; • • . - • By AvG.
A false friend, like m shadow, attends only the sun shines.
v \':'\-::
Eyes of the local "Jewish sports fans are already focused on the coming grid season.•..;•; With the sound of the iron deets resoundingg: agrg^^f the pigskin, an{ other grid setr''S% be reeled off. From reports i ii^^s * ? officials of the p physical d e p a r t i ^ ; ^ • the Center, it looks l k as tthough h h ^ fining football spasm will be a K hps for Omaha Jewry. .:-.'. Erasne annouri^T. | ; ^ a t already three organizatiot£?% *rc\ expressed their desire t o entetSi ^::i£29 in the J. C, C. grid league. ^ Joe Levy, king of the handball players, announced that he was conditioning himself for the winter season. Joe stated that he wouldn't exert himself in the handball tourney that is now under way. The affair being conducted at present, win merely be sort of a practice session for Levey, he stated. .
• •-.. r~FBANKLIN
Entered as second-clpss inaB matter on Janoary 27tb, 1021, at postofflcc at Omaha. Nebraska. >nder the Act, of Mnreb 3, 1870.
VOL. VI. No.37
Members LUBAWrrsCHER REBBE Natl United Palestine Americans Gain Victory in TO SETTLE IN LATVIA of Zionist Executive Riga.—(J. T. A.)—Rabbi Schneur- Workers Pledge Support to Enroll Appeal Conference in Triumverate Chosen Election for Jerusalem group leaders to drop old agreements son of the famous Chassidic Chabad school will "leave Soviet Russia and Jewish Community Cenrer Members Dissatisfied Fac- and assume hew negotiations. Cleveland October 30 Administration; settle here, the Jewish Telegraphic tions Declare Lack of Confidence. At the beginning-of the session the
Agency correspondent learns. Congress voted on the proposals of It was stated that the Latvian Jewish Community Center Facing Crisis—Need the organization committee laying government has granted permission Support of Every Jewish Family down the rule that officials of the to the Lubawitscher Rebbe to come to Zionist administration should not beLatvia. elligible for election to the Actions "EVERY JEWISH FAMILY A MEMBER," with this in mind recently at Clearlike, la. The Omaha ization and Nahum Sokolow was re- committee. This rule would also inmore than sixty men who attended the complimentary campaign team tied for first place honors with elected chairman of the Zionist Exe- clude the officials of the Jewish Nabanquet at the Jewish Community Center, Tuesday evening, are the Indianapolis,' Ind., players. cutive at the Saturday night session tional Fund, the Palestine Foundation The national., conference r of the now combing the city in teams of two to enroll more members into : United Palestine" Appeal wil} be held of the Fifteenth Zionist Congress Fund and the Colonial Trust. The the Community Center. Ed Burdick wants all his friends to in Cleveland, Ohio, on October 30th, which ended here September 11. labor representatives employed all write him a line at the Steel Works according to an announcement made So enthused were the workers present that the demand for methods of parliamentary procedure The reelection of the new Execuclub "Y" at Pueblo, Colo. Ed said he by Mr. Morris Rothenberg, Acting attempting to sidetrack this issue. Foundations Laid Are of Right Type; listribution of prospective cards was immediately voiced. would make an effort to answer all President of the Zionist Organization tive and particularly the composition They then introduced an amendment Members were divided into two teams. Fonda Necessary to Tide of the Jerusalem Executive marked t 0 t h e those that find time to drop him a few of America. ; Things Over a definite victor?, for'the" proposal i solution to include in the "We are now facing the crisis—now is the time that we are lines. In accordance with resolutions advocated by the American Zionist category of the inelligible also the facing immediate danger—this building cannot operate unless we adopted in July the Administrative The J. C. C. pool has been used quite Committee of the Zionist Organiza- delegation and came after an all officials of the Hadassah, the Zion Johannesburg.—(J. T. A.)—A reply have more members—it is important to every Jewish man, woman extensively during the past week tion took under advisement the plans night session which lasted until six Commonwealth and the United Pales- to the criticism of the Zionist opposi- and child that this building should continue to function," said while the mercury flirted around the for the annual conference, and finally o'clock this morning. The delibera- tine Appeal in the United States. tion leaders against the British policy Harry H. Lapidus, president of the Jewish Community Center in a 100 mark. Three times the tempera- decided upon the city of Cleveland as tions were freqeutly interrupted to When this amendment was adopted, in Palestine, voiced at the Fifteenth call caucuses of the seperate, groups the general Zionists introduced an Zionist Congress in Basle, was made fiery address appealing to the workers to put this campaign over. ture soared to the 96 point and then the place for the meeting. "The Jews of Omaha have been* "This building is the meeting place of to obtain their support for the Amer- amendment to include in this rule by Col. Leopold H. Amery, British fell off to hit 95 and 93. The 1927 Conference of the United ican proposal. the officials of the labor institutions, Colonial Secretary who is on a visit neglectf uir they have not been bother- every Jewish activity", said Rabbi here. Due to the heat wave that has held Palestine Appeal is expected to be Dr. Weizmann, president, Nahum Ha'mashbir, Solel Boneh and the In an address he delivered last night ed with ~drnr.es during the past year— Kramer. the most widely attended to date, in labor bank. The labor delegates then Omaha in its grip, Krasne has worked they have Pandered, away from the "We have worked and waited for a Sokolow, chairman, Dr. A. Eder of diligently to please the J. C. C. mem- view of the location of Cleveland as London, Felix Rosenblueth of Ger- offered a new amendment to the effect before a gathering of representatives road. We must awaken them and they building, such ss we now have, many a Mid-Western center, and the promthat the congress recognize in prin- of the Jewish' community in South must respond to the call that is now bers who frequent the pool. inence of the speakers who are ex-many and Louis Lipskey, president ciple the inelligibility of Zionist of- Africa, headed by the Chief Rabbi, being issued," said Lapidns. "The many years—we cannot stop in the of the Zionist Organization of Amer-, f m e m b e r s h i -m &e A c t i o n s Dr. Landau, the;British Colonial Sec- Jewish pepole of this city are recogn- middle now," said Harry A.. Wolf. Answering the call for workers in pected to be present. Although the ica, were elected members of the! fidalg .^__ "The Jewish peopple of Omaha have ..,. „.,„_ *i_.. _c committee ubut refer the issuance of retary stated that the administration ized by the Jewish Community Center responded in the past and will rethe Jewish Community Center mein- Administrative Committee has not Zionist Executive in London. specified regulations to the Actions of Palestine "while it is anxious not Building; we point with pride to it, spond when called upon." . bership campaign, found the Union made anyy definite announcement of plans, it is understood that Jews of to offend the susceptibilities or preju- but we cannot do it unless we have Miss Henrietta Szold, honorary commitee. Y Pacific life Assurance Company ably international importance, both from The follovring teams will canvass id d ffounder of the Hadas- - This amendment was defeated on dice the interest of any section of the more members. president and ' /represented with practically a com- the United States and abroad, will atthe city for members: population, is apparently sincere sad "This building is the "trademark" plete fb«e, headed by its president tend the Cleveland Conference. sah, American women's Zionist or- the motion of Vladimir Jabotinsky, loyal in its determination to fulfill TEAM NO I—PATTE FED!ER,T«aJ«r Pr. Niuhnn Muefeln Harry A.; Wolf. The following men Special preparations are also being ganization, Harry Sacher, English the labor leaders exclaiming ironic- both the spirit and the letter of the of the Jewish .people of the city, .as Eeuben Abe B employed by t i e Insurance Company made, it is said;, for the pproper cele- jurist resident in.Jerusalem and Col.ally that this was Jabotinsky's first pledges given by Lord Balfour to the any other business—we must be proud Harold Dr. M. E. Stein ar A. B. Alpirn Goodman were jsresent at-the banquet Tuesday bration of tie- tenth anniversary of Frederick H. Kisch were elected as victory at the Congress.- The session Jewish people and repeated in the of. that "trademark"; should that Shrolley Pave Feder Dave Ureetiberg "trademark" be taken away from us, Sara Green Ilr. Tliilip Sh«r evening"; Jack= Farberj J.-..J. Green- the Balfour Pedara&pn^which, falls the members of the Jerusalem trium- was then interrupted for a meeing of Palestine Mandate. Mnx Fleisher yerate which was, given wide' power should this building be closed, it will berg,T>aVe <3r^enberg7Eeuben 'Bitrwnj on' November''2^ icTpse to the"dale of] rr Hurry SllTermau are ' f i l ' 5 6tr6h~~6f "Zionist att was to consider the proposal of an "ini 'ffilr be, a "blbteli * oa the~Jews of OmahaT Robert Konppf" ™ Mo« venjrer .. Robert' Kooper, -Alex/Frank, Harold the Conference.'