September 8, 1927

Page 1




By A.G. . Gossip is buzzing around the corners of the Jewish Community Center. At a late hour Wednesday night, -Marcus - JLeasne, head physical, director, announced that the gigantic tank meet will get under way Saturray night, September 17. Entered as secona-dass mall matter on Jan nary 27th, 1021, at Members run -here and there, "won- postoffice at Omaha, Nebraska, under the Act of Mnrcb S, 1879. dering who will perform in the various exhibitions. The writer has been informed as */><^~~h will be seen in • action, but w -3g« ~d to withhold the names of theV^S^I lants. Krasne w i l l ^ ^ - i s bag of tricks a few minuteir^ap ^ starting time on the evening. $ ^ S Member 17. Ifs a surprise exhi. *gf%~-nd many are looking forward *|» „ the coming events"-£« - '

A false friend, like a shadow, attends only while the sun shines. —FRANKLIN


VOL. VI.—No. 36

. C. C. Workers Meet at Banquet

, Leo Chaflcen and- ' ""^^relick, both of the University oinsfebraska, have been fighting i t out to .the "letter" in the J.C.C.handball courts.

Will Launch Annual Drive for Members on Tuesday Evening


Weizmann Adamant, Will Not Sioux City Jewry to ; Change Policy, Tells Zionist Congress Dedicate Synagogue

