THIS By A.G. Marcus Krasne, new athletic director at the Jewish Community Center, has mapped out an extensive athletic .program iax thexoming fall __andL •winter seasons. ^ "Big Boy" as he is often c a l 1 t -v. consideredLto be one of the b ^ « J around athletes m the state. It is * y tually a certainty that Krasne vjS endeavor to bring several chanrpio <* ships to the Center this year. • * • Everything is in readiness for the Tnanimouth swimming meet which is scheduled to take place Saturday night, September 17, at the J. C. C. Krasne announced that every effort is being made to have several A. A. XJ. champs give fancy diving exhibitions at the meet. •
A false friend, like a shadow, attends only while the sun shines. FEANKLIX
as second-class mail matter on January 27th, 1021, at T>ostofflfce nt Omaha.. Nebraska, trader the Act of March 3, 1S73.
VOL. VI—No. 35
FIFTEENTH ANNUAL ZIONIST,. NEW DEPUTY Workers Attend Banquet Prior to Community Center COUNTY ATTORNEY CONGRESS OPENS AT BASLE Jack W. Marer today was apPlans Educational American Delegation Launching Membership Campai Center of Interest as Factions Prepare for Decisions; pointed deputy- county attorney, acJoint Committee of General Zionists Formed to Direct Vote on Main cording to an" announcement made by Program for Season Issues; Jewish Agency Plan Main Factor in Americans' Attitude; County Attorney Henry BeaL Community Center Facing Crisis Unless more Members are
"California, Here I Come." Two Council Bluffs boys started their journey to the west coast in a little roadster. The young men will further their education in an institution of higher learning near the golden gate. They are Philip and Joe Committee Krasne.
Changes and Reforms to Await Agency's Action is View.
Mr. Marer will succeed Irvin Stal• Enrolled During Four-day Campaign master, who tendered his resignaOne of the new activities of the and changes will greatly affect the tion, taking effect at once. The posi"Every Jewish" Family a member"—with this slogan in mind, Omaha Jewry helped "welcome Col. Jewish Community Center will be the situation in Palestine. the membership drive for the Jewish .Community Center will be in Charles A. Lindbergh, intrepid viking TO DEPARTAMENTALIZE ^Yiddishe Dramatische Gesellschaft" . Opposition to these reforms is exfull swing on Wednesday evening, September 7, when the workers of the sky, who was a guest in the ALL THE WORK whose object will be to study the pected to come both from" the Left city Tuesday. Lindv, the. inspiration works of the Yiddish playwrights as labor groups and the Bight groups. will attend a banquet prior to the launching of the annual camto modern youth was all there Tues- A recreational and educational pro- well as Yiddish literature in general. The fate of these proposals will paign. day. Young Jewry also acclaimed the j gram of f the widest scope in the his- In connection with the above, weekly depend on the combinations of the "The call for the workers to again respond to the call of the iero of the air. You can't blame them I *>.*? ° J ^ Jewish social service tomeetings will be held at which plays various factions within the Congress. ... be earned out m the Jewisn Com- will be read and discussed. The Jewish Community Center is very urgent," said Shrolly Goodman, " I munity Center during the coming ultimate aim of the organization will Great interest was called forth by the chairman of the membership campaign. We will launch this camannouncement today of the formation "With the basketball season near at winter was announced yesterday by be to produce plays in Yiddish at of a Joint Committee of all groups paign on Wednesday evening at the banquet and will continue it - • hand plans are being formulated by Dr. Philip Sher, Chairman of the Edu- regular intervals. belonging to the so-called" General for four days, when at that time it is hoped that we will have. the Center athletic department for a cational Committee of the Center. Those members of the "Little Zionists, with the exception of the secured the total membership. banner year on the hardwood court. The formation of a Little Theatre Theater" who speak, read and under- Zionist Revisionists and the Radicol "We are now facing the crisis", said" group, including the study of dramatic - From pre-season • dope it looks as stand Yiddish are cordially invited to Zionists. The Joint Committee is to Harry H. Lapidus, president of the criticism, voice range, stage design, though several Jewish hoop squads leave their names at the Center office. formulate a program and give direcJewish Community Center. The Jewrhythmics and stage craft will be one will be battling it out for supremacy The Yiddish Art Theater will also tions to the delegates as to hew to ish Community Center stands as a of the new activities. The Yiddish on the courts structure in the City of Omaha bul it Players will produce standard plays have a children's division. All child- vote on the main questions which will Following are some of the young in Yiddish. A children's theater group ren who have taken part in plays and come up before the Congress. cannot operate unless it has more The GoodfellowsMp meeting of the men expected to don basketball is also being planned. can speak Yiddish are "eligible..' ' , j A special caucas of the American members. There are many men and Bnai Brith, held last night in the uniforms this coming season: Syd The Center Symphony Orchestra, delegates was held Sunday. When women in the city who are-not re- lodge room, at the Jewish CommunCorenman, Phil Gerelick, Johnny will be offered in musical composition, Basle (J. i . A)—The attitude.of asked by newspaper representatives, sponding to the call of the Communi- ity Center, brought out a large Rosenblatt, Sammy Kaufman, Lester music appreciation, harmony and the the American delegation to the Fif- Louis Lipsky, president of $he Zionist ty Center. It is their building and crowd. This was the opening meetGivnter, Isadore Weiner and Archie presentation of Yiddish Folk music teenth Zionist Congress is the center Organization of America, : declared it is important to every Jewish man ing of the fall and winter season, Chesnau. . ' and Palestinian songs by a choral of attention of the leaders of thej that no definite steps have ~yet been and woman that this building con- and the Intellectual and Advance-: ,.-• \-.-.' -c :; * : * / • . . various parties and factions among taken. Both the Right: and the Left tinues to operate. ment committee, headed by Jack,.W.. society. JACK W. MARER ^ Joe Levey, king of the handball We call upon the faithful men and Marer, promise more of these meetThe lecture course will offer five the 280 delegates who will assemble] wings are awaiting impatiently the V courts, is expected in Omaha in a outstanding speakers and three con- at Messe Hall to celebrate the decision of the American delegates tion was offered to Sam Leon, but women who have worked for the ings. ; ? \ f e w days. Joe has been vacationing certs. Debating will be featured and thirtieth anniversary of the Zionist as-to its attitude. The situation is Mr. Leon could not accept the honor. building in the past to attend this '•It is the plan of our committee to Mr. Marer has been a resident of banquet for workers on Wednesday make every meeting of the Bnai in Colorado. The whiz in the four- inter-city debates with Kansas City, movement and to formulate new plans extremely uncertain as the possibility of forming a centrum to uphold the Omaha for eight years, coming from evening and to again give their ef- Brith just as interesting and as filled walled enclosure avers he will have Des Moines and St. Louis will be held. for the Zionist work in Palestine. ••;' a successful year with his competitors There will be courses-in public speak- The American delegation' consisting; policies of Dr. Weizmann is slight. Indianapolis. He is a graduate of j forts. with activity as the Goodfellowship of 64 delegates, having-the support of the Crejghton night law school andj The Jewish Community Center of meeting:," said Mr. Marer at the in the handball world. ing. .-•._... Well-informed American delegates, There will b e ' a Tiealth forum for 16 delegates of other English speak- however, stated unofficially that the workedriHis way through school while Omaha has during ihe past year opening meeting. "afc " all "women members of" the Physical De- ing -countries, -constitute -one^third-of attitude "of the American delegation an entployee of-the savertising tie-. -achieved a wonderful" iecord both in The, was opened •t&mesi and -what could make a person partment, .including-five lectures on the number of delegates attending the will be greatly influenced by their partment of -the Nebraska Power the city and on the outside. Thousands Meyer Beber, president, who outof boys and girls have mads use of lined in brief the activities of the more lonesome than to have most of health and hygiene, each followed by Congress. Upon the course of action policy with regard to the Jewish Company. He has always taken an active in- the building during every month of year. The chairman of each comhis friends and buddies leave town. a period for discussion and questions. taken by this group the fate of the Agency. The American delegation wili various proposals and policies which With pals and loved ones far away, An introductory course in Jewish are fighting for supremacy within in all probability postpone the carry- terest in civic _affairs. _ He was for- the year. The building has been the mittee reported. Indications point to social service work will be given early ing out of the reforms which are merly chairman of the publicity com- meeting place of every Jewish com- a big year in Bnai Brith activities, it is all work, and no play. in the fall. Ten . lectures by local the Zionist movement will be deter- considered necessary, believing that mittee of the Junior chamber of munal cause. according to the reports of comOmaha will thrive and go on as be- leaders in social service will cover the mined. The following men will attend the mittees. these reforms will