December 22, 1927

Page 1

Every Jewish Family in Omaha Should -Be a Subscriber - v

Watch for New Features in The Jewish Press

Entered cs Becond-class mall mat. S %z, tanuary 27, 1021 at P0B1 office nt Omaha. Nebraska." u u n d 5-»> ct of March 3. 1879.



Grovernment Holds Thirty-Three for Court Martial; Convicts Cordianu. JEWS MOURN LOSSES.

> The Americanization classes of the Jewish Community Center, sponsored by the. Council of , Jewish Women, were entertained,Monday evening by Mrs. I. Rosenthal, president of the Council, in her home Monday evening. The guests; of whom there were 22,.provided the. program;by singing their native songs, Russian and Polish.; T h e whofc group;, joined in singing Chanukah songs. - Prizes for .the * students who could answer the most questions •. concerning the American government were awarded.


DAVID B R O P TO W R IN INTEREST OF J.D.C. DRIVE Relief Work Faces Cut Unless $7,500,000 Is Raised. "IMPERATIVE NEED."



Light of the World




' needs your renewal now -*






Polish Men Don'tMarry; Qirls Want to BeFineLadies



SMARM Problem of Potash Supply Discussed in English Upper House, Political and Economical Query.

: New York.—A tour from, coast to coast and from Canada., to the gulf, Berlin—(J. , T. A.)—New » antiwithout any time-limitation,* will be sejnitic riots in Transylvanian towns undertaken by national chairman are reported in [ dispatches today to David '.A. Brown, of the $25,000,000 the "Festi Napio," Budapest newsUnited Jewish Campaign to stimulate paper. ' According to the report the the collection of a minimum of §7,excesses continued in several towns. 000,000 or more in cash, at the speedIn Targulocna, Jewish stores were iest possible moment, in order to enplundered and the synagogue deablethe Joint Distribution Committee stroyed. After the excesses, the to carry out its. program for reconr students •'. boarded a train/ Taleisim structive and general relief measures among the war-ruined Jews of Po-r draped over them. -'••' land, Russia' and. other overseas counFor every 60 men'there is one • Warsaw.—A resolution - urging the "quack", according to Dr. tries. The present tour is a direct outLeague of Nations and public'opinion Morris Fishbein, editor of the Ameriof the world to protest against the can Medical Journal, who delivered come of the Constructive Releif Con- jfiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiJiiiiiiniHiiininmmmmiiiiiimMmmumiiiiiniiiiiiimiiirniHiiiHr suit-Jewish pogroms in Kouroania was two addresses in Omaha Monday. . ference of the United Jewish Camadopted today by the executive'com- •• "Many of these quacks are under paign and the Joint Distribution Committee of the Union of Rabbis in'the the .disguise of the ' dozen or so mittee on October 22 and 23 last, when it was..pointed out'by Felix M. Eepublic of Poland. sciences that are" so popular here," Warburg, Paul Baerwald, Herbert H. The rabbis also proclaimed a day he said. Lehman and other officers of the joint of -fast- and prayer -because of the Dr. Fishbein advocated the breed- "distribution committee, and by Dr. Jodesecration of the Holy Scrolls and ing out of the feeble-minded by com-1 seph "A. Rosen', head of that body's Families of Aliens Already Adsynagogues in Roumania. This day pulsory sterilization after a thorough agricultural work in Russia, that un- Budget of $300,000 Adopted By mitted Receive Attention. . National Committee. is to be observed-the Thursday fol- investigation of 'each case, establish- j less at least §7,500,000 more in cash! lowing Chanukah. ing beyond a doubt the part of was secured for the purposes of reMANY PLANS SUGGESTED. MUCH WORK DONE: heredity in the case. He also ad- lief ^and. reconstructive work overseas . Washington.—(J; T. A.)—Secre- vocated examination of men and by the end of 1928, the J. D. C. would Harry H. -Lapi'dus and Sam Beber Washington.—(J. T. A.)—Numertary of State Kellogg is urged to women before marriage. be carry out its program in represented the A. Z. A. a t t h e meet- ous bills proposing changes in the imlodge a protest with the government Dr. Fishbein spoke at the Cham- the countries and territories in which ing of the national executive com- migration law have been introduced of Roumania against ''the persecu- ber of. Commerce at noon, and in the it carries on its beneficent operations. mittee of the Independent Order of in the house of representatives since tion and brutality against the peace- evening was entertained by the Phi Mr. Joseph C. Hyman, executive B'nai B'rith in Cmeinnati December congress entered into session Monday. ful arid law-abiding people of the Delta Epsilon of Creighton univer- \ secretary of the United Jewish CamBills cannot be introduced in the senJewish faith" in Roumania in a. res- sity, at a banquet in" the Fontenelle paign, has already set himself in comate until that body formally organizes A. budget oif'§300,000 for 1928 was olution introduced in the House yes- faoteL „ "• • imunication with* all state and national after disposition of the pending elecadopted. This will be used primarily officers throughout the country and in terday by Congressman LaGuardia tion contests. Canada, in order to arrange the" exact for. the extension "work of the order, of New York. i including the Hillet. Foundations loChairman1 Johnson of the House itinerary of Mr. Brown's tour and thetime that will be required. It is ex- cated i n ' American "...University cen- Immigration Committee, has introNew ibrk,—Numerous British, pected that i t will take Mr.JJrpwn in-. tos, &9 Alepi^. Z&J&ck Aleph; the duced a jfajll providing for the reduc'Affleiiean--'-stod^ontinentat^ to practically every state Of the union bureau in' Mexico to- aid-3ewisli Jsm-', tion of iuiiuigratfon <juotas~at the~rate concerns haye t withdrawn credits migrants, and the anti-defamation of 10 per cent per year for the five and into Canada. Suppressed by the benevolent desfrom Roumanian industry and comleague, which is devoted to protect- years commencing July 1, 1928, after merce as" a result of the student ex- potism of Mussolini, Italy has been ing, the Jewish name in this country which the annual quota of any nahumiliated By the surrender of her cesses, according to a'dispatch from against misrepresentation, slander tionality shall be 1 per cent of the liberties, but- will return again to Bucharest to the "New York Times." number of foreign born individuals of and libel. democracy, according to Rabbi FredWhen information that Jewish con- erick Cohn, who spoke on "Mussolini A review of the work done among such ' ^nationality . resident in the gregations in Roumania had sent out and Fascism" at a meeting of the curthe Jewish college youth by the United States as determined by the 1890 census, provided that during an appeal to hold a three-day mourn- rent topics class of the Council of Beth Hamedrosh Hogodel, Nine- Hillel Foundations aroused must ening in synagogues throughout the Jewish Women in the Jewish Com- teenth and Burt streets, will close thusiasm and :an. appropriation was this five years period-the minimum quota of any nationality shall be 100, world reached the -government, offi- munity Center Tuesday. the Chanukah festival with an even'i made for the establishment of ancials, were much chagrined because .of . Rabbi Cohn said, however, . t h a t ing service, Chanukah ceremony and other of these foundations—this one and thereafter 50. The bill provides further that during the fiscal years fear that, public opinion would be Mussolini has done much for Italy, concert, Sunday evening. . at an eastern university. The Aleph 1929 and 1930 quota allowances equalembittered. in making i t a , nation economically A double choir of sixteen and a, Zadik Aleph, an organization offer- ing one-half of the 10 per cent reduc_ The leader. of the opposition, M. sound and increasing1 .production. ^symphony orchestra of- 10 strings ing. Jewish youth wholesome social tion shall be set aside for unmarried Maniu, is preparing special interpel- • 'Many believe that • this reconstruc- will be presented by Cantor Kahano- contacts and cultural development, lations for the next meeting of parli- tion would have taken place, without witch. Miss