January 19, 1928

Page 1

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: • Watch for New Features in , The Jewish Press

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VOL. VII.—-No. S



Center Trustees A re Nominated for Owce


Airs. Archibald Silyerman Gives Keynote Address • - for Zionist Drive, Tells of Ideals for Jewish Homeland,


A. B. Alpirn, A. Herzberg and Sam Beber have been nominated as trustees of, the Jewish Community Center for the next term. Nominations will he voted upon at the annual meeting: Democrats and Socialists Deof the Center, February 14.


mand Immediate Action on Bill.


Among the six directors of the Omaha Retail Grocers association recently elected, four were Jewish. They were.Louis..Sommer, Sam Sommers, Albert Wohlner and I. Moskowitz.



Remains for Candidates for ThorNATIONAL JEWISH One More Week peian Ball Queen to Send in - Their Names. HOSPITAL TO HAVE ANNUAL MEETING CONTEST OPEN TO ALL.

Budapest.—(J. T. A.)—The government bill for the modification of the numerous clauses law, passed by the education committee, will be taken up Monsky and Lapidus Asked to •. A quota of $25,000 for the United Palestine Appeal was adoptS- Six entries have already been received irr the popularity conby the house as a urgent matter, Attend ^ New Orleans G-erson Describes Problems ed- by the -Nebraska State conference on Palestine, which; brought J t to be conducted by the Thorpeian Athletic club in connection . Conference together the Zionists of the state in the Jewish Community Center Caused by Highly Industrial- parliament voted today. *vdth the big Jubilee Ball, to be staged'by the Thorpeians at the The passage of the government bfll Sunday evening. . : v .w ::.'.->•• <3ity Aaditorium on Sunday, Mareh 11. ized System. 1 for the modification, of.. the .numerous TQ PLAN WORK. Tbier entries are: Edith Gross, 545 South TweMy-fifth aveThe work of the Jew in Palestine and.for Palestine was clausus law by the education comnue; Raduziner. 3227 Lafayette avenue; Rose Fiedler, €!•£ scribed in a stirring address by Mrs. Archibald SiWernian of P ALMSHOBSE CONDEMNED. mittee was effected over the protests Henry Mensky and; Harry Lapidus NorthEsther Thirty-third street; Lylyan Chudacoff. 2820 Cuming Street; dence, R. I., stressing the influence of Jewish culture*. "What will the nations of the earth, thinks of; the- Jew if he Old age pensions, already adopted of the socialist and democratic depu- have Tieen invited t o attend the annual Sylvia Binstein, 2216 Burdette; Mary Claire Shames. 1529 Grant . in this day and age permits this great movement for the creation and successfully working in many ties. These deputies declined to vote meeting of the National Jewish hospi- streets . of the Jewish homeland itt Palestine to go by default?" she asked. European countries, were advocated for the bill, declaring it to be an in- tal, which wfl] be held in New Orleans • : "*" The contest tc select a queen of the "What ^tre the Jews of America, the most prosperous: Jewish com- for America's indigent aged in a talk sincere attempt at legislating a meas- January 29. I Jubilee Ball is open to any Jewish munity in history, going to do at the present juncture, when the given Tuesday evening by. Samuel ure purporting to be a reform which Representatives from every part of j woman, married or single, in Omaha, was in no way a reform. Even though the country will meet to plan for the nations of the earth say to Israel, 'Go thou: and: buildV " ! South. Omaha pr Council Bluffs. Gerson, director of the Jewish Wel- the liberal wing of the government year's'activities in" the field of tuberi Four big prizes, tlie^ value of which. Mrs. Sityerman-outlined the prog-"! fare Federation and the Jewish. Com- party, headed by Deputy Kallay, ex- culosis. The progress of the hospital ! are guaranteed by the MalashoA xess made to. -Palestine- in reclaiming munity Center, to members .of. the pressed, indignation at the statement during the past" year" will be reported 1 Jewelry Co., are. oft'ered to the f«w» the traditional, homeland into jnodern Unitarian Laymen's league in the made by Count EKbelsberg that the by William B. Woqlner of Los Anwomen vrho finish in the first four poagricultural colonies, .and pictured, the Unitarian church. bill will in no way increase the num- geles, president; Key. Dr. William S. sitions in this unusual contest, life of t h e Chalutzim who haven sacriber of Jewish .students which will be Friedman, founder of the hospital and Stalmaster Tells Club Members "In spite of our riches and indusThe first prize JP R §?W diamwnd ficed so much that the Jews may Jews-Wish to Preserve Culture. trial expansion, we have been rather admitted t o the universities and col- chairman of the' Dem-er ring, lit addition to receiving the again make their distinctive contritardy in the.enactment of such legis- leges. . managers, and by Mrs. S. Pisko, diamond ring, the winner of first bution to civilization. lation," he said. "I; firmly believe th'at The democratic and socialist depu'DEMOCRACY SERVED." honorary executive secretary of the prize will be crowned Qneen of tf» Mrs. Slvermah also praised "the Gentle Leader Is a s the United States has followed the ties announced that they will demand, hospital. Talks on the medical activiJubilee in an impressive ceremony •work of the Hebrew university and Western Civilisation in progressive nations in other paths of from the floor of ..the house, t h e total ties of the hospital will be given by The Jewish phase of American life to be conducted at the Auditorium told of the importance of education in India, He Skys. socialized justice, it will no longer abolition of the numerous clausus in Dr. I. D. Bronfin, medical director; Dr. and Jewish aims in, community work the night of the big ball, March 11. this age of anti-semitisnu choose to remain in company with the medical and technical schools H. J. Corper, director of research, and were described by Irvin Stalmaster in Second prize is a S100 diamond bfti J. J. Friedman, 1 chairman, of the I OPPOSE MATERIALISM. China and : India, the only other great since the country needs physicians and Samuel Schaefer, national supervisor. a talk to members of the Lions club, pin. Third prize is a S50 wrist watch conference, traced'the part, of Omaha nations now without effective social technicians. Count Klebelsberg, in re-, In his report to the annual meeting, who held their Tuesday meeting in and fourth prize is a $50 string »f Jews in the Zionist movement^ FoT-' By the most, peaceful means, Gand- provision against old age.'-' ply, stated that a complete abolition Dr. Bronfin will detail the measures the Jewish Community Center. Richelieu pearls. lowing Mrs, Silverman's address, fie hi is undermining ^the British empirej . Mr. Gerson .pointed out that 65 is of the numerous clausus would be being taken "by the hospital to prevent "The Jew has contributed much of As stated in last week's Jewish appointed the following committees: Rabbi; Frederich Cohn said in his talk tuberculosis in children, through the the threshold: of old age, a condition premature a t this time. cultural value that is worth .preservPress, all of the prizes will be placed Resolutions: Fred/White, Dr. A. A. to • the current • topics; class of the Prime Minister Bethlen expressed -srork of the Hofheimer Preventorram ing," he said. "The ideal of true: o n d igpi a y a t the Jewish Community Romm, L Morganstern] membership: Council of Jewish Women at the Jew- brought about by the inability of persons advanced in age to cope With, the the same opinion, but added that the of the hospital. This children's serv- Americanism is not to wipe out the ; c e n t e r until the contest has been conA. L.'Kulakofsky, M. F . Levinson, and ish CrTimunity Center Tuesday. conditions under the highly developed present situation of Hungary would, ice, which cares for boys and girls cultural relations in the past of its j c i uc j et s } -when the winners will receive Mrs. J. Rosenberg; United Palestine^ • "Gai;:lhi. is the.. greatest- religiousmodern machine industry where speed .not bear np with i n unfavorable <ie- predisposed to tuberculosis, and those many races; but to blenu the best ™! the articles which they have won. €or^-^hat'4ias-jcornjg to -the.;WOTlor in dsion--6f i tne League of ^aOen£- : *WS afflicted -with'-tubetcaltssfe-fBf- -fe these "traditions into- AmericaBiSmT'l ^ . p y g ^ g ^ j ^ y , i^vin ©f the-TWr'Simon- R z e f 2,000 years^ h e : declared! "He is arid -rapid*'prodTtction"'cannt 'r "It is common knowledge that in will have to abolish the numerous bones and joints, is distinctive in the Mr. Stalmaster explained that the : peians today extended further invitaLintzmah. fighting not only, far India, "but for the many, large industries' the age of em- dausus totally or leave the League of hospital's work, as no other similar aim of the educational program of the : tion to Jewish women, young ttnd old. fred White spoke briefly on the victory of the spiritual over the ma-, institution maintains sach a children's Jewish Community Center is ~ to: t 0 enter the popularity contest to be ployment is set below the age of 4.0, Nations," he said. necessity of getting behind the drive terial throughout- the - world. His and in some cases not above 35," he department. Dr. Bronfn* has secured bridge the past and the present and i conducted in connection with th£ and making the campaign of solicita- doctrine of qonresistance is as revolusplendid results in this work through build up a mutual understanding be- | c i u b's big festive affair. said. "As a result, many workers who tionary as revolution." tion-a success;. heliotherapy (sun-treatment) and the tvreen old and young who often have for one reason or another are com!The prizes are worth trying for. Four women's teams were organRabbi, Cohn told of Gandhi's life pelled to leave the occupations in meeting will devote considerable time differing viewpoints. and the contestants mar rest assurer! ized for a pre-campaign canvass, un-: and his leadership of India's revolt which they have been employed, for to discussion of .this phase of the hos"The Center is a democratising thai the ' winners will receive the det the following captains: Blue team, against western materialism. pital's service. many years, cannot be re-employed in agency," he said, "for it serves both prizes as announced." Raid Levin. "As Mrs. J. Rosenberg; white team: Mrs. "He wants home rule, national in- the trades in which they have acPlans for the observance of Na- those who can afford to pay for its soon as the entries have all been re"Center Players Guild" is the name tional Jewish Hospital Week throughJ. J. Friedman; red team: Mrs. B. A. dependence," he said, "He is the most, quired expertness. ' which has been chosen for the dra- out the country will be presented by opportunities and those who cannot.! ceived, we will select a committee of Simon; national fund team: Mrs. J. influential fignre in the "world." "We assume all to frequently that matic club recently organized under Mrs. Pisko in her report as secretary. The poor boy who cannot pay Ids