Interesting and Entertainin •S
Of interest''to Jews
Entered as second-class' mall matter on Jannary 27, U-r •OBiOfBcQ at Omahn, Nebraska: under the Actor Uarcb ifc
Maurei \ 2Brings 500., il to Palestine
Miss Lustgarikn Yields Place to Injured Man
Haifa (J. T. A".)—The Cunard liner Mauretahia; carrying a large TLumber of. American Jewish pilgrims to Palestine for the passover holidays, landed today at Haifa, flying the Zionist, flag. Beber and Klutznick Will Represent Grand Advisory r A large number of the -Jewish Council. population of Haifa welcomed the American visitors,- who number1 5QQ.
VOL. VII.—No. 10
Miss Ida Lustgarten won a repuJerusalem—(J. T. A.)—The Cave of tation for bravery under Sre Tuesday the Machpela, the burial place of Ab- j evening, when she stepped back from raham, -will be open to non-Moslems • the top of the ladder which was to beginning March 25, according to a ' take her to safety, urging K. Edwin statement issued by the president of Dancing, Pageant and Communal S u r v e y Discloses A. Herzberg to Continue as Blanchard to go down first. the. Moslem supreme council. An ad-.J Other Features Piaimetfi. President of Country Club. Startling Facts Showing By doing so,; Jliss Lustgarten mission of 5 shillings will be charged.] Births and Death Rates •waived the right to profit by the traThe .opening was previously report- AFTERNOON AND EVENING. HEYN VICE PRESIDENT. ditional, slogan isduring times of dis•ed and denied by the Moslem .supreme HEART DISEASE LEADING PORTLAND GOES THROUGH. aster,;'^omen,andChDdren. First."" Tabmid Torah -day will be observed A. Herzberg was re-elected presi- council. The cave, which is under the Blanchard iad^ been, seriously burn- dent of .the[Highland Country club at,' Mosque at Hebron, has-been closed to' in Omaha Sunday, The Omaha chapter A. Z. A. debate the Talmud Ne York (J. T. A.)—The death Torah ball will be held duringttieaftteam, composed of Sam Fregger and ed while he rushed-^ into Miss Lust- the annual stag and meeting of the non-Moslems since 1187. -rate among the Jewish population in ernoon and «vening: &t the City AudiLouis E. lipp, left Tuesday evening garten's studio to warn her of theclub held Tuesday evening in the New York City is lower than that fire. torium. The program will be comto compete in the finals of the A. Z. A. Blackstone hotel. of the general population The Jewposed of both serious and light numinternational basketball, debate and • ish 'birth rate in New York i s bers. Jewish music -will be featured. oratorical, contest being held in Mil-smaller -than that of the general menV Pioneer Organization -wsukee this Friday, Saturday and There will be dancing. A -wrestling population. . _-: : Brings Labor Leader to • match will be ^tage4, Sunday, March 23, 24 and 25.* Because, of;.the lower birth rate -••-•'Omaha. ^ • The committee, of wMah H. Reiner The Omaha chapter team wen^ the and because of .the fact that; the is general chairman, is being assisted right to compete-in the finals by ieaJewish VPP&piaiion • in New YoA, HUNGJIRIANS Reports Arerage Arrival of by the Deborah society. AGRICUiTURAL El* ispn of their victory in the district' -whidi: w h i dIsr.njra,ayoungisrn,yg g group, p j ^ : 1,335 Jewish Immigrants Among the musical sisters will be tournament held in Sioux City last -the -years vadvance, be- hardd his-by Crowd Jeers When Delegation Per Month Rachel Janait _Ben-Zevie3eader of the playing of the "Kol Nkh-e," by month. - - - .• ' " i ••• ; -UnTseTiegBHerative diseases"to which Arrives; Airta-Hartby Leagtie tlie Ward sisters, Tiolm snd piatio, the population is' subject unless -ef- the organized women workers of "Lou" Lapp teamed with.Ben Kowill Protest Palestine, -will address; a public meetmusic by Dorothy and Ida Lsstgarten, WORKS WITH ICA fective measures are taken to fight ing in the Jewish Community Center slowsky won the* national A. Z. A. deand the singing of the Hatikvah, by d likl t h t unlikly. the' "diseased It thediseased I y that Tuesday evening. . . - - . . • ' bate championship at Chicago last New York— (J. T. A.)—The poiicy a number of Talmud Torah children. 100 JEW& IN GROUP i the JewisU'pppuiatiori in New York The meeting 'win be held under the year. Chances "are very • bright thai of co-operati«i between the Hebrew Miss Annette Eiklin will present sevwill find replacements from Europe auspices of the Pioneer Women's or- the beautiful tiophy. that was; dis- New York (J-yT. jL)-—A near-riot Immigrant Aid and Sheltering Society eral of her students in dances. A due to the immigration restriction. ganization, of • which Mr. B. Kipnis is. played in the J. C. C. last week will occurred. at Pier. SS£ Hudson. Rive?, of America. .(Hias) and the Jewish •group of'girls will present » pugeawt rest with thi mother chapter^" even late Tuesday night when'.'-a.crowd of The future -will see New York's secretary. Colonisation Association (ica) of of the League -of Nations. : .Jewish population dwindling in, pro- Mme. BenrZeyie is in-America for though "the- competition - thia : year isr liberal Hungarians 'living in New Paris in aiding Jewish emigrants from Randall's Royal Pontenelle orchesportion, to the general population of the first time, as a messenger of her .stiffer than ever. York, members -of .the Anti-Horthy European countries to find shelter and tra mil play for dancing it. the eve: the,greater city,, as it is likely that organization. She has lived and work- Some of tie- fastest teams in .the. League, demonstrated . against . the to facilitate their adjustment in South | A number of elabornte prizas the Jews of New- York will not dis-ed in Palestine for over 20 years, hav- country are. entered in : the basketball Horthy regime in Hungary on the American countries of immigration play the same net population in- ing spent her life • in the ranks of division. Perhaps.-the- outstanding five arrival of the steamer Olympic, has proven effective, it was reported pyOceedB of the ball ^-ill go toward crease as •will other groups. binging the 500 members of the is the Portland "Oregon five which yesterday at the nineteenth annual r running--expenses of the Talmud Jewish labor, . . ; . . . . This ; is the -tentative conclusion convention of the Hias, the Hebrew The graduate of a French univer- won i t s district title" by 'the over-' .Hungarian delegation -which came to which may be drawn, in the opinioni Immigrant Aid and Sheltering Society, i an agricultural' engineer, whelming score of 75 to 8 and: • who nnvefl. the memorial to"Louisi Kossuth : A. w of the Buieau of Jemsh Social Re-j liave come some 2,000 miles to •com; Riverside Drive and 113tb Street held at Cooper Union halL {well versed versed~in both the the theory theory andandoi w Dunau-"* „=«-"=" " ^ • j^ell "in both Jerosie Heyn was re-elected vice Notwithstanding the restrictions on! search «Iew-" | t h e . p r a c t f C e of agriculture. She is t h e peie for national honors.' -•this morning. search from from the the findings findings of of the the W president, and Henry Monsky and ish Communal Survey, a study m instructor, . T l c f T l l p t ^ co-worker._ w o r f c e T . and friend of of:the the : Tile Portland team' stopped in About 100 members of the delega- Henry Rosenthsl were re-elected di-' immigration'to the United States, 12,-j a i l d frfend population. figures and birth andgirls in the Mishtala, the tree;nurseryi Omaha between trains: Tuesday night tion are -Jews, including the two 084 Jewish immigrants arrived in the] rectors. Terms of the other officers death rates.; , , , T Mme. BenrZevie is the wife of the for several hours. They were, met by Jewish democratic4 deputies, Dr.: •did not espirs this year. "They are country during 1927 and 8,832 Jews , „ _ the „„..._, _ non-imrm-i Portland, Gregon, winners of the country as ".