March 1, 1928

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Interesting and . Entertaining

• Of Interest • .

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VOL. VII.—No. 8


Many' Local Ceremonies arid; Festivities Planned to Celebrate Feast of Lots.

Members Attending Joint Meeting Entertained by : Purim Play and Center Symphony Orchestra.

to Jeivs

SIX OF THIRTEEN GIRLS CLOSE CONTEST FOR aUEENSHIF Special Prize Offered For Girl Bringing In Greatest Results by Saturday Evening


- "And Mordscai-wrote these things . . . unto all the Jews . . . .to enjoin PROGRAM TO BE ANNOUNCED them that they should keep the fourteenth, day of the month, of Adar •.V. That a spirited race is in progress in the populai*ity contest A composite picture of the manifold activities of Omaha Jews the month which was turned unto being conducted by the Thorpeian Athletic Club was evidenced by wdrking through the Jewish Community Center and the Jewish them from sorrow to gladness and the returns checked in by active contestants last Thursday, when W<afare Federation was given Sunday evening at the joint meeting from mourning into a good day; .that a "double vote" offer expired. they should make them days of feastof the two organizations in the Jewish Community Center. • " Six candidates, it was discovered are bunched at the top of ing and gladness and of sending, porFor, the first time> the several hundred persons who attended the' race, in which thirteen popular girls of Greater Omaha were HARRY LAPIDUS, tions one to another, and the W. L. HOLZMAN, entered a, few weeks .ago. the meeting were able to hear the whole story in one evening, first - Center President, • poor."—Esther^ix. 20-26. Federation President. The contest is being staged in conjunction with, the big1 tlie report of the Federation's activities flashed on the screen, in Purim, or thA Feast of Lots, which, Jubilee Ball which the Thorpeians will present on Sunday night. a series'of brief sentences, and then the report of"the Center read wilt be celebrated this year by Jewry March 11, at the city auditorium. . The winner of the contest will all over the wgrld'on Monday night by its president, Harry Lapidus. Mr. Lapidus paid a tribute to the be orowne"d Queen of the celebration and will be presented with a l r and all - day TjJsesday, commemorates memory of the; late Mr. Morris Levy. v •;•'• : $200 diamond ring. ~ the deliverancet'Qf, the Jewish people The"leadership, of the;two organi-t , ^; The "double vote" offer expiring 'in Persia during\the reign of Ahaszations twill continue .unchanged, as a j last Thursdaj1" was the only extra vole 1 '.uerus> (48^—64"VS.-,C. E.>, from one result of elections held Sunday "even-, offer of the contest, and the candidates Rabbi Cofii£ Mrs. Rosenthal and of its .earliest -and most implacable made the most of it. Owing; to -ing.' Officers' of tlie Community CenArrangements for June Meeting foes.. It.iS'Orie , ^ the minor historifact that at the start of the contest it Mrs. Adler to Have i?&rts ter are: Harry H. Xapidus, president; ".^.rio Be Presented to .cal festivala pi tife Jewish calendar. •was agreed' -that at no time until he Henry Monsky, vice president; Joe L. c ' r i n Service. r Megilloth - E s t W (the Scroll of '~-' '-Xz Grand Lodge. close of he campaign shottld the standWolf, • secretary; Dn Philip Sher, Esther) is 'read in the synagogue and Ings be revealed, it is impossible to treasurer; "A. Herzberg, San, Beber, SET MARCHat home^.oia. the eve of the Purim COMPEERS IN CHARGE. and A, B.' "Alpirn, trustees.' Harry AU Social Problems Meet to FedLapidus Interprets Spirit of Cen- divulge the names o* the six leaders festival, as well as on the following Malashock has heen' made chairman eration Office, Report Shows. ter in His Annual Message. but suffice it to say that every one of The Omaha Council of Jewish Wo- morning. '•" This "Is. one time in the the six is a possible winner. of committee.. The FedPlans; for a large Ivre conclave to men will 'observe national Council XSreat assistance to the candidates erations officers, are: rWilliam Holz- FREE LOAN WORK PRAISED Sabbath Saturday morning, March 10, year when noise-making is permitted be "held in Omaha June 2 and S, which in the synagogue," . . . . . will ,bring together more than 1001 APPEALS FOR SUPPORT. in their' efforts-to dispose of tickets man, president; . Harry B.Zimman, at 10:30 p.; m. in Temple Israel. It is ' "Joy unBouhded* and merriment" of to the Jubilee Ball at 26 cents each i>honorary, vice-president; H, A. Wolf, Six hundred- arid' eighty-two" indi- an annual custom to set aside one every description is the keynote of Ivre members," Will" be presented to; Nearly 82,000 men, women and tspected this week -when the beautifirst vice president; A. B. Alpirn; sec- viduals were assisted by • the Jewish day for ^special observance, by the the grand lodge of the district at a , . ; " ' " 1 J "T" + , - ' X Z, -T <.. + , v n c A I children partiapated in the activities ful new Chrysler coach, which tho the Purim Festival. Arrangements of . -i -.-ond vice president; Miss Blanche Zim- Welfare" "Federationj which told its Councils-of V the United States.. business meeting to be held Sunday; . _ r. _r . • Thorpeians will give away on that ocman,-third vice president; Mrs. A, story ;Sunday* evening,- on .the Com- A special .'choir will' sing in Temple Purim partiesj eschange of gifts be- afternoon in the Jewish Community! H o f the « «. - =t ^«v» u» w»£~~., to the Center report-giv„*. - ,.._l ,-. A n^^^*ir\ Jewish Community dur- casion, will be displayed on prominent; r according Greenberg, fourth vice-president; munity Center's screen. This number Israel. Miss/Laura Coetz will be solo- tween fr^sds- and' relatives, giving, H ! & Sunday Harry TLadidus, This meeting willMoines, be attendedi , evening . ,by TT ,.3 downtown streets. The biil-of-salf: Harry Fr£edniari> treasurer; Harry includes 330 local persons and 352 in- ist. Rabbi/Frederick Cohn will deliver alms to tKe p.obr,' the sending of "Sho- delegates from Des Lin- en _, president of the Center^ The,Center lach Mohos," the Purim Sudah at for' the car, provided by Andrew Silverman, secretary; Dr. Philip-Sher, dividuals stranded in /the city. Fifty- a brief address. Mrs. I. Rosenthal, coln,' Omaha and Sioux City. 'chairman of the'executive committee. six 'depended^cMdrenfwere'given'spe- president of; the Council, will give a homev. the ; eating of dainties and •Plans-for the conclave are in the housed 1^43 meetings of organiza- Murphy & Son will be deposited with sweets, particularly the Homen Tas- hands' of5 Compeer chapter, of which tions representing every phase of City Commissioner John Hopkins, in The responsibility of the' communitiy c&l; health, ca^-and>jsnelcer. chan^and the noasquerading. by both Joe-Bice Is president; Herbert Gold- __Jewish religious, economic, political order that the public may be ; JK to meet-the needs of Jewish-young 4 The repbrt alsosiiqwsthat the Fed- The opening prayer will be said, in and ^Idj^havief JiBcqiae v£he S^P--the car. will fee presented as adver'Among- the actiTities which were tised by the Thorpedans. d. witii ifte lesConinranity Center and to support ;its patients, improved'-the health, of 72 the closing, prayer will be given .by activities-.was, stressed by-Harry Lapi- boys and girls through Camp Morris Mrs. Ferdinand Adler, oldest member tivaL i ar t h e Jewish Community Cen- ." ' - SPECIAL TRTZE' The importance of the Feast of Lets £ p o ^ s o f c h a p t e r s will be h e a r d ^ ff J dus in his message. William Holzman Levy, guided the destinies of 1* boys of :the-Omaha Council. '; . ., ~ This week, candidates are extremely S n d a s c h o l and its significance at the present day urged more complete support of, the who had gone through the juvenile lodge meeting Sunday, j * « o « f ° ! ' % t h .»