February 2, 1928

Page 1

Interesting and Entertaining

All the News Of Interest to Jexvs

Entered OB second-class mail matter on Jnnifnry 27. 1921. at posloffice nt Onlnha. Nebraska, under the Act of Murcb 3. 1S72L




To Our New Readers:

VII.—No. 5


Henry Monsky is one of the three This week the Jewish Press will go into many new Omaha men who are on the. program homes. We want these new homes to know the particular for the conference of community-repleasure of having a local Jewish newspaper to grace the sponsibility for human welfare; to be reading table on Friday night. held February _ 20 at the Mayflower Basketball and Debating Teams Teachers, preachers, and writers are crying out that Publicist Favors Election of hotel, Washington.. Jewishness is passing out of the home. There is no more Leave for Sioux City. Mr. Monsky. is vice president of the Governor Al Smith. potent influence for the preservation of a well-informed Omaha Community Chest. The other Judaism than a Jewish periodical. Thirteen Candidates Get Set for Final Contest to speakers -will Tie Walter W. Head and I TEN IN CONTESTS. : TRACES PARTY HISTORY. Jewish publicists are saying that the Jew knows more C..A1 Cushman. . • ' '. Win Thorpeian's Prizes. of other peoples than of his own. They suggest that he does Omaha A. Z. A-, ted strong, will not recognize his own great until they have been recognized Norman Hapgrood, benevolent-lookdepart Thursday at 5 p. m. to Sioux by the outside world. An authoritative organ of Jewish ing crusader in liberal politics, editor, City, where they wiEl compete • in a FOUR GIRLS TO GET JEWELRY news and opinion, carefully read, will remedy this sad situstatesman, dramatic critic, author, district basketball-and debate tournaation. lecturer, and the most brilliant of ment. This is the fourth annual, conconversationalists, interpreted current They're off! In the four months in which The Jewish Press has test between tEe" various chapters. politics in the light of the. comingThirteen candidates face the starting gun in the popularity sailed under its present flag, it has announced and estabThe cagers, who- will ^represent the presidential campaign in an address contest being sponsored by the Thorpeian Athletic cluby in conneclished six new features: fraternity men, are: Captain Max Altat the Jewish Community Center tiort m t h the big Jubilee Ball, to be staged at the City Auditorium schuler, Dave Frank, :Rill Gerelick, 1. Editorials by local men and women, treating Tuesday evening. on Sunday' night, March 11. ; ^ ^ ' " Bud Levin, Louis Biklin, Sam Irsn, problems of keen local irrterest. Hapgood, clearly an adherent of The candidates, called together by President Irvin Levin of Voices Zionists? Protests Against and Dave Bishoff. Besides this num2. The broadcasting of Jewish religious services Governor Al Smith, the author of a the Thorpeian club, received their instructions at aEspecial meetber, Coach Phil Gerelick and Stanley jecent biography of him, traced the S.« **Coming Events," a calendar of local events ing conducted' Wednesday evening at the Jewish Gpmmunity ~ ^ Paiesffee Taxation. ; * Levin will accompany the team. history of political parties to their " t h a t you can use throughout the following Center. • ' •.' ^ . ' ' - ' ' • ' . ' [ . ';" J ^ v " "Thp debaters who will, uphold the present status, defined the issues COL. AMERY ANSWER^;. ..::,~, week. •, • ; All of the candidates at this meeting received the tickets to national championship,;which Omaha. which he believes will be dominant in the big Jubilee Ball, which they will sell at 25 cents each to obtain won last year, are Louis Lipp and 4. *Tress Points," a column of brief, informal the coming election and stated Smith's Ottawa, Canada—(J.T. AO—The S a m F r e g g e r / votesin the big contest. -•. news noies. position on each of them. grievances of American, riZionists • Zionists * The teams that will probably • The thirteen candidates, -who. -were' -5. "Kitchen Chats," a department of recipes for Smith, according to Hapgood, is the against the Palestine administration pete?in the tournament arp: Sioux present at Wednesday's, meeting, •:••t h e housewife. one great man-the democratic party 1 for its' insufficient co-operation with City, Des Moines,. Denver, Council either in person or "by representahas developed in recent years, and it the Jewish settlera ro Palestine, were Bluffs, Rock Island, Lincoln, Fort $; 1-A weekly poem by a Jewish author, expressing tives,--vrere: • .'.-':.'..: . . remains to be seen whether the demoexpressed and assurance^, oil Behalf the thought of a poetically-minded race. Dodge and: Omaha. . . i : Sarah Yaffe, 2624 Decatnr street; crats •will deny him the nomination on of the British government that whatThis week, The Jewish Press announces its seventh Last year Des Moineg;won the disBess Gojdware, 2306 North Twentyaccount of bis religion. He lias shaken ever may be-,considered an economic trict basketball tournament" and then new feature. first, street; Lillian Steinberg, 1428 the dust of TjlTnmar.y off his feet, or. obstacle will be removed/when the 7. ; Musical criticisms by local Jewish men and West Broadway, Council Bluffs; Molthey in Hapgood's words, ha? gro-vm out new taxation policy IE fixed were the laurels, Omaha.- broughtr home the; women who are musically trained. This delie Grossman, 3101 Lincoln boulevard; of Tammany. His success in New .made here .yesterday when a delegar bacon in,debating and'the oratorical Sophie Ban, 115 South Forty-second partment should have a wide appeal for our York has been due to the fact that Social Point of View Must Be tion of- American and Canadian Zion-r contest was won by Si«tux City. It is street; Gertrnds Goldberg, 1537 South music-loving; readers. he has been supported by a strong' ists called on Col. Leopold IL'Amery * a coincidence that "with; eight, districts Tajaght Throughout State. nonpartisan grovip and has surroundTwenty-fifth, street; Sylvia Friedel, Besides these features, The Jewish Press has, in comBritish colonial, secretary, who is on in the country, ;this section brought ed himself with experts on all techni3078 Mason street; Edith Gross, 545 pact form, all the important local and world news. It is uphere; all honors back home. ; ; : . cal matters, allowing the democratic RECREATION PROGRAM. a Tvisit South Twenty-fifth avenue; Esther to-date and authoritative. It is clean.and constructive. h e delegation consisted, of Louis At a special meetingJh^Jd last Sunmachine to take care of only routine Raduziner, 3227 Lafayette avenue; May we ad your name to our regular mailing list? . . iipsky, president of the Zionist or- day, Max Kroloff, grand Alejjh Godol affairs &nd bestovang offices on the Rose Fiedler, i>12 North Thirty-third Who are the unworthy poor? ganization of America; Archibald J. spoke before basis of merit rather than because of the National A. street; Lylyan Chudacoff, 2820 CamThis question was asked by Miss Treiman, president of the Zionist Fed- of political patronage, ing street; Sophie TJLnstein, 2216 Eur- Anna : M. Cameron, executive, secre- eration of Canada; Abraham Levin, the Omaha chapter* ami -wished them dette street;- Mary Claire Shames, tary of the Nebraska Conference of honorary vice%president of Zionist a pre-w"elcome tb.-Qffl-t^ttrnamenti He. Kapg-ood believes that Smith would also stated that he; hopped* as Omaha 1529 Grant streets Social Work, in her talk at the sotaal Federation of. Canada; Lyon Cohen, is the motbj^ chapter,; that, they carry this system into national poli"The-candidates;were aU started on. service course at,the Jewish Com- honorary vice-president.. of Zionist •would co-tjperate with ..Sioux City-in tics and would make "a Euperb presian even; basis Wednesday : evening, dent." Federation of Canada;"Robert A. Dar- raaking the toumamenta, grand sucmunity CenterMonday 7 evening. and it is now. up to. the:, contestants Non-Partison Support Miss Cameron- declared that the old- win, ancLEabbi J^L.Zlatidk, execu- cess." •..' • •:,. • fashiohecl attituife^fr'rijosi 5 tive director* ofthe" Zionist Tede^ation • '"If "he is elected," jw.