Every Jewish Family in Omaha Shoultji Be cf SubsMber
Watch for New Features in The Jewish Press
Entered' as second-class mail matter on;January 27,-1921 kt' postofflce at Omaha. Nebraska, under the Act of March 3. 1879.
VOL. VI.—No. 41
In-making its first appearance under the new direction, The Press hopes to be received as a communal project of vital interest to Fred White Will Explain Fes- Omaha Jewry. A Jewish newspaper must be more than a business, Heads Student Association.— Active in Clubs and. tival—Little Theater Group and the,editing of it more than a "job." It must be the voice of its Center Music and Lecreaders, and an expression of their doings and beliefs. Debating. K to Appear. ture Course. Work with Children Not Affiliated with Jewish Beginning with this issue, the business of The Press is For the first timein^the history of Ida Lustgarten to Be Featured For'the first time in Omaha, a YidSchools to Be Undertaken. in Second Program. dish play, produced and acted by under the direction of David Blacker, well r known business, and Central'high school, a'Jewish boy was young men and women, many: of advertising man. The editorship has been taken over by Jeannette elected president of the Studen£"AsThree "all star" concerts by Omaha whom do not speak Yiddish, will be Glick Gerson, who has recently come to Omaha from the staff of tire sociation last' week, when 'Justin JACOB MIRVIS APPOINTED-TO^NEWFOST presented in the Jewish Community Toledo Times, Toledo, Ohio. Mrs. Gerson has also been on the staff musicians will be given in the Jewish Center Wednesday evening, October Community Center this season as a of the Duluth News-Tribune and has written special articles for the 19, during the Succoth rally. The play, part of the Center's lecture and music With the appointment of an educational 'director Sunday,-the "Der Shpanier," by Abraham Raisin, New York Times, the New York Herald-Tribuiiej and the Christian course. Jewish Community Center launched its-plan for-a great'educational will be the first production of the Science Monitor^ The" first concert, on Tuesday, NoYiddish Players of the Center under But the Jdws of Omaha must be partners in this enterprise. vember 29, will be a concert for three the;direction of Elijah Kipmis. The pianos and a string quartet Marie The Press canncft fulfill its mission "without their support. The cast ,will include Gertrude White, Mikova of New York,f ormerly an leader in Jewish education, was appointed educational director and Faye Klein, Hymen Shrier, and Joe Press is entitled o their help. Omaha girl, Irene Trumble and Elassistant director of the Center at the close of a,meeting of the Levy. eanor Lear, both well known concert board of directors. He will take up his.new-work October i6i Fred White will deliver the address pianists and teachers, will be at the Send in ycur subscriptions to The Press now. Those of you The establishment of a Sunday school in the Center will be the outstanding project of the educational program. In announcing the opening of this school, the Center has issued the following official statement: "It has come to the attention of the educational committee of the Jewish Community Center that many Jewish children are not affiliated with either the Talmud Torah or the sabbath «chools. In order to provide for the Jewish education of these children, the officers and directors have voted to establish a Sunday school at the Jewish Community Center within a very short time. The school will be under the direction of the educational committee, and supervised personally by Jacob Mirvis, incoming director of education. Registration may be made by children or their parents in the Center office at once." Mr. Mirvis, born in Kovno, Russia, and educated at the University of 1 .Minnesota and the Training School for Jewish Social Work, in New York City, is well equipped to assume the leadership in the Center's educational He-attentfe'o" Training school on a fellowship. He has been,a leader in Boy Scout work r.nd has done work in Jewish and Viddish dramatics, the Yiddish- Sym-, posium, and the Young People's synagogue in Minneapolis. He was boys' worker in the • South Side Neighborhood House, Minneapolis, and head of the scout camp in Winona, .Wisconsin. He also has done field-work in New York, in connection with the Bronx Y. M. H. A. ind the Ninety-second Street Y. M. H. A. He has been active in the ilenorah society. The work of Mr. Mirvis will be to ulace Jewish content in all activities n the Center. Courses in customs, ceremonies and traditions will be included in the curriculum, as well as current Jewish problems, modern Jewish history, Bible, and Hebrew. Dr.'Philip Sher is chairman of the educational committee.
YOUNG ARTISTS MAKE ROAD SHOW POSTERS A number of young artists have already, started work on, their posters for the A. Z. A. Road ;Show poster contest. A Jewish Community Center membership will be awarded as first prize. Mrs. Meyer Beber has offered to assist anyone with their posters. Anyone may participate, and any number of posters handed in. All yosters must be in the A. Z. A. office, 301 Peters Trust Bldg., by November 1,- and become the property of the A. Z. A. For information as to possible subjects for the posters call the A. Z. A. office, Jackson 3808.
3IMGHAS TORAH RALLY FOB CHILDREN PLANNED A Simchas Torah rally for children will be held in the Jewish Community Center Wednesday afternoon, October 19. This rally will be in addition " to the Succoth rally which will take vlace in the evening. It is open to all children under IS years of age. A movie, a playlet, music and refreshments will be included in the pro•;ram. -
/ . ".'"
oir "The Significance of Succoth." Sarah Kurtzman will give a recitation,'"Die Lokshen Bret." The Little Theater group under the direction of Mrs. Herman Jahr will present "His Children" by Rufus Learsir with the following cast: Marian Graetz, Hymen Shrier, Annette Riklin, Sam Menken, and George M. Cohen. Harry Lapidus is chairman of the rally. Dancing, songs and orchestra music will also have a place on the program. The Center will suspend its gymnasium activities during the holidays Monday evening 'and all day .Tuesday^ and Wednesday, out the building remain open. \ £., Jean T-eibbwitz, a pupil of *|jj§pe\.nnette Riklin, will give a dance, "Autumn". She panied by Sarah Riklin.
The Press beginning next week and until January i, 1929/; for the regular subscription price of $2.50.
Nathan Straus Issues Call to National Palestine Conference in Cleveland
representative men and Pointing out that-/the work done in inviting the present day for'the rebuilding of women interested in the great cause Palestine as—the national Jewish to attend the National Conference to homeland may suffer a setback, un- be held in Cleveland on Saturday eveless development-in Palestine is ex- ning, October 29, and Sunday," Octopedited, Nathan Straus, veteran Zion- ber 30. ist and philanthropist, issued a call "This great work deserves your atthis week to, representative men and tention. It is a cause that involves a women in American Jewry to attend reconstruction of Jewish life, the rethe National Conference on Palestine habilitation of Eretz Israel, and the to be held in Cleveland, Ohio, on Oc- vindication • of Jewish honor." tober 29 and 30, under the auspices Mr.- Louis Lipsky, president of the of the United Palestine Appeal. Zionist Organization of America; As an appendix to the formal invi- Maurice Samuel, and other members JACOB MIRVIS. A. Z. A. ROAD SHOW CAST tation extended'to attend the confer- of-the American delegation that atMADE; VARIED PROGRAM ence,. Mr. Straus writes: tended the Fifteenth Zionist Congress "The National Conference on PaU will deliver reports to the conference A-greater turnout than was ever ex- estine to be held in Cleveland will pected was present for the A. Z. A. be asked to give consideration to on the decisions of the Basle congress as they affect the future of t i e upRoad Show tryonts held last j _. _^_ txtports o n . what .has "evenm^^aS "'the* J ewisli rColnmunIty, been done in Palestine with the monland. An appeal^to the-Jewish-public for Center, acc6rding~to Mrs. Herman eys collected the past year, through Jahr, director of the show. Mrs. Jahr, the United Palestine Appeal. It will co-operation in expanding the,-work Mrs.- Sam Beber, Miss Annette Rikof youngjudaea has been-issued by lin' and • Mr. Hymen Shrier acted as be the outstanding American gathering of those interested-in the upbuildFETES MRS. AUERBACH Dr. Israel, Goldstein, . newly..elected dgej§cfj>r the^tryouts. ing of Palestine. Lincoln, Oct. 12.—Ella Fleishman "There -wa's so much good material national "president* of" thaforga'niza"It is ten years since the Balfour Auerbach, Omaha newspaper woman, and of such variety that it was very tion. • No organization, Dr.-Goldstein Declaration was - promulgated. Durliffijfjt.lt':to: choose," said Mrs. Jahr. ing that period a great work has been was guest of honor and speaker at says, "has a greater claim* on''the inthe opening meeting of the Lincoln Our final acts will include a proterest and-affection" of Jewry -than gram-whlch we hope will satisfy the done in Palestine through the instru- Council of Jewish Women following mentality of the funds established by this nationals Jewish youth .organiza- tastes; of? everyone in the audience. It a luncheon at the Comhusker hotel the Zionist Organization. This investtion. It imparts Jewish knowledge to will Include jazz numbers, classical ment of capital and labor in the mak- Tuesday. Reports of the work of the Council thousands, of * Jewish boys»and - girls numbers, a dramatic play, a minstrel ing of the Jewish National Home imsh'ow/'and^even acrobatic stunts/* ... in behalf of the students in the uniorganized in groups all over thexounposes a continuous obligation espeThe, ^Debutante of 1927," directed cially upon the Jews of America. If versity were given.' The Council has 1 try, "and inspires "them with'loyalty to by A*nnette Riklin, has already been we neglect : what "we have built also sent visitors to the reformatory 4 Jewish ^ideals.