Fanny Fish and Miss was reported as having 64 chapters children under 21 and the wives of aliens lawfully admitted to the United ment. He will ask why the govern- Fascism," he said. "Mussolini has be- Sarah Fish will assist. now functioning in the United States and married prior to July 1, ment failed to prevent and to end littled democracy, and liberty and has The cantor will sing for the first States. One of the big events which the riots, whether the government brought its principle into question time in Omaha a composition dedi- the junior order has scheduled for 1924, and that after July 1, 1928, the maximum quota for any country shall sponsored the meeting, knowing riots throughout the world. He has "made cated to the Hebrew university in the coming year is a national orabe 25,000. The effect of this bill king and parliament mere figureheads would result, and what indemnity it Jerusalem, "The Prophesy of Isaiah," torical tournament to take place in would be to greatly decrease the total and is himself the dictator. He came will pay the victims. "Vhoio Beiachris Haiomim." The Milwaukee. immigration to the United States. It into power by suppressing communSome of the B'nai B'rith achieve- is doubtful, however, whether concomposition is by P. Yasinovsky of ism. Fascism and communism are diBucharest.—M. Lapedau, minister New York. - ments of the past year that were dis- gress will entertain Chairman Johnof public instruction, returned today rect opposites. Fascism is for the cussed at the meeting are: The son's proposal. benefit- of the bourgeois," and is reacdedication of a Home for the Aged (Continued on page 4.) Suspension Suggested. tionary." . "• ' ' in Memphis, Tenn.; the addition of Congressman Blanton of Texas innew buildings to the Erie Orphan troduced a bill proposing complete Asyhrm of Erie, Pav, and the progsuspension of immigration until Janress of the $2,000,000 building fund New York.—(J. T. A.)—Edward campaign, which will make it pos- uary 1, 1935, except for accredited ofEtlsberg, former Lieutenant Com- sible to more the Jewish Orphan ficials of foreign governments, actors, News Letter from Warsaw. , his elegant wife who, if she goes for mander in the "Navy and the man re- Home of Cleveland to a more desir- artists, lecturers, singers, nurses, BY M. LUBARSKL ; a walk with him," has to leave him at garded as chiefly responsible for the able location OH the outskirts of that ministers of any religious denominathe gates of the Saxon Park,-because raising of the S-51, left Sunday for city. The report on this subject was tion, professors or students of colWhen you see how many young, leges and seminaries, persons belongthere is an inscription fixed up on the scene of the sinking of the sub- regarded as specially gratifying. men "there are walking about the ing to any recognized learned profesthe gates stating that Jews in long marine S-4,"at the hurried request of streets of Warsaw, you-wonder why sion, travellers for pleasure or busirobes" are not admitted. Thousands AdmiraT Hughes, chief of naval opparents are complaining so much ness and the wives' parents and uno% families have' lived .in this Way, the eration, "after being inducted into the about being unable to find-husbands married or widowed daughters, or man •' being merely the - instrument special service in the First Naval Disfor their daughters. Wherever you any son not over 18, and providing which supplies. the wife with - her trict: Mr. Ellsberg was rushed from •go, you see young men dressed up that emergency farm and ranch labor means of amusement, her fine doth> the Whitehall .Building to the Grand like dandies, Hassidic youths, sons of Miss Bess Furman of the Omaha may be imported for temporary peing, jewelry, country .villa, and thea- Central Terminal in a navy hospital well-to-do families, looking well-fed, Bee-News, will talk to the members of riods. ' T h e bill also provides for regters, and even-at times with interest- ambulance in order that he might visiting the theaters, cinemas, meetthe journalism class of the Jewish istration of alJ aliens on the date that ing-people to converse with on sub- catch the 3 P. M. train. ings, entertainments—-and yet there Community Center, at the closing jects which are .beyond her husband's, Ellsberg intimated the raising' of meeting of the course, December 29. immigration is suspended, with deare no - husbands for the girls. How ; : education. ••••'.•' the submarine might be a matter of Miss Furman is -known to Omaha portation as a penalty on failure to is that? Are the girls so hard to do S0j also for the creation of a Board It is true that; there were rarely a couple of weeks. please that in all this crowd they canreaders as "wobby O'Dare." She is of Americanization for the promotion From the Boston Navy Yard Ellsany family tragedies caused by this not find husbands to their -taste, or the only woman reporter to have been of Americanizing educaticr. among berg went to Wood End aboard the do the young men think so much of strange state of affairs. .Even the edsent to the Summer White House last aliens, the board to make an annual Coast Guard patrol boat burroughs. themselves that they will not demean ucated and modern Jewish woman as summer to cover the activities of PresHe took with him from Boston five ident Coolidge while he was in the report of conditions of the alien popthemselves by marrying' beneath the daughter of her mother has ulation. Blanton's bill would also dethem? • •••• • - • inherited from her the old reverance divers from the U. S. S. Lexington, all Black Hills. port all aliens who withdrew their of whom worked on the raising of the An introduction to news and feature declaration of intention to become The truth is that the young; men for the sanctity and purity of the of the S-l. ' home, for chastity, duty to the family writing has been given in this course. are afraid, of the girls./ • Ellsberg is regarded as the man The Center has been served by the citizens in oi-der to avoid the draft It is traditional in Poland, and es- and loyalty to her husband. It was during the World War. pecially so: in Warsawrthat the wo- very rare.indeed in the previous gen- who knows more about submarine sal- editing of a Center bulletin, "Center vaging than any other man within or Congressman Selvig of Minnesota Chatter," the first issue of which was man is given a better and ? more eration that a Jewish/woman overwithout the service. and Douglass of Massachusetts both stepped the mark. and betrayed her distributed early in Djcember. modem education than the man. The boy is sent to the chedar and the girl! marriage oath. After the close of the "courser the introduced bills for the repeal of the DR. MARGOLIN RETURNS. is sent to the High school. The boy) But the girls of today, the daughclass members will continue the edit- national origins plan. Dr. M. Margolin, formerly of goes about in his long Hassidic robe ter of the inwardly Jewish woman ing of "Center Chatter," which is disand the girl "wears modem dresses. and outwardly elegant lady, has in- Omaha, who has been practicing tributed both locally and to a large - The new Hadassah hopital annex in Tn this way ,the present Jewish .gen- herited only the elegance and modern- medicine and snrgery in DyersviUe, number of organizations in /other Tel Aviv was recently opened with SO eration grew up, divided among itself, ism of her mother. She demands lux- la., for. the last three years, has cities. Many letters commenting fav- beds. The children's ward, which was the men folk on one side, the women ury and good living, all of which have returned to make his home in Omaha orably upon the bulletin have been re- enlarged, was transferred tei the new folk on the other, the roan a Hassid, to be., provided by the husband. That and will practice in South Omaha. ceived. hospital so that it will now be possiwho runs about frantically trying to is. the only ideal of the Jewish girl He will be associated with Dr. J. C. Class members may bring guests to ble to -enlstjre the medical and mater6V> hnslness in order to provide for in the Polish cities today.—J. T. Al nity ward inVthe.old hospital. ... .. Millard, Omaha surgeon. ' ' Miss Furman's talk.


