February 23, 1928

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Entered ss *ecimil«i:fciss mall -uiutLai on itazvad -DO*! UillSE'lIT "ttHUllia. Kphrngjm -rniiftrf fhp ^i»f


2EH, art-

tf iEIM BOISE nf TxejnSice off lEvery Jn CentEr


, 1S2B

3 . TSTQ.

Clausns jFjght GentErs 3n "Whefher Jews are Sect SHOWS?

•J3.OW Many Names P Be on Honor Molll i o n o r ardll -t£ Omaha .^ -vdll he .cantamed an 'ihe acck which i s ghgrng Tprqjared by i h e -JewishGonmiunity Center and JswiBh"WEl•jfare ^Federation i o r publication, 35ig Jmnt Heeting Piannefl 1B soon. r This i o o k -will cuiJUun, -heBeport Ccxnmrnnity's Eides ^he^roll x£ ionor, -the annual ±Eporte .of i h e -two c •and vdlT'be -anroly "illuitrated 'hy MSP photograph rff aiclivittts. Ifct ^will he insfcributed hath i n ' Dmahi. -aand in .iave been planned Jewish 'connninfities "throughout •the. joint "annual ^United Stales. ••Duly ~HIP iramps • of all Gonnnunity ing of the Jewish Wsliai- lidaration Center -mprnViprs i n jpood standingtto and the ^Jewieh Dcrnrmuruty Centex-to he nelc:,., Sunday in "the Jewish Comnnmity Center xme tS particular in-

* Jk.)—?£ke rnnstion. 31uaapest whatever ~TnTm 'nation BT *fi I vvelllET ~thfi :£ak£S,"TIE "the T""^t- 'i'"p'>rtH'il problem religious .sect "was "the crux n l tifae ^today, i n t h e opinion debate 'which XDnQnuejd ;in .parliament » J o h n "Haynes. Bolmes u f 3<ew. ^nesterday xrrer "ihe -government Thill City, "vrho 3ectnreiI3n t h e Jewish! to ^modify 'the ammerus ^iihnrsnB Haw. Community 'GfiirtEr iMonday -yvtuiing- T h e 'anQ-SHniitai: -leaBsTs -who opprejudice—Its Cause a m i posed ins bill •EmaeTT [ffaat i&e Jews 'are ;ra auUiuu, "while: •mntn xantengan TVES itts •govanuueitt i)IH> vfaTlnfgr- tim ,Kiyj^iosi&:-*ina" is TtD 'ShUW ibat"ifae i s Tngt.inpf.lvft Tto mail. open discrimination rproduet, Hbs hTfrnnn .heart," Joe said. "MBliionaL iiocal Company Takes I t s +TV) j t Hike " w i n t -fiwtrp, i£rDm t h e Among ZNetaaska f world. A of "the Ihatred

tO Sffll

Por America Feb. IET iiondon.—(J. T . .A.}—-Br. Chaini "Wfiizmarm, president of t h e Worir Zionist organization, mQ sail for ihe Dnited Statss jon Tebmar3- 28 aboard t h e steamer 3Iajestic ~1± hart prevnTUsly been stated that Ur. Weizmami was undecided "whether he "wnald proceed t o the United States this year, it having "hpiRii jsported t h a t he was 'Considering going to South

GIRLS MARS WfllBE CRO Will Preside at Ceremonies •of is Coronation ^VMcfa Marks Contest's Ekici


'winner of t h e Thorpeiap Athletic club's popaianty jsmitest JE^etermmefl on SHHCIHT ^vennip. March. 11. the eer«many of urowiiing t h e "winner as Queer, of the Jubilee Ball t h a t .evening•tHTESt. •• ': ' wdD -be 'in xdiarge of H E I T T "Lspichis. one of the outKtaxuding mem. Jn issnmg/anifcvitation "to i t e •beH? rf 13ie Jewish comnmrity of -Omaha, Mr. X<£^)idiiE. returning' this "week "from &T>. extended biTBine»p ZHarxy 3L ianMns, presideirt iff iasEp t o the-east, agreed t o preside at the icej^emoi:?". and expressed vC&nter, saicf, "L&s jjar4: owns! :grea± interest in the contest, i n "which thtrteeT "popniar jniip -t>i institutions, -••svezs member anfi conQmsiiE ure "vising" for this honor, as well as four -valuable "tributor piinrilii he interested i n i. > be awarded bv the club. w h a t has been done with 3*lace t Kot only wIE. the wtnnar of "thrononey, and -what the activitieE Tnrkr—(2. "T. .A.)—That only contest be crowned as OHecn, bat she of- the "year JQHVB slight TuiTtthor of Jfev&h unalso receive t» S20P (iiamonti t i been. TEhis raesting "is irapartaitt ±0 i n 2?ew Tark City apply for in -mftny 3Snngaiian circles. Deputy IDO 3NOLEASE STOCK. The girl whc iinislies: secmn? will rrinto 'it '£toYn its •QBJES. 3E^etnTcac, ^mma^tuiUng—zthe- Christian ceive a $100 diamond bar pin. Thin! belting "to i i e xncm- in an Jtry +h*> J e w i s h prejudice anH rfiten: Socialist J^srty, natioualxst group, 3n -the seven ononlte -of 1327, iheprize is a S5D -wrist watch and fouit]; fll"^fiffini Telegraphic A g e n c y . A ZZOEJOT porspore. :agahiBt' "Bie ;guvttrurTHTTt ibill prize is E SSO string: of Eiehelien tion J O ^ tH£ fjTkmpn '^Im; 'firnp IHiSffi— ond demanded thut instead -wrote §2^295^63 ni paid ^ T" • n rt_ 'Trearls. All -cf the prizes are or, -as-. Solzman^president pxomulgatmg tthls .Tneasxire, 3br. jHblmes sharp-' carding ^to rf±BB ^first annual lepnst nf Tederatum, jwill preside. "The ^Fedexa- ployed of t h e membership in t h e .lams-Go Over j ^ ^ <;onlmunitr B t t i w clewisl. Clothing Workers, r e A. er i a n n cS -shoiild "the company Tnade public Iby. IFop iH Ctonpaigii. Centex ion'^ annual .roport, t o ire presented porteti in t h e survey of t h e unera4he -result JQ£ tike I *war. he iintroSuffiii sincB '^the IFBTWB a r e a "W6K, jresutent, ~nX t h e for thr- big Jubilee Bali, -on jy Sanrnel Garspn, :its executive sec- pk>yiBsnt situation made by State 1B-: leaniEa," i s - s a i S , " w h a t nation, contrary ito ?BIE contsntitm niplvt, lttarch 11, at the city a^etary, "will point -out Tiot only the flnstrial ConnnissiipnEr Hamiltonj are. nmst l e a m i o r life-'jihe EvangeUcal jiiiests; A ammeniE TCius volmnE of business places ^the are mpkih- heinr conv clansus ^should :be intrpdncefl 3rot only company seventh i n -the production of work done by ~£hs iederation i n •'thei.jews. However, n o m a s s suffering -fiie one seS, XScv-filand, 0.—-The recent success- "pletefi, soid PTPKUIBP- Irrm l*vir past, but wiQ -soialyse the trend nf \ seems to ire "prevalent among the Jew•wur OB -hatred. "Ws "were ttdld "that afir^ iia ^the •f**'1rl o£ -EdncatiDn but n k o in. bushiesB 5nr_"the in cthe. Jewish sncial sseasd work in t h e .city j ish uaemphryed. iol-completion -of the Cleveland city .of the Thorpeiaire industry :and i n one vre ~WETE ihrough state of Nebraska, iJthongh i t is and point a JKay i o ? i t s future develand St. LoniE xampaigiis in behalf c£ • ' T h e fif teen-piece- aTt?rn«;nt«l nrIFigirres '^TTTTt h e Jewish Social this jneasms h e fpruniulyatud., i , -=y?E "WDUld -LOVE -DUE twelftfa ;m a g e among -Nebraska -cnm- opment. The -future of iamBy case IBureas, t h e relief agency of the new building fund for t h e Cleve- i chestra which Art Eandall will -pro"This "WEs >a jirouaganda devicE "to Ikeep jjiBtiLruvac ."threatened, "15B jiaxty panies, according t o "MT~, W O H . woik under t h e veonriiticm .of restricted T i h e 3r fleratian i o r the -Support of | land Jewish Orphan Home insures the Tide -JOT i h e Tnnsic IF av outstandinr: e start "3. tfight nffliinst i t •;vji&. tjvtsiiy- -Arrangements ~rar t h e TIE ~xo> "to -thy, teixihlfi busitiEaB -j ) earlj breaking of ground ior the cot- attractior, ir, itaeK. tm<? tihnwU mimmigration, problems of unempkiy-) Jewish J^hHauthrnpic Soci&ties, ranTB, even urttsiSe HIE TEW. ihe husmess into other ^states are now- rmerrt, the UaiMent, child •welfare, and anincreaseintappJicatioiis-foraid dur- \ tage plan b-oiidingE to be erected on a iterest every pensor-. ir Omahp. viw Tng. "WE knffw i t -was ±he hunk. jSIany tS "She .- deputies received "hemg1 made, as a /result aif .the com"*3JBVET hsfnre ^he l a s t ^te rmenial healSi Trill be ibriefly -pre- ±ng January. Df t h e 2S2 new appli- \ thirty-one acre .plot, in University ; like* dHnchrg." said Levin. Lsnuuyinzms letters "fhr^Hl^iiTn^ ithem pany's ^success in its liome state. :Een e * ^_^ i cations, AS percent ^rere due ~ix> tm- | Heights, an attractive suburb of- «Mi'. Bandrfl'baF enntnict«d[ to m>-lejiiisals if ."they *mE "vote 3or IChe rsbockholdexs'' tmsefing- "was i n United -States," die janaitinued. "Thd The report THUWHS t h a t the i ederaj employment problems. Of t h e 1,066 | Cleveland, i t is announced by Fred \Jtaa. ^ ^ ^ w i f t h i p o w . m t r h e B t . hfiiE Ihe mature ,m a\celebratian, Twhen Ihe "tian lereivfid ±rom the Commimity ;famiiies aiaaeT ^ s r e . of the ^Bureaji, ! Lazarus, jr., -presiaent -of the home. , m ^ ^ mn&infr I 1 B substitute m itireasarer, 3T. :H. Auefhach, 3spnrte3 i, with a quota of -S250,0QG, jgOTnetimes the case.xanism consists lin ihiEB dsgrssB cnf ZChe sefltiment - xep ^^ sfl 3?y during 1 S T SAD^SOSS, iand ,2T£% were toe t o Tmemployrflent, a n ihat -Ore original -xapital -was^a^.subannouncEd :?STO,0S£.B5 as raised -at \ ^ ^ ^ g ^ n e w ..ChTpsier .Eoach Cathniic^iui y Selrovac ^KHH Shaied Ijy "increase uf -jmly "S% over t h e ^number h spl3 AtujiDnt espsnse fox .'sta>