culminate with the commerce. He is a past president of fore, but without a great number of leading phases in social work. Among the outstanding proposals Jewish Agency plan when it will be the Ivre club and is now chairman banquet on Wednesday evening. The next meeting of the lodge is its go-getting youngsters. Many leave which wQl be a matter of discussion fully consummated. This is also be- of the intellectual and advancement TO SERVE OX MEMBEKSHIP DRIVE Under the Department of Fne Arts, to be held at the Center on Thursin a week or so for distant cities to at the Congress are the questions of committee of the B'nai B'rith. He Mai Fromkin, J. J. Slosbnrg. Irrin Stalfurther their education, while others courses will be offered in painting and j changing the colonization policy in lieved to be the attitude of Dr. Weiz- has always taken an active interest master, liobert H. Kooper. Ben G. Shapiro. day, September 8. Dr. Nathan MuaDr. M. E. Stein, Abner Kaiinan, J. Wnolf- ldn, who will be in charge of that drawing, poster design, art interpremann. remain at home. Bon, Ed. Krnuw., Ite Lfvy, Dr. L. Holzin the Jewish Community Center, estation and the history of- art. The I Palestine, a change in the composition for the Intellectual and man. Win. Grodinsky, Harry H. LapiauK. meeting It is stated that leading American But be that as it may can one Department of Dancing will offer in- of the Zionist Executive, the,Jewish TTm Alberts, Sum J. Leon. Fred Greenberj: Advancement committee, has intimpecially in boys' work. delegates consider the present Pasle really help being lonesome without struction in interpretive cancing, folk Agency plan and the internal reforms Since passing the bar examinaated that he will have a big surwithin the Zionist organization, par- Congress a preliminary step before tions, he has been associated with the "gang" near hand? Well, that's dancing and social dancing. prise to "pull" then. jrCohen. David Freeman, David Gr:>en!>crc. ticularly those advocated by the the Agency plan is carried into effect. that. Dr. Philip Komonek, I. Kospnblau, Fred Jewish Education will be fostered American Zionists, which are to the Decisions on the big questions facing the law firm of Monsky, Katleman White, "I am very pleased with the manP. Zaiatucliin. Jake Kobinson. Meyer er iR hi by classes in Hebrew conversation, effect that the Zionist Congress gives Zionism will have to be reseived un- and Grodinsky. ner in wwhich onr member* members are i ^ l t S ^ f s V ^ ™ * * 0OT arerallyrally The selection of Mr. Marer has Teading and writing, advanced He- up its right to determine what is til the next Congress. The American son. .Nathan S. YnEe. .Sam Belier. Mark m g back to the lodge and its activbrew with a study of modern Hebrew called the Zionist budget and leaves delegates are determined to give the been received with unanimous apL t'jaS- E.SMeyer. MPnvo F ! Coht/u, 1 S ities » said Dr. Beber, resident. "AD son Louis Sommer. literature. Advanced students will this to either the general Council or present Zionist leadership a fail proval. - He took office immediately LoniB Harris. S. Xlavitz. Schoa! Fripfl Ilar- of the officers and every committee following his appointment. TY Kobinson, Louis Somberp, Herbert v,o;d- j a r e working diligentlv to pep-up the study the Talmud in he original, the the Zionist Executive. The reforms chance and to secure for it homogen•rt vioidEtein Isatiorp Abrmnmn, Ken Yous.-m. Colonel C. A. Trott, commanding Prophets in the original, Jewish HisKen \ous.-m. * ' ,, .. ous cooperation to carry through the Maurice Micklin. Harry Silverm:m. I.FC •the 17th Infantry and the summer tory, Literature and Philosophy and Joe I.. Wolf. Sara T\\ olf. A. b. lodge meetings and to make them Agency plan. If the Jewish Agency ENTERS PRIVATE PRACTICE i Rosenthat. Alpirn, Nathan Bernstein. J. . - i ni-ilman. | training camp at Fort Crook, Nebr. Yiddish literature. plan should fail, a change in the ZionHarry Trusrin. Abe Erodfeey. Win. J^evey. \ more interesting to all." Irvin Stalmaster, former deputy Nath" has written to the office of the Jew- Special courses in English and Ciist leadership will be unavoidable. E. ICTIMS ish Welfare Federation, expressing tizenship Classes will be held under These views will lead to a considera- County Attorney, has resigned that Jo his appreciation for the co-operation the auspices of the Council of Jewish tion of all questions coming up before office and has entered the private London.—(J. T. A.)—The Bum of offered in making the first citizen's Women. Attention will be given to Demand Freedom of Press, Make Re. the Congress in the light of the practice. Stalmaster has been deputy Messrs. Philip Krasne and Joe £13,000 were collected in Great Britain military training camp at Fort Crook each student in training ' Agency problem. Similary, the ques- under Henry Beal for more than four Krasne left Thursday morning on a for the victims of the Palestine earthpronuncomendations to League the success that it was. tion of new plans of work in Palestine years and has achieved a remarkable motor trip for Los Angeles, Cal., quake, it v?as stated today. ciation, spelling and grammar. will have to be postponed until the record, having, tried-more than three •where they will enter the University The officers of the welfare FedGeneva.—(J. T. A.)—The Congress A Book Talk Group will meet to The majority of the contributor* eration arranged with, the Jewish discuss books by Jewish authors, books: of National Minorities in European Jewish Agency Experts Commission hundred cases and gaining convictions of Southern California. •were Jewish business men. Community Center to place the whose topics relate to Jewish life and. countries, which was in session here will submit its repoit. Finally, the in more than eighty per cent of them. facilities of the organization at the other publications of cr^standlag in-| for three days, concluded its delibera-! American delegation is primarily conj cerned that the deliberations of the ORGANIZE BUSINESS MEN'S convenience of the candidates of the terest. These meetings will be in the, tions yesterday. BOWLING LEAGUE The series of resolutions aiming at Fifteenth Zionist Congress aro conC. M. T. C , irrespective of creed . or form of afternoon teas. ducted in such a spirit and manner bringing about a betterment of the faith. Writing "material was also A course in Journalism will be a The Business Men's Bowling situation of the national minorities that they exercise a wholesome in•furnishing and arrangements were new feature this year. made to transport the boys of Jewish Home Hygiene and Care cf the Sick and regulating the relations between fluence upon the American Jewish League -was organized at a meeting of bowlers Monday evening. The faith to and from Omaha every Fri- will be offered in special courses. the minorities and the states were un- public. HTHE PRACTICE of sending New Year's Greeting* league is the former Jewish Communnamiously adopted. Under the auspices of the State Board day night to attend Sabbath services. London (J. T. A.) — The British, •*- to friends and relatives through the local Jewish The offering of fadlities of the for Vocational.Education, introduction The resolutions laid particular em- press takes an interest in the open- ity Center league. The following •paper is general throughout the country. Its admen were elected to offices: Abner phasis on the demand of the national vantage over the old individual mailing card is eviCommunity Center to the C.M.T.C. "in Home Management, Child Care, ing of the Fifteenth Zionist Congress. dent in the saving of time, expense and worry over boys was in co-operation with the Nutrition, Clothes Selection, Food minorities to exercise full freedom of An article published in the "Observer' Kaiman, president; J. Malashock, forgetting a friend. vice-president; Dave Blacker, secrej their press and contains suggestions Preparation, Millinery, Dressmaking, Knights of Columbus, Y.M.C.A.and states that the Zionist Congress is Story Telling and House Furnishing of improvement in the procedure of the most vital since Herzl's first con- tary. The members of the bowling | the Chamber of Commerce. Greeting Cards in THE JEWISH PRESS the League of Nations in providing gress. The future of the National teams will be at a get-to-gether banwill be given. Will Take This Form: protection for the minorities. quet at the J. C. C. on Tuesday eveHome, which seemed to be assured Members of the Educational Comning, October 4. The resolutions were based on the Mr. and Mrs. William R. Jacobs and with Great Britain's assumption of mittee, under the Chairmanship of Dr. Family, extend their best wishes to their recommendations contained in the reThe following teams and their Philip Sher, are Rabbi Frederick the mandate, is now providing xrore relatives and friends for a Happy and Cohn, Nathan Bernstein, Harry A. port of Dr. I. Wilfan, president of the urgent problems than ever before. managers will be represented in the' Prosperous New Year. Congress. Dr. Wilfan is one of the league: Wardrobe—Jack Alberts^ The first activity of the season is Wolf, Henry Monskyj William L. Holz- outstanding leaders of the national 1926 was a galling experience for the Malashock's—J. Malashock; Kaiman's MAIL THE COUPON BELOW NOT LATER THAN about to start. A card has been sent man, M. Kulakofsky, and Irvin Stal- minorities movement in Europe." He Zionists. Many dreams tumbled down —Ab Kaiman; Tolly Hats—Leon TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 6th to those interested in dramatic ex- master. Members of the Women's is a member of the Italian parliament in the unemployment and bankruptcy Mendelson; Glazer Clothing — I. Work Committee, under the Chairmanpression to attend an organization ship of Mrs. Samuel Nathan, are Mrs. where he represents the Slovenian and the Congress appears against a Schlaif er — Appleman-Robinson-Margeneral background of gloomy facts. meeting; of the "Little Theater1' Harry A. Wolf, Mrs. Henry Monsky, minority. THE JEWISH PP.ESS, But although facts cannot be altered, vin Treller; Omaha Tobacco—A. September 6, at 8 o'clock at the Jew- Mrs. Philip Sher, Mrs. A. S. Rubnitz, At the last session of the Congress 490 Brandeis Theatre Bldg., Venger; Yousem Battery and Tire— policy can. The Congress must decide Omaha, Nebr. an incident occurred as a result of Jh Community _ Center. J^_ *J M r s . L E o s e n t h a l , Mm Harry Rosenwither Weizmann's long view is to Ben Yousem. Gentlemen:— future organization will be discussed ^ ^ . . ^ H o l 2 m a n M r s . which the representatives of the min- prevail over the more impatient ZionEnclosed find $2.00, for which please insert and candidates selected for the ™ ; _ , . , 1 2 ; 1 O WBW M r o dA. Romm, Vnmm_ orities in Germany took offense and ists, and whether Basle will elect an- EXILES FROM HUNGARY Reuben Kulakofsky, Mrs. my New Year Greeting Card in your Rosh eater left the hall. "Little T h " group "which-- will Mrs. Irvin Stalmaster, Mrs. Sam ARRIVE IN CRACOW, Hashonah (5688) Number. other Zionist as the movement's leadprobably resolve itself into a small Beber, Mrs. Henry Rosenthal, Mrs. Dr. Leo Motzkin, speaking in behalf er instead of the present remarkable FACING ETERNAL -WOHIV NAME stock company, producing its own Herman Jahr, and Mrs. Meyer Beber. of the Jewish Delegates, made a state- president. ment expressing his regret at the inplays, managing its own plays and ADDRESS _ _ Crascow.