? f g All Council members are expected is its relation to race .prejudice and at the grand busy bustling for an extia Jime, 200 asses n Omaha Community Chesf, from which court, aided 52 families whose cases to attenii this service.';- The public is b Hjf ' f ; Jewish education, Officers of the lodge are: Robert H-jf f classes, the Center valued at §25, to be awarded to Uif: unjustifiable "hatred of the Jew. the Federation.receives its funds.' came up in Juyenile cburt> domestic also invited. he Center Svznphony candidate turning in the most money „ ., . ; c n ^ i „#• home-making T Minutes of .the previous year's, meet- relations courts mothers' pension hearLincoln 4 e president; Leon Dobrofj } Center-Purim Plans. by Saturday evening. This extv.'i Kooper, president; Jack POUOCK 01 \. .•„., sky, S i ^ x City, secretary, and Lester orchestra, athlete and other acbvi ings -were- read- by Harry Sifverman, ings and criminal court, and reached e l G At the Jewish, Community. Center, prize is in addition to the prizes to b? L ! ^ = lee The Center has conducted a leeLincoln 4 e president; Leon Dobrof-j ? ' ^ and Joe,L Wolf.;. "' . v hundreds, of boys and girls through Hartnian Manager V the festival will be ushered in by a Heeger of SiouL City, treasurer. Ben!-, ture and concert course, conducted a awarded the first fo«r girls in the conDuring an intermission between the educational andrecreational work. • • Sherman of Des Moines and Hymen Likes New Home Here Purim dancs in the gymnasium on Sh social service course of city--wide test, namely, the $200 diamond, ting-; two parts-of the program a Purim The work of tne^ Jewish Free Loan Rosenberg of Lincoln" are expected to j scope, and given opportunity for study j a S100 diamond bar pin; a $50 vni.s', Saturday night, March 3. Instead of play, directed by Mrs. Max Fromkin, society was particularly praised. The Mr. Sig Meyer, recently, arrived in the prize dances which have become attend. in a variety of fields. watch, and a $50 string of i •was presented. Members of the cast, society made over 100 loans during Omalia to be manager of the Hart- customary at these dances, there will Mr. Lapidus reported that the main- pearls. Grace Rosenstein, Sylvia Silverman, the year, establishing iiTbusiness and man Furniture company, has, in his be - a grand march for the girls only.! tenance budget of the Center is about AH of the prizes me on (tisiday »? Jerome Marcus, Rosalye Alberts, Her- helping men and women who were short residence here, identified himself j Judges will be present to pick "Queen Steinberg Nominated a year, an extraordinarily low The Jewish Community Center, w h « bert Kaplan, Dorothy Friedel, Albert thus returned to a self-supporting as an active member of the Jewish Esther," who will be presented with For Mayor $40,000 figure for the scope of the work, corn- they wiH remain until the close of th* : Stein, and" Dorothy White, played out basis. community. -' ': • the crown. Special Purim attractions Mr. George S." Steinberg of Council pared with the expenditure of other contest, whew Harry Lapidus, p r e s an amusing story of an epidemic of The year!s budget was $44,378.55, Mr. Meyer came to Omaha from will feature this dance. Bluffs, Iowa, won the Republican Nom- cities. The year was finished with a ident of the Jewish Community Center, measles in an orphanage which pre- of which $40,830.46. was. received from Chicago a few weeks ago, and has On Sunday, March 4, the Sunday ination for Mayor at the Primary j deficit of §79.82, after paying interest will present the winners with th«"iv vented the children from attending the the Community Chest. The total re- been generous' in his praise of his new Purim party. The spontaneity of the ceipts were $44,371.36, showing a home. He came here, he said, be- school children will exchange pres- election which was held Monday, Feb. j charges on the mortgage. The mort- prizes and will crown the fP'si pri7* ents.: "Sholach Monos". boxes have 27., Mr. Steinberg is at present a City j gage itself was reduced by ?ll,000 winner as queem, of the celebration, *:. performance brought the audience ni- deficit of about $7.00. cause he was/.sure that he would like been provided for this purpose. At 3 Councilman 1-. Council Bluffs. He is! since the opening of the Center, leav- ER appropriate ceremony to be conto immediate sympathy*with.its spirit; to live in a city of this size, hustling, j p. m. of the' same day, the Sunday well known and is a member of the ing the burden of $139,000 still to be ducted OH the stssgc of the city Dr. .Philip Sher's. message -was^thie but not so "big as his former home, I school program will be given in the No. 688 of the Independent Order of carried. toriunfi in full view of the preface to the film showing the work Jewish National Fund ' Mr." Meyer ^fas" in" the, furniture j Community Center auditorium. The the B'nai B'rith. Mr. Steinberg will persons expected t© attend the biK In concluding his report, Mr. Lapiof the Fe'deraiaon, prepared by Sambusiness in Chicago for 27years, first program will consist of Purim songs, oppose the Democratic candida+.e for function. dus said: Council to Elect uel Gerson, executive director of the for the S. Eosenbaum company and recitations and inusic, and a playlet, the "office for Mayor at the City elec-1 "The Jewish Community Center ra- Plans, for the entertainment prcFederation. The- Center ;Symph6ny "or" ^for the last 10;y'ears. with the L.,Fish "Casting of Lots," will be presented tion finals which will be held on Mon- -diates the essence of life. From it gram a t the Jubilee Ball are The Jewish Rational Fjind Council chestra, • under the. direction, of , Ro- will meet a t 8 p.- m. Sunday in the company. comes the offer of health, wealth and nearing completion, atid - dolph "Seidl, played a number of selec- Jewish .Commurtity.Center. Represen- : Mr. Meyer has' joined Temple Is- by Miss Margolin's class. This pro- day, March 26. happiness, if only those to whom the Irvin Levin of the Thorpeians tions. Nominations for, directors of tatives of ^ all JeTO^ -organizations rael. He is living a.t the Blackstoite gram is open to the public A play, offers is made will accept it. This, to announce them in detail in the Center were made'from the floor; connected with or interested in Zion? hotel and expects-to be joined "by Mrs. "A Sick Purim," will be given.; Leon and White Form ' • ' Tuesday night, March 6. at 8:15, in certainly is the realization of the hope week's Jewish Press, but the election -was postponed and 1st, work arei expected ibb attend. Meyer about. March'.!»•;,•".•••> the Center auditorium, the Senior New Law Firm Here As previously announced, A r t of its founders." will be held by maiL A permanent.corpsof officers will Council will make its first public deball's Fontenelle Hotel orchestrm, Sam .J. .Leon, formerly associated DR. LEVINE SPEAKS. ut," with a Purim program. A one-act Vienna—(J. T. A.)—The pistols be chosen at this meeting. Plans for a insnted to fifteen pieces, will play for with Stalmaster and Beber, atterneys, Do the people who burn their tlancing. This is only one of .ft numDr. Victor. "E. Levine was in NorNational Fund benefit will ; be display, "Trouble at Satarlees,^ given by. used by Ferdinand Lassalle, German last week to deliver two ad- Junior Hadassah, will feature the pro- has "formed a' new partnership with bridges .; .'„. ' . i';~i%~ -'.. . '. folk .Jewish labor leader, in his fatal duel cussed. round is the shortest ber of special features, Levin sal i. ' 11011©68^ M. Gross, Joseph Tretiak, T; Alex- dresses before a combined meeting of gram. Both plays were coached by Fred White. with Count von Racowitza over Frauwa The firm.will practice law. under ? home? lein von-Dohniges, the-daughter of a ander, and Beth Hamedrpsh Hogodel, several county- medical- associations. Mrs. Sophie Fromkin. Other numbers Words unspoken are your the ;name Leonand White, with ofHis subjects were "The Treatment of will include a series, of. tableaux by : have each given $100 to the fund and Bavarian diplomatist. He died on words that are uttered are often your : More people judge you by your ficer in suite 1019-20 in t h e City N a August 31," 1864, three days; after willhave their names inscribed in'the. the AnemasV ahd "Dietary Treatment enemies, damaging your good n»mft. tongue than by your actions. tional Bank "building. in" Cardiac Failure." Golden Book. (Continued oh page: 4*). ', fighting the duel.