Jerusalem. (J. TV A.) No custom barriers will exist -between Palestine Was Determined to Resign bnt Pale- that the Zionist Congress i s always The other day Gerelick downed his stine Position Prevents; Pleads for sovereign and will be in a position and its natural -hinterland, according erstwhile-opponent with comapartive Slow but Steady Development and to abrogate the agreement if found to the provisions of the Transjordanease, but the former Central high Consummation of Jewish Agency necessary." ian customs ordinance promulgated school tackle is out for revenge, and Refuting the proposal of Vladimir The New Modern Orthodox Plan; Is in Full Accord with he asserts that i t won't be long now. Jewish Community Center is Now Facing a Crisis—Needs by the government recently. American Zionists; Answers Argn- Jabotinsky to admit the non-Zionists Synagogue Completed The ordinance states that exports only to the economic work of the United Support ments of Wise, Jabotinsky and L William Eose, with his smiling to Transjordania, Syria, Nejd and Gruenbaum; Prefers British Slow- Jewish Agency, leaviEg- the political HATE MORE THAN countenance behind the window at the -Hedjez, and imports from those ness t» Soviet Aid. to the Zionist Congress, Dr. WeizCenter's basket room, has acquired "Every Jewish Family a Member"—This is the slogan-adopted countries, will be free of customs mann declared that it would be unTWO HUNDRED MEMBERS for himself; a number of "real" by more than one hundred workers who will meet at a banquet duty. An exception is made with thinkable to propose to the nun-Zion- " Sioux City, la.- (Spezial Dispatch Basle (J. T. JL)—Dr. Chaim Weizfriends. Hose is contended, he says, Tuesday evening^at; the Jewish Community Center to. plan for the alcohol and tobacco. man, leader of Zion- ists a system of "taxation without to The Jewish Press.) — Sioux City as long as the young men and women ist movement, took the floor at tie representation*'. "The time when such Jewry will dedicate the opening of annual membership drive. The banquet was postponed from last come in smiling. He is believer in late Saturday night meeting of the a method could be employed has long their new Synagogue Congregation smileE and always mutters, "Smile a week to Tuesday; September 13, because of lack of time in giving fifteenth Zionist Congress in session passed", he said. Shaare Zion, Sunday, September 11, : .- , little bit, smile a little bit, smiie." notice to the workers who will participate in the drive. Dr. Weizmann asserted that there at a banquet to be held at the here, to answer the numerous critic"The banquet is complimentary to the weekers and is at no exisms heaped upon him by the various are no differences between him and Synagogue. Cantors Schwazkin and Kohano- pense to the Jewish Community Center," said Harry Lapidus, prespeakers representing Zionists in allthe American Zionists as was alleged witcli- are glooming their respective Discuss Plans for Modern Orthodox parts of the world during the general by'some of the speakers. "My rela- The structure of this modern ortho. • /^ choirs in preparation for the coming sident of the Jewish Commnuity Center. debate which occupied two days of tions with the American Zionists have dox congregation is one of extreme Movement *" "The Jewish •Community Center is holidays. Both choir leaders assert not changed. We have never given up beauty with seating arrangements the Congress. facing crisis at the present time and their ^proteges are "working in smooth the principle of the priority of Pal- for . approximately one thousand. unless our membership is increased On Monday evening, September 12, To the demands of the opposition estine in Jewish communal affairs Every person having a clear view fashion, and are eager to offer their we will have to dose our doors." The Omaha Jewry will attend a mass meet- leaders that the Zionist Congress and neither has the Marshall group," because of the theater arrangement selections to members and guests of building is being operated-at. a mini- ing at the Jewish Cbmmunity Center adopt a new and more aggressive Dr. Weizmann declared in referring of seats. There are class rooms for the synagogues in the city. mum expense with a maximum num- in behalf of a Modern Orthodox move- policy toward Great Britain as the to a recent controversy between the Hebrew Schools a smaller room for There is something wrong about Proceeds Win Go Toward Scholarship ber of activities. The fiscal year has ment which is being started in Omaha. Mandatory Power for Palestine and American Zionist Organization and junior congregations and kitchens in ended and before we can start our At this meeting Rabbi Simon G. urge the Palestine Government to em- the Joint Distribution Committee, con- the basement. Bess Haykin at the J. C. C. ofFund program for the coming year we must Kramer of Chicago Hebrew Theoligi- ploy now methods which would hasten cerning the Jewish Colonization work fices. -Miss Haykin nurses a sore arm "In opening this Synagogue we for some reason or other, and is being A scholarship fund for needy stu- make sure that there will be sufficient cal Seminary will be the principal the upbuilding of Palestine as the in Russia. "Our American friends point with pride <m the work that speaker and he -will; outline the work Jewish national home, Dr. Weizman chided. by- those who stop to exchange dents whether high bchool or college funds to carry us through." has been done by our community', said replied that he vdll not change his have realized the grave responsibility T3ernard Baron., president. We started "We are again calling to that faith- of the movement. greetings at the executive head- is to be established by the local chapand have met the conditions which ter of the Order of Aleph Zadik Aleph ful body of workers to answer to this "This meeting is open to the public, policy of confidence in Great Britain they found but let no one try to the modern orthodox movement here quarters. and will pursue in the Palestine work If-any person can ascertain as to of the Independent ,Order of B'nai important situation," said Shrolly there will be no solicitations or col- a line of slow but steady development. create difficulties between me and the about seventeen years ago and never Goodman, chairman of the memberBTlith. On November 26th and 27th lections," said M. Kulakofsky, temgave up the idea of having a conhow Miss Haykin got her sore arm, In making this declaration Dr. Weiz- American Zionists. No one will suc- gregation." and why she is holding it a dark this group of young men intend to ship compaign. It is important that porary chairman of the local move- mann indicated that if the majority ceed in reparating us." stage a Road Show at; the Jewish the Jewish Community Center shall m e nt. The Modern; Orthodox movesecret, please let us know. The officers of the congregation are The President of the World Zionist Community Center, the proceeds of function, it is important - that every! m e n t has grown very rapidly through- of the Congress is of the opinion that Bernard Baron, president; M. Seff, his policy has proven too weak and Organization welcomed the statement man, and woman should be a member 0Vlt th e central west in the past year, ©ave Chesnau, formerly connceted which will go into this fund. vice-president; Lester Heeger, record: that he is lead by circumstances, he made by Vladimir Jabotinsky, the . ';'' . _ JMany of the neighboring cities have A ^committee - of prominent local of this building." \ the physical department at the ing secretary; ESi Robinow, financial is "willing to_go, knowing that he; leader of the Zionist Revisionists, that : C e H f e a pki s s aiM i i^i s y ^ o SeatSe. men wSl be appointed-to. administer The woikers^are creed to make their hn2fc-UEW secretary. Board of Direirtors: E. S. has paved the way for his successor." Zionists are to have confidence in Chesnau is- angling iar a position tbisTfand'to*any^staaent regardlesjfaf reservation forthe banquet. Trie fol- Eabbi Kramer is considered as one Kobinow, A. H. Baron, !_.. Heeger, J. Great Britain as the Mandatory lowing "men will attend: > ' of the best orators of the Hebrew "I would, however, like to .-give my with some organization, on the west- denomination who may be in need of, London, M. Lazenskr, A. Masie, Wm. successor a bit of advice; to lead as Power. assistance to aid him in comTheological Seminary. Workers in Drive f or Membership ern coast, according to reports reKantor, M. SeiT, Robert Sacks, J. I did or his term of office will be "Te ear of the British Government pleting abigh school 01 college course. Isadore Abramson Philip Klnnnick ceived in Omaha. Robin, E. Chesen, J. N. Krueger, B. Ike Iievy A. B. Alpirn rather short," Dr. Weizmann said. is also sensitive as is British public The money will be given to the stu- "Wm. Alberta Harry LapVdui .. Baron, M. Ginsberg. Sam J. Lena Jack Alberts dents in the form of loans and in this As the. leader of the international opinion. I am convinced that the Miss Beckman to Direct Abe Levey '" •" 3 Alplrn "West Rothschild of Kansas City, way the fund should5 become a revolv- Maurice About seventeen years ago a group Earl I<!ipfdus Meyer Beber Zionist movement developed Ms argu- great British nation vail never break Isadora Lerenson Mo., motored into Omaha recently in ing and permanent .affair. Sam Beber her pledge to the Jewish people given of people interested in the idea of a > Center Children's Tkeatre Mark Leon ments he added, however, that alReuben Brown company -with Charles A11 if of KanM. F. Levcnson Bernstein The "amount of this fund depends Nathan though he was determined not toin the Balfour Declaration. Our situa- modem orthodox -congregation met Wm. Levey AbeBrodkey sas City to spend the Labor Day entirely upon the amount of the pro- Eusrene In line with the coming activities in stand for reelection • at the Fifteenth tion in Palestine is complicated, has on Rosh Hshona at the home of Mr. MoeXtaimm' Blazer Isadoxe XieTinspn Cohen "Week-end visiting friends. Rothschild ceeds which .will be raised through J. the Dramatic Department, the ComHarry Mnlasbicfc Dave Cohn many difficulties and is bound to g-o A. L. Galinsky. They discussed the was behind the wheel of his highly the medium of the coming Road Show, Max Fromfcin Henry Monsky munity Center announces the organi- Zionist Congress, he feels impelled to through the tips and downs of a feasibility of starting a movement in continue the work in view of the Maurice Mieklln ~ Davia Freeman colored Marmon sports touring car Every effort is being exerted to make Harold Farber zation of a Children's Theater under Abe Marcus pioneer* movement working in a Sioux City, looking- to the organizaJack Marer > when in Omaha. The car was quite this show a very attractive