January 5, 1928

Page 1

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Watch for Neve • Features in The Jewish

Every Jewish Family in Omaha Should Be d Subscriber

Entered a rfieeond-elasamail matter on January 2 " % * * . ot ponlofflco at Omaba. Nebrnsfca. under tlie Act of M ^ & " \




Berlin.—(J. T. ,A.)—Miss . Kaete Eosenheim was appointed government councillor, being the first woman to receive such an appointment. Country Now Free of Many Old Miss Rosenheim has held the position of political secretary in the PrusEvils, He Asserts. sian ministry since 1919.

VOL. VII.—No. 1


When Jascha Heifetz Played in Palestine, Three Thousand Came to Stone Quarry to Hear

Riga.—J. T. A.)—Rabbi Nurok, member of parliament who was intrusted with the task of forming a new cabinet, has notified the president the bloc of national minorities Palestinian Sky. Central Council .to Administer that and the democratic groups find no Popularity Contest to Be Feature Funds for All Zionist Work. possibility of creating a cabinet. Of Big Show. BY LOTTA LEVINSON. The rabbi negotiated with the vaThough work pressed, the Emek de- hills in the Gilboa range, the rock PROGRESS DESCRIBED. ELABORATE PRIZES, clared a half-holiday. And trekked ledges on either side forming a crude EACH CLUB REPRESENTED. rious factions in parliament, but no definite result was reached. 3,000 strong to the Machzevah,the amphitheater. Halfway up the cleft London (J. T. A.)—There is now One of the most ambitious enterfamous stone quarry of Ain Harod. an improvised, open-face hut was to Representatives of the various less tension in Palestine between Jew Zionist organizations in the city met tainments ever undertaken in Omaha From every side of the broad plain serve for , a platform. Haverim from end Arab, the Eight Rev. Godric Tuesday evening, January 3, at the Jewish circles is being planned by the they cami: from Nahalal, Balfouiia. Ain Harod had' dragged a piano up Kean, Bishop-Auxiliary and Vicar Thorpeian Athletic club. Kfar Yeladim, Merhavia, Afule, Ain on their shoulders, and hung a few Jewish Community Center in order to General of the Latin Patriarchate unite all Zionist clubs here. This gi-oup of young- Omahans, Jerusalem; who is'on a visit to Man- Jewish Customs to Be Explained Harod station to the left; from Tel green eucalyptus boughs overhead to The Omaha Zionist district,, the whose social activities have been alJosef and Bet Alpha to the right; symbolize" an arch of welcome. crester, said in ' the"-course, of an ways successful in the past, are arIn First Two Lectures. from Kevuzat ha-Givah and Kfar Eze- The people filled the triangular Omaha chapter of Hadassah, the interview with the "Manchester Junior Hadassah, the. Poali-Zion, the ranging for a gigantic jubilee ball, to kiel on the opposite hills. - They "orchestra" at the foot of the quarry, Guardian". ' / Daughters of Zion, the Young Judea be staged at the City Auditorium Dole System Discontinued marched through the rippling, ripenSPIRITUAL STRESSED. and perched on every ledge of either either 'March 4 or March, 11. "The first fruit of-British ad~ ing grain fields on foot, on horse hillside, as in balconies. When, at last, clubs, the Pioneer Ladies' club, arid Zionist Executive. In connection with this ball, the Tiunistration", he said,"has been the A broader "basis of religious under- mule, and donkeyback;. in farm almost everyone had found a seat or the National VVorkers.' Alliance club Thorpeians plan to give away R new settlement of the" country!.' Security standing will be developed among the wagons, autobuses, motor lorries standing room as he was able, a fleet are among the organizations who will ENGLISH RAISE FUND. Chrysler car, obtained from Andrew of life and property has been estab- social workers of the city by the pro- trains. From' any raised point, they of autos'from Haifa escorted Jascha have representatives in thi's body. The group will be known as "The Zionist Murphy and Son, as one of e number lished everywhere. Not many years gram which was outlined at a meeting could be seen conveying toward their Heifetz into Ain Harod, Jerusalem.—(J. T. A.)—Five hun- of valuable door prizes. Council of Omaha," and all funds ago/' the. Bishop said, "you to°k yo of the Social Workers' club Tuesday. goal in long straggling processions. He had another Concert in Haifa dred Jewish workers will find employIn addition, the Thorppians vriV colife in your hands if you went outside They wore white cotton shirts and that evening; but he played long for raised for Palestine purposes will go ment in the government afforestation The plan outlined by the program through this Council. ; operate with the Jewish Frees in the walla of Jerusalem- Now roberjr committee* of which Samuel Gerson, dresses, the tribute of the Palestinian these music lovers, many of. whom work as a result of an order issued and' violence - are almost unknown. newly' elected vice president of the Poel and Poelet to Sabbath or festi- had heard and analyzed- the playing J. J. Friedman, local attorney, was by High Commissioner Lord Plumer. staging a popularity contest among There are magnificent roads,-the coun? club, is a: member, will give considera- val. This was z true season of re- of his. peers in the capital cities of Eu- elected chairman of the organization. A memorandum concerning the re- the Jewish women of Omaha, to select a queen for their jubilee. The. details try is well policed, and the people of tion to the place of religion in human joicing, a . folk festival. One of the rope. Now it seemed as; if they could Mrs. A. Rornm, Mr. M. Minkin and cent events in Petach Tikvah where of this contest are now being' worked PaleBtine are enjoying a sense of lives, and will-- aim to give more en- greatest virtuosi of his generation not let him go. He was the first of Miss Sylvia Bernstein were elected a clash Arab and Jewish out by a committee of the Thorpeian safety,.they have never known be- couragement -to the clients of • social was coming to them, coming home to the masters of the violin to come to vice-chairman. Other officers are Workers between occurred was submitted by club, headed by President Irvin L^vin. Miss Esther Potash, secretary, and fore. _ Jiloreover, an _; even-handed agencies in the observance of their va- play to comrades. them. Petach Tikvah colonists to the high Mr. J. B. Robinson, treasurer. Mrs. When all of the details have been justice has-superseded the old poison rioufe denominational ceremonies and The world of art and culture had Below, in the "orchestra," a father J. Rosenberg will be chairman of pub- commissioner. completed, the plan will lip. outHnfd ed judicial system of the Turkish practices. honored, enriched him. And he was hushed a baby crowing- on his arm. . A change in the composition of the in the Jewish Press, and nominations licity." regime. It is a triumph of the British Six lectures on the fundamentals of coming to them, boys and girls of his Above Heifetz's head, a flock of sheep At the next meeting- of the organi- Histadruth, Palestine Jewish labor invited through the columns of this genius for fair play and has inspired Judaism, Catholicism and Protestant- native land, who had answered the grazed. : Now and again they bleated, confidence and even admiration among ism will be given, so.that'social work- call of Palestine in their blood and but no one heard them. Arabs going zation, to be held Tuesday evening, federation, was effected by the with- publication. The contest will continue drawal from the organization of the Christians, Jews and Moslems. ers may . more • efficiently use thegone pioneering in its wastes. They home to their village on the upper January 17, at the Jewish Community left wing of the Hapoel Ha'mizrachi, 'or several weeks, until the date of Center, all active Zionist members will the ball, and the winner will be "The country is also undergoing church as an aid to spiritual rehabili- would talk Russian to him, and call slope paused to listen to melody they attend. the Orthodox labor group. The left crowned queen on this gala occasion, . • • him by a familiar, affectionate dimunization. Rabbi Frederick • Cohn of had not heard before. a transformation agriculturally. New group has rejoined the Hapoel Ha'- at an elaborate ceremony to be preThe sun receded over the peaks villages-are springing up everywhere, Temple Israel wijl give thefirsttwotive "Jaschka she-lanu!" mizrachi, establishing unity in the sented on the stage of the City Auputting to shame the mud villages of lectures, on January 11 and February They would show him fields and vine- of Gilboa. The Emek listened, tense Mizrachi ranks. ditorium. the Arabs; acres and acres of land 8, at 5:30 p. m., in the Y. W. C. A. yards that they had ^reclaimed from and intent, in a silence too deep to Valuable prizes will be awarded the are coming ..under, cultivation that He will discuss Jewish Calendation* the wastes, and tell him that ten p"rofane by applause. When the sun .Jerusalem.—The dole system for winners in this popularity contest, once were marshlands- ; serving no the observance of the Jewish sabbath years ago or less a man who wanted had set, he put down his fiddle. Then The, annual meeting of the Jewish the unemployed workers in Palestine which, as stated before, will be open better, purpose than t» propagate the and holidays, the unleavened bread, to travel from Nazareth to Beisan had they cheered, over and over. " Yet Community Center will be held on will be discontinued beginning Janu- to any Jewish ' woman , in Greater malaria mosquito". 'Afforestation "is the dietary laws, the separation of to join an armed caravan of a hundred there was something between him and ary ly. according to a decision taken also being pressed forward. And there dishes and cutlery, kosher, food, the riders. And now the Emek was so them that could not l|e tdld in cheers Tuesday, February 14, it was decided by. the Zirnist executive here, it was Omaha. The committee is now making arrangements with a group of -.safe-.-thatwa. girlv might. safely^ walk ^ ^ ^ . $ f e l t that he at" a ' preliminary meeting of the 'TTwwiFTEorTfc'TKe trees'df;PaTe^tntt -marriage customs* and-the-restoration^announced.. . • ; of--.; directors • • intheCente-r ! prominent, ffl.er.cluin.tswho are eager of Palestine. ' " ; " , -'~ ';\ :; alone from one end to. "the. other, alknew what it wasV thoughtheV cirald have been wasted 1jy> the passage of 7 Discontinuation of the dole system to co-operate in this project ainT who Wednesday evening. atfmies and'by misrule. Thy head is Mr. Gercon is also a member of the ways in sight of some Jewish settle- not find words for it. And he did A committee to nominate three in some localities was effected some will assist in securing1 the prizes to as Carmel, was the.Biblical allusion executive and legislative committees ment. The Machzevah was as safe know. time ago. The payment of doles to as the Metropolitan Opera house in As they were taking -him to his trustees was appointed as follows: the unemployed was started in 1925, be awarded the winners. to the. once wooded mountain. . The of the club. . .' Watch the Jewish Tress next week Harry Wolf, Harry Maiashock, and New York. - . auto, he said to them, "I have played long nfountain ranges are innocent of when the unemployment reached con- for further details of this coming1 Joe Wolf. Trustees whose terms will in many places, and to many kinds of trees now." The stone quarry- was: to be siderable proportions. It was esti? people. But itr has never been like expire this year are^ A. B. Alpirn, N. mated recently- that in the- city of -Tel great attraction. "Jaschka s" concert hall. It was a t Progress is also bejng_ made in P. Fell, and Louis Kirschbraun. the inner end of a cleft between two this." education, and elementary schools are Directors whose terms will expire Aviv alone the Zionist executive spent being set up in most of the villages. are J . G. Greenberg, Harry Silver- f 385,000 'during-.' 1926 to "aid the unThe Moslems were at first afraid that man, Harry Trustin, Nathan Yaffe, employed. China is revolting against the the schools might become proselytis- dominance Morris Milder, and' S. Ra\-itzof the white man, Rabbi London.