. being carried out by everyone "holding Msuri«* Miefclin Abe Vene-wr fairs in Palestine. Miss Szold is the alliance between the center group The power for the success of this Harrjr Robinson It. A Wolf Farber. FInri IjnpW;r<r The Conference, which will be held first* woman to be elected to tha and the Mizrachi, eliminating the office in the British government or a campaign now lies in your hands, it ,Toe Pepprr I. L .Tobn Fa rl>et responsible position in the administrain the Hotel Statler/ will her reports Zionist Executive. . is up to you, let's put it over", con- TEAM SO. U—AEXFB KAIMAS, Major Left. Things are beginning to lighten in from various of, the delegates- attion of Palestine," Colonial Axnery cluded Lapidus. twas difficult to reach an agreeWhile the negotiations were going stated. Isadore A^rp.Jtlson Jncfe Jfnrer every way, and there is a good reason. tending the. Fifteenth Congress, and irvin Stnlmntfet Maorice Alpirn Omaha Jewry will observe the Jewish also an address by a prominent Amer- ment on the choice of the Jerusalem on, the session was reopened under Louis Sopolow Commenting on the present econmic Following this address, Shrolly Meyer Beber triumverate which held the congress P m l White Goodman, chairman of the memberA. U. Friink the chairmanship of Kaplan, the New Year, Monday, September 26. ican government official. situation prevailing in Palestine, the! B. Korver 3. Freidinnu in tehhroes of a crisis for over a week Congress voting on the resolutions of Colonial Secretary declared that "the j ship campaign, conducted the distri- J. Hnrry Trustln Wm. L. Holnman Special services wDl be held in the Sam Wolf In making the announcement of the and called for the holding of a special the colonization committee. The vote Abncr Kniman bution of cards. various synagogues in the city. Hymnn Oreenb*rg Katelmnn preliminary pplans -for the Confer- session on Saturday night. The vic-was a very stormy one concerning foundations which were laid for the Rabbi S. Kramer of Hammod, Ind., Louis Phil KliiUniek Harr.v L.-iphlns building of Palestine are of the right K. ynffe Harry Mnlashook ,1o« Wolf A letter from California stated that ence, Mr. Morris Rothenberg, Acting tory for the American proposal was the question of whether or not thetype and sooner or later the super- a guest in the city, when called upon, ,Toek Alberts Sam Fnier President of the Zionist Organization Snm Eloom obtained due to tre fact that the rep- Zionist colonizing agencies are to in-structure which will be erected on emphasized the important work that Nutban E. Green Joe and Phil Krasne of Council Bluffs Dr. A Greenberg of America issued the following statea Community Center must carry on. resentatives of the Palestine.. labor clude individual contracts with the these foundations will be a fair and have safely reached their destination. ' ' . groups refrained from voting, thus settlers or with representatives of The two young men from Iowa will ment: Tel. Aviv.—(J. T. A.)—New steps "The decisions adopted by . the making it possible for the American their society, Nir, as advocated by thenoble one. However, the practical AL FINKEL TO STUDY attend the "University of Southern difficulties are very great because of to ameliorate the unemployment sitFifteenth Zionist Congress at Basle proposal to be passed. ••::'. IN NEW YORK CITY uation California this fall. settlers and labor leaders. Several the fact that Palestine is a small will be taken by the Palestine will impose greater- burdens upon The delegates of the Mizrachi, the roll calls were demanded before the country and immigration to it is small, 'Al Finkel, local pianoist, left government, according- to assurance American Zionists. Since the AmeriWhen Col. Charles Lindbergh,: inOrthodox wing of the Zionist move- resolution was adopted calling for although it has been very high judg- Thursday for New York City, where given the Jewish population of Tel trepid ocean flyer visited Omaha, Miss can delegation has' succeeded in hav- ment, the Zionist Revisionists, the individual contracts. Berl Katznelson, ing it relatively with the population he will study at the New York In- Aviv by High Commissioner Plumer, Lillian Haylrih, Central High student ing the Congress delegates accept its Radical Zionist and several minor labor leader, declared when the vote and the economic capacity of the stitute of Musical Art. Finkel has who visited here yesterday. He stated and reporter oh the high school Re- general program' leading to economy factions voted against the proposal. wasc announced that the labor country. been teaching piano in Omaha for he will devote his energies to the register, nearly wore out a pair of shoes and efficiency, it mean's that the re-Weizmann and Sokolow were elected groups considered the vote as having "Undoubtedly Palestine is now pas- the past three years, after studying construction made necessary by the sponsibility of American Jewry is dodging the daring colonel. earthquake and to relief of unemployby a vote of 113 to 54, while the shown "deep hostility to labor" and sing through a very difficult economic under Harry Braviroff. . Miss Haykin asserted that it wasn't greater. members . of the Executive- were has prevented an understanding be- period. The good beginnings made During the past three years ment. "Of particular importance to the any to easy to secure an interview tween the classes in Palestine. "We will need all the support they can get Finkel has played on many communal elected by a vote of 83 to 62. It was learned that the government with such a distinguished guest as United Palestine Appeal Conference in the next few years. From that pledge ourselves to continue to inhas agreed to advance a loan of £10,pprograms that were presented here. Follaowing the announcement of the "Lucky Iindy" but when a reporter in Cleveland will be the new measure crease the power of Palestine labor," viewpoint, I warmly sympathize with He is also one of the leading tennis 000 to the city of Tel Aviv for the inresults of the election, the representavoted upon for the administration of gets an assignment they just go out the fund raising activities carried on players of the city. auguration of new public works, the Palestine Executive. All these tives of the Palestine labor organiza- he declared. after their "man." by the Zionists for the purpose of Brought to a high pitch of excite-J tions expressed lack of confidence in steps of reform will encourage Amerfter all was said and done, Lillian ment, the labor delegates rose and tiding things over," he declared. said she enjoyed Lindbergh, and just ican Jewry to greater efforts for Pal- the new course of the Executive. The Saturday night session which sang Hatikvah, the other delegates adored the solemn expression on estine, knowing that every energy expended will be rewarded with a maxi•witnessed the victory of Weizmann joining in respect to the Zionist Lindy's face while Omaha dressed up mum of returns. The Congress has and of the American Zionists' pro- hymn. Suddenly Dr. Weizmann -.apin its Sunday clothes to greet him. Well s»ch is popularity and it must decided that the Zionist ppositiori in posal for an efficiency executive was peared, asking the chairman to de- The Music Department of the Center Palestine must be one of consolidation held in an irritating, nervous atmos- clare a recess for half an hour. It be deserved. . and retrenchment. This promises a phere. The delegates, tired from the was learned that the Mizhachi rep- announces the formation of a Vocal HE PRACTICE of sending New Year's Greetings Class which will meet every Monday stability "which has been-partly lack-; to friends and relatives through the local Jewish all night session and recalling the j resentatives in the Committee on TEMPLE ISRAEL ANNUAL paper is general throughout the country. Its ading, and partly impossible because of last moments of the Fourteenth Committees had declared the party's evening from 7 to 10. Regular voice work will be carried on preparatory vantage over the old individual mailing1 card is cvi» MEETING SUNDAY economic conditions in Palestine. Zionist Congress when the Zionist as- final decision to vote against the to joint recitals with other music dent in the saving of time, expense and worry over "The 1927 conference of the United sembly disbanded without electing an Executive and that Dr. Leizmann had groups to be given later in the season. The annual meeting of Temple Isforgetting a friend. rael will be held Sunday afternoon Palestine Appeal ig faced with the op- executive, and also under the pres- undertaken new negotiations with tha Mrs. Sam Beber will be in charge Greeting Cards in THE JEWISH PRESS at 3 p. m., September 18, at the portunity of- carrying into effect the sure of the Palestine crisis, were labor groups. of tiie course. • Will Take This Form: Temple. According to announcement decisions made at tfie Basle Congress; anxious to avoid a recurrence of the Geneva.—(J. T. A.)—Jewish organissued by Harry Rosenfeld, president and with the privilege of inaugurat- same situation as two years ago. The izations Mr. and Mrs. William R. Jacobs and were represented at the in-ANTI-SEMITIC EXCESSES Family, extend their best wishes to their of the Temple, this meeting is of ing that new era which portends the victory of the Weizmann administrar ternational conference of the CommitIN ROUMANIAN TOWN relatives and friends for a Happy and much importance. He urges all mem- most successful pperiod in our effort tion and the American Zionists- pro-tee on Refugees' Aid which is meeting Prosperous New Year. to rebuild Palestine as the national posal which virtually introduces. in Bucharest.—(J. T. A.)—A campaign j bers to be present. here under the auspices of the League to increase anti-Semitic agitation! Jewish Homeland."' • Palestine a dictatorship.of 3, eliminat- of Nations. Lusiea Wolf, representMAIL THE COUPON BELOW NOT LATER THAN TRANSJORDANIAN among the Roumanian students was! ing party and faction rule, emerged TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 6th .«. ing Anglo-Jewish organizations and] initiatived by Professor -Shumulianu,' Jerusalem.—(J. T.' A.)-—Professor INDEPENDENCE TO BE through the labyrinth of policital Dr. Zvi Aberson, representing EuroReRECOGNIZED IS REPORT Elwood Mead of the. United States a former associate of Alexander Cuza. clamation Service and one of :the Jew- maneuvers common in democracies, pean organizations, were among the The: campaign is to be waged this THE JEWISH PRESS, Jerusalem.—(J. T. A.)