THIS 'army" of girls returned Wednesday from Nathan's lake where they have been spending a brief vacartibn/ From- appearances it looked as though the young ladies had benefited much from the outdoor exercises. According to Miss Lilian Margolin, sponsor at the camp, the girls enjoyed themselves at all times. "In my estimation the camp v r - great success from all viewpoin -SJn order to make this £- £. nn more universal in its ni 3. s» ntent, we are asking for tv 9, tf» \xtions from our readers. xfl%lQ mail your letters to A.G. « « e of the Jewish Press Publisl "g _ . By permitting our reat5~j-t, take a hand in the news v in this space of the paper, \ ^ ' lieve we will eventually haVe"all classes and fields of endeavor represented in this column.
,- ,^r' A false friend, like a shadow, attends only while the sun shines. —-FRANKLIN
Entered ns second-class mail patter on January 27th, 1921, at postofflce at Omnha.r Nebraska, tinder the Act of March 3, 1879.
WINGS : Zionists to Loose Balance of Power SEES SUCCESS FOB GAIN IN ZIONIST CONGRESS Plans Complete for Lithuanian Consul in EXTREME MPALESTINE WORK ELECTIONS IN GERMANY Forthcoming Bastle Congress Conference of Rights New York Quits Post- Berlin (J. T. A.)—Final returns of Early reteurnsatindicate London (J. T. A.) — Sir Robert strengthen- Zionists to hold the balance of power Waley Conen, oil magnate, delivered elections of delegates to the Fif. To Be Held in Zurich Is Forced to Resign theteenth Zionist Congress from the ing of extreme wings; is striking con- between the two extreme wings and an address oh the problems connected trast to early congresses. will also render them powerless to with the reconstruction of Palestine, Zionist societies in Germany were . London, Aug. 10—(J. T. A.)—Final returns in the election of delegates from England to the Fifteenth Zionist Congress show the election of two Mizrachi delegates and six general Zionists. Two of the General Zionists delegates were elected on separate lists.
prevent the Radical and Orthodox at the summer session of the Interwings from combining whenever they university Jewish Federation. choose with regard to questions of ap- Although the task facing the Zionpreciations in the budget and repre- ists in Palestine is very difficult and the extreme wings is seen also in sentation in the Executive. cannot be carried through in a few Germany. According to the returns, WASHINGTON FAVORED It is explained that the effort the years, he is certain, tiiat tne work the Left-Center bloc received 2,313 STATESMAN'S WORK votes, thus electing 4 delegates. The Zionist Organization had to give to wilh be crowned with success, notDave Chesnau, acting physical the raising of funds has prevented it withstanding the present crisis and Mizrachi having .received 2,076 votes, New York.—-(J. T. A.)—Henrikas director at the Jewish Community from persistent steps to strengthen all other obstacles. Center, announced Wednesday that Rabinavicius, consul general of the elected 4 delegates. The Poale Zion the organization and to engage in Berlin, Aug. 10— (J. T. A.)—A Sir Robert recently returned from with 1,540 votes elected 3 delegates. the handball tourney and the golf Lithuanian Republic in New York, campaigns for membership, while the strengthening of the influence of the Palestine where he made a study of The Radical Zionists with 465 votes meet will soon culminate. Marion quit his post last week. The Jewish elected one delegate. The Zionist two extreme wings in the Zionist Mizrachi and Poale Zion, freed from conditions in the country. Telegraphic Agency learns that the Graetz and Nathan Fine will cross resignation of Mr. Rabinavicius was Revisionists received 302 votes and movement, the Mizrachi Orthodox the burden of fund raising by the clubs for the title of the links. forced by the prime minister, Profes- are not entitled by this vote t any Zionist wing, and the Poal Zion and joint campaign, have devoted their efZeiri Zion, the labor wing, is inrticated forts to strengthlnning their ranks j and was due to the delegates to the Congress. It's not Tea for Two, but Tee for sor Voldemares ; by the returns of Congress elections' and building up party machines, fact that Mr, Rabinavicius is a Jew. me. which took place in Central and East Another reason is seen in the fact stated he If you don't believe • that remark Prime Minister Voldemares : European constituencies. The returns that in the early stages of the Zionist did not wish t o retain a Jew in a just ask Mr. Sam Leon. Just to be The last girls' group of Camp show a general weakening of the so- movement, .the idealistic and theoretisure Of his drive on the golf course, diplomatic position.' • Morris Levy returned to Omaha on called General Zionists. These results cal character of the movement led to The resignation of Mr. Rabinvidus Sam uses -privately owned tees. Each Wednesday night, August 17, full of of the Congress elections which are in the strength of the General Zionists, and every tee has Sam's name on it, aroused much attention in Jewish and enthusiasm and pep. Every girl looked while the actual work in Palestine has full swing and will be completed durOn Wednesday afternoon, August so if he should accidentally hit the Lithuanian circles, especially in view 17, at 3 o'clock, a group of enthusi- ing the next few days, will make it led to an increased power for the the picture of health. The party was tee away instead-of the ball, why it'll of the fact that'Professor Voldemares astic boys and girls left the Jewish impossible, it is predicted here, to wings representing definite viewpoints in charge of Miss Lillian Margolin, be easy pickiri's for Mr. Leon to persisted in his decision to remove Mr. Community Center, bound for an ad- carry through some of the reforms on how Palestine should be built. Miss Elsie Poska and Mr. W. J. Rose Rabinavicius from\his post despite the locate U-c "TccK " -•••' The girls brought back with them advocated by the Zionist Organization advices he received from the Lithuan- venture on the high seas. Four trucks all sorts of articles made in the Arts of America. and two cars were provided: to take PSI M U BOYS ELECT The P.i riu club recently closed a ian legation in Washington, urging and Crafts department. These articIn the resolutions adopted at the the children to the lake. The trucks him to retain Mr. Rabinavicius in iiis succsssrul" bRcScRll season with 14 OFFICERS FOR NEW TERM les will be exhibited at the Communwere furnished through.the courtesy Atlantic City convention of the Amerivictories .arid two defeats. M. Bloom post. can Zionist Organization, it was urged In the recent elections held by the ity Center before very long. While Mr. Rabinavicius was asked of City Commissioner Dean Noyes. arid Archie Chssnau are to face each Camp Morris Levy opened for the that the Palestine Zionist. Executive Psi Mu the following were elected: Before leaving the Center, photo^ gtb resign by the prime minister, the other for the club's tennis title. girls on Wednesday, August 3, and should not be composed of the various President, Earl Seigal; Vice-president, graphs of the children '. were taken latter tried nevertheless, to create the At a special meeting Earl Seigal has proven, without a doubt, the groups and wings, but that the adwas elected presidant of the organiza- impression that this' step was taken through the courtesy of the World- ministration of affairs in Palestine Sam Epstein, Secretary, Leo Brown, necessity of a permanent camp. Two Treasurer, Archie Chesnau, Reporter tion; Sam Epstein, vice-president; by Mr. Rabinavicius, declaring in an Herald. On arrival to camp, the pirates should be entrusted to an impartial H. Giller and Sarge&nt-at-Anns, M. groups of girls, 18 each, attended the Leo Evown, secretary; Archie Ches- interview with Jewish newspapermen camp. Bloom. in Luthania that he had received were greeted by t h e . campers with Executive. nau, treasurer; H. Giller, reporter The election results are also inter- The Psi Mu colsed a successful baseword from Mr. Rabinavicius that he songs and cheers. Boys* camp opened on Tuesday, and M. Bloom, sergeant-at-arms. had voluntarily resigned. esting as they show the weakening of, ball season with fourteen victories and July 5, and closed on August 2, takMiss Marguerite Beckman, assisted The organization plans, to enter a When interviewed, Mr. Rabinavicius by the camera man, Mr. Peterson, the opposition. So far only a few j two defeats. The Tennis tournament ing care of four groups of 20 boys grid team in the J. C. C. football made the following statement: immediately took charge of the pirate members of the radical and revisionist has reached the final with M. Bloom each. league which will be organized in the 'Various remarks have appeared in scenes. Three boat-loads of pirates parties have been elected to the con- ready to meet Archie Chesnau. Pre- Miss Lillian Margolin was in charge near future. Some of the men who the press in connection with a stategress. The outcome of the elections parations are now under way for a of the girls' camp>«nd Mr. Dave will defend the colors of the Psi Mu ment made by the Lithuanian prime were landed on" shore and about 100 are interpreted as meaning that the p s i Mu football team, to include such Chesneau was in charge of the boys' are; Npte Marcus of Tech high school; minister, Professor • Voldemares, on pirates leaped over the bank to cap- extremely difficult conditions in Pales-! stars as Nat? Marcus of Tech High, camp. Morris • "Tink" Bloom of Cleveland; January 8, that I could not hold the ture the enemy. . Pictures were- also tine are considered by the Zionist pub- j "Tink" Bloom of Cleveland, "Hawk" The campers will hold a re-union Sam "Hawk" Epstein and "Poree" post of consul general in New York taken of the camp fire, with pirates lie of such grave nature that they are | Epstein of the famous Burdette St.'j early in the fall to which their parsitting around it, preparing their Lohrmari, all because I am a Jew. "My resignation not willing to listen to any opposition j Team and "Poree"" L h r i ll Lohmari.' ' evening. meaL After the "shots" were which would f u r t h e r ^ g a v l ^ n athletes;"' -The team wSl eaterients and.friends .will .be invited to has subsequently :teen causedby would further ' ^ h l ee what" Camp- Morris Levy has acJustTea^eTit to'the Jewish boys to Prime Minister Voldemares and made taken,.refreshments were, served to which situation and render still more difficult j the J. C. C. football league, which will complished. break out. inl print. Several Jewish effective August 1. all those present. . • the maintenance of what has been'soon be organized. lads are attending the Citizens miliIn spite of the cloudy skies, the built in Palestine. "I wish to state that, in my opinion, tary training, camp at Fort Crook. this, incident'should not; call, for gen- spirits of the youngsters were not a ••' In Zionist quarters regret is ex- BISHOP IMPRESSED "The Kosher Restaurant" Opens Milt Atsuler and Joe Benstein are eral accusation of the Lithuanian bit dampened. It was not untiU7:30 pressed that the formation of a strong WITH EMEK PROGRESS the two boys who are making history people of the Lithuanian" government in the evening that the party re- center bloc should have been rendered Monday, August 22, at Center so to spsak. Milt won his wrestling of systematic anti-Semitism. The turned, home^—full of pep and en- difficult. The American Zionist dele- Jerusalem (J. T. A.)