December 8, 1927

Page 1

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January 27. 27. 1021. at Ad ol March 3. 1STO.

VOL. \'I._No. 48


Doar office nt Oiaahn. Nebraska

Minkin Made Head Of Palestinians Have Silver'WeddingaMilestone RABBI PREDI CHILD PROBLEMS Omaha Hebrew Club Their Thanksgiving in Their Notable Career TROlpFSRElf DBCUSSEDBY SOWT LEADERS IN WORK



Ben Minldn was elected president of the Omaha Hebrew club at the anCommunity to Honor Mr. and Mrs. Harry Lapidms at nual meeting of the club in the Jewish ! . " Anniversary Dinner. Community C nter Sunday afternoon. The other officers are: Mark Long, Dr. Cohn Gives History of First Children Encouraged To "Obey On December 14,1902, a poor young obliged to keep the power turned on vice president; Sol Rosenberg, secre- Jewish and British Engineers to Get Concession If Guarantees ". Soviet Decade. man married a slip of a 16-year-old several hours longer than usual and tary; John Feldman, treasurer, and That Impulse", Judge Are Giver.. girl at 6 'clock in the evening and to keep the snow plow working all Kennedy Says three trustees, M. Polonsky, A. Kaplan w "Most rDramatic Phenomenon." th kd u t a 6 o'clock ' l k th est night ' - all " •• - — on lines. The one car stood j and A. Rishards. then worked unta the nest Government to Share Profit. DELINQUENCY STUDIED in front of the bride's door, and at the morning taking his wedding guests Trotzky is in temporary eclipse, A drive for one hundred new memconclusion of the festivities, took each home on a-private street car. but he -will emerge into the limelight bers is being conducted. Jack Riklin, London.—(J. T. A.I—The eonce? Progress which has been made in again and foster the introduction of John Feldman, and G. B. Shapiro are sion to exploit the salts of the Deac the treatment of: juvenile delinquents more democracy into the soviet syscaptains. sea has in principle been granted to was pointed out by Judge -Howard tem, Rabbi Frederick Cohn of TemNovomeyski, Jewish engineer, and Kennedy in his discussion- of problems ple Israel predicted in his talk on of the young delinquent at a meeting Tulloch, British engineer, provided Soviet Eufisia before 70 women, of the social service course in the Jewthey will furnish satisfactory finanmembers of the Current Topics class Frances Wyatt Van Gundy, .ish Community Center Monday evencial guarantees, was the statement of the Council of Jewish Women, at " • i. Soprano, Will Sing: • ing. . ; ••'•.-•••• -. • made in the House of Commons tothe Jewish Community Center TuesJucjge, Kennedy told how offending day by Major Ormsby Gore, underMiss Ida Lustgarten, talented local day morning. , Jewish. pianist,' jwjll., be featured in a children had once been .brought into secretary for the colonies. Rabbi Cohn declared that Trotzky, concert a t the Jewish Community Cen- criminal .court handcuffed and... tried Mrs. Nate Mantel, Retiring Netgotiations are still proceeding, is not the bloody criminal. he'.' has ter Tuesday evening, December 13, at under regular criminal court- proceed"the secretary stated. He. is unable President, Made Honorary been painted by vicious propaganda, 8:15, the second recital in the Centers ings. He reiterated the statement to say now what provisions the conHead. made by Miss; Lena E. Ward of the but a highly educated expert on poli- lecture and concert series. cession will include, but no proposal tical science, a patriot and idealist to Miss Lustgarten's • work is known Girls' Training school in Geneva, that is included for the British governMrs. A. Greenberg was elected rank with Washington and Lincoln. throughout the state, especially children are; delinquent not because president of the Women's Welfare ment to obtain a controlling interest This year is. being observed as the she carried efT high honors last year they want to be bad, but because they organization at the annual meeting j by a purchase of shares in the contenth anniversary of the soviet re- in • the • music department of the Uni- are • never' taught. ;to . b e , good. : He held in the JeTrish Community Cen- cessionaire company. praised the work of Miss Ward and gime in Kussia, Rabbi Cohn pointed versity of Nebraska.. Whatever the salts may be worth, ter Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. GreenHer leading number in this concert declared that if. the boys' school at out. Major Ormsby Gore declared, the berg is the youngest person ever to Kearney haJ a-person of Miss Ward's "The soviet government which peo* will be Liszt's Concerto in E Fiat have held this office. She succeeded process of extricating the salts and type in charge,- fewer boys would pie said would not last ten days, has Mrs. Nate Mantel, who was made marketing is experimental end is still graduate into the penitentiary. • Harry H. Lapidus Ilrs. Harry H. Lapidus lasted ten years," he said. "It is the of a speculative nature, It is there* honorary president. "The prevailing philosophy nowamost picturesque and dramatic phefore inadvisable to ask the British On December 14, 1927, this man and ] family home, on whatever line they The year's officers are: Mrs. days seems to be 'Obey that impulse,'" nomenon in the world today and in taxpayer to invest money in the enhis wife will celebrate their silver; happened to live. he said. "That gets the children into Harry Rachman, vice president; Mrs. all history. It is the first nationwide wedding and prominent men and wo- j When alJ the guests were deposited Dolly Elgntter, secretary; Mrs. Wil-terprise at its present stage. The trouble. socailistic experiment. It is the most Miss Jeanette McDonald, dean of men, not only of Omaha, but of the; at their respective doorsteps, young liam Holzman, financial secretary; government will see that the constable government in Europe despite girls of the Technical high school, de- state and the midwest, will come to do j Mr. and M:-s. Lapidus went out into Miss Blanche Zimman, recording sec- cession will only be a leasehold and terrific opposition from within and scribed the need of -onnecting the them honor. j the-cold sray. dawn to take their rgtary, and Mrs. Charles Levinscn. not a concession for all time, he dewithont. This opposition was the clared. work of home and school, so that the This is not a Horatio Alger story, honeymoon—a street car ride from' treasurer cause of the Eed Terror, which, terThe question of the Dead sea conschool can do its work in the full So far as we icncfw it has never been 1244, South Thirteenth street to 2115 Dr. Victor Leviue cf Creighton rible as it was, was no worse than knowledge of home conditions. cession was raised in the House of printed in Jie American magazine But \ Cuming street, their new home. jtfedical school, lectured on "Nutri-1 the French Revolution. "Our education is becoming child- it is the true story of Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Lapidus was Miss Minnie Kool- tion with Special Reference to Chil-| Lords by Sir John Islington, who is "Many vicious pieces of propacentered instead of knowledge-center- H a r r y H . Lapidus, whose silver wed-) e r , d a u g h t e r of Mrs. Lena Kooler. S h e [ d r e n # w H e d e s c r i b e d t h e t w o t r p e s anxious thst a British company seed," she said. dang will be celebrated-by a dinner at..! j w a s • r n a r r ? 3 j y h e n she w a s less t h a n ; o f m a h r a t r i t i o n ; i n t e r n a ] a n d e x t e r . j cure the contract to exploit the salts ganda were made to fight the soviet Problems of Juvenile Delinquency reception in t h e Jewish Community j 17 years old, having been Mr. Lapidus' | ^ M a l n u t r i t i o n e x i s t s &mmg rich of the Dead sea, the government pargovernment. One example is the were outlined from the psychiatric side Center Wednesday evening,-December j sweetheart f o r three years. It w a s a ' , ,., , ., - , > • „ . ticipating: as in the Anglo-Persian statement made irj the United States ; ,«. , j - , • • • ' * • -til ' • : • • ' - \'-u- , T r a n d po<> r a l i k e , h e s a i d , a n d i t i s n o t company, to protect the British inby Dr.. Thomas,L. Houlton of the ~ 4 14, planned by a group- of • Their j romance T into which she srev from> , . , , , , that Russian women wese nationalx-»_,>_ •'-•• ' , v , J ->.. i always accompanied by the usual ex- terests and also to avoid a contiCreightpix^djspensaTyviWho advocated I r i f i s a s . . -___ • :,_ -..••...... j c h u a h o o d ; . " L i * • -cr • j~eT Tip out of. whole cloth. Woman is more, recreation and supervised play : f*^ 1 -•*5™s*^-=gU« f o » f i J a n nental potash monopoly, Major Oetihighly regarded in Russia. She has as a psychiatric aid. Judge L." B. Day, " Mr.Lapidus remembSrellirweddingi'^ManFOmrhans'Ttt^^ ade ^ a t e diet-, .for children and an- eral Simon Lcvat, speaking for the judge of the Omaha juvenile court, day for many reasons. In the first! mony, which was conducted b y Rabbi: svrered equal suffrage." place, one naturally remembers one's i E. Fleishman. Amohjr the ' guests i I^stions from the audience. government replied that the conce.=urged co-operation of agencies workMlss Lil an Marriage Law Sensible. wedding day. In the second place,! were Mr. and Mrs. A. Wolf, Mr. and! ^ Margolin, case worker sion has been granted only in prining with children. Miss Lena E. Ward of the Rabbi Cohn declared the marriage there occurred on that day the heavii -Mrs. A. Levine, who were the groom's ] Je^-ish Welfare Federation, ciple, that nothing- had been signed descrbed ithe treatment of girls at and divorce laws of Russia,to be very est snow fall in the history of Omaha.'attendants, Miss Molly Wolf, now; discussed transportation problems as or sealed. Geneva. " ' ' sensible. Marriage by civil -ceremony The group which is seeking to obBetween six and seven feet of snow; Mrs. J. S. Slate of Des Moines, "who jt}iey "relate to the .relief of stranded "You cannot shut up a gill in an inIda Lustgarten is alone recognized, and divorce is covered the ground. Mr. Lapidus j ^-as flower girl, Mr. and Mrs. J. Adler,! persons. tain the concession rrrast, according stitution for two or three years and easily obtained at the behest of either Major, in,which-^therorchestral .parts. worked all day shoveling snow from I Mr. and Mrs. A. I. Kulakofsky, Mr. to the provisions, work independent1 remove every temptation comznoi to party. This law is not abused, ac- will be played on a second piano "by the walks in front of the bride's home; a n d Mrs. M. Kulakofsky, Mr. Joe Kzr ly of other syndicate? or companies life, and then expect her to go out and cording to Rabbi Cohn. and trying t i push a horse and wagon' o f California, Mr. Harry Kulakofsky,! Mr. CeciltBarrynia^i. The Palestine and Transjotdanian resist temptation," she said. "ThereFrances Wyatt VanGuridy,' soloist fore the life in.the institution must be through the drifts in order to bring; Mr. and Mrs. G. Eerg, Mr. Mike'Walg-overnment