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Entered 4» MCOnd-clatSr^i^SnaKer on January 27, 1021. at bottUffifce.at Omaha. N < ® ^ i . « u n d e r the Act of. March 3. 1879.
VOL. VI.—47
Szigeti Lauds Work of Concert Group
They Devour Every Word
Joseph Szigeti, world-renowned Hungarian violinist, heard the last rehearsal of the Bach concerto played Tuesday evening at the Jewish Community Center by three pianos and a string orchestra under the The New York Daily Protests . Against Students' Show , direction of Sandor Harmati, Mon-
Feuchtwanger's Novel to Go on Screen
Manchester. — (J. T. A.) — Lion A letter from Philip Mandel to Feuchtwanger's novel, "Jud Suss," the Jewish Press- tells a graphic published in the United States under "story of the arrival of the first the title "Power" will be made into s. copy of The Jewish Press in the moving picture, it was learned today BtiJL President's Message Atclub rooms of the Omaha club of Klutznick and Abrahams Defeat when it was announced that a com- So He Tells B'nai B'rith In Conference on "King Easterners in Colonization tacks Departure from New York. ' pany to produce the powerful novel on of Kings" Clash of Hate !'." "r^M^®?^ Customs the screen had been formed. "I might tell you that practicalday. -\\ " . - [ • ' • ' • ; ' • •-.'•-.' . ly every word in your publication It was learned that the author reHe praised the performance of the 300 HEAR DEBATE "SELF-CONTROL NEEDED" J R A B & PROTEST was devouredby bur news-hungry ceived the amount of $40,000 for the FILM MAY BE REVISED work enthusiastically. • screen rights of the novel. The novel members," hewrites. "Everyone New York. (J. T. A.)—Declaring Omaha logic scored over New York was hailed in Europe and America as Cincinnati.—(J. T. A.)—The opinion •'_, New^orfc—(J. T. A.)—No 'stand wanted to 'read the issue at the that the anti-Semitic student riots in oratory in the Jewish Colonization deof the Independent Order B'nai B'rith J an outstanding event in the world of will "be .taken; officially by the Union Hungary do - not make a good im- same time. Thus," I can assure bate between the Jewish Community letters, depicting Jewish life, in Ger-will be asked by motion picture proof Orthodox Congregations on the pression upon American public you that your paper is very popu- Center of Omaha, and that of Brook- many in the seventeenth centuries. ducers to ascertain whether any picCleyelaiia JeTyisJv Center case, i t was now in - New opinion, the New York Times in. an lar with Omahans lyn, New York, in the Jewish Comture on a Jewish subject or containing : declared a t , the closing session of editorial entitled "Jew-Baiting at York." '• " " munity enter Wednesday evening. Jewish characters is offensive to the the annual convention of the Unoin. The Omaha club of New York Budapest," strongly censured the Jewish people, it was learned here toPhilip Klutznik and Milton AbraThe ;Uiiion 'will be in contact with Hungarian authorities for tolerating is a recently organized society hams, members' of the team that day following the publication in the the ClevelandOrthodox committee Local Quota Neatly Met. this state of affairs and urged the with a membership of 30 persons brought Omaha victory, won by a B'nai B'rith Magazine of an exchang-e and <will- intervene for peace,at the leaders of Hungary who disapprove living in New York, former resi- two-to-one vote of the judges. Philip of 'letters between Will H. Hays, preproper- moment^ it was declared-. Leading. members of the Reform of the riots to raise their . voices dents of Omaha. Its headquarters Klutznik's rebuttal marked the high sident of the Motion Picture Producers are at 319, East Seventeenth spot in r.n evening distinguished by A review of -the activities of the group of Omaha . Jews . worked last against them. and Distributors of America, ami Alstreet, New York: City.; Ilnldn "of prthdo'x Jewish Congrega- week-end in behalf of "the Union of fred M. Cohen, president of the I. O. some excellent oratorical flourishes on "Hungary is loudest among the Green Discusses Immigration idoM;_v?is presented to the Conven- Hebrew Congregations, „ in co-operaB. B. each side, and served to swing the casualty nations of the war in proProblems tknif by 'Habbi Herbert S. Goldstein tion with Rabbi Leo Franklinof De- claiming her wrongs ; before the sentiment of the 300 persons who The initial conference, which was in the president's message. heard the debate, to the negative side. troit, who came to Omaha Friday as forum of world opinion," the "Times" New York.—(J. T. A.)—The crea- hel at Mr. Hayg.' office in New York, Dry Goldstein touched upon the a member of the "flying squadron," writes. Her plea for sympathy is Milton Abrahams' rebuttal was also tion of an Orthodox National Board the beginning of November was pareffective, and clinched the victory for of Jewish Education to bring about ticipated in by Former Governor Mildbrietion obtaining now in many cities whihh has been touring the country certainly not helped by anti-Jewish c Omaha, rendering the final speech for a unification of the curricula in theliken of Maine, who is Mr. Hays' aide between the Orthodox and the mpd-to collect funds for the cause of riots in her universities and colleges. _< ndiid; congregations known as Con- liberal Judaism. I t would be, comparatively speaking, Heads of Children's Homes Discuss the affirmative wholly ineffective. various Hebrew Schools and Talmud and John Flinn, Mr, Hays began the Welfare Problems. servative, particularly with regard question was whether Jewish Torah and the starting of a cam-conference by \leclaring that he deRabbi Franklin preached before a a comfort to think that the Budapest to seating men and women together, large congregation in Temple Israel campus pogroms are primarily an Colonization in Palestine should be paign of $250,000 to organize the sired, above everything else, that the INSTITUTIONS DESCRIBED. encouraged in preference to Jewish Orthodox c o n g r e g a t i o n s and motion picture be an agency for the this being .the crux of the contro- Friday evening, touching incidentally ebullition of the same boyish spirits Colonization in Russia, the visitors strengthen their union were decided greatest good; that he realised its vast, versy; i n ; the celebrate i Cleveland upon his mission. During .the week- which find expression on Morningside possibilities between racial and religThe foster care of children was taking the affirmative side. Jewish" flitter case. . upon by the national conference o* end, Rabbi Franklin and the local Heights in tearing down grandstands; ious groups, and rejoiced that it had the subject of three talks and a liveLionel Golub, captain of the BrookAt a public- meeting held January committee visited a number of per-for bonfires. But outbreaks of antithe Union of Orthodox Jewish Con25, 1926, at the Ohab Zedek Syna- sons in the interest of the work and Semitism are not isolated incidents ly general discussion in the fourth lyn team, made a stirring appeal for gregations which closed its three been given to him tp eid in directing gogue, .the.. following proclamation were successful in gaining contribu- in Hungary. They are, apparently, meeting of the Social Service course the national Jewish homeland, but days' sessions held at the Jewish it to that end. At the second conference Mr. Hays was/ issued, Dr. Goldstein stated. "I tions for the, fund. the normal expression of a prevail- in the Jewish Community Center the affirmative failed to establish a Center, 131 W. Eighty-sixth street, told Mr. Cohen that he sought friendly positive argument and contented itMonday evening. want to-read it to you so that you and at the Spanish and Portuguese Henry Ro&enthal, president of ing national temper. Student riots and reliable guidance so that when the The advantages of foster homes! self with a rebuttal of the negative may; realize what is the proper stand Temple Israel, is chairman of the are ^part of the mood which finds exSynagogue on Monday. industry produced a picture having to in this matter and to