—(J. T. A.)—Large groups cident. The Jewish group is willing taking care of its own stage equipof Jews, exiled from Hungary follow- | ment. Twenty candidates are to be Mr. and Mrs. Sam. Wolf returned to continue its cooperation with the Mr. Lester Slosberg leaves soon for ing raids arranged by the police on I selected from those who have ap- home last Friday after a several national minorities in Europe, he the east where he will enter the "foreigners" arrived here today in; stated. weeks visit in California. plied for this activity. Harvard Law School several trains of cattle cars. I
Makes Announcement of Seasons Activities
First B'Nai B'Rith Meeting of Season Meets With Fa?or
Fwt Cnek Commander Thanks Jewish Welfare Fefenrton
National Minorities Congress Close Session in Geneva
New Year's Greetings
"little Theater" to Organke Tuesday, Sept. 6
THE JEWISH PRESS Publlsbed everr Thursday Bt Otnaba. Nebraska, by
THE JEWISH PRESS PUBLldHWG COMPANY Offiee: 490 Brandeia Theatre Building — Telephone: ATiantic 1450. .-'.. NATHAN E. GREEN, Manager.' . ,
Zionists Satisfied With Rome's Krasne Announces Denial of Palestine Claim Business Men—. Fall ' 12:00-1:00 Monday,
The Word "JoviaV Professor Adler recently celebrated The word ''jovial" conceals the name his 72nd birthday. Together with Chrisonder and Spitt, he established- ^»f Jupiter, or Jove, according to the a quarterly review for the science of Washington Post A "jovial" person music. He is also the author o the 1 IS theoretically, at least, a person born under the Influence of the planet Jupiwell known works, "Style in Mustic,"j ter, £r Joive. and "Handbook for Music Science." j The planet was supposed to be the Professor Adler is the scion of a well j most • joyful of all the planets to be known Jewish family and is an ob- born under, just as] Saturn is the least ! servant Jew. ' joyful.
Basle.—(J. T. A.}—The denials is- •- Kridny. (Sunday, 10:00-12:00). sued simultaneously in Rome and Senior. Meu— . 7:40-8:30 Tuesday ond Thursday. Berlin concerning the reported agree(Sunday, 10:00-12:00). .$2.50. Subscription Price, one yeai ',-'-• ment between Germany and Italy with Junior B Boys— Advertising rates furnished on application. 3:50-4:30 Mondav and Wednesday. regard to the Palestine mandate called (Sunday, 12:30-2:30). forth a feeling of-satisfaction among Junior B Boys Employed— , CHANGE OF ADDRESS—Please give Dotb tbe old and new address: . the delegates arriving for the Fiftieth be sure god give your name. 5:00-5:45 Monday and Wednesday. Zionist Congress. (Sunday, 12:30-2:30). . . .. The Test •The Jewish Press Ts supplied by the Jewish Telegraphic Agency (Jewish The possibility that Palestine in the Junior A Boys Employed— ' The loftiest test of friendship—unCorrespondence Bureau) with cabled and telegraphic Jewish news, in addition J epoch of its rehabilitation should 6:30-7:15 Monday and Wednesday. * derstood as companionship—Is the to feature articles and correspondences from all important Jewish centers. I a„„„.-_ „_,« i . +v, „,;,— f 11rir OT o n (Sunday, 12:30-2:30). inquiries regarding news Iteitns credited to this Agency will be gladly ' g a m c o m e u n d e r t h e r e i g n o f ladles A. M.— : • . " ~ power to do without it. And In this world of external confusions and sepanswered if addressed to Jewish Telegraphic Agency, 621 Broadway, New historically associated with the de10:00-11.00 Tuesday and Thursday. arations, there is often such need. We York City. struction of the Jewish state in Pales(Sunday, 2:30-5:90). do not yield the friendship, but must tine, was a source of enxiety- among L a d i e s P . M.— .•• '• forego the companionship. Then 2:00-3:00 Tuesday and Thursday. many Zionists, it was stated here. v SAFEGUARDING JEWISH RIGHTS comes the proof ot our capacity for (Sunday, 2:30-5:00). mere possibility that "Rome sacrifice, our loyalty, tb the highest Girls 12-14— Now that the Conference on Jewish Rights has been held and andThe Jerusalem" should meet again on of all. We turn our faces from each 3:50-4:30 Tuesday and Thursday. none of the dire results feared by some of our leaders have mani- the political field and that Jerusalem other, but never our hearts, and walk (Sunday. 2:30-5:00). fested themselves, we must say "gamse la tova" for the confer- is to be subject again to Rome, re- Girls Adv. Class— our opposite ways. Gradually the . m. heavens widen and deepen above us; ence. Every meeting of Jews representing different nations must called unpleasant historic reminisces. 5:00-5:45 Tuesday and Thursday. (Sunday. 2:30-5^00). result in some 'good. That is certainly true of such meetings that Particular to objection to Italy's claim >Vomen Employed— -; t on the Palestine mandate was based are called to discuss the rights of Jewish minorities, especially in on the influence of Fascism on pres-j will0:10-? :00 Tuesday and Thursday. be given during the 30 minute j ^ h i b i bbreath e a of the old affection; (Sunday. 2:30-5100). those lands in which we have not been accorded equal rights with ent day Italy and the probabitliy that: swim h in the pool after all gym classes. J we see ourselves—each sees the other Senior Women— ' the other members of the population. If the gathering did noth- in case of Palestine becom.ing subject [ Wrestling 7.«00-7HO Tuesday and Thursday. and boxing classes every j —niet once more in a Presence -which (Sunday. 2:30-5:00). . k forsaken nus.—Lucy Larcom. free to » n r has " -herer ~ " ~ •*-—*«• ' - T n ™ T,n«<om. ing more than to protest against the continued outrages against to Italy, the influence of Catholocism, | Monday, • • -7:30-8:30; • - - lessons • instruction members. our people in Roumania, it would have been-justified. The policy far from being friendly to-the Jewish tittle Known About Atom . B a n d Ball-tournament September of silence has utterly failed and to protest was the only decent rehabilitation of Palestine, would be- 12. Ko one has ever seen an atom al« The present A. A- V* Champ is come a decisive factor in the devel-j thing left for us to do. - At least the world will know of the iniquit- opment of the country, thus hindering J entered. though scientific records of today; are - • ous conduct of Roumania against their minority peoples, and thethe Zionist efforts to rehabilitate Pal-j Senior, and Junior swimming meet filled with research information, all of which has been gleaned from studyJews of Roumania will be encouraged in knowing that their strug- estine as "a Jewish national home. j will be held September 17, at 7:30. Ing the performances of groups of •• _ )Exhibitions will be given by noted atoms. No microscope has ever been gle is not alone nor hopeless. The danger of such meetings, of : . j swimmers. This swimming meet is invented powerful enough to-make an course, is the utter lack of tact of some of our delegates; who ean* Could he put i t across? Thfje was openjonly to,members of the J. C. C, atom; or even'* large molecule, which not control themselves sufficiently to refrain from voicing personal
Gradually the word "jovial" beeame dissociated torn the astrological significance, and was. generally applied to persons who Indicated the quality of joyfnlness ascribed to birth tinder a joyful planet Thus many a word in the English language in common use, traces its origin; to mystic beginnings and beliefs in the darkness of the past ages.
Famous Ancient Tapestry During the year 1748 a quantity oi beautifully executed tapestry was discovered in the cathedral of Bayeux, near Cannes, France. It is said to be of the Eleventh century, the work of Matilda, wife of William the Conqueror, and ladies of her court The tapestry, which is 214 feet long and 20 inches wide, contains 72 sections, each of which represents a scene in tbe life of the Saxon King Harold from the time of his visit to the Norman court to his" tnjgic death in the battle of Hastings. In these scenes are 1,522 figures. In i8O3 Napoleon, contemplating an early invasion of England,! had the tapestry removed to Paris, where It was exhibited at the National museum. The following year it was. returned to Bayeux.
It has next its body a dense coat of soft, clean woolly Salri and through this grows a rain coat of very long, straight brown hnlr'like that of the Tibetan yak. It has a tall so" short and small that the animal seems tailless. The horns meet in a broad base over the tep of the skull, drop far down then sharply curve upward for several inches, terminating ,in sharp points. They are specially designed for puncturing the vitals of wolves and polar bears. The musk ox lives and thrives even up to the farthest north for hoofed animals, says the Detroit News. Its supply of "musk" and Its "musky" odor are both wholly imaginary.
