February 16, 1928

Page 1

Interesting and Entertaining


the News Of Interest to Jews


Entered aa second-class mail matter on January £ poBt office at Omaha. .Nebraska, under tbe Act of Mar



Wind Rescues Palestine From Locust Plague


Paul Grossman Heads Central Staff

VOL. VII.—No. 7


Jerusalem—(J. T. A.)—TransjorPaul Grossman, son of Mr. and Mrs. dania, like western Palestine', was L Grossman, S033 Myrtle avenue, has saved yesterday from the locust been made managing editor of the plague by a strong desert wind. - . Weekly Register, Central high An army of locusts appeared at school's weekly paper. Hismeh, Trans jordaniaj • threatening Ten Thousand Menace English Young Grossman is a member of Southwest Region to Send Dele But Reports Published in Chigates Here in May. cago Tribune Were Sensathe fields of the region. However, Leader as He Enters Bagdad. the Junior Honor society, .chairman Friends Assist Candidates For Popularity Contest just at Petra, the early part Of the tionai and Untrue. of the type committee for the Oweek, a -wind. drove the locusts back ARAB DEMONSTRATION. Book, secretary of the senior orchesJUNIORS TO CONFER. ' To Reach; Goal And Win Prizes;•••-:, to the desert. . ,?. tra, a member of the Central com•?' NO ONE KILLED. Bagdad, IraQ. -i- An anti r Zionist mittee and the Press club. The third annual conference of the demonstration, arranged by Arab po- Adele Wilinsky is editorial writer. Southwest Eegion of Hadassah will be Warsaw—(J. T. A.)—The sensaRING F O R QUEEN litical propagandists, created a seri- The advertising manager is Lilyan held Monday and Tuesday, May 28tional report cabled by the correous problem l o rtikespolice authorities HayMn. Morris -Blacker is one of the and 29, at the Jewish Community spondent of the "Chicago Tribune" Center. The conference of Junior that a man was killed and his daughin the capital- of Iraq on the arrival copy readers.- • ^ ^ •'.. 1 " > , j i Hadassah will take place Sunday and ter committed suicide because of exhere of Sir-Alfred .Mond, British in-;'€fflididatK'in the Thorpeian Athletic Oub'srbig popularity Monday, May 27 and 2S. dustrialist, former minister of public communication issued by rabbis contest are hiard-^t work, together with; their friends ?uid relatives, • The following officers will be in against the performance of Sholom works, and-Zionist leader. The police ilriiiteir efforts to -win one of the four valuable prizes offered by the Problems of Trade Discussed In charged a t the; demonstrators. Forty charge of the conference: Mrs. M. F.Ash's well kno-wn drama, "God of c h l b . : . < ' ' •'•. ' ' V - : • . ' :".' ^ ' • ' • • ' • '"-'-•*-• - ' . - - - - ' • • • ' - ' -' Sessions of Convention Levenson, Omaha, president; Mrs. S.Vengeance" is incorrect. No one was were arrested and several were in. .In the. meantime, President Irvin. Levin and his committees Here L. Goldman, St. Joseph, Mo^ Mrs. G. killed and no suicide -was committed. jured in : the riot. are-liard a t work preparing for the big Jubilee ball which the Klausner, St. Louis; Mrs. A. Markus, Sir Alfred, wbo left Jerusalem for An inquiry disclosed that the senThorpeians will stage at the auditorium on Sunday night, March CHAIN STORE DISCUSSED Bagdad accompanied by his wife and Kansas City; Mrs. E. Hill, Lincoln, l 11# 'Eyery^eiffbrt is "being exerted to make this one of the greatest Merchants ought not to expect daughter, was compelled to enter the Rabbis and Cantors in Combat Neb., and Mrs. E. Willens, Denver, sational cable had its origin in an inentertainments ever presented in the city of Omaha. Colo., vice (.residents; Mrs. J. J. cident -which took place in a small the state legislature to correct all city by a circuitous .route in order to Orer Meaning of Law. Friedman, Omaha, secretary, and town, Koszj'ce, near Warsaw, The announcement that the • their troubles, Sam Rosenblum, vice avoid the threatening. mob of ten In that town an amateur group of Thorpeians had- secured Arthur president of the Nebraska Retail thousand. Six miles from the city the CANTORS, GROUP PROTESTS Miss Dora Cohen, Kansas City, treas- actors, composed of local Jewish urer. They will be assisted by the Bandall's Hotel Fontenelle orGrocers' association, told the grocers Mond party Was -informed of the young men and women, presented chestra, augmented to fifteen and meat dealers of the state who threatening attitude of the demon- Boston—(J. T. A.)—A controversy board of directors of the Omaha chap- Sholom Ash's play. When the scene, ter. pieces^ was :received everywhere are meeting in convention in Omaha strators. The party was transferred has developed' here as to who is enin which one of the characters throws as an indication of the steps bethis week. from the trans-desert^car into four titled to perform marriage cere- Members of Hadassah from five the Holy Scrolls on the floor was ening taken' by the Thorpeians to Mr. Rosenblum urged a process of smaller automobUesT-and. proceeded monies,, in connection with regulations states and about twelve chapters are acted, the audience vras wrought to a make theii affair a gigantic education rather than dependence on undetected to t h e British residency in issued by.the Boston city authorities expected to attend this conference, pitch of excitement at the profanation "Race Prejudice" to Bel Topic of Success. Randall's orchestra or. ~• • legislation. .. - . Bagdad. in co-operation with the state depart- which will be one of the largest to of the Torah. Protest meetings were New York Pastor. dinarily is composed of but nine have been held in the Center. The demonstration began when a ment of vital statistics. Harry B. Zimman, president of the musicians. The addition of six Out-of-town speakers will address held and the leaders of the Jewish Associated Retailers of Omaha, pres- procession' of Arab students, shouting The regulation of Assistant Regisof Omaha's best musicians to BAILEY IS CHAIKMAN. ided at the first session and wel- "Down ." with _-Zionism," marched trar Joseph A. Cahlan, whereby cer- the luncheon on Monday and the ban-community decided that the entire population must fast, on Monday bethis crack- group of players comed the visitors in the name of through the streets to the western en- tain cantors were refused authoriza- quet on Tuesday. These meetings v/ill cause of the profanation. Three of the John Haynes Holmes, liberal min- Omaha merchants. Bhonld make the music alone an trance of the city where they ex- tion to perform marriag ceremonies, be open to the public performers were excommunicated. ister, lecturer and author,*will come attraction sufficient to warrant pected the arrival of tHe Mond party. called forth the protest of the Can"Omaha retailers believe that the When the pe?."formers succeeded in to the Jewish,. Community Center attendance at the big Jubilee people of every town should patron- Several cars which were suspected of tors' association. The association has convincing1 the coTn-rrmruty leaders that . ball at the city, auditorium. ize their home merchants," he told carrying the Monti •party were stop- retained counsel to fight the issue. what was thrown on the floor of the ped by the demonstrators and the • A special conference to determine t hem.. • . • / . • d u b members and candidates are stage was not a Seplier Torah, but When, however, they want some- passengers, who proved to be local the Status of those who are entitled hard a t work disposing of tickets to only two poles -with wrappings, the beaten and to perform marriage ceremonies and thing that is not carried in the home residents, were severely the big: affair. The tickets, a t 25 Tabbi called the director of the dra: town store, they: are asked' to look robbed before they could prove that to bring more clarity on the definition cents each, are' good not only for an matic grroup, a youth by the name of for it in Omaha, he added. ; they had no connection with the Mond •of the statute covering the subject admission, nut -for a share in the Sobol, to appear before him. He subaward of a beautiful new Chrysler The chain store was among the party. Mounted police were called to under the laws of Massachusetts was Joint Meeting WiU Include Elec- mitted proof that it was not the Holy caHeu by a number of leading concoach, as well. ? .",'-. problems discussed at- sessions of restore order. tions and R-epdrts -of Tear's Scrolls, but an imitation that had the convention. It •was.isald.iliatthe' •i~~Iti was stated thaj..,thfi itemDnstra-^regatums^affiliated with ._tbe. Associabeen "threnpis on the floor of the stage. rriTFepenaent iriercEairfr heetT not "fear tions '^^er&^pEoSetea'iby •• Ara}>- aglfe~ tion of Congregations of Boston. The Objections were then raised "tb the : nre: report no" difficulty in disthe-chain store, for it Tvould never tors' Vho spread the rumor that the. matter is of particular interest, since immodesty t>£ the dreSses and partic' j»paiftg_oE_ theirs tickets," said. ENTERTAINMENT, TOO. drive him out of business if he kept object of Sir Alfred Mond's visit to, the interpretation given to the Massaularly against the attire of Eivkele, President Levin. "Somebody is up with the times. The : idea that Iraq was to introduce into the king- chusetts statute by the department of played by Miss Leah Ankerman, a going W " receive* that beautiful " A "year's work of the Jewish Welthe country merchant is doomed was dom of Feisul the principles of Zion- \*ital statistics might call into quesdaughter of a local Chassidic merne# Chrysier as a result of this : fare Federation' and the Jewish Comalso refused by-Arthur H. Brayton, ism similar to those of the Palestine tion the legality of marriages perticket. campaign." Des Moines, editor of the Dry regime. The Mond party* entered the formed in the past. Rabbi Harry Levi munity .Center 'will be' reviewed at the chant, Getzel Ankerman. "of the leading Reform temple, Rabbi joint annual meeting of the two or- Another meeting vcas called at Goods Merchants Journal. ' Thirteen candidates were entered^ city after the mob was disr>ersed. Louis H. Epstein, Rabbi H. H. Ruben- ganizations" to be held in the-Jewish which it was decided that Ankerman in the popularity contest being ovitz, Bernard W, Marcus and Moses Community Center Sunday evening, should be ostracized and that when staged in. conjunction, with the he comes to the synagogue on Friday Mishel, president of the Association February 26. Jubilee - Ball. The , "winner will renight, the zealots should spit at him. William Holzman, president of the of Congregations, participated in the ceive a $20b diamond ring and will. Federation, will preside, and the Fed- Ankerman, intimated by the insults, discussions. be crowned Queen of t i e celebration John Haynes Holmes eration's report will be given by ordered his daughter from the ho\if-e. at an appropriate" ceremony. The The law here provides: "A marri- Samuel Gerscn. Work of the Center Miss Ankerman left the town. Monday, February 20, as the next lecsecond prize will be a $100 diamond Omaha lodge, L O. B. B., will em- Philip M. Raskin, poet