November 3, 1927

Page 1

— Every Jewish Family in Omaha r Should Be a Subscriber

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LEGAL VICTORY SEEN AS CONDEMNATION OFALLPOGROMS Schwartzbard Acquittal Won by Appeal to Ideals of French FORRES' IMPASSIONED ADDRESS, SAVES DAY Paris.—(J. tT. A.)—The voice of Western. Europe, through the mouth of French justice* condemned the horrible anti-Jewish massacres in Eastern Europe and particularly in the Ukraine, ••when the twelve Frenchmen composing tht. jury in the Court of Assizes returned a verdict of not guilty for Sholom Schwartzbard,. Russian Jewish watchmaker and citizen: of France, who confessed before the world that he had slain Semion P e t lura to avenge-thevict-ms of the-massacres. It took the twelve Frenchmen- 32 minutes to decide from the mass of evidence on the most ..locdy period of Jewish history in: modern times, concerning which volumes have been.writnot the head of the Ukrainian separatist movement, Petlura, was responsible for the massacres which were perpetrated by his lieutenants ai.vl "which he could have prevented but did not. The verdict of the French jury which declared solemnly thi "before God and their conscience" they considered Schwartzbard not guilty," restr ed on their conviction with regard to Petlura's guilt and was; a thoroughcondemnation.-." of the Pogrc..- which/ had been ignored' by the powers that were in the regions where they oc r cured and-by world pub" *• opinion at the* • time" of' their- occurrence. -The jury ordered that Schwartzbardrin accorjdance with French t. 'or., pay one franc'damages.to_Madame Petlura. Tlie • exclamation -of "Vive la France," "Vive la 'Republic


courtroom and on the streets of Paris greeted the .verdict, resounded throughout Europe, finding an echo in the press; of. t h e "various ". countries. Special editions were issue.l b> the French newspapers announcing the result of .' the internationally famous trial* Iii the Jewish quarters of Paris rejoicing wi. c manifest. An attempt by some of the Ukrainians who were present in the courtroom to start riots was suppressed immediately by the police after a few fistfights broke out'among the spectators. " Some of the Ukrainian and Jewish partisans; were lejected from the courthouse by the gendarmes. Henri Torres'and Sholom Schwartzbard fell: intP an embrace when the verdict was broiight. ii». Many of the •women in the audience cried -with joy, surrounding the weeping Mrs. Schwarbtbard. " The counsel for the defense drew a vivid" picture of the anti-Jewish pogroms which Impressed itself indelibly on the court, jury and audience. Even Cesare Campinchi, head of the Petlura party counsel, appeared paler. "The French • revolution first gave emancipation to the Jewish veople. The Jews have always been grateful to France. Don't darken that feeling. Not only the fate of Schwartzbard but the prestige, of France rests with you, gentlemen of the jury" he declared.

MAXIMILIAN HARDEN, FAMH) EDITOR, DIES Berlin, Oct. 31.—(J. T. A.)—Maximilian Harden, famous German publicist, editor of "Die Zukunft," died Sunday .night at Montana Vermala, Switzerland He was 66 years old. Harden, one of the most prominent publicists in Europe, wtiose writings greatly influenced public opinion, a strong opponent of the former kaiser, was the son of Jewish parents. He was born in Berlin October 2, 1S61. At the age of 16 he was baptised, abandoning his name, Isador Witkowski. . His work, "War in Peace," won the :Strindberg prize. / H i s latest work, "From Versailles ot Versailles" wfll be published sobii. After the assassination of Dr. Walter Rathenau, German Jewish statesman, in 1922, an attempt was made'on the life of Harden. Although seriously wounded, he recovered. A work veil begun is half ended— Plato. It is the fine rain which drenches

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27, *82t, a t - • pch ?, 1STO.; ,


