April 12, 1928

Page 1

Interesting and Entertainins

News Of interest to Jews

Entered as second-class mail matter on Jannary. 2?~a92i, at . c OOBtoffice lit Omaha. Nebraska, nnder the Act o. .^ -»»



3, 1S79.

Cf-i.s ige Signs Bill | - lelay Origins Plan

Anti-Passover Drive In Russia Was Failure


> •ft ^


David Sher was one of a small number of Harvard students whose names are included in the most recently published Harvard dean's list—a distinction for scholarship. Graduation Exercises to Be Held But Sher was doubly honored, be- State Department Was Not ApFirst Jewish College in United Warburg's Gift of §50,000 Viewat Temple April 26. States May Open in Sepproached Regarding Rou; ed:as Expression of cause his notification contained a tember, 1928. ; . . mania Loan, r i jApprovaL; highly valued postscript, a personal RECEPTION TO FOLLOW. note of congratulation written by the TO CONFER TWO DEGREES. DISCUSSES CELLER PLAN. STRAUS WARNS HADASSAH. dean himself. Nineteen student nurses of the Wise He has been chosen to do special Memorial hospital training school will Washington—(J. T. A.)—The deNew York— (J. T. A.)—A charter New York—(J.; T. A.)—A -gift of reviewing and tutoring- work in Amreceive their diplomas at the graduapartment of State was not approached for the establishment of the Yeshiva 55O.Q00 f or the United Palestine Aption .exercises which will be held at erican government, in preparing the by the American bankers., who 'are college, the first undergraduate colpeal for the purpose of ameliorating students for general examinations. 8 p. m., April 26, at Temple Israel. now negotiating the proposed SCO,lege to be conducted under Jewish austhe unemployment" in Palestine, was Addresses will be given by Dr. 000,000 loan to the Roumanian govpices, where the students will be inmade by_~Felix M. Warburg, banker, Clyde Roeder -andRabbi Frederick, ernment to stabilize the Roumanian structed along parallel lines in modand phuanthropist, who is a member Cohn. Rabbi Cohn.'s topic will be "The currency, Secretary of State Kelloggern sciences and in the fundamentals of the Non-Partisan Survey commisGreatness of Service." Dr. Robert declared. . - ' . . . of Jewish lore and religion, was grantsion to: investigate Palestinian condiGilmore' will present the diplomas. ed by the University of the State/of Mr. ICel'ipgg commented upon the tions on behalf of Zionists and nonHarry Disbrow and Miss Ruth IsaacNew York, Dr. Bernard Revel, presiresolution recently introduced into Zionists, it was. announced by the son will give musical selections. dent of the faculty of the Rabbi Isaac congress by Congressman Enianue! United Palestine AppealStudents who will'be graduated this Elchanan Theological seminary, anCeller of New York demanding that: a. In a letter accompanying his check Dr. A. Greenberg Heads Large special committee be appointed by year are: Edna F. Davis, Marion V. nounced yesterday.' • •*• * — " • ;' for §50,000, which was sent to Dr. Committee for Denver The proposed Yeshiva college for Event to Be Combined Federa- Lawson, Esther I. Aho, Wanda Mv congress to discuss the question of Weizmann, Mv. Warburg says: Davis, Linda B. Birr, Hilma C. Greet, Gerson to Read Paper at Meeting tion and Mothers', and liberal arts and sciences will offer a American loans to foreign countries, Institution. "I Wai glad to learn that, according Oniebell Hoenshell, Zoda Nelson, ISIary of Center Secretaries. with a view of establishing- the superfour-year course leading to" the deDaughters' Affair. to your information and calculation, J. Boicourt, Jennie G. Krick, Hdga WORK IS NON-SECTARIAN. vision of all foreign loans. The move grees of B. A. and B. S. Jewish studies •with the sum of 50,000 pounds, the unLarsen, Dorothy D. Foot, Dorothy was interpreted as being- directed MEETINGI\1AY 9-13. will be made an integral part-in\ the TO INCLUDE ALL CLUBS. B. fortunate system of dole giving- can A. Masten, Selma Loseke, Margaret against the proposed loan to the Kou"little messengers of friendship course of humanities offered to the be definitely abolished. With the unR. Smith, Lola M/Long, Elizabeth L. and health." will be distributed in maiiian government by Nev," York New York— (J. T. A.)—The national general body of students and general The Jewish Women's Welfar oerderstanding that this amount would conference of Jewish Social Service Clark, Helen L. Hanchett and Harriet j Omaha during the week of April 15 bankers, including the Federal Resuffice to set certain improvements, will hold its annual sessions in Cin- culture and education will be included ganization will hoI3 its annual Feder- D. Leninger. to 21. They are "NJH Bonds." They serve bank. ation day and Mothers' and Daughin the comprehensive program of a which have been planned, into motion, cinnati from May 9 to May 13, ac1 The graduation exercises will be are a greeting from 300 patients of ters* program in a joint affair to be broad religious education for the RabThe secretary of state objected parand-thus -relieve the unemployment cording to an announcement by Samfollowed by a reception and dance at the National Jewish Hospital at Den- ticularly to the wording: of Congressgiven' in the Jewish Community Cenbis and teachers who are expected to situation, I take pleasure in sending uel A. Goldsmith, secretary of the orthe Jewish Community Center. lay 1. ' . ' . , . . . . .. " ver. Their purchase will mean re- man Celler's resolution, terming the you,ron behalf of Mra Warburg and ganization.1 The-meeting will mark graduate from the Yeshiva college. The Wise Memorial Alumnae asso- newed strength for the patients of foreign loan policy of the Unite*! It is hoped, Dr. ReveT stated * that Jewish women's organization myself, check for §50,000." the twenty-eighth year of the confer- the first year of college work in the [' to take part in this program, ciation will entertain the graduating this hospital, and renewed hope for States the "Kellogg plaii." This policy Mr. Warburg's gif twas viewed in ence. Dr. L M^'RubinoW of PhiladelYeshiva college may be startedTOSep- and two-ininute talks by the presi- class with a banquet an ddance at the the applicants on the waiting list of had been in existence since the world Zionist circles as an expression of his phia will head the program commit- tember, 1928, in the first, group of dents of the organizations are being Elks club April 24. the institution. war. Tbe Washington government support for Dr. W ^ m a n n tee. Morris D. ~ Waldman, executive three buildings of the Yeshiva college planned. Mothers are asked to bring The Junior class of the Wise MeTwenty-eight years ago the Nation- would consider the supervision of morial hospital' school of nnrsing will al Jewish Hospital began its benefi- every American loan to a foreign director of the Jewish Welfare Fed- which are now nearing completion on their daughters. ' ; • • ' . New. -York— (J. T. A.)—Comment- eration of Detroit/is president of the Amsterdam avenue between 186th and Mrs. F. J. Alberts and Mrs. J. Mala- entertain the graduating class with a cent work of caring for poverty- country "a considerable task." The ing, upon' l i e resignation' of Dr. Ste- conference. . 188th streets, erected at a cost of shock are in charg^ of the tea. Mrs. banquet and theater party May 2. stricken sufferers of tuberculosis on advice given to bankers who inquire phen'S. Wise from the administrative Wflliain. J. Shroder, president of the nearly $2,500,000. Each semester ad- Henry Monsky is,in charge of the a national scale. It was the first insti- of the State department before such committee of Zionist Organization of Cincinnati Board of-Education and ditional courses will be added until a program, which' will include one numtution of its kind in America. loans- are granted is? merely from the America, Nathan Straus,: who is hon- former president of the National Con- full four-year curriculum is provided ber by a mother and one by a daughNo patients who can afford to pay viewpoint of foreign policy, the secreoraiy" chairman ofthe United Pales- ference of Jewish Social Service; will leading to the B. A. and B. S. degrees. ter. Surprise features are also being are admitted; and, although maintain- tary stated. tine ^Appeal f orlGreater New York, de- deliver the address of welcome on ^ The decision to grant the charter arranged. ; : ed largely, by. Jewish philanthropy, the 21021111; n a s Mr.'Kellogg then commented upon - dared that Dr. Chaim We* May-9. Mayor Murry Seasongood of •was made at a meeting of the regents hos'pital has always been non-sectari- the resent presentations 'made to the This will be the'dosing meeting of his full support- * ' ' ' ^ Cincinnati-and Mi. Waldraan will also board -of - fty? 