An Example "It is said that a very thin partition separates genius from lunacy." "That's a fact. A man who is learning to play the clarinet lives la the next flat to me." The Best Place to Boy
Your Victor Orthophonic or Radio —Hi-e I K first—
SOL LEWIS WEbster2042
1804 No. 24 St.
is a group of associated atoms, visible,'
n o w a y I n w h l e h h e c o u l d first « v m v . j : • • • • • - . . . "•.•/_ •• • • views on certain governments. That danger is offset, however, ' municate with Dorlnda and prepare a committee wag elected to secure the and there Is. little hope In this direcMusk Oxen Muskiest by our assurance that wherever a number of Jews get together, an her. Moreover, it was perhaps better publication of the documents. The tion because the modern microscope, According to those who should know* The musk ox of North America.is & equal number of shades of opinion is gathered a*hd any criticism , that she should not know of the sub;i al Jewish community is to aid the 0C stitution for her own sake. Is about as near perfect as It may it* true connecting link between wild catleveled against economic policies will be vigorously refuted. Thus George was familiar enough with efforts of the committee. expected to become. tle and sheep. It has horns like the Dubnow's and Ussiskin's criticism of Soviet Russia found a ready his brother's part and went-through EARTHQUAKE BID wild Cape buffalo of Africa, cattle-like the patter and ^accompanying hand* hoofs, and its flesh looks and tastes refutation by Dr. Szabad, -of Vilna, who, -although his party is springs That** Where They Live JERUSALEM OF SLUMS creditably. What worried him lite beet A man went into a telephone booth opposed to Bolshevism, appreciates the importance of the tremen- was the final catching- of Dorinda. started what proved to be a prodous transformati6S"n«w taMng place in Russia within the masses. ; Was he risking the life.-bf the woman i Jerusalem.—(J. T. A.)—Construc- and tracted conversation. He had left the he loved? • . - . - • • '.„'.••'. The net result of the Conference was the decision to create a Then, before he could hesitate'fur- tion activities undertaken to restore door ajar. A line composed ot men the houses in i the Old City, destroyed • Council on the Rights of Jewish Minorities, which is to turn formed outside. ther, the moment itself was upon him. by the earthquake, were stopped to- jj and ****** then they could hear the chap in He.dlnibed mechanically, he balanced, through, a biennial conference and have permanent headquarters he poised with outstretched a r m s - day on an order issued by the -^ Pales- j! the andbooth the murmur, "Yes, my angeL" WE. 3527 &LSOMTT 2429 Decatur Street in Geneva. An incident which clearly showed the lack of, under- Could he hold It-—ah—Dorinda was In tine government. A drummer joined the line just in standing of Jewish problems in Western countries by-the East his arms! He held her there and then ;• The "Davar" Hebrew labor daily time to laear an emphatic, "Yes, my I want to announce to my customers that I just received a full line lightly to the ground. It had learns from reliable sources that the angel." of the most beautiful JEWISH NEW YEAR'S CARDS in Hebrew European delegates was a resolution which was introduced,' urging leapedbeen In him, after all. intention underlying this ordianee cf "Hello," said the drummer, "cenand English, also a new supply of all kinds of Sacred Books. the conference to emphasize that only. Yiddish and 'Hebrew be. used ' But--what was she saying, as she ;the Palestine government is to pre- tral's irtven somebody heaven."—Pitt* Sednrim, Machzeirim, Bibles, in Hebrew and with English translation still clung to him while the applause in the Jewish schools. The resolution was defeated because of of new houses in the 1bxirgh Chronicle-Telegraph. vent and the nicest and best Talesim, silk and wool. the presence and participation of a large number of American thundered? is overcrowded and in-, Everyone who want to have Esroogim from Erez-Isroel shall be so "Thought, you wouldn't make It, Jews. Some of the delegates left the session in protest. Such a Geoff. Oh, how can you keep on. s t e a d «tsmt *S •.&* o w n e r s v h o s . e Promises to Be a Centipede kind and give, me the order now. proposition to us is quite preposterous, because of our public school with wicked ,w.ays-rancT:aft4r all your was destroyed land outside die home from a trip every timeofImine set that baby -to^m^andV^toowiiig^ttat^'^ty ***& for the construction of new has grown another foot system. It is equally unthinkable in England, France or Germany, promises you won me on'iafluke-^that I;agreed.,- houBes. y . whiz! W What "a shoe bill you'll ht " but in the smaller, newer nations, with languages that have, up to t o m a i r y • y o u - t h ' l n k l n g ' y o n w e r o !• ",' ;---•- - . . . ' . . ' — when she grows vip I"—-Boston a few years ago, not been in common vogue, the proposition of Yid- G e o r g e ! O h , w h a t h a v e I d o n e - r - w h a t ' AMERICANS AID IN REPAIRING Transcript. HEBREW UNIVERSITY dish or Hebrew as the language of instruction in the Jewish schools n a v e l done!" • : But; really, I think she knew dll is quite acceptable. { TO t h e time» V ^:r'::••'.". ':~s-:rr-~:.~i 9^ T. .A.)—-Funds to Now that the Conference has been held and a permanent Coun-~ : I am opening a fish market,-Thursdays August 11, 'go toward the repairing of-the damtil on Jewish Rights formed, it is up to a united Jewery td give it at 2019 North 24th street, and -would appreciate ages suffered by the Hebrew Univer-> ZIONISTS supplying my friends and-former customers with absblute support in the endeavor to better conditions of our people CANADIAN •sity in the xecent earthquake were re 7 BBENG. $300,000 TO BASLS •-.' . BUTTER and EGGS their fish needs. ceived here from America. in those countries where we have not succeeded in convincing govFOR LAND PURCHASE , The Jew4sh Telegraphic. Agency Council Bluffs, Iowa ernments of our inalienable rights.
"If It Swims I've Got Jit"
When George Caught Dorinda
his"arms as he balanc^!. precariously on a bit of apparatua all but suspended in mid all-.
Geoffrey was neglecting his prac-
Basie.~(J. T. A.)—-The sum of learns that circles interested in the $30.0>0'00 for the Jewish National Fund ,Hebrew University are endeavoring wa3 the. contribution brought by the to raise the sum of ? 50,000, the esti^ Canadian Zionist delegation - to the mated-amount required for the repair-! KOSHER DELICATESSEN Some funds j FRIEDA j Fifteenth Zionist Congrcra which will ing of the University. Complete Line of j open here on August 80. • - 1 -~ > have alreadyib-een forwarded so that Delicatessen, Smoked Meats The sum was given on the under- the repair work can be begun. and Pish standing that the money will be used exclusively for the purchase hi land i VIENNA UNIVERSITY HONORS 1509 North 24th Street by the Jewish National Fund and notFAMOUS JEWISH MUSACOLOGIST for the payment of past debts. The Vienna.—(J. T. A.) — Professor directorium of the National Fund has Guido Adler/-'internationally recog-ig accepted the conditions. nijsed authority in the field of music! | L e a r n t o play t h e violin pedagogy, retired from active service, j | correctlyy b y individual COMMITTEE FORMED TO instruction. having been named Professor Emeri-!e * PUBLISH KISHtNEFF " tus of the University of Vienna. :_ _ _ __ _ PROGRAM DOCUMENTS!