and lectur- age may be solemnized in any place bar pin; third prize, a $50 -wrist turer on the Center's . course. Wig bark upon a.three weeks'- bridge tour- er, who is traveling in the interest within the commonwealth by a min- will be reviewed in the president's I •watch and fourth prize is a $500 topic -will be "Race Prejudice, Its nament for members, beginning Feb- of -the Jewish National fund, will ister of the gospel, ordained accord- message, to be delivered by Harry. Groups to Vie In string of Hichelieu pearls. The value Cause and Cure." ' , " ruary 23, at the Jewish Community be in Omaha Sunday and will ad- ing to the usage of his denomination Lapidus, president of the Center, j There will be election -of officers for dress the meeting of the Omaha of all prizes is guaranteed by the In an earlier number of the course, Center. Junior Rally Stunts Rabbi Louis^Mann gave his audience The tournament will take place on Hebrew club at the Jewish. Commun- who resides in the -commonwealth and both groups and of six directors for Malashock Jewelry company. continues to perform the functions of the Center. the Jewish attitude toward race preju- February 23, March 1 and March 8. ity Center in the afternoon. Flays by the Girl Scouts, the Camp dice. This lecture will be especially Three prizes will be awarded each Mr. Raskin has been for many his office; by a rabbi of the Israelitish Fire Girls, the Psi Mu Juniors, and Harry Silverman and Joe Wolf, secinteresting to compare with Rabbi evening and a grand prize at jthe,end years an outstanding figure in Jew- faith, duly licensed by a congregation retaries of the two organizations, will the Meier Shfeyah chib will rival of said faith established in the comMann's talk. stunts, recitations, vaudeville acts and of the tournament. The members are ish literature and in the Zionist monwealth, v who has filed with the present their reports. Rev." Holmes is pastor of the Com-already deep in discussion over the movement. exhibitions at the Junior rally in the A touch of entertainment will be clerk or registrar of the town where munity. Church of New" York, a large probable winners of the match. Born in Russia, where he was he resides a certificate of the estab- provided by the presentation of a Jewish Community Center at S p. rn. church not connected with any de- Ben Glazer is .chairman of the com- educated in the traditional Hebraic lishment of the synagogue, the date short Purim play by a group of chil- Sunday, nomination, and one which attracts mittee, which includes Sam Leon and studies, Mr. Rasking left for "western of his appointment thereto and of the dren under the direction of Mrs. Max The Bey Scouts, the Hcrtzl club, large congregations each Sunday be- J. J. Greenberg. Europe in early youth, studied in term of his-engagement." Fromkrn. The play is "A Sick Purim." the E'nai Abrahams, Fulelis and OSeago, BL—(J. T. A.)—"William 1* Bosenwald, son of Mr. and Mrs. cause of - its pastor's fame as- a •••• Special-consideration will-be given Zurich and London, finally settling Mr. Cahlan called a meeting at the The Center orchestra, under the di- Eionah girls and the Henrietta Szold Julius Rosenwald, will be married to speaker. to the "Kibbetzers," according to the in England, whence he came to city hall jf those interested in this rection of Rudolph Seidi, will play. girls will give exhibitions. Eev. Holmes, is -presidentof -the - .•• Mrs, Herman Jahr, Irvin StalmasHiss Renee Scharf of Vienna on Suncommittee. The first playing will be America in 1915. problem, but adjourned the conference Plans are being made for the printday at the home of his parents here. Free Religious association, and di- preceded by a short business meeting At an early age Mx. Rasking after an agreement was reached that ing of both siinnal reports in an at- terP and Samuel Gerson will be judges Rabbi Louis L. Mann of Temple Sinai rector of the American Union Against at 8:30 p. m. Surprise features for m&rdfested his talents as a writer, a special committee should be formed tractive, illustrated booklet, so that and award honors. The rally is open Militarism. He is editor of "Unity * players and. watchers have been first publishing poems in Russian will perform the ceremony. to make a survey of the existing- con- members may read and examine the to the public. a contributing editor of The World and later in Yiddish. His "Ghetto planned. . • • The "wedding gift of Mr. Rosenwald ditions and submit recommendations summaries of the year's work at their Lieder" were published in England to the department of vital statistics. leisure. Rabbi Frederick Cohn will speak on to the young couple will be a check Tomorrow. He is the author of "The in 1910. Soon after, Ms first book Names of all -Community Center "The Legacy of "Israel" at the Friday for $1,000,000. The presentation of a Revolutionary" Function of the Modof poems in English appeared as members in erood standing1 to Decem- evening service at Temple Israel. H# check of this size is a custom which ern Church,"-"Is Death the End? Dance at Center to and "Marriage and" Divorce." "Songs of a Jew". Upon his .arrival ber 31, 1927, -will be printed in this Saturday morning topic will be Mr. Rosenwald has followed upon the Honor Sports Teams in America, books followed each Ghest Finds Much The speaker will be introduced by "Laws." book. marriage of Ms other children. : Miss Scharf is the daughter of-the Rev. Ralph Bailey, pastor of the First The Physical department of the other in rapid succession, "Songs of Unemployment Here Viennes portrait painter, Victor Unitarian church. Sam" Beber is chair- Jewish Community Center will hold a Wanderer", 'TTiddishe lieder", The unemployment situation in Scharf, who is now engaged on a por- man of the committee which has'ar- a basketball dance in honor of the "Songs and Dreams" and "When a ranged these lectures for the Center. Soul. Sings". Omaha was more acute in January of trait of Mr. Rosenwald. .boys' and girls' basketball teams next this year than for several years; I t was related here that . young Saturday evening in the Center gyisi.; familf welfare. agencies of the ComRosenwald met his bride-to-be while Girls Do Their Stuff ; The Night Club orchestra will furnish Two members of the Center Playmunity Chest-repeat. traveling in.South America.'Although the music for the evening. at Gym'Exhibition Prizes and entertainment lave alThe agencies have scoured the town ers' Guild will make their professional he was not'traveling incognito, he for jobs for their clients, but \rith the debut at the Erandeis theater the might haveteen as far as Miss Scharf The work of the -women and girls ready been arranged and a good time end of ice-cutting' this winter, prac- week of February 19 in small parts was concerned.' The name "Rosen- in the Jewish Comm-anHar Center will be assured to everyone there. The wald" -meant as much to her- as any gymnasium, under a special director first basketball game will start at 7 Eehearsals of the Center Players j tically all sources of employment "were in "The Famous Mrs. Fair." other name. It was not until after this year for the first time," was ex- p. m.: sharp. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Beber Guild's production of Ibsen's "A exhausted. Temporary relief now is Miss Bess Weinstein and Mrs. they became engaged that- William hibited in a program'given February and Mr. and Mrs. Irvin StaTmaster Doll's 1.House," are proceeding excel- being given to hundreds of jobless Phineas Wintroub are the lucky playlently, according to Mrs. Herman men and their families. It is hoped ers who have been given their chance Rosenwald told Her" of : his father's 9 in the gym. The variety of the num- will be chaperons. :. Jahr, director. great wealth and that lie is worth $5,- bers and the skill with' which -they that the opening of sj ring industry by Boyd Irwin, who assumes the "The members of the cast are doing will give work to the army of unem- management of the Brandeis Players 000,000 in his own 35am J were 'performed shoved the great work,that in its interpretations, dic- ployed now dependent on charity. with the forthcoming production. The couple is planning a ;honey: progress of the department under Two Temple Students tion> and subtlety of thought will surmoon trip of three years.in Europe. Miss Ethel Greenberg. Mr. Irwin feels that the little everyone," she said. Win Essay Prizes prise The Jewish Community Center Suntheater and kindred groups have a Outstanding ^ was the work of the The setting has already been -conHymen Shrier, a member of the advanced gymnastic' group who Norman Bolker and Frances Berg- structed and all the traditional stage day school will present a Purim pro- definite niAe to fill in the world of Center Players' .Guild, had a part in formed the letters "J. C. C," made man are winners of the prizes given business will be done just as it has gram Sunday afternoon, March 4. the theater. It is his opinion that the Creighton university' production an opening and closing rose, and a in Temple Israel Sunday' school for been done in every production of "A The adult program on March 6 will talent is often discovered and debe sponsored by the Senior Council. veloped in these smaller playhouses, of "The- Detour," presented Tuesday human archway. The Juniors had an the best essays on the subject, "Why Doll's House." and that if they accomplish nothing at the "Knights -of Columbus audito- excellent roly-poly tumbling act. I Am Proud to Be a Jew." "The Doll's House" wili be given rium. Miriam Fiedler and Virginia Mc- Norman Bolker is glad he is a Jew March 17 and 18 at the Jewish Com- "Sweepings," by Lester Cohen, has more, they acquaint both players and Omber did a hobby horse stunt. because the Jews are brave; intelli- munity Center. This will be the -week been swept sway from the Jewish playgoers with some of the finest Ethel Greenberg and Minnie Sherman gent -and progressive, and tenacious of the centenary of Ibsen. The cast Community Center library. A few things in drama that might otherwise .Ballet .dancing', limbering', .stretching exercising and clogging are being performed with Indian dub's. of their Teligion. Frances Bergman's includes Hyman Shrier, George Cohen, other books are, missing. The library be sxn unknown quantity to that par("ticalar group. taught- by'AIiss Annette "RikKn at the One must not qmit mention of the reasons were that the Jew gave re- Mariom Graetz, JTaye Klein, Martha requests their return. "Wee Ones^Class" wTio>g..ve a polka -Jewkh Community^ Center. All girls ligion and the Bible to the world and Hintelstein,' Bess Weinstein,- and-the I . Sir. Irwin expects to "maintain this of lLZ -years or more may -enroll in f&fi and "Oh,' Wh'ete IjIas'My Little Dog because there fiave -been so many two "JTriedjrian children, -Willard .aia3 j' There are no gains without pains.^- sympathetic interest throughout the members' ©f the Center Players (Suiid : Gone!*' . ; great Jews. ballet class. season and to continue to call upon 51s the occasions present thems«8vcs. Ruth, / " ' -'•-.