VOL. VL—No. 48



Three sets of twins have joined the An Armistice Day program honoring the , ex-serviee m«i - of Omaha Sunday school of the, Jewish Comlodge, I. O. B. B., W l beheld at the munity Center. Evelyn and Gloria meeting of the B'nai BVltl Thursday Wolk, 5 years old, of 347 North evening in the. Jewish- CommtJBty Thirty-fifth street, go to the kinder- National Conference on Palestine Jewish Education Stressed In Center. A. Kaiman is-in -diaTge of Henry Monsky and Rev. T. A. garten class. Aroused by Controversy Meeting of Welfare; Group Eagan to Open Course at the program. Dr. Nathan Moskin, The other pairs of twins are Rose Center Jack Mayer and J. Malashock are v Marie and lily May Wolfson, 11 $7,500,000 PLEDGED CENTER HISTORY TRACED members of thi committee. years old, of 2124 Binney street, and MANY REGISTRATIONS David and William Schlaifer, 12 Cleveland.—(J. T. A.)—The old Effort put fbrthin Jewish educayears old, of 4920 Twenty-fifth guard of the Zionist movement raltion: can be successful only "if.-., the Henry Monsky, a member of the street. lied to the support of the Palestine home atmosphere of / the child is executive committee of the. Comcause, again undertook to raise nn Jewish, Jacob Mirvis, director of iedmunity Chest, wijl give the opening amount of $7,500,000 as American ucation of the Jewish. Coinniunity address of the course of lectures on, Jewry's contribution this year for Center, told Ihe members, of the "The Community and Its Social Servthe Palestine funds, and reintro* Women's Welfare organisation in a ice Program,", at the • Jewish Comduced a spirit of confidence in tiw talk, in the Jewish Community Cenmunity Center., at 8:15 P- m-, Novemfuture of the work in a series of ter Tuesdayarternoon.* ^ .^ ber 7.- The course is being given xinProgram t« Include Minstrel spontaneous actions and resolutions! /"In emphasizing the Jewish, conder the aunpfces ef the Council cf at the National Conference on PalesShowy Dancing, Music Green of Labor Federation to tent, in fine Center program,in acSocial Agencies. tine held at the Hotel Statler here. quaintmg /fife Jewish ^outb \ with^ the and Play • Give Address Mr. Mp^slc^ l»p|e will be, "Why" The renewed confidence was backed Public Invited To Open Meeting customs,, ceremonies .antf- traditions," : Wanted—50- meni* women and chil- Social Work?*' The second, ialf ',«f ; up by raising an amount exceeding November 20 saiffMr.' Mirvis,' "the Jewish Centet. dren to iSake • part,;in the Venetian the opening progranf will be a talk EDUCATIONAL WORK $300,000 from among the delegates feels that the co-operation of the TO BE DISCUSSED on account of unpaid pledges in the Rabbi Garry J. August of Gary, parents is necessary;- The Center carnival wbidi will be t i e last act by Rev, T. A* Bagan, & J,, profesIntL, will be the. principal speaker tries to develop a spirit of,, reverence of the A. Z.' A. road show, •which will sor, of sociology,! Creighton UniverNew York.—The National Conven- various region)! and communities, as a t the open_ meeting to beheld Sun- and a desire to perpetuate Jewish be given in the" Jewish•• Community sity. The tulles will be followed by tion of the Union of Orthodox Jewish well as advances of contributions to discussions led by- Rabbi Frederick day evening, November; 20, when the customs and. ceremonies< with the co- Center November-^: a»d -2ft. Congregations of America will take this year's campaign. The amounts ' Gohn; of; Tfriiplc Israel and Mrs* This is the caff feent ^lit tiiis; w ^ k local- Zionist' organization will' cele- operation of the parents in thd place Saturday evening, Sunday and will pe paid in before January 1 in by the managers.of thai A. Z. A. road Samuel Barns, president of the Visit- Monday, November 19, 29 r and 21, in order to enable the new Jerusalem brate • the:- tenth anniversary of the home. ' •, show, "which is fast taking shape in ing Nurse association. Executive to -assume its task. Balfour Declaration.- The-celebration New. York City. Mr. Mirvis declared ..Jthat; cere- preparation for^ its.'perfofmance this Letters concerning the course hare •will be held at the! Jewish CommuniMorris Welnberg of New York led The opening session will be held : monies are not merely traditions but month. €~ v . . been seat, to all. tfift board members Saturday evening at the new Ohab tiie guarantor* with the sum of $50,- j t y Center, •'• T: • ; of spirit with the times, but folkThe show is expected-to present a of the ^0, constituent'agencies of. the Zedak Synagogue, 95th Street and, 000, Dr. Joieph Krimsky with the 1 Rabbi August will; be remembered ways that make the individual conbill of unusual janety, including Community' Chest, thf S6ci4 Work- Columbus Avenue. The Sunday ses- sum of $25,000 and the Zionist lead- < here as one of ihe principal speakers scious of the group and .necessary* to classical ' and'- laas dancing and ers' club,, the Douglas County Medi- sions will take place at the Jewish ers of Cleveland with $25,000 in the \ .at" the meeting held "several years group existence. - -,. musie, a one-act jplay by' the Little cal- association, th« Norses' registry, Center, 181 West 86th Street, and the action to secure the sum of a quar- j a g a w h e n Clhaim /Weitzman was in He quoted the saying that Jewish Omaha. Rabbi August formerly made customs are folkways^built upJ Sjlowly Theater group^ of the Jewish Com- the hospital - training schools for convention wiH m e e t Monday at the ter of a million dollars, asked by his-home in 'Sw. ^o"s^pn, ;,Mo. '. in the course of centuries of; Israel's munity Center, a. minsbiEl show and nurses, the Y. W. C. A. board mera- Spanish and Portuguese Synagogue* Louis Lipsky in an impassioned plea "bers and volunteer?, l i e TL of C , Central Park West and 70th Street. to enable the United Palestine Ap: The committee" in/charge of the development, which, when' pjrictfeed the Venetian carnoBl/^ " " Moonlight and witter--will form the St. Vincent^de Paul society, Creigh- Sunday evening a dinner will be given peal to remit its monthly minimum meeting are alsij' making plans to by the individual, can. make for. an <juota of $100,000 to the Jerusalem have a well-knowri leader of Hadas- enlargement of his personally and setting for the carnival, and colored ton- university, and ©uchesne col- at the JewisI Center. make the lege. ; - • • • - _ • Executive. sah ^brk...speak;. at this meeting. 'for- a general and cultural and- ethical lights and confetti-will Mr. William Green, president of the scene bright. : O•;.'•• . And 'a musical- programv.wili- Be in- e n r i c h m e n t . •"''."/•''•' - ," Registrations for this course are American Federation' of Labor, -will This action was taken by the NaA large cast wiDrpresent the -min- coming into the office of the Jewish speak' "on1 the I4ve-Day Work Week. tional Conference on Palestine, tliq cluded: in :'the ^evemng's^ program. .Mr. Mirvis traced this history of At the convention of the American third of its kind called to inaugurate The Balfour Declaration^ was hail- the" Jewish center/ pointing out that strel show in whieb .Marion Graetz Corimranitjr Center rapidly. Federation of Labor just held at Los and stimulate the American colleced by. the Jewish people as-the great- until recently the; .field jof Jewish ed- and Dave Bisboff "wjll liave the leading parts. ; '.;*' ' Anj&Ies, Califs, it' was decided that tions for the Palestine work. About est proclamation for the Jewish ucation was: limited-;;-ia the -Hebrew >: Miss Annette Rik^n will present a labor carry this principle of 300 delegates, mainly from nvo-_ pie since ttheir" p i s p e r s i a n | ^ sAools'Qr.Talmnd JTorahs. . . . .'.'-.vv . number, tti^ ^ ingly.-'lts'-v-ierith- anniversary is- -eele-« ' wTh.ejPB yrvs i"6me wjien fiie^synwestern cities, were in attendance. This question naturally vitally effects The four sessions were presided over brated by American Jewry as well agogufr %as the* center ek aft activi- 1927." -There wil be a professional jazz orchestra, Jews and Mr. Green will make a very by Morris Rothenberg, Judge Wilas Jews of other countries. ties," he said. "In "addition to being' Mrs. Herman Jahr is in charge.of important statement and a plan of co- liam M. Lewis, Louis Lipsky and .the, religious, center, it took care: of Qie road show.- Mrs.,Sam Beber. has White kings and red queens, Twee- operation between.the Union and or- Rabbi Goldman. all 'philanthropic needs. .Within recent charge of »the singing rand Miss An- dledee and Tweedledum, and all the ganized labor will be discussed. Zionist workers and contributors years-a-new type .of institution, new nette Riklin of-the dancing. old;friends out' of a favorite etory 'The Hon. Irving, Lehman, Associate to TXS, irat not to Jewish life, has -" The cast of the minstrel show will book will come to life when the Chi t- Judge of the Court of Appeals and to the United Palestine Appeal wert acquainted with present-day realities /found in our midst. The mod- be" gathered from the following: drea*s' theater of the Jewish Com- president of the Jewish Welfare in the Zionist movement and the .ernv Jewish Center's rise i s non-comBoard, will report upon the astivities -End-men and soloists, Maurice Gi- munity Center produces Lewis CarLouis' E.' Lapp' was. elected, vfcePalestine situation in a stirring ad- , mifant with the rise of interest fn v'ot, Sam- Ban, Dave Bishoff, Mariou rol's ^TThroagh the Looking Glass," of his organization with special re- dress delivered by Dr. Stephen S. president of the freshman law class' Jewish education." ference to religious work. In this inor "Alice in' Wonderland." Graetz and Lazar Kaplan. of Creighton university at the annual Wise at the Sunday morning session. Mr. Mirvis explained the;impor-i class elections held last'week. "He Circle-men, Simon Green, Hyman The adventurous Alice will be im- stance, too, the question of cooperatance of placing Jewish content in tion between the Union and the Welhas figured-prominently in campus