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7. 1021. nt th 3, 1870.
VOL, VI.—No. 49
Art Institute Shows Court to Determine :~ UGHTSWttL BANQUET HONORS Paternity, of "Gypsy" Mrs. Beber's Work POGROM FOIL SEND.CHANUKAH ACCUSES ROUMANIA MR. LAPIDUS, WIFE, CONGRESS MESSAGE FORTH OF ANtl-SEMITISM ON SILVER WEDDING Programs and Concerts to Usher Religions -Leaders Reach Conclusion-After Survey. in Joyous Season. * CELEBRATES DEDICATION.
One by one, in the "windows of many -Jewish homes in Omaha, Chanukah candles will cast their beams "over a naughty world," as the Feast of Lights opens on December 18. (ThnriT'k*'*', which begins at sundown Sunday, i-"and, continues for eight days,.will be observed-by the Jewry of-Omaha. The festival commemorates the successful straggle which; the Maeabbes waged against .QCETmiiii-K^T^ and-was instituted by the early rabbis to be celebrated annually as an occasion of great joy. . The .Chanukah lights, now lit every evening during the eight Mays, are. reminiscent of the rededication of the Temple as well as the legend concerning the small cruse of oil found unpolluted, sufficient only for one day, but which lasted for eight days. The lights are placed in the windows or in some other conspicuous place where they may be seen from the, outside. This is a symbol of freedom.
New York.—(J. T. A.)—The reports of anti-Jewish excesses in Roumania, the continuous anti-Semitic propaganda and the' discriminations against the Jewish population in the questions of citizenship and the maintenance of schools, frequently reported by the Jewish Telegraphic Agency and often denied by the Roumanian government and its ambassadors abroad, were confirmed in the report of the American Committee on the Rights of Religious Minorities made public yesterday. The complete report of the" findings is now being prepared :for the consideration of the entire committee. Definite action will be taken when the members have studied the report in full. A survey of the conditions in Roumania, with a view to determining the status of the national minorities in that country and the veracity of the reports of the disabilities and persecutions, from which they suffer, was made by a special deputation of the committee which spentsix weeks in Roumania, both the Old Kingdom and the-annexed territories. The committee, made, a comprehensive study, interviewed'representatives of the government,: political and religious leaders and carried • on. an independent investigation among all classes of the population. In addition to establishing the fact of an unusual anti-semitic propaganda tolerated , by the government, the" committee -ThOTgedtiat-otliey religious minorities, such'as thet Protestants, the Roman Catholicsi in theBanat, the Hungarian^ speaking Lutherans and the Baptists, are discriminated against in grafting .of state subsidies and in the-distribution of land in accordance with>the agrarian law. Repression. The committee urges that the repression of the rigEts of' minorities in Roumania is a: serious 'danger to | the peace of Europe", and expresses; its hope that "what i s .now only a temporary party "move may become an accepted and' sanctioned governmental policv." ~;..~--. • The .report is particularlyfrank in its appeal to the •Roumanian State Church to "purge itself of all anti-
Indulging in games, merriment and joy;have become customary in celebration of this festivaKjCbanukah has become the festival of light and increasing brightness, the antidote to despair; It is a festival of the young and a consecration of Jewish manhood.. ;...... , ,..„„.,"„_ V The season wiH be celebrated with appropriate services and with many cgncerte ^and^-^entertfifnTrents. A t the ^.ewiEh^CbianTtenity,' Center, a-.series of entertainments .^iil be presented. The* Menorah, will be lighted In the lobby of • the - Center every evening. The Center will-be joined in the celebration by "the Omaha chapter of the A. Z. A., in celebration of national A. Z. A. day, on December 18. Eobert Lappen, Des Moines, president of the? district lodge, I. O. B. B., wOl be "the speaker. The program will include two one-act plays by the Little theater group. The A. Z. A. Chanukah ritual will be presented. On Sunday afternoon, December 25, the Center Sunday school will bring their Chanukah festivities to a close with a program consisting of a one-act play, songs and recitations. Winners of the essay contest in each class will read their essays on "What Chanukah Means to M£." On the same evening,, two basketball games will be played in the Center gymnasium and a special Chanukah dance will be. given by the Psi Mu club. The Sunday school of Temple Israel will give its Chanukah' entertainment -in tiie Temple-at 2:30 p . m. on December 18. , "Pictures Out of the Past" will be presented by a cast including Harriet Rosenfeld, Helen Beeson, Frances Kort, Jack Lovell, Rosalie Alberts and Stuart Ganz,. under the direction f Miss Madeline Cohn. Mis' Rosaline Cohn has coached the /oices. Menorah lights will be lighted by eight kindergarten children. Henrietta Meyer will give the invocation. A Chanukah concert win be presented' by Beth Hamedrosh Hogodel, December 25, under the direction of Cantor Kahanowitch. Miss Fanny Fish and Miss Sarah .Fish will assist. Cantor Schwartzkin will present his concert at the synagogue, Eighteenth arid Chicago streets, December 18.
(Continued on-page 4.)
The campaign ior the Penny luncheon fund of the. Hadassah is. held, each year at Chanukah time. The local committee runder the chairr manship of Mrs, A. "Romm is appealing to the Jewish' ^Sunday school children to contribute money' to this work. Collections ' _ will ; be made Sunday, Dec. 18. Five years ago ;the Palestine school luncheons committee ^was organized for the purpose"' of-; collecting funds to supply hot'. luncheons- to undernourished children in one school in Jerusalem. A'year later,-Hadassah decided to include school luncheons in its elaborate.: system; of social health work. It became the task of the Hadassah chapters in America to collect money'for this work. Today a hot noon luncheon is being served to hundreds of poor, undernourished children. £ach child pays something for-his lunch', be it only one cent, so that the luncheons do not become-, a ^pauperizing element. To many of these children the school luncheon is the only! nourishing meal of the; day. . St. Paul, Minn—(J. T. A.)— Harry Bongard of St. Paul, private in. the Jewish Legion during the RABBI COIN'S TOPICS. world war,_ has been denied citizen- Rabbi Frederick Cohn's lecture topic ship by- Judge John W. Boener in for the Friday evening service-at Temthe Ramsey district court, ' because ple Israel will be "If I Were to live the court held that a "gett" (religi- My Life Over Again." On Saturday, ous divorce) obtained from his wife he will speak on "The Favorite." in Poland was r not legal in MinneHis next current topics talk for the sota. Bongard- has remarried since Council of Jewish Women will be givhe obtained'-his religious -divorce as en next Tuesday on the subject* "Mushas * his wife. " The' court held "that solini and Fascism." under the United States law Bongard is - not legally divorced and "life without" a purpose is like hence is Jivine in search without an object."
Religious Divorce Not Recognized by Court
Moscow.—(J. T. A.)—Nine experts will be called today in" the Kiev court when an unusual- case to determine the paternity of a • child claimed by a Jew arid* a gypsy will come up. • : '• • Mr. Jerusalimski, a resident of Kiev, whose 4 % -year-old son was stolen a year ago, was advised that7 the boy had been found in a gypsy camp. The father went to the camp where, he claims, he recognized the boy as his son. Martiukov, a gypsy, insists, however, that the boy is his son. The child, although it has no definite gypsy appearance, speaks only the gypsy language. This is no proof, however, -Jerusalimski claims, since the boy could have forgotten Yiddish and Russian during his year's stay in. the gypsy camp.
FOR PHYSICIANS Doctor Is the Goat of Medical Social Service, He Says. DR. SCHULTE, SPEAKER. Many patients receiving free medical aid in dispensaries and' hospitals could afford to pay their bills and are simply cheating tire physician out of his fee, Dr. Earl C. Sage, secretary of the. Douglas County Medical association, charged in his paper read Monday evening' during the social service course ' at the Jewish Community Center.tj Dr. Sage called attention to statistics "which he had assembled, show-ing that the 500 Omaha physicians and hospitals contributed $476,769.42 in- free service during 1926, a sum exceeding the total funds collected by the "Community Chest. "The* doctor is the. goat of the city health p'rogram," he declared. "Everybody is paid for his charity work except the doctor, whose per .capita chariter service in Omaha is §640 a year." ' • / John Hall, director of the Omaha Community Chest, • answered this charge by saying that "every right thinking citizen gives much of his time and. effort to some community work, and the physician's position is not peculiar to him." Mr. Hall also stressed the necessity of checking up on charity patients to make sure that they are not able to pay for necessary " medical aid. " Dr. H. von W. Sehulte, dean of Creighton Medical college, who read a paper on Jhe city health program, offered, at the conclusion of Dr. Sage's talk, to take any patient out of the Creighton dispensary ior a physician to treat privately in return for the sum which the patient could afford -to pay. Dr. Schulte, speaking on the city health program, expressed the opinion that citizens "should be instructed in the standards of city health before being allowed to vote. Miss Florence McCabe, • superintendent of the Visiting Nurse association, stressed the duty of- the visiting nurse to do social as well as medical work among her patients, and pointed out the trend toward a gradual transfer of nursing care to public agencies. Modern hospital service will be discussed at the next meeting of: the course Monday, December 19. Speakers will be Dr. J. J: Keegan, dean of the University of Nebraska Medical school; Miss Rose Schaub, social worker for the Creighton dispensary; Dr, Olga Stastny, and Miss Beatrice Hodge, University of Nebraska hospital.