—Admiration match by a time advantage last Lithuanian people have, since the thusiasm. Beginning August 22, "The Kosher gation will be the strongest single for the reclamation work carried on Tuesday,, while Benstein came out Middle Ages, lived on friendly terms The children of the Talmud Torah group of General Zionists. They will by the Jewish colonists in the Valley Restaurant," under the management and won his boxing match by a with the Jews. Under the Czars' •were in charge of their principal, be reinforced by delegates from Ger- of ezreel was expressed by Bishop of Judah Primack of New York City, knockout in the first round. regime, when pogroms took place in Mr. E. Bloch. many and a few delegates from Paland Mclnnes, prominent American churcn- will open its doors to the public at large at the Community Center. Little Joe had no difficulty in lay- various parts of Russia, of which Lith- The pirate movie will be shown at and other countries. This condition, man who is now on a visit here. ing his erstwhile opponent asleep in uanian was a part, there were never the Riviera Theatre. Mrs. Primack, who will have charge The "Jews have converted swamps as indicated by the election returns, the.initial canto. Good luck to Joe any pogroms in Lithuania. leads observers of Zionist congresses and deserts into civilized country, he of the kitchen, has recently come for he is doped to go a long way in over from Hungary and is a specialist "During my nine years of governhere to preduce a strong battle be- stated. the elimination now being held at ment service," Mr. Rabinavicius conin all sorts of Hungarian dishes. The tween the Right and Left Wings, the camp. Altsuler is also expected tinued, "holding responsible posts, I specialities offered will be Wiener although it is added that in matters 434 JEWISH IMMIGRANTS have learned from my ""contact with to advance in the tennis sprawl. concerning the composition of the -. ARRIVE IN CANADA Schnitzen, Apple Schtrudel and Nut Lithuanian leaders of various parties Schtrudel. The prices will be very tive and all expediency measures, the "Bill" Rose once again assumed of the spirit of good-will and racial Council Bluffs first community pic- wo e t r e t a e Montreal (J. T. A.)—Four hundred reasonable and the food is guaranteed charge of the basket room at the and religious tolerance among them, nic, which was held at Clark's farmi! t*0 u m t *e a s practice in previous and thirty four Jewish immigrants to be ot fhe finest quality. Their J. C. C. - Mr. Rose avers he spent a which has always, been a tradition Sunday, August 14th, was a complete congresses ~ arrived in Canadian ports during motto will be "Must be Tasted to be success in every feature. Over five wonderful vacation with the girls a' with the Lithuanian people. July, according to figures made Appreciated." The present situation is a striking "It is true that I have met with a hundred Jews of Council Bluffs and contrast to the beginnings of the known here. the summer camp. Rose looks pretty Arrangements can be made for rosy-and you can't'blame him one few disgraceable cases of intolerance vicinity attended the affairs of the day. j Zionist movement where the General The number of Jewish immigrants parties, weddings and banquets. Twenty seven entries participated bit. He was high in praise for the but general condemnation of these The public is cordially invited to the local AZA chapter invitational Zionists were in an overwhelming amounted to three percent of the food dished out by Mrs. Sam Nathan. few individuals by the great majority in general immigration to the country majority. The present situation will attend the opening on Monday, of Lithuanians has caused me to be tennis and golf tournaments held in render it difficult for the General during the month. August 22. The restaurant will be conjunction with the picnic ' Louis The HigMand fling was scheduled convinced that smaller incidents ought open every day. Beckennan, Des Moines, No. 2 ranking to get under way, Tuesday, August to be disregarded in the interests of player of Iowa, won the tennis cham- Sigj2J2iai2i2i2iij!ii3i2l2^ 30, but owing to the arrival of Col encouraging good-will." pionship defeating Ray Wolfe, KanCharles Lindbergh, the event will unJEWISH AGENCY EXPERTS sas City ace, in the finals before 'the doubtedly be postponed. According TEL AVIV GYMNASIA FETED IN LONDON crowd assembled at the picnic. Joe to Jerome Heyn, the fling may b HOLDS GRADUATION Ginsberg, of Des Moines won first London (J. T. A.)—A reception in held on the 30th, providing that Tel Aviv, (J..T, A.)—The, gradua- place in the golf tournament shooting honor of Professor Elwood Meade of "Lindy" is behind his time on his a score of 71 for eighteen holes, with tion exercises of the Gymnasia Ivrith, Art Goldbarg of St. Paul second. the United States Reclamation Bureau country-wide tour. and Dr. Jacob Lipman, experts of the the first model Hebrew high school Other out of town entries in the tourJewish Agency Palestine Survey in Palestine, were held here yester- nament were Max Zelen, Louis Zabel, THREE BIG LITTLE WORDS. — This is the Commission, were given a luncheon J. C. C. DANCE CLUB FIRST day: Chas. Keller of Lincoln; Bennie Beckseason when the scroll of the forgotten past memories DANCE SUNDAY EVENING Col. Robert S. Symes, acting Hign erman, Les Goldman, of Des Moines; here yesterday by the Zionist Execu+ T should return home; when scraped intentions, unkept '- e. Dr. M. D. Eder, member of the Commissioner, distributed the diplo- Phil Klutznick, Joe Cohen, and Max promises, spent resolutions should act as a reminder The J. C. C. Dance Club announces mas to he graduates. In his address Givot, of Omaha. Executivej presided at the luncheon. that we renew the broken ties of affectionate associatheir first dance Sunday evening. the acting High Commissioner stated Professor Meade and Dr. Lipman Sunday evening, the local chapter tion. The traditional custom of beginning the New August 21, at the J. C C. main audi- the government appreciates the value urged Zionists not to be discouraged Year aright should give birth to a f elicitious expression torium. They are featuring the J. C. of Jewish education in Palestine. It entertained the out-of-town visitors at because of the present difficulties in a private dance at the Lighthouse Inn of a heartening character. SAY THEM—A HAPPY C. Dance Club Orchestra which is con Palestine. Agriculture is now at a NEW YEAR! in the September 22nd edition of The sidered one of the best in the city. has not increased its subsidy for this of Omaha. disadvantage all over the world, they Jewish Press. . According to the committee in charge purpose only because of lack of funds, stated. Their mission in Palestine is NATHAN STRAUSS the advance ticket sale as far exceeded he stated. a difficult and complicated one, but Let The Jewish Press carry your message of greetTO ERRECT CHILDREN'S all expectations. Plans are being MOSES SMILANSKY they will report fully on their findings ings to all your friends for a Happy New Year. By SANATORIUM made to secure novel entertainment and convictions following the conprinting your greetings in The Jewish Press you are LOSES EYE IN AN for thes'e dances. clusion of the survey, the experts derelieved of the worry of forgetting some one and are Tel Aviv (J. T. A.)—The amount AUTO ACCIDENT These dances will be held every clared. saved a great deal of time and money in the mailing of $25,000 toward the erection, of a Sunday evening in the Jewish ComJerusalem (J. T. A.)—Moses Smil- children's sanitarium here was of the old card system. The practice of sending New munity Center main auditorium. ansky, Hebrew writer and one of tne forwarded by Natnan Straus, AmeriWINS SWIMMING CONTEST Year Greetings through the local Jewish newspaper is earliest land settlers in Palestine, can philanthropist. IN ST. LAWRENCE RIVEK well established and is also being carried on in all the , ' underwent a serious operation here larger communities. CATHOLIC PILGRIMS Mr. Straus has undertaken to build Montreal (J. T. A.)—M. MendelARRIVE IN PALESTINE today as a result of an automobile the sanitorium at a cost of ?75,00O. Nobody can chide you for forgetting them on Rosh son, won the prize in a swimming accident. ; Hashona if your greeting is published in The Jewish contest in the St. Lawrence River. Mr. Smilanskywas so badly injured CONFESSES TO MURDER Jerusalem (J.T. A.)—The members Press. The race covered a distance of thirty that physicians found it necessary >to o f the fourth official Ariglo-Catholic OF KURT EISNER miles. remove his right eye. His condition Congress pilgrimage arrived here toIn mailing your New. Year greetings you are Mr. Mendelson, it was announced, Madrid (J. T. A.)—Baron George" "day. The pilgrims, who number 98, was declared to be satisfactory folprivileged to write your own greetings. Mail them will participate in the swimming meet Wilnelm von Arco, of Bavaria, when lowing the operation. include 30 Americans. before September 18th, as this special feature page will at the Canadian National Exhibition arrested here confessed to the policeWhile in Palestine they will visit close on this day. * in which George Young, winner of The League of Nations has invited that in 1919 he murdered Kurt Eisner, Betnlehem, Nazareth, Galilee, Jericho Sophie Loeb, child welfare wprker, to the Catalina Island swim, will also the first president of the Bavarian and Jordan. The pilgrims will return collaborate with the league's social compete Republic . • • ".. section for child welfare work. to London on August 29.
•rime Minister Did Not Want made public here today. • . : The trend indicated in other Zionist Jew to Fill Diplomatic constituencies of a strengtnening of Post i Arouses Talk
Camp Morris Levy Geses Successful Season
Over 100 Children Take ^ Part in Pirate Movie
Council Bluffs Hosts to Community Picnic
Happy New Year
f, r. t I **" ;
VOL. VI.—No. 33
Large Delegations from Many Lands to United Wednesday; in Three-Day Discussion SEVERAL TO VISIT PALESTINE FIRST Cables received at the office of the American Jewish Congress, 8 West Fortieth street, New York, show that all arrangements have been completed by the Committee of Jewish Delegar tions in Paris for the holding of the Conference on Jewish Rights, which is to take place in Zurich beginning August 17. :•.•;'•. The American Jewish Congress is to be represented by a delegation made up of members of its executive com-, xnittee and the heads of affiliated national and central organizations, the Hon. Julian W. Mack being chairman of the delegation. Judge Mack sailed on the S. S. Olympic on August 8 and will arrive in Zurich in time for the conference, together with Dr. Stephen S. Wise, president of the American Jewish Congress, who is now in Paris, and other delegates. Of the American delegates, some have already left, a number with the purpose of first visiting1 Palestine. Among those who are sailing at this time are Judge Gustave Hartman and Max Hollander of the Independent Order Brith Abraham, Dr. Joseph Tenenbaum, Miss Gertrude Oppenheim of Boston, Leo Wolfson, Herman Speier, Judge Hugo Pain of Chicago, Mrs. Archibald Silverman, Dr. A. Coralnick and Enmnuel Hortz. Bernard G. Richards, executive secretary of the American Jewish Congress, who is also on the delegation, is to sail on the Urania on August SO. The sessions of the conference will be held at the Schmurgericht Saal, and the Hotel Savoy, Zurich, has been designated as the headquarters of the American delegation. Besides the delegation from the United States, there will be present representatives of the Jeweries of Lithuania, Lativa, Poland, Bulgaria, Czecho-Slovakia, Germany and other countries. The session will continue from August 17 to 20.
