Interesting and i Entertaining
AH the • Of Interest • to
Entered na second-class mail matter on January 27,-*jJ<@"-~": Doul office at Omaha. Nebraska, under the Act of Marc£5~qg^ X
^cturerand * Be in Omaha
Federation, Center, To Have Joint Meeting
VOL. VIL—No, 6
Philosopher Bergson May Win Nobel Prize
Paris—(J. T. A.)—Henri Bergson, P. M. ^ J * * ~, Anglo-Jewish poet The Jewish Welfare Federation internationally famous French Jewish | and lectm_ .i is making a midand the' Jewish Community Center philosopher, was proposed as a can-' western tf ^j ,^-che interest of the will hold a joint annual meeting, didate to receive the Nobel prize. Jewish National Fund, is expected to Hias The recommendation was made by Sunday • evening, Feb. 26, it has Complaints Made by be in Omaha this month, according to Randall's Fontenelle Orchestra information from the fund headquar-r Closes Social Service Series at been decided by the officers of the Against Tests Made in Poland the French Academy in accordance Officers Re-Efecfed and Trustees Chosen at Annual Meeting. two organizations. Center by Defining Comwith a request submitted to it by the to Be Fete Feature. Bring About Inquiry. ters. • . O n this . account, the annual Nobel prize committee. munity Needs. Mr. Raskin is known in Omaha, meeting of the Center announced FINANCES IMPROVED. NO CHANGE YET. since his visit several years ago. He CAR OFFERED. for Feb. 14,has been cancelled. has been connected with the PalesURGES TEAM WORK. During the last year, Wise MemoArt : Randall's own Fontenelle tinian work since his early youth. Washington—J. T. A-)-—An extendrial • hospital has been sold to the Hotel Orchestra, augmented to fifteen ed study of the conditions existing, in How to maintain team work in the medical profession and to the general pieces, is the stellar musical attracPoland will be made by the represenface of extreme specialization in sopublic of the city as it never was tion "which wfll be a feature of the tatives of the United States Public cial service, how to retain spontanebefore, it was reported at the annual big Jubilee-Ball to be staged by the Health Service before a recommendaous enthusiasm of the worker despite meeting of the hospital in the Nurses' Thdrpeian Athletic club on Sunday tion will be made on changes in the the growth jof institutionalism—these evening, March IX, at the City Audimental tests which are given to ap- Rabbi Cohn Thinks Vatican home Sunday afternoon. fundamental problems of community The statistical report, read by N. F. ; Statement Will Injure torium. " " plicants for immigration visas. Sursocial service were • discussed at the Fell, treasurer of the hospital, showed geon-General Cumming of the FedArrangements to this effect were Lipp and Fregger Win Chance to Jewish- <Jonxmunity Center Monday FieW Secretary Comes to Omaha Smith's Chances. a patronage amounting to $95,820 in eral Public" Health Service informed completed: this week by Irvin Levin, Compete in National Finals. evening. 1927 in contrast to $75,573 in 1926, a With National Message. the Washington bureau of tie Hebrew president of ihe Thorpeiansy who is "AMERICA LED WAY." Rowland Hayes, secretary of the gain of about §20,000. Immigrant Aid and Sheltering sopersonally supervising; the arrange- BEBER, KLUI2NICK SPEAK. University of Chicago, and - social Officers of the hospital were rements to make- the big celebration an service expert, delivered -he final ad- TO HELP PLAN FUTURE. ciety, which had made representations The latest pronouncement of the elected -with the exception of Ella to the surgeon general against the event long'to be remembered in the dress of the: twelve wseks' course on The Omaha A. & A. debating team, Pope, disdaining all suggestions of The widespread national and inter- mental tests applied to Jewish appli- union with other Christian churches Fleishman Auerbach, who resigned Jewish community. consisting of Louis- Lapp and Sam social service sponsored by the from the secretaryship. They are Sam national work of. the Council of Jew- cants. "We- are going to mate our Jubi- Fregger, repeated the victory of the Omaha Council of Social Agencies. and declaring that the Roman Cath- Wertheimer, president; Isidore Ziegish Women will be described by Miss In his communication the surgeon "The Community Chest is not merelee Ball the .event of the season, and mother chapter's representatives last olic is the only true faith, will injure no expense "will be spared to make it year in the district' tournament by ly a device for the raising of a lot Hortense Breckler, national field sec- general stated: "A preliminary report Governor Al Smith's candidacy for ler, •vice president; X. P. Feilr treasa great.success," said Levin. taking first honors in a similar event of money quickly, it is also an or- retary of the Council of. Jewish Wo- has recently been received from the president, in the opinion of Rabbi urer. A new secretary will be chosen Candidates -in the popularity con- held at Sioux City on February 3,- 4, ganization for the efficient planning men, when she addresses the local two officers detailed to undertake Frederick Cohn, who spoke on this later. council at a luncheon .meeting in the these studies. These officers are psy- subject at a meeting of the current Four trustees were elected for a of social work," Mr. Haynes said. test ,are, harS at work in an effort to chiatrists of=recognized reputation in topics class of the Council of Jewish term of three years. They are: Rabbi win one of the- four valuable prizes The debate was held on the ques- Mi. Haynes named four important Blackstone hotel Thursday. . offered by the Thorpeians. The first tion, "Resolved, that -. Emancipation needs for community social work. The Miss Breclder is *n Omaha to bring tbe United States and -were especially Women in the Jewish Community Frederick Cohn, Ed Treller, Joe Woll and I. Levy, prize winner is to receive a $200 dia- Has Been Harmful to Judaism." The work must "know where it is going." the local council in. closer touch with selected therefore to make these Center Tuesday. Mr. Sam Wertheimer delivered the mond ring, and will be crowned queen Omaha team upheld the negative Workers must feel the companion- the.national projects to which the lo- studies. It will also have the effect of has- president's message, praising the at the Auditorium the' aight of the against the Council Bluffs chapter's ship of working together, toward a cal group contributes and to assist in The preliminary report recommends tening the disestablishment of the balL Second piize is a $100 diamond team, consisting of Sal Michnick and common goal. The work must find the planning of an ^activities program the adoption of a rather extended church in England, Rabbi Cohn work of officers and committees of the J ; bar pin; third prize a $50 wrist watch, Abe Katelman in the final debate. The leadership in the lay community and for Omaha._ study of the conditions existing in Po- thinks. Another influence for the dis- hospital. Thanks Citizens. and fourth prize a 550 string of local team received a 3-to-0 decision, professional workers must know how The international work of immi- land, which would appear to be pos- establishment of the church is the to make the best use of this leader- grant aid is one of the most important sibly different from those obtaining present controversy in parliament thereby earning the right to compete Mr. H. A. Wolf expressed the apRichelieu pearls.c p pieces of work -which is being done in the other countries in which the over the revision of the English pray- preciation of the hospital for the atship. in the'natidnal finals, which are to be All of the prizes are now on display Mr. Haynes stressed the need of in- and is one in which Miss Breckler is mental examination of intending im- er book, in which Jews and non-con- titude which the Jews of Omaha have at the Jewish'. Community Center and held in Milwaukee on March 23, 24 and 25". The railroad fare it the wincluding four types of. agencies in particularly interested, since she spent migrants is being conducted abroad. formist Christians ' :\ parliament were taken in co-operating with the instimay be seen by the friends of the ners is defrayed by the Supreme Adcommunity work, the private philan- [three years in eastern Europe with "This recommendation has been fa- at a loss to know whether or not to tution and responding to its appeal. contestants, or other persons intervisory Council of the order. thropic agencies, the civic organiza- ithe Joint Distribution committee. Mr. Isidore Ziegler gave a report vorably acted upon and this program vote