war j prominent Jewish citizens to superLintzman lack of individual savings for old age the direction of Mrs. Herman Jahr, This movement, which is designed as is not singled out and cannot be iden- i vise the award of these prizes. A committee for Lincoln, with the is due to lack- of thrift and foresight everyone will know that every contified among his richer friends." at the Jewish Community Center. following members to organize the an educational campaign, was sucon the part of the individual wage Following Mr. Stalmaster's talk, testant will .receive the fairest of The guild's first production will be Lincoln, campaign for §5,000, was cessfully conducted last year by the earner. The plain fact is that the Hendrik Ibsen's world-famous play, hospital during Passover week, and the members of the club were taken j treatment at all times. elected. Nathan Hill, chairman; Rabdaily wage is generally based on daily through the building, and entertained ' "The entries remain open one more b i t . E. Starrels, vice chairman; Mrs. .Miss Rose; Fine; was re-elected minimum needs and permits little or "A Doll's House," on March 17 and 18. will be further extended during the The nomination coupon wiiiOli with an exhibition of handball and: This ambitious undertaking will Samuel Schleslnger, vice chairman; president of thevOroaba Junior Hadas- no saving." coming year. was published in last week's Jewish one of swimming and fancy diving, j Morris Polsky, treasurer, and fiouis j sah atujhe annual election held a t the . Mr. Gerson explained the disadvan- launch the Guild on its career and i Luncheon was served to the group | p s s appears again iin t hhii s 161HK". r e E. Finkelstein, secretary'. | Jewish Community Center on January tages of "an. extensive almshouse, sys- will set the highest standard of acv,-il! appetn. by a committee of women, of whom \ ^his is the last time it j i 5. The following'^officers will assist tem and urged that the aged be cared complishment for the group. Do not t>e backward! Send your name Mrs. Jack Alberts was chairman. Tryouts for casting will be held at} her: Ula Alberts, vice president; Sally for in their own homes whenever this in to the Contest Editor of the JewMorgan, recording- secretary; Sylvia was possible. The present system 2 p. m. Sunday in the Jewish Com- i ish Press on the coupon which npmunity Center. . Proceeds from the j Bernstein; •corresponding secretary; leaves much to be desired, he said. pears- in this week's issue, A city-wide training school for Girl production will be turned over to the Ida Daytch,"treasurer; "Sarah'Kurtz"Remember, the tickets to the Mg Scout leaders will be hel! in the JewJewish. Community Center fund. nlan, reported. , . .:* Jubilee Ball will be easy to wll a< The guild made its plans at a meet- ish Community Center from January "We are trying to give equal' opTobie Steinberg', Ida Cahn and 25 cents each, in view of the fact 23 .to February 4. ing in the Center Tuesday evening. portunities to all when, all are. not. Grace Rosensteiii'. -were-; elected to Marvin TreBer was elected presi- that a brand new Chrysler couch Miss Betty Bealor, regional director Rose Brick,.-Lylyan Chudacoff, and able to absorb them,"- Re*% Jaines serve-on the "executive: Hermine Green had parts in the eve- of the Girl Scout national organiza- dent of the Brotherhood of Temple will be given away as the door pri*e. Borer of-the Catholic- Charities, said Installation; of'the. nearly elected of"Get into the contest! Then organtion, will conduct the study. States .| Israel in the vestry room of Temple <turing the discussion «f boy-problems ficers- will take placp;Tbur.sday,- Janu- . .The Samuel Bendel Yiddish Stock ir-s's program. ize your friend? and relatives to help included in this region are Miime- Israel Wednesday night. Dr. B. T. a t a meeting of the social.. service ary 19, at the; "Jewish- Community company will return to Omaha for an you in your campaign. You need not sota, Iowa,. Nebraska, Kansas, Mis- Friedman is the past president. course; In the Jewish Community Cen- Center at 8:30 p. m," A novel program engagement -Friday, January 27, at confine 'your ticket-selling efforts* to Other officers elected were: Vicesouri and Colorado. the Strand theater. ttt* Monday evening. / . / has been t-rrangedthe Jewish : community. Everybody president, Max Holzman; treasurer, The course is. open to all Girl The company, which has had sevLeon Smith, assistant superintend1928 proniises to be the: biggest Scouts in the city and entrants are Ben Stiefler, and secretary, Nathan j w iU be willing to buy a ticket for 25 ent of schools, pointed out the bene- year in the'history of the Omaha eral successful ; performances.here reasked' to register with Mrs. D. J. E. Jacobs Dr. Max Block nd Julius i cents, with the possible chance of ref i t s which the school age of '16 years Chapter of Junior. Hadassah ^ts the cently, will appear in "Divorce." The 1 Foley, or in the office of the Jewish Newman were chosen as directors for j caving the grand award of performance is announced •as'a benehas given children in providing more Southwest Regional doiiference of Chrysler car. Community Center. . fit/ performance for Madame Bettie two years each. schooling for them. which the Omaha Unit is a member -Dr. Frederick Cohn spoke on thej "Al! of the .candidates will start on Miss Sarah Shanley, executive and will be held in Omaha during May. Bendel, leading woman of-the com.-.--•--?.,.-•: work of the Brotherhood or Men's; an even basis. No candidate will reMRS. ANNA FRIEDEL head resident of the Christ Child Cen- The Omaha: -organization numbers pany. • ••" I ' " " ' cities. Harry Rosen- j ceive any. ticket* to sell until the e.n~ Tickets are on sale a t the following ter, attributed boy problems to too among i t s members; several regional SUCCUMBS TO DEATH f ^ p rine s iother d e n t ^ the first Brotherhood j tries have t«en . closed, and at that places: 2604 N street, Soiith Side; officers. Delegates from the Junior much leisure time and lack of home organized at Temple Israel, and | time all-contertante will be p r m , an Fiied's Delicatessen, 1509 North 24th Hadassah Chapters -of -T»lsa, rOkla^ training. Mrs. Anna Friedel died Friday aftg . Adler's Delicatessen, 1513 start, ernoon at the age of 62 years, leaving Henry Rosenthal, president of Temple j even Girls, s City/TMo., , q ^ St.^Jo$eph,- Mo., St. street;. Edwin Felrqe, general secretary of Kansas Tomen of Greater Omaha1, North:---24th .street; Yaffe Grocery, Israel spoke on Brotherhood activities, Louis, Mo., Xincalii) jNebr. and Denver, her husband, J. Friedel; two sons, the Y. M. .C. A., said teat the object: Get into the contest now! Don't 1705 North 24th street, and Wolk's Meyer- and Paul, and three daughters, Isidor, Ziegler made a plea for the pase up 'he-opportunity for one of of the Y. M. C A.- is to build a bal- Colo, will attend the conference here. Tailor Shop, 1506 .North 24th street. The new presidisnt. Miss Fine, has Sara p-nd Gertrude, and Mrs. Sam promotion of a cultural program by tb« four splendid prizes offered fey anced personality. the Brotherhood. already outlined her plans for the Poionsky of Chicago. "The association is not a rescue the Thorpeiaus. Send in the coupon Burial was held Sunday morning in mission, not a church", or a school or a coming year and will disclose them at TODAY." the meeting.» ' ' .. Golden Hill cemetery. hotel, or an athletic? dub," he. said. "It fs a Young Men's duB, a school TEMPLE DINNER. j of physical training an evening voca-j Dave Robinson and Flora Felhnan tional school,-& home for'young men,' A cafeteria dinner will be served at •won the prize fox-trot at the Leap and a social center,"' • ... • Temple Israel Wednesday, January Year Dance held a t the Jewish GomNathan E. Jacobs is chairman of a Leon Argeisinger, Scout executive, 25. Reservations" must be in by Tuesmunity Center January 14 in the gym.The- death -.lit A^oii; G. Katleman M2ny registrations have been te-. committee on arrangements for the said that the Boy'Scout movement day, January, 24, and may be made occurred Friday morning. "Mtr* Katle^ nasium. :The ladies' prize was a. hammidwestern regional ceived for the courses in the Departfourth annual Tests its-success on the .genius- of. volwith Mrs. S. Saltzman, Harney 8112. man was "5^ 'year's; olid. ^ member of mered silver jewel box and the gentlt* conclave of the Seta Beta Tau, ^ i c h ment of Jewish Studies, which bfcfcin Morris A. Block. unteer leadership, in which the boy man's prize was a box of candy. the B'naTB'nth, the Omaha Hebrew at the Jewish Commavitf Center will be held here in April. I in the man meets the man. iff the boy. Rabbi Frederick Cohn's Friday eveMonis A- Block, young Omaha atDave Chudacoff dancing with Lylyclub and oth^r ipeaV Jewish organizaWednesday evening, January 25, at With Mr. Jacobs, the committee "Some psychologists claim -that tions, and president of the synagogue, an Chudacoff, and Sol YafFe dancing torney, has opened his new offices at ning topic at Temple Israel will be will consist of Jack Newman, vice 8:15 p. in. boys a t a certain 'teen age are actualEighteenth and Chicago streets, Mr. with Ethel Hurwitz, were runnersup suite 740, First National Bank build- "Is Religion Worth Anything ? A chairman; Manuel tseman, secretary; The classes in Hebrew, Yiddish ly insane/' he said. "They feel so Sermon for Those" Not'yPreseht.*' During. Katleman was closely identified with in the prize dance. and literature, and Clyde Krasne, treasurfar; Lester Lapistrongly, live so intensely, and move Ethel Greenberg, women's physical Mr. Block distinguished himself as ing his address, be will discuss reJewish activities. ~ . Jewish history wiJ) meet every Weddus, Lou Somberg and Harry Diaso quickly. They must live through in Soviet Russia. His Saturday He is survived Taf his mother, Mrs. director; Mr. Jack Mirvis, educational a debator and orator, both in Central ligion I nesday evening for 8 period of flfteeti morning subject wffl.be "Influence."] mond of Lincoln. BO nynfii of the experience of the race L Katleman, .and five children, Mrs. director; Selma Levin, Florence Levy, high school and Creighton university. Representatives from the uiuversi-.j e k s . It will not be possible to r«gwe th such a short- time -that they often libbie Epstein, Mrs, Esther Picktts, F.ay Collick, Max Altchuler and Min- He has also been a member of the ties c-f Nebraska, MissoEii, Wisconsin, j ^gter for these classes after the first become lost «in the gale, any many A. flapper is a ycrang lady who sows Chicago; Miss Jeapette ' Katleman, nette Seigman did mucr* to" further Omaha *"Y" team, and helped defeat St. i two sessions; s© those interested Illinois, Washington university, parents jgive up the ship, and leave Abe L. KatlemanjSt; Louis,'and Mor- the success of the affair. _Jdr. and the Philadelphia team, eastern cham- her wjld oats and hopes to goodness Louis and Chicago universityJ register in time for the first1 wweting. it to "drift and drag and sometimes the crop will be. a failure. pions, in debate Mrs. Sam Beber were chaperons. ris Katleman, h