call a halt to local- committee which has as; mBin- pression in banning Hungary's . lead- over institutional. care were stressed j '•laims. Rabbi Herbert S. Goldstein was any i inroads! attempted by our so-bers Rabbi Frederick Conn, Harry ing playwright from the stage of the by a number, of the speakers. Eev. "The negative must, justify agranc re-elected President of the union. do with Jews it could be sure that the picture would give jno offense or be. scale diversion of rifort from PEICScalled conservatives in our orthodox Rosenfeld and Dave Rosenstock. National Theater and in the avowed E. J. Flanagan, of:Father Flanagan's About 300 delegates, representing even innocently, arss instigator of pretine," declared Mr. Golub, at the beBoys' home, and "W. H. Fletcher, synagogue:' " ' congregations affiliated with the or-judice. To this end, he invited the coOmaha has not yet reached its aims of powerful political leaders. superintendent of the Nebraska' Chil- einning of his ?.pe°vh, thus attemptcsp-;. obedience Needed. ganisation, attended the sessions and operation of the B'uai B'rith due to quota, according to Mr. Henry Ros- In-the hard days which the war has ing to throw the burden of the proof dren's Home society, told of their a large number, of Orthodox Jev»-s occasions when its Anti-Defamation • "Orthodox Jjudajsm is the faith; and en thai, and contributions.;: may"' still brought on the Magyar people the rjson the negative. experience with child care. attended, the mass meeting held Sat- League has called the attention of the practice < of ,tbe Jews a. • laid down be sent to the fund in care of Rabbi one thing that would seem to be most Klutznick pointed out the circumIt was pointed out that the child needful is internal peace.- If Hungary urday night at the Ohab Zedek Syn- motion picture industry tofilmsCOBin -the written, "and oral^ law (TheFrederick Cohn. / stances which had bereft Russian Jews is~.fd* win "her Way back'to -whaV-she jp JSie poster honif is Jfflcely" to., be • which -waFisddressed- Isyj-Jnsr- tabninp- -matter ©ffensive to .the Jewish Bib^r^ESc^PalJfiueT "and The"Coiles)^ of. their Jivlihood' and-Tdescribsd thej considers her proper place, she needs the "child not easily, placeable iir a tice Irving Lehman, Gedaliah Bub- people. . Ttei need today, l a religion, as well problem as one .which could be solved ; all,-the,.educated leadership she canhome. Mr. Fletcher stressed the beas" in* government, is obedience to- the with more expediency by the coloniza- lick, Rabbi Herbert S. Goldstein, - The' Je-vqsh Telegraphie Agency get. Instead, the eyes of too many lief that a home is a child's heritage, tion in southern Russia than by emi- Gustavus Rogers and Rabbi Israel learns that the cause for th nefefttiaIaw7_jt_is_ unthinkable, according to of her leaders are turned, to the past. and that a foster home is the logigration to Palestine, which, he said, Rosenberg, president of the Union of tions conducted by the I. O, B. B, vith the . Jewish religion, to have a, vote The memories of defeat are invoked cal place for a homeless child. the leaders of the tnotioh picture in"is today, despite the wonderful work Orthodox Rabbis. taken in the congregations in regard Judge W. W.. Slabaugh, member of that has been done there, entirely inand. mobilized in search of a scapeEdward ,R.«JBurke» president of the dustry was the complaint voiced in the to this or that' practice of the faith. To Observe Ssbbath. Jewish pulpit and the pvem against Omaha School board, will speak on goat. The universities, instead of be- the board of the Child Saving In- adequate." It 16" not the vote but the "Din" (The The Union of Orthodox Jewish the objectipnal features of the Cecil tie "The: Publte Schools of Omaha" at ing employed as instruments of na- stitute, led the discussion. following Abrahams picked up the affirmaJewish Law) that is supreme. Today an open meeting of Omaha 'lodge, tional regeneration, are . in .danger of the papers. Judge Howard Kennedy tive's appeal for Palestine culture, and Congregations -went on record as Mille production, "King of. Kings," tliere" is danger in the gradual break I . O . B. B., in the Jewish Community being turned into arenas of racial was chairman of the evening. brought <?ut that the starving Rus- favoring the introduction into the in-•which, giving a one-sided presentation froftr Jewish tradition. It has even and religious hate s Center, December 8. sian's present need is food first and dustries of the country of a five-day of the Crucifixion, is considered »* reached, the .Bynagogue itself. We working week, with a view to enable likely to incite racial and religious Mr. Burke is an able attorney and culture afterward. proclaim, most strongly, that the prejudice which might testilt in antiInternational Problem in his work with the" schools is closeThe judges were Judge W. G. Hast- Jewish workers to observe the Sabworshipping together- of men and Jewish violence v?hen th* ptcturies ex"No doubt there are leaders of the bath. This decision was taken after ly in touch, with educational affairs. ings, Prank Fogarty and Henry women (without any separating parhibited in East European countries. Hungarian people wjjio disapprove of the convention had listened to an He understands the needs of Omaha } Monsky. y Musical selections were given tition) is in conflict with the law address by William Green, president! The Jevdish Telegraphic Agency slao schools and -will explain them in his the Swastika riots or even view, them The Kollege Klub, a group of Oma-i b y F a n n y F i s h a n dg a r a h y of Judaism; with dismay. It is their duty, then, ha young men, ex-college boys, will of the American Federation of' learns that lj! the matter of the film, talk.,'. i a s t e r was chairaian of the I r v i n sta m "The Union, of Orthodox Jewish Labor, who declared that the Federa- "King of Jung*" the I. O. B. B. vmR There will also-, be musical num-to.make that fact plain to the out-give.the first of a series of weekly• Congregations of America, as an evi- bers. Professor Nathan Bernstein is side world. American public opinion, Sunday- night dances at the Jewish.) tion was determined to see to it that asked by the Motion Picture Producer* dence . of this law, does not accept in charge of the program. The open' whi&ihas taken pride in the work Community Center, Sunday, Dec 4. the five-day week, which is already and Distributors of America, to api-to membership congregations •wor- meetings of the . B'nai B'rith this that one American, Jeremiah Smith, in practice in several industries, be point a committee of t*o .lew* to Music will be furnished by the Blue study the objectionable fentures of the shipping in synagogues in which the year have brought a number of out- has done for the • economical revival Chasers Orchestra. The dances are extended to all branches of labor. seating arrangements violate . this standing speakers to the members. of Hungary under the auspices of the under the management of Fred BrodMr. Green in the course of his re-film and to rewmTinenci revisionfe. League of Nations, will . not be key and Phil Gerelick. tradition. The eighth annual Inter-club de- marks also touched on the immigrapleasantly affected by the latest ,.Warning Given. " : bates of the Omaha Technical high tion question indicating that his orincidents. "The Agudath Harabonim — the school were held Tuesday. Girls, de- ganization is seeking a way to elimibating unemployment legislation on nate the hardships resulting from the Union of Orthodox Rabbis of Ameri"The problem is one that affected, the negative side, won both girls' de- present immigration law through the ca and Canada—has gone on record in varying degree, many of the,new bates. In three boys' debates on theseparation of families, "We do not in regard to this matter in the; folReports of the midwest conference nationalities in. Central EuropeBeth Hamedrosh Hogodel will pre- policy of the United States toward Preparations for the cbaerrance lowing terms: "We .warn all . our want families to- be separated. We American sentiment for 'self-determof the Council of Jewish Women sent a grand Chanukah concert De- Mexico two affirmative teams and one Maccabean Day in Onisbs are being brethren that it is a grave transwill do all that is possible that wowere heard afc. a meetings of the ination'; cooled off perceptibly when cember 25. egative team won out. grsesion for the sexes to co-mingle men and children may be reunited made by s committee of which Mrs. 1, it was shown that 'unredeemed' naOmaha. Council in tiie Jewish ComThe concert will be given by a Jewish members of the teams were with their husbands and fathers and Kulakofsky is chairman, during prayer in the rHouse of Wormunity Center. Monday, afternoon. tionalities, once! freed, have shown m&ls choir:.and symphony. orchestra Erven Wezelman, Max Miller, Abe The day will be observed m Dw. 1 <S that Jewish families may be united ship.' Mrs. Carl Furth and Mrs.