affair. A. D. Frank the. direction of Miss Marguerite present difficult situation in Palestine. barren and undeveloped country. But tion of a congregation that would be E. Meyer "I would not remain in office a moJ. Friedman J. Malasboek •visible on the downtown streets of Some acts are being brought in from J. Beckman. John Farber Joseph Pcpppt ment longer if the Palestine situation we must remember that the job is able to serve their purpose. Among F-islf r Omaha. West received the Marmon out-of-town and otbers will be selected Dave Dr. Philip Komonek Miss Beckman is well qualified to those present • were Messers. A. L. Wm. Grod'rsky were in better shape." > ours and that no cue will do the I. Rosenblatt as a .gift on Ids twenty-first birthday. at competitive try-outs in the very Fred GreentK-rs take charge of this work, having been Jake Robinson Galinsky, A. Krueger, J. H. Cohen, A. work for us. Our slogan must be 'Out! Abe Goldstein S. Raviti Dr. Weizmann dwelt at length on Director of the "Little Theater" for Greenberg Goodsite, M. Brodkey, and B. Baron. Harry Robinson near future. AH the preliminary ar- David of the Crisis' through hard work. The Greenberg the question of the Jewish Agency, I<eo Rosen thai • •••- With the various high schools now rangements bave been taken care of. Joe children in Omaha for" the last five Herbert Goldstein rebuilding of Palestine as the Jewish' In 1914, when the demand for J. J. Slosburg Nathan E. Green years. She was connected with the concerning which he reached an agree- national home cannot be retarded by Modern Orthodox services became in full swing, Jewish students will be Irvin Stalmnster The committee in charge of the ar- Sam Green Ben J. Shapiro Little Theater Movement in Chicago ment during his recent visit to the temporary setbacks. We must look urgent, a series of preliminary meetcarrying the saber in the. Central rangements consist of the following.- Ben Glazer Dr. M.J3. Stein Bob Glazi-r Dr. Philip Sher United States with Louis Marshall, previous to" that time. high school cadet regiment. Follow- Philip Klutznick, general chairman; Paul GoMstein Joe Stern ahead and do what is necessary to- ings were held with the help of Rabbi Hyman Greenberg Lonis Sommer The idea of the Children's Theater President of the American. Jewish day," Dr. Weizmann exclaimed. ing are the Jewish commissioned of- Booklet—Isadare Elewitz,finance;Dr.Kathan Horwicu Kavar of Denver, a congregation was LouiB Somberjf is to develop creative ability in child- Committee, as representing the nonficers: Earl Lapidus, Justin Wolf, Meyer Beber and Joe Cohen; Tickets, L.MaxHarris Harry Silverman Ti. Hotaman organized as a branch of the United Harry Tniitin Dr. Weizmacn began his address at Zionists. He urged the Congress to ren- and give them the chance to see Wm, L. Holzinan Arthur Learner. Many Jewish boys David Beber; Acts, Hymen Shrier Nathan Abe Veneer E. Jacobs Jndah woolf«on and enact good plays suited- to their ratify this agreement and to let the midnight on Saturday when the Synagogues of Amarica. The Charter are non-coms and in a short time and Marion Graetz; House, David Morris E. JacobB Fred White Kntskee Jewish Agency plan, which would Messe Hall was crowded to capacity, membership consisted of Messrs. B, age and natural inclinations. Sam Wolf •will be numbered among the coveted Bishoff; Director, Louis Riklin; Stage B.H. Korney Harry A. Wolf enlist the fiancial cooperation of non- all the guests and delegates assembll Baron, A. Goodsite, N. W. Pickus, K. The first production will be given N. S. Taffe ranks of the commission. H. Koopar and Properties, Maurice Givot; Pub- Hobert Ben Xousem - • • • Zionist Jews for the -upbuilding of ing to hear the Zionist leader's reply J. Krueger, M. Katelmen, J. H. Cohen, Abner Kalman in the Auditorium of the Community licity, Al Shrier and Stanley F. Levine. Ed Krause M. Shulkin, D. Geffen, S. Sudow, A. Center on Tuesday night, October 25 Palestine, be consummated. "Although to his critics. He started in a siow; L Kulakofsky, R. II. Emlein, A. W. Katleman Joe Beinstein gives promise of deliberate manner, emphasizing each at 7:30 p. m. All children who are in- it is true that the Agency plan inturning into a "pugilist." Joe re- BEGIN SERVICES terested may register at the office of volves certain dangers" from a Zionist word and growing' more eloquent as Seff, and I. Borshevsky. Rabbi WaxOMAHA HEBREW CAMP cently won the paper weight chamman, of New York was called and AT TEMPLE ISRAEL (Continued on Page 2.) point of view, you should not forget pionship at the Citizens Military M. W. A. ANNIVERSARY the Community Center. services for the High Holidays were Training camp at Fort Crook. The Regular religious services will be Omaha Hebrew Camp M. W. A. will held in the Council Chamber of the young Jewish lad, who is a senior at resumed at Temple Israel Friday eve- celebrate its thirtieth anniversary OMAHANS INTERESTED City Hall, Friday evening sendees Central high "school, is keeping in ning at 8:00 p. m, with full choir and Wednesday evening, September 14 at were conducted at the Adas Yeshuren IN HOTEL EXPOSITION good physical trim by skipping rope, lecture. Rabbi Frederick Cohn will a banquet to be given at the.Jewish Synagopue. by playing handball and going speak on "Mount Ranier- of light." Community Center. - Members -are . One of the most interesting dis• "In the spring- of 1025 the movethrough other strenuous exercises. The first Saturday morning service^urged to make reservations immed- plays to be held at the Midland ment for reorganization started in will be held Saturday at 10:30 a. m.,J'| yi According to the committee Empire Hotel Exposition a t the earnest with the results that the HE PRACTICE of sending New Year's Greetings Plans are being formulated by the Rabbi Cohn's subject will be "Life's j in charge a musical program has been municipal auditorium from September present Congregation Shaare Zion to friends and relatives through the local Jewish • . I arranged. Cantor Kohanowitch and 13 to 17 will be that of the Central physical department of the Center, Battle." was organized and Rabbi RabinowitE paper is general throughout the country. Its adThe Temple Sunday school will his choir will sing. J. Kaplan is chair- Market display of meats in a large to group together a four-team grid vantage over the old individual mailing- card is eviwas called to leadership. league. The circuit will be governed I open Sunday morning September 11 man of the affair. dent in the saving of time, expense and worry over refrigerator designed and manufacFor two years services were forgetting a friend. . Btrictly according to rules and regula- at ten o'clock. ' tured by the Omaha Fixture & Supply held in an old rented building on tions of the football world. Krasne company, chilled by a large Baker ACTIONS COMMITTEE the corner of Seventh and Court Greeting Cards in THE JEWISH PRESS Ice Machine company unit. has already undercovered a plan to OMAHA HEBREW CLUB IS GENEROUS WITH THE streets. During that time the conWill Take This Form: get his pigskin warriors under the OPPOSITION GROUPS "The display will be one of the BALL OCTOBER 30th gTegation justified its existence by Mr. and Mrs. William R. Jacobs and best in the show", said Harry Lapidus same tent, so to speak. the success of its work. Sabbath afThe Omaha Hebrew Club will give Family, extend their best wishes to their ter Sabbath the place of worship was its first season liaH at the City Audi- Basle (J. T. A.)—A generous deci- of the Omaha Fixture & Supply Co. relatives and friends for a Happy and sion with regard to the status of the "This show will be the only one of Prosperous New Year. crowded to capacity by both old and torium October 30. The committee PIANO DEPARTMENT young. During holidays and (special has secured Arthur Randall's Royal opposition groups at the: Congress its kind west of New York City and MAIL THE COUPON BELOW NOT LATER THAN STARTS SEASON orchestra for this affair. A complete was taken at today's meeting of the Atlantic City this year, and the first services there was no room to accomTUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 6th to ever have been held west of Chimodate the crowds. This situation The Jewish Community Center program is being planned by the COT.- Zionist Actions Committee. Accord- cago." impressed upon tue congregation the Piano Department announces the open- mittee headed -by-John Feldman as ing to the statutes of the Congress, only groups with at least fifteen The exposition is -drawing thouneed for a home to be able to conduct ing of classes, beginning with Sep- chairman. . ,|; THE JEWISH PRESS, members are entitled to the privileges sands of hotel owners, restaurant services and to house all activities tember 7th. 490 Brandeis Theatre Bldg., of a "fraction", and thus justified operators, dining car officials and that help serve the religious needs of Omaha, Nebr. Miss Olga C. Sorenson, who taught VAAD UEUMI TO ACQUIRE to have representation in the prae- botel men to Omaha. The show will a fast growing congregation. Among last year, will return this year as BUILDING IN JERUSALEM sidium and also to delegate its spokes- be of general interest to everyone, Gentlemen:— such activities the uppermost thought Enclosed find S2.00, for which please insert Head of the Department. Miss SorJerusalem. (J. T. A.) The Vaad men' to participate in the so-called because the decorations and supplies my New Year Greeting Card in your Rosh was given to the providing of a home enson is a graduate of the. Damrosch Hashonah (56SS) Number. suitable for the junior congregation, Institute of Musical Art of the Juil- Leumi, the National Council of Pal- general debate. Considering the num- to be shown for the hotels for next an organization now numbering about lard Foundation School, New York estine Jews, is soon to have a build- erical weakness at the present Con- year will be shown in the retail stores NAME —_ gress of the Zionist Revisionists and for the general public in a few years one-hundred and ten boys and girls City. She will teach Wednesday ding of its own. ADDRESS Negotiations are under -way to Radical Zionists, the Actions - Com- hence. of school age who are conducting afternoons. mittee decided to recognize them, notMembers of the Greater Omaha their own services every Sabbath. purchase a building to house the Miss Sara Rae Pish, a pupil of Marie Mikova, is joining- the J. C. C. Council. The building will also pro- withstanding the fact that they fall committee and the executive commitThe High Holidey services will -be piano Department. She will teach on vide headquarters for the Council of short of the prescribed number asj tee of the Omaha Chamber of Comheld in the new building fractions. merce will attend in groups. i Thursday afternoons. Jerusalem Jews.

