March 15, 1928

Page 1

.._ Interesting . and Entertaining

AiHhe News Of Interest' to Jews

Entered as second-class mail matter on January 27, 1021.: posl office at Omaha. Nebraska, under the Act of March 3. IS


Communists Print • .' •. Rabbinical Journal





Esther Raduziner Wins Queenly Crown

Esther Raduziner was the successThe annual meeting and election of Moscow—(J. T. A.)—The first issue ful contestant among the thirteen officers of the Highland Country club of a rabbinic periodical,"Yagdil Togirls who aspired, to be queen of the will be combined with a stag party jah," has appeared here. Thorpeian Jubilee Ball at the City to be held Tuesday evening .at..the The journal is devoted to rabbinic Auditorium Sunday evening. Blackstone hotel. research and is edited by Rabbi Ab- Interest in Ibsen Production BeDr. Chaim Arlazarov to BeThe crown was placed upon the Recent Survey Shows Swift Afternoon, Evening Programs ramski It is announced that the club's new Brought to Omaha by Workers of Sluck, and contains many Growth in Greater New To Be Given March 25. comes City Wide. queen's head by Harry H. Lapidus. "pro" will be introduced. Business will contributions from leading rabbis. The for Palestine. PRIZES ANNOUNCED. Other prize winners in the popularity be followed by cards.-Sam Leon is in publication, in rabbinic Hebrew, <vill MANY RESERVATIONS. contest were Mollie Grossman, second; JEWISH CENTERS SHIFT charge of arrangements. . 'appear periodically and is printed, by TO COME MARCH 20. "The Talmud Torah fund -will be Sophie Ban, third, and Mary Shames, the Communist publishing house. New York—(J. T. A.)-~-The Jewish Literary and study groups throughthe beneficiary, of proceeds of the fourth. Dr. Chaim Arlazarov, of Palestine, population in Greater New York was out the city are expressing great inball- 'Which has been planned for world-renowned authority on the work placed at 1,728,000 on the basis of terest in the production of Ibsen's Sunday, March 25, at the City A'ndiof the Chalutzim in Palestine, will estimates, in the Jewish Communal The Doll's House," which will be toriiim, 15tl| and Howard Streets. Survey of Greater New York, the represented Saturday and Sunday eveThe -committee; in charge has sllts of which were made ptibSc today nings at the Jewish Community Cenplanned ,an elaborate; "program to'beby the Bureau of Jevnsh Social Reter by the. Center Players' Guild. Resg i n a t 2 p . m . - A-program of music search, ervations for parties are "being made and dancingv ringing by. the Talmud Brooklyn lias supplanted Manhattan by a number of these groups'who wiU Council Sabbath-Observed SaturTorah children,., entertainment, and day in -Temple Israel. Adolph Ochs, Great Figure hi as the center of Jewish population and see the play as a. part of their observthe givlngj alway'of. several .valuable Work in Behalf of Immigrants Judaism and Journalism, "for some time to come will have to ance of the centenary of Ibsen's birth.' prizes will be features of the 'ocHas Reunited Many Families. be COUNCIL WORK DESCRIBED. the new focus of attention" as far Carries On The "part of "Nora," made famous i^ as a Jewish communal program is by three generations of great actress- . . The Jewish woman today, 100 years Ida and -Dorothy l>ustgarten •will FORWARD-LOOKING POLICY concerned, according to thefirstsecSTARTED AS NEWSBOY es, has come to'be a symbol of the ago, and 3,000 years ago is essentially present ;.7Jqlin/ and piano _numbers. tion of the survey. modern woman- and her rebellion the same, Mrs. I. Rosenthal, president j Cantor, of .the_B'nai.Israel /will sing, Because of the special interest in New York.—(J. T. A.)—Adolph S. They Prosper against her too frequent role as a of the Council of Jewish Women, said and, their choirs. the immigration problem Senator Ochs, publisher of the "New York In the statistical tables of the surpetted dolL Miss Annette Riklin -will present Robert B. Howell's candidacy for rein her address at Temple Israel SatTimes," who is now in California on ; vey the steady economic growth of Miss Faye Klein has been cast as several of. her., students in dancing election to the United States senate a tour in behalf of; the Endowment Nora in the Guild production. Hyman urday morning on the occasion of the the Jewish community is shown. The n u m b e r s ; - ; :J .•••••. • • is creating much comment. Fund of the Hebrew Union College, Shrier, president of the Guild, will observance of Council Sabiaath by the :: onward march from the tenement disEight Omaha girls, Doris Weiss, attained his seventieth birthday on Friends of Senator Howell point to local council.' ", • '. ' - ~-l :;.'"*...' of the lower East Side is porplay Thorvald, . her ; husband. Bess Freedman, Celia Weise, Floren- Monday, March 12th. his record during the past — years, tricts "She is~ steadfast in her belief in! trayed in chart form and the story in Weinstein, George Cohen, and Marion ce Eingle, TiQie Zusnian, JJae Borsand the assistance he has always giv- figures describee the movement to one God, devoted to her" tome, and Born in Cincinnati, March 12th, Graetz will also have important parts- the helpmate of 'h$i husband," Mrs. ky, Anna Borison, and- Dorothy en when hardship and injustice would Yorkville, Harlem, Bronx and finally Single,'-will"represent the League of 1858, the son of Julius and Bertha Other members of .-the cast are Martha •Rosenthal said. "Esther's devotion to result to immigrants but for his abili- into the Park avenue section, The surDr. Chaim Arlazarcv Ochs, he received his education at the Himelsteni, Carolyn Diamond, and Nations. .•••'•-ty and willingness to help. her people saved her race. T6e Jewish vey, which was undertaken almost public schools. At.the age of eleven Kuth and -WillaTd-Friedman, children speak in Omaha March 20 and 21, unThey recall many cases where two- years ago at the direction of a Twenty chilclren-from- the -Talmud. he delivered newspapers for the vrorban has always been deeply re- der tha auspices of the United Nafather and mother were about to be citizen's committee, of •which Judge Torah, under the "direction inf.'Super- "Knoxville Chronicle." In 1878, hav- of Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Friedman. ligious." ...'[-'' New spotlights,". presented to the Mrs. ilosenthal-tffld of the work of tional Workers for Palestine. separated from their children on ar- Ctlo A. Eosalsky is chairman, and Dr. intendent Block,~wiil sing the Hatik- ing served usrgrbcery clerk, druggist's speak in the Jew- riving at New York from their forVah. Anjorchestra of 20 pieces will apprentice, compositor on the "Knox- Guild by the Brandeis players recent- the Council of Jewish Women in' ly, will be used in this production, for broadening the mind and ths.fieldof|ish Community Center auditorium on mer homes in Russia; of an instance j! Lee XL Frankel is chairman of the play. ._ _"." ~: ' ville Daily Tribune," reporter and bu"Political and Economic Conditions in •where a child, born on the ship on executive committee, was made by a In the- evening* EandaU's ~ Eoyal siness manager, he was the owner and •which special scenes are being painted. activities of women, Palestine-Today." His lecture will be the way to America, -was threatened staff of 50 research -workers headed The play is one of intense dramatic Pontenelle dschestra, -will be featured. publisher of the "Chattanooga Times." the women should not- allow things free and open to the public values, tellingof a young and beautivrith deportation until Senator Howell by Samuel A. Goldsmith, executive diTwo ' valuable'gifts will be given Thirty-two years ago he came to ful wife who has always been guarded religious to drift, bat should feel her Dr. Arlazarov was in the ,. • mother from rector of the bureau- It includes, in awayi'—One -_-is".--a-".• diamond ring, New York from Chattanooga. In 1S9G responsibility to perpetuate the good. Last y ste e d l nt 0 s a v e addition to a study of the movement from life by the protection of her husf t> ! PP presented by the Sam Swartz com- Adolph S. Ochs -was invited to take Frederickon Karen Haysod. At each o. the | being separated from her -new-born of the Jewish population of the five band, who considers her mainly in the pany, the:offiefa-chime clock, given ovfer the property of the New York " was inspiring f babe; of instances where minor ailstudy of mortalit; Zionist conferences, he by the Eagle -Jewelry company, Joe Times, following the death of George light of a charming child. Then he of the council. Miss Lkur members kept families from bea« evaluation of taken a leading part, and was prorridiscovers that Nora has saved his fife Ban - and Julius . GereHck. These Johns, one of its founders.' , Three soloist. • munal resources in the fields of child j nent in .the work of the last congress at the cost of her honor, having coming to their husbands in America prizes are on displayj-at the Jewish years later he.took;over a controlling f oxged a note in order to get money :.; This service was a part of the na-at Basle. He is known everywhere as would have been returne.'. in sadness care, family -welfare, health delinCommunity Center. ~ ohservahee of Council Sabbath; interest in the. New York Times, ^which. woultTenable him to. go~-toja on Zionist topics. He is community orjjanbsa; ... - H a r i ^ j y t J T m r ^ - g r . . c a i -w.hlcb.lie has'.held from that-date. . different climate."He is faced by a i, recreation and Jewish. ei&fMitifiM&r"tne^autiibr of~ several U o & & ' s f "in "Be-; Senator J2owell obtained in receiving appeals. to the - Jewish- "people ~of A Chevalier/ Too." * \ V * complex m'o'ral issue. Nora has beOn the basis of calculations of the brew. permission for'them to «nter. Omaha .to; come to the support of : school population of Jewish children, Dr. Arlazarov has been received Mr. Ochs is the holder of four hon- come a woman who can make her own It is reported that this" great intheir Tjalinud. Torah,. which is mainas prepared for 1925 by the Jewish by the great statesmen of many nadecisions. Out of the doll's house has terest in the troubles, sorrows and diftained for_..the -good . of the whole orary degree. - From Yale university Education association, the survey fions. He is the president of the oremerged a thinking adult who must ficulties recent liiuiut;Acuity, immigrants, and community.'' A. Kaplan i s ' chairman he received the honorary degree of ii(;uiuicfr of ux the cue it?t;c:ijL tui»a _ , . ._ . . . . ., . , , , . , o i T T ii i. ! places the peneral Jewish population ganized Chalutzim of Palestine. live her own life. M. A.; from Columbia university the of the program" committee.... this helpF -which Senator Howell has i * , „„ »_„ -, ^ ^ ., , % x . , . at 1,728,000. In that*year, the study degree of L.L.D. was conferred on ' ! always rendered to them, is being reveals, Brooklyn had 45.6 per cent him, .and the honorary degree of Docspread rapidly, and much work to help of the Jewish population of New York _. • Herman Faier, of Boy Scout troop flTY GIRLS tor of Literature^ was' given him by the re-election of Senator Howell is City. Manhattan was second with 2S No. 62 of the Jewish Community Cen-1 the University of Chattanooga,, and being carried on. •ter,- was awarded the eagle badge of per cent and the Bronx with 22 per by New York university. He is also a The friends of Senator Howell are cent was third. Queens, according to scouting a t the February Court of Chevalier of the Legion "of Honor of Honor recently. He is thefirstJew- Greater experience in the game urging this humane quality to be the latest figures, has S per cent and Omaha is proud of the success of ish boy to have received this award, found in Senator Howell as another Richmond one fiftieth of one per cent. Sigrid ; TJndset's trilogy, "Kristan France. In addition to his publishing inter- one of its native sons who has recent- the highest honor and one which can enabled the Kansas City girls team e v i d e n c e o fM s i n t e r est in the welfare Lavran's