- Levinson, president of the Mizrachi City Council. mania. in the United States, Rabbi Cohen of nounced. Montreal and other prominent Amer. IBN SAUD AIDS TO CHANT SERVICES London.—(J. T. A.)—A heated elec- icans were the guests of honor at a EARTHQUAKE VICTIMS Cantor B. Krosnopolsky will fe bansuet tendered them by the Miztion to place for delegates to the Jerusalem.—(J. T. A.)—A contri- the services at the B'nai Jacob UjtttaFifteenth Zionist Congress. Besides rachi headquarters^ in Palestine. The speakers expressed their satis- bution of £500 for relief of the Pales- gogue, 24th and Nicholas^abBeeta, enthe Mizrachi, Revisionist and Poale Zion candidates three lists were sub- faction regarding; their, observations tine earthquake victims, was made by Friday evening, August 5|?and Saturday morning. ^ /*:; , Ibn Saud. in Palestine mitted by the general Zionists.

Fntfirap of Girls Much rathisiasffl Skown f w Blnff s Picmc, Aag. 14 at Camp Merris Levy





the Twinkling of anEye


Published ifery Thursday at Omaha, Nebraska,, br • THE JEWISH PRESS PUBLJ3HING COMPANY Office: 490 Brandels Theatre Building -*» Telephone: ATlantie 1450. ! •' NATHAN E. GREEN, Manager. '

Anti-Semitism In Hungary Discussed at Institute

I Economic py Greatness Is Not to ' Wherever Dickens Is read this adBe Gauged by Stature vice fey Mr. Mlcawber stands out- as


