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Entered as eecond-class mail poitofflceat Otaoim. Nebraska,
January 27( 1921. at "Act of March 3, 1870.
Dorothy Lustgarten . To Play in Concert
"The future Maude- Powell of America." This is the way in which Sandor Harmati, conductor of the Omalia Symphony orchestra, introduced Dorothy Lustgarten,- 14, at a rehearsal this week, held in preparation for the Nomination of Popularity Queens to Begin at ; orchestra's children's concert Friday morning. 1 , Once and Contest is Open to all Jewish Miss Lustgarten will play a violin solo with the orchestra. She will play Women of Omaha> South. Oriiaha ""Ballade" and "Polonaise" by Vieuxand Council Bluffs --- • temps. Last May, representing South High chool in the state musical contest, she won the state prize for violin playing, and was awarded the LinCAR TO BE DOOR PRIZE coln Woman's club medal for achieving the \ighest number of points in - - ' Prizes totaling nearly §500 in value will be awarded the win- the entire contest. ""• •"
ners of the popularity contest to be conducted by'the Thorpeian Athletic club in connection with the latter organization's Jubilee Ball; to be conducted at the City Auditorium on Sunday, March 11* First prize will be a $200 diamond ring. Second prize will be a $100 diamond bar. pin. Third prize will be a $50 wrist watch, and fourth prize will be a $50 string of Richelieu pearls.' The value of. all of the above named prizes is absolutely guaranteed by the; Malashock Jewelry company, which is providing the articles Mrs. to be awarded as .prizes.
NEED OF MODERN GIRL SAID TO BE POISE Jahr Would Leave Youth a Chance for Self-Distovery.
All of the' above articles will be +• placed on display at the Jewish "LIFE TOO BUSY." Community" Center, in order that persons interested in the contest The need of the modern girl, is for may. see for themselves the beautisex-education that is scientific and inful and valuable, gifts to be pretelligent, Mrs. Herman Jahr, of the sented the •winners. The articles ' Girls' work committee of the Jewish will be placed in the custody of Mr. Gerson, to be presented the winners Omaha Men to Compete in i>is- Community Center, said in her discussion of papers on "The Modern by him at conclusion of the contest. trict Tournament. Girl," read Monday evening at a The contest is open to any Jewish meeting of the social service course woman in Greater Omaha. in the Jewish Community Center. ESSAY CONTEST, • Ift: addition to. receiving the $200 ; Mrs. Jahr said that the young girl diamond ring, the winner of. first cannot protect herself against her prize will be crowned queen of the • Installation of officers took place at own emotions without normal sex Jubilee at an appropriate ceremony the meeting of the Omaha chapter No. knowledge. She stressed the need of to'be ..staged. !at. the Auditorinm the 1 of the Aleph. Zadek Aleph of the emotional poise, and the closer relaIndependent Order of B'nai B'rith, night dS "the. ball.. which was held Sunday-afternoon at tionship of parents and children, A - nominatiori^blanfc, upon •which spreading throughout the year the ^the Jewish Community. Center. candidates may ^express their ,desire The officers were installed by Philip spirit that reigns on Mother's day to "enter this" unusual contest, appears and during Father.and Son week*. on ^nother page'of The;^Iewish Press. M. Klutznicfc, executive; secretary of v-iAdoJsscenfcJife^is- a reflection of .Ypung/tromiML or old women, it makes' the' Aleph Zadek- Aleph. - * - ' ' adult life," she said.' There ""is an Those installed were? Maurice Gintf difference; any" Jewish woman' of vot, Aleph. Godol; Joseph jL. Cohen., Overemphasis of activity. Committee Greater Omaha^—by that is meant. meetings, business, superficial culture Omaha, South Omaha or Council Aleph S'gan; Max Riekes, AlepH Maz- occupy all one's time. Athletics have kir; Milton Berkowitz, Ale|)h Gisbor; Bluffs—may enter by filling out the a., important parr. ; Every hour of coupon in this week's Press and mail- Soil Mifoff, Aleph Snotare Godol; the child'- day is planned for her. ing it to the .Contest Editor, Jewish Leon Fellman, Aleph' Shotare" Kotohe; There is no time for self-discovered Stanley F. Levin, Aleph Kohn Godol, Press, Brandeis theater building. faculties'or for relaxation. Too much ; Votes in the' contest may be obtain- and David W. Frank, AlepL Sofer. The dates -for the district-tourna- supervision destroys initiative." peians' Jubilee Ball, at 25 cents each, Other speakers on "The Modern ed-by selling tickets for the Thor- ment, which will be held in Sioux City Girl" were Mrs. Carrie Ada Campbell, this year, has been set asFebruary or by clipping the voting: coupon,', general secretary of the Y. W. C. A.; which will appear weekly in the Press. 3, 4 and 5. Omaha will send' nine men :Miss Gladys Shamp, executive secreto compete in the tournament, of As mentioned in last week's which six men will be representec on tary of the Camp Fire Girls; Mrs. D. Press, a Chrysler car will be given the hardwood floor,'two on the debate J. Foley, Scout commissioner, and away as the major door prize at the team and one orator. .'• , • _ J. G'. Masters, principal of Central Jubilee Ball, so candidates should Plans were discussed to' hold an ari- •High school. have no difficulty in disposing of ual dance some time this month- beMr. Masters expressed his convictickets to the big affair. ' tion that the youth of today deserves fore the men leave for the tournaIn addition to the dancing, enter- ment. the faith of their parents, and that • • . - . " • ;.•... tainment of various kinds will be pre- •Last year the Omaha chapter en- "only adequate leadership ic lacking. sented at the Thorpeian's Jubilee. Ball. tered teams in. the competition and Mrs. Campbell prophesied a greater "We intend to .make this one of the brought back the National Debating place for educational work in the life most enjoyable events in years," said championship. of the Y. W. C. A. than it now has. President Levin of; the Thorpeians. " An essay contest-is well under way Next week the topic will be ."The "If we receive the support which we and many essays have been received Modern Boy." Speaker^ -will be Edfeel this venture is entitled to, the by various chapters. ' The -winner win Peirce, general secretary- of the Jubilee Ball will be made an annual gets a trip to the convention^ which Y. M. C. A.; Leon Argetsinger, Scout event. . . . . . . is to be held in St. Louis with all ex- Executive; J. H. Beveridge, superin"Not only the young Jewish people, penses paid.—_—-• —---—• .- > , -... tendent of Omaha public schools, and but the. .older, people, as well, are inMiss Sarah Shanley, executive and vite^ to. enjoy, themselves on this feshead resident of the Christ Child . tive occasion. ' ' ' ' Cleveland, O.—r-Optimistic re- Center. _ "Ai for the ladies, we urge them to ports on the progress of the "comenter- the big. popularity • contest munity campaigns ••throughout ithe •which is being sponsored jointly by state of Indiana in behalf of the the Thorpeians and the Jewish Press. Jewish Orphan Home at Cleveland, It costs nothing to enter,.and see the for which District No. 2 , 1 . Q. B. B. prizes that -are to go to the winners! i s appealing f o r $1,000,000," a r e . be- • -The Jewish Press has received word And remember, the candidates are as- i n g " received a t -campaign h e a d q u a r - from Jacob Landau, managing direcsured that the prizes will be given as t e r s . . -. • - • -,'•: '••• ; . ,.••-: -•••;•-;. tor of the Jewish Telegraphic agency announced,, because all of the prizes and~the Jewish Daily Bulletin, that will be placed in the custody of Mr. plans for the comhtgbig^ contest. The this organization, which serves The Samuel Gerson, director of the Jew- nomination coupon will appear-in the Jewish Press with telegraph and ish Community Center, who will be Jewish Press this week: and next cable news from all parts of the authorized to retain them .and present week. Fill it out NOW and send it world, will soon celebrate its ninth t h e m to t h e . w i n n e r s a t t h e p r o p e r to the Contest- Editor of the Jewish anniversary and at the same time ! Press, Brandeis theater building. Get publish the 1,000th issue of the Jewish Daily Bulletin. So, ladies, enter now.. and make an early start on your-rivals! The J. T. A. serves as a universal clearing house for Jewish news and a medium of international understanding. It has steadfastly maintained a policy of neutrality in Jewish contro versies and has gathered and dissemiThe story of one of the Jewish pio- the Elkhom valley medical school. nated the world's Jewish news imneers in Nebraska medical history, Dr. Bear was born in Virginia and partially. Its news service is used by Dr. Alexander Bear, is one of tlie attended the Universities of Virginia the Jewish Press throughout the most interesting chapters in local and Maryland. At the outbreak of world in all languages in which news•Jewish history, and will be written the civil war, he enlisted in the-Con- papers are published and into the nonby Ella Fleishman Auerbach in her federate service as a lieutenant, and Jewish press "of America, Europe, history of thr" state's medical profes- after* one year's service was made a Asia arid Africa. sion, now in preparation. , lieutenant and ^continued, to serve un- Vr~. Bear was a highly successful til the peace was signed. His-coming :••' A Jewish publishing house has just physician and surgeon and attained to. Nebraska was in 1867, when he been established in Paris under the prominence""financially, socially and moved to.Fremont..He, was owner.of trade-name of Le Triangle. Its first politically,in the late Nineteenth cen- extensive property, the finest building three publications are monographs on tury.e Thdugh^he was a democrat, a blocks in the city. Pissarro, Modigliani and Chagall by republican legislature elected him reMrs. Auerbach is waking an exten- Messrs. Koenig, Lichenstein and gent 'of the University of Nebraska. sive study of the history of Nebraska Swarc respectively. Le_ Triangle purHe was- ace. president ~of Nebraska physicians'for her book, which is be- poses to. publish small studies of Jewstate medical school and president' of ing, sponsored-by Dr. A. P. Tyler/ ish artists, both ancient and-modern.