- William a • pretty k talent for oppression on under the direction of Cantor Kahan- Miller, Lous Shrier, Max Weinstein, the first <ky of Chamikhh, and w.U be in this country. "The most eminent Jewish authori- Holzman presented the reports. Mrs. their own account. A great deal a tajr day for the Jewish National owitch. Miss Fanny Fish, violinist,.) Julius Froom, Benny Freshman, Sylshould be allowed for war psychoties of Europe and Palestine have Holzman also told of the work done Gompers Praised. Fund: This JB the fourWtoth annuM and • Miss Sarah Fish-, pianist, will via Bezman, Nioma Cohn, Toby Flax, signed the following, proclamation! by the . immigration department of logy, for the rush of the wine of - "Economic necessity has driven the d*v of its kinrf, being devoted to the assist. The program will be anMinnie Froom, Miriam Martin, snd 'It was,,with grave concern that we the Council, of which she is chair- freedom to heads long bent under the nounced later. American Federation of La\ar to i collection of contribution fottftefimri, Dora Freshman. yoke, for the. inevitable trials and heard of the .breach in the » n c adopt a policy for restricted immi- which purges land in Pfttwtrte in the nervous exasperations connected with tuaries" among our American brethgration," Mr. Green continued. "We name of the Jewish peopie- £ * tart . Mrs..I. Rqsenthal, president of thenation-building or rebuilding. ' But ren^: which permit the promiscuous •want to raise the standard of living two annual days brought the f«r>< Council, presided. nearly ten years after the armistice congregation of men and women durof the American worker and this is about $70,000, more thfcn ^ I*r cent is a fairly long time. Hungary ing the services. . possible only through a normal' ab- of its annual income. might imitate the example of other A meeting *IU be held I» the Ben Zion Gershater loves to read j for the light from the nearest star sorption of the newly arrived." Mr. Community Center Pee. 4 •* post-war nationalities in the matter Green paid high tribute to his predeto reach the eye of an observer like of substituting self-conrtol for stories—in the skies. cessor, the late Samuel Gompers, m. to make further plstw. * £ £ The swing of the stars in their himself on' earth. He told them •who, he stated, was "of you." GompLondon.--(J. T. A.)-^A wish of courses, the flash of a meteorite about "falling _ stars," and how they | e d to report, at iUi ^ ers' devotion to the cause of the the prince of Wales will be fulfilled through the firmament, the march of: do not fall, but.only appear to do so. M Bess-Weinstein is A program ,of three one-act plays American worker and to the ideals through the generosity- of Bernard Orion across the heavens—these are The astronomy talk given at Techwill be. presented by the Little TheFuneral services for Louis Neve- the stories that Ben Zion, eighth nical high school was preliminary to of America during his fifty years of the Junior Bactasgah. Baron, > well known Jewish philan? Further information may b e ^ f d J . 5 ater group of the Jewish Coiintonity leff, who died Saturday as a result grade student at Kellom school, reads the coming of Professor Braungart service can never be forgotten. The thropist here^ Centerat the Center December 10. president of the American Federa':ian calling Mts. Kulakofsky At Atlanta When .the Prince of Wales recently of injuries received in an automo- every evening in the sky. to speak on astronomy. Ben Zion This will be the first evening of of Labor also lauded the many thou- 1843. bile accident ten days before, were As did the Jewish Shepherd boys, gave an introduction to the subject. sands of Jewish workers who are afone-act plays to be given by this visited the. Jewish Settlement House held Sunday afternoon at 111 South Ben Zion has read most of the watching their flocks by night, many group, which is working under the in the St. George district, he ex- Thirty-fourth. street. filiated with his organization, declarpressed, the hope^ that the institution cstrohomy books. in the public lihundreds of years ago on the slopes direction of Mrs. Herman ^ Jahr. : Mr. Neyeleff is survivedby his ing that by their heroic stand in the will soon have a new building. Mr. brary. Their technicalities do not Mrs^ Phineas Wintroub will play Baron, in a communication addressed widowi Mrs. Sophie Neveleff, and of Palestine, Ben Zion finds comfight against Communism they upalarm him. He doesn't know trigo"Nance" in "Dregs," owing to: theyesterday to-the committee in charge three children, Herbert, Bluma and pany in the stars. l.old the structure of the American nometry, but he can .understand the By day, he gets his lessons done Invitations n l v T g i otit this week fact that Miss Gertrude White, -who of the. settlement, declared that he Sidney. His brothers, Mr. Sam Nevegovernment at its weakest point. planetesmal hypothesis. in a hurry and goes off to the science to member of the HlftMiMt filled the role in the performance in will contribute the amount of £50,- leff, Mr. Simon Neveleff, and Mr. It is the ambition of Ben Zion to section of the library, where science club for the joyous ^ Dave Neveleff of Chicago, came to the A; Z. A. road show, will not be000 to realize the prince's wish. get a close-up view of the sky Fifth Annual New YUMB books soon pile up on the table beLeningrad—Four and three-tenths Omaha for the funeral. -inthecity. , . ;•.';••:-.'';••.:. - , through a big telescope. He would per cent of all the synagogues in the Dance, to be given thle year fit tt)P Mr. Neveleff was 50 years old, and fore him. Ben Zion has been studying as- like to be on speaking terms with Union of Socialist Soviet Republics Blaekstone hotel. Warsaw—Elijah Krejnin, at one lived at 2816 North Sixteenth street. * To Be in Who's Who. time wealthy industralist and one of Burial was in Golden Hill cemetery. tronomy for a long time,, but nobody Mars and count the rings of Saturn. have been confiscated by the Com- Plans for en evenihg of surprise music . | The Jewish Press, is informed that the-founders of the Zionist organiza.In additiori to bequests made by Mr. knew about it until he gave a talk He would like to say "How do youmunist authorities, according to sta- entertainnMsnt are complete. will be by: Ed K&hn's jazz onMtestra, do" to the stars that can't be seen tistical data compiled by the anti-reSam Altschuler's name will appeat tion in .Poland, committed suicide Neveleff to local organizations, Mrs. the other day in the Technical high ligious museum here. According to The affair is being givtftvfer members? ^mong the Ornahans" in a. coming is- .here. He was 56 years old. The reason .Neyeleff announces through Mr. John school. He told the students about by the naked eye. Some day, per|sue of Who's Who- in American wa§r*said to. .have been his economic Feldman a gift of ?25 to the Jewish the distance of the stars from .the haps, he will do all this. And in j the same figures 5.4% of the Catholic and their friends, Keservatidftt.#houW be made e»rly. I churches and 3.6% of the Lutheran. plight "' earth and how it takes many years j that hope, he studies National Fund. •Jewry.