-' •'. selected by the Road Show commit- through our contributions,.the result- and helped'paroled prisoners to find Working-.with and for•ypu^jj Ju- tee. Rose Brick will lead. The chorus ant loss of national assets-we have work. daea- is'fgratefulcwork. It-is*a^deep includes Freda Bolker, Hermine accumulated in Palcstin'e may rightly satisfaction to'see Jewish * boys-and Green; Helen Sherman, Dorothy Musbe ascribed to"usy; andi -that which girls growing into manhood? and kin, Evelyn -Green, Linnette Stirling, could have' become, ar.Iiyjng moiiuwomanhood and, receiving 'the .'knowl- and the young misses Jean Leibowitz, fnent/of.,.a,ctivje life, productive of Jewedge and' inspiration of their Jewish Miriam' Blank and Sara May Graetz. hentage«through the Iabors'vof*a;little 1 A;.vtfy clever dance number by ish ideals;-.may, throogh our indiffer- :• Mme. Sarah Adler, noted Jewish actress, wife of the late Jacob P. Adarmy of-Hevoted young men ; and Miriam Martin and Dorothy Cohen, ence, fall info ruin. . "Healthy, and fruitful foundations ler, will make a single appearance at women who are serving asjtSeJlead- and a clog dance by Grace Leven pf a new Jewish life have been laid'in the Strand theater, Monday evening, have"'also been chosen. ' " • ' . ers of the >• hundreds of young.Judaea Palestine. _ _Tremendqus _ difficulties in "A Mother's Feelings." groups all over the country. -Through The^reniaining5 acts of the Road have been encountered, and are being Mme. Adler's fame as an actress is these groups, thousands'-of'our men Show have not been decided as yet, overcome, .thanks to the patience and well known. A member of the widely ; and women of tomorrow ireibrought and,wtll be announced in the next devotion- of;•6nr.'pioneers in both city known Adler family, she has had 25 into a Jewish atmosphere,^ are issue of the Press. •-:• and town,''wh6;Ibbk to us for a con- successful years on the stage. She equipped with a knowledge of Jewish tinuance of our generous support and will play in the Yiddish language. history and current Jewish problems, NEW INSTITUTIONS co-operation. *: ;. -l.-J arc inspired with a love of "its' tradiOPENED BY WOMEN "In order to take effective action JEWISH SPIRIT STRONG tions and, above all, ^with'a'sense'of on the reports to be rendered, we are IN SMALL COMMUNITIES loyalty to its hopes and ideals.--Young N«*rYork, Oct. 13.—Establishment Judaea makes the Jewish ^ of three new institutions by sections Whether he is in the midst of Jewfor them. It links them personally of the National Council of Jewish] HADASSAH WANTS MORE ish activities or isolated and far from with it and prepares them also^to,-con- Women has been announced by the COOK BOOK RECIPES his own people, the Jew craves spirtribute constructively, to- the .-Jewish Council. The Juanita Kaufman Nye "More and more kosher recipes," is itual uplift, according to the report future. I .know-of np wo'tkjthat is Council House, Washington, D. C , submitted recently to the department more useful -and necessary to Jewish the May Morris Council House, Los the plea of Mrs. M. F.Xevenson, genof synagogue and school extension- of c eral: chairman of the Hadassah life in America.. ." ". ;.. ;-•.' y Ang«les, and the home of the Detroit, the Union of American Hebrew ConKosher Cook Book Committee. Mrs. "•With; a ' career-'of •' nineteenv Jvears section pi the Council are the newest Levenson already has many good rec- gregations by Rabbi Philip Booksta: behind it, iYoung Judaea-inow$ additions to the list. ber, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. ipes, but needs many more. forward'arid "proposes tp;qmcifcfeji its In San Antonio, New York City; ; Rabbi Bookstaber spent his vacaThe publication "of the Cook Book pace, t6 enlarge; its.field^'to^e^and and Minneapolis, new buildings have its ^usefulness. inrjev.ecy; direction.. I replaced the former edifices that is one of the biggest undertakings tion on a tour of the West, doing appeal• earnestly* to all>Jews-tolv|hom housed' their respective institutions, ever attempted by the local chapter some special work for the Union of the" .Jewish; past is -sacred, and to namely, the Non-Sectarian Kinder- of • the Haddassah. It will be com- American Hebrew Congregations and whom -the Jewish -future; is.-'alflijving garten and Neighborhood Center at posed of tried recipes used by the the National Conference of Temple hope,": to;work with :me; and'smy^ col- San Antonio; the Girls' Home Club best Jewish housekeepers in the city, Brotherhoods. In San Francisco, Los leagues' in Young.Judaea toimaket this at New York City; and the South and advancement of national, as well Angeles, and Seattle, he devoted himself to strengthening the work of the as local, business concerns. pro^ram^TSUccessfuljreality." -:*':j Side ^Neighborhood House at Minnebrotherhoods there. Mrs. B. A. Simon, a charter memapolis. In New York City, the local Rabbi Bookstaber also visited Bilsection was . furthermore responsible ber of the Omaha Chapter of the HaM|NMEI^SH: i3 for the construction of a Synagogue dassah, and prominent in other lings and Helena, Montana, communat Welfare Island, to meet the needs branches of social work in the city, is ities where there are few Jews. He of the Jewish inmates of the island's chairman of the advertising commit- found "the spirit of Judaism strong About twenty-five women will in the hearts and the minds of these r e - institutions. In Portland, Oregon, an tee. o p e n e d j i i n - n e w / a n d beaEutihiL-ropifis i n assist in the composition of the book. Jews." • extensive addition has been made to the spajce and facilities of the Council was \ Neighborhood House. neyj s:fcre£t^ v \Aji;;fQrniis o f -b^a^u||s c u l Inr- Erie, Pennsylvania, and Proviture a r e j n c l u d e d i h . t h e M a n h e i t . s e r v dence, R. I., the local sections have ice. ••- •' -'••-: .-•--• ••'•-• --,-': ' '. ' " •recently established Vacation Homes, TO THE whiclt are utilized during the summer period.
E Wov|si
A dance,will befgiven in the~£Fewish
Community Center. Sunday, October 16. Alex Lipsman and.'Charles'Schlai"The Genius of Judaism" will be fer are in.-charge.- This is~the,s'4cond thp subject of Rabbi Frederick Cohn's of "a series,^f; Sunday night d nces lecture, Friday night, October 14, at to be given.in,the Community Cinter. Temple Israel.
Wolf, cadet, debater and leader. *of student activities, received thathonor. Wolfs election to this office is the culmination of a distinguished career as a student in" the Omaha schools. He has been a member of the school debating team for two years. He is a first lieutenant in the cadet^tcgiment, a member of the Purple iJegion and - a member of the speaker^* bureau. He was president of the speakers' bureau last year. ..;_
three pianos. The West Sisters, the outstanding string quartet of the middle West, will also be on this pro* gram. Frances Wyatt Van Gundy, soprano, and Ida Lustgarten and Cecil Barryman in a two-piano recital will be featured in the second program, Tuesday, December 13. Mrs. Van Gtmdy is soloist in the United Pres*, byterian church and is known for her: concert work. Ida Lustgarten re-; ceived distinguished honors in music in Nebraska university last year. Mrs, Karl Robert Werndorff will accompany Mrs. Van Gundy. • \ For the final co ncert, January 10, a mixed quartet of which each member is a prominent soloist will present the program. The quartet will be composed of Frances Wyatt Van Gundy, soprano; Karl Smith, bass; Marjorie Jones, contralto, and Louis Armstrong, tenor. Dorothy Eaton Parks will be the accompanist. The concerts will be given under the auspices of Schmoller and Mueller. Sam Beber is chairman of the entertainment committee. ' '
Workers in the membersTiip ;i3jfive o f the Jewish Community Center mixed fun with their-labors at a- stag party given for them in the Community Center Thursday evening, jrlfrry H. Lapidus, president of the JDenter, and I. F. Goodman were in chatee of the arrangements, and planned- an evening of recreation and laughter. The Center resounded with thg laughter caused by. Dr.. Jolly and his Justice, a series pf antics and stunts supplied, by the^;Knights of * Columbjus. Miriam Martin.,and: Dorothy Cohn presented:an eccentric'dance/^'RaggedyiAnn.'ahd Andyl" "The pro] was followed by a' Dutch lunclv Reports-of the progress of the membership ~ drive ~were made ;by. the head workers of the caxhpaign. jfrave Fedef* is major of the first te»tn, and Abner Kaiman of. the second, v Enthusiastic speeches in sinpport^bf the Center's work were.made
BIG AFFAIR OCTOBER 31 BiU Will Be the Most Brilliant in History. The Omaha Hebrew Club will .give a ball Sunday evening, October 30, in the municipal auditorium. The affair is expected to be one of the largest and most brilliant given in 35 years in which the club has been active. Randall's Royal Fontenelle orches-. tra will provide the dance music, and in addition, a musical program will be presented. Members of the committee for the ball are Mendel ' Blank, Sol Rosenbery, Fred White, B. G. Shapiro, I* Stalmaster, Max Fromkin, Max Lorig, Mark Polonsky, Maurice Civin, Ben Minken, Maurice Shiff, Jake Ricklin, Albert Kaplan, Sam Altshu* lar. John Feldman is chairman of the committee.
' Omaha Needle'^ild wifehold its annual meeting in thif Jewish* Community Center NovenjSjjer 9 jf&gTlO. This nonsectarian organization- holds one-meeting each yearito distribute garments "collected ior. ihe poor. It is a national organization with) headquarters in'PJiiladelpiiia, and ha§ existed in Omaha for 35 years, '-'f
All welfare agenctcs'rn the^city receive-their quota of garments iq/t disitributibn. The Jewish Welfare Organization and the Wis,e hospital are among those to receiyi help.'^ Pver 10,000 garments were collected last year. .Qualifications for rriembtrship consist .of the contribution of two * new garments each year.
DR. LEVINE ADDRESSES MEDICAL CONFERENCE Dr. Victor E. Levine'of Crelghton University left this week for li*fnneapolis to address a joint convention of the hospital dietetic council and the National Hospital Association. The subject of his address will be "Nutritional Diseases atid the Dietary Treatment of Cardiac Failure." I From Minneapolis Dr. Levine will go to the Mayo clinic at Rochester. "
TWO JEWISH MAJORS CHEST CAMPAIGN Harrv-Wolf and William Hojzman will be-the two Jewish majors fpf the coming-Community Chest drive, according to an announcement -published this week. Mr. Wolf wall represent the H. A. Wolf. compafiVj and Mr. Holzman will represent the" Jewish Welfare organization. There are 10 majors in all. ~*-. r"
The Kosher cooking class of the Jewish Center will meet on Wednesday evening next week instead of at the usual Tuesday hour. The change has been made on account of Succoth. The first cooking class has been quickly filled to capacity and there is now a waiting list for the organization of a second class. Girls in the class come to the Center from work and cook their suppers in the course of their lesson. The instruction is given by teachers supplied by the Omaha Board of Education.