must share in the profit. The rabbi described the present Russian system as oriental in aspect for years at Temple Israel, is known as near the normal community life as extra chairs to the house for the wed-! lace, now of Chicago, Mr. and Mrs. A. The government is fully aware of the ding guests. . | Monsky, Mrs. Louis Moskowitz, nee and predicted that a "United States for her beautiful, rich and sympathetic it is possible to make it." strategic importance of the deposit, Mr. Lapidus was an employe of the, Tiby Gilbert, cousin cf Mr. Lapidas, J Not ail girls with ambitions to take but the value of the Dead sea potash of Asia will grow up about Russia, soprano voice. She will be accom-'. The crowd which attended Monday a United States of Europe about the panied by Mrs. Karl Robert Werndorff. evening's lecture left standing room street car company. That's why he i Mr. Katstes, Mr. and Mrs. Schwartz, i their entrance on the stage, are is not yet fully established. The govBesides the concerto, Miss Lnst- only for late comers. The next meet- took his wedding guests home in aj Louis Kulalrofaky, Jos Wolf and Sam| obliged to stand like the Little Match ernment is-watching- the political and League of Nations, and the three private street car. In these days there ' Wolf. Girl outside the manag-ers door for economic aspect of the matter, he garten will play a Chopin group, in- ing will be held Monday night in the were great unions, including the United no owl cars and no street cari I,lr. Lapidus'large place of business, months at a time. States of America, will be well on cluding the C Minor Nocturne, the E Center auditorium, where 200 more transportation was provided after mid- J the Omaha Fixture and Supply comMiss Betty Furth. 19,' daughter of declared. their way toward the social goal of "Minor waltz, and the Butterfly Etude. persons may be accommodated. night. Mr. Lapidus, evidentaily as' pany, stands on a spot where he used j Mr. and Mrs. Carl Furth, SS10 Davenhumanity, the promised land where In a group of modern compositions, gobd at getting what he wanted then 1 to go to school. While the Dodge j port street, went to Chicago this fall, there .will flow "the milk of plente- she will include "Staccato Caprice," as he is now, got the street car com- school, which stood where the present > on December 1 signed a contract with ous nourishment and the honey of by Cecil Barryman. Her final number pany to give him a car in which to police headquarters are, was being j the Harris-Ackerman circuit of legiti; will be Liszt's "La Campanella." content." take his guests home after the wed- torn down, rooms in a building at mate playhouses, and on December S, Mrs. Van Gundy will sing Handel's' took her entrance into the theater ding. In order to do this, they were 1 (Continued on Pcge 2.) Rabbi Cohn prefaced his talk with On December IS a drive will be invocation, "Radamisto," and a song Plans for the Junior Hadassah world, in "Larry Lehman in Greenwich a thorough history of the Revolution- from "Die Tote Stadt," besides two opened for the Penny Luncheon benefit bridge, to be given in the Village." ary movement in Russia and an groups of songs. Jewish Community Center Sunday. Miss Furth's contract is for a year, Fund of Hadassah, the Women's analysis of the present political sysThe program, was arranged for the^ December 11, at 2:30 p. m., have during which the play expects to tour t Zionist Orpanization of America. ' tern. .He does not believe in the Jewish Community Center by the been completed. the country after an extended run in | Money for this purpose has been represent dictatorship of' the proleta- Schmoller and Mueller Piano company.' Mis& Rose Fine, president, and her Chicago. She was graduated fromj ceived almost exclusively from chil* riet,"but a form of evolutionary soCentral high school in 1926, and at-j dren and it is particularly fitting committee are planning an affair cialism which will give justice to all. "The result of the thrift habit is which is expected to be one of the ,• — — — I tended Grace Hickox school of drama-1 that the cominp: holiday seusoti Rabbi Cohn.has been asked to re- not properly appreciated. I consider- most successful activities of the orLondon.—(J. T. A.)—The release of Dr. Morris Fishbein, editor of the tic art in Chicago last year. After. should again find a generous VPpeat his talk before the Omaha Wo- it to be the greatest element, in a ganization. Various forms of enter- Oscar Slater who served eighteen Journal cf the American Medical as- having received her training, she re- j sponse from the little ones. man's success."—Marshall's club on January 9. tainment, dainty refreshments and years of a life sentence for the murder sociation, will be the gnest of the turned to Omaha and opened a studio This year Hadassah hopes to raise beautiful bridge prizes have been of- Miss Marion Gikhnst, an aged, D o u g I a s County Medical association I in her home, which she maintained* at least ?l£,000 for this work. Colpromised. Tickets may be obtained Glasgow women, in December, 1908 is I & t a ] u n c h e o n * t o b , #xen i n h l s ] u n t i l s h e w e n t to Chicago in the fall.} lections are made among: the pupils; soon, according to an an- , ~ . -.nj.ii/-n i. i from any Junior Hadassah member expected of religious schools. Children give r . , . — , . . , „ . .honor December 19 at the Chamber or from Miss Florence Leurs, who is personally from their own little vr1 1i nouncement made in Paliament by Bir, in charge of ticket selling. penny-banks, while larger sums are John Gilmour, Secretary of State for| , frequently griven by parents in the s sak: Door "prizes have been donated by Scotland. • P name of a child or* its birthday, «n Swartz Jewelry Co., the Nebraska Slater's trial caused widespread in- At the dinner hour he will be etiMr. Charles I. Cooper of St. Louis, j the occasion of Bar Mitavah, or on Trunk and Bag company, and others. terest both in Great Britain and Amer- j tertained by Alpha Chi chapter of (1) Informs you of all matters of Jews and Juda-Mo., regional director of the United [ any joyous occasion. In this manner, ica. He was arrested in New York as j the Phi Delta Epsilon fraternity at • ism. . Palestine Funds Appeal, was in \not only is money for this imporhe stepped off the Lusitania. He; the Fontenelle. Thirty-two persons II • (2) Keeps you in touch with your temples and waived extradition and returned toj^rfu attend. Dr. Victor Levine will Omaha for several days this week to, tant vrork raised, hot at the safne .'.-: synagogues, your lodges and charities, and Glasgow voluntarily for trial. He w a s ; b e toastmaster. A number of medi- organize workers for the Zionist j time the children in America tire j work here. i brought into zeal and personal touch The Council "Bluffs Agudas Achim convicted largely on the evidence of, c a l journalists will be present. all other organizations, communal and A group of Zionist workers met | through the children of Palestine association will give their annual three "identifying" witnesses, one ajj social. , t with a movement ful' of the deepest at noon Wednesday to discuss the j of 15. dance next Tuesday evening,' Deeem- girl The Sacco-Vanzetti case in Massa- f£ebre\V C o n g r e g a t i o n s r| inspiration for them. (3) Tells you about all important news concerning work to be done for 1.92S. Announcej chusetts caused renewed interest in ber 13, at the Eagle Hall, at 23^ ment will be made soon of the comj Slater's case. The girl witness who Chanukah week will become identiJews and Jewish affairs in America' and North Main street. Council Bluffs^ now is a woman of 34, swore in an plete program for next year. fied in the minds of Jewish boys arid la. The committee are arranging to Europe. > " Local work in the interest of the >, girls with Penny Luncheons, for it have this dance the * most. successful affidavit recently that she had never (4) Presents to you articles and stories.unobtainis is during the celebration of this ever staged, and especially meant to identify Slater • positively, j Union of American Hebrew Congre- g e a j s J±±d JJ-J II affair "" is able in other publications. happy festival that Hadassah forurge all the younger set , of the but had been influenced by the prose- j gations has been highly successful, cutor. ' . 1 according to Rabbi Frederick Connmally opens its drive for the Penny Omaha and Council Bluffs Jewry to (5) Champions every good Jewish cause and-deSlater was convicted in 1909 and j The xjuota of Sl^OO has been raised,! ~~ ! Luncheons Fund. Mrs. A. Homm is ,make their plans now to attend this - - " fends Jewish rights throughout the world.. sentenced to be hanged, but public and it is probable that the sum will! B o x e s Jecorated with Christmas; chairman of the local committee. II dance next Tuesday. Music will b? opinion became so strongly - aroused j the §2,0C0 mark. Contributions I • S e a l s a r e b e i n ^ displayed in the win-j furnished by the famous Marias Im- over the case, with many doubting he! p a s s tfl] being received. o w s oof f Goldstein-Chapman's, Thomp-! ' ddows Goldstein-Chanman's. ThomnThe Jewish Press is Your Paper. It cannot do its are s CHANUKAH CONCERT. perial orchestra. Admission is SI I son-Belden and Company, Thomas | had been proved guilty, that his sentwork without you. It is wholly dependent upon your per couple. Everyone is invited to ence was commuted to life imprison- Eabbi Michael. Aaronson, traveling j" Kilpatrick and Company, and the ; A Chanukah concert; will be ,gii?en support. attend. } under the direction of Cantor ment two days before he was to be in lha interest of this work, stopped j Brandeis Store. in Omaha Wednesday on his way to ] Members of the Omaha Junior i Schwartzkir. at the - synagogtte, executed. Eighteenth and Chicago s ENTERTAINMENT PLANNED. Frequent attempts have been made Sioux City, where he will speak FriLeague decorated the boxes to showj |I p. m., Sunday, December "The Sunday School of Temple Is- to obtain Slater's release, but hereto- day evening. He was. accompanied how useful the 1927 penny health, seal j A selected symphony or rael will give a Chanukah entertain.- fore" they have been fruitless. Sir by his sister, 31iss Dora Aaronson. is for beautifying Christmas boxes. fl Ii ment in. the Temple at 2:30" p. ml on Arthur Conan Doyle wrote a book coii-j was national chaplain of the Dis- The Christmas Seal asks very little {assist the-singers The ppblic^s ini demning bis imprisonment. abled Veterans of the World"War. | of anyone, bwt it asks it of everyone, i vited and admission is ft December 18. Jerusalem.—(J. T. A.)—The Ninth of December, the anniversary of the conquest of Jerusalem by .Lord Allenby, celebrated in Palestine as Thanksgiving .day. v- In a proclamation, issued . by High Commissioner Lord Plumer, the day. was declared a public holiday.





