Ev$ry Jewish in Omaha
"1 \ffijbtch far New \ 'i "Features in The
Should'Be q-_ ' Subscriber
Entered ^BB second-slass-malr :*n*2F>(' on January 27, l K ffi& at-Omaba. Nebiaski^o S"*, the Act of March 3.
They'Come to Study . and Remain to Talk
VOL. VI.—No. 46
Jewish Experts Employed try , ' De MM^xplam Pgrt in Film
Sisterhood to Honor •' • Rabbi Leo Franklin I
Temple" Israel Sisterhood will give Los Angeles,—(J. T. A.) ~I&b'bi shown in countries of. bloody antia ptsMic' reception for Rabbi L«e M. Ernest R. Trattner of, the .City. Tem- semitism like Hungary or Roumania ?'! Franklin.." of Detroit following the J. M. Alkow j who replaced Rabbi ple, this city, issued a statement exTempls service Friday evening, when plaining his part as Jewish, expert, in Trattner in De Mille's studio, has ishe will occupy-the pulpit. With. UA the production of the -film, ^fKing of sued a statement which will be pub- The Day" Celebrates IntroducMis. Cora Wolf-and LSrs. Nate Man- Charge tion of Yidlish Into lished by the California Jewish Voice Kings," by Cecil de Mille. _ tel.are irL.charge of arrangements. Rabbi Trattner stated that.he Tiaif this week. "I did everything in my Curriculum. agreed to give De Mille gs^much.in- power to influence Miss McEherson, DENUBS "4NTI-SEMITISM. formation and technical help ssjwMild De Mille and Lou Goodstadt, general DR. MAjGNES HONORED. correctly, represent the Jewish point manager of the studios, to eliminate LOE Angles,—(J.' T. A.}—Cecil de of. view in its historical setting, but those parts of jfee; story that would MIHe, - producer of the, film "JEing «f New York.:—The.-establisbment of a be hnrtful to my:people. They all chair for the study of the Yiddish lanresigned after a month'd work. lungs,", which .'was widely criticised in An examination of all facts in a the Jewish jsrefs and from the Jewish "At that time I did not fully realize promised me- time and again that the guage and .literature, at the Hebrew eodal service case is as necessary for production would be the > greatest pulpit for its tendency to revive antihow distorted the picture would-be, University- «n Mount Scopus was Bach Concerts- Is Feature in efficient treatment in the case of an thing.for the Jews inasmuch as it.will Jewish" religionis prejudice, took an arbut I was wise enough not^td be misviewed as the' first .step in the rapitt* adjusted" family'as it is in a docrogant stftmft in reply to this criticism led," the rabbi-declared in.his state- show the wqrld: that the Jews are not prochement-., between the Hebraists Z'~ CeRter -Concert- Nov. 29. • tor's treatment of illness,.Miss Lillian in a statement he made in a press ment. "I acted for my own interests responsible for-the death of Jesus. and the YiddishistE, at the dinner givMargolin, .case worker' of the Jewish interview. . *. Such assurances and such attitude on and protection when r said goodbye. en. Sunday night by David Shapiro, -•A concertuniqee in Omslja's Welfare Pederafion,' said-in .her refu: "SetttegiMiagglf up ** «t authority tation lkof. the oft-spoken charge that Gift of $2,000,00 ~for Museum The "King of Kings? wa&jseter sanc- the part of De- Mille inade- me hope publisher of **The Day," in honor of cal Mstory- wSi. be given" set the Jewisfe tioned by me .or any othet tabbv or that the picture would actually be «f Dr. Judah-L. Magnes, who, accepted CpfemuBfiy'-'Center Tuesday evening1, on the -. feifstsry of the feeisttaangs ef -social workers do too- much probing '. ' " ' Made Public any Jew prominent.in^rab1«ilife. : some service to /my- suffering breth- the -chair in behalf ef the Board of Novcjaber 2T, when Saadcr Eamasti. Wwi declariair' that" he into family secrets; when-she - led'tlr. "I make this statement not only, in beff«r' what is gwod tot the Governors ot. the. Hebrew University. disciission which followed- the social PLANS Bm#<* DRAWN. the spirit of defense-^utaW to"guard Alkpw further tells of his frantic The occasion :marked the thirteenth Jewish • IHSiqpI*,''he charged * the • service class at' the JewislTConnnunity of the establishment of Cefcter Monday night. . , Jerusalem.—(J. T. A.)—The offer of against any insinuations-that .may, be protests when t i e assurances were anniversary: 1 attacked the pf#«re with the Name , . Miss_ Margolin pointed out that John D. Rockefeller, Jr.- of $2iOOO,O0O made-in Europe to the . effect that disregarded and violated, • but. was "The Day. ? ; ; for an.y frrgjediee which ..may, result. The gathering, which consisted of -there are 59 different problems which to establish- a -museum of Palestine American rabbis have given it either again assured, that .when the picture The cri^icj;*'Tesetacm to the "King of may enters info the. case and an in- archaeology, in Jerusalem .was accept- encouragement of approval. .:,.:-. : ' would be assembled and cut, much of men prominent in-Hebrew and Yiddish Kings" maty .lead Christfefa -to *ee in finite variety of combinations of 59. ed by "High Commissioner Lord Tinnier "In the interests of international that which niight not look good to letters and leaders of Jewish journal4< this •criticism' a sign- of 'V {rnllty conand religious, good-will.. the . picture him would be left c u t However, no ism "in the '.United States, applauded Every case is a new and untried for the Palestine gdvernnjent. Jew had anything to; dol in the assemscience," must.not be shown in Europe; It has the idea of establishing a Yiddish situation," she said. "Case work is Under the conditions-of-the gift the: "They viJI infer," he -«*id,- "that if more, than & science, it is an art. In- museum must be constructed within already done an incalculable amount bling, cutting and : titiing of the pic- chair at- the Hebrew University' and ture, Alkow having Jeft Be Mille's Emof harm here in the United • > States. Mr. Shapiro, publisher of. "The Day" Jesus were alive today these Jews I vestigation of facts is not inhuman, three years and" conform- with the' j ploy before the _picturS;_was shown. What •will be the outcome -if it is for making this possible. Dr. S. Marcpeak of would crucify him again." In ' it is necessary. • The case worker must Jerusalem town-planning ordinance. .goshes, editor of 'The Day," who acthis statement Mr. De Mill* declares: take an inventory, listing assets as Palestine has long been in urgent ed as toastmaster, described the event "No 'Christian' has eve? fourth B well as liabilities." ' need of a building.to house .the monuas a "day of realization of two dreams trace of ^liti-uemitie prejudice or jpro-Miss Margolin brought up for dis- ments of a country whose past is .which were thought impossible a short pagsnds, v|n • *Thp King of Kings' for cussion the problem of religious and perhaps of more,impprtance to the while ago.". Reuben Brainin, who the simplt rewson that Christians -are racial differences and their bearing on world than that of. any other land, a spake in Hebrew, and David PinsM, ful^y' aeg$s,teted with the Hew Testathe solution of social problems. representative . of Mr.. .Rockefeller -whospoke -io Yiddish,. addressed the xmnt hiffcezy and therefore realise Miss Ada Barker, assistant general stated to the Jewish- Daily Bulletin. audience • on the significance of the that my "f»?f$pptf$ion of it, m a fair secretary of the Social "Welfare society The Palestine 'Government Plans to w e Je.^4ffe edjtors snfl rabbis in of Lincoln, declared that the "worthi- erect the museum on a plot of land, iNew Yorki—(J. T. A.)~A resolu- Judges of thfi'^ debate •which will events. Alfred - V?. N«rek, president take place betwesa Omaha, and Brooktion protesting against .bringing a of the -American Jewish JPublisMng; pome ingt«ua«es i^ive read anti-semitic ness" or "unworthiness" of the person which it has donated outside and-imlyn,' "N. 'C. -WeSaB&Sayi November SO,Corporation^introduced the toastmasideas .into thflr interpretation of n»y should not" affect" the "treatment, for, mediately north at the .wall .of Jeru- Jewish' religious controversy" into* a in the--Jewish CoEoniinity.-Center, are pjettur bfcsusr- tbfy an 1 not acQ»aintshe said, "the doctor does .not consider salem in a position-commanding a view secular court and ofFeringits.good.of- Judge W. G, Hastings,-Henry Monsky ter. An interesting musical program was presented in-which Chaim-Katif<^. wit* vnst the New T^ptameint tells whether his patient is worthy before of the Mount of Olives. The new. fices for readjustment in Jhe* case of and Frank Fogarty. ,-the Cleveland Je-wish Center wss made liansky and Abraham Elstein. particiVB, Thry r,pve o\n *tf t'neii own minde "he tries tb.cure^ljim." development of the site and the new ;. • Philip. Elutznick and Milton Abra- pated. 2. H- Suiinstein, city «ditor public yesterday by the executive . Sasdor ;.HarnMtti. * h»stil?tr ti>at d«e» not museum building: will form a part of Miss Barfeerjajso suggested that the iams, both^^ expEriencea^ debaters, trail of: **THe--Dsy,1*-presided committee of the Rabbinical' Assemaesthetic is too cften forgotten in the so-called "Jerusalem T-own-TlanQ-mska. The Brsisklyri tears. ~ that, ning Scheme*' -npWTbeinB -carned-ont bly of the -Jewish •nary ana' Sfe ^ to celsfbsstjg the" e the arts -are too often supposed to bbe by the Palestine. and JLeo Guzik. of a thsdx in the Yiddish chestra-cf. Eine:»e!eciedThe new museum will be erected and America. Th the1 "exclusive possession of the rich. -tiaxrjedltrv^ or @*ft*»s- witt #&$' tfaht The -topic to be debated is whether Miss Sara H. James, case supervisor administered by the Palestine Govern- The resolution was adopted by the Jewish colonization in Palestine should language and literature, and -wiiereas used. Sews' reaction tr 'The KittR el executive council of the assembly the Yiddish language contains a great of the .Associated Charities, expressed ment '"It wfl^not only provide ample from a ftsilty c«t>**l«* The center of the string orchestra befavored-rather than Jewish coloni- deal,in the .different aspects of Jewish the opinion that top., many cases are facflities'fijr-displaying the collections which' met yesterday afternoonat the zation in Russia. they vnT, ihf«r tllat if is the West Sisters' string quartet, .