City, State and Nation Send Congratulations and Praise GIFTS ANNOUNCED Wednesday evening, the bread of service which Mr. and Mrs. Harry Lapidus have for 25 years cast upon the waters came back to them. . Community workers, business men, professional men, * statesmen, — and many of the plain people to whom Harry Lapidus has always been a friend, came to do-them honor. One by one the speakers praised them and held them up to the community as an example of cqurageous citizenship and happy companionship. Besides the three hundred who sat with them at a dinner at the Jewish Community Center, besides the many who came at the dose of the dinner to bring their good wishes, besides the hundreds whose telegrams and letters brought their greetings, as each speaker Itold of the' many private philanthropies which Mr. Lapidus has engaged in without' expectation of glory, these unknown beneficiaries of his seemed also to be guests. Their quiet blessings hovered over the assembly. Governor Adam McMullen was among those who paid tribute to the married life of Mr. and Mrs. Lapidus. . "This is a type of marriage which must be maintained if our civilization is to be maintained," he' said. "In my friendship with Mr. Lapidus, I have known the pleasure of association with a real citizen. He is a man that I am proud to know." Ballard Dunn, editor-in-chief of the Omaha Bee-News, pointed out that the glad acceptance of responsibility had -been the keynote of their lives and work, and cdntraste&>iheir~ attitude widi that of the Kansas pair who have just entered a companionate marriage "wanting to have the fun without the responsibility." Mrs. S. Pisko, executive secretary of the National Jewish Hospital in Denver, brought the tribute from the board of the hospital in whose interest Mr. Lapidus has done so much. Tribute was paid Mr. and Mrs. Lapidus by Harry A. Wolf, toastmaster of the evening, William Holzman, Rabbi Rabinowitz of Sioux City, Sam Beber, Henry Monsky, and A. B. Shotwell. In the presentation of the gift of silveT from a group of his friends, and anotHer gift of slver from the A. Z. A., Henry Monsky declared that Mr. Lapidus' public service knows no limitations and that his q^iet personal service to the many who come to him even exceed in magnitude his public work. In expressing his gratitude for these tributes, Mr. Lapidus announced gifts totalling $500 to Jewish institutions, as follows, $50 to the Talmud Torah, 550 to Temple Israel Sunday school, $100 to Wise Memorial hospital, $100 to the National Jewish hospital, $100 to the Jewish Free loan society, and $100 to the Jewish Community Center. Rabbi Frederick Cohn gave the invocation. Music was supplied by Gilbert Jaffe and the Jewish Center string quartet. Young dancers were Sara Miriam Blank, Jean Leibowitz, and Beverly Greenberg.
Prague.—(J. T. A.)—A university for the Jewish students who are the victims of discrimination, through the operation of numerus clausus, laws or practices in East and South European countries, may soon be established in Czechoslovakia, according to a sensational report published today by the Czech newspaper, "Rowoj." The report states that negotiations to this effect have been started with the Czechoslovakian government by an unnamed American philanthropist. The university is to serve in particular the uumerus clausus victims in the Mr. Samuel Gerson, director of the countries neigboring Czechoslovakia. Jewish Community Center and . the CLASS DEMONSTRATION. Jewish Welfare Federation, was electMiss Ethel Greenberg, women's ed vice-president of the Omaha Social Workers' club at. the annual meeting physical director at the Jewish' Community Center, has also a children's held Wednesday evening. During the last year Mr. Gerson has gymnasium class' at the Y. W. C. A. been a member of the executive com- This class will give -a demonstration mittee of the club. It is an organiza- of work at 2 p. m. Saturday, De-r tion of the professional social-workers cember 17, followed by a party for of Omaha. the children.
Two water colors by Mrs. Meyer Beber are among the pictures by Nebraska artists which are being ; exhibited this month at the Art Institute, Aquila Court. Mrs. Beber's contributions to the exhibition. this year are both still life. studies. Mrs. Beber is a graduate of the Chicago Art Institute, and has exhibited many pictures, including oils, water colors, and pen and ink drawings.
Infantry Called Out to Restore Order After Roumanian Students FIVE.KILLED AND SEVENTY INJURED
Vienna.—(J. T. A-)—The return of the Roumanian students from their anti-semitic congress in Oradeamare, following: the anti-Jewish and anti-Hugarian pogrom perpetrated by them there, was accompanied by a series of severe anti-Jewish excesses along the route, reports received here from the border state. Five persons were killed by the pogromists in Oradeamare and seventy were injured. One of the five victims was a Jewish child of 6. The child was knifed when it was unable to^reply in Medical Fraternity of Creighton Roumanian to questions asked by the pogromists, Alarming Excesses, Will Hear Famed Editor.
The special train which earned the anti-semitic students stopped at all stations where the Jew-baitors left the train to attack every Jew ftnd Hungarian who was to be found in the vicinity. The victims were tor» banquet at the F-ontenelle hotel in A Challenge to Those Who Pro- tured with cudgels. In numy capes knives were used and frequently honor of Dr. Morris Fishbein on its fess Good-Will. shots were fired. Old ilews were anniversary,- Monday evening, Demaltreated, their beards being" torn cember 19.. • . "STIR UP PUBLIC OPINION." out. The excesses of the Dr. Fishbein will come from Chianti-semitic students assumed ai&rmcago as the guest of the Douglas New York—Dr. Israel Goldstein, ing proportions at Jassy, where the County Medical association. At noon he will be honored with a luncheon rabbi of Congregation B'nai Jeshu-j train stopped. Jewish and Hungarian run, New York, has called upon lib- j passengers who were found on the at the Chamber of Commerce. Dr. Fishbein is an orator who is eral Christians to protest against! train were thrown out of the win ~ not only a leader in the field of the showing of "The King of JKings" dows. The riots in \Marmarosy, fiy.imedical journalism, but prominent in as evidence that their good-will to- get assumed such magnitude that the the medical .profession as well. He ward Jews, often expressed, is • authorities were compelled to take ! measures to protect the Jewsh popuis not only ediotr of the Journal of genuine. "Here is an opportunity for Ifb-i lation. A compare of infantry was the American Medical association, eral Christians to give some evi-j called out to restore order. Severe the most popular medical journal in dence of their oft-expressed good-j anti-Jewish riots were also perpethe world, but is also editor of the vriU toward their fellow citizens of I trated by the students »t••--•OattsenHygeia, and ' several other journals - j . the Jewish, faith,", he -Sard. .".What bur,g. There, twenty-four of the popublished, by the- A. M.