—Sensational ish Agency Commission experts, ex- through the persistent, tireless nego- delegates. Three new Jewisli organi- week in Pocsany. A nation-wide cam490 Brandeis Theatre Eldg., tiation carried on by Dr. Weizmann. zations were admitted to membership paign is to be inaugurated this fall. reports concerning a new treaty be- pressed satisfaction with the progress Omaha, Nebr. ' Shumuliana declared that Cuza was tween Great Britain and Transjor- made by the Jewish agricultural col- The situation, changed from hour to on the Committee. Gentlemen:— dania, recognizing the latter as an in- onies in Palestine since bis visit in hour, at one time it being prohable The Committee took up the legal not invited to participate in this camEnclosed find $2,00, for which please insert dependent state were published by the 1923, in a statement he made at a that the new executive would be aspects of the question of aid to paign because he has "disorganized my New Year Greeting Card in your R h Arab weekly, "El-Yarmak." Hashonah (56SS) Number. meeting of the agricultural committee elected by the center group in alli- Amenian and Jewish refugees as well the student movement." Shurnnlianu ance with the Right Arthoddx wing, ss the problem of extending the pro- was vice-president of the anti-Semitic The Arab newspaper publishes what of the Zionist Executive. NAME is purported to be the, draft of a Commenting, upon • the new purchas- and an hour later it became most tection of the League of Nations to Christian League when Cuza was pre- • ADDRESS „ „ treaty -between Great Britain and es made by the Zionist "agencies in the likely that the executive would be the Statenlose, men without a coun- sident. Transjordaniav The treaty provides valley of Jezreel and in the Acre Bay elected due to the vote, or lack of try, domiciled in European states. Anti-Semitic excesses occurred yesfor the recognition of Transjordania's region, he state'3\ that the new ae^vote, of the Left Labor wings. These questions w.ere taken up on;terday in Kimpoltmg. Several Jews independence ..under Emir Abdullah quisitions of land were valuable and The session was often interrupted the basis of a report submitted by Dr. were injured, incl-adiag Mrs. Rosa and for the creation of :a legislative important. Behr, a widow, and her three children. to provide breathing space for the' Aberson. council at.Aniinan. Great Britain is : to provide adequate technical advisers, for the Thaosjordanian-'governmeht. •• The treaty.is to.be in force for two ; the tianar
Prominent American Govern- Basle. (J. T. A.) Dr. Chaim WeizAl Dryfoos, only Jewish member of ment Officials Expected the Omaha Wist Club, won three honmann, leader of the"• international ors at the annual convention of the INTERNATIONAL LEADERS Zionist movement, was reelected prenational Wist arid Bridge club held OF JEWRY TO ATTEND sident of the World Zionist Organ-
British are Loyal to Balf our Pledge, Secretary Tefls South African Jews
New Yearns Greetings**** T
sure she never told any other fellow sible that Bosabel, being young and was—well, a boyish passing amusewhat you told her. So Gerald, on his foolish, might take Derrison for a won- ment. I—" V cushion by her hammock, told her nl! derful thing? You never can tell Rosabel was not a^ojd or as wise as PubliBi;. - .-very Tbnrpdaj at Olnaba. Nebnrtft o j about James, and Derrison, with hb about a woman, even one you've lived the lady. She made no hesitation. She, 1927 . v.-', THE JEWISH PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY confounded interfering constellations. next, door to for ten years I put both astonished, glad little Rosh Hashonah ,.., Tuesday, September 27 Office: 490 Biandeia Theatre Building — Telephone: ATlantlc i*S0. "And the darn shame of It was thai He and Derrison—It seemed annoy- around Gerald's neck, with a sw; Yom Kippur 1 •••••.•-..••.. ...Thursday, October 6 I know she'd rather have gone off with Irigly; curtomary—went down the porch happy laugh. NATHAN E. GREEN, Manager. 1st Day Succoth ....«——. •..,.......,».. -....Tuesday, October 11 me alone! The way she looked at me together. Gerald thought of going ..Tuesday, October 18 "Gerald—" she said. "Oh, Gerald—, Shemini Atzereth _—~_~ as good as said so. Oh, Rosy, if you back and explaining to Rosabel why it's the Wonderful Thing in Jane I" i .$2.50. Subscription Price, one ye —Wednesday, October 19 Simchath Torah —™._~.... couid see her eyes!" she should not let Derrison come to Advertising rates furnished on application. Thursday, October 27 *Rosh Chodesh Cheshvan "I have," said Rosabel wistfully. "1 see her. But It seemed more dignified Friday, November 25 *Rosh Chodesh Kislev .... wish I had eyes like that." CHANGE UP ADDRESS—Please give both tbe old and new addreBi: not to. Cothmren* Ruth bei oore and give ronr name. ^—-Monday, December 10 "Never mind," said Gerald. Tours 1st Day Hanukkah Next-but-one evening Gerald started Medical annals have seldorij recor* Sunday, December 25 are just as pretty." •Rosh Chodesh.Tebeth _.. out, as usual, for the lady. Bosabel ed so rare a case of longevity as that The Jewish Press is supplied by the Jewish Telegraphic Agency (Jewish He hadn't meant to say that, but, was on her knees by her pansles, In a of Catherine Rush, who died In Phila1928 Correspondence Bureau) with cabled and telegraphic Jewish news, in addition when he came to notice, it was reallj lavender frock. "Would you like some delphia on May 1, 1817, at the age of to feature articles and correspondences from all important Jewish centers. Tuesday, January 3 Fast of Tebeth — true! They were big an<3 round and pansies for her?" she called as Gerald one hundred and eleven years and \ Inquiries regarding news items credited to this Agency will be gladly _..Monday, January 23 blue, with thick goldy-brown lashes. went by. "No!" said Gerald, and hur- eleven months. ' So far is Is known Rosh Chodesh Shebat answered it addressed to Jewish' Telegraphic Agency, 621 Broadway, New "Just as pretty," he said again, with ried by. He had a curious desire to Catherine Bush bad lived on the out—Wednesday, February 22 •Rosh Chodesh Adar •« York City. a discoverer's surprise. stay with Rosabel. He might have if skirts of Philadelphia all her life, and -._.»—...Tuesday, March 6 Purim "Your eyes are a queer color," said he had stopped for pansles. »__>._Thursday, March 22 no one was particularly Interested Is Rosh Chodesh Nissan . r PALESTINE AND THE BRITISH GOVERNMENT Rosabel In turn. "Why, Gerald, they her until she reached the age of one .....Thursday, April 5 When he came near the Htdy's a 1st Day Pessach „ have queer little gold specks in them, more curious thing happened. He hundred, having been a very frail girl. -" 'The dissatisfaction with .the attitude of the Palestine GovernWednesday, April 11 7st Day Pessach ......-, and they change color 1" didn't want to go in! He walked When she' passed the one-hundred•. .Saturday, April 21 ment as well as of the British Colonial Office toward the Zionist *Rosh Chodesh Iyar.«., •'Sound* «bist!" said Gerald, Hgnt- straight on past. It was a lovely night year mark physicians began to watch „„. __..._.Tuesday, May 8 henrtedly. He liked his eyes himself, and Gerald should have enjoyed it. her. They kept up their watching for hope of creating a National Home for the Jewish people in PalesLag b'Omer..... Sunday, May 20 and he felt happier. When he and But Rosabel was on his mind. Unac-' nearly twelve years. It was Catherine Rosh Chodesh Sivan „ _ . tine found forceful expression at the Zionist Congress meeting in ......Friday, May 25 Ilosabel had been having two hours countably. And unaccountably, before Rush's greatest desire, when she felt 1st Day Shabutch U — — Basle, not only from the radical element in the ranks, but also of discussion on these lines he went he knew it, he was walking In a circle tbe end coming, to round out one hoaTuesday, June 19 *Rosh Chodesh Taminuz home quite sure the lady must love that led to Rosabel's front gate and up dred and twelve years. She failed at from the present leadership in the movement. Dr. Weizmann .___ ...Thursday, July 5 Fast of T a m m u i ._._~.~him—he was. so nice! «»It by one month.—Chicago Journal. Wednesday. July 18 himself said that the "Palestine Mandate, when considered politicher porch. Rosh Cho&esh A b . . . _ — So next night he came in to report ^Thursday, July 26 ally, has not given.us all we desire and which we are entitled to Fast of A b ~..—— again. The lady had given him an ' He could see a flutter of lavender, _Friday, August 17 •Rosh Chodesh Ellul _ _ evening- all to himself (except for low In the hammock. Dear little « expect," and Dr. Stephen^. Wise, a firm adherent of the present three phone calls in the.other room); thing—perhaps she was asleep . . J administration, was still more outspoken regarding the lukewarm Have Your tuit he had gone away earlier than he But she was lying face down and—'. assistance given by the British authorities, pointing to the surplus meant to. He and Bosabel tried to why, she was crying! He ran forfigure out why over the lemonade ward and, before he thought, his arms of one million pounds in the administration of Palestine during the JEWISH AGENCY WOULD were around BosabeL pitcher. PROVE VALUELESS IF NO past year, which.he.regarded as discreditable to the country, in "There, there, dear! Was It my not "Perhaps," Bosabel suggested, presview of the crisis prevailing there during that time. The Radical INCREASE IN FUNDS RESULTS | ently, **»he subtly made you. I read taking the pansies? 1 can explain—", vrith name printed "No-o!" gulped RosabeL hunting for [ and the -Revisionist elements were even more'bitter in their at- Basle.—(J. T. A.)—Dr. Chaim Weisa novel yesterday where the heroine subtly made people do things. The a handkerchief. i tacks on the administration. inann, president of the World Zionist Many Beautiful Designs tody you pay attention to must be "Then what.was it?" persisted Ger-j i - The High Commissioner of Palestine, as well as other'high Organization, was extensively interlike a.book-person.. I wlsn I was!" aid, worriedly, conscious of how pleasconcerning his plans for the | "Why. you're not grown up yet, ant Bosabel felt; to hoi* < ocicials in the British Cabinet, are of the opinion that the Zionists rogated Brandeis Printing Deft organization of the Jewish Agency at : "It—it w«s Horace Derrlson I", child I" nald Gerald. "When you're as ; are too impatient and too insistent on the immediate relizatioii of the meeting of the political committee. Main Floor—West sobbed RosabeL 1 old as eke l*~" By MARGARET WIDDEMER their hope. They do not repudiate the implication of the mandate, Replying to the questions, Dr. Weiz"The brute!" said Gerald. He But bo couldn't imagine Bosabel being Ufco the lady, even if sbe was fifty, kissed her. "II! knock his- block—" j although the interpretation giVen to it by the Churchill Meraoran- mann stated that the American branch Co.) (©. Donbleday. "No—no! Not him. He's all right and nrflrried—married—nonsense! of the Jewish Agency will include not • dum, to "Which the Zionist leaders were forced to subscribe at that —he says he always liked blue eyes "Shu's twenty-six,* said Ilosabel, only the Marshall group but other I (< I IHERE'S something very wontime, at the urgency of Sir Herbert Samuel, is by no means satis- groups better, anyway. It's you. Oh, poor dreamily. "Mother remembers.