w i l l fee.

B E inwiiii j-promothm, xand t&at -the xfVBrheaa ims , showing a -slight def- Januaxy a were r i n ibeen"iept a> low ithat Jifrer I\lv, .St. l o u i s , with a-quots. of §50,000, ;[placed or. display nesi: week, Lfvit; "the £ jour iatrenU" icit. This money -was ;sjrent by c£he interviewed yesterdsy by the \ announced 586,700 as raised. GrariuBfiginal ^eig>enseB, i t BhowB a n van-: lEederation on acti-cities coming trnaei - jlJfcc. dnnTniftS -went :fln"io fiiat ttfaat i h s y Tivrailfl Ihare Jewish Telegraphic Agency represen- | ates of the Home now residing in said. Th? car 'i* being: provided by prim rfche lanks eff* i h e -staflents rfightof ?46,M0. prejuSice within t h e xace i s xng jigamst i h e "hill, imt amfortnn- The Jollorong nfficers "were are- 5 different neadings, a widespread tati-ne, Dr. Solomon "Xawensteiii, Exe- i .Cleveland .contributed more tban SSO.- the local Chrysler distributors. An•work -of which Omaha Jewry i a s a xutivfi "Direator cf the .Federation, atdrew Jdarph?" <fc Sonii. ^sleeted: S . A . "WnK, prfisiaent;_penry right t o -Know. | 0Q.0 to the new building iund, and -*i^lahanm -iates rthe l^egro," 2H ately i h e y .see cDrnpeDeH >by, iiie In -order that TW doubt IIIOT exisS tributed the araall -number of Jewish residing in St. Louis consaid. ""iArizona Thates t h e ilesican, srnment's foreign ^policy 'to volt! 5 o r 3Honsky, -vice president; S." M~& marry "H. Xapidns will gi^E the r e - unernployment"who have asked iar re~ .as tv iivp. Bwarcl oi this* car, th« bach, iareasurer, a n d »fohn 'A.. toward their comrt iat-Es "the Chinese. port rto the Center's acti-dties in his h^i to the fact that many of the .tew- | tributed jThorpeianF will rieposit a bill-of-sak T h e general :rnrpressiari DHS gets HBcretary End ^general ^nanagsr^ i s t e s "fhe TTTR>I ^Caffaolies. president's Election -of of- ["wish labor unions arp -making pm- j munity craota. ioT 4 h e c a r with Cit "the proceedings cin tfafi Bouse -Directors -whose tsTTfR fixprisd «Tan-: | Cleveland's campaign was one ocH - Cmnmiwioner 3?e^tnes l a t e BOuthErn p Acers "for"the -Center and the 'Federa3 o h l ? visinns ior such emergency situations <rho ha P the -soper-between' is satisfied with i h e antHEemitic op-[ nary a were le-elected. ,2>Ieil H . Ufann, tion and of six directors ior the Cen- and many tS the -workers draw upou ': the most successful ever held in that ,'V1SIOT1 Hopkins. 6f t ! w icommimitv i o r any Jewish cause. " »Mdii«rtuTn, Wv. BopRfrnrmn Jews and Hussian 5ews.TEhis posrfion tto ~the "iiill, "helifnzing- l h a t •Bastmgs, JJeb.-; iH. C. JEaidley, {Grand ter will be held. Harry SilvErman and their ^savings, avoiding as long- as pos- | Five hundred workers overtopped the'fein^ ^ a i *>«w t*»iP tlocumenl i« ihis "will ofier ^prooJ ttb rpiiblic ijpiriion tteaches its ~&B Indicrons ctxagic Isbahd, l & b ; ; IE. 32. Simmons, 31. D . , Joe "Wolf will give their jsports. sible irpplicatmnstlor public aid. assigned quota by-S120,OS2-S5ir. eipht :-OTit«*>' imtil t h e w i i m e r o f t l «- ™ r THTL "that "prejudice i s strong -wilhin afaroad "that ;the ••fnivf,rimurnt: i s jnak-and S a r r y S . -Lsipuius. TMxs. JMas Tromkni is in charge of ing a sacrifice i n ^a-siir -;'nf i h e JE-WB .days' time and were within the j h a f ; ^ ^ -detenriined the ni^fat of the TDhe .stbckliolders -voted t o increase igraup."" hy going 'against tthe opjiositional fee capital istock i » 550&J3BD, ^wife a one-act play t o be given between shadow of the goal by the -fourth day.; halves of the program. The jcast of "the Core. in ihe conntry. The successful windup was celebrated ; >rR7e are, taking- ever;.- .precaution paid i n ^surplus of ^230,(100, jgivmg the play, '1A Sick 3>nrim,"-will include xited .the -well with a dinner at t h e Hotel EollendeE 'to asrore the public thsu the Thorpei h e company a coxdbined capital and Srace Sosenstern, -Sylvia JSilygrrrary iff 3irejudiEe, differences XE£ said, •^Ihecai£He*the-WDmeixMfi&e lower surplus of S75D,ffO:O. with t h e -workers and the officers of ; inns will carr^.- .,ut everj- claim they Jerxune JKarcus, UoKalye Alberts, Isvel, difference 01 isligiDn, economic Tace a r e tflie jjrtjy iff t h e "men -of "the That daneffi .at "the Jewish Com- the-Home in sttendarxe. The children ! Ere making: in. comrectior with this Herbert Xaphm, Dorothy Etiedel, Jdhe itpper iace. ^prejudice lyecame less, competition. Society mrrtrst -manity -Center a r £ -becoming more '; tif t h e Home provided an unique en- ; celebration/' said I,f>vm. hert Stein, and Dnrotby ^White. jiepple tto s. liujh XH1-; Bach :iace iiEVElqp i t e m m rraprgmlaT-was-snowXi by t h e large crowd tertainment. ! "It -will be a iong-remembcEred ocThe meeting is open t o the public ttaral Itevel, ±0 i r e e them i r o m ignorto •which turned out t o dance to t h e Organizatiorj .oIJ)istrict Is a, G. coir- tcasion. and we trust that the general , ~±D ieach rfhpm -with others. H 'helifive ihere'TWouhl ihe Tnlley Sail Team. Ixhyihm of tfae-lSight Club orchestra | prising Illinois, jEidoipiri, "Wisconsin,; public will respond t r thr egorte of -The 3jeligions Btrugglfi in~ ilfisico i s -oiily hrotiifirhood less .mixture -ni "the :that mot an attack m ±he -Homan Gatholic Twr> volley "ball teams which were j last Saturday xdgbi. The dance,-which jlsorth and South Dakota, Nebraska,! the candidates- who are attempting3n "fee spirit DI -±he One Go3, ^ n d to' but -on "the ecclesiastical i n - rganized several weeks .ago among "^as ^tagsd i n t h e .3. C. C. gym, was! Iowa sad Minnesota is now under way j to dJHposE of tickets,'" 1 Hr. aigument 3gahist i n ^hfi anembers oi t h e morning matrons* attended 'by over 150 -perpie. Grace and the .campaign ofncerE expect to I , Phased .on "the floor set 'Questions -asked Jxam 1 danced SEveral solo numbers. hsve t h e ssmpaigi: complHtetl ir. these : _ TRaVftiT "Pr»»r}fn-TrTr -Conn "told ~&B XOTZSTlt been playing , off a itradiiiotis t h e concluBiDii ax D r . ±imt i m ) "persons of Hose IBrink •saog. uf t h e Council ! states ijy early sammer. ; .up "the -subject xnT~in£i Margolin ansi Elsie jjf Ufcsdain^ M^^, LEVJ?, ^Kenny, JJri n 12s ^tnTk a t "the roif-vdilfi> :an . 'whites.' itig£n t b s isest' dancers "un iertH, ADya, Bargess, Baggsrt CCIM n liuiily XSRI UiH r TCucallqy, : , T7hen .hilf.nnar 1 iftgb 3s 3iatIly floor. IThfi winners ~wex£ awarded Coim ^tranan ^ f e IhiBtary y "will ; 2ialph Saitey, introduced -by lolsisfcea i?y sacists, Ihe anixture of.Aztec civili23jtioii ^»atm, sDnrposed of JELesdaroeB ZNeiisen, with two heaatiful prizes donated by is s°ins on xapiaiy7' he iHenry Malstrum, Taxaun, JSaJashoEk, Hosenblatt was awarded the , I r v i n e and Hubby a t ^ .hmchiheen i n ta 3tate n i chronic 3BvnlUtian; Omaha A . Z. A. chapter Ho. 1 held | Berlin.-r-(J. T. A.