••• "After Forty-five " labor leader and historian, -Ben-Zevie. members of the Omaha A. Z. A. and Ernest Brody and Bela Fabian, who Sam Leon, secretary; Harry Mala- „entered grants. The records average; A. Z. A. Pacific Coast -championship after a shortworkout they were enis known for his with antiAn exatmnatUm" of the death-cer* shock, treasurer.; Isadore Abramson, arrival of 1,SS5 Jewish immigrants''and top-heavy favorites to win the tertained at party. The "local Semitic leaders in Hungary, and Fanny Hurst's new book," ,"A Presitfficates in: ^ew'-Tork, the survey financial secretary; directors, M. National A. Z. A. basketball chapter is arranging a game for their month. says^4iscloaeB .the fact, that-diseases dent Is Born,", will be discussed by basketball: quintet- .with Portland on Professor Joseph Eelsssa. f Ed Treller, Morris Ferer, perThe recent unemployment in Ameri-j meat &t Milwaukee, -will meet the Frederick Conn at the last --... Hejjas Sought of flie heart, jcanceTj. diabetes, nephi Dave-Feder, H. A. Wolf and I. Zim5 ; . i a f f e c t e d - a conmierablB] Omaha ctepter cjnintet Monday evetheir "way^iia^S&am'SISwOTkee. iritis^ v ..'"'" ',_ ~ ".]'.' ifeteSpapermen Trhb-rwenr-looking: number of Jewish "workers--who come j ning- • at' 8 p. m. in m, fe»taW"Sft»w About 75 mernbere attended the an- to Kew York in search of employment, i which promises to be o»€ of the most Jewish -population-'- most> hard after group Tuesday, afternoon'"'in." the. Sain Beber and Phil Sutznick.will- ir Hejjas, the notorious leader of attend the Milwaukee meetnig, rep- the anti-Jewish terror in". Hungary,, nual meeting, at -which the club's most ., the'age s>lIforty-fivei rank foremost Temple. interesting and exciting ever st&ged among • the' ; causes: of death • among: For; his Friday evening Sermon :resentirig the supreme advisory coxm- •who was reported to be a member »f successful season was reported. While Very few of'these" Jewish job-nunters at the J. C. C. are to be found in.the municipal lodgRabbi Colin will use the subject, "A. the Jews. Death rates- from cancer, the delegation, were told that. Dr. most of the .Omaha clubs were forced. and other public welfare Following the game the Portland diseases-of the' nesrt and diabetes Christian's View of Judaism.*'. ^His Hejjas is not to be identified with to make assessments last year, the U1B _^ . ^Hias, _ r vi»_ . , ^ ^ - j boys will be honor gueetg at a BUBag-encies, L tat the has, Jduring 1 Satufday morning topic will be "The are greater now" among the> Jewish Highland club had a net profit of the ,year, endeavored to help these j scription dance in the auditorium. •Lieutenant Hejjas, leader of the Reya Kulakofsky to population over- .forty-five' than CalL^ ' : :'• , Hungarian Race Purifiers.$1,300. workers and during the year provided j v among the general populationi • Thfe The"purpose off the delegation -sras- A membership- drive under the 3S,55S meals to transient, homeless! Go to San Francisco Jewish population- seems t o have' cent of the total Jewish population •"to bring to the United States a chairmanship of Manning Handler, is coinbatted tuberculosis with greater in New York. Becauseof the failure; " Miss Reva Kulakofsky has resigned -message of fraternity and g-ood will/' now under way. Fourteen new mem- and unemployed men and women. success than non-Jewish,' the to complete tiie State census, of 1925 her position as secretary of the Baron Sigmund Perenyi, the spokes- bers have so far been reported. The Eight thousand one hundred and eight it was impossible to compare this: Omaha Social Service exchange, a po- man, declared. Other members of the campaign will close when 25 new nights shelter was provided. Arriving survey" declares. rvey declar immigrants v/here furnished shelter,j V i e n n a _ _ ( J - T i A.wThe Jewish ^Despite the smaller proportion of figure with the city's non-Jewish sition which she has held since last delegation are Count Paul Bethlen, 25 members have been gained. amounting to 5,959 nights and 28,167; ^ ^ o£ M a d a m e L u p e g c u i sB d o m i whites for the same year, but in death among-them, the Jewish popGeorge Miller, the new "pro," was members of the Hungarian Parliafall. meals were given them. , ^ t &vgnment i n t h e prO p a g a nda of 1923, the general population, in. the ulation is not growing in number as Miss Kulakofsky will leave.May 1 ment, Count Julius Wlassiclv head of •introduced. It was announced that the rapidly as the general population, the same age group constituted only 66.7 to visit relatives and friends in San the House of Lords, city and state of- grounds will be in better -condition l7*h! l°^Z™ e Satpt n?£400- t h e antf-CMofcte ™ the present turrequire a « minimum Tr,iT,immm budget n o-p . of n *400 .- ^ u j e n t ^^e j n u o u m a n i a > according to m « « study shows. ' In Brooklyn, which percent-of the total population. Francisco, and will probably remain ficials, editors, bankers, farmers and than ever this year because an en- 000 to be able to continue the weltare •Mortality from cancer is slightly reports received here from Bucharest. contains forty-five percent of all the larged staff of workmen have been put in Calif ornia to engage in camp work peasants. In newspapers and pamphlets camJews living -in the five boroughs, lower among the Jews, the Tate be- during the summer. Miss Kulakofsky Carrying banners reading "Will in charge of them. The club will be to care for those paigning against ex-Crown Prince •the Jewish birth rate was found to ing 93.6 for the Jewish group and has had experience with camp work Mayor Walker Shake H;-nds with opened soon, and a program of vaxiea f Carol, it is being argued that a man be eighteen per thousand as compar- 94.3; among the general population; and wishes to return to that form of Hejjas, the Mass Murderer?" "Get activities has been planned. These facts were related in the an- who left his fatherland and renounced ed with 22.35 per. thousand among Death rates for nephritis, tuberculo- social work. Out, You Sloody Murderers of Hunnual message of Abraham Herman, the crown because of his love for a the general population of that sis, cerebral hemorrhage and veneral garian Workers and Peasants!'.' and president of Hias. The principal Jewess is not worthy to ascend the diseases are notably lower among the borough. "Kossuth Monument—Horthy Monu- Junior Hadassah Teas speaker was Senator James E. WatJews than for the general population. The Jewish, death rate is notably De Mille Tells Ochs ment!" a crowd of members of the Interest Young Women son of Indiana, who recently intro- throne. ron low among adults between the ages- One out of every four deaths Anti-Horthy league assembled at the duced a bill in senate, which would Madame Lupescu issued a denial of fifteen and forty-five years. In among New York Jews is due to disHe Regrets Picture pier an hour before theOlympic dock-, One hundred members before the . j . j i.,, ttlclt bile ia t>i u c r w i i v<j.-fc,jn« ~ * — ' that she is of Jewish origin. Notwiththe - age groups beyond forty-five, eases of the heart. The causes of bring relief to families separated by ed and began jeering as the steamer convention is the goal of the Junior the d i n this% r u m o r s o f h e r b e i n g a present immigration law. iowever, the rate of mortality among death from " major - diseases are: Lbs Angeles-^J. T. A.)