Shrier, Max Riekes, Milton Berico- personated by' Rose Kirschenbaum. ACCUSES FORMER HEAD. activities, having'been cartoonist"and all. the activities of the Center. witz, Max Givot, Joe Cohen, Sam Other members of the' Cast will be fare Board in as. far as orthodox Great Britain has failed to "facilistaff artist for- Creighton's three Cregger and Billy Gerelick. Jake Temin,' Dave Colton, Gertrude Judaism is concerned will be fully dis- tate," as it pledged itself in the Balpublications, The Creightpnian, The Joseph J. Levey will be the inter- Oruch, Evelyn Green> Bobby ;Ferer, cussed. four Declaration, the creation of a The problem of the college student Jefish National Home in Palestine; Shadows, and The Bluejay. He" is a locutor. Leonard White, "Berton Stehiberg, wiH be .presented by Judge Grover the former Zionist Executive in three-year debate veteran and a memGilbert Jaffe and bis Brandeif Morris oirschenbaum, Solomon" GfoldMoEkowitz, who is closely identified ber of the traveling team that deJerusalem, torn by groups and facTheater orchestra will play as one of stein, Lot^e Zlotkin, Sally Greenwith.Jewish fraternities. feated Marquette- and Loyola on their berg; Lena. White, Ruth Finer; Mamie tions, was guilty of mismanagement, the acts. . Mr. Jaffe will lead his orThe first meeting of the fall seaThe question of Jewish Education eastern trip. Brody, Dora. Dogloff* Sylvia Gereleading to loss of Zionist credit; the chestra in person, both as a soloist son of the "Y" wfll be- held this will be stressed at the convention. With Ben Kazlowsky, he was a Monday evening, 8:30 o'clock, at the and a director. lick, Vera Epstein, Dorothy White, Zionist Executive in London failed Dr. Bernard Revel, president of the member of the A* Z. A. team that Jewish -Community Center. Alta Hirscbv Goldje <Jerelick, Ida Ep- Faculty of the Yeshiva, will be the to present the just demands for the won the National" Debate championZionist movement and a breakdown Warsaw.—The memory of the Jew- stein, Dorothy Zlotkiii, and Hadassah principal speaker on this topic. The meeting will be open to all ship at Chicago. He was invited to senior members of the Center who ish poet and novelist, J. Ir. Peretz, Sflvernian. . , Curricula for schools will be pre- of the machinery of the ZioniBt debate against Brooklyn here this are interested in the "Y" and its fu- was honored by a decision of the city The Children's theater group meets sented by Dr. Leo Jung, rabbi of the (Continued on page 2.) month, but withdrew * because of the ture existence. Business plans for the council of. Brzeszt Litewski; Dlvgv at 4 p. ni. Fridays. Miss Marguerite Jewish Center, and by Dr. Moses Street will be. renamed Peretz Street, lack of time. He is vice-president of new " y - w i l l occupy the early porSeideL supervisor -of the. Board of Beckman is in-charge of the council decided. "••--• the Pi Delta, Sigma .fraternity ;and tion of the meeting and the balance Jewish Education, Baltimore, Md.' receives h4s Bachelor of Philosophy of the time -will be devoted to an The convention irill give special atdegree in1 June* tention to educational work in rural interesting program of- popular communities, which has been very songs. successful so far. Flans will 1>e made . Mr. Jacob .Mervis, educational diOrganization Supports Orphans for the extension of these activities by rector of the Community Center, h&s in Palestine s further subsidizing teachere and ora definite outline of Center and "Y" Mothers .are coming to the Jewish Community Center this ganizing Talmud Torahs where such -work which wfll be presented at the Junior Hadassah has begun this do not exist. winter for rnany reasons. :' . J ' Enrollment and attendance, at the meeting. Applications for member*h,at premises to be its most The question of organization will They .come to work—extending the service which is the keyJewish Community * Center Sunday ship in the "Y" will be received besuccessful season. Already nearly 2) school reached 138 last Sunday morn- fore and. after-the meeting. Any note of motherhood to the community, mothering the poor and form a very important part of the de- new members have been secured liberations of the conve: tion. ing at the second'session of the senior member of the Community the sick. They bring friendship to the friendless and hope to through the membership drive and school. : Center is entitled to membership in the discouraged. the committee anticipates pledging The increase in the .kindergarten the ;orgaiuzation plus a email fee for twice this number before the end of They come to play, in the. many entertainments that the and confirmation classes has v more dues and other miscellaneous exthe month. than doubled the membership "since penses which are incurred during the Center ^provides, in programs and parties, irj club rooms, in the All activities are starting with an the first meeting. t Miss Gertrude term. pool and on the gymnasium floor. unusual display of enthusiasm. Tatle and Miss M. Shames are in The next "Y" dance wfll be given They come to study, for problems of motherhood are being For the second time, Miss Madeline More than 50 girls attended the first charge of the kindergarten. J. Marer Saturday evening, November 12, at given special attention in the educational wprk of the Center Cohn, daughter of Rabbi Frederick affair of the season, a Succoth has charge of the confirmation class. the Community Center. Music will Conn and teacher of English in the frolic at the close of the Suecotii " . Miss Lillian Miller has • joined the be provided by a splendid dance or- this year. North High School, has won a first holiday, and the social committee i? Twenty Jewish mothers have al-| tlaLSs will be devoted to a discussion staff of the Sunday school. chesjxa. UY" members will be ad, prize for a paragraph book review planning another large affair to be Further information regarding the mitted to the dances free of-charge ready registered in the new mothers' of the. various problems that arise in the Nebraska Educational Journal. given before the end of the yaer. study of Jewish children of school upon presentation of their *'Y" mem- class in health and child guidance, in the home. The Omaha unit of Junior HadasReviewing Dean Fales' "Bill Myage conducted by- toe Center indi- bership card. All others will be re- which - will be given in the' Center A women's gymnasium class, which ron," Miss Cohn declared that the sah entirely maintains two orphans cates, according .tq Jacob Miryis, di- quired to pay a small admission probably beginning Thursday after- has been organized to meet in the style of the book excels that of Sin-) in Palestine, In addition to the suprector of education,' that; the Jews of charge* the - same .as has been, done noon, November 10. morning, is attracting many mothers port of the orphans, the Junior HaThis class, which will consist of who have found that housekeeping clair Lewis, with whom Fales has! the city are-giving : more attention at other dances conducted by the dassah will this year\ take an active eight classes, is part of the healtb may give one exercise, "but does not been compared. The book is said to i to the problem of Jewish education. part in the Jewish /National Fund deal with Omaha in the Sinclair} • "As long as the information was Stanley F. Levin, the newly elected department of the Girls' work com- necessarily keep one fit. Miss Ethel Lewis manner. work in Omaha. MISB Beec Weinhot at hand and the status of Jewish president- of the Y. M. and Y. \V. mittee, of which Mrs. A. S. Rubnitz Greenberg, assistant physical director stein will hav« charge of this ac"I like the whole thing," Miss education • was not known," he said, H..A., will announce his committees is chairman. The purpose of the of the Center, is in charge of the Cohn said, "Of course it was exag- tivity. course is to teach something of the class. "little progress' could\ be made. It for the present administration. At the next meeting to be hekl al gerated, but the author had to exhuman relationships in the home, -is the purpose of this study to disjthe Jewish Community Center, aggerate to make a telling thrust A book review group for women close this . inf6rin.ation". impartially." "PROGRESS AND THE JEW" the part the mother, father and chilThursday, November 10, plans v.ill at smooth hypocrisy and organized TO BE PULPIT TOPIC dren play therein, and how to har- has recently been organized at the be discussed for a large fund-raising morality. The book seems to have Center by Mrs. Henry Monskjmonize this relationship. Habits of On the first anniversary of- the the same purpose as Sinclair Lewis' enterprise. Detail? of the plans fordeath of Hugo Pe'rass, deceased "Get- - ^'Progress - and the Jew" will be children, desirable and undesirable, chairman of the educational division mulated for the convention of the man jurist and statesman,Ids memory Kabbi Frederick-Cohn'a lecture topic will be taken up. Mothers will be of the Girls' Work committee. The "Main Street," but I consider the southwest region of Junior Hada» style superior to that of Lewis." -was commemorated. ' He drafted the at Temple Israel Friday evening. On taught how children may be aided group wiU meet the first and third sen to be held in Omaha will also be Miss Conn's previous prize winning Weimer outline .of the constftutioti of Friday; morning, ue will speak on in forming good habits/^md getting Mondays of the month beginning disclosed. review -was on "Sweepings." rid of the bad ones. Part of each Monday, November ?, at 2 p. m. the Cerman republic ' ' "Spiritual Hero." ", Robert Strunsky, son of- Simeon Strunsky;: editorial -writer for . the New York Times and widely known publicist,.has come to Omaha to begin bis newspaper career as a reporter far the -Omaha World-Herald. Strunsky waB graduated from Amherst college last _ spring and spent the summer bicycling; in England with•'>. Irwin Edman, whose writing in the Menorah Journal has attracted wide interest. •