—A fund of $100,000 is ing grounds for the Christians, but Frederick Cohn. A committee to work out a new said in his talk oh the now being raised by Sir Alfred Mond they are becoming reassured as they "Revolt of China," at a meeting of plan for the election of directors was to aid the unemployed in Palestine The Cleveland Jewish Orphans home find the administration pursuing a the Current Topics class of the Counappointed. Members are Sam Leon, through providing work for them. received a benefaction at the hand of policy of complete Teligious toleration cil of Jewish Women, in the Jewish Harry Silverman, and A. Frank. The fund will be administered by one of its former boys, when Charles ana ready to provide Moslem as well Community Center Tuesday. ;'. Rabbi Charged With Crime by Omaha Chapter Will Hold AnIt was decided to hold meetings of Harry Sacher and Miss Henrietta Log-asa, engineer- and geologist, left as- Christian schools. The health of : "The revolt is -being led by the nual Linen Shower Jan. 11. the trustees and direcotrs the second Szold, members of the Jerusalem ex- a check for S100 for the home with Anti-Semites. the population is also improving and Sunday morning of each month. men,, most of whom have rethe malaria mosquito, once the curse young Louis Simon of Omaha, when he was Announcement was made that Miss ecutive, and Mr. Goldwater. ceived their education in western uniLOST BOY FOUND. INSTITUTIONS TO BENEFIT. May Bernard Baron has contributed of the country, is on the way to being versities," he said. "They are fighting in the city last week. Mahoney of Technical high £5,000 to this fund and Sir Alfred eliminated. Logasa is well known in Omaha, Clausenburg— (J. T. A.)—The rischool will give a course either in for one of President Wilson's Four"I regard Palestine", the Bishop teen Points, the self-determination of tual murder tale was exploited by the The eighth annual linen shower of French or Spanish, and that an ad- £1,000. So far £8,000 has'been raised. having been a member of the cit>' enconcluded, "as one of the most peace- nations. They are fighting for na- Roumanian anti-semites in an effort the Omaha Chapter of Hadassah will vertising writing course under the The London Zionist executive issued gineering department as chief draftsful placeB within the British Empire, tionalism and; patriotism.' Ghandi is to counteract the" impression of the take place on Wednesday, January 11, direction of Bob Ulman, former ad- a statement today denying the Jeru- man from 1897 to 1911. He was presiand I consider the outlook for the doing the same thing in India." recent outbreaks. A ' pupil of the at 2:15 in the Auditorium of the Jew- vertising manager of the Brandeis salem press report that beginning dent of McKinley lodge I. O. B. B. in 1 January 1, the distribution of doles to 1910, and. was also delegate to Ihe country - very hdpeful indeed." Clausenbujg high school, named Mu- ish Community Center. Rabbi Cohn said that this is an age The principal attraction of the aft- store, -will be given. •unemployed workers would be discon- grand lodge, district No. t>. resant, who was accused"of having of revolt, and that the great war, ernoon will be a talk by Dr. Olga tinued. He is a graduate of the Jewish Orplundered a synagogue during the wagjed in the cause of "democracy, had Stastney, a local physician who spent Yiddish Company To phan asylum of Clevp.)r.Tid. After leavriots, .disappeared following: charges made gains through the absolution of six years in Europe doing medical ing Omaha, he went to Panama BP a brought against him by the local the monarchies of" Germany, AustriaGive New Play "Modem Girl" to social service work and facing the member of th"e7 engineering- departrabbi. Hungary and Russia. The Bendel Yiddish Theatrical comment of the government, and remainThe anti-semitic newspaper, "N6- problems that Hadassah is • confrontRabbi Cohn also said" that the peace Be Lecture Topic ed ing in Palestine. Dr. Stastny is a pany will remain in Omaht for a for two years. The third-and final "concert of the of the" wpria will -come about through tiunea," accused the Clausenburg rab- keen student of human nature, she' is . In 1913, Mr. Logasa joined the series given this year at the Jewish the unity of nations-into three great bis of having committed a"ritual mur- imbued with a high standard of hu- third performance to be given in the "The Modern Girl" will be the topic auditorium Of the Jewish Community United States geological survey in Community Center will be presented groups, and,that the League of Na- der against the boy. The school au- man values, and is besides a delightof discussion by social workers and Center Sunday evening. Washington. Since 191S he has been thorities, supported the charge and in January 10 in the Center Auditorium. tions is the seed of future, peace. • ful speaker. They 'will present a new p]ay never other members of the social service ah oil .engineer. ,In 1926 he visited a communication addressed to the A mixed quartet will present an unAt the next meeting of:.th.e .class; A fine musical program will be giv- before given in Omaha, "Zurissene course which will resume its meeting Palestine, usual program, and members of the January 17, Rabbi Cohn will speak on Rabbinate, urged that the bpy.be re; en by the following young artists: Nachumes" ("Torn Souls"). Mme. in the Jewish Community Center turned. If the boy were not returned, group will present solo numbers as Ghandi." Fanny Fish, accompanied by her sis- Betty Bendel and Samuel Bendel will Monday evening, after a recess of Omaha''Hebrew Club " the ritual murder charge, would be well. ' • Sarah Rae Fish, will present sev- have the leading parts and will be two weeks. The quartet consists of: Mrs. Wilsubstantiated, the communication ter, To Install Officers Speakers will be Mrs. Carrie Ada eral violin selections, and Margret supported by their OTTO company, one stated. . Margolin liam Smails, soprano; Miss Marjory Council Bluffs Lodge Campbell, general .secretary of the rnll sing the Aria from Rig- of the best playing in the Yiddish Omaha Hebrew club will hold InJones, contralto; Harry Greenway, to Honor Presidents Fortunately, the police found the goletto. She Y. W. C. A., Miss Gladys Shamp, stallation will be accompanied by stage. of officers Sunday, at 8:30 boy hiding at the home of his uncle Margaret Horwich. tenor, and Carl Smith, bass. Dorothy Bess Weinstein Council Bluffs Lodge No. 638 of in a neighboring village. The paly is in four acts with sing- executive secretary of the Camp Fire p. m. New ofilcerp are: Eaton Parks will play the accompaniwill give several readings. the Bnai Brith and A. Z. A. will join ing and dancing numbers. Thegirls, Mrs. D. J. Foley, Scout ComBen Minkin, 'president; Murks The Jewish community felt relieved ments. Refreshments will be served at the Sunday in presentnig the outstanding management urges parents to bring missioner, and discussions will be led Lorig, vice-president; Sol Rosenberg, of an impending danger when the boy This is the last of three concerts their children and gives assurance <by J.- G. Masters, Principal of the secretary; John Fcldman, treasurer; arranged for the Center by Schmoller function of their organizations by was found. The central authorities conclusion of the program. Linens contributed are sent direct that the performance will be clean Omaha entral High School, and Mrs. three trustees: Albert Kaplan, B. G. and Mueller. The first presented three honoring Robert' Lappen ' of Des have instituted an investigation to the Hadassah supply department, Moines, president. of the District and instructive to the children. j Herman Jahr, of the Girls' work Shapiro, and A. Richard. against the school authorities. pianos and a string orchestra under committee of the Jewish Community which then distributes them to all HaThere will also be a class initiation the direction; of Sandor Harmati, and Lodge of the I. O. B. B. and Max N. Center. dassah institutions and over 40 other of SO new. members to honor our ex-• the second featured Ida Lustgarten, Kroloff of Siou^ City, Grand Aleph B'nai B'rith Elects Children Give to charitable institutions, such as old president Maurice Civin. Albert ICappianist, and Frances Wyatt Van- Godol of the Aleph Zadik Aleph. At people's homes and orphanages. Year's Officers six o'clock, the members of the two Penny Lunch Fund Rabbi Cohn to Give lan wiH give the obligation. Max Gundy, soprano. orders will give a banquet in honor . Morris Micklin was elected presiFromkin will deliver the charge to Tw-iive dollars was contributed by Several Addresses of their distinguished presidents at dent of Omaha lodge No. 354, I. O. Agudas Achim Keep the class of candidates, Harry the children of the Jewish Community Little Theater Gltib Hotel Chieftain. . >: ; B. B., at the annual meeting of the Center during Chanukah week for the Rabbi Frederick Cohn will give the dus will install the nrv-ly elected ofTwenty-Sixth Year Palestine Penny luncheons fund and following addresses: his Friday eve- ficers. eight, o'clock,. Sunday evening, lodge Thursday evening. Completes flections a At joint program will be presented by New officers- who will serve with The Agudas Achim of Omaha ob- the National Fund Flag day. Fred Wlute will review the activning- address at Temple Israel will be The newly organized Little Theater "the chapters at the Eagles Hall; the Mr. Micklin, are Max Fromkin, vice served the twenty-sixth anniversary Instead of dividing the money be- on "Eternal Values." His Saturday ities of the Omaha Hebrew cliib. A Club of the Jewish Community Center principal numbers of the program be- president; Isadore Abramson, secre- of the organization with a banquet in tween the two organizations, Mrs. I. morning topic will be "Better Than pood musical progtam, smoke 6nd held-its second meeting Tuesday eve- ing the addresses of the two pres- tary; Harry Friedmar., treasurer; the Jewish Community Center Sunday Kulakofsky, chairman of the National We Dreamed." eats has also been ai-rang-ed. Don't ning. The new constitution was read. idents who will install the newly Harry- Robinson, guardian; David evening. Flag day drive, has decided to give all . On Wednesday he will address Mrs. fail to attend! Designs for the new club's crest elected officers of their respective or- Freeman, warden; David Greenberg, Reuben Ferer, ex-president of the the ifioney to the luncheon fund, be- Niles Booth's book club. He will be were'submitted, and a design selected. ganizations. A number of interest- Louis^ Sog'olow and Robert Glazer, organization, was toastmaster. Speech- cause this ; s a Hadassah fund con- the speaker at the annual meeting of George M. Cohen was elected ser- ing and appreciative muscial .and trustees. es were made by the following officers ducted for and by the children exclu- the Social Settlement Saturday noon. Jewish Services Broad* geant-at-arms and Marion Graetz dramatic numbers will be presented Delegates who will attend the dis- of the group: J. Marcus, president; S. sively. He will repeat his talk on "Soviet cast over Radio will be publicity director. also. The public is, requested to trict grand lodge convention are Ir- Gussj vice president; S. Weiss, secreThe Penny Luncheon fund money Russia" for the Omaha Woman's club announced in attend the "open program in the eve- vin Stalmaster, I. F. Goodman, Harry tary; A. "erer, treasurer, and trus- provides hot luncheons for the under- January 9. This Friday noon he will T H E JEWISH PRESS "You should. not. only ..strike while ning, to witness a constructive intel- Silverman, Harry " Lapidus, Fred tees, H. Weiner, B. Glickman- and J. nourished school children of Palestine. speak on "Material and Spiritual" at the iron is hotj but you should make lectual achievement of the local lodges White, Dr. A. Greenberg, Harry Mala- Janger. . A campaign for new meni- Mrs. -A*- Romm was chairman of the the" Knights of Columbus Round each meek. of Br:d BjiL&i and Aleph Zadik Aleph. shock, and Sam Sobc*. it hot by striking." i bers .will be held, beginning- Feb. 1. [luncheon drive. Table.












