January 26, 1928

Page 1


Watch for New . Features in The Jewish Press

Every Jewish Family in Omaha Should Be a Subscriber

Entered na- sfecond-class mail matter on JanirSi oosloffice at Omnba. .Nebraska, under the Act



Senator Robinson = Invited to Come Here



Senator Joseph T. Robinson has "Warsaw—(J. T. A.)—A ring enbeen-invited to come to Omaha to adgaged in stealing Holy Scrolls from 'ress the Temple Brotherhood on a Polish synagogues and selling them subject dealing with religious toler.abroad was discovered by the police. ance. Senator Eobinson nas been the Council of Social Agencies The United States is the chief mar<&ampion of religious liberty in his ket for the disposition, of the stolen Editor and Diplomat to Be New York Paper States That Hears of Center's Work. Jewish Socialists Will controversy with Heflin over the canHoly Scrolls. A young woman was ar- Speaker at Jewish Community didacy of Governor Al Smith for Centex January 31. rested at. the railway station in BialyMourn Leader's Exile. SpplueJBan, Sylvia Friedel, Mollye Grossman and president. OTHERS SPEAE. stock with three stolen scrolls. -Geitrude Goldberg Bring Entriesto Ten Nathan E. Jacobs, secretary of the NOTED LECTURER. "DUG OWN GRATE." j: Brotherhood, has written to congratu- The "why" of Jewish Community late Senator Robinson on his star 1 Center, ;work was explained to the Norman Hapgood, editor, diploNew York,—(J. T. A.)—The1 exile members of the social service course CMLY F E W DAYS and to request that he accept this enmatist, • -political correspondent, and of Leon Trotzky is -viewed as the exile of the Council of Social Agencies a t gagement in Omaha. "••'.-.'• lecturer, will speak at the Je-7ish of the communist "world revolution," a meeting of the course in tHe Jewish Community Center Tuesday, January for which no socialist and friend o£ Entries : to the popularity contest to be conducted by the Community Center Monday, when Ir31, on KDo Politics in America Mean liberty -will shed a tear, by the "JewThorpia^ Athletic Club in connection with the latter organization's, vin Stalmaster read a paper on JewAnything?" _ ish Daily Forward," socialist organ. big Jubilee. Ball on March 11 were increased'in the past week, E ish community work in Omaha. Local A. 2C A- Will Seek Laurels • Hapgood has been prominently con- In commenting- upon the event, the four additional entries. They were from Sophie Ban, tUS South "Hundreds and thousands of Jews in Debating and Basketball nected with public issues since he be- paper observes; "Only Kameneff and Fourty-Seepnd Street; Sylcia Friedel, 3078 Mason-Street; MoDye came to America because of the opcanTeL".editor of'-'Collier's Weekly in Zinovieff, vrho at the last moment beGrossman, 3101^ Lincoln" boulevard, and Gertirade Goldberg, 1537 portunities of'a livlihcod and the ex1905. :;He has ..been identified with trayed their comi-ades of the opposiSouth 25th; Street. . ' . . - < ! . . . / TO GIVE SENDOFF. ercise of freedom of thought and retion, fell on their knee? before Stalin Ten young Jewish women of Omaha have now entered the con- Plan Is t a Make Loans to Grow- ligious ideals was. restrained," he A; regular meeting of the Omaha and begged: his pardon and promised said. "Then followed the generation test, which is being conducted to select a Queen of the Joy Festival to behave"'hi the future. For this they ers Who Employ Men. Chapter N o . l of the Aleph Zadek born in America, upon whose' shoulwhich the Thorpians will stage on Sunday, March 11 at the city were 'given .smaller punishments. Aleph was held Sunday afternoon, ders rested the responsibility of carauditorium.-" .. '..;._--. They were exiled to central Russia. PUBLIC WORK PLANNED. ing for those who had been left be- January 22, at the Jewish Community Tiotztv', however, was exiled "to Center. The ten candidates arei— hind in the old country" and from Vierny, in the semi-wild Turkestan, ' The chapter's debate team, which London—(J. T. A.)—The Palestine whom demands were constantly forthMollie Grossman, 3101 Lincoln boulevard. ' **\ neaur the Chinese frontier. In the will_defend its laurels at Sioux City, government will soon take effective coming for financial aid."" '• Sophie Ban, 115 South 42nd Street. . • ' " ^ eleventh year of Bolshevism, the soFebruary 3, 4 and 5, was announced measures to relieve the unemployGertrude Goldberg, 1537 South 25th Street. "* Mr. Stalmaster continued; viet dictatorship has reached a stage by the chairman of the committee. ment situation in Palestine, declared Sylvia FriedeL 3078 Mason Street. ' , •; "No one who has a real love for v that it has declared the chief heroes Dr. Chaim. Weizmannr president of America and its institutions will fail Last year Omaha won the national deEdith Gross, 545 South Twenty-fifth Avenue..-" ~—s of the Bolshevik revolution, those bate championship by winning the disthe World Zionist organization, in an to recognize that in. *a land such as Esther Raduziner, 3227 Lafayette Avenue. who with Lenin, accomplished the uptrict championship and then the nainterview^ with the ~ representative of ours, interests as diverse as we know Rose Fiedler, 612 North Thirty-third Street " heaval, those who organized and esthe Jewish Telegraphic Agency. them to be, peoples, religions, races, tional championship. Lylyan Chudacoff, 2820 Cuming Street, f Z~S~7 .- *" ' tablished the soviet power and the This year's team is composed of Asked when he will proceed to the certainly such a variety to be used ~Sophie~Binstem, 2216 Burdette Street. - ~ - — — communist . international, as traitors United States, Dr. Weizmann said for the development of a great nation, Louis E. lipp and Sam Fregger. Iipp Mary Claire Shames, 1529 Grant Street. and contra-revolutionaries, who are to is a Creighton university debater that- he was not certain of the date makes for no easy job. Nor can we he exiled as political transgressors. while Fregger comes from Central Not only will the winner be crowned of his sailing. hope by the blandishment of phrases High Whatever one's opinion should be of school. *• queen of the festival at an impresive and the assitance of her friends.and The Colonial office, Dr. Weizmann and catchwords such as Americanism Trotsky, and the other exiled opposiThe men who wiQ represent the ceremony; but she' will also receive relatives. stated, has given its advance approval and patriotism with one sweep of the tionals or of their program, one must chapter in basketball and oratory the first- prize offered by. the Thorfor providing, funds to. immediately hand to eliminate characteristics and "Get into the contest while admit that they all represent the true, a Hapgood peians,. a §200 diamond ring, the value execute the public works outlined in differences of millions of peoples, have not been selected as yet, but will there is yet tkne! Send in the not falsified, communism in the name be in a fevs days. of which is-unqualifiedly guaranteed everyL great controversy in which the of which the Bolshevik revolution was coupon at once. Remember, the. the draft -estimates of th*.. Palestine whose racial and-religious background A radio program is being planned government for the present year. At is rooted deeply and firmly.'' by ,the Malashock.Jewelry company. entries will dose Tuesday - noon, views of liberals have been in ques- j brought about. Trotsky, Zinovieff the request of High Commissioner" Mr. Stalmaster described the bene- by the chapter and will be broadcast- tion,\ and. has championed the ^ cause i their comrades were those who, in the and all of the contestants will Four prizes ip all will be ed over one of the radio stations of Lord. Plumer, -the Colonial office has fits of the existing-"co-operation beof;.progress in mosl of the gTeatj n&me 0$ t n e communist world revolustart on an even basis after that awarded iri this, contest. In addiajso given its advance approval to tween the Jewish Welfare Federation Omaha or Council Bluffs. A special .battles , of;. the last, twenty | t i o n > together with Lenin, created that hour." tion -to'the $200 diamond ring to certain other items, including the af- and the Jewish Community Center, meeting of the chapter will be held .^ | terrible machine of suppression -which next Sunday afternoon at the Jewish the.'first' prize' winner^ a-r$lCG.-, fpie^ation. wjari. /The Colonial office ^and Jthe-w^ayJJXf^hic^fiw jGenter ofHe was chairman.''