5,385 Jewish Immigrants Come to U. S. in 6 Months New York. (J. T. A.) — Five thousand, three hundred and eighty five Jewish immigrants arrived 5n the United States during the six months ending June 30, according to a report of the Hebrew Immigrant Aid and Sheltering Society of America, made public by Isaac L. Asofsky, general manager of the society. Tnree thousand eight hundred and sixty four Jews who came to the United States during that period were classified as non-immigrants. Representatives of the society met S01 incoming steamers in which Jevish immigrants arrived. Kosher meals distributed by the Hias to persons de, tained at Ellis Island numbered 22,503 during that period, the report states. One hundred and thirty five appeals through tne Washington bureau of the Hias were submitted on behalf of detained immigrants. Of this number 94 cases were decided in favor of the immigrants, 23 were rejected and the rest have not yet been decided upon. The amount of $054,885 was remitted hremgh the Hias Bank by American Jews to their relatives in Poland, Boumania, Lithuania, Latvia, Russia and other countries. JEW APPOINTED CONSUL FOR VENEZUELA Toronto (J. T. A.)—Max Aiken, a Toronto lawyer, was appointed Consul General for Venezuela in Canada. The appointment was made by the President of Venezuela. Mr. Aiken has been Acting Consul for the past year.
And Blame the Clab*
decided to take np erI've golf. Don't you think It would be ft good advertisement if I used the brand of clubs we sell? Clerk—Xo. While I wns learning I'd use the brand our rival dcaltit sells.—Good Hardware.
_ \i ?'„
PAGE 2—THE JEWISH PRES& THtlKSDAY, AUGUST 18, 1927 becomes, at times, often unconsciously, guidance is ignored and his authority observance, nor the inspiration of a mortal contribution to civilization? a further factor in the weakening of unacknowledged. worldly Jeyrish nationalism, with a It is evident to every impartial obthe hold of the synagogue on Jewish Our rabbis of old knew ilie life of secular Hebrew culture as its goal, server of conditions in our crfm^unS* PabHsbed ever; Thursday at Omaha. Nebraska, l^r ~ -~ '• life, the title "rabbi" has been bome their people, and were a force for can and will maintain Jewish life. All and congregational Hebrew schools THE JEWISH PRESS PUBLldHLNG COMPANY by .the most1 exalted sons of Israel good in their communities} they were agencies for the strengthening of Jew- that these schools have net met their Office: 490 Brandeis Theatre Building — Telephone:. ATlantic 1460. since the destruction of the Jewish of and lived for their people, and ish life and conscience are vital only responsibility as the bearers «f the • : •" NATHAN E. GREEN, Manager. Commonwealth. Its bearer in all ages nothing concerning the life of .the to the extent to which they draw their spirit of Judaism and -he conscience Subscription Price, one year. .$2.50. have been primarily scholars, teachers community was foreign, to them; but inspiration from, are rooted in, and of Universal Israel, to American JewAdvertising rates furnished on application. and exponents of the word of God, of they went before the people> who fol- help strengthen the Jewish school, in- ish youth. biblical and rabbinical lore and law. lowed them. They lived on a higher tensive and extensive Jewish educa- The tendency in many of these 1 OB AUDUESS-Flease prlve both the ©M and new iddretti The source of authority and leader- spiritual and intellectual plane then tion. Every page of our long history r.chools is to concentra^- upon the be sure aiid Rive yonr name. ship in our spiritual and religious life those whom they led. They lived bears testimony to the truth that the national aspect of Judaism, • •> the neg. The Jewish Press is supplied by the Jewish Telegraphic Agency (Jewish has even been and must remain a deep their lives as spiritual and inteilectua source of Jewish-vitality is the Jewish lect of i+e high religious ideals and Correspondence Bureau) with cabled and telegraphic Jewish news, In addition knowledge of and adherence to the aristocrats, as perpetual "sons" and school, the" cultivation, of the Torah values, the moral and spiritual verito feature articles and correspondences from all important Jewish centers. Torah. Such guidance alone can point students of the Torah. They did not in its widest sense. The Torah is ties of Israel; they are imbued with a Inquiries regarding news items credited to this Agency will be gladly answered |f addressed to Jewish Telegraphic Agency, 621 Broadway. New the way to a life in harmony with the merge their lives completely with that likened by our seers and sages, to secular philosophy of Jewish life, JewlorkXJity, eternal truths of Judaism. The rabbi, of the community; without losing water, and the stream of Jewish crea- ish history and estiny and their spiritthe spiritual guide of the people, their hold oh the life about them, they tive life can at no time and in ho ual interpretation is ignore J. Some : , FOR A FELLOWSHIP OF FAITHS must, therefore, first and foremost be lived apart in a rare atmosphere of place rise to a higher plane than the of these schools have been stripped learned in and loyal to the Torah, learning, of fortitude and religious source of Jewish spiritual life, the of their contact with the direct sources The movement looking to the establishing of a more cordial must view all Jewish pioblems in the enthusaism, of loyalty to and love of Jewish school, with it, Jewish life of our faith and culture and the relationship among the members of the various creeds, which had light of the Torah. Equipped with God and His people. Their tastes stands or falls. center of gravity of Jewish ideals of its origin in this country about three years ago, has now reached the knowledge, the ability, the person- their joys, their entire mode of life life to an abstract nationalism, from It is evident to every observer that Europe, and the first conference of what was there designated the ality to grapple with. Jewish problems were on a higher plane. They walked many Jewish parents wh« fail in their a spiritual to a linguis education. "Fellowship of Faiths," recently concluded its sessions in London. in the complex society of today, he humbly before God, and by percept supreme duty of saving their children The national ideal is ir,0cev an indisRepresentatives of seven religious denominations participated in and emfwytaoiemfwytataoemfwypetta and example they expressed * wil- for Judaism, who ignore the spiritual pensable part in the scheme of Jewish the conference, which was largely attended, so that it was necesmust be deeply imbued with the spirit lingriess to sacrifice themselves for needs of their children and starve and the culture of age-old Judaism the sake of saving Israel for his God their souls, do not wish the light of sary to hold an overflow meeting at which the speakers had to re(Continued on page 3.) and his Torah. and its philosophy of life and conduct. peat their messages to the eager listeners. Another imposing asJudaism to be extinguished or diminWe need rabbis who can go forth to The rabbi of the modern synagogue, ished, and their self-destructive negli-: sembly is now in session in Lausanne, Switzerland, including deleour communities with power to hold following the current, is often forced gence is due to a lack of understandgates from the various Christian sects having the same purpose and inspire our Gold-starved people; to adjust himself to the taste, to the ing. They fail to recognize that only in view, that of effecting a union among the many Christian debut all their efforts is an arid wind very whims of those he is to lead and in the knowledge and loving undernominations or, at least, emphasizing those points on which all across a rich field, unless the rabbi is to inspire. By mixing freely with standing, by our growing youth, of trained and inspired by intensive Jew- those of his congregation, by lending Israel's past, of the message and agree, and leaving the points of difference out of consideration;. ish education, by single minded and himself to. all their common enter- meaning of our Torah Chayim, of This is called the "World Conference on Faith and Order," and also unshaken loyalty po the Torah, to prises, he becomes rpiritually indist- Israel's vital contribution to the spirithad its origin in this country, having been organized ifi 1910, with teach and guide his community in the inguishable from them, marked per- ual and moral values of mankind, and the aim of bringing out in greater relief what is commonly .regarded spirit and in the ways, of the Torah, in haps by his usefulness and by intelli- of tho essential unity of Universal as orthodox Christian doctrine. ^ the practice of traditional Judaism. gence, but unconsidered -3 a spiritual Israel of all ages, is our strength and It has often been questioned whether this display of toleration In our great eagerness to retain or The rabbi of the modern synagogue sublime functions and the little stress hope; they do not see that without in religious matters js not a sign of lack of faith and of weakness regain our youth for the ideals and has exchanged the historic role of the laid Upon the knowledge and the study such training and knowledge the conin the credal position of those who advocate; it. Oh the other hand, practieeB of Judaism, we often defeat rabbi as a Torah scholar and jurist, as of the Torah in the training for the scious continuity of creative Jewish object by lowering the historical judge and arbiter in religious and rabbinate aggravate the spiritual it has also been maintained that the protagonists of all these move- our standards of the Synagogue to the spiritual problems, and as bearer of weakness of the synagogue and our life is impossible. ments for better understanding are really actuated by the prosely- level of our. day and life of our youth. the knowledge and the message of the religious life; and are responsible for It is, therefore, our supreme task tizing spirit, hoping to win over to their own particular doctrine or In our zeal, we fail to recognize that Torah, as the guide and teacher of his the lack of courage and spiritual to plead incessantly with American SOSKIN and KOZBEKG creed those who at present differ from them by means of kindness Judaism, which commands man's life people, for the role and the activities strength, the frequent compromising Jewry and to place continuously and 1552 No. 20 St.—WEebster 0267 and friendly association. Tolerance need not necessarily be a and demands sacrifice, cannot be smug- of a social workjer, of a speaker on all in our pulpit, the lack of genuine in- squarely before them, in all its signi- Fresh Meats — Delicatessens inj disguised in venous forms of current topics, and at times of an amficance and meaning, our only problem, result of lack of faith in one's own religious views, nor need it be gled Fresh Fish Bandied Daily sociability and entertainment, useful bassador for his people to the com- terest in the pew, and the tendency to the problem of the future of Israel, suspected of an endeavor to entice the unwary. It is true that or harmless as they may be in themfollow the line of least resistence in and its only solution, the intensive and We Deliver to all Parts of the City our spiritual lives. This partly ex- extensive Jewish education of oui here and there persons who" are active in these movements are con- selves. J u d a i s m, unconquerable munity at large. sciously or unconsciously affected by one or the other .of these'mo- throughout the ages, must and can be The center of gravity of bis sacred plains the strange and unwonted phen- children, the efficient Jewish school. has been transferred, partly omenon that changes are being introtives. It is necessary that the minority groups, should be aleirt itself, must and can rely firmly upon vocation The Best Place to Buy by circumstances beyond his will, duced' in the synagogue by those who Is American Israel, through training and watchful of its interests all the time, so as not to be swamped its intrinsic strength. from Torah to Gemilut Hasodim, from deny that they stand for change. They its 'growing generations in the Torah Your Victor Orthophonic or by the onrush of sentiment and kindly speeches and even fine deeds Our youth live and move in an at- study and teaching