JEWISH CALENDAR — 56818*1927-28

Published every Thursday at Omaha, Nebraska, by

THE JEWISH PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY " Office: Brandeis Theater Building—Telephone: ATlantic 1450

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JEANETTE GUCKGERSON. EDITOR. DAVID BLACKER, Business Manager. _$2.50 "- Subscription Price? one "year /Advertising rates furnished on application CHANGE OF ADDRESS—Please give both the old and new address; be sure to give your name. .,••-


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The Jewish Press is supplied by the Jewish Telegraphic agency with cabled and telegraphic Jewish news, and feature articles from all important Jewish .centers.


Monday, January 23 .Wednesday, February 22 — Tuesday, March 6 Thursday, March 22 .--..-^...Thursday, April 5 -—.Wednesday, April 11 ———Saturday, April 21 ^..-Tuesday, May 8 . Sunday, May 20 .Friday, May 25 .Tuesday, June 19 .Thursday, July 5 Wednesday, July 18 Thursday, July 26 Friday, August 17

Kovno.—(J. T. A.)—Eighteen Jewish students and workers were, arrested t0<tay on the charge of holding membership in a secret Communist organization, an official statement issued by the authorities here declares. ••••.--. Feeling in the country' runs high and excitement is prevalent in many cities. Rumors are afloat that preparations are being made for an antiJewish pogrom in the city of Schavel. A delegation of the Schavel Kehillah called on the prime minister, asking for an audience in order to urge the government to take measures to prevent riots. The^ premier re- • Fride leads to the destruction of fused to receive the delegation. inan. . -

/BY FRED WHITE. We learn to enjoy our most valued, and oft least appreciated, ossessiqns when an attempt is made to deprive us of any one of also serve the great purpose of erect^ iosiinghts and possessions. ing in the country of the Jewish past ' Have you ever noticed, in a close-up view of a fine painting, and the Jewish future, a bridge to the . that all of its imperfections stand out^andSyou.see more of^the; Jewish present. " ' ' imperfect details than anything else? T^sorde^'tp see it in the right way and appreciate it fully, you-itiust stan^-back and look at it as a.whole, you must see it in its broadiperspecMve. It seems 1 Ice Machine Sent to ^hat it is only when some Haman under takes acampaign of de-( struction, the propagation of bigotry,; prejudiciBj and racial ,aniSouth American Town mosity—a program having for its ultimaterSim: the crushing *£• W0 Not'"Assk Helpr <Even of the Jew to the dust—that we become f-ufiy.cognizant of ourrich Friends, he Annouriires The Baker Ice Machine company nourires heritage as Jews. It is then that we begiiritb- take a-different !of this city has just shipped a one-ton view of our rights and possessions as Jews^fld deten4me;?ffiai : CHAIR ACCEPTED ice plant, to San Vicente, Colombia, we will make any sacrifice to preserve those rights. When"''the South America, a town of 10,000 in iron hand of bigotry attempts to: crush us to the ground and the New York.—(X T. A,)—The ?100,-V .pippulation, located in the heart of the soul-chilling venom of contempt gnaws our mind; then we-rise to 000 fund established by David Scha- Andes mountains. According to inforthe occasion and .become our real selves. <: - -» - ;r - r . j ;piro, publisher of; "The Day," New mation available, the town is accessi. lBb.w different we are from the conception the non-Jews have lYork Yiddish daily, for the establish- ble only by traiL of usl- I t is their belief that we are united on every proposition ment and'maintenance of a chair for. .The plant has been shipped to New or question involving Jewish rights, and that there never is any; the study of the Yiddish language and Orleans, ani from there it will be fordifference of opinion. The niost casual investigation will reveal literature at the Hebrew University warded to Barranquilla, a seaport of that this is not so. Perhaps it is fortunate for us in America that j in Jerusalem will be subscribed by Colombia. It will then be carried up Mr. Schapiro himself without an ap-the Magdalena river by barge for occasionally a hooded order arises, a billionaire becomes -obsessed. peal-to any group or the Jewish pub- about 300 miles. From this point it With weird hallucinations, and fanatics, give vent to-their*.idiotic | lic" in general. . This announcement will be necessary, to transport the ideas. Truly it is an "ill wind".that blows no good. ' was made in an editoria' of "The