Datter," is a new addition to They Leave Manhattan. defeat the JevasTi Community, o fMs c o n s t i t u e n c y w h i c h s h o u l d e n . ests, Mr. Ochs is in the forefront of ly become editor of a New York trade be attained only by First Class the remarkable "Norwegian literature In 1916, according- to the study, civic, communal and philanthropic acpaper, "The Restaurant Man," accordtitle him the support of the voters. of which Ibsen is' the greatest figure, The political wiseacres have it there were 096,000 Jews in ManhatRabbi .Frederick Cohn told the mem- tivities of the country.. He is a trustee ing to word received here this week. number of merit badges. tan; in 1925 there were 490,500, or a Aaron, as he is known to hundreds bers of the Temple Sisterhood book of Temple_Emanu-El and is chairman Herman joined Troop 62 in 1924on the floor of the Jewish Communi- doped out that Senator Howell's exceptional business ability, his years ' decrease of 2S.S per cent within the review group at its meeting in the of the §5,000,000 endowment fund of his Omaha friends, has risen rapid- and has served the troop as scribe, ty Center. of experience as United States senadecade. committee of the Hebrew Union colThe two forwards -who starred for ly in his profession since he began Temple Tuesday. ... treasurer and bugler. T e *> Jewish population of Greater Rabbi Cohn traced the source of the lege;. He is a member of-the execu- work in a newspaper office. He has He attends Central High school, the K. C. teams were Smolinsky and tor from Nebraska, his consistent rective committee of the Union of Ameriheen on the staff of the Omaha Daily Pittell, who scored 18 and 13 points ord of championing progressive legisN w York constitutes 30 per cent of • greatness of Norwegian literature to where his averages stand high and lation, and his unyielding attitude to- the city's total population. Over the the inspiration- of Norse legends and can Hebrew Congregations. Among News, the Falls City paper/ and the where he has distinguished himself as respectively. decade ending 1925, New York City's his many public bequests are: $50,000 Omaha Bee-News. myths.' • '•••-,'• a swimmer, being a 'member of the Both teams played fast and laard ward the -agricultural problem, will population increase was 16.4 per cent work was evident, but due to thehelp sweep him back into office as our Since his going to New York, his first swimming team. "This trilogy, is a great epic of to Chattanooga university for the and the increase in. Jewish population life," he said. "It is greater than Gals- endowment of a professorship in city friends have been able to follow his The requirements for the eagle more experienced players on the United States senator. was similar. C. team a hard game was fought, j forward-looking government; §200,000 to the Hebrew work through: his sports features pubI t i s s a W t h a t t h e worthy's "Forsyte Saga." It is a piece scout award are as follows: 1. His Decentralization of New York City's of tapestry wprked out in infinite de- Union college fund- and ?1O,OOO and lished in the Sunday World-Herald. record of satisfactory service as aThe result was a S6-8 score in favor policies of Senator Howell coupled Jewish population is cited as the roost of the K. C. team. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. A. first class scout shall have been for with his sound and conservative judgtail, yet possessed of a wonderful har- two'menorahs to the Cathedral of' St. The game was followed by a dance ment on economic and social ques- striking feature of the population John the Divine. Davidson of Omaha. mony." ':•'•}.'': the period of at least one full year. In a letter -written to one of his 2. He shall have qualified for 21in honor of both teams. Chaperones tions make Mm the ideal candidate. drift. This distribution has been due The story is of fourteenth century to a, direct movement from congested friends recently, he says of the Omahn n^rit badges, which shall include first were, Mr. and Mrs. Harry KulakofsNorway, telling of a people half Junior Hadassah to -to middle class areas. The movement ky, Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Brodkey. B'nai B'rith lodge of which he is a Christian; half pagan, telling the comaid, life saving, personal health, pubin Manhattan has been out of the The crowd heard a talk given by Give Novelty Program m e m b e r : •. . • plete life of a woman from her childlic health, cooking, campingy civics, Miss Bess Epstein, coach of theBernard Simon Rites Lower East Side %nd Harlem, the "It .is in the Omaha lodge that I hood to her death. Rabbi Cohn said bird study, pathfinding, pioneering, K. C. team. Held Here Wednesday most populous areas, the survey still count my best friends and it is A gay evening of comradeship is that it is frank in its treatment of athletics or physical development. The Kansas City Y. W. H. A. shows. there that I want to find my lodge being planned by the Junior Hadassah immorality but not morbid. In the The funeral of Mr. Bernard Simon, basketball team arrived safely Satur- who died Saturday in Los Angeles, end, the story' becomes a tribute to( honoring the senior group at an af- brothers. I consider my Omaha mernday, March 10, at 3:15. They were where he had recently made his home, •fairi to be given Wednesday, March bership one of the most binding ties1 the value of good.* '" "' ' •— ~ met at the station by a large group was held in Omaha Wednesday after.28, at the Jewish Community Center. between my home town and myself. of Omaha girls. The girls were noon. •' Music, community singing and a taken to the J. C. C in cars offered peppy program will be the -keynote Cantor Wins Praise Newsie's Dream to Mr. Simon is survived by his widow, _ of the evening. At this reception the Joe Koomj well known in Omaha by Mrs. Holzman, Mrs. Malashok, Mrs. Celia Simon; four daughters, ^ e firet a ™ u f iradwest volley ball Gome True Friday Hadassah girls are planning on someFor Radio Program Jewish organizations, died Thursday and Mrs. Silverman. . At six o'clock^ Saturday, the girls j Mrs. E. Frieden and Mrs. Abner Kai- tournament will be held at the Jewish thing entirely different than they have Letters, and telegrams received by morning after an illness of less than chaperoned by Miss Ethel Green- man of Omaha, Mrs. I. Hirschberg of I Community Center Monday and TuesWilliam; Sokolof, fifteen-year-old ever given. : Grace Eosenstein, chairM *«h 1 9 . a " d 20 - Eijrht of the newsie is all sat" for the realization of man of the affair, is assisted by, the officials of the WOW radio station, two weeks, leaving his widow, Mrs. borg, physical director of the center, El Paso, Tex., and Mrs. Fannie Block l*&< e a d l n ^ teams m Iowa and Nebraska a long cherished dream,—a ride in an following girls: Publicity, Mrs. I. Lev- •lauded the program given last Sun- Dora Koom, and two children, Lillian were entertained by the basketball of Los Angeles, and Three sons, J. 14, and Morris 12. day morning between 11 and 12 by Simon, Louis Simon and Max Simon,! airplane. Friday is the day set for in and Mary Claire Shames; refreshTo date we have the Jewish Koom was associated in business girls at the Ad-sell Restaurants. Father Flanagan's. Boys' Home. of Omaha. this extraordinary joy ride. The K. C. girls spent their short allAt munity Center, Psi Mu, Council Bluffs, ment, Ida Daytch; program, Mrs! L Those, who wrote to the radio sta- • with his brother-in-law, Maurice Mickthe time of his death, Mr. Simon It happened this -way. • William "was Levin and Ann Greenberg; arrangestay at the homes of the J. C. C. la.; Avoca, la.; Springfield, Neb.; lin, in the Micklin Lumber company. immersed in conversation with'his fel- ment, Bebecca Segal,"Sally Morgan tion complimented Issiah Kohono- He was a member of the Omaha basketball girls. Sunday afternoon, was 74 years old. He was a resident North Bend, Neb., and two local Y. wich of the Beth Hamedrosh Hogodel of Omaha and Council Bluffs for 40 low newsies on ;the street corner. As and Sylvia,Bernstein. • . synagogue, who was the featured ar- lodge, B'nai B'rith and the Omaha the girls were taken for a tour years. Even after moving to Cali- M. C. A, teams entered. usual, William "was talking about airThe tournament will be on a douaround the city in cars given by Mrs. Keport of this affair wDl be given tist on the program. The cantor sang Hebrew club. planes. He was always telling his to the national office of the Hadassah .the ^Yesamah,? translated the "Or- The funeral was arranged for 2 p. Cooper, Mrs. Wm. Holzman, Mrs. fornia, he maintained his membership ble elimination basis, thus giving: the in the Omaha Hebrew club and the friends about airplanes: - Only this at'New York City. . losing teams a chance to compete in Greenberg, Mrs. Malashock, Mr. Modern Woodmen. phan"\and the Volga boat song. In m. Thursday. time, it happened that C. E. Steele, of the finals. Harry Laidus, and Tina Altshuler. the latter- selection he was accomthe Steel Airlines Inc.; stopped to ge According' to Harry Malashock, This was followed by a swim in the panied on the piano by Miss Fannie a paper and heard a fragment of the BROTHER OF M. MEYER Joe Goodbinder Dies chairman of the volley ball commitpool and a tour through the J . C. C. MRS. SOL BRODKEY DIES Fish. KILLED BY AUTOMOBILE talk. play veil] stait 6 p. m. sharp After Long Illness Sunday evening the girls were Father Flanagan's Boys' Home have IN LOS ANGELES HOME tee, Monday evening in the Center gym. '•Want .a ride in an airplane?" .he . The funeral of Mrl Simon Meyer of their regular period over WOW every chaeroned to the jubilee, sponsored Omaha friends were informed this Gold and silver medals will be asked William. St. Louis, formerly a . resident- of Sunday morning between 11 and 12. The death of Joe Goodbinder, son of by the Thorpeians. awarded to the winner and runnerup. week of the death of Mrs. Sol Brodky Mr. and Mrs. Ben Goodbinder, ocWilliam rubbed' his eyes. He Omaha for 30 years, was held in St. of Los Angeles, formerly of Omaha, cured Monday evening, after an illness Miss Reva Eulakofsky, secretary of thought he was seeing , visions and Louis Monday. Mr. Meyer was killed Observing the centenary of Ibsen's S.AM GREEN WINS hearing mystic voices. by an automobile while crossing a birth, Rabbi Frederick Cohn will lec- of six weeks. Goodbinder -was well the Social Service Exchange, reports and very well known here. The second round in the bridfrt "Sure,' K he said, hardly believing, street. His .brothers, Mr. Marin Meyer ture Friday evening on the great Nor- known in Omaha, having been em- that more than- 200 transients asked! Mrs. Brodkey is survived by her aid of Omalia welfare agencies during husband, a son, Mr. Dave Brodkey of tournament, being: held by tht B'ftai of Omaha, and Mr. Joseph Meyer of wegian dramatist. His Saturday morn- ployed in the Brandeis Store.•••-.. "When.?" the month of February, and were reg-j Los Angeles, and a daughter, Mrs. B'rith, resulted in the following winGoodbinder was 24 years old. The ing topic will be "Awakening." Council Bluffs, went to St. Louis for "Friday," said Mr. Steele, and made ners: Sam Green, first; Meyer GreenAbe Koolish of f Chicago. i funeral was held Tuesday afternoon the funeral. "Before the Current Topics class of istered with the exchange. a definite date with William. berg, second, and Louis Sogolof, third Mr. Brodkey was widely known for Besides' his two brothers, Mr. Meyer the Council of Jewish Women, Rabbi and burial was in Golden Hill cemeWilliam is the son of -Mr. and MrsThe finsl bout of the tournament if Ms interest in community welfare Hide your tongue more than tery. Besides his parents, he is surCohn's topic for next Tuesday's meetone Philip. Sokolof, 1525 North Nineteenth is survived by his widow, and 1 T work durinfi his residence in Omahav scheduled for this Thursday evening. the miser his moneving will be "Americ " vived by on* sister, Anna. daughter, Hannah Meyer, of St *»uis. street











