October 20, 1927

Page 1

Every Family in Omaha Should Be a Subscriber £?.*£*«? *».»«s«id-c>aB» mall matter on Januarys 27? 1921, at postofflce at Omaha. Nebraska, under the Act ofMarch 3, 1879.

VOL. VI,—No, 4a


y Rabbi Mann, Norman Hapgood, OMAHA JEWS TO HELP IN COMMUNITY CHEST John Haynes Holmes to Come CAMPAIGN NEXT WEEK on Center Lecture Course



The first meeting of the' fall season of the local Zionist Organization will be held Tuesday evening, October 25, at j£s^ VisH Community Center. * of importance wilTbe disHolzman, Wolf and Mrs .Ais meeting and "the entire Council of Social Agencies Sponsors Undenominational lakofskyAre is urged to attend, according to J. J. Friedman, chairman Course for Volunteers. of the local "district. MANY WILL AID Fire Lectures and Three Concerts to Be Featured Plans for the fall program will be MONSKY TO OPEN SERIES V.' Omaha Jewry is organizing itself made, • . ... in Series. for putting over its share of the ComAn introductory course in social munity che§t drive which will open service work will be given under the, October 25. The budget for this camauspices of the Omaha Council of SoHENRY MAJOR, CARICATURIST, COMING paign has been fixed at $435,000, cial Agencies at the Jewish Comwhich figure is virtually the same that munity Center beginning Monday, was sought last year, indicating that November 7. The course is open to efforts of the budget committee the general public without charge and Five speakers-pf international prominence will^e brought to the keep the quota at a minimum and is designed for the instruction of volOmaha by the Jewish Community Center in this "winter's lecture and to still preserve the maximum of effiunteers in social service. concert series, according to the announcement today of Sam Beber, ciency in the 30 agencies of the Chest C. M. Wilhelm, president of the Crime Hinging on Ukrainian Pochairman of the entertainment committee of the Center. • has met.with success. Community Chest, will be chairman grom Brings Indictment. William L. Holzman, a vice presiof the course, and Charles A. CushThe coming of Norman Hapgood, famed journalist, ^diplomat, dent of the executive committee of and: author, John" Haynes" Holmes, internationally- known; liberal the canipaign, and Henry Monsky are \ Paris, Oct 17.—(J. T. A.)—Articles man, vice chairman. Henry Monsky deliver the opening lecture on speaker, and Rabbi Louis L. Mann, outstanding^ rabbi and;lecturer, members of the campaign'committee. 295, 296, 297, 298 and 302 of the will "Why Social Work?" and Rev. T. A. will alone create widespread interest aittb'n'gVb"6th,JfeSys;and;n6ri-Iews. Harry Wolf is a major.in the cam- French Criminal Code v< ere - invoked Eagen, S, J., will follow him with, a paign. In the women's division, Mrs. in the indictment filed against Sholom discourse on "Social Work^Is- It a. Reuben Kulakofsky is major. Harry Schwartzbard, slayer of Seraion Pet- Community Job?" Discussion will be H. Lapidus and Irvin Stalmaster are lura in revenge for the anti-Jewish led by Rabbi Frederick Cohn. captains. Mrs. Nathan Green, Mrs. A. massacres in the Ukraine between The plan of the course is as folGreenberg and Mrs. B. A.. Simon will 1918 and 1920, under- the Tetlura • •,' ^ captain women's teams. Jewish mem-" regime, whose trial begins tomorrow lows: November 14, "Family Welfare/' bers of the speakers' bureau are Rab- before" Judge Flory. The articles probi Frederick Cohn, Fred White, Sam vide fort he death penalty with the "What Family Case Work Ainfcs to Beber, Henry Monsky and Carl S. possibility of the jury's recommenda- Do," by Rev- James F. Borer of the tion for commutation of sentence to Catholic charities, and "The Care of Katleman. the Aged," bys Dr. E. G. Chiahmd. .:' Omaha's Community Chest cam- imprisonment. Miss Elizabeth Van Sant will lead the paign of this year will be one of the The official act of indictment as least expensive in the history of the published here today denies Petlura's discussion. organization, it "is pointed out by guilt and responsibility for the poNovember 21, "Case Work Methheads of committees. The actual cost groms, which occurred at the time he ods," by Miss Ada Barker, discussion of raising the quota this year is to be was head of. the Ukrainian govern- led by Miss Sara H. James and Miss only slightly more than 3 per cent of ment and army had been established, Lillian Margolin. .. ' . the funds and this is fixed on a flat charges that Schwartzbard committed November 28, "Child Welfare," "Inrate, not a percentage basis. Lincoln's the act with premeditation motivated stitutional Care," by Rev. E. J. Flanarecent campaign cost more than 8 per by malice and asserts that Schwartz- gan, and "Foster Home Care," by *W. cent.. . • bard, who was at one time convicted Hugh Fletcher. Discussion led by The Chest army is being organized ipr burglary, cannot be viewed in the Rev. J. F. Poucher and Mrs. A. A. into five major divisions.as follows: "role of a judge of Petlura." McGraw. RABBI LpVIS MANN. H0J3MAN HAPQOOD. Initial subscriptions,- industrial, busi- The opening of the trial of the UkDecember 5, "Juvenile DelinThe fourth lecture will be~giveii by ness, foreign ^ quency," "Juvenile Court," by Judge -Henry-Major, group got its work Under way oh Noand the fifth, still undecided, Tyill be vember 17 and it is expected that its Ukrainian Republic, following the Thomas L. Houlton, ""Institutional ^iven by one of several outstanding work will. have been completed by crumbling - of Imperialistic Russia, Care." Discussion led by Judge speakers. the time the general campaign gets holds the attention of the French Howard Kennedy and Miss Jeanette , Rabbi Louis Mann," rabbi of 'Sinai' under way for its-'work through Oc- press and public and is followed with McDonald. keen interest by the Jewish communicongregati6n, Chicago, will op^en the December 12, "Health.".. "Public tober 3. ties in Europe. The act of indictment, scries on November 15. His topic_will Rufus E. Lee is chairman of the in attempting to clear the name of Health Nursing," by^ Miss Florence be "The Jewish Problem—Is It-JewMcCabe; "City Health Program," by campaign committee this year and C ish or Christian?" Rabbi Matin has A. Cushman vice chairman. Officers Semion Petlura, expresses doubt in Dr. H. von W. Schulte. been lecturer on comparative ethics at December 19, "Health." "Aims of of the various divisions are: C. G. the statement of Schwartzbard that Yale university and is now professor George, chairman of the initial sub- he committed the act on his own ini- Hospi.tal Social • Service," by Miss of oriental' languages in the Universcriptions; Walter W. Head, chair- tiative and that he had no accom- Rose Schaub. Discussion led by Dr. j.ity of Chicago. He ;is. associated, with Olga Stastny and Miss Beatrice man of foreign corporations; W. W. plices. "John Haynes Holmes in the editor^Koller, colonel of the industrial di- The indictment recounts Schwartz- Hodge. t.hip of Unity, and member of the exvision; N. H. Loomis, colonel oLthe bard's shooting of Petlura on May 25, January 9, "The Modern Girl." "Y. ecutive committe.e of the Eugenics busines division; Mrs. Arthur P. 1925, when the latter was leaving a W. C. A.," by Mrs. Carrie A. CampCommission of the United States, the Guiou, colonel of the women's divi- Paris restaurant, and charges .that bell; "Camp Fire Girls," by Miss American Birth Control league, the Schwartzbard "wilfully murdered Pet- Gladys Shamp; "Girl Scouts," by Mrs. ( Continued on Page Three) American committee on the .Outlawry lura with malice aforethought." D. J. Foley. J. G. Masters and Mrs. of War,-the* Religious Education asAiftr the fall of ( the Romanoff Herman Jahr will lead the discussion. 'sociation~qf..America, and honorary dynasty, the indictment reads, the UkJanuary 16, "The Medern Boy." "Y. vice president of the Big Brother and JOHN HAYNES HOLMES. rainians established a Rada (council), M. C. A.," by Edwin Peirce; "Boy Big Sister-Movement of America. in which the Ukrainians, Russians, Scouts," by Leon Argetsinger. DisPoles and Jews were represented. "Do-.Politics in America Mean AnyThe Ukraine then became an inder cussion led by J. H. Beveridge and * Two hundred children in the afterMiss Sarah Shanley. thing?" will Tie the topic on which" noon and 600 aduJts in the evening pendent state. After the fall of the January 23, "Neighborhood and >Jorman. Hapg'ood will • speak on celebrated Succoth at the Jewish Kerensky; government,. Ukrainian was Community Programs." "The Ideals January V31.> Hapgood \tfas made" minCommunity Center Wednesday when recognized by 'the : governments of of a Modern Settlement," by Miss ister to Ddnfnark'by President Wiltwo big rallies, the first of this year, France and England. The Ukrainian Helen Gauss; "The Jewish Comson.*' He has been prominently con(Continued on Page Two) were staged. nected with public issues since he bemunity Center," By Irvin Stalmaster; Musical and dramatic organizations came editor of" Collier's. Weekly in "Municipal Recreation," by Ira Jones. 19QS. He was chairman of the com- Members for New Congrega- of the Center made their first appjsarMrs. Gentry Waldo will lead the disance on these programs. The Center mittee that nominated and elected cussion. * tion to Be Sought Symphony orchestra, under Rudolph Mayor Mitchell in New York. _For January 30, "Council of Social Seidl, the Yiddish Players under Elithree years he was editor of Harper*s at Once. Agencies and Community Chests," by jah Kipnis, and the Little Theater Weekly. He has been president o£ the League of Free Nations association. Plans for the formation of a mod- group under Mrs. Herman Jahr ap- An exhibition of the work of the Rowland Haynes. Discussion led by Associated,Charities, the Jewish Wel- John F. Hall. The last few years he h~asi>een politi- ern orthodox synagogue in Omaha peared in the evening program. February 6, "State and City Procal correspondent.in. Washington. He were made at a meeting in the Jewish The auditorium was decorated with fare federation and the Catholic is. the author of lives"'of "Lincoln, Community Center Wednesday eve- corn stalks, leaves and fruit in cele- charities,will be placed in one of the grams of Social Work." "A City RecWashington and. Webster;' "The ning. bration of the harvest. Fred White Sixteenth . street . windows of the reation Program," by Professor T. Stage in America,'.' and a recent -book, M. Kulakofsky was made chairman explained the significance of the holi-: Brandeis store during the Community Earl Sullenger; "A State Program," by Miss Anna M. Cameron. "The Advancing' Hour." chest drive next week. of the group, with the following other day. The display is being planned jointThisvcourse which will be given for officers: A. B. Alpirn, vice chairman; Harry H. Lapidus was chairman of February 20 will bring .John Sam Beber, secretary; J. J. Slosberg, the evening. Talks on the Center's ly by the three agencies, and will ex- the benefit of all the people of Haynes Holmes tor speak -on "Race treasurer. activities were made by Sam Beber, plain graphically the service given by Omaha grew out of one which had Prejudice — It?; Cause, aiiii Cure.!' Plans for an immediate^ member- chairman of the entertainment "com- themto the •unfortunates-of the city. been planned for the Jewish ComHolmes is the pastor of the Cpm- ship campaign were* made and A. I. mittee, and Jacob' Mirvis, educational munity Center. Registration will bei -.unity Church. He is president^ of the Kulakofsky was made chairman of director of. the Center. OMAHA-BROOKLYN DEBATE gin Monday, October 24. yree Religions association' and "di- the campaign. More than 60 members Dances and gymnasiupifeats were • TO BE FIRSrOF YEAR rector of the Amcrican'UnionMA gainst h'ave' already heen gained for the new a feature of the evening. MME. SARAH ADLER TO GIVE : lilitarism. He is editor of_Unity and movement.' - • " Jewish debaters of- Omaha and FAREWELL PERFORMANCE r. contributing editor to The World Brooklyn will meet in the first debate At the close of the membership OMAHA WOMEN TO GO Yomorrow. Among* his.-'books a. the year ..to be held in the Jewish Mmc. Sarah Adler, whose appearTO SISTERHOOD MEET of "The Revolutionary Fu'nctionlof the campaign, the group" -will take steps Community Center late in November. toward securing a. rabbi. ance in Omaha last week received enModern Church," "Is ' Death / t h e Mrs. Harry Rosenfeld and Mrs. The subject, "Resolved that Jewish thusiastic applause, will give her fareLnd?'V and' "Marriage and Divorce." Clarence Bergman will go to Sioux Colonization' in Russia," will take well performance at the Strand UlesSAM.BEBER'S NAME TO City as delegates to the district con- place on November 23 of November ter Sunday, October 23, at 8:30 p. m. Major's date" .will be announced vention of Temple Sisterhoods, Nov. 2 9 / . . . / ' • • '••. ' BE PUT IN "WHO'S WHO" Her ^play will be a four-act melolater. He'has been acclaimed through1 and 2. Mrs. N. Mantel of Omaha is Louis Lipp and . Philip M. Klutzdrama, "Women, Watch Your Husout the world as a master of charac president of the District Federation. mck will uphold the Omaha side. The Word carrie Wednesday to Sam Be^ terization. He has drawn, ^caricatures ber that his name -will be included in Others who expect .to. attend the debate^will be given under the aus- bands." y i the world's leading politicians, the forthcoming edition of the hand- convention are Mrs. N. Mantel, Mrs. pices of the Jewish Community CenMadame Adler is a member of the literary men, and socially prominent book of American Jews, "Who's Who Joe Rosenfeld, Mrs. L. Hfller, Mrs. ter.' Irvin Stalmaster is chairman of famous theatrical family of Adler, and persons. is known as "the queen of the Jewish In American Jewry." Only a few per- H. Rachman, Mrs. A. Spmberg, Mrs. the committee on arrangements. . Debates with St. Louis and Kansas stage." She will play in the Jewish A. Herzberg, Mrs. Sam Robinson and sons,^-each'citv are included in this The concerts have already been anCity are also being'arranged. ' Mrs. Henry Rosenthal. language. book. nounced.