to social work and account for the grievous lack of direc- and Jewish idealism, to be a blessing Radio itself and to America by cultivat—See as tirst— • of the members of the majority groups. However, the movement mosphere, rebmed from and hostile to preaching*. He' takes an active part in tion in our spiritual lives, for our to ing the historic Jewish steadfastness SOL LEWIS itself is one of the glories of modern civilization and should receive Judaism with its~spiritual interpreta- all "drives" for benevolent and com- failure to produce outstanding and in- to his God and to the teachings and of Israel's destiny and history. munal purposes and civic movements. spiring personalities In the rabbinate WE bster 2042 1804 No. 24 St. the support and encouragement of all persons who love humanity tion We will not.bring them hearer to the He is prominent at social functions? and scholars who make positive con- truths of the Torah, his great and imand peace. The coming together of men and women of different source and the inspiration of Judaism and he and the congregation pay the to Jewish learning,, particbeliefs and dicerent historic backgrounds is conducive not only to' by compromises, by presenting to penalty in the lapse from the rabbini- tributions ularly to the vast field of Talmud and bringing about a clearer understanding of the faiths of others, but them a Judaism which holds no vital cal ideal—the spiritual strengthhold rabbinical literature, without which a also to making one's own faith clearer to its own adherents. As message, which makes ho real de- of Jewish life for. the last millenie— full and sympathetic understanding of Br/Gaster put it before the Fellowship of Faiths mands. Judaism must be understood, to the activities of social service and our past and oar spirit is impossible. WE. 3527 2429 Decatur Street and. )ived as, a, spiritual force preaching. Thevmodern rabbi, intel- The vital and paramount problem of M.SOMIT LcsaUcnvwhen he spoke of religion asihe breath of life coming from accented, shaping our "life ana tjiotigmV or % is ligent, earnest* and often self-sacriI want to announce to my customers that I just received a full line God rtV0rie ray of light from the sun coming through a prism broke empty and meaningless and our think- ficing, is forced to scatter his strength, American Jewry is the education of of the most beautiful JEWISH NEW YEAR'S CARDS in Hebrew its youth in the spirit of Jewish loyally up into many colors. The nations and faiths were like many Jng youth will not lake it seriously. in many directions, reducing bis influand English, also a new supply of all kinds of Sacred Books, and idealism. Jewish education, the colors, but when they are combined then the glorious light of the They will not regard a faith and way ence as a spiritual force in the life of Jewish school, is our anchor of safety, Sedurim, Machzeirim, Bibles, in Hebrew and with English translation sun shone again." We do not look forward to a union of allthe of life which is administered to them his people. For: only he who stands the source of our spiritual strength and the nicest and best Talesim, silk and wool. creeds/nor even of all the denominations within a single creed, but sweetened to tastelessness; it will not spiritually above, he who it to an ex- and the harbor of our sanctity Everyone who want to have Esroogim from Erez-Isroel shall be so captivate their imagination and will tent removed from the squaler of daily itfe may confidently expect a better understanding and greater re- not throughout the ages; and only with an land and :give me the order now. inspire them ^o make sacrifices; for life, inay be looRed and accepted spect for each other's views and beliefs through such meetings it, Our youth turn from the play-re- as a spiritual leader. The average adequate and virile Jewish education among the adherents of the different creeds, when the underlying ligion-, the play-spirituajity, that are rabbi of the modern.synagogue has may we look with hope and confidence principles of all religions and of human relationships are time and beingoffered tjjem, and, by the Very many concerns'that prevent him from to a fruitful and creative Jewish life again brought to the surface and made clear and reasonable- compromise intended to hold them, giving his time to the study of the in this land. Neither mere religious some-of the best o our youth are, lost Torah, and, as a. result, he often deExponent. :,._ H! scends to the spiritual plans of those to us. he is to lead, and thus disqualifies The- modern synagogue without himself from being accepted as a Torah, with its secular atmosphere, is losing its compelling spiritual force, teacher and true guide. does not instil spiritual religion—the He finds himself often unable to Emnent Scholar and Orthodox Leader Sees Danger in Secularization of most potent factor in men's life—to stand up for hif. religious and spiritSynagogue and School? Paramount Issue of American Jew is Youth s one of the manifestations of social life. ual convictions, thus weakening his Education in Jewish Loyalty and Idealism, He says. It divests the house of God—the position as a consistent teacher and August 22, symbol and home of f aith-r-qf its sub- defender and aggressive champion of Only the Nebraska with its vast outlet for men's By DR. BERNARD REVEL limity, and leads ultimately to the de^ Israel's spiritual and moral standard Suite 14, Baldridge Bldg., wear can offer you such wonderful summer clothes J (The rapidly changing conditions in sion in the Synagogue as the place of struction of the very ideals it would and values. His voice is heard every20th and Farnam selections and such exceptional values. American. Jewish life, are a matter of worship and study, and in the Yeshiva, preserve. We must, transmit the where, his usefulness is recognized, ATlantic 8162 deep concern and wide discussion in as the centre of the intensive studv fervor of the faith of our fathers to his friendship is cultivated; but his every Jewish community throughout of the Torah, of spiritualityarid ideal- our children, For there are millions the country. Divergent views are ism. These have been the two great of Jews in the world today who fully, held on the course -which American forces which have made possible the accept the concepts and precepts cf Jewish, life -will take in the next few very existence of Israel in his world- Orthodox Judaism, ready to make decides. Many forces are at -work old martyrdom, whose very existence, every sacrifice for its perpetuation, Every salt finely tailored of quality Tropical to give direction to the process thru in the words of our ages, we that bl without finding themselves less fit, Worsteds, Pablo Cloth, Linens and other smart, > Given by the •which American Jewry is passing to- "one lamb among seventy wolves.'! thereby for the life and thought of weave»—the most remargable shoving ever day. Of late an increased activity The .perpetual light of the Torah, our age, an age which is crying for assembled in the middle west. the spirituality and ideals of Judaism never to be extinguished, illumined concentrated on intensive Jewish edu©tier Smart Summer Suits, $10 to $35—All Suses tor all cation has manifested' itself in the the Synagogue, which for the last and the moral steadfastness which on SEE OUR WINDOWS TODAY ... ranks of the vast number of Orthodox two millennia, has been the true home Israel has maintained throughout the Nor do the strength and Congregations in the United States. of God and the Torah. It was not ages. What is the aim of these efforts and merely the house of prayer, of occa- meaning, of Judaism depend upon the what wi}l be their probable influence sional communion with our Maker; number of its adherents; it survives - at the ; in shaping the character of the Ameri- but, in the best sense of the word, the and will survive because of its intrincan Jewish community, now that im- home and the university of our people. sic worth and strength, because of its CORRECT APPAREL FOR MEN AND WOMEN migration has stopped and the process Here in the evenings, on Sabbath and significant sublime message to manwill be purely an American Jervish on festivals, men of all walks of life kind. Its very essence is its moral gathered for the study of the Torah; force and its demand that the indivione? . the Scriptures and their exposition, dual lift himself to a higher moral featuring the (Dr. Bernard Revel, president Of tha plane and adjust his life to its ideals. the Talmud and the ethics. The con-, faculty of the Yeshiva of America, in Himself in great measure the prothis article depicts conditions in the stant study of the Torah and conseduct of the tendency toward seculariquent deep familiarity with the sources ADMISSION 50 CENTS various types of congregations as seen zation of' ourf lives and sanctuaries, by an Orthodox leader. He discusses of our faith and culture ennobled and the rabbi of the modern synagogue Main Auditorium the relations between rabbi and lay- enriched the daily life of our fathers. man, and gives the view of what organized Jewish life is to be. The argumentation and conclusions of Dr. Bevel, a distinguished scholar, who, through his contribution - to tht prob1 Registered Mall • Jewelry. AH ! . Accident and Health Engine Breakage , lem of intensive Jewish education as Assault • , Explosion (General), -lords'Liability- :-:; ( Rental Value .. . ~ Automobile Fire "Express Shipments -president o£ the Yeshiva faculty, Samples V .jny and Theft ^ • 'Salesmen's Automobile Liability SjJrinKier Leakage, I Leasehold ••.;.; Strike Fidelity Bond? . wields a wide influence iiv Orthodox Bink Depositand Riot ! Liability (General) Fire and Tornado Boiler Explosion . Bond Fly Wheel. jjnd non-Orthodox "circles, are of par• Livestock - _ - • .Supply Burglary, (Residence) Surgeons' Liability Merchandlsa in Transit Burglary (Store, etc.) Teams' Liability ticular interest.—Editor). Motor BoatBurglary or Safe- " " -Golfers' Equipment Theatre Liability 1 j Motorcycle <all forms) Check Raising * Golfers' Liability . Theatrical Transport** The course, of Jewish life through'' 1 Mualcil Instruments. Civil Commotion •Group Insurance • • tlon 1 Consequential" Damage out the Kges has been illumined by the Haii. . Partnership • Life Insur Title insurance ; ^ . ' t — Contingent Liability Tburlst Floater Hold up (Messenger) Contraotors'-Bpnds' gynagog^e,tTand; the Yeshiva. During •-" ;TJse and occupancy • (Paymaster)." ;-1 Physicians' Defense X>er<riats* Liability > Plate Glass Breakage (Personal) t A ~ the darkest ages they spread the light AVorkmen'a Compenaa» Druggists' Liability; - - Household ' " " Profit Insurance Godds In Elevator Liatjiijty ... . lion ,Raln Insurance offaith and loyalty. From them emanTransit ated spiritual strength and fervor. Office;' &" * ATWHCSISO Historical Judaism has embodied its ideals^and 'found its highest expres-
The Yeshiva, the home of Torah par excellence, has served throughout the ages as the nursery r. the Jewish spirit and the reservoir of our spiritual strength, as the cource of sustained inspiration, of piety and scholarship, as the true fountain of knowledge and idealism. American Jewry, concentrating its thought and energy upon the needs and avenues of philanthropy at home and abroad, has, until recently, failed to turn its attention to the fields of activity and to the instruments that are most essential to the survival of Jewish life and spirit. It has been occupied with the need of the Jew father than with the need of Judaism. We have failed to transplant the two great instruments of Israel's survival —the Beth ha-Midrash and the Yeshiva—to this land. The voice of the Torah is stilled even in our Sanctuaries. They no longer radiate spiritual light and warmth and have as a consequence, fallen into neglect. The Synagogue in this land has, as a result, been largely divested of its significance, as the sustaining and unifying force in our spiritual life. Many a synagogue, conceived to the spirit of loyalty to historical Judaism, has often through the caprice of a "spiritual" leader or the whim of lay-leaders, been transformed into a house of semi-pecasiona} worship, and from this into a "temple." This seculari^ tion of our sanctuaries is resulting in a pallid and disintegrating Jewish existence. - -. . . .. ...