'Univexsity, of the "State tthe A $1,500 maintenance fellowship to an in its service. Patients come from Women's for he W o m e n s WelfareOTganiiatias WelreOTgn •State: .ttepaxtroent -hy . various groups -" -Mf.-Striras'-sfcatemenf reads: OTI am speakL i>r. ^Solomon Lowenstein,: ex- & New Yoric held on' March; 28;192& the Training' School ""fojr"3e'wisH"iSbciar all parts' of the "country.' Special feathis i season.'Tne meetang'will . g f Svork, urging that the United States g-overngreatly shocked' at c the unprovoked ecutive director of the Federation, for The University of the State of New New York City, has been made tures of its work are the Research 2:30 pi. m. Mrs. A . Greenberg i s presiment intervene with other governdisturbance'in tlie press about Zion- Support of Jewish- Philanthropic so- York amended the charter of the Rabavailable by' the National Council of Department and the service fox childent of t h e organization. ments concerning: the protection of ism and Palestine. I.am thoroughly cieties of New Yorkrwill preside at bi Isaac Elchanan Theological semiJewish Women, according to an an- dren predisposed to tuberculosis. minorities. Particular rtfe-enee was against the placing of obstacles at this the memorial meeting. Kurt; P.eiser, nary, 301 East Broadway, authorizing nouncement made by Maurice J. "NJH Bonds" Bell for a minimum cf made to the situation in Roumania. critical time in the way of Dr. Chaim superintendent .of the United Jewish It to organize the Yeshiva college. Karpf, director of the school. SI. They will be distributed in this The United States government haci Weizmann, president of the • World Agencies of Cincinnati, will preside at The award of this fellowship, which city by Dr. A. Greenberg, assisted by ne^-er attempted to dictate to another Jewish Studies Required. Zionist" Organization" arid Louis lip- one of the sessions. ••'-•.includes tuition, is limited to qualified the following committee: government its policy oward minoriThe. college, it is stipulated, will adsky, president of the Zionist OrganiFamily and «hild. care problems, incandidates who will pledge themselves ties. The advocates of such intervenDr. A. Greenberg, chairman; Leo mit the graduates of the Yeshiva high zation of America. cluding the "Future of Jewish Family to work in the various social service tion are. inconsistent, Mr. Kell sgg deRosenthal, vice-chairman; Joe L. school and other candidates who, in "That man.is not my friend who is Case Work," headed by ; Mrs. Ray activities of the National Council of against him, for he has given his life Wechsler; "Future of Child Welfare addition to the general standard, will Convention Planned by Local Jewish Women for a minimum period Wolf, secretary; Harry Silverman, clared, since they are often objecting treasurer; Hon. Mayor James C. Dalil- to -the United States protecting: her to the cause. Dissension and. contro- Work," by Miss Alice L. Seligsberg, possess the necessary qualifications, of two years after graduation. Committee Said to Be One own citizens and interests in foreign the additional qualifications which versy- are, of course, very detrimental will be considered. Applications for the fellowships man, Dr. John T. Allen, Sam Beber, countries. Dr. B. W. Christie, Rabbi Frederick will be required for admission to the of Best. to the.cause of Zion and to the efJustice Irving Lehman will speak may be made directly to the school or forts of Dr.' Weizmanri. to Mrs. S. M. Blumauer, 231 North Cohn, Dr. Frank Conlin, Dr. N. Danon "The Jewish Center, Its Place in Yeshiva college will consist in a specific amount of Jewish learning. In ad"As for the Hadassah/ the Women's Jewish Communal Life," and Dr. John JACOBS GIVEN KEY. Twenty-fourth street, Portland, Ore. sky, A. D. Frank, Max Fromkin, Dr. dition to the standard requirements Zionist Organization, that is doing Slawson will present a Program of Additional information may be had Robert Gilmore, A. Goldstein, Samuel The fourth annual midwestern re- by application to Jacob Mirviss at the Gerson, Dr. M. Grodinsky, Louis Harsuch'noble" and constructive work for Jewish Education.^ Discussions will be for college entrance, applicants for adris, Abe Herzberg, Dr. H. Hirschman, the upbuilding-of Palestine along the led by Israel Chipkin, Maurice J. mission to the Yeshiva college will be gional conference of the Zeta Beta Jewish Community Center. William Holzman, Dr. C. C. Impey, required to possess the following qualTan fraternity, held in Omaha April lines of my own health and relief Karpf, Benjamin Glassberg. Morris Jacobs, Dr. H. M. JaLr, M. KuFinal arrangements for the Jewish ifications: (1) a knowledge of the 6-7-8, was said to be one of the largwork in the Holy Land, I think this Samuel Gerson of Omaha will read lakofsky, Harry H. Lapidus, Sam Community Centers debate with the splendid organization should not be a paper on the educational work of Pentateuch, and the early prophets est and best fraternity conferences Leon, Harry Malashock, Ma: ce St. Louis Y. M. H. A. at the Jewish drawn into any politics of a controver- the Omaha Jewish Community Center, with readings from Rashi commen- ever conducted by Zeta Beta Tau. Micldin, Morris Milder, Henry Mon- Community Center April 23 have sial nature which would only serve to stressing adult education given with tary; (2) a knowledge of the elements Much credit was given to members of sky, Bert Murphy, Dr. N. Muskin, A. been made. lower the prestige of Hadassah and the assistance of; the board of educa- of Hebrew grammar and language; the local executive committee. The death of Jacob Stein, 82 years H. Richardson, Dr. A. Romm, Dr. A. Thilip Klutznick and Sam Zachnriah (3) a general knowledge of Jewish More than 100 attended the annual hinder the effectiveness and usefulness tion through the provisions of the old, occurred Monday at the home of Rubnitz. Dr. Philip Sher, A. V. Shot- will speak for Omaha against Alvm history during biblical times; (4) a formal dinner dance at the Blackstone of its wonderful work." Smith-Hughes iict. . : . his daughter, Mrs. N. S. Rothenberg, well, J^ J. Slosberg, Irvin Stalmaster, Wolff und Echeal Feinsteir, for St. Dr. M. B. Hexter, executive director knowledge in one tractate of the Mish- hotel Saturday evening and the tea 4327 Hickory street. Robert Smith, Dr. A. A. Steinberg, Louis, the subject being. "Besolverl, na, a part of the Talmud. dance "at the Chieftain hotel Sunday of the Federation of Jewish Charities Funeral services were held Tuesday Dr A. C. Stokes, Dr. Joseph Wem- That Ours is an Age of Brass." , In outlining the plan arid \scope of afternoon. The conference opened of Boston, will preside at the discusafternoon and burial was in Golden berg, Dr. Glenn Whitcomb, Fred The. Omaha representatives were sion of the Social-Worker and Indus-, the first Jewish college in the United with a stag at the Hotel Fontenelle. Hill cemetary. White, Harry A- Wolf, H. B.'Zimman. selected . after, tryouts conducted , by Harry Safferstein, Morton Richards trial Regulations. Professor William States, Dr. B. Revel stated; that its Mr. Stein is survived by his widow, the senior council. Both teams will M. Leisefson of Antioch' college will sponsors aim at providing for Jewish and Leon Frankel of Omaha were ini- Mrs. Rosa Stein; four daughters, Mrs. students a harmonious education, tiated by the University