- A. . He 1 is the use of all the good-will con-! gromists were arrested. They will the author of several popular books and -•"f 1 ferences and resolutions, if, when; be tried by a military court, it on medical subjects a real challenge ' presents itself,! stated. which have appeared in various penothing is done by the majority! Strict censorehip was riodicals. He is a graduate member of the group to defend the object of its! by the authorities, forbidding pubPhi D. E. chapter at .Rush Medical avowed good will against ill will ? j lication in the Roumanian press of college, Chicago, and has been very Here is a challenge to all the good- any report concerning; the active in the affairs of the national will proponents, to carry their prin'Charges fraternity, serving on the executive ciple into practice. Let them plead New York—(J. T. A.) Prof. V, N. with Mr. Cecil de Mille, their fellow board as well as consulting editor of 8 leader of the Peasant*' the Phi Delta.Epsilon News, a quar- Christian and fellow American, let' Madgearu, art r them point out how unChristian it is P J . created a, sensation in Routerly.. The national fraternity enparliament Thursday, by to fan the dying embers of hatreii manian joys a membership of over 4,000 and how unAmerican it is to introthe government hml alumni throughout the United States, duce an element of disunion and of! deliberately provoked imti-semitle has 42 active chapters, all of which riots in v h are located in class A-l medical cleavage; and if they are powerless) a n d m a n « * two men were killed ^ ' injured to divert public schools, and ten graduate clubs lo- to influence him directly, let them| stir n-n -nuWAr (mininn. s ^ l t thtm \ attention from the political crisis, att P cated in the various medical centers stir up public opinion, and let them ^ g i Associated Pre.?E dispatch from Buvisit public condemnation upon of the United States. charest declares. offender." Forty-five invitations have been isProf. Madgearu said that a month sued. Among who will attend are: ago the government gave S,OOO,0O0 the active members—Drs. Philip" lei to the university students to SlipSher, Nathan Dansky, A. A. Steinport the anti-semitic movement. berg. A. A. Greenberg, Victor E. LeAnother reason, he charged, that vine, and Maynard M. Greenberg, the government provoked' the present Samuel Z. Faier, David Gross, Ben Mr. Eobert Lappen, president of racial agitation in Transylvania Slutzky, H. Melvin Badman and Morris Brodkeyj also Von W. District Grand Lodge No. 6, Independ- to furnish an excuse for the creatkm Schulte, Father Sellmeyer, Pan Hel- ent Order of B'nai L'tith, consisting of of a new force of 10,000 gendarmes lenic advisor, of Creighton, officers of eight midwestern states, will be the in that territory. He asked the govthe Douglas • County Medical associa- principal speaker at an open. meeting' ernment why it had taken no precaution and faculty heads at Creighton which will be held en December 18 at tions to prevent anti-semitic the Jewish Community Center audi- rsges in the face of. the fact .that Medical college. torium in conjunction with the national Dr., William Fildertnan had , warned celebration of A. Z. A. day. Mr. Lap- the government that the indents pen is a Dts Moines attorney. were preparing1 for such disorders. A testimonial banquet in honor of the president of the district will be Vienna—(J. A.)—Several hunheld in the dining room of the Jewish dred of the Roumanian students who . The first day of Chanukah, Dec. Community Center Sunday evening, j returned from the anti-semitic con18, has been designated as Maeca- Invitatioas have been issued to mem- gress at Oradeamare were arrested bean Day by the Jewish National bers of the chapter and members of by the Roumanian authorities upon their arrival in Bucharest, a report Fund of America, and on that day, the local B'nai B'rith lodge. The day's activities will start with receded here declares. volunteer workers throughout the The arrest was effected by a country will sell the small blue and a basket ball game between the local A. Z. A. chapter's team snd an out- detachment of soldiers who surround* white buttons of the fund. of-town five in the afternoon. This ed the arriving' students. Machine For this occasion, Dr. Joseph , . , . x ,,' T • . e-ame will be held in the Center gym guns were used to effect the arrest. TT . and there will Kiimsky, Fund, president of thean Jewish, .„ ,be no admission , - - ehsrg-e. i_ An official statement issued in National has given inter- *>«""= Similar meetings are being held in Bucharest declares that the leader* view on the work of the fund. "More than a million Jews in 65 cities throughout the United of the riots will be tried hr a courtAmerica have contributed to the States. The A. 1. A. is the official martial. Junior B'nai B'rith. The government also announced national fund in America, a startling that indemnity will be paid to the figure as compared to the several famiiiee of the victims of the Oradeahundred thousand • contributing to JEWISH LABOR GROUPE other funds in the Zionist moveFORM JOINT PARTY mare disturbances. ment. The national fund has no Censorship. Jerusalem.—(J. T. A.)—The amal-j political doctrines to which one need Bucharest.—(J\ T. A.}—An tt* gamation of two influential Jewish subscribe. It is purely and simply j tempt to minimize the anti-Jewiih an agency for the redemption of labor groups in Palestine, the Hapoel and anti-Hungarian riots was made Palestine land as the inalienable Hazair and the Achduth Ha'avodah, by the Roumanian news agency, is being viewed here as a victory of property of the Jewish people." which issued a report stating thttt the moderate groups who are desirous Local workers for the fund will onl ? make a canvas of Jewish families of adopting a policy similar to that of II J "insignificant incidents tWsk jj placa l i Oradeamare Od k d by b Sunday. Mrs. L Kuilakofsky is chair- the British Labor party. in provoked The, amalgamation of these these two two II Hungarian communists. General Mt»s* man of the work. groups is a direct result of their com- j'eni restored order, having the futt mon stand at the last Zionist congress j w-operation. of the Jewish populaVictory belongs to him who has ia Basle, when the labor representa- i tion, which provided lodging ^jr *be the most perseverance.—Napoleon tives were excluded from participation? gnests .and delegates to the students' Bonaparte* in the Zionist executive. . J congress,
GOLDSTEIN CALLS BANQUET PLANNED. UPON CHRISTIANS Alpha CM chapter of Phi Delta Epsilon, national medical, fraternity TO VOICE PROTESTS of Creighton university, will give a
Brandeis to Give "Our New Minister'
Published every Thursday at Omaha, Nebraska,- by
THE JEWISH PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY Office: Branded Theater Building—Telephone: ATlantic 1450 JEANETTE GLICK GERSON, £DITOR. DAVID BLACKER, Business Manager. Subscription Price, one year ^.».1.»~..., - Advertising rates furnished on application •,_.
Happy Art Thou, O! Community, When Thy Leaders Are Free ; .:, ;-v Men, With Great Vision and'Understanding. 1
(With apologies to the EeeiesiasteB;)' . "j.-V/ -- ; , :•'; A ^ t By ISIDOB ZIEGLER
-Monday, December 19 ^Sunday, December 25
•;' The Jewish Press is supplied by the Jewish Telegraphic agency with cabled and telegraphic Jewish news, and feature articles from all important Jewish centers.
JEWISH CALENDAR — ^68^-1927-28 1st Day Hanukkah ^ r . *Bosh Chodesh Te'beth
-CHANGE OF ADpRESS—Please give both the Old and new address; be s u r e to give your name.
1938 —-..Tuesday, January S .—-..Monday, January 23 -Wednesday. February 22 Tuesday, March 6 Thursday. March 22 .—.....Thursday, April 5 •^—Wednesday, April 11 -—-.-Saturday, April 21 —Tuesday, May 8 —Sunday, May 20 ; .--.Friday, May 25 Tuesday, June 19 .-Thursday, July 5
Fast of Tebeth Rosh Chodesh Shebat *Rosh Chodesh Adar Purim .......„._.._...•._„ Rosh Chodesh Nissan ~ 1st Day Pessach ~— 7th Day Pessach .•-,.,-.. *Rosh Chodesh Iyar _ ~ » Lag b'Omer >._—_ Bosh Chodesh Sivan —~ 1st Day Shabutch .... •Rosh Chodesh Tammuz fast of TamiBU2; Rosh Chodesh Ab Fast of Ab •Rosh Chodesh Ellul
<'Our New Minister," which is revived this week by ..the "ClemantWalsh Players" at the Brandeis theater, is one of the most successful of the old-time rural comedies of "The Old Homestead" and "Way Down East" type. The late Desman Thompson, famous as star and author of "The Old Homestead," wrote it in collaboration with George Ryder. Although it has never had the prestige of a, Broadway run or New York endorsement, it played for twenty consecutive seasons on tour. Thestellar role in "Our New Minister" is the comedy part of Darious Startle, the rube constable, rather than that 1 of the minister* William C. Walsh as Darious portrays the exag-
gerated stereotyped mbe or caricature; experts to make a survey of conditions that audiences like so well. in Palestine. • The role of the hero-minister," Thaddeus Strong, will be played fcy Alexander Ldckwood. Bdyd Irwin will be [ seen as the ex-convict, Lem Ramson, and Helen Tucker as his daugnter, Get Our Pricey and Save Your Meney "Nance."