Junior Hadassah Plans Big Affair



' ' Zionists to Organize I Work for 1928

The Jewish Press


Council Bluffs Plans Agudas Achim Dance

Juota Met Here



State's Health Work;

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although not seeking office for Himself,' and is probably one of the most widely known of Nebraiskaris in business, poli- Mth Htirti Hurtlut Stjs. HArney 1868 X Published e^very Thursday a t Omaha, Nebraska, by -u..i. OMAHA. NKBiiASRA tical and Jewish welfare^ circles. ; Soft pray, iron, tifiiss, •. tiroiwe and JEWISH CALENDAR — 5688-1927-28 -THE JEWISH PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY • The dinner to be given Wednesday aluminum" cnstincs Slumlord sizes (Continued from Page 1.) bronze nnrt iron bushiiiKs. Bewer manby a group of their close friends will Office: Brandeis Theater Building—Telephone: ATlantic 1450 tiok's. cisiern rinjrs nnd covers, and . 1927 JKANKTTE GL1GK GERSON. EDITOR. Eleventh und Douglas were rented and be followed bj a general reception in clean-Qiit dmirs in slock. 1st Day Hanukkah ....... .....Mondqy, peeember I£K school-was held there. i honor of l.Ir. and Mrs. Lapidus. j DAVID BLACKER, Business Manager. —Sunday, December 25 *Rosh Chodesh Tebeth Twenty-five years is not long in the' Members of the reception committee ' .$2.50 .. SHfageription Priest we. year w . W ! . w - , , , , - w ~ » » - - , r IN OMAHA history of ». country, but in the life of will be Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Alpirh, Mr. 1928 ; ; Advertising rates furnished on application a rajndly growing city such as Omaha, and Mrs. Sam Beber, Mr. and Mrs. Fast of Tebeth ; J . .Tuesday, January 3 it is a period when unbelievable Samuel Gerson, Mr. and Mrs. A. GoldCHANGE OF ADI)RESSrr-Please give both the old and new address; be - Rosh Chodesh Shebat Monday, January 23 250 Rooms—200 Baths changes may take place. When Mr. stein, Dr. and Mrs. A. Greenberg, Mr. stfre to give your name. *Rosh Chodesh Adar ,..-» Wednesday, February 22 Good Rooms for $1.50 and Mrs, Lapidus were married, the and Mrs. William Holzman, Mr. and The Jewish Press is supplied by the Jewish. Telegraphic agency Purim .-........._. ............Tuefday, March 6 Operated by Eppley Hotels Co. Jewish section centered about South Mrs. A. Kaiman, Mr. and Mrs. H. Katwith; cabled and telegraphic Jewish news, and feature articles from Rosh Chodesh Nissan __. ^..-Thursday, March 22 Thirteenth street. Dodge street be- sky. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Kulakofsky,, .aliirnportant Jewish ceijters. 1st Day Pessach ., „_„> J.— Thursday, April 5 tween Thirteenth and Twentieth, was Mr. and Mrs. Sam Leon, Mr. and Mrs.' 7th Day Pessach r _ . ^ Wednesday, April 11 a tremendously steep hill,, and the A. Levy, Mrs. Morris Levy, Mr. and ( JACK BRAMSON *Rosh Choclesh lyar „. I Saturday, April 21 ,-•-... A GRATEFUL GESTURE " Dodge street car went up by cable. Mrs. H. Maiashock, Mr. and Mrs. E. \ Lag b'Omer „......,.» „,,Tuesday, May 8 The Central high school had already Meyer, Mr. and Mrs. Morris Milder, ] Rosh Chodesh Sivan ~._. Sunday, May 20 BY HENRY AT. 8877 inherited the building at Twentieth Mr, and Mrs. Henry Monsky, Mr. and, 524 Paxton Block 1st Day Shabutch „ Friday, May 25 and Dodge, but there were dwellings Mrs. Joe Pepper, Mr. and Mrs. Leo;[ have my own shop—It will pay On Wednesday evening of next weeds' there is. $Q be heiii a >Rosh Chodesh Tatnmuz .._- Tuesday, June 19 where the Jewish Community Center j Rosenthal, Dr. and Mrs. Philip Sher,' you to call and get my prices. dinner and reception in honor of the Silver Wedding _ of Harry Fast of Tammuz .— Thursday. July 5 now stands. (Mr. and Mrs. Harry Sflverman, Mr. Lapidus and Mrs. Lapidus. This is significant. Wednesday. July 18 Rosh Chodesh Ah —....r... Mr. and Mrs. Lapidus have seen the and Mrs. Louis Sommer, Mr. and Mrs. Thursday, July 26. Fast of Ab _-, A grateful community desires to express in some little way city grow and helped it grow. Those. H. A. Wolf, Mr. and Mra. Joe Wolf, .. Friday, August 17 *Rosh Chodesh Ellul its profpupd appreciation of valuable service in its behalf, It is but early years were filled with struggle,'Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Yaffe, and Mr. hardship and long working hours, but, Harry B. Zimman. a feeble gesture in an, effort to show our esteem ^nd respect for Mr. Lapidus thinks that they eon-1 ——— —— a fellow citizen who has unselfishly and with unstinted zeaj, tha,$ tained more of the zest of life than is! Don't forget the big Dance in knew no limitations, geryed his fellowmen. But more important possible inthis metropolitan life. The -• Council Bluffs Tuesday, December 13, gogues claim the title and a Hongeven than ; this—this gesture manifests a healthy reaction on the kong court will be obliged to decide Jewish community numbered a poB- at Eagle's Hall. part of the community. sible two thousand, and everybody was between them. It is proof that the Jewish community of Omaha is interested neighborly. Each family, no matter "Knowledge without goodness ie poor it was, helped its neighbor dangerous; goodness without knowlin. matters of com.munal welfare. It is proof that bur Jewish ; • Needy Jewish scholars and writers A. P. Peutterer of the Los Angeles' ihow n t i m e o f need PATRONIZE citizenship possesses that civic interest and that fine spirit of help* will benefit by » fund of $50,000, Bible Institute, is climbing Mount! c l u b h a d b e e n - The Omaha Hebrew edge is useless." organized to protect the fulness wh.ieh has been primarily responsible; for the^splendidly which is Being created in the United | Nebo, Palestine, alone, to search for pedlers were , Jewish , . . who . organized Jewish community, of which w§ in Oni^ha are justly States and England in memory of the lost Ark of the Cqvenant. — - , the late Israel Zangwill. The Mar-was unable to find anyone who was \ a ^ a y s b e ^ b e a t e n . b ^ w w a TEA ROOM 49 and Dodge p r o u d . • •' •• ' • '•-;•••• • : _'••"'. ; ' : , . . ^ ' . „ ' , . - • ••; '". quis of Beading, Philip Guedalla and willing . to accompany him. "What- and to give the poor what help they CANDYLAND The many institutions that we have, religious^ philanthropic Sir Thomas Lipton are among the ever his success, this is a courageous could. The Young Men's Hebrew j Phone us about "VULCAN" a high Benevolent society, organised by grade Furnace Coal <t 1 1 A A 16th and Farnam a^g4uca.tional ? the efficiency which characterizes the work in Qur members of the advisory committee. thing. ; Harry Zimman, was doing its part in Pe? Tun „ V A * » w U CojcnicQvmiftr program, give indisputable testimony that we have chanty work. UNION FUEL CO. genuine, sincere, courageous and capable leadership and perhaps "If we are to exclude Jews, we will In last week's New