-miaous FORa









Yoiing Dancers Win Prizes at Gym Affair





Jewish Education to Begin at Center


Vitaphone To Make RialtoDebut!


JEWISH CALENDAR—5688 1027-28

Published every Thursday at Omaha, Nebraska, by

THE JEWISH PRES§ PUBLISHING COMPANY Office': Brandeis Theater Building—Telephone: ATlantic 1450 '

Rosh Chodesh Shebat *Rosh Chodesh A<3aj, Purim Rosh Cbodesh Nissan ,4 1st Day Pessach —_^, 7th Day Pessach >••—., •Rosh Chodesb Iyar Lag b'Omer -~-« Rosh Chodesh Sivan ~— 1st Day Shahuoth. •Rosh Chodesh Tammuz Fast of Tammuz * Rosh Chodesh Ab . '. Fast of Ab *Rosh Chodesh E1M

JEANETTE GLICK GERSON, EDITOR. DAVID BLACKER, Business Manager. -$2.50 Subscription Price, one year Advertising rates furnished on application CHANGE OF ADDRESS—Please give both the old and new address; be sure to give your name. "_


-Monday, January 23 -Wednesday, February 22 Tuesday, March 6 .-—Thursday, March 22 .-. Thursday, April 5 Wednesday, April 11 Saturday, April 21 ~—__—Tuesday, May 8 Sunday, May 20 . Friday, May 25 -Tuesday, June 19 ..-Thursday, July 5 Wednesday, July 18 Thursday, July 26 Friday, August 17

Lewis Browne's book, "That Ma» Heine," will be discussed- by Rabbi Frederick Cohn at the next meeting of the book review ^roop of the Temple Sisterhood, January 24, in the Temple.

"A. BURNING QUESTION" Phone us about "VULCAN" » high grade Furnace Coal * i i A A