on denominational matters. ested. Miss Breckler is also greatly inter- of conducting further studies has been '."We in America led the way with of the staff committee. tions, the co-operative and self-supOmaha's other representative, the Tickets Selling ested in the Council's work in rural Rabbi Frederick Cohn urged that Candidates- who: have been active basketball team, did not fare so well, porting welfare agencies, and those districts, where they are helping iso- adopted. These studies have already the complete separation of church and supported by taxation. citizens of Omaha adopt the custom being eliminated in the first round by state," he said. "We must cling to the been started. report that-they--find no difficulty in lated Jewish families to know more Lincoln Chapter No. 3 in a hardHe urged upon board members and .. common in other cities, of giving gifts aisppsiiig of tickets~to the Jubilee Ball "While it is regretted that such a religious liberty that we have won. of Judaism. =i-V ifought tussle, which ended with a trustees thatJtfiey 'bring themselves -•^^ali"commBmd, SenatorK©bln-ito .the hospital -on.:happy occasions, at 25 cents each, in yiew/of the -fact ' - The~- jfiotmSl is- Tislng the • radio; tiie •Comse-of-proeedtire '-tloes -*npt - i score of IS" to "20.i The Capitol city^s tokiiow~£he"policies"of"their tiwn inbirthdays and anniversaries of joyous son for his defense of that liberty. thair^tK^ffcSet purchaser shares in work of field, secretaries and corres- your request for immediate relief of occasions. the* award1-of-''a-beautiful new Chrys- boys later lost to the district cham- stitution and something of the poli- pondents to-teach these Jews who are the conditions stated to exist, neverMuch of the year's success was atler coachr provided by Andrew Mur- pions, Des Moines Chapter No. 4, by cies" of others, so that they heed not remoi*-from any Jewish institutions. theless, the preliminary report does -" < be mere "rubber stamp officers." tributed to the work of the ho\isc phy and Son, the local Chrysler dis- a score of 29 to 10. not indicate* that any other course Lincoln's representative, Max Zel- John F. Hall, executive of the Jewish history and English are would be advisable. You may be ascommittee which, under the chairmantributors.'-' • - len, was victorious;In the oratorical Omaha Welfare Federation and Com- taught by correspondence. ship of Mr. Joe Wolf, has made the Thirteen candidates were entered in sured that this service is doing everywork of the hospital more efficient. the popularity contest, and each has contest. The orations were all on" the munity Chest, discussing Mr, Hayne's Beingthe only Jewish women's or- thing that can be done to accord inpaper, asked whether there were not ganization-recognized by the national tending immigrants all possible conThe year"e success was also said to formed an organization composed of subject, "Jewish Philanthropy." a danger of too much organization in government, it is invited to attend sideration under the limitations imA number of visitors from Omaha be due to the fact that the building friends and-relatives to assist in the accompanied the teams to Sioux City, social work, and whethei if is the all conferences dealing with women posed by the laws and regulations Nine candidates were initiated into had been rehabilitated a little over a campaign which «ach is waging.' The Thorpeians are being assisted In addition, Sam Beber, president of tendency of private social agencies to and children, education, peace, and governing their medical examina- the Omaha B'nai B'rith at the annual year ago and is now modern and well initiation meeting of the lodge in the equipped for its work. in the contest by J. J. Isaacson, ac- the Supreme Advisory Cornell, deliv- assume too readily the mantle of so- other matters in which women have tion." a keen interest, according to -Miss Jewish Community Centei February A gain of about 240 new members tivities director of the Omaha Post of ered a sermon at the Friday evening cial leadership. Final statistics for the course re- Breckler. With a membership of. 55,9. They were Max Teitler, H. Krasne, of the hospital association was rethe American Legion, who has staged services held in conjunction with, the Joseph Schiffer, Milton R. Abrahams, ported. many affairs of this nature for the tournament. Philip Klutznick, execu- vealed that the average attendance at 000 women, the Council is considered tive secretary, was one of the speak- the 12 lectures of the course had been the spokesman for the Jewish womanSam Weiner, Dr. I. M. Raduziner, American Legion. Wise Memorial Hospital is one of 200, representing 35 agencies. The en- hood of the United States. Max Fleischer, Perry Silverman, and the 14 out of 35 Nebraska hospitals The standings of the contestants ers at the banquet. rollment was 346. Forty speakers pro- Miss Breckler will remain in Omaha Paul Bernstein. will not be revealed until the closing which are approved by the National vided the program of the course. until Friday evening. The evening was also observed as College of Surgeons which maintains date of the contest, President Levin Because of the large registration Mrs. H. A. Wolf is in charge of the Members of the program committee past presidents' night and was one of stated, and no contestant will be perand rapid progress of the classes in the largest and best meetings held in regidly high standards of equipment Council luncheon. were Samuel Gerson, chairman; Mrs. mitted to withdraw and transfer her and service. the department of Jewish Studies in several years. Carrie Ada Campbell, Rev. James F. votes to another contestant. the Jewish Community Center, the Borer, and John F. HalL Talks were given by Irvin Stalmas"A committee of prominent citizens education committee, of which Dr. ter, Fred White, Dr. Meyer Beber, will be asked to canvass the votes at Philip Sher is chairman, will close and Max Fromkin. the close of the contest, and the bal- New York.—President Alfred M. Soviet Court Fines registrations with the next meeting It was announced that at a future Cohen of the I. O. 3. B. announces lot box, sealed and locked, will be of the classes, Wednesday, February meeting Mr. William Holzman will the appointment of Prof. A. L. turned over to this committee to deJewish Grandparents Mr. George S. Steinberg of Coun15. Sachar of the University of Illinois Unusual interest has been shown in give a talk on Hawaii, illustrated by termine the winners," Levin said. cil Bluffs, Iowa, will be a candidate Moscow.—(J. T. A.)—One of the for the Republican nomination for The department is living up to its photographs of scenes on the island the Council. Bluffs chapter of the The same committee, in all proba- as pro tem director of the Hillel slogan, "One night a week for Jewish bility, will preside at the award of Foundation at : Champaign. The ap- most stirring tragedies of JewishTife mayor of Council Bluffs at the studies-"" The committee has added which he took during his.recent trip. Order of Aleph Zadik Aleph in the pointment . was made with the connational Essay Contest which is beunder the Soviet regime was unfolded the Chrysler car. " primary election which wall be held sent of the university faculty. ing conducted by the Supreme Advisin court yesterday when a son and on Monday, February 27. Mr. Stein- beginning Yiddish to the curriculum in response to many requests. BeginProfessor Sachar, one. of the most daughter sued their parents for ory Council of the Order. The subdistinguished of-the younger Jewish bringing the grandson into the n^' is at present alderman of the ning and intermediate Hebrew, and ject for the essays "The Future of sixth ward. : beginning Yiddish classes are held at scholars-of America, who occupies the "Covenant of Abraham." Judaism in America," is one which has Mr. Osias Hochman, former coun chair in English at the University of commanded serious interest in the Tevie Ldpman, a Communist, and cilmer and former city clerk, will 8:15 p. m., Yiddish language and literature and modern Jewish history The Omaha Workmen's Loan asso- local chapter following the debate Illinois, has been an enthusiastic vol- his wife, Riva, non-partisan, sumbe a candidate for the Republican The executive committee of the unteer worker in the Hillel Founda- moned their parents, Abba Lipman nomination for alderman-at-large. will begin a.t 9:10 p. m. Classes will ciation will have their annual banquet discussions in the recent tournament. be held every Wednesday night -until for members at the Jewish Community The local contest will close Febrution at the University of Illinois