Every Daiy k l f o f t c ^ Bay

Sunday School I Numbers Grow

In Community C«iter Activities




THE JEWISH PRESS Published every Thursday at Omaha, Nebraska, by

' THE JEWISH PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY Office: Brandeisf Theater Building—Telephone: ATlantic 1450

JEWISH CALENDAR — 5688-1927-28

Monsky Elected to • ffc|giona! Council

Henry Mohsky lias been elected a CONFLICT EXISTS member of the Region Eight of the

1927 -Friday, November 25 Monday, December 19 Sunday, December 25


Delicatessen, Smoked Meats and Fish

Boy Scout executive council, at a presidential address given by 13W North 2«li Btteet Boy Scout conference held in Lin• Sir Arthur Keith in Leeds, Scotcoln last week-end. I land, recently, was epoch making in Mr. Mossky is one of three Ne] its. statement that Darwinism is an 1928 "QUALITY JEWELERS" braska members, the others being S. ! established fact, Rabbi Frederics Fast of Tebeth Tuesday, January 3 R. McKelvie, Lincoln, and Walter W. MALASHOCK JEWELRY ' Cohn told the members of the curEosh Chodesh JShebat Monday, January 23 Head, Omaha. I rent topics class of the Council of Wholesale and Retail Jewelers *Bosti Chodesh Adar —Wednesday, February 22 1 TheJewish Press is supplied by the Jewish Telegraphic agency Jewish Women in his opening talk Purim :.. ~ —.—'. Tuesday,'March 6 213-16 City National Bank with cabled and telegraphic Jewish news, and feature articles from ia the Jewish Community Center PLANS FOR CLUB Rosh' Chodesh Niesan Thursday, March 22 Bldg.—JA. 5619 aU important Jewish centers. Tuesday. 1st Day Pessach .„ —. Thursday, April 5 COUNCIL OUTLINED "Darwinism is no longer a theory," 7th Day Pessach _ —^ -Wednesday, April 11 The clubs cf the Jewish Community he styp, "It is an established fact. •Rosh Chodesh Iyar Saturday, April 21 Center are working on a plan for a The Best Place to Buy Your Lag b'Omer This is the verdict of the greatest Tuesday, May 8 club council. The council will b« Rosh Chodesh Sivan scientists in the -world." . Sunday, May 20 composed of representatives of each 1st Day Shabuteh „ Friday, May 25 Rabbi Cohn explained Darwinism dub. Every division will have its By IRVIK STAI.MASI'EK *Rosh Chodesh Tammuz Tuesday, June 19 and its relation to evolution. He own council and sponsor its own ac—SEE US FIRSTFast of Tammuz Thursday, July 5 traced the history of this develop- tivities. 1S04 Ha. 24th St Rosh Chodesh Ab Lastr^eeVsjissue^pf The Jewish Press made a starjtling disSOL. LEWIS Wednesday, July 18 WEbBtcr S044 ment of science through the work ot Holiday and festival celebrations, Fast of Ab . •. . Thursday, July 26 Darwin and Spencer, explaining na:•";" closure of-fact. 'It is that.only 27.2 per cent of the Jewish child•Rosh Chodesh EUul — .Friday, August 17 tural selection through adjustment to dramatics, debating, declamation, or- k. ren of Omaha are affiliated with any Jewish educational instienvironment, and the creation of atorical and athletic contests will bej! Let the ,' "tutidri.' ':; * .1 •_ among the activities. More dubs, for new species by slight adjustments. boys, girls, men and women, are in: A peopleas ;rich' as the Jews in glorious history, unexcelled "Lincoln and Darwin were born on vited to organize at the Center and literatttre, notablp, contributions to the sciences, the arts, and the the same day," Rabbi Cohn said. thereby join the central council. Be Your Baker infelfectualsphereso|^ all tKatrnaTtes life'worth while must be "Lincoln freed the slaves. Darwin Groups interested in this work are QUAKER BAKING CO. freed the human mind." shocked atsuch.•£ disclosure.Especially so, when we realize that asked to see Mr. Jacob Mirvis at the The rabbi called attention to re- Center. Tall of,these priceless heritages have laeeh handed down to us A Father and Son banquet under the. cent finds in anthropology which I throughLth<6 agea at tke cost of many lives, many sacrifices, and auspices of the Temple Brotherhood,' nave corroborated Darwin's beliefs. sweaters, shoes, trousers, shirts, great inartyrdom-. -• -;•' ; , (Continued from page-1.) will be held in Temple Israel at 6:30 J Rabbi Cohn asked why the oppo- blouses and underwear, to the value Surely no Jew has wandered so far from his! fcaditipns as to p. m. Tuesday. Joseph,Rosenfeld "ill sition to Darwinism. of several thousands of dollars. be free from shamewhenhe realizes the negled; with which he movement has resulted. These were be toastmaster. "There is no conflict between This shipment goes forward in rethe outstanding contentions made by The father's speech will be made by science and religion," he declared, sponse to appeals that have come has treated his £tiildr5iu^!3^e. neglect of the body; must surely Henry Rosentha). Edwin Brodkey "The Bible is not a text of science. •.'•' bring evil days, but the neglect of the spiritual .and intellectual Hi.InWise. his address which raised the will represent the sons. The ladies of The Bible story of the origin of man to the Hadassah office direct. This •'•- -win;ever spell disaster toth£ ^Jewish people. contribution from the Palestine Suptemperature .of the conference to a the Temple will serveteaches a moral lesson. The crea- plies Department will in no way in:{ ""Always has the JeV won; the greatest place in'history when high pitch of political excitement. tion of the world in six days is a terefer with the regular monthly V he has adhered to. .the^eiitage of the past; usually, the Jew has Being an echo of the Weizmann- CIVICS CLASS TO story which teaches observance of the shipments that are sent to the Hafallen to the lowest, level when he has turned his intellect from Wise controversy at Basle the Sabbath. Spencer declares that be- dassah Medical Organization of linOPEN AT CENTER neath 3peech was regarded as a declaraall science is the unknowable." ens and other supplies, as well as the treasures which have come to him out of the past. tion of Dr. Wise's break with the Classes in government wi'* open at How reassuring it is to us to see the Jewish Community Weizmann policy. contributions that are made to the Jewish Community Center soon, HADASSAH TO SEND twenty additional institutions in Center taking to'this problem by the introduction of * program "I do not threaten to leave, but the under the direction of Irvin StalYou Are Welcome at CLOTHES TO PALESTINE Palestine. of Jewish education which shall go to the very heart of this I do threaten to stay in the Zionist master. movement and to fight," Dr. Wise imjtortaht need! i The course will include instruction The Palestine Supplies Departdeclared. He added that the ac- in national, state, county and city ment of Hadassah is now preparing knowledgement of Zionist realities government, in their executive, legis- a shipment for Palestine to reach cannot in any way permit the Zion- lative and judicial branches. there by the first of December in or- 153S No. 80th St. — WE brter 02«7 ists to throw up, their hands, but 5400 Center Street The city commission form of gov- der to alleviate the suffering of Fresh Meats—Delicatessens must continue raising funds for the e r ^ m e n t emphamany thousands of unemployed Phone WAlnut 5936 Fresh Fish Handled Daily work. "We know the worst.' sis. The metropolitan utilities dis- during the cold weather. Among the We Deliver t« AU Part* of the City We confess to the worst, but will | t r i c t > "When it; comes to putting Omaha Famous for district and items to be forwarded are blankets, :,.cny the map. in .distant /parts •J h d nott under d a. municipal courts will be discussed. Mr. Jacob Landau, managing di- continue to go ahead CHICKEN SANDWICHES tjiuticd tjiuticd; StateS^wrAte F^o!" Carey Ca in rector of the Jewish Telegraphic new leadership, btttf under leadership; his Main Street ; column of th« Agency, and publisher of the Jewish we will not permit a default. Dabber —DANCING— OftJI5N llast week, k "f "few of Bulletin, ia expected to arrive El B'nai Israel Vissaott^-Speak to ^ ^ h ^ i Tele- the children of Israel and let them can equal Harry Lapiic AgencV%m8intaih«.:its own ?° fo^a^d' **• w « e exclaimed. Karl JEj- Tuhbcjrg announces a chflddescribed ^Mr. Lapidus" B^n 1&KM% Lorn^ir, Paris,! D r - W i s e s a i d '*»' h a d **** *}*ht t o teke attitade tens piano redtal-at the College Club in spfceadifeg-^^t .Warsaw, J e ^ e r o w d Berlin and *W« since he has albeen a supporter and. friend Hall, Lyric Bldg.,nineteenth and Farthrough hi^ business>} enter-' correspondients in 145 additional, nam streets, Friday evening, Novemp and then naiifies his Vko hon- towns for-, the gathering o£. Jewish of the British Government. ber lith, at 8:15 P. M. bies, t h e Jevrfsh Community: Center, news. Both.the;-Jewish and general SPEAKS HIS MIND* Taking ttie program *re and p o l i c e s . . , • He related the content of his «on i^ress. are subscribers to the news "The 'Cortunuriity;•• Center: is his service - of the Jewish Telegraphic versation with Lord Balfour itt:;De- children from 6*to lS^years of age who 22nd and Nicholas K enrolled in the piano clas. n for Be1 \ ' ' VERY man wants the most for his dothes money. The Nepride ana"* politics his pastime;" h he ^Agency.cember, 1918, following the adoption ginners, last June. Mrs. Tunberg has . • braska is, organized to give it—organised with the vast seleccays. "When.other;rmen play golf, The Jewish Daily Bulletin is the, by the first American Jewish Con- charge of these classes and this is her If YOH Want GOOD QUALITY tions—the vast size ranges—«*id vastly greater dollar for dollar Mr. Lapidns takes'a iiand in'politics only- Jewish daily in the English lan- gress of the resolution urging'Gpea COAL—Call Us values. Thanks to our policy of year 'round lowest possible prices first public demonstration of the reand-gets results, thoughnever asking guage. The Nebraska is enabled to offer Pall Clothes values supreme. Britain to assume the protectorate sults of class instruction in Piano at S. FELLMAN anything in the way; of ah office for ' The ; service of this Jewish Tele- over Palestine. Balfour had tears to the Tunberg Studios. Interested IN JUSTICE TO YOURSELF SEE himself." ^ . graphic Agency, important as it is his eyes when he heard of this reso parents and friends are cordially inTHE "NEBRASKAN" GROUP in reporting Jewish- news and con- lution. "What a token of confidence,' vited. ditions to the non-Jewish world, is Balfour exclaimed to Dr. Wise. TRY THE NEW The speaker then related the deperhaps of even greater importance NATIONAL BOARD PRAISES to the Jewish communities them- tails of the incident between him and GOOD WORK OF CENTER selves. ' Dr. Weizmann in- Basle concerning >JThe halloween party and* dance It is not long since, the knowledge the resolution introduced into the po1818 Faraam /vjrhich was staged last Saturday -eveThe Jewish Welfare board of New ning by the physical department ;of of one community of what was tak-1 litical commission of the Zionist York City, which co-ordinates the Chinese and American the Jewish Community Center proved ing place,' even in communities not, Congress asking for the appointmen work of all the Jewish Community to be one of the friggest successes so remote, met' so many obstacles of ;,a committee under Weizmann's Centers in the country, has written Cusine ever handled by the department, A that almost complete confusion and chairmanship to negotiate with the to Samuel Gerson, director of the of about one bundrec and .fifty disturbing misconceptions arose. In British government concerning poli- Omaha Jewish Community Center to: Special Merchants' the nature of things Jewish, an oc- tical questions. "We can be stifled tequest 50 copies of the program of people filled the gym. .The Lunch provided by the Nite Club Orchestra currence in one country has an ef- suppressed and exiled in Basle, but the Suecoth1 celebration held in the yras fine for the light feet of the mer- fect upon the, rest of i the Jewish we can speak our mind in America,* Center, to distribute to the execuDance to the IVJusic rymakers and a good time was had:by communities. The responsibility of •Dr. Wise declared. SEE OtTR SHOW WINDOWS TODA'S tives of other community centers. of the all who tripped the Ught-faiitastic, the the Jewish community as a whole It 'is unthinkable to leave the pres- The board praised the program as pjrize waltze$ the grand march or any for the actions • of .individuals affili- entation of .the just demands of the AMBASSADOR ORCHESTRA one especially well arranged. §£ the dozen or so datices. • ;- " ' ated with it^ or for smaller groups Zionist, ^mdVement to one man> who —No Cover Charge— ;1 Prizes for the jjept. costumec were it, though never fixe4 in a is a British subject and whose* attietne by Lester Giventer and an un- legal sense, ia none the less a fact tude d must naturally be different f known miss. Lestef "appeared dressed the implications of wWcK have ta be from the attitude of committee, : as the "shiek". The unknown was taken cognizance' of'?:: Apart . from including representatives from- AmAPPAREL FOR MEN AND WOMEN garbed as a clever and cute Jittle this, when each community, acts, in erica, Continental Europe and Palesjockey. Her" uniform was blue with its own behalf trying' -to . graBple' tine, a. committee which".would be red trimmings. A pert little 'cap-set with its problems, if no information Tinder the leadership of the presigiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiir.iiiintiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiHHUiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii: off her features to perfection. Her ia available, it may often waste its dent of the. Zionist organization. Dr. popularity, was unanimous as testified labors in solving the Very problems Wise said. by the applause given her when the which is common to all. and in the verdict of the judges was made known. solution of: which much experience Wanted" Wanted . The gym was properly decorated has been gained in other localities. . 5 Real 5 Real with pumpkins, fall leaves, ghosts and The division along religious lines Salesman Salesman " t B n To Sell all of the parphanalia which goes to •within American Jewry and the more Menu make up Halloween dance. • Clothes aggravating division along lines of The Council of Jewish Women held origin, east or west, north or south, FEATURE is & luncheon meeting at the Blackstone THANKSGIVING DANCE add to the confusion. /, "" full of promise to liberal , hotel Monday. Reports of the CounCOMMITTEE NAMED The service of the Jewish Telo cil's activities were given. users of Good Printing. s Plans for the seventh annual graphic Agency is gathering and disWith our new equipment Mrs. Carl Furth and Mrs. I. RosenExtra 5 we are ready to handle Thanksgiving1 dance of the Women's tributing the news of Jewish life thai will attend the Wiidweat confer Suit the largest, as well as auxiliary 'of the B'nai B'rith, to be and presenting it in < an attractive g n c e o f ^e National Council of Jewthe smallest of your held in the Jewishr Community Cen- form has been recognized as of the ish Women urSt. Louis Sunday. This printed inessen. .ers". Let's greatest value. For instance, a numter Thanksgiving evening,, are being district includes Iowa, Missouri. No dress them up: correctlf ber of schools for Jewish children Kansas; Oklahoma, Colorado and Nemade. , Less and fiend them out to do The music, will be provided by have adopted the reading of the Jew- braska. . • .;:';.'',.". ; : ' : '•."•'•• • Extra Special 90 days on Men's their duty right. ish Daily Bulletin in the current |Iofman's Musical Kings. Suits, O'Coats and Top Coats Americanization classes under the events clubs. The Commission and For the nest ninety days the man .*. Members of the committee in A phone coll will bring one ol auspices of the Council were opened p p thnt buys one at onr Suits, O'Coats or our salesman. charge are: Jcane^te Alberts, Rose Religious Education of the Union of /Monday evening in the; Jewish1 Corn- A Top Coat for the Kegular rrJce $38.50 we tvlll mnke for tbeiu absolntely free jQohen, Ann Blan|f, Emma Stern, American Hebrew Congregations and muriity Center under the d"-ectibtt of another Phone AT. 8028 Suit, O'Coat or a Top Coat or A case of 10 delivered other words selling either combinaBess Blank* Ula Alberts, Jean Roeh- the Bureau of Jewish. Education rec-| 5liSg Elizabeth Hart and Mrs. 1 Ros- In tion, Two Men's Suits. Suit and O'Coat, -to ybtnr home for 75c in&n, Rebecca Wojlf, Helen. Beber, ommend the use of the Bulletin for enthal. Thirteen were present at the Suit anil Top Cont of Two Conts for the, l>rlce ol one, both for office v first classes. Teachers who will ga open .fiiliaii Beber, and Lillian Kooper.; this purpose. every erehlni; till 7:30 1'. M. homes to give instruction are EVERT GAUMKNT VN1OW MADE PARTIES into __ "KMNCB-••'•'• available, according to Mrs. Rosen* SOLO UNDER OtJB VISIT PALESTINE mOTl CtA» GUARANTEE thai, and those "Who wish to be Jerusalem.—(J. T. A.)—An amal- taught at home are asked to leave A.>—The .Jerusalem. — ( .Jer 2226-30 Burdette St. 1307 Howard Street, Omaha gamation of the two Jewish laboJ- word at the Center. Italian Crown Prince, Umberto, will CLOTHES OF MERIT WEhster 4864 | WEbster 2458 • C ^ r p a T ^ e -during the- spring, a' parties^ Achduth Ha'avodah and HaThe Center class is open to VYery525 Securities Budg. ffom Rome! to the -Palestine poel Hazair, is to be consumnialed" one and • m^ets- > every - Monday and NATE BERSISTfilN. Djs*. TiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinnnniiiiriiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiMiiiiiiniimiiiiimimummununijinniuT paper, "Falastin," states. ' soon, it was stated today. Wednesday from 7:30 until 9 p. in. .