of Nebraska emphasize the Jewish aspects of the The debating schedule for the be the-speaker. ~ Rothenberg, Mrs. I. S. Schlaifer of blending without conflict, general and during the conference. question and will try to relate their Junior Council of the Jewish ComJewish instruction. • Nathan E. Jacobs, conference chair- Los Angeles, Mrs. D. M. Ravitz of arguments closely to Jewish life. munity Center has been announced man, was presented with a gold key Salt Lake City, and Mrs. Charles . Before coming to Omaha, the St. Ijy Ruth Fox, chairman" of the Ginsberg of Kansas City, and one son, in recognition of his work. J. B. AlLouis debaters will defend the afMunich. (J. T. A.) — "In Rome council's education committee as Harry T. Simon of Athol, Neb. There schuler of Aurora, 111., was elected to firmative of the same question in under the domination of the church, follows: are Also 16. grandchildren and two Glasgow. (J. T. A . ) " I await the succeed Mr. Jacobs as Regional DiKansas City, on April 22. In Omaha, Jews occupied a position which we Hertzls against Zionah Girls, April .retrial of my case with the confidence great-grandchildren. rector. the affirmative will be taken by the -Jerusalem, (J.T.A.) Racial pre29, on "Resolved, That the Bible in British justice : which kept me Mrs. Schlaifer was expected to ar- would be satisfied to see restored", local team. Manuel Iseman was chosen as conT Adolf Hitler, notorious Jew-baiter, Should Not Be Kead in the Public alive for eighteen and a half years." judices which result in creating unference secretary. Louis Somberg rep- rive in Omaha Wednesday evening. Wolff, of. St, Louis was on the declared at a mass meeting here last Schools." declared Oscar -Slater, who spent favorable conditions were denounced resented the Omaha Graduate club and ! team that met Brooklyn in February. in resolutions adopted by the connight. Henrietta Szold Girls against the enighteen and a half years m PeterDavid Yabroff represented the Nebras"The church used every weapon Feinstein has.been active in debating Psi Mu Juniors, on "Resolved, That head prison on the charge of having ference of the Protestant Inter- ka chapter. against the Jews, even the inquisi- i at "Washington University. a New Type of Synagogue is Neces- murdered an aged- Glasgow woman. national .Missionary Council in sesThe time and place of the next The Omaha debaters are being tion. Christ himself was a pioneer "'-....". sary in the Revitalization of Jewish Slater was released following a deci- sion here. , ' ; ' regional conference is to be decided coached by Irrin Stalmaster, • coach in the fight against Judaism", Hitler "All Christian forces shoukl help within the next montn by a special Life in America." sion by a parliament committee that Bucharest (J. T, A.) — A severe declared. "I as a German Catholic of debating at the Center. to enable all to enjoy the "same social, ^committee. The Girl Scouts against The Camp- the evidence had been insufficient. economic crisis was said to be the ask only what is permitted the political arfd economil opportunities,": fire • Girls, on "Resolved,.That Jewish cause for a suicide epidemic which Polish Catholics. To be anti-Semitic i In a press interview Slater declared the resolution stated. "The utmost Pupils be Dismissed from Public is spreading among the '-Jewish is not to "be anti-Catholic. that his confidenceVin -British justice equality should be etstabSchools an Bour Earlier on Certain population of Galatz. hiad. saved him1 and kept alive his "The Catholic political parties are the conference urged. •• : Days to Receive Jewish Instruction." The suicide of three prominent going the wrong road", Hitler conhope..'"I was often driven to despair : The Boy Scouts against that hope..I: Jewish merchants yesterday, Moses tinued. "Wirth is pursuing methods Joe Jacobs, who is a reporter for Fidelis dub, on "Resolved, That the and to the thought of seeking, by my GERMAN LIBERALS TO Assian, Braunstein and Mendel Goldj the Omaha Bee-News, has decided to Amsterdam. (JT. A.) Dr. B. L. BROADCAST SERVICES leading to Marxism, Chancellor Erz. BROADCAST SER1 Jewish Community Center is In- own hand the "death to which I, an stein, - grieved - many in the Jewish berger has ' - instigated revolution. take a plunge in the business world Ritter, for the past forty years chief innocent man, had been condemned y dispensable to the Development of Berlin.—(J. T. A.)—'Broadcasting community. • • - . . id of Rotterdam, has resigned for a crime I never committed." Pestalozza, the Bavarian Catholic by opening a cigar store at 18th and Jewish Life in America." of the Sabbath services by radio isi r a b t i The Galatz rabbinate issued &n ap- leader, is violating the cross in being- Douglas streets. Iorn post. The Busy Bees against the Meier ps , permissible, according to the decision' decision ^ peal today mourning the death of the a close friend of the Jews. Prussia, And while we don't know whert he Shfeyahs, on ^"Resolved, That a HOLZMAN TO ADDRESS The chief rabbi decided to resign three merchants and urging faith of the Liberal section of the Prussian got the inspiration or the business under Centrist domination, allows JOINT TEMPLE MEETING Parochial System of Education for Federation of KehiHahs. This innova- on account of the refusal of the board that the difficulties will be overcome. instinct, he certainly made a fine job Jews to poison the minds of Germans Jewish Children in America is "UnThe Brotherhood of Temple Israel tion is justified even if one.Jew who of the Rotterdam Jewish community, Those who commit suicide cannot, in the cinemas, theatres and press. in' outfitting the store, desirable and Impracticable." wfll give a cafeteria supper at 6 p.m., is unable to go to synagogue desires by eleven votes against three, to in- according to Jewish law, be given He will handle a complete line of Jews even dominate the state theatre The checker tournament will begin April 18, and have issued an invita- to hear the service, it was decided. clude in the statutes of the Jewish, oroper burial and they are buried and the director, Leopold Jessner, is cigars, candy, magazines, and periodThe Liberals have, also decided to community clauses withholding rites in graves near the cemetery wall, the tion to the Temple Sisterhood to meet April 15. a Jew. A similar situation exists in icals, and will iiEve a direct wire for adopt Seligmann's Unity Prayer book from Jews who marry out of their appeal warns. with them. Austria under Chancellor Seipel. In all sporting events. He extends a W. L. Holzman. will give an illus- with the Hebrew text. This prayer- faith. Herman Segelinan has been trainItaly the Catholic party has failed cordial imitation to all his friends Chief Rabbi Ritter is an active ing faithfully for two weeks in prep- trated talk on Hawaii, telling of his book includes the references in the to stem Bolshevism and Fascism has to visit bis new place. Being crooked never gets a person aration for the coming A. A. U. hand- experiences during his recent visit, prayers to the restoration of Zion, member of the Agudath Israel. His Mr. Jacobs win continue ss paBee succeeded. In Catholic Mexico anywhere—and neither docs a merrywhich was hitherto omitted by the resignation became effective on ball tournamentl Go out and- bring and showing motion pictures taken by reporter for the Omaha Bee Ne*s, .terrible conditions prevail," he stated. Liberals go-round himself April L *"*me the bacon Segie " gton—(J. T. A.)—The pro" the immigration act of 1924, r the allocation of new imcall vt • quotas:on:the basis of the mig nati -i-ufigins plan,: were postponed a second time for another year when the president signed the congressional resolution deferring the measure. . The act,, in h existing e s t g immigration mgr which guotas are based.upon the number of aliens in this country when the 1890 census was taken,^specified that the president revise the quotas by July of this year,- on a proportionate basis of the different national stocks in the country. ,- . „:.