tice and, as all circus men know, a man who wants ~ to maintain steady By H. LOUIS RAYBOLD nerves and perfect co-ordination ot eye and muscle caanot drmb. . ; There- came an afternoon when HEN twins came to Darling and Geoffrey swayed into Georgle's tent Darling, that world renowned in a sad state. "Can't go on—cant do it, ol' man. acrobatic pair, there" wa3 great reYou got to take, my place." joicing in Circus Town. ' George repressed a desire to fling "They'll be some kids on-the tight rope !"• prophesied oner and "Gosh, him out. of the tent, brother though what a future In stunt, dancing!" fore- he was. Then, "Thafs foolish, and i you know It," he said, told'••_another..' • -.-'"_ 'Got to," insisted Geoffrey. "NoAs the years passed, Geoffrey Darling seemed the only one likely to body know the'difference—look alike." carry on the family reputation. True, ! But suddenly he braced himself. ^/KtehineffrBessarabia.—(J. T. A.)-^his .brother. George could, get r away "Peel queer," he muttered. "Guess A collectipn of .documents pertaining with a mediocre performance now and I can do it. Let me sleep an hour. to; the anti-Jewish pogroms that took. I Then wr»ke me." again. ce
iii city i d the h Czarist, i! under By the time the boys, had reached i The hot August afternoon was | p }l a iin this the age of discretion if not of great, j drawing to its sultry close and the j regime will be:issued_here on the oc-j wisdom, the elder Darftngs1- had :i packed Inob in the huge tent wero casipn of the; 25th anniversary of the passed in one brief aria tragic accident • craning fheirvneck's to get every bit first pogrom which, occurred in April to that land, where their peculiar en- j'. of entertainment generously provid- 1903. ' dowments were, presmnably : of no ed; by the, triple ring. , A meeting of Jewish communal j They 3i.ughed at the clowns upmore nse to..,fbetni Geoffrey was left to workers was called on the'initiative', xarry-on their reputatlon-^and George roariously, they shivered at the snarlof Dr. Mutcnnik and Dr. Roitman.| lug leopards,' arid-Jtliey loved the to look-after Geoffrey. ._ | That he did so was particularly j dainty Dorinda. Her^partner they had; The meeting approved of the plan and evident In the matter of Dorinda. j not so much use for. He had muffed Who was Dorinda? •" She was the :one or two of-bis ; stunts and-had sweetest, prettiest," - sunniest,' dainti- .etaggered in a foolish manner^ usurpest little equestrienne- of them all. ing the role of the clowns, but at last ,/;•: . i . : ; a t ^ v - ,' The bills that so proclaimed her spoke j he went out and left the little truly, and George would. have_knocked equestrienne to get through someJoI her own' special performance. you down, had you questioned ft. Yes—even after he relinquished all j The crowd could not know that just hope of levop haying her for his own. | cutslde Geoffrey fell and that it wan For one night George had stum-j George who. came on again. 5400 Center Street bled out of Ms tent at the sound of j As a matter of fact, Geoffrey, overcome by something more deadly than Phone Walnut 5956 voices close at hand. Unobserved, he had stepped back -quickly when \ meve intoxication, had collapsed and.; he saw. Dorinda in "the/arms of his jhis brother, hastily summoning the.brother arid heard her murmur, "Dar- circus doctor, had • stripped off the ; ling, I thought yoti would- never pro- tawdry garments, donned them and Dancing pose!" : •. .--:-'-:;'." • j : -•':-.- v '.: ; . : '' v " -:.'••••. dashed in so that Dorlnda's act should iNext day when- he ^bad happened not be rumedi near her she had acted strangely disturbed, but George,- mastering his emotions,' had" gone straight over to her and gripped botfi'lier'little'hands." ••It's splendid," he said, "just splendid. Accident and Health Engine Breakage' Dorrle, about you 'trad "Geoff. Now Y Assault Explosion (General) Automobile Flro Express Shipments Can really be to you the brother I Automobile Liability Fidelity Bonds have always wanted to be.* -Bank Deposit Fire and Tornado • Boiler Explosion . Fly Wheel Then he had left her abruptly, hlsBurglaryt (Residence) Freight Charges henrt torn with anguish... ; Burglary (Store, etc.) Furs. All Risks Burglary of Safe •Goiters' Equipment Geoffrey's engagement" to Dorinda Check Raising < Golfers' Liability Civil Commotton kept him straight''for juet about one 'Group,In«urAnca Hall . • " ' Consequential Damage month. Then his former habits Hpld up (Messenger) Contingent 1Liability ' • (Paymaster) jjripped him. . . . ,V. ContMctora -Bonds Dcnrtets' LJabmty (Personal) V George, gradually "foiind hfmseW* Drugelats' Liability, Ilouaelioia Goods In • Elevator Liability ' Bothered abonfc-Ws brother's act onTransit 'the bill, In -which, a s n breath-taking-i Office: o finale^ he caught Dorinda a§ she • 824 World-Herald BIdg. 'if leaped? &9I? J^t h?r§ 0 'I^trjifeht.1;!nto
:You .are welcome
Chicken Shack
"Famous for icken Sandwiches
• Finkenstein
2019 No, 24th Street
rrot. Frank Mach
E.E. BRUCE and CO.
Concert Violinist and ' Instructor
• Studio 11?H .North 16 Street Phone JA. 1952
Druggists and Stationers (01-403-405 South tOtb Street
Karl E* Tunberg Pupil of the late Tranz Kullak, Royal Prussian Professor of Music, Berlin Germany.
Authoritative Instruction -: •4n Artistic Piano Playing ' '' • .
Work donei with Mr. Tunberg is accepted and credited by all the recognized Artists' Conservatories and Universities ox the .
w o r l d .
- I U - ^ . : . ,
; •
Beginners Class Lessons in Piano—Evening Class for Adults
Twenty-Five Cents per Lesson Fall Term of 12 weeks, begins September-12..T Enrollment must be made before that date. Phone AT. 2015 for Appointments . , Lyric Bldg., 19th & Farnam Omaha, Nebr.
Tunberg Studios
Jewelry. All Risks' landlords' lability Lareeny and Tnefc • Leasehold Liability (General) LU e - stock Merchwliso In Transit 'Motor Boat. Motorcycle (all forms) Musical Instruments, ipifyslclanV Defense Flate Glass Breakase Profit Insurance Rain Insurance
Registered Mail Rental Value , Salesmen's Samples • Sprinkler Leakage StriKe and Rtot Supply Bpn* ,; 1 Surgeons Liability Teams1 ttabiuty Theatre Liability Theatrical Traasporta* tlon *TiUe Insurance Tourist Floater • Vee «nd Occupancy Water Damage WorKnjen'6 Coropcnsa" tlon
Telephone .
lantic 3180 '
Extra Value! Tfropical Worsted Coats and Pants Only the Nebraska TOth its vast outlet for men's wear can offer you such wonderful summer clothes selections'and such exceptional values.
suit finely tailored of quality Tropical assembled in the middle west. Other Smart Summer Suits, $10 to S35-A11 Si.es for all Men " • " • . " s E E OUR WINDOWS TODAY
1Cksumoi! MhifJs Hews ,1 -*•
and "WTS. S . Eesselman anhe marriage ox their daughter Sarah, "tc Irving H . Schnidernian, 'HOB TS "Mr. and Mrs. I. Schniderman -of 3Sew 3fnrk City. The tnuple were roazried -Ainrnst 2£, a t Chicago, 311. Ex. ami Tfirs. S. jELesselman entertainfid Sunday reverting -their iiome their daughter and san-dn-r
3Hr.tand Mrs. TSLT. .j&rndt announces t h e marriage uf theirdaughter,
-Although the ladies iave jegpmirteri generously in helping raise the -HaHa-s^qh Umergency l a n d "the chapter •is still far ifromits guota of §800.uu. §175.00 have been raised ap "to ±he present time. The "recent hostesses vvho "have raised inaney by "benefit bridge ^parties are the Jtlesdames TR. Grossman, E . "Y- ILofig, -A.. Silverman, J. 2Lelb, A. X llulakofsky, 33. 'berg, 3. Stein and IHax !Lerner. .anyone who :3s ^flannrng1 a ibenefit; "bridge [please sail JIrs, Max Shapiro,; JHarnsy B39B, HO •there ^will Ibe. no «con-; iffict 3n gartieB. 7 .-;
Envitch r...The -wedding ^sdll ^talce Simdaj-, September 4.
3anoff 'Will leave Snl.uriiay,
zzn :X)maha. ratit! ZMrs. Bioin&:
Mr. TTfm
12r. and Mrs. Ziehr left 3or "t'roTn •Chicago, T?hfirfi they "rail make Itoarj -TmHtgar ^vdll ^reaame JUUITK iome. The nut of town gaests teaching cff npiano 3n. 'Omaha ^•fhiR iiall. .at ihe -weddnig -wEre TvrpCTrrR and 10BS-; ^WIBS IRBVB 3Sssv -will Heave S a t u r d a y •Tjymp^ Teisljy, Slaeman, q S i o u x ; Gity i o -^iBit ^uver i a b o r to: St, Paul, attinn., anfl 3>ayr. S h e -^will "9te ^&e ugliest: xff 32ISE
*^ur£haum, 3Kx. and IVTT
and 3His. •Qaxa Sugarinan tS Chicago. !Bea Snrwits.
A l l irmtit iltin-ng "has sever appeared in, Mr. in even outclasfies her famDus hit, "Tbe .•Jewish 'ffdm 3Norilen, who -travelled by caravan Campus iFlirt." I t is a story of sol- "tion of Hebrew vrere invited tto particiirom the 5Ioith sto ittn: South yowar t&e lege athletics and laughs. Peatured pate xn the noniEerence. aaedenfiaTE xS the delegates represent- route tatan by AlesxEnder the Great a s a member of the supporting cast According ~tx> the plans ttf "ths sponing "Ehe *ZiomSts in ^Russia. Tbie -will in his nmrch tto India, in is Gertrude jEderle, first woman 'to sors, a permanent sduc onal have I D be decided by th£ CongreBE his espeiieneeE in the Arabian swim "the JEnglish Channel, who makes national Jn scope, JE ^J ie ionned in court. stated that Its came acrose the grent her -film debut in "Swim Girl Swim." Many detegates "have ab»eady ausi rnck tomb -nT lEing C\^rus. Me said Trudie is shown in action in the -water that 5fihe ^anrib 'had ieen lww}i :from and besides this proves that =sTie irsally lion in every xtmrmunilj' tfaraughoux today, the 1"' B*" solid 3fO«± and =waukl last forever. can act. "Swim Girl Bwini" ie de- tiie Dominion. The icon ^ &1BD txi tionfi wSH begin their caucuaeE on Sunlightfully entertaining, not only Irum utJKHiyl. t o -Solve tile -H. mfn The EPoale 2irai and i t e Hitaclithe story standpoint, hut •fnnn of t h o s e agencies devoted t o duth groups have already Btartacl swilt action that -•starts a t 'tis. of H e b r e w ed.'cgtrm |"fliBir rielrberations. Tbe report uf the j-w and -nsver letB tip until rfise il^stj-wlll BIBD i»e considei—! tor ^i»rnw>t iboecutivE, "which ^will IEK jBufeSicker. xnitted ia> the congress, ie s a t yet jaamahim Sox !Sxe On the stage "for thte partkubxrl^ypeB of lEalmud Torahfi and Sehrew pleted, it was -declared. -w«ek comeE t h e big s p e c t a c u l a r ischools.