All Palestine Prays For Drought Relief Jerusalem.—(J. T. A.)—Prayers for rain will be recited in synagogues, mosques and churches in Palestine. A proclamation issued by the high commissioner orders that prayers be recited for relief from the drought.

; Knowledge is the light of the world. It is not amiss that the Jewish Press chooses Chanukah time, the season of-light and the praise of liberty and learning, to appeal to you for support. . The Jewish Press, bringing its readers tidings of Jews the world over, binds them in a closer fellowship, and spreads the light of knowledge and understanding. In four pages, which you may read without the trouble of going through several hundred columns of -printed matter, you will find, greatly condensed, the news of the Jewish worldWhether it happened in Omaha or Oradeamare, Hoboken or Haifa,—the Jewish Press will have it. Long before the daily papers earned news of anti-semitic riots in Roumanja, the Jewish Telegraphic Agency, by which the Jewish Press is served, reported them.

VL—No. 50

HOSPITAL'S PART BY HILDA SBOXEA. . London.—The of the conIN WELFARE WORK cession to exploitgrantingthe salts of the TOLD IN SPEECHES Dead sea to Eng-ineer Novomejski, & Zionist, and to Mr. Tulioch, engineer of Scotland, has been the subject of many questions, both in the House of Commons and in the House of Lords at several sessions, The question has aroused so much interest both in England and in the United States, among Jews and non-Jews, ir>. view of the fact that potash, which is expected to be taken in large quantities from the former site of Sodom and Gemorrah, is 8 matter of deep concern to conn* "The health and economic status tries having large agricultural interof the entire community are depend- ests. ent upon the welfare of this great Lord Islington asked the governmiddle economic group," he said. ment if it were in a position now to "Compensation laws, industrial clin- make a statement as to the following ics, health insurance and similar or- points in regard to the Dead sea salts ganizations will step in to meet their concession. needs if the doctors and hospitals do Whether they have received applinot adequately provide for their care cations for the concession and from within their means and without pan-, what quarters. perization." Whether the government has in conDr. Keegan stressed the impor- templation the selection of any one tance of preventitive health clinics, applicant as suitable for negotiations and if so, whom. ambulant care, and follow-up care. Whether in view of the great value Miss Beatrice Hodge, social serv- and the important nature of the prodice worker at the college of medicine, ucts, the government can state what University of Nebraska, explained conditions it intends to impose for the the importance of mental hygiene in protection of all the interests conalleviating bodily suffering. cerned and to ensure the adequate deMiss Rose Schaub, social worker at velopment of the enterprise. the Creighton university dispensary, Lord Islington said, 'fThis concesdeclared that the rapid growth of so- sion undoubtedly is one of great excial work in American hospitals ceptional impoi-tance. It is not only proves its usefulness. Dr. Olga important in regard to tht, potential Stastny and Miss Hodge led the-dis- v&lne of the deposits irttrrfnsieaUF».b«t but it is of great importance for reacussion of the papers presented. sons of a very far-reaching- character There will be no meeting of the both political and economic. So far ae course next Monday. "The Modern Girl" vriU be the topic of the meeting- the political aspect is concerned, thesp deposits lie partly in the mandated January 9. territory of Palestine and partly in the mandated territory of Transjordanis. Rich in Chemicals. "There is one other very important Detroit.—(J. T. A.)—The "Dear- aspect of this concession," Lord Islborn Independent" will suspend pub- ! ington continued. "This deposit, with lication with its December 26 issue, it j its immense amount of chloride of was announced yesterday from the ex- potassium which, I believe, if? estiecutive offices of the Ford Motor com- mated by experts to represent somepany. The magazine once had an an- thing around 1,000,000,000 tons of nounced circulation of 700,000. Bather potash, to say nothing of the other than sell it, Mr. Ford ordered the auxiliary chemicals of the greatest magazine to' refuse further subscrip- possible value, that are to be found tions. The "Dearborn Independent" in this area, contains pnxhicte which was purchased by Mr. Ford early in are daily becoming' more necessary for fertilizing agricultural land ever 1919. the whole world. "And if the price of this potash beBristow, Okla.—Joseph Abraham, came more reasonable, I have no who came to America an immigrant i doubt it would find its vray with great SI years ago, to earn a living- as a! advantage into practically all the pack peddler, died in this city on November 7, a multi-millionaire. (Continued on Page 2.) High standard of American living, absence of class distinction, and the unlimited! credit system are important factors iii present social troubles, Dr. J. J. Keegars, dean of the University of Nebraska Medical scbool, said m his address to the members of the social service course in the Jewish Community Center Monday evening.

Dearborn Independent To End This Month

Boys and Qirh Club Formed; r. Center to Have Club Council Seven boys' clubs, six girls' clubs cently three new clubs, the MacCRand one co-ed club have been meet- | bees, B'nai Abraham and Psi Mu ing- at the Jewish Community Center Juniors have been formed. A boy*' since the fall program started. Since Young Judea club is being' organized the announcement of the organization at the present time. of club councils, three new boys' The Y. M. and Y. W. H. A. is the groups and two new girls' clubs have only group in the Center -tfith & membership composed of both young men been formed. and young women. The Camp Fire group, for girls 12 Intra-mural competitive contests in and over, meets every Monday after school, under the leadership of Mrs. debating, dramatics, oratory, declamaWilliam Levey. A Girl Scout Troop tion, essay writing and athletics will will be organized Thursday, Decem- be fostered. Joint social affaire will ber 29, at 2 p. m., under the direction be encouraged. The first meeting of the Jwniot of Mrs. M. Katleman, assisted by Selma Levin. Mrs. Foley, director of Council will be held Monday, January the Girl Scouts in Omaha, will be i 2, at 2 p. m. Clubs are asked to up* | point their delegates and inform the present at the first meeting. j office before the meeting. The first . Four Young Judea clubs, Hadassah big event to be sponsored hy the Buds, Henrietta Szold Girls, Zion Jujiior Council will be a LincoifiFairies, and Ziona Girls, meet regu- Washington birthday celebration in larly every second and fourth .Sunday j February. This will be followed by a of the month at 3 p. m. The Fa Hon Junior Purim celebration in Match, Girls and the Pros Pro Hon girls, One of the standing features of the clubs for older girls, meet Wednesday Junior Council will be the flash Choevenings. desh rallies the first of each Hebrew Among- the boys' groups, the Junior calendar month. A division is represented by the A. Delegates from the Junior A etui Z. A., B'nai . Israel, B'naj Ami, Pi Senior groups will combine for their Delta Sigma, Psi Mu, and the Thor- organization meeting Sunday afterpeans, -which meet at various times noon, January 8, at 3 p. m. Plans will during the week- In the Junior B be presented at this meeting for a division tkfi Boy Scouts w&s the only Purim ball to be sponsored by all tlie organization for some time; but re- clubs in thig division


THE JEWISH PRESS -, Published every Thursday at Omaha, Nebraska, by

JEWISH CALENDAR — 5688-1927-28

.THE JEWISH PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY Office: Brandeis Theater Buijdirig—Telephone: ATlantic 1450 ~

/jEANETra fiUCifc-GERSON. EDITOR. ' ; / - i\: .DAVJD: BLACKER, - Business . Manager. '• ' " ' ..$2.50 Subscription Price, one year.. Advertising rates furnished on application CHANGE OF ADDRESS—Please give both the old and new address; be •".."''' ''-'"••

Past of Tebeth r. Rosb Chodesh Shebat •Rosh Chodesh Adar „ Purina Rosh Chodesh Nissan ~1st Day Pessach _____ 7th Day Pessach .....___«_____ *Rosh Chodesh lyar __... .... Lag b'Omer ........_...,..••.....;„.. Rosh Chodesh Sivan ..••,.•......... 1st Day Shabuoth ......i......~.: *Rosh Chodesh Tammua .J.-..

sure to give your name.