-r» _ _ • t
Kollege Klub Dances to Begin Sunday
Tech Debating Teams Meet
Council Women Hear Reports
Feminine Lead in •^Dregs" is Changed
Cantor to Present Chanukah Concert
The Sky is His Story Book; He Reads it for His Fellows
Wales IVJafe Wish ; Baron Waves His Wand
Neveleff Dies of Injuries
Highland Club Party Plans Made
1, 1927
Bertha Greenhouse toSing"Mignon"
Published everjjt Thursday at Omaha, Nebraska, by
THE JEWISH PRESS PU^IitSHING" COMPANY Office: 'Brandeis Thesiter Etti!ilinjr--flfejephone: 'ATIantie 1450
One' =*of the mo^t enjoyable" conOn Tuesday evening, December 6, certs of the season was1 given at 8:1&V at th£ Community Playhouse, : -JEAJSETJl^ GUCK G^RSON, EDITOR. the Jewish ' Community Center last scenes from the operas "Mignon," by '. r -'-'V DAVID Ij^ACKER, Business Manager. Thanksgiving. The first part at t i e Thomas, and "Aida," by Verdi, will i! Subscription Price, one year ;!..•.„•......;.•..•• ...$2.50 •program was given by the West be presented under the direction of Advertising rates furnished on application Sisters" String Quartet, whose 'ex- Madame Moeller Herms, assisted by cellent musicianship was never more Mrs.. Karl Werndorff, pianist, and CHANGE OF ADDRESStrFlease give both the old and new address; be the-West Sisters' String Quartette. in evidence Qiati oh' this" occasion. J t grve your name. • All scenes are to be staged and cosThe Jewish Press f$suf>plied by the Jewish Telegraphic ageney Their work was characterised by tumed. genuine sincerity, .well rounded muwith/cabled and telegraphic Jewish news, and feature articles from Miss- Bertha Greenhouse will "take sicianship and.splendid ensemble. all important J e w i s h s t i i In the second part of the program the part of Mignon, Mr. Lebrand the West Sisters were, assisted by Wyckoffr the part of Wilhelm MeisVr CALUMNY ONCE MORE Evelyn Reese,. Grace Leidy Berger, ter, and Henry Fleming, the part of -*-'•'•*•• Bj(^ HARRY H. LAPIDUS ^ ^ ; . violinists; ; Flora -Shukert Summers, Lothario. U "Aida" Mrs. Bertha Cof"Have we not .'all .one Father?.,': Hath not one God created us? Whydo viola;. Mabel Burnite, 'cello; Ernest f ey Assmann will take the part of we deal treacherously every,man against his brother, profaning the Covenant Bergman, bass, and Rudolf SeidI, "Aida," and Mrs. Emma Wenningoboe; Mr. Kramer, bassoon, under, hoff Gibbs will play the part of of ourTathers? 'r , " • ; the baton of. Sandor Har- "Amneris." • This is tiie \risdom ;uttered tiy the ancient phophet IJalachi 16 m a t iartistic . T h e y played an Andante and This i3 the first of a series «f his feUMyj Jelws over t#io thousand years" ago, .and' how true it re- Minuet by Haendel, in which" the grand operas in? "-English programs mains to this day. Mori's, inhumanity to man is noJess glaring, masterly artistry of Rudolf Sefdi given under the auspices of the "Sothan the Jew's inhuma^ty to Ws feUow Jew.. ...,';, ...., ,,,..• shone like a beautiful" star i n / a ciety of Grand Opera in English," a society recently : organized for the A; great libel against the Jew is portrayed on the screen under clear sky. the title t>f "King of icings," A descendant of Jews is the pro- The program' closed with V con- purpose of developing in Omaha this certo for' three pfarios, accompanied' project of national interest. Alducer. Jews are the performers who depict "the infamous h'bel by above mentioned ensemble arid' though the society is yet young it against /their f eH6W Je\y» and Jewish owned and pjperated theaters led the b y . Mr. Harmati. The pianist has been- greatly encouraged by are showing to the.worjd the myth in which is rooted an ancient were Marie Mikova, Eleanor Lear, prominent musical people in Omaha. hatredligainsfc'the Jew.• .. • --~ : - .-.'•",., .• - . wV: ;4ndr -IrenV Trumble,_ -The guge-iw - Tickets are available at.Schmoller "For" nearly twentyJ centuries history has repeated this same Bach conception and technfc of Miss and Mueller Piano Co. rather overshadowed her two story. I t is ridt enough that the struggle againstjthe" ca|umjiy and
and pregiidice of the nogi-Jew is almost overwhelming; t$e Jew has maddltioatoihis his own people to contend withi.1 _ Zi.. _ _ Nearly every, greaj; and worthwhile endeavor for the benefit of mankind undertakentby Jews has felt the bitter and biting, and often very stitfging, tongue of his fellow Jew, A sad state of ;affairs, iMIefl,fciUtabove^hich the loyal Jew has always risen. In this.hour of o;u^ rejoicing in the realization.of the great dream of a Jewish Comttiunity Center we find a recurrence of past examples in history. Congratulated and encouraged on every hand by many Jews~and nearly alt non-Jews, we yet find other Jews unjustifiably attempting tp tear out the foundation of a great, work. Why must this go on?% It matters not who may be the leaders or the officers of our^Jelffish -Community Center or who may hereafter guide itstdestuiiesv It stands today as the represeri^tion.of all that is highest in our Jewish life/ It is in truth our "trade mark" by which the quality of our communal spirit and the steadfastness of ous traditions are weighed. It is the very life—the very soul of"oa*.communal existence. ' ..,-.... : :. ; It is the Jewish home for young and old wherein goes.im .not only the physical training of the body, bill also the developnrentrof social'and: "ctilt&ral valueaf spiritual- and educational endeavors,—in a word it is the Bethi£ni,' Verily "tfte house of the People. And what, may noCbe aakecj, is thefe in-such an institution that givfes rise toioffiaflimo^^an^l^ mouthings by some of our fellow so mpb^ as lif^% finger to-help strengthens^ ill
i 'to hear this'" wonderful, rarely given,. masterpiece" of < ' that great fountain head of classical music— Johann Sebastian Bach. Because of its instrumentation, quite as much aa because of its musical demands of each individual part, it cannot be successfully approached except by real musicians. Let i t be said, however, that it was most creditably given and great credit is due to each performer, as well as* the able lead ership of Mr. Harmati. As we heard this splendid concert we speculated upon th& musical possibilities of Omaha. W e wondered how many in the audtence, which completely filled the auditorium realized that the musicians were all products of Omaha studios. Permit us, then,_to,,express our appreciation of - the-work - of the Jewish -Community Center and Schmoller and Mueller, in holding the mirror before US that yfe might, see. our own possibilities which^ositively Joint; to'Omaha as an important music center, •t,--„•-;..: ^rr-KARL E. TtTNBERG.
Two Costtrme Parties Held in Center Gym
; Twenty-eight girls, dressed in short dresses, hair ribbons, bonnets, and many carrying dolls and lollopops, attended the senior kid party held'November"^? in the gymnasium of the Jewish Community Center. Prizes were won by Dorothy Corneman and Sylvia . Friedel. Members of the committee were Lillian Levy, Florence Levy and Ruth Pregler. This party followed one arranged for the grade school girls, in which Miss Ethel Greenberg, director of women's athleticsy asked the younger girls to coine as grown-ups. Twenty-eight dressed up in Mother's or Daddy's clothes* and took part in the grand marchr singing and games. Minnie Yaffe won first prize. Sarah Tuchin£n?rwo|t' * f rizer offtted for a game.:'.