"' HABBT B. ZIMMAN, -Federation Honorary "Vice President

"S. A..WQLP, i'U«t Tic* Fxeiident.



federation Secretary,

Ceatet Vice JPresidect,



Center Treasurer.


THE JEWISH PRESS Published every Thursday at Omaha, Nebraska* by

THE JEWISH PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY Office: Brandeis Theater Building—Telephone: ATlantic 1450 - •



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Ahasuerus was not a bad fellow. But he was more interested in his personal life than in the policy of his country, and he dei pended upon court advisors to tell him what to. do. Like all essentially weak rulers, he feared for his position. It was an easy matter for the crafty Hainan to whisper poisonous lies about the Jews into his ear. . Ahasuerus, taking Hainan's word that the Jews were a menace'to his kingdom, ordered them destroyed. And a little later, listening to the plea of bis beautiful Esther, Ahasuerus perceived Avery Hopwopd Play I Riklin Opens New that he had been hasty in his condemnation of the Jews. Ahasuerus To Open Sunday behaved handsomely." He clothed Mordecai in fine,raiment and Rialto Clothes Shop put him upon the king's charger—and the Jews were honored m The Rialto Clothes Shop, a store the land of Persia. • ,. ' . , "Compromising Sally," estimated by In every country there is an Ahasuerus today. America s metropolitan critics as one of Avery for men and young men, featuring example is the person of Mr. Henry Ford. Like Ahasuerus, he Hopwood's best plays, is the attrac- specialties in men's clothes, will be listened to the lies of the Jew's enemy. Like Ahasuerus, he finally tion at the Brandeis this week with opened Saturday, March 3, at Fifsaw the error of his ways. Like Ahasuerus, he has recanted hand- Barbara Brown in the role of Sally. teenth'and Douglas streets. somely but almost too late. He could complete the picture by pre- The play starts right in a t the "and A. Riklin, owner of the shop, has senting Aaron Shapiro with his own personal flivver. so they were married" period of a teen actively engaged in the clothing The moralist could point many lessons from the Funm story, young couple's life. Right after the business in Omaha for twenty years, and some which are not commonly stressed. But we shall be con- charming and.beautiful society girl, and is therefor in a position to suit tent with pointing out that Esther won by courage and dignity, Sally Ray, had become the wife.,of the customers in price and quality. and a prodigious amount of winsome tact. These, we believe, are the likeable Prince Luigi,- she discov- Each garment will be perfectly fitted the best weapons against our enemies in every generation. ered, to her horror, that. the. prince, under his own supervision. in a moment of abstraction, had prom—Jeanette Gerson. Jerusalem. (J. T. A.) Heavy snow





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New York: (J.T.A.) Irving Jaffee, who scored the fastest time in the Bucharest—(J, T. A-)—Ninety-five 10,000 meter Olympic skating event per cent of the pupils of the Jewish at St. Moritz, Switzerland, on Feb-high sehdol at Grosswafdem (Gradearuary 14, only to have his victory mare) failed in their examinations becancelled, arrived on the United fore the Roumanian school board. The States.liner Leviathan and expressed- high school has 215 pupils; 205 were theCKope that the other contestants declared by the Roumanian committee be-permitted to run the race over, to have flunked in the examinations. with the one making the best time— The mass failure of the pupils have if it surpasses Jaffee's,—being de- caused great depression in many Jewclared the winner. ish families of the city, the.despairWith the American ice star oh theing youths threatening to commit suivessel were Valentine Bialas, James cide. The parents are compelled to O'Nfeil Farrel, and A. Hatigen, also neglect their business to set watch members of the American team, and George W. Lloyd, manager and trainer. Jaffee was reluctant to discuss the _ _ _ j _ ^ ^_ __ ^_ j _ . cancelled event at first. He said that Week of March 4th— as far as he knew no decision had BOYD IRWIN been made yet on the protest filed by PRESENTS the American team against the decision depriving him of his triumph. The action costing him his victory, it was explained, was taken because —IN— Softening ice interfered with the time THE AVERY HGPWOOD made by others in the event. Jaffee .••; . S U C C E S S . . , . said . he hoped that the governing body would adopt the course suggested in the American protest, ^ « - i * -was,-he - — - * - •said, - • ^ to *~ Lhave — * *the - conFEATUtUXG test repeated, with him absent, when BARBARA BROWN the ice became suitable* and if any New Leading Lady of the others beat his time, the Nirhts: 25c-50c-75c—Mats.: 28c- SOc skater With the swiftest record be

ised to marry a" vampish'comtesse. *~ PaderevrsM was generous in his en- Only the world's, cleverest writer fall, covering the streets of Jerusacores. An "Impromptu" by Schubert could think of the surprises that fol- lem, during Friday and Saturday. The snow reached in certain quarwas first. The Chopin "Black Key low. ters considerable height. The populaEtude" he repeated. This was fol, Miss Brown is supported by Alextion was fearful of the damage which lowed by the Chopin "Waltz in C ander Lockwood as the prince, John Paderewski. ...' the snow may cause to houses which Sharp Minor," the "Berceuse," in Holden as Jim Wakefield and Helen An outstanding musical event of the which he converts the piano into a built to withstand heavy were not Tucker as the comtesse. season was the appearance of Padeharp strung of the'breezes, the "But» weather. rewski at the Municipal Auditorium terfly Etude," which he immerses in the last heavy snowfall, •. " " During last Sunday afternoon. Despite his .68 years, his listeners could not help feel- an. entirely individual interpretation. PEASANTS KIDNAP JEWISH wfuch "occurred several years ago, the j The audience was on its toes WaitGIRL FOR CONVERSION roofs of many houses collapsed be* ing the presence of a great, unique ing breathlessly for Paderewski's own cause of the burden. figure, and he held them spellbound throughout a concert that lasted near- "Minuet." He had brought the enthu- Lemberg—(J. T. A.)—Gittel Rips, siasm to such a pitch that when he 16-year-old daughter of Mendel Rips, ly two and a half hours. PaderewsM is a true poet of the responded with it at last, in an inimi- the only Jewish resident in the village pianoforte.. His individuality colors table manner, the first few bars of Markowa, eastern Galicia, was kideverything he plays and his interpre- brought a united storm of applause. naped yesterday by peasants of the 8ATDB.DAT AND AM. NEXT WEEK tations are.interesting to all classes of ^Ida Lustgarten. neighborhood. hearers.' Paderewski fascinates the WALLACE BEERY It was disclosed that efforts were unmusical as "well as the musical—the AXD made by certain peasant leaders to true revelation of genius. He transRAYMOND^HATTON persuade the girl to embrace Chrisports his audience, lifts it out of ittianity. When these efforts failed, a self-' •'••"•,- ;. : ; / ; Nathalia Crane, -that precocicraa fapst ,of peasants surrcranded Rips' Playing in an impressive but someAlso 4 acts of Big Time TltaphCM New York child, whose verse was house, and ..carried off ;the girl by what stiff manner, the "Symphonic Vaudeville f li t praised far and wide before anyone force. The police attempted to ascerEtudes" of Schumann as an opening . A special added attraction number, he followed this work by knew that it was written by a shy) tain the whereabouts of the kidnaped MADAM SCHTJMANN-HEINK America's Foremost contralto Beethoven's "Moonlight Sonata," in youngster, is the author of this poem,j girl, but have not succeeded.- It is bewhich, was evinced a claritj and mas- printed in the Pamphlet edition of her lieved that the kidnapers, carried off their victim to a convent. * tery beyond reproach. In the Schu- work: The Refuge. bert-Liszt group, the "Erlking" proved especially brilliant and dra-I shall go back to the sea-shell, Beginning all over again, matic in its intensity. Thi "Soiree de Back to the heart of the gaifiet* . Vienne" and "Hark! Hark!" contained Back to the butterfly'is, vein,. -.v r • a wealth.of imagination. M. S O M I T I shall /scape all the' scholars, It is in his Chopin group that Pade- There Giants who chant of belief; WE. 3527 2429 Decatur Street r wski reveals the true artist. The Pebbles will open their caverns, This year we made arrangements to accomodate everyone, who i s insubtle nuances and the golden tone Pastures will call from a leal. terested in having for the Peasach-Table the real symbol of Passover. of the " P Sharp Major Nocturne" made it most charming In the "CThere I will tarry with small things, MATZOS FROM EREZ-ISRAEL7 Choosing my pin-point domain, Minor Ballade" the limpid phrasing Finding a star-in an atom baked by: our Chaluzim. We will also have all other products for was coupled with rubato such as only Carries the heavenly strains Peasach, including-a new sttpply of Hogodes both in Jewish and Paderewski can feeL The exquisite Englishi effeminacy of the "Mazurka" con- Willing to worship the little, ' - " Even the specks of the rust, trasted colorfully with the virility of Counting my trifles as priceless— the "Second Rhapsody" of Liszt with Since peace sits a s one in the dost. which he ended the program. In the Rhapsody, Paderewski comWhat's sauce for the goose is sauce pletely dominates his instruments The for the gander. • , piano, under his hands, seems to con- But, ••:'.'••'. '•• -•''•.'• Every Man A sks tract and expand a t will. He even What's one man's meat, is another "pounds'' at times, but i t is not hisman'Sj poison. • '\-,r- '. Whafs New in fault, It is simply that the piano is inadequate. when he reaches his cy- Better frugal in speech than clonic, orchestral climaxes. greedy in talk.