: i
J 3 1 S i e Knap,i»ep, and
TISER5 ccbib i^CEe *^of ISErs. 3 . -BflmKfry has ietnTnefl lunne TOfflB iis found i n t h i s >**i'<•"ftwiTnTTE' ^spending Beveral ^weete QUAKE VICTIMS show. " ^ 1 " 3Jvans umd the Siviera IDeiwer, fCdlnraaD. Sew Xorki— (2. T. A.)—-The T iffusTcal testers are a back-gmund dEorj •Ferusalems—-(3. T. Jk.)—=An appeal j nf Xing Cyrus, the founder af a -series of acts. and ZMxs. :fnr aid -fnr -fhe Samaritans -who snf- JiBeisian Shnprae ^who permitted the Among Use Isading aitmtB mbo fered in -fiifi -recent c^rthguak- at feraelhaB to return Srom Babylonmn g a i e ^ iff •*•—•• XJIBS a n d :abha; -was WKIIWI by Jnl-' jadest liWflpin^flje time nf Ezra and Jfehem-and a t ^Dmafaa. f "fee ancient Jewish sect. 1ian,-roaE «een in t h e l*ersian fteEert 'by iDnn Thetappeal feaadre^Kd • alljcom3-gwrenre, 'Ktr, IGilillfiky xamiSeB ?aa3. states ril.-* S.0B0 =wculd and .author -who returned this -weefe "to aifl ^Sie SamarilaiiB wito 55nfnf fered in i&st surlliyuakc 1 2n- ; Billy ^Randall, *3Jannmg Wiblinist," tihe and tfhe Six Girls irom IHontmaree, ZIOMBT JJEIiEGATES BEGDs 'SeautiMl ^Dancing Modeh;^ Wbniesate and Batail Jevntexs -One T& the most luiputlant ji V39 21B-1B O t y SJational Sank Bldg. off HL, who has been spending several picture year i s Basle.—^{3. T. A.)—-The -total -nnmJA-SUIS iher^ suncle andjioming t o the HSviera Theatre, and weeks i e r e munt, IKr. and 3Hrs.-Sam jBosenihal, nne that will appeal .greafly tto a l l classes ~nf ^people—and 4to± as -will leave "Satairday am^it 3or 3tidmrumt'fi ™«tpr ^lna t home. number inclxtdeB :Qse dfllegutes ^elected aers," ^wniA upgufc iba for i ifutuiE. Hud -who has dues •^isifing 3iere 33x1 : this paper snatch 3Eor *the 3Irs. 5Ben 3Luhby 'Sor iwo will leave lor Jier -home Sate of -the '^Ran^i ^Eiders," because they will have an upporhmity a t t h a t ^nstt 3£ubby, -wao time t o see a frpprt. lar photoplay SEPT. 27-2B MB& OCT. £ ZLabnrDay. ^QDOIIS U S ' that -has appeared everywhere as a. Cnnducted by J. 3HIS3CII K GiBnfiky, -who Bias been load show attraction, but i n Omaha | tfT "fiijuurp can be purchased a t 1EZL spending "the jpast ^year in Sioux City, the Uiviera Theatre established prices Un. 50 Btreet, from $ p . m. to Uongtas Est. prevail. Iowa, jBtrtrned iome Sunday. 3£e -will 5 p . in Bveryugy. I*rice, 1?1 each.
RosK Hashona
T i e 3DangliteiB uf 35ion -will ^ ^Rosaline <Gdldstem, flanghter ttheir un ^Monday, Septembsr 5, a t the Jewish Com-_ nf ZMr. and IBErs. A3ie 'SdlostaBln, ^6inBe3 "TuesSay 3rom :an jnuriity tGenter 3± 2i3D JR. M. Mis. H. IWHTTre wno 3has besn spendmg i h e gmst v3our Tmonths i n JEurppEan ^nsit. ISSHB iGDlostein Htnbnoff nstnrnea ihome Xos Angeles THith relatives, is -expected t o 3!etnrn 3nnne Satnxnay. party xif twenty T;alry lD|aflndi iHolland, Germany, Italy., land, ^France, and iEnglanfl- She twasl] TCTT, ftmH I f f r g , ^V: ^Rtgfp <rif ITifnpriVn t M<:« • ^all Entertain sfhe aneinberfe ,B ' EE met a t the ilock Ijy !her tuncle, {Opening t£he fall *"**»H"t>'*^t** Siviera aftB •unnty a t a -"Hii^r 'Chapman, :and jfilonday^was ffoinecl iin'Omaba. -presents Tiininrii|g the .Bar JSIitzvoh tj£ ^Chicago "by lier brother 3$ -moving, and xhuck 5uH ui ±jterson Sol., which ITCHI take ^spent ^tfae 4-MTMn^r 3rL*Caznp esl photoplay i n IBebe Datiier£ latest nioTiiTDg, S e p t e m b e r 3- TVfr. The ;party .arrived 3n IMIB. S t e i n "vdll &3&o didld JEL T p p y picture, 'Swim Sifl SwrmT' -!K is said l>y those -who .have ^ceen iire picture -that i t iis :far the "best t h a t IMiss "to rfen ^-D*™ T T | nTrf j n yy
"The ZLsdies .AtEaliary of the Tal3nud Turah will iold a meeting -next Wednesday afternoon, September "7, a t rthe -home of -Mrs. isrcrfince ISrasne, Street. Abe Leibowitz and-daughter, THrnrine, who have been -visiting XB\;ativBE ,in "Winnipeg, Canada, for the •past "two "months, returned home Monday evening. TS-hile^Jn ISonngieg, wh» i s nine .years old and * talented dancer, appeared tin "the .pnhlir stage for a few weeks, putting on a successful act .and winning much public favxir. She Js rwfill known there nf 3*arMan Tiight Hie, "SIontmK te also for her .special dancing.
3She ^rcill lbs ^omEa im Mfl-ramfeee
JEannis Forney annnimcES tfiie riage of b.er daughter, Sarah, "to. .73r. iFoseph l^ehr, -which took plane/ Sunday, August 21. OneJiundrefl ana
ttiLps. in
•HtniidiiTi) «ixcc eewer iwiiinuS .coreni. mill
Atiractrps two singles for inanti—JTo BtucteUte, close | lb1&di3radCSEei#tetan. Call WAlmrt S11S.
UO5ST The Affair ITira HKVE Berai g
Time Sine •Given by
Jet the and Davenport St. "Music Sjy ii
CiOlL GST iEEWiSH ^3)TJCa330Jf j aiontreal.—(3. IT. A.)—A national ij conference nn ?ewssh education, t h e first ±0 be lield "in the Dominion of Canada, -will aneet during the^feek of Succoth m -flie -middle of October. • "The conferenec-rcas called under the auspices of the rganisation of as a result uf a Teasolution afiopted at t h e last convention 'recentl*" in ^
AiaJO? COOKING A Good Hace ID —at—
M.M. WARNER J&emgwer of. Fashionable Wws CFormerly with the "Omaha Tanning Do.)
Washes ±0 annuonce ihe '
m. WJXT Sh©f>.-
McmBd£&ng and Mfgatriring of WncrCoctts ttt Uteasxmable 2*
f T I iTH'
ESlfHtf . anS ~Eannly, \Stx. 3L -Martha .Conn and 3Hr. osnd "MTR, J. : The iLa'dies' Ixee Xnan Society -will "horn 3ts Tmestmg: "WeaneBaay after- Segel and if amily. September 7, a t "fhe Jewish Srank JSIaek 3IEB aeturned • -VylCll
Ho. 3D ,St^-W£«hBteT B257 Daily Wel>eIiveTtoallPartBxd:-1±De City Sresfa
Etinild, 'Ooh&EHfit,
EL 3E. -Behramt iof 'lgrons,j r., ^sntprtnTned a t : a cone so!elDefc luncheon -at ?fee ^Ad-Sell, "iortanng i e r siter :Deil SreeMpun -whase anHrfiage' t o Harry 'Gdnen -will take Tplace -part of -October, am3 Gbfasn, wTn»j<^ nmrrfogp rtD ChenuEB -will take place •flife.