Moscow—(J. T. A.)—The antiPassover campaign conducted by Jewish communists was, a complete failure, according- to the admission of the Charkoff • Communist Yiddish daily, "Der Stern." / ' ' - Matzos :were sold in great quantities in the Ukraine. Traveling rabbis and " Maggidim*:; (preachers) openly propagated against the anti-Passover campaign. The traditional collections to aid poor, Jewish families in celebrating the : fesfiial, the Moes Chittim, were- carrieel on openly in the White Russian and Ukranian towns.





VOL. VII,—No. 13



Aged Man Dies at Home of Daughter


Catholics Friendly to Jews, His Plaint

Confidenceln British Justice Saved Slater Missionary Group Scores Race Hatred

Bucharest Rabbis Warn Against Suicide

Dutch Rabbi Resigns; Issue Intermarriage












_ • .

_ • •

! J. J.'Jacobs Opens New Cigar Store


«-^4«. •.,--.»-' . - " . . L « -

PAGE ,2—THE JEWISH PRESS,. THURSDAY, APRIL 12, 192C how the funds of the J. D. C. have ' Union," having the spread of antibeen expended during the past four- Semitism as its purpose, existed withteen years, giving itemized details of in the Komsomol, the Communist Published every Thursday at Omaha, Nebraska, by these expenditures in the many coun- youth organization. This was disJEWISH CALENDAR — 5688-1927-28 tries in which we have been active. closed in the course of the All Union THE JEWISH PRESS PUBUSHING COMPANY "Third, Merezhins statement that Conference of the Jewish Sections of Office: Brandeis fJ?heater Building—Telephone: ATlantic 1450 ^.Saturday, April 21 •Rosh Chodesh lyar our campaign has been conducted ! the Communist party. : Chairman Says the Joint DistriJEAJIETTE GLICK GERSON, EDITOR. _.-^Tuesday, May 8 only under the slogan of colonization It was learned that the program of Lag b'Omer __...........-—«. bution Committee Has Met I PAYJD BLACKER, Business Manager. -. -• . Crimea is wrong, for all of our the "Russian National Union" was to -—.Sunday, May 20 Rosh Chodesh Sivan —~~ All Budgets ..52.50 Subscription Price, one year combat the policy of the Communist publicity has dealt with our work .-^....Friday, May 25 1st Day Shabuoth Advertising rates furnished on application REPORTS~WERE MADE party with regard to non-Russian naboth palliative and constructive in —-..Tuesday, June 19 •Rosh Chodesh Tammuz tionals and specifically to fight Jews CHANGE OF ADDRESS—Please give both the old and new address; be Detroit. (J.T.A.) David A. Brown, Europe, Palestine and with Russian in Russia and Jewish influence in the .--..Thursday, July 5 | Fast of Tammuz —~—~ colonization. . ~\ sure to give your name. . national chairman of the United i -Wednesday, July 18 Rosh Chodesh Ab —...,-. "Fourth, Russia has received all of Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. Jewish Campaign, when interviewed —-Thursday, July 26 Fast of Ab _L.—..:~—~ by the representative of the Jewish j the money allocated to it from time ...^Friday, August 17 *Rosh Chodesh Ellul _ , - . Daily Bulletin, commented on the; to time, and the budget o- Dr. Joseph V attack of Merezhin in the Moscow Rosen for colonization has been completely met, and in addition, we have Communist daily, "Ernes," which A new impetus toward Jewish Learning in America has been asserted that Russia received too given considerable sums for trade schools, hospitals, loan cassas and given this week with the granting of a charter for the proposed entire funds which will be made avail- little from the proceeds of the United other forms of relief in that country. Yeshiva college by the University of the State of New York. able through the pledges made to the Jewish Campaign and demanded an "The funds from our present camannounce that for the Thus opens the history of America's first Jewish college, conUnited Jewish Campaign organiza- accounting. "I cannot see what paign have no relationship with any right Merezhin has to demand of the convenience of the public ducted under Jewish auspices and dedicated to education which tion throughout the country. None further negotiations with Russia, for J. D. C. an accounting as to our actheir offices will be open T of the funds of this.special $10,000,will strongly emphasize Jewish learning, but will also include other it is my understanding that our 000 effort will be ayailable for any tivities," Mr. Brown said. "To answer agreement with the Comzet are such evenings from 6 until 9 humanities and sciences. other purpose than the colonization the statements made by Mr.'Meree- as to carry out fully our present and Sundays from 9:30 Declares Rosenwald's Gift Is In Aside from the general standard required for admission, stuhin in his editorial," Mr. Brown conof Russian^ Jews. plans, ~ • Harmony With Philanthroa. m. until 1:00 p. m< tinued, "I would like to woint o u t dents must have a knowledge of the Pentateuch and the early pist's Other Benefactions A new organization has been first, we have sent broadcast through- "I do not quite understand Mr. prophets, an elementary knowledge of Jewish history of the BibliJewish speaking assisformed, apart from the Joint DisAmerica from time to time total Merezhin's assertion that an answer cal period, and a knowledge in one tractateof the Mishna,"'.a part PLAN NEW ORGANIZATION tribution Committee, to handle the outf was important also because the J. tant in attendance. amount of our collections. The latest of the Talmud. ' details and expenditures of this vast one showed that we had collected D. C. has now practically entered an 312 Paxton Block All this has been planned toward one end, the harmonized New York.—In a statement made sum. The Joint Distribution Com- approximately eleven million dollars idealogical block with the Zionist JAckson 1085 Executive. As a member of the teaching along parallel lines of modern sciences and fundamental public by David A. Brown, he stated mittee clearly understands that all out of total subscriptions amounting J. D. C I know of no negotiations the other activities carried o« iir to $21,500,000. , - . with the Zionist Executive and the Jewish lore and religion. This is the most urgent need of the that the additional $5,000,000 needed Russia, aside from the colonization to match Julius Rosenwald's magnimodern Jewish youth. Executed by able scholars and teachers, ficent gift of §5,000,000 toward the work; will have to be cared for by "Second, we have repeatedly pub- J. p , C. that would carry the term DON KILPINGER lished audits and statements showing Ideological Block," Mr. Brown, dethe curriculum should be a great boon to young Jewish men and $10,000,000 fund for Russian colon- the Joint Distribution Committee. Sells clared. ' women who feel on one side the age-old tug of race consciousness ization will be raised quietly and tors of anti-Semitic papers. privately. . . and on the other the pulling force of modern scientific thought. The drama, "The Grand Lady," by ANTI-SEMITIC PLOT • ' WITH The above statement is:made in Of course, the real service of the college will depend on how Szomory has as its heroine the EmNEBR. BUICK AUTO CO. reply to inquiries that have come DISCOVERED IN MOSCOW AT. 9808 this aim is carried out. It will depend particularly on whether the press Marie Theresa. It is an old Res. HA. «N» from many parts of the country as faculty of Yeshiva college will have the courage to look the prob- to whether another campaign-was drama and the excesses were staged Moscow.