-.*»i4r.i<i ' • TSfew York—-(iz T. ' • A-T-—Tfefe.£5im of crowned ^queeh of tBe Jewish Com- ties toward^ tnepooiyHawaiians have a way of .making " be because he is supported by a nonmunity j.jb the big celebration to be into Wo classes,- the- ^worthy and the- of Canada. their visitors feel very sad-about leav- $100,000 -was contributed to the partisan group in the nation, as he ". In his statement to the delegation, Palestine Appeal by Nathan staged hy.theTborpeians at the Au- unworthyyis holdings back social prog^ ing, according to Mr., V/illiam Holz- United the colonial secretary declared that Straus on the occasion of his eightieth has been in the state. He will have to ditorium March 11," said Levin. T e s s . '. ' ' , ' • ' • , - " ' • . . :• • • ••-. . - . ' ' some of the. old-fashioned methods of mah, who, with Mrs. Holzrnan and birthday. The gift to the United lose many votes because he is a Cath"Every ticket tc the Jubilee Ball "The poor- are" 'social and 'unsoMrs. Morris Levy* has just returned Palestine Appeal was earmarked by olic, that cannot be denied." pives the purchaser a share in the cial,' " she said,."but.you'caini6t draw taxation inherited from the Turkish from a Hawaiian trip. The farewell, Mr. Straus for.the Hadassah Medical Heller, a resident of Omaha Hapgood won the greatest applause -award of a brand new Chrysler^car, a line between" the w6rthy and the times needed. recasting and that the liketh.e welcome, includes the presen* organization and is to be administered of the evening when he Baid that he method of taxation on a fixed assessJOT over'50 years, died at the home 1828 model, furnished by Andrew unworthy. ' For, every "condition there tationiof lei, garlands of flowers wivich Mwphy and Son, Chrysler distrib- must be a cause/ and. i' isf the duty ment instead of the annual broduce pf his daughter, Mrs. James S.G6etz, are later dropped into the sea as a by Miss Henrietta Szold, the Ameri- thought the tradition of a protestenr was. beingsintroduced into Palestine ^Tuesday, "after a short illness which can member of the Palestine execu- president should be broken, that he utors.". of the social worker to discover it." token of the traveler's desire to re- tive. and would eventually displace the fordeveloped from a cold. intended to vote for this Catholic, and The prizes, to be awarded the four "The laitfy' isf likely to be very • Funeral services- were held Wednes- turn. This gift of Mr. Straus' makes the th&t if ever there were a Jewf of the girls finishing in the first four places, dovmright in-its-judgments," she said. mer. Mr.. Holzman was enthusiastic in amount he has contributed to Pales- calibre of Justice Brandeis in line for day afternoon.; Mr. Heller iz survived were placed on display • this week at "The bad boy -is- all 4>ad-to. them. The Tax Reform Needed, t his praises of Hawaiian scenery, the the Jewish Community Center. The delinquent girl" is beyond help." Mr. Iipsky spoke of the handicaps by two daughters, Mrs. James S. enchanting Hawaiian melodies, and tine during his lifetime more than \ president, he would vote for him. $1,500,000, which includes a" recent! That, he said, would mark a distinct prizes are as follows: First, $200 dia- Miss Cameron "told-of-conditions in placed on the Zionist endeavor by Goetz of Omaha, and Mrs. David Demond ring; second, ?100 diamond bar the rural districts of-the state, espe- what seemed to be the indifference gen of Chicago, and two sons, Mark the Hula dance, which he says is gift of $250,000 for a health center in advance in a liberal point of view for pin; third, §50 wrist watch; fourth, cially in the- sand- hill-".regions where of the Palestine government to eco^ H. Heller of Denver and Edwin B. beautiful and elevating as danced in Jerusalem and §75,000 for a health the country, ' Hawaii, entirely lacking the vulgar- center in Tel Aviv. S50 strand of Richeliau Pearls. The special diseases-are. prevalent. nomic and taxation reforms essential Heller of Lincoln. Hapgood expressed pride in the ity of the American version. Mr. Heller was 83 years old, and value of all prizes has been guaranfor the development of the Jewish United States' lead in mass producMr. Holzman's party visited HonoRural- Prablenis..'r •- : teed by ths Malashock Jewelry, comNational home. He spoke of the hard- had been active until Monday when tion in the world, thereby raising the pany of Omaha. "You would think* that, there would ships imposed upon Jewish colonies the increasing severity of his cold lulu and the town of Hilo, on the •I* w« v« standard of living. As the most imisland of Hawaii, where the only acCandidates, in the instructions from be no social^probleriis-in the great' by the heavy~ taxes on- producp, re- forced him to take to his bed. poftant issues of the present, he tive volcano is "located. The volcano He was born in Austria and at the President Levin, were informed that open spaces. . But; it is" my experience gardless of the profits involved; of named international peace, the moditheywere not to restrict their efforts that the greater, the" space's,' th6 great- the assessment based upon the prices age of 22 came to the United States. had been in action the night before The women's department of the fication of- our Latin A.nerican policy. bo members of the Jewish community. er the problems. Many country chil- paid ,hy Jews to Arabs while the; Arab He had been retired from active busi- they arrived, and they were able to physical education department of the farm relief, the control of water see glowing, molten lava y as they "The Trig Jubilee Ball is to be dren do not'get fresh 'vegetables and land "was not affected by the tax upon ness for about twelve years. looked down into the crater at night. Jewish Community Center will dem- power which will;rise out of flood premilk. Housing in small" communities; open to the world, that is, to every the • registration of titles and of the During the day, steam arose from the onstrate in a class exhibition Febru- \-ention measures along the Missis' • • lack of assistance t a industrial" develperson purchasing a ticket; for 25 is an-acute problem." ; , sippi river, and- the cjuestion of the crevices, often giving forth sulphu- ary 9 at 8 p. m. Professor -T/Earl S^Henger of • the opment. He unfolded the grievances3 cents," said Levin. "The right to Volstead act. • A special feature of tlu program c rous fumes.Mr. Helijnan took some share in the. award of a new Chrys- University • of _Omaha; spoke on a city held by American Zionists- toward the will be an Indian club swinging by During • a small dinner which pre.photographs of the volcano. ler car, we believe, will be sufficient recreation program,' -stressing- the Palestine government on/ account- of Ethel Greenberg and Minnette Sherceded the lecture, Mr. Hapgood disMr; Holzman found two Hawaiian inducement for' thousands of per- need Hfor trained playground leadersi its tack.