Quality Printing
Jerusalem.—(J. T. A.)—Sir John Campbell; president of the Greek Refugees Commission of the League of Nations, arrived-here today. Sir John will join the group of Jewish Agency
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In^very community there are men chosen by natural selection f?r leadership for communal and civic activities. The community is broken up into groups, and each.group selects its leaders, and little lights have grown to then again smaller groups are formed;and they, too, have their for the erection of^a replica ,6£ Solo- Three four; ... . mon's Temple, to be used for expo-! leaders. : .. ., How softly, sweetly do they shine. sition purposes. He would make all If you want to get a proper cross-section of the character of Their grace on all dark places pour our Jewish community, analyze the qualifications of: ovfr leaiders. within the.high walls correspond ex- A reflex of the light divine! They reflect in their character and ;ability the collective genius of actly to Biblical description,. and for those by^w,hom they were chosen. It is a platitude, but no less further atmosphere, would paint the Behold, the lights have grown to five! true, tfoatithe stream rises,no higher than its source. ---•-•-.-:. . inside of the walls, to represent.thet So courage grows in hearts that landscape about Jerusalem. .Visitors! The particular group in this community to whom this paper . V - ; t r U S t - i ; , . . . - • ' ;• ' , • : gpes is indeed fortunate in having as its lay leaders, men of such would be given appropriate gownrto God's, mercy, who will keep alive profound \wsdom,- such cultural and educational background, such throw over their modern clothing, so •. His children, though they be but dust. far-reaching vision and such comprehensive and sympathetic that all within should correspond understanding of ALL the problems that the Jews of this com- with the atmosphere of the ancient —J. G..G." To six the little- lights have grown, munity, are constantly confronted with, and, notwithstanding pos- city. In happy company they shed sessing these admirable characteristics, they are never haughty, Their brightness. None need stand arbitrary or dictatorial in their methods, but are at all times conr alone1 ciliatory, self-effacing and unassuming. Who by the light of God are led. 1 To be^more specific, take the lay leaders of our religious organizations. Where can you find anywhere a body of men who are I Anon the lights have .grown to seven. better qualified, by reason of their religious training, high ethacal ideals'andmoral standards, to direct the spiritual welfare of-the various religious groups which they represent. In the administra- than Chanukah, with its glamor tion of their work they pursue the same exalted business methods spiritual light. Here is one of the-" i th wondrous lights are eight, ast e which they daily follow in their everyday life. ..' _ many Chanukah poems/1 taken from* tThus shall Good's purpose reach its 1% r - It-would be. impossible to adequately describe m such a brief Standard Book of Jewish Verse,' editorial the well-known qualifications of those who administer the He lifts man from his low estate and signed simply, "M. M." And breathes new hope into his tie affairs of our" Jewish communal work. Men possessing the s o u l . '-•'•' genius of leadership,' of culture, of refinement, of learning, and A single light is kindled and it glows Upon the darkness with a golden Whtf'Jhave accomplished such marvelous results simply by fte . - r a y — - . - ^ ' .'.-V ' •• •., pbwer'ofLpeTSuasicin and the influence of their great personalities A little feeble light, 4rat- yet it show&i —-men who lead a,nd do not drive, men to whom subterfuge and The night has still a fraction offi WHEN camouflage in the pursuit of any desired end would be as repugnant the" day. ; ^ as a violation of any of the moral laws written by the imperishable I YOU BUY The single light has grown to two; finger of God upon Mt, Sinai. ' • .- . do not sacrifice quality for price friend has won a friend, the 'i To all intents and purposes the same men are the leaders in The light Place Your Next Order With Us : all the various activities concerning-Omaha Jewry, "Where Quality Is Supreme" Has warmed another heat, and t'.'.-tln nainatancpihave Ifce leaders:ev,e^\beteay.ed their ,t3ruat.,TJ^; Jews of this community have never been e^lbited Wtfteir leatiers' night. s for personal aggrandizement, neither have- they - ever falsely, claimed that there was a "Jewish vote" in order to secure a rela- The double light has grown to three, tively few insignificant and minor political offices. E. WE1NBERG, Proprietor | That brilliantly illumes the eve; Let us not wait until these VGod-Intpjdcated Men"~these ; Thus ;ev.er. shall •' bright constancy WA.4480 benevolent souls^depart to the land of shadow and dreams j n d The; fruits of fafthtulness Receive! . then^erect shafts of granite and marble-to commemorate their memory, but while-they are living let us show our great affection, appreciation and gratitude by setting aside one day in each yea* to record their bleeds and sing our paeans.
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OMAHA PILLOW CO. Feather- mattresses made from your own feathers. Cool in Summer—warm la Winter. Cost less than felt bed*. Cotton Mattresses made over In new ticks at half the price (St new ones.
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JA. 2467
I Product of General Motors j
Jewish Verse
"It is my duty and my pleasure to relieve him from the strain of unimportant matters," she says. ,Mrs. Einstein is authority for the Professor Albert Einstein, whose statement that the great scientist is theory of Relativity has set heads' not eccentric, hardly ever mislays the_ world over to nuzzling on mat- things, and doesn't forget his dinner. ters almost beyond the comprehension of the mind, is a violinist too. The forthcoming January McCaU's Be played-at a Jewish Welfare con- contains a sermon by Rabbi Abba cert in Berlin last: week, and was Hillel Silver, as "the sermon of the praised' by-the music critics. " month." It is reviewed by Rev. JoProfessor Einstein is evidently seph Fort Newton, who refers to blessed with a wife who fulfills all Rabbi Silver as one of the most reoprirements listed for the help- brilliant of the younger Jewish niate '4>f "a-: scientist;; The New . York preachers in America. World recently carried an interview with Mrs. Einstein, in which she says Emil Ludwig, author of " that she knows nothing about the lebn," will come to New York in Relativity theory and wouldn't think January, according to report. He. is of bothering her husband; to explain expected to make a transcontinental . her. But she attends to all his lecture tour, speaking on "Napoleon," -'• and interviews' all his fBismaxck" and other historical personages.
Press Points
'-A questionnaire has been, or will be, sent to 20,000 Jewish laymen in I America, to collect date for a;thor* i ; ough survey of religious practices. i It is being conducted by the Nation ; Federation of Temple Brotherhoods to refute the charge that American Jewry is not interested in religious J matters. It inquires into one's education, occupation, and general con- ;• dition of life, and then asks, many \ questions about religious observances. The person filling out the blank is i asked what part of the temple service he prefers, what type of sermon he likes best, and what other temple activities interest him. If these questionnaires are answered frankly and honestly, they should provide helpful material on which to base religious programs. •
TOY STORE You'll save money an# get ® quality, merchandise. Our Prices are Lowest •j
j i j
Toys—Sporting Goods Wheeled Playthings 1512 Howard St.
A news dispatch from the Jewish Telegraphic-Agency informs us that j | trained agitators will lead the soviejt i' fight against religion. An institute' of anti»religious courses to train' anti-religious teachers will be held. The report states that a number who have enrolled for the course are Jews.
Be Good to Your Automobile The winter months are here. Be good to your automobile and it will be good to you. U. S. Oils and Gasoline will meet your winter needs.
WE. 3527
We call tbe attention of nil -who are-Interested in buying- religions articles that -we h'andle everything the very best and T>*e sell I t - a t very reaBOnable prices; besides the regular stock of Talesim. gilt and wool, Tfeelin, mezuzos, prayet books and Bibles i r i t h English and Jewish translatilon. W6 are g*lngr ..lo^haTfe Chanukah lamps, copper and sliver plated and pure silver ones,"alsb : Chanokan candles.
IBRUNSWIGKT Panatropes and Records at Reduced Prices Brunswick Panatropes $115 Seville ; »' 80.50 $165 Madrid -. • •• ••_..- •__ 1 1 5 . 5 0 $ 58 Brunswick Upright 40.60 Others at Loir Prices
Records 75c Value, in Popular Tuit4s..._ $1.00 Value, in 12-inch Records __ $l;25,'$1.50, $1.75 and $2.00 Values. _ SPECIALLY ARRANGED PAYMENT PLAN Phonographs—^Main Floor
NECKWEAR-/or MEN Hand-Made Neckwear...... Five Knit Neckwear Other Smart Neckwear at Fancy Pattern Bow Ties
.$1.50 to $6 $2 to $3.50 45c to $1 85c
IMS No. ZOth Et. — V E b s t e r
TtesK Meats—tiehcatessens Fresh Fish Handled Daily We Deliver to All Farts of tbe City
Silk Lounging Robes • .$9.50 to $50 Men's Radio Jackets..$9-5° to $16.50 Shawl Collar Blanket Robes. ..$5 to $12 Flannel Robes $12.50 to $17.50
Silk Pajamas Pattern Pajamas Slip-Over Pajamas Flannels at.....