""contain plans for the ensuing "Y" season, information pertaining to membership, dues and the work of the "Y."

S. Finkenstein and Philip Stem of Mr. E. Weinberg, proprietor. Is Los Angeles. There are also twenty- well known in the city, and promises four grandchildren- and nine great to give personal service to his grandchildren. patrons. _

waifs and strays, which was established 18 months ago in Moscow, is to become a school, for the graining of fully-qualified agricultural experts.

Dr. B. M. Knlly A, Perimeter , Nathan Simon Max Shapiro AlWohlner ( J.Coha Harry MalaschockS. A. Simoncs

Every Shade of Opinion will be represented in the series of editorials by prominent Omaha Jews which begins ia this issue of the press. JEWISH HOUSEWIVES will be interested to know that The Press will begin with its next issue a home-making department, conducted by Mrs. David M. New>mtn. Mrs. Newman will suggest menus b&sed on scientific dietetic principles, yet keeping in mind the preference of the Jewish cook for the good old traditional cookery/

CANTOR RE-ELECTED FOR TWO YEARS Cantor Xahanowitch to Continue at Beth Hamedrosji Hogodel. Cantor Isaiah Kahanowitch of Beth Hamedrosh Hogodel, Nineteenth and Burt streets, has been ^re-elected for

a period of two years, with a raise in salary. His work here was given imich pfaiseV ~ ' - - - - - •,..—-,- .--•••.. , Cantor Kahanowitch was born in Mozir Minsk, Russia, 30 years ago. He studied voice under Profesor Bironbom of Warsaw, Poland. For five years he was cantor in Yeckaterinoslow, and took the place of Cantor Kvarten *t the Kazelctcv synagogue. He has been in Omaha 17 months, where he has made many friends.

HEBREW GLOB BALL TO BE ELABORATE; FELDMAN CHAIRMAN Randall's Boyal Foatenelle Orchestra to Furnish the Music.

DR. SPEVAK, BELOVED PHYSICIAN, AUTHOR, SOCIAL WORKER, OIES Secretary of Denver Oonsumptire Belief EocietT Pastes HAD.


Denver, Oct. 17.—(J. T. A.)—Dr. Charles D. Spivak, author, philanthropist, and prominent Jewish social worker, executive secretary of the Jewish Consumptive Relief society, died here yesterday afternoon at the age of 66. Dr. Spivak died after an illness of three months. The funeral will be held Thursday. Dr. Spivak, born in Kr|tnentschug, was brought to America by his parents and received his degree in medicine from Jefferson Medical college. The next two years he studied at the University of Berlin, and later served as chief of the clinic for gastro-intestial diseases at the Philadelphia polyclinic and was lecturer there until 1898. Dr. Spivak is known as a pioneer in social work. He was professor at the Denver school oi Medicine. He was the founder of the sanatorium of the Jewish Consumptives" Relief society of Denver. He was editor of the Medical Libraries, the Denver Jewish News, and the Sanatorium. He was at one time president of the Colorado Medical library association and was librarian of the Denver Academy ot Medicine in 1905. He served as special commissioner of Joint Distribution Committee to j study health and sanitation among the Jewso f Europe in 1920 and served as secretary of the commission of the Sanatorium Association to study the mortality of tuberculoses in Colorado in 1921. He -was co-author with Yehoash of the Yiddish Dictionary,a r\d was a cQntnbuYor of* numerous" Sfttt'les On gastroenterolog)' and the history of medicine to the Jewish Encyclopedia and the Annals of Medical History. He compiled and edited the Medical Coloradcfane, and a number of bibliographies on Jewish medicine. He was editor of the Longevity Almanac and contributed a series of articles on hygiene and longevity from a Jewish standpoint. He was a member of the American Medical Association, the American Gastro-Enterological Association, the American Jewish Committee, the American Jewish Congress, the Denver Anti-Tuberculosis Association, the Denver Philosophical Society. His will provides that his body be turned over to a medical school to be carefully dissected, the dissection to be made by an equal number of Jewish and non-Jewish students. Dr. Spivak also directed in his will that his skeleton be articulated and sent to the University of Jerusalem, to be used for demonstration to classes in anatom}-. Dr. Spivak was known and loved by many Omaha Tews. He visited Omaha many times. Dr. Max Fleishman, brother of lilla Fleishman Auerbach, is resident physician at the sanitorium of the Jewish Consumptive Relief society.

Plans for the Omaha Hebrew Club ball to be held in the municipal auditorium Sunday evening, October 30, indicate that the affair will be one of unusual gaity. ' . Randall's Royal Fontenelle orchestra will provide music for dancing-. There will also be a program of concert music. John Feldman is chairman of the committee for the ball. Members of the committee are Mendel Blank, Sol Rosenbery, Fred White, B. G. Shapiro, I. Stalmaster, Max Fromkin, Max Lorig, Mark Eolonsky, i»taurice Civin, Ben Minken, Maurice Stuff, Jake Ricklin, Albert Kaplan, and Sam Alt-S shular. Maurice Civin is president of the club. .Ben. Minfcen.'is vice presiAlfred dent.

TEMPLE ISRAEL TO SEER MORE MEMBEBS E. Mayer Placed in Charge of Campaign.

MIRViS TO OSBEGT Sis AHU' f t Announcement -. is .made this week that Mr. Jacob Mirvis, educational director, of the Center, will be the future advisor of the-Y. M. and Y-. W. H. A.. Mr. Mirvis "will'take charge of the program of the *'Y". He will outline his plans at the neJtt "Y" meeting, Monday, October 24, at 8 p. m. Election of officers for the coming term will be held at this meeting.

DR. MORRIS FISHBEIN TO SPEAK IN QhHAHA Dr. Morris Fishbein, distinguished editor of the American Medical society journal, Tv*ill be in Omaha in December to address a medical society meetin|j. ,,,

A campaign, to increase the membership of Temple Israel is being planned under the auspices of the board of trustees of the Temple and under the chairmanship of Alfred S. Mayer. I A meeting to plan the details of the campaign was held in the Athletic club Tuesday. Twenty teams of two members -each v/iil be appointed to carry on this work. A dinner for the workers will be held shortly at the Blackstone hotel. A general meeting of workers will also be held soon. The officers of the congregation are HenryRosenthal, president; Da-" vid Rosenstock, vice president; Louis Hiller, treasurer; Emil Ganz, secretary; Samuel Herzberg, trustee. The remaining members of the board of trustees are Sol Dcgen, Alfred S. Mayer, Harry Rachman, Harry Z Rosenfeld and Harry Wilinsky.