** as well. As to the financial >' 1 derful going to happen to me at Twenty-six I She Toad been born, Gerald, the lady—she's engaged to Mr: : factory to the great bulk of the Zionists of the present. The main aid expected by, Zionists from the X this JuneS" said Itoeabel James!" four years, then, when—never mind I happily. "I've felt It—and, .grievance against the Government lies in the fact that none of the Jewish Agency, Dr. Weizinann stated Now Gerald, bad he been In an apWhat were four years! a fortune-teller told me so." propriate frame of mind, should have public lands have thus far. been allocated to the Jews, and that the that so far only the Marshall group besides, "You think she really likes me. Gerald had lived next door to Rosarisen with a trasie exclamation. Buti Zionist organization is made to bear much of the financial burden has been approached. What is known bel ten years—ever since sbe was Rosy?" he asked, eagerly. be didn't. He pulled Rosabel closer. so far of the plan which might be seven and he was twelve. So be knew •"Why, of course!" said Rosabel. 5400 Center Street which really should fall upon the state. This is particularly true adopted by the Agency is Dr/Frank"Don't you understand?" she said,' "How could anybody help ItT* And her well enough to say, severely: severely. "She's engaged! To some-j Phone Walnut 6986 • of the large item the Zionists are made to contribute toward-the el's bank project, he stated. Should "Don't be a little goose!" before he Gerald felt better. j Tbe next night h"e spent at the lady's body else!** educational system and toward the sanitary work.in the country. the extension of the Agency prove in went on! to see the lady he was paying "Bosabel,™ said Gerald, solemnlyj something new about it; or, rathIt is true that of late the Government had assumed a much larger a reasonable time to have no effect on, attention to. She could not be called had "there's something I have to tell you.1 er, something new not about i t James a little goose; sh« w ^ute Gerald's share of the educational expense than it had hitherto, but the the increase of the financial means own age. Sbe had black eyes and fns- —good old, harmless James—was flit- Yon mayn't respect me afterwards; for Palestine, the Agency Dancing it's you Tm in love with! sanitary and hygienic work, conducted mainly by the American necessary clnatlng ways; her only drawback ting around the same old way. ButDer. but—Bosabel, plan will be useless, he added.. I—I wasn't in love with her a bit. It was the way sbe let Derrlson and old rison wasn't there at all. Somewhere, Hadassah organization, is almost entirely financed by Zionist funds. Janes sit all over the place nights 'way down in his mind, that ^vorrien Togethjpr with this come a number of minor complaints about the INTERNATIONAL COURT him. Derrison was sacb a. <Jevii—he Gerald was paying attention. might even be bothering poor Uttle injustice of the present tariff system, the inadequate provision for OPENS HEARING ON Gentltt disliked Derrlson most. Innocent instead of letting 1 MAVROMATIS CASE James-was old as the bllls^—at least her alone Rosabel, workmen's compensation and other matters which legitimately beIn her hammock with her thirty—while Derrlson was about Ger- Innocent, pretty dreams about the-wonlong to the State. •-;••;••• The Hague.—(J. T. A-)—The Inter- ald's own age, with better looks and derful thing in June, the dreams sbe fiLSOMIT 2429 Decatur Street WE. 8527 The existing condition, .while not alarming, it quite serious, national Court o Justice opened today mare salary. And this night he had. was always so willing to break off to I want to announce to my customers that I just received a fall liae : and the Congress has been considering floating a loan with which its second hearing on the Palestine In addition, coaxed the lady out to see talk to Gerald about his lady. "I—I ; a special constellation over a romantic of the most beautiful JEWISH NEW TEAR'S CARDS ia Hebnw to relieve the present distress. It is inconceivable that world electrification concession granted, by hill nearby. James Intended to tag have to leave early tonight," he exand English, also a new supply Ant all kinds of Sacred Boeftr, plained to the lady, "An—an engage; Jewry would permit the Palestine experiment to meet with failure, the Turkish government to the Greek along, toprbn^JSerald decided not to. ment Tve just remembered." Sedurim, Machzeirim, Bibles, in Hebrew and with Rnglifth translatim ; engineer, Mavromatis. . • , . ; Three of them-were too ridiculous. (j simply because of a lack of funds. Such a result would, spell ruin He strode home, wondering If be and the nicest and "best Talesim, silk and wool. The dispute wa$ taken up by. the The lady laughed. "A pleasant : and disaster, not only to the Zionist movement, but to Jews and intervention of the Greek government, walk borne, then," sb'e said, and her could be right about Derrison. GerEveryone who want to have Esroogim from Erez-Isroel shall be so Judaism generally. This is the feeling that prompted the non- -which submitted its claim against the procession swept off one way, leaving! ald always believed In presentiments kind and give me the order now. Zionists, who are jelous of preserving Jewish honor and Jewish British;government;as the mandatory Gerald going the other, feeling that he i f ^ t f had vindicated his self-respect but ] harmony, to offer their aid to the movement, without committing power for Palestine. Derrlson, destroyer of happiness I And lived In a very lonesome world. I themselves to the political platform of Zionism. Perhaps we are a "Was she nice tonight V asked Rosa- svlfl ently being talked to by Rosabel bel from among her honeysuckles. The with pleasure. Not content Trith the .; little to* eager for a speedy wsalizatibn. The present Zionist lead- POLISH TOWN DESTROYED BY FIRE brightness was still on her little face, l&dy, here the brute -was, bothering ership has manifested its sisrefagth and devotion in many directions as if she bad been thinking all this poor little Rosabel. Gerald sat dowa : and it should be allowed to proceed along the lines of careful and Warsaw.—(J, -T. A.>—Three quar- traw about the •n-onderfal thing that on als cushion and reached up after Rosabel's hand. He would show DerLet us be patient both with t e r s of t h e houses in th« t o w n Xotxk was coming true. Sbe made Gerald rlson ; tactful penetration in the future. that he bad the rights of a feel like coming op nnd borrowing vthefEfaTSd with the mandatory power,- and entertain a little more w e n t destroyed by: a fire which broke some of the hnppiness. He came and brother. out last night . faith in their intentions and motives.-—Exponent. But be couldn't. Both little bands sat down on the porch by her hamThe town,-which has m a n y historic mock. were in Rosabel's lap. And a bonding associations, has a population of 3,000 "Do you mind M 1 hold your band, thought struck Gerald, ft was J«j»— At the University of Bucharest 782 mainly Jewish, Much distress result- Rosy?* lie asked, sadly. T m so mis- the second of Jane. And—-**• it posnew students have enrolled, of -whom ed from the fire and the majority of erable." 18 are Jews. In Szegediri 150 stud- the inhabitants are roofless,. An ap"Why. of course not J" said Rosabel, reaching down her hand as quickly and FOR RENT— ents were enrolled of 'whom only 12 peal for relief was sent to Warsaw. politely as if U hafi been a drink of Beautiful 5-room apartment flat B«6le.—(J. T. A.)—The budget of are Jews. water. She'd be awfully sweet when German Representative oa with 6-room aceemodatioa, with the; World Zionist Organization, for she grew «p. T e n me about it," she Mandates Cemnissioa Appointed heat. - Immediate possession, the next two years as adopted by the LONDON TIMES LAUDS "NEW AT. 7019. »534 Cass Street Fifteenth Zionist Congress at its last .Rosabel was tbe best little confidante — J Geneva—(J.T. A.)—Ludwig Kastle, session-here Sunday calls for the raisJa tbe world. You could always be London. (J.T.A.) Satisfaction withi prominent German industrialist, aping bf'the amount of ^£632,000 ($3,180,the results of the Ffteenth Zionist 5 pointed representative of the German 000'. each year. \ The Congress closed its sessions Congress is expressed by the London government on the Permanant ComIate{ Sunday evening following ad- Times commenting otf the victory of mission, m accordance with .the decir 6b«sse&-delivered by Dr. Weizmann,- the American Zionists's proposal for -sio'n seat to Germany on tlie. Commission. ' _ 1 :u. ~ who-left before the conclusion, and by the triumverate in Jerusalem. Herr KasUe -was formerly in CfcrThis is the first time that the ; Sokolow. The closing session took place in Palestine Executive is composed ««•' man. Southwest Africa, the iCasino Hall where the first Zion- \ tirely of English speaking members. ist Congress was lield 30 years ago. This will be helpful in the dealings Subscribe F«* Tk* Jewiakr P R M The session was under the chairman- of the Executive with the Palestine ship of '\ Miss Henrietta Szold, Atneri- government. CoL Kisch, Miss Szold 3DERN matt merchkntt, can Jewish women's leader, the first and Harry Sacher •are above the sec^r.occrs, druggistSj florists, women to be elected to the Zionist i tional interests and will do the work Executive. • . -: propricrors of delicatessen shops, without regard to party policies, the "Manufactured in Omana' The-Congress adopted a resolution Times ^writes. SptcUl hotel and restaurant owners need protesting against the_ anti-Jewish ICE MACHINE CO. no longer, have al refrigeration persecutions in Russia and urging the GOGA JOINS CU2A TO Soviet :government to Release the problem. c;l EXTEND ANTI-SEMITIC Zionists, held in prison.' The tesoiuPhone CAMPAIGN IN ROUMANIA tion also expressed the hope that other' Frigidaire stops' spoilage-^ it "Quality Jeweleris" Jewish organizations will join"in this, Bucharest.