—"Jews came, up to the pier. Jewess are being sp-read among the Hadassah membership campaign. Miss •KVip-m is considerably higher -than for tuberculosis (all form) 4.6 percent; who participated in filming of the peasants in Eoumania, They Start Kiot. Florence Lewis, chairman, and her "King of Kings**" are a disgraee to diseases of heart, -24*2 pefcentf lite general population. It's No April Fool, • More 'than 100 motorcycle and "The Jewish population," the study cancer, 11.8 percent; diabetes, 3-1 their people," stated Adolph S. Ochs, mounted, policemen,- patrolmen, detec- committee, are out to see that this Mother of Tuchman goal is reached. publisher send owner of the 2Jew York This Council Dance -declares, "has become"prey to the percent; nephriti^ 5.1 pBrcent; -ceretives and members of the bomb squad Brothers Dies outstanding degenerative diseases— bral hemorrhage, 1.1 percent;' and •Times, to a. representative of the Cali- were called' out to, keep order. "Within The series of benefit bridges which The senior club council of the Jewfornia Jewish Review in a n interview axe being given by the d u b have met all other diseases, 39.4 percent. diseases of the heart, cancer, diabetes ish Community Center has taken over a short time shots had beenfired,perMollie Ettbin,. iaotl*er of and to the lesser extent, nephritis." Analysis of these figures -by the given before lie left for the east. Mr. sons trampled, rocks thrown, the ex- with great success, according to Miss some of the activities of the Y. M. Mrs. Ochs further stated that Cecil De Michael,Joseph smi, Ficanfc -?T«dbTnan, tntiia-n Greenblatt, chairman. Those Tuberculosis, the stndy states, -ap- groups shows that with the exeption Mille, producer of ihe picture,- in- plosion of a photographer's flashlight and I . W. H. A. and will give an Oroaha Mrs. and, off M who have entertained are Celeste pears to have been combated by the of- the group from Iwent; to twenty- formed him that he was very sorry had -caused a bomb scare; nightsticks, April Fool Dance for the benefit of home at her Roddy, three tables; Ida Daytch and Rubin, died Jews more successfully than by the four years" old,' diseases ofthevheart .that he .undertook the filming of the had bee"n frer^y- used i-nd ambulances Tobie Steinberg, six tables; Pearl the Center Sunday night, April l , inThursday after a lemg illness. general population. Death rates Tank -first, proportionately, « s a crucifixion story. had been called. .--=. /-.-• .-..-Brown,. Florence Lewis and Lillian the Center auditorium. Mrs. Kubin w«s 60 years did and from cancer, diseases of the heart cause of death. In five of the eightHerb Feierman's orchestra has been had'bten a resident of Omaha for 45 Members of the Anti-Horthy league, Greenblatt, eleven tables. '"I Jbave withheld comments'on'this age group's, cancer • Tanks second^ and diabetes are,, greater already -jnuch-disenssed' topic," skid MR Ochs, who charge the main purpose-of the A benefit tea dance wiU be given engaged by the committee, of which years. " "population among Jews past forty-five than Among the geireral _ _ _ _ opportunity to hear pilgrims, is to- attempt to raise a April 1 at the Burgess home. Host- Phil Klutznick of the A. £. A. is chair-: Funeral services wrre .conducted bjamong the general population, of the tuberculosis ranks first in four age "until I had the man. Frank Ackerman of the Psi Mu $150,000,000 loan in the United States Rev. E. Fleishman Friday afternoon. eame groups. . groups and disease of the heart in from Mr. De Mille personally about, for the Horthy government, said an esses .-will beMallye Grossman, Alyce club is in charge of the ticket sales. his reactions to the nation-wide proMinken, Sylvia Bernstein, Sally Mar1 four. In the groups past the twentySuit your action to yo\i,r word and A Young Group Umisual features are being planned anti-Horthy mass meeting would be The survey declares that the Jew-five year age mark, diabetes takes a tests against his production and his held' tonight in the Central. Opera 1gan,; Ula- Alberts, Tina Altschuler, by the committee to make this dance your word to yotsr action, Mary Claire Shames, Ida Minkoff, ish population is a young group, be- greater toll proportionately' among plans to check" the inevitable conse•ssnoq quences.. Grace Kosenstein, Eose Fine, Ann the outstanding- success-of the season. Keep silence rather than Gpeak intween the ages of five and forty-five the Jewish population than among Greenberg, Esther Weinberg, Mrs. Varied entertainment and surprises auspiciously. From my conversation with C. "B. years - making tip seventy-five per- others. A bird" in the. hand is worth two Max Froinkm, Lillian Keiser, Kose assure everyone a hilarious time. De Mille, I learned that he is sorry LazeruSj Ann Hahn, Ann Freeman, to have been the producer of this pic- in the bush. Eose Sigel, Fannie CoHick and Ann ture: "I am a half-Jew," he told me, But, and Ida Bishoff. "and should not be accused of having Nothing venture, nothing have. Miss Rose and' Miss Rebecca Segal j intentionally created a danger to the : ! will be hostesses Thursday. Jewish people." Center Library Mourns Interpretation, musicianship, tech-i In Miss Rosenthal's class,' the stuNew York (J. T. A.)—Manhattan's and the International Telephone famous skyline will be greatly chang- Building, covering the site of the old nique, and • personality—on these dents were required to play a Bach Loss of Volumes Invention," McDowell's Hungarian, and COMMODORE LONGFELLOW Banquet to Close ed by the new. building peaks which Consolidated Stock Exchange, »t four -poInts-^Mitt Lucille Rosenthal a chosen number. ' For her thir selecSWIMS IN J. C. C. POOL will soon along Broadway and Broad and Beaver Streets, the heart The bookshelves of the Jewish Basket Ball Season Fifth riseAvenue, of Sioux City recently won a gold tion she played "Caprice Espangol" many of which are' <rf the financial district. The otiiet Community Center library -.are Commodore Longfellow, assistant medal -in' a piano playing contest by Moritz Moskowski. being erected by Jewish builders. J two, the Lefcourt Ciothing Centre ofl mourning the loss of four good Saturday, March' 17, marked the sponsored by a Sioux City music Miss Eosenthal has studied • the director of first aid and life saving friends: "Sweepings," by Lester finale for the city-wide, basketball Four of the largest office and com- Seventh Avenue from Twettty-flfth piano for seven years, and is inter- of the American Red Cross, gave a Cohen; "This Believing World," by firm. league, carried on' from January 17. mercial buildings under construction to Twenty-sixth Streets, and the Lef* demonstration of life saving to fifMiss * Rosenthal was a contestant ested in music as an avocation rather teen life-saving examiners in the Jew- Lewis Browne; "The Day of Atone- A banquet will be Jeld at the Y. W. in Manhattan this year form part of court-Normandie, replacing the ©M in the group 'for advanced students, than as a vocation. She does not in- ish' Community Center pool Monday ment," by Golding, and ."Modern C- A. All the teams, coaches, ref- the $50,000,000 building program now Normandie Hotel, will W loft buildand was 'one of 375 young girls and tend to follow it as a profession. Marriage," by Popenoe. •.-.-..... erees, will be present. Each team will under way by A. E. Lefcourt and ings for Wen's and wotiwns'S morning from 9:30 to 11. his organization. ! manufacturing:. These edifteei teboys to enter the tournament. Her, This is the first contest of its -kind • Commodore Longfellow is to hold Will those who know their wherfi- ^ive an original stunt. Two of these «sre office boiiding-s, place some of the oldest gold 'medal brought "with it tjrird1 that has been held m ^Sionx City. ^fifteen lectures and demonstrations abouts "kindly see that they are reMiss Elizabeth jflobbie of the Y. intereistf-whicb place "in the" final contest. The stu-Because of the'great ' placed on the-shelves in-the .same W,. a A. and Miss Ethel Greenberg, the Leftcourt National, «n sfee site in the city «nd the skyline ill Was displayed it is probable that the .daring his short stay in Omaha.. He quiet manner they were taken? of the old Temple Bmane-£1, a t section «all be materially affected Jim dents were between nine,, and ,20 physical director of the X C. C is the author of the life saying section Fifth A-««nue and Forty-^axd Street, completion. ... ^_ _ *-*yeaW\t>ld,'\ and" .-were- graded accord- piano playing contestrwHI -become an of the handbook for Boy Scouts. l i e organizers of this league. annual event