t i m e . "
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History Research Reveals Story : of Dn Bear, Jewish Physician
VOL. VII—-No. 2
WIGOURESIN History, Hebrew and Yiddish to Be Included in Curriculum. TO BEGIN; JANUARY 25. The Department of Jewish Studies at the Jewish Community Center announces its program of Jewish educational courses. for the semester, beginning Wednesday evening, January 25, and-continuing until May 16. Elementary Hebrew,"- Intermediate Hebrew, Yiddish Language and literature, and Modern Jewish History are the courses offered. This department •is under the direction of the Educational Committee, of which Dr. Philip Sher is chairman. -..._• A faculty composed of Judah Wolfson, I. Morgenstern, Reuben Lackow, and Jacob" Mirvis have- planned and outlined the courses, with the special idea in mind~7>f "making them stimulating and interesting as well as informational. These men. have had large experience;'and training in the courses they sire .to teach. , • Fifteen sessions- are .planned for each subject. -Classes are to meet every Wednesday evening, -with a recess during* the-week of Pesach. The Hebrew classes will- start at 8:15 p. m. for a period of 45 minutes. These wjll be followed by the Yiddish and history classes, ;from 9:10 to 10 p. m. In this way any person will be able to take two.subjects in one evening. Kealizing the teed for a systematic study of the subjects listed,, the educational comrhittee urges' every young man and woman, 16 years arid over, to register for these courses and attend the sessions regularly. There has been a-great demand for ah opporr tuaity i<y becomesacqoairited more fethnately and more intelligently •with the Jewish learning. ' : «'•'••• Further information may .be secured from Jacob Mirvis, educational director of the Community Center. •
Lions to Lunch At Community Center The Omaha Lions club will meet next Tuesday noon in the " Jewish Community Center. The meeting has been planned by the club to acquaint its members with ths work of the Center. Irviri Stalmaster will be the speaker. Mr. Jack Alberts will be in charge of the luncheon. There will be musical numbers. Following Mr. Stalmaster's talk, the members will be taken through the building, and will witness a swimming exhibition that is being planned for them. I. W. Benolken s in charge of the program.
MICKUN APPOINTS BUM ff RITH YEAR Officers, installed by Henry Monsky, Take Up Duties. EXPECT ACTIVE YEAR. Newly elected officers of "the Omaha lodge No. 354, L O. B. B., were installed at a meeting held last Thursday in the Jewish - Community Center. Henry" Monsky conducted the installation ceremony. Maurice Micklin, president of the lodge, announced the following committees for his term of office: Finance committee: jack W. Marer, chairman; Louis Sogolow, Robert Glazer, Dave Freeman, J. J. Greenberg, Fred White, Herbert Goldstein, Mark Lorig, Jack Alberts, Robert H. Kooper, Benjamin Shapiro. Membership committee: Max Frotnkin, chaijxnan; Harry Robinson, Jake Malashock, Alex Frank, William Alberts, David Greenberg, Abner. KaiLJ'B.. Koxney, Mas Givot, Dave Be-
Budget: Harry ^Malashodc, chairman; Harry Lapidus, Harry Friedman, Max Fromkin' and Maurice Micklin. • - • . - - , . Intellectual Advancement: Dr. Nathan Muskin, ^chairman; Nathan Bernstein, Dr. Meyer Beber, Fred White, Sam Beber, Philip Klutznick and Dr. A. A. Steinberg. Social Service: Dr.. Philip Sher, chairman; Irvin Stalmaster, Dr. A large crowd attended, the joint, Frederick Cohn, Samuel Gerson, installation of officers of the Council' Harry Malashock and Henry Monsky. Bluffs Lodge No. 688, Independent By-laws: Sam Beber, William GroOrder of the B'nai B'rith, and Chapt- dinsky,- Irvin Levin. er No. 7, of Aleph Zadik Aleph, which Initiations: Sam Leon, J. M. Malawas held at the Eagles Hall in Coun- shock, Dr. A. Greenberg, I. F. Goodcil Bluffs. - Mr. Robert Lappen of man, M. Monheit, Harry Silverman Des Moines, Iowa, Grand President of and Max. Frcrmkin. the District Lodge No. 6, of the I. O. . Publicity: David Blacker, chairman; B. B. was the principal speaker.and Joe Jacobs, Nathan Green, Izadore honored guest. Mr. Lappen. installed . Elevitz. the following officers of the B'nai Yigilence: William Holzman, chairB'rith for the ensuing term: Presi- man; Harry Wolf, Harry B. Zimman, dent, Max Steinberg; Vice-President, Abe Goldstein, Henry Monsky. Sam Bubb; financial secretary, O. Central Council: Harry Robinson, Hochman; recording secretary, Ben F. chairman; Louis Sogolow, Dave FreeKubby; treasurer, Sam Steinberg; man, Sam Faier, Edward Albert. monitor, Ben Seldin; assistant monitMemorial Hospital: Jacob Slosburg, or, Simon Steinberg; guardian, Harry chairman; Morris Milder, Leo M. Krasne; and Trustees, Louis H. KatelLevi, Sam Leon, Louis Simon, Dr. man, Max Cohn, and Leo Krasne. Nathan Dansky. Mr. Philip Klutznick of Omaha inNational Jewish Hospital: Harry sts"ed the new officers of the A. Z. A., Lapidus, chairman; Dr. A. Greenberg, in place of Max Kroloff of Sioux City, Irvin Stalmaster, A.B. Alpirn, Joseph who was unable to attend. The new L. Wolf. AZA' officers installed are President, Abe L. Katelman; Vice-President, Leo • House:; Isadore Abramson, Max Meyerson; Secretary, Sal Michnick; Fromkin, Maurice Micklin. Treasurer, Harold Saks; Sgt--ofrArms, Resolutions:" Fred White, Harry Abe Saltzman, Assistant Sgt.-of- Silverman and M. Mpnheit. Cleveland Orphan Home: Leo AbArms, Albert Fox; Reporter, Sam Shyken, and Monitor, Max Kramer. ramson, Dr. J. M. Erman, N.: S. Mr. Lappen in his address urged Yaffe, Dave Greenberg and Harry the need of new members in such a Weiner. Visiting Sick Members: Robert worthy organization as the B'nai Glazer, Dave Freeman, Lou Sogolow, B'rith. Mr. Sam Beber of Omaha spoke chiefly of the AZA. Other re- and Sam Zachariah. Officers of the lodge are Maurice marks were given by Max Steinberg, President of the Council Bluffs B'nai Micklin, president; Max-Fromkin, vice B'rith, Abe Katelman, President of president; Isadore Abramson, secrethe C. B. A. Z. A., Ha.-ry Lapidus, tary and Harry Friedman, treasurer. and Maurice Micklin of Omaha. Mr. The president is planning a number O. Hochman was chairman for the of new activities for the coming year, evening's program. The program al- including get-together meetings for so included a violin solo by Esther members. Steinberg, accompanied by Helen Steinberg; Humorous readings by PALESTINE CURRENCY June and Lorraine Meyerson; violin . PUT INTO CIRCULATION solo and songs by Florence Whitebook, accompanied by Helen White- . Jerusalem.—(J. T. A,)—The popubook, and Dances by Maxine Leibo- lation of Palestine went through a vitz, accompanied at the piano by feverish .day of financial transaction Sylvia Steiman. . yesterday when the amount of one A banquet was given at the Hotel million Egyptian "pounds was withChieftain preceding the program in drawn from circulation and the Paleshonor of Mr. Robert Lappen. Fifty tine currency substituted. ... gueqjs attended the banquet. . The new currency, the Palestinian pound, was officially introduced yesterIn effective womanly beauty form dayi Throughout the day banks were is more than face, and manners more j busy handing out the new currency in than either.—Thackeray. . i exchange for the old. .
Archibald Silverman to Be "King of Kings" to Be Shorn of Objectionable Features. Speaker at Sunday Meeting. "NEW ERA."
Announcement is made this week of the convening of the Nebraska State Conference on Palestine next Sunday evening, January 15, in the Jewish Community Center. The call for the conference is signed by Messrs. J. J. Friedman, Fred White, Abe Goldstein, A. I. Kulakofsky, M. Minkin, and Mrs. A. Room and Mrs. M. F. Levenson, and will be held under the auspices of the Zionist organization of Omaha, the Omaha Commission for the United Palestine Appeal and of the local chapter Hadassah. What has lent unusual interest to this extraordinary conference is the further announcement that Mrs. Archibald Sflverman, one of the most prominent and,- -public-spirited communal leaders in New England, a woman who has during the past two years traversed the country from one end tc the other, will deliver the principal address. Provision has been made to accommodate several hundred of the leading Jews of this city who may want to participate in the conference and hear Mrs. Silverman's address. The Zionist movement in Omaha came into existence almost simultaneously -with the calling o£ the first congress by Dr. Theodore Herzl in 1897. Its appeal first came to the masses of the Jewish people. They were the ones who understood the persecution to which the Jew is being subjected, and they were the ones who were Teady to believe in the new faith that -was pr.onouncec by Herzl and'-iiis followers. Tire* second chapter in the history of the Zionist movement was the creation of your organizations. Then came the Balfour Declaration and the British Mandate. The calling of the present conference on Palestine, marks a new chapter in the annals of Omaha Zionism.