Peretz, was honored by z decision of Creighton University and at practicing*' the city council of Brzesc Litewski. attorney in Omaha. Dlugo street •will be renamed Peretz His colleague will be Thflip Klutzstreet, the council decided. nick, as previously announced,

^"'C^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ' • ^ ' i X ^ ^ H M ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ : ^ 1 ^ ^




JEWISH CALENDAR—5688-1927-28




Riga.—(J. T. A.)—The Jewish Philadelphia.—(J. T.. A.)—Philadel- colonists in the settlement Chlcborob, 1927 phia wiil create a Central Bureau of district of Yevpatorye, have decided THE JEWISH PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY New York.—(J. T. A.)—The brav•Rosh Chodesb Cheshvan : Thursday, October 27 Jewish education which will unite all to abandon the land because of a conery of Gen. Abel Davis pi the Illinois Office: 490 Brabdeis Theater Building—Telephone: ATUmtic 1450 •Roah Chodesh Kislev Friday, November 25 religious school systems and institu- flict which arose between them and National Guard, a colonel during the 1st Day Hanukkah Monday, December 19 tions. The purpose of this Bureau their Christian neighbors, reports reJEANETTE GLICK GERSON, Editor. world war, at a crucial point on the •Rosh Chodesh Tebeth Sunday, December 25 will be to ^expand, develop and co-ceived here state. DAVID BLACKER, Business Manager. front on July 4, 1918, was given ordinate Jewish education. 1928 The conflict centered around a dishonorable mention in the intimate ac1 The Bureau is planned to combat pute over the ownership of a strip of Fast of Tebeth Tuesday, J a ^ * ^ count of Major Henry S. Hooker, act.$2.50 Subscription Price, one year Rosh Chodesh Shebat Monday, January 23 ing adjutant of the 33rd Division at the apathy which exists toward Jew- land, the colonists and the peasants Advertising rates furnished on application. the time of the taking of Hamel,,of ish education in this city where ap- of the village Aktchara both claiming •Rosh Chodesh Adar Wednesday, February 22 an event which was celebrated by the proximately seventy per cent of the the land. Purim Tuesday, March « The matter was brought to the disAllies all over Europe as significant Jewish children receive no Jewish edRosh Cbodesh Niss*n • Thursday. March_ 22 CHANGE OF ADDRfiSS-Plea»e fllve both the old and new addressj be sure to give ucation whatever. trict court which ruled that the land oft he entrance of the American army 1st Day Peosach Thursday. April 5 your n«nie. At a meeting called on the initia- be given to the peasants of Aktchara. into the actual battle. 7th Day Pessach . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . W e d n e s d a y . Apnl 11 •Rosh Chodesh Iyar Saturday, Apnl 21 Major Hooker, speaking in connec- tive of Dr. Cyrus Adler, and Dr. Ju-When the officials came to dispose The JdWish Press is supplied by the Jewish Telegraphic agency Lag b'Omer ...Tuesday, May 8 tion with the statement of Earl Haig lius H. Greenstone at Dropsie College the Jewish settlers, they held a demWith cabled and telegraphic Jewish news, and feature articles from Resh Chodesh Slvan . . . . . . . . . : . - . . ' » . • - •• • . . . . -Sunday, May 20 at the luncheon to American Legion j and attended by representatives of all onstration in "protest. The Jewish Friday M a y 25 all important Jewish centere. \ 1st Day Shabutch -Vvdelegates in London last Friday, de- congregations and Jewish religious members of the Komsomol, the •Rosh Chodesh Tammuz ., Tuesday, June 19 scribed the action of the late General schools, a resolution was adopted Young Communist Organization, parFart of Tammuz Thursday, July 5 George Bell, Jr., in leaving the divi- calling into being the Philadelphia ticipated in the demonstration. The RoBh Chodesh Ab >....., .Wednesday, July 18 sion in the' British sector despite or- Council on Jewish Education. Under relations between the Jewish settlers the terms of .the constitution only became so acute that the colonists deFast of Ab -i Thursday, July 26 ders that they be withdrawn. •Rosh Chodesh EUul Friday, August 17 "Four companies," Major .Hooker those institutions sponsoring Jewish cided.to leave the settlement. . stated, "about 1,000 men, went over religious education are to be permit- JEWS SAID TO HAVE AIDED under the command of Col. Abel ted to affiliate themselves with t h e ANTI-ROUMANIAN FEELING '••• : ; " ;.'•-• ; : " : " - • - " ' " BY DR. P H I L I P S H E R . : Davis, and that proved the value of Council. .-While the autonomy of the lura government, explained the hardAmerica's new army, as Cantigny had individual school systems is not to be^ Berlin.—(J. T. A.) — The charge ships which were brought to a head The.Community Chest is not merely a coffer into' which the proved the value of our regular army touched, leaders are hopeful that a co- that unnamed Jewish s p c i e t i e s in these pogroms by the conditions money whjqh is collected for ^philanthropicpurposes is deposited. ordinated approach to curriculum and h a v e contributed to the sum in actual combat." which have always existed between Our .CommunityChest is the place where the heart of all races andpropaganda will be effective in stimu- given by the Soviet government the peasants and the Jews. The peascreeds of the city is placed. ^ lating interest in Jewish education. to Christian Rakovsky, Soviet ants regarded with mistrust a popu- man living in retirement, having ambassador in Paris, to conduct antiAn organization Committee consist* It amalgamates our social agencies and enables them to do betlation engaged only in trade or in as- passed all active life. Roumanian propaganda was made by ing of Dr. Julius H. Greenstone, Proter and more efficient work and prevents duplications., sisting the estate owners. The peasPAINTED DARK. Premier Bratianu in an interview fessor Isaac Husik, Congressman (Continued from Pane On«.) ants did not distinguish between Jew The indictment depicts , Schwartz- Benjamin M. Golder, Mrs. Cyrus Ad- with the representative of the "Fi• I t is a vital factor in bringing together our. citizens to a closer and estate owner, whom they consid- bard in dark colors, charging him ler, Howard, Levy, Leon J. Ober- garo," reports published in the antigovernment, however, had enormous acquaintanceship and a better understanding, by exchanging ideas difficulties with the Red army. At ered their oppressor. Also, the Bofc with having been an anarchist, having mayer and Robert M. Bernstein has Semitic press here state. for the welfare of our community, so that our city may develop. that time Semion Petlura became a sheviks have always included Jews in been convicted for burglary, although is alleged to have said that With its high standard of constructive social work, it teaches us power. He played an important part high positions in the Ukrainian ad- it adds that the information obtained been charged with the duty of calling theBratianu funds were given to stimulate the a meeting for the purpose of constito give, not as a people who find the world so miserable, so pitiful, in the history of the Republic and in ministration. The Cheka contributed about Schwartrbard in France is not tuting the Council and electing-offi- circulation of reports concerning that we want to relieve its misery, but to give as a people who find the opinion of his countrymen, he was to the unpopularity of the Jews. "Theunfavorable. Roumanian atrocities. cers. the world so beautiful, so glorious, tha£ we want to pay pur obliga- an apostle of liberty, a regenerator of enemies of Ukrainian independence TKe role of a judge and a savior tion to society and pass on that which has been given to us. his country and a savior of the Uk- has always encouraged the hostility does not fit a man who had been conraine. He did not, however, succeed Ukrainians and Jews. Fur- victed of burglary, the indictment Anyone who.has money and is also blessed with a clear-thinking in his ambition, although he devoted between thermore, the army, having had nostatejs. In 1908, when he lived in mind knowsthat his money is not; his own. The only right to it that himself with the greatest self-sacrifice regular supply of food, necessarily he has is the right-of choosing what to do with it. Insofar as we and devotion. Finally after many bat- compelled the population to provide Vienna, he was sentenced to four ' can pay our obligation to society and to mankind, so far has our life tles, during which lives were lost, he it with supplies. The dregs of the months imprisonment for burglary. Boy Scoot He was in close touch -with the - . - b e e n w o r t h . w h i l e . •" •' ': " ? .• •". ; .••-•..•"::-;'• '.;--. '•'• y -'-:y} ";>; was compelled to leave the country population participated in the rob-anarchists and was arrested in BudaOfficial which passed under Soviet rule. He beries. The peasants were exasper- pest in 1909 for an attempt at burg^•v^Stoe'liought has been beautifully described in these words: ; Outfitters then settled in Paris, where.he led a ated and naturally reprisals followed. lary. ; \'i:^.[ " W e l i v e i n . d e e d s , n o t y e a r s , . • •'. • -• '••;.•-•. ---^'^yyiw^-^ simple, retired life. :: : l The information obtained about \ PROBLEM DIFFICULT. \fyy'fyri t h o u g h t s , n o tb r e a t h s , \ . . . .- „ r.-y'' : -'^ ^''-?; §!i:^ him in France is not unfavorable, the HE REJOICED, The historian, Jabotinsky, the act -yy: "Infeelings,^ not in figures on a dial:" ^••.'•A-^.Sli^.y;;^: indictment declares. When Schwajtzbard heard that continues, declares that the cause o ; i *Wtshould county time by heart throbs. •:'-:^^^':J^J-^y Petlura had died from the wounds he the pogroms was the anti-Semitism of It is clear, the indictment concludes, that the accused, wilfully, with ;;:['y *\He most lives who thinks most, feels the noblest, acts the best. had inflicted, Schvyartzbard was over- the events. It is therefore clear tha malice aforethought, killed Petlura joyedHe shook the hand of his in-1 theoretical responsibility cannot be r - w He whose heart beats quickest, lives longest, for he lives longer formant, the indictment states. When placed upon Petlura in the face of and the crime should be dealt with in Ja an hour than some live in years," , t ' examined, Schwartzbard stated that his remarkable energy against the po- accordance with articles 293, 296, 297, from his childhood he had lived in groms and the great humane princi- 298 and 302, of the Criminal Code. the'Ukraine, that he fought in the ples he endeavored to instill n his "solFrench army during the war and was diers and the wise measures he adopt-_ 4.3 PER CENT OF RUSSIAN wounded. He then returned to thecd under most difficult circumstances! SYNAGOGUES CONFISCATED Ukraine, where he witnessed the pomm With the death of Dr. Charles Spivak, the Jewish world,, and the groitjs, which left an indelible horror to prevent "these"pogroms. Leningrad, Oct. 13.