Lombroso in his "Men of Genius" the acme of economic common sense: Berlin (J. T. A.) — The M o s c o ^ says that greatness and stature are "Annttal Income twenty pounds, an( Williamstown, Mass.^—(J. T. A.)— rarely found together. In consulting nuat expenditure nineteen, ninteen^ Hebrew Theater Habimah will pl»r By MARTHA M. WILLIAMS The question of anti-Semitism in biographies of a number of great ffien six; result happiness. Annual Income in Jerusalem in the open air during Hungary was touched upon indirectly In American history, however, it has twenty pounds, annual expenditure the next Passover. The performances •u- Subscription Price* one years*, (CoDyrI«rht.J -$2.50. yesterday afternoon at the conference been found that this statement does twenty pounds, ought and six; result will be given on the site where the Advertising rates furnished on application. ARTHA'S world changed In the of the Institute of Politics, which was not always apply. There have been misery." permanent Habimah Theater will .. 'twinkling of an eye. She fell attended by over tW6 hundred mefti- on the whole more prominent men Likewise J0*h BSffltf&gt flt€s expresBSSPiesSe £If8 66fB ffi£ « GHANQB OB" above middle height than below, say* asleep' poor and joyful—she Waked sion t« not quite so Marly daivertal latef-'ite erected. be Bora and give yonr name. befS eoneistiiigf mostly of university i t ik believed that the presence of the Denver News. Among the short atwtn wften betetla itt: to wealth and woe. For the wealth ' professors and foreign dignitaries, in- men may be numbered John Quincy th* Habfinah Theater in Palestine \ meant loss of so much—the home she "Debt la a trap, which a man sets The Jewish Press !§ gfiggliea by the Jewish Telegraphic Agency (Jewish Correspondence: Bureau) with cabled and telegraphic Jewish news, in addition so loved, the people In it she had cluding Count Sforza of Rome, Dr. Adams, Admiral Farragut, Paul Jones, and baits bfmself, and then fleliber- will stiwralate tourist traffic in the \ to feature articles and correspondences from all important Jewish centers called always father and mother; who Reinhold of Germany and Sir Arthur Gen. Phil Sheridan, Stephen A. Doug- ately gdta lato—*nd kitcbes a kUrtid country. las, William H. Seward and Martin phool." Inquiries regarding iit&a Itetng credited to this Agency witt be gladly had given her in return love and Willert of Great Britain. answered If addressed to Jewish Telegraphic Agency, 621 Broadway, New cherishing, the name she had been so Van Bnren. On tfie other hand we ATteiaiis War4 toad* bl« reputation In his lecture on "Dictatorship vs. ifind that Charles Sumner was 6 feet 4 London.—(J. T. A.)—The funeral xorJc vjity ,proud of—Martha Alison Lewis; as aft Wfcfcoinkt and a frumorlsf on bis of Solomon Joseph Solomon took Democracy in Europe," Professor Inches'; Thomas Jefferson, 6 feet 2% worst of all, her sweetheart, Thomas , {, Spencer, who is the leader of the Inched; Charley Godfrey Leiand, 6 statement i place here tdday. A large and distin: Elton^-who was by Way of becoming •Tm botod to «v« wlthm my means ^P RUMANIA'S JEWS MORE HOPEFUL round-table on this topic, mentioned ! feet 2% Inches; Andrew Jackson, 6 also a Thomas, the Rhymer* if I have to borrow tnofley td do I f — guished gathering paid the last tribute to the distinguished artist. ' V V life rettiiiig of-tkerecent elections for the Rumanian Parlia- Truljr a sorry miracle—yet no wilt among the numerous problems of! feet: 1 inch; Samuel Adams, Salmon* C. W. O^ In MeNanght'8 Monthly. P. Chase and Jonathan Edwards deHungary also the one of anti-Semij Prominent Jewish leaders who parmysterious. She was born a tvftlf, resment, jintfer. tEe liberal- regime of the Bratianu Cabinet, have cued somehow from a burning boat. tisriu Professor Spencer wis" followed .] scribed as "over 6 feet"; James Monticipated in the funeral service pointbitrtight a greater hope to the Jews of Rumania. The complete The kind foster parents had taken by Mr. John Peienyv Counselor of the roe, 8 feet of more; Bayard Taylor, 6 Do Duek* Swim With Wings? ed out that Jewish community ha* defeat of the two ahtisemitic parties, and the return of seven Jews her to their home and hearts, holding Hungarian Legation in Washington ; feet at the age Of seventeen; Geofge Do ducks tree their wings while sustained a the great loss by the death of Wasnington, 6 feet Henry Ward swimming undef water? The question ! to Parliament, is tafcefi as an indication that the authorities' as Well her heaven-sent to _ comfort them for who gave as the main cause of anti- Beecher, Rufus CBoate, Benjamin is discussed frequently among sports- Solomon, as he was the moving spirit baby they had just lost Grief for aarthe Rtiinanian people at large have come to realize the futility the it had Already put them in the mind Semitism the poor economic condition Franklin were sllgbtl/ under 9 f«et mea ana nature staoe&ts, and opin- in the Maecabbean movement. of the anti-seniitic agitation and have been sobered by the many to move-^so they had gone, taking the of the Hungarian people who hated . Daniel Webster and Patrick Heary ions sometimes dffferS Testimony of reliable authorities supports the belief those that had more bread than them- ' were about 5 feet 10. protests and criticisms-from abroad. It was announced this week baby to a distant new home. that various species of ducks and Cruel selves aiid to the large numbe* o i If only sne hadn't been such a grebes, loom and other diving birds that the State Department in Washington decided to take no witch The Devil—Whatever ore you laughat tennis, she might never have Jews in the Bolshevik ranks. #6 not ttWs their wings when swim- Ing at? Vacationist Had Real further action regarding the protests presened by the delegation known; Mother Lewis lamented. Then Speaking of the numerous clauses, ming Mtteffi m§ surface for food «r Problem on His Hand* la frying t» escape capture, says Pop- His Assistant—Oh, I just had that of: the American Jewish Congress, headed by Dr. Stephen S. Wise, her picture wouldn't have been print- Mr. Pelenyi quoted the public state* • r ed. When she won the cup her blood A revival of this old yarn, once a ular Mecbabics Magazine. A ruddy flapper locked up in a room with a against the treatment of Jews in Rumania*' The mattef is how grandmother had seen it and had ment of Prime Minister Bethleh arid of George" Hoby's, te sot duck was observed on Lake Michigan thousand bats and n» anrrne. regarded as closed,'.ifi view of the recent developments in that been so struck by the likeness to her the Minister of Public Education that favorite amiss: It was all about a man who not long ago feeding In 15 or 20 feet dead daughter, she had set about 13- they had nothing to do with its author- arrived at a seaside resort and went df deaf water. As it got well started : cqtihtry. - ' - • ; ;'• • • ' ' : - : •'•: • " ' '•.'-'. CARD OF THANKS vesfigating—with a result of discover- ship, that it works hardships but that to a hotel. Shortly after a friend on its downward plunge, tfie wings, . T h e death of King Ferdinand has still further-strengthened ing her grandchild. Her husband had the economic condition had not yet called and; was shown op to His room. about twethira* extended, were used We wish to thank our many thie hands of the Liberal Party. Brataaini Will ptobably be^offie been haunted all along by a ghost- reached a point where it could be re* He found him sitting ili a cbalr sur- in quick, short strokes, at the rate friends and relatives for their kindof the baby's surviraL when pealed. veying with a gloomy countenance a Of about Oneftsecoafl, t« assist in pto- ness and sympathy during the illthe virtual regent fof the boy king whorhaS n6w asdeiided the Ru- hope he died a year before, he had willed peTling it and In rising to the top as ness and death of out wife and trunk which stood against the walL Mri Pelenyi pointed out that by eon-' manian throne, and, iii order to keep his position secure, Bratianu bis estate and the great fortune that "What's the matter?" asked the welL mother. deding the point of the numerous wiil be anxious to'.preserye internal peace in the land. The great belonged with it» to the great-nephew clausus, the government prevented caller. Mr. Samuel Cohen and fsmily, adopted—but on condition of "I want to get a suit of clothes otit Council Bluffs, lows. power enjoyed by the reactionaries under the Averesdu regime, legally : Bearching diligently fdf tfiiS mytfileal worse happenings to the Jews. He df that trunk," Was the answer. Alexandrian Pharos whieh aroused the displeasure of all liberal-minded persons in and grandchiid-^-and US found wftifln fltd farther added that the feeling of anti- "WeD* what's the flifllculty—lotrt Pnafos was the name of «n Island outside of Rumania/ will now become ineffective and their "ttiove- years, niafrylng her. Thus tfiere would Sfittitisin is gradually dying out and the key?" Ifi tfie Barfett «f Alexandria. Here be more Pendleton blood ia the in- that time ftiay entirely efface it. «Vo, 1 ha*e the key"aU"Miht;t'"h5 Ptoiemy L who had been one of the nremVs; will B6 elosely watched by the liberal party. "The Averescu heritor of the fortune. The heir got A beautiful home must be "I'll tell yea generals of Alexander the Great, deAjnong ttiose attending the confer- said; heaving a sigh. followers are.not above suspiciori of desiring to support the hands it through his mother—-but that bad ences sold; and it is in most desirare also Rabbi Solomon Foster how it Is. My wife packed that trunk. cided to build a gigantic lighthouse of; Prince Carol in his ambition to inherit the throne made vacant been remedied easily—he bad taken able location—beautiful corn; of Newark* Rabbi B. Leon Hurwitx Of She expected to come with me, but The work was finally completed durprevented. To niy certain knowl- ing tfie reign of Ptolemy Philadelphia. bf the death of his father^ and because of this suspicion it will be the name along wltli tfie rest the Bay Ridge Jewish Center, Brook- w^s er lot—eight large rooms— edge she put In enough to fill tfifee The structure was 450 feet high and He insisted that Martha's fostef to^the interest of the Bratiianu group to see to it that they are parents iyn* and Mrs. Anna Moscowitt Cross well arranged with every trunks the way a man would pas* 100 feet s^uara at the base. At tfie Must go along 'With the daughknown convenience—finished them. If I open it, the thing* win stttni&H wfts Mejtf a b«aesa fire Which, shlfn of all power iii the affairs of the State. Of course, we Cah- ter they wete giting Up, to tenfold, of New York City. boll tip all oxei the room. I could according to the historian, Josepbus, there torecelte tfie tHanks so Hcnly attic—2 baths, double garage. nof expect that Ctiza or Jorga will thus become philoseniites and deserved. never get them back. New I'm WOB* could to* ee#n Over forty miles Rway. Madame Pendleton was 60 It is really a home. The price entirely resign-themselves to the fate that has befallen them* shaken with her great new happiness, Unfair to Blame Sun ] derlng whether it would be cheaper Part of this famous lighthouse was is right. For particulars to go and buy a new suit of clothes blown down In the Eighth century. They will probably continue to plot and to instigate their followers she was unequal to such a journey. ft>t Showing Up Dust write Jewish Press Box 327. df two more trunks."