UNION FUEL CO. So. 18th Street—JAck«o« 0268

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The Best Place to Bay Tour

Victor Orthophonic

Who is the great man? What is the thing worthy of being or Radio considered great? , —SEE US FIRSTThat man is great who creates opportunities for others. That 1804 No. 24th St SOL. LEWIS WEtwter institution or movement, discovery- or invention, is great that opens wide the avenue of opportunity. . Abraham Lincoln was great, because he gave a race the opportunity for freedom and self-improvement. Columbus was great, "QUALITY JEWELERS" because his vision and his steadfastness brought forth the disNOMINATION COUPON MALASHOCK JEWELRY covery of America. This discovery created the greatest opportunity the world has ever had. Wholesale and Retail Jewelers To the Contest Editor, Those parents are great who make sacrifices for the purpose 213-16 City National Bank Jewish Press, Brandeis Theater BIdg., Omaha, Neb.; of creating greater opportunities for their children. The biograBldg.l-JA. 5619 I wish to enter the contest to elect a Queen of the Jubilee phies of the greatest souls are not always to be found in the enBall, to be staged by the Thorpeian Athletic Club at the City cyclopedia. Auditorium, Sunday, March 11. The United States is a great nation, riot because of its material wealth, but because of the opportunities it yet creates for After weeks of preparation, the Chicago and New York and is the My name is its men and women in the direction of self-building. Europe is no Rialto is offering for the first time finest made by the Vitaphone corpora- SitU and Uartha 8t«. BJkrney I««? longer great, for it is now a continent devoid of opportunities. OMAHA. NKBHA8KA Saturday a full Vitaphone presenta- tion. The cost of the equipment Is Rome suffered natural death when it entered the business of.conabout ?30,000, Soft gray, iron, brass, bronze and My address is tion, accompanied by a 100-piece sym- The screen feature, "When a Man aluminum castings. Standard -sizes quering and failed to provide opportunity for the advancement of bronce and iron buRhtngs. sewer manphony orchestra and a choir of " 200 its own citizens. . Loves," starring John Barrymore and holes, cisteru rings nud covers. '--" The Zionist movement is a great movement, for in rebuilding voices, three acts of complete Vita* Dolores Costello, is a noteworthy pro- clean-oot doors in ntoek. Telephone number Palestine it creates an opportunity for the expression of the Jewish duction by Warner Brothers. The diphone. soul in an atmosphere unbeclouded by petty tyranny, prejudice, or Truck loads of equipment and a rection is by Alan Crosland who didiscrimination. corps of engineers and electricians rected "Don Juan." The scene is laid Whom the Turk there led, library of the Jewish Community FRIED'S That position is valuable that offers somewhat more "than the But for jny mother's mother's line were necessary to complete the in- in the France of Louis XV. Center..' _ . , , / ! ' , . ; KOSHER DELICATESSEN I must fare to the broad Rhine salary. Not the salary, but the opportunity for growth and adstallation. The equipment at the Ri- • It retells tfee love story of Manon 1809 No. S«h St. If I would claim my dead. Lescaut and Fafeien Des Grieux. vancement is the measure of the worth of a position. Opportunity Through its president, the National alto is indentical with what is used in We handle a full, line of imported fisb— is the salary outside your pay envelope. Sprntts, Spratteu — Blamttrk Hi'rriiig, Where then, when we are dust, Council ox Jewish Women is making Eugliah Kippers. Friendship is valuable because of its opportunities. They are a strong plea for a federal depart* Shall we, as dead men must, 'what there is in the New Testament enduring. We shall attempt to anforth to claim our own? real friends who touch our life at some purpose, who open a little ment which creates a wall of misunder- alyze' and understand the point of of education. Mrs. Friend main- WeGothat for winding-sheet wider to us the doors of opportunity to make a larger life possible. tains that the education of 27,000,000 Only the have cleavage between Judaism and Chrisstanding between them. pale bands of sleet • The warmth and appreciation of friends builds up self-confidence school cnildren requires a special govAnd wind for a head-stone ? "Our New Testament course comes tianity as these are presented in the and doubles the power of accomplishment. ernment department. ^ J . G. G. after five years' study of tiie Jewish two Testaments. Even the giving of sympathy is creative of -opportunities, for Scriptures, the Apocrypha, and Jew- "There is » blank page between sympathy is the pass key that fits ihe lock'to any human heart. "Manufactured in Omaha" ish Apocalyptic literature. Our stu- these Scriptures which can best be To create opportunities is the greatest thing in life. Not what dents are well prepared en both the filed n by Jewish scholars. It is BAKER ICE MACHINE CO. happens to ourselves today, but what has happened to others Jewish and pagan background to the amazing that Jews have permitted through us should be our objective in thought and need. . Creating opportunities is the only true test that identifies the The arrival of Louis Golding, Eng- The Bible School of Temple Israel New Testament, religious and cul- Christian scholarship only, to write wise man. In creating opportunities for others the wise man can- lish Jewish novelist and poet to of Far Eockaway, of which Rabbi tural. and interpret this fascinating period America for the first time has aroused Isaac Landman is the leader, opened "We shall study Christian Scrip- of human history to which we have not help creating opportunities for himself. •_ To create new opportunities or to improve those already with^- a renewed interest in the work of its courses in the Temple Center in tures from tfc* modern, scientific contributed so fundamentally. We inin our reach is the greatest art of life. Never in the history of the Golding, 've whom, it is said, the Lawrence on October.26. This year point of view as we tiatfe done «tfr augurate this course under the aegis world has every human being had thrown before him so many op- cloak of Zangwill has fallen. "Jewish there has been introduced in the own. We shall ascertain which of the synagogue, with the hope that Dust" contains the ratia. memory of Adult School of Religion a course in ideals and precepts in its pages are portunities for doing good. ... -V Napoleon1 once said that every French, soldier carries in his the past which is ^so characteristic of the New Testament. The Temple Jewish and vrhidi pagan.; which ar^ other Jewish congregations will fol-j knapsack the baton of a French "field niafshalk-Napoleon himself the Jew, ; but" metrical!} --it-suggests Israel Bible School has six grades in their nature temporal and which had such golden opportunity, and-never did mortal man abuse it the contemporary English Golding, in-, with an enrollment, of over one hunfiuenced by Hausman and Hardy: • •:dred. Eighteen students who have as much as he. : Next to creating opportunities come the wisdom to see and JEWISH DUST ;i completed the five years' course in Jewish ^Scriptures, the Apocrypha, the ability" to take advantage of existing opportunities. And yet By Louis Golding and the Jfewisk-Apocalytic literature, many do with opportunities what children do at the seashore, who My father lies in Doomington are enrofied in ttui. New Testament fill their little hands with sand,-only to let the grains fall throughj The dark city of Doomington —WHOLESALERS— classes,- i r Rabbi Laadman made the until they are all gone. ' And there my mother died. DISTBIBDTORS OF following statement—regarding this When God's earth is so wide> let no man fall asleep in his By this chance and that chance My brother died in green Prance innovation: —~" own prison! '•• ' . •. ' • - ; ' ' > v - > , ; ,;...••.'.•;..•:.•,•••. ';:. Parkland Tilford Chocolates > With a wound in his side.. "The time lias.come when the New Hoefkr's Testament should no longer be a the Center is described. The News My father's mother by the Don Sleeps there by her small son : Centennial Chocolates also praises "Center Chatter," the But that land was not theirs. : closed book to - the Jews. Not so Community Center's new monthly long ago the name of Jesus and the The river thrusts its snout by Romance Chocolates


Jewish, Verse



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Press Points


Ernest Bloch's "Israel Symphony" is eliciting much comment from the musical world. Writing on "The Myth of Jewish Music" in The Reflexi David Ewen admits that the score may be psychologically true to the race, though its harmonic origins are not Hebraic. But he thinks that Bloch has hampered his inspiration by trying consciously to write Jewish music, and that in his attempt he has deluded not only his audience but also himself. But James Rogers, critic of The Cleveland Plain-Dealer, writing interestingly of the contrast between the Israel Symphony and "The "King's Henchman," gives his impression, of the symphony in these words: "While Bloch's-idioms and formulas may be imitated, no one is likely ever to lend such passionate, furious, blazjngly resentful voice to music inspired by racial oppressions, nor to counterbalance this so convincingly with the note of aspiration, of deep religious faith." ^ Mr..Rogers is not a Jew, but he has been organist on one of Cleveland's leading temples for many years., and is versed in Jewish music.

bulletin, as a medium 61 effective publicity. "Center Chatter" is the work of a small group of girls'•••who have been studying journalism at the Center; • •• •• --.;: ':'.-.• \ :.-,-,.

- Professor George F. Moore's history of Judaism in the first centuries of the Christian era is receiving praise :from Jewish scholars throughout the world. Writing in The Jewish Tribune, Chaim Tchernowitz, of the Jewish Institute of Religions, New York, sfiys, "Works about the Talmud have become more difficult and more involved than the Talmud itself. For this reason it is a great advantage for the stiujy of Judaism of this period that it has been carried on by a non-Jew and that at last some one has come from the outside who has been able to survey the period more comprehensively and impartially than one who stands within." Professor Moore is of Harvard university. This exceptional book, by the way, has recently been purchased for

The supplement to the University of Nebraska's Extension News, issued December 28, is generous in its mention of Jewish social service activities in Omaha. The appointment of Samuel Gerson -to - the executive committee of the Nebraska ..conference for ,!• ocial work is reported, and the social gervice course being held at


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1307 Howard Street, j



Cantor To Sing in-Council Bluffs

Council Bluffs News

A -new exacutive was elected, headed by Dr. Leon Reich as president, Mr. Schmarak ami Deputies Schreiber and Roztnarin, vice-presidents.

Club Councils | KITCHEN CHATS Choose Officers by Mrs.

David M. Newman.