<jf *&e'omunittee^as overthrown them. Trotzky and This-meetin& has "promised to give favorable con- fers opportunities for "education and 'that "nominated ana .elected -]SIayor-j ^i ieff twrw- .fall-antci . the ' gwwfe.: . the woman' finishing- second; a sideration to any similar request of recreation to every member of the is called to send our teams off to MitcKeTrin-New York. He has. beeB). nov wh5ch t h e y &Xig with their own hands Sioux City for the • district tourna550 wrist, watch will be awarded "the high commissioner. editor of Harper's Weekly, the In- J f o r others and therefore no socialist family, not setting aside the charity as third prize, and a $50 string The Palestine administration is now case for treatment different than that ment, which will be held Friday, Sat- dependent, and is now editor of the and no friend of liberty and democurday and Sunday, February 3, 4 and International. He has been president examining- the project worked out by which the paying member receives. racy will shed a tear at their fate. 5. fourth prize. The value of all of Major Campbell regarding the arof the League of Free Nations assoOther speakers were Miss Helen Tragedy of Bolshevism. these articles is guaranteed by rangement of loans to the orange and ciation and under President Wilson's Sects Attack Each Other iit wine growers in order to relieve the- Gauss, head resident of the Omaha the TVfaiashcck Jewelry company. "This is not only the personal tragadministration was United States Social Settlement; Ira Jones, superBitter Quarrels. edy of Trotzky, but the tragedy of unemployment situation, Dr. Weizminister to Denmark. Since his reOnly a lew days remain for the visor of recreation, board of educamann stated. . " turn to the United States he has been Bolshevism as a whole. The co-niJewish" women, young and old, of tion, and Mrs. Gentry Waldo, board political correspondent in Washington munist experiment in Russia has BOMBARD HOUSES. Greater Omaha to enter this contest. member of the Social Settlement. and his articles on politics • have in- failed completely. Stalin and his, adThe entry list will be closed at noon Samuel Gerson was chairman. Mrs. Fromkin Gives Pupils of Frank Mach and Harry formed millions of magazine and herents know it as well as we. They Munkacz—(X T. A.)—The feuds Tuesday, and on entries will be reProfessor T. Earl Sullenger of the BTaviroff will appear in a recital at newspaper readers. insist, however, on continuing- to hold between Chassidic sects in Carparthe, Address In Fremont received after. that hour. "University of Omaha, and Miss Anna the Schmoller and Mueller auditorium their dictatorship over the Russian Hapgood's published books include A nomination coupon has" appeared Russia,.are assuminfe serious proporCameron, executive secretary of the at 8 p. m. Wednesday, February 1. Mrs. Max Fromkin, . prominent lives of Lincoln, Washington and people. It is for this reason that they tions, calling forth the. severe critiin the last two issues of the Jewish Nebraska Conference of Social Work, They are Lois Connor, Irving Chud- Webster, a book on ."The Stage in must on one hand make increasin<rly 5>gism of the local press. The news- member of the Omaha Hadassah, adPress. Tt appears for the last time will be the speakers next Monday acoff, Ina Jacobson, Beulah Kay, America." and a recent publication, greater compromises with the peaspapers commented today on what dressed the Fremont Unit of Hadasin this week's IJress- Any Jewish ants and with the bourgeoisie and on night. Leonard Korney, Theodore KowalsM, "The Advancing Hour." they term the actions'of the "ghetto sah at their meeting in Fremont woman of Omaha, South Omaha or the other hand maintain the bluff that Milton Moskovitz, Solomon Susman, . . • In recent years Hapgood has interfacsists" when a .series of events Tuesday evening. in Eussia socialism is supposedly beCouncil Bluffs may enter the contest pupils of Frank Mach, violinist, and ested himself in the work of the ZionIn, her talk Mrs. Fromkin outlined demonstrated the bitterness which ing realized and that communism is by the simple method of signing, her, Abraham Dansky, Morris Dansky, ists in Palestine and he is well k the history, growth and the achievecharacterizes the feuds. increasingly.victorious in other counname, address and telephone number) Dora Dolgoff, Bettie Fellman, Minnie to the readers of Zionist magazines Several nights ago - a . group of ments of Hadassah both.in Palestine to the coupon which appears in this Froom, Ruth Greenberg,- Harry through his articles on the • process tries as well. Simultaneously they Chassidic followers- bombarded the and America. "The promotion of issue of the Press, and then sending] house of the Sepihker rebbe with Jewish Culture in America is the utGreenberg, Mildred Johnson, Rebecca of Palestinian work. The Balfour an- j are also compelled to increase the terthe coupon to the contest editor of "stones. Emil Ganz, a resident of Omaha for Kirshenbaum, Lloyd Malashock, Ade- niversarv of the New Palestine con- rpr against those who think differentmost importance for without.it, s •-.••• this publication, at the Brandeis Another group of Chassidic follow- cannot carry on the great work that more than forty years, and a leader lind Radda, • Celia Richards, Viola tained an article by him which was ly than they do. While in the first Theater building1. It doesn't cost one ers attacked the - slaughter house we. are doing in Palestine.1' ,' in many Jewish activities, died at his Sloan, Geraldine Strauss, Vivian republished for readers of The Jewish years of the Bolshevist rule the soviet -jenny to enter! Stein, pupils of Harry Braviroff, Press. government still permitted a semiwhich is under the supervision of the Grace Kosenstein of Omaha, Junior home, 2960 Harris street, Sunday. Mr. Ganz was secretary of Temple -pianist. "There is room lor plenty of con- Belzer Tebbe. In revenge for this at- Hadassah Begional President, accomHapgood's lecture will be one in the legal existence to the Monshevik They will be assisted by the Jacobtestants in ' this popularity race," tack, followers of th'e-Belzer. rebbe. at- panied Mrs. Fromkin to Fremont jafid Israel for fourteen years and was for series of outstanding lectures ar- party, now, even the oldest and most pointed out- Irvin Levin, president of tempted to drown tbecSepinker rebbe brought the message of Junior Ha- many years also secretary of the son Trio—Ina Jacobson, violin; Sara ranged by the Jewish Community prominent leaders of the Bolshevik Jacobson, cornet, and Molly JacobOmaha B'nai B'rith. the Thorpeians. "To date there has when the latter entered the pool for a dassah to the Chapter. Center for this season. Sam Beber is party are being- exiled to Siberia beson, piano. At the time of his death, Mr. Ganz been no' entry received from South ritual bath. " ; ," ." • • '- chairman of the committee in charge cause they do not agree with Stalin's was 65 years old. He was well known policy. The accompanists will be Mrs. C. Omaha or Council Bluffs. What is of the series. Juniors of Center in the city as a certified public ac- Bellinger, • Lylyan - Chudacoff, Anne Ballard Dunn, editor of the Omaha "Trotsky and his comrades reprethe matter with you ladies in the He is survived by his Euback, John KowalsM and Harry Bee-News, will introduce Mr. Hap- sent the conscience of th/p communist adjoining towns ? Do you want to Plan Many Events countant. widow, Mrs. Jennie Morris Ganz; a Braviroff. party. With their exile into distant pass up the opportunity to win one good. son, Mr. Victor Ganz, and a grandson, coCTiers, the rulers of Russia have now The public is cordially invited to atPlans for the first Junior Club of the splendid prizes which are beshown that all" that remained in RusCouncil Rally, to ba held February19 Stuirt Ganz. tend. Admission is free. ing offered in this contest It should sia of the former Bolshevism is the Jfuneral services were held in Tembe especially easy for a candidate in Thfe concert to be" presented- by in the Jewish Community Center, nep and the naked political dictatorple Israel Tuesday, with Rabbi Fredhave been outlined by. the executive these towns, having the entire field Cantor Kahanowitch of Beth HameChesed Shel Ernes ship. The communist 'world revoluerick Cohn officiating. committee. There will be a stunt prothere to themselves, to procure plenty drosh Hogodel in Counci' Bluffs Febhas. been exiled to SiTo Honor Founder "Giants m the Earth," by Rolvaag, tion,' however, of votes. Get your name in at once! ruary 5, will be the* cantor's ferst ap- gram jn celebration of Lmcolnand the Forward writes. * Washington's birthdays, with each pearance in Council Bluffs. He has Te^ A picture honoring the memory of was reviewed by Mrs. S. Newman "It should not be difficult to "'".". ceived a letter from Mr. S. Shyken, club putting on a stunt. Mrs. Rose Levey, founder of the Monday afternoon at a meeting of secure votes in this contest, as A basket ball game between two president of B'nai Israel synagogue, Chesed Shel Ernes society, will be the book study group of the Jewish tickets to the ball, at 25 cents expressing the pleasure of the officers boys' clubs and a gymnastic and unveiled at a meeting of the society Community' Center. each, carry a share in the award of the synagogue in having him come dancing exhibition by the.girls wpl Tuesday, January SI, at 2 p. rn., in Mrs. Newman praised the virile of a brand new Chrysler coach, also be given. ' Friday Night, January 27, W28. to CouncQ Bluffs."/-;;.• the funeral home. manner in which the book is written furnished by Andrew Murphy & The-Junior Club Council is planWRNY—New York, N. Y. (326 He will appear in the. synagogue The purpose of the society is to and the keen descriptive powers of its Officers of the Junior Hadassah Son, which will be given away ning a rally for every months a deM.) 5:30-6:15 p. m., eastern time. with his choirffi Miss- Fanny Fish, were installed at a meeting- of the at the auditorium the night of bating tournament, a dramatic" con- Temple Emanu-El. Friday evenh'.g provide the Jewry of Omaha and its author. violin, and Miss Sara Fish, piano. vicinity with, a funeral home. At the next meeting Mrs. Max gi-oxrp Thursday, in the Jewish Comthe big Jubilee ball. test and a song and cheer contest. An service. Several prominent speakers will Shapiro will review Willa Gather's munity Center. indoor track meet for boys and girls "Never has a contest quite so preWMBS —Harrisburg, Pa. (23 L give addresses. A choir will chant the "Death Comes to the Archbishop." It Mrs. Max Fromkin conducted the will be held in March. tentious as this teen staged for the