Cincinnati.—(J. T. A.)—A complete revision cf the motion picture, "Kingr of Kings," will be made by Cecil rie Mille, its producer, eliminating all the sequences objected to by Jews and leaders of Catholic and other Christian denominations, befoi-e it goes on tour in the United States, according to Alfred M. Cohen, international president o£ the Independent Order of B'nai B'rith, who made public here & telegram from John C. Flinn, president of the Pathe Exchange, owners cf the film, in which this assurance •was given. The rewion .is the outcome of negotiations between Mr. Cohen on. behalf of his organization and its antidefamation league, with Will II. Hays representing the Motion Picture Producers and Distributors of America, Inc., and will be made in accordance •with detailed suggestions by Mr. Cohen and Dr. David Philipson, dean of American Reform Kabbis. Mr. Flinr/s telegram read: "New York City, January 4, 1928, Alfred M. Coheu, President B'nai B'rith, Cincinnati. O.: "Mr. De MiVle has agreed to the changes of titles and modifications of scenes outlined in letter \%-rittrn l\v yourself and Mr. David Philipson of December 21 to Governor Milliken of Hay's organization. Am leaving for California tomorrow (Thursday) to assist on these changes to the end that both the spirit and the letter if what you wanted will be accomplished and the corrections made in the }.)icture now on exhibition before the public in all cities may be made by January 18, Regards, "JOHN C. FLINN, "Vice President Pathe Exchange." Mr. Cohen, declining to tmke public the letter detailing the modifications outlined by him and Dr. Phiilpaon and accepted by Mr. DeMllle and the Pathe Exchange, nevertheless stated that the picture as revised will be preceded by a special prologue written and signed by the producer. In this preface Mr. DeMille seeks completely to exculpate the Jews of guilt for the death of Jesus. The responsibility for the crucifixion, Mr. DeMille'e preface will say, was entirely that of Caiphas, the corrupt High Priest, an appointee of the Roman empire nnd other hirelings of that despotism, which at the time held Judea in thrall, The revision of the "King- of Kings" as it is to be shown after Ja-nuary IS in this country, it js expected will bring to an'end a fight which has been waged against the motion pfctnre on the grounds that it libelled the Jewish race against whom it tended to arouse prejudice and also that from the historic point of view it was grossly inaccurate. Protests against the picture were not limited to Jews, many leading Catholics and prominent; leaders of other Christian denominations inveighing against it also. When, before it was licensed for production in London, it was privately displayed to an invited gathering of British clergymen, the same controversy broke out there.
GIRLS MAY ASK MEN TO LEAP YEAR DANCE The Royal Vagabonds Orchestra will play for the physical training department dance January 14 at the Jewish Community. Center gymnasium. Two basketball games will be played before the dance. At 7 o'clock the girls' basket ball team will play Benson Christian church team and at S o'clock the Center team will play the American Business college. Novelty dances and stunts will be the feature of the evening. The girls will be privileged to ask the gentlemen for dances, as it happens to be a Leap year affair. The girls may also take this> opportunity and treat the boys to the dance. The women have the privileges this year.
Death of Mrs. Kaiman Mourned by Children The death of Mrs. Mary R. Kaiman, 3212 Cass street, occurred December 29 at her home. The death of Mrs. Kaiman came within a year of that of her husband. She is survived by four children, Abner Kaiman, William Kaiman, Ann Kaiman and Evelyn Kaiman, all of Omaha. At the time of her death, Mrs. Kaiman was 61 years of age. She had been a resident of Omaha for 27 years, having come t.. the United States from Poland in 1900.
"KNOWING JOSEPH." : "Knowing Joseph" will be thft subject of Rabbi Frederick Cohn'e address at Temple Israel this week. On Saturday morning, he will speak cm "Who Cares V
More Omaha Jewish Students : Have Won Hono'rs at Lincoln Since the publication of an article mention from the Pan-Hellenic fov on the achievements of local Jewish her excellent scholarship average, students 1 the Jewish Press of De- vice president; Betty Steinberg, see* cember 29 additional information has retary, and David Yabrof, treasurer. come to the Press, relative to the Ellis Shafton is sergeant-at-ai'tne Jewish students in the University of of Iron Sphinx, sophomore men's; Nebraska. honorary. Joel Simon, also an Ii'on Miss Kate Goldstein is president of Sphinx, is a member of the CornGamma ^ltha Chi, advertising so- r.usker staff, as is Morton Richards rority, and has been president of the who is a member of the Green GobSilver Serpents, junior girls' honorary lins, freshman honorary organization. and the Junior congregation, the JewSeaman KulakoCsK> is a member jjf ish student Ki'oup. The head of the | tlw Pershing Rifles, honorary military Jewish congregation this year is E<! organization, and I" the second Jewish Brodky. Other officers are Mozelie student to li&v.e received this hono't» Kleemanj who has received honorable ] David Sher was also a menibe£. ft ,
THE JEWISH PRESS . -• „ -. .Published every Thursday at Omahai ^ebraisk'a, by ••"•>•"• THE JEWISH PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY Office: Brandeis Theater Buildingr-Telephone: ATlantic 1450 ':""'"
'••'•• JEANEffE"GLlCK GERSON, EDITOR. • DAVID BLACKER, Business Manager. SubBCription"Priceponef year M»s.:~«. _$2.50 •Advertising rates famished on application -CHANGE OF ADDRESS—Please give both the old and new address? be r
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sure to. give your name.
••• :/.-•:. •• •'.
JEWISH CALENDAR — 5688-1927-28 Rosh Chodesh Shebat *Rosh Chodesh Adar « Purim . Bosh Chodesh Nissan 1st Day Pessach ... 7th Day Pessach *Rosh Chodesh Iyar — Lag b'Omer __ _ Rosh Chodesh Sivan ',,,., 1st Day Shabuoth ._•». *Rosh Chodesh Tammua Fast of Tammuz Rosh Chodesh Ab ______ Fast of Ab ~..... ..,...>, •Rosh Chodesh Ellul .—-,
......Monday, January 23 --Wednesday, February 22 ^— Tuesday, March 6 »__ Thursday, March 22 _-_N__..,.Thursday, April 5 Wednesday. April 11 . Saturday, April ?1 ................—Tuesday, May 8 4-~ Sunday, May 20 Friday, May 25 ..••,._•—..,Tuesday, June 19 •..•.•^.—..-Thursday, July 5 Wednesday, July 18 Thursday, July 26 ......_.....JFriday, August 17
i\ow mat uie trial is .enaea* let
Fews and Ukrainians live in peace ;ogether." '
A Gir" Ssout troup has been formed Frogressiveness and artistic endeavor are the keynotes to the success at the Jewish Community Center for of Monheit's Beauty and Chiropody all gills between the ages of 10 to Salon, recently moved into their beau- 17. The troup meets every Monday | tiful new quarters at 1513 Harney afternoon - t : 4 o'clock at the Center. The girls have had two meetings I streets in the Orpheum theater buildand have an enrollment of eighteen. ing. Monheit's were the pioneers in this There are four patrols in the troup field in Omaha, having established and each patrol has its own name, here in 1890. They have kept pace symbol, color and leader. Hermine Green is the leader of with the growth of the city and with the continual demands of new meth- Patrol one, who has for its name The Eagle Patrol, and for its symbol the ods in their business. Dr. M. Monheit has successfully Pansy. Their color is purple. Mildred iipsey is the leader of practiced Chiropody hen, for more Patrol two. Their name is the Amerithan 38 years. Mrs. Monheit supercan Beauty and their Emblem is the vises the beauty culture department of the business with a competent] American Beauty rose. Their color corp of specialists. j is read. The new establishment is one of Annie Tretiak is the leader vt the finest in the middlewest, being Patrol tfcree, who call themselves the beautifully furnished, decorated artis- Bluebirds^ Their emblem is the bluetically and its color schemes are BObird and their eolbr us Hoe. blended as to leave one with a restful Bluma Neveleff is thr leader «f Patrol four and they call themselves feeling. Ita close proximity to the Orpheum the Butterflies. Their emblem is the gives his patrons, while receiving the butterfly and their color is violet. Mrs. Michael Katleman is the capcare of bis attendants, the advantage tain of the newly formed troup and of listening to the music of its organ. Selma Levin ie her lieutenant. With all its elegant surroundings, Any girl who i« interested may Monheits are not extravagant in their prices, 'and is deserving: of local visit the *ce-t meeting* and observe the work /he girls do. For in&nnapatronage. tion inquire at the Community Center.