-, of co-operation in industrial man. coursed on politics and literature alsons to-purchase tickets Especially "We have "beeri emphasizing; voca- aid commercial development. \': The Max Katleman of Lincoln^ Nebr,, customs very" curiouSf the eating of ternately. He has in preparation a The first number will be "March"poi" which, he says, looks and tastes in view of the fact that the person tional education at vthe) expense of president of the Zionist Organization died early Monday morning, book on Shakespeare, in which he ing Tactics," Tby twelve girls of the like billboard paste, and the traffic u e D e n v e r winning the car need not be present teadu^gv them hpwj to spend their of America said that the great 6 y & - F ' f ' Colorado/from pneusenior class that meets at 6 o'clock on purposes to."get.ofl; his chest" thft -cop's'habit of sitting at a street inthat evening." leisure time,"-h.e said.;-; J >. . ' r The -••-••-• H e w a s 40 y e a r s old. pathy and the confidence of American | moma. r . tersection in a swivel chair; directing Tuesdays and Thursdays. This num- reasons why Shakespeare has beets The social service course will end bod w a s : s e n t to Zionists: in the British policy in pales? traffic from undejneath; a great sun ber will be especially significant, as the greatest single influence in his Chicago— (J. T. A.)—A check for next Monday •-with the-coming" of tine was being undermined and asked Funeral services were held Tuesday umbrella surmounted by the stop-and- the girls •will form a living J. C. C, life. Next..to. JShakespeare with him Rowland Haynes, secretary ofthe afternoon in Lincoln. Mr. Katleman $10,000 was presented by Julius RosMr. Amery •whether the government and an opening and closing rose come* the Bible, and out of his adgo sign. , , . . . enwald ' to Commander' Richard E. University of Chicago, who will lia'd in mind the elimination of causes was a resident of Lincoln, for about among other feats. miration for the Bible has come his He visited Alexander E. Linczar, fifteen years and was well known* He Byrd to aid in financing Commander speak on "Community" Organization 6f these grievances. interest in Zionism and Jewish aii'airs "Captain Jinks," a ball ?tunt, will the field representative of the Jewish of Social Work." A discussion of Mr. is survived by his widow, two brothByrd's proposed antartic expedition. be staged by the Junior girls. The generally. He regards the Jewish Difficult Beginnings. Haynes' paper will be led by John ers, Julius Katleman of. Council Welfare board in Hawaii, sna learned •girls participating are Sally Greencontribution to civilization second only Mr. Amery in reply said that- the Bluffs, Iowa, and S. Katleman. of that there are over two hundred JewThe business man who can't rule Hall, director of the Omaha Welfare berg, Eunice Rosenstein, Marion to'that of the Greeks "which "is really ish soldiers stationed on the island. Federation and the Community Chest. British government fully appreciated his wife can at least, dictate to his Omaha; and his aged father, L KatleThe spiritual needs of the few Jews Wienberg, Sara Schults, Jeannette tremendous, considering that the anthe great part played by the Zionists man of Omaha, Nebr. stenographer. in Hawaii,; as weir as those of the Modkowitz, Peal Lazerous, Evelyn cient Jews were a little band of shepin the United States and elsewhere in soldiers, are looked after by Mr. Shafton, Margaret Bearr, Isabelle herds." helping to bring about the success of Mrs. I. Katleman Rosenblatt, Minda Friedman, Susan Senator Robinson Asked about his political and reLinczer. ' ' .••"-. the great experiment which'the BritCorman, Dorothy White, Gertrude ligious affiliations, Hapgood said that Dies. Suddenly ish government had undertaken when Cannot Come Now Stein, and Marion Wiesman. j he is "a Unitarian and a political iuit gave the Balfour 'Declaration and Mrs. I. Katleman died suddenly at assumed responsibility for. the man- Nathan. E. Jacobs* secretary, of the An advanced gymnastic group willj dependent." her home Wednesday evening. Mrs. date in Palestine, and it welcomed and Temple Brotherhood, has received a be demonstrated by the Senior class. 1 Friday Night, February 3, 1928 Katleman was 60 years old at the valued the co-operation it had re- letter from Senator Joe T. Robinson, The Junior class will do a "Tumbling j WKNY—New York, N...Y. <32G time of her death. She is survived ceived from them. Of the ultimate j Whom the Brotherhood had iindted to Clown" act for the fourth number on M.) 5:30-6:15 p. m., eastern time. by her husband, Mr. L Katleman, success of that experiment he had no! come to'Omaha to make an address, Miss Hbrfcense Breckler of New the program. Temple Emanu-El. Friday evening five danghters, Mrs.-H. 'Weiner, Mrs. doubt, indeed it was already more! that present duties make it impos- York, national field s««retary of the The Wee One's dancing class will S. Weinszeg', Mrs. H. Stein, Mrs. J. than an experiment, but between tbejsible for him to accept the engage- Council of Jewish Women, will ad- give "Hobby Horse," and "Oh Where, service. dress - the Omaha Council at their WMBS—HarrisburgS, Pa. (231 Weiner, of Omaha, and Mrs. A. inception and the fruition of a great ment during the present session of monthly meeting following a lunch- Oh Where Has My Little Dog Gone ?" Cantor I. Kahanowitch will present Mi) 7:45 p. m., eastern time. Dr. Hirshman of Philadelphia, and one undertaking there were always the Congress. _• a specially arranged program and an eon at the Blackstone hotel ThOTsday, Philip D. Bookstaber. Subject of son. Meyer fiietzes.of Russia. There difficult initial stages, he said. evening service in Council Bluffs SunTalmud Torah To The Brotherhood will try to bring February 9. are 20 grandchildren. address: "Looking: Upward." day evening. The concert will be givMiss Breckler is well known in the Sam Beber, who is accompanying him to Omaha at a later date. Give Jewish Program en at B'nsi- Israel synagogue, €18 Services were to be held at 2 p. m. work of the Council of Jewish WoSunday Morning, February 5, 1928 Thursday at 1108 ftorth 23rd street, the local 'A. Z. A. teams to Sioux Maurice Civin has left for Okla- men and of the Hadassah. Daring: The children of the Talmud Torah j Mynster street, City, where they will enter the. dis\ The cantor will 5te assisted by a WWJ—Detroit, Mich. (352.7 M) and burial in Golden Hfll cemetery. . . .,, ,. , homa, where he •will be government the war sh> worked in Poland and •will give a playlet for Jewish Arbor tnct tournament, will occupy, the pul- . ' ... . • .* • , •. 10:45-a. m., eastern time. Dr.-Leo ., ... , ,, . • i income tax'auditor for ths states of Russia and has been associated with Day, at 2:30 p. m., Sunday, at the double choir and a large orchestra. B'nai Israel synagogue, Eighteenth; This will be hia first concert in CounM. Franklin. Subject of address: David Brown in relief work. «»*and « Arkansas. The Brotherhood of Temple Israel pit of the modem orthodox synagogue Oklahoma in Sioux City Friday evening. "What Next?" Business of the local Council will and Chicago streets. They playiet' cil Bluffs, but his work in Omaha ie Will have a de luxe bridge Wednesday, WNAC—Boston, Mass. (461 M.) February 8, at Sq'15 p. m. A-Jamp ' Fred Cherniss, Omaha attorney, has The real, danger to an «iitor, on also he transacted a t this meeting, Trill be T h e Jewish Trees." There well known to Council Bluffs ifews. 10:45 ».,mM eastern time. Rabbi has been given }>y'. the Nebraska filed, for municipal judge.. Walter' L. account of his blood jiressure, comes which is open to members snd friends. will he -Jewish and English recita- Tickets are being sold by isffie^fS 6f the B'nai Israel congregation attd at Harry Levi. Power company to be used as -a Cropper and Thomas P." Gentleman when be is thanked for some^iing, in- Reservations should fee made with tions. Dr. Philip Sh«r is chairman of Diamond's meat mari-* r the program. The public is invited. Mrs. H a r r y W o l | . ;.," _. . '.y. stead of blamed; for have also, filed.