Harry Braviroff Announces The Re-opening of HisPiano Studio
The Foundation of Jewish Life
J. C. C. DANCE CLUB Sunday Eve? Aug. 21 Jewish Community Center J. C. C. Dance Orchestra
Extra Valuel Tropical Worsted Goats and Pants
i—THE JEWISH #RESS, THURSDAY, AUGUST IS, 1927 them to direct the inner work and the | of Judaism, can maintain Jewish Jife going ahead of this ewsettettt education policies. As the subject in the land, will rear a Jewish youth ard, the week starting Saturday, matter increases, as the variety of which will be able and wilting to carry August 20, the Riviera Theatre it courses becomes greater, while the on the life and the message of Juda- proud to present the motion picture Bj Stanley F. Levin. (Contirucd from page 2.) time of study remains that twilight ism. Without the-hope of th« coming that the Los Angaleft Times termed —"^-——"i[ - — ; — T t r - r m, a» m m m + m 9 »» •_• W J A number of Jewish youths are. atr life and education, but it Is an integral begrudgingly spared from the. public generation reared is the true spirit of as the "perfect picturesr-Emil Jan* tending the Citizens Military Trains part of an organic whole which can- school and play, the work becomes Israel's faith and ideals, of what avail nings in his first American Produc* ing camp at Fort Crook and are not be neglected for any of its pa-1s. obviously superficial and insigBificant, ate our organisations, religious Sant- tien, ""Way of All Flesh," tfits Belle taking an active part in the camp This tenJer'r is tnan'Je^: in almost making thoroughness unatainable. uraries? A r # w « not building them Bennett, PhyHs Haver and Donald Keith in the supporting ca*t, activities. Two of the boys in par- every phase of the activitj. of many The Bible, the divine and eternal on shifting sand, drifting waters? source of our spiritual life, is replace It is B«a& by those who have Been It is knowledge, direct and sympaticular are making a name for them- of our Hehre -• schools, in the choice 1 by the story book; summaries are subthe "Way *>* All Flestf' that * » thetic contact with the teachings and a-inclinatdoi. of their teachi staff, selves in the boxing and wrestling picture is imightier than Ww&et*", stituted for the original sources of the original sources of Judaism, with in text, books, curriculum, hours of ring. Joe Bjenstein, ppxingfor Co, C, decisioned H. O. Edson, als,o of Co. CL study and in the multiplicity of sub- our vast literature and history, and its sanctioned modes of living, a lov* "The List Laugh'%, or any motion one Hebrew hymn among ten secular ing understanding of our past, the picture that Mr. Jannings has apThe fracas was stopped in the first jects. While in these schools religion still songs takes the place of our liturgy. spiritual interpretation of the history peared in so far. The "Way of JOT round and the Jewish boy was given Many parents instinctively feel this and deritiny of their people, that will Flesh" is a story that is human. It nut's a place, however small, in their the verdict. Both scrappers weighed is a story of silken hose, flashy in at 100 pounds. "Bienstein is one of direct activities, in 'the course of passive attitude of most of eur He- equip and strengthen our youth to clothes, eyes that flirt, and blow? that study, It is almost entirely absent brew Schools toward the faith and meet, and sustain them to conquer, the Bnai Israel athletes hurt. The Riviera patrons would reMilton Altshuler, of Co. B, was from these indirect forces that are traditions that are Judaism and their all the forces in their lives and their ceive mere than their money's worth "ie spirit- spiritual void and they become less surroundings that are hostile to the awarded the decision over W. M. C. the most potent factor- *n 1 Only knowleige just to see this remarkable photoplay, ual developn.tiit of the c " * These actively interested in the progress of spirit ©f Judaism. Alleman, t*f Co.D. Both matmen but the management is not eentented indirect forces, the slight, almost im- their children in these schools than which is rooted in the religion and tipped the scales at 118;pound|. with offering more than their money's the spiritual seeds of their chDdren spirit of our faith and in the conperceptible, suggestions and impresshnler is a member of the Bnai -worth, but in addition presents ttie sions of the school room and the demand and many pupils leave with- sciousness of "Universal Israel, which New-Idea Publix Stage Show, "Iceclub*. . . ' . . school surroundings, the influence of out completing the course of studies, views Israel's destiny sub sptcies land Follies," which consists of one the conduct and attitude of the teach- having developed during their stay ternetatis, is Israel's earnest of im- big *ct after another which includes Naomi Cohen and Selma Levin pulled uff ia neat bit of work when er upon the child, are more powerful neither sense nor taste for the Jewish mortal life. the following entertainers: Jimmy they swam the Community' Center and more lasting than any formal in- ideals of life and for courses of JewDunn, "Full of Fun", Naum Coster RIVIERA THEATER pool 88 times or one mile. Dave struction; they determine the tenden- ish culture. And even the avowed oband Norma Hewlett, "Velvet-voioed ject ef these schools of instilling an cies and the direction* of the mind and Chesnau witnessed the girls feat and Singers", Beth Calvin, "Kick", Browtt There seems to be no end to the and Bailey, "Two Boys in Blue", timed Miss Cohen, who Was swim- the will of the child. In many of our attachment and devotion to the Jewish ming for the fun of it and not for Hebrew schools, these Indirect forces people as a national unity is not often wonder shows that the Riviera Helen McFarland, "Youthful XylaTheatre is playing week in and week phonist", and Six Iceland Girls. In speed, pulled tip for the last length are devoid of religious and spiritual attained. out. Combing the market for the best addition to this there is a big musical content; they are not moved by conProminent and successful exceptions in exactly one hour. •i in photoplays and stage attractions, program by "AT* Evans and hife siderations that will inculcate affecthere are, outstanding institutions Both girls are pupils af Ed Burthe Riviera has set a standard for the Riviera Musical Jesters, and * novelty dick, the inan who taught the Jewish tion and faith in the Torah and the that do constructive work of lasting past four weeks tiiat way over, organ solo by George Johnson. There ideals of Israel in the tender heart of value. people of Omaha how ^to swim. It shadows any theatre in this vicinity. are four stage shows presented Sally. the child. The children are not made All the genuine Jewish life of today is a funny thing but the femine folks It is no wonder that this magnificent On week days bargain prices prevail familiar and brought In direct contact persists because this generation was patronize the pool far more often Omaha playhouse is doing capacity then the supposedly stronger sex. with events and personalities in our largely trained at the true source of business at every performance. Keep- up until 2 o'clock. religious life. The arrival of a HeJudaism or was reared in an atmosClara Shriebman and Dora Swartx ing up with the standard and in fact swam a length and a half under the brew poet, the death of a Hebrew. phere of Torali—true Jewish life. But PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS writer, tUe coming of a national holiwhat bulwarks of faith and spiritual wafer in easy fashion. Pauline Fellman is making surprisingly good day; of these our Hebrew schools take strength are we establishing for those FOR RENT— PAXTON-MITCHBIX CO. cognizance; but the arrival of the who are to follow us? in the dashes. e-tb »nd Martha Sts. HA me* UN* demise of one of our great religious Beautiful 5-room apartment flat The social and economic forces, the Omaha. Nebr. and spiritual1 leaders; the erection or secular school with its Protestant un-with 6-room acconwdation, with Soft gray, lion, brass, bronae ahS Sammy Kaufman lost another the destruction of a great Torah dertone are antagonistic to us; our aluminum castings. Standard «isea heat. Immediate possession, AT. bronn and iron bashings, sewer M I game the other day whea* he hurled centre, a nu*sery of the Jewish spirit, homes are becoming secularized and boles, cistern rings and covert, and 7019. , 2534 Cass Street. for the Grant, Nebr., nine. Sammy pass 'without comment and attention the light of the Torah is becoming dean-oat loons in stock. had defeated the Grant team twice in the school room. Among the dimmed even in our Sancturaries. in one day earlier in the season and teachers themselves, whose attitude Whence is to come the light that is to so. when the out-state; aggregation deeply affects the spirit of" the pupils, illumine the path of the generation wanted a good twirler they called on there prevails a spirit of indifference to come ? Only a Jewish training Mr. Kaufman. Sammy however toward much that has been sacred to which penetrates the soul of the child failed to come through in his usual Universal Israel throughout the ages. with the light of Jewish idealism, •I TO OMAHA JEWERY— form and lost the tilt to i h e tune of This turning from the spiritual and with the warmth of the spirituality 4 to 0. Kaufman's pitching record is religious ideals of Jewish life may I am opening a fish market, Thursday, August 11, still some thing to be proud of and often be unconscious. The manageat 2019 North 24th street, and would appreciate before the season ends he should ment of the Hebrew schools is often supplying my friends and former customers with tally up several more victories. Bar- overburdened with concerns of a finan- their fish needs. • ney Bnrch gave us his reason for not cial nature, with the maintenance and HUNGARIAN COOKING pitching Sammy in any of the Omaha the physical expansion of the school. games. He says that due to the The directing board and its executive A Good Place to eat WEbster 0320 failure of the Omaha team officers frequently, therefore, have 2019 No. 24th Street he found it more profitable to sell not the lime and, being chosen for ability in other directions, neither the teams in the vicinity than to have desire nor the knowledge to enable Specialising in the Jewish boy pitching lor his tailNoonday Lunch and Evening , Dinners end team. Furthermore lie says that Catering Parties—Weddings he will not sell, trade or release Dope favors Nate Fine to win the Kaufman this year. Next year Kauf- first annual Center tourney. Delivered to all parts man is going to play short stop for of Greater Omaha Omaha, a position that Surch desired Sammy to play this year, but Kaufman did not care for the infield work. In the words of Barney Burch (the NO SOOT W MJLtJL^IKLJ LITTLE ASH owner of Kaufman and the Omaha SEMI-ANTHRACITE Western league team) 'fSammy KaufWe guarantee over, 14,500 heat units in every pound of man will make the major leagues as a short step but never as a pitcher." WIZARD COAL—-Real economy.