-•. . . . being met as if they..yzere emergencies now in hand but also for an 'anticipat- Jewish Theological Seminary and also -, The' local team will take the nega- studies, it is-to,ray mind under the which is known as one of the best vt$\> alU-e today ih&ati J#wfc I general .heading of.Madd*. Ha'ain, the and stressed the importance of a thor- ed expansion'in the future, a s a result by the executive council of the United tive of this proposition. of mnwti crurifr hilr- agtUn» The chamber music groups in the midwest. , • oughinquiry before" a permanent plan of discoveries being made- each season Synagogue of America which met la«fc : Mi-.Golub is the son of a prominent .study of the institutiens and life of Other members wSl be Grace Leidy very men vhe reso pi-ejudie* Jnift the the Jewish., people that this chair, by the numerous archaeological expe- night at the Hofel McAlpin. ' of rehabilitation is-made. orthodox rabbi. During: his student- rigirtly beloag-sl- The resolution, signed by" Rabbi . . : Burger, Evelyn Reese, Flora Shxipert picture-«?v d£tioris"nbw excavating in Palestine. The addresses, .were followed by a Summers, Mabel Burnite and Ernest tviial ' for. ship'at Clark university and New York OSer Accepted. spirited'discussion from the "floor, in 'In the distribution-of,.the neV gift, Max Drob, president of the Rabbinical university law school, he was captain They" are the • ©pes v l * will' 1» Bergman."When the University -eras inauguWhich the case of a man who refused the plans of the Palestine Government Assembly, and S. Herbert Golden, of his debating teams. tirely. refpon^jblft for Maria Mikova will be at one of the to support his family, was discussedi call for a million dollars for erecting president of the United Synagogue of . He has won many prizes in debating rated formally. in^April,-1925, a tele- three pianos. Irene Trnmble and agsinsst the Jewish peoj»14, 4fht> iClftt gram was received from The Day askThe course is given under the aus- and equipping the building, leaving the America, read: Eleanor Lear will use the other two «£ Kings' 8»e^ ljct in afiy msftnfer #i»and public speaking and is oratorical picea of the Council of Social Agen- remaining million dollars as an endow- "The Rabbinical Assembly and the. and debating champion of the metro- ing if a Chair in the Yiddish language instruments. courage saeh "'prejudice). It tell* $He cies. C. M. Wilhelm, president of the ment .for the future maintenance of United Synagogue of America, have politan league of the Y. M. H. A.'s of and literature would-be acceptable. Music by Eayden and & group of After consultation with some of my Omaha Community Chest, "was chair- the museum,- both -as a center of-arch- learned with keen regret that in the Greater New York. ]>Ueati«ni!' whatsoever And shew* the controversy now existing • in the aeological research and as an instituassociates, an affirmative answer was modern composers, including Tchai- j Jews divided into oppft&lnf parties man, i «Mr. Golub has been prominently sent. Since, then this problem has kofsky and Glazounow, will be given Cleveland Jewish Center, a group of tion devoted" to popular education. over the tcfoms "urged by men who claim tov be exponents of identified in politics with the Demo- been discussed at meetfrof the by the West Sisters in the first half J cratic party. In 1923, he secured from of the program. Chicago.—(J. T. A.) — Additional traditional Judaism have committed Academic Staff, of the • Institute . of Portland On., Nov.- lft«-—(I, T. A.) A Bach concerto will then be prefacts with regard to the plans for the an act so foreign to the'spirit of Ju? the late President Harding a repudia- Jewish Studies in Jerusalem, and —Intcreslinf inf ormatloit w^th J*$fa«l archeological-museum to be erected daism as to drag a religious matter tion of the 31 Republicans who, in when I have the honor of accepting sented by .the three pianos and the to Cedl p* Hitle, pred««f of "Th« October, 1920, signed the "Manifesto strings under the direction of Mr. ,| this offer on the part of The Day, it in Jerusalem through the gift of $2,- before a secular tribunal." 'Sing of'^in^B," and 'hit' pl&n for a of the Thirty One" urging the election is with the full concurrence of the HarmatL new 000,000 by John D. Rockefeller. Jr., to Rabbinical Assembly and the P|e*«J,P °$ s Jewish «fei«* %'hi6h More than 200 attended the tenth of Mr. Harding as an advocate of the Academic Staff of the Institute in This concert is a part of the lecture j the Palestine government were made United Synagogue of America further anniversary of the Balfour DedaraLeague of Nations with reservations. Jerusalem. and concert series of the Center. It *• *® »>e -protaewl by MR tattpanj.tion held Sunday-evening, November, public here by Professor James Breast- call attention to. the fact that as 13»e He is a practicing attorney in New was arranged by Schmoller and Miller. sooBr was furnished by Rabbi iiStsle 1. ef Temple Emftntt 151, San 80, at the Jewish Community Center ed,' director of the Oriental Institute congregation is -affiliated with the. York City, vice-president of the Young "I have been asked the question here , writing in: **fls* B under the auspices of the local Zionist of the University of Chicago • and United Synagogue and that/ as its Israel of Brooklyn and: actively identi- and I am confident the question will famous" Egyptologist.- -Negotiations rabbi is a member of the Rabbinical be asked in'falestine wh;' the Hebrew Stei preliminary to the making of the- gift Assembly and that • as bath these fied with Y. -M. H. A. and Y. W. H. A. University Jar rdesirous of having a Uabbi Garry August of Gary, Ind., by'Mr. Rockefeller'were carried an by work principal speaker* of the evening, em- Erof. Breasted" with Lord 1 Pltnner, bodies are- organized-to fester tpidt : Mr. Gnzik is a graduate of New Chair, of the Yiddish, language and lit-•-• - • ' phasized the importance' of "this-cele- High -Commissioner "for Palestine, tional Judaism, ^the sgroup ol TOfn .'in Tork University and Fordham law erature. bration because of it being the-event' •while- Prof .""Breasted was" in Egypt :conlg>vec&y »wlth -fee-rabbi .and cpn-^ school, and has had wide experience in f ©f the People. Kany friends and of restoring the Jewish Homeland. directing work on the Oriental Insti- gzaga&an should have Drought this debating. He has won the Metropoli- "It should be a sufficient answer to of '«. matter-to the "Rabbinical Assembly Goodbinder, who died at fee age -of j Mrs. S. M. Achtenberg of Kansas tute .early this'year* "Since the Great say thattbjg Yiddisa is the spoken and tan oratorical contest in New York. ee&nitio -vifi -eejl* City* Mo., leader in^National Hadassah War^'the Palestine Government, under and the United Synagogue, y?ho'have written lajifuage of a large part of 50^. in his home Monday, left their! always been Teady and aro s^till iseady "Work, brought out-the relationship of a -British Mandate has been couragethe Jewish .people today and that it business Tuesday afternoon to give fey the i«3pyfs«j»n th«t "Thfs>Girl" is a Jewwsg remii!« t©'t* has been the language of c large num- him their last tribute. the Hadassah Organization with that ously meeting its economic problems to adjudicate-matters of thi3 nature." Ella Auerbach.Is Mr. Goodbinder died after an ill- Babfe! N«wmsT, •'write*. ber of Jews in Central and Eastern of the Zionist Work. = with""a regime'of strict economy," said Writing New Book Europe for many centuries. This fact ness following an operation per- "CeeU Dc Kflte/" hmVki The Balfour Declaration was cele- Prof. Breasted in 'a^ press-interview; alone would, make"iYiddish "an inter- formed three months ago. Ke is brated in every' community in the "Yet from an already burdened treasElla Fleishman Auerbach, Omaha esting and important subject of study survived by his widow, Mrs. Bessie continues! "it IF rvjrssfsr^ft. i»*<s bort\ United States as well as in all Euro- ury i t has annually appropriated £16,newspaper-woman, is writing the his- •in any university^ !That it has not Goodbinder, and three children, Earl, tc a Jewta^K mpthf r, Init hf (St^enuctti'Ij" pean countries. . . 000 to the administration of the Antitory of the medical profession of Ne- thus far bfen accorded its proper Herman, and Miss Sarah Go&$feia4gr, denies thic'report. I nwd^iutetid, »*verthele*&, thav tiie nitnet IM «o?reet. 1 quities • Department. - As a result of braska, to be published April 1 by the place in "any university shows again all of Omaha. He is also survived by Evid«nt<r h? ie seckinjt tc build up a the wise application of these funds and state medical association. Two thous- how greatly the materials and docuRoad Show Tickets his aged father and three siicrs and the steady accumulation of newly disMany Omaha relatives and friends and Nebraska physicians will be ments of Jewish culture have been one brother in Eussia, and two come *ny 'Starlet- tAexnKntn hi hlfe covered monuments, the Department -mourn the death of Aaron RubenBtein, reached by Mrs. Auerbach in her re- neglected by scholarship. It is true i\ . ." . Selling Now has brothers, Mr. Ben Goodbinder and} Bp by BtrssaiB| ihv antt-7*Wish. greatly expended the already ex- a resident of the city for the last 40 search for material. that the Yiddish has served Germanic Mr. Jacob Goodbinder, of Omaha. "ITir. motive* ET»T»eat' • Good seats may' still be obtained for istent collection .of antiquities. 