OMAHANS TO ATTEND CHICAGO CONFERENCE William Holzman and Harry Lapidus will go to Chicago to attend the Constructive Relief conference of th£ Joint Distribution committee and the United Jewish campaign October 22 and 23. The conference, which will be attended by invited delegates from all parts of the country, will be held at the Standard club. Henry Monsky is also contemplating attending the conference.
The Jewish Press Announces a Series of Editorials by prominent Omaha Jews, on subjects of interest to local Jewry. This is the first of the new features to be announced by the Press. The series will begin next week. Watch for it.
ailanthus tree before it reaches the India's Jute Crop. blooming age. The final juta f..teeaet m main places "The ailanthus tree has many virtues A VEGETABLE SKUNK A CASE OF MODESTY which so far outweigh its vices that it the c o p at lG,ro,7<>f hales, as compared Published every Thursday at Omaha, Nebraska, by A deserves protection. In many large cities, with lu.SSS.nco fV lf.st year. As the fiAunt Matilda ToUiver, a colored wash—... -Skunk „ is applied to the f"ch a s . w e h a v e i n t h e United States. nal forecast ivas Vopaiderably lower than A "Vegetable THE JEWISH PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY lady of the national capital, while on herailanthus tree by Robert Sparks Walker. I clogofthe breathing of theand greendust leaves many species •previous estimate^ th-2 market has been way the other day to a distant part ol writing in the Flower-Grower. He makes poressmoKe the city to perform an operation on a up for It, however, by enumerating later of trees which makes it quite impossible stimulated particularly for Hessians. Jute Office: 490 Brandeis Theater Building—Telephone: ATlantic 1450 The ailan- exroi-U had -oasef, off slightly prior to week's "wash", suddenly felt in the re-a list of the tree's good Qualities. Ti youto grow them successfully gion of. her heart a return of the are on speaking terms with this tree, he thus is a tree whose foliage successfully tbe ima' forecas' lmt are expected in JEANETTE GLICK GERSON, Editor. New York, Oct. 12.—David A. "pow'ful misery" from which she hadsfys, you already know that some of its resists the smoke and dust nuisance of suffered, off and on. for years—espe- hind do not bear wholesome reputations. the city and makes a splendid shade. It India to Increase during the nest few U A V I D BLACKER, ; .-Business Manager. Brown, chairman of the United Jew- cially after having eaten an extra heavy In a native of China, and the species that v.'eeks. The general imde and economife some American cities it is a violation is is commonly found in the United States ish Campaign, lias received word meal of roast pork and "fixln's." of the law to permit one to grow. Yet is Situation shows Iitufi change from t/"e known as the ailanthus glandulosa. She hoped the spasm would pass off, from Morris D. Waldman, president as It a:ways had before—but when she in Malaka it is called the "Tree of Subscription Price, one year 1 • $2.50 "It thrives in almost any kind o£ soil favorable outlook repaned last week. . Heaven." It is not unusual for cows, of the National Conference of Jewish arrived at her destination and the pain pigs and chickens to be outlawed in and its winged seeds fly and establish was growing instead of dying out she Advertising rates furnished on application. themselves in -almost every conceivable Charities and executive director of became alarmed, and complained to the cities, but It reads like fiction that law- nook. Flay t h e Violin Cormweily Even in the steeple of one of the makers should take steps to prevent cerlady of the house and said: "Ah feels the Jewish Welfare Federation of De- Jcs* like er bis- rat was clawln' away tain trees from becoming vegetable citi- churches in Chattanooga, Tenn.. a numby Individual Instruction ber of ailanthus trees have been growingCHANGE OF ADDRESS—Please give both the old and new address; be sure to g.vo troit, that he lias completed a survey at mah vlttles." (She probably mean: zens. He says: Prof. Sevelck and other world renown, Jl t h i s ed teachers recommend my method "The chief objection raised against the for about ten years. Just how they "vitals"—but It was all the same » .. your name. Jof the social arid economic conditions case.) ailanthus tree is on account of its of- have managed to thrive in such an ex- very highly. l o t the 3,000,000 Jews of Poland, and ' At this point, says the Pathfinder, a fensive odoi* when in bloom. It is also alted position is marvelous, and if we knew their secret, we certainly oug'ht to smell of smoke and something claimed that when the air that contains be Concert Violinist and instructor able to increase our saving's accounts' The Jewish Press is supplied by the Jewish Telegraphic agency would report his findings a t the na- faint burning besan to manifest itself. Every- the small grains of pollen is breathed In Studio 117"2 No. 16th St. JA-1S52. this instance the Tree of Henven tional conference of the United Jewthat it aggravates bay fever and causes one sniffed and snuffed around to try with.cabled, and telegraphic Jewish' news, and feature articles from seems to be trying- to realize the full v catarrhal troubles. to locate the danger—for there had been ish Campaign in Chicago, oh October all important Jewish centers. • "But not all ailanthus trees are anilty meaning of its common name, a great many fires recently due to overworked furnaces and "flue trouble". Fi- of the charges preferred againust them, "The foliag-e of the ailanthus tree lends 23; nally the Smell was localized on Aunt since all of them do not give off the a tropical effect to the surroundings. Its Mr. Waldman, who went to Poland Matilda herself. It was her (or shall we offensive odor. The fertile-blooming- type leaflets are set on a stem like the leaves as the personal representative of Mr. say "she"?) that was afire—not the does not carry the ill-scented pollen, but Of the walnut tree. When the ailanthus house or the chimneys it is the male, or pollen-producing tree tree has been left grro-winfr for t-vvo or Brown, is expected to give to the Aunt Matilda is one of the "old- that causes all the trouble. three years and it then cut back, the One large furnished room, priChicago conference a complete pic- school" ladles who still stick to corsets "As repulsive as such scents are to our new shoots come out so rapidly they Such is the caption of a recent article from the pen of Renanimi ture of Jewish philanthropic and so- and it was her corsetage that was smol- nostrils, it is well to remember that all make a dense screen." vate home, very reasonable. in our leading Anglo-Jewish contemporary. We like*that epithet cial endeavor in Poland, and to what dering and smelling. They all told her to such things do not happen so without take off her clothes* so the holocaust a Just cause. Trees and plants have a Jackson 2890. "gentle" in connection there with, though with characteristic candor extent the Jews of that country have could be got at. She stoutly refused to means of knowing their friends as well Baked lieans are sold at the subway doubtlessly of Rabbinic courtesy the idea is borrowed from the won their way back from the eco-disrobe to any extent whatever—thus h t h as their enemies, and they seem to know newsstands in Boston. an example of feminine modesty their likes and dislikes. Therefore, they title of a book by" John Drink water, "The Gentle Art of Theater nomic disasters which have over- setting which is Indeed rare In these days. She do all within their power to favor and Going." But that matters little. I t is pungent even in its delicate- whelmed them since the outbreak of protested: "Dat fire'll hab ter go out obattract their friends and go to the limit its own accord Jes* ez It come." in discouraging visitations by their eneness. And this fine thinker attacks the subject with consummate the World war. Someone had turned in a fire alarm mies. For this reason the flowers of skill. Now it cannot be denied that the Synagog, as the church, is He is regarded as one of the out- and the firemen burst In. Their informa- various trees and plants are so connot unusally the first thing to go by the board when it is urgent standing philanthropic experts in that tion was that it was a ''concealed fire" structed as to attract the attention of the they brought, their axes and grap- proper insect, and they make it comthat interest must lag owing to. attractions of a social and recrea- country. During his first year in that atid pling hooks and chemical squirters pre- fortable and pleasant fr them when they M. SOUilT tional nature. , - . -" . 1 field, while he was in the service of pared to deal with a stubborn blaze in come on their visits. the wall3 or attic. We shall not dwell "Some naturalists think that probably 2429 Decsfur Street WE-3527 the horrible details or print a big the • We do not agree in forever selecting the young people for spe- the United Hebrew Charities of New on ill-scented odor that is so pronounced "X" showing just where the fire was. in York City, lie made a study of family certain types of the ailanthus tree cial spiritual vivisection and what not else, you may call it diagIf you are in need of a Tales wool or silk of the best quality, Suffice it to say that It was eventually as a means of driving off the innosis if you so desire: All very well, the; young people are disinter- desertion for that organization which put out and the firemen went their way serves Yfeelin, Mezuzos or any other religious articles, we will be glad sects that are incapable of cross-fertilizdoing the damage they some- ing their flowers. If this is true, then ested. Then they may have a perfect right to be. They cannot resulted in the passing of lawi by the without to sell it to you at the most reasonable prices. We also carry times do. tree is probably dependent on cerbring responsive hearts to that which frowns back on them because state legislature making child aban- As a part of their records they had to the a full line of Bibles with Jewish and English translations. We tain Insects like the carrion fly to transput down the origin of the fire, the ex-port its pollen to the pistillate flowers. it is anomalous, Unintelligent and crude.- It may be that the idea donment a felony. This enabled wel- tent are also the agents o£ all Palestine products and the artistic of the loss, etc. As to the origin of It then becomes necessary for its i!lthat has become.associated therewith, with any single'and partic fare organizations to deal effectively it .it had to be recorded as "unknown". scented work of Bezalel Sdiool in Jerusalem. odor to mimic decaying flesh to with a problem that had theretofore How could a fire in a washlady's corset ularobject, has deviated from the original significance, has become make certain that the carrion flies will be explained? Even Sherlock Holmes not pass it by. baffled all their efforts. clouded, has-even become outlived in usefulnessl h!mself would have had to, throw such a This work brought a call t o Mr. case up. "But it still remains for some person to discover a means of distinguishing beThis gentleman finds two class.es who attend—-those with whom Waldman to the assistant manager- The loss was set down as "one corset, tween the male and the perfect blooming at ?1." And in this way the attendance is a habit and mourners. \Vhy, then, should the young ship of the Industrial .