—(J. T. A.)— The act then quotes the text of sev-- world at large, lost a great spirit which will not soon be_ replaced. on his mind. He had heard people Four and three-tenths per cent of all orders which were issued by Petmmm 1 Botk;i,n his life and in hi?.death, Dr. Spivak gave himself in an speak of Petlura and became con- eral the synagogues in the Union of Solura to the army against the pogroms. that was Petlura who was reunusual degree to the welfare of humanity. His long service to his vinced It asserts that Petlura shot those who cialist Soviet Republics have been for these , pogroms. When people and to the medical profession brought'him worlds-wide recog- sponsible were guilty in the pogroms and that confiscated by the Communist authorSchwartzbard returned to Paris and nition, and fris extraordinary character and personality endeared him heard that Petlura was living here, he had helped the victims oul of the ities, according to statistical data You Want to Buy st Lowest-instate treasury, particularly the victims compiled by the anti-religious muto everyone. \ he obtained the paper, Trident, the-City Prices $nd You Want seum here. of the pr^pskurov pogrom. Many benewhich Petlura •yas" publishing, and According to the same figures 5.4 D r , Spivak's giving of his body/for dissection b y medical s t u d e n t s ficial measured, the act further asfound that he was continuing his antiw a s a characteristically straightforward a n s w e r t o a piece of arttiserts, taken by Petlura, show the wis- per cent of all the .Greek Orthodox Semitic •'activity. Schwartzbard deJ e w i s h p r o p a g a n d a ; I t had been reported t h a t Jewish s t u d e n t s in R o u dom and liberalism of his govern- churches were confiscated, £'.& per m a n i a and P o l a n d had been denied t h e privilege of t h e dissecting cided to take reyfinge. Schwartzbard ment. His govcrnment^gave extensive cent of the Catholic churches and 3.6 r o o m because J e w s objected t o giving bodies for dissection. D r . declared that he acted on his own ini- rights to the national minorities and per cent of the Lutheran. Spivak c o n t e n d e d a t t h e tiine t h a t there is n o Jewish law o r custom tiative without extraneous help or ac- especially the Jews. It appointed in |<. p r e v e n t i n g t h e dissection of Jewish bodies. A t his death, h e prdved complices. None knew of his plans, 1919 a commission to inquire into the h\s contention b y providing that-his b o d y b e used for scientific p u r - not even his wife. causes of the pogroms. It had among The Largest % AND poses. ••...;. ' ._ ": ' . • ' . , ••..••• .;••.•• . .'. :• Although these depositions must be its members a minister for Jewish.afv "Small Steak" admitted-Ih the absence of anything fairs; it permitted the printing of YidD r . Spivak h a d m a n y close friends in O m a h a . Local J e w r y w a s else pointing to the contrary, the act dish inscriptions on the Ukrainian in town saddened this week b y t h e n e w s of his death. B u t t h e m e m o r y of continues, it is certain that the cirbank notes. There were Jewish high h i m will live on. cumstances do not agree with the officials even in the army. Jews devM$ murderer's statement. Professor-Ko- clared their confidence in his governval, a* friend of Petlura, testifies that ment. The late Israel Zangwill exHENSHAW Golf PALESTINE CONFERENCE Long he saw SchwaFtzbard, accompanied pressed appreciation for Petlura's CAFETERIA granting the Jewish national rights. by others", shadowing Petlura. Knickers TO BE ADDRESSED BY Trousers ANNEX Schwartzbard's method of defense is Jabotinsky refused to consider PctNOTED JEWISH SPEAKERS very unstable, the act proceeds. He lura and his associates as pogrom1513 Farnam St. The wonderful value-giving at ttis store ia an New York, Oct. 19.—Some of the could not produce any proof of hiscluks. Stavinsky, a Ukrainian leader, vww London —» ( J e w i 5 h Telegraphic leading: orators '.in American Jewry- statements. Really, Petlura was not stated tliat Petlura instructed him to open book to all vrho see the amazing values— yVgqncy.)—Sir Herbert Samuel, for- will address the National Conference an anti-Semite, but a lover of thesupport the suggestion made at the Harry H. Lapidus, Pres.-Treas. the unusual quality in boys' clothes offered at i h Commissioner of Palestine on Palestine, to be held in Cleveland, Jews; the act asserts. Even Schwartz- Zionist Congress in Carlsbad to ormer H High Nebraska's unequaled low prices. Vras selected as a candidate for the of- O,, oii October 29 and 30, under the bard recognized the contradictions in ganize a special Jewish gendarmerie fice of rector of the University of auspices of the United Palestine Ap- his statement. After insisting on Pet- in the Ukraine. The editor of the TriEmphatically Best Values—Bc-ytf Glasgow. The telrm of the present peal, according to a statement issued lura's responsibility for the pogroms, dent denies that he had published CO. Suits and Overcoats at rector, Chamberlin, expires in 1928. by Meyer W. Weisgal.x Chairman of be finally admitted that the only fact articles inciting pogroms. , Every Price COMPLETE STORE and Sir Herbert's candidacy has the supCommittee on Arrangements for^ is that the pogroms occurred while It is therefore clear that SchwartzOFFICE OUTFITTERS port of the Liberal students. Petlura was the head of the state and the Conference. We Occupy It was stated that Sir Herbert hacf army, arid never proved that Petlura bard had no reason either because of Over 70,000 Square Feet One; of the main addresses will be Petlura's past or because of a fear for , 'definitely decided to seek a seat in organized or even was indifferent to Southwest Corner x parliament at the next general elec- delivered by Henrietta Szold, who these murders which shocked the con- Petlura's future to commit the crime Eleventh and Douglas Streets Boys* Warm Little Chaps* tions. He 'will contest Darweeti in the was elected one of] the three members science of mankind. Schwartzbard, he did, the act declares. His crime apPhone JAckson 2724 of the Palestine Executive at the reLeather Coats Novelty Suits Lancashire division. the act continues, brought no proof pears strange under the circumstances Omaha, Nebr. cent World Zionist Congress in Basle, and even stranger and more terrible of his-statements, which are founded Switzerland. / because it was committed in 1925, on vague presumptions. years after Petlura had lost power, It is-expected that Miss Szold will TERRIBLE POGROMS. had lived modestly and quietly in obm>ke an important statement regardNo one denies the unfortunate, ter- scurity. ELECTRICITY ing the future of the upbuilding of rible pogroms during Petlura's' govHeavy Knit Sheep Lined Schwartzbard, the indictment , Moscow.—-(J. T. A.)—Seventy-two Palestine, and the part to be played IS CHEAPEST ernment, the act states, but they were nationalities inhabit the peninsula • of by- Americati Jewry in^that develop- due to the state of anarchy, which states, should have felt enough affecSweater Coats Winter Coats tjon for France which treated him IN OMAHA Crimea which has a population of ment. Shortly after the Cleveland prevailed in the country after the rev- well, made him her citizen, and not 413(823, according to the official cen- Conference, Miss Szold will leave the olution. The real culprits were the shed on her sotlt he blood of an aged United States for Palestine, where sus of the Soviet authorities. Russian soldiers who were stationed i The Jewish population of Crimea she will take up her duties as member in the Ukraine and not the Ukraini• numbers 39,921, representing 5.6 per ofjthe PalesUne'Executive. ans. Both Jews and Christians "sufcent of the total population. The Rus- •''• Another address will be that 6y JDr. fered. The Red Army, as well as Dnisians number 42.2 per cent, and theJu^ah i : Magne3, J)e»n of the He- kin's army, engaged in the pogroms. Tartar* 25.1 per cent. brew. University of 'Jerusalem,: who' It is. no doubt that Petlura's regiA comparison with the figures of Has just; arrived iit tills country. ments were also engaged in these the census taken in 1921 shows that :The other; leading speakers include criminal practices and even the chcthe' Jewish' population in Crimea has Luis Lipsky/ President of the Zionist otic state of the. country cannot ex—and everything the boys require for good health, '&%& comfort aad good appearance. Emphatically lowest.aecreaseaio;? per cent. Simultaneous-. Organlzatipn^ofAm erica; Judge WH- plain their- conduct because, being in-the-city prices. ly,-th,e number of Jewish colonists in lianv :M.-iLewis* Chairman:: iof the representatives of law and order, they Own Store—Fonrfh Floor Crimea, has. increased from 1,000 in UnitedrPalesUhe^Appeal; lion. Julian should have shown a good example, 1921 to 4,000c '• Yf, ^ c k r i H o n p r a r y yi^Chairmanv but it was very difficult "for Petlura, The mayor of Warsaw, Poland, of the United Palestine Appeal; Dr. living far away, with his orders fresent a special New Year's message to Stepjien^S; ^ i s e i Ilonorary Cttairinan quently disobeyed, to control these the Jewish1 citizens of that city. This of; t ^ e 3 ^ n i t e | j'aieatine Appeal; Morr activities,- which were really caused is one thing w* do not mind their ris Rpthenberg, Chairiirtan of: the Ke- by the circumstances of the momenf, iCORRECT APPAREL FOR MEN AND WOMEN the act declares. g from $ New York Tam- ren Hayesodj; ^and^'-Maunce; Samuel, Shulgin, former minister in the Petlectorclri>:'noveU.st^anCes.Myist'^^ ;