. Officers of the Senior «lub council «f the Jewish Community Center have Tories. been elected as follows: Irvin Levin Bremen Apple Torte: Seven peeled of the Thorpeians, president; Selma and cored apples, 6 tablespoons of Levin of the Se Telh Ta, vice presiWHOLESALE iniUGGiiLT sngar, 2 tablespoons butter. Cook all dent; Rebecca Segal of the Junior an<l STATIONEU3 Hadassah, secretary, and Frank Achtogether until apples are soft. 4»l*403-405 Sc::::-. iC:!i direct Cream six eggs, add 1 pint sourj erman of the Psi Mu, treasurer. Officers of the Junior council are cream, 1 teaspoon vanilla; i teaspoon cinnamon, sugar to taste. Then add Abe Smith of the B'nai Abrahams, cooked apples and let all boil together president; Mildred Iipsey oZ the Girl until thick. Take three cups of finely Scouts, vice president.; Anne Tretiak rolled zwieback,'and in the bottom of of the Camp Fire Girls, secretary; 1609 Cu:ninp 8t. the well greased pan put 2 cups of Sidney Cohen of the Boy Scouts, treasurer, and Art Grossman of the crumbs, then a* layer of apple mixTry Oar Russian Rye ture, and then .a layer of the remain- Psi Mu, sergeant-at-arms. Jo<- Kotli The Junior coHncfl will give a rally Israel Gershatler ing crumbs. Dot butter all over. for the Junior dub members February Bake in a moderate oven. 6 in celebration of Washington and Lincoln's birthdays and the Palestinieana Prater Cake. LET THE ian Arbor day. Cream the; yolks "6f 6 eggs with 1 cup of sugar, add % cup of cocoa, % cup floor (sifted 3 times), 1% tea- SEPARATION OF REUGION AND POLITICS URGED spoons vanilla, add a pinch of salt, a DO YOUR pinch of baking powder, whites of Lemberg.—(J. T- A.)—The demand the eggs beaten stiff. Bake 30 min- that Zionists in the Republic of Poland utes. . When* cold cut in half and fill separate their Zionist activities from HArney 75*5 MArket 3700 with the following: local politics was voiced at the Zionist MAX KAPLAN . Cook in a double boiler 1 cup milk, conference of Eastern Galicia, which 4 tablespoons sugar, 2 tablespoons concluded Its three-day sessions here. flour, pinch of salt, 1 teaspoon butter, This demand was formulated by the yolks of 2 eggs. Cook until thick, re- oppositional group led Ijy Deputy Play the Violin Correctly by Individual Instruction move from, the fire, add 1 teaspoon Frostig. The gVoup also demanded a Prof. ^Serclfc and other vrorlr renownvanilla, beat until cold, add 3 table- union of all Zionist organizations in ed teachers recommend my method vevv spoons whipped cream, spread be- Poland, including those from Galicia Wgbly. Befoi^-leaving the city, Mr. Rosewater visited the Jewish Com- company's newly established factory tween the layers, and put powdered and Congress Poland, be brought FRANK MACH Mr. and Mrs. Albert E. Gilinsky' munity^Center and expressed a deep interest in its work. Concert Viollni»t and Instructor branch in that city. Miss Noddle ex- announce the birth of a son, born' sugar on the top layer. about. This was voted dewn. Stndi* I1T',4 No. 16th $t. J A . I&° pects to stay in Trenton from six Saturday, January 14. ,-J&£u~juid Mrs.-M» Soffer announce months to a year, and then will retlie'marriage-of their daughter, Miss turn to her home in OmahaMrs: Sam Gross "left Monday for Cflldie, i o Mr. Louis Zevitz, son of Let the : v v Los Angeles, California, to "visit her • ':'••.' J4r.~ahd Mrs. J. Zevitz, of Fremont, S U N D A Y — : - . . . '; ^ Mrs. B. A. Simon, chairman of the daughter, Mrs. Max Shostak, and Omaha Hebrew club, in the JewNeb, The wedding took place Sunday v Badassah, luncheon and card party, Mr. Shostak, for several weeks. • it- $he rjhomer of the bride's parents, ish Community Center. which will take place in the audito; MONDAY— . -• ^;["'•'•; - ^ ' Mrs. J. Ungar -expects to leave next I Be Your Baker with Rabbi Grodinsky officiating. rium of the Jewish Community Center Social Service Course^ in. the Thursday, January 26, for Long VMr.J!dorris Zevitz, brother of the QUAKER BAKING CO. on Tuesday, January -24, reports that was best man. Mrs. Max Jewish Community Center. • almost 200 reservations have already Beach, California, where she will Girl Scout training course, in the' been —nde for this affair, which pTom- spend the next two months. the bride's sister, was her • t . , .Little Rose Goldstein was Jewish Community Center. ises to be one of the largest ever givU TUESDAY— en in the J. C*. C. Reservations'may by Mrs. Simon and her committee, to -, A bridal supper for 80 guests folHadassah card party, in the Jew- be made with any member of the which Mrs. David Green and Mrs. H . lowed'the ceremony, and was in turn ish Community Center. committee or officer of Hadassah as M. Marcus have been added. fhjlbwed; bj?.-a reception for ..the couBook Review of the Temple Sis* late as January 22. ple's young friends. Out-of-town terhood, in the Temple. . A number of very beautiful prizes Telephone Operator: "It costs 75 Kings extreme savings in plain and gUests at 'the" wedding were: Mr. and Junior Club Council, in the Jewhave been donated by members of the cents to talk to Glen-wood Springs." r fancy linens of ail kinds. Every piece, Mrs. ~A.^Zl6tKy,'"Mr."ahd' M s. Simon ish Community Center. . •:.. :i •. board of directors, according to Mrs. Salesman: "Can't you make a Vsjier from the costliest banquet set to the 2evitz and family, Mr. and Mrs. J. WEDNESDAY— M. F. Levepson, in charge of prizes. cial rate for just .listening? I want to Wolf and family, Mr. and Mrs. A. plainest little breakfast set, in Quality Omaha Chapter of Hadassah, in The luncheon served will be prepared call up my wife." fiosen and family, and Mr. and Mrs. the Jewish Community Center. and Price, represents the sale prepZevitz,. all of Fremont, and Commercial league basketball, in arations we began months ago. H. Tktoskowsky of Kansas City. the Jewish Community'Center. ; Woodmen of the World, Jewish linen Damask Cloth—8x10, and twelve napkins 22x22. I EVECTRICW REFRIGERATION [r. a.nd Mrs. David Blacker an- Community Center. ~ 18thand Douglas !f-\--.,..• r 1 - ^ *•';*•; the 'birth"' of" a" daughter,' THURSDAY— / | Product of Genera! 3fofar* I rhutsdaj morning at Wise Memorial linen Damask Cloth—8x10, and dozen 22x22 napB'nai B'rith',in the Jewish-Comkins for jifi munity Center. .-'. JOE PEPPER LEON MAKOWEB PRESENTS 72-Inch Linen Damask—Irish manufacture at, per •O 1 I I I I 111 ttWMTTkWT J" !Mr. and Mrs. Louis Turkel anyard ; : $2.95 nounce the; birth of a daughter at Mrs. J. Malashock, Mrs. Jack Al(Napkins to match) Wise hospital January 11. berts, and Mrs. A. Greenberg are in OialllUlJuj LILu.il/LiLi Damask Napkins—20x20 all linen, in assorted designs, charge of reservations for the card "per dozen $1-25 .} jMiss;Minnie fiber of Beading, Pa., party of the Women's Welfare organiExtra Heavy 72-Inch Linen Damask—German silver {s^visHIpg Dr. and Mrs. Philip Sher. zation, to be given in ihe Jewish Community Center, February 21. —IN— MlsS'Sher is I>r. Sher's niece. * bleached, at, yard , , $2.95

Cantor Isaiah Kahantrwitch, wellI The Independent Order of the B'nai known cantor of the Beth Hamedrosh Brith, Lodge No. 688, will hold an Hogodel, -will give a concert in the important meeting next Wednesday synagogue of B'nai Israel, Minster evening, January 25, at the Danish street, Council Bluffs, February 5. Hall: Mr. O. Hochman will give an This will; be the first time that address on the Tabernacle of Moses Cantor Kahanowitch has appeared bewhich served as a model for the fore a Council Bluffs audience. building of King Solomon's Temple, He will give an evening service and which will be accompanied by steregrand concert accompanied by a male opticon views which is connected Mn, and-Mrs. Sam Wertheimer returned to Omaha-Tuesday choir of fourteen voices and a sym- with the ceremonies of the ritual of 'following their wedding journey in California. Their marriage phony orchestra of nine strings. the B'nai Brith. All membew - are fcookfOace in Chicago on December 22. Mr. Wertheimer is presi-Fanny Fish, violin, and Sara Fish, urged to attend. dent! of..the Wise Memorial hospital. :: piano, will assist also. L Morgenstern, principal of the Council Bluffs The Agadas Achim Aseociation of Mr. and Mrs. Louis A. Solomon announce the engagement of J'almud Torah,-will take part Council Bluffs are contemplating a ^r'sister, Miss Julia Wise, formerly of Omaha, to Mr. Lawrence big celebration observing their fourA.-^&eobs, son of Mr. A. Jaeobs of Chicago. The marriage will the preparation of foods will be teenth anniversary by giving a public takei>lace on March 18. Miss Wise is well known in Omaha, studied. pro grain either the first, or; second having been a" social worker and leader of the Junior Daughter o£ Sunday in February. Bridge and : ZIQIU /-"-. : •:.•.: > Eeinschreiber, son of Mr. and dancing will be featured in the enterMrs. I. (3. Eeinschreiber, has .returned also. Further announce' -\ 3fri-anct "Mrs. Louis Kirshbraun, formerly of Omaha, are visit* to his home after an Ulnese in Wise tainment ments will be made in the Jewish ingjthsir. friends for a month. They are residing at the Blackstone hospital.. Press later. hotel. Before Mr. Kirshbraun's removal to California alaout a year Mr. Al Sebring of Chicago, 111., for8igo,-he was treasurer of the Omaha Jewish Community Center, merly" of OmaBa, Is yiating at the Mr. Leo Ungar will leave Monday Said, as a trustee still retains his interest of local Jewish affairsl . home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. for New York- City, and on January 28 he will embark on the Roma for Silverman, of this eity. Europe. He intends to land at Al--The Pi Delta Sigma of Creighton University will hold their annual formal Founder'sT day party at the University club on Fri- Miss Sara Noddle, associated with giers and ; go from there to Italy dstyi .'January 27. "/ ' the Giant Manufacturing Co. of Coun- and other southern European councfl Bluffs, is leaving the first of next tries for an extended trip. Mr. Ungar ' Mr. Tictor Rosewater, who spentten days visiting jErierids month for Tiehton, N. J., where she expects to visit in Europe for two and relatives in Omaha, has returned to his home in Philadelphia; will take charge of the office of the months.

fcfc BRIMS £ CO.