Ring of Holy Scroll Thieves Discovered

TIL—No. 4






exclusive benefit\of the Jewish women of Greater Omaha. The prizes are all worth" trying for. They will be on display next week at the Jewish Community center, and.will be placed in the custody of responsible leaders of the Jewish community for presentation to the winners at' the conclusion of the contest. . "Time is short! Only- a few days remain. Don't "be backward! Others have broken the ice by entering the contest. Any woman in the Jewish community can make a good showing in the contest by just a little work

Cast for Ibsen Drama GKosen

Eabbi Frederick CohnV Friday night address in Tempi- Israel on 'Religious Liberty" will be based on two current topics, the Heflih-Eohinson debate over Governor A. Smith, and the controversy in England over the revision of the prayer book. Saturday morning he will- speak on "Pride>

The following cast for the performance of Ibsen's, "The; Doll's House," by the Center .Players' Guild on March 17 and-18 ha^ bfeen chosen: TI orwald, Hymei^Shia^Sf Dr. Rank, Marion Graetz; . Nils^" Krogstadt, George M. Cohen;;Nora* Faye Kleiii; Mrs.. Linden, Bess Weinstein; Ellen," Gertrude Perlis; Anna, Martha HimelIN WHO'S WHO. stein; Helmet's' "children, Ruth and Ben Kubby has been informed that Willard Friedman.' " his name has been recommended HOT This will be the first production of inclusion :n "Who's "Who in American the new guild. Jewry/'"

M). 7:45 p. m., eastern time. Dr. Philip D. Bookstaber. Subject of address: "The Sigf F of God.7'

Sunday Morning, January 29, 1928 WSAI-^Cincinnati, O. (361-2 51.) 10:45 a. ml, eastern time. Dr. David PhUipson. Subject of address: "On the Heights." WNAC—Boston, Mass. (461 M.) 10:45 a. m., eastern time. Rabbi Harry Levi. WTAM — Cleveland, O. (399.8


M). 10J30 a. m., eastern time. Rab-

bi Barnett R. Brickner.


"El Moila Eochmom." The public is invited to attend the service which will be held at the funeral home, 1912 Cuming street.

Mr. Louis KIrshbraun Guest of Trustees

is planned to read Barrie's "Dear installation. Brutus," and Lewis Browne's "This Committees for the year are: meetings of the group. Mrs. Henry Monsky is chairman of the group. Tin Albert. ChBirmnn: T»Mo Stelntwrjr,


Mr. Louis Kirshbraun, a trustee of Joe Friedel of the Harry Koch the Jewis' Community Center and company was elected president of the former treasurer of the Center, will Omaha Association of Insurance he honored by the Center's trustees at Agents at the annual meeting of the a luncheon at the Athletic club association in the Chamber of ComThursday noon. merce Tuesday. Joe Greenberg was elected treasMr. Kirshbraun . is visiting in 1 urer of the association. Omaha for several weeks.