—(J. T. A.)—A secret lems straight in the eye. Too many who claim to be resolving the contemplated in the immediate future. Budapest.—(J. T. A.)—Despite the during a revival of the piece. group called the "Russian National problems of science and religion are adroitly dodging the essential Mr. Brown states that Mr. Rosen- fact that the family of the Minister RAKFRffF issue. But the challenge is there. It is a challenge worthy of the wald's subscription comes as no great of the Interior was prccent in the "Manufactured in Omaha" surprise to those who know of his National theater here <Juring the perbest, the most courageous and the most devoted effort. formance of the drama "The Grand great interest in the historic achieve—Jeanette Gerson. BAKER ICE MACHINE CO. ment of land settling bsipg done by Lady" by the Jewish author, Szomory, anti-Semitic demonstrants the Jews in Russia. threw stink-bombs into the audience, Mr. Rosenwald's great act which shouting "Down with the Jews, down will eventually result in the settleFRIED'S with the government. Go to Palesment of from.100,000 to 150,000 JewThe Style-Value Leaders of the World KOSHER DELICATESSEN ish souls on the land, is in harmony tine. Long live pogroms!" the demAdventure Immortal. . 1308 No. 24th St. Now that so much is being written with all that he has said an done onstrants stormed the theater. OU see them here in one vast, comprehensive, We handle a full line of Imported fish— Palestine the .home of romance, about the plight of the coal miner, since the inception of this effort. combined showing—the clothing world brought Many persons, including the poSprntts, Spratten — Bismark Herring, Palestine the land of adventure, Louis Untermeyer's famous poem, English Kippers. to Omaha. Woolens from finest British and AmeriMr. Brown stresses the fact that licemen who tried to quell the riot, Palestine the mysterious land of "Caliban in the Coal Mines," may well there should be no confusion between were injured during the encounters. can looms. Hand needling by the finest craftsmen. promise where anything-may happen be quoted anew: ; the present $25,000,000 campaign and The police were compelled to draw Style developments that America's best dressed men —this is the Palestine of which Irma God, we don't like to eompain; , accept. And, above all, VALUES—the result of our LET THE the $10,000,000 fund which is about sabers in curbing the demonstrants. lindheim writes in her recently pubWe know that the mine is no Jark, to be raised.. year'round value giving system. When they had been compelled to lished travel diary, "The Immortal But—there's the pools from the rain; The Joint Distribution Committee, leave the theater the rioters staged But there's the cold and the dark. Adventure." the distributing agency for all funds a demonstration in the vicinity of the This book is the record of Mrs. God, You don't know what it is— DO YOUR raided by the United Jewish Cam- theater. The excesses lasted until Lindheim's journey through the land You in Your well-lighted sky— \ "midnight, when the police succeeded which, ihas been the central theme of iWatching the meteors whizz; ix' . • 4}•fifeignk Has already budgeted for PoFamily Washing "Warm, with the sun always by. land, Latvia,* Lithuania, Roumania, in putting down &e disorders. Ninety her life's "work, surely a promised BAxney 7545 MArket 3760 Palestine and other countries the persons were arrested, inculding edlland to her, and one which she was God, if You had but the moon 'Other Spring Suits and Topcoats MAX KAPLAN privileged not only to see but to enter. Stuck in Your cap for a lamp It is a book of impressions, flashing Even You'd tire of it soon. the moving panorama of Palestine, a Down in the dark and the damp. land in the making, before one's eyes. Nothing but blackness above ASK YOUR GROCER FOR The pictures are dazzling, rich, in conAnd nothing that movei but c a r s trast, full of the seething activity of God, if You wish for our love, Fling us a haijdful of stars! its life. Lavish orientalism, stark realism of grubbing pioneers, poetry, A savings account for your baby com.* f work. the Jews is the most immediate neOHA0A. biped with Life Insurance protection. f . ' Many pictures remain in one's mind. cessity. FOB B1KN AND WOMEN; : COBRECT It is a dramatic personal episode Vinegar, Pickles, Olives, The Seder in Jerusalem! The riotous in the book, that Mrs. Lindheira proffestival at Meron, half Chassidic, half Catsup, Mustard, E t c H. A- WOLF COMPANY I pagan. The hard Judaean hills, barren itted personally by the work which Every Package Guaranteed 582 SaundersrKennedy Bldgv—AT. 3160 ! save where they have been made she has been, sponsoring, in America, green by the labor of the Chalutzim. the service of the Hadassah medical Haftrman ¥inegar & Pickle Co. OMAHA Mrs. Lindheim writes glowingly of -units. In a remote corner of the counJerusalem, yet it is of the smaller try, she fell ill, presumably of matown and the countryside that call laria, and might have been without Harry E- Lapidas, Pres.~Trea$ forth her most profound admiration. scientific care, had it not been for the During a journey on horseback, in the Hadassah unit's physician who atHERE are a number of people fy every conv company of the Chalutz Yigael, she tended her. mu&ity whose interests reacti put beyond the A limited number of copies of "The has seen the country as the casual local sphere. Immortal Adventure," autographed tourist does not see it. by Mrs. Lindheim, are being sold for COMPLETE STORE and OFFICE There is not much" religionism in For them the < OUTFITTERS this book. Although Mrs. lindheim at- the benefit of the -Hadassah hospital work. Mrs.'A. Romm has a few of tended the. opening of the Hebrew vxdWe Occnpy Over "!0,00e Square Fe«t versity, there-is not much of intellec- these special copies and is in charge Southwest Corner -^-J. G. G. tuaiism. She has come away over- of the local sales. Eleventh and Doug-Jas Streets whelmingly impressed with the work came iv&o existence. > Phone JAckson 2724 of the agricultural pioneers and with Being crooked never gets a person Omaha,, Nebr. the deep conviction that the buying anywhere—and neither docs a merryWere it possible to conduct a nation-wide exand development of land for and b;r go-round.