.$7.50 to $15 $1.50 to~$s $2 to $5 $1.50 to $s
GLOVES-fbr MEN ••• Vnlined.Cape Gloves Warm Lined Gloves > Fur-Lined Gloves. ' Mocha and Pigskin
$2.50 to $4 $1.50 to $12 $S-5Q to $12 $3-50 to $5
22nd and Nicholas
WEbster 2 6 0 S n f
BARNEY'S RADIO INN Our Chicken Sandwiches Are Delicious We Use Mazola Oil
Center Street Wai. 6012
NOVELTIES-/or MEN $5 to $25 £2-50 to $6
Bill Folds—Wide Variety .$1 to $5 Jewelry Sets—Tuxedo, Dress $2.50 to $6 Cigar Lighters—Fine Quality. .$5 tops Every section a store in itself. Mufflers, Hosiery, Belts, Dress Vests, Tuxedo Vests, Handkerchiefs, Fur Caps, Umbrellas, House Slippers and Luggage. We Issue Gift Certificates
Heavy Shaker Sweaters $8.50 to $15 "V" Neck Sport Sweaters....$4 to $8,50 Crew Neck and "V" Neck $6 to $9-50 Slip-Over Sweaters $3 to $9 Leather Sport Jackets .#12.50 to $23
Military Fitted Cases Military Brush Sets
\ COAL CO. \
Fancy Fancy Fancy Domet
1804 N». «4th «t WEMttt
/C<rll?r-tOrM?tch Shirts , . jtato $6 •~~ Collar Attached Shins... $1.50 to $6 White Broadcloth Shirts.. .fz.50 to $4.50 Quality Silk Shirts .$8.50 to jxo
Victor Orthophonic or Radio
Harvey Wiley Corbett, an Araeri- | can ^architect,- has' projected' a -plan".
The Best Place to Buy Your
HERE! " H e " wants q I knows The Nebraska label means V "*•standard q u a l i t y — h e appreciates Christmas gifts from this quality store* Please "him"—and please note quality at lowest-in-the-city prices here. ^TT'S"
Fresh at Your Grocers
Mrs. Irrna Barron Address
Fight Against Disease Is Gaining Ground
cups Sour, 1 teaspoon baking pow^ SMITH AUTO COMPANY der, 1 cup of chopped walnuts or 1102 No. 18th Street—WE. 1987 pecans, 1 teaspoon each of cinnamon, 1927 Buiclc Sedan $87» allspice, nutmeg and one-fourth teaMrs. Irnia'Barron oi Chicago will The tuberculosis seal is the standard 1926 Ford Roadster §165 spoon of cloves. address an open meeting of the Junior 1927 Chevrolet Coach $485 Council Bluffs observance of naBeat eggs whole with sugar until j of one of the most hopeful and Hadassah Monday at the Jewish Com- tional A. Z. A. day will be held in a dramatic fights ever made against creamy, add spices, flour, chopped munity Center. joint, meeting with Omaha chapter nuts, and baking powder, and a pinch disease. This fight is being made Mrs. Barron is president of the mid- No. 1 at the Jewish Community ••PATRONIZE of salt* Spread in long pans% and against one of the oldest plagues west region of the Junior Hadassah Center, Sunday evening, December 18, bake in a moderate oven. Cut in that have afflicted man. Finally man and vice president of the Chicago unit launched his fight against the while at 8 p. m. The joint meeting was ar- squares while hot and ice. which has a membership of 1,100 girls. pieague and his efforts began imTEA ROOM 49 and Dodge ranged because Robert Lappen, The local chapter was able to bring FRUIT CAKE. CAKDYLAND mediately to gain ground. speaker of the day, was originally to Mrs. Barron to Omaha because she is One-half scant cup butter, 1% cups Of every dollar paid for Healths 16th and Fnrnam making a tour of her region, and is speak on both programs. Mr. Benjamin Stock announces the engagement of his daugh- speaking in Iowa this month. The At six o'clock Sunday, afternoon, sugar, 3 eggs, well beaten, 1 level Seals 95 cents of it is used for preBess, to Lieutenant Benjamin Stern, of the United States meeting is open to the public. the two chapters will entertain Mr. teaspoon of soda dissolved in 1% ventive work in Nebraska. The other tablespoons of hot water, % cup of 5 cents is sent to national heady. son of Mr. and Mrs. L; H. Stern. : . The Junior Hadassah gave a highly Lappen at a kosher banquet at the wine, 1 teaspoon baking powder, 1% LET THE quarters for their campaign. Community Center. Reservations may successful Chanukah bridge party teaspoons each of cinnamon, nutmeg:, '••;-':,:..Mr. T/Kallish of Chicago announces the engagement of his Sunday afternoon in ..he Jewish Com- be made with Dave Beber, chairman teaspoon allspice and cloves, add special effort to secure attractive daughter, Mildred, to Mr- Herchell Gohri, son x>f Mr. and Mrs. J . 3L munity Center. Proceeds from the of the Omaha committee, or Abe Colpi, formerly of Omaha. The wedding will taEe pTace in' the bridge will be contrib ted to a fund Katelman, chairman of the Council 1 pound of citron, cut fine, 1 pound and practical merchandise for appro* DO YOUR earjy spring..-•. of dates stoned and cut fine, 1 pound priate Chanukah gifts. for the maintenance of orphans in the Bluffs committee. raibsifis, 1 pound currants, 1 pound children's colony, "Meyer Shfeyah," in ~The wedding of Miss Lillian Lipp and Mr. Isadore Weiner will Palestine. The Talmud Torah Sunday school figs cut fine, add iVz cups or more HArney 7545 MArket 3700 talie place Sunday, December 18, at the home of the bride's parents, of Council Bluffs will present a of floufi Bake seven to eight hours MTV-STM Mrs. S. Tiinp. Thf^Tpm^n^ «i'i) i-.«.nppf »•«-»« <,A m tii. wn^; in a moderate oven. MAX KAPLAN Chanukah program on Sunday afterThe Daughters of IZion -will meet ence of the immediate families of the bride and groom and a few Wednesday afternoon in the Jewish noon, Dec. 25, at the Hafer's Hall. close ^riend&MJss! Jean Kruppoi JMemoni will be miss i^pps-uuiy Community Center. There will be The program will include a play, Joe White, manager of the hosiery WEEK OV DECEMBER 18— ^ttssndant. Mr. Philip Monsky will be best man. Many social affairs election of officers at 2 p. m. lightning of the canSes, Chahuka and lingerie departments of Burban Clemant-Walsh Players are Being given in honor of Miss lipp. songs and readings. The public is & Co., Sixteenth and Farnam streets, Presenting Mrs, Edward Rbsenffial aUd her gen, invited to attend. is ft progressive merchandiser and Jf THOMPSON'S ; Mr- and Mrs. Harry Levy announce the marriage of their Hershel, have left for'Chlcago where has made rapid strides with his deAT. 8877 524 Paxton Block ^danghteEujyanche, to[.Mr_.j[oseph M. Rubin of New York. , Thethey will make their future home. Mrs. The Ladies' Aid Society will hold partments within the past five years. 1 have my own shop—It will pay marriage took place Monday evening inChicago. Mr. and M mRoseiithal was f ormerly Miss IJbrbtHy a regskaMlJssiieg.isaat Tuesd® af- A STOCK repieie "wiSr ihs latent ^ y y ^ t ; . ZZ.W -Sftj- ^± ternoon, Dec 20, at the home of Mrs. Levy, Miss Lillian Levy and Mr. Sidney Levy went to Chicago to 'Singer.' _ ; .". v '.; •' ",',"-' / styles and qualtiy of hosiery, linAntBbt of B. Saltzman, 736 Mynster street. attend the ceremony. Mr. and Mrs. Rubin will live in New: York. "THE OLD HOMESTEAD" gerie and quilt robes, is displayed at Tfie Jewish Colonization society wfll Play the Violin Correctly "Mr. and Mrs. J- Margolin announce the marriage at their give a batai- January 22 ln;t&e Labor - Mr, Philip Krasne, student at the Burton's. Mr. White has made a by Indlvliinnl Instruction daughter, Minnie,, to Mr. Louis A. Cutler, Sunday, December 11, iyceum_fbT the benefit of work inJ3o- Southern University of California, Prot. Sevelck nncl othpr world at Los Angeles, CaL, is expected to at tjhe home of the bride. The marriage lines were feadin' the vietTiussiSi s : ed teachers recommend my method very . • -' hietolv. arrive home Sunday to spend his presence of the immediate family. FRANK MACH Miss Ida Babior is leaving Friday school vacation with his parents, Mr. M]r. and Mrs. L. D. Segal, 5019 UnCorrect Violinist tmd Instructor and Mrs. Herman Krasne. 