-Removal Of- valued episode was declared closed. Aunt Mapeople be concerned when m addition, to the unresponsive character fice, in New York City, .which was tilda when interviewed was unable to any light on the fire. She is not of the worship their parents and elders remain away. He goes on engaged in distributing immigrants to ashed smoker and she carries no matches or and compares and contrasts Synagog and church in the matter and other cities where work was obtained other combustibles on her person. She these are not sofinds that the church of a locality is the" center of for them. I n 1907, when the Galves- avers that she does not use gin or other The only possible explanasocial activities, and these are-not so generally or so advancedly cul- ton movement was launched by the intoxicants. tion is that she "spontaneously comTHE OPENING O F A JEWELRY STORE AND tivated and developed in the Synagog. He ought tq come to this late Jacob H . Schiff to divert Jewish busted," as Dickens says one of his char; gee Us First. JEWELRY SHOP AT 542 PAXTON BLOCK. acters did. country and see what, social centers have been made of Synagogs, immigrants to the territory west of 1E04 No. 24th St. -© and not merely of those which claim to bfe reform, but orthodox and the Mississippi river, Mr. Waldman ©SOL. LEWIS WEbsUr 2042 FINE PLATINUM AND GOLD IEWELRY conservative as well. This social proposition has become a great was placed in charge. From that poMADE TO ORDER. business, and in many instances it has overwhelmed the religious sition h e was called back t o New ; EXPERT WATCH AND JEWELRY REPAIRING. features. : •-,. . - ' © York City t o become the executive 542 PAXTON BLOCK AT. 8877 director of the United Hebrew CharThose who have tasted the savory suc However, tlie question may be asked, Is Judaism a Synagog- ities, at that time the largest family per-potato soup of France remember going religion? That is, in the same manner as-Christianity is welfare agency in the world. H e held potage Parmentier. But few recall the "Manufactured in Omaha" of the man who, for a century and church-going. The answer must be somewhat in the negative, since that post for nine years, and under history a half, has given his name to a soup. we alwaysplay up the notion that Judaism is a religion of the fire- his management the United Hebrew Antoine Auguste Parmentier, pharma- BAKER ICE MACHINE CO. side. Yet it designated occasions for communal assembly and teach- Charities' became thec learing-house cist, was captured by the Germans in the Seven Years' war. Those were the days ing. Still, Judaism has lost considerable of its fireside interest due of all Jewish philanthropic effort in when Frederick the Great was forcing the to pressure of outside attractions, and the.voung peonle are not tothe city. potato upon Prussia by Imperial edict. Parmentier tasted the strange vegetable blame therefor, since the parents and eldershave led the way. I t was during his regime that the and liked it; and, being ot a scientific ELECTRICITY AT THE turn of mind, he experimented with new National Desertion Bureau, the SoThe whole matter is not a modern phenomenon; it is as old as IS ways of cooking it. the hills. We cannot see the modern expression in sufficient per- ciety for the Welfare, of the Jewish French physicians.in those days insistCHEAPEST that potatoes were poisonous, and the spective to judge,, it impartially. Perhaps the unfortunate thing is Deaf; the Children's Haven, the So-ed agronomists said that even if they were IN that we,, Jews-and Christians, have associated certain-annual occa- ciety for Jewish Tuberculous and thehot poisonous they ruined the soil. ParOMAHA mentier, however, was an advertising sions as essential for Synagog and church attendance. We have Committee on "Vocational Guidance man as well as a pharmacist.' He Invited all failed to make our religion a daily-going concern. In fact, som<> were founded, and he was a n impor- Lavoister, Benjamin Franklin and other scientists of Paris to dinner near his labspecies of religion have .actually gone on record in favor of a~one^.^- tant factor in bringing about the es-oratory Invalides one night and he day-in-the-week religion merely, and no attention whatsoever to the tablishment, in 1917, of the New York fed themInathe multitude of courses, all made IN OMAHA Federation for the Support of Jewish up of variously cooked potatoes. ADMISSION BS CENTS week day. The whole problem is a combination of problems, and Philanthropic Societies.". • Prejudice persisted: but Parmentier they dovetail into one another.—From the B'nai B'rith Messenger. The same year, Mr. Waldman was had other strings to his bow. He interested the king and won permission to 250 Rooms—200 Baths called to Boston as the director of the plant potatoes in a barren, sandy patch -® their work by over-burning 1t. The inknown as Les Sablons. Les Sablons soon cinerator holds about two tons of molten Federated Jewish Charities, where he Good Rooms for $1.50. kelp, and when this has become full; it is remained for two years. I n 1921 he greened over with potato plants, but no one knew or cared what they were. Again Operated by Epley Hotels Co. loosely covered with stone§ and left td cool. In a few days-^the- substance is ns was sent to Europe by the Joint Dis- Parmentier went to Louis XVI, this time v : r - — — ® hard as limestone, anff has to be broken tribution Committee as director of the to obtain a guard of soldiers. All day the soldiers paraded about Parmentier's pomanner In •which kelp Is prepared with crowbars before 1t\can be.placed in War Orphans and Medico-Sanitary tato patch, rousing curiosity and envy; tor. making Iodine by the inhabitants of curraghs (small canvas boats used by the department of its overseas work. O n at night they went away. And people did the Anan Islands, off the Irish coast. Is inhabitants). After reaching the coast, if .as Parmentier had foreseen they would; described by a •writer in The JPharmacal is tested .to determine : the amount of his return t o America, he was a p -they sneaked Into the potato patch, dug Advance. For years, he Bays, .inhabitants ioaine content and paid for accordingly. pointed director ,of the Federated up potato plants and took them home to That kelp manufacture is a very imalong the. coast of Scotland, Ireland and their own gardens. , Brittany have gathered the seaweed portant industry may be determined hy Jewish Charities of Brooklyn, and in WHen his plants were in full bloom, tossed up on the rocks following the the fact that Scotland makes no Ies3 than September, 1924, he became director Parmentier. carried a great bouquet of etonns of autumn and -winter. This they 20,000_ tons of It annually, and even then of the Detroit Jewish Charities. In their blossoms to Versailles. Louis put a have dried on fine days and made up into the Scotch buyers must go to Ireland to spray in his buttonhole; Marie Antoinette a rick, leaving it until the beginning of purchase more for- the manufacture of 1018 Governor McCall of Massachu- wore a cluster in her hair. The entire June before it-should be burned for the iodine. ' setts publicly commended him for ef- court made potatoes a. fad, and the phy» purpose of obtaining what is known as fective, service in the campaign that sicians and agronomists forgot their fears. "kelp." potato took its place in the French The laying house Shbuld be thoroughly year against influenza in Boston. H e The cuisine; a poor man's food but respected It was not, however, until 1812 that cleaned arid disinfected before the pullets was elected to the presidency of the by intelligent chefs. And whenever they was elected to the presidency of the i Courtols—Investigating the products of are. moved' into winter qtRIrters. /?_._: tha mother-liquors, procured by llxivat' c T^ . • u c --.1 i P u t potato soups, sauces, or omelets on Farmers have found by experience*that •vr -..- 1 r r v ing~ kelp—discovered a ' new element name of Parmentier—pharmacist, National Conference of Jewjsh Social { helr m th e ; p a y h o m a g e t 0 botanthe •which, three years later, Gay-Lussac it pays to be systematic and'punctual in Service last May. ict, but most triumphantly, advertising i lt M pointed out as belonging to the halogen working with milk cows. This means S man. 5 having a definite order for feeding silage gTOUp. ; . . • ' • Chysanthemu.-ns. ITcro than $1,000,000 in c'nysanthemums "While iodine i3 found in almost all sea- and grain, and milking, and marketing • -- -. were sold hi England in the past year, •weeils, the deeR-sea forms yield the most the products. and it has recently been demonstrated The practice of allowing horses to have and- it is expected that double the Bumthat the iodine beat adapted for medicinal access to only straw during several tie.- will' he ufsposed of in the coming use- comes from.; seaweeds,. rather than months -of the year, especially during . IS months. from that mined Tra~ iodides In the salt- those months when the animals are in" peter beds.- : > ;i;,!_'::, .%.....I comparative idleness is extremely detri-» Galloway Bay.5s,thVfinest. Inlet on the mental to this condition; •whole. Atlantic side 6t the;Ir"lsh coast. It Although vthe characteristics which 5s ;30 ' miles long -/and 20 miles broad. •make onfe cow a. heavy producer when DELICATESSEN fed the right amount of proper feeds, ahd Across its entrance are the three isles of :Aran. The- location of the Arari Is- another under the same conditions a light FRIEDS lands _ is particularly -favorable to the producer are Inherited characteristics and T ISN'T enough to get the more surface dust from COMPLETE LINE OF gathering of seaweed grown in the depths cannot be altered, it is true that the proDelicatessen, Smoked Meats your rags. Beneath the surface lies deeply imbedof the ocean. Consequently, these islands duction of the average South Dakota cow have become ah Important factor in the can be increased profitably by more liband Fish ded grit. This grit harbors deadly germs. When baby production of kelp'for medicinal purposes. eral feeding of the proper feeds; 1509 North 24th Strfcet. plays on the floor he is constantly exposed to this disThe Inhabitants of .the Aran Islands, still retain their primitive.-customs; still wear ease-laden dust. the- primitive •"Celtic sandal -of:cowhide. The whole- country is picturesque, and Small wonder that mothers the resourcefulness of the people -remarkrtCTr clean with the new able; Their principal Industry is "the making, of this kelp, which Is subsequentlyHoorer and "Positive Agisold to English and Scotch manufacturers tation." I t quickly gets ALL for the purpose of.making iodine. the dirt. The labor required to produce-a ton of ke!p is very considerable, the incineration alone taking from 12 to 24 hours of continuous hard work. Unfortunately, the people, often spoil a "large portion of Mate your old electric vacuum cleaner help pay for the new "Leaders of Low Coal Prices." Eocver. We vrlll make yon a generous allowance for your present cleaner. HARRY SWENGEL, Proprietor.