: :










Two Center Players to Have Parts In 'TheFamous Mrs. Fair"




The Jazz Singer•-.. ,

Business Men's Bowling League. ninth successive game to the Empire] „• . ' I W. L. Pet. Cleaner,s. r Kaiman Insurance -.__.35 22 .614 ESdie Meyer and Dr. Stuskin \fere 1 Malashock Jewelry _32 22 .594 the stellar 'lights for erstwhile,' Empire Cleaners ——30 27 .526 champs. Meyer, who is the youngest Prom "Echoes from the Temple" j comes this poem by Edith Ella Davies, Yousem Service ..... 28 29 .433 bowler in the league, rolled a conpicturing the old rabbi in vivid lines: Appleman-Robinsoa ^...28 29 .493 sistent total of 5S3. Glazer Clothing Co. _t~25 29 .463 The Appleman-Hobinson Co. reThe Old Rabbi. The Wardrobe 25 32 .439 gained their early season form by Silver his beard and fringed ends of Omaha Tobacco Ca21 36 .368 winning three games from the Omaha hair; His hands that turn the pages, Ben Yousem snowed considerable Tobacco Co. What is considered as a deeply lined; skill with the mineralite as indicated most unusual count was < secured toy Refreshing thought flows through by his 243 single game and total of Treller, who shot 1TO in each of his his eager mind ; " ": Who leads his congregation through 629. His mates aided him in capturing games. The Glazer Clothing C«. will meet three games from the Glazer Clothing long prayer. From weighted burden, droops a Co. the MaJashoek Jewelry Sunday, Febshoulder bent; The Kaiman Insurance finally ruary 19, at 3 p. ra. at Francisco alGreat' pools of wisdom burn his wrested the top position from the leys. heavy eyes; He lifts a palm, and all who wor- Malashock Jewelry quintet. While ship, rise the Insurance bays were having a The fellow who wants the earth To stand before their Maker, penitent. comparatively easy session with The never stops to consider how much it "Blessed be He who gives our daily Wardrobe, the Jewelry team lost their would cost him to run it. bread, Who watches over every righteous deed1— Healer of heart and broken spirit, too—" In solemn reverence he bows his head, ^Thotv O Most High, who knows Eliminates the "knock" under all driving conour every need, ditions — transforms carbon from a liability Hear Thou our prayer," he pleads, into an asset—more power on hills and heavy "Elonenu."