Republic, Rob- Mr. Lapidus was a member of these 2Q9 So. 18th Street—JAckson 0268 LET THE ert Morss Lovett reviewed a new no one exemplifies these qualities of leadership to any greater ex- only strengthen our enemies," ex- life of Theodore Herzl by Jacob | organizations and helped them devetop de claimed TI Duce, Mussolini, in answer tent than the man to whom this tribute is to be paid. """' ' to Herzl Uterally wore h i m s c l f | their work until charity work became statements of the German, press Haas. "QUALITY JEWELERS" ?ueh; functions demonstrate that we are not indifferent-to linking fascism with anti-semitism. out for his people, is Lovetfs com- f g K a ^ . u " d e . r * e Fedemti on. As DO YOUR • fc» Mult his business he also built hlraworki;/labor; and sacrifice of this kind. Nor has the sacrifice be^n Mussolini then charged German ment, and when he died, the ItfA^ASHOCK JEWELRY the community life, having | wholly qn the part of Harry Lapidus. Without the symBaihetic anti-semites with cloaking their ac- ised land was hardly in sight; its j giveninto Family Washing Wholesale and Retail Jewelers himself for many years to the ^ qoiop^ation of j#rs. Lapidus, his usefulness would' necessarily tivities in a black shirt, and t?arhs] attainment followed from the course work of the Jewish Community Center 213-16 City National Bank HArney 7545 . MArkct 3700 of which he is now president. He has have been mare limited, and Mrs. Lapidus should shareln the glory them that it cannot be done be-' of action which he mapped out. Bldg JA. 5619 MAX KAPLAN cause'"fascism and anti-semitism are i **' '"• also taken an active interest in politics, of his achievements. "diametrically opposed to eadi Vienna (J. T. A,)—An end to the | Though weighted with private responsibilities of no little im- other;" anti-Semitic student riots in the^ pqrtance, Harry Lapidus has always found time to discharge wha^ universities was in. view! to. him is the m.ost sacred and most important responsibility-^- The chief Tabbio^-^'an^iers em-' ^Hungarian , according tg a report received; cqje'sconmiunal obligations. His activities, his career, his unsel- phatically 'de^^'^^t'^Je^s^.pt Budapest. cityi of Tetuan left; the synagogue The Budapest message states that • » fish':"$&*• have inspired emulation. We have been ennobled by his Announces the Tlie winter months are here. Be good to your example. The community has been eiriched by his service. It! on. Yom Kippur- to participate in} the Hungarian government has assur- if Removal of His .reception of King Alfonso. '.The 4d the Juedische Landeskanalei that j I automobile and it will be good to you. may well be said of him, as has been said of another o\jtsta.ndin,g thei v co,mmuni^''ren'd^^tpt°.'..Cars4r his). it fully guArantees the personal safety j ! U. S. Oils and Gasoline will meet your winter needs. leader inf Jewry, <fWork as he has worked, until by yQiir deeds we due by sending a letter of welcome\ o f Jewish students in all Hungarian;! sJtajl ki\ow you.'' ^ , -_i. r to the/king otfrtfee' fey before Yam universities and colleges, beginning j i To ROOM 5, Kippur. Thus Both, ; t h e JLord t«id r Thursday, November 3. '" T Alfons.0 receiyed tiie. things that were AT. 8162 18th and Farnam .tjieirs./;^".C f: .?->/•;•' : ^; MORRIS MDLDER, President

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Jtabor, of women and children , in the country districts of Palestine will I S David George Plotkin'-: is a young The cause of presenting ;grknd be regulatedj\by ordinance, according ' Jewish poet: who is seed in his opera in English, which, has recently; to a statement made recently in:the w 1 volutnn, Ghetto Gutters,' in a> va-been espoused in T5maha, was. served House of Commons. It will probably riety of moods, Bubljnje>-poetic, re* by the presentation of-a-grand opera 1 be the first time that many of these bellibus, sometimes, pouring out frusr program in the Community Playwomen and .. children, coming from feiraltioh' in a" turgid stream, somehouse Tuesday evening. It was-procountries where the standard pf-livrj tifnes laughirig lightly,.as if all the duced by the Society of Grand Opera ing is law, will have been prevented j world-Were a Restoration ballad. in English, under' the direction of by la^r from working themselves into \ | | Madame Moeller-Herms, assisted by Here are two moods:•''• premature old age. Mrs. J£arl Robert Werndorn! and the A J J A N l&WHAT ]JJE DREAMS. West Sisters' String quartet. Foreign-born mothers opfened their, A,:nian is what he dreams Mme. Moeller-Herms deserves great hearts and told of*their dreams"and : Aid ;f-have dreamt wojlds of beauty credit fpr: the courage she possesses aspirations for their children in7 es^Xand glory: • • and the faith she shows in under- says submitted recently for the Fifth I s t a n d upon the summits of Life taking such a formidable task, but; Annual Essay contest conducted by; Where the winds of eternity blow; daring spuls mu,st always blaze the the department of immigrant aid and; infinity beats in my Heart, trail. This was her third presentaAiid with, hands scooping up dawns tion and the increased support which immigrant education of the National! Cmincil: of Jewish. Women. One clas-| I gesture with, the Universe. . . . she is winning should be encouraging. Eification admitted only the essays. A TROLLEY CAR TO HEAVEN Scenes from "Mignon," "The of women who were illiterate before'; Therd.awn of love in Mary's eyes Magic Flute," and <fAida" were pre r enrolling in the New York Council | Restores my spirit riven: sented. In the Mignon. numbers, educational classes. The prize win^j She is the rapture of my skies— Bertha Greenhouse, Lebrarid Wy- nii|g essay in this ; group was on, And all my singing heaven! koff and Henry Fleming sang: solos, t'^hat DQ0K"Cfiil4ren Gain Througjh! ; and duets and closed with'''an effec- k y Co-Operati6r{ "With Theirj TeacB-1 I dream of Tier, asleep, awake, tive trio number. Mr. Francis LepAnd every night at seven, gert's work showed-a'.beautiful voice I rush into the street and take of much promise. An Egyptian dance A Jewish-woman in Hongkong left ! A trolley car to heaven. by Mary Gibson added to the charm $450,C00 for the "Great Synagogue". of th_e "Aida" scene. of Jerusalem. Two Holy City syna-1 The story of the operas was told < OB, WEJZMANN ON TOUR. London.—(J. Tv A.)—Dr. Chaim by Miss Mildred Mahan. The accom- J Weizpiatm left today for ther Conti- poniments of the West Sisters and nent. He -will visjt Germany and Rou- Mrs. Werndorf contributed notably mania, returning to,London in Decem-r to the success of the evening. —KARL E. TUNBERG. ber. NEUMANN PAINTINGS BOUGHT. Cracow.—(J. T. A.)—Four paintlng% by a Jewish artist were purchased by^the Polish National Museum here "w 3Jh'e paintings are by Abraham Nou5 mann.