TtelH-pcii i*«>[r»i. Mollye Urosinntin, O M trnile White. CC1TVRAL COMMITTKF.:— Anne Gswnbi»r(;, CbnirmiiTi: I<ln 1'lfltl. Kose Sepal, jeiiiineue Albert. FINANCE CfHttMITTKfc:— Ids I>nv1o1i. Ctisiirm.'iii ; T»1>lP S<t*!n)«>r{t. I^llinn Oroenl»!:ilt. Mnrie Klein. Eva SchivorlJi. MEMBERSHIP COMMITTEE: — Florence tjWl*. Clmlrmnn : Mnr.v Ola'* Nbnuies. Ann Kiwiiimi. Sully M<>T4t!iH, Kylvin Bertmit'iii, Mil Miiii;i>n\ Sylytn Oiniitler. C0VRTESY COMMITTEE:— <rT3ce Boi-i.-i'Biein. <"!*;!> rsm •i'rvh 'Kurtsnuui. Bofis WViia. U'iu. I <in«rib •\Veaeliuau.



Mr. and Mrs. Abe Gilinsky, parents Sioux City was in charge of- the of Mrs. Sherman, are planning to services. ( motor to Sioux City Sunday. . HArney 1682 Abe L. -Katelnran, president bf the 27th nnd) Miirtlin Sts. Mrs. Louis Kroloff'returned home Council Bluffs Chapter No, 7, A. Z. A.; Soft grAy. iron, hrnss, bronze and Sunday after spending two months and Sal Michnick, secretary, have been iiliiiiiiiium tnstitigs. St'nnclnnl sises bronze nnd iron bushing*?, sower manin Los Angeles, Calif., with relatives. chosen to represent the local chapter liok'8. cistern rincs nnd covers, and in the A. Z. A. district tournament at clean-out doors in stork. Mr. Don Glazer, 55, of Fort Dodge, Sioux City next week. They will deIowa, passed away Sunday at a Fort bate on' the question, "Resolved that Dodge "hospital following an opera- the emancipation has been harmful to tion* The body was brought to Coun- Judaism. Abe Saltzmann, sergeantcil Bluffs for funeral services. Mr. at-arms, will be the oratorical conGlazer being a former resident here. testant, speaking on "Jewish Philan"Manufactured in Omaha" He is survived by his widow, two thropy." BAKER ICE MACHINE CO, brothers and four four sisters. Burial was held Tuesday afternoon at the Patronize Advertisers of The Oak Hill cemetery^ Rabbi Lewis of Jewish Press.



Published ever; Thursday at Omaha, Nebraska, by

, THE JEWISH PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY Office: Brandeis Theater Building—telephone: ATlantic 1450 JEANETTE GL1CK GERSQN, EDITOR. DAVID BLACKER, Business Manager. Subscription Price, one year _—...«..™........~~..—..~~..~~..—.—...§2.50 Advertising rateB furttiBhed on application CHANGE OF ADDRESS-r-Please give both the old and new address; be ur to give your name. -

To the Contest Editor, 'Jewllfi Press, Brandeis Theater Bldg., Omaha, Neb.: I wish to enter the contest to elect a Queen bf the Jubilee Ball, to be staged by the Thorpeian Athletic Club at the City Auditorium, Sunday, March 11. - My-name is


"My addresses Telephone number


(dancing at the Eagles hall on SunIday evening,. Feijruary 12, in the celebration of its fourteenth anni' M u c h space has be^ndevoted in your recent editorials to.the versary. A door prize will also be daJiea and. responsibilities bf the Jewish resident of this; community. Almost invariably the subject has been treated from-the ; The Council Bluffs Lodge No. 688,given away. There will be no admisstandpoint of responsibility to the Jewish community; Little has ofj the Independent Order of the B'nai , sion charge, and the committee are - been said concerning t£e obligation of the Jew-to the bigger com- J B'rith held an important meeting 'now at work in .order to make this m u n i t y . -••-.--. ••- • - ' . * • • • ; , . j Wednesday evening, January 25, a t affair a big social event this season. . .:


v In my opinion, every Jew has a definite civic responsibility ;.a j the Danish Hall. Mr. Max Steinberg, "responsibility no greatec than: that of his fellow citizen, yet onenew president of this organization, 'that he must perform not. only in discharge of hist duty, but inannounced^ the following committees deferenceto bis own beskinterests. : .i .i * to serve fhis year; They are: We enjoy in common with all others in this land the privileges ' Membership Committee: Louis of -citizenship. Only thtJew can appreciate, fully how great these H. Katelman,""" chairman; Herman privileges are, because of the persecution and oppression that h^s Meyerson, Sam Bubb, Abe LeibovitZj a n d H a r r y Krasne. •• _ • • • • • people have suffered for many centuries,.even down to the present : day in some parts of the world.; " u ^ ,.. . . .WC, ££<*£ Entertainment: Simon Steinberg, : It is self-evident that,with the enjoyment of the privileges of chairman; Charles Saltzman, Ben citizenship, goes the assumption of the responsibilities-of citiie^ Seldin, and Ben Kooler. " •ship. I t is difficult to understand the indifference and thelaclc ' Finance: Harry Kubby,' chairm>n; of interest on the part of some of ourpeople in matters pi;;g?ijeral Louis H. Kate! man, Nathan Nogg, ctvie interest and in matters: concerning our national^state~and Bee Kramer, :Sam. Meyerson. ' municipal government. . . ' . : . . . •;' V •• i - l i ^ ^ - f ^ ^.Intellectual Advancement: O. Hoch"We" neither ask for,nor expect special consideranon^bufcone man, chairman; Ben Kubby, Ben Ross* cannot justly protest against any situation prejudicial to;his in- Leo Krasne, Louis Bernstein. terests, if he has not availed himself of the privilege of participat- . Social Service: Sam Steinberg, ing in the maintenance of the institutions established to; safeguard chairman; Maurice Yudelson, M. Hoffbis interests. The Jew should not act as a separate and distinct man. • •. ;,.'• ...... :,'• group in civic or political matters, but it is the special obligation •r National Jewish Hospital at Denver: of every individual Jew to manifest an mtdHgent .and^aetive-in- Sam Meyeraon and, Ben Ross. terest-in the welfare of his fellow citizens, which in turrr affects: his Cleveland Orphanage:: Louis Bernown welfare.



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Play the Violin Correctly


Mr. and Mrs, Philip Sherman of 'Sioux City, Iowa, announce the birth of a daughter, born Tuesday, January 24, at the Methodist hospital there.



401-403-405 Sooth 10th Street Omar Bakery pots Into It* Bnt& wftfcr and pastries has brought us thousands «f customers. Women all over Omaha are talking about it, Yon can get Omar goods from most groceries or Uir Om*r wagon that comes to your neighborhood.

The ladies' auxiliary of the Talmud Torah will hold a regular meeting next Wednesday afternoon, February 1, at the home of Mrs. Morris Passer, 807 Avenue I.

Press Points



The Extra Value

The Bar Mitzvah of Jake Fox, son of Mr. and Mrs,...D. Fox, will take* place on Saturday morning, January 28, at the Chevra B'nai Yisroel synagogue, 618 Mynster street.