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Let the
j QUAKER Be Your Baker
Electricity Is Cheapest In Omaha
-The recent census shows that there are 1,500 Jewish children attending the Omaha public schools. Out of that large number of children* approximately only 400 of them are receiving a Jewish education through the Temple Israel Sunday school, the Community Center Sunday school and the City Talmud Torah. "Manufactured in Omaha" In this respect the Jew's of Omaha have failed. BAKER ICE MACHINE CO. ". ThousandsHof "dollars are given, by the Jews of Omaha, to strengthen the bended backs of the European Jews and to save them from destruction. Every "Mashuloch" coming to this city NOMINATION COUPON finds a self-appointed committee to go out and raise money for some Talmud Torah or Yeshiva in Europe. But our own Talmud To the Contest Editor, Jewish Presjs, Brandeis Theater Bldg., Omaha, Neb.: Torah is kicked about and treated like a stepchild. Why should KOSHER DELICATESSEN this be so? Is it not a known fact that our fathers and mothers I wish to enter the contest to elect a Queen of the Jubilee 1509 No. 24th St. have sacrified everything in life, in order to give us a Jewish edu» Ball, to be staged by the Thorpeian Athletic Club at the City We Handle « full line of imported flsh— cation ?. Auditorium, Sunday, March 11. Spratts, Sprat feu — BJ smart Herring, What has become of the American Jew that'he-is so cold and Ensligb Kipperi. • •" , uninterested in the most vital phase of Judaism, the teaching of My name is .•';•;• , u___ our religion to our children? . We haye built beautiful synagogues and centers, but buildMy address is ings can never uphold the traditions of bur race. It is true-that UKRAINIANS AND JEWS TO they help to make an Impression with the noitf-Jew, but you cannot HOLD PEACE CONFERENCE jirritation between Ukrainians and tlth and Martb» 8ts. HArner >M8 keep up these buildings unless you prepare Jews-to carry oh your Ukrainian Jews. OMAHA, KKBSABKA Telephone number .» work. Why not build Judaism fronvthe bottom up, instead of the gray, iron, brags, broos* aa^ Following the conclusion of tha «ott Paris.—(J. T. A-)—An attempt to aluminum castings. Standard iiM{| other way? •" establish a better understanding be- Schwartzbard trial, Mikola Chapo- bronze and iron bushing*, m n t m i l . betes, cistern rings and covers, §nd The Jews for centuries have been prosecuted .and bent but tween Ukrainian and Jewish lead- val, former general in the Ukrain- etea.n-<mt"4ooim In etodt. of fifteen legistxants. never broken, for they have had new recruits to defend and-to French, Spanish, : ers will be made shortly, it was ian army and one of the witnesses A eourss in public speaking, with learned-here today^ In certain Jew-' for the Petlura party, approached prolong Judaism. Unless we make Jews of our children, who will Advertising To Be special emphasis on requirements of •carry on the work? Is it necessary for the Fords andv KrK. K. to circles here it is being planned Dr. Leo Moteldn, of the SchwartzTemind us'of our Jewishness? ! :/ : - T Taught At Center club women, will also be offered if ish to call a conference pf Jewish and hard Defense Committee, and one there are enough interested. Miss Let us all get together and carry on the noble worky and give leaders to eliminate any of the witnesses for the defense. ExChiropractic for Health 1,100 children a Jewish education so that we can have-that many The Jewish Community Center is jMildred Mahan, who formerly taught Ukrainian further causes for bad feeling and tending his hand, Chapoval stated: more Jewish ~men and women to carry on after us, and to retain opening its second semester with at the Misner school and who is conSuite 12-13, 2906 Uavenworth S t our institution in the future. • . : many' new courses. A. course in ad- ducting classes at the Y. W. C. A. fhone—Office Besiidem*
writiflg by Mr. Bob TJhlman, fbrmer- and at the Nebraska Power company, ly advertising manager at Brandeis will be instructor. Persons interested Stores and now associated with the may get further information at the Omaha Bee-News, will teach the fun-office of the Jewieh*Community Cendamentals of writing ads. ter. . -- • ;. Miss jMay,; Mahpney, teacher of Mixed quartet -and solo numbers languages at South High school, will: iFriday'Nignf, Jaiuuajry formed the program of the third and give courses in Spanish, and French. Willa Cather Book RNYN''Yki final concert at the Jeirish Communi- Si.; jWt>:30-6:15 p. m., eastern time. Mrs. Charlotte Whitcomb, formerly Reviewed For Group ty-Center this season, given in the Temple Emanu-El Friday evening school nurse, is conducting a short course in personal hygiene and home auditorium Tuesday evening. service. M&bel Allen. Stnails, soprano, Mar- IKFDM—Beaumont, Tex. (483.6 nursing on Tuesdays at 8 p. m; Mrs.. Mrs. Henry Monsky reviewed Willa Minteer is teaching '|nutti^'' Gather's "My Mortal Enemy" at ft jorie Jones;,t contralto,: Harry Green- ]&.) 9 p. m,, eastern, time.__Rabbi •Blanche : "tion" Moriday afternoons at 2^ p. mi meeting of ;*kfe Ijook^review group of •R-ar, ten6i,{add'XTart^Smith, basa, {•iamuel Rosinger." * -' VS^'c ••'•-.' the Jewish Commui^py* Center, at the opened and closed the program with •• WMBS—Harrisburg, Pa. (231 An evening course in nutrition Is also Center Monday. 1, lieing planned. quartet numbers, the old, gay "It M.) 7:45 p. m v eastern time. Dr. Mrs. Monsky said that the simWas A Lover And His Lass" and Philip D. Bopkstaber. Persons interested in these courses plicity of style was the chief dttrm Liszt's melting "Dream of Love". may register at the Jewish ComThe ensemble numbers were partic- Sunday Morning, January 15,1928. munity Center- The ad-writirig and of the book and that the character : ularly effective and there were many - WSAI—Cincinnati, O. (361.2 M.) language courses are hour courses, of Myra Henshaw Jstamped the book who "wished that more of these might ' lt):45 a. m., eastern time. Dr. one night weekly, and require a mini- with its personalitSr. Mrs. Monsky have been including in the program. David Philipson. Subject of ad- mum of ten registrants. The health said she had found 4hat Willa Cather, Each member of the quartet sang dress: "What Is Reform Judaism?" and nutrition courses last am hour though she attended the University of and a half, and requires a minimum Nebraska, was not born in Nebraska. a group di solo numbers. The clear WNAC—Boston, Mass. <46i JH.)
and true voice of Mrs. Smails, and Mr. Carl Smith's excellent performance wejre outstanding. ... . Dorothy Morton Parks played all the/^companiments'andhad to herself *• a "piano group' including Rachmaninoflc's Polka and Minuet. Mrs. Parks': technique is of-' the brittle, brilliant} idnd,- which was displayed exceedingly: well in this group. Theconcert was arranged by Schmoller and Mueller. —J, G. G.
10:45 a. m., eastern time. Rabbi Harry Leyi. WHO^Des Moines, la. (535.4 M.) 12 noon, eastern time. Rabbi Eugene Mannheimer.
The Extra Value
Thursday Nigh*, January 19, 1928. WHN—New York, N. Y. (394.6 M.) 6-6:30 p. m., eastern time. Association of Reform Rabbis of New York. Program: Address, current events, music. '
Omar Bakery puts Into. Its fcread, e»_e» sad pastries has brought us thousands ©f customers. Women ah over Omaha are talking about i t . Ton can get Omar goods from most groceries or the Omar wagon that comes to your neighborhood.
Sunday Morning, January 22,1928. Berele probably believes with Hillel WSAI—Cincinnati, O. (361.2 M;) that •"he who has acquired a good name has enriched his manhood." Be- 10:45 a. m., eastern time. Rabbi rele visited his native village in Rus- Victor E. Eeichert. Subject of adsia after a number of years in Am- dress: "The Lost Art «_ Thinking." - WCAE—Pittsburgh, Pa. (461.3 erica. "Ah, Berele," a friend greeted him, M.) 10:45 a. m., eastern time. Dr. Samuel H. Goldenson. "I hear?that you have made a good name for yourself in America." "Oh, yes indeed, I have/' Berele anWe will walk on our own feet, we swered. -"Here I-was called-Berele will work with our own hands,' / ;. .Finlcelman, arid in America I am 'Mis- We will speak our own minds. ter Fine."' —Ralph Waldo Emerson.
BRANDEIS STORE Special Purchase Sale of 72,000 Pairs of
Silk Hosiery $]29
MALASHOCK JEWELRY Wholesale sod BetaO Jeweler* 213-16 City National Bank BIdg.—JA. 6619
and Every Day in the Year
Play the Violin Correctly by Indlvldaal InatnietfOB • . . . Prof. SewSck and other world teBO*ti«d teaehers recommcod my eaetaod v«ty WgWy
f 'A: Wonderful Demonstration of the Nebraska s Values
25 * 35
And Other Exceptional Value Suits and Overcoats
WE. 5680
Correct Violinist and In«trnetor
111% No. Utb St.
3A. &U
Family Washing HArney 7545 MArket 87W MAX KAPLAN
Has Right of Way T H E FUTURE is
How to Save Your Time When Placing Long Distance Calls
• A-profession open to men and women alike. A pleasant, interesting profession paying big salaries. Jobs awaiting trained advertising men and women in every
1. Name of the town you are calling 2. Number of the telephone, if known, and
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Write to Advertising Manager, Box 411 Jewish Pre$s4
918 Farnam St,
Advertising Writers Earn Big Salaries
Paris and Tilf ord Chocolates Hoefler's Centennial Chocolates Romance Chocolates JAckson 3986
learn To Write Advertising
Sheer Chiffons, Street Chiffons, and service weight with every fashionable type of heel! The entire quantity pnrehased from well known makers who sold thpir surplus stocks at very low prices—just ..95 to $2.95 values.
More Clothing Value for Your Dollar Today
Every Pair Full Fashioned Standard - Makes
JA. 1850
"Long Distance" can serve you more promptly when you give her the Information concerning your call in the following order: name and address of the person or firm yon are calling 3. Your telephone number 4- Yourname.
