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Every Jewish Family in Omaha 1 • Should Be a Subscriber
•"^ Featuresm ^The Jewish Press
Ghtered as second-class mail matter on it poduffice at Omaha. Nebraska, under the A
••27, 1921. at ^ b 3. 18T9;
VOL. VI.—No. 51
Arthur Rosenblum, who recently it Czernowitz.—(J.T. A.)—InterestSi moved from Omaha to Los Angeles, ing details concerning 2 Dr. Chaiin 1) That in the last three months The Jewish Press has been elected vice president of Weizmann's departure from Rouhas inaugurated seven new features? the Men's Club of Temple Emanuel, mania were disclosed'here today. of the two leading reform tem2) That the editorials by leaders of ••: the -Jewish Five Police Officials Dismissed one Omaha's Youth Reflect Credit - While . Dr. '.• Weizmann passed ples of the city. During his short Report Shows Jews Bereft of through Czernowitz on his way to community have become the talk of Omaha Jewry? in Pogrom District. Upon Community in College residence in Los Angeles, he has be- Old Occupations in New Regime. Paris his passport' was- stolen. The come prominently identified with president of: the: Zionist World O r - | Activities. 3) That The Jewish Press is.one of the most newsy MANY FREED. MOVE TO FARMS. ganization fonnd_himself in a predica- i Jewish communal and religious acand yet most compact among the Jewish papers of the MANY HONORS WON. ment because it was believed that-it II tivities." S=' country? Bucharest.:—(J. T. A.)—Nine RouNew York.—A new clement of Jews would be necessary fox" him'rto. return | § He has also been designated a manian students, constituting the sec- delegate from Los Angeles lodge, which, until recently in the minority to Bucharist t o : obtain a: new passOmaha's Jewish college students 4) That every inch of The Jewish Press.contains ond group of participants in the anti- I. O. B. B., to the grand lodge of Dis- among those who have established are distinguishing themselves in every port, he being; unwilling to:apply to |f| Jewish riots in Transylvania, were trict No. 4, to be held in Spokane, themselves on the Russian farming field of collegiate endeavor, scholas- the local officials because of the anti- J | | news, and that the Press finds no need for "filler"? . given small prison sentences by the colonies, is now paining- first position, j .tically,;in public speaking arid dra- Semitic riots that were.going on a tjjjj Wash., next June, and expects to court-martial, which concluded its proaccording to a report of the Joint Disthe time.. Eventually the passport : * 5) That The Jewish Press has -subscribers not only matics, in sports, and in t h e . social : | | ' in Omaha, or Nebraska,'but around the world? ceedings on Friday. The sentences attend. tribution committee. Thle ie the, life of their schools. Most of these was found while, the thief-^ras examvaried from 10 days to five months small merchant and trader, who, tmtM young' men- and - women • are at- home-] ining it. . . . • : * . L . for the nine members of the second the beginning' of thm year co-nrtJtntpd this week: spending the holidays with group to be tried.. One student was only 16 per cent of the Jewish farm' their parents. . sentenced to five months, two to-two ers in Russia, Today this element, Several local Jewish students m the months, two to one month and four constituted 70 per cent, University of Nebraska /have won to 10 days. * The reasons for this preponderance unique honors. Harry B. Cohen, a The witnesses, mainly colleagues of of the so-called merchant ot trading Phi Beta Kappa winner, is possessor the anti-semitic students, testified B*nai B'rith Orders Strength- element in the fjirm settlements have of the Delta Sigma Pi medal, signifithat the delegates to the students' ened by Activities. been ascertained by a representative cant of the highest record at. gradua- Petach-Tik^h Riots Subject of congress at Oradeamare were proof the Joint Distribution Committee Questions on Parliament. tion from the Biz Ad college,:, and is voked to the excesses by "4,000 t»min several -typical town* vrhich a i * the POLISH WORK GROWS. president of the Sigma Alpha Mu framunists in Oradeamare." The district sources of migration to the ternity. He is a senior in the law REPORT TO BE CABLED. attorney established", however, that in New York.—Across the sea, the His findings show that eince 1P17 np school and an instructor in accountentire Roumania there are not 4,000 B'nai B'rith lodges, as revealed in to 1926, the Jewish population of th* ing. !'"s. London.—(J. T. ' Aij—The Petach communists. ;' reports that have been received re- Russian small town hss deerppjRetf and Lester-Lapidus won distinction by Tikvah riots, a result of a clash beAttorney Popescu, who is the presicently in this country by President undergone many changes, Ctvji wsr gaining the Gold Scholarship medal tween Arab and Jewish workers, dent of the Christian league and who and pogroms were responsible for the this year, and i s president of the Zeta were discussed in the House of Com- Philanthropist Makes Gift in' To Go Into Effect in New York acted as counsel for the defense, de- Alfred M. Cohen, are engaged in ac- earlier migrations. Until 1922 the tivities that strengthen Jewish ties. Memory of His Wife. • January 1. Beta Tau fraternity. Dave Wohlner mons yesterday, w h e n . §nell and manded the acquittal of the students town populations were not settled, Wedgwood asked the secretary of the achieved the Beta Gamma Sigma key. whom he termed "patriots who have The enthusiasm kindled by the visit But beginning1 with that year the surMr. Cohen to Europe last summer, - A t the University of Nebraska also,, Colonial office a s to whether it is true TO COST $200,000. TO CHECK ILLICIT USE. done their duty." These patriots, he of viving inhabitants beg-an to conpirfcr Carl Sokolof was winner of the school] ^f** t h f Palestine .police has attacked stated, were provoked by the Mag- during which he visited England, themselves as "established," Germany and Czechoslovakia, has Jewish colony handball singles banner. Kate GoldWashington, Dec 21.—(J. T, A.)— yars. Alexander Cuza, who also act- acted as a stimulus which is producSimultaneously with the changes ir A gift of 8200,000 to the Ninety1 stein is an active member of the Dra- whether it is .true- that a number of second Street Young Men's Hebrew A new system for ' regulating and ed as counsel for the accused stunumber, there have also occurred ing concrete results. matic, club and the University Play- men and women were injured. They Association of New York by Henry I checking the . distribution of sacra- dents, delivered an address in court changes in the character of Jewish ers, and is chairman of the Advertis- also asked whether the colonial'office Kaufman of Pittsburg, was an-j mental wine will be inaugurated in | attmepting to give a "scientific" ex-, Last summer, members of the economic existence. Thr disturbance." ing, sorority. She contributes to the intends to institute an inquiry. Major noanced by Judge Joseph N. Pres-: New York on January 1, 1928. If suc- planation of the anti-semitic move- B'nai B'rith lodges in Poland ar- , after the revolution have placed n Daily Nebraskan and is president of Ormsby-Gore replied that the colonial kauer, president of the associatioE, j cessful ther^e i t wili probably be "ex- ment, and .to. justify the anti-Jewish ranged a seriesj>f informal meetings j ] a r g e nnmhex c f the Jews in the cnteoffice received no information on the at a special meeting of its Board of, tended throughout the country, ac- pogroms. . . _ . ' . _ at a popular watering place which gory of "indefinite occupations." .A the Sigma: Delta Tau sorority. t s an announcement of ProTroops guarded -the courthouse in provtd very attractive to many mem- considerable number of the Jews itJeanette : Levinson, Lillian lipsey subject, but that -he will ask the high Directors held yesterday afternoon.! commissioner to report ox.' the matter Commissioner Doran, followfear of new riots-in case full punish-1 bers of the order who happened to the town, the report indicated, have and Be'tty pteinberg were pledged to This gift, which fiinally carries, the. ;: ; by cable. -;. •../*• bnference yesterday between mest,v/ould be meted out to the stu- be there on an outing or for the cure, j taken wp manual Tabor. In some : the University Dramatic club, being Y. M. H . A 7 "building fund campaign j The question -of the - Dea". sea, gon-^ .&>lidsxitas|tcrwnB the Jewish. -fK>|>u!ati<»> ?75,W0 biyond" its"^,^,t)OaVoDjec-| Afidatant-^GcretaTy-TreaEury' Lawn < 5 e n f e : . ; . - . • - . - , • •• • • . - ' _ - _-;-.- - - . : « - v - . , from over a hundred participants in ceisi«T"was "again praised by Col onel tive, it is stipulated by the donor, > man sod a committee representing i • Material, •evidence placed on the lodge of Cracow suggested the idea, has learned one particular trade (UP Bury. He asked whether it was true the Union of Orthodox Rabbis of \ judge's table, included portions of and it is expected that it will become is the case in Barishevka, where thp the-tryouts. -Elmer Greenberg-was that an application for the Dead seal is to be utilized for the construction Orthodox Rabbis of America consistHoly Scrolls, - prayer books, Taleisim a permanent custom. entire population is engaged in tanthe only Omaha boy to make the regconcession was received by the British j of an auditorium in the new building ing of Rabbi M. Margolis, L. Selger\ nery). and other • _syna,gogue paraphanalia ular freshman football team and is Received in Prague. Foreign Office in 1918 from a British! of the association, to be erected on; and C. H. Block. In general, the Jews may, accord that were found on the students. considered by sports writers to be Ninety-second street, on* a plot 1 a.d-j Echoes of President Alfred M. group of capitalists who also offered sure material for the first team next a bid for the Ruttenberg concession. joining the present building. -The' ' The new system of check books will Altogether,. 