'TalMrs. Auerbach recently completed scholarships in the Elucidation of the A. Z. A. Eoad'Show. All tickets estine has never possessed a museum years, and a prominent worker in a history of the Jews of the state for words and of construction in Middle Mr. Goodbinder had made three. must be reserved' and everyone is building and the funds required for »n many Jewish activities, .'l ;; <•'-• •• the Nebraska State Historical society. High German- that,, without the Yid- trips to Russia in the 23 years since &rtdf>tic or ethics,? i^Rift. feat is ibatfcif epw-srnpo^r?- frti|rf<Mi> -urged to reserve them as soon as pos- adequate building to house the collec- Mr. Rubenstein died on November he came to the United States, and, w t if tlw h*l.ief that h$ iDill j would remain in darkness. Even sible. ' Tickets reserved by phone tions have heretofore exceeded the 10 after an illness of four days. He in tfeis Bar:|!pwer field the Yiddish aas had he lived, he would have carried tfceroby jinaneiklly. 3 1Hit<tftnii*lid that which have not' been1 called for by Fri- Government's 'available means. The was 74 years old. He is survived by Kansas City Man by ncmesins been exploited.' But the out his plan of bringing- his father, % srug^eBtioi11. W-RS -matk- that h* stag? day will be' placed on sale again Sat- present gift is further expression of seven children, Mrs. Edward AbraHebrew 'Univergity wishes to make 79 years old, from Russia to tin* est<Nfei*feB td Honored at Dinner the urday. ' " - ' appreciation of this and* other pfob^ hams, Mrs. Harry Green, M^s.: Si^ Yiddish ."language and lit-rature. with Mm. lems in the 3iearEas£ arid of her de- Thein of .Chicago, Mrs. Harry Wflin-* B. M. Achtenberg of Kansas City into a Univfpity discipline not from Mr. Goodbindex's will disclosed that in sire to cooperate in'meeting them." sky, Morris Rubenstein, ElliottJJuben^ was honored at a dinner given in the point of viewcf Germanic scholar- he had made provision for gifts totalstein and Harry Rubenstein. " B'nai Israel Juniors Hotel President, Kansas City,; on No- ship alone, Jbut rather because' in the "The Palestine Government has Mr. Hubenstein had eight grandchil- vember 16. Mr. Achtenberg is presi- Yiddish is documented a considerable ling $500 to varoos charitable institu-j •was venomously wj*<**«l. agreed "to contribute as* the site for Organize Club the new museum a plot of land called dren" and one great grandson, James dent" of District No. 2, B'nai B'rith, part of Jewish.life and culture over tions. The following local organizs-j Might as v«K bring in * etiek \ ^ . tions will receive gifts, Jewish Wel-j mite t r eur stisdjc fe« ft JMietftftc fet" and the dinner was an event in the several centuries and in many lands. fare Federation,'$50; Talimi'd' ToraSil mwing the Ku Ipux Klan.' *Btit,* tt A new boys' club was organized last in Arabic 'Karm eUSheikk,'- which Barry Snyder, Hutchinson.; V_; : campaign, which is raisweek In* the Jewish Community Cen- means 'vineyard of the Sheik." Prof. He was prominently connected with wider scope" $50; The Je-wisTbi Free Loan Society, wsife objected, 'you &re att^jfeing "the 1 ter* uncler the name of B'nai Israel Breasted declared, "it V situated out- Beth Hamedrosh synagogue, the ing a fund for the Jewish Orphans' §50; the Jewish Community Center, l e w s / *?I»t* wae the J"*|»ly* *ts Mf~ CHOSEN CAPTAIN. ( ifiiniorfe. The purpose of the club is side and immediately north of the Omaha Hebrew club, the Hungarian home in Cleveland. $50; the Chesed She! Emes faneral feremt.'" Louis E. Lipps popular Creightonj Mrsi Achtenberg, who is the daughsocial, cultural and athletic fellowship. northeast corner of the 'wall of Jen*-, society and many Jewish charities. home, $50, and the B'nai Israel Isidore Novack is secretary of the salem'in a sightly position command-. .Until the time of "his death, Mr. ter of Mr. and Mrs. S. Robinson, was University student, was elected cap- j synagogue, $50. Mr.'•Geofibtnder also I Not t© |««fm a beiwm Is tlub and Dave Greenberg is the dnh' in'g"'a "view of-the Mount of-Olives Rubenstein maintained his merchant' in Omaba over the week end, .to ad- tain ef the Cndgnton University var- left $50 for ihe Xstioaal 3ewisfa Hos- J «r sin iNtt not t r m&er it ia leader. The club" will Be represented eastward "and an* inipxrssive prospect tailoring business, although in' lafcff dress the Zionist organization ist their sity debate team at the meeting ef •for Coasaanptives, the debate team November 17. Sunday evening meeting. * . of in the StU&o* linnss cofincil. " J the Temple Mount on the south. • years he -was'-not active. ' - - - • The old and the new go'hand-inhand in the Jewish Community Center, where the mejnbers- of Americanization classes l e a p the English language and .American ways of life, and So Says "Case Worker in Discus- after class remain to forir a group to discuss Yiddish literature. . sion' at Jewish Community Yiddish writings, p}ays and Jewish •' '<• - Center. life are'the,topic at group meetings following Monday. arid Wednesday SPIRITED DISCUSSION. classes at the Center. ".
Two Local Jewish Awards
JOURNALIST TO SFEAJ^. Mr. L. Polni, Jewish journalist .and c<>-editir of the Freih«It, v&ill deliver : • - Published eVeVs Thursday at Omaha, ^ejjraska.b.y „, - -> JEWtSft CALENDAR — 5688192^28 „ . -. . an. adoHress &i .8'.30ip£ m., 1 AttioogJIi§ | 3 students o | .the-UjniTHE 'JEWISH; pRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY- - . One cf the liveliest, coniedies of the 3 ^a t the Labor Lyceum, "• Office: Br&ndeis Theater Building—Telephones ATlantic 1450 versity>f/Nebraska' college of bttsi^ .season at;, the VBrandeis: theater is' O nd and Clark streets. His-topic will ness Who ^received rec'oghition-, Tues_.-^ JMday, November 25 scheduled for this week. It is the be "Jewish Life in Soviet Russia." Thft •Rosh ChodeSi- Kislev ...... --" , . JEANETTE GL1CK GBRSON, EDITOR, t day for distinguished- scholarship, >v _..w.Monday, December 19 farce, "The -Whole Town's Talking,", lecture will be under the auspices;: of 1st Day Hanti^kah" ...7.—. DAVID ^LACKER, Business Manager. '\~ were two:6inaha boys. Sunday, December 2o which ran for.7 a year in New York,; the Icor of Omaha, *Rosh Chbdesh Tebeth .... ....$2.50 Subscription Price, oqe year „.„ Lester A. Lapidus was one of ten and for a half year in Chicago. members of lastf year's freshmen class 1928 Advertisiqg'rates furnished on application All..the favorites of the. Qemajit- Morris Blacker, young journalist of whowefe awarded' • William tjld —_.. Tuesday, January S Fast' of-TebetK' . * — J — CHANGE OP ADDRESS—Please give both the old and new address; be Walsh company are to appear in the Central high school, was among the _....Monday, January 23 Rosh Chadesfe Shebat ^. qure to give your name. > ; scholarship'key a."principal ; roles,; with Dora Clemant' speskerg" at the annual meeting of the ....Wednesday, F e b r u a r y 22 •Rosh Chodesh A d a r - — giving' a , spirited -portrayal, of .the Nebraska Writers > Guild 8t the AdThe Jewish, Press 13 supplied by the Jewish Telegraphic agency »«««_..^,.Tuesday, March 6 in . the: Purim «l...« motion picture star, Letty Lji;he,'and Sell restaurant Saturday. He told of with cabled and telegraphic Jewish news, and articles from tion honorary fraternity and society. ..Thursday, March 22 Rosh Chodesh Nissan with William C. Walsh doing the gay; journalistic enterprises in his school.; all important Jewish copters. .....Thursday, April 5 1st Day Pessach ~., deceiver, Henry Simmons. Wednesday, April 11 7th Day Pessach The fafce 3fl three acts os by John 1 S a t u r d a y , April 21 Ito . •Rosh Chodesh lyar Emerson and Anita Locs. One of the ..... .Tuesday, May 8 Lag b'Omer most laughable elemonts of the -BY RABBI FREDERICK COHN. Sunday, May 20 Rosh Chodesh Sivan comedy is that of an innocent bacheSeated about a table as was the cus...Friday, May 25 1st Day Shabutch Anftouftces the { Thanksgiving should be a Bpecial-interest to Jews, for the tom in England," 800 years ago, Hie lor trying to make out that he is a _^_....Tuesday, June 19 Chodesh TamttiU2 person of many affairs with women. great,. American festival was borrowed from the Jews by the Pil«- English Singers, soprano,- mezzo-soRemoval of His Thursday, July 5 Fast of Tammuz This part is to be done by the clever &riitis,- those" devout .Old Testament Christians. Moreover, the prano, contralto^ tenor, baritone and Wednesday* July 18 Ilosh Chodesh Ab light Commedian 'John Holden. ideals of America are Jfcwish~ide&ls. Freedom, justice and equality bass, presented a program of English Thursday, July 26 Fast Of Ab7» vocal music of the last half of the Interesting roles in the comedy are Friday, August 17 all.have their origin in'the Old Testament. • - . -.-• To ROOM 5, *Rosh Chodesh Ellul sixteenth and the first half Of the sevto be played by Alexander Lockwood, ; In Leviticus, we fijid the ringing words engraved on the Lib- enteenth centuries. WEAD BUILDING Claire Sinclair "and Boyd Irwin. erty Bell, America's rrtQBt sacred relic, "Proclaim liberty- through- We hear the best the world has to 18th, »nd F*rnam AT. am Batror.ize Advertisers • ef The. out £hfe ^d^3^to*^ythe\ : in^abitwtis' thereof." Justice is the offer in soloists. Occasionally a great Jewish Press. 