i Council Bluffs News }
:'• ifr,. and Mrs, A. Riklin announces & 4 engagement of their daughter Benefit Card Party to Be Given Next Sara to Mr. Sam G. Zager, son of Mr. Thursday at Gooch's Baking Co. aluT Mrs. S. Zager of this city. Mr. Mrs. Sam Meyerson and Mrs. Joe Ziger is a student at the Nebraska Rosen will be hostesses to a' benefit TTniversity. bridge party for the Hadassah next has just been received of the Thursday afternoon, August 25, at betrothal of Miss Ruth Kushner of the Gooch's Food Products company, o, formerly of this city to Mr. Fourth street and Eleventh avenue. The public is invited to attend. Bricker of Lincoln. Prizes will be given at every table, Mr. and Mrs.* Harry Rubenstein and Everyone is urged to be present fafifily. and nephew, Milton Abrams Mrs. Julius Katelman and daughter ieft" for a two weeks motor trip to Marian, have returned home after Minnesota. spending three :WeekB in Excelsior Mr. and Mrs. M. £ . Chapman re- Springs, Mo., and Leavenworth, Kas» turned Monday after a trip of several Whfle in Leavenworth, they visited %eeW to TJlacier National Park and Mrs. KatelmanV daughter, Mrs. Abe Bear, and Mr. Bear. California. , Mr., Harry Braviroff will return Mr. Lawrence Krasne lias returned "home "Saturday from ft two weeks va* home .from a two weeks' buying trip nation at the Minnesota lakes at Alex- in New York City* andria, Minnesota. V • ' " • • • a. • Mr. and Mrs. Joe F. Gilinsky re- Miss Sarah -Bass of Sioux City is turned home Sunday after a week's visiting with Miss Ida Stern. i visit in Minneapolis; Minn., with Mrs. Miss Alice Stern returned home last Gilinsky's parents. week after a months visit in "Sansag Mr. and Mrs. Richard <5or8bn have -City, and St. Joseph, where she visited moved into their new home at 604 witj» friends and relatives. • Roosevelt avenue. Miss Bess Grodinsky entertained Mr. Herman Meyerson and daughsixteen couples at her home Wednesday evening "honoring Miss Sara t e r , Mildred: and Gwendolyn, .and Mr. A~ Perimeter of Omaha motored to Oskaloosa, Iowa, Sunday, returning Miss Rose Sacks entertained the home Monday evening, accompanied Ko iee'e at three tables of bridge Si back by Mrs..• Meyerson and' Mrs. her home" last Sunday. Prisses were Perimeter and son, Morton Richards, -won by the Misses Sophie Oland, Be»a who had spent the past week there 'Noddle, Helen Winer and Fannie with relatives. "Collet. Miss Bertha: Slutaldn will be "hostess at the next meeting. Mr. Louis H. Katelman left Sunday evening for DesMoitfeiBj Iowa, ttr at- Miss Ruth Greenberg has returned tend the State Legion convention as home after spending the past four a delegate from the Rainbow Post weeks visiting in St. Paul and MinNo, 2, He is expected to return home neapolis. Mrs.-A. Greenberg and today. V children and Mrs. S. J. Alberts and children are expected to arrive home Mrs. Jake Krasne entertained her Sunday. afternoon mah-jong club at her home IEBB Hermine Green has returned Wednesday. frojh a three weeks stay in Kansas Milton and Lowell Marcus left Sun-: City visiting -with relatives and day for Des Moines, Iowa, with the f siends. National Guards. They will spend two weeks at Camp Dodge. • Miss Eva Cohen has returned from a. three weeks stay in Excelsior Miss Florence Glassman of Iowa Springs and SL Joseph. "While at St. City, Iowa, arrived Saturday to visit Joseph Miss Cohen "was the guest of Mies Helen Whitebook. Miss WhiteMiss Celia Rositzky. book is entertaining at a bridge Mr. Bernard Block of Kansas City party at her home Thursday compliis visiting with her parents, Mr. and mentary to her guest. Mrs. H. Wells.
Mrs, J. Pankewer and son, Meyer, l|r. and Mrs. Sam Appelman had as of St. Louis, Mo.,; arrived Monday to Hielr house : guests during the past visit Mr. and Mrs. S. Shyken. week-end Mr.- Kalis and daughters, Miss Jeannette Gilinsky is expected Florence' and Josephine, and Mr. and to return home Sunday after a two Mrs. George Halper of Kansas City. weeks' visit in Minneapolis, Minn., Mr. and Mrs. M. Kulakofsky re- and Sioux City, Iowa. turned home Thursday morning from Mrs. B. Kozberg of Cedar Rapids, a six weeks trip visiting in Chicago, Iowa, who has been the guest of New York, Atlantic City, Saratoga Mrs. Ben Cohen of Harlan, Iowa, for Springs and Harrisburg, Penn. two weeks, arrived here last Friday K Members of the Omaha Graduate with her hostess to spend a few days ehjb of the Zeta Beta Tau fraternity with Mrs. Cohen's parents, Mr. and are giving a dancing party, Tuesday Mrs. B. Saltzman. Mrs. Saltzman evening at the Highland Country entertained twenty guests at her home Saturday in honor of Mrs. dub. Kozberg. "Friends and relatives surprised Mr. Maurice Gilinsky will leave Mr. and Mrs. A. Schlaifer last FriFriday with a party from the Northday evening at a 'party at their home, western Life Insurance Co. for a trip "being their thirty-fifth wedding annito the Yellowstone National Park, to versary. be gone ten ^iays. ~ Miss Eethel Hurwitz end Miss Bert Shafton returned .Monday after spend' ing- a week in Lincoln where they -visited Miss Frances Schurnnner. Candy-Fonntain Goods — Supplies
The Copelman Candy Co.
.Miss Ethel Hurwitz has as her guest Miss Frances Schurmmer of Lincoln. Complimentary to Miss Sdhurmmer, MiBs Hurwitz entertained at a luncheon at the Ad-Sell restaurants. Mis3 Bert Shafton and Miss Lillian Habler were point hostesses at a swimming party at Peony Pa*k in honor of: Miss Schurmmer. Miss Bae Horskjr left Saturday for an extended trip to New York. Enhoute home she will visit in Philadelphia and Chicago. "Mrs. Alberts and daughter ITla and Mrs- M, White and daughter Gertrude have returned from a;threeweeks' stay in Excelsior "Springs," Kansas. City and St. Joseph, Mo. \ Mrs.- !Woife and - daughters Jean and" Sarah of Lincoln, Nebr., are spending six weeks in Excelsior Springs. Miss , Jean Wolfe is also visiting- i n ".Kansas City and St. Joseph,-
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Lester Giventer, manager of the Jewish Athletic Club, football team, says that his gang i s going to put out a 'fmfllion dollar team", this fall and vill call for volunteers within the next ten days. The J . A . C . has an ambitious schedule lined up with many of the strongest amateur teams in the state.
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finalists in the J. C. C. golf tourney are kids in their early teens. Sol Graetz trimmed Leo. Abramson 3 up and 4 to go in the upper bracket of the semi-finals while Nate Fine defeated Bill Wessly 4 up and. S to go in the lower half. The finals will be played of this Sunday morning.