Sunday, September 11

Omaha Jewry Mass Meeting At CenterMonday Evening

A. 1 A. to Present Road Show November26-27

New Year's Greetings— T


PAGE . —THE'JEWISH PRESS, tHUBSDAY, SEPTEMBER 8, 1927 Zionist Organization, presided • over by Mrs. Weiimann nd, 'Ls&y Samuel, started its sessions here prior to the Pabltibed. werj Tbnwdaj at Oinaba. Nebraska by ; . opening of the Congress. < The conTHE JEW?SH PRSSS PUBLISHING COMPANY vention was addressed by Lady SaOffice: 490 BrandefaTbeatre Building — Telephone: ATlanti* 1450. muel, Dr. Chaim Weizmann and Mr. . ... • - NATHAN EL GBEEN, Manager. M. M. Ussischkin. Cleveland,' which purchased it, ha* . The convention decided to establish .$2.50. Subscription Price, one ye CLEVELAND, 6 . (Special,—Unalready taken possession of jfrtxt-of • der leadership of its newlya Neutral Zionist Women's PsfeistSm Advertising rates famished on application. the grounds. The Home mast elected president, George I. Wirpel, Fond. This fund is to «ngag« in vacate the entire premises in less, j the Alumni Association of the JewCHANGE OF ADDRESS—Please give both tbe old and new ftddreat:. ? work which has the approval of all Warsaw (J. T. A.) The intelligence than two years. A new site has : ' be i o n and give root name. . . . ish Orphan Home at Cleveland is tests introduced by the American Zionist groups. been selected—a beautiful, large lot , starting a drive among its memberConsul General here in the examinain the suburbs. Building plans axe. The Jewish Press la supplied by the Jewish Telegraphic Agency (Jewish ship for $100,000, the alumni quota Cbgeapundencg Bnreaa) with cabled and telegraphic Jewish news, In addition ready—a setting of Cottage Homes^ of *he $1,000,000 new Building tion of Jewish applicants for United to _featore articles and correspondences from all important Jewish centers. amidst trees and sunsliinei" - ' Fund being sought in District "No. States visas will be given up in the Qmek to Utarn Inquiries regarding news items credited to this Agency will be gladly 2, L O. B. B., for the Home. "One Million Dollars is Heeded!. near future, it was stated here toanswered if addressed to Jewish Telegraphic Agency, 621 Broadway, New A conple of years ago Ted Wlakley "The Alumni Association has Known graduates of the Home day on good authority. . xprfc C?ty ; ; was an enthusiastic gradual? turn asked that" the contributions lof'all are located in 29 states, the PhilipThe intelligence tests, which in- the school of Jonnallsm at a %«*» graduates be a separate unipfo this pine Islands, Cuba and Canada, and ON EXTENDING HOLIDAY GREETINGS cluded questions like, "How many era university. He bought a eraatry total, so that we can be-*ponsdrs ; th3 Executive Board of the Alumni for one of the main buildings inthe • - Greetings from relatives, friends, and acquaintances are feathers has a goose? How long is weekly and settled down to reform Association plans to reach them all new Home., •'•<;'-;','" to enlist their moral support and a string? How many feet has an the county. The first Issue of the always received with a joyous feeling. There is no medium more paper brought out under his control "This means that. ot*r -contribufinancial contributions toward the American cat? What is the difference flamed c&rtain of giving- pleasure to others than by extending greetings on with promising annooneemests. tions to the fund must: run to One building fund. The Board also between summer and winter? What The dean of the school ef Jonrbalistt various occasions, such as birthdays, anniversaries, and holidays. Hundred Thousand Dollars, and 1 hopes that those. alumni who . are is the difference between a man and received a copy and read this edihave agreed to ask your help in not solicited because their whereThe Jewish peopleespecially delight"in remembering others, and a-woman?-How-many minutes and torial announcement: raising this amount. •• abouts are unknown, will voluntary are known generally for their messages of cheer and greeting at "This is to be the Alumni's gift seconds are there in an hour? What send in their contributions. "We aim to tell the truth, the whole appropriate times. —the gift of the former children of does one do when it rains? What is truth, and nothing but the troth.*' Mr. Wirpel, who during & prethe Home to the children of the vious 10-year period was president the difference between silver and Nearly a year latef itn« dtan rej What more apprbpiate occasion for greeting bur friends thaii present and future." of the association, has broadcast iron? Can you make a stove out of ceived another copy of toe boy's pathe approaching Holidays?. The practice,of extending New Year The Alumni Committee also is the following appeal to alumni of GEORGE I. WIEPEL butter?", called forth wide protest. per, with this proclamation circled emphasizing that in Districts Ko. 2 the Home: greetings to friends and relatives through the local Jewish publica„ .....,-, v The matter was taken up by the with, bine pencil: "After a lapse of several years, operation born of the ten years dur- and 6, the alumni of the respective "We aim to tell the truth—bin set tion is general and popular throughout the country. Its advanPolish Emigration Office, a governI have again been selected to serve ing which I served you in a. like communities in these districts will so blamed much of It as heretofore T* tages over .the individual mailing card are evident. The greeting participate in the general communment department dealing with emi- —Harper's Magazine. as your President. I appreciate the capacity. . "I know that if I can help you to ity campaigns, offering their serhonor, and realize that at just this gration problems. Acting upon a ittthe local paper mil positively reach every friend and relative. time I am assuming a responsibility see what we need you will each one vices as an alumni unit to the report of the Emigration Office, the Time in selecting suitable cards, addressing and mailing them, chairman of each community in the for the greatest undertaking: in the of you do your share. Polish Foreign Office intervened with The Best Place t* Boy worry over forgetting some friend or distant relative, and conhistory of the Alumni Association. T h e Building Fund Campaign is districts mentioned, even though the.-Uniiad States Ambassador in their contributions will'be credited " Your Victor Orthophonic car I assume that responsibility 'with on! The old grounds and buildings siderable expense will be saved," if you will send your messages Warsaw, pointing out that these in. .. Radio; : a feeling of confidence in your ^co- have been,sold, and the City of toward the alumnf quota* through tiie special JEtosh Hashonah and Yom Kippur -editions of telligence tests are applied only in T h e J e w i s h P r e s s . . .-, • •"••••"-.-•Poland.'. - . : SOL LEWIS ; It was stated ifc*t the Ambassador Greetings mean remembrance and pleasure. .-. What better fips'us our defense looks like an iden1:804 economically destroyed: Thus, the Tord;case* i s for us only a new assured th* F«red«n OfRee. *f the medium of extending them than through The Jewish Pressr tification. I appreciate that our conchallenge: just let Henry Ford's book speedy elimination of these tests. ception, of the Jewish National Home find wide distribution among1 the is'not identical with that held by the ^ ENTERING THE FINAL MONTH ~ " ~ : WOMEN'S rKTESNATlONAL German people! power. Our task is. to • The religious genius of Israel discovered the desirability for a mandatory ZIONIST ORGANIZATION ."The claim of the Jewish press that cause a minimum of embarrassment MEETS IN BASLE period devoted to the neels of the spirit. In all the world nothing to the mandatory power. For this Henry Ford has withdrawn his book BUTTER aadJSGGS Announcement of Withdrawal is may-be found comparable to the appeal "and" efficacy'bit the High reason We avoid even the shadow of naturally is not true!" Untroe; 100,099 copies on Council Blaffs, Iowa . Baste (J; T. A.)—The annual conHoly Days which Jews annually observe. Rosh Hashonah and a conflict of unequal forces. It i s our Market vention of the Womens Inte'rnational delicate task to present ~ the wishes Yam Kippur are unforgettable days in the Jewish calendar. That ANTt-JEWISH FEELING the Zionist piovqinent 'to ";the they should stand out awesomely while the rest of the year exacts of RISES IN TURKEY Leipzig ( J . ' T . A.)—Henry Ford's, mandatory power, hot demanding-but little ox no thought from the generality of Jews offers an intrigu- interpreting. Perhaps 1 do not pos- voluntary recantation and withdrawal '•London. (J. T. A.) A rise in antting question involving; a hoist of aspects. But the fact remains sess any qualifications for another of bis anti-Semitic charges, contained Jewisli feeling In. the ReptibEc of Pupil of the late Franz Knllak, Royal Prussian Professor of thafc-Tsrael bestirs itself early in the autumn of every year and bids policy. I doubt "if others do." ^ |it-what purported to be his 1book, Turkey is reported in press desMusic, Berlin Germany. "The International Jew", is being used Referring to the controversy be^ somehow for reconciliation with the King of Kings. patches from Constanlople as a result by German anti-Semites as a means The manner in which the Jewish public manifests its recuring tween Philip Guedalla and Dr. Wise, for promoting th* distribution of the of the recent incident there when Dr. Weisinann declared that he was held a demonstration protesting desirje to free its soul; from the barnacles of indifferent etfnduct deeply convinced that the British anti^Jewish libels mong the German Jews against the "murder of a Jewish girl, Work done with Mr. Tunbere ia accepted and eredfttd »y an mayvat once be commended and reproved. It is heartening to nation will never break her pledge. people. Elsa Niego, by Osman Bey, a Turk^ the wcognized Artists* Conservatories and University «CDI« Theodore Fritsch, a leader of the watch great numbers of men, women, and children flocking: to Our situation is very complicated. Inisk officer. world. houses of worship. But how may we as a people content ourselves stead' of the Rhine, we have the German anti-Semites and translator