There are 349,600 Indiana.,jn the United ^ States—nearly 30,, per -senjt mpre thStn trfere were in 19W>. ^ ^The'ax^ragre value of property «wnMoscow.—(J. - T. A.)—Cancellation' ed-*by each Indian is $4,700. of the debts -which the -poor *illage population-owes on accou ' of loans granted them "up to November 7 of IN OMAHA this year,;was ordered by the praesidium of_the«All Kussiian Wsdk, central executiveVcommittee of the Com250 Rooms—200 Baths munist tarty..? The loano had been Good Rooms for $1.50 granted -6y '-the 'former"Central comOperated by Eppley Hotels Co. mittee to- cbiftbat -famine. - - • : ' . Loans of '2bo,tfOO roubles granted' in 1924 and 1925; through the Comzet, j the governmental commission for set- i PATRONIZE Jbling Jews on the land/ $:.r Jewish land workers in White Ra^sia and Daghistan are also included in this genTEA, ROOM 49 and Dodge eral cancellation. .• CANDYLAND


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"Izzy Zarakoy," the famous exHarvard athlete, will open a camp :f or Jewish boys in Maine. There will probably be an early waiting list for


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plant by mule back into San Vicente. Payt'jLCommenting upon the receipt of More than six weeks will be necessary this camp at least, with ^ a-national ,the report, of the proceedings of the the plant will reach its final football hero1 as a "drawing card: • Governing Council of the Institute of before destination. . , 1 . ' ; The Dolly Sisters are going to re-Jewish Studies at its session in Mainz, This shipment;'cTearly illustrates the at which the offer to establish the In his column "Things, to Think tire from the stage and spend most chair was accepted, overruling the ob- potential value.,,<?f, river navigation About," Milton M. Schayer suggests of their time on the.Riviera, where jections of the Jerusalem Committee from Omaha ta.the gulf. The Baker Ice Machine . company is continually the -foltowing New Year's resolutions they will buy a home,.? Thus-will end, Hebbraists. < ;• ' ' ; making shipments, to South American if they "s€ay retire^;"-the-career of to-his. readers; . The opposition agrued" that the ports and Missouri river navigation 1. Take an active part in one of the most famous "sister act" in the world. social or fraternal" organizations to; The f ama of Yehudi MenuKin, 10- establishment at this time of a chair would enable shipments to be trans* which, you belong. - year-old violinist, and the latest of for the study of the Yiddish language ported at a lower rate and therefore 2..Interest yourself in Boy Scout, Child prodigy, is being broadcast by at the Hebrew University might jeop> better compete with manufacturers loardize the Hebraic character of th'ecated nearer eastern seaports. Big Brother or similar work. •.-._"' . . . critics since-iis: recen^.;he"aritjg, in. 3. Devote two hours a week to pub- New York. 'Only detects 'unavoidable The Day"* "is Srotidiof the fact ;::;.-;: a, NoiMormon. :•>-'- ^j lic religious Worship. = . ^ s at his age and doubtless to be stampthe Yiddish chair has met with p "Allow*me'togApresent my wife to ' 4. Change theater, and. card dates' all who are itt•from Friday night to Home, other night ed out when the child:..has -it n4oreV?na- heartfeltTdesiiesJof ture mind and stronger. muscles: were herestejd5 in the growth and develop- you in the •week. .' ,' ''Many-thanks^but I have ene." of'his ment of Jewish culture in all 'of its 5. Respect your religion or. cease present to mar the perfection 1 complaining if your Christian-neigh-1, playing, according 'to iejriewers.:^ > forms. "The -newspaper is particul^Pajtr^nize A^yertisera ««|The ,'? arly pljpu"^;of/the fact that the founder bors do not. '.••"'••:•X . ; Jewish Press. • V:. * and';initiatflr of the Yiddish chair & May I add another: ,: ... the; Hebrew University is the publisH-Do not talk tolerance-unless you er of the; T)ay, :Mr. David Schapiro. y mean to practice it. ;, To Make Peace; work of Dr. Joseph Krauskopf "It is to,-be expected," the paper Among the young Jewish poets, in establishing bis Farm School to none is more skillful with words than continues, that even the most zealous 2429 Decatur Street-^-WE. 3527 give city boys a. practical'education in Louis Ginsberg. The following poem opponents of Yiddish in Palestine will We call the attention of all who ; agriculture is'praised in an article in has somewhat the same probing from now on see that the Yiddish are interested in buying religiousy •a. .recent issue of the Philadelphia beauty as Kilmer's "Trees." The chair, at the Hebrew University is articles that we handle everything; Public Ledger. The farm has grown little quatrain "Song" illustrates his being established not for the purpose the very best and. we sell it at very s from 160 acres to 1,200 and the en-aptitude for framing a philosophy in of warfare, but to help bring about reasonable priies. Besides the" rollment from 15 to 185. The school a word: peace in our embittered and useless regular stock of Talesim, silk and isa nonsectarian. A recent decision to tion to all other purposes of further- wool, Tfeelin,->-Merzuzos, prayer Architecture. accept girls as well as boys has been fight of languages and that in addi- books and Bibles with English and taken. This is the only school of its . Men with rule and men with line, ing Jewish learning, the chair for the Jewish translation. ~ Men with'intricate design, kind in the country. , -/ Yiddish language and literature will Working: life-long, cannot learn ' Patterns chiselled in a fern; 1 Aaron S. Cades, a synagogue mem- • All their laboring is loss Mocking subtly of moss. # ber and the father of synagogue mem- ;t Who. can ever fashion grief berSj surprised his friends in Camden, As in scarlet of a leaf ? N.; J., last week'by leaving, o n h i s Trace a texturing that flows To perfection of a rose? death, a will giving ?50,000 for And • as -if'-from, rarest- metal, atheism. C a r v e r fragilcyiolet-petal ?-^ •j Weave with gossamer designs _ Julius Itosenwald's "benefactions in 'Riddles spun in spider^yiJfes Freely, - -sually mould.'], b&naW of tiie .colored people .include the erection of nineteen Y. M. C. A,; ' Dandelionsi - t f l S ? btiildingsand 4,000 rural school build- ? S u n s e t s - o n . t h e butfteiSJy? .-_^ ~ ings, for Negro children. He has been . Labcijgpochs^rrabe* "so: VALUES IN •-- .:^ called "second only to Lincoln in serv- Perfect, rounded pebbles; show ? -. •? MEN'S STANDARD FABRIC < • ? , . , . <~ . Shape >a s u n with'Jwhirlirig irayS" ; ing the Negroes of Ainerica."