THE JEWISH PRESS Published,every Thursday at Omaha, Nebraska* by

THE JEWISH PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY Office: Brandeis Theater Building—Telephone: ATlantic 1450 JEANETTE GL1CK GERSON. EDITOR. DAVIP BLACKER, Business Manager. Subscription Price, one year ~.. : . Advertising rates furnished on application

, ...52.50

CHANGE OF ADDRESS—Please give both the old and new address; be sure to give your name. 77


JEWISH CALENDAR — 5688-1927-28 Rosb Chodesh Nissan. 1st Day Pessach 7th Day Pessach •Rosh Chodesh lyar Lag b'Omer ... Rosh Chodesh Sivan 1st Day Shabuoth *Rosh Chodesh \Tanunu« Fast of Tamnauz Rosh Chodesh Ab Fast of Ab *Rosh Chodesh Ellul

March 22 Thursday, April 5 •—----Wednesday, April'11 Saturday, April 21 Tuesday^ May 8 Sunday, May 20 Friday," May 25 Tuesday, June 19 .Thursday, July 5 Wednesday, July 18 .Thursday, July 26 Friday, August 17

J Robert Stone combs the field for Jewj ish men of presidential calibre. He finds just two, Justice Brandeis, and Samuel Untermyer, both over 70 year^ old, and past the vigorous strength which is necessary for carrying the arduous duties of the presidency. This is the crucial time tot the rise of a great Jewish politician possessed of youth.