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Jewish boy who claims some attention girl* longer than that to work up to Tm getting things so th«y teok » litadequate as confidants, she blurted as a golfer, Howie does not shoot their Jobs. Larry went some wad tie better." out a story that dealt with Aunt CorMichael was standing there railing seventy six, but he consistently turns continued to worry about the key delia and a fat ex-senator and a beseven that night Then he bold- with boundless pleasure t&4 «4mlrtlief In an undying love, even though in the low eighties. Shanzer has not until ly called up Mr. Michael Grayson at tion. By GEORGE JOEL unspoken, because of a certain exhad mucn tournament experience but his home, a thing he had never Doris went on: "Maybe I'm • poor pression in Claude William's eyes. he promises to blossom out into a first dreamed of doing before. He told Ms typist—Miss Hanson told me, I « u of Not so very many minutes later a rank player. He is "form perfect and no use In an office—but* I jftvt made little party of six was gathered In an Scholar-Athlete homeland. The last game, in steady on the greens. His one Weak- employer of the key. up my mind that I'd try to do a Httle Michael Grayson satd that there inconspicuous corner of The Sign of Moe Berg is' -the second Jewish' fact it was the second farewell game, ness is the irons. * to earn my salary." could be no harm in giving the key By MIRIAM CRUIKSHANK the Rose. There were three tables In catcher in big league baseball. Thej was played against tine Brooklyn Michael begged Jier to atop, aasar> to the girl, who doubtless had some the~corner, each just big enough for first is. Archie Kling who many years] Wanderers and resulted in a victory Ing her that he didn't want her to work she wanted to do before opentwo and the Misses Leonard and ' "t •..-•••'"' ( © b y Short Story Pub. Co.) Ing hour in the morning. Then he do such hard work and that bit was Doris in a Marsh, feeling that they had done ago held forth as the backstop for for the All-Jewish team by the score of 2 to 1. got to thinking about it. Miss Han- afraid she would mar her nice hands. I! I ^ HEBE vpas once an artist who, their duty for the afternoon, turned the Chicago Cubs. ; Dustcap son had said that the girl didn't be- Bat Doris refused to quit ;•. I earning his living by«making their shoulders upon Doris and deJewish baseball players especially Comments are now in order and we "111 stick around here then," he long." Michael hadn't had the most ;-':JL sport of otiier people's _ woes, voted themselves to their escorts. As of a big league variety, are rare and have our little piece to say. There remote idea of what she meant by said, "tot a little time until you are ..••. sprung upon the.public a series It happened Doris did not.mind. For in great demand (see Jonn McGraw). will be no more tours of foreign JewBy JANE OSBORN that but perhaps she really had some through. And then I want to take of portraits labeled something on this the first time In her life she was Moe' joined the White Sox this spring ish soccer teams in this country for suspicions of the girl. It was nearly you some place nice to have tome* wiser "This Is Mlas' Smith who Is In knowing the bliss of conversation with <Cot>yri*!it.> as a utility infielder. An inactive -the next few years. Tae promoters eight o'clock when Michael Grayson thing to eat I ran off without halt love with Mr. Brown and Is to be mar- Claude William Mortimer. session on the Bench got on Moe's have found out and to their sorrow A T GRATSON'S, typists came and arrived at his office. finishing my dinner, and I'll bet yoa ried to Mr. Jones. This' Is Mr; Jones, And Claude? Well Claude, despite who. Is going to marry Mls» Smitli and his name and his ancestry, upheld his nerves. He requested a chance as that Jews are interested in athletic *"*• typists went but Impeccable Miai Michael let himself Into the outer did, too." who Is in; love with Miss White. This end of the line wonderfully. If he had catcher and to his surprise got it. events mainly because of the sport Hanson went on forever. office and then kicked a chair against . The next day he gare Miss Hanson "A nice, neat pleasant sort of glrL" a desk so as not to give undue alarm orders—quite drastic orders, t^o—to ; la Mr/ Brown, with whom Miss Smith never given a serious thought to little What's more he has made good and and not because of the religious afis In love,, who is In love with Miss Miss Doris before, he was astute will probably be found crouched be- filiations of the members of the teams. Miss Hanson was telling Mr. Michael to the girl who for some reason or do nothing about discharging MUw Jay. Grayson in a condescending sort of Miss Hanson sulked and did a* she -Green* but who is going to marry Miss enough not to say so. Maybe he felt hind the plate for the,- rest oftne Jewish baseball fans will enjoy see- way—condescending not, of course, other was now in one of the offices. was told. A week later he told her • W h i t e . " •. • , . . that a good deal of the attention he season. Ray Schalk, manager of the ing Andy Cohen play baseball but toward Mr. Grayson but toward tho "Hello," he called out "enyone to take Miss Jay's name oft the payAround?" Then there in his own office - It was all very amusing—to the on- had hitherto received from the fair these same fans would rather watch looker. But if jour name was Doris sex was due to those sugar-made mil- Chicago team, and a great catcher Babe Ruth. If Ruth happened to be girl in question. "But she simply with the door open between It and roll. won't do. She Isn't the type—sha the outer office—he saw Doris. It was "!•> thought you'd come to your Haskell and you were not: a raving, lions. In which case there must have himself, remarked that the youngster tearing beauty—just ordinarily pretty, been a certain joy in knowing that puts - an unusual amount of enthus- Jewish it might please them a trifle doesn't belong—and besides she can't Doris Jay surely—but Doris in a dust senses," smirked the able stenogcap, and when he first saw her there rapher. "I knew you'd want her to .and were twenty-one your last:birth- he was being loved for himself alone, iasm into his work and is well satis- more but not as much as the promot- manage her typewriter." ers think. ; "Oh, well, all right" snapped she was on her knees applying what leave." day^.and. had an- Aunt Cordelia'.who by. a very pretty- girl, who was more fied with the change. ; -. . • Michael Grayson, who sometimes appeared to be furniture oil to the "I certainly do," said MichaeL "But had decreed that you. were, tp .marry a than willing to throw over an ex-sena- . Moe Berg is not entirely new to Soccer, Jewish or otherwise, is due wearied of the efficient methods of his end not for the reason yoa think. Tm goof his desk. rich, fat ejc-senator who was long past tor, with something of a career to his the big leagues. In 1923 he was signed for a fair season, one more like the stenographer who was ten years his fifty; and twice a widower, while you— credit, for his sake. thought you'd come," ing to marry Doris Jar and I'd rather by the Brooklyn team. After a try- pre-Hakoah years. Soccer will go back senior and.had a way of treating him she"Oh,said.I never engaged to wort ; well, maybe you wouldn't have such "I was just trying to dean not have the girl I'm 1 Be that as it may, before the party out he was sent to Minneapolis, from to its old level. Sensations, novelties like a nephew. ' tog in my office.* .a-keen sense o£ humor yourself." things up here a little. I heard you broke up for the afternoon that unObviously Miss Hanson had some say that it annoyed you because the Most persons spoke of Aunt Cordelia dying love, of which Doris had where he went to Reading and finally and surprises are good only in small as a very remarkable woman, well dreamed, had been not only looked, to the Chicago White Sox. Berg is a and quick doses. The public even got special prejudice against Jrfiss Jay. cleaning woman never really cleaned PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS stocked with ideas. • .-::•' But they decided not to tell her of your office, and it drives me most but spoken. She shyly assented when graduate of Princeton University and fed up on trans-Atlantic fliers. . Since she had kept Doris' conscience Claude suggested that they should the most and best educated player her' fate until pay day. Then they crazy—the dust and everything. So and regulated the length of her. skirts confide their newly found happiness would give her a week's salary and I just ma4e up my mind to come back. You » e welcome for twenty years, she saw no, reason to the others, and caught herself lis- in organized baseball. While at college Polo tell her not to come back. That was I brought some soap and some cloths ff Isaacs, S. A. Wertheimer and E. the system at Grayson's. That night and some furniture polish—and, weU, for relinquishing the job until ?her tening with a delicious horror to* a Berg specialized in. Romance lan&•• ••-. ; at .. • jf niece should become a finished product. plan that they should elope. It was guages and spent two summers study- Pyle are now playing polo on the Doris said good-night to Miss HanThe disturbing element arrived sud- really the most sensible thing- they ing at Sorbonne in Paris. He also at- same team. To our knowledge this is son without the remotest idea that denly and without "warning- in the could do, so the whole party agreed. tended Columbia University Law the first time that more than one Jew the next day was to be her last one .shape of a young man. His name was It was too late this afternoon to School. If the truth be known it will has been a member of the same polo in the office, and Michael watched her Clanda .William Mortimer,; which in buy a license and - a ring, and find a show that Berg happened to go into! team. These boys play with the Allen- as she left 5400 Center Street ; itself was a crime. What self-respect- minister, and pack a bag,-and do all professional baseball because of his! nurst Team and were beaten by the Neither he nor Miss Hanson saw ing-woman would want a nepnew-in- the things that were necessary to a her go down the hall to the stockPkone Walnut 5936 * need for money to study abroad. Now Spring Lake Club in their last game 36 Tears o* Honest Merchandise la law.named Claude*William? ~ room where she sought and found well-conducted elopement It was the he likes the game so well that he has 5—2. your Guarantee of a Square Deal. "Famous-for Larry, the shipping clerk and office Claude William was an Innocuous practical Miss Leonard who in the temporarily abandoned his plans in 1419 Douglas Est. 1890 opener. "You know you promised youth, of fair education and good'taste end solved the problem. Chie-ken Sandwiches'" me a key to the offices," she whisin dress, who had inherited' more '"You can't do all the things this af- the realms of higher education. He Fighting Dancing Two new Jewish light heavyweight pered to him. "Don't say anything money than was good for him from an ternoon, of course," she said, "but you expects to finish the study of law enterprising maternal grandfather who can do most of them. Some one told and then we suppose when he can no fighters can be added to the slim list to anyone, Larry. It's all right You had made it in the grocery business me that you could get a license at longer chase foul ball he" will chase | o f Jewish performers in this division. know you promised—" and with a litand whose distinguishing character- any time up to six o'clock and it I Murray Gitiitz and Marvin Schecter. tle more coaxing Miss Doris Jay was istic was a slight cast in his left eye. Isn't much after five now. Claude can judgment debtors. her way the cheerful possessor "Quality Jewelers" John McGraw's efforts to land Jew-! w e have investigators on the trains going -. To: complicate matters, Claude Wil- go up to the city hall now and Jack," of a key that would unlock tha MALASHOCK JEWELRY young men for the purpose offices. liam, who because of his name and his she nodded at her own swain, "and I ish ball players seems to have • netted | o f Wholesale and Retail Jewelers humble ancestry was scorned by. Aunt will go buy the wedding ring. Doris liim a catch. About the middle of! o f finding out what the first names Then as Miss Hanson went out she ^WEBSTER ll'ZO Cordelia, was diligently sought after you run along home and pack a bag. September two Jewish boys will ar- were before they were changed. Mur, stopped to see Larry. She asked him 213-16 City National Bank Bid*. J10.I87ST. O729 by two mothers of marriageable daugh- and Elsie will go with you and sneak rive at the Giant ball park and try ray and Marvin fought each other about a girl he knew who might want JA. 5619 ters, .who were not so exacting in their it out without even Miss Cordelia sus- to .use their supposed business acumen for six weary rounds. Gitiitz is a a job. "We're letting Miss Jay go." demands.... . ' ' - pecting, .and I guess that just leaves to bring the New York team into the "Miss Jay," exclaimed Larry, f l counter fighter and a hard man to • That-.' neither- of .the daughters in Joe to keep. Claude company and hunt world series money. The two gentle- make a showing against while Schec- don't believe she knows it—well, of] , . . . ' , . - . men are Andy Cohen, now starring ter is the rougn and redy bar-room course, I haven't anything to say] question seconded her mother's efforts up a minister.", was a small matter. That neither was about i t " "And then—?'