Published every Thursday at Omaha, Nebraska, by


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2059 Farnam


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Page 3


"BOOK REVIEW" TO BE CENTER SUNDAY RABBI CQHN'S SUBJECT SCHOOL TO Rabbi Frederick Cohn will deliver his next Friday night sermon on "A Book Review." His Saturday morning CAMPAIGN NEXT WEEK ASSEMBLY OCT.23 topic will be "A New Beginning.*'

Numerous affairs have been given in honor of M r s . L . Glassman of Philadelphia, w h o is visiting her sis- Mysteries, Fortune Telling and Games to Be Featured. ter, Mrs. Ben Ross. Among those w h o (Continued from Peg* One) have entertained for h e r a r e M r s . H . Many Children Have Already THE BEST PLACE TO J. Tattleroan a n d Mrs. William T e n - The first annual party sponsored by sion; Mrs. F. W. Carniicbael, lieutenRegistered for Newly OrBUY YOUR nebaum-of Omaha. the physical department of the Jew-ant colonel of the residential division; ganized Feature. VICTOR 0RTHOFH0NIC Mrs. Ross honored h e r sister at a ish Community Center will be a Hal-W. C. Frascr, chairman of the speak0T RADIO lowe'en affair on Saturday evening, bridge party Wednesday afternoon. ers' bureau, and Victor Smith, chairRegistration for the newly organSee Us First. Mrs. P . Phillips gave a theater party October 29. The physical department, Tnan of publicity committee. ized Sunday school to be held at the CAI T p\ArfC 18M No- 24th St. Thursday evening. M r s . J . Speigal, under Marcus Krasne, is planning to The Chest this year comprises 30 Jewish Community Center has begun, • Editor's note; Please send notices of parties and other social events, engage' Mrs. Leslie Burkenroad of Omaha, make this the biggest party to have agencies, which arc: Associated according to Jacob Mirvis, director of ViWlVVWiVftV.'Wl merits and wedding*, and the meetings ;of Jewish organizations to The Press, to be Mrs. Charles Saltzman, and M r s . S.been given in the Center. in the office by Wednesday afternoon. Charities, American Red Cross, Sal- education of the Center. Weintraub! have also entertained for Let thm There will be mysteries, fortune vation Army, Jewish Welfare FederaThere will be a kindergarten class Mr. and Mrs. M. Davidson announce the engagement of their her. telling, prize games, and dancing. Mu- tion, Diocesan Catholic _Charities, for children of 5 and 6 years of age, daughter, Esther, to Nathan J. Horwich, son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles sic will be furnished by ' a red-hot Colored Free Employment bureau,"1 a confirmation class for children 13 llorwich. T h e B a r Mitzvah of Collman Y u - band, of jazz syncdpators. Day Nursery of the Junior League, years old and over, and classes for delson, son of Mr. a n d M r s . M. YuBe Yowr E'Eker 1 The committees in charge are as .Child Saving Institute, The Creche, the ages in between, also. Miss Katherine Garrop, whose wedding to Mr. Lewis Asdyll delson, will take place Saturday Quaker Eektin|i Co, Immauuel Children's Home, FonteThe first assembly of the school will take place in the Jewish Community Center November 6, is be- morning jn t h e Chevra B'nai Yisroel follows: nellet Boulevard Home, House of will be held on Sunday, October 23, Music—Doc. Lasser and Meyer ing entertained at a number of dinners and parties given in'her honor- synagogue, 618 Mynster street. Hope, Immanuel Home for Aged and at 10:30 a. m. It will be held for all ~ Mrs. B. Garrop, mother of the bride-to-be, gave a luncheon for 20 O n Saturday afternoon, Collmin Grecnberg. pruests at her home on October 11. Mrs. Joe Nitz entertained with a Yudelson w i l l entertain _0 of his Posters — Ruth. Barrish, Meyer Invalids, Colored QlsJ Folks* Home, children who have regiltered up to Orthopedic Association of Omaha, that time. dinner for Miss,. Garrop on Sunday, Ida Azorin gave a party Wednes- friends a t his home in honor of his Greenberg and Max Altshuler. Visiting Nurse Association, Society Classes will begin on Sunday, Ocday evening. On Thursday, Mrs. A. D. Givot and Mrs. S. Babior Bar Mitzvah." Decorations—Minnie Flax, Margar- for the Friendless, Omaha City Mis- tober 30. Sessions will be heM every entertained with a luncheon at the Elks club. et Schonbraun and Lillian Margolin. sion, Travelers' Aid Society, Nebras- Sunday from 10 a. m. until 12 a. m. DISTRIBUTORS OF Mrs. Abe Bear of Lcavcnworth, Games—Ethel Greenberg, Ula Alka Humane society, Christ Child SoAmong the teachers who will take Kansas, will spend t h e week-end with Among those who will entertain for Miss Garrop are Miss Tina ciety, Social Settlement association, classes in the new Sunday school arc AltsHuler, Mrs. H . Brown, Mrs. S. Okum and Mrs. Minkin, Miss her parents, Mr. a n d Mrs. Julius Kat- berts and Lillian Margolin. Stories—Sylvia Bernstein, Ruth Camp Fire pirls, Augustana Luth- Mrs. Sam Bebcr, Miss Lillian MarRose and Miss Grace -Rosenstein, Miss Rose Brookstein, Mrs. H. Del- leman. ; ern Women's Home, Y. W. C A., golin, Miss Esther Potash, Miss GerBarrish and Doc. Lasser. rough and Mrs. M. Cohn. H a r r y Rosenthal, son of Mr. and Publicity—Stanley F. Levin, Bess Boy Scouts of America, Nebraska trnde Tatle, and Miss Anne Rubach. Mrs. Sam Rosenthal, will have one of Lipp and Lillian Margolin. State Conference of Social Work, SoMr. and Mrs, M. Kulafcofsky will -the leads in t h e play, "Pals First,"-ln cial Service Exchange, Girl Scouts. leave Sunday for Berkeley, Cat-, to Synagogue Holds Annual Tickets—Stanley F. Levin, Martha T h o m a s Jefferson high school, F r i attend the wedding of their grandson, Welfare Sunday has been desigHimmelstein and Minnie Flax. Meeting; Elects Officers JAckson 3Q86 giS Farnam St. day evening. Mr. Sidney Kay, who will marry Miss nated as October 23, and at that time Sunday—Omaha H « b r c w c 1 n b , Adele Harris on October 30. Mr^SidCommunity Chest sermons and ad- H. Gross was elected president of Mr. a n d Mrs. M. L . Marks a n d famney Kay is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Jewish Community Center. dresses are to be made from the pul- Beth Hamedrosh Hogodel at the anily have moved into their n e w home Joe Kay. j pits of the Protestant and Catholic nual meeting of the synagogue SunTuesday—Temple Sisterhood book a t 200 Fletcher avenue. TRY T H E NEW churches of the city. Rabbi Cohn has day evening. Max Minkin is vice review, i n t h e Temple. Ladies' stated that he will deliver a talk on president. Mrs. Mark Folack and her daughGolden Hill society, with M r s , Mrs. M. Saltzman will leave next the Chest before his congregation on Commissioners -who were elected ter, of Havana, Cuha; returned home Louis Epstein. Zionist organiza- week for L o s Angeles, California, The annual Thanksgiving dance of Friday, October 21. were Louis Blotsky, H. Goldstein, Sunday, accompanied by Mrs. Alextion, i n t h e Jewish Community where she will spend t h e winter with 1818 FARNAM A partial list of the Jewish women Harry Suskin, Nathan Levenson and the women's auxiliary of the B"nai ander Polack, who will spend the winCenter. •. _. v her daughters. '• "... ' < who are working on the Community B'rith will be held in the Jewish ComA. Wohlner. ter months -with fcer son and his Wednesday — Hadassab, In t h e family in Havana. munity Center on November 24. Mrs. Chest campaign is as follows: Mrs. man. The next meeting will be at the Jewish Community Center. L a Truehoft Sun- Meyer Beber and Mrs. William Al- Nathan Green, Miss Pauline Herz- Samuel Gerson Appointed dies' Auxiliary of t h e B'nai home of Miss Barbara berg, Mildred Lew, Mrs. Sam Beber, y bert are in charge of arrangements. Mrs. Selwin Jacobs, who has been ~r B'rith, p a r t y i n Fontenelle P a r k day afternoon. to State Executive Board Gertrude Tatle, Mrs. Maurice Jacobs, The auxiliary -will nave a Hallowspending several weeks in Omaha, rePavilion. .• -" • Rosaline Goldstein, Mrs. A. J. Kulae'en costume dancing party at the turned Thursday to her home in JackSamuel Gerson, director of the The Junior Hadassah held a SucThursday—B'nai B'rith, in t h e Jew- coth frolic in the Jewish Community Fontenelle park pavilion on Wednes- kofsky, Mrs. S. Frohm, Mrs. S. Berk- Jewish Community Center and the sonville, Fla. ish Community Center. 'Ladies' Center Thursday evening. Ula Al-day, October 26. Only members owitz, Mrs. A. Somberg, Mrs. Charles Jewish Welfare Federation, has been Auxiliary of t h e B W B'rith, m berts was chairman of the party. whose dues are paid up to date will LevensonC Mrs. Julius. Stein, Mrs. Y. placed on the executive committee of Mrs. Alexander Rubel of Minneof the t h e Jewish Community Center. Members of the' committee were receive invitations. Admittance will Dubnoff, Mrs. Ed Silbert, Miss Min- the Nebraska conference for social apolis, has returned home after a nette Margolin, Mrs. Meyer Friedel, work, which recently concluded . its be by invitation only. All members Alice Minken and Ida Sidman. The visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ambassador Orchestra Mrs. Dave Stein, Mrs. Ida Grossman, Charles Kirshhraun. Mrs. Rubel has Kansas City t o visit h e r niece, M r s . party was given in honor of newdesiring to attend or new girls vrish- Mrs. A. Greenberg, Ruth Malashock, annual conference in Beatrice, Neb. No Cover Charge Mr. Gerson will be a member at members. There were games and re- ing to "become members of the auxilbeen with her parents for twoB. Block. ;. Gertrude Kaiman, Jennie Newman, large for & term of three years. iary are asked to call Miss Ann Blank, freshments were served. A drive for months. Pearl Albert, Ann Silverman," Mrs. new members is planned. The group chairman, Harney 7139. Mrs. David Green will leave;. for Nate Mantel, Mrs. Harry Wolf, Miss Helene (Miss Edwin Kirschbraun1), Kansas City Saturday t o a t t e n d t h e has adopted two orphans in Palestine. Blanche Zimman, Mrs. Leo RosenRABBI FREDERICK COHN who recently launched herself in the wedding of h e r niece, M i s s ' Edith thai, Mrs. Philip Sher, Mrs. Ben DanThe Daughters of Zion will meet professional field as an interior dec- S i e g e i . .' • ' . . , ; • ' , • ; - : . • : . " . • < • • • : " : . ' ; ' GIVES TWO ADDRESSES batjm, Miss Gladys Perlich, Mrs. J. Monday, October 24, in the Jewish orator, has furnished an apartment in Blank, Mrs. Joe Bonoff, Mrs. E. the new Venetian Court, Thirty-third Mr. and: Mrs. Iforman Rothholtz, Community Center. Card parties will Rabbi Frederick Cohn of Temple Meyer, Mrs. A. L. Kopccky, Mrs. B. avenue, near Farnara ^street, which who have beenjjpending the summer be held the third Wednesday of every Israel addressed the Travelers' Insur- A. Simon, Mrs. M. E. Chapman, Mrs.' WE-3527 2429 Decatyr Street ance company at a meeting in the was open to the public for inspection here with relatives, have4eft for their month. B. T. Friedman, Mrs. L. B. Goldman, Chamber of Commerce Saturday Mrs. M. I. Gordon, and Mrs. J. J. this week. Mrs. Kirschbraun's" career home in Los Angeles. If you are in need of a Tales wool or silk of the best quality, *'. The Ladies' Labor Lyceum will noon. He spoke on Count Herman Greenberg. •will- be watthed with interest. Tfeelin, Mezuzos or any other religious articles, we will be glad * ______ " *