Jewish Verse

« And now it is «&I Jolson, son of a "schohet" in Washington, D. C, who THE JEWISH PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY scores a triumph in the film version Office: Brandeis Theater Building—Telephone? Atlantic 1450 of "The Jazz Singer." An odd title, but nevertheless a'theme -which, since ^ JEANETTE ; GL4CK. GERSON, EDITOR. the transfering of this story to the • ;: • DAVID BLACKER; Business Manager. screen, has attracted many intelligent ..$2.50 Subscription Price, one year Jews who are observing American Advertising rates furnished on application Jewish life. The film, with its synchronized efCHANGE OP ADDRESS—Please give both the old and naw address; be .sure to give your name. fects, went a step further than others of its kind, vividly portraying the spiritual atmosphere of the synagogue, with its quaint customs and ceremonies. ' What a contrast to the supposed masterpiece, "The King of Kings." BY SAM J.LEON. Instead of.creating and fostering a : ; Sometime ago newspapers over the country carried the an- better understanding between man nouncement that some railroads were going to substitute Chinese and man, that film tends to increase for l^egro Porters. This item seemed to pass without; comment. bigotry and hatred. Does that mean the passing of the "Porter"—that industrious, The Warner Brothers production is faithful Negro-boy who has ad^mstered-to the .epmforts ,of ^the truly a work of art. In the filming American Traveling Public so efficiently for soniany years? We of the religious subject, a corps of hope not. • ,v - >/ . :'; technical directors are employed to ;: Negroes have fought the battle of life under the most seriqug carry out jtfnute details. The religious and distressing handicaps. Crowded out of most fields of activity atmosphere which brings back memoby bigotzy, intolerance and oppression, they. hav6 found this oc- ries to the orthodox Jew who may cupation one in which they could render" honorable services earn & have drifted away from the environlivelihood, decently support themselves and their families and thus ment, and the scenes presenting diRiga.—-(J. T. A.)—One thousand enable themselves to strive for tttpse higher and bette? things in vone services are especially worthy: Jewish young men in White Russia . . life. If this avenue is closed to th<£mf'th6 result is cleilrly Obvipusi of mention. J have enlisted in-a training school ta A vast group of people, already facing serious economic difficul- •Tis well that this type of play is 1 prepare to take up agricultural work ties, will be cast adrift on: the sea df life, at the mercy of the wind? screened to combat stupendous proof Hate and"Oppression. " - -, ">:./* _ ./•' ?ductions which prove so shocking, as inBureya, Siberia, the region slatea Tlie writer has'had occasion:: to travel considerably and has to require revision in the form of a by the Comzet for a compact Jewish come into ilrae contact with7 this adjunct of the "Afflelicatt;Raiiway prologue, to overcome their • anti- settlement. The students have deSystem called the "Porter. ' Their• honesty, theic.smcej?ity, their Semitic propaganda. The influence of clared their intention "of proceeding to Bureya to settle after completing willinoiiess make a deep, impression. Their struggle to improve the motion_ picture should be used to their course. promote a ^good-will among the peothemselves, to educate their children and bring them up as useful ples of the earth, instead of sowing citizens is evident. :" . Beneath, the "Porter's" jacket beats a heart moved by the seeds of discontent and subjecting same joys and sorrows, by the same passions and ambitions, that countless thousands to suffering in j ; po-itate any'other individual. Arid we have been impressed with this country and abroad. _'.'-i".'-•. —Abner Kaimaru the fact that the "Porter" fits his job perfectly. It furnishes the Week of Febrnary 19th— Negro with work and it fills the position with one who discharges : Jerusalem.—(J. T. A.)—The BOYD IRWIN his duties faithfully. We hope that the day never comes when. National Library, which is a part of '•Mr. "Porter" will be replaced in the great American Railway the Hebrew university, was invited by , System/ ', •:• ' . ' " " ' . " • ' / • • • . ••••' " '• ' ' 1 ' . . ' • , ; : . the League of Nations committee for 1 — I N — ••• • Jfche jazz-like rhythms per- intellectual co-operation among the THE COMEDY-DRAMA nations to co-operate in two projects.; g g ^ j n idiom :t<>;-wbicb, i yAmericans are more^accustoFmed. It . ; Tommy Should Worry. is programme music of the; purest • TomnVy was meandering homeward; type and very cleverly oriihestratetL much later than bis usual supperf Playing to the largest audience. of "The Dance of the Sylphs/^~i*&th= season, the Omafia Symphony or- descent and elegant, andthe contrast- time. A friend of the.lamily who chestra, Sandor Harmati conducting, ing grandiose and pompoos;-$tefcQcsy happened to meet .liinr^^aii;:. ;.-r, . 4 Week of February 26th— vrith PaEIo Casals as assisting artist, j March, both by Berlioa, excellently / "Why,' Tommy, aren't you 'afraid.! -: INTKOlkrefKG j £-=.ve Omaha music lovers a. diversi-1 played, brought the orchestral num- youil be late for supper?" OTJR LEAPING LADY "Nope," replied ^ Tommy, 'Tve got i\z<l and -well-balanced program which bers to a close. BARBARA the meat." ' IJicassd ths most fastidious. That a spirit of enthusiasm should Opening v/itli the overture to the be evident, in the presence of Casal's rc^cra, '-'Jphsgcnia^Bi^AuUdc," this. name^on thevprogranx ^ras to b | exr numbsr.lS'oni; th&co]dsr'sttio&l was ap-1 pecte'd, "and after tEe-ftrst fevHTiars of the Boccerini Concert© had been yeaiirtgly simple and lovely. 'Variations on a .theme ~.by Haydh, played, one could easily apprehend in B flat Major, by Brahms, proved why his art is synonymous with pert o b a the* meat of the program*, THs fection in cello playing. In the entire composer was brought to our syxn-: gamut of tone! fechnic, color, interphony audience for the first time, and pretation and musicianly understandit appTaose is a. criterion, he won.in- ing, his performance was flaWlesS. —Barry Braviroff. stant approval. More than any other, the playinjr of this-classic showed the steady growth and development of the Budapest.—(J. T. A.)—A deputaorchestra. * i tion of the local kehillah headed by THE NEBRASKA'S NEWEST -The novelty of the. evening "was the j Chief Rabbi'Spiegel, greeted the newVALUE ACHIEVEMENT "Dance of the Place Congo," a mod-: Hungarian primate, Cardinal Seredi em American composition • by Henry ! upon his arrival at_ his residence in F. Gilbert. Saving been accorded a, fissterhom. cool reception last year in Germany-, this sketch of Negro. life, seemed to Be sure you are right and tlien go find pleasure -with the audience, due ahead.—Davy Crockett. Published every Thursday at'Om&ha, Nebraska:, by






T.N V T. Ethyl Gasoline— roads—quicker acceleration—less gear shifting ^—reduced vibration — freedom from the trouble and expense of carbon removal. Fill Your Tank With T. N. T. Ethyl Today 17th and Nicholas St.



Family Washing

Choice of the finest liomesv The favorite where e c o n o m y is watched. A luxury within the reach of aB. Its high reputation recommends that you try it.

HArney 7345 MArtet MAX KAPLAN


353 SO. 14T«.ST. O M A H A

Harry H. Lapidns, Pres.-Trea«



See the nnn»nal fabric raloc*


and wide range of pattt*rn» In


Master Trim Salts. .


Eleventh and Douglas Streets Phone JAckson 2724 Omaha, Nebr.






"' Office" " ' 824 World-Herald BWg.

g *



ySumWi-nliiiMnlliummratmmwiimMwinimni, —







. . . _ *




r inability I3at;dd Breakage Bsjjitslon (General) Evpreas Shipments Fiilility Uonds I'tre- ana 1'ornaclo Fly- Wheel Kwl^it Cbnrges • Pnrs, AIT RJsfcs Oolfers' Eqoipm»nt Group »nsurance Ilall Hold np v Messenger) (;vjnaateT •tVersonal)Hdnsehold Goods In , Transit


LION . COAL CO. \ 2605




(Survey made in L<s« Angeles Sebool* by Dr. Everett C. Beach, Sapervwor of E>epartment of • Pby»ic»l Education)

Has Right of Way . Ti



Brady Co*



In a survey df; .55,000 scliool children in a California city the milk drinkers excelled in every athletic event. And on the average they completed the eighth grade two years sooner than non-milk drinkers. ;


Accident and Health Asftault Automobile Fire Automobile Liability Bank Deposit Boile* Explosion tJurgrnry (Residence * Darglarr ^Sfore. at^} Bur clary ot .safe Check Raising CitfH Comumior. Coneeqai'irtal Damnse ConHK=nt Linbility Contrariorrt' Bonds bill Druggists' Wabiifty


Southwest C«ni«p


But to make good coffee, you must use good coffee — and Advo Coffee sold by all grocers has proven its claim of being "famous for flavor".