Lucille Rosenthal Wins Medal In Sioux City Viano Contest
Help Change Famous Skyline of Manhattan
' •
: " :-
- •
- - " -
THE JEWISH PRESS Published'eyery Thursday at Omaha, Nebraska, by
THE JEWISH PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY Office; Brandeis Theater Building—Telephone: ATlantic 1450
needy immigrants than any other: man who has served from Nebraska" said Mr. Lapidus. "There has never been a time when -we- have called Mr. Cherniss needs no introduction upon Senator Howell to .assist in to our readers as he has been in bringing families together and in the law practice in Omaha for the obtaining admission for deserving! persons seeking to come to America, • last 16 years, while taking- no part j that he did not most willingly step j in politics, Mr. Cherniss has served and other necessities can b« in. .to help do this humanitarian i on • several improvement clubs and purchased from Rabbi Nuchum work." | has always been interested in a bet-1 Peldman. Senator Howell will return to Ne-ter Omaha. Mr. Cherniss has lived! At 2524 Seward Street braska soon to carry on, his campaign in Omaha for the last 20 years and WE. 18g4 until 3|.er the primaries in April, is a family man, a property, owner, after which he will go back to Wash- and solicits your support. ington to participate in the deliberation and work of committees now Verbosity breeds contempt; silence considering important legislation. commands respect and awe. «7tb and Martha Sts. HAra«T 1602
Fred B. Cherniss For Municipal Judge
A special dispatch from Washington received early this week indicated that Senator R. B. Howell, a can..$2.50 .^Sobscription Price, one year didate for re-election as United Advertising rates furnished on application States Senator from Nebraska, would CHANGE OP ADDRESS—Please give both the old and new address? be be in Omaha this week to look after :" • ' sure to give your name. . .. . * his campaign. Unexpected developments however, have made it. necessary for Senator Howell to postpone his trip to Nebraska to take charge of his campaign. He intended to leave late last week but said he did not know BY BARRY MALASHOCK when he could get away. The report of the secretary at the annual meeting of the High- Senator Howell was elected to the land Country club Tuesday evening was of special signilcance. office of United States Senator six 'the recapitulation of receipts and disbursements revealed the fact years ago and has made himself felt Senator K. B. Howell that the incoime of the club during 1927 was $1,367,85 greater in the affairs of the nation since gothan its operating, expenses. This ;happy state of affairs reflect ing to Washington. ' Harry. H. Lapidus for many years the.facththat the club is successful and here to stay,, active in the councils of the republi. The Highland Country club, like inhst institutions has suffered Senator Howell in announcing the can party is one of the ardent tremendously from tlie slurs, insinuations and innuendo^ of those postponement of his feturr to Ne- supporters of Senator Howell. who should be its greatest boosters. Propaganda-that "it cannot braska to carry on his campaign "During the: past few years, Sensucceed;" "it will soon go.broke," and like remarks have; been said, "my service in the Senate for ator Howell has done more for the serious handicaps to_ the membership committee of the club in itsthe past six years in behalf of the efforts. And yet * it occupies a most important place in our com-people of this state is open to investigation by the voters. I feel munity. , . Golf is now universally.recognized 1as the recreation of thethat my record in Washington merits j tired business man. I t furnishes outdoor exercise for one ?who is a continuation of the confidence! confined tttihis office day jn and day out. I t gives to a man that which the voters placed in me when strength of body that will enable him to resist those ailments that I was elected in 1922." ipetaefcate one after he has passed the middle of life. A few hours And" ori ike gol£ course each week, exercising his muscles, breathing charming Friedman children was good. I God's pure air, will add years to his life. And it is pleasing to Mrs. Jahr, whose energy and skill' those who have put in a great deal of their time and energy in is responsible for the sincerity and At All Grocers behalf of the club,.to know that at last the club Is self-supporting; smoothness of the performance, should Made By that^he Highland Country club is now a permanent part of thefeel well= repaid for .her weelcs of work. The Center Players' Guild has ciy of Omaha. Long may it live to add to the pleasures and the Uncle Sam Breakfast Food Co. set a high standard for its future health of the Omaha public. h ^ Nebr. work. —J. G. G. she was the twittering "song bird," now the fully awakened woman—and her use of voice and gesture was deft and effective. ; • • • • . . . , , . . , . . . . • • • • • • "With its production of Ibsen's Hyman Shrier,J as "Toryald," got in"Doll's House" Saturday and Sunday to the stride of his part early in the evenings at the Jewish . Community play, playing a consistent foil to Miss Center, the Center Players* Guild took Klein, as the self-righteous, indulgent, its place as a full-fledged.little the- selfish, stupid husband. His work in ater group, making a definite contri- the last act displayed hiff very conbution to the artistic life of Omaha. siderable' dramatic ability; ?v*X. Chosen because of the centenary of Marion Graetz played T3r. Rank its author's birth, "The Doll's Souse," notably, as a dark shadow of tragedy with its long acts of dramatic inten- hanging over the house of Helmer. sity, unrelieved by lighter- touches, George M. Cohen's "Krogstad" was a business institution fails to p»tmde V733 about as difficult a job as. the good characterization, but a trifle proper protection for his firm? ? Guild could have selected. And if overemphasized. Bess Weinstein playthsre were any wiseacres who, before ed "Mrs. Linden" sympathetically. ^7 Whefr your: earning capacity'lias Jit the production;.shook .their heads and The work of Martha Himmelstein and ended by reasbtfe of some sort of dis-^ said, "It can't be' done," they Vwere ;"Carolyn Diamond, and of the two • ^ l i t y ? - : ;-- ; . ^ f T ••'.••. ••••' . ^ :Xr:::-': completely won over by the work of JSTS. Herman Jahr, director, and the ^When a husband has neglect^ltd Center Players' Guild. provide for the support ofhis widd^cati^ Th2 performance moved with surethe education of his children? r.zzs and clarity;—a thing which could Bookkeeper, Experienced. r.ot b? unless both director and actors Steady position, good pay. ^ The N e w Business Protection^ .knew what they were about. Miss Box 70, Jewish Press Faye Klein played "Nora" with a Policy recently issued, and The Special po-wcr surprising for her youth. Now 5 Immediate Estate Policy of Ittlf JEANETTB GLICK GERSON, EDITOR. DAVID BLACKER, Business Manager. ••*••«**••*•••••••••**"***•"•****'
Matzo Medtl
Okay Bran Flakes
I Whose
boles, cistern rings and covert. ••<! clean-out doors in stock.