5 morning for Iowa City to visit he* derwood avenue, announce the birth of 8t*dto HIMt No. 16th St. JA. 19.-.2 brother, Mr. Abe Babior, Phi Epsilon a SOB, Marvin Earl, at Wise Memorial The Agudas Ac.nim society held PL Later she will go to Chicago to their annual dance at the Eagles hall S U N D A Y — • • ' •; ; ' ' • " : •; :, hospital, December 5. Chanukah program, 2:30 p. to., visit her cousin, Mrs. Ben Hattis. Tuesday evening, with a large crowd ss Mr. and Mrs. William Holzman and at Temple Israel. • attending. Music was furnished by Mrs. Herman Jakr, director of the Mrs^ Moris Levy -will leave December DELICATESSEN FRIEDS the Marr's Imperial orchestra. The 5 Chanukah program; combined 25 fpr Hawaii where.they. will remain with A. Z. A. program, evening, in Little Theater group of the Jewish dance was a big social success,-acCOMPLETE LINE Of Community Center, has been engaged Delicatessen, Smoked Meats until, the end of January. cording to members in charge of the the Jewish Community Center. and Fish by the Woman's dub of Waterloo, Omaha Hebrew CluL, in the Jew- Neb., to coach a play which will be affair. 1MB North tith W w t Eeservations for the Highland Counish Community Center. presented by them. try Club New Years party that will be givep at the Blackstone Hotel, have MONDAY— Mr. Morris H. Sogolow, formerly of been coming in the last week. Among Social Service Course, in the Jewt by Omaha, will return to spend the holithose who made reservations are: ish Community Center. Mrs. David M. Newman. days with his mother, Mrs. A. Sogoi)avjd Fader, Morris Solder, Harry Junior Hadassah open. meeting, low. Mr. Sogolow was formerly phyMonpky, Nate Sherman, Lester Heyn, HOLIDAY COOKIES^ AND FRUTT in the, Jewish Community Center. sical director of the Kansas ;City Y. Ben Panbum, Mose and Abe Herzberg, Workmen's loan association, in M. and Y. W. H. A,, and is at present and l a k e Malashock. Many out-of^.German Butter iCe"o|jies-—1. pound JA the Jewish Community Center. bead freshman football and baseball town guests are expected. Make your BASKET BALL'GAME • i 20th and Nicholas butter, 1 .pound sugars? •* eggs sepHARRY SWENGLE, Prop. coach at the University of Illinois and reservations now! TUESDAY— heads the practice teaching depart- arated, 1 lemon rind, 6 tablespoons Daughters of Israel Aid society, alcohol, 3% cups flour, one-half cup Mrs. Harry M. Stein, Mrs.. Sam shower, at the Jewish Old People's ment of the coaching school. chopped walnuts. Winrveg and Mrs. I. Katlei_ian enter- h o m e . '•-,; .j. ; .-s<..'-.: . ;/.:'.. -. Xite&BXjihe butter and sugar, add -Omaha-chfpter - of Hadassah jwill tamed at a supper and card party Satthe f?7t»in»Mi»inHmnmmiiiiiHHwrffliHiui»HHnHgiiHiiniwnin»m»ii)n»m»nmn Current *;' Topli5f'"rc£sst;~o£ Hie tHe yolks' and work jrell w urday, honoring Miss Lillian Lipp, Councfl of Jewish Women,\at the haVe a* linen shower January 11a nflV* ^ B * * ^B^^ <*••*' Jewish Community Center. Mrs. Her- hands, add grated lemon rind, alcowhofce marriage to Mr. Isadore Weiner Jewish Community Center. hoL then stiffly beaten whites, then man Jahr '• chairman. ' .. . will take place Sunday. flour. Add more flour if necessary WEDNESDAY— • Harry H. Lapidus, Prcs.-Treas Baroness Lucy Morpurgo, of a to make a stiff dough. Let stand A bridge, party honoring Miss Ann Daughters of Zion, 2 p. m., in the Finkel, who is to be married Decem- Jewish Community Center. ., jioted Italian'Jewish fa; lily, has been over night, _roll thin, and bake in a bef-25, was given: Tuesday .evening at Woodmen of the World, in the called by King Victor Emanuel of moderate oven until brown. Italy "the fairest flower cf the Italian the'Jewish Community Center by Mrs. Jewish Community Center* LEB-KUCHEN. court." P. Gendler, Prizes were won by Miss Four eggs, 3 cups brown sugar, 2 COMPLETE STOKE and OFFICE Florence Lewis and Miss Rose Cohen. THURSDAY— OUTFITTERS B'nai B'rith, in the Jewish ComWe Occupy • Miss Laura Berek of "Fremont will munity Center. Over 70.OC0 Bflimre Fe#t leaye Saturday for Fort Dodge, la., Southwest Corner Miss Florence Glick of New York 'where she will attend the wedding of Eleventh and Douglas Streets MEjs "Ethel Steinberg to Mr. Sydney City will be the guest of her cousin, Phone JAckson 2724 Roljen of Chicago Sunday, December Miss Hannah Berger, who will give an Omaha, Nebr, 18.- Miss Steinberg and Miss Berek Orpheum party Saturday afternoon are* Sigma Delta Tau sorority sisters. for her guest. We furnish a $S5.00 outfit FREE of charged
Council Bluffs
Mfg.-Reta3 Jeweler
Come to tKe
• • •
Coming Events
ORIENTAL t Semi-Anthracite • LUMP, per ton. 1
Just the Present—
An Achievement
A years course of study on the violin One dollar a week inclasses >
A miscellaneous shower will be giv- "££•. and Mrs. A. Greenberg have moved to the Casa Linda apartment, en at the Jewish Old People's home 108 South Forty-ninth avenue. Mrs. December 20 by the Daughters of IsLyric Bldg. Greenbetg is expecting the arrival of rael Aid society. Members and friends her mother, Mrs. M. Kogan, of Hinne- are invited. apoJis, December 18, for a visit of seve j j j weeks. T&xsz Kogan will be accouipanied by Miss Edna German of Give Her Silk Hose This Minneapolis, honoring whom Dr. and Mw. Greenberg. and Mr. and Mrs. Ja<j)c Alberts will entertain with a formal dancing party for the younger set; December 19, in the Omaha AthAll silk from top to toe, iri letic dub. A number of other social all the newest shades for affairs have been planned for Mrs. street or dress wear. Greenberg's guests.
Term begins January 1st.
Okay Bran lakes
Christmas from Burbons
Rosenhain Silk Hose In chiffon or semi-chiffon, with silk above the knee. All colors to select from.
Three Pairs for $SJ>Q
At All Grocers Made By
Uncic Sam Breakfast F e d Co. Omaha, Nebr.
We Bid You Welcorneto* the Initial Presentation of
Three Pairs for $4.25
Lingerie Prices Reduced
Quilted Robes An ideal Christmas Gift for "HER." All the new popular s h a d e s . Also many pretty negligees priced special for Saturday at, np from— - : ; --
- Mr. Max Guttman, son of Mr. and Mrs.' Samuel Guttman, will come to Oni»ha~fbr..a week's visit with his parents December 21. Mr. Guttman, who has been making .his home in Louisville, Ky., is being transferred to a "position in the "Boston store, Milwaukee, Wise.
Finery Silk Hose
. Mrs. Victor Steinberg entertained fft» tables of bridge in her home Sunday, December 11, honoring Mrs. J. Sigal, who wffl leave this month for LOB Angetes, Cat* Prizes ware won by M». Simon- Steinberg, Mrs. Nathan Viejzer and Miss Edith Brandeis.
Phone JA. 4123
Dainty .Chemise, Step-ins, etc., in all the newer pas-, tel shades, trimmed with lace and French bows. Our regular $2.95 special -foirSatufday, at—
Has Right of Way
Truly this is the most timely and appropriate gift to those Misses and Women who discriminate in their selection -of apparel, and where else will anyone expect to find these most charming and alluring fashion creations other than at Goldstein-Chapman's.
$5.95 Burton'* Have Omaha's Greatest Coat Values
1 B E F U T U R E is full of promise to liberal ] users of Good Printing. With our new equipment we are reads7 to handle the largest, as well «.s the smallest of your printed messengers, Let's •dress them up correctly and send them out to do . their duty right.