—San Francisco 03ie ruin was completed by earth* toMolehde against Jews, as they have done before. It is prdbabley They looked at Martha—she sprang Here Is a reader who actually Argonaut. ' quakes in 1803 and 1346. np, Anshtng and going white, and said however, that thepresent Government will iiot permit aiiy oufr hustily: "Go if you iike.;"l shan't grumbles at the emnl raras against the Jews, not so much because of their love for the budge, unless Tiiomas goes with usV* •Tve noticed," she says, "that whenthe sun shines In a room it seems Haw Should Water Taste? Je*?sr as because of their fear that such a policy may strengthen then facing Henry Esnlcmd Pendlfr ever ton^ she went on steadily l "He is-^ to raise the dost* Now, why is this? Although the paltttablllty of Water IS the hand of their enemies and tend to blacken their name abroad. the man I am going to niarry. Under- Look into any shaft of sunlight and largely a matter of Individual taste, TiI6 fast that by far the greatest majority in the new Parliament stand that I Now-^do j o a think It you. will see what I mean." tfiere ore objectionable tastes in water The sun does not raise dust, though that can be ascribed definitely to to carry this any axe members of the Government Party and that the Jews have worth, while my correspondent is not the first per- either chemicals such as Iron, chlorine furtiier?'1 ; .". given their full support; to the liberal party in the elections to the '•Tebr weU wdrth wbile=-for the edfi who has thought so. It merely or an alkali, decaying vegetation, miexlent that some^ papers have admitted that the great victory was sakeof Madame Pendleton, i f nothing Illuminates ^ust particles whlcii* In croscopical organism or pollution by lesser light, a>e not so observable, trade wastes, e t c Wbett tank* or res* due in part to the Jewish vote, will certainly give greater- prestige elSe," he returned gravely. • says London Answers. The dust is al- errolrs become contaminated from any MaftLa hid her face, strangling a to^the Jews and itiake their position stronger. The election of fedb. Afid; jtlst then In WalEea her ways there, floating, about; the sun of these causes the cheapest ana easiest way Is to dean out tfie container sefen Jewi, including Df; Filderman and Horia Carp, known for Thomas to Soothe and comfort her, must not be blamed for it. to blame the sun for the dust and start with a new supply, tbotgn their a^gressiyeidess in^ the demand for Jewish rights, further and fall In a daze when he Bad Heard is Why, as unreasonable as It would be to ! copper sulphate or chlorine properly Only the Nebraska with its vast outlet for men's, the wonder=riew& k' optimism'noW prevalent in Jewish quarters iYR blaine a pair of opera glasses for the j used are very effective In controlling wefcr can offer yott such wonderful summer clothes . He went..along decldedly-^to the bad actor one looked at through them t organisms In sucfi reservoirs. Wfe and such exceptional values. ^ amazement of Mrs. Lewis. She liked Would the bad' actor have been raised him Just for company, but bad never by the dpera g1asses7 A Police Regulation Been reconciled to Martha's choice of TBe SUB, of « m m , is a sort of bete -•••:-••?• MR. FORD'S CONCLUDING APOXOGt Desk. Sergeant—Ttntil further nohim. She'did not know—Indeed that to some people, but, all the same* tice, every vehicle must carry a light "'•- ^ A g e n t s for Henry Ford wrote the last word m the pathetic was a dead 'secret—that EsinOnd- nolr a room flooded with sunlight is much when darkness begins. Pendleton had >ald to Mm: "Ttou dan tale of his anti-Jewish aberrations last Sunday. I t was the apology nave her*—if j » u keep her loving you Wore pleasant than one from which Patrolman—-And wfcen defcl tftlto to Herman Bernstein and resulted in the settlement, of the last best. I Wdulan't marry afl unwilling It Is rigorously excluded. ness begin) . Desk Sergeant—Darkness begiaa libel suit which Mi\ Ford so dreaded. This final act in Mir. Ford'fc bride—not for twice", fiOt for ten times ^Ttry sai« fiady tailored 6* quality Tropk.1 all the PendletoQ ffloney. Let's make" It when the lights are lit. Tr&dtt to Atchltnedei ' repentance ought to close the incident and end the unpleasant con- a fair field with odds In yotlr ~favor^» Worsteds, Pablo Clotfi, Linens Slid otft** gfttaft ; p £ I weav««—4h* Most remargal»le fihowing ettt TTie wofd "fcufeka" is said to have troversy. The period of Mr. Ford's reparation should begin soon. and no grudges after, no matter who Wooden Fare d ia the middle west. been uttered by Archimedes (287412 The Dearborn Independent ought to publish the original recanta- wins." First Student—Ugh I This cafet 6. CO, the Greek philosopher, When Other Smart Summer Suits, $10 to $35—AH Si*«s for all Men Madame Pendleton faced. Martha the principle of specific gravity first tastes like sawdust. tion which Mr, Ford made to the World at large. The hundreds white and tremulous, but after a long, dawned upon him. It is said that the Student—Yes, if s fin« board SEE PUR WINDOWS TODAY v . of thousands of readers of this magazine should find the retraction long look, folded her tight in her thought first came to him while In weSecond get around here. _ * 'where they saw the calumny. Such other acts of reparation as arms. She dould flot speak for min- the bath* and that he fled half-clad in a Whisper came: "My through the streets of Syracuse to his M* Fordmay have in mind may only be surmised, and these need utes—theit child lives again." And indeed there home, shouting, "I have found It! 1 not be guessed at here. One thing, however, is certain: the Jews Was startling likeness betwixt Martha have found it!" The problem that desire nothing toward any of their ameliorating or philanthropic and the portrait of her mother in had been given him to solve was to bridal white, that had a light above determine whether a golden crown CORRECT APPAREL FOR MEN AND WOMEN activities fi?om Mr. tford. We hope sincerely that he will not heed it, fresh flowers below it, every hour made for Hiero, king of Syracuse, had -any of the appe^s to aid Jewish causes which must have come to of every day. Martha choked at sight been alloyed with sliver. This the them—Madame patted her cfieeKj king had suspected, and tfie philoso"him i n v e s t lumbers. There are other directions for the promo* of saying softly: "Lllias always brings pher afterwards proved it to be true. tion of "tiette? understanding between Jews and Christians, atid It my tfead ..darling the finest .freshest : shouldviiot be difficult for Mr. Ford's advisors to find t h e m ^ flowers." That,, of, course brought Lllias Into American Bebrew. the picture—fibe was slimj lithe, darkeyed, of a clear brown pale skin, POLICE COMMANDANT swept now !ana tB6a by fi poppjr flusH, 18,#83 ORGANIZED, 71^& Madame*s fOster^enild, two yeafs older M. SOMTT 2429 Decatur Street ' WR 8527 , 2b JEWISH WORKERS IN than Martha. They took to each othef If you are in need of a Tales wool or silk of "the best quality, Tfeelin, Jerusalem-MJ- T.' A.)—Mr* Sfai- so Wonderfully, Thomas Elton all but whistled over It. dair police Cdmmandant in the Haifa MezuzCs or any other religions article, we will be glad to sell it to '" Park CJ» T. A.) — '-i§,663 Jewish ' Martha was finding out with fl district died here today; His death you at the most reasonable prices* We also carry a full line of •workers M. Palestine' are affiliated vengeance that she loved beautiful trith Vth(*ji International Federation of came as the result of A severe case of things. Her mother's laces. Jewels, Bibles with- Jewish and English translations. We are also the agents Traffo 'tJnions, laeeording-to .figures dysentery, front which he suffered six family diamonds^ t grandma's store of of all Palestine Products and the artistic Work of Beialel Sdiooi Shawls, furs-and bfocades were exmade' public at the congress of the days. in Jerusalem. . > :. . : cellent teachers. They kept her so" Mr. Sinclair was an Englishman* International which opened -here occupied Bhe Was corisderice-sttlcken yeatexdSy* sometinlea at thought of Thomas, - Palestine is the only country in JEWESS WINS INTERNAttONAL the Bbymer. Che wondered a bit that CHESS TOURNAMENT he i stayed 6ri I n d oa—that is to say Asia^ represented at the Congress. When she thought of him seriously; Beii 0u«8n, Ben Zvi and Arlarsoroff Londonr^-(J. T. A.)—Vera MentLdlias was angelic—Martha won* -arei | n « Palestinian delegates. . ^ chik, the young Russian Jewess who dered how she would have got on was a member, of the British team in Without her. jjjb nice that she could JEWISH GOLONIStS PttOM 'rff the International Chess Tournament, stay on witll (Jfaniiy, when' Martha /^j you ate called by POLAND TENDER WARM alked tot inform*tion that must b e ; •won the title of woman champion of had gone back: home-=-ad she Insisted ihuSt do. Kobddy gainsaid fieri • RECEPTION TO POLISH CONSUL the world. She is the first holder of she Irotn files cr other records, minutes ; ' t Want ; you to be happy," said fife hours to the person who is this title. .The champion scored ten Madame. Esmond-Pendieton smiled tbo line while the search is being ' Warsaw^-—(J. T. A.)—The -Minister and a half points of a possible eleven. inscrutably. And_ then, strollnig in of Foreign Affairs today issued a the rose-sweet garden under a May ^ I n SUcH cases, i t is well to tell *he caBJfng moon/ Martha came upon her Thomaa statement- regarding the visit of the person that you will look up the infejaaatitrti and Lllias clasped in each other's Polish Consul Zbyszewski to Palestine, COMMITTEE TO REPAIR and" call him as Sooft as it is found. This perHEBREW UNIVERSITY arms, bis ki=ses raining down on her •where he visited- the Jewish colonies. Blits him to resume his work vrifelwijrt d^ay uplifted face. After* one sharp jealous The statement emphasizes the warm and instnediatelyj releeses both lines for otb#r twinge Martha's heart gave" a great Warsaw.—(J. T. A.)—The Sum of reception" which the Consul received **&*• . •. 'i $1000 was assigned by the Hebrew j glad lfefip—she slid behind them, put in the Jewish settlements, especially her hands upon their heads and said ^ T*i« thouthtfiil comideration of « | » University Committee here idt the In-almost Madame'e own voice: "Blesa phofte UMrs for each other helpe aff>€o, from, the Polish-Jews, vrho manifested Hebrew University in Jerusalem. 4riM«iH th« meet value ffom the Mf'iimt j y"ou» my children. Things ore—-as they their affection, for Poland. The fund was V6ted by the com- should be. Several people, I know, ara mittee in order that the damages suf- going to live bappy ever after." fO SEE THE" A.Z.A. fered by the University during the t o wnlfih Henry fistnond^fendfei : -ton-id"tfie background voiced a hearty AT-THE COUNCIL earthquake may 1ie-r6pa1redy - ME "Amen and Amen." BLUFFS COMMUNITY ' PICNIC, Subscribe For The Jewish Press AUGUST 14th,—Adv. t ^__