Qentle Art of Synagog Qoing
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two sons from Detroit" returned to New'Yorki Oct. i2.-~The proceed- The fourth volume of the Hebrew in this country the beauty of Jewish We Deliver to All Parts of the City. their home last Friday ajter spending ings of.-; the Jftternational Conference Union College Annual has just been Holy Days and urging them to foster a month with her^ parents, Mr. and of Liberal Jews held, at the Liberal lubiished, according to announce- the observance within the home and ment made by the Department of Mrs. Hiss' Rena-. •,Sny....-.-•--Sam . Snyder. - -, t -.—T-..-., - •.. Je*isa, Synagogue.la London a year iynagogne 2nd School Extension of by their children, the Women's de^accompanied, t y l « r sister . ^ \Ago J€ly h a s jast been published. The he Union of American Hebrew Con- Branch of the Union of Orthodox ,xetarned:irom Detroit Wed- j I p t c r n a t i o n a l Conference ^as organ- Tegations. Jewish Congregations of America, has BUTTER and EGGS ized by the 'Jewish Religious Union The book opens with a contribution issued thre^e pamphlets' on the signif; for the Advancement of Liberal Juiy Dr.. Julian Morgenstern, president Mr;: and Mrs. .-Henry Uathansoa, Council Bluffs, Iowa. icance and the observance of Jewish Esthjcrvilfe,' lowa,^has'returned home daism. . There were present at the the Hebrew Union College, on Holy Days occurring in the month of •; The marriage, of Miss Bess Haykin, daughter of Mr. arid Mrs. after a-visit with Mr. and; Mrs.' Ab.t conference at that time delegates of The Oldest Document of the Hexathe Union.of American Hebrew Con- euch," and the other contributions Tishri, namely, Rosh Kashanah, Yom Abrahain'Haykin, to; Mr. Julius Qbefndorfer, New Orleani, La^ son gregations and the Central Confer- nd'their authors are: "Die Eibel und Kippur, Succoth. of Mr. Adoiph Obemdorfer of Colorado.Springs, will takeplace SunMrs. J. Levy, Chicago, returned ence of American Rabbis, both or- ie judische Religionsphilosophic der The-se publications form part of the j day, October 30. in the Jewish Gomrnunity Center. • ,-: TRY THE NEW home Saturday after a visit with her ganizations, participating :n the for- egenwart," by Albert Lewtowitz, educational program of the Women's j ; 1 r s PJlilip mation of the international body of udisch-Theqlogisches Seminar, Bres- Branch and are issued under the aus, The bride -will be 'attendedbyMrs. S.Xasserowiu/mitron of l^shtf ^ ^ " , ''-FHcdmari, and Liberal Jews. Mr. Clsnde,G. Monte- au, Germany; "Die Lehre vom Un-ipj c e s of its Educational Committee. ! honor; MissNLillian Ghudacoff, maidlof Conor,' and Mrs. ^ulius- Mr. Friedman. fiore is president of the conference, Gesetz im Judischen Copies of the pamphlets may be had Haykin, Mrs. Harry D. Haykin and Miss- Bess E. Haykin, brides- Mrs. Harry Kiibby-entertained her and the] secretaries are the Hon. Lily eschriebenen chrifttum," by I. Heinemann, Ju- free of charge by writing to the office iSig F ARK AM Afternoon Bridge Clnb at her "home H. Montagu, J. P., and'Mr. J. M. Du- isch-Theo!ogisches Seminary, Bresl n a i d s v * . " ' '•*"'•' •••.•'•• . . . . • \ i \ . \ ••• ••.• • '• . •,•'''•:'.:.-••'• of the Women's Branch of the Union Wednesday. pr.rc. ' . .. ' . au; "A Significant Controversy be- of Orthodox Jewish Congregations of • "Mr. Herbert Goldstein will be best man. Mf/Harry Hayltin, Chinese and American;; The volume includes the entire proI :wcen the Sadducees and the Phari- America, 50 West 77th street, New Rosalie and Miss Eudicc RichMr. J^U^^Mr. LoutUdta^t be usher,. / ; :.v[Miss a ^ 1 = = yj^^ S ^!««*<ii..*to,«*«« t I. Cosine ees," by Jacob Z. Lauterbach, He- York Citv. Miss Haykin is being entertained at a number of pre-naptial 'Nebraska at Lincoln, spent the week-!tainS -a^«jew of the progress rew Union College, Cincinnati; Rye Flavors tvmk. Spuren des Matriarchats im Juedisaffairs. Mrs.- Julius Haykin and Mrs. Harry -Haykin wili-entertain 'end here with their parents, Mr. and by Rcfonn Judaism ,n the "Special Merchants* • The aso of r;-e lor Xal'. and v.-intc:- p:u:clien Schrifttum," by V. Aptovntzer, October r6 at an afternooh;bridge.;• Miss" Rose Rosenstein yM give:!Mrs,M. D. R i c h n ^ - - • - /}r!< "Z^^tt^tJUopmtnt sraclitisch-Theologischc Lehranstalt, turc us practiced oa many dairy I'arms, a handkerchief sho\ver October 20. On Sunday afternoon, October ?JJ SS j^i^ Gladonan returned pi Liberal JudaiEra in America, Engto A. C. Eng'ECl&ie. head of the iVicn; "Changes in the Divine Serv- accordlns 23, Ivlissr Lillian Chudacaff, .Miss. Hay kin'si rnaid of hondri is^. e'nter-" home Sunday ni.ght after a nvo;lan'd,' Gcrmanjv. India, and, Sweden. ce of the Synagogue Due to Rclig- dairy department, jMissduri College of Dance to the Music is objectionable beoaueo of a taining-fbrher^ith an afternoon Of bridge. On October 24 Mrs. L lV.-cclcs" visit with relatives in Cindn- There arc also published addresses ous Persecutions,'' by Jacob Mann, Asrlealture. flavor it- often grives to milk and s-tt-eet D£ the Ambassador Orchestra Laserowitz will give a bridge luncheon. Mr, Adolph Oberndorfer ( ^ti, Ohlo.and Pittsburgh, Pa. delivered by _ American delegates. Cincinnati; "Midrash Hashkem Quo- crecm. As a succulent, milk-producingg them Dr. Julian ations in Alnaqua's Menorat Ha- pasture, it is excellent,, but because oi No €cnrer Charge and Mrs. Karhe Liepold/will arrive-October^. .. "\ Rabbi Samuel Schulman, Habbi Louis tfaor," by H. G. Eaelov,-, Temple the flavor and frequently tlie odor it gives must be in by Monday. Price, */5c Wolsey, Rabbi Maurice H. Harris, Emanu-El, NCTT York City; "Spraqh- to the miilc, rye is giving array to -srlieat. and Rabbi William Rosenau. Mr. H. Konvich announces the engagement of "his daughter, a plate. che Bcmerkungen zurn Texte des In a foreword it is stated: "The In- eplier Ma "asijoth, cd,' Gastcr," by Gertrude, to Fred Kurtz'man. son of Mr. and Mrs. M. K. Kurtzman The national board of Hadassah ternational -Conference of Liberal of this city. No date has been set for the Wedding. Medical Unit, operating in Palestine, Jews was primarily called together to lamuel Krauss, Israelitisch-Tlicologhas:; asked, the local chapter to re-discuss the formation of a permanent sche Leliraastalt, Wien; "Gott Mrs. William-Holzman will return double its efforts. The local chapter union, and this purpose dominated all iVunscht das Herz," by Bernhard today from a visit with friends hi ChiHeller, Landcsrabbinerscbule, Buda- j asks .the public for co-operation. the proceedings. The papers and dis- est; "Kalir Studien," by I. Elbogen, cago. Mr.'and Mrs. Yale Dubnoff enter- cussions revealed, moreover, a meas- Hochschulc fur die Wissenschaft des Mrs. Louis Richards, of San Jose, Sunday—Omaha Hebrew Club, > rained at a dinner party at their home ure of agreement between Liberal udentums, Berlin; "Gabirol's Author3 p. in, Jewish Community Calif., formerly of Qmana, returned' for 12 guests on Sunday evening, hon- Jews of all countries, sufficient to hip of the 'Choice of Pearls' and the . Center. froin abroad this : week and ;v<-r.s a oring Miss Ethel Reuben of this city form the basis,of a World Union for wo Versions of Joseph Kimbi's 'Sheguest in the home, of Mrs. Reuben- Wednesday—Succoth Rally, S and 'Mr. Charles Grcenb'att of Mus- Progressive Judaism." id Hakodesli'," by Alexander llarx, p» m., Jewish Community Kulakofsky. Mrs.-Richards'was acIn the provisional constitution ewish Theological Scminarj-, New lictcen, Iowa, whose engagement was Center. companied by her daughters, Miss adopted a provisional governing body York City; "The Astrolabe in Jewish j Simchas Torah Ralley for- recently announced.' , Evelyn and Miss Ruth. Richards. They was established composed of four -iteratttre," bj* Solomori^Gandz, Rab' children,. 3 p... m., Jewish' will remain with the Kulakofskys. tmMiss Bess Horn will: entertain at a Americans, three Germans and two •i Isaac Elchanan Theological Semin'•^Community Center. * "" 1 o'clock, liinehcon follof.-cd by aEnglishmen. The American reprc* ary, tU.Monday. New York City; "Bendcl AhrTemple Israel Sisterhood, bridge Saturday at the Fontenelle in sentatives are Rabbi Abratn Simon, weiler," by M. Ginsburgcr, StrasBE) ; .-dinner, at the Temple.«" - honor of Mrs.Fred. Horn of Kansas Dr. Jnlian Morgenstern, Rabbi Louis ourg; "Additions Mrs.. Blanche Zimmaii returned and Corrections to Tuesday from 3 four months' trip Thursday—B'nai B'rith, Jew- City. Wolsey, and Mr. A. Leo Weil of The Correspondence Between the abroad.' ish Community Center]./. Pittsburg. Rabbis of Southern France and Ms.iGoldie Marcus entertained.at monides About Astrology'," by AlexMr. and Mrs. Louis A. Solomon of contribute to call Mrs. Rosen, -Jaclc- a'tiridge party at her home Sunday ander Marx, Jewish Theological ScmChicago, formerly of Omaha, an- son jOiZf. or bring them to 1419 North afternoon in honor.of Miss Reva Gil- ELLA AUERBACH ASKED nounce" the birth of a baby boy, Ed- 24th, beginning. Sunday a. m., Ocio-j insky of Council Bluffs, v.