See the new Interior finish and

"""- Ti -"*_ **"-J

' '."T-J^T:

" O v e r 70.000 S q u a r e F e « *

c eventf

GAIN The Nebraska'steps out in front with a new super-value development in clothes quality at a" new lower price. And we're not waiting until the end of the season to give you the full, benefit of it. The Nebraska Master Trim Suits for 1928 are gelling NOW, at bedrock price.



22nd and Nicholas


the centuries, the praises of coffee have been sung by the bards of many lands. There is nothing like a good warm cup to cheer the jaded traveler, the tired hu&band or the honored guest.

TEA ROOM 49 and Dodge CANDYLAND 16th and Faraam





1509 No. Htb Bt, We handle a full lln§ ttf fftportefl Hill— Spratts, Spratlen—Bismsrt Bctttmg, English Kippers. ^







All Modern House. AT, 8839

5206 Center Street—WA. 6G12

Better Quklfty

"Famous for Flavor" DINNER is complete N Owithout coffee. Through

For Rent


The Famous > Fair

I -'

Wholesale and Retail Jewelers 213-16 City National Bank BldB---JA. 5619


Morris Milder, President

Brandeis Players





Brandeis Theatre


One* or two rtfpnte injmodetii hpihe; suitable for -young candle. Kitchen imdTtome privfelejges 1802 Locust St.—WE. 0309

Jewelry, AU Risks Landlords' Liability Larceny and Theft Leasehold I^iablKty (General) Ufe Live Stock Merchandise In Transit Motor Boat Motorcycle (all forms) Musical Instruments Partnership Life Insurance Physicians' Defense Plafe Glass Breakage Profit Insurance Kain Insurance


Regigte Mail Rental Volne Salesman's- Samples Sprinkler Leakage Strlfee a no Riot Supply Bond Surgeons' Liability Teams' LhiWHty Theatre liability Theatrical Transportation Title Insurance To«riBtB Floater Use and Ocenpnticy Water Damage Workinan"s Compensation

Telephone ATlantic 3180

H E F U T U R E is full of promise to liberal users of Good Printing. With our new equipment we are ready to handle the largest, as we!3 as the smallest of your printed messengers. Let's dress th«m up correctly and send them out to do their dirty right, A phone cnll will* brHig one of

our salesman. Phone AT, 802S




y PRINTING CO. 1307 Howard Street, Omaha




The WomEn'B WeKare Tirgimrzatran A. 2 . A. "rail -present B. pstriatic give a card j a r t y Iitffiday, Pei)- •program ior fee Bnai Siith .members.. y ZL, in the Jewish Community •Center. Pxizes rtnd lefreshmerrte About two hundred guests attended t h e Agudes Acnim "grand jubilee" i a v e been jJlanned. : •party which "was given Sunday eveEthel Wisher ;IB all art "Wise mng a t t h e T^aglps Hall in celebration of ^ths dab's :faurteenth anni3ilemorial Ihospital. \tiTauTy. 3ridge and dancing "were tnplnr}pri in "the evening's entertain_ .TELrs. ZP. S . Chudacoff, 'ifbo 1ms been

end the Girte' home npEcst^ by t-thel he Fester Fiks iur "X. "W. C. A. iJudfrc Tester, who IE & great District Jadgre ifiweT of all outdoor BportB, K & cap*

Charles 'Fostex, formerly deputy county attorney, police magistrate and tain j n thB Reserve OfficeTP corps xf± Omaha attorney for many years, an- t;he "Cfnited Btatos army sne s memnounced today that he has Sled f or ber of t h e following organizstions: Officers Reserve Corps association, all judgeship in District Ha. 4. Jndge Foster, -who -was :born in Il- masonic bodies, Woodmen of the linois, eame to ISebraska -whenfee"^WUE"Wtuld. ThaWBrtuty club, Omaha Field ill a t "Wise Memorial hospital, JIHB 3ffi- •mpnt. S years old. "He is a graduate x*f "the daa, T . 1SL C A., First PreBbyterian tnrned ±o Jier /home. Ladies Aid Society "w31 imld Mgh schnol .at Uelsrm, 3?eb., and the church, American ifar association. a TngetTTTg mest Tuesday -afternoon, Univfirsity of Uebrsaia, where fe «t- State Bat- association sad the Doug-

rownr of CiiicagD,iormefly nff Omaha,5B "\3BiEmg g , y \3BiEmg ong "those "wiio iave fintertameft fintertaeft fEar i s r airfilHis. lH jhere. Jkraong 33. IPostey, 32rs. Charles 3Ssemmi, -Mrs. JEL 32Hckmaji, Mrs. X CL iPmjpfir, Iffrs. Sam Berzberg, liilrs. Bert liieSman, 32iss Manelte TfarrmaTt, 3Ktes. TVTnry Danbamn, Jlrs. Ben ^anbsmn, ISTB. iHsfctie Mantel, Mrs. Ba^e IFficitkr, Mrs. 31. GnrcLm, jaufl JEHS IHersiiberg. -Mrs. Samnel llabmtrach anfl 32IB. Samuel l&smsr rf: 2 k 'City are guests iif 12r, a~nd TOTTR. "Haroy IBosenMil. **;* 3iig3iBrsffitfir,ZK[rB. Sam Serzbeocg.

J. C. C. Gym ifanee, an ^fhe JEVF-

iish Community Center.

.issx&ee V^as ieTkresd


i HI II iw rj rrffm* wli'irk TVfr_ .ami

guests Traere IMr. Hoffman nf 3few Soils, jib:, and j&rs. Z. jQug snH. son, H r . and ~MTR. 13. :Patedal, 3Ir. arfiTMiB. "W.. Jararach and son, • rail nf iftneider, I&eiu, and 3ELr. Joseph, 3Io. amd- M r s , "Henry TiifiSel ;snmrance the marriage of ihsrr 3Hugfa-£e%, fiarah, t o Jack Hosenberg

Tosfc City. jmd .Mrs. 3U. Brands announce "the anarxiage of "their daughter, 3!iss Gefia IRiess, t o 3ttr. Tttiiton EIESS, son of 3$r. and J t r s . 51. ilieES 01 ^Baltimore, JId. The ^wedding "took :place on ^February 3B.


T .and IVTr?:. JR. S. Hothenherg a n a a t e lnHh «tf a B,n atClariaan hospital; JFehmai-}- .9.

Junior ISally, jn^the3eswish!Corotnuniity Gentsr./ - > • : . . Droaha Befarew *Dhifajiin tfiis -Jaewish Community Genter. .

^fewish • Community Welfare raid jmrLy, fin the Jevrish Coroniunity Center. Current Topic class, 1D:3D a.an^ "in the Jewish Community Center. -Daughters of Israel Aid society-, in the Old People's home.

The ^Independent -Ordfir of -&& 3Bnai; S a s p y JB ^ i e "WDoing d i a t i -xsat long • irifii,;ZLodge 3So. BB8, -vdll iold a' i m t h e doing. nesting oiest ^WednEsd^y 'evening, febzusrj -22, 3tb "fee DaniHli 2IaH. pecial ^xrogram, in ^ -of XiCe Vashmgton's birthday, will be given. •editor of Tnnchi" "when camplained "that "Pmrch" "was "nnt-a» good as -it used :to be," "retorted "Sin, "will C. vChapter IRo. "7, of t h e i t never -was!"

jB'nai ^xith, i n Ihe JswiBb Com^mznity Center. Thmghters nf 35on, rat-the home of JStrs. HL 3raude.