According to these despatches, t h e !!;giiiiiers Class Lessons in Piano—Evening Clues ft* AMHft of the "International Jew" into Gerwith?a religious zeal which spends itself in the<course of ten days? Jordan; instead of a large ;Jewish man, anti-Jewish movement in Turkey 13 has circulated widely an adpopulation in Palestine, we have a What may we expect of the synagogue if it is toi function, not as a people who has to learn agricultuTe vertisement of the German vision of Fall Term of 12 weeks, begins September 12. stimulating spiritual force throughout the year but as- a scene, not and an. Arab population in possession in* "International Jew". The adFOR FENT must be made before that date. without a certain ancient splendor, in which men and women sue of land." ' • ; / : ; v , V / - "'-" :•'.' vertisement reads as follows: Three rooms, one furnished or two Phooe AT. 2015 for Appointments ^The 'International Jew', issued by for absolution for misdeeds which they eagerly courted? The Answering the criticism of Dr. unfurnished. With garage. Persynagogue^if it wilt ever: ascertain its perilous position, wBTobserve Wise, whov *rged Greaf-feitain to Henry Ford, xarkst have been very son may have all theree rooms. to Jewry. For many years Oaaka, Ncbr WE. 3527, 2429 Decatur Street. how^greatly in jeopardy-it is if it tolerates so unlovely a tendency take ah example from the attitude of unpleasant agitation was carried on against l in Jewish Kfe. , : i Soviet Russia in aiding the Jewish Ford and his book. Jewish journals work. Dr. Weizmann did Nor may the Jewish spirit fod^consolation in the frequently colonization not approve of this argument, ex- depicted Ford as a fool; they claimed PAXTON-MTTCHELL CO. crude acts of 'aggraadisement in Which some synagogues engage claiming: " I prefer English slowness that the- book' was- pro-German. They atf atartba St». HA r « j l « T even claimed-that the German transin tKe name oi the High Holy Day !seaspn.^ if ever the time called to this easily discernible politically Omaha, Nebr. lation is a falsification of the original. for kindlmess, sereiutyVan'humlWie spirit, ^'rejection qf all things colored aid of the Soviet government. : gray. Iron, brass bresw «a« this was of no/'avaiL The book had Solt aJuintoiia castings. Standard •!«*• • whieli smack of missionary effort and of disruption of jfamily unity The Soviet government plants thou- Ail its. triumphant march and reached in bronze and Iron boshinffs, sews* • • • Z with respect to1 the-religious life, it is the. period upon which we sands of Jews on the earth, but buries Germany an edition of 100,000. boles, cUtem ring* and coters, ana clean-oat I a o » l» stock. enter when the month of EHul is ushered in. ' y millions under it." Dr. Weizmann concluded his ad- copies. Then only one means reiThe road which leads to the triumph of religion in Jewish Kfe dress urging unity among the IHonists mained: Ford himself had to fall? "Exploiting his economic difficulties, is loig and difficult. We have not travelled far.—Detroit Herald. of the world. "Quality Jewelers'* Ford was finally driven into straits. The sentiment of .the Congress was MALASHOCR JEWELRY He had to give in meekly, unwilling expressed when all delegates rose to to jeopardize his economical technical Wholesale and Retail Jewelers give a lasting ovation to Dr/ Weirlifework and the existence of 60,000 213-16 City National Bank Bid*. mann when fce concluded his address. workers and their families. JA. 6619 "What does 'Ford's recantation' much human suffering1. I have not yet FLOOD IN EAST GALICIA prove? What does withdrawal of the '*" ' ) (Continued from page 1) heard of Jabotinsky's new inethods. AFFECTS JEWISH POPULATION 'International Jew' signify?- Nothing! In Omaha he proceeded. He dealt mainly with I have always said that the Mandate "Ford's fall is Only additional proof Warsaw. (J.T. A.) Representatives the arguments of Deputy Gruenbaum does not fulfill all that w e desire and of the immense unscrupulously used and "yiadnmiJabotinsky, the two of we find necessary. But X say that of the American Jewish Joint Dis- power of Jewish capital. Not facts, 158 Rooms—200 Baths his bitterest critics. • provided capital is made available, tribution £tommitiee and of the Jew- not the truth decides, but the power . Good Rooms for $13© b .Colonization, Assoziation .here of money. The contents of the book "Gruenbaum's address'*, he said, continuation of the work is, possible. Operated by Eppley Hotels C*. "was; nothing"'btrir the recital of an Even Jabotinsky had to sign the received frantic appeals September 1 'International Jew1 were not deold text.-whieh can be found in the White Book because of the driving for immediate relief action for the stroyed by Jewry. It has only by i t s reports of -previous -Zionist -Con- necessity. ?We. must ;wort- long 'and Jewish population in Eastern Galicia merciless power destroyed morally a •BUB. Phbne AT. 8«53 ' . .lies. Phone AT. T1S3 gresses." When Kobert"Strieker of hard until the White Book will affected by the flood.inan _who would otherwise have been Vienna interjected that other speeches come a Blue and White Book. The :The lieavy rains caused the rivers .i.y,: -•>•, are also repetitions of speeches at task of winning British public opinion iii" that region, to. OTerflowv .bringing BARBERSHOP previous Congresses, Weizmann read- is a "great and -slow- educational colossal daniage-toihouaes, fields and We specialize in } ily agreed. "r ; '_'-'_ ' process. Keiheniber1 the protest of stock. Many towns and villages were ddldrea's & Ladies* Haircuts "JaDotmskyhW now imposed upon 160 Members^ of Parliament against a affected by the flood, including the Arthur Bldg.—212 So. 18th Street himself moderation,'': Dr. Weizmann Jewish Palestine. Remember the dis» estates of the Baron de Hirscb. 3DERN meat inerchaati, 38 tears of Honest Merchandise Is . »-^ « continued. "If he continues in this cussion in the House of Lords OBT the foundation. Four thousand- sJuare grocers, druggists, fioritti,. ,• jr.our Guarantee t»f a SQnnre Deal. manger, he will come closer to all of Palestine subject." miles were covered by the water in 1429 Douglas Est. 1890 |3ropdctors of delicatessen shopt, us. However, JabotinskyV followers Answering the criticism of Deputy the districts; of Lemberg; and know no limits. Jabotinsky charges Farbstein of Warsaw^ jyiizrachi lead- P«pemysl. RaU communication, teleSpecial hotel and restaurant owners need • me with laboring under a psychosis er, who rebuked Weizmann for- his WHOtESAtB phone and telegraph were interno longer have a rcfirigerauoo which cannot be improved. The faet failure to-.attend the Mizrachi conrupted. Druggists and Stationers pfoblem. ..••,?*:••• of the matter is that his insistence on vention in Washington, the leader de401-403-405 Soath lOJUh .Street Phone seeing' politics in every detail is noth- clared that he was unable "to attend "The government has allotted sevHUNGARIAN COOKING Frigidaire stops~spoilagc— it ing bat a psychosis. and we \vill be the convention because he was at that eral rnilUon zlotys to aid the victims. The towns of; Stryj and Stanenables the merchaat to bey ft "Ja&etinsky demands-a protective time overcrowded with work.. A Good Place to eat - : glad to islawow were especially affected. tariff, to further the-development of wider selection of perishables, Answering the objections of • .the hare a man 1 industries in Palestine. But it is not spokesmen for - the Palestine labor About 150 lives were said to have Learn to play the violin and to benefit by quantity price*. . proven ^et) whether a protective- tariff groups, he stated that the "new !>een lost. Twelve thousand people call correctly by individual It saves time and labor. Lxx us would Jte J bj^ne^c^al^ to - the ~ country. course" now. proposed, is...n^rfly j a - remained roofless. Specializing in instruction. and explain This P!$y. *n expert study- can decide tended to introduce a purely business show you how easy it is for ydo ; Noonday. Lunch, and Evening Dinners and even Jn. this regard- the -Palestine policy whici will not infringe^ upon, DYNAMITE EXPLODES to have Frigidaire installed now. Catering Parties—Weddings government has/ niade,, concessions. the principles "of the workT .'"Qur -WAILING WALL The, basiflj sound industries .were-pro- demand that the; Jewish National . Concert Violinist and , tected hy the government, but it Fund and ,.the^ .Pa][e^t^yD>e .FQ^nda^pn Arabs Jerusalem. (J.'T. A.) would fe§ «fibsiy$ ftp-.expect ^ ^ i 1 ^ ' -Fund ask for individual contracts with we?eL arrested- by the Jerusalem Instructor ance of ;th* 'SehnipischoV (proverbial^ the settlers is caused by busiiwss^on^ this morning and were held Congregation Sharazine will Studio 117 & North 16 Street hold services for DISTRIBUTOR . . •:..>,small %esm in Lithuania) industries. siderations. Our work is composed as" suspects in connection with an Phone JA. 1952 Jaboun&jjy's comparison with the col-. of small things and the sum total is explosion, in the neighborhood of the i 2039 F a m a i n JAckson 4722. > . onizati^Hr' •work - aided by the League the big thing;-'it isr impossible to Western «Wall, known as the Wailing J of Natjops in Greece is an exagera- pect great deeds- all-the time. We V; • 1 ; The r explosion occurred in a buildliving through a ': difficult time. The tion, • $ '' • - ' •• -* , y jp^ ing The "Sup?ase it i * so aad supposing we SEPT. 27.28: and OCT. G disregard-the different political con- temational: situation. This will per- house was almost entirely destroyed. 2 TTriaeirlhe; ruins of the house, which haps come; some day. ditions.'which attended tha Greek colConducted by J, HIRSCH ^ GENERAL MOTORS 'The policy of the Zionist Execu- was unoccupied, a quantity of unonization, can we change tHe League's Tickets can be purchased at 1821 No. 20 Streets from 5 p. m. to altitude? Jabotinsky believes he can, tive and the political-coursa of the-«spiodfid dyaaatite waa. found8 p. m-everyday/ Friee, $1 each; • I don't"If it i» true thAt our colon- British government are not identical. • • The Wall- suiTered no damage from Hd>w"e"ver:"whjjm-the" ication cost? us roore^ w_e are sparing