Coming Events



Mtien Sale

i y ••J1\

STRAND THEATRE Friday, January 27th, 1928 SAmlirl

The ^ S k k



Mr. IJavid Soref will leave Tuesday for Rochester^ N. Y., to attend the wedding, of his niece, Miss Ann HolUmder. He will visit his sister, Mrs. M. iMlander, whom he has not seen for 15' years, and will also be the of Mr. and Mrs. A. Rudman.


The sewing of layettes for babies ia poor families will be a new form of social service taken up by the Wo^ men's Welfare organization. The first sewing meeting will be held at 2:30 ^p. m., February 7.

Linens—Third Floor


The Annual February Sale of Furniture

"^TtiVTBoard' % f 'directors •' of the Mrs. Julius Newman will be in t)niaha- chapter of Hadassah met at charge of the February luncheon of luncheon ^withr Mrs. Archibald Silver- the Temple Sisterhood. Rabbi Frediiian •*>£• Providence, R. 'L., who spent erick Cohn will lecture on "Jewisa ,twa ilays Jiere In the interest -jot the Ceremonials." state conference on Palestine, on jVIonday at the Fontenelle hotel. A new class in nutrition will open '» . . r • '* — at 2 p.m. Monday at the Jewish Com•• A special meeting of Wise hospital munity Center under the instruction boaxd of directors will be held Tues- of Mrs. Blanche Minteer, board of day -at 8 p. m. in the nurses' home. ! education teacher. Food values arid


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Write to Advertising Manager, Box 411 Jewish Press

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Benefit performance for Madam Betide Bendel Tickets—$1.00-75c-50c on sale at Frieds Delicatessen, 1509 No. 24th—Adler Delicatessen, 1513 No. 24th

Mr. Harold W. Brandt of Brandt, Inc., and Mr. Victor Shapiro of Missouri Valley, have left for the east on a business and pleasure- trip. Before returning, they will tour Florida and other parts of the south.


$3.95 $7.95

- -

J. Rosamond Johnson and Taylor Mr&-Harry' Weinberg of Albany is Gordon, whose published volumes : of \ visiHngrher sister, Mrs. M. Chafldn. Negro spirituals iare used by many musicians, will give a program* of Ne- Mr. -and Mrs. H. J. Chapman have gro spirituals in Technical high school 'moved'to St. Xouis, where they will January 27, under the auspices of the Omaha College club. future home. . ' The regular mantiuy.mEetmg-of the Omaha, chapter.of Hadassah. will take placer tm Wednesday^ .January 25, at the Jewish Community Center. •• No taxis ftjtve been issued.. All members asked ±o attendi _ - -

Damask Napkins—All linen, 18x18; per dozen— Luncheon Cloths—54-inch, real Madeira, at, each

Jewelry. AH KSsks Landlords' Liability d Ihf Larceny and Leasehold Liability (General) Life. Lire Stocfe Merchandise In Transit Motor Boat Motorcycle (an lonns) Musical ^Instruments Partnership Life Insurance Physicians* Defense Plare Glass Breakage Profit Insnrance Bain Insurance


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EAG5".4rsTBCB JEWISH PRESS, THURSDAY, JANUARY 10, 1928 i a r ' j T C . C ping pong tournament will be, held next month? ; 1

I Legal Notices j'| Bocal Sports MONSKY, KATLEMAN & GRODINSKX l



". • A t t o r n e y s . . . : ; ;


TSO ,Ojnantt National Bank N O T I C E OF'4Ncb'BP<ra&vibirvbjr- nxna

XOT.1CE is; hereby siren thpti ^ undersigned inve, pursuant'to tije .liWB.otthe State of Nebraska, formed ,a corporation, 'flie naine • of said ' corporatloW' is BUI) Mace gt business in the Qty of Oinuna. The objects for which said corjjoratlou i« toruted are, to establish aud operate candy, confectionary and soft driul{purlor8 and to. deal .in erery things necessarx a«d requibite for tbe operation of said Oualnosg, either at wholesale or retail, or both. The corporation shall' have authority to buy, seU, encumber and dispose of all necessary, real or personal tftoperte t(f ca«y on the purpose for •which said corporation la orgauized. • Capital stock shall be $10,000.00, consisting of lOO-Bnared, par vnlna $10.00 eacfl. also ebalt be common stock and when issued, shall be paid and nonassessable. The corporation shall cominen.ce business upon«-the. flliutj. uf the Articles or. Incorporation wl(.h. the bounty Clerk and continue, until January 1st, iStfY. The highest amount of indebtedness Bfaa'.i not exceed two-thirds'of the capital stock. The affairs of- ,tbe corporation: shall be administered by a board of directors, two. in number, unless otherwise provided for. The directors shall be elected at tiie nnnaal meeting of the stockholders - to - be held on the third Monday of January of each vear. Immediately alter tnoir election, the directors shall meet anil' elect President, Vice-President an A Secretary. The officers and board or director? snail, conduct the affairs of the corporation. The Articles may be' amepded. -The corporation shall hare' n seaL • ' • - : - • Dated June 17th,-1927. -".'•;. -

" JACK SKREKAS, 1-ltt—i T. ' GEOKGB IEANAKAS. -. MOSSKX. KATLEMAN & GBODINSKY. • Attorneys. . .,.. • - 750 Omnna National .Bank-Building. NOTICE OV DJCOBBOHATJON. ~ . OF FONTENSXLK O1FT; SHOP,-'.. Notice is hereby given that the; .Trnd^exsiEnedi pursuant to the laws of the State of .Nebraska.."have formed a ""corporation. The name is- Fontenelle Gift—Shop; Inc.. -with Its principal place of bpstaegS'in <?he City of Omann. Tne corporatlqn_is ..to operate a Gift Shop. J t has authority to ' buy. sell, lease and enenmber all ^kindfl of. real nrid personal property." Capital"stock Is JS5.000.0tr, diyided Into SO shares, of the par value of $100.00 each. All ot said stock stall be common and shall-be fulls paid when issued. The corporation shall commence business QD0D th(S' fillDK Ot these Articles in the Qfilce-of "the County Clerk Of Douglas County, and continue to January 1st, 1977.•. The hieheBt amount of indebtedness Bhftll not" exceed twotblrdB of the capital; stock. -33ie^affairs of the corporation shall be administered by, a board of not more than .throe nor less." than two - directors. - who—shall - be elected by the stockholders at the annual meetins to be held on the second Tuesday of. January of each year., The directors shall immediately thereafter elect from their number.. President. ViceiPresideut. Secretary and Treasurer. Tfceae Articles may be amended.' Dated. Aujjust 24th. 1027. J.W.-MAKER. Dec, 20>-4 X. H. ilAKVUAitJJ LEON S T J g g Attorneys ;• Peters-Trust Building .. PROBATE NOTICE ..." . . In the matter of the estate ol JENNIE 5JJION, Deceased. , :• Notice is hereby given: That the creditors of said' deceased will meet the administrator of said .estate, .before me. County Judge of Douglas County* Nebraska at the Co'nnty. Ooiirr Kooinr in saia Co-uuty. on the"- 21st' day- of .March, 1028. mid ou the 21st day of,May,."ltK8, at: 8 o'clock A. M., each'day, for tbe'purpoBe of iwvsentinjf their -cloijna for examination, uUjustineut and allowance. Three months ure. allowed, for 'the creditors to present their claims, from the 18th dus! <>* tfebruury, 1S12S. . ' .-•'•. BRXCB CKiW^OBD, ,






LEON, S T A L i l A S T E k & BEBER, Att'ys. Peters Trust Building NOTICE OK ADJIINISTKAXION In the County Court of Douglas County, Nebraska. In the matter ot the State ot 31AKX u . K A l i l A N , DeceaBed. All persons Interested" In-said eatute-are hereby notilied that a petUlon-has. beeu filed In said Court, alleging that said d.e.•eaHed died leaving no last w i l l and praying- for administration upotf 'ilia estate, and that "a hearing w i n - b e - h a a on said petition before'said court. Qtt. the 4th day o£ February, 1028. and that If s they fall to apl>ear a t suid Court on the-eaid 4th day of February.- 102S. a f 0 O'clock A. M. t o contest said petition! the Court: may grant the same and grant-administration of syld estate to ABNER H . ' K A l M A K r or some otfier ' suitable person a n ^ p r o c e e d to: a settlement thereof. '••' :•' County-Judge,

t-5—3 T.'