I AnnouncingtkeOpening \.
'•- •
of the
Come in and get your poultry and eggs for passover — — W E DELIVER ANYWHERE I N THE CITY
SPECIAL AGENT "Pays The Claim With A Smile"
M. SO BUT 2429 Decatur Street
213-16 City National Bank Bldg.-JA. 5619 r :
T n H E NEBRASKA'S system of selling at bedrock JL prices every d a r in the year—selling the accepted world's best clothes—at lowest known price levels r-4nspires every man's confidence in this store.
A savings account for your baby combined with. Life Insurance protection.
THE SUNSET TEA ROOM 49 and Dodge CANDYLAND 16th and Faraam
BAKER ICE "Manufactured in Omaha"
We deliberately undersell—offering always the quality you want at a lower price. The entire clothing world recognizes this fact and, openly admits The Nebraska's value-giving supremacy—the savings are yours.
FLOWERS I For all Occasions By Wire, Fast Mail or Express
Superb Spring Suite andTopeoats
FRED R. SHAW | Flower Shop 545 Broadway
724 W. O. W. Bldg.
AT. 8034
Let the
Slid Wonderful Value Suits ^ andTopi&dtsat '" VW
$20 to $60
250 Rooms—200 Baths Good hooms for S>1.50 Operated by Eppley Hotels Co.
Harry H. Lapidus, Fres.-Treas
| 1
We Oecnpy Ovev 70,000 Square Feet Sonthwest Corner
=_- wonder
Eleventh and Douglas Streets Fhone JAckson 2724 Omaha, Niebr.
New>eries Dining Suits
Phone 41
Thi» year we made arrangements to accomodate everyone, who .is interested An having for the Peasach-Table the real^ymDoTof Passover.
- N o Manipulation of Clothing Prices ~lfo "Pps" Today and "Downs" Tomorrow - J o Waiting for Big Valnes-They're Bere How!
WE. 3527
baked by our Chaluzim. We will also have all other products for -Peasach, including'•'.&• new supply of Hpgodes both'-; in -Jewish; and English, • • - •"•"..":.
MALASHOCK JEWELRY Wholesale and Retail Jewelets
111 ri 111111111 I 111111 H 1111111111111 H i ii rri 1111111111111 I 11 ii 11 ^
1607 No. 24th St.—Tel. WE. 1680
5206 Center Street—WA. 6012
-5 s 5
Every Man Can Buy Big Value in the Newest of
BACKERS LIFE COMPANY of DES JMJOINES, IOWA, furnish the answers to the above questions at lowest pos^ble cost. For information, without ol tion, call or write
OMAHA, NEBRASKA gray, iron, brass, bronze and
aluminum cnstiȣg. Standard sixes bronze and iron bushings, gewer man-
For Passover—
Choice of the finest homes. The favorite where e c o n o m y is watched. A luxury within the reach of all. Its high.reputation recommends that you try it.
t GOAL CO. 1 22nd and Nicholas WEbster 5 R f
H." A. WOLF COMPANY • V "•<-!
582 Saunders-Kennedy Bldg.-—AT. 3160
T. N. T* Ethyl Gasoline- Eliminates the "knock" under all driving conditions — transforms carbon from a liability into an assot-^-more power on hills and heavy 7 rosd§—quicker acceleration—less gear shifting —rccluced vibration — freedom from the " trouble and expense of carbon removal. Your Tank With T. N. T..Ethyl Today JTiiVc -?•*••
tl ^
"Why not get them ' -
The seBt of the«s oenr-swett pickles hon been much imi* tated. but never equaled,
except In the goml oM-f«sta-
ITEN'S Whole Wheat
Try this new dessert S It combines delicious taste with health • food Yoar."grocer hasthem now.
tonecS pickles yoor mother used to pot up. Buy o Jar from your grocer today, and treat your Family
to this crisp, tasty delicacy. And—They Are NOT EXTENSIVE. Distributed by
Tfaomsen-Slater Batter 1315 Howard St.
AT fuas
. AiSB 3—THE JEWISH PRESS, THURSDAY, MARCH-22,1928 Tuesday evening to attend the address attended. There were dancing of Dr. Chaim Arlazarov. ' refreshments.
ican Legion Hall, upstairs -at 138 returned to her home Tuesday after "West Broadvc-ay. This is the new-spending a. week visrtintr relatives meeting lace of the society mad all in. Council Bluffs and Omaha.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry fti'-flfi-n announce the birth of a son at Wise Memorial hospital Tuesday,
members are urged to attend.
Council Bluffs News
The Council Bluffs Chapter No. 7 of the A. Z. A. -nil! hold a meeting Mr. and Mrs. Hyman Gerber annext Wednesday evening, March 28, The Independent Order of the nounce the birth of a daughter Saturat the Danish Hall. B'nm Britfe, Lodge No. 688, will hold day at Wise Memorial hospital. a meeting next Wednesday evening, Mrs. A. Ms2ie of Sioux City, March 28, at the Danish Hall. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Herzberg returned Sunday from a trip fo New Mrs. Sam Gross has returned home York, Atlantic City and Washington, after spending several weeks in Los Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Shafton announce the engagement of .D..-C Angeles, Cal., where she visited her f'taeir daughter, Miss Ida Shafton, to Mr. Morris Arkin, son of Mrs. Mts. S. Adler of Los Angeks is the daughter, Mrs. Max Shostak, and 'Sarah Arkin. The wedding date has not been set. guest of iier daughter, M M . Sam Mr. Shostak. Saltzman. Mis. Saltzman has enterMiss Toby Katelman spent the Miss Bess Horn, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. M. Horn, has chosen tained a number of affairs in honoT past week-end in Leavenworth, Kans., June 3 as the date of her marriage to Mr. Sylvan Hersh of San of heratmother. TYanciscb. Miss Horn, accompanied by her mother, will go to San Mrs. Adler has also been honored •where she visited her sister, Mrs. Francisco, where the wedding will take place, early in May. Dur^ at affairs given by Mrs. E. A. Meyer, Abe Bear, and Mr. Bear. log her recent visit, Miss Horn and Mr. Hersh selected their home, Mrs. J. Malashock and Mrs. Jaek AlThe Agudes Achim Society will which will be waiting for them upon their return from their honey- berts. Mrs. A. Greenberg will enter- hold a regnlar meeting next Monmoon. tain for her next Sunday. day eveningj March 26, at the Amer-
Creighton university debate team won another victory Monday in debate ! •with the team from Lotoia Universitj*, Chicago. Louis E. Lipp was a member of the winning team. PATRONIZE OUE ADVERTISERS
HERZBERG'S Choose Your Easter Coat Saturday . • Last Day of
The marriage of Miss Rosaline Goldstein, daughter of Mr. Mr. S. BL Ferber, 223 North Twen-and Mrs. -A. XJoldstein, and Mr. Louis Somberg, son of Mr. andty-third street, is a t his home recov. Mrs. A.-Spmberg, will be solemnized Tuesday, May 8. ering from an illness. The marriage of Miss Minnie Wohlner and Mr. Morris Okun will take plafie at ftehome of the bride's parents, Mr.'and Mrs. H. Wohlnar, at 1 p. m. Sunday,. March 25. Eabbi H. GrodzuiEky- will officiate. • "Mrs. Sarah Xlberts, sister of the bride, will be matron of honor; Miss Sylvia Wohlner, another sister, will be maid of honor. Mr. David Wohlner, Miss Wohlner's brother, will be Mr. Okon's Tjest'man. Flower girl and ring bearer 7SII be Helene and Shirley Alberts. __• Miss Wohlner will be married in a "beige afternoon.frock. The home will be decorated in palms and pink flowers. The ceremony will be followed by a family dinner. In the evening, the&tide and groom will receive their friends. After a short honeymoon, they/will be at home at 4916 Horfch Sixteenthjstreet. Out-of-town, guests for the ceremony "will i>e Mr. and Mrs. B. Iiss and Mr; JL Brodofsky of Schenectedy, K.