from Senior club council of the Jewish a shoemaker,' and his wife,; Henye, Both men are well known in Jew- May 16. the very beginning of that work, and Center February 13. There will be a ary loth, after which time the winCommunity Center announce the fol50, and Moses. Fishman, a barberi gave the fullest co-operation to the 62, and his wife, Tolze, 60, to court ish circles. ning essay from Council Bluffs will be program of music and addresses. lowing standing committees: entered into the national contest Program and social committee: late Uabbi Benjamin FrankeL./ who for having their child circumsized seCantor I. Kahanowitch will sing a Dr. Israel Goldstein of New York NATIONALIST LEADER Philip Klutznick of the A. _Z. A., was the director of the Foundation at cretly two weeks after his birth. number made famous by Caruso, "Si early next month. The winner of the recently preached on "Are There Jew FORCED TO APOLOGIZE Vous Saviez Compris," "If You Could national contest will he awarded a chairman; . Morris Franklin, Frank Champaign as well as national direcIt developed in court that the ish Elmer Gantrys??' Not so many, trip with expenses paid to the next Ackerman, Florence Lewis, Ruth Ba- tor. He has assumed the duties of grandparents on both sides had urged he says, largely because Judaism is Berlin.—(J. T. A.).—One of the Understand," for which a violin ob- national convention of the Order, director with the consent of the unirish and Fanny Lerner. . ligato will be played by Fanny Fish their son and daughter to have the less authoritarian than Christianity, leaders of the German anti-Semites, Athletic committee: dam Epstein versity authorities. . newly born son circumsized. The and because the Jewish ministry is a member of the federal govern- and the piano part by Sara Ray Fish. which will be held, most likely, m The appointment of a national diDenver, Colorado, next July. In adof the Psi Mu, chairman; Grace Levparents however, refused. One day less incumbered by an inhibition ment, will have to make a public dition, a gold medal will be presented in, Morris Givot and Ida Weinzveg. rector for the Hiilel Foundation has when Lipman was at work and his psychology. apology to his Jewish colleague, ac- RACIAL HATRED CAUSES to the winner at the annual presentaThe first affair will. be a Purim been postponed. wife had gone to market, the, grandcording to a decision of the ReichDUELLING IN BUDAPEST tion of awards at the convention. celebration in the auditorium Purim parents brought a-Mohel and had the stat. . • .. ' Abe L. Katelman, Alepb Gmiol of night, March 6. The Council's activicircumcision performed according to Budapest.—(J. T. A.)—The first Council Bluffs chapter, is chairman of The Reichstat took up the incident ties will'. include dances, a, city-wide ritual.' between Keudell, a. member of the day after the return of Jewish stu- the committee who is enthusing the oratorical contest, stunt programs, The Soviet court fined the elder Deutchnazionale party and minister dents to their classes in the Budapest entire local membership to compete open meetings, pe;- meetings, a draThe first program of the Junior Lipmans 40 roubles, and the Fishin the federal government, who ac- university and other Hungarian col- in the contest. ; matic contest, a spring" carnival, and Club Council of the Jewish Communi- mans 60 roubles. The grandparents Friday Night, February 10. cused Herman Badt, ministerial di- leges at the invitation of the governGeneral interest in the A. Z. A. has a night of honors and awards, ty Center will be given at 3 p. m., confessed in court to the act, declarWRNY—New York, N. Y. (32o rector in the Prussian government ment found the situation as uncertain been renewed by the initiation <*' February 19, when each of the eleven ing that they did not consider it a M.) 5:30-6:15 p. m., eastern time. and member of the Reichstat, of as it was before. three new members into the f-caf junior boys' and girls' clubs will put crime but a religious duty. When Temple Emanu-EL Friday evening having been indiscreet in making Notwithstanding the disciplinary chapter, Wednesday evening. Hvmie on a stunt in celebration of Lincoln's asked to divulge the name of the service. public the proceedings of a secret measures threatened by the heads of Kramer. .Milton Krasne, and Fany and Washington's birthdays. Mohel they refused, offering the ex session of the Reichstat. Keudell as- the colleges, the Hungarian students Rosenthal' were presented their certiSunday Morning, February 12. A series of monthly rallies has been planation that they had found him serted that Badt had committed this walked out of the lecture rooms on ficates of membership at thin meat* WEAR—Cleveland, O. (399.8 M) Parent-Teachers* night will be ob- planned. Tillie Lerner is chairman of in the synagogue and paid him 10:30 a. in., eastern time. Rabbi indiscretion in order "to compromise Friday, leaving the Jewish sttudents served at Temple Israel Friday. Miss the educational committee. This com- roubles for his services. the German government. alone. Barnett R. Brickner. Rosaline Kohn, teacher in the temple's mittee will sponsor the publication of The Reichstat unanimously decided Two duels fought by two Jewish The meanest ma?' in the world Is Thursday Night, February 16. Vienna—(J. T. A.)—The memory religious schcal, will be the speaker. a junior monthly paper,, whose first students successfully and eight more that Keudell's accusation was withthe one who pinned a Piprn reading WHN—New fork, N. Y. :(394.5 out foundation- and that he owes an duels, which are to follow, are the re-' ...Miss-Kohn.ias just returned from issue will be ready for the first rally. of the late Dr. Zevi H-'Chajea will nestle in m> urm.°>" oti Detroit,'where she attended the meet- Win. Flax and Ben ffion Gershater be honored by the Austrian Zionist M.) 6-6:30 p: ra~, easter .time. As^ apology to Badt. The newspapers in suit of the anti-Semitic agitation car-1 of the Vr»u« <ic fiilo. organization which is raising a fund sociation of Reform,Rabins of New commenting tfpsra 'this'- decision de- ried on by the Hungarian students in - ing of the Jewish Chautauqua. society. .will assist Miss Lerner. . ; York. Program: Address, current clare; it- is Keudell's . moral defeat protest against the proposed modifi"1'Mdses~an3""Linco]n*' will-,be the Zerline Spmberg1 and .William Soko- to giant 10,000 trees in Palestine. Give a convict cnvu.^J KJ. •:,;-. --.; - : : and demand bis resignation. topicof .Rabbi Frederick Cohn's,,lec- loff are chairmen of-the- social and : .The plantation will be known' as events, music. cation of the numerous cljvusus law. the Chajes forest. athletic committees respectively. ture on Saturday morning. "
PAGE 2—THE JEWISH PRESS, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 9, 1928 their applause, and he saw tears spar- that, but I never amounted to any-j kling on the eyelids of most of the thing-in my life until tonight. And] women in the audience when the if yo*r!re on the level -with me, the j lights finally went on. way you received me,. O God, I'm J Tears sparkled in his own eyes, and happy!" He sniffed a little and then j ran down his cheeks whe:. the spot- went back to the box he had occupied j lights finally fell on him, and he stood in the balcony. j before his first movie aucience.:. It Altogether it was a tearful sucwas fortunate for him that the crowd cess, for all the women in Al's box did not permit him to spei. for some were weeping with him, and tears minutes. He was in the center of a splashed op the program handed to mad house and momentarily he was Al to autograph. in no condition to speak coherently. When he began he stumbled over: bis words: THIRD DANCE PLANNED. "I hope you don't expect me t<s say The physical department of. the much. It's tough making a picture, Jewish Community Center will sponand this is the first I ever made; I've sor another dance February IS. The sat back there trying to find defects Night d u b will furnish the terpsiand I discovered many of them. . chorean melodies for the evening. The It's kind of peculiar crying like a sap J. C. C. basketball team will play at over this evening . . . but I cant help 8 and the dance will start at 8:45 it . . . I've done a lot of things at p. m. There will be prizes and fun the Winter Garden and places -like for all.
THE JEWISH PRESS Published every Thursday at Omaha, Nebraska, by
JEWISH CALENDAR — 5688-1927-28
THE JEWISH PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY Office: Brandeis Theater Building—Telephone: ATIantic 1450 • JEANETTE GLICK GERSON, EDITOR. . DAVID BLACKER,: Business Manager.