. .The Jewish Press is supplied by the Jewish Telegraphic agency with.cabled and telegraphic Jewish news, and feature articles from all important Jewish centers.

IN ORADEAMARE Ghanukah lights in Omaha shine over a happy community, happy, in the knowledge of freedom of worship. Chanukah lights in Oradeamare shed their brightness on a different scene. What must have been in the hearts of Roumanian Jews as they kindled their Chanukah lights? ~ The proud determination of a desperate people. : . ^ e y put their candles in the window knowing that they might^be the beacon light for the pogromist. Knowing that tKoseSfiickering tapers, the symbol of the victory of spiritual Hghty.inight be snuffed out by black bigotry before they had reached the allotted eight.""'

• .'


. -. .-.'••

... -..•


1927 V ' . ; . __Sunday, December 25

*Rosh Chodesh Tebeth

P a s t of Tammu2 - - •"•'••..'n'rU; :

Rosh Chodesh A b "' - '-, Past of A b _ •- ' .•.'.,',•„•„•. ..".

•Rosh Chodesh Ellul


kind of anti-Semitic propaganda. The nounced. A surprise for the members police was instructed to arrest all per- of the Sunday School will end the prosons who distribute anti-Semitic gram. Parents and friends of the children pamphlets. are invited to attend this program.

It among which were "Autumn,'' b'y is, I believe, somewhere round about Tschaikowsky, and a few Jewish folk- £8, 10s, Od a ton at the present time., songs. Betty Felhnan followed with with the prospect of an increase in a beautiful piano solo. Marguerelte T. A. published in Paris, is "The Case of Margolin,' accompanied by Marguer^- the early future.?. Mr. Crump." Reviewing it in the Resette Horwitz, sang "Kiss Me Again," flex, Isaac Goldberg praises it as one and a selection from Rigoletto. The Juniors to Bring i of the finest novels written by Con-climax of the evening's performance to Rally L temporary Americans. ',-•....." came when Cantor Schwarczkin and j Lewis Browne's account of the orihis choir sang two popular folksongs,' Songs, cheers, club yells, a basket-' gin of the Chanukah festival is one Ferenc Molnar, Hungarian play- the Fastochel and Joseph and his ball game, gymnastic and dancing ex-] of the most dramatic episodes in his wright, has recently come to America. brothers. The orchestra consisted of hibitipns, and a surprise number will "Stranger Than Fiction." He will lecture at Columbia univer- George Mack, 'cellist; Sam Epstein be features of tH"e Junior Chanukah j "For twenty years," he says, "the sity. Eva LeGallienne's playing of Ida Jacobson and Sol Tuchman, sec- rally,"which will beheld ft.the Jewish! Jews struggled. It was magnificent, princess in Molnar's "The Swan,^ i s | o n d Aline Tretiak and Leo Community but It seemed insane.. The tattered Wednesday, DeG. G. jand Morris Lazerowitz, first violins; cember 28, at 11 a. m. rebels were untrained, unequipped, a vivid memory. j i Korney, third violins. Tne piano waB To start the activities of the Junior unsupported—a tiriy band of priests played by Prof. Harry Braviroff. The Boyg* and Girls' Council, all paid-up and peons fighting with little more : choir boyswere Julius Hornstein,Sol Junior boy and girl members are askthan their bare fists. The great Hosts \er, Jed to-bririg.a friejnd^with theffl. __ ; of Syria, armed, disciplined ^nd.-led y,; the -greatest generals .of ,;the _day, Youth and a joy of versifying are! outnumbered them ten to one. It two of the charming characteristics •CC^med sheer-suicide. Almost.for the displayed by the poems of Gertrude j .first time in history, a war had'eon; sciously been waged for a spiritual Perlis, Omaha girl poet, in ,her;, ^principle. They had fought for that volume, "Poems of "fife." These lines' The winter months are fd 'holiest of all causes, freedom off have dramatic value as well: A Convict's Plea. automobile and it will be g<iod to you. : ^thought." Ah, violinist, artist,; ::; U. S. Oils and Gasoline wiH meet your winter needs,.. As you stand, head Jf From the Canadian Jewish ChroniBowed, playing, r cle came this jest: -; ••_•: " '• Each note doth ^ "There were three Jewish _ EsquiPenetrate. How ..; :,..., :;/;.: :;inos in "Alaska. One died; the other Soft, how low, and ? " ' MORRIS MILDER, President two sat and 'shiva'd.'" , v ^_ -.' ... Sweet is each '•••.••:.'•••,"•;• Melodious strain. V S-

The Opening of



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Grand (^anukah Concert With the best talent in Omaha. Double choir. Symphony orchestra under the personal direction of Cantor Kahanowitch , at the

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We call t i e attwillon of all wlin are Interested In buying religions articles that we haritfle everytiilngf the very best and we sell i t at very reasonable prices. Besides the regular flock of Tnleslm, silk and -wool, Tfeelin, meiusos. prafret 'botflm nmt Bibles witli Engllslj nnd Jewish translntlloti. We are going .to bare CUanutoh Ifftniis, copper and sliver plated and pure silver ones, nlso Clianutali caidles. , .-




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Play, artist, play '&'--•':•.-•:•. : I{buis Wolheim, characterized, &y Again: and soothe '% v ; -softie' young Menken as "that:cpUege My weary theart; ^ . bred -beauty," and known to all the Cleansing. i t of sin; • * , r 'Avorld'as the hardest-boiled villain, of Making meVpenitent; Renewing hope a n d : the screen, wants to.get his nose reF a i t h ; elevating/ ~ vamped and turn: into s. matinee idol. To a higher realln It is often said that' every Btage Of sublimity* ,.• :•;•-.'•..• :-A villain, no matter what his .success Play, artist, tenderly, • ; . . ' : . harbors in hia heart, the desire .to Softly upon your, violin. Oh, God! Can i t be t r u e ? turn from Dr. Hyde to Mr. JekylUI , a crirninal, now Set. - •."••-"•' However, I sympathize with Mr. A r i g h t ? , I brush a ; ,( : Wolheim in his ambition to be known Tear.«w,ay with swartfiy •' •'.;. .'-'• for his skill as well as for his n o s e Calloused : 'hand. ^ ' •.',.' "'/.':'• it is only reasonable "that Cyrano ••" Play, artist,; playl' v.V^-'''- ~:\.:'should dislike his ' grotesque- mask. And Wolheim is~an uncommonly intelligent actor. He doesn't need \ a is ^rsSi £Blfc, a Lion; 5 -a funny face to distract attention from Moose and an Eagle.*' " his work. Incidentally, he has been "Geel What ^does- it cost to seecast in John Barrymore's forthcoming him?" "' •-•••:" " " ; ' • : ^ : f e screening of "The Tempest.";

and Fish

1509 North 24th Street





DISTRIBUTORS Toyland—Eighth Floor ^ ^ ^

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Lagriculturists is extremely high. tor then sang a few solo selections,