y. -
Mrs. A. H. Diamond left-Saturday for a buying trip M Netr X k
Coming Events SATURDAY—•**""""" Jr. A. A. U. Basket Ball tour-* nament, at the Jewish Community' Center. :: • ~f -
SUNDAY— Talmud Torah ball, at the City Auditorium. Junior Bally, at the Jewish. Community Center.
Friends of Mr. te«J chell entertained at a surprise party at the Labor Lyceum; Wednesday, in honor of. Mr. aad Mrs. Mitchell's silver wedding. One hundred guests
Family Washing HArney754S MArket 3700 MAX KAPLAN
Basketball Danee
TUESDAY— Mme. Ben-Zevie, speaker, at the Jewish Community Center. Book Review dub, at Temple Israel.
The Year's Outstanding Coat Event! At no other time in the year •wifl you find such wonderful STYLE QUALITY and VALUE, assortment as awaits you in this collection of more than L000 coats! It will pay you to see these values before buying.
THURSDAY— EPnai B'rith, at the Jewish Community Center.
Amon^ those "who have lately entertained for Miss Wohlner are Saturday, March 17. Miss IiebSam Fronm andjttrs. Nate Skalowsky. ennan has visited in Omaha several times as the guest of Mr. and Mrs. A* The marriage of Miss Mary Cohen, Weiss. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Cohen* and Mr* J. Forbes, son of Mr. Eabbi Rabinowitz and Mr. Rabinoand Mrs. JBL, Forbes, m i l be solemn- ,witz of Sioux, Q ^ were_in_ Omaha; ized at 7;p. m. Sunday in the Jewish Community Center. Miss €onea •win be attended by Miss Sara Somit, maiS of honor, and Miss Irm& Shragp,; and Miss Sara Taub, bridesmaids. AJso of the wedding Week of March 25th— party will be Mr. Paul Forbes, best BOYD IRWIN Presents man; -Mri-Irving Forbes and Mr. Oscar Taub. _Tjie_ceremony will be followed by a dinner. . Those y/ho have entertained for Miss Offering Cohen are Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Cohen,.Mr. final Mrs. M. FoTbes and Mrs. Colton, Mr. and Mrs. Morris Forbes, J&iss Sara Somit, Mrs. M. Seiner, M R and Mrs. J. Cohen and Mr. More thrilling than the Gorilla or The Bat. A play you are and Mrs. L Forbes. sure to enjoy. SIGHTS—25c-50c-75e . 2fews-©£-4he jmamage of Miss Sy. ileS liefennaa of Chicago and Mr. —Our Se^ats Are Reserved— Arthur Hill- of Chicago has reached "Omaha.friends, The marriage took
- -
- T ,"
'" *'""
Brandos Theatre
Brandeis Players
"Out of the Night"
1919 Buri SL—AT. 5440
Dance inJ* C- C- Auditorium *
Flavored with Bchen*iar,
NOTICEAnyone desiring meals' for Passover phone S, MANBEL
Use wherever sweetening is required in the household.
Recommended and Distributed by
WEDNESDAY— Woodmen of America, at the Jewish Community Center.
T hree Incomparable Qroups Whatever price you wish to pay —whatever type of coat you want—dressy, sports, plain, or fur trimmed—youH find it in these COAT week groups^—and youll not find its equal at the price.
Sizes For All . . • 13 to 52 Styles For All!
FRIED'S Kosher Delicatessen 1509 No. 24th St.—WE. 2190
We have a full line of Passover goods, including: butter,-cream and cheese that is Kosher for Passover.
Passover Meals . Served at
3026 Davenport Street HA. 2S5S :
fourth Floor
Slake Tour Bpsprvnrmna
PASSOVER GOODS Agents for the famous
Coat Week
You cais always be certain of quality when you insist on genuine Puritan Malt Extract. Your test is our best salesman.
Manisehewitz andReddhcim
Good Cooking? Here isa Sure Way to Get It!
2 furnished rooms in modern house. Home priveleges, reasonable rent. 2fill Mason Street, AT. 4887.
Young -man, high school grvaduate to answer telephone and ilo minor bookkeeping. State age and qualifications. Answer Box 174 Jewish Press,
and other Passover foods
$1.00 Per Couple
933 North 24th Street
Royal Orchestra
Passover SWEET .BUTTER ,
Fun Starts at 2:00 P. Bring the Family for a Real Enjoyable Afternoon and Evening
The health and happiness of every family depends largely upon good food, properly cooked. The oven of an electric stove holds in all the heat with fireless cooker efficiency and saving. But it also maintains the desired temperature all through the cooking. This makes food delicious . . . because it is perfectly cooked.
Your Cheapest Cooking Fuel pnr mm p o t ann
ic— Dancing—Singing Fairmont's Better Butter, sweet, is made in Sioux C5tyr in our modern creamery under the direction of Rabbi M. I. Braver. The above if a reproduction of his'api •proval which appears on every package for Passover -week. Fairmont's Better Butter, sweet, is put up in half-pound prints for your convenience.
Ask Your Grocer
J B e n r J f f t U k v a h song by 20 Talmod Torah children. The Ward Sisters playing "Kol-Nidre* IDA and DOROTHY LUSTGABTEN .JMISS ANNETTE RIKLEs
With an electric stove, the heat is turned on only long enough for the oven to reach the desired temperature. It then shuts off, automatthis electric ically, and the food cooks See ^tpve at any of through and through our " Electric without using any more Shops." Also, a electricity. This saves you money! Moreover, host of other electrical aides. food is saved through prevented shrinkaee-
and many others -will help present a program . . -.. you will enjoy.
2314 M St.
Nebraska Power Courtesy * Service - Low R«tet
Vinegar, Pickles, Olives, Catsup, Mustard,' Etc. • Every
Package GiiRrnmeed •
Haarman Vinegar & fickle ۤ, OMAHA
PUBLIC COAL YARD 20&. and Nicholas
Coke Texas Petroleum Per Ton ?l£00 •Ml!> WEST ENGRAVING CO.INC. r
PftoheATiANTrc 0 6 3 9 3O S0.S4 TH.ST. OMAHA.
*» 4 ?•>>- - -.-T.