293 students, including Cohen's tour of Europe are still be- ing to their occupation, be classed: p! year. which will be named the; be similar to that employed by phy- 87 girls, are under arrest in connec- ing heard. On the occasion of Presi- Traders, 44 per cent; custars, 16 r He asked why Ruttenberg arid No- auditorium, sicians. Rabbis who are connected { tion with i.he Transylyanian excesses. dent Cohen's reception in Prague, cent; artisans, 15 per cent; laborers David Fellman, a junior arts stu- vomeysky were given priority arid Theresa L. Kaufmann Auditorium," congregations shall be authorand on which the directors of the They will.be. tried soon, it was stated. Dr. Ader, president of District No, 8 per cent. The rest coneistE o.f "i»i i dent, is for the second successive year the application of the British group to issue certificates to members occupations." The pvoportioi The notorious-anti-semitic agitator, IS of Poland, greeted the distinguish-1 definite a member of the varsity debate team, was rejected. In reply Major Ormsby- Y. M. H. A. are authorized by Mr.' for one gallon per person and riot w h o require elementary relief is fron and was elected last year to the Delta Gore declared, "it was true that an Kaufmann to spend up to $200,000,' .more than five gallons for a "family Zurikan, and several of his associates ed visitor in behalf of the Polish j 3 p e r e'ent t o 5 p e r c e r i t Sigma Rho, the highest debate, honor application was made dn 1918, but will be a memorial to the donor's per year. The certificate is to be were arrested yesterday by the police Brethren. In a recent issue of the) On the basis of the Jm-estijratior fraternity. He is assisting in politi- there was no promise-made that this wife who passed away several years bonded by the winery where wine because they, distributed anti-semi tic official organ of the Polish B'nai j the report come to the following- conIt will have a seating capacity j must be kept. Rabbis also must fill pamphlets on the streets. group will be give,n •p'referential treat- ago. cal science. B'rith, we find published some of the! elusions: of 1,200 and Mr. Kaufraann's con-i out stubs returnable to government, a member of Bucharest.. (J. T: A.) The trial of ment. The time'for making applicaEdward Alberts is high lights of Dr. Ader's speech, | i. The economic fowndntieti of the Theta Nu,.premedic honorary frater- tions was the official date when the tribution will make possible Ithe- con- which will then be checked against! the first group of seventeen students "The disintegration of the Jews J town is being destroyed, private trad* nity. Cassie Barron of Nebraska crown agents advertised that they struction also of an adequate stage the quantity of wine withdrawn from who were arrested on the charge of must be overcome by a unifying orcsnnot compete with the co-open?" City is a member of the business staff will receive office" for the-grant of the and scene-lofts for dramatic per-j the winery. Prohibitiot officials feel leading in the anti-Jewish riots in ganization. None of the attempts tives, the custar class is being weakof the Awgwan and is "on the staff concession. Since then all applications formances dressing rooms, a loggia' that the new system will prevent wine j Transylvania was concluded here toened—and thousands of new Jewish heretofore have been completely satof the Biz Ad News. He is spending are on an equal footing," he declared. and other pertinent rooms and their, from getting into illicit channels. day by the .court martial. isfactory. Zionism has undertaken families are being deprived of means-. adequate furnishing. j the vacation in Omaha. One student- was .sentenced to one the task and we hope it will fulfill This will cause an increase in th* month imprisonment. The other sixSam Bender was a member of thejcil. Phi Deltai Epsilon, the medical Mr. Kaufmann. was also the donor j it. But today it is still only a party. percentage of transmigrantg from the teen were reprimanded. freshman football team. Hyman Os- fraternity, is represented on this of. the Irene Kaufmann Settlement in > The order does not concern itself small towns. Attorney - Popescu, who also deheroff is an honor student in the pre- council by Maynard M. Greenberg. Pittsburgh, the institution in which 2. The loan kassae (credit sociewith party differences. It says: medic college. He lives in Erikson, Justin Levey, arts freshman, is a Samuel Gerson, direcor of the "Jewish fended the students, argued why these whoever is a Jew may come to me. ties) whose purpose is to **rve thf: Neb.,>but is spending his vacation in member, of the Creightonian staff, Community Center and Jewish WelA Jewish play never before pre- seventeen are to be punished when Thus it is a unifying organization. population, are so poor th&t they will Omaha. ' and is. property manager of the dra- fare Federation, was assistant di- sented hi Omaha will be given by 3,000 Roumanian students are in The executive committee does not ask not be able to continue unless their Joe Ginsberg ranks second in his matics club, and; Yale KroloiT is on rector before coming to Omaha.*. the Samuel Bendel Yiddish stock favor of the anti-Jewish diots. whether the Zionism of Herzl or that financial resources are increased. law class. He was an alternation the the production staff of the dramatic company in the Jewish Gommunity S. The element of traderfc of Achad Ea'am prevails, but it provarsity, debate team last year and this club. Center Sunday evening, November 1. the trans-migrants will increase, sin? ceeds to help in the upbuilding of year will represent Nebraska against Bennie Morgan, on the debating The play is "From Cradle to Palestine. It feels the necessity of j nitanepusly, the working-class elcKansas on January 2 as a regular. He team for. three years,- is" a' former Grave," featuring. Mme. Betty Benpreserving the youth for Judaism and roent' w h 5 c h finds a Potion in the is a member of the Green Goblins, the member of the" Creightbnia" staff, fordel in the leading part. therefore founds Hillel Foundations economic foundation of the town, will v Trsshman men's honorary group. He mer president ?f the Oratorical so> The manager of the play assures decrease. and A. Z. A. chapters." jr. spending his vacation in Ponca, ciety and corresponding ^secretary of} 4. With the increase of the numhis patrons that strict order will be INTcb., with his parents. ber of the well-to-do among the Jewmaintained. Tickets are on sale at Jerusalem.—(J. T. A.')—Palestinian member of the dra- Hungarian Deputy ish agricultural colon Credit to Creighton.' Fried's Delicatessen and Joe Adler's citizens who wish to" travel in the matic club and dramatic critic of the, Evade Rule, and Is Paid "for It.- Delicatessen. enterprise^ will be created by them At Creighton,.Jewish students seem United Kingdom must obtain visas on Creightonian. •—. Leo Fried, won his with their own means. to have their fingers • in every pie— their Palestanian passports from the freshman numerals in football. A Chanukah program was presentPOLICE DfVESTIGATE. - | D R A M A T I C C L U B raid with much credit to themselves Immigration and Travel Section at ed by the children of the Talmud ToLeo S. Rove, director general » In Pharmacy, ' and to Creighton. Frank Ackerman Jerusalem, an official notice published rah a t the B'nai Israel synagog-ne the Pan-American Union, with Budapest.-(J. T. A.)_An invesF O R M E D A T J . C . C leads his class in scholarship, is In the Creighton College' of Pharhere states. • Sunday afternoon. Dr. Philip Sher j quarters in Washington, has be«n of Deputy j sports editor of the annual, sports edi- macy, Louis Burnstein of St. Joseph, tigaidon of the activities anti-semitic leader j Applications must be submitted to was chairman of the program. Little theater group "of the S. I named by President ^Coolidg* as on? tor of the Creightonian and a.mem- Mo., made all A's, in his last quarter's' and advocaor of the numerous the Chief Immigration Officer through Ravitz is president of the synagogue.I of the members of the American Del**her of his class basketball team. exams and has led his class for two : clauses law limiting the..number of. Jewish Community Center has organized into a Dramatic club, from the Immigration or Police Officer of Chanukah recitations were given! gation to the Sixth Pan-AmericwTi Ephraim Marks leads his class in years. Norman Green, Louis RDdin,! Jewish students In the universities, which material will be selected for all the district in which the applicants by the children, of whom 200 were Conference at Havana next January, Max Givot and'Philip Ringle are also scholarship, "was a member of the was instigated by the Budapest.no-, dramatic performances. reside. present. Gifts were distributed at the 1 Charles Evans Hughes was designated freshman debating team last year and helping to set the standards of schol- lice on the basis of charges that hej The Immigration Officer at the port