THE JEWISH PRESS Publjshed every Thursday at Oxnaha, Nebraska, by



I Occidental Building and Loan associaLOAN ASSOCIATION I tion ox any other association in the state. Rjifces* and -regulations anr ANNOUNCES PRIZE further information ' regarding the

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- THE JEWISH PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY ' \ Office: Brahdeis Theater Building—Telephone: ATlantic 1450 -

contest can be had by calling or writing to-the home office of the Occidental Building and Loan association, Omaha,-Neb., or to any Occidental agent in the'state.


THE MAN FROM "ALL OVER" For countless centuries the Jewish householder has opened his home to the wandering scholar and given him a place at his • ••..


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Jewish hospitality still demands sharing with the poor,, and Jewish respect for learning still leads the true Jew to offer a slice from his loaf to the poor wise man. But the wandering scholar is.no more,rand in his place c6mes% the Schnorrer. He is poor but nojt wise. He needs bread but cannot give wisdom. He remembers just one teaching; of Judaism— the charity on which lie'-relies for his next meal. " Statistics reveal that the last year has brought 352 transients to the Jewish Welfare Federation of Omaha, almost one for eyery day in the year.' The problem is a national one. Its-solution is made more, not less, difficult by the "benevolent attitude of the msb to whom/ffie schnorrer customarily appeals. ; It has become evident that simply to give a'transient a meal and a night's lodging does not really help.hirq.vihe social worker prescribes investigation and a return to his native town. But ia most cases, the traflsiept has ho "home town," being one of those who hail from "all over." .'•._,'...>.. , '; ' Learned, he is not- -, Lazy, he may or may not be. But illadjusted, to normal life," he certainly is. Society is beginning to feel its responsibility for his ill-adjustment. It must, try somehow to right the wrpng. Bed and breakfast are not enough. ::.^: . —Jeanette Gerson^.' : much misunderstood^ Here is a body of folk music, created b y a'people, cut away-from thew native moorings, ^scattered i wittout regard to family tiez, haying ..: : _ "Spajding. learn a new language, hew customs, ^. reappearance of Albert Spald- held under a harsh system of slavery. ing,; ;Anierican vjolinist, in : concert At the psychic moment there was at Monday i evening at the • jinights :©f hand religion to compensate them, Colainbus auditorium, under the aus- and, as a result, came a body of songs pices, of-the Tuesday Musical club, clothed'in dignity, voicing, patience, was a: treat for the music lovers of love arid faith through -"tt modified Omaha. r. ; . ; form of primitive folk music. ; Mr., Sp.alding presents a distinct Mr. Johnson, who ' arranged' the type of artist Splendidly poised, se- songs, played the accompaniments rious of brow and stately, he stands with an understanding that helped to and plays like one entranced, yet he bring out the. singing of-Mr. Gordon. is not given to outward emotional Especially effective were the versatile display. .Possessed of remarkable vi- vocal ^accompaniments by Mr. Johnrility and" always. seeming with, ease son. Of, the_gfoupsfsung, the firstitwo to call forth any require^ amount "of were the most impressive and truly energy in the difficult passages^ He is representative, and were delivered able to tame this force to the utmost witb_deep feeling -by i

Family Washing

education, the prizes will be: First, $200 cash; second, $100 cash; third, $50 cash. , The contest is open.to every 1928 high school graduate in the state and every high school graduate- in the country who is either a stockholder of the Occidental Building and Loan association or a son or daughter of a stockholder. - . . • "The purpose of the contest is educational," said Mr. Griggs. "We wish to instruct and inform the young people of Nebraska about building and loan associations and their relation to good citizenship. We want to instill CANTOR KAHANOWITCH AI Jolson. a desire in the younger folks for highWill give a concert at '. Al Jolson, star of "The Jazz Sing- veillance. The lad became ill and waser education." B'NAI ISRAEL SYNAGOGUE er," the Warner Bros, production, taken home. His recovery was One of the rules of the contest, COUNCIL BLUFFS opening; Saturday a t the Rialto the- astonishingly' ^prompt, and - he was which: closes June 15, s is that no SUNDAY, FEB. 5—8:00 P. M. Shar? ! ater, was born in Washington, D. next seen in A1 Reeve's burlesqu manuscript contain the name of the Admission: Adults 50c—Children 25: the son of a Jewish, cantor. The •shd"#.;; Vaudeville experience followfather, quite naturally, objected to the ed/- wittf bis brother and a xriend, tin boy's • theatrical leanings, but he der the name of Jolson, Palmer am managed to get into the cast o£ Is- Jolson. His idea of appearing in rael ""Zangwill's; "Chfldren" of 'the "black face""_was suggested to him Ghetto," and later toJ be engaged as by- his --old-negro dresser. Jolson ballyhoo man with a traveling circus. burnt cork was an overnight hit. Some time after the j Spanish war, joined Dockstader's Minstrels am while singing in. a Washington cafe, two years <• later; was heard by J. his father had him placed; under sur- Shubert and at once engaged for th opening" of the; Winter. Garden. Amon; Jolson's earlier shows were "Bow In psalms he praisedithe jLofd., Sing," "La Belle Paree," and "The Whirl of {society." In "Dancin At midnight, when the doubts assail, Around" he was featured alone. StarAnd anxious, fears surround,. O Soul of Mine, amid all gloom, dom «ame ini."Roi>inson Crusoe, Jr.' Give forth a Joyous sound* And he was again starred in "Sinbad The growth, of Neteadca's and itt "Bonibo" and "Big Boy" he is O bid me seize the harp,of faith ...i -;*V andXoaa Assodatiens recognized AS America's most brillkmt And sing a holy strain, .. <; . , . More Until each day"TnjrBfearid thought" entertainer. .... -.*• Resound rnvijlad Tefraiiut;;-,•""_. than 200,000 hare accounts is