•v.; »- r-
PAGE 4r-lJHE JEWISH PRESSJ THURSDAY, MARCH 22, 1928 Dakota and North Dakota. More than thirty teams will compete for honors. Medals will be awarded the winner and runnerup team members, while a three-year trophy may also be put up BY MARCUS KRASNE. * The first anntial open J. C. C. basket as an added attraction, victory in 3 fell tournament will Le held'.at the years of play bringing permanent posJewish Community Center 'starting session. Saturday evening, at &3& p. no. Play The Segelman Service, Peerless will be under A- A- U. tournament Cleaners, Omaha A. Z. A. and the rules, and -will "be open to amateur Tourist Cafe are teams-entered from teams from Nebraska, Iowa, South the J. C. C.
> The Levy-Berou and Yaffe-Ban firstTfor the Omaha boys. After, trailing, ter Tuesday night. The J. C. C. team* 20, and they trailed 23-25 with three game was rather Sj see-saw affair, with 137-28, the Cleaners staged a rally only was put out in the first round by{ minutes to :' go, when Giventer • made the lead changing hands no less than I to fall short of a few points and los- CouncU Bluffs "Y" in three straight a, goal and' Segelman a gift shot to three times, with the latter coming 'ing out by a score of 37-34. Magazine games. Eight teams were entered from cinch' the' game. out on the long end of the'first game. and Colland were the outstanding Nebraska and Iowa. The J. C. C. juniors won their The second game was a repetition of players for the K. C* A. Z. A. The thirteenth game of the season in a the first game, play being fast, but boys were guests of S. Levy, physical A game billed as a championship! preliminary contest, 22 to 10, taking the Bercu-Levy combination were not director of the Y. M. H. A. of Kansas fray proved just that thing when the the 1916 Y. M. H. A. team in handito be denied the second game, as City after the game. . Segelman Service five downed the ly. Levy's kill ball was working fast. The 'According to the boys, K. C. is some Peerless Cleaners by a 28-23 score, third game was the upset when the town; also the girls. Ask Jake Stolen to- win top honors in the Jewish The forfeit claim mado by the Levy-Bercu combination held a 17 to Community Center loop, Wednesday Malashock Jewelry Co. has been proThe Jewish Community Center night at the Center gym. An extra tested. This and other matters will be 9 lead, only to have Ban and Yaffe tie the score, and later win the game. handball players carried away honors game was necessary to determine the Results of, other games: Katsman when they defeated the Omaha "Y" winner. and Blacker, beat Altshuler and Gross- boys, 13-5, on our court Tuesday eveThe Segelman's, made up of the man; Koiitetwitz and Karzman beat ning. same five that carried off first honors SAM E. B. Bercu and Rilklin, Feldman and in ,1927 as the Kaiman Insurance The Overland Tires of Omaha won Green beat Wintroub and Horwich; won through their advantage in Epstein and Mandell lost to Mendel- the championship of the first annual height, which came in handy on midwestern A. A; U. volley ball tourson and Franks. ! nament, defeating the Omaha "Y," numerous follow-up shots. . A terrific bombardement- on the' JThe Peerless Cleaners, tied for first 15-7, 16-14, 7-15, 15-12, in the finals hoop brought the Gleaners up to 17-flayed at the Jewish" Community Cenplace with the Segelmans, in the Con£mercial Basketball league, -gave thte Kansas* C&y, Jb., & A. boys a great jbittUi, ,bjj| weakened jn,^the closing nirihute '-of" the! game to give victory to'the Kansas City hoopsters. •. j After riding all night the Peerless boys, without a fait of sleep, gave the FOR Kansas City "Y" basket ball league winners a game long to be rememLogical and ^Dependable bered. At the end of the first half the KEPUBI4GAN CANDIDATE score stood 17-15 in fa,vor of the Kansas City lads. Tie guarding of Cowboy Sadofsky, and I. Mann featured, wbile the eagle eyes of <Jreenberg an8 Murphy White-almost carried victory.
MONSKX, KATIJ3MAN & GKODINSKT Sam Rachman and Dave .'Katleman Attorneys 752 Omaha Naf I Bank Blag. gained the undisputed lead in. the J. NOTICE BY BtfBlICATION ON. C. C. handball round robbin league wrETITIOS FOB 8EXXUEJUENX OF FINAL ADHtNISTBAXION ACCOIWI Sunday-when they defeated Levin and viln the: County' Court of Douglas County, Binstein two straight games, 21-20 Nebraska. - In the Matter 61 the Estate of ROTH G. and .21-11, while Saul Levy and Abe COHN, Deceased: "all persons Interested in s&iil matter are' hereby notified that aii the Bercu, who were tied for the leaderI^ta day of March, 1928. Joseph P. Cobn ship with Rachman and Katleman, filed a petition in said County Court, praying that his final ndmlhtstratlon' account were defeated two out of three games JSed herein be settled and allowed, andthnt :% be discharged from his' trust as' -ad- b/SaultYaffe,, and'Jack Ban, 21*to <5, ministrator with and that a hearing -will be lfc-21 and 21-17. " * imd on said petition before said Court on ite ttth day of April, 1028, and that ,if yon fell to appear fctfuraBrid.VQUj^qiuthet&aid, ^AJ.MASTEtt 4 : B W I . w , <fth day o f S f f i t i l , ^ ^ atsO o'cJbek.-Ai Mi1 $£& contes&jjSfid Stltlona the .fiourt mays '* Srant the jSrayer 3f salfffpetltibn. enter jsi dfecree of %«?BhipJ5 and Brake -suph other OXfrgB OF,SiU-E<OF CHATTEX-S IXm and farther SMUerwJUlpwances and decrees, afc to this JQ&U& way seem proper, >to; the NOTIGE is hereby! given that Oie underend that hH matters pertaining - to said Signed on' Wednesday, April II.. 1028, estate "may. be finally settled--;and de- at the wlH Ctfuaha Gnrage. 1617-23 XortU 2«L termined. Street. Omaha, 'Nebraska, nt 11 a. in. sell to the highest bidder for cash a Ford SeWFOBD, $123 2X1'1 dan. 1022, Engine'No. (©37420 on TVhiCi Is County-Judge. tins the sum of $23.00 tfft labor and materials furnished ou 5aW^ autamabite «nd STAXMASXEB& BEBER, '• " " Which bag never been -paid. Attorneys Said~ sale wnj be Jicld for "the purpose of 3fa- Peters Trust Blag . • . foreclosingsaid Artisan's lien' and satisNOTICE OF ABMINIStfKATJOlJ . fying tne sum now dne thereon,,- to--$rttt: r -In th« County Court of Douglas County, the SUin Of ?23.00 .together -with Interest and accruing costs from. February 20. 1928. matter o£ the estate of KEBECCA ; Omaha Goraee, by Stalmaster antl Beber ts'attorneys: IvXTIiESIAN, decensed- . ; - - « . - - • ~A.ll persons interested in Baltt estate are 3 - 1 & - 3 T hereby notified that a petition has been filed in saW Court alleging that said deceased died leaving no lust will and pray- viiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiimiiiiiiiuiiiiimuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiH^ ing for administration upon hlB estate, and that a hearing will Be Had on said petition before said court <m the «th day of April. 1328, and that If tfiey fall to appear otBttid ijonrt on the said (5th dny of April, 1328, at if o'clock A. M. to contest said petition, the Court may grant tha same nnd Brant ndministration of said estate to Sam CQhen at some other suitable person and proceed to a settlement thereof.^ C I t A W E 0 K D > County Judge. 3-15—3T _ _ STALMASTEB & BEBEU Attorneys 30O Peters Trust BWg. NOTICE OF AMEMDMBSfT OF CfES OF 1HCOBFOK4TIOS- OP AI- ACCESSORIES. INC. Notice is hereby glren, that at a special Non-Political raeeUnir of the stockholders, held on February 3, 1928, at which all o£ theoutstanding stock was present and voting, \ % Candidate for u$ motion dnly made and unanimously (varied, it was- oraered that the articles i3T Incorporation be amended as follows: it. That article font of said articles be appended to read: t'j Article 4: The authorised -capital jfetock of the corporation shall be $50,000.00 of common stock divided* =lnto J500 jgbareg. at. tfifiL.par, v a i n e s t 1. SlOB-edcl^StottfSinayrDe. paid-.for in, -cash or ite ^equivalent- in property. Ay property taken in exchange for stock must be. taken nt its actunl YOUR VOTE WILL value. AM capital stock shnU'be'fully paid -tot w.hen issued and- shall be BE APPRECIATED u6n-asses8able> AL i . COHN, President. UBKXKUDB M, JCOH5; Secretary. 3-1-4L . -
Vote for
discussed at a meeting to be held ^ t a latter date. The Empire Cleaners won the entire series from the Kaiman Insurant in closely contested games. Joe Rosenberg was the lad who furnished the necessary punch. J: The Yousem Tires defeated tJSe Wardrobe five and the Glazer Clottting Co. captured two games from tKe Appleman-Robinson Co. ' PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS
Harry G. Counsman
County Commissioner FIFTH DISTRICT
FredR I
Cherniss I Municipal
| Cafes-
Furnaces North Omaha Furnace Co.