close of the program. chairman. this year is a member of the college arship in the school. Louis Burnstein had defrauded many Jewish-parents^ Officers of the new club are: Hymen Shrier, president; Sadie Beber, viceof arrival in the United Kingdom, bewas one" of the two ."who represented debate squad. While -we are talking It is charged that Bartos obtained president; Gertrude Perlis, secretary, fore granting permission to land must ; of debating, we must mention Louis i Creighton in. the. Fairchilde Scholarlarge sums of money trader false and Leo Brown, treasurer. Mrs. Her- be satisfied that the applicant complies l i p p , a debating veteran of t h r r e ' s h i p exams'giveifTast year/and made pretenses, promising Jewish parents man Jahr will continue as director of with the British immigration laws and years, this year captain of t h e debat- [ sixth place among the candidates to obtain admittance for their sons the work. regulations. In addition to the visa, ing team, of the college, vict. president, from all parts of the country. Louis and daughters to the universities^ the traveller must be in a position to The next meeting will be held Janof the freshman law class, vice presi- Kohlberg received bis freshman nu- notwithstanding the numerous clausus Christmas gifts for the non-Jewish for their newsies, but thie is the first produce documents showing the object uary 3 and will be open to all those dent of Pi Delta Sigma, and an artist meral in football la^t fall. newsies, but Chanukah gifts for the time that a kosher dinner 1ms beer, law. He failed to carry out this who which to join the group. of his visit, the porposed length of his Benny.Block.was a member of the on the staff of the Creightonian and promise and did not return the stay and his means of support in the; boys of Jewish faith! January 1 at S 1 served. the Blue Jay. Philip Klutznick is a freshman football" squad a t the Uni- money. Mr. L. L. Ricketts, the circulation Berlin—A draft of a bill to prohibit United Kingdom. ! p. m., 250 boys, 100 of them Jewish, •. . ; versity of Illinois this year. David member of the debating team. will be entertained at the annual dindirector of the Omaha Bee-Hews, will the Schechita in Prussia was rejected On obtaining leave .to land, pales-, Interpellations to the government' Samuel l^aier has led his class in Sher, a senior at, Harvard, is at home ner given by the Omaha Bee-News for be the chairman of the interesting «ftanian citizens must comply with the! by the agricultural committee of the concerning this matter were introscholarship every year that lie has f o r a much longer vacation than most ' fair. A representative of the Jewipl> duced into parliament, •wherein the Prussian Diet. The bill was sponsored regulations applying to aliens in the their newsboys at the Rome hotel. been in school. He is treasurer of the of his fellow Harvard students beIn consideration of the 100 Jewish Community Center will 8jpet»k to th*1 United Kingdom.' , Bequests for ex-j by the deputies representing the antiopposition deputies stated that the Pi Delta Sigma. Milton Mandelson cause he has special privileges as a Semitic voelkische part. The commit- emption from registration under the! boys, a kosher dinner, arranged by boye. leads his law class. Hymen Shrier, student on the dean's list. This dis- anti-semites insist on the contimia-j The social service committee of thr tee expressed its desire to obtain ac- Aliens Order, 1920," should be made to Mrs. Sam Nathan, will be served to tion of the numerous clauses Ijecause secretary of Pi Delta Sigma, is a tinction is won, by a high degree of those 100 lads. Mrs. Nathan will pre- Jewish "Welfare Federation Will.'prethe Home Office. _ . . . , . j curate data on the number of animals it gives them t i e opportunity to: de-' member of the dramatic club and the scholarship. pare the dinner at the Jewish Com- sent all the boyg with gift boxes <>r fraud Jewish parents. The matter slaughtered according to the Jewish debating squad. munity Center and will use the Cen- candy. A new novel-by Vladimir JabotinIf it is not right, do not do it; if it will be taken -up by i h e Immunity ritual and the number of Jewish famiSam Zachariah won the freshman ter's dishes. • | Music and short talks wffl fee in orsky entitled "Samson the Nazarite" lies who demand kosher meat in proCommission of /parliament, /as pro-: corpus juris prize, is president of the is not true, do not say it.—Longfellow. It has been the polic? cf the Omaha der for the annual pet-together in Russian will be published by the portion to the general Jewish populaceedings cannot be brought against A merry" heart doeth good like . Pi" Delta Sigma, and represents his Logos Yerlsg of Berlin this month. Bee-News to give an annual dinner the <iinnei is served. .'^'l' " '•••.-• ••-""• • members of parliament.* ~ |tion. fraternity on the Pan-Hellenic coun- medicine.T-^Solomon. ' " ' *""' • | |
Send in Your Renewal Now
Hebrew School Has Chanukah Program
Newsies to Have Kosher Dinner And Chanukah Gifts This Year
THE JEWISH PRESS Published every Thursday at Omaha, Nebraska, by
THE JEWISH PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY . Office:. Brandeib Theater Building—Telephone: ATIantic 1450 JE4NJSTTE.GLICH GERSON. EDITOR. DAVID BLACKER, Business Manager, ..$2.50 Subscription Price, one year _ . . Advertising-rates furnished on application OP ADDRESS—Please give both the old and new address; be sure to give .your name.
.The.. Jewish J'fess is supplied by the Jewish Telegraphic agency with cabled and 'telegraphic Jewish news, and feature articles from all important Jewish centers.
Sofia—The non-Zionist Jews of Philippopolis who have refused to pay the compulsory tax imposed by the Jewish cothmunity toward the Keren Hayesod, have seceded from the comNew York. (J. T. A.) Williams S. munity. They secured premises where Culbertson, the American minister in services for the High Holy Days were
JEWISH CALENDAR — 5688-1927-28 Fast of Tebeth Rosl) Chodesh Shebat' *Rosh Chodesh Adar _ Purim —___ Rosh Chodesh Nissan __ 1st Day Pessach ...-._«^.. 7th Day Pessach ._..~~__ •Rosh Chodesh lyar «-«. Lag b'Omer .. __..^^ Rosh Chndesh Sivan ^— 1st Day Shabuoth ... •Rosh Chodesh Tammuz Fast of Tammuz „ R o s h C h o d e s h 'A-fi-
CHANUKAH CELEBRATION. One of the outstanding affairs the Chanukah Celebration at the the misBeth Hamedrosh Hogodel Synagogue the authorit es to ing at Nineteenth and Burt streets on as an independent Sunday evening, December 25, 1927,American-bom of linden Hall,' community, t d t In I under the personal direction of Pa., who was attacked bby students the Oradeamore riots, an Associated Cantor Kahanowitch. The synagogue was filled to ca- Press despatch from Bucharest LET THE pacity. The program opened with states. the Chanukah Candles ceremony by Deeply stirred by the case, M. Titudouble choir of 16 voices and the lescu, who is still confined to his bed, DO YOUR symphony orchestra of 12 instru- sent for the American minister and ments. forthwith expressed the sincere! Max Fromkin delivered a talk on regret of the Roumanian government.] the "Modern Significances of Ghana* He dispatched a special investigator HArney7545 MArket 3700 kah." Sarah Fish played a piano from the department of Justice to' MAX KAPLAN solo in which she exhibited a won- Oradeamare withinstructions to probe I derful technique. The choir sang the assault to the bottom, have Kel"The" March from Egypt," led by ler's assaillants apprehended and Cantor Kahanowitch and accompanied make the fullest report to the government. by the orchestra. DELICATESSEN FRIEDS The American minister told M. Fannie Fish played "Mazurka" by COMPLETE LINB OF Wienewski. She received a great Titulescu, that if he failed to obtain Delicatessen, Smoked Meats satisfaction from the Roumanian and Fish deal of applause. 1500 North Mth gtreti Cantor Kahanowitch sang "The government, he would go personally Russian Ellegy," accompanied by Ida to Oradeamare and investigate the Jacobson, cornet; Harry Robinson, case. Mr. Keller, who was formerly con'cello; Beulah Kay, violin^and Sarah nected with the Near East relief, is Fish, piano. The Jacobson sisters, Molly, Ida and Sarah, playing the in business with his father at Oradeamare, the despatch stated. piano, violin and cornet. 524 Paxton Block AT. 8877 A despatch to the- "New York I have my own shop—It wfll pay The choir consisted of Tenors: Hymie Rothstein, Aaron Riflrin, V. Times stated that following the aryou to call and get my prices. Goodman. Base: Sam Rifkin, Abe rival in Bucharest of "Mrs. Gottfried Lijcov. Sopranos: Izzie Mittleman, Koehler, the wife of Captain Koehler Play the Violin Correctly Harold Marks, Harold Miller, Ben- of Pennsylvania," who was a victim' by Individual Inatmrtloa jamin Bernstein, David Lazerowitch. of the Roumanian students' anti-l Prof. Sevelck and other world Alto: Louis Soskin, Morris Eitel, Semitic riots at Oradeamare, the ed teacber8 recommend my method very American minister informed the press highly. Harold Coogerman, Moshe Soskin. The orchestra consisted of Fanny that he had protested to the RoumaFRANK MACH Fish, Ida Jacobson, Rose Lazarus, nian government and was impatiently Correct Violinist and Initn«ter 1 Studio mV4 No. 18th 8t. JA. IMS Beulah Kay, Harry Holzxnan, Charlie awaiting a reply. Guss; 'cello, Harry Robinson; cornet, Sarah Jacobson. Sarah Fish was the general accompanist for the Cantor, the choir, and the orchestra. Reverend E. Fleischman was the chairman of the evening.