Alumni of Jewish Orphan Home at Cleveland to Raise $100,000 toward New Building Fund

spreading rapidly. The government is reported\to have issued an order prohibiting Jews from entering the interior vt the country.

Polish GoWamcEt Pretests to United States Ambissadir Against "Intelligence Tests"

German Anti-Semites Use : Ford Recantation for Distributing "International Jew"


Karl R Tunberg

Authoritative Instruction in Artistic Piano Playing

, - , .v ..

Twenty-Five Cents per Lesson

Better refrigeration J at lower c o s t ; ^J ...

Wemnami Adamant* Will Not CKonge Policy, Tells Zionist Congress


Frigidaire pits tfec j ; 'modern business cm s a i ^ more profitable basis y


BRODKEY J0VHBY CO. Famous for Damonds



E. E.BRUCE and CO.


"The Kosher Restauranf

Jewish Community Center

Prof. Frank Mach


RosK Hoshona






PAGERS—THE JEWISILPEESS^THURSDAY^SEPTEMBBR 8,1927 BEGINS TEACHING Miss Ida Lustgarten, who was' recently graduated^from the University of Nebraska with the highest echolas,tic the Fine x Arts College, ^will begin"the 'ieacfiuig- of pian6 in Omaha. " '

ENGAGEMENTS LEVIN-BEN STEIN u .and Mis. D. Benstein announces marriage of their daughter Rose Levin, son of Mr. and Mrs. ^ ^ The couple were married i ffticago, August 22. Mr. and Mrs. i will honor Mr. and Mrs. on. Sunday at a reception. Mrs. Finite! of Omaha and Miss Bobbin of Sioux City were joint ses last Sunday at a luncheon Fontenelle Hotel honoring Mrs. .3fi *.-:-:-

Sisterhood of Temple Israel p a style show and a dance j Tuesday, September 22, in the _the Temple at 8:30 p. 'Clothes-worn by the models will be furnished by Herzbeirgs. I •'the first meeting of the season of A - Temple Israel will be held in the of the Temple on Monday, b 12. A one o'clock luncheon flt .precede ..the meeting." Mrs. Carl .and Mrs. L,.Rosenthal are in of the luncheon.

Mrs. Sarah Silvin announces the engagement of her daughter Hannah to Cecil Ginsburg, son of Mr. and Mrs. M. Ginsburg of Des Moines, la. Mrs. Sarah Farber announces the engagement of her daughter Besse to Joe L. Marcus of Rawlyns, Wyo.

Council Bluffs News Anurber of Cotincil Bluffs people took advantage of the Labor Day holiday to visit relatives or friends in Chicago, Illinois. Among' those who spent Sunday and Monday in Chicago were Mr. Sam Rosenthal, Mr. E. GOinsky and daughter, Miss Gertrude Gilinsky, Miss Gwtrude Kroloff, Mr. Frank Walton, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Kuhby, and Mr. and Mrt. Harry Cherniss. The Nebraska State Fair at Lincoln claimed many visitors from here Labor Day, among those motoring there included Mr. Louis H. Katelman, Miss Fannie Katelman; Mr.and Mrs. Richard Gordon, and Mrs. Shyken and son, Sam, and daughter, Ruth.

Perimeter and son, Morton have just returned from 4T short visit .'to Chicago •where they Mi. and Mrs. Ike Kramer and sons, aded the engagement of her son Richards t o Miss Mildred For- Max and Hymie, have returned home r?HJaughter of Mr. and Mrs. H; from a two months' trip, west, including Denver, Colorado, Mexico, "Chicago. and Los Angeles, California. 'i? tjln. Leonard Hockenherg and son Mrs. Sam Rosenthal entertained David of Des Moines are twelve guests at her home last g a t the home of her mother, Thursday -evening at a farewell party M. Zalk. in honor of her niece, Miss Gesevieve:fc; The Henrietta Szold Girls held Schwab of Chicago, Illinois, who refiisir last regular meeting Sunday, turned to her home Sunday after September 4. Miss Ida Blacker was spending several weeks here . Numijocted reporter. erous affairs -were given in her honor during her visit. Celia Rozitsky of St. Joseph, !«., i s visiting her as the guest of Mr. Maurice Katelman returned Its Eva Cohn. home Tuesday after spending the iirst of/ the'.week*in LeaveimorEh, Miss' Mildred Gohn, daughter of Kansas, where he visited his sister, |UJ>hI and Mrs. Frederick Cohn, i s Mrs. Abe Bear, and Mr. Bear. ; Ipendtng the month of September in . .Mrs.. Sam- Eriedmanj Miss,Minnie if associated^ with the Chicago Wel- Friedman, and Herman Fiiednttta fere Federation. Miss Cohn will be motored to Kansas City, Mo., aad "~.0j5pd a t - a t e a , Sunday, given by Exelsior Springs, Sunday. They were sister Madeline Cohn. accompanied to Kansas City by Miss "K-'iSylvia Zevan who bad been spending g Mr,: and JVJjrs., J<eo Milder have taken the" summer with her grandparents, itt apariment at 108 North 34th Mr. and Mrs. Sam Friedman.


jtf and Mrs.'!S. Lapp entertained hjjrtyTguests at dinner Sunday eveiig at their home in honor of their t«Bghler Lillian whose engagement o L M. Werner was recently anfMmneed,



- Harry Rosenthal returned home Tuesday after a two weeks' vfeit with relatives in. Chicago, Illinois,

Mr. Ben L Seldin left Saturday evening to spend the week in Denver, • - - •'• ..•.•--.- • and New Raymore, Colorado.

P J8rs. M. F. Levinson and daughter Mr. and Mrs. Louis Garland afid jtqriith returned / home from a three Mrs. Gross of Bariington, Iowa, *rtteks' trip' to Taylor's Fall, S t Paul a week here visiting the Friedman ytpT Minneapolis, Minn. •••family. ^ !

;', |4iss LwdleRosenthal of Sioux City, Mr. Julius Katelman of Council 3(awaj spent the week-end in Omaha Bluffs and Mr..S. Katelman of Omaha. '§tf the guest of Mrs. Rohert Kooper. returned home Wednesday after \ Jliss Kate Goldstein returned home spending a few days in Boulder, |hfeday morning ..from a week's visit Colorado, where they visited their brother, Mr. Max Katelman, and Mrs. ^ St. Louis. j Katelman. Lillian Margolin arrived home Meyer Solzman left Wednesday for day from Cincinnati where she Iowa City to enter his freshman year the Sigma Delta Tau Counat the University of Iowa. He was $(g meeting. Miss Margolin is the accompanied there by his brother, Igtfcnmae delegate of the sorority. Isaac Solzman, a graduate from the Messrs. Seamen Kulakofsky, Phil University, who will vis&^ithere tat Lester Simon and Leo Chai- a few days. %&i 'spent the past week-end in Mrs. Sam Rosenthal entertained fie? City, Iowa. afternoon bridge club a t her home J. H. Kulakofsky and children Wednesday. Returned home last Thursday after Maurice and Arthur Friedman of Spending the summer i n , California. Council Bluffs, and Erwin Friedman *; .Mrs. A. R. Muskin and Mrs. J. of Harlan, Iowa* are leaving Sunday $fpnk will he hostesses at a tea on \ for Iowa City to resume their studies September 10, from one j at the University of Iowa. •to five o'clock at 2919 Lincoln BouleServices for Rosh Hashonah and %a^J, honoring Miss Violetta Louis of Yom Kippur will be held at the JCansas City.. Miss Lewis arrived Fri- Chevra B'nai Yisroel Synagogue, and will be the house guest of 61S Mynstpr street, Council Bluffy Ernest Meyers. Tickets may be obtained by Mr. D . !-j


CONGRESS SCENES " ., i" • ' .„..,./; TO BE FILMED L Bwle ( j ! T. A.)—The opening and lejtsing sessions of the Fifteenth • S$»ni£t Congress, marking the 30th i Snuiyersary of the Zionist movement, i filmed, according;to arrang-zconcluded yesterday by the J Jflnwess bureau with a well-knovni n Company s[ The film will have particular sig^ifi in view of the extraordinary of the. present Congress, takes place in the cradle cf Zionism", on the same day at the same place where the first . Qqtjyress- yndag Dr» Herzl witneESwd tfe« establishment of the Zionist Wori.1 Organization thirty yesrs ego.

Miss Lustgarten was awarded a special medal tot piano playing in a State contest held in L&eo& inlSf23 and she received high praise from the Lincoln newspaper critics.,".upon- her graduation piano recital,"which she gave in Lincoln in May. Mfesr Lustgarten is Well 'known in Jewish circles having participated in functions _ of . communal importance and having appeared on many "B'nai Brith and Jewish Welfare Federation programs; She is a member of the Sigma Tau socority^ She is the daughter. iff Mr. and »MTK :B,

. Contestants will be divided into several classes, juniors and seniors. Those over sixteen and those who are not sixteen. Director Krasne says y that there is. still time in -which i f t & meet t ''liiedals liidl iS te aiga xxp fort&e be'; awarded. to, the , vriiners. The meet is the ITth, wMeii -will give stay. swimmer out practice" plenty; of -int"'••• -5i»t

tnre Iff -whidi tg class shape.