' Venetian j carnival made a complete? and satisfying ej^ning. .^Gilbert Jaf r | fe'fc •*-*- "flisre. aia". tMt of | h e Four adied The long proiriised A. 71. A: show came dff Sunday evening with -a ~:-Mrs. Hej^ran fahr.rgeneral flourish. The auditorium of the J e w - r r e c t o r o f *?®:>'ah<>^.-' displayed a verish Community Center was filled. s a t i l e talent .in, working up so varied and the audience was enthusiastic a bill. The--'work' of Mrs. Sam Beber as song /'director, and Miss Annetfe" from the opening curtain to the Riklin as^apcing. director,, was eviing one. dent in smoothness -wjth which, The bill presented an unusual va- musical the; asd jdancingnumber went riety, minstrel, a one-act play, a Off.. Miss^Aine Rttback was pianiet revue, a novelty dance, jaza in induring rehearsals. Sol Miroffwas strumental and vocal forms andt a stage manager. Venetian carnival. "Dregs," a one-act play produced by the little Theater group of the T. B. Seals Sent Jewish Community Center, was the to Qmahfr Families outstanding number. Mrs. Jahr has found talent among the young folks" "The Nebraska Tuberculosis associaof the Center and Has given it self- tion -mailed last week to 41,500 Omaha expression. families, letters containing the 1927 "Dregs" is a melodramatic epi- Christmas Seal. In 1911 the death rate from tubersode in the lives of two inhabitants of the underworld* I t ^calls' far def- culosis in Omaha was .115*2 per 100,000 inite histrionic ability/ especially in population. In 1926 it was 67 per those two long monologues, unbroken 100,000 population. Proceeds: > from the sale^ of the by short lines. Gertrude White and Earl'Siegal brought out the drama Christmas Seals-pay the salary of tire in clear-cut lines, placing .themselves nurse, pays for the distribution of through the schools, not only in the shoes, but also in the through radio talks, hearts of "Nance" and "Jim." moving- pictocs and .*school demonThe opening Minstrel show set a strations. It pays for the Modern good pace for the performance. Par- Health Crusade conducted each year in ticulary were Joe., Levey's songs'en- all the schools of Omaha. ; thusiastically received^ Miar Rose . The Nebraska Tuberculosis associaBrick's 'song in' the "Debutantes of tion relies solely for its support from 1927," the dancing of the debutantes? the sale of the Christmas Seals. as well as the separate Raggedy Ann dance by Miriam Martin and Dorothy Patronize1 Advertisers of Th« Cohen, and the whole pageant of thej Jewish Press.
DELICATESSEN f?feIEjp&*:> ••""'' COiiPr.ETE LINE OF/ *>'
Delicatessen, Smoked $£lats *» ~ and Fish 1509 North 24th
in need of Printing can on—
N. S. YAFFE "21 Years of Loyal gertiei**
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Okay Bran Flakes At All Grocers Made By
tide S n Breakfast f * i C^ Omaha, Nebr. ....
Barry H. Lapidue, Pres.-Tre»s
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Eleventh and Douglas Street! Phone JAckson 2724 Omaha,
Park and THford Chocolates
Of aU sad words of tongue or pen, The saddest are thek^, "It bright have been." —Whittier.
Otttennial Chocolate*
our .• cause! Constructive criiJdsm we never avoid. Such criticism-is al- Blyaard Fan Co., 1514 Davenport ways encouraged. It i | only cnticisin which is destructive and is | street,, whijt will have the state r for^distribution of the invenroadete the-express ^uipose of trying to Kinder and te^~dowtt wHatx^er&harebuai^hatigio be:regretted. It is easy to tea* classical selecddwn bat what; we is more honest and sincere effort toi>uilt tions and a .fi&ee-reel educational and •}• In this day of enlig|itened and Civilized living, '\i£ ushotte that att Jews will join together in the great work which is now sa nobly begum "I$ow good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in tinity," How majestically this great Biblical truth can be_reahzed in.-""the common platform of the Jewish Community Center, where all good^nay be shared and all that is good may be r e a l i z e d . '•••'. A
3&hsfc ean be greater than1 the monument we have built for the future,-^a structure th^tt- is genuinely human,and.whose soul inspires the builders of/tomorrow to carry on as better men arid women, whose lives shajl memorize with the beauty and nobility of Jewish traditions.r Frdm such men and women we must expect the type of eommunity^wherein to enjoy the blessings given unto us.
WalshtaHead J . New Comedy
have him declared insane and put in an asulum. This is their scheme for seizing-his fictitious fortune. ' •••
interestingj^i^ovie of the origin of the f^ftou* Vart painting, "The Angelus,T/made-up the program;.; A.T'grivate demonstration-^-of the machine1 by "expert factory^^representatives followed :the program. N'either wealth nor beauty constitutes the lady; virtue and goodness alone are the attributes.—Immanuel Kant.. ;. .:•;.--- ; " . • :/
JAckson 3986
in t i e newest patterns and correct styles^ tailored ' of woolens yea will-be delight--: ed" with. - Priced at "
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Every man should-know here> shoe quality, shoe service, shoe style and value that men would expect from the foremost men's wear store in the west. '
The-shoe rdilustrated, made, of fine imported Spotbh ffrtiih-^-new-tan shades, heavy double sole, aU-leailier he&l.» Gollegiate style for the young manx&lw demands the new.
shade and
PAXTON-fflrrCHEU CO. 87tl> an« Starthn gts. HArney 1«62 r . "." ' OMAHA, NEBRASKA Soft gray, iron, brnsn, btoine and aluminum castings. Standard sixes Uronze and iron bushings, te-wer manboles, 'cistern rings and- cotetf, and clean-out doors in stock.
i r t h e director, and chief iMAJLASHOCfc ? character comedian at th«i Biandeis Orchestraphone is^ Wholesale and Retail Jewelers theater is to be seen'in" aj part that •'}• Demonstrated Here 213-16 City National Bank has the quality of robust .American Bldg.—JA. 5619 humor-The~actor is Williafii C. Walsh. The orchestra-movie, a new and 1 TKe play is "Hell's' Bells,'! /&, stage advanced creation in the cinema world story of suspet»se andmarty'surprises.! by the makers of the Vitaphone, was ^tttHllllUllllll!IItlllllllHIIIIHHIIIIIHIIIIIItllfl|llllllllfllIII!lilill!IUIIIIIIlH>!»IHIII|ii When this comedy by Barry Connersj intlally presented at a private prewa's, produced jn New York it had aj viewing before a select audience at long run.r"liizthe production, ihia Week the Uptown theater, Twenty-niin'th Dora Clemant is to have'pne of thej and Leavenworth, Wednesday.; night. most amusing roles. ' ' ' It is novel and effective and is exThe "action takes place" in. a Connec- pected to revolutionize the orchestraticut town. Two former citizens re- tion of the present-day movie, acturn from their gold-hunting exploits cording to Mayer Morisky of ;.the in Arizona; and though -^either of them'fias';areent, they pass themselves oft: as millibnaires. This" they do for the sake of making a good Impression, because, they want to seli mining A" Wonderland of Toys § stock. BUTTER and.EGG&.. bne of the men from Arizona is Jap Council Bluffs, Iowa Stillson.' He has two • sisters who cheated him out of his inheritance. They form'a^plot, after hi* return, to .