1411 Ko. 24th St.—WE. 6D51 installation and JRepalrfng of Tin Work, -Poniacefi. Skylights. Ventilatlflg. Gutters and Spotting. for Jfesbit Fnrnace
492 BrantluJS T(X*a. Blrty.-^AT. 1430
WM. BRYDE^f & COMPANY Certified Public Accountants ., Securities* te* v J rities** teida.?* AT. 445^.-? 1,*
HIS Douglas Street , The .Most Popular Cafe tn Omaha
_ Ajpprop'riaie for *
National - Accessories, Inc.
Spring Means Building /.' Building Means
1707-17 Cass—AT. 3533
Introducing Our New
Sign Co*s.
We suggest you send your Isondry to
Drug Stores
Lumber Co's,
,1004 No. 2tth St.—WE. 03S6 .'
B ' UOH1NSOM . ' M E T .
—Rubber Goods, AH Kinds— li t Lowest Prices
WE. 1029
All Type of Laundry
24th and Burdette—WE. 63C2 20th nnd Nicholas—JA. fiOOO
"Everything Under Cover"
IT P A Y S . . . . . T O ADVERTISE-IN'• •THE." J E W I S H P R E S S
Tailors Master Tailor Service • 215 So. Wth-Pbone
A'l1.'S002 ""v"_
R«fitter of-Ladies and Merss ".;... :•;. Clothing • A.- BGRKSTmti.
" •-•:"•
130U No. 24th St.— WE. Specializing tn Cleaning. Bnfl IjeHning Men nnO . " Appnre)
Careful Prescription Service Merchandise of Quality
It's the advertiser that makes • the publishingrof this paper possible.
Beauty Parlors
Music Teachers
Tent &.. Awnin&Cffifc
WaHiH-Holfngren Elec Co.
Play the Violin Correctly
B r a n d e l s SStorea . . J A . 2 5 0 7 - A 1 \ WiUO Dundee Parlor . . . . . . . . . ffl 8014 S p e c i a l i s t s In PE11MANENT WAVING
New, Used Motors, Repairs, Rewinding, Wiring, Mail Orders
by Individual Instruction Prof. Sevcik and other world renowned teachers recommend my method very highly
.. Mnrluello MO Urnndels Thtr.
1023 Clnrfc. St.—WE, 0410
fiO2 SO. 13th St.—JA. S032
1808 Farnam—JA. 3329 See Our Sheep Lined Coats Today
For space in this directory cal the
.605 ElpCtnc Bldg.—JA. 1045 —All Kirids of Electric Wiring—
Concert Violinist and Instructor Stndio 117 Yt No, 16 St.—JA. 1952
Tire Shops
Paxton Billiard Parlors
The utmost in Phonographs DAVIS LAKE STUDIO
131(1 Faraani—.JA. «72i.
A T . B815
Barber Shops
AT. 37IS3 BldR.—JA. 3460 KontcneUe, JA. 2(«3 . All fteauty work—Molps removal
' Safeguard your health % with this added protection
8815 Faraam
6c 4c
Try a loaf of our Whole-Wheat Bread with yoor next meal.
•Covers entire top of bottle .
Thorough Cleaning and Dying-by Skilled Workmen in Oujr Own Plant
W. H. OSTENBERG Semi-Flat, per lb Wet Wash, per lb
HerzhtTRs 1510 Douclas
Easy to remove
20i-B South U4tb St.-AT. tlOO
1517 No. 24th St.—WE. 0300
4420 Florence Blvd., KE. 1500 THE HOUSE WITH. A REPUTATION
lT£i No. ^4lh'Stl—WE. IK8J
Personal Service You Appreciate
.. No tabs, to tear oft
lutli and. Douglas—lio So. I5tb"
No splashing, no prying . forks
16th aud Daveuport Streel " - O. MANOS, Propr. < . YOU'LL, MEET YOLK AT UAKKV'S
-.. This cap -assures.perfect sanitation
AT. 3832—504 So. 13 Get Oar Prices and Save ;5ioney
Estimates Gladly Furnished
Uanrey 3415
For_any kind of service on your automobile call the Cass Garage,; .no.BQatter, ^hen, wheTe; or why. i : —24 HOUR SERVICE-
—JOB PRINTING—' 819 No. 16th St.—riione .FAekson 8688 We specialize in form printing and solicit your patronage
S81S Cominc. St. .„ .,
. Owned and Operated By Omaha People For Omaha People
| 400" Hospe Bldg; JA. 1C14
Reliable, Reasonable, Expert Auto Repair Service
You should patronize our advertisers and .... .mention the... ... . JEWISH JPKESS-when yof A>.
/ ;
HARRY BRAVIROFF Beginners and advanced students accepted. Suite 5/Wead Bldg., 18 and Farnam —Telephone AT. 8162— ;. Public Pupils Kecital Ajcril IS
Auto Tops 8r Accessories <J051 Kai^ami-A'r. 5524
Piano Teacher
i'The Best Place To Buy -. :.••'Your Flowers
Direct Wire Service oh All Latest Sport Events
2S08 North 24th St.—Phone WE. 2057,
Av D. Ferguson The Florist
Your ad in this directory, reaches practically every Jewish home in Omaha
•-'•.".•fiOrtrnin} A m e s A v e . — K B . .SSMM
IG12 Donfflns—JA. 33oe
• .."Flowers. For'All Ocassions"
2508 No. 24th—WE. tS3l:i
Photographs of Distinction
NATIONAL TIRE SHOP AND BATTERY STATION Cor. I"t6 and Caplto/ Ave.— A'l'. Hi27 COOOVKAR KEKV1CB STATION Tires, Tubes. Accessories. Koud 8t?rvice. Vulcanizing nn<! General
Only 2 different business houses allowed under each classification in this directory.