—-(j, T. A.)—A renewed ectthles the merchant to boy A glad to 'protest. MALASHOCK JEWELRY campaign to spread anti-Semitic pro•wider selcctioa of pcrisnablcs, At a meeting of the General Council paganda in Roumaina "will be underWhfttesale and RetaO J«w«la» have* man And to benefit by quantity fsricw. (Actions Committee) 43as. Committee: taken shortly, according to press re213-46 City National Bank Bldj. tall •was*recpristituted following the elec- ports published today. It S&TCS time and labor. Let «* JA.5S19 tions. Dr. Leon MvtzHn was > «-• The campaign is to be initiated and explain show you how easj it Is foe you elected president of the General after the return from abroad of Oc"Long Distance" has* a pe»oti«l appeal , : to have Frigidairc Installed aow. CounciL- Dr. Stephen S. Wise, K. tavian Goga, Houmaraan poet and that »o letter can oonv«y. It is like being In Omaha Farbstein, Kaplansky and Sprinzak minister of the interior in the Averthere ia person. •were, elected vice-presidents. •escu government. Too c*n talk with loved ones trcrr the It was stated that Goga has' conlonf distance tefcphone, -whether separated 259 Rooms—2GB Batha UNIVERSITIES . tfcrcted an agreement with Alexander irom them by only » few jniles, or fcy nxtaCood Rooms for 91^0 NOTi FILLED BUT NUMERCuza to establish « united anti-Semitic Operated by fTppIey Hotels Co. 0 U S CLAUSUS IS "ENFORCED National Christian Party, of which Jskt ask f«r "Lo«jt IMstaac*," fih* her <3oga -will be president and Cuza honytmc cm muA soon yon wJBl * e talWn«. Budapest. TJ.-T. A.) The application orary! president.' . fi^toerous: "clausus in Hungarian The party plans to publish a new of -fi^tonerous: clausus in Hungarian €0. ond Sartbs Sta. universities, limiting the number of Roumanian daily by the name of "Idea Ok net Jewish- .'students is being enforced Rationale" to propagate its program. iSoft -Btay. tren, -OTass, -toreme cud more strictly notwithstanding the fact The parly will also endeavor to *win jluavlHUm castiiiRs. Slnndard siaea P R . O U U C T © q/» CSmSSAXr the sympathy of the students by estiTonze «nd Iron I>ush1ngs. 6e.\rt>r inirnthat 'Mk colleges are not filled. oolea, cistern rtuff» «aa coven, tablishing-, a* student city, doirnltcrifes dt ho enrolled, er Of t f a? ? * ? ^ students who l I %n stocfe. d t i d t l & -" 1 r &ie.-Sew: seto?ster 9 ? are Jews:' for
JEWISH CALENDAR—5688-1927-28
Jewish New Year Greeting: Cards
You are welcome
Dorsey's Chicken Shock
"Famous for Chicken Sandwiches'
Better refrigeration at lower cost
National Zionist Congress Co&d&des Annual Session
Frigidaire puts fcbe modern business on more profitable bam t
Caii Him by 'Long Distance* Instead of Writing"
A,"^, 3 j ^ * T ^ g l "
—Trs^i^^p -i
Miss Flora Marks is expected to leave about the 29th of this month for Chicago, Illinois, where. she will resume .her studies a^ the University of Chicago. . - Among,those who will remain at -home ,and attend - Creighton University in Omaha, Nebraska, will be Messrs. Nathan Gilinsky, Albert Fox and Yale Kroloff.
WEDDINGS . / JACOBS-EISMAN \ fht psxriage of Miss Rae Sar Eis,'daughter off M Mr. and Mrs. II. D. ' d h t d M D of Nebraska City, to Mr. Morris E. Jacobs, son of Mrs. E. Jacobs, "solemnized Thursday evening at Blackstone Hotel. Miss Eisman given in marriage by her father. Alberta Cohen, Nebrska City was the maid of honor . and Nathan E. J b the best man. The ushers Messers. Louis Somberg, Manny "Eijpnan,"" David Sher and Joe Nefsky. Balftr Frederick Cohn officiated. ' ~*J&£ and Mrs. Jacobs left Thursday evening for a short wedding trip. Succeeding the wedding ceremony, the bridal party and relatives were guests at a dinner at the Blackstone. ;
DIAMOND-BELZER " Mr. and Mrs. M. Belzer announce the issrriage of their daughter, Seva, to fblirry Diamond, of Manning, la. The.wedding took place Sunday, Sept-
Mr. and Mrs. Simon Steinberg have as their guests for a few weeks Mrs. Steinberg's brother, Mr. Carl Brandeis of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, and Mr. and Mrs. Max Fein, also of ENGAGEMENTS Philadelphia, who arrived -here SunMr. and Mrs. M. Soffer announce day. the engagement of their daughter, Goldie, to Mr. Louis Zavet, son of Mr. and Mrs. EL Fried announce Mr. and Mrs. J. Zavet, of Fremont, the birth of twin sons, bora Tuesday, Nebr. No wedding date has been set. September 13, at the Omaha Maternity Hospital. taken an apartment at the NottingMiss Lydia Ross is expected to ham. return home Friday after spending Miss Bert Shaftqn entertained at a. the h summer months in York slumber party for the following City. guests: Rose Forman, III Habler, Mr. and Mrs. Jake Krasne enterRuth Greenberg, / Frances Turner, tained their evening club at their Ethel Hurwitz. home Wednesday evening. Omaha Chapter of Hadassah will Mr. and Mrs. Harry Kubby are in hold its first meeting of the season on Rochester, Minn., where Mr. Kubby Wednesday afternoon September 21. underwent an operation Wednesday Mr. and Mrs. J. Iieb had as visitors morning at Hie Mayo Bros. Clinic during the past week, Mrs. Lieb's Mr. and Mrs. Albert E... XUlinsky mother and brother/ Those who motored here for the visit were, Mrs. I. left Friday,for Colorado Springs, -to Adelman, Charles and Louis Adelman be gene about two weeks. and Miss Gertrude Adelman.
r Council
Bluffs News;}
Reform Services for the High Holidays will be conducted at the K. C. Hall, at Eighth Street and-Broadway, with Rabbi Rosenweig of the Hebrew Union College of Cincinnati, Ohio, to be in charge. Everyone is invited to attend. Anyone desiring further information should call Mrs. Frank Krasne, phone 756. ; Orthodox Services for the High holidays will be held as usual at the ' Many affairs have been given and Chevra B'nai Yisroel Synagogue at *jre?|>eing planned for Miss Violette 618 Mynster Street. Lewis, fiance of Lester Meyers. On Sopday Mr. and Mrs. E. Meyer enterThe Ladies Aid Society will hold tained at a dinner party honoring their first meeting of the season next Mist Lewis and Miss Esther Fox, also Tuesday afternoon, September 20, at of Kansas City; Mr. and Mrs. M. Van the home of Mrs. M. L. Marks, 220 aatextained a t her home honoring North-Second-Street, .Every member ifis&~tjeiris and Mrs. Leonard Reuss- is urged to attend. ler of;Los Angeles. Miss Bess Horn ent^rtsjiifted Tuesday at luncheon a t The Talmud Torah Sunday School Murphys. Wednesday Miss Ruth Win- started its new term.. last Sunday troub entertained at luncheon at morning at the Merriam Blook Hall JEpntenelle, followed by a theater with, a large attendance. However, pfrty. Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Brodkey any child who was unable to attend ^\\frt^}ji^rf j\t dinner,.Wednesday ever ,the_ opening -day, .may. sjilL register. ning at Murphys. Miss Esther Blu- by reporting at the, Menianl' .Block menthal entertained at luncheon for Hall next Sunday morning at ten Mis,8 Lewis at the Ad Sell followed o'clock. Everyone is invited. by a bridge, given by Mrs. Dave RaMr. and Mrs. Louis H. Cohen anvitz. Miss Esabelle Graetz entertained ^ her home Thursday evening and nounce the - birth of a daughter bora Friday Mrs. Leo Milder will entertain. Monday, September 12, ; at the Jennie Mr.-and* Mrs. E. A. Meyers and Mr. Edmundson Hospital?: .. and Mrs. Harry Perlik will entertain Mr. Lawrence Krasne has returned Saturday evening at a dancing party home from a two weeks' trip to Mani»t> the:Highland Country Club for tou, Colorado. " fifty' couples, honoring Miss Lewis and Lester Meyer. Out of town colleges are,' claiming many members of the younger set. Miss Mary Yabroff of Oxford, Kans., Those the farthest away from home Wha has been visiting in Fremont with are Philip Krasne and- Joe Kra&ne, Miss Laura Berek, left for Wayne, who are in Berkeley, California, to atNebr., where she will be public speak- tend fee University of Southern <3aBing instructor at the High School. fornia, The. University of Iowa at Iowa Mrs- Harold Libby, and daughter, City will claim Maurice and Arthur . Paula, of -Providence, R. I., are visitFriedman, who left for this city Suniag^here with relatives. Mrs. libby day to enter their Junior Year. Meyer •was formerly Miss Sayde Levy. Solzman has departed for Iowa City Mr. and Mrs. H. Fried of Council also to enter Ms freshman year. Bluffs, announce the birth of twin sons The Misses Eudice and &osalie September 13, at the Omaha Matern- Richman left Tuesday for Lincoln, ity Hpspital. Nebraska, to "attend the "University -of Nebraska. Mrs. George Levy of : Detroit and Milton Marcus left .Wednesday for SOB, Miles, are visiting here with relaChampagne, Ulinois, -for Jus Sophotives. more 'Year at the "University of I1BMr, and Mrs. S. Bobinson left last nois. ' ' . .: week-for" Kansas City, Mo, where they Will vjsit with their daughter and son, Mr. and Mrs. B. M. Octenberg. While SOSKIN and EOZBEKG at Kansas City they attended the dedi- 1552 No. 20 St.—WEebster «267 cation of the Synagogue on September H . Mr. Octenberg is president of the Fresh Meats. — Delicatessens Fresh Fish Bandied Daily congregation. » e Deliver to all Parts of the City Mr. and Mrs. A. L Kulakofsky will -KQNECKY-KAPLAN has been received of the mari | g of Miss Eose Kaplaa and Mr. lit* X/mecky in New York City on Sunday, September 4. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Konecky are well known to the younger set bf this city. They will make their home at 57 Wadsworfh Teriice, : New" York City.
have as their guests next week, Mrs. Kulakofsky's sister and brother-inlaw, Mr., and Mrs. Jack Frank of Newark, N. J. Miss Rose Forman entertained at the A?d-Sett Saturday complimentary to Miss Fantine Kaizer <if New York.