• '•
M8 F»rn»» St.
piker, good shoes from leading makers at
' $ 4
$ 1 0 •••-;.
INCOMPARABLE VALUES.KE^D NQ • COMPARATIVE PRICES 1 • Greater Shoe Section jMain Floor—North . ,
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Good Products
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INTERSTATE PRINTING CO. 1307 Howard Street, Omaha -
the first and third Tuesday of each months. • - .
Mr. Loni* R. K&tebnstt. spent the ter of New Jteymer, Colorado, left , past week-end in St. Louis and in Sunday for their home- after spend{Kansas City, Mo.ing two .weeks visiting relatives in Mrs. Max Langman and her daughOmaha and Council Bluffs. Several ter Gloria-Jane, of Harrisbnrgv PennMrs. L. Goldberg and daughter, sylvania,, are visitin< JBrsr Langaan's . Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Castle, who Eethel, of St. Paul, Minn., are spend- affairs were given in honor of Mrs. WEEK OF D E C 4th— The Clemant-WaMi Players parents, Mr. and Mrs, Jerome. Kala- were married Wednesday evening at ing a few weeks here visiting rela- Seldin during her stay. Presenting kof sky f or several weeks. the home of the bride's parents, Mr. tives in Omaha and Council Bluffs, New York.—A monument to Harry The Snappy Comedy of enroute to Los Angeles, California, and Mrs. E. Gflinsky, will leave Amerksu Life The newly organize A dab, the Ade- Thursday evening for a honeymoon where they will spend the winter. Soudini, erected at his grave in Machpelah cemetery, Cypress Hills, was loans, held their: second meeting at trip in the east. They will make their Numerous affairs have already been unveiled recently. Magicians, actors the home of Freda Adler. The" folhome in Brooglyn, N. Y. Before her given honoring these vistors and and re—csentatives of fraternal Orlowing? officers -were elected: Freda ' By BAKRY CONNERS marriage, Mrs. Castle was Miss Reva many others are alsa being planned ders took part in the ceremony, which Adler, president} Anna Goldberg, Secfor them. was attended by more than 500 per- Nights, 25c, 50c, 75c—Mate. 25c, 5«e retary; Betty Daytefi, treasurer; LH- Gilinsky. sons. ' d-; Mrs. H, Epstein of Chicago announce the mg&ge- Kan BTamenthal, reporter. Mrs. Sam J. Steinberg entertained Agudes Achim Dance to be Held on iktaraaughter, Ruth, to Mr. Sara H. Stern, son of Mrs. the members of her afternoon bridge Tuesday, December 13. f Omaha, The Kollege Kfob will give a dance You cannot dream yourself into a The Agudes Achim society has club Tuesday afternoon at hex borne. Sunday evening in ffte Jewish Comcharacter; yon must hammc- and The .marriage of Miss Helen Levinson, ^daughter of Mr. andmunity Center, with: musk* by the changed the date of their annual Mr. Ben BaJaban left Ssnday for forge yourself one.—J. A. fS.ude. | Charles. Levinson, to Mr. John Weinstein of Sioux City, la., Blue Chasers orchestra. These dances dance so that it will be held on Tues- St. Paul and Minneapolis, Munu, on evening, December 13, instead of business, and i s expected to return was snemnizcd Thursday, November 24, at the home of the will be given at the Center every day SMITH AUTO COMPANY on Wednesday, December 14, as for-home Sunday, December 4. Sunday evening, under the managebride'S-.parentsNo. 18th St. — WE. 1 » 7 announced. The change has .^jElSnbi'B. Fleischman, M. Wolonsky assisting, read the marri- ment of Fred Brodfcey and PhiL Ger- merly 1926 Chevrolet Coupe _ The Council Bluffs chapter No. 7 of been made so that the dance will not 1175 1926 Ford Touring age ^fines^m the presence of the immediate family. After the lick. with the big affair which will the A. Z. A. will celebrate National 115 Star Sedan :_ ceremony a^bridal dinner was served, and followed by a reception The Junior Hadassah study group conflict be given at the Jewish Community A. Z. A. day with: a program to be for friends.-pmet in t h e ewisfa "Community Center Center of Omaha on December 14. presented Sunday evening, Dec 18, at , .. QMfeoiiQwn.guests were Mr. and Mrs. W. Wemstem, Miss on November. 23. ; Mrs. M. F , Levin- The: committee in charge of this the Danish hall. Robert Lappen, of Bay Your Coal Where Quality CHIROPRACTOR Bluma^WeiBstein, Mrs, B. Jvener, Mr. and Mrs. M. Lazarowich son, president of the southwest region dance include Mr. Simon Steinberg, Des Moines, grand president of Dists Best far the lowest Trim Suite 12-13, 2906 Leavenworth St. and sotv^Mrs^ X Epstein, and Mrs. M. Hatoff and daughter, all of of Hadassah, gave a history of Ha- chairman, and Messrs. Ben I. Seldin, trict No. 6 of the B'nai B'rith, will be FURNACE NUT $7.00 Phone—Office Eesidenee Sioux.rCity, and Mrs. I. Burnstein of St. Yaut, Minn. Other Grade* •* X*w Frieda dassah's organization and activities. Ben Kooler, and Ben Ross. They are the principal speaker. The pabtic iz JA. 1850 WE. &680 HAHN COAL COMPANY The next meeting will be held- at planning to make this the most suc- invited to attend. F l^r. "and-^-Mrs. Herman Ziegman AT. 4296 AT. 3*J» & p , m , December 8 in the Jewish cessful affair they have ever held and entertained tw©Iye quests for dinner Mrs. E. D. Seldin and young daughespecially urge the younger set of Community Center, Sunday in honor of Mr. and Mrs. SUNDAY— """"" r the Omaha and Council Bluffs Jewry Met A . Bernstein-, and Mr. J. 1L Melvin Katleman, son of Mr. and Omaha Hebrew club, in the Mrs. S. Katleman, 929 N.' Twenty- to make their plans now to attend USS No. «0»h St. — W E k i t n ««7 .Bernstein of Beatrice. Nebr. Followthis affair, which will be held at the Fresh Meats—Delicatessens there was a reception Jewish Community Center. Sixth street, left Sunday on a motor Eagles hall. A good orchestra has Fresh Fish Handled Daily feUrar. honoring Mr. andMONDAY— trip td Ssn Diego, California, where been secured to foraish the music for We Deliver to AH Part* of tha Cltj,who were married in Social Service CooMe, in the he will make Ms home. He was for-dancing. Admission will be one dolNovember 19. Before her Jewish- Community Centermerly a student in Neorsska Uni- lar per couple. fnarriage, Mrs. Bernstein was Miss versity. \\•:''•'. ' ; Workmen's Loan association, in IN OMAHA the Jewisfe Community Center, The Ladies* Free Loan society will The ladies' auxiliary of the Talmud * Kr. and Mrs.;A.' Blocfei 8 4 U La- Temple Israel Sisterhood, lunch- meet Wednesday, December 7, in theTorah will hold a meeting next WedJewish CoTaWnity Center. There nesday afternoon, December 7, at the fayette avenue, will celebrate their eon, in the Temple vestry. 