1928 ——-.Tuesday, January 3 .:—^onilay, January 23 -Wednesday. February 22 Tuesdayv March 6 .....,—Thursday, March 22 .:—:. Thursday, April 5 :Wednesday, April 11 —Saturday^ April 21 « ~ ^ _ Tuesday. May S _.___.:—Sunday. May 20 Friday, May 25 ..Tuesday; June 19 -Thursday, July 5 Wednesday, July 18 Thursday, July 26 Friday; August 17
Fast of Ab _. " *Rosh Chodesh EUul
In tiie public.eye:today are two youths—one has made a miserable failure of life and tiie. other has already achieved glorious stadium December 31, is featured by success." Edward Hickman is despised as the confessed perpetrathe work of four Jewish boys—Eisen, tor of one of the most heinous crimes in modern criminal history. the quarterback; Lorn and Marcus, Charles Jandbergh is loved not only as a daring hero but because he is a messenger of good will and friendly relations wherever he The glory of Nebraska and es- halfbacks, and Kaufman, a guard. year is said to have produced goes. As the result, Hickman knocks on .death's door and Lind- pecially of Nebraska Jews is being This m number of Jewish footbergh stands on the threshold of a life which holds in store all that broadcast an . exactly the manner ^ —J. G. G. players. men value. ,-.'; . . which reflects most' dignified credit _J The dread and grim realization, which is only too apparent in upon them. Ella Fleishman Auerbach T T ; I I _ I T7U J J.' the Hickman case, that a boy may come from a good famfly and recently prepared a history of the ™ l l e l f o u n d a t i o n have a^pdj.ciducatiqn and: yet drift to the very, lowest depths of Jews of Nebraska for the state hisDirector Dies degrada^nris .enough .tq make ill^Qf us ponder as, we have Bever torical society. Last week's "Amerithough^-hefpre .concerning, the problem of our youth. can Hebrew" contained a long illus- Chicago.—Rabbi Benjamin Frankel, However*,: there is no necessity for pessimism.. Let .us look trated article by _ Mrs. Auerbach on executive director of the B'nai B'rith on. Lin'di>ergli:5 side of the picture. For every-Hicfcman-there are- "Frontiersmen : in the History of Ne- Hillel Foundation, died at Mercy hosthousandsjof yoUBg.men who are a credit to th.emselve&an.ditheir braska." pital, in Urbana, III., early today, folr commuoities -_•/-_. ,^;i—.'" uoe: . .... • lowing- a six weeks' illness. It Is^pon. youth, that we are depending to continue the work Frankel, whose death was g done. It is towards youth y that is now beingthat we have " Ipl d; Christian and Jewish, goodwill con- dueRabbi to heart trouble, was 30 years ferences may meetand talk and for practically i l every progressive i moyementt since i the h ddawn" of civihzation. An^ youth has always done its share in man's devel- frajpne resolutions^ for a month withopment. The pa^es of history, from biblical days untilJthe present out! reaching results as definite as Funeral services will be held at the age areOreplete with the almost u'nbelieveable accomplishments of those won in New York last week Hillel Foundation Temple, Cham* comparatively young men. From "psalm writer" David Who slew by: the metropolitan postal employes. paigne, 111., Thursday afternoon and with second sendees will take the giant Goliath while yet a youngster to "wave rider" Lindbergh All Jewish postal employes offered burial place at Rabbi Frankel's nawho mastered the hitherto unconquerable Atlantic ^while; only 25, to work on Christmas to permit the tive city, Peoria, on Friday morning. workers to have the holithere has intervened a long list of surprisingly young men who did Christian 1 day , in return foi*'which, the Chrisbig things in a big way. Patrick Henry was only 27 when Jie made his famous speech against the Stamp*Act"'and"immortalized the tian employes will supplant Jewish Two merchants meet in a train. p g p Says the one to the (SWeTft H k d f"Gi l i b t i ' 'd now wjpH.known words of."Give me liberty or give' me'death." workers during the high holidays. "Whither bound?" * Thomag;Jefferson was.only 6 years his senior when he drafted that c l ^jy ^ ; document which struck from off American feet the The' Bezalel Art school in Jeru- "To Warsaw." - - ~ shackles of BionarchikliEngland to our free democ- salem nas been forced to close for "Why do you tell me you are going Preparatory work on the construch i k l E l d and d gave birth i racy^—ihe DejelaraMonjoflndeperidence. At 20 Napoleon led an lack tion of the Haifa harbor is being befunds, according to. a dis- to Warsaw?" army in' .battling ;.fop -the; freedom of his native land and at 30 .patch/.offrom" "Why not?" * r , gun this week, states a dispatch from Palestine.'• There was a Alexander the Great of Macedonia was dead, but in'that short time when this , x \ y "Eh, my. friend, you|teli.me you are Jerusalem to the Jewish Telegraphic school'had an enrollspan of time, he had conquered all of the then known world.' At ment of 450 students going to Warsaw so I wiil think you Agency. The survey work is being in drawing, the age of 24 Spinoza the great Jewish philosopher liad already are going o/Vilna. But I know you undertaken by four engineers, t sculpture and handicrafts. There become, famous. . : ; are not going to Vilna, why then, do ; was a Bfe^alsl national museum and ,you; tell me you are going to War- British and two Palstinians. It is ex!Experie_nce has proven that there :are only two factors wiiich pected that the actual building of the 5 shape;the lives of men-^one is--heredity; the other is training. gallery corin&tecP wfth the ' school." saw?'* ' * harbor will commence soon. f After a child is born the matter of his heredity is already determined. The only thing that can be.done to properly shape and A "magic carpet" air cruise, is .planned by; the .Imperial .Airways; develop his Iife is to give him the proper sort of training,-. •_:. The Jews of America.are beginning to realize justJiow im- Ltd., of London,, according to reports. portant. ihis_problem is. All over the country th&ejireispriiiging; The plane will 'go ..to' Cairo, Bagdad, HERE are" a number of people in every comup Jewish jGommumty Centers for the proper development of our Jerusalem, the Jordan, Jericho and munity whose interests reach out beyond the youtji. In five of the largest universities in this country Hillel other Palestinian ports. Magic carFoundations are already functioning. In sixty-eight of the- com- pet indeetlt \.:~-~ , local sphere. muni|ies of America the Jewish youtte have banded together and are now proud members of the Order of Aleph Zadik Alaph. These Gabriel Yolin,. writing'in The .ReFor them the newest organizations for young men are proving fine training flex, says that the limitation of European immigration has already afgroun^ds for the n^odern American Jewish youth. __r _ o Young men \yho were beginning to drift away from Judaism' fected adversely the caliber of the inmany of our universities are now walking with heads erect and Jewish student in American instituproudly proclaiming their ancient faith. The charge that irrelig- tj o n s of learning came into existence. ion atid immorality have been stalking through the country and « The o l d e r ^ o f idealistic stuparticularly among ouryouth, finds no foundation j n fact in the d e n t i s D e c o n i i n g i a r e . instead, the Were it possible to conduct a nation-wide exvastbody of Jewry. The young Jew, as never before, is taking W a t U p . ^ d ^ o n m i g gO-getter is amination we would be willing to wager that the an interest.m the more serious problems which beset him. A b e c o m i n ~ widespread" readers of the JEWISH DAILY BULLETIN are scholarship fund[for; peedy Jewish boys has been established by r d ^ ,ft £ b e l j e v e that thig ,„ far and away the most widely informed people in the A.Z. A. Other achievements too numerous to mention are the the country^. ,handy work of these many organizations which are producing^ generation of Jews of whom we may well be proud,.and who m ;£ . •• . The JEWISH DAILY BULLETIN is a nationturn, are proud to proclaim as did Jonah of old "Ivri Onachi". I t h a t lfc 1S al newspaper. . am a Jew.
Press Points
Mfg.-Retafl Jeweler
HERZBERG'S Winter Apparel
C Now in Full Swing!