-hose snsiTTO ADDRESS SOCIETY nary, New York City. •ward Man-in, on September 7. Big Peach Crop. bcr23, - - ' riage to Mr. Ralph Castits of Brook* EUa' Fleishman Aucrbach, who luscious, julcj* peaches—1.2SS of tliem lyn, >New York, will take-place has recently completed her history of —-were grown this year on one tree on Mr. and Mrs. Lew Millman, an- Miss.' Ruth. Kcndis has retarded month. nounce' the birth of a. baby daughter, from Sea Gate, New -jYork the Jews in Nebraska, has been in- the roar of a busint-s- -lot at McCook, JXarlin Risht-I. Itlsbel. T.-hc vited to address the American Jewish counted, by 4V- Barbara Joy, on'September 18 at r the the peaches as tliey Tnere piclceci. Yotk, City, - whercl5he spent tht MISS IRMA MAY RETURNS ^Methodist hospital. Historical society conference to becfctlrnattd that the tree actually produced s u m i n e r - w i t h r e l a t i v e s ; L -•.-••-.-••," the apprasimatc mirnber FROM RELIEF SERVICE held in Newark, New Jersey, Novem- hn fiy;;reCimore, eaten' .-by paBsers-t>y. Tlvc Sirs. A. H. Diamond-left Saturday iir?:; Henry A".' No^mnn aM:&*&. { ber .23. . The ..society has asked Mrs. fr«lt irap so heavy the tree had :o \>c evening for New York on a 10-day S*nl\.G.'Salt£nian are speading. a w*elt; •, Miss " Inna . May, overseas relief Auerbaeh - to • send her paper to be up to prevent it Irom l.e:u^ ' by the roots, ' "' •' buying trip. in Kansas C'ty visitina: iriends arid' worker and known as "messenger of read^if she is unable to be present. mercy" tor the Jews of hundreds of .-.;*.... ,'-. cities of America.on behalf of their Trsvellng AiS. :Mr."and Mrs. Ben Binder announce Tcl'atiyes. - ." , Sweet Clover Pasture. packing beatitj- bottles or medithe birth of a son,' born October. 5, in :'.-. Mjss: Fayc Bcfgcr of Seattle, Washt suffering' and stricken co»rcligionists Stveet clover is a great heTp in solving cine for traveling, vt&v a. bit of adhe- Hi Toledo, Ohio. Mts^ Binder was fbr- ington, *v?ho has been touring 'tiie- of the Old' World, returned to thethe pasture airflculty. The piost success* sive i.'ipe . around oaiside of stopper to -ones rind that pasturing the second prevent I 3 merly Miss Marie Adler, daughter of Ea?tj;; spent lastTvcck ^siting at. the United States on the "S. S.RoMt- iul year's growth until after harvest is best. t? Mr. and Mrs. J, Adler of this cjtjv- ijjqme.Qf Mti and-Mfst jr..Ne-ivnian. velt • on -Wednesday, after a f#Jr- The a«'«<!t clover la so«n In the smalt and after the ^hos^u are removed month' -visit-to Poland-, Galicia, Rus- BTtUi. froiu-lhe, Jtraln fields the .pasture is abunMr. and Mrs. J. Faulk announce tire- '••'•' Mrs':-61 bra Holiner of Los 31a, ancl' other countries in v/hich the da:it_anc}Jastltig in normal ser.sons. Ca>e birth of a son, October 8, at theIs visiting .at the home of Hf, and" J. D. C. is bringing .'relict and recon- must be laitet» not to overstock It. Omsks's Style Leuicr Methodist hospital Er,'eat 'clover •will utand a reasonable Mrs. "\Vi]liaai Boasberg. " "*- ]• ; structive aJ<il ta, stricken Jewry. amount of fall pasturing, even better thai Mr. and Mrs. L.-Graetz an'd-daugh'-* Mrs. Max Levin entertained; &f a "Associated with the J. D. C's ef- other clovers. ter Isabel'left Sunday morning' on a luncheon ^ t her, home on Saturday in forts since 1920, she has been the Semt t»and You Own. "mouthpiece"' of the starving, dying r.'ot one~cltlzen of the Vnlted States i; week's motor trip, to Chicago. "While"^hortor of" Mrs. Flora Holrnqr. landless. I t you a r e a s American citithousands, and hfer graphic reports of there they will attend the wedding of n zen- you own about S(T square feet o: the horrors she ®s witnessed, her Miss Miriam Cohn, daughter of Mr., -.. Mrs0Gcorgc.. lar.a i n , Tello-wEtone. park. The park's ^ and Mrs, Joe Cohn to Mr. Jules:' Calif of nia, who has1 bden Visiting hqre •eloquent pleas on behalf oi' the xrar areas is 3.311 square inilss, owned ;>y the government. This maifcs your shar Stearns; which will take place Wed- for (lie past month with her parents, and pogrom, victims, of the sick, 30 Opposite Orpheum squara feet. starving men, women and "children nesday evening at the Edgewater Miv arid Mrs. H. White, will leave for have be<Jn one of the most potent Beach hotel. her home Thursday morningj agencies in rousing the great heart of Mrs. 31. Herzberg left Sunday for Rabbi ^r'cdericlc'Cohn wilj review American Jewry to the 'greatest huWheeling, West Virginia, where-she "God and %ha Grocery Man," by Har- manitarian effort in history. To get FAMOUS FOK •will visit for a few weeks. old Bell Wright,' at a meeting qf the first-hand information she has underDIAMONDS S6 Ytar» »f H0W«« -MerclTnmflst fs gone untold 'hardship and faced unYeur Oufrantce of. a'«Sciart O«8l. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Eushman re- book group of the Temple Sisterhood, paralleled dangers herself. He- inDouglas. turned home.Tuesday after spending at"2:3O p. m,, October 25, in the Tem- trepidity, her simplicity, her , native 1419 D Est.1890.8 their honeymoon in Chicago, St. pi*. eloquence,-her keen roportorial eye Louis and Kansas City. At present The Sisterhood qf the Temylg held have made her a most invaluable Mr, and Mrs. Bushman are making a luncheon meeting in the Temple w6rkcr in the ssrvice-of her people, their home with Mrs. Bushman's par- Monday. • , and the report slic vail makq of the ents, Mr. and Mrs. A.' Greenbcrg. struggle of a 7 people dcterAustin >upward They will leave the latter part of the Mrs. JOTS. William' \Mlliam L*vey £»evey of 01 the m e AUSJIH . . . . « . » m m c d n Dt to p erisa month to make their home in Chicago apartments returned Monday from a . be . , and, as/inbvihjg ^H-utuas ihc* teas vital ' Whoicsalers for the winter. Mrs. Bushman has visit with her parents, in Des Moines. She liap brQuglitliacif frblrtf!ier f " +be as vital and as,moving a been extensively entertained since her Mrs. Lqvey came to Qirtsha as a bride previous EuropcanUnps. •'. . OI.STR1BUTOR8 OF • return. Those who have entertained during the summer. Pafk and Tilford Chocolates are: Miss Ida Shaftoo, Miss Esther Australia1*' T4I«ph»n9«. Weinberg, and Miss Margaret, R,eikcs. Miss'Helen Gro'djnsky hjs been visiting'her parents, Rabbi and Mrs. H. SinCe the besinhiner of IMS, there'have Hoefler's Centennial Chocolates been added t o the Australian commonMrs." Carl Studna and children of Grodingky-. . . /Romance Chocolates wealth aj'stem a -tbtat of_ 110,000 te'.eKansas City returned to. their home The Current; Tapjc class-conducted phottes._ In New South T-'tiles the numSunday after spending' two weeks by the Council-of Jewish Women will ber of telephones in ure totals 188,716 Qf JAck»on 5*83. 918 Farnam St.! with-Mrs. Studna's, patents, Mr. and be held November 1 at 10i30 a. m, at which SC.otC are tn the mfetropblltan area Mrs. Dave Blumenthal. the Jewish, CommunUy' Center. RaBbl The Council of. Jewish Women will Frederick Cohn will lead the^class. hold the opening meeting of the year Thc'Temple Israel Sisterhood-will following a^ luncheon at the Black- give a chicken dinner, Wednesday, stone hotel oa October 31. Octaier 19, at 6:30 p: m., in the TemMr. and Mrs". J?red Horn, of Kansas ple Vestry "rooms. Plione Mrs» J .. ?;w&m Y O U N G nun '• ' City came to. Omaha. Satufdtjf eve- 3ombergf, Harney 5495. R V i ning to visit* Mf. and Mrs. M. Horn. -They will also visit Sioux City, ChiIKUJIC At 6-rootn and bath cottase. .on one floor. 1538 WiUla.Ave. TTFO: cago, and StI-Louis. -rootns and hall in oaU. Halt'-Tray
Peacock Inn
Coming Events
Mo¥ed to the Comer
16th and Douglas Sts.
Will Open MONDAY, OCT. 17 With a Gigantic Sale in
Breikty Jewelry Co.
The Theme Is
Fashionable Clothes Style f l§tl§t it f $pi!ir Mm
The first Hatktssah event of the season will be a rummage sale at 1419 North 24th, Octobfcr 24*28. Mrs. J. Rosenberg, chairman, asks members and others who have articles to
floored «tt|c. full basement. Well built' and in perfect cohfiitlonClose 4B , near «ar, school ant} stores, Beftatiful 7«rd. »Kh te^ee anfthefiffe. ft-jee, *4>7J8. C»n in forenoon - or evening. WEbatet
15th , .andDouglas
15th and Douglas
Frocks ^ Gowns and the smart variations played onthis theme are many—transparent velvet— cut yelvet—crushed velvet —chiffon velvet—each contributing its note to the symphony of fall chic—each approved by smart women— women whose verdict sways the world of fashion.