Whiin you give *TLong Distance" this information in the order designated, it enables her to s o r e you more q i d d Your helpful cooperation assists i n providing you with satisfactory service at the lowest possible charge*. NORTHWESTERN 8 C U
full ,of promise to liberal users of Good Printing. With our new equipment we are ready to handle the largest, as well as the smallest of your printed messengers. Let's dress them up correctly and send them out to do their duty right, A phone call will briB£ one Of our salesman. •
Phone AT. 8028
S 3—THE JEWISH PRESS, THURSDAY, JANUARY 12, 1928 corresponding -secretary; Mrs. David made -unti" January 22, with any IKubby, treasurer, and Miss I<y]yan member of. the, committee or officer. Chudacoff, sergeant-at-arms,!- ' Miss Ann Fanger, daughter of Mr. • I>R>-Olga! fetastiiyfold her experirs.;_ L. "Pv-Fanger urilMeave ;S*tnences in France and eastern Europe day morning for Los Angeles to be and compared her work with that the guest of Miss Ann Leas, formerly which the Hadassah is doing, in her of Omaha. Many affairs. have been talk at the Hadassah linen shower at planned for Miss Fanger. the Jewish Community, Center Wednesday afternoonThe Jewish Press is informed that Mrs, Max Promkin led the Hatik- Colman Lezek, Abe.Halpirn and Edvah. Sarah Rae Fish played the ac- ward Halpirn, Dora Abrams, and companiment. Margaret Margolin Jeanette Katzberg are new members sang a solo, accompanied by. Margaret of the Omaha Club of New York. i Dr. and Mrs. B. M. Kully, whose marriage took place in PortiaBd,TOre.f on New Year's day were the guests of Sir. and Mrs. Horwich. Bess Weinstein gave a and Fanny Fish a violin solo. Miss Lillian Greenberg and Miss itarry Kulakof sky at a dinner in the Omaha Athletic club Tnes- reading The Hadassah will continue to accept Ethel Greenberg will leave New York evening linens for distribution.. soon to visit in Omaha.
liam Wolfe. Among the affairs The Council Blaffs. Agudes Achimtdub at her home Wednesday aftergiven the past week honoring Society held an election of officers at;noon, Miss Wolfe was a-bridge-party their meeting Monday -evening at the, given by Mrs. George Colton. K. C. Hall. The following were Mr. and Mrs- Goodman Meyerson, Miss Rose Soskm entertained a | •elected for the, ensuing ;fcerm: presi- formetly of Councij' Bluffs were a. Lingerie Shower and Bridge dent, Sam Bubb; vice-president, honored z.t a surprise party at their party on Sunday afternoon at Harry Krasne; recording secretary, liome at 4321 South £?. Street, her home. ' ' Harry Kubby; financial secretary, Omaha, by forty members of the
Maurice Brandeis; treascrer, Sam The Ladies Auxiliary of the Tal-; Friedman, and trustees, Abe Libovitz, mud Toxah will hold a public card Sam Eosenthal, and Simon Steinberg. party next Thursday evening, Jan., There was a large attendance at the 19th, at the K. CL HaU at Eighth! meeting. Street and Broadway. Hostesses for' this affair will be six members of. Mr. and Mrs. M. Bernstein entert i e society. They are Mesdames- tained their Evening Mah Jong club Philip Saks, Nathan Adler, Sam at their home last Wednesday eveBubb, M. Nogg, Sam Lincoln, and ning. B. Saltzman. Everyone is urged ,to Mrs, Maurice Gilinsky entertained attend. _r Mr. and Mrs. H . E . Harris announce the engagement of Mr. ten children last Thursday afternoon leave New Miss Ann Tretiak H a m s ' sister, Miss Mildred Harris, to Mr. Frank Portmen, son of The Henrietta Zsold girls' member- York Mrs, M, L. Marks is entertaining honoring the fifth birthday of her next month for a trip to Omaha. ;Mh and Mrs. A. Portmen, of Chicago. Miss Harris, who formerly ship campaign will close February S. at the second of her series of benefit daughter, Jean Eae. liwpd^aQniaha, now resides in Chicago. No date has been set forRose Shafer and Lena Gilman are bridge parties at her home today, captains of the two membership Mr. Lawrence Krasne left Sunday t h e wedding. She will also four tables teams. Any girl who is interested evening for Ifew York City en a balof bridge nest Thorsday afternoon, The wedding of Miss Goldie Sof^, daughter and Mrs. may call Ruth Fox, Harney 7293, or January 19, and the final « | ^ the ing trip, to be gone about two weeks. Soffer, WlH Mr. IiOUis Zevitz, son OfMr. and Mrs. J. Zevitz,ttf Hose Shafer, Webster 3004, The losseries will be sm January 26,"'. Any- The Ladies Aid Society will hold Ing Biflp side Tinli -will «rivf» give aa fiartV party ffor win- - The- marriage of Miss Fannie one wishing to make up a table for iTVl#VTl+ XTTill l n n o January TonriOTm IK 4- +Vnv +V«Vi:' V.-U{«3«*"r. Inw o r tthe h e Will, Fremont, will +a1ra take nplace 15 nat theV>rvmn home^ A* ofJ3afe.'b*iSe*s niecsfing next Ttifisd§y sfternoon; ,p«p«tAs. A supper for the immediate family will follow the cere- ners. Initiation of the new members Wolfe, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. these affairs should call the hostess aJanuary r . 17 at the home of Mrs. -will take place at this party. The piace at tms^party. ms M o r r i s Wolfe of Council Blufifs, as - soon BE 'possible. Mrs. Marks is Julius JCatelmax : jaoay^-Mr. and Mrs. Soffer will receive their friends at their home , 417 Oakland Aye. from 9 p. m. until 11 p. m. " girls bave decided to make candy and I o w ^ t o ^ ^ A f e e ^ h e r m a n ? g o n the president of the Ladies Aid So; All members are urged to attend. sell it at the Hadassah luncheon for of Mr. and Mrs. Tillie Shennan ciety for whkh the proceeds from ^Announcement is being made this week of the engagement of the benefit of the Penny Luncheon of Omaha, will take place Sun- these affairs will be used in the Mrs. Jake Krasne entert^iijed fond. < [[Miss Lena Mallan of Kansas City, y,Missouri,, to Mr. Japk p Steinber,g, e day, January 15, at six thirty at club's charity work. members of her Afteroo«n Mah Jong
Council Bluffs -Mews
f Mr. M and d Mrs. M George G Stib C i l Bluffs, Blff Jowa. J JS I son of Steinberg off Council '-dkte "has been set as yet for the wedding* Miss Mallan is Jjow 1 "vJsitiiig.iD Council Bluffs at the home of her fiance's parents. Mrs, Mallan, wso spent the past week-end here, has returned to Kansas
Annual January
" .j'i.
• Mrs. M. Kulakofsky has returned from California. On her return she .stopped in "Kansas City for a visit. j • Mr.-and Mrs. Fred Welcher of Chi-, '^sago have been guests of Mrs. Welcher*s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Nathan 3rodsky. Mr. Welcher has returned to: Chicago. -
Demonstrating that the shortestjnrice makes the straight line of quick Clearaway.
" 17th and Nicholas St.
U. S. Gil Works
UOU • ••
COMPLETE STOEE acd OFFICE OUTFITTERS We Occupy X>ver 70.000 tiqaar*1 I'tpt Souil'wfst Cnnicr
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Eleventh and Douglas Streets Phone JAckson 2724 Omaha, Nebr.
Okay Bran Flakes At All grocers
The greater Hoover is yours so easily. The down payment is very small; the balance yon pay in modest monthly amcrants. And think what yon get! Immediate release from all the heavy cleaning: drudgery. And "Positive Agitation,5' which makes your rugs 131% cleaner |ha& even the best previous Hoover.
Phone AT 3100
Made By
Bide Sun Breakfast few! Co. Omaha,
X«t us come out and clean a rag for you without cost or obligation. See for yourself the amazing cleaning ability of the Hoorer.
48 68
Your Present Cleaner Will Help Pay!
[ON 1 COAL CO. I 22nd and Nicholas WEbster
Jie need to risk losing a penny on year old cleaner, for xve \rill give you • liberal nlloTvnnce for ft.
"Electric Shops"
17th and Harney Sts.
2814 M St.
Nebraska Power € Courtesy • Service • Low lUte*
^i«twHitwttiWHHWtMHiiiiinnimHHinittmmnHiitinniiitiiimifitiiHiitniiiuiir itirti u irumtnm' tn « nn
JAckson 0770
Product of General-Motors
3 • Feature
1(UH No. 24th St WEbstei «O4S
Easiest to Own
.Values tHat we feel cannot possibly be egyalled on dependable merchan^lise of high quality. * - .""•' ^ \
Call on
How it's time yon rebelled! Ask yonradf if it is really worth while to use up *o mne^ of your vitality on laborioBS cleaning other, more worth-wafle fliingB are eiStimg yon.
For Real Motoring Economy in 1928 Use
* . •-. -, -i
Men in Need o!