Jewish Daily Bulletin
The University'of "California foottall team, which will play Pennsylexcesses in Oradeamare continued vania ii)i the California Memorial yesterday. Three Jews were^-killed and. many Jewish houses were ransacked. ' •.'••]
Jewish Verse
From the. Student World comes this poem by James Waterman Wise, Vienna—Anti-Jewish esSeSses 'took' son of Rabbi Stiephen Wise, appeal- place in Michalovce, Czecho-Slovakia, ing to the world's youth to extend following a meeting.KeJd by the Slo-" the hand of comradeship, that all may vaks in protest against Lord Rothwork ftogether for the common good: mere's suggestion to change'th'e Hungarian frontier to include territory The Jew to the World's Youth. which now belongs to Czecho-Slovakia. Youth, of the world, you do with Representations were made by the heart and brain • , . Strive for_a new world better than Jewish community to the Czecho-Slovakian Minister of the Interior and to ' a ; wrongs "" - and - • agonies President Masaryk. From myriad -Untold,*
-•-• '
. v a i n ,
, ; ; - :-
The JEWISH DAILY BULLETIN is the only complete sutnmary of Jewish news.
A housekeeper for general housework. Temporary position. Gall HA rney 6806 or 7058;'
SUBSCRIPTION: One year $10, 6 months $6, 3 months $3, 1 month $1 Jewish Daily Bulletin, 621 Broadway, New York, N. Y. Please enter my subscription for—.—..year. I enclose check _.„„ months. for ? .. •
To you we turn—let us not turn in -.'•• - , . ; . • ' ,
Too long -have,, we sat silent while ohirVheart, j Full wiih%be passiqn/that within us
Be Good to Your Automobile
To serve mankind, has yearned as The winter months are here. Be good to your still it yearns; '..':,- automobile and it will be good to you. In your great..venture,greatly to take f •part. ^ U. S. Oils and Gasoline will meet your winter needs. And yet there stirs in- us an age.old pride, \ '" , A small but mighty people's pride ••of race; "Friendship, not favor is the right we » MORRIS MILDER, President ask— t .- * With aught save comradeship unsatisfied. ' Youth of the World, we ask a comrade's place, In - the 'fulfillment of our common task!*. ESOMIT The Roumanian1 government has 2429 Decatur Street WE. 3527 suppressed all news concerning the real significance o£ the riots.. Reports We call the attention.of all who are interested in buying religious received here from . pradeamare articles that we handle everything the very best and we sell it at states that the Jewish- • community . very reasonable prices. Besides the regular stock ofTatesim, silk there! remains without a house of 'and wool, Tfeelin, Mezuzos, prayer books and Bibles with English" worship since both synagogues were and Jewish translation. ' • ' • • - - jRoymanian.'stu-|-
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Definite Absolute Disposal!
5 ;The JE#ISH BULLETIN not only condenses " ; the news-bin presents it truthfully and imparti! H ' ' ": ' The JEWISH DAILY BULLETIN is reliable. • It offends some of the people sotne of the time, but only because it aims to tell the whole truth to all of the people, all of the time.
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•Te-welry, All Risks Landiords' Liability Ijnrcfiiy and Theft Leasehold Liability (General) Life Lire Stock Merchandise in Transit Motor Boat Motorcycle (all forms) Musical Instruments Partnership Life Insurance Physicians' Defense Plate Glass Breakage Profit Insurance Kain Insurance
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Telephone ATIantic 3180
Coming Events
: SUNDAY— Omaha Hebrew Club, in the Jewish Community Center. MONDAY— Junior Boys Basketball League, at the Jewish Community Center, 6:20 p. m. TUESDAY— . Current Topics dass,-of the Council of Jewish -Women, in the Jewish Community Center, 10:30 a. m. Women's Welfare organization, in the Jewish Community Center. WEDNESDAY— Woodmen of the World, in the Jewish Community Center. J. C. C. Commercial, basketball league, in the Jewish Community Center, 7:45 p . i n . " / THURSDAY— B'nai B'rith, in tKe. Jewish Community Center. -- - .
Mrs. Isidore Weiner will have as) The Odd One club held a theater her house guests, Mr. Sam Wolf and party at the Brandcis theater DecemMtC Harry Wolf of Mason City, I&. j ber 26, followed by a luncheon at the * - j Peacock Inn. Miss Miriam Greenberger of Grand Island ' is "visiting her aunt, Mrs. I. Miss Lillian Fisher of Des Moinss Berkowitz. Miss Greenberger is a stu- is a holiday guest of Mr. and Mrs. dent at the University of Nebraska. Charles Nathan. Elmer Greenberg, student at the University of Nebraska, is spending his vacation with his parents, Hr. and Mrs. Sam Greenberg.
Gay beyond those of recent years will be the New Year's Eve parfaes-which will usher in Nineteen Twenty-eight. Two lar<*e Jewish -^airs^have been planned, that of the Highland CountrV club at the Blackstone hotel, and that of the Compeers at the Community Playhouse. For the Highland party, Eddie Kahn's orchestra will play. Dr. A. Greenberg, chairman of the evening, has arranged unusual entertainment for the last hour of this year, and a "big surprise" to besprung at 2:30 a. m. Original decorations are being arranged by tb4 decorations committee, of which Ed Treller is chairman. Among the party reservations which have been made for the Highland are those by: Morton Degen, Loyal Cohn, Dave Rosen-% Stock, Louis Hiller, Edwin Kirshbraun, Jerome Heyn, Joe Rosenfeldt^Leo Krasne, Dr. A. Greenberg, Ed Treller, Bud Wolf, Fred Fisher, Marvin Treller, Bert Friedman, Carl Fanle of Yankton, S.;D.,. Marion Fanle, Ronald Gladstone, Abe Herzberg, Dave Feder,~EIarry Wolf, Morris Milder, Mose Herzberg, F. J. Albert, Among the University of Nebraska Sam'Cdhn, Max Fromkin, J. Malashock, Dave Greenberg, Harry students who are at home for the holiMelcher,"Sol Levy, J. C. Pepper, Henry Rosenthal, Sol Degen, Max days are: Dave FeTlman, David WohlRbsenblufn, Ben Danbauml Dr. B. T. Friedman and Donald Fischer. ner, Carl Sokolof, Jerome Diamond, Many small private parties are also being formed for the Louis Diamond, Elmer "" Greenberg, Celebration of the new year. Sam Bender, Leon Frankel, Daniel
The" marriage of Miss Gertrude rich/ daughter of Mr. Kasper lorwicb," to Mr. Fred Kurtzman of iNeola, Iowa, -will be solemnized Sunftlay afternoon at the home of the Ibride. r Sabbi Frederick Cohn will fread' /the marriage lines, in the presence of the immediate families. t couple will go to St. Louis, and tien to Neola, where they will make tthejf hmoe. Miss, Marion Fantle of Yankton, S. ID,, will arrive Thursday to visit Mr. land Mrs. E. Treller. Many social affairs have already been planned for ; Miss Fantle. Miss Pauline Herzberg 'SL give a luncheon for her at the JFonteneile hotel Friday, and in the ^ evening. Miss Pauline Koppel will give 1 dinner in her home. Mr. Max Holzaniwfll-entertain for her following ^the dinner. On Saturday evening she IflLbe the .guest of Mr. Marvin Trell^at'-the-Highland Country club New Lyear'siparty. She will leave Monday f for Columbus, O., where she attends Iphio State university. 'Aimduncement has been inade of " the birth-of a daughter, Betty Jean, to Dt. Elisabeth Swab and D.. Charjes s in Philadelphia, ^M^Swab in Philadelphia, on on DecemDecemM !
Nothing is Ever Carried Over at Carman's Beautiful Cloth Coats We're rightly proud of these winter coats. It isn't often such fine fabrics and perfect tailoring are found in coats so inexpensive a s
t h e s e .
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Lavishly Furred Coats Richly furred coats of every type to meet diverse occasions and embracing everything that is smart and new. See these coats tomorrow.
Fashion Perfect Coats $
Coats of superlative loveliness—developed in bhe season's favorite materials. Lavishly trimmed with furs of luxurious beauty.
Mjss Jerry Wintroub, who formerly attended college in - Chicago, spent last year in Atlanta, Ga,, where she" , was in'charge of activities at the Hebrew, Orphan's institution. The -Current Topics class of the ConncS of Jewish Women will meet at-10:fe0 a. m. Tuesday.in the Jewish Community Center. Rabbi Frederick speak • on "Results in Cohn China."
Quality Frocks*
Quality Frocks l i e favored styles—chic and charming'. The popular silks, cloths and party dresses.
High Type Frocks What an opportunity! Just at a time when new frocks are heeded for^ 'Holiday*', we^r. With utter disregard for cost'or profit.