The Sisterhood of Temple Israel annual Style Show and Dance will be held Tuesday evening, September 20, in the Temple Annex. The committee in charge of this affair consists of Mrs. Sam Herzberg, Mrs. L Ziegler, and Mrs. Clarence Bergman. A special sketch was written and will be presented by Mrs. L Ziegler, Miss Betty Furth and Mrs. Clarence Bergman. The pupils of Miss Annette Ricklio will do modeling and dancing. Sora Miriam Blank will give a solo and Jean Leibowitz and Constance Meyer will do children modeling.
RIVIERA THEATRE An occasion long waited for is the announcement that starting this Saturday, September 17th, the Riviera Theatre, Omaha, presents paramount's latest film "The Rough Riders"— truly a great picture. It is a thrilling story of the Spanish-American War, of the life of Roosevelt and his Rough Riders. - But the war theme is only in the background. Foremost of all is. the tender love story of two boys fighting for the love of a girL Among the many scenes- that are introduced into the picture and bring back forgotten memories are the sinking of the maine, .the. magnificent charge up San Juan Hill, the arrival of the horses for the battle and by mistake" theyx were all-wild and unbroken—imagine four hundred bucking horses mounted i by the Rough Riders.' There Is a marvelous comedy Yiddish Group to Rehearse element throughout the picture that • » -Wednesday Evenings keeps one in a constant uproar. The "Yiddish Art Group, with the Among the featured players are Frank purpose of producing Yiddish Plays, Hopper as President Roosevelt, Cot will meet on Wednesday nights. Lindsay,, as General Wood, Chas. FarThis organization has the distinc- rell, Geo; Bancroft, ^oah Beery, Mary tion of being: the first group of Ameri- Astor and Charles Emmett Mack. can boys and girls to give plays in In conjunction with this marvelous Yiddish. * ' picture the Hiviera. offers Al Evans Those who have signed up are as and the Musical Jesters in the Newfollows: Gertrude White, Jeanettej I d e a stage "Komedy KapTurner, Rebecca Kirschenbaum, Dor- ers." • One big act follows another in othy Cfcreimmn, Sadie Jatelman, Bar- rapid succession. Another stage atney Cuss, Henry; Mendelson. Sarah traction of unusual interest is the Kurtzman, Faye Klein, Esther Spar, home coming of. Omaha's very own and Ruth Slobodisky. star, tK>retta Dennison, who returns after a successful tour in America's largest theaters. AH this is presented RABBI FELDMAN OF UKRAINE HERE to Riviera patrons at no advanee inr prices, while "The Rough Riders ;The Adajss. Yeshurimg _ Congrega- alone has l>een shown throughout the tion, 25. and SewardV Streets, have country at admission prices ranging brought to Omaha Rabbi Nochurn from 75c to $2L50. These unusual Feldman, who was Rabbi of the city shows and small admission prices plus Tubar, Ukraine, for more than seventeen years. Rabbi Feldman is visitHarry H. LipWns. PreB.-Treas. ing.at the home of his sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and , Mrs. Israel
Complete Store and Office Outfitters We ocenpy over 70,000 square feet Sonthwest Corner
Eleventh and Douglas Streets Phone: JA ckson 2724 OMAHA, NEBR.
Your Victor Orthophonic or Radio
Basle.—(J. T. A.)—Dr. Arthur Rupptn, Zionist colonization expert and formerly a member of the Zionist Executive in Jerusalem, wfll proceed to Russia following the dose of the Congress, it was learned here. The specific purpose of Dr. Ruppin's journey will he to make a comprehensive study of the Jewish eolonies in the Ukraine and the Crimea. »
WEbstei 2042
The proper way to express this greeting is with an appropriate greeting card. • ^
FLOOD CAUSES DAMAGE TO JEWISH HOMES IN BUKOWWA Czernowitz.—(J. T. A.)—-Many Jewish homes in the dty of Csernowite suffered great damage as » result of tiw overflowing of the River Prut. Several parts of the dty were submerged. Report* leceived from the provinces tell of much damage. A number of easoaWes, indnding Jews, are reported. Bo«. PJK»e AT. 8453 Ues. Phone AT. 1185
JOE M. CALABRIA BARBER SHOP We specialize in Children's & Ladies' Haircuts Arthur Bldg.—212 So. 18th Street
Druggists and Stationers Mt-MS-M 8«rth Mtta «ttnt*
Learn to play the violin correctly by individual instruction.
f rot Frank Mach
AS USUAL WE LEAD" This year we are sbcnnug a very Unusual 'Assortment. In which we have puny imported specialties—including the Choice Floral folding cards—the kind that pleated Mother in early years, and wiU Please Her Kow. RELATIVE CABBS—by Has we mean cards and booklet* for — MOTHER — FATHER — SISTER — DAUGHTER, SWEETHEARTS, and PAREXTS. The use of these cards is the proper way of _ extending your greetings on these Greatest «f Holidays. Do not make the light of your Jond friends by extending New Y^ar Greetiags through tbe public press—it is ridiculous to consider them in such a manner. . Wiiii this feeling we extend you a most cordial invitation to call and make your selection early; from our most unusual assortment— •-•f
You Know It Pays to Buy Early Whik; the Selection is Complete
Concert VioUnist and Instructor
Meyer Coren's Book Shop
Studio 117% North 16 Street Phone JA. 1952
J 411 Farnam Street
HURD CREAMERY CO. BUTTER and EGGS Council Bluffs, Iowa
BRODKEY JEWELRY CO. Famous for Diamonds 36 Tear* of Henest Merchandise i* roar Gnarantee at a Sqnaro Deal.
1419 Douglas
Est. 1890
HUNGARIAN COOKING A Good Place to eat —at— Candy-Foontain Goods — Supplies
1509 North 24th Street
Phase JA. S986—91S Farnam St.
Specializing in Noonday Lunch and Evening Dinners Catering Parties—Weddings
'Officer- - - ' '•'.- ' 824 World-Herald 31dg.
1804 No. 24 St.
Delicatessen, Smoked Meats , and Fish
Engine Breakage . Explosion <Genem)> > Express Shipments Fidelity Bonds Fire and Tornado Flywheel Freight Charges Furs. AU Risks . • Golfers* Equipment Golfers' Liability •Grouplnsurancc Hall.- - . Hold up (Messenger) (Paymaster (Personal) Household Goods In Transit
won rate nivh
Romance Chocolates
Acddeat and Health Assault AutomrfbHe Fire AotomoUle Liability B k iJepcsit i J i t Bank Boiler Explosion . BurgIary,<HcsIdcnce) -Burglary (Store, etc.) Burglary or Sate " ° .Check anlslne Civil Cannnotlon Consequeollal Damage Continent liability Contnuannf-Bonds DenrlaOC Inability . DrogglsEr liability; Elevator xaablilty
—See n» first—
Jewish Community Center
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Marer have
the information furnished by the British government, recommended the continuation of the policy of restricted immigration in accordance with tha capacity of the country's absorp?ion and asked for more detailed information on the development of the selfgoverning- institutions. The Comwission also stated that the memorardum of the Zionist Organization whici provides valuable information cai'.s for no eomment on its part, The replies of the Mandatory Power to the points raised in the Zionist memorandum were declared by the Commission to be wholly satisfactory-
The Copelman Candy Co.
Complete Line of
Seidel to Again lead Center Symphony Orchestra
Omaha fixture and
OMAHA CHAPTER OF THE A. Z. A. Omaha Chapter No. 1 of the A. Z. A. will hold it's first Sunday meeting of the year this Sunday afternoon at the Center. The meeting will ;start promptly at three o'clock. There will be a meeting of the A: Z. A. Road Show General Committee at two o'clock. The A. Z. jd football team will practice in the inornmg at Gifford Park, ten o'clock.
the fact: that the Riviera is one of LEAGUE COUNCIL America's finest theatres and delightAPPROVElS MANDATE fully cooled by refrigeration are reasCOMMISSION'S REPORT ons why all Omaha and surrounding territory comes to the Riviera o&ce a Geneva.—(J. T. A;>—The report of •week, every week. ' the Permanant Mandates Commission on the situation of-the mandated territories, including Palestine, which was adopted at the Commission's Eleventh session held, in July, was approved without discussion by the Council of the League of Nations. The Center is pleased to announce •The Council also decided ta send exthat the Symphony Orchestra will repressions of sympathy to the British tamt the activities early in October, under the leadership of Rudolph SeidL government and to the population of Mr. Seidl Is instructoi cf Music at Palestine because of the earthquake. In its report the Mandates ComSouth High School and is director of mission declared itself s-tisfied with the Omaha little Symphony as well as the Lincoln Little Symphony. He is a member of the Omaha Symphony Orchestra and is highly spoken cf in' local musical circles. The Orchestra will study daasie as well as s#mi-ela8Sie music Lectures will be siven in Music Appreciation, Instrumentation, and Life of Composers. Besides getting the experience of playing with others, the members will have the privilege of learning to condnet At different recitals, the youtiiful members will be given an opportunity of conducting paTts of the program. Registration is open to all members of the Community Center.