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of Miss Sylvia . Claudex. Miss Betty. r* Goldberg was hostess at the p^vious-1 T meeting-held in her home." Prizes a t ' ? fridge were-won by Miss Gladys Bern-ji stein and Miss Jeannette- Weinctein. \A

8, 1927

"Eternal Magdelene" Has Tense Moments

K I T C H E N C H A T S ?!Qne teaspoon butter,

! pour in a baked pie shell, cover *rith I j meringue, the whites of two .eggs Mrs. David M; Newman. Boyd Irwin and Dora Clemant will ?! beaten stiff, with a pinch of ba3dng| be seen in the' leading roles of "The Fie. j powder and two tablespoons sugar. Sternal Magdelene," a drama with The _ Ko-Zses held a theater. party - . - .at' . This recipe won a $5 -nrize in a Brown at 350 degrees. an intense plot interest to be shown B m the Brandeis theater u^day. After!j cc oo nn t ee ss ti ccondu * M Chicago! on^cted by the this week at the Brandeis theater. the theater they ^ere entertained at Record-Herald, The locale is a good-sized Ameridinner by Miss Fan Cohck. The eve-j Leraon Fluff Pie, can city and the events narrated have nine; was spent in dancing, bridge and J to 6o with' the coming of a great Pour eggs, 3 tablespoons of cold fortune telling. evangelist, the stamping out of the water, one-fourth teaspoon salt, one A young matron's cooking class was The rummage sale will be given by cup sugar, 2 tablespoons of flour, 'started at the Jewish Community Cen- tenderloin district and its ultimate effects. Elijh Bradshaw, wealthy, --„.. .- Mrs. Dave Finlcel entertained twenty guests at a Brandeis the educational department of the ° D e a n d i t e * Thursday, December 8, under the Omaha Woman's club at 9 a. m. Fri- a half tablespoons butter. instruction of Mrs. Blanche Minteer, bigot, hires an evangelist in moveSaturday afternoon in honor of Miss Anne Finkel, day, at 1512 Barney street. Beat yolks -until light, add One- who has been conducting the cooking ment for cleaning up the tenderloin a December bride. The matinee was followed by a half cup of sugar, flour and mix, classes at the Center. The plan, which district. As he sits in his library in tea a t the Omaha Athletic club. . The Deborah society will meat Then add salt, butter, lemon rind iis a departure from the ordinary the evening when the district Is to Tuesday, December 13, at 2:Sp p. m. and Juice, water and cook in » double method, is to have the wives meet at be dosed forever a woman of the streets comes to him far employment. - Mr. and Mrs. Harry SosMn announce the engagement of their in the Jewish Community Center. baiter..until thick. Then add the 5 o'clock,-discuss the menus, other half cup sugar tp two stiffly the*food, and have the table eet and He discovers she is his daughter by daughter, Eose, to Mr. Abe Mallin, son of Mrs. Anna Mallin of There will be election of .'officers. and add to cooked mix- ready by 6:80, when the husbands will a woman he deserted many years Kansas City. No definite date has been set for the wedding, which Miss Gertrude White left WetJnes- beaten whites ago, and he gives her employment. P I a c e Q, e w b o l e & a i _ witt probably take place in June. . . day for Minneapolis, where she! will;; p i e Eh? - IL Beat the other twp egg The course will include th« study of Events follow fast. Bradshaw expeV' ff riences many misfortunes and - die , Mrs. -Soskin entertained twenty-four guests at dinner Sunday spend spend several several weeks weeks as as the the house house jj ^ s t - f f i aad Vpinch, of baking kodier coddng, nutrition, table nameless woman who has found her ^'eranag- in honor of her daughter. Among those present were party plannrng powder) t w o tabiespoonB of sug Miss White also attend the way isto his home exerts an influr o n s desiring to join the ^ M8t " r|£rs. J. Queinstock and Miss Lee Mallin of Kansas City. A dinner Stern wedding on Thursday, Decem-[ E m ; e a d OJ1 t o p o f ^ p i e d o M fcy. ence that is all-powerful. and far• fo£ ten. guests was given Monday evening by Mrs. George Colton her 8. g social y ghonorin Mrs. William Alberts." The"tiiglstxtt- reaching and be is brought to the Cottage Cheese Torte. "jn'&dnGr of of Miss Soskin A number of other affairs Miss Soskin. A number of other social affairs honoring A surprise birthday party in honor i One package zwieback, grated, tion is limited. The course consists of realization that justice should be eight lessons, and class is held weekly. tempered with mercy. Jier have been planned. < of Miss Ethel Eahn was given by Miss one-fourth cup melted butter, 1 cup at her home Saturday eve- flour, 2 ablespoons sugar, 1 teaspoon Mr. and Mrs. H. Marcus announce the engagement of'their E..Fisher Come to the Jtgudas Achim Dance ning. The gueste were Leo Freed, Bill cinnamon, 4 eggs, 2 pounds cottage at Ceuncil Bluffs Tuegday Nite, De(laughter, Esther, to Mr.-Max Rosen, son of Mr, and Mrs, M. Rosen, Pearl man, Moe Yanger, Br. Levitt, creese, one-half pint cream, 1 isacember 13, at Eagle's HalL q£ St. Joseph, Mo. The wedding will take place in February. Max .Cohen, Sam. Feier, Earry Robin- spoon' vanilla. " • f or . • < Reducing" were disson, Ehilip Handler, Sue Corenman, Mix grated zwietack with sugar, Rose. Fiedler, Gertrude Perlis, Ease cinnamon, melted butter. Line 3. cussed by Hi. Victor Levine of ' Mr. and Mrs, I. Corenman announce .the engagement of their Cohen, Let the Minette Ziegman, Margaret spring fonh or other'moldl01*1*11*011 Medical school before the daughter, Mollie, to Mr. Louis Katz of New York City.' No date Schonbrunn morning Matron's Gymnasium class and.Ethel Kahn. with this mixture, leaving 'one cap has been set for the wedding. at-4&e Jewish Community Center for the top. Beat eggs light' Mrs, Lester Heiger and. her daughadd the remaining cup of zwiebacif .,.MTS_. Geprge Cplton entertained Be Your Baker ter, Miriam Maita, of Sjppx City, are and sugar, add cheese, cream and Dr. Levine told his hearers that seven tables bf bridge Wednesday aftQUAKER BAKING CO. visiting Mrs. Heiger's parents, Mr. and flavoring. Pour into - mold. Put the body needs proteins, earbphy ernoon in honor of Miss Fanny Wolf, SUNDAY— Mrs. B. Grossman, Lincoln boulevard. drates, calcium, fat, vitamines, mincrumbs on top. Bake in a moderate ».J3Eairaary A prize was Omaha Hebrew club, in the Jewg|ven to each table. Several Boda1 afoven 325 degrees for 45 minutes. erals and other elements, and that The Pioneer Women wall hold-a litthe reducing diet should eliminate fairs will be given in Miss Wolfs ish Community Center. When in need of Floradora Pie. erary meeting at 8.p. m. Friday, Denone of them, but supply them all h^nor in the near future. Junior Hadassah card party, in Printing call on^— One cup . sugar, one-€hird cup in smaller quantities. cember 9, at & p. m. in the Labor Ly•JLmong those present-TOre; Mes- the Jewish Community Center. one-fourth teaspoon salt, 2 ceum. Dr. A. S. Rubnitz will speak i flour, He also pointed out that food fuel dames Tillie Sherman, Morris Wolfe, egg yolks, three-fourth of a cup jHUst be burned by t i e body on "The .Middle Age of Women." •Sara - Finkelstein, Michael. . Colton, MONDAY^of orange juice, 4 tablespoons of the expenditure of energy. He v Harry Soskin, Isadore Soskin, Zalmou' Social Service Course, in the mission is free. lemon juice, 1 cup grated pineapple, speak to the class again soon. Soskin, Harry Delrough, Max Re sen- Jewish Community Center, 1 teaspoon grated rind of orange. The Ladies' Labor Lyceum dub will stein, Morris Adler, Harron Wolfe, Workmen's Loan association, in "21 Years of Loyal Service" Mix sugar, flour and salt, add give a Bussia tea in the-Labor LySMITH AUTO COMPANY Abner Minkin, Meyer Giventer, Dave the Jewish Community Center. ceum Sunday, December 4.1. The pro- juices an6T~ pineapple, cook in double 1102 No. 18th St. — WE. 1987 118 So. 17th Street ,QfouTis.e, Abe BrooksteiB, Sam Nitz, Bikur , Cholim society, in the gram, will be-presefited'by,Russians in boiler and ' stir" until ~ tjuck and Joseph Goldberg, Jake Hahn, "Meyer 1926 Chevrolet Coupe _—_$335 Sebinson, Jacob Cohen, Abe Singer, synagogue, Twenty-fifth/ ^and"- Se^r costume.