••':::'•:::':: • ' > " : ' •-. stein and Max Cohn. This applies not only to his participation in government, but Resolutions: Ben Kubby and- O. imposes the requirement that: he contribute generously :of his Hochman. V means and in effort, to the welfare and progress ofothe. society in At this meeting four new members which he lives. • -\ ::^fX\' • : ;: ; .- ; v* -;••. of the B'nai B'rith were initiated. 'They are Messrs. Jack Steinberg, Returning from Russia and Poland Joseph B. Katelman, Roy Rosenthal, last1 week, Dr. Heiiry Mos!;owitfc says and Simon Whitebook. A Memberthat he was particularly struck by the ship Campaign has already been starteffect of the outdoor life on the nervIt looks as if the Jewish great of ous and aenemic Jews of the small ed and the committee is planning to all the world were sailing across the towns from which they have moved j add many more new members to this organization soon. sea-paths to America's, gates., Among in the colonization process. the recent arrivals are Ejnjl Ludwig, "I could not help feeling that one The Agudes Achim society ,will author of ''Napoleon," a German and of the important by-products'of Jew- entertain" its members and their a Jewj- Maurice Ravel, French convish colonization in Russia will be a friends at a bridge party followed by poser; Louis Golding, English novel: permanent biolCgical contribution to ist; Jacob Epstein,- sculptor* an the Jewisb^nysjque," he said. American indeed, but one Who hafe V "QUALITY JEWELERS" r lived abroad for many years, and Wandering Jews of many kinds Hermann Struck, German artist, who 1MALASHOCK J E W E L R Y were described by Irvin Stalmaster in lives in Palestine. :•:•:... ' •-. Wholesale and Retail Jewelers his national.A. Z. A. day talk at Sioux City and published in the January is^ City National Bank This month the Menorah Journal sue of The Shofer. Political preferBldg.—JA. 5619 becomes a monthly magazine". This ment* .wealth, freedom, ambition in journal i s the leading critical maga- the arts, have sent the Jew out _ of zine in the world, dealing with Jewish the fold to wander, but he has never art and letters. Conservative and found content raent and peace until he tadica! meet between its covers. . returned, was his message. Phone us about."VULCAN" a high —J. G. G. Persons whose incomes exceed $4,grade Furnace Coal $ 1 1 AA Per Ton l.»:...^_, « Pl l . V U 000 will not be acceptably as tenants The city beautiful movement would in the new model tenament,; financed be helped considerably if some men UNION FUEL CO. by Marshall Field, in Chicago.'Julius would shave more often. 209 So. 18th Street—JAckson 0268 / Eosenwald has announced another similar project. The Best Place, to Bay Your . Jin a. talk before the members of the Omaha Woman's club V last week, General ^mercBjitidise store Dr. George Neuhans, "neurologist, in county!- seat;', cash busipraised- the. alertness" of the Jewish —SEE.TJS-.FIEST—: ness^ Good" opportunity for 1804. No. 24th.St.Community Center in its' treatment AVEbster 2D4S live wire. HI health reason SOL. LEWIS _ol; child problems. :


; ,


Council Bluffs News


Office 824 World-Herald Bldg.


Telephone ATlantic 3180

health Because

flavory l

£AGE Sh-r-THE JEWISH PRESS/T^I^SDAY, JANUARY 26, 1928 - Miss Bernice Kully returned Sunday from Mills college, California, to recuperate from an attack of influenza. She will resume her studies -at Mills college, in the falL-. -



The Daughters of Zion will have a Jerusalem—(J. T. A.)—Palestine is The laying of the -cable has just been benefit card party for-the.National now linked with the world's great completed and" the service is now open Jewish Fund Tuesday, January 31, at telegraph system by the cable laid, to the public. the home of Mrs. J. Tretiak, 3004 Lincoln boulevard. The' Daughters of Zion have invited, the public .to atOmaha's Style Center . . Mrs. Jennie Silver and her son, tend. Harold, of Bristow, Okla., are guests of Mr. and Mrs.BenChait.jMrs. Sil- Rabbi Frederick Cohn win review' ver was Miss Jennie. Adrine of Lewis Browne's T h a t Man Heine," at n meeting of the Sisterhood book review group at 2:30 p. m. Tuesday Kappa chapter of Theta Phi Sigma in the Temple. The review was postj sorority will give a charity card party poned* from last Tuesday. OPPOSITE ORPHEUM in the FonteneHe Sunday.. February 5. fc and Mrs. Harry Levy announce the engagement of their Miss Ann Singer entertained the daughter, Miss Sylvia Levy, to Mr. Mack E. Laner of Chicago. Unusual prizes have been arranged members of the Arbor Vitae with a for each table. , , The wedding will take place in the latter part of February. bridge party at her home 3unday evening. Prizes were won by Mary BailMr. and Mrs. Louis Fanger announce the engagement of their Mr. Harry Kulakofsky was in Wise en and Doris Singer. j daughter, Miss Ann Fanger, to Mr. Joseph J. Pink of Los Angeles, Memorial hospital this week for a The Arbor Vitae met Friday evenson of Mr. and Mrs. I. Pink of Los Angeles. Miss Fanger is the tonsilectomy, Mr. Benjamin Brodkey ing at the home of Miss I. Giller. Ofguest of Mr. and Mrs. Pink, who were host and hostess at a,re-: and Mr. Dare Besnick were also in ficers elected "were M. Bailen, presiception in honor of the engagement Sunday. The date of the Wise hospital during the week. dent; M. Harris, secretary, and M. wedding has\not been set. Singer, treasurer. Meetings will be Mr. and Mrs. Ed Gilbert entertained held each Friday evening at the Mr, arid Mrs. Philip Nathan announced the engagement of at six tables of bridge and a buffet homes of the members. The next their daughter, Miss Henrietta, to Mr. Dave Ansell Hexter of Chi- supper- Sunday evening, -honoring meeting will be held at the home of \ cago, at a family -dinner in their home Sunday, January 22. The MTS"."A. Mazie of Sioux City, Mrs. Gil- Miss M. Singer. \ wedding will be an event of the near future. Mr. Hexter spent the bert's mother. Mrs. L W. Rosenblatt entertained; week-end at the home of his fiancee. in honor of the sixth birthday of her "The .Value of. Food" will be the daughter, Betty Edis, when fourteen1 Miss Ida Greenberg has chosen subject of an address to be given by small cousins were guests. It was a Sunday, March 4, as the date of her Prof-Victor E. Levine, under the ausValentine party with a* color scheme marriage to Mr. Louis Shafton. Manyt pices of the Independent Ladies' club. SUNDAY— of red and white. The children reprenuptial affairs have been given in Hhe-lecture will be held Wednesday, Omaha Hebrew Clubj in^thej Feijgiary 1, at the laftror Lyceumiall, ceived favors, dolls to the girls CS honor of Miss Greenberg, and others are being planned. Among those who Jewish Community 'GentSs, J^ . '• •Twenty-second and^Clark streets, at paint boxes to the boys; have-entertained for her are Miss Ida MONDAY— 8:30 'p»^m. AdWission will be:free .-.Shafton,. Miss Hose and Miss Babe and the public is invited. San Francisco Film to , Social Service-'Oonrse,' --the '. . . Frocks posSegal, Miss Clara Feldman, Miss Be on Rialto Screen Jewish Community Center. sessing YOUTH Sarah $rookstein, Miss Margaret At a meeting of the Pongo's Sun. . styles to glori Hakes, Miss Ula Alberts, Miss Flor- TUESDAY— day afternoon at the home of Zina ify every femi."Old San Francisco," the Warner ence Lewis, Mrs. Paul Bernstein, Mrs. Norman HapgOod,. lecturer, in Polokov, a. report of the New Year Bros, extended run production which nine t y p e . . .the T^Uiam— Alberts and Mrs. Joseph the Jewish Community Center. party of the club was given. Twentypetite woman . . portrays the lurid days of Chinatown •'Marcus. five couples attended the party. the slender womand the Barbary coast, before and WEDNESDAY— Eose Handel, president, and Fanan . . .and the tT-MIss Minnie Wohlner, daughter of Independent Ladies1 dub, Labor nie Lerner, reporter, were elected to during the "Great Fire,!' is acclaimed woman who is no b. New York reviewers'as one of Hit i j t . .and' Mrs. H. Wohlner, has set Lyceum. represent the dub on the senior club finest melodramas of^he generation. longer slender. Mfirch'25-as the date of-lier-marriage council of the Jewish Community Cen- Beautiful Dolores Costello plays the Woodmen of l i e World, in the to ,'Mr-,;Maurice H.- Okun, son of Mr. ter. The following members were ap- part of a Spanish heiress who is kidJewish Community Center. and'Mrs. H. Okun. • pointed to the constitutional com- naped by a half-caste boss of San THUESDAY— mittee: Lottie Zavitt, Ida Weinsweig, Francisco's underworld. The raid-winter formal of the Pi Lillian Jonish. Sarah Stein, Mary Warner Oland, JEe celebrated char-' B'nai B'rith, in the Jewish ComSigma is to be held Friday, Coltoff, Fannie Lerner and Rose Man- acter actor is featured in support of; munity Center. "the" fraternity entertains at deL The committee will meet Friday Miss Costello. The photography is their annual Founders' day party at evening at the home of Miss Wein- startling in its revelation of what ttii University club. Ray McGrath man will leave January 28 for a ten swieg. and a division of Tracy-Browns will days' buying trip in New York. may be done with the sensitive lens! furnish the;music. Besides the stunts and the direction of Alan Crosland The Tanku-Cpda's met Friday eve- adds new honors to his already faarranged py the committee, the Harry N. Wessel, vice president of pledges have prepared a surprise pro- the West End synagogue of New ning at • the home of Minette Loais. mous name. gram. The chaperones of the affair York City, was given a^dinner by his' •Ida Wienswieg "and Lottie Zavitt gave The cast includes Josef Swickard, are Mr. and Mrs..Henry Monsky, and board of directors on January j reports of the senior dub council" of John Miljan, William Demarest, AnDr.- ?nd Mrs. Bernard Kully. Louis E. honoring him for his services to the the Jewish Community Center. Plans ders Randolph, Charles E. Mack, SoLipp^KLBennie C, Morgan are in synagogue. Mr. Wessel was formerly, for, a party to be given February 12 jin, Angelo Rossitto, Anna May charge of the arrangements. of Nebraska City and Is the son of 'at the home of Ann Welrier, were dis- Wong, Rose Dione, Lawson Butt, Otto the late Lewis Wessel, first Jewish cussed. Fannie Lerner and Lillian Mattieson, Walter McGrail, Martha Jonish will plan the party. Mafex and Tom^pntschi. David Goldstein-Chap- settler in Nebraskajr l 1 . "Old.^San Frajfcasco* comes to the The iadiesVGolden' Hill society will Rialto theater nej|t Saturday. meet-at 2:30;p. n*. January 31 at the home'-.of Mrs. H. Mr Ferer. All who are interested in the Golden Hill Wkei in Need of cemetery are asked .-'to be present. There will be election of officers.