118 So. 17th Street
Victor Orthophcntc or Radio
Ttiiui your burdens.
a serious operation at Pmanuel, hos-jS" Daughters of Israel Aid society of pital, Thirty-fourth and MeredithjS the Jewish Old People's home will avenues.'^ ~'". " ' "" " ' ' 2 told their next meeting Tuesday, January 17, at the home. There will Kappa chapter of Theta Phi Sigmai he «leetion of -officers. sorority will make its debut at a charity card party for the benefit^ of ; / ' • f f c - M e s -lapsman -and-Mr. Jake the Talmud Torah, at the Fontenelle \ fepunse left Monday for a-"business hotel Sunday, February^. Officers of' trip by ssotor to Minnesota. the new group are: Mrs. Ben Ehibby, president; Miss Anne Jbmische, y i j Mr. Isadore Abramsojj•"._and Mr. president; Miss Ruth Green, record-; |_ Jjonis, Qpbjn" were in Wabash and ing secretary; Miss Lyl Steinberg, ss Elmwood last week on business. Mr. Cohen spent the week-end at the Sigma Alpha Mu. fraternity house in Lin-. Boln.
"21 Years of Loyal Service"
for %$M0.
file Best Place to Buy \mir
, yosi have sbruggle& itfaiast dirt without the help of modern weapons ^ ! " cleanliaess. Too long yon have squandered Tour strength and risked your health, when tbe greater Hoover stood ready to release yen
Weiner. Mrs. E. Ferer and Mrs. "William Weiner. Mr. and Mrs. John J. Frieden William Albert and S. Weiss are receive thejx, friends Sunday aftermembers of the constitution comnoon' and evening in honor of the con,firanation of their son, Gilbert, which mittee. The clothing committee consists of Miss Nellie Ferer, H. Weiner, •will ty^* jtiarc Saturday a t the R. Ferer, Joe White and Wifliam Algogae. Nineteenth and Burt streets, bert. reception mil be at their home, North Twenty-seventh street. The South Omaha Woman's club Is sponsoring the performance of An unusual menu •will be served at "Mary's Other Husband" at the Branthe Sisterhood dinner to be given at deis theater, Tuesday, January 4-7« Temple Israel Wednesday evening, Tickets may be - secured from any January 25. Cafeteria service will be member or from Mrs." Frank" McGavfrom-6:30 p, m. to 7 p . m . The public ren, chairman of the committee. is,invited. Kindly phone reservations to Mrs, Sam Saltzman, Harney 8112. •Mr.'J. Selinsky is recovering from =
The Shumsk Belief society of Omaha elected the following officers at a meeting held Sunday, December 8. Mr. Jteuhen. Ferer, president, succeeding his father, Mr. S. Ferer; Harry Weiner, vice president; Mr. G. Boiref, secretary; Maurice White, treasurer. Members of the board of directors are Miss Nellie Ferer, Mr. Joe White, Mrs. H. Weiner, Mrs. H. White, T&I. A. Ferer, .Mr. William
THURSDAY— B'nai B'rith, in the Jewish Community "Center. ' , "t
524 paxttm Block AT. »877 SPECIAL THIS MONTH YOHJT •wedding ring covered with white Goid and Beautifu31,r carved
Harry H. Lapidus, lJres.-Treas
WEDNESDAY— Temple Brotherhood, annual meeting, in Temple Israel/ ' Woodmen of the World, in the Jewish Community Center. Commercial Basketball league, in the Jewish Community Center.
The more you are talked about the lees powerful you are.—Disraeli.
4fll-403-405 South 10th Street
Coming Events j
a n d r e l a t i v E S i e r e . < - ; - . I , - — -_•.'•;
Mr. Sam Friedman left YZcdneoday |pr a trip in South Dakota,
the Burgess home at 122 North
" JPQ leserya^ons -have already 22nd St. in Omaha. Rabbi Grobeen R»d<P fqr fte-Hadassah luncheon dinsky will perform the ceree » k l mony assisted by Rabbi Kahano•C i t y ; .... -. . . ... . • : , , _ . . . ••.•• . ; i aad «ard party which will take place witch and Mr. L. Harris. About January 24 at the Jewish Gomnianity 250 guests are expected to atCenter. tend. Miss Esther Wolfe, sister "Mrs. Charles Eosenthal of San All the food served will be cooked of the bride, will be maid-of-hon! Francisco will arrive Friday morning by MtB. B. A. Simon. rand her com- or, while Mr. Irving Sherman, to he the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Harry mittee, consisting of Mrs. J. Alberts, SATURDAY— Mrs. L Bercovitz, M. Frieden, Mrs. j brother of the groom, will be E f f l E y . Mrs. Rosenthal is on her J. C. C. gym dance, at the Jew- j Abner Kaiman, Mrs. Charles -Levin- best man. Bridesmaids will be to California from the east. Bon, MiSi Joe Iipseyi Mrsi-H. A; New- the Misses Frances Zeliksqn, ish Community Center. man, Mrs. Morris Rosenblatt, Mrs. A. Pearl Brown, and Rose Soskin. *Mr. and Mrs. I. Weiner have re- SUNDAY— Semberg, Mrs. Harry Trustin and Ushers will be Messrs. Ben turnee^ from a two'weeks' wedding Omaha Hebrew CTnb, at the Mrs. S, hitman. Reservations may be Wolfe, David Brown, and Wiljbuijney in Chicago and Milwaukee. Jewish Community Center. 7 Mr. arid Mrs. E. Meyer will leave MONDAY— Monday morning to spend the reSocial Service course, at the Bsainder of the winter in southern Jewish Community. Center"Tlie Home of, Betty Wales Fashions" California. Junior Basketball league, at the Jewish Community Center. " |Mr. "Morris Horn of Los Angeles, eon of Mr, and Mrs. M. Horn, will TUESDAY— spend the week-end with his parents,.Current Topics class .of thestopping jgn'shis ..way home from the Council of. Jewjsh^Women, at, the_ east. Oh his ^return, lie will be ae-j Jewish Community Center. companied by bis sister, Miss Bess Daughters of Israel Aid society, Horn, -who will accompany him to San Francisco for & visit of some weeks. at the Jewish Old Heople's home. - Mrs. M. Adelson of.Los.Angeles, formerly-of Omaha, is,t^isiting friends
Council Bluffs Talmud Torah Association. ",'JUr. Meyerson \y-&s formerly the treasurer of the Talrmul here.' Several taiis v.-rrc c i v c n t5i€ members.
INSURANCE-ALL BRANCHES Accident and Health Assault Automobile Sire Aatomobile Liability Bank Deposit Boner Explosion' durglary (JUesidenct! • Burglary ttStore, etc.) Bnrclary « i Sale Client Kaiains CivH Comsionot Consequt-nral Unmace ConUrient WablHty Contraplors* Bongo * MUlH Drujrgists' liiablnty
Office 824 WorU-H«rald Bldg.
Klevator Liability Euciue Breakage ExpltEion General) Evpr^ss Shipments Viil^lty Bonds Fir« nn»l Tornado Fly i Wheel K-dl^ut Ciiarjros Purs, All Risks Ootfers' Enuipment <^r<x'ip 'nturanre
Jewelry. All KJstF Landlords' Liability Larceny and Theft Leasehold Liability (General,) Life Live Stock Merchandise in Transit Motor JSont Motorcycle (nil forms)
Musical Instruments
ravtnprsnip L,Ue inBttrance I'hyeicinns' Defense
Hblfl np
lMate Glass Breatage
(t' (erso:i:in
I'roflt Insnrnnc-e l:-am Insurance .
Honsehoia Goofls Hn Transit
Kegistered Mai) lieutal Value Salesman's bnmples Sprinkler Leakng« Strike and Kiot Snpjily Bond SnrgeoDS' Liability Tenms' Linbility Theatre Linbility
Theatrical Traasportotiou Tl«e Insnrance Flonter Occupancy Workman's Compensation