> himself Jit; JUNIOR GIRLS' HIKE f vo u r . s t m 3 e n t youth, are ignorant J torney and past president of the di«•of the faith, history and.' aspirations. trict, as chairman, and-Hon l i , r a l STANLEY E, LEVIN ,' The junior girls, 13 of them, hiked He-keep his temper. He'keep from hitting" a man when *>* the Jewish people, and we" have al- I. * Elkus, — *former American ambassaall over the, region around Mandan lowed the Jewish students at the uni- dor to Turkey, y s honorary chairman The opening guns of the Jewish be open to all-.members who have Park and along the .Missouri river for he is-down. versities,, especially He keep his pride-under his victory Community. Center football league never entered" tournament competi- what seemed to be miles. Every one pecially in in the the East, East, to to Another American diplomat, also a ose a11 He keep a stout heart in defeat of the would-be mountain climbers •will sound this Sunday afternoon at tion before or -_who -'have never surf contact with their co-religion- former ambassador, to Turkey, Hon S T h i means disaster to -the Jew- Henry Morgenthfti:, was named as ai. Thirty-second and Dewey avenue vived the ; first- r,ound, of tournament and "amateur explorers had the time and accept it in good grace. of their young lives and are raring He keep a sound soul and a clean future in this country unless it is- associate to Mr. Ekuy. when the A. Z. A. gridsters face the play. , to partake of another one. Little Miss mind in. a healthy body.Hilie! Foundation Work to Be ine B'nai B'rith throughCampaign headquarters v ,11 - - T~ -.Bnai Ami, clev.eru.-Xhe, game will, be . Freeman varied the program with'a \ rest of the United States is opened in NcwYotVQty sl.o-i' called at 2 o'rlock sharp, as the con- MIXED iSWIMMING PARTIES ' Extended to Mew York HALLOWEEN PAETY. ''ing this condition by estr.btest~xnust be=oyer by 4 o'clock, in;orThose; .'married couples .desiring nature reading. and New England. Town Grow* Rapll, The. Physical department • of the lishmg what are known as Hilld der to allow the Psi Mu and the Bnai mixed swimming: parties in the ComNext to Bricleport, <-*»<»rn«.' ajjpspei1 SENIOR GIRLS' HIKE Foundations wherever there are large Center-is embarking on a" new field Israel to reel off their sashay. Each munity Center:pool-should communito be the fastest growing to-wnjFin theMorgenthau and Elkus Honornumbers of Jewish students. ThV North latte valley. There ere iw*v either team will play the others twice ere cate with-Marcus'Krasne and make The senior girls will hold a hike for of endeavor. They are staging s completed, vinder construction or ary Chairmen. Hillel Foundations at the Universities just the title is awarded the winner. Com- known their" wishes. Parties_of this senior girls] only this Sunday. All Halloween party in the gymnasiun: soon to start, 16 residences, besides additions to present buildings and some new petent officials have been secured by sort have been held in a number of girls who choose to give themselves Saturday night, October 29. Th'e ad- Springfield, Mass., Oct. 8.—Estab- of Illinois, Michigan, Wisconsin, Ohio business blocks. the director in charge. A complete well known institutions throughout a very entertaining as well as inter- mission will be 35c for CenteV mem- lishment of religious centers at Co- and California have done such splen: esting time-should sign up on the buldid work in winning our educated bers, and S0c for outsiders. Plans are list of all players must be in the hands the country^ and have met witii"po pulumbia, Yale, Harvard and other uni/ of Marcus Krasne by Friday evening. lar approval. If staged at all they letin board for the hike. For further now under way to make this affair versities and colleges of Xcw York youth back to us that we are-now particulars see Miss Ethel Greenberg ready to establish them at the univera huge success. All members and Only members of the various clubs will be held one" night a week and will state and New England was advowill be. allowed to* compete and, no be directed by1/the"Athletic Direc- at the Center. She will give you all their- friends are"' invited to at cated by Hon. Maurice Bloch, leader sities of New York state and New the.necessary information. England, including Columbia, Yale tend. Bring your girl friends or high school player is among those eli- tor, who-will see t o i t that-no Mr, or of the Democratic minority in the and Harvard." your boy friends regardless of whethgible, as local high school rules forbid Mrs. is .drowned-pr''otherwise'inconBusiness Men's Bowling League er or not they are members of theXew York State Assembly, at a meet- , Dr. Boris D. Bogen, executive sec outside competition during the tenure venienced. • • • ' . ' • " " ' Standings. Center. They will have the time of ng here tonight of the General COJXK retary of the I. O. B. B., which is th WE REPAIR and of the school season. Won. Lost. Pet. their lives and will regard you as a mittce of District No. 1 of the IndeMEN'S VGfcLEYrBALL^LEAGUE largest Jewish fraternal order in th A number of the Jewish lads did .833 Malashock Jewelry 5 .1 REWIRE .833 real fnend for being so kind as to tip pendent Order B'nai B'rith, of which world, with lodges in the Unitewell during the past week with their The men's-volley'ball league will "Appleman-Robinson Co. . . 5 1 .655 Kajman Insurance . . . . . . . 4 2 he is president. Mr. Bloch also prothem off to such a fine evening's enStates, Canada, England, France various prep school teams. Lou Wei- swing into .action".Monday night, No- Omaha Tobacco Co, , All Makes of .300 3 3 .500 tertainment. More details will be an- posed that a campaign be undertaken Germany, Czecho-Slovakia, Palestine, ner, the Tech High center, was one vember,'171- There are a number of Yousem Tire Co. . . . . . . . . . 3 3 .333 nounced later as they are worked out by the B'nai B'rith lodges in the same and Turke3% supported Assemblyman -Cleaners . . . . . . . . . 2 4 RADIO SETS. of the two stars on the Maroon line teams .• in - the. league - and all games Empire .333 by the committee in charge. The;"Wardrobe . . . . . . . . . . . 2 4 must be 'pl'aye.d-"prbmptly at the aperritory to "help the Christian better during the Tech-Creighton Prep Bloch's plea for a "Jewish cultural .000 .Glazer Clothing Co. , 0 6 o understand his Jewish neighbor." campaign on two fronts," and said 'game. "Werner, despite the shoulder pointed_ho"ar.'-Interest is at a surprisIndividual averages of 140 or betMr. Bloch declared that this was that the six other districts of the orCharlie Ross' Brother Rich. injuries which he is packing, played ing pitch"' in' vollty. 'Tjall this year.- ter as follows: RADIO SUPPLIES Newspapers, a few days ago, told ol he most opportune time that had der had already raised over a million a stellar game and if all goes well Oodles of.men who have never before, Total Pins. Avg. a seat on the New Tork Stock echanse ever presented itself to destroy anti- dollars for these efforts. For District Games. will be the "all-city center" at theindulged-Tn the game are now awaitAT CUT PRICES L. Simon . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 10SO ISO beiug sold to Walter Ross for £226,000. ing for.,the. opening' whistle -with all* end of the season. 10G4 17 Mr. Ross Is a brother of Charlie Ross, Semitism and race hatred in this No. 1 $750,000 would be necessary. Yousem ........6 17: kidnapped in 1874, for whom the •whole country. Treller 3 525 Bud Levin, the Central High guard, the 'enthusiasm of aTiunch. of kids. The General Committee unani171. world made a search. To pay that price X.. Weltz »".-;..,......6' 1024 "Christian America docs not hate mously adopted resolutions immediwas always in the thick of the fight TUBES and BATTERIES for an echange seat, Walter Ross must 1 I. Schlaifer .3 510 MIDWES/T A.\A: U. WALKING when the Purple trimmed the Orange E.Rosenthal . . . . . . . 3 , 504 JCS have followed In the footsteps of >Ws the-Jew," he; said/-"It. simply does ately to launch the campaigns proL. Me'ndelson 6 164 father, also a wealthy man, but the not know enough about us and there383 TESTED FREE and- Black of Beatrice the other day. CHAMPIONSHIP v posed by Assemblyman Bloch and to Entries -will b.ei-taken at the office H.. Smith . . . . . . . . . . . 3 162 elder Ross lost his fortune trying to 4S6 Bud was one of the main cogs on fore it is easy to misrepresent us. raise the necessary funds. A camAl "Weitz . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 161 find his lost son. 067 • 1G0what is acknowledged to be theof the pTiysicaKdireptor for all those D. Cahn . . . . . , . i . . . . 6 S63 This misrepresentation we can over- paign committee was chosen with amateur walkers *wh.o desire, to particDr. N . Muskin . . . . . . 3 464 15i strongest Central line in years. come if we will make it our business Maurice P. Davidson, a New York atOpen Evenings, Huge Radio Station. 15: 917 ipate in the^two-nriie walking cham- I. Levlnson . . . . . . . . . 6 Milton Altshuler is the only Jewish pionship which -.will' be held Saturday,' B. Shapiro . . . ' . . . . / . . 3 Plans are under way at Zeesben, to see to it that it is correctly inis; 45G 151 Germany, for a huge station operating formed about the Jew.. Rotary clubs, . Statement of t h e ownership, manage452 quarterback in thje city. Milt does'the November 12, in the Crcighton Uni N . Schlaifer . . . . . . . . . 3 3 150 450 r •W. Levey ment, circulation, etc., of The Jewish signal barking for theCentral sec- versity :stadium. The 'rules. of theS. Horvvich . . . . . . . . . C Chambers of Commerce, Kiwanis and Press, 149 with 100 kilowatts on: 1,250 meters. S94 published tveekly a t Omaha, Nebr., The prongs on the tubes should be pol14S required by the Act of August 24, 1012, A . ' Kaiirian . . . . . . . . . 6 884 Local sport onds and does "it well. other organizations of patriotic Amerwalk are.'spbsted, oni;.the Center bul- J. Jtalashock . . . . . . . . 6 for April 1, 1927. Business Manager, 147 ished regularly -with a small file. After Two Stores. S81 fans have not seen a quarterback of can business men will . ^ gladly welDavid Blacker, Omaha, Nebr. Knoivn - 14Gcontinued use the prongs.become corrodJ. Melcher ....6 874 letin bdird outside'v of the locker, stockholders, mortgagees and other se21S N . 16th St., Omaha our faith in centuries and next year 140 ed and-cause a great amount of-noise in :ome Jewish or .non-Jewish speakers Dr. M. E . S t e i n . . , . ; 6 S3S curity holders, holding- 1 per cent or more rooms.. 