PAGE 3-^THE JEWISH T materials -wffl be provided. Members 1 may bring their own sewing. Eefreshjfitrili b be servedv} : V " " Samuel Gerson sang a group of Yiddish folk songs.


and young son have been visiting here 'powder, 1 teaspoon almond extract. J l tablespoon flour, 2 tablespoons since Thanksgiving, while Mr. Snyder Cream sugar and butter, add salt,'cocoa, egg whites beaten stiffly. Bake joined his famfly- here after spending flour, and baking powder sifted to--in a long pan in a moderate "oven the past week in Chicago and MI14gether, add whites of eggs beaten and increase hcut toward the end. waukee. stiff, and almond extract, bake in Bake 15. or 20 minutes, Mrs. M. L. Marks will be hostess a t layers at 350 degrees. 1 Turn out en cloth wrung out in Mrs. Leo Krasne and young daughtDeborah society win meet a t 2:30 a series of Benefit Bridge parties a t Filling: Beat % pint cream stiff, cold water, fold the cloth over it p. m. Tuesday. Mrs. Kate Tatle will her home this month. She will en- er, Arline, are eaving- today for Sacadd Vs, cup powdered sugar, 1 tea-'for a ttunute. IIS^QV? and spreadpreside. tertain four tables of Bridge on each ramento, California to visit Mrs. spoon of Knox's gelatine (dissolved.with, v/htpped cream. Jloll up m Thursday afternoon, the first one be-Krasne's father. They will also visit Bikur Cholim society VrHI meet a t ing given today. Mrs. Marks is the in Los Angeles and other points en in a little cold water and then) jelly roll «nd ioe with tha following: 2:30 p . m. Monday a t fhV synagogue, President of the Ladies Aid Society the Coast before retnrning home. heated). When cool, add to cream ( cream 2 tablespoons butter, add 1 cup Twenty-fifth and Seward streets. in Council Bluffs and the money ob- They expect to be gone about three mixture, add % cup blanched and j of powdered sugar, 2 tablespoons of chopped almonds, and 1 teaspoon of] cocoa, add black coffee to thin to tained from these affairs wQl be months. almond extract. When beginning to!right consistency. , - TThe engagement of Miss Rosaline Goldstein, daughter of Mr. The board of directors of: the turned over to the Society for charity set, put between the layers of tber purposes. Anyone wishing to form a arid Mrs. Abe Goldstein, to Louis Somberg, son of Mr. and Mrs.Omaha chapter of Hadassah met a t cake and cover the top and sides] KITCHEN CHATS JACK BRAMSON Abe'^oinberg, was announced at a luncheon which Miss Goldstein luncheon a t t h e Ad Sell on Wednes- table for any Thursday for the r e with: j by S24 Paxton Block AT. »877 fof a few of her girl friends at the Fontenelle hotel Saturday. day, where Mrs. A. Romm, president mainder of the month should call Mrs. Butter Icing: Cream 2% table-, Mrs. David M. Newman. SPECIAL THIS MONTH Miss Goldstein attended the Benjamin school in New'York of the chapter, announced the names Marks as soon as possible. spoons butter with 1% cups of pow- Your vretlding Ting covered with CSty and Northwestern university. Mr. Somberg is a graduate of of the new members added to the Members of the School and College Cake. dered sugar, 1 teaspoon almond ex- White GoM and Beautifully carved board. She then announced the resthe Umversity of Nebraska and a member " of—Zeta . Beta _ . Tau _ *6.00. Set who came from distant points to tract, and «nongh cream for the right for 1EWELBT Silver Glow Cake: One-half cup ignation of Mrs. M. F . Levenson as MADE TO ORDER fraternity. --•WATCH RErAIRING financial secretary, due to her duties spend their holidays with their par- butter, 1% cups sugar, whites of 4 consistency. ents are returning to their studies announce the engagement of their as president of the southwest region. again. Philip Krasrie,: student a t the eggs, % cup milk, 2 % cups pastry gg . Mr. and Mrs. J. L Margolin g •Mrs. Levenson was then presented flour (measure after sifting), ^ t e a - Chocolate ROH: Beat the yolks of h'ter Lillian, Lillian to Mr. Mr JJacob c o b Mi^vis son on of f Mr D Mr. «&d~Mr «&d~Mrs. 34 34. D. daiigh'ter,. with a beautiful pair of candle sticks Southern University - of California, spoon salt, 4 level teaspoons baking 1 5 eggs, add 1 cup powdered sugar, Mirvis, will leave Friday morning for Los v , of Minneapolis. aps. 111 / M i M l i i behalf of the board. I/MisS'Margolin is case worker for the Jewish Welfare Federa-! The Vvacancy created by the resig- Angeles after spending about three M nTOataA taotfand Mr. Mirvis is assistant and educational director of the nation ^ ^ of' Mrs. '""' Levenson was filled a t weeks here with bis parents, Mr. and WEEK OF JANUARY 8— Jewish-Ckmununity Center. the last meeting of the chapter, when Mrs. Herman Krasne. Maurice and Clemant-Walsh Players -":.- Miss Margolin is a graduate of the University of Nebraska, Mrs. Harry Trustin was elected as •&- Arthur Friedman, sons of Mr. and FKESENTING Mrs. Philip Friedman, left Monday and is the holder of the degree L.L.B. cum laude. She is a mem- nandal secretary. : The Seasons Dramatic Success evening to resume their studies a t t h e ber,of the Sigma Delta Tau, the Kappa Beta Pi legal sorority, Phi University of Iowa at Iowa City. Beta. .Kappa, and Order of the Coif > the legal honorary society. A delicious home-cooked luncheon, They were accompanied back by EdMr. Mirvis was graduated from the University of Minnesota such as only our experienced Jewish win Friedman of Harlan, also a stuFEATURING and,'the New York Training school for Jewish Social Work. housekeepers can prepare, will be dent a t the University of Iowa, who BOTD IEW1N end DORA CLKSUUfX Dr. and Mrs. B. M. Kully are expected to return to Omaha .served at a luncheon and card party spent part of his vacation here. Joyce to be given by h e Omaha Chapter of Thursday, and will take up their residence at the Blackstdhe hotel, Freiden spent a few days of his vacaHadassah on Tuesday, January 24, a t tion here with relatives before going wfc(ete they, will live until they sail for Europe in June. YIDDISH STOCK COMPANY , The marriage of Miss Audrey llubin and Dr. Kully took place the Jewish Community Center, with to Sioux City, from whence he went Mrs. B. A. Simon as chairman. January 1 at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. BenPLAYING FOR THE FIRST TIME IN OMAHA direct to Iowa City to resume his jamin jiubin, of Portland, Ore. The ceremony was performed in Mrs. Simon will be assisted by the studies. Miss Flora Marks, student tfie presence of the immediate family, and was followed by a re- following committee: Mrs. J . Alberts, at the University of Chicago, left Mrs. L Bercowitz, Mrs. M. Freiden,Monday evening after visiting h e r ELECTRIC ©REFRIGERATION i eeption for friends. Mrs. Abner Kaiman,. Mrs. Charles parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Marks.. <TORN SOULS) Product of General Motors J Levinson, Mrs. Joe Lipsey, Mrs. H. A. Milton Marcus, student a t the UniMiss Besse Farber has selected A comedy drama in 4 acts -with Mr. ana Mrs. Sendil in the leading Teles. Newman, Mrs. Morris Rosenblatt, versity of Illinois at Urbana left TuesJanuary 15 a s the date- of i e r marA 100% CLEAN SHOW—BRING YOUR CHILDREN JOE PEPPER Mrs. Abe Somberg, Mrs. Harry Trus- day evening after spending his vacato Mr. Joe Marcus of Eawlins, SUNDAY— " tin, Mrs. S. Zaltzman. , Miss Farber is the daughter of tion with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Omaha Hebrew club, a t the JewProceeds derived from this affair Louis Marcus. Farber. Mr. Harold F a r Misses Eudice and win go to meet the Omaha quota t o - Rosalie Richman, daughters of Mr. feer, brother of the bride, will be best ish Community Center. Junior Club Council, 1 J 3 0 p . m., ward the Penny Luncheon Tund. man. and Mrs. M. D. Richman. have reThe marriage will take place in in the Jewish Community Center. sumed their subjects a t the University Senior Club Council, S p . m n in M£ss Farber's home, in the presence Friends of Miss Betty Daytch en- of Nebraska a t Lincoln. o f the immediate family, and will "be the Jewish Community Center. tertained with' a eurpriBe party in Mrs. Herman Marowitx left Wedfollowed by a dinner. Mr. and Mrs. Jewish Community Center Sun- honor of h e r birthday ; i t her home ••QUALITY JEWELERS*' Marcus will receive their freinds dur- day School resumes classes. Thursday evening. Eiglit couples a t - nesday morning for Los Angeles, v : ;; ing-the -evening. • They will go to St. California. She expects to be-gone tended. • • '""-: '*' "" •" -.; ". • City Handball tournament, JewMALASHOCK JEWELRY Louis and then return to Omaha for ish Community Center. ~ ; _ about three months. Wholesale and Retail Jewelers a time JterfpTe taking up their resiMiss Ida Daytch entertained with a Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Snyder and 213-16 City National Bank MONDAY— • ( ..•—-,;:-._.* luncheon in Tier home Monday --noon, dence in'Kkwlins, Wyo. Anticipate Spring Needs Now young son, John Barr>, who have Bide JA. 5619 Social Service Course, i n - t h e honoring Miss - - Sara Trflinsky and • Save 25% to 33% on been -visiting Mrs. Snyder's parents, in L. Bailen announce Jewish Community Center. Miss Eugenia Goldman of St. Joseph. Mr. and Mrs. H. Wilinsky in Omaha, the engagement -of their daughter, Temple Israel Sisterhood, in the Mr. Allen E . Handler-has returned and Mr. Snyder's parents, Mr. and Mary, to Mr. Sol Ash of Montreal* Play the Violin Correctly Temple. front a-busineas-.trip t * the coast, Mra. Sam Snyder «f ;Councfl, Bluffs, ijue^eev-jBootof Mr. stfd Mrs... J ^ A s b 1 by Individual Instruction Junior Boys' BasketDail'lfeague, having spent two months in San left Monday evening for their home of JjVlnnepeg, Manitoba. Mr. Ash will Prof. Sevelcfc nml other world renftvr.in Hutchincon, Kansas. Mrs. Snyder teachers recommend tny method vory Jewish Community Center. Francisco and "Los Angeles. Mr. l>e graduated from McGill university highly. Handler is the son of Mr.'and Mrs. in May*- The wedding will take place TUESDAY— FRANK MACH in 'Omaha soon after his graduation, Correct Violinist nml Instructor Jewish Community Center con- Sol Handler. Stadia UV.i No. lfl*h SI. «IA. 1PV-' and t h e young couple will go to Cali- cert, mixed quartet. When in Need of : Miss Sophia Handler, daughter of fornia t o make their home. Deborah society, 2:30 p . m . • Mr. a n d Mrs. Sol Handler, returned Daughters of Zion, card party, Tuesday from St. Joseph, Mo^ where .Mr. and Mrs. Harry Novey of ChiLET THE formerly of Omaha, an- with Mrs. H* Delrogh, 4122 Harney she spent the New Year's Holiday Call on with her sister, Mrs. H. M. Korbholz, \ the. engagement of their street. and Mr. Korbholz. , 3Tredaj±o Mr. JMaurice Ein- WEDNESDAY— Ruffled Curtain Sets / Joseph, Mo. The wedDO Hadassah Linen Shower, a t the Checked voile, stitched with blue, gold, rose and* black. Good One on the Cop. \Sa£*?;will take place, during the last Jewish Community Center. quality, 5-piece sets .....— • Cop on Shore—Tmfeiing to arrest i& t»r early in February. Family Washing "21 Years of Loyal Service" Woodmen of the World, in the you when you come o u t of there." 118 So. 17th Street HArney 7545 MArket S700 Fringed Panels Man in Water—"Ha! h a ! I'm not C!6rs.~S. .Orloff" of Anderson, Ind., Jewish Community Center. coming out. I'm not coming out. I'm Of high grade French Marquisette, with 3-inch silk fringe; beige, MAX KAPLAN Commercial Basketball league, announces the marriage of her daughcommitting suidde." , ecru and cocoa. While they last, each — -$1.OO ter," Lraa, to Mr. J . H. Stoller of Jewish Community Center. k : Sunday, January 1, a t the THURSDAY— Drapery Damask Mr. and Mrs. M. Pyeler, B'nai B'rith, in the Jewish Com50-inch guaranteed sunfast. Stripes and all-over patterns. Values d). Mr. and Mrs. Stoller ap t o ?3.75 yard. Yard . -. _*.— ___ .— wiH a five weeks' trip in the east, munity Center. DELICATESSEN F.RIEDS after "which they will reside in WichCOMFLETE 1/ITS'15 OF Curtain and Drapery Remnants ftaL -.•. " •'•' Delicatessen, Smoked Meat* will be given to t h e Jewish National and Fish Many sufficient to curtain two windows. Priced less than cost. * Mrs.-6. J l Kenyon announces the fund. 15013 North S-lth FOCBTH FLOOE engagement of her daughter, Edith The Women's Welfare organization B», to Mr. Cy Bikson, son of Mrs. J . will give a card party February 21 in "Bifcson of •Minneapolis. The wedding the Jewish Community Center. There will take place in'June. will be prizes a t each table,-and r e freshments will be served. Those i S T . And Mrs. A . Bezman announce •wishing; to arrange tables a r e asked £ne~ engagement of their daughter, to call Mrs. F . J . Alberts, Harney ; Soee-Lucille, to.JMr. Joseph Rosen* 1395, and Mrs. J . Malashock, Walnut * 20th and Nicholas JA. <3O9<> - ISntire Stock of -bateni-son -of Mr. and Mrs. H . Eosen- 9148. HARRY SWENGLE. Prop. fosuror--of -Chicago. Aimouncement was made a t a dinner for 150 guests Miss Edna German, who spent the ORIENTAL U T . and Mrs. Bosenbaum in holiday season as the guest of Mrs. Semi-Anthracite I , and honoring Mr. Bezman A. Greenberg, has returned to Minne25% Less Than Regularly ^ l No N apolis, where she is attending the of'Omaha and the young couple. I LUMP, per ton, $11,501 date has been, set for the wedding. University of Minnesota.