R. A. BLEICHER & CO. " .
Telephone ATlantic 3180
Fresh et Ycnr Grceerai;
III. • - . . w • « • 6 P . I M . T - J . C C . vs. Benson ChrisICE MACHINE COMPANY CONVENES WORKERS ' Boy Scouts (9) B'na! Ami (5) tian girls., Levinson^.... -:. 5Ferber .if ' 6:45;PMU.—Ralston vs. Omaha uniRoss i ~ i U 3 Epstein ;....i —JO versity.-' 3 > -•.,,, BY MABC0S mASHEi.,. . Gornlp II. Cohn 7:30 P. M.—J. C.'c. vs. First Meth'J^ C.. (?. &uintfct'suffered'its' Him'ist'c OGoodbinder -. 1 odist. firsf defek-:'of I the season L|st Satuir- Wiener ...... lBoghanoff 0 Everyone, come out and boost the ' day-night/at the tJenter gym when it Coren 0 girls of the J. C. C. They neeo! your was." walloped by the fast Bower support. ._ . ..' Motor ,Co. five of Council-Bluffs, 55* to- Three fast- games were played a t gym last Miss Greenb'erg" announces that the 43." ,Bpth .fives displayed a'ke'en pass- the Community Center ! 1 ing;!*-game,''•and wonderful -scoring1' Wednesday evening. ; The Segelman morning; matrons' class will organize^ str^iigth,-'.••'but"the <X' B,' boys were beat the Peerless Cleaners 23. to 21 two*, vollei" 'ball./ teams Wednesday, jiifit(tod fast' for our boys.' Vtttsliiiler in two overtime periods. In the second morning, :at which time they will led the" attack for the. Center, teamV game ; the Bezman Hardware lost to choose-their captains and decide upon In the preliminary game our gfi'rls" de- the Brodkys 12 to 13. In the last the final reward for the winning team. feated the3°Brandei3 girls," 43 to '25. game the ?A. Z. A", beat; the Gross The teams.will play eight games in: M, Flax," E. Shafton," Bi"Shafton, Lr Lumber 13 to 7. > , •. ;. ..'•the ,course .of. one months . • / c, -M. "• Sherman • and Grace -•'. Segelman Service ''.' . PeerlessBUSINESS MEN'S BOWLING vm~ started5 for the Center- team. Cleaners (21) One of. the most1 successful con- The prospects for the coming year inventor of Baker-Browne humidity Station (23) LEAGUE ^Next - Saturday evening our boys Baker Ice look exceedingly bright, judging from and temperature control system. Schriebman, f 10 Lohrman, f. J 3 W. L. Pet. ventions, ever held by the and girls "will play tWb of the'fastest Giventer, ; f Bernstein.* £ ~ . 4 Company; Inc, Omaha, took the favorable reports received from Third Row: J . E. Rasmussen, manteams in the city. The boyt meet the Brown, c .__ 6 Goldberg,"' c . _ i l •• Malashock Jewelry ........Zl 18 .600 recently at the Hotel Rome. the- representatives from various ager, Fort Worth branch; ? . G. 0 Stoller, g 2.Kaiman Insurance .......t25 20 .555 American Business .College, while the Katzman, f Venemann, manager, Philadelphia parts of the country. Leibowitz, g 0 : Raschke, g " _ . 1'Empire Cleaners .„. -.24 girls meet the M. E. sbi ir. t i e first 21 .533 fi' .• "~^ " .Schriebm,. g 0 Rosen, f Reading from left to' right on thebranch; C. W. Stipp, manager, Des 0 Appleman-Robinson _^..22 23 .471 ^dropped' two games to the Applemangfame a t 7 sharp. After the game J. Segelman, g 5 JNltZ, g „ . „ . — . 0 ^ , _ _ _ _ <-ti~4.i.;__ r>~ 2 1 above picture are: we|w|ll-:have;:a bigvleap -year'dance. Glazer, a.ojhing Cp. 24: .466 ••jRobinson quintet. v ; •r-i }•:<•:-j-* A ' 2 1 Olnaha-Toba^ctSo Cbr. »19 The Royal Vagabonds wfll' piay and 23 !4521 ^ • Lester- Simon and '< Marvin Treller First Row: L. W. Morris, general ' Brodky rr v Bezman »20 25 .444 jfolled consistently and were, largely sales manager; A. S. Krantz, sales they're th« hottest orchestra in town. Yousem-Service Hardware (12) The Wardrobe Boy, you'ra in for somertreat, and Construction (13) 24; ..429 'responsible for their team's victory manager, Burge »Ice Machine Com..^_-18 24 Phone us about "VULCAN" a high 1 Yaffe.f;::„„„..„ 0 The Empire Cleanere were^^ off forhi f imon ' s c o u n t was 548, and Treller you'll miss the time of your'life if Sweiback. f pany, Chicago; J. L. Baker, president; grade Furnace Coal O i l OsWman, f 7 Greenbe?g,. £.». 1 you sniss ~ this affair. Bring your -and; the Omaha Tobacco Co. captures't totalled 52«. •; George Wynppre, salesman, Oklahoma Per Ton _. V11« c. 5 F friend.' •" " . ;"./ '.-._'. Isaacson, -two-gamer..The Qeaners recovered ' i : TheKaiman Insurance Co. won the City, Oklahoma; M. H. Bower, special 0 Burroughs, Cohen, g g -;„• 0 r in the final game and h o t 9 2 4 , the UNION FUEL CO. g , 924 h ^ t i r e series series from from the the Glazer Glazer ClothCloth- representative, Baker-Hoffman Valve. s Members should be careful ito re-Stoler, pr 0 Pllk ; 0i 209 So. 18th Street—JAckson 0268 highest game total of the season. j «ig Co. The. Insurance boys, who are d i Kadaziner, g _ 0 Pollock, g : . place all their gym clothes in the bas- K H. Levin 0 Second Row: F. E. Hartmann, local rDespite the effort of Mike Gold-i in.a winning streak, rolled a total of ket after using them. The employees smith, who smashed smashed the the pins pins for for aa2>427- Eddie Meyer was in. the select sales manager; J. M. Mackenzie, of the basket room take. every: presmith,; who •.'-.. ... '. I S . . 12 manager, Los Angeles branch; C. H. caution against loss in handling the 560' count, the highest total of the, ?L ass w 1 ^ his 534 m<%rk. IN OMAHA 1 Gross Lumber r The Malashock Jewelry recovered Williams^ manager, Minneapolis gym clothes and the J. CV C. ^SHTnot " ' ' M l a h k J l jevening, the Yousem . Service team. (7) Eranks; f _._ _ 5 from their last week's slump by cap- branch; F . S. -Koetter; manager, be responsible for,any lossesthat.may Epstein, t 4 _ 0 LEON. STAC51ASTEK &BEBER. e r i n g thrjee games.from the Ward- Seattle branch; J. A. White, manager, Gross; f ^ 1 .Alt6huier.**f"I _ 6 250 Rooms—200 Baths robes^. Both, teams rolled indifferent- Kansas. City branch; E. H. Burge, BY PUBLICATION OJi Department of Physical Education. Ackerman,: c _ O Ban. f .^_._:- P Good Rooms for $1.50 l y the 472-score of Abe" Gross being Burge, president, Burge Ice Machine TIOV-FOp: SETTI.KMBJNT OF ChesneaTT, g *„„ 0" Gfe*elicfc, f __ ~? A M S I J I ] Play in the Commercial league is Hdl Operated by Eppley Hotels Co. high total of this contest. Handler, g ...„ 0 Cohen. > f; *„•.„..= 0 Company, Chicago; M. W. Browne, / •'...:ACCOUNT. •• . ; .. , getting to be tighter each week. The White, f ; 2 ~ 0 ". i . l a tbe'-'Countj Court of Douglas standing of the teams: - . j County. Nebraska.- 1 I ; In the Matter of the Estate of AbejFalk, W. L. Pet., Deceased: " .-;-••.• Segelman Service ._™.~ 5 ~ 0 1.000 All persona Interested in said matter Girls' League Meets. -are hereby notified that on the Kttn tiny Peerless Cleaners __._„ 3 2; .600 Four teams played. tKeir"games on of December. 1827 Ko*e Falls died a petl^ Gross Lumber — ..__ 2 . 3.^•f22v«T- G- C court last Saturday night, lion In salii County Court, praying that her* Bnar hdminlstrnttoD account . filpd A. Z. A. . „ ,2 3 ""*"" when the-Y; W.-C; A;, girls outshone herein* be settled and aJIowed. and that she be discharged from her trust as adBrodkey Construction™^ 2" 3- .400.;•j the Sokoi girls, 43 to i , and the J. ininisUatfUand, i i U ' " dg Jhat h a bearins bi lyjll be be Jhatbefore a bearins Bezman Hardware ..._.. 1 £••'.200 C. C. girls copped the fina score from had on kaid'"-and:, petition* said; Codrt >a p tii b f id S7«h'da»vwt aaauary ;jli»!fc an^ an^ that the S7«h'.da.»v.wt. aaauary, ;jli Sou,idil 'to to .'appear appear before -ppsjid : Cotirt on Forty-eirjht handball enthusiasts the Brandeis team, 43 to 13. ' : ifthe-'Sou',idil said'^2Z13i. Ahj.Xot January. 1028. at. i) said'^2Z13i AhjXot Januar Minnie Flax is representing the J. started to play last Sunday aftefhbon the prayer iO/f saM for the firot city handb&il champion- C. C. girls' team at the league. She t'hef-Coun' .'enter a decree?'tiffybetrghiDi and mjko ^u'ch' otlri*i"aw9 Wrther i pfders. alship in a tournament sponsored by has been chosen as publicity chair- '& • —-'•'• and Oecreeai • as ia'. *'' 1 - — — io the World-Herald and held on ourman of the league. > that all We wUl continue,to p l a y U o court ^ i ^ ^ ^ ^ S f ^ f e el ••Ms ) be courts. Games will be played every evening except Wednesday. The final basketball' when using J . Cv C. gyift: BU'VCE A . The schedule -for.., next 'Saturday's — .; .County Judge., will be played Sunday evening. gajnes^are as foUowgi /• '• _ J ; .. tEOX, STALMASTEK & BEBEU. Att'ys. The J. C. C._ volley ball team glayed MOKSKY, EA^tEMAN & GROOIHSKX^ '-• • ~ I'eters Trust Building * - -NOTICE OF AUMlSlST^ATlOIi " ' • -"; . ' Atio»ney8i .'• . - - • '. • a fast g a u e with the reserves,,, last • • • .750 Accountants Cafes Oranha jNational Bank BuildiDC. • • In the County Court of Douglas County, Furnaces Monday evening. -Games are being Nebraska. In the matter of the State of MAltX KKAIMAN, Deceased. /NOTICE OF rWCOItFORATION. arranged "nth the best voliey teams N o c e All persons Interested in said estate are hereby sriven* siven ttant theuaderABRAMSON AUDIT CO. North Omaha Furnace Co. -Notice tk'hereby purnnnnt to-the;Jaws of the State hereby notified .that a "petition has'been in the'city. Jake Malashock will lead sigued. 1411 No. 24th SL—WE. 6051 : ; of; Nebraska; .have, formed»-4» -corporation. tiled in;said Court, alle'elns that said,de492 Brandeis Thia. Bldg.—AT. 1430 the' team.' ' ' ' .^ •" The name if Fontenen* Gift Shop, Inc^ ceased diedrleaviijjr,no.last will and,pray-> Installation and. Repairing of Tia - adwinifitratlpn ..upon.- his,-estate, AUDIT9 — SYSTEMS. Work, Furnaces. Skylights, VentilatWith iter principal place- of- bnsinrss in »he ing for that a hearing ..frill he "had on": said ing, Gutters and Spouting. Another big smoker will be held City ot" Omaha:. The-<MTBorfltJonMlg -to and INCoSlE TAX petition before said court on the 4th .day. a-Gift Sbmp. • It>;bas nnthrority lo of Februafyj 1928,. and that if. they fail to next month. The best boxers, and operate buy sell, tense and encumber all kinds of appear al said Court on'.the said 4th day wrestlers in the city will be secured. real and personal •property.- Capital sto«k of February, 1S*2S, at U o'dott A. M. to
Local Sports
Moines branch; R. C. Hudson, advertising manager; R. K Mason, manager. St. Louis branch; L. Hebert. Bunkie, Louisiana; Charles Knox, vice president. Fourth Row: J. N. Clemmer, export manager; T. C. Warren, salesman; J. F. Hoffman, inventor of BakerHoffman valve; J. W. Bunning, special representative of Baker-Hoffman valve; F. J . Johnson, salesman; A. J. Mallinckrodt, salesman; J . H. Coeafeld, superintendent; W, M. Robinson, salesman. Extreme Rear: G. W. Mathers, president, G..W. Mathews Comply, Ohrlando, Florida; , J . C. Vaughn chief engineer.