4 ' ^ ^ ^ ^ . - J u 3 ^ s ^ : ' a J 3 expressed jn !:the sentence, symphony orchestra 6r fine chows John Cdrigii&no," a young violinist, I shall be in the urge that bursts the pod, } ^ ^ it. may be visit us. Rarely a good string quartet. who possesses k good technic and This time -we heard a very unusual en- draws a beautiful tone, assisted. He, • -Pushing/ the .sap .along the ;: Questionedi^he^er.eyeXAmerica has yet attained the high ideal semble, a sextet of -vocaUete, thor*•• ' :-'- s SERVE ' " • ' ii '' ^ ':: 1 top, had nothing to say. Too immaenjoined by?MosesK"bne law and; one statute ahallbe'.'to you, to * oughly schooled as individual musi- ture^ That gives the young branch leaves^ 1552" No. SOJh St. — WE bot«T , -OlcLHome Bread; J the stranger as well 4f to the natiy.e lwrn."Tjier6 Would be no cians, who have, besides this, /develthe cbmmanaingf musicianship •: .. that fi3tabs"thVso«j.»,t.. ' Tresh Meats—Delicatessens .WITH. ^YQURNEXT MEAL; such person as an "align" to a^reiigionvihat^L^k^dluppCaii.m.On oped an organization whose ensemble The rose shall bloom more proudly, the masterful finishi and polish, of . Fresh Fish Handled Daily is superb. " - ' bearing me. I'. : ' "such artists as Schliisnus and the Engas the c i ^ d r e k ' ^ ^ to All Farts of the City Made With & Mother's. C^re i These singers: compelour highest lish. Singers, still fresh ih mind, TalleyMalachij "Have we not; one Father, has not one God created us admiration ?by their mastery, of their v luid Corigliaiio-are " merely talented All things shall feel and drink me unail?" ' - v-;f :-:-:-:lk-y^..:-v^ :. art! by their dignity and aristocracy children, whd. should be allowed to awares; •• '--. -. _ y •-; Judaism expresses^ the broadest ideals of a loftjyuniversal; of style, by their finished and The scattering winds, the root that IN OMAHA grow aad develop, instead of being humanitarianism, and^ AnaericiEi is the niodern representative, of! musicianship — by theirtwists and strives;. I - -. • - k sacrificed on thV'altei of commercialThe ant, the forest—-all that builds ancient Israel, and^mirican dem^craty.'is nothing ejse^thaitfthe technic, which is* however,; never in ism. .. . . WHOLESALE DRUGGIST evidence, bat always whafc it should and dares. 250 Rooms—200 Baths. ideals of theOld Test|&en^ - ; ^ .-._.•• ,._;'; and STATIONERS be," and so seldom is, a meand td ah Mr. Stewart Wille, the accompanist I shall live not one, but countless Good Rooms for $1.50 of the evening, is a real artist and his As Jews and Americans, we should celebrate with double joy end.. These artists do mote than Operated by Eppley Hotels Co. lives. 401-403-405 South 10th Street solid musicianship gave the soloists devotion, arid d e v o t , tthfr fr g p s o e T Tharil^giving, hl^gvng, g gratefuKto rauKo G God d for or thee tertain. They inspire. : . bi H l for f material t i l abundance b d blessings He h has vouchsafed us, hot merely A highly interesting diversion- in firm and comforting support, without i i they would have, floundered Rabbi Franklin to and the g enel argift^ ;tif j i f v b u t for the^rights'and'priyiieg^s of; the program was a group of Italian which, helplessly.—KARL E. TUNBERG. street cries of the sixteenth and sevLET THE American citizenship, ajid the everlasting .distinction of belonging! Be Speaker Friday enteenth centuries. ....... to a, people whose im>$£ and inspiration; are, the words addressed The' Tuesday -Musical has without Rabbi Leo M. Franklin of Detroit tto the first Jew, th§ first "Pilgfiitf,"" "Be thou a blessingK iK will speak at Temple Israel Friday the slightest doubt, done more fot thfe evening on "To Be a Jew." He will Means heat if you get quality DO YOUR development of music in Omaha than 1 coaI-»-but price cosl may be & also preach at the Saturday morning any other organization,-but never have *• much right to say go as a religionist •HP! waste and disappointment. they done ortr city a greater musical The poet's view of immortality is'service, M s to try to spread-his faith;* : given in these stanias by Louis Urite'r-1 He will arrive in Oinaha Fri'day TKY service than they did in giving Us the HArncy 7545 MArket 3700 Rabbi B. R. Brickner of Cleveland opportunity of hearing Flora Mani£ me'yer, American Jewish poet and morning and' will stay at the BlackMAX KAPLAN r~re -—..-• y - - - - • - : , r . - - M ^ has agate accepted the invitation of;: Nellie Carson, Lillian Berger, Norman anthologist. The partaking in the. stone hotel, remaining in' the city uhefced l»,-arrive:|or' ljislecture t n e Cleveland,joint board of AmalgS^JTStone, Nprman Notley and Cuthbert deathless life ofothe universe, is for til Sunday evening. E. WEINBERG, Prop. *^m.r u - . * , ! * , ^ <*miet in the mrtsical world as him a satisfying-measure of eternal •Center*f niatedCToihtiig mated CToihJng Workers of?Amenra,^Kfeilyilaiown of rAmtencaJ1 WA. 4480 V 45th and Fsrnsm Let your conversation be without SamueT Qetioh called t W tiewspi spapers ^ i ^ the etnployerei-to arbifrdtefamin- The English Singers. May we hear life. . PATRONIZE malice or envy.—Washington. , to infonff;-|heni. thenr againv pleas IMMORTAL. dustrial "dispute^ ^ j£.. J.GL (|J : : "Rabbi Mann is dlre^jdy ^ f e , J I they THE SUNSET Death canno Me; even when the said.'. 'iWe just talked* withi^m at the M'. MARION TALLEY. '• • dry TEA ROOM 49 and Dodge Because of the unusual publicity a rose YLND ly tniik-Ba^i^piffi^ar* Gergiven her debut in New York,, greaf at my head. 16th and Farnam Bon, " I have a telegram j saying that interest and curiosity was manifested I shall not be content to loaf and lie : he wi$;arrive at. iiooii.'' , ;.. ^ • : .-'*: ! in the appearance of Marioft Talley, Inactive in that straight and sloth" But^h^'called &e-Fontenelle-and Peuchwanger's novel, "Power," is. at the City Auditorium, last Friday ful bed. asked for the rabbL ; ; ; : .' .: .-; the finest piece of fiqtipn writing that evening. ; ;She possesses a &ie voice, .. You Are Welcome at $ ' T ". •. I I "He cannot be disturbed,"-they said. has "— '--— been published in m the last five, five very'beautiful very'beautjtfui iin.a n a part of its irange For soon the hajlpy restlessness of life IC What," "is years, fMrs.rJVG*- .Masters.said iri'hjsr She has studied'diligently arid has Shall pierce me, stir me, make me , , „ . . , .exclaimed-Mr. .... - .Gerson, ,,. ; : once agaiji .; Kabbi ioufc' Manni: of Chicago regis-. review-*of the novel a t i a f e t i n g of niade wonderful progress i n n e r stuiered at the hotel how? jttie book review group in the Jewish'dies, but J she is hiost certainly not Part of the vigor'and the-freshening "Oh, no" was the :atiswer, "out Comntunity Center Monday afternoon.! an artist, partly because of her own I etrife, l * •" ' -: 5400 Center Street guest id Louis Mann' vtti&-js playing Mrs. Masters| compared the author j immaturity and partly because of the Raised by the miracle of sun ar.d Choice of the finest at'the Orpheum this weefc'f ' with Dumas, Tolstoy and-Victor Hu-j-money-mad frenzy which is evidently rain. Phone WAlnut S9S6 homes. The favorite go. So real are. the characters,, s h e . backing her at present. _ » Louis Bosenthal, Baltimore sculptor, F&mous for where e c o n o m y is that they carry the story ajbngj p . T. Barnfttn advertising, the in- And when at length the grudging win•will make t a gold miniatvijr^ o f I J n t l - } rather" than carried along by genuity of expert pressi. agents and watched. A luxury ters pass, CHICKEN SANDWICHES ibergh and his mother. -It,'ty.said that + ^ p B tnrv. J the omnipitence o£ frad mothers who Endowed with swift and splendid Within the reach of all. —DANCIKG— next meeting liberty, /. -i ithe statuette .will be-27 .inches high _ of the _ group will kftojw nothing about music* certainly Its high reputation re0 0 0 > ; shall go forth;ui : rich and sturdy ^ ^ ^ "y be"held"oA December"B, Mrs. Henry never developed an artist and never commends that will. Miss Talley was of course well grass; • ^'r . ; M fa Theindefatigabie Lewis'BVowne has ^ «*rihttan of ^the group, received and responded very generoustry it. Shall scent ,ii& clover, call the undertaken to debate Hosaip, oriental w l u f j s " g a n g e d under the women's lly with many encores. thirsting;!* lecturer,"oi a subject-whifh divide S j™> rk department of the Center. 'the eastern and western^world at a ) . point where, in my cpinionrne.yer.the] | twa'in' shall meet, 'the topic is " I s ' , 22nd and Nicholas "Western Industrialism- a .Menace to World feace?" - * I • WEbster • Justine Wise, daughter of Babbi StepTien S/Wise,-l6ft lier.law classes If You'Want GOOD QtlALITT ;at rale recently to'work In the'cause COAL—Call Us jbf striking .ijeckvfear Workers. ' -
Brandeis to £rive
Jewish Verse
Now in Progressat—
2605 1
Lowest Prices of the Year
Offering a Remarkable Group of
1 Spiegelihan, New York JewiBh columnist, sets out in search^or a- type, ^he Mr. Average American Jew. This i s what he says: \ ^-"He-^s-a ^business-jna^ni' he -owns his own,'Ijigm.e');drives,his .car, cares jfar his fsinil^. and is p. \ congenial heJgJl'^Jot.^He; goes to synagogue" at ' jeiisi 6nca a;,y|ar. He is 'not a mem>4r~o£ -many social clubs,' but instead las his hands full and- h|s pockets >mpty with the payment of all kinds if dues to charitable organizations, Societies and lodges. He'4jp either a fdriver* or ia be^ng drivenl^n the vafioCB yonsecutive drives for every
f An Anti-^tlbliiociety%lsiiedto e$4blish iteejf .in,JNeW "Ydrki. but Was refused ^feftfflssfori t?0 iftcbtjiprdte. The fewish Ledger ^pints ont jhat in a committed - to— ftspedonf of of .p«fons who
After Thanksgiving Sales!