*Tea ^Till be served By, women creamy, 'fitir in the beaten yolks 1986 Ford Touring Star Sedan _ ^ — : in the native dress. The public is in- and orange rind and cook one minute Samuel'Brown; George Colton, Sam ward. . Fish, Ben Kuchner, Tom Shea, Rev- TUESDAY— viteq\ erend Kahanqwatch, Phillip Zalla,The young couple will make their Concert, in the Jewish Com' tuchen. .... ;. future home in Chicago. munity Center. . BRING YOUR FRIENDS TO THE Mrs."Ifathjpi- Mantel, retiring presir Temple Israel Sisterhood book Mrs. W. Wold of Minneapolis, dent of the Women's /Welfare organ- review, in-the Temple vestryI' \i Minn-, who, tia§ teen visiting her ization, made honorary president, a t ^jDeborah society," in ' t h e Jewisfi elections-Tuesday, Community Center. • Tbe':Oauncil Bluffs Agudas Aching •• • by the board of directors assoeiatim have completed their l e f t S u n d a y former home. WEDNESDAY— ' ' afr-a lunoheon given at the plans for -their annual dance which : *--: " stone hotel Monday^. Mrs. Mantel Modern Woodmen of the "World, v.Tli be given at the Eagle's hall | JJr. and Mrs. Sam ^KJSS entertainhas served foar- -years- as president. in the Jewish Community Center. next Tuesday evening-,- December 13. ed the members or^t-he 13eal bridge 3Jhe committee have arranged to clut> at their home last -wreck. . : Mr. and Mrs. Jack FJedschman an- THURSDAY— fids' dance the , biggest affair* B'nai B'rith, in the Jewish Com- j ever held, and trust that everyone j . Mr. John Baird Quigley of Kansas nounce the birth of a son Monday, De? : 'certjber 5, at Methpdist hospital. munity Center. ' will turn urn out for an enjoyable even-. even. City, y, Mo., joined here over the weelr ing. They have engaged the Mar^s end Mrs. Quigley and young daugliAT THE hug$Jrt and Mrs. Harry Braviroff an| Imperial orchestra to furnish -the' ter, Cecile, who have been visiting nounce the birth ef a.gpn gatjird,ay, Admission iiss ' Mrs. Quigley's parents, parents Mr, and Mrs. Mr. J. T. Cohn will leave Saturday music for for dancing. danamr. Admission Mrs. Quielev's December ?, at the Omaha Maternity for a month's xeHt in California. one aollar per couple. The public is M. L. Marks, for the past'two weeks, hospital, v invited to attend. ' [The Quigleys returned home Sunday -——=• i evening. . Omaha Chapter of Hadassah •will The" Pi pelta Siema, Bqcia.1 fraterr The seven virtues of the A. Z. A.' ' have its annual linen shower early i nity at Creighton University, pledged Mrs. George Krasne entertained exemplified at the six new men last Friday evening at m January. The committee is work- J y filnffs ^ ^ ^ observ-'the members of her afternoon mahthe -Foijtenelle hotel. The pledgees ing to obtain a prominent -woman; rf N a t i o n a l A > Z # A . D a y ? D e c J Jong club at her home Tuesday after•were Morris Alperin, Sam Greenberg, speaker for the occasion. Admissidn $1.00 per couple. — Everybody Welcome 5 18." The local program, which is but, noon Justin'Levey, AI Shrier, Isadore Sione of the seventy such" affairs which' [ mons and'Henry Sterling. A ba?ar win be held Sunday, Janu- ^ the Uniten ^iiUIIlIlHIIlltlllllllllUlllIIlllUIIlllIIIlIllllIlllllllIIIIlinilllllllllllllllllilllflillUIIIIlllr throughout the United bbe e hheld e l d throughout Simons, vrho resides in Sioux City, ary 15, HI the Labor Lyceum, for the *a&;~on that day, will was the only out-of-tawn fellow adr benefit of the Jewish coWafaon work j sbt ae t e g snAn t eCs d a t t h e Danisll haU Tnitted. Following the pledging cere- m K u s s i ^ J t w m b p p v e n w d e r t h e j on ] Sunday .muny, the fraternity staged a. theater auspices of the Tear of Omaha. The main address will be given fcy! party at. the Qrp^eum. Last year the. Pi Pelts ranked.sec-. The Bikur Choliin society^.will -meet Eobert Lappen, president of District p 22nd ;and Nicholas on4 -among the Creighton fraternities Monday, December 13, at the syna- &cand Lodge No. 6, LO.B.B. In Sj npmber . of, .^hort, snappy, 4 schqlastically, besides boasting of sevr gogue, Twenty-fifth -and Sew^ro* i n t e r e s ting numbers have been era! men as leaders qf their respective streets, at 2 p. m. The society has classes. Its members can be found in recently been organized to visit the arranged. ; If You Want GOOD QUALITY practically every phase of activity in Mr. and Mrs. Herman Meyerson of ^j -the university. S. FELLMAN Council Bluffs, and Mr. and Mrs. A. J ' ^The fraternity is planning a formal Plans for the tag day of the Jewish Perimeter of Omaha returned home affair for New Year's eve and a forNational Fundi tQ be held- en Mac- Tuesday 'from week's visit in CniThis Christmas, determine early that ytror gifts will be "mal pledge dance about a month later. cabean Day, December 18, have been cago, Illinois. They attended the sensible ones. Make tip your mind to pool the family made by a committee of whiph Mrs. I.i man-iage of Mrs. Perimeter's son, funds and bay the A * gift that brings equal joy to The performance of three one-act Kulakofsky is chairman. This will be| Aaron Richards, formerly of Omaha,! | family—*n OETHOPHONIC every member bf plays" by. little Theater group of •I;. the fourteenth annual tag day for the1" — ' * p•"o r m a n Of' Chicago,} 'Tl--" ' '•' VlCTROLA." the Jewish Community Center has fund and will supply contributions for which took place Sunday- evening, j been postponed from the announced the purchasing of land in Palestine. December 4, at the Compland hotel. I date, December 10, until later in the Mrs. Kulakofsky. needs more volunmonth. _ teers for* tnis wok and asks workers Rabbi Frederick Cohn addressed the! to report to her, or to the Jewish literary section of the Omaha Wo- Community Csnter on December 18. WEEK OF DEC. Htb— We carry a •wide range of models—* man'3 club on Count Herman Keyserevery one from the least expensive Thirty-five friends of Mr. and Mrs. 31ie ClsmaBt-Walsli Players ling's book, "The World in the Makto the most elaborate, having the ing,'1- Tuesday afternoon til the club's A. Swartzkin, 414 North Twenty-sixth \ Gen/uine Victor Orthophonic reproWe Use Mazola Oil The iiost Dramatic t»I rooms. His book review for the Tem- street, entertained with a surprise ducing principie^—differing in cabinets »nd finish only. They are priced Tiie ple Israel Sisterhood next Tuesday party for them Sunday evening in from •will be on Olive Shreiner's "From Man celebration of their twentieth wedding anniversary. to Man." By R. H. McXACGHLDf In Temple Israel, lie will speak on WaL-6012 The "Odd One" club, a got-tpgether GRIPPING SITUATIONS "The-^Tew The^Te Ford" on Friday evening. INTENSE CLIMAXES and on Saturday morning, on the sub- organization of young women,- will meet Wednesday evening at the home, ject "Victorious." by


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Extracts from a Series on the Growing Jewish Homeland

- ,.