Park and Tilf ord Chocolates Hoefler's Centennial Chocolates Romance Chocolates

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• •



Peacock hm

Chinese and American Cusine Special Merchantss' Lunch Dance to the Music



Jewish Book Store



Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Pregler and give a concert and a Russian tea Sun- Keyserling's recent book, "The day, October 23, at 8 p. m. in the Charles Logasa, former Omafcan son, Bob,. have left for Chicago, Labor lyceum. An unusual program World In The Making." On ThursLoot tit 5-room and bath cottage, employed in the city engineering de- where they will make their future has been arranged for this affair. day evening he addressed Walter on one floor, 1538 TFillis Ave. Two Head's bible class at the First Presrooms and hall 1n oak. Half--way ' • - . ' , ' . : partment and active in the old Me-home. Those who' serve will be garbed in byterian church. His topic was "The floored attic, full basement. Well Kinley lodge of the B'nai B'rith, is built and in perfect condition. Value of the Spiritual." Close In , near car, school and Mrs. Edward Sirverberg of Despicturesque Russian costumes. now in Venezuela on a big engineerstores. Beautiful yard, "with fence and hedge. Price, $4,750. Call in ing project. Logasa has made his Moines spent Saturday as the guest HADASSAH TO OPEN forenoon or evening. WEbster of Mrs. David Newman. Mrs. Silverhome in France for .several years, Bramson Opens New Shop; 4165. berg is on her way to California. SEASON'S PROGRAM studying art; and was mentioned in Makes and Sells Jewelry The Hadassah-will hold the first the last issue of art's <rWho's Who." Mrs. Nate Ehrlich of New York is meeting of the year Wednesday, Oc- Jack Bramson, who has been idenHe is a brother of Miss Hannah JLogasa of the University of Chicago li- a guest in the home of Mrs. Maxtober 26, at 2:30 p. m., in the Jewishtified with Wilinsky and Company for brary and of Mrs. Louis I, Bogcn of Fromkin. Mrs. Fromkin entertained Community Center. 20 years, is opening his own retail Sts. HArney 1662 for Mrs. Ehrlich with a luncheon at Work ori the Hadassah cook book store and manufacturing shop at 524 27th and Martha Lincoln. ' Omaha, Nebraska. the Fontenelle Saturday and onis progressing, according to Mrs. M. Paxton block. ?oft gTay, iron, trass, fcronze and aluminum castings. Standard sizes . Miss; Rosaline Goldstein will leave Monday with an evening of bridge in F. Levenson, chairman of the cookMr. Bramson is equipped to make bronze and iron buhingn, sewer manbook committee. More~kosher rec- and repair gold and platinum jewelry. holes, cistern rings and covers, e Monday for a ten days' visit in Cen- her home. clean-out doors in stock. ipes are wanted. Each woman who As aspecial feature for his opening, ierviUe, la, * Several parties have been given for contributes' a recipe -will be credited he is offering to make over old wedMrs. H. B. Sher of Los Angeles, -who •with it ia the cook book. Mrs. Henry Hiller is a guest at the ding rings for $1.75., home of Mr. Louis Hiller, her son. is visiting;, her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A special division on traife food, a Maurice Goldenfcerg. Mrs. .^Golden- division on left-overs and a division 7 berg entertained for her daughter at on child-feeding -will be special fea- Kiddies Dancing Clubs WHOLESALE Mrs; H. Woll and her children, tures of the book, which will be DRUGGISTS and to Be Opened at Oenter Libbie and Yale, -will lehve November the Fontenelle last week. Mrs. D. STATIONERS •1. ior;New York, where they -will Blumenthal will entertain for her Fri- bound in washable oilcloth covers. Miss Ethel Greenberg, physical, diMrs. J. Rosenberg is chairman of 401-403-405 South 10th St. make". their future home. They will day afternoon. rector of the girls' idepartment of the the following committee on the rumstop in Cleveland for a visit with relmage sale: Mrs.'H. Silyerman, Mrs. ^Jewish pommunity Center, has orDr. Manuel Grodinsky and Dr. atives and friends. Nathan Muskin were in Kansas City Dave Green, Mrs. A. Bolker, Mrs, J. ganized a new "Kiddies' Dancing Class" to be held at 2 p. m. Sunday Mrs.; J. Belmont will leave next this week to attend the convention of Grossman, Mrs. R. Bleicher, Mrs. J* afternoons in the Center. Children Lieb, Mrs. E. Weinberg, Mrs. A. Rub-week to visit her daughter, 'Miss the Interstate Post-graduate Medical nitz, Mrs. A. Theodore, Mrs. A. Wolf, between the ages of 4 and 9 will be • . V Esther Belmont, and _Mr. and Mrs.association. Mrs. Max Shapiro, Mrs. Julius Stein, accepted. The class will specialize in BUTTER and EGGS Philip Belmont in New York City. The Baker Chaloim society has re- Mrs. J. J. Friedman, Mrs. J. D. Rob- aesthetic dancing. CourfcU Bluffs, Iowa. inson, Mrs. Sam Robinson, Mrs. A. I. Mrs. N Jacobs entertained at acently been organized with the fol-Kulakofsky, Mrs. M. F. Levenson, family dinner Tuesday evening in her lowing, officers: Mrs. S. Neveloff, Mrs. D. A. Simon, Mrs. L KulakofIN OMAKA apartment at the Austin, in honor of president; Mrs.rJ. Finkel, vice presi- sky, Mrs. A. Romm, and Mrs. Mark dent; Mrs. M. Seiner, treasurer; Mrs. Mr." and Mrs. Morris Jacobs. Alkin, recording secretary; Mrs. Bi-Leon. & 250 Rooms—200 Baths Miss Helen Levenson and Miss sen, financial secretary; Mrs. Baum, Good Rooms for $1.50. 1552 No. 20th St. — W E bster 0£€7. Bess Haykin, two brides-to-be, will chairman of arrangements committee. Lewis Browne to Address Operated by Eppley Hotels Co. The meetings will be held at the syna-Fresh Meats—Delicatessens State Teachers Here be entertained at bridge at the home Fresh Fish Handled Daily Rabbi Lewis Browne, distinguished of Miss Lillian Chudacoff, Sunday, gogue on Twenty-fifth and Seward streets. We Deliver to All Parti of th«_ City. author and lecturer, will speak in October 23. Omaha, during the convention of the Woman Mrs. B. A. Simon is sponsoring a Nebraska State Teachers association Miss Sylvia' Wohlner, a student at card party which will be given SaturRepresentative to be held in the auditorium of Tech the University of Nebraska, spent the week-end with her parents, Mr. andday, October 22, in the home of Mrs. high school November 3, 4 and 5. He Wanted! J. Slosberg. The proceeds will be will speak on "This Believing World." Mrs. H. Wohlner. FAMOUS FOR given to the work of the Needle _m m m m T • Mpni • • • • • • • • m mm • » • • » Make Money " DIAMONDS 36 Years of Honest Merchandise i* Act as representative for Miss Mina Kneeter of New York, Work Guild of America. Partners will J Your Guarantee of a Sauare Deal. YOUNG MAN J the_ clever new mono-" formerly of Omaha, arrived Saturday be furnished for each table. The pubgrained "shell" eyeglass 1419 Douglas. Est. 1890. lic is invited. looking .for board and room 'o visit her, mother, Mrs. Mamie and cigarette cases. Gift ICneeter, for a few weeks. novelties that appeal DeliThe Ladies' Golden Hill society cate pastel shades for will hold their regular meeting Tueswomen, the real shell colMr. and Mrs. Reuben Baisel an- day afternoon, October 25, at 2:30. LET THE or for men. All sizes. nounce the hirth of a son on October The" meeting will take place in the Make good-Commissions 13 at St. Vincent's" hospital, Kansas home of Mrs. Louis Epstein. in your own community. Write for information. City. JACK BRAMSON Marshutz Miss Sadie Tatelman entertained Mfg. Retail Jeweler v Dr. and Mrs. M. G. Wohl and the "Ko-Zees" at her home last Sun- ,524 Paxton Block DO YOUR AT 8877 Optical Co. family left Sunday for "New York day with three tables of bridge. Expert Watch and Jewelry Repairing Family Washing Est&blUhcd 1887 City, jurhere Dr. Wohl will spend a Prizes were won by Miss Hmne Notice—During October-we -will make Harney 754S Market 3700 518 West' Sixth Street, over your old.ytyle wedding ring for year m research-work. Lot Angeles, CaL in, Miss Lillian Miller, Miss $1.75. MAX KAPLAN "' ' , CoJidc and Miss Etta TatelMiss Frieda Meyers has gone to

to sell it to you at the most reasonable prices. We also carry a full line of Bibles with Jewish and English translations. We are also the agents of all Palestine products and the artistic work of Bezalel Sdiool in Jerusalem.


Paxtcn - i i










_ •





Brodkey Jewelry €0.

National Laundry

"jar. xi. wempcrg, prwpuctui;—a-

•- I'

Strand Theatre

Max Shapiro .information pertaining; - to IJOS Angeles. There are also twenty- well known in the city, and promises Iished 18 months ago in Moscow, is Nathan Simon bership,-dnes _and:the -work of four grandchildren and nine great to give personal service to his to become a school for the- training AlWohlner t J.Cohn . . . I grandchildren. of folly-qualified agricultural experts. Harry Malaschock-5. A. Simoaes patrons. . _ the "Y."



AND HER NEW YORK COMPANY N SUNDAY EVENING, OCTOBER 23,-8:3O P , M. in a, New Melodrama ."WOMEN WATCH YOUR HUSBANDS" 4 ACTS —10 NUMBERS OF MUSIC Tickets on sale at Strand Box Office Saturday and Sunday. Also at Fried's Delicatessen, 1509 North 24th St. ecxsaooecri



Seltzer ••• WITH YOUR NEXT MEAL A cool, refreshing drink of carbonated, purified water in siphon bottles. A case of 10 delivered to your home for 75c.

Western Mineral


22226-30 Burdette S t . WEbster 2458

WEbster 4864

J the.city council of Brzesc Litewsld. attorney in Omaha. j Dingo street will be renamed Peretz His colleague will lie IPhilip Klntanick, as previously manott&eed. I street, the council decided.