Cotning Events




Mr. J. Selinsky who underwent a serious operation at Emanuel hospital recently has returned to his home.

New Fifth. Floor Annex—Offers Hundreds of The Talked About

, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Kriselman will leave Saturday for Chicago to attend the' wedding of their niece, Miss Frieda Novey, which will take place Sunday. Miss Novey was formerly of Omaha.

Call on



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, ^ j rAGE. %-^THE '^WISH PRfeSS, ^

* #

The J. C. C. t-irls won :their third won from the .Peerless Cleaners. in[614.. By.failing to appear for their this picture which portrays his owncomes to the Rialto theater x ebruary 18 on the Creighton floor last Satur4 for a run. day. Franks, Bourrough, Rosenblatt, league game from the lmmanuel Bap- and. over time period by. a score of scheduled' game; te^t Sunday,- the life, He is shown as the runaway son of Rashke, Bloom, Katzman and Given- .1st girls, 22 to. 12. MOW power to 20-18, In the last game.of the-eve-j Omaha^Tobacw Co^^forfeited three a cantor, who wins Broadway's ac"The party of the fivsi part," dicter saw service during the game. "them. the' Gross dumber walked all j games to the Wardrobes BY'BlARCUS'KftAllljIB claim and risks it all to comfort his tated the lawyer, "ag-re<f>s with the Rosenblatt led the scoring, while Come to the K. C. gym next Satur-' over the Selelman Service station who dying father by singing the song of party of the second part." Rashke and Bloom played a good day at 7 p. m. and watch a good game are leading the commercial league by Al Jolson Comes -.-- the Atonement in his place, "I'm gonna like this job," said the gjaarding game. This Saturday we between the J. C. C. sextette and the a tune of 17-6. of play the Creighton freshmen a return K. C. The latter team is considered j Al Jolson in "The Jazz Singer" new stenog. "It's all obout parties." I n ' T h e Jazz Singer' to game qn our floor and, according to one of the fastest-going teams in the 1 BUSINESS MEN'S BOWLING Al Jolson,* who has made the th,e boys vrho played last Saturday, league. Last Wednesday the J- C. C. LEAGUE V L E O > \ STALMASTfEB &~BEBEK "mammy song" .famous ail over the girls won from the Brandeis girls, 20 tney will be out to capture the Creighjj -Attorneys. . • ' W. L. Pet. ! world,, makes his screen debut in ,'," S00 Peters Trust Bldg. ton boys' scalp. to 11. Malashock Jewelry ........30 18 .625 "The Jazz'Singer," the Warner Bros. SJOTICJS OF CHATTEL MO'BTGAGE .. • —•: r — •-*• I Kaiman Insurance _...—30 21 .589 supreme triumph. Public and press The People's Store team of Council la hereby given tbat on the February 9 has been set for the exEmpire Cleaners _.1_......26 2-5 .509 agree that, not even on the stage has iCrti day of February 302S; L ut~10 a;1 m; at Bluffs and the Jewish Pres. team won 25 .479 the address of 150» C'aaitpl_Aye.JnJipiaha, in practice games between teams, in hibition of girls^ gymnastic. work. Giazer .Clothing Co. ..^..23 the inimitable blackface comedian Greenber^. ,....__._ .., N'Sjjrusba, the undersigned will, sell at pub, tfie 3. C. C. .volley ball league Monday Miss .470 27 n Miss Gi;eenberg»;women's physical di- Appleman-Rob'son Co. 24 been so absolutely compelling as in 1% uuctiuu to .the. .highest, bidder, tor 'cash 27 .470 24 -t«e tollowiirg described personal'. property; night. Four teams are registered for rector, has* been, working with the The Wardrobe toipsvit:' "*" • . ~ •: •••.-*•— •• •'-. " - ^ : • " '• the", loop competition,: but it is' ex-grade school girls and the sonior em- Yousem Service „_. 23 28 .455 •.- 5 1 oak.book case, 3 s e c , X oak dining * 31 .310 ' Stable, 2 velvet rug8 C l oak. I>l»iag-- ' pected that two more will be added!. ployed girls to make this an interest- ,0maha Tobacco Co. ......20 S room, table, .1 CheneS:-, pn'ouo-. ing and spectacular demonstration. The Kaiman Insurance won three .vS graph,r.l cedar-chest; t ulupla cWnV ..-'. Games will be played every Monday '<L•. onier, 1 drop-leaf tqble,.l"gxqy i*on> . : The Wee'Ones dancing class will also g a m e s from t h e Omaha. Tobacco Co. evening and a cup will be donated to S bed, 1 White sq«-fng: zriaciilbe, i pak r • Chiropractic for Health * library table, 1 oafes buffet, Vwiiplc •., the winner. It's not too late to sign take part. in a series devoid of good shooting. Suite 12-13, 2906 Leavenworth St. ^i dressing table, 1 bniBa..bea.-oom-^- ; However, t h e consistency of effort on up yet. •- ' .; f. plete.: a kitchen tables, 3 Wfchen Residence Starting February 2, a newly or- .the part of the Insurance team man- Phone—Office " p chairs, "l-'oak'-«rni.Tpck^»-lrij>irt«nrr""••"• 'J any-chiffonier. ^ ," -i'-*"i- ••:1 • ,- . ' JA. 1850 WE. 5680 !And that on the samo t i a y a t U ! . m., -: The Boy Seout. quintet, ; fighting ganized advanced Junior girls' game !_aged'"to win the victory. " ily' Kramer's garage, aist arid _Q.. streets, like demons, dethroned the rangy Psi class-will meet in the. gym on Tues- 1 — The Wardrobe dropped two games io;C>nj«lja, NebraaSa, Qie underoignediWill B<al at public auction to,the' highest b'daer Mu, jr., cagers,'loop leaders, in an ex- day and Thursday at 5 p. m." The u the Giazer Clothing Co., thus placf<& caBli, oue lS)2«-Gai<y trucki-enjrlne-NtfBc-1307; all covered by' chattel-mortgage' In citing J. C. C. Junior league game work.of this class will consist of com- r ing the Gla2ers iri the first division FOR RENT t$yor ol: F.