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, March 6, -Thursday, March 22 Thursday, April 5 -Wednesday, April 11 —Saturday, April 21 Tuesday. May 8 — Sunday, May 20 Friday, May 25 iLTuesday, June 19 s~.Tharsday, July 5 18" ^Thursday, July 26 .Friday, August 17
Rosh Chodesh Nissan 1st Day Pessach .......... 7th Day Pessach « _ . *Eosh Chodesh Iyar — Lag b'Omer aMHOT_w_m Rosh Chodesh Sivan •,....„•• 1st Day Shabuoth •, . •Rosh Chodesh Tanraraz Fast of Tammuz — ~ ~ ~ Rosb Chodesh Ab _ - » « _ Past of Ab _ ..... *Rosh Chodesh Ellul
Centuries of oppression and persecution, countless years of poverty, suffering and the constant fight for self-preservation have developed in the Jew a spirit of giving and forgiving. < S6;often has he heard the cry for help—so numerous were the calls upon him to give to those of his people on whojnjthe iron hand of misfortune pressed the heaviest that benfiYolence^tirdtherly love and charity became part of his very being, -Because'the Jew has developed a very high standard of philanthropy, Jewish Orphan Homes, Jewish. Homes fo? the Aged, Jewish Sheltering fjomes, Jewish Hospitals, and Jewish Schools, have become the models and examples of the highest conception of philanthropy. It has been charged that this abandon in giving has been Morris Abel Beer, poet and instrucmostly for his own poor. The Jew was accused of being clannish tor in the College of the City of New in his charities. This charge needs no refutation. The millions York, writes much serious verse and contributed by Jews to non-sectarian institutions, yes, the milUons has a decided talent for the'lightef ' ~: '•"'"• that are contributed to strictly sectarian, non-Jewish institutions quatrain: by Jews,.the thousands of Jewish lives voluntarily given in the ' , A C H I E V E M E N T , .... :a_ cause of humanity and research is a constant refutation of that The poet is a lazy i-an,
Jewish Verse
BY HETTIE CATTELL in "New York Graphic" "I've been in a lot of Broadway shows, but if you folks are on the level with me in the way you b»7e received me, I've never done anything until tonight, and" O God, I'm happy!" Instead of building bridges, roads^ J rff6 . sits back iii his easy'iehair;' ; : That was the way Al Jolson felt Here in our city we have a monument to Jewish- unselfishness HeAnd fashions-odes. •• : : - - ;i - after his premiere appearance on and Jewish philanthropy—the Wise Memorial hospital is strictly Broadway as a- movie actor in "The non-sectarian. Its doors are open to-all people—there is no dis^ The poet is a peaceful man, - ; J a » Singer.'* Who idly dreams from sun to sun; tinction. between Jews and non-Jews. The humble citizen occupy- And has he accomplished when And Al did-a lot last night! He ing a modest bed in the ward and the rich patron that occupies Hiswhat dreams are spun? 9 began at 8 o'clock by tieing up traffic the best room in the hospital get the same kind and sympathetic for an hour and a half in front of treatment, thesame courteous and kind interest. _. . v Perhaps a book of slender songs - the Warner theater. He saw all the The Wise Memorial hospital is recognized by all doctors in the To sweeten life with lilac rhyme, most influential of Broadway turn when roads and bridges city to be one of the finest and most modern hospitals and meas- That may, into the blazing entrance over which crash, ures up to the highest requirements of modern hospitahzation. Still cling to time 1 was an announcement of his picture Owned, managed and supported almost exclusively by Jews at a covering' the : -upper - stories of the tremendous financial loss and great sacrifice for many years. building. He heard his friends and POETS. We are justly proud of this institution and we point with all others who could get into the pride to the hospital as an example of the Jewish conception of If a poet sings because he must, Time cannot turn his song to dust; theater in ovations greater perhaps, charity and philanthropy. The Wise Memorial hospital is the gift But than h e had ever before been given. if he sings-to fill his.purse, of the Jews to the people of Omaha. He should polish pans instead of He heard them "w&stle and shriek verse.. do more harm than a hundred international protests, can undo.
Press Points
4 A recent J. T. A. news-letter from Latvia relates that a Russian; journalist, UlyaK Trotsky, has great difficulty crossing the frontier on account of his name. This is curious, says the correspondent, in the light of;the fact that'the real name of the real Trotsky is Delia Samoiloff, a New York girl who recently made her debut with the Chicago Opera company, is the daughter of a tenor and the granddaughter of a cantor. •
.This month sees the completion of. the eighth volume of the monumental dictionary planned and compiled by the late Eliezer Ben Yehudah. When the tenth volume is finished,; it will comprise the first actual lexicon of the Hebrew language. Since, the. au-; thor's death, his work has been fear-; ried on by Bemda ^n_JYehudah^^W^ widow, who is now in the TJnTtSd States in the interest of the work.
Cantor Presents . - Bluffs Concert
Two hundred persons attended the concert given" in Council. Bluffs Sunday evening by Cantor.'I. Kahanowitch, of Beth Hamedrosh Hogodel, Omaha. , \. The; t»ntor j:onducted/.the'-evening Service" and gave & coheert ^hiclr aroused much favorable • comment, especially on his singing of the traditional Hebrew music.
Dr. Albert. Michelson, famous scien- : More Baker ice making and refrigtist, violinist, and sportsman, has re-erating plants were sold by the Baker cently had an exhibition of his water colors and pen sketches in Chicago. January than in any other single It is good to know that the age of month in the past twenty-three years Michelangelo did not have all the ver- that the company has been in satile geniuses. ness, according to a statement by Mr. J. L. Baker, president of the In Warsaw, a demented Jew, Jacob company. a Diamond, claims that he is a prophet "This is pretty good evidence, not 5 and a savior, and has tried to prove only of the soundness of the refrigerhis Sacred mission by wrecking; the ating industry, but also of the condialtar of a Christian "church during tions of the country today. We have Christmas services. j received considerable business from Nevertheless, the civil authorities the Omaha trade territory," said Mr. insist upon regarding him as sane Baker. "Other sections which are in and putting him on trial instead of good condition, judging from our own locking ••him up in the proper institu- sales activities, arc Texas, California, tion. Nothing more unfortunate for Washington, the Great Lakes region the Jews of middle Europe could have and eastern states, with Pennsylvania happened. That poor mad Jew canas. a hub," he continued.
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t . .
price oi new ones. 1907 Cuming St.
JA. 2467
RADIO INN 5206 Center Street—WA. 6012
—modern woman rules electrically
Family Washing HArney 754S MArket 3700 MAX KAPLAN
THE SUNSET These women of today are indeed like queens. Their home is their 'castle .;. . an electric push but'ton their royal sceptre. A touch of the button and a faithful toils at a difficult household task. Another touch and the housewife luxury of perfectly cooked food. Electricity, enables her to do what where she wishes : . . y e t her home better than that of her grandmother.
TEA ROOM 49 and Dodge CANDYLAND 16th and Farnam
FRIEDA electric servant
is enjoying the
MOO No. 24th St. We handle a tall line of imported flih— Spratta, Spratten — BiBmark B l English Kippers.
she pleases, go is managed far
WOMEN'S HEEL LIFTS— Leather Composition ...35c MENS HEELS 50c
Monday's Burden Fades Monday is no longer* a day to dread from week, to week. The electric washer has soade i t as easy as any other day of the week. ....
See for Yourself
Visit the "Electric Shop" and see for yourself, what electricity can do for you. See this electric washer and a host of other aides. TouTI be surprised a t how little i t costs to rule your home electrically. -
COMPLETE STORE and OFFICE OUTFITTERS We Occupy Over 70.004 Sqnare Feet Southwest Corner
Eleventh and Douglas Streets Phone JAckson 2724 Omaha, Nebr.
2314 M Street
8 COAL CO. \ 22nd and Nicholas
WEbster 2 6 0 S f
S E ^
Advo Quality Foods
Has Right of Way THE
Slamming a Good Friend "Banging" the receiver on the hook often damages the delicate mechanism inside of the telephone—putting it out of ser*ice. The telephone contains 201 parts skillfully assembled. It is as accurately adjusted as a watch, and should be handled as carefully.
. for Men and Young Men—All Sizes
MeCord-Brady Co*
Placing the receiver on the hock carefully helps t o keep your telephone i n good working order. NORTHWESTERN BELL
full Of promise to liberal users of Good Printing. With our new equipment we are ready to handle the largest, as well as the smallest of your printed messengers. Let's dress them up correctly and send them opt to do their duty right/ A phone call trill bring one of our salesman.
Phone AT. 8028
INTERSTATE PRINTING CO. *'' 1S07 Howard Street, Omaha
"ELECTRIC SHOPS" 17th and Harney Streets
Mall to Depfc «
Courtesy - Service *« Low Rates
The Sign of a Qood Grocer
250 Rooms-—200 Baths Good Rooms1 for 51.50 Operated by Eppley Hotels Co.
of her Castle
Nebraska Power
• New 1928 Super-Ser- New 1928 Suit Models
FEATHER COMFORTERS Made from Xoar Own Feathers. Re-made or made to order. All bondfllleU. We call and deliver. Mottrecees made over In new ticks at half the
Harry H. Lapidus, Pres.-Treas
fabric values heretofore unknown at such low prices.
vice Worsted and - Fancy Mixture Sidts
HE outstanding super-value attraction of 1928 T —The Nebraska Master-Trim Suits for men. An entirely new standard of quality in tailoring and
Phone us about "VULCAN" a high grade Furnace Coal <j» i -i t\t% Per Ton *>lltUU UNION FUEL CO. 209 So. 18th Street—JAckson 0268
The Nebraska Presents Another , '" 1928 Value'Achievement
Council Bluffs News
the declamatory contest held at Thomas Jefferson high school Tuesday evening.
The good old days were those in gers, and pour the cream mixture over them. Let ft set until firm, cut which a novel was a story instead of in slices and serve. an argument.