i The. .National -Council t>f Jewish {Juniors is raising- a scholarship fund (of $40,000 to be used i n thp free college training of young Jewish women jn sociar service work.'.
Dr. "pnxttri-i. 5Riubenste.tnj. Russian ewisn^migre^n Berlin, '^tained' aft : njunction' prohibiting the;^ perform: ,nd~ of- llBBfip"wti«,""an 4&l(et Tolstoy raaia, because' 1*e play ?t$$ said to Min.an nnfavorable 'chflracterlza-1 oii'of"RuTjinstefn; . /',
DRESSES Thanksgiving Sale Price! Canton Crepes, Satins, Georgettes, Paion Crepe, Novelty Woolens — each utterly irresistible in style! You'll quickly judge them to be $25 and $35 values! .Sizes 14 to 46.
NJOY a new overcoat today. The': Nebraska'* E systeqt of year 'round lowest frices for real quality clotheg gives yovt tM big Values of the year NOW. Start the overcoat season with the greatest values of the season.
—Sfttli Floor. 1
After Thanksgiving Sale Price!
After' Thanksgiving Coat Clearance! We are ready with the values our public has come to expect. Coats for EVERY and ALL purposes. SMALL"size's and" LARGE sizes—14 to 46. --Fourth Floor.
. HE FUTURE te full of promise to liberal users of Good Printing. With our new' equipment we are ready to handle the largest, as well as the smallest of your printed messengers. Let's dress them up correctly and send them owt to do their duty right. A phone cull -wll!- bring-one of our salesman.
Phone AT. 802S
Rich With Fur Trimmings
Has Right of Way
l§07 Howard Street, Omaha =COHRECT
PAGE S—THE JEWISH P#ESS, THUKSPAY*NOJEMgBER 24,1927 Dr. A. .Greenberg has been made cfiairraan of tfie ehtertainifient. committee for the New Years Eve dance wilch will lie "given at the BlackEtone h^tel by the members of Highland Country club. 'Ed Kahn's famous jazz orchestra will supply the music. The committee has under way plans for, an elaborate party with entertainment designed to usher in 1928 in an appropriately brilliant fashion.
and grated carrots; shredded cabbage, young peas andte|ery. KITCHEN CHATS I • Serveonions, these combination* with mayby onnaise or French dressing-. Mrs. David M. Newman. Spring Salad. Place in layers to form a pyramid, * Sfilads. In Sh&kespere's plays, the word one large slice of tomato, three white "salad" is synonymous with, youth. j asparagus tips, four ulices cucumber, When Mark Anthony says, "In .my one ring slice of green pepper, slices salad days," he meant "In the days of radishes, serve in & ne«t of lettuce or endive. Cover with mayonnaise, and my youth." For salads do contain the food ele- decorate with red pimento cut in star ments which contribute most to re-shapes.
Four Beau^^io Strut Their Stuff orvM Z. A. Boards
Miss Rose .G. Shapiro has gone to tain the lithe figure and elastic step Cheyenne, Wyoming,. whfirfe she Will of youth. No meal is complete with•^The-marriage of Mr.Xester Meyer, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest sp6nd Thanksgiving with her. father, 1826 Chevrolet Coach ., S325 out a salad of raw vegetables. 1926 Ford Tudor S2B5 .Violet Lewis, daughter of Mr. and Mrs* J. P.Mr. Abe Shapiro, and friends. She "The Four Beaux," self .styled, self-dressed quartet consisting of Jack 1925 Ford Coupe $175 Ssl&d Combinations. will also Visit Jber sistei?,.Mrs. F . B.Friedman, Lou Camera, Sam Minkin and Harry Green a harmony hit of the Here are a number of salad comMadison and other relatives in Denver. recent food show at the City Auditorinra,-will be a steUar attraction of the A. SMITH AUTO COMPANY Z. A. Road Show to be held at the Community Center Sunday evening. . binations: Shrimp and cucumberg; red 18th and Nicholas -WE. 1987 by a dinner for 60 guests of the immediate family. Many .Omaha chapter of Hadassah will grapes, marshmallows and nuts; apmeet in the Jewish Cotrttaitiity Cendaughter, Jean Cecille, of Kansas City, ples, nuts, celery, cabbage shredded; -will attend. ter, November 30. A number of imMissouri arrived Saturday to visit salmon, sweet pickles and olives; or-On Wednesday, Mr. and Mrs. E. Meyer, Mrs. A. R. Muskin, portant questions will be discussed. Mrs. Quigley's parents, Mr. and Mrs.ange, bananas, pineapple and grapes; ^ ^ ; and Mr. Lester Meyer went to Kansas City to be M. L. Marks, for two weeks. peaches, raisins, nuts and celery; present' at a Thanksgiving dinner given by Mr. and Mrs. J. P. ^Dr. Victor Levine will be the speakshredded cress, lettuce and celery; cu: a t the meeting of the: Women's Mr. and Mrs. David Kubby have cumbers, tomatoes and cress sliced to- i ELECTRIC f t REFRIGERATION |& honor of the weddingjjanniversary of Mr. and Mrs. E. er Welfare organization i n the Jewish The marriage of M;ss Reva moved into their new home at 106 No. y / ; _.. / Community Center, December 6. His daughter of Mr. and'Mrs. E. Gilinsky, Thirty-sixth Street, Council Bluffs, matoes, diced cucumbers and endive; I Product of General Motors romaine, asparagus tips and sliced topic- will be "The Importaaee Of Ntt- to Mr. Ralph Castle, son of Mr. andIowa. *c:Jfc,.and Mrs. E. Kulakofsky, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Gross, r radishes; peas, string beans, radishes Mrs. Harry CaBtle,;sS5woHvn,N..^r., JOE PEPPER with'specia[ reference to Chil? L ^ S f Jfc. B. Gross, Mr. Ernest Meyer and Mr. Edwin Meyer trition' Mrs. W. Wold of Minneapolis ardren. -.*••:' ,: ' '." • will take place at five o clock on Wed-
Council Bluffs
y oh Saturday. ^ r ; l i e s t e r Meyer and his bride will leave immediately after A new dub known as the Tonkuthe jSirhrerior a honeymoon in California. They; will reside in CodV Girls, held its first meeting Friday evening. Temporary officers are Omaha..- .£".• •.. " ; ' , ' ' \ , J f •.. _ ^ T - i . . . : . . r y ' Miss' Wienzvag,president, Lillian ; The engagement: of .Miss Aiibrey Rubin of' Porflahtf, Ore., Segal,Ida secretary, and treasurer, Mario Dji B.T& Kuliy of Omaha waBjdnnotoicecl iri Portland last^week jbrie Kaplan, reporter. ' ' by IfissRubin's parents, Mr. and Mrs;- Benjamin:: W. RubiiL* <The Miss Goldie MarcUs left Tuesday for ' ^ ^ W i l take place on New &earte day at -the home ;o£ the Leavenworth, Kansas \?here she visit Mr. and Mrs. Abe Bear. .