Press Points


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^M-st-ss^a^^s^^ "' • te-fresdom, this is at least a ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ g ^ s Q N , ;


Bucharest.—(J. T. A.)—All uniThe children of the Jewish. Com- Sl>N PRINTING COMPANY versities and colleges iii Roumania munity Center ^Sunday - School -"_w$M"' AT. 3832—504 So. 13'0i St. were ordered closed by the Ministry bring their" Chanukah festivities t o \ of Education until the trial of theclose with.a program on Sunday aft-! students arrested for participation in ernoon, December 25, at 2:30. The the anti-Jewish attacks will be con-program will consist of a one-act cluded. The university authorities Chanukah. play, "The Enemies of* Iswere prohibited from admitting the rael," by the Confirmation class; • a candle drill by members of the ^kinderstudents to the building. ! Professor Malaiu of the Bucharest garten class, songs, recitations . arid Theological Seminary was dismissed readings of "the prize" winning' essays^ from his post for instigating the on "What Chanukah Means to Me." | pogroms. Professor Malaiu is a no- Announcement will be made of the torious leader of the anti-Semitic winner of the essay contest, who will be presented with, a prize. The winmovement. DEtlCATE^SEN FRlEDS ners of the Question-and-Answer .conMinister of the Interior yesterday COMPLETE LINE OF test on. Chanukah will also be. anissued an order prohibiting every Delicatessen. Smoked Meats

What a parallel there is between the Maccabean story and this!. The age-old struggle between.light and darkness. And as Tbs Chanukah concert presented the battle is never completely lost, it is never permanently -Won. Sunday evening by Cantor Abraham It must be fought again and again-r^reedom of .^worship likepcK Schwarczkin in B'nai Israel synalitical freedom is bought at the price of eternal vigilence. gogue was so well received that the -.;, Students robbed, plundered and killed. They burned syna- cantor has decided to repeat it in-the gogues at midnight. They; pulle'd out Old Jews' beards. They near future. knifed children who could not answer questions in. Roumanian. The cantor, his choir and.the or;••: ;i The responsibility for the terror will probably never be fixed. chestra captured the hearts.of • - (Continued from ?age 1.) )-.-; Eadiigrbup charges the other withblam<i; Did the government stir it IikManmerVunsavory-business-?^ stir i t up Up to t o deflect denect attention atreniion^iixji" »"uw»x^ » ^ « ' - J i p ^ r ' s h i n ? j T h e program followed with prayer-on countries of the empire. At present Was it i t ^n « . anti-semitic anti-a-mitto international i n t e r n a t i o under n a l l uHungarian n d e i ^ » j g'"2J—*"•-*> S ' ^ S S . "The Lighting of followed the Chanukah candles. the supply of potash is almost excluBrotrram with-mavM-™ Was it simply the so-called youthful effervescence of student ^ ^ ^ . ^ ^ o n ^ sively in the hands of a German Was it simply the talk so-called youthful occur. effervescence chanukah significance of. Chanukah. "Mizitfqr spirits? While they new outrages monopoly and, in, correspondence with And still in Jewish homes: in Oradeamare, the <^™™»? Shir Chanukahs" was sung. The can- that monopoly, the cost of potash to


Printing GIVE CHANUKAH PLAY ^Quality • Ge* Our "Pric'et, 'and Savse Your

New York—Joseph Tepper, well Policeman: "How did the accident known Palestine Jewish artist, who is happen?" ..: known for his scenes of pioneer life Motorist: "My wife fell asleep in Max* Marnul, - Sol Dornson Isadore; *» the country, has returned here. the back seat." Dornson, Leo Bernstein and Julius j Lazersofc. The choir men were Na-, than Seiner, Ben Korney, Henry Magr, zamin and David Slobodinsky.


1928 ____Tuesday, January 3 .^....Monday, January 23 .Wednesday. February 22 ___. Tuesday, "March 6 Thursday, March 22 ____ Thursday, April 5 _ _ _ Wednesday,-April 11 _ .-Saturday, April 21 ........... Tuesday, May 8 ... Sunday, May 20 » ..__...,.Friday, May 25 ____«_..Tuesday, June 19 .«««.. -Thursday, July 5 »___»Wednesday, July 18 ;_.w.......Thursda'y. July 26 «__.Fridayf August 17