M«n's Pre-Season Handball . TburnKnent. /. , The pre-season vtoarnament will start Monday, September 11. All matches must be played off before the following week op be forfeited. The finest handball sluggers in the Center jotted their 'tf'John Henrys" down oflf t h e

Kst~"thus assuixitg

5400 Center Street Phone. Walnut 5936

•nFamous-for ' Ghicken Sandwiches"

Omab Ftttnre and Sapply Co.

Complete Store and Office Outfitters TF« ttecopy over 70^)0ft «<jnare feet Southwest Comer

Elrreati and Douglas Streets Phonei JAckson.J27H^- OMAHA, NEBR.

SOSKIN and KOZB&KG 1552 No. 20 SU—WEebster 0267

Fresh Meats — Delicatessens Fresh Fish Handled Daily We Deliver to all Parts of the City


DeHcatessen, Smoked Meats artd Fish 1509 Nortb 24th Street • '


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Finest Fabrics . . . . For Quality HE new coats are sorgeo^s! The silhouette for the fall season in&odstcea a subtle front flare that is vastlJT b#comim. Simplicity ©f line and lavish use of for dM*iB*ui»h^tij« better models.


The Copehnan Camfy Co. Candy-Fountain Goods — Supplies

GnuMe SeiLrr &lve Platinum ^ Staidal

Romance Chocolates Phone JA. 3985—918. Farnara St.


WE. 3527

2429 Deeatur Street

A distinguished Collection

I want to announce to my customers that % just received a full line of the most beautifal JEWISH NKW YEA-R'S CARDS in Hebrew arid English, also a new sappfy ef all kinds of Sacred Bookf, Sedurira, MachzeiriKi, Bibles, in Hebrew and with English translation and the nicest and best Talesim, silk and wool. , Everj'one who want to have Esroogim from Erez-Isroel shall be so kind and give me the order now.




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Office t


924. W«rfcUH«r«ki Bid*,



Sunday, Sept 11, 1927 Keeps Dancing Actdeay


Dorsey's ; Chicken Shack




You are welcome

"Manufactured in Omaha'

Jewish Social Club

garten, 4 i l 2 '•• South Twetrfy-fpurth Afareet. t h e Lustgart^ f«ni.?y has been noted for its musical talent. Dorothy, fourteen year old sister, won first place in the State contest held in Lincoln in May and was also awarded the Lincoln Womens' Club medal for the contestantiaving the highest number olf points m the contest. . •'..""•' Miss Lustgarten i* ofle of ffae.most outstanding pupils ot; Cecil Jfenfym&n who considers her «n« of •&« most gifted pupils he has evfe. encountered. - Sha-wilV appear in coikert; at the Jewish Comnnmity Center some time in November, under the -auspices of the Schmollei'-MiieUer Piano Company jat wMeh Mr- Berryman will play Girla' H«ndb*lL •with 'hut the E-Flat Major Concerto Girls' handball tomttaxaettt will be : ttUsxt. . ' ' "'/•'• m a off a s soon «a the opportnaity presents itself. A t the present time tb*re is only one real good j^lsyt among the ranks of the wonHsk and that individual is Miss Sophi* B « u Miss Ban is a strong, -well built girl and knows her oatej. She ha* been Girl** First Antutal Swittrning Meet. holding impromptu classes -with* the - TIte tng athletic event of the; pres- girls and has taught s number 6 t erit. iflohth" will be the ''Water car- them what little they do know about nival" which will be swam, dived the game. It is quite a common ocand plunged Saturday evening, Sep- curence to hear several femine voices tember 17, at the Center. The meet say, "Sophie, will you stand we two will start promptly, at eight o'clock girls." Boys, she really is good. I with a diving exhibition" by Allan suggest that Mr. Krasne set aside Lofell, one of the A. A-U. stars. certain hours during the week a i Coach and Director Marcus Krasne "periods of instruction so that more Itifces^ijijat events o^Tevery sort will of , thft ladies may »<qp3tre «#B« be held. There wiU be something for knowledge of the game. «», •''• includmr aide - *1arokef breast , ' " , , . . •'-. iitwlte, radng baet-'Wokei t W k 'drres, T o t h e K c o . ' - ... "•It is a down right shame the lack dives, relays, tandem swims and a dandy w-ater polff gaine by two picked of attention, that the men members of the Commttntty Center i » y t » ttw t e * r a s » ! , / ; . . . . ; . • '.-;•.', . . . • . * • . . > . . ! ..'•... A partial list of the girls who have physical department, ft is seldom announced their intention t e compete that a half dozen members of the includes the following- swimmers: "stronger sex" is seen disporting Freda Bolker, Ethel Riekes, Minnie themselves in the natatorium. The gym floor is often barren ddriug the Sherman, Ainette Bender, Bernice hours when the men should be ocHelen Sherman, Zerline Sherman, Somberg, Selma Levin, Esther Rad»- cupying the weights, the basiefhaQ ziner, Clarat Shriebman, Rose Fiedler, court or the naming track. From all Grace Rosenstein, Gelia Nitz, Sevilla indications it may be gathered that Peters, P e a l Maccus and Josephine the only desire of the men is to ke«p themselves clean, as the shower room Marcus. -•;..".' - -• :.. , ..

spectators of a gdod braBd of comFox, 'at 1207 West Broadway, orVai petition. Favorite* in the tourney ara 160 North 8th.street, or phone 27S1. mtaxivaSf amoitg tfaeaat being J o e Everyone is invited to attend. Levey, A. A. U. champ; Herman The Talmud Torafc Sunday School will opn its next term Sunday morning, September 11, at the MerrSass Black Hall. Any child who wishes-to at attend Sunday School should be there at 10 o'clock. Everyone js welcome, i Mr. L M«trgensterit will ISe in charge.!


Segelman, Center champ; Leon Men-J is always in use.. Otherwise the men Davenport, on the most talked about JERUSALEM EXPLOSION delson, Saul Levey, Meyer Greenberg care little, as to whether or not they dances of tne season." "A Real Get NOT PLOT TO DESTROY and .Max Altshuler. *This tournament are in good physical - condition. The Acquainted Daiiee". The club is exTHE WAILING WALL is the forerunner of the Center meet, one exception is the handball courts pecting a much targer crowd this Jerusalem. (J. T. A.) The iynaA. A. U., Missouri Valley invitation and they can only be used fey four Sunday and arrangements have been The CampttB nrite -explosion in the vicinity of the meet, Center open meet and a host men at one time per court. 'And the made accordingly. fellows who use the courts are the Knights - Orchestra 'will famish- the Western Wall, known as th« Wailing-, of other handball tournaments. ; Wall, Was not the result of •* plot to same dozen or so devotees; who may musk. Everyone is welcome. Volley Ball Tryontiw, , destroy Jewish Holy Site, according: be seen • around the ctfurte day or Entrants are 'now being- received night; to information of the Jerusalem...,.••••-•-.••" POLISH BOYCOTT ORGANIZAfor the'volley ball tryoutg which will police.' The women make more use of the TION, DISCREDITED BY GOVbe held soon. All Center members Center facilities, especially the swimThe authorities stated that they, ERNMENT, LIQUIDATES BANK who desire to make, .a place for ming pool. If a pole of votes were traced the explosion to a feud bethemselves on the Center team-should made as "to" swimmers among the Warsaw. (J_ T. A 4 The fiozwoj, tween two Arab families who were sign up now. Director Krasne plans men and the women, the women the Polish anti-Semitic . organization in litigation over some property. The' on haying, a J-.C. C...jrolley. balL league would win byla walk-a-way. j which is responsible for the anti* party who lost the lawsuit attempted in addition to having a team entered Jewish boycott propaganda carried j t© take revenge on his rival by in inter-club and association competion for over a decade, was shamfefttlly destroying his house. ' tios. The J. C. C. had a volley ball CENTER "LITTLE THEATER" discredited when the Council of Min« The explosion caused a panic in HAS FIRST MEETING isters issued an order to clos* the team last year which competited in the Old City. The Wall was not the Y.M.C.A. league, but the team national bank conducted by tbe ordamaged. The first meeting of the "Little was not as strong as it should have Theater" group of the Jewish Com- ganization. been. This year the physical depart- j munity Center was held in the library The bank was the agency of <he Where does the crowd go? ment figures on having a strong Tuesday night, September 6th. boycott organization around wtiich Want to know. Just attend bunch of ball pushers flying the; CenMrs. Herman Jahr outlined the "purely Polish" merchants gathered the ter colors.. policies of the group and announced and where they made their deposits, thus creating a fund to fight the j the program for the coming season. Football. ^ 3-. Brief talks also given by Mrs. Sam Jewish business men. --• Local high school-coaches twve not It developed that the organisation Beber, Mrs. Meyer Beber and Miss as yet "got down to, brass tacks but which sets out to "nationalize'* comAnnette Riklin. suits have been issued to some of the Those who attended were: Ruth merce in Poland by driving thi Jew>boys. Bud Levin and Harold Pollock Reuben, Faye, Klein, Ida Kurs, Bess ish merchants out of business, hat are good bets to make the first team Weinstein, Arthur Robinson, George misused its funds. An investigation ere the snow flys_ at Central high. Cohen,* Bese Hosesstein, Gertrude carried on by the authorities disBoth lads jure second team veteran*. Gerber, Jeanette Turner, Esther Spar, closed that the management of the Tech will not take the practice; field Marlon Graetz, Joe L. Cohen, Isadore bank was guilty of misusing the for about another week? Lea WeiBgr ElewHi, Simbtt Green, Dave Bishoff, deposits and presenting false state- j is the only strong Jewish candidate Maurice Givot, Annette Riklin, Max ments and falsified books. The order ; slated for the Maroon first squad. Givot, Sam Minkin, Maurice Alperin, to liquidate the bank was the rteuft ••-'-• - 19th aftd Davenport Weiner made his letter last season, as Mary Sheanin, Carolyn Diamond, of this investigation. Admission 35c Ladies will be a substitute for Captain MaaSdoin. Grace Levin, Ida Sidman, Anne Bishr, admitted FREE until 9 p. m. at center* >Leoa Fonnan, a sprint star off, Henry Mtadelson, Rebecca KirschPATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS will, take a crack at one of the North enbaum, asd Tiliie litman. Higll" backfidd^" posts. Formait did The "Little Theater" will meet well last year on the second team every Monday night at 7:30. It is and is in line for higher honors. planned to give an evening of one-act University gridsters will not don plays. The parts will be assigned bethe moleskin for another ten days fore very long. or .so. Leo Fried, a University of Nebraska freshman i center, wffl be DANCE At 1 KEEPS the only local mafi out for a nnalty The Toahg Jewry of greater Omaha first team berth. Elmer Greenberg, w2l welcome the news that the Jewish '26 Central ffigh captam and "all Cltfc are going to stage on state tackle,'* has enrolled at the evening, Sy g September 11, at Ufliversity of Nebraska and will make Keeps Dancing Academy, 19th and a bid for a freshman berth. Benny Bloch, Tech High fallback *26, wflf Harrt H. Lapldo*. enter the UnlTeraity of Blinds fe felL