•' There recently appeared a series of six articles in The New York Evening- World, in which the economic and social status of Jews in Palestine was surveyed. The articles were written by a staff correspondent of -the New York Evening World, one of the leading papers in the United States. These excerpts are typical %rtfhe*spirit and comprehension which marks the series;—THE EDITOR. \ .

team is represented by Bishop, Bernstein, Chaikin, Siegel and Gerelick. The A. 2, A. team was defeated by six membersof the noon class.



The' J. C. C. girls' volley ball team played its first practice" game of the season with the Y. W.'c. A. last Wednesday evening. Games were refereed by Miss .lobby. The team will practice <eyer>_ Tuesday evenh.g from 7 to 7:30. " Gym class will d a r t promptly a t 7:30 and - j n ^ i A at r&lS*; . ST - ^ f "

Fronm Vienna comes this advance] note in how milady will arrange her hair within the next year, that is after it has grown long enough tc dispense with the use of switches and air orna-j ments now being used to disguics the bob. "Paris is no longer the style center for hair creations," Mr. Salontay says. "Viennese artists have far surpassed the French in artistic creations, "and are now considered the master artists."

Quality Printing Get Our Prices and Save Your Money

SUN PRINTING COMPANY AT. 3832—504 So. 13th St.

Within the.last few weeks there accomplished any more than mak-1 were afraid that a Jewish state appeared in the New York Evening ing human beings out of these for-1. would be set up some day and that J Jews would PalesWorld a series of six articles on mer ghetto dwellers, it has not been the ^~ T - t J overcrowd "-'— Letting the hair grow does not mean, however, that the women of' tine, whfichj;-they said,'.'is- a poorpresent conditions in Palestine. These in vain." either Europe or the United States will! articles are in no way written from • Particularly remarkable is the country incapable of supporting larg~e AH girls interested -xri 'basketball, ever let if grow like they did before! a-Zionist or even Jewish. point of view of what the ordinary news- numbers of-population. ' "; please^ meet* MKS Greenb^rg -Sn the the vogue of the bob, he believes.! vitw. The author, apparently well- paper writer would refer to as "the "The Arab peasants with whom I Long hair now means hair that is six versed in the political situation of Arab-Jewish question.". And there spoke are not concerned about gym Saturday evening,>lieV:efi*ber 10, at 6:30. A city basketball league is to inches in length, just long enough to the "Near East, describes in - clear he finds that the question does not minority rights of population or in Play the Violin Correctly be formed, and we want the girls to arrange in a formal head dress, and and simple style the Jewish, Chris-jj require any answer,- for it answers fact with any political doctrine. They by Individual InntrnrHon be represented. Girls will practice on not long enough to be inconvenient. Prof. Sev»>lck find othrr. world — no—tit i a n a n d Arabic Palestine he saw tian.and saw. itself itself. want to live and eat, lie in the ed teachers recommend my method vets Waving, both marcel and finger, will highly. Sunday afternoons from 2:30 to 3:30. He'4s fascinated by the romantic re-j "When the first Jewish settlers and dream in their mosques. The be popular during the season, and hair FRANK MACH birth-of the Jewish nation, forced arrived, the Arab masses were in- only animosity between Jew and ornaments will again find favor. All you would-be fishes! A swimCorrwt t'loJinfst and Instructor upon: him by the facts as he observed flamed against the newcomers. They Arab was encountered in Jerusalem J&. Parsian hair-dressers are now dis- Studio m>4 No. 16th St. were >told the Jews had come to rob where it was :.chiefly a- political ming club 4sv to be-formed among the them. members? df' the %/Jc. C , and meets guising the bob by curling front ends The correspondent of the Evening them of: their land. Absent land- theory that occupied the Arab press; are being arranged with inter and in a coxcomb effect, creating a Email World has '..the following to; say of lords, who held the Arab worker.; "An Arab farmer, who had in- intra-city teams. All those interested flat curl at the sides of the head and contact with the Chalutzim: in an abject and miserable state of stalled a modern dairy nv the--nojrtli get in'touch with the swimming coach. at the back, while these same hair' " I saw my first Chalutzim just semi-slavery, saw that the jig was from the receipts of ^extraordinary Frank S=lontay. dressers are setting the style for the north of Afule. . The sun was al- up, so to speak, when the Jewi'b sums for a strip of land, said that Archie Chesneau and SeveUa Peters i v T h e death-knell of the bob has been young- girl with fong hair zs extremely ready sinking rapidly-beyond Carmd ( colonies started to hire Arab labor he would go on his bended knee to are leading the men's and women's di- sounded. European hair-dressers have simple'as possible. The Grecian effect REFRIGERATION and they were busy storing oats in a and pay the man a decent wage. Ft ask the Jewish colonies to stay if visions in *he J. C. C. "New York-to-j d e c r e e d 'lt " o u t - " T h i s i s t h e w o r d barn. Some of the "boys' hardly was the end of feudalism. They ever they should decide to leave. 'I Paris" swim, started last week in our' **-* F r a n k Salontay, operating the is preferred, he says, showing a sof>j j Product of General Motors effect about the face, the hair done in seemed capable of lifting the heavy sent their propagandists about, and sell them' my dairy products and. my ' Cesneau ^has h t Goldstein-Chapman, GldtiCh shop at a low knot at the nape of the neck. pool. -'Chesneau" has coveredt 166 pool JOE PEPPER sacks, so frail they • seemed. They for a time Jew and Arab faced each garden produce. My sons are studylengths of the pool,1 while Ted Turner briaSs back to the United States after bent double under the load, and no-j other as bitter enemies. . a 1 0 wedt>a tour o f E uEr u r »Pe during ing at the Jewish Technicum in Hai- and Willie behind.. Wfflie Sokolof are close behind! »Pe during body spoke a word.-"It is so no longer. After all, the fa. I have built a house since th«*y Others entered are Harry Kohn, Sam' y rhich . h , e ten countries, observ"No eight-hour day jiere?" I asked^ Arab is an intelligent;fellow. In the came. Before," under the Turks, I White, A. Graetz and Herman Faief. ing styles and fashions of the latest g ; the: truck driver. (course of history he has given evi- was- a. • miserable peasant, - without Rebecca Kirschenbaum, who is second, mode in coiffures. "We don't count the hours hers; dence of remarkable genius. Our hope .for the future,' he told me." has 108 lengths to her credit and Pear.1 What bobs that are left" in Europe, J. C. Van Avery, well-known local this.; is; Palestine," came the reply, own civilization is largely based upon Marcus is third with 104 lengths. and these are in the small minority, sportsman, has a unique toy store at j "Well, you're working overtime Arabic culture. When he saw thiit Others in the swim are Eunice Rosen- are most decidedly feminine, in line 1512 Howard street, where he han- j then." 'his babies did not die any longer; stein, Selma Levin and Sarah Marcus. with the newer ideasvof hair dressing. dies a complete line *f toys and 'IWe don't receive wages. This that Jewish doctors cured his terrible According to Mr. Salontay, history is sporting goods. whole colony is ours and all the land e y e disease, that malaria ceased as H..Segleman, present.J._C. C. hand- repeating itself, and the more feminPeafher mattresses made from your By Marcus Krasng - v own feathers. Cool in Summer—Warm Toys of every description, novel, around. Work is the only thing that by magic, following the draining of ball cnamp/ defeated^ LV'Mendelson in ine the hair dress the more modish the If you're for the J . C. C. 100 per in Winter. Cost less ttnn felt beds. counts," he continued. "When a new the swamps by the Jewish pioneers, cent, you'll read this article, and take three hard-fought games played last (individual. In contrast to the recent interesting and educational, are dis-- Cotton Mnttresses made over in new man .comes he doesn't ask what we b e wondered if his enmity against heed! All that we ask you to do is week at the center. .In the first game trend toward masculine hairdress, the played. Sporting goods for the out- ticks nl half the price of nevr ones. JA. 2467 can do for him, but what, he can the Jews were not misplaced, afid in- this: Each: and