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PAGE 3—THE JEWISH PRESS, THURSDAY, APRIL 12, 1928 Sidney K- " --3 - left Y7 - a y for New York, where he will-make his home with his -sistsr, Miss Jeanette Xatzberg, and will attend college.

Council Bluffs

Pupil Recital to Be Given Wednesday


The distinction of being the firsc The public is invited to attend a manufacturer to ship a portable ice plant to Valleta, Malta, a small island Miss Jean Krupp and Miss Roselle The Council Bluffs Chapter No. 7,|recital at the Schmoller and Mueller Vertin of Fremont were the w-;l: d A. Z. A., will hold their annual auditorium on Wednesday evening, southeast of Sicily, goes to the Baker Ice Co. of this city, according to Giguests of the regional con ontion of initiation at the next meeting, April i April 18, at 8 o'clock. Zeta Beta Tau which took place in 35, at the Danish Hall. Sam Beber' Those taking part will be Jean Ab- vanni Muscat, an importer at Valleta, Omaha last week. Miss v'erbin will 70 and Phil Klutznick of the Supreme! bott, Hannah Baum, Dora Dolgoff, whose order was received in Omaha to Kansas City May 1 to resume her Advisory Council will be in charge Betty Fellman, Harold Finkel, Minnie yesterday. The plant is one developed From, Thomas Haykin, Rebecca Kir- especially for export trade by the lostudies at Homer Institute. . of the initiation. shenbaum, Minnie Kutler, Vivian cal manufacturer..Malta is under BritMiss Eva *. erstein and Miss-Minnie Mrs. Louis S. Braunstein who hasStein, Marian Weinberg, Raymond ish rule and is strongly fortified. ValGerstein of Brooklyn, win have been been confined in Mercy Hospital for Wendell, Genevieve White, pupils of leta is a city of nearly 50,000 inhabitants. Announcement of t h e engagement of Miss Sarah Louise Weil! visiting their irents, Mr. and Mrs.three weeks following an operation, Harry Braviroff, pianist. g , Ky , son of M r . a n d Mrs.W. of Lexington, y .,, a n d Mr. Max Holzman, W . E . Gersteir. of Lincoln, will.be the is convalescing at the home of Mr. Libbie Dolgoff, William Frieden, Melba Havel, Hayse Koenig, James L. made formally formally aat reception given given Wednesday The philosophy of Bertrand Russell L Holzman, Holzman was w a s made t aareception W e d d week-end guests of their sister, Miss and Mrs. M. Marcus. Kocarnik, Grace Kratky, Carl Nickel, will be the subject of a sermon by in the Lexington home of Miss Weil's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jonas Delia Gerstein,' of Omaha. The Ladies Aid Society will hold! Mollie Roseberry, Elizabeth Savell, Rabbi Frederick Conn at Temple IsWeil. .Wednesday was also the wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. J. Katleman, who a meeting next Tuesday afternoon, Sterling Stahl, Esther Stein, James rael Friday evening. This philosophy Mrs. Weil. Miss Weil was a member of last year's graduating class at have made their home in Los An-April 17, at the.home of Mrs. Morris Strnad, Annie*Tretiak, Sam Weinstein, is summed tip in the words "Love, geles for the last year and a half Hoffman, 221 South Main Street. Bessie Wagoun and Mildred Wagoun, beauty, knowledge, and joy of- life." Wellsley. His Saturday morning subject will be pupils of Frank Mach, violinist. i Mr. and Mrs. Holzman accompanied their son to Lexington have returned to Omaha. Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Gilinsky have The accompanists will be Mrs. Le-"Callings." M;onday to attend the reception, and are expected to return late The Junior Hadassah will meet in as their house guests during Pass- roy Savell, Mrs. C. Bellinger, Rose this "week. the Jewish Community Center, April over Mr. and Mrs. H. Shulkin and Derlo, Dora Dolgoff, Dorothy Friedel, Lord Lampwick: "Now, in my colMr. and " Mrs. Casper Gilinsky of Anne Ruback, Celia Sebron, Sarah lege days I belonged to the Order of ; Mr. and Mrs.-Louis Richards, of San Jose, Cal., announce the 19.; The series of benefit bridges be- Minneapolis, Minnesota. v Tretiak, Hal Samuels, John Kowalski, the Garter." engagement of their daughter, Evelyn, to Mr. Francis Wank of ing given by the members in providing a marked success. Sorority Sophie; "How very interSan Francisco. Messrs. Harry Kubby, Sam Bubb, Frank Strnad and Harr? Braviroff. esting! Which Chapter—Boston or ; - Miss Richards, who is a graduate of the University of Cali- Mrs. Mollie Brown,' who has been Harry Krasne, and Charles Saltzman fornia* class of-1927, is a native of Omaha and has a great many ill at the home of her children Mr. will motor to Excelsior Springs/Mo., PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS Paris?" relatives and friends in this city. Mr. Wank is the son of Mrs.and Mrs. Samuel Brown, left- Thurs- Sunday. Amelia Wank of San Francisco and is established in the advertisMrs. Ben Telpner and infant son, ing business there. He was graduated from the University of Cali- day forher home in California. Maynard, have returned home from fornia in 1924, The wedding will take place in the early fall. Miss Celia Ebsitzky of. St. Joseph, the St. Joseph Hospital in Omaha. Missouri, was the guest this week of ./Mr. and Mrs, E, Gerstein of ~' Among the students from the Miss Anne Gerelick. : announce the engagement of their University of Iowa who returned to daughter, Miss Eva Gersteiri, to Mr. SUNDAY— Iowa' City Monday after spending Sol Levinson, son of Mrs. D. Levinson their spring vacation here were Junior Council Swimming Meet, of Brooklyn, N. Y. Maurice and Arthur Friedman, Edwin in the Jewish Community Center. by Friedman, and Joyce Freiden. : Omaha Hebrew dub, in the JewMrs. David M. Newman. Mrs. A. Rappaport of Minneapolis announces the engagement of her ish Community Center. ICE BOX PUDDINGS cup of sugar, 2% tablespoons flour, 4 daughter, Miss Belle Rappaport of MONDAY— Black and White Ice "Box Pudding: eggs, 1 cup milk, 1 large tablespoon Sioux City, to Mr. Joe I. Soskin,'son A. A. U. Handball tournament, in One cake German sweet chocolate, 2% butter, Vz cup cocoanut, % of a cup of Mr. and Mrs. Z, Soskin of Omaha, tablespoons of water, 4 eggs, 2 table- of blanched and chopped almonds, 1 the Jewish Community Center. A- dinner for 50 guests was given spoons sugar, 1 teaspoon vanilla. teaspoon vanilla, 1 cup whipped by Mr. and Mrs. Soskin Sunday, WEDNESDAY— Melt the chocolate with the water cream. honoring their son and his fiancee. Brotherhood-Sisterhood Supper, in a double boiler. When melted, reMix sugar and flour, and add to in the Temple. W. L. Holzman, move .from the fire, add the sugar beaten yolks. Add milk and butter, Mr. and Mrs. A. Hurwitz announce speaker. and beat until cold. Then add yolks, cook in double boiler until thick and thp marriage of their daughter, Miss one at a time, beat well, then add smooth. Remove from fire, cool, add Annette Hurwitz, t o "Mr. Jack Lester THURSDAY— stiffly beaten whites, 1 teaspoon vanilla and whites of the eggs beaten Osachey, son of Mr. and T'rs. S. OsaB'nai B'rith., in the Jewish Com- vanilla. stiff. - : ^hey. of Kansas City. Mr. and Mrs. munity Center. line the bottom and sides of a line pan with lady fingers as in Opachey «re making their home in spring form with lady:fingers, flat, above recipe, cover with a layer, of Kansas City. side down, and dose together. Cover filling, sprinkle with almonds and Sioux City until June, when she will with layer of chocolate: filling, then cocoanut, leaving lady fingers for Mr. and Mrs._ A. M. Shrago an- leave for a tour through Europe. another layer of lady fingers, and then the top. Place in ice box 24 hoars nounce the birth- of a son Monday in chocolate filling, having; the top of to harden. Eemove to platter and Methodist hospital. Before her mar- Miss Ede Skalovsky of Sioux .City, lady fingers. Places in the ice box 24 cover with whipped cream, and riage Mrs: Shrago was Miss' Beulah la., was the week-end guest of Miss hours to harden. When ready to serve chopped and blanched almonds. Bess Horn. Mittleman.. remove to a platter and cover: with whipped cream. : If women swear by you, you're a Misses Helena and Corinnc Weil social success. If men swear at you, ^ rp. ^ a^p ^ ^ j ^^; ^ ^s 4 ^ «jj g of _ . _ii JJ M Chicago arabuncetihe: arabunceihe jBi jBirth "of a son were" the week-end guest of "Mils Almond Ice Box Pudding: One-half you're a'business success.' ' "*"'' April 3. Mrs.. Koenigsberg was for- Grace Rosenthal. Miss Helena. Weil inerly Miss Celia Allen of Council left Monday for the University of Wisconsin, while Misa Corinne Weil : Bluffs. ".'•....: •"•;, / left for the University of Nebraska. Miss Helen Cfrqdzinsky of St. Paul, was the guest' of; her parents, Rabbi - Mrs. Charles Scfdmmel of the and Mrs. H. Grodsansky, for the holi- Blackstone hotel is ill in Wise hospitaL days last, week. . -".'.. Earl Kulakofsky, son of. Mr. and . Miss Rosaver? and Miss Jerry Win- Mrs. Reuben Kulakofsky, is in Wise trbub returned Thursday from a four hospital recovering from an operation. months' trip in the eastern states and The Pongo club elected the followCanada. r ing new officers at a meeting in the .The Sigma Delta, Tau sorority at Jewish Community Center Sunday: tha University of Nebraska last week Fanny Lehrner, president; Anne 'Janinitiated the 1 following girls: Ruth ter, vice president; Rose Mandel, secDiamond of Iincoln, Sadie Ginsburg retary; Edna Lefkowitz, treasurer; SUNSHINE, FRESH AIR AND GOOD MILK of Sioux City, la.; Lillian Lipsey of Sara Stein and Lillian Jonish, sergeants-at-arms; Rose Sacks, reporter. Omaha, Frances Simon of Omaha, ggphClajid and Rose Mandel will rep1 baum of Omaha, and Corrinne Weil of resent 13ie cluTTon the Center's senior club council. Evansville, Ind. A hike to Irving, Neb., nas v>en Miss Alice Schuelin of Sioux City, planned for April 22. It will be a la.,.Miss Beatrice Moritz of Milwau- couple affair. kee, Wis., and Miss Delphine GugenMrs. I. Ger^hater is ill in .Wise Meheim «f Lincoln were- the guests of . -' ' Miss Kate Goldstein, who was in morial hospital. . Omar Bakery puts into its bread, cakes Omaha during the spring vacation of and pastries has brought us thousands of Proving that fashions Miss Laura Berek of Fremont, wl?> the University of Nebraska. Misses customers. Women all over Omaha are for every day wear are Moritz and Gugenheim left for Mil- is a junior a t the Illinois university, talking about it. Ton can get Omar designed and selected waukee Downer college, while Miss will spend the spring vacation as the goods from most groceries or the Omar Schulein, -who recently returned frotn guest of her -.oom mate, Miss Sylvia care wagon that comes to your neighborhood. the University: of Chicago, will he in Wethsler of Chicago.