; :•• . JEANETTE GLICK GEKSON, EDITOR. ! D^VID BLACKER, Business Manager. > ' Subscription Price, one year —„._.„.„: .._-._—_~»_..u.—^—,-12.59 •;-•?,• Advertising rates furnished on application GHANGE OF ADDRESS—Please give both the old.and new address; be V. ;'^ » . , sure to give your name. ...... •

•Rosh Chodesh Kislev. 1st Day Hanukkah •Rosh Chodesh Tebeth

Our PricelessMeritage

Victor Orthophonic or Radio



Father-Son Banquet Planned




Dorsey's Chicken Shack


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Children's Recital to Be Presented

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Peacock Inn


Unequaled Values at Every Price $25 to $50


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Introductory Offer BREE With Each Order


With Your Next Meal

A cool* refreshing drink of ccvihoratedwater in siphon bottles



Western Miiieral Works |





Basyd Kaplan To Qwe Recital Here

I ;:::----]Vlrs.-"-EoberfL' Marer has issued one hundred invitations for a fegib be given at the Blackstone hotel Sunday, November 13, in feejtor of her niece, "Miss Helen Levenson, a bride-to-be. The tea; wjU-be from 3 until 5 o'clock. The marriage of Miss Thelma Shostak, daughter of Mrs. S. TL. Shostak, -of Lincoln, to Mr. Ernest'B^Reuben, of Omaha, took place^pbtobex 27, in the Lincoln synagogu^r Rabbi Weiner of S t Josephi/Mo., .performed the ceremony. I The bride was gowned in white satin and silver lace. Her lloweKSvwere -white roses with a shower of swansonia. Miss Dorothy Reuben, Miss Isabel Graetz, Miss Nioiria Cohn and MjssTillie Cohn were bridesmaids. Mrs. Jack Chapman was matron of honor and Miss Jean Breslow was the honor maid. Estelle' Mozer was a dainty flower girl. Myron Chapman was the pager '' • ' . '' ' •. ' ' ' '.--i;Ushers were Clyde Krasne, Council Bluffs; Sam anil Leonard ^ a n of Omaha/and fake Breslow 'of, f^ncoln. .The seyjen ^irl^ ^ ^ d ] iib^cins, inaki% an 'aisle for the bridal party, were Marjbrie'Siiostak, Helen Garson, Hilda Gerstien, Bess Hnkelstein £nd Iklarjorie Finkelstein, and Sally Reirigold. ^' : Following- the ceremony, a reception was held at the Rosewilde party house. Mr. and Mrs. Reuben will live in Omaha. ) The marriage of Miss Bess Hay'iin, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Abrahiw,J^X^3n,,.to Mr. Julius Obern^orferT sbn ef "Mr. Adolph; Oberndorfer of Colorado Springs, was solemnized Sjinday evening in the Jewish Community -Center. .... • The 1>riae yiare' a gown of pale pink satin, and a pink veil, thus giving :arK unusual note of color to tie scene.' Her. bridal bouquet was of pink roses and lillies of the valley. < Mrs. S Lasserowitz, Miss Lillian. Chudacoff, Mrs. Julius Haykin, Mrs. Harry D. 33aykm and Miss Bess E. itaykin were the bride's attendants. Mr. Herbert Goldstein was best man.; "the'Ushers were Mr. Harry Haykin, .T$x.l Julius . Haykin. and Mr. Louis


One hundred andiifty guests were p s e n t at->the* oe^emraiy. Mr. add 'Mrs. 'Qberndorfer, went immediately to Chicago, and from there to New ^Orleans', where they will make their future home. r > ' , Mr*. Aaron 'jShafer entertained at •the Jewish. Community Center Tuesday in honor of Miss Martha Kohah, whose marriage to Mr. Marcus IfraBnfe will take place in November. The out-of-town guests were Mrs. A. Stein and Mrs. Lena Orloff, both of Lincoln. Prizes were won by Mrs. J. Rosen, Miss Lena Orloff, Mrs. J.; Katleman, Mrs. J. Kuklin and Mrs. I. S.warfo Mrs. A.,Stein.will entertain - for Miss Kohan in Lincoln Sunday afternoon. Other affairs are also being planned. The marriage of Miss Hannah Filvin, daughter of Mrs. Sarah Filvin, to Mr. Cecil" Ginsberg of ties Moines* will take place in B'nai Israel synagogue at 5 p. m. Sunday. The ceremony will'be followed by a reception at the home of the bride.

.Omaha entertained at a Dinner party, and Monday sight Mrs. A; L. Oohen was hostess to a Bridge party for Mrs. Glassman. . Mrs. Paul Philips entertained at a Dinaer foilewed by a The Tali-nd Torah Sunday School, Theater party Tuesday evening. Mrs. which used to hold its classes at the Harry Krasne honored this visitor at Merriam Block has changed its meet- a Bridge party Wednesday afternoon ing place to the Chevra B'nai Yisroel at her homo. On Friday evening Mrs. Synagogue, at 618 Mynster Street. Joseph Spiegel of Omaha will enterClasses were held at the synagogue tain at a Bridge party in honor of for the first time last Sunday morning, Mrs. Glassman. and until further notice all Sunday Dr. and Mrs. Oscar H. Greenberg of School children are requested, to go to the synagwjut every Sunday morning Council Bluffs announce the birth of a daughter, Evelyn Barbara, born at ten o'clock. Friday, October 28, at the Omaha The Independent Order of the B'na5 Methodist Jiospital. B'rith, Lodge No. 688, will hold a meeting next Wednesday evening, Mrs. Abe H. Marcus entertained November 9, at the Danish Hall. thirty guests at a Theater party at the New Orpheutn followed by dancing at Mrs. Louis Glassman of Philadel- the Peacock Inr Monday afternoon in phia, who has been the house guest honor of Miss Rev* Gilinsky, a Noof her sister, Mrs. Ben Ross, and Mr. vember bride-to-be. Ross, for several weeks, will leave Sunday for her home. This visitor Mr- Jake Friedman returned home has been extensively entertained dur- Friday £w>m a week's trip to Rochesing her visit here. Among the affairs given in her honor this past week was ter, Minnesota. an Orpheum Party given by Mr. and Mr.^and Mrs. Sam J. Tteinberg are Mrs. Ross Friday evening. Sunday entertaining their Evening Bridge evening Mrs. Max Burkenroad of Club at their home Thursday evening