250 Rooms—ZOO Baths ill be deetwra of officers. home of Mrs. L Morganstern, 1002 goIdeii^weadmV^anniverBary on SatTUESDAY— Good Rooms for $1-60 Fifthavenue. AH members are urged ttrday, December 3 . Invitations to a The Pioneren Women's' organiza- to attend. Women's Welfare Organization, Operated by Eppley Hotel* Ca. dinner at the Bfeckstone Hotel bave in the Jewish Community CfenteT. tion will hold a bazar soon and are been issued. Mrs. Sam Rosentiial entertained the Current Topics class of - ti*e Mkiiig contributions of articles. . Among.. th£ out-of-town guests will i^JMISSION $155—E^^^ERTAINMENT Proceeds will be for the Chalutsas m members of her bridge club a t her t e Mr.' and Mrs. Block's son, Mr- Council of Jewish'W«men, 10:30 PATRONISE Eretr-Yisroel. • ; Music by THE BLUE CHASER ORCHESTRA home last Tuesday evening. Maurice Block .and Mrs! Maurice a. m., in the Jewish Community - These dances will be given every Sunday night under " . ' '•-'''• ••';•:••' ' ' • / } . ' - ' Block,: of Moline, DKnois, Mrs. Louis C e n t e r . Mrs. Louis Fichtenberg of Chfcagoy Dream o f ihe Jew* wfll be the management of FRED BRODKEY and PHIL TEA ROOM 49 and Dodge 1 itub, their daughter, of Sioux Falter WEDNESDAY— the subject of Rabbi Frederick Cohn's Illinois, who has been spending the " t ; GAREUCK. CANDYLAND jMr. iSKd' Mrs. Leon Strauss Mr. and Ladies'1 Free Loan Society, in Friday evening sermon at Temple past week here visiting her daughter, Sirs. Max Shloas, and Mr. and Mrs. EVERYBODY WELCOME 16th and F&rnam Israel.. On Saturday; morning, he Mrs. Ben Kubby, and Mr. Kubby, the Jewish Community Center, ; Sam B^ker,; of :Des Moines. will speak on "Life's Simple Needs." leaves this evening for her home. THURSDAY— • Sbv and :Mra. J. Lfetzraan, 3647 The Terttple I s « e l Sisterlwod will T/fT'T1 California street, celebrated their rB'nai B'rith Open Meetmgv in: have a luncheon in he Temple vestry tha Jewish; Community Center. ailTer_ wedding anniversary Sunday : Junior Hadassah Study Group, TQonis Monday, December;-j 5. The evening.^rith a reception for relaluncheon will be followed by mah tives. Talks were given by Mr. Judah in the Jewish Center. jongg and cards. DO YOUR Wolf son and Mr. J. Morgenstern. •It wasr- announced 'that Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Statmaster, and her son, Mrs. Hannah Rosenbaum of I#e?l Itfps, horn November 17, are leavOmar Bakery .pats iat» it* hr—4 cake*. Atfgeles, CsKfoiiiM, i ^ the guest "of HArney 7545 '• MArket S7W inscribed in the Golden Book of the ing Wise Hospital Thursday, and re'tiki jpMtrles kw b m s k t u IIWBWJI «f Jewish National Fund, as a memorial turning to then: home. MAX KAPLAN t H t m e n . W r a w all ever Oauka ate o£ fhe"f~eveHt. One hundred dollars talking about it. Yen can get Omar Miss Irene Hirseb. honored Miss A C*mct Dcacription. . : were contributed to the fund by Mr. from m—t groceries or the Omar Sylvia Wohlner o f Nebraska Uni- "Describe water, Jottnaiei" said the and M n . lintzan. that m m to your a versity at a luncheon in the Ad-SeH teacher. '; •.:>;'.-•.•., .'•.'-. We Use Maiola Oil ?Water," txplained Johnnie, after Among the, members of the younger restaurant Saturday. The goeaUf were set wfio.^were home from college for Ida Babior, Lillian Blumenflial, Mi- a lengthy paose, "is a w h i ^ fluid that the , febifnlajgrving week-end were riam Martin, Leona Delrongh, and turns black when yon put-your hands Announces the in f t " • • ; . . ; • : • ; • • : . ' ..' ; : r : Sylvia "Wohlner, VIda Tenenbaum, Lee Greenberg. Removal of His Jeanette Levinson, Sam Bender, Dave Miss Soph Reznek, of Sioux City, WaL 6012 -Clreenberg/ and Carl Sokolof. Patronize Advertisers of The returned to her home .Monday after Jewish'Press.-, spending Thanksgiving and the weekTo ROOM 5, [Mr. and. Mrss Josepfe Bonoff have end in Omaha a s the guest of Mias moved to their- new home ..aA 5836 Ann Ruback. In her honor, Miss RoWEAD BUILDING Briggs'Street. back entertained twleve guests Sat18th and Farnam AT. ' Among ,the OtrwbanB seen a t theurday evening. ' footbaQ 'jgame-.- ia Lincoln ThanksThe Jewish Women's Welfare organ' gvrfnt afternoon; were the H. A. ization will meet Tuesday, December ^ Dr. and6, at 2:30 p.m., in the Jewish ComYou Arc Welcome at Hulip Bomenek,- the Morris munity Center. There will be elec^ the-War- MiWer's,tion of officers. Dr. Victor Levine will Goodmaar speak on "Nutrition, with Special f Mi Green, Louis A. - Shafton,, Miss Reference to Children." r-Gteenbergv'.Miss Dorothy Rueben, 5400 Center Street ~ Rabbi Frederick Cohn will speak 'S^iss }forian--Bhrinenflialt Miss Faye Phone WAlnut 5936 " Klein, Harry- RavitZi Phil Feldman, on "Soviet Russia" at a meeting of the Current Topic class of the Counand Paul Goldstein, Famous for From Council Bluffs, .Clyde Krasne, cil of Jewish Women, at 10:30 a.m. Tuesday, December 6, a t the Jewish CHICKEN SANDWICHES Abe "jiarkowitx, Lotf RosenthaV and Community Center. The class meets Boy jtosenthal attended.
Council Bluffs News
Electricity Is Cheapest I n Omaha DH IRVIN a STEW
Coming Events
Sunday, December 4th
The Extra Value
Are Delicious
Center Street
• '
. • •••
The Rich Flavor of
Gifts of Beauty,
Mr. and Mrs. Abe Davidson of Des Moipes and their children were the Thanksgiving guests of Mrs. Davidson's parents, Mr.: and Mrs. Saul Levy.'- Ito Koaaetr.at her. daughter, fcjyy- entertained at a beauti-, appointed: tea Saturday afternoon^ •-
ROOM FOR ROT Gentleman or Lady —3113 No. 24th Street—
not get the best your money can buy
COAL Semi - Anthracite a value, per ton $13.00 PARIS $14.00 r (resume Southern Coke Overstocked, $16.50 $ 1 f?50 value, per ton _^_
Tke feeling of satisfaction, that comes from
choosing something supremely fine and beautiful, be it ever so useful, will be yours atKilpatrick'8. From the vast store houses of the world we have collected gifts -that-yoa might travel thousands of miles to find, things whose connection is centuries old, or minutes new. Gifts for every practical need, with the aofded something which satisfies the inherent desire for beauty, which exists in everyone. Gifts to make Christmas shopping not a burden, but a joyous adventure.
NEVER VARIES and isGood to itie Last Drop
MD-CITY COAL CO. ^Ackson 0 H 5 (Quality Ser^ee)
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We can insure tbem against all hazzards, at home and away from home, at low rate of $2.£0 per hundred. Let us explain ihis coverage to you. Bldg.