I by Perhaps. "That Man Heine," by Dr. Lewis Mrs. David M. Newman. "Hey, there!" cries a Jew from the Browne. Publishers, The MacMillan Miss Rose Brandeis, daughter of The Best Place to Buy Your Macaroon Delight: Two dozen mac- window of his house to another, "Go! Company, New Tort City. Price Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Brandeis of Victor Orthophonic aroons, soaked in enough "wine or lown to the Synagogue street and $3.00. ouncil Bluffs, Iowa, ^vfll give an you'll see a unicorn behind the bathcherry juice to soften. or Radio individual recital on Tuesday eveThe life story of one of the most . Custard, 1 pint of milk, 4 yolks of house!" So the Jew runs, and as he —SEE US FIRSTning, February 14, at 8:15 o'clock 1804 No. 24th St at the Schtnoller & Mueller Piano fascinating and perplexing personali- eggs, 1 cup sugar, pinch of salt, cook runs he spreads the news and the en- \ SOL. LEWIS WKbsrtrr 2042 tire town is at his heels al. running in double boiler until it coats on the ties of modern times. Heinrich Heine's Company in Omaha, Nebraska. Miss Brandeis is fourteen years old, and whole life was one of continuous spoon. Dissolve one heaping teaspoon to see the unicorn. The first Jew j is a pupil of Mr. Cecil Berryman of storm of love, lust, wretchedness, of Knox's gelatine in 1 cup of cold thereupon puts on his hat and says' Omaha. Her selections "will include strife, idealism, mendacity, and sub-water, heat it and add to custard with to himself: "I guess 111 hurrj down Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Gohen announce the engagement of pieces to the Synagogue street myself. PerChopin, Liszt, Beethoven, lime literary achievement. Though 1 teaspoon of vanilla. their daughter, Miss Mary, to Mr. J. Forbes, son of Mr. and Mrs. Sibelius,of St. Beat the egg whites stiff, pour cus- haps there really is a unicorn there!" Saens, Staub, and born the son of a poor Jewish shop"Manufactured in Omaha" M. Forbes. The wedding date has not been set. Shuett. The public is invited to keeper in a little Rhineland town, he tard into the whites, add 1 cup of The pen is T-;-1rtieT than the sword. BAKER ICE MACHINE CO. yet managed to make his career as marischino cherries, one-half cup co-' Mr. and Mrs. I. Kaplan announce the engagement of their attend this recital. it is called "a European event." coanut. Wet a mold in cold water, —-Bulwer Lytton. daughter, Miss Kose, to Mr. Nathan Fear, son of Mr. and Mrs. A. The Agudes Achim Society mil He became the most brilliant sati- pour in the mixture and let it set for *D. Fearl No date for the wedding has been set. Many affairs entertain its members and friends rist of his age, and the most popular 24 hours in a cold place. Cot in slices •ASK YOUR GROCER FOR Let the honoring Miss Kaplan have teen planned. at a public bridge party followed by lyric poet of all time. But so madly and serve with whipped cream. dancing at the Eagles Hall on Sun-did he conduct himself among men, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Sherman announce the engagement of their day evening, February 12, in celebra- so violently did he take sides in the Charlotte Basse: Whip-eBierJb&lf pint daughter, Miss Pearl, to Mr. Henry Weisberg, son of Mr. Saul tion of the club's fourteenth anni- revolutionary movements of the daycream stiff, *dd whites of 2 eggs beatBe Your Baker •WeTsberg. N6 date has been set for the wedding. • versary. There will be no admission that to this day Heine's character is en stiff,, and one-half: cap powdered QUAKER BARING CO. charge and everyone is urged to still a subject of controversy. This sugar, 1 teaspoon vanilla or almond Mr. and Mrs. B. Zorinsky announce the engagement; of their make their plans now to attend this book neither condemns nor condones flavoring. Dissolve one Reaping teaVinegar, Pickles, Olives, Play the Violin Correctly daughter, Miss Rebecca, to Mr. Joe Poster, son of Mr; and Mrs. J. affair. A grand door prize will also the recurrent lapses into vice, malice spoon of Knox's gelatine in 1 tableby IncflvliTnn! In«trtirtlon Catsup, Mustard, Etc. Poster of Council Bluffs. No date has been set for the wedding. be given away. and rascality which marked the ca- spoon cold water. Let it stand for P r o t Sevcik and other worlr renownEvery Package Guaranteed ed teachers recommend n;j- method veiv reer of Heine; it seeks only to uncover nlgbly. Mrs. Ike Kramer and sons, Max, the hereditary and environmental fac- five minutes, then plat*; the pan in The" • marriage of Miss Florence a pan of hot water, heat, take from fluraai Viiegir & Pickle Ct. and Hymie, spent the past weekFRANK MACH .Shames of Hollywood, daughter of tors which may have made such lapses fire and cool, then add cream mixture OMAHA Concert Violinist and Instructor end visiting in Sioux City, Iowa. inevitable. . Mr. Barney Shames of Omaha, and. SUNDAY— slowly. line a dish with lady finEttndia UT,4 No. 16th pt. JA. 19.-.S .. , ;. ;. They attended the District No. 5 Mr. Albert Denels, son of Mrs. ThomMembers^Swimming-Meet, m the Tournament of the- A. Z. A. While Lewis Browne has written the book as. Penels,: formerly of Des Moines, Jewish Community Center. - there, Mrs. Kramer was the house as dramatically as any novel, in an as^tiiiiiniHiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiniiiiHinniuiiniiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiwitniMSR took jftaee Sunday, January 22, in the Omaha Hebrew Club, in the Jew- guest of Mr. and Mrs. J. Robin. easily, readable, colorful style. He Boosevelt hotel, Hollywood. has made of the mad life of a genius Rabbi Iissauer conducted the cere- ish Community Center. Mis. Morris Cohn of Omaha is a tale clear and moving. WHOLESALE DRUGGIST mony. in the presence of 250 guests. TUESDAY— entertaining her afternoon bridge and STATIONERS The bride was given away by her Workmen's Loan association, an- club at her home today. Napoleon said there was no such 401-403-405 South 10th Street brother^ .Mr. Louis A. Shames, of nual banquet, in the Jewish Comword as cant. Wonder if he ever Streator, HI. Miss Shames was at- munity Center. ( Mrs. Sam Rosenthal spent the past tried to scratch a match on a cake tended by Mrs. Harry Kavich, Miss Deborah society, in the Jewish week-end in Sioux City, Iowa, visit- of soap. ^diffilStone, TSIiss Mary PritMn, and Community Center. ing her mother, Mrs. A, Marie. Miss Helen Chapman of Des Moines. Leo Nogg, son of Mr. and Mrs. "Pm going to marry a pretty girl 87th a n d Martha H I P . H A n u - y 106° Mr. Denels' best man was Mr. Harry - Sisterhood Book review,.in the OSIAHA, N E B R A S K A M. Nogg, won first place in the and a good cook." Kavich. Mr. Ben Diamond, Mr. Ben Temple. Soft p r a y , iron, hrnpf:. hronse niul "You can't. Thafs bigamy." humorous division of the finals of aluminum ciistinps. Staiulurd R1?,PS Miller, and Mr. Meyer PritMn were WEDNESDAY— b r o n e e a n d Iron bushing's, s e w e r m n n ushers. Lawrence Kavich was ring hotes, c i s t e r n rinfrs n n d covers, mul Woodmen of the World," in the c l e a n - o u t d o o r s in sfoek. bearer, . and Arleen Rosenberg was Jewish Community Center. flower girl. •! . Omaha and Council Bluffs guests THURSDAY— "QUALITY JEWELERS" B'nai B'rith, in the Jewish Comincluded Mrs. Yale Dubnoff, Mr. and MALASHOCK JEWELRY ' Mrs. E. Meyer, Mr. and Mrs. Ben munity Center. Boasberg, Miss Baila Frieden, Miss Wholesale and Retail Jewelers Keva Ziev, and Mr. Louis Nathan of 213-16 City National Bank Omaha, and Mrs. Herman Marowitz, the home of her sister, Mrs. M. H. Bldg JA. 5C19 and Miss Ruth Krasne of Council Krasne, in Council Bluffs, la. Bluffs. Miss ,Ida Fleischer, has returned After a honeymoon in San FranMIU WEST * dsco, Portland and Seattle, Mr. andfrom New York City, where she visitENGRAVING CO.INC. Mrs. Denels will take up their, resi- ed relatives and friends. dence in the New LaWiltona apartWise hospital board will meet xaents, Hollywood. •"• Tuesday evening, February 14. *Mr. and-MrsrrMorris-SheaMai 6f 313 S0.14TH.ST. OMAHA. Chicago .announce the birth of a son, ."Mr. Ben Koenigsberg, who lias been ill in Wise Memorial hospital, has reJanuary 30. Mr. Sherman is the sonof Mr. and Mrs. Julius Sherman turned to his home. of Omaha. Deborah society will meet at 2:30 p. m., February 14, in the Jewish . Mrs.