Jewelry. AH Bisks Registered Mall Landlords'Liability Rental Value , -Larceny sad Thert Salesmen's Samples Leasehold" Sprinkler Leakage. Liability. (General) Strike and Riot Life Supply Bond Live Stock • Surgeons* Wabllitr Merchandise in Transit Teams' Liability Motor Boat-' Theatre liability Motorcycle (all forms) Theatrical Transport** Musical Instruments ^_ tion Partnership Lite Insur- Title Insurance • ane '•€*' Tourist Floater Use and Occupancy Physicians' Defense Water Duoage Plate Glass Break&cc .Workmen's CompensaProfit Insurance tion Rain Insurance
AT lantic 3180
Unusual weather has brought on a sbortagfe of milk and sweet cream that extends over all of the middle western states. A week ago we were shipping sweet cream from Omaha to other districts that were short For the last few days we have had to depend upon outside shipments to help out our own supply. Such shipments are very hard to get and often arrive sour. The condition will l?e relieved as soon as the weather changes, but right now large numbers of people whom we do not regularly supply are calling for Roberts Milk at stores and from our wagons. We will endeavor to supply these unusual demands as far as humanly possible. .. We failed to have enough whipping cream Tuesday an4 may fail again. We probably will have less cottage cheese also than our customers would like to buy.
Dairy ,.-•(,•
ANiexcuse for staying where .; Molly::-could' find him, Jimmy VUliers had whipped the. brook ^ • dlor.iours with rod and line. It Fiis. dusk and he had taken down bis tackle when he saw her ^approaching ^Kithv, BJacfcbeard, her sooty Persian c>t^ ^rotting at i e r heels. His habit of following, dog-fashion, was one of Blackbeard's dlstlngulsbiag. pecullariitefc^i-i.-----. • .-:. '. : . : . . ; - • ^"flap; Uncle Alpheus relented?" asked Jlnuny, eagerly, as the girl drew near. i.-:'No,"."sbe; answered." "''At last, though, he's consented to explain why ^ w o f t ' t relent So come quickly before he—^why, ;Bla,ckbeard Teach, what ar§ you doing?" • •. . ..;.., . „./ Hastily withdrawing the paw that he had Inserted .under the- closed lid of jlmmy'sjlshlng creel"Blackberird gazed into space with an air of injured Innocence. Picking up the creel, Jimmy dropped, his reeled line Into It und Btarted,. with Molly -at, his : side, back along .the path by which- she had come. They went In silence; Blackbeard, bis plume-like tall raised graceful^,; following as before. Jimmy was thinking hard. '_- " "\j \'.Z > .1 ' 1* Alpheus. Teach, a childless; widower, was Molly's grand-uncle and- the only parent she had ever known.* ^ Adored' by Molly, she never would marry without his consent, as Jimmy, knew* only tod welL ,But .why Uncle .^Alplieus should refuse "his "consent;" without even '.having seen the young man to •frhom he objected, had ;b"eeh an'utter Jnystery even to Molly. > "He's waiting for us up "in the Lantern,1* said Molly, as they neared the' house, nodding toward* ja, huge, square' cupola that surmounted. It. - "I don't know why he loves that place," she added wistfully.. "He .hfs- some qiieer little ways, but I know youil be -patient, Jim." ' . : : . " :. i " ' ;JImmy promised. Together they climbed upstairs and into the Lantern, with Us view of the gray Atlantic. There Jimmy "discovered," With surprise, that Uncle Alpheus was^.a mere tvisp of a man, with a dreamer's eyes ana a smile of .winning sweetness, "I--fear"that you-Jiad pdbr"sport if yort fished Teach's brook," said ' he, taking- Jimmy's hand. "I doubt if it can T)oast anything larger than .a n
John Hawkins. Elizabeth's admiral" and—" "Uncle All" cried Molly, suddenly appearing; "If-the- spook/ of that ok ruffian thinks I'll ever marry thai Hawkins boy—why, he'df better think again, that's alll"' "I'm . sorry ; you overheard me; 1 didn't want to trouble you, my dear," replied" the old man. "Still, our ancestor is said, to have his own methods of regulating- our -family affairs. If he desires this match, as I fear he does--" "Dong •, Dong I Dong-dong I Dong!" t was the pirate's bell! Uncle Alpheus turned pale. With a scream, Molly rushed back upstairs, upsetting the candle, which went out Though startled, Jimmy picked up the candle and, while fumbling for a match, heard the old man stumbling after the girl. He had vanished upstairs when the match flared up, but In his stead Jimmy saw another member of the family coming—not to say slinking—down. . This ~was Blackbeard '•— Molly's lackbeard; and in his mouth was that solitary little trout, with a severed portion of Jimmy's pet, tapered-silk fishing line tied to Its tail. In Jimmy's mind there, dawned..an idea which caused him hurriedly, to relight the candle and follow the other two back Into the Lantern. Eagerly he looked at the bell. Yes, there it was, just as ho expected—another bit of his troutline, tied to the clapper. Un.de Alpheus descried it at the same moment "This bit of- string—"- he. began, doubtfully. "Thati" interrupted Molly. "That*s nothing. I tied It there myself." Jimmy Just managed to suppress a snort' of ,seml:hys,terical laughter. Tied it there herself—that was true enough. But she didn't go on to say that she had tied the dead trout to the other end of that string, which she hurried back in order, to cut as the cat was tugging at i t This omission, however, was unknown to Uncle Alpheus, so the bit of string passed from his mind "as a thing of no consequence. "Our. ancestor is right, now as always," said he solemnly. "He has saved me from a terrible mistake. And," he added, with that smile of his, "I cannot tell you how happy I am in the assurance that this is so." Then he placed their hands together and, turning, left them alone in the candle-lighted Lantern. . ,
• ' : • ' • ' \
•'The one trout that I caught wasn't much larger," replied Jimmy, setting rodVand creel In a comer. s Bqi don my abruptness, Mr. Teach—Fin " awfully. anxiou3 to-T-1*". r-';_ • "I understand,". Interrupted' the other-." "You want to kn^J^y,why'I object to your marrying Molly.'_Be seated, please. - It Isn't easy to convey my exact-point of view." • Perhaps I would best begin with the statement-that I am JUX absolute believer In the doctrine of heredity. Then—do you see'that belli"- . -\:: : -Jimmy- saw It. It hung by a chain from" the ceiling and seemed to be very - -"TKat bell wdstak'en from-a Spanish ship by ran ancestor of:Ours,-Edwawl Teach,, who -was killed In 1710. He "was better known as B.lackbeard, ttie pirate. You've heard of him?" : "Bather 1" niodded Jlmmyy "But d' yoursuppose I'd let that make any difference?" "Tdu misapprehend;* the point Is this/' returned the older man. ''Sou— I know, for I have investigated—are descended from the Villiera, who were dukes of Buckingham. That Is,^from a family p'ampered In royal courts—" ''That was three centuries ago!" objected ' Jimmy; but *• the rother,... now fairly in the saddle of his hobby, gal loped unheedingly on. _"_v ;;"Blackbeard," ho continued,, "was far more than a mere cutthroat He possessed a personality so strong, so Incredibly dynamic, that—-aa It Is sate; and as I am strongfezincl&ea'to' yeve—It did jiot cease with,: his-death, feut persists to the present day. Al most certainly, in my opinion, it Is with us at this present- moment." "Good heavens I" "cried Jimmy,-as uncontrollable little shudders chased each other down his backbone*. ' "How Is tola ghost supposed to manifest It self?" . , :•, ^ .,. , "By jingling that-silly old bell!" answered Molly with a; scornful sniff; "More like a scissors-grinder's spook than a pirate's!" - -.'.. V,.:// ' ("Alollyi". rasped. Uncle Alpheus, In hocrifled reproof; but Mblly .only sniffed again, so, after a Uttfe," he went on^-once-niote addressing Jimmy.: , v "As ( a- matter of fact, Blackbeard never 'has directly manifested himself t o p e , though I often have.hoped tha he would. In times of dire family ejnergency, In order to prevent some great error about to be committed, it r& trqe" that be Is said to have sounded this 6elL It.never has happened since my4)irth, bnt I can cite Instances, recorded by my forefathers—" "Cite 'em -downstairs, where there's jr^bfe' light; it's nearly pitch dark here," Molly, broke In. 'Ton two go on. I'll find my Blackbeard—the ca .iiand follow." ^ Obediently the two groped their way to the lantfffig below,'where a candle burned'. There Unple Alphas paused 1 ••Bafort Molly comes," he whispered riaty, "* wlsli to explain tha a Watch tfiat I POVe in min i I think, have been Is ft
Just to S«ee the . Elephants By DOROTHY DOUGLAS (Cooyrlieht.) '.
arranged, her elephants In the bay window W of the new house she had not; sup-
turned in the only pair of shoutouts scheduled one with Lincoln Chapter ning of his game with the Elkhorn Uncle Dave. I'm his uncle, twin when he put the lid on Sol Yaffe in No. 4 of the A. Z. A- and one with the Valley "All Stars" but tamed the brother of his dad. And, I may ac two games both by the score of 21-0. Des Moines Chapter of the Order. Valley men in the succeeding innings. well confess, first as last, that I told The Des Moines game will be played The Westerners emerged with the Danny he might call on you to see The first round matches must be in Omaha on Thanksgiving morning. victory by the score of 12 to t, Mel <he elephants—excuse me, ephllents." played off within the next few days • • • Harder, another Omaha kid, will join "But why?" Inquired Evelyn, with so as to run the matches off before Sammy Kaufman is still slinging Kaufman and Co. for the remaiaing rhe softest of colors mounting her Xmas. • the horse hide pellet. His latest games on their schedule. cheeks. • . • • • "Because," said Uncle Dave, "I had Entries are pouring in for the Pre- venture into the baseball world was seen you in the window and In the seson Doubles Tourney which will be and is with the Western league "All Miss Tarte—All the women U t M garden doing gentle things.to budding Stars", an all Western league nine, flowers. I wanted desperately to held- as soon as the singles sashay is composed of members of the various that the bride Is a cat and tfet nan all My the groom Is a pup. > know yon and your mother, and that ended. At the time of the writing Mr. Hardf ax—They'll doubtlaM Jctd seemed the only way. It really thirteen men! have signed up for the teams in the circuit. Sammy was duo games. . • ., hammered for six runs in the first in- • eat and dog life. wasn't such a bad Idea—was It?" " I wonder," mused Evelyn with • '<* ' • mockery In her eyes, "whether it was The Jewish Athletic Club will hold Danny's father or his uncle that mam- practice this Sunday morning at Gif-'j ma and I rather fancied as he walked ford Park at ten o'clock. Coach Harry past the house?" Pupil of the late Franz Kullak, Royal Prussian Professor «f : Music Berlin Germany. "We're twins," laughingly answered ( Kneeter desires that all J. C. C. athDavid, "so what's to one Is bound to ; letes be on deck at the appointed be to the other." j hour. The J; A. C. hold the title of T o u win," said Evelyn. . . ' Jewish champions of the state of Ne- j braska as they* have not been defeated Work done with Mr. Tunberg is accepted and credited by all "Blackheart" in potatoes Is caused by in four years. . They have several,; the recognized Artists' Conservatories and Univexpitiea of the lack of oxygen, due to piling too deeply, out-of-town games scheduled, two of world. , T which will be played soon, they are Beginners Class Lessons in Piano—Evening Class for Adults with Columbus, Nebr., and Avoca, la.