LEON. STALMASTER & BBBBK ; - • Attorneys -, ; -t 300 Peters Trust Plug: j XOTICE OF EHDEBTEDSES8 • -NOTICE is hereby.given that a £ existinB debts of Strand Theatre, Inc., on the 31st day of Decenibefv-lfl2T,-«raounted-to e,. the

^ m ^ ^ Vfm. Johnson beings a . Board of Directors.



-BY MARCUS KBASNE. Herinan Segelman -wins first city ' handball title by defeating Joe Levey, Midwest A. A. XT. champ in a. ripsnorting finish, by a tune of 21 to 15, and 21 to 20.' Herinan played a ferocious : game in the forecourt, and smashed many "kills" with uncanny accuracy. In the first game he had Joe swinging on all sides of the court.- He "needed !no second asking and, amid the deafening cheers of his constituents, which reverberated like thunder in the small enclosure, Segelman leaped to-the front-and ran an advantage of 12-2 over his opponent Although he had Joe- fighting mad and only a 1-point lead, Segelman collected '• himself, mixed crafty serviced; with -expertly placed .shots and ran out the.game at 21 to-15. In the second game he had a little trouble in gettirijg himself together, but when he foundj*> himself, Joe kissed that handball &ateh?._goodby., The score stood 20 all anj^five tames they", changed places-ant^on, the last serve,ffoe faileft to return, and at last Dame. Fortuiie*; smiled .'down, upon, pur hero.'Herman Segelman", who had'been.beaten two times during. the ' previous J. C. C. handball matches. We now hold two titles"" for handball. The, Midwest handball championship, and. the city

In the''junior-basketball games played at the. J* G± C. gym Monday night the B'nai Abrahama lost a hardfought game to'the .Boy grouts, 10 to 5. Novak, Giller and- Ferer starred, while Levinson, Garrop, • an4 Ross contributed their phare, tpwards the victory. Tlte second game, was won by the Psi Mu, jr., 15 to 5. Turner, Barish, Grossman and Sokolof led the scoring column. For. ths josers, Bogdaanof, Ferber, Gqodbinder and.Coren were the,outstanding players. In the last game the biyropians, who are in last, place came, through with a win from'; the B'nai Israel^ f& to 10. Altman, Adlel, ZorinskyJ and ghuker were best, while Seigal arid Wjnthrob led the winners. . • /; Joe Kadtfziner, former Nebraska high school champ, thrilled the crowd with his fancy diving, -.".-.; ,






• ' < ( • * :


' \



''•'•?. '




'( LEON. STALMASTBB"-$jBEBBE . ! Attorneys" 300 Pelers Trust Blag, NOXXCE OF INDEB'SKUJJEBS 'NOTICE'Is hereby" given that OlUexisttas debts of Hotel Investment Company on thf 3lit day of De««?^r, 1027, amounted KJ^iBe 'Snm ot $8,570.54. ;. . ' Iaas! Fiedler. Presiaent; Ben MinWn. is isll FieMei, Bertha, Fiedler being a nialo lority ol axe Bonrd'Of 01rectprg. s 11iar ! ' ' J




* 300' Eeters Trust. Bldg., NOTICE ,OF ,OF I>'»EBTEOSESS I>EB V o i i C B [B*nerebjr ffiveii thJjtpfJJ exlst*nerebjr ffiveii t VpIvoB,-lint-»n the y$ ,VI 1057. Siaonnted to Wilder,



Nut Margarine


THE SUNSET TEA BOOM 49 and Dodge CANDYLAND 16th and Faraam

A ping pong tournament is now well under -way. Nathan Fine is managing the toornamenti The regu-

1102 No. l S t h ' S t . wfe. 1987 1926- Dodge Sedan \..\Y..:..$425 192T-Chevrolet Coach ^-$410


National Accessories, Inc.

Spring Means Building Building Means

—AT. R324

Hen of









204-0 South 24th St.—AT. 1400

100-Piece Symphony Orchestra Also

Big-Time Vitaphone Vaudeville CHAS HACKETT Chicago Opera Star



A TaUdnr, Shisin* Jmxxr , Sketch

A Complete Vitaphone Program The Wonder Show of the Age

2815 Farnam—AT. 2S15


Thorough Qeaning and Dying by Skilled Workmen in Our Own Plant

No Pinholes or marks rut on customers goods. Everjtliiug washed in nets.


Paris Cleaners and Dyers

VCe suggest yon send your laundry to


EARL L: JAX, Propr;



. 1722 Not 24th St.—W E. 02S9

1800 Farnam St—AT. 7*76

...1517 No: 24ih St.—WE. 0300


1709 Cumlttg St.—JA. 2935




Try Adler's Pumpernikel Bread For Good Health and Nourishment

High Qass Work and Quick Service

WE. 1029 All Type of Laundry

Barber Shops

Drug Stores

Lumber Go's.



215 So. 10th—Phone AT. S002

24th and Burdette—WE.' U3C2 20th ana Nicholas—JA. HO00

Kefitter of Ladies and Mens Clothing



" 1904 No. U4th St.—WE. 03S6 . : B. ROBINSON. Mgr. • Prescriptions carefully compounded. .Free delivery anywhere in the city.


Brandeis Stores . . . J A . 2S07-AT. 8006 Oundee Parlor . W i . 8014 Specialists in PEUMANBNT WAVING ' "

"Everything Under Cover"

Careful > Prescription Service Merchandise of Quality

WaUin-Hohngren Elec. Co. "

f^)2;So. IStb St.—JA. 5032

New, Used Motors, Repairs, Rewinding, Wiring, Mail Orders



150G No. 24th St.-H"E. 2178 Specialising In Cleaning, Pressing and Kelining Men nnd ' Appnrel

1023 Clark St.—WE. 0410


Master Tailor Service




A Picture with a Voice and a Soul

Guaranteed .Radio Service


l o l l No. 2«h—\VK. (UiS4



Beauty Parlors

"WKen a Man

AT. 3832—504 So. 13 Get Our Prices and Save Money

1707-17 Cass—AT. 3533


Personal Service You will Appreciate



Kelly Springfield Tires— 24 Hours Service

Reliable, Reasonable, .Expert Auto -Repair Service

15th and Douglas—113 So. loth .-



Estimates Gladly iPurnished


ttith" and biivenpon Street ., H. MANOS, Propr. : XOCX.I.-UEET XOCR FK1ENDS


AT 8485



EDWARDS BARBER SHOP - , XIBBRTY DRUG CO. -A full length feature Vitaphone-productitjn. The climax of all Vitaphone presentations--

1315 Howard St.


"Everyidbiing For The Auto"

"Be«u Gett*** • , Gilbert R»!»nd Mala Star of "C» miUe"

KOSHER LUNCHES Will Be Served At All Times

Appropriate for After-Theater -Gatherings

JA, 1614

Last Time Tonight BILLIE DOVE

Thomsen-Slater Butter Company

1513 No. 24th—WE. 1428

. .1413 Donglas Street The Most Popular Cafe in Omaba


She « u told to the highest bidder.


1411 No. 24th St.—WE. 6U51 Installation' and Repairing of Tin Work, Furnaces. Skylights, Ventilating, Gutters and Spouting; Agent* for Nesblt Furnace



Ask your grocer tor NUCOA Distributed by

at. his

North Omaha Furnace Co.

—GENERAL CONTRACTOR— • • - • • • 400 Hospe Bldg.

Noah Bcenr.

• . .




No Hand Touches the^ Coloring Except Yours



Auto Tops & Accessories


i PUBLIC I jCOAL YARBf Coke Texas Petroleum Per Ton $15.00



• L E O N , STAIiMA^TEB & B • . • Attorn«yig','.'.', \~:: > .• • „ 300.Peters Trust B l a g , ""- S O X 1 C E OF I N D E B T E D N E S S ' ' N O T I C E i n hereby given that- all e x l s t ing debts o t Victor i n v e s t m e n t Cpppuny pn t h e 31st d a y of December, 1027,Jtn>ounteti to the.Bum ol $9,500.00, TUose MlWer, Presidentr^EUn V . Milder, B o s o Mildur'beliig a majority ot t h e Board o f - D i r e c t o r s . ". •. \ 11» «' >

Sunday Morning, January 22, 1928. WSAI—Cincinnati, O. (361.2 M) 10:45 a. m., eastern time. Rabbi Victor E. Reichert. Subject of address: "The Lost Art of Thinking." . . " " • • . WCAE—Pittsburgh, Pa. (461.3 M.) 10:45 a. m., eastern time. Dr. Samuel H. Goldenson.