week ago. Reward is offered Barrymore-Myron Selznick fracas Annette Riklin, WE. 2711. tinguishable in this-fceautiful sym- was a slurring remark of Barrymore's on Selznlck's Jewish origin. phony of country life. .••'"."_ ixr. Hanson's "Nordic 'Syonphony" liiiiiiiiiiiiiiifiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiu gave vent to the spirit c>f superiority . Last Thursday night the Omaha thatj appeared to me to dominate the Symphony orchestra, under the su- other. qualities throughout the three garb leadership of Omaha's inimitable movements of this symphony. This jcondactor* Sandpr Harmati, presented composition reflects the individuality to an! enthusiastic audience of music pf the composer, his nationality, arid OF PALESTINE lovers the fifth concert, of the season. the age in which-he lives. We are in-i This a most fitting climax to deed fortunate to-have had such an j will speak at the the'fcwelfth annual convention of the incentive as that which Dr. Hanson | --^.ebraskft. Music Teachers'.association. certainly is. America may number I S "" What-might have been a ponderous him among its present outstanding j S - - •• »Sprografa was. made more acceptable composers. and -acquired the added charm of vaThe Tschaikowsky Concer^b, with 5 riety- by the presentations 'of Dr. Ho-Mr. Ganz as soloist, concluded the j 5 watd • Hpuisan as guest conductor and evening's program. The p§Tfectnessis Mr.. JE^udoIph Ganz as soloist. The of the harmony between the pianist j 5 'fUESDAY, MARCH 21st, 8:15 P. M. -foprner rs- a hefted composer and the and the orchestraiwas.;truly marvel'-.S director of tiie ^astman School of pus. The entire number was most in-; S on the Music:rat Rochester. H& is a native ispirational. ; ; ;' . -.-;:.' ;;•'.:'. .' .-';"•" 5 • son-of whfjm Nebraska: may "well "be The entire prdgram was so well: re^ S "POLITICAL AND ECONOMIC proud, jjr. <5anz Is an eminent con- ceived and so beautifully done that alljS cert, pianist, and. is conductor of the Omaha should be proud of its Sym-'"" CONDITIONS OF PALESTINE" St. Lupnis Symphony orchestra. phony Orchestra and its talented leadThe program as a whole was in er, It is filling a'need in this com-, Dr. Arlazarov is a world renowned authority ^e^pin^ with the high ^andardwhich munity and is-well deserving of our on the work of the Chalutzim in Palestine /file Omaha SyinphjDny has set fox ip- support. As it develops so will the Self and Mr. parrnajtl.-. covered himself theory that music is merely incidental with glpry in its presentation. Be to the education of our youth be dis-. proveti himself most versatile in the mpated. The value of music and the .rendition pf "Pastorale*' Beethoven's' part that it plays in making life somegixfli Symphony. _ One could almost thing more worthwhile is clearly demsee. the quipt: peaceful sperie at, the onstrated by the Omaha Symphony orijroofc; and the : rnerrrmaldng of the chestra. —Mrs. Sam Beber. peasanfe, the song o ^ r d i and the thunder "storm -were aii •?Tsialy dis- PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS


| Dr. Chaim Arlazarov | Center L

William Holzman will speck to the Omaha Hebrew club at their meeting Sunday afternoon in the Jewish Community Center. Mr. Holzman will tell of the Jewish community of Hawaii, where he spent several weeks recently.


RADIO INN 5206 Center Street—WA. 6012 "QUALITY JEWELERS"


After working eight and a half years and spending over $2,250,000 Esther Raduziner thanks her friends for the maintenance, upbringing, edu- for the assistance which they -gave cation and training of over 4,000 war her in her recent successful popularity orphans in Palestine, the Palestine contest, sponsored by the Thorpeian Orphan committee has completed its Athletic club.

We have heard it said now and then, "We are proud of our heritage. As Jews we are proud of the great men of pur race. We point with justifiable pride to, the accomplishments of our people." • Yet, justifiable as is this pride, do we not rely too much upon it? i t cannot mean anything to ."be a Jew unless the Jew lives';up to the ideals of his people Going to the synagogue or temple once a year is not so much a prpof "of Jewishness as is an upright life. In the other case, Count Keyserling declined an invitation to a luncheon We live in a democratic age. It is the essence of democracy at the home of Mrs. William Randolph that each man must malfe his own place and be judged by his own worth. He cannot be great by proxy, pointing with pride to the •HrIt certainly is all in the way youHearst because he did not care to^ Einsteins and the Strauses, and saying, "Aren't we Jews wonder- look at it. The American Jewish press meet.Emil Ludwig. This pointed inful fellows?" Neither can he rest upon the laurels of the past. A is entering the fight against the pro-sult to Ludwig immediately stirred up jiobie heritage can be for the modern man only a yardstick against posed Lankford bill which seeks to the rumor that Keyserling hated Ludwhich he checks hjs own moral stature. close all places of business and amuse- wig because. he was a Jew. Count ^ There is another thing about democracy. The modern state, ment on Sunday, and declaring in 36- Keyserling was aghast. In German, thembijern racial group, measures its greatness by the quality of point type that this bill is a menace he says, he is often attacked as aj its mass of men. The average man, not the genius, for there are to the liberty of the Jew. At the same philo-semite. No, he snubbed Emil! no geniuses, isthe test today. time, Tel Aviv is in an uproar about Ludwig because that biographer had] Therefore, it is pi the utmost importance that the Jew guard whether the municipality has a right written something unpleasant about carefully his own sense of standards and take an inventory of his to enforce sabbath observance and in the Princess Bismarck, his mother-inown personal worth. We resent aspersions on the name of the Jew hope of gaining for the city govern- law. And Ludwig, seeing that he has cast by a non-Jew. Yet the Jew .himself, hating "Kluxers," may ment the right to enforce sabbath the best of it, has maintained a digniat times be seen acting the "Kluxer." Many a Jew will show con- rest, the city fathers are taking the fied silence. tempt toward another Jew whose birthplace or dialect differs from case to the Palestine supreme court. Writing in The Jewish Exponent, his own. The Jew must ask himself whether his sense of values is not In two cases during the last week, warpsd by considerations of money, group consciousness, and prominent names have broken into superficial social position. In that behalf, he must hold tight to print because of controversies said to liOST the philosophical perspective which teaches him to penetrate sham have arisen out of religious differCameo Pin, valuable keepsake, and value genuine character. It is by these things that the race ences. The Jewish Telegraphic at Jewish Community Center a Agency says that the root of the John willstaHd or fall.

Press Points

work and dissolved, This is a work well done. —J. G. G.

Wholesale and Retail Jewelers 213-16 City National Bank Bldg JA. 5619


Let the

T. N. T. Ethyl Gasoline— Eliminates the "knock" under all driving conditions — transforms carbon from a liability into an asset—more power on hills and heavy roads—quicker acceleration—less gear shifttng —reduced vibration — freedom from the trouble and expense of carbon removal. Fill Ycrar Tank With T. N. T. Ethyl Today 17th and Nicholas St.


QUAKER Be Your Baker CO.





HOTEL ROME 260 Rooms—200 Baths Good Rooms for $1.50 Operated by Eppley Hotels Co.

Morris Milder, President

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PAXTON-MITCHEL CO. 17th and Martha Sts. HArsey IMS OMAHA, NEBRASKA Soft gray. iron, braes, bronw and aluminum castings. Standard BISM bronze and Iron bnshinga. sewer nanboles, cistern rings and cOTett. and clean-out doors in stock.

Three Weeks From Next Sunday i*

For Passover— In a spirit of service and a real desire to please, 3*e are prompted to offer this suggestion:



Merits and Boys' Easter Clothes

MATZOS Matzo Meal and other necessities can b« purchased from Rabbi Nuchum Feldman. At 2524 Seward Street WE. 1894

NOW We will gladly arrange to hold for EiUtter deKvery cfothea selected at our store now in advance of the usual last-minute Easter clothes rush.


LION \ COAL CO. 22nd and Nicholas

nd Nicholas

WEhster Selections here are -more wonderfully attractive and compi than ever before •and. onr rear 'round value giving yon thfe season's greatest values now. .