Extra Value! Tropical Worsted Coats and Pants


it Makes Some Ctee

PAGE Sr-THE JEWISH PRESS, THURSDAYr AUGUST 4, 1927 into a freshman team tackle berth! Lou^waa one M*&£ scrappiest run matches still remain to be played TRADE UNION CONGRESS on Coach Sogolow's frosh gang. | to wear the Maroon and White and and tibose delinquent athletes In all• -;' •-"-• • -V' •-• • • orENs I N P A R I S Krasne—Marcus Krasne is the man]made A name for himself as a SUMfairness tc themselves and the -con- Paris.—(J. f. A»)-^Jewish trfcde of whom the University of Illinois tackier and n etone wall on thetestants should hurry and get there unions. inj»oland anfi Palestine are reBy Stanley F. Levia. expects great things this fall. The defense. matches over with in orderthat the presented at the fourth int^mati6*al former Commerce high and Creightoui&eys may be wound up before trade, wien concrete «*kh was September 12 will mark the open*•"Toots" Yousem, the favorite to win the Highland golf tournament, ton U star will enter on his eigths ing of intensive^practice" for the the enow flies. opened h&xt today. On th* agenda of will take on Marvin Treller Sunday year in the grid game. Marcus saw local Granges, Friedman* «&d Wfcirs. Jot Cohen of the A.Z.A. is thethe: Genctess is the -qacrtion of the in what promises to be a thrilling service through four seasons on theThe higher schools of football fend first «atraat to reach the final round relation* with Ruesia. . . game. Treller is one of the best men old Commerce teams and the more learning will take tip the pigskin art Palestine labor is represented by Ben in the club with • a drive* and almost recent Tech high elevens, one season at about the «ani» time a* their ees In. the tennis tourney. He will meet Gurlon|\|^.:2^''ta)ll:Arl«liOlloir. JBss tnfc winner of the Sam Epstein—- Schweber represents the Jewish trade equally at hotae with the rest of hia on the Creighton U squad as a fresh- important brothers. man and two years as a varsity Doctor David Cohen encounter, Sun-; unionsfts:yeland. clubs and should give Yousem a close tackle. Last year he played tackle on run for his money. ' Another 'good at MIDer Par:. The 3. C. C. jgoif and tennis meets A report of labor conditions In the Mri. B«B Milder -will be a t home in Mr. Edward Gluck returned home match should be the Jerry Heyh- the Orange and Blue freshman team have entered into the second and country will be presented by Die Paleshonor of her aster Mrs. H. G. Fleish- Sunday from a visit in Chicago. Seaman Kay sashay. Both men are of Illinois. The "Tank" is six foot third rounds. A few first »tmd PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS tine delegates. . • taHa! a& "daughter Earriette of Palm tall and weights two hundred and Miss Ruth Ziev left Monday for given outside chances for copping ten pounds. : BdaeB, Florida, on Saturday, August first honors and aa will undoubtedly t e;.frtxm twa to five o'dock. No invita- Sioux City to visit with friends. make the for or turf fly. Levin—Bud Levin expects to gradtions are being issued. Mrs. Dave Rosen will entertain at uate into the first team at Central Ed Krause. and .Harry. Malashock high school after captaining the sec• T h e Hai Besh entertained a t dinner a bridge breakfast a t her home SatOmaha's Style Center at the Fontenelle Hotel last Friday tttday morning, honoring her niece, will provide the fireworks in theong teams of the Purple institution second night. Both, men play the during 'the past two years. Bud has evening in honor of Walter L. Mayer Miss Norma Feltinetein, of St. Joseph, course in about the same number of never before been eligible for first of Cleveland, Ohio, Council Installer. Mo. strokes and the winner should be the team competition, but this season Mr. and Mrs. S. M. dayman an- champ of the. night. . 1 Jliss Rae Borsky will leave Saturexpects to make up for all that ha day for an indefinite visit in the east. nounce the birth of a baby son, born has missed out on before. Levin Dickie Hitter and Manny Haqadler flayed all positions on the line last Monday, August 1. •;. : Word comes from Excelsior Springs will Kbla* tiie centef of tihe s|age in year in addition to taking a whack that Mrs. B. A. Simon and Mrs. J. the third flight.r handler ; defeated B. Robinson are entertaining a bridge i Council Bluffs News .}| Dickie's father m the;(Srst rbmid and at the fullback post. He is six feet party at the Elms Hotel in order to OUT-OF-TOWN ENTRIES FOR AZA the yottngster proMses'^o' avenge one inch talland weighsone hundred and eighty pounds, being the biggest raise- for the Hadassah TOURNAMENT TO BE HELD his pater's defeat by taking his op- and heaviest Jewish lad in local prep emergency fond.. The Omaha Ladies AUGUST I4th ponent into camp for a neat trim- school circles. who entertained this week are the ming. cg Scores of entries have already been MpsdflTn O. C. Goldner and Kubnitz Marcus—Nathan Marcus was one received by the local chapter No. 7; •who-eatertained at a bridge party on of the A. 2. A. for the AZA invita- Sammy Kaufman* pitcher for of Coach Drammond'a first team Monday and J. J. Friedman and H.tional golf and tennis tournament ".Omaha .of the Western league, took backs last season till injuries put him Jahr, who were joint hostesses at a which will be held on Sunday, August the mound for Loomis, Nebr., Sunday hors de combat. The long lad is anone o'clock luncheon at the Ad-Sell 14th, in connection with the Triangu- f afternoon and allowedrStockyille only other one of bur faith who is slated restaui-ante ort Wednesday and Mrs.lar Picnic Preliminaries will be held -six hits, three of them were bunched for a first team job on the Tech R. A. Bleicher who entertained at a that Sunday morning in the Dodge ih the fourth Inning and Loomii lost, high team. Nate tackles well and bridge party Thursday afternoon. • Park, while the final and champion- 1 to 0. Kaufman allowed no hits fits in nicely as a received of passes. after that. The defeat was KaufPollock--Harold Pollock' made his Numerous affairs have been given ship rounds will be an attraction at man's second set-back of the season. second team etter last year with the in honor of Miss Faye Simons who the Picnic at Clark's Evergreen Farm Central reserves as a tackle and has been the guest of Mrs. John Faire in the afternoon. There will be no Behind the stellar hurling of Samhalfback. Harold wafi a nifty around admission charges and all Omaha and of his city. On Tuesday Miss Ann my Kaufman, property of Omaha of Zalk -entertained for Miss SimonS at Council Bluffs Jewry are especially in- the Western league, Taririo,- Mo., gainer but lacked weight and experitherAthletic Club. Thursday Miss vited to make plans now to attend this Bhut out the Shenandoahf la., Mount ence. He will enter the game total Boss-Shapiro honored Miss Simons at affair which promises to be a big Arbors, 3 to 0. Sammy allowed only year plus a bit of weight and withj no small amount of experience as a luncheon at the Fontenelle Hotel. social event. three scattered hits, none of them the result of. his lessons learned as Mrs.. John Faire was hostess at a for extra bases. His victory was the Mrs. Deyora Cohen, 65,years old, & member of "Skipper" Bextens secluncheon on Friday at the Ad-Sell fourteenth of the season and made restaurants and Saturday Mrs. Artdied late Thursday, July 28, at her his record read, 14 wins and 2 losses. onds. Werner —Hairy Weiner is the Robinaon will entertain for Miss home, 908 ftfth Avenue. She is surViVed by her husband, Mr. Samuel Present indications point to "a. large; youngest chap to aspire to a first Simons. Cohen; three daughters, Mrs. Meyer crop of local Jewish youths on their (team job on any of the local teams. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Robinson have t . : Stern and Mrs. Louis Wohlner of various prep and university elevens. Henry attracted attention from his as i-Uieir House guest Miss Serena Omaha, and. Mrs. I. Richard Allen of Taking them in order by the alpha- coaches last season when he was a Levin of Sfc Joseph, Mo. Loft Angeles, California; and seven betical listing of their* first names, member of the Central high freshsons, Albert, "Corporal, and Paul of Shrago of Oskaloosa, Gretna, Nebraska, William of Colum- we find that the story reads some- man team. He was promoted to the second sqttad at the close of the Iowa, who -was the guest of Mr. andbus, Nebr., Jacob of Los Angeles, thing Eke this: * • — •-• yearling's pigskin geawn and played Braude—Harry Braude, Tech high Mrs. Ben Shrago, was extensively California, Avron of North Battle well with his older mates throughout .second string halfback, is counted on entertained during her stay in. Omaha. Fort, Canada, and A. Louis Cohen of the balance of the season. to step into one of the four vacant She will spend' a few days in DesCouncil Bkifffl. Funeral services were Weinert—Louis Weiaert made his pairs of '26 backfield shoes. Braude Moines before returning home. held Jriday afternoon, with burial in^ •is^taH-and rangyV a-good man-fox lrtter last seasdn * l eubstitnte crater Mrs David Newman returned'Sun- -^e Oak Hill Osmetfery. All the famr Snagging passes: fot Captain FeTbeF Maafidam "AHday from a throe weeks trip to ^y"except Jacob and Avrom w6refiere Bender—Sam Bender, former Cen* State" centef at the'Tecn high camp. Chicago, the Great Lakes and Detroit. at the time tral high lineman, is undecided as to whether he will enroll at Illinois or Mr. M. Gordon and sons, Richard JOIN YOUK FRIENDS AT THE FOR RENT— Northwestern. Bender was a varsity and Jake accompanied by Sam ShyTRIANGULAR PICNIC AT CLARK'S 1 letterman last year on the Crane keA motored to Exceldbf Springs, Mo., FARM, AUGUST 14tlu—Adv. 4-Room all modern home* Sunday, returninghomeM6nday eve- college eleven. Mrs. Sadie Mayar is visiting rela- ning, accompanied back by iStrs. M. Fried—Leo Fried was one of sevWebster 4066. tives in Chicago. Gordon who had been spending three eral University of Nebraska fresh- Miss Helen Stern of Milwaukee is weeks there.;/; ,.„;-.-_. ;:ij,_ ;;,v.,. r ., ,;._, man centers last season. Leo is terribly light for his position as the the guest of her sister and family, Mrs. Philip Friedman ,a6d *ofi, Scarlet and Cream has always played PAXTON-MTTGHEU^ CO. Mr. and Mrs. Leon Marcurt. : Lester, returfledhotois Mciday, after k giants at the pivot post. Vtt* ana Martha 8U. HAtStoy 1MB Omaha, Neb*. month's trip in the East. TieyfisfMrs. H. Franklin and daughter, Forman—Leon Forman was one of BcJft gray, Iron, basa, brtnz* fcn4 Mrs. Phil Batt and sons motored to ted in New York City, Atlantic City, the backfield flashes, on the North aluminum castings. Standard size* and Iron bashings, sewer t&an* Chicago tfn&Sthey plan to visit for Washington, B, C. and Chicago, HI. Hgh S&Sond tfeam test year. The bronze noles, cistern rings and coreis. and several weeks. lor. Loiiis B.;.&telriian spent the Polar track letterman,. should use hie dean-out loora In stock. speed to advantage and grab one of * *Mr. Mai Holzmatt and Mr. Sillpa*t weelr»end vifeitilig in Minneapolis the "backfield berths a3 the North arid St. Paul, Minnesota. \ •? W :•;••".•' t : . / " ' F,eiller ar* motoring through the east. school is shy of ball luggers. This season more tlian ever before, your iiressss, ito toe Greenberg—Elmer Greenberg, capMr. and Mrs. I. Goldstein are spend- Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Iightstone of smart, must be well made. I n these even the latest iming two weeks at Excelsior Springs. Detroit, Michigan announce.the .birth tain and "All State" tackle on the of a son, born ^uiday eVferiinig, J61y /•*26 Central high team, will enter the. portant details show a cate—a fineness of Jstit and Miss Eugenia Goldman, and Miss 31st Mrs. Sam " Sriyder, mother', o£ University of Illinois this fall. Elmer SB Years of Hsnest MerchandiM Is stitching that's way ahead of anything you'd expect a t Mildred Nechemias of J3t. Joseph ar- Mrs. Iightstone, will go to Detroit r, w^eighs;; dver: one: hundred and ytnif tiaaraiitec »f a Sqnarn Deal. this price. Of tfoality sating, fjfost erepw and spwrt . " i.» rived here Saturday to be the "guests about the fifteenth of this moni*.y-fft£ pdundff and "is six feet 1419 Douglas Est. 1890 of Mrs. Grossman. woolens—in fresh, new siyles. - - * t ^ l ; ^ ' ^ * ? ^ 4, Miss Rosalie Ricbman entertained tail. :-He will without a doubt step - • - ••• _ • • • ? / I S A ' Mr. arid Mrs. BeH-Chait announce twelve Couples at a fiancfng. Party at ; the .birth, of Ajmby girL born Sunday, her home Sunday evening in. honor of SOSKIN and EOZBERG •vjLar^e; weli -esteblislied firm July 31, at the Methodist Hospital, > her house guest, Miss Sehna Lotman wants a Jewish* yTruhg man for 1552 NO. 20 St.—WEebster 0267 a. permanent position of responof Lincoln, Nebraska. Miss Lotinan, Mrs. dam Pettz and sons, Sea&an who has been visiting -here and itt sibflity. Must -lje intelligent, Fresh Meats — Delicatessens quick, sincere, strongly built, and Richard Walter have 'returned Omaha for about two wfeeks, will f^ Fresh Fish Handled Daily CaffflaH's offer as the special feature ot healthy, and of unquestionable home from Rock Island, HI., 'wliere turnto .he* home Monday. ltd August Sale of Furs—2 specially prehonesW; have a family record We Deliver to all Parts of the City ' they have been visiting with Mrs. pared groups—All selected pelts—b&ndfor industry and sobriety; a man •omely. lined and tfiftiraed. Pelt's br6ther and sister-in-law* Mr. Mrs. J. Levy of Chicago, Illinois, ar^ who can be intrusted with money and merchandise. Most be wiland Mrs. Axschack for the past ten rived Monday evening to visit her ling to do hard work, yet have weeks. ; daughter, Mrs. PhiKp;Friedman, and, ability to manage men tactfully. 1 Mr. Eried^^:;y*f; the' f^ntainda Of An excellent opportunity for Sammy Kaufmann and Dave the summer. "right maa Recommendations •Bishoff spent the last ten days visitne<!essaty. Apply I. Daniel, 410 1 ing with friends and relatives in St. Leopold Marks left "Sunday "frit So. 19th Street. Paul, where,the boys formerly lived. Camp-at Fort D«s Moines. They motored up and back and Bpent several days in touring the "northern Mrs. Hehry Natharisoii and children j The Best Place id Buy country before, returning'to Omaha. of EsthervilleV la.;;arrlv«d last Thursf day, to visit Mr. and Mrs. Abe GiK Your Victor Orthophonic or '• • - Mr. Barney- Stark left Wednesday ji n s k y . ' . < :. • •• • • ••' • -.„• • ' . . . . . ' Radio evening for New York where he will —See ns first FORGET TO ATT&ftl* sail August 17, on the President SOL LEWIS Harding for Europe. He will visit THE PICNIC AT CLARK'S FARM, WEbster 2042 1804-No. 24 St. AUGUST 14th—Adv. his'mother in Vilna.