Council Bluffs



Sunday, Jan. 8 Samuel Bendel



mm ywrits

Coming Events

The ^ i & , Ice Modern


Curtains and Drapes



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Etecorative Linens


Mr. and Mrs. Joe Rice announce the The Brotherhood of Temple Israel birth of a ' son, January 3, at the will hold their annual meeting WedMethodist hospital. , nesday, January 18, a t a dinner meeting in the Temple. Mr. and Mrs. "B.' Seid announce the .birth of a daughter, Frances Geral- The Sisterhood of Temple Israel dine,-Satnrday, December 31. Mrs. will meet Monday for Man Jong and Seid-was formerly Miss Laura Givot. bridge. Mis. Stanley Hartman of Los An- Mrs. Fannie Abramson and -Mrs. ,geles, is the guest' of her father, Mr. 1 Gilbert rt hhave returned from __ Albert spent a week ^ Albert Cahn, C a h , Mrs. Hartman has f ol- g £ o u x crty, -where wher theyy sp their mother, mother Mrs. Mrs G. G ££~ lowed t h e career of interior decora- a s ^ guestt off their Mazie. tion. Miss Ina Bernstein of <3enterville, la., waB t h e week-end guest of Miss "Rosaline Goldstein,''whose engagement 'was .announced during MisE Bernstein's visit.

All clubs meeting a t the Jewish Community Center are asked to select their T representatives for the club council -meetings1 to. be held Sunday, January 8., The Junior B Club council v ^ ' m e e t at 1:30 p . in. and the Joseph LeVee of Chicago, is Senior club council at 3 p . m . -visiting' TOth her sister and family, TSt. and Mrs. Mtrtrte Scherfer. Many The\ Jewish Women's Welfare • orsocial^affairB'-have^been planned for ganisation ^met-in. the Jewish ComMrs. LeVee. v ; v / ;., ' ; • - . • ' • ':-.: munity ^Center; Tuesday afternoon.' It •was decided'ip spend alternate mbnti•ly meetio&s -sewing;-on v layettes -for r eafriTiaity^x^Esngbtexs of Zibn .poor' €ibieBr' ATi-nielabers'xire asked In Set Home on January 10. "Proceedsto assist in this work for which all

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New Home Making | GYM TO BE SCENE Classes to Open; gp f ^ £AR DANCE