Council Bluffs .News

Basya Kaplan, Tenowned pianist, will be in Omaha next week to appear in concert for the Omaha college club at Technical high school November 11. Miss Kaplan is a'young Jewish man, George Decker, Norman Pit^TTCHEN CHATS | girl who has been * soloist1-:with the lor, June Decker. Berlin Philharmonic orchestra. She will be ;ientertaihed by Mrs. Henry -The Zionah girls tnet in the Jew- ', Mrs. David M. Newman. I Monsky while she is here. ish Community Center last evening. Proceeds of the concert will be Election of officers resulted in the Start Meal Right used for the scholarship fund of the following- officers. : Betty Burstein, Right soups used in the right way club. president; Minnie Novey, vice presi- show a knowledge of food values. dent; Sylvia Falk, secretary; Sarah Soup may be used as an appetiser eight rushees at a stag party at the Berg, treasurer, and Ha Fishberg, only, «r for nourishment. Clear sosps and" bouillons are used mainly for home of Edward Shafton Friday eve- reporter. appetisers, while cream soaps, bisning. The Daughters-of.'Israel Aid so- ques afid chowders are served as MONDAY—Temple Israel SisterMiss Minnie Margolin and'Miss ciety will meet at 2:30 p. in., No- nourishing dishes for lunch and dinhood, in the Temple annex, at Alice Stern entertained .the Ko-zees vember 15, in the Jewish Old Peo- ner. 1 p. .an. ple's home, 2504 Charles street. •„' Bouillons may be served either hot Social Service course, at the Sunday afternoon. "Prizes were won or cold as variety demands, while .Jewish Community Center at by' Miss Sarah Noddle, Miss MarThe Hadassah Study circle met in cream soups and chowders are more 8:15 p. rn. . bara Truehaft and Miss "Edith Lewis. the Jewish Community Center Wed- appetising if served hot. Bikur Cholim, in the Seward T Street synagogue. r - • Sometimes a bit of fruit» especially A number of Omaha women at- nesday afternoon. Y. M.^and H. A., 8:30 p. m. in tended the district convention of a lemon slice, is served with each the Jewish Community Center. Mr. M. F. Levenson returned to cup for additional taste. Cream soups Temple Sisterhoods in Sioux City his home Sunday after a two weeks' are servfed at times with a topping TUESDAY—Wise Hospital board. November 1 and 2. Among them Deborah society,'in the Jewish were Mrs. N. Mantel, Mrs." Gerson t r i p . •-: • ••• of whipped cream^ Chowders are esCommunity Center, 2:30 p; m; p^ciially nourishing, as they contain Levey, Mrs. H. Hiller, Mrs. H. RosFather and--Son---Banquet, The Biknr Cholim .'society, recently a great variety of vegetables. Crackenfeld, Mrs. Clarence Bergman and are - •• . organized to visit the; sick, will meet ers, croutons, toast, or rolls Temple Sisterhood" Book'He- M r s . ' A . S o m b e r g : ' - • - - • - at 2 p. m. Monday- at the Seward served with soups. view. -: • ; Mr. arid Mrs. Adolph Meyer and street synagogue, f v \ Oreim «sf foin&to Soup. WEDNESDAY—Needlework Guild, .daughter have moved to ,619, South in the JewishrGommun,ity, Center. 2 cQpfuls tomato, £ cupfuls milk, Mrs. M. Seiner^' 2518 Stewart 4 tablespoons. of. flour, 4 tablespoons THURSDAY—B'nai BMt^i1 in the Thirty-first' iavenue. street, left Saturday (Evening..for St. .b£ J&ttfe?ji ^...teaspoon of white j>epJewish Co^nntij^Jy Cenijgj . ^ ^ "^Junior Hadassah, M tne Jewish;. . ® s s MmS Kneeter".of New Yorlc, fcoais to visit her-.^son, Mr. J.--.O. peff a pinch of soda. " •v-:..\ •.•• '-.'• Community Center.-" • "--'•• who has been visiting her mother, Seiner; . tise a double boiler. Melt two Needlework Guild, in the Jew-: Mrs. Mamie Kneeter, left Sunday tablespoons of butter, add 2 tableish Community Center. evening for her home. Mr and Mrs". S. Handler h&i as; spoons "of fl&ur, milk, 1 teaspoon of thei* house guests last week Al Han-j ^alt, and the pepper. Cook the mixdler and Phil Hahdler, 'their satis, ture 10 minutes. Combine the toMiss Ruth Riseman, Elk Creek, ties. •' VMrs'« David Greenberg . and and Mrs. H. M. Korbholi, formerly matoes, % teaspoon of salt, and let Neb., -and Miss Esther Svislowsky, Mrs. 3. Greenberg gave a luncheon Miss Besse Handler: Mr. A* Handler them. simmer 10 minutes, Columbus, Neb., were guests of Miss thsa. at the jFonteneile in her Honor Tues.-: left Sunday morning for Seattle, Laura Berek, Fremont, last weekthicken them with 2 tablespoons of day. Mrs. J. J: Friedman honored Wash., where he will represent his flour and 2 tablespoons of butter ' ' her with a luncheon in her home on end. firm, Morgan Field. Mrs. Korbholz blended together. Strain the mixture, Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs^ J. Shei> will return Friday to her home in add soda, combine with the white The Bar Mitzvah of Nathan Singman and Mrs. Phil Rosenblatt gave St. Joseph, Mo. sauce and serve hot with a tablean evening affair for her in their er, son of H. Singer, was celebrated spoon or two of whipped cream. with a reception Sunday. Through home. Mrs._Dave Sherman will entertain for her at her home Saturday A. Hirsch and " J. Singer, the guests Rabbi Frederick Cohn will review afternoon. Mrs. Maurice Wiener of made a- collection of $11.50 for the Cosmo Hamilton's "Caste," at the Sioux City has been' visiting her benefit of the Mizrachi organization. Temple Israel " Sisterhood " book review group Tuesday. mother, Mrs. Fannie Greenberg. Sol and Edward Gerber entertained Temple Israel Sisterhood will meet Mrs. A. Rubnitz entertained^witft at a Hallowe'en party Sunday eve- for a one o'clock luncheon in the Tema bridge at her home Wednesday ning in their home. Miss Reva Bern- ple annex on Monday, November 7. stein won first prize for her Chinese evening. Reservations may T>e telephoned to .costume. The guests were Ray Kap- Mrs. Sam Robinson, W;Alnut 8506. lan, Reva Bernstein;-Ezra Gashater, Dr. and Mrs. Michael Wohl who Alti Hifsch, Dorothy Decker j Mr. and Mrs. I. Gilinsky announce went to New York recently, will sail Charles Zufman, Anna Pitlof, Mary 1 on November 4 for Vienna , where Frank, Lester Byron, Ruth Hober- the birth of a daughter on Friday, Ofrtober 21. Dr. Wohl will study. "

N JERUSALEM Jerusalem.—(J. T- A.)—The inhabitants of Jerusalem were puzzled on Monday by an unexplained sulphurous mist, luminous at a distance, which swept over it for two hours, v causing discomfort to all who were out of doors at the time. A Hebrew newspaper published ac-


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2'thand Martha Sis. O.5IAKA, AEBRASKA Soft gray, iron, brass, bronze nnfi alumiwjni castings. Standard bronze and iron bushings, seiver manboles, cistera rinjrs nnd covers, fehG clean-out doors in stock.


Jewish Pianist GILBERT ROSS |

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Friday, Nov. 11,8 p. in. Old Home Bread

• Auspices^-COLLEGE. CT,UF. • Single Admission PU.bO '

WITH YOUR NEXT MEAL Made With a Mother's Care

Tickets on sals at Jewish Community Center


Saturday—A Wonderful Qroup-of


Richly Fur Trimmed!


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Saturday is the day to select your !Wiater Goat—while such unusual values as this $68 group offers are available! Every one is a Jlerzberg Quality Coat—-the type that appeals to women of refilled taste.




Coming Events

Mr. and Mrs. Sam Herzberg and Mrs. M.rF. Levenson,^hik^rnian of: tMr. M. Herzberg and daughter, Miss 'p-auline. Herzberg, have gone to Sul- thf:ebmmftte&-in chargeipi'titie ioafc phur Springs for a two peeks' visit. book"to^he~ published sfton^by A$& Hadassah, aiWduiees/^'tntP Joflowmg flowmg Mri''and; :MTS. Barne^; JKiait - an- Committee: Mrs. B. A. Simon,' Mrs. 1 nounce the birth of a daughter, Jac- J.--Rosenberg ,-Mrs. H* Jahr^ Mrs. queline' Lou, on October 27. Before Charles.Lfvinson, -Mrs. S.. Nathan, her .."marriage, -Mrs.; Keari: was Miss Mrs. A. Silvermari, Mrs. A. D. Frank, Mrs. Meyer Friedelj Mrs. A. Flora iBienstock. • I. Kulakofsky, Mrs. R. M. Schlaes, Mr. and Mrs. J. Friedel announces Mrs. I. Grossman j ' Mrs. S. Frohm, the marriage of-their daughter, Vera, Mrs. Di Stein, Mrs. A. Romm, Mrs. to Mrl Sam-Pplonsky on Saturday,1 A.» Romm, Mrs. A. Somberg, and ; J. Ji Friedman. October 29. The marriage took place in Chicago, where the couple will The alumni club of Psi Delta Sigmake their home. ma, Creighton social' fraternity, orMrs". Fannie Greenberg and her ganized last week with, the-following son, Hyman Greenberg, will leave officers: I. Oberman, president; Ben "next tfeek for California, where they E. Kubby, vice president; Dr. D. wHl make their future home. • j Kahn, secretary, and Me R. Abrahams TAtki Greenberg has been enter- ( treasurer. tained at a number of farewell par-' Pi Delta Sigma will entertain