-3jduis "Sommer is entertaining Community Center. Important busiSaturflay for her daughter, Beatrice, ness will be transacted. •with a 12 o'clpck luncheon at her The membership. campaign of the home, followed by a theater party at And Henrietta Szold Girls closed Sunday, the performance of Tony Sarg's MaFebruary 5, at the club's open meetrionettes. ing. The club now has a membership .•'••; Miss Beva Ziev.^who has been visit- of 35 girls, 13 being brought in durAt All Grocers ing friends in Los Angeles, is now ing the membership campaign. The Made By the guest of Miss Evelyn Richards in losing team, captained by Rose ShafUncle Sam Breakfast Fed Ce. San Francisco. During her visit, she er, will give a party for the winning side, which is captained by Le/ta GilOmaha, Nebr. will attend many parties given in honor of Miss Bess Horn, whose en- man. The party committee is as folg^fement to Mr. Sylvan Hersh was lows: Rose Shafer, chairman; Dorothy Margolin, Ruth Fox and announced recently. Ida Blacker. The club had a very inM Max Langman and her little teresting program at their open meetdaughter, who have been visiting ing Sunday, February 5. The; proEvery informal daytime need finds a Mrs. Lsmgman's parents, Mr. and gram was as follows: A short talk charming answer in this colorful se~Btrs- Jarohijtt Kulakofsky, have left on Miss Henrietta Szold by Rose 20th and Nicholas JA GGft for Harrislrarg, Pa. Mrs. Louis Spi- Shafer; a piano solo by Rebecca lection. Kirschenbaum; several violin solos by HARRY SWENGLE, Prop. 1 wak, who is remaining indefinitely 2,500 Pairs 7,500 Pairs with her parents on account of the Ruth" White; accompanied by Lena Sheer Georgette—Crepe de Chine illness of iher mother, is in Des Gilman; a poem on "The Burial of Chiffons Semi-Chiffons Moses," by Martha Iippett, and a Moines for ia short visit. Rich Canton—Vivacious short talk by. Mrs. M. F^ Levenson, $2.50 and $3 $2.50 and $3 sponsor of the Tfovmg Judean Clubs Printed ,. — -'^M Kose Schiffer has gone to DenQualities Qualities ver, where she will make Tier home. in this city.
Coming Events
Fashions Dated Spring 1928
^ e Annual FeJ
SilkHosiery Classic
Okay Brai Flakes
10,000 Perfect ?ms at
1 1 Coke Texas Petroleum j ., Per Ton $15.00
"Come, Berel," his mother urged," - Mi-s; Toby SHverman, with her It's a sale of hosiery that is seldom equaled! Every small daughters, Hadassah and "go to Cheder and I will give you a • Elaine, will leave Sunday for Los An- piece of strudel to take along for • pair is perfect, every pair is fresh and new just re"' '• geies, where .they will remain until lunch." next September, Mrs. Silverman .'has Berel agreed and soon was on" ceived from nationally known manufacturers whose been active in many Jewish activities his way to Cheder with his trudel. ' names must be omitted because of the drastic price in Omaha, A number of affairs have Suddenly a dog rushed up . to. him, snaatehed the lunch and was off. cut. There are sheer chiffon—silk from top to to&— been in her honor. "Hey, you," Berel shouted after . with reinforced heel, toes, and soles for extra wear; Miss Ruth Riseman, formerly of the dog, "you have the strudel. Now Elk Creek, Neb., is now residing at you go to Cheder!" semi-chiffon with lisle re-inforced garter tops, soles,
heels, and toes. Every pair is a bargain. It's wise economy to buy them by the box. All spring shades.
The Extra Value Omar Bakery puts into ,ifs fcread, cakes and pastries has brought us thousands of customers. Women all over Omaha are talking about it. You can .get Omar goods from most groceries or the Omar wagon that comes to your neighborhood.
Frock; $ 25=
Frocks to please the most fastidious * . lovely quality . . dignified . . and best of all, delightfully moderate in price. Ensembles! Smart for spring $39.75 Youthful chic in Tailored Suits : ?25.00 Tailored or Fur-Trimmed Kasha Coats —$39.75 iiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiuiuiiuiiiiiuiuiuHiuimuiiuHininiii
11 il
Accident and Healtli Assault Automobile Fire Automobile Liability Ban Jr Deposit --— Boiler Gxplnslun Burglarj (ResideiictM Dnrglary "(Store; etc.)Bnrclary at Safe Check Baismz CiviJ ComiDotioc " Consequents) Damage Ctificent fJablllt.r ' Botitls
Office 824 World-Herald Bldg.
liberator Liability Euclue Breakage Expltsion (Generni) Ev:preK8 Shipments VhJaHty Bonds i'ire nnd Tornado Fly Wheel Kr<>l^iit Charjrea
Furs, All Risks Goiters' Equipment Hail Hold np (Messenger) (I'ayuiasrer) {{Veronal> V l > Hnusehnld Goods in Transit '
Croup "nEuranee
Jewelry, AH Risks LantlJords' LinbilityLarceny and Theft Leasehold 1/mbilily (General) Life Live Stoefe Merchandise in Transit Motor Boat Motorcycle (all forms) Musical Instruments I*nrtnerBtiip "Mfe Insnra • Physicians' Defense I»late Olnss Breakage l*flt I Itain Icsiitanc-e
i;egiBtered Mail Eeutal Value Salesman's SSamplcs Sprinkler Leakage Strike BIKI Rio* Supply Bond Surgeons' Liability Teams' Liability Theatre Liability Theatrical Transportation Title Insurance Toufisfn Floater
Use and Occupancy
Wnfpr Dnmjijre Workman's Compensation
Telephone ATlantic 3186
, -.' .- ^
PAGE 4^-THE JEWISH PRESS, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 9, 1928 ziner. No admission will be charged, be given a suspension and his casejweek the boys play the Updike Mill- while Max Altschuler topped the high Bible," of which he is not only author,] but illustrator. Young folks in parso come early f you want to g e t t h e | brought up before the.athletic com-' ing of Council Bluffs at 8 sharp, while three'-game total with a 593 mark. mittee. Let's be a sport and help us the the)junior junior ' boys play the Black Black Cat Cat The Appleman-Robinson Co. wonticular and old folks in general will best seats. '" " ' I f' enforce- this rule. "13" at 7. three -games from the Wardrobe and find here the Bible stories couched in BY M;ARcirS the Empire Cleaners were defeated in language they can understand. In an The Psi Mu. juniors continue to "win A physical examination w,ill be givin the J . C. ,C, junior basketball league .Everything,'^ all set for the big The fast stepping Segelraan Serv- successive games by the Glazer Clotht age when the presses are busy day and night printing books which are swimming "carnival to be held in our Monday, evening by, diowning the en to all men and boys Monday even- ice Station playing head up ball ing Co. The Yousem Service five won twoglutting the shelves of book stores, pool Sunday night, February 12, a t B'nai Abrahams, 13-2. The Boy