}—Franz Werfel, p ior Belling 3IE ^aid, hut- lias been going Jorward eon i n t h e .AB-Sell SestauTants, -Peba -regular -meetinE: si. the Jewish Com- w«Il known C4ermar? Jowisii dramatist,, the-j y 'Zl, and will i n -turn 'be '-enter- the most tic munity Center Sunday aifternoDE.. '"WBB :attBcteeci and ciefentted on tiw OPThe next dance, -which will be 51anE were discussed for the .annual ! caBion •of.JiiB-'iwing'-awaTdet the Schti-tamed .by t h e winners a t a GaUss Heems- i o liave ,as t h e Purim dance, "will be affair to be given in the near iutare. 1 ler -prize -recently. svmpathies, ihe said. ZLatest auditors' .figures jem t h e iumi scageii on 12aT5h S. "Director Jirssne There i s a ^possibility that a dinner- | T h e anti-Semitic press in Germany, iRahbi Gnhn airbed patifince 5 Ions ihlack i a i r tumbling ever >srx nnonths ~aga, nne'which dBUs raised i n last Jail's .Cummanity Chest promised~iM& liance to-be cne of the Mexico, a beautrful ^country with i h i s ^anthology, "ihe'Jhao I h e dance will .be given either at the j Austria -mid CstechoslovskJR criticised Jhis 5oxfihead, i i s gleaming black eyss ;:cninpaign show that ^ICO^lSBSl, or biggest Events off i t e .year. A n elabo- Dmaha Athletic club or the Ad-Sell riae award, •a?sertin|: that the -Jewish "braking nff into aspace; "Jps imouttr jmendous labor uf igdh^ Ihrough . 1 0 r ^fine people. !He ^Explained thei ahout 3ss p e r Eent of cthe total sranunt j author :Bhmtki not have heeii giver, the r a t e program JE being prepared. tea rooms. jcunffid i n . » tthougntiful .smile, 2?hilip D00 j o e m s 'ijy JeroBh iauthors a n d con- •handicaps under "which -she i s given by Droaha industrial ] Schiller "prize -Emee he is hostile tf. ing. S e gaaised ^her scenery, i s r .an2L -Easkin, IFewasb poet, ^lecturer iand siciefmg rfheir anexitB. 3ffiariy vS I h e .After the regular meeting a short T o this total 28,739 I "Germanism." 'ir'proof of'thiyBaserXeague. anthologist, lapsed into informal .can- translations Jrum moiiern Sebxew ^md cient ocivilrzatiun ;ana Iver anusic !Eab^ Girls' entertainment was held, ix. which Isasibscribed. ition they -quoted extracts from Werhi Gohn lias made several trips ±0' TVEXsation lifter Aavjnjr xonscienciously "Eddish "were inade 3sy Ihim. The ^girls basketball team won a dore Elewitz, former Aieph Godol, ji£el'« work*, interpTeting- them as at~ discharged -his .duty .as -a jiiissionary; I n Omaha i n "fee atntexest sS tflae clnsfi and fast jrams ±rom t h e Sokol talked ior the beasfit of the club.' The i tacks? on German -charactei' and vdl;nf t h e Jewish -National 3und. ! -National 3e"wish 3Funt}, 32fcr. Haskin sestet i n s. lsajgws game a t t h e X. W. Omaha debate team will .clash with I tare,. TVfT- ^Rn^lrrn . did 310t jgiVE Jig 3tis pIO-; C A . SaturiiEy.' "25ie jscore w a s .16-1S. Council Bluffs^ fraternity in a prac- ; ITJ view -of these attackF the fsoef's at ca 'Conference tS ^Session ias a poet *when ".he took; -un The team work and Sighting- spirit of tice debate to prepare them for the ; division -of the ..Prussian Academy >©f of Jewish organizations f u n •±be ixtuQes in -Emissary iff ^the ^Rational day, cat -which -it -was decided -to ioxm the 'Center toBsers bemLtersd t h e visi- coming national -championship. I Arts "issued s statement-which defend?? cfima. IDespite 3ns '-busy iffie of travel, 1 a .national :Jund council. 3 t r s J . I J U Z tors. ^EtillBii Shafton was high score 7 I Weriel wamily. A. "gBvershaften xaunpaign ' l o r t 'POSTPONED. Triday Mght, Meb. 2Z, 3LB28. ~t?Hr a n d .TWtuKOgri,-.-he irnds t u n e tto man-islenniorary chairman -of -the nrwith seven -points. The SokDl guards ! "Tiw. -.awarding' CEL t h e .-ficblller j i t s e Palestme was organized at a wrafer: wxile many poems. T o Uttr. .Raskin i t ganizatian, and Jttoni.. ISlock, tempo"WMBS—4Harrisburg, 3>a. i n a :mxanaaxy Every time thfi The B'nai jB'rith bridge tournament ! to Fxans 'W erf el caused a Berlin aiswpi s ^not a :guestion nf iliaviug ttrme t o .xaxy Kecretaty.. -A permanent Jargaiu- vnce of nrganizationB a t the l a b o r ~L&- tt.) ~t:45 p. an., -eastern iirae. Ur. JSba .53ax, 3Ire Sherman will he postponed for B week on acrwxite. Poems, h e s a j s , Bhnply gnesent -zatnm -will be iformed i n -the next ±WD ceirm jSlonday. The group Teprgserrt- IPhilip T). S0akstaber. Subject oi and lEstner Simfton .got under way. count, of t h e illustrated lecture to be ! paper t»> .protest, -and t h e :prot68t <WBB reproduced in other iiewspa|»eis. iln -themseiveB ttb -him and (flgmand -±o i>e-weeks. I t was decided "to present an ad -Branches 3Jo. ITS a. : 35a. 2aS nf address: "Great Architects." The ftefense ;-wnik o i Sraee :Levin,. given a t "Thursday'•£ :meeting by "Wil-|this ;protest quotation: from ?8re t h e "Wnrkmeri's Circle, t h e ZKatirmnl ^Bertha ShKEtnn .and iEdith GrosE per- iiar^ Bolzman, telling of his trip to ' author were jumbted to siibstattklte .annual afiair ifor \the benefit oT t h e "Workers' alliance, t h e Toate .Zinn, t h e I T - 3iaskrn's "first •volume uf jroems fEund. HS28. Sunday Jlarning, mitted t h e Sokofe but •fear I Hawaii, The tournament will begriii 'the-protest. Pioneer' W amenis rlub, a n d t h e Uurdxir i n English -was .published twelve years j Thursday, "March 1, and continue i o r The importance of jco-qpiiLutlan IPoale -Zian. ago dn 7,m"l"^, -with ^L jjreiace by time. 3labbi Ulilton -Abrahams, :yoang -Dmahs at- j three weeks. 10:4o a, m., DmEers -were elected a s jZangwilL Snice-ihat thne,3ie.has pub- ibrongh Ahe rouncil "WBE smphasizeil Grade Schwol Dancing Cia -Jacob Taishish. noiey, '.has i e g n :made «ecrjetary of hy 3££r. "Pnskrn. Ahshuler, idiairman; JB. Gaunt, lished 3reguhiilyt-anul lias jrt ^rresent | ^HADASSAB .S1EEITN&. Tenrple Israel. '"Six. Abe Goldstein is hundreds -.of -TnTp"^li«]w^ rpoems -which speaking a t iihe .meeting nf i h e .urer; J . -RnnmnvgBky, secretary. The Thnrsd»T 3Ggfct, IHardi 1 , J3S&. t b e _ij»\v3yra^|Kiintisa Tnember vS t h e i The Omaha Chapter of Badassah dancing xlaas meeting: at 4 qu. im.'1 he '-hopes ~to gather into .several :new Omaha Sshrew -chib Sunday jdxer- PXW:II UVB conmirttefi is Xfctr. .A, 3iomm, jwill 'have .an open .meeting Wetines- days ants Thursdays ha? atioptefl 4hs WHS—3*ew "Xork, 35. 3L (3945 board. •vohrmes "when Hre -other duties l h w •noan, IMr. ."Baskin rtold of "the .land j e - JStc ISIaypex, 3Hr. GoTelick, a n d ^H. j day, February 2i', at SrS'O -p. m., in xolfovdng -icivedule: Folk dancrng, T. H.) 5:00-5^0 p . nu, Eastern time. Classman, demption i n Palestine, a n d .contrasted relay .or 3n«iian hasutaMil, «ltil 4B Tre-«lecfeed ^^^dsse j :the -Jewish Ccsmmunity \5entet. Miss _&BHociatimi n i Metona lEaabis nf Isiiior ISeig'ier .xaeHting ^val! he JieLd "KlrmJateH into -fievjeial inreign languages. ' iB;the?pB»l- "Later :iu -ttw Selen WHkinBcin will give <& talk Jfiew "STofk-lErBgrarc: ^iiftreHB, xnrpxeadsnt ;of i&te ^February Zl, a t tHse ^Lsimr , Tgr- 3?,n^lan "is talso -an amthnlogist, which -will ise » I -interest -to 'fivsr^ i the clasp will rtakc ini batclnot" sf Jiaphazara JchBrity i n ^Palestine. •st. t h e aneeSng -xff t h e and :is -the Tfaere will -i ailso spake -to Ihe 33a£(EhtarB xff lisa. send delegates. : anthology ~f& Sssvash jn&Lcy