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Cream of Pea Soup. counts of observers wfto iold "of (he 2 cups of -canned -peas, cup of arrival of the mist 'at -10 o'clock water, sprihkle -vf- pepper, 1 slice of Saturday night, after two days of onion, 1 teaspoon of sugar and %• a very severe "khamseen," or dry teaspoon of, salt. . hot wind. Sulphurous fumes, so opUse a . double boiler to tnake th^ pressive as to make breathing out white sauce as in the previous recipe. of doors difficult, descended over Cook peas, water, onion, sugar and the city ujitj] Jnidnig-ht, v,-hen the salt together until soft. Press them wind carrieel them av:ay. through a sieve, sdd 1% tablespoon of parsley chopped, add to the white sauce and serve. Meat Creplich. Meat creplich are to be served in BUTTER and EGGS clear soup. Roll out r --die . dough into two inch squares. Run left-over | Council Bluffs, Iowa meat through a grinder. Add one! chopped onion browned in fat, 1 egg, salt, and pepper to taste. Place one teaspoonful of this mixture in eadi square of dough, press corners toFOR RENT' gether and cook them 10 minutes in boiling soup. 6 Room Modern House and Earn. WEbster 5181 SULPHUROUS BUSTS

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thai' organization and the Joint, Dis gelman. founded The American Hebrew and tribution Committees - • ' ,. , ' Pairing is as follows; was its editor during the first six Mr. Brown's statement, made'after 1, J. Levey vs. SL Krizelman. years (1879-1885). He was an editor the needs of the J . D. C , had been j S. Epstein vs. D. Katzman. of the Jewish Encyclopedia and chief ! emphasized in reports of Dr. Befti• ' " 'By STANLEY E. LEVIN s-r- .' : - V A. Chesneah vs. S. Rich. Nebraska will be made the most hard Kahn, European director of the New York.—(J. T. A.)—Funeral of its translation bureau. He was H. Giller vs. N. Mandel. important insurance ( state of the! J. P. C , Dr. Joseph A. Rosen, head services for the late Dr. Frederic de also an editor of the New Bible niglia, the Creighton U star, by his J. Bihstein vs. A. Meyers. FOOTBALL— Union,;if W. A. Fraser, president of | of its agricultural work in Russia; Sola Mendes who died on Wednesday Translation and of The Jewish fierce tackles* and general all-around M. Troutfeit vs. H. Goldstein. The A. Z. A. football team wound will be held this morning from the Classics. He contributed articles to treasurer Paul Baerwald, Herbert H. work. Bud will take care of the M. Greenberg vs. D. Colton. . tip -the- first J. C. C. grid league by West End Synagogue. Dr. Nathan! Johnson's Encyclopedia and to the Lohman, chairman of its reconstruc- Stern, assisted by Max Gauman, v l l Encyclopedia Americana. He -was the I.* Goodman vs. P. Klutenick. defeating the B'nai Israel aggrepu- right tackle position this Saturday tion committee, and Joseph C.. Hy- officiate. author of seven Jewish text books M. Falk vs. Doc Lazer "' tion for the Center championship. in the Central-Sioux City game. man, its executive secretary. Each Lou Weiner the fighting Tech and translations, notably the Prayer J. Bann.vs. S. Rachnian. i.<SanuBanf powerful A. Z. A. halfRabbi Mendes, who was for fifty- Book, "Jewish Family Paper," jmd ol these reports had indicated the high school pivot man, played his M. Keiiyonvs. H. Bishop. back, scored the "victor's only touchimperative necessity for at least that four years connected with the West "Letters of a Missionary," by Gustav down and the only score of the'game bigger and older opponent off his P. Grossman vs. I, Perimeter. sum if the J. D. C. was to' continue End Synagogue, Congregation Shaa- Meinhard. Sol Levey, vs. L. B.ingtein. "early in' the first quarter, when he feet when the Maroon trampled on functioning, according to the man-ray Tefila, as rabbi and rabbi-emeriI. Levine vs. B..Bercu. «, culminated a strong line drive with the-Red of South high. Weiner and date of the Jews of America and thetus, died at "his home in New Ro- As usual, Texas is doing Its part M. Altschiiler vs. L. Giventer. a "four-yard poke through the lire his ' one hundred and forty-eight chelle in his seventy-eighth year. needs of the Jews overseas. for .the six-point counter. Ban haspounds is about the; lightest center L. Mendelson vs. S. Katzman. Dr. Mendes -was born at Montego to make Thanksgiving day a^cceas. "We have raised in subscriptions to the distinction of being the highest on any major team in the state, but; S. Green .vs. S. Horwich; date< in rough figures, $20,000,000," Bay, Jamaica, West India, on July S. Beber vs. W. Kaiman. Subscribe For The Jewish scoring man in the league by reason no team can boast, of a scrappier, cr 8, 1850. He was the son of Dr. safd Mr. Brown. H. Segelman vs. D. Frank. of his touchdown against the Fsi Mu better man. He will-.have his hands "We have collected in cash $9,999,- Abraham Pereira Mendes, and the D. Katelman vs. F. Ackerman. and the B'nai Israel. Billy Gere)Ik, full when the Tech team takes on 000. There are two things-that we elder brother by two years of Dr. IN OMAHA and "Mush" .Givot the pile-driving eleven from- Lincoln "J. Gerelick.vs. Sol Yaffe. L "Red?.Forman H. Pereira Mendes, for more than this Friday at the Tech stadium. must do during the next 14 months. M. Bloom vs. Earl SeigaL •were the other member of the fraFirst, we roust collect the $11,000,000 half a century leader of the Conternity men's backfield; all the boys The links are undefeated and Tech outstanding oil"subscriptions. Second, gregation Shearith Israel. 250 Rooms—200 Baths did" well, especially Forman by hiswill do her darndest to reglegate The Center pre-season league witDr. Mendes achieved a great repuwe must raise at least $5,000,000 in Good Rooms for $1.5Qr Iftie * thrusts, and Gerelik, by reason them to the ranks of the also rails. nessed two good games the other tation for scholarship, pulpit elonew -subscriptions." ''•:'••"_' -V • Leon Forman, the Hebrew "flash," night when . the Kaiman Insurance of 'his^interception and breaking up Operated by Eppley Hotels Co. quence and writing. power. He failed .to flash in his usual form team downed the PBI MU five to the of Brnai Israel passes. W. A.~F T . A C E R The A-'Z. A. line, which was thewhen his North high Eskimos went score' of 10 to 5. Lester Giventer and SCHWARTZBARD TO MOVE Sammy Eatzman starred for the Kaidown to defeat before the big Cen..most powerful line among the conv the Woodmen of the World, and chief TO PALESTINE SOON -pefdng, teams, functioned to perfec- tral eleven. Forman saw service for mans. Bienstein and Bloom were the organizer of the new $2,000,000 TO THE YOUNG MEN OF OMAHA ' tioru Time and again A. Z. A. tac-only part of the last half, but gained big gains of the Psi Mu. Globe Life Insurance, company, car- Parish—- :(J. T. A.). — §holom WeSay— • Hers broke through to throw B'nai over five yards every time' he car- • The Gross Lumber company handed ries out hia plans. :; SAwarteD&rdV acquitted slayer: of ried th& balL- His defensive work the Phil" Gerelik "all stars" an 8- Mr. Fraser .announced this week Israel ball loggers for-losses. Seraion Petlura, was released late Nowhere in America will you find smarter, newer, more V ' Is Shriebman was the outstanding was excellent, at one time he wasto-7' defeat. Franks.and Mann were the formation of. the Globe life In- last night from the- JParis prison, ttKtQieni3tatyies>.'£abrics, patterns" and colors in fine Buit» , the boys who strutted their stuff for the onljr Norseman between Pete man on the B'nai Israel eleven- He surance company, ^incorporated with where he spent • eighteen months and overcoats than we are showing right noW in OUT se- 1 was dangerous at" all times, whether Sawerbry,- the Central high ace, andthe winners. Johnny Rosenblatt add capital and -surplus: of> $2,000,000. It awaiting;' trial. > He.slept at his,«sm - l e c t i o n o f - r - • -•_ " oil the offense or the defense, end a touchdown, but that did not deter Billy Gerelik did well for the losers. is the largest legal reserve life in- hcrae last" night. It was stated here • All pre-season league games are the kid one bit; He downed the PurTans-through: the line or on the heavsurance company ever to be incor- that Schwartzbard intends to go-to HIRSH-WICKWIRE AND STYLE PLUS CLOTHES ing end of innumerable passes. He ple fullback" with the same '.com-! played on "Wednesday nights} porated in this country. Palestine with his wife arid settle posure with which he would havej reeled off several nice little runs : : : A T POPULAR PRICES "Nebraska should be congratulated there. •which might have resulted in touch- dumped a North high freshman ball BUSINESS MEN'S BOWLING upon the formation of this new com- The home of Henri Torres, LEAGUE STANDING pany with its . headquarters in Schwartzbard's defender, was filled downs had he not been run out of carrier. bounds- or tackled before he got up There is veritable deluge of Jew15th Omaha," said'J.'E. Davidson of the with flowers presented to the celeL.Pet. Nebraska Power company, member brated French-Jewish jurist by a .full steam. The B'nai Israel line- ish football players in the various and .666 5 men held well after the first quarter, freshman and second team camps in Malashock Jewelry ....10 Douglas of the Greater Omaha association. number of Jewish' • delegations. It .600 6 whenever their goal was in danger, the city high schools. Alfred Fiedler, J Appleman-Kobinson .. 9 Other members of the association was learned that M. Torres vras. in.533 also praised Mr. Fraser for his am-vited to go to the United States to Milton Altshuler, Hank Weiner and. Kaiman Insurance .... 8 7 which was rather frequently. Omaha Tobacco Co. 8 * 7 .535 bitions to make this state a great address a meeting to-be arranged The A. Z. A. will play the Lin-Sydney. Coren are the outstanding:, Yousem Tires 7 .466 insurance center. 