- E.< TysMD.fdftlug..business a« liohday night at the Center gym. petitive games, such as End Ball, Cap in" the "standing. Nate Reiss of the Oinaha Loan Company, , sighed by John Lovely modern . furnished room. Smith and* Mary Smlt^, sometlines -fenown lievinson caged the winning basket Ball, Volley Ball, Baseball, Basket- ['Wardrobe team was high "with a 541 , Large enough for two. In home as.- Mary Vogel, said •mprtgageibeing do^ed ^ i* l i th T h mark. ' ' Jiina M, 1927 and havinjr .been filed nt the for the Scouts. In the second game ball, This* will give the Tech of private family, reasonable rent, : • office-ot the' County ,Clerk--of,.:..Douglas the R'nai. Ami .quintet won over the High a s well a s t h e Centra" girls -an The Malashock Jewelry and the Connty; Nebraska", on •" the* tithr-titTy '.of. walking distance from town, home 1 JtmB.-IOCT: sald-sale-^Hl rbetot the P«r<- Olympians,- 18 , t p 8. Bogodanoff, opportunity t o participate in this: Yousem Service series was" a thrilling • pose ot foreelpsifig.aald'niortgageand f o r Gbodbinder, Ferber and Epstein game period..ir V ^' .. [affair. The first game resulted in a privileges, call AT. 4887. the. purpose- ol_satt£fyiiiK-Uia-amauu£JCiOw dale thereon. to-wH, ?2»).00 wlfh^ interest starred for the winWrsir. and Sigal —-"""""" • Itiei which was won by th3 Malasl:--~-^ks 'and the' rricreaSea"ran'd."BCcrnIng'"co!it3}.:'"-'^" • Joe and Saul Levey came through in the playoff. The handicap' of 24' • -3P.- -E. X3f SOS; • dolngr -bni«hwaB.-^as registered; the 6 points for the losers. OSIAHA: LOAN-ICOJ, ,hy -LeqnV^atBlniaBtet In the final •game':on tibe card the with the final game in .good fashioa! pins was too" mach-iorthe Yoosem's, OSIAHA PILLOW CO. aij'a Beber,"his attorneyB. -: ? , ",.'. ] r Fashioned along the smartest lines—pumps, straps; lies <fi£ l'£C-28-^3i: - ••:••:/r-rr • :•— \.V.:\.:.~ ;.• B nai Abrahams nosed out the B'nai when they trimevl- the best"the K. C. J andftney went down" to defeat in the FEATHER COMFORTERS fords with Cuban or Louis heels. They are shown inx the had to offer. • The city* hand ball entite series.Israels, 9 to 7; w Made froni Your Own Feathers. KATLEMAK '& favored leathers of patent leather; tan calf or the espedaHy match was never in doubt after the The Empire Cleaners- defeated the ..Re-made> or,.niadi! to order. All hairtl, ' Attorneys. ~ fiUed. We K\H ana deliver.' MattresV LEON STAtM^STEK & BEBER • distinctive black suede. . ' ' 750 Omaha r first few" serves. Saulbrought out ses made over iti new ticks at half the ApplemanrRobinson Co. two games • Attorneys :." price of. new ones. O NOTICE OF INCORPORATION.OF, the best he had in him .when he placed thorough the. work, of Joe Rosenberg, ' Peters Trust Building 1 HU8KEB HU8KEB I S N r l K C , 1 ^ - . ! ARCADE SHOE DEPARTMENT ." ' JA. 2467 PROBATE;NOTICK those hiddenshots in the far corne'rs .JiOTlCB is herebjr givea.thflt Jti^u.ndfit crashed the,pins for a count of 1907 Coming St. In the matter of the estate .of "JENNIE of the court. sigued hare, pursuant,to the law's o f the Slate of Nebraskn~forTnea"~a~cxrrporatIon; S I M O N . D e c e a s e d . • -• - • '•••Notice is hereby given: That the credTfce name of s a i d cooirap to ii ao tui ol us li si iU UD The Mid-wester A. A; U. championHUSKEU INN, WO.,,-with'Us principal •Uor&iof said deceased will meet the adH U K E U IN .before me, ship will be held daring'the first few place of bnslness--la. the-City Of Omaha. Siini&trator.; of said estate, b Gij J d f D g l a s C o u n t y NebrasNebras Judge of Donglas.County. The objects for xrltich.-said-corporation is Go.nijty r • formed are; to establish and operate.caudy, lii»~iut.the.County Courts; Koom. In said weeks of Ap"ril^V' .Marc, 1 2 ; ccfnfectlonary and 6oft .driflk-;Dftrlor3 and Cbunty.ionMthe^st Cbu'nty.ionMth'e^st day: of .March, 102S; -Tn the,gjmiesi played in the Comor|,May. to) deal in eve'rytning ;necfesBary and Te-and.jon andjon the *21st *aay *a | M 1.1^28.. ^ 2 at'O 8 O qnisite' for' the ^operation' 6C soja^t) asln<?89. olcldek -A. JLT^eaeh"day. for/the?t)urpose.of mercial leagj^e'last" nigHt the Brodley either at wholesale pr retail, ipr 'both. 'This presSntlng their. claiins":for exanjination, allowance.. • ^Three .mcuUhs Con'iilostja/harUVfou^ht game to the corporation shall hawauttfority-to'butfy adjustment and; l l d v for. f r the' creditors c r d i t r s .to''-present to'present sell, encumber aitd- dlsi$s<i.;ef-;aU;rhccea- are allowed snry,, real or personal property to carry on their claims, from'the iSth day o f Febru- fast> A. Z^A", quintet, 21-16. In the tpe purpose~foT*\rtiich"said-corpoTat4on-' |B ary, 1028. •'- " - • - • , ' •.-."*. second" game! which* was a nip and organized. - Capital.. stock.i.8h.alL_bflL_lfLQ,BRICE CRAWFORD, 3Q0.00, consisting of- 100 shares, par value '< County Judge:; - tuck affair, the Bezman Hardwaret