Coming Events


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'PAGE 4—THE JEWISH PRESS,.THURSDAY, APRIL12, 1928 uel Rosen of the Palestine and Orien- the table. Whereupon the beggar took How dare you take my newspaper?" "The synagogue must be reunited 'CONSERVATIVES TO tal Tours. This announcement was the man's newspaper and began to "I meant no harm," the beggar with Jewish life, pr the day is ap- YOUNG JUDAEA OPENS just as word was received that wrap the bread in it. apologized, "but it Seemed only propproaching when there' will be no Local Sports RALLY TO CALL FOR Jewish life in this country, and .no SECOND CONTEST made Miss Judith Wolfert of Brooklyn, win- "That's the limit," cried the wealthy er to me that such a noble gift should ner of last year's contest, arrived in diner. "It is enough I gave you bread. at once go into the newspaper." Jewish service. Already, too many - By Marcus Krasne.. ORTHODOX CONVENTION New York—The National Oratorical Palestine. Suitable prizes will be preof those activities which originally With thirty-two contestants entered

contest of Young Judaea, conducted in the second annual Midwestern A. Slogan Will Be "Reunite Syna- emanated from the synagogue have with great success last year, has been sented to the other winners. The been removed from Cta influence. launched again, it was announced by winners in the twelve regional con-A. U, handball tournament, to be held gogue And Life," Says Jewish life in America has become Mr. Samuel J. Borowsky, executive tests will, in addition to other prizes, at the J. C. C. Sunday afternoon, Dr. Adler things are beginning to look rosy for secularized. Even the Talmud Torahs chairman of National Young Judaea. be given a free trip to the National the biggest handball tourney in the GREAT INTEREST SHOWN and the religious schools are rapidly The thousands of members of Youn^ Young Judaea convention as guests of history of the J . C . C Last year we passing from the synagogue's in- Judaea clubs throughout the country Mrs. Archibald Silverman of Provihad twenty-four entered in" the sin- New York.—Reports received at fluence, and with this secularization have already begun to gather material dence, R. I., chairman of the commitgles, while this year we have thirty- the offices of the United Synagogue goes loss of spirituality, goes de-j for their orations which might-win for tee sponsoring the contest. ' two and chances are we may have of America . indicate that, great in- cadence. The synagogue is becoming them a free round-trip to Palestine. sixty before the entries close this eve- terest has been aroused by the call merely an institution." The teachers and principals of HeThe subject of this year's contest is ning. Last year'the J. C. C. took first issued last week by Dr. Cyrus Adler, brew schools in the United States "Palestine and American Jewry." The honors in the singles and second and Riga—Rabbi Schneursohn, the fa- reciprocal relation between Palestine, have • formed a national society. The as honorary chairman and Rev. Dr. third places in the doubles."We have purpose to further a uniform promous Lubawitsche. Rebbe,. who was such stars as Joe Levey, A. A. U. title- Elias Margolis, as chairman of the arrested and later released by the So-!the Jewish National Home and Ameri- gram of teaching in all Hebrew convention committee, for a gatherca, the land of our adoption, is ripe holder; Herman Seg^elman, who defeatviet government, arrived in Riga t o ' schools; to attempt to familiarise ed Levey for the city honors, and Sol ing^ of the organized forces of con- take up his residence here. The rabbi with inspiration for every Jewish boy the parents with the purpose of the servative v Judaism at Chicago on and girl. Glick, champ of Drake university, of was accompanied by t h e eight memschool. They will also publish a April 29 for the solemn purpose of All Young Judaea members between Des Moines, la.; Burke, champ, of the bers, of.his family. All t h e belongings magazine. taking steps to reinstate,.the synaK. C. and Wurgler, champ of the "Y." the ages of 15 and 18 are eligible for ~ahd the center of the'-rabbi]\ and ,his family were, the contest. Orations must be origiOh, yes, Mr. Abrams, principal of The first game will'be' scheduled at gogue as the source ;i brought to Riga in. four railroad cars.) of Jewish life. -'; the Hebrew Institute of Pittsburgh, nal, limited to teni minutes, and will 2 p. m Sunday afternoon.: There will The rabbi brought with him his entire i Tlie slogan of fthe convention call: says the society is needed because : be a limited standing space* so come library consisting of 10,000 books a i d be judged equally on the basis of con- "The synagogue and temple are "Reunite Synagogue and life!" has tent and .delivery.' Preliminary conearly if you expectto see the greatest struck a responsive chord valuable manuscripts. Among .the tests will be held by club representa- gradually losing influence, A Sugalaxy of stars' ever to gather, in one apparently r manuscripts are-severaiofjBaal-Sheiimeet, for the purpose- of. settling the riot only in the-congregations, sister- Tov and Zema;ch Zedek.;A tremendous tives in the various districts, with preme effort .must be made to orsupremacy of the A."A.'U.'for this hoods, women's auxiliaries and young ovation was Recorded Rabbi Schneur- further eliminations to be held in the ganize the educational forces in people's leagues affiliated with the district. •' • • -; -; *• . twelve regions into which the country American Jewry." United Synagogue of America and sohn uponlhis arrival a t: t h e Riga sta- has been divided. The contest will culThis gentleman has started a real tion. - .•••.:•.-:':;-•..• •,- -t'.~•-••'-' '•' its • affiliated bodies, the • Woman's argument. -r minate with semi-final and final comThe Olympians-may not be sogood in. basketball, but^when it comes to League and the Young People's petitions at the National Convention Copyright 1927 by the J. T. A., Inc. •••' Dad's Advice. . baseball, well! that's a different story, League,, but also among the several of Young Judaea in the latter part of thousand individual members of the Irving away from home attending June. The winning oration will a1-^ b= A beggar entered a restaurant and as they continued to win their^second game' by leaving the ~B*naS - Abraham parent organization, each of whom college, fell in:.lose,,and. wrote his delivered before the National Conven- approaching a man who appeared to in the dust by! a score;oE;5-lvCBy tak- has been, invited to parfidlJate in the father for advice about getting mar- tion of the Zionist Organization of be wealthy, asked him for alms. The ried. Dad wrote*. ing the Bobcats into icamp,. 14 to 7, Chicago gathering. America. diner resented the intrusion, but in "If you can get a girl like your '..The first prize will be a trip to order to get rid of the beggar, gave the B'nai Aini boys' tied 'with the A> similar effect has already begun Olympians for firsiplafce in the indoor to manifest itself in many con- mother, by all means get married, Palestine and back, donated by Eman- him a very small piece of bread from i baseball league at t h e J . C._C. In the gregations which though not formal for I know youVwiU never regret it. last game the Psi Mu took, t t e fast constituents of the United Synagogue Your pother is one of the best Boy Scout troop. down a notch by of America hold the same, or nearly woman that ever lived, and it willi1 handing then a 9-5^ trouncing. the same religious viewpoint. It is be hard to find another one like her. anticipated tihat: a considerable ;num1 The junior clubs are to hold their "ber of such unaffiliated congregations "P. S.—Your mother has just left swimming meet this Sund&yjafternoon and:: their sisterhoods will- be rep- the room. Don't be an ass, son '' resented at the Chicago gatherings. Stay single.-J)ad^ in our pooL :.„."-._ Arrangements have been made by the Katleman and Rachman: continued convention committee to enable .dele- She Hasn't ^Heard of Lucy Stone. to lead the round robin .handball league gates from these congregations "to An; immigrant woman from Polat the J. C..C^ in"thV.ninfliv round, participate in the business of both and had a saving account, and when when they proved too :mu(Si'for the conventions. she made a depo^itj she would al- j Grossman - Alfcspuler.- "• contbination, The increased interest in these ways mark an '*X" • on the receipt, when they defeated them twp_ straight conventions is due to the frank rev- for she hadn't yet learned how to games. Mendelson arid Franks re- elation, in the convention' call issued write her name. I mained in.'second place, "when'theydeT by Dr. Margolis of the: present day On. one occasion, however, shefeated Yaffe and Ban-two-straight status of the synagogue in this made a circle. " " ' | '•' , ... • games. ; • " . -••/ ;.-•' c o u n t r y . "How does it happen you don't There will be no games played in ."What is the position of the syna- make, an X as usual," the bank teller v Accountants Cafes tlie round robin league till April 22, gogue in the life of American Jewry? asked. ;/ \ • ; owing to the Midwe8tern-A—A. U. What has become of its ancient "Well, I got marriec} -yesterday and ; ABRAMSON AUDIT CO. tourriey, -which will start next Sunday. prestige ?" ; Askind 'these questions, changed my. name," the woman an- ' THE h4l 402 BrandelS Tbea. Bldg.—AT. 1450 Junior Red Crbsrlife savirigjlass'es AUDITS — SYSTEMS for girls wiU be held every Tuesday DfCOMS TAX and Thursday from 4il5 to 5: p.-m.Anyone interested in" the newly organized fish club please see Ted Turn- ', er^ The purpose of itbis.clvib will be ' to promote'Bwimming meets, swim-| ming parties and other aquatic stunts. The Midwestern, A. \Ai U.~ swimming meet will be held -in. our., swimming pool April 21. If-you-are a-good-swimmer, get in touch with! the swimming coach. Lincoln, K. C , Pete Wendell's j. mermaids and the J. •C..C. will have i entries in the Midwest:A.rAi;U. meet. | Don't miss out on the greatest swim- \ ming meet ever held at the J.,-C. C.