Center Dance Proves

Patience W M

A. Z. A. Plans to " - . Give Armnal Affair I

Campaign Qr^amzed XJ Jjycenmj


JOTISH PRESS v 'nn^SliAy,. TEg&UARX- 28,1928


Fritsch Refuses to I Stop Propaganda*

Published every Thursday a t Omaha, Nebraska, by-

THE JEWISH PRESS ^^;BW^X Office: Brandeis Theater Building—Telephone:. ATlantic 1450. ;



" *



, ...,

-I Subscription Price* one year _^~.. . . •: Advertising rates • furnished on application CHANGE OF: ABBKESS-^Please give both, the old. and new address^ : . sure t a give your name. .;-- : •• •





Council Bluffs


sister, Mrs." Nathan lUchards, anid Mr. Richards, for two weeks.

Parbara Brown Will Make Debut Here

i-—(X, T. A.>T—Theodor Fritsch P. M. Raskin, Jewish poet, who wai •will continue to publish and circulate j A n gnxLouncemgirt. of interest here in Omaha this, week, is the avthor o: Henry Ford's "International Jew," de-| i s m a d e of t h e marriage ..of Miss Blown, new leading womaia this poem which he wrote out for The gpite t h e instructions issued to h i m | T o b a Cohen, daughter of Mr. andof ttie Brandeis Players, will make Jewish Press when he was here. In by Mr. Ford to discontinue its circula-J jyi rSi I'adore Cohen ci hicago, 111., her first appearance next week in swinging rhythm, it singi the joy of tioii; AnnounqemenX to this; effect was to | ^ T - Max Bloom of Betoit, Wis., The^Goldfish," a-comedy that atadventure-:'-made by Fritsch in advertisement in J ^ ^ t o o l j ^ ^ on Sunday, Feb. 12( tracted l»ide attention in New York The Road to Nowhere. the "Boersenblatt fuer Deutschen ! a t t h e Belden-Stratford Sotel in •fflith, Marjorie Kambeau: in the stellar We go we do nor know where,. BuchhandeL" In^ his advertisement j Chicago.. Miss Minnij, Friedman of role. . But why our path revile? Fritsch declares Broman^^ junsts_adr J council Bluffs, who recently went to Edward Gray, new character actor, There a r e seventy roads to nowhere, yised him he is entitled to continue, j Chicago for an indefinite stay, was makes h i s first appearance in "The And each of them worth while. According, to a report i n the "C. V. a' bridesmaid. Mrs. M. and Goldfish" also. The bells of time are chiming; Zeitung," t h e organ of the Central young son, Robert, and Mr. Philip To the gods our goal is clear; Mjss.Brown has a splendid qpporUnion: of German Citizens of the Jew- Friedman have returned borne this tamty,: to. display her ability in theAnd he who climbs for the climbing ish Faith, Fritsch had asked compen- week after attending this wedding. Alone is mountaineer. tole, o£ Jenny. John H.olden plays the sation of 40,000 marks from. Ford for The bride will be remembered here first. bu&baJjd, Boyd Irwin^ Claire The minds of many men are con•withdrawing the book, R e had seta t she visited her aunt, Mrs. YudelSinclair, a n d . Alexander. Lpckwo<jd centrated in their "tongues; they ne January $ &s * date by which he son, a year- ego. ha.ye (the. Qtber. important .roles.. rashly speak and a c t likewise. should receive compliance with his