awarded the event. He said hie wasover their children to prevejit surprised he wag able to make as drastic action. good time as he' did.


1307 Howard Street, Omaha

PAGE 3—THE JEWISH-PRESS; THURSDAYr MARCH 1,4928 Jewish Comnjunify Center • had . one J Mr. and Mrs. Sam Steinberg enterSISTERHOOD PLANS -enjoyable tama - last-Moriyay, when] tained their Evening Bridge Club Music Pupils to UNUSUAL PURIM DANCE they wejte? jeMeiStaiijed -. at- -a^lufichepn'' Wednesday at their home. Appear in RecitaJ at the Ad-Seli'restatiraiit, difterSvhich Novel entertainment and decorathetf ]?ttiendij£ t)ie j Riviera ^tlf e&ter. Mr. and Mrs. M. Marcus, who have ;-Myron Cohen; Prances Fish, John tions-have been planned by the TemBoth the winning and losing teams The Ladies Auxiliary of the Talmud' been in Hot Springs for several Weeks, IKlipa, Stanley Kuncl, Lumir Ptak, ple Sisterhood for their Purim dahce Eudolph Reiter, Hymie Ruben, HerToraK will hold a regular meeting next are anxious for another tournament. have returned home. bert Rosenthal, Frank Serpan and to be given Tuesday evening;, March Wednesday afternoon, March 7, at the !Ruth WTiite, pupils of Frank Mach, 6, in the Temple Annex Miss Gertrude Acton and Frances home of Mrs. Ben L Seldin, 629 OakProceeds of the dance will be \.we.{\ Talmud Torah Ball concert violinist and instructor, and Benak Gardipee have returned from land., Drive, , A program .will also bej Hannah Gossick, Betty Segal, Fanny toward the furnishing of the annex. New York, where they went for a two given and all members are urged to] To Be Big Affair Witkin, Myren Tarn off, Betty Tarnoff, weeks' buying trip for Goldstein- attend. Chapman. . The city Talmud Torah has planned Clemant Green, Max Frank, Isabelle Mrs. Anna Saltzman, who has spent a ball, which will be given in the City Homer, Sylvia Simon, Betty Beeson, The Daughters of Zion will have a the past four -months visiting her Auditorium March 25. There will be Lillian Freedman, Katherine Cady, Mr.." and Mrs. H. Feldman of Chicago announce the engage- special meeting at 2:00 p. in. Sunday 27th and Rlartlin Sis. HArnov \K,Wi daughters in Los Angeles, California, a program in the afternoon, and a Geraldine Strauss, Betty Fellman, O51AHA, NFBKASKA ment of their daughter, Belle Rena. to Mr. Jack Davidson, son of in the Talmud Torah. Plans f o r a returned home Friday. . Ernest Priesman and Vivian Stein, Soft grn.v. iren. brnss. l»rnn?e nmi dance in the evening. A diamond ring, MrlancPMrs. A. Davidson of Omaha. Miss Feldman is a student bazar win be made. cnstinps. Stnn<lnrd "=iws • pupils of Harry Braviroff, pianist, aluminum' the gift of Sam Swartz, jeweler, will bronze and iron bushings, sewer mnnat North-western university. Mr. Davidson attended the Univerwill be presented in a recital on Wed- boles. clsieni rlnss miii covers, niifl Miss Rina Snyder left list week for be given away. sityof ]Kel)raska and the Art Institute of Chicago. He is at present nesday evening, March 1, 1928, 8, at cleno-ont floors in stnrk A Committee from the Omaha HeDetroit, Michigan, w h o . she will visit adveraaiig manager of the Lederer Department store in Chicago. KITCHEN GHATS her tlie Schmoller and Mueller auditorium, Bister, Mr& Sidney Iightstone, brew dub will assist in making the 1516 Dodge street. Tho marriage ,wiH take place during the summer. • b y . •-,. ' , arrangements. Let the and Mr. Lightstone. Mrs. David M. Newman. ' "The accompanists -will be Elsie '; The inarriage of Miss Evelyn Sylvia Meyer, daughter of Mr. Ptak, Charlotte Gehrman, Regina andjMrs. A. EL Meyer of Nashville, Tennesse, and Mr. Paul Blotcky About sixty membere of the Ladies Meats. Klein, Sarah Solomonow and Harry .of Omaha, was an event of Tuesday evening, in the home of the Sauer Braten: Soak a rump of beef Auxiliary of the Talmud Torah sur- Icor of Omaha Plans Be Your Baker The public is cordially inbride's parents in Nashville. The bride was attended by her or veal, 4 or 5 pounds^ over-night in prised Mrs. Abe Gilinsky at her home Benefit Bazar March 4 Braviroff. vited to attend.-Admission is free. QUAKER BAKING CO. sisters^ Mrs: ;Aaron Morris, matron of honor, Cecelia Pergeda, half vinegar and half water to coVe^r Tuesday afternooni Mrs. Gilinsky is r fliifl> Morris,, ringg bearer Mr. Sylvan Meyer ^ iandg > Joseph p Sy ye and the meat. Add a slice of onion and the president of the Ladiis Auxiliary Omaha branch of the Icor (Jewish M bth h bride, b i d stretched t h d the h ribbons. ibb will MRS. LINTZMAN GIVEN Mr^lAlyvan Meyer, brothers off the The Best Place to BUT Your 5 ior 6 cloves, salt and pepper. Next of the Talmud Torah. She was pre-Colonization in Soviet aRussia) t GOLD PIN BY GROUP sented with a beautiful Bridge Lamp. MriL.<J3pt<cl£y, brother of the groom, was best man. Mr. and Mrs. day cook the meat from three to four hold a bazar Marsh 4 the Labor A gold pin was presented to Mrs. Victor Orthpphonic Blotcky expect to return to Omaha to make their home after a Lyceum. add % dozen ginger snaps preJ. Ziintzman at a meeting; of the honeymoon trip from Cuba to California by way of the Panama hours, The organization is appealing to viously soaked in a cup,of water. j Mrs. Sam Rosehthal entertained her or Radio Daughters of Zion February 22. The C a n a l . ; : - • '-• ''" ' • ;..-.•...•.. ' • • • • • • • . - • every organization and individual to Afternoon Bridge Club c'. her home Before serving, sweeten the gravy —SEE US F I R S T gift was in appreciation of her work help their cause. The. local Icor Is enI8 to taste and thicken with flour dis- last Thursday. Two additional guests COT T p w i a °* N»- ***'» s during her.three years' presidency. dorsed by the Workmen's Circles No. from out-of-town were Miss Lillian The marriage of Bliss Ida GreenGolved in. cold water. Raisins may be bergT."aad Mr/. Louis Shafton will be added to the meat while cooking. j Greenberg of New. York City, and Miss 626 arid No. 585, independent Branch, P. M. Raskin gave a talk encouraging the_ members in their work. A bathe Ladies' Independent club. soleqmized at 4jp..jn. Sunday in Beth SATURDAY^ LZel4aJlpdin Sioux Ci Gity, IIowa. L l J R d i off Si BARNEY'S t a r is being planned by the organizaHaznedrosh Hogodel. The bride will Purim dance, in tho "Jewish Com- • Haligacbes, or Meat Balls in Cab: tion. Mrs. M. Braude is chairman of 'Affliction's sons are brothers i be attended by .Miss Ida Shafton, sis- munity Center. bage: One pound of veal ground fine Mr. and Mrs; Morris Goodman, anthe committee. It will be held at the tress, ter of the" bridegroomi as maid of and browned in fat, % ;up barley or • novtnee the birth of a daughter born Jewish Community Center. The date SUNDAY— honor. Mr. Max Greenberg, brother A brother to relieve, how" exquisite rice added. One tablespoon fat, and itiuuuay, rao. 27, at me will be announced later. Temple Israel Purim Program, in of the bridej.will be best man. Little bliss!