1307 Howard Street, Omaha


PAGE 3—TJ$E JEWISH PRESS, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 22,1927 Mr. and Mrs. M. H. Lipp announce to fill the chapter's quota for the school pupils. The program will also Shullrin of Minneapolis, Minn., Mr.? Dec. 28, at eig-ht o'clock at the Danthe birth of a daughter, Sylvia Helen, Penny Luncheon fund. Mrs. B. A. include the Lighting of the Candles, and Mrs. Joe Gilinsky of Woodbine,! ish Hall. ^ December 5, at Emanuel hospital. Simon is chairman. j readings, Chanukah songs, and a tajk Iowa, and Miss Doris GOinsky. . Mrs. A". Ron.m, president of the • about Chanukah by Mr.• i. Morgan-] - ^ . - — Vx a n d M r s B e n KuVb The Omaha Club of New York in- chapter, has added the following new s t e r n the principal " ? wlU have principal of of the the Sunday Sunday] he forms The Jewish Press that two new names to the Hadassah board: Mrs. gchooL The The public is invited tto at- a s t h e i r ^ a e s t s f o r • tne members, former Omahans, have been R. A. 31iecher, Mrs. A. Bolker, Mrs.; t e n d > N o S u D d a y s c h o o ] ^ffl fag^ Mrs. Mr. Louis FichMrs Kubby's Kubby's father, father M . j added to the role of the club. The" M. Priedel, Mrs. O. C. Goldner, Mrs. ltbat tenberg, her brother, Jack Fichten-! moTnhlg o n a c c o n n t o f tte REFRIGERATION are Miss Katz and Miss Connie Levin- J. J Lewis, Lewis Mrs. Mrs A. A Rubnitz and Mrs. Mrs i berg, her aunt, Miss Bess Schwartz,' I gram at 2:30 p. m. son. * H. Silverman. ; jau of Chicago, 111., who are expected I Product of General Motors I ; The Independent Order of the Bnai; to arrive here by motor Friday. Mr. * , .n,• , ' Miss Reva Ziev has gone to Los One of the gayest dancing parties Brith, Lodge 688, will hold a regular'and Mrs. Kubby will honor their j Angeles and San Francisco fox a visit of the season was given by Dr. an<i meeting next Wednesday evening, house guests at a tea Sunday afteri of several months. Mrs. A. Greenberg and Mr. and Mrs. j December 28,. at the Danish Hall. An • noon at their home. Jack Alberts in the Athletic club election of officers will take place and i , Holiday season brings many gaities and finds most of the! Messrs. Maarice and Arthur Friedmembera of the younger set who attend out-of-town colleges home.1 Mr. and Mrs. Isadore M. Weiner Monday evening, honoring Miss Ednn j all members are urged to attend. have left for a two weeks' honeymoon German of Minneapolis, Dr. and Mrs. man returned home Wednesday from for vacations. j Meyer Malta, son of Mr. and Mrs.Iowa City, where they are students Among those who are a t home or are expected home before LnC h i c a *°- After January i they-wffl Greenberg's guest. Daven rt street b e a t h o m e aa tt ij A. , MaltzY.was - , Bar •_Mitzvahed _Satur- at the University of Iowa, to"spend d of f the t h week k are Miss Mi Ethel E h l Gladstone Gldt ^ ^ P° iv the end of Vassar college, day, December 17, at the Chevra I Aair rtemmfwr 17. sit -the _ . . ., , . Miss Lois Reichenberg of the "University of Wisconsin, Miss Lea The Thorpeian Athletic dub will The Jfsi Mu club will present a B'nai Yisrcel synagogue. That C!he»irr5i aftervacation with their parents, Rosenblatt of the University of Wisconsin, David Sher of the Har- make merry New Year's eve in the double-featured program ii the Jew-noon he entertained twenty of his The Best Plac^ to Buy lour and Mrs. Philip Friedman. vard: Law school, 'TTll r ntl e ish Community Center Sunday evenyoung friends a t a theater party at Fontenelle room of the From the University of Nebraska comes a large group, in- * ° « P ing, December 25. The chief attracThe Council Bluffs chapter No. 7, inviting the Broadway theater. * On Sunday, Thorpeians eluding Miss Frances Simon, Miss Jeanette Levinson, Miss Lillian hotel* tion, a Chanukah dance, will be preof the A. Z. A. will hold their elecyear in friends to see Iipsey, Miss Janet Lipsey, Miss Ida Tennenbaum, Miss Sylvia ceded by two basketball games in theMr. and Mis. Maltx entertained fifty —SEE US F I R S T annual affair is the | guests at a reception followed by aa L l J ?? t Wohlner, • Miss Katherine Goldstein and Miss Grace Rosenthal, maxthem. 1S/M gymnasium. 1 h e I d CAT T puie **"•w"» "* of h Sam next Wednesday evening, Morion Richards,, Lester Lapidus, Harry Safersteen, Hubert Som^ , * ? Music for the Elephant and Canary idinner party at their home h o n o r i n g ; ^ ^ SV/Li. LIEI V* I S WKbBter 204* p , y , Fnedei, ^ announces that dance will be furnished by the Night-j fo»B**-Mitzvah of their son, ; there will lie interesting and startling v Ellis Shafton, Seaman Kully and Edward Brodky. club orchestra, the same'group that L Gilinsky entertained about stroke oi 12. I -:• Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Margolin announce the engagement of their played for the Center Hallowe'en | o r t y ^latives ^ a t>ne o'clock dinSERVE daughter, Margarette, to Mr. Hyman Belman, son of Mr. and Mrs. .Mr.:and-Mrs. Reuben Ferer enter- dance. The games will be playea. by; ^^ r ^ ^ Sunday in honor of the Max;,Zwibilman. No date has been set for the wedding. the Psi.Mu thfiLMComIndepend- ) s e v e n t F . f o O T t h birthday <»f Mr. 1 tained a t a card party Monday even.. girls' eirls team and • t h e7 -QUJJJJ^^ Gflinsk^'fe Call oi ents, the J, C. C. and*the Gaingky> A U Q{ ing in their home. The party was givWITH YOUR NEXT MEAL .The marriage of Miss Esther DaRalston team. The games will begin Vw.«!»Z. brothers and sisters and his children en for the benefit of the Shumsk Revidson and Mr. Nathan J. Horwicb. at 7 p. m. Made With a Mother's Care were present. Among those who lief: society for which $32.75 was colwill take place Sunday in the Jewish. lected. '.'_ SUNDAY— Miss Berdie Berger and Miss- Jean came from Community Center. 1 Omaha Hebrew Club, in the Jewof Fremont Fremont; wiU will leave leaveV"'— of vSaturi^ Miss Davidson has been exten"21 Years of Loyal Service" \ The children and grandchildren of Krupp ish Community Center. day?oV Cuicinnati, where they will at-| »** Barron^ v sively entertained at pre-nuptial af118 So. 17th Street Abe Mr. and Mrs. M. Markovitz gave a Pi Tau^Pi fraternity con-1 Chanukah Sunday School pro- surprise dinner party in honor of tend fairs. Hiss Jeanette GOinsky gave a Gilinsky, and William Gilinsky, aH of Phone us about "VULCAN" a high bridge in her home November 13. gram, Jewish Community Center, Mrs^ Markovitz' .sfrty-fifth birthday clave December 27. On their way grade Furnace Coal £ | t A#| they wQl stop in Kansas City and St.Sioux "City, Iowa; Mr. and Mrs. H. On December 3, Miss Edith Kenyon 2:30 p. m. at their home Sunday evening. Per Ton .« $JLJUUV Louis, and on their return, in Chicago. gave a bridge tea at the Blackstone Chanukah concert, Beth Hame- I Those present were Mr. and Mrs. UNION FUEL CO. hoteL Mrs: Al Wohlner entertained drosh Hogodel. ; Leo Marks and family, Mr, and Mrs. The Workmen's circle, Branch 163, 209 So. 18th Street—JAckson 026« with a luncheon at her home on DeJH. Marks and family, Mr. and Mrs.will celebrate its twentieth anniver- • MONDAY— cember 7, and Miss Anna Zalk with Junior Boys' Basketball league, Harry Turkel and family, Stanley sary December 25 and 26 in the Labor 9, bridge, a t home on December 6. at the Jewish Community Center, . Marks, and Mr. and Mrs. M. Marko- Lyceum. A concert of professional Miss Fan Levinson and Miss Bath 6:30 p. m. vitz.; • ' ••"•:,•• ' ' musicians will be presented on SunDr. M. MargoUn "wishes to announce Kaplan honored Miss Davidson with day. A banquet for members and dele^ WEDNESDAY— the opening of his office for the gena bridge at the Fontenelle hotel on Dr. M. Margolin and family, for- gates of the organization from other .WHOLESALE DKUGG1ST ( : eral practice of medicine and surgery Modern Woodmen of the World, merly of Omaha, have removed from cities will be given on Monday. December 11, and on December 15 and STATIONERS ! at suites 101-102, Roseland Theatre Mrs. H. Richards gave a luncheon in the Jewish Community Center. ; Dyersyflle, la., and will make then481-403-405 South 10th Street BMg^ 4932 So. 24th St, on the South Commercial Basketball league, home in Omaha. They will reside at a t ;the Fontenelle. Miss Bess HorThe Odd One Bridge club enter-] Side. "wich was hoetess at a dancing party in the Jewish Community Center, 2516 Woolworth avenue. tained December 14 at the home of In the Fausteen-Potts studio on De- 7:45 p. m. Office hours:— Miss Eva Schwartz. Prizes were won Rabbi Frederick Cohn's sermon sub- by Miss Celia Stoller and Miss Betty eember 16. Hadassah, in the Jewish ComDaily 1:30 to 5 P. M. jects a t Temple Israel this week are: Goldberg. The next meeting will be Parties have been given for Miss munity Center. Mon^ Wed., Thur., and Sat, 7 to C P. IIRiday evening, "Give Love a "Davidson nearly every day this week, Other hours by appointment. December 28 at the home of Miss Ghance," and Saturday morning* "The the last before her marriage. She THURSDAY— r-WHOLESALERS— Sophie Ollander. Phones:-— B'nai B'rith, in the Jewish Com- Spirit of the Maccabees." lias been entertained by Miss Dorothy DISTKIBrTOKS OF OiBcei MA. 2898. •"..'•..'•'• Reuben, Mrs. Harry Malashock, Mrs. munity Center. Res.: JA. 1985. "Napoleon" will be the subject of Paul Bernstein and Mrs. J. M. MalaPark and Tilf ord Chocolates More reservations are coming in the book review by Rabbi Frederick shock. Associated with Dr. H. C. MSDeri Hoefler's Conn Tuesday afternoon in the '- The •marriage of Miss Ann Finkel Surgeon. club's New Year's eve party at Temple. ,••;• and 2Urr Leon Mendelson will be Centennial Chocolates Blackstone hoteL A t 11 p. m. Edwin Council Bluffs Talmud Torah .-solemnized Sunday in the synagogue, Kahn's orchestra will begin to play. Romance Chocolates ^ chapter of rHadassah-; will Sunday School will present its Twenty-gfth and Seward streets, Jir. A . Qreenberg and-Ed Treller will Chanukah program next .Sunday afmeet in the Jewish Community OennkeI will be attended by Miss 918 Farnajn St. have out-of-town guests. A number jternoon, December 25, at the Hafer's" Robin, Sipux City. Mr. Joeof guests from Lincoln are expected ter Wednesday afternoon. A luncheon and bridge will be giv- Wahiut Hall, 135 West Broadway. A Krestul vnL attend the groom. The to attend. en, at the Rex Baking company on Chanukah play, entitled "What's To.bride and groom will receive aheir January 24. The proceeds will be used night" will be presented by Sunday ifriends from seven to eleven o'clock Mr. and Mrs. Lester Meyer will re'Sunday evening, at 122 North turn Saturday from their wedding Twenty-second street. journey in California. They will reMiss Finkel was entertained at a side at 2913 Florence boulevard. Bebridge tea in the Blackstdne hotel fore her marriage, Mrs. Meyer was Sunday, by Mrs. Irvin C Leven and Miss Violette Louis of Kansas City, j We guarantee to sell you the Miss Ethel Robin. Among those who highest grade Petroleum carbon The Council of Jewish Women is nave entertained for Miss Finkel are coke— Mrs. L. Breen, "Irs. J. Hurwitz, Mrs. planning to collect a library for Wise R. Eofman, Miss Wilma Stem, Mrs. hospital for the use of the patients. M. Jacobow, Mrs. L. Robinson, Miss Current novels and non-fiction are to Celia Fellman, Mrs. D. Finkel, Miss be included in the library. Anyone MORRIS EOSENBLATT, Fropt. Mroa- Freedman, Mrs. A. Gendler, who will contribute to this cause, one or more books is asked, to communiMiss gnf«ii Brookstein, Miss Fanny cate with Miss Hazel Degan, Harney Katelman, Mrs. H. Chudacoff, and 6342, or Mrs. Harry Rosenfeld, GlenJacobow. dale 0400.