On Sunday next, February 26,, will be held a joiat meeting of the Jewish Community Centetr and of the Jewish Welfare Federation. At this meeting"we wiHr learn of the activities of the two orr ganizationsi we/will receive reports of the stewardships" of th^ir terms. Agreement to this effect hadj ' Mr. and Mrs. Max Steinberg enter- Most people officers for the past year, and we will again choose men to carry not been forthcoming from Henry .tained the .members of their Evening tions, but frear Ford, t h e paper states. [Bridge Club last Wednesday evening. on the work and make plans for the ;coming year. This week a noted -thinker and- orator speaking here told us Ko^bef S u S S ^ p S g Sr^Krasne, so. « Ur and Mrs. that he was surprised w_hen_he learned of the prejudice of the Jew of one type toward his brother of a different one; that instead t.e^^ine ^th^^itsch has ^ K r a ^ w h . ^ ^jjjjjjl the of being solidified into a unified group, the JFew was; torn asunder continued wOTk on the^book j ^ ^ home semeSterr-returned by the petty prejudices within his own ranks—prejudices arising New Y o r k . - ( J . T . ^ - T h e ^ d i s t r , - ; ^ ^ from ^ Angefes> C a l . : from' social position,ecclesiastical form, wealth, end many other, bution of Henry Ford's book, "The T~ artificial sources. This is not news to us. What a pity that it ternatjonal Jew,** was definitely o r - . Mr. Barney Gilinsky, who recently should he true 1 . . . , ^• dered . stopped in Europe by Henry tmderwent an operation a t t h e EdBstifrthejew is divided along these or any c>tjierljiie% there Ford in a letter addressed to Theodot | Hospital, js. BQ\C reported is one common cause that he has here and elsewhere, the care of ,Fritsch,!leader ^of^the German anSi-f^ getting along better. ' -•- thB poor, the sick, the widow,:and $he orphan. In the work of; Semites, translator "of vthe i book into j , . _ _ earing fox. these aad of g^yingVtoa^l the, opportunity for intellec- Gernaan; and owner of t b e Hammer | Mr. Jack Steinberg, son of Mr. tual, physical, and social deyelopmeni^ he has common ground with Verlag which published t h e transla-'and, Mrs. George S. ; Steinberg, spent his fellow Jew. Be he, Austrian^. Polish, Hungarian, German, KuV; tiori. U p t o now Frtisch; and other J^onday. and Tuesday in Des MoiMS sian, Lithuanian, Portuguese, or anything else^in origift;feehe' anti-Semitic agitators in "Europe de--j o ^-a, where he .received .his coatwealthy or making just an ordinary Jiving; be h e bflorthbdox^ re- nied the .authenticity of F-ord'ssigna-jnu^sion o f First lieutenant i« the form, or modern orthodox, tendencies; be h e a membet of "expen- t\jre to his retraction of his anti-Jew- ^ National Guards.. _ sive elubs or not; whatever may be the. difference;; in the workjtf ish and withdrawal of the book. The ; _ __. ....... caring for the OTHER person he, can meet with everyone and con- letter dated Nov. 1, was made public' Mfiss ZeHa Rodin of Sioux Cits, tribute his share of money, effort, thought and time. by Louis Marshall,'president of the ( Iowa, arrived here Friday to visit I t is this, work which is carried on by the above-named or- American , Jewish Committee a t the ji. — •.. ganizations. Tiie Center andj the Federation: deserve irpm every Committee's annual meetbig on Sun-.: Jewr that support, financial, and moral, which is necessary to carry Ott their workV: , . - ^^. . : . , . . : ; , , _ : , ,

A commendable word must be prewitness not your acceded by thought. your speech.

Press Points Rabbi Fineshriber of Philadelphia has made a statement that there ought to be, a. school of marriage, and .that'-the " A . B; C." of the school should be tiie teaching of "honesty, absolute ionesty^" in. all the dealings between man and wife. Rabbi Fine~ shribec^is at. least one person who, has : said 'son^ething" sensible "about, pregaratiou for roarriage. ' .. "•' ; : "Writjng. . ii^



by A Gentleman With * "G. B . Stern, author of that powerWeek of Eebruary 26th— Poster. Publishers, George. „ Hful, novel - of- the_ domMa.tiou\lQf . a D o n n Gompansv New; YorJSiCityBOYD IRWEN family by dnexwoman,-. ""The Matriarch," Jslexpected to vagriye.iTO t h e PRESENTS A novel of-Society andi thes:Jew. United States this month for h e i first visit. She i a an. English novelist, .and This is the dramatic story of a n inis.. about t o publish a. aew book, telligent young Jew, of his family and '-'• —IN—- ' Debonair^" : '..._ , :_ . . friends, of his efforts to make a pla.ee for himself in t h e complicated struct u r e of modern English iociety. His - ; A recent issue vof~ ihei Tageblatt romance, his ideals,. his contact with contains an interview with " A E , " brilliant men and women of the day George William Russel, Irish poet, is compelling. The scene shifts from BARBARA BROWN editor and: nationalist,: who draws in-* : NEW W0.-VDING " terestiHg- parallels- between the- his-v| and entire cast will be seen irj tdries of the Jews and t h e Irish. "The have, maintained t^ieix* •national exis7 this week's offering common element in u s both," he said/ tence; through t h e medium of their culture." —J. G. G. • " J a t h a t both t h e Irish aad t h e Jews

"What Dairow^s religion! is, not even. Bruce Barton knows, which, js quite an: assertion^ for Barton, seems t o know what nobody" else knows. B u t this g r e a t ; lawyer and- idealist is a lover of his fellow-man. He has such a sane outlook on society- that i t will take the world a few hundred yeare t a catch u p with his thinking. H e i s a friend to every man. regardless of race, color and "creed, i must except the hypocrite, for Darrow cannot ab'ide such. H'eiates cruelty and g e a n c e . "

• -.•



Jazz Singer 'Nuff Said—Ask Your Friejd or •Neighbor Hell Tell You the Rest

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Interesting in.the. light of the r e cent and notryet-settled - controversy i n ' Cleveland, over, Eabbi .Goldman's departure from some of the orthodox customs, is his article "which takes first place in t h e February Menoral Journal. This is apparently his apologia* though h e makes no -reference to the law suit. -His is-a point of view a t least worth looking into-.


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250 Rooms—200 Baths Good Rooms for $1.50 Operated by Eppley Hotels Co.

linens, gathered by the 750 Hadassah groups, including the local chapter;; have been-sent i n seven eases to Palestinian hospitals. Thus, the hardwqrkirig Hadassah women wha p u t effort into t h e collection of these garments, can see them sail forth, on. theirinissioii; . ••:• ; .







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PAGE S—THE JEWISH PRESS, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 2S. 1928 Mrs. Max Promkin Sunday afternoon •with a party in her home. "The guests of honor were Miss Sylvia \Levy,5Ess reenberg, Miss' Yetta Natfian,' and BIrs. Sylvia Eorach.-