* salt and jepper to taste. 5206 Center Street—WA. 6012 Hospital in Omaha, Mrs. Goodman Temple Israeli. Audrey-Ftettfier of Council Bluffs will Scald Vz head of cabbage leaves was formerly Miss Eva Richman. Community Center Purim pro- til soft. Make balls of the meat mixbe flower 'girl. Bobby Fromkin will gram^ in the Jewish Community j tare, roll each in a cabbage leaf and be Xing' btscr&r. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Passer announce IN OMAHA Center. I fasten in place with a toothpick.- Place the birth of a daughter born WednesMr. and Mrs. Samuel Greenberg, Jewish National Fund Council, in | them in a large kettle, add canned to- day, Feb. 29, at their home. parents of the bride, will receive in the Jewish Community Centej. j niatoes to cover, 1 large sliced onion honor of the young couple at their 250 Rooms—200 Baths (and 1 tablespoon of fat. Cook slowly MONDAY— Mrs. L Goldberg of Chicago, III., home from 7 until 11 o'clock. Good Kooms for $1.50 Temple Sisterhood luncheon, in for three hours. spent the past week-end here. Many affairs have been given for Operated by Eppley Hotels Go. Whether you are Cofnpletely r*fiirfii*bMiss GreenbeTg and Mr. Shafton. the Temple annex* Rabbi Frederick Gohifc lecture Mr. and Mrs* George. Steinberg hare itig of just adding a new chair, set of chifla, Among those who have given affairs TUESDAY-^topic for the Friday evening service as their guest this, week Miss Lena for them arts Mrs. Joe Jacobs, Miss or rug, we are ia a tuition to give you eiceiTeinple Sisterhood Purim dance, at Temple Israel is "The Feast nt Mallin of Kansas .City, Mo. Miss Ida Shafton, Miss Faye Klein, Mrs. in the Temple annex. fefit Value, unquestioned quality, i Parim." On Saturday morning, he will Mallin is the fiancee of Jack SteinMax Fiomkm, Mrs. Arthur Robinson, Senior Council Pnriifl program, speak on "Commandments." feervfee. r WHOLESALE DRUGGIST berg. Miss Ann* Gteenberg, Dr. William Ra- in the Jewish Community Center. and STATIONERS Rabbi Cohn-will give iris next ^curdnadner, aiitf M?.' ibid Mrs. Ben Mifi* WEDNESDAY— rent topics course under the auspices Misses Richman,, Vfrr. - ' . - . ' • " ' .• : s ^ 401-403-405 South 10th Street Woodmen of America, in- the ; of the Council>f Jewish Women Tues* students at -the^ tfoiversit. of Ne-New arrivals have trought our. stocks J Jewish Community Centdr.-'\ : I'iiay ifl the Jewish Cbmmitnity Center. up-to-the-minute. Addition of merChafldiSi braska at tiihcoln^wiil arrive iioinei Mr. and Mrs. Sol Danzinger-of San ^ On March 13 he will review "Kristan TJBCURSDAY— Friday to spent ;|ge week-end with oTiCTen better grade from Grand Eapids facAntonio, Tex., announce the marriage ASK YOUR GROCER FOR B%ai B'rith, in the Jewish Com- Lauran's Patter,^-a:trildg3r-by Signd their patents, MflVand Mrs. M. t>. of their sister, %\s& Freda Gurinsky, tories enable us to serve an increased numUnset. .-..-...._. Richman. '"*. to Mr. Victor Shspiio, son of Mrs. R. munity Center, ber of readers of the Press. Shapito of Omahfcr The marriage took place, Sunday, in San Antonio. The losing team of the Henrietta M*. andf-Mrs. Snaprro are! expected to Mr. Sg^Mejters, Jde-Aiiflrffl, C % return from toeHr^oMirmoon Satur- Szdid Gir^Lgave S. party for the-srin-.1 Riseman.and'Leo Bfavfioff will gladly help' day, and jnake their home in Omaha- ning team at the home of Miss I d a yinegar, Pickles, Olives, Blacker Saturday afternoon. The new J you with, suggestions aftd will aid in your Catsup, Mustard, E t c Mr* and- Mrp. Harry Levy an- members were'initiated arid" the" rest selection* nounce theV marriage of their daugh- of the afternoon was spent in playing!SERVICE WITHOUT COST fiaanati Vmttu & Tickle Co. ter, Sylvia, to >lf. Mack E. Laner of bunco. Prizes were won by Miss Bulb.** Chicago: " T&er ceremony was per- White, Miss Rebecca Kirshenbaum andOMASA If jmy forttines haveiieen lost -end the formed Tuesday evening in Chicago, Miss Martha lappet. niaKe where the' yoiiiig" Couple savings of -a, lifetime destroyed by inMrs. Bi Goldberg and Miss Lillian" h o m e . -'-!••.•• LET THE sufficient ' or impropet inkarance^ Greenberg«f New York are the gnests Fennit us to make a survey of your • Mr. ani'MSrs* Morris Friederi an- 6f Miss Greenberg's parents, Mr. and fftSurance problems. ^ ....•-, nounce the • macriage of their daugh- Mrs. Joe Greenberg. • Mfs. H. Janoff Complete HOME Furnishers DO YOUE ter, BayHa^tq $Ir". Max Btaugrund, of will be hostess at a luncheon in her home Tuesday honoring Mrs. Gold-1 El Paso", Tex. Tiie marriage was sol413-15-17 So. 16th Street Family Washing emnizedlatjtheihome of the bride's berg and Miss Greenberg. gtBn^»arBnt8» |4r. -and Mrs. B. SiHArney 7545 MArket 3700 Miss Jane Graetz is ill in Wise Me»6ii.of I 'H6irywbdd, Cal. After "S MAX KATLAN 580 Saunders-Kennedy Bldg.—AT. 3160 tfte east, Mr. and Mrs.morial hospital. J. J, GREENBEKG-^DAVE GREENBEEG in charge of Blattgrtmd "will- live' in El Insurance Department The two volley-ball teams..of-the Miv and Mrs. Ben Lustgarten an- ladies' morning health class of the nounce the birtlt of' a son, Stephen, at jQjnaha: Materniiy hospital* February 19. Mrs. Lustgarten and her son will Another = Featuring Size rettnai. to their home this weelt-end. And

Council Bluffs



Coming Events





13 to 17 Apparel

Miss--Rose G<- Shapiro spent Wash" iagtonfe birthday with friends in Kansas City.


Mrs."Louis Hiller is in charge of th& Teinple-Sisterhood luncheon .to-be given Monday in the Temple annex.