5p?henumber of' entrants is 140 reception. "••••''. A. Veriger . . . ' . . . S S38 may see Altshuler in the role, all by JAckson 2147. who will bring them authentic infor- or total amount of bonds, mortgages and limited, s*d-jplea;se*si"gn at once. The The Appleman-Robinson Co. deother securities: None. Sworn to and liis lonesome. ;• mation about the Jew. The success subscribed before me this 4th day of OctoAirplane Radio. ^Morton Faier is the big cheese up Center "has- never"; had an entrant in feated the Kaiman Insurance, and the with which such a campaign of en- ber, 1827. (Seal.) Isadore Abrarnson, 608 West B'dw'y., Co, Bluffs. this rather-"unusual line;of sport arid Successful experiments -wens made reNotaryp Public (My commission expires ! Malashock-Jewelry trimmed the Glaat Tech on the Maroon seconds. Faier cently of a conversation by radio teleghtenment has met in the West July 19, 1SS0.) would likeitoVnave'.anumber of the zer Clothing Co. five, thereby causing .1 is'built like a barrel but runs like a phone between a mail airplane and a test vhere it has helped to destroy the a tie-for the first honors. station of the bureau of standards, at streak, especially on a broken field. fellows1 • make;- a*stab ;at'(the event. Bellefonte, Pa., over a distance of 150 )ower of the Ku Klux encourages me The youngster reeled off a 55-yard BUSINESS MEN'S CLASSES^ The Yousem Tires won three from miles. A continuous weather report and o believe that it will be just as effecsprint the other day against the North The busiries&inen's-classes will run Goodman's Empire Cleaners and other conditions -was supplied the plane ive in this part of the country. Fresh from Cars. '. seconds which culminated in a touch- through the entire winter, which will climbed upward in the standing. Jack while in the air. Mr. Bloch declared that side by Prompt delivery down. And still more recently he be quite ya,- boonto,a; good many of Alberts' Wardrobe bunch were bested ide with the enlightenment of Christo all parts of Horses to the Gdle Works. dashed around end for a six-point the men. Jewish; business men as. a in close battles by Venger's Omaha Greater Gir.aha. Four thousand wild horses have been ian America concerning the Jew marker in the Central-Tech seconds rule are prbrie .to put-on weight, or Tobacco bunch. rounded up in the Powder River .country tilt Morton has great possibilities more truthfully; fat. i This fat accu- The absentees were as follows: Dr. of Wyoming and most of them will be must go the enlightenment of the sent to the glue factories. The noble American Jew concerning his own and should be good next year as hemulates quickly during the winter and Muskin of the Kaimans, Ben Shapiro horse Isn't -what he used to be, but it Fancy Colorado Lump is growing in both width and height. is of no good use to the chap who of the Empire Cleaners and Izzie looks like waste, if not ingratitude, to eople. "Too many of our youth, and espesend him to the glue.work3. Leon Forman, the Polar streak at must carry it- around. The Center Schlaifer of the Glazer Cloth ing Co. Smokeless, Sootless, Hard, Clean. The Genuine, large size, for DoNorth High, was inactive, as his team physical department guarantees to re- Minus the services of the above, the Long-Lasting. Very €Q mestic Use. Thoroughly CS Eft Record Potato Yield. YOU ARE WELCOME at Little Ash. Per ton Screened. Per ton....."... ^°«^j* had no game last week. The "Flash" move all surplus poundage and to put respective teams were considerably Chardon—The Dawes county potato got away to some good gains in prac- the gentlemen, in the class of those weakened. farm, "owned by Harry B. Coffee, and KENTUCKY tice that bode evil for the Norsemen's "physically fit." The classes will be Ben Youserii's 204 mark was the farmed by Walters brothers, yielded 304 Illinois Larg-e Lump bushels of potatoes per acre on 17 acres next opponents. held every..Monday, Wednesday and only one registered during the eve- of certified seed, -which field at the time FANCY LUMP Harold Pollock and Stanley Simon, Friday between, the hours of 12:15 ning.' Rosenthal, Mendelson, Leo of inspection passed with a one per cent A very good grade, hot and Jong The Best Bargain in Omaha. Hot | •'"'•lasting; fresh from both members of the Central High and 1:00 o'clock," and' Thursday night and Aaron Weitz shot over 500 in disease test. and long lasting; good for cars. Per ton... purposes. 5400 Center Street first squad, have as yet not seen ac- from 7.-A0 to 8:00 o'clock. .All active their total score. After residing in Omaha for 21 Per ton tion in either one of the two Central senior members 'are -eligible to these s A few of the boys failing to appear years, Albert Babior,1210 So. 13th Phone Walnut 553 games. However, the Purple has anclasses. Fifteen minutes of calisthen- at regularly scheduled games have St., watchmaker, is leaving for Los SPECIALTY NUT FAMOUS FOR WIZARD eight-game schedule and a lot canics and a' volley ball'game will consti- disappointed their backers by their Angeles, where he intends to make his home. He wishes to say goodhappen before the curtain call. FOR ALL PURPOSES tute the-routine of the day. Then a failure to notify the secretary of the bye?to all of his relatives and CHICKEN SANDWICHES SEMI-ANTHRACITE Rescreened at yard; hot and long No smoke; no soot; high heat; Hank Weiner and Al Fiedler are nice refreshing : shower or a keen league. Hereafter, bowlers are re- friends. His future address will be lasting. very little ash; small DANCING two. more linemen in the Central swim in the pool and "Mr. Tired Bus- quested to notify Abner Kaiman, sec- 2302 East Third S t , .Los Angeles, Per ton .*. mine run. Per ton \ Calif?" •:••:• ''•'•• camp. Both chaps are members of iness Man" is ready-for his office or retary, not later than Tuesday mornthe seconds and do well at their posi- his store.- ing, if they are unable to appear, so tions. Weiner is a tackle, while "Fat" that a substitute may be secured. Fiedler is a guard. GIRLS' VOLLEY BALL Harry Smith, in his first appearElmer Greenberg is the only Oma- Volley ball will ~be an official sport ance with the Empire Cleaners, shot ^ Coming to STRAND ha lad performing on the Nebraska for the girls this fall in the J. C. C.a 486 total, exhibiting nice form. University team as a regular. The gymnasium. Plans for, a league are MME. "SARAH ADLER, noted Jewish Actress, wife of "Dealers-in-Good Coal' AT. 4444 former Central High captain is play- rapidly being formulated. Practice ^ "the late Jacob ;B. Adler,-will appear for one night only The Sportsmanship Code. ing a bang-up game at one of thewill be held every Sunday in the gym- A "Code of Sportsmanship BrothPJ3OF3DAY, OrdtOief* 17 at STRAND guards. Greenberg and his 195 nasium '-from 3 -to 4 .o'clock. Volley erhood" has been adopted by many pounds is rated as one of the most ball when'properly played is-one'of schools to prompt the proper conduct IN HER LATEST SUCCESS, promising men in the freshman horde. the most hygienic recreation games of their athletics. This Code of Honor - ••••'••• " AMOTHERS FEELWG" • He tackles like a ton of bricks and on the gym- schedule. Practice will of a~ sportsman is that:crashes through the opposing lines start October 15'..''-All girls desiring Mme. Adler has enjoyed a successful career on the stage that He" keep, the rules. like a hurricane. to play should jut' their names on the <" covers a,period of 25 years. Her play here will He keep faith with; his comrade •Dame Rumor-spilled some very in- dotted lijie outside-'of the Basket- and play the game for his side. be giyerr in thet Yiddish language. teresting information in our ears the room. Volley;-ball i squads must reother day. The old lady said that port on time -when they.'Sesire to use Harry H . Lapidus, Pres.-Treas. Sammy Kaufman, Phil Gerelick, Syd the gym for practice:*, ^ _.., Corenman and a number of other localbasketball stars are going to fake GIRLS' HJtNDBALX -TOURNEY to the road with a travelling "all star" The girls' handball tourney is now basketball team. The balance of the in progress,;and. the.'finalists will be quintette will be recruited from for- from the following-girls: Sophie Ban, COMPLETE STORE and mer Creighton and Nebraska Univer- Grace ."Levin <and ..Bertha Shafton.' -OFFICE OUTFITTERS sity luminaries. They are to be man- Miss Ban is the. favorite to cop.the We Occupy Over 70,000 Square Feet aged by Duce Belford, the manager first place honors, She plays a nice Southwest Corner of the Creighton U and MUrphy-Did- steady game" and places her shots Eleventh and Douglas Streets with all 'the accuracy and skill of a 3t teams. Phone JAckson 2724 man. The' championship round will They will be backed by some local Omaha, Nebr. probably be played Sunday afternoon Jirm who will employ them as salesin the Center courts. men'arid the sort, somewhat on the order of the famous Hillyards team from St. Joseph, Mo. AH of the boys will retain their amateur standing with the exception of Sammy, who is already a professional.
Dorsey's Chicken Shack
, >enence Housewives
and Supply CO.
wonder i
NOVICE HANDBALL TOURNEY The first annual novice handball Journey for men will start Monday, JNovember 17, at the Center. I t will
SHAR ZION SYNAGOGUE are thankful to H . Gilinsky for the splendid service he ren-. dered Rosh Hashonah . and.Yom Kippur. H. SINGER, Pres. E, GERELICK, Sec.
Rummage Sale By Indies ; FIRST PRESBYTERIAN '•l CHURCH '
fe pefs tfap" on a new,
OF FINEST QUALITY AT.XOWEST PRICES ;BECAUSE— 1—-Our location is an inexpensive one. 2—Our expense "of doing business is lower. 3r—We concentrate our buying among, a few good firms. All.three tend to keep costs down —the SAVINGS you get in lowered prices. , "
1 and 2 Pauls HEW STYLES Incomparable -• suit3 - in ' fine'weaves, alt wool fab-' rlcs, quality tailored; prfced on our. standard of value giving at . . . . . . . . .
You can wear a Topcoat more days in the year than you can a winter overcoat. Why be without one when you can get such values for . . . . .
mmfle profitable basis
Arriving Every Day The finest and most complete stock of art goods and pictures. The very latest in Home Decorations.
.50 We carry a choice selection of gifts for every occasion at most reasonable prices.
Special ' Jet Phone and we will be glad to lisrq, a man call and explain
nd ArtShop
Thursday and Friday, OCTOBER 13 and 14
LT OUR SHOP—OPEN EVENINGS •• • 49°7 South 24th Street 1416-18 Dou las VI
1 4 T H * N J » O O U G U £ 5TR.EETS
Frigidaire stops spoilage—it enables'the merchant to buy a wiacr sclectloa of perishables, and to benefit b}* quantity prices. It saves time and labor. Let us show you how easy it is for you to have Frigidaire installed ntm.
CHAS. E. WAGNER 2059 Farnam
-igto Farnam St. Come Early
TODERN me&t merchants, • grocers, druggists, florists, - proprietors of delicatessen shops> hotel and restaurant owners need -no longer have & tc&iget&tion "problem.
JAckson 47££