, iiaiss Rubin is a senior a t tiie tJniversity of.California.; Dr. Kul|fc Mid his. bride will reside in? Omaha. .' • 7 . ~
Junior HadassaE Forms » and Mrs. Leon Graetz announce the engagement of their
sabei, to Mr. Samuel Theodore, son of Mr. and Mrs. The Junior Hadassah lias organized a Study Group which will make a Comur^Thebdore. No date has been set for the wedding.
- J 2 i e marriage.pf.Miss Ethel Reuben* daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Reu» beS, rfp M*. CbJirleS J4 Grefenblatt, sod FRIDAY—'Babbi Leo Mr Franklin, •of 1B& a k i MtSi J. Greenbtett of MUB* speaker at Temple Israel.' A successful benefit bridge party Ia ;) waa solemnized Sunday at SATURDAY—A. Z. A. Road Show, was held last Thursday-evening at the of the bride's parents, in the in the Jevasb/xCommunity K. C. Hall, sponsored by the Ladies c% -; 6£;vthe " immediate family. Auxiliary of t h e " Talmud Torah. Center. • ; •;Bal|j}i/JEL Grodzinsky performed the About one hundred.fifty people at-ceren^ony. ?. i'.J 'SUNDAY—Swimming Meet with' tended this affair. Prizes were given1 - T h e marriage was followed by a • v Lincoln, 7:00 p. mH Jewish for each table. "dinneBr-after- -which Mr. and- Mrs.;.. : Cpmmunify'Centel? w- 'Omaha Greenblatt-left-for a shGrt trip in the The" Independent Order of the B'nai Hebrew Club: . • B'rith will hold a meeting next Wed; A. Z. A. Road Show. : It is not the enactment, but the ob- nesday evening, November 30th, at the Out-of-town..' guests .who attended the '.evenir -Vtere: Mr. and Mrs. J. MONDAY—Social Servicl -Coarsef servance of laws that createst the Danish Hall. .,n. ' ; in - the Jewish Community ..character,of a nation. Greeablatt afid daughters, Ethel, Jean—Calvin Coolidge. Mrs. John Balrd Qfiigley and young •ette arid Sarah, of Muscatine, la.; Mr. .';••' Center. Fr~€!reenblatfr TO£Cedar Hapids, la.;. ; Workman's Loan AasociaSon, in the Jewish *^ " ^ ^iiiiuiuumiiiititiiiiiiiiiiuiuiiiuiiiiiuuuiiiiuiiiuiuuiuiiiiiiiiiaiiiuuiuiuiiuiii!! ^rTftiid" Mrir3':i:SniIt6 atf' son, Wl- ': •ton, of HastfagS7 Neb.; Mr. Jr Miller \ ! Council of Jewish Women, open ; = J ol~ajfeag6) Mr. "At Reuben and Mr. -imeetingf in the -Jewish"•'iCo'mV Joe Itosenberg6t the Phi Epsilon Pi : : : house, Tpwa <3ity; Mrs.- J«> Abramson. • . munity Center. : - •! v and" daughter, Margaret; Mrs. D< Lu- .TUESDAY--Concertv •Sandor- ETar-, Ltie apd daughters, Ruth and Sylvia;: • ' mati condu«*Hhg,~at thl^ Jewish -Miss-Lillian-Reuben, Willianv LeonCommunity Ctoter. ^ ard, ^afley-awi-Phaip Reuben of Fort WEDNESDAY—Debate,:Oiiaha vs. Dpdge, l a ; Mr. and Mrs. Samuel ShofBrooklyn, N . Y., i n t h e Jewish talq,_and daughter, Marjorie, of LinCommunity Center. «oln; Dr. and Mrs. Sar-uel Shullrin* Modern Woodman of the «idiMt* and Mrs. Dave Werner of World» in the Jewish Commun-; Sioux City.: ity Center. ? -\sl ¥•
Coming Events
plete study of the purpose, and activities of the Hadassah. , This organization wfli meet on every other Thursday evening- Str 8 o'clock at the Jewish Community -Center. At its first meeting bn November 16, Miss Rose Siegel gavje a review of the book, "The City; Without Jews," written by Hugo Bettaker. Ann Greenberg. will take charge of the cultural programs to be held at each meeting* Cel Moskuvitz has been appointed as reporter for the group. 1
nesday afternoon, November 30th, at rived last week to visit her 'daughter, the home of the bride's" parents, in the Mrs. Joe F. Gilinsky for two weeks. FOR RENT presence of Only the immediate family. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Perlmuter an- UNUSUALLY desirable furnished Rabbi Frederick Cohn, of Omaha will nounce the birth of a daughter, born room, available to responsible perperform the ceremony. Mr. and Mrs. Wednesday, November 16th, at the son. Call EArney 7364. Leo Blank of Omaha will play the wedding, march. Fallowing the ceremony, Jennie Edmundsbn Hospital. a dinner-will be served, covers to be The Agudes Achim Society plan to placed for about forty. <!ose relatives. hold a meeting Monday evening, at the Among the affairs given this week K. C. Hall. The Society will hold in need of for Miss Gilinsky was a breakfast fol- their Annual Dance on Wednesday Printing csll on— lowed by bridge Sunday morning when evening, December 14th, at the the bride's sister, Miss Gertrude Gil- Eagles-Hall and they intend to make insky* was hostess. On Tuesday after- this dance the most successful affair noon, Mrs. Lawrerce Krasne enter- ever held here. Tickets for this affair tained at a Bridge Party at her home is one dollar per cotiple. The Com"21 Years of Loyal Service" honoring* this bride-to-be* • mittees are also at work planning sevMr. Ralph Castle will arrive here eral novelty numbers for special en118 So. 17th Street next Monday. Mr. Castle and histertainment for the dancers. bride will leave Wednesday night on Patronize Advertisers of The their honeymoon trip, and will make " Jewish Press. their future home in Brooklyn, N. Y.
Reserve Your
' -Mr. and Mrs. Herman Ziegman an•noon^ethe marriage of their daughter, y Ziegman, to Mr. Abe Bern^ £eatric& The inarriage took < ^ f i n Inneoln, Saturday Evening; at; file fcpfte itf;TRaibbi Starrels* Mr. and
i i t f e
street* The: date of inarriage has not b^ien'^nndtilitedi but-it'IS expeeted tct I. Mrs. O. C. Goldner has been inioraied by ^letter that^ she eluded in*ir coming "~*et *• in 'American, thei-birtti of a son on. October
Mr; and Mrs. Marcus Krasne, who returned Monday from a brief honey* Is going toufld that the moon, were honored ^ t a jparty g^ven V ^ ^ V # t^rty, -wbiGhvrill^e-given by the staff of'the Jewish Crimmt&iity by^ thV Cdj&peeXs a t thfe Conjmtmity Center a t the Center Monday evening. flayHouse* is going to be a gala affair. Mr. J . M.Rose offered t h e C6ngrattiA, dlisfteu ahd dance h.kye been plan* latdons of the staff t o the young couple ae4» ^sfTWeli-as a Variety of stunts, and presented the staff's gift to'them.
fiesexpratmns'are being taken by Mr. tfoe'M. Sice.
Zolly Lemer of Kansas City played the leading role in Molnar*s "Liliom," * M r s . X. Simon will leave this week presented by the Nebraska University for California to be with her father, Players in Lincoln. The' performance was praised by t h e LincolnV-press. Young Lerfter has many friends in Th$ Junior Hadassah will give a Otnaha.
Ofay-Bran lakes
At All Grocer* Made By
Omaha, Nebr.
Lavishly Furred Coats
Park and Tilf ord Chocolates Hoefler's Centennial Chocolates tlomance Chocolates
Coats of superlative lovliness—developed in the season^ favorite materials. Lavishly trimmed with furs of luxurious beauty.
L:;: Benefit Scholarship Fund \
JAckstm 8986
918 F&rnam St.
Harry H. Lapidus, PreB.-Treas
Smart Frocks l
November 27th J, C» C.Auditbriutti Call JA. 3808 for Reservations
of Unusual Quality
Kid ;€aracul,:, rSeaMne,, Be&verette, Kid Antelope. Trimmings of Squirrel, French -. Beaver, Marmink, Pointed Wolf and Fox. ^eautiful Linings and Fittings
COMPLETE STORE and OFFICE • "• ' OUTFITTERS We Occupy SOwthirest Oot-ner
That 'Are Brilliantly Styled and Superbly Designed The favored styles—chic and charming. The popular silks, cloths and party dresses.
Superb Fur Coats Come and revel in the wonderful values procured for this week-end selling. Dresses for" all occasions in the smartest colors and materials.