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movements^ ;~ " .—•-.. son. In the number "Onaw;ay., Awake, X.HT. : ST»Ming's' program gave him Beloy4d," by, ; ample opportunity to display his "mas- Gordon stepped out of his sphere and, Mrs. M. F. Xeverisbn, president of WOMEN'S BEEL LIFTS— tery of his instrument and brought as a result, the number was not as Omaha chapter of Hadassah, spoke on Leather : out the characteristics which have •j^,t Composition- . msde him America's greatest violinMENS HEEpS . . , ^ | ist. The audience v was won over at PsklPPS SHOE CO.•'&; once by-the Adagio of CorelB. AlleMrs. J&venson said that' Oniaha iti& religious ecstasy expressed gro, by Martini, was marked by lightdition of these numbers; Perhaps1 we fdur-itipams working'fa? the calnpalgn. ness of tone and 'ease of bowing. In were a bit prejudiced,, having been inthe Beethoven Sonata i n Fy Mr. Anterested in Negro spirituals at a-time dre Benoist, accompanist, shared with when to sing1 them on the concert 7 Mr. Spalding in bringing ' to Jif•e -the stage was risking the reputation of eestasies-'of emotion, wliicn.could only the singer. —Samuel Gerson. be conceived by the fiery Beethoven. • "Romanza Andsjluza," -a technical difScult number wfth slilting rhythm iand ringing double stops, was presented in brilliant .istyle, vigorous and ! • • • • • " with perfection, of. tonality; ; . -Abraham S. Issms has written ^ —fHarry.; Robinson.: these lines based on a legend of David. He calls them: .* Negro Spirituals. .. .. , ; NEW clothes styles for 1928—the THE HARP OF FAITH As one listened to the: program of styles you've been waiting for—the new midnight, so the rabbis tell, ftegro Spirituals, p.ven at Technical "AtWhen models that keep you abreast of the times— David slept profound, Sigh school Friday evening' -by-J. -A harg.suspendedion his couch the new. fabrics that give zest to existence— Eosamona Johnson-and Taylor GorGave forth a trembling sound. the new colors that the world's best dressed don, one quickly realized that-here the royalhard inspired, were two inspired" artists, expressing Up sprang men are enthusiastic about. 1 .; .tHis fingers touched the chord, the suffering and aspiration^ of a raph Ani.*ritti. "strange gladness in his soul,

Jewish Verse

* 1508 No.-3,4th St.


CHANGE OF ADDRESS—Please give both the old and new address; be -.:.•<• :--;;.•; .-.-'-••'• sure to give your name.



The second annual Scholarship We hnndle a full line of imported flgh— Sprntts. Sprntten — Bismark Herring. Prize Contest conducted by the OcciEnglish Kippers. dental Building and-Loan, association was announced today by Kirk Griggs, president. PATRONIZE The contest this year will consist of Mrs. Max Lerner has been elected, writing a manuscript on the following treasurer & fill the office made va- j subject: "The Relation of Nebraska's cariTby tEe resignation of Mrs. A.| TEA ROOM 49 and Dodge Building and Loan Associations to Silverman, who is leaving' feoon for Good. Citizenship." ) CANDYLAND California. The Occidental Building and Loan, 16th and Farnam In honor of Mrs. Silverman, the ofassociation will give three prizes for ficers and board members gave a surthe three best manuscripts, the prizes prise tea at her home Wednesday aftLET THE being as follows: First, $50 per ernoon and presented her with a gift. month for ten months to be sent to the winner at the college or university of higher education which he or she DO YOUR attends, beginning this fall; second, $25 per month for ten months; third, $12.50 per month for ten months. If any of the prize-winning manuscripts HAmey*545 MArket 3700 should be written by a student who is MAX KAPLAN unable to attend a college of higher


Subscription Brice, one year Advertising rates furnished oh application


JJSHRSTATI PRINTING CO. 1307cPEqsFard Street* Omaha



PAQE-3—THE JEWISH-PRESS, THURSDAY,'FEBRUARY 2, 1928 both of/Detroit."'Both families'are] have its seventh annual jubilee in the now visifing Mr.' Greenberg. Jewish Community Center Saturday evening, February 4. There will be a Dr. 'M. 1. Gordta was ia Chicago program and refreshments.""' last week attending the annual meeting and clinics of the Chicago Dental - A meeting of the Junior Hadassah The Agndes AcMm Society will enSociety. Dr. Gordon h&B gone to Ex- will be held at "fhe Jewish Community tertain at a Bridge Party^ followed by celsior Springs for a rest and will Center,Thursday evening. Plans for Dancing a t the Eagies'H^U on Sun-' return February 6. — a costume party, to be held in the day. evening, February A2th, in celenear future, will be discussed. Plans bration of its fourteenth anniversary. Mrs. David.M. Newman will spend for the convention will be made. New A grand door prize will alst be given the week-end in Des Moines. committees are taking on their duties away. There will be no" admissio^ Mrs.' A. H. Diamond returned Mon- after this meeting. charge, and everyone is urged to day from a two weeks' buying trip make their plans now to Attend this The Henrietta Szold Girls, a young in the east affair which promisesto-be a big soJudean club for girls of the ages of. , &Mr^«nd Mrs. Meyer Horn announce the engagement of their cial event. - • rfarigfttpr, Miss Bess Horn,, to Mr. Sylvan Hersh, son of Mr. and Mr» Sam Goldblatt left dfor New 15" t o "17, will hold an open'meeting ifes«-D»vi4-Hersh of San Francisco.. • A York Saturday on "a buylnfe trip. He February 5 at 3 o'clock at the Jewish Abe L. Katleman .and Sal Michnick • .iMisB Horn is