Smart Footwear of Foreign Make

$n>.00 each, also shnJT Ve1~c6)to)}3tm -stiM*. t«d when issued, shall be paid, and nonassessable. -The corporation- shall-* commence 'business uponh the • filing of tby Articles of Incorporation wltb-'riie-^iinty Clerk and continue untilr January \st,- IV<T IMie highest amount of indeb^eclncss sti;ii) aot exceed two-thirds of-the capTCiI Btoc^ • Xhe affairs of the corporation shall b>. j<rM»ftlSrferTJd>-By.ai':boa|:a-.oX.:dJir,eotors, twoIn number, unless otherwise-provided ^fuf.The directors shall be.- elect.e.4 i>t_th^ »n.-» nnal meeting of the -stoekholdtir&- to ;ije held on the third Monday of January, .qf; each year. Immediately "after "'ibefr clf tion, the directors - shall meet.-au4 c President, Vlce-Ppesident -a'na f Secretary. The officers and board of/ directors shall conduct the affairs of the corporation. Ttye Articles may be amended, The- corporation shall hare A seal. Dated June 17th, 1927.;. . . ; ; . ; • ;



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Coming Feb. 4

AL JOLSON in JAZZ SINGER" ".;:;Mear H i m Talk a n d Sing ' . : - . . Also Cantor JOSEF ROSENBLATT

i i


1517 No. 24th St.->-WE. 0300

Reliable, Reasonable, Expert Auto Repair Service

Hurn*y 3412

204-0 South 24tb St.—AT, 1400


Thorough Cleaning and Dying by Skilled Workmen in Our Own Plant

1809 Fornam St.—AT. 7476


Estimates Gladly Furnished

ssix Comlnc s t .

. Tbmorrow and all of Next Week ;\ "^

-—OXXERAL CONTRAGTOK-^ .409 Hospe Bldg. . _ . J&. 1C14




100 Pieee Symphony Orchestra—3 Acts of **-• .*'-•. Vitaphone Vaudeville

AT. 3832—504 So. 13




Sign CoV

Ask for one of our 1028J 'Drenmlnnd calenders when! you send in your next


AT. 2815;

2815 F a m a m




Paris Cleaners and Dyers

VTe suggest yon send your laundry to

1722 Nff. 24th St.—WE. 0289

1700 Cumlng St.—JA. 2935

Try AdlerV Pumpernikel Bread For Good Health and Nourishment

High Class Work and Quick Service


Batbef Shops

Drug Stores

Lumber Go's.





215 SO. UHh-Itione AT. 8002

24th ana Burdette-T-WE. G3G2 20th a n a Nicholas—JA. 5000

Refitter of Ladies ana Mens Clothing

"Everything Under Cover"


16tb and'Davenport Street H. SJANOS, Propr. XOU'I'X. MtfeET YOtTR FEIEJIDS AIHARBt'S

100* NO. a4tb. St.—WE. 03S6 a ROBINSON. Mgr. Prescriptions carefully compounded. Free delivery anywhere in the city.



15th and Douglas—115 So. 15th

Careful Prescription Service Merchandise of Quality

Beauty Parlors



WalUn-Holmgren Eiec Co.

Brandeis {stores . . JA, 2507-AT. 86CC Dandee- Parlor WA. 8014 Specialists In PEBMANENX WAVING

tea So. 13th St.—JA. 5032

New, Used Motors, Repairs, Revrtndingj Wiring, Mail Orders

Marinello Beauty Shops

WOLK-THE TAILOR 1500 No. iMtb SL-VTE. i!lT9 Specializing in aeaning. Pressing and Kelining Men nnd Women's Apparel

Music ,Teachers_ BESSIE B. M1DDLETOK, Pres.

"Omaha's Foremost School of Music Middleton Conservatorj'

Of Music

Tent & Awning Go's. NEBRASKA TENT AND AWNING CO. 1803 Farnam—JA. 3829 See Our Sheep Lined Coats Today


302 MIcfceJ Bldg., 15th and Harney

AT.4145 Voice, Piano, Violin, Public • -Speech," Dramatics, Expression



Paxton Billiard Parldrs


Direct Wire Service on All Latest Sport Events

Master Tailor Service

School of Opera, Theatre and Public Speech

Heraberg's—1510 Douglas—AT. 3763 MarinelJo—W6 Brandeia Theatre Bldg. JA. S4C0 . . _. _„., Pontenelle JA. 2643


WE. 1029 Ail Type of Laundry

1023 Clark St.—WE. 0410

Personal Service Yon will . Appreciate

"The Best Place To Buy Your Flowers


Get Out Prices and Save^Money




':.- '\fj


Auto:Toi& & Accessories r 20Jji.s?"iftt!nam—AT.



1«1 ^»o. 24th St.—WE. 6951 Installation and Repairing of Tin Work, Furnaces. Skylights. Ventilating, Gutters and Spouting. Agents for Nesblt Fantace

402 B^andei^Thea; Bldg.—AT. 1450

Securities Bldg. , tiJJAT. 4451

Furnaces North Omaha Furnace Co.



Program Last time Tonight—Don't Miss It



Now Showing Complete


Tire DAVIS LAKE STUDIO 250fJ No. 24th—WE. US11

•2508 North 24th St.—Phone WE. 2057

Children and Family Groups Our Specialty

A. D, Ferguson The Florist


60th and Ames Ave.—KB. ;«««>

1C12 Douslas—JA. 3366

"Rowers For AH Ocassions"

Photographs of Distinction


Road Bfrviev-

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