Bah benefit card party in the I'-Community Center auditorium The Independent. Ladies' ..dub .will $1,00 ADMISSION I p. m., December 11. This affair give a concert November-27 at the jituuMfieB to be one of the gayest af- Labor Lyceum, Twenty-second and fairs' 6f the holiday "season. There Clark streets. The admission will be a bag of surprises. Tickets, 25 cents. *" s riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHitiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiuiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiHiiiiniiiimiiiitiiiniiiiiiiitiir. SO cents, may be had from any . of the group. The Council of Jewish Women . w^r Rose Fine, president, has ap- hold its monthly open meeting at the j | pointed the following committees: Re- Jfiwish Community Center Monday, = freshments and prices, Sylvia Olanl- November 28. Reports of the midwest = *• chairman, and Lillian Miller; conference will be heard and' impors Lewis* diairman; and tant business will be transacted. ..^_^,rT.r_p—^-teWea and eards, FanWe can insure them agaitist all haggards, at home and away from home, Miss Reva and Miss Sarah Noddle ~ fk|e W^«li«an; program, Sylvia Milat low rate of $2,00 per hundred. Let us explain this coverage to you. \$r, Chairman, and Sylvia Bernstein. entertained at the Ko-Zee club at thrge -E tables of bridfee Sunday. JPrkea \rerer E .Office ; I' Samttel Guttman, jr., will arrive won by Miss l'annie Colick, Miss Soph [ g from'•'Chicago Thursday'1 to spend Oland, and Miss Anna Hahn/ TPlana s 824 Wortd-Herald Bldg.. ATlantk SIM Thanksgiving1 with his -parents, Mr.- for a theater party at the.-Brandeis S Were discussed at the ^liimiiintmnmiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiitiitiihitiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiintiHiiiiQHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiH ^MSt^^f'l::
,- .
Eleventh and ttouglas Street* Theme JAcksdh 2724 : Otnaha, Nebr.
Quality Frocks
Husk S n M&kM ltd Ce.
Fashion Perfect Coats
Road Show.
Electricity is Cheapest In
Beautiful Cloth Coats
We're. rightly proud of these winter coats. I t isn't often such fine fabrics and perfect tailoring are found in coats so inexpensive as these.
15M? Korth 84th Street
Richly furred coats of every type to meet diverse occasions and embracing everything that is smart and new. See these coats tomorrow.
live in Beatrice.
Delkatcesen, Smoked Meats and Fish
Six Apparel Groups that represent substantial v Savings, Friday and Saturday
For the
Omaha Chapter of Hadassah,. in the Jewish Community-* Center. . THURSDAYr-.B'nai B'rith, i n the Jewish Communltjf Center.
: Mrs. S. Goldberg and aaughteri Ethel, of St. Paul, are visiting^fxiends fc. m ^ j f r s . B. Wohlnet, 4916 and relatives in Omaha While %ri fdtfte ybrtli Sixteenth street j announce the to California, Where" they wilksp,efidV dngageiHent of their daughter, Minnie, the winter. They are staving with ta Morris 5E Okan, son of Mr. and Mrs. Mi Green, i§45 North Nineteenth ^ r i 3 r J 5 ^ ^ 3 3 T North Eighteenth street.
sf S
it better*
Fresh at
" > •
f AGE 4—THE JEWISH PRES£ THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 24,\1927 [, A free throw tournament ( to deter-5 The final score was 20 to 0, in favor • mine the individual champion and the of J. C. C. girls. Leona Pollack scored championship team of five J. C. C. four 2-point shots. Esther Shafton members is to begin in .the near fu- and Minnie Flax displayed fine play. ture. Each contestant is to . be al- If enough .girls will come out for lowed 50 free throws. T o r further in- Saturday night practice, we will very formation, see. the physical director. soon form an inter-league.
Weiner of the Central second team got in the game during one of the mmerous Purple substitutions, v .{ The writer has picked an "all Jewish" team from the various elevens throughout the intercity league. Several of the men have been switched from their recent regular positions to VOLLEY BALL places where they were needed, posiThe final curtain on the 1927 foot- tions which they have placed before. All members who are interested in becoming'a member of the J. C. C. ball drama'will'fall' this Sunday aftervarsity volley ball jsquad are requested noon, three o'clock, when the Omaha The ladies' slenderizing class, which to report tp .the physical, department, A. Z. A. plays the undefeated Des meets on Tuesday and Thursday at 2 or be on the 'gym floor' MondayV'Wed-' Moirie?' A. Z. A. The Iowa chapter p. m., needs your support. eleven is heavily spiked with high nesday arid Friday at 12:30 p. m. From 12:15 ; tol2:30,will be taken school -players and should give the upwith selected exercise.,'[_' ,' ; V - i . lcksal!s aigoad."battle: .! 1 > \ . LQ.U Reiner thefighting Tech center' ..The. house-volley.y ,| pall, league?'jfruT. j rwj^s. ihe unanimous^ choice for "all1 " ' Hand in ytiur Get Our Pricey and Save Your. start December 3 3,1."' name to the physical director. -Four city^cenieT, on the "myjfchicar: pigskin Money •• teams will be entered. Captains will crew.'"- Weiner "was one "of the ous- SUN PRINTING COMPANY be chosen; by Krasne in the near fu- standing reasons why the Central high AT. 3832—504 So. 13th St. ture. Play will be from 9:30 a^m. to team failed to gain thru the Maroon 11:30 each Sunday morning. Regular line the other day. class work will start at 11.30 sharp Bud Levin £nd Harold Pollock were which will consist of exercise "•• andpowers, of strength on the down tfodgames for the older'men. '•'-•'•. v • "deri Central high team when they'.fell us about "VUL<*AN" a bef ox-e- - the city championship Tech Phone grade Furnace Coal . ^ 1 t HANDBALL : eleven. The records show that the Per Ton : ^ l l The J. C C. handball tournament, "Tech backs gained only eight yards UNION FUEL CO. which is now in full swing, has ended thru Levin, at right guard while Pol209 So. 18th Street—JAckson 4)2$8 with the following results: lok did'well at the right flank. Henry S. Rochman beat Grossman,. 21-iL2,.
Star Coached By Whom? None Less Than Sophie Tucker
Th e Higher Road
on a, probable psychological change in the Jews themselves. In BY HAPGOOD. all peoples-, and conspicuously in the ' ' Editor's note: Last week we' re- Jews, there are contrasting traits. printed for" 6ur readers the cabled The people whose prophets have giv_•' message, of Chaim Weizroann on the en the most inspired expression to "-'ocacsion of" the Tenth anniversary of the- ethical concepts that have pre"' tKe Balfour Declaration. This article vailed as ideals in the western world breathed the spirit which' has-inhabit- is still a people of instinctive ideals • ed -thev leaders of the Zionist naove- and ethical dreams. In every reform ' raent. ' •' - ' ' movement it stands out in sharp Today we-are reprinting from "The prominence. New. Palestine," a non-Jew's impresBut they also stand out in less desion of the influence of the reborn sirable ways. Their strenuousness Palestine upon „, world . Jewry. Normap „ often takes forms that for sound reaHapgood's ."The Higher Road," pre- B O n s . d o n o t , f a v o r a b I y to t h e sents a sane and serious consideration , d o m i n a n t elements in the community, of the meaning of the new'homeland. q^,... •__;*_ +»,_«. „„__„ for all .Jews. to many are the result of many causes, but the cause that is relevant I do cot deny that there is diffinow is that an energetic and reculty in^ deciding whether the establishment of a Jewish home in sourceful person deprived of his Palestine will affect Jewish mlnor(- rights i£ likely to be assertive. . ties in. v other countries ,fayorably or . Oncet <?evelop a set of traits, over unfavorably. My Jewish ,frjends are a long period, o^ time^ and it is not divided about it. My own opinion ^i easy, to set a,current going in the opposite direction._My strongest reason for favoring..the move to build a Jewish home in Palestine is that I think such a home will, have its influence on the far; larger number of Jews who never see- it, and- its in-, fluence will be idealizing and ."tempering. -The-gentler, more refined,' more, amiable- virtues, the "sweetness and light" made famous by. Swift, and-used as" a> title l o r Greek thought by Matthew1 ^ Arnold^ g r W Sophie Tucker, comedienne star at jnunity Center, Sunday evening; most willingly in a soil like that of | the World last week is shown giving Rose is well acquainted with the Athens, among people who feel in impromptu instructions to Rose Brick 'blues' music and for several months themselves all that is most desirable, who also sings the 'blues' in the A. Z. has been singing weekly over a local not deprivation of some of the most A. Road Show, to be held at the Com-) radio station. desirable, things. If I had to say whether I would prefer" for the Jews of the contestants will finish'the 1,800 a complete and cordial sharing of miles before December 15, the finishthe civilization in which they happen ing date. — to live, or this building' of something Jake Isaacson, representing the BASKET BALL . Norman Hapgood. rtew, I should facets harder problem. Jewish Community Center, yras elected December 7 has been set for the made up. I think the permanent re- But that is not the question. The; president of the new Amateur Athletic opening of the commercial league.-; sult will be to diminish prejudice and Jews are on the defensive now. Ij Federation of Omaha at a meeting of There is still room for more players therefore to lesseir discrimination believe an idealistic and poetic home-! delegates of five Omaha athletic in- in this league. Those interested should agairist minorities. land of their "own will make them.j stations at the Y. M. C'A. Thursday hand their name-to Krasne, physical director, or get in touch with a capI say a Jewish home and not a all" over the world, feel less on the night. tain of a team. defensive. Such a. change in them, Besides the J. C. C. and the Y, the Jewish state because it is t extremely if if occurs, will influence their neighother organizations are the Knights Twelve crack ,,warriors of the hardimportant that the Arab's . be de' ^ v.