Herzberg step forward

Okay irae lakes At All Grocers

New Fifth Hoor I

Made By Omaha, Nelrr


Among thef hostesses who have exir tertained tecently ' for Miss, Minnie WohlBer, a bride-elect, are Mrs. L. BlDckv Mrs. Johft Richards, Mrs. M. GIventov Mrs. • H. Cooperman, Mrs. H. Eisenstadt, and "Mrs. B. K


Mrs. Dave <3*een is- in Kansas City to attend the mrednfing of her nephew; Mr. Ben Sieget, -

Sale of Frocks Values to $16.75

Miss- FauUae- Newman of Chicago \ is the ^uest of- hersister, Mrs. Jack * Stone and Mr.


Mrs: I. Rdsenfhal will entertain her 5 ,/fcHftJrfianizaticjt dass with a PnriBi s, party in her hoine Tuesday evenings g

500 Charming Spring Dresses ;•


Sam BresHast

-Shop For Juniors"

Mrs; Dully T..Ejgutter will be hostess to the Council of Jewish Women at a'benefil inah jongg and. bridge on March 26. Members anrf their friends are invited to make up tables.'

The K Delta Sigma fraternity of Creighfcon anftosity formally initiated she new1 meinoSB into its ranks at a " \ stag party held4ast Wednesday a t the j k home of Saitf Gceenberg. *' The pledges'ffiis" year were Metric Alperin, Sam ^teesiiergy Justin Lcveyy Isadot* ^mefiSr Al -Shiier, and: Henry JStirling.*! A bountiful rfepast topped off an'ewhuij'of yaned enteV-

= S

A. sale indeed—a sale that will at once demonstrate the value-giving you will always find in this new Junior Shop. Frocks of extreme beauty and simplicity—styled especially to meet the needs ofthe High- School girl and small woman.

Gemgettes—Printed Crepes iv :

J Ensembles—Chiffons


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But to make gdod coffee, you must use good coffee — and Advo Cotfee sold by all|grocers has proven its clainv of being "famous for flavor".

McGord-Brady ^



20th and Nicholas

JA. 6699


I -CokeTexasPetrokm » Per Ton $15.00 I FANNING'S

BREAD andBOTIM ,- . PICKLES -. The lest of these plctsles ha« bwn imreh- hnS« toted, but never equaled, except I« the gnoA oW-rasbionurt pickles your «a«ther used to put up. Boy « jar from your today- »nd treat your f . -to this crisp, tmsty d«-l!««cs'. And—They Are NOT ExrEXSITB; Distributed by