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Council Bluffs News -


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A Sa?ings <rf $1.50 Per Ton


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The Daughters of Israel Aid so- Miss Anna Hahn was hostess at a ciety h"»M a successful shower in the meeting of the Ko-Zee social dub Jewish Old People's home Tuesday. Sunday. Prizes were won by Miss Contributions for Chanukah are still Sally Noddle, Miss Sadie Tatelman, and Mrs. Minnie Margolin Cutler. being' received.



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dismissed. Eighty students who p a r jwere played a t the J. C. C. Monday C. to Joe Levey, mid-western A. A. 1 Newv } ticipated in the riots and forty other evening. The B'nai Abrams beat the U. titleholder, by a score of ' 12-9,' i LoilIlCll persons will be tried by a rcourt mat-1 B'nai Israel, jrs., 18 to 3. In the sec- 16-21 and 21-14. Joe was given a ' has returned tial, before which proceedings were ond game the Boy; Scouts of Troop tough battle, 1 but the stiff pace set! .Mr. Ben •Harding" after being1"* confined in the started. The measures taken by t h e 1 BYf MARCUS KRAS.NE. 62 Josjt. a . hard-fought game to theby Joe was to much for Herman.' government, however, have not i The J".' 0. C. regular' basketball Psi Mui, jrs., 17 to 0. In the feature] Next month we will hold the city, Clarkson hospital in Omaha for three weeks due to infected brought the leaders of the anti-semi- j (Continued from Page 1.) kedm will entertain the strong Ham- game of the evening the B'nai Ami, handball meet. This meet will be) tic movement to a state of calm. A iltAn Street Tire team Saturday jr., defeated the Olympians, 21 to 4. ( sponsored by the World-Herald and Mr. Milton Marcus,' student a t thefrom his trip to Clausenburg and 24-hour strike of t h e students night. The Tire teanVlg composed .The junior basketball games ai-e' will be open to all handball players, University of Illinois at Urbana, II!., other cities in Transylvania, where throughout the country had been callof j former Nebraska s^h/pol for the played every Monday evening. The in the city. i s expected home Friday to spend his he went to inquire into the veracity ed by t h e leaders of t h e student Scat players. The Community Cen- age limit is 16. vacation here with his parents, Mr. of the reports of the anti-Jewish ex- movement to protest against the a p ter. team has yet to taste defeat. ,.. Miss Pearl Marcus and A. Ches- and Mrs. Louis Marcus. cesses. He was shocked, he stated, prehension of t h e culprits and their Remember Saturday night — come Plans for the opening of the all-' neau still are showing the way in j to observe that the reports were cor- trial. Mr. and Mrs. Max Cohn * have -as down and treat yourself to a jolly city girls' basketball league were the marathon swim in the pool a t ; 1 good time. 4 made a t the Young Women's Chris- the J. C. C , although Miss B. Kersh- their house guest their niece, Mrs. rect. . Bucharest.—Zelea Cordianu, notori} tian association. This loop will enbaum and Miss E. Roserstein are Jack Bernstein of Chicago, 111., who Mr. Gorst, British vice-consul here, ous ring leader of the Roumanian visited the cities and towns where the arrived last Friday to spend about T/ith Leona Pollack, M. Flax, C, swing -into. action the first week in' giving Miss Marcus a close battle. anti-semitic students, was sentenced excesses took place. He returned tothree weeks here. Sehreibman and the Shafton sisters January. Miss Greenburg of the j . day, to Bucharest to submit a report to six months' imprisonment by thej cai*ying the burden of the'' attack, C. C. and Miss Hobbie of the Y. W. Another gigantic tank meet will Miss Flora Marks, student a t theto the British embassy. court of appeals. be held in our pool in the near futhe J . C. C. girls' basketball team C. A. are the originators of this city University a t Chicago, 111., will arCordianu was tried three days ago Bucharest.—Vigorous measures to ture v • Stunts, races and exhibitions rive home Friday to visit her parents, defeated the First M. E.' church girls league. by a Jassy court for bis part in the punish the perpetrators of the antiwill be on the program. I Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Marks. at the J . C. C. gym last Saturday anti-Jewish excesses in Jassy on DeJewish pogroms in Transylvania The women's class has had a, night, 31 to 13. Next;/Saturday and towns and in Jassy were taken by the cember 10. The lower court acquitted steady increase in attendance. Are Misses Eunice and Rosalie Kich- Roumanian government, it was learn- him, but an appeal was made against The J. C. C. volleyball* team will Sunday evenings the girls will play •two more strong opponents. Games you a .member? •« Don't forget, take start practicing in preparation for man. students a t the University of ed today. the decision. ' will be called a t 7 sharp. The girls care of your body a s you take care1 their coming volley ball games that Nebraska a t Lincoln, arrived home In an official statement issued by have already taken three teams into of your car. You can't repair the will be held on Monday evenings.; Wednesday to ^ p s i t j t h e i r parents the council of ministers it was de- Let another man praise thee and camp and expect to capture two human* body as you repair your car. jWith such a layout of fine,material' M r * a n d M r s - M § # ^ i c K n i a h clared that ; the chiefs of police in not thine own mouth; a stranger and Don'J -w^it .until. it's too latej get the J . C. C. volleyball team shouHl • .Mr. and Mrs.-Sam- Lincoln enter- Grosswardein and Clausenburg were i not thine own lips. more. Lefs come- out; and root for r the girls. - . . ; . . . v J into ^ e . g y m .today.. There is plenty give any team in the city a tough tained the members^'of; the- Ideal of room for new members in our aft- battle. The J . C. C. has been awardbridge club at ^tn'ejr* home last Wedernoon class, which meets on TuesThe Psi Mus will play Lincoln here ed the Midwest A. A. U . volley ball nesday evening;. «^.:•'• \• \ • -••". is like GEFILTE FISH— (all Sunday, December 25* .The J . C. and-Thursday. tournament. ' " eatable, no waste) if you buy girls' basketball team will play the Mrs; S. Freiden-left Wedne~ir-? Quality. It is like heads (Ky preliminary game, which starts a t 7 The annual J . C. C. men's double* ' Sam Gitfer of t h k B/naL Abrams, afternoon for Sioux City, Iowa, to and Shpy) mostly waste, if sharp. Dancing will follow t h e main, handball tournament will start in the'has iheen appointed captain of thevisit,; her daughter, Mrs. L, Heeger, you buy PRICE— game. Come down, and enjoy a- real near future., Members^ should * start tumbling team. The team meets and.Mr. Heeger. • FOR YOUR NEXT COAL ORDER TRY picking' their.' partners and practice; every Tuesday,. Thursday and Friday evening of entertainment. together. Herman- Segleman lost his morning during the Christmas holiThree fast junior basketball games title as handball champ of the' J . C. days.