TEA ROOM 49 and Dodge CANDYLAND 16th and Faniam
=313 SO^l4-*«iiEf. OMAHA.
Clemant-Walsh Players PRESENTING
The Smashing Comedy Hit
Six Cylinder hove With JOHN HOLDEN
Our Year-End Clearance . Selections vastly greater than ever before. rAmasdng values that only Nebraska Year-End Clearance offers. Record crowds are attending this classic value-event.
Women's Coats Dresses, Furs Every garment in our women's sections offered in this sweeping clearance at prices sensationally l9w to effect immediate and Complete clear-way of all fall and winter garments. It's our way of keeping the new store ever new. ; ^.^
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JTeetber ranttroppog mnile trom ji«or own feathers. Coo) in Summer—Wnrin In Wintor. Cost less ttmn felt beds. Cotton Mnttresses made over in new ticks at tanlf the price ol new ones.
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This Is Done by Machinery. No Hand Touches the Coloring Except Yours Ask your grocer tor NUCOA Distributed by
Thomsen-Siater Butter Company 1315 Howard St.
AT 8485
ALL BEAUTIFUL COATS WILL GO ALL CHARMING DRESSES WILL GO ALL LUXURIOUS FURS WILL GO AH at lowest prices known for such quality and style excellence. Be here Friday and Saturday for yoar flfearc of t h t tllues. SEE OTJB FIFTEENTH STREET EE4DY-TO-WEAE WINDOWS TODAY
Come and revel in the wonderful values procured for this week-end selling. Dresses for all occasions in the smartest colors and materialsl .. ' •
That Are Brilliantly Styled and Superbly Designed
Such radical merchandising calls for the giving of astounding values—values far greater than if we used price comparisonsIt's a typical Nebraska Year-End Clearance—you know what it
ber s Misses Eosavere and* Jerry Winktroub are leaving Thursday for New York, where they/will remain until June. Tfoey will spend the New Year's holiday in Chicago as guests of Mr. ind Mrs. Allan Burke, formerly of Omahk. "
We Do Not Refer to Garments as Being—
Kid Caracul, Sealine, Beavetette, Kid Antetope, Trimmings o f Squirrel, French Beav- $ er, Marmink, Pointed Wolf and Fox. Beautiful Linings and Fittings.
250 Rooms—200 Baths Good Rooms for §1.50 Operated by Eppley Hotels Co.
Mr. and Mrs. J. SeJiraky celebrated their tenth wedding anniversary Sunday evening. Ten tables of bridge were entertained.
NOTE—We Do Not Quote Comparative Prices
S u p e r b F u rCoats of unusual Quality
A bridge party was given for the benefit of the Daughters of Zicn December 14 at the home of Mrs. J. Brown.
The Event Well Dressed - Women Wait For
Miss Lillian Simons of Sioux City |is visl&ig Mrs. H. Oberman. The enagemeht of Miss Simons and Mr. Isidore Qberman, son of Mr. and Mrs. P^ennan, has recently been annc^d. . A number of parties are being given for Miss Simons.
The Women's Welfare Organization will meet at 2:30 p. in., January S, in the Jewish Community Center. Members who did not receive cards as well as those who did, are asked to come.
Greenhouse, Maurice GilTer, Etta The Henrietta Zsold Girls, a Young Frisch, Betty Steinberg and Dorothy Judean dub for girls of the ages of Weiner. 15 to IX, held their annual election Sunday, December 25, 1927, at the Jewish Community Center. The fol- Harry Cohen is attending the naMiss Anne Rosenblatt. lowing were elected: Ruth Fox, presi- tional convention of the Sigma Alpha Miss Anne Rosenblatt, daughter of duction, opened recently in Boston. dent; -Martha Iippet, vice president; Mu in Montreal, Canada. Mr. and Mrs. Morris M. Rosenblatt, Miss Rosenblatt attended a dinner Rose Shafer, secretary; Sylvia BezThe Se Telh Ta sorority entertained who won her degree from RadcKffe given by George Gershwin modernist mari, treasurer, and Ruth White, reonly last spring, is accom-, composer, given at the Eitz Cariton porter. Ida Bercovici and Jeannette with a sorority bxidge~(lor- thefour j altunni members who are now attend;pa™Stfor Marilyn Miller in her new ^ on the o p e n ^ night of the play. Turner were elected as the represening the University cf Nebraska andj show, "Rosalie." Professionally, .Miss Rosenblatt "i s Anrioimcement of the marriage in tatives - to the Junior council. The The are at home for the.-' holidays. The I P^F. which is a Ziegfeld pro\ known as Anne Ronell newly elected officers have decided to Chicag^last week of Mr. Sam Wertgirls are Jeanette Levinson, Lillian 1 hold a membership campaign starting heirne^ sr., and Mrs. Gas Salzenstein, has been., ma.de here. Mr. and Mrs.at the next meeting, January 8, 1928. Lipsey, Ida Tenenbaum. arid Janet 1 Jewish National Fund, and Mrs. L Mrs. Morris Gendler is recuperatKulakofsky, treasurer of the Jewish ing from an operation at the home of Wertheimer have g-one to California Any girls interested may call any of Lipsey. National Fund. her parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. Ravitz.1 the new officers for information.. and •will return to Omaha about FebMiss. Jeanette Levinson entertained ruary 15. Mr.. Wertheimer is presiB dent'of Wise Memorial hospitaL Miss Esther Silverman of Kansas with an informal party in her home City is visiting Mr. and Mrs. S. M. Tuesday evening. Mrs. M. Gross, announces the en--dayman; She" will be entertained by Election of officera was held by the of her daughter; Minnette Mrs. dayman at a bridge party Daughters of Zion at a meeting Derto Mr. Sidney Corenman of Thursday evening. cember 21 in the Jewish CommuiJ'y sas City, formerly of Or;aha. No The Daughters of Zion, the Junior Center., The officers are: Mrs. S. has bee^i set for, the .wedding. -Both Miss Gross-anu Mr. Corenman Hadassah and the Young Judeans .as- Cohen, president; Mrs. J. Pretiak, ; are:- \*ell- known and popular in sisted in the Maccabean Day drive of vice president; Mrs. M. Braudy, secI Omaha. Miss Gross will leave Satur- the Hadassah for the Jewish National ond .vice president; Mrs. E. Weinberg, Iday-€QT-Kansas City, where she will fund. Mrs. J. Hahn and Mrs. J. Ros- treasuzer; Mrs."Dansky, secretary; Impend-'the holidays : with relatives~of en of : Council Bluffs reported the Mrs.' A. Shafton, recording secretary; Mrs. J. Linzman, chairman of the Ir.-Corenman. -highest collections.
Wholesale and Retail Jewelers 213-16 City National Bank Bldg.—JA. 5G39
Mrs. H. B. Sherman entertained Sunday evening, December 18, in honor of her sister, Hiss Rose King, with a supper bridge party. Prizes were won by Mrs. Harry Laff, Mr. Sam Monawitz, Mrs. Harry Meesman and Mr. Nathan Schlaifer.
The;uiarriage of Miss Celia Greenspuri, ^daughter of Mrs. I. Hassen, and Harry; Cohan, son of Mrs~P. S. Cohen, both of^this city, "was solemnized at 6:39 _]v rn., December 25, by Rabbi Starrels of Lincoln, Neb., and came as a coinplete surprise to all! of their friend^ ' .< The: young conple are making their home herg at the Logan apartments.
Mr. ?and Mrs. Abe Bernstein announce the engagement of their ^daughter; Lillian, to Mr. Meyer Goldr erg,-son of Mrs. Ida Goldberg.., No Idate has been set for the wedding.