Miss tfma Gross of Lansing, Mich., willarrive in Omaha Friday to be the guejst of ier'aunts, the Misses Gladstone. ,. ' •'. •'
16th and Farnam—Talco Elevator to Second: Floor—McCrory
Your delight ta'ZZ knoxo no bounds vvTien you see these really different lovely and charming dresses featured at these new and attractive prices.
A phone call will bring one of our salesman.
We can insure them against allhazzards, athome and away from home, at low rate of $2.00 per hundred* Let us explain this coverage to you* Office
S24 World-Herald Bldg.
iiHiMiiiHiiuiiuiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiniiHHuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiimiiDiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiuiiiiiiiHiii^ •T
Telephone Atlantic 3180
Phone AT. 8028
INTERSTATE The Home of Betty Wales Fashions
PRINTING CO. 1307 Howard Street, Omaha
. J
Local Sports BY MARCUS KRASNE. . , The J. C. C. basketball team - opened the season [with a, victory; ' w h e n i t defeated the Benson Chris.: tian quintet, 36 to 18, T|ie game was i exciting from start ; to finiBb;,.Ros,en| blatt,. Schreihman and Altshuler were Ihgh scorers for the Community Cen-
If,you want to see a real game of basketball, come to the J. ,C. C. next Saturday } evening. Thrills galore Exciting all the time.
Omaha Symphony. The second concert of the Omaha Symphony orchestra on December 8 was without doubt one. of the best ever heard here and was. enthusiastically received. The progiam began with the beautifully melodious and well written Country Wedding symphony of Goidmark. ' Mr, Harmati's very poetic conception gave the work \ The -score at the end of the first :; a wonderfully'romantic readirj. ' half -was 17 to 8, in favor of our The following pumb^i. de FalhVs boys, - but in the second half the 'Love Enchanted," \:&$ n highly in1 team found their stride "and ' wftlfed teresting number. Sibelius' "Swan of ; all over the Benson team. Tjie Tuonela,"* is a colorful bit of Jcanda• guarding of Leibowitg, Katzman and f i t s . "•• • navian mythology which requires: a • Bloom was the oatsatnd|ng feature + Miss Greenberg announces that a ' of the evening, by holding the Ben- demonstration will take place about specific setting to be most eff* ive. : son boys to four baskets; j the middle of January. The demon* The English horn was played by Rul ' Next week .we will entertain the stration will include the work that dolph Seidl as only a master.can pla-•fast I'" Murphy-Did-It quinteC The Miss Greenberg he's been carrying on The concert ended with Fercy • Murphy-Diid-rt team is niade up ,of in her classes. :*' Grainger's arrangement of. an. '/tl | former college players r and shoqld Irish tune, ancj-^he brilliant, scintillat- gpre -$he -.Ceoter boys -something-to ^ Following Jhe second round of the ing. "Bartered ^ Bridr Overture" by •^brry" about. ~ - — — - - . Jewish Community Center,, basketball Smetana. \ ' \ ' '•'v "'_ \ ipop, the Segalmen Service five ahd Lustgarten-VanGundy. t ;• Siar teams play' three, full games the Brodkey Const. Co. are tied for In the second concert oi the Jewish "': every .Wednesday evening. and the first place. price of admission is only 15 cents. The Service men defeated the Bea- Community Center; series,: presented With sucfi teams as the Segelman man Hardware's 19-10rwith. Giventes Tuesday evening, Miss Ida Lu£tgarten Service, \ Gross Lumberi' /Bezman, leading, the way with nine point* displayed exceptional talent -and 1 Peerless Cleanersj A, Z. A. and the Burroughs starred 'for: the losers. ; splendid; techni?, and inspirei the preBrodkeys. in our loop," we~~have' the The- BrodkeyVwon, from the Grosb diction-that she will havw a brilliant A^pre,tty- compliment v/aa the fastest* "basketball loop ~in'the"-"caty.- Lumber Co., J 5 to .13> after trailing ^ e ! ; inclusion of 6er teach a?" "Staccato D<jn'Cmias out on Wednesday even- most of the way., Arndt led the Caprice" in her modern group. This ; attack for the- vviiitmrti- with nine ings, at 7:30. . • ••.'".: •.-.•••!' composition by Mr. Cecil Ba-ryman points. ,•-'"-. ; was enthusiastically received. .: I?earl. Jiarcus has forged to the In a game which necessitated two front in : the "transatlantic" swim be- exta periods, the Peerless Cleaners Mrs. VanGundy, whe sang two ing conducted in our pool. r She now won from the A. Z. A., 26-24. Lohr- groups of songs, possesses a beauti.'ul h"as: a total of 235 .lengths,;of. the man and Goldberg starred for the soprano voice and sings with excellent •oool ,to .her, credit, an equivalent of winners, while Altshuler, with 13 of style and effect. Her German diction is good. She appears to be partiqu. 765 . rnilte. B. Kershenbaum is sec- his" teams .points, was the high' man larly at home in Handel and Schubert. ond, with" a total of 324-lengths, or for the losers. An. additioi. to her program was the 633 : mileSi Although Selma* Levin clever little song, "Caprice," the text r Business Men's League. has only,'282 lengths tq her credit, written by Helene Margaret and the L. Pet. music composed by Ida Lustgarten, she has shown remarkable endurance. • - - - ; , ' - - . " W . 1^ .666 E. Rosenstein startedr$ve race late Malashock Jpwelry ....20 Kaiman Insurance 18 15:.545 who also accompanied, the number. and has .100 lengths to-her credit; Appleman-Rob'son _...18 15 ' .545 •Mrs. Karl, Werndorf accompanied the The smmmers are scheduled to land Empire Cleaners _«_18 15 .545 singer sympathetically-and - authoritain .Paris January 13, 1938. —KARL E. TUNBERG. Omaha. Tobacco Co.—15 15 .5' ) tively. VA. Chesneau is still [leading the Glazer ,Qothing C9.....15 men^s division with a, tQtal of 348 The. Wardrobe ™^__^.12 "A" "five rc6hsisting ol Abe Gross, 18.: .400 length^. Ted Turner is second with Yousem Service ___—13 20 .390 Leon Mehdelspn, Leo Woitz A Weitz 316, ' and' Graetz third witib/ '308 •The Malashock Jewelry retained the and'A. Kaiman will represe*' the Kailengths. :- * •• , ". lead by:,thcir. .victory over. the. Omaha man'entry in the City Tournament at Tobacco Co., and the Glazei Cl -thir.g Garolow's Alleys beginning December •Featuring last Sunday's play in Co. defeated ,the Appleman-Robinson 16. Ben-.;Yausem; A.- Venyer. J. Mala the senior volley ball league was the Co. This brought a three-cornered tie shock and the-above mentioned have defeat of L. Sogolow^s ;crew at the for second place. also entered i ; the singles and doubles. hand of W. Alberts and-his warriors . Joe Rosenberg's^ 641. count was too by a score, of 15 to 8 aVd"15 to 13. much for the Kaiman surance and patronize Advertisers of The Both teams put up" a rpyai battle'and the Empire Cleaners, walkecj off- with Jewish Press. it.'was a'nip and tuck affair from a victory. start to finish.". ' \~"~.'."'.."" Jack,Alberts'.202 scorfi rather jarred Ben.Ypusem's boys, and;the W.aidROOM FOR RENT The opening round of-the J. C. C. robes again were victorious. •;->•.. With home.privelages., . ^ ;-. jr. basketball loop found three close Al Mayer .mai'c his .debut .vath.ithe : Good -locatidni near car. Mrs. = games. The B'nai Abraham's defeat- Applemaa-Robinson and shot, a 576 P. Goodbinder, 2445 Pinkney St. ed "Boy Scout Troop 6J!, a Jewish total.. ." ^ . : WE. troop, 13 t o l l , with Bergman star- Leo Weitz had an excellent iota' and ring for the winners with" 9" points. Clyde Krasne of the Glaze captured The B'nai Israel, jrs;, won from the the high single with a 223 count Mike Goldsmith, a recent .ddition to A. Z. A. jrs., 12 to .7, ; w4th Sugar and Alshuler dividing all of the win- the Yousem Service, is an f>xnerienced ning team's points. In ; the other con- bowler. He will lend considerable WHOLESALE DRUGGIST test the Psi Mu, jr%, defeated the strength to the cellarites. and STATIONERS y B nai Ami, jrsii .13 to »8t with Tur- - Nate Schlaifer, after a la>-ofF due to an injury, was back in ine lineup for 401-403-405 South 10th Street ner and Grossman starring*for the winners. ' • ..:.-.—,._.- ._ ... the Glazers. "The™ girls' basketball team defeats ed the Benson Christian girls by a score of 31 to 13. This was the first game of the .season for the "girls and they showed plenty _ of-Stuff.. The tetam is represented by Bertha Shafton, Ester Shafton, -E. arogs,- Dora Svjawrtz, Clara SchrieTfriian, Rose Fiddler, r Grace Rosenstein, "Leona r Pollack, Selma Leyip," Gracefcevih, Fannette Lincoln,' Slinnie Sherman and/Minnie Flax. The giris::p*ractice every Tuesdays Thursday at 5:3.0 and Sunday afternoon at 2:30;^ Saturday evening at 7 sharp the" girls' teani will play the First Methodist team! \
' •
The morning matrons' class, which meets on Mondays and .Wednesdays, will told a "Hearty Posture Hike" on Wednesday, December 21. The class will start from t h e . J C. C. at 9:30 prompt and hike (using the .proper posture) through a particulai section of the city until 10:30, after which they will return to1 the J , C . C for a refreshing swim. Anyone who is not a member of the class and who desires to hike with the class, is welcome. Wear your hiking out
i t .