a graduate of Omaha Central High school and was accompanied by his young son, Coznmunitv Center. will represent the .GbuScil Bluffs ; The club's membership campaign Chapter No. 7 of the A. Z. A. in the *tended Omaha university. No definite date has been set for Peters •'- \ . ' r : / : \ : • will close February 5, so any girl of District Debating Tournament which -wedding. Mrs. M. Klein and her mother, Mrs. the required age who is interested, will be-held in Sioux €ity, Iowa on Schall, have goneto California, where come to the meeting Sunday, Febru-1 February 3, 4, and 5th. They will = Mr. and Mrs. A. Herzberg will leave Sunday for a-month's they will visit Mrs. Schall's daughters ary 5, at 3 o'clock. An .initiation' leave. Friday morning .for Sioux City trip,--visiting Hot Springs, New Orleans, and Havana, Cuba. and Mrs. Klein's sisters and daugh- party-will be given in the near fu- accompanied by Max Kramer. Abe -• : ture for the new members. . "• .:.. ; * ' ; Mr/ and Mrs. William Holzman and Mrs. Morris 1Leyy have ters. tablespoons sugar, rind of one orange returned-from Hawaii, where they spent the first few .-weeks of A luncheon will" W-given, by the The-Women's Pioneer organization and juice of three, juice-of one lemon, Temple Israel Sisterhood February 6 of "Omaha-will have its semi-monthly cook in a double"boiler. Add one and Reservations ."EQQufcT beJ:pE'ohea" to : Goldstein and Mr. Louis ISommer have been-in'-Excel- Mrs. Julixis Newman, Harney 6039, at literary meeting at-8:80 p.m.vFebra. a half tablespoons cornstarch dis-: ary 3, a t the Labor Lyceum. There solved i n cold water, and cook until s and will return next week. .V once. siorwill be a program with recitations by thlckl Beat until cold, then add oneBahbl Frederick Cohn. will "give,a Rose Goldstein. The public is invited. half pint of whipped cream. Mib JtoEe-Bezman arrived Tuesday lecture oh "Jewish : Ceremonials" at Line the sides of sherbert glasses ijJjbe the guest of her parents, Mr. the close of the luncheon. -ssith lady fijigers, cut in half, put in J l r s . . A_ Bezman, and of Miss •.the: orange mixture : top with whipped Mr; John Feldman has received a Ferex. Miss-Bezman has re- SATURDAY— • Ladies' Free Loan society, ,iif the check of $25 for the Jewish National and chopped walnuts, and ^ j . announced her engagement to Jewish Community Center; * Afics. David M. Newman. '.'& r y cold.• _•• .--'—Fund, the gift of Mrs. L; Neydoffj in Mr. Joe Rosenbaum of Chicago. Her memory of her late husband. ' '• visit-in Omaha will be-of indefinite SUNDAY— DESSERTS ••-••Omaha Hebrew Club, in the JewHaniburg sponge: Cook in a douFOR AN HONE9T DEAL Mr. Martin E, Troutfelt .has reish Community Center. ble hdiler" the rind and juice oifone moved to. Denver, where he .will take 5 iftss Ann Fanger, danghter of Mr. over the management: of the Brown- lemon, one-half cup sugar, yolks of and 1 Mrs.-Louis Fanger, whose en- MONDAY— four eggs, and when heated through ing Style Shop. ^ . Social Service course, closing gagement to Mr. Joseph J. Pink of add one teaspoon of Knox's gelatine, lecture, in the Jewish Community ^ £ o s Angeles was recently announced, Miss Mary Bailen entertained with dissolved in a little cold water. Cook Center. * ^returned fropi Los Angeles Monday. —CALI<— Sisterhood luncheon and' meet* a bridge party Sunday. Prizes.were until thick. 'Among;' those Who have entertained won by Miss Ann Singer, J. Cohen, Beat the whites of the eggs until for-her are Mr. and Mrs. L Pink, Miss ing, in the Temple; •" M. Kaplan, and H. Whitman. Mrs. stiff, then add the hot mixture, cook Rase Stone, T'r. and Mrs. H. Zadwick, Bikur Cholin society, in the' syn-« "Wlrtre Quality is gnprero**". Hf. and} Mrs. Charles Cole, Mrs. Ben agogue, Twenty-fifth and Seward Jack Kaplan entertained the guests one minute, remove from t h e fire; put £.' WEIKBEEG, Prop. with a group of tap dances. in sherbert glasses and serve cold "Xewis, Miss Ann Leaf, Mr. and Mrs. streets. with whipped cream. D.'Ravich, Mrs. Morris Katleman, and Mrs. -P. B . Chudacoff i s in Wise WEDNESDAY— Mr. and Mrs. J. Zadwick. ' • Orange cream: Four and a half Woodmen of the World, in the Memorial kospital recovering from an illness.>k.;. V-. Jewish Community Center; come of the birth of a Mrs. Philip .Nathan hassbeen ill in '". ^'.'; ..." . H e a r " ' . . . " ; " ' , daughter to Mr. and MTB. A. Goud- THURSDAY— -'Wise * Memorial hospital, Ira* is exCouncil of Jewish Women, Miss' j <&gt&2 iTWday, January -• 27, at Big AU^fOLSON'B LATBST HIT \ C^e;-La. f 'Sirs. GoudcTiaux was for- Hortense Breckler, 'in the Black- pectedtoreturn to her home this week. ' '• - ..:.*:."'..••. . •• , stone hotel. inirly Miss $Iollye Singer, daughter ""of Mr"., and Mrs. A." Singer of Omaha. ' B'nai B'rith, in. the Jewish ^oio- Bikor ' Cholim society' Will As He Sings It In -munity Center. Monday in.* the synagogue,: Twenty-? ^sd..Mrs. JJosenbloom of Defifth and-Seward streets. I t will be A ITHE JAZZ SIKGER" [ trojt, wfii celebrate ttielr golden wedbusiness meeting with reports of • dinj; anniversary-Sunday, February 5, aunt, after having returned from a cases. This is the -' official: notice- of I a£t£fe honie"of;3fr.'^Philip XJreenberg, visit to Rotunania last summer when the meeting since individual an49«1 So. 24tli St. 1416-18 Douglas St. he learned of the existence of two nouncements have not been pent out. MA. 3997 AT. 4090 made the-,ac- aunts in' America, Mrs. S. RoseiiI Hr. Jhilip Mrs. MathH3a Freeman? The Ladies'* Free Loan society will his