every Saturday eve- Segleman was defeated by a score of (fashion of the hour promises to see a [door man or athlete can be had at 1907 Ctiming St. 18-21, but the next two games Herman' return of the fashion of a decade ago,] Van Avery's. His knowledge of the do for Palestine." stead of an enemy he came to rec- ning in the J. C. C. gym, the J. C. C. basketball team meets one of the best found his stride and defeated Mendel-i Bringing with it the use of curls, puffs various sports will prove to the ad"Have you been here a long time?" ognize a friend. . . I vantage of his patrons. "Thirty months, but I am moving "A delegation consisting of thebasketball teams in the city of Omaha. son, 21-6 and .21-12.., Segleman plays and switches. along. - My time is up. I. go to aArab mayor of Jerusalem, RagebjWe are asking that-you get back of Levey next, week focJthe championship \1 " ' . . ' new.colony next weak that is being Bsy, Djemal Kussoini, the young the boys, and show them the real J . o f t h e j . d e . started in Galilee up there." He ( ieacter of Arabian nationalism, Omar C. C. spirit. "Manufactured in Omaha" motioned-in the direction of Naza- e j Bargouty, Tinfik el Tamini and The team played its first game of BAKER ICE MACHINE CO. reth-. "Things are moving all right l I l G Arab newspaper editors visited the season-last Saturday against the M. SO M I T hsre now, but experienced workers strong Hamilton Street Tire Shop and ! in my room at the. Allenby hotel WE. 3527 2429 Decatur Street am. needed in the new settlement." to explain the Arab' indications are that we'll have a real "A three- rlay salespWnvention of the "The sacks of oats were stored .p o 5 n t of view, on the Jewish team worthy of the name "Jewish 1 ,'We call the attention of all who are interested in buying any Baker" Ice Machine^* company, Inc:, away, and. some of the men gathered tion. . .. •• ... •-...'• ; '-• "'-~ Community Center." The team is-repreligious articles that we handle everything the very best and we of this city, opens tocfay "at the' Rome around. Bronzed faces, lithe figures, - "Thsre was nothing"-fariatTcally ffi resented by Iz Schriebman, captain; hotel. Agents and branch managers sell it at very reasonable prices. Besides the regular stock of Talesim, fcirdy; peasants, you might say, only rodousirt their attitude to the Jews, Altschuler, . Rosenblatt, Liebowitz. are present from tBe following cities: silk and wool, Tfeelin, mezuzos, prayer books and Bibles with English BUTTER and EGGS they-did, not talk like peasants, but They admitted that the country has Stoller, Katzman, Bloom, GoldbergTi Seattle, Los Angeles, Oakland. Minand Jewish .translation. We are going to have Chanuka lamps, copper " ': " . rather like university professors. benefited immensely, but that they Chesneau and Lohrman^ and silver plated and pure silver ones, also Chanuka candles. Council Bluffs, Iowa Kansas City, Saturday, December 10, the J. C. C. neapolis, Des Moines, ' • \ - - • - . . , . :'. E : "Is there any news in the world?" Fort Worth, Little Rock, Chicago, team will meet the Benson Christian^ one fellow asked. "Has anybody and' the J. C. C. girls will play the Oklahoma City; OrMdo and Philastarted a, new war, perhaps?" Benson girls in the preliminaryi First delphia. The' visiting agents fcnd ."But .don't you read the papers game will start at 7:15, and admission branch nianagerg ifeport excellent will be 25 cents. All money taken in prospects^ for the coming year. The "Occasionally we do. But what 's DELICATESSEN FRIEDS at the games will be used to send our meeting will end with' a banquet at tha use.? We have our land here. Three thrilling contests featured the team to Kansas City and St. Louis. the Fontenelle hotel Thursday eve* COMPLETE LINE OF That is : enough, occupation. You'd opening of the J. C. C. Commercial Let's get in back of the team, and ning, DecemtJer-8.-i°" . Delicatessen, Smoked Meats and Fish be surprised to find how many prob- Basketball League, the A. Z. A. quint- show Omaha what the J. C. C. can do , •• . - ^__j H vi.,, — 1509 North ?4tl> lems bcb up hero. We leave the et upseting the dops bucket by run- in the sporting world. - ' ' ff G. B. S, theorizing to others, and try to solve ning awav with the. highly-touted There is a well-known story of the practical, problems. We are glad to Gross Lumbers, last year runner-ups, The Sunday morning volley ball chairman who introduced Shaw as folbe rid of the hysteria'of modern so- at the Center Wednesday evening, All-the-year-'round usefulness of electrileague is coming along in great style. lows: "Our speaker is one of the three ciety. The thing thct .destroys the In the o'psnin^ game the Brodkey Three teams were represented last greatest Englishmen—Lloyd George, cal appliances make them popular as peace of the world and" the paace of Construction tsain wal2:ed over the week and L. Sogolow's team, composed Charlie Chaplin and Gjeorge Bernard Christmas prifts. Women appreciate the individual minds, the frantic urge Bezman Hardware to the tune of 12 of Levin, L. Krasne» Klutznick, Ban Shaw. them, for they save time, labor and exfor success and money" making is to 5. Schreibman's basket shooting and Beber, defeated Captain Albert's "Well, I don't mind Charlie Chappense. An electrical appliance is the fortunately unknown-with us. -. We and Isaccson's all 'round play.featured team by a score of 10 to 7. Albert's lin," replied Shaw...j,.', _... . And r 1 housewife's greatest servant—always wilhave no regrets over-haying left so- for the winners. Bourroughs and Forcalled civilization bahind.. We are man played well for the losers, ling to work. T h e Iast aoing to build one of our own. And year champs, playing under t h ac o I o r s o f At All Grocers the'earth is our teacher. •. ' *he Segelman Service Made By « w e are trying tofget a heavier Station, had considerable difficulty in Handsome new sets in yield of wheat this year. And I.think « ° ™ g the Peerless Cleaners before Unde Sam BreaMsst Tm& Ce. silver, nickel and earthen ware. A gift that is we'lL succeed. When we .have done ^, n f y nosing them out, 14 to 10. Omaha, Nebr. much admired and often nen and Segelman for the winners; well turn our hands to a little used. Always sure of a welcome reception. dairying.! More problems there, but losars featured that contest. I Jfcell . you I .find it. more interesting Harry H. Lapidus, Fres.-Treas . . . . T -,., . ~ , . • In the feature game of the evening, the-work-I did over ur Ealizov +r," « rr \ ? , ., „ t h W the • ; *"©"• A. Z. A. trounced the .Gross 1,". ' : . - \ • » . . • . : . , ; Poland.J 'T " ' ,~ „ " Lumber 25 "to 15, despite, the stubborn •AVhat did ^ o u do there :| resistance offered by the Lumber boys. : •*Oh,.I- studied law.' . ! T h e Fraternity boys played well as a "At-this 'reply'the .whole group u n i t a n d n o p a r t ; c u ] a r m a n w a s outCOMPLETE STORE nnd OFFICE Everyone enjoys golden 1 burst, opt laughing. At the same mo- standing . F r a n k s and Altshuler were OUTFITTERS " brown toast. And -when ment a ^ozen or so girls came along, high point men for the winners while it is made electrically it We Occupy is all the more delicious. Orer 10.OC0 Square Feet baskets on their arms, some of, them Epstein and Ackerman shone for the Choose from our large Southwest Corner barefoot, many with hpes and spades losers. •> •• selection. Eleventh and Douglas Streets . da their..shoulders. There was an ex- —; Phone JAckson 2724 change of 'shaloms,\ the Hebrew for Omaha, Nebr. peace,, arid the xiniversal, even Arab, greeting-in • Palestine. ;• ' 1532 No. 20th St. — WE bster 0207 More than ever, waffle irons are ^Strong, jmagnificent women they becoming an established fixture in Fresh Meats—Delicatessens •—ere. •Conversation between them the modern household. If SHE Fresh Fish Handled Daily doesn't have one, you can be sure and/!the "boys became general in a- •\V«i Deliver to All Parts of the City that it is iust what she wants. miimte.-. Silvery laughter rippled Choose Yours This Week through•", the .air. They promised to, meet? again that night, not at the The Best Place to Buy Your mowe, nor theater, for there aren't any, Irat a t the session of-the Peace Courts- where the b&ys themselves •would act as judges/defense lawyers No matter how close —SEE US FIRST andicivil attorneys. •the ironinj* board to the 1804 No. 24th St SOL. LEWIS flf-rall the money so liberally exWEbster 3043 stove, vou are wasting countless steps if you panded by New York' Jews has not do not have an electric iron. Tell "hubby" that you want one for Christmas.

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