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j 'T'-'tv

8, 1927


Will Raise for B'Nai B'Rith Work •




the cred^itisls.v.ef i&e* Ajpiericair-deler. p J J ^ V t P » » $ gation to the Fifteenth Zionist Co«- because ©#- the -fart--that-Uwre gress here was confirmed by a deci- unanimity of opinion between the sion of the Zionist- Congress Court, various groups, no formal election The credentials of the American was necessary. •: delegates were protested by opposition leaders on the ground that no Warsaw. (J.T.A.) Jewish emigraelection Of delegates took place in CREDENTIALS *C J tion from Poland to Palestine was the United States. The Court howOF AMERICAN DELEGATES RECOGNIZED ever found that the Election Com- resumed. mittee complied with the regulations A party ol 100 emigrants left tor Basle ( J. T. A.)—The validity of' of the statute governing the election Palestine August 31.

- George Johnson at ; the- g voiced: Riviera organ will, of course, have- an unusual organ novelty as usual. ' . . . . , Four stage shows are presented daily.

"Al" "Evans 'dad the Riviera Musical Jesters will present on this week the New-Idea Publix Stage show, "Kid-Days." Among^ the vaudeville acts that make this frolicking and tuneful stage show are Mitzi Mayfair, "Beauty That Is Clever", Caffery and Miller, "Dancers — arid How," Frank Hamilton, "Songland's Favorite Son", Ginger Rogers, "Rare — But Spicey," and''the- Marie Kelley Dancers, "Darlings of Danceland." -

On the new bill 'is Milton' Sills' in a story of the U. S. Air Service nificient; playhouse, • week I starting "Hard Boiled Haggerty." It is the September 10, _ presents an intefrest- type of photoplay that Col. Lindbergh ing and an enjoyable entertainment would love to see, and one of the It i s the combination of stage and many thrills is a three thousand foot penry Monsky, chairman. of the screen programs that has made the nose-dive that Sills makes in a burnI. O. B. B. Wider Scope Committee Riviera the show place of Iowa and ing aeroplane. Molly O'Day, a beauti-announced this week thatiMjjurice P. of' Nebraska. The double feature ful new screen star, is Milton Sills' Davidson, lawyer and pre§ideq{; of the programs afford worthwhile relaxa- leading lady, and .throughout, the Commercial Law League ;Qf: America, tion for over a period of two hours picture there j s loads of comedy that j makes it double enjoyable. has : accepted the chainnafisiu'p;- of the and fifteen minutes. ( raise\ $750,Q00. for the activities of the Wider Scope Com.


ienesQ Maurhx P. Davidabn' ^ ^ ^ ^ j Chairmanship of the Wider Scbpei Gomrntttee for District N a 1. j miittee in DistrictTNo. l7^&ch~com I.prises"!New York, New-England iahd " the Dominion of Canada. " "Mr. Davidson, who f"wasi prevailed upon "to accept the chairmanship by j President Maurice -Blochr-'of -District F No. 1, is a past-president2, of _ the ^District and a leader of:the"Bar not ? only in New York but throughput the United States. The Commercial Law 'League of America, which'he has j been, heading, is a national organiza t i o n o f lawyers specialising in com • mercial law, and includes among .its ' honorary members - Hon.. Roscoe ; Pound, Dean of Harvard lLaw Schoo i and Hon. John C. Knox;" -Senio] Federal Judge in the Soijthem* Dis trict of New York. Mr. Davidson is '•' a member of the Association of ^1 I Bar of the City of New York, also o: \. l i e American Bar Associatibh.: During his presidency of 'I. O. B.-B, District No. 1, Mr. Davidson in 191 antf 1919 distinguished himself / by his success in the B'nai B'rjtlrsale-o United States Liberty TJdnds. He organized the Brooklyn Lodge whicl Specializes in Big Brother work. He : was l i e founder of the "200 Club"o~ the New York-Federation vfor -th< Support of Philanthropic Societies which functioned in the lawyers' group of the Business Mens' Council of the Federation. He is also: one o the lecturers' of the Temple. Emahue . Brotherhood which does welfare work in t h e congested sections • of • Man hattari Borough. Until his removal t Manhattan, he was a- trustee c Temple Beth Emeth of Flatbush. Mr. Davidson, -who was,- born in New York City and attended'C.:C N; Y.and the New York;LawSchoo has earned a reputation as. a'lecture: upon legal, religious, civic and' f rater rial topics. He is a member of the Executive Committee of the Citizens'} Union of the City, of New York and of-"^he State Committee^ of tiie pity Glub- which passes upon legislation proposed for New York City. He wasformerly president of the Sheepskin Club 0f Brooklyn. He is a; member of the National Democratic C]ub. •-, - During-the war he mas a major ^ of the .Police Reserves, commanding the s ^ ^ ^ a t t a l i o n of the lOfi Regiment. Hjf^^aC miBmber of the Jteserve- Of-. ficSM^^BSociationv of the U. S. Al, a n ^ ^ J t a i h ifcthe Judg^ Advocate's D ^ p n e n t - of -the U. .S; : A. •'. ; v |a^f^fa"on tohis ideritificationlwith t ^ ^ & J - . - B i ;B^^Mr. IJavidsoi^-v^as pJ^Jdji^-of^JConstellation1 ioige,*; I. /fefe ^** E ^ ^ ^ 3 2 n d - D e i r e e r M a r o n , riS^unwr.•Warden?;of; Cfeh^ni s f e ^ M.", a fpemSeti pi nia&£&&gerF«.& A. M., a memberlof Eiesp>lJeadow jCountry Club, MetropJub,.and'is the president of the jC bounded Westchester Beach ht Club. t . : isr actively engaged in practice |s^profession and is a member of ptx firm of. Yankauer, -Davidson



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