^*'»in a n
« -*
^flfira^. CSUI1B
either rman nr wuuian, -must i e flinroogh and be -able ±o 3nrriish
-3>een zreguested ~£he • Jewish SoChib tto ^tage a aseal jieppy Goad C^JEDS. Ttawrp 3± -fee 3Leep Dancmg -ten Sozef '. and Davenport, on Sunm u p l e s a t aa "house -wanning September 4. -AccnrflTngly a r 'Snnxiay ^evening. irave been Tnaue ;ana "the club :is • vtiry Enthusiastic indeed -Bwer; IHEIKir TOUR 3KEW O2ET %the interest :shown by our -many, CA3EDS. tpatnms. S D certatn :is ^he cliib of the ; Jlosalme lEJdhn 3Bturned i o m e 1 amusual large attending crowds that Sunday i r o m T.TnpriVn -whEBe she,at-i no expense 3ms been spared to put ttendsd'aiB Bummer school uf the rUni- over "this "Good Time Dance" on Sunday, September 4, -with just me howl-rrf ^Nebraska. • ing -BniTWBH. ^You --will dance to ^the Birsch ileit 3or ttune of ^the "Campus 3aiights College City -where she -roll attend; 3Toys Syncopators" dance music. 'Columbia jErii H3EZT
JSr. -and 3irs,Jff. ^ - ievine and son ; Sam -ann Simon "Wemzvag will spena i; Habor 3tey in Crestan, Iowa, :as rthe .. quests iJf 12r. zmd Mrs. J£. -EreHeiiiks. ;j
3ir. and 32rs. H. XulakoTsky left on •a. -rooter ±np to ^Michigan vrhare t t e y -will aneet -their daughter "Reva who 'has "been a -connce'llar a t Trcnh Air Camp, JBlame 3Lake, lilich. ZUiss -Josephine "Kalis of JEansac S t y , "who has -besii visiting vrith .her •aunt -and uncle, l l r . and 5Irs. -S. AT>tpehnan, returned r±o "hsr .hcine 'liuit
WIST MM HvAge Strmt
5&1, KEm?rcn2 CT
Better iefiri^*alicMi at lower cost
T n tin a
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Jjeanfiflll find in
The Copekan Canfly Co. Candy-Fountain Goods — Supplies
. l^hile you are down
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naoess on at
profitable hash
oRntiont 'with ; ixesL Ztatmediatei)! 2SM Cass i i
BUB. IPhonc Aa'.-84S3
lies. PionB -AT. T1S5
ML CALABRIAi BARBERSHOP j We ^specmiize in CidlflrfinuB & l ,^rfmR' BairciitB
jjSx. and airs. Barry ^Wilinsky ;and j Arthur Bhlg.—-Z12. So. 3.8th Strfifit \ aaugnter> Adele.^re-visiting in Stttch-ji 3nsim, jKansas,-withttfa:err.aaugbter and yfr- xcnd MrB. J&3±mrr .-j ID Omaha TATR3FE PltlNT
is die Most Convinciiig and Re- 1 ^^ri^ Way erf Conveying Your IHrect5 P^^onal Good Wisbes,
-Bxirty fl. Ilsrpiiijjs.
3&T. .and Ulrs. Samuel 03.1 1EESE CAEDS. annntmce ^fite birth -of a Iraljy liom BHtuxd^y, AU^UKI- SH, :~3fixs. 3Sfnreriberg was Sormerly IKiss 3BHaj WSR SENT—Jacobsrm. • !
fi^Hids .pt%o K^iRfi ves csi-iioJulaySj
r. and Ittrs. U. ^reaefnSEs 'and son. f Cresttm, ~3owa, «pent ;SnuSay | lin sOmaha ^yn&i U5r. rand ~MJS. JSL. ]E. j Isvine.
To Mail a Greeting Card to Your
ROME 250 iEomns—2DD Batta Goad Hiiums for SI 3D Operated .by iEmiley IHutels Go.
Complete Sboie ? over "Vi.lfOO square ifeet .Soulhtvest JZarmrr
Eleventh and Douglue Stneete Wlumsr. J A ckson 2724
SonQi I T a Street
&2\ mest mcrciiaHtK, grocers, japprlcuirsDf delicatessen i .3iotel janflrgstanrant owners ncr3 no longer iiave a rsfirlgsrariaa
S3SSTWE "Stops' spoikgc—it the merchant to buy & "Bclrction of perisi icnsfii 'fey quantity prices. I t sxvzs time zsi& labor. Lst .rxs siiowyuu liovr cary it is for yon tohz-rc JFri.gidr..Jre installed ,nGw»
PAGE 4—THE JEWISH PRESS, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 1, 1927 Sammy Kaufman "is performing; Athletic director Krasne plans on of Illinois in the art ot bone crush- countries were further deliberated the time. Ronald's voice was peneupon at yesterday's session of the Naat.shortstop for the MUlard, Nebr., having .exhibitions by noted swim- ing. trating and decided. , tional Minorities Congress. baseball team in the Southwest Iowa mers and divers in order to enter"Post ten—our/hour for. closing." , The J. C. C. handball tournament Much interest "was displayed in the "Yon are sure he will come back tournament. Kaufman is playing a tain the crowd between events. A. will start September 12, all games papers at the Congress by Professor By Stanley F. Levin. past the shop?" inquired Ronald. bang up game at- that position. In fete of the events will be the 30-will be played in the Center courts. Lazarsohn, Jewish leadei of Latvia, "It's his custom." yard dash, 50-yar$ dash, 100-yard his first game, Millard vs. Avoca, Joe; Levey, present A. A. U. champ ; "His lodge usually lasts—?" dash, 2fO-yard back stroke, dives and will compete along with Herman on "State Sovereignty and Minorities For • some unknown reason the Iowa,-he banged out one hit in four "Till about eleven," answered the Protection in which he dwelt on the girls who patronise^ the Community trips to the plate while at b a t Inrelay races. Appropriate medals will Segelman, the Center champ and aphase of the problem which caused assistant. By MRS. A. R. MARTIN Whereupon Ronald announced that Center swimming pool have gone in the field he had a nifty day chalking be given to the winners. Entrants number of lesser lights. All Center most opposition of the majority popuhe would have a hair cut after the for distance-swimming. The latest to up five put outs, four assists, one will be taken at the Athletic direc- members should enter now. Bill Rose lations. He argued that the state shave. Being after hours he would, take up the .craze iV Freda Bolker, error and a double play unassisted. tor's office at the check room desk. , ]^J .(© by Short Story Pub. Cb.> ,: at the check desk will take care <»f sovereignty is not in any way lessened of course— The assistant thanked one of 'Tank" Krasne's coming The Millard team took on the House by legal protection provided for the all entrants. T WAS the most natunal thing In him. . Women. A Channel swim. Marcus minorities. the-world that she should be in a And while about it, it might as well aquatic stars. The pretty little miss of David nine in their second game clicked off 22 lengths of the pool the and handed the whiskered ball play- Krasne is arranging the details for Another event in the offering for ;barberv shop. "Where /else should be a shampoo, too. A lively discussion' followed in . u on jt g o in q u e s t of a curl? That It seemed to the little-cloaked lis- other afternoon in s ' -warming up ers a neat beating, 9 to 3. Kauf- a twenty-five mile channel swim. the women is a handball tourney. It which many representatives of the it was midnight needs explanation. tener, crouching behind the cheval jaunt. Miss Bolker is planning on man's fielding was sensational. His All swimmers will swim fifteen will not be held for at least six national minorities, including the JewIt was all to be laid at the door of glass, now hot, now cold, as if Ronald reeling, off a two-mile swim in the -record for the afternoon's.work read: minutes each day and the lady who weeks, so you members of the ieh representatives, ' participated. j-oung1 'Mrs. Roxham's ,'father-in-law. were trying to prolong her agony of very near future and thus is-enswims the greatest listance in the "weaker sex" may as well get in 2 hits out of five times up, one double Great interest was also displayed in whose door, as it happened, was di-embarrassment If the door were not rectly opposite from the barber, shop. closed—If Ronald were in natural deavoring to" condition herself for play, one error, 3 put outs and 3shortest time will be awarded a gold fighting trim now by working out in the paper submitted by Dr. Aimnende, Secretly, Mrs. Boxham would have guise, even. But Ronald was toweled the long grind. assists. Twice he cut off runs by medal emblematic of her champion-; the handball courts. The courts, both general secretary of the nation*} mingiven much to follow the tide of fash- and In a halo ot lather, and the asship. The long distance jaunt will of them, will be open t o women orities organization. The subject of brilliant fielding. ion -that-had swept oiij1. leaving the sistant barber was there to witness— not come off till the swimmng meet every Tuesday night till seven- his paper was "National Intolerance Two members of the Center were neighborhood to renters, small shops probably open-mouthed—her emerghad been swam.• . _ thirty i n . addition to their other Jeopardizes European Peace." among the small army. or lads who and decadence. But his family man- ing. Senior and Junior women will hold periods of ball missing and poundwere fortunate enough to win honors sion was dear to her father-in-law. So The hair-cut progressed but tedi- at the recent C. M. T., C. camp. Joe a swimming meet of their own Sept Marcus Krasne, new physical diing. he, his widowed daughter-in-law, and ously. Ronald spoke again: Thomas- Reginald continued to live Beinstein is the newly crowned fly-17 in the Center auditorium. A rector at the Center, has started his "You don't think It worth while MINORITIES number of prominent Center mer- work off with a bang. Be^has organfacing the barber shop. / looking for it—them—again, do you? weight wrestling champ while Milton ized classes in wrestling and boxing CONGRESS CONTINUES maids are entered already and - But, if Thomas Reginald was the tie Altshuler rules the - bantam-weight ld of f done d "Can't "think what he could binding the twdf he was also the/bone with' 'em. But, if you'd rather not with sundry JJolds and grunts. Bejin- others are expected to do so. Among for all members of the Center. DELIBERATIONS in possession over which parent and wait, sir, I" can incpire first thing In stein also won several boxing botyts those are Freda Bolker, Naomi Cohen, Classes will be is session Monday and grandparent contended. - • - • • ' Wednesday from 7:30 to 8:301 Mar- tJeneva.