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If You Like Crisp, Flakv, Sweet
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Old Ben Franklin County Lump $ Per ton . yATHAN RESyicg>
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Good Housekeepers use Advo Pure Food Products
Ask Your Grocer for »•"
DERNELL'S Golden Crisp dips Distributed by
Thomsen-Siater Butler Company ISIS Howard St;
Lopal Sports | All foxL t basfet-bftil ASfieiids and feos, hearken! The J;,X7. C. Commercial B » s k ^ a U > I e ^ e vwill\get uti-
tfgy gWednesdays, evening, be-
SWIMMING. The swimming meet between the J. C. C. swimming team and a swimming team from Lincoln was postponed/ to Sunday, December 4. The team is practicing daily, and assures the writer that the Lincoln boys can expect' some real stiff competition, Let's" get out 1,000 per cent and show our boys we're for them. Admission is free and - the meet will start; at 7 p. m. Pete Wendell, A. A. U. official, will be starter and referee.
friend. Treat him as a real guest, show- him all the features of the J. C. C. and thus make him really wish that he were a member of the fine: organization, too. Girls' Basket-Ball. A fast game was played between the J. C. C. girls and the Ralston (Neb.) girls. This was. the second of a series of-, practice games which the J.' C. C. i girls will . have before official games which are scheduled to start immediately after the first of the year. .-. •
'gam$B are en tag for f the evening ajnd y^s are assured of/ some fast aa^goml gasket-ball games, refereed •by- exj|p^eedj officials. .u Admission is only 15 cents/ . •"Tie^teains entered in the loop are a$ ; foMi?|t A. Z. A.,,-Philadelphia Yearly medical examinations, as a Splash! Splash! The marathon %athe^- a_ Gross Lumber, Bezmati swim, covering a distance equal to form of health, insurance, will be Hardware/" -The Peerless Cleaners', that from Paris to New York, is sponsored by the physical departand the Segeknan Service.'•''-". •• under way. The swimmers have ment of the J.-C. C. The department ?The ^OQJ> ' last year was very sue-. started their long, but not gruelling is making plans for the physical excessfrJi' t » l championship' beirip: won grind. Although they will coVer'l,- amination • of its members. Examinahy the^Kaftnan Insurance, Company, 800 miles, two lengths of the pool tions will be. required of both mon. now under the Segelman • Service. equalling one mile for the men and and women, and no one will be perThe rnnners-up; H. /Gross ; Lumber, three miles" for the women, the mitted to use the gymnasium fa-1 are ba|^ in the league under a jfast swim will not force any 'of the en- cilities unless a. record of the ex all ofcherlte'ams'liave some trants to give up because of fatigue. amination is on file in the physical bunch real basket-ball players on them. The The swimmers are permitted to take education department. vfiimeip'^rere-.awarded...a ct?p b y t h e as-many laps as th'py desire at one . T h e "examihatiohs may Be taken Eosseli Spirts} and goldU b k t i l l time. '(Half hour each time)'." They from yqur .own doctor. , Provision is by-the v J."'C. C.^This year/the first must finish by January 13. It's not also being made for examination to two teams will be given gold an>l too late,for any member interested be given at the. Community Center silver Jbasket-ibaDs, and the'cup wilj to enter the race. Sigh up at the at a small charge. Further details will be announced. again be awarded to. the winner, and physical director's office. when w<Jn "three • times/consecutively will' reniairi" penhaiiently2in the winBusiness Men's Bowling League VOLLEYBALL. , Hen's, possession. The; cup'is now on .; Standings.' display in th^ J. C.; C. •lobby. Teams entered in the j . C.-C. Vol- ..•-• •\..": : - • .' ' W . L . Pcfc leyball league, which is to start De- Kaiman Insurance ".„. 16 11 .593 * jThe Junior ^members of the" gymcember 11, have been practicing Malashock Jewelry . -16 11 .593 axe also planning tajget. under way quite faithfully. Sunday morning, Appleman-Robinsdn' Co 15 12 .555 real soon, and a league is now being November 27, two teams captained Empire Cleaners _.^_L. 15 12 .555 formed. The. league jrill consist of, by William Alberts and Sam Beber Omaha Tobacco Co. _ 12 .12 .500 six; clubs, and games,will be played got in some stiff practice. William Glazer Clothing Co..... 12 15 .444 oji Monday evenings. The Junior Albert's team was composed of H. Yousem Tires -i~.._i. 11 16 .420 Jiembefs' Prfi-Season league ended Pollack, I. Abramson, P.- Klutznick, The Wardrobe ,^,r™.__ 8 16 last Monday -with four ; teams( tied Goodman and J; - Nitz. Sam Behei^s The. Kaiman Insurance .forced the fgr first -place:, Goodbinders, Turn- team was composed of S. Green,'S. Appleman-Robinson team out of first ers, Adler and^ Bergman, and the Fair, J. Block, M. Gasper, and E. place by ^winning three successive Eevinsons. . ' Shamberg. The scores: 15-13, 10-15, games. 15-6. Next week S. Green's team, , The consistent bowling of Eddie NOVICE HANDBALL CHAMP.. plays the Malashocks. ' Meyer >; was the main factor in the /Out-smarting his opponent, \ and Kriman victory. He secured a total combining with this a hard ball that Buddy Day. of 527. Joe Rosenberg of the Emwas hard tot return, Jack Ban deMonday will be buddy day for the pire .Cleaners, with a 540 count, topfeated "^ol Y^Efe in two out of three boys. Bring jypurTpals'^- the-^f; • C*. ped Mayer's -score.— hard-fought and" close handball C and _have 'him for=V#our iWiest The^Youseri^:. Tires Surprised the games. ^The scoreTwas 21-12,~20-21, for gym ^ancl'swimming.'%Abi^iipro Empire-^CIeanSs by wmhing^.the se21-12. .. • gram wiijh be outlined /for ries. ;;Een's bo^ys were handicapped «>*•>«•»
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Sam E. Klaver, attorney-at-law has announced the removal of his office to 612 Omaha National Bank building. The new rooms provide larger and more convenient quarters. Mr. Klaver was formerly deputy county assessor. He began practicing law early this year. He is a graduate of Omaha university, and during hi.< studentship he was head • of severa law societies.
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"If forethought were as wise a counselor as afterthought, how many errors would be avoided." ' Play the Violin Correctly
Philip Klutznick and Milton Abrahams are the two young speakers who won the Omaha-Brooklyn debate at the Jewish Community Center, Wednesday evening.. . < , ! - • • • at that through the absence of Lev- arating the first four teams in;the irisom and Krasne.- ' - • ' - - standing.' The success of the league The Malasho'ck ^Jewelry.' grabbed is, however, dependent upon the. in^; two games from -the Glazer Clothing terest of the bowlers. Co. The Glazers were minus the A member of a team, who is conservices of their captain, Izzie tinually absent, without notifying the Schlaifer, who is the star shooter of sacretary of the league or his capthe squad. » tain, is hampering the progress of Goodman Pill is a recent addition h i s t e a m . • . • . .. to the Glazer bunch, and Herman Segelman of handball fame, has been "annexed by the Omaha Tobacco Co. { Let the j The Omaha Tobacco Co. and The Wardrobe game was postponed, several of the members being out of the city. This game will be played I Be Your Baker at a later date. I QUAKER BAKING CO. f Dr. M. E. Stein shot the high total • for his team-and Abe Gross, with' a 499, was the high man for the Malashock. " ' - • - j The race for the leadership is exM. SO ceedingly close, but one game sep-
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