Council Bluffs


Saltzman, who was chosen to repre- finals..gf. the Oratorical Contest held sent t h e local chapter in thfe District last Wednesday evening, January 2-r>, Oratorical Contest, will be unable to at tK«" Abraham Lincoln High School. attend, due. to illness. Mrs. G. Whitebool: left Saturday Mr. and Mrs. M. Marcus left Sun- night for Chicago, Illinois to visit day for Hot Springs, Arkansas, for an relatives for about two vec!:s. extended trip. .:.. . Mr...and -Mrs, Harr;; Kubby enterAbe Saltzman, son of Mr. and Mrs. tained tiisir Evening Bridge Club at B. Saltzman, won first place in the their homo Tuesday rvanin.r,-.

Every Woman Needs •Some Recreation

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Of course, women need recreation. Do not men have their golf and handball? Do not children have their play? Then, why shouldn't women enjoy their clubs, books and children? Now, thanks to the great servant, electricity, they can. Electricity has given modern women the recreation they really need.


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PAGE 4—THE: JEWISH PRESS, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 2, 1928 Vv.-.y,'^?' t - r,'.'.'7r^vr'<'••••- ,1[ katzman team.

1 started 5for' the/ Cenier / Pur^nooh-iiay class is coniing along

Miss Greenberg ;has had a number, ing during the evening, as evidenced speak on "The Nearest Way." Rabbd of requests for beginners' basketball, by the number of unusually large sin- Cohn will speak at the current topics arid • therefore, commencing Sunday, [ gle games registered. In the Kaiman class Tuesday morning. On WednesOver 2j800 metnbers used the phyFebruary 12, there will be an hour of; Insurance-Empire Cleaners' tussle, in day he will- address the Social Work&D AcCr*?"^* •" d Three -victories; in three starts, ^that's the record of the undefeated sical department during t h e month of open gym (2:45, to 4 p . , m.) to allwhich the former won the series, the ers club on "Jewish Fundamentals/' This is your last, "Insurance" team shot 2,576 for theHe will review "The Bridge of San t i. C. C. junior team that represents January* -This was t h e best .month those interested. 'j the Community Center.. The Christ since the.opening of the Center. opportunity for this year, so. better high three-game total. Louis Rey" by Thornton Wilder, on '• Child Center junior team never had a heed the call. The time for the KidFebruary 14. f ^ f ^ W - i - ; ; ^ ^ ^ • c h a n c e ^ t h 0 U r boy s : The score a t S. Faierand Mo Greenberg of the dies' Dancing- class will then be ^ r m , nussin^^eno^j ^ e e n do f ^ g a j n e w a s2 2 to 12: CreigKton medical school will be inchanged to 4 p. m. The attendance of RABBI TO DISCUSS "QUALITY JEWELERS" the ^ ™ ^ ! : - W ^ e x t week the boys play the Black charge'-otthe' physical examinations this Wee One's class is approximately COMPANIONATE MARRIAGE MALASHOCK JEWELRY •Rosenblatt, Bloom and H o ^ e basketbaU team. " to be giyen at the Community Center sixteen, but,-we can always make "Companionate Marriage" will be the twenty-seventh of February. room for more. Wholesale and Retail Jewelers 'ALilASTER & the topic of-Rabbi Frederick Conn's j Attotpeys ' Joe Greb, the young "New York- Everybody will be required to have a 213-16 City National Bank Friday evening address at Temple• er," . will tutor boxing a t the Center. physical examination." No charge Bldg.-JA. 5619 Israel, Many of the leading ministers' JIOBTGAGE League. Business Men's Bowling No extra charge will be made. Classes will be made..;' of the country have been discussing L. Pet. f j lJ8iy in boxing and wrestling will be held iGth day afi Kebriiary; lUSM. .' at JU 8 8. in. at at 8:15 to 9. 9 to 10 will be an The J. C. C/volley ball league start- Malashock Jewelry _.. 32 19 .628this topic from their pulpits. the address of ISint.cuyUul'Ave. A iti i Ot On Saturday morning, he will Nb , — ,a a r i j d ! ! will ill sell ll at pub- open period for basketball for seniors. ed Monday flight with'the following Kaiman < Insurance ... 82 22 .593 UQ auction' fd QiS3ighe3t bittder tor ca«n 27 .500 Empire Cleaners 27 the following TJescWl/ea peraonaj • property, results: Peerless Cleaners beat A. Z. 1 o a t book case, 3 s e t , 1 oak ••:.ih -the Commercial Basketball A., l5-lO,r 15T10. Malashocks Jewelry Glazer Clothing Co. 25 26 .490 leage the Segelman Service Station beat People's Store (Council Bluffs), Appleman-Robinson ——25 29 .490 -p3Coom . tafile, l : ^ Cheney^ "i. •» For Rent ^..25 29 .490 f^graph, 1 cetfni^chest, 1 maple is first, the Peerless Cleaners, Gross 16-14, 10-15, 15-7. B'nai Ami beat Psi The Wardrobe JiOiUer, 1 drop-leaf i»ibl«,-X gray Iran 29 .490 Yousem Service ;—25 Furnished room in Bemis Park • "i^fifed, 1 Whlfe sewing wacljlue; 1 o a t Lumber and the A. Z. A. are tied for Mu, 16-14, ,14-16, 15-13. The league iMfe:.tr^ofl> bun^t,»i.jnttpi« addition. 33 .385 Omaha Tobacco Co. —..21 second, while the Brodkey and Bezigaines will <bV played every Monday Jfible.; 1 ^brasa twd.^bin'-", pin smashaete.-^*itchS9 tabfeij, 3 There was some healthy mari Hardware are tied for third. The nigHt. : . HArney 6971 ' ' ' . .ialrs, 1 .oak sXta rocker, i .-•_ iifty chiffonier.}- " r *-- \. '-t,-• •• .L . -. • race is getting closer each week. Andi-tbal on the isaroe <lay {at l l 5. ».*, at Krjuiljate garage;•«31st .and Q'.etreets, Games are played, each Wednesday. In the J. C. C. junior league at the The Best Place to BuyYour In the Junior league the Psi Mu,Jr.; Cefiter "Monday night r the B'nai Issell jrt public auction to the highest bidder Let the Victor, Orthophonic for oash, :>oae 11)20 tiqry .truck. «nglne No. is first, flie B'nai Abraham and theraels defeated the Boy Scouts, 7 to 5.' H-139TJJ;alt«6vered by chattel'roqrtgage in Boy Scouts are tied for second, the; The -B'nai Ami juniors wop from "the, dyRiadio favor bt'iW: EL Tyeon. dolDg btisJue^a os Omaha Loan Compuuy,' «lgu63 ; by John B'nai Ami is third, while the B'nai B'nai Abrahams, 12 to 6. t h e Psi Mu ; —SEE US FIRST— Smith and.Mary Smlfb, BometlmeB known Israels and the Olympians are tied as Mary V^jgel,,said ?iortgag« balnc dated juniors won from the Olympians* 17 C A T j Be Your Baker WKbstrx S042 J n i e 14, 1927 and'hayl"!? beexr filed at-the for fee cellar, position;-. i; ' t o ' i i . ; ,,-/;••,",." • - '"...---"•" • office, of thfe ;Connty: CierkV.of ;VCquglas I , . QUAKER BAKING CO. Cotinty; .. Nebraska* • op i tile JLZtlj": d o j i of June, 1927T said sale .will be for; the purpose-of foreclosing gifld'mortgage ^tid for . The biggest swimming meet of the On Tuesday,; February, 7, ^ will the purp08&. of satl^f-yixi^-tlie^.&lmQup^^ow year .will be, held Sunday night, Feb| be-a 6;i>. »a. gym class I J • dtft thereon,- toAwit; "?230«&ft, wi(h -interest ind, the increased a n * accruing costs. T-.r .--• •ruary, 181 /Over- SGrboyt and girls. pi m., there will be denuaistratiodr Pboneas aBout "VXTtCAN": » high ?>F. E.-"'TSTSON, dolae'~BusineBjl•"• a» OMAHA LOAN CO.V^by £ e o n , D * - ' — - * — will: participate. A .special 5& and practice for all g^rls taking jjart. Miss grade- Furnace .Coal $ : : " Beber. bis attdrneye:; ; , club relays will feature the meet "Manufactured in Omaha" Gteenhei^:fataskingr those, who are Pet Tin ''•"'-"•':'. ' "•' ' not takfa%*p9,rt to be please be paUNION FUEL CO. BAKER ICE MACHINE CO. i The J. C. C. girls lost a fast basket^ So. 18th Street—JAckson 0268 •ittorneyB • ball game to the experienced K. C.tient,-folf it will not be long before 750 Om»ha Bank Bids., .team, 31 to 10.; Bertha Shafton, E. regular class work will be resumed. 5OXICE OF lffePB i On Thursday, February 9, there iShafton, M. Flax^ M. Sherman, -G. %, . HCSKEE ^fSfir ViCZ*;ii\ will be no evening gym classes. At ! ^NOTICE ia h'erebV giv«n tliat?th>,iiiider- Levin and E. Gross started for the aigned- have, pursuanf to the lasvs of tne 6 p. m~ sharp there will be a dress j Center. V ; Stat(i df- Nebraska,-formed a. corporation.' rehearsal", tor" jtKe' exhibitidn Vhich | The r name of aald corporfltiofr'' W= MVD HtJSEEK INN, INC, Trith-itsVprincipal takes place Thursday evening at 8. A handball double league.will start place of business in 'the. City^,p|.!Omaha. The.objects for which said cornQrat^on Je next- Sunday. ^G-anies, will be ^plaVed formed are, to establish and operate «andy, confectionary and sott drink---Carlpts and each Sunday from 1-5 p: m.^-Everyto fleal • In • everythlne necessary; ftftd. remifsite for the operation of Bafa' flijalhesB, body" will get a.^erack • at each other, either alk wholesale or= retail. prfApth. The as games will be scheduled in a, round eotporntlon shall have authority to buy, . sell;* encumber and;. ^lBpose b^'aU. flecea- robbin styl'e. 'Itfs'nofc tap late to sign aary;."real or personal property to carry pn tee purpose for which said corporotlun is up,"as entries will dose Friday noon.



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Play the Violin Correctly by Indlvtdnal Instruction Prof. Sevcik nnd other worlr renown. d tenchers recommend tny method verv '• e hly highly.