William Holzman will be host to Evelyn Mirvis, who was the week- Mrs. Effie Copeland of Chicago, "QUALITY JEWELERS" about thirty young men at a dinner end guest of her parents, Mr. and I1L, formerly of Omaha, is visiting in the Hotel Loyal grfU Thursday eve- Mrs. Jacob Mirvis, has returned to with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. MALASHOCK JEWELRY show the film which he her home in Minneapolis. ning. He R. Wolosinsky. Wholesale and Retail Jewelers made recently in Hawaii and will talk 213-16 City National Bank cm the colony. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Blatt, 2217 North We All Enow Them. Bldg JA. 5619 Miss Minnie Wohlner, a bride-to-be, Nineteenth street; celebrated the Bar Two reasons why people don't mind is being entertained a t many affairs Mr. AI Reuben, son of Mr. and Mrs. Mitzvah of their son, Ben Blatt, with their own business: gnzext in to honor.. . Sh$ *wijl bathe Harry Reuben, who is a student in a supper for thirty couples. Cantor 1. They Lavent any mind. guest, of honor at a luachBan Saturday the State University of Iowa, Iowa I. Kahanowitch sang songs appropri- 2. They haven't any business. FRIED'S a t the home, of 3£rs^ M. Feldman. City, "was formally initiated into,the ate to the occasion. KOSHER DELICATESSEN those. "have;, entertained Eii Epsilon H fraternity at the close Unusual liberty in speech is. only! . 24th s«. for Miss. Wohhier aret Mr* H. Qkttt, of the probation week Friday. Miss Mildred Harris and Miss Mary allowed himself by a fool or a wise j I^e Jjnndlc a fun line of Imported lish~Mrs. Philip Friedman of Cooncil Bailin entertained with a card party inan. Sprstts, Sprntten — Bismarli H*>rriuc English Kippers. Bluffy Mrs. J- Badinoski, Mrs. S. Alte- Mr. Ben Brodkey, who has been ill for eight couples at their home Satur^Honoring I*r. and Mrs. B» M, and Mrs. Heuiy shuler, Mrs- I*. Wohlner and Mrs. i t in Wise Memorial hospital, has re- day evening; Monsky entertained •with a musicaie in theft: borne Saturday eve- ohlneit and Mrs» turned to Ms home. lOJtgi The-Bysab aad musical as weH as social sigaifica«eer for Mrs, Mrs. Goldberg"and her niece^ Miss BARNEY'S iMeasky, long a serious- student of piano, played an interesting and M. E. Chapman of the GoldsteiQ.- The Temple Sisterhood book re/view T,iTlran Greenberg, of New York City Phone ns about -VULCAN amMtiaus program. Her tour de force was Grieg's Concerto in A Chapiaan company has returned from group wDl hear Rabbi Frederick Cohn arrived last week to spend several grade Furnace Coal Per Ton Mid¥ in wlaeh she was"assisted by Mr. MartiB Bush, who per a three weeks' business trip-to review Maurois' "Disraeli" at its next weeks in Omaiba with Miss GreenUNION FUEL CO. a piario score of the orchestral part on a second piano. InY o z k . ' • " .'. berg's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joe209 So. 18th Street—JAcks«n 0268 "•'' meeting in the Temple Tuesday •aftthis, as in her shorter numbers, she played with musicianly u Greenherg. Center Street—WA. 6012 derstandin^; a»3 a skill bred of long study. ; Twenty tables of bridge were made ernoon. ' "The gr%ram was followed by informal music aiuiconversation. up for the benefit card party of the Mrs. Joe Sherman and Mss. Bea, Women's Welfare organization, Garelick -will be hostesses at a benePATRONIZE Mr. ami Mrs. J. L Margolin an•was held in, the Jewish fit bridge for fiie South Side Talmud Center'Tuesday afternoon;" Mrs. J. nounce the marjiage of their daughTHE SUNSET t e r / Miss Lillian Margolin, and Mr. Malashock and Mrs.. Jack. Alberts, Torah Tuesday * t the komr «< Mrs. :; SUNDAY— ~ ~ ':4612 South Twenty-third TEA BOOM 49 and Dodge Jacob JJirvis, -which was solemnized were in charge of arrangements. . AfjTiTj^i meeting of the. Jewish street. Eriday morning/by Rabbi Frederick CANDYLAND Mrs. Henry Q* Marx of Alexandria^ Omar Bakery jmt* into **• I r t a i e»ke» Cohn- Itix. and Mis. Mirvis were mar- Welfare Federation andfee.Jewish 16th and Farnam Community Center, itt the Jewish La., who La§bfeen-risiting her parents, ; A JBsior Foale Zion club has been, pastries h*s bnwsht u s Owqsasdt of ried in" their new home, 5015 Burt Community Center. Women AH over Omaka «r« Mr. and Mrs. A. Singer* lef^ februjtry. organized at the Labor Lyceum untjer street. The bride was attended by it. You can ftt Otut 15 for her home, accompanied "by "her the dixectdoa of Mr. Kipnis. Member, Miss Ida Lustgarten, KJiss Manette MONDAY— from most croccries «r the father, who witt spend two "months ship, is open to all boys and girls over Margolin, and Miss Evelyn Mrwis of ^Workmen's Loan association, in that cemea t» with her. Mr. Siege* l a s recently re- 16 years: Meetags wiH"be held each the Jewish Community Center*" Minneapolis, Mr. Mirvis' daughter. covered from an.3toeE3 of sqverat Tirarsday a t 8 p» m. in the Labor lor"Manufactured in Omaha" TUESDAY— months. On the. way, Mrs* Mans, sad «Jf the largest weddings of the BAKER ICE MACHINE CO. Temple Sisterhood book iwview,- Mr. Smger will visit-; Mr. Singet's- " The ctub will give its first anniaal social season will be that of Miss i n t h e Temple. children, Mr. and Mrs. Senry Horr Purim ball March 10. Temporary «fEsther Uarcns, daughter of Mi. and Senior Club Council, in the Jew- wich and Mr. and M^.E2irard J t e e n - ficors are: Arthur Smith, chairman; Mrs. H. Marcus, to Mr. Max Rosen, thai of Chicago, and. tori, and Mrs..Doris Saigei, se«a»t»ry-, aad Ben ish Community Center. The Beet Place to Buy Your son of Mr. ami Mrs. Mendel Rosen of Abe Goudchaux of Big Cane, La. Vernon Smith, treasurer. St^Sfoseph, Mo., -which will take place WEDNESDAY— Victor Ortlipphonic in fih^j Suxgess. tome. Castor 'PnffaRgfi'fr( ir\ thfi. A literary, evening!^including a play .QmaJia.brsjxc.Qf the Icene will, hold tatia will oSciatev Rev. Pteisb- rouoity or Radio in two acte^ wia be gijen .]5s^'*fe ¥to~ a.^baxax Starch:4 a t the I*bor I t y —SEE US FIRST— ill-be-t Bast master.' Woodmen of America, in the neer Women and the Poale Zion, Sun- cenm, Twenty-second and Ciaxt 1804 No. Mfh Rt SOL. LEWIS hundred guests are expected Jewish Community Center. WEbsteir WHS bazaarwiH aid the cajist day,, February 26, at-tbe Labor Lyte;atte*^thercereai£aiY. Miss Marcos ceum. " of Jewish, colonization, in Russia. be attended by Miss: Edith Gross, THU3BSJXVY— JS'nai B'rith, in the- Jewish, Comof -^on«r;, Miss Sarah. Marcus, LET THE Miss Esther ^Wejner, and Miss Gladys munity Center. Bernstein, bridesmaids; little Etta Marcus, flower girl, and Sol Marcus. The Homcpt Bett& Wales Faskhiu istg bearer. Nathan Marcus, brother J. Singer of Omaha. The engagemen DO YOUR •flf' the bride, will be best man. Thewas announced at Lenox,. S. D., "Family Washing ushers will be Jo Baduzaner, Sam presence of a small group of relatives and; friends. -Manevitz and Abe Meyers. HAnwy 7545 KArket S700 Mr. Singer is a graduate of Technifriends 01s the bride and groom are MAX KAPLAN invited tn attend.a. dance, which •will cal high school, and is now/ in Centerbegin a t ^ ^ ' c l o c k Sunday night in •eille, £L D^, where he is the manager honor of the young couple. Mr. and of the Bailin store. No date for the hzs been set. 4Kt».~&»Bea •nSMa&e a wedding- jourOur Most Important Apparel Event'for the ney to St. Louis and Chicago. ENGRAVING CO.INC. Mr. and! Mrs. Leon Gree.nb.erg; anF ^ ^ K T o m and Mtms of Qdk Qufc«ttf-town guests at the wedding ~N ARTISTS / nounce the birth, of a daughter at the w^l be Mr- and Mrs. M. Rosen, and Mr. an4_Hr&. J." Gitner of St. Joseph, Wise Memorial hospital on Sunday, Mr. and .Mrs. M> Schwartz and Mr. February 19. Hth? Semi-Annual 313 So.i4TM.'St» O M A H A . , SErv-I*. Blum of Wichita, arid Three, brides-to-be and one briae of r. and Mrs. J. M. TanTcel of Chicago. recent date were • complimented by ' Tflamts has been popular Let the the' yonager set of the- city, iioso iwtxo have entertained for her are Miss Edith- Gross, Miss . SciecEer* Miss, Jeaaette Mala.Be Your Baker f Miss Muriel Scfeerfer, Mrs. QUAKER BAKING CO. Ttir W i n lhaf Moil fS By Wire, Fast Mail Schwartz of Kansas.. Cityt or Express J- Kaduziner, Miss Gladys Bern, ttbs =Edna Cohn, and Miss




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1 E BBANDHS STORE Friday-Saturday!!

A Sale erf

FLOWERS For all Occasions L

Mr. and Mrs. S. Bailin of Sioux announce" the engagement of Bieeei Miss Esther Wolovid:, to . Jack Singer, son of Mr. and Mrs.

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,- I

SPRINGDRESSES Tor street^ afternoon and aparts wear, sn's; misses, and larger * slz«$—incomparable

v i

S jn&eeXTnrriatckal}l& Price

-Famous for Flavor O DINNER is complete N without coffee. Through the centuries, the praises jrf


3rd Floor

f '< fr»'l ••'' '*\


Coke Teias Petroleum Per Ton $liOO I Harry H. Lapidus, Fres.-Tre.as


Vie Oecnpy Over 70.000 Square F««t Svuthwes^ Oaurser

.Eleventh and Douglas Streets Phcaie JAckson 2724 Omaha, Nebr,

Arcade Shoe



But to make good coffee, you must use good coffee — and Advo Coffee sold by all "grocers has proven its claim of_ "famous for flavor".


Beige Kid Colored Suede Black Satin Patent Leather Simulated Reptile * Pumps Straps Ties Oxfords


coffee have "been sung~by the " bards of many lands. There . ' is" nothing like a good warm r eup to cheer the jaded travel er, the tired husband or the' honored guest.


- A s»te event that has beea planned for : mapy months. Because some of tlie models are seconds we secured the entire lot at a worth while discount. Here .are shoes of every style and leather that is sponsored for spring wear. Come early for wide selection.