Goodman's boys possessed the punch exciting game. Ross, Himelstein .and I of the game; Altshuler was the shinwhen an emergency arose. Gourop stood out forfthe ? winner,[ing light for the clubmen. The Wardrobe five suffered a setwhile Segal and Gomberg stood out In the other " game the Gross Y back at the hands of the Kaiman Infor the .Olympians. In the last game Lumber's won from the Bezeman Two nutrition classes and a short | B ^ MARCUS KRASNE. of the evening the fast, rangy young- Hardware five, 20-13, with Bloom and I surance, who won the entire series. Moonlight waltzes and leap year The undefeated Community Center er crew, that holds the name of Psi Epstein leading the way for the winLeo Weitz grabbed all honors by course in home nursing will be started Friday Night, January 6, 1928. foxtrots will be in order Saturday basketball team made /merrjrat the Mu, Jr., took the fighting B'nai Ab- ners in the scoring-column. shooting 654, the highest singles total next week at the Jewish Community 1 WRNY—New York, N. Y. (326 evening , January 14, at the Jewish Center. Mrs. Blanche Minteer, who expense of the ^6"«lub^. team of rahams'into camp, 26 to 10. This The Peerless broke away from the M.) 5:30-6:15 p. m., eastern time. of the year. Incidentally the Insur- has been conducting the supper class-! Community Center gymnasium, when • Sodth Omaha last Thursday Mght by was the "most exciting game played Brodkey's in their game, after the ance men with a "straw" in the line••winning a 53-to-8, game iii : t&e. club of the evening. Grossman, Turner score was 7-7 near the end of the first Friday evening service. up, garnered a total of 2,592, exclu- es at the Center, will give the nutri- the physical department of the Center •gyio. The Center team is made up and Sokoloj. were the bright lights for half, to take a commandnig lead and WMBS—Harrisburg, Pa. (231 sive of their handicap, which is tfie tion work Monday afternoon at . 2 will give a leap year dance. At 7 p. m., the girls' basketball of \ Eosenblatt, Altshuler, ' Giventer. the younger Psi Mus, while Ferer, Tvin easily. Lohrman and Goldberg M.) 7:45 p. m., eastern time. Dr. highest team total of the season. ' o'clock beginning January 9, and also one evening of the week, the time for .team will play, and at 8 p. m., there .Franks, Leibowitz, Katzman, Raske, Novack, and Adler for the Abrahams. led the winners, while'Isaacson with Philip D. Bookstaber. The Appleman-Robinson Co. nosed will be a game between the American which has not yet been definitely set. I Burroughs' and Chesneau; Saturday This game puts* the-Psi Mu, : Jr., in 7 tallies was high point man of the out the Omaha Tobacco Co. in the Business college and the Jewish Com'night the hoys play the strong Bower first place, with the B'nai Abraham game. Sunday Morning, January 8, 1928. final game by a narrow margin. The These courses run for eight weeks. with two-hour class periods. • |munity Center team. Minnie Flax is Mowr Co. of Council Bluffs. They in second place. WSAI—Cincinnati, O. (361.2 M.) Glazer Clothing Co. defeated the YouV The A. Z. A.'s, Brcdkey's, Peerless Mrs. Charlotte Townsend Whit-' chairman of the ticket committee. She were runnerups in the Southwestern and Gross fives went into a four way 10:45 a. m., eastern time. Rabbi sem Tire Co. two games. The handi- comb, formerly school nurse, who has J will be assisted by Margaret SchonjIoTitfa tournament last year,'and the cap alloted the Glazers won the vicJake Malashock, chairman of the ties forsecond pake with two wins Victor E. Reichert. .outfit is practically intact this season been conducting the class in personal bron, Dorothy Corenman, Grace Rosjtory in the last game. athletic committee, has - announced and three losses each, by reason of : hygiene, Till continue with aa six- j enstein, Helen Sherman and Sylvia - and; is undefeated this year* The 1 the two former teams dropping their Sunday Morning, January 15, 1928. Norman Harris, I. Schlaifer, Max weeks course in Home nursing, in- \ Friedel. Selma Levin is chairman #£ Igarfie will. start at 8 sharp - and the that following will represent the Wednesday night's games, WSAI—Cincinnati, O. (361.2 M.) Weitz, Eddie Meyer, Jack Melcher, eluding bedside care of the sick, iden- the publicity committee, of whi<h fgir^s will^play a'preliminary'game?at J.C.G. in the Amateur Athletic Feder- r The Segelman Service are • yet un10:45 a. ni., eastern time. Dr. Jack Kramer, Morrie Bloom, Mike tification of minor ailments, etc. This Ruth Barish, Max Altschuler and '7:1$. The' Physical Department will ation of Omaha. - This Federation in- defeated. —, cludes six of the leading athletic clubs David Philipson. Subject of ad-^ Goldsmith and Joe Rosenberg secured class will be held at 8 o'clock Tuesday Louis Binstein are member*.' Roae 'spohsor a dance the 14th. Two real of the city. Basketball, Shrolly Good! totals over 500. " • dress: "On the Heights." Igaines and then a real hot dance. J5eigel and Bertha Shafton are meijh evenings. -• The World-Herald will sponsor the man; gymnastics, J. Mervis; wresWNAC—Boston, Mass. (430.1 iMusic by the hottest orchestra' in .bers of the entertainment committee. •first city handball tournament* to* be f^ You're in for a good 'time the tling, Nathan Marcus; track, and ield at the J. C. C. Games will start M.) 10:45 a. m., eastern time. Rab- Famous Maugham Plat sessed Mdth temperament and absolute field, Phil Klutznick; cross-country, bi Harry Levi.i> • V of any convention. In Pa^o to Be Revived Herer defiance Herbert Goldstein; indoor baseball, Sunday at 2 p . n i , Admission will be Patronize Advertisers of The WHO—Des' Moines, la, (535.4 Pago, Sadie and the Rev. Davidson 25 cents. • ;Le©D Mendelson; swimming Jack Air Jewish Press. fti.) 12 noon, eastern time. Rabbi "Rain", the greatest dramatic hit come into contact with one another [ Tpree fast junior baefietball ^'pff? ;be|t5J^),oxing, Sam Green; volley ball, of the. wentieth century, will be seen a great deal. He persecutes her iwerp played at the/l.C.C.''gym last Harry JTalashock; tennis, Dave Beber; The,J,C,;C..volley ball team will Eugene Mannheimer.. for the first time in stock this week ceaselessly, and appeals to the govplay a practice game with the Y next jMo^day. In the first game the B W golf, Harry Trustin; baseball, Abner Monday evening at 9 p. m. when it is presented by the Clemant ernor of the island to have Sadie Every Monday Evening. ;Ami, jr., "defeated the B'nm- Israel, Kaiman; handball, Herman SeigelWHK—Cleveland, O. (265.3 M.) Walsh Players at the Brandeis. The sent back to the States. This terri{Jr., '19 to 8. Epstein, Colin and Good- man, and football, Isadore Levinson. Business "Men's Bawling League. 7:15-7:45, eastern time. Rabbi play, which is based on Somerset fies her because she is wanted by the f binder were the outstanding players W. L. Pet. II Barnett R. Brickner. Questions and Maugham's sorty "Miss Sadie Thomp- police in San Francisco. jfor 'the; Ami team, ::whfle Adler and son", rings with truth and sincerity. jShujrert-shone for the:loserf. In the The- girls' city basketball league Malashock Jewelry ......24 18 .570 Answers. ' . ' " - . ' . ' Dora Clemant will be seen as The scene .is a little hotel at Pago "Sadie" and Boyd Irwin as the "Bev> •next game the Boy -Scouts.nosed out will swing under way this Saturday Empire Cleaners ......_...,23 > 19 ^ 4 8 Pago-in the. South Sea Isles. A ship Davidson." Others in the cast include tthe]Olympians> & to'4, in a^fast and evening at 6. p. m. sharp. Our girls Kaiman Insurance 4.22 10 .524 will play the Brandeis. gang at 7 Glazer Clothing ....21 21 .500 The' Empire Cleaners won jthree which makes the island once a month John Holden as Sergeant CHara, ..20 22 .478 games from the Malashock Jewelry brings .Sadie Thompson, tthe Rev. U. S. M. C , Alexander Lockwood as . STAIiMASTBK ~& BBSEH, Att'ys.' Isharp, so be sure and be on time. Applemah-Robinson Peters Trnst BuildliiR. * iPractice takes, place on Thursdays at 21 .462 team, bringing.,the rac^. to a close Alfred Davidsbn and his wife, and Dr. Private Griggs, U. S. M. C, Claire The Wardrobe" .....__:_,;.18' ? t BY PUBUCATION^ON -.EKIII 3CION FOE 8 E I T t E H E N I OF • 5:30; also on Sunday at 2:20 p. m. Yousem Service ...19 23 .452 margin between several teams. The McPhail and his wife. Sadie is a Sinclair as Mrs. Davidson, William Are Delicious I ' FINAL ADMINISTRATION •-" Girls must show up for practice or Omaha Tobacco Co...~..17 22 .438 Jewelers rolled ' consistently; but i . ' ACCOUNT. • = " . , " ' • scarlet lady.of the South Seas, posW e U s e M a z o l a Oil ..t Thompson as Dr. McPhail. ! 'In.the Connty Court of Douglas . they will be dropped from the teams. | : County. N e b r a a k ^ . , , ; . . , . ; . , Miss Greenburg has announced that ffn the Matter of the Estate Qf'Abe Falk. V deceased: ' •••••• • j_ the following girls have been chosen: > Ali""6efso'iis - interested h r said-matter First team, jumping center, Bretha; arfe. hereby natififtd that on the*28tii. d a y of December. 1927 Rowe Eali*"fltea a Deti* forwards, Min Flax and Esther ShafWaL 6012 ttea™ ia-^sal<J- County -Conrt; prayinc that ton; guards, Min Sherman, Grace her final administration acopuhtV filed Rosenstein and Leona Pollack. Sub§ DANCING § lierein be settled and allowed., and that she- be 'discharged from her trust a s a d - stitutes: Grace Levin and Clara ministratrix and that a hearing will be bad cm said petition before said Court >n Shriedman; Second team: Jumping the-37th day of January. lDSS./anA that center, Rose Foreman; forwards, Rose ift yon fail -to appear before said Court on tlje ; saidj 27th- day of January. •1028. ht.'O Fiddler and Clara Shriedman; guards, OMAHA PILLOW CO. o'clock" A. M.. and "contest said petition; . the_Coqrt may. grant ihe._jpjrnygr.__ojC_sai<l Selma' Levin, Grace Levin and Edith Feather mattresses made from yonr petition, enter a decree of heSrahlp. and Gross. own feathers. Cool in Summer—Warm

iLoeal Sports



RADIO INN Our Chicken Sandwiches


make such other and' further* OtflerBr allowances and decrees.- as- to -tjjis Court may i seem proper, to the" "end' that nil matters -pertnlnftitr to said-estate- may he finally;.'settled and determined.*- • •:•-* -r. BBXCE CRAWFORD. ••'


' ;• ; •



MOXSKY. KATXEMAN, '& ••:'•:-%

->•• • - • .