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RIYIERA THEATRE -H and has been playing tennis for fifwhat tune,.* ^ m o n may*attend the nalla required for a two weeks', camp The Riviera, Omaha's magnificent Riviera Theatre they will alw*yf w e teen years He captained the tennis in the hills. team of New York University and playhouse, is offering week in and a complete performance, and thtn too From that'day to this, no man, so was well known in Metropolitan, ten- week out ,the most unusual and high it is delightfully cool in thjs romantic far as is known, has ever set eyes on • <• '±Z —1. class stage and photoplay attractions garden of twinkling1 stars, becau«« the By GEORGE JOEL either of them. ' ' • nis circles. A fortnight went by, but as i Archie His comeback, took place a t the that have ever been presented here- Riviera Theatre has the most raodtm was supposed to be hunting within Fairview Tennis d u b where Adel- tofore to local show goers. Last cooling system in theatrical use. our fence I made no report of bis ab- Levy-McGraw's, ' phase is the least. Most fights are stein won the annual tournament by week, for instance, "Beau Geste" Coming soon to the Rivjera will be sence to his father. ' But during the New Baseball Star • r built up through ballyho. Take the beating Gerald Emerson in a five set played the Riviera at no advance in the, most unusual picture fever filmed, third week, when I found that none ;; By A. W; coming Tunney-Dempsey fight which Jack LeRoy, nee Jake Levy, has pricesy although in other cities the entitled, "Chang". This wil| be follow:.-.•'••• of-the cowboys had- seen their camp been purchased by John ' McGraw of will be a ten-round affair. Dempsey m a t c h . at all, I became alarmed, and teleJulian Wishnik- upon whom this admission ranged from 75c to $2.50. ed by Emil Jannings in tlpe "Way of ,(© by Short Story Pofc. Co.) ' . the New York. Giants = from the is no better this year than last and Now again the Riviera Theatre All Flesh". This picture' is on it* graphed to Mr. Sparks! column has put great hopes, qualified Charlotte, N. C. Team in the Sally Tunney is certainly no worse. Tunney UDDEN, and tmlookeflifor things . Promptly came back the reply: for the National Boys' Singles Cham- presents for one week starting Satur- fourth week on Broadwajr, at roadhappen In the .mountains. .For "Spend up to flfty> thousand In In- League. The reported , price is $10,- licked him with ease at their Phila- pionship of . the. United States. The day, August 6, Norman Talmadge in show prices, and playing to capacity For. this small :sum the, little delphia waltzs. And if he does not '.all that we are civilized, and-the quiries. Draw on me." ; 000. tournament will be played at the a modernized version of Alexander attendance at every performance. - - Is no longer7very bad, The number of riders we put out Napoleon of baseball is. getting a first do it again, all is not what it should Dumas' famous love story, "Camille". /•evil 4eeds:are done among the'lonely to cover the ground, and the number class pitcher and a musician. Levy be. Yet you will, be deluged with West Side : Tennis- <jlnb at Forest At the present writing "Camille" is BE SURE TO SEE THE AXA. Hills. > We are conservative about peaks,- and-Bometlme8-two/'men-gO'on of detectives we employed would plays violin and if you are to believe columns of pure bunk that will make playing on Broadway at $2.50 adTOURNAMENT AT THE COUNCIL Wishnik's chances to win and if he hardly be believed," if I gave them; a Journey,., and very long afterwards his mother, he might have been at the coming farce look as though BLUFFS COMMUNITY PICNIC, mission, but as usual the Riviera but up. to June, -'98, the only things makes the. fourth round it will be ,. one .skeleton. Is found. , least a Mischa Elman, only he would something exciting is going to AUGUST 14th.—Adv. bargain prices prevail. Those who .-• I am 'now able to give eoine sort of we recovered we're the wagon and satisfactory. an explanation of the motives which horses, but they had, passed through not practice. At present the Giants happen. We guarantee that Tunney Franklin P. Adams, the well known are familiar with the story will readi~ brought about the strange disappear- so many hands that it was impossible are in need of a pitcher and a will lick Dempsey—Sharkey will be ly realize how well Norman Talmadge Harry H. Lapidfpi *re»;-Tr«ii. ance of my - partner last October, to. trace them back to any one resem- musician. Since Jake Bentley took built up and next year he will fight columnist of ;the New York World is, ;willvpjortray the roll of 'XJamille". though- many of the facts remain to bling either Clark Fenton or Archie his, large. carcass, pitching arm,, and Tunney. The only reason he isn't together with or apart from his other In conjunction with the presentaSparks. _._ . be cleared up. ' » ukelele to Newark the Giants have fighting him now is that Dempsey accomplishments, a tennis player. We To tell a connected story, I hare"' to . ;In-3tane, "98;"I had occasion to ride, been without soothing strains to bear will bring a bigger gate; DONT BET gleaned this information not from the tion of this unusual photoplay, an reports of tennis tournaments, but elaborate and pretentious stage atgtfbaek to a t l m e when iTsfasoply a over-'a' ptat ot'the' range" about ten their disastrous season. ' ON. EIGHTS, . . ; . . • ' . small ranchman, holding the:nucleus miles, distant' from the .home ranch. from Mr. Adams! daily column.- A. traction, "Patches of. Joy." will be LeRoy or Levy as he wili be knowri .. Maxie Rosenbloom, once a clever ^of the'present splendid property,"and The nature of the country-was rather spying trip enabled us to see the offered. It* is a New-ide"a Publix frequent Intervals there in New York, is six feet or»e and, middleweight, but now a smart light potential. school teacher in action and Stage Show that introduces one big the Black Hills Land and Cattle com- curious. "At ; pany- 'did not exist I n V m a t t e r o f rose "red! sandstbnp 'rocis, some of weighs 190 pounds without his violin. heavyweight administered a thorough we report unhappily that the Jews act after another in a gorgeous stage We occupy ; business I bad made the acquaintance .great size, and carved by weather into He is a glutton for v?ork, haying beating to an old man from New setting with "AT Evans and the over 70.000 tquare Act of old Matthew Sparks, the great tile most fantastic shapes. Fancy pitched twenty three games already Orleans' named Tony Marullo. Tony" will not be able to rely on this coSouthwest Corner' dressed-beef man, and the business could picture-George Washington, the this season. When he is not pitching has no teeth—that is, none that show, religionist for tennis- glory. If Mr. Riviera Musical. Jesters in the backEleventh and Douglas Strecta acquaintance had developed Into a Sphinx and other celebrities, when the or fiddling he plays the outfield. but despite these anatomical vacancies Adams could get contributions for ground offering syncopated tunes. Phone: JAckson 2724 strange masses-were looked at from personal friendship. his tennis perhaps his game would be the southern boy chews grim. To us There are four complete stage Strong with the willow he has a batthe proper point . OMAHA, NBBR. It was in the spring of 1897 that I ting average of three hundred for the best part of the slaughter was to worthy of favorable comment. ' Oh to shows presented daily, and no matter These crags were the home of wild- fifty-nine games. recfeived the letter from Mr. Sparks be a colurtirust, and play on rich men's •watch this tough old man chew his which made so great - change In my cats, and my bull-terriers were soon turf tennis courts! Credit must be given to McGray for gum, grin foolishly and wabble around bustling one from rock to rock. The prospects". •"• ' V Our letter about the baseball team the ring! Rosenbloom hit him at will "1 am sorry to say," he wrote, !