WM. BRYDEN & COMPANY Eliminates the "knock" under all driving conditions — transforms carbon from a liability into an asset—more power on hills >hd heavy rbads-^quicker acceleration—less gear shifting —reduced vibration— freedom from the trouble and expense of carbon-removal. *• : Fill Your Tank With T. N. T. Ethyl Today 17th and Nicholas St.


Appropriate for After-Theater Gatherings

Auto Tops & Accessories


National Accessories, Inc.

Spring Means Building Building Means

2031 Fa'rnam—AT. 5524

A. H. BRODKEY —GENERAL CONTRACTOR— v 400 Hospe Biag. . JA. 1614 SS12 Cumins St. ^

Harney 341:


1309 Howard Street, Omaha


Piano Teacher

North Omaha Furnace Co. 1411 No. 24th St.—WE. 6953 Installation end Repairing of Tin Work. Furnaces Skylights, Ventilating, Gutters and Spouting. Afrents for NesbSt Furnace

HARRY BRAVIROFF Pianist-Instructor



Beginners and advanced students accepted. You should Suite 5,Wead Bldg., IS and Farnam patronize our advertisers and —Telephone AT. SI 62— mention the JEWISH PRESS when you do. Public Pupils Recital April 18



1707-17 Cass—AT. 3533

For any kind of service on your automobile call the Cass Garage, no matter, when, where, or why. —24 HOUR SERVICE—


AT. SS32—504 So. IS Get Our Prices nnd Save Meney


Sign Go's.



204-0 South 24th SU—AT. U00


1517 No. 24th St.—WE. 0300

W. H. OSTENBERG Semi-Flat, per lb. Wet Wash, per lb. 8813 Farnam

6c 4c

AT. 2815

We suggest yon send yotir Inonflry to

Try a loaf of our Whole-Wheat Bread with your next meal.

4420 Florence Blvd., KE. 1500 THE HOUSE WITH A REPUTATION


Barber Shops

Drug Stores

Lumber Co*s.




-1004 No. 24th St.—WE. 038G B ROBINSON Mgr. —Rubber Goods, AH KindsBest Quality at lowest rrlces




WE. 1029 All Type of Laundry

24th cud Burdette—WE. (5362 20th and Nicholas—JA. RO00

"Everything Under Cover"






Tailors Master Tailor Serriee 215 So. Uith-I'lione AT. STO2

Refitter of Ladies and Mens Qothing A. BERNSTEIN, rrop.


Personal Service You will Appreciate

Careful Prescription Service Merchandise of Quality

It's the advertiser that makes the publishing of this paper possible.

150U No. 24th St.—WE. 2171? Specializing in Cleaning, Pressing and Eelining Men nnO Women's Appnrei

Beauty Parlors


Music Teachers

Tent & Awning Co*s«


Wallin-Holmgren Elec. Co.


Tents, Awnings, Covers, Camping Equipments, Auto Awnings an4, Tourist Supplies, NEBR. TENT & AWNING CO. 1808 Famam JA. 3329

15th and Douglas—113 So. loth


Brandos Stores . . JA. 2507-AT. 8C66 Dundee Parlor WA. 8014 Specialists in PEUMANEJiT WAVING


McCord^Brady Co*

Interstate Printing Co.



16th arid Davenport Street . - H..MAN.OS. Propr.

TheSignpfaQood Qrocer

Telephone AT lantic 8028

Cleaners Thorough Cleaning and Dying by Skilled Workmen in Our Own Plant


The-grade school and.Camp Fire girls will have a hike Sunday, April 15. -They will meet, at "Twen'ty-fo'urth andCnming streets at 12:30 and~will • bring their dwit lunches. • -

means to you. I t costs no more — it's worth money in actual dollars and cents—and can be obtained quickly by asking for our representative.

Estimates Gladly Furnished'



—JOB FKINTIKG— 819 No. 10th St.—rhone .lAckson SW»8 We specuilise In lorm prititinB nnd solicit your patronnge


with a high rate of interest accrunig daily. That's what 'Neat, Tasty

Reliable. Reasonable, Expert Auto Repair Service


- The Girls', physical department will have its -first Trig hike Sunday,' April 22. ' • " " . " . ' •


638 "Securities Bldg. AT. 4451

Morris Milder. President

Miss Greenberg has" announced *that there will be no kiddies'-dancingclass Sunday, April 15, and until further notice.- She has asked r the mothers of children in tne class v \o.let.her know the hours when their'children can best come to class. Work'on the circus, which will be helcTin Hay,'will begin as soon as possible.

MONSKT, KATLEMAJf & GRODINSKX Attorneys, . . , 730 Omaha National Bajnfc.Bldg. - .NOTICE, is hereby eforen that at ,the nmiual meetlnjr of the stockholders of THE SILK SHOP. INC.", atTwWch'meeting nil the stockholders -were present, an amendment to the Articles - of Jncoijporatton was unanimously adopted, lnereaslnff thp authorized capital stock from fC0.00Q.00 to S1O0OM.0O. The authorised capital'stock now will Consist of $20.000.«» preferred and '^oooaoa «onnnoD-fitoekr.aH stock having mi-value of $100.00. '_ ^ Dated Starch 20th, 102S. AWteu ""^TrHE'sHLK SHOP, INC. By ABE GOLDSTEIN, President, HIRAM T. JONES, Secretary.

1413 Douglas Street The Most Popular Cafe in Omaha

"Everything For The Auto"

Gym classes are still-being-held-at the regular hours for all classes. These classes wilL continue until late' in May and even later if the weather is not too hot. In the event the gym classes are discontinued for the summer* the gymnasium will be open,for.members to take workouts by themselves-and engage in games. •

Miss Greenberg -wants, to,organize a girls' indoor baseball league. All girls who are interested are asked to be in the gym 4i 7:30 p. m. Tuesday, when she will choose, five'captains, who will in turn- choose their,'teams.

Certified Public Accountants

A Safe Deposit

1023 Clark St.—WE. 0410

502 So. t3th St—JA. 5032

New, Used Motors, Repairs, Rewinding, Wiring, Mail Orders


Pn E n« Conservatory Method Taosrht Dependable for correct violin instruction. The best ofi romments from Prof. O. Sevcik. Prof. Maurice tiohlblntt. Prof. Maurice Kesslcr, Prof. Snmnel Iiockwood. Prof. George Klnss snd mnuy other world renowned instructors from students who went to study -«-ith them. Studio 304 Crbunse BIo«k 117% North 16 St.—Phone JA. 1U52 Bates $2.00 per half hour lesson

For space in this directory cal the

Herzfoergg Marinello 1519 Douelas 500 Ursindeis Jhtr. AT. 3703 Bldg.—JA. 3460 Fontenelie, JA. 2043 All beauty work—Moles removed *

605 Electric Bldg.—JA. 1045 —All Kinds of Electric Wiring-




Tire Shops

Paxton Billiard Parlors


The utmost in Photographs


1510 Farnain—JA. u?21

'• . "The -Best Place To Buy Your Flowers


SWOfl per Imnr IPS-JOB


Direct Wire Service on All Latest Sport Events

2508 North 24th St.—Phone WE. 2057


A. D. Ferguson The Florist


Your ad in this directory, reaches practically every Jewish home in Omaha

50th and Ames Ave.—KE. 3008

1CI2 DouKlas—JA. 33G6

"Flawers For All Ocassions"

Photographs of Distinction

250G No. 24th—WE. U3U

Cor. 17th and Cnpitol ATO.-A'S


GOODTEAR RER^'ICE »TATV>N Tires, Tubes. Accessories. Road Service. Vulcanizing nnd General Repairing

Only 2 different business houses allowed under each classification in this directory.


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