—-(J. T. A.)—The problems the morning—" : , O72§ '~ during his stay in Uncle Sam's Clara Shriebman, Dora Swartz, Selma Tommy's grandparent was used to No; the gentleman preferred to wait, cus is a letterman at the University of the national minorities in European Levin Eunice Eosenstein and others. his own obstinate way. It was one A nearby church bell—after an in- camp. morning, as he regarded, his grandson, terminable period—.boomed eleven. freshly combed and curled, starting Bonald, with seeming reluctance, left forth for kindergarten.' - ' the chair. There was a dink—In fact, ^He—he-rlooks like a sissy, and— several clinks. The assistant barber et—zB. fool 1" sputtered Tommy's grand- s a i d : ;.--••• . ".-•;' , parent, i "Certihgly—Just a s lief wait a s h o t Thomas Beginald's * mamma drew Might a s well turn out some of t h e her small self erect and walked back lights, though." Into the dining room. "; '' Then the two walked toward -, the That little episode occurred a t 8^30 cheval glass. The assistant, barber• a. m. At a quarter;before 10 p.;m., was persuaded to have a cigar. They Mrs. Boxham returned early: from a talked politics. It was a s though Rondinner-dance, let herself In, sped past ald were trying to beep t h e barber in the library where her father^ln-law a good humor. . spent his- evenings, and on up Btalrs. And not four feet away a filmy handShe could Dot yet forgive the "sissy" kerchief was mopping tears of wearias applied to Thomas Reginald. ness and despair from a face droopThe dinner had' been' stupid, and, ing against the back of a tall mirror. pleading headache, Mrs. Boxham had The* church bell boomed the quarleft before the dance. No one had been ter. A t the half, the crouching figure them that she cared for. At this ad- slipped to the"floor. The weary watchmission Mrs. -Boxham, laying off her er began to court discovery. Oh, for wraps, blushed. Only last night she courage! If only the assistant barhad sent Ronald away, for how" could ber—• •..-.••.: she ask. Thomas Beginald to accept a At t h e third quarter the assistant stepfather? Even one who was In some degree a cousin to-Thomas .Regi- barber said he really must go. There was no .chance of the other coining nald-and his grandfather? ; now. H e would put out the reir light Tel; in her heart,, Mrs. Boxham The front one burned all night. Then knew she had gone to the .dinner.hop- he would be compelled to lock up. H« Ing Ronald would be there;' But that started toward the rear of the shop. was Because she relied on/Bpnald for Suddenly a sob, a s of some pent-no wdvice concerning Thomas Beginald. emotion, fell on the startled', ears' 'bit Even her father-in-law,; in- ;his mp.st Mr. Ronald Alexander. Also his name obstinate moments, listened-to Bonald. —"Ronald!" I t seemed quite close at Though' sometimes .Bonald .puzzled hand. H e gave a backward step,'a her. He had a way of seeming amused. start, a s his eyes fell upon a b a i t But5 at "what? She never could under- cloaked familiar' figure.'" ''•'•"••' stand. And then he had such pro"The curls!" exclaimed t h e sobblrii Bounced ideas about women. "He_was voice, and the figure stretched- its absurdly particular-—,' white arms piteonsly to Mr. Ronald A t this point In her musings a wave Alexander. :'..':"".f- '.."•:":^l of'motherhood swept over young. Mrs. The back light went out. "The front Rexbam. She turned swiftly and flew to hang «rver Thomas Beginald, deep- door opened." The head barber stepped in. Mr. Alexander, between the door breathing in U s little b e d Was this—could this be—her child? and the figure behind the cheval TnlrShe had left a golden-tressed cherub; ror, waited until the head barberfwas she- found a shorn and bullet-headed in—-well in-^and addressed hinTjocosely as an early customer. TherCth& front light, near the cheval glass* Meanwhile, she dragged Thomas went out Reginald up. No—not Thomas BegiAn arm swept the dark cloak around nald, not her child—this—this shorn Thing. This was not the baby she had the little'lady's white draperies. "Walt gathered to herself and rocked, while at your door," a voice whispered! and the fringed lids closed upon eyes of the lady found herself thrust forth into the street. A second or two-later, heaven's own blue— . . , . - . the light'flared up again. As the voice -Heaven's own blue! She hurried of Ronald, apologizing for a misunThomas Reginald,- stumbling-over his derstood remark, about front light out little gown, to the light One of his and rear light dim, came floating eyes was closed—and also black, with through the open door, the, cloaked a fringe of green 1 figure was speeding across the asphalt She- shook her child Into-condition Thomas Reginald's mamma reached for explanation. her own door. Should she wait? He T fit a boy," said Thomas Reginald, had mocked at Browning! He would blinking, . "what used to • pull my •—she knew he would—laugh'at'her curls." wanting the curls; And—and—per-' - -His parent cast her most terrible Tiaps he would no lunger see her on a threat: ''What, what will your grand- pedestal— father eay when he hears of, this?'.' She was still debating when he-'.'He' Bald," explained Thomas Beginald, "he said, 'Go to it, TommyT He joined her. And when, later, she 'came pounded, on the pavement wlf his to, as it were, she was crying against his collar. And his hands and her canel" 1 . 1 "•Go," said Thomas Reginald's moth- hands were full of curls—severed er, ''go back to bed." . . . . curls—but golden and precious still. Ronald, spending the evening with -And then she sobbed,.sobbed for the her father-in-law, had heard about the circling touch of baby curls about her curls. He had sought the barbershop fingers. •• •' - .' -.;. :.', "• •;. . ' . ; ; . : , ; • for the' curls, and had been shaven OurlsT Where were those CUTIB? and shorn, waiting for them. He had She fell suddenly upon the clambering been afraid that If he waited until Thomas and dragged him back again. morning he would not get them. «JS*5; Thomas Reginald was peevish. "He : : : Had be known she would want the. y"" 'Vo-' ' Performanceforsportsmen—for lovers of speed and . tol' the "man to sweep'.'em" up-r-to take 'em out i n a dust pan, gran'padid." curls? Of course he had known. |;]g::f';:;spirit. . ' ;;.•:•, ; . " '" ': ... •.:.'.;'-^ Thomas Reginald's mother loosed - Laugh at her for wanting th6 curls? him. She walked to the window-and He'd rather, any time, a woman would l ! * Seventy miles, and more, an hour—with looked over at the barber- shop. She seek a barber shop for curls than a club for ' Browning. Even the head meant to have those curls. The enunknown before to motordom. towelled chairs reclined empty. A "man barber, In his • barber's heart, had known she'd want the curls. He had In a white Jacket was opening and ,. Positive brilliance in traffic Impatience to be off and shutting: drawers. Plate glass offered put them away In hisr safe. AH ladles, the head barber said, came the next no obstruction to her view. -She "had ahead. Rocket acceleration. watched this assistant barber before, day for the curls,. And Ronald had thought that If "he as be ' trimmed Thomas - Beginald's And boundless power. Quiet, deep-lunged power— bangs and curls while the butler —Ronald—came bearing curls—Thorn-, as Reginald's curls—-she might,' per-' waited. the voice of magnificent engineering. SB6 put on her cloak and walked haps, possibly, think of him—not as worthy, but as struggling to .become^ I K\ across the street :T Beautifully made, too, this Senior! Long, low and smart. '' At the shop's open door she paused. worthy—of being the stepfather of V With refinement and luxury apparent in a hundred But; BO doubt, barbers' were-quite ac- even Thomas Reginald. And at that Thomas Reginald's customed-to ladies wanting' curls.' She ", s * details. mamma wept some more. Wept, wltti drew her small self up and: went In. the knowledge, this time, that It wag 'tSh&re was the assistant barber. In A Six that the feshionable instantly approved—and the tlte rear.-'His back was turned. Should upon the collar of Thomas Reginald's future stepfather. sire cough? He was at the last of the experts—and veteran owners of the costliest motor cars. ^long row of chairs, bending over— Current Gossip ^Heavens;! Bpnaldl Eyes closed, Drive it an hour and you'll drive itforyears! lathered brush about to -descend upon "What's the news from Literature U$in. Rtfh'ald; who was'tjnconmpromls- Junction?" lngUS regards conventions-and propri"Juliet has sued Borneo for a Urn* eties! Ronald, ,who. demanded-that ited divorce and gone back to her peovvotaea enshrine themselves on pedes- ple. Capulet says Borneo is a bum Sarney Street at 28th Tel. ATlantic 0123 tals of propriety.and stay there! and so's his old man." 2912 North 6l8t St.—TeL WAlnut 7515 - - ' Had she Rasped? The assfstant bar"Too much family on both sides, . South Omaha—5014 South 24th Street—TeL MArket 4111 - her i w s turning.' She was too far in I'm thinking. Didn't I hear, something Sales and Service Branches at—Council Bluffs, la., at»d Fremont, Neb. fb'r-reiJcat. She Slipped behind a long about Monte Christo?" "He has just gone -through bankc&evnl mirror. , , ruptcy."—iLoulsrille. Courier-Joucnnl. .' Jr : " ^s Ve webt bafiU, Ttonald nbked him
• ••
? - . • - .
•:•. « • • -;.
• ;
• / . - " . • ' . -
"m^ Lovers of Speed and Spirit C;v:--C:i?{ii''' •