Fresh at Ycur Grcczrs
PAGE 4 - T H E JEWISH PRESS, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 29, 1927 ing to jthe rules. . 6*. Bullies- opponents and officials.7. Violates eligibility agreements; 8. Is selfish, "wants all the best , BY MARCUS KRASNE. i of it." The J. C. C. basketball, team hung (£9. Does not do his best. "up the second'victory of the .season 10. Disregards the rights, of others. " b y defeating^ the strong Hamilton Character^ is the quality we want Street' Tire team by" a score at 27 to instill in every boy. to 21 at the.J. C. C. gym last Saturday. Franks, a newcomer- on the The Physical Department will sponteam, slipped four baskets through sor another dance the fourteenth of the hoop in the dying minutes of the January. A real basketball game game and put it on ice for'-the Cen- and then a dance. Remember the ter boys, Altshuler, Rosenblatt and date. It's a Physical Department Katzman contributed their share to- dance. wards the -victory; . •'. • - • - -
CouneilBluffs News '
Lbc^l Sports
Holden takes Hie role of Gil- choicest material, with* every member . I beutMr.Sterling who has mortgaged his of the company cast in the play. There-,
N Q f f ffl m W E
pretty little cottage "to buy a car— because, his "pretty" little wife wantl"d it. When he got the car he found he was quickly surrounded by a flock of spongers and by the time he finished settling for jazz parties, roadhouse_ suppers and speeding fines he got into a peck of trouble. When he embezzled his employer's funds to get out of debt, he wat caught at it and nearly went down with a sickening thud. How he comes back makes an excellent finale to one of the best plays written within recent years. Dora Clemant will be seen in the feminine lead, that of Marifyn, Gilbert's wife. Not only are the leading roles exceptionally fine, but all the other parts will be found full of the
T. A- Tully. of the Tully Hat store/ Washington. (J. T. A.). Federal did not forget this year his annual The ladies' auxiliary of the Talmud Torah will hold a meeting next Wed- custom of distributing hats to the prevention, by statute, of religious j intolerance where'it" interferes with nesday afternoon, January 4, at the poor on the day after Christmas. Nearly three hundred • men, all in the constitutional rights of citizens is home of' Mrs. J. Mendelson, TO North need of n3w headgear, assembled to proposed in a bill introduced in th!e 28th street. ' There will- be special win the coveted hats, and of them 103 House by Representative Lindsay, entertainment and all members are received them. .'j Democrat, of New York. From its urged to attend. Mr. Tully gave the first three hats wording the measure is obviously an Mr. and Mrs. Abe Bear of Leaven- to a blind man and two cripples who anti-Klan bill. worth, Kansas, spent Sunday and were not able to push their way intp; ^ n y interference with religious Monday here visiting Mrs. Bear's the front line of the crowd. After freedom as established. by the Conparents, Mr. and Mrs. Julius Katel- them, the old, the feebled, and the s tjtution would be prohibited by the man. < -'' "- ''/'. !•.."•• "•?•'.; ; • ' . ; • ' ; . other disabled men., Some of them b m > p a r t j c u larly, persons trying to had stood in front -of Tully's store i n t e r f e r e w i t h a n y r e i i g ^ ^ g ^ p b y Mr. and Mrs. Harry Kubby enter- since 4:30 a. m., the distribution hav- t h e <,exerd!.e o f physicaj force or tained their evening bridge club a t ing been announced for 10 a. m. ; [ intimidatiun through donning of their* home Tuesday evening. This unique philanthropy has be- w e i r d ; . tanBUal • o i . u n c habiH. institution for come an annual —*•*«*">•"— Miss Sylvia Zevan of Kansas City, ments .which include covering of the Mo., <is^her&; visiting her grand- \ Omaha's needy. head or face" would be forbidden. parents, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Friedman,1;
- Lincoln A. Z. A. basketball team " Three fast games featured the -lost to Psi Mu team last Sunday night Junior league at the J . G. C, gym with a score of 27 to 21. last' Monday evening. The F s j ; Mu, jr.'," defeated the Olympians7by - a The Catholic girls, last year's basscore of 26 to 14; the. B'rfav Ab- ketball champions, won. a game from raham beat the B'nai Amii.jr., 14 to the Jewish girls Sunday. The score 3. The last game of the evening t h e was 34 to 14. •«' Boy Scouts trounced .the^B*nai .IsElection of officers was held by the raels, jr., 22.:to 10. ;-- ^ -.; --.,.• Business Men's League* •. I..JD. B;*B. No. 688.Wednesday even: Standing of the Junior;league: t. Tct.: ing. T}je following officers, .were And '. • • G. . W.-1*. -Pet. Malashock Jewelry~~~24. 115 4615 The Johnsons %ith 407 listings will B'nai /Abrahams _J 3 l S - 0 1.000 Empire Cleaners ._._...2tr 19 .513 eiectedj^JiJa* Steinberg, , president; have the pleasure for the next six J o h n Holden, who has returned to : Sam Bubb, vice president; Ben Kubby, Psi-Mu, jr. „ _ _ _ 3 3-0^:000 The Wardrobe _ „ . months of seeing their surname ap- t h e Clemant-Walsh Players after a 18 .500 recording secretary; O. Hochman, pear more times than any other in t h r e e W e e k s ' absence, will be seen in At All Grocers B'nai Israels, J r - _ 3 1 2 .667 .Jvaiman Insurance 20 .487 financial secretary; Sam Steinberg, t h e Ieadi r e Made By B'nai Ami, J r . „ 3. J.1 2 .6G7 Glazer Clothing the December 1927 Omaha Telephone n g ° l °£ the great comedy20 .487 treasurer; Ben Seldin, monitor; Simon. Troop 62 Directory. The 360 Andersons d ^ m a , "Sjx-Cylinder Love » to be pre-1 ,€67 Yousem Service a r e Uncie Sim Breakfast T-i Ci. 21 .461 Steinberg,* assistant monitor; Haray se ted runners-up. Other names listed 2oO ? « • * ? Brandeis theater the en: Olympians —.._ ".OOCf ^Appleman-rHobinson .461 Omaha, Nebr. ' 21 Krasne, guardian. Trustees: Max 1 smn .Omaha Tobacco. Co. g weeky . 1 20 -.444 Cohn, Louis H. Katelman,'. Leo; Krasne. or more times in the new directory, ; ^ s ; are still going, strong in the r The Yousem Service five shot one Delegates for the district convention: more than 67.C00 copies of which' Paris-to-Jfew York marathon swim of the highest totals of-the. season in Louis H. Katelman, Leo Krasne and have just been delivered in Omaha, being held in our pool. AV Chesijeau; crashing, t h e . pins for a 2,487 total. Sam Steinberg; alternates: Ben Sel- are: Smith, 321; Peterson, 250; Nelis- still leading the men with a total The Kaiman afisurance-boysr were the Presents son, 244, and Brown, 200. j din and Harry Kubby. of11.416 miles, while; Pearl Marcus victims;: ••.losing - three-•?successive One of the. ne\r. practices exis leading the girls' division with games: .Margolin^ Horvrich ancl LYouA: Z. ; A. elections held "Wednesday plained in t i e December 1927 di1,470 miles. B. Kershenbaunt: is giv- sem of the victors rolled 519, 507 and evening resulted - in., the following rectory i s ' ' t h e i " ^ % ' . Such Number"^ : i n ' - . • . . : . ••. ',; . . ing Pearl a hard race and is only a 506 respectively. slgTiftl which went- into effect in officers': Abe L. Katelman, president; Jew miles behind h e r . - - — — — - ' — ;;, The Wardrobe continued their up- Leo Meyerson, vice president; Sal Omaha at midnight December 1 and ward climb by trimming the Empire Michnick, secretary;.. Harold- Saks, which is a "ka-buzz-buzz-buzz, kaDo you know that- the - man -who Cleaners ;ffie" entire, series. This "time treasurer; Abe Saitzman, sergeant-at- buzz-buzz-buzz" sound and indicates First time in Omaha it was the. southpaw .of Morrie Bloom is sound and healthy- steps .out- on that a mistake has been made in arms; Albert Fox, assistant sergeant; In the that aidted considerably. ; life's .highway with a song^in big dialing and that there is no such y T h e Malashocks held oh to their top Sam Shyken, reporter; Max Kramer, heart, looking forward; eagerly^ ..to number a s the one dialed. | position by winning two from the Ap- monitor. Advisory board; Louis H. life's adventures, curious to-see ""what Then there aretwo pages in the Katelman, chairman; Ben Seldin, Ben pleman-Kobinson Co. Treller and Every ticket buyer is guaranteed a seat is ^awaiting him. around: the corner. Rosenblatt ..were absent from, the Ap- Kubby, Louis Bernstein, Sam Meyer- new directory for listing telephone To^him life's struggiejis..stilliniatingr plemah-Robinson lineup. Jay Mala- son, O. Hochman and Max Steinberg. numbers frequently called, which will TICKETS ON SALE:— ly. attractive. ----• - - - r - , shock's 532 score was chiefly responFRIEDE'S DELICATESSEN, 1509 N. 24th St.