-l—^--,— of Co]umbus> the Tel Jed Sokols and woods are battling for position on. the prived of no political rights, if, t h e -.,^esS> j , s l ob u,.^,_-_ w liyn, t h-with discouraging slowe e n d lfc W1 varsity basketball team which meets experiment is to succeed. We believe! £ * " ? o n n t ' l the Omaha Athletic club. that the Jews, on account of their j admit gladly that before the happy The aim of the new federation is every Saturday evening at 8. Phil a v w•wTipn B e n KIIPJI iirpimiires are extinct to bring representatives of member- 'Gerelick and Sam Kauffman are two i..._i ' j x • • -ii •_. the . . 3 dr?av .. "H* are extinct H prejudices j tasies ana training, win . of the well-known basket ball players i t t changes h mustt bbe organizations into competition in the that wil be sleen, playing on the varpolitical control of the-region in ^ more important 11 which their new home is to be V^* the general psychology of j following lines of sport: Baseball, sity team. Some of the best -teams :<*»?** * t the, football, basket-ball, boxing, wres- in the city will play against our team. founded, but they must do'it for their • }&*?&$«*£*? industry and organizing1 -abi}ity< -• I utlboV'and "demeanor of' the Jews'tling, track, handball, volley ball, Kansas City-will also be on our swimming, tennisi cross-country, golf, themselves will also count. do not like the -term Jewish; ; i] indoor baseball, gymnastics and ice schedule. ^ybe* because it sounds, to me <as; if.-< it sports. meant to .imply an outside a'ssurance idealistic "enterpriser It cannot in i Coaches for the various sports will of local control. Of course .there; has the of things.be anything FOR SALE by Krasne. been much debate about what it ac- else. The spil is poor^ the members Good grocery eibte, doing a cash busitotally does mean. , I must always be 'limited, there, can WATER SPORTS ness, no deliveries. Clean stock, illness Those of my friends .who take the, be no exciting and rapid rise to The J. C. C. junior swimming team, reason for selling; For particulars call opposite view, hold that emphasis on wealth: There will be the' most composed of Ted Turner, Harry Kohn, M. HERTZBBKG, 4.417 No. 24th Street. Jewish solidarity and nationality will, notable university in Asia, acting as Har^Tro^htenbe'rg,"Hen^n' Levinnaturally .increase .hostjUjy. j n .the w an intellectual mouiecuui bridge unagc between us^ccn *Europet «up«. Epstein, Bergman, Dave Bishoff various countries where they live. and Asia, conducted m one of the.Sol -_ WWolf, R n l aratpt n 1 ? aryA am w>,?to Graetz, and aSam White, Let the Sometimes thjey go further and main- world's finest cultural languages, a' | w i U m e e t Li n c o l n h e r e t h e 2 7 t h o f tain that such a consequence is al- language that brings the Jews into November at 7 p. m. sharp. Ten Btt ready visible. One of my journalistic closer contact with the greatest e v e n t s ^ n hh e o n tthh e —~—•» • —•—— —•"• —rf *~*—r«—•——-. —, o — — * e v e n t s w i n He QH tile p r u g r a n i . Better x>eLtcr Be Your Baker friends, a Jew, says he/.bas been! things in their traditions. I believe, CQme early, as a large crowd is ex* QUAKER BAKING CO. meeting it continually himself as aj'the very fact of having a home, and pec ted. No admission will be charged, direct result of the Zionist move-! particularly of having a home based | <r ne m e e t ^ u i,e o v e r j n t ; m e for on spiritual glory, must be a steady ( those who expect to go to the A. Z. A. have .correctjyf ana- influence for self-respect, content, road show. The Best Place to Buy Your but I do not and the choice of the higher paths. Victor Orthophonic _this country^ we are, f ering-from a', terrible Of course I- know that in other The J. C. C. will form a Polo league or Radio jifuLhundred. per cent Ameri- countries certain other elements en- which will swing into action next . —SEE US F I R S T month. It is not necessary to have disease of overheated ter in, as in the conflict of opinion had any previous experience in water 1804 So. 34th St c WEbKter S04S SOL. LEWIS the better use of money for Jews also buffer, "and idsing them - might~ seize the relief of Jews in Russia—wheth- pool to join this league, and all who tt" I er for emigration to Palestine or for can swim and care to play this game it. is arreal, cause. •" I settlement on the land in Russia. are requested to sign up with the ifent that "it would be J Temporary questions may come up swimming instructor at once. Practo.VmphaSizeseparatene6s'in Poland, Roumania, or elsewhere,;£<* games are now being held e,v«y >more- force if it were that I do not know enough about to 1 Monday-and Wednesday evening. Ted WEEK OF NOV. 27th— *> to;carry out the-policy! judge, but these temporary questions, ^ ^ ^ " ^ v e charge Tke GlemantiWalsh Players origin and do not affect the permanent ; " Jhresenting •• • simply, "an,, lAlherfcan" as Because there is a homeland is no .New York-to-Faris marathon swim py j ; That screainingly funny farce c fe^bjr a .person of Enpr-I reason for not using nidgment about started in. the swimming pool. This ^ae,descent. ; But>it*is not the wisdom of promoting or helping event will not exactly duplicate Mr. -'Tj£e'> Jew, who undertakes emigration at any particular time and Lindbergh's" feaf aria" furthermore that lf~fSn American j s pushed place." I am confident that what-ts no sandwidhes'will'be carried T>y the " ENTIRE, | f S T IN.THIS. /, the community, into the true in the long run everywhere: swimmers. Grease will also be for- j - / . ' '.PRESEJfTATION--.,;.\ v . consciousness of his race. He meets that the realization of a great splrl- bidden/ Despite these obstacles we Nights, 25c, 504f75c—Mats. 25c, 50c it in clubs, hotels, society, _We.are'tual dream, including an embodiment have a "good idea that more'than one dealing not with a possible ideal,-but I of this dream in an actual racial with a complex set of facts that have I home, must have a favorable conresulted from centuries of religious tinuous influence on Jewish psychology, and through that change a fawarfare and superstition. Let us go on with the United vorable continuous influence also on States- first, and then take up other the psychology of the" surrounding Clip this ad anft use it for $1.00 discount on a ton of countries-later. How will the build- populations. the famous ing up of a Jewish community in Palestine "affect the attitude of the —Reprinted from The New Palestine. majority towards Jews in' our' own country? It is necessary to distinguish: between the temporaryjahd the permanent effects of so important and profound a step. At' first the effect of the Palestine inoye-seems to me in reality unimportant. There is a certain amount of-debate, but the Christians in general are not interested^ When we are estimating the effectJ of the Zionist movement o n ' t h e Gentile attitude .toward the M. SO M I T Jews, Jhe basic truth in this: Theulti- J Are Delicious WE. 3527 2429 Decatur Street ^ mate effect' oi Zionism, ,pn_'(Jentile • We Use Maz6la Oil -opinion, will Jbe determined. by^the We call the attention of all who :are 'interested in. buying any religious articles that we handle everything the" very best and we - effect Jof thaCnioveinent'oji the Jew- [ sell it at very reasonable prices. Besides the regular stock of Talesinv ish character and consciousness. silk and wool, Tfeelin, mezuzos, prayer books and Bibles with English " In dtfier'words, those whq_ believe ; and Jewish translation. We are going .to have Chamika lamps, "copper 'that the establishment of a home for ! and silver plated and pure silver ones, also Chanuka candles. Wai. 6012 and Jewish Ideate., wilj have
Local Sports
Quality Printing^
, ' - " I
Gieen b e a t s . Beber, 13-21, 21an beat Katleman, 21-10, 21-
BARNEY'S RADIO INN Our Chicken Sandwiches
| . '
WOMEN'S SPORTS - -** Saturday, November 19, the J. C. C girls played their first practice game with' the ' ImTOaiuid^.Baptist* gjrjs^inj our- gyra, iefereed~ by"Margaret Thomas. ., '_ . •---•- . -
Center Street
• • . • i .. V . . j • » • • •
a t
•PJeaee Communicate With Mr. Mandel. Secretary 310 K. ITth St. '•"" ' 3few York .
- Jt vjjook Sanr fGreen %hree; tough games to "put out S. BebjTr. •; •*<, - '
l t v U a r * in BttM;fc
SlALASHOCK JEWELRY 524 Paxton Block Af. 1877 have my.own shop—It will p you' to call and "get my prices.
Wholesale and Retail Jewelers "'••: :21S-16.:City. National Bank Bldg.—JA. 5619
BAKER ICE MACHINES "Manufactured in Omaha"
Visit the Sale
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Toireig Wares f
FRANK. MACH Correct noHnlst and Jnstrxtetov St. 3A,
Girl for General Department Store Work - • STAR STORE
—art novelties, gifts and mer> lOiandpe of^-u^itarian^vajue frfln*, &*ove*:thejworild^i a speaally to^. ranged exhibit on Third Floor, v fk
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Coffee is the one"pefifecF soul mate of a' fragratit after-dinner cigar. Coffee is a warm friend whenever v f served—but there is ^a difference in coffee." . \, . ,
Feather Biatt*esse8 Bifitle from y«nr \own feathers. Cool in Summer—Warm • In Winter. Cost less thnn felt l>««». •Cotton' Maftre«»e« made over in new j ttck» at h*K •the price of new ofces."
1907 Cuming St.
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PUBLIC [COAL YARD | 20th and Nicholas
FaDIANT FRANKLIN COUNTY LUMP $10.00 Per Ton With this ad $9.00
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If You Like . Grisp, Flaky, Sweet
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When in: New York . Yoc Are Always Welcdme
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Ask Your Grocer for
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AT 8485