Phone us abr.ut "VI*LCAN"" P hirri jrradc Furnace Coal C" T T fii Per Tor. _ _ # 1 £* X*KJON Fl r EL CO. 20F So. 18th RtTset—.lAcksom C2

•(BIAHA PIL1/OW CO. FEATHER COMFOKTEKS trwm J e m Own l or Tuack1 ti^ nrder. A)i b.'HUf .filled. We call uiul ti-/lmvi.. AlarfT^H «e« niacif over ii< II^T ticks nt imlf tin price of row ones.


.1A. 24f»:


Vrar?ar i Frckk Cc OMAHA

IAXATRI flkaj Bin lakes And

And Now for the

At All grocers

Itlid Big Wedc

•tifith .street, Xracom, Jfebr., "who organized -the ZfiTVnkeh Chaleh society, ~h&\& idte -first .meeting s± -her Jinms


20 to 25,IndL


I HAERT SWENGLE. Prop, 20th and Nichola-



Two Qreat Attractions at the Auto Show

ie! See a^ H e a r

jronr Iriend, .your neighbor and your "mere -will stop and talk to von about. And .you TDD "Will be thrilled to tell him ho-w yon liked the rrormBf "those "Mammy Bongs and more especially the way "EBL

pickle* In*'. ii«?n nmrts tiiL ^ l

ton*] pickte* >-«nr m«thei ( H S to pnf xxn



Take advantage of "fhe Union T e see AL JOLSOTs



of Tefinemeait for fastidicms, "wiio wi^h Jbre Oars — entirely coaoimaiiplaae.

Heizbetg's Styles . €frnMzJung models


Auto Show this week





t » tiuw rrisn. t m t r .itnfl—They AIT TWT

OF 2

Im!tei3iatiana]ly Famoos Orator of New l£caJ: G t y

. H w>"!i f;






February "7. The officers _aie: JETS.

X IRosenthai, jnresident; JSixs. XederTflaTm, treasurer. The ladies -were en^ tertamed •with xards.

Blade By

Thtcfe S a t Bnaktast Fn£ Cc.

ctt we Aii


s -

mP'' S

Tinegar. Picteles, Cstsnp. Mnstard. Etc.




2a» Roemw—nflO Ui;:<,\? Good kooniF t'ni $l.~.3 Opsraletl by Ci*p'ej, 3 n t e k Co


• "Woodmen of -the TVofld, i n the Jewish Community Tfentet.

daughter of lilr. arid ~MTB- A- "HnilanrtThe JDiiugiiteTB of Israel Aid society Ttf t h e Jewish Did ^People's iome -will e r B f Uenvei, Colo. anest :at 2. -p. m. IPuesday at the ihome. IHr. tjmg 3 S J » . M a s "Winimub an- Jfict "the last "meeting t h e officers -were 3B*eleEted us IOHOWB: 3Hrs. 5. Ua-vitz, "the birth of3i"dan^h.te jresident; U r s . A . "Wolf, -vice :presi'Wiac JtfgiHUgial hospital. dent; H r 3 . JEL Tafle, treasurer, ana TVTTS. I. Enlakofsky, secretary. The 5o&ZHiSrJL "WjottlnBr and l i r e . Altettisnteitained 40 guESts Fefamary lo-wmg trustees -were chosen: Jilrs. ~£. 77 "-in- "honor of Jtliss IMinnie "Wohlnsr, •£.. Simon, chairman; -Sirs. J . Itfilder, -whose anarriage to Mx. J&axaicB Dkun ittrs. H. "White, ~Mxs. J. Abxamsnn, -vsill ctalffi'jiiaee iffiaxEh Sa. "The jigair Urs. S. dander, 3Irs. 3VI. Hrelick, •VfSB •A.Junchaon and hiidge -at the airs. J. •Bernstein, IHrs. i . i n e e t e r , JElgvptian. The out-of-tov?n guests in- jSIrs. J . Tinkel nnd U r s . S. Sipoxin. W J i r s . Samuel Schlesingex of "Wohlner's guest, and A . Hollander of JItenvfer /arWohiner, a student sX the rived Ttriday t o spend -a Jew -weeks as "the guest of her daughter, JBtxs. ynR -TKVDTK weie in a color sdtane nf Hdwarfl Xevmson and 32x. Hie"OBHon. IMr. Snllandar "will TTTTTP-P ^he -end tff t h e -week t o -spend ,a Jew days ihera. iHapter'oi ttheta Thi -wall ^ c e -.a- agrurlLy teaSnndE The "Sisterhood nf Temple ^efaraary 19, in -fcfee 3E3k!s -will give .a siovElty JnTim ft-tra Jamisti, 3EBss Bnfii Say, "M^-^V' 6, in. t h e Temple "MTR. Ben Xuhby are i n charge tuziuin. •*!HexicD" -vTill i e "the -topic TEE Hafifai ^tederick Coim'B current topics talk iniiejlfivdsh Connnuriity CentHr-usst g_ nTT 'T T| rj- QnTehTuary 28 he diECuss Ittairrois' ^fDiHrael!" ±ar tifc -Sisterhood'"book gTOirp a t Tenrple..



IHr. JOBS jstuzned uzne Mt. tand TVTTK. Edward laevinsan -an- irom a-two "weeks5 -irip 3n "the sast. oimmcs ;th& iiifh- of a daughter, Jerre, 'Miss Bernice S a l l y i s j l l d 33nfflsday, 3?efaraary 5 , a t ±he Omaha






The marriage of 3Hss 3lose ^ Ijipsman-was -fJiTpflny jat -ffrfi i o m e iff *IVTr W l mnti>-

b » Ctrarrtr S s r aseociation. ICfae Dangnters of Zitm -will i a v e -a 3?ebiUBry 21, a t the haws of "Mrs. •±Eined HE TTT.Tt degree. card party 5or the benefit iff rtfae Jew- Chartes 32ndelman, 31 2?or& Sevsnti. Daring the term feat lie served a s ash ^National 3<3nid _at ifiis iinme .atf Street. dejmty connty KtLurney, JniSge PosIKTB. M. 3rouae, 2H81 Burt t e r jffijfved as ad-risor to t h e 2oard of 3Ir. George S. Steinberg is BpsndIhursday afternoon, February S3. Cotnrty Commissioners. With the asing s. iew days this -week in 1>EB H»«1 Martha fits. tL&mey O3IAHA, N E B R A S K A sistance of t t e late Justice George A . -HLoines, Iowa, .as a member tff Work on i h s TT-nWeafr xnbk "-hook, State Parole Board. Stfft :jrmy. rrrri~. Lu<is». M'^mw.- RTICI Dgy, he organized and p u t into op- fllurainuTn c->stiTi?rKKtatii'tnTii sizes t o iie ^published by Omaha Chapter of eration the Jotsnlle court and estab- liroime nnd iToi; bTisbtnps, sower tnnpcistern tiiiffs mid covers nnfi .about Ajjril 2, has "been :re- Mrs. Abe Gilinsfey Teturaed Ivome lished the detention iome i o r chB- liok-s. ctenn-DUt donTB in k d. T h e committee "has been \ang~ jmonday after spending -two dren, mow knoWii as Siverriew Some. iiiHuLed and consists of the inllovzing \ia Sioux City, Iowa, Trisifcing "Whole o.i t h e police beast for 18 members: 'Mis. ~8L. P . lievenson, gen- daughter, U r s . ^Philip SbBnuan, and , Jndge l ^ s t e r coijlroiiteci -more Eial chsirmarr; Mrs. ^B. A. Binton, family. FOR AF HCMEST •than iDDtO«J cases of all lands that TWTB. Joseph llosenbers, lilxB. IHeyer AKD QUAUTY on t h e dockets of that court l i e Lena "W«1HTI ^ J ^trramfi ;Ci±y,. Sfiedel, "Mrs. JL M. Schlaes, Mrs. A . BBsisted in organizing and put^onnn, Mrs. A . Bomberg, -Mrs. S e r - IStiasouri, spent -fee -weik: Bad a » :ibe ting into effect the rplaygroonds ^antil man Silveruiaii, 3Brs. Sam 3*lrblmv ! guest of Mr. ana ISxs. Qeor^e> Stem- they were "taken over by "fire city. IMrs. A . H. ]£ulakaxsTiy, Sirs. J. J. jberg. Mige Hallin's »"'B»yrt" T1t t o IFoster, "who :fe chairman xsf Ibdedman, IMrs. S. IRuhnitz, JSrs. Sam 3Sx. Jack Stemberg -BBBE ~reramt^ an-* RVrrirw h o s p i t a l I'lmiyriitl -; crippled ciuIdreiL, s sa acfave WTR Julius Stein, :MTE. D. nounced. Goldner, .and Ulrs. "Sarry Trustin. "iier of t h e TT. 1H. C. A., aoni IMr. and IMrs. Sam IRoBenthal r i n < i tf*nnivmfr t h e first troup of WEINBBRG. Scoote and -wae on t h e fest xtt their home "tonight. H e also aided in t h e organi-of JSaEonic IHome for chUdren IMarry in ihs«fce, aepent -at leianre.