JA. SG99



INSURANCE-ALL BRANCHES Aceiaeut and Health Assault "-. - - . Antomobile LlnWHty p l t JipMloi „ tJarglary (.Residence*'

ii: -Bonk Bl] 6l«



Burslan? ot iSaife Chect «afarnc '•:






Stock Mersiiapdls* in Transit Motor Boat Motbrejrcte ia» forms) Musical Instruments

Pitts, All Risks Golfers'•EU G

xMessencer) agfefT *— l)

ILt? ''' - -• ------


Mail Value ler l*sk ami H»ot Bond M

Enelry, Att Bisks ' Landloras' Linbility I e ao<l Theft

a abliy jlue Breakage i i (General) !pnienrs p Uonda

Theatre t.inl>Ui<5 Thentrlcnl Transportntion Title i Use


XE»t Of «I«*H*B M B M K f f t picitleK Ji«« ln-t-H in lull imi«

tntrd, but ««-vrr «i|U:ilril. except :i« t h r s«»<l •lfl-*«»hi>icUlr« yunr mo Mi IT »i put ii;>. C«JF « Jar from }our jrrorrr




Goods Is

.--. --_~-_^


Telephone ATU.ntk

OS? . •

l o i l a y , rind trvn! voiir ii-.m Jjr tti t t i ^ ^ r i K ? . tai>;> «!•• I «•»<>••

fl-Tlu'^ Arc KOT KMT-nili


Local Sports . , BY JfAHCUS . The J. G. C. basketball team handed th,p Iowa Clothing their, first defeat josMhe season in a game that required and extra period to decide the outcome. , .The, final score of the game was 22-18..' Katzman and Rosenblatt each made a- basket in the overtime period, thus putting the game on ice for the Center- The score at the end LEON, STAJJUASTJEJl & BEBEK • •• Attorney?" . * " : . - 300 Peters TrufltBjdsr. JfOTICK. OF ADMINISTHAT1ON. ; In tbe County Court of Douglas County, .Nebraska. • " In the matter of tip estate of A. .SV1L.KA, Deceased. . All persons interested in sriid estate tire hereby notified that a petition has been filed in said -Court .alleging that said deceased died le&vlng no last wJJl and prayi n g for administration upon" h'is' estate, and that a hearing will.be .had.on said petition before said court' on the 10th day of March, 1028. and that ;if • they fail to appear at sola Court on the Bald 10th day of March, 1928, at 8 o'clock A. "W. to contest Bald petition, the Court may. grant the same and grant administration of said estate to Ben Glazer, ,or some other suitable person rand proceed to "a settlement thereof. • .. • • .-;••; BBXCE CR^WFOBD, 2-16-3t. "--• ;• ; • " ' ' •' "County Judge. • STAZ.5TAS1JBB. & BBBEB Attorneys * 800 Peters Trust Bids. •..". PROBATE NOTICE In the matter of'the estate of MABY B. KAUIAN, deceased.' NOXICB is hereby given that- the creditors of said deceased will meet the administrator ot sa|d;. estate... petore : me, County Judge'of Douglas 'Conrity, 'Nebras-: ka, at the County Court Boom, in saidCounty, on the 20th-<Jny-of—April, 1928, and on the 20th day of-June, 1928, at 0 o'clock- A. •• M., each'" day :""f or "the* purpose of presenting their claims for< examination, adjustment and ajlowance. TThree •months are: allowed for the creditors to present their- claims, from" the 17th day of March, 192& B R y C E - o n A W P O I l l > r 2-16-4t



County Judge.

their selves again and, coming from led the. winners with four points Malashock Jewelry ....37 26 .587 Next Tuesday -will be the initial entertainment is being planned for behind xlefe.ated .-the Ami' dub in, or- each, while Dave Franke tallied all Empire Cleaners ~^.....&2" 31 .507 game of'the; final round-robin of the der to ; maintain their leai! in the his team's points. With a little more Glazer Clothing Co. ..32 31 .507 league, which will terminate on April the members of the league who will participate in the final games of the league.-Again the A.'Z.'A. lost and help in the scoring column Franks Appleman-Eob'n Co. 32 31 .507 11, according, to present plans. this time to the Psi Mu fraternity by would have; brought his team Yousem Service ......J&l C2 .492 A banquet interspersed with novel season. a. score of 16-14, 15-8, Bob Kooper, through. 37 .412 Wardrobe; . 26 leading, the People's Store oi Council. The Segelman' in defeating the Omaha Tobacco Co. —23 40 .365 Bluffsj took I>r. Stein's teeth pullers Bezeman Hardware's ran up the A victory over the Glazer Clothing into camp by a score of 15-9, 15-8. highest score of the present season, Co. last Sunday, and their defeat of •winning 32-15, leading handily all the Appleman-Robinson Co. on TuesM. S O M I T Our pool will be ready for"use Mon- the wa> . Altshuler, with thirteen day placed the Malashock Jewelry 2429 Decatur Street day.., morning. The. pool has been points -led the winners while Green- team within one game for the top poWE. 3527 closed for nearly two weeks so that berg with six point.1 was high in sition in.the league. This year we made arrangements to accomodate everyone, who is inrepairs' could be nu--le. We-are pre- the scoring column for Jie losers. terested in having for the Peasach-Table the real synjbol of Passover. The Yousem Service five upset the paring for the biggest swimming sea- In the other game the i3rodkey's son': in the history of the Center. . upset the dope by defeating the dope in* winning the series from the MATZOS FROM EREZ-ISRAEL Kaiman Insurance. It was the first Cross Lumbei Co., 26-31. Isaacson defeat in two months for the Insurbaked by our Chaluzim. We will also have all other products for The Sunday handball league is go- scored eleven points or the winners Peasach, including a new supply of Hogodes both in Jewish and English. ing on,'ii) full swing. "•.-,''; while Handler and Kohn played best ance boys; The Glazer Clothing Co. won an 'for the losers. , easy victory from the Omaha Tobacco • Physical examinations will be given Co. as a result of some fancy shootMonday evening ^free; of charge to all Business Men's Bowling League. ing by each member of the team. Moe members. Every member must have W. L. Pet. Katleman was high with a r single a physical examination before he can Kaiman Insurance ....38 25 .603 count of 226. use the physical department. Mo Introducing a New and Greenberg and Sam Faier of the Creighton medical school will be in '^r Deiii Delightful Health Food Dessertcharge of examinations. . \ The J. C. C. will play%je.vCreighton Eliminates the "knock" under all driving, conArt basket ball .team Saturday night. J ditions — transforms carbon from a liability • In the preliminary game the J. C. C. : undefeated ; junior will stack np: into an! asset—more po\yeroii hills and heavy against a real team. Th; first game rpads-rHluicker accelerations-less gear shifting starts at 7 sharp. i i -T-reduced v i b r a t e -r-; freedom.. from the

of the playing period was 18 all. In the preliminary game the junior J.'.C. 'C.'"boys continued their winning streak when they trounced the All-Stars, 39 to 12. Everybody had a good time al the Physical Department danct' The. next dance will be >eld March 3. Tell your friends about our dance.


The first pre-season indoor track meet for'seniors will be held March 11. .An all-rqv--' indoor championship will be held, "in which the writer will participate. The following week' the senior boys-will hold their track meet. The junior T)6ys will hold their track meet March 4. • The league-leading Psi Mu, Jr., again met defeat in the hands of the B'nai Ami,.! Jr., by a close score of i6r9.iBarish;and Grossman each made a field goal for the. losers, while Seigel made all the baskets for the Ami boys. The second game "was-won by the Boy Scouts when they rolled over the B'nai" Abraham, 17-9. Ciller and Novack-stood out forthe losers, while Siller and Himelstein drove home the bacon for the. signal boys. In the. last game of the'evening, the cellar boys took one more victory by beating the B'nai Israel, 8-5. Winthrop and Cutler stood out for tie Olympians, and J. Adler for the losers. Th& Malashocks kept up their good record by- trimming <thc B'nai Ami dub, 15-12, 1^-16^2=15, in the volley ball league at, the1 Jewish Community Center gym last Monday 'everting-.' Although the Malashocks lost the first game, they lost no time in finding

T. WT. Ethyl Gasoline—

lien's Whole Wheat

'.. ; : ; r; trouble and expense pf carbon; removal.: : i.-... . Your Taiik With T^N.T: Ethyl Today J '

The peerless Qeaners and theSegelman Service five- went intp a t tie for first place in, the Jewish i Community -Center Ipofi Wednesday," by defeating their opponents. : The Cleaners defeated the A. Z. A. Clubnfen,'~wh6 until Wednesday had also been tied for .the leadership, by a 13-10 score. Raschke and Goldberg

17th and, Nicholas St.


V ,4

<.. .-

Fretfi at Ymr Grocer's

Morris. Milder,President

be pleased!





Friday arid Saturday We Emphasize

Bedropm Furniture Our Annual—






I ; ."•" This Sale Has Five More Days to Run and ;Eyerybody Should See the('Extraordinary'Val- ties in Both Suites and Pieces for Bedrooms.