ing, February .27, and staging at 7 lost t o the A." Z. A- by a score of 7:30 p . m. The following events will Scouts took the'Olympians into camp sharp. No charge w ^ be made. 8 i ; t o 3 in a whirlwind basketball games from the Omaha Tobacco Co., it is interesting to note that this) be on the program: 20 yards for boys by 16-4, while, the B'nai Ami crew game played at the Jewish Com- and thereby increased their position book, now nearly four years old, is Min Flax, forward on the J. C. C.munity Center last night. The A. Z. in the standings appreciably. The still "selling strong." If you have under 12, 20 yards for boyL between overcame the B'nai Israels, 8-2. ~ girls' basketball team, has been A. were leading 3 to 1 a t the end Malashock's gathered in the highest not read it or if you have a child 12 and 14, 40 yards for boys between The double handball league starts elected to pilot the sextet for the re-iff*, the half. Franks and Levin weresingle game total" of the season by old enough to go to Sabbath School, 14" and 16, 40 yards for seniors, 40 maining of the basketball season. the outstanding players for the A. pounding the pins for a 964 count. you will find it decidedly worth yards breast stroke for seniors. 100 Sunday a t 1:30 p. m. ' : Min has been playing a bang-up game Z..;A. yards for seniors, (20 yards for junior Mike Goldsmith, the kin^ pin artist while. girls, 40 yards,' for seniors.. Club reBeginning Sunday morning no one all season and is well liked by her The Peerless Cleaners walloped of the Western Union league, con\ lays, back stroke exhibition and a will be allowed to play/any more than team mates. the Brodkey Con't Co., to a tune of tinued his sharpshooting by securing A certain brand of margarin in farcy diving, exhibition by Joe' Radu- two "games -of-handball between 1O> a 573 score while rolling for the You- Poland was used very largely by 23 to 13. f and 1:30 on Sunday,'andafter 7 p. ib! The girlsV' basketball; team won In the other game the Gross sem Service team. Orthodox families. The Warsaw NOTICE BTU^VXtBtACATlOli i.OK VS- iiTthe evenings? Only two'ganijes will fourth victorx^of t h e season by ".TITION POB SETTLEMENT OF Lumber trounced the Bezman HardriN*AX'"Ai"5IT q g j . i h g FirsVJI, B . girfs a t the wares, 13 to 10. Ackerman and j All business is predicated upon Rabbinate, for some reason yet unbe allowed and the. player, mus.t not known to the general public, sent rre-enter e e n t e r the coiirHinder coiirHiner anV condition c o n d i n church gym. - The girls a r e in second Bloom led the winners, with F o r - ; good faith. If good faith is violated, FKEli 7 WHITE, Attorney samples to four different laboratories WXTi^rst Nat'l JJnnk Bias. Anyone 'caught breaking this rule will place in the City girls' basketball man showing best for the losers. the customer will refuse to continue for analysis. Each chemist reported IN THE COUNTS COURT OF UOUGLA.S league. Next Saturday the girls play T CUA *EYrTfKBItASK The Segelmans now lead • the purchasing. If the violation affects LEON STALMASTER & BEBER the fast " Y " team on the Y. W. C. A. league by one game over the Peer- only merchandise, one may not be that the margarin contained a large in tbe Mlitter of the Estate, of Lena Levy, Attorneys quantity of iard. deceased: all persons interested In said floor at 6:30 p . m. seriously injured, but where bad Peters Trust Building' less Cleaner andr A. Z. A. matter are hereby notified th«t on the 3d If they decide to prosecute the day of February, 11128, Dr. « U J p Bher, PfiOBATE NOTICE . ,. faith or fraud affects honest religilitfed a petition in eaie County Court, praymanufacturer of this product I will In the matter of the estate of JENNIE Next Tuesday tne advance game ing that his final administration account SIMON, Deceased. ous scruples, inherited feelings or -Business Men's Bowling League. ask for the privilege of contributing filed herein be settled and allowed, and Notice Is hereby given: That the cred- class for girls; will swing under way traditional beliefs, it is not only a that he be'j discharged from-his trust as itors of' said , deceased will meet the adW . L. Pet. to the fund, for I feel this is a most executor and that* a' hearing will be had ministrator of said" estate, before me. at 5...p. nfi Miss GreenlJejrg^lso anserious violation of good business on said petition before said Court on the County Judge of Douglas County, NebrasMlalashock Jewelry ,.,....33 despicable case of deception prac21 .611 •20th day of February, 1028,-and that if ka, at the County Court Room, In said nounces .that she-will teach tennis and fair daeling, but it properly 34 23 .597 ticed upon an innocent people. you fall to appear before said court on The County; on the 21at. day of March, 1028, technique., This, class has been started Kaiman Insurance raises the question of providing an said 25th. day of February, 1028, at 0 o'clock and OD the 21st day of May, 102S. at V Glazer Clothing Co. 28 26 .519 A. 1L, and contest said petition, the, Court o'clock A M., each day,, for. the purpose of especially for high school girls. may grant the prayer of snid petition, en- presenting their claims for examination, -Appleman-Robinson Co. 28 29. .491 adequate punishment by those com"The American Hebrew" tells vs ter- a decree of heirshfp, and mate such adjustment and allowance. Three months Empire Cleaners _.._^._^7 30 .474 petent to reach law-making, bodies- that there are over 3,500 "lady lawother and further orders, < allowances and are allowed for the, creditors to present The J . C. C. volley ball league open- Ydusem Service __; ^.27 decrees, as to this Court may. seem proper, their claims; from the 18tb day of Febru30 .474 The reason of this paragraph will be to-the end that all matters pertaining to ary, 1928.' ' ' -; "• ed Monday evening with the following : found below. . said estate may be finally settled and deThe • Wardrobe . ..._.i 25 32 BKTCE CRAWFORD, results: Malashocks beat Steins, 15-9, Onaaha Tobacco Co. •!_..22 termined. 1-10—4 T. County Judge. 35 .384 BKXCB CHAWPOHD, 2-0-28 County Judge. MONSKY, KATLEMAN & -GRODIKSKT 15-5; the J P s i M u s feat t h e People's It would b e a pleasure to devote a There was some fancy shooting in 1 Store, 16-14,16-14; the, A. Z. A.'s beat the Malashoci Jewelry-Kaiman Insur- paragraph to the art of letter writing New 5-room Colonial Duplex. Attorneys • : . Built in tub, tile floor, newly • .LEON. STALMA3TBR & EEBEK 750 Omaha National Bank Bldg. _, , ••• the^B'nai 'Ami, 15-9^ 23-15, 15-13. ance series, wfiich the latte- won by as exemplified by Hendrik Van Loon, decorated in good neighborhood, Attorney a NOTICE OF iNCORPOBATION OF BUDNext week/ the B'nai A.mJ play the HUSKEIf INN. INC. -. a;,close margin. Dave Greenberg and for he writes a charmingly informareasonable rent to right party, 300 Peters Trust Blig, Steins; the A. zl A.'s plays the PeoNOTICE is hereby given that the under-NOTICE OF CHATTEL MORTGAGE worth while seeing. WE. 6500. Jack Kramer secured high individual tive letter. This paragraph, however, sigued have, pursuant to the laws of the ple's Store and the Malashocks plays SALE - ' games of 225 and-231, respectively, refers to his book, "The Story of the of Nebraska, formed a corporation. NOTICE Is hereby given that. on the State 15th day of February, 1028, at 10 a. m. at The name of said corporation is BUD the Psi Mus.