Hemsea-SIate Bate AX


PAGE 4—THE JEWISH PRESS, THURSDAY, MARCH 1, 1928 Zion Gershater presented this skit, In No Hurry. cleaned or sun-aired.1 Every one is tot Junior Club Council which was written for the occasion by "Darling, will you marry me?" come to class wrth neat and complete Leonard Nathan. The Fidelis club "Why, how foolish! You couldn't outfits. Miss Greehberg, women's phyPlans Second Rally with the "Ginsbuxg Family Visit,"' even keep me in handkerchiefs." -, sical director, will be the judge as to The next Junior Council Rally will was awarded second place, and the "We can wait till your cold gets" wnich" class proves 100 per cent in ~BY MARCUS KKASNE. be held March 25. This will be a song, Meier Shfeyah club, wiso until recent- better, can't we?" the way of cleanliness. Friday Night, March 2, 1928. The fi^st arfnual volley ball tournacheer and declamation contest, each ly called themselves "Hadassah Buds," ) \ • WRNY—New York, N. Y. (326 club presenting a song and cheer con- was awarded third place for the play, ment oj? the' Midwest A. A. U: will be By defeating the B'nai Ami 15-13 and 15-10, the People's Store of Business Men's Bowling League. PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS held in the J. C. C, gym on March id M.) 5:30-6:15 p. m., eastern time. W. L. Pet. Temple Emanu-El. Friday evening cerning the particular club and a dec- "Washington's First Defeat." arid 20," according-to an announce- Council Bluffs went Into a tie for seclamation by one of its members.The "junior Chatter," published by Malashock Jewelry ....40 26 .606 service. ment by Harry Malashock, chairman ond place with the Psi Mu, who May 20 is the date set aside for Tillie Lerner, William Flax and Ben 38 28 .575 of* the volley committee of the J . C. C.downed the Stein crew by a score of Kaiman Insurance the Junior Dramatic contest. Zion Gershater, made its first appear16-14, and 16-3. The Malashocks, who Glazer qiothing . 135" 31 .530 .The tournament is open to any simonSunday Morning, March 4, 1928. A checker and debating tournament ance at this rally. 35 31 .530 pure organization in the four states are leading the volley ball league, will Empire Cleaners One Bed Room, Bemis WWJ—Detroit, Mich. (352.7 M.) are to start the latter part of March. Yousem Service 33 33 .500 of Iowa, Nebraska, North Dakota and play their, game tonight. Park Addition. Appleman-Robinson ..33 33 .500 10:45 a. m., eastern time. Dr. Leo An audience of over 200 people, in- The wise man is master of his South Dakota. M. Franklin. Subject of address: HA. 6971 cluding parents as well as junior club tongue. The spoken word is often reThe first swimming carnival will Wardrobe' lH:. ~.26 40 .393 ! 'You and I.". gretted; the unspoken word, rarely. members, witnessed the first rally, place Sunday evening in our .348 Omaha Tobacco Co. ..23 43 . Fighting varsity plucked a copious p given in celebration of Lincoln's and The defeat of the Kaiman Insurance hjtndful of feathers out"; of the grand swimming pool. No admission will be Washington's birthdays. All the clubs Creighton .Art (last Sa^day^ night charged, so come early. The meet is team by the Glazer: Clothing company placed; the Malashock Jewelry team Sunday morning. Pupils of the Fourth of the junior division were represent•when, the. Center team outfought and scheduled for 7:30. sharp. ; , _ j again'.:in the lead. The: Malashocks grade will present'a play, "The Feasi- ed by a stunt. outscored Creighton, 29-P7, in a tfirillThe newly-formed Athletic FederaThe program opened with remarks; val of Feasts," in which the followhad an easy tiine with the Wardrobes, ing battle. T£e. game was onelofthose ing children will take part: Melvin by Abe Smith, president of the Junior' exciting tiits which keeps the crowd tion will .start a city handball league. •winning- three successive games. Klein, Laomi Council of clubs. The first number,' continually in an uproar. vThe two The J. C. C , K. G. and :the >Y" will The- Empire Cleaners, won the en-Rosenberg, Irving : each enter six teams. Play Will start Gross, Morton LJevbwitz, Sylvia "The Show Boat Follies," presented tire series • .from their opponents, the teams alternated/the lead-throughout. next week. Herman^ Segelman, chairWiesmah, Norman Bolker, Betty Bee- by the Hertzl club, carried off first OmaKa' Tobacco company. Shrolly The basket eye of Rosenblatt and the man of the,J. C..C. handbar commithonors. Leonard and Julian Nathan, soi, Frances Rosenfeld, Fred RosenGoodman was high/for his team with scrapping.-qualities of ' guards ~-KatzJ berg, Irvin ChaMn, Robert Stiefler, Harold Civin, William Flax and Ben man •' and Rashkeifactored* materially tee, will have charge, of ,th&.players. a total of 510. Yousem'' Service * won twp grimes alad Pearl Monsky, Rose Mayerowich in. the victory^' Next week?tKe/boys -VThe following players ai*e tied for from" the Applenian-Robinson com- will be accompanist. Others who will plaY;the Senior Arts teanr 6£ CreighT -first, place in the Sunday handball pany. The Wardrobes: have signed take part in the program will be Ruth ton University. The senior team won For an . the intefclass- championship*last; -year double league: Katie man 'and Roch- Max Fleisher and Julius Haykin to Sdniberg, Ethelyn Kulakofsky, Arline HONEST DEAL Choice of the finest and should givei our boys~somethin"g man, Grossman "and- Altshuler, Meri- finish out the season. Ben Yousem has Sblomon, and > Henry Resnick. delson -and • Pranks, A— Bercu.and S. and QUALITY homes. The f*vorite -The Temple Sisterhood will give a als^/acquired the services of. Seaman to: think aboutiit tixenextiattlcwnen Levey, and B. Bercja and Ricklm^ Tied novel Purim dance in the Temple anwhere e c o n o m y is theyrmeet tiie Genter^at '' - second: Feldman and;Gieeh.'and ' K u l a k o f s k y ^ " ' - ' ' / " " ' nex Tuesday evening. The proceeds urday eyeningv'-^ Affer•watched. A luxury -we will go to.the furnishing of the anwill hold.--a Purufl^^ danced iTdl. within the reach of all. —CALL— nex.: -•'" friends^ about 'qvx popular dances. Th^ W-ihtrbub - and' Horwichi/Baal and | Its high reputation reNigbt, Club will' supply the music for commends that you :c the evening. • ; '; i: { Giller andlFrankliniiTied.-fjor fourth "Where Quality Is Supreme" .Every man is the architect of his place: Schreibman and Mandelj Eosehtry it. E. WEIMJEKG, Prop. own future. and Goldberg and. Falk and-Blacker.: : Our. noonday' business. men." classes are coming along, in great style. • If Man proposes, God disposes. (Continued from Page; 1.) you can't come dowri-in-the evening, Coach M. Sogolow of Illinois tells1 usi. that. M. Block, former Tech high come to our noonday-class. ; star, is showing up good in spring the Se-Telh-Ta club, numbers by the football practice. A- Z. A., Psi Mu, Fa'Hons, Pongo '•"'. Miss Greenberg's morning- class Tbnku,rKodaand Thorpeian clubs, a is proving to be popular.iKyou want The Peerless <31eaners and the Sedance number by Annette Riklin, and to. reduce" get in" touch i,with Miss Service station are tied for musical selections by the orchestra. Greenberg^ -We can'valways:make place in the Commercial basket An attempt will be made to have comroom -for-inore. - •-'• • • • : - ball league, with the A. Z. ,A.-a dose munity singing of Purim and Jewish second and the Brodkeys third. folk songs. Only two; more games - remain - on /• At the-Temple. the-, commercial league- schedule. The Jewish Community Basketball Babbi Frederick Cohn will speak on Games-are^ played every, Wednesday. team has entered the A. A. U. Basketball tournament to be held at the|"The Feast of Purim'' at the Friday ; The Psi Mt^ Juniors tucked another Craightoh gym March 5 and 6. - < Evening'service^ at Temple IsraeL The Sunday" school of the Temple game raider their- "bjelt- 'when::- they downed the B oy Scouts in an-exciting ; Use the, gym: Mr. Business Man, will present a Purim entertainment game in the J, a G. league;-.<12-to- 8. Miss or Mrs., no matter, whai; "your j station in life ihay be, are you going STALMASTER & BEBEB to help yourself to health? A small '".'•"" Attorneys' '"" Furnaces Cafes Accountants Piano Teacher investment; of your "time, week after • •; 3QO Eeters Trust Bldg. ; =••- -NOTICE OI!AMENDMENT <\E week, month; after" month, and year AUTICIJES • O F tNCOBFQBATIOK " OF North Omaha Furnace Co. NAXIOJfAI- HCCESSOBIE8, ' 1N<J-,,; ; 'after year, will'pay you enormous divABRAMSON AUDIT CO. HARRY BRAVIROFF 1411 No. 24th St.—WE. 6851 THE : herebyv «ivei,-th4t-ata- special idends; in continued good health and Installatioa and Repairing of Tin roeettfir * 6t Jihe stockholders, held on 493 Brandel^Thea. Bldg.—ATI 1450 Pianist-Instructor February: 3^ 1028, at. jvhi<2fc ,all -'jot- the Wdrfe, rurna*8. SfeyliEhts. Ventnatl o n g l j f e . .-._••"_ \ ; "; AUDITS — SYSTEMS outstanding' stock-- was' present and voting1, lng, Gutters and Spouting. ou motion" duly made,' and. linantoously Beginners and advanced students A INC0M3 TAX Agents for Nesblt Furnace L-arriedy I f was ordered.- thdt--thel articles . Class instruction' in swimming for accepted. '•.ifetn St. at Douglass . yVJ of incorporation be ameHde<l afc ~f ollowfc: 1. That: -article four, of sai«l_;ar$cle8'-be beginners will be given from 7:30.on Suite 5,Wead Bldg., 18 and Farnam You should; amended to read: " - * "•Tuesday and Thursday. ' . - Article.. 4 : -Tho . authorized capital WM. BR1&>EN & COMPANY • 1413 Douglas Street —Telephone AT. 8162— patronize our advertisers and :atock of, .the corporation'- shall be The .Most Popular Cafe in 1 The opening of Omaha's — Certified Public Accountants * S30.000.00 of • common stock -divided, Public Pupils Recitals March 7 and • mention-the "'. Fifteen seniors have signed up. "for -.into 500 share*' of ttie par value 6£ •most exdusiv&-clotiiing Appropriate for After-Theater 658 Securities Bldg. April 18. JEWISH PRESS when you do. ?10O each". ".Stock: may. be^p'ald.Xor.iii^ the'pre-Beasdn.indoor track'meet,'"to store "for men!ahd young " AT. 4451 Gatherings • t-asjt- -or. it& equivalent . la,-,p"rpperty. .. .AH .property, .taken ^ in- exchange-tor be held March'11._ /.' "men. . . - - - • . , — ^ tThe B'nai Ami beat the Olympians, f 11 to ,5, and B'nai- Abraham took an 1 easy victory ;frbm the B'nai Israels, 16 to, 5. The Psi Mu now lead the league, with the "Boy* Scout., second.




at r—,- u ler Jfloar






Milt Annowncing

• Stock must be. taken ,at its-actual value.-. AH capital.stock'shall be fully . paid for when issued and shall be non-assessable. - - -v-r-.v'" - - ••. M. L. COHNi ^President. "GBRIKUUE M.- COHN, Secretary. t "; ' ' «

"Starting March'5 to 11 the women's physical department of -the'. J. C. C. iwill.hold cleanup week. This means that every girl in the department Will remove all contents from her basket, and have them 'either laundered,

STAIiMASTEB & BEBEK, Attorneys . • 300 Peters. 'XrUBt BldgiJ ' . . . NOTICE OF SAIJB-raj)EB,r CONDITIONAX. SAIJSS CO|»IJSA<;i:; Notice ia hereby given thabiKe- undersigned ^will on .the 2ad day of ilarcli, OirjsT at 10 a. id., at-lOB Kofth-'j.'hirteenth-Btreeti • Omaha,,Nebraska, sell,to.Uie, jhlg&estjya- der lor cash the following- Ueacriued chattels, ta-wit: cuts, 3 dipping-tablea;. trays; 2r Bcales: 5 stools; twme holders; paper racks;, 5. tables; marble'slab's;-.cooling' table; hard' goods table and iheater;.103cutter knives; waabiere and bats; 2 rollers; furnace and'., blower.;:.sieve;- dippers; '£ guages; tin trays;-3 irorrcovers;- platform, scales; 4 paddle knives; 1 gas plate; iron •bars; tunnel; : 1-4 ' hole - runner; -1»candy hood; 2 iron rollers; 3 copper kettles No. 85; 1 morshmellow machine; kettle, beater and cover; 1 -wooden roller; starch-bin; 2 starch sieves; shelving; lumber and partitions; 1 spade; double boiler; peanut sieve; electric "motor;' 3 scrapers' and- pailfstarch' 'molds; starch blowerpdipper; 2 sets rubber stamper starch bruBb'"and scoop; 4 .scrapers-; carpenter hammer; 4 stock tables; electric fan;T butter cup machine; model machine and 3- pair rollers^ sucker' machine; tit-bit-machine; cherry pitter; glue paper ' wrapping ° machine;; office fixtures; and advertising signs, covered by a" conditional sales contracfexecuted~Dy.BobeTt "Skanador to MOTTIS Segal on October 3, 1527. • Said- contract was. filed lot record in the office of the County Cleric <jf Douglas. County, Nebraska. Default having been made in-the payment of the installments due under said contract, said sale, will be held, for- the - purpose of foreclosing said contract and satisfying., the. amount- due therein -to-wit: the sum-.of $322.4T,and accruing, costs. • •• i -- - . . , . - u o H E I S M : SEGAL. 3-2-3T. .