If Yon Want GOOD QVAUTg COAL—Call Us






The seat of these »our-sweet pickles has been much ImW tatefs, but never equaled, except In the good oltl-fatttioned pickles your mother nsed to put up. Bny B JUT from yonr grocrt today, anfl treat your fam'lT to this crisp, tasty delicacy. And—They Are NOT EXPESfSIVB. Distributed by

Electric Refrigeration

for Modest Homes • ••

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Thomsen-SIater Butter Company


ISI5 EowstrH St.


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Electric refrigerators are priced far .' loyrer than you would expect. Then, to make it easier for everyone to own one, there is the easy payment plan, for the ' convenience of those who desire to use it. With Kelvinator prices so modest and terms so reasonable, there is no reason for you to deny yourself the conveniences and savings brought to you by electric refrigeration.



Saves Food — Saves Money


Kelvinator saves food, saves ice, saves money. It preserves foods and dainties for days. Many' housewives say: "It pays for itself."

JJtany fortunes have been lost and the savings of a lifetime destroyed by insufficient or improper insurance. Permit us to make a survey of your insurance problems.

Arrange to see the Kelvinator and other electrical aides at any of our ."Electric Shops." ••':,

Easy Terms, of Course "A Qooddtizen Wherever WeServe"

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Courtesy- Service •rf*

"Famous for Flavor" O DINNER is complete without coffee. Through N the centuries, the praises of coffee have been sung by the bards of many lands. There is nothing like a good warm cup to cheer the jaded traveler, the tired husband or the honored guest.


But to make good coffee, you must use good coffee — and Advo Coffee sold by all grocers has proven its claim of being "famous for flavor".


OPTIMISM Has Right of Way T H E FUTURE is full of promise to liberal users of Good Printing. With our new equipment we are ready to handle the largest, as well as the emaHest of your printed messengers. Let's dress them up correctly and send them out to do their duty right. A phone call will bring one ol our salesman,

Phone AT. S02S

INTERSTATE PRINTING CO. 1307 Howard Street, Omaha


PAGE S—THE JEWISH PRESS, THURSDAY, MARCH 15,1928 like all Golden offerings this comedy,- Labot Lyceum under its auspices. A. with a little genuine drama sprinkled Ginsb..ex.£ was chairman of arrangethrough in order to make the perfect' ments. balance, should be one of the out- > George Sidney was a star of the Glimpses of smart society, closeups standing achievements cf the local The Ladies Aid Society will hold a legitimate stage for over 30 years be- ? of the intrig-aeiy of big business, theater season. ; regular meeting next Tuesday after- fore making his first screen appear-*! when industrial captains desire to renoon, March 20th, at the home of Mrs. sort to such matters and the laughter Ike Kramer, 720 West Broadway. and pathos that can be crowded "Patent Leather Kid" Week o£ March 18ih At Rialto This Week against such an interesting backBOYD 1RW1N P Mr. and Mrs. Joe Rosen and son, ground, all of these elements are to Edward, are leaving this week for be found in "Two Girls Wanted," pre- Arthur Stone and Hank Mann, vetPapillion, Nebr., where ihey will make sented this week by the Brandeis eran screen comedians, were with the their future home. First National "Patent Leather Kid" Players. Offering Barbara Brown has a stellar oppor- company while battle scenes for this Mr.jandjfes. Philip Nathan announce the marriage of their Mrs. Louis Nathan and ytsmg son, The New York Hit tunity to become even more popular picture, now at the Rialto theater, f ol-, daughter, Miss Henrietta, to Mr. David A. Hexter of Chicago. The Justin, left Tuesday for Los Angeles, in the role of "Marianna." Boyd Irwin lowing its sensational Broadway run,: .ceremony took place Saturday evening at the home of Rabbi Calif., where they ynll join ISx, "Naj and John Holden have the male leads. were made. Frederick Cohn. Both played comedy bits in the war! than, to make their future home. Unusually good parts fall to other Mrs. Leon Teale of New York, formerly Hattie Nathan, a A Tingling Amusing Comedy */£*AGOROON. ueorge y members of the cast including Claire sequences of the big picture, which j sister of the bride, and Mrs. M. H. Serck, of New York, sister of Mrs. Harry Krasne is entertaining Drama stars Richard Barthelmess. the bride's mother, were in Omaha for the wedding. Mrs. Serck her Afternoon Bridge d u b at her ance. When he learned of the pleas- Sinclair, Helen Tucker, Marie Stewart, ant home life available to screen play- Madoline Ashton, Alexander Lockhas returned to her home. Mrs. Teale will leave Friday. MATS.—25c-S0c The Icor of Omaha wish to thank ers who can live in one place, he wood, Edward Gray and Harry CorAfter their honeymoon, Mr. and Mrs. Hexter will reside in home today. —Our Seats Are Reservedchanged his artistic medium from the nelL "Two Girls Wanted" comes from its friends whose support made sucChicago. . Manuel Steiman of "Winnipeg, Can- footlights to the studio set. J. Farrel the workshop of John L. Golden and cessful the bazar held March 4 in the ada is expected to arrive here Sunday MacDonald is co-featured with SidMrs. H. Janoff -will entertain i n ! for an extended visit with his grand- ney in "The Cohens and Kellys in honor of Mrs. William Kaiman, a fe-1 FOR RENT parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. Seigal, 704 Paris," the Universal proluction opencent bride; Mrs.-D. Goldberg of New, 1 to 3 rooms for single person Madison Ave. ing at the Sun theater tonight. York and Miss Lillian Greenberg of SATURDAY— or couple — reasonable prices, Vera Gordon, who plays the role Center Players' Guild "The Doll's New York a t i e r tome Wednesday. call AT. 9489 after 6 o'clock. Mr. and Mrs. Philip Saltzman of of Mrs. Cohen in this Universal proHouse," at the Jewish Community2419 Woolworth Are, Sioux City, Iowa spent Sunday here duction, made her stage debut at t i e Hostesses who have honored Miss Center. visiting Mr. Saltzman's mother, Mrs. age of 12. It was in her native land Mrirme Wdhlner a t recent affairs in-! SUNDAY— A Tina Saltzman, who recently returned of Russia. She is known all over the elude Mrs. fi. Rachman, Mrs. H. Nod-j Center Players' Guild, at the from a trip to Los Angeles, Calif. world as a character actress. William die; Mrs. L. GitHn, Mrs. J. Goldberg Jewish Community Center. Beaudine directed this laugh success, and Mrs, J. Pelrqugh. Mr. and Mrs. which is said to be one of the funniest Omaha Hebrew club, William M. Okun entertained Tuesday evening "Manufactured in Omaha" pictures made in several years. in honor of Mr. and Mrs. B. loss of] Holzman, speaker, at the Jewish George Sidney and J. Farrel MacCommunity Center. Schnectedy, N. Y., who have come -BAKER ICE MACHINE € 0 . by Donald are co-featured, while the sup. to Omaha .for Miss Wohlner's wed- MONDAY— Mrs. David M. Newman. porting cast are Kate Price, Charles ding. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Alberts will A. A. U. Volley Ball tournament, Delaney, Sue Carol and Gertrude give a family dinner Sunday, honor- at the Jewish Community Center. Astor. ing Mr. and Mrs", loss and Mr. L BroPATRONIZE Ice box cookies: Two eggs, % cup TUESDAY— dofe&y.••-.•. . ' . • . : butter, V% cup shortening, % cup THE SUNSET A. A. U. Volley Ball tournament, granulated, sugar, % cup brown bake in a qrdck oven (400 degrees) TEA ROOM 49 and Dodge Mr. and Mrs. M. Baum announce at the Jewish Community Center. sugar, 1 teaspoon baking powder, until brown. CANDYLAND the birth of a spn in Wise Memorial j -Current Topic Glass, at the Jew- 1 teaspoon vanilla,, 1 teaspoon cinnaish Community Center, 10:30 a. m. mon, 8 cups flour, % cup chopped 16th and Fanmm hospital March 8. Sour Cream Hermits: Two eggs, 1 cup brown sugar, 1-3 cup shortening, Highland Country Club, annual walnuts. Mr. and; Mrs. Sidney Robinson of meeting, at Blackstone Hotel. "Cream shortening: Butter and % cup sour cream, Vz cup chopped' Walthill, Nek, announce the birth of sugar, add beaten eggs, vanilla, sift raisins, 1 tablespoon cocoa, 1% cups : FRIED'S a son in Kansas City Sunday. Mr. WEDNESDAY— together dry ingredients and add toflour, 1 teaspoon baking powder, ?4 j KOSHER DELICATESSEN Woodmen of America, in the first mixture with nuts. Make into a teaspoon soda, % teaspoon each of; Bobinson is the son of Mr. and Mrs. 150B Ko. £4tl> Si. Sa*a Kobinsonof Omaha. Mr. Robin- Jewish Community, Center. roll and place in the ice box over nutmeg, cloves and cinnamon, 6 chop- j We handle e ful! line of Importer! fish — son visited his parents for a short THURSDAY— sight. In the morning slice thin and ped walnuts. J SprnttB, Spnitten — Eismnrk Hcrriiif.. time last week on his -way to Kansas English Kippers. Cream the sugar and shortening, '• B'nia B'rith, in the Jewish Com'City. ••;•.sports class. Each Tuesday and add the unbeaten eggs, one at a time,! munity Center. Thursday, from 7 to 7:30, there will and beat until well creamed. Add sour! " ; M r s . Dolly Elgutter will be hosbe a limited group who will be taught cream, raisins and nuts, and stir well. J LET THE tess at a benefit bridge and mah jong tennis technique, which will give the Fold in the sifted dry for the Council of Jewish Wo- Miss Greenberg Gives' girls a good start so that they will Drop from a teaspoon on a baking-• inen in her home. March 26. be able to enter the tennis tournament sheet and bake in a moderate oven Spring Gym Schedule late in the spring. 7:30 to 8 p. m.(350 degrees) for 25 minutes. DO YOUR i The Bar Mitzvah of Herbert Marks, will be set aside for indoor baseball On Tuesday, March 20, the newand track work. Arrangements are in Family Washing ©on of MrT .and Tttrs. Harry Marks, A fool who is frugal in speech is 2H10 Burdette street, will be ^cele- spring term of activities at the J.. C, charge of Miss Ethel Greenbergt wo- wiser than the, clever^ man .w_hp_has HArney 7545 M"ATi»et"S7C0 brated Satnrday.- Herbert is one ofG. gymnasium will start in full swing. men's physical director. aa extravagant tongue. This spring several new classes MAX KAPLAN |fce leading sopranos in the choir of Cantor Issiah Kohanowitch a t , Beth have been organized. On Tuesday and Hamedrosh Hogodel. Cantor Kohano- Thursday, from 6 to 6:30, there will Harry E . Lapidus, Pres.-Trcus .witch wiil present service in the syna- be a volley ball class that will orgogue Saturday in honor of Herbert's ganize regular teams before the month Bar Mitzvah and Eosh Chodesh Nis- is over with. From .6:30 to 7 p. m. Miss Greenberg will give a straight san. "workout" of gymnasium andfloorex! Mr. and'Mrs. ;Wflliam E. Kaiman, ercises. This is always the most popCOMPLETE STORE and OFFICE who returned Sunday from their ular class with certain members of OUTFITTERS honeymooni will be honored with a re- the sex who want to reduce. There is We Occupy also a morning class on Monday and ception on Sunday, March 18, at the Over 70.000 Sguare Feet Wednesdays at 9:30. Southwest Cornet home of t i e -bride's parents. Mrs. Spring is the time to get into a was Miss Esther Cahn, Eleventh and Douglas Streets of Mr. and Mrs. Platt Cahn. Phone JAekson 2724 *'Oy, Mrs. Feitlebaum, I saw this picture Omaha, Nebr. and I'll die from leffing! Is it funny? ' Frances 23enak Gardipee left Saturday for llew York on a buying trip Don't esk!" V fpr the Goldstein-Chapman company. ASK YOUR GROCER FOR