FRANK MACH Concert Violinlxt and Instructor Stndio 117% No. 18th St. JA, x



II —-zvonder




.'• physical, department has "set February 18 for the next daice. A free "membership will be given to the, Articles of Incorporation with J,rne-v? ' J boy and girl .who sells the .most tickCierfe and continue tn\ta•jnnaaty }BV 1WThe highest amoqpt -of -inuebtdoness' 8b(i|l k&fpi? the- dapcei.' :The tfesket -vnU beuot exceed twovthirds: of the capital -etoclt. TUe' affairs 61. the coripbratl6n: shall be good for^fcwo' basketball games and! administered by a bojird of.-.dlrectors:::two the danceV ;TKe;'TSighrClub, will fur-i In number, unfess-ot^erwiBe-prpvidea for. The- directors shalt-'be (elected, at -'fee an- hish''.tfie terpsichprean melodies for nual" inee'trng of.vthe<\8toclchold^r8 , t o be the .eye^iingV-fjG^t ybi^r jtickets 'from held oh the: third Monday of Jajnnary of each-^year. • Immediately«after"* thi>tfc?'«-%c- the physical l^epajtment., JustJthitUc, tlbn,":thtt''jditectors • shall meet^.an,! Telect price is only 35 cents, y - — : Pieaiaent;-Vlce-Pj»«l<lent and.' Secretary. : The officers and board 0^-directors? ?uail conduct the affairSf of >thq corporation. The A"r«cles ; -maybe ^amended. Xhe corp.<ira.r tib'h sliall have a Beal,' •;: - *" ' = Dated Jun« 17th, 1827. ,.;;..*• j. ! -•'•":- - J A C K S K E E K A S . 1-10—4 ^ , ., - ^ O K G B IBANAIf'V



Peters Trnat ;,;/..paoRaTB K O X I C B ^ In the matter of: the estate* o r SISION. Deceased. •;• ' '\^'-"J^-' ' . : SoUce is hereby given: That thercredr lU>rs of said deceased wUl \meer the. adr mlniBtrator of said;. estate, before me. County Judge of Pouglns Connty,-;NebrasKa: at the: County Court Boom, in saJa Countyl .on the d s t day-of~M*T0hy 10M. and on the .21st day of Mayf:19J8, at O 6'clocfc'A. M.,ieach day. for the'purpoBe of pfesentinjt ;their claims for examination, adjustment and_allownnce: • Tb,ree3B>ont^s are, allowed for; the 'creditors to present their claims, from the 18th day Wjl_ffebruT.

BRYCB CKAWEOBD.. County Judge.

PAXTON-MITCHELL CO. S7th and Martha 8 t i . . HArn^y 1GC2 '•'-• OMAJHA,. NEBRASKA '."' Soft •;£ray>-- Jron;' brags, bronze and aluminum, castings. Standard size? bronze and "trbn bushings, sewer- manholes. ciRfern rlncrs nnd' covers, nna clean-out doors In stock. • . •'



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/Guaranteed Radio Service /EARL UMAX, Propr.


CONTRACTOR— 409 Hospe Bldg. JA. 1614



1517 No; 24th St.—WE. 0300






* DUTCH CLEANERS 2(M-8 South 24th St.—AT. 1400 Thorough Cleaning and Dying by Skilled Workmen in Our Own Plant Paris Cleaitters and Dyers

1722 No. 2«h St.—WE. 02iS

17OT iCujnlnj; St.—J A. 2835


Try a loaf of our Whole-Wheat Bread with your next meal.

High,Class Work and



Ask for one of our 1028 -Dreamland calenders whei you send in your nest bundle


AT. 3815



We suggest you send your Innndry tv

••' • *Qoick Service-

JENSEN LAUNDRY WE. 1029 ; All Type of Laundry


Barber Shops

Drug Stores




215 So. lUtJi-riione AT. «U«2

t904 No. 24th -St.—WB. 03S8 : B. ROBINSON Ugr Prescripttons carefully compounded. Free delivery anywhere in the city.

:^4th and Burdette-^WE. U302 gO^b and Nicholas—J A 5000

Refitter of Ladies anfl Mens •"' Clothing

Everything;- Under Cover"




RIALTO BARBER SHOP •15th and DotagJas—115 So. 15th


Beauty Parlors



Wallin-Hoimgren Elec Co.

Branaels Stores . . JA. 2307-AT. 80Ct(' Dundee Parlor WA. 8014 *, SpcciaHsts In PERMANENT WAVING

15(W N o IMth S t . — W E . W7W S p e c i a i i f . i n g tn C l e a n i n g . P r e s s i n g -and K e l i n i n f r "Men n n d W ' * Appnre!

1023 Clark St.—WE. 0410

Careful Prescription Service Merchandise of Quality

ic Teachers I

- .. . 502 So. 13th St.—JA. 5032

New, Used Motors, Repairs, Rewinding, Wiring, Mail Orders

Master Tailor Service



Personal Service You will , -.t Appreciate


"Omaha's Foremost School of Music Middleton Conservatory Of Music School of Opera, Theatre and Public Speech

Marinello Beauty Shops

S02 AUckel Bldg.. latb and Harney

Henberg'»—1519 Douglas—AT. 370S Marinello—506 Brandeis Theatre Bids. JA. 8400 PonteneHe JA. 2(M3-

AT. 4145 Voice, Piano, Violin, Public Speech, Dramatics, Expression

Tent & Awning Go's NEBRASKA TENT AND AWNING CO. 1808 Farnam—J A. 3329 See Our Sheep Lined Coats Today





Tire Shops

Paxton Billiard Parlors

THE WEIS FLOWER SHOP - "The Best Place To Boy - Your Flowers



1310'raniam—JA. Uta

McGord-Brady Co,

S GARAGE 1707-17 tas8—AT. 3533

Reliable, Reasonable, Expert Auto Repair Service

16th ai»fl Davenport Street S,?MANOS, Propr. - YOU'LL-MEET IOCR FRIENDS JVT HARRY'S

^Famous for Flavor'*


•Estimates Gladly Furnished





1511 -No. 24th—WE. 62S4


sp«eciaHze. in form printing


"JEverylhiifg For The Auto"

Uarney S4J2

-J. F . S O B E T S K 1

81B N o . 16ih St.<-JA. 30»g

Spring Means Building Buijding Means


22nd and Nicholas ~



al f^ccessories, Inc.

AT. 3832—504 So,, 13 Get Our Frices and Save Money

1413 Dongias Street

The "Most Popriinf""Cdle in" Oinafia Appropriate for After-Theater

AT 8485

\ COAL CO. \


i a i No. 24tb St.—WE. d'51 Installation nnd Bepairing of Tin Work, Furnaces Skylights. Ventilating. Gutterg and Speuting. for

402 Brandels Thea. BlU^.—AT. 1430

.', y ••••

{ B

North Omaha Furnace Co.


2S13 Cnmlns


Choice of the finest '. homes. The, favorite Where e c o n o m j t s ' watched. A' luxury within the reach of all, .. Its high reputation res commends that you try i t "' •; .



organized. Capital stock' Bb.an bo JiOr 000.00, consisting: of. 100 • shares, par value $10.00 each, also shall be common ;stork : ana-when issued, shall be paid, and non4 assessable. The corporation ishall*commence business npqij the ".nl|n«-.pl the l nt


WHOLESALE DRUGGIST and STATIONERS 401-403-405 South 10th Street

Direct Wire Service on All Latest Sport Events

250S North 24th. St.—Phone WE. 2057

A..D. PergusonTfie^Flon^t

2508 No. XMh—WE. 6S13

Children and Family Groups Our Specialty WHITE* STUDIO

BOth s n i i n e t U w - K E . SD09

1612 Dottfflas—JA. 3366

"Flowers For All Ocassions'*

Photographs of Distinction

Cor. I7tb sod CnpUoJ Ave.- A'i « 2 ? GOODTEAB 8ERV1C1C STATION Tires, Tubes. Acoessories. Rond Brrvlce Vnlcnnirfng nnd Oencrat R«P"^"g


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