For Rent
HUSKER INN, INC., , with . its principal the address of 1509 Capitol Ave. In Omahu. place of business in the City of Omaha. Kfebraska, the undersigned will sell at pub- The objects for which said corporation is lic auction to the higheBt bidder for cash formed Don't miss out on the physical deare, to establish and operate candy, the following described personal property, confectionary and soft drink parlors and partment dance Feb. 18. ttr-wit: to deal in everything necessary and re, 1 oak book case, 3 sec, 1 oafc dlnipg quisite for the opetation of said easiness; . table, 2 velvet rngSr 1 oak.Diningeither at -wholesale or retuil, or both. . The room table, 1 Cheney phonocorporation shall have authority to buy; The J. C. C. basketball team walked graph, 1 cedar chest, 1 maplq chiffsell, encumber and dispose of all neces- all over the Omaha University of I onier, 1 drop-leaf table, 1 gray Icon sary, real or personal property to carry on bed, 1 White sewing machine, 1 oak first! the purpose (or which said corporation is Commerce school five in their library table, 1 oak buffet, 1 maple organized. Capital stock sbnll be $J0,-game Saturday night a t the Center *•- dressing table, 1 brass bed' com- 000.00, consisting of 100 shares, par value *r plete. 2. kitchen tables, 3 kitchen ?10.00 each, also shall be common stock gym./The fiina? score was 44-15, with; chairs,'1 oak'arm rocker, 1 mabogand when issued, shall be paid and- non" any, chiffonier. The corporation shall coin Rosenblatt, Altschuler, Katzman and And that on the same day at 11 a. m., assessable. business upon the nlins 'ut the Bloom in stellar roles foi the winners. at Kramer's garage, SlBt and Q streets, inence Articles of Incorporation with the County lii Omaha, Nebraska, the undersigned will Clerk and continue until January 1st, U!«7 In the preliminary game t h e under sell at public auction to the highest bidder The highest amount of Indebtedness shall for cash, one 1920 Gary'truck., engine No. not exceed two-thirds of -the capital stock. feated junior basketball team swamp? H-1397; all covered-by .chattel mortgage^ affairs Of•"the*'"COfPoratloii.-.snail be edythe Jerry ;parablersj 60-11. Next favor o( F. VE. Tyson.-: doing bqsiness'as .The administered by a bofcra of aireeto«, ; twtf Omaha Loan, jCpmpnps, signed _ by John "in number, ^unless otBerwisej:proyiaid fort. Smith and Mary Smith, sometimesfenown 1 The directors Bhall j6p elected aVthe;.ftnas Mary Vogel, said mortgage being dared nual meeting of theh8t$<;fcfiola«!i» to^be jftne TJ. 1927'and having been Oled at the held on the- tbir.d Sfdnday• of'Wn.iary/ of office' of the County Clerk of Douglas1 1•jeach year.'- Immediately•-after their eli-cCounty. Nebraska on the 17th day i'bf 'tlon, ;tbe •shall-meet aiul elecj ^Lovely Modern furnished roorii. June, 1027; said sale will be for the pur-President,1 directors .Vice-President' 'and;..Secretary. /Large enough f o r two., In home pose of foreclosing said mortgage, and Tor The officers-and board' of. dTrectors shall the purpose of satisfying the amount now the affairs of the corporation. The of private family, reasonable rent, due. thereon, to-wlt, 5230.00 with Interest conduct Articles -may be, amended. '-Che corpora; and the increased" and accruing costs. walking -distance from town,, shall have n seal. ' . '*.?" F-. ~'E. " TYSON., doing business as tlon Dated June 17th, 1027. ' ' OMAHA LOAN CO. by Leon, Stalmaster privllegesrcall AT.'4887r* •
and Beber, his.attorneys' 1-2Q-28—ST. I
WM. BRYDEN & COMPANY Certified Public Accountants 5 Bldg." AT. 4451. '-
They Came! They Saw! They Heard! And Their Coming Back to See and Hear It Again
North Omaha Furnace Co.
141] No. S4lb St.—WE. «U51 Installation and Repairing of Tin Work, Furnaces Skylights, Ventilating. Gutters and Spouting. s for Kosblt Furnace
OB, MAMMY: • v
I'd walk * million'miles F o r one of yant smilei.
Hear Him Sing and Talk . Only does AL JOLSON sing his \§T famous Mammy Songs but he II sings "Kol Nidre" like you never ^ ^ . heard it sung before. COME AND SEE T H E PICTURE All Omaha is Talking. About
Matinee Daily, 11 to 12, 25c 12 to 6, 35c, Evening, 60c
1413 Douglas Street The Most Popular Cafe in Omaha
Appropriate for After-Theater , Gatherings '
National Accessories, Inc.
Spring Means Building Building Means
For The Auto?v
Auto Tops' & Accessories
1811 California'
BREAD and BUTTER PICKLES The *est of these sonr-swm pickles has been much imi. tated, but never equated, except tii the grood old-fashioned picklmi your moth«r ' , used to put up. . • Buy n jar from your groc*r today, and treat your tnm Ijr to this crisp, tasty delicacy. And—They Are NOT BXPENSivis. Distributed by
Thomsen-SIater Butter Company 1S15 Howard St.
Garages' , CASS GARAGE 1707-17 Cass—AT. S333 .
.Kelly Springfield Tires— L 24, S o u r s Service
Ai H. BRODKEY —GEN ERAU. CO N T UACTOR— . 400 Hospe Bldg^ JA. 1C14
Pianist Instructor
Beginners and advanced students' • accepted. • • •' • I Suite 5,Wead Bld£., 18 and Farnamj —Telephone AT. S162— Public Pupils- Recitals March 7 and ; ; •.'. • "April 18.
Printers SUN PRINTING CO. AT. 3S32—504 S o . 1 3 Get Our Prices and Save
OMAHA GARAGE '.-1517 No/24th St.—WE. 0300
STANDARD PRINTING CO. ,1. F. SOEKTSK] 819 No. 16th St.—.JA. sejW
Estimates Gladly Furnished
Reliable, Reasonable, Expert Auto Repair Service
We specialize in form printing
Sign CoTs«
2812 Coming St;
IIiH-ney 3412
1511 NO. 24th—WE. (3284
204-0 South 24th St.—AT. 1400
Thorough Cleaning and Dying by Skilled Workmen in Our Own Plant
Paris Cleaners and Dyers
VTe suggest you send your launrtry to
170» Cumins St.—JA. 2935
Try a lodf of our Whole-Wheat Bread with your next meal.
High Class Work and Quick Service
WE. 1029 All Type of Laundry
Barber Shops
Drug Stores
Lumber Go's.
16th and Davenport Street H. MANOS, Propr. VOBTJ, MEET YOCR FRIENDS . . AT HARRY'S
1004 No. £4th St.— WE. ()38G B. ROBINSON Mgr. Prescriptions caretnlly compounded. Free delivery anywhere in the city.
13th and Douglas—115 So. 15th
1923 Clark St.—WE. 0410
WalUn-HoImgren Eiec. Co.
Brandels Stores . . JA. 2507-AT. SCB6 Dundee Parlor WA. 8014 Specialists In PEUMANENT WAVING
24th and Burdette— WE. <">3G2 EOtb and Nicholas—J A. fiOOO
"Everything Under Cover"
502 So. 13th St.—JA. 5032
Tailors Master Tailor Service 215 So. tuth-i'lione AT. HOOS
Refitter of Ladies and Mene Clothing A. BEKNSTEIN. Prop.
WOLK-THE TAILOR 15015 No. IMtb St.—WE. Bpeciailzing in aeiining, PreSBlng eud fieJining Men nnd Women** Appnre5
Careful Prescription Service " Merchandise of Quality
Beauty Parlors
Your clothes lust lnnndered washed SIGNS in nets because the nets tnke np the wear. This service at no extra cost ON OTSTAL—«I,ASS—WOOD— to yon. CT.OTH—sno*c*Ri»s , SANITARY LAUNDRY HA. 4209 2222 Fnrnani 8t AT. 281S Z815 Fatnara
1722 No. 241b St.— WE. 0283
Personal Service You will Appreciate
402 BrandelgrfTbea. Bldg.—AT. U50
By Popular
Held Over A Second Week
yers" in the United States. Of the "three hundred in New York City, between fifty and seventy-five are Jewish. One has the title of judge. Judge Clarice Baright, who recently presided for a month in the Jefferson Market Court House." The field of endeavor, of work and results, girls, is a s . big as your imagination and will power. Sex is not the handicap it was when your mother was a girl.
Music Teachers
Tent &. Awning Co's.
"Omaha's Foremost of Music
Middleton Conservatory Of Music
New, Used Motors, Repairs, Rewinding, Wiring, Mail Orders
1808 Farnam—JA. 3329 See Our Sheep Lined Coats Today
School of Opera, Theatre and Public Speech
Marinello Beauty Shops
502 Mictel Bldg.. 15th and Harney
Herzbbrg's—151'J Douglas—AT. 3763 Uarlnello—TiGG Crandeis Theatre Bldg. JA. 3400 JA. 2043 Pontenelle
AT. 4145 Vclce, Piano, Violin> Public Speech, Dramatics. Expression
Tire Shops
Paxton Billiard Parlors
Karnam—JA. U721
Direct Wire Service on All . Latest Sport Events
"The Best Place To Buy Your Flowers
2506 No. 24th—WK. « m
2308 North 24th St.—Phone WB. 2057
Children and Family Groups Our Specialty
A. D. Ferguson The Florist
SOtb and Ames Ave.—KE. 3flJH»
1612 Douglas—J A- 3306
"Flowers For All Ocassions"
Photographs of Distinction
Cor. I7tb and Capitol Ave.~-A'» *»*> OOOD\EAR SEKVICB STATION 'i'lres. Tubes, Accessories. Bond Service Vulcanizing nnd General Repairing