Council Bluffs News

Jewish Stars in Brandeis Offering Cohens and Kellys Has Great Appeal

nmfe TaaaEre

ir&naeis r layers

2 Girls Wanted

Coming Events

Advance Spring Selling of




Lower Prices—Special Terms

Sale All Week

'Largest Shoeing in

More Than Loan on


Miss Sylvia Wohlner, a student at £he University of Nebraska, was in Omaha to visit her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. Wohhaer, last week-end.



Milt Gross Says—

Laughs1 New Qags f Vinegar, Pickles, Olives, Catsup, Mustard, E t c Every Package Guaranteed

The Daugfiters of Israel Ladies' Aid society meeting in the Jewish Old People's- Home, io have been held March 20, lias been postponed.

OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS OCCIDENTAL BLDG. & LOAN ASSOCIATION Kirk Grig-gs I. \ r . Carpenter J. E. Davidson. Ford Hovey "W. Ii. McFarlan* Geo. T. Morton J. T. Brownie*

Mrs. B. Baron of SiouxjCity is ill In "JVise Memorial hospital. .

Sigma Alpha Mu Men Win Many Distinctions • Members of the Sigma Alpha Mu Eraternity at the University of Nebraska have distinguished themselves Jn inany ways -this year. The fraternity boast three members Df the varsity debate team, Dave Feldtnan, Omaha; Jack Finkelstein, LdntolB, and Joe Ginsburg, Ponca, Neb. Harry B. Cohen of Omaha and Joe Ginsburg of Ponca won tuition scholtrships in the law college. Carl Sokof won the university open 'handball singles, and Sam Bender (nade a place for" himself in the douLles tournament. Sam Bender is also t member of the Fershing Eifles.

Sfc'e Occidental Building £ Loan Association has more than $1,000,000 to loan on tomes and' other improved real estate 3$ Oman* and surrounding ter-


Mrs. Herman -ffremTrlin of South Omaha is ill in Wise Memorial hospital.


We encourage people to own their homes and "ws aid them in so doing by lending money for •ither building or baying.

Come in and talk to our officers if you are interested in a loan to either bny or build a home, or if you are interested jn making a new loan.

I t 70a have funds for tarestnjent or wish to open a. Barings account, "W* pay flnaxterly dividends. Here is a picture so great—a characterization so inspired—a message so mighty—-we urge everybody in Dmaha to see it! Yon may npver see anything like it again—never! 4 ACTS OF YITAPHONE

We recommend that you save a percentage of your income each month.

JEWISH BOOK STORE M. S O M I T 2429 Decatur Street

WE. 3527


This vear we-roade arrangements to accomodate everyone, who is interested in having for the Peasach-Table the real symbol of Passover.

MATZOS PROM EREZ-ISRAEL, baked by our Chaluzim. We will also have all other products for Peasach, including a new supply of Hogodes both in Jewish and -English.


OVER # 1 Q , 0 0 0 , 0 0 0

Home Office, 18th and Harney—South Omaha, 2314 L St.

Finegar & f ickk:C§. OMAHA

GEORGE J. FARREL ^ A.Wiirsam Beaudine PmMm




Ofay Brai flakes

wtth Vcm Gorcbrv Kate Price and'

You saw "The Cohens and Kellys,, and laughed the limit, we can promise you that this is not only twice as big a picture, but just twice as funny. Besides, "The Cohens and Kellys in Paris" has big heart interest as well as several real thrills. To see funny George Sidney make his wife (Vera Gordon) jealous, is alone worth the price of admission!

Biggest Comedy Ever Produced

At All grocers Made By

Imcir S m Breakfast Foe! Cc. Omaha, Nebr.


JCOAL YARD 1 20th and Nicholas !