• . . - • • -
. ••••-,
- - •••'.
20th and Nicholas
f« $5,000.00, divided into 50 shares, of the contest-said petition,, fhe Court may grant par value of $100.00 each." All of- said the same and prant administration of said stock shall bf common- nnd shall be fully estate to ABNEK B . ' KAIMAN. or some pnld- when issued. ' The cbrnofatlo'n shall other suitable person and 'proceed to a • _ - • commence- -bnsinesp upon— the— filing of settlemeut thereof:, H; ;••• thescArtiqles in the Office of the County YGK CUAWFOEn County.Judge. Clerk of' D'oujila's County, and continue to January: 1st; 1077. The hlchest amount of indebtedness shuJj.-not exceed twoLow scores seemed to be the big thirds of the capital stock. The affairs the corporation shall be .administered factor iri the junior baske- ball league of by a board of not more than three nor games at the Jewish Community Cen- less fhnn tv<n directors. - who shnll be by the stockholders nt the annual ter Monday. The Psi Mu quintet elected meeting to be belrt on the.second Tuesday of January .of each year. The directors beat, the B'nai Israels, 19 to 9; the shall immediately elpct ediately thereafter hereaf e e c t from m Boy Scouts beat the fast B'naj Ami their number. b P i t Vice-Presldenr. i President. nnd Treasurer. These Articles crew with Will Ferber in the lineup, iSecretary h amended. 9 to 5; the B'nai Abrahams beat the nay Dated. AiiRiist 24th, 1927. J . W. MAHEU. Olympians, 8 to 3. H. MAUQUAUDT.
L Psi Mn (19) B'nai Israel (9) Barish J 1 Zorinsky ...„.._ 2 Winberg OAdler ; _ — _ . . „ 5 Cockin ._, .i OAltennan _ 2 Grossman —I llMolnick ...;~"™— 0 Turner. ....-;- 8Lohrman —.._.„ 0 Sokolof ^ i 0 ........... IIB'nai Abram (8) Olympians (3) 4 Siegel ~ 1 Altschuler _ 0 Wintroub — __ 0 Schriebman 4Gomber —.Giller 0 0 Spreff Adler, .._ 2 0 Minkin Epstein .^_ _ 0 0 Slotkin -.:.
Coke Texas Petroleum Per Ton $15.00
V Printers
"Famous for Flavor5 Advo Coffee in.every stage of its preparation before it is sold to you, is guarded by the test of human taste, developed to a -most acute degree in those who are responsible for its preparation.
•1513 No. 24th—WE. 1428
KOSHER LUNCHES Will Be Served At All Times
NUCOA Nut Margarine
-Slater! -
National Accessories, Inc.
Spring Means Building •'.-•.' Building Means
- 1707-17 Cass—AT. 3533
The first pound and the hundreth pound, although you may buy them years apart, will both be identical in flavor and it will be that flavor for which Advo Coffee is famous.
A. H. BRODKEY S ©-.,
-^JENEKAL CONTRACTOR— ' . •' '409 po«pe Bjdg;' ^ .
EARL I*. JAY, Propr.
SANITARY LAUNDRY 2815 Farnam—AT. 2815
WE. 1029 . . , All Type of Laundry
Barber Shops
Drug Stores
Lumber Co*s.
MICKLIN LUMBER CO. -'• '24th and Burdette—WE. G3C2 £Otb and Nicbcdas—JA. .5000
1904 No. 24th St.—WE. 03SG . ' B. KOBINSON. Mgr. Prescriptions carefully compounded. Free delivery anywhere in the city.
"Everything; Under Cover":
Beauty Parlors
Music Teachers BESSIE B. MIDDLETON, Pres.
Wallin-Holmgren Elec Co. <
Marinello Beauty. Shops
. ••
Direct Wire Service on All 'Latest Sport Events . ,
- : of M u s i c
Middleton Conservatory •" \~. .."., "'Of Music .; . School of Opera,. Theatre and '. Public Speech
T e n t <&• NEBRASKA TENT AND AWNING CO. 1808 Farnam—JA. 3329 See Our Sheep Lined Coats Today
SO2 Mickel Eldg., 15th and Harney :,, •>- s . ' A T / 4 1 4 5 • ••
Herzbergjs—1510 Douglas—AT. 3703 Slarinello—5CC Bramlefs Theatre Bldg. JA. 3400 Fontenelle . . , _ J A . 2ft43 r .
"Omaha's Foremost School '•.
502 So. 13th St.—J A;"5032
New, Used Motors, Repairs, Rewinding, Wiring, MaH Orders"
Master Tailor Service 215 So. 19th—Phone AT. 8002 Refitter of Ladies and Mens Clothing A. BEKXSTEIN, Prop.
1506 No. 24th St.—WE. 2170 Specializing in Cleaning, • Tressing and Relining Men nntl ^'omen's Apparel _^_^_
1023 Clark St.—WE. 0410
Personal Service You will Appreciate
Careful Prescription Service Merchandise of Quality
High Glass Work and Quick Service
15th and Douglas—113 So. loth
We suggest you send your laundry to
Try Adler*s Pumpernikel Bread ?OT" Good Health and Nourishment
Sign Co's. %
No 1'iiiholes or marks put on cus- ON tomers goods. Everything vrashed in nets.
1700 Cmning St.—JA. 2035
1S0D F a r n a m St.—AT.'T47C
Paris Cleaners and Dyers
• . 131U Farnam-i-aT. 9T21.
CENTRAL RADIO SHOP. Guaranteed Radio Service
Reliable, Reasonable, Expert ; Auto Repair Service
Thorough Cleaning and Dying by Skilled Workmen in Our Own Plant
Kelly Springfield Tires— 24 Hours Service-
Estimates .Gladly Furnished
Brandeis Storos^ . JAr 2507-AT. .8CW Dundee Parlor - . - . . . . • ! . . . WA.' 8014 .. ' Specialists." in ' P E R M A N E N T WAVING
AT. 3832—504 So. 13 Get Our Prices and Save Money
.1517 No. 24th St.—WE. 0300
- 264-O- South 24th St.—AT. 1400
Paxton Billiard Parlors r
McGord-Brady Co.
"Everyt1iin| F#r The Auto"
ICth and Duv«nport Street ~ . MAiNOS, Propr. L MEET YOCK FRIBXDS AT HAHKTi'S
iTXi So. 24th -St—WE. V2>£>
at his
\z'-i your grrc&j for NUCOA
Auto Tops & Accessories
.a. A 3 * 4 4 5 1
"1511 No. 24tU—\VK. G2S4
This Is Done by Machinery. No Hand Touches the Coloiing Except Yours
Appropriate for' ATter-Tneater Gatherings
THE PEER OP THEM ALL ~&OW—The Nucoa manufacturers have made the most progressive step in years by inserting the sani" tary color capsule under the ' glassine wrapper at'factory, •
Expert and Reliable Service
1413 Douglas Street The Host Popular Cafe in Omaha
C3S Securities Bid's.
JOE ADLER Announces the opening of a
JA. 6699,
Pearl Marcus wins first marathon race held a t the J . C. C. pool, with BV Kershenbaum seconds s A. Chesneau wins in boys' division.. •• .
TEA ROOM 49 and Dodge CANDYLAND : 16th and Farnam
o c c u r .
Voice, -Piano, Violin, Public Speech, Dramatics, Expression
Tire Shops
"The Best Place TV Buy ^ Your Flowers : 23QS So. ,24th St.~Phone \VE. 2057.; "
A. D. Ferguson The Florist 60th s n d Atnee Ave.—KE. 3»90 •
"Flowers For All Ocassions"
- 250G No. 24th—WE. Coll
- CWidren and Family Groups : Our Specialty
WHITE STUDIO 1012 Douglas—JA. 33CG
Photographs of Distinction
Cor. 17th and Capitol Ave.—AT. 6-127 GOODTEAB SERVICE STATION Tires. Tubes. Accessories. Konfl Service.
Vulenniaing nml < ^ i L i ^ I ! ! l ! ^