posed they would "ptrfct so much, attention from passereby, 'but they certainly did look well and she felt that the wide casement-snelf had just been \ made for them. _••.-''. ...' I';: '| One elephant for ea<?h of the five i windows; the Chinese bronze In the f middle, flanked by the wV.brass iones ' from Madras.and on the far.wlnfiows • the .great teakwopd beauties from ' Bombay. ..,.,' ' "They do look ' sweet 1" she exclaimed ecstatically,' v "don't they, mother?** *' "• * ' "Fine," agreed Mrs. Ward, "but yoa certainly would thlnk;it was a live zoo from the way people .stare at them." Being a small house with a sinall garden the window was .only some, .ten feet from the'sidewalk, 'it was; the By Stanlej P. Levin, Interest of the children' that amused J Evelyn most V ".--••'• " • The big event of the J. 0 . C. sumIt was apple-cheeked little Danny, a tot of four or five years, who seepbed mer season will be the First Annual to make a dally trip Just to feast his Junior and Senior Swimming Meet, eyes on the elephants.. . which will be pulled off thisTSaturday Evelyn and her mother, sitting In night in the Center natatorium at 8 the bay window doing endless bits of o'clock. ' sewing, began to watch for the youngThe list of e.vents include the folster. • ' ." : """ ; lowing numbers: 40 yard side stroke, "I expect. In his" mind," he's stalking 20 yard free style,^0 -yard free style, wild game. In the Jungle,", laughed ;Mrs. Ward. "I hope some_thoughtful nnde 40 yard breast stroflei 40 yard back hasn't given him a pop^gun- or we will stroke and the fancy diving contest. have a broken window .one of these Coach and Directoi? Marcus Krasae days." . , • ,' ' \ . has a number of extra attraction in "He is ducky, though,", said Evelyn, the form of A. A. U..* swimmers and and was conscious that her eyes divers and a water polo game. About roamed to the boy's father. "Yes, It is a pity that all the nice fifteen women and girls will compete men are married,"'Mrs.' Ward, laughr for the various awards.' Ingly answered, her daughter's un» The swimming meet is open to spoken thought "We might kidnap every one regardless of. J. C. C. memthe wee boy and perhaps find out If bership or not There ^will hot be an there is a twin brother." admission charge. "There couldn't! be two such stunners," sighed Evelyn.' _ f The J. C. C. Pre-season Singles And, because truth Is oft stranger than fiction there were-two of them Tournament is now on and to date all and they were as* like as two thistles of the favorites have come through from the same bush. So 'much so that with flying colors. Joe Levey, the little Danny sometimes"'mistook "Uncle A. A. U. champ defeated Paul GrossDave for daddy and vice versa. In man 21-4, 21-12; Max Altshuler beat fact, Danny never quite remembered Jet4e*s Strange Appeal V _ whether it was daddy-or Uncle -Dave "Hawkshaw" Epstein, 2^-13, 21-18; suggested his calling on the lady "Little" Saul Levey trimaved Harold to the Feminine Heart that Farber 21-1, 21-4; and ^Harry Rich who owned the elephants, . Many .women long foe .diamonds; u**She •wouldn't "mind a blt-^snowlng nepxly all.covet jade. I .myself have them to you—jiot J£ you-say •please/" gazed Into the v heart of a giant dia"The very next..,afternopn, -when mond worth . four. -; -flgures^—I ^have Evelyn arid her mother; were having drowned in,Its white depths, says an a cupful of .fragrant-.coffee and. some English writer, ;who signa herself KA freshly made doughnuts they were Lncky Woman." Xet it scarcely even amused to see the sturdy, fonr-year-old: stirred,,my admiration. It was ex- trying to reacTi the Knocker on their quisite—yes,, but. I <&<& not- want tofrontdoor. ' •'..7"'-/.!." take It home, to touch It. I left it . When, Evelyn opened~.lt, he looked without a pang, to glitter in ita velvet up with' a,most engaging; smile and case and wink at its neighbor, the walked In before she could even insapphire tiara. vite him. .,. But that striBg of Jade . » . t h a t 'Tve cbirie to see ,the ephljerits, was.different, it was almost pain, .1 please," be informed her. longed so much to finger It, to fed'Its "Well, now, that's a; nice friendiy, green, ice on .my neck. ,. little chap," she said. . "You shall" cer-' Half the women ,,in England . are talnly see,, the •Ephltents'-^o^s of Jade,mad. Why should this- strange them." And after Danny had been quartz hold such a unique position, in presented to Mrs." Wa^d and glien a the feminine heart? ' Is it because its" very fat doughnut ^Evelyn led him to wonderful color reminds us of nothing the \#Ae shelves and showed hiflj her else on earth? Maybe it is because great collection of elephants. J we are superstitious, and we think it Half an hour.later he had a\] the brings us luck. elephants on the floor and he and For thousands of years Jade has Evelyn were sitting among them havbeen looked upon by the Chinese as a ing a long parade around the ed^e of symbol of eternity and long life. To the rug. give a friend a piece of jade was to So engrossed were the two on the wish him "the happiness and life you floor that they hardly realized there desire." had been a knock at the door, that Lucky jade . . . the very, thought Mrs. Ward bad answered it and that stirs the. Imagination. It brings.hazy now a big man was standing looking dreams hi its train—dreams of yellow- down at Danny, Evelyn and t h | eleskinned men with slanting eyes, who phants, but mostly was he gazing at buy and sell, carve and polish the Evelyn. If there was the look of one stone we love. All the finest Jade who had maneuvered successfully In comes down from the roof of the his eyes, no one for the moment was world, from the quarries of Khotan in aware of i t _ Chinese Turkestan, along the caravan "Yon young rascal," said the man route that has been used for 3,000 with a laugh in his voice, "we've been years, and through that narrow break scouring the countryside for you,'* to the Great Wall of Ghina that Is Which was quite untrue since nn one known as the Jade gate. In the household knew that Danny Chinamen are adepts at carving anywhere but in his nursery—-at; least this stone, which Is-hard as diamond. no one but Und^ Dave. .; Few - western lapidaries know- ho w • to "I'came to-see- the ephllents," Intreat it as they do; they can get the formed Danny, y ',. • last grain of beauty from the smallest "And you've be§n having doughnuts and . least valuable chunk of the and getting crumbs all over the floor.1 quartz. So wonderfully do they, carve "Please don't .scold him," cried it that to the uninitiated, the com- Evelyn, "we love having him here. paratively inexpensive; , white jade Mother,,", she salfl, turning to MTB. streaked with smoky apple green Ward, "perhaps Danny's father would often appears more beautiful than thr like a doughnut and a cupfQl of almost priceless vivid green, , , j . coffee.!' "I was just about to offer It," Mrs. Ward arose and went to get dough- Lake Storm* Dangerous nuts and the coffee. V It is hard for salt water sailors to "But Tm not Danny's father,", said believe that storms of the great Inland seas are often more disastrous than those of the open ocean, because there is less space for drifting and Congregation SHarazine will because of powerful lake currents hold services for • during gales which take the ship out of control. Also, the fresh lake water Is lighter than the" salt water of the ocean and is, therefore, more easily heaped up into great waves by a strong wind. When the December gales arrive and the snowstorms, which continue till spring, shipping ~ y •! SEPT. 27-28 and OCT. 6 remains safe in port, for ice closes Conducted by J.-HIRSCH the lake to navigation. Tickets can be purchased at 1821 No. 20 Street, from 5 p. m to Pump Fight* Diphtheria 8 p. m everyday. Price, $1 each. A tiny electric suction pump Is the latest scientific weapon against the scourge of diphtheria, says Popular Science Monthly. "By mehns of the pump'a passage is opened in the throat of a sufferer, permitting the insertion of a silver breathing tube. This little instrument, which is the invention of Dr. H. L. Lynah of Tfew York city, is expected t to save thousands of lives every year. '_. •
Karl E* Tunberg
Authoritative Instruction in Artistic Piano Playing
Twenty-Five Cents per Lesson
The Omaha Chappter of the A. Z. A. will hold their football practice this Sunday morning at Gifford Park, 33. and ,Cajss Streets. Coach Ben Seid will be on the grounds at ten o'clock ready for the opening whistle. Omaha Chapter has two out-of-town games,
Fall Term of 12 weeks, begins September 12. EnroHin«*t must be made before that date. . Phone AT. 2015 for Appointments
Tuiiberg Studios
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Omaha & CouncH Bluffs Street Railway Ca.
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