3 A.



PAGE 4—THE JEWISH PRESS, THURSDAY, MARCH 15,1928 to 9. Giller was the outstanding stare The Wardrobe 29 43 .401 'work of Rosen also featured the win- L E A G U E ' S LABOR O F F I C E f Jewish emigrants were discussed. the month of February, of which ?!#,of the Abraham boys. Omaha Tobacco Co. ..24 45 ' .347 ners play. TO A I D IMMIGRANTS Mr. Thomas expressed high appre- 210.37 was paid on 1928 subscriptions. The high three-game total record The Segelman's won from the A. Z. .{ ciation of the activities of the Jew- This brings the total collections on f The Junior boys' basket ball team set by the Kaiman Insurance earlier "A., 16 to 10 after trailing 7 to 5 at the Berlin.—(J. T. A.)—-The co-opera- isb. emigrant aid societies. 1928 pledges to slightly more than 50 BY MABCUS KRASNE. ! made it eleven straight when they de-j in the season vanished last Tuesday, half. Giventer and Altshuler led the tion of the League of Nations labor per cent, comparing with a figure of -Bed Forman, forme* North H i g h | f e a t e d the West End quintet, 26 to 8,] when.the Empire Cleaners cracked out winners with six points each while office with Jewish societies in Eu- The Community Chest collected §20,- 48.4 per cent at the close of February athlete, ,'captured three first places and .Grossman, Cackin, Barish, Turner,' a total of 2,717, with games of 852,, Franks led the losers with Z tallies. rope for the aid of emigrants was 192.70 in payment of pledges during business in 1927. broke as many the first an-1 F r i s k > Bogdonoff, Sokolof and the EpIn the other game, the Gross Lum- promised by Albert Thomas of thej nual pre-season indoor track and field s t e i n b o y s p i a y e d. in the junior game, The Appleman-Robinson Co. failed bers won from the Bezeman Hard- labor office in Geneva. Mr. Thomas, meet held in our gym last (Sunday to appear a'nd the Cleaners were wares in an extra period, 17-15. The who is here to attend the internaafternoon. Pollack and Burroughs tied Twelve men are fighting hard to awarded the entire series. regular period ended 13-13. tional conference ,of the labor offor second, each winning two first make the J. C. C. volley ball team I The Malashocks stopped the You- places and a second. Summaries: Shot- that Will \.nter the A. A. U. tourna- sem Service's winning streak with a The allegiance of the tongue must fice, received a delegation of the Emigdirekt headed by Oscar Cohn. put—Burroughs, first; Levin, second; ment. Harry Malashock, chairmanTof( victory. Dave Platt's bombardment of be pledged to reason. established M.W7Oformer member of the Prussian govFerer, third. Distance, 43 feet 4 the volley ball committee, will have^ the pins in the first two games proved inches. 60-yard dast—Forman, first; charge of the team. If speech is a silver monument, ernment. The question of the refuthe undoing of the Yousem squad. gees and particularly the needs of Azom, second; Levey, third. Time, then silence is a golden one. The J, C. C. will sponsor an open The Kaiman Insurance-Omaha ToQ7.5. l??-yard dash—Porman, first; basket ball tournament to be held here bacco Co. game was postponed by DiuPerimeter, second; Azorn and Ferer tual consent. The series will probably tied for third. Broad jump—-Forman, the week of March 25. be played Sunday, March 18, at Franfirst; Perimeter, second; Azbrn/ third. cisco alleys at 3:30 p. m. j The Junior indoor baseball"league Distance! 9 feet 6 inches. High jump— 1 Through consistent bowling, the will start. April .1. Six teams will be Burroughs, . first; Pollack, second; Glazes -Clothing' <Co. captured two Shanin, third. Height, 5 feet 3 inches. -entered. j games from the Wardrobes. Nat Mile-^-Pollack, first; •Werner,'second; The"J. C. C. basket ball team that' Schlaifer was high with" a 520 total, Omar Bakery puts into its .bread, cakes Ferer, third. ,Time, 5.55. and pastries has brought us thousands of entered the A. "A. U. basket ball tourwill hold customers. Women all over Omaha are As a result of their victories Wednament, held at Creighton university In the junior league games the .March 5, 6 and'7, beat Millard, Neb., nesday night, the Peerless Cleaners talking about it. . Yon can get Omar Olympians lost a hard-fought game 26 to 16. In the second round the boys arid the Segelman Service fives, who goods from most groceries or the Omar to the Boy'Scouts, 13 to 9. The'Olym- were way off form and went down to finished in a tie for the leadership for wagon that comes to your neighborhood. pians were leading until the last two defeat, 39 to 8, in the hands of York the J. C. C. pennant, will meet next minutes of play when'Eoss and Levin- college, winner of the Nebraska state Wednesday night- at 8 p. m. for the son, each sank a basket for the Scouts. college loop. The Peerless Cleaners championship game. ; In. the preliminWith FerberrKatskee and A. Epstein were- entered- and. were knocked off in. ary game the J. C. C. undefeated junthe B*nai A n r took the B'nai Israels the first round by York college, 24 iorswill play the old Y. M. H. A. of down 18 to „ 2.. Spefgal played, best 1916; , • •'• for the Israels^ The Psi Mu, jr., de- to 8. The -Cleaners won their game on a feated tha'R'nai Abraham, for the • Business Men's Bowling pea igue.. j'free throw by guard Benstein, who third time tins year by a score of 14 Pet. W. \ - .625 was fouled just as the game ended 2T Malashock Jewelry _..45 gave them 12 to 11 win oyer the Brod- STALMASTER & BEBEB, At Amazingly Low Prices .594 key Construction five, who put up an 28 Kaiman Insurance" .41 Attorneys 34 .527 unlooked for hard battle. The losers 300 Peters Trust Bide: '' Empire Cleaners ..., 38 NOTICE OF SAXE OF CHATTELS FOB Yousem Tires _._' 35 37 .513 were., never headed-until -Benstein's AKTISA2TS X.UOH 35 Glazer 'Clothing 37 .513 i 'free toss gave"'his team, the game. NOTICE is hereby -giventhat theunderi l 1 , ;1WJ8, ssigned g d -will on n Wednesday* des April 1WJ8, Appleman-Robinson ,-3& 39 .458 -The"guarding of Stoler and the floorISortU ;it tthe e Omaha Garage, g, o 11, 2-itb.

Local Sports

SATURDAY The floor Below

The Extra Value


t th O l i at ' ^.11,a., 1 IStU Street, St Omaha, Ohh G Nebrusku, Nb in.2itb sellf to the highest bidder for cash a Ford sedan, 1922, Engine No. 0)37*20 on -vvnich is <Ine tire sum'of $23.00. for labor and materials furnished on said automobile, and which has never been- paid, Said sale, will be, held, for the purpose of foreclosing said. Artisan's lien and satisfying the sum now due thereon,, • to-witt: tne . 8uin of $23-00 together -. with interest and accruing costs from February 20, lttJS. Omaha Garage, by Stalmaster and Beber its attorneys. S-15—3T








Certified Public Accountants CSS Securities


A Carload Sale of

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/ H i t " lb« ««m of J382.4T and costs. M O B I t l s M. .SEGAL.

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3 Patterns


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20 Patterns

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WE WASH ALL CLOTHES IN XETS Xour clothes last longer washed in nets because the nets take up the wear. This service at no extra cost to you.



We suggest you send your laundry to

17^> No. « t h St.—WE. 02S3

Try a loaf of our Whole-Wheat Bread with your next meal.

4420 Florence Blvd., KE. 1500 THE HOUSE WITH A REPUTATION

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Barber Shops

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24th aud Burdette— WE. (!i!(;2 20th and Nicholas—J A. 5000


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"Everything Under Cover"




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Refitter of Ladies ant! Hens Clothing A. BERNSTEIN, l'rop.





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101:3 Claris St.—WE. O410

1500 No. •<!-!! h St. — W U. 1:1751 Specializing in Cleaning. Pressing and Kelining Men nnrt Women'* Apparel

Personal Service You will Appreciate

Careful Prescription Service Merchandise of Quality

It's the advertiser that, makes the publishing of this paper possible.

Beauty Parlors


Music Teachers

Tent & Awning Co^sJ


Wallin-Holmgren Eiec. Co.

Play the Violin Correctly


Brandeis Stores . . JA. S507-AT. SOC.C Dundee I'arlor . . . .' IVA. SOU Specinlists In PEKMANKNT WAVING

MarineHo Beauty Shops Horzlicr^'8—ir>iu lionslaa-A"! Uiirtnellc—.-><iO nrnnclela Thesitre Blrtg JA :UCQ

S q.