• -TnO-Omnha Nat!onal_Bank_Bulldine.' ' -;!1 *: ;NOTIC£-"OTiV I2MJPBPOBATION—.• • 'Xot*ce' is -hereby ctven that .the,_u,ndersijjnSe* purtmant to the laws of the State «vf;'JfebrasfciU',Have -.fornied.-a.- corBbration. '• THe ntttne*'ip Fonten«ne Gift v Shop. Inc.. •n-ith its -principal place of business. }n; the Gity/' -of "•©mahit: " The- corporation 7 Is fo rtfierafe a Gift Shop...-It has authority, to b u y -sell. Jease-asVd encumber all kinds of raal and persona) property.- Capital stoclf is 53.000.00, divided Into 50 Bhores.t'of the lKir-:vnine of *l(W.0O-,cach. - AH. of. r said stock shall be common,.<ind.shrijr be fully liaid -When issued.' The corporation ihhn wjmroence business upon "the-^" Blfng of these ArficJes In the Office- of-the-County U\erk of Douslas County, and continue to Jannnry 1st, 1077. The- hi chest amount at ..indebtedness sboJl. not ..^xeeefl". tJvUthints of the capital stock, \ The affairs of the corporation shall be administered l>y>a board of not- more ;than-\three -tinr less- than two- directors^ who .Shall h,e -ejected by the stockholders at thev nnnnq] ineetiuK to be held on the second, Tviesdny of-January . of .each year.. -The dIr»X!tor8 shall < immediately • thereafter T elect 'ftom their rniimber, • President. Vice*-Pre8fde;tr. Secretary- and. Treasurer.-"' These. Articles may bu. amended. -Dated. AUBUBt-24th. 1927. » J. W. 5IARER. A Q D

Is your little daughter a -member of the'"Wee' Ones" dancing class, which meetsrori'Sunday afternoon at 2:45? Miss' Greehberg tells : u , that the youngsters have progressed rapidly, having learned the five fundamental] positions' of the arms and legs and j W working -"on various character I danBfes.' Your child; is missing, a fine I Opportunity to develop its little body j in pbise, grace iand buoyancy. ••- Call; Miss Greenberg, JA 1366. She'll be jleased to give" you further information.'i The Segelman Service, composed I of'last; "year's" champion Kaiman Inr J Surance "team'i took " a three game lead in'the Jewish Community Center ; Loop, at the J. C. C. Wednesday; night, by defeating the A. Z. A. -19- I 15, while- the Brodkey Const.- Co. were droping a 20-14 contest to the Peerless quint. "Izz" Schreibman, led the Servicemen with six field goals, and his allround floor work was the bright spot

In Winter. Cost less than felt beat. Cotton Mattresses made over in new ticks ut nnll the price o£ new ones.

1907 Cuming St.



ABRAMSON AUDIT CO. 402 BramleU Thea. Bldg!—AT. 1450


Spring Means Building Building Means

rf'2051. Eariiaui:—AT. 5524 '' !' "Everything For The Auto'f


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Kelly Springfield .Tires-r24 Hours Service

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:; 1S00 Fa'rnam1 St.—AT. 7476 EAKL .L^JAX; ,Propr.~ • !"

OMAHA, GARAGE 1517 No. 24th St.—WE.' 0300

Reliable, Reasonable, Expert Auto Repair Service




W\ H. OSTENBEKG, Pres. or t^e

SANITARY LAUNDRY Extends His Seasonal Greetings to the Jewish People of Omaha


Paris Cleaners and Dyers

We suggest you.send your laundry to


High Class Work and ".'" Quick Service




Kith and Davenport Street II. MANOS, Propr.

;• 1U04 So. '24th St.—WE. 03SC ; B. ROBINSON, Omaha's first druggist Compounds J'rcscriptiohs in Blaiiy


.'"Everything' .Under Cov<?r'

Wallin-Holmgren Eiec. Co. .

502 So. 13th St.—JA. 5032

New, Used Motors, Repairs, Rewinding, Wiring, Mail Orders



Be Your Baker




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Music Teachers

Tent & Awning Co*s>



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Marinello Beauty Shops

502 Mickel Blag., loth and Harney

AT. 4145 ~ Voice, Piano, Violin, Public Speech, Dramatics, Expression




Paxton Billiajd Parlors



1510 Parnam—;AT.-0721

"The Bestj Place To Buy '- Your Flowers <•

250G No^24th~WE. C311

Children "and Family, Groups , Our Specialty

22nd and Nicholas - WEbster

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THE PEER OF THEM ALL NOW—The Nucoa manufacturers have made, the most progressive step in vears by inserting the sam""tary'col'orcapstile anderJJie^^ glassine wrapper at factor*.

This Is Done by Machinery. No Hand Touches the Coloring Except lours: . Ask your grocer lor-NLCOA . . Distributed by

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,50th nnd. Aoies Ave.—KE. .300U

1012 Douglas—JA. 3306


Photograpns of Distinction

1315 Howard St.

"Flowers For All Ocassions"


1808 Farnam—JA. S329 See Our Sheep Lined Coats Today

School of Opera, Theatre and Public Speech

250S No. 24th St.—Phone, WE. 2037


215 So. 19th—rhone.AT. 80D2

1500 No. 24th St.—WE. 2170 Specializing in Cleaning, Pressing and Eelining Men and Women's . Apparel

Herzberg'Sr-151!) Donglas—AT. 37G3 Marinello—5G0 Brandeis Theatre Bldg. JA. 3400 Fontenelle . '; -JA. 2W3

Direct Wire Service on All Latest Sport Events



1923 Clark St.—WE. 0410

MAISON LORENZO Brandeis Stores . . -JA. 2507-AT. 86C6 Dundee Parlor . . ••: . . . . . WA. 8014 Chieftain Hotel, Council Bluffs . 5343 Specialists-In PERMANENT WAVING

24th and Bnrdette— WE. C3ti^ 20th and Nicholas—JA. 5000






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Eleventh and Ttouglas Streets Phone JAckson £724 Omaha, Nebr. ;

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WE. 1029 • All Type -of Laundry.

Drug Stores

Careful Prescription Service Merchandise of Quality


Harry H. Lapidus, Eres.-Tr.eaa


1700 Cuinlhg St.—JA. 2935 - '•

Personal Service You will Appreciate


Sign Co's.


15th and'Douglas—115 So. 15th .


. ."

204-U South 24th St.—AT. 1400




Thorough Cleaning and Dying by Skilled Workmen in Our Own Plant


•'Brady Co.


• liari. ici4 Estimafes* Gladly Furnished







1722 No. 24th St.—WE. 0280



"Manufactured in Omaha" --*••

Electricity Is Cheapest In

t Contractors .-


National Accessories? Inc.

Try Adler's Pumpernikel Bread: For Good Health and Nourishment

AT. 3832—504 So. 13 GB£ Our Prices and Save Money

Appropriate for After-Theater herings

Expert and' Reliable •Service •/-.

loll.Ku. S4tli—WiS. C2S4


1 1411 Ko. 24th St.—WE. (8)31 Installation and Repairing -of Tin Work, Furnaces. Skylights. Ventilating, Gutters and Spouting.

lilSJDoug\as^ Street , Th'e ~*5lost "I'opuiar Cafe in Omaha

'-*C5S Securities* Blag. AT. 4451




North Oinaha Furnace Co.





Bakeries -

Good to the Last Drop

JA. 2467 \


• v •j

Center Street

AT 8485


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