Page 4



New York Topics



By William Z. Spiegelman. 8 to 9:30 p. m. The basket-ball preFOOTBALL season league will hold forth every The J. C. C. football league opened Twenty-three Yiddish theatres have partment of Chemistry, the DepartSunday afternoon with, a pair of "Wednesday night. opened their doors to Yiddish theatre- ment of Microbiology, the Depart* < scoreless tie games. The light weight SWIMMING goers in New York and elsewhere ment of Hygiene, the Department fotf Men's beginning swimming and adBnai Ami football team' held the this season. Those who predicted the Oriental Studies, the Department of' heavier A. Z. A. men on their own vanced swiming. Red Cross life savdemise of the Yiddish stage with the Palestine Topography, research work one-yard line with two downs to,go. ing and, diving classes will be held enactment of the Johnson Imrrkgra- was continued and considerable conH. Weinstein, a hard hitting little every Friday afternoon; 5. to 6" p7 m. tion Law seem t o have been prema- tributions to these sciences were end; and E . Rosenberg were the de-These classes will be in tKe main for ture in their prognostications. The made. men, students after school and fensive stars of the Bnai Ami. - H young . native Yiddish stage, which has pro—J. T. A. , Polsky and M. Altman were the main the like. duced so much talent, continues to cogs of the Ami's offense. "Red" For- PROFESSIONAL MEN'S NOONhold.out its attraction to the New man was the best bet of the A. Z~ A. DAY CLASSES York Jew. As the years progress, the on the offense, although Bill Gerelick The professional men's noon-day Yiddish stage comes closer to the ad- "QUALITY JEWELERS" \ made -a thirty-yard run on an inter- classes have been coming along in justment -which it so sorely needed. MALASHOCK JEWELRY cepted'pass. The A. Z.'A. line wasgreat.style.-Many of the business men In a way, the survival of the Yiddish Wholesale and Retail Jewelers nothing to write home about, most of the city have been availing themtheatre is an indication of the »Ln- ai3-i6 City- National Bank of the dependable men seemed to- be selves o f the privilege, of putting in herent Jewish love for his original sadly off form. The A. Z. A. team a few good licks in the gym preparaBldg. —JA-5619 drama, even the East European, folk will practice thife Sunday morning; 10 tory to. an afternoon of hard • office lore, without regard to the form,in O'clock, at 33d and Cass streets. :. ' work. The first fifteen minutes inwhich it is presented. • The bigger but not better Psi Muclude setting-up exercises and other .team failed t o make much headway forms of body-building remedies. Things have progressed to such an through the light b u f shifty Bnai Then-comes a fast game or two of extent that the Yiddish stage and the DELICATESSEN Israel eleven. The Israelites were, on voley ball, which in turn is followed Broadway stage are in closer - relaFRIEDS .-their collective toes throughout theby a shower or swim. The hours are tionship than ever before, the latter COMPLETE LINE OF •;. entire fray and played their heavier 12 to' 1" p. m., Monday, Wednesday frequently borrowing talent from the Delicatessen, Smoked Meat* opponents to pretty much of a stand- and Friday. former. The adjustment which ihriw and Fish still. "Cowboy" Sadofsky, Sam Hand1608 North 24th g«r—t. many into extreme, pessimism and l e r and Jake Stoler.were the outstandothers into unwarranted hilarity is BOYS r i n g luminaries of the Bnai Israel. The making headway. .:;•• -./,.,.. Psi Mu did not seem to be able-to BUDDY DAY FOR BOYS-T Play th» Violin Corr—Hy A new note into this • variety ~ of put on full steam when it was badly NOVEMBER 7 . . by Individual Instruction tones will be introduced this season ... Prof. Sevelck and other world renown.needed. They have a nifty team, but Members of the boys* grade school by, the Habima, the Hebrew players ed teachers recommend my metn»d -did not work as a unit. .Nathan Mar- classes are hereby reminded that of Moscow, who came here last year very highly. .*c\is, Pohxy -Lohrman,.'.Archie Ches- Monday, November. 7 / is "Buddy, FRANK MACH as a guest troupe. nau and "Pooch" Bloom t o r e the Day." ISach member may bring a Concert Violinist and inatrweW Following internal changes,, the Studio 117'/! No. 16th St. JA.1VM. brunt of their offense and defense. friend as his guest for a workout in troupe has now been reorganized on the Jewish Orphan Home has a The football season concludes A LL-JEWISH football teams are the gym and a real holiest to goodan American basis and will venture This Sunday will see the A. Z. A.ness swim at the regular class hours rare, but here is one from the schedule of .inter-group football with a banquet, and in January the forth with new courage in the games, teams in the group averVarsity and group lettersare and the Psi Mu at each others necks Jewish Orphan Home at Cleveland 4 p . m . •" /•' ~ Neighborhood Playhouse where an ' and fenkles in the first game. The SPECIAL CLASSES FORJ3OYS —respected and feared by every aging about 14 years in age and 95 avrarded to boys who distinguish pounds in weight. A schedule of themselves—these sweaters being interesting repertoire, including new team that competes with it. The Bnai Ami and the Bnai Israel will Every Friday Marcus Krasne will 12 games is played. Scores are highly prized, according to Superand old plays in Hebrew, is promised. team averages about 15 years and tangle in the nightcap. The first game devote two hours to Junior; "A" boys. weekly, and the children's intendent Michael Sharlitt, pictured "Manufactured in. Omaha" a few months in age, 115 pounds in posted will get under way at 2:30 sharp. Nate Instructions will be given in track mimeographed newspaper features above, with the team. The Zionist movement. at the beweight, and is well-coached by ainteresting plays from these games. Reiss and Bud Levin trill again offi- work,, tumbling, apparatus ""work and The players are looking forward ginning of the season seems still to BAKER ICE MACHINE CO. former Cleveland high school star. foie Home has a Boys' Athletic anxiously to the better practicing ciate. ': ' •••-• ••• •••• - -' - •' - v •". • wrestling.. Leaders will be chosen for be sailing in ' the waters of • uncerGames are played every Saturday Three Jewish boys starred for their coming exhibitions to be given in the Council, which arranges schedules and playing facilities which; will be afternoon during the season on theappoints officials, takes charge of available ,at the new Honie, for tainty. The members of the American respective high schools during the gym. lawn of the Home. delegation to "the Fifteenth Zionist equipment and passes on protests which Dislrict No. 2 , 1 . O.;BL B., is past week of prep school past-timing. In addition,to the Varsity team, Congress are divided in their view as and complaints. now campaigning for $l,0&0,000. ' Lou Weimer, the Tech high center, GIRLS to the completeness of the ;de,cisions was the big noise on the Maroon line taken there. elry, made an impressive showing. He _ when they tied with Grand Island at HANDBALL HEBREW SCHOOLS I N " The electio^ of Miss Henrietta Sophie Ban and Bertha Shafton will substituted'for an absent member on theMater's field. Lou played a brilliPALESTINE CLOSED Szold to the Jerusalem triumvirate ant game, crashing through on sev-play off the championship round of the Kaiman five." A. Venger of the Omaha Tobacco eral occasions . t o bring down the the girls' handball tourney this Sun- Jerusalem—(J e w i s h -Telegraphic gave expression to the Importance in l a response to many requests for Agency.) —;TKe ;Hebrew< schools which American Zionist participation Islanders' ball carriers. R e is theday' afternoon in the Center Courts. Co. came into his--''own with a'505 ; most able center m the inter-city This will mark the final curtain on total. His team-mate, £.eoir -Mendel-' advice on "slenderizing,"' Marcus throughout Palestine" have not yetis being viewed by the Zionist, congirls' activities in the handball courts. son, won the first game by striding Krasne, physical director of the Jew- been :Te6pened":due* to the conflict stituencies all over the -world. The football league. v policy of -economy and retrenchment Jay Malashoclc, chairman of the athout in" the last frame. ; ish Community Center, has prepared which is pending between the HeBud Levin played the best game was the last of the evils that were letic committee announces that the hrew Teachers* Otganization and" the i Leo Weitz,'Harry Smith, and Benthe following dose of advise whose of his career last Saturday when the made necessary by the existing situaathletic committee has decided that Zionist Executive • due ; tosalary arYousem rolled consistently, as indi" Central high warriors tied up with St. tion. The movement seems to have avoirdupois is a weight on their after this Sunday no girls will be perrears. ' .'•. .••;',«•'.v •• -'..'-.' { - •'• . cated by their totals. . " Jojeph Central at Creighton stadium. reached a turning point. It is obvious mited to play on the handball courts minds." , , The Central ^Coinmittee of the HeBud was injured early in the first Marvin Treller and his highly tout* that retrenchment and economy in itat any time. This rule will be strictly "Cheer up. You can be slender, and brew -Teachers' Association has now quarter, but stuck it out till the final ed Appleman-Robinsoht earn . were self will not advanc^ the goal toward •whistle. His tackles were frequent and enforced. heavily weighted down by reason of you needn't suffer, you needn't starve, resumed negotiations' with the Zion- which true Zionists aim. Something deucedly hard. On several occasions SWIMMING . ';". a tremendous handicap allowed- the you needn't 'bant.': You can bring ist Executive iir connection with ,ihe more than efficiency and the cutting YOU ARE WELCOME at his foemen were put to sleep for a Girls' advanced swimming classes Empire Cleaners. Goodman's : team your weight dbwn, You can keep it proposals put forward-that: the budget of the budget will be necessary < o second or two. Bud will make 'Hill will be held every Saturday from 8 p. won two games and placed them- down, easily. With entire comfort, by curtailed end "that, a possible de- further the development of the Jew"- i eating your'fill, you can reduce. "All crease irt the number of-schools and city" guard if he keeps up his work m. to 9 p . m . All of the newest wrinr selves in the runing. ish National Home. In previous you need to do is to choose. Keep teachers.be effected.. .; as -well as he is doing now. kjes in swimming,' diving and life savyears, as the season of activities beup your exercise. And eat. But don't At a meeting of the Hebrew teach-^ "•Leon "Flash" Forman was almost ing will be taught to the girls at this cat heaps of everything. Discriminate. ,exs held-list'month iit Jerusalem to gan, the plans for Zionist efforts were the whole show when the North high time. • 5400 Center Street Go easy with concentrated foods. coiislder steps to obtain payment of mapped out and were well under way. Eskimos snowed the Abraham Lin- A beginers' swimming class w+H be At present nothing except rough outMake up for that with all the bulky; arrears .in salaries it was decided to lines are visible. Phone Walnut 5936. coln gridsters under to the tune of held every Sunday from 4:30 to 5:30 Fifteen' hundred members of the 18 to 0. Leon's forty-yard run pro-for girls and women. Marcus Krasne Omaha Athletic club are behind the unconcentrated fodder you' like. As take strong- measures ag<inst the • FAMOUS FOR duced one of the Northmen's touch- desires to teach every member of the first big boxing show of the year to .easily ast hat, and without one qualm Zionist Executive for having failed to of hunger, you can cut your weight v CHICKEN SANDWICHES Dr. Judah L. Magnes, chancellor of fulfill "the promises made ;to pay the downs and enabled Forman to go into Center how to swim and dive. If you be ueld at the/city auditorium Octo-. down; you can keep it down. Hebrew University on Mount ; salary.arrears for May. . a tie for first place scoring honors of canot swim or dive let him know and ber 28, when Bearcat Wright and DANCING "It is mainly men and women over ..The. meeting decided to appeat to Scopus, has again returned "to • * \the city. The slightly built lad is,as he wil soon have you doing it with Chuck Wiggins meet in the feature • 30 who pile on fat.' Let them beware. the- Vaad Leumi, the National Coun- America. fast .as lightning and a s elusive as anthe best of them. contest. That an American Jew is at the It is bad for young folks to be -un-cil, of Palestine Jews, and the Chaim eel. H e will have an opportunity to BASKET-BALL . , Wiggins, who trained Tunney for derweight.b ut-'worse -ior • folks over Nfl-dhman Bialik~to exert their influ- head of the Hebrew University is and put his speed to good use this weekhis last fight with Dempsey, was for-30 to grow fat. Even 10 per cent ex- ence with the. Zionist Executive in or-should be a source of pride to AmeriA girls' basket-ball league will be end when the Norsemen tackle the formed this Saturday night. Practice merly light heavyweight champion of tra weight means a risk of more than der /tfjat the may salaries should be can Jewry. It would be doubly pleasJunior Jays of Creighton Prep. will be from 6 to 8 p. m. Girls who Australia. He holds decisions over ing to American Jews that this post Elmer Greenberg, captain of the '26 wish to make the regular J. C. C.most of America's ; leading; heavy- fatigue.' Whether- lessened ' activity paid, without further delay. is occupied by as popular and beloved leading to overweight be the cause," Central high eleven, is starring on the team will have to be a regular on weights. He also bested Wright in a figure as Dr. Magnes is among or ' the extra weight' itself, or -both", CLASSES University of Nebraska -freshman one-of the teams in tKe league. Get a fray some time ago, and Wright is Jews and non-Jews in America. He ^cting -tbgether,-.the fact remains that" team. Elmer blazed a rugged path together, you feminine basketteers after Wiggings scalp this time. J 22d and KtcholM FILLING; ENROLLMENT brings the glad tidings of considerpeople who are much; overweight,"eS-! through the ranks of the Aggie Col- and hand in your names to Miss -Registrationfor classes in personal Several good preliminaries Will pre- peciaily after 30, are more- subject able progress made by the Jewish inlege' eleven .the other day when the Greenberg or Director Krasne. Webet«r cede the main bout. Pinkie Bige of than'.thin folk to diabetes.'; They are' hygiene natrition and sewing are be-stitution for higher learning. During freshman took on the doming farming, .taken at tlie-Jewish : Community the past year, although it was badly Omaha and Pinkie George of Des also less -resistant'to other, diseases, Center now. Tiie^e courses will be ers and handed them a 3 1 t o 0.-trim- VOLLEY-BALL 5 Moines, flyweights, will mix, as will affected by the earthquake, the Uni- If You Want GOOD QUALITY ming. H e also participated in the The girls' volley-ball league will Buzz Griffith of Sioux City and Louie so thar their death fate is hign..;F.dr given by teachers'-Jfoin the Board of COAL—Call Us versity has made considerable strides freshman-varsity game o n Thursday. start Sunday, October 23 and'practice Mays of Des ; Moines,,middleweights.* example, fronx'torty^ye to fortyrnine Education. The'.' personal hygiene S. FELLMAK years inclusive, .twenty'',ppun3s:..pver.-' class will; begirt with a minimum forward. In all of its departments, the will be held from 3 to 4:30. A regular Department of Mathematics, the DeMonte Munn, the former Nebraska w.eight means.iS.pe^c.en.yincrease--inJ. C C. team will be chosen from the MEN. of :1S students and-wiH continue for stars of the league. Games will be legislator, wa«. offered '$2,000"to fight" death rate, and?, n-fty. poun^"• cever,- six lectures. - The- Trutritloa class, givOFFICIALGYlkLUNI^ORM WrWWWWWM [ r Bearcat Wright, but Mtinn's manager weight-means. 56 "per. cent 4nc. ^%^.: ing Instruction in- food values and The official gym uniform for. jnea scheduled with other teams in therefused theoffer. ; . •. . '•• \••-.,' "Our health class opens; next weekTo toe Foarc^ Men of Omaha • will consist of white trunks, white city. Miss Greenberg will have charge Tickets jnay be purchased at; the Get in touch; wjth.P.hysjcal,Director meal planning will open with a miniof the league. " shirts, wnite>,or gray socks and gym classes will be ,O. A. ,C,..Ernie Holm,es, -Baseball Krasne. • Our; dass > willi^bc; limited. rrjuni of -12.-50^111^ : shoes. Only gym clothing and shav- GIRLS'PAL DAY hfeld ' twice'a week 'for -six weeks. r . . .'- .:':,•: : ? / • / : • ^ , . These classes will, be held in the aftGirl members of the grade school Headquarters, Knights of Columbus K e e p t h i n / Nowhere in America will you find smarter, newer, more ing- materials, handball gloves, swimstyles, fabrics, patterns and colors in fine suits » B < classes will hold a "Pals day" open- and Live Stock Exchange., / ming caps and the like will be alernoon- or .evening, at the convenience than we are showing right now in our selection of— lowed to remain in the locker baskets. ing Tuesday, November 8. It will be of'-the-students. ; . . . ; . NOMADIC B t ^ p . - "No colored clothing will be permit- similar to the "Buddy" day of the HE WAS MEANT •The enrollment for'cooking classes LOAN BY GOVERNMENT has ted; to be worn on the gym floor or boys. .All girls are urged to bring closed' after . two classes of 12 FOR BIGGER THINGS in the handball courts. This rule will both tfcemselves.and their chums. ' Jerusrfem, OcL 12.—Q. T. A . ) ^ Agirls each have been organized. The A shoemaker had- just opened a loan of £30,000'on "easy-te'ritis-was work is nn"der'"the direction of Mrs. be,strictly enforced. Business Men's League Standings. store. - The ,-first customer- bought a secured by the Palestine government Blanche Minteer of the home-making BOXING A N D WRESTLING 15th pair of shoes for six dollars. . Tuesday night in the Center gym W. L. Pet. for the nomadic, tribes in the country. department of the public schools. 15th .. "I'm sorry," said the customer. "I and will be reserved for boxing and wres- Malashock Jewelry 6 3 .666 The loan was-secured in order to al- • Registration for the- journalism and Douglas tling. Ai Hathoot, the lightweight Appleman-Robinson . . . . . 6 3 .666 haven't six dollars with me.' I'll give leviate'the condition".of the nomadic' class has also closed and a waiting Douglas amateur boxing -champ off Nebraska Kaiman Insurance . ; . . . . 5 4 .555 you three dollars and bring the-*ffest tribes in Southern Palestine who Suf- list is: being made.. Ballet dancing unJ will teach the gentle art of face .and Yousem Tires . . . : . . . . . . 5 4 .555 tomorrow.'-- . . . fered as a result of last winter's der Miss Anette Riklin will begin The tradesman agreed and the man drought body massaging from 8 to 8:SS p. m.Omaha Tobacco Co. . . . . 5 4 .555 October 25. .vuwuvs left with the'shoes.' Marcus Krasne will teach wrestling EmpireCleaners ........4 5. .444 from 8:45 to 9:30. A boxing and wres- Glazer Clothing Co 3 ' 6 ..333 "Fool!" cried the shoemaker's,wife. tling meet will be held every month. The Wardrobe 2 7 .222 'He won't-come back with the";three * . " ' All-seniors are invited to take : part. The Glazer Clothing. Co., with their dollars." " N o entrance fee wil be charged, ^ leader back in the lineup, was the "Oh, yes he, will," the shoemaker mepiber, Tuesday evening. only crew that captured the entire se- answered, "I gave him • two left engine Breataca Accident end Health Explosion (General* Assault VOLLEY-BALL - -ries from the luckless Wardrobe shoes." Express Shlbments Automobile Eire FWellty Bonds Automobile UablU^r team. The men's volley ball league .will (Genera!) Fire and Tornado Bank. Deposit .ite The Yousem Tires - pounded the MORE JEWISH COMMUNISTS be held every Monday evening, 7i45 Flywheel : live Stock it Charges] Merchandise in TraasU to 9. Only four teams will be formed. pins for a healthy total of 2,334, the ..j. A11R All RISKS EXCLUDED FROM PARTY Motor Boat.-otters' Equlprnene Men, b e sure and be there. Krasne highest mark. thus far. Ben's bunch Motwcycle (all torn*) OoUers' Liability Ch Musical Jnstrvmeott. tlon motfon •Qroup lnaurance grabbed two games from the Malajirill pick the teams. A J. C. C. team Riga.—(J. T.'A.)—Three more" Jewr Panner^up Life fasui" Ci tia! X>am&gft 'TottrlM FUMO4T wil b.e picked to represent the Cejiter shock Jewelry., ish Communists were excluded from •COBMOoaitt Liability Holdup {Mesaencer) tlm aai OM«f*Mf Conttngantn* Bonda " (Paymaiwr) - in the "coming A. A. U. tournament, The absence of Dr. Muskin andthe Communist party for oppositional VatarDcH»p_ i>}ate<31assl CtrfttoLiability (Persosal) Workman's CWWI—» Vratitr ' Libilit Household Good* in - which wil be held here in our ownMax Weitz diminished the Kaiman activities, a- report received here Tmwiv Insurance opportunity, the Omaha states. building. ' ' The, excluded members, Drapkin, Seniors will be able to practice bas- Tobacco winning the series from the former champs. Max Altschuler, reKursin and. Gorelik, were banned by 824 ket-ball o n Monday night at 9, cently signed by the Malashock Jewthe H/rinel.district committee. Thursday, 8:30 to 9:30, and Saturday,



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