.' demanded the other interested-in Claude William, save as five in a chorus, as Miss Leonard with the Buffalo International as a type of slugger who looks clumsy in"Of course you haven't the friend of two other "youths, was an paused for breath. _ ''And then—" she second baseman and Jake \ Levy who side the ropes. -In this fight little agreed Miss H*nson acridly. ""Shis even- smaller matter. That theywere said, airilyi "Oh, thereat is easy. We comes from the Sally,League. Andy damage was done by either boy, but Miss. Jay- isn't the sort of ftrl we friendly toward each other and kindly are all going to the Fortnightly danc- is old stuff to us Jewish-sport follow- for some reason. Gitiitz got the ver- usually employ here. She doeani bedisposed toward Doris did not count at ing class tonight and,Claude Is to lead ers. The new member, Levey, is a dict. Gitlitz's only means of offensive long, Larry. I hope you understand." all in the eyes of the maternal maneu- the German. Now, Claude, you mustn't New Jersey boy now. playing, under fighting consisted in his ability to use Larry ~ didn't understand In the New Telephone Practice Effective verers—which was perhaps just as get your feelings hurt, for I am one the name of LeRoy. He js a pitcher. what looked like a rabbit punch. He least Miss Jay was neat trim and well. • : of friends you ever had. And ^ Morning of August 18; Change in good to -look upon bat not In the • •'•./:+:':*"•::.-.." ;'"V will never get into the big money. What- Claude .William thought no you, Miss Doris, needn't get snippy, least what Larry would call "flashy;** In fact, we hope he's only fighting for UneWith Policy of Constant- . _/, w one- chose to inquire. There is a for, I'm only trying to circumvent Tennis Perhaps her work hadn't been up to Last week this column-predicted the love of ther: sport because if he the mark, but she had only been there theory that any woman can have any Aunt Cordelia. Listen to me—" And, : ^£^ ly Improving Service nian^she; wants If she "sets, her mind resting her elbows on the table, Miss two Jewish tennis champions. We expects to make a living out of it two weeks. They generally gave'new to. it, -Just'hoW' that theory may be Leonard unfolded her scheme. were fifty percent right, which con. the boy's going to miss meals. substantiated -outside of Turkey, when When Claude William Mortimer sidering the experting that nas been When you take down yo»r telephone recrim three determined woman"'want: the stepped forward to choose a partner going the.rounds,, is not so bad. Golf on and after the morning of August 18 and call Harry H. Lapldns, Pres.-Treat. same man at the same time, has-never at the. Fortnightly dancing class that -• number, you will be greeted by your telephone Our cry for a golf player meet with been explained, but both Mrs. Leonard night no one would have dreamed William Jacobs won the Boys National of. the United i one response and that from I-ewis operator with "Thank You" instead of her re-" ' and Mrs. Marsh, the two mothers in from his manner that he was about to Singles g . Championship. p 4—6, pea ting the number you call. question, believed In it firmly. Appleton of Roxbury, Mass. Mr. choose one - for life also. He cast a States by defeating Kready ' . However, if there is any thought in an operaDoris had not arrived at the" theoriz- somewhat erratic glance around him 6—2, Appleton advises us that in DorOur other choice, Julius Seligson, chester, Mass., there lives a young tor's mind that she has not understood you ing, timeof life, so she_ could- only-sob and let his eye linger upon a certain : Complete Store and out her heart among th*e pillows! when section,of the ballroom. correctly, she will repeat the number to make. was beaten in the finals by Frank man named Arthur Green who playc she knew Aunt Cordelia was out of ' sure.' . .- .-.! Doris was there, demure as ever, Shields. If yoa remember we said a round in 76 on tne Franklin Fark Office Outfitters hearing-distance, and confide to Rags, and Since the practice of repeating numbers was Shields was the only boy who mignt by Aunt Cordelia. Marlon links. Seventy six is mighty gcod her bull terrier, that she knew Claude was guarded *> * We occupy established many years ago, die constant imthere, a little to Doris' right. cause Seligson trouble and he certain- shooting and if Mr. Green keeps do, •-•- over 70,000 square feet WiUiam loved herr—loved herTdevoted- Elsie provements in telephone equipment and operatwas there also, perhaps an Southwest Corner 'ly did that. It was, a five set match ly. Else why did he look at her as he equal distance to her left, and both ing it, recognition is certain to come ing methods have made it possible to hear so and up to the last minute it looked Eleventh and Douglas Streets did?- • , ' ' ... -• were watched with maternal vigilance. as though Seligson would win. After to him. clearly over the telephone today that the rePhone: JA ckson 2724 ! There is no telling how long matters To an unbiased observer ft would Howard Shanzer, star of the Syrapeating of numbers is no longer necessary. ': • • OMAHA, NEBB. would have remained in this unset- seem that Claude William's persua- the fourth set the match two sets up cuse University Golf team, is another This new practice has three distinct advantages tled stage if there had-not-been a sive glance wavered among the three. Seligson won the first four games of to telephone users: meeting of -the Ethical- Culture1 society "It's you, of course," whispered Mrs. the fifth set. At that point. the spec•under. the auspices of the University Leonard and Mrs. Marsh simultane- tators thought the match was in and 1. It saves your time Extension. Aunt Cordelia' was-going ously to their daughters. left the stands. Shields rallied and to the meeting, and the ex-.sehatbjrvwho It will not take as long to complete your ' "It's you, I suppose," hissed Aunt performed the startling feat of reelwas to address it, had suggested that -Cordelia in tuition allowed all Private. Piano Students telephone call when your operator receives the with Into her niece's ear. "Such they, go together in his car. ..Doris had Impertinence! These dancing classes ing off six straight games for the set, M r . T u n b e r g - t h em o n t h o fA u g u s t . • ' , . , . number you give her. understands it and makes matcn and championship. Shields, the pleaded a headache and Aunt Cor- are absurd, anyhow." .. your connection while saying the words "Thank , delia had accepted the excuse/ She You" as it has to repeat the number she already Three, maidens "arose In blushing new champion still has another year thought this as good a time-as any in the junior ranks. Seligson is has understood, then wait for you to give her unison and Claude William, conscious Pupil of the late Franz Kullak, Royal Pjrugwan Professor of other to talk.over matterstwlih.the.exthrough as a junior as he is over the' some word that she has said it right before comMusic, Berlin Germany. "..''•-" . ' senator and^ see if he agreed with .her of a subdued titter In the background, age limit. And still. weTwait to hear | pleting the connection. .-...turned: a vivid, crimson, but did not In those that -were' Important.' _.' 1 Auth oritative Instruction -. *...< • : lose his nerve. Instead, he held aloft of a Jewish tennis champion over sixAt-about half-past three Doris found 2. It removes confusion Irs your mind her headache so much .improved that a mass; of ribbon, gay of hue and teen years old. in Artistic Piano Playing r ^ " it seemed as if nothing But fresh air much adorned- with loops- and bows, Helen Jacobs has ~ been chosen ^ Sometimes in the past you may have experiencWork done with Mr. Tunberg- is accepted and credited by all was required to complete.~the cure.. So and with unerring hand, threw one number three on the American team ed confusion in hearing repeated the numbec*:the recognized Artists' Conservatories and Universities of the end of it about-?—not one, but all three she dressed herself in the nxost beco.mwhich will defend the Wightman Capj world. which you called correctly, thus raising a question girls—Doris between the other two. ing walking costume she'owned and -in your mind as to whether you had given the Beginners Class Lessons in Piano—Evening Class for Adults started down the street Midway of Thea as the titter- rose to a faint against the British women now in this I right number. This is removed under the new a .crowded thoroughfare she came face cbe«r, he.boldly., drove, them three- country. Her place on the team means j practice. When you have called the number ! to. face with the Misses Leonard and abreast across the ballroom, through that she is spared a place among the j and the operator has said "Thank You" you will ••' Marsh, who stopped to exchange greet- an archway into a tiny annex beyond: •first five tennis players in the United Fall Term of 12 weeks, begins September 12. Enrollment know she has understood you and you are ready ings; ,. ,•* .. • r . . - > ' • V \ , ."• , The next man, whose name* was ^States. '. ••-. -.-,-. must be made before that date. <: ; for your expected conversation without further "We,are going over to the Sign.of Jack, hesitated, as though fearful of Phone AT. 2015 for Appointments delay. his ability with the ribbon." His -hesi: the Rose for afternoon tea,".said Miss Soccer Lyric Bldg., 19th £ Farnam Leonard, "come along, Doris—It's lots tation was short, but it was long With a record of five victories, five 3. It reduces the possibility of errors ' at. fun." Doris' eyes sparkled,...but enough, to hold every eye in the room • Omaha, Nebr. and prevent anyone from seeing- that defeats and one tie. The.Maccabee she hesitated. The new practice will enable your operator to \"H -there's nobody else,- Marion—" a3 he passed the archway Claude Wil- Soccer, team of Palestine sailed back concentrate more on hearing the number you ' she began. Miss Leonard.giggled and liam released his two outside steeds give her and errors will be less likely to occur* from their gay harness and drove Miss Marsh looked conscious. '• . The operator on each side of her will be saying fWe are.going to telephone to .two Doris on alone. a quiet "Thank You" instead of repeating num- • There were French windows in the ot, £he boys," the former explained. bers which are also audible to her. This will "They always meet us.there when we annex that opened on to a veranda reduce the chance for error due to confusion in have, an afternoon that# we" can count which led down - to the street and hearing neighboring operators repeat numbers' ' on, but you needn't mind; " We'll tell Claude William had no further fear. whose figures are similar to the ones you gave her. . them to bring somebody along for you He wisely calculated that his absence ,' J • . ; . —who be? I say, Elsie," .turn- would not be commented upon until" time for the next figure of the Gering to Miss Marsh, "let's; do bur" duty This change in practice is belike], little lambkins and ask old man and by then—well, the ring and ing made after an extensive Regular Car Serviee Claude: Think how well ,be com- the license were In his pocket, his study and is in the interest ' ' mended at home If we say we have automobile was at the corner, and an Deserves of better telephone service. •"' b&h tealng with Claude and.don't obliging minister was waiting not Regular Patronage mention the rest of the crowd. Doris three blocks off. ddesn't mind—whyeee" '• Interruping "It's a shame to take such easy: NORTHWESTERN BELL TELEPHONE COMPA»fr herself, "you don't mean, Doris, that money," he said, as he swung Doris y0T1—•}" For Doris had blushed, not off the veranda and, seizing her hand, 3ust, all ordinary little blush, but a ran with her up the street. deep, J^robblns, heart-reaeWng, tell-' It Is rumored that Aunt Cordelia talecriuison/ will marry the ex-senator herself, In And then because she had kept In order to keep him in the family. She tmiil she- couldn't keep !h any longer has graciously forgiven Doris for her and- because she had found both the rebellion, but she Is still unreconciled '**"*' and the bull terrier Tftther in- to the name of Claude. " -
Jewish Sport Notes
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BRODKEY JEWELRY CO. Famous for Diamonds
Thank Your
* - •
(Mia fixture aid Sspply Co.
A Reduction of 40%
Karl E« Tunberg
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