Sunday Morning, January 29, 1928. "Another big swindling jneet wjll be | WSAI—Cincinnati, O. (361^ M.) held next month. Joe Raduziner, 10:45 a. m., eastern time. Dr. Bergman, S.Gerber, Slotkin, H. jpohn, David Philipson.' U'tTurn^, '"Fair, Himelsjeinrjc>earl v WNAC—Boston, Mass. (461 M.) ^ciis P|aTl,Teltm^n .'and B^Kersh- iO:45 a. m., eastern time. . Rabbi eribavaji ^r^~ just>'a 'few* of the con- Harry Levi. testants. Sign up at the' physical director's office. Let's make^ this the ..WTAM—Cleveland, 0. (399.8 M.) 10:30 a. m.,-eastern time. Raboutstanding affair of the •year.: . bi Barnett R. Brickner.-

ris *Woblner,'il. 1 L. Sterii.Izaabte Sokolof, Smavtei Ssterp. being' a'"majiStityljDl the Board of Directors. ..-".'.".')• i LEOX, STALMAgTEB & BBBBU : . -._.Attorneys \~~M •.••:.;-™:l~ ' 300 Peters 'Xrust: BlOg, •'/: NOTICE OF KSDEBTBDJjESS'" -NOTICE Is hereby r g{ren v ttat-'all Existing debts of 'Americau.Upholstering. Cdiiipany on the 3lst~ day of December, 1027, amounted tt> the sum of 59.S36.C3. .•:"..• ^ . Soref, PreBldentf Ceo FoXj-J.-P. Batt feeing a majority, of the Board QfDlrectyrB.

Friday Night, January 20, 1928. WRNY—New York, N. Y. (326 M.) 5:30-6:15 p. m., eastern time. Temple Emanu-EI. Friday evening service. WMBS—Harrisburg, Pa. (231 M.) 7:45 p. m., eastern time. Dr. Philip D. Bookstaber.

Mrs. Ben Kubby and Mrs. J. F. Gilinsky, both of Council Bluffs, are j new* members of the morning ladies' was able to score a field goal in the class* •- •: ' . - : . ~ . : s . ' ~ . l " . ' ; . : • ' first half, which ended 3 to 2. It A junior boys' leader class will be was; not -until -five minutes of the formed in the near future.. All juniors second half that Altshuler and GreenCommunity Center who are interested in forming a leadberg made follow-in shots, good, to girls won their second league game, ers' class are urged to be present at 26 to 6j from the Benson Christian 4 p . m. Sunday afternoon, Jan. 29, on the gym floor./The purpose of this girls. Bertha Shafton, Minnie Flax, class is to develop leaders to. direct forwards, and Grace tfivih, guard, !. ' " class work and put on exhibitions that featured for the victors. league game was Well we hold during: the year.—The JiaE foughipj be^reen "Omaha" University j annual circus will be held May 6, 1928. To be a member ypii;rnust,p.ps- and-itaist^i^ girls, which ended in a. sess some athletic ability and, abov'e-] tae3jatne,\li7-17. A practice game! will be held with the Brandeis girls,' all, a good sport. January 187'at the "Y" at 6-.30 sharp. On Saturday, January 21, the J. C. C. Everyone had a good time at the girls Will play'the Immanuel Baptist' physical department dance. We will team on the J. C. C. court, | hold another dance next month. Are you a. REAL BOOSTER for the! Watch for the date. • J. C. C. girls.?. Let us see you among the"throngs: that crowd on the gym .on The J. C- Cl basketball team de- Saturday evenings. feated the American Business College team, 31 to 28. Johnny Rosenblatt Minus the services of- two regulars, and Max Altschuler contributed the the Bezeman Hardware's occupants necessary points and saved the day of the cellar position in" the Jewish for the J. C. C. Good team work fea- Community Center loop, handed, the ABRAMSON AUDIT CO. tured the game. Next week we play league leading Segelman • Service the Fed OS of Council Bluffs> la; The quintet, their first defeat of the 402 BrandeisJ-Thea. Bldg.—AT. 1450 Iowa boys' are undefeated and will be AUDIT§. — SYSTEMS season, by a 10 to 7 score. With one INCOME TAX out to bring home the bacon. J. Binminute to' go, and the score tied 7 stein will do all the referee work on all, ;Pollock, guard, sent the leatherour floor. through- the hoop. 1 His mate BurWM. BRYpEN COMPANY roughs; made .good a gift shot, and] C3S Ssecurltles Bldg. morning matrons' class have the game ended shortly after. The^j . 4451 - --organized volley ball teams and play game < was . featured -by the close' Expert and Reliable Service wilL start Wednesday the 18tb; ac- guarding of bout, teams, neither ^ cording to Miss Greenberg, who has been Coachings the teams. title. , .

, STALMASTEB & BBBEU Attorneys"• '-' 300 Peters Trust NOTICE OE J:J f n ^ T NOTICE Is heieby give"n that all existing debtB oC Klassik 'theatres.-Inc. on the


The Kaiman Insurance continued i The Wardrobe returned to winning their onward march, by winning the j form in their defeat of the Om&lra series against the Appleman-Robinson j Tobacco Co. Co. Both teams shot excellent scores, I The Wardrobe five will meet the each game being closely contested. j Omaha Tobacco Co. on Sunday, JanuLeo Wpitz, of the Kaiman's, con- ary 22, at 3 p. m., at Francisco Alsidered as the most consistent bowler leys, third floor. M of the league, secured a 578 total, and was the important factor in his team's victory. Ab Kaiman, Ed Rosenthal, Dr. M. E. Stein, Jack Melcher, Nate Reiss and Harry Smith were in the select class by rolling 500 totals. BUSINESS MEN'S BOWLING JA e(5R91 The Malashock-Glazer game was 120th and Nicholas LEAGUE. postponed due to the absence of the '• HAERY SWENGLE, Prop* | W. L. Pet. Glazer Clothing Go. team. This game Malashock Jewelry 27 18 .600 will be played at a later date. Kaiman Insurance 27 21 .562 Empire Cleaners « , 24 24 .5001 Applenian-Robinson Co. 23 25 .488 IN OMAHA Yousero Service 23 25 Glazer Clothing Co.—-21 24 .466 j The Wardrobe ....~ .....^0 25 .444! 250 Rooms—200 Baths Omaha Tobacco Co. 20 25 .444 Good Rooms for $1.50 Ben Yousem was the chief sharpOperated by Eppley Hotels Co. shooter of the evening, by smashing THE PEER OF THEM ALL the pins for a 615 dcore, and incidenNOW—The Nucoa manutally being the chief cause in a sweepfacturers have made the ing victory for his team in their most progressive step in match.with the Empire Cleaners. years by inserting the sani- Harry Margolin of the Yousem's tary color capsule under the Announces glassine wrapper at factory. finished with a 225 mark, which was the opening of a This Is Done by Machinery. the high single game of the evening. give their team a 6-3 lead. Katzman's work, led the Segelman's. In the second game of the evening the Peerless Cleaners defeated the A. Z. A, 19-13 in a hard fought tussle. Franks was the outstanding star for the A. Z. A. team while Goldberg played best for the winners. In the other game the Gross Lumber defeated the Brodkey five, 26 to 20. Epstein and Ackerman led the winner while H. Cohen, H. Stoller and H. Levine shone for the losers.

Music Teachers

Tent & Awning Go's



"Omaha's Foremost School of Music

Middleton Conservatory Of Music

1S0S Faraam—JA. 3329 See Our Sheep Lined Coata Today

School of Opera, Theatre and Public Speech

Marinello Beauty Shops

302 Mickel Bldg., loth and Harney

Rerzberg'B—151!> Douglas—AT. S763 Uarinello—GC6 Brandeis Theatre Bldg. JA. 3400 „ Pontenelle J A. 2643

AT. 4145 Voice, Piano, Violin, Public Speech, Dramatics, Expression




Tire Shops_

Paxton Billiard Parlors




1510 Faniaui—JA. 0721

"The Best Place To Buy * Your Flowers

Direct Wire Service on All Latest Sport Events

2508 So. 24th*St.—Phone WE. 2057

A. D. Ferguson The Florist - SOth » n d wUnes.AvivrrTKEx^SJW?; "

"Flowers For .All Ocassions"

2506 No. 24th—WE. 6311

Children and Family Groups OUT Specialty

WHITE STUDIO , 1612 DDVlgias—J A. 3360

Photographs of Distinction

Cor. 17tb and Cnpito! Are.-AT. &»2^ OOODVEAK SERVIC1C STATION Tires. Tubes, Acwssories. Road Service. Vulcanising n™' GenernlBepnlrtnp

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