Furnaces 14U So. 24th St.—WE. 6851 Installation and Repairing of Tin Work, Furnaces Skylights, Ventilating, Cotters and Spouting. .., Agents for Kesblt Furnace


WM. BRYDEN & COMPANY Certified Public Accountants

' • ;: - •

1413 Donglas Street The Moet Popular Cafe In Omaha

63S Securities Bldg. **&T. 4451

'Appropriate for After-Theater

Auto Tefs & Accessories

• Contractors

National Accessories, Inc.

.Spring Means Building Building Means


*203fTFarnani—AT. 5524

For The Auto

1 A . H . BRODKEY —GENERAL CONTRACTOR— 400 Hospe Bldg. JA. 1C14

2813 Cumin* St. £,"


Harney 3412


!.-r i

2 •i

"'"• This Fine Berkey & Gay Furniture Is in the Sale at About Half Price For instance.' t i e Bureau at right is executed in beautifully figured, ;.matched walnut. Has all mahogany interiors with sliding, plush-lined ^ jewel and button tray in top drawer. The finest finish that can be . produced on furniture has been executed upon this bureau. « Regular price 136.00, sale price— Bed to match with Chair, 67.00 extra. k . 615.00 Adam Bedroom Suite in walnut; full - size bed,. bureau, cheat, toilet mirror, 4-piece vanity dresser,;chair and-bench, complete, 395.00 • 131.00 Normandy flue'Dressing Table, Bench and - Mirrpr, 8 ,pieces complete 69.50 79.50 Normandy Blue Twin Beds, each..39.50 260.00 54-Inch Mahogany Bureau, full size Bowfoot Bed and Chair, 3 pieces, complete. .149.00 68.00 Black and Green Enamel Decorated Bu' reau ..'.:..:.. 39.00 68.00 Mauve Decorated Bureau 25.00 17.50 Imitation Walnut Bureau 10.00 19.75.'.Imitation Walnut Full Size Bed.. 10.00 23.50 Imitation Walnut Princess Dresser, 10.00 45.00 Fall Size Mahogany Bow-foot Bed, 22.50 * 305.60 Berkey & Gay Bedroom Suite; full size bed; circle end console bureau and chest of drawers, walnut, hand decorated 198.00 65.00 Large'French Walnut Bureau 39.50 45.00; Large French Chest of Drawers .'.25.00 35.00 Mahogany Poster Bed, full s i z e . . . . 19.50 -• 329.00 Berkey & Gay Colonial Bedroom Suite in mahogany, foil Size bed, hi boy and bureau, at ,«...r ', 225.00 45.00 Walnut. Console Style Dresser....29.50 33:00 Walnut Bow-foot Bed to match 16.50 ' 26.XI0 Walnut OHeafc to match , . . 16.00 135.00 large Walnut Dressing Table 69.50 29.50 . large Walnut Bench, upholstered to ' match . . . - . , . * , ' . . . J ' . . . . . . . . 12.50 48J0O Mahogany Poster Bed -v . v ..,.-.».25.00-

. %r


and many others 1

.. .





1707-17 Cass—AT. S533

A T . 3832—504 So. 18 Get Onr Prices anfl Sa'Te Money

Kelly Springfield Tires— 24 Hours Service SAM GOLDWAKE, Propr.


STANDARD PRINTING CO. S. F. SOBETSK1 810 No. 16th St.—JA. 3638

1517 No. 24th St.—-WE. 0300



Sim Go's.



Paris Cleaners and Dyers

1722 No. 54th St.—WE. 0280

- 1709 Coming St*—JA. .2035

Try a loaf of our Whole-Wheat Bread with your next meal.

• High Class Work and Quick Service

WE WASH AXX. CtOTHES IN KET8 l'our cJothes last longer washed in nets because the nets take up the wear. This service at no extra cost to you.






AT. 3815

We suggest yon send your lanndry to

JENSEN LAUNDRY WE. 1029 All Type of Laundry


Barber Shops

Drug Stores

Lumber Go's.




1004 No. 24th St^rWE. 03S6 B - ROBINSON. Mgr. —Rubber Goods, All Kinds— Best Quality at Lowest Priceg

24th and' Burdette—WE. G362 20tb and Nicholas—JA. 6000

Rentier of Ladies snd Mens Clothing

"Everything Under Cover"






We specialize in form printing

Thorough Cleaning and Dying by Skilled Workmen in Our Ovra Plant


Beginners and advanced students accepted. Suite 5,Wead Bldg., 18 and Farnam —Telephone AT. 8162— Public Pupils Recitals March 7 and April IS.

Estimates Gladly - Furnished

2(H-6 South 24th St.—AT. 1400

lCth anB, Davenport Street • U. MANO3, Propr.

59.75 Bird's-eye Maple Dresser . .• ..88.00 154.00 Widdicomb Walnut Louis XV Bureau, «t £9,00 136.00 Berkey & Gay Walnut Bureau.., .68.00 72.00 Landstrom Walnut Bureau 39.50 78.00 Berkey & Gay Chest of Drawers, walnut, at 49.op C4.00 full size Bed to match . . . . . . . . . . . .35.00 23.75 Walnut Dressing Table .,.15.00 319.00 Old Ivory and Maple Bedroom Suite, fulr size'bed,' bureau, triple mirror dressing table, bench and Windsor chair, complete, 198,00 22.00 Walnut Bedroom Rockera, boxed cane seat, at 7,95 t 23.50 large Mahogany Toilet Mirror J3.50 98.00 Spanish Decorated Rockford Bureau in walnut 45.00 124.00 large Triple Mirror Berkey & Gay Vanity in mahogany .6,9.00 69.50 Bow-Foot Bed, full size to match..38,00 407.00 Early.American Bedroom Suite in ivory and green decorated; bureau, dressing' table, Windsor bed, chest, toilet mirror, chair »nd rocker, complete ....288.00 , 20.00 White Enamel Medicine- Cabinet. .10.00 59.50 Jenny Lind Bed, twin size, black qnd preen *., , . . 39,50 222.00 Widdicomb Large Size Vanity Dresser, Triple Mirror and full size Bow-Foot Bed, toth for 138.00 135.00 large-size .Bureau to match.-,... .78.00,


Eeliable, Reasonable, Expert Auto Repair Service


U5U,No.^4tli—WH. VSH




Budget Plan Terms

Piano Teacher

North Omaha Furnace Co.


492 Brandel^^Xliea. Bids-—AT. 1400

February Sale






15th an(T. D.oBglas—115 So. 15th

1923 Claris St.—WE. 0410

Personal Service You will Appreciate

Careful Prescription Service Merchandise of Quality

Beauty Parlors



Wallin-Holmgren Etec Co.

Brandeis Store* . • JA. 2507-AT. 8C66 Dundee Parlor .....' • VVA. 8014 Specialists, In PEUMAJNBNT WAVING .

New, Used Motors, Repairs, Rewinding, Wiring, Mail Orders

Marinello Beauty Shops

602 So. I3tn St.—JA. 6032


Master Tailor Service 213 So. 10th—Phone AX. S002

WOLK-THE TAILOR 150(3 No. 24th SU— ? B . 2lW Specializing in Cleaning, Freaslnf and Eelining Men nna Wptaen'« Apparel .

Music Teachers

Tent .&. Awning CoV



"Oinaha's Foremost School of Music

Middleton Conservatory Of Music

1808 Farnam—JA. 3329 See Our Sheep Lined Coat* Today

School of Opera, Theatre and Public Speech 302 Mlcfcei Bldg.. 15th and Harney

AT. 4145 : Voice, Piano, Violin, Public Speech, Dramatics, Expression .

Berzbete'a—1519 Douglas—AT. 37C3 Marinello—SCO Brandeis Tbentre Bldg. JA, 3400 •Pontetielle JA. 2643

605 Electric Bldg^-JA. 1045 —All Kinds of Electric Wiring—




Tire Shops




"The Best Place To Buy Your flowers

Children and Family Groups Our Specialty -

Paxton Billiard Parlors 1510 Paruain—JA. 0721

Direct Wire Service on All Latest Sport Events

2508 North 24tb St.—Phone WE. 2057

A. D, Ferguson The Florist fiOtft BBi Ame» Ave^-KB. S099

"Flowers For Atf

2506 No. 24tb—WE. UKU


Photographs of Distinction

Cor. 17th and Capitol Av*,-A'l MSIGOODVEAK SERVICB |jT*TION fires' Tabes. Aooessories. Rond »*rrlw Vulcanizing >.nd Generni RepnlHng


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