*that cat finally took refuge in a mass of his perseverance. Levy i s the third made up of nine red headed Jewish and hard, but the old boy certainly Archie (bis only, son) has- signalized fed sandstone about an acre in extent Jewish boy~to get a try-out with the in tuition allowed all Private Piano Btudtotar cmuHM with boys is responsible for the following the terriers following, and while I could, take it. •••'-. his entrance Into business life by a Giants in the last two years. Andy Mr. Tunberg the month of August. Sammy Chernoff, a former amateur from Max Solnick of Log Angeles, very disreputable social scandal. There waited for them to come out again 1 Cohen was given a big chance but amused myself by examining the Calif.: "Here in this state of perpetual was an entanglement with a g^rl, folsimply refused to ripen. He is now A. A. U. champion won a bout from lowed by her suicide. Archie r i s de- curious formation. On three sides the a Jewish boy named Murry Fuchs. It sunshine we have a Jewish .football Pupil of the late Franz KuMak, Boyal voted' to- outdoor pursul^B, apd "vflU walls were sheer, or perhaps ja little batting second in the International -was just another fight team of eleven men, all having the Prafomr Musk, Berlin Germany. very probably- take qnlte kjndly^to overhanging, to the height of forty League. Sidney Cohen got a trial first nome of Moe. Signals are given feet At the top the weather had done Joey Goodman, of the faith, knockbut did not make the grade and now ranching, 'though he Is no good at -all v strange work. Crowning the walls we have Levy who will report to the ed out a Stanley Zelin in the first in Yiddish and instead of numbers the ln; t h e office." :'>•'. .' great mushroom-like shapes, on Giants in September. round of a-four round bout Stanley uarterback simply tells the' team what Then followed an offer which made were high, thick stems, each different and the next play is going to be. This me'sit up. Briefly, I was to acquire •yet all alike. The Intervals were alIn Charlotte, LeRoy is known as was literally swept out of the ring. Work done with Mr. Tunberg is accepted awl eMQHfcd by all worked fine until the team played the on '' his behalf ( enough neighboring most regular, giving the' appearance "The Irish Ace?..: It might be i h a t h e DONT BET i ON FIGHTS! the recognized Artists' Conservatories and Uirivertitiet of tkf Knights of-Columbus. On the Irish property to support 40,000 of of a battlemented tower; or, - better,, is being kidded but perhaps they" beld cattiij, and my own interest I n . t h e of some vaBt fantastic crownf To the team "unknown to our side a Jewish concern" was to be so large as 'to east there was a cleft, where willows lieve him. Greater impossibilities are Tennis Begiaaers Qass Lessons in Piano—Evening Qass for Adpltt boy played center and as the quarterboy is The victory" ti Helen Jacobs over back gave signals the Jewish Irisher make me a'&lrly wealthy .man In. the and underbrush grew thickly on a given credence,- Anyway, :the : course of a. very few yeara. The only steep slope; and amid them issued a Jewish. .-:•'. the seven times national singles title translated them into English for Ms pill wfis Archie. H e waV jo; be ap- tiny spring. During the winter when ail good holder, Mrs. Molla Mallory, definitely team mates.. The Knights of Colum' • :.' •;. '' ' , Fall Term of 12 weeks, begins September 12. EnroHm«at pointed ' ia. subordinate ofUcpr In the baseball players are seated' around and without 'question marks Helen must be made before that date. , .; bus won." company,"ancl..was to enjfjy'the In- •I'could hear barking and spitting the fireside Levy can be found seated Jacobs' as a ranking tenrds star. This Phone AT. 2015 for Appointme»ts come of a large block of Its "stock, from somewhere'ia ihe rock, and deprovided that he made _his regular termined to clamber up and see how in the pit of an orchestra pushing a young miss from the coast had the Lyric BWg, IMk A FOLLOW THE CROWDS TO THE home a t the ranch, and,' never Slept my dogs were faring, I struggled up bow across the gut strings with the audacity' to beat Molla the first set • Omaka, N«br. away from It for more than .fourteen through the- tangled tindergrowth, same skill that he hurls a baseball.' 6-0.' Miss Jacobs put so much into COUNCIL: BLUFFS PICNIC SUNconsecutive nights. . -' then, with knees-and fingernails up a > , r'playing in the first set that the DAY, AUGUST 14tlu—Adr. ~%^axt from my obligations to[ Mr. slippery islope "of stuidstdne, and Fighting " J ": •-'• gallery thought^he would never be Spares," the offer w a s too.:goqd( to^be checked myself at the top'JUBt in'tline able to pull the match-in straight sets Now that the grt&t battle of some^ refused. So it was not very long"tie; to^avold a breakneck "fait '' "< ^ but the California girl toad the needed thing of other is over and Jack fore Archibald Sparks came to tqke •vFor the'great rock was'hollow. Just pep and won the final 10-8. Mrs. MalDempsey is slated to meet Gene up his residence at the ranch. .;' as the-sheer walls Tose on the outside, : Tunneyat Chicago in September, let lory has one-tS the best forehand so they fell within; enclosing a great During the, first few months of. the : drives in the game and our Helen had expansion of the property the work pit perhaps thirty yaVds in length us turn an ear to the heart-breaking and ftfteen-broad.In one corner Kere the good sense ft> keep the ball away lament of Tex Rickard. Tex complains was cMefly of a cferical naturer—'securinR options, besieging land offices, the bull 'pup<, actively assailing the that the radio owners are able to sit from Molla's right side. Helen kept interviewing surveyors' and *tbe like. cat '"How had they come there?' Ex : comfortably in their parlors and listen pounding the ball deep into Molla's SIXTEHiTH AND HOWARD STEEETS In "this r did not look for any' help aminlng the pit more carefully,' I saw to a fight tor nothing while his backhand •which" bothered the little that on one side there was a difficult from my new partner and none w a s r school of • pet' 'suckers are * forced- to brown lady not" a little. ^, s£ W. . v. volunteered; but when'^the* great entrance, where the rock sloped down, pay from three to fifty dollars for the "The tournament was the Essex and the sheer drop was only about t* herds of cattle began to" pour'in frpin the west and south, I qertilnly ex- seven feet though tHere-was no unaid- privilege of sitting on a piece of hard Club event Miss Helen Wills is also pected t o be able'to rely on him. And ed exit for man or beasti I feiched pine board- and - almost seeing what in the draw and will probably meet for several weeks, before .thV novelty a lariat from my horse, made a dan- these radio owners hear gratis. When Her sister Califonaan in the final ni wore off, he did "save me a great deal gerous scramble among the mush- Tex thinks of this vast source of in- round The last time the two girls room-headed rocks, and, securing my of trouble. B y July, however, the hot, come going to waste (Note—waste to met was in 1925" and Helen Wills won dry season had begun In earnest, and rope round the stem of one of them, Rickard is any money he might get 6-8, 6-2. The colorful playing of let myself down just In time to assist you could hardly j«a"'ThV--8tbclr. you from fans but doesn't) it'makes him Miss Jacobs has made her an unusual were driving for the dust they raised. at the obsequies of the cat ly popular favorite with the crowds This was too much for Archie. IJls The field of battle had centered very unhappy. He suggests in his time' was divided, between shooting, near a small hole In the rocky wall, usual big-hearted manner that the and a big turnout is assured for the fishing and other pursuits of a less which a pack rat had partly filled with radio owners should be fair to their final play. repntabte nature, and his appearances brush and various rubbish. This had less intelligent fight,watching