For any kind of service on your automobile call the Cass Garage, no matter,.when, where, or why. —24 HOUR SERVICE-

Thorough Cleaning and Dying by Skilled Workmen in Our Own Plant



Armstrong's» O-Ft. Quaker Felt



IGth and Davenport Street U. HANDS. Propr. L MEET 1'OCK FRIENDS AT HARRY'S

Armstrong's •Marbelized


2M-C Sonth ^4th St.~AT. 1400

1511 .No. 24th-\VE. KS4

Ai-mstrong's linoleum—nationally known, nationally advertised, needs no introduction." This is a sale made possible by the price concessions we obtained from a railroad on an entire carload of linoleums that were slightly buised in transit. Slight blemishes that do not affect the wear and decorative appearance in any way. An early selection will be wise.

Estimates Gladly Furnished



Armstrong's List Prices

A. H. BRODKEY —GENEUAl. CONTRACTOR— 40!) Hospe Bldg. JA. 1G14







Appropriate for After-Theater Gatherings


You should patronize our advertisers and mention the JEWISH PRESS when you do.


2051'iTarnnni—AT. C324

at Sayings of

1413 Dougrtas Street The Most Popular Cafe in Omafia

HARRY BRAVIROFF Beginners and advanced students accepted. Suite 5,Wead Bldg., 18 and Famam —Telephone AT. 81G2— Public Pupils Recital April IS

Auto Tops & Accessories

"Everythiiiig For The Auto"


STALMASTER & BEBER, Attorneys 300 Peters Trust Bldg. • NOTICE! OE.SAXE UK1MER." ' CONDITIONAL SALES CONTKACT Notice is hereby, given th'nt the under- { signed Will on the 2M day of March, airis, j ut 10 a. in., at 10ft'North Thirteenth street, I Omaha, Nebraska, sell to the highest bid- { der for cash the following described chattels, to-wit: cuts, 3 dipping tables; trays;' 2'scales; 7> stools; twine holders; paper' zacks; 5 tables; marble slabs; cooling table; hard goods table and neuter; 103cutter knives; washers and bars; 2 rollers: turnace and blowor; sieve; dippers; 2 _ guages; tiu irays; 3 iron t-overs: platform scales; 4 pnddle knives; 1 g;is plnte; iron burs? 'funnel; 1-4 hole runner: 1 candy hood; 2 iron rollers; 3 copper kettles No. 83: 1 mnjrshniellow mnchiiie; kettle, beater and cover; 1 .wooden roller; stnrcb bin; 2 starch sieves; shelving; lumber and partitions: 1 spnde; double boiler; peanut sieve; electric motor; 3 scrapers iiud pail; starch , jnolds; starch blower: dipper'. '_» sets rub-; ber stamps: stilrch brush and scoop; 4 scrapers;-curpenter hammer; 4 stock- tables; electric ' fan: iiutti'r cup nmchini-; model machine and 3 pair rollers: am-ker ma"l»in«: tit-bit ipoiOiiiie.: cherry i>ltter; glue naner wranplug mflchine: offKe fixtures; IV' ind advertising sigus,' coveri-d by n coni t i l snles contract esecutfd by Robert to" Morris .Sopil on October 3, l l flll fllml fo ncord iaw snf«£r'contrai"l w»s for record -In the office rtf Hie County Clerk, of UougIn the pnymint of tlie Inal.-illments on««icl. *»'.a *».a SJU.. SJU. wi iider'«iiSS *on««icl. will be or rhe Dispose of fi.T«-loBiiiB RJiirt "or rt mid Siltisfvlnc Ihf jinunint rtiif



J. X FRIEDMAN .Attorney 534 Peters Trust Bldg. >'otiee b y publication on Petition for Settlement of .Final.Administration ' Account .' . •• ° f D o u e ! : l s County, tne Estate of .ESTHER t ^ ^ e s t e ? J n ^aia ™atter are hereby notified that on the 2nd-day &: Siarch, I«J2S; J J Friedman filed, a petition In said County i Court, praying that h i s final administration account filed herein be settled ana nilo-wed, a n d that, he be discharged-from 1 his trust -as administrator aua that a f hearing' will be had on said petition- before -said-Court on. the 24th day of March, lirsr," and that If you fail to appenr before said Court on the said 24th day of March, 1U2S at a o clock A. JI., and contest said petit Ion th ? , x P o n r t m a y grant the prayer of said petition, enter a decree of hcirship, and make such other and further orders, allowances and decrees, ns to this Court mayseem proper, to the- end that all matters pertaining to said estate may be finally settled and determined. BRYCE CRAWFORD,

1411 No. 24th St.—WE. 61)51 Installation and Repairing ol Tin Work. Furnaces. Skjiiphts. Ventilating. Gutters and Spouting. Aeents f o r Kesbit Fnrnace



ber tt b

North Omaha Furnace Co.


402 Brandeis Thea. Bids-—AT.


Piano Teacher




Fresh at Your Grocer's * N.177

STALMASTER & BEBER . Attorneys 300 Peters Trust: NOTICE OF AMENDMENT OF ARTICLES OF LNCORFOBATION OF NATIONAL ACCESSOEEES. INC. •Notice iB hereby given, that at a special meeting, of the stockholders, held on •February. 3, 1028, at which, all of the outstanding stock, w a s present and voting, on motion 'duly made and unanimously carried, it w a s ordered that the articles of incorporation be amended as follows r I. That article four of said articles be amended t o read: Article 4 : The authorized capital SJS^L, JS*~ t n e corporation shall. be $50,000.00 of common stock divided into oOO shares of the par-value of ?100 each. .Stock may be paid for. in cash or Its equivalent in property. All. property taken in exchange- for stock must I>e taken at i t s actual -Talue. All capital stock shnli be fully paid, for when issued and- shall .be non-assessable. "

d :: aa nn cl l !l11 11

Spring Coats and Dresses

Fig B a rs



Iten'sWhole Wheat

STAIiKASTBR & BEBER, Attorneys •301-Peters Trust B i d s NOTICE OF ADMINISTBATIOHT •In; the County Court o r Douglas County, Nebraska. In-: the matter of the estate of BEBECCA 5AXEEOLVK, deceased. • All persona interested in said estate are hereby notified that a petition lias been filed in said Court alleging that said deceased died leaving'no lust -will and praying for administration upon his estate, and that a hearing -will be had on said petition before said court on the Gth day of April, 1028, and that if they fail to appear at said Court on the said 0th day of April,' 11)28,. at ',} o'clock A. M. to contest said petition, the Court may grant the same and grant administration of said estate to Sam Cohen or some other suitable person and proceed to a settlement thereof. BRXCE CRAWFORD, County Judge; 3-15—3T •


An Apparel Siale

.IA. J(;43

Billiards Paxton Billiard Parlors 151(1



r>02 So. 13th St.—JA. f)0a2

New, Used Motors, Repairs, Rewinding, Wiring, Mail Orders

by Individual Instruction Prof. Sevcik and other world renowTied teachers recommend my method very highly



For space in this directory ca! the

603 Electric Bldg.—JA. 1045 —All Kinds of Electric Wiring—

Concert Violinist and Instructor Studio 117 Vz No. 16 St.—JA. 1952




Tire Shops

THE WEIS FLOWER SHOP Public Pupils Recitals March 7 and "The Best Place To Buy DAVIS LAKE STUDIO ' Your Flowers

Direct Wire Service on AH Latest Sport Events

2508 Nortn 2 « h St.—1'bone WE. 2057


A. D. Ferguson The Florist

Your ad in this directory, reaches practically every Jewish home in Omaha

180S Farnam—JA. 332!) See Our Sheep Lined Coats Today

25015 N o . 2 4 t h — W E . (3311


BOtb and Ames dve.—KB. SOOS)

1012 DouRlaa—JA. 3306

"Flowers For All Ocassions"

Photographs of Distinction


Cor. 17th and Cnpito) Ave.— A'l. B421! GOODVEAR KEm'lCK STATION 'fires. Tubes. Accessories. Rond Service Vulcanizing tind General Kepniring

Only 2 different business houses allowed under- each classification in this directory.


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