i & ^ E & '«iven-that4e «ediPoiintv fcn nt ' Counts A<Xi>M>b 9C1OC*

-said 4eceaseav-will. meet-tie adt of .said.-estate, - b e W me. * uongias Douglas ^ouniy, Oonnty, N?brasJQUE© or tt?oras•»_ Cpnit rinn+t Koomj-vJa llAitm I™ said .hl.l the'County an the 20fh-«WS of ApriJ, 1028, A, M-'iench ortJB^wr top purpose -. w^^— 'their etaftps for> examlna' and i Riltwnnce. Three

- . • - . •

- ' • . • "

''•'. -






Siirpnsmg Prices


Auto Tops & Accessories ,.\ •£:'••

Spring Means Building, Building Means

National Accessories, Inc. .- 205i Faroam—AT. 5524

fEvery tiling ^or-The Auto"


As Necessary as a Spinning Wheel to Qrdndmother . • • .

S81S Cumlnlif Si"

. . r ...

. • • > Are These Aides to Modern Women— In Grandmother's day, there were few home comforts . . . l i t t l e to lighten the drudgery of the home. The spinning wheel was the chief tool of the 'housewife. Now there are electrical servants which has made housework easy.

Economical! These electrical servants work in the home for less than ''coolies* wages." They perform difficult tasks easily, quickly and cheaply. .

Others, Too Every home should have an electric vacuum cleaner and an electric washer. Let us tell you how easily you may own them. .Arrange to see these electrical aides -at any of our "Electric Shops," through any employe, or at your local dealer.

EASY TERMS "A Qood Citizen Wherever.We Serve",

Nebraska Power .

Hamey 5418

JBakeries fflMELBLOOM BAKERY 1511 Nol 24th—WE. 6284


ADLER BAKERY 1722 No: 24«h St.—WE. 0289


' ••

J. F. SOBETSE1 SIS No. 16th St.-^-JA. S6»8

Reliable, Reasonable, Expert Auto Repair Service

We specialize in form printing


Sign Go's.

WE WASH ALL CLOTHES IN KETS B. KORNEY Your clothes last longer washed in nets because the nets take up the wear. This service at no extra cost SIGNS , to you. . ON METAL—OLASS—WOOD—FAPEBi CLOTH—SHO-CAR1>8 SANITARY LAUNDRY HA. 4309 S2S2 Farnam St, 2815 Farnam AT. 8815 VTe suggest yon send your tn-nndry to IT PAYS


Drug Stores

Lumber Go's.




. -1904 No. 24th. St.—WE. 038(3 B. KOB1NSON Mgr. ' " Rubber Goods, AH Kinds— Best Quality at lowest Prices

*fi4tb and Burdette-rWE. C3C2 ,SP|b and Nicholas—JA. 5000

215 So. tilth — 1'hone 8.T. *Stn>2




15th and bousing—113 So. 15th

1923 Clark St.—WE. 0410

Personal Service You will Appreciate

Careful Prescription Service .Merchandise of Quality

Beauty Parlors



Wallin-Holmgren Elec Co.


"Everything Under €over" v


It's the , advertiser that makes theNpublishing of this paper *• '•'- \ •'' w-possible.

%fusic Teachers BESSIE B. M1DDLETON, Pres.

502 So. 13th St.—JA. S032

New, Used Motors, Repairs, Rewinding, Wiring, Mail Orders

" ''Omaha's Foremost School' of Music

Middleton Conserratory Of Music School of Opera, Theatre and Public Speech

Master Tailor Service Refitter of Ladies and Mens Clothing - : ; A. BERNSTEIN. Prop,

WOLK-THE TAILORS 1500 No.-24tc St.~\VE. 5JHU . Specializing in Cleaning,,' Ptes'sl ' and Kelining1 Mon and Women' Appntel '," • >

Tent &• Awning t^ • • --

N E B R A S K A -

•••• • -

TENT AND AWNING CO. • 1808 Farnam—JA. 3329 See Our Sheep Lined Coats Today For space in this directory cal the

Marinello Beauty Shops


Herzberg'i—151U Douglas—AT. 8703 Marinello—>506 Brandels Theatre Bldg. JA. 34C0 Fontenelle JA. 2043

S02 Mickel Blfig.. 15th ond Harney

605 Electric Bldg*—JA. 1045 —All Kinds of Electric Wiring—

AT. 4145 Voice, Piano, Violin, Public Speech, Dramatics. Expression





Tire Shops

Paxton Billiard Parlors




• ', "The Best Place To Buy Your Flowers

Children and Family Groups Our Specialty

1510 Fttnmm—JA, U721

Direct Wire Service on All Latest Sport Events

6ur ad in "this directory, reaches practicaUjr:every Jewish home , in .Omaha



.. . " WE. 1(929 All Type of Laundry

Barber Shops

Brnnfleis Store* . . JA. 2507-AT. 8GG0 Dundee Parlor . . . . . . . . . WA. 8014 Specialists in PEKMAN'ENT WAVING

AT. 3832—504 So. 23 Get Our Prices and Save. Money


'.Try aloaf of our Whole-Wheat ;. ' Bread with your next meal.


Courtesy • Sendee • Low Rates


lGth and Davenport Street H-, MANOS, Propr. MEET TOCK FRIENDS AT HARRY'S


Gleaners Thorough Cleaning , and Dying by Skilled Workmen in Our Own Plant


-•"1517 NOV 24th St.—WE. 0300

Estimates Gladly'Furnished




J A . 1C14

204-6 South 24th St,—AT. 1400


Kelly Springfield Tires— 24 Hours Service -

CONTRACTCtB-: 000 Hospe Bldg. ..•


1707T17 Cass—AT. 35S3


I/EON, rSTAlMASTEB '&, BEBEE. ' ' ' Attorneys - • 300 Peteia Trust'Bldg. ,_. NOTICE OF ADMIiaSIBAXIQIT. In the County Court \t rfonglas "'County, , Nebraska. " • ' . ' ' In the matter of the estate . of A. EPrLKA', Deceased. "• " " " "* All persons interested in said estate are hereby notified that a petition ..has been -filed in Bald. Court alleging: that sold deceased died leaving no laBt wiirand* praying for administration upon his,estate, and that a hearing will, be .bod on said petition before said court on jthe loth day of-Marctt, 1928,-and-that* If they fail to appear, at said Court on the said -10tb day of March, 1828,' at O o'clock A.° M, to contest sold petition, the , Court may grant the same and grant adminlstration'of said estate to Benv Glazer, or" some other suitable; person and proceed to a settlement thereof. B E I C B cltAWITOKD, a-16-3t. . > County-.Judge. LEON. STAIiMASTEB & BBBEH - •-• 'Attorneys . •> 200 Peters Trust Bldg. • jeBOBATfe-NOlCE he matter of ihe estate of MARX R.

Extraordinary Values

250S North 24th St.—Phone WE, 2057

A. D. Fergusoa The FTorist .BOth and Ames Ave,—KE. 3O0Q

"Flowers For All Qcassions"

2506 No. 24tJj—WE. 6311


Cor. n t h and Capitot AW.-A'l WZ1? GOODVEAK SERVICE STATION Tires, Tubes, Accessories. Rood Service Vulcanizing and General Kepalifng


WHITE STUDIO 1612 DodElaS—JA. 3366

Photographs of Distinction

Only 2 different business houses allowed, under each classification in this directory.


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