"HEEL 13TTS— r

.. ADM1SSON 75C |

Hamey at fhe OS" T H E STAGE"-JLT T H E




PAGE 4—THE JEWISH PRESS, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 16, 1928 C. C. will meet the Iowa Clothes Shop. 32-18. The "Y" girls took the lead the Center .^last Sunday: Mendelson munity


loop went/into' a[

$: j H f » S l l - - M ^ t f & H t; S: ' c ' |i The; PottBwattaraie county boys Have and were*never headed. Captain Min and .'Frapks * beat Bercru and Ricklin, three w^ty tie Wednesday' night, ^ ^ ^ f | - - ^ W « M i ! # W * ' ' - ' " K w > t lost a/'gaine 'thia;season aiid <wili F^ax,- B. Sbaftdn,,price Levin, Min 21r8,'? 21-14; | Grossman and Altshuler when th^v Segelman Serrice five, who BY JtARCUS KRASNE! '~E .cry thing is ready for the basketli'-a dance to be held Saturday eyeningf af- the Jewish Community Center inbonor of the basketball tennis. The famoiis Night Club orchestra'will set the rhythm and the feet will Vfqliow Hclbss the large gymnasium :•* floor. The first event of the evening will be a basketball game, in which the J. C. Ct juniors will try to make it seven L,.faight. In the^ main game the J. 1

STAJ,MASTEtt & BBBEB J Attorneys , ,, . ; 300 Peters Trugt BIdff. ... j -NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION. In'the County Court of UougluaCounty, Nebraska. . lit the matter of the estate of A. Slfi-LKA, Deeeused. ; All iiersous interested la said estate are hereby notified thiit a petition bus been tiled in said Court alleging that said Uecensed died leaving no last wiH and prayii)g for administration upon his - eatsre, and that a hearing will be bad-on »ald petition before said court on the; 10tb day of March, 1028, and that If they tail to appear ut said Court on the Bald 10th day or .March, 1028, at 9 o'clock A. 11. to cpnlost. said petition, the. Court may. grant tiie same j'.nd grant administration Of said estate to lien Glarer, or some other suitable person and proceed to. a settlement thereof. •' ' . 1EUX

be but* to take the J. C. .C.'si scalp1. Sherman,'EjUth. Gtfoss~andfM. Green- be^t Giller knd Franklin; Wintroub Phil Gerelick, the ex-Nebraska star, |l)erg played for the Center. Next week and Horwich beat Schreibman and and Iz Weiner, the all-state basket- the girls play the Sokbls -Withe "Y" Mandel, 21-19, 21-14; Ban and Yaffe beat Rosen and Goldbergs 21-17, 21-8, -. ball player from Tech, will be in the at 7 shafp.-"-. ; 21-9; Katleman and Rochman beat J. C. C. lineup. Last Saturday the J. C. C. basketball team defeated the • The boxing and wrestling • class Falk and Blacker j 21-15, .21-19; BinUpdike Milling of Council Bluffs, Iai, meets every Tuesday evening at 8:15. stein and Levin beat Konterwitz and in a nip and tuck affair, 23-19. Morris Joe Greb is our popular boxing in- Xatzman, 21-13, 21-9;'A. Bercu and Levey beat Feldman and S. Green, Bloom, guard on the J. C. C. team, structor. - , ••'.,'.. 21-8, 21-10. . ,. -. •- • suffered a broken arm 'early in the • game. Franks, Bloom, Katzman, t In the volley ball game played at ' The first annual pre-season track Binstehv Greenberg,-. played for the t h e C e n t e r ^ M o n d a v evening the meet will be hefd in a v few weeks. h lpreknunarygame; i th B 'nai Ami<came from behind to hand Center. In thethe The date will be announced in next J. C. C. junior chafed up.their sixth t h e g t ^ aeVf a d e f e a t b y a ^ ^ o f week's issue of the Jewish Press. straight victory by defeating the 1 5 . 1 3 ^ . ^ 1 5 . ; 8 > T h e Peoples Black .Cat:- IS, 27-6. Turner, Gross- g t o r e o f C o u n c i l B l u f f s h a d a n ^ y Miss Greenberg's exhibition proved man, Bansh, Caikin, Sokolof, Bog- time-^- the A . z% A , a n d trouncing a whale of a success. Those who missdanoff, Epstein and Goodbinder saw l 5 . 5 . The Malashocks kept ed out on the exhibition missed out service in the game. • up their ijood record by the I on a real treat The next big" event Psi Mu - , J3f>^a ^ B - into camp, .- 15-4,-,W-15. ; of-the season will be the first annual Everyone is required to have a phy- The Malashocks now lead the volley i circus. Watch for the date.

sicalvexammation Before he can use;QJ . i ^ e ; with the B'nai Ami and

the physical department. Physical ex- the A- 'Z. A. tied for second. ' - "A- trophy • "•' amfnations! will-be given Monday eve-» will'be given to the winner of the ning at the Center. volley,ball league. T.V;

Low scores predominated in tKe The J. C. C. sextette lost a fast game to*" the ««Y" girls last Saturday; •junior basketball league at the J. C. C. Monday evening. The Psi Mu, Jn',' BBYCE CBATVyOBD, ;. I/EON, STAIiMASTBB & B E B E B held the 'B'nai Israels to a lone free. .2-16-3t. :: Coaptr,:Judge. . . Attorneys Jhro-.. ra; * handing t> an a *0-l de-1 300 Peters. Trust Bidsifeat. Adler krid' Wintrob, pUyed well - . FRED WHITE, Attorney NOTICE OF INDEBTEDNESS 000 First Katri Bank Bids.' ' \ ' . ; ' "" NOTICE' IB' hereby • given t h a t all -exist- for thelosersi

Consumers Coal & Supply Company AT. 4444 For the Highest Quality;;

and on the 20th day of June, 1928, at 0 o'clock A. ST., each day, for the purpose of presenting their, c l a i m s , for examination, - adjustment and allowance. Three months are allowed for the creditors t o present their claims, from the 17th day of March, 1928. . BBTCB CRAWFOBD. 2-16-4C' • • . County Judge.'


V> .