brethAlmost like a voice from the dead at the ranch, were just sufficiently fre- been disturbed by the cat and dog ren- and contribute a srnall fee to Mr. sounded word that Sidney Adelstein qnent to .fulfill the conditions which encounter, and further in the. hole Rickard's cocers. Just ill what way of- New- Yoric has returned to tourna. held 'his interest in the property. •r': m••* I- saw what looked like brown leather. this would benefit the fight fans we ment play again. Sid is not an old It "was towards the end. of July .that Brown, leather it proved to be—a cannot . see. It almost: seeps as man by any means. He is about 2' Chirk Fenton arrived In the town in checkbook of the kind that folds over, though Tex is greedy. Perish the which we got our supplies. "Evidently' and serves for holding documents. BUB. Phone AT. 8453 The checks had been used, and the thought! belonging to the better class- of. workRes. Phone AT. 1185 It is one of our business and we counterfoils were scribbled over In ing men,"he was short, extremely"powerful, and spoke pronouncedly through pencIL The pencil writing was hard don't care very, much but in the cause his nose. H i s conversation; Tjas chief- to decipher, but a very short inspec- of candidness it is our believe that BARBER SHOP ly remarkable from Its contrast to the tion satisfied me that it was a diary any man who.pays money to see a . We specialize in vigorous and high-flavored language kept by Archie Sparks; prize fight is in need of mental he wrote: used by the natives. H e never swore. Children's & Ladies' Haircuts mentment of some kind. Look at the Apparently he had plenty of monpy, October 18—Bain In my. foot Js awful, Dining Room FurniArthur BIdg.—212 .So. 18th Street i and at first when questioned-as-to h i s but I.must write, as I do not expect circumstances that go to make up a. ture, Bedroom FuJrnito e«t out of here alive.. Why, did ha fight. Two . men handy \ witii tiieir intentions, replied that he had earned d» it? But you do not know<yet what ture, Decorative Fu?*. fists are'sbored into a ring and told , enough for a holiday/ dnd ~wps going be'did, so.X viriU telL •festerday we niture, Period Furni' to look around a; bit befpre- settling came- here- and camped at the little to smack each ptiier for some hundred In Omaha ,Started ,to, explore the roctet ture. V, on a line of work, and •earlyvJn\August sprlnK-.. about sunset. ;Found the way Into the thousand _dollars. How, angry or sore announced tlfat he had determined! to hollow, arid-1 let-myself down by' a could you be at a man who made it try his luck for a season a s a profes= rope. Left both rifles at the top, and possible for you to earn, in a few Clark Fenton :was to follow; me down. 250 Robins—200 Baths . slonal hunter '-and trapper. s Instead of doing so, he pulled up the minutes enough money to; live a life/Good Rooms for $1.50 Inr this capacity- he met with "suc- rope, saying "ThljB place will do as yrell, time in ease and comfort? But that Living Room Furniany" and shot" ine through, the right Operated by ••Eppley Hotels Co. cess- from the start He" wps' a bril- aature, Sunroom Furnifoot -Shock must "have made me faint,' liant shot- and though the ^ountfrj^ as I heard him aayinE things 1 didn't ture. • • «4?. was new to him, he seemejl to have a understand. : Finally wished, me » KOSHER DELICATESSEN natural instlnctas to the whereabputs pleasant evening; said I, should see : and went away. Fen•';.;; FRIED!? . .. of game. ' Several short- trips' were ar- him-tomorrow, ton must bo mad, to attack me like ranged by the local magnates,, with this, and. I doubt if help arrives In •} ,' . Complete Line of Mattresses, Spring*, ,. Fenton a s a pilot and In 'each case time.. " , WHOLESALE Delicatessen, Smoked Steel Beds, Bedding, they returned spoil-laden. October • 19—Fenton is worse than i and Fish V Druggists and Stationers N u r sery Furaitare, Naturally, Archie fell ip. jwlth him; mad—he is Minnie's brother. ' Minnie 1509 North 24th Street my Chicago girl, you know. Was " 401-403-405 South tOtb Street and naturally they-had inuch esthusi- was Toys, Porch Furnimining In Oregon then, and I never astic talk in common, btjt their sev- saw him. Now he tells me he is going ture and Lawn Fftfnieral; engagements prevented Jhem to watch me starve to death, and hopes ture. I will enjoy it. Fain in foot worse, from arranging an: expedition together and leg' swollen. He let me down "Quality J e t till the middle of October; ': .. . . water In a tin bucket; says he wants M A L ASHOCR JEWELRY About t h i s - time- there were large me to have plenty of time. I see no h o p e . '..-.'. .. •• •. • • - , . . ' and destructive forest fifes V In * .the Wholesale and Retail Jewelers Candy-Fountain Goods — Supplies October 20—Screamed all day,: but Domestic Rugs of #tl, Rockies, and the smoke hung-a-heavy Fenton, 213-16 City National Bank BIdg. or Johnson as his real name kinds, Oriental attfl pall over all the land. The sun-rose is, told me to go ahead and scream. JA.5619 . a n d ' ' s e t blood-red, and rJnen^ could Pain in foot less, but awful cramps in Chinese Rugs, Cir-~ Phone JA. 3986—918 Farnam St. hardly quench their .thirst. ^-Much stomach.- He. eats ...his-meals in: full pets, Linoleums. . view of me. I ate gooseberry leaves. game w a s driven ,ontV-«U&\ crossing October 21—Minnie came to see me the-Intervening forty mile's^ of'plain, today with : a baby in her.arms; opened deer and elk took' up .thfcr jibode on a way for me out "of the rock; I started to follow, but fell down, down, our range In the souths end of the down; Miscellaneous F"**11** Blade Hills. Other visitors arrived, October 22—Poor Minnie. BUTTER'and PGGS at ture, D r a p e r i i s , n o l so welcome. A mountain lion w a s After this there were only a; few Lamps, China, Gla*, seen by one of ouif cowboys feasting feeble scrawls. Council Bluffs, Iowa T r u n k s . Radios. We have turned over all the loose - o n ' a calf, 'and the .next , n l g h t ten Phonographs. sand in the hollow, and have bad large miles awav/,'tie ribbed the>enrooost gangs of men examine the ground In o f - i fence-rider. . 5400 Center Street To harbor the beast meant a certain all directions, but have come on no Phone Walnut 5936 loss of a thousand" dollars a year, and other evidence that would support the Ranges, Kitchen FurI f&rtie-^Wspursnlt and . destroctfon idea that'poor Archie-was buried'In ... over to^Archle; who. tgpk t o the Idea, ^ e neighborhood..., niture, Refrigerators. fManufactured in Omaha' wfth:weaTreageme"ss;f ;He a t once en- ^ t e d t e tfciere has been no news }nson^ alias Fenton. eaeed Clark. dBeot»;.1fc ^company BAKER ICE MACHINE CO. Dancing He is'thickset speaks with a nasat M m a n a % t f October IT th? pair- start-' accent, and never swears.* i S f i S r team » d all 1*9 Parapher-

Jewish Sport Notes




Oraaha Fixture and SippiyCo.

Complete Store and Office Outfitters

A Reduction of 40%

Karl E* Tunberg

Authoritative Instruction in Artistic Piano Playing

TwentyJFive Cents per Lesson

Tunberg Studios


. .



















E. E. BRUCE and CO.

The Copeban Candy Co. Romance Chocolates


You are welcome

Dorsey's Chicken Shack


Here are the Things to Remember:

Measure your spaces "before wig'for furniture— Bring your fldor itieasjlremente when looking for Rugs^inoleums or Carpets. ; VBring your window measurements looking for Dj?aperies. prompt dteMvery is desired will do our utmost to comply, but would request that customers refrain from hurrying up "fitting processes," as we wish only to deliver goods in first-class condition. te privileges of an Orchardcharge aeecwant. To defer payments, mo&t c o n s i d e r a t e TERMS will be arranged so that you can take advantage of this big

Directory of the Sale

Fifth Floor

Floor and Work Down




Fourth Floor

Third Floor ^ •

• { < . , .


Second Floor-

M a i n F l o o r .•.'•-

• ; :\


."Famous for Chicken Sandwiches'



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