—WEbster 6284 save time for thJa'sub'scriber by makMr. and Mrs. B. Balaban enter- ing it unnecessary- for him to refer , JOE ADLER'_S DELICATESSEN, 1513-N. 24th St.—WEbster 1428 man lacking- health, " fears j sible for the victory. : . The everyj turn in the road. There is no' . Iz Schiaifex celebrated his.return tained 25 guests at their home Sun- to the alphabetical listings in the Admission:—$1-50, $1, and $.75 song' in his heart, but ; a cpntiiunl with ,a, 520 .count and the. Glazer day evening, in honor, of their niece directory each time'1 he wishes to ca'l • flutter of ap^preheiisioh, j ge/avoids Clothing Co, took oh .new life by de- Bliss Sonia Balaban, of Chicago, who one of these numbers. rather than 'seeks the struggle that feating the Omaha Tobacco Go. the arrived Sunday to spend, two weeks Another new feature in this di, . - . , - . » rectory is that the pages containing |;f3'" ( 'brings.'. \ / , . '\ :^':^•\.^\. ' \'.-- entire series Consistent bowling on at their-home. [ Good health is. the • fojigdaiibn",; n,ot the : part ,o£ each, njemher of- the team the listings of subscribers' names or:]y. o-f business successj-}rat-ro£-*uc- accomplished the trick f o r the first and telephone numbers are indexed : csssfui .living. Its infl.uence^on pet- time .this ,sea.son»,ijVJ. .,. similar to the pages in' a dictionary sqnality , is profound, andln'itlrgingr to assist^persons "'using the directory , that- .one's -health be maintained -to to more quickly" find the number The women's gym class of the JewCincinnati. (JVT. A.) Definite 6s- wanted. For example: If the first the/highest degtee.Througltfo\ar phy- ish Community Center Iield a hearty sical .departmerit, we are "seeking1 .to posture... hik^. December 21. They sur^nc| h^felbeenj.gaven'by the owners name listed on." a" page happens to accomplish that which jyill makelife made- fire .miles- in one and a half of motion ^picture "King of Kings" be "Stanley" and .the last name on more colorful, more satisfjgfeig:^ and hours.. The (final reward. was a swim thafittie fifth wwild not be sh'own in the page "Traynbr," the index" in tha in every way more livable. . in.the pqpl. ... • ; those European countries wjieire its upper corner would, be STA—TRA, presentation, it has been feared, consisting of the first three letters " Our classes are aiTahgpdta.satj,sjty everyone. The women's• classes, meet Miss Ethel Gxeenberg, director of would result in anti-Jewish feeling in each name. /" en ^Tuesday and Thursday evenings! women's athletics at the Jewish Com- Jeading t o disorders. This announcement has been authorOn Monday, Wednesday ' aiidl,Friday munity, Center, has be.en presented PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS tli3 business men meet at; 12:1.0 p. m. with a : gift by her morning gym class. ized by.". Alfred M. Cohen, president of the Independent Order of B'nai If you can't get away at rioojii conic Brith. The I.O.B.B. has been carryG. K. Chesterton. down in the evenings oh-BJonday, and ing on negotiations with this end in Thursday at 8. We also hold class on Here lies Mr. Chesterton, view since the owners of 'the film, Chiropractic for Health Sunday at 11 a. m . ' Camfijdown and Who to heaven might have gone, which was produced by Cecil de Suite 12-13, 2906 Leavenworth St. eijjoy a real workout and then ja re- But didn't, when he heard the news Mille, have announced their inten- Phone—Office ; Residence freshing, swim. Remember that-good That the place was run by Jews. —From "Lampoons," tions of securing European hooking JA. 1850 . WE. 5680 hcrJth is the foundation of life. Humbert Wolfe. for it. A Poor Sport. . 1. Alibis his defeats. 2., Takes unfair advantage . of Ills competitors. G." Shoots game on the "set." 4. Bombs fish. ' ' ,. ' 7. . 5..Does .not _play the game ;
New Phone Features j Comedy Romance To. : Explained in Book Be Seen at Brandeis
Wal. 6012
§ DANCING £ Harry H. Lapidus, Pres.-Trea*
OMAHA FIXTURE and SUPPLY CO. COMPLETE STORE and OFFICE OUTFITTERS We Occupy "• Over 70,000 Square Feet Southwest Corner
Quality Printing SUN PRINTING COMPANY AT. 3832—504 So. 13th St.
Let the
QUAKER Be Your Baker
PAXTQN-ilTCHELL CO. tith and Martha StB. KArncy OilAHA. NEBRASKA Soft gray. Iron, brass, bronne awfl aluminum castings. Standard «l«e» bronze and iron bushings, eewer manholes, cistern rings and covers, «nft clean-out doors in stock.
Good to the Last Drop
6o?rd^af- not more thnp thre? nor
» S E J . ^ W on the w«m,l tuesdny , of January " • e a c l 1 *eQ-r- - ^ D ^ director*.
from and - Treasurer.'- Tliese ArUcle*
,.,*r. - riwiueav -V!ce-Pr<»Blde«rt
" 20th and Nicholas
JA €699 |
ORIENTAL . I Semi-Anthracite J I LUMP, perton,fll.50{
McCord-B^dy Co.
• ! •
County Judge.
ilOSSKY KATLEMAN & GUOPIJJSKy. .. Attorneys. 750 Omjiha National Bank Bnlldine. IfOTJCE OK', INCORPORATtO!J.» •Voilce is hereby given fclmt the Under» Bfeued. tursunnt to the lattB or the^Stute of Nebraska, have formea< a qo^pontfion. The *nntne if Fontenelle Gift Shop. Inc., xrStb. its;pslneli<al place oE business ^JlT the Clt? of Omaha. The cornoration Is to operate a 0tft Shop. It bus outjiorlty to buy sell, fease and encumber all U B 4 > PJ real and personal projwrty. Capital «tock is S5.000.00.- (Haded into 60 ehnte?, of " ~ par value of ?100.oo each. A)l- of stock Shall be'common nn4'slialrbe. paid when issued. The cornorot<Oh .•onunenee business npon thp nUn«r «t theie-ATflctes in th« Office et the County #"ipric of DooeJas Comity, and continue to January l«t;"1977. The highest "nmonnt of -Indebtedness sba?I .not ''nSB'wfhMtWrcl? o^. *^? ^capital stock. . Tlie1 Uffalri-
Women's and Children s
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And Other Important.Groupijigs —r-t,- - 1
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The Extra Value Omar Bakery puts into it« bread, cakes •nd pastries has brought us thousands of customers. Women all over Omaha are talking about it. You can get Omar goods from most groceries or the Om«r wagon that comes to your neighborhood.
THE FUTURE is full of promise to liberal users of Good Printing. • " With our new equipment we are ready to handlethe largest, as well as the smallest of your printed messengers. Let's dress them up correctly • and fend them out to do • their doty right. A phone enlJ wil) bring one of ovir Balestnan,
Phone AT. 8028
Children's Dresses - .: . ::; Wool Jersey. I \ 187 reduced to .'
The Name cm the Label > Insures the Quality"
- Get Our Pricec and Save Your Money
T " t *..'•'
Winter Cleartog
Eleventh and Douglas Streets Phone JAckson 2724 Omaha, Nebr.
Electricity Is Cheapest In Oniaha
RADIO INN Our Chicken Sandwiches
E9AO Center DL UD street
Jewish Community Center—Sunday, Jan. 1st
STALMASTER & BEBJpR, Att'yg. Pt'ters .Trust Buildinsr. XOTICE BY PCBMCATIPX OIJ ^ I"XO>- FOR SBTTI4KMENT" OF ' FI-SAL ADMINISTRATION ! ACCOVXS.r ' , •In thfc County. Court of Douglas ' ' . County. Nebraska-' - ' . In the,Matter of the-Estate of'Abe FaHr, "Deceased: ' •, ( AJI persona interested ' in said-matterT are hereby notified that on-this-'JStb' day \ of December. 1!K>7 Kose tfalk fill'4 a Uetl- | llou. In said County CoTirt.iprayinp that her final administration account, filed ; licrcin be settled and nllowed. and that { she be discharged from her trusfae ad- •• uiinistratrix and that a •heatlnjr yeitt be! had on-said petition befftre said-'Contt >ri, the i i l h day of January.: ,1028:-&<id-that if you.fJil to appear' before' said-Court op the said -7lt> day of January. 1028. at 0 . o'clock "A. M.." and contest said "petition, j the Conrt nwy jtrant, the prayer' of" sa|<I petition, enter a decree of helmhip,-and make such other and further orders, al- ! low.mces and decrees, HB to tj(|g Court may seem proper, to 'the end that njl H s pertainine to said estate may. be settled and determined. BKYCE CRAWFOBP,
Are Delicious
The Samuel Bendel Yiddish Stock Company "From Cradle To Grave"
.' •
An amalgamation of the two Jewish labor pai-ties in Palestine, the Achduth Ha'avodah and Hapoel Hazair. is to be consummated soon, according to a dispatch from Jerusalem to the Jewish *v Telegraphic Agency. \
. - We Use Mazola Oil,-
is nc Sunday matinee, tne opening :\ performance of "Six-Cylinder Love" ' tonight, and a holiday matinee Monday afternoon.
INTERSTATE PRINTING M 1307 Howard Street, Omaha