• • # - •




• • 4 . - •: •




. At

•••• 1 _ V J I > J






Be Your Baker

Victor Grthophonic or Radio 1



Vienna, jnoroso and broadcloth, trimmed with skunk, can- • v col, squirrel and Mancnhrian wolf. Sixes 16 to 42.

67 Dresses for All Occasions

I8O4 No. 24th 8t WEh 2B4£


Sports, daytime *nd a few for formal wew.. SizeS-Mtw 4SE, ^ >

WfiOLESALB DRUGGIST and STATIONERS' 401-463-405 South 10th Street


Transparent velvets, rfrfffons,: ' EHzab«tfc. ' Sizes 16 to « k ,

. .

relvet '

cmnWnatloiat crepv --.-»..

62 Sports, Street, Afternoon Dresses -«^

"Manufactured in Omaha"

wool georgettes.


Sizes 26 to 40.




North Omaha Furnace Co. « 1411-No. 24th St.—WE. 6U51 lnBtallatioD and Repairing of Tin Work, Furnaces. Skylltrhts, Ventilating. Gotten and Spouting. for Nesblt furnace





.Certified ^Public. Accountants.


638 Securities BidsAT. 4451


Appropriate for After-Theater Gatherings


National Accessories, Inc.

Spring Means Building Building Means


aoSl'FafTiap—AX. 5524


—GENERAL CONTBACTOn— 400 Hospe Bldg. "". I" JA. 1C14









WE WASH ALL CLOTHES IN 'NETS Your clothes last longer washed in nets because the nets take up the • wear. This service at no extra cost . to you.

1511 No. 24th—WE. B2S4

2M-U South 2«b St.—AT. 1400

Thorough Cleaning and-Dying by Skilled. Werfcmea - in Our Own Plant


Paris Cleaners and. Dyers

We suggest yon send yonr laundry to

1709 Cumin g St.-^JA.' 2035


1722 No. Silh St.—WE. 0283

Barber EDWARDS BARBER SHOP 10th aud Davenport Street n . MANOS, Propr. L SIEET JOUR FRIENDS AT UARKI'8

RIALTO BARBER SHOP 15th and Douglas—113 So. 15th

Personal Service Yon will • Appreciate



" " ••

810 No. 16th St.—JA. 388S

We specialize in form printing'



Try a loaf of our Whole-Wheat Bread with your next meal.

AT. 3832—504 So. 13 Get Onr Prices and SaTe Money

•1517 N.i 24th St.—WE. 0300


Harney- S4W




. 2813

WE. 1029 All Type of Laundry

. High Class Work and Quick Service

Drug Stores

Lumber Co^s.



MM NO. 24th St.—WE..0386 B ROBINSON Mgr. Prescriptions carefully compounded. Free delivery anywhere in the city.

24th and Burdette—WE. 63C2 20th and Nicholas—JA. ROOO

"Everything Under Cover"

Tailors Master Tailor Service £15 So. lUth—Phone Al'. 8082

Refitter of Ladies and Men* Clothing A. BERNSTEIN,




. 1500 No. 24th St.—WE. 2179 Specializing in Cleaning, Pressing and Kelining Men and Women'i Apparel

1023 Clark St.—WE. 0410

Careful Prescription Service Merchandise of Quality

Music Teachers

Beauty Parlors



Wallin-Holmgren Elec Co.

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New, Used Motors, Repairs, Rewinding, Wiring, Mail Orders

BESSIE B. MIDDLETON, 502 So. IStb St.—JA. 6032


"Omaha's Foremost School of Music

Middleton Conservatory Of Music

Tent & Awninft Coys NEBRASKA TENT AND AWNING CO. 1808 Farnam—J A. S329 See Our Sheep Lined Coats Today

School of Opera, Theatre and Public Speech 302 Uickel

Bldg., 13th and


AT. 4145 Voice, Piano, Violin, Public Speech, Dramatics, Expression




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1510 Patliain—JA.


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Heraberg'B—1M9 Douglas—AT. 37C3 Marinello—588 Brandeis Theatre Bide. JA, 3400 „„,„ Fontenelle JA. 2043

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Marinello Beauty Shops .



Reliable, -Reasonable, Expert Auto Repair Service ,

JZSIS Cnmlnp Stjf-Vt

Pianist-Instructor Beginners and advanced students accepted. Suite 5,Wead Bldg., 18 and Farnam —Telephone AT. 8162— Public Pupils Recitals March 1 and April 18.

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Piano Teacher



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I;* . by Individual.In.Rtrortlon "Prof. Sevcik and other worir renowni*d teachert recomnK-nd my. method very highly - a ' - ' - -







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The Best Place to Buy Vorir

j-J Concert" Violinist and Intiinictor Studio l l l ' i No. 16th St. JA. IKtS






ApparelforWomen, Juniors 32 Coats of the Finer Fabrics .........

Play the Violin Correctly




Trimmings of beaver, wolf, skunk, fox.


i n g debts o t IDEAL: B O T T I J I N « CO., on the 31st day. of December', 1027,' amounted to tSe siim of $3,800.00.: .The following are : the results of •• A C C O U N T :-"•:••••. ;••.-• Raymond -Platt," President;. Kaymond IX THE COUNTY CODRT OF DOUGLAS Platt and Sam Plait .'being, a majority, of the handball league games played a t : COUNTS, NEBRASKA. '_ • r the Board of Directors.•.•'.... . ' " • ' • •*•'• : <:" — ' • — — < •-•"'-•'•-ii

'lii the Matter of fhe Efetnte of Lena Levy, Aeccased: all persons interested in said LEON, STAX.MASTE11. & B E B E B matter are hereby notified that on the 3d Attorneys day of February. 1928. fDr.' PWJip Bher, 300 Peters Trust B i d s . Uted a petition in said County. Court, prayPBOBATE NOTICE ing that his final administration account filed herein be settled and allowed, and i n the matter of the estate of MART R. tiat he be discharged troin his-.trust as KAIMAN. deceased. ; . executor and that a hearing will be hnzl NOTICE i s hereby given that the credion said petition before said'Court on the tors of said deceased will meet the ad35th day of February. 1028, *»<* that if ministrator of said estate,-'before me, y.ou fail to appear before said Court on the County Judge of Douglas County, NebrasBSAO. 525thday dayoofFFebruary, e r y , 1 1833, 3 , at t 99 o V j K ka, at the County Court Boom, in fcnid A^TiL, T L andd contest t t said id petition, titi the County, on the 20th day of April, 1028, the Cp^

Final Stage of Reduction

Let the

jThe leadership in the Jewish Com-jl T»


may grant the prayer of said petition, enter, a "decree of heirship. "and innke" Btjen other and farther orders, allowances ..and decrees, a s t o this Court tnny scent proper. tK the end that all matters pertaining to eaid estate may be finally settled and determined. •_ " BBXCE CRAWFORD, S-9-23; .'•.,• County Judge.

formerly held top, position, went down to defeat before the Peerless C'eaners, by a 20 to 7 score. The two teams together vrith the A. Z. A. clubmen who won their games are now. tied for first place. The Peerless, led be Goldberg and Raschke, -piled up a 10 to 3 leaci p.t halt time, and continued to increase their half 'n the second half. Goldberg led w.'th six field goals. The'A. Z. A. downed the Gross Lumbers 19-17 in a close tilt. The losers t m ' i n g by 8 pomes, staged a rally, in the final minutes of play which just failed.


25<)6 No. 241 n—WE. «311

Children and Family Groups Our Specialty


A. D. Fergoson The fforist SOth nod AIHP» >ve.""-,KIB.'wJ»

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Photographs of- Distinction

AA' - A'l Cor. t7th and Capital Are. UOOnVKAK MBKVICF HTATlOW LMTCB.T«I.es. AowPsories. Uw<1 .WW

VnlcnnMng nnri



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