8 hoys at Central high. The first three by the American Jewish Congress. coln A. Z. A. here this Sunday aftEmpire Cleaners '7 8 .466 chaps are members of the second More than ?100,000 of life insur- A banquet will be given here next ernoon, 2:30, at Thirty-second and _6 9 .400 ance was sold the first day the newweek in honor of M. Torres. team, while Coren cavorts at one- of Wardrobe •Dewey avenue Glazer Clothing Col™ 5 10 .333 Globe Life Insurance company was the tackles on the frosh eleven. It was stated that the verdict was Some fancy shooting took place formed. The new company plans to Tech high school boasts of Morton \ • A new star was uncovered at Cenreached by a vote of nine to three. M. S O M I T during the - evening.. Jttle' Gerelick, .a write $100 000,000 worth of insurance tral High school In the person of Ferer, their second team backfield f j novice bowler, secured a 242 score, In 1928. star, while South high possess Sam ; ~f» , 242^ Becatxjr Street WE. 3527 Harold Pollok, substitute guard on the first team. Pollok was given a Blend on its reserve ..aggregation. the highest individual score of the - Mr. Fraser will remain as presiIf you aise in need of a Tales wool or silk of the best qualify, chance to make good in the North Eddy Rosen is the only Jewish boy, seaBony and Joe Rosenberg smashed dent of the Woodmen of the WorM Tfeelin, Mezuzos or any other religious articles, we will be glad to sell high game, when . Coach Schmidt playing football in Council Bluffs. oat a total of 585. ' . Life Insurance:''company and Sov- Get Our Prices and Save Your yftUjat the':lnost reasonable prices. We .also .carry-ai'fujtl line i f "Money *"•' started him at one of the guards in He is a member of the first, squad,) Kaiman "Insurance, The Wardrobe, ereign commander of the Woodnien Malashock Jewelry and Omaha To•Bibles with Jewish and English translations. We are also the agenfs which is rather unusual for a chap place of Cackley, giant Purple perof the World. "/... SUN PRINTING COMPANY of all Palestine products and the artistic work of Bezalel in Jerwsalep?. former, who occupied -the bench be- who is out for football for the first bacco won the series from their,reAT. 3832—504 So. 13th St. spective opponents. cause of injuries. Harold played as time. if .he were a reincarnation of some ' "The Omaha' chapter of the' A, Z. The Malasliock-Appleman-Robinson Central .player of the djra ages A. won the. championship of the first games were closely contested.. Marwhen Central teams were known and football ' league of the Cbmmuniry vin r Treller*s'ioys were nosed out in feared throughout the state. His Center. The league is the first Jew- the last frame of the final game. The Wardrobes are climbing fast. New York.-—Unless, the Joint Distackles were hard, frequent and clean ish football league in this, part of and.he did as well as could be ex-the country and the winners .will! Predictions are that they will" prove tribution Committee receives through peeted when on the offense. Coach meet an A. Z. A* team from Lincoln; troublesome- for "the leaders later in the" United Jewish Campaign a mimSchmidt may use him at either a this Sunday afternoon at Thirty-sec-j the season'. mnm of $7,50Oj00O in cash by De» guard or tackle when his pupils meet ond and Dewey avenue for thej Harry Smith, Jack .Melcher, ( Mar- cember 31, 1928, its European relief Sioux City there Saturday. championship of Nebraska. B. Seidi vin Treller,' Abe Gross and Morrie and reconstructive work will have to. be drastically • curtailed. Bud Levin, the other Central guard coaches the local eleven. Thq game Bloom secured excellent .totals., Max Weitz took up the burden in This was strongly emphasized ny and a, regular, played a bang up will start at 2:30 o'clock. the absence of £eo Weitz, the Kai-David A. Brown, national chairman game throughout the entire fray till man star, securing a 203 £core in his of the United Jewish campaign, in a, Jack in the kidneys laid him lowGYMNASIUM NOTES— an address he delivered at the Conin the last two minutes of play. He Over twenty-five men took part second game. structive Relief- Conference held in played the last half of the game in the gym class that was held last Chicago on October 22 and 23 by without a helmet and one could Sunday at 11 o'clock. Everybody had easily mistake him for Sammy Ca- the time of their life. A good snappy workout preceded a fast game of volleyball. Classes will be held every ELECTRICITY FOR RENT Sunday morning. ~ Large nicely furnished room, New York.—(J. T. A.)—Adding his' The girls' volley ball class had a IS CHEAPEST IN - private lavatory, shower large turnout Sunday. Some of the'denunciations of the "innuendos" privelage, garage if desired.— OMAHA rather promising candidates for theagainst Charles A.) Levine, to the Seasonable Call WA. 3094 evening or teams were Rose Fine, Ethel Riekes, j denunciations by Mayor James Walk-j Saturday and Sunday afternoon Minnie Sherman, Grace Levin, Clara i er and Representative Hamilton} Shriebman, Rose Fiedler, Sally; Fish, Nathan S. Jonas, president of Greenberg and Rose Blend. The girls' the Manufacturers' Trust Company,' are very enthusiastic .over. the. game j declared that. Charles A. Levine PATRONIZE . and are working hard to attain! saved the United States government' $7,000,000 on the war contracts for. THE SUNSET places on the Center team. A league | salvaging —WHOLESALERS— waste material. j will soon be formed in which all of. TEA ROOM 49 and Dodge " DISTRIBUTOKS OF Speakings at the dinner given t o ' the girls will be able to participate. . CANDYLANB freedom, freedom to Charles A. Levine by the directors of, Park and Tilford Chocolates 16th and Farnam shop, freedom to attend the theater, freethe Jewish hospital of Brooklyn at The matrons' morning or reducing Sherry's ' restaurant, Mr. Jonas an-' Hoefler's dom from worry about rushing home to prepare class meets Monday and Wednesday nounced that as president of the Centennial Chocolates "at 9:30 o'clock. The class has grown dinner . . . everyday occurrences, now, whe^ with which Mr. Levine had had JACK BRAMSON to fill the gym to its brink. The bank ;Romancfe Chocolates: considerable business he declared: cooking is done electrically. women are weighed by Miss Green- "He (Levine) conceived the idea of, JAckson 3986 I 918 Farnam St. berg at the beginning of the month 524 Paxton Block AT. 8377 and accurate tabulations are keptj preventing the government from', 1 <*•* throwing'away some of the metal itj * I have my own shop—It will pay as to thqir weight. The group.of 22' had secured for the war. He offered] v yon to call and get my prices. ' w'omen are conscientious and full of' to take it away and salvage it and, Harry H. Lapidus, Pres.-Treas See our large selection of Hot Point and Universal Electric ambition. They devote full time to) give the government 40% of the! ranges today. One for every space and at practically any price their gym work and then manage toj profits. He and his associates got' you desire to pay. *'" Play the Violin Correctly be home in time to prepare unch for 60%, which was not all net by any I by Individual Instruction x Prof. Sevelck and other'-world renown- their husbands or kiddies. means. Under this contract the gov- j ed teachers recommend my method very Dinner Will Be Ready ernment obtained $7,000,0'"° in prof- COMPLETE STORE and OFFICE Jdbly dBbly. Miss Sophie Ban is the newly it&—a clear gain of that amount.". When You Return OUTFITTERS -;., FRANK MACH crowned champion of the women's Mr. Jonas also revealed that Mr; LeSimply place your meal in the oven, of your electric \ Vfe Occupy ' Correct-,Violinist and Instructor t' division of the handball courts. She vifle was the donor of $100,000 to the '. Over 70,060 Square Feet Stadia IV&fa Xe. 16th St. JA. mvt range when you leave. It will be cooked thoroughly defeated Miss Bertha Shafton in two'Jewish, hospital of Brooklyn for its Southwest Cornet and delidotisly whea you return. hectic and closely contested games building purposes in a recent camEleventh- and Douglas Streets in order to win the title. Miss Ban paign. It was an anonymous gift, he Sold on Easy Terms " Ptione JAckson 2724 owes her knowledge of the game to stated. •* • • Omaha, Nebr. Electric cooking is within the reach of everyone. the teaching of her brother, a mem-1 Select the range you wish, now. Pay icr it .on con:,' ''Manufactured in Omaha" ' " her of the senior division and to the'STUDENT DEMONSTRATION venient payments. bits of help which she picked up byi QUELLED BY POLICE BAKER I€E MACHINE CO. observing Joe Levey and the other) "Electric Shops" handball luminaries. Budapest.—(J. T. A.)—A demon- 17th and Harney Sts. 4810 S. 24th St. stration of anti-Semitic students HANDBALLprotesting against the proposed • The. largest^ number of entries in modification of the numerous clausus MID WEST 7-^any'Jewish ••Cbmniunity Center; hsbdv •law.-was^ prohibited'by ''the- Btidapesr 20th and Nicholas JA, 66.99 ENGRAVING COJNCi Ball /tournament' is a feature of. the'" police. ...«'.' ; .'•-. ' ' „ ' ""•"\ A R T I S T S ••-• f ^ AT | QUALITY COAL, AT tournament to be held Novtneber 2 The leaders had planned to gather I LOWER PRICES to -about November 25. The .number, 5,000 students- before-' the »Hous« '• Of I ES j includes the. present mid-3S?stern A. Parliament. The police, however,, A FRANKLIN COUNTY Help Others—Remember the Community Chest so. »4-FHTST. oMAHA:. A., U. : champ, Joe (Levey, and thetook strong' measures to prevent the I LUMP, Per Ton *v" present J. C^ C. .champ^ Herman Ser demonstration., • ."- 1 ' :





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