jLocal Sports




The A. Z. A. defeated the William Street Merchants in a fast basketball .game played a t the -Center lane ; This week's presentation a t t h e Sunday. Franks and Althuler were Brandeis theater, a three-act comedy d r a m a , written by Margaret Hitchhigh score men.


The Extra Valifc Ortw. Bakery putririttt it* t > r « i eiktai «»d pastries faa* brought us ttidaiiand%.dt customers. Worsen i l l ore* OinftbJ;;»re ' talking about-it. Yon ,eati get Chte*r goods ffPVt a f » o s t g T ci* «t 1f^ c« j*l f cO; wvgoa that comt* to your neighborhood.'



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Allowance for Your Old Cleansr

OMAHA PILLOW CO. Feather mattresses mruie from your own feathers. Cool in S»mnn?r— VTnrm in Wintt-r. Cost less, tlmn felt beds. Cotton Mattresses mnrte over in new ticks at half tlie price of new ones.

1907 Cuming St.

JA. 2467


Business Men's Bawling League W» L. Bet. Malaahock Jewelry 22, 14 .636 Cmpire Cleaners —.20 16 .555 Kaiman Insurance .IS 17 .528 ApplemaiL-Robinson , 18 IS .500 Omaha Tobacco 16 17 .475 The Wardrobe :_-.15 18 .454 Glazer Clothing 16 20 .444 Yousem Service 15 21 .414 Abe Gross provided a thrill for the spectators when he secured eight consecutive strikes, finishing up with a 269 count and a total of 6,87, incidentally enabling the Malashocks to defeat the Xaiman Insurance. ; The surprise of the evening was furnished by t h e Wardrobe team, who trimmed the Applpman-Robinson boys three successive garries. Jack Alberts was the chief gunner with a 534 mark. The Empire Cleaners had a narrow escape with the d a z e r Clothing Co\, finally winning the series in the last frame of the final game. Bosey's 584 was the principal factor in the victory. Yousem Service grabbed two from the Omaha Tobacco Co., due to the excellent work of Ben Yousem. ' Ronald Gladstone of the ApplemanBobinson Co. turned in a creditable performance with a 508 mark.

Withhome privileges. Good location, near car. Mrs. P. Goodbinder, 2445 Pihknej St. WE. 5121. Couple preferred.


code DooHy, marks the first time t h a t a three-act play- lias been produced The Segelman Service five* 'de? on t h e legitimate stage in Omaha. feating the Gross Lumber's, while the • The play, which i deals with t h e r e Brddfcey Construction Co. Were i&> pressed emotions of a snug, contented feated, by the A. Z. A., took undis- American familyi. is one of amusing puted procession of first place in theinterest. Dora Clemant plays the role Jewish Community Center loop, of Laura. •:, Wednesday night a t the J . C. C. gyni. Surprises, • thrills, comedy and The Service' quint were forced'to drama that follow are well calculated go a n ' extra period "before winning to hold t h e interest of t h e audience. ' from'the^Lumber team 16-14. At the An interesting ^feature i n connecend of the regular period, the score tion jwith t h e production is t h a t Mi-si stood 12-12, when Guard Bloom made Doorly h a s left t h e choice of a title a free throw good. A basket by to t h e theater patrons. Coupons will Forward Sehreibman, just as the be pfaced in the programs and the one extra period ended, gave the 1 League submitting t h e best title will be given , leaders the game. Giventer' and a box of ten o r a n equivalent number Brown starred for the winners!, while of aeats for a performance of "SixI Epstein and Chesneau played besf-fyr Cylinder Love."

I the 1 losers. ** ' *"-• The Omaha A. Z. A. took an 18-9 victory from the Brodkey Construction company, when "a last > half spurt turned the tide for the winners. A t the half the Construction team was leading, 6-2, all of their points coming as a result of B. Schrettnnan's shooting. Altshuler and Ban Jed tKe A.Z. A. quint. * The Bezman Hardware's, "hardtack champions/' o f the league, dropped a 19-17 game to the Peerless cleaners. A belated rush" by the losers fell just one basket short, after trailing 14-7 at the half. Rosen with eleven points"together with the floorwork " of Lohrman led for the winners, while Yaffe and Burroughs were the luminaries for the losers. ' Standing of Teams: G L W Pts. Segleman 3 0 3 1000% Brodkey Const. 3 1 2 750% A. Z. A 3 1 2 750% Peerless Clean's 5 - 1 2 750% Gross Lumber ....3 3 0 CQOO% Bezman Hardw. 3 3 0 OQOO.%

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