" • ' " • '
: ^
' • • • '
Advo Quality Foods
Appreciate Shirts—
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Silk — Beautiful f pat• terns— ,' , . , : $1.85 to $5.00 .
semitism and bitterness toward people in Roumania of other racial stock." It terms the National Chrsitian Defense league, of which Prof. Alexander Cuza is the leader, and the ^National Roumanian Christian Students' Union, sanctioned by the Roumanian State Church, Greek Orthodox, extremely unfortunate and declares that their program and publications are "a disgrace to our civilization, an insult to the name. of Christian and a black blot on the fair name of Roumania." Church Involved. "We think it most unfortunate that students for the. priesthood of the State Church should have taken part in demonstrations against fellowcitiaens.of other religious preference on 4 racial background, on the basis of racial or religious prejudice," the report 'declares. T h e commission is of the opinion that'there remains . a wide discrepancy -between the .Constitution adopted by the State, which is liberal in many respects, and its enforcement through ' the officials, particularly noticeable in the1 administration in the outlying districts. Developed in a number of instances in regard to the Jews is proved by the evidence submitted to the commission. The deputation consisted of Dr.
BROADCASTING OF JEWISH SERVICES Friday Night, December 16, 1927. WJAX—Jacksonville, Fla. (340.7 M: 880 K.) 8 p. m.'eastern time. Rabbi Israel L. Kaplan. Subject of address: "The New Order and the Old Order." WMBS—Harrkburg; Pa. (231 M.) 7:45 p. m. eastern time. Dr. Philip D. Bookstaber. Subject of address: 'Marriage and Divorce." Friday Night, December 23, 1927. WJAR—Providence, R. I. (483.6 M.) 8 p. m. eastern time. P.abbi Samuel M. Gup. WMBS—Harrisburg, Pa. (231 M.) 8:45 p.. Ri. eastern cime. Dr. Philip D. Bookstaber. Subject o* address: "Woman Emancipated." Every Monday Evening. WHK—Cleveland, O. (265.3 M.) 7:15 to 7:45 eastern time. Rabbi Barnett R. Brickner. Questions and Answers. Henry A. Atkinson, General Secretary of the Church Peace Union, who is general secretary of the committee; the Rev. R. A. McGowan of the Social Action Department of the National. Catholic Welfare Conference;
Wholesale and Retail Jewelers 213-16 City National Bank Bldg JA- 5619
PAHON-MITCHELL CO. 87th and Uartba 8t».
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Soft gray, iron, brass, bronze nnd aluminum castjnps. Stnndnrd eizes bronze and iron bnsbtnps. sewer manbolea. cistern rings and covers, ntiti cleati-oirt doors In stock.
Farnam at 19th
HOTEL ROME 250 Rooms—200 Baths Good Rooms for §1.50 Operated by Eppley Hotels Co.
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Let the
Whereas the Label? •IE::;-,
Over 25,000 men and woittieivirv Omaha look for the Allied Trades laBel on your printing. Dp.you want their patronage?
Park and Tilf ord Chocolates Hoefler's Centennial Chocolates Romance Chocolates JAckson 3986
HE most skilled arid best paid craftsmen in the city are union - m e n . Their standard, of living is above the average; they, are homeowners. They pay their bills promptly. They affiliate closely with their fellow workmen. ^ , , - They are the potential customers who look for the label. To them it means recognition of the principle they organized for -^co-operation between manufacturer", merchant * and labor. And to their wives, trained to the purpose of the label, it means a merchant who is deserv-. ing of-their support. " 'Printing without the label loses this * appeal entirely. Even if dose in a ;:' union shop, there is nothing to iden, tify the work without this .label. Your printer must place this label on the job, or 25,000 people will pass you by. > " '
918 Farnam St.
& Omaha Label Shops AUTOMATIC FTG. CO. 2022 Cumins St. AT 1351 TJNIONnsT PTJB. CO. 312 S. 12th St..., AT 9573 WTIXIAMS-BREDll* PTG. CO. 110 N. 14th St JA 162S KONCKA BROS. PTG. CO. 1417 Davenport St JA "201 STRAHt, PRINTING CO. Ralston. Neb. .......Kalston 39 BEACON PRESS 1210"Howard St AT 165> ' JOtTRNAL-PTOCKMAN' StociTYards .'.HA 0573 NORMAN PRINTING CO. 2404 Ames Ave . . . K E 1111 COLONIAL PRESS 17th and "tt^bster Sts...AT 0G3S UNrVERSAL PTG. CO. 20& Bromley Elds AT 28G3 BEE-NEWS JOB DEPT. . 17th and J.acksqn Sts-..AT 1000, KI&A PRINTING CO. 1417 S. lSUi SU. AT B884 STJV PRINTING CO. '"' . • 506 S. 13th St ..AT 3832 INDEPENDENT PTG. CO. 112 N. 14th, St. JA 3850 TABULAR PRINTING CO. 180ff Harney St. AT 074S BEIBORG PRXNTING CO. . 2301 Earney St AT 7704 KRAMER & CHANDLER 1201 Farnam St JA 16uO PARAMOUNT PRESS' 723 S. 27th St AT 46SS FOSTER PRINTING CO. 312 S. 12th St. AT 9573 RIES-HALL PTG. CO. 1620 Capitol ...JAU02 M7GAFFIN PTG. CO. _ 108 S. 14th St JA 2S28 WESTERN STAR 5029 S. 24th St. MA 1088 TAFFE PRINTING CO. 118 S. 17th St. JA 0770 INTERSTATE PTG. CO. 1307 -Howard St AT 8028 AMERICAN PTG. CO. 2111 Cumins St JA 425o FONDA PRINTING CO. K 306 Patterson Block JA 664.
We Place theMbel on Your Printing trade-iiiarlc coines in several suees, and not * \ Tfiis only guarantees the. workmanship of your
UNION FUEL CO, 209 So. 18th Street—JAckson 0268
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Ironi 91.50 to ^5.00
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534' Securities Bldg., 16 & Farnam
Neckwear—, \. *
Insist that this liabel be on ALL of your Printing
Beautiful .patterns ; to choose from—
the Rev. Jon Howland Lathrop,'The Midrash and is distributed free minister" of the Unitarian Church of by the Union or the Conference. the Saviour, Brooklyn; the Rev. Dr. — — —— «—.Graham C. Hunter, pastor of the ' First Presbyterian Church, Fullerton, SERVE Cal., and M. Jules Jezequel, Paris Old Home Bread representative of the Church Peace Union. | WITH YOUR NEXT MEAL Made With a Mother's Care The first of the series of four Tracts of Post-Biblical Judaism, issued by the Tract Commission of the Union of American Hebrew Congregations and the Central Conference of American Rabbis, was issued this month for Phone us about "VULCAN" a high \ distribution. This tract deals with grade Furnace Coal <?"f 1 g%fh
Ladles Key Ring Containers FREE! O'Connor-Art Leather Goods Company
i At no cost to you, you cannot afford printing without this imprint. •
•Plain and fancy*l>road-. cloth— . - "a : \
(Continued from Page 1.)
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printing but gives" it far greater pulling power. PHONE THIS SHOF; WHEN: YOU WISH LABEL PRINTING
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